To the Right Honourable Sir John Moore Kt. LORD MAYOR of the City of LONDON, and the Right Worshipfull the ALDERMEN his Brethren, The Humble Petition and Address of the Citizens of London, whose Names are Subscribed, for, and on the Behalf of themselves, and all other Loyal Citizens of London,


THAT we having seen a Printed Paper, being a Copy of what was Presented to your Lordship and this Court Intituled A Fourth Paper Presented by divers Citizens of London the 12th of Septemb. 1682. wherein the presenters on the behalf of themselves, and of their Fellow-Citizens, take upon them to Protest against the Election and Confirmation of Mr. North and Mr. Box, to be Sheriffs of London and Middle­sex; declaring that if your Lordship and this Court refuse to call forth Mr. Pa­pillon and Mr. Dubois to Seal their Bonds, and shall impose Mr. North upon them as Sheriff, or cause a Common Hall to be called under pretence of Elect­ing any other Person to join with the said Mr. North. That the same would be a Breach of your Trust, and Violation of their Priviledges, which (as they say) they are resolved to Maintain: And therefore demanded, That this Court should immediately send for Mr. Papillon and Mr. Dubois to Seal their Bonds, and take upon them the Office of Sheriffs of London and Middlesex.

WE do esteem the matter contained in the said Paper to be a presumptu­ous and false Censure of your Lordships just Government of this City, which in this, as in all other matters, your Lordship hath managed by Advice of this Court.

And we hold it our Duty to declare to your Lordship and this Court, that we utterly disown any Concurrence with, or Allowance of the Matters con­tain'd therein. And we do assert and insist upon it, that the Confirmation of Mr. North, and the Election of Mr. Box for Sheriffs of London and Middlesex for the Ensuing Year were Lawful, and according to the Rights and Customs of this City. And since your Lordship and this Court have permitted Mr. Box to Fine, and thereupon discharged him; and that Mr. North hath Sealed a Bond to hold Sheriff. There is now but one Sheriff to be chosen for the next Year.

THEREFORE, We humbly pray your Lordship to issue out a Precept, to Summon a Common Hall, for Electing one other Person to be Sheriff for the Ensuing Year, in the Room of the said Mr. Box; And your Petitioners, &c.

Moore Mayor.

UPon a Petition now presented to this Court by divers Citizens for the call­ing of a Common Hall to Choose another Person to be one of the Sheriffs for the next Year and to join with Mr. North, in the stead of Mr. Box lately discharged. And upon two other Petitions now likewise Presented, One from di­vers other Citizens, and the other from divers Gentlemen of the County of Middlesex, for the calling out of Mr. Papillon and Mr. Dubois as Sheriffs Elect for the Year insuing. This Court upon the Question put, did agree that the same Answer should be given to the said Petitioners, as was given by this Court to the Petition Presented on the 27th of July last: And the same was thereupon read to them in the words sollowing, viz.

Gentlemen, This Court hath considered of your Petitions, and will take care that such Persons shall take the Office of Sheriffs upon them as are duly Elected according to Law, and the Ancient Customs of this City: And in this and all other things, this Court will endeavour to maintain the Rights and Priviledges of the Chair, and of the whole City: And wherein you think that we do otherwise, the Law must Judge between us. And the Right Ho­nourable the Lord Mayor did also acquaint them that his Lordship intended to call a Common Hall on Tuesday next, for the choice of a Person to be one of the Sheriffs for the Year insuing, instead of Mr. Box.

LONDON, Printed for Benj. Tooke at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-Yard. 1682.

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