The most Humble Address of the MAYOR, ALDERMEN, SHERIFFS, and COMMON-COUNCIL of the City of GLOUCESTER.

May it please Your most Sacred Majesty,

WE Your Majesty's most humble, loyal, and obedient Subjects, out of a deep sense of Your most Princely Tenderness, and transcendent Care, for us, and all Your good Subjects, as well in respect of our Religious as Civil Concerns; Do make this our most humble and faithful Address, returning all possible Gratitude for Your Majesty's most gra­cious late Declaration, which hath like a Flood of Goodness issued from your Royal Heart toward all Your Subjects; whereby all Men that have not wilfully blinded their Intellects, may be abundantly satisfied of Your Majesty's Fatherly Love to us all.

We cannot but remember by what Frauds and Machinations the Sub­jects of this Your Majesty's Realm in the late Times were beguiled, and under pretext of Religion (and particularly this City, by which there was a most deserved Infamy brought upon us by Men of Sedi­cious Principles, the Dregs of which still remain always watching to disturb our Peace) cheated into a Rebellion, the Consequences whereof were a sad Devastation of all, and the loss of the best of Kings. And we have reason to believe the same deadly Poison was again preparing, and had certainly been given, had not GOD put it into Your Majesty's Heart timely and most speedily to prevent it.

And therefore as we are bound to glorifie God for his Mercy, so we make our most humble and grateful Acknowledgment to Your Majesty for Your most intent Vigilance to save us from so portentous a Storm; and do therefore with all Humility and Faithfulness prostrate our selves at Your Majesty's Feet, solemnly vowing before God and the whole World, that we are and will be ready to the last drop of our Blood, and Mite of our Estates, to stand by, and defend Your most Sacred Person, Your lawful Successors, and the just Laws by which You govern, both in Church and State.

The God of Heaven and Earth by whom Kings reign bless you with length of days, health, and all affluence of Wealth; establish Your Sacred Person in the Hearts of Your People; dissipate your Enemies, and confound their Devices; and let the Scepter of Great Britain be swayed by You, and Your lawful Successors, to the end of Time.

This Address was presented to His Majesty on Friday, the Sixth of this instant May.

LONDON, Printed by A Godbid and J. Playford, 1681.

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