The Humble ADDRESS of the
Prebyterian Ministers in His MAJESTIES Kingdom of
WE Your MAJESTIES most Loyal Subjects, the Ministers of the Presbyterian Perswasion in Your Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, from the deep Sense we have of Your Majesties gracious and surprizing Favour, in not onely putting a stop to our long sad Sufferings for Nonconformity, but granting us the Liberty of the publick and peaceable Exercise or our Ministerial Function, without any hazard; as we bless the Great GOD who hath put this in Your Royal Heart, do withal find our selves bound in Duty to offer our most humble and hearty Thanks to Your Sacred Majesty; the Favour bestowed being to us, and all the People of our Perswasion, valuable above all our earthly Comforts: Especially since we have Ground from Your Majesty to believe, That our Loyalty is not to be questioned upon the account of our being Presbyterians; who, as we have amidst all former Temptations endeavoured, so are firmly resolved still to preserve an entire Loyalty in our Doctrine and Practice, (consonant to our known Principles, which according to the Holy Scriptures, are contained in the Confession of Faith generally owned by Presbyterians in all Your Majesties Dominions:) And by the help of God, so to demean our selves, as Your Majesty may find cause rather to enlarge, than to diminish Your Favours towards us: Throughly perswading ourselves, from Your Majesties Justice and Goodness. That if we shall at any time be otherwise represented, Your Majesty will not give Credit to such Information, until You take due Cognition thereof: And humbly beseeching that those who promote any Disloyal Principles and Practices, (as we do disown them) may be look'd upon as none of ours, whatsoever Name they may assume to themselves.
May it please Your most Excellent Majesty, graciously to accept this our humble Address, as proceeding from the Plainness and Sincerity of Loyal and Thankful Hearts, much engaged by this Your Royal Favour, to continue our fervent Prayers to the King of Kings, for Divine Illumination and Conduct, with all other Blessings Spiritual and Temporal, ever to attend Your Royal Person and Government; which is the greatest Duty can be rendred to Your Majesty, by
Holy-Rood-House: Printed by James Watson, Printer to His most Excellent Majesties Royal Family and Houshold. 1687.