Μισοχυμίας Ἔλενχος: OR, A Check given to the insolent Garrulity OF HENRY STUBBE: IN VINDICATION OF My Lord BACON, and the AUTHOR; With an Assertion of EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY: ALSO Some Practical Observations exhibited for the Credit of the true CHYMICAL SCIENCE.

Lastly, A brief Contest between the Thomsons and the Merrets, who are the best PHYSICIANS.

By George Thomson Dr. of Physick.

Qui me commorit, melius non tangere clamo.

London, Printed for Nat. Crouch at the Cross Keys in Bishops-Gate-street near Leaden-Hall. 1671.

VERA. EFFIGIES. GEORGY THOMSONI. M. D. Aetatis. Suae. 50. W Sherwin ad viu. faciebat

A Vindication of the Lord BACON, and the AVTHOR; with an Assertion OF EXPERIMENTAL PHILOSOPHY: Against The Obloquies of H. STVBBS.

UPon the occasion of a visit given to a wor­thy Friend, a Learned Doctor of Phy­sick, it came to my Ear that he read my Name in a Paper lately published, writ­ten by Henry Stubbs, where he conceived I was much vilified in my Credit. I no sooner heard this, but I hastned to get a view of what I found really true.: After a cursory perusal of this Learned piece of Ignorance, the Title Campanella seemed excellent well to sute with such a sounding vessel endued with a Brass-like Front. And however the Author pretends to be very zealous for the Prote­stant Religion, I am easily induced to believe upon sufficient Reasons that he either is a Prevaricator there­in, or of none at all; which any having a discreet eye may apprehend ex fructibus: for indeed it is impossible that a Galenist, who being no whit conscientiously tender of the Life of Man, continuing an Active Deceiver for sinister or secular Respects, resolved not to be convinc [...]d [Page 2] by his Senses, Experimentally, should be any other than a [...]lose Atheist, or Papist: being assure [...] (upon the account of the later) he shall receive a Pardon or an Indulgence from his Holiness (ô horrid Blasphemy!) for his wilful Homicide in Physick. I shall omit to insist upon the Reli­gious absurd Quarrels of this Stentor with the Virtuosi, also his sharp Taunts against the [...]r most commendable un­dertakings, and hopeful procedures; accusing them of insuf­ficiencie, Ignorance, and gross Mistak [...]s in their Experi­ments. I doubt not but they are able to stand up in de­fence of themselves touching Essayes of their more nice Minute Curiosities [...] 'tis enough for me to wipe off the dirt which this rash Wording Attemptor throwes upon my s [...]lf, th [...] Lord Bacon, this most Essentially useful Art of Chymistry, and the Learned Professors thereof; also to in­dicate that the sole means to make an accomplished Phy­sician, is by Pyr [...]technical Trials, set upon with our own hands, often iterated, discreetly managed (all circum­stances duly observed) to the depth of which a meerly Sermocinal self-conceited Dogmatist, pluming himself with the gay outside of various Languages, quaint huff­ing Terms, Rhetorical Expressions, Sophistical Disputati­ons, Histories of Antiquity, &c. shall never attain.

Now to make this good, I shall thus begin with this Hypocritical, Critical false Impeacher, who malitiously coupling me in pag. 21. of Campanella with Mr. Odowd, accuses me as a meer Emperick; and hopes the Physici­ans, i. e. the Dogmatical Coll [...]giates would consult their common interest (that's the Devil that hinders them from subscribing to Physical Truths) in Opposition to the Thomsons and Odowdes. Marry that they have done to the utmost very slanderously, by means of their Pseudo-Chymist Iohnson, one of such a kind of Genius as your self; but 'twould not do: for in time of the Plagu [...] [...] [Page 3] he and the Colledges Spiritus Antiloim [...]ides, an ar­rant Imposture, both vanished together in fumo; so may you perhaps ere long for all your Learning, if you do not repent of your obstinate Aristotelian An­tithesis to the direct Cure of Man. So prevalent is Truth. He then proceeds; And act with that Mode­ration which became Wise men, which were tender of the Renown of their Faculty, which would suddenly devolve into the hands of Empericks. Moderation (say you?) is there such a superlative endowment existent amongst the Galenists? Certainly they can but arro­ga [...]e it, not deserve it; this Qualification is to be ap­propriated to Virtuoso's indeed, not to a company of Vitioso's, who debauch the manners of the Nation with their Bleeding and Purging, who can do little else but dispute pro & con of imaginary Excellencies. The Candid Spagyro-S [...]phi [...]ts can chiefly observe this Canon, who by this means know best how to pre­serve the Sanity and Life of Man, which consists in Moderation. As for the Dogmatists they are still er­ring either on the right or left, because they are to seek in the true Constitutives of Health and Sick­ness.

This advice of Moderation had been given very seasonably when our G [...]lenists were [...]o transported with the ambitio [...]s desire o [...] engrossing all the Pra­ctice o [...] City and Countrey into th [...]ir own hands, when they tran [...]gressed all the bounds and limits of Mode­ration, S [...]briety, Prudence, and Discretion. Had their subtil extravagant Stratagems, for the demolition of virtuous Actions in Physick then taken place, I should soon have bidden Adieu to my Countrey, not enduring to see it made a prey without controul to the immoderate lusts of Anthrôpôlethri, those that [Page 4] delight in exhausting the Vital Blood, the Medium between Body and Soul [...] In this, as in several other instances, I dare firmly aver, they were neither Wi [...]e nor Pious men, to undertake a business of such mo­ment, and to be so deservedly, yea, shamefully baff­led by their Creatures Apoth [...]caries: neither did the design savour of any fear of God be [...]ore their eyes, therefore they prospered accordingly. Had these Myso-Chymists intended faith [...]ul respect to the Re­nown o [...] their Faculty, they would never have taken such a cour [...]e to prostitute the Credit and Honor of so Divine a Science, by [...]recting a swarm of Ap [...]the­caries, ordained to foment their Laziness, Pride, and Covetousness, to be a covert for their Ig [...]orance, to in­struct th [...]m in Materia Medica, to contract with th [...]m, yea, to constrain th [...]m sometimes (if the poor men would get a c [...]mpet [...]nt living) to be Pimps, Bawds, and Panders to fetch in Practice, allowing th [...]m a considerable share of Gains, by accumulating not only non-n [...]cessary, but also a noxious quantity of Physick, to the great detriment of the Patient: was this for the Renown of the Faculty, to expose to the File in a publike Shop, to promulgate and make cheap Arcana Apollinis, the Mysteries of our Science, in such a prophane manner, that any Apothecaries boy might ther [...]by take opportunity to transcribe and set to sale p [...]haps [...]or a [...]mall piece of silver your vulgar Recipes? Was this for the Renown of the Fa­culty, to compile a common Pharmacopaea, thereby to give advantage to one of your Ministers, to translate it into English, and make Comments thereon deser­v [...]dly ridiculous on your behalf, whereby your gross absurdities in the preparation of your Medicaments were brought to light, to your grand disgrace, and [Page 5] the Conjuring up of innumerable Quacking-preten­ders to the Art, such as you call Emp [...]ricks in the worse sence, amongst whom your m [...]st slander [...]is foul Tongue is pleased to reckon me one? That w [...] may the better deal with this G [...]ndiloqu [...]us boasting S [...]ribe, and shew the World his vacuity in the true Therape [...]tick part of Physick, which ought to be the Summum bonum of an honest able und [...]rtaker there­in; because 'tis Ens Reale v [...]rum, and should be the main scope and drift of all our great Endowments and Acquirements, in which if any be very deficient, all his Philology, Physiologie, Antiquary, Mathemati­cal and Critical Knowledge is little significant or per­tinent, Quatenus Iatros, a Healer. We shall [...]xa­mine the Origin [...]l derivation of the word Empirick, which arises from [...] experior, vel ex­ploro, to try, assay, or prove, to review or [...]ind out any thing by diligent searching: so then [...] is but an Experimental Ph [...]sician, one of a S [...]ct very well al­lowed of by the Antien [...]s: Qui Medicina ab usu tantum & experimen̄tis norit, & tractat non ex causis naturalibus; who as Celsus delivers, hath acquired the knowledge of Physick only by Vse and Experiments, so he t [...]e [...]ts of it, not able to give a Natural Cause ther [...]of. Such an one was Quintus, Master to G [...]len your Master, whom ye so closely follow, as he did Quintus (according to his own confession) in most things pertaining to Physick. I wish ye would be so Ingeni [...]us as your Tutor, to confess the greatest knowledge ye have obtained in the Iatrical part of late, hath been delivered to you by such Empi [...]ic [...]s as ye abusively nominate me: Then would you not be [...]o horribly ungrateful, to malign, slight, and spiteful­ly entreat (contrary to the Candid M [...]r [...]lity of Galen) [Page 6] those who indefatigable in their Manual Labour [...] have hazarded their lives to give you wholsomer ad­vice, for the far better curing of infirm man, than that honest Heathen could instruct you: this Do­ctrine doubtless would soon hav [...] been imbraced by you, if ye were not obstinate and stupendiously per­verse, resolved (non persuad [...]ri, etiamsi quis persuase­rit) not to be convinc [...]d, hating this Pyrotechnical Empirical way, tho [...]gh ye are plainly con [...]uted it is true, because it doth not suit with your peculiar Inte­rest, Laziness, Gain, and Grandeur. Hoccine Chri­stiani? is this Henry Stubbs his Religion he makes a foul quoil [...] about to no good candid [...]nd? Then let me rath [...]r be a Charitable virtu [...]us Ethnick, willing to be taught (as Galen) even by an Empirick, in what may conduce for the good of the Body and Soul of my infirm Brother, ut sit mens san [...] in corpore sano; than a malicious, vitious, cruel-hearted Physician, who like the Priest and L [...]ite, either slightingly pas­ses by, or runs quite away from the Sick without af­f [...]ctionate regard to the sad wretch wounded by a Pestilential Arrow; so that being willfully ignorant (becaus [...] he scorns to learn) he slubbers over the Me­dical business in haste perfunctorily, and being consci­ous to hi [...]self of his own defection, assigns the Cure over to the Apothecary, not caring what may be the [...]vent, so that he can but escape the [...]ontagion him­self.

When in the mean time the poor Experimen­tal Chymical Samaritane, carrying some Balsa­mical Remedy about him, poureth it in with his [...]wn finge [...]s, taking care of the Patient to purpose. S [...]ch an on [...] I prof [...]ss my self, but yet not an Empyrick [...]ccording to H. St. vilifying sense; for I am certain, [Page 7] I can give (in the presence of intelligent Inquisitors after truth) better Rational accounts of my Cures, and the [...] of such Morbous Effects as they relate to their Gauses (be it spoken without Xenodoxie) more satisfactorily than you, or all the Ari [...]totelian Physici­ans in Europe.

If this be verity undoubtedly to be maintained by me, I know no Reason why I may not more really deserve the Title of an Authentick Doctor, than any of you all [...] sith it hath pleased the Omnipotent to water with the Dew of Heaven my honest endeavors [...] so far, that they are grown up to such successful an height, that if the Magistrate be pleased fairly to permit me, I can certifie him that those languishing persons which you are not able to succour in the least, may receive benefit by me.

As for Mr. Odowd (with whom you out of bas [...] Odium to Truth couple me, as if I had any designe to destroy Literature, which the Eternal knows never yet entred into my thoughts, it being Diametrically r [...]pugnant to my concerns:) I confess I had a civil [...]espect for the Gentleman, hoping that having th [...] Kings Ear, in reference to the Chymical Process [...]s he migh [...] prevail with his Majesty so [...]ar, that the garr [...] ­lous Dogmatists Mou [...]hs might be stopped, when they should be for [...]ed to take a certain vi [...]w of some Curative in [...]tances and practices produced by me, which I was then a [...]ured they could never accom­plish. Neither was Mr. Odowd such an impious hurtful Empirick for his time, that all such Successors should be opposed, as y [...] [...] for if I am not mis-infor [...]ed [...] [...] [...]ome re­markable Cures above you or your Sociates Capacity for some Persons of Qua [...]ity, which did so far ingrati­ate [Page 8] him with the King, that he encouraged him to proceed, and he would protect him against your inveterate Oppositions to his Empirical Cures, which you were never able, nor would study to perform your selves.

Herein your cross-grain Genius is lively decipher­ed by the Dog in the Manger, which neither would eat Hay himself, nor suffer the Horse. Had not the Contagion (in which for the safety of his Countrey he vent'red far, and therefore to be mentioned with more respect than the fugitive Galenists, that left the City of shi [...]t for themselves in greatest streits) cut off immaturely the thred of this Gentleman his life, I am fully perswaded that this contemptible Empirick (as you represent him) would have proved a thorn in the sides of your Associates (which your iterated Phle­botomy would never have cured) for as much as he had advantage equal to yours to insinuate himself in­to the favour of Great Personages, who had no small kindness for this Empirical Courtier, sensibly benefi­cial to them. Now rail, as I expect (because I ut­ter truth in the behalf of this Empirick) thou Learned ignorant Aristotelian, who, as likewise the rest of thy Tribe, have been out-done in refe [...]ence to Hygiasticks by several meer Empiricks, whose [...]ame in this Nation hath been every way equivocal with yours, and every whit as deserving as yours, accord­ding to the Vulgar sense, (whose applause ye princi­pally aim at, th [...]r [...]in resting your selves satisfied right or wrong) y [...]a, some of those Practitioners might have attained great Estates proportionable to yours, and purchased Titular Honors, had they not less regard [...]d such transitory things, been more ge­n [...]rous free-hearted, and Charitable than your selves.

[Page 9]Therefore in brief, If I may deliver my thoughts without interruption, under favour of more virtu­ous able Judgments; I conceive a laborious Empirick of an intelligible capacity, whose fortune (for want of friends or Money) disappointed him to be brought up in the Schools a Grammarian or a Logieian; who [...]e streams of affections run towards Experimental dis­coveries, with a sincere intent of Doxologie to the highest, and the relief of Ad [...]m's sickly Posterity: I say, this ingenious Labourer, though no profound Clerk, having for a long time made multitudes of Observations and Essays (arising from his own Pharmacopaea or factures of Remedies) at length ar­rived at a competent knowledge of applying and ap­propriating Medicines, may deservedly weigh down, as to Real, Useful, Beneficial worth in his Employ­m [...]nts ( quatenus [...] a Healing Man) the most Learned Academick in Europe, who studies Words more than Works, a Library more than a Laboratory; to get a vogue by a fair out-side, rather than keep the in-side clean; who for his ease and pleasure negoti­ates in the behalf of the Life of his Patient, with an extraneous Factor, a vendible Ap [...]thecary and his Boy.

Upon this I am put in mind of the great Breach lately made between the Doctors and Apothecaries, which H. Stubbs strives to compose, that Fratres in malo may persevere to hold together hand in hand, whereby the Chur [...]h-yards continuing to be made fertil by these Inhumane Inhumations, they may joyntly persist to reap the sweet fruits of Riches, Ease, and Dignities. O sweet life! who would not love it? What an Incogitant man was I [...]hus to be overseen, not to begin 23 years past with this de­lightful [Page 10] Methodical way, which in a short time would have brought me to the possession of the Goods of Fortune? then might I, as learnedly Igno­rant as any of them, been reputed some Body in the World; as for defects of Bona Animi, Real Worth, a Good Conscience, and Vprightness had I been of their mind) I might have easily got a DISPENSA­TION or an Indulgence; then needed I not to have moiled, toiled, and drudged like a Collier for the ac­quisition of salutiferous Remedies, when others dip­ping their pens in a vitriolate pr [...]paration, and scrib­ling a little therewith, could [...]traight command a multitude of Medical Implements, which although they knew not what they were, Good or Bad, when, or how made, yet it was sufficient to do their Busi­ness, to make them famous Doctors, it matters not how deservedly.

This beloved delicious life of some of the more Ignoble Galenists, who by this means have best fea­thered their nests, desiring to acquiesce therein, are very loath to part with (can you blame them?) al­though the most ingenious of the Nation decry i [...] as a most insufferable Cheat, and the greater, because it reflects dangerously upon the Lives and Souls of Pa­tients: Wherefore these Merchants in Physick have solicited this Hector-like Stubbs to defend their Good Old Cause (as they would intrude upon the Credu­lous) and to plead most deceitfully, that its Antiqui­ty may be deduced from the time of Hippocrates, i.e. two thousand years ago; whereas it is certain, this subtil device of practising by Apothecaries, is not much above one Century and half standing.

To this end he falls foul in the general upon the Vi [...]tuos [...]'s, because they have intimated this praescri­bing [Page 11] fashion to be an abominable Imposture; for this he cavils and carps at their Experiments, accusing them absurdly, that they were upon a design of in­troducing Popery, wh [...]reby he might deter al upright Zeteticks of knowledge, from going upon any such truly Noble Phil [...]sophical Attempts; yea, he arrives to such an height of malice, that he bitterly inveighs against Experiments themselves, unless made by a Di­sciple of Aristotle, who I can assure shall never, as long as he closely adheres to his Masters Axioms, ever aspire to the Fundamental knowledge of Physiologie, for the benefit of diseased man: Yea, I aver that this cunning Disputant (whose Positions in this are con­trary to this great Dictators mind, who grants all knowledge of Natural things to be purchased by means of Senses) shall never without Helmonts Ex­perimental Doctrine be ever able to make any disco­very tending to the most desired radical Cure of any great Disease.

In particular this zealous Agnostick Peripatetick flies fiercely at the face of Doctor Merret, accusing him of intollerable Ignorance, for setting out the late Book against the Frauds and Abuses of the Apothe­c [...]ries.

I shall so far stand up in the behalf of Dr. Merret's Book (though no friend to me, quatenus an Enemy to Phlebotomy, which he and his Adherents do so frequently exercise, to the destruction of miserable Mortals) that I openly declare, it contains much true Practical Knowledge, but I could wish it had never been bought at so dear a rate; for questionless this Experimental Science of his (which he must par­don me, if I should be loath to have actually patro­nized) hath cost many thousands of Lives: It had [Page 12] been better for him if he had appeared only a sor­rowful Spectator, as I have been, no [...] so Iocund an Actor of such Tragical Histories, which did very much mis-become him: if he had consulted 20 years past, I could have told him according to the Pr [...]logue, what would certainly be the Epilogue of such di [...]eful Scenes, that nothing could be expected but a most de­plorable Catastrophe of such unreasonable doings, to the great prejudice of this Divine Science, and the Professors thereof, who ought to be [...], crea­ted by God, whose Justice will never suffer such san­dy foundations to stand long. I have heard that Dr. Merret at first was by fair pre [...]ences allured or wheedled into this Society, not without some regret or disgust on his part [...]; but afterward bewi [...]c [...]ed with the Syrenian Enticements of their carnal plea­sures, he suffered himself to be plunged into many Essential Errors, deviating from th [...]m in Minutis, c [...]r­tain Punctilio's in Physick [...] However, Nunqu [...]m sera est ad bonos mores via: he far surpasses tho [...]e who wittingly and willingly yet continue in the mire of these unclean ways. I hope this Proselyte a [...] length addicted to the Manufacture of Remedies [...] (in which I have been versed about twenty odd years; therefore needs must I know, according to [...]is own Positions more savingly than himself) will now suffer his eyes to be opened, that h [...] m [...]y s [...]e his Er­rors, and abhor his former indiscreet S [...]nguimission; which i [...] he please, I shall candidly visibly indicate to him as most p [...]rnitious to the whole Na­tion.

Notwithstanding all this down-right Truth I have delivered relating to D [...]. Merr [...]t, it will not at all counte [...]ance your Sa [...]yrica [...] disparag [...]ment of this [Page 13] Ingenious Learned Person, disreputing and falsly esti­mating his pa [...]ts, and taxing him as ig [...]orant in the Rudiments of his Science, nor able to State a Case therein, because he is jus [...]ly now fallen off from his wonted illegitimate course of sending Bills abroad, in way of Traffick for mens lives, and fully resolved to make his own Medicines, also advising others to do the like; laying open to the World, as one best acquainted with them, the Frauds & Abuses of Apo­thecaries; wherein you and your Sociates being very much interested, and conscious to your selves what unhandsome Actions ye have put your Substitutes up­on, do most unreasonably and irreligiously take upon you to [...]u [...]tifie.

For without Controversie, ye first suggested and instituted this way for their livelihood, fomenting them as long as they pleased you; but after that be­coming numerous, they were forced to take another course to live, not able to subsist in a competent man­ner by your Insufficient, Ridiculous, Aphilosophical Prae­scriptions, (which now many of the more serious per­spicacious sort do set no better estimate upon, than to put to common use: so that should they so far condescend, as to lay aside their more sure Card of exerting that faculty of Practice, which their sedu­li [...]y, Pharmacopaean Inspections, Officiousness to the Sick [...] more frequent, and better Optical Trials of Effects of Medicines of their own Manual praeparation, than ye would studie to attain to) have disciplined them in: Add moreover, their propensity first to embrace Chymical Remedies, which ye then renounced and openly detested against.

Witness Mr. Iob Weal an Apothecary on Ludgate-Hill, whom the Galenists prosecuted with Vatinian [Page 14] hatred, as I have often heard him tell the Story, for preparing Lac Sulphuris, an effectual, and no whit perillous Medicine; which the Collegiates having entred his Shop, threw into the streets: (are not these rare Supervisors?) declaring against him as guilty of a most horrid crime, for making, and per­haps giving (what then should he not use that Ta­lent ye wanted?) so dang [...]rous (as ye falsly laid to his Charge) a Chymical Mineral Powder, for the succour of those Patients, when your Cacostomastick, drossie Compositions could not in the least rele­vate.

Should, I say, Apothecaries, I mean, the best en­dowed Philo-Chymists, having through your supine voluptuous Folly got the better end of the Staff, resign it up again into your hands; I Question whether or no ye would be able to maintain them and their Fa­milies: so great an ha [...]red doth dayly encrease a­mong the more cautious Scrutators of things against your lethiferous way of transmitting your formal Physical Bills to be made up by your Deputies, that I scruple not to declare openly, the compleat Spagy­rick Philosopher will in a short time run you dow [...] [...]n despight of all your Davus-like Tricks, or Vulpones Counterfeit Plots, to wit, the owning your selves [...]i­ctitiously among the Vulgar, to be the true Chymists, and boasting that no Salve safe for any Sore but what your Method shall secure; scribling and promising great things, but not daring to stand to any equal Experiments, for the right determination of Medi­cal Truth. Now your imperious Government draw­ing to an end (as appears by certain Signs) you catch at this or that poor beggar [...]y shift, to keep it up for your lives; then what care you? let it fall, no whit [Page 15] troubled that your Names will stink worse than your Carcases in the Nostrils of all deserving Graceful Persons; for as much as ye would not through head­strong passions, and sordid affections, subscribe at this day, when the Truth of things appear more clear­ly, to a Legitimate powerful way of Healing.

As this Hen. Stubbs hath slanderously abused Dr. Merret, for vindicating in equity the Confection of his own Remedies, and for not persevering in the for­mer mortal beaten tract of Practice: Moreover, as he likewise disallows of any Apothecaries to Pra­ctise, though endowed with such gifts which may justly entitle them to a capacity to opitulate or relieve any wofully wounded wretch, by virtue of a Balsa­mical sulphurous Powder, which formerly they con­demned to the Kennel, but now approve it; yet know not how to make it a right, or not duly to administer it: So this shameless, and no less unskilful Censurer, first debases, then rashly, but unjustly reproves that not easily to be match [...]d Heroe, the Honor of our Nation, the Lord Bacon, in that he gives so weak an account of the Sweating Sickness; so that he esteems this brave Experimental Philosopher, worthy to be laughed to scorn by every understanding Physician; because the shallow Brain of this Medicaster, s [...]uffed full of superficial Traditions and Notions, was never yet able to dive into the Central Causes of Di­seases.

The Noble Indagator of Truth, pronounces these words, (as they are cited pag. 28. of Hen. Stubbs his Specimen) accurately describing the Sweating-Sick­ness thus:

It was a Pestilent Feaver, but not seated in the Veins and Humors, for that there followed no Carbuncle, no [Page 16] Purple, or livid Spots, or the like, the mass of Blood being not tainted, only a malign vapour flew to the heart and seised the Vital Spirits, which stirred Nature to strive to send it forth by an extreme sweat. Who but such a profound Searcher into Nature as my Lord Bacon, could at that time have given such an Essential Character of the Sweating-Sickness? which is repu­ted by this Putationer as a thing ridiculous.

I shall with as much brevity as I can, examine e­very particular Phoenomenon belonging to the fore­said Disease, expounding the Genuine sense of his Lordships words. The material Cause of this tru­culent Disease proposed by him is, a Malignant Va­pour, i. e. Gas Sylvestre, an incoercible Spirit, which by reason of its subtilty resembling the Vital Spirits, could readily mix it self with them; forthwith in­fecting the same, especially those about the Heart; whereby the Plastick power of the Archeus, as an ef­ficient cause, the perfect Idaea, or image of this speci­fique Disease is pourtrayed; part of the Vital Spirits, being as it were tinged by the intermixture of these Contagious particles, and part remaining in its integri­ty, being exasperated at the presence of such an ho­stile Intruder, stirs up Nature, i. e. musters up all the faculties, forces, or strength belonging to the [...], or Arc [...]eus, and withal summoning the Latex or Lympha to be assista [...]t to the ablution and ablation of this fermenting malignant impurity, which is sent forth by an extreme sweat. The inward procuring occasional excitative cause was, a Pestilent Venome, a tabefying matter, immediately lodging in the dege­nerate Juices about the Stomack and Spleen, Helmonts Duumvirate) not in the Veins or Fictitious Humors) which sending forth foetid putrefactive particles an­noying [Page 17] the Archeus, caused an indignation or fretting disposition at presence of that which is altogether exotick and incongruous with Nature: whereupon it thus put upon a stress, exerts all its powers and fa­culties to the expulsion of such a virulent Guest, per­formed most conveniently by large Sweats, before which there must necessarily precede a Feaver, from the Collision, conglomeration, tumult, and confu­sion of the vital Spirits thus assaulted; as is frequently observed to fall out, when any thing extraneous to life getteth into the flesh, to wit, a thorn or splinter: so that the Feaver is but a consequent of the fury and rage of the Archeus, and a praecedent of the expulsion of the [...], the matter of the Di­sease.

The Argument which this knowing Lord uses, that the Hyperidrotick or Sweating-Sickness was not primarily in the mass of Blood, i. e. the purest, called Sanguis; because there was no eruption of a Car­buncle, Purple, or Livid Spots, which shews, saith he, it was not tainted: which Reason did very well become him; for in reality, the effects of this Ano­malous poyson was most eminent in the Serum or La­tex, a concomitant of the Blood, a great depraved quantity whereof was at that time collected in the Body, through the then unaccustomed ill natural texture of the Air, loathsome exhalations lurking in its magnale or porosities, arising from the influence of the Coelestial Luminaries; unwholsome Esculents or Potulents; as likewise a peculiar Idiosyncrasie, Dis­position of the Body, capable to be at that time a­bove others thus affected; not omitting, that cer­tain exorbitant Passions might generally disturb the Vital Oeconomy of this Nation. Now by means of [Page 18] these Procatarlick Causes, an absolute Poyson was hatched up by degrees in the Stomach and parts ad­jacent, whose Fermental Emanations polluted the Latex chiefly; making also a colliquation of the Chyme or Cruor; to be rid of which, the stomachi­cal Archeus principally strains it self; the vital Spi­rits of the whole (as yet undefiled) co-adjuvating, being well fortified by Art, to throw out by large Sweats, the contaminated products of a specifick Poyson, centrally latitant, exceeding active at first by its spreading Odour, but in a short time becoming effete and languid, if all things w [...]re ordered aright. In which work, if nature were assisted by fitting Alexipharmacie, and the ambient Air intercepted, that the virulent Atoms might have free vent, all things succeeded well; if otherwise, it seldom fell out, but that the sweating Person miscarried.

As for the Opinion of Polydore Virgil, and Hollin­shed, which H.S. cites with great applause, 'tis in real truth not only ridiculous, but also pernitious; to wit, That a Deadly burning Sweat so assailed their Bodies, and distempered their Blood with a most ardent heat, that scarce one of many hundred that sickned did escape with life. Let any good intelligent Person judge in­differently who comes nighest the very formal defi­nition of the aforesaid Calamity, our Lord, or these Aristotelick, rarely qualified Humorists, who sound nothing else to us, as to a Cure, but Burning: Sweat­ing, Temperaments; very Hot, Hot: Death at first in the Pot, and Death at last; and so it was, and ever will be, as long as this wretchless credulous Age gives so much countenance to such wilfully ignorant Tortu­rers and Executioners of Mankind, as I dare verifie by fact, this Stubbs, and all his Co-partners to be. I [Page 19] am sure I can assert from a thousand Experiments, that the fore-quoted Authors knew nothing of the Im­mediate Intrinsecal Cause of that Pestilential Malady; for what they describe, are Relollaea, meer Symptoms, Effects, Products, Outward Appearances. As for the prime Morbifick Agent, which sets all on work, and the Nest where all the Mischief is brooded, that they leave altogether untouched. These men are like to Cure Diseases well, who are so egregiously to seek in their Fundamental Causes, and yet (forsooth) they go about boldly to affirm, that they are the only Phi­losophers, because they can Prate and Tongue it Rheto­rically and Logically, hereby gulling silly Auditors, who are led by these Ignes fatui at length into the pit of Destruction.

You cavil at our Lord, because he says, Nature did strive to send forth its virulencie by an extreme Sweat: Whereas your beloved Authors tell you, all that re­covered, were recovered by the continuance of a moderate Sweat. This (say you) Experience and Ob­servation taught them; (but 't was but Galenical, and that may be certainly verified of you to be the Mistress of Fools:) for, [...]: None but a Pyrotechnist can explore, as he ought healingly. I pray Sir, what but Nature should strive to send forth the virulencie? Doth not Hippocrates tell us what is infallible, Naturae, i. e. Vitales Spiritus sunt Morbo­rum Medicatrices; which you ought to imitate in Deed, and not as you Word it; then the Quarrel would quickly be at an end between us. But the Extreme Sweat (it seems) stumbles you: But why should that? An Extreme Disease must have an Extreme Remedy: this Hipp. doth also dictate, in extremis Morbis extrema exquisite Remedia sunt opti­ma. [Page 20] Malo Nodo, malus Cuneus. But let us know a little strictly what is meant by an Extreme Sweat, and a M [...]derate, in relation to this truculent Plague: The extreme Sweat, i. e. very large, was according to the Story, Mortal; the Moderate, Salutary; which I deny, [...], quateuus meer Swea [...]s; for according to my observation this 23 years, all malignant p [...]stilential Feavers, the Pest it self, and the Griping of the Guts, which holds a fair proportion with the Sudor Anglicus, did all receive a most certain and exp [...]dite Cure, b [...]st by extreme large Sweats, if the s [...]rength were kept up; other­wise no Sweat more or less is of any significant Be­nefit. Quiequid fit vir [...]ute, Naturae fit, [...] non autem [...]. Wha [...]so [...]v [...]r Evacuation is at­tempted by Nature robust, directly supported, is per­formed plentifully, impetuously, and incontinently, not driblingly by piece-meals.

In this feral Calamity there was at the first onset a strong resisting Enormontick or impulsive Motion of Nature to eject with all speed that malignant Va­pour couched about the Hypocondries (that flew at the heart, infecting the vital Spirits thereof; also those about the mouth of the Stomach, which the Anci­ents called [...]; likewise sending a miasme to the aqu [...]ous Liquor; colliquating the Chyme or Cruor) by extraordinary extre [...]e Sweat, which became Mortal, because the vital Spirits were quickly tired for want of due support from without, and in that they were not fortified at first by lusty spirituous li­quors, which those Humorists thought at first in those days to be too hot, & therefore enjoyn'd Posset-drinks made perhaps after the mode of one of our Modern timorous Colleagues in time: of the Plague, with Ale [Page 21] and Water, or Barley-water, Iulebs of Rose-water, and Pippin-posset, thin W [...]ter-gruel, lest the Blood should be inflamed, and the party over-sweat him­self: Whereas the Common people left in those days to themselves, being better Experimentator [...], taught those Learned Doctors a more salutary Me­thod of curing this Anom [...]lous Plague, after the same sort as our Seamen of late years have instructed our Society of Physicians, if they would lea [...]n to any good purpose. For since they left those scurvy Qua­lities of Heat and Cold (as they were taught by those Aristotelian, Impertinent, Non-sensical Doctors) they have given with admirable success to the miserable Sick-Souls (afflicted with the Calentures and S [...]urvy) suffering intolerable thirst, and restlessness, Brandy, Rack by it self, or made into Punch, and other strong Liquors, whereby the weak Tone of the Stomac [...] hath been confirmed, the Vitals elevated, and the Di­sease car [...]ed off by Sweat and Urine; so that now ha­ving rid themselves in greatest part of this Deadly cooling Doctrine, they can make their Voyages loosing few or no men: on the other side, before, as long as they walked according to your D [...]structive Rules, their men dropped away like rotten sheep, having scar [...] Mariners enough left alive to r [...]turn their Sh [...]p home. Thus the plain People of those days being sadly cut off in great numbers by this Atrocious Mor­tality, upon this strait began to make some Rational Trials of their own, and found out at length that a draught of strong Ale, Aqua-vitae with Saffron, a lit­tle Sack, if they could get it, and some Confection or Cordial, as Mith [...]idate, Treacle, &c. did, if they kept themselves covered, reli [...]ve and cure them, which these scrupulous, m [...]r Opinat [...]rs, did in the [Page 22] beginning, either totally forbid, or gave (as they usually exhibit at this day other good Remedies) in too small a Quantity, left they should over-heat their Blood, and further their extreme Mortal Sweats.

Thus these congruous Remedies impowred the Animals to get the better of this peculiar Poyson (the principal intrinsecal occasion of all outward appea­rances) by hindring its F [...]rmental Odour, taking a­way its [...]abefying colliquating properties, by repres­sing this Malign Vapour, or M [...]phitical exhalation (which had still recours [...] to the heart, aiming at the extinction of its Light) than by exterminating it, and the contaminated Latex first by extreme sweat, wherby the infected person being carefully kept from the Air, may soon be brought into a moderate sweat, that more leisurely discharged the relicks of the pol­luted juyces, and hereby effectually restored the Pa­tient: the fountain of this [...] being stop­ped, the Accidental evacuation being altered to a Substantial, the Symptomatical to a Critical. Well then, the sum is, that the extreme sweats, either spon­taneously happening, or procured by Art, were mor­tal, as you relate, because upon the fresh Access of this sudorifique misery, the whole burden rested up­on the shoulder of Nature extremely overpowred: withal finding no redress by that Vain, Gross, Clog­ging, Weak, Miserable Opitulation or Assistance they pretended to give them, being worse than you now administer to poor Languid Souls at this day, which I am certain is bad [...]nough. How then was it possible but that upon the first invasion of this cruel [...]vil, those Sweats must needs prove fruitless, ineffe­ctual, and extremely mortal; sith their very Dieteti­cal [...]raescriptions and Medicines could deserve no bet­ter [Page 23] Title, suffering Nature to be horribly worri [...]d by a dom [...]stique Enemy, till such time the Plebeian taught them better things? I could produce a multi­tude of Instances to make good what I have here published, but one belonging to my self shall serve for all; the whole story is set down at large in Loi­motomia, out of which I shall only excerp what may be most apposite to my purpose:

After the Dissection of a Pestilential Body, Anno 1665. out of a serious Inquisition, not a vain presump­tion, as Zoili tax me, I was smitten with a Pestilen­tial Arrow, which entring through my hand, dab­ling incogitantly in the Cadaverous gore, pierced to my Central parts, the Stomach and Spleen; where the Active Poyson setled, ejaculating virulent black E [...]sluviums at my heart and head, causing a dizziness in the one, and a tedious oppression in the oth [...]r. Finding my self struck, I was resolved while I was Compos mentis, to use the best of my Medicines, and that in large quantity, which I was certain by iterated trials were Safe and Effectual: I was experimentally in­structed, as likewise sensible by no small number of reddi [...]h Spots (one or two being livid forthwith ap­pearing) that a great part of my Blood was coagu­lated in facto esse, the rest in fieri, if not suddenly pre­vented by the congelative power of [...]his poyson: I pursued to the atmost the taking of those Remedies which n [...]ver failed during the Contagion, to rest [...]re to health any one tractable and capable thereof. My greatest Design was to get a large sweat, such an one as you call extreme, which with much ado I attain­ed in an hour or two, promoting it continually with a vast measure of Diaphoreticks, [...], M [...]di­cines pregnant with particles of [...]ighest affinity with [Page 24] the Vital [...] or Blas, which the Aristotelians or Ga­lenists would have protested against as worse than the Plague, because in their Dogmatical Fan­cies, too Hot and Burning. In the space of two or three hours, after the first assault of the Pest, I at­tained a very great moisture all over my Body, which trickling continually down after an excessive man­ner, was for many hours, yea days, wiped off by those then pres [...]nt. In this condition of extreme sweats sliding down my skin for six days and nights, I remained well covered, not permitting my self to put my hand out of the B [...]d; upon the seventh day I a­rose, able to foot it (I believe a mile;) and the ninth I went down, walking lustily about the House. Thus did I act with several of my Patients at that fatal time, promising and performing the same.

By the extract of this Tran [...]action Hen. Stub. may understand, unless he be desperately perverse, that a man cannot sweat too much in any malignant Di­sease, supposed the vigour of the Stomach and Ar­cheus be sustained and repaired with what is lively. The same Matter, Means, Quantity, and Method I us [...]d often for the Cure of the Pest, with known hap­py success at that time. I also proposed the same Remedy before and after that exigence, proportio­nably to any whom a pestilential Feaver had seized, according as the individual Patient, Magnitude of Sickness indicated. Neither do I find any difference at all in the happy fruits of my Medicaments, whether the Poyson be more Congelative and Concretive as at that season a while past, or more Colliquative, turning the Juyces, as it were, into a melting grease, and in­vading the thinnest Liquors, as doubtless was the ef­fects of that Venome which reigned some score years [Page 25] past, being the main Reason why (as our Noble per­son says) there followed no Carbuncle, no Purple or Livid Spots, because the inquinated matter was dis­posed to be carried away by abundant of Sweats, without any residue of any puncticular curdled In­haesion or restagnation of Corrosive, putrefactive, filth in the skin. Therefore the Argument used by this great Pirastick, or Explorator of Natural Causes, is very Authentick, that it was not in the mass of Blood, or your Imaginary Humors, but only, i.e. Essentially, in the Vi [...]al Spirits, because there followed no Purple or Livid Spots, or the like. For had it been primaril [...] in the blood, it could not have been otherwise but that the colliquative dissolutive Poyson must needs have made a Synthesis, Coagulation, and Grumosity in the Blood; at the same time it caused a preternatural [...], or a corruptive rarefaction thereof: for ac­cording to an approved Philosophical Maxim, Omne solvens eadem opera qua solvit etiam coagulatur. Dis­solving parts of every common Menstrum, are in that very Act coagulated: so that after this sense, had the tabid matter only possessed the Blood as its chief Subject for its residence, there would have been after this enormous Sweating a Caput Mort, or some gross matter remaining behind, which would undoubtedly have caused before or after some eruption in the skin. Wherefore without Controversie, this most subtil He­toroclite Venom took up its chief Mansion in the Vital Spirits, especially in the Archeus of the Stomach and Spleen (so do all Diseases, as I can both by Reason and practical fruits testifie) where for some time it lay lurking in the bosome of Nature, not much heed­ing at first this grand Enemy of Life; then having conspurcated part of the Animal Spirits through a [Page 26] traiterous pretence of affinity with them, at length offering violence to them, put them quite besides the track of salutary Imagination, upon the framing of deformed Idea's, sutable to the condition of the tabid Poyson. Hereupon the regular Actions of Natural solutions, and moderate concretions requisite for sangui­fication performed by kindly Ferments, were quite changed into an extravagant Operation of tabefying and turning the Chyme into a putid, Olid, Loathsom Liquamen, or I [...]bor, by means of preternatural Fer­ments, receiving an Impress, a Commission or Pow­er from the incensed raging Archeus, to act according to that type and figure it had made in it self analogi­cal to the intoxicating matter. The Consequent then is, that nought but the Vital Spirits, the only seat of this truculent Calamity, at the presence of which they were exceedingly disturbed, could by their inordinate Ferments produce such a profuse quantity of stinking Excrements, sending them packing through the skin, without any setling, curd­ling, or dregs left behind. Wherefore the Cr [...]or, o [...] cruder part of Blood was but secundarily affected in this as in all other malignant Evils, which at one season is only colliquated, at another coagulated; sometimes both, according to the specifique energie of the Malignity, causing this or that peculiar form of a Disease in the Spirits. By this we assuredly con­clude those prodigious filthy melting Sweats, accom­p [...]nied for the most part with affliction in the Sto­mach, pain of the Head, and dark-Coloured, ill-savour­ed Vrine; one while also an excretion of Bl [...]od through the Bladder; at another time, through the Nose, Eyes, and E [...]rs, all spr [...]ng from one fountain, the Stoma­chical and Visceral Archeus, dislocated in its Functi­ons, [Page 27] and through discontentent enervating, melting, and marring the fundamental matter of pure Blood. I d [...]ny not b [...]t this Sweating Sickness was, [...], and its V [...]nome unwonted, and of a pe­culiar Essence, diff [...]rent from others, because it was altogether Colliquative.

For as to [...]ching what Hen. Stubbe expostulates, Whether it be necessary whensoever there is a Pestilen­tial Feaver, affec [...]ing the mass of Blood, that then there must be some Cutaneous Eruption by bo [...]h Carbuncle or Spots: I aver as I am informed by these 23 years and upward of my Practice, I never saw either a high Pestilential Feaver, or the Pest firmly radica­t [...]d in the Body ever cured of late years as it ought, but by the protrusion of some cutaneous Efflorescence, as Spots, Pustles, Blanes, Bubo's, Carbuncles, Erisypilus, or the like, except once when in the Plague of fresh memory, my Brother having imbibed the contagious Sickness, sweat it out [...]wice; the first in the space of six days; the s [...]cond being a relapse during five days, without the least Germination of any congealed excretion throughout his whole Body; which if all Circumstances were duly considered by sober men, might be reckoned a rarity, esp [...]cially if it did belong to our Learned Society. Touching the Natural Rea­son of this effect (lest you should call me Empirick, which handsome Title I am sure you will never de­serve, as long as you degrade your self, adhering contumaciously to your Master Aristotle) I shall thus satisfie you: (Suppose the Heathenish Doctrine hath not intoxicated you, that you are not able to re­ceive truth) that my Brother conversant with me, beholding, and sensibly convinced of the happy fruits of my Remedies, withal having recourse to some of [Page 28] them at his pleasure, took so great a quantity there­of himself, besides what I tendred him, that al­though he going along with me oftentimes to visit my Patients, sucking in their virulent Breath, and upon this occasion was frequently tainted therewith, yet could not those deletery staining Corpuscles so far prevail, as greatly to coagulate or condense his Blood, because notwithstanding the Vital Spirits were apt to receive Idea's or Impresses of the Poyson, yet were these by penetrating congruous volatile Salts, and luminous Sulphurs, either expunged in their Oval Li­neaments, or Those so far advanced in their strength and courage, that they were able straight to take off and crush any exotick fermental Malignity, setting upon the curdling of the Blood, whereby the Venal and Arterial Current being maintained, there was an incontinent Aporhaea, and a liberal effusion of the contaminated Juyces, without the least Cata­ract or stop in the skin.

I hope I have not been too tedious in the Vindicati­on of this Noble Virtuoso from the Crime falsly laid to his charge of teaching his said Disciples such ab­surd Doctrine in reference to the precious life of Man, that he should deserve Sarcasms, Taunts, or Scoffs, as this [...]nviously ignorant person H. S. suggests. Be­lieve it who will, if I can give any Judgment of the verity of things as they are really in themselves, there hath not lived in England many Centuries a greater Natural Philosopher than our Lord Bacon; for although his Secular Imployments did much take him off that he could not attain to what his aspiring Ge­nius lead him to, yet hath he given us such testi­mony of his endowments, and his indefatigable search i [...]o the tr [...]e Fundamental Cause of these sublunary [Page 29] Essences, withal setting us in the right way, even in­digitating the means how we may acquire knowledg so that we are obliged never to suffer his Name to be ill spoken of, or his works to be calumniated, un­less we incur deservedly the sin of horrid Ingrati­tude.

Moreover, I have amplified my thoughts the more upon this Subject because upon the right conception of the [...]ormal definition which this Architector of Physiologie hath given, the fontal Cure of all Pestilen­tial Feavers, y [...]a, the Pest it self depends; for I protest openly, 'tis not possible that that Man who is to seek in the right Sanation of the Pest, should ever plainly, securely and efficaciously eradicate any fixed Calami­ty. Let the Adv [...]rsary clamour never so much a­gainst it: for all Diseases aim at the Destruction of the Vital Spirits, which stir them up to send out the Nosopaean Matter every way, especially by Sweat, the most appropriate sluce through which it is with grea­test Benefit expelled. Now if the Vitals fail, all's ago: How sollicitous then ought all honest Experi­mental Physicians to be in the chase of Zôticks, Pa­rêgôricks and corroboratives, which may so animate the Spirits, that thereby they dare to cope with any intruding Enemy, and make a vigorous ejection thereof. How deficient Dogmatists are herein, any who hath the least capacious apprehension of things may discern, by their running away from, or slightly passing by their Brother, not long since wounded with a Pestilential Arrow: And however they make the credulous think they are able to Conquer by their Art our more Gentle Sporadical Malignant Feavers; yet can I verifie optically by Practise, that these for­merly cried up Galenists, are most insufficient as to [Page 30] the Technical Extirpation of any stubborn Feaver; yea, that when they seem to bring to pass any Cure, it is rather Accidental than Substantial, more by hap, than any good cunning; like good old women.

And indeed how can it be otherwise, sith (as that excellent Adeptus, and true Chymical Phi [...]osopher Doctor Acton in his Letter to a Myso-Chymist, aptly declares:) The Galenists are totally ignorant of Chy­mistry [...] or only acquainted with the Vulgar, such as that of Crollius, Hartman, Beguin: so rigid Opposers of the more [...] occult Philosophy, as Hermes, Raymund Lul­ly, Basil, Valen, Paracelsus, Van Helmont, that they cannot but protest against all their Scholars and follow­ers as Heterodox. Albeit it comes to pass that these men denominate themselves Chymists, making the world believe they are verily so as they seem, yet I can prove that an Ape may as well deserve the name of a man, as the Title of a real Philosophical Spagy­rist ought to be appropriated to a Galenist.

This I proceed to make good by their silly conje­ctures of the issue of any grief: for the right Prog­nôsis in what space any Infirmity may be cured, how and when it will terminate, whether there will be a Metastasis, or transmigration of it into another Di­sease, and whether they can promise to keep off, o [...] quickly to rid any secundary Calamities, is generally so meer a guessing business with them, that I even blush to hear how they titubate, blunder, and mistake therein, to the great disparagement of this Art, which is really Scientifick, but for want of Iudicious praescience (which principally depends upon a Legi­timate Pharmacopaea) is at this day miserably dedeco­rated. For the confirmation of what I have deliver­ed, [Page 31] I would beg but this one Boon of his Majesty for all my constant service and sufferings under his Royal Father, that these Myso-Chymists, who like Jugglers and Cheats, call themselves the true Chymists, may be brought to laudable just Experimental Discoveries, some whereof I have proposed in Galeno-pale: O­thers I shall start afresh, and accept the like from them if equal; then I doubt not but it will manifestly appear, whether these Opinative Pretenders to Chy­mistry, be not better Politicians than Physicians; more apt to Equivocate than Prognosticate; rather versed in Aristotle's Sophismes than Hipp. Aphorismes; whether they be not more foolishly Superstitious in their Physical attempts, than discreetly judicious: lastly, whether they do not generally palliate, rather than eradicate our Miseries. To this end I shall commit to the consideration of all true-hearted, virtuous, in­telligent Disciples of our Lord Bacon, some few Me­dical Observations or Animadversions (intending to publish them h [...]reafter more at large) emerging from my Practice, confirmed by long faithful Experience; to the truth whereof I shall urge no man to adhere farther than I can demonstrate them.

1. That the Enormon Archeus or Vital Spirits are the Principal, Fundamental, Efficient cause of Health, of all Diseases and their Cures.

2. A True son of Art looks strictly upon the Pre­servation and Augmentation of the Vital Spirits, as the most preheminent Indication which is to steer a [...]igh [...] all his intended Sanative Actions.

3. A sincere Assistant of Nature is, to observe its Motion, likewise the Orgasm or Inclination of the de­generate Matter, whether to be discharged [...]est through this or that Emunctory or Passage, still [...]ur­thering [Page 32] the carrying off (as Hipp. dictates) the No­sopaean Matter, by no means disturbing the Ferments, or wholsome Iuyces.

4. The most certain Effectual and proper way to dismiss the Morbifique occasional cause of all Diseases, especially Feavers, is through the Vniversal Mem­brane, wherein consists no small Artifice of a Physician so to gratifie the Praecordial Archeus, that it may both ablegate Excrements toward the skin, also command by its Influence an apertion of the Pores, that they may give free passage for the Egress of the polluted Lutex likewise at the same time, to keep out the incursion of any Noxious Atoms in the Ambient Air.

5. For the bringing to pass the aforesaid design, nothing more conduces then to free the Stomach and the parts circumjacent from those impurities which have incroached into the privy-Chamber of the sen­sitive Soul, which ought to be effected, not by their vulgar Vomits, but by such an one as I have deciphe­red in Haem [...]tiasis.

6. Bleeding ordained for removing Infirmities up­on the account of Evacuation as it relates to too great a Plenitude of Blood; likewise [...]or the Reason of Revulsion, indicated from the confluxion of any Cachochymick matter, is either Insignificant, Palliative, accidentally Curing, or Destructive.

7. Phlebotomy used out of an intent of Derivation of the Cruor, crude Blood, or any foul matter banish­ed out of the Protection of Life, for as much as it immediately letteth out what is depraved, ought to b [...] approved; for this Reason the vigorous promotion of a deficient Excretion of Blood through the Hoe­morrhoidal and Menstruous Vessels, is very salutiferous.

[Page 33]8 As the Purging Compositions of the Shops to which the Dogmatists trust in the carrying off Impu­rities, are altogether uncorrected, containing more or less poysonous Properties in them, whereby the Tone of the Parts are discomposed, the Spirits de­pa [...]perated, the Chyme colliquated, and the Ferments damnified; so a perpetual succession of Morbisick matter is often regener [...]ted, in li [...]u of what was there­by evacuated. Whosoever receives b [...]nefit by these Catharticks, is beholding to an Accidental or Contin­gent success, not to any direct praenotional Iudicious susception therein.

9. The chief Cordi [...]ls Analepticks, or Corrobora­ting Iuleps belonging to the Lo [...]don-Dispensatory come very short of that true validity they ought to have, and which Chymical Philosophers make with their own hands [...] for these are volati [...]ized, and high­ly purified, b [...]ing v [...]ry active and sa [...]e; but those are in comparison terrestrial, flat, foeculent, impertinent, and so dangerous.

10. Physicians ought to make th [...]ir own Medi­cines, for thereby they [...]hall prepare them with a satisfactory Elegance and Exactness improve them to the greater Advantage and Gradation; understand th [...]ir Virtues more clearly; administer th [...]m with the more discretion, and acquire a far greater co [...]fi­dence of their success; th [...]n may he stiled [...], an Officious Physician indeed; otherwise he can deserve no other than a meer Trif [...]er in his Function, acting [...], carelesly, perfunctorily, and cruelly.

11. The best Chymical Remedies contained in the Vulgar Pharmacopaea, are insufficient, dangerous; yea, sometimes pernicious, therefore to be rejected by an [Page 34] Helmontian, who is throughly acquainted with his own Manufacture of Remedies.

12. Issues may be connived at in some, sith they rid in part some superfluity of crude Blood, which in [...]very Lunar Revolution is prone to be generated through divers extri [...]secal and intrinsecal occasions: however they do but palliate or play the Parasite with a Disease, Eliquating or draining the Rivulets or Pro [...]d [...]cts, not touching the Fountain of a Disease.

13. Vesica [...]or [...]es or Blisterings by Cantharides or the like Poysonous Materials, are to be rejected; for they cause an indi [...]nation in the Archeus, whereby the good Juyces ar [...] melted into a sharp Ichor or Tabum; the O [...]conomie of the Body put into a disorder, the cons [...]quents wh [...]r [...]of are a great pain, inqui [...]tude [...] wa [...]ching, and sometimes a stopping of the Vrine [...] th [...]r [...]fore if a prosperous event b [...] attributed to these virulent Epistpasticks, it is a mee [...] Accident, and mi­stake of the Cau [...]e.

14. I positively assert, and can prove, that the Dogmatists are ignorant in Aitiologie, Prognostication, and Therapie of Diseases, i. e. they are totally out of the way in the Cure of Man.

15. If any desire to attain to be very excellent in the Therapeutick he must often take into his own body his new-minted Medicines, that th [...]reby he may be ex­pres [...]y acquainted with their Operations, approving or disproving them as his own Stomach informs him [...] [...]or thus he shall express his tender affection he hath for his Patient [...] and arrive at the knowledge of greater Arcana than his Patients by th [...]mselves will ever direct him to. He that will not run the hazard of this, or cannot, ought to deplume his high thoughts, and demean himself the more humbly, ob­serving [Page 35] his Station and Classe, forbearing to carp en­viously at another on whom this gift is bestowed.

16. The Method of Curing which the Galenists have used above these [...]ixteen hundred years, is most tedious and protracting; contrary to the Origi­nal of the word in the best sense; but in the worse, it is an absolute Imposture.

17. The upright Philosophical Chymical way of Healing, is performed knowingly, manifestly, speedily, securely, pleasantly, and effectually.

18. A sincere Artist always carries about him Po­lyacaea's, or Remedies of an ample endowment, which upon emergent occasions he forthwith exhibits to any suddenly surprized with sickness; or afflicted with vio­lent Paroxysmes, r [...]freshing the Patient long before an incongruous, invalid connexion of some pitiful stuff can be prescribed, made up by the Apothecary, & sent.

19. He that cures Diseases by Contraries, takes a clean contrary way to cure them: so for that Reason to give Cooling things in a high Feav [...]r, as small Beer-Posset-drink [...] Barly-water, [...]lat, dull Iuleps, is the di­rect way to cool the sick person into the Grave.

20. The genuine means to stop all spontaneous ex­cessive Evacuations, is by the ablation of the Cause, not by forcibly keeping in, or constraining its ill effects [...] fruits, or products; which is commonly acted by Ci­catrizers, those that skin over Sores, being rotten at the bottom.

21. Many long Diseases have in them a peculiar Poyson as Scorbute, Lues Ven. closely couched in the Body, which depraves the Natural Ferments, and conspurcates the Latex; which Venom if it be not de­stroyed, the Ferments reduced to their integrity, and [Page 36] the Latex purified and sweetned, all the pumping, pur­ging, and draining of Excrements is in vain.

22. In the oblation of Medicines, singular care is to be had that Injury b [...] not offered to the Stomach [...] for this N [...]ble part having an influence upon the whole Body, as it doth relish and accept of what is i [...]ge [...]ed; so favourably communicates the virtue of the same in [...]o all parts with a Pass-port or Impre [...], that it is efficacious to assist Nature, and resist the Di­sease: neither is it to be valued whether the Palate disgust it, abhorring it as too Hot, inflaming, strong, seemingly bli [...]tering [...] fretting, or corroding, as the Ga­lenists (whose sensual Iudgments in Chymical Mat­ters are as much vitiated, as their Patients tasts in Feav [...]rs) have falsely censured my Stomachical Es­sence, whose Virtues are faithfully described in Hae­matiasis; I say, it signifies nought what the trayte­terous Palate s [...]ggests, suppos [...]d the Stomach [...]mbra­ces it as a real Friend.

23. Sale & Sole nihil utilius in Medicina, i. e. of Salt and Mineral Sulphurs are made the best Reme­dies both for pres [...]rvation and sanation: Now that ought to be brought to a volatility adaequant with the Vital Spirits, with which it is straight Identified. This must be exquisit [...]ly puri [...]ied and exal [...]ed, that it may illuminate and indulge the Anima [...]s with their comfortable Rays,

24. Tho [...]e Medicin [...]s of nice Limits and narrow La­titude in th [...]ir dose may justly be suspected, which the Author o [...] th [...]m d [...]re not give in double, tr [...]b [...]e, qua­drup [...]e, quin [...]uple; y [...]a, sometimes a decuple Quan­tity with benefit: for I usually ae [...]timate that g [...]neral curiosity of ponderating Mixtures to be an Argument [Page 37] that they are neither safe nor suffici [...]nt.

25. When a Physician insists in long Diseases too busily upon Culina [...]y preparations, and a very strict Diet [...] it p [...]ainly discov [...]rs such an one his weakness in the Art of Healing; for c [...]rtainl [...] that means will ne­ver conquer any great M [...]lady, which cannot dis­pence with petty ab [...]rrations in Drinking or Eating some food, [...]ough not to be prai [...]ed comparatively, y [...]t earnestly d [...]sired of th [...] Stomach, still suppo­sing the ferments of the Stomach be not ex­tre [...]ely deficient, and Moder [...]tion rule the Roa [...]t.

26. In all Malignant Feavers, I disallow of any Fl [...]sh, solid food, broth, Gellies, sm [...]ll B [...]er, Posset-drink made with fla [...] Liquors, Barly-water, &c. but I high­ly comm [...]nd good spirituous Liquors, well-brewed s [...]rong Beer and Al [...], t [...]e best Spanish or French wine: th [...] Reason is plain [...] for th [...] former Cadaverate, turn into a putriligon [...]us stinking febrile matter, not easily to be discharged, subv [...]rting the Stomach more and more, wher [...]by a double injury is offered to it from within and without. The later, i. e. strong Liqu [...]r, corrobor [...]tes this Noble Membrane, invigorates the Vital Spirits, whereby they are enabled to oppug [...] the Dis [...]ase, and to expedite the procuring Cause thero [...] through all convenient passag [...]s, no conside­rab [...] c [...]og of such a potabl [...] being left b [...]hind. Nei­ther let any one be d [...]ferred from such Liquors, sup­posing th [...]y are too H [...]t, for this is b [...]t a Galenical childish Bugbear Opinion, sutable to the rest of their pernicious Doctrine, which I have elsewhere suffici­ently re [...]uted.

27. That Physician which is a Phil [...]sophical Oper [...] ­tor cannot but attain great knowledge in Chyr [...]rger [...], yea, and in difficult cases do that in reference to [...] ­stula's, [Page 38] Cancers, Herpes, Esthiomenes, Phagaedaenick and Cacoethick Sores, which no meer Chyrurgion in England shall perform.

28. He that desires to keep hims [...]lf in h [...]alth, let him endeavour by all means so to volatilize and ra­tifie his Blood, that it may be continually carried off sensibly or in [...]ensibly without any Caput-Mort, or foeculence left behind. To this purpose good Air, and well regulated Diet to exceedingly conduce.

29. An Acide matter, the Evident Instrument of Di­gestion, is only proper to the Stomach; from which if it deviate, lodging in unde [...]ent places, multiplied and much perverted, then it becoms the irritating and fermenting cause of Feavers, and multitude of Ca­lamities.

30. The Philosophical Chymist dar [...] engage to cure a Pleurisie, judici [...]usly, speedily, radically, and se­curely without fear of Relap [...]e, a Succession o [...] other Calamities of a frequent incidence into the same Di­sease to which any one was [...]ormerly p [...]one; which I d [...]ny any Galenist in England can undertake and consum [...]ate Providently and experimentally.

Let Hen. Stubbe and all his Confederates ioyn their heads together in Opposition to these Practical Epi­logisms or Annotations [...]stablished Experimentally: but I shall urge them to oppose me according to e­qual Terms, [...], i. e. to make the contrary of what I have here asserted appear so according to sound Reason, Operation, Judgment, and Experiment; otherwise I shall still conclude, as they have hitherto behaved themselves, that they still continue a company of Equivocators, Rixators, So­phi [...]ters, and Impostors in their Faculty: neither do I [Page 39] value it a rush that they are Helluones Librorum, repu­ted great Scholars, Travellers, compleat Gentlemen; for these endowments, very commendable of them­selves, pertain nothing to the Controversie in hand. All that I expostulate with them is this, that their Method of Curing is false; that thousands of Orphans and Widows are her [...]by made; that the thred of Princes lives is often untimely cut off, under pre­tence of th [...]ir Learned, but false Documents; which they are resolved still to follow, so long as Gain, Ease, and Honor lead the Van.

For this Reason they hate Ciniflo's, as they have abusively termed them, who labour to get noble Remedies for the preservation of Man; because it is against their COMMON INTEREST, which Hen. Stubbe hopes they will consult, it mat­ters not for the Interest of the Commons: if so, I conceive the Advice in Campan. pag. 21. (most un­justly vilely given by this Miso-Chymist H. Stubbs) against the R. S. may lawfully be put in Execution against the Aristotelian Galenical Company: That it behoved all men to combine against them, the tendencie of whose designs were so fatal and Malignant. All things considered, let any one capable judge who de­serves to be opposed and combined against for their fa­tal and Malignant Designs, either the actually intelli­gent Virtuosi of the Royal Society, the Thomsons, or the Opinionative Galenists, Pseudo-Chymists of a Col­ledge little significant as to Vital Benefit, and the Stubbs. Those are charged with scandalous, false, malitious, undeserving defamations, which can no ways be made good.

To these nothing here Criminal is objected, but what I'll undertake to verifie by frequent apparent [Page 40] Practic [...], backed with solid Reasons: the one is ac­cused as nocent [...]pon frivolous Iealousies and Suspi­tions; the other off [...]red to be [...]ound culpable upon Evidence and D [...]mo [...]stration. You bitterly inveigh against th [...] Royal S [...]ciety, as Insolent, Impertinent, Fools, C [...]xcombs [...] Iacendiaries [...] Plagiaries, poor Devils, De­te [...]ble, Ignorant, V [...]faithful, guilty of Errors, and Chea [...]s, and all this is Gratis Dictum, without bring­ing things [...]qually to t [...]st, by summoning in a Legal manner hon [...]st [...] Witn [...]sses to prov [...] the Charge. What you hav [...] declared in an opprobrio [...]s style against the true Disciples of the Lord B [...]con, I protest as meerly feigned wit [...]out just cause, and am r [...]ady if occasion [...]e [...]ve, to certifie from facts and Occular T [...]stimoni [...]s, that those unhandsom [...] Epithets and Obloquies may be better appr [...]pria [...]d to your self, or any Confe­derates who wi [...] s [...]cond you as their Champion. And sith ' [...]is so [...] as I [...]ave vindicated the Lord Bacon and myself from your vilifying Language by Arguments su [...]ficient to convince any upright knowing person; so I must come hom [...] to you, resolved never to desist till you and I put an [...]nd to these Physical Controver­sies by active En [...]rpris [...]s [...] and legitimate Experi­ments, obvious [...]o be apprehended by any meanly Ju­dicious. For o [...]erwi [...]e we may both scribble and pr [...] till Dooms-day; yea, sco [...]d like Bil [...]ings-gate women without any solid satisfaction or happy con­clusion on [...] side, if we do not, laying aside Ani­mosity and inordinate Passions, come to the Touch­ston [...] of A [...]ting: 'Tis Works, not Words; Things, not Thin [...]ing; Pyr [...]technie, not Philologie; Opera­tion [...] no [...] m [...]rly Speculation, must justifie us Physici­ans [...] [...]o [...]b [...]r [...]h [...]n hereaft [...]r to be so wrongfully Sa­ [...]yri [...]l against our Noble Experimentators, who [Page 41] questionless are entred into the right way of detect­ing the Truth of things. Repress your scurrilous Terms against able Practitioners; wave your threats of attaching Medela Medicinae and Mainwaring, Au­thors, who deserve Titular Honor above your self, although your Malignant Tongue dare call the for­mer expresly Quack-salver, and the other so impli­citely. If Learning, Philochymie, and ten years pra­ctical Exercise, which the Author of M. Med. can plead for, be not sufficient to make a man deserve a better Title than a Quack-s [...]lver; I pray then what meritorious Dignity can you, or the Collegiates as­sume to your selves? I confess I did reprove him sharply in Loimotomia for his male-practice in that particular, not undeserved [...]y: yet I wish your Miso-Chymical Brethren were but half so Guilty in the ge­neral in their Medical deportments, as it relates to the Life o [...] Man. As for Doctor Mainwairing, you deserve severely to be corrected for your poor mean regard of him, having past through his Degre [...]s ex condigno, and highly to be praised in that he left your pernicious Method in the Infancie of his Practice many years since; continuing a great Defender of Spagyrical Truth against all your Aristotelian Oppo­nents. I apprehend Doctor Mainwaring able to stand in Defiance against the attach of your Pen, ha­ving his Bail in readiness, or any Vndertaking of yours to oppose him. And I hope he is so far from being induced to Retract any thing of Verity, that h [...] scorns to Apostati [...]e in the least.

It is the unhappiness of this Noble Science of Chy­mistry to want a competent number of Learned Pa­trons to assert their Medical salutiferous Positions. For the pa [...]city of such gives no small Advantage to you [Page 42] still to keep up your d [...]structive tract of Curing. Had it pleased the Om [...]ipotent to have spared the life of that acute Py [...]otechnical Philosopher Doctor Starkey, to whom England is infinitely beholden for his candid communication of Arcana's; yet was his good Genius a little too open to some such supplanters of the Art as your self. Likewise had Doctor Dey survived the Pest, I rest assured we had so inconti­nently clawed away, and so closely pursued the Dis­covery of your Aristotelian, Galenical, and Galeno-Chymical Quirks, Juggles [...] and Tricks, that he must have been forced ere this to have laid down the Cudgels, cried for Quarter, humbly invited us into the Colledg (as you formerly did Doctor Starkey) placing us above the Honorarii (without paying a sum of Money) silence only requested, and [...]hat on Condition you would engage to comply with us in all things. However, let the state of affairs be never so cross, I am fully decreed for my part to extend all my N [...]rves, Membranes, and Fibres for the Vindica­tion of those Physical Verities, which all the Pow­ers of Darkness are not able to destroy. Neither doubt I, but I shall upon the account of this learn­ed Conte [...]t, receive aid and supply from some Learn­ed Men, who have openly declaimed against the fraudulent and truculent Designs of a Company of Self-seeking, Lazie, Tyrannical, Usurping, Erroni­ous Dogmatical Semi-Chymists: yea, I question not but some brave Philanders and Philalethean Spirits, (who as yet live obscure) will, if occasion serve, manifest their zeal for the subversion of these intole­rable Miso-Chymist. Neither is there any fear that the Concernments of the Church of England, the two Universities, and all Artizans, as Hen. St. inti­mates, [Page 45] will hereby be damnified. For I look upo [...] [...] presumptuously Ignorant Aristotelian Physicians who have these many hundreds of ye [...]rs been passive­ly guilty of the Blood of Myriads, through a supine subscription to their Masters Ordinanc [...]s and D [...]crees without Experimental scrutiny into the same; and still persevere to be super-J [...]daically obstinate, in not retracting their transverse Essential Crimes in pra­ctice, respecting the very Life and Soul of Man; when [...]air practical Demonstrations and evident Facts have been tendred to confute them. I say, I am fully per­swaded, th [...]se desperately resolved Anthropoctoni are very scandalous to the Church of England, Men of Religion and good manners. For this Reason (the rest of their Moral Actions being sutable to their Phy­sical Tenents, they are generally reputed no better than Atheists, whereby the most horrid evil exam­ple of these Learned Superiors do infinitely debauch and corrupt the manners of the people. Moreover, I a [...]firm, being taught by multitude o [...] Observa [...]ions, that these Dogmatical Galenists [...], s [...]me whereof do now pretend to Chymistry, yet do persecute it with Vatinian hatred, which is a Paradox, have been no small cause that the Morality of a great part of the English comes much short of the Goodness of the Turks; and that we are more prone to diversity of Opinions in Religion than formerly, because they have exercised such frequent Sanguimissions, and pu­trified the good Juyces by their deletery Purgations, since the S [...]urvy, Venereal Plague, small Pox, Meazels, and many malignant Feavers have reigned among us; for by this means the Vital Spirits being exhausted, the Tone of the Stomach enervated, the Ferments depraved, Indigestion increased, a Disparity in the [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page] [...] [Page 44] strength of parts introduced, the foresaid Diseases get strength, becoming more difficult to cure, and a multitude of Calamities of Body and Mind hatched up; so that poor Mortals and their Posterity suffer a double mischief from the M [...]lady, and the pretended Remedy. Hereupon the Organs or Instruments of the Soul being thus spoiled and deprived of their Ge­nuine use, 'tis impossible that regular Actions should be executed: thence the mind possess [...]d with Me­lancholy, black, discontented thoughts, uncapable to receive truth, becom [...]s froward, peevish, careless of virtu­ous Actions, desperately bent to follow for divertise­ment, a voluptuous sensual life, or to contrive Inno­vations, Heresies, Schisms, and factious Rebellions, and what not?

All things rightly weighed, my Prospect plainly discovers the Nation wants good store of true Phi­losophical Physicians to purifie the Blood, to invi­gorate the Archeus, to corrobate the Stomach: then that exorbitancie in Religion and evil Manners, which an Indirect Method of Curing hath brought upon us, might sooner be rectified. For this Hen. St. is quite mistaken in his thoughts, that a Society of Experi­mentators should at all debauch the world, sith they can best detect the Fountain of those enormous evils which have been perpetrated in Church and State, through the mis-apprehension of crasie Brains, and dislocated fancies; which these [...] in the I [...]trick Science have procured, by overthronging the sound constitution of Blood and Spirits, never to be reform'd but by those Adepti, or the true Sons of Helmont.

Neither are the two Vniversities like to be impair­ed in their splendor by this most satisfactory way of [Page 45] inquiring into the Cause of Natural things, unless they ende [...]vor to k [...]ep us still hood-wink'd, & by Pa­ralogisms, subtil Arguments, deceitful Sophistry to dis­pute us out of Truth, perswading us out of our Senses; proceeding to in [...]use and season tender youth, easily to be seduced, with d [...]structive Princi­ples; which being radicated in them by Custome, E­ducation, and Authority, are very difficultly after­wards unlearnt. In this case they may [...]hank them­selves if Omnipot [...]nt Veri [...]y Eclipse them. Assuredly thus much may be feared, if they do not cast out their Aristotelian Sophismes and Fallacies, and seasonably entertain the Helmontian most veriloqu [...]us Authen­tick Philosophy, that Tiro's or Novices may be bet­ter instructed and initiated in the fund [...]mental Ele­ments of Physiologie, that they may to a purpose im­prove th [...]ir Studies for the preservation of miserable Man. Some will scruple to send their Sons to the A­cademies so erroneously to be disciplined; whereas after they have acquired some co [...]petent knowledge of the Latin and Greek in the common Schools, they will think it better by far to k [...]p them at home to the Reading of Helmont and some other sound Au­thor, who can teach them Re [...]l Entities, not suffer­ing th [...]m to spend their pr [...]tious time about many useless App [...]arances which Univ [...]rsiti [...]s may put them upon. However, for my part, I shall n [...]v [...]r be want­ing to keep up that high Repute and honourable Re­gard due to Universities, so [...]ar as solid active truth will permit; and further (I hope) no Intelligent man will urge me.

Lastly, How Artizans can any way suffer a de­triment by the Genuine Disciples of the Lord Ba­con, I do not at all understand, certainly they must [Page 46] rather be much advanced in their Mechanicks, when many Technical Discoveries shall be made apparent or hinted to them, whereby the most ingenious will be highly pleased to see some Daedalian Artifice [...] brought to light: for, Ars habet neminem inimicu [...] praeter ignorantem; neither need they question, bu [...] the more curious the Inventions are, and of greates [...] Novelty, the more Lucriferous they will be: Quaev [...] Terra alit Artificem; the Handy-craft shall reap the fruit of their Labours, which refined Wits will com­municate, being not born to make a Trade thereof themselves for Lucre.

Indeed I confess the Colledge of Physitians are like to go by the Lee, as long as Pyrasticks flourish, be­cause they will not bear a Chymical Test; therefore they find it best to acquiesce in [...], slighting [...]. They are perswaded Experimentally the old way is the best, to sit in their Chair disputing, scrib­ling Medicines, while others are making them; this sutes best with their Ease, Riches, and Grandeur [...] Away, say they, with these new-fangled-Devices of Questioning by Fact such famous men as we are; whether we kill or Cure; why we Bleed and Purge: 'tis enough we have tried again and again, it will bring in a Fee secundum Artem. But let me tell these Antipirasticks, 'tis a Black Art brought in by an evil Angel, which must ere long, do what they can, return to the place from whence it came: 'tis no wonder if many of those unsound, seemingly expert Dogma­tists, who at first were compelled for their Credit-sake to mix themselves with the soundest of the Lord Bacons Disciples, do now grow cold and indifferent whether they hold on, being conscious to themselves they are not Chymical proof. I wish heartily the [Page 47] Royal Society were totally rid of them; then perhaps the most truly virtuous Legi [...]imate Sons of our No­ble Philosopher would listen to those most essentially fructiferous Experiments of mine against the Miso-Chymists or Pseudo-Chymists Method of Bleeding and Purging: then I should hope the voice of Haematia­sis would be heard, and Doctor Willis should either be forced to answer me Logically and Practically, or his mouth for ever stopped from subtilly pleading, and his Hands bound from wily writing in the be­half of such a lethiferous Operation as Phleboto­my, which according to the matter stated by me, I am ready by Works to testifie before their faces, (without any nice, curious Opticks to behold them) how it damnifies the Life of Man, either sensibly or insensibly, for the present or the Future. I do not a lit­tle admire that those who own themselves followers of our Noble Arch-Explorator, should be so back [...]ward in promoting this Experiment of Anti-Phle­botomy, of general benefit to Mankind, tending to the intimate, solid, profound Cure of Griefs: which Essay if seriously considered, and closely followed, is of such substantial use and excellent validity for the Melioration of Body and Soul, our Divinity and Mo­rality, that I dare positively affirm it may truly be said to super-ponderate a thousand of affected, deli­cate Micrologies, or Periergies. He that puts his hand to the plough, ought not to look back, out of si­nister respects of fear, or over-tender kindness to any party interested therein; but to proceed in matters of greatest moment in Nature, with a Generous, Magnanimous Resolution, to indulge and assert the Truth fervently wheresoever it resides; although it should disoblige never so many Universities and Dog­matical [Page 48] Colledges of Physicians. I have reason to be perswaded that the Great Conditor of all things hath justly suffered this Hen. Stubbe to rail at you, to sugillate and sharply apprehend your more inconsi­derable Experiments, because ye have been hitherto so cold in the pursuit of that practical Verity urged by me, so material, of such high Concernment, to wit, that the G [...]lenical Bleeding is destructive to Na­ture, which I have offered [...], to indicate ab Ac [...]is & Agendis, from what I have, or [...]in atchieve judiciously: It was unhappy ye ever enter­tained any Galenist or Pseudo-Chymist into your Soci­ety; for I doubt not they have been the greatest Re­mora [...]s to the beginning and progress of your better intended D [...]signs, without Prosopolepsie, mutually cu­ring one the other, or sordid partiality. Assuredly it was never the main scope of that Illustrious Person who gave you the Prototype, that puny matters in Physick, which ought to be inquired into Parergôs at more leisurely Opportunities, should take place of Grand weigh [...]y Emoluments, for the safety of Hu­mane Life; without the enjoyment of which, all rare Inventions and Discoveries [...] signifie but little as to make a man happy. Imitate th [...]refore the foot-s [...]eps of your knowing Lord, who hath set you a copy in [...]tant in the detection of the Nature of the Sweating-Sick­ness, how we may acquire an infallible Diagnôs [...]s of the Materi [...]l, Efficient, and Intrinsecal Caus [...]s of all Dise [...]ses; that upon these Fundamental Notions, Physicia [...]s may directly and ad [...]quately begin and con [...]ummate their Cures: then will all pious, honest [...] ingenious, true-hearted Philo-Chymists applaud you, and forthwith joyn with us for the proscription and abolition of this de [...]ilitating [...]anguimission: colliqua­ting [Page 49] delet [...]ry Catharticks, their poor incongruous Cordials, and droslie mixtures. But if you sti [...]l poster­gate and procrastinate to endeavour [...] this most n [...]c [...]ss [...]ry Reformation of this p [...]rnitious practice of th [...] Galenists, for some p [...]culiar interest of some reserved by-ends, you will give advantage to the W [...]l [...]-wishers of your Ent [...]rprises to susp [...]ct what Hen. St. intimates, That your Exp [...]rimental Philosophy was never well model [...]ed, discreetly managed [...] nor Questions of great [...]st concern rightly stated: yea, the most p [...]rspicac [...]ous will be re [...]dy to say, you de­viate and d [...]generate from the int [...]nt and will of your Exp [...]rimental T [...]stator, who doubtl [...]ss in his Ess [...]ys h [...]d a ch [...]ritable end in his [...]ye, principally the relief of Distressed, sick [...]y Mortals; then to Cure whom faith [...]ully and prop [...]rly [...] nothing can b [...] more [...]atisfactory and Divine. When y [...] have once esta­blished this [...], by a cong [...]uous, com­modious, judicious, speedy, sa [...]e, and [...]ff [...]ctual Me­thod suggested to you an [...]optical [...]y, that a man may be [...] his days exhi [...]era [...]ed and pro­longated; Tum vacat exigü [...]s, then you may expatiate your selves in the acq [...] i [...]tio [...] of the Exp [...]rimental knowledge or those pertinents, Ad [...]uncts, Accidents, extraneous Helps w [...]ich may conduce to the addition and advanc [...]ment of his present Happin [...]ss of Health [...] Wherefore I con [...]ure you as you are [...] if ye have any reverence of a Deity, believe y [...]ur Souls Immortal, Honour his Majesty, seek aft [...]r Truth sincere­ly [...] have any Bowels of compassion for your Country and Neighbour, bear any Cordial respect for your [...]ict [...]t [...]r: If you desire to prosper in all your und [...]rt [...]ings [...] and in conclusion to receive a sweet Reward, as the [...]ruit of a [...]l your Labours; Stand up then as it becomes [Page 50] Royal Zealots for the truth, virtuous indeed; behold with an indifferent Eye those Experimental Demon­strations I can produce against Phlebotomie and other indirect Courses of the Miso-Chymists, and Pseudo-Chymists: listen not to those that halt between two O­pinions, Luke-warm Physicians, Semi-Chymists inter­mingled with you, who strive if it be possible to di­vert you from being Spectators of those Instances and Operations which will force you to acknowledg that the means used of Healing is on the one side to be censured impostorious, and insufficient; and on the other to be approved upright, honest, judicious, ef­fectual and Lawful.

For the final decision of our Hypostatical Contro­versies in Physick, I shall try to the utmost whether Hen. St. hath any spark of true Religion in him as he pretends; whether he will make his Faith appear by his works of charity and humility; by declaring he thinketh not scorn to learn that his weak Brother may b [...] restored and confirmed in sanity.

For this end I shall earnestly charge him to accept of those several equal Experimental Exercitations proposed in Galeno-pale and Hoemati: and if he scru­ple to accept, or cavil against those as unreasonable Tryals put upon them, as he alledges in Campan. 22. let him offer to me any other, which just persons shall allow of as Reasonable and determinable by Facts; I shall forthwith entertain them, though it be with disadvantage on my side: yea, I will give great al­lowance to the Opponent for his encouragement, ra­ther than such an eminent Enterprise (wherein th [...] lives of Princes, Nobles, and Plebeians are concerned) should fall to the ground. Let an equal division [...] the miserable sick people of the Hospitals be made; [Page 51] the Phlebotomist shall have the priviledge to take his choice of one partition which he pleaseth, leaving the other to me; let him exert his Method of Curing what possible, I shall do the like as to mine [...] then will it plainly appear upon repeated Explorations and Es­says by w [...]y of this Mysocomie, who in right deserves the Title of Empiricke in a good or bad sense; that is, who kills, and who cures Experimentally, or on whom the opprobrious name of a Quack-salver may be more fitly [...]astned, i. e. one who doth little else but scribble, prate, vaunt, and Quack, but seldom doth, unless by Accident (as many good women) exhibit any proper Salve for the Radical Cure of any dange­rous malignant Sore. Hereby it will be made mani­fest who is the Agyrta, ab [...], one, which jug­gles and cozens their silly credulous patients of their lives and Mony, or ab [...], one who lures the peo­ple together into a Theatre by a pretty plausible Knack, thereby to get applause and practise.

Moreover, I shall proceed, and plainly shew Hen. S. or any of his Fraternity, that B [...]eeding according to the premises tends to the ruinating of Mans H [...]alth, Prosperity and Life; that I dare oppig [...]orate or op­pose twenty to ten of a large sum of Money, to cu [...] without Bleeding a Pleurisie intrinsecally to [...]he [...] in the space of twelve hours, with confidence that the party shall not fear to fall into a Relapse, any long debility, or have a proclivity as before, to be trou [...]l [...] with a calamity of the same Species. I shall also de­monstrate to him the vast difference between Chymi­cal and Galenical, or Pseudo-Chymical Cordials, Alexi­teries, preservatives and restauratives of the Vitals, Eu­stomachicks and Cacostomachicks; the effects of those purging Medicines which purifie the Blood elective­ly [Page 52] with Euphorie, manifest ensuing ease and strength and those which tabefie the wholsome Juyces, carry­ing off good and bad promiscuously, leaving the Bo­dy often in a worse condition, more debilitated than b [...]fore. Besides, I shall discover how the best Reme­dies the Galenists or Pseudo-Chymists enjoy, are bor­rowed from the Protopeirie, or Infantile exercitations of Spagyricks; withal how ignorantly and unjustly they measure and censure the learned Experimental Philosopher, according to those mean pr [...]parations of the lowest Class, which they principally depend up­on; how absurdly, presumptuously they arrogate to themselves the Name of Chymists, yet oppose, de­tract, and abuse the Legitimate Sons of Hermes; like­wise continue Bleeding, Purging, Blist [...]rings, cutting holes impertinenently insignificantly and cruelly in mans skin, quite contrary to the Original rules and stable Axioms of our veriloquous Science.

Lastly, I shall declare the immediate, Primary, Efficient cause of all Diseases, Judicious prediction of their progress, transition, termination, and their direct Medullary s [...]nation, hath hitherto lain hid from the Aristotelian Dogmatists; & that they are either pas­si [...]ely or actively most notoriously ignorant herein. If [...]. St. pretends these matters of so great moment p [...]off [...]ed to be demonstrated upon a penalty to be unreasonable Trials and Impertinencies suggested to them, I must urge him to tell me without the least Collusion or subterfuge, what may be termed a Ra­tional Experiment which may come more home to the purpose. Assur [...]dly I will kiss his hand if he will teach me better things actually; otherwise his impor­tunate garrulity will not at all prevail with me, or any well versed in the Opticks of Pyrotechny, that we [Page 53] would retract those Animadversions arising from our Senses (the organ, Medium, & object being duly modi­fied) or that we should look upon our Medicaments as delusory, which have so many years upon thousands of Subjects proved so faithful: No certainly, it behoves those Guessers in Physick, whose Tongues consult not with the Intellect, regulated by the effects of their Hand, who are by Custome addicted to prescribe and subscribe right or wrong to the Delusion of infinit [...] numbers; such I aver ought to renounce, detest, ab­hor and retract th [...]ir former Delusory ways. To which if now they should at length [...], (hardly otherwise) condescend; there is no man in the world (would be) more ready than my self to promote them as to Iatrical Verities for the succo [...] of miserable Mortals. I confess it is to be lamented that some of excellent parts, rare endowments in o [...]ther things, should be thus deficient in t [...] main [...] salutiferous knowledge of what they profess. It [...] a shame for any to be a Bungler and inexpert in a Tr [...]de or Mechanical Occupation he takes upon him, although perhaps he may boast to be endued with many brave Accompli [...]hments besides. How much more doth he eclipse and depreciate his Worth in o­ther enterprises, who makes it a colour and a cloak to cover his gross inexperience in that Faculty which Princes have esteemed an Honor to own? and wer [...] not this a willful Amathie, a perverse, stiff-necked [...]g­norance it were in some measure to be conni [...]ed or excuse: ‘Ignorare malum est, sed pejus nolle Doceri.’

'Tis this which aggravates their Crime [...] making them uncapable of the least Apology, in that they m [...]y and wi [...]l no [...] learn better things: they ar [...] [Page 54] inwardly perswaded with her in Plautus, Quae lo [...]ue­ris vera sunt, sed ignavia Avariti [...], Libido, & Superbia cogunt sequi Pejora. They are as it were led Captive like so many slaves by their Lust and bewitching sen­sualities, that they chuse spontaneously to make themselves Blind lest they should behold Experimen­tal Truths; thus [...], they follow each other like to like with sweet content. Et mulus mulum scabit; sooth up one another in their resolved pleasing folly, not caring qua e [...]ndum, sed quâ itum [...]st; what may now be learnt in verity, but what hath been taught them by Antiquity. Well,

Rode caper vitem, tamen hinc tu stabis ad Aras.

There may come a day of reckoning which will pay for all. If you still persevere so refractory, either [...]ot to be Ocular witnesses of that direct Chymical method of Curing, which may be represented to your Senses, or not to assign to our Rational Philosophical As [...]ertions [...]gainst Phlebotomy; We shall Petition His Maj [...]sty that we may have right done us herein; that you may either be forced to admit of an Expe­rimental Confutation, or to make an ingenious Con­fession and Recantation of your most dangerous Er­rors in Physick [...] and I hope His Majesty will be so soon pleased to listen to one who hath been a great Sufferer for that Incomparable Prince his Father, and studi [...]s the preservation and prolongation of his own Regal Life; as to those who formerly stood Neuters, to the effusion of Monarchical Blood; indifferent who was Victorious, supposed they might but keep up the Credit of their pernitious practice.


AFter a tedious delay of getting my Papers printed, I had no sooner corrected two Sheets, but there came to my view a Reply made by Doctor Merret to the Postscript of H. Stubbs, shewing his many falsities in matter of Fact. Now this Fact being the Basis or Bottom on which true Chymic [...]l Philosophy is built, I greedily fell to read­ing it, [...]xpecting great matters [...] but Parturiunt mon­tes, nascetur ridiculus mus; instead thereof I found a great deal of wrangling against a Wrangler, but little delivered for the betterment of Mans Health and Life. It was my hopes once that this Declaimer against the Frauds and Abuses committed by Apo­thecaries, pretending that to be a Reason why he de­serts them, would have become absolutely reform­ed himself, made his publick Recantation with con­trition of Soul; abominated his former Actions with dejecti [...]n of Spirit, that he should thus be bewitched to continue in so fraudulent a way for so many years contrary to the dictates of his own Reason, the se­cret checks of his own Conscience, the debasement and demolition of the Noble Science of Physick; to the overthrow and bane of thousands of Lives; sed quanta de spe deoidi, this Dr. Merret is not the man I took him for; for I perceive he is still led by In­terest and Secular Respec [...]s; and so blinded with Ho­nours, Rights, Priviledges, Statutes and Votes of his Soci [...]ty, that he is no more able to behold the Truth [Page 56] with an intent sincere prospect, for the preservation o [...] miserab [...]e Man, than weak [...]yes are ab [...]e fix [...]dly to behold the Sun in a clear day: I am a [...]raid it may be said of him, ‘Qui semel est, semper sumitur esse ma [...]us.’

This supposed Re [...]ormer o [...] the Method of Phy­sick thinks it enough to have lashed the Apothecaries to have proclaim [...]d [...]heir abuses to the World, as if this w [...]re enough to expiate his Crime, and the rest of his Ma [...]e-practical Br [...]thr [...]n [...] endeavouring to make [...]ome silly p [...]ople believe that they had not be [...]n chi [...] Actors of those odious Misdemeanours: th [...]s he thinks to come off fairly, wiping his mouth w [...]h t [...]e W [...]or [...] in th [...] Proverbs, saying, What have I done? laying all the fault and miscarriage in their Art upon their p [...]ocur [...]d Servants: w [...]en in real truth, as Di [...]genes [...]r [...]ck the Father when the Son swore, [...]cause [...]e taught him no better; So ought Doctor M [...]rret and all those Galenical, Pseudo-Chy­mistical Co-partners of his, to do penance for making a [...]rade of Man [...] Life, for p [...]rpetuating th [...]s long a fallacious, and no less pernicious mode or form of practice, never brought to light un [...]l of late years, expresly to be condemned in it self. For I op [...]nly re­p [...]at, that 'tis impossible for any man to di [...]charge his Duty in his Function aright, w [...]o makes not his own Medicines with his own [...]ingers; yea, he ought also (if he can) to take them often into his own Body. Of this I [...]hal hereafter speak more at large, if God spare my life, to put [...]orth practical Observations in Latine, that the world may the better understand the veritie of these things.

Obsequium Amicos veritas odium parit.

I took Mr. Stubbe for one of the greatest Enemies [Page 57] of Physical Truth but now I am perswaded you out­vie him according to your own Confession, as ap­pears by the words, pag. 11. of the Reply: I have acted also many y [...]ars together, for what he hopes [...]or. In pag. 21. That Physitians would consider their Common Interest in opposition to the Thomsons.

Now have I good grounds to believe that such a s [...]y stickler as your self for the Good Old Cause, might be the Father of that Spurious Brat Agyrto-M [...]stix, which Iohnson your Pseudo-Chymist did own, and publish against me, [...]ull of Scur [...]ilities and falsi­ties. I wond [...]r with what face you can declare your self a Chymi [...]t, an Experimentator, one of the Lord Bacons Disciples, and thus oppose me so scornfully and unfaithfu [...]ly; either you your self giving me (less de­serving than any of your Colledge) this term of a Mountebanck, Empirick, &c. or countenancing, a­b [...]tting, wilfully conniving at, and encouraging any one who shall fasten such dirty Language upon me. It is i [...]possible that you should be a candid Spagyri­cal Philosopher, and hate the ways of direct Healing, which I'll engage to indicate to you. Can you be one of the Legitimate Off-spring of the Lord Ba­con, and thus incon [...]inently p [...]rsist to let out the Vi­tal Blood, d [...]p [...]ving the Pati [...]nt of his strength, which alone can cure him? also magnifying Doctor Wil [...]is, against whose destructive Course of Sangui­mission I have written; offering to make good the Ration thereof by Operation and Demonstration: for all this Petrus dormit securus, ye rest your selves satisfied, soothing one another up in the delusory E­vent and favour of Great Ones, on whom ye impose by your Authority of Learning, most notorious un­truths, [Page 58] to the loss of the lives of the most Illustrious in the Nation.

Ye fraudulently and craftily make the World be­lieve you slight or scorn to answer me, but re vera, you are not able to make any solid veridical Reply, that may be satisfactory to any sober, upright, scru­pulous Inquirer into the Reason and Effects of Phle­botomie. You say in p. 31 of the Reply, Physicians dayly do, and lawfully may speak in general, that such a man was killed by such an Apothecary by not letting him Blood. But I will prove it by Fact, that such a Physi­cian wrongs the Apothecary, and unlawfully charges him with Homicide for omitting that which you putting in ex [...]cution make your selves guilty. Where­fore i [...] the Magistrate would be pleased to under­stand the sad products of this Bleed [...]ng, ye ought according to Law, if ye obstinately go on in your le­thiferous courses, to be dis-enfranchised, & in stead of a superficial Phlebo [...]omical company of unlawful de [...]troyers of Mankind, a substantial, Philosophical, iustly Chymical Society to be advanced. And it had ere this been brought to pass, had not some cra [...]ty Prevaricators belonging to you, and scandalous illi­terate fellows intruding themselves among us, be­trayed that enterprize; which I believe a Learned Helmon [...]ian Spagyrist will in despight of all your under-ground dealings attain, and make evident the Thomsons which you zealously and knowingly op­pose (which heightens your iniquity) are able in their Art to do more than all the Merr [...]ts in Europe. Nei­ther do they fear your prosecution (as you proudly relate) although out of superlative malice you im­plicitly rank me among the Odowds and Triggs, the [Page 59] last whereof I have reason to believe did more posi­tive good in one Month (for I desire to give the devil his due) than you and all your Phlebotomical fellows did in a whole year. Moreover, the Thomsons deride your boasting in Compounding Medicaments better than the whole Company of Apothecaries; sith you are very ignorant of the Ar [...]ana of Paracelsus & Hel­mont, as is manifest by your Actions; otherwise you are a most notorious counterfeit. As for your ME­THOD, which you say you understand; I am rea­dy to make it appear tedious and impostorious, there­fore not to be insisted upon. To [...]ching the stating a Case in your Science, I know you are very expert ther [...]in, being a cunning Sophister [...] but we must tell you, your Fundamentals are rotten, and in this Case, uno absurdo dato, mille consequuntur. As for your De­grees and admission into the Colledge twenty years ago; also their chusing you Censor to read publick A­natomy with applause, are nothing significant, un­less you w [...]re more sound in the Phi [...]osop [...]ical Prin­ciples, and could arrive to the degree of Curing with­out Bleeding, which is absolutely inconsistent with a Physician throughly acquainted with his Art. Now because you and your Co-partners glory in the knowledge of Anatomy, I would that Ingenious men take noiice that I have Reason to speak something for my self, being as well versed therein as most of you; yea, I have performed one of the most remark­able Operations in Europe, i. e. Splenotomy: the compleat Experiment of cutting the Spleen out of a Dog, whose life afterward was prolonged to a­bove two years; then loosing it by accident. Ha­ving accomplished this Anatomical Manufacture, I addressed my self to Doctor Harvey, who was ex­ceedingly [Page 60] a [...]fected with the novelty of the Experi­ment; I also communicated the manner of the Dis­section and Accidents coming upon it to a noted va­pouring Anatomist among you, who at first admi­ring and commending the fact, putting me to the trouble to bring the Dog up to London, ploughed in the interim with my H [...]ifer, congregating some of the Chirurgions (who, as I was told, would have laid an hundred pounds it could not be done) and working according to my directions, made an exection of the Spleen; so that before I returned to London (about a Moneth after the Relation) a Dog called Asplenos was running up and down his house. The Marquess of Dorchester, who sent to me to meet him in Greys-Inn-Garden, that he might confer with me about the matter, can testifie that I was the first who made this Experimental Dissection to a pur­pose. To confirm it the more, Squire Boyl offered to give (as Docto [...] Currer told me) five pounds for the Dog; but was forthwith taken off by your Splene­tick aemulation. Doctor Tern likewise requested me that he might enjoy the use of my Asplenical Dog, and the two Cholick stones (which Doctor Harvey [...]eheld with admiration, urging me to repose them in his new built Fabrick, that he might expose them to publick view in the Anatomical Theatre: which I granted, on condition he would do me right; but this design was quickly laid aside and quashed, after he had consulted with his Collegues, lest I should get too much Credit and Practice by this Agyrtising mode. I hope all this is sufficient to prove that I was the first Author of this Splenotomical Transa­ction; although like a Company of unworthy Pla­giaries ye have usurped the Honor and Repute of this [Page 61] rare Experiment, endeavoring to rob me thereof. Well, see [...]ng you b [...]ag and vaunt, I know not why I should not be a little vain: 'twas one of these Thomsons which you so lightly set by, who Dissected a Pestilential Body, with strict Insp [...]ction and Obser­vation, having written a Treatise thereof for present and future bene [...]it, when such an Hectoring person as your self, and most of your Sociates, like so many Cowards ran away in times of greatest necessity; for which you ought to be animadverted: yea, those that ta [...]ried had as good have been absent, they did their business so negligently for fa [...]ions sake, with­out any true-hearted zeal for their Countrey. Indeed this was no more than what I pr [...]dicted in Galeno­pale: certainly these and many more circumstances considered, they who have any insight into the In­trinsecal worth of things, cannot but judge the Thom­sons capable to merit as well, if not better than ou [...] pragmatical self-conceited Merrets, who make a great noise, but act little to Noble ends.

I understand by your words pag. 39. that you are one of the great promoters and Indulgers of some Papers written 1664. It is likely you might have a finger in the Pye, for you are a busie-body, and prae­cipitate to condemn & vilifie all that cross your own Interest; so that I cannot think but you prompted the Author sometimes, as in pag. 32. where ye most scurrilously and vilely inveigh against Geber, Lully, Paracelsus, Helmont, those brave Souls, to whom you deserve not to be laborers. In those papers, like Momes and Zoils, ye carp and cavil at the terms of those Phi­losophers, which your un-intelligent Heads, and un-experienced Hands were never yet capable to appre­hend. But what pitiful Stories are those, how shame­lesly [Page 62] absurd are ye, to rail at and impeach those Phi­losophers, quarrelling about their Words, and yet re­fuse Experimental Explanations of their meaning by Facts oftentimes tendred to you by their Disci­ples.

To contract all to a period, sith you have underta­ken to oppose the Thomsons, the Thomsons are re­solved to oppose you and all your adherents; neither do they value you a rush, supposed they may have fair play: as for your Gun-powder-plots and secret un­d [...]rminings to blow us up, we shall be as wary of you as possible. However, other magnanimous Philoso­phers will presently succeed us by vertue of the pow­erful Magick of Omnipotent Truth.

Pretend not then this or that poor beggarly shift or excuse, but accept of (as you profess your self an Experimentator) what one of the Thompsons hath proposed to Hen. St. or Doctor Willis; otherwise of­fer him any equal Experiments tending to the de­termination of our Physical Controversies, for the upright Radical Cure of Man. And doubt not but I will forthwith embrace them. In the mean time I shall studie to debar your back-biting, undervaluing, close slanders, detraction, and debasement of my Me­dicines, without suffering me to shew the Innocence and efficacie thereof, as one of your Galenical Col­leagues, a sly cunning Gamester at winning and un­dervaluing whom he pleases, did very lately put in execution against my Stomachical Essence, whom I may in good time take to task; as likewise a spruce Finical Gentleman of yours, whose skull being fairly [...] adorned without, is [...]tuffed full within with Italian Stories, applause of his Travels, with a noise of his great Patients, his Chymical Notions, how he breaks [Page 63] Glasses; yet I will maintain he is not able to conso­lidate a Cut-finger as he ought, although me thinks he should have some knowledge herein Iure Haeredi­tario.

Besides this, I may have leisure to examine the Im­pertinencies, scomma's, falsities, and malignities of C. T. his Papers, when I am fully satisfi [...]d who the Author is, for therein lies couched a notable Story.

Lastly, one of these Thompsons will have at your Iuncto, that Conclave where most of the Mischief against poor Innocent Philosophical Chymists are hatched. I must now desist, although my fingers itch to make a further Discovery of your frauds and abu­ses in Physick. But be assured there are those who are resolved to vindicate Paracelsian and Helmontian Chymistry from your bespattering Invectives: yet I shall give this Advertisement to our Opposers, if they become Converts, rejecting this Sanguimission, so Hostile to the Welfare of our Lives, as I shall de­monstrate, withal forbear for the future to abuse or vilifie Helmont and his Genuine Disciples, we shall be ready to comply with them in all Heroick Enter­prises: If otherwise, let them take what follows.

From my House in Dukes-place nigh Aldgate.

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