The humble desires of the Commissioners of your MAIESTIES Kingdome of
WEE Your Majesties humble and faithfull Subjects, Considering that the mutuall relation betwixt Your Majesties Kingdomes of Scotland and England, is such as they must stand or fall together, and the disturbance of the one must needs disquiet and distemper the peace of the other, as hath been often acknowledged by them both, and especially in the late Treaty, which is ratified in Parliament, and confirmed by the publique such of the Estates of Your Majesties ancient and native Kingdome of Scotland. [...] to maintain the peace and liberties of one another, being highly concerned therein, as the assured meanes of the safety and preservation of their awne. And finding our selves warranted and obliged by all means to labour to keep a right understanding betwixt your Majesty and your people, to confirme that brotherly affection begun betwixt the two Nations, to advance their unitie by all such wayes, as may tend to the glory of God, and peace of the Church and State of both Kingdomes. And likewise to proffer our service for the removing all [...] and mistakings which may arise betwixt your Majesty and this Kingdome, and our best endeavours for the better establishment of the affaires and quiet of the same, That both your Majesties Kingdomes of Scotland, and England, may be united in the enjoying of their liberties in peace under your Majesties Scepter, which is the most assured foundation of your Majesties honour and greatnesse, and of the securitie of your Royall Person, Crowne, and Dignitie. Wee have taken the boldnesse to shew to your Majesty, that wee are heartily sorry, and grieved to behold these distractions, which increase daily betwixt your Majesty and your people, and which, wee conceive, are entertained by the wicked plotts and practises of PAPISTS, PRELATES, and their adherents; whose ayme in all these troubles has been not onely to prevent all further reformation but also to subvert the purity and truth of Religion within all your Majesties Kingdomes; for which end their constant endeavours have been to stirre up divisions betwixt your Majesty and your people, by their questioning the authoritie of Parliaments, and the lawfull liberties of the Subjects, and really weakning your Majesties power and authoritie royall, upon pretence of extending the same. Whereof by Gods providence being disappointed in your Majesties Kingdome of Scotland; They have now converted their mischievous counsells, conspiracies, and attempts, to produce these distempers in your Majesties Kingdomes of England and Ireland. And therefore according to our duty to your Majesty, to testifie our brotherly affection to this Kingdome, and acquit our selves of the trust imposed upon us; Wee doe make offer of our humble endeavours for Composing of these differences, And to that purpose doe beseech your Majestie in these extremities, to have recourse to the sound and faithfull advice of the Honourable Houses of Parliament, and to repose thereupon as the onely assured and happy meanes, to establish the prosperitie and quiet of this Kingdome, and in the depth of your Royall Wisdome, to consider, and prevent these apprehensions of feare, which may possesse the hearts of your Majesties Subjects in your other Kingdomes, if they shall conceive the authoritie of Parliaments, and the Rights and Liberties of the Subject to be here called in question. And wee are confident, if your Majesty shall be graciously pleased to take in good part, and give care to these our faithfull and humble desires, that the successe of your Majesties affaires, (howsoever now perplexed) shall be happy to your Majesty, and joyfull to all your people. Over whom, that your Majesty may long and prosperously raigne, is the constant and fervent prayer of us your Majesties faithfull Subjects and servants.