[Page] [Page] A CHRISTIAN WOMANS Experiences of the glo­rious working of Gods free grace.

Published for the Edification of others, by KATHERINE SUTTON.

Luk. 24: 24. And they found it even so, as the VVomen had said.


AT ROTTERDAM, Printed by HENRY GODDAEUS, Printer in the Newstreet, Anno 1663.


WHEN our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST had fed many with a few Loves, he commanded his Disciples to gather up the Fragments, that nothing he lost, Iohn. 6. 12. And when God was pleased to poure out of his Spirit upon some of his faithful Servants in our Generation, he had also some of his Hand­maides, who gathered up the Crumes of that spiritual Bread, which the Lord blessed and di­stributed among his Disciples: Of which Number this holy Marron was one. Now there are three Arguments where by it may appear, that God would not have these Fragments (which she hath gathered into her Basket) to be lost, viz. First, Because, God made them (by his Bl [...]ssing) food to her soul in the gathering, and receiving them into her own heart, and also to the soules of several young Virgins in her family, unto whom the Lord made some of these Crumes the bead of eternal Life. Secondly, Because when she had lost the manuscript (where in these and many other of her Experiences were written) in a sea storme wherein she suff [...]ed Shipwrack, yet God, who preserved her life, did also preserve these [...]xperiences in her heart, where it seemeth they were written, not with ink but by his ho­ly Spirit. Thirdly, Because she bei [...]g presled in Spirit to Communicate them more publikely, the Spirit of the Lord did bring them ag [...]in to her remembrance, and she hath been made wil­ling to publish them as her Testimony and witness of the free grace, and fresh Anoyntings of the Lords Spirit, whom he hath promised to poure forth upon his servants, and Hand­maides in the last dayes, Ioel 2: 28, 29, 31, 32. Now for as much as this little Book is pre­sented to thee, CHRISTIAN READER, as a Basket full of Fragments, be not offended with the broakenness of any matter, which thou mayest meet with in the Reading thereof: considering, that God, who hath made them a blessing to others, may bless them un­to thee. Thou mayest take notice of three Things in this little Book, which I judge wo [...]thy of every Christians observation, to wit, first, Her extraordinary Teachings of God by his holy Spirit and Word, when she could not enjoy the ordinary means of his own ap­pointments. This godly Woman (after God hath begun the good work of grace in her soul) would not loose any opportunity she could get either in publicke or private for her p [...]ecious so [...]l, but would often break thorrow some difficulties and, endure some hard, hips to enjoy such opportunities; and this she did at that time, when many professors sleighted and neglected (Ogr [...]evous Sin! yea contemned the Ministry of the word. Now obs [...]rve, That a [...] she followed the Lord, and waited upon him in the use of the means of Grace, when she could enjoy it, so the Lord was pleased (of the exceeding Riches of his free Grace) not onely to so her soul good by his p [...]esence and power therein: But also (when she could n [...]t [...]njoy the ( [...] meme [...] of grace) the Lord waited to be graciou [...] unto her soul, and followed her with the [...] teachings of his holy Spirit, and word, as she hath wit­nessed in many particulars in this her Book. And if thy experience, COURTEOUS READER, cannot seal unto the Testimony, that she gives of those Spiritual Teachings: Yet do not st [...]mble at them, do not judge her, for she hath received an Unction from the [Page] holy One, and is taught of God. In the Reading of her Book, thou wilt meet with some suddain and unexspected Transition from one thing to another, (and thou mayest think it to be some what abruptly) yet Censure not too rashly, but rather consider, that even this also may, yea doth hold some proportion unto the course of Heaven and Heaven­ly communications. The Husbandman will not wonder to see showers and shinings, bright and dark Clouds succeed each other, knowing that the Rain which comes from Heaven hath its seasons and its measure too. Will the Marriner marvel to see the seas swell and rage in a great storme, or admire the stil [...]ness and smoothness of the deep watters in a great calme. Or will any who liv supon the sea coast think the frequent Ebbing & flowing of the tyde a strange thing. Neither will any experienced Christian marvel at the suddain Ebbing and flowing of joyes, and sorrowes in the hearts of Saints. The operations and Admini­strations of the Spirit are various, 1. Cor. 12: 4, 5, 6, 7. Some times the Spirit is poured out upon the soules of Believers (as floods upon the dry ground) And those spiritual showers and shinings do make a spring of Grace in the wilderness of their hearts. Where of the Lord hath spoaken by his Prophets. Isa. 51: 3. and 44: 3, 4. and 32: 15, 16, 17. Ier. 31: v. 12. But at other time the glory of the Saints comforts, joyes, and light is so cloud­ed, and eclipsed, that they are under great desertions, Isa. 54: vers. 7, 8, 11. Yea and may for some time walk in dakness and have no light, Isa. 50: 10. Secondly, Another thing I judge worthy the Readers observation in this Book, is this Christian womans Expe­rience of the presence and power of God, accompanying her consciencious endeavours to do good unto the souls of others both in her own family especially, and also in some other fami­lies, where she so journed some time. I mention not this for her praise, who desires that God alone may have all the Glory of whatsoever he hath done for her or by her; (she needs no Epist [...]es of Commendation from men) But seeing her Experiences are made so publicke, my hearts desire is, that Parents and Governours of families would follow her Example therein: Endeavouring (as she did) the Conversion and sanctification of them, whom God had com­mitted to their charge, by Instructions, councel, and reproose, which she administred, with so much love, wisdome, zeal, and tenter heart [...]dness, that they proved by Gods blessing an effectual means of the conversion of many, some of whom are yet living witnesses of the truth hereof, and also of many other her Experiences related in this her Book. She was not onely a Governesse, but (as it were) a Prophetess in her family, for she prayed con­stantly with her children and Maidens, she also read the holy Scriptures daily unto them, and so spake from them, that many of them, who heard her (in her family duties) be­lieved and turned to the Lord. She opened her mouth with wisdome, and in her tongue was the Law of kindness, a Solomon spake of the virtuous woman, Pro. 31: 26, 27, 28, 29. She did so Chatechise the young children, and instruct the elder maidens, that they all learned to know, and many of them to do their duty to God and man. Thirdly, there is yet one thing more, which I would have thee, Courteous Reader, to ponder in thy heart, to vvit, the gift of singing spiritual Songs and Hymnes, whih she pr [...]sents thee with some instances of in her Book, here and there occasionally touching, which Administration I am willing for thy [...]dification to say: 1. That singing of Psalmes, Hymnes, and Spiritual Songs (b [...]ing an Ordinance of Gods vvorship) ought to be performed by a gift, and the assi­stance of the Spirit, as well as prayer 1. Cor. 14: 12, 15. What is it then? I vvill pray vvith the Spirit, &c. I vvilising vvith the Spirit, &c. Now as to take a book and r [...]ad a prayer out of it, or to say a prayer without the Book, is not to pray in the Spirit, so to read a Psalme in a Book, and sing it, or to sing the same Psalme without the Book is [Page] not to sing in the Spirit: If the singing of Psalmes be a part of Gods worship (as doubtless it is) then it ought to be performed by assistance of the spirit, for the true worshippers ought to worship God in spirit and truth, John. 4: 23, 24. 2. That Christians ought to sing Spi­ritual Songs and Hymnes, as well as Psalmes, unto the Lord; And that with grace in their hearts, Col. 3: 16. for the melody (which the Lord loveth) i [...] in the heart, rather then in the voyce, Eph. 5: 19. 3. They who performe this part of Gods worship, whe­ther they speak unto themselves in private, or unto others more publickly, ought to have the word of Christ, to dwell richly in them, yea and to be filled with the Spirit, as the Apo­stle testifieth, Ephes. 5: vers 17, 18, 19, 20▪ and Coloss. 3: vers 16. I have known some other Godly and gracious Christians (besides this grave and holy Matron) who have this gift of Singing: and I my self have some experience of this kinde of Anoynt­ing of the Spirit of praise, which will (I hope) ere long be powred forth upon the sons and daughters of Zion. And then they will praise Jehovah, singing to the Lord a new Song, and his praise in the Congregation of Saints, as is prophesied, Psal. 149: 1, 2, 5. and Isai. 51: 11. and 52: 1, 8. &c. The holy Spirit can dictate the Matter, yea and words of praise and singing, as well as the matter and words of prayer: And why may not the Lord assist a poor gracious humble soul to sing in the Spirit, as well as to pray in the Spirit: seeing there nothing too hard for God, to do? It was by many (and is still by some) denyed, that there is any such thing as a Spiritual gift of prayer, save onely that vvhich is acquired. And yet the gracious experience of many Godly persons doth testi­fy that there is such a gift of the Spirit, called a spirit of supplication, which is powred forth upon the Lords people. And although many nay most Godly Christians do not believe there is any such Spiritual gift of [...]nging as I have here intimated, yet some few poor gra­cious humble soules have good Experience, that there is sometimes a measure of the holy Spirit powred upon them, where by they are so filled with the Spirit, that they break forth into singing: Pray therefore that thou mayest sing, and praise the Lord, when the Redeem­ed of the Lord shall return and come with singing to Zion, Isa. 51: 11. And the Children of Zion be joyful in their King. Psal. 149: 1. Unto whom be glory and dominion for ever, AMEN. So prayeth he, who waiteth for his Kingdome and Coming.



PAg. 1. Line 8, 9. read forbearance; line 16. r. sinned; l. 19. r. petty. Pag. 3. line. 1. r. I was stirred; line. 3. 4. r. to me towards Heaven; Pag. 4. l. 7. r. stumblest; Pag. 6. l. 1. r. heed; Pag. 7. l. 6. r. Christening; Pag. 8. l. 25. 26. r. unbelief: Pag. 9. l. 12. read renewings.

These and some other litteral mistakes the Reader is desired to mend in the perusal of this Book.

Christian Womans expe­riences of the glorious working of Gods free Grace.

I Had once hard thoughts of the people of God, yet being on a time perswaded to go to hear them, I went though not out of lo­ve to them, but to vvatch vvhat I could observe; and being then over perswaded against them, and the Ministers Text (that then preacht) was Rom. 2: 4, 5, 6. or Dispi­sest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbea­cance, and long suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee unto repentan­ce; but after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up to thy self wrath against the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous Judgment of God, who will render to every man according to his deeds.

Verily at this opportunity the dread of God did much smite upon my heart, that I had so long sinnend against his patience and goodnesz. He had this passage, that the sword of the Lord hung as in a twine threed, to cut of all pitty swearers; and I having been one that durst not swear great oathes, (but small ones I was addicted to) I thought it met with my particular condition: Then had I little acquaintance with any that feared the Lord; unless it were one family, and they were much afraid of me for a season, because I had been so vain.

Then was I cast upon the Lord alone, who did much support mee by his grace, blessed be his name; yet the very first night after he began to work upon my heart, I fell under this temptation, that I should not eat any more, but rather die, and then I should cease from sinning against the Lords goodness; I then cast away my prayer-book, for it did not [Page 2] reach my necessities, and I cried unto the Lord alone to teach mee to pray; Then did I endeavour to keep close to the best teaching mi­nistery I could find; I was very ignorant, yet did search the Scriptures dili­gently: but found them very dark to mee, I dayly saw a more clear disco­very of my sinful nature, and then began to be sorely perplexed with feavs that I could not be a child of God, because I knew not how to get victory over my sin, and though I used all meanes I could, yet my corruptions would sometimes break forth, which made mee often times ready to dispa­re, and to cast of all.

But one day amongst the rest the Lord made mee resolve, though he kild mee, yet I would trust in him; he made mee also desire of him that if he would not save mee, yet that he would not let mee go back again into sin (for the sence of Gods goodness was much upon my heart.)

Then in several Sermons God was pleased to speak peace to my poor soul, yet after through the violence of temptations, I often questioned my condition; sometimes I was tempted to murder my self, sometimes to star­ve my self; yet the Lord upheld mee, for I could not make my case known to any but God for the space of two years, all which season I was won­derfully kept by the power of God alone. In this time was I called by my friends into a darck corner of the land full of ignorance, yet I was sorely troubled, especially when I was overtaken with any sin, still I fell down be­for [...] [...]he Lord bewailing my sins; then did the Lord give mee much com­fort from this place of Scripture. Jer. 31: 20. Is Ephraim my dear son is he a pleasant child, for since I spake against him, I do earnestly remember him still: therefore my bowels are troubled for him; I will surely have mercy upon him. saith the Lord.

Now in the place where I was were many Papists, and they much en­deavoured to have mee of their judgment: But God kept mee in a thirst­ing frame of spirit after the preaching of the word, and often cast in my mind, that I should, Matt. 6: 33. First seek the Kingdom of God, and the righteousness thereof, and all other things should be added.

Wee had in that place a bad Minister, but to God I made my suppli­cation, and used what means I could to obtain a better, and God was pleased to answer my desires, and sent a better to that very place, who remained there the time that I stayed,. under whose honnest teachings I often met with sweet refreshing.

[Page 3] Then was stirred up by my friends to change my condition, to be married to an husband; upon which I did earnestly begg of God that I might have one that did fear the Lord, that he might be a furtherance to heaven, and indeed so hee was. For I married with a man that was much in practical diuties, yet some difference there was in our judgments, which often caused no small trouble in my spirit: but it had this effect, it caused mee to cry to God, and to search the Scriptures, so much the more, using all means for a [...]ight understanding in the things and wayes of God, and it became helpful to mee. And in this time of my earnest seeking of God alone, he was pleased to discover to mee by dreames and visions of the night, the uggliness of sin in a far greater manner then ever I saw it before: and in dreams brought many Scriptures to mind that did answer some questions, and satisfy some doubts, that were in my heart: and so did cause darkness to become light before mee at that time: and this did the Lord do in the absence of other meanes, soon after I gained information where the word was powerfully preached: but it being something far from mee, I had some difficulty to get to it; yet it being (through grace) more to mee then my ordinary food: I keept close to opportunities of the word there preached; which in an especial manner God was pleased to make very useful unto mee. And I injoying often many sweet tasts of the presence of God in his ordinances, was carried out through all weathers to wait upon him; and this I can truely say from real experience that the worst wheather I went through the more of God, I met within his ordinances, I remember one very wet day, I had much comfort from these words; (let this incourage others,) Joh. 1: 2, 3. Now are wee the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall bee: And after­wards while my meditations were something upon Hebrews 6: 5, 6. I was much stirred up to mind, how far an Hypocrite might go in Religion: And I began to consider, whether or no I had gone any further then such a one might go, for I saw plainly that a person might go very far, and yet be in a sad state, though they may be [...]nlightened and tast of the heaven­ly gist, and be partakers of the holy Spirit, yea and tast of the good word, and also hear the best Preachers gladly, as Herod did Iohn the Baptist, and as Agrippa did Paul, and yet be but almost a Christian.

Then I being at a Sermon, the words of the Text were: Marc. 6: vers 20. And he did many things: That Minister then shewed, that an Hy­pocrite or a reprobate might do many things: but yet a true child of God [Page 4] can do more; he named two things in which a child of God goeth beyond an Hypocrite.

First, that he doth as much desire to be holy as happy.

2. That he doth as earnestly fet himself against all sin as some.

Then was I exceedingly taken up in my thoughts about this thing; but being carried out to seek the Lord earnestly, he was pleased to give in this answer; Thou tumblest so much at the stone of assurance that thou forgetest to build, then did God let me see that the foundation and top­stone is Jesus Christ, and that I must cease from my own workes, and take Christ upon his own termes, and then entred I into some rest.

Oh, what a knotty piece was I to work upon! for until he put forth his mighty power I could not believe; and I found nothing stronger then free grace to stricke at the root of my sin.

Also on another snowy day I going many miles to hear, I was re­freshed much from these words, 2 Cor. 12: 9. My grace is sufficient for thee.

And on another day from these words: Luke 10: 20. But rather rejoyce, because your names are written in heaven. And another time aboundance of comfort from that Scripture: 1 Cor. 2: 9. Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard nei­ther, hath it entred into the heart of man, to conceive the things which God hath pre­pared for them that love him. It was a very sore day when I went to this op­portunity and a very bitter Journey I had, but God made it exceeding sweet unto mee.

Also I had a very great fit of a feaver, by reason of the trouble of con­science I was under; and in the time of that great feaver, the Lord was pleased to set that Scripture upon my heart: Rev. 22: 17. The Spirit and the bride said comm, and let him that heareth say, come; and let him that is a thirst come; and whosoever will, let him come, and take of the watters of Life freely: Which did administer so much comfort & refreshing to mee from a sence of the freeness of Gods grace, being set upon my heart, with so much power of the Spirit that I was (contrary to the Judgement of Physicians) soon raised to my health again. For indeed I had at that time been ex­ceedingly troubled in my spirit about my sins, which I had been looking back upon; for I had made a Catalogue of them, and spread them before the Lord for pardon: But thinking them to be so many, that God would not pardon them; I did much desire I might die, and go out of the bo­dy, and not live any Longer in it, to encrease mine iniquities. And [Page 5] although at this time a good Minister did endeavour to comfort mee, yet I put comfort from mee, and said, it did not belong to mee till the God of all grace was pleased to give it in by the power of his Spirit, as besore mentioned, and then after our good God had given mee a tast of the ri­ches of his pardonning love and grace in Christ Jesus: I was also car­ried out to pitty others, and begge that God would let them also tast of the same; and a particular person was set upon my heart to begge of God for, and in a short time the Lord was pleased to answer my desire in wor­king a work of grace in that soul.

Then I was called by providence to remove into a dark family, where I had lived some time beofore; and I then finding much opposition against mee, was not willing to go thither again, but set my self to pray, not that I might be willing to submit to the will of God, but that I might not remove into that family, though had I then understood it, my call was clear enough, being earnestly desired there unto by my husband, and invited by the family, who now professed they could not be without mee, though (when I was there before) they did not affect mee well, being lofty, and could not bear such admonitions that sometime letting fall among them, but upon the importunity of my husband and this fa­mily; I then at length set my self to seek the Lord, that my heart might be made to submit to his will, what ever it were; and that if I did go, I might some way or other be useful to him in that place. Now that which made mee so unwilling to go unto that family, was because of the oppo­sition, that I had met with before in the wayes of God, and then a want of the means, both of preaching the word and fellowship with the Saints.

But upon my earnest seeking, to know the mind of God, and to be brought to submit unto it, my heart was soon made willing to go, which accordingly I did; and I had not been long there before, it pleased the Lord to worke upon one of the family (to my great comfort and re­freshing) who was one that I looked upon as unlike as any in the fa­mily.

Also the Lord was pleased by death to take away a child from mee, which was to my casting down, and for some time I was under a cloud, and questioned whither I were a child of God? and whither my child were saved? In that time a good man laboured to comfort mee, telling mee before, the Lord gave mee a son, he gave mee his own son; Oh, said I, that I could see that! [Page 6] why said hee, if you will see that, take head of a cursting law, a slan­dring devil, and an accusing conscience; all which the Lord hath delive­red you from, and therefore now wait upon the Lord I am confident the Lord will appear in this thing.

And the Lord was pleased after seeking of him, to set it upon my heart, that that child was well with him, and that he had such another mercy for mee on earth, which he gave mee faith in, notwithstanding great oppositions against at that present: yet after some half a years waiting upon the Lord I was assured of it.

A fit of desertion.

After this the God of comfort was pleased to withdraw and leave mee in a deserted condition, which I found to be very sad, and I was very much perplexed in my spirit, but could not speak of it unto any: But going to hear a Sermon, the Minister was upon that Text: Lord forsake mee not utterly (that is to say) not overlong least the spirit should fail before thee: hee then shewed what desertion was; and why God doth sometime seem to leave his own people.

Because (said he) throug some pride, they thougt they could walk alone, and so neglected their watch, then God hide his face, that they might see their own insufficiency: and know that all their peace, strength and comfort is in and from him: And this (through mercy) was a great help unto mee at that time.

Further, while I was under that ministry, God was pleased to convin­ce mee of the falsness of their Worship, which in that place then was used, and having an opportunity to go with others to the communion (as they call it) I could not kneell as the rest did, but sat down as if I had kneeled; and as I there sat, it came upon my heart to think thus (as if it had been spoken to mee) why dissemblest thou a worship before the Lord, hee that commands thee to kneel there, may as well command thee to kneel at an Altar, (although at that time there was nothing known of setting up of Altars) which thing I made known to that Minister, and did warn him that if Altars should be set up, that he would not (for filthy lucre sake kneell at them himself, nor compel others so to do: But he told mee he could not believe any such thing should be: but if it should bee so he promised [Page 7] mee he would not conform to them. But in a short time after he found il too true, for Altarts were reared up, and he poor man (contrary to his promise) did comform himself in that thing, and compelled others so to do: but the first time he did so, it pleased the Lord to smite him with a sore languishing disease, that he went out no more.

Soon after I was at the Christenig of a child (as they call it) at which time God was pleased to convince mee of the evil and falseness of that piece of Worship also.

Then was there in the nation a publique fast proclamed, and by mans invention there was a form of prayer made and appointed to bo read in e­very assembly that fast-day, & this was a third conviction that I had about their formal outside way of worship; I had then an opportunity to come into one of those assemblies that fast-day while that prayer was reading, at which present this thought came strongly upon mee: Is this a wor­ship in spirit and truth which thy soul (when it is upon the wing with God) cannot joyn with all; for I could not joyn with the words then read in that formost prayer.

Upon which I even melted in my spirit, and fell into shedding of tears, resolving to seperate from, and come no more to joyn in such a way of worship until I had very diligently searched into the true way of Gods worship, as it is written in his blessed word; and in order there unto I made use of all the best books I could get, that were then published to that purpose, and also called in the help of many Godly Ministers of several judgment: but when all this was done I was still unsatisfied in that behalf: And then did I cry unto the Lord to teach mee, and it was by the Lord set upon my heart, that I must not do any thing in the way of his worship but what I had ground for in his holy word; & that Gods Servants were al­wayes to observe his pattern in all that they do to him, and that Scripture was much set upon my heart. Rev. 22. vers 18, 19. For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophesy of this book, if any man shall adde unto these things, God shall adde unto him the plagues that are written in this book; and if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this Prophesy, God shall take away his part out of the Book of life, and out of the holy Citty, and from the things which are writ­ten in this book: well still I was put upon it to continue seeking the King­dom of God and the righteousness thereof, and the promise that all other t [...]ingt should be added unto mee.

[Page 8] Then did I with some others seek the Lord by fasting and prayer, for councel what we should do, and wheter we should go to injoy commu­nion with the Lord, in the way of his pure worship, and the Lord was pleased in love to answer my desirs in a wonderful manner, for being then intangled with a house of which my Husband had a lease for some years; and upon that account was unwilling to remove, not knowing how to dispose of that house: But yet the Lord was pleased in a short time to make him willing that I should remove if I could get of that lease, and some goods I had; which the Lord soon holp mee in, by sending one unexpectedly the very next day, after my Husband declared his wil­ligness for my removal upon those conditions, who took of the lease of the house of our hands with those goods, and so I was made free; So forth with I removed to a place where I did injoy the heating of a good man pre­ach, and had the sweet benefit of some private meetings, which was much refreshing unto mee: but yet two things I was very earnest with God for.

1. One that I might be filled with the clear witness, and full assurance of the eternal Spirit.

2. And the other, that I might injoy more full and close communion vvith God in all his blessed ordinances in both, vvhich God vvas pleased to ansvver mee in some measure; as to the first he did let mee see that I had sinned against him, in that I again questioned that assurance vvhich before he had given mee in; and then he brought (vvith most vvonderful rene­vving povver) those Scripturs, vvhich many years before at several times under several ordinances vvere, set vvith much povver and evidence upon my heart: But first God vvas pleased to shevv mee that it vvas onely unbe­ief that had caused mee (at the appearance of temptation and corruption) to question his love and doubt about his kindness, and so to conclude a­gainst my self: But the Lord did shevv me that all this doubting vvas from my evil heart of unbelief, the sence of vvhich one morning espe­cially God did set upon my spirit to the breaking of my heart; so that for three dayes together I vvas greatly afflicted in my spirit: and continued crying unto God, as one that could not be anij longer contented vvithout the Light of his countenance vvith a renevving seal of his Love, long sought vvith sighes, prayers and tears, and in the third day morning he did send the comforther the Spirit, vvhich vvith invvard light, life, and povver set upon my heart these follovving Scriptures: 1 John. 3: 2. Now are wee the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what wee shall be.

[Page 9] But rather rejoyce, because your names are written in heaven. Luke 10: vers 20.

And who soever will, let him come and take of the watters of life freely. Re­vel. 22. 17.

And my grace is sufficient for thee. 2 Cor. 12: 9.

Oh! I cannot utter the joy that then was in my heart by the mighty operation of the spirit: And then after that, this word came upon my spirit, and grieve not the holy Spirit, whereby thou art sealed unto the day of redemption; and then God did answer mee, that there was suffi­ciency in his grace in Christ, to pardon all my sins past, present, and to come.

Then as to my other desire which was aftet more communion with God in his ordinances. After waiting, the Lord was pleased to set it upon my heart, to believe that my habitation should be remo­ved, and that I should injoy my desire by (the time called) Easter, and so it was accordingly; and I through mercy, after I had gotten the renewigs of the seal and clear witness of the Spirit, lived for about a quarter of a year as it were in Heaven upon earth, but then began a cloud again to araise, and I was under the buffetings of some sore temptations, God with drawing in a great measure (though not the witness of the Spirit yet the com forts of his Spirit which before I did injoy; and I conceive this might be the cause of it (which I wish all others may take heed of, for it cost mee deare) under that swe [...]t soul refreshing communion I had with our heavenly Father, I gave way to some doubtings and questionnings, whither there was not a delusion in the thing I then injoyed.

This temptation lasted some six dayes, and I had no peace, day nor night when I was awake, to think that I should grieve so good a God, and cause him to depart from mee.

And Satan not changing his weapons, made mee think that there was something in mee that I did not so fully resist him, for when our dear Lord Jesus was tempted, he by his powerful resistance made him to change them.

So I lay mourning before the Lord, but could not set to praying for the violence of this temptation. Then mysleep d [...]puted, and I grew sick, & then God gave mee to mind that Abrahams w [...]r [...] lay before mee, when he [Page 10] went to offer sacrifice he was to drive away the fowles, Gen. 15. this work the Lord directed mee to do by laying hold upon Jesus Christ, who had prayed for mee, though I could not now pray for my self. Jo. 15: v. 17, 19. And so soon as my heart was brought to believe this, I was presently delivered, and in all this temptation the Lord hid not his face from mee, blessed be his name.

And then as the Lord carried mee over the Sea, where I did injoy fur­ther and fuller communion with himself in his ordinances, he gave mee another occasion for the exercise of saith and Patience.

For whilst I was upon that voyage, the vessel that I was in was pur­sued with enemies, and troubled with contrary winds, so that we were in great straits.

But God gave me to believe that he that delivered Paul out of his straits, would also deliver us out of ours, and so it was, blessed be his name; and so very safely was I carried unto that place that the Lord called mee unto▪

But presently after I was there arrived the Lord was pleased to exercise mee with several afflictions.

First by taking away a child by death, and then by laying upon my self such a distemper that my joynts and sinnews were by fits bound up, that I could not stirre them, nor take any rest while it lasted, my pain was so great, no Doctor could do mee any good (though several physitians consulted what to do for mee) But concluded, there was no help but I must dye.

But when I heard that, I said, there is yet help in God, and it was set upon me to believe, that if I could but touch the hemm of the garment of Jesus Christ, that is believingly go to him, I should be healed, being also put in minde of that promise, that whosoever forsake any thing for his sake and the Gospels, Mat. 19: 29. should receive an hundredfold; then I cryed, Lord give me to be healed of this distemper by thee seing thou art pleased to deny help by man.

And one day our Pastor called in to visit me, as he was going to the meeting, whom I did desire to pray for me, and to stirre up the brethe­ren to joyn with him, and I much incouraged him that they should pray in faith, believing for what they asked, telling him that by faith and prayer he would assuredly heal me, and verily according unto my faith it was done unto me, for ever blessed be God for J. Christ, for as they were praying in his name the distemper departed.

[Page 11] Next the Lord was pleased to lay his afflicting hand upon another of my children, then did I much desire that all afflictions might be sancti­fied rather then removed, and that by all I might be made more confor­mable unto Jesus Christ was I helped then to read and mind thad place in Job, Job 34: 32. That which I see not teach thou mee; if I have done iniqu [...]y, I will do no more.

Then our Pastor coming again to visit me, I asked him how we should know the mind of God in these many afflictions, he answered mee, that a man having an orchard or vineyard walkes therein, and among all the trees he makes choyce it may be of some one tree, whose standing is more pleasant and conveni [...]nt then others; and that tree he chops, & hacks and makes an Arbour to sit in for his delight, and said hee, if God wil do so by you, will you not there with be content? Oh! yes said I: if that be the good will of my heavenly father; and blessed be God I did find it so; for though I have sowed in tears, I have reaped in joy, and have found the times of greatest outward trouble, and affliction have been the onely times of greatest inward and spiritual joy and soul consolation, ve­rily I cannot express with tongue nor pen the large experience I have had upon this account.

And this I have found, that when a poor soul is faithful and single hear­ted for God walking up to the light id hath received, this is the very way to injoy the presence of God and his blessing upon him, in what state and con­dition so ever he is in; for this I can declare from mine own experience that lose is the way to gain, troublet is the way to peace, sorrow is the way to joy, and death is the way to life; he that looseth his life for my sake, saith Jesus Christ, the same shall find it, through the valey of tears lieth the way to the mountain of joy; for whilst I set my selfin good earnest to seek the Lord for instruction into the truth as it is in Jesus, I met with many difficulties; but yet out prayer hearing God was pleased to come in by degrees; having through his grace given me faith in his son (who was exalted as a Prince and a Sàviour to give me repentance) made mee also willing to be baptised for the remission of sins.

Now that which made me willing to obey the Lord, in this Ordinance was the Command of Jesus Christ in Mat. 28: 19. and Act. 10: 48. and the example of Christ and the practise of the Apostles, and p [...]imitive Saints, together with the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost anexed thereunto Acts 2: 38. And indeed this truth a last was so set upon my [Page 12] heart by the Lord, that though many difficulties lay in the way, yet the Lord carried me through them all: and after I had obeyed the Lord therein (in very faithsulness I must declare that I did injoy the incomes of God in a more plentisul manner then before: But Satan for some time labour­ed to hinder mee in obeying the Lord in this piece of service, with this temptation, that by this meanes a death (in all likelyhood and in an eye of reason) would fall upon my livelyhood, but God made it a furthe­rance to mee and to others also, so that many of us were at that time (after waiting on God by fasting and prayer) baptized together.

And after that the Lord was pleased to bless mee in my imployment that following year, with more then ordinary success, by which the Devil was proved a lyar.

But afterward I had some fears, that my imployment might be a suare unto m [...]e (as the world is to many) and that I should bee too earthly in it, for this Scripture did follow mee very much, (which I desire to give good heed unto) Oh! Earth, Earth, hear the word of the Lord. And often in prayer I did cry unto God, saying, speak Lord, for thy ser­vant desires to hear; and was very desirous to know, what the Lord would have me to understand by this word; and when I had considered I found some thing in my imployment sinsul, and a hinderance unto my spiritual injoyments, to convince mee of which, the Lord wa [...] pleased to with hold his blessing upon that imployment, which before I had found therein; to the convincing and converting of some to himself, so finding something in it contrary to his will, I was constreined to leave it of, and after much seeking of the Lord for councel, these Scriptures were much with mee, Math. 7: 7. Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and ye shall find: knock [...], and it shall be opened unto you.

If ye then being evil know how to give good guifts unto your children, how much more shall your father, which is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him. Math. 7: 11.

And on my servants, and on my hand maidens will I pour out of my spirit, and they shall prophesy. Acts 2: 18.

These promises did dwell with mee for a long season, so that I was much stirred up to pray to the Lord, that he would please to accom­plish them upon mee, and pour out of his blessed Spirit upon mee. And after long seeking (esp [...]cially one day) being very earnest and importu­nate with the Lord, after which I went out to walk, and on a sudden I [Page 13] was indued with the gift of singing, in such a way and manner as I had not been acquainted with before; and immediately this following song came in (as fast as I could sing) as followeth: it was in the year 1655. in the Moneth of February.

Come home, come home, thy work is done,
My glory thou shalt see;
Let all the meek ones of the earth
Come home along with thee.
Cast of the world, it is too base
And low for thee to dwell;
I have redeem'd thee from the pit,
And lowest place of Hell.
Admire, admire my love to thee,
VVhich took thee from so low,
And set thee in high places free,
VVhere thou my love might'st know
VVing thou aloft, and cast thy self
Into mine Arms of love;
Look up, look up, and thou shalt see
My glory is above.
Let not the wicked know thy joy:
But let my servants hear
VVhat I have done for thee my love,
Since thou to mee drew'st near.
My servants walk in clouds and bogg's,
They do not see my light:
The day draws near, and will appear,
That I will shine most bright.
I will appear in my glory, and be a perfect light.
Admire, admire, the thing that I will do,
All nations shall it hear, and know
VVhat I am doing now.
I will a habitation be
To them that fear my name;
They shall lie down in safty, and
Give glory to the same.
All they that in high places sit,
And takes their honours low,
Shall be made tremble, quake, and pine,
VVhen they my Iustice know.
Come hide, come hide, come hide with me,
Come hide thee in the Rock;
Come draw thy Comforts high from mee,
I my treasures unlock.

Also it was agreed upon by some of the Lords people, with whom I was then present, that we should appoint and keep a day of solemn see­king the Lord by fasting and prayer; that wee might know what was the duty Gods poor Children ought to be found in at that time: but after this was agreed upon, and the day appointed: I was before the time came removed about 30 miles from them, and so that thing went out of my minde: but God by his Spirit set me upon the same work, by five in the morning the same day, and about the middle of the day God brought to my remembrance that agreement, so we were at the same work at the same time, though far distant one from another; and indeed the Lord was graciously present, pouring out much of the spirit of prayer and supplica­tion; after which earnest seeking of God, was this following prophesye given in unto mee:

Shall light appear, and darkness done away:
Shall Sommers green be cloathed all in gray:
Shall a bright morning set in shadowees dark,
Oh! England, England [...], take heed thou dost not smart.

And after this prophesy was set upon my heart that notable promise: 2 Chro. 7: 14. I [...] my people, which are called by my name, turn from their wicked wayes; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and will heat their Land.

Next morning, about four of the clock, being in my bed, I had this laid before mee, that God would affict that nation with great afflictions: but I (not knowing what God would try the Nation with) did desire this of the Lord, that I might chuse with David, rather to fall into the hands of God, then into the hands of merciless men: it was much upon my heart at that time; that the Lord would turn a fruitful land into barreness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein.

Then the Lord was pleased to lay upon mee a sore affliction, which I finding my self very unable to bear, did as it were repent mee that I in any [Page 15] measure had chosen my condition, and did not rather wholy submit to the will of God; but the Lord did mee good by it, and his strength was made persect in my weakness.

Then was it much set upon my heart to consider what then were the sins of the nation, for which there was cause of great humiliation; and indeed the consideration of these following evils was much set upon my heart.

1. That great sloathfulness, deadness, and unfruitfulness under the means of grace which we injoyed, for which the Lord threatened of old, Isa. 5: vers 5, 6. To lay his vineyard wast, to plucke up the hedge and breake downe the wall there of.

2. That great abounding sin of unbelief (notwithstanding the large expe­riences we had of Gods power for us, and love to us.) And this I saw did cause persons to seek themselves and the world. Unbelief cut them and us short of that rest that many (yea the most of us) promised to our sel­ves, As this unbelief of old cut Israel short of rest, Heb. 3: 10, 11.

3. That Idolatry which mee thought I saw abounding in the nation in a threefold sence.

1. First in respect of false wayes of worship, contrary to the rule of the Gospel and primitive exemple.

2. Secondly in respect also of resting upon duty, and so not resting upon Iesus Christ that Rock of ages; this also was one of poor Israels evils, crying out the Temple of Lord, &c. Ier. 7: 4.

3. In respect of coveteousness, this in Scripture is called Idolatry also; Oh! that too too earnest desire! that was in some after the Foulish vani­ties of this present evil world, and in others after the vain profits of the world, and in others also after the vain glory and preferment thereof: these things were much upon my heart, and this was that for which God was angry of old with his people, and smote them; and hid his face from them. Isa. 57: 17.

4. Fourthly, That pride that I saw abounding in the lives of many, & I fear was in the hearts of others. Which appeared in their slighting the Councel of Gods Spirit: and their persifting to go on in seeking and set­ting up self, nothwithstanding the hand of God against them.

These sins being very much set upon my heart, with a deep considera­tion of many Scriptures: some of them was very great and sore threat­nings: and other some were most sweet and precious promises to such as repent and departe from all iniquity; one of which I remember was that very remarkeable place, 2 Chron. 7: 14.

[Page 16] Then I looked upon it as my duty to make this known, that people might be warned to depart from sin, that so they might not partake of the great wrath and sore displeasure of God, which I much feared, was coming.

Then soon after I had an oppertunity to declare this to some that then were in high places, and in the very entring I had this added, which I al­so declared.

Didst thou not hear a voyce from on high,
Deny your selves (take up the crosse) or verily you shall die?

And this was approved on by some, and received as a very sluitable and seasonable word; but pour soules, for not hearkening unto councel in departing from sin they were soon brought down, and laid low, yet there is mercy with the Lord that he may be feared, and he will manifest his love to all them that truely repent, and we may all make a good use of this experience; therefore let others harms become our warnings. Also about the year 1658. to the best of my remembrance. [for having lost my book, in which I had set them down in order, I now wait onely upon the Lord, and as he by his Spirit helps mee, so I give an account of these things) It was given in with aboundance of power upon my spirit, these few words following.

Awake therefore to righteousness, This was again brought to mind in January 1662.
The Lord is near at hand:
And will afflict now very sore
By sea and like by land.

And this seemes to agree with, and is a further addition to what wa's given mee in before in the Year 1657. which is as followeth.

There is a time approaching near at hand,
That men shall be in fear by sea and land:
There is a time, there will be alteration;
And this same time doth hasten to this nation;
Let now my children hearken to my will,
And they shall see I will be with them still.

These with many more such things came upon my spitit, and then af­ter seeking the Lord he was pleased to shew mee by degrees what was the work of the day (for I am a stranger and a Pilgrim, therefore I seek sor a [Page 17] Kingdom whose Buylder and Maker is God. I desire not to set up the Idol of covet [...]ousness, but to have it to be my meat and drink, to do the will of my Father, which is in heaven; and 'tis my onely desire to deny my self, and to honor him) seeking to know the present work of the day: some Scriptures with many waity considerations were set upon my heart, Hezekiahs prayers and tears, which were accepted of God, when his heart was broaken; A broaken and a comrite heart is acceptable in the sight of God, and he will dwel [...] with such. Isa. 57: 15. rend your hearts and not your gar­ments, and turn to the Lord; indeed when much of the sorm of Godliness appears, but the power is waming, then it is a time to mourn, and in some it hath been so in all ages, theresore Gods Prophet was b [...]d cry aloud, and spare not, Isa. 58: 1. VVhen sinlies hiden in the heart, nothing is accepted, Isai. 58: 2. Yet yoe seek mee early and desire to know my wayes as a nation that did righteousness; read and mind the whole Cnap. Isa. 15: 16. Cease to do evil, saith the Lord, and learn to doe well, &c.

But unto the wicked, God saith, what hast thou to do to declare my statu­tes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth, seenig, thou hat­est to be ref [...]rmed? then it came upon my heart that the duty of the present time was for the people of God to be very much in these following things.

The work of the day.

1. First, to be watchful that the ca [...]es of this world, and the deceit­fulness of riches make us not to forget the coming of Christ, and the glory that shall then be revealed.

2. Secondly, be moderate in all things, the Lord is at hand; be pa­tient, and act much faith; be much in prayer, do good, lay up treasures in heaven; these be all very weighty things.

3. Be much in humiliation, seek not great things for your selves, in a day when God is pulling down.

God pronounceth a [...] to them that are at case in Sion, that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near; A mos 6. vers. 3, 4, 5, 6. that lie upon beds of Ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall, and so fill themselves in seasting, delighting in Musick, and drinking wine in bowles, but are not grieved for the afflictions of Joseph.

And the same evil the Prophet Isaiah complaines of also in the 22 of Isa. vers. 5, 9, 12, 13, 14. In that day the Lord God of H [...]asts called to weeping and [Page 18] mourning, and to baldness, and girding with sack [...]loath, and behold joy and [...], sl [...]ying ox [...]n, and killing of sheep, &c. In what day was this, you may s [...]e in the 5, and 9 verses; it was a day of trouble, and [...]teading down and pe [...]plexity: But see how the Lord takes notice of this their contrary [...]riage in the 14 verse: he chargeth it upon them, as such an iniquity, as he tells them, shall not be purged from them till they dye verse the 14.

It is said, when the Judgments of God are abroad in the earth, the in­habitants thereof shall learn righteousness.

But it is threatened, they shall have no peace who go on in the wayes of sin and wickedness, but all that would have peace, must come from sin unto Jesus Christ, and walk in the way of peace, by this way we hide in the rock, and enter into the secret chambers, where God had promi­sed to keep us till his indignation be over past.

Then, benig troubled in my spirit, the Lord was pleased to give in these following promises as special comforts against those great and pub­lique calamities, which were coming.

I even, I am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins. Isai. 34, 25.

I also will leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord. Zeph. 3: 12.

And they shall be mine, saith the Lord, in the day that I make up my Iewels, and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Mala­chy 3: 17.

And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat they bones, and thou shall be like a wattered garden, and like springs of watter whose watters faile not. Isa. 58: 11.

And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the sal­vation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day; for the Egyptians, whom you have seen to day, you shall see them again no more [...]or ever. Exod. 14: 13.

The name of the Lord is a strong Tower, the Righteous run into it, and is safe. Prov. 18: 10.

They, that wait upon the Lord, shall renew their strentgh, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles, they shall run and not be weary: and they shall walke and not faint. Isa. 40: 31.

Also the Lord set it upon my heart, how the people of God ought to ca [...]ry it in such a day of calamity; namely, that they ought to have upon their hearts a deep sence of sin, which is the cause of sorrow, as Lots righteous soul was grieved with the unclean conversation of the wicked; [Page 19] therefore God took care of him, and he was preserved when others were destroyed with the firy storme of Gods.

Also God is pleased to set a mark upon the fore-heads of them that mourn for the abomination of the times.

Also it was given me in to believe, that God would be a wall of fire about his people; with this promise: That all things shall work together for good, to them that love God, who are the called, according to his purpose. Rom. 8: 28.

And the Lord said, All things were made for himself, and nothing shall be destroyed vvithout mee.

And God appeared unto Abraham, saying, I am God alsufficient, &c. Gen. 17: 1.

Let my word be a light to thy feet, and a Lanthorn to thy pathes, for I will keep them in perfect peace, whose mindes are stayed on mee, because they trust in mee.

And the Lord is the portion of his people.

And they are to him as the apple of his eye. Zech. 8: 2, 8. And as a gsigne / upon his right-hand: And he to them is a strong tower, a buckler, and shield, a Captain, and leader of his people, and it is written; When ye see these things begin to come to passe, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redem­tion draweth nigh. Luke 21: 28.

If you had but so much faith as a grain of mustered seed, you should say unto this mount [...]in, be removed, into the Sea; Christ reprove Peter, for the smalness of his faith; All things are possible to them that believe.

Fear not them that can kill the body: but f [...]ar him that can destroy both body and soull in hell. Math. 10: 28.

Fear not little flo [...]k, it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Luke 12: 32.

See that you be not troubled, for these things must be; but the end is not yet, nation shall rise against nation, and Kingdom against King­dom; and ye shall hear of warres and run ors of warres: but he that watcheth over Israel neither slumbereth nor sleepeth.

He that believeth on mee, as the Scriptures hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living watter; but this s [...]ake he of the spirit, that they, that believe on him, should receive: and is promised to be poured out in the latter dayes.

After these promises and instructions followed thi [...] so [...]g, in the year 1658.

[Page 20]
Oh, [...] my soule! give glory to the Lord.
[...] this rich mer [...]y he doth thee asoard;
He made the hearens, and ordered every light;
He takes the hearts up of his people q [...]ue.

And as I was on a Journey, this also was given in:

VVhen that this green shall blosome bear,
And bi [...]ds shall pleasant sing;
Then shall there be a kn [...]ll most sad,
In every place, beard ring.

Then did the Lord poure out upon me much of the spirit of prayer, and praising, with the knowledg of other things, which he is bringing to pas [...]: In so much that I was much broaken before him, to see my own unworthy­ness, and his goodness, a sence of which I lay under for some season, not long after I had a great sit of sickness; and I was inquiring of God, what his mind should be in that affliction: he shewed mee, it was because I did not declare to the Church with whom I walked; those things he had made known unto mee.

But benig troubled at my own insufficiency; and they benig unacquaint­ed with such things; and indeed my self did question at the first, whether it were the guilt of God or no? (the guist of singing.) Then the Lord was pleased to set it upon my heart, that as those prophesyes were true, and should come to pass, so should I know that this was the true guist of God, given in unto mee.

And it was so when the spring came on, then began that sickness of agues and feavours, that have continued ever since, little or much, and there followed two dry summers one after another, and also we had many light appearances; but they set in dark shadows, tili Christ our light shall appear, and in great mercy take away and remove our dark and sad afflictions, and sorrows; well now, I was at last so moved in my spirit, that I could not tell how to keep in these things any longer, and therefore went to the Church to that end, but I then could not find him that I would have spoken of it unto, for him to declare unto the rest, so I returned, and did it not.

Then the Lord afflicted mee again, and then I besought him again, and he gave mee to mind that I was justly afflicted for neglecting, to make it known, then being raised up again, I did declare something, but not so fully as I should; and indeed would have done fearing, it would not [Page 21] be born, for which I was mourning before the Lord: and as I was mourn­ing, I was put upon singing, as followeth:

Cease thou thy mourning, and see thou dost praise,
For thou shalt do my will in all my wayes:
Thy work shall be praises now sor to sing,
Because thou hast chosen Chri [...]t to be thy King.
Lift up your heads redemption draweth near,
Do not at all possess thy heart with fear:
Lift up your heads, and look to heaven high;
For God will make his people glorisy.
Draw water from the wells that are so deep:
You shall drink flaggons of my love, when others are astheep.

Then still sought I God what I might do to honnor God in my genera­tion; and about three dayes after it was set upon my heart in the night, that I must writte my experiences; but then I thought, oh, how should I remember thirty years experiences! but then presently came in these promises.

Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God, I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will up hold thee with the right-hand of my righteousness. Isaiah 41:10.

Fear not, thou worm Iacob, I will help thee, saith the Lord, and thy Redeem­er the holy one of Israel. vers. 14. Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:5.

Great things have I laid up for them that fear mee among the sons of men.

The next day I set my house in order, that I might go about this work that the Lord had called mee unto, and until I went about it, this word followed mee; be instructed least my Spirit depart from thee; and as soon as I set upon my work, it left mee, and I found the Lord (according to his promise) mightyly assisting mee, in bringing things to my remembtance and I wrig them down, and had some thoughts to put them in print; but yet through the corruptions of my heart, and the advice of a friend, I was not willing they should be published whilst I am living: my reason was, because I am a poor weak worthless worm, and have not the parts and gifts that some others have.

And because I am an old fruitless branch, my memory failes, and my understanding is so dull, that I am (and was at the best) a poor empty one, which I cannot but acknowledg with tears and brokenness of heart.

[Page 22] Oh, that the Lord should be so good to mee! and I can bring no more glory and honnour to him; but yet notwithstanding I must give glory to God, for that he hath been pleased to poure out of his Spirit upon mee, and since that, to fill my soul with very sweet choyce, and heavenly in­joyments from himself.

The most large measure of the spirit of prophesy was upon mee at two particular times, the one in the year one thousand six hundred and fif­ty five.

And the other in the year 1658, but at many times God was pleased to give me much of the spirit of prayer and praise.

Then by his hand of providence I was removed again out of England into Holland, and I brought the papers of my experiences with mee: which (the Ship being cast away) were lost, with the trunck in which they were: Then was it much set upon my heart, that God was displeased with mee, for not putting them in print, and then the guift of singing and praising was much ceased, and I was troubled; for the which I sought the Lord, and did begg', that if he were offended at mee, for not printing, and leaving them behind mee, that he would pardon it unto mee; and that, if it were his good pleasure, I should write them again. I did pray, that he would let his Spirit come to inable mee again in singing and prayer, as it was wont to do, and be my remembrancer to write again: and indeed it did so, not long after, in the night; both in song, and in prayer.

But then I having not time, was much hindered? yet notwithstanding (according to the time I had) I set my self to do it; and the Lord was plea­sed to assist mee, in bringing again to my remembrance things of long standing.

Now before I departed from England, I was satisfied in my spirit, that I had a clear call from thee Lord so to do; for indeed more then a year I had such a motion in my spirit, backed with many Scriptures for its furtherance.

Yet nothwithstanding in this Voyage we met wich some diffciulty, for the Ship I came over in was cast away; but in the time of the greatest trou­ble the Lord gave mee in these promises; that he would be with mee in six troubles, and in the seventh he would not forsake mee.

Call upon mee in the day of trouble, I will hear thee, and deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify mee.

With this sweet word also, thou shalt not die, but live, to see the mercy I will shew unto thee.

[Page 23] It was in the night, and after some time (the Ship being a ground, and in great danger, and so were all the persons in it) one asked mee, if I were not afraid? I answered, the God of heaven my Father hath brought mee hither, and if he may have more honour in drowning of mee, then by preserving mee, his will be done.

Then, when the mast was cut down, and the Master with some others said, we are dead persons, and like to loose our lives, yet I had much hope in the Lord, because of his promise, and after that I (and some others in the Ship with mee) had committed our selves unto God by prayer, I being in the Cabbon, laid me down to sleep: but I had not (it seems) lien half an hour, but they called us, and said, there was Land not far of, if wee would seek for help? vvhich accordingly vve did.

But it being but about the break of the day, vve did vvander over the sand [...], but could find no vvay out of the sea, as it vvere, compassing us aboue round; then vve all returned to the Ship again, and some concluded vve must go in an perish there; so they vvent in again.

But vve said, if vve must perish, vve vvould be still seeking to save our lives.

And as our God (to whom we had committed ourselves) guided us, we went another way on the sands, and as I was going (looking to God to be my Pilot) not knowing whether vve vvent, for the sea vvas one both sides of us, and vvee had but a small vvay on the sands to vvalk in; and as I vvas begging of the Lord, to keep in the seastill vve found out a place, not onely for our ovvn escape, but that vve might see deliverance for our friends in the Ship also, the Lord vvas pleased to set this upon my heart.

As thy deliverance is, so shall Englands be, vvhen they are brought to greatest streights, then vvill deliverance be from God.

A hint of some night meditations and effects of prayer.

I being avvake one night, and very full of trouble in my mind, because I vvas no more spiritual, for I had found my self very dead-hearted in prayer over night; for the vvhich I vvas very sadly afflicted in spirit; and indeed then vvanting place of retirement (to send up strong cries unto the Lord) did much deaden my spirit, for I found it vvas the practice of Jesus Christ, sometime to be in the vvilderness, sometime in the mountain all night in prayer alone, and sometimes alone in the gardin; and I find [Page 24] prayer in secret much accept [...]d vvith God, according to that vvord, Pray to thy [...]ather in secret, and he will reward thee ope [...]ly: Math. 6: 6. indeed so full of sorrovv vvas I that I uttered no vvords, but sig [...]d and groaned to the Lord.

Then this came in,
Vpon the [...] thou shalt live,
[...] of [...]o [...]e I will the [...]:
[...] be made all times to see,
[...] flowes in mee.

Then did I groa [...]e before the Lord, that he vvould give in some pro­mise: the Lord cast in this that the grace or prayer vvas before the guist of prayer, and that this vvas the grace of prayer to give up our selves in faith to the guidance of the spirit, and so by [...]aith to have communion vvith the Father and the Son, in the Spirit, for Christ t [...]ld the Woman. John. 4: v. 21, 22, 23. Neither in thus mountain no [...] in Ierusalem sha [...]l m [...]n worship the Father but the [...]our is coming, a now us, when the true worshipp [...]rs shall worship the Father in Spirit and i [...] truth, sor the [...]ather s [...]keth such to worship him; God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth: This Woman then could say, that Christ vvould teach all things; vvhy should not vve look for the teachings of the Spirit novv, seeing Christ hath not onely been vvith us in the flesh, God and man, but had also promised us the pourings out of the Spirit, to teach us all things: and to bring all things to our remembrance.

Then further I vvas mourning that I could not injoy the ordinances of God [...]n their purity; and the Lord shevved mee that I must offer up my [...]: And vvhen Abraham vvent to do that, he left his servants belovv the hill; and consulte [...] not vvith flesh and blood.

Also aftervvard I had such vvonderful experience of communion vvith God, through the Spirit, as I am not able to utter it.

I avvaking another night, vvas greatly complaining, that the flesh did so [...] in the Spirits vvork, that vvhen I vvorld do good, evil is pre­sent. [...]en did the spirit put me upon uttering many heavenly complaints in a vvay of singing, and after that, vvith the help of the Spirit, to pray vvith much enlarg [...]dness.

And a [...]ter that there vvas by the same spirit, vvith very much povver this vvord: Be silent before mee all flesh.

Oh! and then follovved the vvonderful speakings of God by his blessed Spirit to my poor soul, vvhich I cannot utter as to the manner of them, b [...]t the nature of them vvas exceeding comforting to my self; and also fil­led [...] vvith great hopes to all the people of God.

[Page 25] And now hereby do I know, that it was the Spirit of God and of truth that did work at this time, because it did lay mee low, and flat before him, that is holy, and made me see my own insufficiency, and his great al suf­ficiency, which did much humble mee, and broak, and melted mee excee­dingly, then was this promise given in; That they that waiton the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint.

And my heart was very much drawn out to wait upon God, in a way of believing, both for my self and people of God, having that word as it were whispered in my ear: If thou canst believe, all things are possible.

Another time I was considering, that though I had been a Professor many years, yet I though! indeed I was but a babe in Christ, then that word came upon mee: Out of the mouthes of babes and sucklings thou hast or­d [...]ined praise.

And indeed I can incourage the most simple and weak, to wait on the Lord, for his grace is sufficient.

At this time I was taught by the spirit, that prayer was another thing then some take it to be; it is of a divine nature, and they onely, whom God helpeth, can pray, for it is not words that is alwayes needfull, for a soul may pray and utter no words, and have sweet communion with God by faith; yet words sometimes affect the heart, and I have sometimes found the voyce cannot be kept in, the heart may be so filled. Therefore I blame none, but desire to be tender of all, for God accepts what himself gives, outward performances is as the shell without the kernel; if the spirit act not, but what of his own spirit is in any duty that God doth ac­cept. And we read of the poor woman in the Gospel, who met with some discouragements, yet by the power of faith being inabled to hold on; oh! how greatly he commended her faith, and answered her desire, though her words were but few, onely, Lord help mee, &c.

And Hannahs prayer was heard, who did but move her lips: And al­though she was a woman of a sorrowful spirit before, yet she went away believing, and also rejoycing that God had heard her prayer.

So the desires of them that fear him shall be answered, and he will hear their cry.

Daniel, before he made his supplication, was answered, the groaning of the spirit before the Lord is a loud cry, the prayer of faith doth save the sick.

The Lord is a very present help in the time of need.

[Page 26] They that trust in him, shall not be disappointed.

Nay he takes pleasure in them that fear him, and that hopes in his mercy.

Therefore let them that call on the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.

Further, my heart being carried out long to wait for, and expect ther teachings of the spirit more fully to be given mee: and therefore, if any thing comes in further, it is not of nor from my self, but the Spirit of Gods working in and upon a poor weak creature, who though I be very unfit to publish any thing of this nature to the world, yet according to my measure I would with that poor woman do what I can with willingness and cheer­fulness, for God loves a cheerful heart in his work, and the Apostle saith, if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted, according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.

Yet I am much incouraged to believe that this work is of the Lord, for I have found the flesh exceeding opposet thereunto, and when I have ne­glected it, God hath withdrawn himself from mee, and when I set to it in good earnest, then God returns and let mee injoy sweet communion with himself: And the more, the Lord appeared at the first comings in of these things upon my soul, the more his love broake my heart, that I was wonderfully affected to behold the freeness of his grace to such a one.

And verily the more watchful I was against sin and unto duty, the more of his divine presence was affoarded, which is so gloriously sweet to injoy, that the more I had, the more still I would have, and still longed for, not onely in the day, but in the night also, hearkening what God spake, and in the night his vvay to my soul hath been to come in vvith many svveet seasonable and povverful instructions, stirring me up to pray, teaching me hovv to pray, and vvhat to pray for, encreasing my faith and considence, to believe for that I have praied for, both for my self and others (and also stirring mee up to praysing him) and I find that giving my self vvholy to the disposing of God in prayer, is a very good thing: also this fear hath been upon mee sometimes, that I should offer unto God that vvhich cost mee nothing, that is, to lay ont the choisest, and most of the day about the vvorld, and then bring the sleepy head to God for a sacrifice: I minding the spirituallity of true prayer, and my unfitness for it, I have found the councel of our Lord Jesus Christ very useful, vvhere he saith, VVatch and pray. Math. 26: 41.

And the Apostle saith, VVatch unto prayer. Pet. 1: 4, 7. yet I have found [Page 27] often, when I have been to pray unto God, my heart have been very dead, and I could not get it into so spiritual a forme as I would, yet durst not neglect the dayly waiting upon God in that duty: but even then made it my work to petition the Lord, to compose my spirit and quicken me by his grace and holy Spirit, that I might not offer the blind the halt, and lame in sacrifice unto God: And indeed then God hath so, come in upon my spirit, that I ha [...] had more communion with him self yea more then at some other time, when I have been apt to think my self more fit.

At other times when I have not found God coming in to help mee, I have gone a way and waited his time, for unless God enlarge our hearts, it is not good for us to en large in words, for God is in heaven and thou on the earth, therefore let thy words befew (thy words mark that) and bodily exercise prositeth nothing, my son give mee thy heart, saith God. Eccles. 5: 2.

The poor man that said, God be merciful unto mee a Sinner, went a way more accepted or rather Justified then the Pharise, in the time before the coming of Christ in the flesh, if Gods people could not bring a lamb fo ra sacriffice, if they brought but two pigeons, or a little flower, if it were brought to the Priest, it was accepted, so if we come to him that Justifies the ungodly, and hath promised to do all our works in us, and for us be­holding his alsufficiency, and submit to him, and be content with that he will give us, as well in spirit uals as in temperals, the Lord will accept of us, onely believing we must flee unto the hornes of the Althar.

And I have found, when I have neglected prayer, my heart hath been very dead and full of unbelief: And again, I have found it no comfort to rest upon duties, for that is a dangerous evil to set up such an Idol in the heart; but here in lay my comfort, when I by faith could have com­munion vvith God, and coming near to him, could cast my burthen upon him, and go avvay quiet in my mind, that Christ vvould do all for mee; and vvhen I vvas vvilling, God shtould do vvhat he pleased vvith mee, and my vvill vvas brought to his vvill; then have I had the mercy I have asked, and more also many times.

I have found retired places and vvatchings, the best opportunities and greatest advantages unto prayer.

Also I have had many temptations against prayer, but the best vvay to o­vercome them, is to mind the command of Jesus Christ, vvhich is that vve should vvatch unto prayer, and pray alvvayes, keep close to the duty in the strength of Christ, and loose not the motions of the Spirit neither grieve the Spirit by sin, but vvatch against all appearances of evil, for I ha­have [Page 28] found that the neglect of vvatchfulness against sin: and being over­come by it, doth greatly deaden the heart to duty; keep your eyes upon the promises by faith, look up unto Christ in prayer, and let all take heed of setting up prayer, or any other duty, above, or in the roome of Jesus Christ.

I [...] God assist you to pray for a mercy, though he give it not in presently, yet hold on if your asking be according to his will, and your end the glo­ry of God, and ye find enlargment from the Spirit of life, you may be sure he will be answer you in that thing or else in some thing better for you in his ovvn season.

My self sought the Lord 20 years, for one thing, before I had an ansvver, but at last being at prayer, after I had done, God gave mee in a most gra­cious ansvver, and set dovvn the very time of deliverance, and did accor­dingly accomplish it at the very time; to him be the praise.

And many other things I have sought the Lord for, and he hath been pleased to grant my desire, especially vvhen he hath made me earnest and importunate, and have assisted me to hold on, and given me a spirit of faith, to believe for the thing prayed for.

Another time I sought the Lord for a relation of mine, who was thought to be near unto death, and this vvas given in, call upon mee in the day of trouble, I vvil h [...]ar and deliver, and thou shalt glorify mee, and [...]rom that time that person amended, and life vvas continued.

Also I knew another young person that was, by the word preached, con­vinced of her sinsul state, and set upon the performance of some duties: but not being acquainted with the wiles and temptations of Satan, afterward some deadness ceasing upon her spirit, began to neglect her duty; but one in the family perceiving of it, advised her to present her self before the Lord, and although she found her self dead, yet to pray that she might pray, whose conucel shee took, and shee continuing diligent, the Lord came in by the mighty witness of his spirit, fully satisfying her soul in a very short time.

Further: oh! let all that fear God be encouraged to continue in, and not neglect family duties, for I have found by good experience many wrought upon by instructions and prayer, when their lot have been cast in­to those families, where reading, praying, and Catechising, and such duties have been faithfully performed; ô, many young ones have been brought home to God, by his blessing upon this meanes!

And amongst many more I remember one who was very strongly assalt­ed with many temptariones to keep her from coming to, and clossing with [Page 29] Jesus Christ, and this t [...]mptation was most upon her, that she was too young, and it would be time enough afterward, why should she expose her self to scorne and reproach by being called a Puritan, and so become a luaghing stock to others: but the Lord was pleased to overcome her, and bring her to himself.

X Another also who set her self against them in the family, that wished her soules good, and used all meanes to g [...]t out of that family, to which end also she raised some lyes, which very evil the Lord set upon her heart, and then she came to be convinced of her sad sinful state, and was also brought home to God through his rich grace in Jesus Christ.

And another who by this meanes vvas vvrought upon that, vvas a young maid, a Ministers Daughter, and had been vvell instructed and educated from a child, vvhereby she vvas informed of the evils of scanda­lous sins and avoided them, and vvas also very constant in the perfor­mance of duties; and indeed so vvalked as none could see ought a mise in her conversation, yet notvvithstanding the poor heart vvas ignorant of her self, and of Jesus Christ; but she being under a family Catechising, and in­struction vvas (by the mighty povver of the eternal Spirits vvorking) convinced of original sin, and then she savv that (for all her formality) she vvas a sinner, and had need of a Saviour, and so vvas brought home to close with Jesus Christ,

This also I have found, that a constant close secking of God hath been crowned with his presence, for I my self was with some others desired to pray to the Lord for councel, and direction for them; but they would not tell mee in what it was that they sought direction, yet notwithstanding I did not know the thing, I set my self to seek God for them, and he was pleased to shew me what it was, (this was Anno 1657.) and I did pray God to let mee know his mind in that particular, and the Lord put it upon my heart to go and read, and the place of Scripture handed to mee, was quite against their work (at that time) which they had upon their heart to do, then I sought the Lord again, and the second answer was; go in and [...]ead; then I looked up to the Lord as I did before, and said, Lord, shew me where I shall read, and that Scripture also was flat against their work; and just so I had a third answer also: And the next day as I was at my work my heart and meditations were above, and my secret desire still to God for the further teachings of his good Spirit, and these following lines (with much more) came in as a further answer from the Lord:

[Page 30]
As for the work of Babylon,
It is a mighty work, and strong:
But yet my power shall it compleat,
For my wisdom it mighty great:
They must sit still, behold my power,
VVhich worketh for them hour by hour.

And novv my dear Christian friends, into vvhose hands this my poor mite, shall come I desire you take notice of that great love and vvonderful grace of God, vvhich he hath been pleased to manifest in giving in such sweet returus of prayer, let him alone have the praise, and be ye all incou­raged and stirred up to pray continually, and be very watchful, that if at any time God do move you to do any thing, do it with all your might, ac­cording to the assistanco the Lord gives you; for I have found it a great grie­ving of the spirit to put it of with delayes, through carnal reasonings of the flesh, which indeed vvould have hindreed mee in offering of these few ex­periences to the view of the vvorld: but vvhen God vvas pleased to give me a heart to it, and I set upon it vvith a resolution in his strength to go through it, not with standing all opposition: Oh! then, was the Lord pleased to come in again, and fill my soul with peace and joy unspeakable, and full of glory; which was to my great refreshment I being then in a strange Land (Holand) seperated from Country, kindred, and fathers house; yea there, and then did our good God (according to what I had wont to have) give into my spirit heavenly Allelujas, both night and day, with many sweet Instructions from him self (when it was with us as it were a time of famine of the word) our Teathers being removed into corners, and thrown into prisons (in the Year 1662.) O! how was I then stirred up by the teachings of that good Spirit, often to praising, and often to very earnest prayer (as for my self, so for his poorasslicted persecuted people) and then also I found my heart much enlarged to love, and to do good, and lay out my self for sa ints of all per­swasions, yea and all others also as I had opportunity. And upon this ground because my dear Redeemer, the Lord Jesus, hath set mee a pattern to do good to all, and what talent soever we do recieve, we must lay it out to his praise (if it be but one) and it shall be increased: this I have had ex­perience of, be not backward to improve thy talent, because another may have more then thou, that springs from a root of pride, and negligence is the way to loose what thou hast, but look up to God for a blessing upon the right use of what thou hast received, and if he seeth it good that thou mayest better honnor him with more he will give in thee in his own way and [Page 31] time, for then shall ye know if ye follow on to know the Lord. Hose. 6. 3. It is also promised, that they who be planted in the house of the Lord like a watered Gardin shall they grow and florish, and bring forth fruit in their old age: Psa. 92: 12, 13. Further, o! let all the beloved of the Lord take a specialcare of every Gospel ordinance and commandment of our Lord, to hold forth what light you have received, for there is non of the ordi­nances of the Gospel to be slighted, for they hold out unto us those choyce priviledges that vvere purchased for us vvith the precious blood of Jesus Christ, I have found great peace, and injoyed much of Gods presence in vvaiting upon him in the vvay of his appointments, and I have found the Lord (not leaving but) teaching of mee, vvhen I out of conscience have forborn vvhere they vvere not tobe injoyed, according to the rule of the Gospel, and expose my self to any suffring to injoy them in the purity of them, and indeed God doth take special notice of them vvho they be, and vvhere they dvvell, Revel. 2: 13. that in sore persecuting and suffering times hold fast his truths, and do not deny his name, Mal. 3: 16, and hath promised that they vvho keep the vvord of his patience shall be keept in the hour of temptation.

And vvhen he hath humbled us, he vvill shevv us the pattern of his house, the goings out, and the comings in thereof, and the fashions, Lawes, and ordinances thereof, that we may do them. Ezek. 43: 11.

And the time doth hasten that God will turn to the people a pure Lan­guage.

And all shall know the Lord from the least to the greatest.

And he will lead the blinde in a way that they know not, he will make darkness become light, and crooked things streight, and bitter things sweet, and hard things easy; and this he will do, and not forsake us.

Further let none be discouraged to do their duty, though never so weak, yet if thou beest acted by the Spirit of God, weak meanes often times be­comes effectual to accomplish great things, for by experience also I know when some persons have been praying together, that one being senceable of the state of the other, and mourning over their sin before the Lord, God have made use of those very mournings and breathings, to convince the other of their sinful state, with the danger of it, and thereby have been caused to turn from sin unto the Lord, whose eyes were never opened before.

One Maid who by this meanes was convinced, and said nothing at pre­sent, but after prayer retiring herself to her Bible, with a purpose to see [Page 32] what word of comfort she could find there, and it pleased God to hand to her that place, Rom. 8: 13. For if ye live after the flesh ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortisy the deeds of the body, ye shall live: which word God did make very powerful and effectual to help forward his work upon her soul.

All these speak forth the freeness of Gods rich grace, therefore who ever readeth and under standeth what is in this free workings of God, good Spi­rit, let him alone have all the praise and glory; and the Lord inclined my heart every day more and more to praise him: for his unchangeable love in Jesus Christ, therefore let them that read this give God praise for this un­deserved mercy; and let me have a share in your prayers, that I may be filled with a spirit of praise: for none have more cause then I to speak well of his great and holy name, and that I may honour God that little time that I have to live upon the earth, and that in all changes.

For if God sees affliction to be good for mee, I desire not to dispise his chastizements; for I have found more strength in a great affliction then in a little one, and my soul hath been filled with joy out of measure.

Therefore if we be brought to this, take joyfully the spoiling of our goods, knowing we have a better inheritance, and the giving up all to the will of God, who gave all to us, we shall have all given to us with ad­vantage, oh! the fulness of him that filleth all in all, but I am nothing, and can do nothing, no longer then he doth assist, therefore praise him for ever more.

And since I was taken of from my incumbrances in the world, and had more time to spend in the wayes and work of God: waiting on him for more of himself, the Lord (according to his promise) hath revealed him­self more abundantly, and I have found that a chearfull watchful diligent spirit in ones general and particular calling is a great help to prevent mis­pending time, for of idleness comes no good, therefore it hath been my practice, that if I can do no good, nor receive good, not to stay in that place long.

Oh! let us be wary how we spend our precious time, for it hat a lock before, but none behind: I am of a fearful timerous spirit naturally, but I find it a great help to dash Babilons brats in the first rice.

I was about 14 years in the pangs of the new birth before I received the witness of the spirit, in which time I was exceeding troubled with my unbelieving heart through entertaining false fears: and indeed some thing of Jesus Christ was in mee all that while: Althoug sometimes I could not [Page 33] with comfort be hold him through that thick cloud of my many Iniquities and I never found Satan more foyled, and my own corruptions more sub­dued, then when I by faith could look up unto Gods unchangeable love in Jesus Christ, though I be a poor changeable creature, and verily I have found great gain in true Godliness.

And now friends, give me leave to tell you these are mine experiences, and I fear it would be burthen some to you, if I should be larger, which I could be: but give me leave to tell you the conclusion of all what I en­deavour after, which is to press after the mark of the high calling, to deny my self, and look up to him that is perfect, and who presents all his perfect without spot or wrinkle.

Not to him that worketh onely, but to him that believeth, for he is holy, I desire to observe all the Commands of Christ as my rule of life, but I am not here by justified, but alone by a righteousness out of my self, there fore I say none but Christ, not by workes of rightcousness that we do, but by faith are we saved, & that not of our selves it is the guift of God, for he that kindleth a fire and composeth himself about with the sparks thereof, he shall lie down in sorrow, Isa. 50:11. for a man may do much in out­ward performances, and yet not have a heart right with God: the foolish virgins had lamps of profession as well as the wise, but they had not oyle; so the young man in the Gospel said to Christ, he had observed all the Commandments from his youth, what lacked he yet, but to deny him­self, and to part with what he had for Christ, to take up the cross and to follow him, which he could not do, except Christ had given him a righ­teous heart for all his outward seeming righteousness?

So the Scribes and Pharisees blamed C [...]rist for all his righteous actions, but could not see the Idol in th [...]r own hearts, for all their righteousness sprung not from a right root, nor was done by a right rule, nor to a right end.

1. First, they had not grace in their hearts.

2. Secondly, neither did they do what they did by the rule of the word of God, but by their own rule.

3. What they did was for their own glory to get them praise from men, and not to the glory of God, Amos 4: 4, 5, 6. the which is an abomi­nation to the Lord; this sacrifice God is weary of, it is as the [...]ffering of Swines blood, and the cutting of a Dogs neck before the Lord, this made Cains sacrifice to be unacceptable in the sight of God; mans righ­teousness is as monstruous cloathes, and filthy raggs, that comes [...]ot [Page 34] not from a heart sanctified where Christ dwels; al though it be garnished with never so much parts and guifts, the Lord looks upon the inward righteousness of the heart.

Parts and guifts may cease, but the least measure of true grace shall hold out to the end.

And what soever is parts and not grace, bear not these following Characters upon them, such have not the spirit, now the spirit is Truth, light, and love.

1. First, the spirit of truth joynes with the vvord of truth; if an An­gel from heaven should bring any other doctrine, we are not to receive it, and them that believe and trust in the promise it leads into all truth, wait for the accomplishment of the promise of the spirit, to teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, which he hath pro­mised shall remaine with us alwayes, John 14: 16.

This is a good antidote against error, this teaching for the most part, abides and formes the soul into it self.

The more of this truth and light comes in, the more a soul abhorres it self, sees it's own emptiness, and Christs fulness.

The more of this light comes into the soul, the more it thirsteth after light.

The more knowledg it hath of God, the more it loves God, which conformes it into his image, and the more it delights in God, and loves them most that have most of God in them, Ps▪ 16. all my delight is in the Saints, and them that are excellent in the earth.

The true spirit delights in all the commands of God, which shews true love to God, if you love me keep my Commandments; Jo. 14: 15, 16. and I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.

It is a meek and a quiet spirit, it hates pride and lifting up; it sees enough in it self dayly to humble it; Its full of love to all that God loves, though differing from them; by this shall all men knovv that you are my Disci­ples, if you have love one to another. Joh. 13: 35

We know that vve are passed from death to life; because we love the brethren. 1. Joh. 3: 14.

Now the reason why we should cherish this grace of love to God, his people, and all men are these.

First, because without love, which is charity, we are but as sounding brass or tinckeling Cymbals, all we do without this is nothing. 2 Cor. 13.

[Page 33] Secondly, because Christ hath said, because Iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold in the last dayes. Mat. 24. 12.

Thirdly, because it is one of Christs last and great Commandments. John. 13: 34. 1. of Joh. 2. 7. 8.

Fourthly, it renders us much like unto our Master Christ Jesus, Acts. 10: 38. who went about doing good to all; let us labour to follow his example, shevv pitty to them, that God hath not yet shewed so much pitty to, as he hath done unto us; do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that dispitefully use you. Mat. 5. 44: 45.

These were Gods teachings to mee in the absence of faithful Teachers, when they were removed into corners; Which was a sore affliction to mee, but I look at what mercy God afoards mee in all afflictions, seing I am un­vvorthy of the least mercy, for it vvere a righteous thing vvith God to cut us of, and I marvailed at his patience and long suffering vvith mee, and all others.

I find by experience that reading the Scripture before prayer many times quickeneth the heart to Christ.

And to meditate on Gods mercies to our soules and bodyes; and what great things Christ hath suffered to purchase these mercies for us: is a great help to stir up to that heavenly duty of praising and thankfulness: which is a maine duty I would stir up my self and others unto, because our hearts are apt to be very backward unto it; and secondly, because it is a duty to be done at all times. In all things give thankes, yea in afflictions: For God hath promised, all shall worke together for good to them that love God. Thirdly, to be filled with the Spirit of praises, makes the soul to live in heaven while it is on earth: verily, we had need be stirred up to this duty; for he that offers praise glorifies God. Psal. 50. last verse.

And Iesus Christ complaines against the neglect of it, in that place where the ten Leppers were clensed, and but one did returne thankes: saith Christ, was there not ten cleused, but where are the nine? O! athank­ful frame doth compose the heart to great contentedness in every condi­tion: it is of a divine nature: it stirres up the graces of God in the soul, as love and faith with hope in God and charity to others.

Therefore pray for the Spirit of God, to put the heart into a praising frame for there's need of the exercise of much heavenly wisdome in the performance of this duty: for [...]t is a spiritual work.

Another experience I have had that it is our duty, and very pro­fitable to watch against all evil thoughs: these ften grieve the holy Spi­rit [Page 36] of God; as of old he complained, how long shall vain thoughts lodg within you, and God looking upon man, beholding what was in his heart, and seeing his thoughts to be evil onely, and continually, and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at the heart; and God said, I will distroy man whom I have created from the facre of the earth, Gen. 5: 6. And then down comes the flood of Gods displeasure upon the old world, not for sinful actions only, but thoughts also: Therefore keep your hearts with all diligence, Prov. 4: 23. For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh: And in the multi­tude of words is sin.

I would desire all to take heed of idle words: and mind well what ye speak, when and how; avoid all needless speeches: and put far away all vain foolish jesting; an evil, which my self was some times very prone too, and as too many do harm by, I endeavored to make my self and others merry: but alas, 't is sinful mirth, and it will bring sadness here, or els which is worse, end in sorrow hereafter: thus was I convinced of this ev [...]l being upon a joyrney, meeting one that was a stranger to mee, thinking to make him and my self laugh: spoake jestingly to him; but he presently fella swearing and cursing, and railing; which when I heard, wounded me to the heart, that I by my folly should provoke the poor man so to sin a­gainst God, my mirth soon turned into mourning. And while I mourned before the Lord over this my great evil, which had produced such a sad ef­fect, God was pleased to set this upon my heart. Cannot I make thee more merry with heavenly and spiritual joy, then thou canst make thy self with such foolish vain and sinful mirth. And the Lord hath since filled mee with that sweet refreshing joy: that is a thousand times better to mee then all sinful mirth.

Further, in reference to words, I would commend unto yow some Scripture rules: Iam. 1: 26. compared with Math. 12: 27. from whence we may observe, that when any person doth utter words that be vain, earthly, or froward, it doth plainly manifest that there is an earthly, vain, and froward heart; whi [...]h is an abomination to the Lord, Prov. 11: 20. and in Iam. 1: 19. The Apostle doth perswade Christians to be swift to hear, but slow to speak, and slow to wrath. And Jesus doth exhort his followers that their yea should be yea, and their nay nay; saying, that what soever is more is evil: And Iams 1: 21. bids us lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness: that is to say, what ever is more then need­ful in words, apparel, and diet; yea, and in all things, and what ever [Page 37] profession any person may make, if they bridle not their tonge, they de­ceive themselves and their Religion is vain; hath God through his free grace, passed his distinguishing love upon a little Remnant: doubtless 't is their duty then to distinguish themselves from others, in their words habit, and in their whole conversation so to walke as becometh the Gos­pel: Phil. 1: 27. Surely if persons were awakened by the voice of God, that speaks lowd in the present afflictions, they would so doe▪ 't now is not a time for any of Gods Children to continue their superfluities, when many do want necessaries: Let me intreat such to read, and mind what is writ­ten in Rom. 12: 1, 2. And 1 Pet. 2: 11. If we could but be moderate in the use of all things: what good Stewards should we be of the manifold bles­sings of God; which he hath betrusted us with, and we must give an ac­count of in the day of the Lord.

Prosperity hath made many to glory in the flesh; and exalt themselves, in, which vain glory some still do continue: although the great Eter­nal God hath and doth testify from heaven against it, but if it be not re­pented of, and departed from, God wil turn it into shame, Hosea 4: 7. As they were increased, so they sinned against me, therefore will I change their glory into shame: its now a trying time, and all persons by their conversations will discover what they are, and were ever the deeds and workes of the flesh appear, and are alowed, 't is evident there is not the Spirit of God in them: And they who have not the Spirit of Christ are none of his: And 't is not a talking of, but walking in the Spirit, will help against the fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, and manifest who are the true Children of God. Oh! that persons were wise, to consider their latter end, then surely they would not neglect the knowledg of those things that belong to their peace: but chuse that better part, that shall never be taken from them. Which would make them happy for ever.

Oh! that all would be persuaded to commune with their own hearts, and consider their own wayes: And to mind the dreadful Judgments of God, and his vials of wrath that shall be powred out against sin and sin­ners, surely they would see it is high time to departe from pride, vain glory, coveteousness, oppression, hypocrisy, mallice, and all sin: For verily, God is visiting for these things, and for persons still to continue therein, may it not be feared and justly exspected, that God should in­crease his Judgments, and punish seaven times more: Leit. 26: 21, 24. They who departe not from sin God will departe from them: and hovv sad that is let soules consider: read Hosea 9: 11, 12, 14.

[Page 38] Therefore who ever vvould not be eternally seperated from God, let them in time seperate from all sin: And let poor soules take speciall heed they live not in any knovvn evil, nor neglect any knovvn duty, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof; for if ye live after the flesh ye shall dye: But if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live, Rom. 8: 13. let me propound but this on question, and I vvish all young and old, Rich and poor to mind it, vvhether or no it is not better to separate from sin, then that sin should seperate thee from God for ever.

Oh! vvhat need is there, that all vvho love God and their ovvn soules, should hate, abhorre, and depart from all sin, because 't is that vvhich God doth so hate, as he vvill punish it vvhere ever he finds it. Yea, if a David, a Man after Gods ovvn heart do commit any sin, he must be re­proved for it; and God vvill so frovvne as it may cost many sigths, pray­ers, and tears, before God restore unto him the joy of his salvation, and though secretly committed, yet God vvill punish openly that others may hear and fear. 2 Sam. 12: 12.

Oh! hovv have I found by sad experience, that pride is a breeding sin, and spiritual pride is indeed the very vvorst, vvhen persons come to have a little knovvledg of the things of God, and have set a fevv steeps in his vvayes: Many be too prone, then to be puffed up vvith self con­ceite, and to judg all others to be in errors, vvho are not just of their perswasion; and so to judge censure, and condemne them for Heretikes: and to persecute them at least vvith the tonge, but though sometimes Paul did thus; he acknovvledgeth it vvas from a Pharisaical spirit, which vve had all need to take heed of: and judg not; and ye shall not be judged. Alas! our heavenly Father have many children, but there be babes and some stronge men: they are not all of an age, nor cannot all see alike, not acte alike; let all the beloved of God (cease smi [...]ing and) manifest true love one another. And vvhat ever their perswasion be all vvho are humble and holy, and do faithfully vvalke up to the light they have received, let them be beloved for the Fathers sake. Oh! that vve may be filled vvith that grace of true Charity; for that is a special antidote against all pride, ma­lice and any evil thoughts, and evil speakings, and prejudice, and offences one against another. 1 Cor. 13: 1, 4. &c. There vve may read at large of the excellency of true charity. Oh! the more any one is filled vvith the good Spi it of God, the more shall they be enabled against all the vvorks and fruits of the flesh; therefore I vvould counsel persons vvhen they [Page 39] avvake, vvait for the teachings of the Spirit, and for the accomplishment of that promise made to the last dayes. And vvhat the Spirit teacheth do ye commit to the Spirits keeping: and they, vvhith vvhom it is the day of Gods povver are made vvilling both to hear the Spirits voyce, and obey it.

And I vvould have all to endeavor diligently for the injoyment of the Spirit, and hearken every one that hath an ear: vvhat it speaks, for the teachings thereof are very glorious; it makes a soul live as it vvere in hea­ven vvhile on earth. Surely vvhen Daniels faith vvas made strong by the injoyment of this blessed Spirit of God, so as nothing could hinder him from the vvorship of God. Oh! vvhat svveet communion did he injoy vvith God, and although throvvn into the lions den, yet there vvonder­fully and comfortably preserved, I have found this, that vve are too ready to dispise or slight the Spirit of God, vvhen it appears in something be­yond us, or out of our reach, but let us take heed of this evil also.

This good Spirit of God is that vvhich vvill enable us to chuse to suffer rather then to sin, and in all our suffering it vvill vvonderfully assist and uphold us, and carry through the forest firy tryals, and if vve be throvvn into sufferings for Christ sake, be sure he vvil make one vvith us to uphold us in the furnis; and vve need not study hovv vve shall be delivered from our ennemies, for God vvill deal vvith them as he did vvith Daniel, and the three Children; for he will recompence the wickedness of the wicked upon their ovvn heads; therefore fear not, but stand still and vvait, and yovv shall see the salvation of God. And I do not think that these things be gi­ven in to me from the Lord for my ovvne sake only, but for your benefit, to vvhom it may come; and I hope I am so far from having high thoughts of my self, that the more I see of God, and injoy from God, so much the more cause I have to be humble; and if others find theirhearts as bad as I have found mine, they vvill see cause enough to use all means vvith them; and vvhen allis done; it must be faith in Jesus Christ must remove this mountain; faith vvill carry us out of ourselves unto Christ, and cause us to rest on him to do all our vvorkes for us, and in us, do ye cherish a holy fear against sin, and an holy bouldness to come to God, and a holy confidence in him for vvhat we come for, and let not the fear of man hinder from any duty God calls thee unto; to conclude, I only commend unto you that vvord in Micha 6: 8. So shal I leave this to the blessing of the Lord, and the conside­ration of the vvise.


IF these my Experiences sute not with thy condition, yet let it have a patient view of thee, and pass by what is of the flesh, Own what is of the spirit, and Iudg not, what thou shalt meet with of the truth: because thou art not yet acquainted in that way, for the secrets of God are sometime with pore weak ones that sears him, and what is come to pass I hope you will believe; If it was not out of obedience to God, it should not have com'd to your vew, neither would I have put my name to it, if I could have avoided it, for fear of the rash Iudgment of some, Least it should be thought, I did it out of pride, or to own a prophetical spirit, which I know not, But I own a Prophetical voice of Christ, which if he pleases to speak, he can make mee to hear, yea to believe, this I have Experience of: And if these Crumes which I have gathered from my bountiful Lords table, you cann [...]t find it savory to you, leave it to the hungry broaken hearted Christians, to wh [...] ever crumbe of mercy is sweet, when it comes out of love from our blessed Saviour. And let not this be dispised, because it is the Spirits working in the weakes [...] vessel; for Christ did not reject the woman though weak, ignorant, and sinful; and where he hath forgiven much, he maketh them love much, and follow him to the las [...], especially if they keep the word of his patience, holding fast to every truth of God, though it be in an evil time when truth is dispised.

Mary followed Christ to the last, and the Lord did so assist her with his Spirit, who shewed her strong affections to him, gonig early in the mornning to the sepulchre, and Christ put this honour upon her, that she must bring the first glad tidings of the Gospel of the resurrection unto the Disciples.

And his appearance to her in that season, when she knew not where to seek him.

Christ herein shewed his great Love to sinners; for she being a poor ignor ant wo­man, though full of affection, did as many of us do now a dayes, seek the living a­mong the dead: but where Christ keeps up the affections of a soul to himself, he ma­nifests more of the knowledg of himself; and Christ doth testify in Iohn. 4. Th [...] it was his meat and drink to do his fathers will, and that was to teach the poor t [...] knowledg of his will. And when he made known himself to that poor woman, [...] affections where so enlarged that she goes and calls others ver. 34. thus Christ fi­nished the work of his father, to take care of the weakest of his stock, that as the wo­man was first in the transgression, she might have first knowledg of the resurrection▪ the guift of the well of watter, which springs up unto everlasting life: and this guift God is pleased to give it unto women as well as unto men.

And he doth require that they should honour him as well as men, for the free grace [Page 41] of God in Christ as wel [...] to the one as the other, and 't is his free grace that I am what I am; and if this small mite be not accepted (by all,) I shall take it as an high hon­nor to suffer for well-doing; for [...]hough in my self I am low, and find the flesh would hinder, and my memory bad, yet I can through grace say, the spirit hath been my re­membrance, and in the simplicity of my heart I have done this, and out of obedien­ce to my good God, which makes the Son of righteousness to shine on the weak and on the strong. And truely I have nothing to glory in, for I never did see my self so weak as now, and since I had communion night and day with God, I never was so much in self-loathing and abhorring as now; therefore praise the Lord with mee, for I am a poor sinful creature, and I desire that all that fear the Lord, to whom this shall come, would pray earnestly to God for me, that I may stand fast in this evil day, and may walk humbly, blamelesly, and very harmlesly towards all: so that I may honour him which hath honoured me, with his Son, to whom be glory and praise for ever.

Now, to testify to all that I have received (from the Lord) that gift of singing as well as the gift of prayer, and any other, therefore I shall present to your view some of those Hymnes and spiritual Songs: with an account how and when they were given in; and so shall leave it to the spiritual to Iudge.

As I was waiting on the Lord, in that Ordinance of the Lords Supper, this following short Hymne was immediately given in.

O Now my soul go forth with praise,
For God excepteth thee alwayes;
Thy life is bound up now in mee,
My precious death hath set thee free.
This Testimony I thee give,
At this bread was broaken, so was I,
That thou in mee mightest never dye:
My blood doth justify the same,
That thou mayest praise my holy Name.
My Covenant I have made with thee,
So that thou art now whole set free:
Sin nor Sa [...]han cannot thee charge,
Because my love hath thee inlarg'd,
So sure as I am plas 't above,
So sure art thou now of my love.

Your waiting shall be upon me, till I your souls hath filled; and in the way of righteousness you shall be made to yeeld.

Another time I having been waiting on the Lord in breaking bread: And soon after was given in this following.

THE Spring is come the dead is g [...]ne,
Sweet streams of love doth flow:
There is a Rock, that you must knock,
[...]rom whence these stream do go.
The Banquets s [...]t, the King is c [...]me,
To entertain his Guest:
All that are weary of their sins,
He waites to g [...]ve them rest.
Then come, and take your fill of love,
Here's joy enough for all,
To see our King so richly clad,
And g [...]ve so loud a call.
Here's Wine without money or price:
Here's milk to nurish babes:
You may come to this banquet now,
And f [...]ede of it most large.
Then comf [...]rt you your selves in him;
Tis sweet to see his love,
That they, that are redeemed by him,
May live so free above.

And while the afflicting hand of God was upon mee in some measure, this following was given in one evening, as a song of instruction.

AFflictions are not from the dust,
Nor are they in vain sent:
But they shall work the work of him,
That is most nobly Bent.
Then let thine eyes look upon him,
Which worketh in the dark;
And let thine heart imbrace his love,
Least thou from him should'st start.
Although thou canst not see his work,
Yet waite on him with joy;
For none shall hinder now his work,
Nor none shall him Anoy.
Thou must be willing to take up
The cross, to follow him,
And waite till he will make his cup,
To flow up to the brim.
Seeing thou art now called unto
The purpose of his will,
Let not afflictions trouble thee,
Believe, and stand thou still.
If that the Lord did not thee love,
He would not this pains take,
To let thee see his grace in thee,
And also thee awake.
It s [...]owers away the dr [...]s [...] from thee,
And takes away thy tinne:
It makes thy soul sit for to hear
The voice of thy sweet King.
It makes the soul further to know
The Sonship of his grace;
And weanes the soul from things below,
That it m [...]y seek his face.
It puts the wise to see his work,
And puts him in the way,
That he may forthwith seek the Lord,
Without further delay.
It mak [...]s him now resolve upon
Obedience to his grace;
And watchful in the way he goes,
That he may seek his face.
It makes him look for strenght from God,
To heale his sliding back:
It makes him look up to the Rock,
For that vvhich he dot lack,

This was November the 20. in the Year 1656.

ZION is God's precious plant,
The Lord vvill vvatter it every day:
O! Zion is God's holy one,
It shall not vvhet her nor decay.
Zion is that fenced vvell,
A Tovver that none shall throvv dov [...]n:
O! Zion is that glorious hold,
That God vvill keep both safe and sovvnd.
Zion is that pleasant Plant,
That God vvill hedg about each hour;
O! Zion is Gods heritage,
And he vvill keep it by his povver.
Therefore let not thy heart novv faint,
For Zions sake hold not thy peace;
For our God vvill hear Zions Plaint;
Therefore give thy God novv no rest,
Till thou vvith Zion he hath blest.
Let Zion knovv her time dravves near,
She may look up novv vvithout fear:
Let Zion knovv her God doth live,
That hath her portion for to give.
Let Zions Children novv rejoyce,
And lett hem praises sing:
O! let them lift up pleasant voyce,
In honnor to their King.
Let Zion knovv her God is true,
That vvill her mercies novv renevv,
She shall receive great things from him,
Who is her glory, and her King.
Althoug afflictions should hold on,
And troubles should arise;
Yet God vvill ovvn his precious one,
Their prayers hee'll not despise.
Our King shall reigne in righteousness,
His glory shall shine forth;
He vvill come forth in Iudgment then,
For the confirmation hereof do ye mind these two Scriptures Esai. 45: 13. and Psalm 89: 19.
For his poor saints comfort.
Our King shall reigne in glory then,
He shall himself come up,
His ennemies then shall fall vvith speed
And be made but a puf.
Then let my people quiet sit,
And vvait on him vvith joy;
There is a time dravves near at hand,
Nothing shall them Anoy.
THE poor then of the flock shall find a rest;
And I their God, and portion, will them bless:
And they shall to me for a refuge fly,
And I will be their helpe continually.
Then shall their souls alone in mee rejoyce,
That I have made of them my onely choyce;
I vvill sill them in that day vvith my povver,
So they shall vvait on me then every hour.
Their soul shall be as vvattered plants vvith devv,
And I my mercy vvill to them renevv;
Their heats shall be ingaged vvith my love,
For I vvill move in them from povver above.
This is the portion that I novv vvill give,
Vnto all those that strifes humbly to live;
Therefore rejoyce in God your onely guide
VVhich in this day of trouble vvill you hide.
Awake, awake, put on my strength,
And mine owne comelyness,
Look upon mee for I have
Wroght thy deliverance.
Thou art black, but comely in
Mine eyes, that doth behold
Thee swearing mine owne righteousness,
Which glory can not becould.
I waited long on thee, to see,
When thou wouldst mee [...]mbrace,
And when thou would'st look up to mee,
To see my glorious face.
And now, what say'st thou unto mee?
Have I not done thee good?
And have not spar'd to set thee free,
[...] own Sons pretious blood.
Therefore let all thy life be now
A sacrifice of praise,
And to my holyness give up
Thy self in all my wayes.
Let not the World so sad thy heart,
Nor cast thee down solow,
For [...]f thou wait upon my grace,
My secrets thou shalt know.
Be watchful, and keep do close to me [...]
Thy Garments: do not staine;
And that will be to thy poor soul,
A certain heavenly gain.
Take heed of glorying in my love
But walk humbly and low,
[...]or it is onely my fulness,
That makes thee thus to flow.
There is by pathes to wander in,
That Sathan would advance,
But I will keep thee by my power,
And be thy deliverance.
Be watchful and keep close to mee,
My Garments do not soyl,
For they are thine to cover thee;
Be watchful then a while.
OH! where shall I find now
A people quicken'd still,
That seek all times to live on God,
And eck to do his will.
A people that deny them selves,
And eck the cross up take,
That doth delight in God alone,
And eck the World for sake.
A people that abhor themselves,
And over their sins weep,
A people mourning o'r the Land,
And doth him dayly seek.
A people that believes in God,
By faith drawes vertue still;
Lay hold on promise which is true
Contented with his will.
A people that the word esteem,
Keeping close there dayly,
And for a rule the same doth take,
When others from it fly.
Their hearts are fastened on the Lord,
They for are fuge fly,
That God vvould novv help by his povver,
In their extremity.
Their cries are novv unto the Lord,
Thy seek in him to hide,
To take of novv his heavy hand,
And not let vvrath abide
With such a people vvould I spend,
My life and dayes novv here:
Oh! think upon thy servant Lord,
And to me novv dravv near.

I assure you COURTEOUS READER these are not studed things, but are given in immediately.


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