A Paraphrasticall EXPLICATION Of the twelve Minor PROPHETS.

Viz. Hoseah. Ioel. Amos. Obadiah. Ionah. Micah. Nahum. Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Haggai. Zechariah. Malachi.

By Da. Stokes. D. D.

JAMES 5. 10.

Take, my Brethren, the Prophets, for an example of suffering adversitie, and of long Patience—

LONDON, Printed for Thomas Davies, at the Sign of the Bible over against the little North Door of St. Pauls Church. 1659.

TO THE Right Honourable Lady, The Lady ANNE HILDEYERDE,


SInce your Honour made me happily acquainted with most of your Relations, specially with those of your truly-reli­gious, and well-ordered Family; though I often joyed to see such varietie of rare endowments in one Noble Lady, yet (amongst them all) I could not but with more admiration observe, how as well your many devout discourses, as your [Page] pious Actions (the apparent steps, by which you climb to Heaven) were con­stantly maintained by many Recesses, and Retirements for private Reading and Meditation; and how your greatest pains, and delight was more freely spent upon the Holy Scriptures. This made me gratefully, and willingly ambitious, to present your Honour with some book, that should endeavour to facilitate some part of your study in the Bible. By which means I might both give a publick Testimonie of my thankfull acknowledg­ments to your Honour, and some other of my Noble Friends: and withal take an occasion to discharge a part of my Function, by inciting others, to follow such an eminent example; while I give a just approbation of your love to learn­ed Piety in all kinds, and particularly of your frequent reading of Gods holy word, which is best able to make you wise [Page] unto salvation. To which study there­fore we have many earnest exhortations, as well in the Old, and New Testament, as in the writings of the most devout, and Reverend Fathers of the Christian Church.

And good reason. For the word of God is the food of our souls. Therefore it should be the very joy of our hearts, and sweeter in our mouths then honie, and the honie-comb. So it was to the heart, and palate of him, that was a man after Gods own heart. Who, in the front of his Divine Songs, and Hymns, sings the blessednesse of Him, that ex­erciseth himself in it, Day, and Night. As he did, so we have all just cause to admire, and congratulate him, that is feasted every day, with such spiritual food, and, while he is so, cannot but learn the surest way to repose his soul, every night (after such Angelical repast) upon [Page] that pillow that passeth all understanding. I mean that Peace of God, that can ne­ver be so well purchased, as by often feeding on the Word of God, and concoct­ing, and converting it into such juice, and blood, and such spirit, and vigor, as may preserve, and cherish us, in all our waies.

Of no lesse use is the studie of the re­vealed will of God, that we see in his holy word: therefore revealed, that we should often look into it, saith St. James. And I will not conceal the force of St. James his word ( [...]) that we should prie, and peep, and look narrow­ly, and carefully into it, that nothing escape our sight. For there we shall find the means of purchasing that, without which it will prove, that we have utter­ly lost our selves.

If I shall need to say more, I will onely adde this confirmation of what I said, from holy David his calling it a Lan­thorn [Page] to his feet and Gods word, Ps. 119. Would we have a Light to conduct us into all necessary Truths? We must have it there. Would we have an Oracle to inform us infallibly of what we may trust to, in our greatest hopes, and expecta­tions? We must have it thence. That Divine Light will never mislead us. And the word of God we may safely rely upon.

Therefore they are wise, that receive it meekly (I speak it in the words of an Apostle) And a good understanding have all they that do thereafter (saith the Royal Prophet.)

I wish your Honour, and all yours, both those parts of Happinesse. Which is no more, in effect, then to wish the conti­nuance of what you have, and your per­severance in what you do. So shall you continue a pattern to all those, to whom this book shall come. Which comes as [Page] presented under your name, and so re­ceived as it were from the hands of your Honour. For whom, and for all that re­fer to you, and for all the rest of my Noble and Worthy Friends, it is, every day, my hearty prayer, that you, and they may be preserved to everlasting Felicity, by the continual blessing and mercy of Al­mighty God. So praies

Your Honours most obliged, and humble Servant,

The Authours Advertisement to the READER.

I Was the briefer in my Marginal Notes, (which some of my friends have thought fit to place at the bottom of the Page) be­cause when I resolved to send this Paraphrasticall Exposition to the Presse, I resolved also to present ano­ther Noble Friend of mine, with ano­ther work (in the Scholar's Language) out of which, the grounds, and reasons of my proceeding in this way of Para­phrase might have been easily under­stood. And indeed that book was chiefly intended, as a Prolegomenon to this, and the like Essayes; to show, before hand, some Grammatical and Critical Observations (Hebrew and [Page] Greek) which I have met with in the course of my studies: and to make the truth of them appear, by variety of suf­ficient proofs, and examples out of the Holy Text. So should I have eased my self of giving a particular reason of these, and the like Expositions, in a te­dious, and troublesome way. But that (being of a greater bulk, and proving a more chargeable attempt) I am forced to give over, till I am better inabled to impart it to others, by the help of the Printer. In the mean time, I am per­swaded to publish this brief Exposition of the hardest, and knottiest piece of the Hebrew Text. This of the Minor Prophets (as they are usually stiled) may well be called so; their intricate Prophetical passages, being cloathed with many unusual, and difficult words, and phrases, and proverbs, and Hebrew-forms of speach, that require a careful, [Page] warie, observant, and pious Reader. Of all other parts of holy writ, such Pro­phesies have need of Readers so quali­fied: and, every time they come to them (that they may pierce into such mysteries with profit) prepared with humble and heartie prayers, or short ejaculations to Almighty God (whose word it is) that he would enlighten our understandings by his Holy Spirit (who spake by the Prophets.) So prepared, while we read in these books of so many things, so fully prophesied, and fore­told before, with intermixture of di­vers excellent, and holy precepts, we shall plainly perceive (what we have most need of in these wicked daies) both the proofs of a Deitie, foreknow­ing, ordering, governing and disposing all things, in several Ages, with infinite Power, Wisdom, Mercie, and Justice: and also plentie of Divine Directions, [Page] and Counsails, that much conduce to the true knowledge of the way of our Salvation.

To make such antient, and useful, and holy Writers speak plain English, I thought it needful, not onely to ad­vise with the Latine and Greek Fathers, and other Interpreters, Expositors, and Criticks that have gone before us: and to acquaint my self with the Storie of those times, to which they chiefly refer: but, besides that, to labour to under­stand that Idiome, and Dialect, which the Holy Ghost pleased to make use of, as best understood, and affected by them, to whom those writings were first intended. And from whom they can­not be so profitably conveyed to us, if we studie not the stile, and garb of that Original Language: their little stock of ambiguous words: their concise elleiptical Sentences: and other short, and emphati­cal [Page] expressions. All which appearing to us somewhat strange, and unusual, must be carefully and discretely examined, before they can be fitted to the right sense, and mind of the place of Scrip­ture. And, as well as these, we must both ponder, and labour to expresse their intelligent, and convincing waies of proposing & Rhetorically inlarging what they would say by strange Allego­ries, and Hyperboles; by bould, and unusual Metaphors (that no other Na­tion hath ventured upon) by delight­ful Prosopopoeias, and Paronomasies (wherein they are more rich, and co­pious, and happie, then any other Tongues) By their Dialogismes, and Colloquies) not in the Psalms, and Can­ticles onely, but in several other pla­ces) that the Reader shall now and then sodainlie fall upon, without any plain item given, for distinction of the persons, [Page] that are the Interlocutors. By their frequent Transposition of letters and words. By sodain Apostrophes, and Mutation of Persons, and Numbers (when a man would least expect it.)

To which I may adde their many other schemes, and ornaments, that are set down in a kind of Poetical libertie. Such as we may evidently see, Isai. 14. 9. &c. in the description of the Ty­rant of Babylon's entertainment, after his death, afforded him by those of his Military Profession, that had gone be­fore him to their long home. Such another we find in Ezekiel, (c. 32. 21. &c.) in the like gratulation, that other Men of the sword gave to the great King of Egypt, in his descent to the same place. No man would under­stand these literally, or, as a Para­phrast, or Interpreter, propose them down-right in that way.

[Page]If we desire more examples in these Figurative Relations, after a Divine Poetical way, we may see them, in the Royal Prophets Description of Almighty Gods sodain approach in great Majesty, as riding upon a Cherub, or upon the wings of the wind. Psal. 18. 7, 8. &c. This the Evangelical Prophet follows, in his swift cloud, ( Isa. 19. 1.) More may appear in the Prophet Habakkuks questions, about the manner of Gods coming out of Egypt, toward the Holy Land. (chap. 3. 8, 9. &c.) And the Prophets Isai, Ieremy, Ioel, and Haggai's deliverie of the overthrow, and desolation of Nations, ( Isai. 34. 4, 5. Ierem. 4. 23. &c. and v. 28. Ioel. 3. 15. Haggai 2. 21, 22. After whom, St. Iohn goes the same way. Apoc. 6. 12, 13.

We have yet more in Iob's manner of teaching us Gods providence, and [Page] protection over his servants. Iob 1. 6. &c. which is paralleld. 3. Reg. 22. 19. Dan. 7. 9. and elsewhere. And what I said of Iob puts me in mind of his description of Leviathan (chap. 41. 9, 10.) and Salomons eloquent Peri­phrasis of old age. Eccles. 12. To which we may adde the Copie, that the holy Psalmist first set, to what we ob­served before out of Habakkuk, which we find Ps. 77.17. &c. and 114. 1.2. &c.

They that meet with such divine Rhetorical or Poetical places, cannot well paraphrase them to the Reader, in another language, unlesse they take some libertie from that holy Rhetorick, and Poetrie, which they have before their eyes in such a Description, or such a place of the Original Copie. In imitation of which, many learned Au­thors, in several languages, have excel­lently expressed many places of holy writ.

[Page]When we meet with such high Pathetical streins in sacro Codice, we should reverently receive and deliver them, as the issue of divine Prophetical Raptures. And while I, in some places, endeavour to do so, I hope, I shall be so interpre­ted by all good Christian intelligent Readers. Who, though they love a Translator, that will keep close to the footsteps of his Author: yet they will expect, that a Paraphrast should inlarge himself according to the true scope, and sense of the place, and follow the mean­ing of the Text closer then the words. For instance, when (in some of the fore­cited places of Scripture) I read of the Sun, and Moon darkened: the falling of the Stars: the turning of the earth into the old Chaos, &c. If I am a Paraphrast, to an indifferent intelligent Reader, it will be enough (without particular mention of the Sun, Moon, Stars, or Chaos) to expresse the disgrace and [Page] downfall of the principal Governors, and chief men of that place, and the con­fusion, and disorder of the common people. For that is the meaning of it. And these figurative speaches, among the Jews, were so easily interpreted, out of the usual tearms of the Oriental countries, that when Ioseph had dream­ed "that the Sun, and Moon, and ele­ven Stars, did reverence to him, his Fa­ther could presently of himself, para­phrase upon the dream, and tell the meaning of it, ‘For what is this dream? saith he, Shall I, and thy Mother, and thy Brethren come indeed, and fall on the ground before thee?’ This was so readily said by the good Patriarch, because they were the chief of his fami­ly, and so as eminent in his house, as the Sun, Moon, and Stars in the Firmament.

Many are the instances that I could give in the like kind, if I would venter to be tedious. But I have delivered the [Page] Sum, and Substance of what I chiefly desired to say. Which, with the whole work, I humbly, and willingly submit to the judgement of the more judicious and learned Readers: specially to those that understand the Hebrew tongue, and the difficulty of many Hebrew Texts, which is very great. For, though all those things, that tend directly to our eternal happinesse, are plainly, and fully set down in sacrâ paginâ, yet some passages of holy Scripture there are, that cannot easily be fathomed. Which made a skilful Divine, and Reverend Father of the Church say, that some sacred texts are so shallow, that a lamb might passe over them without danger: and yet some so deep, that the greatest Ele­phants (the wisest Clerks) would be troubled at them. St. Gregories expressi­on is like it, that some go down easily, like drink: other, like meat, must be broken, and cut, and chewed, before we can make [Page] them fit nourishment. Those places Di­vines (above all other men) must be de­sirous to apprehend as fully as they may.

I say [ as they may] because, I think, some of those places will pose the subtil­lest, ablest, and most practised, and con­stant readers of the holy Bible. In which, est aliquid prodire tenus. To this purpose, the Iews have a saying, that we cannot have a full satisfactorie resolution of all doubts, and queries, till Elias come. We must therefore be content, to follow him that said, [...] ( i. to be Scholars, and learners all our life long, and as willing to be informed by others, as to informe them.) He is well, that knows much: but no man living shall ever truly [...]; that he needs no help, or direction [...]om another, while that of Salomon (in his Eccles. [...]. 3. 11.) holds true, as it ever will, which I conceave to be there spoken to this purpose, that ‘God hath given the hearts of men a [Page] whole world of matter, for meditation: so large, so copious, that no man can ever fully go thorow with it, and find it out.’

Such variety of matter affording new work of speculation for us, sometimes in plain, and easie: and sometime (to sharpen our appetite: and increase our industrie) in harder, and more intricate wayes, and terms: may move us willing­ly to joyn the help of others to our own labour, and impart our helps to them. So, out of that plentie, and varietie of matter, our prayers, and good thoughts may have a continual, and profitable supply. Thence we may every day, se­lect something, to prepossesse that room in the heart, which otherwise vain phancies (and perhaps worse then vain phancies) may incroach upon.

And if our meditations rise out of that plentie of matter, which the holy Scriptures do best and most furnish us [Page] withall: thence we have our Armoury, to strengthen us in our saddest combats with our ghostly enemies. And thence we have better then the balm of Gilead for curing the wounds, and diseases of the soul. There we have a kind of con­versation with God himself, and the sight of his blessed will, and pleasure, in as clear a way and full measure, as is most expedient for us. In the most necessary things, we shall find it most apparently true. For, though the Scriptures may be hid to them that willfully perish (to such as come to them with the spirit of Pride, or with prejudice, or faction, or contra­diction, or sinister respects.) Yet, if we come otherwise, with pure, and faithful, and thirsty souls, we need not doubt, but we shall find God in that, which is his way, wherein he usually comes to us all.

And God, of his infinite mercy, grant, that we may, all, so find him, to our everlasting comfort.

A PREFACE To the ensuing Paraphrastical Exposition; BY THE Most Worthy and Learned Mr. IOHN PEARSON, Minister of St. Clements Eastcheape.

IF the Eunuch in the Acts, having a Prophet in his hand, and being asked this question, Understan­dest thou what thou readest? could give no better answer than that, How can I, except some man should guide me? If this were the best account which could there be given where the Original Language was fami­liarly [Page] understood; What need of an Interpreter must they have, who, far di­stant both in time and place, can read the Prophets in no other than their mother-language, and that most different from the tongue in which those holy Authors wrote? As therefore the Generality of Christians could not read the Scriptures at all, except they were first translated; so when they are, many parts of them cannot yet be understood until they be in­terpreted. And, as of all the holy writers the Prophets are confessedly most obscure; so amongst them the smallest must necessa­rily be most intricate: brevity alwaies causing some obscurity.

Now, though there be many Commen­tators which have copiously written on the Prophets: Yet we shall not find that light which might be expected from them; because some have undertaken to expound those Oracles, being themselves either altogether ignorant of their language, or [Page] very little versed in it. Others enlarge themselves by way of doctrines or com­mon-place, which may belong as well to any Authors as to those to which they are applied. Wherefore if any man hath re­ally a desire to understand the Scriptures, I commend unto him those Interpreters, whose Expositions are Literal, searching and declaring the proprieties of the speach of the Author, and the scope and aim which he that wrote had in the wri­ting of it.

Of these Literal Interpreters, useful to all Readers, those are most advantageous to the unlearned, who contrive their Ex­positions by way of Paraphase, and so make the Author speak his own sense plainly, and perspicuously; which is the greatest life that can be given unto any writing originally obscure. For if the Interpreter truly understand the mind of the Author, then without any trouble or circumlocution it becomes the same thing as if the Writer [Page] had clearly at first exprest himself. And therefore proportionably to our opinion of the knowledge of the Paraphrast, we may rely upon the understanding of the Author.

Thus in these smaller Prophets acknow­ledged by all, especially by such as know most, to be obscure, that Interpreter which shall be able to deliver their mind, and contrive the same as if it proceeded im­mediately from themselves, must necessa­rily be confessed the best Expositour. And no man can be able to perform this but he which is exactly knowing of all the idioms of the Hebrew tongue, and fami­liarly acquainted with, and constantly ver­sed in the Prophets themselves, and the writings of the Iews.

Now such a person as this is, hath taken the pains to benefit the Church of God with a paraphrase of this nature. The Reverend and Learned Dr. Stokes, who hath from the happy beginning of his studies been known most industriously to have prose­cuted [Page] that of the Oriental Languages, and hath for more then forty years constantly made Remarques upon the Hebrew Text, from which he hath raised unto himself a body of Critical Observations ready and most fit for publique view. Amongst many advantages accruing especially to the un­derstanding of the Scriptures, he hath made choice to publish this Paraphrase of the small Prophets: a work of more real, then seeming, value. Which I cannot sufficiently commend to the Reader, nei­ther in respect of it self (it is of so great use and benefit) nor in reference to his other works, which we may hope to see according to the entertainment given to this. And that (Christian Reader) he desires may be found correspondent to the desert thereof; Who is the Authors

Most affectionate Friend, but in this more thine,


PAg. 50. ver. 3. d. [for] lege Therefore will l. p. 51. v. 5. lege in the chief seat. p. 94. v. 1 r. fallen from him. v. 2. r. desire to offer. p. 124. v. 28. r. illiterate. p. 151. l [...]. r shall run. p. 60 v. 11. r. to their posterity. p. 170. v. 11. r. of them N. p. 171. v. 15. r. Archer. p 179. v. 18. r. houses. p. 187. v: 9 r. proceeded. p. 198. v. 11. r. their family p. 238. l. 1. r. his [...]ervants. p. 276. v. 10. r. Iunah. p. 297. r. those that were. p. 298. v. 9. r. the wives p. 346. v. 14. r. of any longer. p. 361. v 15. before en­crease dele l. p 400 v. 6. r. sore troubled p. 413. l. 2. r. may be p. 463. v. 1. & 466 v. 7. r. Darius Notbus, as it is truly printed r. 439. (where the note in cal [...]e paginae, gives a reason of it) and 442. l. 1. p. 490. v. 9. r. if by his care. p. 531. v. 8. r. Angels. p. 546. l 2, r. So these.

Errata in the Notes in calce paginae.

Pag. 18. l. totum pop. Isr. 45. l. in H [...]ph. [...] incipe. incipere. 79 for subest. l. subesse. 345. l. attondebantur. 490 for [...]. 588 l. omni cibo. 598. l. futurum pro Imperativo.



1, THe word of the Lord that came unto Hosea the son of Beeri, in the daies of Uzzia. Jotham, Ahas, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah, and [...]n the daies of Jero­boam the son of Joash King of Israel.

2. The beginning of the word of the Lord by Hosea; and the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms, and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whor­dom, departing from the Lord.

3. So he went and took Gomer the daughter of Diblaim, which conceived and bare him a son.

4. And the Lord said unto him, Call his name Jez­reel: for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the house of Jehu, and will cause to cease the Kingdom of the house of Israel.

5. And it shall come to passe at that day, that I will [Page 2] break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel.

6. And she conceived a­gain, and bare a daughter, and God said unto him, Call her name Lo-ruha­mah: for I will no more have mercy upon the house of Israel: but I will utter­ly take them away.

7. But I will have mercy upon the house of Judah, and will save them by the Lord their God, and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battel, by horses, nor by horsemen.

8. Now when she had weaned Lo-ruhamah, she conceived and bare a son.

9. Then said God, Call his name Lo-ammi: for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God.

10. Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbred, and it shall come to passe that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people, there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.

11. Then shall the chil­dren of Judah, and the children of Israel be ga­thered together, and appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.


1. THe word of the Lord, which was (made known) to Hosea, the son of Beeri in the daies of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah; and in the daies of Jeroboam, the son of Joash, King of Israel.

2. When first it pleased God, to deliver his [Page 3] word by Hosea: this it was which he said to that Prophet, (a) Go and take to thy self a wo­man, that hath lived long in whoredom: and take her children too, that have been born to her, in that time. The fittest type of the children of Israel, that have lived long in spiritual whore­doms against their Lord Iehovah.

3. And accordingly the Prophet went, and took Gomer, the daughter of Diblaim, (which, in the very (b) names, signifies the deficiencie of that people; and that the two Houses of Iudah, and Israel, were like two baskets of dry figs: in which there were but very few worth the keeping.) This Gomer conceived, and bare a son to the Prophet.

4. The Prophet also had a command from the Lord, to call the name of his son, Jezreel, (which (c) name referred both to Iezreel, the prime City in Israel: and to their glorious title of the (d) children of God: which title God would shake, by disseminating, and (e) scattering them in forreign Nations, where those undeserved titles should serve them in little stead.) And this, intimated in that name, was to begin with a fore-running punshiment, [Page 4] which the Prophet had command to ex­presse in these, or the like terms, That as a re­venge of the innocent blood, shed by Iehu (f) in Iezreel, God would shortlie send his vi­sitations upon the house of Jehu, by such a way, as should not be much unlike that bloody slaugh­ter, that Jehu had made in Jezreel, upon the house of Ahab. And that one effect of these heavy visitations should be this, That the king­dom of the house of Israel, should cease to be any longer, in the house of Iehu, (that King­dom being thence translated to Sallum, of another stock from Zacharias, whom he suc­ceeded.)

5. And this was further added, concerning that time, That God would then break the strength of Israel, by those civil (g) wars, that should most appear in the valley of Jezreel.

6. After this, Gomer conceaved again, and bare a daughter, which by the like divine command, had the name of Lo-ruchamah. A name, that carried in it (h) the sad doom, concerning the house of Israel, which God would be so far from sheltring any longer, under his merciful protection, that he would utterly remove them out of that good land.

[Page 5]7. While, in the mean time, he would gra­tiously defend the house of Judah, in such a way, as should visibly appear to be the mira­culous work of the Lord their God: no strength in the arm of man, nor any Art, or Instruments of war being ever able to atchieve so great, and sodain a deliverie, as they should have, from the mighty Host of Senacherib, the King of Assyria.

8. Now, after Gomer had weaned Lo-rucha­mah, she conceived a third time, and bare a son.

9. And God commanded the Prophet, to give that son the name of Lo-ammi. Which name implied, that they (i) should be no longer his people, to enjoy any further happinesse under his service: they should rather be the unhap­py people and slaves of the Assyrian. And God would no longer make his provident pro­tection, to speak him their God, as he had done.

10. Yet should it come to passe, that when the children of Israel had increased into mul­titudes, like the sand of the sea, which is capa­ble of no number, then (k) instead of their name Lo-ammi (wherein God disclaimed many of them from being so much as his people) they [Page 6] should have the high title of (l) the sons of the living God.

11. And then should the children of Judah, and the children of Israel (so much divided before) make one Congregation, under one head, and Governour, (which was to be accomplish­ed by Zerobabel, in the letter; and by Christ, in the mystery) For, then should begin the great day of Jezreel, that is, of the (m) seed of God, or the sons of the living God, as they were stiled (n) before, (whether we under­stand it of the religious Iews, both of Iudah, and Israel, that (o) returned out of the capti­vity: or of the devout Christians after them, that are the true holy seed, and the true Israel of God, and were delivered from a greater bondage.)


1. SAy ye unto your bre­thren, Ammi, and to your sisters, Ru-hamah:

2. Plead with your mo­ther, plead: for she is not my wife, neither am I her husband: let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight, and her a­dulteries from between her breasts;

3 Lest I strip her naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a wildernesse, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with th [...]st.

4. And I will not have mercy upon her children, for they be the children of whoredoms.

5. For their mother hath played the harlot, she that conceived them hath done shamefully; for she said, I will go after my lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and my drink.

6. Therefore behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall that she shall not find her paths.

7. And she shall follow after her lovers, but she shall not overtake them, and she shall seek them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband, for then was it better with me then now.

8 For she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and multipli­ed her silver and gold, which they prepared for Baal.

9 Therefore will I re­turn, and take away my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof, and will recover my wooll, and my flax, given to cover her nakednesse.

10. And now will I dis­cover her lewdnesse in the sight of her lovers, and none [Page 8] shall deliver her out of mine hand.

11. I will also cause all her mirth to cease, her feast-daies, her new Moons, and her Sabbaths, and all her so­lemn feasts.

12. And I will destroy her vines, and her fig-trees, whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my lo­vers have given me: and I will make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.

13. And I will visit upon her the daies of Baalim, wherein she burnt incense to them, and she decked her­self with her ear-rings, and her jewels, and she went af­ter her lovers, and forgat me, saith the Lord.

14. Therefore behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wildernesse, and speak comfortably unto her.

15.. And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope, and she shall sing there as in the daies of her youth, and as in the day, when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

16. And it shall be at that day, saith the Lord, that thou shalt call me Ishi, and shalt call me no more Baali:

17. For I will take a­way the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembred by their name.

18. And in that day will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of hea­ven, and with the creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword, and the battel out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.

19. And I will betroth thee unto me for ever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousnesse, and in judgement, and in loving kindnesse, and in mercies.

20. I will even betroth thee unto me in faithful­nesse, and thou shalt know the Lord.

21. And it shall come to passe in that day, I will [Page 9] hear, saith the Lord, I will hear the heavens, and they shall hear the earth,

22. And the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil, and they shall hear Jezreel.

23. And I will sow her unto me in the earth, and I will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mer­cy, and I will say to them which were not my people. Thou art my people, and they shall say, Thou art my God.


1. YOu that are of the ten tribes, say to your brethren (those of the tribe of Iudah, and Benjamin) (p) Ammi, for, now I acknowledge them for my people. And say to your Sisters (of those two tribes) Ruchamah. For my mercy shall watch over them.

2. And when you have acknowledged their happinesse, then every one of you may think of a quarrel, a just quarrel you have to your own Mother, ( i. to all the ten tribes) For, she hath not behaved her self, like my Spouse: Nor shall I answer her with the love of a Husband, (q) unlesse she make way for reconciliation of her self, by a clean removal of her filthy pollutions, and of her doting foolish demeanour, in the idle [Page 10] love, shewed to those imaginarie dieties, that deserve it not.

3. Which she had best to remove, least (by way of requital of her making her self gay for those, her best beloved) I strip her stark, naked, and expose her as bare as ever she was born, to the injury of the weather, in some open wildernesse, or drie land, where I may take that advantage to kill her with very thirst.

4. When this severitie falls upon the Mo­ther, (the whole nation) the particular chil­dren have no reason to expect any mercy, being no better then children of an adulterous bed, and most foul Idolatrie.

5. For, their Mother hath played the harlot: she that conceived them hath brought shame upon her self, and them: the rather because she hath not sticked to professe it openly, that she would follow the example of her Paramours, (the Assy­rian, and Egyptian idolaters) that give her, forsooth, a constant supplie of her bread, and her water, and her wool, and her flax, and her oyl, and her drink, and what not? (for, all this she ascribes to their acquaintance, and to the bountie of their gods.)

6. Therefore, saith the Lord, The time shall come, when she shall brag of none of these courtesies received from them. The time, when her way thither shall be hedged in, as with [Page 11] thorns, and in everie corner, so fenced about, that there will be no evasion from the Assyrian slaverie, to which she shall be led along, in bonds, and triumph.

7. When her quondam-lovers have brought her to those hard embraces, she will then strive to court them, and wooe them, but shall be able to work nothing upon their affections. And find­ing, by sad experience, that she seeks in vain for what will not be found; she will then fall (if not too late) upon this sad resolution. I will now go, and return to my right Husband. He was the (r) first, and he was the (r) best. And I have since tasted of no such happinesse, as I ever was sure of, in the fruition of his favour.

8. This she will then say. But she should sooner have taken notice, that I was the true Author of what she called her corn and wine, and oil. And it was I, that gave her that rich plentie of silver, and gold, (s) which she thought fitter to bestow in the service of Baal, then in mine.

9. For that unseasonable abuse of what I gave her, I will come to her again, (t) with an armie of enemies raised up against her, and by [Page 10] them I will take away the corn, and the wine, which I had given her, in the right season of them. And when she thinks she is in a fair way of enjoying my wool and my slax (which she would not acknowledge to come from my bountie) (u) I will snatch them both so so­dainly, and so far out of her reach, that she shall not have enough, so much as to cover her na­kednesse.

10. So shall I give way to the discoverie of her (x) follie, and shame, in the open view of them, that she most shamefully doted upon, in the time of her plentie. And neither they, nor any other shall then be able to deliver her out of my hands.

11. There shall I put an end to all her jollity, to all her festival daies, and new Moons, and Sabbaths, and all her solemn feasts; because she looked more to her outward worship in them, then to her inward sanctitie.

12. And then also her vines and her fig-trees shall vanish in a general desolation: which she never dreamed of, when she was wont to boast of them, as of presents bestowed upon her, or made surer for her use, by the benefit of her union with those her unfortunate Lovers. But I that [Page 13] could not be acknowledged for the true foun­der of that her happinesse, and the onelie means to preserve it: will now show that I was so, by turning those pleasant vineyards, and other so profitable delights into a rude forest: and when they are so taken from their un­thankful mouths, the verie beasts of the field shall eat them up (or their rude destructive ene­mies, that may be described by a parable of wild beasts.)

13. Such will I make my sad visitation of those merry daies, wherein she honoured her Baals, instead of her own Husband; burned her incense to them, and for their sakes, like a proud strumpet, tricked her self up in her gau­die ornaments her ear-rings, and her jewels. In which garb, she footed it after those her dearest dieties: and thought little of what I deserved, or what I could bring upon her for all this, saith the Lord.

14. For this good behaviour of hers, (y) shall not I use her kindlie? conduct her fairly into some solitary wildernesse, in a loving posture? and (in that privacie) accost her in some amorous language, to the solace of her good heart? yes I warrant you.

[Page 14] I will lead her thence to her kind Assyrian (z) Adulterers, that shall prune her vines to the purpose. She shall have her fine valley of pleasure turned into a valley of Achor (a dismal place.) And there will I first open (a) the way to her new instruction, wherein she shall learn a new lesson, that she never learned before. And (because she hath formerlie been so musicallie merrie, in their sweet companie) Let her there learn to sing her meriments over again, if she can, and trie if her voice will be framed, to as merrie a tune, as ever she warbled out in her younger daies, and equal her merry sits, that she had after her safe deliverie out of Egypt.

16. But alas, in that sad time, her mouth will not rellish those sweet, and merry ditties: nor will she have any mind to her old language of Baal. Though it signifie a Husband, yet (because it is the name of her Idol too) I can tell her, she will then be so warie, as rather to use the terms of (b) Ishi, then Baali, in the ordi­narie salutations of a Husband.

17. For, I will teach her mouth to leave her wonted names of Baalim. They shall have small comfort in the use of that name hereafter, which [Page 15] so much abused it heretofore.

18. After the amendment, which shall at­tend this alteration, I will make a league, and covenant in their behalf, and such as shall tend to their good. It shall be a covenant with the beasts of the field, and the fowls of the aire, and the creeping things of the earth. And then (for a covenant with men too) I will put as clear an end to their former wars, and dissentions, as if, in their sight, I should break the bow, and the sword, and all the instruments of battel. And they shall quietly take their rest, without any fear of danger.

19. I will adde this too, by way of a kind Apostrophe to my people. If thou wilt keep thy faith with me, for the time to come, though thou hast gone a whoring after other gods, yet will I espouse thee to my self again for ever. And that espousal shall be made by my (c) goodnesse, and by * moderation of my judgements, and that in loving kindnesse, and in much mercy.

20. And it shall be faithfullie done, with full resolution of keeping all promises, on my behalf: and, by that, thou shalt know me to be Iehovah, ( i. that he, to whom thou art espoused, is the powerful God, that ever doth [Page 16] reallie make good, what he hath said, which is the chief notion, and reason of the name of Iehovah.)

V. 21, & 22. Then shall there be as much plentie of corn, and wine, and oil, and all necessaries, as can be desired by my people Israel, which shall now have the name of (d) Jezreel, as being (e) a holy seed, and a Mother-Church. And no blessing that can come from heaven, or earth, shall be dutifullie asked, in her behalf, but it shall be as readilie granted.

23. And I will (f) disseminate and disperse her far abroad in the earth, with happie en­largement like seed, that is cast about with expectation of a large increase) And as I will therein make good the best notion of Iezreel, so, in great mercy, I will change the names of (g) Loruchamah, and Loammi into Ruchamah, and Ammi. For, she shall tast of my mercy, and be my people, and resume the priviledge of cal­ling me her God.


1. THen said the Lord unto me, Go yet, love a woman (beloved of her friend, yet an adulteresse) according to the love of the Lord toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine.

2. So I bought her to me for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an Homer of barley, and an half Homer of bar­ley.

3. And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many dayes, thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for another man, so will I also be for thee.

4. For the children of Is­rael shall abide many daies without a King, and with­out a Prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an i­mage, and without an E­phod, and without a Tera­phim.

5. Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their kings; and shall fear the Lord, and his goodnesse in the lat­ter dayes.


AFter this, it pleased God to injoyn me once again to (h) love a woman, that had been dearly affected by her dearest friend, her hus­band: [Page 18] and yet had been false to him in no lesse a fault than whoredom. And this was another typicall expression, how great love God had shewed to the children of Israel: who most ungratefully neglecting him, cast their affection upon strange gods for love of those stagons of wine, (which being offered to such false Gods, were then tasted with pleasure, by their Idolaters.

2. Conformable to this divine command (the custome of the Jewes being to purchase their wives with mony, or money-worth) I procured such a wife, at the set price of fifteen pieces of silver, and a Homer, and a half of barley.

3. And I agreed with her, that she should live a good while, as a widow, forsaking the love of all others, reserving her self all that while for me: as I would reserve my self for her.

4. For, this was also a type of the (i) chil­dren of Israel, that should expect my wonted favourable protection for many dayes abiding in the mean while, (k) without a King (of their own nation) and a peculiar Prince of their own.

[Page 19]Nay it was a figure of more than so: that they should not onely want their former way of Polity, and Government of the common­wealth: but the wonted liberty also of those Ecclesiasticall rites, and customes, which they had used before in their sacrifices, (l) and pil­lars, and Ephod, and Teraphim, (in all which they took themselves to make sufficient expres­sion of their love, and service unto me.)

5. After which time expired, the children, of Israel should return by repentance, and seek for a reconciliation with their God, whom they had so much offended, and apply themselves to Zorobabel of the line of David, whom they should account as their King, and then should they live in the fear of the Lord, and acknow­ledge his great goodnesse, and mercy toward them, in the latter dayes.


1. Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversie with the inha­bitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mer­cy, nor knowledge of God in the land.

[Page 20]2. By swearing, and ly­ing, and killing, and steal­ing, and committing adul­tery, they break out, and blood toucheth bloud.

3. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven, yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.

4. Yet let no man strive, nor reprove another; for this people are as they that strive with the Priest.

5. Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the Prophet shall also fall with thee in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.

6. My people are destroy­ed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also re­ject thee, that thou shalt be no Priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

7. As they were increased so they sinned against me: therefore will I change their glory into shame.

8. They eat up the sinne of my people, and they set their heart on their ini­quity.

9. And there shall be like people, like Priest: and I will punish them for their waies, and reward them their doings.

10. For they shall eat, and not have enough: they shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase, because they have left off to take heed to the Lord.

11. Whoredome, and wine, and new wine take away the heart.

12. My people ask coun­sell at their stocks, and their staffe declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredomes hath caused them to erre, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.

13. They sacrifice upon the tops of the mountaines, and burn incense upon the hils under oakes, and pop­lars, and elmes, because the shadow thereof is good: therefore your daughters [Page 21] shall commit whoredome, and your Spouses shall com­mit adultery.

14. I will not punish your daughters when they com­mit whoredom, nor your Spouses when they commit adultery: for themselves are separated with wh [...]res, and they sacrifice with harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand, shall fall.

15. Though thou Israel play the harlot, yet let not Iudah offend, and come not ye unto Gilgal, neither go ye up to Beth-aven, nor swear, The Lord liveth.

16. For Israel slideth back, as a back-sliding heifer: now the Lord will feed them as a lamb in a large place.

17. Ephraim is joyned to idols: let him alone.

18. Their drink is sowre: they have committed whore­dom continually: her rulers with shame do love, Give ye.

19. The wind hath bound her up in her wings, and they shall be ashamed be­cause of their sacrifices.


1. IN the latter dayes it will be so. But will you hear, what is to be said for the pre­sent. Hear the word of the Lord, ye Children of Is­rael: for, the Lord hath a controversie with the inhabitants of the land: because there is none of that truth and mercy, and knowledge of God, in the land, which they pretend to, and so no true Acts of Piety.

2. But rather by swearing falsly, and as falsly [Page 22] (m) denying that which is committed to their trust, by murder, and theft, and adultery, they have (n) violently, and impudently broke tho­row all good lawes. And therefore, by way of punishment, they shall be suffered, so long to goe on in the current of those disorders, till among the greatest of them, that should have kept the people within their bounds, one (o) murder shall break out after another, and (p) other sinnes of a high nature, that deserve death, and effusion of blood, come on so thick, and frequent, that you may say, they are one contiguous to another.

3. Whereupon (though they would not mourn for this increase of sinne, yet) the earth it self, seeming to put on her (q) mour­ning-weeds (for the destruction of her fruit) shall be as an introduction to their own sor­row, for the just increase of their calamities, which shall come so hot and thick upon them, (those especially by Tiglath-peleser, and Sal­menasser) that the inbabitants of the land shall (r) faint under that grief, and perplexity, which must then be suffered. For, amongst [Page 23] other miseries, such an universall want shall there be of food, and nourishment: and (by the effusion of much blood) such a corruption of the air, and waters, that (together with those distressed inhabitants) the very beasts of the field, and the fowles of the aire, and the fish­es of their ponds near the sea shall, many of them, be taken away, in that common cala­mity.

4. In all this, (s) certainly it will be to little purpose for any man to admonish another; whose sinnes have contributed much to this publick misery. Therefore he were as good let it alone. For, this thy people are most of them past cure, like those spoken of in the Law, that will neither hearken to (t) Prince, nor Priest, unlesse it be to give them as good as they bring, when they are reproved, or cor­rected for their faults.

Therefore it shall (u) not be long, before I lay thee low enough, for this height of stubborness, and rebellion. And the false Prophet, that hath deceived thee, shall bear thee company in that punishment, which shall suddenly come upon you, like a misfortune, that comes in the (x) night, [Page 24] (when men neither look for it, nor know how to prevent it.) And thy Mother (thy whole nation) will I then out off from this place (by the hand of the Assyrian)

6. And yet indeed, it is not I that so cut them off, but their own folly, and impiety. For I must tell thee plainly (oh Israel, and thou especially, whosoever thou art, that art a Priest in Israel) thou hast made no regard of the knowledge of me, and my lawes; therefore will I have as little regard of thee, or thy ser­vice, or those Priests of thine, (whose lips should have preserved that knowledge) Thou hast forgotten the custody of the law of thy God, which should have been most dear unto thee. Therefore will I, in the very successions of the Priesthood, forget the care of thy children, which are dearer in thine eye, than any thing else.

7. They have given me cause enough to say so. For, (y) as they increased in number, and dignity, so did they increase in sinne, (which was no better, than turning their glory into shame) Therefore I will requite them in the same way, and make that now to be their shame, which they value as the greatest glory, that can happen to them. (So that they shall be asha­med [Page 25] to think of that honour of the Priest­hood, that once they had.) Miserum est fuisse.

8. For they that were in that honour, forgat themselves, and instead of reproving the sins of the people, they rather fed themselves upon the increase of those sins: having thence such plenty of their sinne-offerings, and oblations, that helped to furnish out their table, as they (z) heartily wished to have it, by what meanes soever.

9. Therefore, as they were alike guilty of sin: the Priest and the people: so shall a punishment answerable to their sin, fall upon them both a­like, when in my just visitation of their wicked waies, I shall return them the fruit of their own works.

10. Then they (that fed so lustily, and highly before, at their full tables) shall find so little to feed on, that they will not be able to fill themselves with the coursest fare. And when their enemies, in the siege of Samaria, have brought such a famine upon this adulterous generation: their adulterous seed shall not be so strong, and numerous, as to beat them a­way. And all this will come upon them, be­cause they forlook that, which might have kept them close unto the Lord.

[Page 26]11. But, how could they keep close to him, or to his precepts, when they su [...]ered their dear whoredom, and their sweet wine to steale away their hearts.

12. It is not for nothing, that I made spe­ciall mention of their whoredoms, and spiri­tuall fornications. For, my people, (unworthy of that name) proceeded so far in them as to fetch their intelligence from their poor (a) wood­en Oracles, and out of (b) little sticks (after the Chaldie device of making lots) they took their new way of information. Thus the spi­rit of whoredoms, or rather their spirituall whoredoms, and the example of those Idola­ters, that they conversed withall, led them into grosse errours, while they wandred from their own God, to goe a w [...]oring after other gods.

13. When (directly against their own law) they made choice of the tops of mountaines, wherein to sacrifice, and offer incense: or else they did it under oakes and poplars, and elmes, for the welcome benefit of the shade. Therefore will I punish one kind of whoredom with a­nother, the spirituall with the carnall: and suffer your wives and daughters to be guilty of whoredom against your selves, as you have been against me, oh Israel!

[Page 27]14. Nor will I take present punishment upon your wives and daughters for such offences, but wink at them, as if I saw not, how they goe on in the practise of those sins. Because you that are Fathers, and Husbands showed them the way by your own example in your many diversions, and private walks into shady groves, with no better company than harlots to partake of your idolatrous sacrifice. And into these sins and these punishments may that people easily fall, that will not hold to the knowledge of the true God.

15. But, though you of the ten tribes will run far into the guilt of spiritual and carnall whore­dom: yet let the house of Judah and Benjamin take heed of following so bad an example. Do not you of those two tribes undertake any walks or pilgrimages to Galgala, or Bethel. That of Bethel indeed hath a specious name as if it were the house of God: but whatsoever it hath been, it is now rather a (c) Beth-aven i.e. a house of Vanity or of an Idoll, which is no better than Vanity. Learn not you to goe thither, nor (as they do there) to swear by their calves under the name of Jehovah, whom they think they may worship in such images, and repre­sentations. [Page 28] In that sense to swear [ as the Lord liveth] will be such an oath, as he will not like.

16. As for thee, oh Israel, that wouldst be dealing with such cattle (with calves instead of a Dietie) the time is coming on, when (to requite thy many walks to them) thy self (k) shall wander about like a silly calf. And thou shalt be (l) fed where thou mayest have room e­nough indeed; as much as sheep delight to have, that would ever be feeding in large meadowes, though to the hazard of loosing themselves. So shall your lot fall into spacious places. (But it shall be in the Assyrians grounds, and there will be little comfort of your feeding at large, in that place.)

17. This is the punishment of Ephraim, that beares the name of the ten tribes and is so vio­lently addicted to Idols, and so incurably sick of that maladie, that it is in vain to perswade him any more against it. Therefore let him alone oh Iudah, leave him to his own wayes.

18, Such a drink offering as they pour out to their Gods, hath lost his best savour, and is not worth the drinking: because it tastes strong of [Page 29] idolatry, the worst kind of whoredoms. Though (f) their great ones come merrily to it, and they that should be like bucklers to keep the people off, do rather love to say, (g) Bring hi­ther our Idols. They were as good have said, Bring hither our shame.

19. Therefore shall Ephraim be as swiftly (h) carried away into a remote nation (of the Assyrian) as if he had been taken up upon the wings of the wind. And then with shame shall they think of those sacrifices that have pur­chased so sad a reward for them, in that dis­mall place.


1. Hear ye this, O Priests, and hearken ye house of Israel, and give ye ear, O house of the King: for judgement is towards you, because ye have been a snare on M [...]zpah, and a net spred upon Tabor.

2. And the revolters are profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all.

3. I know Ephraim, and Israel is not hid from me: [Page 30] for now, O Ephraim, thou committest whoredom, and Israel is defiled.

4. They will not frame their doings to turn unto their God: for the spirit of whoredoms is in the midst of them, and they have not known the Lord.

5 And the pride of Isra­el doth testifie to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their ini­quity: Iudah also shall fall with them.

6. They shall go with their flocks, and with their berds to seek the Lord: but they shall not find him, he hath withdrawn himself from them.

7. They have dealt trea­cherously against the Lord: for they have begotten strange children, now shall a moneth devour them with their portions.

8. Blow ye the cornet in Gibea, & the trumpet in Ra­mah; cry aloud at Bethaven, after thee, O Benjamin.

9. Ephraim shall be de­solate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Israell have I made known that which shall surely be.

10. The Princes of Iu­dah were like them that re­move the bound: therefore I will poure out my wrath upon them like water.

11. Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgement: because he willingly walk­ed after the commandment.

12. Therefore will I be unto Ephraim as a moth: and to the house of Iudah as rottennesse.

13. When Ephraim saw his sicknesse, and Iudah saw his wound: then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king Iareb; yet could he not heal you, nor cure you of your wound.

14. For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion to the house of Iudah: I, even I, will tear and go away: I will take away, and none shall rescue him.

15. I will goe and re­turn to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early.


1. YOu that call your selves Priests in Is­rael, and passe under that name among your Countriemen, I have somewhat more for you to hear. And it will concern all you of the house of Israel, to listen to it: and you speci­ally of King Menahem's Court. For there is a (i) just punishment readie to fall upon you, because you have been a snare to the house of Iudah, who, by your example, have been as easilie seduced, as birds are taken in nets, and gins, about the woody Mountains of Mizpah, and Tabor: which are famous for that art of fowling, and ensnaring of those crea­tures.

2. And no wonder, if others were misled by their example: for, these (k) Apostates decli­ning from the true wayes of my service, (l) went profoundlie to work in their butchering (for no better term deserve their so much sa­crificing to idols.) But I will (m) find a way of [Page 32] correction, that shall meet with them all, in a slaughter of men, not of beasts.

3. I know these, and other faults in those of the ten tribes, nor can any of their offences be concealed from me. I observe how Ephraim goes still forward in his spiritual fornication, and all Israel is defiled after their ex­ample.

4. They will not frame their actions towards a way of conversion unto their God. For, the spirit of that kind of whordom is in the middest of them, and they have no mind to know the Lord.

5. Which proud, and obstinate demeanour of Israel doth testifie to their faces, what they are. Therefore their own iniquitie shall ruine those ten tribes, (under the Assyrian) And Judah shall, not long after, fall into the like miserie (under the Egyptians and Caldaeans.)

6. Then shall they think to make their atone­ment, by bringing their stocks, and their herds to be offered in sacrifice unto the Lord. * But, that way of seeking their peace with God, will not then prove the way to find it. They will rather find, that he hath (n) withdrawn himself from them, and will by no means admit of those former waies of accesse.

[Page 33]7. And so he might well do, because of their unlawful accesse to women of other Nati­ons, whom they were commanded not to marry, which was a great offence against God, and a means to furnish them with strange children, that he will not own. Now therefore will he suffer souldiers of a strange nation (o) in a short time by their monethlie payments and exactions, to devour them, and that sub­stance, which he had allotted, and laid out, as a peculiar portion to themselves.

8. Nor will I longer defer the calling of that armie, saith the Lord. Come on, (p) and let your trumpets and cornets give notice of your near approach. Let the sound of them be heard in Gibeah, and Ramah (within the portion of Benjamin, and not many miles from the Citie of Ierusalem) Let them shout aloud at (q) Be­thaven, and that pincheth close upon thy back, O Benjamin. So near is that place unto thee.

9. And if this fall upon Judah. How will Ephraim be laid desolate in the day of his cor­rection? (under the army of Salmanasser) when I shall show my (r) constant resolution of accom­plishing all that, which I had foretold to be coming upon Israel.


[Page 34]10. Nor, while they are so punished in Is­rael, may the Princes of Iudah think to escape. For, many of them have often passed those bounds, that I set them. Therefore I will poure my anger upon them, like water (that will be kept in no bounds, and ever breaks out violent­lie, and in great abundance.)

11. And while I resolve of Iudah's punish­ment, I forget not the faults of Ephraim, and Israel: speciallie how the people there have been crushed and oppressed by the power of their great ones, and the iniquitie of their Courts of Iustice. (s) My justice suffering that punish­ment to fall upon them, because they had a readier inclination to walk after the edicts and dictates of men, then after that which I justlie commanded.

12. Therefore as the moth eats and con­sumes the garment, and rottenness the flesh: so will I for these offences cause both Ephraim and Iudah to be consumed, and eaten out of their own homes. And neither their own, nor other Princes shall be able to relieve them.

13. They may remember the time, when Ephraim perceiving his sicknesse, and Judah feeling his wound, that troubled him: (t) E­phraim [Page 35] applied himself to the Assyrian, (send­ing presents to Pul) and (u) Judah made his addresses to Tiglathpelezer, that he would be his good King (x) Jareb, i. his Protector, and (x) avenger of his cause. But, all this while, he, that was so wooed, and humbly sent to, could not heal the disease, that they were sick of: nor cure those wounds, that put them to their pain and trouble.

14. For, to what end is it to seek favour, and succour of men, saith the Lord, when I resolve in my revenge, to be as a Panther sodainly to rush upon Ephraim, and as a Lion violentlie to fall upon the house of Judah? When (y) I my felf prove like these fierce creatures that first come abroad to tear in pieces, and then return again into their dens to dispose of their prey: who shall then be able to rescue that, which I have so taken away?

15. But I will retire my self from these sons of men, into heaven, my proper place: (z) till by repentance they acknowledge their guilt, and seek after my love and favour, which I know they will do (a) with all speed, and diligence, when the smart of their affliction hath wrought the right cure upon them.


1. COme, and let us re­turn unto the Lord, for he hath torn, and he will heael us: he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

2. After two daies will he revive us, in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.

3. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain; as the latter and former rain unto the earth.

4. O Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee? O Iudah, what shall I do unto thee? for your goodnesse is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away.

5. Therefore have I hewed them by the Prophets: I have slain them by the words of my mouth, and thy judgements are as the light that goeth forth.

6. For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more the [...] burnt offerings.

7. But, they like men, have transgressed the Covenant: there they have dealt trea­cherously against me.

8. Gilead is a city of them that work iniqui­ty, and is polluted with blood.

9. And as troups of rob­bers wait for a man, so the company of Priests murder in the way by consent: for they commit lewdnesse.

10. I have seen an hor­rible thing in the house of Israel: there is the whore­dom of Ephraim, Israel is defiled.

11. Also, O Iudah, he hath set an harvest for thee, when I returned the capti­vity of my people.


1. ANd when they so resolve to seek me by repentance, (as I said they would do in that affliction) they may do it, in these words, which I shall now set down to their hands. Come let us seek a remedie of all our troubles, by returning unto the Lord. For no raging Lions could have thus torn and distressed us, but by his permission: and nothing but his mercie can find a way to relieve us. It is he that gave strength to the hand, which hath smitten, and wounded us, and none but his hand can bind up our wounds, and apply that unto them, which is their certain cure.

2. Indeed our case is rather like theirs, that are killed outright, then onely wounded: and the day of our Countries calamities may be counted the day of her death, and a ceasing quite to be, what she was before. Yet such is the power of our God, that if he suffer us to lie two daies in the grave of this miserie he can make the third day, the joyful day of our resurrection to our former state, and livelyhood: and so the figure of a greater day, that he shall comfort us, and all his servants withal, in his due time: so this quickning and reviving us [Page 38] out of our miserie here, shall be as a pledge, and assurance, that one day we shall come to live for ever in his sight, and hear no more of his diversions, and retirements from his chosen people.

3. And if we will use our best endeavours, and presse on more, and more toward the know­ledge and service of God, we shall soon know, that the morning of that happy day begins to dawn. For his ready help shall appear like the joyful morning, that speaks the approach of a clear day. Or like the welcom rain: (b) the latter and the former rain, that prophesie a merrie day unto the Earth. (c) ‘When the Montains shall skip, like Rams, and the little hills like young sheep. (d) And the vallies shall stand so thick with corn, that they shall laugh and sing.’

4. Now when they have used this form of accesse to me, then will I answer them in this manner. Alas! what good can I do to you of Ephraim, or to you of Judah? while you con­tinue in that wicked state wherein you are, and frame not your selves to live well, but onely by fits, and starts. For there is no more assurance of your (e) goodnesse then there is of the morn­ing-cloud, [Page 39] or the earlie dew, that vanish away, as soon as the Sun begins to look upon them. (Thus you make not up your day, and how can you hope for mine?)

5. That is the reason of the sad daies, wherein I wounded you with those judgements, that I sent my Prophets to foretel: and as good as killed you with threats out of my holy word, and the mouth of my messengers, that I sent unto you. In which sad time (as I called them) my Iustice in those heavy judgements that I brought upon you, is as clear as the light of the day, (fully deserved by you, and yet clearlie fore­told by me, that you might seek to avoid them by a better course of life.)

6. For (f) goodnesse, and holinesse of life is the sacrifice, with which I am best appeased: and it is not the number of your burnt-offerings, that I look after, but the zealous ardour of a good heart, that desires nothing more then to know me, as I have revealed my self in my holie word.

7. But what care have they taken for this goodnesse, and this knowledge, that have vio­lated my Covenant as their old Father Adam did in Paradise? (who was therefore turned out of that pleasant place: as their punishment [Page 40] is to be turned out of their pleasant and fruit­ful land. And good reason: for,) * It was not enough for them to sin there against me: (to sin in Adam) but I shall instance in their own actual sins, and begin first with them of Gilead.

8. Gilead is a City wholy fraught with (g) makers of idols. And their bloody hands are as deep in crueltie too. If you will follow their footsteps, to find them out, in that sin, you may (h) trace them all the way by that blood, which they shed in such abundance, that I was content to appoint more Cities of Refuge be­yond Iordan (considering the space of ground) then there was on this side.

9. And this will hold true, not onely of the common people, which usually add murder to their theft, and robberie: but of their Priests too, that should be their guides to bet­ter courses, and yet do as much harm to the souls of men, as others do to their bodies or estates. For, there shall you have combinations of idolatrous priests of Ieroboams new religion, that have their set meetings to little better pur­pose, then those famous companies of troopers, and theeves, that wait for any man, that passes [Page 41] by the high way to Sichem, there to rob, and slay. For, such (i) villanie is their work: they have little other, imployment.

10. From whence (as an effect of this) I have seen a most horrid thing in Israel, idola­trie spread over the whole ten tribes by Ieroboam of the tribe of Ephraim: and so all Israel polluted with that spiritual adul­terie.

11. Nor hath Israel onely offended. I shall find cause enough to punish thee, O Iudah, by Sennacherib one that shall bring (k) great sor­row and affliction upon thee: After I have caused my people Israel to be led captives, (l) as at first by Tiglathpelezer, so the second time again by Salmanasser. (k)


1. When I would have healed Israel, then the iniquity of Ephra­im was discovered, and the wickednesse of Samaria: for they commit falshood: and the thief cometh in, & the troup of robbers spoileth without.

2. And they consider not [Page 42] in their hearts: that I re­member all their wicked­nesse: now their own doings have beset them about, they are before my face.

3. They make the King glad with their wickedness and the Princes with their lies.

4. They are all adulte­rers, an oven heated by the baker; who ceaseth from raising, after he hath knea­ded the dough, untill it be leavened.

5. In the day of our King, the Princes have made him sick with bottles of wine, he stretched out his hand with scorners.

6. For they have made ready their heart like an oven, whiles they ly in wait, their baker sleepeth all the night, in the morning it burneth as a flaming fire.

7 They are all hot as an oven, and have devoured their Iudges: all their Kings are fallen, there is none among them that cal­leth unto me.

8 Ephraim, he hath mix­ed himself among the peo­ple, Ephraim is a cake not turned.

9 Strangers have devou­red his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray haires are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.

10 And the pride of Is­rael testifieth to his face, and they do not return to the Lord their God, non seek to him for all this.

11 Ephraim also is like a silly dove, without heart: they call to Egypt, they go to Assyria.

12 When they shall go, I will spread my net upon them, I will bring them down as the fowls of the heaven: I will chastise them as their Congregation hath heard.

13 Wo unto them, for they have fled from me: de­struction unto them, because they have transgressed a­gainst me, though I bave redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me.

14 And they have not cried unto me with their heart, when they howled [Page 43] upon their beds: they assem­ble themselves for corn and wine, and they rebel against me.

15 Though I have bound, & strengthened their arms, yet do they imagine mis­chief against me.

16 They return, but not to the most High: they are like a deceitful bow: their Princes shall fall by the sword, for the rage of their tongue: this shall be their derision in the land of E­gypt.


1. YOu have heard of their wounds, and sicknesse in Israel, and their desire of recovery. Now when I had begun a fair means of cure upon them (by removing the most ido­latrous house of Ahab) a new way of iniquity was discovered in Ephraim, and Samaria (Jehu (n) still leaving Jeroboams calves to be a snare to the people) For then fell they afresh to the making of (o) images. Therefore I left them to be punished by whole troops of thieves and robbers both at home and abroad.

2. Yet will they not think in their hearts, how I remember all their wicked actions, which will (p) shortly compasse them about (like ene­mies, that come for their ruine) if they will [Page 44] not remove them out of my sight.

3. They make a merriment of these faults be­fore Jehu their King, and cozen the Princes as well as him (with the speculation of their imaginary prosperity in this course.)

4. In the mean time all these (q) Idolaters are as hot upon it, as an oven: which was heated by a Baker, that, when he had kneaded his dough, till it was leavened, took no care to watch, and attend the oven, (r) (so that the fire might easily break out, and consume the whole house, thorough his supine negligence) Such were these in their idolatrous courses, the more inflamed, and indangered, while their King Jehu connived, and took no care to re­presse them,

5. And now the Prophet may say. In the daies of this our King Jehu, our Princes (s) be­gan (to be as hot upon their idolatry) as if they had been ins [...]amed with full bottles of wine. The King, withdrawing his hand and deferring to punish those wicked and profane contemners of God and Men.

6. For these Princes (under pretense of zeal to the cause) fitted, and prepared their infla­med hearts for idolatry, like that oven before mentioned: treacherously deceiving the King [Page 45] by their evill counsailes. And the King, all the while, was like the Baker (in the (t) for­mer parable) that slept all night, and either did not, or would not see what they went a­bout: till at last (u) the day came, when the King himself was as much inflamed with that false zeal, as any of them: and I might say; as the very fire, that first set all into such a flame.

7. Not long after, they were all become as hot as an oven, in this businesse. The People, as well as their King, and their Princes, (for, such an example could not but heat them on) And their stomachs quickly prove so hot upon it, that they spare not to devour their own Prin­ces, and Governours. (x) The time will come, when I shall punish them in the same way, by letting their Kings fall by the hands of sedi­tious People: because, in all this confusion, there were few, or none, that would call upon me for appeasing of these disorders.

8. Therefore shall Ephraim be confusedly dis­persed among other Nations, y and suddenly too. For he shall be like a cake half baked, devour­ed up before both sides be turned, and heated as they should be.

9. Strangers will consume his wealth, before [Page 46] he will know why: and he shall be ruined be­fore he is aware of it: like those that by their gray haires are here, and there fairly admonished of the approach of infirmities, and death: and yet (z) will not take any notice of that admo­nition.

10. And no wonder, if this be the doom of Israel, while their proud, and obstinate demea­nour testifies to their faces, what they are, and they will not, in humility, return to the Lord, their God, and seek after him, for all this.

11. But Ephraim will still be like a silly dove, that hath no understanding, and (instead of seeking after God) (a) fly about to his vain hopes: sometime to implore the help of Egypt, and sometime to be reposed under the shelter of Assyria.

12. But, when they have wandred, thorough all the wayes of trial, that their idle fancy can set them upon: I will catch them in a net, that I have ready to spread over them: and draw them like silly birds, whither I have already determined. And there I (b) will punish them, according to that which they have often heard from the mouth of my Prophets, and others, in their several congregations.

13. Nothing but woe can be due to them, [Page 47] for that often wandring away from me: nothing but desolation, (from those they prefer before my help) can be the doom of their grievous re­bellions, and aversions from me, that have so often delivered them from the hands of their greatest enemies: though they still continue to speak falsly and vainly of me (in expressing my glory by their idols of wood and stone.)

14. To those titular Gods, and not to me do they heartily make their moan, when their affli­cting thoughts make them howle upon their beds. And no otherwise, in their merry dayes, when with plenty of bread, and wine, they had (c) in­gurgitated themselves like beasts, did they turne away from me, the Author of that plenty. So that they could never find the way to my ser­vice, either full or fasting.

15. Whether I weakned them by afsliction, or strengthned them by (d)prosperity, still they held on their mischievous, and idolatrous devices against me, and against the pure worship of my name.

16. Ever ready to turn away from being un­der the yoke of my law (notwithstanding all their pretenses to it) like a deceitful bow, that seems to aim one way, and strikes another. (e) [Page 48] (f) Therefore shall God strike them with a se­cret arrow, that cannot be discovered, or pre­vented. For, their Princes shall fall by the sword, in those conspiracies which shall take rise from the virulent speeches, and libels se­cretly cast out against them (the usual art to feel the pulse of the people) And this shall ex­pose them to scorn, and contempt among their neighbours of Egypt (who are more loyall, and faithfull to their Princes; then you that should set them a copy of that obedience.)


1. SEt the trumpet to thy mouth: he shall come as an Eagle against the house of the Lord, because they have transgressed my Covenant, and trespassed against my Law.

2 Israel shall cry unto me, my God, we know thee.

3 Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the ene­my shall pursue him.

4 They have set up kings, but not by me: they have made Princes, and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off.

5 Thy calf, O Samaria, hath cast thee off, mine an­ger is kindled against them: how long will it be ere they attain to innocency?

6 For from Israel was it also, the workman made it, therefore it is not God: but the calf of Samaria [Page 49] be broken in pieces.

7 For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlewinde: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yeild no meal: if so be it yeild, the strangers shall swallow it up.

8 Israel is swallowed up, now shall they be among the Gentiles, as a vessel where­in is no pleasure.

9 For they are gone up to Assyria, a wild asse a­lone by himself: Ephraim hath hired louers.

10 Yea, though they have hired among the nations, now will I gather them, and they shall sorrow a little for the burden of the King of Princos.

11 Because Ephraim hath made many altars to sin, altars shall be unto him to sinne.

12 I have written to him the great things of my Law, but they were counted as a strange thing.

13 They sacrifice flesh for the sacrifices of mine offerings, and eat it; but the Lord accepteth them not: now will he remember their iniquity, and visit their sinnes: they shall re­turn to Egypt.

14 For Israel hath for­gotten his Maker, and buildeth Temples; and Iu­dah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.


1. AFter this, God gave a command to Ho­seah to this purpose. Lift up thy voice, against Israel, so loud, that it may be as easily heard, as the sound of a trumpet out of thy mouth, or the noise which an Eagle makes a­bove [Page 50] the height of the Temple. So loud do thou proclaim against them for their transgressing of my covenant, and violating my law, (g) in a high way of presumption. And if that trum­pet, and noise of an Eagle prevaile not with them, I will fright them with the trumpets of their enemies, and with Nebuchadnezar's terrible approach, which shall come as sud­denly upon them, as the flight of an (h) Eagle.

2. But they will not hear. Therefore when the time comes, that they shall cry aloud to me in their affliction, and say, O my God! We of Israel (i) acknowledge thee onely to be the true God.

3. Then will I answer. For all your fair language now, you of Israel, (that took your name of (k) Israel for prevailing with me) have notwithstanding forsaken me your supreme good, and your best friend. And, in forsaking me, you have bereaved your selves of all that is good for you. For, therefore will I leave you to an enemy, that shall never forsake the pursuit of Israel, till he hath brought him to utter ruine.

4. Many Kings and Iudges, (before and [Page 51] after Jehu and his posterity) have they set [...]over themselves, without any such direct order from me, or so much as inquiring after my pleasure, (as if my permission were enough to excuse them, without my command) This was one way, and for a second way of forsaking their chief good, of their silver and gold have they made them Idols, as if it were to give me oc­casion, not onely to take away that wealth, which they so abused: but to cut off such a people from the place, where they have so highly offended. As I have often threatned that I would do.

5. For, do not think, these Idols can prevent it. No, as thou didst cast me off, so thy calf will cast thee off, O Samaria. That Diety of thy first Kings invention, and which thou ma­kest so much of ( as the chief seat of thy ido­latrous Kings) shall leave thee in the lurch, when thou hast most need of a better help. And, instead of succour from thence, her ad­mirers shall find the effects of my fierce anger. For, how long shall I expect, 'ere they (l) wash off the guilt of those sinnes by repentance, and follow after innocence and purity in the service of the true God?

[Page 52]6. For, this device of the calf is a trick of Israels own choice, and election. They learned it not of any of their idolatrous neighbours. The first founders of it were their own Fa­thers in the wildernesse. When their poste­rity long after had taken it up again, it was made by those Artificers, that their own Prin­ces set on work. And, when all is done, how far it is from being a God, you shall see by my breaking of it all to pieces, (while that is able to make no resistance.) And the hands, that I shall make use of to that purpose, shall spend those pieces of silver, and gold, as they please, without any respect to the pretended sacred employment, which, they had before.

7. Then shall men take up a Proverb against them, and say, They have sowen the wind, and reaped the whirlewind: They have busled, and (m) troubled themselves to their own further vexation, (n) rather than any advantage. (o) ‘For, what true fruit have they of that, whereof they are now ashamed?’ And the truth of this they will see in the fruites of the earth, which will as much deceive their expe­ctation. For, if the stalk come up, it shall have no corn upon it, or, if it have, that shall not make any good meale: or, if it do, strangers [Page 53] shall come and eat it up. Little of it shall come into their profane mouths.

8. And such (p) strangers shall devour the men of Israel themselves, as well as their corn, after a while. And, (for their neglect of my service) the Moabites, and other forreign na­tions shall make as little account of them, as they do of a broken, or tainted vessel, that a man hath no mind to make use of, for the meanest occasion.

9. In this distresse, up will Israel get him, to seek help of the Assyrian: but he will find him slow enough to take Israel's burden upon his own shoulders, For the Assyrian is like a wild Asse, that feeds alone to himself (he cares not to fit himself for others employment, but for his own ease, and profit.) Therefore Ephra­ims (q) bribes may walk to make friends of the Assyrians, (but it will be to little purpose.)

10. For, Imagine (while they seek not me, their onely true God, and their best help,) that they have some fair hopes from those nati­ons, that are hired with their money, yet those nations will I muster up against them (chiefly the Assyrians, whom they reckon in the num­ber of their ablest, and surest friends,) And [Page 54] then shall they (r) begin to be troubled by little, and little, and oppressed with the heavy bur­dens, layed upon them by that King and his Princes.

11. And, since Ephraim hath taken pleasure in building many Altars, wherein to offend God: they shall meet with Altars (in Assyria) that will give no little offence to them (when, besides their other grievances, they are forced to con­vey wood, and water, and sacrifices to that service of the Assyrian)

12. All which they might easily have pre­vented. For, to that purpose, I gave them ma­ny good and (s) worthy lawes in writing, (from the time of Moses) upon which they set no more value, then upon a thing, that little con­cerned them, or their felicity.

13. The flesh of those sacrifices, which they offer unto me, (for their own sweet sakes, that must feast upon it) let them offer it, and let them eat freely of it, if they will: (For, I little regard either, while they are done with­out amendment of life) And, for all them, they shall know, that (t) ere-long I will call their sinnes to remembrance, and punish their offen­ces. And this, in particular, that (contrary [Page 55] to their solemn ingagement to the Assyrian) they have entertained a resolution of applying themselves again to the Egyptians, for an un­certain relief.

14. In which, as in other courses, they for­get their God, that made them: and dream of building more and more (u) fair houses to their Gods, from whom they expect deliverance. Wherein also the kingdom of Iudah hath not been a little to blame, which (fearing the like incursions of the Assyrian) built not her hopes upon God, but upon the multitude-of her new fenced Cities and Palaces, which I shall send a fire to consume, (by the hand of Sennache­rib.)


1. REjoyce not, O Isra­el, for joy as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, thou hast loved a reward upon every corn floor.

2 The floor and the wine­presse shall not feed them, and the new wine shall fail in her.

3 They shall not dwell in the Lords land: but E­phraim shall return to E­gypt, and they shall eat un­clean things in Assyria.

4 They shall not offer wine offerings to the Lord; neither shall they be plea­sing [Page 56] unto him: their sacri­fices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners: all that eat thereof shall be polluted: for their bread for their soul shall not come into the house of the Lord.

5 What will ye do in the solemn day, and in the day of the feast of thè Lord.

6 For lo, they are gone because of destruction: E­gypt shall gather them up, Memphis shall bury them: the pleasant places for their silver, nettles shall possesse them: thornes shall be in their tabernacles.

7 The dayes of visitati­on are come, the dayes of recompense are come, Isra­el shall know it; the Pro­phet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad, for the multi­tude of thine iniquity and the great hatred.

8 The watchman of E­phraim was with my God: but the Prophet is a snare of a sowler in all his waies and hatred in the house of his God.

9 They have deeply cor­rupted themselves, as in the dayes of Gibeah: therefore he will remember their ini­quity, he will visit their sins.

10 I found Israel like grapes in the wildernesse: I saw your Fathers as the first ripe in the fig-tree at her first time: but they went to Baal-Peor, and separated themselves unto that shame, and their abominations were according as they loved.

11 As for Ephraim, their glory shall flee away like a bird: from the birth, and from the womb, and from the conception.

12 Though they bring up their children, yet will I bereave them, that there shall not be a man left: yea wo also to them when I de­part from them.

13 Ephraim, as I saw Ty­rus, is planted in a plea­sant place: but Ephraim shall bring forth his chil­dren to the murderer.

14 Give them, O Lord: what wilt thou give? give them a miscarrying womb, and dry breasts.

[Page 57]15 All their wickednesse is in Gilgal: for there I hated them; for the wick­ednesse of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their Princes are revolters.

16 Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.

17 My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto him: and they shall be wanderers among the na­tions.


1. PLease not thy self too much, O Israel, in thinking thy prosperity as secure, and permanent, as they of other nations may hope for. Idolatrie is not so great a sin in them, as it is in thee. Thou hast gone a whoring from the true God (to whom thou hadst plighted thy troth) And thou hast done it, in expectation of a good reward for it, in all thy corn-floors, (wherein thou hopest to find more plenty, for doing that, which will bring a greater plague upon thee.)

2. For, the floore and the winepresse shall not be able to maintain the owners of them, and the new wine shall faile in this land.

3. For, this is the Lords land by a peculiar [Page 58] title. And he will not suffer them to be long Inhabitants of his land, that have soon forgot­ten him, that placed them in so rich, and plea­sant a soil, when he brought them out of their Egyptian bondage. No: they shall many of them trot along to Egypt again (to an other bondage there) and the rest shall be carried into Assyria, where they shall be forced to eat of those meats, which their law doth account to be unclean. (So far shall their idols be from supplying of them with that plentie, which they expected.)

4. For, it is but just, that they (which would not bring their offerings to God, when they should have done it) should not now be suffered to present him with their wine-offerings, & usu­al sacrifices, when they fain would do it. Or, if they would, & might then offer them, yet would not God be any way pleased with such a service, in a profane land. They should have no better ac­ceptance, then those (x) funeral-feasts, whereof nothing was wont to be presented in the Tem­ple. All that eat of such presents (how wel soever they relish to them) would be thereby polluted. Therefore sure they may keep the meat of such oblations (y) for themselves. For, there would be no admittance of it into the house of the Lord, (if you suppose such a house then standing, [Page 59] and them able to spare enough, for that use.)

5. And, if your offerings will be so little regarded, what will you then resolve to do upon your New-Moons, and other solemn, and festi­val daies, wherein you were wont to appear before the Lord? (Your new Masters will hardlie give you leave to make them holy daies: or, if they do, and you would not appear empty before God; Where, and what can you then present unto God, that shall be accepted, as it hath been in your own Countrie? But, besides all this, They, that will make your blood a sacrifice to Gods justice, and a (z) feast to which God himself will invite such as you would not like. They will find you out new holy daies, that you dream not of? What will you do upon those solemn, and festival daies? wherein they will triumph over your miseries, and make you wearie of them, and the place they live in.

6. Will you now see, what will become of them that escape out of this then-desolate land of your own (by running from the Assyrians?) Egypt shall find them a place, wherein to meet, and Memphis shall furnish them with a place of burial: while, in the mean time, those lovely places, which they had purchased here, with their [Page 60] good money, shall be covered over with nettles: and thorns shall grow in those habitations, wherein, they thought, they had been richly, and safely pitched, without the likelihood of any sodain removal.

7. I speak not now of mere speculations. Doubt not but these daies of visitation, and retribution will as certainly come, as if they were (a) come already, and that you shall know it to your cost (that I have foretold nothing, but what is true) And to represent my pre­dictions in a way, that may expresse the greater assurance of truth, I speak of what shall be, as of things present, or already past. The false Prophets, that lulled you asleep with other dreams of securitie, did but play the fools, and your mad upstarts, that pretended to be inspired, did contribute much to the increase of your in­iquities, and specially of that your ill opinion, or that great malice rather, which you bare to all them, that would have advised you better, and withdrawn you from idolatrie.

8. A true watchman of Israel is ever (b) for my God (doth not side with the people, to their [Page 61] ruine: but speaks the truth, as in the presence of God, and for their good) but the Prophet, that they cry up, i. the pretended Prophet, that we spake of: He is but like a snare, which the fowler laies to intrap you in all his waies. And what mischief one of those false Prophets so doth, against a true worshiper of God: he doth it, in meer spite against the Temple of his God, where that true worship is performed.

9. These are they, that are profound sinners (stark nought at the heart, whatsoever they are in show) (c) Their corruptions are such as can not be matched, but in the storie of the miserable corrupted times, wherein we read of the villanie of those impudent men of Gibeah. Which (d) great sins of theirs, with other their offences God will remember and pu­nish in due time: though they think he hath forgot them, and little regards what is done below.

10. But, who would not grieve to think, how soon Israel was fallen so deep into such foul enormities: for) When I found Israel, at first, in the deserts of Arabia (in their passage out of Egypt into the holy land) upon the [Page 62] first trial, I found withal somewhat that was good in them, and pleased me as well, as the best grapes would please them that travail in those hot, and barren places. I could then have compared the goodnesse of your forefathers to the first fruit of the sig (that which first ap­pears to be now ripened, and welcom to the tast) But (such sigs may be soon ripe, soon rot­ten: and so were they. For) it was not long e're they fell foul upon the worship of Baal (e) Peor (the abomination of the Moabites and Ammonites) and (f) separated themselves. not to my service, as did the true Nazarites, but to the service of that shameful thing: and so because as abominible as that, whereon they doted.

11. Their sin came on apace then: so did Ephraims after them. And so shall their punish­ment. For the glorie of Ephraim shall sodainly and swiftly flie away, like a bird. Their glorie is their fruitfulnesse, which they are proud to see in their very (g) name. But what glorie will they challenge from the birth of their little ones (when they are (h) still-born?) What glorie from the womb, when their wives shall be abortive? What glorie from conception, [Page 63] (i) when they shall have no joy of the fruit of their womb?

12. For, though they bring up their children, till they are of good years; yet will I, more and more, bereave them of those children, till they have not a man left. Part of this shall happen in their passage into Assyria, and the worst, and most (k) woful part, when I leave them there, with a more sensible impression of my depar­ture from them.

13. I look upon Ephraim. like an other Ty­rus, very populous, and richly seated in a most pleasant place: but thence shall Ephraim be fain to bring forth his children, to be slaughtered by their enemies.

14. And the passing of that heavie decree makes me, that I cannot hold from praying for some mitigation, at least, of their punishment. Give them, O Lord (since it must be so) what thou hadst first threatned, that thou wouldst give them: Their unthankfulnesse for the contrarie benefits deserve no lesse. Give them (that, which sufficientlie crosseth the fair (l) omen of their name) barrennesse. Let it suffice that they shall have a barren womb, and drie breasts. For, that other is a (m) more sad, [Page 64] and fearful punishment, to give up their chil­dren to the mercie of the enemy, when their growth, and strength promise much help, and comfort to their Parents.

15. Yet I must confesse they deserve no such mitigation of their punishment, when I call to mind all their (n) wickednesse in Gilgal. That very place might have put them in mind of the favours which I showed them there, presently after their miraculous passage through Iordan, and first entrance into the land of (o) promise. There I forgave the long neglect of their circumcision, and did not onely take away that reproach: but began my work of higher mercy, and protection over them in that land. This place therefore, of all other, should have been made a place of thankful ac­knowledgements, and good resolutions of amendment of life, and holy obedience for the future. They should never have chose to make the (p) Devila Chappel, where they were first obliged to show their service to me. The circumcision of their flesh there, should have been seconded with the circumcision of their hearts, and expressed in such actions, as might have gained more of my love. But, they have so ordered it, that I cannot but hate those [Page 65] things, that have been done in that place. And, me thinks, I hear God saying thus of thom, For the wickednesse of those their doings, and spe­cially the erection of a house there for idola­trie, I will drive them far from my house, and show them no more tokens of my love. The rather, because all their Princes and Governors (that should have prevented these mischiefs) have bin as deep as any other inrebellion against me.

16. We have now seen the stroke of justice come so heavily upon Ephraim, that the verie root of that fair, and far-spreading tree is like to be dried up, and withered. Or, if they of Ephraim do bring any store of fruit (and so hold out like their (q) name) yet that is a heavy sentence, which God himself hath spoken in these sad terms. I will slay the (r) most amiable fruit of their womb (that which they so much long for, & place so much affection upon, when they have it) because they spoil their fair beau­ty, with the imitation of their fathers ugly sins.

17. Thefore my God will cast them off with scorn, because they have not been obedient unto him. And they shall be scattered about, like va­gabonds, among other nations. All which I speak (s) not as desirous to deliver a curse, but as bound to make known a Prophesie a­gainst this nation.


1. ISrael is an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit unto himself; according to the multitude of his fruit, he hath increased the al­tars, according to the goodnesse of his land, they have made goodly ima­ges.

2 Their heart is divided: now shall they be found faul­ty: he shall break down their altars: he shall spoil their images.

3 For (now they shall say) we have no King, be­cause we feared not the Lord, what then should a King do to us?

4 They have spoken words, swearing falsly in making a covenant: thus judge­ment springeth up as hem­lock in the furrows of the field.

5 The inhabitants of Sa­maria shall fear, because of the calves of Beth-aven: for the people thereof shall mourn over it, and the priests thereof that rejoyced on it, for the glory thereof, be­cause it is departed from it.

6 It shall be also carried unto Assyria for a present to King Iareb: Ephraim shall receive shame, and Is­rael shall be ashamed of his own counsell.

7 As for Samaria, her King is cut off as the some upon the water.

8 The high places also of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed: the thorn and the thistle shall come up on their altars; and they shall say to the moun­tains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us.

9 O Israel, thou hast sin­ned from the daies of Gi­beah: there they stood: the battail in Gibeah against the children of iniquity did [Page 67] not overtake them.

10 It is in my desire that I should chastise them, and the people shall be ga­thered against them, when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows.

11 And Ephraim is as an heifer that is taught, and loveth to tread out the corn, but I passed over upon her fair neck: I will make Ephraim to ride: Iudah shall plow, and Iacob shall break his clod [...].

12 Sow to your selves in righteousnesse, reap in mer­cy: break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the Lord, till he come and rain righteousnesse upon you.

13 Ye have plowed wick­ednesse, ye have reaped iniquity, ye have eaten the fruit of lies: because thou didst trust in thy way, in the multitude of thy mighty men.

14 Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people, and all thy for­tresses shall be spoiled, as Shalman spoiled Beth­arbel in the day of bat­tel: the mother was dash­ed in pieces upon her chil­dren.

15 So shall Bethel do unto you, because of your great wickednesse: in a morning shall the King of Israel be utterly cut off.


1. ISrael is like a Vine, that lies wast, and fruit­lesse to Him that is true owner of it. Her enemies help to lay it wast, and they that should dresse her, and look to her, by their carelessenesse leave it without good sap and moisture: which makes the fruit accordingly little enough, and bad enough. Yet even that little fruit, which Israel hath, he (t) makes use of for himself, to be sent spent after his own hu­mour. And, which is worse, the more God en­creaseth him, with the fruits of temporal pros­peritie, in a goodlie soile. He is so far from returning a thankful acknowledgement to God, the good Author of it, that he doth so much the more increase the number of Altars, and Statues (in remembrance of his false gods that do nothing for him) and (u) bestow the more cost upon them.

*2. Thus the heart of Israel is now (x) clean departed from the observance of their dutie. Therefore shall they be laid fullie desolate. And he that I will make the instrument of that de­solation, [Page 69] will break those Altars of theirs in pieces, and spoile their Statues.

4. For, nothing will reduce them to their dutie unto God, and their King Hosheah. But, this will be their conclusion, (y) we will neither have Hosheah, nor any other King over us. For we, that durst forsake the service of God, what should we fear the forsaking of the Kings ser­vice, who hath no great power now to do any thing for us, nor much power to do any thing against us, if we be resolute, and hold close to our selves.

4. In the progresse of such a violent, and treasonable conclusion, they will not stick at a false oath, and covenant. Therefore (to answer the former plenty of their fruitful land) their just punishments shall encrease to as great abun­dance, as the worst weeds, that come up so thick in the furrowes of the field.

5. Near these times great fear shall fall upon the inhabitants of Samaria, about sending the calves of Bethel and Dan (as a present to Sal­manaser) For the people ( * taking them for the very golden calves) shall be much grieved, and troubled at it. But the idol-priests shall be merrie (and applaud their subtle arts, of send­ing [Page 70] brazen, and guilded calves, instead of those that were all of gold) This shall be the several deportment of the Priests, and people, when the riches and glorie of their idol shall be thus (z) carried into an other land, as a fore-runner of their captivitie.

6. And thus shall their present be carried in­to Assyria, and offered to Salmanaser, as the great King, their (a) Protector, and Avenger of their enemies. But, for this (instead of succour from Assyria) shame will light upon Ephraim, and confusion upon Israel, for that his subtle device.

7. And sodainly shall Samaria, and her King vanish, and be cut off from being a kingdom; like the (b) foam, that now appears upon the superficies of the water, and instantly is gone out of sight, and become as if it had never been.

8. The like doom shall fall upon the high pla­ces, where the Israelites were wont to worship their (c) idols. They shall be utterlie destroyed: thorns, and thistles growing, where their Altars had formerlie been placed. And then where will [Page 71] not those sinners desire to hide themselves, from the wrath, and furie poured out upon them? (d) They will call to the hills to cover them, and to the Mountains to fall upon them.

9. Nor are these heavy punishments to be much wondred at in thee, O Israel, For it is no new thing in thee, to be much overtaken with sins of a high strain, specially from the times of Gibeah. Yet then, they of Israel, that went against Gibeah ( * though they were great sin­ners, and therefore sadly punished in their first assaults, yet) they (e) remained and stood to it, like men reserved for a better day. And upon the battle in Gibeah, against those grievous sin­ners; though they twice miscarried, yet, at last they had the victory. No (f) man had power to take them, and wholly overcome them, because they did so severelie pro­secute the revenge of a vile, and wicked offence.

10. But now I (g) am more then content, to have them taken, and led out of their own land in bonds, and captivite. And (for punishment of those sins, which they themselves would take no order to correct) I will muster up whole ar­mies [Page 72] of strange people: when the time is come, that I will have them, to cast those sinners in­to bonds, and (h) tie them fast enough, for the libertie, which they took to themselves in those two great offences (the worship of the two calves, that in Bethel, and that in Dan.)

11. In which sins, they that made those calves to be their Gods, may well be likened unto calves themselves. For Ephraim is like a young heifer, that is easily taught, either to plow, or tread out the corn, and to do it with some delight, ( (i) being not muzled, but suffe­red to take part of it) Therefore, I put my yoke upon his fair neck, (the yoke of my law) and guided him, as one might do, that should (k) ride upon the back of such a beast, and I said, Let Iudah plow, and Iacob break his clods, (which is as much as if I had said to them, in other words, A good life is the best husban­drie.) That is,

12. Let your good and righteous actions be like your sowing of good seed, and you shall reap a good reward: (l) according to that (l) mercy, with which I shall crown that labour, Break up your fallow grounds (to fit and prepare your [Page 73] selves for a blessing) And finding you are in a good time of seeking God (by your best endea­vours) so continue till he come and shoure down his (m) benefits (which is a piece of (m) justice, that he never fails of for his part.) Let your care be for the seed-time, and he will provide a good harvest.

13. As much hath been said to you, as this comes to. But your actions have been nothing answerable to such good advise. Your minds run upon plowing in a worser sense, it seems. For you have laboured as hard to compasse your wicked designs, as one that follows the plow. Therefore you have reaped the punishment of your sins. And the fruit of your labour hath pro­ved but a specious show, and mere (n) delusion. This is the end of thy trusting, and flattering thy self, in thy own waies, and in the youth­ful strength of thy many stout companions, that have taken part with thee in those labours, that are now come to nothing.

14. Hence arise those jars, and tumults a­mong thy people, and the spoiling of their strong holds by strangers, in as fierce a manner, as (o) Salmana was destroyed by the house of Jerub­babel, in the day of battle. And with so much [Page 74] cruelty, that there will be no commiseration of Sex, or Age, the * Mother being dashed in pieces with her children.

15. So shall Bethel do unto you. It will bring you into this danger, for your great, very great offences. (p) Your King Hosheah shall be utterly destroyed, and turned out of his Kingdom, as it were in the verie morning, and beginning of his reign, (or, of a sodain, before he looked for such a disaster.)


WHen Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.

2 As they called them, so they went from them: they sacrificed unto Baalim, and burnt incense to graven images.

3 I taught Ephraim also to go, taking them by their arms: but they knew not that I healed them.

4 I drew them with cords of a man, with bands of love, and I was to them as they that take off the yoke on their jaws, and I laid meat unto them.

5 He shall not return into the land of Egypt; but the Assyrian shall be his King, because they refused to return.

6. And the sword shall abide on his cities, and shall [Page 75] consume his branches, and devour them, because of their own counsels.

7 And my people are bent to back-sliding from me: though they called them to the most High, none at all would exalt him.

8 How shall I give thee up, Ephraim? How shall I deliver thee, Israel? how shal I make thee as Adamah? how shall I set thee as Ze­b [...]im: mine heart is turned within me, my repentings are kindled together.

9 I will not exceute the fiercenesse of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim, for I am God, and not man, the holy One in the midst of thee, and I will not enter into the city.

10 They shall walk after the Lord: he shall roar like a lion: when he shall roar, then the children shall trem­ble from the west.

11 They shall tremble as a bird out of Egypt, and as a dove out of the land of Assyria: and I will place them in their houses, saith the Lord.

12 Ephraim compasseth me about with lies, and the house of Israel with deceit; but Iudah yet ruleth with God, and is faithful with the Saints.


1. IN the first times, and tender age of the people of Israel, (q) I loved him as my son, and my first born. And as I gave him the honour of that title in Egypt, so with a fatherly affecti­on I brought him out from thence, (and made [Page 76] him, (r) in that a type of my own natural Son, that was, in due time, to be brought out of the same place.)

2. In those first, and the following times, did Moses, Aaron, the Prophets, and other my Messengers call them to works of Piety, and to obedience unto me. But, how did they requite it? The more they called, so much the readier were the Israelites to turn their backs upon their Teachers, and walk quite another way from their good instructions: and, leaving my service, to sacrifice to their Baals, and burn incense to their graven images.

3. Yet was it I, that nursed them, in their younger daies, and taught them gentlie, how to go sure, and safe, holding them up by the arms (or, carrying them in my own arms, as tender nurses use to carry and hold their children) so did I preserve them from all danger, when they were least able to help themselves. But they would not consider, that I therefore showed this care, and providence of mine, that I might so cure them of their national disease, their itching after the worship of other gods, that could not preserve them.

4. I drew them to me, as men would draw their dearest friends, with the (s) strongest [Page 77] bands of love, and affection. And, after I had been so good a friend to them, as to take off their Egyptian yoke, and the bridle which their hard Masters had put into their mouth, (t) then I filled their mouths with plenty of quailes and mannah, as it were of food from heaven, i. dropped out of the air unto them.

5. Though in their latter daies, they return­ed into Egypt, by seeking help from thence, notwithstanding I will so order it, that they shall return thither no more, upon that errand: but the Assyrian shall rule over them, because they would not be converted unto me, that I might be acknowledged for their King.

6, 7. And do they not deserve this? when the war being (u) begun in their own Cities by civil dissentions, and having consumed the strongest, and chiefest of them, because they fol­lowed their own devises, and not the good counsels, that I gave unto them by my Pro­phets: yet, for all this, they that were called my people, made no hast of their conversion unto me, but were like men (x) that knew not. what to resolve of, though all the messengers, that I sent, called them never so earnestly to return to the High God, still, as (y) if all were agreed to­gether, [Page 78] not so much as one of them would rouse up himself, and follow that call.

8. How shall I give thee up to thy deserved punishment for these things, O Ephraim! How shall I deliver thee over, O Israel? unlesse I should give thee up, as once I gave up Admah, and make thee like unto Zeboim, in thy fearful, and utter ruine. But my heart is quicklie altered from the execution of so heavy a sentence, and all my bowels of compassion are at once (z) moved to repent of that, and take another way.

9. I will do nothing against thee in the fierce­nesse of my anger. I will not return to that thought of destroying Ephraim in such a man­ner. For I am a merciful God, that can easily remember my covenant with thy Fathers, and continue my desire of thy happinesse. Nor do I forget, how I have been often hallowed in the midst of thy Assemblies: and I would en­courage thee to return to the same acknow­ledgement, and performance of thy bounden dutie. Therefore I will not fall upon any of thy Cities, with that severitie: and specially upon Ierusalem, the place set apart for my wor­ship.

20. And if they will walk confidently and obe­diently [Page 79] after me: I will defend them against all that persecute them. I will be like (a) a roaring Lion, and at that voice they shall trem­ble that come from the Sea, or any of the re­motest parts, to follow after them.

11. They shall quake like (the stork) the bird, that comes out of Egypt: and (b) like the Assyrian-dove shall they fly back into their own nests with all the speed that may be: And there will I settle them quietly, saith the Lord.

12. This will I surely do for them: (c) Yet doth Ephraim fetch me about with nothing but lies, and the house of Israel with deceit (fair promises of amendment, and few or no per­formances) Only, the best is, Iudah doth yet hold out stoutly, (d) in the daily worship of the true God, and deales faithfully with his holy Prophets (under their good King Hezekiah.)


1 EPhraim feedeth on wind, and followeth after the Eastwind: he day­ly increaseth lies and deso­lation, and they do make a covenant with the Assyri­ans, and oil is carried into Egypt.

2 The Lord hath also a controversie with Iudah, and will punish Iacob ac­cording to his waies, ac­cording to his doings will he recompense him.

3 He took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God.

4 Yea, he had power o­ver the Angel and prevail­ed, he wept and made sup­plication unto him: he found him in Bethel, and there he spake with us.

5 Even the Lord God of hostes, the Lord is his me­moriall.

6 Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgement, and wait on thy God continually.

7 He is a merchant; the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to op­presse.

8 And Ephraim said, Yet I am become rich, I have found me out substance; in all my labours they shall find none iniquity in me, that were sinne.

9 And I that am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt, will yet make thee to dwell in Ta­bernacles, as in the dayes of the solemn feast.

10 I have also spoken by the Prophets, and I have multiplyed visions, and used similitudes, by the ministry of the Prophets.

11 Is there iniquity in Gilead? surely they are va­nity, they sacrifice bullocks in Gilgal; yea, their altars are as heapes in the fur­rowes of the fields.

[Page 81]12 And Iacob fled into the countrey of Syria, and Israel served for a wi fe, and for a wife he kept sheep.

13 And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a Prophet was he preserved.

14 Ephraim provoked him to anger most bitterly: therefore shall he leave his blood upon him, and his re­preach shall his Lord return unto him.


1. EPhraim feeds himself with the hopes of that, which is mere wind, and vanity, and will deceive him at the last. Nay (which is far worse) he runs gaping after the East­wind. That is the wind which he followes, a wind, in these parts of the world, of most malignity, i.e. he takes a quite contrary course to appease the wrath of God. For, the in­crease of dissembling, and hypocrisie is alwaies Ephraims fault in the fairest pretenses: He were as good resolve to increase the meanes of his own ruine and desolaiton. That will be the end of the Ephramites ingaging themselves by a league with the Assyrian, and at the same time, sending precious oil, and other rich pre­sents into Egypt, to beg aid from thence against their own confederates.

2. And as Israel is guilty of this subtle Art [Page 82] of dissembling, and false dealing: so Iudah (in that point, though not so much in the matter of Idolatry) hath his faults too, for which God hath a quarrell to him: but He will not spare to punish (e) Israel: according to their wicked waies, and according to their evill doings, will he return a just recompense unto them (who were distinguished from the Tribe of Judah, by the name from Israel, or Jacob; and were the greater offenders, though those names should have put them more in mind of their duty.)

3. The subtilty of the people of Israel, is not like that of Israel, their honoured Patri­arch: that had it in matter of praise, and ad­miration. For, he was called Jacob, because while he was yet unborn, he did miraculously supplant his brother, and so give a presage of that felicity, which should be taken off from his Brother, and laid upon him, to be injoy­ed by his posterity, rather than by himself. In which miraculous supplantation (which was a kind of wrastling with his brother for the blessing) we must not forget how afterwards (f) he wrastled, and prevailed with God himself by the strength of his hearty prayers.

4. For, when he had such power to prevaile [Page 83] over the Angell (that represented the person of God) and to get the victory: you must needs conceive, that he was strengthned by God (the Lord of all the Angels.) His pray­ers, and his teares procured him that blessing in Bethel, where he found that Angel, and discour­sed (g) with him, and herein he did as good as speak to us (as plainly as if we had been with him) and show us how we may prevaile with the Lord of Hostes.

5. You little thought of this, when you set up your calves in this Bethel, where he wor­shipped, and made supplication to the true God, that delivered him in his greatest dan­ger. The same piety to God might procure you the same assistance in all your extremities. For, Iehovah, the Lord of Hosts is the name by which he is remembred. And out of that name you may gather the extent of his power, and goodnesse.

6. Therefore do thou, O Israel, as Jacob did. Return unto thy God, by an unfeigned conversion from all sinne, and keep close to Mercy, and Iustice: so mayst thou alwayes (h) expect the like help from thy God, and put thy trust in Him.

7. But, to what purpose is all this good ad­vice? [Page 84] For, Israel will continue still to be such a crafty merchant, as he shewed himself in his former subtilty. When he gets deceitfull weights into his hand (any opportunity of deceiving others) he longs to be practising his Art of de­ceit, to the dammage and oppression of them that suspect him not.

8. In all which Ephraim (or Israel i.e., the ten tribes that will now be called Ephraim) hath the face to say, I am indeed become rich. I have found wayes to purchase me good store of wealth: and have I not done well in all this? In all the paines that I have taken for it (cavill they that will) they will find no fault, wherein I have offended.

9. But, is it no fault, O Ephraim, that I should be so served? I, that am the Lord tby God, that delivered thee out of the Egyptian bondage, and would have made thee still to dwell (i) as securely, and chearfully, in all thy ha­bitaitons, (k) as ever thou wert in the dayes of the solemn feast (l) of Tabernacles.

10. To which purpose have not I spoken to thee by my Prophets? Have I not sent to thee [Page 85] by vision after vision: and used Parables, and Similitudes by the ministry of my Prophets? But I have lost my labour, and so have the Isra­elites too.

11. For, though they have set up an (*) idoll in Gilead, yet they did it to (m) no purpose (they missed of their aime, when they looked for help, and deliverance from such poor Dei­ties) And they that offered bullocks (or to bullocks in (n) Gilgal; took a wrong course in their worship, and therefore had as ill successe. For even their Altars are come to ruine, and confusion, and lie but as heaps of stones, that the husbandman hath cast up and down, at a venture, in the furrowes of his field.

12. The time was, when Jacob (your Fa­ther) (o) fled out of Syria into that Region of Gilead. In those dayes he could find in his heart to do service for the purchase of a wife, and for a wife to be a keeper of sheep. This did he for his two wives, but what have you done in the service of God, to win his favour?

13. The time was too, when God sent Mo­ses, as a great Prophet, to bring Israel out of Egypt, and by the care and direction of that [Page 86] Prophet they were kept from all danger, and safely conducted in the wildernesse, till Joshu­ah had a command to lead them into the pro­mised land; which is your inheritance.

14. But, what requitall have they, or you given to me? Nay, Ephraim hath, instead of that, provoked me (p) bitterly to anger, by his wicked deeds: Therefore his bloud shall be upon him, for his cruelty to many good per­sons, and the reproaches against me and my Prophets, shall his God return upon him, in due time.


1. WHen Ephraim spake, trembling he exalted himself in Isra­el; but when he offended in Baal, he died.

2 And now they sinne more and more, and have made them molten images of their silver, and idols according to their own un­derstanding, all of it the work of the crafts-man: they say of them, Let the men that sacrifice, kisse the calves.

3 Therefore they shall be as the morning cloud, and as the early dew it passeth away, as the chaffe that is driven with a whirl­wind out of the floor, and as the smoak out of the chimney.

4 Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt and thou shalt know no God but me; for there is no Sa­viour beside me.

5 I did know thee in the wildernesse, in the land [Page 87] of great drought.

6 According to their pasture, so were they filled: they were filled, and their heart was exalted: there­fore have they forgotten me.

7 Therefore I will be un­to them as a Lion, as a Leo­pard by the way will I ob­serve them.

8 I will meet them as a Bear that is bereaved of her whelps, and will rent the caul of their heart, and there will I devour them like a Lion: the wild beast shall tear them.

9 O Israel, thou hast de­stroyed thy self, but in me it thine help.

10 I will be thy King: where is any other that may save thee in all thy cities? and thy Iudges of whom thou saidst, Give me a King and Princes?

11 I gave thee a King in mine anger, and took him away in my wrath.

12 The iniquity of Ephra­im is bound up: his sin is hid.

13 The sorrowes of a tra­velling woman shall come upon him, he is an unwise son, for he should not stay long in the place of the brea­king forth of children.

14 I will ransome them from the power of the grave, I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues: O grave, I will be thy destruction: re­pentance shall be hid from mine eies.

15 Though he be fruitful among his brethren, an East­wind shall come, the wind of the Lord shall come up from the wildernesse, and his spring shall become dry, and his fountain shall be dried up: he shall spoile the treasures of all pleasant vessels.

16 Samaria shal become desolate, for she hath re­belled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ript up.


1. THe time was also, when if Ephraim stood up to speak, a kind of (q) fear, and reverence seazed upon all those of the ten Tribes. This height of Honour was he come to in Israel. But, the times of that respect are past, and for the sinne, which he hath commit­ted in his (r) calves, and Baals, he must look for nothing but death, and destruction,

2. For now, this sinne hath more and more increased, amongst them, and (not content with their calves, in Dan and Bethel,) they have made themselves other molten images of their silver, after their own phansie, all of those i­dols the work of craftsmen. And they spare not to say to them, They among us, that offer men too in sacrifice, shall also perform (s) their homage to the calves.

3. Therefore they shall not hold out long in [Page 89] this wickednesse. For, I will make them leave the place, which they have so abused, and sud­denly vanish, like the morning-cloudes, and the early dew, that is soon gone, and the chaffe that is hurried away, with the whirlwind, out of the floor: and the smoak out of the chimney, that quickly leaves that place, and knows it no more.

4. And justly will this fall upon thee, ô Israel, For, I am thy God that brought thee out of the land of Egypt. Therefore thou shouldst have acknowledged no other God besides me, who only can save, and deliver thee, out of all thy troubles, and am the onely Preserver of man­kind.

5. I vouchsafed to take notice, and care of thee, in the vast wildernesse, a dry, and barren place, where thou couldst otherwise have been supplied with no provisions.

6. I fed them there like sheep in variety of severall pastures, and when they were fully satis­fied, and fatted with good fare, their hearts were puffed up with pride: that is it, that made them so soon forget me, that fed them.

7. Therefore I will be (no longer as a Shep­herd to feed them so fat, but rather) as a Lion, and a Leopard to watch, (t) and walk about, [Page 90] and observe, how I may destroy them in the way, which they are to passe.

8. I will meet them in that rage, which you see in a bear, when she is robbed of her whelps, and tear in pieces their very (u) heart-strings, I will set the Assyrian, like a Lion, or some such wild beast to devour some, and distract others into so many divisions, that they shall not be able, in one body again, to make any re­sistance.

9. And for this thy (x) low, and miserable estate, thou mayst thank thy self, O Israel: that wouldst not thank me for thy succour, in all thy necessities, it depending wholly upon mee.

10. For (y) what is become of thy King? that should all this while, provide for thy safety in all thy Cities, where is he? And what is become of thy Iudges, and Rulers that should defend thee? Of whom thou saidst once, (z) Give us a King, to rule over us, and Princes to judge us, and go before us, and fight our battles. Didst thou not long for them a little too soon?

11. Wherfore there was a time, and may [Page 91] be again, when I give thee a King in mine an­ger (as in Saul, and Jeroboam) and I take thy King away in my wrath (as in the good Josiah, ann in Hosheah, of whom there was some good hope.)

12. This misery will fall, especially upon the ten tribes. For I will not forget the sins of Ephraim, I bound them up together in a bun­dle, and laid them up in a safe corner: to be again brought out, and revenged, as I see cause.

13. When the sad time of revenge drawes near, and the pangs come suddenly upon him, as upon a woman in travaile; it will appear, that (a) he is like a silly babe, that knowes not how to make way for his Mother's, and his own de­livery. Else would he seek to me, and not stay so long for succour, when he is as near the be­ing rescued, as one that is come to the time of birth.

14. For (b) I can set them at liberty, in the greatest distresse: from the very power of death and the grave. And so I will do, when I see my time, and for all those that I will deliver (c) Where will then be thy sting, O Death! O Grave, where will then be thy victory? But now, [Page 92] since they will not seek me, I will look upon no wayes how to (d) comfort me, and appease my wrath, but in their destruction.

15. And when Ephraim is become (like his name) (e) fruitfull, and populous among his bre­thren, then a strong (f) and terrible East-wind, (the swift and pernicious army of the Assy­rian) shall come upon him from the deserts of Syria, (whence the most boisterous winds arise) and dry up the springs, and fountains, that have hitherto refreshed him. And that wind (or fierce army) shall blow away, or make spoile of all the rich treasures, and severall kind of (g) things, which he hath heaped up in storè, and wherein he hath placed his delight.

16. Samaria (their Metropolis) must needs be (h) guilty of some great offence, that hath thus (i) bitterly provoked her God to anger. Therefore shall many of them fall by the sword. (k) Their Infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.


1 O Isral, return unto the Lord thy God; for thou hast fallen by thine iniquity.

2 Take with you words, and turn to the Lord, say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us gra­ciously: so will we render the calves of our lips.

3 Ashur shall not save us, we will not ride upon horses, neither will we say any more to the work of our hands, Ye are our gods: for in thee the fatherlesse find­eth mercy.

4 I will heal their back­sliding, I will love them freely: for mine anger is turned away from him.

5 I will be as the dew unto Israel: he shall grow as the lillie, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.

6 His branches shall spread, and his beauty shall be as the Olive tree, and his smell as Lebanon.

7 They that dwell under his shadow shall return: they shall revive as the corn, and grow as the vine, the sent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon.

8 Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard him, and observed him: I am like a green firre tree, from me is thy fruit found.

9 Who so is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the waies of the Lord are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressour shall fall therein.


(l)THere is yet one way, the way of serious, and timely repentance, to prevent, or qualifie all this. Come then, O Israel, Return again unto the Lord thy God, by true repen­tance, as (l) thou hast taken from him by thy great offences.

2. Take this form of confession into your mouths, and say to him, with a true penitent heart. Take away the (m) punishment of all our iniquities, O Lord, and pardon our (n) offences. And gratiously accept (o) of that good service, which we deserve to offer unto thee in all submission. And, though we have hitherto been [...] fruitlesse in our actions, yet now let the (p) fruit of our lips (our thankful acknow­ledgements) be rendred, as a pledge of our fu­ture obedience.

3. We will make no more addresses to Assyria, when we would be saved from our enemies. We will seek no more succour from the Egyptian Horse. (wherein that nation excels.) We will [Page 95] never hereafter give that honour to idols, the work of our own hands, which belongs onely to God. For thou art the true and sure refuge of all that are afflicted. The very Orphans, and they that are most destitute of help, are wont to find pitie in thee, when all other hopes forsake them: and a pitie, accompanied with such a loving (q) affection as a dear mother bears to the fruit in her womb.

4. Upon this humble submission of theirs, I would give them this merciful answer (saith God himself) that, I will, upon their amend­ment of life, cure them of all their strange aver­sions from me. I will embrace them most loving­ly, with a (r) free, and hearty affection. So ea­sily would I be content, that mine anger should be wholly turned from them.

5. I will be to Israel like the hopeful dew (the pledge of a plentiful encrease) (s) He shall slourish like the fair lilly, and take as deep root as the trees of Lebanon.

6. His children like (t) olive-branches shall spread, and dilate themselves all abroad. For, his (u) excellencie shall be every way like that of the olive (not in the green, and long-flou­rishing boughs onely, but in the goodnesse, and (x) fatnesse of the fruit, that pleaseth God, and [Page 96] men) And his name and good report among other nations shall be as sweet as the smel of (y) frankincense.

7. So that many that, upon their fame, will come to live under the shadow, and protection of Israel shall be converted to the worship of the true God, And their newness of life shall be with as much fruit as the corn that dies in the ground, and is again quickened with the advantage of much increase. It shall be compared to the growth of the fruitful vine: and the memorial of them shall be like the fragrant, and pleasant wine of Lebanon, that is never remembred but with high commendation.

8. But (for all these good promises of theirs, and presages of mine) how comes it to passe, that Ephraim doth still continue his worship of idols? I am readie to hear and help him, in the time of need (which they cannot) and so carefully to look to him, that he shall not cease to flourish like a green sirre tree. For thou hast never done any thing, O Ephraim, but it hath been found, that I have answered it to thee, with the fruit of a high reward.

9. Will any of you now be so wise as to con­sider these things? (z) Will any be so prudent in their actions, as if they took full notice of [Page 9] the passages of the mercy, and justice of God? Though you will not do so, yet are all the coun­sels, and actions of God full of equity. And as all his waies are just: so all that are just will walk in his waies. But the wicked, and unjust are so far from walking in them, as they should do, that they cannot hold out long, without discoverie of their great faults, and relapses, wherein they fall foule from him, and his waies, though they may pretend to walk in them.



1 THe word of the Lord that came to Ioel the son of Pethuel.

2 Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, all ye inha­bitants of the land: Hath this been in your daies, or even in the daies of your fathers?

3 Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another ge­neration.

4 That which the palmer-worm hath left, hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left, hath the canker-worm ea­ten; and that which the canker-worm hath left, hath the caterpiller eaten.

5 Awake, ye drunkards, and weep, and howl all ye drinkers of wine, because of the new wine, for it is cut off from your mouth:

6 For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and [Page 99] without number, whose teeth are the teeth of a Lion, and he hath the cheek-teeth of a great Lion.

7 He hath laid my vine wast, and barked my fig-tree: he hath made it clean bare, and cast it away, the branches thereof are made white.

8 Lament like a virgin garded with sack-cloth for the husband of her youth.

9 The meat-offering and the drink offering is cut off from the house of the Lord; the Priests, the Lords mini­sters mourn.

10 The field is wasted: the land mourneth: for the corn is wasted: the new wine is dried up, the oyl lan­guisheth.

11 Be ye ashamed, O ye husbandmen: howl, O ye vine-dressers, for the wheat, and for the barley; because the harvest of the field is perished.

12 The vine is dried up, and the fig-tree languish­eth, the pomegranate-tree, the palm-tree also, and the apple-tree, even all the trees of the field are withe­red; because joy is withe­red away from the sons of men.

13 Gird your selves, and lament, ye Priests: howl, ye ministers of the Altar: come, lie all night in sack-cloath, ye ministers of my God, for the meat-offering, and the drink-offering is withholden from the house of your God.

14 Sanctifie ye a fast: call a solemne assembly: gather the Elders, and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord:

15 Alas for the day, for the day of the Lord is at hand, and as a destruction from the Almighty shall it come.

16 Is not the meat cut off before your eyes, yea; joy and gladnesse from the house of our God?

17 The feed i [...]rotten under their clods: the gar­ners are laid desolate: the [Page 100] barns are broken down; for the corn is withered.

18 How do the beasts grone? the herds of cattel are perplexed, because they have no pasture, yea the flocks of sheep are made de­solate.

19 O Lord, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath de­voured the pastures of the wildernesse, and the flame hath burnt all the trees of the field.

20 The beasts of the field cry also unto thee: for the rivers of waters are dried up, and the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wildernesse.

THe Prophecie of Ioel was directed chiesly against Iudah, as Hosheahs against Israel. For, though he name Israel twice, yet he un­derstands not there the ten Tribes, distinct from the Kingdom of Iudah, but takes it as a general name to all the Jews.

He begins with threats, and motives to re­pentance: and so makes way for unspeakable comfort, in the coming of the Messias: and the necessitie of yeelding obedience unto him.


1. THe word of the Lord, which was (made known) to Ioel, the son of Pethuel.

2. Hear ye this, you aged men, that are sup­posed [Page 101] to have encreased your knowledge with your years. And give special ear to it, all you that are inhabitants of the land of Judea. And tell me if you have heard the like of what I shall now deliver, either in your daies, or in the daies of your forefathers.

3. I shall speak that, which you may well transmit to your children, and they to theirs, and so one age to another generation succeeding them.

4. And I shall begin with four several sorts of terrible locusts. You read but of one sort of them in Egypt: here are more to be won­dred at, and all of them greedy destroyers, not of our enemies land, but of our own, nor of the land onely, but of the (a) people. In such manner shall these come, That, what the Cater­piller leaves, the Grashopper shall devour; And what the Grashoper leaves, the Canker-worm shall eat up; And what the Canker-worm leaves, the Locust shall devour.

[Page 102]5. Here is sad news to wake up the drunk­ards, you that are in that number, this will make you all turn your mad mirth into weeping, and howling. You that were, of all others, most soundly lulled asleep: for (in the destruction of the vineyards) the sweet wine will be taken away from the mouths of such lustie bib­bers.

6. And, that you may know, what kind of creatures these locusts may be (whether worms or men) I will now use a plainer lan­guage, to ler you understand, what God him­self saith of his people. And this it is. A nati­on shall certainly come upon my land (or rather a mixture of several destructive nations, as greedie, and mischievous as any locusts) a peo­ple excelling in strength, and number. A gene­ration of locusts, that will bite to the purpose. For their teeth will be like Lions teeth, and their grinders will have the strength of the strongest Lions (in that part.)

7. This kind of monstrous creature will fearfully destroy Judea, which I account as my own vineyard that my right hand hath planted. And, with that, all my best fruit will be used at the pleasure of the destroyer: among them my fig-trees will be barked, and pilled, and care­lessely thrown about, not a bough retaining so much as his own colour,

[Page 103]8. For this, well maiest thou (O Judea) take up as heavie a mourning, and lamentation, as a young woman would do, that girds her self with sackcloth, and sadly composeth her self, to bewail the losse of her dearest consort, the hus­band of her youth.

9. No other way canst thou lament for thy Priests, or they for themselves. They that con­tinually wait at the altar of the Lord, to inter­cede for thy welfare, and present thy thankful acknowledgements, cannot otherwise expresse the absolute losse of that corn and wine, that should daily supply the meat-offering, and drink-offering for the house of the Lord: and so the better inable them for the continuance of di­vine service in that place.

10. The Priests mourn not alone. The grounds are so wasted, and lie so rude, and un­tilled, that they also seem to have put on their (b) mourning apparrel. And there is too much cause they should do so for the devastation of the fair corn-fields, and withering of the vines, and total losse of the oyl.

11. At this sight, how can the Husbadmen but hang down their heads for shame; and the vine-dressers cry out for sorrow? It must trouble [Page 104] them all to see the fruit of the earth so destroy­ed, the wheat and the barly, and the whole har­vest of the field.

12. The vines specially, they have been so abused, that they seem to (c) blush at it, as if they were ashamed to be seen in such a case. The figs are no lesse spoiled, and corrupted. And, with them, the pomegranate, the palmtree and the apple tree, and all other trees of the field are withered and decayed. And, in them, the joy and delight of the Sons of men is taken a­way, and (d) vanished out of our sight.

13. Now therefore, O ye Priests, (e) that have nothing else to offer, come offer, and pre­sent your sad souls before the Altar. And gird your bodies with sackcloth, or other mourn­ful attire, and let your howling be heard, you that attend upon an empty Altar, and are tain to lay aside your solemn Musick. Lie all night in sackcloth, you Ministers of my God. For, meat and drink offerings, and outward sacrifices, you must look for none. You have onely your patient, and obedient hearts to be made a fit sacrifice for the Lord of Heaven and earth, that gives, and takes away, and restores again, at his pleasure.

[Page 105]14. Nor will this sacrificing of your selves be enough. You must think what is fit to be done by the people too. To appease the wrath of God, Proclaim a publick and solemn Fast: Let a full assembly be called. Gather your Sena­tors together, to advise, and enact what is to be done: And all the Inhabitants of the land, to obey their commands. Gather them to the house of the Lord your God, the house of prayer, and there with penitent, and unanimous hearts, cry earnestly unto him, and say,

15. Alas for the day, the great day of the Lord, that comes on apace (the day of venge­ance, and the destruction of Ierusalem) the day of destruction that is appointed by God himself, who is all-sufficient, and will not be wanting to execute his own just decrees.

16. Do we not see a type of it already set before our eyes, Do we not read some lines of it, in our present miserie, and scarcitie, that debars us of the joy, and pleasure, that we were wont to take in our rich supply of sacrifices, and offerings for the house of the Lord our God.

17. For now, not onely the corn above ground is destroyed, but the very seed cast into the earth is putrisied under the clods, so that our hope of a good harvest is buried with it, and our garners are destroyed, our barns emptied and ruined, and our corn withered.

[Page 106]18. O how the very cattel, sensible of their wants, in their loud bellowing, seem to grone, and cry unto God (as elsewhere the hungry ra­vens are said to call upon Him) who hath an ear for them: and would much more be favourable to our prayers, who are not so forward to be­moan our selves, as the herds of bruit beasts are, in their woful condition, and (f) perplexitie, for lack of pasture. And the flocks of sheep, that as heavily, though more remisly, and silently expresse their sad, and desolate case.

19. I can not but crie unto thee, O Lord (the roaring of the poor beasts might put me upon it) for that cruelty of our enemies, that carrie all before them, like a consuming fire, destroying the fruitful places of the once-plentiful, but now a most desert land; and, like a continued flame, fearfully burning up all the trees of the field.

20. And if I should leave crying, and calling upon thee, the beasts of the field, (g) every one of them (as confuting the dulnesse, and coldness of my affections, and the too little pitty of my self, and them) would continue their louder, and heavier cry unto thee: because the great rivers of waters are dried up, and the fruitful earth parched with heat is become like a drie, and de­solate wildernesse; the pastures now deserve no other name among us.


1. BLow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy moun­tain: let all the inhabi­tants of the land tremble: for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is high at hand;

2 A day of darknesse and of gloominesse, a day of clouds & of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains: a great people and a strong, there hath not been ever the like, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years of many generations.

3 A fire devoureth be­fore them, and behind them a flame burneth: the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness, yea, and nothing shall es­cape them.

4 The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen so shall they run.

5 Like the noise of cha­rets on the tops of moun­tains shall they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble, as a strong people, set in battle array.

6 Before their face the people shall be much pained; all faces shal gather black­nesse.

7 They shall run like mighty men, they shall climb the wall like men of war, and they shall march every one on his wayes, and they shall not break their ranks.

8 Neither shall one thrust another, they shall walk every one in his path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded.

9 They shall run to and fro in the city: they shall run upon the wall: they [Page 108] shall climb up upon the hou­ses: they shall enter in at the windowes, like a thief.

10 The earth shall quake before them, the heavens shall tremble, the Sun and the Moon shall be dark, and the Stars shall with­draw their shining.

11 And the Lord shall utter his voice before his army, for his camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible, and who can abide it?

12 Therefore also now saith the Lord, Turn ye e­ven to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning.

13 And rent your heart and not your garments: and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and mercifull, slow to an­ger, and of great kindnesse and repenteth him of the evill.

14 Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him, even a meat offering, and a drink offering unto the Lord your God?

15 Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctifie a fast, call a solemn assembly.

16 Gather the people: sanctifie the congregation: assemble the Elders: ga­ther the children; and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.

17 Let the Priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the Altar, and let them say; Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thing heritage to reproach, that the hea­then should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people: where is their God?

18 Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people.

19 Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto his people; Behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, [Page 109] ye shall be satisfied there­with: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen.

20 But I will remove far off from you the Northern army, & will drive him into a land barren and desolate with his face toward the east Sea, & his hinder part to­wards the utmost sea & his stink shall come up, & his ill savour shall come up, because he hath done great things.

21 Fear not, O land, be glad and rejoyce: for the Lord will do great things.

22 Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field: for the pastures of the wildernesse do spring, for the tree beareth her fruit, the fig-tree and the vine do yeild their strength.

23 Be glad then, ye children of Zion, and re­joyce in the Lord your God: for he hath given you the former rain moderately, and he will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first moneth.

24 And the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil.

25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the can­ker-worm, and the cater­pillar, and the palmer­worm, my great army which I sent among you.

26 And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wonderously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.

27 And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.

28 And it shall come to passe afterward, that I will powre out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sonnes and your daughters shall prophesie, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions.

29 And also upon the servants, and upon the hand­maids [Page 110] maids in those dayes will I powre out my Spirit.

30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, bloud, and fire, and pillars of smoak.

31 The Sun shall be tur­ned into darknesse, and the Moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come.

32 And it shall come to passe that whosoever shall call on the Name of the Lord, shall be delivered: for in mount Zion, and in Ierusalem shall be delive­rance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant, whom the Lord shall call.


1. NOw, me thinks, I see Ierusalem in dan­ger of a siege. (b) Nabuchodonosars souldiers are on their march. It is high time to leave your wonted mirth, and musick. Let the loud sounding of your trumpets in Sion (which is a kind of summons, and alarum to the Kings own house there) and the beating of your drums in the holy Mountain (which is a watchword to those about the Temple) give notice of your necessary preparation for war. And a terrible war it may prove to all the inhabitants of these parts. They have had their day (a long time of sin, and liberty) and now God will have his [Page 111] day (a severe time of punishment) which comes on faster then we think for.

2. That destruction of Ierusalem by Nabu­chodonosor, shall be but the forerunner of a (i) greater day, and a heavier destructi­on by the Romans. And that will be a terrible day indeed. A sad and gloomy day: a dismal, and cloudy day, which shall come with as much speed and as sodain danger upon Ierusalem, in all their security, as the clear light of the morning, that, in an instant, spreds and diffuseth it self over the mountains, and im­parts his lustre to all the world. And answe­rable to this, will be the agilitiy and quick dis­patch, that shall be used by those ( (k) Locusts with Lions teeth) their numerous, and potent enemies. This will make it such a fearful day, such á terrible army, with such slaughter of men, as was never yet seen, nor ever shall be to the years of many generations.

3. The fearful, and utter davastation then made by the enemies, will be like that of fire both before, and behind, that sodainly and to­tally consumes all about it: so that this pleasant countrie of Judea, that, before the entrance of [Page 112] the enemie, was as well stored, and delight s [...]me to look upon as the garden of Eden, shall, before their vast army of locusts be removed, be rather like a bare, and desolate wildernesse. In which, if any shall be so fortunate, as not to perish by the sword, yet there would be no way to escape from hence, nor any hope of continuance here, without perishing by famine, or submission to the pleasure of the enemy. Who will no way be hindred from having what he comes for, in the compassng of our ruine.

4. Such will be the event of this coming of these locusts, who, by their courage, and agili­ty, and specially by their cruel visage, wherein they will rather be like fierce horses then locusts, might fright us into death. And yet, like stout Horsemen, they will fall upon us with that force and violence, that the valiantest amongst us, will never be able to resist.

5. In which violence, skipping with hast over our mountainous country, they will make as great a noise, as chariots would do, if they were furiously driven over such high places. Or (which is yet more horrid to the ear) like the noise of a slanting fire, that devours the stubble. In these, or what else may be worse then these, they will show themselves like an armie of lu­stie men, sufficiently instructed, ordered, and pre­pared for war.

[Page 113]6. This quick, and rough way of onset will be terrible to our people, and make all their sad faces contract a palenesse, or rather (l) blackness, as visible as if they had lain among pots, that have changed their natural colour, over the fire.

7. While this fear makes us at a stand, they will on forward, like strong men in their full speed, readie to mount our walls, with a valour befitting stout, and true military persons. Every man knowing his own way, and his own task. No man appearing so * slow, or carelesse, as if he were * ingaged, either to stay there, or to give way to any, that would turn him out of his place.

8. So will every one of them make sure, to be no hinderance to his fellow, in the execution of their charge, either in their way, or in their work. For both which they shall be so well appointed, and so strongly armed, that if they chance to light unawares upon their enemies weapon, whatsoever it is, therewill be no such hazard unto them, as to expose them to any dangerous wound. So happy, and successeful shall they be in their bold attempts.

[Page 114]9. Their ventrous army being so well orde­red, they will resolve to make a fierce irruption into the city (like skipping locusts) (m) run­ning about the walls, and by sodain invasion, taking possession of them, (m) shaking their heels there, and dancing, as men secure of the victory, and then entring into the houses: if not at the doors, yet at least climbing in at the windows, like bold, and desperate theeves, that will neither be hindred from coming in, nor driven out again, till they have ransacked, and plundered the secretest corners, where there is any thing to be found, worth the carrying away.

10. After this rude, and insulting demea­nour of the souldiers, it will the be easier to conjecture, what misery must needs fall upon the poor people, if we expresse it by an Earth­quake, and the shaking of the Heavens, and the obscuring of the celestial lights. The ter­rour of the lower, and meaner sort of the people may be conceived by the fearful effects of an Earthquake. So may the sad ruine of the Nobles, by the shaking of the heavenly, or higher powers. And the woful confusion of all Order, and Com­mand (that followed upon that) by the dark­ning of the Sun, and Moon, and the Stars with­drawing [Page 115] their wonted lustre: to the astonish­ment of all the Spectators, as well as of those eminent persons, that will be most concerned in that calamity.

11. And that you may know the just, and powerful author of all this miserie. As God himself will have us know that he sends these signs (n) before him: so God himself, in a sig­nal victory, will seem to own our enemies as his souldiers, as plainly as if we had it from his own voice: and declare openly, that those migh­ty, and numerous armies, are his, and come thi­ther by his (o) own command, and irreversible decree: and cannot be hindred from (p) doing his pleasure, in taking vengeance upon a sinful people; that would take their liberty in their day, and now must therefore be made sensible of the great, and terrible day of the Lord. And who will be able to abide that time? wherein he pleaseth to break the hearts of them, that are assaulted, and adde courage to their ene­mies.

12. All this is threatned by him. By him, that would not be unwilling to have his hands stayed, from such a severe execution of his justice. It is therefore foretold, that it may be timely prevented. And, O that even now, [Page 116] while his arme is stretched out to give the blow, or his hand to sign the decree, even now, that you would return, from your dumb idols, and other vanities, unto me, saith the Lord, by a sad, and serious, and hearty repentance: out­wardly also, and publickly expressed by fasting (that afflicts the body) and by weeping, and mourning (that speaks the inward relenting of the heart.) These would leave behind them a hatred of those sins, that call for so sad a farewel.

13. But this last call of mercy will admit of no hypocrisie. The rending of your clothes, and other outward signs of repentance, will not serve the turn. The heart is open to me, saith the Lord, and you must begin with rending and breaking of the heart, if you think of prepa­ring a sacrifice fit to appease me. And I, the sad Prophet of your otherwise-imminent de­struction, advise you to make such a conversion to the Lord your God, a total alteration, and conversion of the heart. And then, be sure, when you have so wounded your hearts, to rend all sin from them, he can heal them again. For, He is so gratious a Father, that he can re­ceive a prodigal, when he returns home to God, and himself. He is so merciful, that he is ready to make his mercy triumph over all his, and our works. He is so slow to anger, that [Page 117] when he hath expected, till justice can no lon­ger defer the blow, yet he can then be entreat­ed, and reconciled, when he is ready to strike. He is of so great kindnesse, that he is wil­linger to repent of the evil of punishment, then we are to forsake the evil of sin.

14. His threats, and his punishments aim not at our destruction, but onely at our amend­ment. Our utter ruine must be drawn upon us by our selves: but if our hearty return will pre­vent it, we may yet hope to find him all-mer­ciful, and mercie it self. Therefore though the sentence seem to be irreversibly passed against us, yet (q) who knows not? (there is no doubt but) that upon our returning to Him by re­pentance, he may return to us, and repent of the punishment. And leave behind him (with our deliverance from the enemy) a blessing not upon our sad souls onely, but also upon our afflicted, and macerated bodies: and upon our estates too, that are even ready to be taken all away by (an army of locusts) a populous and cruel nation. Thus may our fasting, and mourn­ing be turned into feasting, and joy, & thank­ful expressions of our selves in a meat-offering, and drink-offering to the Lord our God.

[Page 118]15. Therefore do you, that are Priests, show your selves forwardest in this work; you that are to take care for others, as well as your selves. Call the people together, (as you use to do) by the sound of a trumpet in Sion: put them in mind, by a holy Fast, to castigate the body, and spend a day in holy exercises. Call for such an Assembly.

16. Thus gather the people, to joyn together in prayer, and other holy exercises: wherein the elder men should lead the way to others by their good example, and compel them by their authority. And as children, and sucking in­fants are concerned in the common danger, so let them bear a part in the publick humilia­tion. And while all are so taken up with fast­ing, mourning, and praying, let the Bridegoom also, and the Bride, leave their Bride-chamber, and their mirth, for that time turning their ornaments into sack-cloth, and their joy into weeping.

17. Above all other let the Priests, whose work it is mainly to intend the service of God, and who are many wayes concerned both in the conversion and wellfare of the people, and as many wayes obliged to be earnest suiters unto God, in their behalf. Let them offer up their prayers, and tears for the people com­mitted to their charge: and offer them up [Page 119] between the (r) Porch, and the Altar (as inter­posing their intreaties between a sinful people, and their angry God) Wherein (as wholly taken up with the necessities of the people) Let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, which thou hast purchased to thy self with thy migh­ty hand. Let not thine own inheritance hear that reproach of the heathen, for being in a manner forsaken by God, whom they pretend to serve: which must needs tend to the disho­nour of God, and the disparagement of his power, and love to his own servants, as our enemies will apprehend it, while they do thus insult, and domineer over us in our great mi­sery. And of his honour we are to be more tender, then of our own delive­rance.

18. These are the likeliest means to move the Lord, not onely to be merciful to his people, and willing to spare them, but zealous also in their behalf, even to the turning of his anger upon their cruel enemies: (s) with the same affection, wherewith a husband would re­venge the injuries of his beloved spouse.

19. In which affection, what answer can the Lord make to the true repentance of his afflict­ed servants, and the humble supplication of [Page 120] their Priests, but that, which shall carrie with it, a supply of their present wants, and necessi­ties, by plenty of corn and wine and oil, and whatsoever else may serve to the taking away of their reproach among the heathens, as well as the confirming of his reconciliation with them, by such a new, and ample encrease of their store.

20. These blessings should have been se­conded by others upon their true repentance (for, Gods favours use not to go alone.) There­fore hear the words of that gratious conditio­nal promise to them. After you are, so well provided for, I will remove far from you the Northern army, saith the Lord. Those hungry locusts of Assyria, and Chaldaea, your first and worst enemies, shall be sent far enough from Iudaea, (the garden of the world) to a barren, and dry land: his army, by the way, scattered, and divided, the foreparts from the extreamest, as much as the East of the Mediterranean Sea is divided from the Western parts. And in the end, the corrupt smell of the poor reliques of all their great forces, shall be as unsavory in the nostrils of such, as shall be witnesses of their ruine, and, after that, in the memorie of those, that shall make mention of their power: as all their attempts were proud, and insolent, and in­tollerable against the land of Israel.

[Page 121]21. The whole land may turn their fear into joy and gladnesse, as soon as God begins to show, what great things he can do for them, when they are rid of such devouring locusts, and so secured of the quiet enjoying of that plenty, (t) which I said, their repentance, and amend­ment of life may procure for them, from a merciful and gratious God, that plainly appears great in whotsoever he doth.

22. This may be the effect of our repen­tance. But such temporal promises of plenty, and safety here, are shadows of greater hap­pinesse, and security from our ghostly enemies, by the coming of the Messias. And therefore somewhat shall now be added in speculation of that. To shadow the time of his coming, before which, the general Peace, and plenty of all things, shall seem to usher in the great Peace­maker: I may speak to the cattel (such as we (u) heard awhile ago crying out for want of food) and tell them, that our happinesse, in the near approach of the Messias,, shall not begin without some comfort to the very beasts of the field. For, The Pastures of the wildernesse shall (x) put on the face of joy, and the colour, which they delight in. And the trees, if they show not the same colour, shall show such plenty and va­riety [Page 122] of fruit, as shall best expresse them to be in a flourishing estate. Among them, the Fig-tree, and the vine (that we most enquire after) shall show the choicest (y) fruit in their kind, that we could expect from them.

23. And while the earth, and trees, and dum Creatures partake of so much refreshment: much more shall our hearts be enlarged with spiritual joy, and comfort. Therefore do you Citizens of Jerusalem, and inhabitants of Ju­daea, or you rather that make up the true Israel of God, and members of the holy Church, whereof Ierusalem is a type, Do you studie how to expresse the solace, and content, that must needs follow upon the coming of the Messiah, the true Doctor, and Teacher of Righteousnesse: which, under the same (z) name, shall bring you the best rain, and showers from Heaven (in the preaching of his holy word) both the first rain, that helps up the first hopes of fruit, and the latter rain, which shall, in due time, secure us of a happy harvest (in the higher, and more spiritual sense of the successe of the Gospel.)

24. Such a happy harvest, under the Messias his Kingdom, will fill all places with plenty of spiritual food. The richest flower of the best [Page 123] wheat: the most, and best liquor from the choicest Vine, and Olive will be but poor emblemes, and figures of it.

25. This plenty will obliterate the memory of your former greatest famine, or what other mise­ry happened to the body, from those mighty ar­mies of hungry locusts, the Grassehoppers, Cank­erworms, Caterpillers, and Palmerworms, that I sent among you. This plenty will be abundant recompense for those times of want, and di­stresse.

26. For, if you will bring souls hungry, and thirsty, and longing to be refreshed with the best cordials, and the true manna, the food of life that came down from Heaven. It is to be had without money: You may freely eat, and be fully satisfied: and have cause enough to return all possible praise and thanksgiving to the Lord your God, for those wonderful unspeak­able mercies, which may further oblige you to a confident, and constant devoting of your selves to his service, without any more revolt­ing, or forsaking of him, as if you were ashamed of your profession.

27. To which end, you shall see enough to make you know, that I am in the midst of Israel, and I am the Lord your God, and no other beside me, (whether we understand it of our Saviours corporal presence, and dwelling here, as God, [Page 124] and Man: or of his invisible assistance, and go­vernment of his Church.) Therefore I might well (a) say that you shall be sufficiently obliged to his service, and to such a trust, and confi­dence, and joy in Him, as shall make you triumph in your holy Calling, rather then any way be a­shamed of it.

28. After these times of your enjoying the happy sight of the Messias, I will also send down my holy Spirit, in a visible form, and bestow his Spiritual Graces in such abundance upon all sorts of men (though they are but flesh and blood) that some, even illeterate persons) men, and women of your own nation shall show the power of a divine prophetick spirit, (b) to the speedy, and successeful propagation of the gospel. To which, in the fuller progresse, there shall not a little be added, by that, which in (c) dreams, and visions shall be revealed, not onely to some of the elder, but to some also of the younger sort.

29. And as no sex, or nation: so neither any rank or order of men, bond or free, masters or servants, shall be excluded from this high privi­ledge of partaking of the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

30. Not long after this prosperous begin­ning, [Page 125] and divulging of the gospel, many prodi­gious signs will appear as presages, and fore­runners of the fearful destruction of Ierusalem, (the sad punishment of their rebellion, and un­belief) wonders in heaven and earth, beside the effusion of much blood, in the slaughter of many men in several places: and the flames of fire, and pillars of smoak, that will appear in the burning and destroying of many Towns.

31. Upon which there will follow such a dark, and dismal aspect, and alteration of the glorious light above, as will plainly fore-speak a sad and bloody confusion, and alteration in the Jewish state: that under the Romans ex­ceeding, and compleating that under the Chal­deans of the great, and terrible day of the Lords coming in judgement against this sinful nation.

32. Yet in all this misery, as the severity of God will be seen in the destruction of obstinate sinners: so his mercy and succour will not be ex­cluded from any that call upon Him, with an obedient faith. Sion, and Ierusalem shall not then want such a means of deliverance. And that mercy shall be continued for ever to the rem­nant of the Iews, that will obey the voice of their Messias in the Gospel, the voice of their Lord God, that shall call them to repentance.


1. FOr behold, in those dayes, and in that time, when I shall bring a­gain the captivity of Iu­dah and Ierusalem.

2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the vally of Ieboshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people, and for my heri­tage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

3 And they have cast lots for my people, and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girle for wine, that they might drink.

4 Yea and what have ye to do with me, O Tyre and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye render me a recom­pense? and if ye recom­pense me, swiftly and spee­dily will I return your re­compense upon your own head.

5 Because ye have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your Temples, my goodly plea­sant things.

6 The children also of Iudah, and the children of Ierusalem have ye sold un­to the Grecians, that ye might remove them farre from their border.

7 Behold, I will raise them out of the place whi­ther ye have sold them, and wil return your recompense upon your own head.

8 And I will sell your sons and your daughters in­to the hand of the children of Iudah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to a people far off, for the Lord hath spoken it.

9 Proclaim ye this a­mong the gentiles: prepare war, make up the mighty men, let all the men of war [Page 127] draw near let them come up.

10 Beat your plow shares into swords, and your pru­ning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.

11 Assemble your selves and come all ye heathen, and gather your selves to­gether round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Lord.

12 Let the heathen be wakened, & come up to the valley of Iehoshaphat: for there will I sit to judge all the heathen round about.

13 Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe, come, get you down, for the press is full, the fats overflow, for the wickedness is great.

14 Multitudes, multi­tudes in the valley of deci­sion: for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.

15 The sun and the moon shall be darkned, and the Stars shall withdraw their shining.

16 The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Ierusalem, and the heavens and the earth shall shake, but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the Children of Israel.

17 So shall ye know that I am the Lord your God, dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Ieru­salem be holy, and there shall no strangers passe tho­row her any more.

18 And it shall come to passe in that day; that the mountains shall drop down new wine, and the bills shall flow with milk, and all the rivers of Iudah shall flow with waters, and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the Lord, & shall water the valley of Shittim.

19 Egypt shall be a de­solation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Iudah, because they have shed innocent bloud in their land.

20 But Iudah shall dwel for ever, & Ierusalem from generation to generation.

21 For I wil cleanse their bloud, that I have not clean­sed, for the Lord dwels in Zion.


A Prophesie of what shall happen, after a longer, and more uncertain time, in the vally of Ie­hoshaphat, which (what particular place soever is chiefly intended) signifies a place, or several places, wherein God will please to exercise his judgement upon his, and the Churches enemies: at several times, and up­on several occasions before the last Day of Iudgement: but compleatly then.

1. FOr, Behold, it shall come to passe (saith the Lord) in those dayes of the Messias (the times of the gospel) when I shall bring again the captivity of Iudah, and Ierusalem: [...]. reduce all the true Israelites, Jewes, and Gentiles, into one fold, to be all under one Shepherd.

2. Then will I, as occasion serves, summon the enemies of the Church in all nations, and I will make them appear before me, (d) in the [Page 145] vally of Iehosphaphat (or (e)in the place, where­in I will execute my judgement) and there will I avenge the injuries done to my own Peo­ple (the true Israel of God) mine inheritance: whose cruell enemies dispersed them through all the world, as if they would have taken posses­sion of my own peculiar portion, and divided it, as their own haereditary possession.

3. In those particular dayes of Judgement (which will be as types, and forerunners of the Generall Iudgement that will, at last, over­take all the enemies of the Church) it will ap­pear, what scornes, and injuries have been put upon all the Saints of God. Particularly it will be made evident, that upon some of my People they have (f) cast lots: they have sold the children of Christians: an ingenuous young man have they made away for the price of an harlot, and a modest Virgin for a sum of money, that might furnish them with wine, to drink, and be merry.

4. And what have you to do with me, and my Church, saith the Lord. You that are as great, and close adversaries to the Christians, as ever the Tyrians, and Sidonians, and all the Tract of Palestine, were to the Jewes. Doth [Page 146] your ill usage come in as a return of some in­jury, that I and my People seem to have offer­ed unto you? If you do either (g) provoke me with your ventrous, and first attempts, or pre­tend any such (h) requital upon me, or mine. I shall very speedily take order, to return a just recompense upon your own heads.

5. And I may then truely say, that you have deserved it otherwise. For both silver and gold, and other precious things, which I bestow­ed upon my People, those it will appear that you took away, thereby the better to furnish and adorn your own (i) Temples and Palaces.

6. Likewise the true Sons of mystical Iu­dah and Ierusalem (the good, and constant Professors of my gospel) you sold, to the Gre­cians, and other Merchants, with whom you had the like commerce, and so dispersed them thorough severall remote countries, that they might be far enough from returning to their own home.

7. But I shall as surely recall them, and re­duce them safe out of those parts, to which you thought they had been confined, by your selling of them thither. And then I will requite you [Page 147] in a like return of your deserts, upon your own pates.

8. For I will leave your Sons, and Daugh­ters, upon the same termes, in the hands of those good Professours, whereof Iudah is the type. And they shall have power to dispose of them into far remoter parts, even as far off as the Sabeans. Because I have so determined to do, and have justly passed such a decree upon them.

9. Against which decree if you can have any hope to prevaile. (k) Bestir your selves to the purpose, and use all the meanes you can. Publish, or proclaim your war among what nations you think fit. Provide your self of the ablest auxiliaries, Put all your strength up­on it. And leave not out a man, that can assist you in this enterprise. When you have done all you can, all will be but lost labour, against those my Servants, that I have resolved to defend.

10. Sell your plow-shares, and sythes, and other necessary instruments, and implements of your country-labour, to supply your selves the better with weapons, and engines of war. And let the weakest of all be encouraged to do some proper service to the cause.

[Page 148]11. Let your troopes, and Regiments out of severall nations multiply into a mighty army, and muster up all your forces together. There and then the Lord of Hostes hath his greater forces (of men, and angels, and the meanest creatures) that will quickly, and utterly rout the very flower, and strength of your most daring Souldiers: at the hearing of this short prayer, out of the mouth of his afflicted Ser­vants, There (l) let thy mighty ones descend, O Lord, to the releif of thy people.

12. That Prayer will procure a Command, that shall rouse all the nations, that oppose the Church, and summon them personally to appear in the vally of Iehoshaphat, in the place which I shall appoint, there to sit in judgement against all nations on every side, that have been ene­mies to Me, and my Church.

13. Upon this summons, Hear how God himself encourageth those, that he makes the executioners of his Justice. Come, put in your sithes, for there is a great harvest before you, the wickednesse of mine enemies is now ripe. Come down into this vally. For the wine-presse is full, it runs over for the exceeding abundance of their great, and bloudy offences, (for that may [Page 149] be intimated in the overflowing of the blood of the grape)

14. O the multitudes of hereticks, schisma­ticks, irreligious, and profane livers! O the vast companies of Atheists, Idolaters, Tyrants, and other malicious enemies of the true Profession, and Service of God, that, methinks, I see now making their appearance in the vally of Jeho­shaphat (or devine judgement) that may now be called the valley of (m) decision (where they shall receive their doom) or the vally of threshing after the harvest (where their pu­nishment shall begin) For now, after they have enjoyed their time, the day of the Lord the time of divine vengeance) is ready to come upon them, in the valley of decision, and of threshing.

15. At the approach of this terrible day, the world will seem to be all in confusion. They that were the light, and glory of their times, and as eminent, and conspicuous in the sphaere of their government, as the Sun, and Moon, and Stars, are in the firmament of hea­ven, shall be suddenly obscured, and loose their light.

16. The Lion of the tribe of Iudah shall roar out of Sion, to the terrour of all his ene­mies. [Page 150] When he first utters his voice, as the de­fender of Ierusalem ( i. of his holy Church whereof Jerusalem was a figure) though the powers of heaven, and earth may shake, yet ‘they that trust in him, will stand as firm as mount Sion, that cannot be moved,’ The Lord will shew himself our refuge, and the strength of the Israel of God.

17. After the roaring of the Lion, will you hear the comfortable voice of the Lamb of God. Thus shall ye know (saith he to his Servants) thus shall you see, that I am the Lord your God, that dwell in my Church, as in my Sion, my holy mountain. Thus shall you be assured that my Ierusa­lem, my Church, is holy, and therefore shall be secured from the unhallowed hands of those strange children, that shall not be suffered, so insolently and triumphantly as they have done, to go thorough her any more.

18. After this treading the wine-presse of the wicked, and threshing of their har­vest: we are onely to hear of the hap­pinesse of the Church. For, then shall the mountains drop new wine to her, (for her stronger Saints) and the hils shall flow with milk, (fit nourishment for her yet tender babes) And all the rivers of this [Page 151] mysticall Iudah (n) shall with waters of life (to refresh all) And to this end, a fountain shall come forth of the house of the Lord, to supply the sacred Font, which is placed in the lower part of the Church, like a little valley of Shittim, which is the (o) embleme of a vessel that will not pu­trifie.

19. And then while Egypt, and Edom, ( i. e. great enemies of the Church) shall lie ruinous, and desolate, because of the innocent blood, which they have shed in the true Iudah, (the Church of God.)

20. Iudah in the mean while (the holy Church) shall dwell safe, aud the true Je­rusalem shall be comforted with a true, and last­ing felicity.

21. And the blood of the Saints, (p) which I did not before manifest to be pure, and innocent, and therefore most unjustly spilt, that shall I, even by that meanes, declare to be pure, and innocent, namely by the exemplary (q) punishment of their execu­tioners. [Page 152] And thus will God ever abide with his Church, and preserve his Servants in their greatest dangers, or reward them with that which shall exceed a present de­livery, and be a sufficient vindication of their vertue, and innocence.



1. THe word of A­mos, who was a­mong the herd­men of Tekoa, which he saw concerning Israel, in the dayes of Vzziah King of Iudah, and in the daies of Ieroboam the son of Io­ash King of Israel, two years before the earth­quake.

2 And he said, the Lord will roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Ie­rusalem: and the habita­tions of the shepherds shall mourn, and the top of Car­mel shall wither.

3 Thus saith the Lord; For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away the pu­nishment thereof, because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron.

4 But I will send a fire into the house of Hazael, which shall de­vour the palaces of Benhadad

[Page 154]5 I will break also the bar of Damascus, aud cut off the inhabitant from the plain of Aven: and him that holdeth the scep­ter from the house of E­den, and the people of Syria shall go into cap­tivity unto Kir, saith the Lord.

6 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof: be­cause they carried away captive the whole captivi­ty, to deliver them up to Edom.

7 But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the pa­laces thereof.

8 And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ash­dod, and him that hold­eth the scepter from Ash­kelon, and I will turn mine hand against Ekron; and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish, saith the Lord God.

9 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Tyrus, and for four, I will not turn away the pu­nishment thereof: because they delivered up the whole captivity to Edom, and re­membred not the brotherly covenant.

10 But I will send a fire on the wall of Ty­rus, which shall devour the palaces thereof.

11 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Edom, and for four, I will not turn away the punish­ment thereof, because he did pursue his brother with the sword, and did cast off all pitty, and his anger did tear perpetually, and kept his wrath for ever.

12 But I will send a fire upon Teman, which shall devour the palaces of Bozrah.

13 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of the children of Ammon, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof: because they have ript up the women with child of Gilead, that they might inlarge their border.

[Page 155]14 But I will kindle a fire in the wall of Rab­bah, and it shall devour the palaces thereof, with shouting in the day of battel, with a tempest in the day of the whirl­wind.

15 And their King shall go into captivity, he, and his Princes together, saith the Lord.


1. THe words, (a) or things Prophetically imparted to the knowledge of Amos, who was among the (b) Shepherds, or keepers of cattle in Tekoah (six miles from Bethlehem) which were famous for that employment. Thence was he called to be a Prophet, as Da­vid, before that, from following of sheep, was chosen to be a Royal Prophet, by that wise, and merciful God, that chuseth the base things of the world to confound the wise. Now these things were revealed to Amos, concerning Israel, in the time of Uzziah King of Judah, and Je­roboam, son of Joash, King of Israel: two years (c) before the Earthquake, that hap­pened [Page 156] in the reign of Vzziah, that was smitten with leprosie, for attempting upon the Priests office.

2. Amos being thus made a Prophet, his name agreed with the sum of his Prophesie. For [...] ( Amost) signifies a burden. And that is an ordinarie term in the holy Scripture for the Prophesie of a heavy punishment, denoun­ced against a Nation, as this of Amos was a­gainst many, specially against the ten Tribes, Against whom, what he had prophesied, was fulfilled by Salmaneser, that led them away captive into Assyria. 4 Reg. 17. 6. But let us hear the Prophet himself speak,

Thus said Amos. The Lord that delighted so much in Sion. and pleased to dwell between the Cherubims in his Temple at Ierusalem, is now so offended with the sins of Iudah, and Israel, that he sends an angry threatning voice from Sion, and Ierusalem, that may terrifie them both: specially those of Israel, the greater offenders. This terrible voice will have a doleful effect in the pleasant pastures of all those Shepherds, that have neglected their flock; and upon the Sheep that have turned Wolves against their Shepherds, and raised up Shepherds of their own choice, uncapable of the place. Carmel among others, even Carmel it self, which had the fattest pasture, and the [Page 157] most numerous sheep, shall in the height and glory of it be withered and made no such place for their feeding.

3 What shall we think will become of the Gentiles, when Gods own people hear such sad tidings from the place of their joy, and com­fort? Let us now hear that. For Syria Da­mascena first. Thus saith the Lord. For so many foul sins of Damascus, as have filled up the full measure of their iniquity, and may be brought against them in the perfect number of seven, by the addition of four more to their first three, that were bad enough: For these (d) I will not restore Damascus to my wonted favour, or I will not recal that, which I have decreed against that place. Specially in that they heavily afflicted my people of Gilead (Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh) barbarously insulting over them, and (e) tram­pling upon them, or rather (e) laying on them like thrashers, and abusing all alike. (As it was foretold by Elisaeus, in his words to Hazael, 4 Reg. 8, & 15.)

4. Therefore, in mine anger, I will send a furious enemie against them, which, like a fire, [Page 158] shall sodainly deface and ruine the royal stru­ctures erected by Hazael, when they shall be the Palaces of his son Benhadad.

5. And I will break the very strength of Da­mascus, (their gates, fortresses, and whatsoever else it is, wherein they most confide) And I will pack away the inhabitants of the Plain of Aven: and with them the idolatrous Princes, that rule over (g) Beth-eden, and the neighbour-cities devoted to riot and luxury. For the Syrians shall be led captives into Kir, saith the Lord (by the hand of Tiglathpileser, King of Assyria.)

6. When they of Gaza in Palestine have made up the like (h) measure of their sins, the like punishment shall be as peremptorily decreed against them: specially because of their cruelty to those of Israel, that fled into their parts for refuge, upon the invasion of Sennacherib, whom, though they came (i) peaceably, and friendly to them, onely for relief, and no way to offer them any injury: yet they most inju­riously sold them into Edom, as if they had been their own captives, and, by right of war, taken by themselves. Whereby they did as good as (k) imprison them among their capital ene­mies, [Page 159] and obstruct the means of their return unto their own home.

7. Therefore I will cause such warlike forces to come (from (l) Hezekiah to the wall of Gaza, as shall consume and burn that City, and all the fair buildings within it.

8. And the inhabitants of Azotus shall be tur­ned out of doors, and the Rulers of Ascalon shall partake of the same justice with their Country­men. Then (after that blow given to Gaza, Azotus, and Ascalon) I will turn my striking hand against Ekron also, and there the rest of the Philistims shall be destroyed (by the Assyrians) to the utter ruine of that people.

9. Thus saith the Lord, For the like over­flowing of the (m) transgressions of Tyrus, in so full a measure, I will not be reconciled unto them, nor reverse the decree already passed against them. Because they used the like cru­elty, that the Philistims did, against the poor Israelites, which came peaceably to them, but were sold away to the Edomites, as captives taken in war. And the Tyrians shall fare the worse, because (n) they so easily forgot the league, and friendship, that was (o) between their [Page 160] King Hiram, and King David, and Solomon, and so between the succeeding Kings, (o) that used the stile, and love of Brethren: which, no doubt, was cause of much familiarity, and many kind offices among the subjects of either Nation, and was ill broken off for a matter of filthy lucre, in the sale of their confede­rates.

10. Therefore will I send an enemie (from (p) Chaldaea) to the walls of Tyrus, that shall set most of the stately buildings of Tyrus on such a fire, as all the water above her shall not be able to quench.

11. The like measure of sin will draw the like (q) punishment upon Edom: because he was so unnaturally cruel to his Brethren, the posterity of Iacob, shewing no bowels of com­passion to these Brethren of the same belly, but resting upon a violent, obstinate, implacable way of furious anger, transmitted as an hereditary vice to Posterity for ever. So did Edom strive to keep it ever alive, to his immortal shame for such impiety, and inhumanity against so near Allies.

12. Therefore (by Sennacherib, and his Soul­diers) such flames of War shall be kindled in Teman, and Bozra, the two Cities of note in [Page 161] the Countrey of Edom, as shall consume the fair Pallaces thereof.

13. And of another Nation affianced to the people of God, thus saith the Lord. For the (r) full measure of the transgressions of the Am­monites, the Children of Lot: they shall receive the same D [...]om with the Edomites; the rather for their barbaro [...]s inhumanity, which sharp­ned their weapons against the weaker Sex, to the ripping up of the matrones of Gilead, even when they were great with child. Not out of any provocation in war, but out of a mere covetous and (s) ambitions desire, to enlarge their territories.

14. Therefore a fearful fire shall be kindled by the walls of Rabbah (the gloriousest City of Animon) that, without difference of Sex, or Age, shall devour such as are found in the choicest Pallaces, and Mansions of the Ammo­nites. It shall come in a violent, and (t) fearful way, with military clamours, and shouting of some, and skreeching of others. It shall come of a sodain, like a horrible storm, and tempest to the ruine, and devastation of the Country of Ammon.

15. Which shall be the sadder, and more irre­coverable by the captivity of the King, and his [Page 162] Princes: and their titular Deitie, and his Priests. For (u) Moloch himself (for all his Royal title) shall escape no better then the meanest of the people, that must yeeld to the furie of the war. For, The Lord hath spoken it.


1 THus saith the Lord For three trans­gressions of Moab, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof: be­cause he burnt the bones of the King of Edom into lime.

2 But I will send a fire upon Moab, and it shall devour the palaces of Ke­rioth, and Moab shall die with tumult, with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet:

3 And I will cut off the Iudge from the midst there­of, and will slay all the Princes thereof with him, saith the Lord.

4 Thus saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Iudah, and for four, I will not turn away the pu­nishment thereof: because they have despised the Law of the Lord, and have not kept his commandements, and their lies caused them to erre, after the which their fathers have wal­ked.

5 But I will send a fire upon Iudah, and it shall devour the palaces of Ieru­salem.

6 Thus saith the Lord, for three transgressions of Israel, and for four, I will not turn away the pu­nishment thereof: because they sold the righteous for [Page 163] silver, and the poor for a pair of shooes:

7 That pant after the dust of the earth on the head of the poor, and turn aside the way of the meek, and a man and his father will go in unto the same maid, to profane my holy Name.

8 And they lay them­selves down upon cloathes laid to pledge, by every Altar, and they drink the wine of the condemned in the house of their God.

9 Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, whose height was like the height of the Cedars, and he was strong as the Oakes, yet I destroyed his fruit from a­bove, and his roots from be­neath.

10 Also I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and led you fourty yeares thorow the wildernesse, to possesse the land of the A­morite.

11 And I raised up of your sons for Prophets, and of your young men for Na­zarites. Is it not even thus O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord?

12 But ye gave the Na­zarites wine to drink, and commanded the Prophets, saying, Prophesie not.

13 Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is ful of she [...]ves

14 Therefore the flight shall perish from the swift, and the strong shall not strengthen his force, nei­ther shall the mighty deli­ver himself:

15 Neither shall he stand that handleth the bow, and he that is swift of foot, shall not deliver himself, neither shall he that rideth the horse, deliver himself.

16 And he that is cou­ragious among the mighty, shall flee away naked in that day, saith the Lord.


1. THus saith the Lord. Because Moab hath fil'd up the same measure of sin (x) with the Ammonites, therefore I pronounce the same punishment to them of Moab: who to their other sins added that, which showed their ar­rogance, and malice to Edom, in burning the bones of (y) one of the Kings of Edom, and so most inhumanely and barbarously, (z) min­gling the ashes with the lime, and mortar that they used in dawbing and plaistering of their walls, which was an act of much pride, and scorne, and contempt; and a contumelious way of revenge.

2. Therefore I will raise up an insolent, and cruell enemy against the country of Moab, that shall kindle such a war, as shall be the sudden, fearfull and totall ruine of (a) Kerioth, their chiefest City (for such is commonly a destru­ction by fire) And in the hurry, and tumult of that war, shall many of the Moabites die, a­midst [Page 165] the confused noise of the trumpets, (b) and shouts of the enemy, and their own sighes, and groanes, and heavy lamentations.

3. So will be cut off from Moab, and espe­cially from Kerioth, (or, the chief Cities in the heart of the Countrey,) their eminentest (c) Governours, and Commanders: and all their Princes, and the greatest of their Nobility shall have their share in this punishment, that shall sweep them all away, saith the Lord, that neither can, nor will be hindred, or intreated in the execution of this sentence upon Moab.

4. And while these acts of Divine Justice appear among the Heathen, least Judah (be­cause of the open profession of the true Re­ligion, and worship of God among them) should take themselves to be in a fair way of escaping the like severe revenge, that God might take upon their sins, thus saith the Lord concerning his own people, Because Iu­dah presumed to (d) make up such a high mea­sure of sinne, as cried to heaven for Justice, therefore they also shall have their doom run in the same termes. Specially because they for­sook the most holy lawes, and statutes of God, [Page 166] (as if they contemned that to which they had promised obedience) aud were chiefly led by their own phansies, and lying vanities, and strange inclination to idolatry: as the ill ex­ample of their Forefathers, and their many re­volts, toald them on, and deluded their foolish hearts.

5. Therefore Nabuchadnezar's puissant, and victorious army shall raise an unquenchable fire in Iudaea, that shall not end without the firing of the Temple, and the Palaces, and other costly pieces of building in their Mother-City of Ierusalem by Nabuzaradan.

6. Which severity threatned to be exerci­sed upon the two Tribes, (among whom was the Temple, and the purer worship of God, may terrifie the kingdom of Israel, and be a clear evidence of their speedier, and heavier ruine. Of whom thus saith the Lord. For the full (e) measure of iniquity made up by the Israelites, and running over, I will make good the sad irreversible Sentence passed against them, and foretold by severall Prophets. The rather, because of their extream, and cruell Avarice, which blinded their eyes, and indu­ced them, not onely to circumvent and de­fraud, but down-right, to sell men better than [Page 167] themselves, and righteous persons at poor rates, as if the least summe of money, or a pair of shooes were more highly to be prised, than the keeping of a poor man from perpetuall servi­tude.

7. Nor will I conceale some other of their faults. In respect of their malice, (f) they are as stomachfull against the poor, as if they could eat them up like bread. And their pride is such, that they think it not enough, to throw them as low as the dust of the earth, unlesse they take of that dust, and cast it upon their heads, as a signe of greater scorn, and con­tempt: where they cannot so insult over the poor, yet, at least, (that they may be doing of some mischief) if they meet with modest, humble, and quiet men, they disturb them in the way, that is, in the course of their life, and occasions of their severall employments. From hence, laying the raines loose to all li­berty, they take the impudence to proceed further to sins of another nature, to a degree of incestuous pollution, hardly named among the Gentiles, that the Father, and the Sonne should wickedly abuse the same woman. By [Page 168] which horrid crimes, they do what they can to pollute my holy name: and provoke the Gentiles to the blaspheming of me, as well as speaking the truth of them, that thus disho­nour their God; whose honour, and glory should be the main end, and aim of all their endeavours.

8. Beside all this, having taken some pledges of those, that run not after the same (g) madness of Idolatry with them, they made use of them for sacred vestures or carpets, in or upon them to prostrate themselves before their Idol-altars (whereas to make any use of pledges is a­gainst their law) And (still adding sinne unto sinne) they delighted their palates with that wine, which they bought with what was gained by the sale of their goods, whom themselves had unjustly condemned. Thus were they not asha­med to chear up themselves in the house of their false Gods; and in their service, as it were to drink up the blood of innocent men, that would not be drawn to the like excesse of Idolatry with them.

9. In this excesse, and overslowing of sinne, how much have these men forgot themselves, and the favours, and mercies, that I heaped upon them? How (in the way to a land of [Page 169] rest, and plenty) out of my love, and care of them, I drove away the Amorite before them, a stout and strong people, giants of so vast a bignesse, and stature, that whosoever was to fight against them, would think that his sword was to hack at Cedars, and Oakes, rather than to cut down men: Yet these Cedars, and Oakes did I pluck up by the roots, and cut off in the branches, and laid them prostrate (before the children of Israel) as low as the ground they trod upon. i.e. I utterly ruined, and destroy­ed the Amorite, so that he was no longer a People: as I did many other nations, that were vanquished, and expelled out of their antient seates, to make room for them: root, and branch: Fathers, and children: Princes, and subiects: all were driven out, to give them way.

10. This I did for them, whom I had first obliged by a miraculous delivery from their Egyptian bondage, and a safe conduct tho­rough the red Sea, and a vast, and barren wildernesse, where they were fourty yeares together plentifully supplied with all things necessary, till they came to possesse those fat, and fertile grounds of all the (h)seven na­tions of the Amorites.

[Page 170]11. And that I might crown these tem­porall benefits with spirituall gifts, and gra­ces, I raised up some of your children to be Prophets, that they might instruct you, and be your guides into a place of everlasting rest, in the heavenly Canaan. And (as a­nother meanes to that) I made others of the Nazarites that they might be as living pat­terns, and examples of a temperate, and holy life. Tell me, if any of these things can be denied, or if all these favours were not freely thus disposed of, for your good, saith the Lord?

12. And yet (as it were to crosse my or­dinances, which tended so much to your own advantage) you would often interrupt the strict order of the Nazarites, by perswa­ding them to drink wine, though it were flatly interdicted. And you longed so much to hear your Prophets tell you rather of that which was pleasing, than of that which was true, that you spared not to lay it as an Injun­ction upon them.

13. But for this liberty of sinne, that you have taken to your selves, (i) I will bring [Page 171] you into great streights, and pressures of mi­sery, and calamity: so that as a cart, streit­ned in it self, and as it were oppressed with too great a burden, doth seem to groane, and make a noise of complaint under the (k) weight of many sheaves: so the enemies that set upon you, and the afflictions that distresse, and humble your soules, shall force out of you many groanes, and lamen­tations (heavy, and loud expressions of your sorrow.)

14. In this pressure, and streightnesse; It will be to little purpose to think of saving your selves from your enemies by flight, or of finding wayes of evasion from your other miseries. It will be as vain to think of re­sisting, and overcoming them, by strength of body, or stoutnesse of heart. For, the means of flight shall be taken from them, and the stoutest shall feel his stout heart, to faint, and sink within him. And the strongest of your champions shall be so far from rescuing others, that he shall not be able to preserve his own life.

15. Nor shall the most cunning Archers be [Page 172] able to stand to it so long, as to make suf­ficient use of his bow. Or the swiftest of foot, to runne so fast, as to carry himself farre enough out of danger. Or, the most confident Horse-man to ride so fast, but that a speedy, and deadly blow shall overtake him and make an end of his life.

16. And if any be accounted of so Heroi­call a spirit, that he may presume of better fortune than other mighty men: even he shall be forced to yeild at last: or, if he can make an escape, to betake himself to his heeles, like a naked Souldier, stripped of all his harness, and leaving all his weapons behind him. For, the Lord hath spoken it.


HEear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying,

2 You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your ini­quities.

3 Can two walk toge­ther, except they be a­greed?

4 Will a Lion roar in the forrest, when he hath no prey? will a young Lion cry out of his den, if he have taken nothing?

5 Can a bird fall in a snare upon the earth, where no gin is for him? shall one take up a snare from the earth and have taken no­thing at all?

6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?

7 Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he re­vealeth his secrets unto his servants the Prophets.

8 The Lion hath roared, who will not fear? the Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophesie?

9 Publish in the palaces at Ashdod, and in the pala­ces in the land of Egypt, and say, Assemble your selves upon the mountains of Samaria: and behold the great tumults in the midst thereof, and the oppressed in the midst thereof.

10 For they know not to do right, saith the Lord [...] who store up violence and robbery in their palaces.

11 Therefore thus saith the Lord God, An adversa­ry there shall be even round about the land: and he [Page 174] shal bring down thy strength from thee, and thy palaces shall be spoiled.

12 Thus saith the Lord, As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the lion two legs or a piece of an ear: so shall the children of Is­rael be taken out that dwel in Samaria, in the corner of a bed, and in Damascus in a couch.

13 Hear ye, and testifie in the house of Iacob, saith the Lord God, the God of hosts,

14 That in the day that I shall visit the transgressi­ons of Israel upon him, I will also visit the altars of Bethel, and the horns of the Altar shall be cut off, and fall to the ground.

15. And I will smite the winter house with the sum­mer house; and the houses of Ivory shall perish, and the great houses shall have an end, saith the Lord.


1. HEar now, O ye children of Israel, what the Lord saith against you, against all the twelve tribes, the whole nation of the Iews, that went as one family into Egypt, but were increased into a mighty people, when he deli­vered them out of Egypt. To this purpose doth the Lord speak unto you.

2. You onely I made choice of, and selected above all other nations, for a peculiar people, to whom I would commit my sacred Oracles, and upon whom I would freely confer my great­est [Page 175] favours. No nation under heaven had ever such laws (and so conveyed unto them by my self, or by the Ministery of my Angels, or Prophets) or such ample promises, such mira­cles, and deliveries, and such other motives to good life. Therefore all your unthankfulnesse, and disobedience, and wickednesse will call for a visitation, in a heavier way of punishment. Both because you knew my Will better, and had more means, and obligations for the per­formance of it: and because you were under a more peculiar way of care, and cognisance, and government under my self.

3. The Prophets (by whom I instructed you, and forewarned you of the plagues that would follow your rebellions, and of the mer­cies, and favours, that would crown all your good actions) never said any thing to you, but what they received from me. They all agreed in expressing of the same message, as men that walk together in the same way, are agreed toge­ther. Your walking * with me, and conver­sing in my waies, should have appeared in the like agreement of yours with me, and them. And if your actions had been so consonant to my will, and their admonitions, you had now been in as fair a way to the increase of [Page 176] your happinesse; as your dissent from me, and them, hath brought you into the high way of ruine and confusion.

4. When my Prophets came to you with threats in their mouths, it was no more then I put into them. If you will call it the * roaring of a Lion, it was my voice. And will the Lion roar either in the forrest or in his den, but when the prey is in his view: so near that he may take it, when he will. Even so make you no other account, but that my Justice will fol­low as sure those Prophetical threats, as the prey follows upon the roaring of the Lion. Therefore make your peace sodainly, unlesse you will expose your selves to a sodain de­struction.

5. Do birds use to fall into a net, spred upon the ground, and be taken in it, unlesse it be pur­posely so laid by the Fowler, that it may appre­hend them. So are your punishments prophe­tically foretold, like snares that are laid for you in my Justice, and by my direction. When the Prophets have forewarned you, if you will not take heed, but by your own supine carelesse­nesse fall into the net: you may thank your selves. [ praemoniti praemuniti, if it be as it should be] And your timely repentance, and [Page 177] amendment of life, would be a likely means for the removal of the snare, in which the Assyrians and Chaldaeans are thinking to catch you, and hold you fast. But if they once come near, as the Fowler will not remove the snare, till the birds be caught: so neither will God recal his sentence against you, nor they re­move their armies, till it be too late for you to escape.

6. When by the sound of a trumpet, in time of war there is notice given to a City of the forces of the enemie approaching toward them, shall not that City be afraid, and prepare for the best way of prevention, or resistance? Why then do not your fears produce the like care, when your Prophets, that are your Watch­men, (l) make their voices like a trumpet, to rouse you up, and acquaint you with the dan­ger at hand? For is there any such evil of pu­nishment denounced, or brought upon a City, of which God himself is not the Authour? Who therefore doth it, that you may either timely repent, or justly suffer.

7. And he keeping it not so secret, but that, by his Prophets, you are made privie to his full intention, and they unanimously agreeing in the message, you cannot but confesse, that [Page 178] you are fairly and sufficiently forewarned, and consequently, if you use not the right means of prevention, that the true cause of all your suffering must be indeed from your selves onely, and your own impenitence.

8. Which of you now will not be afraid at the roaring of this Lion? And which of us that are Prophets, dare refuse to prophesie, and give you notice of that, which God himself (in such a fearful manner) injoynes us to speak, and we cannot but at our own peril, as well as yours, conceal from you?

9. And that it may appear, how justly that may fall upon Israel, which our Prophesies have foretold, let the very Heathen be called together, and made acquainted with their acti­ons, and, out of them, speak truely what they think of the justice ever used in pronouncing, or asflicting their punishment upon them. Let it be divulged in the most publick places, in the Palaces of Ashdod (in Palestine) and in all the Palaces of Egypt, that they are invited, freely to meet together upon the mountains of Samaria, and there (though, being Idolaters themselves, they may say little to their idola­trie, yet) at least, let them take notice of the strange cruelty of the Israelite, which may be evidenced by the fearful (m) outcries, and lamen­table [Page 179] noise, and exclamations, extorted by the many oppressions, and injuries of the insolent Governors, that ruled, or rather domineered (n) within the City Samaria.

18. Nay, what speak I of the cruelty of their Governors? Take them in a more gene­ral view, and few or none of them did ever (o) regard, or think of doing any thing that was right, and equal, saith the Lord himself of them. All their care was, by hook, or by crook: by any false, and unjust waies whatsoever: to hoord up more and more wealth: and furnish their own stately house by cheating, and impove­rishing of other men.

11. Therefore thus saith the Lord God to the children of Israel. An enemie (the Assyrian in the ten tribes, and the Chaldaean in the other two, shall besiege, and distresse the Land, round about. He shall tame thee, and bring down thy strength, and empty thy rich, and stately houses, which thou hadst so filled, and stuffed, with unlawful gain.

12. If any of you escape the fury of that enemy, it will prove as hard, and as strange a deliverance, as if a shepherd should venture to snatch a leg, or two, or a little piece of the ear of a sheep out of the mouth of a hungry Lion. [Page 180] Thus saith the Lord of the difficultie, and pau­citie of the delivered. Such and so rare will be the reliques of those poor Israelites, that with much hazard will be rescued out of the verie jaws of the enemie. They will be sensi­ble of this danger, that will lie in Damascus (their confederate Cities) as in a bed; and in Samaria (their own nests) as in the corner of a bed, thinking to nuzzle themselves there, as in a bed of ease, and security: or a fit place for the exercise of their spiritual whoredom. This enemy will rouse them all.

13. Hear this (you specially, that are most concerned in the care, and oversight of the Nation) and make protestation of it in the house of Iacob (that you may move them to repentance) saith the Lord God, the Lord of Hosts, (who onely can refrain the violence of the hostile Armies, that come against you.)

14. For (unlesse you prevent it by repen­tance) when I begin to punish those of Israel, for the foul sins, which they have committed, I will not then spare the chiefest places. Down will go the Altars at Bethel: and the Hornes (the supposed holier part) of the chief Altar will be broken in pieces, and the Altar ruined, and, by that, the idolatry of that place utterly abolished.

[Page 181]15. And the Court shall not stand firm, where the Temple is ruined. Their stately Pa­laces shall all be laid wast. The winter-house, and the summer-house shall feel the same blow. The Kings Ivory-house shall have the same fate with many other houses, that shall be levelled with the ground. For the Lord of Hostes hath spoken it: and his sentence cannot be reversed by any other.


1 HEar this word ye kine of Bashan, that are in the mountain of Sa­maria, which oppresse the poor, which crush the needy, which say to their masters; Bring, and let us drink.

2 The Lord God hath sworn by his Holinesse, that lo, the dayes shall come upon you, that he will take you away with hooks, and your posterity with fishhooks.

3 And ye shall go out at the breaches, every cow at that which is before her, and ye shall cast them into the palace, saith the Lord.

4 Come to Bethel and transgresse, at Gilgal mul­tiply transgression; and bring your sacrifices every morning, and your tithes after three years.

5 And offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving with lea­ven, and proclaim and pub­lish the free-offerings; for this liketh you, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord God.

6 And I also have given you cleannesse of teeth in all your cities, and want of [Page 182] bread [...] in all your places: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.

7 And also I have with­holden the rain from you, when there were yet three moneths to the harvest, and I caused it to rain upon one city, and caused it not to rain upon another city: one piece was rained upon, and the piece whereupon it rain­ed not, withered.

8 So two or three cities wandred unto one city to drink water, but they were not satisfied: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.

9 I have smitten you with blasting and mildew; when your gardens, and your vineyards, and your fig-trees, and your olive-trees increased, the palmer-worm devoured them: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.

10 I have sent among you pestilence, after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses, and I have made the stink of your camp to come up unto your nostrils, yet have ye not re­turned unto me, saith the Lord.

11 I have overthrown some of you, as God over­threw Sodom and Gomor­rah, and ye were as a fire­brand pinckt out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the Lord.

12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.

13 For lo, he that form­eth the mountains, and cre­ateth the wind, and decla­reth unto man what is his thought, that maketh the morning darknesse, and treadeth upon the high pla­ces of the earth: the Lord, the God of hosts is his name.


1. HEar ye this, which God hath revealed unto me, concerning the punishment of you, that dwell in Samaria, the Metropolis of Israel, pleasantly seated upon a high hill. You, that in so fair and sweet a place, live in ease, and plenty; and spend all your precious time in pampering of your wanton bodies, like Epicures, rather then worshipers of the true God, nay, like bruit beasts, rather then wo­men, indued with reason, like fat kine (p) of Basan, rather then modest, and temperate wives of such Princes, as have eminent place, and authority among the people of God. You that (in your proud, and wanton humors) scorn, and oppresse the poor, and needy. And that you may do it with more advantage) speak to your Husbands, and Rulers, to bring them some way under your command, that you may get as much out of them, as will defray the charge of [Page 184] your (q) drinking, and feasting among your merry Gossips. Hear you this message.

2. The Lord hath sworn by his own sacred Majesty, i. he hath irreversibly decreed, that the time shall come upon you ere long, wherein the enemy shall as easily and unexpectedly sur­prise both your selves, and your pampered chil­dren, as Fishers with their (r) fishhooks, and other instruments of their art, use to catch the fishes, that sport about that, which is brought to bereave them of their liberty, and their life too.

3. And, for fear of the enemie, you shall be fain to creep out at the breaches, that he shall make in the walls of your Citie: every one at that breach, which she can first light upon. After this inevitable flight, you shall be taken, and at last, with shame enough cast out as far as into (s) Armenia, that will have no such delights for you, as you enjoyed in the rich Palaces of Samaria. This is that, which God himself hath decreed against you.

[Page 185]4. Therefore (if you will hear your own foolish fancies, and inclinations) you had best enjoy your pleasure before you go thither. Yes, by all means (t) get you to Bethel, and take your solemn leave of your beloved calves, erected for the worship of that place, show some of your impiety there. (u) Then take your way toward Gilgal, to the idols of that place, there make up the full measure of your sins. Every morning with great care, and dili­gence bring the sacrifices that should be offe­red to God, and offer them (at your pleasure, and at your peril) to those idols, your sacred Dieties of Gilgal forsooth. And, for those (x) tithes, which should be paid every third year in the right place, let your mistaken de­votion (y) pay them to your imaginary gods in three daies, if you will, and where you like best.

5. If you would yet be at more cost in your will-worship, (z) offer also a sacrifice of Praise, and Thanksgiving to your idols, and in an offering (a) by fire make use of leaven, which I commanded to be left out in such cases. And be sure that notice be taken of your [Page 186] voluntary offerings. Blow a trumpet before you, when you go to them: some way, or other proclaim it to the world. For this plea­seth you well, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord God, and you may therefore do it, at your peril.

6. But remember, that for this your forsa­king of my altars at your pleasure, and showing your selves so free, and liberal in your idol-service, I also pleased my self in sending such scarcity of meat in all your Cities, that there was nothing of it to be seen sticking in your teeth. And it was accompanied as great a want of bread in all places. Yet did not these punishments produce such a repentance as brought you throughly (b) home to me.

7. Nor did I punish you, onely with want of food for the present, but I threatned a lasting famine, and thirst by keeping the rain from you too, whereby, in your mountainous Countrie, your corn-fields were parched with heat, and your grasse withered, and those places dried up, wherein you expected your water, which is a great part of your drink. This drought you had, even in the three moneths before harvest, when you had most need of rain. And (that you might see this was cau­sed [Page 187] immediatelie by my self: not by any power in the stars; not by anie cause in nature: not by anie accident, or chance) I granted rain to some Cities and Towns, when I denied it to other neighbour-cities. Nay (which was more mira­culous) one piece of ground was rained upon, and another hard by it, for want of rain, was dried up, and became utterlie unfruitful, and barren.

8. So that, in this great defect of water, two or three Cities were forced to travail to some other Citie (that had the benefit of some few showers) there to quench their thirst. Yet was not that City so well stored, as to let them have water, in so large a supply, as they desired. Nei­ther would this plague work so much upon you, as to bring you to a serious repentance, and ac­knowledgement of those sins, that drew these miseries upon you, saith the Lord.

9. Therefore I proceed against you by ano­ther plague of blasting the corn, by a drie East-wind: and of mildew, which is a kind of jaundis in the fruit, proceeding from too much moisture. What one of these did not consume, the other commonlie corrupted, of that which came out of the earth with some hope. And as you more and more multiplied, and (c) bestowed [Page 188] cost upon your gardens, and vineyards, and your fig-trees, and olive-trees: so did I more, and more increase the number of locusts, and canker­worms, to spoile, and devour them. So that all your cost, and labour came in the end to lit­tle, or nothing. Yet so foolish, and obstinate you were, and so hardened in all sin, and impi­ety, that still you continued as impenitent, as you were before, saith the Lord.

10. And when you thought, in these streights, to help your selves with corn, and other supplies out of Egypt (whither I had often charged you not to return) In your (d) way to Egypt, and from thence, I took away some of you with the pestilence, and some with the sword of the enemy, and (among them) some of the youngest, and lustiest men, that thought they were able to make the best re­sistance. This misery was increased by the losse of your horses (which I had charged you not to multiply to your selves) you got them in Egypt, and I took them from you, in the way from Egypt to you. Nor did I cause you to be troubled with the fight onely, but with the stinking smell of your (e) troops, so many waies disturbed, and spent with robberie, and mor­tality. [Page 189] Yet were not you so sensible of these judgements, as to stop and re [...]al your selves, and be converted unto me, saith the Lord.

11. Beside all this, I brought a desolation upon some others among you, somewhat like unto that of Sodom, and Gomrrah, so that the few, that escaped, were like firebrands, with much (f) ado, here and there, plucked out of a ter­rible flaming fire. And still you were far enough from making your humble addresses unto me, for mercie, and forgivenesse.

12. Now therefore, since none of these sad calamities had the intended effect of your Reformation, I have reason to continue my re­solution of bringing those and the like plagues upon you, of which I have either (g) already forewarned you by the mouth of my Prophets: or with which I have even now expressed, how I made trial of you heretofore. Therefore be­cause you see I am coming against you with such variety of punishments (if you will not repent) be wise now at last, O Israel, and carefully fit and prepare your selves to meet me with bended knees, and weeping eyes, and broken hearts, and unfaigned resolutions of amend­ment of life.

13. Consider who it is, that so graciously [Page 190] invites thee to meet Him by repentance, the onely means, which is now left to turn away the execution of his wrath. He so invites thee, O Israel, that hath all things in his power, and at his command. By vertue whereof He crea­ted the mighty mountains, and, at his pleasure, raiseth the violent winds. By his infinite know­ledge, and all-seeing eye, He can discover the innermost conceipts, meditations, and intenti­ons of the heart of man; as well as what him­self intends to do with him, if he do not a­mend his life, and return to him. It is he which makes the glorious light of the morning, that grows brighter, and brighter as he mounts himself: and can cloud or eclipse that light with sodain darknesse, at his pleasure; as the sole Author, and Commander both of Light and Darknesse. It is he that walks upon those emi­nent places of the world, that are no way per­vious, or passible to us, and so subdues, and subjects to himself, whatsoever is exalted to the highest pitch to which it can arrive. The Lord God of Hosts is his name, and all creatures are but as his souldiers and servants, where his Mercie, or Justice will please to employ them.


1. Hear ye this word which I take up a­gainst you, even a lamentation, O house of Israel.

2 The virgin of Israel is fallen, she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land: there is none to raise her up.

3 For thus saith the Lord God, The city that went out by a thousand, shall leave an hundred; and that which went forth by an hundred, shall leave ten to the house of Israel.

4 For thus saith the lord unto the house of Israel, Seek ye me, and ye shall live.

5 But seek not Bethel, nor enter into Gilgal, and passe not to Beer-sheba: for Gilgal shall surely go into captivity, and Bethel shall come to nought.

6 Seek the Lord, and ye shall live, le [...]t he break out like fire in the house of Ioseph, and devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethel.

7 Ye who turn judgement to wormwood, and leave off righteousnesse in the earth:

8 Seek him that maketh the seven Stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and powreth them out upon the face of the earth: the Lord is his Name:

9 That strengtheneth the spoiled against the strong: so that the spoiled shall come against the fortresse.

10 They hate him that rebuketh in the gate: and they abhor him that speak­keth uprightly.

11 Forasmuch therefore as your treading is upon [Page 192] the poor, and ye take from him burdens of wheat, ye have built houses of hewen stone, but ye shall not dwell in them: ye have planted pleasant vineyards, but ye shall not drink wine of them.

12 For I know your ma­nifold transgressions, and your mighty sinnes: they afflict the just, they take a bribe, and they turn aside the poor in the gate from their right.

13 Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time, for it is an evill time.

14 Seek good and not evill, that ye may live: and so the Lord the God of hosts shall be with you, as ye have spoken.

15 Hate the evill and love the good, and establish judgement in the gate: it may be that the Lord God of hostes will be gracious unto the remnant of Io­seph.

16 Therefore the Lord, the God of hosts, the Lord saith thus, Wailing shall be in all streets, and they shall say in all the high-wayes, Alas, alas! and they shall call the husband-man to mourning, and such as are skilfull of lamentation, to wailing.

17 And in all vineyards shall be wailing: for I will passe thorow thee, saith the Lord.

18 Wo unto you that de­sire the day of the Lord: to what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is dark­nesse and not light.

19 As if a man did flee from a Lion, and a Bear met him, or went into the house, and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.

20 Shall not the day of the Lord be darknesse, and not light? even dark, and no brightnesse in it?

21 I hate, I despise your feast dayes, and I will not smell in your solemn assem­blies.

22 Though ye offer me burnt offering, and your meat offerings, I will not accept them: neither will I [Page 193] regard the peace offerings of your fat beasts.

23 Take thou away from me the noise of thy songs: for I will not hear the me­lody of thy viols.

24 But let judgement run down at waters, and righteousnesse as a mighty stream.

25 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wildernesse fourty years, O house of Israel?

26 But ye have born the tabernacle of your Moloch, and Chiun your images; the star of your god, which ye made to your selves.

27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity be­yond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose Name is the God of hosts.


1. HEar what I have to say unto you, O you children of Israel. Though it be a sad Propheticall Lamentation, yet I must speak what I am commanded, and, if that were not, I cannot but speak it over you, while I con­sider the deep misery, and affliction, into which you have drawn your selves, by the weight of your own grievous sinnes.

2. Israel should be like a pure Virgin, in the sincere profession, and service of the true God. But now her spirituall whoredoms re­present her, as a wanton, and impudent Har­lot. Therefore her fall from that Virginity hath produced so deep, and great a fall into ca­lamity, [Page 194] and desolation, that (if she do not speedily prevent it by Repentance) there is little, or no hope of her rising again, and re­covering her wonted peace, and prosperity. She is levelled with the Earth, like one ready to be buried in silence, and oblivion, and knowes of none, that are able to raise her up, and re­duce her to her former estate.

3. In this misery, and captivity, (which I foresee as certainly coming upon her) very few will be left, in her Cities, and Villages. For thus saith the Lord God, A City in Israel, that could send out a thousand valiant men, well appointed, shall scarcely be able to show the tenth part of them left alive: And that City which could send out a hundred, shall have as little a proportion left for the house of Israel. Not the tenth part, but nine parts of ten shall be taken away by the sword, or the famine, or the pestilence.

4. Yet this sentence is not so irreversibly concluded by the Lord, against the house of Is­aael, but that if you will now seek after your mercifull God, in that way in which only he may be found, which is in the way of Repen­tance, you may either remove, or, at least, mi­tigate the decree of your most just, and deserved punishment, that will otherwise cut off so many by death.

[Page 195]5. This Repentance must not be verball onely, but active, and reall. You must abso­lutely renounce the service of your golden calf in Bethel. (h) You must have no more to do in the Idolatry of Gilgal or Beersheba. For the right service of God will not consist with the worship of Idols. Therefore if you forsake not these places you must perish in them. (i) For Gilgal must go into captivity (according to the omen in her name) And Bethel (that car­ries in the name of it, the house of God) shall be turned to Beth-aven, which promiseth nothing but * iniquity, vanity, and deso­lation.

6. Therefore keep close to that way of Re­pentance, wherein God is to be found. That's the onely way to preserve you in life, and safety. And if you be not found in that way, you expose your selves to extream danger, and know not how soon the house of Ioseph (as you call your kingdom of Israel, from the tribe of Ephraim, the greatest part in it, and the Royal tribe) may be compassed with those flames of war, that will (k) break out on such a sudden, that the best of you, and your friends will find no time, wherein to quench, or pre­vent them: no not in Bethel, the (l) Kings [Page 196] Court, and the eminentest place of all the kingdom.

7. And how can they look for a milder pu­nishment, that turn Iustice (the sweetest, and loveliest of all vertues) into injury and op­pression, which is as unwelcome, and distast­full as the bitter wormwood: and, when they should exalt Justice (and prefer her before all other respects whatsoever) do rather suppress her, and leave her on the ground, as a thing of no value with them (that are bribed high for injustice, in the pronouncing of a false sentence, or the not executing of a just law, when it is in their power to do it.)

8. It were well, if they would amend this fault, and resolve to do Justice, in awe, and reverence of that all-seeing eye, and power­full Majesty, that created all the glorious lamps of Heaven. Among them, He made the Pleiades, or Vergiliae (a constellation of seven stars, that ushers in the (m) delights of the spring, and the fittest time for navigation:) and Orion (that appears about November, and threatens tempestuous, or at least (n) incon­stant weather, as the name it self imports.) [Page 197] It is He that can turn the shadow of death (the most dismall, and palpable darknesse) into the clearest morning, and, on the contrary, the brightest day into the blackest night (which allegorically expresseth another power of his, to turn the saddest calamity into the truest felicity, and again the fairest prosperity into the greatest misery.) It is He that can call the waters out of the Sea, (drawing them in va­pours into the clouds, by the heat of the Sun) and poure them down again upon the earth in pleasant, and comfortable showres, where, and whensoever he pleaseth. It is He whose name is Iehovah (which name showes the indepen­dance of his own essence, that gives being to all other: and the constancy of his perfor­mance of whatsoever he hath promised.)

9. It is he that doth often in such measure refresh, and inable a weak man, which hath been laid (n) wast, and desolate; that he overcomes the strong. It is he that brings it so about, that a feeble man, laid desolate, shall invade, and take a strong place of defense. All these In­stances of his power might well perswade the Israelites, that He is able to releive those that are oppressed, and wronged in their courts of Justice.

[Page 198]10. Yet have not they been well advised of this. For they have showed their malice against him, that (for their injustice) hath reproved them openly in the very gates of their Cities (that are their usuall places of Judicature) There have they made it known, how they use to abominate him, that speaks sincerely, ex animo, and to the purpose; as if he under­stood the case in hand.

11. Now because you of Israel have thus un­justly oppressed, and trampled upon the poor, not onely in your Courts of Justice (as you call them) but in other places: at your own price; taking from them burdens of wheat, which they got as a reward of their day-la­bour, and for the releif of your family. Therefore you that (by such unjust meanes) have built you sumptuous houses of hewen stone shall not come to possesse, and enjoy them: nor shall ye stay so long in the land as to taste the wine of those fair and lovely vineyards, which you have planted upon the like purchase.

12. For I observe your manifold transgressi­ons, those specially, wherein you afflict the just defenders of the poor, and by your bribery, and other waies keep the needy from their right, in that very place, (o) wherein they have most reason to expect it.

[Page 199]13. Therefore, in such evill and corrupt times, he that is wise will spare his giving you any more good admonitions (at his own perill) which he sees will do no good upon men, wholly wedded, and devoted to their own waies of unlawfull gain, and injurious to them that rebuke them for it.

14. The thought of this may perswade you, while the punishment is yet deferred, to bethink your selves of doing that, which be­comes the people of God, and by all meanes, avoiding such foule faults, that you may live, and escape the dangers, that hang over your heads. Do this in time, and the Lord God of Hostes will be with you, as you use to boast, that he is in the midst of you, and will preserve you from any great danger.

15. Avoid sinne, with a perfect hatred of it, and do that which is good, in pure love of ver­tue, and goodnesse. Above all take care for the free course of Iustice, in the publick places of judgement. Then happily the Lord of Hostes will be mercifull to the poor remnant of the children of Israel, now under the power of the tribe of Ephraim, the son of Ioseph.

16. For, to no other end doth the Lord God of Hostes threaten so much, but that your Re­pentance might timely prevent his judgements, and lay hold of his mercy. This is the intent of [Page 200] that, which the Lord hath said, that there shall be mourning, not in your houses onely, but in all your streets, and lamentation in all your high-waies, and publick places. Where the ge­nerall calamity shall joyn whole troupes of them together in the sad tone of Alas! Alas! what will become of us? Then shall they, that dwell in Cities, invite the Husbandmen to bear a part in their Lamentation: and they, that for their skill in those sad waies of Mourning, were wont to be hired to do it, in the Funerals of the richer sort of men, shall be called in: not to personate a mourner, or act a part for money, but more really, and seriously to ex­presse that sorrow, which equally concerned them all.

17. And in all the Vineyards, where you were wont to have such merry shoutes, and chearfull acclamations, at the close of a happy Vintage, there also shall you eccho your dole­full sighes, and outcries to one another. While I passe thorough thy land to take vengeance of all thy wickednesse, saith the Lord. That they, who would not honour me for my favours, and blessings; may acknowledge me, at least, in my righteous Judgements.

18. Then woe to them, they will be, of all other, the most unhappy, and miserable, that to their Idolatry, Injustice, and other clamo­rous [Page 201] sins, venture also to adde the sinnes of Unbeleif, Impatience, and open contempt of those many Prophetical admonitions, that have been used to reclaim them: and, in that wick­ed disposition, are not ashamed to say. Oh when will the day of the Lord come, which the Pro­phets have so often sounded in our eares? Is it the day of our death, or of the doom, that the whole nation must expect to be executed upon them? And will it be so terrible, as they seem to conceive? We (p) would fain see, in earnest, what that day will prove and whether the Prophets were not much mistaken in their Predictions. For will God ever, in such manner, forsake his holy land, and the chil­dren of Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, his dear­est Saints? Oh that the time were come, when we might try the love of God, and see the day of the Lord, which is so talked of! Alas, poor soules! why are you so willing to see it? If you knew, what it will be to you, you would not be so earnest to hasten it forward. For, it will be a black, and dismall day, a time of extream misery, and calamity, without the mix­ture of any light somnesse, and comfort. And do you long for such a sad, cloudy, stormy day?

[Page 202]19. In that day terrours, and troubles will come so thick upon you, that while you think to escape from one, you shall be over­taken by another. As if a man should run from a roaring Lion, that hath him in pursuit, and, in the way, meet with an angry Bear with open mouth ready to devour him, and tear him in pieces: or if he should make shift to fly from the Bear too, and get safely to his own house (as his Castle of defense against all such wild beasts) and there resting his weary body, or leaning his hand on the wall, instantly a ser­pent should come out thence, and bite him, and take him quite away by a present death.

20. Will not that be a fearfull horrid, dis­mall day, and without any hope of light, and solace, for that time, which will have such varieties of danger, that can be no way pre­vented: and must end, at the last, in the ruine of a flourishing kingdom, and the slaughter, or captivity of many thousands of men, wo­men, and children?

21. To prevent this sad day of the Lord (the time of his vengeance upon impenitent, and obstinate sinners) make your peace with him In your own day (while you may call it your day) by amending your lives, and ordering your conversation aright. And do not think (without that) to please Him with [Page 203] your Sacrifices, or Ceremonies, or any out­ward Act of seeming Obedience, that pro­ceeds not from a faithfull, and pure Heart. For, will you hear what the Lord himself saith of them? I was so far from taking plea­sure in them, that I ever hated, and abhorred, your Festivall Dayes: And your sweet incense, or what else you offered in my house, at the time of your solemn assemblies, was not accepted by me, as any sweet savour, unlesse (with all) Piety and sincerity, and integrity of life did commend you unto me.

22 You thought that you did me great service in your Holocausts, and other oblations, but they never moved me so much, as to look fa­vourably upon them, because you did not (with them) offer your selves, your soules, and bodies, as a reasonable, and lively sacri­fice unto me. That's the oblation and holo­caust, which the other were but to figure, and put you in mind of. And for your fat peace-offerings (which should have been the Inter­preters of your thankfull hearts) they never gained any good liking from me, because the heart, and life of them was wholy wanting.

23. Away with the bawling noise, and tedi­ous iteration of your Songs, and Hymnes, that you do not sing with the spirit, and with un­derstanding as if you were truely affected [Page 204] with, what you sing: And such have yours commonly been. The like I may say of your Psalteries, and Harps, and other Instruments, which, being accompanied with sweet voices, you presented before me, as rare melodious Musick. But it was contradicted with such a discord in your lives, and actions, that it came into my eares, like a harsh sound not to be in­dured. For, it is the harmony of good hearts, and the constant exercise of holy Vertues, that I account the sweetest Musick.

24. Especially, the constant execution of Iustice, and Iudgement. To see them passe smoothly, and faeirly on in your publick Courts, not like water onely, but like a mighty torrent; with such plenty, and facility, that every cause might have a just sentence, freely, and hearti­ly delivered, without bribes, without delaies, and unnecessary demurrs: This would please me, above all Musick, above all Sacrifice.

25. But how often did you offer me any (such) sacrifice, and oblation, in the time of your fourty yeares safe conduct about the wil­dernesse, O house of Israel? when I fed you, and protected you from all evill, though you many a time, rebelled against me. The wilder­nesse indeed could not often supply you with outward, and legal sacrifices; but who hinder­ed you from offering the inward, and spirituall [Page 205] sacrifice of Piety, Obedience and Thankfulness, which is the service, that I chiefly desired? For the main intention of your other sacrifices, was onely to keep you from Idolatry, and to exercise your obedience, and thankful acknow­ledgements unto me.

26. Though, on the contrary, many of your nation, at that time, in the wildernesse, were exercised in flat disobedience, and Idolatrie. For, you carried about with you (q) the shrine of Moloch (a King, and Idol of the Moabites) and Chiun (or Remphan) one of those Ima­ges, which you represented in a (r) star, pecu­liar to them. These were the (s) types, these the Deities, which you made to your selves, af­ter your own idle fancies, forgetting the true God, that made you, and those Creatures, to which you exhibited divine honour.

27. For those impieties I will cause you to be carried away captive (not to Damascus, or any place so near your own Countrey, whence you have the more hope to return, but) far (t) beyond Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is the God of Hostes, whose will, and pleasure cannot be resisted.


1. WOe to them that are at ease in Zi­on, and trust in the mountain of Sama­ria, which are na­med chiefe of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came.

2 Passe ye unto Calneh, and see, and from thence goe ye to Hemath the great: then go down to Gath of the Philistins: be they better then these kingdomes? or their border greater then your border?

3 Ye that put farre away the evill day, and cause the seat of violence to come neer:

4 That lie upon beds of Ivorie, and stretch themselves up­on [Page 207] their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall:

5 That chaunt to the sound of the violl, and invent to themselves instru­ment of musick, like David:

6 That drinke wine in bowles, and anoint them­selves with the chief ointments: but they are not grieved for the affliction of Io­seph.

7 Therefore now shall they goe cap­tive, with the first that goe captive, and the banquet of them that stretched themselves, shall be removed.

8 The LORD GOD hath sworne by himselfe, saith the LORD the GOD of hosts, I abhorre the excel­lencie of Iacob, and hate his pala­ces: therefore will I deliver up the citie, with all that is therein.

9 And it shall come to passe, if there remain ten men in one house, that they shall die.

10 And a mans Vncle shall take him up, and he [Page 208] that burneth him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, Is there yet any with thee? and he shall say, No. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue, for we may not make mention of the name of the Lord.

11 For behold, the Lord commandeth, and he will smite the great house with breaches, and the little house with clefts.

12 Shall horses run up­on the rock? will one plow there with oxen? for ye have turned judgement into gall, and the fruit of righteousnesse into hem­lock.

13 Ye which rejoyce in a thing of nought, which say, Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength?

14 But behold, I will raise up against you a nati­on, O house of Israel, saith the Lord, the God of Hosts, and they shall afflict you from the entring in of He­math, unto the river of the wildernesse.


1. WOe be to you (both of Iudah, and Israel) that (taking no pitie upon others in great want and distresse: nor aba­ting any thing of your jollitie and luxurie to relieve them: nor so much as being thankful to God for what you enjoy) do live in ease, and security, in Sion and Samaria, never troubled with any remorse for your sins, or any fear of the punishment, that hangs over your heads. [Page 209] You that trust (not in God, but) in the strength of Mount Sion, and the mountain of Samaria; securing your selves, in that you have found out a shelter in Syria, Egypt, and other conn­tries, and are (u) called by the names of the chief of those great men in other nations, to (x) whom the house of Israel use to (y) apply themselves, as to their noble Patrons, and Pro­tectors, in time of danger.

2. That you may know, how you do but flatter your selves, in relying upon such forein hopes, go to Chalne (a famous Citie in Assyria) and Hamath the great (once the glorie of Syria) Thence come nearer unto Gath, the chief strength of the Philistims. Inquire first, what happen­ed to them: then let this question be asked of your selves. Are (z) you in a better estate, then these eminent places in those Kingdoms? or do you extend your borders wider then they did? have you larger possessions then they had? Why then do not you admonish your selves, by their example, that your glorie may be laid in the dust, as theirs was?

[Page 210]3. (a) Wo be to you, that perswade your selves, the time of affliction is far enough from you, and therefore you may be the bolder with your too-much authority over others, and domi­neer, as in a throne of ease, and liberty, and op­pression.

4. Wo be to them that lie upon sumptuous, and large Ivorie beds, where they have room enough to stretch themselvss in wantonnesse and lazinesse. And, after that ease, are wont to pamper themselves at a full and costlie ta­ble, feeding upon the tenderest, choicest lambs, that can be found in all the flock: and calves purposely fatted for them in the stall.

5. Wo be to them, that spend too much of their time in mirth, and jollitie: singing divi­sion to the (b) sound of the Psalterie, and other rare instruments of Musick, which they have made special choice of for themselves. And to which they think they have as fair a pretense, in the abuse of Musick, as King David had to delight himself in his Heavenlie Hymns, or otherwise to recreate, and refresh himself with it, when he was tired with his more serious employments.

6. Wo be to them that make too much of themselves, and show no pitie of others: drink­ing [Page 211] their wine (not in little cups, as others do, but) in great bowls (to drown the memorie of all sorrow) and annointing themselves with costly ointments (not moderatelie for health, and neatnesse, as is the custom in the Eastern parts, but wantonlie in excesse) As not asha­med to show their vanitie and profusenesse in expenses upon themselves, while they spare litle, or nothing for the relief of their (c) own countrymen, that are in need, and miserie.

7. Therefore, after a little while, they shall go in the head of the captives (among them, that are first carried into captivitie) because they were ever ready to be the first ringleaders to all sin. And there will be a speedy end of all the banquets (even the (d) funeral banquets) of those luxurious feasters, that stretched them­selves, as they pleased, upon their beds.

8. For the Lord God hath sworn by Himself, saith the Lord God of Hosts, ( i. He himself hath assured us, that He hath passed this, as an unchangeable decree, saying) I abhor the pride of all the children of Israel, and whatsoever they use to boast of, though it be the Temple it self. Therefore not that onelie, but their Palaces, and greatest buildings (raised out of [Page 212] briberie, and extortion, and for that cause ha­ted by me: Their Cities also and People, (or whatsoever it is wherewith they are now plenty­fully stored) will I, when I see my time, give up into the power of a cruel enemie.

9. And if it chance, that some few (escaping the furie of war) be left in one house: they also shall perish, (by famine, or pestilence, or some other untimelie death.)

10. Then if the Vncle, or any near kinsman, to one that dies in the house, shall come thither to order that the dead corps may be thence re­moved, and burned (to prevent the infection of others) If he shall say to any one that is (e) within the house, Be there any more left alive with thee? One of the house shall an­swer, None are left, they are all dead, or un­likelie to live. Then he shall reply; (f) Say no more, if that be the case of them. Leave thy tears, and complaints, and be quiet, and pa­tient. It is too late for us now, to betake our selves, by praiers, to the name of Almighty God. This is the time of his just vengeance, for our mentioning him so little before, and having our idols so often in our mouths.

11 Now we must all look for a heavy blow. For God will command our enemies, the exe­cutioners [Page 213] of his wrath, to smite all houses, Palaces, and Cotages alike, with such breaches, and (g) ruines, as shall not easily be repaired, (utter ruines will be seen in Israel, and great breaches in Judah.)

12. But I prophesie to them, that have no ears to hear, nor hearts that can be mollified. It is as hard, and unlikely a thing to move them to repentance, as to make horses run upon slip­perie rocks, or oxen plow there, with good suc­cesse. He must change the course of nature, that can do so. And he must work as great a miracle, that will prevail with them for repen­tance and satisfaction, that have turned Iustice, and Righteousnesse (the sweetest of all vertues) into tyrannie, and oppression, which are as bitter, and unwelcome to the honest afflicted heart, as gall, and wormwood to the taste.

13. Wo be to you, that, from the root of pride, have brought forth such cruelty, and injustice, and yet are not humbled at the re­proof it. You triumph in your own wealth, and puissance, and command which are as a matter of nothing. For you say, Have not we, by our own strength, and power, pushed down the strong forts of our enemies, as it were with horns, [Page 214] which they were not able to resist, (h) and so made our selves glorious conquerours? But this arrogance will not arme, and de­fend you against such adversaries as. I shall send.

14 For behold I will raise up against you (the Assyrians) a fierce, and potent nation, O house of Israel, saith the Lord God of Hosts. And as you have persecuted, and oppressed the poor righteous man, so they shall oppresse and hunt after you, and drive you before them from one corner of the Countrie to another: from the entring in of Hamath, (near (i) Epiphania) to that which is called the (k) river of the plain, or of the wilder­nesse because of the barren, and desert pla­ces, through which it runs) that you may be pursued in the very place, which you boast that you have (l) added to the Kingdom of Israel.


1 THus hath the Lord God shewed unto me, and behold, he formed grashoppers in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth: and lo, it was the latter growth af­ter the Kings mowings.

2 And it came to passe that when they had made an end of eating the grass of the land, then I said; O Lord God, forgive I be­seech thee, by whom shall Iacob arise? for he is small.

3 The Lord repented for this. It shall not be, saith the Lord.

4 Thus hath the Lord God shewed unto me, and behold, the Lord God called to contend by fire, and it devoured the great deep, and did eat up a part.

5 Then said I, O Lord, cease, I bseeech thee, by whom shall Iacob arise? for he is small.

6 The Lord repented for this. This also shall not be, saith the Lord God.

7 Thus he shewed me, and behold, The Lord stood upon a wall made by a plumb-line, with a plumb-line in his hand.

8 And the Lord said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumb-line. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumb-line in the midst of my people Israel, I will not again passe by them any more.

9 And the high places of Isaac shall be desolate, and the Sanctuaries of Is­rael shall be laid wast: and I will rise against the house of Ieroboum with the sword.

10 Then Amaziah the Priest of Beth-el sent to [Page 216] Ieroboam King of Israel, saying; Amos hath conspi­red against thee in the midst of the house of Israel: the land is not able to bear all his word.

11 For thus Amos saith, Ieroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be led away captive, out of their own land.

12 Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou Seer, go, flee thee away into the land of Iudah, and there eat bread, and pro­phesie there.

13 But prophesie not a­gain any more at Bethel: for it is the Kings chap­pel, and it is the kings court.

14 Then answered A­mos, and said to Amaziah, I was no Prophet, neither was I a prophets son, but I was an herdsman, and a gatherer of Sycomore fruit.

15 And the Lord took me as I followed the flock, and the Lord said unto me, Go, prophesie unto my peo­ple Israel.

16 Now therefore hear thou the word of the Lord, Thou sayest, Prophesie not against Israel, and drop not thy word against the house of Isaac.

17 Therefore thus saith the Lord; Thy wife shall be an harlot in the city, and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword, and thy land shall be divided by line; and thou shalt die in a polluted land, and Israel shall surely go into captivi­ty forth of his land.


1. NOw I shall acquaint you with some afflictions, which, by way of punish­ment, had fallen heavily upon the people, if I had not interposed my earnest praiers, as I was their Prophet. For, The Lord God was pleased to show me a vision. It was in the Spring time, when the earth was yet in her prime, and glorie, in the beginning of the shooting up of the latter growth, of the fruit of the earth, after the mowing of the hay, or cutting down of the corn, that belonged to the King. (Jero­boam, the son of Joas) Then appeared to me God himself, forming of locusts, that could ne­ver come at a worse time, to do mischief to the fruit of the ground, and were as an Em­bleme of his gathering a vast, and pernicious (a) armie, that would quickly over-run, and destroy a fruitful, and pleasant land.

2. And it came to passe. When the locusts seemed very busie, in cosuming the grasse, and other fruit of the land, and had done much harm already to it: I said, Lord God be favourable [Page 218] and gratious to thy people. Let not these lo­custs, that use to make the way to a terrible famine, prove a Prophetical prediction of a numerous, and destructive Hoste, that shall, for our sins, invade, and lay waste so rich and flou­rishing a Country. For, who shall then raise up a­gain the Posteritie of Iacob, which are (b) already much exhausted, and brought low by former ca­lamities.

3. Upon my humble petition, the Lord re­pented of this great judgement, saying, it should not proceed, He would alter, or mitigate the intended burden of the vision (by making Pul, and his Souldiers be content to be ap­peased with money, and voide the King­dom.)

4. & 5. I must not conceal another vision, at which I was more amazed: a vision, and prediction of a more furious enemie, that con­sumed all before him, like a flaming (c) fire, (an element that hath no mercie) And in this manner, it was revealed unto me by the Lord God himself. Behold, he called (to his Angels, and other Ministers) for a judgement by fire to be brought upon his people. This fire was so [Page 219] violent, that it seemed to be devouring the great deep ( i. readie to lick up, and consume manie of the people, that are often compared to the manie boisterous, and raging waters of the great deep ) and it had already devoured part of them, (or of the (d) Countrie) Then said I, O Lord God stay thine anger: For, how shall the children of Iacob subsist after this? Such a heavie judgement will so exhaust them, that they will hardlie ever be able, to recover their strength again.

6. (e) So the Lord repented of this also, I will not now go on with this way of revenge, saith the Lord God.

7. Another time, the Lord showed me a third Vision in this manner. Behold the Lord stood upon a wall made by line, and there was a line in his hand,

8. And (that I might give the more heed to it) the Lord God said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, I see a line. Then saith the Lord, Behold, I will now make use of the strict line of Iustice, in examining the faults of my people Israel. I will not so easily passe them by, with such connivence, as I did before, taking [Page 220] little notice of many offences.

9. Upon my strickt marking of what is done amisse, it will soon follow, that the high places of (f) Israel, erected to the honour of their false gods, will be made desolate, and the titular Sanctuaries consecrated to the calves in Dan, and Bethel, will be laid waste. And, before that, I will rise against the house af Ieroboam, the son of Joas, with the sword. And Zacharie his son shall perish by the sword of Shallum, and in him shall that familie be extinct, and the Kings of Israel decay more and more, till they are quite ruined by the Assyrian.

10. When Amaziah, the chief idolatrous Priest of Bethel, understood of these three unwelcom pro­phesies, likely to be many waies prejudicial to him, & his fellow Priests, if it should be known, and believed by the people, He sent to Ieroboam the son of Joas, then King of Israel, saying, Amos hath done that which tends to rebellion, and hath ventured to do it within thy own kingdom, in the middest of thy leige Subjects, the house of Israel, divulging such strange pro­phesies, and in such plain terms, as the land cannot and should not endure, being they do ap­parantly tend to intestine sedition, and are [Page 221] sufficient to provoke the people to usurp that authoritie, for the punishment of Amos, which properlie belongs to the King, or such as he shall please to impower. Therefore it were not amisse, to advise quicklie, what shall be done with such a one.

11. For thus saith Amos, of the King. King Ieroboam shall die by the sword: and of the people he saith, Israel shall be led away captive into a strange land, as if God would cast off your Majestie, and his people, and forget the great cost, and diligence which is bestowed in Bethel, upon his publick service.

12. Thus Amaziah accused the Prophet Amos, with much subtiltie, and impudence, and verie falslie, for he said nothing of the person, but of the house of the King. Yet least this his malicious accusation of the Prophet should not succeed, according to his desire, he fell to foul words, and menacies, and said, Heark you, you Seer, You had best be packing hence into Iudah, and there get a poor living, as you may, by your heretical doctrine, and false prophesies. For here is no place for such as you are.

13. Let us hear no more of you at Bethel. For here is the Kings Chappel, and the Kings Court. Therefore it cannot but be verie dan­gerous for you, to hanker hereabouts: but in [Page 222] Iudah, I believe, your prophesies against us may passe with the good liking, and applause of all.

14. To this virulent and threatning speech, Amos made answer, with an humble, but an un­daunted spirit, and said to Amaziah. I did neither usurpe, nor ambitiously affect the place, or title of a Prophet: nor had I by birth, or suc­cession, or education in the Schools of the Pro­phets, any claim, or pretense unto it. For indeed I was brought up among flocks of sheep, (g) and herds of cattel, not in the Schools, not in the Court, but) as a gatherer of sycomores for bruit beasts, rather then an instructer of men,

15. Though it pleased God to take me from following the stock, and lay this necessitie upon me of prophesying to his people of Israel. There­fore I must obey the divine calling, rather then your pleasure, and advise, or the command of the King (if he should so injoine me, as you would have him.) For, who shall excuse me, when he saith, Go, prophesie unto this people.

16. Now therefore hear thou the word of the Lord. Thou, that saiest, (h) Drop not thy Pro­phetical words against Israel. We desire not that one drop of them should fall upon (i) our nati­on. [Page 223] For we take them to be no drops from hea­ven, but meerlie from your own lips.

16. Therefore (as imperious, and perempto­rie, as thou art, I will prophesie a little plainer of what will nearlie concern thee. Thus saith the Lord. Thy wife, in this very City, (k) shall have her body abused, before thy face, by the Assyrian souldiers. (This will rub the memo­rie of that spiritual whoredom, that hath been practised, and maintained by thee, as chief Priest in this Citie) Thy sons also and thy daugh­ters (all nuzled in the same idolatrie) shall be cut off by the Assyrian swords. And thy idola­trous Country shall be divided by (l) line, among those strangers which the King of Assyria will send hither. And thou shalt die (not in this ho­ly Citie, as thou accountest it, but) in a pro­phane land, among the heathen. And all Israel, (as I foretold) shall be carried captive from hence into Assyria, for contenming the fair pre­dictions, and gracious admonitions, that were afforded to them.


1 THus hath the Lord God shewed unto me, and behold, a basket of summer fruit.

2 And he said, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A basket of summer fruit, Then said the Lord unto me, The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again passe by them any more.

3 And the songs of the Temples shall be howlings in that day, saith the Lord God; there shall be many dead bodies in every place, they shall cast them forth with silence.

4 Hear this, O ye that swallow up the needy, even to make the poor of the land to fail,

5 Saying, When will the new Moon be gone, that we may sell corn? and the Sabbath, that we may set forth wheat, making the Ephah small, and the shekel great, and falsifying, the balances by deceit?

6 That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shooes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat?

7 The Lord hath sworn by the excellency of Iacob, Surely I will never forget any of their works.

8 Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as by the floud of Egypt.

9 And it shall come to passe in that day, saith the Lord God, that I will cause the Sun to go down at noon, and I wil darken the earth in the clear day.

[Page 225]10 And I will turn your feasts into mourning, and all your songs into lamen­tation, and I will bring up sackcloath upon all loins, and baldnesse upon every head, and I will make it as the mourning of an one­ly son, and the end thereof as a bitter day.

11 Behold, the daies come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, not a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord.

12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and- from the North even to the East: they shall run to and fro, to seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it.

13 In that day shall the fair virgins and young men faint for thirst.

14 They that swear by the sin of Samaria, and say, Thy God, O Dan, li­veth, and the manner of Beer-sheba liveth, even thy shall fall, and never rise up again.


1. A fourth (a) vision likewise did the Lord God show unto me, And, behold, It was a basket of ripe summer-fruit.

2. And (that I might the more heedfully observe the meaning of the vision) the Lord said, What seest thou, Amos? I answered, A [Page 226] basket of ripe summer-fruit. Then the Lord said unto me. The (b) end is coming upon my people of Israel. For, as when fruit is fully ripe, men use to pluck it from the tree, (least it should rot and corrupt the sooner) so they being ripe for judgement shall be taken from their Coun­trie. (c) I will passe by their sins no more, in such patience, and connivence, as I have for­merlie used toward them.

3. And their merrie songs in their stately (d) Palaces, shall be turned into fearful howling in that day, saith the Lord God. And (e) many bodies of dead men shall want the honour of the wonted funeral rites: being privily (f) cast aside, by them that will endeavour to conceal their miserie: least their own men should be too much disheartned, or the enemie encoura­ged, by seeing what a number perish by famine, pestilence, or discontent, before the sword come near them.

4. It will highly concern you to take notice of this prophesie, and vision, that are are come to so high a degree of covetousnesse and op­pression, that you are ripe enough to be taken [Page 227] off from any further benefit of life. You that could find in your hearts to devour the poor, and (g) meek, and humble men, and quite obli­terate the name, and memory of them from the earth, that you alone might injoy the good things of this life.

5. You that say, When will the New Moon, and the Sabbath be gone? (we like not these Festival daies, they are prejudicial to us, that might every day make our markets. It were not amisse, if they were quite put out of the Kalender) that we might be wholly employed in selling our corn, and opening our granaries of wheat, and practising the art we have in making our measures lesse, and raising the value of our coin, and falsifying our weights by sleight, and deceit.

6. That when we have, by these tricks, cheat­ed, and beggered the poor, we may have an easie purchase of them, and their goods, and all that they have, for a little sum of money; or for as poor a thing as the present supply of (h) a pair of shooes, when they are cold, and needy: or by putting off to them, at our own price, the very refuse of our wheat, that we know not o­therwise how to dispose of.

7. Therefore the Lord, in his justice, hath [Page 228] fully resolved, and sworn by Himself, whom all will acknowledge to be the (i) glorie of his people (k) Israel, that since they so often for­get the interest, that they have in this high title, or abuse it by making themselves guilty of such wicked deeds, I will not forget to pu­nish any of their evill courses. I will surelie do it, saith the Lord.

8. For, Why should I not make the land tremble, and all her inhabitants mourn for these things? Why shall not this deluge of sin in this nation make her (l) punishment overflow, and overwhelm her in every part: as the (m) Ri­ver Nilus in Egypt, ascends by degrees, and, at last, ovorflows her banks, and covers all the face of Egypt with her inundations.

9. When that day of revenge riseth upon them, saith the Lord God, I will make all their joy, and comfort to vanish on a sodain, as if the Sun of a clear day should set upon them in a dark, and dismal cloud before he had run half his course.

10. And I will turn your merry festivals, (n) and gaudy daies into daies of mourning: and your pleasant songs into doleful lamentati­ons: [Page 229] (o) your rich, and loose apparel into course * sackcloth girded about your loines: and your neat heads of hair into bald pates: that your outward garb may speak your inward sorrow for your heavy calamitie. Nay, I will bring the land of Israel to that passe, and that high de­gree of mourning, that, in all the chiefest pla­ces, men shall be found in as sad postures, and bitter exclamations, as a tender Mother useth to expresse in the funerals of her onely son. And, how jolly and chearful soever they have been, they shall close up their last times in great bit­ternesse of woe, and miserie.

11. There is yet worse news behind, if it were rightly apprehended. Behold the time is coming, saith the Lord God, wherein I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread onely, or a thirst of water: but a want of spi­ritual food too, and of the water of life, a scarcity of the word of God, specially of the word of prophesie, which you neglect when it is offered, and therefore it will not be heard, when you long for it.

12. For they that are now so coy, and dain­ty, that no Prophets can please them, shall then compasse about from Sea to Sea. They shall run to and fro, from one corner of the Country to [Page 230] another, to seek the word of the Lord, purely, and sincerely taught, and shall not find it.

13. Then shall even the succulent bodies of fair damsels, and proper young men in the flow­er of their age, be ready to faint and wither away for thirst.

14. This shall happen to them, that swear by the idols of Samaria, (near Bethel) as if they had no true Deitie to swear by. To them that have this form of oath [as thy Diety lives, O Dan] in imitation of their former oath [ [...] as they Lord lives] To them that swear thus [ as the living God is rightly worshipped, in that kind of service which is used in Beer­sheba] or [as I wish, that the course, and reli­gious way of Beersheba may thrive] These men shall fall from their former prospe­rous estate, and shall never be restored to that, or so much as to their Country a­gain.


1 I Saw the Lord stand­ing upon the Altar, and he said, Smite the lin­tel of the door, that the posts may shake: and cut them in the head all of them, and I will slay the last of them with the sword: he that fleeth of them, shall not flee away, and he that escapeth of them, shall not be deli­vered.

2 Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them: though they climbe up to heaven, thence will I bring them down.

3 And though they hide themselves in the top of Carmel, I will search and take them out thence, and though they be hid from my sight in the bottom of the sea, thence will I command the serpent, and he shall bite them.

4 And though they go into captivity before their enemies, thence will I com­mand the sword, and it shall slay them: and I will set mine eyes upon them for evil, and not for good.

5 And the Lord God of Hosts is he that toucheth the land, and it shall melt, and all that dwell therein shall mourn, and it shall rise up wholly like a floud, and shall be drowned as by the floud of Egypt.

6 It is he that buildeth his stories in the heaven, and hath founded his troup in the earth, he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and powreth them out upon the face of the earth: the Lord is his Name.

7 Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, O ye children of Israel, saith the Lord? have not I brought up Israel out of the [Page 232] land of Egypt? and the Philistins from Caphtor, and the Syrians from Kir?

8 Behold, the eies of the Lord God are upon the sinful kingdom, and I will destroy it from off the face of the earth; saving that I will not utterly destroy the house of Jacob, saith the Lord.

9 For lo, I will com­mand, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.

10 All the sinners of my people shal die by the sword, which say: The evill shall not overtake nor prevent us.

11 In that day will I raise up the Tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches there­of, and I will raise up his cumes, and I will build it as in the daies of old.

12 That they may pos­sesse the remnant of Edom, and of all the heathen; which are called by my Name, saith the Lord that doth this.

13 Behold, the daies come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the t [...]eader of grapes him that soweth seed, and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.

14 And I will bring a­gain the captivity of my people of Israel: and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof: they shall also make gar­dens, and eat the fruit of them.

15 And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the Lord thy God.


1. I Come now to a vision, that chiefly con­cerns Ierusalem, and the two Tribes. I saw (in the spirit) a glorie representing the Majesty of God) not (a) appearing between the Che­rubims, as formerly he used to do, but nearer the end of the Temple, as if he were depart­ing from that sacred place, and leaving his Sanctuary by degrees. For I saw the Lord) standing upon the Altar of the Holocausts, as ready to slay those wicked men of Judah, that had highly provoked his Justice and Anger to be showed amongst them, and to make such a (b) sacrifice of them, as he never calls for, but when he comes to be revenged of great sin­ners. And he said to some Angel attending at that time, (or as exciting the army of the Chaldaeans) Smite the lintel of the door, in such a manner that the posts may shake: which signified a great blow, by his own command, to be given to them, that were thought to be most eminent, and most able to support and give aid to the Temple, and the whole nation [Page 234] to whom it belonged. He said moreover, Cut them all, or strike all (c) through in th [...] head piece. q. d.. Let them that are in the high­est place (the guides and governours of the people) have the first, and greatest blow, that, in them, others may see their doom. And after that, I will slay the last of them also (the lowest of the people) with the sword of a cruel ene­mie: and with such a slaughter, that He who thinks to secure himself by flight, or any other way of evading the stroke of the enemie, shall no way escape that, unlesse he fall into their power, for a worse punishment of long captivity. Which doth not yet exempt him from their striking hand, when they shall have a mind to command his life.

2. And if there were any way to escape the enemie, yet none of them should escape me. For, who can run so far, or so fast, that divine vengeance shall not overtake him? Where is such a secret corner to be found, wherein that will not find him out? If any of them could (d) dig as deep as hell, to fit themselves with a dark, and obscure lurking place, thence should my powerful hand pluck them out. If they could [Page 235] climb as high as heaven (far enough out of their enemies reach) thence also would I tumble them down.

3. If they could lie scouting, and sculking in the unfrequented caves, and holes upon the top of high Carmel (where no enemy would search for them) yet there would I hunt them out, and cast them down from thence. If it were possible that they could conceal themselves from my sight in the bottom of the sea: I have Whales, and (e) Serpents of the deep that should pursue them, and bite them, and fright them out of that refuge.

4. Could they be so subtle as to prevent the captivity of their enemies, and be gone into theirs or some other land (f) before they come near them; yet thither will I bring the sword of those verie enemies to cut them off, and spoil all their plots. For the eye of my favour, and providence shall not watch over them for good. I will ra­ther be intent upon what may help on the just, and severe punishment of all their sins.

[Page 236]4. Where then shall they think to be safe, (in the time of his anger) that offend such a powerful God, whom nothing will be able to resist? He is the Lord God of Hosts, (whom all things obey, as an Army ever ready for the execution of his mercie or justice) of such power, that if He do but touch a land, with that touch he can make it melt, like wax, before Him: and all the inhabitants of the land, miserablie, and lamentably to fade away, and consume; by some calamity, that shall overwhelm them and * drown them in sorrow, and destruction, with a sodain inundation, like that of the River Nilus in Egypt, when it breaks over' all the banks.

6. He fills Heaven and earth with the Ma­jesty of his Glorie. In Heaven he hath built his several (g) Ascents, by which we may climb to the speculation of it. The nearest to us are the heavenly Orbes, that are created and moved by Him, and their peculiar degrees of elevati­on one above another. Over those Orbes is his spacious Court and glorious Palace in a [Page 237] higher Heaven, and, in that, his Royal Throne, where he sits, as in the highest Ascent of Ma­jestie. Vpon the earth, if we consider not the whole globe together as one (h) bundle (and a little one too, or a little handful in the eye of God) we may observe the several bundles of united creatures, that he hath placed over the earth (which is as it were the foundation of all the rest. As first, that of the Elements, that have their proper bounds: then, out of them, that of the Vegetables and sensible, and rational creatures that have their several waies of combination: yet altogether make but a little handful before him, (i) that can measure the heavens and the earth with a span. He calls for the waters of the sea, in his anger by a de­luge, or in his love to ascend up in vapours, that he may poure them down again (k) into the lap of the earth, to make her fruitful in all manner of store. He that doth all this, well may he have the name of the Lord, and Com­mander of all.

7. Therefore account not your selves onely [Page 238] to be the servants. For, in that respect, what priviledge have you above all his creatures, or above all other nations? You that descend from Israel, are not you, in that point, the same to me, saith the Lord, as any other, as they (for instance) that came from the Cushites, a base, and servile nation, in your account? To me (your Creator, and Lord) you are the same, though you may be more excellent, in respect of some other people, that have not receaved so much from me, as you have. There is no­thing in your selves, but in my favour onely, that distinguisheth you from all others. Nor have my favours been wanting to others, though they have exceeded towards you. For as I brought you out of Egypt (where your servitude, though you have almost forgot it, was greater then that of the Cushites) so I brought the Philistims also from (l) Caphtor (or Cappadocia) and the Syrians from Kir (or that part of (m) Media, that lies by the river Cyrrus.)

8. My care, and providence hath extended to others, but much more to you, that have been most ingratefull and disobedient. Yet have you larger promises of mercie, then any other. For, Behold (and you have great [Page 239] reason to take notice of it) The eies of the Lord God (that created and governs all: and sets up, or puls down kingdoms, at his pleasure) are intent upon every sinful kingdom, to destroy it from the face of the earth, unlesse they repent: (n) Yet (for my promise sake to your Forefa­thers) I will not utterly destroy the whole nati­on, and people of Israel, saith the Lord.

9. I will indeed, by my own command, so order it, that the Israelites, for their sins, shall be dispersed, and tossed about, among the nati­ons, as corn is shaked, and moved about, when it is sifted in a sieve, or winnowed with the fan: but the chaff onely shall flie away, the least grane, or scruple shall not fall to the earth. Afflictions may purge, or trie the best amongst them, but they shall not consume them.

10. The worst, and most obstinate of my peo­ple I shall cut off by the sword, that amend not their lives upon fair admonition, and yet pre­sume that God will not let the evil day so hasti­ly overtake, and prevent them, but that God will deliver them at last, as he hath done their fore­fathers in many feares, and dangers, which they have fallen into.

11. Their securitie may undo them. But there is a day coming, wherein I will (By Zoro­babel) [Page 240] restore the state of the (o) Church, and kingdom of David, and whatsoever under his Successors was gone much to decay. Which you may look upon as a (p) type of the kingdom of the Messiah, and setling of religion by him. Which will be the true repairing of all breaches, and raising up the ruines made by Scribes and Pharises, and other enemies of the Church, and building up the Kingdom of the true Israel of God, in greater perfection, then ever it saw before.

12. That my people, or they (q) that are cal­led mine, ( i. my Apostles, and Servants, and their Successors, whom I shall use in the restau­ration of the Church) (r) may take a kind of spiritual possession of the Gentiles in my name, (bringing them within the pale of the Church, [Page 241] and fould of the great Shepherd of our souls) (t) Even of the greatest enemies of the Church, as the Edomites were to the Iews. At least of a (u) remnant of them, i. so many of them as shall return, by true repentance, and obedi­ence from their opposing of the truth. So saith the Lord Himself, that will be the main Agent in this great work; and make use of his Mes­sengers, as instruments for that purpose, to effect what he hath often, and most gratiously promised, for the restoring and enlarging of his Church, by the conversion, and accesse, not of Gentiles onely, but of enemies too, to be in­corporated into one mystical body, whereof the Messias shall be the head.

13. Behold, that joyful time is at hand, wherein the abundance of Gods spirituall gra­ces shall be prefigured in the plenty of all out­ward blessings. (x) The harvest shall be so long, that it shall extend, till the time of plowing the earth again. And from the beginning of vintage to the sowing of new seed, there will be employ­ment enough in gathering of grapes, and tread­ing the Winepresse, and furnishing all the Cellars [Page 242] with wine. Of which there shall be such store, as if the mountains dropped, and distilled sweet wine, and the hills (that use to be drie and barren) were resolved, and moistened with the overflowings (y) of milk. Which may figure the plenty of spiritual food, and heavenly com­forts, that shall attend the coming of the Messias.

14. And I will bring the captives home again ( i. such as (a) have been detained under the power of sin, and Satan) and they shall rebuild the waste Cities, and re-inhabit them ( i. restore and settle the true worship of God, where it was neglected) And they shall (b) plant Vine­yards, and drink the wine thereof ( i. found (b) Churches, and tast the fruit of their labours bestowed upon the Church) and they shall make gardens, and eat the fruit of them, ( i. the maledictions of the (c) Law being taken away, they shall be blessed in propagating the Gos­pel, and the true service of God, for the in­crease of those spiritual graces, that are like fragrant flowers in the garden of the Church.

15. And I will plant them upon their land, [Page 243] which I will give them: (d) out of which they shall be no more plucked up again. i. In the Para­dise of the Church, they shall be like Trees of (e) Righteousnesse, so planted, that they shall take deep and firm root. Nothing shall sepa­rate them from the love and service of God. (f) Neither shall the gates of hell (the extrea­mest dangers, or terrors) be able to prevail against them. Thus saith the Lord thy God to thee, (g) O Amos, (or to thee, whosoever, that art in the number of the true Israel of God.) Thou maist safely believe it, and undertake that all these things shall certainly come to passe.


1. THe vision of Oba­diah: Thus saith the Lord God concerning E­dom; We have heard a rumour from the Lord, and an Ambassadour is sent a­mong the heathen! Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battell.

2 Behold, I have made thee small among the hea­then: thou art greatly de­spised.

3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee? thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, that saith in his heart; Who shall bring me down to the ground?

4 Though thou exalt thy self as the Eagle, and though thou set thy nest a­mong the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.

5 If theives came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou cut off!) [Page 245] would they not have stolne till they had enough? If the grape gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes?

6 How are the things of Esau searched out? how are his hid things sought up?

7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee, have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee: they that eat thy bread, have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.

8 Shall I not in that day, saith the Lord, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?

9 And thy mighty men, O Teman, shall be dismay­ed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau, may be cut off by slaugh­ter.

10 For thy violence a­gainst thy brother Iacob, shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for­ever.

11 In the day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and forreiners en­tered into his gates, and cast lots upon Ierusalem, even thou wast as one of them.

12 But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger, nei­ther shouldest thou have re­joyced over the children of Iudah in the day of their destruction: neither shouldst thou have spoken proudly in the day of distresse.

13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity: yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their sub­stance in the day of their calamity.

14 Neither shouldst thou have stood in the crosse way to cut off those of his that did escape, neither shouldst thou have delivered up those [Page 246] of his that did remain in the day of distresse.

15 For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee, thy reward shall return upon thine own head.

16 For as ye have drunk upon my holy mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually: yea, they shall drink, and they shall swal­low down, and they shall be as though they had not been.

17 But upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holinesse, and the house of Iacob shall possesse their possessions.

18 And the house of Ia­cob shall be a fire, and the house of Ioseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them, and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau, for the Lord hath spoken it.

19 And they of the south shall possesse the mount of Esau, and they of the plain, the Philistines: and they shall possesse the fields of E­phraim, and the fields of Samaria, and Benjamin shall possesse Gilead.

20 And the captivity of this hoste of the children of Israel shall possesse that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath, and the capti­vity of Ierusalem which is in Sepharad, shall possesse the cities of the South.

21 And Saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the Lords.

1. THe vision, or Prophesie of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord Iehovah (and we his Prophets from him) concerning Edom.

2. We have heard that, which you may take for a sentence as absolutely determined, and (a) pronounced by God himself, against the Countrey of Edom? as if you had seen an earthly King confirm the like by his Embassa­dours sent to the severall nations (of the Assyrians and Chaldaeans) with commission to raise up an army, and come in battle against her.

3. And this I have to say in his name to Edom. See and wonder at thy self, what a weak and (b) silly thing, I will make thee appear to be in the account of these nations: and how miserably despicable in their eies.

4. For (though I know thee in thy high thoughts to be otherwise perswaded, yet) that pride of thy heart shall at last deceive thee, (which promises to thy self great matters, but ever falls short in the performance) or ra­ther, [Page 248] (c) thy idoll, (whereof thou art so proud and confident) shall faile thee in the event. I speak it to thee, that art roosted in the clefts of those high rockes of Arabia Petraea, and think­est in thy heart, that no power on earth can pull thee out of thy strong inaccessible places in mount S [...]ir.

4. Thou that mountest up thy self, like an Eagle, as if thou wouldst set thy nest among the stars: (d) I have many waies (among which that of famine alone were sufficient) to bring thee down from thence, and lay thee low e­nough, saith the Lord.

5. If theives and robbers had come upon thee by night ( and how do I see thee more than miserably undone by the sudden surpriz all of such notable shavers, (e) and cutters.) But had they so stolne upon thee, they would have been content with the filching of so much as would have served their turn. And if the grape-gatherers had come upon thee, they would have left thee some gleanings (But thou shalt have to do with them, that will cut and sweep all away: root and branch.)

6. (Nay, and thy close hoording up will be [Page 249] to no purpose for.) How narrowly will those riches, that belong to Esau be searched after? and what hath he so carefully hidden in the closest corners, which shall not be sought out, and discovered?

7. (When all is gone and thy self art ready to be packing into a strange land) At the borders of thy countrey will thy own Confede­rates fairly take their leaves of thee: (f) they that be in league with thee will cheat, and de­ceive thee: they that come to thee with preten­ses of peace, and concord, will be as ready as any other to prevaile against thee: and thy entirest acquaintance, (g) that have been of­ten entertained as friends as thy table will (h) lay a stumbling-block in thy way (to hinder all the good proceedings and proposals, that may tend to thy advantage) So that, all that judge by the event must needs say, there is no foresight, or understanding in this people of Edom.

8. And shall I not then make it good, by de­stroying those of Edom, (i) that have been so famous for wisedome? And those especially of mount Seir (of the posterity of Esau) that have been thought to exceed all the rest in [Page 250] matter of deep policie and understanding (shall not I turn their wisdom into foolishness, and catch the wiliest of them, in their own craft?)

9. (k) Yes, and, amongst them, thine O Te­man, the (l) stoutest of all, that use to build most upon the strength and reach of their own knowledge, they shall be (m) strangely brought under, to their own amazement: so that not a (n) man of any account, but shall be (more then brought under,) they shall be (o) utter­ly ruined and destroyed, from their high moun­tains of Esau (p) Because of that slaughter (O Edom.)

10. And because of that apparent injury, which thou wast not ashamed to offer unto thy Brethren, the Sons of Iacob, (q) (when "you said of Jerusalem, Down with it, even to the ground) therefore shalt thou be covered with shame, and cut off for ever, (from being a nation, as they shall be.)

11. I speak of the time, when thou stoodest like one of another side, while strangers carryed away all thy Brother Iacob's forces into capti­vity, and forreigners entred the gates of most [Page 251] of his Cities, and cast lots upon Ierusalem, (which of them should make the first assault against that their mother-City) when all this was done, thou (that shouldst have been one of her best friends) didst openly show thy self, to be one of her greatest enemies, i. one of them that had a hand in all those severall passages of cruelty.

12. But thou, of all other, shouldst not have endured so much as to look (r) upon the strange usage of thy brother, in that heavy time: much more shouldst thou have absteined from tri­umphing over the children of Iudah, in the day of their destruction: and most of all shouldst thou have feared, to make thy own mouth a witnesse of thy proud and insolent insulting over their affliction, in the very day, when it fell upon them.

13. Thou shouldst not have been so forward, as others, to rush into the gates of my Peoples forts, and cities, in that time of their calamity: and then specially have made thy self a specta­tor of those (s) evils, that came so thick upon him, like a fearfull storm in a sad and gloomy day: and (which is yet worse) to have ap­peared as a party, which those that laid violent [Page 252] hands upon his substance, in that day.

14. Nor shouldst thou have stood in the crosse wayes, where many paths meet: upon that advantage to cut off such of thy Brethren, as had escaped the enemy: (t) nor shut up such as otherwise had remained free, and at li­berty, in those distressed times.

15. For, after all these daies of yours, the Lord will have his day too, a day of vengeance: And it is not long before that day will come upon all those nations about Judaea, that have been so cruell to them. And then, as thou hast alone to others, it shall be done to thee: thy re­ward shall return upon thy own pate.

16. And as you of Edom shall drink (of the cup of my anger) (v) because of my holy mountain (and the holy land of Judaea which you have persecuted) So shall all those nati­ons that joyned with you, ever taste of the same cup, till they have drunk it up, and be as if they had never been.

17. But in mount Sion there shall be a great deliverance (from the scourge that shall then be brought upon others by Sennacherib) and it shall continue a place sanctified, and set apart for divine service: and then shall they of the house of Iacob (that secured themselves [Page 253] for that time in Jerusalem) return to a quiet possession of (x) their severall tenures in the land of their inheritance.

18. Then you that helped to encrease the flames of those wars, that set Judaea into a combustion, shall find, that the house of Iacob will prove a fire, and the house of Ioseph a flame, and the house of Esau like stubble before them. And they shall kindle them, and devour them, till there be none remaining of the house of Esau (that shall be able to do any great harm to the house of Israel) For, the Lord hath spoken it.

19. And they (of Israel) shall possesse the South (of Edom) (y) with mount Seir, and the plain with the land of the Philistims. And with them, shall they possess the Countrey of Ephraim, and of Samaria, and Benjamin shall have Gilead for his possession.

20. And those few forces of the children of Israel, that return after their captivity, shall possesse whatsoever belonged to the Cananites, as far as Sareptah (of the Sidonians) And they of Ierusalem, which shall return from their captivity, shall possesse the parts about Sepha­rad (or the (z) furthest bounds) (a) with the Cities of the South.

[Page 254]21. And they (b) that have delivered them­selves out of the captivity, shall not onely come again to their antient right in mount Sion but (in their posterity) they shall go as Iudges and Governours, into the mountaines of Esau. And then the kingdom of Israel shall be under God alone (and under the power of no for­reign Kings.)



1. NOw the word of the Lord came un­to Ionah the son of Amittai, saying.

2 Arise, go to Nineveh that great city, and cry against it; for their wick­ednesse is come up before me.

3 But Ionah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Ioppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it to goe with them unto Tarshish, from the presence of the Lord.

4 But the Lord sent out a great wind into the sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the Sea, so that the ship was like to be bro­ken.

5 Then the mariners were afraid, and cried e­very man unto his God, and cast forth the wares that were in the ship, into the [Page 256] sea, to lighten it of them; but Ionah was gone down into the sides of the ship, and he lay, and was fast asleep.

6 So the Ship-master came to him, and said unto him, What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God, if so be that God will think upon us, that we pe­rish not.

7 And they said every one to his fellow, Come, and let us cast lots, that we may know for whose cause this [...]evill is upon us. So they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Ionah.

8 Then said they unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, for whose cause this evill is upon us: what is thine oc­cupation? and whence co­mest thou? what is thy countrey? and of what peo­ple art thou?

9 And he said unto them, I am an Hebrew, and I fear the Lord the God of heaven, which hath made the sea and the dry land.

10 Then were the men exceedingly afraid, and said unto him, Why hast thou done this? (for the men knew that he fled from the presence of the Lord be­cause he had told them)

11 Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? (for the sea wrought and was tempe­stuous.)

12 And he said unto them, Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm unto you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you.

13 Nevertheless the men rowed hard to bring it to the land, but they could not; for the sea wrought, and was tempestuous against them.

14 Wherefore they cried unto the Lord, and said, We beseech thee, O Lord, we beseech thee, let us not perish for this mans life, and lay not upon us inno­cent blood: for thou, O Lord, hast done as it plea­sed thee.

15 So they took up Ionah [Page 257] and cast him forth into the sea, and the sea ceased from her raging.

16 Then the men feared the Lord exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the Lord, and made vowes.

17 Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow up Ionah, and Io­nah was in the belly of the fish three dayes and three nights.

The Prophesie of Jonah, 429 who was an Hebrew (as appears by his words to the Mari­ners) whatsoever made Lyranus think him the Son of the widow of Sarepta, 430 that was raised again to life by Eliah. 431 He seems to have been of the tribe of Naphthali. 432 For he was of Gath-heper, 433 which was a City in the tribe of Naphtali. 434 And ma­ny of the Iewes think, it was he, that an­nointed Iohn at the command of Elias. 435 He lived in the time of Jeroboam, the Son of Ioas, and prophesied of the victory, which that King of Israel should obtain to the great benefit of that kingdom, He was a signe to the Ninevites, and the conversion of Nineveh (the great City of Assy­ria) by his preaching, was a prediction of the [Page 258] vocation of the Gentiles, and rejection of the Iewes. Lastly, He is (i) commended to us by our Saul himself, as a type of his Death, and Buriall, and Resurrection.


1. WHen Ionah, the Son of Amittai, could no way reclaim the sinfull Is­raelites, neither by good admonitions, nor by a clear (k) Prophesie of the victorious at­cheivements of their puissant King that should restore all the coast of Israel, from the entring of (l) Hamath, unto the Sea (m) of the wil­dernesse (or, the great Lake near the plaines of Idumaea:) Then, (that the Israelites might see the greatnesse of their own (n) obstinacy in the speedy Repentance of the very Gen­tiles, and acknowledge the Justice of that pu­nishment, that followed upon that obstinacy of theirs) the word, or command of the Lord, was in this manner made known unto him, and to this purpose.

[Page 259]2. Arise, and fit thy self for a long journey, go to that great City Niniveh, and, with a loud voice, boldly preach unto her (o) what I have bid thee. For, their riot, oppression, and other wickednesse is grown to that height, that it calls to heaven for vengeance, and represents it self before me, in such manner, that it must be no longer suffered to go on.

3. Ionah (loath to be a Messenger of such ill newes to another Countrey, in that which boded no good to his own, instead of perfor­ming ready obedience to Gods command) thought of quitting that place, and kingdom as soon as might be, where God had so appeared unto him, and was more specially present. Some reason of this kind of slight from God might be, that he conceived this threat might (p) produce mercy in God, upon the Repentance of the Ninivites, and their repentance might conduce to the greater shame, and punishment of his own Country-men, that having greater inducements, gave lesse signe of remorse, and amendment of life, then was found among the Heathen, This running in his head, put him upon a sudden resolution to flee to Tar­shish; the rather, because after he had come as [Page 260] far as the famous port of Ioppe (the likeliest to accommodate him for this flight) he there accordingly found a ship ready to put saile for that place. To break off all further delay, he presently paid the fare, and took his place in the ship: hoping that the further he removed from the place of Gods peculiar presence, where he received his command, the further he should be from his employment to Niniveh, which he desired, by all meanes, to avoid (q) (as Moses once did his journey into Egypt.)

4. But (to show how hard it was to resist the will, and pleasure of him, that laid the command upon him) while Jonah thought himself secure, and at liberty, the Lord sent a violent wind into the sea, which raised such a sudden impetuous tempest in that place, that they seemed all in danger of perishing by ship­wrack.

5. This drave the fearfull Mariners into such a sit of devotion, as seldome takes them but in a sad storm. First, they humbly apply themselves to their severall supposed Deities: then they are as busie in using all outward means of safety by casting their wares into the sea, or whatsoever might thereby lighten the ship. [Page 261] In the mean time Ionah had got down into the lower parts of the ship, where he slept as securely, as if he had been no way concerned in this trou­blesome, and perilous storm.

6. In this posture was he, when the Master of the ship lighting upon him, ratled him up for sleeping so soundly in a time of common fear, and danger, and advised him, by their example, to fall to his prayers, and call upon his God, for his own and their safety, if per­haps God would be entreated, (r) to be propiti­ous, and gracious unto them, and preserve them from perishing in the Sea.

7. But the Mariners (seeing the violence of the storm no whit abated, after their ad­dresse to their Gods, seconded with the prayer of Jonah, and the ordinary outward meanes of easing the ship of their portage) began to suspect, that there was some wicked miscreant among them, whom divine vengeance would not snffer to live, and for whose sake they suffered all this misery. Therefore according to their usuall course, in such extremities, they resolved upon casting of lots, and said among themselves, Come, let us cast lots, that thereby we may know, the true cause, and au­thour [Page 262] of all this evill. And when they had done so, after their blunt way, without prayer, or other enquiry after God, the lot, by divine Providence, fell upon Ionah.

8. Upon this, they did not presently cast him out, whom the lot had (as they thought) so plainly discovered to be the man, that was persecuted with that storm. But, to inform themselves more particularly, they said unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, for whose cause (as thou thinkest) this evill is brought upon us? Art thou guilty of any horrid sinne, that might deserve it? Examine thy self. what hath been thy course of life? (there may be some fault of thy own, in that) whence comest thou? Of what countrey, and of what people art thou? (thou mayest per­haps come from a wicked, and accursed place.)

9. Ionah answered punctually, to that which most reflected upon the case in hand; that he was an Ebrew, and worshipped the Lord God of Heaven, (whither they did, or should have directed their prayers) who made the vast Sea (which terrified them now) and the dry land (where they longed to arrive in safety.)

10. The Men heard not this without much fear, and terrour; as not being wholly igno­rant [Page 263] of the great wonders, which the power and Justice of almighty God had done among the Hebrews, to the admiration of all other nations. They could hardly come from Joppe, and hear none of those things. They conside­red (s) also what he had told them of his strange disobedience, and boldnesse, in flying from the presence of so great a God, to prevent his going unto Niniveh, as an unwelcome Messenger of their sudden destruction. Therefore they said unto him, Why hast thou done this? why wouldst thou make thy self guilty of so great a sinne? who would think, a Prophet should be afraid, or loath to speak what God had put into his mouth?

11. Yet not venturing rashly to make away an Ebrew, and so near a Servant to the great Creator, and Governour of all things, they ad­vised with himself, what was fittest to be done to him, that they might appease the wrath of God, and so quiet the raging Sea, which seemed still more, and more to swell, and beget more trouble to them.

12. Then spake the Prophet as from the ora­cle of God, and told them, that their safety could not be otherwise procured than by casting him over board, and so committing him to the [Page 264] mercy of God. And, that this their execution of divine Iustice upon him, would calm, and still the roaring Sea, which called aloud for venge­ance against him, and would not be silent, but upon his patient offering himself to the mercy of Almighty God, and so becoming some means of their deliverance from what himself had been a main instrument to bring upon them, (wherein he was a type of Christ, that offered himself to a crueller death for the salvation of the world.)

13. Neverthelesse Jonas his readinesse to die for them melted the hearts of the rude Mari­ners (I wish our Saviours offering himself for us, could work the like effect in us all) They resolved now to venture themselves a little fur­ther for his sake, rather than secure themselves by his death. And (t) casting about in their minds all the waies by which they might preserve him, they pitched upon this as the likeliest, to try whether by rowing the ship to dry land, they might not save themselves and him too. But, after much labour, they see that they could not do it. For, the more they strived to gain the land, the more fiercely did the wind, and wea­ther beat them into new danger upon the Sea.

[Page 265]14. At last, though forced unto it, yet they would not be executioners of the death of a Prophet, till they had prayed to Almighty God (whose power the Prophet had made known to them) that they might not be called to ac­count for the losse of his life, nor his innocent blood any way laid to their charge: because all these things (the extraordinary tempest, the event of the lottery, and Jonah's own confes­sion) appeared plainly to fall out, and be wholly ordered, and directed, according to his own di­vine dispensation, and holy will, and pleasure. (In all which prayer of the Mariners, they were no types of the cruelty of the Jewes to our Saviour, when he died for us.)

15. After this (but much against their wills) they took up Jonah, that willingly yeild­ed himself, and cast him into the Sea: which being done, there followed a sudden, and great calm. (The boisterous waves and whist­ling winds were laid. As the fury of Death, and Sathan was quelled, upon our Saviours exposing himself to Death for our Salva­tion.)

16. These things wrought in the Seamen a wonderfull Fear, and Reverence of the true God, the Creator, and Lord of all things. Of whom they might have heard something in Joppe, and other places of the holy land: [Page 266] but these passages concerning Jonah, and the words, that he spake to them, wrought so powerfully in their hearts, that, upon their safe landing again, they offered sacrifice to the Lord after the way of Isra­el, according to the vowes, which they had made unto him, when they were in dan­ger, adding other vowes, which they intended afterwards to perform, at their first oppor­tunity.

17. But God (that is able to rescue us in all places, and useth to be a present help in the greatest times of difficulty) by his good providence, and mercy had prepared a whale to swallow up Ionah alive and be as his (u) prison, or his keeper for a time. And Ionah continued in the belly of the Fish, three dayes, and three nights (and so again be­came a type of our Saviour, that was three dayes, and three nights in the heart of the earth.)


1 THen Ionah prayed unto the Lord his God out of the fishes belly,

2 And said, I cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me: out of the belly of hell cried I, and thou heardst my voice.

3 For thou hadst cast me into the deep, in the midst of the seas, and the flouds compassed me about, all thy billows and thy waves pas­sed over me.

4 Then I said, I am cast out of thy sight; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple.

5 The waters compassed me about even unto the soul: the depth closed me round about: the weeds were wrapt about my head.

6 I went down to the bottoms of the mountains: the earth with her bars was about me for ever: yet hast thou brought up my life from corruption, O Lord my God.

7 When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.

8 They that observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy.

9 But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanks-giving, I will pay that that I have vowed: salvation is of the Lord.

10 And the Lord spake unto the fish, and it vomi­ted out Ionah upon the dry land.


1. JOnah, in the time of his abode within the Whale, considering the miraculous secu­ritie that he had, being scarce out of the very mouth of one danger, (of being swallowed up by the sea) and yet presently in the middest of another (in the bellie of a vast, and mon­strous Fish) did not forget, to make his humble and yet confident prayer to the Lord his God, a kind of Prophetical assurance of his deli­verie from the Fish, as well as from the Sea.

2. And he framed his prayer to this purpose, I cried unto the Lord, out of that (a) fearful affliction of mine, that streightly compassed me about on every side: and by the life yet left in my bodie, with some degree of inward repose and quiet in my soul, I quickly, and easily perceived, that he had accepted and answered my prayer. Yes, O my Gracious and Mer­ciful God, Out of the innermost parts of the Whale, wherein I lay as in a kind of Grave, or a [Page 269] shadow of darknesse like Hell it self for the time: Even thence I cried, and thou wert plea­sed to give ear to the voice of my groaning in my importunate prayer.

3. Though what relief could I then, in any reason, have expected, when thou hadst cast me into the innermost receptacles, and bo­some of the vast Seas: where the overflowing of the waters circled me about, and (which was more terrible unto me) my accusing thoughts, in reflection upon thy heavy displeasure, and my rebellious sin, were like so many waves, and surges that passed over me, and afflicted my heavy soul. So that (c) what the Royal Prophet once speak in a figure, I find in a more literal, and both sensible and spiritual way made good upon me.

4. How could I then but take up those other words of the same Prophet, wherein (betwixt hope and discomfort) he complains, (d) that he was cast out of thy sight, like one out of thy remembrance, and care, and providence. But in this bitter conflict, my faith, and repose in the mercy of God, at last, got the victorie, and then I altered my sad tone, and with some chearfulnesse delivered the hope, that I had to escape this peril, and live to present my hearty [Page 270] thanks once again in thy holy Temple of Jeru­salem,

5. All this while my danger continued, and made me recal another passage of the Psalmist, where he saith, (d) ‘that the waters beset him on every side, to the hazard of his life.’ His words might he mine, when I was walled about with the great abysse, and a multitude of weeds (all which strengthened, and collected into one bundle) which seemed ready to wrap about my head, and confine me to my last unquiet bed.

6. For me thought that I went down to the lowest parts of those rocks and promontories, that peep out, like mountains in the sea, and that the earth had barred me out, and excluded me wholly from ever seeing the firm land a­gain. Yet out of the depth of this miserie, didst thou preserve me alive, O just and powerful Lord, and my most merciful God.

7. When, in the middest of these difficulties, I was ready to faint, and dispair of recoverie, I forgot not to humble my self before God, And my prayer found admittance unto thee, O Lord, and accesse into thy holy Temple.

8 They that perverslie wait upon idols for succour, which are but meer vanities, what do they but, in effect, wilfully relinquish that mercy, [Page 271] and favour, that is offered to them from hea­ven?

9. But I will present my self before thee, O God, with the sacrifice of praise and thansgi­ving, and I will pay my vows unto thee, from whom onely, we may securely hope for mercy, and deliverance.

10. According to this prayer from a peni­tent, and faithful heart, the Lord upon the third day, commanded the Whale to cast up Ionah upon the drie land (as the grave delive­red up (f) our Saviour upon the third day, in the garden of Ioseph of Arimathea: and (by his power, and mercie) shall deliver us all, at last, being able to retain us no longer then the great day of the Resurrection, and that gene­ral Spring, when all the bodies of the Saints shall budd out of the earth (g) incorruptible, though they were sown in corruption.)


1 ANd the word of the Lord came unto Io­nah the second time, saying,

2 Arise, go unto Nineveh that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.

3 So Ionah arose and went unto Niniveh, accord­ing to the word of the Lord: (now Nineveh was an ex­ceeding great city of three daies journey)

4 And Ionah began to enter into the city a daies journey; and he cryed, and said, Yet fourty daies and Nineveh shall be over­thrown.

5 So the people of Nine­veh believed God, and pro­claimed a fast, and put on sack-cloath from the great­est of them, even to the least of them.

6 For word came unto the King of Nineveh: and he arose from his throne, and he laid his robe from him, and covered him with sack-cloath, and sat in ashes.

7 And he caused it to be proclaimed, and publish­ed through Nineveh (by the decree of the king and his nobles) saying, Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock tast any thing; let them not feed, nor drink water.

8 But let man and beast be covered with sack-cloath, and cry mightily unto God; yea, let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the violence that is in their hands.

9 Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?

10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way, and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them, and he did it not.


1. WHen Ionas, like one risen from the dead, was returned out of that prison, and Grave in the Whales belly, and saw himself to be one of this World again: he heard no more of his former disobedience (he was suffi­ciently admonished of that, by his punishment in the deep) But to take away the scruple, and perplexity, that he might have in his heart, whether he should now fit himself for his jour­ney towards Ninive, or no (for he might re­member, (a) that the Israelites, neglecting Gods first command, of entring the land of Canaan, were slain for attempting to do it af­terward, upon their own bare resolution) To resolve him in this, by a new Commission, he was furnished, and encouraged again by God him­self, with a second, and fresh command (b) in the same terms, wherein he received it before. That is,

2. Arise, and go to that great City Ninive, the head City of the Assyrians, and preach against them what I first injoyned thee. At [Page 274] which if they repent, the Israelites may under­stand by that, how much they have offended, in not being drawn to repentance, by the mes­sage of so many Prophets as have been sent to them.

3. Then Ionah, having learned obedience from his afflictions, without any further delay, chearfully resolved upon his journey, and went to Ninive, as God had commanded him. Now Ninive was a very great and spatious City, of three daies (c) journey in length, from the one end to the other.

4. Ionah therefore beginning to enter into the City, ordered it so, that he passed tho­rough a third part of the City in one daies journey: exclaiming against the great sinnes of that place, and threatning that (unlesse they did prevent it, by a serious and speedy repen­tance) within fourty daies Ninive should be overthrown: but upon their true conversion, they should find, that God desired not their death, but the reformation of their lives.

5. In which, the people of Ninive believed God, and being well perswaded of his Justice, and mercie, made known unto them by his Prophet; and (contented with that first daies [Page 275] journey, and admonition caused a solemn Fast to be proclaimed, and further to show their in­ward, and universal sorrow and contrition, they left off their costly apparel, and from the highest to the lowest appeared all in sackcloth, as penitent, and humble suiters for mercy.

6. For, the report of this Prophesie was brought to the Kings Court, as well as to other places of the City: and the King to show good example to his Courtiers, and the rest of his sub­jects, arose from his Throne, laid aside his Royal ornaments, and in sackcloth, and ashes made evi­dence of his great sorrow, and remorse, wherein he begged mercy for himself, and his People.

7. Nor did he thus onely countenance, but by his Royal Proclamation, with the advise, and counsel of his Nobles, he enjoyned a Fast to be kept through all Ninive, in such solemn and strict manner, that neither man, nor beast, greater or lesse, should be permitted to tast any food, or drink any water.

8. And it was further commanded, that both men and beasts should be covered with sackcloth, and crie mightily unto the Lord (the men out of true remorse of conscience, and hearty sorrow: the beasts, as forced to it by hunger, upon keeping them from their usual food) and that every man should repent, renouncing and forsaking all their evil courses, and specially [Page 276] the (d) violence, injustice, and oppression, which they had exercised before, and which now they should wash off from their hands by Charity, and restitution of what was injuriously taken away, or detained from any other: which is one of the clearest, and most evident fruits of repentance.

9. To all which they might be the rather induced, because they had no reason but to hope, that this message of the Prophet proceeded not from any irreversible decree for their ut­ter destruction, but rather as an invitation to repentance, and amendment of life, whereby the merciful God might be moved to reconcilia­tion, and reversement of that heavy punishment, which they had deserved.

10. This command of the King, which se­conded the preaching of Iudah, was so readily obeyed, that God, to whom all hearts are open, seeinng their sorrow and repentance accompanied with a serious, and real intention of amendment, in forsaking their evil waies, and exercising themselves in all good works (specially in the virtues opposite to their violence and oppressi­on.) He also repented of the punishment, which he threatned to bring upon them, and in his ten­der pitty and compassion, kept off the blow that was ready to fall upon their City.


1 BVt it displeased Io­nah exceedingly, and he was very angry.

2 And he prayed unto the Lord and said, I pray thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my country? Therefore I fled before more Tarshish: for I knew that thou art a gracious God and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentest thee of the evil.

3 Therefore now, O Lord, take, I beseech thee, my life from me; for it is better for me to die then to live.

4 Then said the Lord, Dost thou well to be angry [...]?

5 So Ionah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the city.

6 And the Lord God prepared a gourd, and made it to come up over Ionah, that it might be a shadow over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So Io­nah was exceeding glad of the gourd.

7 But God prepared a worm when the morning rose the next day, and it smote the gourd that it wi­thered.

8 And it came to passe when the sun did arise, that God prepared a vehement east-wind; and the sun beat upon the head of Io­nah, that he fainted, and wished in himself to die, and said, it is better for me to die then to live.

9 And God said to Io­nah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? and he said, I do well to be an­gry [Page 278] even unto death.

10 Then said the Lord, Thou hast bad pitie on the gourd, for the which thou hast not laboured, neither madest it grow, which came up in a night, and perished in a night.

11 And should not I spare Nineveh that great city, wherein are more then six scoure thousand persons, that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand, and also much cattel?


1. IN the mean time Ionah (instead of rejoy­cing, and blessing God for his mercy to­ward the sad, and penitent Ninivites) discove­red his great anger, and impatience, and too much respect, and tendernesse of his own ho­nour, and credit, which he would not have blemished with the wellfare of the Gentiles, against whom he had prophesied. And a strange thing this must needs seem to be, that a Pro­phet should take it ill, that his Prophesie was seconded with their repentance, or that their repentance should be crowned with so much mercie, and deliverance. Specially, after him­self had suffered so much for his disobedience and backwardnesse to prophesie to them: and been delivered out of the verie jaws of death, upon his own penitent, and humble supplica­tion [Page 279] in his own behalf. For this, though it may be thought to show his tender love to his own people, that, by this repentance, and successe at Nineve, were convinced of what the obsti­nacie of the Iews deserved at Ierusalem; yet is it an evident Argument of great weaknesse in the Prophet, and great mercie in God, that would pardon such a fault to a weak servant of his, who seemed now to envie that favour to the Gentiles, which God had long before showed himself willing to bestow, though it were to the irritation of the Iews. (a)

2. But Ionah would be like his name, (b) grieved and murmuring where he should not; and displeased with that which pleased God. Nor was this enough, unlesse he made it appear in his very prayer also, where he venters to expostulate with God, and to frame his prayer after this manner. Why didst thou make me a Preacher, or rather a false Prophet to Ninive? Is not this the verie (c) thing, that made me so loath to undertake that office, when I was in Iudaea? Is not this the onely reason, that moved me to fly from thence to Tharsis, that I might be far enough from this unwelcom employment? For I said within my self, and I [Page 280] knew, that I had reason enough to say, that thou art a gratious God, merciful and slow to anger, and of so great kindnesse, that thou quickly repentest thee of any evil, which thou threatnest to bring upon sinners, if they are ready to repent them of their sins.

3. Now therefore I pray thee, O Lord, rid me of my life, which is a burden, and punishment unto me heavier then death. While I foresee the punishment that I may well think will fall upon my own countrie-men for their im­penitence, which is now made fowler, by the repentance, and conversation of the Heathen, that knew not the goodnesse, or pleasure of God so well as they did. Therefore I am likely enough for this businesse at Ninive, to be hated by the Israelites, as well as mocked, and derided by the Ninivites, that will look upon me, as one quite out in his Prophesie.

4. Yet the gratious Lord answers not the Prophet according to the heat of his passion, or the errour of his judgement, but in great mercy and meeknesse proposeth this question, Whether he thought, that he had just cause to be angry with him for sparing so great a City upon their true repentance? Which every good man should rather beg by his prayers, then any way be troubled to see it done.

5. But Ionah (having little to answer in his [Page 281] own defense, amd being willing to see, what would be the final event of this businesse) with­out any reply left the City, and sitting toward the East-side of it, made himself a little booth there, that he might rest under the shadow of it. while he expected, what would at last become of Ninive, after the 40 daies were expired. Whe­ther the Citizens would so long persevere in their repentance, and, if they did not, whether Justice would then be showed upon them, whom God seemed now willing to spare, upon their present conversion, and reformation of life.

6. Now, (when the thin slight materials of Jonah his booth began to wither, and fade with heat) the Lord prepared a gourd, (or some shrub, that used to grow in those parts) to come over Ionah, like a Canopie, to shadow, and de­fend his head from the heat of the Sun, which seemed not a little to afflict him. And with this refreshment under the gourd Ionah was much delighted.

7. But that ease and pleasure was not long to be indulged unto him. For the next day, be­times in the morning, God prepared also a worm, which by gnawing at the lower parts of his gourd, and so extracting the moisture, was the cause, that it quickly withered away.

8. Moreover at the rising of the Sun, God [Page 282] sent a soft and (d) still wind the East, that had little, or no motion, or cooling quality, which was the thing that Jonah desired. Be­sides this warm breath, the son also, with some violence of heat, did beat upon the head of Jonah, and became so troublesom, that it made him ready to faint, and show himself wearie of his life, plainly professing, that it was better for him now to die, then to live. Which seems to be spoken in a passion, as if he thought it an injurie, to be deprived of that benefit of the gourd, which was gratiously afforded him for a time: and considered not that this variety of means might be used, to bring him to the acknowledgement of the truth of Gods judg­ments, and the sight of his own offences, and demerites.

9. Therefore God said unto Jonah. Is this well done of thee, to discover so much anger, and disturbance of thy self, for a poor little gourd? To which question he gives a rash impa­tient answer, confessing that he was (e) ex­treamly angry, even unto death, and did well to be so.

10. Whereupon the Lord said again. Art [Page 283] thou so affected at the withering of a poor vile gourd of a daies continuance, which neither for the coming up, nor the growth of it, is any way beholden unto thee?

11. And shall not I (the creator, and pre­server of all things: whose property it is to have mercy upon me, above all my crea­tures) shall not I be touched with compassion of so great, and populous a City as Ninive? wherein, beside much cattle, there are more then a hundred, and twenty thousand innocent chil­dren: so simple, and weak, that they cannot distinguish between their right hands and their left: and therefore cannot be thought, by any fault of theirs to call for this heavy destruction upon them. Yet were they all ready to perish in the punishment of their Parents sins, had not they timely repented. What must you then guesse of the number of men, and women of fuller growth, that have appeased my wrath by amendment of life? Which being done, their death, and ruine should not be rashly, and uncharitably desired, to make you seem the truer Prophet: who was not to threaten any people, but with this implicite condition [if they forsook not their sins.]



1. THe word of the Lord that came to Micah the Morasthite in the dayes of Iotham, Abaz and Hezekiah kings of Iu­dah, which he saw concern­ing Samaria and Ieru­salem.

2 Hear all ye people, hearken, O earth, and all that therein is, and let the Lord God be witnesse a­gainst you, the Lord from his holy temple.

3 For behold, the Lord cometh forth out of his place and will come down, and tread upon the high places of the earth.

4 And the mountaines shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft as wax before the fire and as the waters that are powred down a steep place.

5 For the transgression of Iacob is all this, and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the trans­gression of Iacob? is it not Samaria? and what are the high places of Iudah? [Page 285] are they not Ierusalem?

6 Therefore I will make Samaria as an heap of the field, and as plantings of a vineyard: and I will poure down the stones thereof into the valley; and I will dis­cover the foundations there­of.

7 And all the graven Images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burnt with the fire: and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.

8 Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stript and naked: I will make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning as the owles.

9 For her wound is in­curable, for it is come unto Iudah: he is come unto the gate of my people, even to Ierusalem.

10 Declare ye it not at Gath, weep ye not at all: in the house of Aphrah roll thy self in the dust.

11 Passe ye away, thou inhahitant of Saphir, ha­ving thy shame naked; the inhabitant of Zaanan came not forth in the mourning of Beth-ezel, he shall re­ceive of you his standing.

12 For the inhabitant of Maroth, waited care­fully for good; but evil came down from the Lord unto the gate of Ierusalem.

13 O thou inhabitant of Lachish, bind the chariot to the swift beast: she is the beginning of the sin to the daughter of Zion: for the transgressions of Israel were found in thee.

14 Therefore shalt thou give presents to Moresheth­gath: the houses of Achzib shall be a lie to the kings of Israel.

15 Yet will I bring an heir unto thee, O inhabitant of Mareshah: he shall come unto Adullam the glory of Israel.

16 Make thee bald, and poll thee for thy delicate children, enlarge thy bald­nesse as the eagle, for they are gone into captivity from thee.


1. THe word of the Lord, which was made known to Micah, of Moreshah (a City in Judaea) in the dayes of Iotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Kings of Iudah: and which he had revealed to him in a vision concerning Sama­ria, and Ierusalem (two eminent Cities, by whose example the two kingdoms of Judah, and Israel were drawn into many grievous sins, and disorders.)

2. Hear all ye people of Judah, and Israel. Attend to this Prophesie of mine, you that dwell in any part of this land, how populous, and of how great extent soever it is. And for my faithfull delivery of what I am enjoyn­ed to say, let God himself, that sees, and hears all, from his (a) holy and glorious habi­tation in heaven, hear witnesse against you, (if I be at any time accused, or mistrusted for concealing any part of his will and plea­sure.)

3. For I wish you all to take notice of this, that God is now coming out of those high and [Page 287] holy places of his, to show himself in the exe­cution of his judgements upon your nation: and the highest and strongest places, with the highest, and stateliest persons (as stout as they are) will he trample under his feet, and lay even with the lowest earth.

4. At his angry voice, the mountainous Ci­ties shall melt under him, like wax before the fire: and the lower villages in the vale shall part asunder, and leave their former glory, and station with as much speed and violence, as waters will run down in the steepest places, and leave no markes of any abode in that place from whence they come.

5 And all this for the transgressions of Ia­cob, and the sins of the house of Israel. Now, what caused the transgressions of Iacob, but the ill example of Samaria: and what occa­sioned the idolatry of the high places of Iudah but the ill copy that was set them by Ieru­salem?

6. But Samaria, that first began the sin, shall feel the first smart of the punishment. And I will make Samaria like a heap of rubbish in the field, or of withered plants in a vineyard. So far shall she be from having the face and show of a Citie, when I have caused the stones to be cast down out of her high buildings into the lowest holes, and bottomes: and discovered [Page 288] the very foundations of that fabrick, wherein she gloried so much.

7. Then shall all their graven images be beaten to peices and the (b) rich ornaments, that were bestowed upon their idoll-temples shall be con­sumed with fire, and the idols themselves will I lay desolate. For at the best, those fair dona­ries were but the rewards and bribes of their spirituall adultery with idols, and to no other end shall they come, then to what such wages of adultery and idolatry do best deserve to be brought.

8. (Thus said the Lord.) But, I their sad Prophet cannot but interpret my inward sorrow by my bitter lamentations, and divesting my self of my best and upper garments, and, in that little better than naked posture, mourn­ing (c) like the prodigious melancholy beasts in the desert, and howling, like the young (d) owles (that have no other tone, and thence have their name, as fit to expresse it.

9. (All which I am brought to) because this Land is so desperately wounded, that there is no hope of her cure, no not in Judah, the best part of her. For which cause he that hath al­ready given such a blow to Israel, is marching [Page 289] toward my selected people, even to the very gates of Ierusalem.

10. Yet let not these sad things be published in Gath, or any other town of the Philistims our enemies. Let not our teares be seen of them, that will laugh the more at our miseries. But thou (e) Ephraim, (that bearest the name of fruitfulnesse) or rather I will call thee (f) Ophrah, (from dust and ashes, that are signes of sorrow, and barrennesse) spare not thy sor­rowes for thy self within thy own houses. Wallow thy self in dust and ashes in contem­plation of the sad day, wherein all thy houses shall be beaten into dust.

11. And you of Samaria, so pleasantly seat­ed that the name of Samaria may be turned into (g) Shaphir: you shall passe along from thence into a land of desolation and captivity: having your fair City laid bare and naked to your utter shame, and confusion: while thy Sister that dwels in (h) Sion will not stir a foot, from her (i) quiet Hill, to come towards you, and releive you; But, (k) keeping her own station, (and not troubling her self any further) she will (for fashion sake) take the hint of her [Page 290] mourning from thee, O (l) Bethel, that mayest [...] now rather be called Beth-etsel, i. a place of schism and separation.

12. But (though Jerusalem be yet so sense­lesse of misery) yet she that dwels in (m) Ra­moth of Judaea (for which you may say [by transposition of the letters] that dwells in Maroth, i. in a place destined to sorrow and bitternesse) she shall much bewaile the losse of her good people, ere long; For, mischief and divine vengeance shall come down at last, not to them onely of the (n) severall Ramoths, and eminent seates in Judaea: but to the very gates of Jerusalem too, (that is pirked up high­er than all the rest.)

13. And thou inhabitant of Lachish shalt bind the chariot to the swift dromedaries (that chariot, (o) that must convey Senna­cheribs servants to Jerusalem, to demand no lesse than the rendring up of the Citie into his hands) because Lachish gave the first and chief occasion of the sinne (of idolatry) to the daughter of Sion. Such great faults of the ten tribes of Israel being first found in thee.

[Page 291]14. Therefore also have I somewhat to say to Moreshah-Gath, and Aczib (the two neighbour townes of Lachish) Thou, O La­chish, shalt be fain to send presents and bribe the Assyrians well to show favour to Moreshath-Gath. And the houshoulders of Achzib shall be put to another shift, where­by to help themselves, i. by proving them­selves false dissemblers and lyars, ( (p) as their name imports) and betraying that trust, that was reposed in them by the Kings of Is­rael.

15. And now I will say somewhat allu­ding to the name of Moreshah, as I did to that of Achzib. Moreshah, in the deriva­tion of the word, referrs to an (q) heir. And I have an heir in store for thee, O inhabitant of Moreshah. (It shall be the Assyrian, that shall hereafter possesse what is yet thine) I will bring him to thee my self. And this Assyrian, whom you made so much of once, as if he had been the glo­ry of Israel; shall quickly enlarge himself and come as farre as Odullam (after he hath got the safe possession of Moreshah.)

[Page 292]16. Therefore O thou poor and misera­ble Judaea that hearest these sad prophe­sies against the greatest Townes and Cities, fall to those ceremonies now, that are the best expressions of their sorrow and heavi­nesse.

Take away thy dainty haire, and make thy self as good as bald in signe of grief, for the slaughter of thy delicate children, wherein thou hast placed thy delight. And yet enlarge thy baldnesse, like that of the Eagle, in token of greater sorrow, for those thy Children, that are led into cap­tivity, (and so have a heavier sentence passed upon them, then there was upon them, that were taken away, by death, from the sense of any further calami­tie.)


1 WO to them that de­vise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds: when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.

2 And they covet fields, and take them by violence: and houses, and take them away: so they oppresse a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.

3 Therefore thus saith, the Lord, Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks, nei­ther shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil.

4 In that day shall one take up a parable against you, and lament with a doleful lamentation, and say, We be utterly spoiled: he hath changed the portion of my people: how hath he removed it from me? turn­ing away he hath divided our fields.

5 Therefore thou shalt have none that shall cast a cord by lot in the congrega­tion of the Lord.

6 Prophesie ye not, say they to them that prophesie: they shall not prophesie to them, that they shall not take shame.

7 O thou that art na­med the house of Iacob, is the spirit of the Lord strait­ened? are these his doings? do not my words do good to him that walketh upright­ly?

8 Even of late my peo­ple is risen up as an enemy: ye pull off the robe with the garment, from them that passe by securely, as men averse from war.

9 The women of my peo­ple have ye cast out from [Page 294] their pleasant houses, from their children have ye ta­ken away my glory for ever.

10 Arise ye and depart, for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you even with a fore destruction.

11 If a man walking in the spirit and falshood, do lie, saying, I will pro­phesie unto thee of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people.

12 I will surely assemble, O Iacob, all of thee: I will surely gather, the rem­nant of Israel, I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men.

13 The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up: and have pas­sed through the gate, and are gone out by it, and their king shall p [...]sse before them, and the Lord on the head of them.


1. THese woes and sorrows that are threat­ned before, are the just rewards of sin. And they must look for a great share in that wo, that studie to be evil, and upon their beds devise iniquity, and plot several waies, where­in they may bring their wickednesse into act, as soon as the opportunity of the morning light, and their own power, and ability will give them leave.

[Page 295]2. This kind of men do no sooner fasten thei [...] covetousnesse upon other mens fields, but all the violence, that can be, must be used for the gain­ing of them: no sooner do they entertain a de­sire of other mens houses, but they think, they may take them as their own. Such violence, and oppression do they use against other men, and their houses, and whatsoever descends to them by no lesser right then that of inheri­tance.

3. Therefore thus saith the Lord, these plots and devices of this family of the house of Iacob, shall be answered with somewhat that I will devise against them. They contrived the evil of sin, and would not be taken off from the execution of it: so will I, in my thoughts resolve of the evil of punishment, from whence none of you shall shrink your necks out of the collar to escape it. And I will lay such a yoke upon you, that you shall be ready to sink under it, and shall not be able to go (a) upright. That will be an ill time unto all (the time of their going into captivity, and bearing the yoke of a forein Prince, and Conqueror.)

4. In that day shall men take up a proverb against you, and deliver it in terms of a most bitter lamentation, saying, We are utterly spoi­led: [Page 296] and the land that was the lot and portion of my people is changed to other uses. And how strangely hath the enemy removed and taken away whatsoever he could carrie with him? and now returns again to share our lands, and tene­ments?

5. (Thus will they abuse us in songs, and short parables, taken up in scorn, and sung as personating of our God, and us. But now, to speak plainly and without parable, of our selves: there is too much truth in their abu­sive song.) For I may say to my dear Country, Thou shalt never have any again, that shall di­vide thy several inheritances unto thee, as * they have done heretofore in the congregati­ons of the Lord.

6. (And now, since I have told you others mocks against you, let me tell you, how you were wont to mock us, that are your Prophets, and say) (b) Do not you drop and distil such prophesies into us, as other Prophets have used to be free of. Well the time will come, when such Prophets as you so abused, (c) will drop no more of such prophesies upon you, like the rain, or dew from heaven. And (when you [Page 297] know what it is to want them, you will re­solve, that) no Prophet, that comes after, shall carry away such reproaches, instead of rewards, and have his heavenly doctrine an­swered with such base, and ignominious speeches.

7. This which I tell you, is said to the house of Iacob, (by commission from God himself. And, when these, and the like threats, in our prophesies, are declared unto you) think ye that the merciful spirit of the Lord is any way shortned, and contracted? Or doth he these things out of any ill intentions to you? Nay, are not my words (in the mouth of my Pro­phets) intended to the good of every one, that walks uprightly? (for, I speak to you now, as from God himself, and in his person, and so I go on to speak to you, in the same person.)

8. They that went awhile ago under the title of my people (and called me their God) do now (as if I were become their enemie ( rise up in hostile manner against me, and they that were indeed my people. I speak it to you, who have used them so kindly, that (according to your proverb) you have pulled off their robe with their under garments (and so left them to the naked world) And no otherwise do you take any thing from those, that passe on peaceably by you, then you do from those that are returned as [Page 298] captives (d) from the battel (over whom you have a fairer pretense from the priviledge of war for rifling of them.)

9. (And not the men onely, but the weaker sex too, do you use after this rude, and barba­rous manner: for) you have, against all law, ejected wives of my people out of their poor hou­ses, wherein they took pleasure to be as good women should do, without gadding abroad.) And so do you put them upon the inconveni­ences, which they must suffer, that are turned out of doors, to shift for themselves, and bring up their children, as they may, and not as they should. Wherein you take away for ever that honour and glorie, which I should have had from their children (if their education had been answerable to the will, and means of their godly parents.)

10. (Therefore, as you ejected their mothers, so will I eject you.) Come then and prepare your selves to be packing out of this land, which your sins have so pulluted. It shall be no dwelling place for such as you. It shall ra­ther be a means utterly to destroy you, and vo­mit you out, (e) as a matter of most filthy cor­ruption * that hath been a long time trouble­som unto her.

[Page 299]12. (Is not this a fit people to shake up their best Prophets as they do? But I can tell you, what Prophets would please their phancy rare­ly well.) If a man would use to vapour amongst them, like one that walks after every (f) un­certain wind, and is led by every new spirit. If he would discourse (g) non-sense and lies (and say) I will preach, or prophesie to thee for a lit­tle wine, or strong drink (or any smal reward) This were the onely Prophet for this people. (He would fit their turns as well as heart could wish.)

12. (Me thinks, I see such a goodly Prophet in one of his Prophetical raptures, and thus he prophesies to Jacob, as from God himself.) I will surely assemble thee, O Iacob, all of thee. I will not fail to gather into one the remnant of Israel, like many sheep into one flock: a fair flock, like those in the rich pastures of * Bozrah and Moab: and that flock into one fould: and they shall have no further trouble then good store of Shepherds; more men then ordinary to wait upon them.

13. But (in earnest, for all this goodly pro­phesie of our cheap, and upstart Prophet) the rough souldier shall be the man to break way be­fore them (not his imaginarie Shepherd) and [Page 300] he shall lead this people whither they would not go; as you shall see, when they have broken out and passed quite through the gates ( of Jeru­salem). Then shall the King of this people passe along (as a prisoner) before those Souldiers, and (h) God himself in the head of them (to pros­per and succeed the designes of the enemie) as of an army, that himself will own.


1 ANd I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Iacob, and ye Princes of the house of Israel: is it not for you to know judge­ment?

2 Who hate the good, and love the evil, who pluck off their skin from off them; and their flesh from off their bones?

3 Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them, and they break their bones and chop them in pieces, as for the pat, and as flesh within the caldron.

4 Then shall they cry un­to the Lord, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have be­haved themselves ill in their doings.

5 Thus saith the Lord concerning the prophets that make my people erre, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace: and he that putteth not into their mouthes, they even prepare [Page 301] war against him.

6 Therefohe night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision, and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine, and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them.

7 Then shall the seers be ashamed, and the diviners confounded: yea, they shall all cover their lips, for there is no answer of God.

8 But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the Lord, and of judgement and of might, to declare unto Iacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin.

9 Hear this, I pray you, ye heads of the house of Ia­cob, and princes of the house of Israel, that abhor judgement, and pervert all equity.

10 They build up Zion with blood, and Ierusalem with iniquity.

11 The heads thereof judge for reward, and the priests thereof teach for hire, and the prophets there­of divine for money: yet will they lean upon the Lord and say, Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us.

12 Therefore shall Zion for your sake be plowed as a field, and Ierusalem shall become beaps, and the mountains of the house, as the high places of the forrest.


1. ( AFter that sad, and true Prophetical contemplation, that I closed withall: desirous to show the reason of the severity of [Page 302] that judgement.) * I said, Give ear awhile to me now, you Princes of Jacob, and other subor­dinate Governors in the house of Israel. You that pronounce the sentence of judgement against other offenders, must not you needs know, what heavy punishment belongs to your selves (if you had your due.)

2. Yet are you the men, that hate doing of good, and love the practise of what you know to be naught. And you use such oppression over those that are under you, that you leave no skin on their backs, nor flesh on their bones, (you pick, and scrape away all that can be gained out of them.)

3. (And, I may say more of these cruel ex­tortioners) (a) When they have thus eaten the flesh of my people, and flayed the skin off the bones, then (as if they longed for the very marrow, or loved to hear their bones crack) they break, and divide the bones into several pieces, as the Cooks use to chop, and cut out their meat into several joynts, before they put it into the pot, or sit it for the table.

4. There will come a time, when these men will cry to the Lord, but he will not hear them (that had no ears for the sad complaints of the oppressed) In that time of need will he hide his [Page 303] face from them (that turned their faces away from the poor afflicted) And, as they behaved themselves extreme ill, in their doings. (So will he show himself very just, in the punishment, which they are to suffer.)

5. And (after this said to the Magistrates) somewhat saith the Lord, I have to say to those titular Prophets, that lead my people into much error by their false predictions. These men, according as their teeth are plied with good meat, (by their kind gossips) * so do they frame their mouths to prophesie of peace, and plenty: but, if they observe a man, that cares not for so providing for their mouths, against him they will be sure to prepare tidings of war and de­struction.

6. Therefore I will bring so dark and dismal a night of affliction upon you, that you shall be able to discover no probable visions of peace. It shall be so dark and gloomy, that you shall not discern, how to pick out any clear divi­nations of comfort. And the Sun shall set upon those Prophets. (you may bid them good night, for all the peace, they shall be able to foretel.) The day shall be so dark over them (that they shall be able to foresee nothing that is good, either for themselves, or you.)

[Page 304]7. Then shall those Seers be ashamed to be seen, and those Diviners confounded with their own divinations. (b) And all of them may put a covering upon their upper lips, (and cry, I am unclean, I am unclean: as being in greater danger to infect the people, then any leaper, to whom that was enjoyned) For, none of their answers will prove to be divine oracles, but mere fancies of their own.

8. But (I am no Prophet of that stamp. I may truely say, that) I am furnished with those abilities, and filled (c) with that divine Spirit, that should be in a Prophet. I am endued with courage (to fear no mans person) and with judgement, and discretion, that I may seasona­bly tell Iacob of his sins, and Israel of his trans­gressions (and not think it enough to preach what will please them, and to sooth them up in expectation of better times, then they are worthy to enjoy, or have any reason to hope for.)

9. And now (to put my office accordingly in execution) * Give ear to me once again, you Princes of Iacob, and other Governors in the house of Israel, that (sit in the place of Justice, and yet) abhor doing of judgement: and (should be the onely examples of dealing rightly, and [Page 305] exactly, according to the rule, and yet) are commonly seen to pervert the rule of equity, (and make the law serve your own turns.)

10. That makes them build such houses in Sion, and other parts of Jerusalem, with what they gain by shedding of the blood of the inno­cent: and by deciding causes, that come be­fore them, with much injustice, and ini­quity.

11. For, the Princes of this City judge for the bribe, and the Priests teach for the hire, and the Prophets divine for the reward in ready cash. And yet they can talk devoutly, and confidently of Gods protection, for Sion, and Jerusalems sake, and seem to rely upon the Lord, and say. Doth not God dwell in the midst of us? How then can evil betide us (that are lodged so near to his own holy Temple?)

12. (But, talk what you will) For you and your sins, Sion shall be plowed, like a field: Jeru­salem shall become, like heaps of rubbish; and Mount Moriah, the top of your glory, *as the place where the House of God stands, shall be like those Mountains in the forrest (that are fitter for the entertainment of beasts, then men.)


1 BVt in the last daies it shall come to passe, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills, and people shall flow unto it.

2 And many nations shall come and say, Come and let us go up to the moun­tain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Ia­cob, and he will teach us of his waies, and we will walk in his pathes: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem.

3 And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off, and they shall beat their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into prun­ning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

4 But they shall sit eve­ry man under his vine, and under his fig-tree, and none shall make them afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hath spoken it.

5 For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever.

6 In that day saith the Lord, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will ga­ther her that is driven out, and her that I have af­flicted.

7 And I will make her that halted, a remnant, and her that was cast far off, a strong nation; and the Lord shall reign over them in mount Zion, from [Page 307] henceforth even for e­ver.

8 And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion, the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Ierusalem.

9 Now why dost thou cry out aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy councellour perished? for pangs have taken thee as a woman in travail.

10 Be in pain, and la­bour to bring forth. O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon, there shalt thou be delive­red, there the Lord shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

11 Now also many nati­ons are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.

12 But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.

13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brasse, and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.


1. YEt (for your comfort) after all this desolation, there will a time come (at their return from the captivity of Babylon) (a) when that mountain, where the house of the Lord is seated, shall overtop all other mountains: and no hills, or high places (which the Pagans have made choice of, for the worship of their idol-gods) shall any way be compared to the high glory of Mount Moriah: or so frequented with multitudes of men, as this shall be.

2. Hither shall flock the true worshipers from several parts of the World, and say, Come, and let us go up to the holy Mountain, the Moun­tain of the Lord Iehovah, and to the house of the God of Iacob, and (by his holy Priests and Prophets) he will teach us, what is fittest for us to be instructed in, (b) out of his waies, (c) that we may walk in them. For thence onely must we look for the knowledge of the true God: whose divine laws (specially in the daies of the Messias) shall go forth of Sion, and his holy [Page 309] word out of Ierusalem (and thence be divul­ged, and imparted unto other nations,)

3. This great God of Israel (that so instructs, and directs them, that make their humble ad­dresses unto him) will, for their sakes, (d) show his judgements, among many people that seek him not, and correct many remote nations, that are too strong and puissant for us to deal with (for no strength, no distance can secure them from his power and good pleasure upon them.) And while we serve him, he will make them to be so willingly and so absolutely resolved of peace, that they shall beat their swords into plow-shares, and their spears into pruning hooks. And (rather then their own quarrels shall be any disturbance to us) one nation shall not lift up a (e) weapon against another, nor shall they learn how to practise themselves in the feats of war any more.

4. (And so shall it be after our return from Babylon, we shall then enjoy many daies of great peace and tranquillity) Every man shall sit quietly under his own vine, and under his own fig-tree (without any to molest him, or make him afraid.) And (to make us secure of all this) it is decreed by God himself, and the [Page 310] mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it, (who hath all hosts, and armies, and alterati­ons of peace and war, at his disposal.)

5. (And our serving of him will be one motive of this mercy, and favour) for, while other people addict themselves to the worship of their false gods, and, in their name, tender all their respects: we shall go on to present our humble service and devotions in the name of the Lord our God, for ever and ever

6. In those daies, saith the Lord, I will recol­lect into their own Country, and restore to their former happinesse, that (f) poor, weak, and afflicted nation of the Jews: that hath been (g) driven out of her own towns, and cities (g) into other remote parts, and there been ill intreated (by my own permission.)

7. And I will make that weak afflicted nation leave a fair remnant behind her. (a numerous progenie to succeed her) And over that poste­ritie of hers will I my self raign for ever in Mount Sion (and no earthly Prince shall hin­der them from living after my laws, till them­selves forsake me of their own accord.)

8. * And thou Tower of Ader (by Bethlehem) that standest in such an (h) obscure and neglected [Page 311] place, The daughter of Sion (the fair City of Jerusalem) shall make her accesse unto thee. And out of thee shall come the chiefest fountain of dominion, and royalty. (the Messias to be born in Bethlehem) To the daughter of Jerusa­lem shall he come (I say not, how strangely en­tertained by her.)

9. But now why dost thou cry out so pitifully, and make such heavy lamentation (at the sound of royalty) Dost thou find no King over thee (while upon these sad Prophesies, thou supposest thy self as in thy captivity) Are thy Sanhedrin (thy great Counsellors) perished? Is this the cause, why thou art so often surprised with as extream pain, and anguish, as a woman in travel?

10. I cannot blame thee, thou maist well be in pain and labour to bring forth, and to be de­livered of that thy trouble. And be so. For, thou shalt very (i) shortly be fain to depart out of thy Cities, and be content with what lodging thou canst get abroad in the open fields, and so walk on to Babylon. But, there will I find out a way of deliverance for thee: and even there shal the great Jehovah rescue thee from the hands of thine enemies.

11, And as (k) shortly after, many men of [Page 312] several nations shall uuite their strength and malice against thee, which shal not spare to say, Let Sion be still represented to the world, as one lying in her own pollution, and exposed to the contempt of all us, that look upon her.

12. But, they that so talk at random, and out of malice, little know or consider what God, in his secret counsel, and providence, and mercy doth intend to do with us. But, how little so­ever they consider our end, they are lesse ad­vised of their own. For, He shall gather them, as sheaves into the floor (there to be so thrash­ed, and bangd, as they do not dream of.)

13. (For then will I say to Sion) Rouse up thy self, and lay about thee, like a thrasher, O daughter Sion. Tread, and trample them un­der, (which is your way of thrashing with oxen that tread out the corn) and (to help on the businesse) I will make thy horns like iron, and thy hoofs like brasse, that thou maist trample them and beat them all to pieces, be they never so many. And what they have covetously hoorded I will take to my self, saith the Lord. They have but laid it up, as a thing anathema­tized, and set apart for my peculiar service, as a deodate out of their substance: which I will chalenge, as I am Lord paramont over all the earth.


NOw gather thy self in troups, O daugh­ter of troups: he hath laid siege against us: they shall smite the judge of Is­rael with a rod upon the cheek.

2 But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Iudah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me, that is to be ruler in Israel: whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

3 Therefore will he give them up, untill the time that she which travelleth hath brought forth: then the remnant of his bre­thren shall return unto the children of Israel.

4 And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God, and they shall abide: for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.

5 And this man shall be the peace when the Assyri­an shall come into our land: and when he shall tread in our palaces, then shall we raise against him seven shepherds, and eight principall men.

6 And they shall waste the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod in the enter­ances thereof: thus shall he deliver us from the As­syrian when he cometh into our land, and when he treadeth within our bor­ders.

7 And the remnant of Iacob shall be in the midst of many people, as a dew from the Lord, as the showres upon the grasse, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sonnes of men.

8 And the remnant of Iacob shall be among the [Page 314] Gentiles in the midst of many people, as a lion a­mong the beasts of the for­rest, as a young lion among the flocks of sheep: who if he go through, both tread­eth down, and teareth in pieces, and none can deli­ver.

9 Thine hand shall be lift up upon thine adver­saries, and all thine ene­mies shall be cut off.

10 And it shall come to passe in that day, saith the Lord, that I will cut off thy horses out of the midst of thee, and I will de­stroy thy chariots:

11 And I will cut off the cities of thy land, and throw down all thy strong holds;

12 And I will cut off witchcrafts out of thine hand, and thou shalt have no more sooth-sayers.

13 Thy graven images also will I cut off, and thy standing images out of the midst of thee, and thou shalt no more worship the work of thine hands.

14 And I will pluck up thy groves out of the midst of thee: so will I destroy thy Cities.

15 And I will execute vengeance in anger and fury upon the heathen, such as they have not heard.


1. WHat hath hitherto been said to thee, O Babylon, 509 comes to this upon the matter: that thou shalt (b) very shortly be exposed as a prey (to thine enemy) O thou [Page 315] daughter of an arrand spoiler (of Nimrod, that first began that sport over men, as well as beasts.) And (hear the rest from my people Israel) Therefore is the Babylonian spoyled, because he was the man, that laid siege against us, and (that succeeding) they were all so injurious and insulting over the very Iudges of Israel, that they presumed to strike them upon the check (c) (which is a blow of the greatest disgrace that can be.)

2. But thou, Bethlehem Ephratha, (lay none of these scornes and abuses to thy heart, for great matters are intended unto thee) It is but a little honour, that thou shouldest be reckoned among the Governours of the thou­sands of Iudah. For out of thee (d) a spe­ciall Prince shall be raised up for my own de­signes (the Messias) that shall be King and Ruler over the true Israel of God: (e) whole originall may be deduced (f) from the top of royall antiquity, (from the first Kings of Ju­dah) and more than that from the dayes of eternity, (for who can declare his genera­tion?)

3. Therefore will he (g) give to them of [Page 316] Judah (what he hath promised, i. a safe re­turn out of their captivity, and a place of abode again in their own Countrey) till the time, wherein she that is to bring forth the Messias, shall bring forth that happinesse to the world: and till the residue of his brethren (for (h) with that title shall he honour the lost sheep, which he shall come to seek, and reduce to his fold) till they shall be (i) con­verted and united (k) to the rest of the chil­dren of Israel (and so begin all, to make one flock under one Shepherd.)

4. And he shall (l) never cease to feed, and govern that flock, by no lesse than a divine power, being advanced thereunto, in no other name and authority, then that of the great Iehovah, his God (m) (as he shall then stile him, when he hath humbled himself to that brother-hood, which we named before) under that care and government shall that flock of his (n) dwell (in joy and safety) And good reason, because (o) from henceforth this our Prince and Messias shall be magnified and re­nowned [Page 317] not in Jurie onely, but to all the ends of the earth.

5. And this (p) peace and prosperity of our nation shalt thou begin (and not till then) (q) when the Assyrian shall have often entred into our land (sometime of himself, sometime as an auxiliarie of the Chaldaeans) For, he shall enter in a proud and hostile manner, trampling down our fairest Palaces. (But, this pride and malice shall be the occasion of his utter ruine, and so of our more setled peace. For, we shall at last so far prevaile over the Assyrian, by the assistance of Almighty God, and his blessing upon our prayers, and pati­ence, that) we shall be the meanes of as great a tyranny over him, to be exercised by (r) many severall Governours, great Princes, and Com­manders over men (that shall lead them and rule them as easily as Sheep are by their Shep­herds.)

6. (And, if these may be called Shepherds, [...] as other Kings and Rulers are) they shall be such as shall subdue and govern their stocks of Assyrians by the sword, and the suc­cessors of Nimrod in Babylon, (s) with her own naked and terrible weapons. Thus shall God [Page 318] punish them, and give us a sure peace, by deli­vering us from further fear of the Assyrian, and letting us be revenged of him, (t) be­cause he would needs enter so cruelly upon our land, and so proudly trample us under him in our own borders.

7. After this, the remnant of Iacob, being freed from all such tyranny, shall be accounted by many other nations, among whom they are seated, as the dew which falls from heaven, and as the drops of rain upon the grasse, which expect not the power or pleasure of man, or any son of man, for their accesse, or recesse from this or that place (but are sent thither, and blessed there by the sole power and favour of Almighty God.)

8. And in processe of time, the posterity of this remnant of Iacob (specially in the time of the Maccabies) shall be (in respect of their power, and authoritie, and command) among the Gentiles, and in the midst of many people, as the Lion is among the beasts of the forrest, and the young Lion among the flocks of the sheep: who, when he is pleased to passe thorough them, doth tread them down, and tear them in pieces, without controule of any other, that is [Page 319] able; to rescue and deliver them, in that dis­tresse.

9. Thus prosperously shall it fare with thy children, and with thee, O Israel, when thy hand shall no sooner be lift up against thy ene­mies, but they shall be cut off, and fall before thee. (All which about the times of the Maccabies shall be but a figure of greater con­quests, that they shall have over all nations, when, after the dayes of the Messias, they shall begin to subdue them, and reduce them to his spirituall kingdom.)

10. This mention of Israels prosperity in these times must be accompanied with the Prophesie of thy ruine, O Babylon. For, thus saith the Lord, I will cut off the strength, wherein thou makest thy boast, the multitude of thy horses and chariots. (u) Them will I de­stroy, with the riders that were so expert in managing of them both.

11. And the best Cities of thy land will I lay waste, and throw down all thy strong holds.

12. And I will down with thy witch-crafts, and thy magicall divinations. And thy Sooth­sayers, that were so cunning at them, shall have no more to do within thee.

[Page 320]13. Thy graven images, and thy rich statues will I remove from the midst of thee: so that thou shalt give no more worship to those vani­ties, the workmanship of thy own hands.

14. Thy superstitious groves, and thy wealthy Cities will I utterly destroy.

15. And in the fiercenesse of my anger will I revenge my self upon those nations, which shall not then hear and obey (x) those Conque­rors, and Governors which I shall please to set over the kingdom of Babylon.


1. HEar ye now what the Lord saith, A­rise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice.

2 Hear ye, O mountains the Lords controversie, and ye strong foundations of the earth: for the Lord hath a controversie with his people: and he will plead with Is­rael.

3 O my people, what have I done unto thee, & where­in have I wearied thee? testifie against me.

4 For I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of servants, and I sent before thee Moses, A­aron, and Miriam.

5 O my people, remem­ber now what Balak king of Moab consulted, and what Balaam the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal, that ye may know the righteous­nesse of the Lerd.

[Page 321]6 Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow my self before the high God? shall I come before him with burnt-offerings with calves of a year old?

7 Will the Lord be plea­sed with thousands of rams or with ten thousands of ri­vers of oyl? shall I give my first born for my trans­gression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?

8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

9 The Lords voice crieth unto the City, and the man of wisdom shal see thy name: hear ye the rod; and who hath appointed it.

10 Are there yet the tre­sures of wickednesse in the house of the wicked, and the scant measure that is abo­minable?

11 Shall I count them pure with the wicked balan­ces, and with the bag of deceitfull weights?

12 For the rich men thereof are full of violence; and the inhabitants thereof have spoken lies, and their tongue is deceitfull in their mouth.

13 Therefore also will I make thee sick in smiting thee, in making thee deso­late because of thy sins.

14 Thou shalt eat, but not be satisfied, and thy casting down shall be in the midst of thee, and thou shalt take hold, but shalt not deliver: and that which thou deli­verest will I give up to the sword.

15 Thou shalt sow, but thou shalt not reap: thou shalt tread the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with oyl; and sweet wine, but shalt not drink wine.

16 For the statutes of Omri are kept, and all the works of the house of Ahab, and ye walk in their coun­sels, that I should make thee a desolation, and thē inha­bitants thereof an hissing: therefore ye shall bear the reproach of my people.


1. BUt now, least the people of God should be puft up, and forget themselves, in the meditation of the ruine, and destruction of their enemies. Let tbem hear, what the Lord saith to me concerning them.) Come, my Pro­phet, saith he, Rouse up thy best courage, and faculties, and thou shalt plead my cause a­gainst those (a) mountains of Iudaea, against the highest and proudest of them all, that are so highly seated (as most of them are in that countrey) and, to that end, command attention from them.

2. According to that injunction, given to me by God himself, I do now (in the power of my Propheticall function) lay this charge upon all you Hills, that you prepare your selves to hear what I have to say: all you that are lift up so high, and seem to have a stronger foundation than other parts of the earth. Though you are so well nested, and bear the name of Gods people, (and therefore should have been [Page 325] more observant of his will) yet even with you hath God a controversie, and he will (notwith­standing his own height above all hnmane reach, and capacity) vouchsafe to argue, and (b) plead with you of the seed of Israel, (a poor people not (c) considerable, among other vast parts of the world.)

3. This plea, and complaint, I am to de­liver to you, in his name, and his person, and in these termes. O my people, (my peculiar people, that I have chosen out of all the world) What have I done against thee, that should pro­voke thee to so many sins against me? wherein have I disturbed, and offended thee, or deser­ved so ill at thy hands? Bring in thy answer, I pray thee, and thy accusation against me, if any such can be found.

4. Or if I have done well for thee, and dealt graciously with thee, make a thatkfull acknowledgement of that. Confesse how I brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, and delivered thee from the (d) place of bondage, and servitude, (where you lived no better than slaves) And how I sent (as three speciall guides) before thee, Moses (to instruct thee in my law, and direct thee by his good example) [...] [Page 324] [...] [Page 325] [Page 324] Aaron (to be thy Priest, and offer up sacrifices and pray for thee) and Miriam (to be a pat­tern of modesty, and pietie, and gravitie to the weaker sex.)

5. Besides all this, O my people, (e) remem­ber, I pray thee, what Balak, King of Moab, contrived against thee, and what answer I put into the mouth of Balaam, the son of Beor, (of thy safety, and security, if thou didst not bring destruction upon thy self, by thy own default.) And forget not what wonderfull things I did for thee, in all the way from Shit­tim unto Gilgal (on either side of Jordan.) Of these things thou shouldst do well to make a loving and gratefull recognition, that thou mayst so appear to take notice of the Iustice and Goodnesse of God.

6. (And that acknowledgement would be made in such (f) words as these) Wherewith shall I appear before the Lord, and make ten­dry of my humble duty, and observance, unto the high God? Shall I present my self before him, with whole burnt-offerings (in testimony of his dominion over all his creatures) or shall I come to him with young calves, or any other kind of sacrifice prescribed in the law?

[Page 325]7. Can it be thought, that God will be ap­peased, and pacified with thousands of rams, or ten thousand (g) rivers of oyl? Shall a man satisfie himself in giving his first-born for the transgressions, or any fruit of his body, as a satisfaction for the sins of his soule?

8. No (if I, that am his Prophet, may give answer to that question.) (h) He hath showed thee, O man (whosoever thou art) he hath sufficiently, and plainly enough declared by his law and Prophets, what he doth chiefly exact of thee, as the best sacrifice and ransom that he wil accept. And that is no other than to do ju­stice, and delight in shewing mercy, and kind­nesse to men: and to demean thy self humbly and reverently in all thy addresses unto thy God.

9. And now (because the law and Prophets have not been herein observed) the terrible voice of the Lord himself, calls unto the City of Jerusalem, (to give her warning of what punishments her own sins have called for.) And (when thou so callest, O Lord) it is (i) true wisedom in him, that will dread thy Majesty, and (k) fear thy name. Give ear therefore you (l) tribes of Israel, and (m) attend to him, (n) who [Page 328] hath appointed and decreed that which shall come upon you if you do not re­pent, and bring forth the fruites of repen­tance.)

10. (And when you examine your repen­tance, let this question be asked) (o) Is there yet remaining to any one a house pur­chased by iniquity? Hath any one yet by him treasures of wealth unjustly heaped to­gether, and the abominable (p) false weight that wants much of what is justly to be al­lowed?

11. (And take another question with you, as propounded by God himself, who saith) Shall I justifie, and approve the unjust balances? and the bag of deceitfull weights?

12. Or, (q) shall I justifie, (that Citie) whose wealthy Citizens are full of violence, and oppression, and her other inhabitants accustome themselves familiarly to speaking of lies, and to have deceitfull tongues, within their mouthes (that deliver little, or nothing from the heart.)

[Page 329]13. Therefore will I chastise thee (O thou wicked Citie) with such scourges as thou deservest with making thee poor and desolate, because of thine offences (that hast made others poor by thy violence and ra­pine.)

14. Thou shalt eat, but thou shalt not be satisfied, and thrive with it. There shall be a kind of lanknesse, and depression with­in thy belly, for very famine. For extre­mity whereof she that conceives shall not be able to bring forth: or, if she doth, what she brings forth will I give up to the sword (when that heavie siege comes, wherein this scarcity, and misery shall fall upon Jeru­salem.)

15. And then what thou hast sowed, thou shalt not reap, (the souldier shall doe it for thee) Thou mayest tread the olives, but thou shalt not anoint thee with the oyl. And as much paines mayest thou take for thy sweet wine, but in the end, thou shalt have no wine to drink.

16, And all this shall happen to thee, O Israel, because all the edicts and (r) precepts of [Page 328] Omri, (that wicked King of Israel) are ob­served with thee, (more readily than the precepts of the God of Jacob) and so are all the workes of the house of Ahab (the sonne of Omri) after whose advise and example you have so framed the course of your lives, as if you intended, that I should make you a desolation, and all your inhabitants a hissing. Therefore shall you bear the reproach of my people.

(They that passe by, and see the ru­ine of your Citie, shall lay all the blame, and shame of it upon the rapine of her rich Citizens, and the lying, cozening, and dissembling of the other inhabitants.)


1 WO is me, for I am as when they have gathered the summer-fruits, as the grape-glean­ings of the vintage: there is no cluster to eat: my soul desired the first ripe fruit.

2 The good man is pe­rished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood: they hunt every man his brother with a net.

3 That they may do evil with both hands earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward: and the great man he utter­eth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up.

4 The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper then a thorn-hedge: the day of thy watch-men, and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their per­plexity.

5 Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guid: keep the doors of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy bosom.

6 For the son dishono­reth the father, the daugh­ter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a mans enemies are the men of his own house.

7 Therefore I will look unto the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvati­on: my God will hear me.

Rejoyce not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darknesse, the Lord shall be a light unto me.

9 I will bear the indig­nation of the Lord, because I have sinned against him, [Page 332] until he plead my cause, and execute judgement for me: he will bring me forth to the light, and I shall behold his righteousnesse.

10 Then she that is mine enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover her which said unto me, Where is the Lord thy God? mine eyes shall behold her: and now shall she be troden down as the mire of the streets.

11 In the day that thy walls are to be built, in that day shall the decree be far removed.

12 In that day also he shall come even to thee from Assyria, and from the for­tified cities, and from the fortresse even to the river, and from sea to sea, and from mountain to moun­tain.

13 Notwithstanding the land shall be desolate be­cause of them that dwell therein, for the fruit of their doings

14 Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of thine heritage, which dwell soli­tarily in the wood, in the midst of Carmel: let them feed in Bashan and Gilead, as in the daies of old.

15 According to the daies of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I shew unto him marvellous things.

16 The nations shall see and be confounded at all their might: they shall lay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf.

17 They shal lick the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes like worms of the earth: they shall be afraid of the Lord our God, and shall fear be­cause of thee.

18 Who is a God like vnto thee, that pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the transgression of the remnant of his heritage? he retain­eth not his anger for ever, because he delighteth in mercy.

19 He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us: he will subdue our ini­quities: and thou wilt cast [Page 333] all their sins into the depth; of the sea.

20 Thou wilt perform the truth to Iacob, and the mercy to Abraham, which thou hast sworn unto our fathers from the daies of old.


1. (YOu have heard what you should justly have said to God, and what he hath said as justly against you: Will you now hear what I or any good man might as well say of the sad estate, wherein you shall shortly be, under the raign of Manasses, a most disso­lute and idolatrous Prince, that will succeed the good Hezekiah.) Wo is me, that I am fallen upon so unhappy an age, wherein there are few or none to be seen, that love and fear God! I am in a time like that wherein men have gathered in their summer fruits, and there are onely a few grape-gleanings left of the vintage: a time, when there is no cluster to eat: I may long, and desire with all my soul to taste some of the first-ripe fruits, (but there is none to be had.)

2. Such a scarcity of goodnesse is there in this wicked age: wherein the best men are [Page 332] all dead, and taken out of the earth: * there is not a just, and upright person to be found among men. They are all such as lie in wait for blood. They hunt every man after his brother, and seek his (a) utter ruine and destruction.

3. So (b) do they hunt, and lay snares with both hands, when they are to do mischief: but when they do any good for others, the very Prince, and Magistrate knows how to ask ( (c) for his reward) and the judge for his bribe, and retri­bution (from him that hath the cause to go on his side) And if a great man speak out of that wickednesse, that is in his heart (as in some false relation, at a trial before the Judge) he orders it so, that he will thereby intricate, and (d) intangle the businesse (the more to puzle those, that have interest in the thing to be de­cided by the Judge.)

4. And (for this matter of briberie) he that is accounted the best of them, is no better then a brier (that catcheth at what can be had from all that come near it) and he that hath the name of the uprightest man is (without that reward) no kinder then a thorny hedge (that hath prickles to fetch blood out of all that meddle with it.) But, when the day comes, which [Page 333] the watchmen (thy Prophets) have foretold thee of, O Jerusalem, and the time of thy visitation: then shall these men (of all other) be in great perplexity (as a just reward of that (e) intang­ling and perplexing of causes, with their un­just relations, and seeking after bribes.)

5. (In such a wicked age for briberie and injustice) take heed what friend you trust, and put no great confidence in (f) Princes and Ma­gistrates. And keep the door of thy mouth from being too open in deliverie of thy secret thoughts to thy own wife, that lies in thy bosom (whence they are to be picked out.)

6. For (what is done by the rest of thy family, may be done by thy wife in time) and now adaies it is ordinarie for the son to disho­nour his father (in disclosing of his secrets) and for the daughter to rise up (as a witnesse) against her mother, and the daughter in law against the mother in law. And a mans enemies are they of his own house as usually as any other.

7. But (be the world never so bad) I (that speak all this against these wretched times) will still look up unto God (in my hearty pray­ers for patience and perseverance in doing good, and a happy deliverance, in due time, from the perils of a disordered state) I will [Page 336] constantly wait for the God of my salvation. And I doubt not but my God will hear me.

8. (After this Prophetical discourse of my own in the foresight and contemplation of the miseries and disorders that shall happen in the reign of Manasses: you shall now hear my own Country (the Iewish nation her self) be­moaning of her great affliction under Zedekiah, and the Babylonish Captivity; and somewhat too of their return out of captivity, under Nehemiah and Ezra. For, thus she bespeaks the Country of the Chaldeans first.)

Do not triumph over me, O thou mine enemie; When I am fallen into a low estate, I shall rise again: and, when I sit in the darknesse of a sad affliction, there shall the Lord be as a light, and comfort unto me.

9. I will patiently bear the heavy punishment laid upon me in the fierce indignation of the Lord, because I drew it upon my self by those sins, which I committed against him. This will I do, till he please to take notice of my cause, to plead for me, and to revenge the injuries, which I have received from the Babylonians. As, in his ju­stice, I know he will do in his good time. And he will bring me out of this sad and gloomy time of affliction into the chearful lustre and glorie of my former prosperity. And, in that light, I shall once again be able to see [Page 337] the (g) goodnesse of the Lord.

10. And my enemie (the whole nation of the Chaldeans) shall see it, as well as I: when she shall be ready to hide her self for shame, as im­pudent as she was, in the time of my captivity, to say unto me, Where is now the Lord thy God? (what is now become of that help, which you expected from him?) Mine eies shall see her then with comfort, when she will be ashamed to look upon me. And (when I am raised out of my low estate) then shall she be cast down, and trampled under feet, (h) by the victorious Persians, and made no more account of then the mire in the streets.

11. The time will then come for repairing of thy breaches, and rebuilding of thy walls, O Jerusalem. And at that time, (h) the proud commands of the Babylonian shall be out of date (instead of sending abroad his high edicts to other nations, he shall have one above him, [the conquering Persians] that shall over-ma­ster and command him.)

12. About those daies, men shall begin to stock again unto thee, O Jerusalem. Some from Assyria, and the strongest Cities there. Shortly after thou maiest discover them, (i) from all parts, (k) [Page 336] coming towards thee: Some from the strong­est forts beyond Euphrates, towards that river. (and so towards thee) And in like manner from sea to sea, and from mountain to mountain shall they come to thee.

17. For the countries (from whence they shall thus come to thee) shall fall to ruine, and desolation for the sinful inhabitants thereof, which shall have that fruit of their wicked works (and so many of them, for very need, be forced to repair unto thee.)

14. So be it, O Lord, for their chastisement, and for our return, and recovery of our for­mer estate) Feed thine own people again, (as their careful Shepherd) go before them with (l) thy Shepherds hook, as the peculiar flock of thine heritage. They that have lodged long, like as in a barren, and solitary place in a wood, let them now come to feed again in as pleasant places as those of Mount Carmel, and in as rich pastures as those of Basan, and Gilead, as in the daies of old.

14. (And say to thy people, O Lord) I will show thee again as wonderful things (in mercy) as I did heretofore, when I brought thee out of the land of Egypt. And I will show as great a punishment upon thine enemies, as I then did up­on the Egyptians.

[Page 337]16. So let the nations all about be confounded, at all the might, and power of the Jews. Let them lay their hands on their mouths (in silent admira­tion) and their ears be made deaf with the noise, and fame of thy wondrous acts.

17. Like men amazed at them, so let them fall down with fear, and astonishment, and (m) lick the dust, like a serpent. Let them be forced to creep out of their secret holes, and re­fuges (where they had hid themselves) like wormes out of the earth. And (in the complish­ment of these things, which our prophesies have foretold) let them learn to fear the Lord our God, and stand in awe of thee, O Lord.

18. Who, among the gods, is like unto thee? that pardonest iniquity (and removest the pu­nishment thereof, upon our repentance) and passest by many of the transgressions of the poor remnant of thy people (as one that is unwilling to take notice of them if they may be amen­ded) For, He is not so implacable as to continue in his anger for ever (though our sins extort a punishment) His delight is rather in mercy, and loving kindnesse.

19. Therefore will he have mercy upon us (n) again. He will trample all our offences under his feet (as things he would see no more) and [Page 338] cast them into the bottom of the sea, as things, that he will not care for hereafter, nor make any more account of.)

20 So, Lord, wilt thou perform the truth of thy promises to Iacob, and thy tender mercies to Abraham, * and what thou hast confirmed by oath to our forefathers, from the daies of old.



1 THe burden of Nineveh. The book of the visi­on of Nahum the Elko­shite.

2 God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth, the Lord revengeth and is fu­rious, the Lord will take vengeance on his adversa­ries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

3 The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the Lord hath his way in the whirl-wind, and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.

4 He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it drie, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.

5 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burnt at his presence, yea, the world, [Page 340] and all that dwell there­in.

6 Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fiercenesse of his anger? his furie is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.

7 The Lord is good, a strong bold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them that trust in him.

8 But with an over­running floud he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darknesse shall pursue his enemies.

9 What do ye imagine against the Lord? he will make an utter end: affli­ction shall not rise up the se­cond time.

10 For while they be fol­den together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be de­voured as stubble fully dry.

11 There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the Lord a wic­ked counsellour.

12 Thus saith the Lord, Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall passe through: though I have afflicted thee: I will afflict thee no more.

13 For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sun­der.

14 And the Lord hath given a commandment con­cerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image, & the molten image, I wil make thy grave for thou art vile.

15 Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good things, that publisheth peace: O Iudah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more passe through thee, he is ut­terly cut off.


1. THe heavy doom against Nivive (and with her, against the whole Assyrian Empire) foretold in this book of the Prophesie of Nahum, who was of * Kessi, or Elkesai, (a little village in Galilie.)

2. God is a jealous God (and so cannot suffer his Servants to be too long and too much op­pressed) and he is the God to whom vengeance belongeth (and so cannot suffer his enemies too long to prosper, and triumph in their wicked waies) When he comes to take vengeance, his heavy anger against sin goes along with it, as the executioner of his Justice. And, when that comes, he will not fail to be revenged of his ad­versaries, against whom, (a) he laid up his wrath as in a treasure, to be drawn out, and spent upon them in due time.

3. Indeed he comes slowly to those times of the execution of his wrath, in great patience, and long-suffering, expecting their repentance: but, when he comes, he shows himself to be great in power, and one that will not acquit [Page 342] the impenitent, and suffer them to passe unpu­nished for what they have done, but rather, by heavinesse of the punishment, make a recom­pense for the slowness of his anger. Which he shows all the way he comes to it, making it like a way in a whirlwind and mighty storm, and walking upon the clouds, as we do upon the dust of the earth, (which he commands, as he doth the boisterous winds, and all other crea­tures, to be mustered up against us, at his pleasure)

4. In these times, if he check and rebuke the great Sea, that cheek of his dries it up, and makes it instantly vanish and fly away for fear (as the children of Israel found it in the red sea) needs must all the lesser rivers then be dried up with the least angry breath of his (as they found it also in the river Iordan.) And, when his just anger will show it self by land, as well as by water, a little passe granted by that authority will make the rich corn fields of Carmel, and the fat meadows of Basan, and all the green flaurishing woods in Lebanon sodainly to fade, and wither away (as once a word of his did it, from the mouth of Elijah.

5. And (to show himself the God of the hills as well as of the valleys) he can make the strongest mountains to quake (b) for fear of him, [Page 343] and the highest hills to stoop and melt away, (like the rock, * that, at his striking hand wept it self into rivers) And what should I speak of Hills, or Vales, that yeeld to his anger? Any part of the earth, (c) for fear of him, and at the breath of his nostrils would be soon put into as great a heat, and flame as that of Sodom and Gomorrha: and the whole world with all that dwel therein may easily be consu­med in the fire of his wrath (as the greatest part will in the last conflagration, before the day of doom.)

6. For who can stand firm, that is shaked by his indignation, or (if he be once cast down) (d) who can raise himself again to oppose the fiercenesse of his anger: which, when it breaks out like fire, is able to rend and cast down the hardest rocks, e at the fear of him.

7. (This infinite power may be a terrour to his enemies, but as great a comfort and support it is to his servants: for) the gratious Lord is a sure refuge and fortresse unto all his, in the time of trouble, and will ever (f) acknow­ledge and take notice of those, * that put their trust in him.

8. But like an universal deluge, he will so­dainly [Page 344] overtake, and utterly overwhelm him (whosoever he is) (g) that rises up against him: and all his enemies shall be pur­sued with the horror, and darknesse of af­fliction.

9. Wherwith can you devise to stay this effect of the anger of the Lord, while he is working of that, which will prove no lesse then an utter destruction, to be given at one blow, one heavy afflicting blow, that shall never need to be repeat­ed * in a second affliction, to make all sure for a final ruine.

10. Which may well be compared to the so­dain consuming of thorns, that are tied up to­gether before they are cast into the fire: or the sodain conquest that drunkards make over their own understanding, when they sit tipling over the sweet liquor: For, so sodainly shall they perish, as stubble doth in the flame, when it is fully drie, before it be cast into it.

11. (And the lesse should be the wonder at the severity of these judgements: because) out of thee (O Assyria) there hath ever come some back-friend, or other: some (l) most wick­ed counsellor and plotter against the people of God (some Phul, or Tiglath-pelezer, or Senna­cherib, [Page 345] or Rabsace) that studying to oppose the peculiar people of God, proved himself therein no better, then a (k) [...], an opposer, and contriver of mischief against God himself.

12. But, thus saith the Lord (against those insulting enemies) though they had (l) attain­ed to the perfection, (of power, and policy) and so to be (m) a numerous and great people (likely enough to execute their malitious designes) yet would it be like easie for me ( (n) when they are ripe for justice) (n) to cut them down. And this will prove true by the event, when one (that I shall chuse out, i. the Chaldaean, as wise and populous a nation as they) shall begin to make his way thorough them, without any resistance. When that day comes, it will not be long ere I smite thee, O Ninive, with a blow, that shall come so close and home, (o) that it shall not need to be reiterated by any second at­tempt.

13. With that blow shall I break his yoke (the troublesom and insolent oppression of that King of Ninive, whosoever he be, that [Page 346] shall yet dare to rise up against me and my people.) That yoke shall be no longer put upon thee (O Israel.) And, with that, all the cords by which those Assyrian Tyrants held thee in subjection, will I break in pieces. That shall be thy day of ransome, and li­berty.

14. And this shall be thy doom, O Tyrant of Ninive, which shall come out, as an un­alterable edict from me. None of thy seed, or of thy name shall be any longer continu­ance. (The world shall hear no more of such a thing, as a King of thy family, or a King of Nineve.) And, (as I will thus cut off thee, and thine, and remove thy throne.) So will I also down with thy idol-deities. Thy Temple shall be no longer a place for them. Thy carved and thy mol­ten images shall be (p) of as little esteem, as thy own stinking sepulchre. For (what­soever thy proud heart imagines) all (q) these things will be most facile and easie for me to do (with whom nothing is im­possible.)

15. (When thy head shall be laid thus low, and thy glorie buried in the dust) [Page 347] methinks I that prophesie of thy ruine, see the nimble feet of the joyful messengers, that shall trip it upon the mountains (of Judaea) and deliver the good tidings of (r) peace and prosperity unto them. Me­thinks, I hear them call to us in a well­come voice, Now, Iudaea, feast it with mirth, and security: and forget not to pay thy vows as readily. For that wicked, and malitious enemie shall come no more to vaunt it against thee and thy God (as he did in the daies of King Hezekiah.) He is now utterly cut off (we shall hear no more of his vain pomp, and insulting tyrannical behaviour.)


1. HE that dasheth in pieces is come up be­fore thy face: keep the mu­nition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortifie thy power mightily.

2 For the Lord hath turned away the excellency of Iacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches.

3 The shield of his migh­ty men is made red, the [Page 348] valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir-trees shall be terribly shaken.

4 The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad waies: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightenings.

5 He shall recount his worthies: they shall stum­ble in their walk: they shall make bast to the wall there­of, and the defence shall be prepared.

6 The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the pa­ [...]ice shall be dissolved.

7 And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts.

8 But Nineveh is of old like a pool of water: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, shall they cry; but none shall look back.

9 Take ye the spoil of sil­ver, take ye the spoil of gold: for there is none end of the store, and glory out of all the pleasant furniture.

10 She is empty, and void, and waste, and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blacknesse.

11 Where is the dwelling of the lion, and the feeding place of the young lions? where the lion, even the old lion walked, and the lions whelp, and none made them afraid.

12 The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lion­esses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravine.

13 Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoak, and the sword shall devour the young lions, and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messen­gers shall no more be heard.


1. HE is now vanished away, in thy sight, that was wont to be ever backing, and (a) hewing at thee: and ever ready to (b) be­siege thy strong forts, and place his scouts in thy way (that should say to thee,) Gird up thy loines, (muster up all the strength thou hast, for thy own defense) Do thy best and thy worst: (and all that care will prove but to little purpose.)

2. But (this insolence is now at an end) God hath now returned and requited upon this cruell enemy his (c) proud expressions of him­self against Iacob (at the siege of Jerusalem) not much unlike to what he showed elsewhere against Israel, (the ten tribes, that were car­ried by the Assyrian out of their own coun­trey.) And the rather did this vengeance fall upon the Assyrians, because their oppression was equall to their pride; 588 as it appeared, when (d) they emptied and ransacked those of [Page 350] Judah and Israel of all they had: exercising this waste and pillage upon (e) the poorest towns as well as the mother-cities: upon the children as well as the Parents: upon the meanest sub­jects as well as the Princes: and so every way showing themselves to be for root, and branch, for a finall desolation, as far as they could set it forward.

3. (But I have a fierce nation in my eye, the haughty Chaldaean, that shall do as much for them of Assyria.) The bucklers of those my valiant champions shall be dyed in blood; which is the colour of most of their men of war, that are usually clad in scarlet: and the colour that their very chariot-wheeles shall sparkle out in fire, at the time of their expedi­tions, And their very (f) arrowes of firre shall be able to show part of the same livery, being purposely (g) venomed, to suck the deeper of the blood of their enemies.

4. (In this time of execution) their cha­riots of war shall rattle about, and make a clattering and fearfull noise, (h) in their open fields: and (i) the common Souldiers shall fly [Page 351] about (k) as much in the streets of their Ci­ties. Their visage shall be made terrible with their sparkling eyes, that shall be like funerall lamps, to show the Assyrians the way to their graves; or rather like thunder and lightning, that shall either (l) break, or bear down all afore them.

5. (m) He that shall have the command of this army shall bethink himself of his choicest warriours for this employment: who shall make their onsets with that fury, that they shall croud and trample upon one another for eagernesse, and haste. In that speed shall they scale their walls, and be as ready to sheild, and defend themselves against all opposition.

6. In this hurrie, their flood-gates, and o­ther passages, and forts about the rivers shall be laid open, and uselesse. And, among them, the (n) Temple (of their Bel or Jupiter Belus, that was not placed far from the river Tigris) shall be ruined and (o) dissolved with those wa­ter-workes about the river.

7. And the City of Niniveh, (p) that was appointed as the cheif, and mother-City shall be led away captive: and in that capacity, [Page 352] shall the inferiour townes, like so many of her handmaids, attend upon her (q) driven along, like so many herds of cattle, lowing as they go: or like so many mournfull doves, all the way lamenting, and (r) striking upon their hearts, and breasts, to a heavier sound with­in, than their enemies could beat upon their drums.

8. Thus do they lament the emptying of Nineveh, which anciently indeed was very po­pulous, and, in that, like a Fish-pond, richly stored with water, (if that Citie may be com­pared to a pool so inclosed, as the people are often compared to water.) And (to follow the metaphore) when it is let open, this people will be as mute as fishes. They will run all out of their Citie as fast as water out of a pond. A man may cry to them, stay, stay, (run not so fast from your richest Citie) but not a man will look back to give a word of re­treat.

9. (Will you now hear the commission and power that God himself will give to the Babylonians, for the compleating of this work upon the Ninevites. It is as much as if he should say to them.) Take all their silver [Page 353] and gold as a spoil, (that I allot to you for this service) with all the (s) infinite store, which the Ninivites have hoorded up: and the (t) pompous and stately furniture, which they abounded withall, above all that a man might desire.

10. With no other commission is Niniveh so emptied, and (u) laid open, and exposed to all injury, and miserie. In the sense of it, their hearts shall melt within them, and their knees smite together, and extream pain seize upon their loines, (as upon a woman in tra­vaile) which shall turn their very faces into a black, and mournfull hew.

11. (When this Prophesie comes to be ful­filled, you may well ask the question.) What is now become of the high, and mighty Assy­rians, that domineered over other nations, as the Lion doth over other creatures and made their Court like the Lions den, where their young ones were crammed, and enriched, with all variety of spoiles. There the Lion was wont to strut himself, the old crafty Lion: and the youngsters, the Lions whelps, (x) which none could make afraid.

[Page 354]12. This Lion hunted, and preyed suffici­ently, where he list, for his young ones. He strangled other creatures, at his pleasure, to be made food for his Lionesses, and so filled his dens, and every corner in them with ra­pine.

13. This I winked at for a while, saith the Lord of hostes, but now (y) have at thee. For, Nineve's chariots (that were wont to fetch home her prey) shall now, at my com­mand, be consumed, and vanish in their smoak: and her young gallants, which were as her fierce young Lions shall perish by the sword, (in which weapon they gloried, and presumed so much, and by which I will cut off all her ability of ranging about the earth, to prey upon whom she list:) so that Nineveh's proud messages, and commands, hereafter, (z) shall find none that will give them the hearing.


1 WO to the bloody city, it is all full of lies and robberies, the prey departeth not,

2 The noise of a whip, and the noise of the ratling of the wheels; and of the praunsing horses, and of the jumping chariots.

3 The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword, and the glittering spear, and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcas's; and there is none end of their corpses: they stumble upon their corp­ses.

4 Because of the multi­tude of the whoredoms of the wel-favoured harlot, the mistress of witch-crafts, that selleth nations through her whoredomes, and fami­lies through her witch­crafts.

5 Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face, and I will shew the nations thy na­kednesse, and the kingdoms thy shame.

6 And I will east abomi­nable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazing-stock.

7 And it shall come to passe, that all they that look upon thee, shall flee from thee, and say, Nineveh is laid waste, who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee?

8 Art thou better than populous No, that was situ­ate among the [...] rivers; that had the waters round about it, whose rampart was the sea, and her wall was from the sea?

9 Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength; and it was infinite, Put and [Page 356] Lubim were thy helpers.

10 Yet was she carried away, she went into capti­vity: her young children also were dashed in pieces at the top of all the streets: and they cast lots for her honourable men, and all her great men were bound in chains.

11 Thou also shalt be drunken: thou also shalt be hid, thou also shalt seek strength because of the ene­my.

12 All thy strong holds shall be like fig-trees with the first ripe figs: if they be shaken they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater.

13 Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are wo­men: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies, the fire shall devour thy bars.

14 Draw thee waters for the siege, fortifie thy strong holds: go into clay, and tread the morter, make strong the brickkil.

15 There shall the fire devour thee: the sword shall cut thee off: it shall eat thee up like the canker-worm: make thy self many as the canker-worm, make thy self many as the locusts.

16 Thou hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heaven: the canker-worm spoileth and fleeth away.

17 Thy crowned are as the locusts, and thy captains as the great grashoppers, which camp in the hedges in the cold day: but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

18 Thy shepherds slum­ber, O king of Assyria: thy nobles shall dwel in the dust, thy people is scattered upon the mountains, and no man gathereth them.

19 There is no healing of thy bruise: thy wound is grievous: all that hear the bruit of thee shall clap the hands over thee; for upon whom hath not thy wicked­nesse passed continually?


1. WO to the bloody City, that hath filled up her measure in the heaviest sins of lying, and extortion: and when she had got a trick of spoil and rapine, could never be brought to leave it.

2. For this must they hear the sound of the lash held over them, and the noise of the rat­ling wheels (in the Chariots of war) and of the fierce galopping steeds in those swift chariots, that seem to skip and dance, as they passe along in their speedy pace.

3. Among these, the horseman shall advance his glittering spear, with his sparkling sword. After which, so great multitudes of the slain, and so many heaps of dead carkasses shall be thrown np together, that by the continual ac­cesse of the dead corpses, a man shall not stir, but he shall be ready to stumble upon them.

4. And all this is but the just recompense of the spiritual whoredoms of the well-favoured harlot, that could charm and bewitched her Lo­vers and was grown to be such a Mistresse in that Art, that she was able to enslave whole nati­ons and families with her artificially-insinuating [Page 358] and inchanting waies of love.

5. Therefore now (a) have at thee thou shamelesse strumpet) saith the Lord of hosts, and I will punish thee according to thy own shame, suffering the skirts of thy garment to be thrown over thy face, that other nations may see thy nakednesse, and other kingdoms thy shame.

6. And, as thou hast made thy self vile, so this punishment shall be added of casting dirt and silth upon thee (as upon a notorious harlot) to make thee appear vile to others, and expose thee as an example, and publick spectacle for all to gaze at.

7. So that every one that sees thee, shall re­move further off (as from an odious and abo­minable sight) and shall say but this at the best. Ninive is spoiled (of all her wonted beauty and glory) and who will pitie, or bemoan her? (b) where shall I find any that would comfort her in this distresse.

8. (They will rather say, thou art as justly punished as (c) No in Egypt, or any other) For, why should thou scape better then No, that was like a graver Matron, and nursed up as much people. (A City as strong, and rich and plea­santly seated as Ninive every way: for No was [Page 359] scituate (like a little Island) among the rivers, that circled her about on every side. The Sea furnished her with continual supply of * wealth: and the water with her wooden walls, was as strong a defense to No, as Ninives proud walls were to her.

9. Cush, ( i Arabia) was another (d) supply to her rich trading and Egypt. And (e) where should I make an end of numbring the several people, that were advantageous to her, and and helped on her traffick, among whom were they of Africa, and specially of Lybia (the near­est part to Egypt.)

10. Yet was this famous, and rich No carried away in captivity: her children were dashed in pieces, in all the eminentest parts of her own streets: The conquerors cast lots upon the no­blest personages they had, to divide them like bondslaves among themselves: and bound all her greater and more honorable Citizens in chains.

11. Thou also, O Ninive, shalt tast as deep of that bitter cup of affliction, till thou art drunk with it (and hast no more power or understanding to contribute any thing to thy own relief, then a drunken man.) Thou shalt be fain to hide thy self, for shame: and when thou comest abroad) [Page 360] for pure need be content to beg life and livelihood of thy very enemie (that hath sub­dued thee, and reduced thee to so low a state.)

12. All thy castles and strong holds, in the mean time, shall as easily fall into the power of the enemy, as ripe figs, and other fruit (f) that are come to their maturitie, and with the least shake of the tree, will even drop into the mouth of him, that hath a mind to eat them.

13. And if you wonder at the sodain fall of such strong holds, you may quickly see the reason of it, in the failing of your strong men, that are among you, who shall degenerate into the cowardize of women. Their fears shall open the gates of their land unto their enemies: who will be wise enough to set them all on fire (and so leave the passages free, at their plea­sure, without being further beholden to your fears.

14. (Let them go on then to their other labour-in-vain, after all is already betrayed by their own cowardize, and thus bespeak their wretched Ninive) Prepare good store of water before hand, that may serve in the time of thy siege: Raise up some new forts of thy own (in several places of the City. Enter upon a sodain [Page 361] devise of clay and brick to be trampled and moulded together, and of them some rampier to be raised, that from thence thou maiest defend the City, which hath been so kind to leave o­pen her gates in that base manner, for the en­tertainment of her enemies.)

15. (How long will this rare stratagem do thee any service, O Ninive?) How soon rather, in the very same place, shall the enemies fire­works consume thee: and their swords, and and other weapons cut thee off: and their hun­gry souldiers devour thee, as they would the canker-worm, (which is often a welcom food to them) Go then and fit thy self for their tooth, and before they eat thee up for a cater­piller, or cankerworm, I encrease the troops of thy Souldiers, that they may be for number and mischief (as most souldiers are) like to the many swarms of caterpillers and locusts, that threaten the ruine of the place of their re­sort.)

16. To this number of rude Souldiers, if thou couldst add so great a multitude of wealthy Merchants, as might equal the stars of heaven in number (and be all ready with a rich supply of their aid in this thy extremity) yet would your enemies prove to be the conquering locusts, and caterpillers, that will sodainly rush in upon you; spread over all your City in great swarms, [Page 362] and do their work and sodainly vanish.

17. * Thy strangers (that come in for thy aux­iliaries) flock, to thee in such great troops, like the locusts. And, among them, the commanders of thy army are like the greater and (g) greedier grashoppers, that, in the cold part of the day, line their hedges with multitudes, but as soon as they feel the heat of the Sun, away they fly. So will your mercenarie Commanders, and other pretended friends make a fair flourish about you for a while: but in the * heat of the battle they will leave you all in the lurch: and the place they undertook to make good in your defence, [...]hall not be able to show so much as the footsteps of those great undertakers.

18. Great was that cowardize and negligence of thy Commanders abroad: and as great was the drowsinesse and lazinesse and oversight of those thy Magistrates and Nobles at home, O King of Assyria. They took their ease when they should have been like vigilant and careful Shepherds, watching over the safety of the poor innocent people, that must go, like sheep, to the slaughter for their foolish oversight. Thy Nobles lay snorting in the bed of security, while the silly people, like so many tame cattle, [Page 363] must be pursued, and dispersed in the mountai­nous, and desert places, and have none to recal, and reunite them, and keep them together for their own defense.

19. And now, Ninive, what cure can there be for such a (h) deadly brush, as hath been given thee by the best parts of thy own self? And yet, be thy wound never so dangerous, and incura­ble, the worst is, they that hear the sad storie of thy miseries, will be so far from pitying thy heavy case, * that they will applaud, and congra­tulate themselves in the report of thy ruine, as in the fall of one, that hath ever been injurious and domineering over all.



1 THe burden which Habakkuk the Prophet did see.

2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out un­to thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!

3 Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoil­ing and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and conten­tion.

4 Therefore the law is slacked, and judgement doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compasse about the righteous: there­fore wrong judgment pro­ceedeth.

5 Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your daies, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.

6 For lo, I raise up the [Page 365] Chaldaeans, that bitter and hasty nation, which shall march through the breadth of the land, to possesse the dwelling places that are not theirs.

7 They are terrible and dreadful: their judge­ment and their dignity shall proceed of them­selves.

8 Their horses also are swifter then the leopards, and are more fierce then the evening wolves: and their horse-men shall spread themselves, and their horse­men shall come from far, they shall flie as the eagle that hasteth to eat.

9 They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup up as the east wind, and they shall gather the capti­vity as the sand.

10 And they shall scoff at the kings, and the prin­ces shall be a scorn unto them: they shall deride every strong hold, for they shall heap dust and take it.

11 Then shall his mind change, and he shall passe over, and offend, impu­ting this his power unto his god.

12 Art thou not from everlasting, O Lord my God, mine holy one? we shall not die: O Lord, thou hast ordained them for judgement, and O mighty God, thou hast established them for correction.

13 Thou art of purer eies then to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity: wherefore lookest thou upon them that deal treache­rously, and holdest thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man that is more righ­teous then he?

14 And makest men as the fishes of the sea, as the creeping things that have no ruler over them.

15 They take up all of them with the angle: they catch them in their net, and gather them in their drag; therefore they rejoyce and are glad.

16 Therefore they sa­crifice unto their net, and [Page 366] bnrn incense unto their drag: because by them their portion is fat, and their meat plentuous.

17 Shall they therefore empty their net, and not spare continually to slay the nations?

The Sum of the first CHAPTER of this PROPHESIE.

THe first Chapter sets out the sins of the time, wherein the Prophet Habakkuk did exercise his holy Function: and the heavy pu­nishment which they pulled both upon the Iews, and upon the Chaldaeans.

Their sins made up their full measure by neglect and contempt of the very Laws, of Kings, and Governors, and of God himself. These strange enormities were answered with a punishment, that had matter of as much wonder, if it were well observed.

For that of the Chaldaeans, though it came slowly on, yet it fell the more heavily upon them, to their utter ruine, and destruction, when they were in the height of all their glory, and of their confidence, and pre­sumption in their own strength.

[Page 367]That of the Iews came with more speed, and more favour. For, though it were very sharp for the time, yet it spent it self in the compasse of 70 years, and left then in a fair, and easie pursuit of their former Peace, and Liberty, when their enemies supposed them to be so low, that there was no hope of recoverie.

And the greatest wonder, and terror in their punishment, was in respect of those, to whom the execution was committed. For, being inflicted upon them by the Chaldees, a fierce, and cruel Nation, and far worse livers then the Iews, it star [...]led the Prophet a little at that way of divine dispensation, that suf­fered Gods peculiar people to be so hand­led, by such lewd, and notorious sinners.

And besides (which might trouble them, as well as the other did the Prophet) the Chal­dees, that were intended for their scourge, and executioners in this calamity, were now (in Manasses his time, when this Prophesie came out) in the number of their good Friends, and Confederates: whom, of all other, they little suspected for the Authors, and Contrivers of their ruine.

The Paraphrastical EXPLICATION of the first CHAPTER.

1. THe sad Prophesie, and vision of that (a) burden which Habakkuk fore­saw, as a heavy punishment, that would shortly fall upon the Iews, and Chaldaeans: and which the heavier weight of their own grievous sins, had brought upon them. [...] or, The sum of that which the the Prophet received by (b) divine Revelation, and which gave occasion to what he delivered amongst his own Countrymen, to that effect as followeth.

2. O Lord, How long shall I make my humble addresses unto thee, without any answer? How long shall I continue my heavy Cry, and Com­plaint against Injustice, and oppression (the cry­ing sins of these sad times) while thou refusest to relive us?

[Page 369]3. Why hast thou reserved me for such wic­ked daies, wherein my eyes cannot but (with tears) behold the injurious, and violent dealing of men, in those sins, which now walk openly, and impudently, without any disguise, without any shame or care of being concealed? Above all, the unjust oppression of their neighbours, even to desolation, presents it self unto me, whither so ever I cast mine eyes. And yet (c) where there is so much cause of complaint, and calling for justice, (d) somewhat still there is, that obstructs, and hinders, or rather takes away the course of justice.

4. Hence is it, that the (e) pulse of the law beats so slowly, as if the life of the law (which is the execution of her e [...]icts) began to draw to an end. And therefore, either justice can­not appear at all, but with too many demurs, and tedious si [...]ts: or if she do, all is not right. For while the wicked (with his malitious plots) encloseth, and besets the righteous man on every side, and so domineers over him, that he hath not liberty, to follow the dictate of his own understanding. All this while, Iustice seems [Page 370] to tread inward, and comes out lame, and distor­ted by bribes, and other by-respects, that turn her quite awry) and so is she made altogether unlike her self.

5. But if justice can hear no better amongst men, let them hear the voice of divine justice from Heaven. And she will tell them a wonder (if that can get her audience) For, thus saith she. Behold, and wonder, you that make so slight of it, in your high pride, and scorn, and security, Wonder, and admire at what I shall tell you of the Gentiles, by whom I shall bring such a strange work to passe, in your daies, that if it were plainly told you now before hand, you would by no meane be induced to believe it.

6. For (whatsoever your thoughts are of me, and my mercy, and protection over you, and yours) I shall raise up against you the fierce and nimble Chaldèans, (that are now your con­federates, and whom, of all other, you would least suspect to be ingaged in such underta­kings) And they according to their innate cru­elty, and agility, shall sodainly, and barbarously over-run this land, stretching their victorious armies into every corner, and, where they please, possessing themselves of many fair habitations, that are none of theirs.

7. Whatsoever you now conceit of them, cruel, and terrible they will then appear to be, [Page 371] as they are indeed; and the rather, because (f) their will shall be their law, and out of their proud mouths shall proceed those imperious com­mands, and decrees, that you shall not dare to controll.

8. When they are once mounted on horse­back, to set upon you, the nimble pace of the Leopards shall not have more speed, then their horses. And (to adde furie to their speed) their hungry appetites shall be more eagerly bent upon the prey, then you have seen the greedy wolves, that steal out in the evening to satisfie their hunger. So shall their horse-men be affected, spreading, and disfusing themselves over the best part of your Country, and from the re­mote parts of the Babylonian Empire, falling upon you with that hast, and soddainnesse, that you would think, neither the ravenning wolf, nor the hungry eagle her self should be able to exceed.

9. No otherwise shall they encourage one another, and proceed to their violent mischie­vous attempts, then (g) with such furie, and unhappy successe, as if a pestilent east-wind did [Page 372] set them on, to consume all before them. And, when all is done, if you would know the number of them, that shall be carried into captivity, and so by escaping a present death, reserved to a further miserie, you may as well desire to have the number of the sands on the sea-shore.

10. All this while there is little hope of op­position to be made against them by King, or people. As for your Kings first (if such should be your Commanders abroad) the proud Chal­dean doth rather scorn, and deride, then any way dread that sacred name. And for your people, or any strong forts, and Bulwarks at home, that you conceive them able to make, by way of resistance, in as much scorn will he look upon them, and never doubt, by the raising of a muddie frontier against it, to make an easie surprisal of your strong defence.

11. Which done, his haughty spirit will be the readier to passe all the bounds of modera­tion (with as little difficulty, as he brake through your military works) and so to go on to a further degree of wickedness: ascribing this goodly successe of his bold enterprises to no other Deity, then one of his own making. (h) And that is his own valerous policie, which is the [Page 373] idol, that he will magnifie above all, that is cal­led God.

But, (i) O my Lord God, (the true Deitie, whose power, and wisdom is over all) my Holy Lord, who art from all eternity to oll eterni­ty, and by whom onely we hope to be preserved from death, and destruction. Hast not thou set him up? (hast not thou raised this Babylonian Tyrant:) as the executioner of these thy judg­ments upon us, Hast not thou inabled him thus to (k) chastise us, and thus to prevail over the rock of our strength (that power of ours, that we accounted to be most impregnable.)

13. Surely thou art of purer eies, then to see, and approve the wicked designs of our cruel, and malitious enemies, that entitle their own prow­esse to all their Trophies, and Triumphs over us. Why then dost thou seem (by their prospe­rous atchievements) to favour so great sinners, and to keep silence, and wink at it, while the wicked Chaldeans do thus consume thy own people, that are far more righteous then they?

14. Were we but onely as other men, yet shall we not, as men, have a more peculiar aspect of thy loving providence? But we are thy people. And while we are in the troublesome Sea of this world (where the greater fishes are [Page 374] ever ready to devour the lesse) Shall there be no more regard had of our lives, then is of ordinary Fishes, and other inferior Creatures, that have no such ready addresse, as we have to the Gvide, and Ruler, and defender of mankind.

15. Shall Nebuchadnezar, and his rude Soul­diers have liberty to fish where they will, and take all for fish that comes to their net? Shal such cruel fishers of men (that pursue their ruine, and destruction) have so good success attending their nets, and hooks (their projests, and devises) that therein they shall go on to triumph, and ap­plaud themselves.

16. And that therefore they shall be encou­raged to * sacrifice to their own nets, and impute all their victorious successes to the virtue of their own power, and policy, by which they are inriched with so many fat booties, that increase upon them, while they devour us, and our sub­stance, and, at their pleasure, feed greedily up­on that which is none of theirs.

17. And, for all this, shall they be still suffered to expose, and extend their nets more, and more? And, while they make no spare, wilt thou also de­fer to revenge our slaughters, and oppressions, by the deserved punishment of that barbarous people, guilty of so many, so gross sins, as they are?


1. I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am re­proved.

2 And the Lord answe­red me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may [...]un that readeth it.

3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up, is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

8 Yea also, because he transgresseth by wine, he is a proud man, neither keep­eth at home, who enlargeth his desire as hell, and is as death, and cannot be satis­fied, but gathereth unto him all nations; and heapeth unto him all people:

6 Shall not all these take up a parable against him, and a taunting proverb a­gainst him, and say, Woe to him that increaseth that which is not his: how long? and to him that ladeth him­self with thick clay.

7 Shall they not rise up suddenly that shall bite thee, and awake that shall vex thee, and thou shalt be for booties unto them?

8 Because thou hast spoil­ed many nations, all the remnan [...] of the people shall spoil thee: because of mens bloud, and for the violence of the land, of the city and of all that dwell therein.

9 We to him that covet­eth an evill covetousnesse to [Page 376] his house, that he may set his nest on high, that he may be delivered from the power of evill.

10 Thou hast consulted shame to thy house, by cut­ting off many people, and hast sinned against thy soul.

11 For the stone shall cry out of the wall, and the beam out of the timber shall answer it.

12 Wo to him that buil­deth a town with bloud, and stablisheth a city by ini­quity.

13 Behold, it is not of the Lord of hosts, that the people shall labour in the very fire, and the people shall weary themselves for very vanity?

14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.

15 Wo unto him that gi­veth his neighbour drink: that puttest the bottle to him, and makest him drunk­en also, that thou mayest look on their nakednesse.

16 Thou art filled with shame for glory: drink thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: the cup of the Lords right hand shall be turned unto thee, and shamefull spewing shall be on thy glory.

17 For the violence of Lebanon shall cover thee: and the spoil of beasts, which made them afraid because of mens bloud, and for the violence of the land, of the City, and of all that dwell therein.

18 What profiteth the graven image, that the ma­ker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies, that the ma­ker of his work trusteth therein, to make him dumb idols?

19 Wo unto him that saith to the wood, Awake; to the dumb stone, Arise; it shall teach: behold, it is laid over with gold and silver, and there is no breath at all in the midst of it.

18 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.

The Sum of the second CHAPTER.

The Prophets Quaeries in the former Chapter were followed so eagerly, in the behalf of his Countrey-men, that St. Hierome, and some others are almost angry with him, and think he may well take the name of Cha­bakkuk, from his touching so near, and (a) wrastling so boldly with almighty God. Not onely in his prayer for them, (like another Iacob) in his third Chapter: but in the first Chapter too, (like a close Dispu­tant) in his pressing so hard upon God him­self, and his Divine Providence, and dispo­sall of humane afflictions. But whatso­ever was the true occasion of the name, it seems that his open and patheticall deli­very of his Questions did put them upon that conjecture: and so, upon the point, that those learned men were as much trou­bled at his expression, as himself was at the [Page 378] apprehension of that strange course of di­vine Justice.

Now this second Chapter resolves the holy Prophet (as it may do us) in that scruple, and showes him the progresse of God's di­vine Iustice, overtaking the bloody, pro­fane, sacrilegious Chaldeans (in the height of their securitie) and falling the more heavily upon them, for their abusing the power, that was put into their hands, when they were permitted to be the scourges of men, that were (b) better than themselves.

Which may read a Lecture to any, who contribute too much to the malignity of such wicked dayes. This may advise them (while they have time of Repentance) seriously to examine themselves, and their own cause. This being a Truth, that is evi­denced by this passage of holy Scripture, and this example in the Jewes, and Chal­dees; That God may be so angry with the sins of his own People, or so willing to have their Pietie, and Vertue made known to the world, that it may produce some effects, that are little expected. So that either for the severe punishment of some (to whom [Page 379] it is likely he means to show the more mercy, in a greater, and more terrible day.) Or for the Fatherly correction of others (that by outward calamities he will hasten to a better amendment of life.) Or for the exacter tryall of the Faith, Obedience, Pa­tience, and Perseverance of others, (for whom he intends a weightier Crown of Glory in everlasting Mansions. For these, and the like respects, it may please God, to give way to the doing of many things, which may well seem strange and wonder­full in the eies of men.

And, while such things are in agitation, He may let them see many cruell, and mali­cious designes, seconded with as prosperous successes, as the evill hearts of the Actors could wish. We found it true, in the former Chapter, of the Chaldeans, and may, else­where, of others, that were inabled to say, that God goes in, and out with their Forces: that (c) He fights for them in the head of their Armies, and crownes their Actions with Triumphs, and Victories over far more inno­cent, and religious undertakers than they are. All this being no more, than the Pro­phet [Page 380] implies here, and God himself speakes, in effect, by the mouth of his holy Pro­phets.

And yet this second Chapter may inform them, that all this is not enough to secure the vain confidence of the Enemies of the Church: and excuse the idle boasting of strange, and fortunate attempts. Which may end in as sad a Catastrophe, as that of the Chaldeans did, after all their pride, and effusion of much blood: as now we shall hear.

The Paraphrastical EXPLICATION of the second CHAPTER.

1. AFter these sad, and scrupulous Quaeries, and Objections, which presented them­selves unto me, I could do no other, then (as a Prophet, a Watchman, a Seer of Israel) be­take my self to my watch-tower, and, with all Reverence, and Patience, expect, what the Di­vine Oracle would discover unto me, and make me able to return, as the best solution of those [Page 381] doubts, and (d) Interrogatories of my former Discourse.

2. And such did the solution prove to be, that others have as much reason to observe it, as I have. Therefore was I commanded by God himself, so clearly to deliver, and explain the Vision, which I shall now relate; that it might be given down to Posterity, as a thing writ­ten, in (e) Tables of some durable substance, and in fair Capitall letters, so that he that runs might read it, and see in it, as in a little Map, a draught of those waies of Gods divine Wisedome, and Justice, in the ordering, and disposing of things below, far beyond the reach of our weak judgement, and apprehension.

3. And beyond the little compasse of our time too. For, it lookes further, than our short and euill dayes. Yet, as they that live to see it accomplished, will account the hardest part of it to be slipped over, as in a dream: so we that (by the eie of faith) can look forward, and fix our thoughts upon that end (which will prove the end of our misery, and the end of our Enemies prosperity) may see it posting on, as all our Times do, with such speed, as [Page 382] if it were (f) carried upon the wings of the wind. For all which speed, nothing that is foretold of it, will fail, or (g) come short of the truth. Therefore let no seeming delay take off our expectation, and hope in Gods promises, which will certainly come at last, and cannot (h) come slowly to a heart, that is ready, and prepared for it: and wants not that solace, wherewith it may, in the mean while, support it self.

4. But that heavie, faint, (i) distrustfull Soule, that drawes back with feares, and sad apprehensions of danger, faster than affiance in divine promises can incite it forward: that Soule is not yet in the right posture, wherein it should be. Nay, it wants that which is the very life of a Soul, that is in the right indeed. For it is by a true constant Faith, that the righte­ous man layes hold upon Life. It is Faith, and confidence in the truth of Gods word, and [Page 383] promise, which makes him (k) accepted in the sight of God: and is a good meanes, both to keep him a constant servant of God in all Piety, and Obedience, (which prepares him the more for the waies of his present delivery) and to furnish him with a modest security of Happinesse hereafter. For, He that is made righteous, or justified by Faith, shall live for ever.

5. Now he that labours for such a Faith, is a fit Auditor for such a Prophesie as this, which (after this Preface) I will now proceed to de­clare: that you may with me (in this Vision, and Divine speculation from my Propheticall Watch-tower) plainly foresee, what our com­mon Enemy, the Chaldaean, will prove, after all the insolencies, and presumptions upon his own fortunate successes, & our sad afflictions. You might see him then * drunk with wine, & drunk with pride, and as a drunken man so shall he [Page 384] afterward be * tottering in his fortunes va­rious, and inconsistent to himself, and to what he was every way: reeling, and wavering, and tumbled about from his highest, and most prosperous estate to worse, and worse. It was his own covetons, and ambitious desire, that set him on work, and thrust him forward, till he got up at last to that high pitch of honour, and abundance of wealth: from which, he must begin his heavier ruine, and downfall. For the longing of his greedy Soule, in his filthy Avarice, was enlarged like Hell, (as if he would have the Devill and all) and in his Malice, and cruelty, he gaped after our destruction, like Death, and the Grave, that will never be satisfied. The Addition of whole nations and severall sorts of People, either slain by his sword, or subdued, and united to his former too vast Empire, could not work so much upon him, as to make him think, that he had e­nough, either of their blood, or of their wealth.

[Page 385]6. Will you see, after all this, how he shall be exposed to the scorn, and derision of them, whom he hath rifled, and plundered, and abu­sed at his own pleasure? The time is coming on apace, when they shall take up a gibing taunt, and Parable against him, and say: Woe to him, that had too much of his own, and yet would never leave scraping, and heaping more and more together, out of others little store. How long will he thus toyle, and bustle in the world, to take from them? And how little a while shall he live to enjoy it? His heaps of gold and silver which he studies to multiply without end, are but heaps of Earth, a little more resined than that thick mire, and clay, that shall, after awhile, stop his own greedy mouth.

7. For, as he lies gaping after us, and ours: so others shall arise up (l) from a place he little suspects, that shall gape after him, and his. Nay, they shall more than gape, and threaten, and show their teeth. It shall not be long, before he feels, that they can bite too. And well might I say, that they should arise. For though (in his supine ease, and securitie) he may conceive them to lie still, and have no such [Page 386] intentions against him, unlesse it were in a dream: yet shall they suddenly awake rouse up themselves, and him too, muster up their forces, make toward him, (m) shake him in pieces, and divide him as a rich prey.

8. Thus will they do, and thus will they speak of thee, and thy just doom, thou proud Chaldean. And as thou hast preyed upon many nations, and enriched thy self with their spoiles: so shall all they that are left about thee, help to expose thee to the like spoil, and rapine. All which may justly come upon thee, for thy bloudy cruelty, and other most injurious acts of thine, which ever attended thy too furious execution of Gods anger upon ours, and other (n) Cities, and Countries, and them that dwell in them.

9. Woe be to his covetous, and foolish Ambi­tion, that longs for that which cannot but prove the ruine of himself, and his own house. For while he thinks of building his nest so high, as may set it (o) out of the reach of all dan­ger: that very rise doth not onely expose it to the greater hazard, but make the fall so much the more fearfull, when it doth come.

[Page 387]10. Whosoever thou art (Chaldaean, or other) that couldst entertain a fancy of such a vast, and high building, thou wert not well ad­vised, to take this for the best course of ad­vancing thy self, and thy Posteritie. This was not to make way to your honour, but to your shame. And know this, that while thou resol­vest to raise thy self, and Thine by the (p) utter ruine of many other People, thou sinnest against thy own Soule, and makest thy self the great­est meanes of thy own down-fall, and their rising again.

11. For rather than such crying sins shall not be silenced, with the execution of Justice, the very stones out of the wall will help on the Cry, and the beam out of the Timber-work will answer them, in as loud, and true a testimony against such cruelty, and oppression.

12. And the joynt cry of all together, will be nothing but woe. Wo to him that layes the foundation of a Town in blood, and most in­juriously makes preparation of raising a City to himself out of others ruines.

13. Upon this cry of the Wood, and Stones, that they have heaped together, mark if this Sentence proceeds not from the Lord of Hostes: [Page 383] that This wicked warlike People have, in all their great toyle to get from others, but onely laboured to kindle a fire, wherein all they have shall be consumed. Or, at least, all that they have so unjustly gotten, if it be not justly taken away, shall serve them, and theirs, for some other use, which shall show them the vanity of their own dangerous attempts.

14. For ere it be long, as the immense waters do fill, and cover the bottom of the vast Sea: so shall their spacious Land be covered, and over­flowed with that which is more unruly than any waters, with innumerous troupes of seve­ral Nations, and People, that shall come against the Chaldeans, and let all the world (q) know (in the finall recompense, and revenge of our enemies) what cause they have every where to joyn with us, in giving all Praise, and Glory unto God.

15. And that universal glory to God shall be accompanied with another particular woe to our insulting Enemies. Wo be to him, that gaines so far upon his Friend, and Confederate, or any that have near reference unto him, as first to besot him with his strong, and inticing liquor: and then to make use of that time of [Page 389] infirmitie, for the discovery of his nakednesse, and the disclosing of any secret, which he knowes is best gotten out of him, when the warm drink hath sweetly washed away the re­membrance of his Duty.

16. This wo is for thee, O Chaldaean, that art so ready to discover, and deride the weak­nesse of others: For thou shalt be fuller of shame, than glory, when thou meetest with thy reward at last in a worse cup, whereof thou shalt be forced to drink deeply, when (r) thy turn comes. So shall thy nakednesse also come to be discovered, when (s) in the midst of thy Pride, and Gallantry, the right hand of the Lord, (which cannot be resisted,) shall hold out that cup unto thee, and make thee drink it all off, though thou art forced to cast it up again to thy further disgrace. And so shall Divine Justice repay thee with that shame, and affliction, which thou hast abundantly deser­ved for thy insolent opprobrious dealing with others, whom thou hast laid open, and naked to all kinds of injury, and reproach.

17. And deserved again (if thou hadst no other fault) for thy base, sacrilegious, and [Page 390] scornfull abuses of the (t) Temple, to which the whole Forrest of Lebanon did contribute her best Timber, and therefore gave it also the name of another more sacred Lebanon: but thy violent profane Army have now turned it again into the likenesse of a ruder Forrest, that the wild Beasts have had to do withall. That (u) open injury to Lebanon, that * spoil, and havock made there, to the very laying it in the dust, shall * beat those Beasts (thy rude Souldiers) into dust, that behaved themselves there like wild Beasts indeed, rather than like men. That Impiety, in the desolation of my holy house, (saith the sacred Oracle) (x) shall overwhelm thee with a worthy punishment, and thy own Houses, and fair structures shall there­fore be laid as waste, and desolate, as that which is the openest, and vastest Habitation of the wild Beasts of the Forrest. The rather be­cause of thy imitation of those savage Crea­tures in the effusion of blood, and ransacking of so many (y) Persons, and Places, as do now, in their ruines, give a testimony of thy barba­rous proceeding against them all.

18. All which Sacriledge, and cruell Bar­barisine was accompanied with other waies of [Page 391] Irreligion, and Idolatry, and what fruit, and advantage did any of them gain? What pro­fit can be shewed from the graven, and molten Images? He that made them, and he that preach­ed them up for Deities, were both of them Inventers, and Dispersers of Lies. Yet could that Maker, and Raiser of them adde this folly to the other, to trust, and repose a confidence upon such mute, and false Gods, as could not so much as make answer unto their Prayers.

19. And this calls for another wo upon that sinfull nation. Wo to him that commenceth his Prayer for releif to a piece of wood: and calls to the dumb Idol of stone, to awake, and give him audience. The Idol it self might teach him, that another Deitie would be looked after, if he look for help. For who cannot see, that, though it be fairly guilded over with silver, and gold, to seem glorious to the eie, yet there is not so much breath, and spirit within it, as can adde life, and vigour to that glittering outside.

20. But the Lord is not so. Heaven is the glo­rious Temple, wherein he dwells, and whereof all other Temples are but figures. And the Reve­rence we show in them, is a Copy of that (z) Fear and Reverence that is due to Him from all the ends of the Earth.


A Prayer of Habakkuk the Prophet upon Si­gionoth.

2 O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.

3 God came from Te­mon, and the holy one from mount Paran. Selah. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was full of his praise.

4 And his brightnesse was as the light, he had horns coming out of his hand, and there was the hiding of his power.

5 Before him went the pestilence, and burning coals went forth at his feet.

6 He stood and measured the earth: he beheld, and drove asunder the nations, and the everlasting moun­tains were scattered, the perpetuall hills did bow: his waies are everlasting.

7 I saw the tents of Cu­shan in affliction: and the curtains of the land of Mi­di [...]n did tremble.

8 Was the Lord displea­sed against the rivers? was thine anger against the ri­vers? was thy wrath a­gainst the sea, that thou didst ride upon thine horses, and thy chariots of salva­tion?

9 Thy bow was made quite naked, according to the oathes of the tribes, e­ven thy word. Selah. Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers.

10 The mountains saw thee, and they trembled: the overflowing of the water passed by: the deep ut­tered his voice, and lift [Page 393] up his hands on high.

11 The sun and moon stood still in their habita­tion: at the light of thine arrows they went, and at the shining of thy glittering spear.

12 Thou didst march through the land in indig­nation, thou didst thresh the heathen in anger.

13 Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy peo­ple, even for salvation with thine anointed, thou wound­est the head out of the house of the wicked, by discover­ing the foundation unto the neck. Selah.

14 Thou didst strike tho­rough with his st [...]ves the head of his villages: they came out as a whirl-wind to scatter me: their rejoy­cing was as to devour the poor secretly.

15 Thou didst walk through the sea with thine horses, through the heap of great waters.

16. When I heard, my belly trembled: my lips qui­vered at the voice: rotten­nesse entred into my bones, and I trembled in my self, that I might rest in the day of trouble: when he cometh up unto the people, he will invade them with his troups.

17 Although the fig-tree shall not blossome, neither shall fruit be in the vines, the labour of the olive shall fall, and the fields shall yeild no meat, the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls.

18 Yet I will rejoyce in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

19 The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds feet; and he will make me to walk up­on mine high places. To the chief singer on my stringed instruments.

The Sum of the third CHAPTER.

THe third Chapter, in a devout Prayer, or divine Hymne, set to an Instrument of Musick, admires the Justice, and Provi­dence, and Goodnesse of Almighty God. And teacheth us, by the holy Prophets ex­ample, to trust, and repose our selves in the will and mercy of God, whatsoever it plea­seth him to bring upon us.

Wherein we cannot but observe, that the devout Prophet made no scruple, either at a set Form of Prayer, or of putting that Prayer into a (a) Song, and having that set to a Musicall Instrument, which containes in it not a Prayer onely, but a Prophesie of much sadnesse, and calamity to his whole Nation. I beleive, it cannot be said, that [Page 395] any were more truely, and compassionately affected with it, than himself was; and I think he was never the lesse affected with it, when he made it a part of his solemn Musick.

Shall I adde this too? that, though his Prayer could not move God any thing the more, by the advantage of the rarest skill in Musick, wherein it might be delivered: yet if the Prophet, or others, that used it after him, by the help of those solemn, and harmonious Tones had their own Devo­tion any thing the more affected in the deli­very: then was there Motive enough, why he should (for theirs, or his own sake) com­mend it to some Artist, that could fit it to a Musicall Instrument.

Of the Title of the third Chapter, and of the Musicall termes there mentioned.

1. A Prayer of the Prophet Habakkuk upon Shigionoth, wherein he expresseth his content, and acquiescence in the solution of his former doubts, from the Divine Oracle: [Page 396] comforts himself in the examples of Gods love and Providence over his Church: puts his own pious thoughts, and Resolutions into a Divine Meditation: and refers all to be set to a Musi­call Tune. As appears by the Shigionoth in the front: and the Musicall Sela [...] in the body, and again by his Neginoth in the foot of this ex­cellent Song, and divine Ditty.

For Shigionoth first it seems to be some Mu­sicall Tune, or Instrument. I agree with those that take it to be some erraticall, various, de­lightfull Modulation: and I think it to be the same Tune, or Instrument, that the sweet sin­ger of Israel made choice of, under the name of Shiggaion, in the Title of the seventh Psalm. Which is also a Prayer of Davids, made upon occasion of some words (or actions) of Cush the Benjamite, i. of Saul, that was like a Cush, or AEthiopian in this, that he would no more change his malice to David, than the AE­thiopian his skin.

As for Selah (in the third, and thirteenth verse of this Chapter,) that is a Musicall note, which serves as a direction for the rai­sing up of the voice in that place, wherein it is fixed. And I like that which Kimehi joynes with it, the elevation of the heart too. We never meet with it, but in the Psalmes of Da­vid (in whose time it seems to have been [Page 397] taken up as a word of Art) and, after him, in this Prayer of Habakkuk.

Then for the word Neginoth, It is properly referred to Instruments of Musick, especially those that were played upon with the fingers, and had the Voice joyned with them, as in the solemn Hymnes, and other Musicall Service of the Jewish Church.

And he that had a more extraordinary skill in that way, and was the chief in composing, or overseeing that kind of Melody, is called here, by the Prophet Habakkuk, in the con­clusion of this Prayer, and by the Royall Pro­phet, in the Title of the fourth Psalm. Menat­seach Binginoth.

One thing more I have to say, before I come to the Prayer it-self, that in this Chapter, (as it may well be expected where such Musick is) the holy Prophet, in expressing his Meditati­ons, seems to use a kind of Divine (b) Poetry. And he must follow that kind of Poeticall ex­pression, that will follow the Prophet, in this Musicall Chapter.

The Paraphrastical EXPLICATION Of the Prayer it self, beginning at the second verse.

2. WIth fear, and reverence have I heard that answer, O Lord, wherein thou art pleased to reveale the execution of thy Iustice. First upon the Jewes by Chaldeans, and then, more heavily, upon the Chaldeans themselves, by other Nations: when thy own People, after the expiration of seventy years, shall be gra­ciously delivered from Captivity. (c) In the interim of those years of their captivity be thou the life, and comfort of thy Church, the speciall work of thy own hands, and let thy People feel the benefit of thy presence. In that sad compasse of time, O make thy self known to them that need thee most, and in the midst of thy Anger, and Justice, remember Mercy.

3. Remember thy tender mercies showed unto us of old, in our miraculous delivery from the Egyptian bondage, when, after our [Page 399] safe conduct into the wildernesse, out of the reach of our enemies, Thou camest in such Ma­jesty from Teman, and madest thy holinesse shine forth in such beauty from mount Paran. The first appearance of thy glory diffused in self over the (d) air above, filling it, after an extraordinary manner, with Thunder, and Lightning (the forerunners of thy divine ap­proach) and the Earth below was abundantly made happy with the just occasions of Praise, and thankfull acclamations.

4. For in great Light, and Splendour, and (e). Glory were all the waies of God's most gracious appearance (a Figure of that greater Light, and Glory, which is altogether invisible and inaccessible to poor Mortals) But, for our weaknesse, they were so (f) shadowed, and qualified, as might best fit the eyes of them, that were then entertained with those won­ders.

5. And as such Lustres were a pledge, and testimony of comfort to his own people: so, as a terrour to their Enemies, fearfull Death, and Destruction went before Him, and He left [Page 400] behind Him the foot-steps of (g) Horrour, and speedy consumption.

6. At last, when he rested in his holy Ark, in the land of Promise, he divided that Land by lot, for their inheritance. At his appearance the Nations were so troubled. They that had dwelt so long in those (h) Mountainous Coun­tries were much distracted with the sad appre­hension of their likelihood, to be now roused, and expelled out of those ancient Seates, and forced to submit to new Lords, and Masters: brought thither by Him, in whose Power are all the (i) Actions, and alterations of the world.

7. It was not for any good deserts of ours, but for the wickednesse of those Nations, that they were so rooted out by the hand of Justice. That apparently removed (not the Cananites onely out of their dwelling, but) the (k) Midianites for their sinne. When it troubled the tents of Cushan, afflicted their whole land, and made them content to pack away with their portable Houses to other places of mansion, where they might be found.

[Page 401]8. But still, as the way of thy Justice was observable over other Nations, so was thy Mercy, O Lord, over us, to the very alteration of the ordinary course of Nature. We found that in our passage thorough the Red Sea, and thorough the River Jordan. The waters seem­ed to start aside, at our coming towards them, and, for very fear, to give way to us. Was it thy anger, O Lord, against the proud waves? that forced them thus to shrink back? Was the Sea afraid of thy triumphant approach? Was it the noise of thy Chariots, and the prancing of thy Horses that shrunk up the rivers, with this terrour, and drave them out of their wonted Station? For, in such triumph indeed didst thou seem to draw near the waters of Jordan, when the Ark was thy Chariot, the Chariot of our Salvation, and thy glory seemed to be carried upon the holy Cherubims.

9. After that glorius, and miraculous pas­sage over (l) Jordan, an Angel showed himself, for a Captain of the Host of the Lord. And thy self, O Lord, as the great Lord of Hostes, preparedst for the battle. Thine arrowes were apparently drawn out of their quiver and thy Bow out of the Case, to be in readinesse against [Page 402] thine Enemies. The severall Tribes of Israel, as thy Souldiers, were mustered up to their mili­tary Sacramentall oath. And the very Earth, and the Waters, and all the Elements divided themselves into their severall ranks, * at thy command, and for thy service.

10. And, when thou beganst to set forward, the Mountains, O Lord, as if standing higher, they had made the first discovery of thy coming afar off, were sore troubled at it, (m) like a woman that is in labour, and longs to be deli­vered. Presently, whole Rivers of waters gush­ed out (as the issue of that birth) The noise and murmur which they made at their breaking forth of the hollow Earth, was like the cry of this new-born Creature. And the diffusion of those waters into severall (n) courses, and ri­vulets, was like the stretching out of his armes ( (o) which thou canst bind, and lap up in his swadling clouts, as it pleaseth thee.)

11. And if the Hills can thus discover, and expresse thy powerfull approach, how can the two fair eyes of the Firmament, (the Sun, and the Moon) but see it, and give some ac­knowledgement of it? As they did to all the [Page 403] world, when the Sun stood still over Gibeon, (p) and the Moon over the valley of Ajalon: as if then indeed they had come to their (q) Houses, wherein they should rest. While by that so miraculously continued Light, thy Hailestones, like glittering speares and [...]wift arrowes did s [...]y about, to execute vengeance up­on thine Enemies.

12. This was the obedience every where tendred to our Lord, when he brought us, and our Armies to take possesion of the Land of Promise. Into which (we must ever thank­fully acknowledge, O blessed God) as thou didst enter with wrath, and terrour against all the Inhabitants of the Land, so in the end, in the like displeasure, thou didst cause the Heads, and Commanders of those Heathen people to be (r) trampled on by the feet of the Conque­rours.

13 This was thy doing O Lord, and thus hast thou often gone out with our Armies, to save and defend thy People, and thine Annointed whom thou hast set over them. Thou hast often wounded the heads of those wicked Families, that oppose them, and (s) discovered their [Page 404] Foundations: so that from the highest to the lowest part of their best hold, and confidence, they were laid open to ruine.

14. Thou hast pierced the Heads of those Peasants, that sought our destruction, with the same weapons, that they used against us (might Israel then say) and taken them in their own Inventions, when they had thought, sud­denly and violently like a whirl-wind, to have set upon us, scattered us, and blown us away. When their Triumph before vi­ctorie was like the exultation of those that have (in their hopes) already devoured the poor, and innocent, that hides himself from their fury, and persecution.

15. So did our enemies perish in that passage, where they purchased their own death, in the pursuit of ours. While the Triumph, which they hoped for was thine own, and not their Horses, or Chariots, but Thy Chariots, and Armes prevailed in the Red­Sea, and went safe, thorough the unusuall paths, and heaps of many waters.

16. Such hath been thy Providence over us, in our former calamitie: so far did thy Power then show it self in our deli­very. And shall it not be such, in thy good time, from the Babylonian slavery, as it was from the Egyptian? But, alas! what [Page 405] do I venture to entreat? I have (a) heard, and seen so much in my former vision, of the long sad time of our Captivitie, as makes me startle, and interrupt my prayer. But my bowels do earne with compassion of my poor Country-men, as well as quake for fear. My inward parts are so wholly pos­sessed, and troubled with sorrow for them, that my fearfull quavering lips will not suffer me to expresse it. And, though I live, yet me thinks, my bones are almost consu­med with rottennesse, while I labour to con­ceale my selfe-devouring feares, and per­plexities, that I have within me. And so much the rather, because I must be still, and silent for the day of their affliction: For it seems the doom is now past, no prayer can avert it, when he shall rise up against thy poor People, that shall bring his troupes of cruell Souldiers, to prey upon them.

17. To this most heavie, but most just Sentence, I humbly submit: with this Pray­er, that they may endeavour, as I shall, to make sure for some inward solace, when [Page 406] all outward helps, and comforts shall be taken away.

For (u) though the Figge-tree shall not flourish, and give her wonted sweets: nor the Vine-tree prosper, and yeeld her com­fortable wine: though the Olive shall de­ceive our expectation of her fatnesse, and the Corn-fields shall not continue the provision of their food to strengthen us: though the Sheep shall be plundered out of their folds, and the Oxen out of their stalls.

18. Yet will I resolve to place my heart in the Lord, and to rejoyce in the God of my Salvation.

19. And it shall be my Prayer, and my Hope, that the Lord my God will be my strength, and my safeguard; supply me with Patience, and Obedience, and courage: make my feet as nimble as Harts-feet, and so conduct me chearfully, in the way to those high places, and Sanctuaries above, were I shall be set, out of the fear of all danger, in ever­lasting blisse.

And as a testimony of my Joy, and So­lace [Page 407] in that, I will take order with the chief Master of the Musick, to have this Prayer set to my Instruments, which may help to rouse up my spirits, and my repose in God my Saviour.



THe word of the Lord which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Anta­riah, the son of Hizkiah, in the daies of Iosiah the son of Amon king of Iudah.

2 I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the Lord.

3 I will consume man and beast: I will consume the fowles of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling-blocks with the wicked, and I will cut off man from off the land, saith the Lord.

3 I will also stretch out mine hand upon Iudah, and upon all the inhabitants of Ierusalem, and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the chemarims with the priests:

5 And them that worship the host of heaven upon the house tops, and them that [Page 409] worship, and that swear by the Lord, and that swear by Malcham.

6 And them that are turned back from the Lord, and those that have not sought the Lord, nor enqui­red for him.

7 Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God: for the day of the Lord is at hand: for the Lord hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests.

8 And it shall come tò passe in the day of the Lords sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the kings children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel.

9 In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which [...]ill their masters houses with violence and deceit.

10 And it shall come to passe in that day, saith the Lord, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish-gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.

11 Howl ye inhabitants of Maktesh: for all the merchant-people are cut down: all they that bear silver are cut off.

12 And it shall come to passe at that time, that I will search Ierusalem with candles, and punish the men that are setled on their lees; that say in their heart, The Lord will not do good, nei­ther will he do evil.

13 Therefore their goods shall become a booty, and their houses a disolation: they shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.

14 The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.

15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distresse, a day of waftnesse and desolation, a day of darknesse and gloo­minesse, [Page 410] a day of clouds and thick darknesse,

16 A day of the trum­pet and alarm against the fenced cities and against the high towers.

17 And I will bring di­stresse upon them, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned a­gainst the Lord, and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.

18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lords wrath, but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealou­sie: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.


1. THe word of the Lord which was (re­vealed to Zephaniah (whose very (a) name tells us, that God would more clearly reveal by him some of his secret counsail, concerning those heavy judgements, that were now ready to fall upon the Iews, and so needed this nearer and clear Interpreter, of his will and pleasure, as an other (b) [...] * as Ioseph was called by Pharaoh.)

This Zephaniah was the son of Cushi; the son of Gedaliah; the son of Amariah: the son of [Page 411] Hizkiah. And he prophesied in the daies of Iosiah, son of Amon, King of Iudah. (for even in the raign of that good King, so pious and so eminent an example produced little amend­ment in a wicked, and perverse genera­tion. Therefore

2. I will even (c) sweep away all together out of this land, saith the Lord (and so make a quick, and fair riddance of so rebellious a nation.)

3. I will make an end of man, and beast. I will consume the fouls of the air, and the fishes of the sea. I will quite take away both the wicked offenders, and all their scandalous sins, and offences. And (all by one sin or other be­ing gone out of the good way, wherein they promised to walk) I will also, by one means, or other, (d) root out every man out of that land (of promise, (which I had bestowed upon them, saith the Lord.

4. And even against Iudah (as I have done against Israel) will I stretch out my powerful and revenging hand: and therein against (the proudest and worst of them) the Citizens of Ierusalem. And (I will do what good Iosiah in all his care, and industrie could not do in [Page 412] that stubborn, and rebellious City, which should have been a pattern, and example to all the rest) from that place will I cut off (by the sword of my Justice) all the reliques of Baal, and the name of the Chemarims (their down­right idolatrous priests) and their Cohanims too, those priests of their own, that will now, and then be tampering with the accursed mysteries of Baal.

5. Such as can find a time to worship the host of heaven, upon the tops of their houses (which were made flat for prevention of danger from thence, and not to introduce so dangerous, and flat idolatrie as that) those (e) halters between two religions, that think they can do their ho­mage to the true God, and to the false: and swear by Iehovah, and by their (f) Moloch (the imaginarie Deitie of the Ammonites, (g) which they have now made to be theirs.)

6. And those also that (otherwise, and by other vanities, and diversions ( fall away from following the Lord Iehovah, and from seeking and inquiring after him alone (in such holy places, and waies of divine worship, as himself hath prescribed.)

7. Wherein (as being in the presence of him, and before his all-seeing eye) use all the [Page 413] (h) reverence and holy fear and devotion that may best whosoever thou art, that would (live secure, and without all fear, and danger of a day of justice, and vengeance.) For, such 1 day is coming, and it is near at hand, when they that offer not such pious, and chearful sacri­fices to him, shall find that he will make a merry, and festival day of sacrificing them, and bidding such guests, to be entertained with that sacri­fice, as they would be loath to be dressed up for, and to be devoured by such hungry com­panions.

8. And in that day of the Lords sacrifice, and that feast; he will spare none, that have not spared to serve, and sacrifice to others be­sides him. They must all to the pot, the highest as well as the lowest: the Princes, and their royal race, and all the gandy gallants, that look so strangely upon it, in their rich, and costly apparel.

9. Amongst all this fine irreligious rout, I will not forget to punish them, that follow the (i) superstition of the Philistims, in not presu­ming to tread upon the threshould for sooth, but rather using the nimblenesse of their feet for a speedy conveyance (which is no fit way of en­tring into the house of their God) And with [Page 414] these contemners of their Gods house, I will visit those that take too much care for the fur­nishing, and enriching of their Masters house, by hook or by crook, and by all the violent and deceitful courses, that they can imagine.

10. And I will give you a more particular discoverie, and prediction, of what shall hap­pen in three of the chiefest parts of the City, in that day. A great noise, and crie shall then be heard from the Fish-gate (which is in that part, which you call the City of David) Then a sad, and doleful howling from the second part of the City. And as woful and (k) crashing a noise from the highest, and most eminent part, (wherein is the Temple and the Palace, places that have been often acquainted with sweeter sounds.)

11. When the three chief places in Ierusalem have thus begun to expresse their sad conditi­on, then you, that dwell in (l) the hollower part of the City may second them with as doleful an eccho, to bewail the ruine of the multitudes of Merchants thereabouts, and the many fair (m) heaps of silver (that they must leave behind them.)

[Page 415]12. Then will I suffer every rich corner in Ierusalem to be as narrowly searched, and ran­sacked (by the Chaldaean souldiers) as a man would peep, and prie into the closest places, with the help of candles, that he might be sure to let nothing escape him, that he hath a mind to bear away. And so shall my justice meet with those, that have lived in ease, and plenty, and with­out any disturbance; like wine that hath been long setled on the lees, without any removal out of one vessel into another. These are they, that soothed up themselves in their own foolish perswasion, that God took no great care of hu­mane affairs, either to reward, or to punish us here below, according to our good or bad life, and conversation.

13. But, this is the day, wherein I will con­fute them, by exposing their ill-gotten goods as a prey to the enemie: and bringing their houses (wherein they nestled themselves so securely) to utter ruine, and (n) fearful desolation: or, at least, by changing the owners, so that other men shall dwell in those goodly buildings, which they have erected: and drink up the fruit of those costly vineyards, which they had planted for themselves.

[Page 416]14. This great day of the Lord is near, very near: and withal, it flies swiftly towards us (as a time that hath quicker wings then ordinarie, to convey it self.) It will be such a bustling day, that you may hear it as well as see it: and the stoutest man (that hears the approach of that day) will not passe it over so quickly, but that he will be heard to expresse the bitteruesse of the day, in most bitter lamen­tations.

15. This day will be a day of wrath, and a day of trouble: and yet a day, wherein we shall be so (o) streightned, and penned in, that there will be no way of evasion. It will be a day of desolation, of utter desolation (with­out hope of recoverie, to most of them.) A dark, and gloomy day without the least appearance of comfort) and a cloudie, and thick-cloudie day (wherein the heavens, whither we use to cast up our eyes for relief, will seem continually to frown up­on us.)

16. A day that will fright us with the sound of the trumpet, and the alarm of war, against the strongest Cities, and highest Towers, that we have.

[Page 417]17. In this day, saith the Lord, (p) I will cause men to be in such pressure, and such streights, that they shall see no more, then blind men, which way to turn themselves, or what course to take, that may rid them out of this distresse. And, in the midst of those streights, because they have sinned against the Lord, their enemies shall make no more scruple of shedding their blood, then of treading upon the dust, that is under their feet: and their bo­dies shall have no better esteem, then the dung of the earth.

18. In this day of Gods wrath, their silver, and gold shall not be able to purchase their ransome: but the whole land shall be so­dainly consumed by the fierce and jealous wrath of the Lord: wherein he will make a full and speedy riddance of all, that dwell in the land.


1 GAther your selves to­gether, yea, gather together, O nation not de­sired.

2 Before the decree bring forth, before the day passe as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lords anger come upon you.

3 Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judge­ment, seek righteousnesse, seek meeknesse: it may be, ye shall be hid in the day of the Lords anger.

4 For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up.

5 Wo unto the inhabi­tants of the sea-coast, the nation of the Cherethites: the word of the Lord is against you: O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inha­bitant.

6 And the sea-coast shall be dwellings and cot­tages for shepherds, and folds for flocks.

7 And the coast shall be for the remnant of the house of Iudah, they shall feed thereupon, in the houses of Ashkelon shall they ly down in the evening: for the Lord their God shall visit them, and turn away their captivity.

8 I have heard the re­proach of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, whereby they have reproached my people, and magnified themselves a­gainst [Page 419] their borders.

9 Therefore as I live, saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, surely Moab shall he as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Go­morrah, even the breeding of nettles, and salt-pits, and a perpetual desolation, the residue of my people shall spoil them, and the remnant of my people shall possesse them.

10 This shall they have for their pride, because they have reproached and mag­nified themselves against the people of the Lord of hosts.

11 The Lord will be ter­rible unto them: for he will famish all the gods of the earth, and men shall wor­ship him, every one from his place, even all the isles of the heathen.

12 Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by my sword.

13 And he will stretch out his hand against the north, and destroy Assyria, and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like a wildernesse.

14 And flocks shall lie down in the midst of her, all the beasts of the nations: both the cormorant and the Bittern shall lodge in the upper lintels of it: their voice shall sing in the win­dows, desolation shall be in the thresholds: for he shall uncover the cedar-works.

15. This is the rejoycing city that dwelt carelesly, that said in their heart, I am, and there is none be­side me: how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! every one that passeth by her, shall hiss and wag his hand.


1. (THe day so foretold being so terrible, and so near at hand) (a) Make an exact scrutinie, and examination of your selves first, and then of what else may conduce to your safety. O nation, little worthy the love, and good liking of those that know your waies!

2. Do this, before Gods peremptorie, and irrevocable decree produce the certain, and final resolution for this day: which shall be like one of his fanning, and winnoing daies, (wherein he will separate the chaff from the good corn) Do this, before the fierce anger of the Lord, and this terrible day of the execution of that fierce anger of the Lord come upon you.

3. And for you that are of the good corn, and not of the chaff: you that are of a meeker, and gentler disposition, then others of the land are, and obey his commands, in your best devo­tions, and endeavours, seek after God (and implore his merciful protection over you.) [Page 421] And still seek after the exercise of goodnesse, and meeknesse, if so perhaps you may prevail so far, as to be hid under the shadow of his defense, in this day, wherein the fierce anger of the Lord shall be poured out upon several parts of this wicked nation, and few or none shall escape.

4. For Gaza shall be forsaken (by her fearful inhabitants) Ashkelon shall be laid desolate, (and forced to the like) And, as for Ashdod, the ene­mie shall be so secure of the conquest of that, that, in the very noon day, they shall attempt to drive them out of their own holds, and habi­tations, with happy successe. And Ekron ( * ac­cording to the bad omen in the name it self) shall be rooted out.

5. Then wo to you of the nation of the Che­rethites, that dwel all along upon the sea-coast: for, I can cite the word of the Lord against you. And no lesse against you, the Cananites, and Philistims, that are left in the land. The word of the Lord, from his own mouth, concerning you, is no other then this, that he will ut­terly destroy your land, and all that dwel with­in it.

6. And the Sea coast (that is made choice of as the fittest place of habitation for the richest [Page 422] Merchants) shall be taken up with no better then cottages for poor Shepherds, and folds for their flocks.

7. For, I have allotted that coast to those of the house of Iudah that shall be left behind in the land (when their brethren are carried into captivity) that it may serve for the feeding of their cattle ( They that constantly attend upon their innocent charge all the day, shall there have a place to retire to, when they are weary) In those mansions, that belonged to Ashkelon, shall those Shepherds of the house of Iudah re­pose themselves in the evenings; when the Lord their God (in that conquest of Iudaea by the King of Babylon) shall lay his visitation upon the Ashkalonites, and (b) reiterating their cap­tivity, cause them to be carried again, and a­gain into the land of Chaldaea.

8. (After I have showed this justice upon the land of Iudaea, and the remnant of the Cananites in those parts: I will then go on, to do the like justice upon the enemies of Iudaea, of whose wickednesse I have not been ignorant, nor have I forgotten it, though hitherto I have deferred the execution of my wrath, in expectation of their amend­ment.) For * I heard [...]nd took notice of the [Page 423] proud opprobrious speeches of the Moabites: and the reviling and (c) blasphemous taunts of the children of Ammon, wherein they have reproa­ched my people, and, with which foul language, they presumed to (d) make a most bold, and vio­lent invasion upon those territories of the chil­dren of Israel, which I my self had measured out for them, as the lot of their inheritance.

9. Therefore, as I live, saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, I will not fail to make as absolute a ruine of Moab, and Ammon as I did of Sodom, and Gomorrha. Their populous Cities shall lie wast, overgrown with netles, and over-spread with salt-pits, as a place destined to perpetual barrennesse, and desolation. And the re [...]idue of my people, that shall survive, and return after their great captivity, shall, in due time, invade and make spoil of the territories of that people, and take possession of theirs: as they did first so proudly attempt to make themselves Masters of a part of Iudaea.

10. This shall be the issue and the reward of their proud reproachful speeches, and of their as haughty, and insolent attempts against the pecu­liar people of the Lord of hosts (who will there­fore [Page 424] show his power, and vengeance upon their gods as well as upon them.)

11. For in so fearful and terrible a manner shall God come in judgement against them, that not they onely, but their very gods too shall be brought to as poor, and miserable condition, as men that are ready to be starved for hunger. And the like doom shall fall upon many idolaters, and their titular gods in other parts of the earth. So that multitudes of people shall come out of their Countries to Ierusalem, to worship before the true God, and such converts and proselytes shall there be from divers places be­yond the seas, and from the Isles of the heathen.

12. You of Cush shall be of this number: of which Countrie many shall die by my sword ( * in the hand of Nebuchadnezer.)

13. And he ( (f) that I make my Deputy for the execution of my judgement, i. the same Nebuchadnezer) shall stretch out his hand also as far Northward (and make use of my sword in those parts) till he hath destroyed the Assyrians, and made their royal Ninive a place of utter desolation, like a drie, and barren wil­dernesse.

14. Flocks of sheep shall have their folds, [Page 425] where the Ninivites had their fair houses. And all kind of other living creatures too shall find admittance and entertainment about the ruines of that City. Both the Pelican, and the Owle shall pick o [...]t their nights-lodging about the (g) knops and carved prominent works upon the tops of their houses: while other birds securely sing over their several tunes in their windows. And yet other signs of (h) desolation shall appear in their doors and thresholds: and in their cu­rious seiled rooms, where the rich Cedar-work shall be laid open to the injurie of the weather, and the use of ravenous fouls of the air.

15. This is the end of that jovial citie, that dwelt in wealth and confidence of a lasting pros­perity, and said within her self. I am the onely she, * and none will presume to come in comparison, or competition with me. How is she now become a verie picture of desolation, and a place for beasts to lie down in? All that passe by her will hisse, and wag their hands at her, in wonder and astonishment.


1 WO to her that is filthy and pollu­ted, to the oppressing city.

2 She obeyed not the voice: she received not cor­rection: she trusted not in the Lord: she drew not near to her God.

3 Her princes within her are roaring lions; her judges are evening wolves, they gnaw not the bones till the morrow.

4 Her prophets are light and treacherous persons: her priests have polluted the sanctuary, they have done violence to the law.

5 The just Lord is in the midst thereof: he will not do iniquity: every morn­ing doth he bring his judge­ment to light, he faileth not, but the unjust knoweth no shame.

6 I have cut off the na­tions: their towers are de­solate, I made their streets wast, that none passeth by: their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, that there is none inhabitant.

7 I said, Surely thou wilt fear me: thou wilt receive instruction, so their dwelling should not be cut off, howso­ever I punished them: but they rose early, and corrup­ted all their doings.

8 Therefore wait ye up­on me, saith the Lord, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determina­tion is to gather the nati­ons, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousie.

9 For then will I turn to the people a pure lan­guage, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, [Page 427] to serve him with one con­sent.

10 From beyond the ri­vers of Ethiopia, my sup­pliants, even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering.

11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against me: for then I will take away out of the midst of thee, them that rejoyce in thy pride, and thou shalt no more be haughty because of mine holy mountain.

12 I will also leave in the midst of thee an af­flicted and poor people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord.

13 The remnant of Is­rael shall not do iniquity, nor speaks lies: neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth: for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them a­fraid.

14 Sing, O daughter of Zion, shout O Israel: be glad and rejoyce with all the heart, O daughter of Ierusalem.

15 The Lord hath ta­ken away thy judgements, he hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the Lord is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more.

16 In that day it shall be said to Ierusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine [...] hands be s [...]ack.

17 The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is migh­ty: he will save, he will re­joyce over thee with joy: he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with sing­ing.

18 I will gather them that are sorrowful for the solemn assembly, who are of thee, to whom the reproach of it was a burden.

19 Behold, at that time I will undo all that af­flict thee, and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven out, and I will get them praise and fame in every land, [Page 428] where they have been put to shame.

20 At that time will I bring you again, even in the time that I gather you [...] for I will make you a name and a praise among all peo­ple of the earth, when I turn back your captivity before your eyes, saith the Lord.


1. (BUt that Israel applaud not themselves too much in the ruine of their ene­mies royal City: let them now hear the woes pronounced against their own Jerusalem) Wo to the City, that grew (a) fat with her gluttony, and polluted (with all those sins, that accompa­nie a full table) and with all kind of (b) rapine and oppression (that were made the means to maintain it.)

2. She would not hear (c) the voice (of those that foretold her ruine, if she did not amend) She would not entertain any such good instru­ction (before the blow came) Nor would she trust in the Lord Iehovah, and (d) make her devout approaches, and addresses unto her God, [Page 429] (in the time of her extremities; but to the Egyptians, and Assyrians, and who not, rather then to him, that was ever her surest friend in the time of trouble.)

3. (And to say somewhat again of that op­pression, that we named * before.) The threats, and menaces of her Princes and Governors within the City were grown to be as high, and terrible, as the roaring of a lion: and her Iudges, (that, instead of doing justice, put these unjust threats in execution) (e) became like those ravenous wolves, that seek out for their prey in the evening (when their hunger makes them to be more greedily, and fiercely set upon it) so that what they lay hold on is presently devoured: they (f) leave not so much as a bone to be gnawed, and examined again in the morning.

4. Their pretended Prophets (for their lives, and for their opinions too) are as various, and inconsistent ( as (g) water, that will not stay long in his own bounds, but must be kept in by some other bodie, that is not so fluid as that) And (which is yet more) they are persidiously wicked persons (in betraying that trust which is reposed in them, that should be the pattern [...] [Page 430] and maintainers of true religion: and not the bare outward professors of it, for their own private interests) And the Priests come not much short of the Prophets, for, instead of hallowing, they pollute the Sanctuary and all holy things: and, instead of keeping and expounding, they do most (r) violently (both in their actions and expositions) wrest and abuse the sense of the law, to what it was never intended by the Law­maker.

5. But the righteous Lord (whose Laws and Sanctuaries are thus abused) observes all that is done in this wicked City: and He will not de­flect from doing right (as they do, that should be the Patrons of right and justice in his stead) Every morning will he show some examples of his justice upon them that should every day be the executioners of it upon others.) Thus will God never fail to show his justice. And yet the unjust and wicked men that know this) are so past shame, and fear (that they will not repent, when they see my judgements, upon their own, and their neighbour Countries, saith the Lord.)

6. But, when I destroyed those Gentiles (for so I may call your ten tribes, that had nothing in them of Israel) I made their strong towers [Page 431] desolate, and their populous streets I laid wast, and left none to walk about them. Even upon their greatest Cities did I bring that solitude, and desolation, so that there was not left a man, nor any of mankind to dwell within them.

7. You should have learned to take heed by their punishment. And so I said within my self, Surely thou, my land of Iudah, wilt thence at least learn to fear me (by what thou seest inflicted upon Israel.) Their correction will be thy instruction; that the Cities of Judah, and other places of her habitation may not be cut off in the same manner: but that all the good (i) that in my best, and kind visitations I have made profer of, may come upon her. But, they deceived my expectation, and, instead of rising early to seek me, they rose early to currupt their own waies more, and more (as if they were so eagerly set upon mischief, that they would break their sleep to be at it.)

8. Therefore (after my expectation decei­ved I will give you an item before hand, to expect (that which you shall not be deceived of, i.) my rising (to answer yours) and my rising out of the place of my rest to prey upon you (and disturb you of your rest) For, I am now resolved and have peremptorily decreed, to gather some [Page 432] of other nations and kingdoms together spe­cially the Chaldaeans, and their auxiliaries) and by them to pour out my indignation upon these Iews, even all the fiercenesse of my indignation. For no otherwise then in a kind of fierce zeal, shall all the land of Judaea be destroyed.

9. But, after that affliction, I will convert the people to a more penitent and devout, and holy language, that they may call upon the name of the Lord with more reverence then now is to be found amongst them, and joyntly endevour to serve, and obey him, as they that willingly joyn * their sholders together, to bear that yoke, that he laies upon them (which easie yoke is no other then his service.)

10. And then from the remotest parts of their captivity, from as far as those places about the rivers of Cush shall my suppliant and humble servants, the off-spring of my people Israel and Judah, far and wide dispersed over several nations; from thence shall they bring offerings unto me (in testimony of their hearty thanks for their joyful return into their own countrie.)

11. About that time will I take away the shame and grief, which thou hadst conceived for thy former great sins, and offences committed [Page 433] against me. For then shall I (by death and mi­serie) have removed from thee (l) those haughty and insulting Countrymen and Priests of thine. And then shalt thou offend no more, as thou hast done, by pride and * contempt of my holy places, and my Sanctuarie in Mount Sion (when those Masters of misrule, and ringleaders to the prou­dest and most presumptious offences are taken away.)

12. In stead of them I will furnish thee with (m) a meek and humble generation of men, though poor, which shall trust in the name of the Lord, (and not in the proud mistake of their own for­tunes and abilities.)

13. This good remnant of my people (that re­turn from their captivity) shall not return to their (n) great and grievous sin (their idolatry) nor shall they so accustom themselves again to the speaking of lies, and deceit. Therefore in all peace and plenty shall they feed well at last, and take their rest securely, having none to fright, or molest them.

14. Rejoyce then, O daughter of Sion: sing, and shout for joy, O Israel. Be mer­ry, and chearfull from the bottom of a [Page 434] thankefull heart, O Daughter of Ierusa­lem.

15. For, God hath taken off those judge­ments, wherewith thou wert afflicted for thy sins. He hath (o) removed thy enemies out of thy sight (that they may trouble thee no more) And (instead of those Tyrants Iehovah, the the God and King of Israel is in the midst of thee, and thou shalt see no more of those calamities, which thou hast seen here­tofore.

16. In those daies it shall be said to Jerusa­lem, and to Sion. Fear not, nor be any way discouraged. Let not thy bands faint, or give over (till they have raised an other City, and Temple, wherein to serve the Lord.)

17 Iehovah, thy God, in the midst of thee, is of great might, and power: and of as ready a mind, and will, to save, and defend thee. He will rejoyce over thee exceedingly. He will (p) acquiesce and solace himself in his love toward thee. They that sing for joy shall not have more content, and delight, then he will take in thee.

[Page 435]18. They that were the cause (q) of remo­ving thy merry Feasts, and Solemnities, will I (r) remove far from thee. For, (s) they have been but a burden, and (t) a disgrace unto thee.

19. And, take notice of it, at that time will I undoe not them onely, but all those, that have any way troubled, and afflicted thee. And I will cure them amongst thee, that are any way (u) weakened in their fortunes, and gather them dayly to their own homes, that have been as good as ejected, and banished from thence, in the long time of their captivity. And I will make them famous, and renowned in those very places, where they have been put to shame, and disgrace.

20. (Again I say it to you all, that shall then survive, and serve me) At that time will I reduce you (to your own homes) and gather you together (to your own friends, and acquaintance) and I will make [Page 436] you famous, and renowned among all the people of the earth, so that your own eyes shall see, with what advantage I have brought you back again from your captivity.



IN the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth moneth, in the first day of the moneth, came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet unto Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, gover­nour of Iudah, and to Io­shuah the son of Iosedech the high priest, saying,

2 Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, This people say, The time is not come, the time that the Lords house should be built.

3 Then came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet, saying,

4 Is it time for you, Oye, to dwell in your cieled hou­ses, and this house lie wast?

5 Now therefore, thus saith the Lord of hosts, Con­sider your waies.

6 Ye have sown much, and bring in little: ye eat, but ye have not enough: ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink: ye cloth you, but there is none warm: and [Page 438] he that earneth wages, earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.

7 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Consider your waies.

8 Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house: and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord.

9 Ye looked for much, and lo it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it: why? saith the Lord of hosts: because of mine house that is wast, and ye run every man unto his own house.

10 Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.

11 And I called for a drought upon the land, and upon the mountains, and up­on the corn, and upon the new wine, and upon the oyl, and upon that which the ground bringeth forth, and upon men, and upon cattel, and upon all the labour of the hands.

12 Then Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Ioshua the son of Iosedech the high priest, with all the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet, (as the Lord their God had sent him, and the people did fear before the Lord.

13. Then spake Haggai the Lords messenger in the Lords message unto the peo­ple, saying, I am with you, saith the Lord.

14 And the Lord stir­red up the spirt of Zerub­babel the son of Shealtiel, governour of Iudah, and the spirit of Ioshua the son of Iosedech the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people, and they came and did work in the house of the Lord of hosts their God,

15 In the four and twen­tieth day of the sixth month, in the second year of Da­rius the king.


HAggai was the first of the Prophets, that were sent to preach to the Iews, after their return from the captivity of Baby­lon. He began to prophesie in the second year of (*) Darius Nothus, and within two moneths, the Prophet Zacharie was joyned with him, and they were both sent upon this occasion.

Cyrus had very gratiously given leave to the Iews, to return into their own Coun­trie, and there to rebuild their City and Temple. Which indulgence many of them made use of, and laid the foundation of the Temple, and raised the Altar of Holocaust: but Cyrus being much intangled in [...]everal wars, and Cambyses, after him, not a little [Page 440] troubled the Governors of the neighbour­ing places upon that advantage did much hinder the Jews, accusing them, in their letters to the Persian Monarchs, as men that set upon that work, with a purpose of rebellion against them, when they had for­tified themselves. But, after Darius was come to the Crown of Persia: God was pleased to expresse his pleasure (by Haggai, and Zacharie) for their proceeding in the work of the Temple, mercifully intending to move the heart of Darius to favour the de­sign.

Some there were that gave ear to these two Prophets, by the encouragement of Zo­robabel, their Commander, and Iosuah, the Son of Iosedec, their High-Priest. Yet many of the common people, partly unwilling to undergo the labour of the work, and the danger of the enemie, that opposed it: and partly desirous to avoid the charge, and expense of such a Fabrick, had no mind to hear of that ear: and thought it far better, and safer, to live frugallie in those houses which they had built somewhat convenient for themselves, and so (as they thought) to secure themselves of the profits of the Country, and save their money in their pur­ses, making no further contribution toward [Page 441] those publick structures, which did but give offence to their enemies. But, in pro­cesse of time, God blessing the endeavours of the two Prophets, (that preached earnest­ly against the peoples cowardly fear, and sloth, and covetousnesse) and withal so in­clining the heart of Darius, that he gave out an edict, for the liberty of the Iews to build, and their enemies to let them do so, the work of building the Temple went on with happy successe. And in the Prophesie of Haggai, which began the exhortation to that work, something is, for their in­couragement, clearly * foretold of the near approach of the Messias, that was to honour the Temple with his own presence. In the other, Zacharie doth as plainly set out, his coming to Ierusalem upon Palm-Sunday: and the * price that should be set on him, in that place, and his * passion there.


1. IN the second year of Darius Nothus, in the sixth moneth which hath part of Au­gust, and part of September) in the first day of the moneth (which the Iews observed, in every moneth as a festival day (the Lord spake by Haggai the Prophet, unto Zerubbabel, * the Son of Shealtiel (or Shalathiel) Governor of Iudah, and to Iosuah, the son of Iosedec the High-Priest (who had both become too remisse in urging, and promoting forward that good work of reedifying the Temple, after they perceived the slowns and backwardness of the people in that task.)

2. And this was the sum of that which the Lord of Hosts so * spake to them two, in the audience of many other of the Jews. This my people, that should be most forward to advance any work about my house: yet, for their pri­vate ease, and interests, can be content to say, The time is not yet come, the fit season, wherein the Lords house is to be built. (There is no such hast, but that we may stay well enough for a [Page 443] quieter, and fitter opportunity, wherein to enter upon it, without fear of interrup­tion.)

3. Whereupon the word of the Lord came to them by me his Prophet Haggai, saying.

4. * O you covetous people, and flow to all that is good! Is it a seasonable time for you to dwell in your fair seiled houses, while my sacred House must lie open and wast (with nothing but a mere foundation of the structure, and an altar for the holocausts) Have you lea­sure, and will, and money enough for your own houses, and nothing for mine?

5. Now therefore, saith the Lord of Hosts, (whose command all things obey) Consider well the unadvised courses, that you have fol­lowed hitherto, and the successe, that hath insued upon them, answerable unto your deserts.

6. You have sowed much in your fields, and brought in little into your barns (your harvest hath no way answered the expense of your seed-time.) God would rather revenge your neglect of him, and his house, then give a prosperous issue of your labours, which were untertaken onely in a greedy desire of your private gain. Or, if you got enough to feed [Page 444] you, yet nature hath not thrived, and been sa­tisfied with that food, which wanted my bles­sing upon it. And therefore also the good drink that you had could not chear the heart, and make you merry, nor your wonted apparel keep you so warm as it used to do. And your money which you gathered together with much labour, and industrie, you found to be so sodainly va­nished away, and exhausted (with so many se­veral waies of losse, and expense) as if it had been put into a bag so full of holes that nothing could be long kept within it.

7. Therefore (a) once again doth the Lord of Hosts advise you to take these things to heart, and seriously consider this unexpected event of your own waies.

8. And, when you have done, so then (by way of amendment) go into these mountainous places, that are best stored with timber, and furnish your selves with so many cedars from thence, as will be needful toward the building of my house. And then raise up that structure as it should be, fit for my publick service, and I will geatiously accept of that cost and labour of yours, and requite it with many blessings, for which (b) you shall have just occasion to glo­rifie my holy name.

[Page 445]13. For, hitherto indeed you have looked carefully (c) to the increase of your estate, spe­cially for your crop abroad, and have taken the best course for it, as you thought: yet you cannot but see that I brought all that great care, and expectation to little, or nothing. And when you had fetched home your gains, and your wealth so carefully purchased; I made it to vanish aud flie away with the least blast of mine anger, as easily as the dust is blown away before a mighty wind. And why did I this? saith the Lord of Hosts (what is the reason of this curse?) I will tell you why I did it. Because you let my house lie desolate, and unbuilt, while you were all too hastily, and wholly taken up with the building and adorning of your own private houses. So your neglect of me and my ser­vice produced my neglect of you, and your profit.

10. That is the reason, why the Heavens, that are above you, were prohibited to supply you with that dew, which should help on the growth of those things, that spring out of the earth. And the earth, that is under you, had the like prohibition from affording her usual increase of fruit.

[Page 446]11. And I commanded a drought and barren­nesse to come upon all the land, specially upon the mountainous and most eminent parts. A barrennesse both of the corn, and the new wine, and the oyl. And this barrennesse extended to all that, which is brought forth of the ground, or (d) of men, or of cattel: and so to every thing that mny be esteemed as a fruit of the labour of your hands. So that nothing that you went a­bout did any way seem to prosper.

12. These words of the Prophet wrought so with Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Iosuah the son of Iosedech the High-Priest, and the remnant of the Iews that returned out of the captivity; that they readily obeyed what God had injoyned them to do; and to what his Pro­phet Haggai had delivered to them, they gave great attention, and respect, (e) because the Lord, their God, had set him upon that message. And so the people humbled themselves in the fear of the Lord, and submitted to what had been said against them, and to what was not requi­red of them.

13. Whereupon Haggai, that had delivered the former message from the Lord, spake again to them, by vertue of a further commission, and deputation from God himself, and said, I will [Page 447] be with you, saith the Lord, not onely to pardon all that is past, but to prosper also what you readily undertake, for the reedifying of my Temple.

13. In prosecution of which promise, the Lord stirred up the spirit ( i. the will and cou­rage) of Zorobabel, the son of Shealtiel, Gover­nour of Iudah, and the spirit of Joshua, the son of Josedec, the High-Priest, and the spirit of all the Jews, that remained after the captivity of Babylon. And they began to compose, and pre­pare themselves for that work, in the house of the Lord of Hosts, their God.

15. And what was thus resolved on, was accordingly begun, upon the 24. day of the sixth moneth (which hath part of our August, and part of September) in the second year of Darius the King.


IN the seventh moneth, in the one and twentieth day of the moneth, came the word of the Lord by the Prophet Haggai, saying.

2 Speak now to Zerub­babel the son of Shealtiel governour of Iudah, and to Ioshua the son of Iose­dech the high-Priest, and to the residue of the people, saying,

3 Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? and how do ye see it now? is it not in your eies in comparison of it, as nothing?

4 Yet now be strong, O Zerubbabel, saith the Lord, and be strong, O Ioshua, son of Iosedech the high-Priest, and be strong all ye people of the land, saith the Lord, and work: for I am with you, saith the Lord of hosts.

5 According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth a­mong you: fear ye not.

6 For thus saith the Lord of hosts. Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land.

7 And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come, and I will fill this house with glory, saith the Lord of hosts.

8 The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts.

9 The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace saith the Lord of hosts.

10 In the four and [Page 449] twentieth day of the nineth moneth, in the second year of Darius came the word of the Lord by Haggai, the prophet, saying,

11 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ask now the Priests concerning the law, saying,

12 If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment, and with his skirt do touch bread, or pot age, or wine, or oyl, or any meat, shal it be holy? and the Priests answered & said, No.

13 Then said Haggai, If one that is unclean by a dead body touch any of these shall it be unclean? and the Priests answered and said, It shall be unclean.

14 Then answered Hag­gai, and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith the Lord, and so is every work of their hands, and that which they offer there is unclean.

15 And now I pray you, consider from this day, and upward, from before a stone was laid upon a stone in the temple of the Lord.

16 Since those daies were when one came to an heap of 20 measures, there were but ten: when one came to the presse-fat for to draw out fifty vessels out of the press, there were but twenty.

17 I smote you with blast­ing, & with mildew, & with hail, in all the labour, of your hands, yet ye turned not to me, saith the Lord.

18 Consider now from this day and upward, from the four and twentieth day of the ninth moneth, even from the day that the foun­dation of the Lords temple was laid, consider it.

19 Is the seed yet in the barn [...] yea, as yet the vine and the fig-tree, and the pomegranate, and the o­live-tree hath not brought forth: from this day will I blesse you.

20 And again the word of the Lord came unto Hag­gai in the four & twentieth day of the moneth saying,

21 Speak to Zerubbabel governour of Iudah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth.

22 And I will overthrow [Page 450] the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen, and I will o­verthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them, and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.

23 In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubba­bel my servant, the son of Shealtiel saith the Lord, and will make thee as a signet for I have cho­sen thee, saith the Lord of hosts.


1. IN the seventh moneth (which consisted of part of our September, and part of Octo­ber,) and in the twenty first day of the moneth, the Lord spake again to the Prophet Haggai, and by him to the people of the Jewes, to this effect.

2. Speak now to Zerubbabel, the Son of She­altiel, Governour of Iudah, and to Ioshua the Son of Iosedech, the High-Priest, and to the People, that are returned from the captivity of Babylon, and say unto them.

3. (a) If there be any of you left of the cap­tivity [Page 451] that hath seen the Temple, which was for­merly built in this place, in the rich and glori­ous state and beauty, which then it had (being a work of much time, and cost) What do you now see this likely to be (which you have be­gun in haste to raise up, and cannot furnish with such wealth, and ornaments as the other had by the beneficence of severall Kings of Judah) Doth not this fabrick, if it be com­pared with that, seem to be (b) of no great hope and expectation for state and glory.

4. But (c) yet, be of good comfort, O Zerub­babel, saith the Lord, and thou, O Ioshua, Son of Iosedech the High-Priest, chear up thy self. And let the rest of the People of the land be no way discouraged. (d) But go on chearfully with the work now in hand. For I am with you) (to blesse and prosper you) saith the Lord of Hostes (whom all things serve and obey.

5. Whatsoever I promised (e) and covenanted to do for you, when you came out of Egypt, (that will I make good, in my mercifull protection of you, and crowning your obedience unto me with all the blessings of that covenant.) And my Spirit shall be (f) constantly with you, [Page 452] by the ministery of my Prophets, and other waies to direct you in this work, or what else you shall take in hand for the like advance­ment of my service) Therefore be not dis­mayed, or discouraged at these little begin­nings.

6. For, the time is coming on, saith the Lord of Hostes, and it is but a little while to be expected, (it shall be, while this Temple is standing) when I will once again make as great (g) motions and alterations in the world: in the Heavens, and in the Earth, and in the Sea, and in the dry land, as ever I did, since I began to bring you out of (h) Egypt. And you shall find a great alteration, and diffe­rence from my own workes then to be done, and those done heretofore, since your coming out of Egypt. For, the thunder, and lightning from Heaven in Mount Sinai, when I descend­ed to give the law, will be nothing to that opening of the Heavens, (i) wherein my holy [Page 453] Spirit shall visibly descend upon the Messias in Jordan, and his Apostles in Mount Sion. And again, the bringing water out of the hardest, and driest parts of the Earth, or di­viding the waters of the red Sea, will be no­thing to the Earth-quakes at the death of the Messias, and his coming out of the grave, and (before that) his walking upon the wa­ters.

7. And for the motions or commotions, that I named (k) before, Those commotions, and alterations in all nations shall be such, (by severall wars, and tumults) that they shall all be ready to shake, and tremble at them. But, after the appeasing of those stirs, the Messias himself, the longing desire and (l) expectation, and the (m) delight, and sweet comfort of all people, shall come in person. And then will be the time, when by his coming into my Tem­ple, who is the King of Glory, I shall fill this house that you are building, (this second Tem­ple) (n) with glory, indeed, saith the Lord of Hostes.

8. As for the outward splendour and rich [Page 454] offerings, in the first Temple, I prize them not so highly as you do. And when I please to be honoured with them, I can make this Tem­ple as richly supplied as ever Solomon's was. For, all the silver is at my command, and the gold is at my disposall, saith the Lord of Hostes.

9. But in far higher respects, than those of wealth, and splendour, (o) shall the glory of this latter house exceed that of the former, saith the Lord of Hostes. And the time of that glory shall be a time, when I will give peace unto this place, saith the Lord of Hostes.

10. In this second year of Darius, upon the twenty fourth day of the ninth moneth, (which took up part of our November, and Decem­ber: and by (p) which time, the materials being prepared, the work began to be set forward with much alacrity) the Lord spake again by Haggai, the Prophet, saying.

11. Thus saith the Lord of Hostes, Ask now the Priests a resolution of a case put in their own (q) law, (wherein they are, or should be able to decide any scruple, in that kind, pro­posed unto them) and do it in these termes.

12. If a man should carry any holy flesh, [Page 455] (that, being offered up to God, hath been sanctified by the altar) and carrying it in the skirt of his garment, should with that skirt touch any ordinary bread, or pottage, or wine, or oyl, or any kind of meat: should that, which is so touched by that wherein the holy flesh is, be therefore holy? To this quaere the Priests answered and said, No. (the common meat would not be sanctified, by touching that wherein the sanctified meat was carried.)

13. Then again said the Prophet Haggai. But if any one that is legally unclean by touching of a dead body, should in that time, touch any of these, would that which he toucheth be un­clean by the law? And the Priests answer was, (r) that it would be unclean, (for the legall san­ctity is not so easily communicated by one thing to another, as the legall impurity is.)

14. To which the Prophet Haggai replied, and said, So is it with the impure and dis­obedient heart of this people, (s) that hath polluted whatsoever they offered upon their new altar, which they made in Cyrus his time, (t) when they began to lay the foundation of the Temple, and would not afterward so proceed in it, as I gave them direction. There­fore I account no otherwise of this disobedient [Page 456] nation, than of a nation impure in my [...]ight saith the Lord. And this uncleannesse sticks to every work of their hands, and to what soever they have offered at that altar, being so polluted with the bold sinne of the neglect of that command of mine (to raise the Temple.) For, neither can that which is sanctified impart holinesse to that which is profane: neither can that which is unclean but derive the like uncleannesse to that which was holy, which showes you a little light, wherein you may see the power of your sins above your vertues, (if you had them.)

15. And now (to see the fruit of your un­clean hearts, and hands) consider seriously with your selves, what hath happened to you and what punishment I laid upon you, before you setled your selves to this work of re-edify­ing my Temple, and the builders went on with the foundation of it, for the promoting of my service.

16. From those times of your negligence and disobedience, till that time wherein the fabrick was chearfully undertaken: When a man came to a heap of corn, in which he hoped well to be supplied with twenty mea­sures, there he received but ten, (the half of what he expected, according to the usu­all proportion of the increase of his feed.) And when a man came to the presse-fat, where [Page 457] he had thought to have drawn fifty vessels out of the presse there he drew but twenty, (he could never see that blessed increase, that he was in hope of.)

17. The reason was, because I turned that blessing into a curse. I smote the labours of your hands, and corrupted the fruit of your grounds with blasting and mildew, and haile. And therefore I did it, because I would have had you to reflect upon your sinfull hearts, and be converted unto me: but yet this punish­ment was not followed with your conversion, saith the Lord.

18. And now take it also into your serious consideration, what better successe you have had from this day and upward, (u) from the twenty fourth day of the nineth moneth, wherein you began to go on with the Founda­tion of the Temple of the Lord, (which had been laid before, and too long neglected) And again, I advise you to take speciall notice of this day.

19. We are now in the (x) ninth Moneth. And [...]s your corn, which you lately sowed, yet come into your barnes? Are you as sure [Page 458] of it, as if you had it home into your own possession, and at your own disposall? No. It is still under the ground: you have it but in hope, and you stand still in need of my blessing upon it, that it may be ri­pened and sitted for the barn. And do you not see, that the Vine, and the sig-tree, and the pomegranate, and the Olive-tree are yet far from bringing forth that which gives you some likelihood of a good and plen­tifull year. Yet from this day, (though these fruites are no forwarder, and the seed be yet in the ground) from this very day will I poure my blessing upon them, and so from this day give you an assurance, that all these things shall prosper and increase as you would have them.

20. And again the word of the Lord came to the Prophet Haggai, in this twenty fourth day of the aforesaid moneth, to this effect.

21. Speak to Zerubbabel, the Governour of Iudah, and say. It shall not be long before (y) I shake the heavens, and the earth (those that are placed above others, as in a higher [Page 459] Orbe: and those that are under them) with many great wars, and tumults.

22. I will bring ruine and destruction upon the rich and large Kingdomes under the command of the Persian Monarch: and so overthrow that high throne, and state of His: and bring down the pride and pu­issance of that great Empire, which so over­tops the kingdoms of the Heathen. I will overturn their chariots of war with their skilfull Riders. And their stately Steeds with those that are so bravely mounted upon them shall have a fall. They shall all perish by the sword of those nations that are their brethren in iniquity and idolatry, and deserve no better than they do.

23. At that time, (when all these stormes shall fall upon them) saith the Lord of Hostes will I take thee into my own (z) protection, O Zerubhabel the Son of Shealtiel, my Servant, and I will preserve thee as warily, and as carefully as a man would preserve his own signet.

(Thou and thy people shall be secure in the middest of those stirs, that in thy time, [Page 460] and long after shall be among the greatest nations) And all this will I do, because I have set my love and favour upon thee, and selected thee and thy nation, to be a more peculiar object of my care, and mercy, saith the Lord of Hostes.



1. IN the eighth moneth, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the Lord unto Ze­chariah, the son of Bara­chiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying,

2 The Lord hath been sore displeased with your fathers.

3 Therefore say thou un­to them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the Lord of hosts.

4 Be not as your fathers unto whom the former Pro­phets, have cried, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Turn ye now from your evil waies, and from your evill doings: but they did not hear, nor hearken unto me saith the Lord.

5 Your fathers, where are they? and the prophets, do they live for ever?

[Page 462]6 But my words, and my statutes which I com­manded my servants the prophets, did they not take hold of your fathers? and they returned and said, Like as the Lord of hostes thought to do unto us, ac­cording to our waies, and according to our doings, so hath he dealt with us.

7 Upon the four and twentieth day of the ele­venth moneth, which is the moneth Sebat, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the Lord unto Ze­chariah, the son of Bara­chiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying,

8 I saw by night, and behold, a man riding upon a red horse, and he stood a­mong the myrtle-trees that were in the bottom, and be­hind him were there red horses, speckled and white.

9 Then said I, O my Lord, what are these? And the Angel that talked with me, said unto me, I will shew thee what these be.

10 And the man that stood among the myrtle trees answered and said, These are they whom the Lord hath sent to walk to and fro through the earth.

11 And they answered the angel of the Lord that stood among the myrtle-trees, and said, We have walked to and fro through the earth, and behold, all the earth sitteth still, and is at rest.

12 Then the angel of the Lord answered, and said, O Lord of hostes, how long wilt thou not have mercy on Ierusalem, and on the ci­ties of Iudah, against which thou hast had indignation these three-score and ten years?

13 And the Lord answe­red the angel that talked with me, with good words and comfortable words.

14 So the angel that com­muned with me, said unto me, Cry thou, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I am jealous for Ierusalem, and for Zion with a great jealousie.

[Page 463]15 And I am very sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the af­fliction.

16 Therefore thus saith the Lord, I am returned to Ierusalem with mercies: my house shall be built in it, saith the Lord of hosts, and a line shall be stretched forth upon Ierusalem.

17 Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, My cities through prosperitie shall yet be spread abroad, and the Lord shall yet com­fort Zion, and shall ye choose Ierusalem.

18 Then lift I up mine eies, and saw, and be­hold four hornes.

19 And I said unto the angel that talked with me, What be these? and he an­swered me, These are the hornes which have scattered Iudah, Israel, and Ieru­salem.

20 And the Lord shew­ed me four carpenters.

21 Then said I, What come these to do? and he spake, saying, These are the hornes which have scatter­ed Iudah, so that no man did lift up his head: but these are come to fray them, to cast out the horns of the Gentiles, which lift up their horne over the land of Iudah to scatter it.


1. IN the eighth moneth (the moneth Bul, which had part of our October, and part of November) in the second yeàr of Da­rius, the son of Hystaspes, God spake unto the Prophet Zachary, the son of Barachias, the [Page 464] son of Iddo, and thus said unto him.

( (a) Thus shalt thou say unto the Jewes) The Lord was very much, though very justly, displeased with your Fathers: whom he there­fore delivered up, as captives, into the hands of the King of Babylon.

3. And thou shalt further say unto them. Thus saith the Lord of Hostes, (whom all things serve and obey.) Return unto me by a true repentance and amendment of life, saith the Lord of Hostes: and I will return unto you, in that favour, and mercy, and tender care of your welfare, which the great sins of your Fathers made me, for a time, with­draw from your nation, saith the Lord of Hostes.

4. Be not you disobedient as your Fathers were, whom the former Prophets have earnestly and zealously called upon, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hostes, Repent ye now, forsake all your evill waies, and your wicked actions, where­in you go on to get unto your selves a dan­gerous habit of sin. Yet they would not dili­gently attend, and accordingly obey me, saith the great Iehovah.

5. But, where be your Fathers now, that were [Page 465] so refractory, and disobedient unto me, and what is b [...]come of their false Prophets, that soothed them up in their sins, Did they live for ever? Did I not send one calamity after another, to hunt after them, and bring them to their graves?

6. Notwithstanding all their security, and vain hopes of peace, and an imaginary pro­tection from me, for my Temples sake, have not my words, and decrees, which my Servantt the good Prophets delivered to them, by my command proved now to be true? Have not those judgements, which I so decreed, and foretold, at the last, justly overtaken them, so that many of them, in a true sense, and ap­prehension of the greatnesse of their sins, and the truth of those predictions returned in the end to a sober mind, and ing [...]niously acknow­ledging their errour could not but say, Just as the Lord of hostes resolved to do unto us, by inflicting a heavie punishment, answerable to our grievous sins in all the severall waies, and wicked actions, wherein we had offended, even so hath he made it good upon us. (This confession my punishments extorted from your Fathers, let it be one Motive of your true re­pentance, that so you may escape those miseries which they pulled upon their own heads by not applying themselves unto me, by a timely repen­tance.)

[Page 466]7. Now within two or three moneths after Zachary had preached this Sermon, namely upon the twenty fourth day of the eleventh moneth, which is the moneth Shebat, (and containes part of our January, and part of February) in the second year of Darius, the son of Hystaspes; the word of the Lord was re­vealed unto Zachary, the Prophet, the son of Barachiah, the son of Iddo, in this manner, as I shall tell it.

8. In the quiet silence of the night, I saw a vision (that promised, though in a dark, and mysticall way, a quiet and peaceable time for the advancement of the work about the Temple: and partly discovered, how many Angels were ready, with the Messias, to assist and defend the Church in that time: and much more, under that figure, how many helps would be afforded from heaven, for that more spirituall Church: whose founda­tion should be laid in that Citie, by the preach­ing of the Messias, and of his Apostles, and Disciples) In this vision (to show the speed and forwardnesse of them that were sent) I observed, (b) a man riding upon a red horse, (the very colour of the horse speaking the [Page 467] revenge, that he meant to take of the enemies of the Church.) And he stood among the myr­tle-trees, that were in a bottom (c) by a river side, (wherein again as the bottom, and the shadow of the trees bid us take notice, how obscurely these things are revealed, and how little hope appeared from men, for the deli­very, and tranquillity of the Church: so the trees being the sweet and humble myrtle, were a figure of meek and humble men, that were, for their holy life, accounted as a sweet odour unto God.) But after the view of this Horse-man, came more holy Emblems of our help. For behind him (as the Captain) there appeared other (as attendants) on red horses and speckled and white, (as if the red were to signifie those, that should attend their great Captain in prosecution of the revenge of the bloody enemies of the Church, whereof we spake before: and the other two, those that came for the punishment of such as were other waies spotted with sin: and for the protection of the pure, and innocent.)

9. Then said I to the Captain of this troop of Horse, the great Commander of this various armie under the Lord of Hostes, Who are these, [Page 468] my Lord? And that great Angel or Messenger (sent from God himself,) vouchsafeing to an­swer, and discourse (d) with me, said, (e) I will let thee know what these be.

10. Then presenting himself in the form of a man, and staying still under the shade of the myrtle-trees, he said. These are the Armie and Messengers, that the great Iehovah sends abroad, to compasse the Earth, (to punish the worser, and defend the better sort of men.)

11. Whereupon the rest, in reference to what that great Messenger of the great Ieho­vah had said, while he stood under the myr­tle-trees gave this further answer to what I had presumed to ask of Him. We have passed thorough the whole circuit of this land, and we have taken such order, that this & all the Coun­tries hereabouts are in peace, and quiet (and therefore they may safely, and securely proceed in the fabrick of the Temple, without any fear of disturbance at home, or abroad.)

12. Vpon this occasion, that great Messenger from the Lord was pleased to say (as the great Mediator for his despised Church) O Lord of Hostes, how long was it, ere thou wouldst have [Page 469] this pitie upon Ierusalem, and other the Cities of Iudah, (which still appear but in their ruines and rubbish, and) which in thine anger thou didst keep under the Babylonian captivity, no lesse than threescore and ten years (the very age of a man.)

13. And the Lord Iehovah himself gave an­swer to that great Angel, that had spoke so to me in most loving, and comfortable words.

14. Hereupon that great Angel, and Embassador that had vouchsafed so far to commmune with me added this further, and said, Go and preach a­gain unto thy people the Jewes, and say, Thus saith the Lord of Hostes, I have indeed been jea­lous over Ierusalem, and Sion, and very jealous over them (because of their spiritual adulteries, which they have committed against me, and I have punished them, in some proportion to that jealousie.)

16. But now my anger shall fall, in as great a measure upon those nations, (f) that have enjoyed their ease, and plenty, while you have been un­der the rod. And I will punish them the rather, because, whereas I used them like Schoolmasters [Page 470] for your correction onely, they added more to your punishment than they should have done: as if they endeavoured your ruine rather than your a­mendment: and so hindered, as much as in them lay, the good hopes of your recovery, and your return to this place, and to my service.

16. Therefore this now is the mercifull resolu­tion of the lord. I will return with a gracious as­pect upon Ierusalem, and I will prosper the build­ing of my Temple there, saith the lord of Hostes. And let them be as sure of it, as if they now see their Carpenters drawing out their lines for the whole work, that not the Temple onely, but the Citie of Jerusalem too (g) shall be re-edified, and made like her self again, in her walls, and gates, and other places of ornament, and de­fense, that are fit for so great a City.

17. And add this moreover, when thou preach­est to my people, and say. Thus saith the Lord of Hostes, My Cities in Judah shall be so stored, and filled once again, with all good things, as a vessel is, that is (h) ready to run over, and burst with abundance of liquor. And the Lord will again comfort Sion, and show his [Page 471] loving kindnesse to Ierusalem, as a place that he hath selected and picked out, for the object of his love.

18. After this, lifting up mine eies, I present­ly saw four hornes.

19. And I said to the great Angel that discoursed with me, what mean those horns, that I see? And he answered, These horns are four severall Nations, all enemies to Judaea, and ready, like wild beasts, to (i) tosse and molest her, upon every advantage: and so to hin­der the good work, which she intended about the Temple.

(k) And these were, the Cuthaeans, the Am­monites, the Arabians, and the Philistims.

20. Then the Lord shewed me four Carpenters (well furnished with hatchets, and sawes, and other instruments of their Art, as it were to cut those Hornes shorter, that made so great a show: or to help forward the building of the Temple.)

21 Then said I, what come these men to do? and he answered: The hornes that you saw, are severall nations, that would fain [Page 472] tosse and scatter Iudah from place to place, and like horned Beasts, have so gored and pushed at that weak people, that they dare not turn head against them, or make any resi­stance.

(l) Now these Carpenters are come (as friends that God hath raised up for you) to fray away, and disperse them, and all such like a­mong the Gentiles, that shall presume to lift up their hornes against the land of Iudah, to make another dispersion of that afflicted people.

(And, things being so quieted, you may the better attend the work about the house of God.)


1 I Lift up mine eyes a­gain, and looked, and behold, a man with a mea­suring-l [...]ne in his hand.

2 Then said I, whither goest thou? and he said un­to me, To measure Ierusa­lem, to see what is the breadth thereof, and what is the length thereof.

3 And behold, the angel that talked with me, went forth, and another angel went out to meet him,

4 And said unto him, Run, speak to this young man, saying, Ierusalem shall be inhabited as towns with­out walls for the multitude of men and cattel therein.

5 For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.

6 Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you a­broad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord.

7 Deliver thy self, O Zion, that dwellest with the daughter of Babylon.

8 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you, for he that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of his eye.

9 For behold, I will shake mine hand upon them, and they shall be a spoil to their servants: and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me.

10 Sing and rejoyce, O daughter of Zion: for lo, I come, & I will dwel in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.

[Page 474]11 And many nations shall be joyned to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee.

12 And the Lord shall inherit Iudah his portion in the holy land, and shall choose Ierusalem again.

13 Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord: for he ie raised up out of his holy ha­bitation.


1. (AFter what was told me of the four Carpenters, and as it were in confir­mation of that) Another vision caused the lift­ing up of mine eyes, where I beheld a man with a measuring line in his hand. ( * A resemblance of Nehemiah, that was to take care for the employment of the builders of the City.)

2. To this man I presently applied my self, and said unto him, whither art thou going? And he returned me this answer: I am going to measure Ierusalem, that I may see what is the breadth, and what is the length of it.

3. (a) You may take notice, that, in the mean while, the great Angel, with whom I had [Page 475] been entertained in discourse before, withdrew himself from the place where he then stood: and another Angel went out to meet him, and re­ceive his commands.

4. To whom this was that, which the great Angel gave first in charge. Make hast, saith he, and deliver this Prophesie to that young man, ( Zachariah, the young Prophet) and say. Ie­rusalem shall be once again so populous, that many of her Citizens shall be fain to inhabite in the suburbs, and in the little villages all about them, because neither they, nor their cattle, and other wealth shall be able to be conteined within the walls. (In all which Jerusalem shall be but a type of a greater accesse of true converts to the Church of God, which is the true Jerusalem, the mother of us all.)

5. And to this Ierusalem (and to that which is figured by it) will I be like a wall of fire round about her (to defend her from all outward assaults) And within the Citie, I will be a glory to her in the many, and miraculous expressions of my power, and Majestie.

6. You therefore that account your selves in the number of the children of Israel, and are yet in the land of your captivity. Come, O come quickly to us out of those Northern cli­mates, saith the Lord. For I will dilate and extend your habitations towards the four winds [Page 476] of Heaven, and much inlarge the borders of your possession, saith the Lord.

7. Therefore make hast, Come away, come away you Citizens of Sion. Delight not to continue your captivity, and prolong the time of your banishment from your Jerusalem: but speedily come out of Babylon, you that hitherto have continued in that place. (Come out of your places of idolatrie, and seat your selves in the spatious limits of the true Church of God.)

8. For thus saith the Lord of hosts (the great Deliverer and Defender of his Church.) (b) Come after that glory, wherein I shall go before you, as your glorious guide and Cham­pion, to conduct you safe to your Jerusalem (that here and that above) For (c) he that sends me (as his great Angel of the covenant, and commander of his Hosts.) hath sent me, upon this errand amongst the rest, to visit the nations that spoiled you to be avenged, and to deliver you out of their Tyrannie. Nor could you expect any lesse, since he that toucheth you, toucheth the very apple of his eye. He is as sen­sible of your injuries, and sufferings, as if they [Page 477] were his own, and offered to him in a part of the tenderest touch.

9. Therefore you may observe me already shaking my hand over them by way of menace. And accordingly them that have heretofore used you as Servants, I shall not fail ere long to make servants unto you, and some of them more then so (as in the time of the Maccabees) to be no better then captives, taken in warlike manner (which shall serve also as a type and figure of those that shall be taken into my service, when * I send the rod of my power out of Sion, and when my spiritual souldiers shall bring them of all nations into the number of the true Israel of God) And, when they that I send, shall compasse so great atchievements, you will know assuredly, that it was the Lord of Hosts that sent me (the great Commander, not of those troops onely, that appeared in the first vision, but of all things that are in heaven, and earth.)

10. Rejoyce then, and be exceeding glad, O daughter of Sion: for, (d) which thou shalt see and wonder at, I will not onely vouchsafe to dwell in this Temple, that you are building, but I will further be pleased to come & dwell with you, visibly, & personally conversing among you [Page 478] (in the sacred Temple of my flesh) saith the Lord Iehovah.

11. And many nations shall apply themselves to the Lord in those daies, and like true Pro­selytes, and converts indeed, be joyned unto Him, (as souldiers to sight under his banner, and no longer as enemies to him and his Church) So shall they become my people, as you are, and true members of the true Jerusalem: And I will abide, and dwell in the midst of thee, and within thee (as my holy Temple, and my Heaven upon earth) And so thou shalt be more and more assured that it was the Lord of Hosts, that sent me unto thee, O thou * daughter of Sion, (the Church and Congregation of the true servants of God.)

12. With this happy successe shall the Lord inherit Iudah again, as his peculiar possession, in the holy land, and again make choice of Ierusa­lem, wherein to show his power, and glory.

13. Therefore let all (e) men be still, and show (f) fear and reverence before the Lord. For he will rise up from the throne of his glory, and show himself from his holy habitation, to (g) subdue his enemies under his feet, and be glorified in his servants.


1 ANd he shewed me Ioshua the high priest, standing before the angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand to resist him.

2 And the Lord said un­to Satan, The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan, even the Lord that hath chosen Ie­rusalem, rebuke thee: is not this a brand pluckt out of the fire?

3 Now Ioshua was clo­thed with filthy garments, and stood before the angel.

4 And he answered, and spake unto those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And unto him he said, Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to passe from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment.

5 And I said, Let them set a fair mitre upon his head: so they set a fair, mitre upon his head, and clothed him with garments, and the angel of the Lord stood by.

6 And the angel of the Lord protested unto Ioshua, saying,

7 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, if thou wilt walk in my waies, and if thou wilt keep my charge, then thou shalt also judge my house, and shalt also keep my courts, and I will give thee places to walk among these that stand by.

8 Hear now, O Ioshua the high priest, thou and thy fellows that sit before thees for they are men wondred at: for behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.

9 For behold, the stone that I have laid before Ioshua: upon one stone shall [Page 480] be seven eyes, behold, I will engrave the graving there­of, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the ini­quity of that land in one day.

10 In that day saith the Lord of hosts shall ye call every man his neigh­bour under the vine, and under the fig-tree.


1. NOw the Lord, in another vision, let me see Iosuah the High-Priest, standing be­fore that great Angel, or Messenger of the Lord: and Satan standing at Joshuah his (a) right hand: that he might there show himself to be (a) a Satan. i. an adversarie and malitious ac­cusar of him, and so, like his name.

2. And the Lord Iehovah (or some Arch­angel representing his person) said unto Satan. (*) The Lord rebuke, or restrain thee, O Satan, from prevailing in thy malitious accusation, to any prejudice of the High-Priest. Even that gratious Lord so restrain thee, in the behalf of Jerusalems High Priest, that hath in so great love made choice of Ierusalem, as a place to be made a special object of his favour, and mercy. (b) For, [Page 481] is not this Joshua, whom thou opposest, one that hath more need of divine compassion, and indulgence; as being like a brand plucked out of many sad dangers, and fierie trials, that befel him in the time of his long captivity: And by him plucked out, and rescued thence, that gave that token of his care, and protecti­on over him, for the time to come.

3. Now Joshuah appeared to me, in this vision, as one clad in filthy apparrel, while he thus stood before the great Angel of the Lord (which might be an embleme, not so much of his poor estate, as of some (c) sin, that he had contract­ed in the time of his captivity. For, sin repre­sents us no otherwise in the sight of Gods pure eyes, then as men covered with rags, and pol­lution.

4. Then said that great Angel to the other, that stood ready to (d) obey his commands. Take away Joshuahs filthy garments from him (as a sign of the removal of his sins, that had made him appear so unpleasing in the sight of God) And then, turning himself to the High-Priest See, saith he, and forget not this mercy, where­in I have caused the removal of thy sin, which might now have been laid to thy charge, and I [Page 482] will cause thee to be arrayed in such new and decent garments (the robes of righteousnesse) as wherein thou shalt be accepted.

5. I have also (e) taken order with my at­tendants, (said he) that they set a fair mytre upon the head of Iosuah, * as the High-Priest of the Lord. And this they did accordingly (in sign of a confirmation of him in his great, and sacred office, notwithstanding all that his greatest (f) enemy could have objected against him) And they clothed him all over with new and comely apparel, and set a fair mitre upon his head, while that great Angel of the Lord was pleased to (g) stay there, and see all this done, as he had commanded.

6. After which, that great Angel of the Lord protested also unto Ioshuah, thus consecrated for the High-Priest of the Jews, and said,

7. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts unto thee. If thou wilt walk in those good waies which I have commanded (h) and diligently observe that charge of divine service, that I have entrusted thee withal: then thou shalt judge and determine, and give commands concerning all that belongs to the sacrifices, and ceremonies of my house, and to the custodie of the several Courts of my Temple. [Page 483] And in due time, thou shalt have more honour and liberty then to make use of the walks, and galleries about the Temple; when, for thy walking here in my waies I shall admit thee to those places, where thou shalt walk, and con­verse with these Angels, that stand all about to (i) attend me (this is the reward of them, that here walk with God.)

8. And now give ear, O Ioshuah the High-Priest, to the ground of that promise. Thou maist hear it, and so may thy friends (the Pro­phets, and other my good servants) that use to sit with thee (to advise of setting forward that which belongs to my service. They are fit Au­ditors of such mysteries as these, because being (k) miracles of piety, in respect of other men, they may be accounted the more worthy to have, miracles, and signs of things to come, imparted unto them. And such are these which I shall now relate. For, Behold, I will at last bring forth (l) my servant the BRANCH. I will "make the root of Iesse bud out of the earth, and appear: the Messias, of whom Zorobabel is now the type and figure, and that comes out of the same stock.

9. And there is another mysterie, worth an [Page 484] Ecce. For you may observe (m) the plummet which Zorobabel made use of, when he laid the foundation of the Temple, and (n) which I caused to be given him, in the pre­sence of thee, Ioshuah the High-Priest. Vpon this one plummet, there appeared the figure and representation of seven eyes (to show my (o) watchful providence over this, and all other places devoted to my service: and with­all, (p) the wisdom and other graces, which should be eminent in the Messias, the chief cor­ner stone of all the mystical Churches of God) The engraving of those seven eyes in the plum­met, was not cut out by any Art of man, but I my self by my extraordinarie power made the engraving of it appear, as there it did, saith the Lord of Hosts. And, for that Messias his sake, I will take away the sins of this wicked (q) world, in one day (by virtue of his death and passion upon that day) or, (r) at one time (in that (s) once offering of himself for sinne.)

10. In those daies of your deliverie from [Page 485] the bondage of sin, there shall be a time of peace, and mutual amity, when men shall be easily disposed to invite their neighbours to come, and sit with them, every man under his vine, and under his fig-tree, saith the Lord of Hosts, (which is a figure of that inward peace, they shall have, and that true love they shall bear to others; who shall feel the benefit of that daies passion, and the love, and mercy of Him, that died for them.)


1 ANd the angel that talked with me, came again and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep.

2 And said unto me. What seest thou? and I said, I have looked, and behold, a candle-stick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which were upon the top thereof:

3 And two olive-trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof.

4 So I answered and spake to the angel that talked with me, saying, What are these, my Lord.

5 Then the angel that talked with me, answered, and said unto me, Knowest thou not what these be? and I said, No, my Lord.

6 Then he answered and [Page 486] spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying. Not he might [...] not by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

7 Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerub­babel thou shalt become a plain, and he shall bring forth the head-stone thereof with shourings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.

8 Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,

9 The hands of Zerub­babel have laid the foun­dation of this house, his hands shall also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you.

10 For who hath despi­sed the day of small things? for they shall rejoyce, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven, they are the eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth.

11 Then answered I and said unto him, What are these two olive-trees upon the right side of the candle­stick, and upon the left side thereof?

12 And I answered a­gain, and said unto him, What be these two olive-branches, which through the two golden pipes empty the golden oyl out of themselves?

13 And he answered me and said, Knowest thou not what these be? And I said, No my Lord.

14 Then said he, These are the two anointed ones, that stand by the Lord of the whole earth.


1. NOt long after these Visions, I was rapt into another extasie, wherein the Angel, that had conference with me before, seemed to come again and awake and rouse me up, as one out of a deep sleep and transe, that I might be the more attent, and observant of other my­steries, that were then to be revealed unto me, by way of vision.

2. And he said unto me, what seest thou Za­charie? And I said, there is another sight pre­sented to my eyes, which takes me up with such admiration, that I cannot deliver it with­out an Ecce.

Methinks I see a Candlestick all of gold (one of the great ornaments of the house of God) and the bowl belonging to the top of it (whence the oyl was conveyed, as out of a fountain) and his seven lamps thereon, and seven several pipes, which emptied the oyl out of the bowl, and bestowed it the in match, or wick of the se­ven lamps: which pipes were upon the top of the shaft.

3. And by this fair Candlestick stood two olive-trees, one upon the right side of the bowl, [Page 488] and the other upon the left-side thereof: which gave a continual supply of oyl to the bowls, and might signifie (a) the two sons of oyl (as we call them) i. the two sacred persons, that have holy unction, the King and the Priest: and might intimate unto us, that a Prince and Priest we should have, till the times of the Messias, according to the Prophesie of Iacob. Though these mysteries both here, and in the Temple might have a farther light in this Candlestick; to show us the ecclesiastical fun­ction in the greater Church of God, wherein the several Ministers, like several and clear lamps, should shine forth in their doctrine, and conversation, that others, by their good light, may be brought to glorifie their father, which is in heaven.

4. But, these things, at the first representa­tion of the Vision, I did not so discover, but, being wholly taken up with admiration, I pro­ceeded, and said further to the Angel, that dis­coursed with me, what is the meaning of these things, my Lord.

5. To which that Angel, that had pleased so to talk with me, replied, and said. Dost thou not conceave what is meant, by the Candlestick and the Olive-trees, and the other parts of the [Page 489] Vision? and I said, I do not indeed, my Lord: therefore I desire, that you would vouchsafe to explain the mysterie of them.

6. Then saith he to me, by way of answer. Thou maist gather part of the meaning out of those words, which thou art commanded to deliver unto Zorobabel, that takes so great care, and pains about your sacred Fabrick. For, thus you are commanded by God himself, so say unto Zerubbabel. This building shalt thou be able to raise, and fit for my service, (b) not by any wealth or power of your own (for, who sees not, how poor and weak your nation is at this time) but by my spirit saith the Lord of Hosts, (by the vertue and courage that I shall infuse into you all: and the means and friends that I shall raise up for you) while your own poor abilities contribute as little to the finishing of so great a work, as you do to the supply of oyl for those lamps, which are fed by olive-trees, raised up miraculously by me, on purpose, for that intent.

7. And who can hinder that which the Lord of Hosts will do? Canst thou, O Babylon? Alas, what art thou, that vaunts thy self and thy Empire to overtop that of Zerubbabel, and his little Jury, as far as a high Mountain appears [Page 490] above a little mole-hill? Did not I lay that high and mighty empire as low as a pore plain, in the sight of Zerubbabel, (who carried in his very name, a good omen of the confusion of Babel, and the (c) dispersing of her several Provinces) Shall I not do the like, against any other Poten­tates, that oppose my poor Church in any age? Yes, and now, (to begin with Iurie, and her Ierusalem, and her Temple there) maugre all opposition, I inabled Zerubbabel to appear * strong and powerful iu the work: I made him the man, that laid the first stone thereof, accompanied with the acclamations and good wishes of all the people, that cried out, (d) Let God ever favour, let his mercy ever support it. He blesse, and succeed, and maintain this great work so happily begun.

8. Moreover the word of the Lord came to me (e) his Angel, saying,

9. As the hands of Zerubbabel laid the foun­dation of this house, (f) so when his hands have finished it ( i. by his care, at his command, and direction, and in his time the whole work be perfected as I foretold) then shall you, by that accomplishment of my prediction, be able to [Page 491] conclude, that I came with commission from the Lord of Hosts, to encourage you in this bu­sinesse.

10. But, (g) if any man slight, and mistrust the time of these little beginnings of the Fa­brick, and think it promiseth but little for the conclusion. If any such there be, they will ra­ther have cause to rejoyce and chear up them­selves, when they consider what was (h) said of the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel, and of those seven eyes, that were so miraculously en­graven in it by the immediate power of Al­mighty God. For that is an embleme of the eyes of God, that run thorough the whole world, i. of his infinite providence, and care, that ex­tends it self over all things, and specially over his own people.

11. Then said I further to him. What is mean by those two olive-trees, whereof one stands upon the right, the other upon the left side of the Candlestick?

12. And, he deferring his answer. I presumed to propose the same question a­gain unto him, and said, What are those two branches of the olives, hanging over the golden pipes, thence emptying their [Page 492] pretious oyl, as pure and (i) cleare as gold.

13. Then he replying said unto me. Know­est thou not yet, what is meant by them? And I said I must confesse to my Lord, I do not fullie conceave the meaning of them.

14. He answered. These are the two Sons of Oyl, as you use to speak, i. the two sorts of sacred persons, annointed with holy oyl: the Prince and the High-Priest, who (b) attend as two principal servants upon the Lord of the whole earth, and whose vigilant care over the Temple, and the whole Church of God, in their respective places, is here figured by those two branches of the olive, that impart a con­tinual supply of oyl to all the lamps, i. of com­fort, and assistance to all those, that shine, as clear lights in the Church of God.


1 THen I turned, and lift up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, a flying roll.

2 And he said unto me, What seest thou? and I an­swered, I see a flying roll; the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits.

3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth; for every one that stealeth, shall be cut off as on this side, according to it: and every one that sweareth, shall be cut off as on that side, according to it.

4 I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsly by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it, with the timber thereof, and the stones thereof.

5 Then the angel that talked with me, went forth, and said unto me, Lift up now thine eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.

6 And I said, what is it? and he said, This is an ephah that goeth forth. He said moreover, This is their resemblance through all the earth.

7 And behold, there was lift up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sit­teth in the midst of the ephah.

8 And he said, This is wickednesse; and he cast it into the midst of the ephah, and he cast the weight of lead upon the mouth thereof.

[Page 494]9 Then lift I up mine eyes, and looked, and be­hold, there came out two women, and the wind was in their wings, (for they had wings like the wings of a stork) and they lift up the ephah between the earth and the heaven.

10 Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah?

11 And he said unto me, To build it an house in the land of Shinar, and it shall be established, and set there upon her own base.


1. AFter this, lifting up mine eyes (a) again, I discovered that which took me up with so much wonder, that it may challenge another Ecce: and it was a kind of flying book written all in one long scroul.

2. And the angel, that I mentioned before, said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I see a flying roul containing so much in that one volume, that the length of it seems twenty cubits, and the breadth ten cubits.

3. Then said he unto me. This roule, or vo­lume is a book of curses, or dire punish­ments, and it is gone out to fly through the [Page 495] whole land (so far as the children of Iudah or Israel do inhabit) For every one of this nation that is guilty of stealing, and hath his name for that fault on one side of the book is accord­ingly to be (b) emptied of his ill-gotten goods, and suffer the losse of (c) all in his house be­sides: and every one (d) that forswears, and hath his name, for that fault, upon the other side of the book, is emptied of what he got by his perjurie, acrording to the evidence of the fault there.

4. This roul will I produce, saith the Lord of Hosts, and it shall come into the house of him that steals, and into the house of him that swears falsly, by my name. And it shall continue in the midst of his house, till it have quite con­sumed it, like a fierce, and raging fire, that consumes or disperseth the very stones, as well as the timber.

5. Then the Angel, that used to discourse with me, as my Interpreter and Director for the understanding of these mysteries, having gone out for a while, returned again unto me, to explain a new Vision, and said, Lift up now thine eyes, and observe that which seems to be coming forward towards us.

[Page 496]6. At the sight of it, I demanded of the An­gel, what it might be? And he replied, This is the full measure of an Ephah, that now seems to move forward, and discover it self (an embleme of their heavy sins, that have now filled up their measure, and therefore must lie no longer concealed, and winked at, as a great while they did in expectation of their repentance, before they brought them up to this height) And he added withal, that this might serve for a fit * resemblance of those sins or sinners, through the whole land (whose full measure of sin brought that full measure of punishment, which, you see, was visibly inflicted upon the whole nation, in this last captivity.)

7. And you would wonder what a strange sight immediately appeared with it: the likenesse of a huge massie weight of lead, that was brought thither, to be laid upon it. And this other sight withal: (e) a woman sitting upon the middest of the Ephah (impudent enough, and no whit ashamed, or afraid to own such a weight of iniquity.)

8. And, while I was looking upon her, and observing the pride, and shamelessenesse of her posture, the Angel informed me, who it was. [Page 497] This is the lively portraicture of the Jewish Impietie, saith he, (from whence all those rob­beries, and perjuries, that we named before, had their rise, and their growth, till they called to heaven for vengeance) And, at that word, he took her, and thrust her into the midst of the Epha, and laid a great (f) weight of lead upon the mouth of the Ephah) to exclude her from getting out from that, which she seemed so ready to return to, as to a creature of her own.)

9. No sooner had I withdrawn my eyes from this sight, to look up again, but I perceived there two women coming forward (suppose the two nations, the Assyrian and the Babylonian, by which God was pleased to revenge himself of this so great a measure of sin) And they came with such speed, as if they had come upon the wings of the wind (which figured the so­dain execution of Gods wrath, that accord­ingly came upon our nation, for our many offences) And the wings seemed to be like the wings of a stork (another expression of that sodain transmigration, and deportation out of our Country) And these two flying wo­men lift up this Ephah we spake of, between [Page 498] heaven and earth (as we lift up a burden that is presently to be removed from where it is.)

10. Then I asked the Angel that discour­sed with me, whither they intended to remove that heavy weight of impiety? (to what place of punishment, and execution of Ju­stice.)

11. The place, saith he, which they are going to provide for that purpose, is the land of Baby­lon: where they shall be set fast, upon their own basis (the sure footing which themselves were the cause of) sure enough for stirring thence, till God, of his own mercy, make way for their removal.

And this Vision and representation of what they have suffered already, may be a fair warn­ing, that the like sins, or sins in the like mea­sure bring not the like punishment upon their heads again.)


1 ANd I turned, and lift up mine eyes, and looked, and behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains, and the mountains were moun­tains of brasse.

2 In the first chariot were red horses, and in the second chariot black horses,

And in the third cha­riot white horses, and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses.

4 Then I answered, and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my Lord?

5 And the angel answe­red and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing be­fore the Lord of all the earth.

6 The black horses which are therein, go forth into the north-countrey, and the white go forth after them, and the grisled go forth toward the south-countrey.

7 And the bay went forth; and sought to go, that they might walk to and fro through the earth: and he said, Get ye hence, walk to and fro through the earth. So they walked to and fro through the earth.

8 Then cryed he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north coun­trey have quieted my spi­rit in the north-coun­trey.

9 And the word of the Lord came unto me, say­ing.

[Page 500]10 Take of them of the captivity, even of Heldai, of Tobijah, and of Ieda­jah, which are come from Babylon, and come thou the same day, and go into the house of Iosiah the son of Zephaniah;

11 Then take silver and gold, and make crowns, and set them upon the head of Ioshua, the son of Iosedech the high priest.

12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Be­hold the man whose name the BRANCH, and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the Lord.

13 Even he shall build the temple of the Lord, and he shall bear the glory, and, and shall sit and rule upon his throne, and he shall be a priest upon his throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.

14 And the crowns shall be to Helem, and to Tobi­jah, and to Iedajah, and to Hen the son of Zepha­niah for a memorial in the temple of the Lord.

15 Aud they that are far off shall come and build in the temple of the Lord, and ye shall know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto you. And this shall come to passe, if ye will dili­gently obey the voice of the Lord your God.


1. WHen I lift up mine eyes again, to look about me, I saw four warlike Chari­ots, passing from between two strong mountains, that appeared like mountains of brasse (a type of four warlike troops, under the conduct of their famous Commanders, that made, all, their passage through the (a) streights of Anti-taurus, which are between the fastnesse of the rough, and craggy hills in Cilicia: and through which the Babylonians, and Persians, and Alex­anders forces, and the armies of the Comman­ders, that succeeded him, were wont to make their way into Syria, and Iudaea, and other parts thereabout.

2. The first Chariot was drawn by red horses (figuring the bloody actions of the Babyloni­ans, which we had felt already) The second Chariot was furnished with black horses (which sad and mournful colour made them apt to re­present the frequent famines, and other heavy calamities, that many were to suffer under the Persian Monarchie.)

[Page 502]3. In the third Chariot I observed they were white horses, which colour, in opposition to the former of the Persians sable hue, might figure the joyful triumphs, and victories, that the forces of the great Alexander (who com­manded that Chariot) were to have over the vast armies, and countries of the sad, and mournful Persian, that was at last to tast of that sorrow, which himself, before, had brought upon others.

The fourth Chariot, consisting of divided forces, was brought along by Horses of several colours, some (b) speckled with round white spots, like hail-stones, other of a (c) pale colour like ashes (the emblem of the Syrian, and Egyp­tian forces: which fell so often and sodainly ( like hail-shot) in several places, before they were looked for: and by policie, and subtilty concealed, and covered their intentions (like fire under the ashes) till by the sodain breath of their boisterous commands they would have it to break out. And these armies of the Syrian and Egyptian Kings were the rather joyned together in this vision, because they came both from Alexander: and the sufferings of the Iews under them, should be much alike: some full of sad storms, other of greater miseries, [Page 503] that would turn many of them to their last dust and ashes: sometime under the one sort of Commanders, and sometime under the other.

4. Then I applied my self again to the Angel, by whose instructions I had been all this while informed, and said unto him. What are these my Lord?

5. And he answered me to this purpose, that these were for their busling in the world; and the large compasse they take up, (d) like the four winds under heaven, i. the four Empires, under several Commanders dispersed toward the four climates of the known habitable world. And though the winds may show their boisterous, and uncertain dispositions, in them­selves considered: yet they shall execute no­thing, but according to the providence, and wisdom, and pleasure of the Lord of Hosts, and therefore it is said that they go not forth, till they have (e) presented themselves before the Lord of all the earth, (f) to receive his commands.

6. That which hath the black horses is the Persian Armie, which took their progresse not long since toward the Northern countries. And [Page 504] the white, (those of Alexanders troops, shall follow as hard after them of Persia, when the time of their Commission for that service is is come. But the speckled, the various expedi­tions of Alexanders forces under (g) Ptolo­maeus Lagi, shall take their way toward the Southern parts, and be setled in Egypt.

7. And the pale horses, i. those troops of Alexanders followers, that shall take their name and rise from Seleucus, they shall have ma­ny several plots, and essayes about these parts of the world, and in all the countries hereabouts they will make their several attempts. (h) And the Commission which they recovered from the Almighty Commander of all, runs in these terms. Go, make your several per ambulations and assayes in several Countries of the earth. And so accordingly they wil dispose of themselves here, and there, in the several progresse of their military forces.

8. While I was intent upon the Visions, the Angel called me nearer to him, as if he had some new observation to impart, and this it was. Mark these Armies of the Persians, saith he that took their journies into the North, they [Page 505] have revenged the injuries you received from the Babylonian, and so abundantly satisfied the anger, which I justly conceaved against those Northern parts.

9. Then came a particular commmand to me from the Lord to this effect:

10. That I should take to me some of them, that were newly returned from the captivity of Ba­bylon (which God had so powerfully revenged by the hand of the Persian) And, amongst those that I was to make choice of, Hulday (al. Helem) was to be called by name: From whom, and from Tobijah and Iedajah: my self making my appearance at the same time in the house of Iosiah, the son of Zephaniah.—

11. From them I was to receave silver and gold which lay in their hands for the orna­ments of the Temple) and employ it to the ma­king of several crowns, whereof one to be set up­on the head of Iosuah, the Son of Iosedeck, the High-Priest (that herein he may be (i) like the High-Priests, his Predecessors, that were wont to be honoured with a crown in times of publick joy, and gratulation.)

[Page 506]12. And then shalt thou say unto him, Behold the man, whose name is the BRANCH, from the root of Iesse. (Fix your eies upon your Messias, your great Deliverer, of whom and whose deliverie, all other deliverers and de­liverances, as this of Babylon, are but little shadows) He shall bud forth and flourish in due time (answerable to his name of BRANCH) and it shall be out of that place which himself shall make choice of, and he shall build the Church of God, into a just fabrick (your Temple now to be raised, and your Builders that are now in hand with the work, shall be Types and Figures of it.)

13. It is he, that shall build that spiritual Temple of the Lord. It is he that shall purchase to Himself great Honour, and Glory, and a name above every name. And he shall have not a crown onely, like your High-Priest, but a throne of Glory upon which he shall sit and rule, remaining a Priest for ever, and a Kingly Priest, a Priest upon his throne. And the counsail of Peace shall proceed in virtue of both those Titles, and Dignities, that of His Kingdom, and that of His Priest-hood.

14. There shall be crowns also, as for the High-Priest, so for the honorable memorie of others, that have found favour with God, for their good endeavours about the outward [Page 507] Temple, now in hand: by name for Helem, for Tobijah, for Iedajah, and for Hen, the Son of Zephaniah. And these crowns shall be hung up in the Temple of the Lord, as a memorial of them (with their names to that purpose ex­pressed upon the crowns.)

15. And (to help on the work, and the or­naments, and honour of the Temple) many foreiners, and people of remote countries shall come, and contribute towards this building (as the praeludium to the whole crowds of Gentiles that shall help to build up the spiritual Tem­ple) And by this you shall know, that I Zacharie, that relate the prophesie of these things, am a true Prophet of the Lord, and have my Com­mission from the Lord of Hosts, for what I pro­mise to you, judge of me by the event. Provi­ded alwaies that you be diligent in obeying the commands of the Lord your God. For this pro­mise runs under that condition.


ANd it came to passe in the fourth year of king Darius, that the word of the Lord came un­to Zechariah in the fourth day of the nineth moneth, even in Chisleu:

2 When they had sent unto the house of God She­rezer, and Regem-melech, and their men to pray be­fore the Lord.

3 And to speak unto the Priests which were in the house of the Lord of hostes, and to the prophets, saying, Should I weep in the fifth moneth, separating my self, as I have done these so many years?

4 Then came the word of the Lord of hosts unto me, saying,

5 Speak unto all the peo­ple of the land, and to the priests, saying, When ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh moneth, even those seventy years, did ye at all fast unto me, even unto me?

6 And when ye did eat, and when ye did drink, did not ye eat for your selves, and drink for your selves?

7 Should ye not hear the words which the Lord hath cried by the former prophets when Ierusalem was inha­bited, and in prosperity, and the cities thereof round a­bout her, when men inhabi­ted the South of the plain?

8 And the word of the Lord came unto Zechariah, saying,

9 Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, Execute true judgement, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother.

10 And oppresse not the [Page 509] widow, nor the fatherlesse, the stranger, nor the poor, and let none of you imagine evill against his brother in your heart.

11 But they refused to hearken, and pulled away the shoulder, and stopped their ears, that they should not hear.

12 Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone least they should hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hosts.

13 Therefore it is come to passe, that, as he cried, and they would not hear, so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the Lord of hosts.

14 But I scattered them with a whirl-wind among all the nations whom they knew not: thus the land was desolate after them, that no man passed through nor re­turned: for they laid the pleasant land desolate.


1. NOw in the fourth year of King Darius (the second year after they had be­gun the structure of the Temple) the word of the Lord was again revealed unto Zacha­rie, in the fourth day of the ninth moneth, which is called the Moneth Chisleu, and con­taines part of November, and of December And it did so, upon this occasion.

2. There was sent to the Temple (and to the [Page 510] Priests there) about that time (a) Serezer, and Regem-melech, and some Attendants upon them, to tender their humble devotions before the Lord, in the behalf of those that lived out of the City, and had sent them thither upon that service.

3. And withall a message they had to the Priests that ministred in the Temple of the Lord of Hostes, and to the Prophets, (b) (who were to advise and direct them in matters of scruple or controversie.) This Message came in the name of the People, who, being desirous to be satisfied in some doubts about fasting (in which it seems all had been well, if their care to make it a true and acceptable fast unto God, had been as much as their desire, and power to enact it and enjoyn it, as a holy Fast) and being all considered as one body, they ordered their message to be delivered in these, or the like termes. Shall I continue the times of fasting and mourning, which I impo­sed upon my self under the captivity, and have since most strictly observed? whereof that is one in the fifth Moneth, (upon the tenth of [Page 511] July, in the sad (c) remembrance of the de­stroying, and firing of the Temple by Nebu­zaradan; Captain of the guard, to Nebuchad­nezar) Shall I still afflict my self, and observe my wonted abstinence from pleasant meats, and other matters of delight, (d) like a Na­zarite for that day, as I have now kept it upon the return of that day, for many yeares?

4. Then (as I was saying) came the word of the Lord of Hostes unto me, furnishing me with an answer to that question of the Peo­ple, after some things to be premised upon occasion of their Fast, and saying unto me.

5. Speak to all the people of the land, and among them to the Priests too, (to those of Jerusalem, as well as to those out of the Citie, that have sent these men hither) and say. When you fasted, and mourned in the fifth Mo­neth, in remembrance of the destruction of the Temple: (e) and in the seventh Moneth, in memoriall of the death of Godoliah, and so in the other Moneths, in like pretended humble service, for these seventy years of your captivity. Did I require those Fasts? or, when they were voluntarily undertaken, did they [Page 512] tend, as they should do, to my honour and glory, by your true humbling, and bettering of your selves upon those dayes? For, your Fasts, without that, are, in themselves, nothing so pleasing, and acceptable to me, as you may vainly conceive.

6. For, as at other times, when you eat, and drink at your liberty, no advantage accrews to my honour, out of that feasting of yours, bare­ly in it self considered (without any other consequence of your due returnes of thankful­nesse, and obedience, for the blessing of that plenty) so at these times, when you fast, that fasting, in its self adds nothing to me, nor is it any way considerable in my esteem.

7. Should you not rather (f) have observed the divine commands so plainly, and openly de­livered unto you, by the Prophets that have gone before us, when Ierusalem was at ease, and a­bounded in peace, and plenty. And when the Cities and Townes all about her: when the more mountainous, and Southern parts, that were then entirely possessed, and when with them the lowest and fruitfullest countries in the plain had the same benefit of a quiet and secure repose, and a rich habitation.

[Page 513]8. And the word of the Lord came again unto me, saying.

9. Thus spake the Lord of Hostes (by for­mer Prophets) saying. In your publick places of Judgement, proceed according to the rules of true Iustice and Equity, (without any re­gard to silthy lucre, or to the prejudice of Affection.) And in your private actions, and commerce with one another, show that kind­nesse and compassion, that should be expected among Brethren, of the same stock and alliance, and of the same Religion, and Profession.

10. Let there be no injuring, or oppressing of the widow, the orphan, the stranger, or any that are poor and afflicted amongst you. And do not, so much as in your hearts devise or conceive any mischeivous intention against one another. All this I commanded your Fathers, by the former Prophets.

11. But they would not hear of that ear, they shrunk up the shoulder, and in plain rebellion turned their backs upon their good guides: and followed those courses that would make their cares duller, for any holy counsaile that called for this obedience.

12. And, thus by degrees, they made their hearts (as it were in a set opposition to all exhortations of obedience) as hard as flint or any the hardest, and most durable stone: [Page 514] that (g) there might be no admittance for the voice of the law, and the precepts, which the Lord of Hostes sent them by those that were, to that purpose raised up, and enlightened by his holy Spirit: for such were all your former Prophets. And this wilfull and obstinate re­bellion of theirs could not but draw down the heavie and just indignation of the Lord of Hostes.

13. And accordingly, you see, it came to passe, that as they suffered God to call upon them, and would return him no answer of obe­dience: so when their own miseries forced them to call for divine assistanee, then did I refuse to answer their desires, saith the Lord of Hostes.

14. And I (h) dispersed them in mine anger, as if it had been with a mighty whirl-wind into severall nations, which they never knew before: and their own land, (after their depor­tation into other parts) was left waste and de­solate, like a wildernesse behind them. There was not so much as a passenger to be seen either going thither, or returning from that place, (i) [Page 515] that had been so much frequented. Such and so heavie was the solitude and barrennesse of that land, that had been accounted the delight, and Paradise of the whole earth.


1. AGain the word of the Lord of hostes came to me, saying,

2. Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I was jealous for Zi­on with great jealousie, and I was jealous for her with great fury.

3 Thus saith the Lord, I am returned unto Zion: and will dwell in the midst of Ierusalem, and Ierusa­lem shall be called a Citie of truth, and the mountain of the Lord of hosts, the holy mountain.

4 Thus saith the Lord of hosts. There shall yet old men, and old women dwell in the streets of Ierusalem, and every man with his staffe in his hand for very age.

5 And the streets of the citie shall be full of boyes and girls playing in the streets thereof.

6 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, if it be marvellous in the eyes of the remnant of this people in these dayes, should it also be marvellous in mine eyes? saith the Lord of hosts.

7 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, Behold, I will save my people from the east-countrey, and from the west-countrey.

8 And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Ierusalem, and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousnesse.

9 Thus saith the Lord of [Page 516] hosts, Let your hands be strong, ye that hear in these dayes these words by the mouth of the prophets, which were in the day that the foundation of the house of the Lord of hosts was laid, that the temple might be built.

10 For before these daies there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast, nei­ther was there any peace to him that went out, or came in, because of the affliction: for I set all men, every one against his neighbour.

11 But now I will not be unto the residue of this peo­ple, as in the former daies saith the Lord of hosts.

12 For the seed shall be prosperous, the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground shall give her en­crease, and the heavens shall give their dew, and I will curse the remnant of this people to possess all these things.

13 And it shall come to passe, that a [...] ye were a curse among the heathen, O house of Iudah, and house of Israel: so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.

14 For thus saith the Lord of hosts, As I thought to punish you, when your fa­thers provoked me to wrath saith the Lord of hostes, and I repented not;

15 So again have I thought in these dayes to do well unto Ierusalem, and to the house of Iudah: fear ye not.

16 These are the things that ye shall do, Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour: execute the judg­ment of truth and peace in your gates.

17 And let none of you imagine evill in your hearts against his neighbour, and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, saith the Lord.

18 And the word of the Lord of hosts, came unto me, saying.

19 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, The fast of the [Page 517] fourth moneth, and the fast of the fifth, and the fast of the seventh, and the fast of the tenth shall be to the house of Iudah joy and gladness, and chearfull feasts: there­fore love the truth and peace.

20 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, it shall yet come to passe, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities.

21 And the inhabitants of one city shbll go to ano­ther, saying, Let us go spee­dily to pray before the Lord and to seek the Lord of hosts; I will go also.

22 Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hostes in Ierusalem, and to pray be­fore the Lord.

23 Thus saith the Lord of hostes, In those daies it shall come to passe, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Iew, saying, We will go with you; for we have heard that God is with you.


1. ANd the commands of the Lord of Hostes were thus expressed further upon the same occasion, and to make way for a satis­factory answer to their question.

2. Thus saith the Lord of Hostes. As my great wrath, and justice upon my own people followed upon the greatnesse of those sins, which were mentioned before: so now the [Page 518] greatnesse of my jealousie for Sion, the seat on my Jewish Church, and my great anger no now against her, but for her shall be felt by he [...] enemies.

3. For, Thus saith the great Iehovah, I re­turn now to Sion, and to my former love, and (a) compassion, that I showed to her of old. And I will dwell again in the middest of Ieru­salem: my gracious presence, and daily fa­vours shall make them appear like my own domestick Servants, which shull gain Ierusalem the title of the City where the true Religion is professed and the Mount of the lord of Hosts where you build your Temple unto me, shall be called by the name of the holy Mountain, because of the peculiar presence of my Ho­linesse, and the daily observance of your sacred Duties, and Devotions in that place.

4. And (concerning your temporall bles­sings) thus also, saith the Lord of Hostes, there shall be seen again (c) in the streets of Ieru­salem, Men venerable for their age, and grave Matrons, sitting there to refresh them­selves: and every one of them with a staffe in their hands to support their feeble bodies, [Page 519] because of their extream old age, and the ex­traordinary number of year,, to which they shall attain.

5. And with this grave sight of your An­cients, sitting before your doors, you shall have another that will please you well: (c) great store of young children, that shall fill up your spacious streets with severall companies of young boyes, and girles, here and there recrea­ting themselves with their merry, and inno­cent sports.

6. And do not startle at it, saith the Lord of Hostes, for though this may seem a strange and wonderfull thing, in the apprehension of this poor remnant of the People, that are now returned out of the land of their captivity: yet nothing should seem impossible for me, saith the Lord of Hostes.

7. And look not upon your selves alone, that are first returned, and can yet make up but a little company, for thus saith the Lord of Hostes: I will wonderfully provide for the welfare of my people in the Eastern and Western parts.

8. I'le conduct them safely hither again from all parts of the world, whither they are dis­persed, [Page 520] and they shall dwell in the middest of my holy City Ierusalem. And they shall be my peculiar people, and I will be their powerfull God. Truely and justly shall I make this good to them, by my blessing upon them: and they to me, by the true worship of my name, and their just dealing, and conversing with one another.

9. And therefore, Go on chearfully in the building of my Temple, which you have now begun, saith the Lord of Hostes, you that live to see these daies, and hear the comfortable words of these late Prophesies, from the mouth of us the Prophets, that were in the times that the foundation of the house of the Lord of Hostes was laid, and that God hath raised up, to incite and encourage you in the building, and perfecting of his holy Temple.

10. And, to adde the more life, and speed to your undertakings, I am enjoyned to tell you, that, whereas before you setled your selves in earnest to this good work, your men and your cattle at home had little reward of their la­bour, in matter of Husbandry (ye toyled and took paines with little, or no successe) and they that ventured further abroad, could find no peace, and quiet, by reason of some affliction or other that was ready to overtake them: be­side the many quarrels and distractions which [Page 521] by my permission, and connivence rose up a­mongst you.

11. Now, since I perceive your readinesse, and alacrity, to proceed in the building of my House, I will not show my self so averse, as formerly I have been, from this remnant of the captivity, saith the Lord of Hostes.

12. For you shall be (e) a generation, that shall live in peace and prosperity. Your Vines shall be fruitfull, and your land shall bring plenty of corn. For the Heavens shall drop that dew, which shall make them so. And the remnant that return from Babylon will I make to be eye-witnesses, and owners of all this felicity.

13. So shall it come to passe, that as you of the house of Iudah and Israel were held accursed of all nations, by reason of the great misery, that your great sins had brought upon you: so, upon this safety, and prosperity, which I shall give un­to you, you shall be accounted a Nation, that God hath now blessed with extraordinary fa­vours. Therefore do not faint and give back from your good intentions, but proceed on chearfully, and couragiously in the building of the Temple.

14. For, thus saith the Lord of Hostes, As [Page 522] there was a time when my thoughts and intenti­ons were chiefly set upon afflicting of this nation for those sins, by which your forefathers provo­ked me to anger: and I had no mind to repent of it (I would not [...] diverted.)

15. So now, in these times of amendment, and of a more readiness to go on in my service, I am willing to repent, and to put on other reso­lutions of doing good, and bestowing favours upon Iudah and Ierusalem. And therefore be not discouraged, nor taken off from your good beginnings.

16. And let these be the (f) actions, wherein you shall practise and entertain your selves. Let every man use candour and integritie in those things which refer to others and himself: And you that, as more publick persons, are intrusted in your gates, which are your courts of Justice; pass your sentences according to that truth, and equity, which will be the best means to procure and prolong your peace and pros­perity.

17. And much more must you be careful, that there be no studying of mischief against one another: or delighting to deceive others, or dishonour my name by false oaths. For howso­ever wicked men may love and take pleasure [Page 523] in such things, yet are (g) they all of them the object of my hatred, saith the Lord of Hosts.

18: After this, for a full and clear solution of the queries, and demands, that were the errand of Sarezer, end Regem-melech, the word of the Lord was made known unto me, to this sense.

19. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts. Your fast of the fourth moneth, (h) which you observed in the sad remembrance of Jerusalem at that time taken by the King of Babylon: and your fast of the fifth moneth, (i) wherein the Tem­ple was consumed by fire, and the City laid ruinous, and desolate: and your fast in the se­venth moneth, which put you in mind, (k) how your noble Patron, and Commander Godoliah was treacherously and unhappily brought to an untimely death: and your fast of the tenth moneth, (l) in which the Babylonians began their siege against Jerusalem: All these daies of fasting shall be now to your whole nation, up­on your return from Babylon. festivall dayes, set times of merry and joyfull Solemnities. In all which, let not your joy obliterate the me­morie of your dutie: forget not to deal can­didly [Page 524] and truly with your neighbours, and to entertain one another with the mutual offices of true love and courtesie, as well as of jollity, and feasting.

20. And to encourage you yet more in this: acceptable duty of mutual love, thus saith the Lord of Hostes of that love, and affection, wherein your own people yet abroad, (m) and others with them shall be drawn to you, and to your Countrey. You are yet but a few: but the time is coming on, when many shall come hi­ther form remoter parts, and that are now inha­bitants of many feveral Cities.

21. For, they that dwell in one City shall im­part their desires to the inhabitants of another City, for a journey towards the holy land, and they shall say, Come, let us go thither to ten­der our humble supplications before the Lord, and seek the Lord of Hosts in his holy worship, and service, and the precepts of his law. Then the several parties thus invited shall say (every man undertaking it in his own person) I shall willingly make one for so good a voyage.

22. Thus shall many, and mighty nations come to Ierusalem, to seek the Lord of Hosts, in this Temple which you are building: and to be informed by your Priests, and Levites, which [Page 525] is the true way of his service, according to his divine laws: and as a good means to that, to offer up their hearty prayers for a blessing from the Almighty.

23. For, thus again saith the Lord of Hosts, Ten men of several languages, and nations shall then take hold of the skirts of you that are Iews, and, in that action, deliver their desire to you, and your Countrie, saying. Let us attend you to your happy home in the holy land, (n) for we have heard how wonderfully God hath been with you, restoring you to your for­mer happinesse in your own possessions, repres­sing your enemies, and setling the antient forms of his holy worship, as he had foretold by his holy Prophets. And He that foretells and fullfills such things, shall be the God that we would fain serve, and obey, as you doe.


1. THe burden of the word of the Lord in the land of Hadrach, and Damascus shall be the rest thereof: when the eyes of man, as of all the tribes of Israel shall be toward the Lord.

2 And Hamath also shall border thereby; Tyrus and Zidon, though it be very wise.

3 And Tyrus did build h [...]r self a strong hold, and heaped up silver as the dust, and fine gold as the mire of the streets.

4 Behold, the Lord will cast her out, and he will smite her power in the sea, and she shall be devoured with fire.

5 Ashkelon shall see it, and fear; Gaza also shall see it, and be very sorrow­ful, and Ekron: for her expectation shall be asha­med, and the king shall pe­rish from Gaza, and Ash­kelon shall not be inhabited.

6 And a bastard shll dwell in Ashdod, and I will cut off the pride of the Phi­listins.

7 And I will take away his bloud out of his mouth, and his abominations from between his teeth: but he that remaines, even he shall be for our God, and he shall be as a governour in Iudah, and Ekron as a Iebusite.

8 And I will enc amp a­bout mine house because of the army, because of him that passeth by, and because of him that returneth; and no oppressour shall passe through them any more; for now have I seen with mine eyes.

9 Rejoyce greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Ierusalem: be­hold, [Page 527] thy king cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation, lowly, and riding upon an asse, and upon a colt, the foal of an asse.

10 And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse frrm Ierusa­lem, and the battle-bow shall be cut off, and he shall speak unto the heathen: and his dominion shall be from sea to sea, and from the ri­ver even unto the ends of the earth.

11 As for thee also, by the blood of thy covenant, I have sent forth thy priso­ners out of the pit, wherein is no water.

12 Turn ye to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope, even to day do I declare, that I will render double unto thee:

13 When I have bend Iu­dah for me, filled the bow with Ephraim, and raised up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Greece, and made thee as the sword of a migh­ty man:

14 And the Lord shall be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning: and the Lord God shall blow the trumpet, and shall go with whirl­winds of the South.

15 The Lord of Hosts shall defend them, and they shall devour, & subdue with sling-stones, and they shall drink and make a noise as through wine, and they shalbe filled like bowls, and as the corners of the altar.

16 And the Lord their God shall save them in that day as the flock of his peo­ple, for they shall be as the stone, of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land.

17 For how great is his goodnesse, and how great is his beauty? corn shall make the young men cheer­full, and new wine the maids.


1. A Burdensome Prophesie to the enemies of Israel. I shall now acquaint thee, O Iudaea, with a sad, and heavy Prophesie; no­thing like that prophesie of peace, and pros­perity, which I delivered to thy self. And it is the word of the Lord (a) for Hadrach: that is, it concerns Syria one of thy places of retirement, whither thou hast often fled, to secure thy self against the assaults of a sodain enemie. And it concerns Damascus too, the Metropolis of Syria, and her best refuge and (b) repose for se­curity, whereon she relies, when a storm is com­ing upon her self. For, (c) The eies of the Lord are upon all men, and all should fix their eyes upon him. (His power, and providence, and justice watching over others (d) as well as over you, the Tribes of Israel, that are his peculiar people.

[Page 529]2. Hamath also (or Antiochia) must be brought within the limits and compasse of this prophesie, as it borders upon Syria, and the ma­ritine parts, Tyre and Sidon too, though they seem so wondrous wife that they chalenge a greater interest in wisdom, then other countries must do.

3. Howsoever Tyrus ( * to be like her name) hath built her self a (e) strong defence, and (knowing what are the sinews of war) hath heap­ed up silver like dust, and the finest gold in such plenty, as if it were with them as ordinary * as the mire of the streets (like the store, that your nation enjoyed in the dayes of Salo­mon.)

4. Yet, you will wonder in the end, how God will (f) bring her to poverty, and cast her out of those possessions, (g) and give her wooden walls wherein she trusts so much, and with them her strong fort, another piece of her confidence, such a blow, as shall cast them alto­gether into the sea, while Tyrus her self, with all her rich buildings, shall be (g) consumed with fire.

[Page 530]5. Ashkelon will trembie, to see her neigh­bours houses thus set on fire, and Gaza will be in as much, or more perplexity. So will Ekron, for shame that she hath failed of her expectation, presuming that the enemie should have had such a blow given them, by the subtle and po­tent Tyrians, as should have freed them from the fear of all danger. Gaza, after this shall no longer be ruled by one, that shall live in the state of a King, rather then the Commander of such a little compasse of ground. And Ashkelon shall be laid wast, and, for a long time after this, not be inhabited.

6. Then shall Azotus be possessed by a kind of bastard-brood, a mixed and mungril people, out of the conflux from several Nations. And all the neighbour parts of Palestine shall have such a share in this calamity, as shall take down their haughty pride, and insulting over my people Israel.

7. And I will take away the bloody, and abo­minable language out of the mouth of the domi­neering Philistims, who delight as much in horrid, and cruel threats, as if it did them good to chew upon them, and please themselves while they keep it between their teeth, as if they would set their teeth on work too, with devouring of others, that are better then themselves. But the remnant of this fierce, [Page 531] and boasting Nation shall come at last to be subdued, and united with the people of Israel, and so brought to the service of the true God. And as the Iebusite being first become a Pro­selyte, was thereupon made capable of places of dignity, and command amonst the people of God, so shall it be with the Philistine, and so with the Ekronite, that in that captivity shall be in a fair way to become as one of the Princes, and Ru­lers of Iudah. (h)

8. And I will make my Angela encamp about my Temple, to preserve it from all hostile and violent attempts, and sodain incursions of such as may go, or return any way near unto it. And none shall be suffered to have any passage here­after toward those parts, with power to tyranise, and usurp upon them. For mine eyes are now and ever open to observe, and prevent the dangers, which otherwise might fall upon this holy place (as I promised that I would be, at the consecrating of your first Temple.)

9. And when I cast my all-seeing eye upon times yet more remote from your daies, then I may well say of your deliverance from spiri­tual, and greater enemies. Rejoyce exceeding­ly O Daughter of Sion: shout and sing aloud for joy, O Daughter of Ierusalem. For the [Page 532] Messias, thy long-expected King, (of whom the best of all thy Kings heretofore were but types and figures) comes to deliver thee from thy invisible enemies. He is (i) just, and merciful, and in his Justice and Mercy brings salvation to you that shall be justified through him. Though he come not in the pomp of regality, but poor enough in outward show: and not in the flourish, and noise of (k) military forces, and horses prepared for war, but riding upon an asse, even upon a colt, the foal of an asse, which is a beast, that you use for more peaceable, and quiet journies.

10. Then will I take away all the need of cha­riots and horses, and other outward military forces from Ephraim and Judah, or her Metro­polis of Ierusalem, and the bow with other weapons of war will I knap in sunder. And this King, your Messias, shall preach true peace to the nations of the world. And his spiritual kingdom shall be inlarged from Sea to Sea, and from the Rivers to the ends of the earth.

11. And as for thee also (l) O my Church, by the blood of the covenant that I have made [Page 533] with (m) thee, * I will redeem, and deliver thy prisoners from the infarnal pit, wherein is no water (no hope of refreshment.)

12. Therefore repent, and apply your selves unto God your onely help and refuge, you that are such (n) prisoners, as are not without a good hope, and modest assurance of divine succour, and relief. For I declare to you and assure you, this very (o) time, wherein I have showed the fruit of your Messias his coming in such humi­lity, that I will return what he shall merit, in a double testimony of my love to every one of you (that shall not onely have deliverance from what ye might fear; but the assurance too of eternal felicity.)

13. To make way to this by the publick preaching of the Gospel, for subduing the Nations to my spiritual kingdom; I will pick out my first Champions from among you of Iudah: so that Iudah shall be like my bow, that I bend, and make ready against mine enemies, and Ephraim like my quiver which I will fill full of arrows to be shot against all opposers. And I will raise thy Sons, O Sion, against thy Sons, O Graecia, ( i. the first Preachers that shall [Page 534] be Iews, to reduce the Graecians with the first under the easie yoke of the Messias) And I will make thee, O Sion, to be like the sword of a mighty Commander (for by my word in thy (p) mouth, which is my spiritual sword, I will reduce other nations unto my kingdom.)

14. And the great Iehovah shall easily be seen to be a defence over these Champions of Iudaea, and to fight for them as out of a tower and fortresse higher then their enemies. His arrows and other instruments of this warfare shall go forth as quick as lightning. The Lord himself shall be amongst them and sound the trumpet, to give the sign of battel, and shall set upon his enemies with storming like the violent Southern tempests, that lay all even before them.

15. Even the Lord of Hosts himself shall be their shield, and buckler to defend them, and they shall feed upon the spoiles of their ene­mies. And as David did Goliah, with little stones out of his sling, so shall they by weak, and unliekly means vanquish and subdue the great­est that come against them. So that they shall be like those (q) Conquerors that have their revenge satisfied with the blood of their ene­mies, [Page 535] and therefore shout and triumph, like those that are filled with storng wine. For they shall drink their fill of it, till they are as full as your silver bowls (r) in the Sanctuary reple­nished with the holy offering, and the (s) horns of the Altar, whereon the blood of the sacrifice is so plentifully poured.

16. For, in those daies, their God the great Iehovah shall save and protect his Souldiers in these spiritual combats, as the sheep of his flock, and his own people, that are the sheep of his pa­sture. And these sheep shall prove (t) Lions, and Conquerors for the Lord of Hosts in his land. And the Ensignes carried before them shall be with (u) crowns set with pearls (an embleme of the last reward of these holy Victories, spe­cially to be set upon the head of those, that are great Actors, and sufferers in so great a work.

17. For, how great is the goodnesse of Him, that is the Lord of these mighty Hosts? and how great is the beauty of his glory? that will chear them up at last, and put such joy into their hearts, as the young men use to (x) express [Page 536] in their shouts, when they bring home the last corn of a plentiful harvest: and the young mai­dens in their Songs and Acclamations at the end of a happy Vintage, that hath furnished them with good store of new wine.


1 ASk ye of the Lord rain in the time of the later rain, so the Lord shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grasse in the field.

2 For the idols have spo­ken vanity, and the divi­ners have seen a lie. and have told false dreams; they comfort in vain: therefore they went their way as a flock, they were troubled, because there was no shep­herd.

3 Mine anger was kind­led against the shepherds, and I punished the goats: for the Lord of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Iudah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battel.

4 Out of him came forth the corner, out of him the nail, out of him the battle­bow, out of him every op­pressor together.

5 And they shall be as mighty men, which tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle, and they shall fight, because the Lord is with them, and the riders on horses shall be confoun­ded.

6 And I will strengthen the house of Iudah, and I will save the house of Io­seph, and I will bring them [Page 537] again to place them; for I have mercy upon them: and they shall be as though I had not cast them off: for I am the Lord their God, and will hear them.

7 And they of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall re­joyce, as through wine: yea, their children shall see it, and be glad, their heart shall rejoyce in the Lord.

8 I will hisse for them, and gather them; for I have redeemed them: and they shall increase as they have increased.

9 And I will sow them among the people: and they shall remember me in far countries, and they shall live with their children, and turn a­gain.

10 I will bring them again also out of the land of Egypt, and gather them out of Assyria, and I will bring them into the land of Gilead and Lebanon, and place shall not be found for them.

11 And he shall passe through the sea with af­liction, and shall smite the waves in the sea, and all the deeps of the river shall dry up: and the pride of Assyria shall be brought down, and the scepter of Egypt shall depart away.

12 And I will streng­then them in the Lord, and they shall walk up and down in his name, saith the Lord.


1. THe Prophesies of your plenty, and prosperity presuppose the continuance of your service, and devotion. Therefore if you would live in plenty, and have your hus­bandry to prosper, Let your hearty prayers beg rain of the Lord in the time of the latter rain, which you would have for the advantage of your corn. For it is God that ordains the cloud for that use. It is he that pours you out (a) plentiful shours of rain, to help on the in­crease (b) of all kind of fruit, in your fields, and (c) for the good of every one.

2. For, if you forsake this divine help, and seek help from your idols, your own former experience in that, can show you, what you may expect. For, the answers of your idols have ever proved to be mere vanity, and their diviners flattered you with visions of that, which was but falshood and delusion; and so led you on with fine talk, sweetned with imagi­nary [Page 539] hopes, or rather dreams of comfort. And accordingly they that relied upon those idle prophesies of future solace, were carried away captives, like silly sheep, that had no careful guide and Shepherd to look to them: and in the end, (d) found nothing but that trouble and miserie which attends such transportations into a strange land.

3. Your Princes and Governours should be your watchful guides and Shepherds, there­fore in such times of supine neglect I was most offended with them (as you may read in the strange punishment of some of your Kings) And so will I still visete such (e) goats and rams, which rather disorder, then rule, and lead the flock, as they should do. But the Lord of Hosts will mercifully visit his poor deluded, and neglected flock, the house of Judah. And (when I send them against their enemies, they (f) shall not be like weak, and silly sheep, but) I will make them (g) valiant, and strong, and couragious, like the warlike horse, (h) whose pride and glory it is to be most forward in war against the troops of the enemie.

[Page 540]4. Out of this my flock and people, will I bring such as, in your civil discords, shall be like the (i) corner stones, that unite, and com­pact the rest together. And out of this others that shall be like nails, and pegs, that fasten the several parts of the fabrick. For they shall be staies, and supports to fix or keep up those that are weak, and wavering. And yet more, out of this (for your expeditions against a forrein enemy) I will raise up such as shall be of as necessary use and strength there as the bow and arrows be in the day of battle. And so what Tyrants, or oppressours soever would oppose your nation they shall altogether be forced to be gone (k) from you. (And all these main props, and defenders of your state, from your tem­poral enemies, shall be but the types and figures of such, as shal be used as the means of your de­liverie from your spiritual enemies: the great Messias himself being the head (l) corner­stone, and others to be employed by, and under Him, for the general good, as he shall please to order it.

5. And these which I will thus raise up for your defence, shall be, in your battels, like vali­ant [Page 541] Captains and Commanders, that triumph over their enemies, and trample them under their feet, like the mire in the streets. They shall en­counter them to the purpose. For the great Ie­hovah is with them, as their great Commander and Protector. And (m) they that come against them with several troops of Horse (wherein they place their confidence) shall carry shame and confusion away with them, instead of victory.

6. Thus will I adde strength and courage to the house of Iudah) whence you have your greatest supply for Souldiers of command) and protect the house of Ioseph or Ephraim, (that furnish you with your ordinarie fighting men) I will (n) bring them off safe from their battels, and make them return with honour. This I will do, out of my mercy and compassi­on towards them. And so they shall be safe, and prosperous, as they were in former times, before I cast them out of their own Country. For, I am the Lord their God, and I will be ready to hear and supply them with what they want and de­sire of me.

7. And they of Ephraim shall quit themselves like stout warriers: and their heart shall be as chearful in that hard employment, as the heart of a strong man, newly refreshed with wine. [Page 542] Their very children shall take notice of their fathers alacrity, and readinesse to the war, and expresse it in their own joy and forwardnesse. Thus all of them shall heartily rejoyce in the fa­vour and protection of the Lord.

8. I will whistle for them that are not yet returned from Babylon, and Egypt (as the Shepherd doth for his flock and gather them together into my own fould (the place that I haee chosen out for my own worship) For I have resolved to redeem, and deliver them from their enemies, and here they shall be as nume­rous, and as prosperous again as ever they were.

9. (o) For I dispersed them obroad into seve­ral and remote nations, and there they remem­bred to serve me. Therefore now will I remem­ber them, and theirs. They and their children shall survive and return to their own home, and their antient possessions.

20. I will bring them back from the land of Egypt, and gather them together from the land of Assyria (by several waies, and instruments of my providence) and reduce them to their Gilead (that furnished them with rich balms) and Lebanon that stored them with strong [Page 543] timber. And upon their return, they shall swell into such multitudes, that upon their own in­heritance, there will hardly be found room enough, wherein to contein them.

11. And (to accelerate and facilitate their return) (p) they shall find passage through the streights of the sea: for God shall represse the waves of the sea by his mighty power, as if his own stroke made them give way to these pas­sengers. And he shall drie up the deeper chanels of the (q) river (Euphrtaes) i. rather then they shall not have an easie passage, the waves shall give back, and the deeps shall be dried up, to make way for them. (All which may represent in a figure a more conspicuous con­duct (r) over that great river of Assyria, in the latter times.) And as you come forward to your prosperity, so the pride of the Assyrian shall go downward: and the scepter of Egypt, (to which you were subject, while you were sojurners there) shall vanish away (the Egypti­ans shall have no more power, and command over you.)

[Page 544]12. And I will make my people strong and chearful in the Lord their God. And all their actions shall they prosperously undertake and finish, in that name, saith the great Iehovah. 897


1 OPen thy doors, O Le­banon, that the fire may devour thy cedars.

2 Howl fir-tree, for the cedar is fallen, because all the mighty are spoiled; howl, O ye oaks of Bashan, for the forrest of the vin­tage is come down.

3 There is a voice of the howling of the shep­herds; for their glory is spoiled, a voice of the roa­ring of young lions: for the pride of Iordan is spoiled.

4. Thus saith the Lord my God, Feed the flock of the slaughter.

5 Whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty: and they that sell them, say, Blessed be the Lord, for I am rich: and their own shepherds pity them not.

6 For I will no more pity the inhabitants of the land, saith the Lord: but lo, I will deliver the men every one into his neighbours hand, and into the hand of his king, and they shall smite the land, and out of their hand I will not deliver them.

7 And I will feed the flock of the slaughter, even [Page 545] you, O poor of the flock: and I took unto me two staves; the one I called Beauty, and the other I cal­led Bands, and I fed the flock.

8 Three shepherds also I cut off in one moneth, and my soul loathed them, and their soul also abhorred me.

9 Then said I, I will not feed you: that that di­eth, let it die: and that that is to be cut off, let it be cut off; and let the rest eat, every one the flesh of ano­another.

10 And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people.

11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited up­on me, knew that it was the word of the Lord.

12 And said I unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, for­bear: so they weighed for my price thirty pieces of sil­ver.

13 And the Lord said unto me, Cast it unto the pot­ter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.

14 Then I cut asunder mine other staff, even Bands, that I might break the bro­therhood between Iudah and Israel.

15 And the Lord said unto me, Take unto thee yet the instruments of a foolish shepherd.

16 For lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land, which shall not visit those that be cut off, neither shall seek the young one, nor heal that that is broken, nor feed that that standeth still: but he shall eat the flesh of the fat, & tear their claws in pieces.

17 Wo to the idol shep­herd that leaveth the flock: the sword shall be upon his arm, and upon his right eye: his arm shall be clean dri­ed up, and his right eye shall be utterly darkened.


1. BUt, your hearty obedience unto me, and to these pleasant daies of victory, and prosperity will not last for ever. Some daies of heavy (a) suffering there will be, and a sad visitation of the Temple, and of the City When thou O Ierusalem, that hast brought (b) so much of Lebanon within thy gates for the fabrick of thy Temple, and other stately buildings, that thou maiest borrow the name too of another Lebanon, (c) must be forced to open thy gates, and with other delights, expose all the store which thou broughtest from Leba­non, to the pleasure of a cruel enemie: that with (d) fire and sword will consume thy Palaces of Cedar, and destroy the rich owners of those fair habitations.

2. There will be matter of fear and lamen­tation for you of the poorer sort, in the lesser towns and villages, that stand so thick about Jerusalem, like the firre-trees about [Page 547] the tall Cedars. For, some of your fairest Cedares in Lebanon, the (e) rich, and great ones, that are nestled so high) must fall as how as the ground. And the gallant Citizens, that looked so big upon it, must be humbled and seek abroad for another place of habitation, while Jerusa­lem is laid desolate. You were mounted before, like the oaks of Basan, but you will stoop and howl, to see your Lebanon, (f) your mighty forrest cut down, (your populous City, where the rich buildings were mounted to the height of the proudest trees in the forrest.)

3. This lamentation in the forrest will cause the howling of the shepherds. l. the ruines about the Temple and City, must needs be accom­panied with the miserable cry of the (g) Princes and of the Governours both Ecclesiastical and Civil, whose glory is quite spoiled, when their glorious City, and Temple suffer so much. Shepherds did I call them? I should rather have (h) called them Lions then Shepherds (devourers, rather then feeders and governours of the people) But now these Lions shall roar, and heavily bemoan themselves (They that Lion-like, did so Lord it, and domineer over their [Page 548] own nation, shall indure the injuries, and abu­ses of strangers, that will domineer over them) While the pride of (i) Iudaea that stretcheth her self as far as Iordan, is turned to nothing but miserie, and desolation.

4. The sins and disorders that call for such desolation, will make it high time for the Messias to come, the true Shepherd of Israel, (of whose care and government, my exercise of my function among you is but a little shadow) And to Him thus will my Lord God say, when he sends him to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. (k) Feed and govern these poor sheep, (the * people of my pasture, and the sheep of my hands; that, by ill guides, and pretended Shepherds are so often in danger to become like Sheep ready for the slaughter.

5. For their Governors, that undertook the care of their wellfare, or (as they would call themselves (l) the Masters and owners of them, are little better then their Butchers, that make the best advantage of their sheep, though it be by cutting of their throats and (m) selling them to their skin. And yet, all the while, they are never startled at it, as at that which makes them [Page 549] guilty of any great offence. But, when they have so sold them, they make a devout face at it: and (as if they conceived, God himself had liberally conferred upon them, all that unjust gain, and would take no notice of such faults in them) they put their applause, and hypocri­sie into a solemn form of thanksgiving, and say, Blessed be the Lord, that hath given a happy successe to this means, by which I am enrich­ed (which is no better then to thank God for the successe of their wicked and cruel actions. Thus these Rulers, and Shepherds in name, but Butchers in deed, take no pitie, and so make no spare of the people, when they meet with an occasion, that fits their own advan­tage.

6. Neither will I any longer spare them or any in the whole land, that countenance, or advance their wicked actions, saith the Lord: But, you shall see, I will deliver them into one anothers hands, to perish by civil dissentions, and mutual slaughter. And I will give them every man into the hands of a (n) King of his own choice. (Since they will have no king but Caesar) And their ruine shall be such as if they were dashed against the earth, and hit that in [Page 550] their fall. And I will not deliver them (o) out of the depth of these calamities.

7. But now will I (p) instruct this miserablie slaughterd sheep, and among them I will speak to you, that have the meeknesse, and innocence, and patience, whereof sheep are the best emblemes: by representing a visible way of instruction be­fore your eyes. For this is that which the Lord saith unto you. Long since I took to my self two Shepherds-staves (as two waies of hap­py government of my people, the sheep of my fould) The one I call Beauty, or (q) amiable and pleasant (which is the way of protection from all evil, and calamities abroad) the other I call Bands, or Binders, which is the way of keeping them at Unity, and concord at home) Thus I did (r) govern my people at first, and it proved happy, and successeful to them, under their first King, of my own choice.

8. Then, for the ingratitude of the people (my simple, amd stragling flock) within the (s) first moneth of years (after that good go­vernment of my servant David) I began to im­pair & cut off somewhat from the glory of their three chief (t) Shepherds, and Governors (their [Page 551] Kings their Priests, and their Prophets) For my love was much (u) taken off from them, as theirs was now become somewhat (x) averse, and kept not touch with me.

9. So that I said within my self, I will (y) govern you no more, by that gentle way of loving, and solicitous care for your wellfare. They that are sickly and scabbed sheep, let them die of the ro [...]: and they that are so silly to be snapped up by the wolf, let them be snapped up. And the rest (that neither die of their own inbred maladies, nor are cut off by others) let them fall into some phrensie, and devour one anothers flesh (like wolves out of their own sould.)

10. And accordingly I took my Shepherds staff, that I stiled by the name of Beauty or Amiable, and cut it in pieces, to signifie, that since they had broken their obligations of dutie, I would also break that part of the Covenant, that con­cerned my self: wherein I stood conditionally ingaged to all the flock, that should have lived as the people of my pasture, and sheep that would follow my voice, whithersoever I cal­led them.

11. Thus, and about that (z) time was the [Page 552] staffe and covenant as good as broken on both sides. And in processe of time, when the meek and innocent among the sheep observed, that it was (a) so, such as had observed me too, and kept my precepts: when they saw that it was my doing, and that all these things came to passe by the command of the Lord—

12. Then I said unto them (as willing to condescend to the giving of a reason of my actions, and to make them understand, what just cause there was, why I should at first begin to do what I did, and why I should afterwards more and more go on to desert them) If you are indeed well pleased, that I should be your Shepherd, tell me plainly what wages I shall receive? And if you think I deserve nothing, cease from that thought: trouble your selves no further, and say, you will give me nothing. Now what price do you think they set upon me? (for so it proved to be, rather then a fair sum, appointed as a reward of my care, and pains) That which they weighed out for me, was thirty pieces of silver, that was the price they set me, or rather set upon me, This I Zacharie saw in a vision, but they will make it good. When the Messias is amongst them, they will give so much silver, (b) to be sure of Him: and they [Page 553] will do it really, and openly, that all the world may know it.)

13. After this (the prophetical vision going on) the Lord said unto me, Is not this a goodly sum, whereat they prise me? They might have given it to the potter, for one of the worst brickle vessels, that you use about the Temple. And to the Potter let it go. Let it be so cast away, as a sum fitter for the reward of some mean employment, then as wages for me. So I took the thirty pieces of silver (as I was com­manded in the vision) and threw them to the potter, that hath his work-house, and (c) his field, near the Temple of the Lord.

14. Then it pleased God to proceed to the breaking of the second staff, and to say. I will even break asunder my other Shepherds staff too, to which I gave the name of Bands, and (d) so dissolve the unity, and brotherly concord, that formerly had been between Iudah, and Israel (the two tribes and the ten tribes) as the Sons of one father, coming all out of the loins of Iacob.

15. Then said the Lord unto me, yet we will have somewhat more of the Shepherd. Go, [Page 554] and get thy self (e) the poor habit and furniture of some silly Shepherd (such as he useth to car­ry abroad with him.)

16. For, this is my meaning by that silly Shepherds provision, that (for the sins of the people) I will often send amongst them silly (f) Shepherds and Governors in the land, that shal neither have skill, nor will to attend any thing, but the advancement of their own advantages. They shall not do their (g) office to take care for the reducing of that which is lost and stragled from the company, nor seek after the weak lamb, that is left behind, because it cannot hold out the pace of the rest: nor heal that which is hurt and wounded by some evil acci­dent: nor feed that, which continues healthful, and free from hurts. But (providing rather for themselves, then their flock) they shall feed upon the fattest: and so hurry many of their sheep up and down, at their pleasure, as if they longed to wear out their very clams, that they might not be able to stir about, for that which their Shepherds will not provide for them.

17. Wo to such Shepherds (h) no Shepherds [Page 555] (that will have the name, and place of Shep­herds and Governors; but nothing else, that is requirable in good Shepherds. Such care­lesse Shepherds as these leave their flock, to look to themselves, but my curse shall attend them. Such a Shepherd will I strike with a bright and sharp sword, that shall break his arm, and dazle his right eye, so that his arm shall wither, and be unfit for action, be­cause he would be lazy, where he should not: and his right eye shall not be able to see any thing, that tends to his own good, because he he would not look after that, which was for the good of his flock.


1 THe burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.

2 Behold, I will make Ierusalem a cup of trem­bling unto all the people round about when they shall be in the siege both against Iudah, and against Jeru­salem.

3 And in that day will I make Ierusalem a bur­densome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it, shall be cut in piece, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

4 In that day, saith the [Page 556] Lord, I will smite every horse with astonishment, and his rider with mad­ness, and I will open mine eyes upon the house of Iu­dah, and will smite every horse of the people with blindnesse.

5 And the governours of Iudah shall say in their heart, The inhabitants of Ierusalem shall be my strength in the Lord of hosts their God.

6 In that day will I make the governours of Iu­dah like an hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of a fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand, and on the left: and Ierusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Ierusa­lem.

7 The Lord also shall save the tents of Iudah first, that the glory of the house of David, and the glory of the inhabitants of Ierusalem, do not magnifie themselve against Iudah.

8 In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabi­tants of Ierusalem, and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of Da­vid shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them.

9 And it shall come to passe in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Ierusalem.

10 And I will pour upon the house David, and upon the inhabitants of Ierusa­lem the spirit of grace and of supplications, and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his onely son, and shall be in bitternesse for him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born.

11 In that day shall there be a great mourning in Ierusalem, as the mourn­ing of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon.

12 And the land shall mourn, every family apart; [Page 557] the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart.

13 The family of the house of Levi apart and their wives apart; the fa­mily of Shimei apart, and their wives apart.

14 All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives a­part.


1. ANother (a) Prophesie, that carries a bur­den in it, to be laid upon Israel, by the (b) command of the great Iehovah. Thus saith the great Iehovah, that stretched out the heavens like a curtain: and fixed the vast * globe of the earth upon nothing: and created the breath of life, which he breathed first into (c) Adam, and placed within him, i. who made all, and there­fore governed all from the beginning.

2. You will wonder at the time, when you see all things so brought about by my providence, that Ierusalem shall become like a drunken cup of giddinesse, and astonishment to all the nations [Page 558] about her (not so much, that others which would greedily swallow her up, shall tast of that cup, which will work their own shame, and confusion: but in reference to her self, that she shall do the actions of (d) a giddie-headed people) Therefore upon all Iudah there shall fall great (e) tribulation, by occasion of that punishment, which shall light first upon Ierusalem.

3. But about the close of that (f) time (when I have so punished my own people) I will make Ierusalem prove like a huge weighty stone, to all people that shall go about to disturb her. All that lift hard at her, shall sooner show their strength in breaking of their own veins in pieces, then in removing her from that loyalty towards me, and that state of tranquillity, wherein I shall place her. And this difficulty of so moving Jerusalem, shall be thus, though all the people of the earth should be mustered up against her. (And this may be a figure of what shall afterward happen to the fierce, and ventrous opposers of the mystical Jerusalem, and such as are Jews within: They that will be lifting at them, and heaving at the true Messias (their corner stone) will have but ill [Page 559] successe in their vain attempts, but on whom­ [...]soever that stone falls, it shall bruise him to powder.)

4. For, at that time, saith the Lord, if they come against my people with their great for­ces of horse (wherein they put their confi­dence, I will strike all their horses with astonish­ment, and their riders with furie (as Je­rusalem was struck before, when she had drunk of that cup of giddinesse, that ex­posed her to ruine.) But toward the house of Iudah, at that time, will I open my watchful, and favourable eye, while I smite their enemies horse-forces with blindnesse, (that they may rather ingage themselves more, and more in their own danger, then see how to effect what they subtilly plotted, and contrived against my people.)

5. Then shall the Princes and Champions of Iudah say within their hearts, that the strength of the inhabitants of Ierusalem must be in me: even in the Lord of Hosts, their God.

6. About that time I will make the Gover­nors of Iudah, like a live coal of fire (g) com­passed about with drie wood (that can quickly set all about it in a flame) or like a torch of fire, that is compassed about with sheafs of corn [Page 560] (that will soon convey the heat and danger to all that is near) Like such a fire shall they so­dainly and fearfully consume all their enemies that compasse them about on the right hand, or on the left. And Ierusalem all the while shall remain immoveable (like (h) the stone we spake of before) in her own place (where Jeru­salem was ever seated.)

(And so shall that larger Church, whereof Jerusalem is but a figure. It shall not be remo­ved from that rock, which gives it such sup­port, * that the gates of hell shall not be able to prevail against.)

7. And the Lord will save the inhabitants of his people in Iudaea, (i) as he ever did from the beginning, i. by himself, and his own power, and wisdom, that the honour may be his own, and man may have no part in it: and that the glory of the house of David, and the glory of the Inhabitants of their great City of Ierusalem do not magnifie it self for the protection of the people of Iudah, as if it were to be ascribed unto them.

8. Thus in those times shall God defend, with his people of Iudaea, the inhabitants also of Ierusalem (that we may account them, (k) not [Page 561] our Guardians, but the partakers of the same divine protection with us) and the infirm and inferiour sort among them, that you think (l) likeliest to fall from their station, shall then prove another David (for valour) (m) to go be­fore them. And they of the house of David, like men of the (n) House of God (which is nearest to his care and defense) and like an Angel of God (that being in near attendance upon his person, and in his holy Temple above, cannot but be near to all safety and freedom from danger.)

9. Then shall any justice find out waies for the destruction of all those nations, that have come in hostile manner against Jerusalem.

10. But I will pour upon the house of David, and the inhabitants of Ierusalem, the graces of my spirit, in such plentiful manner, that many of them shall in hearty sorrow and contrition, and in (o) humble prayer and supplication beg my gratious pardon for what they have done amisse. And, in a sad repentance, they shall look upon me, whom they have pierced (not in my (p) hands, and feet, and head, and side onely, but in my very heart too, with their wicked and blasphemous words, more then with their [Page 562] spear) And they shall mourn for Him, that suf­fered so much by them, before they knew him, to be what he was [...] As bitterly shall they mourn, (q) as one would mourn for his (r) first-born son, or his onely son, that hath the greatest share in his love, and affection, (with such sorrow shall they look upon his Passion, that they may learn to look upon it with love; and with resolution, (s) to forbear the piercing him afresh, by continuance in sin. Or else there will come a time, when they will * weep and howl too late, at the sight of him, when he comes in his glory.)

11. But in the first, and more seasonable time, then will there be a great and heavy lamen­tation in Ierusalem (which shall be seconded in the Church, that Jerusalem yet resembles) It shall be like the great mourning for the death of good (t) Josiah, called the mourning of Hadadrimmon a City, in the valley of Ma­geddon,

12. And the whole land shall have cause to mourn every family apart. The families of the house of David apart, and their wives too apart, (as your custome is, in times of great sorrow and repentance) The families of the house of [Page 563] Nathan apart, and their wives apart (For what family hath not been guilty of pier­cing their Messias. It is not the issue left of the Royal Family, nor the posterity of the Princely Tribe that can plead an exemp­tion from that guilt.

13. The Families of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart) (For even the Priests and Levites had as great a hand in it as any other) The Familie of the house Shemei apart, and their wives apart.

14. And so, in summe, all the several fami­lies that remain un-named: every family apart. and their wives apart: as all, some way or other guilty of that great offence against the Messias, whom they have pierced by contributing much to his heavy sufferings, and therefore should pierce their own hearts with some deep re­morse, and impression of sorrow.

(With these shall the several Families of all the nations in the world, sooner or later bewail their sins) the chief murderers of our Messias) which make them all accessorie, or rather Prin­cipals in the Death of Him, that is the God of Life. And the sooner, the better: but still, as one eye looks upon the grief, the other looking up­on the love, wherewith he was pierced.) For,


IN that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Ierusalem, for sin, and for unclean­nesse.

2. And it shall come to passe in that day, saith the Lord of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembred and also I will cause the prophets, and the unclean spirit to passe out of the land.

3. And it shall come to passe, that when any shall yet prophesie, then his fa­ther and his mother, that begat him, shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou spakest lies in the name of the Lord: and his father and [...]his mother, that begat him, shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.

4. And it shall come to passe in that day, that the Prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied, neither shall they wear a rough gar­ment to deceive.

5. But he shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husband man: for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth.

6. And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? then he shall answer, These with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

7. Awake, O sword, a­gainst my shepherd, and a­gainst the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.

8. And it shall come to passe, that in all the land, saith the Lord, two parts therein shall be cut off, and [Page 565] die, but the third shall be left therein.

9. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as sil­ver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The Lord is my God.


1. ALl this mourning (wherein their eyes become like fountains of teares) if it be seasonably undertaken, may end in a great blessing. For (a) even them shall a fountain be opened to the House of David, and the Inhabi­tants of Ierusalem (the mourners, that were (b) named before, as a particular instance for the rest) a (c) fountain, that shall wash away the guilt of all their sins, though they be such as have made them most foule, and (d) polluted Soules.

2. And then also will the time come, saith the Lord of Hostes, wherein I will begin to take a­way the very name of Idolatry from off the Earth (by the conversion of the Gentiles) so that in [Page 566] many places there shall be no more mention of Idols. And, with them, will I make the false Prophets, and the Divinations by help of (e) un­clean Spirits, to vanish out of the lands, that have been polluted with them.

3. And such shall be the common zeal against Idolatry and false Prophets, that if a man should yet venture upon that way of pretended Prophesie, even his own Parents shall be ready to call for Justice against him, and tell him, that he is not worthy to live, because he broach­eth false doctrine, under the colour of a message in the name of the Lord. Thus shall his own Fa­ther, and Mother that were the meanes of his life, become the meanes of his death too, and, in a zeal like that of (f) Phineas, presently run him through, as one not to be suffered any lon­ger to breath, after such a fault against the God of the spirits of all flesh.

4. And, in these dayes, you shall see it often come to passe, that the divulgers of false and erroneous doctrine, under the pretence of a Vision, to usher in what they teach or foretell, shall soon be confuted, and made ashamed of those waies. Neither shall they venture any more, to take the outward (g) Habit of a Prophet, as a sufficient [Page 567] cloak for their deceiving and misguiding of others.

5. Nay, when any one of them is examined, whether he be a Prophet, or no, he shall not dare to avouch it: but he shall rather confesse and say, I lay no claim to the spirit of Prophesie, I am but a plain Husband-man (fitter for plow­ing than prophesying) and one man or other hath still (h) trained me up that way, and had me as a servant under him, in that kind of drudgerie, from my youth upward till now.

6. And, if any one say, but what is the meaning of these markes, that have taken such deep im­pression in thy hands? (Are they not such (i) marks, and figures as the false-Prophets have, that acknowledge themselves devoted to some false Gods? Or shall we call them blows, or (k) wounds, that have been otherwise re­ceived? Then, to purge himself from all suspi­tion of Idolatrie, he shall say, These were blows indeed, that have made some impression in me [Page 568] for the better: the signes of such correction as I deserved, while I was in the house of my Friend. Therefore I shall take them for no other than love-tokens.

7. But now, I will go on with the Prophesie of the death of the Messias, to show what more the Lord is pleased to have foretold concern­ing those passages of his Passion, that will be (l) like a sword, to pierce him to the heart. Arise, O sword, against the Shepherd of my flock, sa [...]th the Lord of Hostes, and against my dear Compa­nion, that is nearest to my love. (m) Smite the Shepherd, and let the Sheep be scattered. Yet, for the same hand, that dispersed them with that sword, will I return my gentle hand to (n) that little innocent stock, that forsook their good Shepherd, out of mere infirmity (while the storm fell about them.)

8. And for the greater flock, through the whole Earth, this shall come to passe, saith the great Iehovah, that, of those that shall professe themselves to be of my fold, (o) two parts there­in will be cut off, and (p) perish, for want of perseverance: but a third part in it shall con­tinue [Page 569] (q) to the end, in obedience unto me.

9. And that third part will I lead along under a fiery triall, for by many temptations, I will (r) prove them, of what mettall they are, as the Goldsmith makes proof of his silver and gold, (to see what drosse there is in them) till they are refined, as he would have it. And he (s) that under this tryall will call upon my name, and so endeavour to improve himself. I will acknow­ledge, he is one of my people: and he shall per­severe to professe me to be his God.


1 BEhold, the day of the Lord cometh, & thy spoil shall be devided in the midst of thee.

2 For I will gather all nations against Ierusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ra­vished, and half of the city shall go forth into capti­vity, and residue of the people shall not be cut off from the Citie.

3 Then shall the Lord go forth, and fight against those nations, as when he fought in the day of battle.

4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Ierusalem on the east, and [Page 570] the mount of Olives shall [...]leave in the midst thereof toward the east, and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south.

5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountaines: for the valley of the moun­tains shall reach unto Azal; yea, ye shall flee like as ye fled from before the earth­quake in the dayes of Vz­ziah king of Iudah: and the Lord, my God shall come and all the saints with thee.

6 And it shall come to passe in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark.

7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord, not day, nor night: but it shall come to passe [...] that at evening time it shall be light.

8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shal go out from Ierusalem: half of them toward the former sea, and half of them to­ward the hinder sea: in summer and in winter shall it be.

9 And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.

10 All the land shall be turned as a plain from Geba to Rimmon, south of Ieru­salem: and it shall be lifted up and inhabited in her place: from Benjamins gate unto the place of the first gate, unto the corner-gate, and from the tower of Ha­naniel unto the kings wine-presses.

11 And men shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more utter destruction, but Ierusalem shall be safely inhabited.

12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people, that have fought against Ieru­salem: their shesh shall con­sume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, & their tongue [Page 571] shall consume away in their mouth.

13 And it shall come to passe in that day, that a great tumult from the Lord shall be among them, & they shal layhold every oneon the hand of his neighbour & his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neighbour.

14 And Iudah also shall fight at Ierusalem, and the wealth of all the heathen round about shall be gather­ed together, gold, and sil­ver, and apparel in great abundance.

15 And so shall be the plague of the horse, of the mule of the camel, and of the asse, and of all the beasts, that shall be in these tents, as this plague.

16 And it shall come to passe, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Ierusalem, shall even go up from year to year to worship the King the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of Taber­nacles.

17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth un­to Ierusalem, to worship the King the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain: there shall be the plague where­with the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of taberna­cles.

19 This shall be the pu­nishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

20. In that day shal there be upon the [...]els of the horses HOLINESSE VN­TO THE LORD; and the pots in the Lords house shall be like the bowls before the altar.

21. Yea, every pot in Ie­rusalem and in Iudah shall be Holinesse unto the Lord of hosts: and all they that sacrifice, shall come and take of them, & feeth there­in: and in that day there shall be n [...] more the Cana­anite in the house of the Lord of hosts.


1. BUt, before these things come to passe, there is a sad day of the Lords wrath coming on, that will more particularly touch thee, O Jerusalem. For (a) they of the Gen­tiles shall make havock of all the Countries a­bout thee, and make division of those spoiles, in the middest of thy land.

2. And I will muster up all sorts of people to fight against Ierusalem, and by their forces the Citie shall be taken: upon which advantage, the (b) houses shall be plundered, and the wo­men ravished. And the one half of the City shall go out, and deliver themselves up, as Captives, for very fear and famine: but as for the rest they shall show themselves more valorous, and religious in defense of their Temple: they shall neither be iusticed, nor forced out of the Citie.

3. After this the Lord Himself (that suffer­ed these Nations, for a time, to come thither, and show their spite and furie against Jeru­salem) [Page 573] shall appear for his People, and fight against those barbarous Nations as he hath often heretofore (at the red Sea, and elsewhere) showed himself the Lord of Hostes, and, in our defense, chose himself a day of Battle, and Victory.

4. In that day shall the feet of (c) him that shall be leader of those Nations against Jeru­salem, stand upon Mount Olivet (which hath the prospect of the East-part of the Citie) that he may thence spy out a fit place, wherein to pitch his camp. And, by his command, they shall dig so much toward the East, and West of that Mountain, that it shall seem to have a great cleft, and rupture in the middest. Which earth, being so digged; and removed from thence, to be used for severall military designes, against the North, and South part of the City, there shall seem to be a very great Valley, made out of that, which was before a great part of the Mountain.

5. Then shall you flee, like men affrighted at the valley made as it were in a mountain: For that valley so made out of the mountain shall reach as far as Asel (the place that hath the name from the (d) vicinity of that Mount) [Page 574] Even so shall you flie from the sight of this vast rupture, as you fled from the great Earth­quake, (e) which made such a rupture in the same mountain, in the dayes of Vzziah, King of Iudah. But then shall the Lord, my God, the Lord of hosts himself, come to your defense, and all his heavenly Host of holy (f) Angels with (g) Him.

6. But, in that day of their trouble, and affrightment (before the Lord shall thus ap­pear) there shall be no light of comfort, and refreshment: but cold, and quaking horrour (fear, and astonishment.)

7. But this shall be as one day (or a time) whereof God hath determined in his foreknow­ledge, and speciall providence: and which I cannot well tell, whether I should call it a Day, or a night. (For, the Day is a time of com­fort, but this shall have none: the night is a time of rest, and quiet, but this shall have none) Yet it shall come to passe, toward the Eve and expiration of this sad time, that (when you would think your Sun is setting, and the hope and joy of your life quite vanishing a­way) then shall arise a new glimpse of reco­vering your former happinesse) for you shall [Page 575] espie a light of comfort and joy, appearing to you, (g) in the approach of those Angels of light, that God shall bring for your succour.

8. Then shall come a time of Peace, and works of Peace. You shall then have Aquaeducts, and usefull passages for running water made from Ierusalem: (h) some of them towards the East­ern Sea, (the lake of Asphaltites) and some of them towards the Western, or Syrick Sea. And they shall be constant supplies of water, for your ordinary occasions, as well in Summer, as in Winter.

9. And then shall of Judaea be free from the imperious commands of forrein Nations, as when the Lord vouchsafed to stile Himself your King, and you his People. So shall you then be in all your land under that one gracious Lord, whose name, and his onely is honoured in Judaea (no Usurper having power over you.)

10. This time of Peace shall make you po­pulous, All the places about Iudaea shall be com­passed about with inhabitants: even in the plaines, and more desert places (that have not yet been inhabited) from (i) Gibeah of Ben­jamin, [Page 576] in the Northern borders, even unto (k) Rimmon, that lies as far South of Jerusa­lem. And (with the addition of her higher Towers and Walls) Ierusalem shall seem to lift up her self higher, and glory to see her self so fully, and richly inhabited, in her own place, (l) from the gate of Benjamin (which leades into the Countrey of Benjamin toward the North) and so to the (m) old gate (on the West) and to the (n) corner-gate (that hath so many Towers jetted to the East) and thence all along from the Tower of Hananiel (which (o) bounds the South of your Citie) as far toward Sion, as the place, where the (p) Kings wine-presses were wont to be. And there also shall you have some buildings raised up for your new inhabitants.

11. And they which shall then inhabite it; in so populous a manner, shall find that there will be no more such miserable destructions, as have formerly been in that place: but Ierusalem shall be inhabited in safety, and security for a long time.

12. And these shall be the plagues, wherewith the Lord shall smite all the people, that have [Page 577] come in hostile manner against Her. (q) Such a fearfull famine and sicknesse shall he send amongst them, that, their flesh shall consume away, while they stand upon their feet: their eyes shall consume away, while they are in those strong holds, wherein Nature hath placed them for better use, then from thence to watch the mischief of others, that were better than them­selves: and their tongues shall moulder away, while they are in their own wicked, and blas­phemous mouths. So that they shall walk a­bout, like living carcases, and ugly noisome spectacles of misery, and memorandums of di­vine vengeance,

13. And somewhat else shall happen in those dayes, as an addition to their sorrow. For, great tumults, and combustions will God raise among them, in those hurries. Every man shall be willing to lay hold of his neighbour, and by their joynt-hands engage him, (r) to be faith­full, and secure unto them; but that hand of fidelity (as he took it) shall deceive his trust, and be one of the first hands, that shall be lift up against him.

14. An [...] (which is the worst of it) such deceit, and contention shall not be onely [Page 578] amongst them, but even Iudah too shall pick quarrels against Ierusalem. And a means to tempt them to this, will be the wealth of all the Heathen round about them, that shall be gathered to this place: great abundance of gold and silver, and apparel, that shall be in the tents of the Enemy.

15. While that plague of war, and famine, that is amongst them, will breed as great a mortality among the horses, aad mules, and asses, and all the beasts in their tents, which shall be like another plague among them.

16. But, these afflictions, and your mira­culous delivery shall prove good instructions to many, that shall be left of those Nations, that marched against Ierusalem. For (in acknow­ledgement of Gods Justice upon themselves, and his miraculous protection of that place) thither will they resort from year to year (being made your Proselytes) to tender their worship before the King of Kings, and the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles (at least) as you do: that falling out in a time more sea­sonable for the undertaking of long [...]urnies to Jerusalem.

16. And while they do so much (that are but Proselytes) they read a Lecture of more readinesse to be required in you. Therefore [Page 579] whosoever of the Families of this Land, shall not come up to Ierusalem (out of those coun­tries into which they are dispersed) once a year, at least, to bear a part in the divine service of the great King of Kings; and Lord of Hostes, no showre of Divine fa­vour, shall be expected to be powred upon them.

18. As, for instance, if those Jewish Fami­lies that are in Egypt, shall not make that ascent, and approach hither, neither shall that showre of his favour be upon them: but, in­instead of that, some plague ra [...]her with which the Lord will strike all those people, that will not come up, to keep so much as the Feast of Tabernacles (after they have ta­ken upon them the profession of his Name.)

19. This shall be the punishment of those Professours of the Jewish Religion, that live in Egypt, or among any other Nations, and will not come up to the solemn Feast of Tabernacles, and then, at least, bear a part in the publick service of God, in that place, which he hath chosen for that purpose.

20. In these dayes of the strict observance of the worship of God, great additions of prosperity shall be heaped upon this People (and specially upon the place of Gods ser­vice) [Page 580] by rich presents from forrein Nations. Then the bridles of the war-horses, and the rich ornaments about them, shall be offered as a holy thing to the Lord, and so come in­to the Treasurie of the Temple, as a Testi­monie, that they acknowledge the victo­rie, in which those horses were employ­ed, is to be ascribed to God onely (though they seemed to guide and direct the Hor­ses, with the bridle in their own hands.) And not in this way of acknowledgement onely, but many other waies too, the offer­ings shall be so rich, and frequent, that the pots in the Lords house shall be as (s) numerous, as the bowles before the Altar, (whereof you have greater plenty, than of any one vessell about the Temple, be­cause of the severall uses, to which they are of necessitie required, both in the offer­ings, and in receiving the blood of the sacri­fices.)

21. And, not those pots onely in the Temple, but (by reason of the great abun­dance of sacrifices, in those dayes) every pot in Ierusalem, and in Iudah will commonly be hallowed to that use, which those in the [Page 581] Sanctuary are employed in, for that service of the Lord of Hostes: that all they that bring their Sacrifice, may take of them, and seeth their meat in them (with which, after the Sacrifice, they use to entertain the Levites, and their Friends, whom they invite to the Feast) And in those dayes, as you shall have such store of Proselytes, about the house of the Lord of hosts to help and encourage you in the service, so you shall have no Cananites there, to draw you from the service of the true God, (So shall you be all holy, and clean, without mixture of prophane, and idolatrous people, (t) as was prophesied long before. And withall, you shall therein give a type of that happinesse, which the whole Church shall have, (u) in the last day.)



1 THe burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Ma­lachi.

21 I have loved you, saith the Lord: yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? was not Esau Iacobs bro­ther, saith the Lord: yet I loved Iacob,

3 And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains, and his heritage wast, for the dragons of the wildernesse.

4 Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places: Thus saith the Lord of hosts. They shall build, but I will throw down, and they shall call them, The border of wickednesse, and the people against whom the Lord hath indig­nation for ever,

5 And your eyes shall see, and ye shall say, The Lord will be magnified from [Page 583] the border of Israel.

5 A son honoreth his fa­ther, and a servant his ma­ster: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name: and ye say, Wherein have we de­spised thy name?

7 Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar; and ye say, Wherein have we pol­luted thee? In that ye say, The table of the Lord is contemptible.

8 And if ye offer the blind for sacrifice, is it not evil? and if ye offer the lame and sick, is it not evil? offer it now unto thy governour, will he be plea­sed with thee or accept thy person? saith the Lord of hosts.

9 And now I pray you, beseech God that he will be gracious unto us: this hath been by your means: will he regard your person? saith the Lord of hosts.

10 Who is there even among you that would shut the doors for nought? nei­ther do ye kindle fire on mine altar for nought. I have no pleasure in you, saith the Lord of hosts, nei­ther will I accept an offe­ring at your hand.

11 For from the rising of the sun even to the going down of the same, my name shall be great among the Gentiles, and in the very place incense shall be offe­red unto my name, and a pure offering: for my name shal be great among the hea­then, saith the Lord of hosts.

12 But ye have profaned it, in that ye say, The table of the Lord is polluted, and the fruit thereof, even his meat is contemptible.

13 Ye said also, Behold, what a wearinesse is it, and ye have snuffed at it, saith the Lord of hosts, and ye brought that which was torn, and the lame, and the sick: thus ye brought an offering: should I accept this of your hands? saith the Lord.

[Page 584]14 But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the Lord of hosts, and my name is dread­full amonge the hea­then.


1. THe word of the Lord, by the Prophet Malachi, (a) delivered in heavy, and threatning words against the Israelites that were returned from the captivity, and were guilty of many great sins: specially of negli­gence, and misdemeanour in things belonging to the worship of God: and of keeping strange wives, against those laws, and admo­nitions, that should have wrought better upon them.

2. I might have expected better fruit from my people of Israel, were it but meerly by way of thankfulnesse for my peculiar love, and indulgence unto them: not above all other nations onely, but even above those of the same stock and original with them. For, [Page 585] I have ever loved you of Israel saith the Lord, and you may read it in many arguments of that love. But you will say, Wherein hast thou show­ed any particular instances, and evidences of that thy special love to us? To which I answer, that, if you look to the root, from whence you took your beginning, there you may best begin to see the signes of my love. For, was not Esau brother to Iacob, your Patriarch, by the same venter? Were they not twins, and Esau the first-born? yet did I show a more ten­der, and fatherly affection to Iacob and his po­sterity, placing you in the land of promise, a land flowing with milk and honey: and, when your sins had cast you out, reducing you hither again, and shielding you here from all danger, by the hand of providence.

3. Esau all this while, and his posterity, the Edomites that came from him, may rather see the signs of my hatred and disaffection to them from the very womb. For, as I foretold, that he should be inferior to his younger brother, before he was born: so, afterwards I placed him and his in the barren mountains of Seir, no way to be compared with the fruitful land of Canaan. And when my Justice had (b) cast him out from thence, I did not restore him [Page 586] thither again, as I did you into Canaan: but I turned those mountains of Seir, his antient ha­bitation, into a wildernesse: and, as a testimo­ny of mine anger, that which was his pecu­liar lot, and inheritance (c) I gave to the Dra­gons, and other wild beasts of the Desert, as a place of habitation for them.

4. And I am so far from any intention of restoring them now to those parts. that if they of (d) Edom should say, We are now in poor con­dition indeed, but we will take courage, and return from whence we came, and there we will build up again whatsoever the enemie hath laid wast: Thus would the Lord of hosts answer to such fool-hardie undertakers. If they re­build them, I will find waies to pull them down again, and lay them even with the ground. And they that see the * execution of that ju­stice shall say, It was but deservedly done to a Countrie, whose bounds, and limits, were all full of impiety to God, and unnatural cruelty to you, their brethren: and the inhabitants thereof a People, whom God had threatned with the effects of his anger, and heavy displeasure for ever­more.

[Page 587]5, Your own eyes shall be the witnesses of the performance of what I thus speak against the Edomites, and your own tongues shall makes pro­fession and acknowledgement of this difference that I put between you and them, and say, Let God ever be magnified, and praised for his mercie to the land of Israel, which he restored, and continues to us with the same bounds, and li­mits, that we had before.

6. Such hath been my Fatherly affection to you: and my anger and severitie upon them. Which you should be so sensible of as to ex­presse it in your thankfulnesse and obedience. For, Doth not a Son worthily honour his father? Is not a servant ready to expresse his bounden duty to his Master? If my benefits show my fathèrly love, why should not your honour, and respect, be answerable to them? If I de­fend, and maintain you, as your Lord, and Ma­ster, where is that fear, and reverence of my Name, that should be seen in you? saith the Lord of Hosts. Specially in you my Priests, that live upon such things as are devoted to my service, and yet are so far from serving me aright, that you rather openly contemn, and despise my name. If you ask, wherein you have done any thing, in neglect and contempt of me, and in dero­gation to the Honour and Majestie of my name? Look into your daily imployments [Page 588] about my Temple, and there you will see it.

7. For, You bring to my Altar such (e) pro­visions to be there offered up to me, as I can no otherwise account of, then as of things polluted, rather then sanctified to my service. But you will say yet further. What is that pollution, wherein we are said to offer contempt unto thee? And I must tell you, it lies in those base words of yours, that the Table of the Lord is so despi­cable a thing, that we need not be very scrupu­lous of sacrificing and offering any thing there, though it be not so perfect and without blemish as is required.

8. And so, when you bring a lamb, or any other creature, that is blind, to be offered up in sacrifice, that is no great harm. O, by no means, in your opinion it is not. And when your offering is of that which is lame, and sickly, there is no ill in so doing, as you seem to ima­gine. But, go and bestow such a blind, and lame, and sickly present upon your Prince and Gover­nour, and see if he will accept kindly of it, and be of your opinion, that it is a present good enough for him, saith the Lord of Hosts. Sure he will not. What shall then be said of those poor contemptible sacrifices, so unfit to be [Page 589] brought in your addresses to me, and as types, and figures of that immaculate lamb, that must take away the sinnes of the world.

9. Now therefore it onely remains, that in lue of them, you present your selves before him in humble prayer, that he would please to be merciful to us all: (who are, all of us, likely to fare the worse for these great sins.) For, it is plain, that, this (f) great fault hath been committed (g) by you. And therefore (while you continue in it) do you think, that you can be acceptable in his sight, at whose altar you serve, or that he shall accept of such offerings of yours, saith the Lord of Hosts?

10. Nay, if these be thought fit sacri­fices for my Temple, which of you will do me that acceptable service, to shut up your doors, and passages to your Sanctuarie, (h) that there may be no more fire in vain kindled upon my altar? (for, all your service is in vain, while it is tendered in such negligent, and scornful manner) I can take no pleasure in you that are such sacrificers, saith the Lord of [Page 590] Hosts, nor will I accept of any such sacrifices from your hands.

11. But I will tell you, what sacrifice I shall delight in. In the spirituall sacrifice of a good, and spiritual heart. For ere long from East to West (all the world over) shall my Name be magnified among the Gentiles: and, in every place, shall the holy incense of (i) pray­er, and the pure offering of (k) themselves, their souls, and bodies, be presented unto me. For, once again I tell you, great shall my name be among the Gentiles, since it is so slighted, and undervalued by you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

12. But, you still go on to pollute that sacred name, as much as in you lies: as, when you say within your selves, that the Table of the Lord is no such pure thing; nor the (l) offe­ring so pure, that is laid upon it: neither is that fire, (m) which consumes the sacrifice, so pure, that we need be so nice, and dainty about the choice of the sacrifice.

13. Nor is this contempt among the Priests onely that do attend the sacrifice, but it is the [Page 591] fault of you among the people too, that bring it to the Priest. For, you have been heard to say, when you have brought the sheep, or what else was sent into that Court of the Temple, where you were to leave it. O, what a weari­som businesse is this? How am I tired with the weight of this burden? And then. you have puffed and blown at it, as if that you brought had been so fat and plump, that the bring­ing of so heavy a burden, had almost taken away your breath. This you have said in a jesting and scornfull manner, puffing at my sacrifice, and indeed slighting of it, saith the Lord of Hosts. Nay, such things have some of you brought to be offered, as have been stolne, (n) or purchased by rapine, and oppression: and you have sent into the Courts of my Temple, lame and weake sick­ly creatures, to serve for an offering, and so for a poor acknowledgement of the many mercies, and favours, that I have showed to you. And do you think I shall ever be pleased, with what is offered (o) by you, in such contempt, saith the Lord of Hosts.

14. No, cursed be that (g) subtle, and deceit­ful man, that makes a mock at these Acts of Re­ligion and (g) being able to send that which is good, and having in his flock, a male, (q) that is sound, and in good liking, doth yet, when he comes to pay his vows, render a poor, weak, and blemished sacrifice unto the Lord. But, I am the great King of Heaven, and earth, (r) and therefore other kind of presents were fitter for me, saith the Lord of Hosts: and among the very Gentiles, more fear and reverence shall be given unto my Name.


1. ANd now, O ye priests this commandment is for you.

2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

3 Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts, and one shall take you away with it.

4 And ye shall know that I have sent this command­ment unto you, that my co­venant might be with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.

5 My covenant was with him of life and peace, and I gave them to him, for the fear wherewith he fear­ed me, and was afraid be­fore my name.

6 The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.

7 For the Priests Lips should keep knowledge, and they should seek the law at his mouth: for he is the mes­senger of the Lord of hosts.

8 But ye are departed out of the way: ye have caused many to stumble at the Law: ye have corrupted the covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.

9 Therefore have I also made you contemptible and base before all the people, according as ye have not kept my wayes, but have been partiall in the Law.

[Page 594]10 Have we not all one Father? hath not one God created us? Why do we deal treacherously every man a­gainst his brother, by pro­faning the Covenant of our Fathers?

11 Iudah hath dealt treacherously, and an abo­mination is committed in Israel and in Ierusalem: for Iudah hath profaned the holinesse of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god.

12 The Lord will cut off the man that doth this: the master and the scholar out of the Tabernacles of Iacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the Lord of hosts.

13 And this have ye done again, covering the Altar of the Lord, with tears & weeping & with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand.

14 Yet ye say, Wherefore Because the Lord hath been witnesse between thee and the wife of thy youth, a­gainst whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.

15 And did not be make one? yet had he the residue of the spirit: and wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed: therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously a­gainst the wife of his youth.

16 For the Lord the God of Israel saith, that he ha­teth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts, therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.

17 To have wearied the Lord with your words: yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? when ye say, Every one that doth evill is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in them, or where is the God of judgement?


1. ANd now I come to speak to you again, O you Priests. For, somewhat more I have in charge to acquaint you withall. And this it is.

2. If you will not hear (a) and obey what is told you, by my Prophets, against your own profaness, and negligence in my service: and your connivence at the like fault in the peo­ple: or rather your drawing of them into it, by the scandall of your own ill example. If you will not take it seriously to heart, and show your repentance, by your amendment, giving more honour, and respect to me in the execution of your severall functions, then you have done heretofore, saith the Lord of Hosts. Then will I (instead of a blessing) send a curse up­on you that sacrifice, and you the people, that bring such contemptible sacrifices unto me. And I will send a curse upon your (b) corn, and whatsoever I have bestowed upon you as a bles­sing upon your former labours. I will, did I [Page 596] say? Nay, you may see, that this curse of mine hath begun to work upon you already: because as you neglected me, and my service, so you neglected to take that great fault into your se­rious consideration, but made light of it, notwithstanding the many admonitions, and exhortations, that have been made unto you.

3. Therefore (if you will at least consider the punishment of your sin) you shall see, and wonder what (c) destruction I will bring upon you, and your seed after you [...] And, when you come to appease me by sacrifices, rather then I will be pleased with such poor service, I will throw the dung of them in your faces, even the dung of your solemnest (d) sacrifices (to show my contempt of you, in that sacred place, where you have dared to show your contempt of me) And out of that place, out of the very Temple, (e) one, that I will appoint, shall take you away with him, and dispose of you with as much scorn and contempt, as you have showed to Me, and my holy Altars.

[Page 597]4. Thus you will know (by your own pu­nishments) why I send these first commands and lawes, of Reverence to be showed in my House, and in my service. I did it, that my Covenant might be kept, which I made with the Tribe of Levi, saith the Lord.

5. For, my Covenant with the Levitical Priest (f) was a Covenant of Life and Peace, i. of long life, and felicity; or of a long prosperous and happy life: upon the carefull discharge of their Priestly office. And these favours I bestowed upon him, because of his fear, and awe of me, which made him show so much heed, and reverence in my service, (g) and make his ap­proaches before me with all religious devotion, and humility: as one sensible of the service, he was to perform to me, and in a place of my speciall presence.

6. Nothing came out of his mouth, but what was agreeable to Law and Truth, and Equitie. And (when he was to expresse his judgement in any case) no word was found to proceed from between his lips, that had any wicked, or by-respect. And his good conversation was an­swerable to his good words. He converted many from their sinfull and unrighteous courses.

[Page 598]7. And from whom should all this be ex­pected, but from the Priest. And so ever let the Priest be exemplary in his life, and lan­guage. (h) Let the Priests lips preserve know­ledge, And let him be such a one, that from him (i) men may enquire the true sense, and mean­ing of the Law. For, He is like an Angel of the Lord (not onely to present before God the prayers of the people: (k) but acquaint them also with the will, and pleasure of Al­mighty God. Which two, are the great em­ployments of the blessed Angels.)

8. But, you are Priests of no such Angelical strain: for, as you have gone out of the right way your selves, so you have made others stumble after your scandalous example, and mistake the way, which is made plain for them in the law, and wherein your first and good * Levites walked with me, according to the Covenant: whereas (l) you take a course to frustrate and null the Covenant, made with those (m) Leviticall Priests, saith the Lord of Hostes.

9. Therefore will I also null my part of the [Page 599] Covenant, and bring you to that passe that you shall be scorned and contemned of all the com­mon people: because you would not contein your selves, within the wayes of my lawes, and ordinances; but stepped aside for private respects wresting and wracking of the law, that it might be brought to what would fit your own turnes, for pleasing the persons of men.

10. But are we not all Brethren in Nature, the Sons of one man, of Jacob our Father? And are we not Brethren in Religion too? Hath not one God, by a kind of (n) new crea­tion moulded and formed us into a peculiar people for his service? Why then do you injure and oppresse, and defraud one another, and so make a breach of that Covenant, made with your Fathers, and of that love, which you owe to one another, as Brethren?

11. They of the Kingdom of Iudah are guilty of this great transgression, and so are they of the Kingdom of Israel (such of the ten tribes as returned with them into their own Coun­trey.) And they of Ierusalem too, nearest to my own House, where the best livers should have been expected. They and these have been abominable in their actions. Even Iudah [Page 600] my more peculiar people, have prophaned my Sanctuary, and the holy City which I honoured with so many testimonies of my love. (o) For, they have made a mixture of Iewes, and Gen­tiles, and married them that are devoted to the service of a strange God.

12. God will destroy the man, that hath done this vile act, whether he be Priest or Laick: and send him far enough from the tents of Ia­cob. Yes, though he came to make peace by pre­sents, and offerings unto me, as to the Lord of Hostes.

13. But, there's another fault too, that you have committed, upon occasion of this mar­rying of strange women, i. You show so much love to them, and so little to your own wives, that you make them cover the altar of the Lord with teares, and disturb the sacred Temple with bitter lamentations: so that I can have no more delight in your offerings, nor can I take any thing well from your hands, though it be purposely brought thither to appease my wrath, and make you acceptable in my sight, saith the Lord.

14. And why so? will you say. Because the Lord Iehovah is a witnesse between thee and [Page 601] the wife of thy youth (thy lawfull and first love) whom thou abusest, after such a harsh and inhumane manner. But she should be used as thy Dear Consort, and Fellow-servant to the same God, and the wife of the same Covenant, (not onely made thy wife by a solemn Co­venant, and stipulation mutually tendred be­fore me, for the securing of your mutuall love, and affection: but the wife that is interested in the Covenant made with God himself, to serve and obey him. Whereas neither of these so strong obligations to ingage thee to those wives that are superinduced, and of meer stran­gers, are made the proud Usurpers and Com­manders of thy House.)

15. Now Echad, (p) i. Abraham, whose ex­ample you pretend to follow, did not so. But he was of a more excellent Spirit, And when he took a maid for his Concubine, why did Abra­ham do it? He did it not for lust, nor with in­jury to Sarah (for, it was at her intreaty) but (q) onely desirous of a (r) pious seed, and a seed promised by God Himself. Therefore take heed of being led by that violent and erring spirit of your own. Think of Abraham's meek [Page 602] and obedient Spirit, and commit not such a cruell fault, as to suffer a stranger to domineer over the wife of thy youth.

16. For, thus saith the great Iehovah, the God of Israel. He that doth so, hates to put her away. He cannot do that, for shame: but he cloakes the injury that he doth to her, by keep­ing her still in his own house, saith the Lord of Hostes. But (once again I warn you) take heed of being led by your own unruly spirits, and let me hear no more of this great fault.

17. There is yet another thing in your or­dinary talk, wherein you have offended and wearied out the patience of Almighty God. And wherein have we so tired and displeased Him? will you say. It is in using those wicked Pro­verbs of yours. Every one that is evill is accep­table enough in the sight of the Lord, and, sure, he takes delight in them: (for, so you guesse by the preferment of wicked men.) And in your other said saw. Where is the God of Iudgement? (that doth not rather presently punish those wicked men, if he knew them to be such) As if we were to limit and confine him for his times and his waies: how and when He shall make proof of his Justice.


1 BEhold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his Temple: even the messenger of the Covenant, whom ye delight in: Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.

2 But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he ap­peareth? for he is like a re­finers fire, and like fullers sope.

3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of sil­ver: and he shall purifie the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righte­ousnesse.

4 Then shall the offer­ings of Iudah and Ierusa­lem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the daies of old, and as in former years.

5 And I will come neer to you to judgement, and I will be a swift witnesse a­gainst the sorcerers, and a­gainst the adulterers, and against false swearers, and against those that oppresse the hireling in his wages, the widow, and the fatherlesse, and that turn aside the stranger from his right, and fear not me saith the Lord of hosts.

6 For I am the Lord, I change not: therefore ye sons of Iacob are not con­sumed.

7 Even from the daies of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances and have not kept them: re­turn unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts: but ye said, wherein shall we return?

[Page 604]8 Will a man rob God? yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? in tithes and offerings.

9 Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed one, even this whole nation.

10 Bring ye all the tithes into the store-house, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and powre you out a blessing, that there shall not be room e­nough to receive it.

11 And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes: and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground, nei­ther shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts.

12 And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts.

13 Your words have been stout against me, saith the Lord: yet ye say, What have we spoken so much a­gainst thee?

14 Ye have said, It is in vain to serve God: and what profit is it, that we have kept his ordinances, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hosts?

15 And now we call the proud happy: yea, they that work wickednesse are set up; yea, they that tempt God, are even delivered.

16 Then they that fear­ed the Lord, spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it, and a book of remem­brance was written before him, for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his Name.

17 And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked; between him that serveth God, and him that serveth him not.


1. NOw, because you inquire after the Lord of Judgement, and after his com­ing: will you hear what himself saith of his first coming: Behold I will shortly send my (a) Angel or Embassadour (John the Baptist, my fore-runner) who shall prepare the way be­fore me (by his Baptism, and Sermons of Re­pentance, and his Testimonie of Me and my coming) and then the Lord (the Messias) that you so earnestly expect, and inquire after, shall sodainly come into his Temple (before (b) he is looked for: the time being concealed from men) to (c) honour his Temple at Jerusalem with his bodily presence, and there to teach, and instruct his people of the house of Israel. Even he shall come that is the great Angel of the New Testament, whom you long for (as your [Page 606] promised Messias) Behold, He shall surely come, saith the Lord of Hosts.

2. But, who will abide the time of his com­ing? and, when he appears in person, who shall be able to stand (without great fear and ter­rour) before Him (to hear the discoverie and reproof of their sinnes, and the Prophesie of that heavy punishment, that will fall upon you for them, and the many afflictions, that must be expected and suffered by all those, that will follow him) For, He shall be like a Refiners fire, (to (d) make trial of us in the fire of affliction, as well as like the Fullers (e) pur­ging herbs (to cleanse and purge us in the Laver of Regeneration, by vertue of his precious bloud.

3 And, when he settles himself to [...] great work of trying and purging, as the Refiner doth, when he removes the drosse from the pure silver: then shall He cleanse and purifie the sonnes of Levi (reducing manie of them from the drosse of their false doctrines, and traditions, and other mistakes, to the know­ledge and profession of the truth. And, so being purged from what was amisse in them, [Page 607] (like silver and gold, that comes out of the Re­finers furnace) they shall offer unto the Lord a righteous, and pious sacrifice of humble prayers and divine praises, and the constant exercise of all holy virtue.

4. All these offerings and sacrifices of Iu­dah and Ierusalem, shall be as acceptable, and well pleasing unto God: as ever were any of their most costly presents, and oblations in former times, and in the daies of old (the daies of your good Patriarchs, and Judges, and Prophets.)

5. But, if you will not forsake your drosse) * As you called for the God of Judgement, so I will come near to you in the Acts of Iudgement and Iustice. (saith the Lord) And I (that have been privie to all your secret sinnes, which cannot be concealed from my all-seeing eye) I will not be wanting to be a readie witnesse, my self, against such as have been tampering with Magick Arts, and against adulterous and perjured persons, and against all such as defraud the poor hirelings of their wages, and the widows and orphans of that, which is their due: and against those, that oppresse the stranger, (all [Page 608] which have the least means to relieve them­selves) and withall, my Justice shall be show­ed upon all those, that do any thing against the fear and reverence of my name, saith the Lord of Hosts.

6. For I am a God immutable in all my waies (in my waies of Justice, and in my wayes of Mercy) the same God in the per­formance of all threats and promises upon all persons. And yet, you sonnes of Iacob doe not (f) make an end of your wicked courses: and (either for fear or love of my im­mutable waies) follow those good steps, that your Father Iacob hath traced out before you.

7. And so, from the daies of all your fore-fathers, you have gone astray from the way of my statutes, and have not kept them, as you should have done. And yet re­turn unto me by a true Repentance: and I will return unto you in great mercy, saith the Lord of Hosts. But I know, you will be rea­dy to excuse your selves, and ask, wherein you should return. For, you would be accoun­ted the onely Observers of my laws, and [Page 609] cannot bethink your selves, what it should be, wherein you have offended.

8. Therefore I will tell you wherein. Will any man think it fit, to rob, and defraude God of his due? Yet are you, that justifie your selves, guiltie of that fraude, and injurie towards me. If you ask, wherein thse your fraudulent actions against me may consist. I answer, In your tithes and offerings, which you have paid in a sordid, covetous, and deceitful way.

9. And, for that fraudulent detaining of my antient right from me, there is a (g) heavy curse hangs over your heads. And the whole nation are in danger of it, (as the reward of a national fault) if it be not averted by your speedie repen­tance.

10. But let me see you faithfully, and truely bring in all my tithes into my barnes, that there may be a plentiful provision for those that attend the dayly service of my house. And make triall of me now in this one point of your obedience, saith the Lord of Hosts, whether I will not open [Page 610] the windows of Heaven, for your sakes, and powre a blessed increase upon you in such a superabundant way of plenty, that your barnes and vessels, wherein you in­tend to lay it up, shall not be able to con­tein it.

11. And, for your sakes, will I hinder the devouring locusts, that are destructive to your fruit, and they shall not corrupt anie more fruit of your grounds. And it shall be my care and providence, that your vines in the field (the remotest from your eyes) may not cast their fruit before their due time, to deceive your expectation of a good vintage, saith the Lord of Hosts.

12. And (whereas by my curse upon you, and my punishment of your great sinnes, you lived, a long time, poor and despicable among the heathen) now all nations shall call you blessed. For you shall be a de­lightsome land (worthy the love, and admi­ration of all, for your peace, and plenty, and specially for the exercise of the true Religion amongst you) saith the Lord of Hosts.

13. Yet, are you no way worthy of these loving promises from me, or these kind words from other people. For, you have [Page 611] used very bitter, and wicked words against me, saith the Lord of Hosts. Yet you will be ready to deny it now, and to say, What is that, which we have spoken so (h) often, and so ill a­gainst thee?

14. This it is. In saying, that it is a vain and unprofitable thing to serve God: and in asking, what you have gained by observing those things, that God would have you to observe, and that, in times of fasting, and humiliation, you have walked, like pen­sive and sad mourners, before the Lord of Hosts.

15. And this also you have said, Now, when all is done, we account them the happi­est men (not that have so humbled themselves, but) that have stoutly and proudly (without any scruple) showed themselves the contemners of all Religion. And this too. They thrive best in (i) raising of their houses, and families, that dare do the worst things. And yet more. You say, They that have tempted and pro­voked [Page 612] God most, have been soonest delivered out of affliction, or escaped the best.

16. Such have been the impious, and pro­phane words of the wicked. But then, they that fear the Lord (k) have often had better discourses among one another. And to their dis­course God himself gave serious attention, ob­serving well what they said, and causing it to be written down in his book of Remembrances for them that fear the Lord, and think reverent­ly of his name.

17. And he dismissed them with this enco­mium, and gracious promise. These are they, saith the Lord of Hosts, that shall have my spe­cial protection, at that time, (l) when I shall fully execute what I intend against the wick­ked. I will be as chary of them, as one would be of his choicest Iewels. And (whatsoever I lay upon others.) I will spare, and favour them, as one would spare his own most dutifull and obedient Sonne.

18. Then you (that have spoken so care­lesly of my providence) (m) will change [Page 613] your opinions, when you see what difference I put betwixt a righteous, and a wicked man: between one that serves God, and one that serves Him not.

(And a special time, when that difference will appear, is the time of the destruction of Jerusalem, by the Romans. That is a day, when I shall come in judgement against the nation of the Iews, and it shall be an image and resemblance of the last day, when I shall come in judgement against all the World. And that particular day, or time, is not far off.)


1 FOr behold, the day cometh that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

2 But unto you that fear my name, shall the sun of righteousnesse arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth and grow up as calves of the stall.

3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.

[Page 614]4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judge­ments.

5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet, be­fore the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fa­thers, least I come and s [...]ite the earth with a curse.


1. FOr, behold, that day of the fearful de­struction of Ierusalem, is coming on, that shall be as burning hot as an oven (kindled by the wrath of God) And then (a) all the proud contemners of my service, and blasphemers of my Providence, and all others, the workers of iniquity shall be like stubble, that is easily infla­med. And this hot time, that comes on so fast, shall put them into such an all-devouring heat, saith the Lord of Hosts, that (b) neither root, [Page 615] nor branch shall be left to any of that wicked crew, that shall dare to sin against me, with such a high hand.

2 But the rising Sun shall be the blessing of you that fear my name (ever, more and more, encreasing your joy and comfort) The true Son of Righteousnesse shall warm, and refresh your hearts (while the wicked perish in the fire of my wrathful displeasure.) And as they, like stubble, shall quickly be enflamed and consu­med: so your heat of solace shall be as quick from your Messias. For, he shall flie to gou with salvation under his wings, to heal your broken hearts, and set you into a sure way of eternal life. He shall do it with such an effectual, and apparent recoverie of your spiritual health, that you shall show it in the vigour of the bo­dy, and be of as good liking, and in as thriving a way, as the fatted calves, and oxen, that are purposely fed, and kept up in their stall, to make them plump and tender.

3 And you shall (c) have full power over the wicked, that now trample and domineer over you: and they that shall be left of them, like ashes out of the furnace of Gods wrath, [Page 616] and the flames of that sad punishment that was (c) named before, them shall you tread down like ashes, under the soles of your feet. This shall ye do, in the day wherein I shall put these things in execution, saith the Lord of Hosts: which are told them before-hand, that they may prevent them, or be without ex­cuse.

4. In the mean time, while you are in ex­pectation of this Son of Righteousnesse, and so ordering your lives, that you may escape the fire of his anger, when he comes in judgement against your City and Nation. Forget not to observe the law which I delive­red in Mount Horeb to my servant Moses, as a Rule and Direction for all the children of Israel. Square your selves according to those Statues and Iudgements, which you had from him.

5. And, that you may know when the time of your glorious Sun-rising is come upon you: ye shall discover it by the morning-star, that appears just before Him. For, ob­serve and you shall see that I will send you his Fore-runner, (d) in the power and virtue of [Page 617] Elijah the Prophet, that (in a zeal, and auste­ritie of life, like his) shall labour to restore the true (e) worship of God amongst you, be­fore that great and terrible day of the Lord come upon your Nation, that shall give you the greatest blow, that ever, yet, was given.

6. And (coming in a time, wherein there will be many Sects, and much diversitie of Opinions) He shall labour to convert, and reconcile the hearts of Parents to their children, and children to their Parents: (f) directing all to their great Master, and Teacher (their promised Messias) and, in Him to the Truth it self.

And therefore will I send him upon this employment, that so he may make way to the appeasing of my wrath, least I come, and (g) utterly destroy the whole land. For, onely that romnant, which shall prevent my judgement by true repentance, shall [Page 618] be (h) plucked like Lot out of Sodom, and delivered from that common calamity, that shall then attend the destruction of Ierusalem.

A Catalogue of Books printed for, and to be sold by Thomas Davies, at the Bible over agninst the little North Door of St. Pauls Church.

THe Historie of this Iron Age, wherein is set down the true state of Europe, as it was in the year 1500. also the original and causes of all the Wars and Commotions that have happened: together with a description of the most memorable Battels, Sieges, Actions, and Transactions, both in Court and Camp, from that time until this present year 1659. illustra­ted with the lively Effigies of the most renown­ed persons of this present time. folio.

Bp. Andrews his Sermons, which he preach­ed at St. Giles Cripplegate, and elsewhere; with a Preface written by Mr. Th. Pierce, Mi­nister of Brington in Northamtonshire. folio.

A Commentary upon the whole Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians, wherein the Text is learnedly, and fruitfully opened; with a Logical Analysis, Spiritual and Holy Observa­tions, Confutation of Arminianism and Popery, and sound edification of the diligent Reader, [Page] by Mr. Paul Bain, sometimes preacher of Gods Word at St. Andrews in Cambridge: The fifth Edition: To which is added the life of the Author, and a Table of all the Doctrines. folio.

A Commentary on the most Divine Epistle of St. Paul to the Romans: written by the Learned and Religious Thomas Wilson, late Mi­nister of Gods Word at St. Georges in Canter­bury, Folio.

Beza in Novum Testamentum cum Camerario. folio.

Hews his Phrases in English and Latin, with an augmentation of several Phrases, by Alex. Rosse; a Book very useful for all Grammer Shools. octavo.

The Substance of Christian Religion, metho­dically handled in LII. Lectures, on chosen Texts of Scripture, learnedly and solidly illu­strated, with apt Doctrines, Reasons, and Uses; by that late, Famous Labourer in Gods Vine­yard, Wil. Ames, Doctor in Divinity, and Pro­fessor thereof at Franeker in Friezland. octavo.

Basilius Valentius his last Will and Testa­ment, shewing the waies he wrought to obtain the Philosophers Stone, and taught it to his fel­low-Collegians. octavo.

Ougtredi Trigonometria, hoc est, modus com­putandi [Page] Triangulorum latera & Angulos, ex Ca­none Mathematico traditus & demonstratus. 4.

A Discourse of the Empire of Germany, and of the Election and Crowning the Emperour and King of the Romans, with the interest of the Electors, and the reasons why the present Emperor was lately chosen; By Iames Howell Esq. octavo.

A Discourse made in the solemn assembly of Nobles and learned men, at Montpelleier in France, of the cure of wounds by the powder of Sympathy, with the manner of making and applying the said powder; By Sr. Kenelme Digby Kt. 12.

By whom also all sorts of Latine Books trans­ported from beyond the Seas, are to be sold.


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