[Page] ENGLAND'S DELIVERANCE From the Northern Presbytery, COMPARED With its Deliverance from the Roman Papacy: BY PETER STERRY, Once Fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now Preacher to the Right Honorable the Councell of State, sitting at WHITE-HALL.

Printed at Leith by Evan Tyler, 1652.



IT may seem strange, that in the Thanksgi­ving on this Day I have exalted the prai­ses of the present season above the head of this Ancient Mercy. If I deceive not my self, I have not done this to the disadvan­tage of those old loving kindnesses, nor without great Examples.

Is not this the beaten way of JESUS CHRIST with his Church, to make succeeding visits and loves, by be­ing a grave to those that have been already, to become a Re­surrection to them, giving them a more Excellent Being in this Relative State and Subordination, than they had in their absolutenesse? Did John the Baptist encrease his glory by any thing more, than by that sweet readinesse to de­crease before JESUS CHRIST? How do the holy Pen­men in all their Prophesies, or Praises, frequently make every present subject, but as a sight to direct their eye, while their spirits fly to this mark, the Heavenly glory of CHRIST in this last Appearance, which is now from the midst of its Thunders, Lightning upon the Earth.

Right Honourable, I hambly intreat your Patience a little further, while I present you faithfully with my Sense in the Comparison which I make between the Papacy, and Rigid Presbytery. I shall do this in three words, spoken to three things; Forms, Persons, Principles.

[Page 6] 1. As to Forms. I grant some to be purer than others. I al­low the Church-form of Presbytery, to excell the Papacy, as the fairnesse of the Moon, doth the darknesse of the Night. I allow it to be in the first Rank of the purest outward Forms, although not the first of that Rank. I believe it the duty of every Christian to follow after the best Forms. Yet is there a more excellent way, which is that of Love. My Brethren, our Joseph, our Jesus, chargeth us not to fall out on the way, 1. Cor. 12. 31. though we walk in different paths. We are Brethren, let no outward Forms divide us one from another, if they divide us not from CHRIST, if they have not in their own nature an enmity to the naturall Image of CHRIST, which is Ci­vility, Morality; or the Heavenly Image, which is Spiri­tuality: Let us receive one another into the Glory of GOD, Rom. 15 7. as CHRIST receiveth us, though that Cloathing of the out­ward Form be not of the same fashion upon all, nor on some so well shap'd, as on others, to the Proportion of the Body, which is CHRIST The Lord JESUS hath his Concubines, his Queens, his Virgins; Saints in Remoter. Forms, Saints Can. 6. 8 in Higher Forms, Saints unmarried to any Form, who keep themselves single for the immediate embraces of their Love. But CHRISTS Dove in all these is One, the New Creature in CHRIST, the spirituall birth of the Spirit, the only One of her Mother, that Hierusalem above, which is the City compact, that Band of Peace, that Unity of Saints, the Holy Ghost.

2. As to Persons; Fathers, and Brethren of the Presbyte­ry! You together with me, desire after, sit drwn under the sha­dow feed upon the sweet fruit of the same Apple-tree, in the Can. 2. 2 midst of the trees of the Forrest, though not of the same Arm and Bough of that Tree. I would not in any thing offend you, who are in the number of the excellent Ones, in which is all Psa. 16. 3 CHRIST'S Delight on earth. If I grieve you, what shall [Page 7] make me glad? There are of you, who are ready to answer this government of JESUS CHRIST, as Peter did CHRIST; Thou knowest that I love thee. Feed then the sheep, feed the Lambs, in those fresh Pastures into which He now leads you. You who are of another mind, appear to me, like good old Zachary: Though an Angel from Heaven witnesse, that the things now come to passe, are the very answers to those pray­ers Luke 1 which your selves put up many years agone: yet you can­not believe, because the way is not in the ordinary track of your Principles and Expectations. Therefore are you struck dumb for a season, that you cannot make a good confession of these Appearances of GOD. But when the Child shalbe born, the Glory perfectly brought forth then your selves shal name it John, which being interpreted, is Grace; then shall even your tongues be loosed, to praise this Day-spring from on high, which hath visited us; then shal you acknowledg that this was the gate of heaven, though you were not aware of it.

Now the Lord himself bring it to pass that all you, who in your p [...]st dispensations have been fathers to these present dis­coveries, may suddenly turn your hearts to your children, lest he come, and for your sakes smite the earth, even all flesh with a curse.

3. As to Principles. The marriage between our Saviour and the Soul is a marriage of Spirits, a marriage in one spi­rit. No union with any form makes this Marriage, or dissolvs it. That which alone stands in enmity to these Heavenly E­spousals is union with a strange spirit. This strange spirit is the Great Whore Babylon, Mother of fornications. One of her names is Mystery, because she puts her self into all forms, from the lowest to the highest; from the most outward to the most inward; from the darksomest among men, to the lightsomest amongst Angels. This is the great work of a Saint, to watch, to watch the Spirit of CHRIST, as be [Page 8] makes his removes out of one Appearance into another; to watch the spirit of Antichrist, as that also shifts its forms.

Right Honorable, For this I have desired in my Preach­ing, in my Prayers, to work with GOD, even for the opening of the eyes of men to see, that the same spirit which lay in the polluted Bed of Papacy, may meet them in the perfumed Bed of Presbytery; that the fornications and sorceries of this Whore are then greatest, when they are most Mysterious, that she is able by her sorceries to bewitch those that have attained to a great degree of spirituality as the Galatians. To this pur­pose have I in my Sermon represented the same spirit which dwels in the Papacy, when it enters into the Purer form of Presbytery, as fuller of mystery, so fuller of despight, of danger, not to make the form or persons, but that Principle, that spirit unfit to be cherished by any Person in any fo [...]m. The Highest Godlinesse, and the Highest Wickeanesses are those, which are most Spirituall. Now, O Christians, you fight not with Flesh and Blood, but Principalities and Powers, spirituall wickednesses in Heavenly forms. But this is your comfort, spirituall wickednesses ascend as high as the Heavens, even into Angelical forms: but spiritual God­linesse goes up above all Heavens, together with CHRIST into the bosome of the Eternall Spirit, from whence it looks down upon the Angels, and all forms, as ministring to it. In vain is the snare laid before those Doves, which have these spirituall eyes and wings. In the number of which, that you may be ever found, is the Prayer of

Right Honourable, Your Honours most faithfull Servant in CHRIST, PETER STERRY.

ENGLANDS DELIVERANCE FROM THE Northern Presbytery, Compared with Its Deliverance from the Roman Papacy.

JEREMIAH chap 16. v. 14, 15.

Therefore behold, the dayes come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said. The Lord liveth, that brought up the Children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt.

But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the Children of Israel from the land of the NORTH; and from all the Lands, whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into the Land that I gave unto their Fathers.

THe LORD, in the Vers [...]s before, convin­ceth the Jewes of the evill of their wayes, in Doing worse than their Fa­thers; verse 12. He threatneth for this, to cast them out of their own Land, into a Land which they knew not; verse 13. In these Verses, which are my Text, that ever-gracious GOD, who in the midst of Judgment remembreth Mercy, and in the midst of Threatnings, de­lights to drop in Promises, provideth a Cordiall for his People, to carry with them into the Wildernesse, and to pre­serve them from Fainting in their dispersion. He assures them, that after He hath scattered them, He will gather them [Page 10] together, and bring them back again. Yea, to sweeten their Sufferings with the Expectation of a most Glorious Deli­verance, He lets them know his purpose of making their bringing up out of Egypt, which was made so Glorious by many Miracles, and Mighty Wonders, to have no Glory, in respect to this Glory, of the Bringing them up out of the NORTH, which should so eminently excell.

Thus you see my Text to be a Promise expressed by way of comparison, between the Last calling home of the People of GOD out of the NORTH, and their First coming up out of Egypt; Drowning the very Memory, and mention of this first mercy, in the great and wide Sea of that last loving kindnesse.

I shall not spend that Time which I would be thrifty of, in any larger opening, or further dividing of the Words, but fall presently upon that Doctrine which I have designed from these words, for the Ground-work to my present Dis­course. The Doctrine is this.

Doct. It is the way of GOD to make his last Mercies to his people better than the first. Doctrine.

Reas. I shall give you one Argument from the Scriptures to prove it; which Argument shall be a Demonstration of Reason. this Truth from the proper Reason of it.

This Argument is made up of three parts, which all three laid together, make one full proof.

1. Part. The great Design of GOD from the beginning, 1. Part. hath been, and still is, to bring forth JESUS CHRIST the second time into the midst of men, in that Spiritual and Hea­venly Appearance, in which He now sitteth at the Right Hand of the Father: Our Saviour signifieth to his Disciples this grand Project of the Father. Ioh. 6. verse 62. What, and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up, where he was before? The Weight of the sense in this Scripture, lyes upon those two words, See, Before. It is a frequent thing for that which is First in Being, Dignity, Design, to be Last in Discovery. [Page 11] That which GOD hath chiefly in Design all along, is the Manifestation of CHRIST to men at last in that Divine state, in which He was at the first.

You have the same thing held forth, Ioh. 5. 23. It was said in the verse before, that All judgment was committed to the Son. The reason of it is given in this verse; that all men should Honour the Son, as they do the Father. Behold the Purpose, and counsel of GODS Heart, why he doth All, that he doth; why he puts the great, and last judgement into the hands of the Son; namely, that the Son may appear to All Creatures in One, Spiritual, Eternal Glory with the Father.

2. Part. All the Works of GOD are in order to this De­sign, 2. Part. this Discovery of IESUS CHRIST, Coloss. 1. v. 16. All things are said to be Created for Christ. In what sense is the whole Creation for Christ? Is it to make any Real Ad­dition of Blessednesse, or Glory to the Person of Christ? This cannot be. For the Person of Christ was compleat in Glory before any thing was made, that was made. Nay, when our Lord Iesus took flesh, and in our Nature ascended, was glorified; yet then was there no new Glory put upon Iesus Christ. For, as the humane nature was assumed into the Personality, so was it into the Glory of the Son of GOD. It was taken up to subsist in one person, and shine in one glory with the Divine Nature.

But how then was the World made for Christ? Our Di­vines answer it by that Distinction of Glorifying GOD es­sentially, and manifestatively. We say, that all the Creatures Glorifying of GOD is no more than a Manifestation of the Glory of GOD. So GOD in the Creation, in the conduct, and management of the affairs of the Creature, from the Begin­ning to the End, aimes at this mark to manifest Iesus Christ at the end of time, in that glorious Appearance with which He was cloathed before all times.

3. Part. This designe of GOD is his last end, the end of 3. Part. all his works. When GOD shall have brought forth th [...]s [Page 12] Judgement, this Spiritual Discovery of JESUS CHRIST to perfection, to a full victory over all fleshly Appearances; then will he cease from all his works, and enter into this Discove­ry, as his Rest. When man begins his work, his End lyes lowest, and least appears: but as he goes on, and approach­eth to the Finishing of his work, his End riseth up, and makes more clear Discoveries of it self. So it is with GOD, at the beginning of his works, this Designe, the Discovery of CHRIST, is Little, lyes low, and hid But, as GOD goes on to work, and drawes to a consummation of all things; this Discovery which was at first as a grain of Mustard-seed, hidden in the Earth, grows up, and spreads its self. This Manifestation of CHRIST was at the first Creation, as a small spring onely, but a living one. From the Fall, to the Giving of the Law, th [...]s Spring drives along upon the face of the Earth, thorow all manner of mixtures, a very weak store and strength of Waters. From thence it begins to make a channell to it self, and to run along in a fair stream. At the Incarnation, and Ascension of JESUS CHRIST this Stream enlarged it self into a Broad River. But our LORD shall come the Second time, then shall this River become a great, and wide Sea, covering the face of the whole Earth. Then shall the end be, when the first and fleshly discoveries of Christ shall empty themselves into his last, and Spirituall Ap­pearance.

Now, if you please to lay together these three parts of the Reason, you will have from them all in consort, a full Harmony with, and a clear Demonstration of the Doctrine.

If this be the Designe of GOD, to discover Christ in the Spirit; if all GODS works, and mercies toward the Crea­ture be in order to this Discovery; if this be the end, and the last of all GODS Wayes; then it follows naturally from hence, that as this discovery growes, so likewise must all GODS Works and Mercies to his people grow in the same Proportion; the later discoveries Brighter, the later works Better, and Greater than the former.

There are two Uses, which I intend; and those are two Exhortations.

[Page 13] 1. Use. An Exhortation to us to be like GOD, to answer Vse 1. his Blessings with our praises, in the same way and Method. As the pleasant Colours of the morning have a glorious Bu­riall in the clearer light of the Day: so is it the way of God to make former Mercies, which are in themselves very pre­cious, yet to be but as thinner eares, as leaner kine to ensu­ing Mercies, and to be devoured of them, as the fuller, the fatter; contrary to that which was in Pharaohs Dream. Accordingly my Text commands us to make it our way in our Praises, to wrap up, and overwhel me the memory of precedent favours, with the more joyfull mention of suc­ceeding ones; as in the Tabernacle, boards of Wood were hid under, and over-laid with Silver, or Gold. As the Moon ascendeth towards the midst of heaven, so doth the Sea rise, and swell; thus should our praises rise, as the Mercies of the LORD rise, to overflow their former Channels, and Banks.

This is the Duty which is enjoyned in my Text. It shall no more be said, the Lord liveth, that brought up Israel out of the land of Egypt, but the Lord liveth that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the NORTH. This is the Duty, which is grounded on my Doctrine; It is the way of the Lord to make his last Mercies better then his first. If the LORD make former mercies in comparison with later ones, but as the Foot-stool to the Throne, but as the tuning of the Instrument to some more excellent Melody: then is it also fit, that our praises for former mercies, in com­parison with our Praises for later mercies, should be onely as the lifting up of our Feet on the Footstool, in order to our sitting down upon the Throne; or as the tuning of our voyces, to sing some Pleasant Song of our Beloved.

Right Honourable! God hath given us the Former and the Later Rain of his Loving-k [...]dnesses. With the Former Rain He preserved us, and cherished us, when we lay, as seed in the Dust of the Earth. Such a former Rain was our deliverance from the Papacy, by many signal providences and preservations, amongst which is this most eminent one of our Preservation from the Gun-powder-Treason, which [Page 14] we celebrate on this Day. But the LORD hath given us the Later Rain also; by which he hath made us to spring up out of the Dust into a Pleasant Garden; He hath made us as a Garden enclosed with the Quick-set hedge of his Di­vine Wisedom, and Power, that no Wilde-Boar hath been able to break in upon us; He hath watered us with his own Foot, walking up and down in the midst of us, that our Beds and Plants are green. Let us now say with a loud voice of Thanksgivings, The Lord liveth, who hath brought us up from the Romish-Papaoy, which is Spiritually Egypt, by a mighty Deliverance, and manifold preservations, as this Glorious one of the immediate prevention of a dreadfull Blow by Gun-Powder. But then let us say again with a louder Noise of praises, that may drown the former voice: The Lord liveth, who hath brought us up out of the Scotch Tyranny, and Scotch Presbytery, which came like a Tem­pest from the NORTH. As the husband and children of the Wise Matron say to her; Proverbs 31. verse 29. Many daughters have done vertuously, but thou excellest them all: so may England say now to the LORD; In many mercies, as especially that of saving us from this bloudy Designe of the Egyptian Papacy, Thou hast done Graciously, and Won­derfully: but this last mercy, by which thou hast saved us from the Black plots, and Bloudy powers of the NOR­THERN PRESBYTERY, hath excell'd them all.

Right Honourable! The seed of GOD in this Nation hath had two Capital Enemies, the Romish-Papacy; the Scotch-Presbytery. This Nation hath had a two fold Ca­pital Deliverance from these Two Capital Enemies. Now, that we may rightly savour the sweetnes of Both these De­liverances; that we may have a Taste of, nay feast our selves upon that Good Word in my Doctrine, made Good to us in our Experiences, namely, the LORDS keeping the Best Wine for the Last; that we may answer my Text, and my Comparison of Scotch Pres­bytery and Romish Pa­pacy. Application, in bringing forth the Best Wine of our praises at the Last; and for the last mercies; I shall compare these Two Capital Enemies of Yours, each with other. My [Page 15] way of proceeding in this Comparison shall be first to shew their Agreements: Secondly, those Differences, in which your last Enemy appears to be the Worse. This will let you see how much your last Mercies are the Best, and how much your Last Praises ought to be so too, in answer to your Last Mercies.

Cautions. Right Honourable, and you Beloved, who Cautions. hear me this Day, I intreat you all to take notice of the Cau­tions which I here interpose, before I enter upon this Com­parison, that I may separate the vile among Principles, from the precious or innocent among principles, or persons. I profess not at all to speak against the forme of Presbytery, if considered in its simplicity, in its virginity; as it is meerly a way, and order, in which Saints have Communion with GOD, and each with other, according to their present light; as it kisseth the golden Scepter of the Spirit, submit­ting and subordinating it self unto the rule of that Spirit, being desirous of no more, no other power, authority, or e­steem, than what that Spirit shall put upon it, by putting forth it self in it. Much lesse would I grieve, or cast contempt upon any little one among my Fathers Children, any honest, sanctified heart, that walks in that form of Presbytery, with humility and integrity, believing that so it ought to worship GOD. But that Presbytery, which I compare with the Pa­pacy, is such, as appropriateth to the Outward Form, those things which pertain only to the Power of the Spirit: such as by vertue of an Outward, Church-form, assumes a Spiri­tual and Civil power to it self; such as out of the Golden cup of a glorious Profession, makes it self drunk with the wine of Fornications, with Earthly powers and interests; such as takes to it self the Iron Mace of fleshly force and fury, to break in pieces at pleasure Common-wealths, Crownes, Consciences, Estates, and Hearts of men. Right Honorable, this is that Presbytery, on which those Enemies, whom the LORD hath last of all subdued before you, had founded, and built up that Interest and Strength, by which they op­posed [Page 16] the Glorious out-goings of GOD before you, and en­deavoured your Ruine. This is that, which I call the Scotch-Presbytery, and now compare with the Romish-Pa­pacy.

1. The Comparison is first to be made in those things 1. Agreem. which I call Agreements between them, and these are Six.

1. Agreement, Both joyn in setting up the Scriptures, the Word of God outwardly exprest, as the Letter of that Law, by which all things of Christianity and Religion are to be judged. So Scotus himself teacheth in his Preface to his Disputes upon the Sentences, that Religion must be grounded upon a Revelation. In this, not onely the Romish-Papist, and Scotch-Presbyter, but all who pretend with any face to any thing of GOD, or CHRIST, do concur. But there are two things in a Revelation. There is Lex Re­velata: and Lumen Revelationis, that is, the Law Re­vealed, and the Light of Revelation. One is the Subject, or Master: but the other is the Forme, the Life, the Es­sence of a Revelation. Now these Two Parties meet in this, to magnifie the first of these, the Law Revealed. This they make the foundation of their Throne, the Scepter of their Government, which as taken singly by it self, is but a breath­lesse Carkass, or a Dead Letter. Herein a Living Member of IESVS CHRIST is in this Point distinguished from all other [...]. He receiveth; ownes, bowes down to the Law revealed upon this account, because it comes down from Heaven into his heart in a Light of Divine Revelation

2. Agreement. These two of whom we speak, do Both asse [...] a visible Iudge on Earth, upon whom all Particular Persons are to depend for the Determining of those two Grand Questions; First, what is Scripture; Secondly, what the sense of that Scripture is. The Romanists say, that this Iudge is the Pope, or an Oecumenicall Councell. The Scotch Presbyter is for a Nationall Assembly, or rather an Oecumenicall Assembly, if the Civil Government would [Page 17] bear it. This Presbyter condemns the Papist justly, because he suffereth not the people to read the Scriptures in their own Tongue. But who art thon, O man, who condemnest another, and dost thy self the same thing, while thou for­biddest private persons to read the Scriptures with their own Eyes? Thou confinest them to Spectacles of the As­semblies making, while thou permittest the Reading, but prohibitest the Interpreting of the Spriptures according to that sense, which the Holy Spirit brings forth to every man in his own spirit, if it be not stumpt for Currant by the Spirit of the Generall Assembly. Why dost thou judge the Papist for exalting un-written Traditions to an Equall Authority with the Scriptures, when thy way maketh the Scripture it self, in the Letter and Meaning of it, a Tradition of the Elders?

3. Agreement. Both these Sects have a very great Jea­lousie over the Spirit of GOD. As the Pharisees said con­cerning 3. Agreem. IESUS CHRIST, Joh. 11 48 If we let this man alone, all men will believe on him, and the Romans shall come, and take away both our place, and Nation: So say these two, the Romish, and Scotch Principles in the hearts of men: If we yeeld to this, to let the Spirit alone, and to suffer all men to believe on the Holy Ghost, as the onely witness and evidence of Divine Truth: if we give way to this, as sound doctrine, that it is the proper office of the Third Person, the Spirit, and of him alone, to Apply Truth Authoritatively, as it is of the second Person to Act, of the first Person to De­cree: that it belongs to this Spirit alone, authoritatively to testifie in the spirits of Men, what those words are which himself hath taught, what the meaning of the Spirit is in those words: if this be once granted, that nothing is to be re­ceived, as Divine Truth, but that which brings an Epistle of Commendations along with it, written by this finger of the Living GOD upon the Heart, then farewell all Religion; all manner of Sects, Heresies, Heathenisme will break in upon us, and take away the very face of a Church from amongst [Page 18] us. It is said of JESUS CHRIST, that He was numbred a­mong transgressors in his death. Such usage as our Saviour himself found on Earth from Pilate, and the Priests; such doth his Spirit find to this day from the Papacy, and that Pres­bytery of which we speak. The Holy Ghost, as he appears and gives forth his Oracles in his Temples, which are his Saints, is numbred among Whimsies, Fancies, Fanatick Furies, En­thusiasmes, and so is condemned, is suppress'd.

4. Agreement. A watchfull Opposition to all Growths 4. Agreem. of Truth, above the pitch and stature of Opinions common­ly received. Nothing is accounted so dangerous in things per­taining to the Gospel, as Innovation; although S. Paul com­mand us still, to be transformed in the Renewing of our Mindes, that we may prove what the good and acceptable will of GOD is; and this to Saints already converted, as a continual duty, in which they are ever to be exercising them­selves, that they may have new mindes to day in comparison with those which they had yesterday, and new mindes again tomorrow, in comparison with their mindes to day; yet the same Iesus, yesterday, to day, and for ever. As in some places of the River Thames, you have Wyers set up quite crosse the River, and basket nets laid in those Wyers, to catch those Lampries that come swimming up against the stream: so both in Papacie, and in Rigid Presbyterie, all Constitutions, Methods, frames of Doctrine, and Discipline, seem to be as wyers with nets in them, set crosse the whole stream of civil and Religious conversation, to catch every discovery of Christ, every manifestation of the Gospel, which comes up a­gainst the present Tide, the general Current of Principles and Positions. They labour, as to hedge in the Wind, to binde up the sweet influences of the Spirit, they will not suffer it to blow where it lists, because they know not whence it comes, or whither it goes.

5. Agreement, in Annexing the Spirit to outward Forma­lities. 5. Agreem. Like Simon Magus, Both seem to believe, that the [Page 19] Gifts, and Ministery of the Spirit, may be purchased by the Coin of Education, Parts, Moral honestie, formal Qualifica­tions, Ceremonious Observations of outward Rites. So is their way laid, so are all their practices managed, as if by a kind of Simoniacal Magick, that power which alone can aw or secure us from the divel, were shut up within the circle of their custemary, and solemn Forms. VVhen the LORD saith, Neither on this Mountain, nor in Jerusalem, but in spirit and truth shall all men worship the Father: Yea, say they, but spirit and truth dispense themselves within the Ie­rusalem of this Church-order, on the Mountain of these ri­tuall observations, these consecrated forms.

6. Agreement in making Religion a Rise to Civil Pomp 6. Agreem. and Power. JESUS CHRIST saith, My Kingdom is not of this world. But say these two Factions, Our Kingdom is over this world. We rule in Earthly things, by an Earthly strength, though not from an Earthly Title. The Heavenly power of the Spirit is the Scepter in our Hand: but the fleshly power of the Magistrate, is the sword in the Hand of our Minister, and Guard, which is to be subordinate to our Scepter. By this means they bring all manner of civil affairs within the compass of their Cognisance, by vertue of their spiritual ju­dicatories: they dispose of Governments, Nations, Crowns, by vertue of their Ecclesiastick censures. As the Pope baited Queen Elizabeth with his Bul, and gave away the Kingdom of England to the King of Spain; so did the Presbytery in Scotland now judge, condemn the Present Government set over us by the glorious might of Divine Power, and give away this Nation to their Scots King.

I have done with the Agreements of these two; I come now to compare them in their Differences; and that onely those, in which the later Enemy appears worse than the for­mer, that so the former Mercy may be made the sweeter to us, in being exceeded and swallowed up by this later delive­rance, as a stream running into a greater river.

[Page 20] The Differences between these two Enemies are four.

1. Difference. Our first enemies pleased not GOD, but 1. Differ. yet were agreeable to men in their wayes. Being false to a divine, and spiritual interest, they are true to principles of humane policy. Being severe in the imposall of superstitious rites, and those principles which descend immediatly into the practice of such rites; they take, and give a large scope to the understanding and affections in generous contempla­tions, in mystical divinity. Wanting that bread of heaven, that new wine of the Kingdom, the beauties and sweetnes­ses of GOD in the Spirit, which should feast the inward man; they entertain the fancy, and senses, with all objects sutable to them, with a pretence of a subserviency to devoti­on, as in the Temple of old.

On the other side, our last enemies please not God, and are contrary to all men. These contemne the Spirit, and its Impressions upon the heart, when they are set up for Pil­lars of fire to go before us in this dark night of flesh, as En­thusiasmes. At the same time they condemne humane poli­cy, as profane. They check the delights of sense and fancy, as vain; rejecting also the openings of the glory of Christ, the mutuall enterviews, walkes, embraces, kisses between God and the Soul, in the Spirit, as Whimsicall.

It is necessary for me here to professe, that I have no meaning to justifie the sensualities of the Papacy in its re­ligion, while by pretending these things as Spirituall inlight­nings, Spirituall warmings; they intend them for a vail upon the Spirit. There is no such way to draw us up to the glory of Christ, as by his Crosse, to which the pleasing, and heightning of the flesh, for the most part, carries a very great enmity. Therefore do I not desire to cast any dif-esteem upon a severity towards the outward man, even to the en­slaving of it, to the beating of it black and blew, as Saint Paul used it, so this be not to the puffing up of the fleshly mind. But my Iustification, or Condemnation of these things is, as they stand in the comparison between these two par­ties, [Page 21] and as they may stand upon the root of the same Prin­ciple or Spirit in each party. Upon this account, as Samu­el was by Witchcraft raised out of his grave, to appear be­fore Saul, with his mantle upon him: So both these, the Romish Papacy, the Scotish-Presbytery, as it hath been for­merly stated by me, appear like the Ghost of Iudaisme raised from the dead by that Witch of Endor, the fl [...]shly principle dressed up in the forme of Christianity. But there is this difference; The former is the Ghost of Iudaisme cloathed with the Mantle which it wore in its life time, appearing in the same outward pompe, with the same delicious plea­sures of pictures, Musick, Perfumes, &c. as of old. But the later is Iudaism undrest, like an apparition in chaines, or Lazarus when he came forth from the grave with the grave cloathes bound about him.

2. Difference. Our Southern enemies are richer: our Northern ones poorer. Prov. 28. 3. A poor man that op­presseth 2. Differ. the poor, is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food. A Legall Spirit having not the seed of GOD, which is CHRIST, at the bottome of it is the poorest, the proudest, the cruellest of all Spirits. Let not this at all discourage any poor soul, which under a Legall dispensation waites for Christ. It is spoken only of the proud, poor ones; not of the poor ones oppressed under a sense of divine wrath, but oppressing with the fury of a carnal rage. These poor ones, when they prevail, are even to those other poor and meek ones, as a Ho [...]sl [...]ech, as a Barren womb, as the grave, ever devouring, never satisfied. The Legall Spirit standing in opposition to the Spirit of Christ, is the barrennest of all wombes, the cruellest grave.

3. Difference. The Scotch Presbyterie hath the purest form, and in respect to the outward form, is a good, and 3. Differ. great degree of reformation from the Papacy, both in re­spect to discipline and doctrine, as to the letter. Now who knows not, that the corruption of the best things is the [Page 22] worst of all corruptions? Naturalists say, that the Marrow of a man, in which his strength lies, the Brain of a man, in which his wisedome is seated, by Putrefaction in death, ge­nerates oft times a Serpent. In like manner, the exactest Image of that Heavenly Man Iesus Christ, if for want of the Quickning Spirit it corrupt, converts its highest excellency, the strength and wisedome of the letter, to the enmity of the serpent against that Spirit, which is the Heavenly man himself.

The most implacable hatred is in the nearest competition. The falling out of brethren is as walls and bar [...]es. The son of the Bond-woman is he, who stirres up the most frequent, and fiery persecutions against the son of the Free-woman. It is the son of the Free-woman alone, who darkneth the glory of his Brother Ishmael, who puts in between him and the inheritance, who carries away the love of the Father from him. If the spirituall seed were out of the way, the Iew in the letter, the Legall Professour were the only Saint; neither would there be any, that could step into Heaven be­fore him. If therefore the spirituall seed be not sowne in the heart of this Iew, he still cryes concerning him who is born after the Spirit; Let us stay him. When the single divel had left the house in the Parable, he returned to it Matth. 12. 44. again, finding it swept and garnished, but empty of that hea­venly Man that should inhabit it, he re-enters into it, and takes with him seven divels more. The Scotch Presbyte­ry is a house, which the evill spirit of Papacy had left, a house swept clean from the filth of profanenesse, garnished with the beautifull things of the letter, farre beyond the Pa­pacy: my Prayer is, that being un-inhabited by the Lord Iesus, there be not found the more divels in it, besides the re-entry of the first-divel, as to his inward principles, though in a more specious form.

4. Difference. The Popish plot by Gun-powder would have taken away our Governours onely, and those, as they 4. Differ. sate on that old seat, in that old form of government which [Page 23] had framed those Laws, which had shed the blood of so ma­ny Saints by Martyrdome, which had laid so many bonds up­on the Gospel. But this Zeal-Plot, laid more deeply, more dangerously than the Powder-plot, even in the hearts of our Brethren, which dwelt in the midst of us; this aim'd at the Ruine of Governours, Government, People, and all, by an Ar­my made up of Highlanders, who never knew Christianity or Civility; whose rage would have blown up, have torn in pieces all before it with a greater fury, than that of Gun-pow­der. All this was intended upon this Government, as it came forth new washt in the blood of many precious Persons, who sought it with the losse of their lives; as it was busie in ta­king away the lives of those lawes, which had shed the blood of the Saints, and in taking off all bonds from the Gospel, that it might runne freely, and be glorifyed. That former Trea­son was against an old power, founded upon old principles, con­cerning which (as once before the destruction of Hierusa­lem a voice was heard, which was the voice of Angels, (as is supposed) saying, Let us be gone from hence;) so the voyce of Good men, Good Angels, God himself was heard, say­ing, Let us be gone. But this later Conspiracy, was against a new power, built upon new principles, concerning which (if I do not deceive my self, and I comfortably hope, that I do not deceive my self) I have heard in my spirit the voice of Iesus Christ, and his Spouse, with the Angels attending, speaking after this maner one to another: Let us make our abode here. Let us go forth into these fields, to see how the Fig-tree Cant. 7. 11, 1 [...] puts forth its green figs, and the vine her tender grapes. Here will we give one another our loves.

Thus, Right Honourable! you have seen your two ene­mies compared. You see how much the later exceeds the former in enmity, opportunity, design. I shall now compare the manner of your deliverances in two things, and so con­clude this Use.

1. In the powder plot, all was ready, brought within a very few houres of execution, the train laid, the Match lighted: yet all vanished without giving any blow, or making any noise. [Page 24] In the Scotch plot, long and mighty preparations were made, a great Army formed, every thing brought to maturity, and ripe for action; the design it self put furre into motion, like a Granado shot up, and falling into the very midst of us. Yet these Preparations Armies, Actions, scatter in a moment, like a Mist. The way of the Papacy, and of the Presbyterie in both these attempts against us, hath been, through the Blessing of our God, like the way of a serpent upon a stone, rising up out of his nest in the Earth, sliding back into his first darknesse, and leaving no track, or impression behind him.

Secondly, The LORD first delivered us from the Romish Papacy by a Child, Edward the sixth. But this proved like the Flower, a fading Mercy. When we were relapsed into Popery, we were again raised out of it by the Hand of a Woman, Queen Elizabeth. We had been of late retrived, and brought back under the Power of the same Principles, cloathing themselves with the New Garment of Presby­tery, if that our God had not again delivered us by those of the New Modell, who were in scorne, esteemed as Children, in the Eye of flesh; who in simplicity behaved themselves, Prov. 30. 19. as Children, to GOD.

Right Honourable! I humbly beseech you, whose Hearts, Heads, Hands, as Saints, Counsellors, Souldiers, the LORD Iesus hath made use of to bring great things to passe; do not (I perswade my self, that you do not) think it your dispa ragement, but your Glory rather, to be accounted, as chil­dren, and women, in these Mighty Works: as children, who have been led all along in the Hand of their Father, who have been altogether guided by His Eye; as Women, who have had a Covering upon your Heads, a vaile upon your wis­doms, your worths, that Iesus Christ alone may be seen as your Head, the Power, of GOD, the Wisdome of GOD to 1 Cor. 11. 7. you, the Glory upon you. If this also prove not a fading mercy; as GOD hath founded his Praise, and our Peace; so will he also perfect it in the Mouths, by the Hands of Babes Psal. 8. 2. and Sucklings, such as shall hang wholly upon the Brests [Page 25] of His Consolations, and draw in for nourishment, only the sincere and unmixt milk of the Immortall Word.

But to finish this Use. Right Honourable! Hath the LORD made former mercies as seed, out of which Later Mercies have sprung up as the Ripe fruit? O then, let our present Praises, and Graces, be to those of Former Seasons, as Ripe fruit to the seed. Let them not still be in the Earth of a fleshly Manifestation; but let them come up to a Maturity, a Spirituality. Former mercies stand in the brightnesse of our later mercies, as the Moon in the Light of the Sun. They have no glory by reason of that Glory which excels. If the Holinesse, the Rejoycing, of your Former Thanksgiv­ings have been as the Moon, Legall, Litterall: let the Ho­linesse, the Ioy of your present Thank [...]givings shine out, as the Sun, having an Evangelicall, a Spirituall Glory in the face of them. Doth our GOD come forth in New wayes to save us, and shall we serve him still in the Old way? Let us also lay aside the Oldnesse of the Letter, and answer him a­gain with the Newnesse of the Spirit. Let us sing to him the New song of Moses, and the Lamb; now that he pipes to us the New Tunes of more Transcendent, more spirituall, more Heavenly salvations.

2. Use. A second Exhortation. It is the way of the 2. Use. LORD to make his Last Mercies better than the Former: The Present Salvations of our GOD in the midst of us have exceeded all, that ever were to this day. Let us raise up our expectations, Let us lift up the Eyes of our Spirits unto Loving kindnesses, which shal be yet much more glorious then these, which are at this present come down from Heaven upon us in so Glorious a manner. If we have seen Great things, which we could not have believed, now, that the LORD hath brought us up out of Egypt: what Wonders, what Glory shall our eyes behold, when the Lord shall bring up his People out of the NORTH.

For the more clear prosecution of this Use, and explication of my intent in it, I must propound, and answer, Four [Page 26] Questions. First, What is signified by Egypt, as to the Iews. Secondly, What by the NORTH. Thirdly, what by Egypt to Christians. Fourthly, What by the NORTH.

1. Question. What is signified by Egypt to the Iews, 1. Question and what by their being brought up out of it?

Ans. This is plain in the Letter of the Scriptures, and Answer. needeth no answer, to those who have read Moses, and his Book of Exodus.

2. Question. What is meant by the NORTH, as to 2. Question the children of Israel?

Answer. Babylon stood NORTH to the Holyland, and Answer. the Return from the Captivity at the end of the seventy years, was a Bringing up of the People of GOD from the NORTH. But that cannot be the Meaning here, for Three Reasons.

1. Reas. The Return from Babylon was not with such an 1. Reason out-stretched Arm, with such a Glory of Miracles, of the Divine Presence, it was not to such a Rest, as the comming up out of Egypt had been.

2. Reas. The Children of Israel were not all brought 2. Reason back from the NORTH at that time; only Two Tribes, and these but in part.

3. Reason, My Text joyns with the bringing up of Israel 3. Reason from the NORTH, the bringing of them from all places into which they have been scattered, which was never yet done. These two universalities of the Promise, for all Israel, and from all places, remain unaccomplished to this day.

When GOD brought up Israel his son out of Egypt, He planted him, as a vineyard, with a Legall Dispensation, with fleshly Ordinances, a Tabernacle, a Temple, a VVor­ship, a Presence, a Glory, appertaining to these. But Ieshu­run waxed fat with these fleshly VVorships. He kick'd the Heel against his Master that fed him, his Father that brought him up. He set up the Temple above the LORD of the Temple: he holds up the Ordinances against him, when he [Page 27] came, who was Greater then the Ordinances, and the End of them all. Then did God thunder from Heaven against his Holy Things, and consume them with his Lightnings, Then did he scatter Israel into a Dispersion, a Desolation, where he wanders, abides shut up, without Priest, or Tera­phim, even untill now.

When the Nation of the Iews was taken away, Christi­ans in the Letter immediatly succeed into their place. They Rom. 11. 17, 18 sit down at a Table of fleshly Ordinances. They also are in▪ ­snared by their Table. Their Hearts grow fat, their Eyes Rom. 11. 9. are closed up with flesh. They see not to the End of the Letter, and therefore cannot own the Lord, that Spirit, 2 Cor. 3. 13. &c. when He comes to those who are under the Letter, as to his own, Christians succeeding the Iews in Ordinances, in Idolizings of the Letter, in rejection of the Lord, the life of the letter, for, the leter's sake, succeed them also in their desolations, dispersions; and shall at last accompany them in their return to their everlasting rest. Rom. 11. 12.

3. Question. What Egypt signifies in the state of Chri­stianity? 3. Question

Answer, Egypt is Sodome, the Mother of fornications, and Witchcraft. Antichrist is Egypt, and Sodome Spiri­tually; Answer. Rev. 11. 8. as Iesus Christ is Goshen and Canaan, the land of light, of rest. There are many Anti-christs, but two princi­ple ones:

  • 1. The Anti-christ to the letter.
  • 2. The Anti-christ in the letter to the Spirit.

1. The Anti-christ to the letter. This is like the Sama­ritans of old, a spirit of Heathenism, and profanenesse 1. Anti- bringing forth it self into a loose profession of Christianity, that it may oppose it self to the purity of holinesse, according [...]o the letter, and perseeute Iesus Christ in the fleshly mani­ [...]estations of himself, This is that spirituall Egypt, which will not suffer the people of God to go forth three dayes [...]ourney into the VVildernesse, to worship on Mount Sinai, [...] the outward purity of ordinances, and legall cleansings of [...]e flesh.

[Page 28] 2. The Anti-christ in the letter to the Spirit, through 2. Anti­christ. an annoynting in the flesh with many heavenly gifts, unto the illumination and sanctification of the flesh, unto tasts of, touches of a Spirituall, a Heavenly sweetnesse and power, Heb. 6. 4, 5, 6. becometh an enemy to the Heavenly substance, to Jesus Christ, as he is a Quickning Spirit. This is that Spiritu­all Egypt, which will not suffer the people of God to go forth free from Mount Sinai, three dayes journey further through the Wildernesse, through the death of Christ, to worship on Mount Sion.

This is the Abomination of desolation set up in the Holy Place, or where it ought not to be, of which JESUS CHRIST Matt. 24. 15. Mark 13. 14. speaketh. It is the ordinary phrase of Scripture to call an Idol, an Abomination. Now this is the setting up of an Idol, where it ought not to be, even in the Holy place: The spirituall whore cloathes her self with the ordinances of Christ; she washes and bathes her self in the letter of the Scriptures, untill her flesh shine with the exact purity of an outward holinesse; she perfumes her self with the sweet savours of the oyntments of the spirit, decks her self with the fleshly manifestations of the Heavenly Bridegroom, as with Jewels. When she hath done all this, she shews her self for the Ierusalem above, the true Mother of all the Saints; she persecutes the Free-woman out of the world into the Wildernesse, that she may with the more ease and quiet passe for her. The lovers of this whore, cry up the glo­ry of Christ in the flesh, his ordinances, his outward word his appearances to, his impressions on the earthly man, fo [...] a pretence, that they may cry down Iesus Christ, as h [...] comes in the glory of the Father, as he is the new and he [...]venly man.

This is the Highest Abomination, being thus set up in t [...] holie Place, in the Sanctuary it self, to maintain an opp [...]sition to the invisible glory of the most Holy Place, whi [...] is within the vail.

As this is that highest Abomination, so it brings t [...] greatest desolation along with it. It makes desolate that h [...]ly [Page 29] Place, those holy things, in which it is set up: Ordinances, Qual fications, Manifestations, the Flesh of CHRIST, the let­ter of the Scriptures; it scatters the flock of CHRIST one from another into the Wildernesse; it brings the death of JESUS CHRIST, as a sign, upon them; it drives them out into a Cold, Frozen, Barren, Dark, Desolate state, as into the Corners of the NORTH.

Right Honourable! Twice have those Two Spirituall Egypts, when you have been carryed forth from the midst of them with a mighty Arm, followed you with Mighty Hosts, to bring you back again into a Land of darknesse, and House of Bondage. Twice hath the LORD over-whelmed them in the Red Sea of their own Blood.

Two severall Quarrels have you had with these two E­gypts. Your first Quarrell with the one was for the Purity of the Letter, and Ordinances, against a Spirit of Profane­nesse, and Superstition. Your second Quarrell with the other was for the freedom of the Spirit in his holy, his heavenly Out goings before you, both as to Religion, and Civill Rule, against the Letter and Ordinances, perversly opposed to the Spirit, which is the Light, Life, Truth, End of both.

Two severall Testimonies hath the LORD given on your side against your Enemies in these two quarrels: as for your Enemies, He hath made them as Dust before the wind, the Angel of the Lord driving them. But these Two times he hath appeared to you, as he did to Solomon; he hath spoken 1 King. 11. 9. Peace to you his chosen ones. And what hath the LORD spoken to you, when he hath spoken Peace? even this, that his chosen ones return no more to folly; that you no more P [...] have any thoughts of Going down again into Egypt, lest you go a-whoring from the living GOD, the Eternall Spirit, and forsakethe Guide of this your Youth.

Right Honourable! Balaam was a Prophet, he was the man, whose eyes were opened, who saw the visions of GOD: Num 24. 3, 4. But he prophesied for the hire of a fleshly Interest. This Ba­laam hath assayed from several places, to curse the Armies Mic. 3 11. of Israel in the midst of you. But no Inchantment hath been [Page 30] against you, while you have walked as Iacob, a Plain man, in the simplicity of the spirit, though a supplanter of his bro­ther Edom. There hath been no Divination against you, while as Israel, Princes with GOD, you have wrastled with GOD, and so prevailed over your Enemies.

Right Honourable! I do now with bowels tenderly Earning, with a heart bleeding over your precious lives, and this whole Common-wealth, how the Knees of my spirit to the GOD of Israel for you; I do earnestly warn and intreat every one of you; that, as this Balaam hath not been able to hurt you by his open curses, so he may not by his close wiles and fair-tongued flatteries, draw you to feast on the Moabitish Dainties, look on the Moabitish Beauties, bow Revel. 2. 14. down to the Moabitish Idols of fleshly Excellencies, and en­joyments. I speak to you, as to wise Men. Why should you fall for your fornications, many thousands of you by the Plague in this wildernesse? 1 Cor. 10. 8. 3. Quest.

3. Question. What the Coming up out of the NORTH means.

Answer. You have a full description of this in the Prophe­sie Ans. Ezek. 1. of Ezekiel. As the severall Prophesies in the Revelation have prefixed to them severall Appearances of Iesus Christ, as the Mark at which [...] Prophesie aimes, and as the Rev. 11. 12. and 4. 2. 12. 1. Scene, or Face of things, which the predictions in each Pro­phesie are to usher into the world: so Ezekiel in the Begin­ning of his Book presents us with a vision Dreadfully Glo­rious, in which JESUS CHRIST is discovered, as he comes with his people from the NORTH, that this vision may be a Light to all the following Prophesies.

This first Chapter of Ezekiel hath many things to be said of it, which are hard to be expressed, and much more hard to be understood. But I will not trouble you with any of those Mysteries, which require senses well exercised on invisible things. I shall only set before you severall particulars, which offer themselves to every Eye, and fall with ease upon every understanding.

1. The whole Object, which shewes it self to the Prophet, [Page 31] is called, the Glory of the Lord; verse 28. This expression im­ports as much, as the Court of a King, where he is in state, in Glory. The Jewes call this vision, the Chariot, alluding to that in the Psalmist, of GOD riding upon the Cherubim, Psal. 8. 10. contrary to the figure in the most holy Place where GOD is said to dwell between the Cherubims in respect to the Ark, 1 Sam. 4. 4. Exod. 25 17. and the Mercy seat▪ which was under the Covering of the Wings of those Angelicall Creatures.

2. He who rides in this Chariot is a Man upon a Throne. This Man is our LORD JESUS in his Heavenly Man, in the Person of a Mediatour. The Word Amber is so inter­preted by very learned Divines, as to represent the Godhead Chashmal. in its Majesty, together with the Humanity, over-spread by the Bright Beams of the Divine Nature. This Man appears also in the full Image of the Ever-Blessed Trinity. The fire cloathing him from the Loins upward, from the Loins down­ward, shadows out the Father. The Image it self, the Appea­rance of a man in the fire, represents the Son. The Brightnes round about, like a Rainbow, typifies the Holy Ghost breathed forth from the Father, and the Son, the Union of both circling them in as in Mutuall Embraces; verse 26. and 27.

3. This man hath a firmament under his Feet, Behold here the Pavement of the Chariot, if I may so speak. This fir­mament 2 Cor. 12. 2, is the third heavens, where Iesus Christ is, where Paradise is, whither Saint Paul was rapt. These are the Lords own Heavens which the Lord bowes, and upon which He descends, when he comes down, according to the Pro­phet. Psal. 14 [...] This is that Pavement which the Elders of Israel saw under the Feet of the God of Israel. That was represented Exod. 24. 10. by Saphyre; so is this here, vers. 26.

4. Four living Creatures stand under this firmament, and draw this Chariot, verse 26. They sparkled like burnisht brasse, verse 7. They were as burning coals of fire, and as Lamps, verse 13. See here the horses in the coach, which are the Elect Angels, the second heavens, the holy Powers, and high Principles, or Principalities, in the secret of the Invi­sible part of this Creation. These have their Proper forms, as [Page 16] Angels, verse 4. They have all one common form of a Man, verse 5. which is the Divine Image of our glorified Saviour, in which everyone of them possesseth his own distinct-image, to shew them to be the Angels of Iesus Christ. Such is the Majesty of God riding upon the Cherubims, as his horses, who have the heavenly image of their glorious Rider him­self, as trappings cover them all over.

5. The wheels to this Chariot are, the visible Part of this Creation, as it is restored, and made new by Iesus Christ. The word translated wheeles, signifies very properly globes, round globes, such as the round world of these Heavens, and Earth, which our eyes behold.

6. One Divine life acts this whole piece of Glory, from the Man upon the Firmament, to the wheeles, which stand by the Living Creatures. That fire which is a Robe of Glory upon the Man, verse 27. That is the spirit of Life, which goes up and down in the midst of the living Creatures, verse 13. This Spirit of the Living Creatures is in the wheeles also, enlivening, and acting them, ver. 20.

7. This flaming Chariot comes forth from the midst of a whirl-wind, and a great cloud, and a fire, v. 4.

8. This sweeping, Devouring Tempest comes from the NORTH, v. 4.

These are the Particular Notes upon this chapter, which I have collected out of it unto this End, to found upon these Notes, three Observations.

1. Observation. When the Lord brings his People out of 1 Observat. the NORTH, he comes in a tempest of a whirle-wind, a Great cloud, and of fire. He comes to bring Desolation up­on the Holy city, the Hierusalem which now is. He comes, Ezek. 43. 3. as a whirl-wind, to shake dreadfully the whole Earth. He comes, in a cloud to bring Darknesse, Trouble, Confusion up­on the Spirits of all Mankinde. He comes as a fire, to burne upon all flesh, till he have quite consumed it. When He ari­seth, to raise His Spouse from under the Power of his Death, which is the scattering of his People among the Nations, and [Page 33] under the rage of Anti-christ, who sits in the sides of the NORTH, driving his people into the wildernesse of the Na­tions: Isa. 14. 13. then will our Lord Iesus after this manner take ven­geance of all the Nations among which they have been scat­tered, and bewildred.

2. Observation. Iesus Christ, as He is the Glory of God, comes riding in the midst of this whirle-wind, cloud, and fire. 2 Observat. He taketh up his Saints also, whose Hearts are upright with the Father, as his heart is, into His Chariot. They also, though in their flesh they melt away with the servent heat of this fire; yet in their Spirituall Man they come riding on upon the Third Heavens together with their King. The Lord my God thus comes, and all the Saints with thee. While Zach. 14. 5. a cloud of darknesse covers the whole World, you, O ye Brethren of the Great King, sit in the secret of this Dark­nesse, upon a Th [...]one of Light; you l [...]e in the midst of this cloud upon a Bed of Love, in fellowship with your beloved Iesus Christ. While the Tempest tears up this Creation from the very Roots of it; you sit within it, as above it, as ruling it, as flying upon the Wings of it: you see a new Heaven, and a New earth in the midst of it, as in a womb, from which they together with your selves are ready to spring forth. Fear not you, O ye meek ones, when the storm rageth most violent­ly, they are the Swift motions of your Chariot-wheels, which now make haste, that raise this Storm. Fear not you, when the starry Roofe of the Kingdome of this World, shall drop like melted Lead upon the Heads of the Inhabitants of it; when the Foundations of it, laid in the Dark parts of the Earth, shall be devoured by fire. While all this is working, you have the firmamen of the third heavens, the True Mer­cy-Seat for a Pavement under your feet.

3. Observation. When Iesus Christ shall have suf­ficiently 3 Observat. avenged himself of his Enemies, then shall the Whirl-wind, cloud, and fire, altogether vanish in a moment, as by a Divine Appointment. The old heavens, and the old earth shall vanish in the midst of this storme. Then shall the Lord appear on his Chariot, and fill All. The bright [Page 34] Wheels, with their high and dreadfull Rings full of eyes, shall shine out, as the New Earth of this visible frame, made all of One Precious stone, The Living Creatures, which draw those wheeles; shall sparkle forth, as the New Heavens of the Elect, and Holy Angels, who are burnish'd Brasse in re­spect to their Naturall, Angelicall Glory; but flaming Ezek. 1. v. 7. v. 13. 2. Lampes, fill'd with the Oyle and fire of the Spirit, in respect to their New State in the Kingdom of Christ. But above the Heads of these, in that Day, shall discover themselves the Third heavens, which are that firmament, that expan­sion of Divine Glory. These Heavens shall be seen onely, as a floore or Ground for the Throne, the New Ierusalem, the city of the Great King. Then shall the Heavenly man, and the Glorious Trinity standing each in other, God and Lamb, appear as the Temple in this heavenly Ierusalem. Rev. 21. 22. In the midst of this Temple are seen all thy Saints, O GOD. Here they have their Mansions, as the Priests, and Levits had their Chambers round about in the Temple of old. Here they live continually with GOD, as Kings, and Priests, never to go forth more. From hence they extend the Line of their Divine Priesthood the Scepter of their Everlasting kingdom, all over the New heavens, and the New Earth. From hence they sow themselves over all things, as a seed; they grow up out of all things, as the fruit, of joy, glory, and immortality, O! who is there now among all the Saints, that can forbear to cry; Blow ye Whirl winds, fly ye clouds, thou fire make haste, and bring my Beloved: come thou, come quickly Lord Iesus.

As surely as the Lord liveth, and hath of old brought up the Children of Israel out of Egypt; so surely will our Lord Iesus thus come, and bring his Saints with Him, out of the NORTH. But why do I say, that he shall come thus? Eze­kiel saith in the last verse of his first chapter, that all this is but the Likenesse of the Appearance of the Glory of God. As much as Earthly similitudes fall short of heavenly things; as much as fleshly shadowes and Types fall short of Spirituall Substances, and Truths: so much doth all the Glory, that [Page 35] can be now exprest, or thought, fall short of the Glory of the Appearance of our heavenly Bride-groom. All former glories shall be remembred no more for ever. A new, a New glory shall fill thine Eyes, thine Eares, thy heart, O thou the Lambes Bride; even such a Glory, as thine Eyes never saw any Image of, thine Ears never heard any Tydings of, thine Heart never took in any Degree of, untill that Day.

Right Honourable! I shall not conclude, untill I have endeavoured to raise your joyes, and your Praises yet high­er by setting before you a Double interest, which (to say no more) you seem to have in This comming of the Lord Iesus with his people out of the NORTH. One is the interest of this Common-wealth. The Other is the interest of this Age, and time of the World, in which you live.

1. Interest. Of this Common-wealth in the comming up of the People of GOD out of the NORTH. I shall take the 1. Interest. Boldnesse here to Propound to you severall considera­tions, which may be, all put together, the Ground of a Modest Hope to a Sober Christian, that the LORD JESUS intends that Honour to this Nation, that it shall be said to it first of all the Nations, concerning the heavenly Bride-groom, that, he was born here; here he first of all appeared in an Eminent and signall Manner, to bring his People up out of a fleshly servitude, and Death, into a Spirituall Glo­ry, and Immortality.

1. Consider. This is one of the Remotest Parts of the 1. Consid. world to the NORTH, whether the Rule of Hierusalem, and Rome, Christ, and Anti-christ hath extended it self. It is Master Brightmans observation in his Commentary upon the Revelations, that, Among the Seven Churches of Asia, Pergamut hath the NEW name Rev. 2. 17. the Sun of Righteousnesse after his withdrawings began to return from that Church which stood most NORTH, to make a Spring upon the Earth.

2. Consid. I have heard it often observed by Judicious 2. Consid. Christians, who have travelled over Books, Countreys, and [Page 36] Spirits of men, that no where upon the face of the Earth do there appear to be any Number of hearts Spiritually Ac­quainted, Spiritually conversing with our Lord Iesus, in any Degree of Heavenly Purity, and Power, save in this Poor, small spot of Ground. This looks, as if Christianity, and Spirituality were driven hither, as to the Outmost Bound of the Habitable World, here to make a Stand, here to ga­ther Head, from hence to re-inforce it self upon the Nations.

Let me add to this, that the Power of our Dear Saviours Death (so far as ever I could know or learn) lyes with so much Sense of it, with such Gaspings under it upon no Spi­rits, which at this Day live in Flesh, as upon the Spirits of English Christians; though, alas! upon too too few of them. Now our Lord foretels us, that Where the Carkasse is, thi­ther will the Eagles be gathered together: Matthow 24. 28. Where the most considerable Part of the Body of our Lord Iesus shall lye, most eminently moulded into a fellow­ship with him in his most Precious Death: there, upon that flesh will the Heavenly Appearances, the Divine powers, the Immortall Glories of the Holy-Ghost, who is represented by Seven Spirits, for the variety of His Powers and Appea­rances, first, and most Eminently alight, as Eagles upon the Carkasse.

3 Consideration. The Dispensations of God in Spiritu­all 3 Consid. Priviledges have been Peculiar to this Nation in many things, as to a Beloved, a First-born Childe; The First King that became Christian, raigned in this Land. The First Em­perour, Lu [...]ius A. C. 170. Constantine he Great. A. C. 270. born in Brit­tain of Con­stantius and Helene, daugh­ter to Coil Duke of Col­chester. by whom Jesus Christ with his Saints came up out of the fires of Heathenish Persecutions, and appeared upon the Throne, came from hence, was born here. Wickliffe, that day­breake of Evangel call Light, from whom the First Glympses of Truth, and Christ appeared to the World, lying in the deepest Night of Anti-christian Darknesse, He dawned from this Quarter of the Heavens. He was borne an Englishman, lived fruitfully, died Peaceably in London. From him did the Gospel shine forth upon the Bohemians, and so upon that Blessed pair of Martyrs, Hierom, and Hu [...], who prophesied of [Page 37] Luther, the Morning starr. I cannot passe over in silence, that Darling of Iesus Christ's, Edward the sixth, a Childe, a King, a Saint, all three in one, He, as a forward Plant, though nipt in the Bud, yet was a Declaration, that Spring and Sum­mer were coming.

But how in these last times have the People of God in the midst of this Land been, as his Ioseph among the Nations? Ioseph hath been despised by his brethren, divided from his brethren, as an Ambitious dreame [...]. Yet Ioseph hath been like a fruitfull bough by a well, whose branches have run over Gen. 49. v. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. the Wall, for the Good-will of him who dwelt in the bush. Ioseph is that bush, which burnes with fire, yet hath not been consumed. The Archers sorely grieve him, and shoot at him, and hate him. But his how abideth in strength; his armes are made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Ia­cob. Deut. 23 v. 13. 14, 15, 16, 17. From thence shall be the shepherd, the stone of Israel, the blessing upon his head unto the bounds of the Everlasting hils. His Glory is as the firstling of his bullock: his horns as the horns of an Unicorne; with them he shall push the People together to the end of the Earth.

If the blessings on the Tribes be Types of the last dayes, the dayes of the Messiah, I hope, I have not done amisse in transferring the things of Ioseph, as a Figure to the Present Gen. 49. v. 1. state of the Church in this Land. I formerly shewed you, O my fellow-members, whose Lot is fallen in this Age, and Iland, your face in the Glasse of Davids Story. These two seem to me Paralel figures of your selves. Both were drawn out of the Pit to be Princes. Both ruled in the midst of Do­mestick, Forrain Reproaches, and Ruines. Both were blessed with the Precious things of Heaven, of Earth, of Sun and Moon, Grace and Nature; Flesh and Spirit. Yet both died in the Land of Egypt; in a state of Trouble. Both are happily succeeded by the Fulnesse of Peace and Glory, David by So­lomon: Ioseph by Benjamin, brought forth by the death of his mother, the Hierusalem below: but the Son of the right hand of his heavenly Fathers righteousnesse, Power, and Majesty, of whom Moses sings, The beloved of the Lord shal Deut. 13. 12. [Page 38] dwel in safety by him; the Lord shal cover him all the day long; he shal dwel between his shoulders.

4. Consid. I have received from the Mouth of a Gentleman 4. Consid: of understanding, and integrity in his Testimony, a Discourse, which himself had from one of the most Learned among the Iews, at Venice, as I remember: that; A generall Tradition divides the Prophesies of the old Testament into unfixed; fixed. The fixed are such, as be determined to some certain Place. In the number of the fixed Prophesies is that of Isai­ah, chap. 24. and 13, 14, 15, 16. [When thus it shall be in the midst of the Land, among the People; there shall be as the shaking of an Olive Tree, as the Gleaning of Grapes, when the vintage is done. They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the Majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud from the SEA. Wherefore glorifie ye the Lord in the fires; the Name of the Lord God of Israel in the ILES of the Sea. From the UTTERMOST Parts of the Earth, have we heard Songs, Glory to the Righteous.] The place, said he, on which this Prophesie is fixed by the constant Reception of the Rabbins, is this Ile of Great Brittain.

I cannot but lay to these verses before cited, another verse out of the same chapter: verse 21. And it shall come to passe in that day, that the Lord shall punish the Hoast of the High Ones, on high: and the Kings of the Earth, on the earth. Of a truth, he that peruseth this whole chapter, and compares it with the first of Ezekiel, will finde Both to speak of the same season and affaire; with this Difference: Isay is full in De­soribing the storm, Brief in the Glory: Ezekiel spends one verse onely on the storm, all the chapter besides on the Glory. I appeal to those hearts who have a Spirituall Eye opened in them, how farre they see the Letter in both those chapters, answered by the life of the Letter acting it self forth on this land: how much they discover of Glory wrapt up in a storm, and ready to issue forth from it, as lightning from a cloud.

2. Interest, of the Present times in the coming of the 2 Interest. children of GOD out of the NORTH. I shall here hum­bly [Page 39] offer to you three prophetick Scriptures, which seem to be contemporary and joyntly to have their Proper influences on these dayes.

1. The First Scripture is, Dan. 7. ver. 9, 10. and verse 22, and verse 26. The End of the Fourth Empire is here descri­bed in the vision, and in the Interpretation.

2. The second Scripture is, Rev. 3. v. 14, &c. The Epistle to the seventh Church.

3. The last Scripture is, Rev. 16. 10, & 13. The Opening of the fifth, and sixth Seal.

These three Scriptures manifestly agree in Foure things.

  • 1. A Party Iudging.
  • 2. A Party Iudged.
  • 3. A Kingdom sinking.
  • 4. A Kingdom springing.

1. A Party Iudging. Laodicea, the Name of the seventh Church, made by Master Brightman a Type of England, is compounded of two words; [...], which signifies the People of God in Greek, according to the most frequent use of it in the sacred Writings; [...], which signifies Iudgement. Both together represent the Iudgement of the people of God; or the people of God in Iudgement.

How is this Laodicea interpreted by the Angels, that poure the fifth viall upon the Seat of the Beast, the sixth vi­all upon the River Euphrates, the Defence of the Great Ba­bylon? These Angels are described, Rev. 15. ver. 6. The se­ven Angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues cloathed with white linnen, and having their brests girded with golden girdles. As the seven Churches had their seve­rall Angels, Rev. 1. v. 1. so have severall Dispensations of God to the Saints, whether they be at once or in Different seasons. Angels are the Ministers of the Divine dispensati­ons, as they descend from the Spiritual unto the natural man of a Saint. These seven Angels powring forth these vials, do upon this account denote seven dispensations, or Appea­rances of JESUS CHRIST coming forth from the secret [Page 40] of the spirit into an outward manifestation, through the flesh of the Members of Christ. These poure forth the vials of Wrath upon the children of Wrath, by the pouring forth of Grace upon their lips; as the LORD consumes the Man of sin by the brightnesse of his coming.

But you have this Laodicea, these Angels from the Temple plainly discovered by Daniel, 7. 9. The Ancient of Dayes did sit, whose garments was white as snow. Behold One in the same Raiment with the Angels of the Vials, ver. 22. Untill the Ancient of dayes came, and judgment was gi­ven to the Saints of the most High, v 26. The judgment shall sit, and THEY shall take away, &c. Behold the Angels in white! Behold the judgment, and Judges in Laodicea! The Ancient of Dayes coming forth, appearing in his Belo­ved. These are his judgment Seat, his Iudges. This is the sit­ting of the judgment.

2. A Party judged. The sixth vial falls upon the River Euphrates, which encompasseth Babylon, mystery, the mo­ther of fornications. Waters hold forth a Spirit, in which the flesh, or letter stands, lives, and flourisheth, as the Earth in the Waters. A River is a Spirit, either having the power, or putting on the form of Light, and Purity. Under the same Vial is made mention of the false Prophet, out of whose mouth, an unclean spirit, yet a spirit of miracles, goes forth. See the River, which defends the spirituall Egypt, and So­dome.

Is not this false Prophet he, who would seem to be the River of Iordan, making glad the City of Laodicea with his pleasant stream; when he is as the dead Sea in the midst of her; who saith, I am rich, and want nothing; and knowes not, that he is miserable, poor, blind and naked? This is he, Rev. 3. 14. who falls in to uphold the Dragon, and the Beast, who sum­mons all the Kings of the Earth to battell in this common Quarrel against the Saints.

Is not this that very little horne, of which Daniel speaks, Dan. 7. vers. 8. There came up another little horne: and behold in this horne eyes, like the eyes of a man, (a show of [Page 41] divine Light, a plain character of the River Euphrates, the false Prophet) and a mouth speaking great things, that is, I am rich, and need nothing, This little horne, had a look more stout then his fellows; vers. 20. He makes warre with the Saints; vers. 21. He speaks great words against the most High (GOD the Father, and our LORD JESUS, as he is in the most High, the most holy place of Spirit, and Truth above Flesh, above Types) he wears out the Saints, untill this Iudgement sits, ver. 25. This is the party judged.

3. The Kingdom sinking is the Seat, or Throne, as it is in Greek, of the Beast, filled with Darknesse, Revel. 16. vers. 10. The drying up of Euphrates by the Beams of a spirituall Glory; vers. 12. The Battel of the great Day of God Almighty against all the Kings of the Earth; v. 14. The spuing of the false Prophet out of the mouth of Christ; Revel. 3. 16. The Thrones cast down, Dan. 7. vers. 9. The Beast slain for the great words, which the Horn spake, vers. 11. The taking away of his Dominion, consuming, de­stroying it unto the end.

4. The Kingdom springing is the everlosting dominion given to the Son of man by the Ancient of dayes, Dan. 7. vers. 13, 14. This everlasting Kingdom is given also to the Saints, who must reign together with their Saviour, vers. 27,

Sweetly harmonious with this, is that pleasant melody in the eares of Laodicea. At the beginning of the Epistle our glorified Iesus is held forth to be, the beginning (the Head, the Principle) of the creation of God, the New, and Eternall Dominion: Revel. 3. vers. 14. At the end of the Epistle, He promiseth his Saints, that they shall sit with Him in His Throne, as He sits down with his Father in his Throne. Thus the Ancient of dayes gives the Kingdom to the Son of man. The Son of man gives it to his Brethren. All Three raign each in other, are Thrones, and Kings, each to other.

These are the Kings of the East, for whom way is [Page 42] made by the drying up of Euphrates, Revel. 16. vers. 12.

These Kings from the East bring into my minde a place of Ezekiel, to which S t Iohn seems to relate, as pointing at the same Time, and Thing. It is chap. 43. vers. 2, 3. And behold the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the East and his voice was as the voice of many waters (the Kings of the East, which come with him) and the Earth shined with his glory. And it was ac­cording to the Vision which I saw, when I came to destroy the City; the vision that I saw by the River Chebar: vers. 4. The glory of the Lord came into the house by the way of the gate, whose Prospect is to the East. Ezekiel in his first chapter saw the glory of the Lord come from the North with a dreadful tempest. He saw it come to destroy the City. He saw it: remove from the old temple, and City of fleshly Administrations. Here he sees it come from the East, with a most blessed Serenity and Sunshine, which cloathes the whole Earth: he sees it enter into the New-built Temple, to take up Its rest there for ever.

Remember, O Christians, to distinguish between these two commings of the LORD Iesus at the end of dayes: 1. From the North: 2. From the East.

1. When your Saviour comes from the North, he comes upon his chariot, He comes in the glory of the Father, with all his holy Angels; Thus he comes un­to your inward man. But he comes flying upon the wings of a VVhirle-winde, Ezek. 1. 4. He comes upon wheeles of Fires, with a flame of fire issuing forth from him: Dan. 7. 9. 10. He comes with rebukes and cha­stenings; Rev. 3. 19. He comes as a thief in the Night, covering himself with a cloud, and thick darknesse; He comes as a VVarriour to the battell of that great day: Revel. 16. v. 14, 15.

This comming from the North is that houre of temptation upon the Whole Earth, which is threatned in the time of the Sixth Church; Rev. 3. 10. but fals out in the times of the Seventh Church; the fifth, and Sixth vials.

[Page 43] Wo to you, Ye Glorious Hypocrites, who say, you want nothing, but indeed are Poor: who wear your Garments loosly about you. My Heart aketh for you. The LORD commeth upon you as a Thief in the Nigh, unawares, unseen, to steal your Party-Coloured coverings from you, and dip them in Blood; to uncover your Nakednesse, and lay open your shame to every Eye.

Alas for you, Ye daughters of Hierusalem! You who live under the Sabbath of a Legall Dispensation; you who are big with child of the Spirituall Seed, but have not yet Mat. 24. 19. brought forth That Spirit, which is born of the Spirit; You who have that Spirituall Seed brought forth in you, but still feed it, as a Babe, with the Milk of carnall Administra­tions: you, with whom it is winter, whose Spiritual sappe is sunk down into its Root, while you sleep: My bowels earn and sound within mefor you, Ye daughters of Hierusalem. How hard will your flight be from before the whirlwind from the NORTH? how great will your Amazement be, when your Eyes shall behold the Glory of the LORD to depart from off the Temple of Outward Administations, on which it hath long stood; nay to destroy both this Temple, and this Hierusalem? As for you, whether will you go for comfort, when the fiery Wheels, of my Saviours Chariot shal be brought over all your fleshly Excellencies, and Enjoyments? But be of Good cheer, These throws, this dissolution of the earthly mother, shall bring forth a heavenly man-child, into the World, in which she shall live again, and remem­ber her Sorrow no more.

This comming of your GOD from the NORTH, is as Iosephs Rule in the years of Famine; as Davids Raign in Bloud. It ushers in Benjamin's Glorious Rest, Solomons Temple. It prepares the way for the Kings of the East.

2. I should now speak of the comming from the East, But the time is not yet.

If Master Brightman do not erre in placing Laodicea [Page 44] on this Land, I hope I have not done much amisse in fix­ing on these times, that Church, the fifth, and sixth viall, the sitting of the Iudgement in Daniel, the comming from the North in Ezekiel, in my Text: For all these Scriptures seem to me to be manifestly Paralel, and Contemporary.

Blessed are we, who have lived to see this Comming of the Glory of God from the NORTH. But blessed and hap­py are they, who shall live then, when this King of Kings, with his Race of Kings, shall come from the way of the East to go into the House of his Rest.

In the mean time, this is thy comfort, O thou Sister-Spouse of the Lamb, He comes; Behold! he comes to thee in this stormy night, not as a Thief, but a Guest, a Bride­groom. Behold he stands at thy door, and knocks by all these loud noises. Open the door, let him in, he will set up his chariot in thine heart, he will come into thy spirit, he will sup with thee, feast with thee upon this glory, and Iye with thee all this night.

Object. Perhaps some will say; changes and expectati­ons Object. were as great in Luthers time, as now. Yet what hath the issue of all those things been but desolation?

Answ. 1. What hath the issue of all those things been? Answ. 1. Desolations on the Earth; but discoveries, increases of light upon the Saints, even unto this day. Luther had this ho­nour to live to see his Doctrine received, publickly profes­sed, established by many populous Countreys, and Cities, many great Provinces, and Princes, in Peace, for many years. There was peace all his dayes. Immediately after his death, the sa [...]e or the very next year, that fire of War brake forth, which hath never been well quencht since that time.

Answ. 2. Noah was a Preacher of Righteousnesse. He Answ. 2. prophesied of the Flood 120 years before it came. The like figure unto this doth Luther seem [...] to be. He was the Preacher of Iustification, only by faith, by Christ, by the Righteousnesse of God in Christ. He prophesied of a deludge of fire, while he often witnessed to the World, that Anti­christ [Page 45] was to be destroyed by the brightnesse of Christs com­ing. This was 1520, or 30 after Christ. Compute from thence 120 years, the summe will amount to 1640, or 50, which falls upon the present season.

The Flood came accordingly in the year from the Creati­on, 1656. How near is that year 1656 from Christ? Of what Eclipses, what dreadfull signes in heaven above, in earth below, do we hear to come to passe in the years imme­diately preceding this?

Tremble, O ye Inhabitants of the Earth, a flood of fire is coming upon all the World. The windows of heaven are already open, and begin to rain down streams of fire. The springs of the great deep are broken up, and send forth their flames,

Ye meek Ones, enter into the Ark which your Saviour and you have been long making ready in your spirits, against this day when the flood should come. What is this Ark? Is it not the chariot of the Lord? the appearance of the glo­ry of God, of your beloved Iesus in heavenly state, within you? Go in to this Ark, the Lord shall shut you in till the storme be past. Go up to this chariot, sit quietly there by the side of your Saviour, till that cloud break up, and show you in glory.

But it is now time to conclude. Is it so? Is this then the Age? Is this the Land, in which our Lord Iesus ascends from the NORTH? Doth he now call up the clouds, and winds, to minister to him? Doth he now from hence begin, as a Bridegroom to come forth from his Chamber, as a Giant, or Warriour refresht with wine, to run his race, unto the ends of the Earth? Speak, ye Virgins▪ who are not falne asleep; Is your Lord on his way? Is this the noise? Are these the fires, flashes of his chariot­wheels.

You, who have eyes exercised on spirituall sights, who watch for the Morning, tell us; Have you seen your Be­loved look forth like the morning, a sweet light out of a Cant. 6. 9. black darknesse? Faire, as the Moon, in his naturall [Page 46] Image, the first Creation? Pure, as the Sun, with the essentiall, substantiall glory of his spiritual Image? Ter­rible, as an Army with Banners? The horses, and wheels of his chariot are his Army, Angels, Stars, Elements n [...]w made, fighting for him in the newnesse of their courses. Him­self in his flaming person above the heads of these, is the ter­rible Banner lifted up.

It is so. The Lord is upon his white-horses of divine dis­coveries. He rides on prosperously with his Sword girt up­on his thigh.

Right Honourable! Princes, Prophets, People, remem­ber now your dyivg Saviours charge! Take heed of sur­fetting on the comforts, or cares of this Life. Watch, and be sober. As Elijah girt himself, and run along with Ahabs chariot: So gird up the loyns of your minde, run along with the chariot of your King. If through sloth, or sleep, you be cast behinde, if the Bride-groom enter into his chamber, and the door be shut upon him; you will be left without in utter darknesse, where is weeping, and wai­ling, and gnashing of teeth. But woe to those who resist the progresse of his outgoings! The wheels of his chariot shall be brought over these, the feet of his horses shall tread them in pieces, and dogs devour that which is left of them, as it was with Iesabel.

But you, which have heard the Lord Iesus plainly say­ing to you; When you were under the figtree of outward dispensations, and expectations, I saw you: run to him, call him Master; follow him still, you shall see greater things then these; you shall see the heavens opened, An­gels descending and ascending upon the heavenly person of Christ discovered, as a ladder joyning heaven and earth, in which ladder every Rowel is a spiritual, a living glory.


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