A Specimen OF A DECLARATION AGAINST DEBAUCHERY, Tendered to the CONSIDERATION Of His HIGHNESS the Prince of Orange, And of the Present Convention of the Nation.
IT is certain and apparent, that the Religion of the Papists gives great Encouragement to Vice and Debauchery, and more especially by their abuse and Corruption of the true and Antient Christian Discipline, and the facility of obtaining [Page 2] Absolutions and Indulgences amongst them; and it hath been long believed, and not without reason, that one of the secret Policies of their Mystery of Iniquity, whereby they have endeavoured for many years past to impose their Religion again upon these Nations, hath been first to introduce a torrent of Debauchery and Neglect, or even Contempt of all Religion, thereby the better to dispose the People for the readmission of theirs.
If this be so, it might reasonably be expected that the very Indignation, which the greatest part of these Nations have justly conceived against Popery, should prevail to the utter extirpation of so gross Effects of it, and of those Abuses, whereby the Popish Agents, after the example of Balaam, have so perniciously imposed upon them.
And were it not so, yet Reason and the very Profession, which these Nations generally make of Civility and Religion, ought no less to prevail with all who have any sense of either; For nothing can be more irrational, absurd, unmanly and base, than for men to make profession of Civility, and in their behaviour express so much toward mortal men, their Superiours, or even but their equals, and yet be rude toward the most Excellent and Transcendent Majesty of all, by profaning his most Sacred Name; to profess themselves Christians, and yet by their Word and Actions to contradict their Profession, and so demonstrate either the Hypocrisy thereof in professing to believe what in Truth they do not, or their Pusillanimity in acting contrary thereunto in a base Compliance with vicious Persons or Customs.
But besides, these are things so abominable and displeasing to the Sacred Majesty of God, and so inconsistant with sincere Christianity, that having been so far spread, and with so unchristian [Page 3] Connivance, these whole Nations had just reason to fear from the just Judgments of God a most severe Scourge to purge them out, rather than to hope from his Mercy so great a Deliverance from the Instruments of his Vengeance, and from that Rod which hath so long appeared so terrible over them.
Wherefore since it hath pleased God in great Mercy, and by his Special Providence to bless our Ʋndertakings with so Extraordinary success against the Instruments of Slavery, Popery and Debauchery, we hold our self obliged as well in Duty and Gratitude to God, as in providence for the good of these Nations, and for the more effectual removal of all advantages from such evil Instruments, to DECLARE that as we have taken Arms, rather against the Errors, Abuses, and evil Designs, than Persons of the Papists, (to whom we shall be always ready to shew all Christian Clemency that their good and Christian behaviour shall deserve) so we are resolved that while we protect the Persons, Religion, Rights and Liberties of the Protestants, we will not in the least connive at or tolerate their Vices or Debauchery, but prosecute the same as far as in us lyeth, with all Indignation and Severity of condign Punishment of all we shall find guilty thereof.
And to that end, as we do expect from all Civil Magistrates, that they do faithfully and impartially discharge their Duty to God and their Country, in the due execution of all Laws already in force against Swearing, Profane or obscene Speeches and Discourses, Drunkenness, and all other Debauchery, and hope that the next Parliament will make such further provision of severe Penalties, as shall be necessary in that respect, so in the mean time we do strictly Require and Command all Officers and Souldiers in our Army or Service, that they do instantly, upon the Publication of this our Declaration, reform their Manners accordingly; and that all Colonels and Captains [Page 4] do cause this our Declaration to be openly Read in the hearing of their respective Regiments, Troops and Companies, and that thereupon they and all other Officers, do execute a strict Discipline and Correction upon all Souldiers, who shall be found to offend against the same. But to all others, whether they came in with us, or have since come in to our Service, (for in that respect we shall make no difference,) who shall behave themselves soberly, virtuously, and as becomes Men and Christian Souldiers, we shall give all the Encouragement of good Employment, due Pay, and all necessary Accommodations, that can in reason be expected or desired.