An Apology for, And an Invitation to, The PEOPLE call'd QUAKERS, To rectifie some ERRORS, which through the Scandals given, they have fallen into, &c.
ALmighty God doth in many things govern the greater Collective Bodies of Men, as he doth the lesser of Families, and single Persons: and therefore what is the Duty of single Persons, or of the Heads of Families, under several occurrences of the Providence of God, the very same is the Duty of the Governors of those greater Bodies, whether they be Civil, or Ecclesiastical. And therefore again, as when any Cross or Affliction befalls a Person, if he have any Sense of God and Religion [Page 6]in him, he ought not to neglect it, as an insensible Creature, or a brute Beast; nor to look upon it, as a meer Accident and Misfortune, like an Atheist or Infidel; but to acknowledge the Hand and Providence of God in it, examin himself, and consider well for what intent or purpose, it may have been ordered or permitted by the Righteous, Wise, and Gracious Overruling Providence of God, and without delay apply himself to do and perform what that Dispensation doth appear to him to call for.
When Divisions, Schisms, and Separations of Parties do fall out in a Church, these are such Afflictions, as ought to be looked upon, as the Loss of one in a Family, or of a Member in a particular Person; and therefore not to be made light of, or passed over as Misfortunes and Accidents, but to be well considered, as ordered or permitted by the Special Providence of God, with great Justice and Wisdom, and therefore for some special End to be inquired into, taken notice of, and observed by his Church, that they may thereupon apply themselves to what he requireth of them for his Service and their own Good. When this is neglected, all other Means usually prove not only ineffectual, but productive of more or greater Evils.
What was written afore-time, was written for our Admonition and Instruction: and as we are plainly told, that in the Division and Separation [Page 7]of the Ten Tribes from the House of David, the Cause was from the Lord, 1 Ki. 12.15. So in that great Division of the Eastern and Western Churches, and breach of Communion between them; and in the Western Church that great Division and Separation of all those Churches, call'd Reform'd; and in the great Division again amongst them into Lutheran and Calvanist, and the several Sub-divisions of several Parties and Sects amongst them; and lastly, to come nearer home, in all the Divisions, Sub-divisions, Sects and Parties, which have separated from the Church of England, and afterward one from another, there is as certainly the Hand of God, and did we consider it well, we might plainly see that the Cause is from the Lord.
This we can all see in the Great Division, and Separation of all these Churches call'd Reformed, from that of Rome; but she her self either cannot or will not see it: And this, to say no more of the Foreigners here, our Dissenters at home think they see, and do see; but we of the Church of England do not see, or will not see, to any purpose as we ought. But as they of the Church of Rome lay all upon the Hereticks, and will acknowledge nothing amiss among themselves; so we of the Church of England lay all upon the Separatists and Dissenters, but will acknowledge nothing amiss among our selves. And that which dazzles the Eyes, and blinds the Minds of People [Page 8]in both, is chiefly the Pomps and Vanities of the World (which are renounced at Baptism) without, and the God of this World, who blinds their Minds, within. The things of this World, to Earthly-minded People, are like Sugar-Plumbs to Children, which stop their Mouths, and satisfie them that all is well with them.
But if things were more narrowly looked into, it might be perceived, That there is scarce any Party of Separatists or Dissenters, that hath not something of Truth peculiar to them; and that there is something in particular amiss in the Church, which gave Occasion to that Separation, and whereof something peculiar in that Sect may serve for Admonition. And therefore, that in all there is a secret Providence of God, ordering or permitting them for Judgment, Correction, Reproof, and Admonition to reform, unto the Church, and unto those very Parties, in which any such Division and Separation hath been made. But generally all they, who should have taken the Admonition, have had their Mouths so stopp'd, and been so bribed and enchanted with the Devil's Sugar-Plumbs and Baits of Preferments, that while all was so well with them, as they thought, they could see nothing amiss in the Church, but magnified it, as a most glorious Church, and layed all the Fault upon the Dissenters and Soparatists, who [Page 9]they thought only wanted what they were possessed of; and the Scandal of their Ambition, Pride and Covetousness, and Neglect of a due Care of Souls, hath, by their Preaching, I doubt, betrayed more Souls into the Snares of the Devil, than all their Preaching hath rescued out of them, and throughly converted unto God. It is a sad Truth, but Truth it is, and a Great one too, and very manifest to all, whose Eyes are open, That our Ʋniversities, and Church Preferments, which were designed by our Pious Ancestors, for the promotion of true Piety, as well as Learning, are, by the Subtilty of Satan, and Neglect of true Piety and Devotion to God, become very subservient to the Kingdom of Darkness, less to the Kingdom of Light: From which corrupt Fountain hath proceeded, one way or other, not only all our Divisions, but most of all the Evils, which do now afflict either the Ecclesiastical or Civil State: and if some very good Care be not speedily taken, more and greater yet are more like to ensue, than these be removed.
Of all the Sects which have sprung up amongst us, there is none more considerable in this respect, whereof I am speaking, or less considered as it ought to be, than that of the QUAKERS, as they are abusively called; begun by GEORGE FOX, a young Man, born of mean, but honest and religious Parents, at Drayton in Leicester-shire, in the Year [Page 10]of our Lord 1624. and educated from his tender years in the Fear of the Lord, but to no more Humane Learning than only to read English, and write indifferently. He was in his Youth disposed to Virtue and Piety; and when upward of Nineteen retired from his Relations and Acquaintance, and lived in divers places, where he was not known, working at his Trade of a Shoe-maker, with his hands for his Livelyhood, but exercising his Mind in serious Meditations, both while at his Work, and at other times of Leisure especially. In the Year 1646. he understood, That Ʋniversity Learning was not enough to qualifie Men to be Ministers of Christ; and thereupon, instead of hearing them, used to retire with his Bible into Solitary places, joyning neither with the Ministers of the Church, nor with the Dissenters, but relying wholly upon the Lord Jesus Christ for his Inward Teaching. At another time he understood, That God, who made the World, did not dwell in Temples made with Hands, but in his Peoples Hearts. And in the Year 1647. having been for some time exercised with Temptations and Troubles in his Mind, he came farther to understand, That all was done, and to be done, in and by Christ; and, How he conquers and destroys the Tempter. And some time after he went among the Professors at Duckenfield, & Manchester, and declared Truth (as he calls it) amongst them, and also at Broughton in [Page 11] Leicester-shire, and Mansfield in Northamptonshire; and then People came far and near to see him. And here his Preaching seems to have commenced. And in 1648. were divers Meetings of Friends in several Places. And this was the Beginning of that Sect, which is now become so considerable in outward Appearance, and I wish more considerable in a true inward Power than it is. For as all Man-kind are apt to relapse and sink down again from the Elevation to which God at any time raised them: so I doubt are this People now relapsed very much into a Form, only of a different sort and appearance.
The Beginning of George Fox seems to have been by and under a true Divine Conduct; such as Abraham was led by; such as Moses was driven by from the Court of Pharaoh into the Wilderness; and such as the Holy Prophets of Old, and greater numbers of Holy Christians afterwards, were partly led, and partly driven by into the Wilderness, Solitary places, and Retirement from Relations, Friends and Acquaintance; as our Saviour saith, to forsake Father and Mother, Brother and Sister, and House and Land, for his sake: and in those Retirements he did receive Openings, as he calls it, of Truth indeed: and when he came from his Retirement, and went into the Meetings of Professors, he did declare Truth indeed, as he expresseth it. For [Page 12]it is a certain Truth, that University Learning, that Preaching and Praying at Churches, or elsewhere, that the Studying of the Holy Scriptures, that the Profession of Faith in Christ, the Use of the Sacraments, and most frequent and constant use of the great and chief Solemnity of the Christian Worship; nay, even Zeal for Christ, and doing Miracles in his Name, and Reliance upon his Merits, are all, though good in their kind, and very necessary, and some absolutely necessary; yet are all short and deceitful to those, who rest in them, and seek not in all and above all, that inward Principle of Light and Life, which is Christ in them, who receive him in Sincerity and Purity, and retain it by faithful and ready Obedience to his Conduct.
This George saw very well and rightly. And if he did, in the heat of Disputes, either through Transport, or any humane Infirmity, or through the Subtilty of Satan getting any Advantage of him, over-shoot himself, it is no more than what Luther and Calvin, and the rest of the Reformers, have done; who, whether they have reformed or deformed most, may very well bear a Dispute; and he and his Party deserve to be pitied, and helped out by gentle and kind means. And great reason there is for it, upon two accounts at the least. 1. Because the Scandals given were the occasions of their Errors. 2. Because Christianity having before been pull'd to pieces, and [Page 13]no where compleat, intire, and clear from Corruptions and Abuses to be found in any Church or Party of People in the World, they of all the parts chose the better, the Soul, leaving the Body, as a dead Carcass to the rest.
It is true, this is in a great Measure to be imputed to those, who by their Empty Formality gave the Occasion; yet it was a Fault in Them, who took such Offence at it. What God hath joyned together, Man must not presume to put asunder: If the Leaper be commanded to wash in Jordan, (2 King. 5.10.) he must not think that to wash in the Rivers of Damascus will do as well: If the Blind Man be commanded to wash in Siloam, (Jo. 9.7.) or even Moses to cast up Ashes into the Air, ( Exod. 9.8.) the Command must be obeyed and observed, or the Effect shall not follow: If People be commanded to be Baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus, that their Sins may be forgiven, and that they may receive the Holy Ghost, ( Act. 2.38, 41.) if they presume to neglect and cavil at the Command, their Sins are more like to be increased and faster bound, than forgiven, and they more like to receive Satan transformed in a Spirit of Delusion, than the Holy Spirit of God; and to die in their Sins, though with many false Comforts, than to come to true Rest in the Lord, in any other way than he hath prescribed. God's Command, if it be but the forbearing of an Apple, [Page 14]( Gen. 2.17: 3.3, 6, 11.) or the doing that, which our Reason cannot understand, must be observed punctually. Disobedience to the Wisdom of God, is no less a Sin than Disobedience to his Will. And therefore I dare not excuse this People in this; for their Sin may be greater, and their Case more dangerous, than they or I can imagin: but I cannot but pity them, be ready to help them, to hope the best, because they were led into it, and did it through Ignorance, Prejudice, and the Scandals of others; and to speak comfortably to all that will receive it, and submit to the Call of God, humble themselves before Him, and return to their Duty. But the Sin of those, who shall refuse, and go on obstinately, will be greatly aggravated, and their Case more dangerous and difficult. If they fall into the Ditch, the company of a blind Guide will not save them: If they die in their Sins, it will be but a sorry Comfort to them that their Blood must be required of another.
But to help them out, I know no better and more effectual way, than to detect the Snare and Stratagem whereby they fell, and the Stone at which they stumbled. And it was no other than what I have mentioned already in general, the Scandal given by others, and Offence taken by them: but it will be necessary to consider it more particularly: and the first particular, that I observe in the Journal of G. Fox, was an empty [Page 15] Formality void of the Power of Godliness, that he perceived and felt in all Parties, the Professors as well as the Priests, as he calls them: that they were Ministers not of the Spirit, but of the Letter only, 2 Cor. 3.6. that their Preaching was but with Wisdom of Words, 1 Cor. 1.17. with the inticing Words of Man's Wisdom, ibid. 2.4. or at best but a Ministration of the Letter, not of the Spirit. (I do not write his Words, but his Sense.) And this was an undeniable Evidence, and Demonstration of the insufficiency of Ʋniversity Learning alone (alone I say) to qualifie Men to be Ministers of Christ; for there were of both sorts, those who wanted not that, if that had been sufficient: And if we inquire into the true reason of that, how that comes to pass, since a principal End of our Universities is to qualifie Persons for that Service, we shall presently discover that, which is the Root, and true Cause, both of that, and of almost all the Unhappiness of this Nation; and that is a great Defect, and Neglect of Teaching and Learning the best and chief part of all Learning and Knowledge; of true Heavenly Wisdom. Their Learning is plainly such an ineffectual Learning, which doth deceive their Souls, being void of the chief solid Food, like Chaff without the Corn, and Husks without the Kernel: it stops the Mouth, satisfies the Stomach; but famisheth the Soul: and not only so, but, like unwholsome Food, breeds [Page 16]only Wind & Crudities, a Knowledge that puffeth up, and Diseases; a superficial Notional Business, without any thing of true Culture and Food of Souls: a Form plainly without the Power; such a Cheat and Deceit, as the most virulent Expressions of any call'd Quakers, could not exceed; but even Indignation would extort almost as much from a sober Man duly sensible of it. It deceives themselves; it deceives the People, whom they undertake to feed; and it deceives the whole Nation.
The Teaching here is agreeable to the Design of those who come to learn; a mixt Design of an unnatural Composure, Heaven and Earth, or rather Earth and Heaven; not so much God and Mammon, (which, according to our Saviour's Doctrine, are inconsistent) but Mammon and God; for the principal in the Design in this Case ought first to be named: and it is visible in their Actions which that is; and even in their Common Expressions: for if one propose a Place with all the Advantages of doing Good that may be, presently comes this filthy fulsome Question; But what Encouragement is there? as if an Advantage for doing Good was not Encouragement enough to a Christian to enter into the Service of God, without some humane assurance of I know not what temporal Income. And Preferments are not only thought, but plainly asserted to be the Encouragements of Learning; [Page 17]and I doubt they have their Reward. What unsatiable Greediness is observable generally in all, to be scandalous in almost the best, that can come at them! And what is the Use they make of them, when they have with great Study, and Pains, and Solicitations, and Compliances, and Flatteries, and Costs, at last obtained them; but Pride, and Luxury, and Extravagancies of Wives, and Children; to which all * That must be sacrificed, which was designed for Provision for true Food of Souls; of which Thousands are daily famished, for want of a competent number of duly qualified Labourers in the Lord's Vineyard, in the great Parishes about this City, and other parts of the Nation, where there is Maintenance enough, if such Persons were imployed, as did indeed make that their Business, Care and Concern. All their Learning raiseth but few above the Sensual, to the Animal State; but none to the truly Spiritual: if any attain to that, it is by such Means as may be used any where else, as well as at the University, as things are there ordered at present; and not by University Learning, which, as it is ordinarily used, doth more hinder than further it. Nor is it likely it should have much better Effect upon others, which hath no better upon themselves: For in the Spiritual Generation, as in the Carnal, Men beget their like; the strong, such as are strong; [...]nd the weak and infirm, such as themselves are.
But if we look farther into the Concerns of the whole Nation, and their Duty to their Great Master in that respect, are not they to be both severally and jointly, not only Pastors, but Watchmen; severally over their own particular Charges, and jointly over the whole Nation? But what an insignificant Generation are they, even the Chief of them in that respect, not only far short of the Generosity and Magnanimity of genuine Christians, and the more immediate Servants of the Great Jehovah, but even of the natural Genius of their own Nation; as if their Preferments had some Narcotick and stupifying quality, or some secret Enchantment in them: And so in truth they have; they are like the Trojan Horse; when they think they have got a great Prize, they themselves are surprized and captivated by, they little think what, invisible Enemies. When they return to the Pomps and Vanities of the World, which they had renounced in their Baptism, they desert the Heroick Christian State, and enter into the Power of the Enemy; and their true Christian Strength departs from them: they have no longer any real strength to serve the Lord Christ, but only such an Appearance of it, as serves to deceive themselves and others; and make them the more effectually subservient to that Interest, which they do not design to serve: for their Actions and Behaviour render their Preaching not [Page 19]only ineffectual, but scandalous to Men, and ridiculous to the invisible adverse Powers, who are not a little gratified with the spectacle of it. It puts a Slight and Contempt upon the great and noble Examples of our Saviour, and the Ancient and most Heroick Christians; but spreads the Devil's Snares, and decoys Men into them; promotes Christian Idolatry, which is Covetousness, to be as effectually destructive as any of the Jews ever was, or any of Papists can be; and tempts the World to believe, that either Earthly-mindedness, or to mind Earthly things, is consistent with Christianity, or that they are no Christians, and do not themselves believe what they Preach unto others.
But to speak a little more distinctly, there are two things to be consider'd in our English Clergy; what they have originally from Christ, and what they have originally from Man. From Christ they have Authority to preach the Gospel, to teach and instruct the People, to administer the Sacraments, and offer to God the solemn Prayers of the Church, to admonish, correct, and execute Ecclesiastical Discipline, where there is occasion, and to receive the Oblations of the People for maintenance of themselves, and for Pious Uses; and a right to all the Respect and Submission which is due to the Ministers of Christ in so Holy an Imployment. And from Man, they have Houses, and Lands, [Page 20]and Revenues, and Titles, and Honours, and Civil Power and Authority, and Charges and Incumbrances. And these are some good and useful; and some evil, pernicious, inconsistent with their Christian State; and, to be plain, Antichristian. The Houses, Lands, and Revenues may be of good use, if they be used as they should be; but the rest are Antichristian, under pretence of Honouring, Degrading; and under pretence of enlarging their Power with what they had not, debasing and abridging what they had, and subtilly enslaving the Ministers of Christ to be Servants of Men; and not the outward Man only, but their very Minds and Spirits. And here lies the very Mystery of Iniquity. They are deprived of one part of their Christian Authority, and their Hands bound, under pretence of State and Grandure, by having Chancellors, like the Grandees of the World. They are subjected to the State by their Acceptance of their Honours and Dignities from thence, (the very Temptation that was offer'd by the Devil to our Saviour, and a betraying of the Rights of the Church of Christ.) And the Papal Enchroachments and Usurpations being transferred to the Crown, and all Ecclesiastical Preferments coming from the King, this is first a Bait to allure Ambitious Minds, and then an Enchantment upon them, that they dare not displease [Page 21]the Creator of their Grandure, though for the Service of their true Lord and Master, and the Saviour of their Souls. So that we are like to have a continual Succession of Flatterers of Princes, instead of faithful Monitors, as become the Servants of the great God to be; and Nurseries of false Loyalty, instead of true Piety and Devotion to God; and of Instruments of incessant Dissentions between Prince and People, instead of Healers of our Breaches; a just Judgment or deserved consequence of Sacriledge and Usurpation upon the Church of Christ. And here, if I be not much mistaken, lyeth the Root of all the Ʋnhappiness of this Nation, and at this time in particular.
The Providence of God hath not at any time been wanting to us; but we have been always wanting to our Duty to Him, and to our own true Interest. And though all have been wanting, yet the beginning of this deficiency hath been in them, who should have better attended to, and wisely consider'd the Motions of Providence, and been the first active vigorous Movers to the rest to have corresponded with it: But, alas! they attended more to the Motions of Men, and to please them, or at least not displease them, for their own Advancement or Security; and this is call'd Prudence forsooth: And so have we lost a most favourable Opportunity put into our hands. When Men [Page 22]turn from God to Men for Counsel, or Assistance, or Advancement, that Divine Power which doth ordinarily accompany the Ordinances and Orders of God, doth usually depart from them, though chosen, or regularly commissioned by him; as it did from Saul: And then they are ready to fly to any mean things for support or safety.
The Church of England hath been in Bondage, under the Civil Power, ever since it was discharged from the Roman Usurpations, which were not totally abolished, but too much reserved to another Master; and a Slavish Spirit hath ever since possessed it. It did quietly acquiess in the greatest Sacriledge that ever was committed: It contentedly suffer'd the most solemn part of its Liturgy, composed by English Bishops, and, as was declared by Act of Parliament, by the aid of the Holy Ghost, to be dismember'd, disorder'd, and defac'd, and the Christian Sacrifice abolished by Foreigners, and a Factious Party, which have ever since been Thorns in their Sides, without the concurrence of the English Clergy. The true Christian Discipline they never had the Courage to attempt to restore, though an Office was prepar'd for a Memorial, with a Wish to have it restor'd, from the beginning, which King Charles II. observing upon an Ash-Wednesday, ask'd, Why do they not restore it? Who hinders 'em? And [Page 23]for the Worship of God, we have ordinarily only Mattens and Vespers, and that too only on the Lord's-Day, and in that too the Prayers short and deficient, either to excite, or to express the Devotions of the People, where there is any; and besides all this, what we have, commonly read with so little Devotion, as gives Scandal to many, and no little disturbance to others. And our very Sacraments and most Holy Things, no less than Holy-Days, are scandalously prophaned. Baptism, which is the Solemnity of our engaging in the Christian Covenant, not only permitted, but even forced upon such as do not desire it, either for themselves or their Children; but bring their Infant Children either for fear of the Apparator, or out of Custom to be like their Neighbours, without any sense or understanding of so much of the Christian Religion as was required anciently of Catechumens, before they were admitted to Baptism. And that other Sacrament, the Holy Memorials of our Saviour's Passion, which, from the rising of the Sun to the setting of it, that is, all over the World, hath, in all Assemblies of Christians, for the solemn Worship of God, till the last Age, been presented before God, as a solemn Recognition of our Redemption by Christ, and Subjection to him as our Lord, hath been not only most shamefully neglected, and so treated, both [Page 24]in Sermons from the Pulpit, and in Printed Books, that it appears few amongst us rightly understand it at this day; but most horribly profan'd, not only by common admittance of all that will to it, but even forcing the most wicked and profane Officers to it, upon the Penalty of losing their Places. And so unhappily have some of our Controversies with Papists and Fanaticks been managed, and so superficially and impertinently our Preaching been generally throughout the Nation, that we have disputed one part, into disbelief of the Scriptures and Infidelity; another, into contempt of one of the chief Principles of Christianity; and generally all, into Neglect and Contempt of the Examples, Precepts, and Counsels of greatest Perfection in the Christian Religion; and together with that, preached the People generally into a careless tepid state of Indifferency; so that in the Country especially, it is rare to meet with two or three good sensible intelligent lively Christians in a Parish. And who of our principal Clergy can deny any of this? And if it be all true, why is it not reformed? If they cannot reform all, why not as much as they can? Why is not the Christian Worship restored in their Cathedrals? And if those be so burden'd by prophane Officers imposed upon them, that they fear to expose it, why do they not reform their own Families, and restore it at least in their [Page 25]own Chappels? What Account will this Glorious Church, as carnal Flatterers call it, give of their Neglect of Propagating the Gospel in Foreign parts, at least in our own Plantations, and suffering them to be such Nourseries of Scandals to the Infidels? What Account of the many things fit to be done at home, for the Service of their Master; and fit to be considered by them jointly in a Body, and promoted in Parliament; which yet are neither studied, nor considered, nor so much as thought on by any of them, no more than if they did not belong to their Care, or were not of any Concern to their Master, though they sit Session after Session in the Parliament? But how can it be expected that they should ever extend their care to things so remote, who take no more care of what doth concern them in their own Chappels and Families?
It is an amazing thing for one whose Eyes are open, to consider these things. But it fairs with collective Bodies of Men, as with single Persons: they are subject to the like Diseases: the State of this Church is plainly a Tepid, Scorbutick, Latitudinarian, Laodicean State, quite sick of the Prudentials; and has been so in a manner from the first Settlement of the Reformation. And to speak freely, as becomes an honest Man, though there was great need of a Reformation, when it was begun by Luther, and long before; yet hath that great Work been so ill managed, [Page 26]with more of the Antichristian than Christian Spirit, that I cannot see, by any growth in Grace and Virtue, that the Blessing of God hath ever been with it; only he seems to have preserved these Reformations rather as Judgments and Corrections for the Obstinacy of that Church which would not reform: and raised up and preserved the several Sub-divisions of Parties amongst us for the very same cause and purpose. For the True Cause of all the Divisions and Separations amongst us, is no other but our Scandals, Abuses and Corruptions; both by way of Natural Causation, and by the special Judgment of God, to awaken us, if it be possible. And though the Blessing of God, the true Spiritual Christian Blessing, be not upon them, because he doth not favour Schisms and Divisions, yet is his Protection over them, as his Instruments in the Nature of a Judgment, and in some things to raise an Emulation in those of the Church, i [...] they would lay it to heart and understand it For there is none of them all, but there is some thing in them, which may serve for Admonition and Notice of something amiss in the Church.
This which I have now said, may be of us [...] not only to them of the Church, but also to a [...] the several separate Parties, and deserve thei [...] very serious and deep Consideration. For it i [...] not a light matter to Make a Schism or Divisio [...] in any particular Church, or in the Catholic [...] [Page 27]Church. It hath been looked upon, in all Ages, to be a damnable Sin: and who-ever doth well consider the several weighty Admonitions in the Scriptures concerning it, if he have not a benumed Conscience, will not make light of it; nor yield to plausible pretences: there is nothing so bad, but the Wit of Man and subtile Suggestions of Satan can put a colour upon it; nor so good, but they can mis-represent it and disparage it: but it is dangerous and very imprudent to play tricks with Sacred things. Any thing else may be more safely medled with in that manner.
This does concern them all in general; and I must add a word or two more: There are none of the best of them, that I have yet talked with, that could or would deny that their Party was much sunk in Piety and Virtue from those degrees of it, which was in those before them of the same Party. And this being so, it concerns us all to consider well, whether the Apostacy foretold be not an Apostacy in Practice, as well as in Principles? and, Whether, while we are gazing to see the Judgments of God upon it abroad, it may not be found amongst us at home; and we feel, in a surprize upon the Nation at home, what we expect to see elsewhere, at Rome; as was upon this City in sixty six. And certain I am, that there are not only Antichristian Principles amongst us all, but whole Antichristian Sects and Parties, which, deceived by the Subtilty [Page 28]of Satan, under the most specious appearances of the most pure and refined Christianity, do undermine and enervate the true Genuine Christianity, and the Power of Godliness. It is one of the Devil's most subtile Policies, by abuse of Scripture, and mis-application of certain Truths, to impose upon People, and overturn them. So he began with our Saviour, and so he goes on with Professors to and at this day. The Holy Scriptures are abused, the Honour of God is abused, the Merits of Christ are abused, the Guidance of the Spirit is abused, the Moderation and Condescention of the Gospel is abused, and whatever is most Excellent and Admirable is abused by the Subtilty of the Enemy, and the supine Negligence, and Inconsiderateness and Folly of Men. And woe be to them who dare presume to be the Instruments and Leaders in these Abuses and Doctrines.
It is certain that our Saviour gave Instructions to his Apostles for the Settling of his Church; and that they accordingly in all places, where there were a competent number of Converts, did ordain Elders, and gave Authority to others to do the like; and so settled a Succession in the Church, which hath continued all over the World to this day. And it is certain, that the State of the Jews was so corrupted in his time, as provoked the Judgment of God upon them, so that they are a Monument thereof all over [Page 29]the World to this day; and yet neither He, nor his Disciples, did ever refuse communion with them, till they were cast out; and so far was he from allowing them to separate, that he foretold their being cast out of the Synagogues, as part of the Persecution they were to suffer. It is also certain, that our Saviour did foretell that many false Prophets, that is, false Teachers, should come in his Name, and deceive many; and gave great Caution not to go out or believe them; and that his Apostles did the like, and did with great earnestness exhort all to beware of Divisions, Schisms, and Separations in the Church: And accordingly, in all Ages, for Men to take upon them the Office of Elders or Ministers of the Gospel, without a Regular Ordination, derived by Succession from the Apostles; or to draw away people after them, and engage them in Separate Parties, hath been looked upon as a heinous Sin; and whoever have done so have been Infamous in the Church ever since. And therefore, if our Dissenters did continue daily with one accord at our Temples, as the primitive Christians did, and did continue their Assemblies at their own Meeting-places, for Instruction and Edification, without any Separation from the Church, provided there was nothing but true Christian Doctrine taught amongst them, I do not see but they might be of very good Use, and deserve not only an Indulgence, but Encouragement [Page 30]from the Publick Authority. But they, who make a Trade of it to engage Separate Parties, I do verily believe have much to answer for before God: and those who desire to be Christians indeed, had need to beware of them. And this I must in justice say, after all I have said concerning what is amiss amongst us, that, thanks be to God, we have those amongst us, who, for good Learning, for profitable Preaching, and for sincere Piety, Devotion, and all Virtue, are no way inferior to any of the Dissenters, if to be equalled by any of them: and yet I cannot say they are so many, but there may be reason enough to receive those Labourers also into our Lord's Harvest. And I heartily wish it was well considered, How they may be made more serviceable in so important and needful a Work, without any thing of a Separation: and that they would consider, Who They are, who sit in Moses, or rather the Apostles Seat, and, What our Lord doth require in that respect.
And now, to come more particularly to the PEOPLE of that Party call'd Quakers, I must first acquaint them, that I have not only had several Conferences, with the Principal Persons of their Party, whom they call Ministers, but have also sent them several Letters and Papers to their Second Days Meetings: And as our Conferences have hitherto been managed in a very friendly manner, so I do desire to proceed [Page 31]in the same manner with them also: and therefore, what is directed at first only to the second days Meeting, I shall desire them now to receive, as intended from the first for them all, though I thought it most fair and decent to proceed in that order. And it is as followeth:
To William Penn, and the rest of the Friends with him, at their second days Meeting in Grace-Church-Street.
MY Hearts desire and Prayer to God for you all, is, that ye may be saved: for I am perswaded that you have a Zeal of God, at least many of you, though not according to Knowledge in some things. Nevertheless, whereto ye have attained, in that I desire ye may be established, and that God will be graciously pleased to reveal the rest to you, that ye may be perfect and intire, wanting nothing. For which purpose I come, I trust, by the Grace of God, with a Message of Grace and Peace to you. I am well satisfied that it is no meer Humane Project or Artifice, that at first raised you up, and hath conducted you hitherto: but a Supernatural Power, and that it is of the Lord, some way or other, (as was the Separation [Page 32]of the Ten Tribes from Rehoboam, 1 King. 12. [...] for Correction and Reformation of something ami [...] in this Church. And therefore I dare not presume either upon my own head, or by my own Ability, t [...] intermeddle in it. But my Heart is inlarged towards you upon these Considerations: 1. Tha [...] ye do assert one of the Great and Chief Principle [...] of the Christian Religion, which I have observe [...] to be very unworthily and even despitefully treated by too many, who have gotten into, or seek, Preferments and Imployment in the Church, without Chec [...] or Reproof; and so unworthily deserted by most for fear of reproach, or disgrace, or hindrance in their Preferment, that I have not known it generously asserted by above two or three in the Pulpit, (but those great Men indeed) though it be plainly a Doctrine most authentickly and solemnly professed and declared in the Church of England. 2. That ye do bear a good Testimony against other Abuses connived at, or tolerated amongst us. 3. I am moved with Pity towards you, that you should have so great Causes of Offence or Scandal given you, against the Holy and Established Institutions and Ordinances of Christ, for the Ministerial Office; for the Admission of Proselytes; and for the great Solemnity of the Christian Worship, which hath been so long abused with Controversies, that I know very few Persons now amongst us, who do rightly and compleatly understand it; and even against the Person, Satisfaction, and Merits of Christ himself. [Page 33]But when I consider your Notions and Sentiments concerning these things, though I am well satisfied that you are under the Conduct and Energy of some Spiritual Power; yet, What that Spirit is? and, Whether One or Divers? in my Judgment, doth deserve very good Consideration. Ye know what Spirit it was, which God sent between Abimelech and the Shechemites, Jud. 9.23. and what that was, that was sent from the Lord to Saul, 1 Sam. 6.14. and what that was, that was commissioned by God in the case of Ahab, 1 King. 22.22, 23. and what that was, in the midst of the Princes of Noph, Isa. 19.14. which was from the Lord too. And that such a Spirit hath been among some call'd Quakers, is manifest both by their Actions, Speeches, and Writings; nay, the very Spirit of the Devil, and of Antichrist, is apparent and undeniable, from the Indignities offered both in word and deed, to Holy things. But that is not the thing now to be considered, what Spirits may have appeared among them. For even among the Apostles, Satan had power to enter into Judas; and it is not improbable but those, whom our Saviour told, Ye know not what Spirit ye are of; and even Peter himself, when our Saviour said to him, Get thee behind me, Satan, might not at the time be free from some Impressions of Evil Spirits. That, 'tis likely, was a Peculiarity of our Saviour's, or the Prince of this World to have nothing in him. But the thing to be considered, is, What Spirit [Page 34]that is which at first excited, and hath now the Conduct of the whole Body of this People? And, not, whether it be sent, or commissioned from God? but, Whether it be one of the Ministring Spirits sent forth to minister for them, who shall be Heirs of Salvation? or, One of those Seducing Spirits, to whom, in the latter times, that some would give heed, was, in the times of the Apostles, expressly said by the Spirit of God? And great Reason there is to take this into very deep Consideration: 1. Because of the many and weighty Cautions given by our Saviour and his Apostles, and left upon record in the Sacred Scriptures, for our warning in these latter times, to beware of them, and not to go out after them; with Admonitions concerning their Subtilty, their Energy or Power, and their strong Delusions to deceive, if it were possible, the very Elect; and that even Satan him self is transformed into an Angel of Light, that is puts on the Appearance of an Angel of Light (2 Cor. 11.14.) and, lastly, that we should tr [...] the Spirits, (1 Jo. 4.1.) 2. Because, if th [...] Tryal be by Agreement or Disagreement with th [...] Doctrine, Institutions and Ordinances of Christ, and his Apostles-authorized by him, they may seem t [...] have apostatized and gone off, or, at least, falle [...] short of them, in matters of great Moment, an [...] special concern, those before mentioned; an [...] therefore to be Seduced by some Spirit of Error▪ For I doubt not but the Devil himself hath th [...] [Page 35]Malice and Envy against the Man Christ Jesus, by whom he hath been Conquered and Vanquished, and against the Solemn Memorial of that Victory, that could he but keep people from engaging in that Holy Covenant with Him by Baptism, and from the Solemnity of that Memorial, he would be willing himself to lead them into all other Truth, upon that condition, rather than fail. Yet notwithstanding, since they are a Sober People, have received, retained, and do act upon one of the chief Principles of Christianity, and have divers commendable things in them; and what Errors they have fallen into, have been occasioned by the Scandals and Offences given by those of the Church, who will have a sad account to answer for it: I do hope in the Mercy and Goodness of God, that if it be a good Spirit, which hath the Conduct of them, he shall lead and dispose those who are Sincere amongst them, to the acknowledgment of the Truth in those things, whereto they have not yet attained; and if it be otherwise, he shall be forced to resign the Conduct of them to a more powerful and better Guide; and that we shall see such a Society of Compleat Christians come out of this despised People, as are at this time hardly to be found in any part of the World, that I know of. These are my Thoughts, and Hopes concerning this People in general at present. And Hopes, I say, grounded upon the Mercy of God, and Power of God, which no Good Being would oppose; nor no Evil Power can stand before. And in His Name I come [Page 36]unto you, knowing assuredly that neither I, nor any Humane Ability, is able to prevail against the Power that is amongst you, notwithstanding the Certainty of the Truths that I have mentioned already, and shall endeavour, by the Grace and Assistance of God Almighty, through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, more fully to explain unto you in due time: But, as I said, if it be a good Power, it will favour me and assist me in it, and rejoyce in it too: and if it be an Evil Power Commissioned, it must cease, and submit to that Victorious and All-Conquering Name: Its Enchantments must be dissolved, and its Sophistry and Falacies detected. I therefore, as an Ambassador of Christ, in the Spirit and Meekness of Christ, beseech you, Be ye reconciled to the Truths of God, and receive them with that Reverence and Gratitude that is meet, without Cavelling, or regard to any Temporal concern. I do not invite you to return to the Abuses and Corruptions which you have forsaken, but to those Truths, and to the due use of those Holy things, against which you have been Scandalized by those Abuses and Corruptions. Nor do I invite you to dissolve your Society, or to leave off your Meetings, and drown your selves in a promiscuous Multitude. No, you have in part born a good Testimony, and I would have you do so still: But I invite you only to make your Testimony more Compleat, Illustrious, and Irrefragable, by bearing your Testimony to the whole Truth; and not any longer a Testimony like the Feet [Page 37]of Daniel 's Image, partly strong, and partly weak, by a mixture of Truth with Falshood; for that cannot stand long together; but to strengthen the things that remain, and set in order the things that are wanting, that ye may stand; for otherwise ye will certainly be Broken to Pieces. I invite you but to what I am doing my self with a small Company of Poor people, that is bearing a Testimony for God, and manifestly under his Conduct: But it is neglected by them, to whom it hath been offered for a sufficient Time, and in a sufficient Manner, considering their Learning, and pretence to Knowledge: And now it is offered to you, a despised People, that God may humble the Proud and High-minded, and confound the Wisdom of the Wise, by mean and despicable things, in the sight of Men. Be Wise, and neglect not the Opportunity, and you, who were last in the Worlds account, shall be first. What ever you do, you will find there is solid Truth in the Proposal, and I wish you may receive it to the Honour and Glory of God, and your own Comfort and Salvation; and you will then find me to have been
After this there were other Letters and Papers sent, which may be taken notice of hereafter, as there may be occasion; but the last contained certain Questions, which I think fit now to propose to the Consideration of all, who are sincere, and do desire not to deceive themselves, nor be deceived in a matter of so great Importance, as the Will and Service of God, and the Salvation of their own Souls. If any notwithstanding will presume to go on in any false or Erroneous Ways, they must answer for it, and their Blood, if they miscarry, must be upon their own Heads. For the Design and Ʋse of these Questions is, to examin the case, What Spirit they are of? the Spirit of Christ, or the Spirit of Antichrist; the Spirit of Truth, or some subtile Spirit of Delusion? Whether they be Christians indeed, or counterfeit Christians, that is, Antichristians? Whether Hypocritical Professors in Words, but Renagadoes in Deeds, refusing the Solemnities of his Covenant and Worship, and the Orders of his Church, or such sincere Christians as are ready to follow the Guidance of his Spirit out of their own Wills, and out of their own Wisdom and Imaginations, and Errors and Mistakes, into all Truth? and, Whether they be in the Way of Salvation, or of Delusion and Perdition? The Times of this Ignorance God winked at, but now commandeth all Men every where to Repent.