OUR LORD, when cloth'd with mortal Flesh,
Tho free from every sinful Stain,
1 Tim. 3. 16.
Wou'd be Baptiz'd,
Heb. 7. 26.
that Men to trace
His sacred Steps might not disdain.
Mat. 3. 15.
Nay more—He was all plung'd in Tears,
Heb. 5. 7.
And bath'd in bloody Sufferings too:
What Fountain was requir'd to wash
Our guilty Souls,
Heb. 9. 22.
his Wounds will shew!
Thy Blood,
Ioh. 1. 7.
dear LORD, can cleanse from a Sin,
This in our Baptism we confess;
'Tis for its cleansing Virtue we
Psal. 31. 2.
Our Prayers and Vows to thee address.
Bury'd with great Solemnity
Rom. 6. 3. 4, 5.
In thy Baptismal Sepulchre,
We are reviv'd, and rais'd again,
White Robes of Righteousness to wear.
Rev. 19. 8.
And, as thy Sacred Word declares,
At the Great Resurrection-Day
Our Bodies shall be rais'd and chang'd,
Phil. 3. 21.
And be adorn'd with bright Array.
Rev. 7. 9.
THE sacred Body of our LORD,
Which on the Cross had bled,
Mat. 20. 19
Three Days lay bury'd in the Grave,
Mat. 12. 40
And then rose from the Dead.
His Presence the desponding Hearts
Luk. 24. 31.
Of his Disciples chears:
His Voice they hear,
Iohn 20. 20-28.
his Scars survey,
Which banish Doubts and Fears.
Explaining Oracles divine,
Luk. 24. 32
Their Ears and Souls he charms;
His Order to convert the World,
Their drooping Courage warms.
For thus the Mediator spoke,
Mat. 28. 18
" All Power in Earth and Heav'n
" To Me, triumphant o'er the Grave,
" Is by my Father giv'n.
" Go therefore teach the Nations all
Ver. 19.
" What you have learn'd of Me;
Mark 15. 15, 16.
" Baptize 'em in the awful Name
" Of the Eternal
" Teach 'em whatever I command;
Ver. 20.
" My Presence I assure,
" To crown your Labours with Success,
" While Heaven and Earth endure.
LORD! we thy wondrous Grace adore,
Thy awful Word revere;
Thy Death and thy Revival both
Col. 2. 12.
Our Baptism makes appear.
Rom. 6. 3, 4.
The Promise of thy Presence now
Mat. 18. 20
Does glad Expectance raise;
Ioh. 14. 18.
Hope of thy second Coming fills
Heb. 9. 28.
Our Souls with Joy and Praise:
Luk. 21. 28
'Tis then the Dead thy Voice shall hear,
Ioh. 5. 25.
The Dead thy Voice obey;
Thy Saints, who sleep in dust,
Dan. 12. 2, 3.
To Joy's Eternal Day.
1 Thess. 4. 14, 15, 16.
COME lowly Souls that mourn,
Mat. 11. 28
Depress'd with Guilt and Shame;
Ch. 5. 4.
Wash'd in your Saviour's sacred Blood,
Rev. 1. 5.
Now call upon his Name.
Act. 22. 16.
Rejoice you contrite Hearts,
Isa. 57. 15.
That tremble at his Word,
Ch. 66. 2.
In the Baptismal Laver plung'd,
Tit. 3. 5.
As was your Humble LORD.
Mat. 3. 13, 14.
Bath'd in Repenting Tears,
The Sins which you deplore
Dead in your Saviour's Grave shall lie,
1 Cor. 15. 55, 56, 57.
And shall be seen no more.
Gal. 5. 24.
Come pious Candidates
Of Grace and Glory too,
Rev. 19. 8.
Praise your Redeemer's Love,
Ch. 3. 4.
and tell
What he has done for you.
Ps. 66. 16.
Unspotted Robes you wear,
Eph. 5. 26, 27.
Your Sighs to Songs are turn'd;
Garments of Praise adorn you now,
Isa. 61, 2, 3.
Who late in Ashes mourn'd.
Your LORD and you are risen,
Col. 3. 1, 2.
Aspire to things above:
[...]7. 22, 23, 24.
Where he resides, there you shall dwell
In Realms of Light and Love.
Rev. 22. 5.
WHEN th' antient World God's Patience try'd,
Gen. 6. 5, 6, 7.
And long his threatning Vengeance dar'd,
1 Pet. 3. 19, 20.
The Righteous
Noah Favour found,
His Family alone was spar'd.
Gen. 6. 8, 9.
In secret Chambers of the Ark
They all secure from Danger lie,
Ch. 7. 11-24.
When th' Ocean's Banks were broke, and Floods
Burst through the Windows of the Sky.
Proud Waters o'er the Mountains roll,
Ver. 19.
And common Ruin widely spread;
Yet the bless'd Patriarch's House survives,
Ver. 23.
When all Mankind beside were dead.
At the Almighty's awful Word
Ch. 8.
Th' obsequious Floods retire again;
Noah from his mystick Tomb
Peoples the ruin'd Earth with Men.
Ch. 9. 1.
So to restore a World o'erwhelm'd
1 Pet. 3. 21.
With Guilt and Misery,
Eph. 2. 1, 2.
dead in Sins
Our SAVIOUR rising from the Grave,
Rom. 5. 24.
Another Race of Men begins;
Col. 3. 10▪
New Creatures of a Heavenly Form,
2 Cor. 5. 17▪
Whose Souls his Sacred Image bear;
Ch. 3. 18.
While dead to Sin, they live to God,
Rom. 6. 11▪ 12.
And spotless in white Robes appear.
Rev. 3. 5.
Bury'd in their Redeemer's Grave,
Rom. 6. 3.
With Him they live, with Him they rise;
1 Ioh. 5. 1
[...] ▪
While the lost Race of Human Kind
Ver. 19.
Delug'd with Sin and Ruin lies.
Mat. 24. 28, 29.
O Happy Souls whom Grace revives!
Philip. 3. 20, 21.
Their Bodies too their LORD will raise,
Refin'd and fit for Holy Souls,
1 Ioh. 3. 2▪
To see his Face, and sing his Praise.
Rev. 5. 9▪ 10.
THUS was the Great Redeemer plung'd
Iordan's swelling Flood;
Mat. 3. 13.
To shew he'd one day be baptiz'd
In Tears,
Heb. 5. 7.
in Sweat,
Luk. 22. 44.
and Blood.
Thus was his Sacred Body laid
Beneath the yielding Wave;
Col. 2. 12.
Thus was his Sacred Body rais'd
Out of the liquid Grave.
When lo! from Realms of Light and Bliss
The Heavenly Dove comes down,
Mat. 3. 16.
Lights on his venerable Head,
Which Rays of Glory crown.
While his Eternal Father's Voice
An awful Joy excites;
Ver. 17.
" This is my well-beloved Son,
" In whom my Soul delights.
The mystick Rite his Death describ'd,
Rom. 6. 3. 4, &c.
His Burial did foreshew
The quickening of his Sacred Flesh,
His Resurrection too.
LORD, thy own Precept we obey,
Mat. 28. 19.
In thy own Footsteps tread,
Mat. 3. 15.
We die,
Col. 3. 1, 2.
are bury'd, rise with Thee
From Regions of the Dead.
O may the Spirit of Truth and Love
His Power on us display,
Ioh. 14. 17.
Approve our Vows,
Eph. 4. 30.
and seal our Souls
To the Redemption-Day!
O Bless'd Redemer!
Ioh. 19. 34. 35.
in thy Side
Upon the Cross was made a Wound,
The Bath where we are purg'd from Sin,
1 Ioh. 1. 7.
And where our Guilt's intirely drown'd.
Mic. 7. 19.
Water and Blood hence freely ran,
1 Ioh. 5. 6.
And on the trembling Earth were spilt;
Mat. 27. 51.
Water to sanctify and cleanse,
Tit. 3. 5.
Blood to atone for Crimson Guilt.
Heb. 9. 22.
This wondrous Grace to represent
Baptismal Waters were design'd,
Act. 22. 16.
In which thou, LORD,
Mark 1. 9.
was't bury'd too,
To thy great Father's Will resign'd.
Mat. 3. 15, 16.
Thus Penitents who die to Sin,
With Thee are bury'd in thy Grave;
Col. 2. 12.
Thus quicken'd to a Life Divine,
Rom. 6. 4, 5, &c.
Their Souls a Resurrection have.
And tho their Bodies turn to Dust,
This Holy Symbol does assure,
Luk. 14. 14
The Resurrection of the Just
Shall render them all bright and pure.
1 Cor. 15. 42, 43, 44.
Made like his Body ours shall be,
Phil. 3. 21.
When Christ, who is our Life, appears;
Col. 3. 4.
Who to procure us Life,
Luk. 12. 50
was once
Baptiz'd in his own Blood and Tears.
Mar. 10. 38
WHEN from
Egyptian Slavery
Hebrews were redeem'd,
Exod. 14.
The parted Seas and covering Cloud
A Grave to
Israel seem'd:
But soon the joyful Tribes emerge,
And stand upon the shore,
With grateful Hearts and tuneful Tongues
Their Saviour's Name adore.
Exod. 15.
He made th' obsequious Waves retire,
Exod. 14. 16.
His Favourite Tribes to save;
Made them a way to Liberty,
Ver. 26, 27, 28, &c.
Egypt found a Grave.
Iacob's Sons baptiz'd of old
Moses in the Sea,
1 Cor. 10. 1, 2.
Sav'd by God's Arm,
Exo. 20. 2.
themselves devote
His Statutes to obey.
Ch. 19. 4-9.
So from the Bondage of our Sins,
Rom. 6. 11-18.
Redeem'd by Sovereign Grace,
We thro his watry Sepulchre
Our Saviour's Footsteps trace.
Mat. 3. 13, 1
Our Sins, the worst of Enemies,
Are bury'd there and drown'd;
Col. 3. 5.
To a new Life our Souls are rais'd,
Gal. 2. 20.
With tender Mercy crown'd.
Col. 2. 13.
To thee, O Jesus, may we live,
Rom. 14. 7, 8, 9.
Devoted to thy Fear;
Thee will we love, Thee will we praise,
1 Ioh. 5. 1, 2, 3.
And all thy Laws revere.
THE Great Redeemer we adore,
Who came the Lost to seek and save;
Luk. 19. 10
Went humbly down from
Iordan's Shore,
Mat. 3. 13.
To find a Tomb beneath a Wave.
" Thus it becomes us to fulfil
" All Righteousness,
Ver. 15.
he meekly said:
Why shou'd we then to do his Will
Or be asham'd, or be afraid?
With Thee into thy watry Tomb,
LORD, 'tis our Glory to descend;
'Tis wondrous Grace that gives us room
To lie inter'd by such a Friend!
Rom. 6. 3, 4, &c.
But a much more tempestuous Flood
O'erwhelm'd thy Body and thy Soul;
Heb. 5. 7.
That's plung'd in Tears,
Luk. 22. 44.
and Sweat, and Blood,
Mat. 26. 38
And over
this black Terrors roll.
Ch. 27. 46,
Yet as the yielding Waves give way,
To let us see the Light again:
So on thy Resurrection-Day
The Bands of Death prov'd weak and vain.
Acts 2. 24.
Thus when Thou shalt again appear,
1 Cor. 15. 52, 53.
The Gates of Death shall open wide;
Our Dust thy powerful Voice shall hear,
Joh. 5. 25.
Shall rise and triumph at thy side.
These now vile Bodies then shall wear
A glorious Form resembling Thine;
Mat. 17. 2.
To be dissolv'd no more shall fear,
Rev. 20. 14
But with immortal Beauty shine.
Ch. 22. 3, 4.
WHEN fam'd
Bethesda's Waters flow'd,
Ioh. 5. 2, 3, 4.
By a descending Angel mov'd;
The wondrous Pool a sovereign Bath
For every Pain and Sickness prov'd.
Hither distemper'd Crouds repair,
Hither the Feeble, Lame, and Blind;
The first who steps into the Spring,
Leaves his Disease and Pains behind.
That languishing and dying Souls
A nobler Cure might freely meet,
The Son of God came down and stir'd
Baptismal Waters with his feet.
Mat. 3. 13, 14.
LORD, 'tis but just we follow Thee,
1 Pet. 2. 21.
Who didst not scorn to lead the way,
Where we just see the Vale of Death,
Rom. 6. 3, 4, &c.
Then view the Resurrection-Day.
Happy! who haste into the Flood
Where healing Virtues ever flow,
Iohn 5. 7.
Where filthy Lepers clean are made,
Isa. 53. 4.
The Blind to see, the Lame to go;
Mat. 8. 16, 17.
Where contrite Spirits heal their Wounds,
Isa. 61. 1.
And broken Hearts assuage their Pain;
Ch. 57. 15.
The Dead themselves new Life inspires,
Ioh. 5. 25.
They breathe,
Col. 3. 1.
they move, and rise again.
With lowly Minds, and lofty Songs,
Let all admire the SAVIOUR's Grace,
Till the great Rising-Day reveal
1 Ioh. 3. 2.
Th' immortal Glory of his Face.
Rev. 1. 16.
IN such a Grave as this
The meek Redeemer lay,
Mat. 3. 13.
When He, our Souls to seek and save,
Luk. 19. 10.
Learn'd humbly to obey.
See how the spotless Lamb
Descends into the Stream!
1 Pet. 1. 19.
And teaches Sinners not to scorn
What Him so well became.
Mat. 3. 15.
His Body sanctifies
The salutary Flood,
Rom. 6. 3, 4, 5.
And teaches us to plunge our Souls
Act. 22. 16.
I'th' Fountain of his Blood.
Rev. 7. 14.
Oh! Sinners, wash away
Your Sins of Crimson Dye;
Isa. 1. 18.
Bury'd with him,
Col. 2. 12.
your Sins shall all
In dark Oblivion lie.
Col. 3. 1, 2.
and ascend with Him,
A Heavenly Life to lead,
Who came to rescue guilty Men
From Regions of the Dead.
Heb. 2. 14, 15.
Isa. 38. 5.
see the Sinner's Tears,
Hear his Repenting Cry;
Isa. 57. 15.
and his Contrite Soul shall live;
Gal. 5. 24.
and his Sins shall die:
Speak with that mighty Voice,
Which one day wide shall spread
Its Summons thro the Earth and Sea,
Ioh. 5. 25.
To wake and raise the Dead.
Rev. 20. 13.
SEE in what Grave our Saviour lay,
Col. 2. 12.
Before he shed his precious Blood;
How he mark'd out the humble way
To Sinners thro the mystick Flood.
Mat. 3. 13, 14.
The Sun of Righteousness his Beams,
Mal. 4. 2.
Tho so divinely fair and bright,
Immers'd in
Iordan's swelling Streams,
Submitting to this Holy Rite.
Iordan! honour'd oft before!
What greater Glory would'st thou have,
Than CHRIST descending from thy Shore,
To find in thee a liquid Grave?
Thy Streams retir'd on either side,
Iosh. 3.
To th' Holy Ark once form'd a Way;
A Prophet's Mantle could divide
Thy willing Streams, taught to obey.
2 King. 2. 8.
Plung'd by the Holy Baptist's Hand,
Buried in thee our SAVIOUR lies:
Did not thy Waters wondring stand,
Psal. 114. 5.
To see Him die, and see Him rise?
Blest Sepulchre! where JESUS lay,
Which JESUS for us sanctifies!
Blest Flood!
Act. 22. 16.
to wash our Sins away,
And sink 'em so as ne'er to rise.
Ch. 2. 38.
WHene'er one Sinner turns to God,
With contrite Heart and flowing Eyes,
The happy News makes Angels smile,
Luke. 1. 57.
And tell their Joys above the Skies.
V. 10.
Well may the Church below rejoice,
And eccho back the Heavenly Sound:
" This Soul was dead,
Luke 15. 32.
but now's alive;
" This Sheep was lost, but now is found.
See how the willing Converts trace
The Path their great Redeemer trod;
Mat. 15. 3.
And follow through his liquid Grave,
The meek,
Mat. 11. 29.
the lowly Son of God.
Here in the Holy Laver plung'd,
Tit. 3. 5.
Their Souls are cleans'd from every Stain;
They die,
Gal. 2. 19.
descend into the Tomb.
By Grace they live,
Col. 3. 1, 2.
and rise again.
Here they renounce their former Deeds,
Act 19. 18.
And to a Heavenly Life aspire:
Rom. 6. 3.
Their Rags for glorious Robes exchang'd,
Zech. 3. 3.
They shine in clean and white Attire.
Rev. 3. 5.
O Sacred Rite!
Ch. 19. 8.
by this the Name
Of JESUS we to own begin;
Act. 19. 5.
This is our Resurrection's Pledg,
1 Pet. 3. 21.
And seals the Pardon of our Sin.
Act. 2. 38.
Glory to God on high be giv'n,
Luk. 2. 14.
Who shews this Grace to sinful Men:
Let Saints on Earth,
Rev. 7. 9-12
and Hosts of Heav'n,
In Consort joyn their loud