ROBERT the III King of Scotland, His Answer to a Summonds sent by HENRY the IV Of England, To do Homage for the CROWN of SCOTLAND.

EDINBURGH, Printed in the Year, M.DCC.

ROBERT the III King of Scotland, His Answer to a Summonds sent Him by Henry the IV of England, to do Homage for the Crown of Scotland.

DUreing the Reign of the Royal Robert,
The second of the good Stewart;
Henrie of England the feard King
To Scotland sent and ask'd this thing;
To spier at Robert, Why he not made
Him Homage for his Lands braid,
For why he ought of Heretage,
At London to do him Homage;
And that in Right of Brutus King,
Who had England in Governing.
Why then caused he through his Guilt
So meikle sakless Blood be spilt.
VVhen King Robert wise and wight,
Had heard and seen this writ be sight;
Therfor he grew full matalent
To tell his Barrons, of his intent,
He called a Council to Stirvling Town
And there came Lords of great renown
And at them all he asked of it
If he should answer be his awne wit,
The Lords were all faine of that thing,
And referred it to their Noble King;
So without Council of onie man,
To Dyte and VVrite the King began.
This was the effect of his VVriteing,
All is sooth and na Liesing.
"I Robert be God's might
King of the Scots and Isles be Right,
From hight of Hills to the Ocean Sea,
Our Heretage was ever free;
To thee Hary of Lancaster,
Thy 'Pystle I have considered well.
Duke of that Ilk thou should be cal'd
It was thy righteous Style of auld,
But nae King I will call thee,
For hurting of Kings Majestie;
For I will take nae heeding
Of they unrighteous Invading;
For what was right (as is well knawn)
Ye all defould within your awn:
But we will do you understand
VVhat we declare fornent Scotland.
Your inward Tale we have well seen,
Baith first and last what you do mean;
Therefor thou shalt an answer have,
E'en by my self, attour the leave;
The first point is, God wittness bear,
No Blood for me be spilt in VVeir,
But gif it be in my Defence,
Through thy usurping Violence.
And whereas that thou VVritest thus,
Since born were Sons to Old Brutus,
That our Antecessours should be,
Servants to Yours in ilk Degree;
Thou Lyest, thereof it is well knawn,
VVe was ay free within our awn.
Albeit John Balioll made a Band,
Contrar the Right of fair Scotland.
That he was false we will defend
VVith Lives and Fortunes to the end;
For our Heretage was ever Free,
Since Scota of Aegypt tuik the Sea,
Whilst ye have ever Conquered been:
For, a Thousand pounds of Gold schein
To Julius Caesar Payit yee,
Of Tribute, thus ye was not free;
With Saxons syne ye were orthrawn,
With them twa Chiftans of your awn,
And other folks in Company
All Soldiers Born in Germany,
Came with sik power in great hast
That made your Lands baith bair and waist;
And slew your Gentles of Ingland
At Salysbury as I understand,
In taken is the Hingand Stanes,
That there were set up for the Nanes;
In Latin is a Memorial,
That Saxons had orset you all.
Then Harald, the Son of Denmark King
The third time raise o're you to Reign,
And in ilk House, as is well knawn,
You were defould within your awn;
They Occupyed your Maids and Wifes,
In Bondage thus you led your lives.
When this was done and all by past,
The fourth Conquest aproached fast;
A Bastard came out of Normandy,
Conquest Ingland all hailily;
And yet amongst you Reigns that Blood,
And mikle uther that is nae good:
G [...]f thou trows not, this true to be
The Register Read and thou shalt see.
Thus four times thirld and overharld
You're the great refuse of all the Warld;
Nor got thou Righteous thy felf to Reigne,
Thy awn realm kennes well this thing;
At London thou Swair in Parliament,
Ingland ten Year thou should absent;
Then wast thou manifestly mansworn,
Or ever three Years was out worn
Thou raise Treasonably for to Reigne,
And slew Richard thy Native King.
Forsooth the Proverb tells of this,
Whilk often times true founden is:
Flyte with thy Nighbour, and he will tell
All the mischeifs that thee befell.
But Scotland yet I dare well say
Was ever free unto this day,
Nor never stranger weer'd our Crown
Except of late a mansworn lowne,
That was Langshanks call'd Edward,
Tuik on him to declare the pairt
Between the Bruce and John Balion;
Then through your false illusion,
Where that John Baliol had no right,
And so took Treasonaly to hauld by slight;
Castles and Strengths of our Country
Your Edward tuik most Cheatingly,
While William Wallace wight and wise
Right worthily rescued us thrice;
Then Valiant Bruce right racklesly
First tint, syne wan us worthyly;
With him was Graham, and the Dowglas
That proved full well in many a place,
And Thomas Randolf wise and wight,
There was not then a worthier Knight,
Then thir expelled your false Barnage,
And fredd our Realm of all Thirlage.
If you trow us not of this,
Sixty Thousand you well did miss
At Bannokburn discomfist was,
And Your false King away did pass
Throw an inborn Traytour as was well ken'd
In England free he did him send,
Or else we then had tane your King
Who had Ingland in governing.
When ane Year comen was and gane,
Then Edward of Carnarven
Discomfist he was at Byland
By Messengers I understand,
Sir Walter Stewart then in hy
He Chased him all openly
Twixt Scarborough Castle he him chass'd,
Syne to his Host returned in hast;
But then the Clergy of Ingland
Renewed again with stalwart Hand,
At Newtoun as it was well knawn
VVhere hastily they were orthrawn
By the good Dowglass, sooth to say,
And Thomas Randolf Earle of Murray,
There Thirty thousand were dung to Dead
Withouten succor or remeid;
Syne after that, Robert the Bruce
Took hail state, and could reduce
Northumberland all to him sell,
As many Cronicles can tell.
Then ye were fain from Weirs to cease,
And sought by Mariage for a Peace,
Begging our Prince the Bruce Davie
On Your Dame Jean to play a Pavy.
Ye made this evident, and drew a Band
Under the great Seal of Ingland,
VVhilk we have plainly for to shaw,
The verity if ye will knaw.
All this is true, I'le testifie
And provei [...] on Sixty against Sixty,
Or Fortie for Fortie, gi [...] You like,
Or Twentie to Twentie of ilk Kinrick,
Or Nine, Aught, Seven, Four, Three, or Two
Born of Antient Blood also,
Or Hand to Hand if You think meet,
And so Sir Duke I do you Greet.

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