But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I deny before my Father which is in Heaven.
AS the great comprehensive Gospel duty is the denyal of Self, so the grand Gospel sin that confronts it, is the denyal of Christ. These two are both the Commanding and the Dividing Principles of all our Actions: For whosoever acts in opposition to one, it is alwaies in behalf of the other. None ever opposed Christ, but it was to gratifie Self: None ever renounced the Interest of Self, but from a prevailing love to the Interest of Christ. The subject I have here pitched upon, may seem improper in these times, and in this place, where the number of Professors, and of men is the same; where the Cause and Interest of Christ has been so cryed up; and Christs Personall Reign and Kingdome so called for, and expected. But since it has been still Preached up, but Acted down; and dealt with, as the Eagle in the Fable did with the Oyster, carrying it up on high, that by letting it fall he might dash it in peices: I say, since Christ must Reign, but his Truths be made to serve. I suppose it is but Reason, to distinguish between Profession and Pretence; and to conclude, that mens present crying, Haile King, and bending the knee to Christ, are onely in order to his future Crucifixion.
For the discovery of the sence of the Words, I shall enquire into their occasion. From the very beginning of the Chapter wee have Christ consulting the Propagation of the Gospel; and in order to it [Page 2] (being the onely way that he knew to effect it) sending forth a Ministery; and giving them a Commission, together with Instructions for the Execution of it. He would have them fully acquainted with the Nature and Extent of their Office; and so he joynes Commission with Instruction; by one he conveighs Power, by the other Knowledge. Supposing (I conceive) that upon such an Undertaking, the more Learned his Ministers were, they would prove never the less faithfull. And thus having fitted them, and stript them of all manner of defence, v. 9. He sends them forth amongst Wolves: A hard Expedition, you will say, to go amongst Wolves; but yet much harder to convert them into Sheep; and no less hard even to discerne some of them, possibly being under Sheeps cloathing; and so by the advantage of that dress, sooner felt than discovered: and probably also such as had both the properties of Wolves, that is, they could whine and howle, as well as bite and devoure. But that they might not goe altogether naked amongst their Enemies, the onely Armour that Christ allows them, it is Prudence and Innocence; Be ye wise as Serpents, but harmlesse as Doves, v. 16. Weapons not at all offensive, yet most suitable to their Warfare, whose greatest Encounters were to be Exhortations, and whose only Conquest, Escape. Innocence it is the best caution, and we may unite the expression, to be wise as a Serpent, is to be harmless as a Dove. Innocence, it is like polish'd Armour, it adorns, and it defends. In summe, he tells them, that the opposition they should meet with, was the greatest imaginable, from the 16. to the 26. v. but in the ensuing verses he promises them an equall proportion of assistance; which if it was not Argument of force enough to out-weigh the fore-mentioned discouragements, he casts into the Balance, the promise of a Reward to such as should Execute, and of Punishment to such as should Neglect their Commission: The Reward in the former verse, Whosoever shall confesse me before men, &c. the punishment in this, But whosoever shall deny. &c. As if by way of preoccupation he should have said, Well: here you see your Commission, this is your Duty, these are your Discouragements: never seek for shifts and evasions from worldly afflictions; this is your Reward if you perform it, this is your Doome if you decline it.
As for the Explication of the words they are clear and easie; and their Originals in the Greek are of single signification, without any [Page 3] ambiguity; and therefore I shall not trouble you, by proposing how they run in this, or in that Edition: or straining for an interpretation where there is no difficultie, or a distinction where there is no difference. The onely Exposition that J shall give of them, will be to compare them to other Parallel Scriptures, and peculiarly that in the 8 Mark 38. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and my words, in this adulterous and sinfull generation, of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father, with the holy Angels. These words are a Comment upon my Text.
1. What is here in the Text called a denying of Christ, is there termed a being ashamed of him, that is, in those words the Cause is expressed, and here the Effect: for therefore we deny a thing, because we are shamed of it, First Peter is ashamed of Christ, then he denyes him.
2. What is here termed a denying of Christ, is there called a being ashamed of Christ and his Words: Christs truths are his second Self. And he that offers contempt to a Kings letters or edicts, virtually affronts the King; it strikes his words, but it rebounds upon his Person.
3. What is here said before men, is there phrased, in this adulterous and sinfull generation. These words import the hindrances of the duty enioyned, which therefore is here purposely enforced with a non obstante to all opposition. The Terme Adulterous I conceive may cheifly relate to the Jewes who being nationally espoused to God by Covenant, every sinne of theirs was in a peculiar manner spirituall Adultery.
4. What is here said I will deny him before my Father, is there expressed: I will be ashamed of him before my Father and his holy Angels, that is when he shall come to Judgment, when Revenging Justice shall come in pomp, attended with the glorious Retinue of all the Host of Heaven. In short the sentence pronounced declares the Judgment, the solemnity of it, the Terror.
From the words, we may deduce these Observations.
- 1. We shall find strong motives and temptations from men, to draw us to a deniall of Christ.
- 2. No Terrors, or Solicitations from men, though never so great can Warrant or Excuse such a deniall.
- 3. To deny Christs Words, is to deny Christ.
But since these Observ [...]tions are rather implyed then expressed in the words, I shall wave them, and instead of deducing a Doctrine, distinct [Page 4] from the words, prosecute the words them selves under this Doctrinall Paraphrase.
The discussion of this shall lye in these things.
- 1. To shew how many wayes Christ and his truths may be denyed, and what is the deniall here cheifly intended.
- 2. To shew what are the causes that induce men to a deniall of Christ and his truths.
- 3. To shew how farre a man may consult his safety in time of persecution, without denying Christ.
- 4. To shew what is imported in Christs denying us before his Father in Heaven.
- 5. To apply all to the present Occasion.
But before I enter upon these I must breifly premise this, that though the Text and the Doctrine run peremptory and absolute, Whosoever denyes Christ, shall assuredly be denyed by him: yet still there is a tacit condition in the words supposed, unless repentance intervene. For this and many other Scriptures, though as to their formall termes they are Absolute, yet as to their sence they are Conditionall. God in mercy has so framed, and temper'd his word, that we have for the most part, a Reserve of mercy wrap'd up in a Curse. And the very first judgment that was pronounced upon fallen man, it was with the allay of a promise. Wheresoever we find a Curse to the Guilty Expressed, in the same words mercy to the Penitent is still Understood.
This premised, I come now to discusse the first thing, viz. How many wayes Christ and his truths may be denyed, &c. Here first in generall I assert, that we may deny him in all those acts that are capable of being morally good or evill: those are the proper Scene in which we act our Confessions or denialls of him. Accordingly therefore all wayes of denying Christ, I shall comprise under these three.
1. We may deny him and his truths by an Erroneous, Hereticall judgment. I know it is doubted whether a bare Error in judgment can condemne: but since truths absolutely necessary to Salvation, are so clearly revealed, that we cannot erre in them, unless we be notoriously wanting to our selves; herein the fault of the judgment is resolved [Page 5] into a precedent default in the will: and so the case is put out of doubt. But here it may be replyed, are not truths of absolute and fundamentall necessity, very disputable: as the Deity of Christ, the Trinity of Persons? if they are not in themselves disputable, why are they so much disputed? Indeed I believe if we trace these disputes to their originall cause we shall find, that they never sprung from a reluctancy in Reason to embrace them. For this reason it self dictates as most rationall, to assent to any thing though seemingly contrary to Reason, if it is revealed by God, and we are certaine of the Revelation. These two supposed, these disputes must needs arise only from curiosity and singularity; and these are the faults of a diseased will. But some will further demand in behalf of these men, whether such as assent to every word in Scripture, for so will those that deny the naturall deity of Christ and the Spirit, can be yet said in Doctrinalls to deny Christ? To this I answere, since words abstracted from their proper sense & signification, loose the nature of words, & are only equivocally so called: inasmuch as the persons we speak of, take them thus; & derive the Letter from Christ, but the signification from themselves, they cannot be said properly to assent so much as to the words of the Scripture. And so their case also is clear. But yet more fully to state the matter, how farre a deniall of Christ in beleife and judgment is damnable: We will propose the question. Whether those that hold the fundamentalls of faith, may deny Christ damnably, in respect of those superstructures and consequences that arise from them? I answer in breif, by fundamentall truths are understood, 1. Either such without the beleif of which we cannot be saved, or, 2. such, the beleif of which is sufficient to save: If the question be proposed of fundamentalls in this latter sence, it containes its own answer; for he that beleives those truths, the beleif of which is sufficient to save, the disbeleif or deniall of their consequences cannot damne. But what and how many these fundamentalls are, it will then be agreed upon, when all Sects, Opinions and Perswasions doe unite and consent. 2ly. If we speake of fundamentalls in the former sence, as they are only truths without which we cannot be saved: it is manifest that we may believe them, and yet be damned for denying their consequences: for that which is only a Condition without which we cannot be saved, is not therefore a Cause sufficient to save: much more is required to the latter, then to the former. I conclude therefore, that to deny Christ in our judgment, [Page 6] will condemne, and this concernes the learned: Christ demands the homage of your understandings: he wil have your Reason bend to him, you must put your Heads under his feet. And we know that heretofore he who had the Leprosy in this part, was to be pronounced utterly unclean. A poysoned reason, an infected judgment is Christs greatest enemy. And an Error in the judgment, it is like an impo [...]tume in the Head, which is alwayes noysome, and frequently mortall.
2. We may deny Christ verbally, and by orall expressions. Now our words they are the interpreters of our hearts. The transcripts of the judgment with some further addition of good or evill. He that interprets usually inlarges. What our judgment whispers in secret, these proclaime upon the house top. To deny Christ in the former imports enmity, but in these open Defiance. Christs passion is renewed in both: be that mis-judges of him, condemnes him, but he that blasphemes him spits in his face. Thus the Jewes & the Pharisees denyed Christ. We know that this man is a sinner, Joh. 9.24. and a deceiver, Mat. 27.63. and he casts out devills, by the prince of the divells. 12. Mat. 24. And thus Christ is dayly denyed, in many blasphemies printed & divulged, and many horrid Opinions vented against the truth. The Schooles dispute whether in moralls the external Action superadds any thing of good or evill to the internall elicit acts of the Will: but certainly the enmity of our judgments is wrought up to an high pitch before it rages in an open deniall. And it is a signe that it is grown too bigge for the Heart, when it seeks for vent in our words. Blasphemy uttered it is Error heightned with Impudence. It is sinne scorning a concealment, not only committed, but defended. He that denyes Christ in his judgment sins, but he that speakes his deniall, vouches and ownes his sinne: and so by publishing it, does what in him lies to make it Vniversall: and by writing it to establish it Eternall. There is another way of denying Christ with our Mouthes, which is Negative: that is when we doe not acknowledge and confesse him: but of this I shall have occasion to treat under the discussion of the Third general Head.
3. We may deny Christ in our Actions and Practice, and these speak much louder then our tongues. To have an Orthodox belief, and a true Profession, concurring with a bad life, it is only to deny Christ with a greater solemnity. Beleif and Profession will speak thee a Christian but very faintly, when thy conversation proclaimes thee an Infidell. Many while they have Preached Christ in their Sermons, [Page 7] have read a lecture of Atheisme in their Practice. We have many here that speak of Godlinesse, Mortification and Self-deniall: but if these are so, what meanes the Bleating of the Sheep, and the lowing of the Oxen, the noise of their ordinary sinnes, and the cry of their great ones? If Godly, why doe they wallow and sleep in all the Carnalities of the world, under pretence of Christian liberty? Why doe they make religion ridiculous by pretending to Prophecy, and when their prophecies prove delusions, why doe they Blaspheme? If such self-denyers, what means the griping, the prejudice, the covetousnesse, and the pluralities preached against, and retained, and the Arbitrary Government of many? When such men Preach of self-denyal and humility. I cannot but think of Seneca, who praised Poverty, and that very safely, in the midst of his great Riches and Gardens; and even exhorted the world to throw away their Gold, perhaps (as one well conjectures) that he might gather it up; So these desire men to be humble, that they may domineer without opposition. But it is an easie matter to commend patience, when there is no d [...]nger of any tryall, to extoll humility in the midst of honours, to begin a Fast after Dinner. But O how Christ will deal with such persons when he shall draw forth all their Actions bare and stript from this deceiving vaile of their heavenly speeches! He will then say, it was not your sad Countenance, nor your Hypocriticall groaning, by which you did either confesse or honour me: but your Worldliness, your luxury, your sinister partial dealing; these have denyed me, these have wounded me, these have gone to my heart: these have caused the weak to stumble, and the prophane to blaspheme: these have offended the one, and hardned the other. You have indeed spoke me fair, you have saluted me with your lips, but even then you betray'd me. Depart from me therefore you professors of holiness, but you workers of iniquity.
And thus having shewn the three wayes by which Christ may be denyed, it may now be demanded, which is the Deniall here intended in the words.
Answere 1. I conceive if the words are taken as they were particularly and personally directed to the Apostles upon the occasion of their mission to preach the Gospel, so the denyall of him, was the not acknowledgement of the Deity or Godhead of Christ; and the reason to prove, that this was then principally intended, is this. Because this was the truth in those dayes cheifly opposed, and most disbeleived, [Page 8] as appeares, because Christ and the Apostles did most earnestly inculcate the beleif of this, and accepted men upon the bare acknowledgement of this, and Baptisme was administred to such as did but profess this, 8 Acts 37, 38. And indeed as this one Aphorisme Iesus Christ is the Son of God, is Vertually and eminently the whole Gospel, so to confess or deny it is vertually to embrace or reject the whole round and series of Gospell truths. For he that acknowledges Christ to be the sonne of God, by the same does consequentially acknowledge that he is to be beleived and obeyed in whatsoever he does enjoyne and deliver to the sonnes of men: and therefore that we are to repent and beleive and rest upon him for salvation, and to deny our selves: and within the compass of this is included whatsoever is called Gospell.
As for the manner of our denying the Deity of Christ here prohibited, I conceive it was by words and orall expressions verbally to deny, and dis-acknowledge it: This I ground upon these reasons.
- 1. Because it was such a deniall as was before men, and therefore consisted in open Profession, for a deniall in judgment and practice, as such, is not alwayes before men.
- 2. Because it was such a deniall or confession of him as would appear in Preaching: but this is mannaged in words and verball profession.
But now 2ly. If we take the words as they are a generall precept equally relating to all times, and to all persons, though delivered only upon a particular occasion to the Apostles (as I suppose they are to be understood) so I think they comprehend all the Three wayes mentioned of confessing or denying Christ: but principally in respect of practice, and that 1. Because by this he is most honoured or dishonoured. 2. Because without this the other two cannot save. 3. Because those who are ready enough to confess him both in judgment and profession, are for the most part very prone to deny him shamefully in their doings.
Pass we now to a Second thing, to shew
What are the Causes inducing men to deny Christ in his truths. I shall propose Three.
1. The seeming supposed absurdity of many truths: Vpon this foundation Heresie allwayes builds. The Heathens derided the Christians, that still they required and pressed beleif, and well they [Page 9] might (say they) since the Articles of their Religion are so absurd, that upon Principles of Science they can never winne assent. It is easy to draw it forth and demonstrate, how upon this score the cheif Heresies that now are said to trouble the Church, doe oppose and deny the most important truths in Divinity. As first, hear the denyer of the Deity and satisfaction of Christ. What (saies he) can the same Person be God and man? the Creature and the Creator? can we ascribe such attributes to the same thing, whereof one implyes a Negation and a Contradiction of the other? Can he be also Finite and Infinite, when to be finite is not to be infinite, and to be infinite not to be finite? And when we distinguish between the Person, and the Nature, was not that distinction an invention of the Schooles, favoring rather of Metaphysicks, then Divinity? If we say that he must have bin God, because he was to mediate between us and God, by the same reason they will reply, we should need a Mediator between us and Christ, who is equally God, equally offended. Then for his satisfaction, they will demand to whom this satisfaction is paid? If to God, then God payes a Price to himself: and what is it else to require and need no satisfaction, then for one to satisfie himself? Next comes in the Denyer of the Decrees and free grace of God. What (saies he) shall we exhort, admonish, and entreat the Saints to beware of falling away finally, and at the same time assert that it is impossible for them so to fall? what shall we erect two contradictory Wills in God, or place two contradictoryes in the same Will, and make the Will of his Purpose and Intention run counter to the Will of his Approbation? Hear another concerning the Scripture and Justification. What (saies the Romanist, relye in matters of faith upon a private Spirit? How doe you know this is the sence of such a Scripture? Why by the Spirit. But how will you try that Spirit to be of God? Why by the scripture: this he explodes as a circle, and so derides it. Then for Justification. How are you Justified by an imputed Righteousness? Is it yours before it is imputed, or not: if not (as we must say) is this to be Justified, to have that accounted yours, that is not yours? Put again, did you ever hear of any man made rich or wise by imputation? why then Righteous or Just? Now these seeming Paradoxes, attending Gospell truths, cause men of weak and prejudiced intellectualls to deny them, and in them Christ, being ashamed to owne faith so much (as they think) to the disparagement of their Reason.
[Page 10]2. The Second thing causing men to deny the truths of Christ, is their, Vnprofitableness. And no wonder if here men forsake the truth and assert interest. To be Pious is the way to be Poore. Truth still gives its followers its own Badge and Livery, a despised nakedness. It is hard to maintaine the truth, but much harder to be maintained by it: could it ever yet feed, clothe, or defend its assernors? Did ever any man quench his thirst, or satisfie his hunger with a Notion? Did ever any one live upon Propositions? The Testimony of Brutus concerning vertue, is the apprhension of most concerning truth: that it is a Name, but lives and estates are things, and therefore not to be thrown away upon Words. That we are neither to worship or cringe to any thing under the Deity is a truth to strict for a Naaman: he can be content to worship the true God, but then it must be in the house of Rimmon: the reason was implyed in his condition, he was Captaine of the Host, and therefore he thought it reason good to bow to Rimmon, rather then endanger his place: better Bow, then Break. Indeed some times Providence casts things so, that truth and interest ly the same way: and when it is wrapt up in this covering men can be content to follow it, to presse hard after it: but it is as we pursue some beasts only for their skins: take of the covering, and though men obtaine the truth, they would lament the losse of that. As Iacob wept and mourned over the torn Coat, when Ioseph was alive. It is incredible to consider how interest outweighes truth. If a thing in it self be doubtfull, let it make for interest and it shall be raised at least into a Probable; and if a truth be certaine, and thwart interest, it will quickly fetch it down to but a Probability; nay if it does not carry with it an impregnable Evidence, it will goe near to debase it to a down right falsity. How much interest casts the Ballance in cases dubious, I could give sundry instances, let one suffice. And that concerning the unlawfullness of Usury. Most of the Learned men in the world successively both Heathen and Christian doe assert the taking of Use to be utterly unlawfull; yet the Divines of the Reformed Church beyond the Seas though most severe and rigid in other things, doe generally affirme it to be lawfull. That the case is doubtfull and may be disputed with plausible arguments on either side, we may well grant: But what then is the reason that makes these Divines so unanimously concurre in this opinion? Indeed I shall not affirme this to be the reason, but it may seem so to many: that they [Page 11] receive their Salaryes by way of pension, in present ready money, and so have no other way to improve them; so that it may be suspected, that the change of their salary, would be the strongest argument to change their opinion. The truth is, Interest is the grand wheele, and spring that moves the whole Vniverse. Let Christ and truth say what they will, if interest will have it, gain must be Godliness: If Enthusiasme is in request, learning must be inconsistent with Grace. If pay growes short, the Vniversity Maintenance must be too great. Rather then Pilate will be counted Cesars enemy, he will pronouce Christ innocent one hour, and condemne him the next. How Christ is made to truckle under the world, and how his truths are denyed and shuffled with for profit and pelfe, the clearest proof would be by Induction and Example. Bus as it is the most clear, so here it would be the most unpleasing: Wherefore I shall passe this over, since the world is now so peccant uopn this account, that I am afraid Instances would be mistaken for Invectives.
3. The Third Cause inducing men to deny Christ in his truths, is their apparent danger. To confesse Christ, is the ready way to be cast out of the Synagogue. The Chuch, it is a place of Graves as well as of Worship and profession. To be resolute in a Good cause is to bring upon our selves the punishments due to a Bad. Truth indeed it is a possession of the highest value, and therefore it must needs expose the owner to much danger. Christ is sometimes pleased to make the profession of himself costly, and a man cannot buy the truth but he must pay down his life and his dearest blood for it. Christianity marks a man out for destruction: and Christ sometime chalks out such a way to salvation, that shall verifie his own saying, He that will save his life shall loose it. The first ages of the Church had a more abundant experience of this: Paul and the rest, what they planted by their Preaching, they watered with their blood. We know their usage was such as Christ foretold, he sent them to Wolves, and the common course then was Christianos ad Leones. For a man to give his name to Christianity in those dayes, was to list himself a Martyr, & to bid farewell not only to the pleasures but also to the hopes of this life. Neither was it a single death only that then attended this profession, but the Terror and sharpnesse of it redoubled was in the manner and circumstance. They had Persecutors, whose Invention was as great as their cruelty. Wit and malice conspired to find out such tortures, such deaths, and those [Page 12] of such incredible anguish, that only the manner of dying was the Punishment, Death it self the deliverance. To be a Martyr signifies only to witness the truth of Christ, but the witnessing of the truth was then so generally attended with this Event, that Martyrdome now signifies not only to witness, but to witness by death. The word besides its own signification importing their practice: And since Christians have been freed from Heathens, Christians themselves have turned Persecutors. Since Rome from Heathen was turned Christian, it has improved its persecution into an Inquisition. Now when Christ and truth are upon these termes, that men cannot confesse him, but upon paine of death, the reason of their Apostacy and Deniall is clear, men will be Wise and leave Truth and misery to such as love it, they are resolved to be Cunning, let others run the hazard of being Sincere. If they must be good at so high a rate, they know they may be Safe at a cheaper. Si negare sufficiat, quis erit Nocens? If to deny Christ will save them, the truth shall never make them guilty. Let Christ and his flock lye open & exposed to all weather of Persecution, Foxes will be sure to have holes. And if it comes to this that they must either renounce Religion, deny and blaspheme Christ, or forfeit their lives to the fire or the sword, it is but inverting Iobs wives advice, Curse God and live.
3. We proceed now to the Third thing, which is to shew, how farre a man may consult his safety, &c▪
This he may doe Two Wayes.
1. By withdrawing his Person. Martyrdome is an Heroick act of faith. An Atcheivement beyond an Ordinary pitch of it: to you saies the Spirit it is given to suffer, 1 Phil. 29. It is a peculiar additionall gift: it is a distinguishing excellency of degree, not an essentiall consequent of its Nature. Be ye harmlesse as Doves saies Christ; and it is as Naturall to them to take flight upon danger, as to be Innocent: Let every man throughly consult the temper of his faith, and weigh his courage with his feares, his Weakness and his Resolutions together, and take the measure of both, and see which preponderates, and if his spirit faints, if his heart misgives and melts at the very thoughts of the fire, let him flye and secure his own soul, and Christs honour. Non negat Christum fugiendo qui ideò fugit ne neget: He does not deny Christ by flying, who therefore flyes that he may not deny him. Nay, he does not so much decline, as rather change his Martyrdome: He flies from the Flame, but repaires to a Desart; to poverty and hunger [Page 13] in a wilderness. Whereas if he would dispense with his Conscience, & deny his Lord, or swallow down two or three Contradictory oaths, he should neither fear the one, nor be forced to the other.
2. By concealing his judgement. A man sometimes is no more bound to speak than to destroy himself; and as Nature abhors this, so Religion does not command that. In the times of the Primitive Church, when the Christians dwelt amongst Heathens, it is reported of a certain Mayd, how she came from her Fathers house, to one of the Tribunals of the Gentiles, and declared her self a Christian, spit in the Judges face, and so provoked him to cause her to be executed. But will any say that this was to confesse Christ, or dye a Martyr? He that uncalled for, uncompelled, comes and proclaims a Persecuted Truth, for which he is sure to dye, he onely dyes a Confessour of his own folly, and a Sacrifice to his own rashness. Martyrdome is stampt such onely by Gods command; and hee that ventures upon it without a Call, must endure it without a Reward: Christ will say, who required this at your hands? His Gospel does not dictate imprudence: No Evangelical Precept justles out that of a lawfull self-preservation. He therefore that thus throws himself upon the Sword, he runs to Heaven before he is sent for: where though perhaps Christ may in mercy receive the Man, yet he will be sure to disown the Martyr.
And thus much concerning those lawfull wayes of securing our selves in time of Persecution; not as if these were alwaies lawfull: For sometimes a man is bound to confesse Christ openly, though hee dyes for it; and to conceal a Truth is to deny it. But now to shew when it is our duty, and when unlawfull to take these courses, by some generall rule of a perpetual, never-failing truth, none ever would yet presume: For, as Aristotle saies, We are not to expect Demonstrations in Ethicks, or Politicks; nor to build certain rules upon the contingency of humane Actions: So, in as much as our flying from Persecution, our confessing, or concealing persecuted Truths, vary and change their very nature, according to different circumstances of time, place, and persons, we cannot limit their Directions within any one universall Precept. You will say then, How shall we know when to confess, when to conceale a Truth? when to wait for, when to decline Persecution? Indeed the onely way that I think can be prescribed in this case, is to be earnest, and importunate with God in Prayer for special [Page 14] direction: And it is not to be imagined, that he who is both faithfull and mercifull, will leave a sincere soul in the dark upon such an occasion. But this J shall adde, that the Ministers of God are not to evade, or take refuge in any of these two forementioned wayes. They are publique persons: and good Shepheards must then chiefly stand close to the Flock when the Wolf comes. For them to be silent in the Cause of Christ is to renounce it; and to fly, is to desert it. As for that place urged in favour of the contrary, in 23. v. When they persecute you in this City flee into another, it proves nothing; for the Precept was particular, and concerned onely the Apostles; and that but for that time in which they were then sent to the Jews, at which time Christ kept them as a reserve for the future: For when after his death they were indifferently sent both to Jews and Gentiles, wee find not this clause in their Commission, but they were to signe the Truths they preached with their blood; as we know they actually did. And moreover, when Christ bids them, being persecuted in one City fly into another, it was not (as Grotius acutely observes) that they might lye hid, or bee secure in that City, but that there they might Preach the Gospel: So that their flight here was not to secure their Persons, but to continue their Business. I conclude therefore, that faithfull Ministers are to stand and endure the brunt. A common Souldier may dye, when it is the duty of him that holds the Standard to dye upon the place. And we have abundant of encouragements so to doe. Christ has seconded and sweetned his command with his promise: Yea the thing it self is not onely our duty, but our glory. And he that has done this work, has in the very work partly received his wages. And were it put to my choice, J think I should chuse rather with spitting and scorn to be tumbled into the dust in blood, bearing witness to any known Truth of our dear Lord, now opposed by the Enthusiasts of the present Age, than by a denyal of those Truths through Blood and Perjury wade to a Scepter, and Lord it in a Throne. And we need not doubt, but Truth, however oppressed, will have some followers, and at length prevaile. A Christ, though Crucified, will arise: And as it is in the 11 Revel. 3. The Witnesses will Prophesie, though it be in Sackcloth.
Having thus dispatched the third thing, I proceed to the fourth, which is to shew, what it is for Christ to deny us before his Father in Heaven. Hitherto we have treated of mens carriage to Christ in [Page 15] this world▪ now we will describe his carriage to them in the other. These words clearly relate to the last Judgement, and they are a Summary description of his proceeding with men at that day.
And here we will consider:
- 1. The Action it self, He will deny them.
- 2. The Circumstance of the Action, Hee will deny them before his Father, aad the holy Angels.
1. Concerning the first; Christs denying us, is otherwise expressed in the 13 Luke 27. I know you not. To Know in Scripture language is to Approve; and so not to Know, is to Reject and Condemne. Now who knows how many Woes are crowded into this one sentence, I will deny him? It is (to say no more) a compendious expression of Hell, an Eternity of Torments comprised in a word: it is Condemnation it self, and what is most of all, it is Condemnation from the mouth of a Saviour. O the inexpressible horrour that will seize upon a poor soul when he stands arraigned at the Barre of Divine Justice▪ When he shall look about, and see his Accuser his Judge, the Witnesses all of them his remorsless Adversaries: The Law impleading, Mercy and the Gospel upbraiding him, the Devill, his grand Accuser, drawing his Indictment; numbring his sinnes with the greater exactness, and aggravating them with the cruellest bitterness, and Conscience, like a thousand Witnesses, attesting every Article, flying in his face, and rending his very heart. And then after all, Christ, from whom only Mercy could be expected, owning the Accusation. It will be Hell enough to hear the Sentence; the very Promulgation of the Punishment will be part of the Punishment, and anticipate the Execution. If Peter was so abashed when Christ gave him a look after his denyall; if there was so much dread in his looks when he stood as Prisoner, how much greater will it bee when he sits as a Judge? If it was so fearfull when he looked his Denyer into Repentance, what will it be when he shall look him into Destruction? Believe it, when we shall hear an Accusation from an Advocate, our Eternall doome from our Intercessour, it will convince us that a Denyall of Christ is something more than a few transitory words: What trembling, what out-cries, what astonishment will there be upon the pronouncing this Sentence! Every word will come upon the sinner like an Arrow striking through his reines; like Thunder that is heard, and consumes at the same instant. Yea it will [Page 16] be a Denyal with scorn, with taunting exprobrations; and to be miserable without commiseration, is the height of misery. He that falls below Pitty, can fall no lower. Could I give you a lively representation of guilt and horrour on this hand, and paint out eternall wrath, decypher eternall vengeance on the other, then might J shew you the condition of a sinner hearing himself denyed by Christ: And for those whom Christ has denyed, it will be in vaine to appeale to the Father, unless wee can imagine, that those whom Mercy has condemned, Justice will absolve.
2. For the Circumstance, He will deny us before his Father, and the holy Angels. As much as God is more glorious than man, so much is it more glorious to be confessed before him, than before men: And so much glory as there is in being confessed, so much dishonour there is in being denyed. If there could be any room for comfort after the sentence of Damnation, it would be this, to be executed in secret, to perish Unobserved. As it is some allay to the infamy of him that dyed ignominiously, to be buried privately. But when a mans folly must be spread open before Angels, and all his baseness ript up before those pure Spirits, this will be a double Hell: to be thrust into utter Darkness, onely to be punished by it, without the benefit of being concealed. When Christ shall compare himself, who was denyed, and the thing for which he was denyed together, and parallel his merits with a lust, and lay Eternity in the Ballance with a trisle, then the folly of the sinners choice shall be the greatest sting of his destruction. For a man shall not have the advantage of his Former Ignorance and Errour, to approve his sinne: Things that appeared amiable by the light of this world, will appear of a different odious hue in the clear discoveries of the Next: As that which appears to be of this colour by a dimn candle, will be found to be of another look'd upon in the day. So when Christ shall have cleared up mens apprehensions about the value of things; he will propose that worthy Prize for which he was denyed: He will hold it up to open view, and call upon Men and Angels: Behold, look, here is the thing, here's that peice of dirt, that windy applause, that poor transitory pleasure, that contemptible danger, for which I was dishonoured, my Truths disowned, and for which life, eternity, and God himself was scorned and trampled upon by this sinner: Judge all the world, whether what he so despised in the other life, he deserves [Page 17] to enjoy in this? How will the condemned sinner then crawle forth, and appear in his filth and shame before that undefiled, Tribunall, like a Toade or a Snake in a Kings presence Chamber. Nothing so irksome as to have ones folly displaied before the Prudent, ones impurity before the Pure: And all this before that company surrounding him, from which he is neither able to look off, nor yet to look upon. A disgrace put upon a man in company is unsupportable: it is heightned according to the greatnesse, and multiplyed according to the number of the persons that hear it. And now as this circumstance [ before his Father] fully speaks the shame, so also it speaks the danger of Christs then denying us. For when the accusation is heard, and the person stands convict, God is immediately lifting up his hand to inflict the eternal blow; and when Christ denyes to exhibit a ransome, to step between the stroak then coming, and the sinner, it must inevitably fall upon him, and sinke his guilty soul into that deep and bottomless gulph of endless perdition. This therefore is the summe of Christs denying us before his Father, viz. Unsupportable shame, unavoydable destruction.
I proceed now to the Vses that may be drawn from the Truths delivered. And here (Right Honourable) not only the present occasion, but even the words themselves seem eminently to addresse an Exhortation to your Honours. As for others not to deny Christ, is openly to profess him; so for you who are invested with Authority, not to deny him, is to defend him. Know therefore, that Christ does not onely desire, but demand your defence, and that in a double respect.
1. In respect of his Truth. 2. Of his Members.
1. He requires that you should defend and confess him in his Truth. Heresie it is a Tare sometimes not to be pulled up but by the Civill Magistrate. The word Liberty of Conscience, is much abused for the defence of it, because not well understood. Every man may have Liberty of Conscience to think and judge as he pleases, but not to vent what he please. The reason is, because Conscience bounding it selfe within the thoughts, is of private concernment, and the cognizance of these belong only to God: but when an opinion is published, it concerns all that hear it, and the publique is endamaged, and therefore becomes punishable by the Magistrate, to whom the care of the publique is entrusted. But there is one truth that concerns both Ministery and Magistracy, and All: which is opposed by those who affirm, [Page 18] that none ought to Govern upon the Earth but Christ in person: Absurdly, as if the Powers that are, destroyed his; as if a Deputy were not consistent with a King; as if there were any Opposition in Subordination. They affirm also, that the Wicked have no right to their Estates, but onely the Faithfull, that is, themselves, ought to possess the Earth. And it is not to be questioned, but when they come to explaine this principle, by putting it into execution, there will be but few that have estates at present, but would be either found, or made Wicked. I shall not be so urgent to press you to confess Christ, by asserting and owning the Truth contrary to this, since it does not only oppose Truth, but Propriety, and here to deny Christ, would be to deny your Selves.
2. Christ requires you to own and defend him in his Members; and amongst these, the chief of them, and such who most fall in your way, the Ministers; I say, that despised, abject, oppressed sort of men, the Ministers; whom the world would make Antichristian, and so deprive them of Heaven, and also strip them of that poor remainder of their Maintenance, and so allow them no portion upon the Earth. You may now spare that distinction of Scandalous Ministers, when it is even made Scandalous to be a Minister. And as for their discouragements in the Courts of the Law, I shall onely note this, that for these many years last past, it has been the constant observation of all, that if a Minister had a Cause depending in the Court, it was ten to one but it went against him. I cannot believe your Law justles out the Gospel; but if it be thus used to undermine Christ in his Servants, beware that such Judgements passed upon them, doe not fetch down Gods Judgements upon the Land; and that for such abuse of the Law, Christ does not in anger deprive both you and us of its Vse. (My Lords) I make no doubt, but you will meet with many Suites in your Course, in which the persons we speak of are concerned, as it is easie to Prognosticate from those many worthy Petitions preferred against them, for which the well-affected Petitioners will one day receive but small Thanks from the Court of Heaven. But however their Causes speed in your Tribunals, know that Christ himself will recognize them in a greater. And then what a different face will be put upon things! When the usurping, devouring Nimrods of the World shall be cast with scorn on the left hand: And Christ himself in that great Consistory shall daign to step down from his Throne, [Page 19] and single out a poor despised Minister, and as it were taking him by the hand, present him to, and openly thus confess him before his Father. Father, here is a poore servant of mine, that for doing his duty impartially, for keeping a good conscience, and testifying my truths in an Hypocriticall pretending age, was wrong'd, trood upon, stript of all: Father, I will that there be now a distinction made, between such as have owned & confessed me with the loss of the world, and those that have denyed, persecuted and insulted over me: It will be in vain then to come and creep for mercy: and say, Lord, when did we insult over thee? when did we see thee in our Courts, and despised or oppressed thee? Christs reply will be then quick and sharp: Verily in as much as you did it to one of these little, poor, despised ones, ye did it unto Me.
2. Use is of information, to shew us the danger as well as the baseness of a dastardly Spirit; in asserting the interest and truth of Christ. Since Christ has made a Christian course a Warfare, of all men living, a Coward is the most unfit to make a Christian: whose infamy is not so great, but it is sometimes less then his perill. A Coward does not allwayes scape with disgrace, but sometimes also he loses his life: wherefore let all such know, as can enlarge their consciences like Hell, and call any sinfull compliance submission, and style a Cowardly silence in Christs cause, discretion and prudence. I say let them know, that Christ will one day scorn them, and spit them with their policy and prudence into Hell; and then let them consult how politick they were for a temporall Emolument, to throw away Eternity. All that causes men to deny Christ, it is either the Enjoyments, or the miseries of this life: but alass at the day of Judgment all these will be expired, and as One well Observes, what are we the better for pleasure, or the worse for sorrow when it is past? but then sinne and guilt will be still fresh, and Heaven and Hell will be then yet to Begin. If ever it was seasonable to preach Courage in the despised, abused cause of Christ, it is now, when his truths are Reformed into nothing, when the hands and hearts of his faithfull Ministers are weakned, & even broke, and his Worship extirpated in a mockery, that his honour may be advanced. Well, to establish our hearts in duty, let us before hand propose to our selves the worst that can happen. Should God in his judgment suffer England to be transformed into a Munster. Should the faithfull be every where Massacred. Should the places of Learning be [Page 20] demolished, and our Colledges reduced (not only as One in his Zeal would have it) to Three, but to none. Yet assuredly Hell is worse then all this, and this is the Portion of such as deny Christ: wherefore let our discouragements be what they will: losse of Places, losse of Estates, loss of Life and Relations, yet still this sentence stands ratified in Decretals of Heaven. Cursed be that man, that for any of these, shall desert the truth, and deny his Lord.