To the Tune of, Conventiclers are grown so Brief.
INforming of late's a Notable Trade;
For he that his Neighbor intends to invade,
May pack him to Tyburn (no more's to be said)
Such Power hath Information:
Be Good, & be Just, & Fight for your King,
Or stand for your Country's Honour;
You'r sure, by precise Information, to swing;
Such Spells she hath got upon Her.
To Six Hundred and Sixty, from Forty One,
She left not a Bishop, nor Clergy - Man;
But compell'd both Church and State to run,
By the Strength of the Non-Conformist:
The Dean and Chapter, Scepter and Crown,
(The Lords and Commons snarling)
By blest Information, came tumbling down;
Fair Fruits of an over-long Parling.
'Twas This that summon'd the Bodkins all,
The Thimbles, and Spoons, to the City - Hall;
When St. Hugh to the Babes of Grace did call,
To prop up the Cause that was sinking:
This made the Coblar take the Sword,
The Pedlar, and the Weaver,
By the Power of the Spirit, and not by the Word,
Made the Tinker wear Cloak and Beaver.
'Tis Information from Valle-do-Leed,
Makes Jesaits, Fryars, and Monks to Bleed,
Decapitates Lords, and what not indeed,
Doth such Damnable Information.
It Cities Burns, and sticks not to boast,
Without any Mincing or Scruple;
Of Forty Thousand Black Bills by the Post,
Brought in with the Devil's Pupil.
This Imp with her Jealousies and Fears,
Puts all Men together by the Ears,
Strikes at Religion, and Kingdoms tears,
By Voting against the Brother.
This makes Abhorrers, makes Lords Protest,
They know not why, nor wherefore:
This strikes at Succesūon, but aims at the Rest;
Pray look about you therefore.
This raiseth Armies in the Air,
Imagining more than you need have to fear;
Keeps Horse under Ground, and Arms to tear
The Cities and Towns in sunder.
'Tis this made the Knight to Newark run,
With his Fidus Acates behind him;
Who brought for the Father, one more like the Son,
The Devil and Zeal did so blind him.
It Whips, it Strips, it Hangs, and Draws,
It Pillories also without any Cause,
By Falsly Informing the Judges and Laws,
With a Trick from Salamanca:
This Hurly-Burly's all the Town,
Makes Smith and Harris prattle;
Who spare neither Cassock, Cloak, nor▪ Gown,
In their Paltry Tittle Tattle.
'Tis Information Affrights us all;
By Information, we Rise and Fall;
Without Information, there's no Plot at all:
And all is but Information.
That Pickering stood in the Park with a Gun,
And Godfrey, by Berry, was Strangled;
'Twas from Information such Stories begun,
Which the Nation so much have Entangled.

LONDON, Printed for M. R. in the YEAR, 1681.

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