Song at the LOYAL FEAST in Westminster-Hall, August the 6th. 1685.

[...] HAIL Sacred-Pile! the Ancient Seat[?] of Loyalty and Law, the Source and the Fountain whence Justice does flow. Tribunal of Action to humble the Factionand keep the proud Rebel in Aw. The Gods now have sent thee, Peace, Conquest, and Plenty Then in Feasting & Mirth our Al le­gience we'll shew till our J [...]ys like our O [...]a [...]es all measures o [...]flow. Down from their bright Sphere Boys,to Revel[?] it here Boys, [...]ing God their Council descended; Bright Ju no sate Crowned here,Great Jove[?] was [...]throan'd here [...] Goddesses round in a Consent attended No Ceres was scanting [...] was wanting to fill up the Joys of that day; Then the Glasses let fly there, till they mount to the Sky there, the Gods and Great Caes;ar, the Gods & Great Cae-sar, Great Cae-sar have show'd us the way. Chorus. Then a Hea [...]th to Great JAMES whom kind Heav'n did Restore us, through Battels, through Seas, and through Fire; The Angels that Guard Him, will joyn in a Chorus, and Crown ev'ry Glass with a Quire. Then a Health, &c.

With Conquest Crown'd, fresh Conquest Crown'd,
[Great Caesar fills theThrone,
A Sword is His Scepter, and Lawrels His Crown.
Rash Phaeton Firing,
The World with aspiring,
Too high with his Steeds over thrown;
The Caitif forsaken,
A Captive is taken,
See, their Catalin's Vanquisht, the Plebeians are flown,
And the Faction's great Da [...] is now tumbl' d [...]own;
See, their Catalin's Vanquish'd, &c.
Down falls the proud Babel,
The Head of the Rabble.
Great JOVE at His Feet has the Cyclop subjected,
And brought the Slaves under,
Struck dead with His Thunder.
Confirm'd in His Throne by His Valour protected,
No more the proud Hogan,
On the Seas shall be Mogan;
Our JOVE does Monsieur desp [...]se,
What Foe dare upbraid Him?
What Power Invade Him?
Where Courage with Conduct, where Courage with Con­duct,
With Conduct makes Conquest His prize.
Then a Health to Great JAMES, &c.

Sold by Nith. Thompson at the Entrance into Old Spring Garden near Charing-cross, and by John Crouch at the Three Lutes over against the Dog Tavern in Drury Lane. 1685.

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