THE Solemn Mock-Procession: Or, The Tryal and Execution of the Pope and of his Ministers, on the 17 th. of November at Temple-Bar.
IT is not any empty popular Applause, or meer sporting and insulting Fancy that puts us on this Yearly Trouble and Charge of leading this Man of Sin as it were in Triumph to his deserved Funeral Pile; we have more serious Inducements thereunto. For we intend to declare hereby, that the Pope is the Archi-Traitor, and the Head-Ingeneer not only of our Civil Combustions, but also of the Lamentable Firing of this Famous Mother-City of our Country; and that though he in his Emissaries made his Escape then, from Justice (perhaps by the connivance of some) yet 'tis but just that while we on the one hand do Solemnize the Memorial of our Restauration, we should as oft remember them of that Shameful Fact, and that all the Bloody Crew of them should be thus led as Criminals through our Renewed Streets to Attone for that Villany, and that they deserve to be burnt in Effigie at least for the sad burning of Houses, and Heart-breakings they have cruelly caused in this very Place. We would likewise hereby (in [Page 2] these ambiguous times) renew a Holy Indignation in all True Protestant Breasts, and a just Abhorrency even in all impartial Spectators of those Persons and that Religion, whose Essential Tenet it is to propagate and maintain it self by such unchristian, inhuman, and destructive Practices. But we would further manifest by this Solemn Custom, That though that Savage Religion hath of late found such Potent Favourers and Abetters in this Nation, yet that there are many more stout unbyassed Protestant Spirits that will appear as in this, so on any other more solemn occasion in defence of their King, Conscience, and Country, to confound any of the rebellious, and superstitious Exorbitances of the Romish Religion; which may it be said, not by way of vain provocation, but rather for the keeping of them quiet within bounds.
In Fine, The main Motive of our exposing of this Mock-Procession of the Pope in all his Toyish Jollity, is to undeceive the Rational, or even the weaker sort of Papists and the Favourers thereof, and to fetch to them whom the ridiculeness of this Foppish Religion they would be at: Silly Fancies deserve not a serious Refutation, and Erasmus's Satyrical Drollery was found to be as effectual to bring down the Romish Pageantry, as Luther's Gravity of Argument. For can any man of sence (if he will but a little suspend his Prejudices) imagin, as they do, that the Essential and devotious part of Divine Religion consists in these poor Rags, Forms, Shapes, Garments, Copes, Cooles, Myters, Crosses, white Shirts, Beads, and such other accumulated Trash of human and late Fancy: For as Gods Nature is Spiritual and Immense, so reason it self dictated so much Gospel to the considering Pagans,
Deo sacrifica semper ingenio probo: Neutu albam vestem magis quam mores induas. Menand.
Casto jubet Lex adire ad Deos animo videlicet in quo sunt omnia. Cic. 2. de Legib.
as to believe that all the means of Worship that lead to his Knowledge and Adoration must be of a suitable Nature; and that he needs not for Decency and Glory borrow [Page 3] Colours of Men to set him out in any of their Antick Dresses, and all these things are but as if you would put Clouts, Pictures, Vailes, and Clouds before your Eyes, the better to see the more splendid Body of the Sun. But 'tis not our part here to preach to them, but thus much by the way to rectifie theirs and other Persons misunderstandings of our Design, wherewith I hope we shall not need to trouble our selves or the World ever henceforward.
In the Front of this Procession marches the Captain of the Popes Guard on Horseback; there follow him ten Pioneers in Red Caps and Coats, in Ranks, with Staves and Truncheons, to make way for the Main Body.
Next walks a Bellman ringing, and saying in a loud doleful Voice, Remember Justice Godfrey.
A dead Bloody Corps, representing Sir Edm. Ber. Godf. is carried on horseback, supported by a Jesuit behind, who hath a Bloody Dagger in his Hand.
After this sad Prelude, a very large Banner is carried betwixt two, representing on the one side, The Cabal of the Jesuits at Wild-House all hanging on one Gibbit; and among 'em another Twelve, that would betray their Trust or Conscience. On the other side is represented Gammer Celliers with a Bloody Bladder, and all her other Presbyterian Plot Forgers; and Protestants in Masquerade; and all this in Colours on a Cloth.
The First Pageant.
In the forepart of the first Pageant is a Meal-Tub, whereupon Mrs. Celliers leans, she being on the one Corner, and having a Narrative in her Hand. On the other Corner of the Pageant is one in Black, standing bare-headed, and playing on a Fiddle. Behind these there stand the Figures of four Protestants in Masquerade, all in Bi-partite Garments of White and Black.
[Page 4]After this Pageant there follows an Abhorrer on Horseback with his Face toward the Tayl, with an Inscription on his Back, This is an Abhorrer.
Another rides after him with a Banner having this Inscription, We Protestants in Masquerade usher in Popery.
The Second Pageant.
On this Pageant are represented four Franciscan Fryars in their proper Habits, whereof two are Capuchines in Gray Russet, with a Cord tied about their Middle, and long Cowls coming on their Head, and thence hanging behind with a Tayl like Hypocrates's Sleeve. The other two are Minorites, which is a Diminitive Species of these Franciscan Birds, and they are clad in a Cinamon-colour'd Habit, with shorter Cowls. And know that their Devotion to the Rules of St: Francis is greater by far than to Christs Gospel, which they think to be a Rule of less Perfection: And some of their Divine Poems do confidently say, That what Christ did for our Redemption of old, Francis does of late, the Blood and Merits of this latter saves now, as well as his did then; Qui modo Christus erat, nunc Franciscùs erit; with a great deal of more blasphemous stuff that I have an horror to mention.
The Third Pageant.
Here are two Augustine Fryars in Black close Habits, with a Leather Girdle, for there is a great deal in that; and whereas Augustin associated to himself but some few for to study and live together in a friendly, retired, and free manner; these since made it an Order, as if the Order and Name of Christians were not Holy enough for them. Enter after these, two Dominican bouncing Fryars (where note, that the worthier of Orders comes always last) these are clad in Black and White Garments, and are otherwise called Brothers Preachers, taking that and the former Nickname of one Dominick, who for preaching [Page 5] ten years against the Innocent Albingenses (the first Disclaimers of the Popish Errors in France) was for that and raising a Cruisado or Holy War against these Martyrs, made a Saint by that See, which deems such Cruelties very Holy and Meritorious Works.
The Fourth Pageant.
Here strut out four Jesuits in a black Hue and Garb, sutable to their Manners, with high Collars mounting up about their Necks lik a Pasty-Crust; the Lives and monstrous Actions of these are so well known, that we need not enlarge thereupon; only that these are two main Engines of their Kingdom as wicked as Hell can make them: first, that by the Invention of a new Frame of the Easie Devotion, they corrupt the unalterable bounds of Morality and Christianity, and by a pliable Scheme of Policy, sutable to every Princes Lust, they destroy all Governments where they have Entrance.
The Fifth Pageant.
Here are Mounted Two Bishops, a sort of Disciples of Christ, that pretend to take place of ordinary Dukes and Princes: Behind them are two Popish Archbishops in their Pontificalibus; they differ in their Crosiers, being such Names and Habits as I never read of in the Gospel.
The Sixth Pageant.
Two Patriarchs with two-forked Crosiers, in Bishop-like Vestments, and two Cardinals do ride in this Pageant in pure Scarlet Habits, wherein the Pope will not be beholden to Christ for their Institution or Robes, being next Cousins to the Scarlet Whore of Babylon in every Point.
Next follows his Holinesses Master of Ceremonies, carrying the Popes Triple Cross, which he scorns to bear himself, distributing of Bulls, Pardons and Indulgences, and crying aloud, Here you may have Heaven for Money.
She Seventh Pageant.
Here comes Antichrist himself; for neither Christ nor Peter ever took such a worldly prodigal Grandeur on them; he is all arrayed in Scarlet-Robes, Furr'd with Ermines, and covered with Gold and Silver-Lace, with a triple Crown, on the Front whereof is writ, MYSTERY; he holdeth 2 Keys in his hands, which are pretended to be of a Place where he is never like to get in himself; two Swords stand at his Right Hand, typifying that of Excommunication, and of the Civil Dominion he claims over Kings and Princes; wherefore there is the poor Emperor Frederick sprawling under his feet; on whose Neck he insolently trode at Venice. Many other Crowns and Scepters lie at his Feet; whereof he arrogates the absoltte Disposal and Soveraignty. Therefore there is a Page of his in White at one Corner of the Throne, brandishing a Banner, whereon is writ, This is the KING OF KINGS; and as if that were [Page 6] not sufficient, another Page on the other Corner holds a Streamer, on which is, Thou art our GOD the POPE; which Sayings are in the Roman Canon-Law, and Ceremonial, to be said at his Installation, and Pope Martin could calmly hear the Sicilian Ambassadors make Homage to him, saying, Thou art the Lamb of God that takest away the Sins of the World: So 'tis plain that it is he that sits in the Temple of God, exalting himself above all that is called God.
The Eighth Pageant.
Here comes the Empress Donna Olympia, who was the Popes Mistress by her Lust, and consequently the Worlds in her time; she is surrounded by four Nuns, to whom 'tis less honourable to be Whores, than to Marry, for Pope Gregory himself, that ordained this goodly Vow of Chastity for Priests and Nuns, had some thousands of Infants Skuls brought before him, that were fisht out of a Pond surrounding these Holy Vestals Monastaries; and many such are recorded to have been found here in England in Times of Popery. On this Pageant is a Streamer inscribed, Curtezans in Ordinary.
The Ninth Pageant.
Hitherto you have tasted but of the Honey that surrounds the Cup of Abomination; now you come to the bitterest of the Potion; for they Usher in their Religion with taking Fineries; but the Sting of the Inquisition lies in this Serpents Tayl. Here indeed is the main Scene of Antichrist's Cruelties against Christians and Martyrs that dare see or speak against his Errors, abominable Pride and Wickedness. In this Pageant you see a Seat of Judicature, whereon sits a Bishop as Inquisitor-General, and is surrounded by other Monks as Inquisitors-Assistants; there stands a poor Martyr condemned, before them, dragg'd to a Stake, environed with Faggots to burn him, and then put a Sanbenite-Cap on his head all painted with Devils; and all the Theatre round about is strewed and hemm'd with Racks and Instruments of Cruelty.
In this Fatal Pomp the Procession sets out from White-Chappel-Bars, and on through Bishopsgate, through Cornhil, Cheapside and Ludgate, till it comes to Temple-Bar, where it receives its Sentence to be Burnt before Queen Besses Throne; and in remembrance of her happy Days, and for the Victories that God gives us in our Days against the Pope and his Emissaries, the Solemnity is closed with Fuzees and artificial Fires.