The Solemn Mock Procession of the POPE, Cardinalls, Iesuits, Fryers, &c. through y e. City of London, Nouember y e. 17 th.1679.

Remember Iustice Godfrey

Bulls Pardons & Indulgences

This for 15. thousand pounds


Such is the Just and Generous Detestation and Hatred of the English Nation against the Tyranny and Superstition of the Popish Religion (if it be lawful to call such a Mass ot Cru­elty and Nonsence by so Sacred a Name) that they have ta­ken all occasions to express their Abhorrence thereof; but more especiailly since the Discovery of that Horrid and Trayterous Conspiracy against His Majesties Person, the Protestant Reli­gion and Government Established, which they sufficiently Te­stified upon the 17th. of November; That being the Day wherein the Unfortunate Queen Mary Died, and that Glori­ous Sun, Queen ELIZABETH of Happy Memory, arose in the English Horizon, and thereby dispelled those thick Fogs and Mists of Romish Blindness, and restored to these Kingdoms their just Rights both as Men and Christians. In Comme­moration of this great Blessing, some Honourable and Worthy Gentlemen, both, in London, and at the Temple (remembring the Burning of London, and the Temple, by Popish Hands) were pleased to be at the Charge of an extraordinary Tryumph up­on the Day aforesaid, to Confront the Insolence of the Romish Faction, who after all the Miraculous Discoveries of their Cursed Contrivances, have still the Impudence yet to hope of Succeeding in their Traiterous Designs for Enslaving these Nations.

Upon the said 17th. of November, 1679. the Bells began ge­nerally to Ring at Three of the Clock in the Morning: About Five a Clock in the Evening, all things being in readiness, the Solemn Procession began, setting forth from More-Gate, and of proceeded to Bishops-Gate, and down Hownsditch to Aid-Gate, and from thenee through London-Hall-Street, the Royal Exchange, Cheapside, and so to Temple-Bar, in the following Order;

I. Marched six whifflers to clear the way, in Pioneers Caps and lied Wastcoats. II. A Bell-man Ringing, who with a Loud and Dolesom Voice Cried all the way, Remember Justice Godfrey. III. A Dead Body Representing Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, in the Habit he usually Wore, the Cra­vat wherewith he was Murdered, about his Neck, with spots or Blood on his Wrists, Shirt, and white Gloves that were on his Hands, his Face Pale and Wan, Riding on a White Horse, and one of his Murderers behind him to keep him from falling, Representing the manner how he was carried from Somerset-Horse to Primrose-Hill. IV. A Priest in a Surplice, with a Cope Embroidred with Dead Mens Bones, Skeletons, Skuls, &c. giving Pardons very freely to those who would Murder Protestents, and Proclaiming it Meritorious. V. A Priest alone, in Black, with a large Silver Cross. VI. Four Car­melite Friers in White and Black Habits. VII. Four Grey Friers in their proper Habits. VIII. Six Jesuits with Bloody Daggers. IX. A Confort of Wind-Musick, call'd the waits. X. Four Popish Bishops in Purple and Lawn Sleeves, with Golden Crosses on their Breasts. XI. Four other Po­pish Bishops in their Pontificalibus, with Surplices, Rich Em­broydered Copes, and Golden Miters on their Heads. XII. Six Cardinals in Scarlet Robes and Red Caps. XIII. The Popes Chief Physitian with Jesuites Powder in one hand, and an Urinal in the other. XIV. Two Priests in Sur­plices, with two Golden Crosses. Lastly, The Pope in a Lofty Glorious Pageant, Representing a Chair of State, covered with Scarlet, the Chair Richly Embroydered, Fringed, and bedeckt with Golden Balls and Crosses; at his Feet a Cushion of State, two Boys in Surplices, with white Silk Banners and Red Crosses, and bloody Daggers for Murdering Heretical Kings and Princes, painted on them, with an Incence — Pot before them, fate on each side censing his Holiness, who was arrayed in a rich Scarlet Gown, Lined through with Ermin, and adorn­ed with Gold and Silver Lace; on his Head a Tripple Crown of Gold, and a Glorious Collor of Gold and precious Stones, St. Peters Keys, a number of Beads, Agnus Det's and other Catholick Trumpery; at his Back stood his Holiness's Privy Councellor, the Devil, frequently Caressing, Hugging and Whispering, and oft-times Instructing him aloud, to destroy His Majesty, to forge a Protestant-Plot, and to Fire the City again; to which purpose he held an Infernal Torch in his hand. The whole Procession was attended with 150. Flambeaus and Torches by Order; but so many more came in Voluntiers as made them up some Thousands. Never were the Balconies, Windows and Houses more numerously filled, nor the Streets closer throng'd with Multitudes of People, all expressing their Abhorrence of Popery, with continual Shouts and Accla­mations; so that by a modest Computation it is judged there could not be fewer than Two Hundred Thousand Spectators: Thus with a slow and solemn State they proceeded to Temple-Bar, where with the innumerable swarms, the Houses seem­ed converted into Heaps of Men, Women and Children; for whose diversion there were provided great Variety of excel­lent Fire-Works. Temple-Bar being since its Rebuilding, Adorn­ed with four stately Statues, those of Queen Elizabeth and King James fronting the City, and of K. Charles the First of Bles­sed Memory, and our present Gracious Soveraign, on the other side towards westminster. The Statue of Q. Elizabeth in respect to the Day, was Adorned with a Crown of Gilded Laurel, in Her hand a Golden Shield, with this Motto inscribed, THE PROTE­STANT RELIGION, MAGNA CHARTA, and Flambeaus placed before it: The Pope being brought near thereunto, the Song following was sung in Parts, between one who Represented the English Cardinal Howard, and another, the People of Eng­land.

Cardinal Howard.
From York to London Town we come
To talk of Popish Ire;
To reconcile you all to Rome,
And prevent Smithfield Fire,
The People Answer.
Cease, Cease, thou Norfolk Cardinal,
See yonder stands Queen Bess,
Who sav'd your souls from Popish thrale
O Queen Bess, Queen Bess, Qu. Bess.
Your popish Plot, & Smithfield Threat
We do not fear at all
For lo! before Queen Besses Feet
You fall, you fall, you fall.
Now God preserve Great Charles our King,
And eke all honest Men;
And Traytors all to Justice bring,
Amen, Amen, Amen.

Thus having Entertained the thronging Spectators for some time with Ingenious Fire-works, and a vast Bonefire being pre­pared just over against the Inner-Templt-Gate, his Holiness, after some Complement and Reluctancy, was decently tumbled from all his Grandeur into the Impartial Flames; the Crafty Devil, his Chief Minister, leaving his Infallibilityship in the Lurch in his Extremity. This Justice was attended with a prodigious Shout, that might be heard far beyond Somerset-House; and the same Evening there were large Bonefires generally in the Streets, with universal Acclamations, Long Live King CHARLES, Let POPERY perish, and PAPISTS with their PLOTS and COUN­TER-PLOTS as hitherto, be Confounded: To which every honest English-man will readily say, Amen.

London, Printed for Jonathan Wilkins, at the Star in Cheapside next Mercers Chappel, 16 [...]0.

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