A SOLEMN Engagement of the Army under the Command of his Excellency Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX: With a Declaration of their Resolutions, as to Disbanding; and a briefe Vindication of their Principles and intentions in relation to divers scandalous things suggested against them.

Together with the representations of the dis­satisfactions of the ARMY, in relation to the late Resolutions for so sudden Disbanding: shewing the parti­culars of their former grievances; wherein they did remaine unsatisfied: and the Reasons thereof, unanimously agreed upon, and subscribed by the Officers and Souldiers of the severall Regiments, at the Rendezvous neer New-Market on Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5.

Presented to the Generall, and by him to be hum­bly presented to the PARLIAMENT.

With his Excellencies Letter to the Speaker June the 8, sent with the same.

LONDON, Printed for Richard Lownes, at the signe of the Unicorn, on Ludgate-hill, 1647.


IN my last I promised to send you by the next an account of the proceed­ings and resolutions of the Army at the late Randezvouz: I have sent you the same in two papers unanimously agreed on there, by both Offi­cers and Souldiers: I find in one of them divers things which your later proceedings since the resolution of disbanding may have given satisfaction unto: but the Army having then no knowledge thereof, it was thus passed and delivered to me, and I cannot but send it to them: you may see what they then did remaine unsatisfied in.

Ʋnderstanding that his Majesty and your Commissioners were much straitned and disaccommodated in the house at Childerley, I went thi­ther yesterday to advise with your Commissioners about the disposall of his Majesty, for more conveniency to himselfe and them, then that place did afford: The Commissioners were pleased wholly to refuse giving any ad­vice or opinion at all in the businesse, and therefore the King declaring his resolution not to goe back to Holdenby unlesse he were forced, yet complaining much of the inconveniency he suffered where he was, and pressing for a remove to Newmarket, and your Commissioners not judg­ing it inconvenient for him to be there: I ordered Colonell Whaley this day to attend his Majesty and the Commissioners thither, with a trusty and sufficient Guard of two Regiments of Horse, which accordingly was this day done, and his Majesty with the Commissioners, gone to New-Market, but not through Cambridge. This businesse taking up the whole time yesterday, and it being necessary his Majesty should be disposed of: Before the place of Rādezvous could well be resolved on, this morning, at a Counsell of War, it was judged inconvenient, & scarce possible to draw to a Randezvouz to morrow early enough to dispatch any thing; there­fore it is appointed on Thursday morning at nine of the clock: and in re­gard of his Majesties going to New-Market, it was thought fit by the Counsell of Warre, that the place of Randezvouz might be altered from New-Market Heath to Triploe Heath, five miles from this Towne: I shall take care that your Commissioners if they come to New-Market, may have notice of this alteration from the former appointment. I remain

Your most humble Servant T. FAIRFAX.

For the Honourable William Lenthall Esquire, Speaker of the honourable House of Commons.

A Solemn Engagement of the Army, under the Command of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, Read, assented unto, and subscribed by all Officers and Soul­diers of the severall Regiments, at the generall Rendezvous, neer Newmarket, on the fifth of June, 1647.

WHereas upon the Petition intended and agreed upon in the Army, in March last, to have been presented to the Generall, for the obtaining of our due and ne­cessary concernments as Souldiers; the Honourable House of Commons being unseasonably prepossessed with a Co­py thereof, and (as by the sequell we suppose) with some strange misrepresentations of the carriage and intentions of the same, was induced to send down an Order for suppressing the Petition; and within two or three dayes after, upon fur­ther misinformation, and scandalous suggestions, of the like or worse nature, and by the indirect practice of some malicious and mischievous persons (as we suppose) surprizing, or other­wise abusing the Parliament; A Declaration was published in the name of both Houses, highly censuring the said Petition, and declaring the Petitioners, if they should proceed thereupon, no lesse then enemies to the State, and disturbers of the publike peace. And whereas at the same time, and since, divers eminent Officers of the Army have been brought into question and trouble about the said Petition, whereby both they and the rest of the Officers were disabled, or discouraged for the time, from further acting or appearing therein on▪ the Souldiers be­halfe; And whereas by the aforesaid proceedings and the ef­fects thereof, the Souldiers of this Army (finding themselves so stop't in their due, and regular way of making known their just grievances, and desires to, and by their Officers) were inforced to▪ an unusuall (but in that case necessary) way of correspond­ance and agreement amongst themselves, to chose out of the se­verall Troops and Companies severall men, and those out of their whole number, to chose two or more for each Regiment, to act in the name and behalfe of the whole Souldiery of the re­spective Regiments, Troops, and Companies, in the prosecu­tion [Page 5] of their rights and desires in the said Petition, as also of their just vindication and writing in reference to the aforesaid proceedings upon and against the same, who have accordingly acted and done many things to those ends, all which the Soul­diers did then approve as their own Acts. And whereas after­wards (upon the sending down of Field-Marshall Skippon, and those other Officers of the Army that were Members of the House of Commons, to quiet distempers in the Army, fresh hopes being conceived of having our desires again admitted to be made known and considered in a regular way, and without such misrepresentations as formerly, the Officers and Souldiers of the Army (except some few dissenting Officers) did again joyn in a representation of their common grievances; and the Officers (except as before) did agree upon a Narrative accompt of the grounds, rise, and growth of the discontents in the Ar­my, and their proceedings in relation thereunto, with an over­ture of the best expedients, to remove or satisfie the same, both which were presented to the same Members of the House, and by them reported to the House. And whereas the Parliament having thereupon voted, and ordered some particulars, onely towards satisfaction of our grievances, hath since proceeded to certain resolutions of sudden disbanding the Army by peeces, which resolutions being taken, and to be executed before full or equall satisfaction given to the whole Army, in any of the grievances, before effectuall performance of that satisfaction in part, which the preceeding Votes seem'd to promise, as to some of the grievances, and before any consideration at all of some others most materiall, (as by the result of a generall Counsell of War on Saturday, May 29. was in generall declared, and is now more fully demonstrated, in particular by a representa­tion thereupon, agreed unto by us:) We all cannot but look upon the same resolutions of disbanding us in such manner, as proceeding from the same malicious and mischievous Prin­ciples and intentions, and from the like indirect practises of the same persons abusing the Parliament, and is as the former pro­ceedings against us before mentioned did, and not without car­nall and bloody purposes (for some of them have not stuck to declare or intimate) after the body of the Army should be dis­banded, [Page 6] or the souldiers divided from their Officers: then to question, proceed against, and execute their malicious intenti­ons upon all such particular Officers, and souldiers in the Ar­my, as had appeared to act in the Premisses in the behalfe of the Army; and whereas upon a late Petition to the Generall from the Agitants, in behalfe of the souldiers (grounded upon the preceeding considerations, relating to the same resolutions of disbanding the same generall Councell of warre to prevent the danger, and inconveniences of those disturbings, or tumultuous actings, or confluences which the dissatisfaction and Jealousie thereupon also grounded, were like suddenly to have produced in the Army to advise the Generall, first to contract the Quar­ters of the Army, and then to draw the same to an orderly Ran­dezvous for satisfaction of all, and that his Fxc [...]llencie would immediately send up to move and desire the Parliament to sus­pend any present proceeding upon the said Resolution of dis­banding, to resume the Consideration of the grievances, and desires sent up from the Army, and not to disband it in peeces before just and equall satisfaction given to the whole; And whereas some of the Regiments appointed for disbanding, up­on notice thereof withdrawing themselves from the Quarters adjacent to the appointed Randezvous, and drawing towards the Head Quarters; and the contracting their Quarters accord­ing to the said advice of the Councell of Warre.

Wee the Officers and Souldiers of severall Regiments here­after named, are now met at a generall Randezvouz, and the Regiments appointed, as aforesaid, to be disbanded, have not appeared, nor can appeare; but are resolved not to appeare at the severall and respective Randezvouz, appointed as aforesaid for their disbanding; and divers other things have been done by severall other parties or members of the Army, necessarily relating to the good and concernment of the whole in these Affaires: now forasmuch as we know not how far the malice, injustice and tyrannicall Principles of our enemies, that have already prevailed so far to abuse the Parliament and the Army (as is afore mentioned) in the past proceedings against the Ar­my, may further prevaile to the danger and prejudice of our selves, or any Officers or Souldiers of the Army, or other per­sons [Page 7] that have appeared to act any thing in behalfe of the Ar­my, or how far the same may further prevaile to the danger or prejudice of the Kingdome in raising a new War, or otherwise: Therefore for the better prevention of all such dangers, preju­dices, or other inconveniences that may ensue; and withall for better satisfaction to the Parliament and Kingdome, con­cerning our desires of conferring to the authority of the one, and providing the good and quiet of the other, in the present affaires of disbanding, and for a more assured way, whereby that affaires may come to a certain issue, (to which purpose we herein humbly implore the present and continued assistance of God, the righteous Judge of all) wee the Officers and Souldi­ers of the Army subscribing hereunto, doe hereby declare, agree and promise, to and with each other, and to, and with the Par­liament and Kingdome as followeth.

1 That we shall cheerfully and readily disband whē therunto required by the Parliament, or else shall many of us be willing (if desired) to engage in further Services either in England or Ire­land, having first such satisfaction to the Army in relation to our Grievances and desires heretofore presented, and such security; That we of our selves (when disbanded, and in the condition of private men) or other the free-borne people of England (to whom the consequence of our case doth equally extend) shall not remaine subject to the like oppression, injury or abuse, as in the premises hath been attempted and put upon us while an Army by the same mens continuance, in the same credit and power (especially if as our Judges, who have in these past pro­ceedings against the Army so far prevailed to abuse the Parlia­ment and us, and to endanger the Kingdome; and also such se­curity that we our selves, or any member of this Army, or o­thers, who have appeared to act any thing in behalfe of the Ar­my in relation to the premises before recited, shall not after disbanding be any way questioned, prosecuted, troubled, or prejudiced for any thing so acted, or for the entring into, or ne­cessary prosecution of this necessary agreement: (we say) ha­ving first such satisfaction and security in these things as shall be agreed unto by a Counsell to consist of those generall Offi­cers of the Army (who have concurred with the Army in the [Page 8] premises) with two Commission-Officers and two Souldiers to be chosen for each Regiment, who have concurred, and shall concurre with us in the premises, and in this agreement. And by the major part of such of them who shall meet in Coun­sell for that purpose when they shall be thereunto called by the Generall.

2 That without such satisfaction and security, as aforesaid, we shall not willingly disband, nor divide, nor suffer our selves to be disbanded or divided.

And whereas we find many strange things suggested or sus­pected to our great prejudice concerning dangerous principles, interests and designs in this Army (as to the overthrow of Ma­gistracy, the suppression or hindering of Presbytery, the esta­blishment of Independent government, or upholding of a gene­rall licentiousnesse in Religion, under pretence of Liberty of Conscience, and many such things; we shall very shortly ten­der to the Parliament a Vindication of the Army from all such scandals to cleer our Principles in relation thereunto, and in the meane time we doe disavow and disclaime all purposes or designes in our late or present proceedings to advance or insist upon any such interest, neither would we (if we might and could) advance or set up any other particular party or inte­rest in the Kingdome (though imagined never so much our owne) but shall much rather (as far as may be within our sphear or power) study to promote such an establishment of common and equall right and freedom to the whole, as all might equal­ly partake of but those that doe by denying the same to others, or otherwise render themselves incapable thereof.

An humble REPRESENTATION OF The Dissatisfactions of the ARMY, in relation to the late Resolutions for so sud­den Disbanding: shewing the particulars of their former grievances wherein they did remaine unsatisfied, and the Reasons thereof.
Vnanimously agreed upon and subscribed by the Officers and Souldiers of the severall Regiments, at the Rendezvouz neer New-Market, on Friday and Saturday, June 4, & 5.
Presented to the General, to be by him humbly represented to the Parliament.

WHereas upon the Report made to the House of Commons on Friday, May 21. concer­ning the grievances of the Army, That House was pleased to passe severall Votes seeming to tend towards the satisfaction of the Army in some particulars: and on Tues­day following ( May 25.) to passe divers Resolutions upon a Report from the Committee at Darby­house [Page 8] concerning the disbanding of the Foot of this Army each Regiment apart at severall times and places: We humbly declare, That the said Votes of Friday doe come farre short of satisfaction (as to the said grievances) or to the desires propo­sed by the Officers in the conclusion of their Narrative. And that the latter Votes of Tuesday importing a resolution to dis­band the Army in part, before equall satisfaction bee given to the whole in the grievances or so much as any consideration had of some others that are most materiall, and also before any effectuall performances of that Satisfaction with the Votes of Friday seemed to promise as to some of the Grievances, wee cannot but be much unsatisfied and troubled at it, as in the par­ticulars following it may apeare we have cause.

1. The proportion of but eight weeks Arreares to be paid at disbanding, as it is unreasonably short of what is most due, and what we conceive may be paid, or might easily have been provided, since the Parliament hath so long had the whole Kingdome cleared, all trading and commerce opened, vast summes of money brought in upon Delinquents compositions and otherwise, and great foundations of security in their hands (besides those formerly engaged for the Scots.) And as it is but a meane reward for all our labours, hardships and hazards in the▪ Kingdomes cause, and a very slender Supply to carry us to our homes in a condition sutable to the Parliaments honour and our successe, and much lesse to enable those that have left good trades or other wayes of livelihood, and suffered much in their trades or stocks by so doing, to set up again in their former cal­lings and conditions; so it is but little (if any thing) more then what hath been due to us since that time that wee first went a­bout to have petitioned for our Arreares, and so not to bee ac­counted in Satisfaction towards former Arreares, which the Petition was meant for.

[Page 9]2. In the Orders given for the stating of our Accounts, gi­ving Debentures for our Arreares by the Committee of the Army, we find no consideration or regard had of our Arreares incurred in former Army or Services, which to the most of us are much greater then those under the New Modell, intended to be stated by the Committee for the Army, as the Narrative of the Officers, Printed by mistake under the name of their De­claration, did intimate before.

3. We cannot but consider, That (whatever the Officers expectances upon Debentures may prove) the private Souldi­ers may well make little account of whatever part of his Arreares he receives not before disbanding, as the Reasons ex­presse in the Narrative doe shew. And whereas we heare of some Instructions past in an Ordinance for stating of Arreares, we understand that they direct 3 s. a weeke to be abated to Foot-souldiers for quarter, which being 6d. or 8d, per diem▪ above the rate they should have paid for themselves, if they had timely had Pay where withall: It seemes very hard the poore Souldiers should allow interest for the forbearance of his owne due.

The like disproportion we find in the abatements to Serje­ants of Foot for their Quarters: in the abatement for Quar­ters to Officers of Horse and Dragoons, we find one third Part of the whole Pay to them due both for themselves and their Horses is to be defalked, though the full Pay for their Horses is not allowed in the Account, unlesse they make it appeare by Musters that they kept their full numbers; and the third part of their full Pay, amounting to the halfe or neere the halfe of their present Pay, seemes an unreasonable allowance for Quarters, especially in the case of Captaines and Field-Officers. We find also no Provision made for private Souldi­ers of Horse, or Foot, or any Officers in Commission or not in Commission, in relation to any Quarters discharged by them, but all such are left absolutely to abate the respective Rates for Quarters, during their whole time, whether they have payd [Page 10] Quarters for any part of the time or no, whereas we know assuredly, and can make appeare, That all of them, during their Service in this Army (and most of them in their Service in the former Armies) have really discharged their Quarters for a very great part of the time, and many of them for more time then by the proportion of pay received, they were bound to have done, having without respects to that many times payd freely, as farre as their money would hold out, part­ly out of desire not to be burthensome at all to the Countrey as farre as they could, and partly upon expectation (grounded on the many promises and often renewed of constant pay for time to come) that money would come in time to pay them up, and re-imburse them their full pay againe without defal­cation for quarters; we find it also provided. That no Troo­per is capable of allowance or Debenture for Arreares unlesse he deliver in such Horse and Armes with which he hath ser­ved, or a Certificate, that such Horse and Armes did not ap­pertaine to the State, or else was lost in actuall Service, which extends to the totall taking away from them those Horse and Armes of the States which they have used and preserved in the Service, contrary to the favour allowed, and never (that we knew of) denyed in the disbanding of any other Army: And if that being but a matter of favour, the Horse-men in this Service be thought unworthy of it, and must upon ac­count for their Arreares, rebate for such Horse and Armes as upon disbanding they thought to have beene given them, yet it seemes hard that such as cannot deliver in those States Horse and Arms, which at disbanding they so understood to be their owne, and so perhaps have sold or otherwise disposed of, should for that lose their whole Arreares, or be incapable of account or debenture for any part thereof.

Fourthly, The visible securitie for what Arreares should not be paid at disbanding (which the Votes of Friday May 21. seeme to promise) as it stands propounded in the Votes of Tuesday May 25. appeares not to be either a securitie suffi­cient or to us visible.

1. Because that security of the Excize in Course (propo­sed for the Arreares of private Souldiers and inferiour Officers [Page 11] is knwne to be already pre-ingaged for vast Summes amoun­ting to above a Million that are to take place before those Ar­reares, nor doe wee know certainly that the Excise (which is yet but temporarie) will be continued for so long time as till our Arrears shall come out in course after the preceding in­gagements satisfied

2. Because that security proposed for Officers Arreares, viz. the profits arising out of Delinquents estates in the first Exception (especially) being limited to such as are not already disposed of, it does not appeare what they will amount unto, or what the pre-ingagemens or pre-disposures by the Parlia­ment may be, or what incumbrances of Debts, or limitations of Estates (as they were in the hands of the owners) may lie upon the same, none of which we would be any occasion to defeat or avoid, so as to have the curses and grudges of defrau­ded Creditors or ruined Families to lye upon us or our poste­rities.

3. Neither the one security nor the other are yet, for ought we finde, or could well before the appointed times of disban­ding, be so setled by Ordinance to the uses proposed (as the other Securities for monies borrowed by the Parliament have been) which we conceive requisite to render the same indeed visible security.

The two first of these Reasons we should not urge so much, if we did not see other matters of security within the King­dome that would be much more cleare, (as Cathedrals and their Revenues, Forrest-lands, &c.)

5. The Ordinance voted to exempt from Pressing, first is not, for ought we understand, brought in and passed before the appointed Disbanding. Next, by the Vote it seems not to intend the exempting of Voluntier Horse-men from being prest for Foot-service. And lastly, we understand not how it can be effectuall to particular Souldiers (when disperst about the Kingdome, and so journing or travelling where perhaps their former relation to this Army, or condition as Voluntiers in it may not be knowne, or not credited upon their words) unlesse the Ordinance intended shall provide, That a Testi­moniall [Page 12] of their service under the General's or their respective Field-Officers or Captaines hands (which they might ever carry about, or keep by them) shall be their sufficient discharge from any Presse (if they shall fall under it.) And whereas such Testimonials cannot easily be got by them after Disban­ding, the said Votes for so sudden Disbanding, and at such di­stances, doe not mention or admit any thing of that kinde more then Passes from the Commissioners to carry them home.

6. The Ordinance voted to give Apprentises the benefit of their time spent in the Parliaments service, as also that for the maintenance of maimed Souldiers, and the Widowes and Children of men slaine in the Service were not brought in and passed before the appointed Disbandings, nor doe we yet heare, that they yet are, though we hope they will be.

7. The Ordinance passed for Indempnity seems to make but slender provision for our quiet, ease, or safety, in relation to things done in the War as Souldiers.

1. Because the things it provides for throughout the Ordi­nance, comprised only in these terms (viz.) Things done by ver­tue of any Ordinance of Parliament, or for the service and benefit of the Parliament; We conceive, That upon every trespasse, or other thing done in the War (which we may be questioned for) it will be very chargeable and difficult, either to derive a clear Authority for the same from Ordinance of Parliament, or to bring proofes sufficient to make up such a constructive con­clusion, as that it was for the service and benefit of the Parlia­ment, especially to do this so fully, as to meet with all the eva­sions and elusions of a subtle Lawyer, or to convince the sences of a Countrey-Jury, whom we know not by what rules or measure they may go in judging what was for the service and benefit of the Parliament, or what not, perhaps some of them may be of that minde, That it had been for the service and be­nefit of the Parliament, to have had no War at all, or to have had fewer or no such Garrisons or Forces as some of us have been engaged in. In sum, We cannot thinke it safe to be left to the fence or construstion of a Countrey-Jury, concerning the exigencies of War, or duty of a Souldier upon so doubtfull an [Page 13] issue; we should rather thinke, That the old issue, which (as we understand) ancient Lawes have provided for in such cases, viz. (Whether the thing were done tempore & locobelli) was much more clear and sure; and an Act or Ordinance of Obli­vion for all trespasses or other things so done by Souldiers in this War, would be most safe and satisfactory.

2. That the provision in the said Ordinance now past for Re­liefe, by complaint to a Committee of Parliament at London, (which seems to be meant for saving of charges to poor men) we doubt will prove a very remote help, and far more chargea­ble for a poore Souldier imprisoned or Arrested in the Coun­trey, then the former: and though we highly honour that Committee named in the Ordinance (for the major part of it) yet we confesse we shall be sorry that our reliefe (if it may o­therwise be provided for) should be the occasion of setting up more Arbitrary Courts then there are already, with so large a power of imprisoning any Free men of England, as the Or­dinance gives to that Committee, let the persons intrusted ap­pear at present never so just and faithfull, or though all that Committee were as good Patriots as we hold the major Part to be.

3, In the matter of Accompts, we are wholly left (as be­fore) to the mercy of the Committee for Accompts, and their Sub-Committees, whose constitution (in most Counties) be­ing a least of Neuters (disaffected to the Warre, and conse­quently to the Souldiery) and whose vast and arbitrary power to vex, delay, fine and imprison at their owne pleasure or judgement, any that they can bring within the compasse of accomptants, and to proceed upon their owne judgement of the default, to sequester, sell and dispose of his Estate; as upon a Commission of Bankrupt (we confesse) wee tremble to thinke of more then of any Enemy. And though wee are as jealous as any to have all men brought to an accompt, for what may clearly be accompted for (as Treasurers, Keepers of stores, Sequestrators, or such like accomptants) yet wee cannot but thinke it hard for us, or other the Parliament Souldiers, to bee required to so strict accompts for all things received, taken, and [Page 14] used in the War by our selves, or any under our command (though but temporally upon a part) for many of which things neither we nor any other that minded the publick service, and have bin ingaged in hazardous services, where many have lost those accompts they did keep, can give or could keep so strict accompt, or for want of such accompt to be so cruelly vexed & prosecuted, even to utter undoing, as any man that's accompt­able for any thing that may be, and divers of the Parliaments most faithfull and active Servants in our condition have been before our eyes: And though we would not wish that any Souldiers or Officers who have by Plunder, or other Injury to the Countrey, abused the name of the Parliaments Service, and converted any thing they have taken or received to their owne private benefit or advantage, (more then for necessary subsi­stence or supplies) should go away with it, in being exempted from accompt; yet we cannot but think it reasonable and ne­cessary, That for those many others that have not done so, but have imployed all faithfully for the publick service, such provi­sion should bee made, as that what Armes, Ammunition, Hor­ses, Furniture, or other things received or taken by them, they could not keep, or cannot give a cleare and distinct accompt for, it should bee sufficient for their discharge, if they make Oath, That they have not imbezelled, or wittingly conver­ted to their private benefit or advantage, any part thereof, more then what things, or to what value they doe or shall (for saving of their Oath) charge upon themselves in their accompt.

We finde another thing mainly necessary for our and other mens Indempnity (for which there is no provision at all made in this Ordinance) viz. That all Acts of Councells or Courts of Warre, either in censure or discharge of any person, for any cause subject to their Judgement, and the Warrants of the Generall, or chiefe Commander, for execution or remissi­on of such censures, may be valid and good, both as to the Ju­stification of those that have been imployed in execution of such censures, and also the full & finall acquittall of the persons so discharged or remitted.

[Page 15]Eighthly, Though those Officers of the Army at several times sent for, or sent up to attend the Parliament as Delinquents, have been indeed discharged (for which we render our thanks & acknowledge the Parliaments Justice in the discharge) yet for men of such credit and integrity to have their names brought so highly into publique question or suspition, and the cause not known (which might make it imagined greater) to be kept long in attendance under that notion▪ and not obtaine by their daily solicitations to know their Accusers, or any Charge (and for one of them) to be made a Prisoner, searched and sent up so far in a disgracefull manner, without Authority (against the right both of a Souldier and Subject) and at last to bee onely dismissed (without any word of Vindication or clearing) seems but a slender Reparation.

Ninthly, There hath yet been nothing declared by the Parl. (as in the Narration or Declaration of the Officers was desired) to cleare us, as to our right of Petitioning, or to cleare the fence and intention of the Parliament in their Order for suppressing the Petition, or the ground of their censure in the Declaration against it; Though we think no man can deny the matter of the Petition to be just, and Parliament-proceedings, since upon the severall heads of it does imply as much: And if our liberty of Petitioning for our due be denyed us now, & the attempting of it rendred such a Crime (as by the said Order and Declaration appeares to be, while the ground or intention of them stands not explained otherwise) we cannot but expect the same or worse hereafter, not only to our selves (when being disbanded and di­spersed, we shall have the like occasion to Petition as private & single men) but also to all the free-both people of the land in the like case; and so this president (if it stand good) would eextendin the consequence of it, to render all Souldiers under the Parliament, the worst of slaves, and all Subjects little better▪ And though there have been of late in other mens Cases too many dangerous Presidents of suppressing Petitions, and pu­nishing or censuring the Petitioners, yet (we thinke) few or none so full and cleare against all just Liberties, as this in our case whose Petition was not, as many (that yet have been [Page 16] received with large thanks) without any foundation in reall grievances or dues, tending and serving meerely to declare the Petitioners opinions and inclinations in relation to matters of State (then in transaction, or intended to be put on in the Par­liament) nor yet subject to any of those exceptions, which at other Petitions (seeming better grounded, more necessary or concerning then the former, and yet rejected) might be; But ours not medling with matters of State, with proceedings of Parliament, or any bodies concernments but our owne, tended but to obtaine particular dues (often promised, dearely and ful­ly earned, long forborne) and some of which ( viz. the matter of Indempnity) we could not (without danger of utter ruine) want after disbanding; and these but desired in an humble and submissive way, without any language, scandalous or offensive, or any other particular exception (for matter or form) that we have ever yet been told of, or could any way learn; so as though we are willing to believe the Parliament was mis-informed, abused or surprized in the businesses (as the Narrative does ex­presse) yet we cannot hitherto understand▪ from whence such proceedings against such a Petition, or against us for it, could arise, except (in those that moved and drew the Parliament thereunto) from some principles of Malignants envy or dislike against us, the Petitioners for the things God hath done by us, carrying them (above all other considerations of just or unjust, dangerous or safe) to this end, as the greatest good, that this Ar­my must not passe with that Reputation God hath given it, but must (upon any occasion that could be catched hold on) have a dishonour put upon it, and by discontents and provocations be put into distemper, so as to doe something that might render it [...]dious, or bring a blemish upon it.

Tenthly, the Declaration yet standing in force, and nothing published by the Parliament to clear the Army from the censure it thereby lies under, there remains a brand of Ignominy upon this Army to Posterity: And those Souldiers that have procee­ded to act any thing in pursuance of their just Desires in that Petition, or in Representation of their just Grievances there­upon; as also those Officers that have any way concurred with,


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