Universal Love. In which a Visitation floweth through the Creation, that all people may be informed into the Truth, and in their several places come to walk in the Truth, and live in the Truth, to be a good savour unto God, and honour God.
- 1. To Parents of Children.
- 2. To Masters and Dames of Families.
- 3. To Servants in their places.
- 4. To Aged People.
- 5. To such as live a single life.
- 6. To young People.
- 7. To Children.
- 8. To such as are in outward Government.
- 9. To Ministers of Parishes so called.
- 10. To such as practise in the Nations Law
- 11. To such as trade in Weights and Measures.
- 12. To such as buy and sell in Markets or in any other places.
With a General Exhortation. Also something concerning Faith, and Hope, and Love, and the Word, and Mans restless part, and the Election, and a particular Place of bondage opened. That all may come to the Light of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to his Life and Power, and Wisdom; through which all people may love one another, and be at peace one amongst another, and deal justly one with another upon all occasions; that Justice and Mercy, and Equity, Sobriety, Moderation, Chastity, Temperance, Righteousness, Holiness, Peace, and Love, may have a free, and an universal course, and the Creation may be set at liberty, which yet travelleth in pain, and bears the burthen of all disorder. William Smith.
The Second Edition. Printed in the Year 1663.
A Table of the Principle Heads contained in this Book.
- 1. TO Parents of Children. Page 2.
- 2. To Masters and Dames of Families. Page 3.
- 3. To Servants in their Places. Page 22.
- 4. To Aged People. Page 29.
- 5. To such as live a Single Life. Page 35.
- 6. To Young People. Page 41.
- 7. To Children. Page 48.
- 8. To such as are in outward Government. Page 57.
- 9. To Ministers of Parishes, so called. Page 67.
- 10. To such as Practise in the Nations Law. Page 82.
- 11. To such as Trade in Weights and Measures. Page 92.
- 12. To such as buy and sell in Markets, or in any other places. Page 99.
- 13. A General Exhortation. Page 106.
- 14. Concerning Faith. Page 112.
- 15. Concerning Hope. Page 117.
- 16. Concerning Love. Page 121.
- 17. Concerning the Word. Page 127.
- 18. Concerning mans restless Part, and the Election. Page 134.
- 19. A particular place of Bondage opened. Page 143.
An Epistle dedicated to the Measure of Light and Life in all People.
THis Book is dedicated unto the most noble, and honourable, and worthy of all things, the Principle of God in every man, knowing that it is the [...]ost excellent in vertue, and that from the [...] hath loved the best things, and deligh [...]e [...] i [...] the plain simple path of Truth, and hath no [...] at any time cunningly devised inventions; it hath ever been vertuous in goodness, and a true Lover of such as hath loved uprightness, it hath ever despised vice and vanity, and never could joyn with any evil thing; it hath ever been of an humble meek nature, and tender in compassion to all people; it hath ever been of a peaceable disposition and condescending to the lowest state; it hath alwayes loved the good, and delighted in the best things, and in innocency and simplicity the most perfect, and in [Page] wisdom the most excellent, and it is most renownable in glory, and full of all riches and treasures, the graces and excellency of its vertue and beauty, doth far excel the praise of men. And unto this principle alone, is this Book dedicated, as being unto me the most lovely, renownable, and for ever honorable; for it is that unto me which is the chiefest good, and it doth communicate from it self, the riches of it self, and that to the glory and honour of its own power and wisdom over all; and the matter which in this Book is contained, being received and accepted by it, I shall rejoyce in my labor, however men distinct from it, may esteem it, for it is not the praise of men that I seek, howbeit I am moved to labour in the work of the Lord; but I desire to be manifest to every mans Conscience in the sight of God, and to be approved by his pure eye that seeth secrets; and let all glory, and honour, and praise, and renown, be given unto him alone, for ever and ever: and unto the measure of himself in every man, I commend this Book in all humility, reverence and fear.
To the READER.
WHen thou settest thine eye to read this Book, set the fear of God before it, and be not so hasty to read, as diligent to understand; for there is much communicated, and from the life of God published, that is not read in that from which it is given forth, but run over with a hasty mind out of Gods fear, through which the benefit that might be received is lost, and the labour of those that would do good, doth not become so effectual; for when people do not read with a sound mind, they do not weigh the substance of the matter, nor do not prove their own present states, but hastily read without understanding, and then the [Page] matter slips out of their minds, and the profit is lost, and the good intended is not reaped.
Therefore Reader, be thou careful, and first set Gods fear before thee, and read with that of God in thee; and consider through the several states, which in this Book is opened, and try where thou canst find thy own place, or unto which thou art nearest; for thou mayst certainly know with that of God in thee, and with that thou mayst feel, when thou read'st thy own state; for the witness of God will find thee, and will come close to thee, when thy state is opened, and will manifest how it is with thee in thy place, and what order thou art in; and read with a single eye, and a simple mind, and then thou wilt profit: And do not charge the matter in this Book, to lye too much in duty, or to stand too much in outward things; for if thou read it diligently, thou mayst observe, that there is nothing pressed in duty, but what is required by the principle, unto which the duty ought to stand [Page] in all things; and though there be much which lye outward, yet the information reaches to the principle inward, unto which thou joyning, thou wilt know that all outward things that is not manifested from it, will be reproved by it, unto which reproof thou art to yeeld thy self in obedience; and by obeying the principle which reproves unrighteousness within, thou wilt find that all unrighteousness without must be denyed also, and that in obedience to the principle within; and thou may observe, that salvation is not published through any thing done, but by Jesus Christ alone; yet there must be obedience given unto him, before salvation be witnessed by him. So be sober and vigilant, and judge nothing rashly, but weigh things cooly, and the answer will be given unto Truths testimony, by that of God in thee; and whether thou wilt hear and obey, or neglect and contemn, yet the Truth will find a witness in thy Conscience, unto which this Book is commended; and if thou be careful, and [Page] keep in Gods fear, and chuse the good, then may thou find profit, and peace, and comfort to thy soul; and if it so come to pass concerning thee, whoever thou art, I shall therein rejoyce.
[Page 1]Vniversal Love.
THe Wisdom that is pure from above hath the good order in it, and by its government the Creation standeth in its place and service, and all things come to be used and ordered in the fear of God, and in this wisdom people are fitly disposed, and are in a right capacity to order the Creation, and every one in their place doth yield a good favour unto God, for the wisdom from above is gentle, and peaceable, and easie to be entreated, full of mercy, and goodness, and truth; and this Wisdom being received, the mind is fitly disposed to order those things which are committed to trust and charge, and every one in their place comes to see their duty in their place, and how they are to answer God through those things which he commits unto them, and in their several places where he sets them, and comes to see the great weight that lies upon them, to perform with care and diligence such service as in their place God requires; and so the Wisdom from above doth order every man in his place, and he becomes a good favour in his place both to God and man, and through the Righteousness that proceeds from such a [Page 2] man, the Lord God is glorified; and this is that which all people in their respective places are to mind, and in what thing they are called to serve the Lord, in that thing, and in that place to be carefull to answer God, and to honour God; and such who have children are in this thing very deeply concerned, for the charge upon them is exceeding great; and therefore they are to mind the just and holy principle of God in themselves, that they may receive the wisdom from above, and in that to nurture and bring up their children in the fear of the Lord; for how can Parent bring up their Children in the fear of God, when they walk not in the fear of God themselves? and how can they inform their children into that which is good, when they themselves live in that which is evil? and such Parents do usually teach their children to be vain and to follow that which is evil, and so covetous parents teach their children covetousness, for their own minds being in that thing, they press their children to the practise of it, and yet not under a shew of covetousness, but under a shew of carefulness and providence, at which door the mind goeth forth into the world, and reaches it self to compass the wealth and riches of it, and such Parents give encouragement to their children in this place, and smile upon them with a cheerfull countenance; [Page 3] and so the child runs in delighting, and with pleasure exerciseth it self in covetous practises, and strives after the earthly treasures to please its Parents, and the Parents account such children, careful children, and provident & witty, and the children are hereby tempted out of the path of honesty, and so run in cozening, and cheating, and defrauding for gain, and that is counted pollicy, and the Parents will smile upon their children, and in such things delight in them, as being witty, and so teaches them and instructs them into such practises; and how are children wronged in this place for want of good nurture in the fear of God! And when wealth and riches are heaped together, then the mind is lifted up in pride, and the Parents they exalt their children in haughtiness and pride, and then they must have things suitable to their outward condition; and so first teaches them to be covetous, and then to be proud, and poor children are lifted up in their minds at the beholding their costly apparel, and their gay cloathing, which by their Parents are provided, and for want of good nurture in this place they run out of Gods fear, and out of true order, and then their Parents train them up in such things as they look at to be sutable to their conditions, and so they put them to learn musick, and dancing, and singing, and [Page 4] with such like vain things poor children are wronged by their Parents, who should keep them in good order, and in the fear of God; and how do Parents allow their children liberty to sport and play and to be vain, and informs them into the expertnesse of such practises? and how are children exercised in vanity? and how do they spend such dayes in vanity, which they pretend to be holy dayes? and doe not all such dayes which they observe to be holy, end in prophanesse and vanity, and wickednesse? and are not children at liberty upon such dayes to satisfie their vain minds in pleasures, and in sports, and run into headiness, and wildness? and the rest of dayes which they do not count holy, they turn their minds into covetousness and deceit: And are these things commendable for Parents, or for children? or are these things like Christians? and how are poor children, for want of good nurture in time, carried away into all manner of vanity, and so taken captive at the will of the Devil, who holds them fast after he hath taken them, and so vanity becomes natural to children, who know no better from their childhood; and what a dishonour is this to parents, who should be grave, and wise, and sober, and stayed, for them to encourage their children in such things, and behold them in [Page 5] the practise of such things with delight? such things do not become a Christian profession in no place, and to be sure it is not a Christians practise, for it is unsavoury to God, and grieves his spirit, and all that are guided by his spirit; and it is a trouble to Christians to see vanity flow in as a natural streame, from generation to generation, and the mind of people to be so seated in it, as they study from time to time how to advance it, and to train up their children in it, for if children were not encouraged in vanity, and trained up in it when they are young, they would be more innocent, and simple, and stand more in the true order, for as they are children they are innocent and harmless, and a child, as it is a child, is more in the innocency, than it is all its life time after, except it come to the Spirit of God, by that to be regenerated; and therefore it must needs be a great weight upon Parents in this case, for by training up their children in vanity, they draw upon themselves the childs iniquity, and by how much they do encourage their children in vanity, by so much the more do they wrong both themselves and their children: Therefore it is of concernment for all Parents of children to weigh the matter, and in time to consider it, for certainly the Lord is grieved with evil deeds, [Page 6] and with the disorderly walking of all such as are out of his fear, and that Parents would be more mindfull of what they are intrusted with, and to order it in Gods fear and Wisdom, that all they have under their charge may be a good favour unto God, and bring honour to his Name; for if it be not so, all his gifts are abused, and his Name dishonored, and there the Creation is out of order.
Now all Parents must come to that of God in themselves, before they can instruct their children in the fear of God; they must come to the Light in their own Consciences, and in the Light behold their own present state, for being from the Light of Christ they cannot walk in Gods fear themselves, neither can they teach their children so; and is not that a grievous thing, when a whole Family is out of the fear of God, and both Parents and children exercised in vanity? and how doth wickedness flow like a flood from generation to generation, and one generation goeth and another cometh, and with every generation sin appeareth, and evil is practised, and grows from one to another in full strength, and this is the ground, because that children are not trained up in Gods fear, for if that was so, sin would dye, and in every generation it would grow weaker and weaker, and in time [Page 7] it would be rooted out, and the practise in it would cease, and it would not be had in remembrance.
Therefore all you Parents of children, mind the fear of God in your selves: and come to the Principle of God in your own Consciences, and yield your selves unto that, and obey it, and then you cannot see your children run into vanity, and suffer them to go unreproved, if you once hearken to the voice of God in you, and mind the Testimony of his witness in your Consciences, to know in your selves unto what reproof belongeth, and what the Lord alloweth, and so to answer the Lord in obedience, and come to know your selves changed, then you will be able to instruct your children in the same path, and cannot suffer them to run into vanity, much less to train them up in it; and so in the principle of God you will receive Wisdom from above, and know the nature of it, in which Wisdom is the pure order and good government; then you cannot let your children lye, and swear, and curse, and play, and riot; and be vain in pleasures, and games, your eye will be over them in Wisdom, and in the gentleness you will reprove them, and in meekness instruct them, and when they do go amiss you will feel grief come upon you [Page 8] concerning them, and when you are grieved for them in that state, then take heed you do not fall into passion, and anger, and wrath, and in that exercise your wills upon them, and use your hand in severity towards them, but in wisdom wait to be guided, that not any fault which comes to your knowledge may pass unreproved, neither any fault be too severely punished, for they are both out of true order, and you may know that when you have exercised your hand upon them in passion that you are not free from trouble afterwards, when you come into coolness again you will be judged in your selves for your rashnesse, and then you will have trouble in your Conscience, and there is no profit to your children by that hand, because wisdome doth not order it.
Therefore ye Parents, who would have your children to do will, and to be happy, wait to be ordered in wisdom towards them, and keeping to the Light of the Lord, you will know both how to spare, and how to correct, and so with a meek and gentle spirit bring them into order, and bend them in their tenderness, before the bad part grow stubborn and be strong, for in their tenderness it will be easie, and whilst they art young and green the witness lies near them, and reproof soon reaches them, and [Page 9] if there be but an eye upon them in the wisdom of God, the witness will answer, and the bad will be presently judged in them, which growing into more strength, for want of timely order the darkness thickens over them, and then the witness lies at a farther distance, and that which at first might have been rebuked with a look, will not then be brought down with a blow; and here Parents both wrong themselves and their children for want of wisdom; for they give way to their children whilst they are young, and so lets up the bad part into strength, and when they come to behold things far amiss in their children then they would bend them, and cannot, and so lets up the bad nature over their own heads, and then beholds their children with mourning, which in wisdom might be timely prevented. And this is a great wrong both to Parents and children, and brings grief and sorrow upon them both: Therefore order is a sweet thing, when Parents have wisdom to govern their children, and to nurture them in the fear of God, and to keep them in duty and submission in the fear of God, then there is a good savour both in Parents and Children, and a comly order beheld in the wisdom, and to come into this comly order is a sweet savour; and to inform children to the Principle of God in them, and to teach them the fear of God, [Page 10] and learn them to behave themselves modestly and soberly unto all people, this is good education, and also a good portion, and there is the good breeding, and the good manners, which is decent and orderly, and is an order approved of God; but to let them run at liberty, and bring them up in the foolish vain Customs, and teach them to observe Traditions, this is not orderly nor decent, though they be taught to observe all Customs, it is not good breeding, nor good manners, for those things are come to pass in the degeneration from the good, and to teach children to bow, and scrape, and to put off their Hats to respect persons, this is not good breeding nor good manners, for good breeding and good manners is in the fear of God; but he that respects persons commits sin, and is out of the fear of God, and such things are not approved of God, and that which he doth not approve, he doth condemn; and to teach children to observe Traditions in matter of Worship or otherwise, it is not good order, nor decent; to teach children a formal Worship, or a formal Prayer, or any formal practise accustomed by Tradition, and doth not proceed from a present manifestation of the Spirit of God, it is not good order, nor decent, for the Lord doth not allow of any traditional practise, which stands in form distinct from his Spirit, and what he doth not allow, he [Page 11] doth reprove. And therefore the matter is weighty upon Parents every way, to keep their children under nurture, and teach them the fear of the Lord whilst they are tender, and in all things to inform them to the principle of God in their Conscience, that with the Light of Christ they may be guided, and with the Light of Christ they may be taught, and by it ordered in all their wayes, and in all their doings; then would mercy and truth spring in children, and righteousness and holiness would naturally branch forth, and children wou'd become a sweet savour in their Generation, and in their places would fear God, and honour God, which now grieves him, and vexes him with their ungodliness and unrighteousness, vanity and prfaneness.
And so all Parents, mind your places and your charge, that you may account to God with joy, and not with grief, and alwayes inform your children to the Light of Christ Jesus in their Conscience, the Light that shews both them and you, your thoughts, and words, and deeds, and reproves for all evil, which is the principle from which good order is brought forth; and be not hasty with your children in any matter, nor let not bitterness arise at any time against them, but in all meekness instruct them, and in wisdom watch over them, so you will know [Page 12] when to rebuke and when to cherish, when to correct, and when to spare, and the Rod will then fall in its right place, and in minding the Lord God, and receiving his Wisdom, with that Wisdom order your children, so you will have comfort in them, and they will bless you in time to come: but if you suffer it to be otherwise, you will have grief enough in your own dayes, and in time to come your children cannot remember you with joy, and that is a sad state every way. Therefore walk in the fear of the Lord God, and love the Light of Christ with which you are enlightened, and in the Light you will receive Wisdom, in which Wisdom is decency and good order every way, and in every place and this will be your peace, and your childrens happiness, and they will grow in Gods fear, and come up in his power, and so from Generation to Generation Righteousness will spring, and truth will spread abroad.
To Masters and Dames of Families.
RUle not in Lordship over such as are in place to serve you, but walk in wisdom to-towards them, and be tender over them in their places, that they may serve you with joy, and not with grief; and consider that God made of one blood all Nations, and such as have the lowest place distinguishable amongst men, if they walk in Gods fear, they are accepted of him; and you are not to exercise your selves in your own wills over them, though they be your servants, but are to order them in the wisdom of God, by which all things were made and created; in which wisdom you will see the use and service of all things which you have under your hands, and will see the Creation in its service in every place, and so come to know the end for which you have servants to serve you, and the service of that which you have to employ them in. And therefore let your care be to instruct your servants in the fear of God, for that is your right place as Masters and Dames, and keep them out of vanity, and in that let your care and diligence be manifested, for that is a good favour: And how do you wrong your servants and your selves [Page 14] by giving way to their liberty in vanity, for that causeth them to run out of the fear of God, and thereby wrongs themselves, and it causes your business to be neglected, which they ought to be carefull in; and when by their carelesness you see your business neglected, then your passion rises against them, and it may be hard words and speeches you may give them, and be full of fury and wrath, and thereby disturbs your own peace; and this is a great wrong to your selves, First, to have your business neglected, and Secondly, to have your peace disturbed, which by your timely care in your places, might both be prevented; for did you but stand in Gods wisdom, you would not let your servants run into vanity in any case, but keep them in obedience to your just commands, and in the fear of God to answer their places, and not suffer them to run into wildness, and sports, and plays, and upon those dayes in which they do not follow labour, to keep them in some good exercise in the fear of God, and in all things, and in every place, to inform them to the principle of God in them; that which reproves sin in the Conscience, that searcher which tryes the intents of the heart; this would bring them into stayedness, and soberness, and coolness, and keep them out of loosness and liberty at all times, and in every place, and when they were free from your labour, they would be exercising [Page 15] themselves in something that is good and wholsom, and walk in the fear of God, and not run into madness, and sports, and spend their time worse in those things, then if they were at labour: And what good doth the observation of those dayes, when they are observed in vanity and madness, and folly? had not servants better be at their honest labour, than be at foot-ball, and cudghils, and dancing, and revelling, and drinking in Ale-houses, and exercising themselves in all manner of vanity? Do they keep that day holy to the Lord, that practise such things? or do they not pollute it more then those dayes in which they follow their true labour? And is not these things generally practised upon the first dayes, which is called Sunday, or Sabbath-Day, or Lords-day? and is not more sin and vanity practised on that day, and that principally by servants and children, then all the six dayes besides? except some day that is observed as a Holy-day, in which ordinary labour ceasing, then vanity comes into agitation; and Masters and Dames not eying their servants in wisdom, and to keep them in some good exercise and practise, the minds of servants hunts after vanity, and they come together, and will say one to another, Come, What must we go do to day? And is not this a sad state, for a day to be observed as a holy day, and people knows not what [Page 16] to do upon that day? and so not kowning the good, they run into evil, and brings forth wicked practises after their own ungodly lusts, and some pleases themselves with one thing, and some with another, and so runs headlong into vanity; and then if you have but a little needful business to be done, your servants are to seek, and then it may be you are angry & frets against them, and charges them with carelesness and negligence, in your business; which in it self is true, but are not you your selves the greatest faulters, who keeps them not in subjection, to do those things which are good, and to follow that which is honest in the sight of all men; and is not labour an honest and a just thing in the sight of all men? and is not vanity the contrary? for when people are in their honest labour, they are bold, and cares not who sees them, but when they are in vanity, there is a shame comes upon them when sober people beholds them, and sometimes they lurk into secret places to be out of sight when they practise vanity. And doth not the observing such dayes after such a manner, do more hurt than good every way? is not both Masters and Servants wronged in the end of it, and the Creation burdened with it, and Gods Spirit grieved?
But some may say, If Servants have no liberty they would be discouraged and cast down, and their [Page 17] slavery would be great, if they were alwayes kept to hard labour.
This doth not diminish any thing from their liberty, but adds unto it, for that which is pretended for liberty proves their greatest bondage every way; and they are far more in bondage to their vanity, than to their labor, because the mind and delight being in it, they are not so well satisfied, as when they are in the practise of it, and if they be at any time restrained, then they are in great bondage and trouble, and so the unruly vain mind worketh over the good, and if it be not satisfied they are in bondage to their own heart, lusts; for by their vanity and wicked practises their souls are oppressed, and there is bondage within, and by the exercise of their bodies in vanity, they will be so wearyed, as somtimes they cannot follow their labour for some dayes after, and that is bondage to the body; then where stands their liberty, but in their vanity? and so uses their liberty as an occasion to serve the flesh; for if Masters and Dames did order their servants in Gods wisdom, and if servants were kept in the fear of the Lord God, then there would be as true liberty as any service might open for their liberty, and it would not stand in observing days or times, but as any needful occasion might offer it self, for the servants benefit, then they might have true [Page 18] liberty on their own behalf, and in their own business, as need required, and not be gainsayed, and they would not expect or desire any liberty beyond that, in any case, if they were but brought into Gods fear and good order; and they might then have liberty allowed them to serve the Lord, and to wait upon him, and to exercise themselves in the worship of his Spirit, at any time, or upon any day, as there might be occacasion; and not to keep a day as a holy day, and pretend a worship to God upon that day, and prophane that day, which they pretend to keep as holy, that is not good order nor decent; for to pretend the observation of a day, and a worship to God upon that day, and to go to a Steeple-house a few hours, and observe the practise of such Ceremonies as is there observed, and then to run into vanity and wickedness, the remaining part of the day, these things grieves the Lord from day to day.
Therefore you that have servants under you, First mind the principle of God in your selves, the Light of Christ Jesus in your Consciences, and receive the testimony of it, and do not gain-say its reproof in your selves, then you will know what to reprove in your servants; and coming to the Light of Christ in your selves, with the Light to be guided and ordered in your own particulars, then you will be good patterns and [Page 19] examples to your servants; for you being from that of God in your selves, which would guide you, and lead you into truth and righteousness, you become bad patterns to your servants: And how can you reprove or reform their evil practises in any place, when their eyes behold you in the practise of the same thing, which you in words may reprove in them? nay, many times you exceed them in vanity and profaneness, and so are out of order in your selves, not being guided by the Light which is pure: And who are convinced of profaneness, and in your selves are ordered into moderation and soberness, and have some desires after God, and sets up a practise in your Families, of reading or expounding Scriptures, and prayer, and singing David's Psalms, which you call Family Duties, Take heed you be not ensnared in that place, for there is a danger lyeth near, though your practise may have somthing of a shew of godliness in it, for though at first you may practise such things in some tenderness towards God, and perform them as necessary Duties, and in that place standing faithful to God in what is made manifest, and not a further manifestation opened to you, your practise is not condemned in that place; but this is the danger, when the observation of a practise centers the mind in the form of what is practised, and so in time is content [Page 20] with the observation of the form only; this is a place where many loses the life and the savour of it; and that which at first was truth in it self, in the manifestation and practice, doth in time become false, through the observation in the form only, and there the Kingdom of God is not found, nor true peace enjoyed.
But some may say, Is not Family Duties good Order?
Yes, they are so, but not as they stand in the observation of a form only, for such a practise may be observed and continued, when there is not any thing of God to move unto it; and that observation cannot then stand in the order of God, but in the disorderly part of mans own will, who sets his own time, and speak his own words, and in that performs somthing as a service unto God. Therefore who are in this state, and would have your Families come into good order in this place, keep your minds to the Spirit of God in you, and wait to know the motion of it, and it will shew you the time, and will give you words (if there be need) in the time, and will move to prayer as there is need, and will teach you how to pray, and what to ask, for the Spirit knows your infirmities, and makes intercession with groans many times, when never a word is spoken; and when the Spirit of God moves you to a Duty, either on your own [Page 21] behalf, or the behalf of your Family, in any place, then neglect not that time, but call your Family together, and sit down in Gods fear, and wait upon him, that in his spirit you may discharge your Duty; and then if any thing be out of order in your Families, by which you are grieved, there will be a word of Reproof given in the Spirit; or if there be need of Exhortation, the Spirit will give a word of Exhortation; and when it is a time of Prayer, the Spirit will move to prayer, and give words in Prayer: And this will stand in Gods order, and out of your own wills, and you will have comfort in it, and this will sweeten your Families, and make you a good savour in your places, and the Lord will be amongst you, and do you good.
So in all things mind that of God in you, the Light which shews sin in the Conscience, and reproves the evil-doer in all his wayes, that in the Light you may receive the wisdom that is pure, and in that wisdom to order all things you have in charge, to the glory and praise of Almighty God.
To Servants in their Places.
YOu that are called to serve, be you diligent in your places, and in all things, and in every place learn to serve the Lord, for that is good and acceptable with him; and if ye serve the Lord in singleness of heart, then you will discharge your duty in your places; and have regard to your places out of the eye-service, for if you onely serve well whilst your Masters eye behold you, that is but a service performed in awe to your Masters eye, and is no more but an eye-service; but if you mind the Principle of God, and stand in the fear of God, then will your care and diligence be to serve the Lord, and to serve your Masters as in the sight of God, for the Eye of the Lord is alwayes present and beholds you; and whether your Masters eye be over you, or absent from you, your care should be to serve the Lord, whose eye beholds you in all places, and at all times, and the intents of your hearts; and if you have thoughts at any time to neglect your Masters business, when you know that he is absent from you, is there not something in you at that time which doth manifest those thoughts unto you, and shews you that they are amiss? [Page 23] that is the light of Christ in your Consciences, and is alwayes present to behold whatever you intend; and if you be at any time neglecting your Masters business which you are intrusted withall, and that your Master come and find you so doing, are you not then judged in your selves, and stand guilty of your offence before your Master? and that which judges you and reproves you, is the Light of Jesus Christ in your Consciences, for you do bear judgment in that case, and are certainly reproved in your selves, though your Master speak not a word unto you; and unto that you are to keep your minds, that with it you may be guided in your service, and then there will be no need of your Masters eye, no fear of your Masters coming, for you will be found serving God in the Light, and in his fear you will be doing your Masters business, then you will stand clear before the Lord in all things, and there will be no shame come upon you, whosoever beholds you, or takes notice of you, for man needs never be ashamed before men, that stands approved unto God in what he doth; and if he do not stand approved unto God, then he hath a guilt upon him, and the witness of God condemns him in himself, then if men but look at him, the witness condemns him, and the shame comes over him, for he stands guilty [Page 24] before God though man cannot accuse him, and so in the Light you will be found serving the Lord, and doing your Masters business justly, truly, and faithfully, as in the sight of God, and as if your Masters eye were over you, and this will be a good savour both to God and honest men; but when your minds are from that of God in you, then carelesness and negligence attends your places, and whether you serve or serve not, you are not careful, or whether you labour or labour not, you do not much regard, if your Masters eye be not over you; and here you are out of your places, and with that of God in you, which is just and true, you will in that place be reproved, and you can never be just not true indeed, but as you come to the principle of God which is just and true, with that to be guided, which in all things you are to mind, for there is not any that either rule well, or serve faithfully, but such as come to be guided by the Light of Christ Jesus in themselves, and if you mind that when it doth at any time reprove you, then will Gods fear come to be placed in your hearts, and the awe of God will be over you, and that will keep you in carefulness and diligence, to serve God and please God, and your service to your Masters will be performed faithfully at all times, and in all places, whether your Masters [Page 25] be present or absent, and you will not need to use deceit to cover your faults from your Masters and Dames, but in singleness of heart approve your selves to God, in all things wherein your service lyes to your Masters; for when any fault is done by you for want of taking heed to the Light of Christ in you, and that the Light reprove you in your Consciences for it, and you with the Light come to see wherein you have done amiss, and that you have not performed your service faithfully to your Master; and when your Master comes to blame you for it, then to seek out covers by deceit, and to forge lyes for your own defence (though with the Light you see you have done amiss) this is a very great evil, because it doubles the offence in the sight of God; for first to do amiss, and then to seek a deceitful cover, and make lyes your refuge in that case, this is sharply reproved with that of God in you, which is just and true, and neither the first nor the second in which you can approve your hearts to God; though by deceit and lyes you may blind your Masters eyes, and keep your selves from blame as unto him, yet the Lord beholdeth you, and you cannot cleare your selves before him: And this is weighty on your parts who are called to serve, and then take heed of vanity in every place, and do not use your liberty when you [Page 26] have it to satisfie the flesh, nor do not seek to please your selves in foolish sports, but in the fear of the Lord improve your time in his service, and when at any time you have liberty from your labour, then be serious in your minds, and take heed to that of God in you, and consider for what end that time is allowed you, that when you have it, you may improve it in some holy exercise, according to what you know, and not to spend it in Ale-houses, and in sports and pleasures; and in the Light read the Scriptures, you that can read, and wait to understand them, and meditate upon the good things of God, and consider what you are in your selves withour Christ, and what your end will be if you dye in sin, and in the Light waiting, whether you can read Scriptures or no, your minds will be kept to God, and you will redeem the time which you have vainly spent: and do not close with traditions in any place, but joyn to the Spirit of God in your selves, and in that worship God, and serve God, and serve your Masters faithfully in your places, and be content with such things as are provided for you, grudge not at your meat nor drink, nor strive not after costly apparrel, but having food and raiment be therewith content, and be not sloathful in your business, but with a ready mind answer your places diligently, and cheerfully, so will you be a [Page 27] good savour in your places, and you will have comfort in the end: And be subject to your Masters commands in all things that are just, knowing that you are to serve; and do not aspire into equality with your Masters, for that brings up pride and haughtiness, and is foolishness; nor do not contemn any business, as below you, but stoop down to the lowest, and do it willingly, if you be ordered to do it; and do not seek after new places, and fresh services, that will draw you into a restless state, and finding some differences in places, your eye will be towards that where you have best pleased your selves, and when you meet with any thing contrary in another place, then you are displeased with that, and then is ready to say, it is but a Year; and so your minds are gone from your place, before you be well come to it, and carelesness comes upon you, and your Masters service is neglected by you; and here you are not right in your places, but unsetled, and unstayed, and so would every year be removing, if not sooner, and wandring and trying; and this is a giddy head that runs out of the fear of God; for if you come to the Light of Christ in your Consciences, and come to walk in the Truth, you will be setled and stayed, and where you come to be placed you will not have a desire to remove, but to observe your [Page 28] place diligently and carefully, and let not your minds look out for ease in any place, so that you be not oppressed above your strength, for many do themselves wrong by looking out for ease, and so refuse service wholly, though able to perform it, and so falls into a way of labour of their own industry, and provides for themselves at their own hand; and this is something that would not be under command, but would be at liberty, and at ease, which doth not answer the Light of Christ, neither stands approved by it. So wait for Gods wisdom, that with it you may be guided to stand and serve in your places unto which you are called, and depart not from the Counsel of the Lord.
To Aged People.
GRavity is comely and honourable, it is worthy to be respected and reverenced, but if you count your gravity from your gray hairs onely, then you err in judgment, and do not understand what gravity is; and from hence many are accounted grave men, and do account themselves so to be, because they have passed over many years, and by the course of nature their hairs are changed gray, and they are come into an aged state, and so you would be respected and honoured because of your gray hairs, and because of the multitude of your years, and do esteem your selves to be the chiefest in wisdom, and of the deepest understanding, and of the greatest knowledge to order things aright.
Now this is not the thing which makes you grave, or sets you in a right capacity for true order; for an old man may have a strong will to advance something in his own eyes, and to set up something from his own apprehensions, and from this ground in himself he would not meet with an opposer, for he counts himself grave and wise, and of a deep understanding, and if any thing meet his will in opposition, then [Page 30] he is displeased, and the fretting froward nature rises in the passion; and this manifests that he hath not the Wisdome of God, that is peaceable, and so is not in the true gravity, nor in that which gives sound counsel, which is grave and honourable.
Therefore I write unto you old men, who have passed over many yeares, and now draw nigh to finish your dayes, and yet know not the true gravity, though you be full of gray haires for gravity is in the sound and perfect wisdom of God, by which wisdom all things were made and created, and in that is the ancien [...] of dayes sitting, and there is gravity, in the Life, and the Power, and the Wisdom which created all things in right order, and beheld them very good, in that is the gravity and the sound wisdom; therefore unto that yo [...] must all come, who yet do not know it, that you may feel the ancient of dayes sitting in you [...] with his Wisdom to guide you, then will tru [...] gravity beautifie you, and make you honourable in your latter dayes, in which gray haires over spread you; for look back to the beginning of your time, and behold the swiftness of the years that are past, and consider whether you have assurance of Gods Salvation in your latter dayes, and whether you be redeemed out of the world, with all the vain customs and traditions [Page 31] that be in the world, and whether you have Everlasting Peace sealed unto you in the Covenant of God: Consider this with your selves, and be serious, for it is high time for you to awake, and that the time past of your lives may suffice, in which you have wrought the will of the Gentiles, and that now you may come to redeem the time which you have spent, for many of you have spent much time, but few amongst you that hath redeemed it, and through the custom which you have observed in your time, you are bound up in what you practise, and it is a very hard thing to pluck up your root, because it had a long time to spread it self in the bottom, and it is very hard to cut down your branches, they have had so long time to grow in strength; and you having seated your selves in the depths of customes and formality, it is a very hard thing to remove you out of your habitations, and you have much to say in your own defence, and can plead the antiquity of your standing, and the multitude of your years, and so you would uphold such things as hath been accustomed to you, and you can hardly believe that any other thing can be so right and good as what you practise, and you fear your selves in this perswasion, because you are old men, and so you love your Church, and you love your Ministry, and you love your [Page 32] worship, & you can plead antiquity in your years, and for your practises, and can say, thus it hath been all my time; but consider your present time, and how it is with you now, for many years may bring many things to pass, and that which seemed right in the beginning, may prove wrong before the end, and so you may erre in your observations and customs, for God is not limited to time or person, but manifests himself after the good pleasure of his own will, and you are to mind the present manifestation of God in you, and in that wait to know the mind of God in your present day, for regeneration must be wrought in you, or you cannot have a part in Gods Kingdom; and it is a little child that is heir of the Kingdom, a child born again not of flesh, nor of blood nor of the will of man, but of God, and the child is the heir, and was before your dayes, though many years you have passed over; for before Abraham was, I am, saith Christ, who is the first and the last; and here is Christ before you, and Christ after you, and without Christ your dayes will end in sorrow, and your latter end will be grief.
Therefore come to his Light with which you are enlightned, the Light that manifests your sin, and reproves you for your observed traditions, and wait to recieve Christ in his [Page 33] Light, and do not cast his reproof behind you, then will you know the ancient of dayes, who is the first, and he will be born a little child who is the heir of promise, and of the Kingdom, and life without end; and this is gravity, when Christ ruleth in man, and his wisdom governs man, then are gray hairs made comely, but it is the wisdom which is honourable, and the fullness of this age will end in joy and peace. Therefore mind your day, which at the longest is but very short, and think not to say with your selves, we have lived many years, and we have seen many things, and we hope that God will shew mercy, this will not be a sufficient stress to uphold you; nay though you may say you believe in Christ, and that he is your Saviour, yet in your latter end he will not stand by you, whose works deny him, for he is pure, and holy and righteous altogether, and there is no unclean thing can come into his Kingdom; therefore you must deny your old things, and your ancient customs, which you have lived in after the flesh, and believe in the Light and Power of Christ, in which Power a new birth is born to inherit the Kingdom, and except ye enter the Kingdom of God as a little child, you can in no wise come therein: So you must believe in the Power of Christ manifest in you, which is a reproving Principle in your Consciences, and [Page 34] checks you for evil thoughts, words and deeds and by believing in the Power, the times past will dye, and all the observations and old customs will dye, and the world and all the things that are in it will dye, and all your old affections and lusts which you have loved and delighted in, in the world, they will all dye, and a new life you will then know in Christ, and his life and his wisdom will cloath you, and then you will know the first, who is the antient of dayes to sit in you, and by his wisdom governing, and that is gravity which is honourable: So spend not your dayes any longer in customs and traditions, but make haste and redeem them, and delay not to turn to the Light in your Consciences, the next reproof which you will certainly feel, the next evil thought you think, or word you speak, or deed which you do; and by turning to the Light, and obeying the Light, you will come to receive Gods wisdom, and in that to order all things to his glory, and so to be a good savour to God, and leave a good savour behind you when your dayes are finished, for the eyes of many are upon you, because you are old men; and if any miscarriage come to pass by you, or any thing be acted or done that is amiss in any place, then many receive strength in the same thing, and are encouraged to practise it, because they have observed the [Page 35] same thing to be done by you; and this doth not honour your gray hairs, when you are a bad savour in your generation; but it brings a stain and a blot upon your name, and you will pass away with an ill savour. So in all things be circumspect, and redeem your time, for you have but a little, that you may finish with joy.
To such as live a Single Life.
SIngleness is a good state, and in that state Temptations may be resisted as easily▪ as in any state whatsoever out of the Life, and they that walk in the Light, and with the Light, are kept single every way; they may receive much peace and satisfaction in their condition, for there is not such a necessity of outward care lies upon a single life, as upon such who are outwardly joyned; and so Temptations may be the more easily resisted in many places; for Temptations come the strongest when the mind is cumbred in much carefulness; and there is an opportunity in that place for darkness to strike in and enter, and to be amongst the multitude of thoughts, and in thoughts cumbred in [Page 36] caring, in that place Temptations lye neer, and proffer themselves unto that part which is cumbred in the care; and it is a common thing amongst people that are not redeemed, nor have not faith in God, nor cast not their care upon God in every condition, to let forth their minds into much carefulness, and so into the cumber; and in that place they are rowled up and down in the cares of this life; and it is much nearer unto a people who are outwardly joyned, and have Families of children to provide for, then it is to those that live a single life; so that a single life is outwardly the freest state, as it stands related to its own singleness, yet not such a state as can be said is wholly free from Temptations, but lyes exposed to many dangers and snares, notwithstanding it may be a single life in its own relation outwardly, and is a state which may be passed more easily through than a joyned state; yet such have need to set their watch in the Light, lest their enemy steal upon them unawares, that whilst they serve themselves through their singleness, he do not come upon them another way; for if they stand free from care in relation to their singleness, which is a state that few come unto; but if it be so with any, and that Temptations do not point at carefulness, yet they may point at ease and security, and [Page 37] there may be a sitting down in an easeful state; and being well provided for in the outward, and having enough on that hand, and no charge to look after, or to take care for, there may be a sitting down in a secret joy of their own happiness. And now mark, though Temptations do not here point at carefulness, yet they point at security and ease, and being joyned unto on that hand, there is a sitting down in the fulness of what is possessed outwardly; and so no exercise in the mind, either by faith in God, or trust in him, but an easeful state, in which state God is the soonest forgotten; and in this place people may sit, and not have God in all their thoughts; and therefore it is not how a single-life stands in relation to it self, but how it stands in relation to God; for it may be single in relation to it self, and yet in that state falls into the greatest snares, and entanglements: and where there is a full state in a single life, the mind not being redeemed out of the world, there is a Temptation lyes in that place; and that part which is alive to the World, that part would heap up the Worlds Riches, though such a one do not know who shall possesse them; and in this place a single life may be deeply entangled in the World with the care and deceitfulness of Riches, [Page 38] and then by Riches and Wealth there is a seeking after honour and esteeme amongst men, and to be honoured because there is fulness of Riches, and that exalteth into pride and haughtiness, and there may be also in such a one an eye open towards a joyned state; and by his Wealth and Riches so gathered, he would be accepted into an answerable Condition of the same, and so through his single life, is seeking advancement into a Joyned state; and this is a great evil and bondage: So a Single life may run as far from the Kingdom of God, as those that are Joyned together, and have Children and Families to provide for; and it is not how any man or woman stands related to a Condition outwardly that makes them accepted of God, but how they stand to God with their hearts and minds in every condition: So all that be in a Single life outwardly are to be careful how they stand in relation to God, and how their minds are exercised, and in what; that whilest they are Single in relation to the outward, they do not fall under the powers of darkness within, and so be taken and snared with their minds amongst many entanglements, and yet look at themselves to be freest in their Single life; for that which makes all people happy, and every condition [Page 39] sweet, is to answer the Light of Christ Jesus manifest in their Conscience, and then however they stand in relation to an outward state, they will have peace with God, and comfort in their places; and whether Joyned or Single, the fulness of the Lord God will measure forth a portion unto such, and they will possess his blessing both inwardly and outwardly; so to be Single to God in the Light is a joyful state.
And all you that are Single in your life as to the outward, and are in some places freed from cares and cumbers, which some that are Joyned may be in; take heed of ease, and take heed of covetousness, and pride, and turn your minds to the Light of Christ Jesus in your Consciences, and with the Light you will see that you have need to be careful, and to be watchful; for except you be Regenerated and born again, you are at as great a distance from the Kingdom of God as those that are Joyned; but if you come to the Light and Power of God, with the Power to be born again, then you will come into Freedom by the Son, and will be free indeed; and then will your hearts and minds stand Single to God, and your care and confidence will be cast upon God▪ and his Power, and Life, and Wisdom will cloath you; [Page 40] and you will then be a good savour in your places, and will be ready to do good with that you have, and to honour God with what he gives you; and so a Single life in the outward, and a Single mind to God in the inward, may here clap hands with Joy: and whether Single or Joyned, or how people may stand related to such outward states, that doth not put a difference to the inward Joy, and Peace, and Comfort of the Lord; but being faithfull to the Light, and walking in the Light and Fear of the Lord, and so to be born of the Seed Immortal of God, there is a Single, upright, innocent mind known, and whether outwardly Joyned, or Single, the Seed of God is felt, in which is the Blessing.
To Young People.
YOung Men and Women, the prime of your dayes are now present with you, and the dayes past you cannot call again, nor the dayes to come you know not; and now as you have a present time, and a present day, mind the Lord God, and his fear, that the dayes to come may not slip away from you, and end in sorrow; for though you be naturally in full strength, and in the prime of your dayes, yet the Lord can cut you down in a moment, and bring your dayes suddenly to an end, for he is God, and there is not another, it is he that formed you in the womb, and hath brought you forth in your Generation, and hitherto hath prolong'd your days; and he hath not only brought you forth in a natural Generation, but he hath also placed in you a measure of Light that is pure of himself, and is immortal, which in your Consciences doth manifest it self in brightness, and is a true and faithfull witness for God: And this hath the Lord God done for you, and therein his love is manifest unto you; and you are to mind that principle of God which is pure, above all things, and to keep your minds stayed in it, and when you are reproved with it, then do not start aside, but close in with it; and with its light you may behold your selves amiss, for as your minds are [Page 42] from that of God in you, you are exercising your full strength in vanity, and spending the prime of your dayes in folly; and the further you go forward in that path, the longer will be your return, and the sharper will be your judgment. And what profit doth vanity bring you, when you have been in the mirth of it one day? doth it not pass away from you the next day? and do you not feel that reproof overtakes you, and that the witness of God in your Conscience smites you, and you many times are brought to mourn in secret? and doth not your joy and mirth in vanity here end in sorrow? for being in your full strength, you pursue vanity with eagerness, and you sport your selves as if you could never sport enough, and the diversities of vanity your minds run into; and with such things you grieve the Lord.
Therefore consider your day and your present time, and spend not your full strength in vanity, and say in your hearts, God shall have our latter Age; but this is our prime time, and if we do not now rejoyce and be merry, we shall never have such a time again. This is your own way, and you please your selves in it, but know, that for all these things God will bring you to judgment. And what if he cut you down in your full strength, and in the height of your vanity? then as Death leaves you, Judgment will find [Page 43] you, and in the grave there is no Repentance.
Therefore, young people, Consider your present day, and let all your vanity go, it will never bring comfort in the latter end; and to live in that, and please your selves in that, which will not give you peace in the end, what is the profit you reap by it? Surely no more but the satisfying of your vain minds, which God will judge, and that is a sad state: And now your full strength being naturally upon you, and the bad nature being at liberty in you, you must needs run in the swiftest stream of vanity, and that mind seeks to please it self, and to behold it self in the excellency of its own form; and so you adorn your bodies with costly apparel, and broidered hair, and many foolish, needless things, which are of no use nor service, but to please your haughty minds.
Therefore, Young people; Remember your Creator in the dayes of your youth, and whilst you be in your full strength, give up your selves to serve the Lord, and turn to the Light with which you are enlightned, and be obedient unto the Light in all things, and when it reproves your vanity in any place, then love it, and part with your vanity for it, that you may walk in it, and that will reform your wayes and doings whereever they are amiss, and will do you good in your latter end; and by loving the Light, and [Page 44] denying your selves to your vanity & pleasures, the Light will lead you and guide you in a way that you do not know, a way of true Joy and Peace, where no unclean thing can walk: And this will do you good, and in the Light you will have an understanding given to discern thing [...] that be amiss in every place, and you will come to see, that those customs your Parents trained you up in, and taught you to observe, that they are all vain, and not worthy to be observed and so wherein you have been amiss, in the vain Customs and Traditions; if you love the Light it will reform your wayes and your doings, where they are amiss, and that will dye which you have observed out of the Truth, in any Custome or Tradition which you have been accustomed to, and have been taught by your Parents to observe; for many young people that comes into such a custome of things in their infancy, being taught to observe them by their Parents, that in their youthful dayes they are natural to them in practise; and so young people are much wronged in their infancy, whilst they are not capable of any more then what they receive from others, and follows that in the custom and practise as a right thing, and so walks by the Traditions received from their Fathers, and not after Christ the Light, the Truth, the Power and Wisdom of God: And therefore [Page 45] young people, take heed to the Light, for that is the thing you must all come unto, if you come unto God, and depart out of all your vain customes, and fashions, and traditions, your pride, and vanity, and false worships, and learn of Christ who is meek and lowly, that he may baptise you into his Death while you are young, and that he may raise you up in his Life to bear witness to his Name in your Generation; so you will be a Generation in time to come, and will be good patterns in your places to the young Generations that are to succeed you: And as evil hath entred by disobedience, and flows into Generations as a natural stream in vanity, in Customs and Traditions, so by Christ Jesus righteousness may spring and flourish, and flow in from Generation to Generation; and then will all Generations be blessed in their Generation, and have the power and presence of God amongst them. So you coming to be ordered in Gods Wisdom in your Generation, and walking in meekness and humbleness of mind in your Generation, and in love and peace unto all people, you will then be a sweet savour in your Generation, and your savour will descend to Generations to come, and then will the Lord delight in you, and multiply your Peace and Joy, and fill you with his blessing. So young people, fear the Lord God in your day and time, that it may be well with you in your latter end.
To Children.
LIttle Children, there may be many of you at present, who are not capable to receive Information, which in time may grow into that state, as to be sensible of your conditions; and as you that are not now capable do come into a capacity, let your minds be kept to that of God in you, so will you in your day come to the truth, and walk in the truth with those, which in this present time are in a capacity to be informed into it, and are made willing to receive it; for, Children, there is but one Truth, and that Truth is Christ Jesus, who through all Generations is the same, and the Truth is the Way to God, and leads to God; and so Christ Jesus is the Light, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and there is none comes to the Father, but by him; and Christ saith, Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly, and you shall find rest for your souls. So you must mind the Light with which Christ enlightens you, which Light is in your Consciences, and with its Light it will let you see when you think any bad thoughts, or speak any bad words, or when you do any thing amiss, if you tell a lye it will shew it unto you; if you swear, it will let you see that you have done [Page 47] amiss; if you be angry, or froward, or perverse, or hasty, the Light will let you see that you should not do such things, and will make them manifest unto you to be evil; then when you see the evil with the Light, love the Light that shews it; and if you love the Light, the Light will guide you, and lead you in the way of peace; and if you keep your mind unto it, and love it, then you will not walk in darkness, nor run into the evil deeds of darkness; and this will be your peace. And upon the first dayes, which the Heathen calls Sunday, do not run into wicked practises, but seeing it is a day in which people do not follow their labours, be careful that in keeping of it, you keep it to the Lord; and take your books, and read in that which is good, you that can read; and when you do not read, and you that cannot read, keep quiet, and be still, and sit in the fear of God, and do not run into vain sports, which upon that day is practised and observed, for then you will grieve God that made you, and he will correct you as disobedient children: And when you read the Scriptures, read them in the fear of God, and not with a vain mind, and wait to understand what you read, for the Scriptures was given forth from the Spirit of God, and you cannot understand them, though you read them, and get them as they are in words into your Memory, but as you [Page 48] come to a measure of the Light and Spirit of God in your selves, which is the same in you, according to measure, as was in them that gave the Scriptures forth; for the Scriptures, which from the Spirit of God was given forth, they are true and faithful sayings of the holy men of God, who knew God in his power, and in his life, and in his wisdom. But children, the Scriptures are spoken to divers states, and lyeth in divers administrations, and yet all from one Spirit given forth; and as you read in places, then consider with your selves, what that administration is in it self, and unto what state it is spoken, and whether you can witness that state in your selves; and as you read in the Light, and wait in the Light, the Scriptures will open to you, and you will come to know the Scriptures fulfilled in you, and then you will understand them, and have comfort in them, or otherwise they will not do you any good to read them. So when you read any place of Scripture then weigh it well in your minds, and consider, whether that Scripture be fulfilled in you, and how your state standeth in relation to that state which the Scripture speaks of: for you may read in the Scripture, that it is said, Remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth; then consider that Scripture well, and examine your selves, and try whether you remember your Creator; [Page 49] or forget him, for if you do evil, then you forget your Creator; if you do not walk in his fear, you do not remember him; if you tell a lye, or be froward, or sport your selves in vanity, you do not then remember your Creator, and you erre from that Scripture, and from the Spirit that gave it forth; and then what good will the Scripture do you to read it? for people have read them, and heard them, and the Priests have been giving meanings to them long enough; but what better are such for reading and hearing them, or for the Priests meanings either concerning them, who are from the Spirit in themselves, from which they were given forth, and so knows not the fulfilling of them. And you may read in the Scriptures, that Christ said, I am the Light of the World; he that follows me shall not abide in darkness. Then consider where you are, for if you be come to the Light, and follow the Light, then you dare not lye, nor swear, nor be froward, nor proud, nor heady, nor vain in any thing; for if you live in such things, you are in darkness, and under the Power of the Devil, and doth not follow Christ the Light: then what good will the reading of the words do you? or what is the profit which you reap by reading the Scriptures, and to read that Christ hath spoken such words, and to have a belief in you that the words are true, and you [Page 50] your selves be in darkness, and under the condemnation of the Light, because you do not follow it? you have no profit at all by reading the Scriptures. Again, you may read in the Scriptures, that Christ saith, Learn of me, I am meek and lowly. Now if you be heady and hafty, then you do not learn of Christ; so you are from both the Scripture and the Spirit; then what do you profit by reading them? And so of all the rest of the Scriptures in their places. Wait to understand the administration and the condition, and not only how it might lye to others then, but how it lyes to you now; for the Scriptures saith God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Now there is two states spoken of in those words, and also two administrations, the one of resisting, and the other of giving, for God resisteth the one, and gives grace to the other: So to understand this in your selves; for if you be proud, and exalted in your minds, and make your selves merry over the witness of God, then doth God resist you in that state, and you cannot come unto him, but lyes under the administration of his Justice, and under the condemnation of his Power; but if you be humble-minded, and bow to the Light, and obey the Light, then God will give his grace unto you, and you will be partakers of the administration of his grace, and his grace will save you from the Devils [Page 51] power, for pride is the Devils work; [...] soever your minds do advance into; or are lifted up in, wherein you seek any glory or praise to your selves, that is the work of the Devil, and is resisted of God; but your minds being kept humble before God, that is his own work, and he doth not resist that, but gives his grace freely to it, and his grace saveth; and then you will know that Scripture fulfilled in you, where it is written, By grace ye are saved, through faith So by believing in the Light, the mind with the Light is kept humble to God, and he gives his grace, and by grace is Salvation known through Faith; and then you will come to know that Scripture fulfilled, where it is written, He that Believeth is saved; for your belief standing in the Light, and you coming to obey the Light, as it manifests it self in your Consciences, then you come out of darkness, and out of sin, and so from under the Devils power, and follows Christ your Saviour; then you will know Christ to be your leader; for if you obey his Light, and follow his Light, then he becomes your leader; and you will come to see what he turns your minds from, and what he leads you out of, and also what he turns your minds into, and what way he leads you in.
(So mark children,) when you are in sin and vanity, the Light of Christ doth secretly check [Page 50] [...] [Page 51] [...] [Page 52] [...] [...]ove you; then standing still in obedience to the Light which reproves you, the Light turns your minds from the sin, and from the vanity, and gathers your minds to it self, in which there is no sin; then you yielding to the drawings of the Light, and loving the Light, it leads you out of that which it doth reprove you for, and so you come from under the condemnation, and receives the mercy, and the Light leads you into holiness and goodness, and justifies you. So Christ turns from the sin, and then leads out of the sin, if you yield your selves to obey him; and he also turns to that which is good, and leads to the enjoyment of it. And this is the way of peace, and this is the way where the truth is found, and where life and durable riches are possessed; and in this state you will know Christ the Light, the Way, the Truth, and the Life; then you will know that which is good, and will live in that which is good; and then you will be servants unto God, and not servants to the Devil; and then God will love you Children, and he will shew you favour; for all that live in sin, are servants to the Devil; all that are proud, and heady, and high-minded, all Drunkards, and Swearers, and Lyars, and prophane persons, all that sports, and playes, and follow; vanity, they are all servants of the Devil, and that is his work they are doing, and rejoycing [Page 53] in, and such are out of the favour of God: But all that obey the Light, when for such things it doth reprove them, and with the Light comes to be drawn out of them, then they depart out of such evils, and cannot serve the Devil any longer, but yields themselves servants to obey Christ, and follows Christ, and he leads them in humility and lowliness of mind, and he teacheth them to be sober, and to speak truth, and to do justly, and to walk always in fear before him: And when you come into this state, then you are servants of Christ, and knows his power that hath redeemed you from under the power of the Devil, and so you come from darkness to the Light, and from the power of Satan to God; and then you know that Scripture fulfilled in you, and are come to the power which remits your sin unto you; for Children, you are conceived in sin; and though you may not have committed much sin actually, because many of you are young in years, and in the state of infancy, yet you bring the Root of sin with you into the world; (mark,) the Root of sin is in you from your natural conception, and as you grow in your natural state; from that root are all the evil branches nourished, and so springs up, and is manifested by you, and then sin is actually committed by you, and the guilt comes upon you, which before you was clear of, though the [Page 54] root of sin was in you. All people that are out of the truth, may learn what this means, though it be written to children; for sin lies in the root from your conception; and then you coming to be acted by the Devil, who in that root is lodged, you actually commit sin, and comes under condemnation; and by how much you actually commit sin, by so much the more doth the body of it grow and increase, and the greater the body grows, the harder it is to be broken.
Therefore, little children, I write unto you in much love, because many of you are yet innocent, and knows not your right hand from your left, that you in time may be careful, for in your tender years you are as young Plants, easily bended, but growing up into a fuller strength, you will not so easily be made subject; for if you come to be wrapped into the root of sin, and delight your selves in the action of it, there will be sharper Judgment from the power of God rise against you, and be executed upon you and greater will your condemnation be; for, as I said before, that the greater the body of sin is, the greater will be the Judgment, and it will fall with a greater weight upon you, and the hand of the Lord will be more sharp in severity against you. So do not increase your own burdens, by increasing the body of sin, for every sin actually committed by you doth add to the body of it; [Page 55] but whilst you are young and tender, mind the Light of the Lord God, and his power in you, and you will be kept clean in your infancy, and so come to be planted into the Root of Life, whilst you are young, and be nourished in the love of God, and spring up as tender plants in the hand of God, and he will beautifie you with the holiness of his Life, whilst you are young, and you will be unto the Lord a chosen Generation, and Generations to come will call you blessed.
And so, Children, mind the Love of God, for God hath much love unto you, for you are not so much defil'd with sin, as many others in whom the body of sin standeth; and the Lord would not have you to commit sin, and to defile your selves with it; but his love is to you in Christ Jesus the Light, that you might be cleansed whilst you are young, & be kept clean throughout your dayes; and if you mind the Lord, he will do you good, and make you a blessing in his hand, and you will be a good savour in your present Generation, and so truth and righteousness will naturally flow unto Generations to come, and the Seed of the Evil-doer with his evil branches will be plucked up, and rooted out, and the pure Seed of God will spring and increase, and bring forth its natural fruit of holiness, and mercy, and all goodness; and the glory [Page 56] of it will spread abroad through Generations, and it will become a covering over the earth, as waters cover the Sea. And now, children, you being carefull to walk in the fear of God, as you are brought forth in your natural Generation, so to pass your dayes in all humility and fear, that your favour may be sweet in your Generation, and that the end of your dayes may close in the righteousness and holiness of God, that the next Generation which is to come may feel the sweetness of your savour, and that you may leave a sweet savour behind you in the Life of God.
So little children, I have briefly informed you in many places, and in much plainness I have spoken truth to your capacities, that you may feel the Witness of God in your own Consciences give an answer, which if you take heed unto you will do well; therefore be carefull, and the Lord God Almighty give you an understanding in all things, that you may be a sweet savour to God, and honour God throughout your dayes; so he will make you children of his Kingdom, and heirs of his blessing for ever.
To such as are in outward Government.
THe Wisdom of God was the first in Government, and by Wisdom the whole Creation was brought forth in a holy Order, and by Wisdom was governed in its created state, and the whole Universe stood subjected in that state unto Wisdom's Government, and there was no disorder nor confusion throughout the whole body of the Creation, but every thing as it was brought forth in Wisdom's time and order, so it was subjected under the power of Wisdom's Government; but when man degenerated from the Wisdom of God, by which all things were made and created, then he went from under the power of Wisdom's Government in himself, and became actually disposed in his own wisdom, and thereby lost his Dominion in Gods Wisdom: And this was his fall, he fell from the Wisdom above, that is pure, into the wisdom below, that is earthly, and sensual, and devilish; and there the disorder came into him, which by his own wisdom he could not rectifie. And since the orderly Government of Wisdom hath been lost, there hath been disorder [Page 58] order amongst the Sons of men, and so there hath been a setting up of some, who have been appointed for the work of Government, and to rule with their power to keep order amongst men, and to keep them in peace one amongst another, and to preserve every man every way in his proper state wherein he outwardly is placed: And in this place Moses was appointed and set to govern Israel in the Wisdom of God; and it is said, that Moses was the meekest man upon the earth, and he governed Israel in meekness, and in wisdom, and was a Magistrate for good unto them; and the Law that was given him of God, he was faithfull in the execution of it, and the transgressor came under his power, and the righteous was set free, for the Law was not made for them, neither did Moses execute it upon them. And in those dayes true Justice had a free course from the wisdom of God in Moses, and he was a praise to them that did well, and a terror to the evil-doers: And here he had the Sword placed in his right hand, and it went over the head of the transgressor, and brought the transgressor into subjection: And this was true Judgment, and righteous, and the execution of the righteous Law, stood in the righteous principle of God, which principle did endue Moses with wisdom and with meekness to govern. And the Scriptures mention divers Governments, [Page 59] which in Ages past have been set over the people, and some of them ruled in righteousness, and under them the people had peace; and some that ruled in cruelty, and in their dayes the people had trouble; and such Rulers turned against the righteous, whom they should have protected; and then there was a complaint that justice was turned backward, and equity could not enter, and that justice was fallen in the streets, and that the righteous was become a prey; (Mark,) the righteous was become a prey, and such were wicked that made a prey upon the righteous. And these things came to pass, either as the Rulers received the wisdom of God, or contemned it; for without the wisdom of God, it is not possible that any should rule for God, or should decree judgment in righteousness, or minister it with a good understanding; for Solomon, who was endued with wisdom, and ruled in wisdom, whose Memory doth not perish, but is a good savour this day, he saith, The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth do I hate. Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding, I have strength. By me Kings reign, and Princes decree Justice; by me Princes Rule, and Nobles, even all the Judges of the earth. I love them that love me, and all that seek me early shall find me, Prov. 8. Now [Page 60] mark, the fear of the Lord is the first step into true Government, and the fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way; so both the evil, and the evil way must be hated But where such are in Government as do practise evil, and delights in evil, and walks in the evil way, and in pride, and arrogancy, then they do not walk in the fear of the Lord, and so are not come into the first step of true Government, for such cannot have the counsel, nor found wisdom, nor understanding, nor strength, and such can never be a terrour to the evil-doers, who love the evil way themselves; neither can they be a praise to them that do will, until they hate the evil, and the evil way in themselves. So it is the weighty matter to get wisdom; and wisdom proffers her self in kindness to all that seek her early, and makes a promise that she will be found of such; They that seek me early shall find me; I love them that love me: This is Wisdom's voyce, but the evil-doers regard it not, neither do they seek her, or love her; for, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil: Then where the evil is loved and practised, where pride and arrogancy is advanced, wisdom is not sought nor regarded; and such cannot decree and establish their Laws in righteousness, for in wisdom alone is the true Order [Page 61] and Government, it is by Wisdom that Kings Reign, and Princes Decree Justice.
So all ye Rulers, by what name soever distinguished, Let it be your care and diligence to get Wisdom, seeing that without Wisdom no Decree can stand approved unto God; and therefore its of the greatest concernment to get Wisdom; for Riches and Honour are with Wisdom, yea durable Riches and Righteousness; her fruit is better than Gold, and her revenues than choice Silver; she leads in the way of Righteousness, (Mark) Wisdom leads in the way of Righteousness, and in the midst▪ of the paths of Judgment, that she may cause those that love her to inherit substance, and fill their treasures: And here is Wisdom, and her portion to her children, a portion that is durable and Everlasting; and this is a flourishing state, and a standing Government; but without Wisdom every Throne stands unstedfast, and all Nations are like the waves of many waters.
Therefore ye Rulers, Consider, and lay it to heart, both all that are present, and all that are to come, for this is to Generations; and you that are present mind your day, time is precious, and but a little remains unto you; therefore turn to that of God in you, for you cannot be free from its Reproof; it is a Principle that [Page 62] doth not respect your persons, for it is in it self the most Worthy, Noble, and Honourable, and no man is truly Honourable but in it, though outwardly he may be set on high; it doth not regard any man for his greatness, but Reproves him for his sin, how Mighty soever he be amongst men; this Principle which is of God in man, hath a sure Testimony against that man which doth evil, and faithfully reproves him in his Conscience without regarding his greatness: And this is the Light of Jesus Christ, with which you are enlightned, the Light that is present with you every where and in every place, beholds your thoughts when you are upon your Thrones; and when you are together in Counsels, and upon your Seats of Judgment, the Light is with you and amongst you, and is in your Consciences a Witness for God, and if you err from it your Decrees can never be established, for there is nothing can stand but that which is of God; and from hence proceeds the works of mens own Wisdom, who Decrees Statutes, and executes Judgment, and not in the Counsel of God, their power and strength hath been overturned, and their Decrees hath come to nought; and so shall it be henceforth and for ever, saith the Lord, who doth all these things.
Therefore if you desire that your work may [Page 63] stand, and that it may not be rooted out and come to nought, then mind the Light of Christ in your Consciences, in which Light the Wisdom of God is received, and you minding the Light with the Light to be guided, it will lead you in the way of sound Judgment, and bring forth Truth and Righteousness, which God is setting up, and with his Arm defends it; and so in the Wisdom of God you will stand in your right places to Rule; for the Counsel of the Lord is amongst such as receive his Wisdom, and he gives his Counsel in his Wisdom; but such as are out of the fear of God, they are far off from Wisdom's path, and so cannot walk in the way of true Judgment; and such as do not hate the evil, and the evil way, but loves the evil, and the evil way, and the evil-doer, they are far off from Wisdom's path, and have more need to be Ruled, than to be Rulers, for they can never Decree Judgement in Righteousness, nor Minister it in Truth; then the Sword goes backward every way, and turns against such as it should protect, and protects such as it should fall upon, and so both the Decreers and Administrators are out of Wisdom's path, and can never keep good order under their Government; and though some Decrees might formerly stand right in their places, as they were Decreed in relation to an outward [Page 64] Government, and at that time might be justly executed upon such as were principally intended; yet the execution of such Laws now may be perverted, and by those that are to Minister them may be wrested out of their proper place; and when the Ministers of such Lawes do put them in Execution, touching any matter which may relate to the Consciences of people, though that Law may stand right in its place, as it was Decreed, yet the Execution of that Law otherwise ministred, than by that Law was intended, that Execution and Judgement doth not run in Wisdom's stream; and in this place there be many Lawes diverted, and in the Execution is wrested out of their place, and in the practise of the Law there are many false streams crept in, which by the Law it self was never intended; and so in many cases honest people are wronged, who are made the only objects of the eyes of the Administrators of the Law, against whom the Law it self doth not appear Intentionally; and here justice is turned backward, and the Righteous is made a prey, and both the Execution of some Lawes, and also the practise in them are perverted, and poor men they are wronged, and know not which way to do themselves right by the Law, though they be free to use the Law; for first, being imbodyed in an unknown tongue to most men, they are not in a [Page 65] capacity to understand them; secondly, the head of them being onely at one place, poor men cannot attend their own business, but are forced to employ and entrust Strangers with it, who many times prove negligent, and for want of care on their part, many poor men suffer loss: Thirdly, the many curiosities that stand in the practise of the Law, which by poor men cannot be attained, and so are constrained, if they make use of it, to buy it at an unreasonable dear rate; which if the Fountain and the Stream did spring and issue forth in the Wisdom of God, it might be otherwise, and might every way be reduced into better order: But touching the practise, there is something opened more fully in divers cases, in a Book entituled, The Standing Truth.
So let every man in his place be diligent, that you may Redeem the time that is past; and from high to low, who have a hand in any place to Rule, Take Counsel of the Lord in all you do, whether it be in Decreeing, or Executing, and let not any Law be decreed, or stand in force that is decreed, which in any place may bind the Conscience, but break them down, and lay them waste, for they bring distress and sorrow every way; for many innocent people come under hard usage in outward sufferings by them, and such as makes them, and Executes [Page 66] them, they come under the hand of God, and his rebuke, and in that place they do themselves most wrong; for they go heavily in themselves, whilst Judgement is their Cup to drink, and it doth assuredly fall, and will remain for ever, without speedy Repentance.
So to be in the Wisdom of God is a High state, such are in a capacity to Rule, for they Fear the Lord, and hate both the evil, and the evil way, and in the Wisdom of God they are worthy of Honour, and the hearts of the Innocent can give it them, and they will not expect any thing more; and in the Wisdom good order is brought forth amongst all people, and love, and peace, and unity will grow and spring under that Government, and universal peace will spread over all the Earth, in the universal love of God, then Kings will Reign, and Princes Decree Justice, and the Vine will over spread, and there will be a sitting down under it without fear.
And now, O ye Rulers, be wise in your places, for the concernment is great unto you; there is one above you whose Judgment is true for ever, he is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, strong and powerful is his Arm, who dwells in the Heavens that is higher than all, and in his hand you are but as Potters clay: Therefore fear before him, and wait for his [Page 67] Wisdom, that you may bring all things into right order, in such places and matters as you have power to order, that quietness and peace may be setled, and the issue of blood stopped, that so you may get your selves a name, which unto Generations to come may be a good savour; but if you seek not the Lord in your day, and set not his Fear before your eyes, then will your names fall, and the Remembrance of them will cease in your Generation; therefore, again I say unto you all, who are in Government this day, prize time while it is present.
To Ministers of Parishes, so called.
TO be an able Minister of the Spirit, is a place to be honoured and esteemed, for such doth labour truly in the Word and Doctrine, and what is made manifest in the Spirit, and from the Spirit declared, such a one is a true Minister, not of the Letter, but of the Spirit, and such doth not speak words which mans wisdom teacheth, but in the Demonstration of the Spirit, and in Power; and here stood their preaching, who were endued with [Page 68] Power and Wisdom from on High, and in that went forth to gather the scattered, and the dispersed both of Jews and Gentiles, and to bring them into one Spirit; and they did not go forth until they had received Power, and were endued with Wisdom from on High; but they were to tarry at Jerusalem, and wait for it, and in waiting for it the gift came upon them, and they received it, and were able Ministers in it; then they having received the Power and Wisdom from on High, in the Power and Wisdom they received their Message, and there was a necessity layed upon them to preach that unto others, which they had received of God; and they were the good Stewards of the manifold grace of God; and these were sent of God to Proclaim the glad Tidings of Peace through the Gospel, and that Jews and Gentiles might be converted and turned unto God, who were seperated and alienated from his Life, and they went forth in the Joy of Gods Salvation, and preached Salvation by Jesus Christ, and declared the Glad Tidings of the Gospel of Peace; and in the Power and Wisdom which they had received of God, they were made manifest to every mans Conscience in the sight of God, and there was no enticing words amongst them, but plainness of speech as became the Gospel: And these were [Page 69] true Ministers, who sought the Salvation of Souls, and preached Jesus Christ the Salvation of God; these were moved in the Power and Wisdom which they had received, to travel in hunger, and cold, and nakedness, and perils; and to suffer and endure stripes, and buffetings, and bonds; and as they were ordered in the Power, so they went from place to place, and from City to City, and from Country to Country, to make known the Glad Tidings of Salvation, and to preach the Gospel of Peace; and in this stood their service for God, and they gathered many unto God, who where alienated from him; and when Jews and Gentiles had received their Message, then they were converted and turned unto God, and came to believe in Jesus Christ, and to know his Salvation; and then they did not abide amongst the unconverted Jews and Gentiles, but come out from amongst them, and came into unity, in the Spirit, and in the Truth, and came into the Faith of Christ, and were true Believers; and so they met together in the Fear of the Lord God, and Worshipped him in his Spirit, and in his Truth, which they had received; and when they thus met together, then the Church was met together, and Christ the Wisdom of God was amongst them, and ordered them in the performance of all their services, and he [Page 70] had the preheminence in all things, and in the motion of his Power and Wisdom they Preached, and they Prayed, and they Edified and Comforted one another, and there was no limitation of the Spirit amongst them, but whether Son or Daughter, in whom the Spirit moved, they performed the Service faithfully, as the Spirit required, and if any thing was revealed to another that sat by, the first was to hold his peace; and this was the Church-order, where Christ the Wisdom of God, had the Government and the preheminence.
And here was the true Church, and the true Church-order, in the Wisdom of God, here where no Parishes, nor Parish-Churches; here was no set maintenance in particular places, but a free Declaration of Gods Eternal Love, by Jesus Christ; and they Preached the Gospel freely, and neither money nor price was expected for it; and this was found Preaching, and Praying, and Worshiping; and they had the Power and presence of God amongst them, and they rejoyced in his Salvation, and drunk the Cup of his blessing freely: And these Ministers were not by man, nor of man, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ, (Mark,) by the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and Christ Revealed the things of God freely, and he said, Freely ye have received, freely give; and they were [Page 71] faithful to his Command, and did not enquire how they should be outwardly provided for, but they trusted the Lord, and it was well with them; so did they gather Flocks, and the Flocks gave them Milk; they planted Vineyards, and the Vineyards yielded them fruit, and they did eat the fruit of their own labour joyfully, and were truly contented; this was a pure Gospel-Ministration, and these were true and faithful Ministers of it, whom the Lord God sent forth in his Living Power, with the Message of Eternal Life; and they preached the Gospel, and did live by the Gospel, (Mark,) they that preached the Gospel did live by the Gospel; this was pure refreshment and nourishment unto their Souls, and the River of Living waters did flow out of their bellies, and was a refreshment to many thirsty Souls in that day.
But Oh ye Ministers of Parishes! how are you degenerated from this Living Way, and from this glorious dispensation of the Love of God to the Sons of men? What is the Message that you have received? and what is the Tidings which you bring unto people? and what is the practise that you observe? Oh that you would once lay it to heart, and Consider it seriously! How many in all your time have you converted unto God? and how many have you brought to the Faith in Christ [Page 72] Jesus? and what is the peace that is reaped by your Gospel? How many sit complaining for want, who yet know not the Salvation of God, but sit mourning and cannot find a resting place? Your Balm doth not heal, your water doth not refresh; you are unskilful Physitians at the best, and you cannot relieve a distressed soul, you do not receive your Gospel freely, but spend some Years before you get it, and with great summes of money you come to obtain it, and so it is your own, and not the Lords; and his Way you do not know, but have invented your own devices, and sell your Gospel for what you can get, and Preach it at the greatest advantage to your selves, and so you buy and sell, and reap the profit: But what doth the soul reap by your Ministry? and where is the refreshment that supplies the needy? poor souls may cry and mourn under you, and never meet with satisfaction from you.
Oh, grief and sorrow, that proud, heady, high-minded men should be appointed for such a service, and should be maintained after such a manner, when they are so far degenerated from the Life and Truth of God in themselves! and what sadness it is to Innocency, to see many thousands of people carried away with their windy Doctrine, which in the cunning [Page 73] craftiness they have invented, and with [...]hat deceives poor people, and tosses their minds to and fro at their own pleasures: If you that are Ministers will but look into your selves, and into your practise, you may behold (though your Eyes are very dim) that you are exceedingly degenerated from the way of Truth, and Gospel-Ministers, and also the Gospel it self.
Therefore be not Obstinate and Rebellious in your minds, but submit to the reproof of the Lord Jesus Christ, for his Ministers you are not, neither do ye bring true Tidings of him, and therefore you are reproved by him, which he would not do if you were his, and it would be better for you to look into your own houses, and make things sure at home, before you take upon you to Preach to others; for you that have not the Joy of Gods Salvation in your selves, can never bring others to sit downe in it; and every wise man would know his own standing to be safe before he go forth to build up others, for if you your selves be cast away whilst you are Preaching to others, what will the end of your Labour be? and what will be your reward? surely much grief and sorrow.
[Page 74]Therefore consider your present time, and think not to say with your selves, we are Christs Ministers, and it will be well enough with us; this will not bring peace in the latter end; for both you and your hearers must all come to that of God in you, before you come into peace with God, and you must know a war against the corruption that imbondages Gods Creation: there is much work to be done in you, before you can come into peace with God; there is a body of self stands in you, which you must deny in every place, and there is a daily cross to be taken up, and a strait Gate to enter, before you can know your peace sealed. And where is the man amongst you that is willing to deny himself for Christ? He that hath hundreds a year for his preaching, let him deny himself in that place, and manifest his love to Christ: But this is a hard saying to the easeful part, that would feed upon the fat: and if you were following in some other places, yet this would put a stop to many of you, and you would rather chuse to draw back from Christ, than to part with your great livings for him: And what a distance doth this make betwixt you and Christ, consider, and how far off you walk to pure Gospel-Order, or Gospel-Ministers. It is the Light of the Lord that is the Way of Truth, the Light that is pure, with which you are enlightned, and that Light you [Page 75] must come unto in your own Consciences, and own its manifestation, and obey it, or unavoydably it will be your condemnation; for none can be saved, but in the Light with which Christ Jesus enlightens them; and if you outstand the manifestation of that Light, you are undone for ever; but if you turn to it, love it, and obey it, then it may go well with you, though you have very much to account for; for your sins, if considered, are the heaviest of many others, and the Seed of God bears the burden of them; for you do not only erre your selves, but you are the cause that makes many others to erre with you, and with the dark devices of your imaginations, you keep them closed within your deceit; so that you have the weight of others to bear in divers places, and this will be too heavy for you, except you speedily re [...] and surely the Lords compassion is much manifested in sparing you until this time; how many offences doth his love cover! and how many faults doth he behold in you! and yet passeth by, and doth not exercise severity, though with his Light he reprove you in every place, where you are amiss. And by this you may know that you are none of Christs Ministers, for whom he sends forth he justifies, but who runs when he sends them not, such he doth condemn; and you may be sensible that you are reproved in many things, [Page 76] and guilt doth fall upon your Consciences in many places, for the Light is a swift witness against all that you practise as Ministers, it doth not allow of you nor your practise in any place for you have not received the power and wisdom from on high, but have received your message from your inventions, and you preach it for your own profit; and here you run when the Lord sends you not, and speaks when he doth not open your months, and sets your time when he doth not appoint it; and how can you in those things stand justified? Surely you are the farthest amiss of all people, because you pretend a spiritual office, and to have understanding in divine Mysteries, and from thence are set up to be Teachers of others, when you have never known the work of Gods power to change you from your carnal state, and so knows not divine Mysteries revealed by Jesus Christ, nor are not set up by him to proclaim the Gospel of his peace: And therefore in these things you say you are what you are not, but are found lyars, as some was in times past, who said they were Apostles, and were not, but was found lyars, and no lye is of the truth, but with the truth is reproved; and a lye is a bad message in the mouth of a Minister, and yields a bad favour amongst honest people, to say you are that which you are not, and to say you are sent of God, when you [Page 76] are not, and to say you preach the Gospel, when you do not, neither indeed can ye in the state of your carnallity: Were it not better for you to speak the truth, and not to lye? and whether you had not need to repent of these things? Consider in time; for the Scriptures declares that the Devil is a Lyar, and that he hath been so from the beginning, and that he is the father of lyes, and all lyars must be cast into the Lake. And this may make you tremble to consider, who say you are Ministers of Christ, and are not, but are found lyars; let not that Proverb be used any more amongst you, nor do not report such things of your selves any more, for you are fathomed with the Light, and with the Light you are made manifest; and being seen with the Light to be so far amiss, you are pityed; and from the same is this written unto you: and though in some places it meet you with sharp reproof, yet it is in love to your souls, and in the love there is much coveted and passed by, which doth belong to you: But what is written is written to inform you wherein you are amiss in many things, and also that you might turn to the Light of Christ in your day, and receive the testimony of the Light in your own Consciences, and hear the voyce of Christ within you, and love it when it reproves you, for there is a message of love from God in the reproof, and by [Page 78] that you may know he would not have you perish, for he reproves the evil, that you may turn from the evil and forsake the evil, out of which the Light will draw you, if you stand still and obey when reproof cometh; and if you do but receive this pure Principle of Light which is manifest in your Consciences, which is the Light of Christ Jesus; then you must come down into his sufferings, and be made conformable unto his Death, and be buried with him in Baptism, and then your raising up will be in his Power, and in his Life, and you will know the Gospel in him, and the peace of the Gospel through Christ unto you, and the Joy of his Salvation in your own Bosoms; and then will his Life be as a Well of water, and the streams of his Love will overcome you to love him again; and then you will know what the necessity is to Preach the Gospel, and to proclaim the Glad Tidings of it unto others that want it: And there is the true Ministry in the spring, and in the vertue of his own Life; and then you will know neither money nor price can buy it, neither money nor price is to be paid for it: And this makes able Ministers, whose state it is not of the Letter, but of the Spirit; for in this Power and Wisdom that is in Christ Jesus, stands the true Ministry, and whatsoever is not of this is false and reproved; and if this you [Page 79] come unto, then you will know that you receive your Message from him, and that you are sent of him, and his Love constrains you to proclaim the Glad Tidings of Salvation, which in your selves you know to be in Christ; and this will stop your own mouths in every place, and you dare not open them to speak of God and Christ, but as a necessity is laid upon you, and as the Love constrains you: And so you must first learn silence, and stop your mouths from speaking your own words, and keep your feet from running your own way, and come to know Christ your own Teacher whithin you, and learn the divine Mysteries of his Kingdom, before you undertake the Office of Ministers; and if you do not come to this, you are dead whilst you live, and are but as so many withered branches of a dead root, which yields no fruit unto God.
Therefore be wise in time, and receive instruction, and chuse Wisdom before Riches, and get Wisdom before great Livings, and come out of your Parish-Churches, and out of all your formal practises, and worship no longer the works of your own hands; but deny your selves in every place, and answer the Light in obedience, and take up the dayly Cross and follow it, so will the Power crucifie your wills and wisdoms, and empty you of all your old things, and cleanse you from your defilements, and then [Page 80] will new things spring up in you, and a new heart and mind will be placed in you, and a new tongue will be given you, and translation will be perfected by the hand of the Almighty, and through Regeneration you will come to know the Kingdom, and then you will not set up the Kingdom in words and observations, but in your selves will feel it to be righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost; and then you will know settlement in the Kingdom, which is a better inheritance then your settlements in Parishes; and except you be regenerated and born again, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God; and that you are not yet regenerate is evidently manifested through the old things that are yet alive in you, with which you are carried about and tossed, and rouls in the air as clouds of darkness, that eclipses the brightness of the Sun's glory: And so you are wandring Stars in the changable motions of your own wills; but who are fixed in the same stands firm for ever.
Mark that, and learn it, for if you be not born of God, you are yet in the flesh, and in the flesh dwells no good thing, neither can any in the flesh please God who is a Spirit; and all flesh is grass, and the glory of it as the flower of grass; the grass withereth, and the flower thereof fadeth away, but the Word of the Lord endures for ever.
[Page 81]Therefore let all flesh be silent before him. And there be many that have seen an end of all flesh, and are come to the Word of the Lord, that endures for ever; and they are taught by the word, and edified and comforted in the word, and they know every strange voice, and cannot follow a stranger, and they are set in the Kingdom which changeth not, and inherits the peace of the Kingdom, and such cannot observe your formal observations, nor drink of the streams of your poluted fountain, for they have sweet water in the spring of blessing, and their souls rejoyce in the River of God: Therefore ye Ministers of Parishes, give over your Ministry, and stand still, and behold what God is bringing to pass this day; for he is bringing a famine upon your Land, and desolation upon your Countrey, and he is laying waste your habitation, and spoyling your goodly buildings; and he is bringing forth his own work, and spreading abroad the glory of his wisdom, and his own Seed Reigneth, and his sure defence is stretched forth over it, and no weapon formed against it shall prosper: Therefore be you silent.
To such as practise in the Nations Law.
CHrist Jesus is the Law-giver, and his Law is holy, and just, and righteous; and this Law is good if it be used lawfully, it takes hold upon all transgressors, and goes over the transgressor in judgement; and this is a pure administration of Judgement, when Christ sits upon his Throne, who judges right in every place: and this Judgement must every man come unto in himself, before he can minister true Judgement unto others; for untill man come to the Judgement of God in himself, and know Judgement brought forth unto Victory, how can he sit upon the Throne of true Judgement? or how can he be in a capacity to minister true Justice unto others? it is not possible; for man as he is in himself, can never answer the mind of God; and whilest he remains unregenerated, he is but himself, and is a carnal man, filled with carnal reason, and a carnal mind; and that part can never minister true Judgement, because it doth not know the things of God; and until the things of God be perfectly known, there is errour [Page 83] in Judgment; for it is not possible that any man should judge in truth, who is not come to the truth in himself; and none doth come to the truth in themselves, but who comes to the Light with which they are enlightned, which Light is Christ the Law-giver, and that which is not received in this Principle, and executed in this Principle, it is not of Christ, but of man; and so men do make Laws, and puts them in Execution after the manner of their own wisdoms, and in their own way, when Christ the Wisdom of God is not known amongst them; neither have they his counsel with them, either in making them, or executing them. And though some Laws, in some particular cases, may be intentionally good, according to the knowledge of those that makes them; yet through the execution of them they are many times perverted, and a wrong use is made of them, in the wills of such as have power to execute them; and by such practises there is wrong done many times unto those unto whom the Law intendeth right; and there is also many Laws, which in themselves do err from the good and sound Principle of Truth, and do not stand consistent with the present manifestation of Truth in this day, nor with the present temper and constitution of men; for that which in Ages past might stand answerable to the Constitution of [Page 84] that present Generation, wherein they had their Institution, yet the continuance of them, and the practise in them, in Generations following may not so fully answer the present time then, as in the time when they were first Instituted; so that through the execution of such Laws, out of their time and place, do many times fall heavy upon some, which was never intended by such as first instituted them; so that every Geneneration is to be ordred and governed by such Laws as may answer the present temper of men, and the present manifestation of Truth in that present Generation; for to bind any mans Conscience now by such Laws as were made hundred years ago, is to set bounds to the Spirit, and to limit God if it were possible; and then for such Laws to be put in execution by men who can search no further than the letter of the Law directs them, this is a practise that stands onely by Tradition, and not from any present manifestation of God through which true Judgment is ministred. And this makes the yoke to be grievous upon the necks of innocent people, where old Laws do stand in force, touching the Conscience in any place; and it is not reasonable, that such Laws that were made in years past, should in this day be executed upon any people in point of Conscience, and that for this Reason, Because there is no limitation of God, [Page 85] but he manifests himself through Ages and Generations, according to his pleasure; and if Ages past did make Laws which might relate to things different amongst them in point of Conscience then, yet that is not a sufficient ground to continue that Law in force, and to put it in execution in relation to the Conscience now, or in Ages that do succeed; because the Lord may make known himself in a more fuller manifestation in this Age, then in Ages past; and every man is to be faithfull to the present manifestation of God in his own day; and therefore not reasonable by any old Law, to suppress him from the exercise of his Conscience towards God, nor to bind him to any thing, of which he is not convinced through the present manifestation of truth in himself; and besides, it is not reasonable that men should make Laws in their present Generation, which may in any case relate to the Consciences of any People, because in the same Generation there may be divers manifestations of Truth according to measure; and for any Law to be made, and executed upon such as differ in Judgment, and practise from those that have the present power, it is not reasonable, because such as may come under the punishment of that Law, may stand faithfull to God in that which he makes manifest to them in that day; and therefore not [Page 86] reasonable to make a law to punish them for their obedience to God, nor to put that law in Execution against such a people.
Therefore, ye that Rule this day, Consider it, and all that practise in the Law, weigh things coolly, that you may come to know Christ Jesus the Law-giver, whose light is manifest in all your Consciences, which gives true Judgment in you upon all transgression; and you must come to the light, with the light to be guided, before you can come to the true Judgment-seat, for whilst the light is contemned by you, you Judge, and Judge amiss, and so punishes the Innocent, and lets transgressours go free; and not understanding the things of God in your selves, you call light, darkness; and truth, error; and good, evil; and not discerning, you proceed in Judgment against the truth, as if it were error; and because you call it so, you conclude it is so, and from that ground give your Judgment against it. And was not this the rash conclusion of the Jewes, who said that Christ was a deceiver, and a Prince of Devills; now their saying so, did not make Christ the wisdom of God to be so; yet having said it and concluded it in their dark minds, they made a law, and then they said, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, and by that law they condemned and Crucified the holy and the Just one, and spared [Page 87] a murtherer, now whether was this law and the Execution of it Right on their parts, who acted in it? I tell you nay, for Christ Jesus was the light, and the truth, and the life and the power, and the wisdom of God amongst them, though they closed their Eyes, and stopt their Eares, and hardened their hearts against him, and so spake reproachfully of him, and by wicked hands Crucified him. And so it is needful for you to consider, lest seeing, you see not, and lest by thinking you see, you be blind, and so stumble at the light which would do you good, and turn against the truth it self under the name of error. And this is for you to Consider in seriousness, both high and low that are concerned in the Execution and practise of the Law, that you may stay your Judgment in such cases as pertain to the Conscience, and let that thing alone, for it is peculiar unto God, and it doth not at all belong unto you, nor to your places, for in this case every man must stand or fall to his own Master; and you may condemn a man in this case by your law, when the Lord Justifies him and cleares him in his own Conscience from all offences; and doth not the Scripture say, It is God that Justifieth; Who shall condemn? and who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect? Now if you charge Gods Elect, and condemen them by your law, may not you be called [Page 88] in question for so doing? and may it not be said, who are you that doth thus? it is God that Justifieth; and surely he doth Justifie all his Elect and chosen ones, who of his Seed are born. But this is a mysterie to you, and if you turn to the light of Christ, it will shew you, that the Conscience of another is without the compass of your Laws, and all Judgment that you give in such cases is but from things that do appear, and you are not to Judge according to the appearance, but to Judge Righteous Judgment, and that is the Judgment brought forth in the principle of God, which principle finds out the heart, and lays Judgment to the Line, and Righteousness to the Plummet; and so begins at the bottom, and cleanses out the corrupt ground in the heart; and this is true Judgment and Righteous. But you are Judging things that do appear, and so one sets up, and another pulls down, and one crys lo here, and another cryes lo there, and one is for one form, and another for a contrary form, and your difference lyes about forms onely, and your Judgment goes forth against such as differ from your form: and this is your own Judgment, which the Lord Rebukes; for the principle of God is a heart-searcher, and doth not Judge according to the appearance only: and this principle is within every one of you, and with it you may see how [Page 89] you stand in practise every way, and how your minds are disposed, and what is the Intents of your own hearts, for there is much wrong done to an Innocent people through these things, which, in some particular cases in matter of practise, is mentioned in a book, Entituled, The Standing Truth, which I shall here pass by, for I now speak more generally, and in the universal love of God, in which I have much pity to all sorts of people that are out of order in their places, who have not the wisdom of God to guide them in what they are called unto, and so run in confusion and disorder in what they practise, and giving Judgment of things in their own way, which is not approved in the sight of God.
Therefore ye Rulers and Lawyers, keep your watch at wisdoms post; and if you would flourish in your dayes, and leave a good savour behind you when your dayes are finished, then receive wisdom in the light, with which you are enlightned, turn your minds thither, and be diligent, that so the Judgment of the Lords power may go over the transgressing part in your selves, and that the spirit of Judgment and burning may cleanse your old habitations in every place; then you will know Christ in you, and the law which proceeds out of his mouth, which law is holy, and righteous, just and good, [Page 90] and you will know his throne of true Judgment, and behold him sitting upon his throne in your selves, and judging down all your evil thoughts, words, and deed; then you will know the Lawgiver, and the hand that executes it in Righteousness upon the transgressour; and there is, Christ the wisdom of God felt and known, in which wisdom deep matters are found out, and the secret things which lyes hid in the heart they are discerned, and Judgment goeth forth against the transgressor. And this makes Rulers wise in their several places, and fills them with gravity and sound Judgment, and makes them honourable in their generation, and in wisdom good order will be brought forth amongst you, which now is wanting for want of wisdom; for if the practise in your law was traced thorough, how many by-paths might you be found in who are concerned in it, surely very many, and being many, you smother them amongst your selves by your own practise, and being so that the practise lyes amongst your selves, you can answer one another in your own wayes, and there is none can discern you; but who walks in the light of the Lord, which makes all things manifest, and sees thorough the hidden things of darkness. So be wise in your day, as becometh men, be sober and moderate, and coole and quiet in your places, [Page 91] that is comely amongst men, and receive Christ Jesus the wisdom of God; thus you may be a good savour in your generations as becomes Christians, and that the meek, pure, holy humble, righteous principle of God in you, may dispose you in the power and wisdom of it self, and change you into the purity of its own nature, and that it may manifest the vertue of its own life, and bring forth its own fruit in all godliness, justice, mercy, equity, and truth; so will your names abide, and ages to come will feel the sweetness of your savour; but if you reject the wisdom of God, and yet go on in your own way, a blot will fall upon your names, and ages to come will tread upon you as not worthy of Remembrance, and God will raise up others to do his work.
Therefore in your day mind the Lord, and his fear, and be just in all things, and let not gifts blind your minds, nor Rewards turn away your Eares from the poor; cast bribery behind you, and tread Covetousness under your feet; for whilest such things are entertained, true Judgment must needs be perverted, and in that place your own Souls lyes in bondage to Corruption, and you are destitute of Gods Salvation, which is the saddest state that any man can be in; for the soul is of more value than all the world, and a wise man loves his own soul, and [Page 92] waits to know the Redemption of it, which cannot be Redeemed by any corruptible thing, as Gold and Silver, though you had never so much of it, but with the precious blood of Christ Jesus; and what will it profit you to be in great dignity, and high in honour amongst men, and to possess much of the worlds Riches, nay, if you had all the world, and lose your own souls? you are undone for ever, and surely your way doth tend to the chambers of death. Therefore I say again to you all, be wise in time, and look to your particular places, and let the streams of honesty and equity run amongst you, and do not pervert things which in themselves are honest, but follow the thing that is good in all you practise, that you may have peace in your latter End.
To such as trade in Weights and Measures.
AN Equal Balance with a just Weight is approved of God, and a true Measure in all things is a good favour unto God, and in such just and equal practises God is well pleased, and his Name his honoured; for that which is just and equal and honest, that yields a good [Page 93] savour; when every man and woman walks with a Conscience void of offence towards God and men, and deals justly and equally with every man they have dealings with in their places, this is comely and commendable amongst men, and is justified before God, and it keeps the Conscience cleare from stain and guilt, and brings true peace to every man whose practise stands in any place: for when every man answers his place faithfully unto God, then doth he possess the peace of God. And if people do not deal justly and equally in their respective places, they cannot have peace with God; for if they do not answer their places faithfully as unto God, they erre from their calling, and goeth out of their place in which God hath placed them: If they have deceitful Weights and Measures, and an unequal Balance, and do not yield the full weight and measure to every man they deal withal, they do not answer their places faithfully, for the Lord appoints unto men their places in their Callings, and he makes some capable of one place, and some of another, and doth require of every man faithfulness in his place; and if he do not perform his place faithfully, then he grives the Lord; if he do not strive in singleness to perform his place faithfully, his Conscience doth offend both God and honest men, and in that place the peace of [Page 94] God cannot be his portion; for the Light of the Lord in his own Conscience doth pursue him, and is a swift witness against him: if he have an unjust weight, and ballance, or measure, and thereby defraud, and cozen, and deceive such as he deals withall, he stands with a guilty Conscience before God, and receives Judgement from the righteous Principle of God in himself; for all deceit, and fraud, and guile, and cozening, and cheating, and dissembling is in the fall, and with the light of Christ Jesus is reproved, and with the light you may see in your selves, when you deal falsely, either in weight or measure, or any other way: then consider what that is which discovers it, for it cannot be any thing of self, because self seeks the advantage by such dealings; then it must needs be something of God that discovers it, and reproves it, and it is the light of Christ which doth so make manifest your dealings in every place; and with the light you may see when you intend to defraud by your false weights and measures, and your unequal ballance, and when you do not allow weight and measure in such things as you deal withall in your trading, and you may see that it is not right on your part when you stand in any deceivable practise, and is defrauding and cheating of others; neither can you have peace with God in that place, for [Page 95] God doth not allow of any thing, but that which is just and equal; and if any of you act or do otherwise, with the light in your Conscience you will be reproved, and by that you may know when you transgress, and sin against the Lord; and when you seek to please your selves, and to gain to your selves by defrauding another any way, or in any thing, either by an unjust weight and ballance, or measure, and you may see when your hand would deal deceitfully in weight or measure; and you may see that you have not a sound and right mind in that thing, but a covetous end which would get profit any way. And how much are these things practised this day amongst men, who are from the Principle of God in themselves, and are not come to know it to be their guide, nor to stand in awe of it? they think if they can but hide their deceit from men, and that men do not complain of them then all is well enough; and this party is a self-seeker, and a man-pleaser; first, seeks profit by deceit, and then would please men with fair words, to get a good report, and such doth not regard the Lord, not his fear; and so men sets up wicked practises, and by lying, and swearing, and cheating, and deceit, they seek their own gain by them; how will many men commend that thing which they have to sell, and will not fear to pass their word in the praise of it, when [Page 96] they know in themselves that it is not so, as they speak of it; this is a great evil, and grieves the Lord. And how is covetous practises exercised amongst men in their dealings one with another! and how doth deceit and guile abound in such dealings! and how do men study deceit, and with all their strength strive to advance! and surely the Lord is grieved with it from day to day.
Therefore all People that are concerned in such practises, mind the light of the Lord in your own Consciences, that is a good Principle alwayes present with you, though you in your wicked practises be distinct from it, and doth not regard it, yet it is within you, and is a witness against you, and you cannot hide your secrets from it. You may hide your deceit from men, and may please them with fair words, though you do deceive them in your dealing; but you cannot hide deceit from God, neither can you please God, but in doing that which is just and equal every way; and if you do not so, you grieve him, and draws his hand forth against you, with which he corrects you in secret. And if you now be diligent, and obey the reproof of the light, and joyn to the light, it will guide you in the fear of God, and will teach you to do right in all things, and upon all occasions, and do as justly in secret as if men did see your [Page 97] dealings, and you dare not do otherwise, for the fear of God will be placed in your hearts if you love the Light; and this is a righteous guide, and all that follow it are guided in righteousness, and so comes to deal righteously, and equally, and justly with all men; and so the practise of truth, will stand in the principle of truth, and that is a sure foundation; and such seeks to please God above all things, and to stand approved unto him; and so from the righteous principle of God you will come to measure justly, and weigh equally, and your ballance, and measures, and weights, will be all true according to their places, and your hearts will be true, and your hands true; and here you will come to discharge your selves in your places with a good Conscience towards God and men; and you will not regard the eyes of men, but the Principle of God; and this will be just dealing, and righteous in the ground; for it is the righteous Principle that brings it forth, and it will answer to the same Principle in another. And if in this you stand, then will honest men speak well of you, and God will approve you, and you will then stand with a Conscience void of offence towards God and men; and here you will have the answer of a good Conscience, and peace with God; and you will be a good savour unto God, and honour [Page 98] God in your places, and so will finish your time with joy and not with grief; and that will be the the greatest profit unto you, for the desire of money is the root of all evil, which whilst some covet after, they pierce their souls through with many sorrows. Therefore be warned if you love your own souls; and those that be your Prentises, be carefull over them, and order them in the Wisdom of God; and first teach them the fear of God, and keep them out of vanity and bad company; for many are enticed to do evil in their youngness, and so doth themselves wrong, and doth wrong to you whom they ought to serve faithfully; and this many times comes to pass through your allowance of liberty, in which liberty they run into vanity, and falls into bad company, and then temptations they are presented, and there is a readiness to joyn with them, and to put the thing in practise, and so there is wrong done every way. Therefore keep your eye over them in the Wisdom of God, and be not hard nor severe with them in their places, but meekly instruct them in the thing that is good, and allow them that which is convenient to their places, and learn them to deal justly upon all occasions, and not to defraud any man upon any account; so will your savour be sweet in all places, and you will reap more profit every way by so doing, then by practising [Page 99] deceit; so in all things be diligent, for it must so come to pass concerning you, that time will cease, and be no more unto you in this world, and then you must stand before the Lord as you are: and if you have obeyed the Lord, and done well in your time and places, then you will have your reward; but if you have disobeyed the Lord, and dis-regarded his counsel, and have spent your time in deceit, then in sorrow you will lye down, and your latter end will be bitterness: Therefore remember your end.
To such as buy and sell in Markets, or in any other places.
MAn was created upright, but he hath sought out many inventions. And through inventions disorder is come amongst men, and by defrauding, and cozening, and cheating one another, they run into confusion and distraction, and so are gone from the created uprightness into subtilty and inventions, and with that subtil part they invent their wicked practises, and studies how to gain their own advantage in their dealing. And from this ground arises all deceit amongst men in buying and selling, [Page 100] and trading; and they will commend their Cattel and their Commodities above what they are, and above what they know them to be, to gain advantage; and though they know that their Commodity be not at all worthy of commendations, yet the subtil part inventeth how to commend it, and how to set a great price upon it, and by subtilty thinks to over-reach another, and it may be will ask much more for such a Commodity then he intends to take for it; and from thence many vain words arises amongst men in their dealing, and in their bargaining; and not onely so, but also many oathes, and cursings proceeds out of their mouthes, and all to set forth that thing which they know is not to be so commended; and here men stands in swearing and cursing, and multitude of words before they can come to close, if they do close at all; and this practise is not in the created uprightness, but from the subtil inventions, through which man is carried out of Gods fear and order; for the created uprightness is a pure, just and holy state, a state that stands upright to God, and unto all men, it is not a subtil Inventer, but a simple Dealer in all things, it cannot lye for gain, nor swear for profit, nor curse for wealth, it cannot deceive, nor defraud any man in dealing, though much outward profit might be seen in [Page 101] the end, it cannot commend a thing above what it really knows it to be, it cannot make many words in bargaining; for it is an upright state; and speaks things uprightly and justly, and speaks no more than it knows to be true, and not that neither at all times, for many words is a burden to it, and it is weary of them, it prizes the worth of things according to discerning, and according to discerning it speaks a standing word; it hath no reservedness in it to take or ensnare another by deceit, for it is upright in all things. But how is man degenated from the Created uprightness! and how hath he sought out the subtil Inventions! and how doth every generation grow more cunning in their dealing! and more deceit and guile breaks in upon generations, and they degenerate more and more from the Created uprightness; so that it is a grief to behold how one man deals with another in trading, and how Markets are filled with multitude of words, which stands wholly in deceit and guile, and what a noise doth people make in Markets, and runs in the pursuit of gain with such Eagerness, as the whole Course of nature is set on fire, and the anger and the passion, and the unruly nature will sometimes be so let up, as one man will strive with another about their dealings: and how will one man deceive another, and defraud another with buying [Page 102] things one from another, and many times forestalling things before they come into a Market, and many times by Ingrossing things into their hands which they have no need of, but to lay them by, and keep them for advantage; and this wrongs the poor, and the needy, that when things are at a reasonable price, then the Rich Ingrosses them, and by that means keeps it at a dearer price in plenty, than otherwise it would be, and then in scarcity the poor must either buy it at their dear prices, or be in want; and this grinds the poor every way, and is a disorderly practise, and is filled with Covetousness, which the subtil Inventer finds out to get wealth and Riches; and thus men run, and knows no stay for their minds, they would be dealers in every thing, and counted great dealers in all things, and would have a name, and so are alwayes in the thronged part, and in the cumber about many things, in which they all offend. But who Remembers the Lord? or who chuses the better part? or who seeks the Kingdom of God first, and trusts the Lord to add all things else unto him? and who serves the Lord with fear? not the subtil Inventer, but the Created uprightness, which under all such practises and wicked devices lies grieved and pained; for though man be gone into the Inventions through the temptations of the subtilty, [Page 193] yet there is something upright remains in him, which did preserve its own beeing, though man degenerated; and this is a pure principle in man, which doth not allow of deceit; for that which is upright, and that which is deceitfull, hath no agreement together in any place; so that when deceit is practised, uprightness reproveth; for it bears the burden of it. Therefore all people who are concerned in these things, take heed to your wayes, and to your doings; for they are very bad, you cannot but know your selves, that there is much amiss in you, and that you do run many times after dishonest gain, and that which lets you see is it the light of Christ, and that you must come unto if ever you come to be upright men? for though some may be qualified in some things, and in their natural temper do manifest more moderation than others, and that there be more reservedness in their wayes, and that they do not appear so passionate, nor angry, openly so deceitfull; yet there is a self-end lyes in the bottom of such a man, and he will reach forth himself to make his end secretly; for if the mind of man do not come to the light, with the light to be guided, he doth not come into the upright state, but lyes amongst the many inventions, where none can please God. And now your day is with you, who are buying and selling, [Page 104] and trading; and the Light of Christ is manifest in you, to shew you wherein you err; and if you do not turn when it repoves you at any time, and come to repentance, you will wrong your selves for ever. Therfore make haste out of your way, and turn to the Lord and receive his wisdom in the light, that his wisdom may order you in all your places and services; then you dare not use many words in your bargaining, but speak a standing word, according to your judgment in that which you have to sell or buy, and you dare not speak in the praise of any thing for any end to your selves; and this practise would stand in uprightness, and would answer Gods witness in every man, and then you would be out of fear to be cheated or deceived, because the uprightness deals plainly and simply, and speaks of things as they are, and not otherwise, and cannot conceal any fault, if it know it to be a fault; and then there would be a closing in few words, as the Commodity was liked, and yea and nay would stand on both sides. And in this is the good order, and is comly and commendable amongst men, and a good savour unto God, whereby he is honoured. And when you have done your markets, then repair to your outward dwellings, and do not sit and drink and revel in Ale-houses, for by that you many times doubles your offence; and when you [Page 105] have gotten some dishonest gain by deceit in bargaining, then to sit at an Ale-house until you have spent it, and it may be much more, then had you not better been without it every way, for it adds sin to sin with grief. Therefore be careful, and eschew such evils; and when you have refreshed your selves as need requires, then do not run into excess; for many are taken and wronged in that place, who goes to use the creatures only for refreshment; and when they fall▪ into company, and the strength of drink doth begin a little to strike upon their naturalls, then they are overcome to continue until they wrong themselves every way. Now the light of the Lord Jesus Christ guides out of all those evils: If that you mind it, and obey it, it will guide you from lying, and learn you to speak truth; it will guide you from drunkenness, and learn you soberness, and so will change you from all those Evils wherein ye walk, as it hath done many in this day, who sometimes were such in some degree, but now are washed and changed by the light, and walks in the way of peace with God, and can commend it unto you from a certain ground, if you can but receive the report; and they can tell you in truth, that it is better to walk one day in the light, though it be in the Cross unto themselves, than to satisfie themselves by gaining the world through Invention; [Page 106] and this is the Word of the Lord God unto you all people, forsake your way and live and walk in the way of understanding, that you may honour God in your generation, and that you may be a good savour unto God, and unto one another; and in all things chuse the good and let the evil go, then will your dayes end in peace, which otherwise will end in sorrow; and in that day you will remember the time you have mis-spent, which then you cannot recover again, though you may seek it with tears; therefore whilst you have it, prize it, and do not spend it vainly, for you have spent too much after that manner.
A General Exhortation.
NOw as there is a view taken of this great body, and every particular state being seen in its several place how it lyeth, and an Information being gone forth in the universal love of God unto them all, whereby they may behold their error from the Created uprightness in every place, and may also behold a way open to come in again into the good and blessed state of Innocency, and to be gathered into the way and path of simplicity, where no deceit, nor guile, nor hypocrisie can have beeing, and [Page 107] so to come into the holy and good order of wisdoms Government, and to stand as so many branches in their several places, to be a good savour to God, and honour God; for if there were unity in the life and power of God through the universe, how sweet would every one be in their place! and what a good savour there would be through the Creation! and then the Creation would be set free from that which now burdens it, and God would have honour, and glory, and praise in his own work, and his goodness and his blessing would rest upon it, and there would be plenty to every man in his particular place, and he would rejoyce in his own portion; and then no deceit, nor guile, nor lying, and swearing would be used amongst people to get dishonest gain; and how would such a generation honour God! and how amiable would such a generation be in their places! how amiable a thing would it be to see parents of children to bring up their children in the fear of God, and to nurture them in the wisdom of God, and to train them up in love and peace and unity together! and to see Masters and Dames of families to order their families in Gods wisdom, and to keep them in good order every way! and to see servants in their places serve with diligence! and to see aged people filled with sound wisdom and gravity! [Page 108] and to see single people wholly given up to serve God, and to see young people remember their Creator in the dayes of their youth, and to see children fear the Lord in their infancy, and to see such as are in outward Government to be cloathed with the wisdom of God, and to see Ministers of Parishes deny deceit, and come into the truth, and to see Lawyers in true Judgement and Equity, and to see all Trades-men with Just Weights and Measures, and to see all Buyers and Sellers in the created uprightness; then would hearts and minds come neer together in the one principle of God, and unity and peace would abound amongst people: And therefore as one body, you are all exhorted to fear the Lord God, and turn to his light with which you are enlightned, and yield to obey it, when in your Consciences it doth reprove you; hearken diligently to that voyce, which calls you to return, and do not reject the Counsel of the Lord in any wise, but be still and quiet, and bow to the light in every manifestation, and believe in it, as it doth manifest it self, that with the light, the disorderly nature may come to Judgement in every place, and that through Judgement the Creation may be delivered, which at this day travels in pain, grief, and sorrow; for the disorder is above, and by disorder you are [Page 109] all out of your places, and so runs in wicked practises with which you dishonour God, and wrong your own souls. Therefore you are all exhorted to mind the Light which would do you good, and do not run your selves wilfully into eternal misery; for the Lord would not have you perish, but would that ye might come to the truth and be saved: And this is his compassion towards you, and his patience and forbearance concerning you; for who amongst you that have not deserved cutting down, if the Lord should not exercise his mercy? every instant of time he may justly smite you, and bring your dayes to an end in a moment.
Therefore consider for what end you are yet a breathing Generation, and have yet time given you; is it not that you may behold Gods goodness, and come to repentance, and that you may know the Light with which you are enlightned, to be your redemption from your vain conversation; and your Salvation from your vain traditions, that every one in your places might honour God, and be a good savour unto God? for what good doth your observations of dayes, and your preaching, and praying, and all your worships and services, and all your talk of God, and of Christ to be your Saviour, and the hope which you say you have by his merits; what good will all this talk do you, [Page 110] whilest you live in sin, which is contrary to God? and so are under the condemnation of Christ, and not in his salvation; for he doth not merit any thing for the sin, but for the sinner [...] And consider how this lyes, for you want understanding, Christ Jesus doth manifest his light in man, and with his light he lets man see his sin, by which sin man is separated from God and he reproves the sinner, and calls him to repentance; then the mind turning to the light, when the light reproveth, and answering the light faithfully, then doth the light begin to separate him from the sin, and to draw him out of the sin; so Christ saves the sinner from the sin which he hath lived in, and through his judgement he purges the sinner, and makes him clean through the water of Regeneration, and then he reconciles unto God the Father by himself, and merits the love, and the life, and the peace for the sinner, which in the sinful state was separated from God, but now in the clean state is reconciled to God by Jesus Christ; and so man is not reconciled as a sinner in the sin, but a sinner washed, and bathed, and cleansed by the pure water which taketh away the filthiness of flesh and spirit, and so reconciled to God, who is holy, in the holinesse of Christ Jesus. And here man comes to Christ, and to his Salvation, and salvation is the work of Christ alone, and [Page 111] by him is perfected through Regeneration; so that it may here be understood by this short Testimony, that the Free Grace of God by Jesus Christ is held forth for Salvation, and not the Covenant of works; for though it be so, that people must come to repentance and amendment of life, and that they must deny their evil wayes in obedience to Christ, who is pure, yet there is no act which by them is done, that brings Salvation, though in their way they do meet with Peace from God through obedience; but the Salvation is in the Free Grace of God through Christ Jesus; and the Grace of God that brings Salvation doth appear to all men: [mark] the Grace of God doth appear to all men; and where doth it appear? why, in their own Consciences; and what doth it appear against? why, against the body of sin in every place; and what doth it appear to do? why, to destroy the Devil, the Author of Sin; and what will it do further? why, it will teach to deny ungodliness and worldly lust; so [mark] the Grace of God that brings Salvation, doth appear in man against ungodlines, and teaches man that doth receive it, to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts; and these things must be denied in obedience to the Grace. Yet the Salvation doth not stand in the thing done, but in the Grace alone, which requires the duty, & teaches [Page 112] to deny that which it appears again't, and then it takes away the sin, and saves from the sin which hath made man unclean; and what will the grace do further? why, it will teach to live soberly, and righteously, and godly, in this present evil world. So [mark again] here is a change wrought in man by the Grace of God, the Grace as it doth appear being received, the ungodliness and worldly lusts they are denied, and soberness, and righteousness, and godliness, they are brought forth and manifested by the Grace; and here is the Free-Grace in the Free-Love of God by Jesus Christ, who is Salvation to the Ends of the Earth, to all that in him believe. But people doth not know him, and so lets forth their own belief into an imagination of him, and looks to find him in their own way, and they having formed him in their own belief without them, they neglect the manifestation of his Light within them, and the body of sin remains unremoved; and such knows not his Salvation, but with sin is defiled and polluted, and with that unclean body his Life is pressed, and there the Just suffers for the unjust, and the load of sin is heavy upon him, which in his patience he beareth, though with his Light he place Judgment upon it every way. And thus it is opened what the Grace is in it self, and what it is unto [Page 111] man that receives it, and believes in it, that all may mind the grace that brings salvation, and close with it in its appearance, that they may come to salvation by it, which in it self, is free.
Therefore all People ponder these things in your hearts, and wait to know what time will bring forth in order to your salvation, and do not neglect the time which you have present, but day by day consider Gods goodness towards you, that his goodness may overcome you to repentance, and that you may come to Jesus Christ, and know your salvation by him alone that his peace he may seal unto you in his own Covenant, and that in his life and wisdom you may walk as becomes Christians, in all sobriety, and honesty, dealing justly, and loving mercy; and then you will be a good savour unto God, and Generations to come will rejoyce at your remembrance; and this is an Exhortation unto you joyntly, that you may come to the light of Christ particularly, which light is but one in you all; and if you mind it to obey it, you will know the good order in it, and every one in your particular places, being brought into good order with the light, you will have peace and comfort in your places; and in the light which is but one, you will in one be joyned, and there will be but one heart and mind [Page 112] amongst you, and then as one body you will stand in Righteousness to glorifie God; and this will bring peace in the latter end; but if you refuse to hearken, and to obey, your destruction will be of your selves, and God will be clear when he judges: Therefore consider it seriously, and neglect not to close with the tenders of Gods love; for to day it is unto you, but to morrow it may be hid from you, therefore lay it to heart.
Concerning Faith.
CHrist Jesus is the Author of Faith, and by his Resurrection he brings it forth in himself; it is a pure substance which is holy, and doth proceed from the life, and with the life is strengthned, and through the life it hath its growth by degrees; and this is true Faith, and is but one, not divided from the body of the Author, though in its manifestation it may appear diversly; for the diversity of its manifestation is to be understood in its degrees, according to the Resurrection of the Seed; for the substance and matter of Faith being wholly in the Seed, it cannot be otherwise known, or received, but as the Seed rises and reveals it; so that [Page 113] Faith is the gift of God, and is revealed by the Resurrection of the Seed; and this Faith goeth through the body of darkness, and gets victory over darkness, whereby the Seed comes up into a more glorious liberty in the Resurrection, and Faith comes to be advanced into a higher degree, and is strengthened with the vertrue of Christ, who is the Author of it, and so it goes on into a more full perfection, through degrees. And this Faith worketh by the Love in which it is nourished and strengthned, and by this Faith the Just lives, through all oppsitions, and victorie over the world is obtained by it; For this is the victory that over comes the world, even your Faith. For the world is an enemy to the Lamb, and from the foundation of it, the Lamb hath been slain; and the world warreth against Christ, the Author of Faith. Now Faith coming up through the Resurrection of the Seed, and standing in the power of the Author; with this Faith is victory obtained over the world, through which victory the Lamb comes into liberty, and the Seed that is pure ascendeth, and the Faith ascendeth into a higher degree in the Seed; so that the Conscience comes to be cleansed from that which hath defiled, and the Seed of God which is pure takes the Dominion in the Conscience; and the Conscience is made pure through the Resurrection of the [Page 114] Seed, and the Mysterie of Faith is then held in a pure Conscience; (mark) the Mysterie of Faith is held in a pure Conscience, the Seed which ever was, and is a Mysterie to that part which would live by knowledge; and as the Mysterie of Faith comes to be held in a pure Conscience, so the fruits of Faith is manifest from the Mysterie, and branches forth in all purity, according to the nature of the Mysterie; and this Faith purifies the heart with its purity, and makes the in-side clean, and the in-side being clean, the out-side is clean also. And this is the Faith of Gods Elect, and doth shew it self by its own work: For as the body without the spirit is dead, so Faith without works is dead also. And this is not an imagined Faith, but a revealed Faith, and by the Resurrection of the Seed it is brought forth; and this is one Faith, in one life and power, and it stands in the power, and by the power is preserved; And without this Faith it is unpossible to please God; neither can any come to God, neither can any be justified before God; for true Faith is in the Son, and with the Son the Father is well-pleased; and by the Son must all come to God that comes unto him; and in the Son is Justification, for Faith in the Son makes clean the heart, and gives victory over that which is contrary to God; and with the power of the Son, in whom [Page 115] the Faith standeth, the polluted part is cast out, and by the Son there is access to God. Now there are many beliefs in the world, and many imaginations, yet but one Faith, and that Faith is revealed, and none can know it but in the Resurrection of the Seed; for Faith in it self is a Mysterie, and is hid in its own substance, and none can see it, nor know it, until they joyn to the light, and wait in the light, to feel the rising of the Seed, and Faith by the Seed revealed. So true Faith doth not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God, which power kills the unrighteousness, and reveals the righteousness from Faith to Faith; and then by Faith there is Justification known in the Righteousness, and there is peace felt with God through Jesus Christ. And this is purifying Faith, and saving Faith, and is but one Faith, which hath its work in man; and the good fight of Faith being fought, the course comes to be finished with joy; and this is a standing Faith in the standing power of God, which goes over the unbelieving part, in which Faith, there is perfect unity and concord, and all born of the Seed meets together in it, and stands in one perfect body, according to the degrees in one perfect Faith, and with one perfect heart and mind they rejoyce in God their Saviour. So whatsoever belief man hath made to himself, and [Page 116] whatsoever he hath set up through that belief, to be the object of it, he must unloose his hold, and break his Idol down, or he cannot meet in the unity of the Faith with those that are born of the Seed, neither will his belief, save him, neither will his belief abide in the Furnace, nor endure the tryal through affliction, so can never be found to the praise and glory of God; but Faith in the Power is preserved in the Furnace, and strengthned in afflictions, and in the power is kept to the end, and so goes through all by believing; and Christ who is the Author of Faith, he also is the Finisher of it; and the tryal of this Faith is much more precious than Gold that perisheth, and is found to the praise and glory of God; and the end of this Faith is everlasting peace. And this Faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen; and by this Faith the Elders obtained a good report; which Faith is now known again, and the just mens spirits in it, and there is an universal unity amongst the Just from the beginning. And this is true Faith.
Concerning Hope.
THe hope which gives satisfaction is Christ Jesus; and this hope standeth firm and sure, and it is answered with peace in hoping, for the living hope is in Christ; and though many oppositions may rise against it, yet the hope doth not fail, but reaches to attain the end, and hopes to the end; for hope reaehes to something, and hopes for something that is not yet attained; for when that which is hoped for comes to be enjoyed, then the hope is satisfied, and ceases hoping, and enjoyeth that which it hath hoped for; for whilest it is hope, it waits to be answered with that which it hopeth for, and so hopeth over all that which stand in opposition, and it is answered with peace in hoping, though the full enjoyment of that which it hopeth for be not yet attained, and it still presses forward to its desired hope. And this is Christ in man the hope of glory; (mark) Christ the hope of glory, the hope that liveth, in which hope man knows a part in the life, and with the least measure of hope in Christ the life, he breaths after more life, and hopes for more enlargedness in the life, which hope doth still [Page 118] Press into the life, and here Christ is the hope, and Christ is the life; yet whilst the life is in bondage to any thing, the hope is exercised in hoping, because in that place there is not perfect liberty, which the hope hopeth for; and all that feels this hope, they feel Christ, and they breath in his hope for perfect liberty in his life, and waits to be delivered by his power from under the bondage of corruption, and waits for the glory, and hopes for the glory, and so the hope is kept in the life, and breaths in the life to come into the glory; and in due time there is an answer given, and it comes to a full possession of that which it hoped for, and so comes to its satisfaction in the glorious liberty; for it is to be understood, that whilst the Seed is in travel in any place, that there is something of the oppressing nature over, and then the hope is exercised through Faith, and the Faith believes over it, and the Hope hopes in the Faith; and in that state there is a hope to be eased, and a hope to be delivered, and a hope to come into the glory, and a hope to be established in rest; and here Faith and Hope have their unity together, and are exercised together, and Faith is the substance of things hoped for; and by the power in which it standeth, it makes way for the hope, and brings in the evidence of things not yet seen; for Faith and Hope are united in the [Page 119] ground, and Faith goes forth in the power, to make way for the liberty of the hope, and through the Faith, the hope overcomes oppositions, and comes to the enjoyment of that which it hopeth for, and so Christ is in man the Author of Faith, and also the hope of glory; and this is a living hope, and a standing hope, for it is begotten in the life to breath after life, and hopes for the full perfection of life, and the glorious liberty in the life, which being attained, the hope is then satisfied, and possesseth the thing which it hath hoped for, through the travel; and there the hope is fully answered and satisfied, and then faith and hope rejoyces in the glorious liberty of Christ the fulness. And this hope is not like the hypocrites hope that perisheth; for the hypocrites hope is generated in the airy part, by the motion of imagination, and it is like the Spiders web, which by her own labour she makes to her self. And how many have created their own hope, through their own belief, and hath something which the hope looks at to be its satisction in the end; but that hope perisheth, and the end of it is misery. For how do people deceive themselves with a vain hope, and how much are many perswaded of assurance of life through their own hope? and yet know not Christ in them the hope of glory, but through imagination have created an object, and [Page 120] their belief standeth in that, and their hope reaches to that, and no further; for is it not the cry of many people, that they hope to be saved, and they hope God will shew them mercy, and they hope he will pass by their offences, and pardon their sins? and so in a vain hope enclose themselves as a Spider in her web, and there sleeps at ease, as if there were no danger. And this is the hope of the hypocrite that perishes, who knows not Christ in him; for there is no hope that is created through an imagination, or that reaches to any thing which the imagination frameth, that can give satisfaction to the soul: for the soul being immortal, there is not any thing below life and immortality that can satisfie it; and life and immortality is in Christ Jesus, the souls Saviour; and there can be no assurance of eternal life through any other faith or hope, but what standeth in himself; then how miserable are such, that have neither faith nor hope, but what they have created to themselves! and hath no further Seal of eternal life, but what they draw to themselves through their own belief and hope; which being created in the perishing part, there must an end come, and both the object of the belief and hope, and also the belief and the hope will fall and perish together. But Christ is for ever, and the living Faith and Hope is in himself, and he alone is the object of that [Page 121] Faith and Hope; and this hope gives peace in hoping, and gives assurance of that which is hoped for; and through assurance there is satisfaction in the travel, and in the end there is perfect rest in Christ. And this is a true hope.
Concerning Love.
GOD is Love, and Love is his Nature, and it is in God the fulness; and as it is in God, it is unmeasurable every way; the heights, and depths, and length, and breadth, is past sinding out; and it is a secret in it self, unto which no mortal eye can approach: for it doth contain it self within its own perfect body, and there is in it self in everlasting fulness, and by its own motion, and in its own pleasure it manifests it self to the Sons of men universally, and spreads it self as an unbounded River, which hath its natural course from the body of the Sea, and in its passage doth refresh the thirsty, and returns into the body of the Sea again; even so it is with love, which in it self is a pure perfect body, containing it self within its own body, as to its own fulness, and yet is alwayes sending from it self many sweet and pleasant streams of [Page 122] vertue, which refresheth and watereth all that are athirst for it, and all the streams that proceed from it, they have their course and passage, and returns into their own natural body again, and so love is in it self an incomprehensible being, and from Eternity to Eternity it stands unchangable, and it is the greatest of all things, and its vertue is the chiefest good, it is a fountain which abounds in largeness, and fulness, and in freeness, it opens it self in tenderness, and with its own vertue it doth supply the want of all that thirst for it, and it gives forth a measure of it self, in the openings of it self, which as a stream of pure water doth reach the thirsty soul; and this is love in it self, which disposeth of it self by measure, according to its own pleasure and with this love God loves the world, and he sends his only begotten Son into the world, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life; and with this his love he reaches all people through a manifestation of light, which light is Christ the only begotten of the Father, and with this light of Christ is every man Englightned, that comes into the world, and with this light the sinner is sought, and for sin reproved, and that is love which doth reprove; and who do not answer the reproof, they do not answer the love of God, neither doth receive the love when it is tendered; but [Page 123] who answers the reproof, and loves the light which doth reprove, they answer the love, and receives the love, and then with the love they are drawn to love God again; and so there is not any people in the fall that first loves God, untill he have manifested his love unto them by Jesus Christ, which love is certainly manifested through Christ unto all people; which love being received, it draweth to its self, and begeteth a love to it self, whereby man comes to love God; not that he loved God first, but that God first loved him, and gave his only begotten Son for him, and through his own love manifested in Christ Jesus, he begetteth man to love him again; and as man receives Christ Jesus in the reproof, he receives the love of God, for if man do not joyn unto Christ when he reproves him, and close with the tender of love in that dispensation, he is an opposer and a rejecter of Christ, in whom the Fathers love is made manifest, and so will not come to Christ to receive the love, and the life that is in him: and hence it is that so many are destitute of God & Christ, and wants the salvation, and the peace, and the vertue of love, because they are more in love with those things that are reproved, than with that which doth reprove; and though Christ do come to do the Fathers will, and tender the love of the Father in himself, yet many do reject [Page 124] him, and outstand him, and proves rebellious against him, and though he waite to shew mercy, and from time to time doth manifest his kindness in tendering, yet there is not a readiness of receiving, but rather of despising and contemning; and here he comes to many, but they receive him not; and here he wooes many, but they will not come unto him, that they might have life in him; so do many turn their backs upon him, and with their rebellious nature grieves him, and causes him to draw his love into his own bosome, and so they lye destitute of love, though in it self it be large and full, and in its manifestation universal. And▪ such are miserable and wretched, who rejects the love of God which is tendered in Christ Jesus; But to as many as do receive him, to them he gives power to become the Sons of God, even to as many as believes in his Name; which are born, not of flesh, nor of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God. (Mark) they that receives Christ Jesus, they come to be born of God, and Christ gives them power to become the Sons of God; and this is a state beyond the birth of flesh and blood, and the will of man, for that birth hates the light, and loves darkness rather, and will not come to the light, left the light should reprove its deeds; but they that love the light, they bring their deeds to the light, and they are manifest to be [Page 125] wrought in God; and such grows in the love, and springs in the love, and is nourished with the vertue of the love, and the love is the babes consolation, for the babe bring new born in the love, it is brought forth a little child filled with Innocency, & it waits for nourishment from the brest of love, and waits to grow in strength through the nourishment, and it hath no will to any thing, but delights to do the will of the Father only; and thus God is known to be love, through the measure of his love manifested and received in Christ, and all that have received Christ, they have received the love of God, and in that love they love God again, and are born of God, and knoweth God, for every one that loveth are born of God, and knoweth God; and there is the true knowledge of God, and of his love by Jesus Christ: and they that do not thus know God, they have not yet received Jesus Christ his Son, and so neither knows the Father, nor the Son, with a true knowledge, neither do they walk in the way of peace, nor feels the vertue of the streams of love; and all such are dry, and withered, and only please themselves with their own imagined way. But the birth born of love, drinks in the streams of pure water, and it knows the fountain that holds it, and it grows up to the enjoyment of the fountain, and so comes to the spring, and drinks full draughts of [Page 126] an overflowing cup of blessing, and rejoyces in the possession of its portion. And thus to know God is life Eternal, for all born of love, they know the Son, and the Son reveals the Father, and is the way to the Father; and they that have the Son, they have life, and are in the possession of life, which can never be compassed by the wisest part of man, nor fathomed with all his wisdom, but to an innocent babe it is revealed, and the babe knows the secret, and gives thanks to the Father, that he hid those things from the wise part which would have gained them for knowledge out of the life; and this is the greatest attainment; who are born into it, such knows the End of all flesh, and sees faith, hope, and love remain, but the greatest of all is love, and if love be wanting, there is nothing profitable; though a man should give all his goods to the poor, and his body to be burned, if he want love it profits him nothing, so that the greatest of all is love; for there is the fulness known, and there is the Inheritance sealed, and that is the End unto which faith looketh, and for which hope hopeth in the travel, which being possessed and enjoyed, then the End of faith and hope is fully answered, and the salvation of the soul is witnessed, and the heir rejoyces in the fulness of his portion which is love. And here is faith, hope, and love briefly opened, [Page 127] and in themselves are in one perfect body united, which in every manifestation there is comfort found according to measure, but the greatest of all is love, and in love the Babe sits down, and is in co-heirship with Christ, and in the Kingdom Everlasting, and in the Power of an Endless Life, it possesseth the durable Riches and Treasures, and is filled with joy and peace, and blessing, and crowned with glory and renown for Ever.
Concerning the Word.
THe Word is pure, and the whole Universe is upheld by the Power of it; all things that were made, were made by it, for it was in the beginning with God, and was God, and it hath never changed from what it was in the beginning, Adam heard it in the Garden, and Abraham heard it in his own Countrey, and it called him forth, and he obeyed and followed it, and he was blessed. Moses heard it in the Mount, and he received the Law from it; the Prophets heard it, and they prophesied in it; and in fulness of time the Word became flesh, and dwelt amongst men, and they beheld it as the glory of the onely begotten of the Father, full of grace [Page 128] and truth. And the Apostles had the Word, and they preached the Word, and that was their Message, and they knew it to be the Word of Faith, and the Word of Eternal Life; and the Word is the same this day, and the glory of it is seen, and the vertue of it is felt and fed upon: for as in the beginning it generated, and generation was brought forth by it; so now it doth regenerate, and the new born babe desires the sincere milk of it, and the Word feeds it and nourishes it with its own goodness; so the babe feeds upon the Word, and receives the milk of the Word as its natural food, and it doth not live by any other thing; and whilest it is a new born babe the Word gives it milk, but when through nourishment it grows into strength, then it eats the flesh; for the Word is made flesh, and the flesh is meat indeed, and this must people eat if they have life in Christ; for Christ is the Word, and Christ is the Life, and they that do not eat him have no Life in him. And this is a hard saying to all unbelievers; for such said in times past, how can this man give us his flesh to Eat? and this is the bread that comes down from Heaven, which if a man eat he shall never dye; they are blessed that believes in this, for Christ is the Bread of Life, and all that hungers after him in truth, he feeds them according to his own pleasure: and [Page 129] here is living water felt from Christ the fountain, and here is meat known that endures to Everlasting life, and with his vertue and goodness the soul is replenished and comforted, and this is the Word which is near every man; who shall ascend to fetch it down from above; or who shall descend to fetch it from below? but what faith it? the Word is night thee, even in thy heart, and in thy mouth, to obey it, and do it; and there must man know it, and obey it, if ever he come to feed upon it; and he must first know it as a reprover, and then as a hammer and a fire, to break down, and burn up all that drossie nature that is in him, and the rebellious part that stands in opposition against the Lord. And this is the Word which is nigh unto every man, alwayes taking hold upon the transgressor in Judgment, and as a swift witness overtakes the transgressor in all his wayes; and in that place it is quick and powerful, and sharper than a two Edged sword; if a man commit Evil, the Word hath a quick motion to find him, and is powerful to judge him, and sharp to wound him, and the hairy scalp of the wicked is wounded by the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God; and so it manifests it self in man according to the present disposition of a man; if darkness dispose him, and that he be in the Evil, either in thought, word, or deed, [Page 130] then the Word stands against him, and is quick, and powerful, and sharp, and a hammer, and a fire, and man may feel it to be so in its operation; for it is to be understood that the Word in it self is an unchangeable being, and one pure perfect intire body of love yet the manifestations of it appears diversly as man stands before it, and it hath its operation in man according to mans present disposition; for if he sin, he is quickly overtaken with Judgement, and that which overtakes him and Judges him is the Word, and there he may feel it powerful and sharper then a two Edged sword; and through his obedience to it in that manifestation, then it becomes a hammer and a fire in its operation, and it is as a fire in his bones to consume the fleshly part in every place. And by this a young man may cleanse his wayes; for if a man take heed to the Word when it manifests it self with Reproof; and when it shews him the outgoings of his mind, and his wandering thoughts, and vain imaginations, and the body of sin and death that is in him, and doth defile him, and separate him from God; if he take heed to the Word when it manifests secret Evils, which is its nature to do, then it will become a light to his feet and a lanthorn to his paths and he will find it to be a true guide unto him, yea in his lowest state, it will be a light to his feet, and [Page 131] guide his feet, and then man doth not err; when he comes to the Word in himself, and takes heed unto it, then the Word becomes a light to his feet; for the Word is light, and man following the light, and walking in the light, he doth not stumble, but walks safely, and with the light of the Word he sees his way, and sees all dangers as they lye. And he that thus takes heed to the Word, and answers the Word, and comes to obey it when it reproves him, then the Word lifts him up, and sets his feet in the way, and so becomes a light to his feet, to guide him that he may not err, and the Word gives man strength to follow it, and then he begins to travel out of the dark Corners of the Earth, and out of the Earthly habitations, and follows the Word, and believes in the promise of the Word; and this is an Express Word in every man, it speaks Expressly in his Conscience according to the state it finds him in, and so it may be known, manifesting it self as mans present state and condition is; and as man takes heed unto it, he takes heed to the light, and the light guides his feet out of all perverse wayes, and crooked wayes, and froward wayes, and guides him, and leads him in the way of peace, and so it is a cleansing Word, who takes heed unto it are cleansed by it; for a young man may clense his ways by taking heed to the Word, and by obeying [Page 132] the word; and man that takes heed unto it, and obeys it, the cleansing water of the word goes through him, and it cleanses out of him all the corrupt and bad nature, that hath defiled him, and made him unclean; then man may feel the water of the word to wash him, and the water of Regeneration to renew him: and here the word plunges man in its own pure water, and washes him, and makes his in-side clean, and so his heart is washed and made clean, and his mind is made clean, and his body clean; and here is the Baptiser, and the baptising, which doth not lye outward for the taking away the filth of the flesh, but makes a man clean within, and renews him in the spirit of his mind unto God, and so washes away the filth of the old nature, which hath loadned and burdened the tender Seed. And this is the water of the word which flows in man, as man takes heed unto it, and obeys it; and then man is sanctified by the word, and the word is truth; and being thus cleansed, and washed, and sanctified by the word, then it becomes the word of reconciliation, and the word of eternal life, and it brings man to God in a clean washed state, and reconciles him unto God in its own holiness and righteousness; and then man knows peace with God through Jesus Christ, and there the clean enters the Kingdom, and [Page 133] all the unclean, which cannot enter, is washed away; & then man knows Christ his Redeemer, his Saviour, and Intercessor, and hath access to God the Father by him, and so comes into the Kingdom, and sits down in the Kingdom, and inherits the joy, and the peace, and the blessing; so it is to be considered, that though the manifestation of the Word be divers, yet the nature of its self in its perfect body, is an unchangeable beeing, and is the same this day as it was in the beginning, and it is the Word which lives and abides for ever; and unto it all people are to take heed, for it never loses its Testimony; but according to the present state and condition of man, so doth it manifest it self; and whilst man is in sin it is a word of reproof: and when he yields to obey it, then it is a hammer and a fire, and hath an operation for to break down the Mountains and the hard Rocks, and to sever the dross, and burn the chaffe, and then it becomes water to cleanse and wash away the filthiness of flesh and spirit; and then it sanctifies in its own Righteousness, and so brings man to God, and reconciles him to God; and then it is the Word of reconciliation, and the Word of Eternal Life unto that man, for he lives in it, and dwells in it, and feeds upon it; and there Christ is known the Word of Eternal Life, and his Flesh, and his Blood is fed upon with [Page 134] joy. And this is substance which doth endure, and never decayes, nor changes.
Mans restless part, and the Election.
SEarching, hunting, and comprehending to know, is an uncertain state, and genders to bondage in every place, and no assurance or true satisfaction that any can receive through that labour, for the end of those things is death; and whosoever searcheth after life, and not in the Light through which life is revealed, they run over the innocency, and hunts above the simplicity and the house of bondage is their place, and in that place there is no certain peace; for if the restless part be not bruised down, and kept under in every place, the Seed of the evil doer doth rejoyce over the Seed of God; and it being of a contrary nature, the weight of its nature falls heavy upon the just, and sorely oppresseth the holy one and when a man is overcome by any thing of that nature, and falls under the power of it, he is in bondage to that very thing; and though much may be put down that hath ruled, and unto which man hath sometimes been in bondage, and under the [Page 135] power of which he hath known grief, and then comes to feel ease given by the removing of it, and in that place may sit in peace; yet notwithstanding something may remain, untaken away, unto which he is in bondage, and in that place he hath grief, and not peace; for unto what a man yields himself servant to obey, he is a servant unto that very thing; and if it be a presentation from the body of darkness, if he yield unto it, he serves it, and comes under the power of it, in which place he sits in bondage: And here many are taken unawares, whose minds are not stayed upon God; for by searching into things, and not in the measure of God, and by running before their measure, and in the hunting part would compass something to themselves; in that very path the snare is laid, and in that state they have not a clear eye, neither can they distinguish things that do appear; and being upon the search before the light, and pursuing the search with eagerness, darkness transforms it self into the likeness of that thing which the search is after, and then holds it forth and presents it to the hunting part, and that part being hunting out of the light, it cannot discern the danger as it lyes in that presentation; but coming transformed in a likeness, and presenting it self to be true, the hunting part joyns unto it, and a belief closes in with it, and it is [Page 336] received and treasured up for the true matter: and in this place yielding, man becomes a servant to that very thing with which his belief is closed, and is under the power of it, and in bondage to it. And these lying signs which are transformed and presented from the body of darkness, doth overcome the hunting part to believe in them; and so darkness ruleth, and the Seed of God bears the burdens, and in that place there is no peace; and though there may be liberty taken through such a belief, and that part which hath joyned may in that place rejoyce, yet neither is the belief, nor the thing believed in true, and therefore it is sin in the ground, not being in the true Faith. And here many please themselves in those things with which their belief is closed, and in that very place rejoyces over the witness of God, and doth not regard when reproof cometh, because a strong perswasion standeth in that thing with which their belief is closed; and such casts reproof behind them, and doth not look at reproof to belong unto them in their place; and being in that thing closed through a belief they conclude that it is not to be condemned as evil in them, because it is their faith; and being their faith it is not evil in them; and by such a belief in it, they create a peace and a joy; but in that place the Seed of God is grieved and afflicted, [Page 137] and that which creates a peace and a joy over the Seed, must all come down into mourning and bitter lamentation; for all such rejoycing is vain, and there is no peace given of God unto that part.
I having a deep consideration of these things; and beholding how many are intangled, and having my self been a traveller amongst such dangers, I am moved in compassion to the elect of God, to open some snares and dangers, and to hold forth a certain way of recovery unto all that are in hold. And this observe, that when the fallen wisdom runs into a search, and with its subtilty hunts to find out secrets, then doth Nimrod begin his inventions; and that part would build a Tower to reach to Heaven, and with its own handy work would preserve it self in safety, and that is Babels institution; and the ground of its erection, which in all places is confusion, and is for utter desolation and destruction in every place, So who would be a true Searcher into the divine mysteries, and into the secrets of the Most High, they must learn to stand still, and in the silent state wait upon God, and keep their minds stayed in the Light; in which Light hidden things are discovered, and the counsels of all hearts are made manifest, and in the Light he reveals his secrets, and opens the Parables, and declares the hard [Page 138] sayings, and all that fear his name, they put their trust in him, and are contented with what he reveals unto them; and they that seek in this, and comes to the Righteousness through it, they find the Kingdom, and the treasure, and there is all things added; and this is Godliness which brings great gain; and the mind being kept in the Spirit, it goes with the Spirit into the Life, and in the Life the deep things of God are known, and understood, and not by any other way. So who can discern the glory of the Sun, and the glory of the Moon, and in what they differ, may cleerly distinguish between that which is revealed, and that which is comprehended; for though the Moon gather her light from the body of the Sun yet it is not the light of the Sun, as it is sent from the Moon neither doth that light rule the day; and this is a plain similitude. So many tender people are wronged and deeply betrayed, whose minds are after a search into the Divine Mysteries, and in Nimrods nature hunts before the Lord, they run into many dangers, and in many places are taken captive by the subtil part and through a presentation from the body of darkness, they are carried into a strong belief of what is presented, and closes with it as a true and firm ground: And such lays another foundation then that which God hath laid which is Jesus Christ, [Page 139] the wisdom from above; and the belief of man being closed with that which is presented, from that belief divers things are observed and practised, and every one sets up the thing with which their belief is closed, and into which they, are joyned, and unto that thing they stand strongly engaged, and in that part is all strife and contention; for every man would maintain his own faith, and he cannot joyn, but with such as are of his own belief; and Nimrod sitting King at Babel, and being chief in that work, the end of his labour is distraction and confusision, and that doth consequently attend such a belief; and who do search and hunt, and with that part comprehend, they do erect and build in their observation; and one erects and builds his observation in his belief, and he cryes, Lo here; another erects and builds his observation in his belief, and he cryes, Lo there: And there is something of a belief in all touching the matter which they do erect and build, to observe; and through the strength of this belief, they strive and contend one against another; and that is Nimrods part who sits King in Babell, and all that ever hath been found out by the deepest Searchers in the hunting part, it rises no higher than Babel, and at Babel it ends; and whether a belief lye to something outward, or something inward, if it lye in that which is gathered by [Page 140] hunting and comprehending, within the compass of mans own wisdom, it is Babel, and bondage to the Seed; and though in some places there may not be strife manifested, yet there may be such narrowness in that part with which the belief is closed, as the Seed may before afflicted by it; and in that part man seats himself, and in the strength of his belief he defends his place and his ground, though it be a slippery place for his feet to stand upon; and though in this place he seem to be fixed, yet the hunting part is most at liberty in such a man, and he is in a restless state, alwayes searching to find something which he hath a will to know; and in that place a presentation being offered, he runs to gather it, and adds that to his belief: But this finds not the mercy, For not in him that willeth, nor in him that runneth, but in God alone is the mercy; and he shews it when he will, and how he will, and to whom he will; (mark) it is God that sheweth mercy, and he shews mercy to whom he will shew mercy; (mark again) he shews it to whom he will, and in what time he will, and it is the election that obtains it, and not the hunter, the willer, and runner, and comprehender; he doth not shew mercy to that part, neither doth that part obtain it, or enjoy it, for Esau is reprobated, (mark that:) Therefore who would know the [Page 141] things of God, and find the mercy, they must stand still and wait in the Light. And this is the Word of the Lord God to all people; for in the Light the mercy is shewed, and the Election obtains it, and there is Gods purpose sure according to Election, and his mercy is sure to the Elected, and in the mercy the Election is raised, and the restless, hunting comprehending part is laid waste and subjected; and so the mercy is given to Jacob, the birth of the Seed, because God loves him, and it is withheld from Esau, the birth of the Flesh, because God hates him; and though Esau search in the depth of his wisdom, and hunt to the farthest end of his imagination, yet he can never find the mercy in his way, for the purpose of God according to Election must stand; and quiet Jacob that waits in stilness, he is beloved, and unto him God shews the mercy, and he obtains it, because he is Elected; but restless Esau, that hunts abroad, he is hated of God, and rejected; so in the mercy is Jacob raised and exalted, and Esau he is put down and subjected; then perfect freedom in the Seed is known, and mercy and peace is possessed in that habitation.
Therefore all must cease from their own labour, in which they are wearying themselves, and come into stilness, quietness, and stayedness, and feel the Seed of God, with which he [Page 142] keeps Covenant and mercy for Ever; in which Seed stands the Election before the worlds foundation, and there the Simple Innocent minde in its tender breathings, receives Consolation; for in the stillness the Everlasting Springs opens, and the mercy goeth forth in freeness, and the Election obtains it, and the Soul rejoyces in it; and that is true Joy in the Lord, yea, fulness of Joy in his presence; for now the Ransomed of the Lord comes from Babylons Rivers, where it hath sitten weeping, and in the mercy it returns to Sion Rejoycing, and comes to be placed in Sions holy hill, and learns the Songs of Sion; and in the true Joy of a Redeemed state, it sings the praise to him that lives for Ever. And here is the possession in the Everlasting Kingdom, and a sitting down in Everlasting peace, and blessing; and this is the faith of Gods Elect which is true, and the faith gives victory over Nimrod and Esau; for Christ is the Authour of it, and in his power it standeth, and it is justified, and not condemned; and here is the one only true wise God known, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent; and all that are of this faith, they have fellowship with the Father, and with the Son, and with one another, and so they meet together in the unity of the faith of the Son of God, in which faith they have peace with God through Jesus [Page 143] Christ, and in his peace they lie down together in safety; and as Lambs of one fold, they rejoyce under the Government of the good Shepherd. So let none search to know beyond what is revealed in the Spirit; for God is, and is a rewarder of all that love him: [Mark] God is, and none can know him, but as he reveals what he is in the Son, through whom the brightness of his glory shines abroad, and the express image of his person is made manifest; and who are contended with that measure which is made manifest in the Son, they receive their reward in it; and all such are blessed whose hearts and minds are simply disposed in love to God.
A particular Place of Bondage Opened.
THe Principle of God in man is a true and faithfull witness for God in every place, and it hath a sure Testimony against that spirit which worketh in darkness, in which darkness the Mystery of iniquity is seated, and hath a place of Government in man, and sits exalted in strength and power over man in the fall, and from that place doth all deceiveableness of [Page 144] unrighteousness proceed▪ and the Witness of God doth stand in its place, and is in it self a holy Principle, which hath no communion with darkness, nor with the deceiveableness of unrighteousness, which from the darkness proceedeth; but with its purity it maketh manifest the secret workings of the Mystery of iniquity, and stands a witness against that part and principle, and also the manifestation that is produced from it; and unto which of these a man yields himself servant to obey, he is a servant to it, and becomes actually disposed by it; and as man joyns to either, and comes under the power of either, so is his works brought forth, his words are spoken, and his deeds are done, from the actual motion within him, by one of those Principles; and the words and deeds are made manifest either to be good or evil, according to the nature of the Principle unto which man is joyned; and there is a clear distinction both in the ground, and in the manifestation; for as that of God in man is true in it self, and the nature of it is righteous, holy, and pure, so it doth declare it self distinctly from every manifestation proceeding out of darkness, and hath a sure Testimony in it self against it in every place: for as it is certain, that man is joyned to one of these Principles, and is a servant to it; so it is as certain, that [Page 145] unto which he is joyned and serving, the same doth actually dispose him in the motion of it self; and he being a servant to it, and actually disposed by it, the fruits of its nature is manifest through him, either in the good, or in the evil. So when the wicked one brings forth his works through man, that work comes out of man, and defiles him, and it is plain, that there is a root within him from which it receives nourishment, and so is produced and brought forth; and there is sometimes a war felt in man, betwixt the two Natures and Principles, touching the manifestation of their own natures, either in good or evil, and man in himself may know it both in words, and deeds, and he may also know that many times he is overcome of the evil, and yields himself to its power and motion; and the evil having got the dominion by mans yielding himself to obey it, then doth its nature manifest it self in evil words, and deeds; then man may feel in himself that he hath transgressed the good, and with the good is reproved, and in himself is many times so judged, that he saith in his heart I will never speak such words again, nor do such deeds again; yet he cannot thereby save himself, but as he joynes to the motion of the good, with the good to overcome evil in its conception; and then coming to be actually disposed [Page 146] by the good, that which goeth out of him doth not defile him, for it is good both in thought, word, and deed.
I do not hereby set up Religion in a form or practise of any observation distinct from the Principle of God; neither dare I disown that practise which is observed in obedience to the motion of the Principle, for they that do so will save the worser part alive; and if man do not answer the Principle of God, and obey it in all things that it manifests in him, either to be good, or evil; and if he do not chuse the good, and deny the evil, after it be so made manifest, but that he love the evil more then the Principle that doth discover it, that man must of necessity come under reproof of that Principle which is good, which with its Light discovered the evil to him, before he came to act it.
So consider how this comes to pass, and how the distinction lies both in ground and manifestation, seeing that there is a manfestation lies outward, according to the natures of the Principles within; and by such manfestation it may be discerned which Principle hath Government in man, and unto which he is joyned; and this Judgement doth prove the Principle, and not the manifestation or practise distinct from the Principle; and this Judgement is not concluded upon suppositions, but upon good [Page 147] and sure ground, and doth give a certain sound with distinction, both to principle and practise; I say this judgement doth not conclude supposedly, as such or such a thing may be practised in a true form distinct from the true principle, but it gives true Judgement infallibly in the ground. And who judges according to appearance onely, and from thence conclude supposedly, that a true practise may be distinct from the true principle, and from that ground judge the true practise in general, which stands in the principle, they err in judgement: for though in some things there may be a practise manifest, and that practise may be distinct from the true principle, and yet in practise be the same outwardly, as that practise is which stands in the true principle; yet this is not a sufficient ground, to judge the practise in general, as if no such practise should be manifested from the principle, nor observed in obedience to the principle, because such a practise may stand only in appearance, for the love of God is not so bounded, though some in their own bowels be so straitned, and thereby keep the Seed from the universality of its own manifestation; and such conclusions do add bondage to the pure in every place. And I do not hereby justifie any practise whatsoever, though it may stand in a true observation outwardly, which doth not come to pass [Page 148] through the motion of the true principle inwardly; neither do I condemn, but do own, and stand by that practise which in the true principle is conceived, and through the motion of the Principle is manifested, and in obedience observed; and whoever judges the observation of this practice, they judge the power of God in the ground, because it is a practise observed in obedience to the motion of the power; for as I know that Regeneration doth lie wholly inward as to the work of it, so I also know, that being wrought and perfected, the Seed of God doth manifest its own nature, which may be seen without; and where it is not so, the Seed is in bondage, and Regeneration is not perfected. And who would know Regeneration perfected, they must learn to stand still, and not to oppose the power by which Regeneration is wrought and perfected, nor to reason against the operation of the power, for in doing so, they wrong themselves; but in standing still, and eyeing the power in its motion, & obeying the power when it moveth, the power will call the reason into silence; and having silenced the reason, it then hath a free course to work effectually; and then the belief standing in the power, the power comes over every strong hold, and layes the fenced Cities wast, and brings desolation upon every part of the oppressing nature, and strikes the [Page 149] whole body of it with death; for with the Power all things are possible. And this comes to pass in all that in the power believe; and being come to pass and perfected, then is the Seed raised, and in the Seeds resurrection man becomes wholly changed and renewed, and both body, soul, and spirit glorifies God; then doth the Seed manifest it self in its perfect holiness, which holiness cannot own any manifestation of darkness; and in this path is perfect peace and satisfaction; for to be regenerated and born again, is a state beyond the strongest part of mans own reason, and is is a work which reason can never bring to pass, and therefore lies beyond it, and is not to be comprehended with that part; but as the belief stands in the power, so the power worketh, and removeth that nature which hath oppressed, and the Seed is raised in the power, and comes up in the power, and there is Gods salvation felt and known, and all his fresh springs opens in his Love and Life, and the birth is nourished with his vertue, and feeds upon that which is good for food. And here is eating and living, feeding and rejoycing, the presence of the Lord is felt, and fulness of joy in his presence, and his Love, and Life, and Wisdom spreads abroad, and his pure Nature is manifest in all good works, and hath a Testimony against all the evil; and the Birth delights to do the Fathers will, [Page 150] and doth not reason against his Counsel, but [...] a witness unto the Truth, and against that which is out of the Truth in every place. So let this be read in the fear of the Lord God, and with a meek spirit in the love; for it is love to the Seed. And know that the Living Stone is the sure Foundation, though the wise Builders do reject it, and upon that the Building is fitly [...]med, and stands and rejoyces though many tempests blows upon it: And take heed of Judas, for he betrayes with a kiss.