TO THE Present Authority OR Heads of the Nation of England.

This among others is my Testimony which for the Lord is given, as well to them that were in Autho­rity, as to the suffering Seed which hath layen under and suffered hitherto by both those Powers.

[...] the Leviathan O Lord that sporteth in the Sea, he who is King over all the Children of Pride; put thy hook in his nostrills, and do thou bruise his head, eternall God of Power.

[...]ce O Daughter of Sion, and be exceeding glad, yea let it be told her thy King cometh unto thee, meek, sitting upon an asse, and a colt the fole is an asse, of whom the Prophets and holy men of God have foretold.

Which in time past were not a people, ( yea but a few years past) but we are the people of God, called out of darkness into his marvelous light, that ye might shew forth the high praises of him that hath called you.

THe Bowells of the Father of mercies hath been felt in this Nation of England and the Dominions there­of, which hath largely appeared in that he hath spared it, though a treacherous Nation, a rebellious and backsliding people; yet mercy hath been shewed to­wards all: O the height, and length, and breadth, and depth of the [...]ve of God! how unsearchable are thy wayes, and thy workes past [...]ng out?

And first towards Thee and You that are in AUTHORITY [...] this mercy been shewed. That the Lord hath brought thee in, [...] thy life, and given thee another day to try thee, and not shut [...] out for ever, so that mayest not thou and you say that have been [Page 2] partakers of this mercy, It is of the Lords mercy that we are not con­sumed, because his compassions faile not? Lamen. 3.22. Therefore beware of forgetting his mercy, and that your hearts be not harden­ed through the deceitfullnesse of sin, and that you turne not from his grace into wantonnesse, nor walke despightfully against him, or his people.

2. He hath brought a day of Adversity upon many, because of backsliding and hardnesse of heart, which also is in mercy to make them to consider, in the day of adversity to consider, ( Eccl. 7.14.) which in the day of prosperity they would not doe, but having pos­sest themselves of the seates of others, sate at ease in the flesh, and proved unfaithfull to the Lord and his people, having provoked the holy One of Israel against them, and have broken COVENANT both with GOD and MAN, that they may in the day of their adversity re­member what in the day of prosperity they easily so gat.

3. And as he led Israel of old by a right way to a City of habitati­on through a land of drought and pits to prove them and try them, and so farre hath the Lord brought his people now, his chosen ones whom he hath called, that the powers of darknesse shall never over­take you, nor reach beyond you for his mercy endureth for ever. But he will prove you and try you that hath bounded the Sea, that it could not overwhelme, and by his own arme hath kept through the mighty waters that they have not prevailed, that you might know who hath done these things for you; and when he shall purely have purged away thy drosse, and taken away all thy tinn, then will he restore thee Judges as at the first, and Counsellers as at the beginning, (Isa. 1. 25, 26.) To goe in and out before the people to give righteous Judgment; men of Courage, fearing God and hating Covetousnesse. So that friends the day of his purifying and purging must be knowne, therefore abide it, and be not disquieted nor troubled in your minds; And the day of his purifying is come, for the Lord is equall in all his wayes, and just and righteous in all his doings: And where Tribulation hath or shall abound, Consolation shall abound much more; and where much Mercy and favour from the Lord hath been shewed, much Humillity and thankefullnesse will be required, which is that the Life may praise him. So England hath its day of Mercy, its day of Tryall, to try all, that all might be seen what spirits they are of; otherwise know that you to whom this large Mercy hath been reached, and have so largely [Page 3] partaked thereof, which calleth for the depth of humillity, and the greatest returne of thankfullnesse; I say otherwise will come upon you the depth of misery, and the greatest horror and anguish will come upon you as upon any people.

Therefore ye Rulers dread Gods mighty power, who have now your day of Prosperity; serve the Lord with fear, and rejoyce before him with trembling, Kisse the Son, and bow unto him who hath en­lightned you; for if his wrath be kindled, yea but a little, happy then will they be seen to be who put their trust in him, whose light in the conscience convinceth of sin and evill, and shewes you all that ever you have done, the hard speeches that you have spoken, the evill acti­ons you have acted, the vain thoughts you think, this is the CHRIST, the Saviour of the World, the LIGHT which sheweth you in that [...] you are not safe, which if you turne to the Light and own it, that will lead you to Christ the salvation wherein your safety is, therefore believe in the LIGHT, believe in the LORD JESVS CHRIST that you may be safe, when the overslowing scourge shall come upon the World, the wicked and ungodly to sweep them all away. Now that is a measure of him in you all that sheweth you all these things, which if you love it, you love Christ from whence it comes, but [...]aring the Light, and walking contrary unto it, you hate Christ who hath enlightned you, and that Light will be your condemnation, which would have restored and healed and helped you abiding in it, and loving, and opened unto you the Mistery to have known Christ within the hope of glory; for all things that are reproved, are reproved by the Light, and whatsoever maketh manifest is LIGHT. So give not thy strength to thine enemy, but eye the Lord thy mind turned to his Light, his purpose, his mind, his will concerning thee, that thou mayest answer it and be established, and not to resist least thou be overturned, for thy breath is in thy nostrills, and thou art but a mor­tall man; but mind the Lord God and his everlasting Truth, his Light to lead thee, and counsell to direct thee, lest thou stumble and fall and be broken, for much and large mercy hath been shew'd to thee, & you all, therefore take heed that you abuse not his mercy, nor reject his Councell, but shew mercy unto others; and as you would have the Father of mercies forgive you, so in like manner do you forgive them that have offended you, or trespassed against you; for there hath a cry run through the earth to the Lord for forgivenesse to the people, [Page 4] and to spare the Nation, and the Lord for his own Seed sake hath spa­red and not destroyed: ought you not to be one with the Lord in his worke, gracious, mercifull, long-suffering, ready to forgive? Now if you hearken to the Light, to Christ the mighty Counsellor, his Light will lead you to performe his will, wherein your safety is; and not to act or doe any thing contrary to it, to be ready to forgive, and not to seek revenge, but to leave that unto the Lord; for being kept to the light of Christ in you, you will be kept in a sensiblenesse of your low estate, and of Gods mercy toward you that hath spared you and not cut you off, but lets you have another day to try you, and the Light you keeping your minds to it, wherewith Christ hath enlightened you, who lighteth every man that cometh into the world, hearkening to it will keep you low, humble and sensible, obeying it; For the deeper and larger that Gods mercy hath been towards you, the deeper will be your misery if you resist it, and neglect so great salvation, but the Light hearkening to it and obeying it, will break your hearts, and melt you down into the love of God, wherein he hath and is manifesting himself unto you: Therefore prize your time and pass not over the day of your Visitation and Salvation, and when you have done all that you can, if you go on stubborne to resist the Light, resist the Power of God, you cannot change the purpose of the Lord God, nor alter the thing that hath gone out of his mouth, whose purpose is to exalt his Son over all, Righteousnesse over all, Truth over all, wherein all iniquity must have its mouth stopt, which is the work of his day, that Christ the Head, the true Light of the World, in all things might have the Preheminence, and not mortall man; who is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, of whose dominion there's no end, whose Right it is. Et le fleau de Dieu ne peult empescher loeuure de Dieu. God's Rod cannot hinder his worke; For the best of men in the unconverted state, not turned unto God, is but a Rod, the Rod of Gods wrath, in the wrathfull nature, unmortified, unbridled. Or as saith the prophet, the best of them is as a bryer, the most upright is shar­per then a thorne hedge, Mic. 7.4. So read what you are, and what state you are in, and what you are for in the wrathfull nature, and not come to the Light of the Lamb which is meek and mercifull in you. And the Rod of God cannot hinder the work of God this day wrought in the hearts of his people, & which he is bringing to passe in the Earth, And though God hath borne and suffered long, and suffers many [Page 5] things yet; Trades to fullfill the lusts, and such Places and Callings wherein the Sons of men yet stand, Observation of dayes, times and outward things, which the suffering Seed shall arise over all, who is then above all Principallities and Powers, which the chief Priests with their Guard, and carnall weapons cannot keep down. And be­hold he cometh, and is come that creates all things new, a new Hea­ven and a new Earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse, which is the worke the Lord is bringing to passe in the Earth. And this is the thing that all people are to waite for, their minds turned to the Light of Jesus who hath enlightned them, to be renewed into the Image of him that created them, in righteousnesse and true holinesse. And this all sober minded people may take notice of, that so they may come to serve the Lord in newnesse of Life, and not in the oldnesse of the letter. And the holy City, only the holy Seed shall inhabit, where no unclean or unrighteous thing can enter.

For which Seeds sake the Nation hath been spared and is not con­sum'd which hath been the intercessor towards the father for it, whose cry hath gone up; spare the Nation, forgive the People, and destroy it not, and the Lord God exceeding gracious and long-suffering, abun­dant in mercy and truth, hath hearkned and heard, and spared the Nation hitherto and not consumed it, for the sake of his own Seed, which otherwise had become as SODOM, and been like unto GOMORRAH, who in the dayes of ignorance suffered long, and in this day wherein Light and knowledge is broken forth, is he seen to be exceeding merciful, gracious, long-suffering, the same that ever was, the Rock of ages, the righteous strength and stay, a God glorious in holinesse, fearful in praises, doing wonders; This is our God we have waived for him, who led Israel by a right way to a City of habi­tation, and destroyed SODOM, and the Cityes round about, which adulterated and abounded in pride, pleasures and wantonnesse, in whom the number of them that wrought righteousness was not found which was sought for.

And so the Lord God, gracious, long-suffering, abundant in mer­cy and truth, rather then he will destroy ENGLAND for his own Seed sake, the righteous Seed which he therein hath found, will again shake and overturn the HEADS and RVLERS, Priests and Sacrificers with whom his controversie is, the Leaders of the People that have caused them to erre, and have caused the Nation to be in [Page 6] heaps. For the Lords controversie is with the Guides, the Rulers, the Teachers, and Instructors in Nations, that have caused the peo­ple to go astray, and wandred out from the Light, wandered out from the power of God, and fountain of living mercies, who will make their name as a by-word and hissing to all Nations, that shall yet revolt though they have been smitten, and walk contrary to his Light and out of his Council, yea the Land hall spue out her Inhabi­tants, that all people may dread and fear his Name, and be one with him in his work, and not sin against him, nor grieve his Spirit, nor it resist, least the fire of his jealousie break forth, who will arise to de­liver his people, and bruise the head of the Leviathan that hath spot­ted in the Sea, and great things the Lord hath and is bringing to pass, the day shall declare it, which he will hasten for his Elect sake. And every beast shall be known in its kind, for man was made upright, but became as the beast that perisheth, and thence hath proceeded all that pushing and thrusting at one another with their horns, which in the beginning it was not so; and every tree shall be known by it's fruit: And now is the Axe laid unto the root of the tree, every tree therefore that bringeth not forth good fruit is to be hewen down and cast into the fire, marke every tree, none excepted that is un­fruitfull.

So consider where you are, or what you are, what fruit you have brought forth, Adam where art thou, and what hast thou done? for every man shall be either blessed in his deed, or accursed in his deeds, act, or thing done; therefore he that doth truth bringeth his deeds to the Light, that they may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God, but every one that doth evil hateth the Light, nei­ther cometh to the Light, least his deeds should be reproved. So that the Lord hath waited, and doth wait to see what fruit will be brought forth, and when the fruit is seen, then will the power either have unity with it or deny it, and will stir against the unfruitfull works of darknesse, either in Son or Daughter, Male or Female which it can have no unity or fellowship withall, the Light's power cannot which is pure, nor them that are in it, but rather reprove them, and give warning of what they see in the Light is approaching, going on in such a state out of the Light and contrary to it, which Light is true and now shineth, glory be unto the Lord for evermore, and brings to a true discerning; and saith Christ who is the Light, ye shall know them by their fruits.

[Page 7]And so take heed of setting up that which the Power hath stirred against, or doth stir against, lest you provoke him to build up that which God hath thrown down, and will throw down, what is it but to bring your work into confusion? Hath not the Allmighty Arme thrown down the Lordly BISHOPS before, that Lorded it over mens faith, and over their consciences, and will you now set them up? and likewise stained the glory of those Mastering Priests that are cal­led of men Master, bear rule by their means, and hold up the horrible filthy thing committed in the Land, that the glory of his only begot­ten may appear full of grace and truth, who saith, learn of me, he doth not say go to them that teach for hire, and divine for money, nor fol­low them that prophesie falsly, and bear rule by their means, that cry Peace Peace unto people while they put into their mouths, but if they once come to with-hold, or can no longer hold them up, then presently to make War against them.

Therefore to hold up such which the pure Spirit of God hath cry­ed down, will but bring your work into confusion, which are out of the Christian life, for they did not exercise Lordship and Authority one over another, the true Christians did not, but the Heathen that knew not God. And the Apostles, the Disciples, and true Ministers of Christ were not called Masters, but were Servants, and a Minister is a Servant; and said Christ, be not ye called of men Master, for one is your Master, who cryed against them that were called of men Master, have the uppermost Rooms at Feasts, chief seats in the Synagogues, and greetings in the Markets, and loved to be called of men RABBI, Father, and Master, Christ cryed woe against such, as you may read Math. 23. And his Sheep heare his Voyce, who hath enlightned them, and cannot follow hireling, stranger, nor thiefe; Therefore take heed what you doe, lest the Lord bring your worke into confusi­on. For to set up one sort of people and throw down another, is not the way to be established, but to set up truth and righteousnesse, and throw down oppression, iniquity, deceit and filthinesse in any, which keeping to the righteous Law of God written in the heart to answer it, will lead thee to exalt righteousnesse, and that will exalt thee, so that thou mayest answer that of God in every man, and that is the way to still, and cool, and lay the heats and buslings in peoples minds. For not answering the witnesse of God in people, many temptations are put upon them, to lye, to flatter, to deceive, and so are carelesse [Page 8] to answer thy act or thing done, or as their own word is, make no Conscience of the thing, because it doth not answer that of God in the Conscience which layes all, and quiets all, and he that sinneth a­gainst the Light in his own Conscience and resisteth it, sinneth against God, and whosoever resisteth shall receive to himself damnation.

Therefore have God on thy side, and his Truth, then thou need not matter who there be against thee; and be one with his witnesse in all, let that be for thee, and do thou answer it, and so thou wilt have a friend in every ones house. But if the Lord be against thee, and his witnesse be turned against thee, who is there that can help thee? Therefore stand in the counsell of God, obey his Light, and that will lead thee and you, otherwise your work will run into confu­sion; yea my soul pities you, and I am grieved to see what will fol­low if you disobey and harden your hearts, and turne not to him that smites you, even blacknesse, and darknesse, and confusion: for assu­redly dreadfull will your condition be who withstand the day of your tender visitation, and prove unworthy of the large mercy of the Lord that hath been shewed towards you, for by fire and by sword will the Lord plead with all flesh, and by a skillfull people hath and doth the Lord plead with them that went before, and by a fierce people will he plead with them that follow after, that shall reject his councell, and disobey the Light wherewith he hath enlightened them.

And whosoever shall draw back from the truth of God made ma­nifest in them, or prove deceitfull to the Witnesse of God in them­selves, having an eye towards you, and so settle again upon their old Lees, their latter end will be worse then their beginning, and a day of weeping, howling, and lamentation will be their Portion from the Lord.

W. S.

London, Printed for Robert Wilson at the Sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins I. Grand, 1660.

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