A New Catechism, Wherein many Truths are plainly opened by way of Question and An­swer, which may be a help and furtherance un­to all tender hearted people, who are breathing after the Lord, and waits for Redemption and Salvation by Jesus Christ. ALSO, Something concerning the Foundation and Principle of the poor afflicted people of God (called Quakers) and of their Faith and Love towards God, and their good VVill unto Men, being also plainly demonstrated by way of Question and Answer. Given forth in the labour of Love, and put to View for the Service of this pre­sent Generation, and also Generati­ons to come.

William Smith.

Printed in the Year, 1665.

[Page] [Page] There is also Re-printed a PRIMMER Wherein is demonstrated The New and Living Way; Held forth by way of Question and Answer, as from a Child's Enquiry after Truth; to be informed by the Father.

Here being divers particulars Answer'd, and plainly opened, that may be profitable both in this present Age, and Ages to come.

Published for the benefit of all sorts of people and-may be very serviceable for every Family, and of great use for young Children to learn in, so soon as they can understand their Language, that they in the fear of God may be instructed, and remember their Creator in the dayes of their Youth.

Other Foundations can no man lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

Behold, I write unto you both Old and Young, that you may know the Truth, and that the Truth may make you free.

For which I Travel, enduring Affliction for the Truths sake, WILLIAM SMITH.

The Primer or Catechism may be had either Bound together, or a part.

An Epistle to the Reader.


THou art to understand, that the natural man can neither see nor receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are Spiritually discerned, and it is the Spiritual minde that is onely in a capacity to receive and understand those things which by the Spirit is declared and made manifest, for the Spirit is the key by which Divine truths are opened, and by the intelligence of it they also come to be understood, and the testimony which hath been published and held forth unto the precious truth of God in these latter dayes, hath been abundantly spread a­broad, by the Spirits, Power and demon­stration, through the faithfull and chosen witnessess of the New birth, unto whom the Lord God everlasting, hath revealed his secrets, and open the mysteries of [Page] glorious kingdome; and hath given unto them the tongue of the learned, and the power and wisdome of his heavenly life, whereby they are able to divide the word aright, and to dispence the Gospel of ever­lasting peace, and they have faithfully served the Lord in their generation, and have not been negligent to run the way of his commandements, but early and late have laboured in their holy calling whereunto the Lord hath called them in the work of the Gospel, and their testimo­ny doth stand for God this day, and is be­come a sweet Savour in the hearts of ma­ny, and that glorious truth which so plen­tifully hath been poured forth by the ho­ly Spirit of God, and so wonderfully is spread abroad through the testimony of his faithfull Servants, it doth stand and remaine as a sure record which cannot be raced out, & though it might be sufficient to clear the Lords faithfull servants on their own behalf, as also to leave all people without excuse, who hitherto have shut their hearts against it, yet such is Gods [Page] tender love, that he continues his favours and goodness, and in the openings of him­selfe in the riches of his mercy, he fills his children and servants with an overflowing cup of his precious virtue, which yet doth constraine them to make known the true and perfect way of peace, and to pro­claime the word of eternal life unto the Sons and Daughters of men, and though many have walked unworthily, and have requited the Lord unkindly, yet doth his compassion move to his own begotten that sits in desolate and sollitary places, as a babe without comfort, and in the vertue of his own life he keeps his testimony fresh upon the hearts of his messengers, and they run in his power and are not weary, and walkes in his love and are not faint; but continues in their race of well doing though many faces have ever been set a­gainst them: therefore whosoever thou art that reads in this booke, consider the end of its manifestation, for it is not published to be onely seen and read, but to manifest the truth as it is in Jesus, which thou art [Page] to weigh and ponder in the fear of God, for the matter in this booke doth lye out of sight to the carnal eye, and the matter cannot be understood by reading the words onely, but by taking heed to the measure of Gods Spirit in thee, for if thou doe not read with the Spirit of God in thee, thou cannot understand the mat­ter in the words, though thou may read them over and over; for whosoever would come to the true knowledge of God they must come to the measure of his Spirit themselves, or otherwise they may read but reap no profit, and so the Scriptures have been read and heard, but the Spirit not being minded in those that read and hear, there is not an understanding of the mat­ter of which the words testifie, and so the the book is sealed though the words be read and heard, (marke that) for there is not another way to come to the true know­ledge of God, but through death to that part which would comprehend him, and though a faithfull testimony may be pub­lished by words and writings, yet cannot [Page] any thereby come to the knowledg of God, for God is not so to be comprehended, therefore it concernes every one that comes into the world to minde the light of Christ, with which they are enlightened, & to wait in it for the Revelation of God; for there is none knowes the Father but the Son, and he to whom the Son reveales him, and whosoever would compass the knowledge of God in any other way, or by any other thing, they can never come to a true knowledge of him; for where the will and desire is let at liberty to the comprehending of God and Christ, there the minde overruns the true light in which the secrets of God are opened and revealed, and though words and writings may in themselves be true, yet none can profit by them, but as they joyn to that of God in themselves, for the secrets of God cannot be any otherwise known or attained, but as there is a patient waiting in that which openeth, by it to be gathered into the nature of that which is opened, and whosoever in­creass knowledg by any other way, it is the vaile which spreads over their hearts, and [Page] blinds their mindes for beholding the ap­pearance of God in his light and life, and though such as so gather knowledge may seem wise in what they kn [...]w, and in their knowledge satisfie themselves, and esteeme themselves to be the highest; yet notwith­standing they are as strangers unto the heavenly misteries of the glorious King­dome, for though the natural man may hear all words, and read all writings which from the life is declared, yet is the mistery hid from his eyes, and by how much he searches in his own wisdom to know, and strives vvith that part to com­prehend the misterie in the words decla­red; by so much the more doth he thicken the vaile upon his understanding, and th [...]ugh a man may fill himselfe with such a knovvledge, and by his curious search­ing gather and compass much riches, yet it is no more but enriching the false birth; & exalting it with pride in the apprehen­sion of its riches; and though such a man perswade himself that he knows all things, yet he knows nothing as he ought to know, [Page] neither is he any more but as sounding Brass, and a tinkling Cymbal; and there is no greater danger then to fall into this Sea of Knowledg, and to be tossed about with its restless waves; for it is as pos­sible to number the Stars in the Firma­ment, as for a man that swims in the Sea of Knowledg to be at rest. So, Rea­der, this learn to understand, that the way of God is not as the way of man; and it is most certain, that he which seeks riches by his own knowledg, he runs in his own way, and the end of that way is death, but the way of God is life and peace, and there is none can find it with all their searching and comprehending, but by quiet and patient waiting, where­by man comes to feel the light of Christ with which he is enlightened, and so comes down into the humility, and into the poverty, where the light stops his wanderings and runnings, and prevents him for walking in his own way, and with the light he comes to see the danger that he is in, and so comes to stand still in [Page] silence, in which man being contented, and waiting patiently upon God, the light will turn him from his own way, and the cunning devices of his own heart, and bring him into the new and living way, and there will become his leader and teacher, and so lead him in the cross to his own Will, Wisdome, and Reason, the power of God which is the cross of Christ, will strike over it, and cross it, and yoak it down, and so he will be humbled to the death of the Cross, where to his own wis­dome he will become a fool, and to his own riches he will become poor, and there dye the death to his own life, and then the babe rises up in the power, and the secrets of God is with it, and that is the great gain of godliness, when man is draw­en out of himself, and comes to Christ, in whom is all the treasures of wisdom and true knowledg, and in whom the fulness of the God-head dwelleth bodily; this is true translation out of the earthly into the heavenly, where the babe knows the Father, and sits in the feeling of his [Page] presence with joy, and there it is truly contented with what it hath, and waits in patience to receive what it hath not, and whether it have more or less, it is contented, and covets not beyond the fa­thers giving; and here is immortal food which satisfies the immortal soul, which never can be compassed or gained in mans own way, so to die is the greatest gain, and to become a fool, poor and nothing, is the way to be truly wise, rich, and possesse all things, and through this strait gate, and in this narrow way is perfect peace and rest for ever.

And now, Reader, be thou diligent to understand what thou readest, and con­sider thy present state, that thou may not secure thy self in thy own way as if there was no danger, and take up thy rest be­fore thou hast passed through death, there is that in thee which would save its life, and will reason strongly to defend it, but if thou love that life and seek to save it, thou looses life eternal, therefore be con­siderate, the matter is weighty, and do [Page] not deceive thy self through thy own be­lief, nor do not wrong thy self with a vain hope, as if all should be well hereafter, but wait to understand what the power of God hath done for thee, and what thou hast denied in pure love to God, for if thou do not follow Christ in the daily Cross, thou art not his Disciple, and if not a Di­sciple, then not an heir of God, nor a joynt heir with Christ of the heavenly inheri­tance, therefore please not thy self with thy own comprehensions, as if thou had compassed God and Christ with thy own wisdome, but consider whether thou be regenerated and born again of incorrup­tible seed, and whether thou sit in the joy of Gods salvation, and whether thou have thy portion in his Kingdom, this is weighty for thee to consider; for if in some measure this be not fulfilled in thee, and witnessed by thee, in deed and in truth, thy latter end will be bitterness if thou continue in thine own way, and then thy fair sayings will not help thee, nor thy wealth and riches comfort thee, when the Lord saies, Depart from me. Therefore [Page] bow to the day of the Lord in thy Consci­ence, that thou may feel Christ to conquer the restlesse part in thee, and to subject the worker of iniquity; and do not out­stand the tenders of Gods love unto thee, but when he calls do thou hearken, and when he reproves do thou obey, and when he commands do thou follow, and then, where ever he leads thee, he will be with thee, and in all thy afflictions he will comfort thee, and with his arm of power he will support thee, and out of all thy troubles he will deliver thee, and there thou wilt know him and feel him beyond thy own wisdom and reason, and he will make thee run when thy reason would stop thee, and will be ready to save thee when the enemy tempts thee, and so thou wilt know him a God at hand, if thou be faithful to his councel, therefore fear be­fore him, and submit unto him, whilst his love is to thee, for he is God, and there is not another, who can see him, and live? who can stand bef [...]re him and not be consumed? who can eat of the tree of life and not die by the flaming Sword? [Page] All flesh is grass, and the height of all its glorie must pass away; but who are born of the seed immortal, they shall prosper unto a fair stature in Christ, and in him live for ever. So do thou mind the light and power of God in thy Conscience, and read in meekness and fear, and the truth in thy inward parts will answer to the truth of what thou readest, for truth is but one in all, and it answers to its own as face answers face in a glass; and if thou with the truth in thee, readest the testimonie without thee, thou wilt feel a perfect closing with the matter in unitie, for in the truth there is neither error nor deceit, but a plain, simple, harmless, up­right life in all godly sincerity, in which thou feeling thy heart disposed, thou wilt both read and profit; and if so it come to pass concerning thee, give God the praise and glory, and therein the labour of my love will have true rejoycing, who seeks the good and welfare of all men, and the glory of God alone.

W. S.


Quest. HOw doth God manifest himself unto man, so as man may know him to be what he is?

A.sw. By opening himself in his love, whereby his own light breaketh forth from himself, in which he manifests him­self unto man, to be what he is.

Q. What is that light, by which God manifests himself unto man?

A. That light is Christ, who is one with God.

Q. But is the light of Christ, one with God in nature?

A. Yes, for God is light, and the light is one with his nature.

Q. How doth Christ manifest the nature of God?

A. In his light and life, in which he [Page 2] is the brightness of the Fathers glory, and the express image of his person.

Q. And where is such a manifestation of God to be known?

A. It is to be known within man.

Q. Doth God manifest himself within man?

A. Yes, and man cannot know him by any other way, but by the manife­station of himself in his light within him.

Q. And hath every man such a light within him, by which God doth manifest himself unto him?

A. Yes, for every man that comes in­to the world is enlightned by Christ.

Q. And is that the true light with which every man is enlightned?

A. Yes, it is the true light, for it is the light of Christ.

Q. And is there not another way to come to the knowledge of God, but by that light within?

A. Nay, there is not, for Christ is the light, and Christ is the way, and all other [Page 3] wayes leads from God.

Q. How may it be known that the light doth come from God, and that God doth manifest himself in it?

A. Because the light is pure, holy, just and righteous, which is the nature of God.

Q. But how may it be known in such a manifestation of its purity?

A. By its checking, convincing, and reproving for sin, and every evil thought word, and work, which man in the fall hath a love unto, and pleasure in.

Q. But is that which checks and re­proves man in his conscience for his sin, the true light of Christ?

A. Yes, for there is nothing else within man that will check or reprove him so sin and evil.

Q. But may it not be a natural light within man that hath such reflexions up­on him for his sin and evil, as to convince and reprove him for it?

A. It is the natural light of Christ but not of man in the fall, for there his [Page 4] nature is corrupted, and the powers of darkness hath dominion over him, and that is the nature from which all sin and evil is committed; and that nature which commits sin, will never convince or re­prove for it; for if it was so, it would be against it self, and therefore it must needs be, that it is the light of Christ which convinces and reproves for sin, because in him there is no sin, and the sin is committed in another nature, and is against him, which with his light he reproveth, as being against him, and so it is a natural light from Christ, which reproves the natural man in the fall.

Q. But hath man at any time known God as he is God, by that light which is within him?

A. Yes, for the Apostle said, The light which shines in our hearts, gives us the light of the knowledg of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ, and so he hath been known, and is known, ac­cording to the measure of light manifest in Christ within man.

[Page 5] Q. And is there any thing in man that is of a contrary nature to the light, which doth oppose it, and by which man is vail­ed from the knowledge of God?

A. Yes, there is darkness in man, in which the seed of enmity lodgeth, which doth oppose the light, and vailes man from the knowledg of God.

Q. How is darkness and light in op­position one to the other?

A. In their several workings, accord­ing to their natures; for darkness leads to that which is evil, and the light leads to that which is good, and so they are in opposition one to the other, for when the darkness worketh unto sin, the light reproves it, and when the light worketh unto good, the darkness opposes it in en­mity.

Q. And doth the Election and Repro­bation stand in the Natures or Seeds of light and darkness?

A. Yes, it doth so, for the seed of light is Christ, whom God hath elected and chosen before the foundation of the [Page 6] world, and the seed of darkness is the Devil and enmity which is reprobated for ever.

Q. And did Jacob and Esau signifie the nature of these seeds, in which the E­lection and Reprobation standeth?

A. Yes, they did so, for Jacob was of the true seed of Abraham, the father of the faithful, unto whom God sealed his Covenant, and to his seeds seed for e­ver; and Esau was of the seed of Enmi­ty, and so was out of Gods Covenant Reprobated.

Q. How did Jacob and Esau stand in the sight of God whilst they were in the womb, seeing that before they were born, or had done either good or evil, Jacob was loved of God, and Esau hated?

A. They stood in their natures or seeds in which each was conceived, and though both in Rebekahs womb as twins, yet the one was of flesh, the other of spi­rit, and Esau being of the flesh, he was out of Gods Covenant, and Jacob being the true seed, he was in Gods Covenant; [Page 7] so Jacob was in the Election and God loved him, but Esau was in the reproba­tion and God hated him, and thus God beheld them in the womb before they had done either good or evil, that his own purpose according to Election might stand.

Q. And hath these natures or seeds been in every man through all generati­ons?

A. Yes, they have so, for they signi­fied two natures or people, and so Nati­on hath been against Nation in man through all generations, in the natures of the two seeeds.

Q. What is the state and condition of people that remaine in the fall, and abides in the transgression?

A. A state of trouble and vexation of Spirit.

Q. What dispensations must people passe thorow to come unto peace and rest in God?

A. They must pass thorow the dispen­sation of the Law and the Prophets, un­to [Page 8] Christ the substance, in whom is rest and peace eternal.

Q. What is the Law in it selfe?

A. It is holy, spiritual, just and good.

Q. Is not that which is holy, spiritual, just and good, a dispensation in which peace and rest is enjoyed?

A. As it comes to be fulfiiled by Christ it is, but the dispensation of it, as it is the Law, is not, for the Law makes nothing perfect, and there can be no true rest and peace, but in that which is perfect and makes perfect.

Q. What then doth the administration of the Law serve unto, if it make nothing perfect?

A. It serves as a Schoolemaster to bring unto Christ.

Q. How is it as a Schoolemaster in its administration?

A. In correcting and judging the transgressour, and instructing and teach­ing in righteousness, for the Law was added because of transgression.

Q. Is not Christ manifest through the [Page 9] dispensations of the Law and and the Prophets?

A. According to that dispensation unto which they serve, he is so, but it is but darkly as in a glass.

Q. How must the Law and the Pro­phets be passed thorow to come unto Christ who fulfills them.

A. By observing the Statutes and Or­dinances that is therein contained, whereby there is a going forward to the more full enjoyment of the perfection of Christ, who fulfills the Law and the Prophets, in the more glorious appear­ance of his own fulness and perfect life.

Q. Is the administration of the Law in force in this present age?

A. Yes, it is in force to take hold up­on all transgressours, and it is Ministred in justice against the transgressour, which erres from the Statutes and Ordinances that is therein contained.

Q. But are not people in this age un­der a Gospel administration, and are they to be brought back again under the Law?

[Page 10] A. They that have not passed thorough the administration of the Law in them­selves, they are not under a Gospel ad­ministration, and therefore they cannot be brought back again, because they never went forward, but they are to be brought into that which hitherto they have not known nor understood, for a Gospel administration barely professed will not doe people any good, and so it is that many in this age looks over the Law as an administration below their profession, and that the Law was a more proper administration in ages past, and more particularly to the Jews, not un­derstanding that it hath its proper ad­ministration in man, whilest sin and transgression remaines in him, and so it is in as full force in this age, upon all transgressours, as ever it hath been in ages past; for whosoever in this age that doth offend in one point of it, they will be found guilty of all, and the judge­ment will take hold to the correcting of the guilty, for God will by no means [Page 11] clear the guilty.

Q. And is the throne of judgement set up under the Law to judge and condemne the transgressors of the Law?

A. Yes, it is so, that every man might fear the Lord God, who gives forth his Law in man to be kept and not to be broken.

Q. But is it possible that man can keep the Law in all things, and not offend in a­ny thing, or that he can performe the re­quirings of God in that dispensation as it is a Covenant of works.

A. If there was not a possibility on mans part to keep it, then it would seem hard that the Lord should command it and require it, and for not keeping it to judge and condemne for it: and there was some in ages past, that walked be­fore the Lord with perfect hearts, and that under the administration of the Law, but the shortness of observing or mans part is the weakness and unprofit ableness of the flesh, so that he many times cannot doe the things that he [Page 12] would, and therein the first Covenant is found faulty, not in it selfe, but in the sinfull flesh; and if it had not been so concerning the observing of the first Covenant, there could not be place for the second, and therefore the works of the first Covenant doth not obtaine life and salvation, but the free grace in the second Covenant, that all people might dye to themselves according to the flesh, and live unto God according to the spi­rit, that so life and salvation may not be of works but by Grace, in the rich mer­cy of God through Jesus Christ, who in his full and glorious appearance in man is the end of the Law for righte­ousness, and brings life and immortality to light by the Cospel, and then there is no more servitude or bondage under the Law, because of the weakness of the flesh, but redemption wrought by the power of Christ from under it, into a more perfect state of freedome and li­berty in his own life.

Q What is signified by the Prophesies?

[Page 13] A. The nearer approaching or draw­ing nigh of Christ in his own fulness and and perfect life, that whereas he hath been seen but darkly, as in a glass, under the Law, he may be seen with open face in the compleat beauty of his own glo­ry in the Cospel.

Q Of what service are the Scriptures as they are given forth and recorded with­out?

A. Much every way unto those that have received the same Spirit from which they were givenforth, for unto such they are profitable, and makes wise un­to salvation, and are unto them of service for instruction, edification and comfort, the same Spirit in them receiving the Testimony of the Spirit as it is declared in the Scripture, and there is an agree­ment and union in the Spirit within, and also in the words without, and so there is instruction, edification and comfort by the Scriptures unto all that are in the same Spirit as gave them forth.

Q. But are they of no further service [Page 14] then onely a Testimony of those things which was present in that time?

A. So much of them as was given forth by the holy men of God, through the inspiration of the Almighty, they testifie of Christ, who was, and is, and is to come, and that is onely their service in their place, that through the Testimony therein declared unto Christ, all people might come unto him, and have life.

Q. By what doth Christ manifest his life, so as that it may be known to be his life?

A. By his light he manifests it, and as the light is received by which it is ma­nifest, so is life received in it.

Q. Is the light and the life distinct Principles?

A. Nay, the light is Christ, and the life is Christ, and they are not distinct Principles, but he is known to be light in manifesting, and life in quickening.

Q. What is the administration of Christ in the appearance of his own fulness and perfect life?

[Page 15] A. An administration of love, grace, and mercy.

Q. And doth he appear to salvation in that administration of his love, grace and mercy?

A. To as many as receives him in that appearance, he becomes their salvation, but such as reject him, he is their con­demnation.

Q. Is not that administration univer­sal to salvation?

A. The manifestation of it is univer­sal unto all, but unbelievers have no part in it, as an administration to salvation.

Q. What is his administration in that appearance of love, grace, and mercy, un­to such as reject him?

A. An administration of Judgment, to cut down and destroy the worker of iniquity, and the gain-saying and rebel­lious nature.

Q. How doth he appear in love and judgment, in one and the same admini­stration?

A. He appears in love to the tender [Page 16] breathings which simply thirsteth after him, and in judgment to the obstinate and rebellious nature, that stands in op­position against him.

Q. How is this administration of the love, grace, and mercy of Christ to be at­tained?

A. By his light in the conscience, for the light is manifest from his love and life, and guids up to his love and life all that obey it in its manifestation.

Q. How doth the light manifest it self in order to the attainment of life?

A. It manifests it self against all that in man, which alienates him from the life.

Q. How is man alienated from the life?

A. By the power of darkness which ruleth in him, and leads him captive.

Q. What is captivity?

A. The bondage of the seed of God.

Q. What is that which causes bondage and captivity upon the seed of God?

A. The seed of the evil doer, and the generation of its unclean nature, [Page 35] from which is produced all the heart lusts with which the holy seed of God is oppressed and burdened.

Q. But doth the light of Christ in the Conscience make manifest the ground of bondage?

A. Yes, for the ground of bondage is darkness, and the light makes darkness manifest, and appears against it, and all the deeds of it.

Q. What is the state of man in bond­age?

A. A state of grief, sorrow, pain, an­guish, tribulation, distress, sighing, mourn­ing, crying, complaining, heaviness and groaning.

Q. Is that the state of all people that are alienated from the life of Christ?

A. Yes, for man in the fall and in the apostacy is under the power of darkness and all the evil deeds of darkness gender together in a body, and that is the body of sin and death that lies upon him, and the seed of God travels in pain under it and groans to be delivered.

[Page 18] Q. But are not some people joyful whilst they are alienated from the life of Christ?

A. the seed of the evil doer may re­joyce over the seed of God, but that joy is bondage, and it is a joy that must come into mourning, and end in sorrow, and in the midst of that joy there is sometimes a sense of trouble and pain.

Q. What are the deeds of darkness par­ticularly, that do oppress and burden the seed of God?

A. Fornication, uncleanness, lacivi­ousness, inordinate affections, evil concu­pisence, covetousness, drunkenness, pride, anger, malice, envy, witch-craft, hatred, variance, strife, foolish jesting, vain com­munication, vain thoughts, idle words, praying in the will of the flesh, preach­ing in the wisdom below, self-righteous­ness, with all other things which are acted by the motion of the flesh, which are all of a contrary nature to the pure and ho­ly seed of God, and is the oppression and burden of it.

Q. But how may such people know when [Page 19] they live in such things which doth burden and oppress the seed of God?

A. By the light of Christ in the Con­science, for the light doth make them manifest, and also reproves them.

Q. And doth the light of Christ make such discoveries in the consciences of people?

A. Yes, for there is never a secret thought but the light shews it; if the heart intend any evil, it is seen in the in­tention, and that which makes such dis­coveries is the light, for the light makes all things manifest (mark) all things, and if all things, then there is not any thing that is hid from it; and so people may know when there is an inclination or an intention in their hearts to do any thing that they should not do, they sometimes are sensible that they should not intend that which they do, and will say, They should not have such thoughts and in­tentions as is stirring in them, and so they see in secret what they incline unto, and many times are secretly convinced of the [Page 34] vil of their own intentions and inclinati­ons, and are stopped from doing that which they have an intention to do; and that which thus secretly discovers, and secretly convinces, it is the light of Christ, and so the compassion of God manifests it self in the light, and he reacheth to the oppressor with rebuke, and to the op­pressed in love and mercy.

Q. What is the ground of the manife­station of the light by which such discove­ries are made?

A. The ground of its manifestation is the love of God, for he would not that any should perish; and all people in the fall are in a perishing state, and therefore he manifests his light to convince and re­prove the sinner in his way, that he may turn from his way and live; and hereby he is manifest to be a God gracious and merciful, in that he would not the death of a sinner, but shews the sin to the sin­ner, and reproves him for it, that he might forsake it and find mercy.

Q. But can man be freed from sinne [Page 39] whilest he is in the body?

A. Yes, if he love the light which re­proves it, the light will free him from it; for in the light there is no sin, and there­fore they that joyn to the light which reproves sin, they with the light are guid­ed out of sin, and so they come from un­der Satans power which is the ground of sin, unto the power of God which takes the sin away, and thereby the Consci­ence comes to be purged and cleansed from all iniquity and sin, and the righte­ousness of Christ comes to be revealed in a new life.

Q. But is not the grace of God free by Jesus Christ, and hath not Christ accom­plished the work of salvation by himself alone?

A. The grace of God is free by Jesus Christ, and in his light it is freely mani­fest, and therein it appears unto all, and brings salvation unto all that receives it, and so it may be felt what Christ ac­complishes for salvation by himself a­lone, which will not fall to an unbeliev­ers [Page 22] part, either as to what he hath done, or is doing, in those that believe in him.

Q. But if there be a believing in Christ for Salvation, doth not his Salvation be­long unto such without any thing done on their part.

A. Christ is the Author of Faith, and there is none can truly believe untill he give them Faith in his power, and he doth not give Faith to any but such as obeyes his light, and therefore such as ap­plis Salvation by Christ through their own beliefe of what he hath accomplished for Salvation, they are not in the Faith which saveth, but contrariwise are in the unbeliefe to his light and power, in which he bringeth Salvation, by the resurrecti­on of his life.

Q. How doth the light within man manifest it selfe in order to Salvation.

A. It manifests it selfe against the darkness, and all the deeds of it, it finds out all wandering thoughts, and vaine immaginations, so that man may see with the light that is within him, when [Page 23] the darkness tempts him, and when the lusts of the flesh are moving to any evil; and thus doth the light within man manifest it selfe in order to Salvation.

Q. And is the light an universall ma­nifestation unto all men.

A. Yes, And that without respect of persons.

Q. And is the love of God universally tendred unto all in such a manifestation.

A. Yes, For the light being manifest from the love, it tendres it selfe in the manifestation.

Q. And is the love received by all un­to whom it is so tendred?

A. Nay, for many reject the light, and will not become subject to the re­proofe of it, and they that doe so, they doe not receive the love which in that manifestation is tendred unto them.

Q. But is there any thing that lyes on mans part in order to his salvation?

A. Yes, he is to obey the light and follow it, and then the light will teach him to deny himselfe, and to take up the daily Cross.

[Page 38] Q. And doth the light work in order to salvation if man obey it and follow it?

A. Yes, for he that obeyes the light and followes it, he doth not abide in darkness, but comes to the light of life.

Q. Hath man power in himselfe to turn to the light, and to obey it, and follow it?

A. Nay, of himselfe he can doe nothing that is good, nor turn from any thing that is evil, but if he stand still when the light reproves him, he there answers it in obedience, as not joyning with that which the light reproves him for, and so by giving diligence to the reproofe, and standing still when reproofe comes, he is there in obedience to it, and then the love which is tendred in that manifesta­tion, it casts it selfe about him, and with its strength it separates him from the sin, and begets a dislike in him unto it, so that he begins to abhor the appear­ance of it, and then in the strength of the love, he turns from the power of Sa­tan unto the power of God, where the light becomes his leader and teacher, in [Page 43] the way of peace, so that Salvation is in the light alone, and not by any thing which is done by man of himselfe, yet the light requires man to yeild himselfe unto it, and yeilding himselfe unto it, he answers the requirings of it in obedience, and so becomes a servant to the light in all things.

Q. What doth the light work when man so yeilds himselfe to serve it?

A. It then rises in power, and is felt to be powerfull to the pulling down the strong hold of sin, and unthroaning the powers of darkness, whereby the un­cleane corrupted nature comes to be crucified, and fleshly lusts condemned, and so the burdens, weights and loads are removed, under which man hath tra­velled and groaned.

Q. But is the light sufficient to save man from all sin, and to present him holy and blameless before God?

A. Yes, it is so, and they that love it knowes it to be so, for the light is Christ and all power in heaven and earth is gi­ven [Page 26] unto him, and there is nothing im­possible with him, nor too hard for him, if man doe not reject him and rebell a­gainst him.

Q. And doth the power in its rising work contrary to mans own will, wisdome, and reason.

A. Yes, for the power is the Cross unto the will, wisdome and reason of man, and in all things worketh as a cross unto that nature, and stops it, and chaines it, and yoaks it down when it would be at liberty.

Q. And is that work of the power un­to Salvation?

A. Yes, if it be obeyed that the op­poser doe not quench it, it puts a diffe­rence between the precious and the vile, and so rises as a hammer and knocks down the vile, and takes hold on it as a fire and burnes it up, and so man comes into the furnace where God is a con­suming fire.

Q. But can any abide the day of his comming in such a dispensation?

[Page 27] A. Yes, some there be that doe abide it, who loves not their lives unto death, but trusts in the Lord though he kills them.

Q. And is Salvation wrought through such a dispensation of Christ?

A. Yes, for he is terrible whilest the wicked stand in his sight, and reveales himselfe in flaming fire to execute ven­geance upon the rebellious nature, for his appearance unto Salvation is in judg­ment against all, and upon all, that would not that he should reigne.

Q. And doth Christ worke this worke in man?

A. Yes, for sin is within man, and there must Christ work to purge his con­science, if ever he be made clean.

Q. But doe none know Christ to be Salvation, but such as feeles his work within them.

A. No, for it is to be understood that whilest man remaines in the fall, he is under the power of darkness, and therefore the power of Christ must work [Page 42] within him to subdue the power of dark­ness that ruleth over him, and to save him from the temptations that the dark­ness entangles him in, and so man is e­ver to stand in the pure fear of God, and to waite for the appearance of his power, to deliver him out of the snares in which he lyes entangled in the dark­ness, and then he will feele the work of the power in him, to cast out the strong man which hath kept the house, and the power will keep man in the awe that he dare not sin, for who have felt the judg­ment of the Lord for sin, they stand in the pure fear, least at any time their feet should slip into sin, and this is true love to God, when sin is denyed, with which his Spirit is greived.

Q. And doth the power work effectual­ly to Salvation as man yeilds himselfe unto it, and denyes that which it doth re­prove him for?

A. Yes, it works effectually unto Sal­vation, by destroying death, and him that hath the power of it, which is the [Page 47] Devil, and so by the work of the power, the old man is crucified, & the old works, words, and thoughts, they all dye, and sin is condemned in the flesh, and the flesh is brought into subjection and silence through death; and this man must know wrought in him by the power of God, if ever he come to eternal life, for no un­clean thing that must enter into the Kingdome of God, and therefore it must be denyed and put off before the King­dome can be obtained.

Q. But must man pass through death and rise again whilest he is in the body?

A. Yes, For except he be regenerated and born again, he cannot enter into the kingdome of God; and therefore he must dye to the first Adams flesh, and be quickened and raised again in the second Adams spirit, and so in the resurrection and life enter the Kingdome as a little child.

Q. And doth the work of the power bring death upon the first Adam through out?

[Page 30] A. Yes, for no part or propertie of the first Adam that must live before God, and as the second Adam rises in power, the first Adam is put to death; and so the quickning spirit of the second Adam goes over the sinful flesh of the first A­dam, and there is the resurrection of the seed, and the translation of man into its nature, where he receives a new body, and a new life, in which body and life he bears the image of the heavenly, and then he is blameless in Body, Soul, and Spirit.

Q. And is that the way by which man must come to inherit life eternal?

A. Yes, for life eternal is only in the Son, and man in his own life is alienated from it, and therefore he must dye to his own life, before he can inherit eter­nal life in the Son.

Q. And is there none that pleases God but who are thus regenerated and born a­gain?

A. None in the flesh can please God, and therefore man is to wait in the pow­er [Page 31] for a new birth, which is not after the flesh, but after the spirit, which birth of the spirit is the Fathers beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased.

Q. How doth the power dispose man in the death?

A. It disposes him in stilness, keep­ing all fleshly motions in silence, so as a little child he lyes nakedly and innocent­ly before God, and hath no will, nor wisdom, nor reason left in him, but all baptized down into the sufferings of Christ, where they are dissolved into no­thingness, and there the power kils him and gives him life again; and so man layes down his own life, and takes up life in Christ, in which life he comes to be raised in the resurrection of Christ; and here is the passing from death to life, where man puts on Christ, and is made a new creature, and in a new life he then serves God, and pleaseth God, for his thoughts, words, and works are all changed, and with a new tongue he then sings the new songs, and gives glo­ry, [Page 46] and honour and praise, and thanks unto him that sits upon the throne, who lives for ever, and ever, and this is in substance the whole matter.

Q. But doth not the birth of the seed meet with much opposition in its resur­rection?

A. Yes, whilest it is in the travaile it is strongly opposed by a contrary nature, and many dangers that lyes near on every hand, untill death have passed upon all, as is said before, but when the power hath crucified the first Adam through­out, and that the seed be raised into the glorious liberty of its own life, then the seed reigneth, and hath dominion and government over all oppositions, tri­umphing in victory.

Q. But how is oppositions removed, and dangers escaped in the travaile?

A. By Faith in the power, and watch­ing to be kept close to the leadings of it, and so the power will remove oppositi­ons, and defend from dangers, for the watch being kept to it, and the Faith [Page 33] standing stedfast in it, the enemy hath no power to prevaile though he may tempt, for the living power is as a wall on the right hand and on the left, to preserve from dangers, and it goes be­fore as a conquerour to remove oppositi­ons, and comes behinde as a safe guard to keep off the Enemy, for smiting the hind most part of the Campe, and thus Christ by his power is all in all every way to the travailing Babe, that cannot rest in any place below the freedome of his own life, and therefore let none enter into unbeliefe, as if oppositions could never be removed, nor dangers clearly escaped, for he that quickeneth and gi­veth life to breath after him, he is migh­ty in his power, and he doth assuredly save to the utmost the birth of his own begetting, which abides in the simple tender breathings to possess more of his life.

Q. But may there not be captivity af­ter the power be received, and that some­thing be quickened by the power to breath after God?

[Page 34] A. That present state is captivity, for that which by the power is quickened to breath after God, it is then in capti­vity, and breathes in the power to be delivered out of captivity, and as the power is received, and Faith kept in it, the power works in order to deliver­ance.

Q. But may there not be captivity after there be deliverance in some measure wrought by the power?

A. Yes, there may be so, for if the minde erre from the power, and unbe­liefe enter, there may be captivity a­gain in those very places out of which the power hath wrought deliverance, and so many may come to taste of the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, and yet may goe back again, and here captivity comes upon many who have had a long tra­vaile out of Egypt, and have seen great and wonderfull things wrought by the power.

Q. But is not the power sufficient to [Page 35] preserve from going a stray, and return­ing again into such a state, as to come in­to captivity after it have wrought deli­verance?

A. The power is as sufficient to pre­serve as to deliver, and is not at al weak­er in the one then in the other, but where such a state comes to pass, there is not Faithfulness to the power, but tempta­tions enters and prevailes, and so the minde goes from the power into the temptations, whereby there is away o­pened for the darkness to rise again, which in the day of tenderness and faithfulness to the power, was kept in subjection under the yoak.

Q. And doth the power follow after such again, after they erre from it, and doe not abide faithfull in it, to recover them and deliver them out of their capti­vity?

A. Yes, for the Lord waites to be gracious, and though there may be a backsliding, yet he doth not shut up his compassion, but condiscends in bowels of [Page 36] tenderness to follow the wandering sheep which is gone a stray, and by the word of his power he calls to return and if there be a yeilding to the word of power, and a joyning to it again, the Lord heales the backslidings, and loves as freely as ever he did, and so he brings the erring sheep again into the Fold, and gives it pasture amongst his Flock, and here he shews his goodness in the Riches of his mercy.

Q. And doth the power preserve and keep all safe in their travaile that abide in it Faithfully?

A. Yes, for they that abide in the power, and are guided by the power, they doe not erre, but by the power are kept through faith unto Salvation, and all the babes that live in the power, they receive strength in the power, and doe not faint.

Q. What are the dangers that may be­fall whilest the seed is in travaile?

A. There be very many which the light discovers distinctly, yet I shall name a few of them.

[Page 37] 1. To glory in the flesh, with that which is manifest from God in the day of tenderness.

2. To gather the manifestation of truth into the wisdome below, and to enrich the false birth.

3. To center in the forme or practice of truth, as it stands in appearance one­ly.

4. To lye down at ease after some­thing of truth be received.

5. To live upon the knowledge of what is seen a far off.

6. To enter into unbeleife in time of tryal and afflictions.

7. To run out of the present measure of truth, and to hunt after the knowledg of it through the comprehension.

8. To feed upon any thing that flowes not from the immediate openings, and springings of the life.

9. To draw any conclusion of securi­ty, and to lye down in it as in a place of rest.

These with many more, which with [Page 38] the light may be seen, are all great dan­gers in the travaile, and temptations lyes very near in them, which being joyned unto, bring the seed into captivity, after there may be deliverance out of E­gypt.

Q. How may such dangers be escaped, and a safe way walked in, through the travaile?

A. By keeping in the everlasting po­wer, and living by Faith in it, for the power is the cross unto mans own will, and stops Nimrods hunting nature, and chains under al the unruly affections, and so the minde abiding in the power, all dangers are escaped, and the innocent babe is safely preserved out of the hands of all its enemies.

Q. What are the places particularly where the power becomes such a defence as to preserve the birth safe in its tra­vaile?

A. 1. The loweness and humbleness of minde.

2. The poverty and nakedness.

[Page 39] 3. The nothingness and emptiness.

4. The simplicity and innocency.

5. The integrity and sincerity.

6 The faith and patience.

7. The measure of the power recei­ved.

These places with many more, which with the light may be understood, are places where the power over shaddowes the birth, and is a sure defence unto it, whereby it is preserved out of all dangers whilest it is in the travaile.

Q. But when there is a cleare sight through some opening of the life, may there not safely be a reaching to it, and a com­passing of it into possession?

A. Oh no, take heed in that place, for if there be a reaching forth to com­pass that which may clearly be seen through some opening of the life, that which openeth will presently shut up by darwing it selfe into its own perfect na­ture and fullness, and then the enemy suddenly presenteth a transformed ap­pearance in the likeness of that which [Page 40] was truly opened, and the reaching part being at liberty, it catches at the enemies presentation as if it was the same thing which was seen in the openings of the life, and so laies hold upon it with an ea­ger desire and compasseth the false likeness into possession, but misses of the true substance, for when there is such a pure opening in the life, and that there be a clear sight, that it is the spring or fountain which the innocent thirsteth after, then there is to be a silence in the fear, that so, that which openeth may compass that which thirsteth, and bring it into a larger possession of its own ful­ness, and so it is the life which openeth, which must gather and compass that which thirsteth into its own opening, and that is a true and everlasting posses­sion of endless riches, which none can compass to themselves, though there may be a clear sight in some openings, for the life is jealous of its own glory, and will not give it to another, and so shuts up it selfe again when there is a reaching to [Page 41] compass it through any opening.

Q. But doth not some streams flow to the thirsty in such an opening of the life, by which it is refreshed and comforted?

A. If there be silence in the fear, the thirsty receives consolation and satisfa­ction through that which is measured forth from the fulness in the opening, and so the streams of virtue doth reach unto it; and there is not to be a reach­ing forth to compass the fountain, & here strength is renewed through the renew­ings of the mercy.

A. Is not that which is tasted and felt to consolation and refreshing at one time, good for the same use and service at ano­ther time?

A. As it comes fresh from the fpring, and so the same it is; but if the same as it hath been once tasted and felt, then it is not, for the babe must have the brest and the fresh milk from it again for con­solation and refreshing, when ever it stands in need, for that which once hath been tasted, and felt, and digested, is [Page 42] never good for nourishment any more, and therefore the babe is ever to de­pend upon the fountain of its natural ge­neration, and in silence and fear waiting, all things good for food will be given un­to it from time to time, according to its need, and so the new birth lives by new food, which is never corrupted, but in the fountain is preserved sweet and sa­voury, the feeling of which as it is mi­nistred in the fresh openings of the life, is pure consolation and refreshing.

Q. And is rest and peace attained in the consolation and refreshing through such a ministration?

A. Yes, the babe hath rest and peace in it, for being consolated and refreshed through the ministration, it lyes down in rest and peace, and so through nou­rishment and rest, it grows up into a more perfect stature of the measure of Christs fulness, and becomes strong in the Lord.

Q. How is the birth disposed when it comes into such a stature of the measure of Christs fulness?

[Page 43] A. It is disposed in love, mercy, gen­tleness, meekness, peace, justice, equity, uprightness, sincerity, innocency, and simplicity, in which it bears the heaven­ly Image of Christ in his own perfect na­ture, and in his heavenly wisdom is in all things disposed towards God and Men.

Q. And doth the pure Religion con­sist in the manifestation of such virtues and graces?

A. The pure Religion consists in the power and wisdome of God, and such virtues and graces are manifest from the pure Religion, and are the effects of it, and so spreads abroad as natural branch­es of the life.

Q. And doth all things become new in man after he be so changed through re­generation?

A. Yes, for when all the old is dead and buried by the resurrection of the seed, then all things becomes new in man, for the new birth hath new thoughts words, and works, and a new tongue.

[Page 44] Q. And hath not the new birth any a­greement with the old in any place?

A. Nay, that is not possible, for they are contrary one to the other in all things, and there is no agreement be­tween them in any thing.

Q. But do those things which are in appearance manifest the natures of the two seeds?

A. Yes, for as they are contrary in nature, so they are contrary in manife­station.

Q. And doth the nature of the evil seed produce a manifestation according to its nature?

A. Yes, for every manifestation hath a conception before it be manifested, and the evil seed being in government, it sends forth a manifestation according to its nature, and so the tree may be known by its fruit.

Q. What is the manifestations that from the evil seed are produced?

A. They are generally included in those things which are by people un­regenerated [Page 45] observed, who are called the world, or worldly people, and so the pride of life is not of the Father, but of the world, that is a manifestation of the nature of the evil seed which ruleth in the world; and so it is concerning all other things which are observed by people unregenerated, who are not of the Father, but of the world.

Q. And cannot those that are born of the seed of God, joyn with those things which by the world are observed?

A. Nay, there is an impossibility lyes there also, for they are born of another nature, and there is no agreement in con­traryes, either in nature or manifesta­tion.

Q. And doth not the world, or the birth of the flesh, despise and hate the birth born of God, because it cannot answer what is observed in that nature?

A. Yes, and also persecutes it, and that is the ground of all envy, strife, and persecution outward, because the birth born of God, delights to do the will of [Page 46] God, and the will of God being contra­ry to the will of man, the birth born of the will of man, hates the birth born of God, and persecutes it.

Q. And doth the birth born of God endure persecution without resisting or re­venging?

A. Yes, for it suffers in the will of God, and so lyes down in the patience and quietness, in which it hath true con­tentment and peace, through all things that comes to pass by outward tryals and afflictions.

Q. Then is it not the birth of the flesh that strives and persecutes about Reli­gion?

A. Yes, for the nature of it is envy, and where it is not bowed unto, then it persecutes, and spoyles, and destroys in its envious nature, and so revenges it self in cruelty upon such as cannot walk in its way.

Q. And doth not God wonderfully ap­pear with his own birth in a state of out­ward tryals and sufferings?

[Page 47] A. Yes, more wonderfully then can be expressed in words.

Q. How doth he appear with it in such a state?

A. In his endless, love, mercy, and goodness, through which his bowels of compassion breaketh in tenderness unto his afflicted children, whereby they re­ceive strength in him to stand in every tryal that comes upon them for their faithfulness unto him.

Q. And do all born of God put their trust in him alone?

A. Yes, for they have not another to trust in besides him, therefore they wholly cast their care upon him in all conditions, and he forsakes them not in their adversity, but strengthens their faith, and keeps them in patience to en­dure unto the end.

Q. And what doth outward afflictions work for such as are exercised in them?

A. They work for much good every way, for thereby man comes to see his own nothingness and emptyness, and is [Page 48] brought into humbleness of minde to wait upon God, for the renewing of his strength in the present exercise, that he may not be weary nor faint in it.

Q. Then is it not good to be exercised in outward afflictions?

A. Man is not to make choice of any thing, but to stand in the will of God; and if for the exercise of his Conscience towards God, afflictions do betide him, then he will feel it work for much good; but the choice of it in his own will doth not bring any comfort.

Q. Is there any chuses outward suffe­rings in their own will?

A. There may that come to passe through the will as may cause outward sufferings, but it cannot be truly said that the will chuses the sufferings, but may act or practice such things as may cause outward sufferings to be inflicted.

Q. How may it be known when a man suffers in the will of God, and when he suffers for any thing done in his owne will?

[Page 49] A. It may be known by the motion of Gods power in him, for by the power the understanding is informed into the truth, as also, what is not of the truth, and so the power constraines a man that is joyned unto it, to bear witness unto the truth, and against that which is out of the truth; and whoever comes into outward sufferings for rhe exercise of their Conscience, in this testimony they suffer in the will of God, but such as barely from the Scriptures concludes something to themselves, either to be truth, or not the truth, and so puts their own conclusions into practice, and then for their own conclusions comes to suf­fer, it cannot be truly said of such, That they suffer in the will of God, or that they chuse sufferings in their own wills, but in their wills have concluded some­thing to themselves, and have chosen their own conclusions, which in practice differs from the practice established by Nations Laws, for which cause there are some that comes into outward suf­ferings, [Page 50] but more in that place which chuses liberty rather.

Q. But may not a man in wisdome so order himself as to escape all outward sufferings, concerning the exercise of his Conscience, by conforming to the requi­rings of the present times, and yet keep a good conscience towards God?

A. Man in his own wisdom may so order himself, as to escape all outward sufferings in that place by conforming, but this is to be understood, that such a man doth not stand in the will of God, neither in so doing can he stand with a good Conscience towards God; for, he that conforms to any practice which man observeth, being convinced that such a practice is not according to the mind and will of God, and so would e­scape outward sufferings by conforming, and doth not stand in the power of God, to bear a testimony for God, that man is not born of the seed of God.

Q. In what doth the testimony of God stand?

[Page 51] A. It stands in the seed, which hath the mind of God, and delights to do the will of God.

Q. And do all, born of the seed, bear forth a testimony for God?

A. Yes, they have a testimony in the seed, and such stands in the power, and bears witness unto the truth, and are not ashamed of their testimony.

Q. What do such bear testimony unto?

A. To the truth as it is in Jesus, hold­ing forth his life, power, wisdom, righte­ousness, holiness, meekness, and pati­ence, with all the graces and virtues of his pure life.

Q. And what do they testifie against?

A. They testifie against all deceit and wickedness, vain customs, fashions, and traditions of the world, against all hy­pocrisie and double-mindedness, will-worships and self-righteousness, with all things generally that is manifested by the birth of the flesh.

Q. And is that the ground why out­ward afflictions betide those that are born [Page 52] of the seed of God, and bears forth a te­stimony for God?

A. Yes, for the seed of the evil doer being at enmity against the seed of God, it labours every way to suppress the testimony of it, and so the birth of the fl [...]sh hath alwayes persecuted the birth of the spirit; and this is to be observed, that where there is no testimony, there is no persecution; for if the birth of the flesh can be answered in its way, and not testified against, it will not persecute, because it is answered by its own nature, and it is against its nature to persecute its self, and so it is, that the world loves its own, and hates such as are not of it, and persecutes them.

Q. And doth not God answer all such as are faithful in their testimony with peace and joy?

A. Yes, he is their strength and exceed­ing great reward, and they have much peace in him, and fulness of joy in his presence.

Q. Why do not such as are born of the [Page 53] seed of God, revenge themselves upon their adversaries when they may have oppor­tunities?

A. Because revenge is contrary to their nature, for they are born of the peaceable nature of Christ, in which they love their enemies, and bears good will to all men, and so they lye down in the will of God, and gives their back to the smiters, and cannot resist nor re­venge, but are ready to do good to those that hates them and persecutes them not rendring evil for evil, but overcoms the evil with good; and herein it is ma­nifest that they are born of God, and knoweth God, and so commits their cause unto him, as unto a faithful crea­tor.

Q. But are not such people in great bondage through outward sufferings and afflictions, and is not their suffering grievous unto them?

A. As to their bodies they are in much bondage and sufferings, but they have inward liberty in God, and are the freest [Page 54] of all people, and they count their out­ward afflictions but light, in comparison of their inward joy and glory, for they are the living babes out of whose mouths God perfects his praise, and this is the change wrought in man by the mighty power of God, in which power the ever­lasting kingdome is known, and the riches of it inherited, in which the babes sits down rejoycing in the midst of out­ward tribulations, and they learn the new songs, and sings them with new tongues, with which they magnifie the Lamb that lives for ever and ever: E­ven so, Amen. Glory be to the most high over all.

Something concerning the Foun­dation and Principle of the poor afflicted people of God, called QUAKERS.

Quest. VVHat is the ground and foundation which you (that are called Quakers) do lay to your selves, as the principle of your Religion?

A.sw. Our ground and foundation is Jesus Christ, who is the only begotten of the Father, and God hath layed it for us, and not we to our selves; and it is a sure foundation in it self, and also sure unto us, as being layd of God for us, and this is the foundation and principle of our Religion.

Q. Where do you hold forth this foun­dation to be laid, which you say is laid God for you?

A. It is laid of God within us, and the rock of our safety, and so we hold [Page 56] forth to be a sure foundation, as know­ing the strength and power of it, which defends it self that the gates of Hell can­not prevail against it, nor against us that stand stedfast upon it.

Q. How do you manifest this inward foundation, which you say is Christ, to be the true and only foundation which God hath laid?

A. From the feeling that we have of it, by which we know that it is sure in us, and from that sure and certain know­ledge which we have of it in the feel­ing, we manifest it from its own nature and being, unto its own nature and being in others.

Q. What is the nature and being of it?

A. It is unchangeable, in light, life, power, wisdom, and glory, full of all goodness, virtue and mercy, and in its nature and being is unmoveable.

Q. How do you manifest it to be the only foundation, and that there is not another?

[Page 57] A. From the unchangeableness of its own nature and being, for wee know that God doth not lay any visible or changable things for a foundation, but that which is of himselfe within, and is invinsible to the natural eye, and un­changable in its own nature, that is the foundation which God layeth, and wee know no man can lay another.

Q. And is that which is within you the only foundation upon which you stand, and the principle of your Religion?

A. That of God within us is so, for we know it is Christ, and being Christ, it must needs be onely, and principal, for that which is onely, admits not of a­nother, and that which is principal is greatest in being, and thus we know Christ in us, to be unto us the onely and principal, who was before all things, and in whom all things consist.

Q. But doe you hold that this founda­tion and principle within you is sufficient to give eternal life?

A. Yes, we doe so, for as we know [Page 58] that it is Christ in us, so we also know the eternal life which is in him, and that he is sufficient to give eternal life from his own fulness, unto as many as receives him, in the gift of his grace manifest within them.

Q. How came you to the knowledge of that foundation and principle, which you say is within you?

A. By the light which is manifest from it, that in our hearts gives us the light of the knowledge of it.

Q. How doe you know that it is a true light which gives you such a knowledg?

A. By the operation and effects of it.

Q. How doth it operate unto such a knowledge?

A. By the strength of its power in us, whereby that knowledge which was gained through comprehending comes to decay and dye, and a loss comes up­on all that which hath any way been fetched in by the motion of the earthly wisdome.

Q. And doth it effect such a thing in [Page 59] you by its operation?

A. Yes, it worketh effectually in us, to the crucifying of that nature which hath rebelled against God.

Q. Doth it operate unto such effects in you without Faith?

A. Nay, for it is the foundation and principle of our faith, and as our Faith stands in it, we know the operation and effects of it by our Fath, and in this Faith we please God, because we believe that by his power in us, he is able to subdue all things to himself.

Q. How come you to receive this Faith?

A. By yeilding our selves to the ma­nifestation of the light, whereby we come to be drawn and gathered into the nature of it, and so receives Faith in it as the gift of God.

Q. But have you not some Faith in it before you yeild your selves unto it?

A. We have a perswasion wrought in us, that it is of God, and so yeilds our selves unto it as being perswaded that [Page 60] it is truth, and by yeilding our selves unto it, and receiving of it in its manifestati­on, we thereby come into union with it, and knowes it to be the author and fi­nisher of our Faith.

Q. And doth that Faith give you as­surance of eternal life?

A. Yes, it doth so, for Christ is the author of it, whereby we are assured of his love towards us, and in the Faith that we have in him, we are sure that he is Christ the son of the living God, and by this Faith wee live in the assurance of eternal life.

Q. But how may your Faith be knowne unto others to be true Faith?

A. By the fruits and effects that is ma­nifest from it, through which it may be known unto others to be true Faith.

Q. What are those fruits and effects by which your Faith may so be known?

A. Love, Mercy, Meekness, Gentle­ness, Peace, Long-suffering, Patience, Righteousness, and Holiness of life, which is the fruit of our Faith, by which [Page 61] others may know that it is true Faith.

Q. But how doe you believe unto sal­vation?

A. By the Faith that we have in Christ Jesus, our foundation and princi­ple, through which we know that he is salvation unto us, and doe believe that there is not another name given under heaven by which any can be saved, but the name of Jesus.

Q. But is there no true Faith but what stands in a principle within?

A. There is but one true Faith, and that stands in a principle within, which is Christ, and the mystery of it is held in a pure conscience, and this is a living Faith, in a living principle, and all o­ther Faiths are dead.

Q. And can none have true Faith unto Salvation and life eternal, but such as are of your opinion.

A. Wee are not in any opinion, but in the principle of life, by which we are saved, and receives life; and in this state wee stand not in any opinion, but in a [Page 62] feeling of life and Salvation, for all opi­nions are in notions and apprehensions, in which none feeles the life and Salvati­on in Christ, but what they apprehend in the natural part, unto that they give up their own beliefe, and so erres from the life in themselves, and neither be­leives unto Salvation, nor receives life eternal.

Q. But do you judge all to be in the unbeliefe, that are not just as you are in all things?

A. Nay, wee doe not so, for we be­lieve that in every Nation, he that fear­eth God and worketh righteousness is accepted of him, and wee also believe that none can fear God and work righ­teousness to be accepted of him, but as they are in some measure guided by the principle of his light in their conscience, and have some Faith in it towards God, and we believe that many in some small measure doe thus fear God, and work righteousness, though they doe not un­derstand the principle, by which they are [Page 63] drawn to doe it, and such we doe not [...]udge to be in the unbeliefe, but have unity with them in that measure of Faith in which they simply breath after God, and according to their understanding walkes in his fear, and serves him in righteousness; and though such be not just as we are in all things, yet being in any measure guided by our principle to fear God and work righteousness, wee truly love them, and have tenderness towards them, that in the principle they may grow in Faith, and be as we are in all things.

Q. And doe you simply act from your Faith, in single love to God?

A. Yes, wee doe so, for we know that our Faith proceeds from his love unto us, and that is the overcomming power, by which we are constrained to love him, for he hath begotten us; and quickened us in his life, in which our Faith is kept fresh and living unto him: and by the same we act in simplicity and fervent love towards him.

[Page 64] Q. What is your Faith concerning Christ in you as a mediator.

A. Wee believe that Christ in us, doth offer up himselfe a living sacrifice unto God for us, by which, the wrath and justice of God is appeased towards us, and that through the offering end sa­crifice of Christ for us, the hand writing of ordinances which stood against us is blotted out, and a mediation wrought between God and us; and so we know the consideration of Christ unto us, and his mediation with the Father for us, and this is he in whom our Faith standeth as the one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus.

Q. What is your Faith concerning Christ in you, as an intercessor?

A. Wee believe that Christ in us doth interceed the Father in our behalfe, and by him we doe appeale to God in all our distresses, and we believe that all our breathings toward God have access unto him through the intercession of Christ for us, for as he knows what we [Page 65] want, so he also knows the Fathers will, and according to our want and the Fa­thers will he makes intercession, through whose intercession all our breathings are accepted of God, and not onely so, but we have also boldness to draw nigh unto God, and by Christ, our intercessour we have access to the throne of grace, and findes grace to helpe us in the time of our need, so that we are relieved in our distressess and afflictions through Christ that loves us, who by his mediation and intercession prevails with the Father for us.

Q. What is your Faith concerning re­conciliation whith God by Christ in you?

A. Wee believe, through the offering and sacrifice of Christ for us, that God is satisfied concerning our sins, which in our alienation was committed against him by us, for as then Christ bare our sins for us, so now by the offering up himselfe unto God on our behalfe, our sins are blotted out and done away, and [Page 66] we through him are reconciled unto God, and having reconciled us, he is eased of the sins which he bare for us in our alienated state, and so he hath slaine the emnity which was the wall of parti­tion between God and us, whereby we that sometimes were strangers unto God, and enemies in our own mindes by wick­ed works, are now reconciled unto him in Christ, so that we are no more for­reigners and strangers in the emnity, but through the reconciling power of Christ in us we are brought nigh unto God, and in his Covenant of life and peace, we know his pardoning mercy in the re­mission of our sins.

Q. But doe you now believe that you are now come to such a state as to be free from sin?

A. Wee believe that Jesus Christ the righteous doth make us free from sin, for in him there is no sin, and we being made free by him, we are free indeed; so that we now live by the Faith that is in him, and by our Faith in him we have ob­tained [Page 67] victory over the world, the flesh and the devil, and in the victory we are freed and walkes with Christ in the glo­rious liberty of the Sons of God.

Q. But doe you believe that you are so freed from sin as not to commit sin whilest you remaine in the body, or that there can be such a perfect state attained in this life?

A. Wee believe that with God all things are possible, and we also believe that whosoever are born of God doth not commit sin, but is perfect as the hea­venly Father is perfect, whose children they are; and we believe that such a state is attainable in this life, whilest in the body.

Q. But is it so with you at all times as that sin hath no power over you?

A. There is a state whilest the birth is in travaile, as that temptations may at sometimes prevaile; for in that state the birth is not come into full strength through the growth of Faith, and so may sin through weakness, but where it [Page 68] is so, there is a cry goes unto God to be delivered, and though there may be such an over comming in weakness as that sin may have some power, yet that which cryes to God in the sence of sin, it hath an advocate with the Father, e­ven Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation by whom the attone­ment is made, and through whom the sin is pardoned and remitted, and so the birth grows stronger in the Faith, and goes on from one degree to another, until it be made perfect in Christ Je­sus.

Q. But doe you believe that such of you as are grown into such strength as to have victory over the world the flesh and the devil, are not lyable to temptations, and that the motions of the flesh doe not some­times move and stir in you to commit sin.

A. Yes, we finde that daily, but we conquer over them through him that loves us, so that when temptations are proffered, we resist them in the power of [Page 69] Christ, and when the motions of the flesh doe move or stir unto sin, we subdue them and keep them under, and by our Faith in Christ we have victory over them, and though such temptations and motions may be stirring as alive in them­selves, yet unto us they are all dead, and we are dead unto them; and though they may tempt us, yet they prevaile not, for by Christ we are preserved in the hour of temptation, and the wicked one toucheth us not, and thus we are kept by the mighty power of God, through Faith unto Salvation, and knows Christ in us to reigne over sin, which sometimes hath reigned over us, and in the dominion of his life we are conquerors in victory, and so our per­fection is in Christ in whom there is no sin, and we know that he is the finisher of sin, and the bringer in of everlasting righteousness unto us, and in his righte­ousness and holy life, we live to the glo­ry of the Father.

Q. But if all these things be done for [Page 70] you by Christ within you, then what doe you believe concerning that great worke which by the death of Christ was accom­plished on the Cross in time past according to the Scriptures, or doth not this your Faith concerning such things done for you by Christ in you, make voide his death upon the Cross, and the benefits which is to be received thereby?

A. Wee believe that all things which are spoken by the holy Prophets and A­postles concerning Christ, are true ac­cording to the Scriptures: & we believe that all the dispensations of God which are manifested by the Scriptures are al­together true, and that they were all ful­filled according to the determinate will and councell of God, so that our Faith concerning Christ in us, and the work which he there worketh for us, doth not at all make voide any of the dispensati­ons of God, which in times past was revealed unto his holy Prophets and A­postles, and by them testified in the Scriptures; so that the work which the [Page 71] Father then gave unto the Son to doe: we believe that he fulfilled and finished according to the Fathers will, and that all things partaining to life and salvation was fully and perfectly in him, and that he humbled himselfe to the death of the Cross; and from death did rise againe: and we believe that he is the resurrecti­on and the life, and gives eternal life to all that believe in him, but that any doe believe in him as he is Christ, who are dispisers of his light and life in them, that is not our Faith, for as we know him in us, and so have our Faith in him; we likewise know the dispensation of God in times past, and the end of their manifestation, and the time of their fi­nishing, and the Scriptures are fulfilled in us who live in the Faith of Christ, and walkes in his Spirit: and we also know and believe, that he is the same Christ in us, which in dispensations past did hum­ble himselfe to the Cross, and doth per­fect his work in us according to the de­terminate councell and will of the Fa­ther, [Page 72] so that our Faith concerning Christ in us, doth not at all make voide what he hath done or wrought in times past, but doth fully & perfectly establish it as a true dispensation, & by our Faith in Christ we know in a good understanding, the things that are past, present, and to come, and that Christ is yesterday, to day, and the same for ever, and of his life, nature, and being there is neither variableness nor changing, but an endur­ing substance of immortality, who is glo­rified with the Father in the same glory that he had with him before the world began, who through every dispensation hath manifested his glory, and in this dispensation of his light and life he is come unto us, and we know him to be the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, for him hath God the Fa­ther sealed, and in him our Faith stands stedfast.

A. And have you such faith in God, and love unto him, as that you have re­spect unto all his commands, and to an­swer [Page 73] him in all things according to his will?

A. Yes, our faith is such in him, and our love unto him, as that we have re­spect unto all his commands; for as he hath loved us and given Christ for us, even so is our love begotten unto him, and in his love unto us, which is the ground of our love unto him, we in the same are made willing to run the way of all his commands, according to his will and they are not grievous unto us.

Q. But whether, do you not depend up­on the things you do for life and salva­tion?

Nay, we do not so, for we have life before we have motion to act or do any thing that is pleasing unto God, and in the life we have salvation, and so life and salvation is freely given us of God and by his grace we are saved, through our faith which we have in him, and that puts us upon motion and action to do his will in all things, and yet not to de­pend upon what we do for life, but to [Page 74] answer his will in all faithfulness, because he hath given us life; and so we do not act or do any thing for life, but do all things which he commands us from the motion of his life, and this is life before action, which moves us to action, and not action before life, thereby to attain life; and so we are his workmanship cre­ated in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them, and this is or­dained of God to be the fruit of our life and faith, and in these good works we walk to his glory, and depends upon him alone for the renewing of our strength to continue in them unto the end.

Q. But how do you manifest your good works which you say are ordained of God for you to walk in?

A. By our faith we manifest them, and the manifestation doth clearly demon­strate the nature and root to be of God, in which they are created, and the na­ture and root in which they are created [Page 75] being of God, they must needs be good, and so they are good works as being of God, and of God ordained that we should walk in them, and that of God in every conscience bears witness to the same, so that we know all our works to be wrought by him in us and for us, and we do walk in them who are born of him, and he alone hath the glory, though the natural man perceiveth not from whence they are, nor whither they goe.

Q. And is it your faith and love to­wards God that makes you such a willing people to serve God, and to do his will?

A. Yes, it is so, for the day of his pow­er hath overcome us, and therein he hath begotten us unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and in him our faith and love is encreas­ed and strengthened to run without weariness, for in his life we have moti­on and action, whereby we are willing­ly disposed to serve him, and to do his will.

[Page 76] Q. But how do you know all these things you act and do, are the commands of God, and according to his will?

A. By the word of his power in us, through which we are made sensible of all his commands unto us, for as we are born of him, so we know his voice, and by his word we are instructed in his com­mands, and thereby put upon motion to act and do them, and in our duty he gives us his peace, by which we know that all those things which we act and do, are his commands unto us, and ac­cording to his will.

Q. But are you so constrained through your faith and love towards God, as to answer him in all things that he commands you?

A. Yes, for if we should say we love him, and do not keep his commands, we should be lyars; but we do so love him, and our faith is so stedfast in him, as that we are thereby constrained to keep his commands in all things, for it is natural unto his own birth to delight to do his [Page 77] will, and to do whatsoever he command­eth, and hereby we know that his love is perfected in us, and our faith and love is single unto him; and as his good will is manifested unto ns, even so is our hearts disposed in good will towards all men.

Q. What good will have you to such as you judge and condemn, because they are not like-minded with you?

A. Much every way, for that which we judge and condemn in any, is only that spirit which wrongs them, by which our good will is manifested unto that which suffers wrong, and this is our judg­ment according to truth; and knowing that the judgment of the Lord is accor­ding to truth, and having felt it so in our selves, through the condemnation of sin in the flesh, we judg sin in the flesh in whomsoever it reigns, that sin in the flesh may be condemned, and they in the spirit may be justified; and herein we manifest the universal love of God to be shed abroad in our hearts, in which [Page 78] our good will extendeth unto all men.

Q. And is that the love with which you love your enemies?

A. Yes, for as God had pity upon us in the day of our alienation from him, and followed us with many tender visi­tations, and also many righteous judg­ments; even so we know that he would not have a sinner to perish, and in this love we labour for the good of all peo­ple; and it is the greatest manifestati­on of love to an enemy when his destru­ction is not sought, but rather a conde­scending to recover him out of the state of his enmity, into a state of reconcilia­tion and peace; and we know that there is none that are enemies unto us, but they are enemies unto God, and crucifies his life in themselves, and therefore our love is in pity towards them, though they be enemies unto us, knowing that they cannot have peace with God whilst in that state they remain.

Q. And are you so disposed towards your enemies as that you cannot seek re­revenge [Page 79] when they do you wrong?

A. Yes, that is the disposition of our nature, not to seek revenge, though we do suffer wrong; for the revenging na­ture is in the fall, in which people are enemies unto God, and one to another; but it is not so with us whom God hath redeemed, for though we may have ma­ny enemies, yet we are not enemies un­to any, though in the power of God by which we are redeemed, we do bear te­stimony against the evil and the sin, and that spirit in us doth not seek after re­venge, but in all long-suffering and pa­tience we bear the enmity of our ene­mies, and waits to see their conversion out of the enmity, whereby our good will is manifested in love to their souls.

Q. But are you not the cause of the suf­ferings that comes upon you, as being contrary minded unto all other people, and so are enemies to your selves?

A. Nay, the cause of our sufferings are not from our selves, but from that [Page 80] spirit which cannot bear our testimony which God hath given us, which testi­mony being contrary unto the actings and workings of the spirit of darkness, it provokes the minds of such in whom it ruleth to enmity against us, and that is the ground why sufferings comes upon us, and we are clear for being enemies unto our selves in it, as having our faith and love towards God in those things, for which we suffer.

Q. But why can you not be conformable unto those things which other people ob­serve and practice outwardly, and yet keep your Faith and love towards God inwardly, and so have your Faith to your selves?

A. Because we dare not deny, or own that outwardly which God doth mani­fest to us inwardly, either to be truth, or out of the truth, for so we should de­ny our Faith and love towards him every way; and it is not possible that any should keep Faith and love to God in­wardly, and conforme to any practice [Page 81] outwardly which is contrary to their in­ward principle, for as the body with­out the Spirit is dead, so Faith without works is dead also, and they that have Faith to themselves in the power of God, they also have Faith in him to serve him in works of truth and righteousness, and so we shew our Faith by our works, for the Spirit of Faith being lived in as the inward principle, the body is disposed by its motions, and it doth never dispose the body to conform unto any outward thing which is contrary to its own na­ture, so that the body is not to act the spirit, but the spirit is to act and govern the body, and where it is so, both the inward and the outward agrees in one, and there is faith inwardly and good works outwardly, and we have a good evidence of the spirit in our selves that so it is with us, whereby we are preser­ved upon our foundation inwardly, and for joyning with any practice that is con­trary to it outwardly, and here our bo­dyes are alive unto God in his spirit, and [Page 82] are acted and ordered by the power of it according to his will, and vvhere it is not so, there is not the sence of the spi­rit in the body, and so a dead body vvhich others may move and order in their own vvay.

Q. Well, but demonstrate in some par­ticulars your Non-conformity, as first, why you cannot conform to the Discipline of the Church of England, as it is now establish­ed outwardly?

A. Because vve do not find that it is established upon our foundation and principle inwardly, and therefore vve cannot have faith in it, nor love towards it; and if vve should conform to it out­vvardly, contrary to the inward princi­ple of our faith, vve should commit sin, for that which is not of faith, is sin; and if vve should do so, vve should commit a great evil, and our faith and love unto God vvould be lost, and therefore it is vvhy vve cannot conform to the vvay and Worship now observed according to that Discipline or order, because the [Page 83] spirit of God, by which our bodyes are alive to God, doth not so order and dispose us, and vve dare not order our bodies in our own choice, for if we could do so, and not sin against God, vve should rather chuse to conform then suffer, but vve know, that if vve should do so, vve could not keep our consciences void of offence towards God (though we might in so doing please many men) but should come under his rebuke and correction for transgression; and so in our single faith and love towards God, we stand in the will of God, and dare not move to observe any thing outwardly, but as the motion of his power and life disposes us inwardly, in which vve have true peace and satisfaction in our greatest tribulati­ons, and hereby it may be understood why vve cannot conform in this parti­cular.

Q. And why is it that you cannot swear at all?

A. Because it is contrary to our in­ward principle, and our principle being [Page 84] the truth it self, we know that as we are acted and disposed by its motion, that all our words, promises and en­gagements are sure and stedfast, for they are firmly established in our prin­ciple, and therefore we dare not swear at all, knowing our yea is yea, and our nay is nay, in a sure and stedfast princi­ple that changes not, and our faith and love towards God is in our principle, and if we should swear at all, we should de­ny our principle, which is Christ the truth, vvho commands us not swear at all, and our faith standing in him, and our love being towards him, we are con­strained to keep his command, because we know that all his commands are ac­cording to truth, and we believe that if we should swear at all, vve should go into transgression, and fall under con­demnation, and then we should loose the answer of a good Conscience, and peace with God, which is of more value unto us, then the highest favours in the world.

[Page 85] Q. But doth your faith and love, which you say is towards God, lead you wholly into opposition to the ordinances of men, who are to rule and govern Nations and Kingdoms?

A. Nay, our faith and love towards God makes us to be subject to the Or­dinances of men for the Lords sake, and we do not despise Government outward­ly, but do believe that actual subjecti­on ought to be given in all things that pertain to the preservation and well-being of such as are under the power of it, and for this cause pay we Tribute, and Custome, and that not only for fear, but for Conscience sake, whereby our actual Subjection is manifested and our Consciences kept void of offence to­wards God and men; for as we know that our inward principle is just and righteous in it self, so vve believe that every power in outward Government that rules in Justice and Righteousnesse between man and man, is to be owned and submitted unto, and not in any wise [Page 86] to be resisted or denyed; and this is something of our faith concerning this particular, vvhereby it may appear that vve are not vvholly in opposition to the Ordinances of men, as they act in Justice and Righteousness for the well-being one of another, which is the main end of all outward Government.

Q. But do you not believe that you ought in all things to be actually subject according to the institutions of Laws which are in being?

A. Nay, that is not our Faith, for vvhere any Law concerns our Conscien­ces, and that contrary to our inward principle, in that case vve dare not be actually subject; for as our principle is the greatest in power, and so it is most worthy of our subjection, and our faith and love constrains us so to do; and vvhere any outward Law, lyes against our inward principle, as to things per­taining to our Consciences, vve in that case are passive, and patiently suffers un­der it, and so vve believe and are sure, [Page 87] that the exercise of our Consciences, in matters of Worship and Religion, is to stand single unto God alone, and not to be restrained or limited by any Ordi­nance of men.

Q. Why can you not give respect and honour unto persons that are in power and Government, according to the Cu­stoms which are used?

A. Because it is against our faith to respect persons according to customes, for we have not the faith our Lord Je­sus Christ in respect of persons; and yet we give honour and respect to all men unto vvhom it is due, but the Hat and Knee is a beggarly honour, and not wor­thy to be either given or received for honour, being far below the honour that comes from above, and we being born of the Royal seed of God, we can­not give honour to any thing below it; and all the customs that are in being, and given, and received for honour a­mongst men, they are all below the Roy­all seed, and the birth born of the seed [Page 88] can neither give nor receive such honor: and this is our faith in this particular, That we are to honour God, and all men in the Lord, but Customs and Ob­servations, with the Hat and Knee, we believe and are sure that God doth not require us to give respect or honour unto any person after that manner; and by our faith we live in our principle, and vve know that there is no honour due unto any man, but as he hath some uni­on with the light and power of God in himself, which is the principle unto vvhich all honour belongs, and unto such we can give honour with our hearts, though our Hats remain in their place of service, and our bodies stand without moving, and this is the honour which we do give unto vvhom it belongs, and it is the honour from above, and not from below.

Q. And why is it that you are so con­trary minded unto all other people, both in your behaviour and language, seeing there is none besides you that behaves them­selves [Page 89] after such a manner, and you being so contrary unto all people in your beha­viour and language, it makes you redicu­lous in their eye, and to become a reproach in your generation?

A. The reason why we are contrary minded unto all other people in such things, is this; we being come unto Christ the light, life and truth, we are come to a principle which differs from other people, and as we are regenerated and born again of incorruptible seed, we are not of the same minde as other people are, nor as we our selves some­times have been when we lived in the vanities of our mindes, and as our change is wrought by the power of God, so is the Spirit of our mindes renewed unto God, and our behaviour and language is from that which is pure in it self, and as is the root so are the branches, and in this lyes the difference between us and other people, which is the cause that makes us rediculous in their eye, no that our behaviour and language are so [Page 90] in themselves; but proceeding from a plain, simple, honest minde in us accord­ing to truth and righteousness: the hea­dy and high minded looks upon them as rediculous because contemptible in their eye, and so speaks reproachfully and scornfully of us, for our behaviour and language is from another principle then other peoples are, and if it was not so, we should be as much esteemed and respected amongst them, as when we were one with them in behaviour and language, which now being made to differ in our principle, and to appear contrary unto them, their reproach and scorn fals upon us as a rediculous people, but we know it is better with us, now that we endure such reproaches because of our difference, then in the time when we lived in the pleasure of sin, and had respect and esteem, and not reproach and scorn.

Q. But is there not some which hold an inward principle as you doe, and yet doe not behave themselves after your manner, [Page 91] but can observe the things that are in cu­stome both in behaviour and language?

A. There may be some such, but they are not upon our foundation, and though they may hold an inward prin­ciple, yet they are not of us, for we know that the birth of the flesh hath an inward principle, and that will allow the liberty in behaviour and language ac­cording to the customes used; but we say that such an inward principle that doth allow such an outward practice is not of God, but of the flesh, which answers the nature and will of the flesh, in behaviour and language, and we can­not follow such as our examples, though they may hold an inward principle, but are made to differ from them both in root and branch; for we believe and are sure that the Son of God is come un­to us, and hath given us an understand­ing to know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, and being in him that is true, we know our behaviour and lan­guage is according to truth; and so we [Page 92] know that all our works are wrought in God, and by Faith in him we stand, and unto him alone gives glory for e­ver.

Q. But how may people come to be sa­tisfied, that it is so with you as you say, more then with others, who may say as much for themselves in their way as you doe in yours?

A. There is no other way for any peo­ple to be satisfied in this matter, but by taking heed to the principle of God in themselves, for as we are born of God, there is none can know us as to be sa­tisfied concerning us, either in principle or practice, but as they come to the same principle in which we are; for if people will onely reason about things that differ they may weary themselves and yet ne­ver be satisfied, for we doe not onely say that so it is with us, and so press it upon o­thers to believe it, barely from our say­ings, but we press all people to a joyning with the light and power of Christ with­in them, and if they come unto that, then [Page 93] we know that we shall be manifest in their consciences, and be known where we are, and so it is not what we or any others may say in our own case, that can give true satisfaction to any enquirer; but what the witness of God in the con­science saith: for if that doe not seale to what is said, there is not any thing that is said, which can clearly evidence the matter in question, and if vve be not found by the vvitness of God to be as vve say, then let us not be believed, but if vve be so, then people may be satis­fied that vve are not only sayers, but also doers; and if vve cannot be believed by our sayings, being others may say as much as vve in their ovvn case, yet let us be believed for our vvorks sake vvhich from our principle is manifest to be of God, vvhereby vve are distin­quished from all faire sayers, vvho may have many good words, but not in the life, and so are fruitless in good works and the witness of God will never an­swer with a seale unto their sayings [Page 94] though they may speak never so faire, but we know that whosoever doth the Fathers will, shall perfectly understand our principle, doctrin and works, by which they may come to be satisfied that we doe not speak of our selves, nor act of our selves, but in the eternal mo­tion of the power and life of Christ, who is our foundation and principle; and they that would be satisfied concerning us any way, they must finde us and know us in the principle of life where we are, and not in their own reason where we are not, for it is not possible to finde a man where he is not, or to know him untill he be found and beheld in the place where he moveth, and so let none reason about us, for there they can ne­ver know us or come unto us, but let all feele to that of God in them and be faithfull to it, and then they will not say, the Quakers Religion is but young in years, or lately come up, and we know them not, nor what their new doctrin meanes, by which people comes to be [Page 95] so altered and changed; but they will know and understand, that our life is hid with Christ in God, and that his life ap­pears in us, and we in it, and so be put out of all doubts and questions in the reasonings concerning us; and receive satisfaction in all things that pertaine un­to us, in life and godliness, in which our Religion is pure, holy and undefiled, and was before unholiness or unrighte­ousness was; and will remaine in i [...]s purity vvhen years shall pass avvay and be no more, and this is the meaning of our doctrin, to bring people to the ever­lasting word of God in themselves, that they may come into rest and peace in the pure Religion, where God is known in his loves grace, and riches of mer­cy.

Q. If your Faith give you such assu­rance of your principle and Religion to be true and right, then why cannot you de­fend it by force, and so free your selves from that outward bondage which you suf­fer for your Religion?

[Page 96] A. Our Faith doth give us such an assurance, but yet we cannot strive with our opposers and oppressours, nor any way by force of carnal weapons seek to defend it, for we know that it is sufficient to defend it self, & also to defend us that live in it, and our weapons are Spiritual and not carnal, & we fight the good fight of Faith in the power of the Prince of peace, and so we war against sin, but followes peace with all men, and can be ready in every office of love to doe good to our greatest enemies, and here­in we have been sufficiently proved to be a peacable people under every power by which we have or doe suffer, and we have never resisted, nor sought re­venge upon any, but in all things com­mits our cause unto God, in whose sight we stand approved, and he knows that as we are in words or appearance, even so we are the same in heart, and un­to his judgement and tryall we appeale in our innocency, and the principle of [Page 97] his life in every one doth bear witness for us, and all that hearken unto it, will receive a true evidence in themselves concerning our innocent and peaceable life.

Q. And doe you refer your tryal in all things to your own principle in others, which you say is Christ, the light, and life, and witness of God.

A. Yes, We doe so, for as we know that all judgement in heaven and earth is committed unto Christ, so we know that there is not another that can truly try or judge of us besides him, and therefore we have boldness to refer our tryal in all things unto him alone as knowing that his tryal and judgement is according to truth in every man, and as our Faith is in him, and our love unto him, so we know that he will not condemne the works of his own hands, but justifie the fruit of his own life, po­wer and virtue, and his tryal and judge­ment will clearly evidence for us, that we are his, and not our own.

[Page 98] Confession. It may now be perceived, that you do not hold or maintain the things that you do to be from your selves or in your own wills but from Christ the foundation and principle.

A. Yes, it is plainly so, for of our selves we can do nothing, but through Christ, in whom vve have our strength, vve are able to do all things; so that our sufficiency is in him alone, and by his power in us, all our good works are wrought for us, and unto him they all return, that he in all things may have the preheminence, and the glory for ever.

Resolved. It being so, there is no good ground why you should be called in que­stion, or any way suffer for your Faith and Religion, seeing that what you do is from the power of Christ, and his works are not to be denyed by any, nor you to suffer in any case for the faith you have in him, and the love you have to him; and seeing that you deny your selves in what you do (which many [Page 99] hitherto have thought you did not) and that you are willing to be tryed and Judged according to the Judgment of truth in Christ, you ought not in any wise to suffer by any other Tryal or Judg­ment whatsoever; and all sober, mo­derate people may be well satisfied with this Demonstration, that your principle is of God, and that your faith and love is unto God, and your good will unto all men, and none need not any farther stand in doubt of the truth of it, but may be fully perswaded that you have Salvation and Eternal life by Jesus Christ, which may overcome all that are yet contrary minded unto you, to joyne with your principle, that they may be of your Faith and Religion, who are a people that loves God so singly, and lives amongst men so peaceably, which indeed doth clearly manifest your princi­ple and Religion to be of God.

W. S.

A manifestation of Prayer in For­mality, and Prayer in the Spirit of God.

IT hath been a common Observation through Ages and Generations, to per­form something as a duty unto God by way of Prayer; & this common observa­tion hath descended from one generation to another (ever since the Apostacy en­tred) in a customary and formal way, still observing the practice in words, and continuing the same as a duty unto God in the same manner and form, not at all regarding or considering the present want, or necessity of the present Age or Generation, nor the present states and conditions of particular people, but pray­ing in the same Words, and in the same Form, from time to time, and from ge­neration to generation; and so it flows, as a natural stream in a common and [Page 101] customary practice, from one generati­on to another; and hence it is that peo­ple continue asking but do not receive, because they ask amiss, not feeling the Spirit that makes intercession. And so the Pharisees made long prayers, but re­ceived the greater damnation, because they prayed not in the Spirit, but in the customary formality, which by the Spi­rit was condemned. And it is very sad that people should all their life-time be complaining and asking, and never come to receive satisfaction: And this is the common way of Prayer in this present generation, who have many prayers in formed words, and with their mouths do often repeat them, and in the forma­lity make a practice of them, and so at set-times, and in set-prayers, spend away their dayes, but feel not the Lord nor his goodness. And this common way of Prayer, now used in the common Wor­ship, never brings people to obtain, but keeps them alwayes asking; where, in answer to the Commandments, they pray▪ [Page 102] no this wise, Lord have mercy upon us, and encline our hearts to keep this Law; and write all these thy Laws in our hearts, we beseech thee. Now, if they would en­cline their hearts to the Spirit of God in themselves, and obey it, then the Spi­rit would encline their hearts to keep God's Law, and the Spirit would write his Law in their hearts, and put it into their inward parts, and it would keep them that they should not depart from it, and there they would feel Gods mer­cies, and so come to receive an answer of their Prayers: For when the heart of man doth not encline to the Spirit of God, it is in rebellion against him, and God doth not shew mercy to the rebel­lious; and so people pass over their time in words, but want the life which should do them good; and when they come to finish their dayes, their hearts are as far off from Gods Law, as the first day when they began to pray, That he would encline their hearts to keep it; and they have no assurance that God will shew [Page 103] them mercy, though they have been praying in words all their life-time. And likewise in answer to the Lettany, where they pray after this manner, Good Lord deliver us: And, We beseech thee to hear us good Lord. And this is the same in their latter dayes, as in the beginning; and it is manifest that they are not de­livered from those things as in words they pray to be delivered from, nor are not heard in those things which they beseech the Lord to hear them in, and so they spend their dayes in observing a customary formality, and never come to any assurance that they are delivered, or that their requests are heard and an­swered. And again, in that which they call the Creed, they confess they believe in God; now they that believe in God, their hearts are enclined to keep his Law, and he shews them mercy, and hears them, and delivers them, for they that believe in God, they do his will; and if any man do his will, him he heareth. And then again they confess, That they [Page 104] are miserable sinners, and do those things they ought not to do: And if so, then not Believers; for they that believe in Christ are not miserable sinners, neither do those things they ought not to do, but by be­lieving in Christ they are saved, and he takes away their sin that makes them miserable, and sets them free from their misery, and they do those things that are well-pleasing in his sight; for they that truly believe in Christ, they do not only confess their sins, but also forsake them, and so find mercy with the Lord; and they are not alwayes complaining that they do those things they ought not to do, but know his Will and do it, and are blessed in their deed. And again, in that which they call the Lords Prayer, they generally say, Our Father: Now the Children of God are not miserable sinners, nor do not those things they ought not to do; for, whosoever is born of God, doth not commit sin: And, Who­soever sinneth, hath not seen him, neither known him: And there are not any that [Page 105] believe in God, or can call God Father in truth, but those that are born of him; for those that are born of flesh and of blood, and of the will of man, they do not believe in God, neither can truly call God Father; for that is the nature in vvhich sin is committed, vvhich makes people miserable, and that is the nature in which they do those things they ought not to do, and that is the nature in which there is no saving health; and there is not any prayer accepted of God, which in that nature is performed: for none in the flesh can please God; and whatsoe­ver is offered unto him in that nature, he doth not regard it, for it is the nature from which all wickedness proceedeth, and the prayers of the wicked are an abo­mination unto God. And though there may be many which may deny the com­mon vvay of Prayer,, as it is used in the common Worship, and set up some other way of Prayer, as more excellent; yet whilst the Flesh, and Blood, and Will of man conceives it, and performs [Page 106] it, there is no difference in the ground, between that vvhich they deny, and that which they set up and practise, nei­ther doth God regard it any more than that which they deny. And though such Prayers may not appear so formal, as those that are commonly used in the common Worship, yet they are concei­ved in the very same womb, and do not at all differ in the ground: for as the Wisdom of the flesh hath composed so many set-prayers in words, and hath prescribed a way to observe and practise the same, and that none is either to add or diminish as to vvhat is so composed; even so the same Wisdom may deny that prescribed way, as being formal, and may invent something instead of it, in a higher mistery of iniquity; and though they may not speak in such formal com­posed words, yet in the same Wisdome their words are formal, not at all differing in the ground or conception, but only in the expression and observation, and in their practise it is as formal as that [Page 107] which they deny; for they have a con­stant observation by way of Prayer, in what they practise, which in it self is as formal as the set-prayers commonly used in the common Worship; for they can set their own time both to begin and to make an end; and when they will they can utter vvords, and vvhen they will they can be silent; and they have their own conceptions at command, and can either perform or not perform in their own time; and this is the uncleane part vvhich offers unto God, which he doth not accept, neither is any Prayer re­garded or accepted of God, but the Prayer which is offered to him by his own birth.

So that these few things being seri­ously considered, it is manifest, that the way of Prayer, as it is now commonly used, observed, and practised in the common Worship, is not true prayr, but a bare formality, and not onely so, but also contradictory, & so is not performed with a right understanding; and it is as ma­nifest [Page 108] that all other wayes of praying, which are conceived and performed in the wisdom of the flesh, is not true Prayer, neither doth God regard it more then the other, because it is performed in the same nature, and differs in nothing but in the manner; and however they may differ in the practice, yet they meet in the ground, and are offered up in the unclean part, and so are not per­formed with an understanding, as Prayer in the Spirit of God is.

Now the Spirit of Life, which is ma­nifest from God in every mans consci­ence, doth so enlighten him, as to make him sensible that he is a sinner, and in himself is miserable, and eternally liable to the Wrath of God, without the Lord appear for him, and work his delive­rance; and as man takes heed to that Spirit which doth so enlighten him, and makes manifest his condition to him, then the Spirit begins to quicken and stir up something in him that desires after God, and breathes after God, and the [Page 109] sighs and groans begin to arise in a true sence of misery, and the breathings go forth in the earnest of the Spirit unto God, and the cry arises for help and de­liverance; and though that which is quickened by the Spirit, to breath in the Spirit, be but as a babe in youngness, and that it doth not know what to pray for as it ought, but stands sighing, and groaning, and mourning, in the sence of­burdens, weights and loads that lye up­on it, yet the Spirit in that state helpeth its infirmities, and makes requests for it according to the will of God, for the Spirit knows what the Babe wants, and with what it is burdened, and so makes intercession unto God for it; and in the Spitit the Babe hath access to God; and though it be but young, yet it cryes Ab­ba, Father, and so it breathes in the Spi­rit, and cryes in the Spirt, and prayes to the Father in the Spirit; and the sighs and groans, do rise from a true sence of its own weakness, and the want of Gods Mercies; for it understands in the Spirit [Page 110] what it wants, and is sensible what bur­dens lyes upon it, and in the Spirit it draws nigh to God, and submits its selfe to the Throne of his Grace, and there finds Grace to help it in its need, for the Spirit brings reliefe from the bosome of the Father, and supplies the Babe in all its wants, and every breathing is mini­stred unto by the Spirit; and here the Babe prays aright, and asketh according to the will of God, and he hears its com­plainings, and in his compassion he an­swereth its petitions, and so it comes to receive from his own hand, and he gives unto it daily bread, and nourishes it with his own virtue, after which it breatheth, and stands by it to help it in the hour of temptation, and so the Babe begotten by the Spirit, prays in the Spirit, and re­ceives from the Spirit, and is strengthen­ed with the virtue of the Spirit; and this is true prayer, though never a word be spoken through utterance: for the Babe breaths in the Spirit and cryes in the Spi­rit, and prayes in the Spirit; and as it so [Page 111] breaths, and cries, and prayes in secret, e­ven so the Father which seeth in secret, doth reward it openly, and by his power removes the burdens from it, and with his own hand lifteth up its head, & in his own time he delivereth it out of all trou­bles; and from its quickning and first breathing it goes on from strength to strength, and from virtue to virtue, even as by the Spirit of the Lord; and having received strength in the Spirit, then by the Spirit it hath utterance given, and can ut­ter words by the help of the Spirit, and so prayes in the Spirit, and prayes with an understanding; and that which it expres­seth in words by the help of the Spirit, and by the strength of the Spirit, that is a comfort to every babe that is breathing in the same Spirit; and so the babes be­gotten by the Spirit, pray in the unity of the spirit, and their prayers return into their bosome, and are answered with a seal of the same spirit, for they ask in the Name of Christ, and in his Name they re­ceive their satisfaction; and so here is a [Page 112] time of sighing, & groaning, & mourning, & complaining; & a time of breathing, & crying, & praying; & a time of receiving, & rejoycing, wherein the babes of life do come to inherit that w th they have brea­thed after, & so come to the living praises unto God, who hath answered their prairs in the riches of his Grace and Mercy.

So all must come to the spirit of God, by the spirit to be ordered, and cease from their own words & from their own time, and learn to be silent until the spirit give them utterance; for the Lord is weary of all formality & hypocrisie, & he hath no pleasure in any such performances, for his Controversie is against the Son of Perditi­on, but he will exalt the Son of his Love; & blessed are they that are born of his life, for whatsoever they ask in his Name, their Petitions are answered, & their Requests granted, & the prayrs of such are only ac­cepted, and not the prayrs of those that think to be heard for their much babling, who have many words, but not in the life.

W. S.

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