[Page] CHRISTENDOMS CALL TO REPENTANCE, Who is Adulterated, and gone out from the Life of her Maker, and gone into the Spiri­tual whoredoms, from the Life which was among the Apostles, which with the Light, is seen and made manifest, which now shineth, that comes from the VVord which was in the begin­ning, before whom all things are bare and naked, and nothing can be hid. By W. S.

LONDON. Printed, for Thomas Simmons, at the Signe of the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1661.

THis hath been seen as the purpose of the Lor [...] concerning Christendom, that all her great build [...]ing which her builders have set up, not one ston [...] shall be left upon another, which shall not b [...] thrown down; which the Papists, Anabaptists, and others the professed Christians so called, or professors of Religi­on, have been so long time and so many years building, contriving, and setting up in the dark, out of the Coun­cel of the Lord; and their building shall be laid waste, and trampled upon; and this the Lord will bring to passe in the Earth, the day hasteneth a pace, and though they ga­ther, they shall be scattered, the Lord will scatter them.

For the Rams horns blowing, they shall not endure the blast thereof, Priests, Professors, nor People (for the Spirit of life is therein) which have been alienated from the life of Innocencie, and the life of Righteousnesse, so cannot endure the breath.

This is thy case, O England! and the Nations round about thee, Spaniards, Dutch, French, Italians, Portu­gals, Scots, Irish, and others that have committed Adul­tery with thee, and lain in the Bed of whoredoms toge­ther, which are gone out from the light, gone out from the Husband, and so have defiled themselves, whom God will judge.

Your stink is ascended, and the cry of your iniquities gone up into the ears of the Lord of Sabbath, who will arise and plead with thee, O Christendom! in one Nation and another, that hast harloted from the life of thy Ma­ker, and gone after strange flesh, and from the life of the holy Apostles and Prophets, and gone into the killing, devouring, and destroying one another; So that an ut­ter consumption is determined from the Lord to come upon thee, and the whole Earth, which shall spoile your glory, and deface your beauty.

For what Fighting Quarreling, Striving, Tearing, Rending, hath come up in thee, thou Christendom, since [Page 4] the Apostles and true Christians dayes, killing and de­stroying about Religion, Church, Worship, Ministry, and striving one with another about their words, whose life you are Apostatized from, and so run unto the carnal Weapons, which the true Saints, Ministers and Messen­gers of Christ warred not with, who put on the Armor of Light; And since them the Wolfe hath got into the Sheeps cloathing, which is to be rent off, and thou stript bare and naked, and left to open view, and this the Lord is bringing to passe, whose work thou canst not with­stand.

For all thy Threats, Bonds, Prisons, nor Arm of flesh will not terrifie nor hinder the birth born of the Spirit from doing the will of God; the corner Stone is set upon thy head, and the little stone cut out of the Mountains without hands shall fill the whole Earth, it shall bruise the feet of the Image whereon the Image standeth; and the most beautiful form whatsoever without life, what is it more then an Image? So that nothing but life it self will stand, and all likenesses will come to an end.

And Sion shall arise and shake her self out of the dust, and put on her beautiful Garments which long hath lain in the dust mourning, yea, thou Daughter of Sion shall rejoyce and break forth into singing, and the daies of thy Widdow-hood shall be ended, though thou be yet but small, and little, for great is the Holy One in the midst of thee; thy gates shall no more be shut, neither shall there be any night where thou inhab [...]est, the Lord shall be thy sure defence, and thy God thy glory.

But thou Christendom [...] from the life of God, which was among the Apostles, shall weep and mourn, and all them that have committed lewdnesse with thee; yea, who have been partakers of your pleasures together, shall weep and sorrow together, the day hast [...]neth [...]pace. And this is declared against Christendom, the professors of Religion, and fighting Christians with carnal Weapons got up since the Apostles daies, thy Weapons cannot de­fend thee, nor be able to withhold nor alter the deter­mination of the Almighty; the Vials and Wrath that is to be poured forth upon thee without mixture, who hast [Page 5] sat as a Queen, and said in thy heart, thou shalt see no sor­row, which hast lived in the many mixtures, out of the simplicity, and out of the truth, and so out of the service of the only true God, who is a Spirit and will be worship­ped in the Spirit and in the Truth, and so hast grown subtle, lewd and stubborn, clamorous; and to keep up thy false Church, and false Worship, hast invented Wracks, Tortures, Prisons, Inquisitions to torment and afflict others; So shalt thou know thy bed of sorrows, who being out of the Truth and Service of God, hast served the divers lusts and pleasures, contrary to the Spirit, and contrary to the Truth, which is the Light.

Therefore, O Christendom! consider what thou hast brought up thy Children to, and what thou art training them up in, that Christs Voice hast not heard nor hearest, so are running after the strangers, having itching ears, whose heart is even surfeited with delights and pleasures, and drunk with the blood of the Saints; But into a bed of torment thou must be cast, and thy companions with thee, and bitter lamentation thou must know, who hast lived in pleasures on Earth, and been wanton, and faired deliciously every day Dives-like. thou must also drink of the same cup which thou hast filled unto others, which shall be filled unto thee from the hand of the Lord who is Just and Righteous; And dost thou think that thy car­nal Weapons will ever be able to defend thee, who hast committed spiritual whoredoms, and led many into cap­tivity?

O▪ that the cup of the Lords fierce indignation thou canst turn from, and not drink of it, who hast drunk the blood of his Saints, And the sons of Sion more comparable then fine Gold, hast trod under thy feet? Will not thy heart ake thinkest thou when thou shalt drink it? and re­ceive thy portion from the Lord, which in one day will come upon thee, and them that have committed Forni­cation with thee, whom the worthy Name of Christ hast blasphemed, and called your selves Christians, and caused his Truth to be evil spoken of, & his Name to be blasphem­ed through thy lewdness, adulteries and whoredoms, who shall be made bare and naked, and thy lewdnesse discover­ed, [Page 6] the Lord will bring it to passe, and plead his cause with thee, who hast the face of an impudent whorish wo­man, hardened in wickednesse and deceit; thy day of desolation and widowhood hasteneth on thee, for strong is the Lord which will perform this; And hast called thy selfe a Church, and Church-members, and hast told peo­ple out of thee there is no salvation nor safety; and so hast beguiled the unstable▪ But are they in safety that are in the Adultery, Uncleannesse, Defiled, where the whore­doms have been committed, and the bed hath been defil­ed? For what whoredoms like it in the whole World that have been committed in thee, and hast brought up thy Children in, thou Christendom, adulterated from the life of thy Maker, from the life of Righteousnesse, and the life of Holinesse, and yet tellest of thy safety, and that there is no safety out of this Church, who hast caused the Name of Christ to be an abhorring before men, and be­fore Nations, that have been any thing sober minded, or have had a search and inquiry after him, after Righteous­nesse, and after Truth; or to know of his waies, his teach­ings, the beloved of the Father, whom the Soul loves, and so to know their souls beloved, which thou hast caused to be stumbled at and offended; And so hast caused the worthy Name of Christ to be as a by-word among the Nations that knows him not, and to be evil spoken of among the Gen­tiles. What stinks have proceeded from thy Inquisitions, Wracks, Tortures, and Prisons, disjointing mens bones, and burning their flesh about Religion, Church and Ministry; What havock hath there been made in thee, O Christendom! and in all the parts thereof, of the honest simple hearted Lambs of Christ since the Apostles daies, which is even dreadful to consider what a weight lies upon thee, what Tearing, Rending, and destroying hath been in thee and by thee of the harmless flock of Christ; Where hath been the like heard of among any people in any part of the World, besides the like things that have been done in thee? So that the Name of the Holy Child Jesus hath suffered by thee which thou hast blasphemed, who ne­ver commanded to Wrack, Torture, Burn, Imprison, nor make Inquisitions, but bid love Enemies; Neither did his Ministers, Messengers, or Servants give forth [Page 7] any such command, but said overcome evil with good; And so hast thou kicked against reproof and hatest to be reformed, but the Lords judgments will pursue thee, who is just, and overtake thee, to recompence thee who is mighty, and the stroak of his hand thou canst not escape, nor withhold the fury of his indig­nation (except thou repent) which will presse thee down into the Lake, where the Beast, false Prophet, and them that have committed lewdnesse with thee are to be taken and cast in a­live together; and thou the great whore judged, that have stood up against the true Prophet, and rejected the Light and Life of men Christ Jesus, at whose Name every knee must bow and Tongue confesse, through whom the sons of Adam driven out from God, must have their redemption up to God again, who is the way, and there is not another; who took not upon him the nature of Angels, but the seed of Abraham, whom the Angels are to worship, the Anointed of God, the Saviour of mankind, the true Light of the World, that lighteth every man that cometh into the World, that all men through him might believe and be saved; For he that believeth is not condemn­ed, but he that believeth not is condemned already, the Light is his condemnation; and who comes to the light, obtains life, that life which hath been Apostatized and Estranged from since the Apostles daies, which also is the salvation, to be led out of darknesse, out of sin and transgression, which hath long reign­ed in thee, thou Christendom, adulterated from the pure life the righteous life, and holy life, that hast revolted and gone back­ward into the uncleannesse, filthinesse, deceit and unrighte­ousnesse, so that even the life of Righteousnesse, Purity and Uprightnesse, is slighted by thee and set at nought, and not accounted of; to do truth or speak truth, is accounted but a small thing among the highest professors or people; to come to yea and nay in their communications, or to the plain and pro­per language of the Scriptures of Truth, Thou or thee to one, and you to many, or more then one, this plainnesse and sim­plicity is even scoffed at by thee, and called Canting, clown­ish, or Unmannerly, and thou art offended at it, and it is a strange thing unto thee; So doth it not shew thy spirit to be another then theirs that gave forth Scripture, that canst not bear their language, nor use their manners, that bid to speak truth every man unto his neighbour, and bow unto the Lord; [Page 8] but if thou canst not be flattered, complemented, or have the Hat bowed unto thee, doth it not make thee rage? And ar [...] thou not disquieted at it? But was it so of old among the Saints and Holy men of God, or in the beginning? Or doth [...] not shew that thou art degenerated, the Heads, Rulers, Priest▪ and Teachers in thee, that art so much offended at the plain and simple language? Or if the reverence be not done thee with Cap and Knee, or Scrape with the Leg, accounted rude and ill bred, or misbehaviour? Doth not such a low thing as a Hat con­found both Magistrates and Ministry in thee, if that be not put off to thy Rulers and Teachers, who would have their persons respected, and so lead people to commit sin, Jam. 2. 9. There­fore is it not time for all sorts of people to consider what they have been led into, and what hath been your life all this while, who are stumbling and offended that the plain, simple, and upright life thou canst not bear, nor the light indure, nor the language nor behaviour of them that are in it, but strikes, per­secutes and imprisons them that cannot give thee flattering titles, nor respect mens persons to commit sin, nor go out of the doctrine of Christ who saith, swear no [...] at all; and such thou Christendom and th [...] [...]ofessors in thee cast i [...]to [...]rison; Is not this thy work, and dost thou not expect for this thou shalt have thy ward? And so in thy nakednesse and sinful estate, hast thou not been sowing Fig-leaves together to hide thy nakednesse, and piecing the old garment, that the rent is made worse? but veri­ly it shall not cover thee, for the day is come about that thou must be stripped and made bare, and the fig-leaves nor yet the tree shall not stand any longer without the fruit, and the old garment shall be torn off; For behold, he cometh and is come that maketh all things new, a new Heaven and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousnesse, and a new seed; And this the righteous God will bring to passe for his own elect seed sake, and is bringing to passe, which cryeth unto him for its deliverance, Amen saith my soul, hasten that day, put an end of sin, and finish transgression; come Lord Jesus Christ, come quick­ly, that victory over the Dragons power, Beast, false Prophet, and false Church may be witnessed by each in particular, and over all in the general.


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