The Presbyterians Remonstrance:
THe High Court of justice having denounced Sentence against M. Love, he was remanded back again to the Tower of London, where M. Smith (a pious and religious Divine) gave him a visit, saying; Ah, my dear Brother, & precious Saint of Jesus Christ, The Lord strengthen you in this your day of temptation and tribulation: and blessed be the name of the most High God, who hath ordered and disposed of all things, as seemes most [Page 3] requisite and sitting in his Divine Power and Wisdom; for, indeed, you know that it is the usual way of the Lord to take away from off the Earth his precious Saints and Servants, before the casting down of his judgments; and to remove those bright Stars (whom the World are not worthy of) to a higher Orb. And truly thus much I dare divine, That when you are gone, I shall not stay long after. Which propheticks proved true; for immediatly after the execution of M. Love, he was exceedingly troubled in mind; And being asked the reason, of so sudden a change, and melancholy disposition, He answer'd, It was the Will of God so to translate him; and that he never should be well, till he was translated from an Earthly Tabernacle to a Heavenly Paradise, to be singing Hallelujan with his brother in the presence of an innumerable Guard of Angels, &c. Soon after it pleased God to afflict him with a great Visitation, where he vsed these divine expressions in the presence of many Friend, and others.
Mercy and peace, and love be multiply'd.
For, saith he, The Scripture tels us, That many waters will not quench love Cant. 8. 7. And experience tels us, That much fire will not kindly love; especially such fire as we have among us, the sire of contention, (I mean) much augmented, inflamed, and blown up, by the bellowes of unnecessary and unprofitable Disputes; which are carryed on with much heat, most men contesting rather for victory then verity; few arguing for God, fewer according to God: Hence is many different Opinions, which beget so many difference in Opinions amongst us; That as in the primitive times the beloved Disciple was banished; so in our times, the love of Disciples is banished; Sad times! When so sweet a thing, so choice a grace, is so little set by: when men study more to gratifie [Page 4] Sathan by dividing, then to please Jesus Christ by uniting; when instead of helping we are hurting; instead of hearing with, we are binding of one another. But the Lord manifest his love to you all, and teach you to manifest your love to him, to the Truth, to one another, and to all the Saints; and grant, that the Parl. his Excellency and Officers, may be Jethroes Justices, men of courage, fearing God, dealing truly, and hating covetousness. Alas! We see that the Ax is even laid to the Root, and many thereby have undergone an untimely death: But happy are all those that suffer for the Cause of Christ; nay, thrice happy are they who suffer for Him, that so willingly laid down his life for them. O! consider, I beseech you, the torments he indured:
1. Jesus Christ died a shamefull death, he died as a Malefactor, among Malefactors, and yet innocent; Isa. 53. 12. He was numbred with transgressors. Crucified between two Theeves, as if he had been the Captaine or chief over them, yet the Apostle saith, 1 Pet. 2. 22. He did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth, though he were slaughtered, yet he was a Lamb without blemish, and without spot.
2. Jesus Christ died an accursed death, and that not only according to mans conceit, or opinion, but according to the decree of the divine Law, Deut. 20. 23. he that is hanged, is accursed of God: Which the Apostle brings in applying it to Christ, Gal. 3. 13. Who was made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is every one that hangeth on the tree.
3. Jesus Christ died a painful death, and this wil appear in several particulars: 1. He was scourged, Mat. 27: 26. When he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. This scourging was painful; for Christ was not scourged virgâ with a rod, but stagello with a whip or scourge, [Page 5] which pierced the more, & put him to more pain. 2. His head was crowned with thorn, Mat. 27. 29. They platted a Crown of thorns, and put it upon his head: These thorns pierced his temples, & this must needs aggravate his pain and misery. 3. His hands and feet were nailed, which was very grievous, for those members being full of nerves, and sinews, they feel torture so much the more. 4. He died a lingering death, sudden death is not so painfull as a lingering death; to be dying, but not dead, is painfull indeed; when he was nailed to the Crosse he was not presently dead. Secondly, Let us consider his inward soul-sufferings, and these we shall look upon under three heads.
1. Consider what temptations he lay under, as soon as he was baptized and set apart for his office, Satan tempted him, Mat. 4. But now he being ready to depart the world, and to compleat his conquest, Satan set upon him with fresh force, this was in his Agony, Luk. 22. 44:
2. Consider what sence of wrath he went under, he was wont always to have his Father smiling on him, now he finds him frowning on him, discovering nothing but anger and wrath, On him was laid the iniquitie of us all, and the wrath that was due to all the Elect for all their sin; yet all this Christ bears, even all the wrath that the Father had to lay upon all the elect; yea, and he cries out, Joh. 19. 28. I thirst: That i [...], I thirst after the salvation of poor sinners; I thirst after more wrath, if there be any more to be charged upon them, I thirst to have it laid upon me; and then when there was no more to be laid upon him, he cries out, [...]etel [...]stai. It is finished; he would not off the Crosse till all were done, and then he gave up the Ghost. 3. Consider what desentions he lay under, all comfort was gone, God seemed to have forsaken him; Matth. 27. 46. He cried with a loud voice saying, Eli, Eli, Lamasabachtheni, My God why hast thou forsaken me? Let misery [Page 6] be never so great, yet if we enjoy the presence of God, it will make amends for all: hell would be no hell, if we might enjoy Gods comfortable presence there: so let outward enjoyments be never so great, yet without the presence of God they are nothing: heaven would be no heaven, if the comfortable presence of God could not be enjoyed there: Here was Christs misery Iudas betrayes Pilat condemnes, the Iews Crucifie, and to make up the measure, God forsakes him too. Oh what a sad thing was this!
Now, let us put all these together, and we must needs conclude, that Christ loves us dearly. Jesus Christ the Son of God in whom was no iniquity; looks upon us polluted creatures, that were his enemies; and is contented to suffer a shamefull, cursed, prinfnll death, and to be [...]empted of Sathan, to feel the great wrath of his Fathers and to be forsaken of him also, and all this to do us good, that we might escape these things, Oh inxpres-love. If Christ love us dearly, then [...] love him intirely, we are not worthy of his love, but he is worthy of ours. Did he so love us, as to give himself for us, & shall we not so loue him, as to give our selves to him. I beseech you by the mercies of God, by the love of Chist that ye present you [...]selves a living sacrifice [...]y him: Oh that this love of Christ to us might constrain us to do, or suffer any thing for him! Did Christ so great, so good: shew such love to us, so weak, so unworthy? and shall not we love one another? Did he that is God so holy, shew such great love to man so unholy, and shall not we love one another? Did he that is so high above us, love us so low, so inferiour to him, and shall not we that are equals love one another? Did Christ give himself for us when he were enemies [...]nd shall not we love one another whom he cals friends? Doth Christ love all that are godly, and shall not all that are godly love one onother? This is the Apostles argument, 1 Iohn 4. 11. If God so loved us we ought also to love one another. Oh that it might be a prevailing argument with us, that it might have such a power over us, as to perswade us to observe the text, To walk [...] Love, as Christ hath loved us.