A TREATISE OF Growth in Grace, IN SUNDRY SERMONS: Preached by that lately eminent Servant of JESUS CHRIST, SAMUEL SLATER, late of St. KATHERINES near the TOWER.
Psal. 92. 12, 13, 14. ‘ The righteous shall flourish like the Palm tree; he shall grow like a Cedar in Libanon, &c.’
Hosea 14. 5. ‘ I will be as the dew unto Israel; he shall grow as the Lilly, and cast forth his roots as Lebanon.’
Heb. 13. 7. ‘ Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God, whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.’
London, Printed for R. Boulter, at the Turks Head in Cornhil, over againgst the Royal Exchange, 1671.
To the Reader.
THE Subject of this Book is Growth in Grace, a noble Subject, yea the most noble; for what is more excellent and desirable than Grace, and Growth in it? Thereby our Election, likeness unto God, union with Christ, inhabitation of the Spirit, ripeness and readiness for Glory, are clearly evidenced unto us. This is therefore the principal Argument wherewith a gracious Soul should be taken, and lay out the principallest of its time and strength in getting thereof, and growing therein: It argues ignobleness of spirit to set any limit or measure to Grace and Holiness, shorter than what the Spirit of God it self hath [Page] set, viz. The measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; whoso doth it, blunts the edge of desires and endeavours, and will sit down content with one grain of Grace. The Reverend, laborious and judicious Preacher of these Sermons, whose Growth in Grace was well known, would have you, not only gracious, but eminently gracious, Cedars, not shrubs, which will tend to your greater advantage than can be express'd: Be pleased therefore to read, and seriously consider, what is herein tendred unto you, and you will find your hearts so warm'd thereby, that you will be of the Authors mind, concerning the great Duty of growing in Grace; which that you may be, and so do, is the Prayer of him who desires your Perfection.
WHen the Apostle had cautioned the holy persons that he deals withall concerning their stedfastness, and stability; he subjoyns [...]in the words that I have read) a further duty, and brings it in with a but; importing that it was not enough for them for to keep their stedfastness; not sufficient to the discharge of them, that they lost no ground, that they did not go back, that there were not a retrograde motion: But they must look onward, saith he, you must be careful that you do not fall from your stedfastness. I but that's not all, you must not only be sted [...]st, and setled in your condition and state, but you must be upon your advances; you must be careful of this, that you grow; not only that you do not decay, but that you increase: not only that you do not abate, but that you do advance: not only that you hold your own, but that you get more and more of the Grace which you are already partaker of. A great duty, which I would speak something to: and the point is clearly and plainly from the Text this,
[Page 2] Doctr. That they that are called to be partakers of Grace, must be careful of this, that they grow in Grace. They that have Grace (have it in the truth of it) must not rest in that; No, they must not: but their duty is to grow in Grace.
Now will you consider a little this burden of duty: It is properly to be laid upon the shoulder and back of a Saint. It is a duty properly belonging to such as have Grace to perform. It were a vain thing for to perswade a man that hath no life in him, for to look to his health, to the improvement of his strength. It is as vain a thing for to perswade a man that's dead in sins and trespasses, that is a stranger to Grace, to perswade him to abound in Grace, to grow in Grace: There must be Generation, before there can be Augmentation: there must be life before there can be growth. And therefore that which is properly to be urged upon such as have no Grace, is that they would look about them, and so far as may be get in with God. Though it's true, it is impossible for any person that is a stranger to Grace, to perform any act of Grace, in order to the partaking of Grace: but we must wait upon God, using exhortations, and see how the Lord will please to come in, and set them home upon the heart. But such, it's their duty, whether they can do it or no: It's their duty to look out after Grace, to have it, that so having it, they may increase in it. But otherwise, for increase and growth in Grace, that's not a duty so properly to be charged upon persons that are strangers to it: And let such consider with themselves, how sad their condition is: Such as have no Grace at all, how sad their condition is upon this account, That they are not in a capacity for to have [Page 3] such a duty imposed and charged upon them.
But secondly, Consider that this duty of growing in Grace: It is most properly belonging to them to perform, that are already partakers of Grace: That have sparks stricken by God, their duty is that they nourish and cherish their sparks, and do labour to bring it up to a flame. Grace, it is a seed of Gods casting into the soul, and sometimes it is very inconsiderable as to the bulk and magnitude of it, but like a grain of Mustard-seed: I but it [...]mproveable, and it is a duty incumbent upon them that have this Seed cast into them, to improve it, that it may grow up to a great tree.
It is a duty. It's most true also that it is a priviledg. It is the priviledg of a Saint and Believer, that he shall grow. They that are planted in the house of the Lord (as we had it in the Psalm that we sung), they shall flourish in the Courts of our God: They shall spring, flourish as the Palm-tree, grow as the Cedars in Lebanon. This is the priviledg: this is one branch of the Covenant that God hath made with his people. I but you must know, that these priviledges they are not granted to us, that we should be careless and sloathful, but rather to quicken us up to diligence in duty: And indeed our duties do lye much in priviledges; that which is a priviledg, is also a duty: As to instance,
It's the priviledg of a believer, that he shall be kept through the power of God through Faith unto unto Salvation. But it is withal, the duty of a Believer to keep himself. He that is born of God, he keepeth himself, and the wicked one toucheth him not: And Gods keeping of his Saints, is by the means of their care and diligence for to keep themselves.
[Page 4] It is the priviledg of a Believer, a Covenant priviledg, that he shall not depart from God. I will put my fear into their hearts, that they shall not depart from me: But it is also the duty of a child of God, to do his utmost indeavour, and to use his greatest diligence and care, that he never do depart from God: And by that care of his, not to depart from God, God doth bring over to him the comfort and benefit of the Covenant-priviledg, that he shall not depart from him. And truly we cannot reckon upon the comfort and benefit of [...]e priviledg, any further than we are careful to answer to our duty. God will be true to his promise; and he discovers his faithfulness in performing his promise of working up the hearts of his people to a care of doing their duty. So far this particular.
It is the priviledg of a Saint, that he shall grow: Shall he? I but its his duty to grow: God hath made it both a priviledg and a duty▪ and if so be that we shall have the comfort of the priviledg, we must make Conscience of performing the duty, and make it our business from day to day to be growing in Grace.
Grow in Grace,] Truly it is a strange kind of Riddle, and I do profess I would be seriously minded in what I speak now, speaking to a point that doth very nearly concern all that do pretend to Grace and holiness. I say, that I am speaking to a point which I think is as misterious, one of them, as mo [...] that concern practical godliness. And I am apt to think there is as little of judiciousness discovered in the part of Godly persons, of those that are truly godly; as little of judicial observance discovering it self about this thing, as about any one [Page 5] thing that concerns practical Godliness. Growth in Grace; our Consciences are able to witness with us, or against us, whether we study this matter, whether we bestow any serious thoughts about it, yea or no: whether we understand it, and know what belongs to this growth in Grace, and are able to give any good account of it: I doubt there are many who are right in the main, that are at a very great loss conc [...]rning the right understanding of this matter, and are not able to give any comfortable account; a judicious account concerning themselves, and how far they are responsible to God concerning this thing: Judg in your selves whether this be not the heighth of your godliness, and your utmost reach in your profession. You have solicitous thoughts about Grace about the in-being, indwelling, implantation of Grace in you. You may have, and must have, if you be gracious, such solicitous thoughts. Exercise your selves with serious considerations to such a purpose: My soul, is there any grace of God in thee, or art thou a stranger to it? Is there any saving work upon thee yea or no? I know this, that every one that hath a saving impress upon his Spirit, will be exercising himself to this purpose, and labour to understand himself concerning this matter, whether he have Grace yea or no. But as to this duty in the Text, concerning growth in Grace, alas how few are there that busie their heads about it, or are able judiciously to manage and perform a search into themselves concerning it, or to give a good account about this mat [...]er. I shall speak more to that afterwards, God assisting: Now I give a hint of it, and do speak this the rather, because it being given us in Commission to preach this Doctrine, and to press this duty. I [Page 6] speak the rather in this sort, that you may come to have more serious thoughts concerning that which I have to assert from this Text, and to press upon you as a duty, that we are to grow in Grace. And to settle this upon your apprehensions, That it is as much a duty for persons to increase in Faith, as it is for to have Faith: 'tis as much a duty for to grow in Grace, as for to press after Grace, though it may be we do not so reckon upon it. But I can tell you, the same God that hath commanded the one, hath commanded the other: We are under as strong an obligation that we may grow in Grace, as to use our diligence that we may come to be made partakers of Grace.
It is a duty for those that have Grace, to grow in it. Whats the meaning of that? Its true, there is a metaphor in the phrase, its taken from living things, that having life, so there is a growth. Dead things cannot grow, straws, sticks, and stubble, these things they are dead things, and they cannot grow. But there must be a supposition of life where there is a growth.
Now to grow, what is it? Why plainly thus; when you hear this is a duty that is incumbent upon you, to grow in Grace; you must not only be good, but very good, be better and better, and endeavour to exceed your selves. Good to day, better to morrow: Gracious this year, far more gracious the next year: Acquainted with God now, more than acquaintance with God in process of time. Grow in Grace, that you may excell your selves: Not only be better than others, better than others that have no Grace; nay, better than others that have Grace, that you may go beyond them: and know, your duty is, that you may go beyond [Page 7] your selves; that you may be more in Faith, more in Repentance, more in Love, more in holiness, more in the fear of God; that you may go from strength to strength: that you may Mutare vires, as the phrase is in the 40. Isai. They that wait upon the Lord, they shall renew their strength: they shall change their strength: they shall go from strength to strength; from one strength to another: this is to grow in Grace. To be as good for God, as good for heaven, as possibly we can; reckoning upon this, we can never be too fit for heaven, we can never be too holy for the enjoyment of the inheritance that is incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away: this is your duty, you that are the subjects of grace. Such of you as God hath bestowed any grace upon, this is your duty, to grow in grace. And that it is a duty, it appears all along in Scripture. How often are we called upon to increase with the increase of God, to increase more and more; to abound, and be upon our advancements. This is that which the Scripture doth press upon us very much.
And it's a duty with respect to Grace: Not only with respect to Gifts: It's true indeed, such as have the gifts of the Spirit, they should endeavour to grow in them; as the Apostle speaks, that they should abound in knowledg, and in utterance, and the like. Not only in gifts, for thats a duty, to grow in gifts, in knowledg, and in utterance: but especially to grow in grace.
And it is a duty that is incumbent upon all that are gracious: They that are Babes, they must grow, that so they may come to be strong men. They that are strong men, they must grow still, that they may come to be stronger and stronger; that the [Page 8] feeble, according to that expression in the 12th of Zechariah, may be as David, and that David may be as the Angel of God: this is that that is required of us. Weak Believers, they must grow, grow strong Believers: Strong Believers must labour to grow still, grow stronger and stronger in their believing. Christians, Professors duty is to grow strong in grace; and not only so, but Ministers, the dispensers of the Mysteries of God, its as much their duty, as the duty of the Professors, to be upon their growth in grace. Give diligence, saith the Apostle to Timothy 1 Ep. 1. 4. Give attendance to Reading, to Exhortation, to Doctrine; that thy profiting may appear to all.
But what are the requisites of this growth? That I shall speak to in a few words, what a growth it must be.
1. It must be a perceivable growth: It should be so. The growth of a Saint in grace, it should be a perceivable growth, a visible growth, a growth that may be perceived and apprehended, a Judgment may be made upon it: Such a growth the Apostle speaks of in that place I mentioned. Give attendance to these and these courses, that thy profiting may appear to all. Why truly the growth or a Believer in grace, we should endeavour that it may be a perceivable growth: As a man by observation can say, I set such a plant in my Garden or Orchard, and I do perceive that within such a time it is grown so much higher, and stronger. And so for children, there is a perceivable growth in them; you may observe how they grow in process of time. Such a growth we should endeavour after, that it may be perceived by others, by our selves; that we may be able to give an account of it, and say, as David [Page 9] speaks, In the day whereon I did call uprn thee, thou didst answer me, and thou didst strengthen me with strength in my soul.
2. As a perceivable growth so it should be a proportionable growth. If we will approve our selves in this matter, our growth in grace, it must be a proportionable growth; proportionable to time which God affords us. What! so long under the Ministry of the Gospel, and in the profession of godliness so long standing; proportionable to the time of our standing, should be our increases. Why then we should be of a greater growth than others that are but of a later Plantation. The Apostle speaks to that purpose in Heb. 5. For the time, saith he, you might have been teachers of others, you might have come to this, to have been fit to feed upon stronger meat. But, saith he, you had need to be taught the very first principles, and to be fed nith milk. And this he speaks to their shame, and in a way of blame.
And then secondly, A proportionable growth there must be in grace, proportionable to the means that God hath been pleased to afford: Such and such large allowances, and not answer them: Why it will turn to the shame and reproach of a Professor, let him be what he will [...], if his improvements do not hold some proportion to his enjoyments: If he do not in some measure answer his growth, to the time, and the means, it turns to his dishonour.
And Thirdly, If it be right, it must be a fructifying growth, a growth with fruit: so as still we must grow more and more fruitful; fruitful in all the duties of godliness; that as we get more in saith, more in love, increase more in holiness, and in spiritual strength; so we are the more in spiritual [Page 10] fruitfulness, do more for God. Would it be to the satisfaction of an Orchard Planter, to have a tree, that when it was young, and of lesser growth, bring forth, it may be twenty Apples in a year, and when it comes to be of seven years growth more, to bring forth no more Apples; this-will not be to his satisfaction. So for a Christian that is but of a younger Plantation, to bring forth such and such fruit, and then when he hath been seven and seven years longer in the profession of Christianity, to vi [...]ld as little, nay it may be less fruit to God then he did in his beginning: Truly this is not well, there must be fruitfulness, and a growth in fruitfulness.
And then it must be a lasting and continuing growth. I tell you Brethren, think of it how we will, the truth is, if it be well with us, we must grow as long as we are on this side Heaven, but that indeed is no place of growth. Mark that; when once a Saint comes to Heaven, he comes to his perfection, he comes to have a consistency: then he shall be as good as God would have him to be, and as good as his heart can desire to be: But while we are on this side Heaven, there must be growing, or else it is not right with us.
You see I have endeavoured with as much plainness as possibly I can to settle this upon your hearts, concerning growth in grace; That it is a duty: Of what interpretation it is: And what a growth it is that God requires. Now for the Reasons of it.
Grow in Grace: Why it must needs be so. Why Brethren how else will God be glorified by us; how can persons that have grace, think that they can glorifie God, if they do not grow in it? I tell you, Believers and Saints, they are Gods children; they [Page 11] are children of Gods begetting; they are begotten of an immortal seed through the Word, as the Apostle speaks, 1 Pet. 1. Why now consider, is it for the honour of a Father, to have a child begotten by him that proves a very dwarf; abides and continues in the same proportion and stature that he was born in: there's no increase, either in understanding, or in stature, or in strength, but a poor creature, a very Babe; so born, and so continues. Is it for the honour of God to have such kind of children? To beget children to himself by Grace, and to have them stand at a stay, and to have no growth. Believers are the planting of the Lord: Observe that place in the 61. of Isai. ver. 3. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, &c. And he hath anointed me, To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes; the Oyl of Joy for mourning; the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called Trees of Righteousness, The Planting of the Lord, that he might be Glorified. Mark here, they are the planting of the Lord, and plants being planted, there is such a course taken with them, that they may come to grow to bulky-trees: That they may be Trees of Righteousness, that God may he glorified: That God may have the honour of his Plantation, and say, This Plant I set in my Vineyard; It was little, and slender, and small, at the first Plantation, but see how its grown, grown up to a bulky Tree. This is his glory, this is the glory of the Planter, to see his Plant growing up, and becoming bulky, a Tree of Righteousness. What honour is it to God, to have a Professor planted, and continuing a poor slender twig, and nothing of strength, or stature.
[Page 12] 2. Our Duty is to grow; to grow in Grace. Why Breth [...]en, Grace is not worthily dealt withal, nor do we answer the purpose of God in bestowing it upon us, if we do not grow in it. Why its given as a stock to Trade withal. Five Talents given to one; to what purpose? That he might imploy them, and improve them; that he might grow in his state; and so two Talants. And it was to the prais. and honour of the servants that they were able to give an account of their Improvement. Grace is given as a stock to trade withall; and it is such a stock as is Improvable to most blessed purposes. Grace hath an aptitude to grow, and we deal unworthily wi [...]h the Grace of God. Faith is vesy apt to grow; Love, Holiness, every Grace, very apt to grow: And if we keep this Grace, and do not advance in it, we walk most unworthily of it.
3. And then consider further, That this is the very scope and purpose of the Ordinances which God hath appointed in his Church. One of the main Intents and purposes of God in setting up a Ministry in the Church, is, Not only that people might be planted and brought over to Grace, but that they might grow and increase unto a goodly stature. Observe that passage in Ephes. 4. The Apostle gives us a clear account to this purpose: He gave some Apostles some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers; for the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ; till we all come in the unity of the Faith, and of the knowledg of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. This is the scope of the Ministry. Judg now what a strange apprehension that is which [Page 13] some have had, and it may be have still; That now they are above Ordinances: They are come to such a pitch, as they need give no more attendance to the Ordinances, when as this is the very scope of them, Till we come to the fulness of the stature. So that I say, this is one special end of God in giving the Ordinances, that Grace being wrought, it might be improved, and that there might be an increase, and an advance in it. And Brethren, what shall we think, that God hath provided that there should be Precept upon Precept, Line upon Line, Sermon after Sermon, Sabbath after Sabbath; Ordinance after Ordinance, in the succession of them, and all to this purpose, that his people might hold their own only, and stand at a stay, and not be a jot the better.
4. And then let us consider thus with our selves, Truly the times are such, and it may be will appear to be more and more such, that as touching converting work, truly we see little of that; as if God had upon the matter his number: Nothing to what hath formerly discovered it self in the way of the Gospel, and Gospel Ministry: Alass what should we do with the Ministry, if while there is little or nothing of converting work, there be nothing of increasing work; what should we do Preaching? You will say (it may be) you are converted to God, and brought over to Faith and Grace. Well, if you will rest in this condition, and look no further, and press no higher, and not endeavour after increase, what should we continue Preaching, and for what purpose should God continue his servants and Ministry, and Ordinances to a people, if they will not mind their growth? And what encouragement can we have to attend this service, if we Preach, [Page 14] and Preach, and Preach; and still you continue what you were.
5. And then withal, we have a Head, a glorious Head, our Lord Jesus Christ; and our duty is to grow, that we may come to hold some proportion to the Head; to come to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.
6. And then consider, That this Life is not the time of perfection. God requires we be perfect, Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Are we come to perfection? then indeed we may discharge our selves of the Duty; but till we come to be perfect, truly we had need be pressing on, and be still upon our growth.
I Shall now proceed further in this Argument concerning growth in Grace: And before I come to make use of this point, I think it very requisite to give you some account of the Reasons which this Chapter (besides what might be drawn up from the whole Epistle) which I have spent so much time upon. The Reasons that it holds forth unto you, and with respect unto which, the Apostle doth give this in charge, and thus require of Professors, that they grow in Grace. And if the things be but well weighed, truly we shall find that there are very pressing Reasons and Arguments to be drawn from this very Chapter, to promote this cause, and to quicken Professors to diligence and [Page 15] care, that they may answer this, though that is laid upon them. And be pleased now to take a brief account of some of the particulars which lye before us in the Chapter.
1. First of all, The Apostle speaks of the last dayes, ver. 4. He intimates to us, that there are dayes which shall be the terminating dayes of time. Dayes which shall put an end (by their expiration) to time. And so it shall come to pass, that time shall be no more; there are the last dayes. And forasmuch as this charge that is given here, To grow in Grace, doth in a special manner refer to such times and dayes, which shall be the last dayes, the concluding dayes: Truly there is very great reason that Professors that are reserved for these last dayes, should look well to their growth. Alass, if so be that the Corn be not of a considerable growth, if the Harvest is near at hand, when the growing time comes to beat an end, what hope is there to be had concerning it. If so be that Professors that have the last dayes coming upon them, shall not be found to be in a growing condition, and be careful to answer their duty this way, how will they be able to comport with these last dayes.
2. The Apostle intimates to us, That in these last dayes there shall come scoffers. (You must understand that these things refer to these latter ages, and this latter time of the world that we are fallen into). There shall come scoffers, that shall do what they can to scoff others out of their Religion, and make a very mock of Godliness, and upbraid the Servants of God with their hopes and expectations. Now upon this account it is most rational, that the Apostle should thus give in charge, That Professors look to their growth in Grace, that they may be [Page 16] able, being well improved in the Grace that is bestowed upon them, they may be enabled to bear up against all the scorns, and scoffs, and derisions that they may meet withal from men of prophane spirits; lest otherwise, through want, or weakness in Grace, they bedasht out of countenance, and so either desert their cause, or act unworthily in the management of it: thats a second thing. Truly its a great tryal, the tryal of mocking and scoffing; When men shall meet with such kind of dealing at the hands of prophane wretches; when they shall flout and jeer at them for their profession, and for the hopes that they bear upon; truly its a great tryal, and it requires a considerable strength of Grace to be able to bear up under such a tryal. Well may the Apostle therefore charge this upon Christians and Believers, that they look to their growth in Grace, because there are last times, and because there will come scoffers in those last times.
3. Consider this withall, That these scoffers, they are such as shall walk after their own lusts: And Lusts they are violent, where they have their predominancy, and carry on in a very sharp impetuous manner; and if so be there be not a considerable improvement in Grace, an advance in Grace, Professors, if they be but weaklings, will not be well able to stand before the violence of ungodly men, that are under the power of their own lusts.
4. Consider, That in these last dayes there shall be scoffers, walking after their own Lusts, that shall ingage to a dispute against that great Promise of the coming of the Lord Jesus; That Promise which is one of the main foundations whereupon Believers have to bottome, and found their hope and confidence towards God. Ho: disputes there [Page 17] are against the promise of the coming of the Lord Jesus; and there will be an endeavouring to invalidate the promise, and to shake the hope, and the faith, and confidence of Believers concerning this promise of his coming. Now, upon this account, (in the next place,) It is most rational that the Apostle should press upon Believers, a care of growth in Grace, that so they may be able in the strength of that Grace which they have received, and which is well improved in them, to hear up against all the shakings, and that they may be able for to break the force of whatsoever Argument may be urged against this blessed promise.
5. The Apostle gives us an account concerning most stupendious providences, stupendious and amazing providences that should be ordered out: For, saith he; The Heavens shall pass away with a noise, the Elements shall melt with fervent heat; and the Earth, with the works therein, shall be burn'd up. Now, upon this account, it is most properly chargeable upon Believers, that they look to their Grace, and to their growth in Grace; that being corroborated and well strengthened in the Grace which they have received, they may be inabled to bear up under the most astonishing and stupendious providences: that when others shall say, (as Balaam speaks) Alas, who shall live when God doth this? who shall live! why, a Believer, a Saint of God, being well grown, having his Grace well improved, may be able to say, I doubt it not, but by the help of the Grace of God in Christ, I shall be able to bear up, and lift up my head with joy, and stand with boldness before God, when others may fall under deepest despondences, and be under the [Page 18] power of astonishment, upon the account of such stupendious providences.
6. I add, That the Apostle gives an account concerning a promise, which shall be assuredly performed in due time; of having new heavens, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness: And forasmuch as there is such a promise, which is of surest accomplishment; truly it is very requisite, that Believers that were planted under the hope and expectation of having such a promise performed, that they should look unto their growth in Grace, that they come to be so improved in their Faith, and Godliness, that they may carry a suitableness unto such a time, and such a state as that: That they may be able for to bear up under the contemplation of the Glory that shall shine forth from these new heavens, and this new earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousnes. You must think, that a little, small, inconsiderable portion of Grace, will not be so answerable unto such a time, and such a state, as God hath by promise ingaged himself for to advance his people to; so that, in that respect, the Apostle doth most fitly press this growth in Grace.
7. God, though he have made promises of his coming, and his coming to make a new heaven, and a new earth, wherein Righteousness shall dwell; yet notwithstanding he hath put a long date upon these promises, and it will be long before such time as these promises shall have their accomplishment: Why, God is not slack concerning his promise, but yet for all that, he takes a long date, and so it appears; for it is now about 1600 years since this Epistle was written, and these things communicated to the Churches and Saints, for the benefit of [Page 19] their souls. Now, in this regard, well might the Apostle require, on the part of Believers and Saints, a growth in Grace, that they may be inabled patiently to wait upon God, and to run through all the varieties of providences which should be ordered out upon them, and undergo all the difficulties and hardships which they were or are to be put upon, in order to the injoyment of the promises which God hath made; which will not well be done without a considerable growth in Grace: so that, let that be considered of; that this growth in Grace, it is most properly chargeable upon Believers, upon this account, that God is pleased for to take a long day, and to hold his people long in expectation of the accomplishment of the promises that he hath made. And then,
8. I add this; That, as in all times, there have been, so there will be in these latter times, such as shall have their errors, dangerous errors, errors that are proper for wicked men, Errors of the wicked: by means of which errors, the Saints may be brought into great danger of falling from their own steadfastness, according to what the Apostle doth also express, towards the latter end of this Chapter, and as I have discours'd largely upon. There will be errors of the wicked, which will indanger the Saints, as to their steadfastness; and upon this account, the Apostle doth most fitly injoyn this duty of growth in Grace. So that now, these 8 things being duly weighed and considered of, we may clearly see how properly the Apostle doth in the close of this Epistle, give this in charge unto the Saints and Believers, that they look to their growth in Grace. These things I do subjoyn to the Discourse I maintained the last day.
[Page 20] Applic. And now I shall come to the Application of all. Truly, there is a great latitude wherein I might proceed. I might have proceeded in the Doctrinal part, and so might in the Application, and Use making of this point: but I shall contract my self as much as I can.
First of all, we may gather from hence; That, forasmuch as it is a duty charged upon those that have Grace, that they do grow in Grace: We may infer from the premises, that Christians and Believers are not perfect at once; they have not their perfection in a moment. The womb of Gods decrees, and of the promises, do not bring forth perfect births, that are perfect at once. A Nation may be born in a day, a Saint may be born in a moment; but he is not born a perfect Saint in a moment: Believers have not their perfection at once. It is otherwise in the second Creation than it was in the first; Adam was created a perfect man, perfect in righteousness and holiness at the first: 'tis not so in the second Creation, 'tis not so in the Regeneration. In the first Generation it was thus; God makes the womb to travel and bring forth, and the births were perfect births; 'tis not so in the Regeneration: Perfect births there are, though they are such as shall be brought in due time to their perfection. It's a saying of one, No man is perfectly wicked at first; so, no man is exactly and perfectly godly at once: Grace, it comes into the soul by Gradatem, by degrees: now a little, and then a little: the light of a Saint, it's like the light of the day, that breaks out more and more, untill it comes unto the perfect day; thus it is in Grace. But take this withal, we speak of Grace as it is inherent, Grace, as it is a quality implanted in the soul. [Page 21] There is this difference to be put between Justification and Sanctification, and so between Adoption and Sanctification. Justification, perfect in a moment; it doth not admit of degrees; a man is not more justified at one time than another: It's true, a Believer may be more clear in the apprehension of his Justification, he may come to have more comfortable assurance of his Justification at one time than another. But Justification, it is once, and together, and it is perfect: A justified man is as much justified upon the first act of believing and closing with Christ, as ever he shall be all his daies, though his justification is not so fully manifested.—And so Adoption, a child of God, that is to be made partaker of the Adoption; he is as truly a child of God at first, as in process of time. But it is not so as touching Sanctification, Sanctification it comes in in a gradual way: sanctified a Believer [...]s, and is more and more sanctified; he is made more holy, he is brought to Faith, and comes to have his improvement in Faith: And so it's true of all other the inherent Graces, they are brought on by degrees.
2. I infer thus, That if it be the duty of Christians and Believers to grow in Grace; this is a duty, and according to the will of God. Then certainly, 'tis no duty to grow in sin, but rather the contrary; we have Gods allowance, and his command for it, that there be a growth in Grace: Why, it's contrary then unto the will and command of God, that any person should grow in sin: you have no command for that: nay, there's no allowance for men to be any thing in sin: it is the will of God that we be not sinful; it is the express command of God that we do not sin: then certainly, we must reckon [Page 22] upon it, that it is altogether contrary to the will and command of God, that persons should grow in sin: and yet, alas, how much is there of such a monstrous, hellish growth in the World? We may observe how men grow from bad to worse; they grow bigger and bigger, and more bulky in their wickednesses and prophanenesses from day to day, according to what the Apostle fore-tells in the last daies, 2. Tim. 3. Evil men and deceivers shall wax worse and worse: They are bad enough, when they are at the lowest; and yet, as if it were not sufficient, they must be upon their advancings and improvements in wickedness; thus it is with many. A woful growth, to see men shooting up a-pace in wickedness, increasing in their ungodliness, growing up in pride and prophaneness, and coming up to a height in impiety. Thus it is, but woe be to them who are found to be persons of such a growth, that grow in sin, that grow most strong to act their impieties, and to carry on their mischievous designs, and bear up in waies of ungodliness. As touching such, I say this, That they will know in time, that their growth is stinted, and their measure is determined. Grant it, that they do fill up the ephah, they shall do no more than so [...] and when the ephah is once full, the talent of lead shall be surely laid upon it, to sink it down into everlasting destruction. But,
3. Consider this, It is a duty charged upon us, and especially such as are partakers of the Grace of Christ, that they grow in Grace: Let us now reflect upon our selves; especially such of us, concerning whom it may be presumed, and hoped, that the Grace of God is in them. Truly it is a great duty, and 'tis that that God expects the performance [Page 23] of from us; and 'tis that which I am sent this morning for to deal with you about: you that are the sons and daughters of Grace, you that are partakers of the Calling of God according to his purpose: it is that which lies upon you, to bethink your selves concerning this matter; 'tis a duty clearly lying before you in the Text, 'tis requir'd of you; God hath given it in charge, that you grow in Grace: You are as much bound to grow in Grace, as you are bound to have Grace: it is as much requir'd of you, that you increase in Faith, as that you be in the Faith: it is as much requir'd of you, that you endeavour perfecting of holiness, as that you be partakers of holiness; this is your duty, and this is that which the Lord doth in his word up and down, require at your hands. Then consider, you that are, and may be presumed and hoped for, to be the sons and daughters of Grace; (as I was saying,) Let me beseech you, in the name of the Lord Jesus, that you would but bethink your selves, and consider; Do you perswade your selves in your consciences, and have you some good ground to be so perswaded, that the Grace of God is in you, in the truth of it; that God hath kindled a spark, that God hath made a plantation, that he hath made some impress upon your spirits; are you so perswaded? Will you then consider with your selves, that this duty lies upon your hand; it is incumbent upon you, you are charged with it, that you grow, that you do not rest in this, that you have a spark, but that you improve it to a flame; that it be not only a plantation, but that it be an augmentation: this is the will of God, this is that that is required of you. The Father that hath begotten you by Grace, and begotten [Page 24] you to Grace, hath begotten you, not that you should alwaies be babes in Grace, no, he hath not; he would have you to be upon your growth, and increase, and that you may increase with all the increase of God; this is your duty, and you cannot deny it, you must acknowledge it, the text doth charge it upon you, (besides many other Scriptures) that you grow in Grace.
I, but is it so? can you give a good account of it? Nay, consider whether your consciences have not this to blame you for, and to use very sharp discipline upon you, in regard, in that of a truth, you do not much intend this matter, you do not much mind growth in Grace: Truly, I am very apt to think, that there are many professors of the Gospel; who, it may be, and we may comfortably hope they are sound in the main, have the root of the matter in them, and yet entertain very little thoughts of the matter concerning their growth. The great business that they ingage themselves unto is this, that they may labour to make as sure work as they can, that there be the truth of Grace in their hearts, that there be the root of the matter; that there be a spark from Heaven struck into them, and that is all. Consider now whether that be not justly chargeable upon us; if we can but make it out that there is a change wrought, that there is something of the Grace of God in us, that there is a quickening power that hath been put forth upon us, that we are passed from death to life, that we are not wholly under the power of darkness; but that we have got an escape from under that black regiment under which we were held before, and which we belong'd unto: if we can but make this out, we are apt to think that all is well [Page 25] enough: if so be that we can but find that we have a Faith, though it be but as a grain of mustard-seed; if we have but a Faith of adherence, that we can but hang upon Christ for life and salvation, we are apt to please our selves in that condition, and not driving on for increasing and▪ improvements in the Grace that we have. Truly Brethren, this is a matter that would be seriously weighed; and I speak now of a growth in Grace: many may be found that are studious of a growth in gifts, very much set to this, to make advances in their knowledge, in their parts, and abilities; that they may be accomplished for such and such services, and for discourses; and maintain controversies, and disputes, according as immergent occasions may ingage them: But, as for this growth in Grace, O consider whether this be not chargeable upon us, that we do not so much mind that, nor do not commune with our own hearts, and enter into a serious search with our selves; O my soul, how is it with thee? Thou pretendest to be brought over to Christ, and to have a plantation into Christ, and thou reckon'st upon so long standing in Christianity; thou hast been so long in Faith, and brought over to Holiness: O but my soul, what progress hast thou made? what advances are there? what increases are there? what account canst thou give this way? O, do we thus commune with our own hearts? What am I better this year than I was the last? I have lived so long under such and such precious, powerful, and plentiful means; God gives me the showers and dews from Heaven, from Sabbath to Sabbath, distilling and dropping down upon me: I have precept upon precept, and line upon line; but where's my growth? what am I [Page 26] the better? how do I credit the means and ordinances that I do attend upon, by my prosiciency? Truly, Brethren, consider well of it, it is a serious matter, and that that we should be very solicitous about, and so as persons that may be able to give a good account of our selves: I tell you, that it is an argument of a low spirit, a spirit not so well becoming a Saint in Christ, one of the called of God according to his purpose; for to be contented (as I have had occasion sometimes to speak) with Ruben's blessing: I allude to that passage of Moses concerning Reuben, in the 33 Deut. Let Reuben live, and not dye; as if he should say, It was a judgement indeed upon him, that he should not excell, because he had gone up to his Fathers couch; he should have been the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power; but he miscarried, and prejudiced himself with respect to his advancement: but yet that blessing he hath, That he shall live, and not die: And so many, (it may be) They can be content to set down with Reuben's blessing, so they can but live, and may not dye, and damn: If they can but make it out that they have so much Grace as will secure them from eternal perishing, that they shall not go down to hell, that they are passed from death to life, and shall never come into condemnation. If they can but make it out, that there is something of the Grace of God in them, though it be never so small, so as that they shall not be put upon the left hand in the great day; this is all they look after. A low spirit, unbecoming a Saint of God, unbecoming the Gospel of Grace, which we are called unto the fellowship of, which doth so strictly and solemnly charge upon us, that we be upon our improvement: O, Brethren, as if [Page 27] so be that this were a spirit becoming a Saint of God! To look no further than this, that there be a securing from hell, and from eternal perishing; whereas we should set our hearts upon this, that we may not only have so much Grace as may distinguish us from the World, and by which we may make it appear that we are not of the World; but we should labour according to the spirit of the Gospel, to be so advanced in Grace, that we may be the honour of God, and that we may carry on the cause of Godliness in an honourable, and in a crediting way. We should labour after so much Faith, and so much Love, and so much Holiness, and so much of the Fear of God, that we may go on strenuously, and that we may be found to praise and honour, and credit the cause of the Gospel, and may not shame the ordinances that we attend upon, and are admitted to the participation of: O Brethren, this is a thing altogether unbecoming the spirit of a Saint. When men are at this point, if they have but enough to keep life and soul together; if they have but bread to eat, and clothes to put on, though the fare be mean, and the clothing be course; yet, if they have but enough of that, but so much, I say, as will keep life and soul together, they can be content. Indeed, such a spirit, in respect of the World, is to be approved on: When we can be contented with a lower portion here in the World, this is commendable in respect of a worldly state here: But, as to a state of Grace and Holiness, it is that which is no way to be approved of; that persons that have something of the Grace of God in them, should rest contented in their lower measures: Truly, this is that which we have cause to be deeply humbled for: O! how [Page 28] many (to their shame may it be spoken) are indeed the shame of the Gospel, and of the Ordinances, that it should be said of them quite contrary to that which our Saviour speaks concerning the Woman of Canaan, O Woman, great is thy Faith. Truly Brethren, it may be said of many of us, O man, O woman, Great is thy unbelief. Great is thy faith; nay, Great is thy unbelief. Great is thy holiness; nay truly, thy holiness is very little; thy love its very low. This is that we have cause to be deeply humbled for, that we are not more in our improvements and advances of Faith and Godliness, sutable to the command that is here given, that we grow in Grace.
And yet further, this is that which I would say, It were not altogether so much to be lamented if this were all, though there is cause enough of being humbled and abased before God upon this account, that we are not more upon our advancement. But alass, how much sadder is it, when we shall find persons upon their declining and decaying, instead of growing in Grace; truly it may be feared concerning such, that they are rather upon their decayings in Grace; not the men and women that once they were, for love to God, for zeal for God, delight in Ordinances, breathings after Christ, delighting in Communion of Saints, close walking with God. O these retrograde motions! these backward motions! (thats the meaning of the word) these drawings back and declinings; O these are to be deeply laid to heart! When this shall be said concerning one that seem'd to be full of light, and love, and zeal, and resolution for God, that he shall come to be upon his abatements, and not look like the person that he seemed once to be. When the account [Page 29] rises up concerning a Soul, according to that in the Parable of the unjust Steward; He takes an account, How much owest thou? fourscore; put down fifty. When there comes to be such a falling in the account; when we cannot make out such a state as once we could; when there is (Ephesus-like) a falling off, a decaying in our first Love, a cooling in our zeal for God; O Brethren, this is not to answer the duty of the Text: The Text requires growing in Grace. O how shall we be able to stand before this charge? when Conscience shall witness to us that we are rather upon our declining? Truly these things would be seriously thought of, especially in such a day, wherein we had never more need to look to our condition and state God-ward; not knowing what times we may fall into, what tryals we may be put to. O we had need to look to it, and according to the charge that was given to Ephesus, to Repent; do our first works to recover our selves, and labour not only to hold our own, but to be upon our improvements. And therefore thats the main thing I would drive at, and which I would conclude this Discourse withal. I would deal with you in a way of perswasion and exhortation, and press it with as much earnestness as. I could, that as many of you that are the sons and daughters of Grace, that can give any good account of the truth of the Grace of God that is in you; that there is the true Grace of God in you, and that it is the true Grace of God wherein you stand; that you would conscientiously apply to your duty, and remember that this is the charge that God hath laid upon you, that you grow in Grace; and that you be still endeavouring this, that you be better and better, thats the interpretation that I gave of the [Page 30] Text, and of the duty: That you be still upon your advancings; if you have Faith, and Love, and Holiness, and the fear of God, and Meekness; and if you have any thing of Godliness, that you would labour to have more of it, that you may not be alwaies weaklings in Grace: Oh, this is that that we should set our hearts upon.
And doth not the very thing it self invite you to it? Why, Brethren; can you have too much of God? can you have too much of Christ? can you have too much of Faith and Holiness? you may have too much of the World, but you can never have too much of God and Grace, till you come to such a pitch of godliness, that you need not make any further advances: It was otherwise with Paul, and he gives another account of himself; though, alas, how far short are we of him, and of that Faith and Grace that was attained by him? Yet he professes, though he was not behind the chiefest Apostles, yet he saith this concerning himself; that he did not account himself to have attained; but he forgets what is behind, and he reaches to that which is before, and presses towards the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.—I said before, I say again, you can never be too good for God, you can never be too good for Christ, you can never be too ripe for Heaven: when you come to the issue and close of all, you will find that you have no more than needs must: the wise Virgins, they found that they had nothing of their oyle to spare; when the foolish Virgins came to them, O, let us buy of you, and be supplied by you: no, say they, lest we be at a loss for our selves. When you have gotten as much Faith and Grace, and spiritual strength [Page 31] and holiness, by the means and ordinances that you do attend, you will find all little enough: And therefore, O, this is that should make us set on with diligence and care, that we may answer the duty of the Text, and be upon our Increasings, and Growth in Grace.
THere must not only be life, but growth in Christianity; and this is the burden which the Text laies upon us; That we grow in Grace.
Now, letting pass the things that were insisted upon, shall we buckle to this, as our business at present. My endeavour shall be to drive home this Exhortation, and to fasten it as a nail in a sure place: If you will but give due regard unto that which shall be charged upon you, and urged in the name of the Lord: Is so be that you will but labour to stand convinced of this as your duty, and upon convincement set up the conscientious practice of it; undoubtedly, this labour this morning will not be in vain.—And that the thing which shall be spoken, and pressed upon you, may be the more succesful; I would beseech you to consider what a lovely duty it is, to endeavour a growth in Grace: what a becoming thing it is, for men and women that are called to the fellowship of the Gospel, and to the participation of the Grace of the Gospel; to be most vigorous in endeavouring [Page 32] this, that they may be upon their growth. We love to see our children grow; the husband-man loves to see his corn spring up; and grow; men, in the course of their trading, they set their hearts upon this, that they may grow upon their estates, more big and bulky. Why, is there any thing in this World, wherein a growth is more lovely to see, than Grace and Holiness is? What a sad thing is it, to see poor creatures take a great deal of pains, and are frequent in their attendance upon the Gospel, and the Ordinances of it; there's not an opportunity that they can well take hold of, but they do; yet to see them in a kind of withering state, lean, pale, and ill-favoured; in a languishing condition, and little or nothing appearing of any proficiency, of any spiritual growth? Indeed, it is a thing that would be laid to heart by professors, that they are not able to give a better account of their improvements in Grace and Holiness; that there should be so much Preaching, such frequent hearing Sermons, they are eaten up (and 'tis well if so, if they be eaten,) and one would think well digested, and yet still leanness appears; one corruption or other eats out the strength of all, and keeps poor creatures under. Truly, this is a sad consideration, that we should hear Sermon after Sermon, and injoy Ordinance after Ordinance, and yet come to look upon professors, even concerning whom, there may be a well-grounded confidence, that the heart is right in the main, and yet still in a kind of withering condition; lean, poor, and bare, little more (as I may so speak) than skin and bone. Truly, this is that that should be laid to heart: And alas, Brethren, do but think seriously, to what purpose is it to attend the Ordinances, and not to be bettered [Page 33] by them: you would think it a sad condition, for a person to feed every day, feed to the full, with large provision, varieties set before him to partake of; and yet after all his full feedings, there is nothing of strength and fatness, and growth, and increase; no bettering by their provisions; Surely, surely, this should set close upon our hearts, to think thus, Lord, why is it thus with me? I hear many a Sermon, and attend Christ in Ordinances, have many blessed opportunities for spiritual advantage; and yet I have got little or nothing; others see it not, I can give no account of it, it may be as much kept at an under, by my pride, by my passion, by one corruption or other, as apt to be over-powered by every temptation, as if I did not give any attendance upon God, in any of his Ordinances. This meditation I desire may settle upon our hearts, and that we would be communing with our selves about this matter: as Rebecca said upon occasion of the strugling in her womb; If it be so, why am I thus? If it be so that there is such allowance given, such a provision made in so ample a manner; if it be so, Lord, why am I thus? why am I not more in Faith? why am I not more in love to thee? O, Christ, and waies of Holiness, why am I not more in spiritual strength? why am I not able to give a better account? what do I make hearing, the end of hearing? and duty, the end of duty? and do I rest in Ordinances? Are not the Ordinances given to profit withal, and to improve by? This is proper for us, if we will deal truly in the matters of God, and concernments of our souls: this indeed, is proper work for you and me to be upon the daily performance of. This I speak now in more general manner, and to this [Page 34] purpose, that you might give the more due regard unto the things that I am further to communicate to you concerning growth in Grace, which is the Duty of the Text.
Now this is that which I have to press upon you, That you would reckon upon it as a duty, and accordingly with Conscience and care apply it. Set your hearts upon this, that you may grow; Grow in Grace. I think (as I said before) it will be the properest course that I can take for to speak to some particulars; and I will speak especially to the main Grace, the Captain-Grace, the Leading-Grace, and thats the Grace of Faith. Think thus, that when you are called upon to grow in Grace, to be sure, this is the mind and meaning of God, and of his Spirit, that you should grow in Faith, that you should set your hearts to this, that having Faith, you may increase in it: This is your duty, even a duty incumbent upon every one that hath any thing of true saving Faith in him, to do his utmost that he may come to have a growth in that Faith: O that this might be considered of by you that are Believers! Have you Faith? 'tis good for to make an inquiry, and to search into your selves, whether you have Faith ye or no. Have you, look to the growth of it; it is a child of Gods begetting, and it is a child thats committed to your trust to see to the nourishing of it, that it be well nursed by you. Hath God given you Faith in the spark, your duty is to look to it that it be improved to a flame. Is it a seed that God hath sown in your hearts, suppose it be but as a grain of Mustard-seed, it is a duty that lies upon you to look well to it, that this little grain, this seed that is sown, be attended, and that there be an improvement of it. This is your duty, [Page 35] that having Faith, you increase in Faith, that there be a due improvement of it, that you may come to be, not only Babes in Faith, but strong men in Faith; this is that which (I say) is our duty, and this I would press upon you.
Grow in Grace: Grow in the Grace of Faith: And this I would have you to consider, that all other growth in the other Graces, they have a dependance upon this growth in Faith. If Faith be in well-liking, other Graces will be in a good condition. Truly I think it is mostly thus, that the Christian is as his Faith is: If his Faith be in good plight, his other Graces will be so too. If there be a flourishing Faith, there will be a flaming Love, and there will be an abounding, and an increase in other Graces. Faith, it hath an influence upon all other the Graces of the Spirit: Grow in that, and grow in all.
Now if you ask, But how would you have us to grow, or to what pitch and proportion would you have us to arrive? You perswade us to a growth in Faith, what growth is it that you press us to? Will you now but a little weigh these things that I have to communicate.
I tell you thus, your growth in Faith, if so be that you will answer your duty, it must first be a growth, practically answering to the degrees of Faith, that you come up to the degrees of Faith, and to as high a degree of Faith as you can.
2. That in a practical way you may answer the testimonies that are given of Faith.
3. That in a practical way you may answer the eminent and signal examples and patterns of Faith.
4. That in a practical way you may perform the acts, and express the fruits and effects of Faith; all [Page 36] this in a practical way. And then shall you answer the duty, and approve your selves to be such as are persons of a well grown Faith.
First of all, when I perswade you to grow in Grace, in the Grace of Faith, interpret thus; That every believing soul is to look unto, and to press after such a growth, as that there may be an attainment of Faith, and of Faith in the degrees of it; Thus, we distinguish of a weak Faith, and of a strong Faith: We distinguish of a Faith of Adherence, and of a Faith of Evidence and Assurance. We speak of Believers; some that are poor in Faith, others that are rich in Faith, according to the Apostles expression in James, The poor of this world, rich in Faith. We distinguish of a living Faith, and of a lively Faith. We distinguish of a combating Faith, and of a conquering Faith. Of a conflicting Faith, and of a triumphing Faith; such distinctions there are. Now our duty is to press after such a growth, that we may be in the advancing, and come up to the highest degree that we can attain unto. Our Saviour complained of the Disciples, O ye of little Faith. Importing thus much, that their duty was for to be much in Faith, and to have a great Faith, a well grown Faith; such a Faith as the Woman of Canaan, (of whom I shall speak) O woman, great is thy Faith.
There are that are poor in Faith, they have but a poor degree and measure of Faith, but even as much of it as will keep life and soul together (as I may so speak) all that they can do is but to keep in life. I but now our duty is to look after an inrichment in Faith, that we may live like rich men, live at a high rate, that we may spend, and spend very largely. This is our duty.
[Page 37] That we have a lively Faith, a Faith so improved, as that its quick, and active, and nimble, and can put on vigorously, in the wayes of Grace and holiness; this is our duty.
To grow from one degree to another, to be stronger and stronger; to proceed from Faith of Adherence, unto Faith of Assurance. Not only to have the Faith of Recumbency, that we can hang upon Christ, and roul our selves upon him for Salvation; but that we may come to have a Faith of Confidence: that we may not only be perswaded of the truth of Promises, but that we may be perswaded of our personal interest and propriety in Promises. And that we are not only perswaded of the truth of them, but of our title to them; that we may not only be able to say, that, This is a faithful saying, that Jesus Christ came into the World to save sinners; but that we may be able by Faith to say, I and this Jesus came to save me, as much as any other sinners in the World. That we may not be only able to say, He loved his People, and gave himself for his people; but we may be able by a well-improved Faith to say, yea, he loved me, and he gave himself for me. Thus could Paul say, such was Pauls Faith.
A Faith of Assurance, when we cannot only reflect with fears and difficulties, but we can trample upon them, and triumph over them, and say with the Apostle, I am perswaded, that neither heighth, nor depth, nor length, nor Principalities, nor Powers, nor things present, nor things to come, shall be able to separate me from the love of God that is in Christ. Such a growth we should have, that we may come to bear up with a holy confidence towards God, that we may be able to say, I know whom I have believed, and I know that my Redeemer liveth. We know, [Page 38] that if this Tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. This is the Faith that we should press after, a Faith of such a size as this; of such a proportion as this, and not rest contented with this, That we can hang upon Christ, (though its a great Mercy to have the least degree of Faith) yet this we should be pressing to, that we may come to a holy confidence towards God. This is our duty, and that that we should endeavour to, that we may come to be of such a grown Faith: thats the first thing.
2. Our duty is to grow in Faith, and to be of such a growth in Faith, as that we may answer the high, and honourable, and glorious testimonies that are given of Faith, that we may be able to give in our Justification of such testimonies, and say, thus and thus is Faith testified of, 'tis a true testimony, I am able to prove it, I am able to speak it out of my own person, and from my own experience. Its our blessed Sayiours speech, Wisdome is justified of her children: If we will approve our selves to be the children of Wisdome, we should look after this in a special manner, that we may be able to justifie the sayings of Wisdome. Now what are the sayings of Wisdome concerning Faith, the testimonies that are given of it. Mark, the Apostle in the 11th chapter of his Epistle to the Hebrews, he tells us, That Faith is the substance of things hoped for; it is the evidence of things that are not seen. Is this a true testimony? It may be you will say, you believe this, that this is a truth concerning Faith. I, but what of that, Is it a truth in you? Is your Faith such a Faith? Are you able to subscribe to this, and to say, yea, blessed be God I can speak this from my [Page 39] own experience, and say, Faith is to me the substance of things that are hoped for; Faith is in me, the evidence of things that are not seen. If so be that your Faith be not grown up to such a pitch and proportion; truly, you are not come into the stature that you should attain unto. You have a Faith that looks to promises, and lives upon the expectation that begets a kind of hope in you, that such and such things shall be done: I, but can you say that your Faith is the substance of them, that your Faith is the evidence of them, and the substance? Why, your Faith, it is such a Faith, and of such a growth, and it is so improved unto such a strength, that things that are but in expectation, they are to your Faith, as if so be that they were in actual execution. Your Faith is such a Faith, (I am sure it should be so) that it giv [...]s a being to things that are not in being: it is the [...], as the Apostle uses the word; it is the substance, or the subsistence of things that are hoped for. Why, this is to my Faith, as if it were in actual being. As God made a promise to Abraham, that he should have a son, Abraham believes the promise: it was long before that promise was performed: I, but yet Abraham's Faith did give a hearing to this promise; Abraham went on in that confidence, he staggered not at the promise, through unbelief, but his Faith was in that strength, that there was, as if there had been a birth already; his Faith gave a being to the promise. God made a promise to the people, that they should come to the Land of Canaan, and that it should be their inheritance. Now, the Faith of Abraham, Isaack, and Jacob, was the [...]; it gave a being to the promise, and they were, as if they had had it while they [Page 40] liv'd: the actual possession of the promised Land, they, and their seed.
It is the evidence of things that are not seen. I see not, and yet I injoy; I see not, and yet I see. Faith, where it comes to be well improved, it comes to be the evidence of things that are not seen: Things not seen, and yet they are as if they were before mine eyes. Things not seen; Nay, when the contrary is seen, as now, a man hath destruction before his eyes, and yet his Faith makes him to see Salvation; according to that eminent instance in Moses; when they came to the Red-Sea, and there was nothing but death, Fear not, saith he, stand still, and see the salvation of God: See it, why, there was nothing to be seen, but destruction before their eyes; and yet, by Faith, Moses comes to see the Salvation of God. It is the evidence of things that are not seen: O, Brethren, it's a poor Faith, a poor beggerly Faith, (if I may so speak of any degree of Faith;) for Faith, in the lowest degree, is better than all the jewels and diamonds in the World, they are not to be mentioned with it: but, compared with a due improved Faith, truly, it's but a poor beggerly Faith, that depends upon sense. This I would see, as Thomas; what, saith Thomas, you report to me, that Jesus, my Lord and Master, is risen from the dead; but, for my part, unless I may see him, and feel the print of the nails, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe. O, it was an ignoble Faith, a poor beggerly Faith: they will believe no further than they can see. Truly, such persons will hardly believe to the saving of their souls; and our Saviour, he deals with him about it: O, Thomas, Thomas, thou hast seen, and believed; but, I tell thee Thomas, [Page 41] they are the blessed persons that have not seen, and yet believe. Why, it is a noble Faith, for to give a man the evidence of that that he doth not see; and this is the Faith that we should press after. I see nothing that hath a tendency to such or such a mercy, I see nothing, but rather the contrary: as in the case of Ioseph, there's a promise concerning his advancement, he saies nothing that hath any tendency in it, but rather the contrary; he is cast into Prison, and irons enter into his soul; he is brought into a miserable condition, and yet notwithstanding, his Faith was the evidence of things not seen; he could see a Golden-Chain, that afterwards he came to wear; he could see a Golden-chain in a chain of Iron; the iron entred into his soul, and yet the chain of Gold is about his Faith; Faith puts it about the neck, this is the Faith: A Faith of such a growth, that it may evidence to us the things that are not seen. Now, I say, when we can give an account of such a testimony, and come in with the justification of experience, and say, It's thus testified of Faith, and it's a true testimony; for my Faith is so to me; my Faith is the substance of things hoped for, my Faith is the evidence of things that are not seen: God hath made a promise concerning a new heaven, and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness: He hath made a promise of new Ierusalem, that it should come down from heaven, as a Bride made ready for her husband: Now, I see nothing to such a purpose, I see nothing but confusion; and yet for all that, I can see Glory; I can see Glory in all the confusion of the World.
Again, consider, Secondly, This is the testimony thats given of Faith: I, this is t [...]e victory that overcomes [Page 42] the World, even your Faith. The Apostle gives this testimony of Faith; 1 Epist. of Ioh. 5. he useth these words, This is the victory, saith he, that overcometh the World, even your Faith. Why, now consider, what growth it is that we should press after in believing; our duty is, to grow in Grace, in the Grace of Faith; and to grow to such a point and proportion, that our Faith may be our victory: our Faith, why, you will say, it is our conflict: we have a conflicting Faith: I, bu [...] your Faith is your victory; and your Faith should be so improved, as that you may be able to give this account of it; my Faith is my victory, and I am more than a Conqueror; as the Apostle saith in Rom. 8. saith he, What shall separate, tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword? Why, saith he, In all these things, he doth not say, after all these things, but, in all these things; in persecution, in tribulation, in distress, in famine, in nakedness, what, in sword! yea, in all these things, we are more than Conquerors. This is a marvellous thing, but yet, this is the testimony that's given of Faith: and this is that which the Faith of a Believer, if it be duly improved, will spring up to, to make the believing soul more than a Conqueror: and, in all these things, this is the victory.—The victory; why, before the battel be done, before the fight be finished, and ended? yet, notwithstanding, that's a victory that a believing soul may, by the strength of his Faith duly improved, he may cry, Victoria, even while they are in the fight; yet. Victory, Victory: In all these things, more than Conquerors. This is the Victory: so is a well improved Faith; and such should the Faith of a Believer be, and of such a growth, that [Page 43] it should be his Victory. I am hampred with lusts, corruptions, temptations, and heavily prest with them, and miserably yoked; and the poor soul cryes out with the Apostle; O wretched man that I am; what a tedious, wearysome life have I of it? I cannot be quiet not a day to an end, and yet triumph, and say, I thank God, through Jesus Christ; and so sing, Victoria: this is the Faith. These things may seem to be somewhat hard things for Faith: and alas, poor creatures, we are apt to startle at such kind of measures, and statures, when they are propounded to us thus to press after. But this is the account, that there is such an improvement to be made of it, and such an improvement▪ we should endeavour after, and such a growth, as we may come to this: to have Faith to be our Victory; my Faith is my Victory, and I see my Victory in every stroke I strike; and this is the growth that we should propound to our selves.
Shall I tell you yet further? I am signifying to you, that our Faith should be of such a growth, as that it may be, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen; that it may be the Victory that overcomes the World; while the World seems to trample us down under feet, with the scorns, and reproaches, and hard usages of it; yet, a Believer can say, I thank God, I have the World more under feet a thousand times, than I am under it: it seems to trample upon me, but I trample upon it: The Apostle speaks to that purpose; I Glory in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ; by which, saith he, I am crucified to the World: I, and the World is as much crucified unto me, as I am to it, for its heart; and I can set as [Page 43] light by it, as it sets by me: I can scorn the scorns, and despise the despisings of the World; and this our Faith will come to; and if we be not a-wanting to our selves, I would say this to the weakest Beleever in the Congregation; his Faith will, and shall come to this, To be the evidence of things not seen, To be the Victory that overcometh the World.
Yet further, I add this, This is the report and testimony that's given to the Faith of a Beleever: By Faith, there hath been the subduing of Kingdoms, working righteousness, obtaining promises, quenching violence of fire, growing strong out of weakness, turning to flight the Armyes of aliens, opening of heaven, binding up of heaven; what not? O, the mighty things that are testified to be within the power of Faith, to be obtained! This is the testimony that's given of Faith. Now, our Faith should be of such a growth, and so improved, that we may be able to justifie these testimonies in our own experience.
By Faith, they subdued Kingdoms, so the Apostle speaks, in Heb. 11. What Kingdoms did Moses and Joshua subdue by Faith? A Beleevers Faith should be of such a growth, as that it may subdue Kingdoms. Truly, he that can subdue a kingdom of the Devil within him, may be able to subdue all the Kingdoms of the World in a spiritual way.
Subdue Kingdoms, and vanquish Armies; saith David, Though 10000 should encamp against me, in this will I be confident. Such a Faith as that, it will do wonders, work miracles; such a Faith, as hath a kind of omnipotency in it, and can do all things through God in Christ: my Faith in Christ [Page 44] is that, whereby I am able to do all things: Now, such a Faith we should labour to grow to, as may have such a mighty arm and power, as it is able to carry all before it. That's the second thing.
3. The Faith of a Beleever, it should be of such a growth, as that there may be an answering in a practical way, unto those eminent examples of persons that have been of a well-grown Faith. Consider what patterns there are.
Abraham, he was a man of Faith; and what was his Faith? what was his pitch, and stature, and proportion? I gave you something of account before, but shall further express it. Abraham, he was a man of such a Faith, as that God testified concerning him: O, Abraham, he beleeved God, and it was accounted to him for Righteousness. When he had all the difficulties and discouragements that could be from resting upon the promise that God had made; yet, saith the Text, He beleeved God. God promiseth to him, that he should have a son, though his body was dead, and Sarahs body was dead; and, according to nature, there was no possibility that things should be brought to pass: yet Abraham, he considers neither one thing nor another, but he doth eye the promise; hath God said it? It shall be done, I shall have a son, because God hath promised me a son: and, though I am 100 years old, and Sarah 90 years old, yet, God hath said it: there's death in the body, but there's life in the promise, and I rest upon it. It's the promise of a faithful God, I will trust his word. Abraham beleeved God, and staggered not at the promise through unbelief, but was strong in Faith, giving Glory to God; and he becomes the friend of God; he would believe [Page 46] any thing that God speaks; and he would perform any thing that God did require; and so discovered himself in the way of his Faith, to be the friend of God. Now, I say, such a Faith was Abrahams; and what should hinder, but that we should be of such a Faith; Surely, Brethren, this is our duty, to be as good as Abraham was: what should hinder? why, have not we as good Gospel, as good Ordinances, as precious means as ever Abraham had? And, what should hinder, but that we should be of as good a Faith as Abraham was? Such a Beleever was he, as you heard of, startled at nothing that God had promised; but he would beleeve him, and take him at his word.
Such a Beleever was Moses, that (as I told you) he could stand up for God, and bear up with a holy confidence concerning his Salvation, when there was nothing but destruction before his eyes: Fear not, saith he, fear not; why? there's nothing but matter of fear before us. Stand still, why? if we stand still, our enemies will be upon the back of us, and confound us: The Egyptians are come out, and are pursuing us with all the spight and rage that may be, And see the Salvation of God; why, we can see nothing but destruction before us: I, but saith Moses, Salvation is before your eyes, and you may, by Faith, see, and behold it. Here was a well-improved Faith, and to this pitch should we grow.
O, What a Faith did the woman of Canaan discover? when, notwithstanding all the discouragements that she had from the Lord Jesus, one and another, concerning the cause she was then in management of; yet, notwithstanding, she sticks to him. O, when Christ told her he [Page 47] was not sent, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel; and it was not meet to take the childrens bread, and cast it to dogs; and she might reckon upon her self, as a dog: why, I am come for the benefit of the lost sheep of the house of Israel, and thou art a Canaanite; and what hast thou to do to make application to me? Yet, notwithstanding, she sticks to him, and holds her own, and is resolved she will not give over till she hath a blessing.—Now, mark the testimony that Christ gives of her; O woman, great is thy Faith. Now, here's a pattern for us, that nothing of discouragement should beat us off, but that we might bear up with a holy confidence: and, wherefore are these things written? but, that we might write after these Copies. But we stick in principles, and rest in lower measures; and it's a shame we are not more in advances, that we do not answer Scripture-testimonies, nor answer Scripture-patterns and examples.
I might instance to you in the Thessalonian-Church, a Scripture that formerly I spent much time about; O, saith he, we are bound to thank God for you, Brethren; for your Faith, it grows exceedingly; it is an over-grown Faith, [...]. Thus now should it be with us.
But then there is a fourth thing, which will take up more time than all the rest. We should endeavour such a growth in Faith, and that in a practical way, as that we may not only answer the degrees of Faith, nor the testimonies of Faith, and the examples and presidents of Faith; but fourthly, that we may have such a [Page 48] Faith of such a growth, as that we might produce the acts, and the effects of it. And here sundry particulars there are.
Such a Faith we should have, and of such a growth our Faith should be, that we may come to have clear sights and apprehensions of God: to say, he is an Invisible God and who can behold him? and an Infinite Majesty, and at an infinite distance, and who can injoy him?—Who?—why, a man of a well-improved Faith, may live, as if he were in heaven. The Saints of God, that have had their Faith well improved, have given proof of it, and have been able to give a justification of it. I tell you this, that Faith is capable of such an improvement, as that he may live in heaven while he is upon earth, and be in daily converses with God; see him, behold him, and talk with him, as a man would talk with his friend: Faith may come to this; as 'tis said of Moses, he saw him that was invisible. Enoch, by his Faith, could walk with God every day, as a man with his friend. And so a Believer may walk with God, and converse with God, even in the management of his worldly affairs; he may run up to heaven, and speak with God, and Jesus Christ, and have a holy familiarity with God, and have sweet thoughts of God. O, comfortable thoughts, the meditation of God! O, sweet unto him, as the Prophet speaks in the 104 Psal. my meditations of him shall be sweet. He is a terrible God, I, but I can meditate terror. The Faith of a Beleever duly improved, and being of a light growth; it will make him able to meditate terror, and to think of the terrible things of God, the terrible acts of God, the terribleness of Gods Majesty: Indeed, there is a [Page 49] terribleness in Gods Majesty; I, but the Faith of a Beleever, being duly improved, and of a due growth; it will be able to meditate terror, as the Prophet hath the expression, in Isa. 39. and so to injoy sweet communion with God in every daies course: it is, as if there were no distance, but heaven and earth were in a very contiguity, and they were just neer, close together; there is, as it were, but a wall between heaven and earth. O, he can be, as a man would be with his next neighbour, that, knock at the wall, and your neighbour hears you, and you can talk together day and night. And so, the Faith of a Beleever is capable of such a growth, as he may come to enjoy God, and sweet communion with God.
And so, of Christ; when we make him not only the object of our desires, but the object of our claim: he is my Jesus, and as much mine, as any mans in the World. We should not only breath out after Christ, but that we may bear up with a holy confidence, and make a bold claim of interest in him, and say, I am my beloveds, and my beloved is mine. I bear upon it, I challenge an interest in him; and I will dispute the case with any that shall come in in a way of opposition to me. He loved sinners, He loved the World, He loveth me. He gave himself for sinners, He hath given himself for me; He is as much my Christ as any mans in the World. This is the well-grown Faith.
LOok to your growth in Faith, that you be not weak in it; and let it appear this way: See to it, that you have such a Faith, so improved, of such a growth, that you may be able at once to appeal from the Law, as a ridged exacter, and yet to apply to the Law, as a gracious, wise, and holy director. When Faith comes to be planted in the soul, it is not therefore planted, that the heart should, upon the coming in of Faith, turn head against the Law: No, not against the Law. Indeed, it was never in the heart of God, that Beleevers, that are brought off from the Law, as a covenant of works, and are dead to it, by the body of Christ, should have their hearts set against it, that they should rise up in opposition to it, and be possest with prejudices against it: No, God forbid it should be so. I speak of the Law, considered as a covenant of works. True it is, the Faith of a Beleever carries him from the Law; so, as not to rest upon it; so, as not to seek righteousness by it; but yet withal, while it doth make an appeal from the Law, as a ridged exactor, and was made, before Grace appeared, to tremble and quake at the consideration of it, as a fiery Law: while he looks upon it as a most severe, and ridged exctor, and quits it, appeals from it; yet, the Faith of a Beleever, duly improved, will own the same Law; as it is a wise, righteous, and holy director. And that Law and Covenant, which out of the hand of Faith was, and would have been a stinging Serpent, as the [...]od of [...]ses, when it was out of his hand, a stinging [...]pent, and such as would make a man to flye from the presence of, in regard [Page 51] of its stinging power: yet, the very same Law in the hand of Faith, as it is a rule of Righteousness, it is a rod in the hand, and of precious use: and this is that wherein the growth of Faith will discover it self; when we can thus jadiciously manage the apprehensions of the Law, so as to appeal from it, and yet to apply to it: To rejoyce in a freedom from it, and from its severity; and yet rejoyce in holding a complyance, and correspondency with it, as it is a gracious, holy rule, that God hath given us to conform unto. And this is another thing which I offer to you, to be judiciously considered of, that you may shew forth the growth of your Faith in this way.
Yet further, grow in Grace, grow in Faith; and how shall it appear?—Thus, grow in Faith, so as, that while you remember former guilts, deep and dreadful guilts, that have been contracted upon you; while, upon review of former cursed carriages and practices; upon review, and upon reflection: you can remember deep contracted guilt upon your consciences, under which, it may be, you labour, as under an unsupportable burden: yet, at that very time, when the remembrance of former dreadful guilt contracted, is reviv'd; yet you can, at the very same time, bear up with a holy confidence towards God, upon the account of that rich and glorious Grace which hath appeared by our Lord Jesus Christ;—while with freedom, and as becomes a Gospel-spirit of ingenuity, you can draw up a charge against your selves, and say, I was a Persecuter, (as Paul speaks) I was a Blasphemer, I was Injurious, I was a notorious Drunkard, I was a prophane, cursed [Page 52] Swearer, I was hellishly vitious; thus and thus I was, and thus and thus I do acknowledge: I remember well how the case stood with me, what a cursed course I took, and how I run on in the rode to hell & destruction, without any fear & controul, & how fast I was ripening sor hell and destruction: I remember this, and yet I can remember it without despondency; I can't remember it without a breaking and bleeding soul, to think that ever I should carry it so towards the Lord; and yet withal, I can bear up in a rejoycing spirit, upon the account of super-abounding Grace. While you can charge your selves so, as it may be none in the World can make the like charge upon you: Yet notwithstanding, you can make a bold challenge, and say with the Apostle, in Rom. 8. who shall lay any thing to my charge? This is an excellent thing, and an argument of a well-improved, and well-grown Faith, when it comes to this: and indeed, it is no other than a Faith of good growth, that will inable to this. Poor weaklings in Faith and Grace, when they come to remember their former cursed carriage; O, how apt to fall under deepest despondencies, and to be possest with horror and astonishment, and to be disputing against themselves, and concerning their estate; and ready to conclude, alas, how is it possible, that ever such a miserable misereant as I, should find Grace to releeve [...]? favour with God, forgiveness of sins? Surely, this burden will sink my soul; this guilt will press me down to hell, such deep and dreadful guilt; O, such stains upon my conscience, what can fetch them out? what plaister broad enough to cover such sores? what price great enough to say such debts? A poor weakling in Faith, is apt [Page 53] to argue thus, to the sinking, and over-whelming of his spirit. But, it is the Faith that is well-grown, that will inable the soul at this same time, eying guilt, and eying Grace; seeing the Plague, and seeing the plaister; and taking knowlodge of the super abundance of the Grace of Christ above his contracted guilt; for to bear up with a holy confidence, and (as I said before) to charge, and challenge; to charge it self, and yet challenge the accuser, and say, who shall be able to lay any thing unto my charge? I know whom I have beleeved, I know whither I have sled for refuge, I know where I have anchored, I know upon what foundation I have built my hope and confidence upon; here's the well-grown Faith, a Faith which will give the greatest Glory to God: When a man can look upon all the evils that ever were committed by him, with a melting, dissolving soul; yet notwithstanding, bear up with boldness, and say, I, but I know, that not any thing of this, shall ever be laid to my charge; and, I know whom I have believed. Will you but weigh these things, and consider of them, and know, that this is the Faith which we are to press after.
And so, (which follows upon the former) such a growth in Faith should we press after, as that, while we see the corruptions that are in us, and sadly complain of the pressures under which we lye, and how miserably we are yoked while we do so; and see cause to cry out with the Apostle, O wretched man that I am;—by reason of what?—by reason of a law in my members rebelling against the law of my mind: O miserable wretch! what darkness is in my understanding? what [Page 54] perversness in my will? what inordinacy in my affections? what a crabbed, perverse nature have I? O, what a rebelling soul is there in me? when I would do good, evil is present; and so the poor soul labours, and makes sad complaints and moans in the ears of God: yet notwithstanding, at the same time, can say, with the Apostle; but, though it be thus, yet, blessed be God, I thank God, through Jesus Christ, though I serve, with my flesh, the law of sin; yet, with my spirit, I serve the Lord Jesus Christ: though there be a rebelling law, yet I find another law, a law in my mind, that makes opposition to that rebelling law; and I find principles of Grace and Holiness, acting most vigorously in opposition to those principles: And, though they tugg, and wrestle, and struggle with me, yet I am utterly set against complyance with them, and am resolv'd upon this, that I will never make any league with them; but i'll do the utmost I can for to ruine them, to be the death of them: I thank God, through Jesus Christ. This is now the Faith that we should press after; that we may thus bear up with courage and resolution; and while we see our own blemishes, yet we can rejoyce, to think what a beauty is upon us, through Jesus Christ. We can see blemishes, and yet we can see perfection of beauty, that we are made comely, through the comelyness which by Grace is put upon us.
Then again, such a growth in Faith our duty is to press after, and to endeavour to, as that we may be able to say, I am never more fearful to sin against God, than when I am least fearful for to be condemned by God. O, it's a blessed proof of a well-grown Faith; and such a Faith should we endeavour [Page 55] to; and a Faith of such a growth, that we may say, Through the Grace of God, I can say, I am most fearful to sin, and to do any thing that's displeasing to God;—and when so,—O, especially then, when I am least fearful to be punished, and plagued for it. The less I have of the fear of hell and damnation, and the more I have of a holy confidence towards God, that I shall be everlastingly saved; the more am I fearful with a holy, filial fear, to do any thing that may be displeasing to my God; here's the well-grown Faith; and it argues much feebleness in the Faith of a Christian, and it gives occasion to, sometimes to question the truth of it: When persons, upon the apprehension of their justified state, they are ready to take liberty to sin. You know how the Apostle argues against this; Shall we continue in sin, because Grace hath abounded? God forbid. Nay, the Faith of a Beleever well improved, will fortifie his spirit against such a temptation, and against the assaults of the Devil and corruption, and say, Seeing the Grace of God hath appeared to me, and magnified it self upon me in a pardoning way, in a renewing way; that Grace I reckon upon, as that that shall abide upon me, and shall ingage it self to perfect all the concerns, Justification, Sanctification, everlasting Salvation: this makes a holy fear to flourish in my soul, that I may not in any thing carry it unbecomingly, and unsutably to such a state. This is the well-grown Faith that we should press after.
Yet further, when I press you to a growth in Grace, and especially, in the Grace of Faith; thus you shall be able to judge of it. We should endeavour to be of such a growth, as that, whatsoever [Page 56] Grace is implanted in us, and to what degree soever; whatsoever our accomplishments are in the renewed state, and according to the new creature, whatsoever there is of inherent Grace, and of gracious abilities; yet we can so look upon our inherent Graces, and spiritual Abilities, as to keep off from placing any confidencee in them, but still keep a full relyance upon the Lord Jesus Christ. This is our duty, that whatsoever is of Grace inherent in us, yet, that it be not trusted unto, Grace in the soul, is but a creature; 'tis one of the best pieces indeed of all Gods creation that ever were made by him; yet it is but a creature, and being a creature, it is not to be trusted: A man must not trust in his trust; he must trust with his Faith, but he must not trust to his Faith: he must not trust to any spiritual strength or abilities that he hath in him, but still keep a dependence upon Christ: reckon upon Christ, as the strength that will be sufficient for him. It was the answer that was given to Paul, when he was under those sore buffetings; saith he, Paul, My Grace is sufficient for thee. Paul's Grace was not sufficient any further, than it was made sufficient by Christ's Grace. It is not the water in the Cistern, that will serve the turn, but the water in the Fountain: dependance upon the Cistern, will be found to be a vain thing; the Cistern may be exhausted, but the Fountain cannot. You know how it was with Adam, when he had the Grace of Creation, it fail'd him. Peter, when he was strong in himself, you know what his confidence in himself issued in; and therefore, I say, such confidences, even in our own Graces, are to be accursed: the Lord rejects such confidences, and so should we. We [Page 57] should use our Graces, but trust not to them, but still keep a dependance upon the Lord Jesus; according to the Apostles charge to Timothy, Be thou strong in the Grace that is in Christ Iesus: And truly, this is that that will not be performed, but by a well-grown Faith: when we can thus do, see the Grace of God in us, prize it, bless him for it; imploy it, make use of it, and yet notwithstanding, keep hands off from it, from trusting upon it; and keep a full dependance upon the Lord Jesus Christ; that's another thing.
Again, grow in Grace, grow in Faith, 'tis your duty;—and to what purpose? to such a purpose, that while we do, and perform duties with greatest delight, as indeed, Faith will carry us to that; it will make a man delight in the Law of God, and in the waies of Holiness, and performance of holy duties, account it meat and drink to be in the practice of them; yet, while we are in the performance of duty, that even then, when we have done, to lay them by, and say, this is not my foundation, O Lord, I have done thus and thus. It may be, much in preaching, much in prayer, much in alms, much in acts of mortification, much in such and such services: I, but Lord, when I have done all; I do profess, that I have done nothing to purpose, nothing to my justification; I so do duties as if I were to be justified by them; yet I so trust upon Christ, as if I were not to meddle with my duty at all: O, this is precious Faith, and well-improved Faith, when we can do service and duty to God; and yet, when we have done all, we can take off from all, lay all at the foot of Jesus, and say, O Lord, this shall never be my Righteousness; I will endeavour to be as righteous, and [Page 58] holy, and gracious as I can; but, Lord, when I have done all I can, I am resolved to lay all by, and will make mention of thy righteousness, and of thine only; and, I am resolved, I will never plead any righteousness of my own, any duties and services of my performance, I will never plead them before thee, as my Righteousness; I may plead them as evidences, as Hezekiah doth; Remember Lord, how I have walk'd before thee in truth, and with a perfect heart; but I will never plead them as my righteousness, which I will stick to, and bear upon them before the tribunal of God; no, I will throw them all away, when they offer themselves to come in upon such an account. Alas poor, weak Beleevers! O, how apt are they to keep hands upon their duties and services; and when a day of temptation, and dissertion, and perplexity begins to seize upon them, they begin to turn their eyes to what they have been, and done: I, but the Faith of a Beleever, when it comes to its due growth, will otherwise carry the soul, and make it to keep its dependance upon the Lord Jesus.
Again, your duty is to grow in Grace, and especially in Faith; and such a growth, as that while you give attendance upon an Ordinance, you can see the authority of God stamp'd upon it; and upon the account of that authority which is stamp'd, you give the attendance, and you reckon upon it as a blessed expedient which God hath provided for your souls advantage; and you reckon upon gracious communications from God by it, as by such an expedient of his own appointment; you reckon upon it, and come to it with such a perswasion; O, this is Gods appointing, and in this way hath he [Page 59] ordered that I should wait upon him, and I know his appointments are not in vain; therefore I rest not in the Ordinance, but look to the God of the Ordinance; and I follow after the injoyment of God in his Ordinances: 'tis nothing to me to have the word preached, other Ordinances dispenced, they are nothing to me, without the injoyment of God: I look upon God in them, and I expect a blessing from God by them: truly, this is an argument of a well-grown Faith. Alass poor weaklings that we are, we come in a formal manner, (too commonly so) and with too much of a carnal frame of spirit, too much in a complemental way, look upon an Ordinance as if there were no more to be reckoned to it, than what of strength, and duty, and benefit of man can put upon it, look to the instrument, & have not an eye to God: O, without question, Beloved, our preaching would be to better purpose, and our hearing and praying, and our eating and drinking at the Lords Table, would be to better purpose, and with more fruit and benefit. If we could look more to God in an Ordinance, and come with such a thought as this, O Lord, this is the way that thou hast laid out for me to wait upon thee in, these are the means that thou hast appointed to do my soul good by, and upon this account, because they are thy appointments; I apply to them, and expect benefit and profit by them. Now, I say, when we manage our attendance in such a manner, we are then in the fairest way to have the fruit and benefit of them: and how will this be, but by a well-improved Faith? & the truth on't is, the strength of Faith, and the growth and increase of Faith, will very much discover it self this way. When we come to appear [Page 60] before God in Ordinances, we have such a Faith as carries us to God. Why, I have been with God this day, I have been in the presence of God, I look upon these Ordinances as the blessed Symboles of his presence, and uppon that account it is, that I attend them, and expect from them.
And then again, I press you, that you would grow in Grace, and grow in the Grace of Faith:—why, what growth would you require?—such a growth as this; that your Faith may come to be of such a growth, that you may not be staggered concerning the promises of God, how cross soever that providences seem to run to them: O, this is a proof of a well-grown Faith. You know, that its an ordinary thing with God, in the course of his dealings and dispensations, when he hath made a promise, and put his people upon the hopes, and expectation of having it performed, to order out so in the course of his providence, as if he would quite null his promise: the providences seem to speak flat contradiction to the promise. It was Abrahams case; a promise he had of a son, but the providence of God ordered it out, that he runs out till he be 100 years old, and Sarah was old to; so that there was an impossibility, as to nature, that ever there should be such a thing brought to pass; and here was now the temptation: Now, if Abraham had been but of a weak Faith, how apt had he been to be staggering, and sorely shaken, as touching the promise; surely, this will never be; I, bat being of a well-grown Faith, as the Apostle testifies of him, he considered not his own body, nor the deadness of Sarahs womb; he staggered not at the promise through unbelief, but being [Page 61] strong in Faith, he gave Glory to God.—So the Lord dealt with Joseph; but the word of the Lord tries him, and while it tries him, he trusts upon it: the irons enter into his soul, and by that providence: O, what a seening contradiction was there to the promise? he that was designed to wear a chain of Gold about his neck, must go with chains of Irons about his legs, and those irons must enter into his soul. What doth this speak, but the vanity of the promise, and that it was a thing not to be reckoned upon, no account to be made of it? and yet notwithstanding, he being of a well-improved Faith, under all these cross providences, that spake contradiction to the promise; yet he keeps in a humble dependance upon God. And while the word of the Lord tried him, he trusts the word; he did not try the word, but he trusted the word, and so being of a well-grown Faith, he bears up with a holy confidence towards God, as touching the things that he had promised.
And so likewise, promises concerning the Church of God, and a more blessed injoyment that Saints shall have in the World; God hath ingaged himself by promise very much to such a purpose; and providence: do seem to give the lye to the promise; [...] things are ordered out, as if such things [...]uld never be brought to pass: Now, a poor, [...]ak Beleever, he will be apt to give all for naught, and to conclude, as David did, I said in my haste, all men are lyars; these are but vain words: we speak of this and that, of a new Ierusalem coming down from Heaven, as a Bride made ready for her husband, and of the Church [...] Glory and beauty, and of Babilons downfal; and [Page 62] yet Babilon sits as a Queen, and saith, I shall never see sorrow nor widowhood: Now, a poor, weak Beleever, will be ready to give up the account, and to say, We must never look for these things; I, but a strong Beleever, it bears up the soul in a holy confidence towards God: well, let God take what course he will, I am sure that the womb of the promise shall never be sound to be a miscarrying womb; that's another thing.
Yet further, I press you to growth in Grace, particularly to a growth in Faith, that you may not, upon every occasion, be cast into a discomposure of spirit, upon every occasion of trouble that you meet withal: when there are such providences ordered out, as are startling, and amazing, and astonishing; such a Faith you are to press to: that when sinners in Zion are afraid, and fearfulness surpriseth the hypocrites;—and likewise, when poor, weak Beleevers are apt to tremble and quake, and at a loss, and know not what to do; that you may come to say, my heart is fixed, I trust in God, these things move me not: this is an argument of a well-grown Faith; when we are not upon every occasion of any sudden fears, in a discomposure of spirit, yet well-grown Faith will bring a fixedness. I, it's an argument of a Faith not well improved, and not of so good a growth as it should be, when we are upon, every occasion, surprised with fear, and horror, and astonishment, and ready to scatter this way and that way, and know not what to do. I refer to that passage in the 107 Psal. his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord, he shall not be moved for any evil tidings; when a man can say, as the Prophet in the Psalm, which is reckoned to Luther, because of his making so much use of it: God [Page 63] is our refuge and strength, a present help in the time of trouble; we will not fear, though the mountains be troubled, and though all things be in a confusion; the Lord of Hosts is with us, and the God of Jacob is our refuge: this is the Faith we should endeavour to, and Faith of such a growth, we should press after.
Again, such a Faith, as in a day of affliction and tribulation, we may live; I, and live cheerly and comfortably, I, and in a full condition. The just shall live by Faith, and the just shall live in fulness, if so be that Faith be but of a due growth. I am come, that ye might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly: and the more we improve in Faith, the more abundantly we shall live, and at a higher rate. Be full in emptiness,—be rich in poverty,—be strong in weakness,—be free under restraint; and let the condition be what it will, by having a well-grown Faith, we shall but seem to be afflicted; when others reckon upon it that we are most really afflicted. O, 'tis a notable passage, that of the Apostle, in 2 Cor. 6. saith he, we are as unknown, and yet well known;—as dying, and behold we live;—as chastened, and not kill'd;—as sorrowful, yet alwaies rejoycing;—as poor, yet making many rich;—as having nothing, and yet possessing all things. I confess, it is a most wonderful thing, and yet this is that that a well-gro [...] Faith will inable to. That when a child of [...] in the lowest condition, and, according to the judgement of others, the most really miserable man (mark what I say) that can be in the World: Yet notwithstanding, he can give this account, I am but, as it were, thus and thus: this is the noble act of Faith. Sorrowful, O, you are a [Page 64] company of sorrowful, poor creatures; nay, saith the Apostle, we are but, as sorrowful: O, you are miserably poor, and beggerly; nay, saith he, mistake not, we are but, as poor: indeed, we are rich: you take us to be the most sorrowful, and poor miserable creatures in the World; we are indeed as such, we seem to be so, and you take us to be so, you take us to be such as have nothing, as having nothing, and yet, saith he, we possess all things. Why, what a wonderful thing is this, that the Faith of a Beleever should carry to this? and yet this a well-improved Faith will inable to; and by this we are to discover, that it is a well-grown Faith. Saith the Apostle, I have learned in every estate, therewith to be content; I can be full, and be hungry; I can abound, and suffer want: Suffer want! I, saith he, I can reckon of a fulness in my want! I have all, and abound: what a blessed thing was this? And O, how much preciousness is there in the Grace of Faith! and such a Faith should we endeavour to attain to, and of such a growth, that we may bear up with rejoycing hearts in tribulation; in all tribulations, and in the want of all things, make our boast, and say, with the Prophet, in Hab. 3. Though the Figg-tree shall not blossome, and the labour of the Olive shall fail, no Calves in the stall, no Grass in the field, nor Corn in the ground, no Money in the purse, no Bread in the cubbord, every Brook is dry, and every Prop and Pillar is pluck'd away; yet, saith he, notwithstanding all this, I will rejoyee in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my Salvation.
SAints and Beleevers, are called Trees of Righteousness: The Planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified. (I wish that this word may not only sound in our ears, but sink into our hearts; are they the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified? How is it ever like, that God should be glorified by such a plantation, if so be that his planted ones stand at a stay, and do not make some considerable growth, answerable to time, and means, and opportunities to such a purpose. We are therefore to know, that it is as much our duty for to grow in Grace, as it is to be made partakers of it.
I have been speaking to you concerning growth in Faith; but what was delivered, I shall less pass, having some further addition to make: something yet further this morning to offer out unto your consideration; which, if the Lord be pleased to accompany with his Grace, and the working of his mighty spirit, will be beneficial to us, to the promoting of this cause that I now am ingaged in.
You that are Beleevers, that have the Faith of Gods Elect; your duty is to grow in Faith: Now, do bat weigh, and consider, and take heed, that a deceived heart do not turn us aside. It will appear, that there is a growing in Faith, when we come to have a large capacity for the entertaining of the Gospel-mysteries; when the mysterie of the Gospel, and of Godliness, comes to stand in its [Page 66] proportion, in our hearts and understandings; when we have our hearts widened, and inlarged, to take in the mysterie of the Gospel, so as that we have not only some weak, low apprehensions of it, which a smaller measure of Faith will inable to; but, when we come to have a comprehensiveness of heart, so, as that we can expasiate and inlarge our selves in our meditations, of the glorious mysterie, which, by the Gospel, is made known unto us: When we come to walk (as it were) in the length, and in the breadth of this mysterie; we can come to view, and surveigh all that glorious workmanship of God, which he hath wrought, in order to the salvation of poor souls: we cannot only darkly apprehend, but clearly behold the infinite wisdom, and love, and Grace, that hath appeared to us in the contrivance of this great design, concerning the salvation of sinners. Truly, this will be a clear proof, and demonstration of a growth in Faith; when our Faith takes in much of God, much of Christ, much of the mistery; that we can discourse of it judiciously, and affectionately, and solace our selves in the contemplation of it; we can with open face behold the glory of God, as it shines in the face of Christ; we can walk up and down in the length and breadth of the mysterie of the Gospel. O, this is a blossed proof, and will be found to be so, of a souls improvement, and growth in Faith, and in Grace: Will you but consider of this; when the Gospel, and the mysterie of it, the mysterie of Election, Redemption, Justification, Reconciliation of a sinner to God; the mysterie of Grace as it stands in opposition to the works of the L [...]; the mysterie of the everlasting Covenant, which is ordered in all things, and sure; when [Page 67] it is not penn'd up, but hath scope in our understandings; when we can take in this mysterie of the new Covenant in the proportions of it; this is the business of Faith; but it is that which will not be performed to any good purpose, unless there be some considarable improvement, and growth in Faith; and therefore it is, that the Apostle doth so earnestly pray on the behalf of the Church of Ephesus, in Eph. 1. saith he, I cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of [...] Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give [...] y [...] the spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of bl [...]; the eyes of your understandings being inlightned, that y [...] may know what is the hope of his Calling, and what the [...] of the Glory of his inheritance in the Saints; and what is the exeeceding greatness of his power to us ward, who beli [...]e according to the working of his mighty power. O, how earnest was the Apostle, in the behalf or the Ephesians, to this purpose, and Chap. 3. ver. 14. s [...]th he, I b [...]v my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, that he could grant unto you according to the riches of his Glory, to be strengthened with might by his spirit in the inward man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts by Faith: and saith he) that you may be able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the breadth, and length and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge that you might be filled with all the fulness of [...]d: Two passages they are of Scripture, which are most proper for beleeving souls to be well studied in: that part which I read to you, out of the first Chapt. and this in the third: I say, they are of some proper cognisance [...]r men and woman; that being brought over to the Faith of the Gospel, [Page 68] are studious of approving themselves unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; that they may answer their duty concerning these things that are here made mention of; that there might be (not only as I said before) a weak, and dim, and dark apprehension of the mysterie of the Gospel, the mysterie of Christ, the mysterie of the hope of Glory; but, that there might be a comprehension; that the mysterie may stand full, and as much as may be, compleat in us, in all the proportions of it; that the Gospel might not be streightned in our understandings. Truly friends, this is a great matter, if you would but set your hearts upon it, and seriously weigh, and ponder what I drive now. Alas, how little is there of the mysterie of the Gospel, that our hearts have already received? how little of it? And by this means, God is scanted, and shortened in the love, praise, and honour, that is due to him, and which our hearts would be inlarged to yield up, if we were but more careful to answer our duty this way. I do profess, this morning, to you, that are partakers of the Faith of Gods Elect, that are able to give any account of any saving work upon your hearts, and that you have any thing of the Faith of the Gospel in you: I do profess here, and testifie to you, in the Name of the Lord, that this doth more neerly concern you for to look unto, that these two Scriptures may be better answered by you; that you do not please your selves in that streightness of spirit that is in you, and discovers it self; but, that you be so heightned, that there be such an inlargement of heart in believing, that you may take in the mysterie in the Glories of it, or else you will not so duly answer that which is required of you, as touching [Page 69] your growth in Faith, and Grace: Think what you will of it, this I am sure is a duty that lyes upon Beleevers to perform, that they be of comprehensive spirits, and that they labour to work out to a more inlargedness of heart; that they may be so inabled to comprehend, with all the Saints, the height, and depth, and breadth, and length, or else you will never be able to give that glory to God, and honour to Christ; never be so much in admirings of the glorious mysterie of the Gospel, as otherwise you would. I would you would a little think of this point; and, for my part, I do profess, I know nothing that is more proper for a Minister of the Gospel, a Dispencer of the Mysteries of God, to be more earnest in pressing, and urging upon Beleevers, than this very thing is: But alas, how low spirited are most Beleevers. Beleevers, that it may be have got as much Faith as wil secure them from Hell, and bring them to Heaven: But, as for the mysteries in the glories of it, in the dimentions of it, in the latitude of it; O, how uncapable of a due apprehension of it: Will you therefore but consider of this? this is one thing, I, it is, it is that which doth mainly concern those that have any thing of the Faith of the Gospel in them, for to be very solicitous about, and studious to be answerable to. I leave it with you; but know, that the great God of Heaven, and our Lord Jesus, hath laid this burden upon you and me this morning: As many of us, as are able to give an account of the Faith of the Gospel, the Lord Jesus laies this burden upon you this morning, that you look to it, that there be a comprehensiveness of spirit concerning the mysterie of the Gospel; which is Christ [Page 70] in you, the hope of Glory. And so I let it pass; I leave it with you, to be studied, and pondered upon; and as you will answer it to Christ another day. Take heed, that this particular, among the rest, be not slightly passed over.
Again, your duty is, to grow in Grace and Faith, and so will you make it appear that you do grow. When you come to have such a Faith, as is not only a living Faith, but a lively Faith, an active, stirring Faith within you; when you come to have such a Faith, as that you do not only live by it, but that you live richly by it: there's many a man that lives, and gets a livelyhood; he hath bread for the day, he hath to supply his necessities, but he lives at a low, poor rate; he is not able to rise up to those expences that others are able to b [...]ar. So there are (I say) many Beleevers; they live, they g [...]t bread for the day; they get a subsistence by their Faith; but they live poorly, at a low rate, they do not keep a good house, they do not spend like rich men. There are that are rich in Faith, as the Apostle uses the expression, in the second Epist. of James, that are rich in Faith; that's it that we should press to, to such a growth in Faith, that we may live like rich men, keep a good hoase, and maintain a full table; that we may feed highly from day to day: there is mention of the rich man in the Gospel, that was clothed in Purple, and fared deliciously every day: thus it might have been and yet the man not culpable, if he had fared thus with a heavenly mind, and had not set his heart upon these things, as if they were the only portion for souls to sit down satisfied withal. No doubt, God doth allow persons, that have a larger portion of the World than others have, to go better [Page 71] clad, and to feed at a higher rate than others do, that have not such estate. This man, it's said, he was clothed in Purple, and fared deliciously every day: why, truly Brethren, there are such Beleevers to be found, though, I think, the number of them is very small: there are such, of whom it may be thus testified, and it is an honourable testimony of them, that they are clothed in Purple, in Scarlet, and they fare deliciously every day; they go clothed in Princely Robes, they are clothed in the Scarlet Robe of Jesus Christ, in the Robe of Righteousness, which hath been died in his own blood; and they walk like Princes Sons and Daughters, and they fare deliciously every day; they keep a continual feast, feed upon the marrow and fatness of the Gospel; they rejoyce in hope of the glory of God: these are the persons of a well-grown Faith, and it is their honour so to be; thus they live: Thus to bear up in pomp and state, to live like Kings children, and for to spend largely, knowing that their estate will bear them out. They have such a Faith in Christ, and in the Covenant, as will bring in sufficient to defray their expences from day to day, that they shall never be at a loss, they have that which will make a supply to them: this is the Faith, and these are the persons that are rich in Faith. Now, such a growth in Faith, is our duty to press after, as that we may be able, not only to live, but that we may live at a high rate, feed fully, and largely, and be feasted upon Christ, feasted upon the Promises, the blessings of the Covenant; feeding upon the hope of the Glory that shall be revealed, feeding to the full, without any fear of a surfe [...]: This is the well-grown Faith, and such a Faith, Brethren and Friends, we are to press after.
[Page 72] Such a Faith is not only a conflicting, but it is a conquering, and a triumphing Faith; this is the well grown Faith; that they may not only be able to give this account of themselves, that they have a Faith which inables them to sight with corruptions, and lusts, and to grapple with Principalities, and Powers; but such a Faith, as inables them to bear up in a triumphing way; and to say, In all these things, in tribulation, in distress, in persecution, in famine, in nakedness, (as I said in a former Exercise:) In all these things, we are more than Conquerors, through him that hath loved us. When we can say, with the Apostle rejoycingly, O, blessed be God, as in 2 C [...]. [...]. that maketh us alwaies to triumph in Christ, such a Faith we should press after, that may inable us to bear up, to live at a high rate, and to bear up with holy Rejoycings and Triumphings in God. Such a Faith as the Apostle speaks of, in 1. Pet. 1. having not seen, you love him; and beleeving, you rejoyce with joy unspeakable, and full of Glory. Will you consider of this now, as a further addition to all the rest? Grow in Faith, so grow, as that the mysterie of the Gospel may stand in its full proportion; that you may be able to comprehend, with all the Saints, the height, and depth, and length, and breadth, that the Gospel-mysterie may not be streightned in your spirits.—So grow in Faith, as that you may live high, and may maintain your self in an honourable, and creditable manner; that you may live like the child of the great King of Heaven and Earth; that you may feed upon delicacies every day; that you may come to be filled by beleeving, with all joy, and peace, and comfort; that you may suck, and be satisfied [Page 73] with the breasts of Consolation: This is the Faith that we should endeavour a growing in.
I add yet further; you that are partakers of the Faith of the Gospel, your duty is, to grow in Grace and Faith; and so shall it appear that you do, when you can bear up with fixed, and established, and well-setled spirits, under the most amazing, and stupendious providences that are ordered out: and whatsoever difficulties you meet withal; whatsoever discouragements there are before you, you may be inabled to hold on in your way, and not be over-powred by them: this is an argument of a well-grown Faith, when nothing beats us off; Let him kill me, saith Iob, i'll trust in him still. The woman of Canaan, whatsoever discouragements there were seeingly, she resolved upon it, not to let her hold go, not to susfer her suit to fall: this is the Faith, and of such a proportion, that we should press after; so to grow in Faith, that nothing may drive us from our hold, nor make us to fall under discouragements.
Again, your duty is, to grow in Faith; such a growth in Faith, as that you may come to be less selfish, and more for God; more pure in your aims at the Glory of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ: Truly, this will evidence a growth in Faith, and this is the Faith so evidenced, that you should endeavour to grow in. It is usual with poor Beleevers, in their f [...]rst setting out upon the way of Faith, and beleeving, 'tis usual with them; and truly, it is a gracious indulgence of God towards them, he bears with them in it: It is usual (I say) with poor, weak Beleevers, at [Page 74] their first beginning, to be mainly solicitous about their own Salvation; they stand under convictions of their obnoxiousness unto the wrath of God, to the curse of the Law, and have some apprehensions of the dreadful condition of the damned in Hell, and what it is to be eternally separated from God, everlastingly excommunicated from fellowship with him, and his people; and when they think of these things, O! what shall become of me to all eternity? what a miserable wretch shall I be, if I should live and dye out of the favour of God, and not be reconcil'd unto him by his Christ? if so be that guilt should lye upon my conscience; if so be that the wrath of God should still abide upon me; O! what a cursed wretch shall I be to all eternity? O! what shall I do, that I may escape this curse, and condemnation, and come to be made partakers of Christ, and of the Salvation that is by him? This is usually at the first the work of a poor soul, beginning now to look out after Christ, and pursuing after an interest in the grace and blessing of the Gospel; the blessing of Salvation, and much what the souls acting is upon a selfish account: Fain would it be secured, as touching its estate, and that it should be kept from eternal perishing; and this doth very much sway in the heart of a poor, weak Beleever, that he doth not so much mind the glory of God, and the honour of Christ, and the exaltation of the grace of the Gospel: but fain would he be said, as the poor Gaoler, when he came to be convinc'd; O sirs; he comes trembling and quaking before Paul and Sylas; O sirs, what shall I do to be saved? how shall I do to escape the wrath to come? Men and Brethren, say the people, in Acts 2. when they were [Page 75] pricked at their hearts, upon the convincement that they lay under, concerning Christ, and that they had contracted the guilt of his blood upon their consciences; O sirs, what shall we do? I feel a load of guilt upon me, and I see a hell before me, and I am in danger to sink down into the bottomless lake; O sirs, what shall I do? O pitty, pitty a poor soul, in danger of being swallowed up in destruction: these are the workings of a poor Beleever, that's taken up mainly with solicitousness about his own safety. And, I say, the Lord is pleased to deal very favourably with this poor creature: and indeed, God doth allow this, that his people should be solicitous about their own Salvation: Self-love, upon such an account, doth not fall under Gospel-condemnation. But now, this is not the advanced Faith, the improved Faith, this doth not argue so much a well-grown Faith, as when a soul comes to this, for to pursue life and salvation, and to follow after a portion in the Glory that is to come;—upon what account?—why, upon the account of this;—By my Salvation, God shall be eternally glorified, by my being one of his pardoned ones, his reconciled ones; the Grace of our Lord Jesus shall be exalted, by my being delivered from the curse of the Law, and from the condemnation of Hell: by my being delivered, I shall come to stand as a living, and a lasting monument of free Love, of glorious Grace: and this is the rejoycing of my heart, to think, that I shall escape the vengeance of Hell, the wrath to come, and everlasting condemnation, and so be with the Saints and Angels in Heaven for ever, to sound forth the praises of God, and to ascribe Honour, and Glory, and Salvation, and [Page 76] Blessing, and Dominion, and Power, to the Lamb, that lives for evermore: Ah, here's the well-grown Faith; when a soul comes to work off (as it were) from self, it looks not so much upon self; my Salvation, O! what's my Salvation to the Glory of God? why, God shall be Glorified in my being eternally saved. If I should perish, and go to Hell, what! I should be tormented there; is that all?—Nay, God will be dishonoured: Hell is a place that knows no love, knows no subjection, knows no fear of God; it's a place where God is continually blasphemed, and shall be to all eternity. O, I would not come there, nor go to Hell, upon any tearms; not so much, because I would not be tortnented there, but rather thus, I would not perish, and damn, because I would not have God dishonoured by me: I would not be like those damned souls, and those damned devils; I would not be among them that hate God, and will hate him to all eternity, and do nothing but curse him, and blaspheme him, and speak dishonourably of him: O, I would not go to Hell, because of Blasphemies there: I would go to Heaven, because there is exalting, and magnifying, and blessing of God there. When a soul comes to this, to have Faith to be so improved, as that he eyes the Glory of God more than his own Salvation: and this you are to know, that Gods Glory is the ultimate end of all his actions, all his purposes and decrees, and all his providential dispensations. The Glory of God is that, which (I say) is the ultimate end: God hath this in design, that he may be eternally glorified in the Salvation, and damnation both of men and Angels. Now, that that is Gods utmost end, should be our utmost [Page 77] end; and the Faith which is of due growth, will inable to this; to say, I would be saved principally, that God may be Glorified: I would not be damned, principally, because I would not have God to be dishonoured. When self-interest, and self-concernment begins to wear off, and Gods Glory stand fully in our eye; and when we are upon this design, that God may be Glorified in our eternal well-being, this will be a proof of a well-grown Faith.
Further, your duty is, to grow in Faith; 'tis your duty; and thus should you grow, to this point, and proportion; That you, by being exercised in Godliness, may come to mind the well-fare of others more than ever you did. At the first beginning, when God first sets in with a soul; alas, it hath scarce any charity to spare from it self: it's love, and charity, and care, will searce look without doors, scarce step over the threshold; but altogether solicitous about its own concernments, that it may be well with it self: I, but now, when Faith comes to be well improved, and to be a well-grown Faith, then there comes to be an eving of others; What shall I do to be saved? Nay, what shall I do, that my Brother may be saved? my Sister saved? my Wife? my Husband? that my Friends and Acquaintance may be saved? O! now God hath given me some hope, that Hell shall never be my portion, that I shall not go down to destruction: I, but what if my Brother should go to Hell, and I go to Heaven? what if my Husband should go do [...] to Eternal Vengeance, and I get into Glory? [Page 78] O Lord, what will become of such a neer relation? Alas, it is not enough to me now, that I am secure, as touching my eternal estate, and that I have hope towards God, that I shall escape the vengeance to come: But now, I begin to think with my self; O, such a soul lies in the gall of bitterness, and in the bonds of iniquity: Such a child, such a one in neer relation, that is wallowing in the blood of his own soul: O! what shall become of him? what shall I do to be saved? what shall I do, that my Brethren may be saved; and that my Relations may escape the vengeance to come? The woman of Samaria, when she came to have some comfortable communion with Christ, she begins to be solicitous about her neighbours, and goes to them, and saith, O, I have met with Jesus, and, come, see a man that hath told me all that ever I did; is not this the Christ? Truly Brethren, a Beleever, when he comes to be of a well-improved Faith, he would not be alone in his mercy, he would not eat his morsels alone, he would not go to Heaven without company: and I tell you, that this is an argument of a well-improved Faith. When our Faith it goes abroad, our solicitousness, it is not only for our selves, but others; when our Charity goes out of doors, and we are now projecting, and casting about how we may promote others eternal welfare: when Paul could say, I am perswaded, that neither Height, nor Depth, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Life, nor Death, nor things present, nor things to come, shall be able to separate from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus: when Paul comes to this Plerophoria, when he comes to be thus improved in his Faith; saith he, in Rom. 9. Brethen, I would have you to know, that I say the [Page 79] truth in Christ, I lye not, my Conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Ghost, that I have great heavyness, and continual sorrow in my heart:—Why, what man! Did'st thou not write but just now, that thou wast perswaded, that neither Death, nor Life, nor Angels, nor Principalities, nor Powers, &c. should be able to separate from the Love of Christ Jesus our Lord: Why, Paul, will you speak to such a purpose as this then, that you have great heaviness, and continual sorrow in your heart? Why, you should be full of joy: who should rejoyce in all the World, if they do not, nor should not, that have a confident perswasion that they shall go to Heaven, and be eternally blessed with God, and live in everlasting communion with him? Do you say you have great heaviness, and continual sorrow in your heart? Why, the business of Faith, is to fill the soul with joy and peace in beleeving; and, do you talk of sorrow and heaviness in your heart?—why, what should be the matter?—O, Brethren, he had now a well-grown Faith, his Faith was improved exceedingly, that he was now sure that all was well between God and him; he was sure to go to Heaven himself, and that nothing should be able to separate. And now his heart begins to turn upon his poor Brethren; I have great heaviness, and continual sorrow in my heart. I profess, saith he, I could set down, so far as it might be without sinning against God; yea, I could be contented, to be cut off from the comfortable and rejoycing part of Salvation; I could be contented, even to be cut off from the comfortable communion, not, that he would be in a state of guilt and sin, and wrath, and under the hatred of God: But, I could be contented, saith he, [Page 80] to be even cut off from that sweet injoyment that Saints have in their glorified estate, for my Brethrens sake, according to the flesh. Now, saith he, it's the sorrow of my heart, while I am full of joy and comfort, in respect of my own condition; I am full of heaviness, and continual sorrow there is upon me; that my Brethren, that are the seed of Abraham, that they should be strangers to this Grace, and like to be shut out from the Salvation which I am now sure of; and then is the Faith of a Beleever, a well-grown Faith, when it comes to be solicitous of others wellfare.
And for those that are brought over to Faith, but are weaklings in Faith; when there is a bearing with their weaknesses, and infirmities, a studying to please them in all things, for their profit, and a friendly deportment; when there is not a gr [...]ng upon them, nor a galling of them by any unbecoming carriage: Saith the Apostle, in Rom. 15. We that are strong, that are strong in Faith, ought to bear with the infirmities of the weak, and not to please our selves: for, let let every one of us please his neighbour, for his good to edification: for even Christ pleased not himself, but, as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee, fall on me. We that are strong; we that come to have a well-grown Faith, we should look with a tender, and com [...] eye, and heart, upon tender Brethren, [...] not so much insist upon what will be to the [...]ing of our selves, but what will be to the plea [...] of our weak Brethren, so far as is consistent [...] their profit, and the edification of our souls. [...] thus with Christ, and it should be thus with [...] this will be a proof of our growth in Faith.
[Page 81] Further, our duty is, to grow in Grace, and to grow in Faith; and such a growth should we press after, that we may be able for to use, and enjoy the World, and the good things of it, with heavenly minds; so, as that we come to value our selves, not so much by what we are in the World, as by what we are in in the Covenant, and by what estate we have in the Covenant: not to make so much matter of it, that we are able to give an account of such and such an estate in Land, and Houses, and worldly Possessions; but to valew our selves upon this accout, that we are able for to make out an estate in the Covenant, and that all our outward enjoyments are held by a Covenant; and that's it that gives us the comfort of our enjoyments: Such an estate I have, I, but, blessed be God, I have it by a spiritual title; Christ is mine, and I am Christs, and so all things become mine; I have a spiritual title, and I hold all by virtue of a Covenant in Christ. I would not valew the World; I would not value my outward condition, my riches; if they be thousands, and ten thousands in the World, I should look upon them but as a beggerly portion, if I had them not upon a spiritual account, and upon the account of an interest in Christ: O, God that hath given me Christ, he hath given me with him, all these things. When a man can look upon his estate, be it never so large and copious; to look upon it, as that which his heart would be dead to: if it were not, that he could look upon these things that he doth injoy, as upon a Covenant Conveyance.
And when a soul comes to this, to use the World with a heavenly mind, manage the affairs of the World; I, but with dependance upon God: When a [Page 82] man in the way of his Calling, and management of his affairs here below, goes on with diligence and care; I, but with a humble dependance upon God: and, while he doth his duty, he can trust God with the success. Let the times be hard, and trading dead, and little in-comes, no matter, i'll open my shop, and i'll attend the providence of God; and whether little or much come in, I am not solicitous about that; I am resolved upon this, I will do my duty, and wait upon God; and I know, it must be his blessing must be the portion for me to live upon: And it is not the in-come of the World, that I set my heart so much upon; but i'll do my duty, and leave the success to God.——There are two or three things more, but, for the present, only weigh what hath been said; and consider, that I have been speaking to you to this purpose; that you, that are the Sons and Daughters of Faith, look to it, that there be a growth in Faith:——And, such a growth, as that the mysterie of the everlasting Gospel stand fast in you, that you may be able to comprehend with all the Saints, the height, and depth, and length, and breadth:——That you may grow up to such a Faith; no, that you may not only live by it, but live at a high rate; that you may not only live by it, but live honourably, that you may fare deliciously every day.——Such a Faith, as is not only a conflicting, but a conquering, and triumphing Faith.——Such a Faith, as brings you off more from self, and makes you seek God more, his Glory more.——Such a Faith, as makes you to be studious, not only of your own eternal wellfare, but of the well-fare of others.——Such a Faith, as makes you to value your selves, not according [Page 83] to your worldly injoyments; but that you value what you injoy, according to a Covenant of Grace, and your self according to that account. And this way truly, you may give good proof, that you are persons that answer the duty in the Text, which the Apostle requires; That we grow in Grace.—
I Shall only add a Particular or two about Growth in Faith.
Your duty is, to endeavour to such a growth in Faith, that you may be able to meditate Terror. It is one thing for to be possest with terror, to be apprehensive of terror, and to be amazed and astonished through terror upon us; another thing to be able to make terror the matter of our meditation: One thing for to be apprehensive of that which is matter of terror, and to be affrighted with it, and ready to sink under the apprehensions of it: another thing, for to have not only the apprehensions, but to have the heart bearing up with a holy confidence, without being in the least discomposure; to have a fixedness of soul, a setledness of heart; and not to be startled, and to be ready to run this way, and that way and even to be at our wits ends, not knowing in the World what course to take. Now, this is one of the great priviledges which belongs to Beleevers, and to the Saints of God, to be able to meditate terror; [Page 84] you have the expression in Isa. 33. 18. There it's held forth unto us, as a Saints and Beleevers priviledge; that hearts shall meditate terror: And it is not every Faith that will bring a Saint into the actual possession of free usage of this priviledge. (I would you would labour to have a fixed heart now upon what I speak, and be in a due composure.) I say this, It is not every degree of Faith, that will bring the soul into the actual and free possession, and usage of this priviledge that I now speak of: For, to make that which is matter of terror and amazement; that which is apt to sink and swallow up the hearts and spirits of others, to make it the matter of our joyful and comfortable meditation; 'tis not every Faith, every degree of Faith. 'Tis true indeed, every Faith in the lowest degree, hath a tendency to it: every Faith doth more or less, make proposition to a carnal and slavish fear. But it is found in experience, that where Faith is but low and weak, it is apt to be over-top'd, and over-powred, by base, carnal, slavish fear; it is found in common experience. But it must be a well-improved Faith, a Faith well grown, that inables the soul to bear up boldly and resolutely, when there is matter of fear before it. The Prophet speaks, in Psal. 112. concerning the righteous man, That he hath his heart fixed; he is so advanced in his Faith, as that he is come to a fixedness; his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.—And then it follows, He shall not be afraid for any evil tydings; that that is matter of terror and astonishment to others, he can with a sweet composure of spirit, meditate of, muse upon, and be in the thoughts of; this is a great matter, and a lovely priviledge, and that which we should set our [Page 85] hearts upon: Such a Faith, of such a growth, we should endeavour after, that we may be able to meditate terror.——There is a terribleness in God,—in his Name,—The Lord is of terrible Majesty,—Terribleness in his presence; when that Proclamation was made, in Isa. 6. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts; the Prophet cryes out now, Woe is me. When there was a Proclamation of God upon Mount Synai, in thunder and lightning: When there was that dreadful voice, O, the people cry out, let us hear no more the voice of God, left we die. Now, a well-improved Faith will be able for to meditate of this terror, I, and to dwell with that God in holy meditation, and to converse with that God that is of such terrible Majesty: Who shall dwell with devouring fire? who shall dwell with everlasting burnings? that is, as terrible as devouring fire, as dreadful as everlasting burning; who shall dwell with him? who shall be able to bear up at the thoughts of him? why, a soul that is well improved in his Faith, will be inabled so to do: Such a Faith, of such a growth, we should endeavour after, as that we may be able thus to meditate the terror of God; not be affraid of him. True it is, it is a duty that is incumbent upon us, to have our hearts in a holy awe, but withal, to bear up in a holy boldness, and not to be swallowed up with fear, upon the manifestations of the terribleness of God.
So there is a terribleness in the Law, in the Covenant of works that God made, and which he made a dreadful discovery of upon Si [...]ai: A fiery Law it is, and so called, in Deut. 33. It's a terrible Law, that flashes fire and vengeance in the face of an ungodly sinner, of a guilty wretch: I, but now, [Page 86] the Faith of a Beleever well improved, will inable him for to meditate with sweet composure of spirit, upon this terrible Law; and with a rejoycing spirit, think of the ridgedness, and sevear requiries of it; knowing, that it hath taken sanctuary at a Covenant which is full of mercy and comfort, and doth sweetly revive and succour the soul, under the dreadfullest representations that can be made to it of its own guilt.
There is a terribleness in Death, and it is called the King of Terrors: And how many are there, that are not able to bear the thoughts of it? not able to stand before the thoughts of their dying? I, how many are there, poor creatures, that, when the thoughts of Death do but arise in them, they are ready to be swallowed up of it; and they do all that ever they can to fortifie themselves against those thoughts; as 'tis a common thing for persons to do: they cannot indure to be put upon the serious consideration of their dying day, and having a dissolution made between soul and body. Whence is this? but either from the total want, or a very great weakness that is in their Faith?—either their want, that they have none at all, and then, no marvel, that the thoughts of Death be terrible to them; why, they are under the guilt of sin, and they must go to Hell when they dye. O, it's a sad thing, and I would there might be a fixedness of heart upon this; it is a sad thing to think of it, that there should be nothing but a little breath between a poor creature and eternal destruction; and if that be but with-held for a quarter of an hour, the soul goes down to eternity: if God take away their breath, they dye, and return to dust; and when they dye, they dye in a state of guilt, and so damn [Page 87] to eternity: Now, no marvel, that such persons cannot indure to meditate such terror.——And then others, that are weak in their Faith, and are not comfortably setled in their confidence concerning the Grace of Christ in them, and their reconciled state: No marvel, if they be shaken and perplexed about it, when they come to have the thoughts of death. Now, Faith improved to a good degree, will inable a soul to meditate this terror, to think of it, I, with a holy rejoycing, and content: to think that a day will come, that will make a dissolution between the soul and body, that so upon that dissolution, there may be a more full injoyment of the Lord Jesus, according to what the Apostle speaks, in Phil. 1. having a desire. I desire to depart; when a mans Faith will inable the soul to this, to look upon death, as a thing to be desired: not only as that which there is a necessity lying upon the creature to undergo; not only so, there is a necessity lies upon me, it being enacted, so that a soul dies out of a necessity, he cannot help it; if he could help it, he would be glad with all his heart, to keep off the stroke of death; but he dyes out of choice: this is the Faith that we should press after; and this is that, that Faith well improved, will inable to meditate this terror, and to bear up under the apprehensions of it; reckoning upon this, That, as to live, is Christ, so, to dye it will be gain, as the Apostle speaks; and therefore he professeth, that he has a desire rather to be dissolved, and to be with Christ, which is best of all.
And then again, there is a terribleness in judgement, so it is called, in 2 Car. 5. The terror of the Lord; the day which is appointed, wherein God will judge the World in Righteousness, by that [Page 88] man whom he hath ordained, even the Lord Jesus. And all the Sons and Daughters of Adam, that ever were, from the beginning of the Creation, to the time of that appearing of his, shall all be convented, and made to stand before his Judgementseat: and we, that are here this morning, shall all stand before this Judgement; and shall give an account to God of our preaching, and bearing, and how we have carried our selves in the Assemblies, and under the dispensations of the Ordinances, when there shall be an appearing before the great Judge of all the World. Truly, this day is a terrible thing, and it is called, (as I said) The terror of the Lord. Now, I say, this is a terror that a Faith-less soul will not be able to meditate, he is not able to bear up under the thoughts of it, and therefore doth all that it can to drive them away, black, melancholy thoughts, thoughts of death, and of judgement: Such thoughts as these cannot be indured to set a foot over the threshold, nor to come under the roof of the house: no, we will have nothing to do with such black thoughts.——And then, those that are weak in Faith, they are ready to be startled at the apprehensions of this: It's a terror to them, to think of a day of Judgement: I, but I say, that a well-improved Faith, a Faith that is of a good growth, it will inable to meditate this terror, and to bring the soul to the free usage and possession of this blessed priviledge that belongs unto Beleevers. A person of a well-grown Faith, will be able to think of this with joy and gladness: be glad to think of the day wherein the Lord Jesus shall appear in flaming fire, to render vengeance to them that know not God, and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: A [Page 89] man of a well-grown Faith, will be able to meditate this terror, and to rejoyce at the thoughts of it: It is the day of his gladness, therefore to this purpose, our Saviour saith, when these and these things shall come, do you lift up your [...]eads: When mens hearts shall fail them with looking after those things that shall come upon the earth; and when others shall cry out with Balaam, Alas, who shall live? what will become of us now? It is an amazing thing to think, when the Heavens shall be raised, and the Lord shall appear with his mighty Angels, to think what startling there will be, and running this way, and that way! O! what a dreadful day is this? I am not able to stand before this Judge of all the World. O, it's an amazing thing to think, what skreeking and crying there will be on the part of ungodly sinners, that are strangers to Christ and Grace! But, a poor soul, that is well improved in Faith and Grace, he will be able to bear up with boldness: and our Saviour speaks to that purpose; when mens hearts shall fail them, and grow dead as a stone within them, and they shall be fall of astonishment, upon the appearing of the Lord Jesus. Then lift up your heads with joy, the day of your Redemption draweth nigh: So that this is another thing that a well-grown Faith will inable to. To meditate terror, the terror of God,—The terror of the Law,—The terror of Death,—The terror of Judgement. O beloved, this is the Faith that we should press to; and this growth in Faith, that you may be inabled to have the free usage of this blessed priviledge; and that when others shall be over-whelmed in their spirits, you may be able to bear up with comfort. You hear of this, as that wherein we are to evidence a [Page 90] growth in Faith, when we are able to meditate Terror.
Lastly, This I would only say, such a Faith we should press to, such a growth in Faith; and that we may be a [...], not only to look for, but to long after the serious appearing of Christ, which follows upon the former. O, it is not every Faith that will inable to this, to be in holy longings after the coming of the Lord Jesus: Y [...]u come behind (saith the Apostle) in no gift, waiting for that coming of Christ, waiting for it, and hastening to it: It is that which a well-grown Faith will inable to; and such a degree of Faith, our duty is to endeavour after, that we may be able to say, with the Spouse, even so come Lord Jesus, come quickly. And thus I have spoken to you concerning Faith, when the Apostle calls upon us to grow in Grace. I have prest the duty, with respect to this particular Grace of Faith: and this know, (as I said in the beginning of the discourse,) That truly, the growth of other Graces, doth very much depend upon the growth of Faith: and the reason why we are so low and poor in other Graces, it is, because our Faith is not better improved, and raised up to a higher pitch.
But yet, I would speak something concerning two or three other Graces; and so endeavour to fasten this charge of the Apostle upon you. Your duty is, (if you have Grace) to grow in Grace: do but think of it seriously, and study to answer the duty of the Text; Grow in Grace; Grow in Faith.
I, and know, that it is your duty to grow in Love; In Love to God, in Love to Christ, in Love to the Truth, in Love to the Saints, in Love with Heaven; this is that that you should set your hearts [Page 91] unto. Have you any thing of the Love of God in you? If you know that; it's your duty to improve in that Love, as you are taught of God to Love; so you are taught of God, to increase, and abound in Love. If there be a spark of Love in you to God, you should labour to bless God for that; but labour withal, that that spark may be blown up into a flame.
Are you able to say, with Peter, if the question should be put to you, as it was to him; Simon, Son of J [...]nah, Lovest thou me? You should be thinking with your selves, if Christ should put such a question to you; such a one, Thomas, John, Brother, Sister, dost thou love me? that you may be able to say, without check of conscience; Yea Lord, thou knowest that I love thee. It were very good for every one of us, to be putting this question to our own hearts; O my soul, dost thou love God indeed? art thou able to make a bold profession of thy love to God? Doth not thy conscience tell thee, that thou lyest, when thou sayest thou lovest him, and his Christ, and his Spirit, and his waies? Dost thou indeed love him? If we can say with boldness, and without check, and controul of conscience; Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.
Then I would say this to thee; Dost thou love him? O, labour to love him more and more; to love him with a more intire love, with a more intensive love. Love him with such a love, that whatsoever duties he requires of thee, thou mayest cheerfully apply to them. O Lord, I love thee, and I so love thee, that I think nothing too much to do for thee; so love thee, as that I think nothing too much to suffer for thee. If thou call me to duty, [Page 92] O Lord, I love thee so dearly, that I stick at nothing of duty. O Lord, I love thee with such an intire, and an intensive love, that I think nothing too much to suffer for thee: such a love we should press to, and improve to such a flame, that we may be able to say, all this is come upon us, (as the Church speaks, in Ps. 44.) yet have we not departed from thee, no [...] have we dealt falsely in thy Covenant: this is the Love, a flaming Love to God, to Christ, to the Truth, to waies of Holyness; such a Love, as no waters may be able to quench.
And then thirdly, Grow in Grace,—in what Grace? O Christians, if so be that you have any Fear of God in you, look to it that that fear be a growing Fear: I speak now of a holy fear, a child-like fear, a fear of Reverence, a fear that is consistent with love: The Fear of God, it is a Grace which you should endeavour to grow in; that it may be said of you, that you Fear God; I, you fear God above many. It's an excellent testimony that's given concerning one, in the book of Neh. The testimony is given of him, that he feared God, and he feared God above many. Now, such a fear, that we may go beyond others in their fear: others have a fear of God, to such or such a degree, I, but the fear in such a one, is far passing the fear of others:——Such a fear of God we should endeavour to come to, that when a temptation comes upon us, and it comes with the greatest advantages, (consider of it) and we have the fairest opportunities to commit the sin that we are tempted to: such a fear we should endeavour to be possest withal, that we may break the force, and power of the temptation, that it may not, in the least, fasten upon us. Such a fear there was in [Page 93] Ioseph, when the temptation was upon him só strong, and comes upon him with so much advantage, the fear of God was so strong upon his heart, that he was inabled to bid defiance to the temptation, and to quit himself in an honourable manner.—
Such a Fear of God, so improved, and grown up to such a degree, that when there are difficult duties before us to perform; and such duties, as we shall be in danger by performing of them, to fall into deep and dreadful sufferings: Such a Fear, as, let the danger be what it will, that I may expose my self to, in case I perform the duty; yet, the Fear of God is so strong upon my heart, as that, notwithstanding all the danger, the duty shall be done. This was the case of Obadiah; there was a duty incumbent upon him, and which he had opportunity to perform, concerning the Prophets of the Lord; He takes 100 of them, and gets them into a Cave, and there he feeds them by 50 in a Cave; this was a very difficult, and a dangerous duty; it was as much as his life amounted to, in case that Iezabel should have come to the knowledge of it. I, but notwithstanding the difficulty, and the danger; such was the fear of God in him, that he was inabled to the performance of this duty; and therefore he could speak boldly to Eliah, in 1 Kin. 18. I, thy Servant, fear the Lord; and that with such a fear, thot when Iezabel slew the Prophets of the Lord, I hid 100 of them by 50 in a Cave.—
Such a fear we should labour to be possest withal, as that, when we are apt to be insnared, and inslaved by the fear of men, the fear of God may break the force of that fear. [Page 94] Solomon tell us, In the fear of man, there is a snare, and how apt are people to be ensnared by it? I, but now, if the Fear of God were but well improved, it would break the snare, and swallow up the fear of man. In the fear of man there is a snare; But, in the fear of the Lord, there is strong confidence: these are two Proverbs that are worthy of our meditation: now, this is the fear that we should press after. As in the case of the three Children, that were required, upon pain of being cast into a Fiery Furnace, they must fall down, and worship the Golden Image: there was the fear of the King; I, but there was the fear of God so improved upon their hearts, that they would not be inslaved, nor insnared by the Kings fear. And so the Disciples of our Lord, when the charge was given them, that they should preach no more in this Name; they laboured to put them into a Fear, and to over-awe them, that they should let their cause fall, and appear no more in the Name of Jesus: I, but mark how their spirits are kept up, having the Fear of God strong upon their hearts; they were inabled to break the snare, and to go on in the way of their duty. Such a Fear of God we should labour to be possest withal, to grow up to such a degree, that dutyes, though difficult and dangerous, may be performed;—and sins may be resisted;—and that the fear of man may be conquered. Such a fear we should endeavour to grow in.
And then, as our duty is to grow in the Grace of Faith, of Love, and of the Fear of God; So our duty is, to endeavour a growth in Holyness. It is a mercy to have the least impress of Holyness upon our spirits: I, but our duty is, to grow in Holyness: If we be holy, we should endeavour to [Page 95] be more holy; according to that, in Rev. 22. Le [...] him that is Righteous, be Righteous still; let him be more Righteous: Let him that is Holy, be Holy still: Let him be holy, and holy, and more and more holy; and let him labour to better his Holyness, and to grow up to a higher degree. We are not only to look to the beginning of Holyness, but to the progress, and to the increases of it; according to what the Apostle charges, 2 Cor. 7. Having these promises, let us cleanse our selves from all pollution of flesh and spirit. Is there some filthyness cleansed away? I, but see that you cleanse your selves from all filthyness of flesh and spirit. Is there Holyness begun in you? I, but see that you perfect Holyness in the Fear of God: this is our duty, thus to grow in Holyness; I, and so to be holy, even as God is holy, according to what the Lord requires: not, that we can come to such a perfection; I, but, according to the state of a creature, we should endeavour to be holy, as God is holy. As he is holy, as a God; so, we should labour to be holy, according to the state and measure of a creature. We should endeavour after the highest degree of Holyness.
Grow in Holyness, and to such a pitch of Holyness, as that it may be said of us, according to what our Saviour speaks of the Spouse, Thou art all fair, my Love, and there is no spot in thee. Our duty is, to endeavour after such a degree of Holyness, as, that there may be no blemish; but that we may be presented before God, at last, with exceeding joy.
Such a Holyness we should endeavour to press after, as that we may be sensible of the least measure of corruption: where there is but a little [Page 96] Grace, corruptions and lusts, in the stirrings of them, are not so easily perceived: But, where there is most Grace, there is most life; and where there is most life, there is most spiritual sense and feeling: and there are none so sensible of corruption, and stirrings of lust, as those that have the most Grace in them: there are secret motions of sin and corruption, which, it may be, a person that hath but a lower measure and degree of Grace and Faith, will not take any great notice of; The motions, and inward boylings of lusts and corruptions; the lust of Uncleanness, or of Pride, or Covetounsess: There's many a stirring lust, that a soul, that either is in total want of Grace, or hath but Grace in a lower measure or degree, takes no great knowledge of. I, but when there comes to be a growth in Grace, to a good degree; O, then every stirring of lust and corruption, will be perceived, and the soul will be up against it, and endeavour a suppressing of it. Such a growth in Grace and Holyness, that there may be a sense of every lust and corruption; a lust cannot stir in the soul, but the soul is upon the back of it, and endeavours to use all severity against it.
Such a growth in Holyness we should endeavour to, that we may be most cordially complyant with all the Counsels of God; and the more the will of God is manifested, and made known to us, the more we delight in it: the more it is made to appear in the latitude of it, and in the strictness of it, the more our hearts are upon complyance with it. Such a Holyness we should endeavour to press after, as that we may be able to say; there is a [...]ecret heart rising against every bubling of corruption.
[Page 97] Such a Holyness we should press after, as that we can take the greatest delight in communion with God.
Such a Holyness, as that we can long after. Heaven; and that, because of the Holyness of it.
Such a degree of Holyness, as that we may be able to say, we are even weary of living here in this lower World, because of the corruptions, and lusts, and prophaneness, and abominable impieties that are committed here.
O, this is the Holyness that we should endeavour to; such a degree of Holyness, as that we may be made every day more and more suitable to God, and fitted to hold communion with the blessed God: For this know, that the more Holyness, the more conformity to God;—and the more Holyness, the more fitness for the most intimate communion with God. And thus, in these, and all other Graces, we should endeavour to gorw; according to the charge of the Apostle here; But grow in Grace. I have thus been labouring with you, according to my ability, and pressing upon you to this purpose; a growth in Grace, a growth in Faith, a growth in Love, a growth in the Fear of God, a growth in Holyness, and so in other Graces, which I might insist upon. But I shall satisfie my self, in having thus dealt with you, concerning these particulars.
And in the General, according to the expression of the Text; Brethren, this is your duty; you that are sons and daughters of Grace, this is the duty that is incumbent upon you, and which is required of you:—You that l [...]ave Grace, your duty is, to [Page 98] grow in Grace, and endeavour such a growth in Grace, that sin may be almost quite gone out of you: thus it is, so much as you have of Grace, so much there is of a riddance of sin; so much as there is a remaining of sin, so much there is of the want of Grace. Now, this is our duty, to endeavour such a growth in Grace, as that there may be much of Grace, and but little of sin; that the house of David may grow stronger and stronger, and may appear so to do, by the house of Saul, its growing every day weaker and weaker.
Oh Christians, so should you labour to grow, and to grow to such a degree, to such a measure and proportion of Grace, that you may be able to say, Truly, the case stands so with me; heretofore it stood thus with me, that I could scarce tell how to do a duty, and to turn my hand upon any holy duty; but now, through the Grace of God, and his blessing upon the means I have used, I am come to that pass now, that I can scarce tell now how to commit a sin: this is the growth we should press after: I can do nothing against the truth, I could do little for the truth; I can do little or nothing against the truth: I had strength to sin, and I was very weak to duty, weak for prayer, and weak for beleeving, and weak for conflicting with corruptions: I, but now Grace is so improved in me, that now I am able to do any thing, I am able to do all things, through Christ, and by his Grace in me: I cannot sin for my heart, as once I could: this is the growth that we should press after.
I, such a growth in grace we should endeavour to, as that we may be, upon all occasions, commanded by the Scripture, and by Scripture-arguments [Page 99] and reasons, and swayed with them, whatsoever arguments come to the contrary. Truly, this is an argument of a soul well improved in Grace, and in the things of God; when Gods arguments will bear sway with it, all other arguments, they signifie little or nothing; but an argument drawn from the Command of God, from the Love of God, and from Grace; such an argument will prevail. I shall sin against God, if I neglect this duty;—if I commit this, I shall dishonour Gods;—I shall offend my Brother;—I shall wound my Conscience; I shall walk unsuitably to the Name that's call'd upon me, to my holy Profession;—I shall walk unanswerably to the Grace that I am planted under: when such arguments as these are of a prevailing power, it's an argument that the Kingdom of God is come with power into our souls, when Christs arguments are the swaying, and the prevailing arguments with us. Thus now, I have been driving this business; for my own part, I profess to you, (and the Lord help us to consider wisely of it,) I hope I may say, in regard of the Grace of God implanted, it doth as much concern me, as any one of you; that I press on you to a growth in Grace; it's as much my duty as yours, and as much your duty as mine; and it will be a woful account that we shall give another day, if you and I shall appear before the Lord Jesus Christ, and shall have this charged upon us: you preach'd indeed a growth in Grace, and you that were the hearers, you heard concerning a growth in Grace; but neither Preacher nor Hearer, set your selves to answer your duty. Now, ow shall we give account of this? if you will go away with meer notions, and rest in this; for I tell you, there is a [Page 100] great deal of danger that you lye open to, in passing over Sermons of this nature, making no great matter of them. You have heard the Discourse, and have been called upon to this purpose; Grow in Grace, and in the mean time, please your selves with this conceit; well, it matters not, it is a mysterious thing, we know not what to think of the matter, whether there be such a growth as is spoken of; we will look to this, to see that there be Grace in the truth of it, and so put off the matter of growth: I tell you, that this is dangerous. We must, as we will approve our selves to God, and walk worthy of the provision he hath made to us; it is our duty, that as we have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so, to walk in him, grow up in him that is the head, and increase with the increase of God; and hold some proportion to time, and means, and ordinances, and pains that God takes with us; and that our profiting may appear unto all men.
IT is our duty, as you have heard, to grow in Grace; and so to grow, that our profiting may appear unto all: And it is that which concerns both Preachers and Hearers, and all sorts of Professors of Godlyness; that they endeavour this, that their profiting may appear, appear to themselves, appear one to another.
And if you will ask me how we shall make it to appear that we do profit, that there is an improvement, that we do grow in Grace; how shall we make it appear?—supposing that there is a willingness, and the heart is brought to this, that it may be made to appear, you may, without any great difficulty, attain to a resolution this way.
Do not you know how men make it appear, that they have more strength of body than others? they make it appear by greater activities, and by doing more, and greater services.
You know how men make it appear, that they are richer than they were; that they are increased in their estates; why, they will, (if they be ingenious, and be not base, and sordid, and slaves to their injoyments,) make it appear in a suitableness in their deportment, and carriages, and expences, and layings out: they will fare better, and they will go better apparelled, and they will be more ready to give, and they will drive greater trades: you know this as well as I, and better to; you know how men make it appear that they are richer men, [Page 102] of more able estates:—why, and do not you know how you may make it appear that you are better men in Christ? that you are better in Godlyness? that you have more Grace than you had? Surely, you cannot but reach this apprehension, and know how you may make it appear that you are so, that you are better in Faith and Godlyness. Wicked men, they do make it clearly to appear, that they are worse than once they were; they will act more vigorously for the Devil, and in opposition to God, and to the waies of Godlyness: Wicked men, they make it clearly to appear, that they do grow worse and worse; they are more prophane, more proud; they discover themselves so to be, by rising higher and higher in their impieties, and insolencies against God; and discovering themselves without shame, and any check, without any startling at it, discovering themselves that they are resolv'd upon it, for to go on with a high hand in their evil way.—Why now, cannot you tell, you that are the sons and daughters of Grace, that have the Grace of God in you, the Truth in you, and whose duty it is to grow in Grace? Cannot you tell how you may make it appear that you do grow in Grace? you should shew your growth, manifest it to others, and to your selves, by being more active for God, and for Godlyness;—speak more for God,—plead more for the cause of God,—be more spiritual in your discourses when you meet one with another, that others may find, that certainly there is a good stock of Grace within, because there is such large expence without. When you shall come to be more in holy discourses one with another, and labouring to help one another heaven-ward; and be communicating [Page 103] one with another, in order to the furtherance of one another in the waies of Godlyness; strengthen the hands one of another in God. When you shall come to make it appear, that you have more courage, and boldness, and resolution for waies of Holyness; when you are more fruitful in the duties of Godlyness, and frequent in them. Thus you should endeavour to make it appear, that you are persons, that of a truth do grow in Grace; that you may give occasion, one to another, to say, with rejoycing hearts; now, blessed be God, that such a one comes on a-pace, shoots up a-main, grows up to a goodly stature: this is that that we should set our hearts unto.
What can I speak that is more proper for to be spoken to those that are called to the participation of the Grace of the Gospel? O, let not these words which I have spoken to this purpose, let them not pass away, as if so be that we were discoursing of a very fable. Ah consider! that I am speaking about growth in Grace; and about the making of this growth visibly to appear; that it may appear to God,—appear to others,—appear to our selves; that our Consciences may be able for to witness with us, that of a truth there is a growth: This is your duty; and this is my business this morning, in part, thus to press upon you; not doubting, but that I speak to such as have received the Grace of God in truth. Consider, that this Text doth charge it upon you, that you look to your growth. And thus you have, according to the Apostles Counsel, and Expression, you have (and no more than needs) precept upon precept, and line upon line, here a little, and there a little; and I have done thus; I am dropping, and di [Page 104] stilling in you, and working as I can; but the Lord work, and transmit it from your ears to your hearts, this word which doth speak to you, that you grow in Grace, and that you manifest a growth.
If so be that you ask me now; I but what course shall we take? what may we do in order to this?
I would you were well ripened by virtue of that which hath been already performed in managing of this argument: I would to God that your hearts and minds were well ripened for the giving in of some directions to such a purpose: And I wish with all my heart, that you and I had but our hearts brought to this, to make a conscientious improvement of what we do already know: for I cannot but think, concerning many of you, that have been long hearers of Sermons, and professors of the Gospel of Gods Grace; that you, having heard often concerning growth in Grace, that you are able to say, why, such an expedient hath been over and over, time after time propounded to me; I have had such a direction, and such a direction. I cannot but be perswaded, that you are able to suggest to your selves what course is to be taken in order to spiritual growth; but all the matter is this, to make improvement of what we know, and to look to it, that we do not suffer our knowledge to lye dead upon our hands: but that which is the mischief of all, and doth us the greatest spoyl in Religion, is this; That when we hear Sermons, and have Gods directions given, and Wisdoms Counsels concerning a course to be taken for our souls good; when we come to hear these things, we let them lye dead upon our hands, and never [Page 105] set our selves to make a business of it, but resolve our Religion and Godlyness into a meer formality, or mostly do; and do not set our selves in good earnest about the business that God calls for at our hands. Let me ask you now these Questions, being that I am to give you some directions how you may come to grow in Grace.
Did you never hear that this hath been an expedient that hath been propounded, a means prescribed, that you should take heed of worldly intanglements, of setting your hearts upon the World, of loving the World, and the things of the World? Did you never hear that this hath been a means propounded to you? I am perswaded that you have been taught to know, that if you would grow in Grace, you must take heed of setting your heart upon the World, of loving the World, and the things of the World.
I, but consider now, what will your Consciences answer? Have I been careful to walk according to this direction? have I set my heart upon this, in order to growth in Grace, for to keep as loose as I can? use it, but not set my heart upon it? Truly, this is a proper thing for to look to. Alas, Brethren, if you have not known it to purpose, labour to know it, that the World is a great enemy both to the plantation, (the World I mean, when the heart comes to close with it, and with the things of it,) it is a very great enemy both to the plantation, and likewise to the augmentation of Grace: It hinders Grace from taking root, and it hinders Grace after 'tis rooted, from springing up: 'Tis a very great enemy to increase, and growth in Grace.
[Page 106] And this know, It is a very hard matter to find a man that grows very rich in the World, that the same man doth grow very rich in Grace: It is possible so to be; but I profess, I do think it is a very rare thing to find, that a man that grows exceeding rich in the World, and is very eagerly set to advance in his worldly state; that that man, though he may have Grace in truth; yet, it's rare to find such a man to grow up to any considerable pitch of Grace and Godlyness. Therefore, let that be considered.—
And then secondly, Will you but do this? If there be but a desire to grow in Grace, (as I am sure there is cause for it,) will you but set your hearts to this; take heed there be not any secret corresponding with, and favouring of any thing that is sensual and naught. Take heed of any lust, not only of a willing allowance, but of any favour, any friendly respect unto it; for truly, this is a great enemy to growth in Grace. Take heed of favouring your self in any corruption, whether it be Pride, or Covetousness, or Self-love, or Uncleanness, or a passionate spirit; take heed of bearing the least favour to these; but be as severe against them as you can; use as strict discipline upon your lusts and corruptions as you can. O, 'tis this that doth do us a great deal of mischief, and doth very much prejudice the soul; that there is not a more through repenting, and breaking off our corruptions and lusts. Amnon's lustful love to his Sister Thamar, it made him look lean from day to day: (I allude to it,) O, saith he to him, why do'st thou, being the Kings Son, look lean from day to day? O, saith he, I love my Sister Thamar. Why are Christians, that are the Kings Sons and Daughters, [Page 107] lean from day to day? O! there's something amiss! something lyes within! some lust and corruption, that is not fully subdued! This is that that causeth leanness in their faces.
And then thirdly, have not you been directed to this? That you would take heed of entertaining conceits of your own perfection; that you would take heed of swelling thoughts, of what you have already attained, so as to fancy to your selves a perfection. Keep your hearts in this apprehension, as Paul doth; I have not yet attained, I am not yet perfect, I am not so good as I should be; and I am not so good as I am resolved to be; and thereupon you will, by Grace, come to this resolve as Paul did. I have not yet attain'd, I am not yet perfect; why then, I will forget what is behind, and I will reach to that which is before. Your duty is, to take knowledge of whatsoever Grace you have already received: I, but so take notice of it, to be thankful, as that you do not rest in it, and say, it is enough, and I will look after no more: But so bless God for what is already bestowed upon you, that you still be pressing on for a larger supply, and that you may come to be more and more improved in the Grace that is begun.
Fourthly, I would add this, in order to your growth, that you may do according to your duty; you and I, that we may grow in Grace: Will you but seriously propound this to your selves, make it your business, and resolve upon it, that you will do your utmost to grow in Grace, and to be every day better and better? Natural growth, that comes on, whether we mind it or no. The child that's conceived in the womb, it minds not its growth;—when its born, and in its infancy, it minds not its growth; [Page 108] I, but yet there is a growth, and nature carries it on: I, but it is not so in Grace. Growth in Grace must be minded, and it must be attained, and we must propound it to our selves, that we may grow. And truly, I am perswaded, if so be that Christians would but go to work like rational creatures, like men that understood themselves in a religiously rational way; if so be that they would but go to work as those that do with religious reason weigh and consider, that this is their duty to grow; and propound it, and make it their design, and resolve upon it, to make a business of it, that they may grow in Grace; I am very consident of it, that there would be better growth: You know whether this be propounded by you, that you may be better in your Faith, and Love, and Holyness; that you may have more of God, and of Christ, more of the Kingdom of God, more of the power of the Gospel, be more in expressing these things: Your Consciences can tell you whether you propound these things to your selves, whether you can say; Truly, I am not so good as I would be; I would be better, and, by the Grace of God, I will be better; I will endeavour to better my condition, and to express more of the in-dwelling of Christ in me. Undoubtedly, if you would but resolve to make it a business, it would be better with you than it is.
5. If you desire to grow in Grace, do but study what Grace is, and if you have it, what it is in you; why, is it not a lovely thing? Do you know what Grace is? a dramn of it is worth a 10000 Worlds! O, a little Faith, a little Love, a little of the Grace of God, it is more precious than all the p [...]arls and jewels in the whole World; [Page 109] there's nothing comparable to it. Now, if you have a little of this precious commodity, why should not your hearts be set to this, that you may have more of it? And truly, this would be a good conducement to the raising up of your hearts to an endeavour this way: why, this Grace is a precious thing; a little I have gotten of it, and it is so precious, that I will not be contented with this little, but I will labour to have as much of it as I can: more love, O, more love! never, never, never too much of that.
Sixthly, If you would grow in Grace, look to your union with Christ; He is the head, and you are the members, if you are Beleevers: Now, the body grows by influence from the head. Truly, our growth, it springs up from union with Christ; If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, then it shall be well, if so be that you hold the head: 'Tis an excellent expression you have in 2 Collos. the Apostle useth that expression, of holding the head; by vertue of which holding the head, there comes to be an increasing with all the increase of God: When thou art well skilled in this mysterie of holding the head, in a dependance upon Christ, drawing every day from the Lord Jesus, not contenting himself with what he hath received, but is still drawing and sucking from Christ, the breasts of Christ. He is in the proper way of proficiency, and improvement in Grace. These are not empty notions; no, they are the things of the spirit of God; the spirit of Wisdom doth suggest them to you, and therefore let them be accordingly regarded and heeded by you.
Seventhly, your duty is, to grow, and to grow in Grace: In order to that, I will tell you what will be a a good conducement; labour to make it sure that you [Page 110] have Grace in the truth of it, and be very much in that inquiry into your selves; so, as that you may be clear in this, that you have the true Grace of God in you; that it is the true Grace of God wherein you stand. This is a good conducement to proficiency, and growth in Grace, when you come to know that there is a work begun: For mark you, if so be that a man be about a building, and do question whether the foundation be well laid yea or no; truly, he can never go on so clearly, and so dexterously in the carrying on of the building. But if so be that he be well perswaded, sufficiently satisfied concerning this, that the foundation is well laid; this will strengthen his hands for to go on in the work.—If so be that a man be upon a journey, and question whether he be in the right way or no; he hath begun the journey, and he is doubting whether he be in the right way yea or no; this will put him to a puzzel, and make him to be fluctuating, and hesitating; had I best go on, I doubt whether I be in the right way yea or no? this will cause slackness of his motion; but if he be sure that he is in the way, this will be much to the incouraging of him to make a further progress. So if I find, and am sure that this be the right way, that I have Grace in the truth of it; this will cause us to labour after the growth in Grace.
Eighthly, You are to be upon the Faithful and diligent exercise of what you have: The reason why we have no more Faith is, because we are not more upon the exercise of that Faith which we have: We speak of trusting in God; Alas, how few are there of us, that do any thing to purpose in the exercise of our trust, and beleeving? [Page 111] exercising Faith upon Christ, and upon the Covenant of God in Christ, concerning pardon of sin, sanctification: why, for want of exercising what Grace we have already received; w [...] improve no more;—the promise is a faithful promise, and God will be true to it; He that hath, to him shall be given: He that hath,—what's that? he that hath, and useth; for we must needs understand it in that sense: He speaks of the man that had the Talent, and had imployed it, had gain'd five talents; he had imployed his talent, saith Christ, give him the other talent; for to him that hath, that is, that hath, and doth use, and imploy what he hath, to him shall be given. If we would now but set our selves seriously, and consideringly upon this business, and exercise, and imploy what Grace God hath given, we may be confident of it, that God will come in with the inlargeings of his spirit.
Ninthly, Our duty is, in order to growth in Grace; to be constant in our attendance upon such means which God hath appointed for such a purpose; Word, and Ministry, and other Gospel-ordinances, as we lye fair for the injoyment of them. Truly, these means are provided for this very purpose, that Christians may grow: God hath set up a ministry in the World, not only to bring persons, that were strangers to Grace, to the participation of it; but that, being brought to partake of Grace, they may come to be increased in Grace: Christ ascended up on high, and gave gifts unto men, for the perfecting of the Saints, as well as for the planting of the Saints: and this is our duty, when we have sound the power of the Gospel upon our hearts, to bring us from [Page 112] darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God; When we have found the efficacy of the ordinances to begin Grace, our duty is to attend them still; that that Grace being begun, may by the same means, be increased unto the day of perfection. This is the will of God, and we may be confident of this, that when Christians come to Gods means, propounding Gods ends, (mark what I say) and accordingly, wisely, judiciously, and conscientiously applying to the means, to such ends and purposes; they may be confident of it, that God will come in with a blessing: for God doth delight to crown his own means, to prosper his own prescriptions; he loves to see his meat that he gives his children, to prove their nourishment, their physick to promote their health; God loves to see his means that he provides for the good of souls, to see them succesful. Consider, can you think so dishonourably of God, of the most blessed God; that he should provide a Ministry, continue it in the World, continue his people in their attendance upon it? what, meerly that they might keep on in a formalizing course, and be never the better. Or, can we think so dishonourably of God, as, that he would go and tye us to hear, and attend the Ministry of his Gospel, and Grace, and withhold his blessing, while we do conscienciously and judiciously apply our selves to such means?—Can we think so dishonourably of God, as that he will suspend his working? Ah Brethren! the Lord delights to meet them with his blessing, that remember him in his waies: Do but think of that passage in Isa. 64. and look that Text full in the face, and hear what it speaks to you; Thou meetest him that rejoyceth, and worketh righteousness; those [Page 113] that remember thee in thy waies: mark it, Thou meetest them;—to what purpose?—why, to prosper them, to command thy blessing upon them. I, undoubtedly, if we did but propound this to our selves, when we come to attend the Ordinances; think thus with our selves, why God hath set up this Ministry in the World, that his peoples souls might prosper, that they might thrive, that they might grow rich, that they might improve in Knowledge, and Faith, and Holyness, and Love, (and the like;) God hath given this, that there might be the perfecting of the Saints, the perfecting of my Soul. I go to this means, I attend this Ministry, and I will attend in expectation of a blessing of God upon it; I will wait upon God, and I will expect his blessing, and reckon upon it, that I shall be the better for these means; 'tis God's means, and he loves to be found in his own way, and to bless and prosper his own appointments. Oh, this is that would conduce exceeding much to proficiency in Faith and Godlyness, if we would but go this way to work. But I tell you, Friends, our formality spoyls us; it's a most lamentable thing to consider, what formalizing spirits many of us have: Will you but mind this that I say? I would I might not have that occasion that sometimes we have in the way of our preaching, to speak to such a purpose; people come together, and profess to pray, (as that's one part of our publick ministry;) yet, how many are there of you, that scarce ever close with one petition in a whole prayer; your eyes are wandering, and thoughts are roving. Do not your consciences tell you, that of a truth, you make nothing of this duty? but you can gaze, and wander, and look this way, and that way, and [Page 114] discover to others an unfixed heart, and that you mind not the business that you are transacting. What's this, but formalizing? as if we came to set out a prayer, and not to bear a part in prayer.——And so for hearing; with what a formalizing spirit are we many times? we can hear, as if we were not at all concerned in any thing that's spoken; never considering of the ordinances in reference to God, as that that hath the stamp of his Authority upon it: O this, if the Lord be not the more merciful, it will be the ruine of our souls, This Plague Formality. We have got a course of going to Church, (as you use to say) and keep on a course, and go in account for prosessors; but in the mean time, the heart little with God, if any thing at all, not raised up to God, not set to injoyment of God, and of holding communion with the Lord Jesus, never come to settle upon this thought; why, this is Gods means, that he hath provided for my improving in Faith and Godliness. I do profess, for my own part, I do not know, in all the World, what to speak more to the purpose, as touching this Agument, which is an Argument, that doth most neerly concern all that are partakers of the Grace of the Lord Jesus, for to look after.
10. Your duty is, to grow in Grace: Now, that you may do so, I would offer this to your consideration; (Do but rationally weigh these things that I now offer to you;) You that have Grace, your duty is, to grow in Grace; That you may do so, study Heaven, and the Glory that is to be revealed: I tell you, I look upon it, as that that is beyond all controversie, that well raised apprehensions of Heaven, the Glorious estate there, will [Page 115] make us to put spurs to it, and set on with diligence and care. If we did but know the interpretation of Heaven, what Heaven is; we get a notion of Heaven, but know not what it is; what it is to be in Heaven, what it is to injoy God in Glory, what it is to be with Christ and Angels, what it is to be in the possession of those blessed mansions above! If we did but study Heaven more, certainly, it would make us put on with more diligence, look about us, and set us upon a vigorous performance of Grace, and that we may increase in it. Consider a little,—you that have Grace; you are entituled to Heaven, 'tis your inheritance, the portion which your Father hath set out for you: I, but what is this Inheritance?—It is an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, that fadeth not away.—There is in Heaven the vision of God, the most Glorious God;—There is a Communion, an everlasting Communion with God, and with the Lamb, a following of the Lamb for evermore.—There is the injoyment of sweetest communion with Christ, and with Angels, and glorified Saints:—There is such Glory, as eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, it cannot enter into the heart of man to conceive: It is an amazing thing, what the state of Heaven is! what the Glory that is there to be injoyed!—There is fulness of joy, and pleasures for evermore! If so be that a man would but think of this; O! is Heaven such a place! such a holy, pure place! is there so much of the Glory of God appearing there! This will make a man to argue thus with himself; Good Lord, what manner of person should I be, that I may be fit for to come there, that I may be fit to set [...]y foot upon that holy Ground! O, what manner [Page 116] of person ought I to be! how shall I endeavour to be purged, and cleansed, according to that which the Apostle speaks in the 1 Epist. Joh. 3. saith he, He that hath this hope in him, he purifies himself, as God is pure. Such and such a thing is Heaven, there is such glory and beauty there, such glorious objects to behold, and such delights and pleasures to be injoyed! what manner of person ought I to be, that I may be meet to be partaker of the inheritance of the Saints in light? Certainly, the thoughts of Heaven being well digested, will make us to set on, and be a conducement to an advance in Grace and Holiness.
11. Lastly, your duty is, to grow in Grace: Suppose you have it in the beginnings of it; O, bless God for what you have; but withal, pray that you may have more: Prayer doth net obtain the first Grace: You do not [...]et the first Grace by prayer; for a man cannot pray, to speak of prayer according to the proper use of it; there's no man can pray till he have Grace. There may be something done in the strength of a common conviction; a person, that's convinc'd of his cursed estate, and terrified upon the conviction and apprehension; he may come to send out some kind of desires; O, I would it were better with me for all that; I see my condition is very bad, and sad, and naught: But a true desire after Grace, cannot be, till there be something of Grace in truth, The first Grace, it comes not upon our prayer; but to be sure, the after Grace is to be fetch'd in in the way, and by the means of prayer; and therefore we are to ply the Throne of Grace, as the Apostle exhorts, Let us [...]me boldly to the Throne of Grace; Throne of Grace, to the God of Grace, that we may obtain [Page 117] mercy, and find Grace; that we may find more Grace, Heb. 4. O Lord, thou hast stil'd thy self a God of Grace; and thou hast made a Covenant of Grace; and thou hast ordered out thy Son, as a Fountain full of Grace; and thou hast made promises of Grace: O Lord, bestow more Grace; O Lord, hold not thy hand: the Disciples, they cry out, O Lord, increase our Faith: the poor man in the Gospel, breaks out with tears, Lord, I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief. Lord, I have a little love to thee, O, let my love increase; Lord, let my Faith increase; Lord, let my Holiness be more and more increased; Lord, let there be more and more: You have a promise, Open thy mouth wide, I will fill it. These things now I have suggested to you, and have endeavoured to commend them in as pressing a way as I can, that so you may perform your duty, as touching growth in Grace.
I would now have spoken something by way of encouraging Arguments; only thus at present.
I would have you to consider what a mercy it is, that God will make this the matter of your duty; you, that are gracious persons, upon whom he hath bestowed any Grace: what a mercy of God it is, that he should make this one of your duties, and require this of you as a point of duty, that you should grow in Grace: as if a great man should say to a poor, one that he hath set his love upon, Friend, I have freely given thee 100 l. as a stock to begin the World, now, go thy waies, and imploy this 100 l. and see what improvement thou canst make of it: and I require this of thee, that thou do advance in thy estate; and if thou needest 100 l. more, or three or four hundred pound more, [Page 118] come to me, and I will supply thee still; for I would have thee to grow rich: you would think this were a high act of courtesie and kindness, if a man should do so: Friend, I charge you, see that you grow rich; you have so much in stock, and I will supply you still with more and more: but only do you look to this, that you grow rich. Thus God doth in respect of Grace. Indeed, he doth not deal thus with us, as to the World: there are many, they will be rich in the World, and they decree, and resolve upon it, that they will be rich; I, sometimes, whether God will or no. They carry the matter, as if they would be rich whether God will or no. They would be rich, rich in the World, and they have no warrant, for God hath not required this of any man, that they should grow rich in the World: He requires they should do their duty; and if he will come in with a blessing, so; they ought to be thankful: but he doth not command them to be rich in the World; but there are, that will be rich, and resolve to be rich, and so they run themselves into snares and temptations, and many hurtful and noysome lusts, that drown mens souls in destruction. I, but here's the Grace of God to his poor servants; His will is, that they should be rich in Grace, and he doth encourage thereunto, by promising that he will prosper you in your way: He hath given you such a stock, he will give you more, provided that you do but your duty; and it is his mercy, that he hath made it the matter of your duty, to grow in Grace.
2. And then reckon upon this for your encouragement, and the quickening of you in your endeavours this way: To be sure, grow as much [Page 119] as you can, you will never grow too good for God; you can never have too much Grace, you can never have too much Faith, nor Love, nor Holiness; Godliness knows no bounds: You can never have too much of God, and Christ, and Holiness. When the foolish Virgins saw themselves at a loss, as touching their oyle, and come to the wise, to buy of them; nay, say they, spare us there, we have none to part withal, we will keep what we have gotten, lest we should not have enough for us and you. And so make account of this, that when you have grown as high in Grace as you can, you will have no over-pluss, you will have none to spare.
IT is God's great mercy, that there are any in the World which have any Grace in them, and that God should make such a pleasant and precious plant to take root, and spring up in such a soyl as the soul is, so barren of all good, and so unapt to receive any good. Now, as it is God's mercy that any have Grace; so it is their duty that have it, for to grow in it: and this duty you have been over and over charged with. But I shall now come to what remains to be spoken concerning this Argument, which I shall give a brief account of; and then come to what follows in the Text.
2. The further encouragements unto the lively and vigorous prosecution of this matter; a strenuous [Page 120] endeavour to grow in Grace; the incouragements, they are very great; and I desire that you may know the force, and power, and vertue of them in your own hearts.
3. If so be that you do indeed make it your business, and do endeavour this, to grow in Grace, and shall do so, (as you are very like to do it, if you endeavour after it,) you will have this advantage, you will not be altogether so apt to be unsetled in your apprehensions concerning your state; you will not be so much upon the questioning point concerning the truth and reality of the Grace of God in you, as many are: when you come to be of some considerable growth in Grace, when you come to have much Faith, and much Love, and much Holyness, much of the Fear of God, you will not be so apt to be questioning the point, and fluctuating in your souls concerning your Grace; but you will be able to bear up against temptations of that kind, and ready to make your confident avouchments, and say, if you be questioned about your Faith; Yea Lord, thou knowest I do believe.—Be questioned about your Love, as Peter was, Simon, lovest thou me? Yea Lord, th [...]u knowest I love thee. And truly, this is a great advantage that will come over to us by improvement in Grace; for the truth, and soundness of Grace, it doth appear by its growth: it is a clear demonstration that a plant lives, w [...]n it grows: it may live, and yet there be no discovery of its growth; but when there is a growth, there is a plain demonstration, that the plant is alive: and this benefit will come over, by growing in Grace. And, while poor weaklings in Grace, that are of low attainments, and are apt to please [Page 121] themselves in their lower measures, will be apt to be shaken by every wind of temptation, and be put upon the questioning point upon every occasion, whether there be any Grace in them, yea or no. They that have but a little Faith, a little Grace; they will be apt ever and anon, to be fluctuating in their spirits, and doubting within themselves, whether there be any thing of God, and Christ, and Grace in them. Wellgrown Christians, will be able to bear up with a holy confidence, that of a truth, the Grace of God is in them.
4. This incouragement we have to endeavour a growth in Grace; God will be the more glorified, Christ will be the more magnified, the Gospel will be the more credited; the more we have of Grace, we shall be able to quit our selves honourably in our way of duty, in our way of, suffering: Herein is our Father Glorified, that we have much fruit, and bring forth much fruit.
5. God will glory in such, and make his boast of them, as he did of Iob; Do'st thou not see my servant Iob, that there is not a man like him in the earth, an upright, and a perfect man, one that seareth God, and escheweth evil? The Lord doth make a holy boast of his eminent servant, that was so raised up in Grace, and Holyness: And you know what our Saviour speaks concerning the woman of Canaan; O woman, great is thy Faith! be it unto thee, even as thou will. Truly, there is very much in that to consider of: men and women of advanced Faith and Grace; O! how Christ doth Glory in them! and what is it that he can deny them Be it unto thee even as th [...]u wilt; draw [Page 122] thy requests, and I will under-write them, I will say amen to them: what, can God deny a soul that is improved in Grace? of all others, such are like to have the highest communications from God: for this we may well think, that God will order out his communications of mercy and comfort to his people, according to their capacities; the larger the vessel is, the more liquor it takes in, and accordingly, the more shall there be communicated unto it. Narrow hearts are like to have but little, because they can receive but little; they are little in capacity, and are like to be accordingly; but little in the communication that shall be made unto them.
6. This will be our encouragement to endeavour a growth in Grace; we shall by this means credit the Gospel, credit the Ordinances, encourage the Ministry, and strengthen the hands of those that are faithful in their work; whose ambition should be to see those that wait upon God in the way of Ministry, to be improving, and thriving, and growing Heaven-ward: O, how much is it to the honour of the Gospel, and to the credit of the Ministry, and encouragement of the servants of Christ; when they can see those that wait upon God in their way, to be upon an improvement. It's the comfort of a Nurse, to see the child thrive and prosper; it's the comfort of a Minister, to see the people that wait upon his Ministry, to be increased with the increase of God; better'd by every Sermon, better'd by every Ordinance that is dispenc'd unto them: Surely, if Paul were on earth, and had to deal with such kind of persons, that were good proficients, he would glory in them, and make his boast of them: so he doth of the Thessalonians, [Page 123] in the 2 Epist. 1 Chap. where having spoken of them, of their Faith, and Charity; we glory in you, (saith he) in the Churches of Christ.
7. Consider thus for incouragement, for an endeavouring after a growth in Grace; such persons are not so likely to be startled and affrighted, and unsetled upon occasion of amazing, terrifying, and astonishing providences: and when there are frowns in the face of providences, which others are not well able to behold; improved souls, such as are well underlaid with Grace, and are of a considerable growth, they are of all others, the most likely to bear up with courage and confidence, and holy resolution, and to out-face all difficulties and dangers; and to say, as the three Children, O King, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. When poor weaklings are apt to flye before an enemy, and to shrink at the sight of a trouble, and to have their hearts desponding, and fall down within them; well improved souls, that are advanc'd in Grace, they are likely to bear up with courage and confidence, and to behave themselves as Caleb did: when others of the searchers were sent to see the Land, their hearts begin to fail them at the sons of Anack; Come, saith Ioshua, let not us fear them, they are bread for us, we shall feed upon them, they shall do us no hurt, their strength is departed from them, and the Lord is with us, to work out salvation for us. Such a man is one that God would glory in, that will not startel at troubles when they fasten on him, but bears up with resolution of spirit; and such are like to do so; that are well improved in Grace, as Caleb was.
[Page 124] 8. Consider this, that if you do grow, and increase; you are likely, when you come to dye; to dye with the greatest comfort, and joy, and boldness towards God. Truly, we may well think, that those that have the greatest Faith, and the greatest Love, and the greatest measure of Holyness, they are like to dye with the greatest comfort and triumph. I do not say that it is alwaies so; God may, and doth, it's like, sometimes, for ends and purposes best known to himself, suffer some of his most eminent Saints for to dye, and pass away, not altogether with that splendor, and with those clear apprehensions of his Love; sometimes he is pleased so to order out for holy purposes. But we may well think, that in all probability, they that have gotten the most Grace, are like to have the greatest comfort in the day of death; and according to their sowing, so shall their reaping be: they having sown plentifully, when the Harvest comes; truly, they shall be sure to reap plentifully.
9. Consider this; That whereas it's said, that Christ, in the day of Judgement, will come to be admired in all them that do believe: Surely, he will be most of all admired in them that have been most in their beleeving of him;—he will be most admired in them that have done most in their advances and improvements in Faith and Godlyness. And truly, these things being duly considered, they may be well reckoned upon as so many incentives and provocations to this duty which we are charged withal in the Text; that we do endeavour, to grow in Grace. And, if there be any that are able to give any good account of their improvement, and increasing, through [Page 125] the blessing of God upon them; if any of you can find that you have been made to increase, and that there is a growth in Grace; you may know it, and your duty is, to make a thankful acknowledgement of it: As David doth, in Psal. 138. In the day when I cried, thou answered'st me, and strengthened'st me with strength in my soul. Truly, we should be willing and free to acknowledge the incomes of God, and the increases of God in us; and how the Lord is pleased for to bring us on from a lower measure to a higher, and to give us an advance in Faith and Godlyness. Truly, we should take knowledge of it, and be free to make acknowledgement of it, to the glory and praise of Him that is the giver of all. And for such of you as are above, that are of a higher stature than others of your Brethren, that are better grown Christians, more improved in Knowledge, in Faith, in Holyness, in Love, in Godlyness, and Grace; to such of you, I have only this to say:
First of all, consider, that all you have, is of free donation; your first Grace, and your second Grace; the first degrees, and the after-degrees; they are all of Grace; and therefore your duty is, to attribute nothing to your selves, but to give the Glory of all to God: By the Grace of God, I am that I am, saith Paul. If so be that I have more Faith than my Brother, more Grace, more Knowledge, more Holyness; I have no reason to boast of it; I have much reason to bless God for it, but not to boast; for what have I, that I have not received? I have received the first Grace: and my endeavours have been used, & put forth to such a purpose; yet it is not so much to be reckoned to [Page 126] my endeavour, as to the blessing of God upon my endeavours; and so God in all, is to be glorified; in all, and for all; for the first Grace, and for the after Grace; for the beginnings of Grace, and for the increases of Grace: O, the God of Grace is to be magnified, and we are to carry it very humbly; to take heed of any proud swellings of heart, because you may come to be above your Brethren, taller than they by head and shoulders: do not over-look weaker Brethren, but carry it humbly, and tenderly towards them; as the Apostle saith, We that are strong, ought to bear with the infirmities of the weak, this is a becoming thing for a well-grown Saint, to carry it with all meekness and tenderness, and in all lowlyness of mind towards those that are his inferiors, and short of him, in respect of his spiritual stature in Christ: Despise not, O, despise not the small things in others; if God have given you a larger measure of his Spirit and Grace; but rather improve your strength for them that have not come to your pitch: if so be that you be stronger than they, let them have the benefit of your strength, knowing that they have an interest in your Graces; and they should have the fruit and benefit of them together with you.
And then withal, such as may be improved in Grace, and of a good growth, let such yet for all that, not rest in that which they have attained; but still (as Paul professeth concerning himself) be forgetting what is behind, and reaching out to that which is before, pressing towards the mark; because whatsoever you have, yet you may have more; and till you be perfect in Christ, you must never cease your endeavours, but be still pressing [Page 127] on after larger measures, and that you may come to your perfection, and to the full stature that you are appointed to in Christ.
And then withal, reckon upon this as your duty; such as are well grown in Grace and Godlyness; do not reckon upon it, that you will now have freedom from temptations; nay, rather look for the greater temptations, because that God doth usually lay the greatest burthens upon the strongest shoulders, Weaker Christians, they shall have their temptations proportionable to their strength: men of greater strength and abilities in Grace, must reckon upon it to be put the harder to it, and to have the greater tryals, considering that they have received a greater measure of Grace than others have.
And now Beloved, I have done with this point, wherein I have been somewhat large, and have laid out the best of my endeavour, that I might be so discours'd of, as that you might come to be the more benefited by what I have had to speak.—
You have heard, that they that have Grace, it is required of them, and charged upon them, that they be upon their growth. Now remember, O remember, that this is the charge of God upon you; you, that are the sons and daughters of Grace, that are called of God to the participation of Grace, remember that this is your duty, and God doth require it of you. O now, shall all that hath been preached to you from one morning to another, pass away? Let me but put it to your Consciences now; truly, I am apt to think, that in the carrying on of this Discourse concerning growth in Grace; I am apt to think, that there [Page 128] are some of you, how many, I know not: But I am apt to think, that there are of you, that have had some convincement upon your Consciences; and that you may have cause to smite upon your hearts, and to say, O wretch that I am, that I should be no better in Grace, that my estate in Grace should be so low! I am apt to think, that you have had some touches upon your spirits, upon this account;—and that withal, you have been upon some resolves to set upon the business, and to endeavour a growth to a higher degree; and that you may be better Christians than you have been. I am apt to think, that you have had some movings upon your hearts; hath it been so, and will you let the cause fall again? will you please your selves? nay, dare you please your selves in your lower measure, having been convinc'd, and awakened, and made to apprehend what a blessed thing it is, to be upon increases with the increase of God? Hearing so much incouragement, what incouragement there is to endeavour a growth in Grace; dare you let this matter fall down again, and your hearts flag within, and not set to it with all your might; that you might come to be improved Christians? I beseech you, consider well of it, and know, that God, he takes notice of every message that he sends unto you, of every Sermon that he provides to be preached unto you: And, O that this were but well considered, that the Great God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, they have an eye upon us, and observe how we carry our selves after we have heard such a Sermon, such a duty; God takes notice whether we walk in any suitableness to what is urged, and charged upon us. I tell you Brethren, that God will not be Complemented withal; [Page 129] O, will we make it a matter of meer complement, to come early in a morning, and hear a Sermon, and when we have heard it, go away; and when we have had our task set us, never set about it. Truly, give me leave to say this to you; you that are Masters and Mistresses, you would not very well like a servant, if he should only give you the hearing; when you come, and lay him out his work, and say, my servant, this business I would have done, and that business I would have done, and your servant is present with you, and gives you very patient hearing, and doth privately attend to your charge; but when you have given your command, and laid your charge upon your servant, and said, I require this of you, that you do such a piece of service at such a time; this is the work of this day; and when they have given you the hearing, they go away, and never set about their business, nay, scarce ever, think of it after; I know you would not like well of such a servant, but think him more fit to be turned out of your service, for to go and slight all that you require of them, and charge upon them in way of duty and service. Why, can you think in your Consciences, that God will take content in such kind of servants that come to attend upon him, and to receive his charge, and have the signification made to them of their duty; as our Saviour saith, you call me Lord and Master, and you say well, for so I am. Now, you come here, and hear the will of your Lord; and among other things, he requires this of you, that you set upon this great work, of growth in Grace: Now, if you come to the Ordinances, and hear what his good will and pleasure is concerning Faith; and when you go away, never [Page 130] regard what your duty is, nor what your Master requires of you; but you let all alone, and rest in your hearing, and never go about the work and business that is required of you; do you think that God and Christ will be well pleased with this? O, is it likely that Christ will say to you, in the great day of account; Well done, good and Faithful servant, faithful servant, faithful servant? why, this was all, thou gavest me the hearing, but thou did'st not go about my business. I tell you Brethren, our Preaching will come in as a witness against you; and your hearing will be to your greater condemnation: And therefore I beseech you, that you would not receive the Grace of God in vain. And so I have given now a dispatch unto this part of the Text, which concerns Growth in Grace.
The next thing that follows to be considered of, is this;
Here we have to consider of a further Inquiry, a further Command: Grow in Grace; Grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And truly, I am apt to conceive, that there is a dependance of one upon the other; and that in order unto growth in Grace. Christians and Beleevers are required to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This I conceive is intended in this conjunction, and connexion of these two Requiries: As if the Apo [...]le should have said, Grow in Grace; and, that you may so do, Grow in the knowledge of our Lord [Page 131] and Saviour Jesus Christ. Now, before I come to the second observation, there is a question, which, I think, may be very properly moved, upon occasion of these two Requiries, thus ordered out in the Text. This Question (I say) I conceive, may be very fitly moved. When the Apostle requires that there be a growth in Grace; then he comes to require a growth in Knowledge.
It may be questioned from hence; Is not Knowledge Grace? and doth not the Apostle require a growth in Knowledge, when he requires a growth in Grace? why should he make this a distinct requiry from the former? May not we conceive that Knowledge is a Grace; and then requiring growth in Grace, he requires growth in Knowledge?
A little to answer this: First, I would say thus, That it's not to be questioned, but that Knowledge is a Gift, and a gift that is very highly to be accounted of: But every Gift is not a Grace. Indeed, every Grace is a Gift; but every Gift is not a Grace: understanding by Grace (as usually it is to be taken) that Grace, which is a fruit and effect of Election; a fruit and effect of special Love; understanding by Grace, sanctifying, and saving Grace: so every Gift is not a Grace: every Gift may be called a Grace in this sense, as it comes from Grace, from common Grace: it's a common Grace, that God doth bestow meat and drink upon us; it's a common Grace and favour of God, that gives us meat to eat, cloathing to put on; that he gives us the use of Reason, that he gives us common Understanding, that we may carry our selves like men, like rational creatures; this is a common Gift, a common Gràce: And so for knowledge, it [Page 132] is a Gift; I, and it is a Gift that comes from common Grace, and a common Grace it may be reckoned to be.
But, if we speak of special Grace, a distinguishing Grace, Grace that is to Salvation: Truly, so every Gift is not a Grace. And it's true concerning Knowledge; Knowledge is a Gift; and yet speaking of Grace strictly, Knowledge is not a Grace. But only we must distinguish of Knowledge.
There is a more common Knowledge; there is a notional Knowledge, a Knowledge of an inlightned understanding, eradi [...]ated by the common light of the spirit, by a common work of the spirit; I say, that this is not a Grace: this (as you shall hear) may be had, and yet persons may perish for all this, and damn eternally: they may go down well accomplish'd (as to their Knowledge) to hell.
But then, there is a Knowledge, that is not only a brain-Knowledge, but a heart-Knowledge; I will give them a heart to know me. Truly, there's Grace there: to be sure, if the Knowledge be not Grace, yet there's Grace in the Knowledge, and with the Knowledge: When God gives a man a heart to know him, that's a Covenant-blessing, and of Covenant-conveyance; and it's a conveyance to none but those that have a special favour: but otherwise, Knowledge in it self considered, though it be a Gift, yet not a Grace: For, mark you;
First of all, you have had many knowing persons (as I was saying) that were never partakers of the Grace of God, true, saving Grace. Balaam prophecies of himself, that he was the man whose [Page 133] eyes were opened, and he knew the visions of God; Balaam speaks it of himself, he was a man that had very much insight in the mysteries of God, and the things that concern the Church of God, and the enemies of the Church; and yet a wretch, a covetous wretch, that perished in his way of covetousness, and did discover a madness of spirit; the madness of his heart was eager in the pursuit of the waies of unrighteousness: Thus Balaam, and yet a knowing man, his eyes were opened, he saw the visions of God, he was acquainted with the counsels of God, and yet a very wretch, and fell at length under damnation. What was he the better for his Knowledge?
Persons may know much; I, they may have all Knowledge, and yet for all that, they may be without Charity, without Love: so the Apostle, in 1 Cor. 13. saith he, Though I speak with the tongues of Men and Angels; and, though I have all Knowledge, and have not Love, I am nothing, it profits me nothing. Now, by this it appears, that there is a Knowledge, that is another thing than Grace.
And then consider, that Knowledge is that which a man may have, and be swelled, and puffed up with it; so saith the Apostle, 1 Cor. 8. We know that we have all Knowledge; Knowledge (saith he) puffeth up; Charity edifies; now, Grace doth not do so, Grace doth not puff up.
And then again, persons may have Knowledge, and yet notwithstanding all their Knowledge, after that they have escaped the pollutions of the World, they may come to be intangled again in their former corruptions, be brought again into their former woful bondage, and the latter end of them [Page 134] may be worse than ever their beginning was; so the Apostle, in 2 Pet. 2. saith he, If after they have escaped the pollutions of the World, through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, (the best knowledge in the World,) they had this knowledge, and escaped the pollutions of the World, and they are intangled again, and overcome; the latter end is worse with them than the beginning; for it had been better with them not to have known the way of righteousness, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy Commandement delivered unto them. Here's clearly now, (according to this account the Apostle gives) held forth, that persons may have the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: they may come to have such a Knowledge, whereby they escape the pollutions of the World, and yet they may come to be intangled, and overcome; so that it may be worse with them than ever it was before.
They may know the way of Righteousness, and yet for all that, turn from the holy Commandement delivered to them; and so become like the Dog, to his vomit; and like the Sow, to her wallowing again in the mire. By all this (I say) it appears, that there is a Knowledge, and knowledge of the best things; Knowledge of the Lord and Saviour; and yet notwithstanding, persons may perift, and perish the more dreadfully.
And I add that place in Heb. 10. where the Apostle speaks to this purpose; saith he, If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth; there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin, but a certain fearful looking for of Iudgement, and fiery Indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. [Page 135] There may be a receiving of the knowledge of the truth, and yet a wilful sinning, and so a fearful expectation, and nothing but that remaining for them; a fearful expectation of Judgement, and fiery Indignation. Now, all this considered,—Knowledg, I, and knowledge of the best things,—it may be had; and yet persons under the power of the Devil;—persons, that after their escape from worldly intanglements, may be brought again into sorer bondage; their latter end worse than their beginning; and they may fall under the deep and more dreadful damnation.
Now, the improvement that we are to make of this, is only thus; O, let us take heed of resting in our Knowledge, and bearing upon this, that we are knowing men, and knowing women, able to discourse of the things of God, and the mysteries of Religion: O, take heed of this, considering what hath been now spoken to you, that you may have a great measure of Knowledge, and yet be meer strangers unto saving Grace: far be it from me, to speak a tittle to the disparagement of Knowledge; but rather most vigorously to press your pursuance of it, and that you endeavour after it, (as I shall perform to that purpose afterwards) know, that it is not good that the mind be without knowledge, saith Solomon; nay, the heart cannot be good without Knowledge; you cannot believe without Knowledge, you cannot pray without Knowledge, you cannot live without Knowledge; you must have Knowledge, or else you will never be sav'd: O Ignorance! it is of it self a damning sin:—only thus,—rest not in your Knowledge; rest not in this, that you have a light in your head, but look to it, that you have Grace in your hearts—
[Page 136] Look to this that you know, and know to love;——and know so, as that you may believe,——and live: if you know these things (saith our SAVIOUR) happy are ye if you do them. If you know the truth, and know it in truth of heart, (as the Apostle speaks) Since ye know the Grace of God in truth, know it to be the truth, and know it in the truth of your hearts: O, this is that that we should mind.
Truly, that you may know for practice; and the truth is, you know no more to purpose, than you know to practice. And it is of sad consideration, that which I have now to speak unto you: it is of sad consideration, that that knowledge which men and women attain to of God, and Christ, and Gospel-mysteries, if so be that it be not reduc'd to practice; if there be not a due improvement of it; if there be a Science, and not Conseience: a Science, and not a Conscience to make use of the knowledge: it is of sad consideration, that that I have now to say.
The day will come, when all the Knowledge that you have gotten of Christ, and of the mysteries of the Gospel, of the Kingdom of God, that knowledge will turn upon you, and it will be to your everlasting torment: O, tremble at the thought of it! This is the torment, and will eternally be the torment of the damned in Hell, that they had knowledge, great measures of knowledge; and yet notwithstanding, did not improve their knowledge, did not reduce it to practice: they [Page 137] had light, but did not live up to their light: they knew the will of God, O, but they were not conscientiously careful to perform and do the will of God. O this, this will be the torment; the Conscience of a man will be an eternal fury to him, and it will everlastingly torment him; when it shall tell him, Did'st not thou know, that Christ was given to save sinners, and to save from sin? Did'st not thou know, that the Grace of God, that brings Salvation, it did teach to deny all ungodlyness, and worldly lusts? thou knowest this: thou knowest that it was thy duty to live thus and thus; to walk with God,—to deny thy self,—to cross thy corruptions: it was thy duty to study to approve thy self to God, and to keep a clear Conscience;—It was thy duty to own Christ in an hour of temptation; did'st not thou know this to be thy duty? Conscience will thus charge upon thee; and then you shall know it. O! how did this torment Iudas on this side Hell, before he came there? Oh! I know my Master was an innocent person; and yet notwithstanding, contrary to my knowledge, I went, and betrayed him into the hands of sinners.——O, how did this torment Esau on this side Hell? he knew that the Birth-right, and the Blessing, were things to be highly valued: the temptation comes upon him, he was a little pinch'd with hunger, and Iacob takes the advantage (there was a mysterie of Providence in it) of his exigence, and gets away his Birth-right from him: But when the time comes that the Blessing was gone; then Esau knows. [Page 138] O, this knowledge torments him, that he knew the Birth-right, what it was, and how it ought to be accounted of; and yet notwithstanding, he past it away for a trifle: O, Conscience will torment another day: when a man shall come to have his knowledge set a work; I know that Christ was a precious Christ;—that Grace, it was better than Gold; I had conviction upon my Conscience, and yet notwithstanding, I chose the World rather than Christ; I preferred my lusts and corruptions before the Lord Jesus: I knew this to be my duty, but I made no conscience of performing my duty. Well, the Lord set these things home upon every one of us, and that we may be wise for our souls, and take heed of resting in what we know; but look to it, that we have such a Knowledge as is accompanied with Grace; such a Knowledge as is sanctified to us by Grace. And this now I speak upon occasion of this Question.
THree things seem to lye in the Text. First, that it is God's will, and Saints duty; As to grow in Grace, so, to grow in Knowledge.
2. That it is the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which is the special Knowledge wherein Saints and Beleevers ought to grow.
3. They that mind growth in Grace, must in order thereunto, endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
First of all, it is the good will of God, and a Saints duty, to grow in Knowledge. God would have his people to be a knowing people, a wellknowing people: God doth take no pleasure in a people that pretend to Him, and profess his Name, and are yet under a black vail of ignorance; they are not a people for His purpose.
Beleevers, they are said to be light; you were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord. The light of a Beleever, it should be a growing light; he should be like the Sun, that shines out more and more unto the perfect day. [Page 140] It is not enough to know, but it is our duty to follow on to know: you have that expression in Hos. 6. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the Lord. It's not enough to begin to know, to set foot upon the way of knowledge; but we must travel on in that way; follow on to know the Lord.
This was that which the Apostle Paul doth earnestly pray for in the behalf of the Church of Collos. Chap. 1. ver. 9. That they might be filled in the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom, and spiritual understanding; and that they might be fruitful, and walk in all well-pleasing, increasing in the knowledge of God. This is the will of God, and this is the duty of a Saint, and Beleever.
I speak of growth in Knowledge; you will understand it to be meant of Divine Knowledge, Religious Knowledge. There is a knowledge of humane things; a knowledge of Arts and Sciences; knowledge and skill in mysteries and trades; knowledge in civil affairs; a knowledge that concerns worldly negotiations, and transactions of affairs in Kingdoms and Nations here below. But this, though it be a useful knowledge in its kind; yet this is not the knowledge that we have now under consideration: but it is a Divine Knowledge, a Scripture Knowledge, a Knowledge of the things of God, and that concern Religion: and in such Knowledge, it is our duty to endeavour a growth.
And it may very well be required of those that do know, that they still know more and more; that they that have any Knowledge, should endeavour a growth in that Knowledge: in general, this reason may well pass for it. We do know [Page 141] but in part, when we know at the most: when we have the most of Knowledge, yet alas, how little is it that we know, in comparison of what is to be known? I remember there is an expression to such a purpose, in Iob, how little a matter is known of God? and of the things of God? Ah! Oh little, that truly gracious souls have been, and will be apt to be much in sad complaining, that they know so little as they do. I find the holy man, in Prov. 30. complaining there; O, saith he, I have not in me the understanding of man; I have not (saith he) attained the knowledge of the holy: So foolish was I, (saith another) and ignorant, I was even as a beast before thee. Such complaints holy men have powred out before the Lord: therefore, being we know but in part, and it is such an inconsiderable part that we have of knowledge; that truly, it may well be required of us, that we endeavour a growth.——But I shall offer to you, (and yet but briefly, because I drive at the next things most specially) some further considerations; which, if you do but well and seriously ponder, you will see strong reason to indear Knowledge, and to endeavour a growth in Knowledge.
First of all, (besides the general account that I have given you, that we know but in part: but now thus more particularly;) The more that we grow in Knowledge, the more shall we resemble God; for God is a God of Knowledge; that's the title that is given him, in 1 Sam. 2. The Lord is a God of Knowledge; and he then accounts his people to be in a due resemblance of him, [Page 142] when they come to be a knowing people: the Image of God, it is consistent in Knowledge, as well as in Righteousness, and Grace. The Apostle speaks concerning the renewing of the mind, which is renewed after God, in Knowledge; and we never come to resemble God as we ought, unless we come to be a people well furnished with the Knowledge of God, and the things of God.
2. I add this further; it may well be required, that there be a growth in Knowledge, because it is a part of the rich treasure which is laid up in Christ, for the inrichment of the souls of his redeemed ones. The Apostle tells us, that in Christ are hid all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge; so that Knowledge is one part of the rich treasure which is hid in Christ; and the more we grow in Knowledge, the larger share we have in that rich treasure that is in Christ. Reason then there is, that there should be an endeavouring of a growth in Knowledge.
3. And then add yet further, the more we grow in Knowledge, the more able shall be to discern of sin, and make a judgement upon that. How often are those things that are no sins, judged to be sins; and those things that are sins, judged to be none at all? And whence is it, but through a defectiveness in Knowledge? Sometimes, and often it comes to pass, that tender Consciences, for want of due light; tender and scrupulous Consciences, they are wonderful apt for to make those things to be sins, which God and his Law never makes. And so sometimes with hypocrites, as in our Saviours time; O, what a matter was it among the Pharises, to eat with unwashen hands, which was no sin? and to drink in unwashen [Page 143] cups; and this and that? Thus it is sometimes with hypocrites: and I might instance in sundry particulars.—And so in the case of scrupulous Consciences; how many are there that are apt to reckon those things to be sins, and startle at, which indeed are no sins? As now, many, through tenderness of Conscience, are fearful to take that liberty in meats and drinks, which Christ hath purchased for them. How many, out of a tenderness, and scrupulousness of Conscience, though necessity have required it, have been afraid to take any bodily refreshing, in the day wherein they were to partake of the supper of the Lord, before they have eaten at that table, afraid, lest they should sin against God, in taking something for necessary refreshing of the body: a sin in their account, which is no sin in it self at all? So I might instance in sundry particulars.—So, on the contrary; How many are there, that reckon those to be duties, which are very dreadful provocations of the Great Majesty of Heaven: Mark what our Saviour speaks, in Iob. 16. the begin. They shall cast you out of the Synagogues; they shall excommunicate you: I, the time will come, when they that kill you, will think they do God service; so far from looking upon it as a sin, to revile, reproach, excommunicate, imprison, and kill the Servants of Christ, and those that bear, and hold forth his name; so far from reckoning these things to be sin, that they look upon them as good service to God. Say we not well, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a Devil? Why, they were so far from reckoning it to be a sin, that they look upon it as a duty. Now, whence is this, but through ignorance: Sometimes indeed it is through wilful [Page 144] ignorance, but mostly through gross ignorance▪ and our Saviour gives this reason; These things shall they do, because they know neither the Father nor me; they know us not, they do not know who are the people of God; they will reckon you to be the base spawn of Hell, the childern of the Devil; though themselves are so, yet they will reckon you to be so: they reckon upon you to be the scumm, and off-scowring of the World. Now, because they know not me, nor my Father, therefore they will do these things; and they reckon upon it, that they do God very good service. And this was the case of Paul; I verily thought, saith he, That I ought to do many things contrary to the Name of Jesus; saith he, I thought it was my duty to cry down the Name of Christ, and to cry down the Doctrine of Christ, and to cry down the Professors of the Gospel of Christ: I verily thought with my self, that I ought to do these things: I did not look upon these things to be sin; saith he, I was a Persecuter, and a Blasphemer, and Injurious; I, but I did not know that it was persecution, and blasphemy, and injury; I did these things ignorantly, saith he, it was for want of Knowledge, because I was not laid in with Knowledge as I should have been, that I did these things: So that we had need then, to grow in Knowledge; for the more we grow in Knowledge, the more able shall we be to make a judgement of sin.
And so on the contrary, a judgment of Graces: The more we grow in Knowledge, the better shall we be to make a judgment of Graces. Alas, how many are there, that through want of Knowledge; not being duly informed and improved in their [Page 145] knowledge, they do run upon most gross and dangerous mistakes; take that to be saving Grace, which indeed is nothing so; and that to be Holiness, which is nothing else but a very shew and resemblance of Holiness; that to be love of God and of Christ, and faith in God, which is nothing so. O the dangerous mistakes which poor souls do run upon; they do verily think that they do Believe, and that they have Repented, and that they trust in God, and bear a love to Christ, and that they bear a love to Godliness; they are strong in that perswasion, and yet they run upon dangerous mistakes, and all because there is a deficiency in their Knowledge: They are not so duly improved in knowledge, as that they be able to make a judgment of Sin and of Grace.
And so for Duties. We had need to indeavour a growth in Knowledge, that so we may be the better able to judge of Duties, when they are Duties, performed according to God. Alas, how many think they perform Duties in most acceptable manner to God, when they do no other than offer the Sacrifice of fools: They think they pray, and pray pleasing; and hear, and hear in a right manner; come to the Table of the Lord, and think they do excellent good service to Jesus Christ, and that which he will accept of, when in the mean while they do profane his Name, and offer indignity to him; they wound him again, they Crucifie him, they become guilty of his very Body and Blood, and yet all the while they think that they quit themselves in a very fair, commendable and comely manner, and all because of a want of Knowledge; they do not understand the mystery of the Gospel, and of Godliness, and of Gospel-worship; they do not understand the way of the Lord, therefore in that regard there [Page 146] is great reason that Christians should indeavour a growth in Knowledge.
4. I add yet further: Well it may be required of Believers that they grow in Knowledge, because by their growth in Knowledge they shall be the better able to manage their affections and passions. Alas, Brethren, we may know, and it may be do in sad experience, what unruly things affections and passions are, and how apt, like untamed Horses, to ride over Hedge and Ditch, and to be kept within no due bounds—and why this—For want of Knowledge, because there is not the bridle of Knowledge and Understanding to rein the affections and passions. As now to instance: Alas, how many are there that are inordinate in their Love? In their love to Creatures, to Children, Husbands, Wives, and all for Want of Knowledge, because they do not know the true state of these things, and how their love ought to be managed—And so for Fear: O, how apt is our Fear to go beyond its bounds—And our Desires; how apt are we, how irregular and inordinate in them—And so in our Zeal; Zeal like fire, that is very useful while it's kept in its place; but when it comes to break up to the top of the House, that threatens firing of all. Now all this is for want of the due knowledge of God and Christ, and of the state of things about which our affections are exercised and imployed; and therefore you shall find this, That God doth require in his Word, that our affections should be managed with knowledge, and judgement.—I tell you Brethren, the best love, is a judicious love; a love with knowledge: and therefore you shall find, in 1 Phil. the Apostle praies, and requires, that their love might ab [...]nd it all knowledge, and in all judgement. [Page 147] Why, it is nothing for a man to have an ignorant blind love, an injudicious love; God doth not value such a love: It is the knowing Love, the well created Love, the Love that a man can give a reason of, the judicious Love; that is the Love which God values: That your Love may abound in all Knowledge.
And so likewise Zeal; the Apostle speaks concerning his Brethren, They have a Zeal of God: O, they are mighty hot and zealous! But; saith he, Their Zeal is not according to Knowledge—And so for Desire. Truly, by having a well improved Knowledge, a Knowledge that is well grown, we shall be the better able to manage these affections of Love, Zeal, Delight, Desire, Fear and Joy; all the Affections, they will be the better ordered, in case that our Knowledge be well improved: And that's another Reason.
5. Again, Well may it be required of Christians that they grow in Knowledge, because by their growing in Knowledge they shall be the better able for to order their Words, Speeches and Discourses. O, what irregularities are there in the Tongue! The Tongue is an unruly evil, full of deadly poyson. I, but from hence it comes very much; it's for want of a well digested knowledge; apt we are to sin and offend in wanton speeches, lustful, lascivious speeches, and by language of swearing (and the like.) O, the manifold evils that break out from the Tongue! And truly much what upon that account, because there is not knowledge to regulate the Tongue, so as that we may come to understand what is fit Language for us to speak.
6. Well may it be required, that we indeavour a growth in Knowledge; for the more Christians [Page 148] grow in knowledge, the more fit will they be for to judge of Gods providential Dispensations. Alas, how often do we misinterpret God and his dealings, and pass very hard and sharp censures upon them? we are apt to do so, and to deal very dishonourably with God concerning his dealings and Dispensations—And why—It is for want of Knowledge; It is a people that do err in their heart; they were ever and anon quarrelling with God, according to that passage that you have in Psal. 45. Forty years long was I grieved with this Generation; they tempted me, proved me, and saw my works; and they were censuring me for this and that, because I brought them out of Egypt, and carried them into the Wilderness. And saith he, It is a people that do err in their heart: And the reason is this; They have not known my wayes. It is through ignorance, and for want of a due Information concerning me, that they run upon these dangerous wayes. And this was Job's case, though other wayes a knowing man, yet not altogether so compleated in his Knowledge as he should have been: But the Lord comes upon him, and expestulates the case with him; Who is that that darkneth counsel by words without knowledge? Words, I words, hard words, censorious passages drop from his mouth; I, but they are words without knowledge. That's another thing; we shall be better able to judge of Providences, though they be very mysterious, when we come to be well improved in our Knowledge concerning God, whose wayes are in the Sea, and whose paths are in the great deeps; and by knowing aright concerning God, we shall be the be [...] able to make a judgment of his Dispensations.
7. Well may it be required of Christians and Believers, [Page 149] that they grow in Knowledge, because that by growing in knowledge they shall be the better able for to manage all those Places, and Conditions, and Relations which they are planted under—As now; Those that are Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Servants, Husbands, Wives, there is very much lyes upon them to do, each in their place, station and relation, that they may beautifie them, and have the blessing of God upon them in those Relations under which they are planted. There is very much lyes upon us, and I beseech you consider well of it: I say, that much of the power of Godliness, it lyes in the well managing of our particular Places and Relations; when men are godly, as Husbands, as Wives, as Masters, as Servants, as Parents, as Children; much of Godliness doth lye in the well managing of these Relations: And when we are conscientiously careful to fill up these Relations, truly we then beautifie them, and we adorn our holy Profession—I, but how shall this come to pass, unless that we be a People of a well improved Knowledge? Alas, if we do not know our Duties in our Places, what belongs to me as a Husband, as a Wife, as a Father, as a Child, as a Master; if I have not a well improved Knowledge concerning my Duty in my Relation, I shall never be able to perform it. Truly thus it is, and therefore you shall find that the Apostle in 1 Pet. 3. he requires this on the Husbands part, That he should dwell with the Wife as a man of Knowledge, that he may know how to go in and out before his Yoke-fellow, and before his Family. And so a Wife, a Woman of Knowledge, that she may carry her self towards her Husband in a becoming manner, and towards her Family-A Master, a man of Knowledge, that he may understand w [...] is his [Page 150] Duty as a Master, and carry it accordingly—A Servant, a man of Knowledge, a woman of Knowledge—And so a Father, a Child; they should labour after the knowledge of their Duties in their Places and Relations, that accordingly they may carry themselves: So that now, lay all these several Particulars that I have propounded to you together, and truly you cannot but stand convinc'd surely of this, That it is God's will, and it is Saints Duty, and well may it be required of them as their Duty, that they endeavour to indear Knowledge, and endeavour a growth in their Knowledge: I Brethren, that is it which firstly I have been sent to communicate unto you, That your Duty is to grow in Knowledge upon all these accounts;—upon the account that you know but in part, and it's but a little part:—And then, the more you grow in Knowledge, the more you have of the Image of God.—The more you grow in Knowledge, the more will you have of that rich Treasure that's laid up in Jesus Christ.—And then, the more you grow in Knowledge, the more fit will you be to make a Judgment of sins; what are sins, and what are not sins:—The more able will you be to make a Judgment of Graces; what are such, and what are not:—The more able will you be to judge, of Duties; what are Duties, and when duly managed:—The more able will you be to manage your passions and affections, which for want of Knowledge are many times inordinate and exorbitant:—The more able will you be to rule your tongues and speeches:—The more able will you be to make a Judgment of the Providences of God, and to carry it becomingly under them:—The more able will you be to manage those Places and Relations under which you [Page 151] are planted. Now, do but weigh these things well, and you will see reason to seek out for Knowledge, that if you know, yet you had need to follow on to know more and more: But that's not all.
I propound 2ly. That as it is a Duty incumbent upon a Christian to endeavour a growth in Knowledge; so especially in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Oh, this is the growth, this is the Knowledge which is especially to be endeared; and a growth wherein is in special manner to be endeavoured! Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, however it be in respect of other knowledge; yet that Knowledge you had need look to, that you may be Profi [...]ionts in.
Why, First of all (that I may convince you now of this;) If it be the good will of God, that you may come under the power of an effectual convincement as to this, That this Knowledge you are to endeavour a growth in, I may very fitly make use of that which I gave in the former Doctrine.—I told you, that we know but in part: O Brethren, we know Christ but in part; as we know little of God, as touching his infinite glorious Essence and Being. O, we know but little of Christ; O, 'tis a Mysterie. The Knowledge of Christ is a Mysterie; Oh, 'tis a hidden Mysterie, it was kept hid from Ages and Generations: Oh, it's a Mystery which God was pleased to keep secret in his own bosom for many thousands of years; some little whispering there was of it upon the fall of Man, The seed of the woman shall break the serpents head: And what a pittance was here? Though infinite mercy appeared in making this little appearance, The seed of the woman shall break the serpents head: Then afterwards a little more of this; but a Mysterie, and still a Mysterie, [Page 152] and an unsearchable Mysterie; a Mysterie which they that are most insighted in, will have cause to say, Alas, how little a thing is known of him? and what a depth is here? and how scant and short is our line, that we are not able to fathom the depth? O, it is such a Knowledge, the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, as that all those Dimensions are most properly reckoned to it; heights, and depths, and breadths, and lengths; and yet it is a Knowledge that passeth knowledge: Such is the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. We had need then to be endeavouring a growth in it, and to resolve thus; I have not attained, nor know nothing as I ought to know, I am not yet sufficiently skill'd in this Mysterie; If Paul that was such a knowing man were alive at this day, he would be still pursuing after this Knowledge, the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I, but what account is to be given of this Knowledge, that we should be so set to endeavour a growth in it▪ Consider (besides) that that I have now spoken as touching the smallness of that measure attained. Consider yet further:
First of all, There is great reason that Christians and Believers should endeavour a growth in this Knowledge: First, It is the most excellent Knowledge that ever was discovered to the World; and you have the Apostles word for it, who was able to make a Judgment of Knowledge and Knowledge, Phil. 3. 8. O, saith he, I do here give my Judgment; and, saith he, This is my standing Judgment: I am an Hebrew of the Hebrews, of the seed of Abraham; I am an Israelite, of the Tribe of Benjamin; as touching the Law, a Pharisee:—And he was a man that could speak with Tongues more than all the Apostles:—And [Page 153] he was a man of profound Knowledge; Though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge. Why, he had a vast portion of Knowledge; yet when he comes to compare one thing with another, For my part, saith he, I account all things but loss and dung, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Iesus my Lord. All but l [...]ss and dung, such an excellency there is in the knowledge of Christ; and truly, all other knowledge may well be lookt upon as inconsiderable knowledge, and all other Injoyments in the World, but even accounted as loss and dung, compared with the Knowledge of Christ.
Consider the Subject of this Knowledge, Christ himself.
Consider him in his Person; The brightness of his Father's Glory, the express Image of his Person; one that was in the Form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God.
Consider him, yet, notwithstanding this account of him, as one that hath a transcendent love to his Father, love to the World, that he was most willing to comply with his Fathers pleasure, in taking upon him the nature of Man: The Lord, to become a Servant; the Prince of Life, to become subject to Death. O, the blessed and only Potentate, to be made a Curse;—he that knew no sin, becomes willing to be made sin;—he that was the Lord of all, to become a Servant of all. What shall I say? The consideration of the subject of this Knowledge, it commends it to us as the most excellent Knowledge that ever was communicated to the World.
And then consider but this Lord Jesus Christ, as in his Person, so in his Qualifications; in his Love, in his Meekness, in his Fatience, in his Humility, in his Gentleness, in his Holiness and Righteousness, in every respect.
[Page 154] Consider him in his Office; such a Priest, such a Prophet, such a King, as the World never had the like.
Consider him in his Actions and Performances; consider him in his miraculous Actions, in his moral Actions; consider him in his military Actions and Performances, such a Saviour, of such wonderful power: And of such A [...]chievements and Accomplishments, as the like was never heard of in the World; that he should rout Hell it self, all the Devils in Hell: It was a great matter in David to come into the Camp, and to get the Victory over a Gyant, a Goliah, that was yet but a man: But for this Captain, this noble Souldier, to come into the Camp, and to ingage against all the powers of Hell and Darkness, all the Devils in Hell, that were all of them in Arms against him, and yet he routs them, and makes a spoyl of them, and leads them, a company of base slaves, after him; he makes a shew of them openly, and triumphed over them in his Cross, he gets a Conquest. This is the most noble Captain, and the most worthy Souldier that ever the World had. Consider him (I say) in those military Performances,—moral Performances,—miraculous Performances; the wonderful cures that he wrought, such a Physitian that the World never had the like; could Cure with a look, with a word, with a touch; he could cure Bodies, Souls. There's never a Physitian in the World could purge a sin out of a mans Conscience; I, but Christ can purge the Soul from sin. Now Brethren, I can at present but name these things; and then to come to tell you what an excellent Knowledge the Knowledge of Jesus Christ is.
[Page 155] As in respect of the subject of it, so in respect of the benefit and usefulness of it; never any knowledge in the World will profit like unto this knowledge. Here I have many things to say; but I only at present give you but a little touch of them:——The Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, O, it is the most profitable, and useful, and beneficial Knowledge. Mark, by the Law, comes the knowledge of sin: So the Apostle, in Rom. 7. I had not known sin, except the Law had said thus and thus: I, but when a man comes to know his plague, and disease, what is he the neerer, if he doth not know his remedy? If you should now be tryed; as indeed it is necessary you should, if you have not been brought to it. If you should be brought to know what vitious natures you have, what cursed corruptions, made to see what deep and dreadful guilt you have contracted upon you; if you should come to have the discovery made, as those that God hath a favour to: they have such dis [...]overies made to them, the spirit of God comes [...] as a convincing spirit: if you should come to have the knowledge of your sins; O, now I am made to see, and know, that I am a vile, damned wretch! I come to know my sin, and I know no more; I see I am a most plaguie creature. Now, if you should know no more, this is the way to become stark mad, and to fall under most dreadful despair, as Iudis did; and you know what course hetook. But now, the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is the knnowledg that relieves us concerning the knowledg of sin: O, I know my plague; I, but by my knowledge of Christ, I come to know my plaister: I know my disease, but by the knowledge of Christ, I come to know my remedy.
[Page 156] The knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I will tell you what a knowledge it is: It is a heart-breaking knowledge;—a soul-humbling knowledge;—it is a sin-killing knowledge;—it is a Grace-quickening knowledge,—O, it is a love-flaming knowledge;—and it is such a knowledge, as will draw out the heart to Christ;—such a knowledge, as will make men willing to do any thing, to suffer any▪ thing for the name and sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. O, 'tis excellent knowledge, precious knowledge, useful knowledge, the most beneficial knowledge. The Apostle professeth, (as I said before,) that he accounted all things but loss and dung, for the excellency of this knowledge.
The inlargement of these things I cannot give you; nor come to Application; but only thus;—Will you but set your hearts to a due consideration of the things that have been spoken? Certainly, [...] [...]ou have but an ear to hear, and a heart to un [...]tand, and consider of these things; how rationally you are required to grow in knowledge, and especially in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ: if you do but weigh these things, and the account given, why we should endeavour such a growth; you will be able to conclude what is for you to do:—not to slight this knowledge, but to endeavour after it; and that you may know Christ, know him in his Name, and Nature, and O [...]ices;—and know him, not only (for that's the thing that I would close up withal) with an historical and notional knowledge. Peradventure you may say as the Apostle speaks: We have all knowledge; I, it may be so; a great deal of knowledge there may be in the head, and yet [Page 157] nothing of true saving knowledge in the heart: but it is not a notional knowledge, but a heart-knowledge, an in-working knowledge; such a knowledge as is opperative to such purposes as I have hinted to you. This is the knowledge that we should pursue, and endeavour a growth in.
I Would add to that which hath been spoken of; this to be further considered.
The knowledge of Christ, it is a most excellent knowledge; it is such a knowledge, as the Angels, the Glorious Angels, are exceedingly devoted to the inquiring into; they are very much set to this, that they may come to understand this knowledge concerning Christ. The Apostle Peter, in his 1 Epist. Ch. 1. gives you this account concerning them; speaking there of the Revel. ver. 11, 12. The spirit did testifie before-hand, the sufferings of Christ, and the Glory which should follow, unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us, they did minister the things which are now reported unto you, by them that have preached the Gospel unto you, which the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven; Which things (mark you,) the Angels desire to look into. Do but consider that, which things of the Gospel concerning Christ, his sufferings, and Glory, the Angels desire to look into; they are very close Students in this knowledge, and most strongly set to be acquainted with these mysteries; the mysterie of the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: A knowledge therefore, that our hearts shoud [...]e very strongly set to increase in, and for to get more acquaintance with.
And this I vvould further say; that fo [...] [...]e Apostle Paul, vvho vvas a man of excellent parts, and of very great knovvledge; a man of much [Page 159] learning; and vvas as able to make a judgement of knovvledge, as any man, and for to discern betvveen knovvledge and knovvledge. The Apostle Paul, he vvas (as I hinted before) very high in his esteem of this knovvledge; and if so be that it had been convenient for him to have boasted, truly, he vvould have made his boast of his knovvledge in the mysterie of Christ: Though I (saith he) be rude in speech, yet not in knovvledge; and (saith he) I vvould have you to knovv my knovvledge in the mysterie of Christ. So in Eph. 3. vvriting that Epistle to them, he expresseth himself to this purpose; Whereby, when you come to read, you may understand my knowledge in the mysterie of Christ.
Further, it is a knovvledge that vve should endeavour to grovv up in; it is the most beneficial and profitable knovvledge: it is the most beneficial knovvledge in all the World;—It is a heart-humbling knovvledge;—It is a sin-killing knovvledge;—It is a conscience-quieting knovvledge.
And here I might add sundry other particulars, that you might come to knovv hovv to value the knovvledge of Christ: and so, hovv much it concerns us to endeavour after a grovvth and increase in it.
It is a svveetning knovvledge; it svveetens a mans spirit under all the bitterness that it may meet [...] [...]al:—It svveetens afflictions;—it svveetens temptations, and vvhatsoever may be to the im [...]ering of a mans spirit. O, the knovvledge of [...] Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! it vvill bring the▪ soul into a condition to relish svveetness, in it!
[Page 160] And then, it is a sanctifying knovvledge; it's a knowledge that sanctifies the understanding. There is another knowledge which men are apt to be lifted up through the attainment of, and lifted up with; which is a knowledge, that doth rather tend to the corrupting, and depraving of the understanding: but the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, it doth sanctifie the understanding,—and perfects the understanding:—it sanctifies all other knowledge that we may come to attain unto. And much might be spoken to that purpose.
But I add yet further, that we may stand the more fully convinced of our duty this way, to endeavour a growth in the knowledge of Christ; Consider thus; Beleevers, they are most strongly bound to place their whole trust and confidence in Christ; and that in order to their being everlastingly saved: Blessed are all they that trust in Christ. It is He (I say) upon whom a Beleevers trust and confidence is to be placed in the fullest strength of it; and other confidences than what are plac'd in any but in Christ, God will curse them, and confound them: Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm: but, blessed is the man whose trust is in Christ. It is Christ whom we are to trust with our lives,—with our souls,—with our consciences,—with our peace,—with our comforts,—with our eternal concernments: Thus it is,—it is Christ that we are to trust upon for Righteousness unto Justification, and everlasting life.
It is Christ upon whom we are to place our hope and confidence towards God.
It is Christ who is the foundation, upon whom we are to lay the whole weight of our souls for [Page 161] eternity. Now then consider, how strongly the Argument will grow up from hence: if so be that Believers be so much bound, to place their trust in Christ; to pitch, and fix their confidence upon Christ; they had need know him well: this will follow upon it. I tell you Brethren, you had need to know (reason will suggest this to you) that man well, whom you trust your lives withal; all your estates, and worldly interests withal; lest, putting your confidence in an unfaithful man, or one that will not be responsible to you concerning the trust you place in him, you be utterly undone, and fall under sad and shameful disappointments. Will you trust your selves, in case of sickness, with one that you never knew, or have but little knowledge of; do not know whether he have proportionable wisdom, and understanding, and skill to manage such an undertaking as your health, and recovery from some deadly disease amounts unto? Nay, you will say, I will know him well, before I will trust him with such a concernment.——If so be that you have a Suit in Law, which your whole Estate depends upon the well issuing of; you will endeavour this; to know him well whom you trust your Cause with, lest it should miscarry, by means of his ill management of it: this we all will yield unto, as a rational thing. Why now, I pray consider; you are bound to trust Christ with your lives, with your souls; they are wofully diseased, and He must be your Physitian; and you are bound to make your application unto him for health and cure. Truly, you had need to know him; it's your duty to be well acquainted with him, that so you may come with the more boldness, to place your trust and confidence in Him, [Page 162] and to say; Well, I dare venture my life in his hand; I know him well; I know his wisdom; I know his skill; I am so well acquainted with his sufficiency, that, if I had a thousand lives, I would put them all into his hand.——You are to trust him for your eternal inheritance, and for to plead your Cause; to answer all the Suits that are to be commenc'd against you by the Devil, by your Consciences; it is He that must plead your Cause; you are bound to this, to trust Him with your Cause. Now, it stands you upon much therefore, to know him well, and be well improved in your knowledge of Christ: forasmuch as you are to commit the cause of your souls to Him.
Consider further; You are bound to place your most intire and intensive love upon Christ: this is the bond the Lord sets upon every beleeving soul; to love the Lord Jesus in sincerity, and to love him with the most intire and intensive love. Consider this; you are bound to love him above your lives, above your souls; you are bound to love him more than you love your Father, your Mother, your Wife, your Children, your Estates, every thing in the World that is most neer and dear unto you: this obligation and bond, the Gospel puts Beleevers under;—they are bound (I say) to love the Lord Jesus, with a supream love, and to give this account of themselves; such as the Prophet doth of himself, in Ps. 33. O Lord, Whom have I in Heaven but thee? and whom is there on earth, that I love, and desire in comparison of thee? This is your duty, the duty of a Beleever, for to have the strength of his love let out upon Christ.——It's our duty to love him with a [Page 163] Conjugal love; love him so, as to own him for our Beloved, and to refuse all other beloveds in comparison of him: this is our duty. Now, mark you; Will not then the Argument flow strongly from hence, we have reason then to know him well, and labour to improve in the knowledge of him: Christ doth not care for a blind love, He doth not make much account of the love that is set upon him by those that know him not: it is a judicious love that Christ makes account of. Now therefore, it concerns you to endeavour a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; that knowing him well, our hearts may break out, and burn in love to him; and that so he may come to have the strength of our affections let out upon him. There's never a wise woman in the World, that will let out her love upon a man that she knows not, or hath little knowledge of; I will know him well, whether he be a proper object for me to place my love upon. Now, thus the case stands between Christ and a beleeving soul; and therefore we had need endeavour an improvement in the knowledge of Christ, that so we may come to have our hearts the more free to let out our love upon him; and say, O, I know him, I know him so well, that no beloved for my purpose, besides himself: Choose him, I will choose him above all the World. This was the course that the Daughters of Jerusalem took, in Cant. 2. When the Spouse was giving in charge to them concerning her Beloved, say they, What is thy beloved more than another beloved? Why, saith she, My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand: she speaks as one that had a full knowledge of him, and upon [Page 164] that account her heart was so strongly drawn out to him: thus it was with her. Now, in Chap. 6. having obtained the knowledge of her Beloved, that he was so choice and precious a one; their hearts begin to flame out, and to be in love with him: O, whither is thy Beloved gone; O thou fairest among women; whither is thy beloved gone, that we may seek him with thee? for, as he is thy Beloved; so shall he be our Beloved: now we come to know more of him, now are our hearts inflamed with the love of him, and our desires carried out more strongly after him.
Again, we had need endeavour a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Whereas they are bound to trust in him, and to set their love upon him, so they are under this obligation, for to captivate their judgements to him, so as to yield up themselves in all obedience and duty to be at his beck and bidding, and to comport with him in all his requiries, and to do whatsoever he commands them, without disputing his commands: this is a Beleevers duty: Whatsoever he requires of them, without any more ado, to follow him resolvedly in every way that he leads them into: If any man will be my Disciple, let him deny himself, and follow me, and hearken to my commands; such service and duty every beleeving soul stands bound to the performance of. Now consider, if so be that one will go, and bind himself to such a Master, whose will he must follow, whose commands he must obey, and with whose requiries he must comport: truly, he had need to know him well, that he is such a one, as will require nothing but that which is just and righteous, and that which is fit for [Page 165] him to comply withal. Now, the case stands thus between Christ and a Beleever: therefore he had need endeavour to be well-knowing of Christ, what a one he is, that he is most righteous and just in all his requiries, and that he will put us upon no service but what is for his honour, and for our benefit; that so knowing what a one he is, we may be the more free to yield up our selves unto, and without any further dispute, to apply to his counsels and commands.
And then I add this further; it is a duty that lies upon Beleevers; as to place their trust in Christ, and to set their love upon Christ, and to yield up themselves in duty and obedience to Christ; so likewise, to incourage themselves to suffering for Christ, let the suffering be what it will; to suffer loss, suffer shame, suffer pain, any thing that Christ doth call them out to the suffering of; they are bound for to comport with him in, and to yield up themselves unto; the bearing of whatsoever burden he laies upon them: If any man will be my Disciple, let him deny himself, and take up his cross: let the Cross be what it will, if it be the Cross of Christ, truly, it must be taken up; this is incumbent upon every Beleever, as his duty; startle at nothing of difficulty, danger, and sufferings, that we may be put upon for the sake of Jesus Christ.
Willing to suffer the spoyling of Goods, the loss of our Estates, to suffer shame for his Name, to suffer death, if he call us to it. Now, consider then, how strongly the Argument will rise from hence: truly, it's to good purpose, that we should endeavour to grow in the knowledge of Christ. Truly, I had need look well to it, whom I suffer for; if so be that I know, that if I will ingage in such a [Page 166] Relation, either as a Wife, or as a Servant, I shall be sure to undergo a great deal of suffering upon the account of the Relation under which I pass: truly, I had need well to know the persons, on whose sake, and behalf, and account, I am like to suffer so much; whether I shall not have cause to be ashamed of my suffering. Now, in this regard, it concerns the Saints and people of God, to endeavour after a well-improved knowledge of Christ; that so, when they come to suffer for his Name, and Truth, and Gospel, and waies, they may bear up with confidence and boldness, and not be ashamed; and say, as the Apostle speaks, (and it's an excellent passage to this purpose) 2 Tim. 1. I suffer these things, (saith he) but I am not ashamed: I suffer as an evil doer, unto bonds, and I undergo these and these reproaches and scorns, for the sake of Christ: I suffer these things, but I am not ashamed; O, I know in whom I have believed, I know who it is for whom I suffer; I suffer on the behalf, and for the sake of such a one, as will make up all to me; I shall never have cause to be ashamed of the shame, and of the pain, and of the reproaches and scorns that I undergo for the sake of Jesus Christ. No, this was that that made the Apostles, in Acts 5. to go away from the Councel rejoycing, that they were accounted worthy to suffer shame for the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And truly Brethren, in these regards now, there is very great reason that B [...]leevers should study the knowledge of Christ, and labour to be well improved in it;—and that, in regard of their trust,—and of their love,—and of their duty,—and of their suffering, which they are to resolve upon for the sake of Jesus [Page 167] Christ. Alas, it is the madness of the World, that they will put their trust, and place their confidence in those things which they have no knowledge of: they have no knowledge of them, that they will be responsible to them, nor answer their expectation; and so it is the dishonour of men; as it was in the case of the Israelites; they would put their trust and confidence in Egypt, a broken reed; they knew not Egypt, they knew not what disappointments were in Egypt. It is the dishonour of men, that they will pass their love, and place their affections upon those things they know not, do service to those things they know not, be willing to suffer for those they know not: Did men know what vain things, riches, pleasures, worldly interests were, and what little account there is to be made of them; did they but know them within and without, through and through; they would never carry it towards them as they do; never place their trust, and set their hearts so much upon them. And it is that that will be the shame and confusion of worldly minded persons (the Lord give us wisdom to consider of it in time) at last; when they shall come to see what the object is, that they have plac'd their trust, and set their hearts upon. O beast! O mad wretch that I was, that I should go and put my trust in a thing that cannot profit me, that can stand me in no stead! I trusted in my uncertain riches; uncertain they were, and altogether irresponsible to the confidence that I placed in them: I set my love upon this and that; this base and beggerly lust: O, it's base things, and worthy to be hated: I spent my time, and laid out my strength for such and such things; I thought they would be very contentful [Page 168] in the enjoyment: But, alas! I find I have laid out my money for that I see is no bread, and for that will yield me no profit at all. This will be the consutation of the World.
Yet further, That we may stand the more fully convinc'd of this as our Duty, to endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: The very Knowledge it self, or the subject matter of this Knowledge doth exceeding strongly and loudly bespeak a Believers endeavour this way. The subject matter of this Knowledge I told you before, That Christ is the subject matter; and that speaks the excellency of the Knowledge.—But now, besides, The subject matter of this Knowledge duly weighed and considered, it doth bespeak a Believers endeavours after the Improvement of this Knowledge. For consider,—The Knowledge of Christ, it is Knowledge in a Mysterie; and the Mysterie concerning Christ, it is such a Mysterie, as hath heights, and depths, and breadths, and lengths; it hath all dimensions: I, and beyond comprehension. That Scripture, which in the carrying on of this Discours [...], I may have occasion to give you a more full account of than now I can; but I hint at it now upon the account that I am speaking: In Eph 3. The Apostle prays, That they might comprehend with all the Saints, what is the height, and depth, and breadth, and length: And, saith he, That you may know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge. There is, saith he, in the Knowledge of Christ, heights, and depths, and breadths, and lengths, and particularly in the knowledge of his Love; and it is such a Love as passeth Knowledge. Now, do but argue thus: Is there such a Mysterie? Are there such depths in this Knowledge? T [...]n certainly we [Page 169] had need to set to it, that we do endeavour for to grow up in this Knowledge, that we may be as comprehensive of it as possible we can; this is our Duty: As now to instance in some Particulars.
The Apostle speaks concerning this Mysterie, in Col. 1. speaking there of the Mysterie; Which (saith he) is Christ in you, the hope of Glory. O, Brethren, do you know the meaning of this? It may be you think you do; but I say (I am sufficiently warranted to say) If any man think he knoweth any thing, he knows nothing as he ought. Do you know the interpretation of this, Christ in you, the hope of Glory? This is the Mysterie; the Apostle calls it so: You may be apt to think you can reach the bottom of this; Christ, and Christ in you; and Christ in you, the hope of Glory. Alas, we are apt to put our selves off with a little sip of the Cup; we go as it were with the top of the lip, and give a touch upon that which would cover head and shoulders and all; we might stand under these waters they are so deep: Such a word as this, it bespeaks our search, and disquisition, and inquiry, and to set in with God. O, but Lord, What's the meaning of this, Christ in you, and Christ in you the hope of Glory? This bespeaks our endeavour after the Knowledge of Christ.
Here I might fall upon sundry other Particulars, as this belongs to the Knowledge of Christ, according to the Apostles account, in Eph. 3. he speaks there of the Mysterie which was kept secret from Ages and Generations: And, saith he, Was not so made known as it is now to his holy Apostles and Prophets by the Spirit.—What's this Mysterie? That the Gentiles should be fellow-Heirs of the same Body, partakers of his Promise in Christ by the [Page 170] Gospel: That is a Mysterie; and this bespeaks our endeavour after a growth in knowledge, even the Knowledge of Christ; for this belongs to the Knowledge of Christ. Christ will be considered as mystical Christ; he will be made up of Jew and Gentile, the middle Wall being broken down; a Mysterie hidden from Ages and Generations; but it's made known: I, but how little a thing is known, even of this?
And then I add withal, The Mysterie; it was the mysterie concerning the Gentiles, that they should come in to be fellow-Heirs.
It's the Mysterie, with respect to the Iews: So the Apostle calls it, in Rom. 11. This Mysterie I would not have you ignorant of, lest you should be wise in your own conceits, that blindness in part is happened to the Iews, until the fulness of the Gentiles come in, and then all Israel shall be saved: Here's a Mysterie. Now, these Mysteries bespeak our serious endeavour, that we may come to grow in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And then the Mysterie concerning the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus;—the Administration of it;—the delivery of it, upon the Administration of it, to the Father. The Apostle holds forth these Mysteries:
The Mysterie of the Kingdom; the new Heavens, and the new Earth, wherein dwelleth Righteousness, which belongs to the Knowledge of Jesus Christ.
And then the delivering up of the Kingdom to the Father, that God may be All in all, when Christ hath performed the Administration of the Kingdom. Now, I say, these are Mysteries belonging to the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus [Page 171] Christ, which do all of them loudly bespeak our most sedulous endeavours after a growth in this blessed Knowledge.
And to add no more, consider that passage of the Apostle, in 1 Tim. 3. the latter end, Great is the mysterie of godliness:—What's that? God was manifest in the flesh, iustified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, preached to the Gentiles, believed on in the World, received up into Glory. Have we comprehended? have we attained? The Apostle Paul was far from thinking so, according to that account of him; N [...] as if I had already attained, or were already perfect. What, have we got to the bottom of these Mysteries? Are we able to fathom the depth of them? O, how little a thing do we know of these things. It was a good saying of one of the Ancients; Many things, because of the customary mentioning of them, they are slighted, which if they were but seriously weighed would cause admiration to astonishment. God manifested in the flesh: Why, it's a Mystery that we may bestow a whole Age of a thousand years in studying, and never be able to come to the full understanding of: Angels desire to look into these things. Now, upon these accounts, upon the account of the subject matter of the Knowledge of Christ, it may well be required of Believers, that they do their utmost endeavour, that they may grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I shall close up for the present only with this one Argument further: It is the Saints duty to endeavour a Knowledge in the growth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; for otherwise, truly, we do not answer the provision that God hath made to such a purpose; we walk unworthy of the Goodness and Grace of God which hath discovered it self this [Page 172] way, in order to such a growth. For, mark you; In the beginning of the World, upon the fall of Adam, the Gospel it was but whispered: Whisper, there was something darkly, secretly, and couchantly (if I may so speak) was hinted out; The seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents head; here was all the Gospel was given out at first: Afterwards there began to be a little more discovery made of it to Abraham, Isaac and Iacob:—Afterwards in Moses time, and in Moses days, there came to be a little more full explanation:—afterwards in the times of the Prophets, clearer & clearer discoveries.—But in the time of the Gospel, when Christ came, then the Day star arises, nay, the Sun of Righteousness breaks out, and now we have clearer and clearer discoveries of the Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus.—And mark you, when Christ goes to Heaven, he sends a token of his love to his Church and People, a Book of Mysteries, of Mysteries concerning the Knowledge of himself; and provides this very Book, that we might come to be well improved in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.—Now, consider this; For as much as the Lord hath in his Wisdom, out of his rich bounty hath been pleased thus to provide and to order out, that there should be such means and helps for our Improvement in the knowledge of Christ; truly we walk unworthy of this provision, if we do not put on with all industriousness, to such a purpose, that we may grow in the Knowledge of God. Let me but express my self thus; If so be you have a Vessel moving upon the waters, if the water be shallow, and it be a low water, the Vessel is ready to touch upon the ground; but if so be the water grow higher and higher, and the Tyde comes in [Page 173] and springs up, then the Vessel rises higher and higher: So should it be with the souls of Believers, being that God hath made a stream come in more strongly, and the Tyde to rise higher (as he hath done) in the course of holy Scripture; truly the endeavour of a Christian should be sutable to such provision, he should endeavour to be upon his Improvements, and to grow in the Knowledge of Christ. These things being thus accounted to you, in order to your convincement, that we should endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour.
I should now come to tell you, what this Knowledge is, for the nature of it: I must tell you this, That truly there are many have the Knowledge of Christ, and are grown up to a great measure of it; and yet for all that, their Knowledge will be their confutation at last.
I must tell you this, That howsoever we may be apt to lift up our selves in high conceits of our Knowledge, yet the very Devils are exceeding much in their Knowledge of Christ: We know thee, who thou art, The holy one of God. I tell you, There's never a Devil that's now under the chains of darkness, but they can speak most learnedly concerning the Lord Jesus, concerning his Person,—concerning his Nature,—concerning his Office: And how many learned men are there that are able to discourse concerning Christ, concerning his Incarnation, and concerning his Death, and Resurrection, and Ascension, and this and that, and are able to inlarge themselves this way, and yet they do (many of them) go down with their Knowledge to Hell: Therefore it is necessary for us to be well instructed in this Point, that we may know what this Knowledge [Page 174] is.—I would have spoken something to it; only thus:
It is not a notional Knowledge: Take heed of a notional historical Knowledge, a Knowledge that you attain unto meerly by common report, and by a common eradiation of the Understanding; but look to it, that it be a Heart-knowledge, a cordial Knowledge,—a practical Knowledge,—such a Knowledge as is a transforming Knowledge: For the truth on't is, If any man think he knows any thing of Christ, he knows nothing as he ought to know, if his Knowledge don't transform him. This is the ruine of souls, They know much of Christ, they are able to discourse of the Doctrine of Justification, and Sanctification, and of Adoption, and other Mysteries of the Gospel, and all lies floating in the brain, and that's nothing of its effectual operation upon the heart and conscience of a sinner. This is that that I would a little further speak to you about, that so we may not mistake our selves, and go with a Knowledge that lies dead upon our hands, and so come to fall under the deep and most dreadful ruine.
I Was speaking concerning this Knowledge, for the kind of it: Now I would strengthen this cause I have in hand, concerning the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; I would strengthen the cause what I could, and I shall do my best endeavour, that you may be as fully convinc'd as may be, How much it concerns Believers and Saints to grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Besides all that hath been already spoken to the purpose, which indeed doth carry very convincing light with it, and is beyond all gain-saying. There is besides all that hath been already spoken, some things further to be held forth unto you, whereby you may yet stand more fully convinc'd of it, That the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, is a Knowledge that we should vigorously endeavour a growth and Improvement in.
As now to instance. Having spoken the last time of things that concern us, in reference to Christ; so I shall now further communicate those things to you that concern this matter, in reference to our selves. If so be we be but that we profess to be, if we be such as have the faith of the Gospel, and are planted under the hopes of the Gospel; truly, it doth very much concern us, in respect of our selves, to endeavour vigorously a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and that in these several respects, which I would intreat you seriously to weigh and consider. As,
First, Our Duty is, to endeavour a growth in th▪ [Page 176] Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
First, That we may be men and women of more able Judgments, be more Judicious and able to manage our Judgment of things.
2. That we may have the more benefit and comfort of our Consciences, and with respect to our consciences; our duty is to endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
3. With respect unto Gospel-grace, and that there may be an increase in it.
4. With respect unto Gospel-priviledges, and Benefits, and Comforts.
5. With respect to Gospel-duties.
6. With respect unto a Gospel-conversation. In the general, these things I now do further offer to your consideration, and shall endeavour to give some insight into them, and what they do import, that so if the Lord will please to prosper my endeavours among you, that you may come to set on more strenuously, with strength, and endeavour after a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Consider first, It is required of us (such as profess Godliness and the Faith of the Gospel) that they be a wise, judicious and understanding People. Be not, saith the Apostle, unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. 'Tis that which hath been earnestly prayed for. So David, Thy hands have made me, and fashioned me, give me understanding.—How earnest was Solomon in that behalf, that he would give him a wise and an understanding heart? How earnest was Paul with God on the behalf of the Church of the Ephesians, That their understandings might be enlightned?—God would have [Page 177] his People to be like himself; he is a judicious God, a God of Judgment; and he would have his People to be an understanding and judicious People, of discerning spirits, able to make a right Judgment of persons and persons, of things and things: This is the Will of God.—Now consider, There is no Knowledge in all the World, that contributes so much to this, that we may come to be a wise, understanding and judicious People, as the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ doth. I remember what Moses speaks, in Deut. 4. That they should be acknowledged upon the account of those Laws, and Statutes, and Testimonies which were given them; they should be acknowledged to be a wise and an understanding People. Why? Truly they were of high accomplishment, as touching their wisdom and understanding, and judgment; and that upon the account of those Revelations that God did make to them. O, but how much higher will the advance be of a People, in wisdom, and understanding, and judgment, that are well instructed in, and acquainted with the Mysteries of Christ, and the things that are to be known concerning him. Consider now, What was the teaching of the Old Testament, to the teaching that was to be had under the New Testament, the Gospel-teaching; when the time came that the Mysterie which had been kept secret, from Ages and Generations, should be broken open, and laid out to the full of it? Oh, what an advantage was there then, for a People to come to good judgment and understanding! No Knowledge in all the World (I say) contributes so much to the purpose, of making Men and Women wise and judicious, as doth the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
[Page 178] By this Knowledge well improved (for I speak of that) I speak of the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, considered as well improved, when there is a considerable growth and increase in it: I speak of this Knowledge in the improvement and increase in it, as the most pretious Knowledge, most beneficial to such a purpose, for to accomplish men and women for being a judicious understanding People, of discerning spirits. Consider,
First of all, By the means of this Knowledge, we shall be the better able to make a judgment of ourselves, our persons, and conditions, and states. Alas, beloved, What woful mistakes are we apt to run upon, concerning our conditions God-ward! How many are there that think themselves to be something, when they are nothing at all; judge themselves to be of a right Gospel-spirit, when they are nothing so at all?—How many are there that account themselves to be right in point of Religion and Godliness, well accomplisht, and that they are such as will pass in account with God, for good, and sound, and upright men, right in the Mysterie of the Gospel; whom God will reject and protest against, and profess of them, that he hath no pleasure in them?—Then on the other hand, There are many poor souls that pass a very sad judgment upon themselves, and are apt to give themselves for stark naught, that they are not to be accounted of with God, that have deserved rather to be rejected of him; when yet for all that, they are in his account, no other than noble Vines, a holy, a right seed; as the Prophet Jeremiah useth the expression. Now, the reason of these mistakes, in point of Judgment, concerning our selves and Estates; it must needs arise, e [...]pecially, either from the total want, or [Page 179] from a great deficiency in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For, mark you; You must know that we are never so well able to judge of the Writing, as when we are well knowing of the Copy after which the Writing is to be drawn: We can never so well make a Judgment of the fashion of a thing, unless we know the due pattern after which it is to be cast; they that see the Copy, will be the better able to judge of the Writing that is to be drawn after the Copy; they that understand the state of the Mold, will be the better able to judge of the Vessel, whether it be right cast and fashioned, sutable to the Mold. Now, consider thus: Our Lord Jesus Christ, he is the Copy after which a Believer, a Christian is to be drawn up: He is the Mold into which a Christian is to be fashioned. The Apostle tells us, in Rom. 8. That those whom God hath predestinated, he hath predestinated to be conformed to the Image of his Son, that he might be the first-born among many brethren. Thus it is, it is the great design of God concerning all his People that he will own; that they be conformed and fashioned according to Christ: And such as is the constitution of Christ, such must be the constitution of a Christian. Now, when we come to know, and to know to good purpose, the things that concern Christ; when we come to be made able to answer the Mysteries of the Gospel concerning Christ, what a Christ he is, of what a make and constitution. (Pray consider well:) The more we know of this Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the better able shall we be to make a Judgment of our selves, and to escape those dangerous mistakes concerning our condition and state, which we are apt to run upon; when we come to know, and to know [Page 180] to some good degree what Christ is; what he is for his Nature, and Disposition, and Qualifications, and Constitution; and that he is not made after the Law of a carnal Commandment, but after the power of an endless Life: That he is constituted a Priest after such a manner; and so a Prophet, a King. When we come to know this to some purpose, the Constitution of Christ, what make he is of, how God hath ordered him, who is the Pattern and the Copy after which a Christian is to be drawn up; the more we understand and know of this, the better able shall we be to make a Judgment of our selves and states, when we come to compare our selves with our Saviour Jesus Christ; when we can find, that as in the Print, there is letter for letter, there is Grace for Grace; there is stamp for stamp, Impression for Impression; when we can find this, when we come to know the original Copy, and then come to compare our selves with the Copy, the Writing that is drawn up in our own hearts;—when we come to understand what Constitution Christ is of, and understand that to some purpose, and then come to consider how it is vvith our selves; then shall vve be the better able to make a Judgment of our condition and state, and to say, I knovv that my heart is right, I knovv that my state is good, I am able to avouch it, I can give a Judgment of my self upon this account, because I find the conformity to Christ my Head; I see there is an ansvvering to the Copy, and that I am dravvn up according to the Pattern. O Brethren, consider vvell of this: We are said to be made Kings and Priests unto God our Father. Why, novv, Kings and Priests? vve are such as Christ, vvho vvas a King and a Priest; not after the Lavv (as I said [Page 181] before) of a carnal Commandment, but after the power of an endless Life; when we come to find the power of an endless Life in us, a sutableness unto Christ; when it's otherwise, it is but a pretence. As it may be said according to that, in Rev. 2. They say they are Iews and are not; they are of the Synagogue of Satan; and so will many be found to be so, that do not correspond to Christ, and do not answer Christ as the Pattern. This is that therefore, that we are to know and consider, That it is necessary that Believers and Saints should be well acquainted with the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because by that Knowledge we are to regulate our Judgments concerning our own persons. And so the Church, as in Rev. 2. before-mentioned.
And so again, The like is to be said concerning Doctrines, and concerning Worships; concerning the Doctrines that are held forth, and concerning the Worships that are performed. Why, Brethren, there are many Doctrines preach'd in the World, that are no better than chaff to the Wheat; and no other than dross to the Gold. What is the chaff to the wheat? as the Prophet Ieremiah speaks: And what is the dross to the Gold? Now, how should we judge, but by the help of the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? The more we improve in that Knowledge, the better able shall we be to make a Judgment of Doctrines.
And so likewise of Worships: Such Worships as shall have acceptance vvith God. Why? they must be Worships that are according to Christ; and the more vve improve in the Knovvledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the more able shall vve be to make a Judgment of these things. O! [Page 182] Christ, he is a spiritual Christ: Though we have known him (saith the Apostle) after the flesh, yet henceforth know we him so no more: He was made after the power of an endless Life, and not after the Law of a carnal Commandment; and his Worship is drawn up, not after the Law of a carnal Commandment, but after the power of an endless Life, sutable to himself. O, consider of this, and take heed of carnal hearts, and of carnal Services, that hold no correspondency with our Lord Jesus Christ; so that upon this account, you may see and stand convinc'd of it, That it concerns us very much to endeavour a growth and increase in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because by the means of that Knowledge, we are inabled to make a Judgment of Churches, and their Constitutions;—we are inabled to make a Judgment of Doctrines and of Worships, which are to be performed.
[...] Yet further. The Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, is a Knowledge that Christians and Believers should endeavour a growth in, and that as with respect unto their Judgments, that they may come to be well accomplisht, and to become a judicious People. So likewise 2ly. In regard of their Conscience: Conscience, truly it is a great word, and I wish that the interpretation of it were better known. The interpretation of Conscience; I tell you Brethren, That every man and woman hath a Conscience within them, and this Conscience is either his cordial Friend, or it will be his dreadful Enemy; it will either be a Friend or a Fury; either his best Friend on earth, or his greatest Enemy on earth; Conscience will be a Friend if it be right, but God is a greater Friend; Conscience will be an [Page 183] Enemy, I, but God is a greater Enemy: If our heart condemn us, faith the Apostle, God is greater than our heart, and he knows all things.—But, on earth, there is not a greater Friend, nor is there a greater Enemy than a man's Conscience. I tell you this, That your Consciences, when you come to know them, and to be acquainted with them, and when they come to be awakened and set on work, your Consciences will either create a Heaven within you, or else they will create a Hell within you. Truly, Conscience will do thus; It will either make your life to be a Heaven, or else it will make it to be a Hell. I'le give you two Instances, and I think that more remarkable Instances cannot be given.—To instance in Paul and Iudas: There was never man (I think) in the World, that was able to speak more from experience concerning his Conscience, and how it befriended him, than Paul was; never man better studied in Conscience; never man more befriended by Conscience, and he knew the benefit of it, and was exceedingly rejoyced in it: And there was never man that was more terrified by his Conscience (I think) than Iudas was, and no man more able to speak to the terror of his Conscience, than he was. Paul makes his boast of his Conscience: This is our rejoycing, The testimony of our Conscience. And, Men and brethren, I have lived in all good Conscience: And still upon every occasion, My Conscience bears me witness. O, this Conscience of Paul, it sung within his bosom, like a bird of Paradise! O, this good Conscience of Paul, notwithstanding all the troubles and persecutions he meets with, his Conscience befriends him, and doth keep him up in heart, and he is cheered with it, under all the troubles and disquietments that he meets with in this World. [Page 184] Thus it was with him, as to his Conscience.
And as for Iudas, his Conscience was a Fury within him, when he came to be awakened and had the guilt of blood upon him: O, how Conscience rages! it creates a Hell within him, and he is in Hell before he comes there; as many are, and will be, when God comes to awake their Consciences. Now, thus it was with Iudas, and he was so hurried, and agaster'd, and amazed, and afrighted, that he was a Magor-missabib, a terror to himself. Thus it was with Iudas, and that by reason of his awakened Conscience, labouring under the guilt of his iniquities and impieties that he had committed. Well, this is Conscience, the best friend on Earth, or the greatest and dreadfullest enemy on Earth. A man had better have all the World against him, than have his Conscience against him; and if all the World be against a man, yet, if his Conscience be for him, if his Conscience will befriend him; it will inable him to bear up with comfort notwithstanding.
I, but now consider, that it is by the well-improvement of the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; it is by the well-improvement of that knowledge, and by endeavouring an advance, and a growth and increase in that: this is the thing that I drive at; it is by this means, and upon this account, that the Conscience comes to be set to rights, and is inabled to do the part of a dear and cordial Friend, which it will never do upon other tearms. I'll tell you what, your Consciences will never do the part of a friend to you to any purpose, but rather storm against you, and make you to become as Magor-missabibs, terrors to your selves; unless you be well instructed in the [Page 185] knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Men and women may daub with their Consciences, and sooth up themselves, and lay their Conscience upon a pillow, when it's sick, and distemper'd, and ill at ease, and would be breaking out: men may take this and that course to still their Conscience for a little while; O, but there will never, never be any true quieted peace, nor any kindly settlement of it, nor any friendlyness of it to us, if we be not well understanding in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. It is clearly by the advancement that we make in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ, that we come to have our Consciences set right, and to perform the office of a dear and cordial friend to us. Alas Brethren, consider thus; men and women may have gone on in a fair and plausible profession of Christianity for many years, and have been in good account for Christians, and have had friendly respect from the Godly: but when they come to fall under a temptation, an awakening and stinging temptation; or when they come to lye upon their death-beds, and have a representation made to them of their condition and state, they are in a most restless condition, they do not know what in the World will become of them; but they are like unto the raging Sea: and this is like to prove the condition of many poor creatures, that make a fair profession: the Lord give them wisdom to look into it, they are in a restless condition, like unto the raging Sea, that casts up mire and dirt, and cannot be quiet. O, it's true, I have had a profession, and have had a name for a Christian, and I have b [...]n installed in Church-priviledges, and I have [...]t and drank with the [Page 186] Saints, and walk'd in communion with them; but now all this, and a great deal more of this, that may be accounted, will not quiet the spirit; and the poor creature cannot tell where to rest, but tumbles and tosses, and rouls up and down, and knows not what in the World will become of it. Thus it will be; therefore we had need look about us, and to consider wisely of it.—Why, what's the reason of this? why truly, principally upon this account; because the knowledge of Christ was not better studied, and that it was not pursued more eagerly, according to the true state of it; and the Conscience was not duly principled with the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ.
And so likewise; there are others, Godly persons; the Godly persons, concerning whom, it may be very comfortably hoped, that their hearts are right with God, and that they have the root of the matter in them; and yet, in a day of temptation; at a great loss, and tossed with tempests, and wofully shattered and broken; and do not know where to rest the sole of their foot: poor souls, that are roving, and tossed from post to pillar, and cannot tell how to have any quiet injoyments:—what's the reason of this? O, it is in a special manner to be reckoned to the want of a due information in the mysterie of Christ; and, because there is not a well-improved knowledge concerning our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. But the poor creature is principled much, what with principles of Legality, with Legal principles, which will never settle the Conscience, nor never bring any solid peace unto the Conscience. This is the reason why many poor creatures are so shattered [Page 187] and broken as they are, and cannot have a comfortable day; pass a long from time to time, and upon every occasion, they are under woful perplexities.—What's the reason of this?—because of Legal principles in their Conscience; by occasion whereof, the Conscience is ever and anon rising up, and presenting matter of terror to the poor creatures; and it knows not what to do, nor how to have any comfortable injoyment of it self:—upon this account it is, because we are not well studyed in the mysteries of the Gospel, in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Iesus Christ. Thus it is; We must know, that all the knowledge concerning God, considered out of Christ, as he is an Infinite Glorious Being; as he is a God of Infinite Sovereignty, of Infinite Power; as he is a God that is Perfect in Knowledge, in Holyness, and Wisdom, and the like: all this Knowledge,—and the Knowledge of God in the works of his Creation;—and the Knowledge that we have of our selves, and of the state wherein we were created. The Knowledge of the Covenant, under which we were planted in the beginning of the Creation:—The Knowledge of the Law, and of the Sovereignty of that: All this knowledge will but raise up terror in the soul, and make the Conscience to rage and storm; nothing of this Knowledge that is able to calm and quiet the Conscience. No, let a man present to himself never so fully, all his moralities, and duties, and services, whatsoever he can account concerning himself: notwithstanding this, Conscience rages still; there's nothing of satisfaction to the Conscience: Conscience is still all this while like the raging Sea, and casts out mire and di [...]t, and cannot be quiet.— [Page 188] Why?—Why because it hath nothing to rest upon; nothing that it knows concerning God, his Infinite Majesty, Glory, Purity, and Holyness, that gives a bottom for the Conscience to rest upon; but the Conscience rather comes the more to ra [...]e and storm; O, he is a Holy God, and my Conscience tells me, that I am a filthy, loathsome, polluted creature: He is a Righteous and Just God, and I am a rebellious wretch, that have provoked Him most dreadfully: I have the representations before me, of such and such moralities, and services: I, but the Law is a strict Law, and I have not answered it in any thing that I have done. Now, it is only by the Knowledge of our Lord and Savlour Jesus Christ. The Knowledge of the Myste [...] which was kept secret from Ages and Generatio [...] [...] is only by the knowledge of that Mysterie, that the Co [...] comes to be quiet, it comes to find a bottom there: when this Knowledge comes, there's a plank cast out after the Ship-wrack. O, when the soul comes to hear of the Lord Jesus Christ, that he was sent of God, to be the Saviour, to make satisfaction to his Justice, by the offering up of himself a sacrifice; that he hath shed blood, and the blood of attonement, an available blood: when the Conscience comes to know this, and this knowledge comes to be wrought in a soul; then Conscience begins to be quiet. The Apostle argues to this purpose, in Heb. 10. The Law, saith he, having a shaddow of good things to come; for it had its worldly Sanctuary, and its Priesthood, a pompous Priesthood, and the Sacrifices, and the blood of Bulls, and Goats: I, but, saith he, These were never able to purge the Conscience, and to make the comers thereunto perfect; [Page 189] to give them peace, and to bring them to the injoyment of rest; they could find no rest here; For, saith he, if so be that they had been available, then would they not have ceased to be offered, because the comers to these sacrifices, being once made perfect, should have had no more Conscience of sins; their Consciences no more labouring under the apprehension, and the representation of their former sins, they would have been made perfect, and would have had no more Conscience of sin. But, saith he, every time they come to offer these Sacrifices, there is a remembrance of sins:—Why?—Why because the knowledge of all this, the performance of all this, would not answer the exigency of the Conscience, and lay a foundation for the Conscience to bottom upon. But, saith he, Christ, He comes in, and He, by one offering of Himself, by the shedding of his own blood once, He hath perfected for ever, them that are sanctified; and now the Conscience comes to be quiet. O, this is the knowledge will quiet the Conscience. Therefore now, judge with your selves, whether there be not infinite cause, that professors that mind their souls, and the peace of their hearts, and the comfort of their Consciences; whether it doth not infinitely concern them, to endeavour an increase and growth in the Knowledge of the Lord Jesus: That so, when Conscience would be upon stirring, and startling, and stumbling; the soul being well versed in the mysterie, and understanding to good purpose what the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ is, the soul may be able to relieve it self: Well, be it what it will; let Devils charge, and let men charge, let them charge to the full; I bless God, I have the knowledge of Jesus [Page 190] Christ. I understand the mysterie concerning my Lord Jesus: I have endeavoured to make a good progression in this knowledge, and to accommodate it to my purpose. I know who Christ was, what a Priest he was, and what blood he shed, and what a sacrifice he offered; and I know, that the Infinite Justice of God, is not able to make any exception against this sacrifice and blood. God hath rescued me, well may my Conscience rescue me: God is satisfied, well may my Conscience be satisfied. Well now, for my part, I know not what in all the World to preach to you, that is more material and momentous than these things. And these two things that I have laboured about this morning;—as touching a Christians accomplishment, for being wise, and judicious; and that is, by a due improvement in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.—And likewise, concerning the Conscience; and how that comes to be rectified, and set to rights, and to stand a mans Friend in every time of need; and that he may sweetly injoy himself, and come to have a Rock to repose upon in a storm and tempest; how a soul may come to find a rest for it self in all the tossings and turmoylings in the World: and that it is the knowledge, or improving in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I say, these are momentous things, and we should well consider of it; that of all knowledge, there is none that we should endeavour a growth and increase in, as the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I Shall now proceed unto some other things, which will yet more fully evidence it to us, that it doth very much concern beleeving souls, to endeavour a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The third thing, according to this order, which I propound, is, That by growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we shall be advantaged for a growth in Grace. It seems, and to me, it more than seems, to be implyed in the Conjunction of these two Requiries: Grow in Grace, grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It seems to imply thus much; as if so be the Apostle should have said, Grow in Grace, and that you may do so; see that you grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. They are never like to come to any eminency in Grace, and to make any considerable advance [...] Grace, that make little or no progress in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. And they, that in uprightness of soul, do make it their business to incease, and grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; they are the most likely persons for to make the most considerable advantage in the Graces of the Spirit of God. There is something in it, that the Spirit of God, by the ministry of his Apostle Peter, should propound these two requiries in this Conjunction one with another. Require a growth in Grace; and in [Page 192] order thereunto, a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.——Now here, first of all, I shall speak a little more generally; and that, but in a touch:——And then, shall endeavour to evince this, by giving an account of this in a more particular way.
You are to know, that the first plantation of Grace in the soul, it is made in the way, and by the means of the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, communicated to the soul through the Spirit: there can be no Grace in the heart, where there is no Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is the Knowledge of Christ, and of the Gospel, and of the Gospel-mysteries concerning Christ, by the means whereof, Grace comes to be planted in the soul. The Prophet, in Psal. 19. gives us this account of the Law of the Lord; that it is a perfect Law, converting the soul.—What Law is this?——understand it of the Law of Grace and Faith: Not of the Law of Works: and there by Law, you are to understand, the Doctrine of God concerning Christ, held forth in the Gospel, in the Scriptures of Prophets and Apostles. And he saith, that it is the Law of God, this Law of Faith, this Gospel-Law, which is the blessed Instrument of converting the soul.
Before Conversion, there's no Grace; when Conversion is wrought, then Grace takes place in the heart: an unconverted person, is a graceless person, let him be what he will for his moralities, and plausible conversation: when once Conversion is wrought, then Grace comes to be in the soul: and this Conversion is not brought about, but by the Gospel, which holds forth unto us, the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Let a [Page 193] man preach moral Duties never so clearly and plainly; moral Duties, all the Duties of the moral Law, considered as it holds forth a Covenant of Works; as it holds forth a Duty to God, Duty to Man: I say, let a man preach never so clearly and plainly man's Duty, he will never be able to convert the soul; that is not the converting Ministry, no, it is not; 'tis not the quickning Ministry. I remember how the Apostle argues to the Galatians; Received ye the Spirit (saith he) which Spirit is a Spirit of Grace, by the works of the Law, or by the hearing of Faith? That is the Doctrine of Faith. Why? saith he, you did never receive the Spirit, which is a Spirit of Grace, by the works of the Law, and by the hearing of the Law; but you received the Spirit, by the hearing of Faith, by hearing the Doctrine of Faith, the Doctrine of the Gospel, the Doctrine concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, made known unto you; in that way the Spirit came, and the Spirit with the Grace of it. It is, therefore, the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is the blessed instrumental means whereby there comes to be the first plantation of Grace in the Soul.
I, this that brings men to believe, it's the Gospel; men will never believe to the saving of their souls, till they come to know Jesus Christ.
They will never repent with a Repentance to salvation, till they come to know Jesus Christ: All the knowledge in the World will never bring over a soul to Faith and Repentance, to the Love of God, but the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. When men come once to know the Mysterie of the Gospel, to know the Grace of God in Christ, to know the Mysteries concerning the Salvation and Redemption of the World by the Lord Jesus; this will bring [Page 194] them to Faith (if any thing will) this will bring them to Repentance; this is the instrumental means whereby they come to have their hearts warmed with the Love of God. The preaching of the Law, as a Covenant of Works, moral Duties, and pressing of them, without the line of the Gospel, and the Covenant of Grace; without reference to that, this will but rather provoke and stir up the corruption of a man: The Law worketh wrath against a man, works wrath in a man; it raises up wrath, it irritates those cursed corrupt Principles that are in him. O, this is a Mysterie that we should be well acquainted withal.
O, it is the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel: This is that that breaks the heart, and makes the heart to work out after God. Never shall we begin to love God, nor to love Christ, till such time as we come to know the Doctrines of the Gospel, concerning our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I would with all my heart that every one of you were but well studied in this Mysterie, that now I am speaking to, That it is the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ held forth in the Gospel, that is the means and instrument to plant Grace, to make the first Plantation of it in the Soul. As,
2ly. Know, That as it is the means of its first Plantation, so it is the means and instrument of its Augmentation: I am speaking according to the Doctrine of the Text, concerning a growth in Grace, and in the Knowledge of Christ. This growth in Grace, is brought about by a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus; the more we know, the more we shall believe, the more we shall repent, the more we shall love, the more holy shall we be (as I [Page 195] shall shew you, God assisting.) I think this Point will take up a little more time than other Particulars will, but it will be time well spent.
Now yet further, to clear up this, That it is the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and the increase in that, which doth promote an increase in Grace. You shall find in Scripture, and truly it is worthy your consideration (to my apprehension) that the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is put for all Grace. 'Tis a considerable thing, that when God will make a promise of all grace, he doth epitomise that promise thus: I will give them an heart to know me. When God comes to make a promise to his People concerning Grace, he puts it into this Form, I give them an heart to know me. O how much is there complicated in that expression, I will give them an heart to know me! He doth not say, an Head to know me. Indeed that's a Gift, but Knowledge in the heart, is a Grace: It is the beginning of Grace, and that which contributes to all the Graces; an heart to know me. To know me;—with what a kind of Knowledge? with a fidelial Knowledge, a Knowledge of Trust, and an affectionate Knowledge, a Knowledge of Love, and with a Knowledge of Desire, and a Knowledge of Submission; I will give them an heart to know me. And you shall find likewise to this purpose our Saviour speaks, Joh. 17. 3. This is life eternal. Why, This is life eternal, To know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. Mark it, This is eternal life in the Causes of it; this is eternal life in the way and means of it, To know thee, and to know him whom thou hast sent: To know God in Christ; this is eternal life.
Then surely it imports Faith, and it imports [Page 196] Love, and it imports Holiness; for eternal Life doth not come over to a soul, but in the way of Believing, and in the way of Holiness, and in the way of Love, and in the way of all the Graces: So that I say, The Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is such a Knowledge, as under which is comprehended the Graces of the Spirit: And truly this is a consideration of weight in order to this purpose, that we may come to be more in our indearings of it, and more in our endeavourings after it.
But now I shall endeavour to make this yet more fully to appear, by an induction of Particulars; so as that you may stand convinc'd of this, that the way to grow in Grace, is to grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Consider first of all, That by growth in this Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we are most happily advantaged for a growth in Faith and Believing; it is very considerable, and I will commend it to you to be seriously weighed, That as Knowledge is put for Faith, for justifying Faith, according to that remarkableScripture that you have in Isa. 53. where the Lord speaks to this purpose by the Prophet; By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justifie many. Now, do but weigh that passage, and observe this expression: This is spoken concerning Christ our Lord and Saviour. And saith the Prophet, By the knowledge of him shall my righteous servant justifie many.—Why doth the Knowledge of Christ justifie?—Why the Devils know him, and yet they are not justified? Carnal Professors, they have a Knowledge of him, and yet they are not justified: I, but that is such a kind of Knowledge, as that they that have it, shall be justified: [Page 197] And Christ, by the Knowledge of him shall justifie many——Now, what Knowledge is this?—I [...] must needs be understood of a fiducial Knowledg, a Knowledge of Faith; such a Knowledge as is a Knowledge of Dependance, a Knowledge of Recumbency and Relyance upon the Lord Jesus Christ. There's no other Knowledge whereby Christ can justifie souls, but by such a Knowledge as this: And so I say, The Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ it is put for Faith, and is used to be set forth unto us, The faith whereby souls are justified, and so everlastingly saved.
But now yet more fully to clear up this, That by growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, there comes to be a prosperous and happy growth in Faith.
We will consider first of all, What there is belonging unto a well-grown and improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and then you will be able clearly (if so be that there be any spiritualness of understanding) to see how this Knowledge duly improved, doth draw out the saith of a Believer, and how it doth most happily influence his Faith, and is as the pouring out of water upon a Plant, or at the root of a Tree, which makes the Plant to thrive, and grow, and prosper, and shoot up a main. This will appear that this benefit comes over to us by our having the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ advantaged in us. Now, consider what doth properly belong to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is requisite, in order to a due improvement and growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ,
First, That he be known as touching his Person, [Page 198] That he is God blessed for evermore, God with God, in full equality with the Father and the Spirit, and accounts it no robbery to claim such an equality; as Great as the Father, as Good as the Father, as Holy as the Father, as Mighty as the Father. Thus it is; He is God with God.—And 2ly. That he is not only God with God, but he is God-Man; that he might be both fit to deal with God for Man, and with Man for God. That's the first thing that I propound: I shall make the accommodation of them by and by; and having propounded the things that belong to this well improved Knowledge, then I shall come to offer it to your Consideration, how the Grace of Faith is most happily influenced by this Knowledge thus improved.
2. It belongs to well improved Knowledge, for to know, that this Christ, God-Man, is the Son of God, the only begotten of the Father, by an act of eternal Generation.
3. It's requisite to a well improved Knowledge, That souls do know and understand, that this Christ, God-Man, the eternal Son of the Father, that he is the Son of his dearest Love, and did from all eternity lodge in his blessed bosom, that his heart is infinitely set upon him. And then,
4. It belongs to this Knowledge, That souls do understand, that this Christ, God-Man, the eternal Son of the Father, the dearly beloved of his Soul, is such as he doth take infinite complacency and contentment in; he is pleased in him, and delighted in him; upon this very account, because of the willingness which he hath manifested to appear in the behalf of poor Souls. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; he in whom my soul delights.
[Page 199] 5. It is requisite to a well improved Knowledge of Christ, That we understand, that by an eternal Decree, God hath chosen, and appointed, and designed, this Son, God-Man, this Beloved, this Person so much delighted in; That he hath chosen him according to an eternal purpose and Decree, for to be the great Mediator between God and Man. This is necessary likewise to be known, that so there may be a due improvement of the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord hath declared the decree, Thou art my Son, and I have appointed thee: He hath decreed him, and designed him to such a purpose, according to that decree, in Isa. 42. Behold (saith the Prophet) my servant whom I uphold, mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth: He is the chosen of God from all Eternity to such a purpose.
6. This is necessary to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, That it be known and understood, that this Christ, God-Man, the Son of the Father, the Beloved of his Soul, the Person that he delights in, that he hath made choice of, is likewise most fully commissioned by the Father, for to perform the Office of a Mediator, to all those intents and purposes, and in all such wayes, wherein he may accomplish that great Design concerning the Redemption and Salvation of poor Souls. God hath commissioned him, he hath chosen him, called him, and sent him into the world, and sealed him up, according to Scripture expression, The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, and he hath anointed me to preach good tydings:—Him hath God the Father sealed. As in Ioh. 6. he hath a full commission from God sealed up unto him, for such a purpose.—He is commissioned of God, being the great Prophet, to teach and instruct his [Page 200] People in the Mysteries of his Will: A Prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you, like unto me. He is commissioned of God to be a Priest, and God hath sworn concerning him, according to that, in Psal. 110. The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedech.—And, then he hath commissioned and sealed him up to be a King: The King of his Church, to rule in the hearts of his People, and to ruine his Enemies. This belongs to well improved Knowledge, That we come to know and understand that this Jesus Christ, God-Man, is thus commissioned.
7. It belongs to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, That, as he is thus commissioned, sent and sealed of God to all these intents and purposes; so likewise he is accomplisht by God every way, most compleatly accomplished for to bring about the Design that he is commissioned for. The great God hath impowered him, and accomplisht him, in the most full manner that possibly can be; God hath not given him the Spirit by measure, the Lord hath given him the fulness of the Spirit, he hath given him all fulness: It pleased the Father, that in him should all fulness dwell. Fulness of Wisdom, fulness of Grace, all fulness of the Spirit; he hath all fulness in him.
8. We are to Consider, That this belongs to a well improved Knowledge; that these accomplishments of Christ, and this provision that is made in him, it is ordered unto Communication; he is the great Trustee of Heaven and Earth: He ascended on high, and he r [...]ived gifts for men. Why, he received them as their great Trustee; God hath committed to him a trust, for the benefit and behoof of poor Souls. This belongs to a well improved Knowledge [Page 201] in Christ, That all the fulness that is in him, it is for Communication, that poor Souls might be the better for it.
9. It belongs to a well improved Knowledge of Christ, That there be a due understanding of this, that Christ was from the beginning most willing to comply with the Counsel of God concerning him; and that it was the joy of his heart to ingage himself in the behalf of poor sinners, to make reconciliation to God as their Peace; to satisfie the Justice of God he was most willing, and it was the delight of his Soul to be put upon this thing. This belongs to a well improved Knowledge, to understand, that Christ had no reluctancy of spirit, when this matter was propounded to him; and when the matter was in debate, Christ came in with no Negatives, made no Objections, but answered thus: O my Father, 'tis thy Will, 'tis my joy; it pleaseth thee to design me to such a purpose, O my Father, thy will be done, my heart delights in it: Thou hast prepared me a body; O, I come into the World with that body, and I delight to do thy Will; Though I fore-apprehend all the sorrow, all the smart, all the shame, all the sufferings, all the burden, all those pressures that I must undergo in the managing of this great and glorious work and service; yet I stick at nothing: O, Father, it's meat and drink to me; I go about this work and service with as much content and complacency of soul, as ever a hungry man went to eat his meat. And then,
10. It belongs to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, That we know and understand, that according to this Design of God, and sutably to his accomplishments, and sutably to his willing ingaging of himself, he hath laid [Page 202] out himself to the utmost; in a way of doing, in a way of suffering;—in a way of doing, fulfilling all righteousness in an active way, in the course of his life, and conversing here in the world:—In a way of suffering; by the offering up of himself a Sacrifice unto God, he hath made an Attonement, he hath satisfied infinite Justice, he hath pacified infinite Wrath, he hath paid the Debt to the utmost farthing: That now the Justice of God doth make Declaration, that it is fully satisfied in what hath been performed by the Lord Jesus Christ. This is belonging to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour. That now which Christ said upon the Cross, It is finished, God from Heaven declares in the Gospel: O, I have full satisfaction, I have nothing to object against those poor Souls, that my Son hath ingaged for; I have a full payment, to the very utmost farthing.
11. It belongs to a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that we understand this: That having performed all that Justice could require, in a way of doing,—or in a way of suffering,—That he rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven, and that God hath given him preferment, that God hath given him the highest preferment, upon his obedience and satisfaction to his Justice, and upon the performance of this great Work and Service that he was designed unto; God hath advanced him to the highest top of Honour, he hath given him a name above every name; he hath set him at his own right Hand, above all Principalities and Powers.
12. It belongs to the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, That we know how Jesus [Page 203] Christ, thus advanc'd on High, and thus raised up to a top of preferment, how he doth improve that preferment: He is now in Heaven, he is at God's right Hand, he is in fullest Glory. How doth he improve this Glory and Honour that is conferred upon him?—Improve it;—He sets his heart upon this, that there may be an Improvement of all the interest that he hath in God; all that Glory, and Power, and Majesty, and Dominion that he is now invested withal; he sets his heart upon this, that he may improve this for the benefit and behoof of his People here upon Earth: He makes it his continual work and business to be negotiating with God for poor Souls, for whom he hath shed his blood, and on whose behalf he hath made satisfaction to infinite Justice; he doth continually appear in Heaven before God, to make intercession for them.
Now, do but lay all this together, and here's the well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which I have endeavoured thus to knit up together in this compass, and to set out before you: And here's the great Mysterie of the Gospel lying in these things, which I have held out this morning.
Now, the next thing to do is this, To let you see how all this Knowledge of ou [...] Lord Jesus Christ, in every part and parcel of it, doth draw out the heart and soul of a Beleever, and doth most happily influence it; so that all this Knowledge is as a fatning water that doth nourish a Plant: Faith being planted in the soul, and this water of Gospel-Knowledge, concerning our Lord Jesus, being thus poured upon it, why as a fatning water, it makes the plant of Faith to grow and shoot up amain. There is never an experienced Christian, that [Page 204] knows what believing means, and is upon the exercise of Faith, and hath set his heart upon this, that he may make an Improvement of his Faith; there is never an experienced Beleever but is able to set to his Seal, Oh, in this Knowledge thus wrought out, and thus spread forth before me, in this Knowledge my Faith lives, and thrives, and prospers, and swims up and down with all delight, as the Fish in the water. You may easily apprehend now, how a Believers Faith will grow and increase, and receive strength and nourishment, and shoot up amain, upon the due consideration of these things that I have suggested.
1. As now, When a poor Beleever shall think thus with himself, Why do I hesitate? Why have I a fluctuating heart? why is not my heart setled and fixt, and come to be full of confidence in God? Why I consider thus, That that Jesus which is the object of my Faith, he is God over all, blessed for ever; would I have a more able Saviour than a God: It is not an Angel that I am commanded to place my trust in; no, it is God, blessed for ever, he that was God with God, from all Eternity, as great as God, as good as God: Why should I flag in my spirit? why should I faint? why should I have any miss-givings? Have not I a God to trust upon?
2. And then, He is God; I, He is God-man: where can I promise my self pitty, bowels, compassion, if not from a man; a man that is in union with God, and in union with God to this purpose; that he might be accomplish'd, that he might be every way most compassionate, and suitable to such an undertaking?
3. And then again, This Jesus is the Son, the [Page 205] Son of the Father; where can I place my trust and confidence so freely, as upon the King of Heaven's Son? He is the Son of the Father; nay, he is his dearly Beloved Son; the Father loves him, delights in him, he delights to hear his Prayer, he pleased him in all things.
4. Nay, why should not I be strong in my Faith in Christ; forasmuch as this Jesus, this Son, this beloved Son, this delightful Son, is the person that the Great God hath chosen and design'd to such a purpose? and it is the will of God, that every poor soul should fly to him, and have its recumbency upon him.
5. And then again; when I consider that this Christ is commissioned by the Father, he is sent into this World upon this account, that he might save, and make reconciliation.
6. And then, he is every way accomplish'd: if he were a deficient Christ, there were something to make my spirit to flag; but he is most fully accomplish'd; all power is given to him; he is able to save to the utmost, all that come unto God by him.
7. And then when I come to consider, and ponder, that it is meat and drink to Christ, to do the will of his Father; and he, with the greatest content of heart, performed this work, and made satisfaction to the Justice of God, so [...] poor sinners.
8. And then when I come to consider, that this Jesus is now in Heaven, at Gods Right-hand; God the Father hath given him Glory and Honour: O what incouragement have I to come to him?
9. And then when I consider, that all the trust that is committed to him, all the treasure that is [Page 206] laid up in him, is for the benefit and behoof of poor souls; why should not I then be incouraged to let out my heart upon him, and to have the strongest confidence, that I shall be the better for him? I tell you Brethren, that all this knowledge doth strongly influence the Faith of a Beleever: therefore, well may the Apostle require the knowledge of the Lord Jesus, in order to a growth in Grace; and in particular, to a growth in Faith. I would only give in that instance, in 1 Pet. 1. It's a Text that doth fully suit our present purpose: saith he, You by him believe in God, that raised him up from the dead, and gave him Glory, that your Faith and Hope might be in God:—Pray do but weigh this, you believe in God, (saith he) who raised Iesus from the dead; and when he had so done, he gave him Glory: He preferr'd him to the greatest Honour and Dignity, set him at his own Right-hand:—and wherefore this? That your Faith, (in knowing this) that he that was your great undertaker here on earth, travell'd in the greatness of his strength, that he might accomplish the work of Redemption and Salvation. This Jesus, after he had done his work, and suffered what he was to undergo here in the World; God did raise him again from the dead; and when he had raised him, he takes him to Heaven, and gives him Glory there; sets him at his own Righthand, advances him to the highest top of Honour:—And wherefore thus? That your Faith and Hope might be in God; that you might come to him with the fullest confidence, and rely upon him.—Now, all this that I have accounted to you concerning a well-improved knowledge in our Lord Jesus Christ; it doth exceeding liberally contribute [Page 207] to the promoting of a Beleevers Faith and Grace. And, because I can proceed no further now; if there be any souls, that are strangers to Christ, and to the Faith of the Gospel; will you but drink of these waters? O, set your hearts, that you may drink of this blessed Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and see whether these waters will not warm your hearts, and make you to sparkle out in love to Christ, in longings after Christ!—And for you, that are called out to the participation of Grace, and have the Faith of God begun in you: O, as ever you desire to grow up in the Faith of the Gospel, labour to be well improved in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: O, dwell upon the meditation of these Mysteries that I have given you this morning a hint of. If ever you desire to be well improved in your Faith; it must be, by your being well improved in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
I Shall now proceed to what remains;
What hath been spoken concerning Faith; and how the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ duly improved, is to the growth of that. The same may be spoken concerning Gospel- hope; The hope of the Righteous, which is called, a Tree of Life:—compared to an Anchor; Sure, and steadfast, entring within the vail, whither the forerunner hath entered. Now, by improving in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, Hope will grow up to a goodly stature; Hope will come to be as an Anchor, fixing very fast, so as to keep the ship of the soul safe and secure, whatever the storms and tempests are that may arise upon it. The more we know of Christ, the more shall our Hope be strengthened in us: and one special reason why we hope no more with an unshaken hope, is, because we are not more in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Apostle, in 1 Pet. 1. speaks concerning this blessed Hope that Believers are begotten to: and they are begotten to it, (he tells us) by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The more we are judiciously apprehensive of Christ, of the Resurrection of Christ, and of the Glory which he is advanc'd unto; the more will the hope of a Beleever be strengthened in him. And that Scripture which I clos'd with the last day, it serves us to this very purpose, 1 Pet. 1. It's said, that God the Father hath given Honour and Glory to his Son; that our Faith, and our Hope, might be in God. [Page 209] And therefore must needs be inferr'd; that the more we know, and understand concerning Christ, and the Glory that he is now advanc'd unto; the more will there be of growth in the hope of a Beleever.
3. By growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; there will be a growth in godly Repentance. Repentance; there is such a thing, though it's little known, and less practised, according to the true Gospel-nature and state of it: But, such a thing there is, as Repentance towards God: a precious Grace, which God works in the hearts of his people; those that he hath a purpose to save. It is of necessary participation; and it is a Grace of necessary exercise: for our Saviour tells us, that except we repent, we shall all perish; there is a necessity of it; and yet alas, how many are meer strangers to it; know nothing of the Grace, know nothing of the Practice of it? And, how many of those that have any sense, or share in it; yet, that are very little in their Repentance, have but a very low measure and degree, know little of heart-meltings, and soul-breakings before God; much what strangers unto that sweet frame of spirit by which Ephraim is set forth unto us, as a blessed pattern and example, in Jer. 31. 18. where we have this account of him; Thou hast established [...]e, and I was chastised; as a Bullock unaccustomed [...]o the yoke: Turn thou me, and I shall be turned: after that I was converted, I repented, and I sm [...] upon my thigh. This was Ephraim's frame; and this is upon Record for our imitation. But alas, how little do we attain to of this Gospel-Repentance? how little do we express mostly of such a [Page 210] temper and frame of spirit? Can sin freely, but repent very hardly. How little doth there appear to God of any kindly workings, and breakings of heart before him, in the sense of all that we daily commit of sin and trans [...]ion, in a way of disobedience, and loose walking before the Lord. Why truly, I may be bold [...], that if so be there were any, place for Repentance in Heaven, though indeed, it is not a [...]ce of Repentance, but of joy, and everlasting rejoycing. Yet, if Heaven were a place of Repentance; I am perswaded, that there are very few of those that some to Heaven, that would not [...]ll upon the work and business there; and that, because they repented so little as they did while they were here on earth: if there were any place of repentance there, it would go to the hearts of many, that they did not take it more deeply into consideration, their evil dispositions, and sinful conversations, while they were in the World.
And, what is the reason that Repentance (that blessed Grace) is not more largely shared in; that it is not more expressed to the life of it:—why we may with much confidence conclude upon [...], that this is one of the special reasons; because we [...] not more of the knowledge of our Lord and [...] Jesus Christ. [...] B [...]en, if Christ, o [...] Lord Jesus, were better known, and the knowledge of him better digested; I know this, that there would be more soul meltings, and heart-breakings, [...] kindly manner before God, than ever otherwise there [...]like to be. Consider what the Prophet speaks, i [...] [...]ech. 12. saith he, They shall look upon him whom they have pi [...]ed and what then? They shall look upon him, they shall mind Christ, [Page 211] study Christ; they shall fix their serious thoughts upon the Lord Jesus Christ; and upon him, a [...] one whom they have pierced: and what will follow? Then shall they mourn over him, as one who mourneth for an only Son; and be in bitterness, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born. This will raise up the sorrow; this will break the heart. When persons come for to know, and consider, and seriously ponder upon the Lord Jesus Christ; consider of his dying, and dreadful suffering, and woful breakings and bruisings, that he was pleased to undergo on the behalf of poor sinners; and then, their hearts will break within the [...]. What was that which made the Converts in Acts 2. for to fall into such a melting frame, and to be pricked at the heart, and to mourn and lame [...] deeply? Why, Peter had been pre [...]ching to them the Doctrine concerning our Lord Jesus, and endeavouring to bring them to the knowledge of him whom they had crucified: You have crucified the Prince of Life; you have been the murtherers and betrayers of him: they were pricked then at the heart, and cryed out; O, men and [...], what shall we do? O miserable wretches▪ When a soul shall set it self to know, and understand the mystery concerning Christ, that the Eternal Son of God, he that was in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God, he that was from all eternity, the delight of his Father; he that was holy, and unblamable, knew no sin, never was guile found in his mouth; the spotless Lamb▪ That he should be hanged as a malefactor! that he should be put to the greatest shame and ignominy that could be! that he should be under the heat of the wrath of his Father! that his precious [Page 212] soul should be in such an agony, as that he should be constrained to cry out, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? That he should undergo such breakings, and bruisings, and woundings! that he should sweat drops, and clods of blood! that his soul should be exceeding sorrowful and heavy, unto the very death! And yet this blessed Jesus, one that never sinned; no, not so much as in a Thought: yet, that all this should be undergone by him!——And, when a soul shall come to consider, that it self hath been accessary to this horrid murther! it self should have a hand in this bloody business! that it self should be a party to this prodigious impiety! that it self should stabb Christ to the very heart! when this comes to be considered; when a soul comes to be well improved in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of his deep, and dreadful, and dolorous sufferings; this must needs give an advance to the Grace of Repentance: Why, it would argue a heart harder than an Adamant, that would not, upon such well digested apprehensions as these, be in meltings before the Lord, upon the consideration of a crucified Christ. This is that, which, if it were but well known, and studied, and seriously pondered upon, would give an advance (I say) unto Repentance. But, the reason why we are no more in the lively practice of Repentance, is, because we are no more studied in this Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I would this were considered of by us, and put to the proof, whether you would not find it so in experience, that this would make your hearts to break before the Lord.
[Page 213] 4. The Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and a kindly growth in it; will conduce very much; as of Faith, and Hope, and Repentance; so of Love; love to God, and love to Christ, and love one to another. The complaint may justly enough be taken up concerning this, as concerning the other Graces: we are little in one and other: and truly, it is not to be expected, that they should be much advanc'd in Love, that are not advanc'd in Faith, and Hope, and in their Repentance towards God. But thus it is; alas, that Love that should be in us in the flame, it is mostly but in the spark: we have some little glowings it may be, but not those kindly burnings of Love to God, and Love to Christ; those inlargements of heart that we should make discovery of:—and what's the reason? Why, we may reckon it very much to this, that we are not more improved in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; For the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Christ, well advanc'd, well grown, and improved, as a most strong and effectual conducement to the growth in Love. When the Daughters of Jerusalem had been well instructed concerning the Spouses Beloved, when they had had an account of him, their hearts were exceedingly taken with him, and then they would seek him with her: Whither is thy Beloved gone; O thou fairest among women? Whether is thy Beloved gone, that we may seek him with thee? Thus it is, if so be that we knew more of Christ, we would be more in the Love of Christ. Truly, the motions of the Will, they will answer the sanctified light of the understanding. Now, where there is but little light [Page 214] and Knowledge, 'tis not to be expected that there should be very much heat. Did we but know more of Christ,
First, of the loveliness of Christ, what an amiable person he is. Did we but throughly know what a lovely Christ he is, according to the account that's given of him in the Canticles, He is the chiefest of ten thousand, altogether lovely: Take him all over, you will see nothing but loveliness in the Lord Jesus Christ; he is lovely for his Name, for his Wisdom and Grace, all those incomparable excellencies that discover themselves in him; consider but of that: O he is the most lovely Person that ever was in the World, that ever visibly conversed with the sons of men.
2. Consider him in his loveliness, so in his loveingness (I distinguish so) his loveliness; the loveliness of his Person, and the lovingness of his Person; the most loving Christ, of the most loving disposition that ever was in the World, never any to be compared to Christ for Love; as full of love to poor souls as ever his heart could hold, next to the love that he bare from all Eternity to his Father, and to the Spirit, who are co-essential, and co-equal, co-eternal with him; next to the love that he bears them, his love is set upon the sons of men; he takes delight in the habitable parts of the World, according to the account that's given of him, in Prov. 8. where Christ is set forth unto us under the term and notion of Wisdom; saith he, I was my Fathers delight, and I came into the habitable parts of the World, and my delights were with the sons of men: He had his delights from all Eternity with the Father, and with the Spirit; and yet notwithstanding he was pleased to come out of the bosom of his Father, [Page 215] and to take up his delights within the habitable parts of the World, and with the sons of men: And what a condition did he find them in? A company of ill-looking and unlovely creatures, as ever eye could behold. I saw thee when thou wast in thy blood, cast out, to the loathing of thy person; and yet that time was the time of love. I loved thee, and I gave a demonstration of it, by doing so and so, according to what is exprest, E [...]. 16. Why thus it is:— God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, his only beloved Son.—God the Son, he so loved the world, that he gave himself for a wicked damned world; a company of wretches that had no love to him, yet he loves them; and he was out of love to them, willing for to lay down his life for them. And greater love hath no man, as our Saviour speaks in the Gospel, than th [...]t a man lay down his life for his friend. For his Friend: I, but what a love was this then, That one should come and lay down his life for those that were Enemies? When we were enemies we were reconciled, and when we had no strength, Christ came and shed his blood; and that by the shedding of his blood, he might wash away the guilt of his Peoples iniquities: What a love was this? O well might the Apostle fall upon admirings of it, in Eph. 3. he prayes that they might comprehend the heights, and depths, and lengths, and breadths; and that they might know the love of Christ, which, saith he, passeth knowledge. Weigh these things Brethren, and let them not pass away in a slight manner, That (saith he) you might know the heights. Why there are heights, and depths, and breadths, and lengths in the love of Christ; and it is such a love as passeth knowledge; when we have known all we can of it [Page 216] yet it will transcend our knowledge; why such a love Christ hath imprest. Now consider; O, the the love of Christ to poor sinners, that he should stick at nothing to do for them, to suffer for them, to forego for them, to undergo for them: When the business was under consideration, concerning the Redemption of the World; when it was propounded to him, My Son, wilt thou undertake for a damned World, to save a company of poor souls, that are like to perish eternally, unless that help come in? Wilt thou undertake for them? Father, I will do it; I love them, and I will do them all the good I can.—I, but Son, If thou wilt undertake their cause, thou must bear their guilt, thou must undergo their curse, thou must be put to shame for them, thou must suffer and dye, and shed thy blood for them.—Father, I am willing; Father, I delight to do thy Will; thy Law, O Father, is in my heart.—Why what a heart-breaking love is this? He sticks at nothing, he doth not ingage to a dispute with the Father, and with the Spirit, and say thus: Why should I undergo this smart, and pain, and torment, for a company of wretches: Let them damn and perish, let them reap the fruit of their own evil doings: Father, what hast thou to object against me? I never offended thee; Why should I be made an Offering and a Sacrifice for sin?—Not a word of this, but a most willing complyance with the Counsel of God, concerning the saving of poor souls, and redeeming them from going down into the pit. What love was here? O admirable love of our Lord Jesus Christ!—Why now do but consider this then: This love of Christ, this Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, the loveliness of his Person, and the lovingness of his nature and disposition; [Page 217] and what an inlarged heart of love, as to God, so to poor sinners.—And consider, what delight he takes to manifest his Love to us, and what longings there are in him, that he might have all his People in Heaven, that they might know to the full, that dear love that he hath born to them from all Eternity. Why? If these things were better known and digested, if we would not only slip and away, but dwell upon the Meditation of these things, unquestionably it would contribute most largely unto the promoting of love, we should not be so dead-hearted unto Christ as we are; our fire of love would burn out more unto God, unto Christ, than ever it's like to do, if so be that we were but more improved in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.—I commend these things with much confidence, to the Consciences of every one of you, whether that this Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, this blessed Knowledge, if it were but more pursued, and if we had but more advancement in it, whether it would not more improve our Faith, improve our Hope, improve our Repentance, improve our Love to God, and the Lord Jesus, and of one to another.
And then again, The like we may speak concerning humility and meekness of Spirit; for it comes to my thoughts, that Proverb of Solomon, to make use of it here, upon occasion of this account that I give, concerning the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Solomon speaks of a gift of Knowledge, which prospers which way soever it turns. Truly, so is this gift of Knowledge; w [...]re it's given of special Grace, when it is not a notional Knowledge, but a heart-Knowledge, for such a Knowledge I speak of; such a Knowledge as the Covenant [Page 218] of God's Grace makes a conveyance of: For alas, I and others may preach a great deal of light into your heads, and you may come to have the notions of these things, and be never the nearer; but we speak of a heart-Knowledge of God in Christ Jesus, according to what the Covenant makes conveyance of (as I said:) And I say thus; That where there is heart knowledge given, it is such a gift as prospers which way soever it turns, O the blessed benefit that comes over by the heart-knowledge of our Lord Jesus, especially when there comes to be a due improvement of it; as in the other respects, so in respect of meekness, & humility of spirit. Alas, meekness and humility, it's a lovely Grace; but where doth it appear? we are lofty, and are far from a disposition that way, which should discover it self. What's the reason?—Because of a defect in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For thus: Had we but more of the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, there would not be that frowardness, and perversness, and unto wardness; and swelling of heart that commonly discovers it self, if we had but a well improved, and a well digested Knowledge of our Lord Jesus. For consider:—What is there to [...]e known of Christ?—Why, he is another manner of Christ than we take him to be, than we know him to be, or have a mind to know: we do not know what a Christ he is, he is another manner of Christ than you think he was: He was not a proud Christ, he was not a lofty spirited Christ; he was meek, and gentle, and lovely, and of a most humble frame of a most graciously condescending spirit: Learn of me (saith he) Mat: 11. I am meek and lowly: And, he gave most convincing proof and demonstration of it all along, in his course and conversation in the [Page 219] World. Did we but know this, and had but a more through knowledge of what a kind of Christ he is, it would conduce to the meeking and humbling of our hearts and spirits, and make us to argue thus: What a meek and humble Christ, and I a proud swelling-hearted Wretch▪—why, how will this consist with my Profession? I profess the Name of the Lord Jesus, and discover little or nothing of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus. Surely Brethren, this would conduce much to the meekning and humbling of our hearts.
And so for Patience, That's another Grace, which we should not only have, but have it in the increases and the improvements of it; and yet how littl [...] discovers it self; how proud, and passionate, and waspish, and froward are we?—What's the reason of this?—Because we know no more of Christ, we have not this heart-knowledge of Christ, to such a degree as we should press after. Did we but know what a patient Christ he is▪ O! when he was reviled, he reviled not again; and when he was reproached he bore it patiently; and he was led as a Lamb before the Shearer, dumb, and opened not his mouth. Why, did we but advance more in the hearty knowledge of our Lord Jesus, it would conduce very much to the working of our hearts to patience, and to a good degree of Patience. This Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, it would influence the Grace of Patience, that we should be more conformable to Christ. And the Apostle, in Heb. 12. he propounds this very consideration in order thereunto: saith he, Let us [...]n with patience the race that is set before us: And that we may do so▪ Let us look unto Iesus, the Author and finisher of our Faith; who for the joy that was set before, him indured the Cross & despised the [Page 220] shame: He indured the contradiction of sinners against him, Lest (saith he) you be wearied and faint in your minds. Look to this Jesus, know the temper of his Spirit, and what a patient Christ he was, and what a heavenly Spirit he discovered: And so I say, That the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus would contribute most strongly to such a purpose.
7. And so for Heavenly-mindedness. What's the reason that we are so apt to dote upon the World, and upon these lying and vexing vanities here below?—Why, because we know no more of Christ: If we were but more advanced in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we should be [...]ch helped against earthly-mindedness, and improve more in a heavenly frame of heart, and live above the World. Why, do not you know what a Christ he was? what a heavenly Spirit he had? how he lived in the World as a stranger? He set not his heart upon this and that pleasure and profit, but minded his business; and he had an eye to the glory that was to be revealed, and so he made it his great design, that he might improve his time, and honour his Father: And he was at length able to give this account, Ioh. 17. Father, I have glorified thee on the earth, I have finished the work thou gavest me to do. And now further, Glorifie me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. Father, I have liv'd in the World, not so much by choice, as upon the account of Duty; and my heart is with thee, and my longing's after Heaven: Father, glorifie me with thy self, and bring me to thy Glory; and thus Christ's heart was carried out. Now, had we but a well improved Knowledge of this, it would contribute much to the promoting of a heavenly mind in us, and make us to think with [Page 221] our selves, Do I know this to have been the gracious frame and spirit of my Lord Jesus, whom I make a Profession of? And doth it not concern me to endeavour conformity to him, that I may express the like heavenly-mindedness that Jesus Christ did?—I might yet speak of other Graces: As,
8. Fear and Reverence of God. It's a precious Grace, which receives much increase by a well improved Knowledge of Jesus Christ. Let me but give an instance of that, in Psal. 2. where there is an account given of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, That God the Father hath set his Son upon his holy hill of Sion; That he hath given the Heathen for his inheritance, the utmost parts of the earth for his possession; That he hath given him a rod of iron, with which he will break in pieces his rebellious enemies, like a Potters vessel. This is the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This Knowledge, when persons come to be well advanced in, and there comes to be a due improvement of it, will contribute very largely to the promoting of a holy Fear and Reverence of God, according to that which follows; Be wise now therefore, O ye Kings, be instructed ye Iudges of the earth, serve the Lord with fear; rejoyce ye with trembling, Kiss the Son. Kings, and Princes, and great Men, are very apt to forget themselves; as if so be that there were none above them, as if so be there were none to check and controul them. You know how Pharaoh carryed himself; Who is the Lord? Ah! but there is a Lord above all Lords, there is a King above all Kings, even the Lord Jesus Christ, whom God hath set to be King upon his holy hill of Sion. And the right Knowledge of Christ, the well improved [Page 222] and advanced Knowledge of Christ, it will promote a holy fear, and awe, and reverence of him, and of the great God, who hath constituted and appointed him Lord and King. I might speak largely to this Particular, but I'll pass it by. Thus I have endeavoured to make it appear to you in these Particulars, How the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, well improved, how it doth contribute to a growth in Grace.
I would now tell you this further, That the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is such a Knowledge as is most beneficial to us, in respect of Gospel-Duties and Services, and doth contribute very much to the lively management of them: And therefore, it may well be required of Christians and Believers, that they grow in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that upon this very account, Because I say, that the more we know of our Lord Jesus Christ, the more shall we advance in the lively performance of Gospel-worships, and Duties, and Services, which the Lord requires of us. Alas, Brethren, it is that which may well be matter of shame and mourning, to think how low we are; as in Graces, so in gracious Performances, and in holy Services. What's the account that is to be given of our daily Services that we perform, Sabbath-worships and Duties? Alas, what kind of Sabbaths do we keep? and what kind of Prayers do we perform and offer up to God? what kind of Worships are they that we present before the Lord▪ O! if we would but take an account of our selves, we might see cause enough to fall a weeping over every D [...] we perform: When we come to attend the Ministry of the Word, and to do our Service to God, it appears by mens carriages, what a loosness of spirit [Page 223] there is, an unfixedness of spirit on God, and there is not the breathing after the enjoyments of God, in the way of his Ordinances:—And so for Prayer, and other Services: What may be the reason of this? We may well reckon upon this, It is because we are not more advanc'd in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we have not heart-Knowledge so duly improved as it should be, concerning our Lord Jesus. For, Brethren, this is [...] that we should know concerning Christ, That his heart was upon his Work and business; and when he prayed, he prayed as one that was in Heaven. And, O, what wrestlings of spirit was there on his part with God! He prayed most earnestly, and, O how intent upon the Duty of Prayer, when he had to do that, and when he was to Preach▪ O with what intention of soul was that Service performed! And! when he had the last [...] to keep▪ O with desire have I desired to keep this Pass [...], O Father, it is meat and drink to [...] to do thy W [...] Thus it was with Christ▪ Now, if we had but a well-digested Knowledge of this, it would make us ashamed of our selves, and make us put on with more activity and vigour of spirit, thinking with our selves, what a pattern we have in Christ.
And then, if we did but consider, That Christ is the great High-priest of our holy [...], and that he hath ingaged himself on the behalf of his People, both to procure their acceptance, and to vou [...]hsafe them assistance. Now, consider but this; And these things we ought to know concerning Jesus our Lord, That it is his undertaking to procure acceptance, and to give assistance; for now he hath all power in his hands, The power of the Spirit, to give strength to his People, to inable them to make [Page 224] their prayers and supplications, and to perform their Worships and Services; I will strengthen thee, I will help thee, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness; my Grace is sufficient for thee. Thus Christ hath signified concerning himself, for the comfort and incouragement of his People.
And then withal, this is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus, That he appears in Heaven before his Father, to promote their acceptance, and to plead their Cause; and (as the High-priest) to present their Services, and to sprinkle them with his own blood, and to desire the Fathers acceptance of them. Now, if this were but duly known concerning Christ, and we had but a well improved and digested Knowledge concerning this, that now I give you an account of, O, how much would it conduce to the quickning up our hearts to a lively performance of our Services, when we shall consider what an example we have in Christ, of Duty and Service to God: And then, that he hath undertaken to afford assistance, and to procure acceptance; this would make us go on with more life and vigour in the wayes of Godliness.
And then, I would have told you farther, That there is all the reason in the world Christians should endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, Because, as this Knowledge well improved, conduces to a judiciousness, and to a well ordering of the Conscience, and to the increase of all the Graces, and to the promoting of our Duty: so by a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, we shall come to have the more kindly relish of Gospel-priviledges, and suck the sweet of them, and [Page 225] come to know what there is of comfort and soul-rejoycing to be found in these Priviledges.
And then, this Knowledge well improved, O how will it conduce to bear afflictions, to the incountering temptations, and inable the Soul to the well ordering of a Gospel-conversation, to the glory of God.
I Shall pass by what was the last Day hinted to you, only now suggest some few Particulars more; which, if we were but acquainted with the Knowledge of, we should quit our selves better than we do, in this Gospel-worship and service of Prayer.
As now, Did we but know, and seriously ponder upon this, That Christ himself was very much in this Service, that he was a constant practiser, to his very Death, of this Duty of Prayer: If this were but well considered, that Christ was very much given to prayer; and if he could not have opportunities in the day time, he would fetch it out in the night, and be in the night season pouring out his soul before his Father. Thus it was with Christ, he was given to Prayer, and his last breathings were breathings in a way of prayer, into his Father's bosom.
And then consider this; this is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus, That he hath had a deep experience of prayer, and of the difficulties of it, and temptations which the soul is subject to meet withal in the management of prayer; all this is known to Christ: So far as a holy nature could have personal experience of such difficulties and such temptations, so far hath our Lord Jesus, in his own person, experimented this matter concerning prayer. Now, the knowledge of this, the well digested knowledge of this, That Christ was a man of prayer, and that he hath had experience [Page 227] of prayer, and knows what there is of difficulty in prayer, and what sore temptations hang upon prayer, and what a desperate enemy the Devil is to prayer; he knows all this, and he hath a sense upon his heart, and a knowledge of all the strugling and wrestling in the hearts and spirits of his praying People here upon earth. This is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ; he hath a deep sense of all the strugglings and wrestlings of the spirits of his People here on earth, and is perfectly knowing of all the opposition which they meet withal in the way of prayer and supplication, and how the Devil doth set himself against his Saints, and what incounters they meet withal from unbelief, and the corruptions that are within, how apt to fall under deep discouragement and despondency of spirit: He knows all this, and to this purpose, that he might pity and compassionate his People. O, this is that which is to be known concerning Jesus Christ in Heaven, and even now he is in glory, that he hath a sense of all this upon his spirit, and is privy to every prayer that his poor humble broken-hearted conflicting people do make up to God, and is at Gods right hand ingaged to stand their prayers in stead, and to promote the success of them, and to take them from their hands, as the blessed high-priest of their profession, and to perfume them in his golden Sencer, with his odours, the odours of his intercession. This is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ; and, O how doth this knowledge well digested, a soul being well advanced in it, how will it find this Knowledge largely contributing to the promoting of this Duty? Do but weigh these things in your Consciences, whether this [...] not be a very great [Page 228] conducement, to the more lively managing of our prayers; and that we would not trifle with God, when we are exercised in such a Service.
And then again, for that noble Gospel-Service and Duty of Praise and Blessing of God; The more the soul doth improve and grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the more vvill there be of loveliness, and activity, and inlargedness for the management of that. Truly, Brethren, it is that vvhich vve have all cause to be deeply humbled for, That God blessed for ever hath not more large returns for his People, of praise, and thanks; and blessing, for all that Grace that he hath made to appear unto them; O hovv little is it that is done to purpose in such a service! And vvhat's the reason that vve are not more lively to such a purpose? that our hearts are not more inlarged to God, in a vvay of blessing, and praising, and thanksgiving to him? We may vvell reckon it to this, That vve are not more in the Knovvledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; for this Knowledge of Christ our Lord, and of the Mysteries concerning him, this is the Knowledge that will make the soul to be upon the wing, mounting up with all inlargements of thankfulness and praise unto God: The more the soul is taken up with the apprehensions of the Mysteries of the Gospel concerning the Lord Jesus, the more will it be in admirings of Grace, the more will it be in magnifyings of the God of all Grace.
Consider, This Knowledge, it is such Wine, as will make the lips of them that are asleep to speak; ( [...] [...] that expression which we have in Cant. 7. he sp [...]ks there concerning our Saviour) that is so [...] ▪ and [...] that it would make the lips of [Page 229] them that are asleep to speak. Oh! The Doctrine concerning our Lord Jesus, if it were better known, it would spirit the soul, and make it to be most active to such a purpose. You here have an account concerning the Angels: There was upon the birth of Christ, an heavenly Hoste, and they were singing praises unto God, Glory be to God on high.—Upon what account?—upon the account of Jesus Christ, and the knowledge they had of Jesus Christ, and of that glorious Mysterie concerning Jesus Christ; the Angels were not able to contain themselves. The Virgin Mary, in Luk. 2. when she comes to have an account of the Mysterie concerning her Lord Jesus Christ, and the Grace of God through him: How doth she break out with all inlargement, My soul doth magnifie the Lord; my spirit hath rejoyced in God my Saviour; and so all along. O what blessing and praising of God was there, on the part of a People that were well instructed in the first establishing Apostolical constitutions! O what inlargements were there in praising God, and magnifying him!—And why?—Upon the account of the Knowledge that they had of the glorious Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, and the account that was given in the primitive Persecutions, concerning the Christians, That they would be in their early singings and praisings of God. This was the account of the Christians, under dreadful persecution, in the dayes of Trajan the Emperor, That they would be early in the morning, singing, and praising, and blessing God.—And upon what account?—Upon the account of this great and glorious Mysterie, concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. O! this is that that would fill the mouth with Arguments, and it would wisely contrib [...]te to the [Page 230] promoting of ability sutable to such Arguments, wherein to inlarge in blessing and praising God, our hearts would not lye so dead upon us; we would be more lively than we are in exalting God, magnifying his Name, did we but know more of our Lord Jesus, of the Mysterie which hath been kept secret from Ages and Generations: but because we do but sip of the Cup, have a little smattering Knowledge, and no well digested Knowledge, and not duly improved, we come off so poorly as we do. O consider the spirit of the Apostle Paul, how excellently it discovers it self; as in the beginning of his Epistle to the Ephesians, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ; blessed be God that hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: In Christ; So the Apostle Peter; O blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, that hath begotten us unto a lively hope, of an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled, and that fadeth not away; and all by the resurrection of our Lord Iesus Christ. Thus the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, O it will spirit the soul, and make it lively to the uttermost, in publishing the praises of the most high God.—I instance only in Eph. 3. what the Apostle is praying on their behalf, That they might be able to comprehend with all Saints, the height, and depth, and breadth, and length, and know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge; so that you may be filled with all the fulness of God.—And then mark what follows: Now, saith he, unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us; unto him be glory in the Church by Christ Iesus, th [...]ughout all ages, world without end, Amen. Paul [...] not hold, his spirit was so full; he was like a [Page 231] vessel, that must either have a vent, or burst it self: O, he being upon the meditation of this glorious Mysterie concerning Christ, and the Doctrine of Christ; why, saith he, Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly: O how his heart was filled with praises and admirings of God upon the account of Christ.
And there is one thing more now comes to mind, wherein you may see the spirit of a Saint in the proper frame of it; when there comes to be a due improvement of the Knowledge of Christ: when the Apostle Paul, in 1 Tim. 1. had been making mention of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and comes to express his knowledge, and sense of that Grace, according to what you have exprest, and held forth in that Chapter: saith he, The Grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant, with Faith and Love, which is in Christ Iesus; and so he goes on, This is a Faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation; that Iesus Christ came into the World to save sinners, of whom I am chief: howbeit, for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first, Iesus Christ might shew forth all long suffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to everlasting life. Paul had been thus upon the serious meditation of this knowledge concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. Mark you now what his spirit rises up unto, in the close of the Chapter: Now, saith he, unto the King eternal, having but made mention of Christ, and spoken something concerning Christ, and given some account of his knowledge of the mystery concerning Christ: Mark how he breaks out into this acknowledgment; Now unto the King Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, the only wise God, be Honour and Glory, for ever and ever, Amen; and this comes [Page 232] in only occasionally, in the way of a digression: For he intermits the prosecution of the Argument he had in hand, and falls upon this by way of a digression; as if he should say; O, I cannot fall upon the mention of our Lord Jesus, and of the mystery concerning him; I cannot be upon the meditation of that knowledge which is to be had of Christ Jesus our Lord; but (saith he) my heart must be breathing out in a way of praise and blessing of God, admiring the riches of his Grace.—And thus would it be Brethren, if we were but set to it, to advance in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: O, it would inlarge our hearts, as unto prayer, so unto thanksgiving, and blessing of God.
I add yet further; O, this knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it is a knowledge that Christians should endeavour to grow and advance in; for it is by great growth in this, they will come to be the more happily accomplished for the performing of the service of Preaching, and Hearing: I joyn these two together; Preaching, and Hearing of the Word of God. And you may consider, how a well-improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus, would conduce most strongly to the provoking both of ministerial Preaching, and likewise of Christian Hearing, and attending upon the Doctrine which is to be made known unto us, according to the Commandment of the Everlasting God.
For Preaching work; O consider now, that the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, that knowledge that is to be had of him, well advanc'd, and improved, will contribute exceedingly to the most lively management of this service. [Page 233] Alas, it's accounted in the World but a low service, and many times, with too much lowness of spirit, performed by those that profess to be called to the performance of it. O, but whence is it, but from the want of a well-grown knowledge of our Lord and Saviour: For consider Brethren, this is that that we are to know concerning our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; that the Word and Gospel, which is the subject matter of our Preaching, and your Hearing, (I joyn these two together, Preaching-work, and Hearing-work:) Now the word, which is the subject matter of a Ministers Preaching, and of a Beeleevers Hearing: This word, it comes out of the very heart of God, out of the blessed bosome of the Eternal God. And as a precious token of that love and respect that he bears to his Son, he hath given out this word out of his own breast and bosome; he hath given it, and committed it as a trust unto his Son. (Will you consider this,) That this everlasting Gospel, this word of Salvation, which is the subject matter of our Preaching, and your Hearing; it is given as a testimony of the Fathers Love; it is given to Christ: observe that expression in Joh. 17. in the Prayer that our Saviour makes unto his Father; saith he, ver. 8. I have given unto them the words which thou gavest unto me: thou gavest the words to me first, and then, saith Christ, I have given these words unto them: our Lord professeth, before all the World he makes this open profession; saith he, my Doctrine is not mine: 'Tis not mine, considered as Mediator; but it is the Doctrine of my Father, which my Father hath given me, and which he hath intrusted me with, to make known unto the World, [Page 234] and to communicate to my Disciples, that by them the World may have the Knowledge of him: Consider this, that God the Father, the Great Jehovah, He gives this Word, this Doctrine, unto his Son Jesus Christ. Well, this is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ; that the Words and Doctrine, is that which is given as a gift by the Father unto him: and so likewise you have it, in Rev. 1. the Revelation of Jesus Christ;—how came it to be his? Consider that; it's resolved thus, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his Servants which must shortly come to pass: and then he sent, and signifyed by his Angel unto his servant John:—I, but Christ hath a Revelation; who gave it him? God gives it him: God hath given Christ all the whole plat-form, and frame of Doctrine that concerns the Church of God, his elect ones, and called ones, from the beginning unto the end of the World; God the Father hath given this to the Son.
2. This is that that is to be known concerning Christ; that this Word and Mystery which is given of the Father to Christ, his ear hath been opened to listen to it, most attent upon it; according to that expression, in Psal. 40. Sacrifice and Offerings thou would'st not: Christ's ear was not much attent upon that, Sacrifice and offerings thou would'st not; But mine ear hast thou opened: Thou hast opened mine ear to another Doctrine, to another Word, which concerns the salvation of souls, by a sacrifice that must be offered up by me: this mine ear is open to. And so you have it, in Isa. 50. The Prophet there speaks in the person of Christ; he wakeneth morning by morning, and (saith he) he makeneth mine ear to hear, as the Learned; The [Page 235] Lord God hath opened mine ear, and I was not rebellious: The Father gives the word, delivers it him; and the ear of the Son, our Mediator, is open to him.
3. You are to know concerning Christ, that this Word and Doctrine, which is the subject matter of our Preaching, and your Hearing, as it is given to Christ by the Father, and as his, ear is open to it, so it comes with all delight and complacency into his heart; as you shall find in Psal. 40. First he saith, Thou hast opened mine ear, and not only so, Thou hast bored mine ear; and not only so, but, O Father, thy Law is in mine heart, and I delight to do thy will: O, this word that thou hast given me, it's the joy of my heart, it's the rejoycing of my soul, that there should be the contrivance of such a word given to me, and intrusted with me; mine ear hears it as a most melodious sound; my heart entertains it; O my God, thy Law is in my heart: O, its the joy and rejoycing of my heart, to think that ever thou should'st trust me with such a Doctrine as this.
4. Consider that this word, the Word and Doctrine of the Father, thus given to Christ, unto which his ear was opened, and to which his heart gave such joyful entertainment to; This Word and Doctrine; Christ, he comes to be commissioned from the Father to Preach, and to make it known: He hath not only an ear to hear it, and a heart to imbrace it, but he must have likewise a mouth opened to publish and proclaim it; and this he is commissioned to. This is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus, that he is commissioned of God, to make a solomn publication and promulgation of this Word, that it may be made [Page 236] known to the World. And therefore you have it, in Isa. 50. The Lord hath given me, not only to hear as the Learned, but to speak as the Learned. First, he hath the ear of the Learned to hearken to it; and then it's exprest, that he hath the tongue of the Learned, that he may be able to speak a word in season to a weary soul. This is the commission that God hath given him, that he should Preach, and make this everlasting Gospel, this word that comes out of the Father, that he should make it known to the World: and the truth is Brethren, this that I say, is of a truth to be known, and acknowledged of us: That Preaching work, the Preaching of the everlasting Gospel, and word of Reconciliation, it is more Christs work than the work of any man in the World. True it is, the base, beggerly World, and the imbased spirits of the people in the World; they look upon Preaching-work, as a poor, low, mean service; and look upon those that are imployed about it, as persons that are little to be regarded. And this is the good entertainment that the Ministers of Christ, and of the Gospel, have ever had in the World. Generally they look upon a Preacher, and upon a Preachers work, as a poor, low piece of service; the person mean, and his imployment little to be regarded: I, but if matters were well known, this would be apprehended; that the preaching of the Word, is most properly the work of Christ himself; He that is the great Mediator, He that was in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal with God; took upon him the form of a servant; and he was pleased to accept of a commission from his Father, to be a Preacher; and to preach the everlasting Gospel. As soon as he had [Page 237] suffered, and was risen again, he came and preached to the World, as he did to his Disciples before his Resurrection, and so likewise before his sufferings. He came with commission from the Father, to preach the Word which was given him out of the bosome of the Father: That Word, which is the subject matter of our Preaching, and your Hearing; it is the word which Jesus Christ is ingaged to preach, and publish, and make known to the World: and I say again, it is more Christ's work, than it is the work of any man in the World: and those that are called out to this service, they are called out to the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5. And then add this further; that this Lord Jesus Christ, he hath that interest in the Father, which none in all the World hath besides, to the purpose of fetching out whatsoever there is of further Mystery, and of discovery to be made concerning the Counsel of God; the Word, the Doctrine, the Eternal Counsel, which lay hid in the breast and bosome of God from all Eternity: that Counsel, that Word, and Doctrine, which hath so much of lustre in it; Christ hath this priviledge above all creatures in Heaven and Earth, above Angels, Saints glorified in Heaven, militant on Earth; Christ hath this priviledge above them all, to fetch out, out of the Fathers treasury, that which no Angel, nor Saint in Heaven or Earth, hath the priviledge to meddle withal; Christ hath obtained this of the Father, he hath this interest in the heart of the Father, that he may with boldness come, and take out whatsoever there is of secret Counsel in the Fathers bosome, that concerns the Church of God to the end of the World; He may be bold to [Page 238] come and challenge this as his priviledge; Father, if there be any secret yet undiscovered to the World, I claim the priviledge to be acquainted with it, and to have the discovery of it, and to make it known unto the World. This is the priviledge belongs to Christ.
As now to give an Instance, in Rev. 5. where you find there mention made of a Book in the right hand of him that sate on the Throne, a Book written within and without, and on the back-side sealed with seven seals; a book full of Mysterie, but a closed book; nay, a sealed book, nay, sealed with seven seals: Hereupon the Proclamation is made with a loud voice by an Angel, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? Here's a book full of Mysterie, and matters of high concernment to the Church of God, to the end of the World: Who is worthy in heaven or earth to take this book out of the right hand of him that sits upon the Throne? The Proclamation is made, and the account is given. Thus, no man in heaven or earth, nor under the earth, was able to open the book, nor look thereon, not so much as to look upon it. This goes to the heart of Iohn, a great Favourite of Christ, a dear Servant of God; he for his part is astonisht at it, and falls a weeping bitterly, That there should be none found worthy to open the book.—Mark what follows,— One of the Elders said unto me, weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof; and he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sate upon the Throne. He came and took the book: Here was the priviledge of Christ above Angels and glorified Saints, or any in heaven and earth; there was such a part [Page 239] of the counsel of God which was hid in his breast & bosom, that none durst venture upon for to make a search into. The Lion of the tribe of Iudah, the Lord Jesus, the Lamb that was slain, he was worthy; and so they come with their acclamations afterwards; they fall down before the Lamb, having Harps and golden Vials, and they sing a new song, worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain; thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: And then they break out into magnifying and praising of God; Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing; and the four beasts said, Amen: and the four and twenty Elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever. Why now this is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, he hath this priviledge to take the book out of the hand, to go into the bosom of the Father, to open the cabinet of the Fathers most secret counsel; he hath this priviledge above all creatures in heaven or in earth. This is to be known concerning Christ.
6. Yet further, This Word and Doctrine, which is the subject matter of our preaching, and your hearing; it is such a Doctrine as Christ is marvellously pleased with the wise judicious publication and preaching of it, and with the humble attention upon it; and therefore Christ is perfect, and he hath promised to be present to the end of the World in his Churches, and in his Congregations, and with his Ministry, and with his under Preachers: For as I said before, preaching work is principally his; Christ is the great Preacher, and all that are imployed in the work, they are but under him, and they do his work principally; [Page 240] he is present with them, observant of them; he hath promised to give his assistance to them, and to take knowledge of all discouragements that they meet with; as we see in the case of Paul: When Paul was upon his preaching vvork, he meets vvith very hard usage; the Lord appears to him, and doth as it were clap him upon the shoulder, and saith, Be of good cheer Paul, Thou hast testified of me here at Ierusalem, and in such and such a place, I will stand by thee, and none shall hurt thee. O Christ is present with his servants, and he delights to see his work graciously and judiciously managed, and to see his People that attend upon him, to give heed to his Doctrine. The Lord Jesus he takes Knowledge how his work is entertained, how its preached and heard, and how people behave themselves under the dispensations of it. Why now, good now beloved, consider this; These things are the things that we are to know concerning our Lord Jesus Christ. Now, if this were well considered, wold it not contribute exceedinly to the promoting of preaching and of hearing work? Those that are called out to this ministration, O if they had but the well digested Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, would not this spirit them, and make them to look to the cause they manage? how they manage this trust that is committed to them from Christ, and how they deal with this blessed Doctrine that came out of the bosom of the Father; and if you did but consider, that you come to hear the Word that is given of the Father to Christ, which is in the heart of Christ, and which he ingages himself to give new life unto; and how he takes notice what entertainment his Word hath, &c. If you did but know this, certainly there would [Page 241] be other manner of hearing than ordinarily there is. Thus now I have spoken concerning that.
I shall now go on, and let you know, That by growing in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Believers they come to be exceedingly advanced: As for the other Services that I have been speaking of, as Gospel-Duties, in Prayer and Praising God, in Preaching and Hearing the everlasting Word, that came out of the bosom of the Father: So by the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we come to be exceedingly advantaged for that great work of mortification, and of self-denial. To joyn these two together, Selfmortifying work,—Self-denying work. Alas, Brethren, how hardly are we brought to these Services? And when we set upon them, alas, how aukward, and how untowardly do we apply to the management of it.—And why? Alas, because we are so deficient in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; were there a well improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Did you but know what a self-denying person he was, and how justly be may require self-denying at the hands of his People: If we did but consider that this Jesus Christ, he was from Eternity, God with God; he might have lain warm in the bosom of his Father, in the dear and blessed bosom of his Father; he might have lain there and delitiated himself, and kept out of all the storms and tempests of the World, and might have enjoyed himself with sweetest delight in his Fathers bosom. O what a self-denying Christ was here! That he should come and leave his Father's bosom, and be content to expose himself to the difficulties and hardships of the World, to undergo storms and tempests. Mark [Page 242] what the Apostle speaks, in Rom. 15. Let every one of us please his neighbour, &c. For (saith he) even Christ pleased not himself. He did not set his heart upon pleasing himself, but that he might please his God, and profit his People here below; even Christ (saith he) pleased not himself. O, a self-denying Christ; and if this were well known, it would promote self-denying work in us:—And then sinmortifying work. O, we are hardly brought to it, to wound and slay our corruptions, and to be ever and non digging down our Walls, and ever and anon to be boring in the sides of this or that corruption. This is his hard work to us; but had we but a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, to know that sin and corruption, it is one of the great enemies that he came into the World to encounter with [...]l, and to set it under his fear;—and he was manifested upon this account, according to that of the Apostle, in 1 Joh. 5. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the Devil: He was nail'd upon the Cross, that he might have our old man crucified with him. Why if we had but a well digested Knowledge of these things, concerning our Lord Jesus, it would facilitate the business, and make us set upon it with activity and inlargement of soul.
And so for that great Gospel-Service of resisting the Devil: That's another great work that's required of Believers. Now, if we had but a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, O how would it conduce to the lively management of that great service, and make us not to be afraid to look all the powers of darkness in the face. Did we but know that our Lord Jesus hath conquered the [Page 243] Devil, the Prince of the World; he hath led him after as a slave, he hath the Devil in a chain, and all the powers of darkness at command: therefore, upon the knowledge of this, how resolute may a Christian be, to make opposition to the Prince and powers of darkness, knowing that the Lord Jesus hath spoyled Principalities and Powers.
And then for that great Gospel-Service, of yielding up in the subjection to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, which is the thing that the world doth so much stick at, and make opposition to, and say, We will not have this man to rule over us: No, let us rather break his bonds asunder, and cast away his cords from us. Oh, but Brethren, this well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, it would facilitate this great Service, and make the heart free to come up to it, willing to give its neck to Christ, and to subject to his yoke and Government. When we shall come to know this concerning Christ, That God the Father hath anointed him, and set him as King upon his holy hill of Sion, and that there's a Kingdom appointed to him: and the day will come, when in despight of Princes, and Powers, and Rulers, and all the mighty ones in the World, though they combine themselves together, yet God will give the Kingdom to his Son: The time will come, when the Kingdoms of the World shall become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever. This is that that is to be known concerning our Lord Jesus Christ; the Lord shall rule and reign, and all his enemies shall be made his footstool. Now, if this were well digested, it would make the heart to be free to yield up it self to him: O, this is the King that I would yield subjection to; but not [Page 244] in a way of rejecting of Kings and Governours: O, but Christ is my King, and God hath set him at his right hand, and all his enemies shall be made his footstool. Now I say, the well digested knowledge of these things, would contribute exceedingly to every Gospel-Duty; O, how would this Knowledge of Christ, be as oyle to the wheels, to make them run most swiftly and speedily in the wayes of God.
There are other things that I would have spoken to, to which I would fain have given a dispatch. Though indeed we are bucketting-up out of a full Fountain, the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, O, it's the pretious Knowledge that our souls should be delighted to be acquainted with. O, how will it conduce to help in suffering and resisting of temptations, and afford comfort in all our priviledges.
As Justification, That's one of the great priviledges of the Gospel. Now, alas, we lose much of the comfort of it, by reason of our not being throughly acquainted with the Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, because we have not a well improved Knowledge of Christ. O, did a soul but know this, That its Justification did depend upon the Justification of Christ; if he be justified, you shall be such to be justified; and if he be not justified, you will never be justified, your Justification will come to nothing. Now, the Knowledge of this, concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, that he is perfectly justified, and according to a legal Justification. Here's the comfort of it, That Christ is justified with a legal justification; God according to the strictness of his Justice, hath given up a Justification of his Son, according to that expression, [Page 245] Isa. 50. It is God that justifieth me: And God justifies Christ with a legal Justification, and gives him a full acquittance; and gives this account of him, That he hath fulfilled all righteousness. Now, Believers Justification, which is of Grace, depends upon Christ's Justification, which is according to the Law, or of his having a Justification according to the Law, upon the account of his fulfilling of all righteousness. Now, if the soul comes to know this, That Christ is fully justified with a legal Justification, O how will this make a Believer to say with triumphing of soul, I know whom I have believed, I have believed on him who is justified with a legal Justification.
HAving in the close of the last Argument, begun to speak concerning Gospel-priviledges, and how much our growth in the Knowledge of Christ will promote the comfort of those Priviledges, I shall now proceed a little further with you in that Argument, in making it more fully clear to you: That as ever we desire to suck the sweet of Gospel-Priviledges, to have our souls refreshed with them, as with breasts of consolation, that we may find them to be as streams from Lebanon, as wine that's able to make the lips of them that are asleep to speak. It concerns us exceedingly for to endeavour and advance in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall never be able so fully, justly to value the Priviledges of the Gospel, nor so kindly to relish the comforts of these Priviledges, if we do not well understand the Mysterie concerning growth in Grace, and be well improved in the Knowledge of Christ.
I toucht a little upon that great benefit that comes over to us, of Justification: That great Priviledge; indeed such a benefit as is beyond all valuation. O that we would but make it our work and business to search into it, to labor that we may understand it, what is the proper interpretation of the Justification of a sinner; the Scriptures speak of it, and they invite us to be well studied in it; for a sinner, a guilty sinner, chargeable with a world of wickedness, lyable to a hell of wrath and vengeance, deserving to be everlastingly cursed of God, and to be cast [Page 247] under everlasting destruction, from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power: A poor guilty soul that hath been, it may be, for many, many years wallowing in filth and mire of sin, weltring in blood, and hath been soaking and rotting in his dung; such a poor creature that is laden with iniquities, and whose Conscience lies under deepest and most dreadful guilt; for such a poor creature, yet to have an eye of compassion opened upon him, a look of favour, and when he might justly have expected to hear this dreadful doom and sentence past upon him; thou art a guilty malefactor, thou hast committed high treason against the Crown and Dignity of the great God, and I judge thee to be suffering of the vengeance of eternal fire; I adjudge thee to be cast into prison, and to lye under chains, and to be everlastingly sweltring under the unsupportable weight of my wrath and indignation. Whereas a poor soul might justly expect to have such a sentence past upon it, yet for God to say, This poor soul that is guilty of so much Rebellion against me, I do freely forgive; and all the sins that were committed by him, from first to last, shall never be charged upon him; nothing of all that guilt that hath been contracted by him, shall be reckoned to him, but I will discharge him freely, and he shall have no more conscience of sin, he shall be as if he had never startled a tittle from the perfect rule of Righteousness: I will give him a full discharge, and he shall stand right in Court, and be able to make a challenge to men and devils, and say, Who shall lay any thing to my charge? It is God that justifies. O the pretiousness of this Gospel-priviledge! And it will be known one day, of what pretious import it is. Why this is Justification, [Page 248] Gospel-Justification; for one that (I say) hath been plunged into the deepest gulf of guilt, to be fully acquitted of all; and the [...] is nothing of all that ever hath been done by him, of wickedness and transgression, that shall be charged upon him, or reckoned unto him. Wh [...] [...]ow the comfort of this Priviledge it is exceedingly promoted by a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we do but consider.
First, That the Foundation of a poor sinners Justification, is laid in the Justification of Christ himself: For if he, who undertook on the behalf of sinners, had not been justified himself, never had any soul been justified, no not to the end of the World. The Justification of a sinner, it stands upon the foundation of the Justification of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was justified himself, and by his being justified, the sinner comes to be justified.
And his Justification, it is a legal Justification. The Justification of a sinner is an Evangelical, a Gospel-Justification; but the Justification of Jesus Christ it is a legal Justification, he is justified by works, he is justified by the Law, he hath fulfilled the Law, both in a way of doing, and in a way of suffering, both wayes: And so his Justification, it is a legal Justification; and in vertue of this Justification, a poor sinner comes to have his Justification, which is Evangelical. This is now the advantage that comes over to a soul by a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus; it may bear upon this, That it is and shall be for ever justified, because its Justification depends upon the Justification of Jesus Christ, whose Justification comes over to him in a legal way, and it's perfect and compleat, so that strictest Justice can take no exception against.
[Page 249] And then add this withal, that by the knowledge, of our Lord Jesus [...]rist, the comfort of our Justification is excee [...]gly promoted, because there is this to be reckoned to the knowledge of Christ, that he stands ingaged to see to it; that all those, whose cause he hath undertaken, and in whose behalf he hath ingaged himself; it lies upon him to see to it, that their Justification do proceed, and that it be vindicated, and it be maintained to them: this is that that we have to know concerning Jesus Christ, that it lies upon his hand to see to it; that all those that he hath given himself for, may be fully and freely discharged, that there be nothing objected against them, nor may lye against them in Court: This is that which lyes upon the hand of Christ for to do; and to this very purpose it is, that he now being ascended on high, and set down on the Right-hand of the Majesty in Heaven: this is that which he now ingages to; He appears in Heaven before God, to this very purpose, that he might maintain the Justification of his people, his believing ones, that he may maintain it to them, and that they may have the comfort of it. Mark you how the Apostle reasons to such a purpose, Rom. 8. ver. 28, 29. saith he, Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect; it is God that Iustifies, who shall condemn? it is Christ that died:—I, but what of that, that he died; why, if so be that he be not risen again, how can God be just in justifying? I, but saith he, yea, rather that is risen again; he brings it in with a yea rather, who is even at the Right-hand of God, and maketh Intercession for us: This is a Beleevers plea, upon the account of Christs ingaging of himself, by dying, and rising, and interceding, appearing to make [Page 250] cession; this is the plea; Christ comes to stand forth before God, on the behalf of his beleeving ones, that their Justification may be maintained to them. And truly Brethren, were it not that the Covenant is ordered in all things, and sure; and that the Mediator of the Covenant, our Lord Jesus Christ, is thus ingaged with the Father, in the behalf of his Redeemed ones. Alas, what woful breakings would there be upon our comforts? I, and what indeed would become of our Justification? A justified soul repents, and comes to be pardoned, and is acquitted, and the poor soul turns again to folly, and renews his transgression by performing new acts of disobedience: what would become now of a soul in such a case? you know how it was with David, and Peter, and other poor souls; they take a course being justified, to unjustifie themselves, and for to blot out their pardon, casting themselves under new guilt: what would become of a poor creature in such a case? Alas, I had indeed the forgiveness of all my sins past; I, but I have been upon new transgressions, I have broken with God again; and what if God should now break with me? I have pardoned thee formerly, but thou hast forfeited thy pardon. I told you thus, sinner, I will discharge thee of all thy sins that ever were committed by thee; but look thou to it, I will speak peace to thee, but turn thou no more to folly: so the Prophet speaks in the Psalm, and Christ to the man, Thou art made whole, I, but go thy waies, and sin no more; look to it, that thou sin more.——I, but, saith the poor soul, alas, I have sinn'd again, I have turned to folly, I have broke with God, and what will become of me now? Why here's now the comfort; Christ, he [Page 251] lives for ever at God's Right-hand, and he is therefore able to save to the utmost, those that come unto God by him, Heb. 7. because he ever lives to make intercession: He pleads with the Father, why Father, my blood is fresh still, I plead my blood still; the merit of my blood: Father, I shed my blood, to satisfie thy Justice for all the sins that ever were, or ever should be committed. Father, this poor creature hath broke with thee; I, but my Father, I have not broke with thee; consult my blood, thou wilt find, that that blood of mine hath made satisfaction for this, and that, and the other transgression. Thus we are to conceive concerning our Lord Jesus Christ: and so a poor beleeving soul, knowing, and understanding the mystery concerning Jesus Christ, with a well-improved knowledge, may plead this, and apply still to that blood, and bear upon the representation which the Lord Jesus makes of his blood and meritorious sacrifice to the Father: plead this, and bear upon this, and so shall he come to be maintained in his justified estate. Truly Brethren, these are the greatest things that ever God did make known to the World, and they are matters of the highest importance that possibly can be made known unto us, and therefore we have reason to consider of them, and should set our hearts to this, that we may come to have a more due apprehension of them: and so the Apostle argues most preciously, in 1 Ioh. 2. when he had spoken before concerning the blood of Jesus Christ, that it cleanseth from all sin, there's your Justification: why then, saith the Apostle, my little children, These things write I unto you, that you sin not: You have cleansings by the blood of Jesus, and free Justification from the [Page 252] guilt of all your transgressions: this is a blessed Doctrine, as if he should say, and this is that which will fill up your joy, to think that there hath been such a blood shed for you, as cleanseth you from all your sins. Why now it stands you upon to look to it, that you do not sin against this blood, nor infer upon it, therefore we will be the more bold to sin; no, God forbid it should be so: therefore, saith he, These things write I unto you, that you sin not: O, but the poor creature may reply, and say, Alas, you write to us that we sin not; but how can it be but that we sin, carrying about with us such a body of sin; having such cursed principles, lying open to so many temptations? How shall we be able to stand, and to keep up from being prevail'd upon by temptation, so, as not to be drawn to sin: I, but then here's the relief; if it be the purpose and bent of your hearts not to sin, but to walk suitably to the Grace of the Gospel; why then take comfort in this, If any man sin, we have an Advocate. If any man sin, why we have had a sacrifice▪ I, but that sacrifice now ceaseth to be offered:—so it doth, and Christ will never offer any more sacrifice, he will never come upon the Cross again; He will never shed blood more; He will never come into the World again to dye, as he did at first. The poor soul may argue thus; O, but alas, Christ will never suffer more; if we sin, and break with God, what shall we do? I but, saith he, Though we have no more sacrifice for sin, no more sacrificings; yet there is a standing Advocation: there's the comfort, as the Apostle holds it out.——But this is spoken to poor humble souls, whose purpose is not to sin, and yet through infirmity, sometimes they do miscarry. [Page 253] This is spoken only for the relief of those, and not to imbolden any proud wretch in a way of wickedness. Why, if any man sin, though we have no more sacrifice; and indeed, blessed be God, and to the praise of Jesus Christ be it spoken, there needs no more sacrificing, he hath sacrificed enough, he hath done that once for all, which is sufficient for all; he hath done more by once shedding of blood, he hath done that that all the bloods that ever were shed from the beginning of the World, were never able to accomplish: there is but one sacrifice, I, but there is a standing Advocation. This is the comfort, and this is that that maintains the Justification of Beleevers; I, it doth; it maintains the Justification of Beleevers, that there is a standing Advocate, a standing Intercession performed; and Christ still is taking off, as the poor sinner is drawing on: This now is the benefit that comes by a well-improved Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: but to pass from that.
Consider now what reason there is, that we should endeavour a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Because this Knowledge doth so strongly contribute to the promoting of the comfort of the priviledge of Adoption; that's another great priviledge of the Gospel. Adoption, truly this, as the former; and so all other priviledges of the Gospel; alas, we are not affected with it as we ought to be. You would think it a great matter for a great Monarch, a mighty Potentate in the World, for to look upon a poor beggarly creature, a beggars child that's cast out, and hath none to look after him; to take him up from the dunghill, from his [Page 254] beggarly, base, and sordid condition; to take him up, and Adopt him for his son, and to Estate him in great Possessions, to settle him upon them, and to own him to such a purpose. It was a great matter for Pharaohs Daughter to Adopt Moses for her child: poor Moses, whose Father and Mother durst not keep him in their house; they turn'd him out, cast him upon the River in a Basket of Bullrushes; this course was taken with Moses. Pharaohs Daughter she spies the basket, and finds the Babe, and poor Babe, weeping with tears upon his face in that condition; and she takes up this Babe, and looking upon it as a lovely child, she adopts it; though in a perishing condition, yet she takes this child and adopts it for her own; this shall be my child. This now was a great matter, and a thing to be reckoned upon as a very high act of Grace. O, but what is this to that act of Grace, that the great Majesty of heaven performs on the behalf of poor sinful sons and daughters of men? That he should look upon them in their most loathsom condition and state, and should please to set his love upon them, these base born children, beggars brats (for so we are all) a seed of rebellion; they are a generation of men and women that come from a bitter root, they are such as the soul of God might abhor; yet for the Lord's sake, O these beggers brats, these contemptible creatures, these ill-looking deformed people, yet notwithstanding I will set my love upon them, I will love them freely, I will adopt them for my children, and they shall be mine, and I will estate them in great and large Possessions, I will own them, I will not be ashamed of them, to be called their Father, and to call them my children. A wonderful thing it is, to consider of the priviledge [Page 255] of Adoption. I, but now, by the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, when it comes to be a well grown Knowledge, when we come to know that that is to be known concerning Jesus Christ, this will exceedingly advance the comfort of this priviledge of Adoption: As will appear thus.
First of all, We are to consider that a Believers Adoption, it's founded in Christ; and the foundation of it, it is laid in the Blood, and Death, and Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We are said to be the Sons of God by faith in Jesus Christ, as the Apostle speaks: 'Tis by faith in Jesus that we come to have this Adoption; and we are to know, that all that are the adopted of God, they are a generation that springs out of the very blood and bowels of Jesus Christ. Methinks it is worthy observing, that which we have in Isa. 53. compared with Isa. 54. In the 53. you have an account in a Prophetical way, of the sufferings of Christ, and of his blood sheding. It pleased the Father to bruise him, v. 10. He hath put him to grief. Well, what follows upon this? He shall see the travel of his soul, and shall be satisfied. Now mark you, what's this travel? Observe what follows in Chap. 54. Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear, break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travel with child; for more are the children of the desolate, than the children of the married Wife, saith the Lord: Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; for thou shalt break forth on the right hand, and on the left, and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles. And thus the Prophet goes on. Here now upon the Sacrifice & Sufferings of our Lord Jesus, there comes to spring up a numerous Issue, which springs up out of his [Page 256] blood; he shall see his seed, and be satisfied; there shall be a seed that shall be raised up out of his very blood and bowels. And so likewise in Psal. 22. the Prophet having in the former part set forth unto us the sufferings of Christ, he gives us in the close of the Psalm, an account of the fruit that springs up out of these sufferings: Saith he, A seed shall serve him, it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation; they shall come and declare his righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that he hath done this. He hath brought about a seed, he hath raised up out of his own blood and bowels, a seed that shall be accounted to the Lord for a Generation. O, this is the benefit that comes by Christ. And mark you this, By the right Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, we have this comfort concerning Adoption, That as he pleads on the behalf of his People their Justification, and maintains them in that; so he pleads their Adoption, and his blood it is that keeps them fast to God, so as they shall never be unchilded again.
And then again, This is that that we are to know concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, That it is he that gives them this priviledge of Adoption, and puts them into the actual possession of it, as in that, 1 Ioh. 12. As many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God. He gave them the priviledge to become the Sons of God, and to enjoy this priviledge: Why this is that we are to know concerning our Lord Jesus.
And with all consider this, O, this is that which makes the comfort of Adoption to spring out, to [...]low forth to the refreshing of the souls of the Saints, to think that their Adoption it is such a priviledge, as that upon the account thereof, as they come for to be Children to the Father, so they come to be [Page 257] Brethren to Christ. For mark you, Christ himself is a Son; saith the Apostle, Behold what manner of Love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the Sons of God. Here's love indeed; and it appears so to us, because by being made the Sons of God, we come to be in a condition like unto Christ?—For, what is he? He is the Son of the Father, he is the begotten of the Father, the only begotten, in regard as he is second person; and the first begotten in respect of his Mediatorship, as he is God-Man: The first born, the first begotten; the only begotten as he is the second Person; but the first begotten, and the first born as he is Mediator; as the Prophet speaks in the Psalms, Thou art my Son, This day have I begotten thee. You are to understand that of Christ as Mediator, and especially as raised up in the day of his Resurrection from the dead, This day have I begotten thee; begotten thee by an act of mighty power, raising thee up; and so he becomes the first-born among many Brethren Here's the comfort of the priviledge of Adoption, which we come to be partakers of, by a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ: Here's the comfort of our Adoption, that by means hereof we come into a Brotherhood with Christ. Beleevers, O what a dignifying priviledge is this, that they come to have a Brotherhood with Jesus Christ! As they have a filiation in reference to God, so they come to have a Brotherhood with Jesus Christ; so that he is born to them, and they are Brethren to him (according to Psal. 22. we sung this Morning) I will declare thy Name unto my Brethren, speaking of his People and redeemed ones; and he is pleased so to reckon upon all his People; they are his Brethren, Go and tell my Brethren. After his Resurrection [Page 258] he expresseth himself to this purpose, Go and tell my Brethren that I go before them. And O, this is that that doth advance the Priviledge, and give them comfort of the priviledge of Adoption to souls, to think that they come into a Brotherhood with Christ Jesus. And as it is said in the Text I spoke to the other day, That God is not ashamed to be called the God of his People; God is not ashamed to be called their God, and their Father, and to call his People his Children: So it is said of Christ, and 'tis a very considerable thing, that which the Apostle holds forth in his Epistle to the Hebrews; saith he, Both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one; for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren. Mark this, this is the testimony concerning Jesus Christ, That as God is not ashamed to call them children; truly this language may well astonish us, God the Father is not ashamed to call his People, poor despicable worms as they are, he is not ashamed to call them children, and to be called their God and Father: So our Lord Jesus, is not ashamed to call them Brethren; but is free to say, This is my Brother, and this is my Sister; as you know what's exprest in the Gospel, when they came and told him, Thy Mother, and thy Brethren stand without desiring to speak with thee;—Why saith he, Who are they? you understand my Brethren according to the flesh: O, but I'll tell you who are my Brethren, and whom I will never be ashamed to own for Brethren and Sisters; He that heareth my Word, and receives my Doctrine, and comports with my Counsels, and attends me in the way of the Gospel, That's my Brother, that's my Mother, and that's my Sister; I will never be ashamed of that Kindred. He is not [Page 259] ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare my Name unto my brethren; in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee. (This refers unto Psal. 22. and it's a quotation out of that.) O wonder of Grace and Mercy! That there should be such a conjunction; I will not be ashamed to call them Brethren, I will declare thy Name to my Brethren, I will tell them what a Father they have; I know thee well, thou art my Father and my God; and I will tell them, and declare thy Name to them, and make it known to them what a Father I have, and have had from all Eternity; and I will tell them what a Father they shall find thee to be to them: And this I will tell to them, and sing praise to thee in the Church. O this will be the joy of my heart, that I have a company of poor Brethren. Christ was not prided in this, to be the only begotten of the Father; indeed he gloried in this, to be the only begotten, as second Person. O, but it was his joy to think that he should have a company of people that should come into the state of Brotherhood with him; O he joys in this, and shed his blood to purchase them; and when he comes once to have them given to him, he will say to them, Friends, you are my Brethren, flesh of my flesh, and bone of my bone, we have one blood, and I will declare my Fathers Name to you, and it shall be my joy so to do; in the midst of the Church will I sing praise unto thee. O, a wonder of Mercy and Grace! that ever it should be thus done to poor sinners; O, how will this advance the comfort of a Believers Adoption, when we shall come to consider, that by vertue of this Adoption, he comes to be in a Relation to God as to a Father, so to Christ as to a Brother.—A Brother, and what Brother? that so you [Page 260] may come to understand the blessing of this Priviledge; and if it may be, that we may every one of us, that have any hope towards God, take shame to our selves, that we should be so spirited, and should not come to look more into Gospel-priviledges, the priviledge of Justification, and of Adoption; that we should not search into them, and have our hearts more affected with them. Now I say, that you may come to be the more affected with this, and to know how the comfort is advanc'd to us, consider what a Brother Christ is:
A Brother, not such a Brother as he in the Gospel, Luk. 15. when his younger Brother had plaid the Prodigal, and had spent his estate upon lend persons, in a course of riotous living, he comes home and humbles himself to his Father, and confesseth; Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son. He comes home, and the Father entertains him, and falls upon his neck and kisseth him, and kills the fatted Calf, and provides the best robe for him, and calls his Friends together, Let us rejoyce and make merry, This my Son was dead, and is alive, he was lost, and is found; and they began to be merry. The elder Brother, he comes out of the field, and hears the musick, and these rejoycings, and he begins to take it in indignation, and his spirit begins to boyl within him, and he begins to grumble at it; O Father (saith he) I am thy elder Son, and I have carried it thus and thus to thee, and thou never didst thus to me. Here was a Brother, but a Brother of somewhat an unbrotherly spirit, towards his repenting and returning Brother. Is Christ such a Brother? An elder Brother, but a Brother of a sweeter spirit than this. When a poor younger Brother [Page 261] comes home, and confesseth his miscarriages to his Father, the Father entertains him, and there's joy in heaven under such a returning soul. Well, doth the elder Brother come and pout, and take on, and discover a spirit of discontent; no, it's the joy of Christ's heart; O Brother, welcom Brother; well dear Brother, I rejoyce in you; I, you shall have your elder Brothers garments to put on.
A Brother, how a Brother? Truly such a Brother as Ioseph was to his Brethren.
A Brother, a Shepherd; the Stone, the Shepherd of Israel, who being himself as it was with Ioseph, he being advanc'd to honour in Pharaoh's Court, he entertains his Brethren, and speaks kindly to them at length, after some reservation of himself; his bowels melt over them, and entertains them, and uses them kindly, and bestows largely upon them, and rejoyces in them: And so it is with Jesus our elder Brother, our Ioseph; he is glad to have his Brethren about him, and his heart melts over them.
And if so be that Christ's poor Brethren should argue the case as Ioseph's Brethren did, and say, It may be our Brother, now living in honour, and prosperity, and glory, it may be he will remember all the unkindness that we shewed him; we sold our Brother Ioseph for a slave, and he now being in place and power, will be avenged on us: Oh, what said Ioseph to his Brethren? No, no my Brethren, my honour is for your advantage, I shall not remember the wrongs and injuries that you have done me, but I look up to the hand of my God that sent me into Egypt before you, to preserve seed alive. So it is with Jesus, and much more if his poor Brethren should begin to have misgivings of heart concerning [Page 262] him, and think thus: O, our elder Brother, he is now in glory and honour, and at the Fathers right hand, and will he not remember all the unkindness we have done him? how we have wounded him, and how unworthy we have carryed it towards him; will he not keep all this in remembrance? No, nothing of this shall be remembred against his Brethren; but in the midst of the Church will I sing praise to thee, and I will rejoyce with my Brethren; O my Father, these are Brethren that my soul takes delight and pleasure in.
And then again, Such a Brother is Christ, as indeed is born for adversity; a Brother is born for adversity: O, Christ was born for adversity, for the adversities of his People, that he might relieve them; and he was pleased to come into adversity himself, that he might deliver the souls of his People from all their adversity: Such a Brother is Christ, an elder Brother.
And such a Brother, as will do the part of a Brother. It belong'd to a Brother under the Law, if his Brother died, to raise up seed to his Brother: Why truly, Jesus our elder Brother, will raise up seed to his Brethren. And what's the meaning of that? He will maintain a seed of Grace in their souls, and he will maintain them.—I, he will raise up seed, that is, their bodies that lay in the dust, he will raise up at the last day. Now, what a priviledge is this, to be in Relation to Christ, as to a Brother, by vertue of the Fathers Adoption to us?—That Jesus Christ should not be ashamed, to call us his People, Brethren. These are the fountains of comfort, and do spring from Lebanon; which if we were but well acquainted in them, would stream out, to the gladding and refreshing of the souls of Believers. [Page 263] —Consider the priviledge of Justification, and how the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus promotes the comfort of that;—the priviledge of Adoption, and how the Knowledge of Jesus Christ it doth promote the comfort of that. A Brother, O a Brother indeed; a Brother, that though he have a double portion, as the elder Brethren had; yet he will see to it, that all his Brethren shall become portioners with him; Father, I will that those thou hast given me, be where I am; one house shall hold us Brethren, and we will have one Inheritance: And though I am the chief among the Brethren, yet I own them as my Brethren; they shall fare as I fare, and they shall share as I share; for the substance of the portion, they shall share as I share, they shall be where I am, they shall see the glory that I have had with thee; and I cannot be contented to be in heaven, and to live there, without my Brethren. Here's the priviledge now; and if so be that we were not wofully implunged in the world, and of imbased spirits, O the thoughts of these things would make our hearts to spring up within us, in holy admirings of that rich and glorious Grace which by the Lord Jesus Christ we are called unto the fellowship of.
I Shall now acquaint you with another great priviledge; and that is,
A freedom from the Law: But understand it in a sound sense: There is a sense given, according to which, Beleevers are not freed from the Law, nor is it their priviledge. I remember what the Apostle speaks, 1 Cor. 9. saith he, To them that were under the Law, as under the Law; and to them that are without Law, as without Law; as without Law, as under the Law: there are Mysteryes in these passages worthy the searching into: As under the Law, and yet not under the Law; as without Law, and yet not without Law; not without Law to God, but under the Law to Christ. So that in a sound sense, it is a duty, I, and a priviledge too, to be under the Law, under the Law to Christ: 'tis a priviledge not to be under the Law, according to what the Apostle speaks, in Rom. 6. saith he, We are not under the Law, but under Grace: as the being under the Law, doth stand in opposition, (consider that, and that will give some light to the matter in hand,) as a state under the Law, doth stand in opposition to a state in Grace, to a souls being under Grace: So it is the priviledge of every Beleever, every Saint in Christ, not to be under the Law. These things we should be well acquainted with, and studied in; especially, considering the time that we have had for improvement in the knowledge of Christ. They are under the Law to Christ, and yet from under the Law, as such a [Page 265] state imports an opposition to a state in Grace, that's one of the great priviledges which comes over to Believers by our Lord Jesus Christ, that they are not under the Law.
And the comfort of this priviledge is very much advanc'd by a well improved Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we come to know, and to know to some purpose (as it's fit we should) what the state was that our Lord Jesus Christ was put into; he was in a legal state, he was made under the Law, and so stood under strongest obligations, to perform most perfect obedience to the whole Law; he was a debtor to the whole Law by voluntary subjection (you must understand it so) to fulfil it to the utmost tittle of it: Not only to fulfil the duty and obedience which the Law required, but to satisfie and to answer the penalty; not only to bear the burden of Duty, but to bear the burden of the Curse, and that in the behalf, and for the sakes of those which were given him of the Father. This is a great Point, and worthy to be well studied in, and for every one that would approve himself to God, and promote his own comfort, to be well acquainted withal.—Christ was thus made under the Law, so his state was a legal state; and by vertue of his thus being made under the Law, upon this account the Saints of God, and Believers, they come to have their freedom: He was made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law; this priviledge comes over to us by Christ. Now, when this comes to be well known concerning Christ, by such as believe in him, O what a sweet injoyment may they have of themselves in peace and comfort, when they shall come to know what the Law requires, and what are the vigorous exactings [Page 266] of it, what are the pressing burdens that it layes upon a soul, which are most heavy to be born: Nay, they are indeed unsupportable by any strength that is now in the creature; what dreadful curses the Law pronounces upon the transgressors of it. Now when a soul shall come to understand this; and yet withal, understands that Jesus Christ, he was under the Law; and being so constituted, he hath fulfilled it to the utmost tittle; he hath answered all the requiries, and he hath undergon all the penalties, and the Law hath nothing to say against him, nothing to charge upon him. Now, when a Believing soul comes to know this concerning the Lord Jesus, that he was made under the Law, that the soul might be delivered from the curse of the Law; this is that that makes the comfort to flow in like streams from Lebanon; these are the great things of the Gospel, which concerns us exceedingly to be well instructed in. This I propound now, as one of the priviledges of the Gospel, the comfort whereof comes over to us by a well improved Knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Consider further, What reason there is that Believers, Christians, should endeavour to advance a growth in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, upon this account, That by this Knowledge well improved, we shall come to be very much advantaged for suffering, suffering with comfort, and with boldness and courage; and that's a great matter for us to consider of: For it is not so much the suffering, as the comfortable suffering, and the confident suffering, and the couragious suffering of a Christian that God is glorified by. Mark you, 'Tis not barely the suffering; the damned in Hell, they suffer, and shall suffer eternally; but what Glory [Page 267] hath God from their suffering? Only thus far, he hath the glory of his Justice, in the inflicting of deserved punishment upon them; he hath that glory: but otherwise, there is nothing of glory that's given to God by them in their sufferings; there's Glory that God fetches and forces out of them, and he will do so out of every damned wretch, he will force a Glory to himself out of their sufferings; but there is no Glory that doth result to God out of the sufferings of the damned, as a Glory which they do actually give up to God. But now, God expects that his People should be active in a way of glorifying him, when they are under their sufferings; and then is God glorified, when his People suffer with courage, and with confidence, and with comfort and rejoycing, and are not of despondent spirits, do not fall under that.
Why now consider, all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, and will approve themselves in their godliness, they must reckon upon sufferings; there is no coming to heaven by leaping over the brook; Christ himself is said to drink of the brook in the way: There is a brook, and it runs with black and bitter streams, and we must not think to leap over the brook, you must drink of it, and be plunged into it: Why all that will live godly in Christ, shall suffer.—What shall they suffer? what must they reckon upon to suffer? Suffer from God, suffer from men, suffer from Devils, suffer sometimes through their own default, from their own Consciences. Wherein now must they reckon to suffer?
Suffer in their souls by divine desertions;—suffer in their souls by dreadful temptations;—suffer in their Consciences by astonishing apprehensions; I, and sometimes there's their own default from their [Page 268] Consciences; that's a suffering that Jesus Christ is a meer stranger to, (take notice of that by the way:) Christ never suffered from his Conscience. And I do not know whether it may not be peremptorily asserted, that he never suffered in his Conscience: to be sure, never from his Conscience, his Conscience never put him to any suffering; his Conscience was alwaies his friend, and his comforter: He was not knowing to himself of any thing should cause and create the least trouble to him: Godly men are subject, through their own default, to suffer in their Consciences, and from their Consciences;—to suffer in their liberty;—in their estates;—in their names and reputations, by reproaches, and scorns, and contempts of the World:—To suffer in their estates, by losses, and sad breaches upon them:—subject to suffer to the very loss of their lives, by fiery tryals, and sharpest persecutions.
I, but now, whereas the great matter (as I said before) is to know how a Beleever may suffer, and to suffer comfortably, to suffer couragiously, and not sink under sufferings: Though he drink of the brook in the way, yet that he may not be drown'd in the way; though he drink of it, yet he doth not sink to the bottom of it, but he keeps his head aloft: this is a great matter for us to study, and to be well acquainted withal. Now consider, O the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, it doth contribute most largely to such a purpose: if so be that Christians, Beleevers in Christ, had but a well-improved knowledge of Christ, well digested, (I do not speak as I have told you, and shall further tell you) of a notional knowledge; to get a head full of notions, and yet in [Page 269] the mean time, the heart altogether unedified. We can babble over the Creed, as many do, that place their Religion and such things in it. Though, I do not speak, but that there may be good use to be made of those old principles. But this is the misery, that people rest in words and forms; if they can patter over such and such a form, and say, He was born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; thus they can say, but in the mean time, know nothing in the World to any purpose: But I speak of a heartknowledge, a well-digested knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: and this knowledge will contribute very largely to the promoting of a Christians comfortable undergoing his sufferings, and keeps him up from sinking under them: and it will appear thus, by considering:
First of all, by knowing this concerning Christ; that this Lord Jesus Christ, was himself a sufferer; there's very much in this, that he was in the form of God, and thought it no robbery to be equal with God; He that was the brightness of his Fathers Glory, and the express Image of his Person; He was pleased to put himself into such a condition and state, as that he might be capable of suffering: As he was the second person, it was impossible for him to suffer; but he took a body with much complacency and delight, upon this very account, that he might be in a capacity to suffer, and suffer he did; never Man nor Angel the like; He suffered to the astonishing of the whole Creation;—He suffered from God,—He suffered from men,—He suffered from Devils: O the dreadful sufferings of Jesus Christ! As I said before, so I say it again; He did not suffer from his Conscience, his heart [Page 270] did not reproach him; His heart within was clear, he had no terrors, his Conscience, it raised up no terrors in him; that kind of suffering he was a stranger to. Now consider this; was Christ Jesus a sufferer, and so deep and dreadful a sufferer? why then a Beleever may comfort himself whatsoever sufferings he falls under: why, blessed be God▪ my Lord Jesus Christ was a sufferer before me, he hath been in a suffering state, and I have no reason to startle at it, that my condition is a suffering condition: I am but now in a way to have conformity to Christ, and that's a blessed comfort. You must consider a little, what should the Apostle mean, when he professes, in 1 Cor. 2. that he determined to know nothing but Iesus Christ, and him crucified: a suffering Christ; Christ, and a suffering Christ! what should he mean by this, but that he was well and duly apprehensive of the benefit and comfort, and succour and support, that would spring up to him from the consideration of a suffering Christ: why, this is by my conformity to Christ, I account all things (saith he) but loss and dung, for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Iesus my Lord. There you have the very point in hand held forth: He speaks concerning the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; I account all things but loss and dung, for the excellency of this knowledge.—Why? That I might know the fellowship of his sufferings, and be made conformable unto his death: I tell you Beloved, it's no matter what condition soever a person come into, if it be but such a condition as wherein Christ hath been before him; only so, as wherein Christ hath been as one that hath gone before us, and made it a way for us to walk in. Indeed, the way of his mediation, [Page 271] the way of his meritorious sacrificing, that's not a way that ever he walk'd in, so as to constitute it a way for his people to walk in; they are never able to live in that way: But the way wherein Christ hath been before us, and the condition which he hath been brought into, as a condition in which he would lead his people into: this is that that will comfort us in any such condition; let the condition be what it will, Christ hath been in this condition before us: so that now here's the comfort to a Beleever, a Saint in Christ; I suffer thus and thus, as the Apostle speaks, I suffer as an evil doer,—so did Christ; Christ was before me: I suffer as an evil doer, unto bonds, I am persecuted, so was Christ my Lord:——I am reproach'd, and scorn'd, and revil'd in the World, so was my Lord Jesus Christ:——I am cast into Prison, so was my Lord Jesus:—I am brought to the place of execution, Christ was hanged as a malefactor. There's much to support the soul in this condition. And then,
Secondly, consider this, This is the comfort that slowes out from the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, to support in a suffering state. Christ suffered, nay, but more than this, we are to consider further, that he suffered penal sufferings, legal sufferings: O this, this hath added to the other, that we are to know concerning Jesus Christ; that he suffered in a legal way: His obedience was legal obedience, not evangelical obedience, as ours should be: so his sufferings were legal sufferings; why he suffered upon the account of Divine Justice; he suffered according to what the strict Justice of God did and could inflict upon him for sin and transgression; and [Page 272] here was the bitterness of the cup; a thing that would be seriously weighed, and considered of by us: He suffered for sinners; he put himself (as it were) into the state and condition of a sinner, of a malefactor. The guilt of the sins of his people was set over to him: Thus it was, and upon this account, you must conceive, that there was not that rejoycing on Christ's part in his sufferings, as that which sometimes discovers it self even in Beleevers, who have rejoyced at the stake, and kist the stake, and bid it welcome; and have been as full of joy and rejoycings as their hearts could hold; why there was reason for it: It was not so with Christ, but he was in an agony, and cryes out, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why Brethren, there was reason for it: Alas, Beleevers do not sip one drop of that cup, and that's their mercy, and that's it that gives them comfort upon the consideration of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus; because the cup that was tempered unto him to drink of, it was a legal cup; it was a cup that the hand of Divine Justice temper'd up for him: Son, thou hast put thy self into the place of sinners, and cursed malefactors, that have deserved to drink of the wine of my wrath to all eternity: I'll temper a cup for thee; forasmuch as thou hast undertaken to appear on their behalf, thou shalt have a cup to drink off in their steads; and the hand of Justice tempers up this cup. Now, one drop of this legal cup, would have made all the Nations drunk, and have been made to spew, and fall; to fall down to Hell; one drop of this cup of Justice: but Christ must drink it up; He must make, by suffering, satisfaction to the Infinite Justice of a provoked Majesty. Here's the business [Page 273] now: and alas, we are apt to pass over these things slightly, and not consider what the greatness of the love of Christ is, in undergoing such a task, in drinking such a cup! But judicious Christians will weigh these things, and endeavour to understand concerning what was undergone by Jesus Christ. 'Tis an astonishing consideration, that it should be thus ordered out concerning our Lord Jesus Christ.
Now here's the comfort to poor beleeving souls under all their sufferings; blessed be God, I suffer not in a legal way; I suffer not from the hand of Divine Justice; I suffer not in order to satisfaction; that's done to my hand: Here's my comfort, As I am not called out to pay debts with duties, I am not called out to pay debts with sufferings: Here's the comfort of a Beleever, which flows out from the well-improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; that whatsoever his sufferings be, they are not satisfactory sufferings; they are not sufferings upon a legal account; but they are sufferings in a way of fellowship with Christ, as one that did suffer; but not as a sufferer in order to satisfaction to God's Justice. So that now, upon the account of the suffering of our Lord Jesus, as a legal sufferer, and as one that took the cup from the hand of Divine Justice, which was tempered up by that hand; upon this account the poyson is taken out of sufferings; the terror of the bitterness of death is past; the bitterness of suffering is taken out; the sting of the suffering is plucked out: what's the sting of the suffering? The sting of death is sin; the sting of a suffering is sin. There's nothing that makes suffering so bitter to a sensible soul, an understanding Christian; there's [Page 274] nothing that makes it so bitter, as the consideration of guilt: I, but the guilt is taken away, and so the sting is taken out; the venom of the suffering is gone: The cup may be bitter, but it's a wholsome cup. This is now a second thing to consider; whereby you may come to understand, how much a well-improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, doth contribute to the promoting a Christians comfortable, and bold, and confident suffering; and you will never be able to quit your selves in a suffering day, in a suffering state, as becomes the Gospel, if so be that these considerations concerning Christ, be not well digested.
3. Yet further; Christians are subject to suffer, and it's your duty to suffer as Christians, and to bear up with courage and confidence: but how shall that be, but by the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ? For mark you, This belongs to the knowledge of our Lord Jesus; that the sufferings of his people, for his Name, and Truth, and Gospel; those sufferings are by Jesus Christ, made their great priviledges. When a man suffers as an evil doer, as a murtherer, or a thief, or as a busy-body in other mens matters; these kind of sufferings of persons as evil doers, when they are indeed deservedly inflicted; these sufferings, they reflect shame and dishonour upon those that undergo them. The two Theeves upon the Cross, that were crucified together with Christ, and He in the midst of them; you have the acknowledgement that one of them makes; This man is upon the Cross with us, He suffers as we suffer, (as to the matter of suffering,) He is hanged, and so are we; we are here nail'd upon the Cross, and so is He: I, but for all that, here's the difference; we indeed are justly here; [Page 275] for we suffer the reward of our own evil deeds; so that it's our dishonour to be hanged up upon the Cross: but this man is hanged indeed as a malefactor, but he hath done nothing worthy of such a death: so it's no dishonour to a Christian; it's a dishonour to an evil doer to suffer, when he suffers for his evil deeds; but it's no dishonour to a Christian, when he suffers as a Christian, and there's no just cause for his sufferings; it's no dishonour, but it's rather an honour to him; saith the Apostle, If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed: Ashamed! he hath no cause in the World why he should be ashamed; let men deal how they will with him, if he suffer as a Christian: though others seek to put him to shame, he may despise the shame, as our Saviour did; He indur'd the Cross, but He despised the shame: Men would cast shame upon Him; I, but Christ shames the shame; He despiseth the shame; He puts the shame to shame. Thus did Christ: so a Christian, he suffering as a Christian, for the sake of Christ, he hath reason so to do; to shame the shame, to despise the shame, to scorn the shame, and the scorns that are cast upon him; saith he, If any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorifie God in that behalf, for the spirit of God, and of Glory, rests upon him. And so did the Disciples, in Acts 5. it's said, They went away from the Counsel, where they had been beaten, and reproached; They went away rejoycing, that they were accounted worthy to suffer shame for the Name of the Lord Jesus; so that by Jesus Christ, it becomes a matter of priviledge and honour to suffer. This Comfort flowes out of the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And take notice of that remarkable passage, in 1 Phil. [Page 276] To you it is given; given as a gift: To you it is given;—what is given?— Not only to believe on his Name, but to suffer for his sake. To you it is given; I, one would say; a goodly gift indeed, to have suffering given us:—A goodly gift; O, that's a wretched spirit, to undervalue this gift: To you it is given, not only to believe: is it a priviledge to have it given us to believe, to beleeve unto eternal life and salvation? I, but, saith he, To you it is given, not only to beleeve, but also to suffer: This is the gift of God, which he hath granted unto you as a priviledge; that you should be sufferers for Christ, and ingaged to appear in his Cause, and for his Name, in opposition to an evil and an adulterous Generation.
Again, by a well-improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall come to understand to the comforting, and the imboldening of the hearts that Christ is knowing of all the sufferings that his servants undergo: Knowing of them, is that all? Nay, so knowing of them, as that he is sensible of them, and reckons them his own sufferings; He hath a deep sense: There is a sympathizing with his people in all their sufferings; if the foot on Earth be trod upon, the Head in Heaven complains; Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? who art thou Lord? I am Jesus. True it is, thou canst not reach my person, me as the head; but thou reachest me in my members; Saul, Saul, why dost thou persecute me?
And then consider this withal, That by a wellimproved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall come to understand, that the sufferings of Christ, they make way for Glory; having conformity to him in suffering, we may assure our [Page 277] selves, there shall be conformity to him in Glory: If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him; as the Apostle speaks; And the sufferings of this present time, is not worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall follow. So that now, all this being laid together, we may well conclude upon it, that the knowledge of Jesus Christ, is worthy to be endeavoured after, and that there may be a growth in it; because it doth conduce so much to a comfortable, confident, couragious, and bold suffering on the behalf of Jesus Christ.
EVen as I was reading this Text this Morning, I had this Meditation: I was thinking how often this Text hath been read in your hearing, and sounded in your ears; and is it not good for us (you and me) to consider to what purpose it hath been so often sounded? and whether we have made any Improvement in the grace of the Gospel, and in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Shall the Scriptures speak to us in vain? shall we be as if so be we were hearing of sounding brass, and a tinkling symbal? But however, thus it is, and this is our duty, to grow in Grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am speaking yet concerning the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and that there ought to be a growth therein; and you have heard very largely, what convincing Arguments there are, why you should labour after a well improved Knowledge of him, considering how beneficial this Knowledge is, and will be, to those that have it. I shall now [...] to something further that remains, and so [...] on to the Application of this Point.
There is very great reason, why Christians should endeavour to advance in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that in order to the promoting of a Gospel Conversation, that it may be managed with beauty, and with boldness, to the credit of the Gospel, and the holy Profession which is made of it: By a well improved Knowledg of our [Page 279] Lord Jesus Christ, great advantage comes over to us for such a purpose.
First, here you are to consider this, That a Christian is not to live at a ghess, and at random; those that will approve themselves in their holy Profession, must see to it, that their conversations be well ordered; it is he that orders his conversation aright, that shall see the salvation of God; and much care and diligence is to be used to this purpose, that the conversation may be ordered in a due manner, that so we may come to have the comfort, and joy, and peace at last: They that walk according to rule, Scripture rule, and Scripture example, they are the persons upon whom there shall be peace and mercy, as the Apostle speaks in Gal. 6. It is not for men and women professing Godliness, to live (as I have sometimes said) by rote, but to live and walk by rule, and by warrantable example. And,
2ly. I offer this to be considered, that Jesus Christ is the most absolute pattern for a Christian to conform unto, and to take example by him: And this duty is incumbent upon all that will approve themselves in Godliness, to set their hearts upon this, that they may be conformed unto Christ; Believers and Saints are predestinated to have a conformity unto the Lord Jesus. And the Apostle tells us, 1 Ioh. 2. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself so to walk, even as Christ walked. It is a very weighty Scripture, and doth very much concern us to be well studied in: He that saith he abideth in Christ, or that professeth himself for to belong to Christ, and to have a union with Christ, an interest in Christ, he ought to walk even as he also walked.—Now, consider how strongly it follow, upon the premises, That therefore it concerns all [Page 280] that will approve themselves in their Conversation, to endeavour to be well acquainted with the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, to endeavour an advance in that Knowledge, to be as well instructed in the Knowledge of Christ as they can;—Why?—Why because it is he who is the Copy after which we are to write, the pattern to which we are to conform; and how it is likely that any man should answer the Copy, write congruously to the Copy, which he hath little or no sight and knowledge of; work in any sutableness to the pattern, which he is in great part a stranger to. This then is the business that we should mind and consider of, in order to a well regulated Conversation, that there be a pursuance in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ; and particularly, that we know the manner of his Conversation [...] If so be that we would walk as Christ walked, it's necessary we should know how Christ walked, what steps he trod in, and the paths wherein he walked. And this I shall give you some account of, as touching the life and conversation of Christ here upon earth. In the general, consider thus.
First of all, you are to know and believe, That Jesus Christ was in the World, though the World knew him not, as the Apostle speaks in Ioh. 1. He was in the world. The world indeed would not know not take knowledge of him; but this is that we are to acknowledge and believe, that Jesus Christ was in the World; and that he lived and conversed here among the sons of men; and he lived such a life as was most exemplary, and so continues to be; and he hath everlastingly broken the force of such an argument and plea, as poor carnal wretches are apt to make in their own behalfs, when their vitious, [Page 281] corrupt, carnal, profane lives are tax'd, and they themselves are censured for them. Men are apt to plead, How is it possible that we should live otherwise in the world, a wretched world, a world that lyes in wickedness? There are so many corrupt principles, and corrupt examples; how can it be that we can live in such a world, and live as we ought?—Why this Plea is fully broken; it was broken upon the account of the lives and conversations of other godly ones, that have lived from the beginning of the world.—The world was stark nought in Enoch's dayes, in Noah's dayes; yet for all that they walk'd with God, and they ordered a conversation to the honour of God, and approved themselves in the course of their walking.—The world was very bad in Eliah's time, and so in the times of others; yet for all that they carried themselves very gratiously in an evil world. But this example of our Lord Jesus Christ is that that breaks the force of such an Argument, why he was in the world, and yet he lived most exactly and congruously to the whole life of God; and he hath taught us by his example, That it is not so much the place as the principle that we are to mind; the principle and the constitution: If so be that a person be of a good constitution, and well principled, he will live well enough in any place. A godly person will be godly in heaven among Saints and Angels; a godly person that is truly so, he will be godly on earth, if he be there among profane persons: And I think I may say, that if it could be that a godly man were in Hell, he would shew his godliness there; I am bold to speak it, that if a child of God were in Hell, he would love God there, and he would pray there. I remember, and sometimes [Page 282] upon occasion have spoken to that purpose, That Ionah when he was in his own apprehension cast off of God, and in the belly of Hell, as one in the very belly and bowels of Hell; yet there he falls a praying, Out of the belly of hell cryed I. A wicked man, if he could be in heaven, and be there with his own principles, he would be a wicked man there; and surely for Hell, a godly man would be a godly man there, Hell changes no natures; nor indeed doth heaven, upon the matter, Heaven doth not change nature; Heaven it self considered as a place of glory, would not change the nature of a wicked man; the change must be made here on earth. Thus, now having propounded this as a general, That our Lord Jesus Christ, he did live and converse in the world;—but what account is there to be given of his life? what is there belonging to a well improved Knowledge in the Life and Conversation of Christ? To give you a brief account of this.
First of all, in the general, The Life and Conversation of Christ, it was a Scripture conversation. The Lord Jesus, who is now in heaven, he liv'd in the world, he liv'd first and last a Scripture life; and this I speak to the confutation of the faces of all such as are apt to slight the Scriptures, and make light of them, that Jesus Christ, while he converst in the world, his whole life and conversation was a very Scriptural conversation, it was nothing else but a fulfilling of Scripture. O Beloved, consider of this, as a material and momentous thing, That the whole life and conversation of Christ was a Scriptural conversation. How often do you read this passage, Thus and thus Christ did, thus and thus it was ordered out concerning him, that it might be [Page 283] fulfilled which was written in the Scriptures. You read this now, over and over we have it in Scriptures; thus and thus it was done, that it might be fulfilled which was written in the Scriptures, so that the life of Christ it was a fulfilling of Scripture: There was never a Scripture in all the Bible, which Christ could not with boldness look upon, and did not most fully correspond with, I tell you, it is a serious matter for to consider of; I give a touch upon it now, I may have occasion by and by to speak something to such a purpose.
It were very good for us to consider, whether we are able to look the Scriptures in the face; such a Text, such or such a Scripture precept, such or such a Scripture example, and not blush and be ashamed. I remember (and so may you) when the Book of the Law was found, and brought to Iosiah, and he heard it read, his heart melts within him, and he is very deeply passionate and he mourns and humbles his soul before God, to think of the incongruity that was between the Book, and the carriages, and conversations of the People: So Brethren, and Beloved, consider but this, put it to your Consciences; Is there not many a Text i [...] Scripture which you are not able to look in the face, not able to behold with any boldness? You have not the boldness to look such or such a Text in the face.—As now your Adulterer, can he look this Text in the face? Whoremongers and adulterers God will iudge;—the Covetous man, can he look that Text in the face, which saith, The Covetous man, he is an idolater, he shall never inherit the Kingdom of God? Let your conversations be without covetousness. Can he look this Text in the face?—The Hypocrite, the formal Professor, that pleaseth himself [Page 284] in a form of Godlyness, and is an enemy to the power of Godlyness, can he look that Text in the face? 2. Tim. 3. 5. In the last daies, perilous times shall come, and having a form of Godlyness, but denying the power of it; from such turn aside.——The sensual, licentious person, can he look this Text in the Face? If you live after the flesh, you shall dye; but if ye through the spirit, do mortifie the deeds of the body, you shall live; and a thousand more of this kind I might instance in. O Friends, it is a serious matter that I am now speaking about; whether we can look the Scriptures in the face without regret of spirit, check and controul of Conscience. Jesus Christ, who is the most absolute pattern, he could do so; His whole life was a Scripture-life, a fulfilling of Scripture: there was never a Text in all the Bible, but he had the boldness to look it in the face. This is that that is to be known concerning the Life of Jesus Christ.
Secondly, and more particularly; it belongs to the knowledge of Christ to know this; That it was a blameless and in-offensive life: It's requir'd of Beleevers, that they carry it as the Sons of God, blameless and harmless, without rebuke: O such was exactly the life of Christ, a harmless, blameless, inoffensive life: He never gave offence to any in all his life, and he was very carefull of doing it; He would rather be abridged of his liberty and priviledge, than he would give offence: as in the case of the Tribute; Simon, of whom do the Kings of the Earth take Tribute, of your own children, or strangers? Of Strangers, saith Peter: why then I am free from the Tribute; I but lest we should offend them, go thy waies, and take such a course, that [Page 285] there may be a payment of the Tribute: Give no offence; He never did give just offence; much offence was taken at him, but no offence was given by him. This was the Life of Christ, 2 Tim. 2. last. He offended no man, gave no just occasion of offence to one or other, neither to Jew or to Gentile.
3. The Life of Christ, it was a convincing Life: His Life carried Life in it: as the Apostle saith, in the first of John, The light was the life of men. O, Jesus Christ's life, was a light of life! It was a life that held forth light in it; convincing the World of sin, and righteousness. What is said of Noah and his Conversation; he condemned the World, by building of the Ark, Heb. 11. It may most truly be said of our Lord Jesus; He convinc'd the World, and condemned it, by his gracious and holy Conversation.
4. Consider, The Life and Conversation of Christ, was a conflicting and combating Conversation: Conflicting, not with corruption within, that he had none of; he had no principles of sin in him. The Apostle speaks of himself, I find a Law in my members, rebelling against the Law of my mind, leading me Captive. There was no such conflict in Christ, nothing of sin in him; the Prince of the World had no interest in him, so that he was free of that conflict: But he had men and devils to conflict with: O how much was he in colluctation, and strugling, and wrestling, and striving with Principalities and Powers, and with the men of the World! Jerusalem cryed out; O Lord, Thou hast made me a man of Contention; truly, so was Christ; I am not come to send peace but a sword; Contention, yet notwithstanding, the most peaceable [Page 286] person that ever was in the World. A man of Contention; but how came it to be so; because his Doctrine and Conversation was so cross and contrary to a wicked and sinful Generation: Christ's life was a conflicting life, with men and devils.
5. The life of Christ, and his Conversation; it was a fruitful, and a profitable life: O, what blessed benefit and profit did, and doth come over unto Beleevers, by the Life and Conversation of Christ. (I cannot insist upon these particulars, only give you a hint of them.)
6. The Life and Conversation of Christ, it was a holy, nay, a heavenly Life: It's said of Enoch, that he walk'd with God; more true of Christ: The Apostle saith, Their Conversation was in Heaven; much more the Conversation of Christ, a heavenly Conversation; He liv'd, and conversed with God from day to day.
7. The Life and Conversation of Christ; it was a painful and laborious life; a life of labour and hard travel; never was time so well husbanded, so well spent, as the time that Christ had to spend in the World, not one minute of it runs out to waste; he went about continually doing good, preaching from place to place; spending himself in the behalf, and for the behoof and benefit of poor souls: a laborious life was the life of Christ.
8. The Life of Christ, it was a praying life: O how much was he in prayer and supplication unto God; He spends a whole night in prayer: when he could not get to that service in the day, he would be sure to take time for it in the night. O how much was he in intimate conversings with the Father in the way of prayer.
[Page 287] 9. The life of Christ, it was a self-denying life: O most eminent was Christ for this, that he was of a self-denying spirit; and his life in the whole of it, a self-denying life; denying himself, Father, not what I will, but what thou wilt.
10. The Life of Christ, it was a world-despising life; when they would come by sorce, and make him a King, he declines it, and withdraws himself, and turns his back upon all worldly preferments and injoyments.
11. The Life of Christ, was a God-pleasing, and honouring life; He pleased not himself, he studied to please his Father, and to profit the souls of his people: He was for God-pleasing, and manprofiting: and this was the whole tenor of the Life of Christ. He devoted himself thus, that he might be pleasing to God, that he might be profitable to man.
12. And to add no more (though other particulars might be brought in;) The Life of Christ, it was a persevering life; He began well, he continued well, he ended well. Paul could say of himself, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the Faith; Christ could say it more than any man; I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the truth; I have kept my way without divertion, he held on to the last; having honoured God, he honoured him to the death; having loved God and his people, he loved them to the end; having ingaged to glorifie God, he glorified him to the last; His last breath was a holy breathing into the bosome of God. This is the account that is to be given of the Lord Jesus.
[Page 288] Now consider, O how profitable and beneficial will this knowledge well improved, be unto Beleevers!——profitable to shame them!——profitable to provoke their imitation!——profitable to promote their comfort.
Profitable to shame them: Now, when we come to know what a life Christ liv'd, what an exemplary life, what an even thred he spun, what a webb he wove; and when we come to consider what our life is, what a difference between Christ's life and our life, whose life should be set before us as a copy to write after: O how will this cause shame of face, sorrow of heart! I remember the Lord gives a charge to the Prophet Ezek. That he shew the pattern to the house of Israel; and wherefore?—that they may be ashamed:—why I shew'd you the pattern this morning, of the Life of Christ: and truly, it may well make us ashamed,—to think Christ lived in the World a Scripture-life: but alas, how far are we from keeping conformity unto Scriptures in our lives?—He lived an in-offensive life: how offensive are many of us in our conversations and carriages, laying stumbling blocks in the way?—The Life of Christ was a conflicting life: what is there in us of conflicting with lusts and corruptions, and a sinful World?—The Life of Christ a convincing life, a condemning life; convincing of sin, condemning of sin: such should our conversations be. But alas, how little is there of conformity to Christ?—The Life of Christ, a praying life;——a laborious life;—a fruitful life;—a God-pleasing life;—a self-denying life: Alas, we may look upon the pattern, and be ashamed to behold it, because of our incongruity to it. He that saith he [Page 289] abides in Christ, ought himself so to walk, even as he walked: How many profess to have an abiding in Christ, and yet do not comport with his example, and conform to the pattern that he hath given us for imitation; and so far as we are awanting to this copy, so far we dishonour the Name of God, and are awanting to the crediting of our holy profession: O, thus would a well improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ be beneficial to us, to the humbling and shaming of us; to think, such was Christ, but how unanswerable are we? A humble Christ, a holy Christ, a heavenly Christ, a self-denying Christ, a sin-hating Christ, a world-despising Christ, and we express nothing of it.
And how would this promote to duty, and provoke to imitation? O, so would the knowledge of our Lord Jesus, and of his life well-improved, provoke our imitation of him, and make us set to it with diligence and care. Did Christ live thus? then surely, it concerns me to look better to my life and conversation, that I may be able to give a better account of it than otherwise I am like to do.
And then to promote the comfort of a Christian, and make him bear up with boldness in the mid'st of an evil Generation; when he is able to plead, thus I am, and I am tuter'd to it by the walking of Jesus Christ.
Now, to draw to a close; The last thing that I will insist upon, as to this Doctrinal part; there is an account to be given of the life of Christ in Heaven. You have heard of his Life on earth; but there is belonging to the knowledge of Christ to consider, what his Life in Heaven is: For this we are to know, and sad were it with Saints and [Page 290] Beleevers, if this were not accounted of: That he that was in a state of death, and he that did rise again; He lives, and is alive for evermore. Now, if it were not for this, Christians were of all men in the World, the most miserable; but this our Saviour speaks of himself, Rev. 1. 18. I am he that was dead, but I am alive; and behold, I live for evermore, Amen. I am alive for evermore, Amen. And this he held forth for the comfort of his people, and to let them know he is alive for evermore; to this purpose, To see to the accomplishing and fulfilling of all that in the Revelation is made known for the benefit and comfort of the Church of God, while it is here in its Militant state, untill the day come that it shall be together with him ingaged in everlasting Triumphs over Death, and Devils, and Anti-Christ, and World, and Sin and all: This belongs unto the knowledge of our Lord Jesus, to know that he lives:—And what's his Life in Heaven?—briefly thus:
First, it is a Life of Glory; for he is now entered into Glory, and he lives in the fullest possession of all the Glory that the Father, and Angels, and Glorified Saints can conferr upon him, and give unto him: He hath all the Glory that Heaven can bestow upon him. The Lord Jesus, he lives now in Glory, and he prayed for this, Father, I have glorified thee on the Earth; now Father, glorifie thou me with the Glory which I had with thee from the beginning. Jesus Christ is entered into his Glory, and he is clothed with it now; He is clothed all over with Majesty and Glory; He lives in Heaven now a life of Glory, and so hath done ever since He was received up into Heaven.
[Page 291] 2. His life is a life of Power; all Power is given to him, he hath the keys of Hell, of Life, of Death, he hath the keys of Heaven and Hell; all power is committed to him, and he is invested with it: So that the life of Christ is a life of Power; he liv'd here in the world under weakness, as touching his humanity: but he lives now (as the Apostle speaks) though he was crucified through weakness, yet he lives by the power of God, 2 Cor. 13.
3. And then, his life is a life of Peace; he had much trouble in the World, but all his trouble is over, and he is entered into everlasting Peace.
4. The life of Christ in Heaven, it is a life of Rest.
5. It is a life of Joy and Rejoycing: O, Christ is at Gods right hand, and at the right hand of God; there is fulness of joy, and pleasure for evermore; as the Prophet speaks, in Psal. 16.
6. The life of Christ, it is a Kingly life, he lives in the state of a King; and God hath given him a Name above every name, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: I, and know this,
7. This life of Christ, it is a life of Knowledge and Observation; Christ in Heaven lives an observing life, he observes all the actions and transactions that are here below, he knows all the workings in the Nations and Kings of the World, he knows all the oppositions that are made against him by the powers here below;—he knows the state of all the Churches, and all the carriages of his Churches and People; as in the Revelations, he orders to all the Churches it should be signified, I know thy Works, and what thy condition and state is. Christ lives a life of Observation.
8. And he lives a life of Compassion too: O, [Page 292] that's a comfortable consideration, that the Lord Jesus in Heaven; he lives a life of Compassion, he hath not left his bowels of compassion here behind him, but he is as merciful a High-Priest now as ever he was; he was good in the world, he is as full of bowels, and of tender love to his poor Church and People, now he is in Heaven, as he was when he was upon Earth; all his glory in Heaven shall never make him forget his poor suffering Members here on earth: Saul, Saul, Why persecutest thou me?
9. The life of Christ in Heaven, it is a life of Satisfaction: And yet withal,
10. It is a life of Expectation; he hath fullest satisfaction in respect of his Father, and of his injoyments at the right hand of God; he hath sweetest satisfaction concerning all the travel that he did undergo, while he was conversant here in the World; according to that, Isa. 53. So doth Christ; he now in Heaven looks over all his travel, he considers all the cost and charge that he was at to redeem the World, and he thinks not one peny too much that he hath paid; (to speak with a holy Reverence) not one peny of all the payment too much to be laid down to purchase a People, to purchase an Inheritance; he doth not think that there was one drop of his Blood too much to be shed, that he might redeem a People to himself, and bring them to the possession of an eternal Inheritance: And yet notwithstanding, the life of Christ in Heaven, is a life of Expectation, not that his expectation is any way affective to him, doth any way impead the sweetness and comfort of the life that he now lives in Glory; but it is a life of joyful Expectation. He lives in this double Expectation;— [Page 293] First, till all his enemies be made his foot-stool.—He lives in this Expectation, expecting the coming of that time, when all his Saints that he hath redeemed from the World, and purchased with his Blood, be in his hand, and brought to Glory. Now, this is no disquieting expectation, but a most joyful expection, that Christ lives in, to see the utter downfal of all his enemies, and to have them under his feet: And according to that which you in Heb. 10. 13. saith he (speaking concerning the Priests in the old Testament This man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sate down on the right hand of God. There's his life:— from henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his foot-stool: for by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. This is now one part of Christ's Expectation, which he is upon in Heaven, That all his enemies, be they who they will, never so many, never so mighty, he lives in the expectation of their downfal, and being brought under his feet; and of this expectation he shall not be disappointed in the least, no, not in the least. The life of Expectation which Christ doth now live in Heaven, it is such a life as wherein he hath a most sweet enjoyment; he knows he shall be answered in this Expectation of his.
And so likewise his expectation of having all his people that he hath purchased with his blood, given into his actual possession: He prayed for this in his last prayer, Father, I will, that all those which thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may see my glory, and share with me in that glory which is to be had in heaven. This was his supplication, and sutable is his expectation, That the time shall come when he shall have all his Saints in his hand, and not one of them wanting. Now, [Page 294] this is the Knowledge that we are to have of the life of Christ in heaven;—a life of Glory,—a life of Power,—a life of Peace,—a life of Rest,—a life of Joy and Rejoycing,—a Kingly life,—a life of Observation,—and a life of Satisfaction,—and a life of Expectation; such is the life that Christ lives. Now, O how worthy is this Knowledge to be pursued, and that every Believer should labour to be well improved in the Knowledge of this life of Christ in Heaven, both for his greatest incouragement and comfort, to think that that Jesus who died, now lives, and lives for evermore in Heaven:—That he is now in power; he that was crucified through weakness, he lives through the power of God.—Why, this Jesus, he lives now in the fullest injoyment of all that happiness that can he conferred upon him,—and in the expectation of having all his enemies subdued,—and all his People brought over to him, that he and they may solace themselves eternally in the vision and fruition of God, and of one another. O what a comfort is this now, for to know and consider of: It was the joy of the heart of Iacob, and made the old mans heart to leap within him, and to revive again, to hear that his son Ioseph was alive, and in honour in Pharaoh's Court. O how much more joyful will it be, to the rejoycing of the heart of a child of God, that hath set his love upon Christ, to think that his Jesus is in heaven at God's right hand, in the possession of all that honour and glory which heaven it self can confer upon him.—And thus, now I have travelled with you, and I confess it hath been somewhat a long journey that I have travelled in the handling of this Point, in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, and how much it concerns Beleevers [Page 295] to endeavour a growth and increase in it, considering how every way the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus will be beneficial to them, to the promoting of grace,—inabling to suffer,—fitting for Duty,—and for the promoting of a holy Conversation (and the like.) Now, all that hath been spoken, doth issue in this, That the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ is a Knowledge that our hearts should be exceedingly set upon.
Now for the Improvement of this by way of Use, I shall make short work of that; but, O that you would but weigh and consider what hath been spoken in so many Sermons that I have preached to you upon this Doctrine; and for the Application, I shall be brief in that.
Now I would beseech you, consider with your selves, you with whom I have to deal; will you but consider with your selves, whether I have been in this matter that I have performed, performing a proper Service, or whether I have not in your account been imployed in a needless work, whether your hearts will not suggest such a thing to you: You have been preaching to us concerning the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, what have you told us that we knew not before? and you press upon us that we should endeavour a growth in in this Knowledge, and be upon our improvements; but alas, what are we the further advanced in this Knowledge? So that now, if so be that I should come to act and perform the part of a reprover, possibly there may be such a spirit found, that you will think, what have you told us? we knew that Christ took upon him the nature of man, and he came into the world, and liv'd, and died here, and was crucified, and buried, and rose again, [Page 296] and ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of God: every common nominal Christian can chatter over these things, and think with themselves, what needs all this ado about a growth and increase in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
O but Brethren, I would say to you as the Apostle speaks in a like case, 1 Cor. 8. I know well enough that you have all knowledge; I, and your knowledge makes you conceited, it puffs you up; But if any man think he knows any thing, he knows nothing as he ought to know. It were good for you and me to look well to it, that our light be not found to be darkness, that our knowledge be not found to be ignorance. This I would have said, that there are clear demonstrations and convincing Arguments, that some know nothing as they ought to know;—others that do know, they are not so improved in their knowledge as they ought to be. I tell you this, look to it, for of a truth your being so defective in the faith of the Gospel, your being so apt to fluctuate, and be turmoyl'd in your consciences, your being so uneven in your walking, your being so low spirited as you are, your small measures of faith, and love, and hope, and confidence, and boldness towards God;—and your aptness to be startled at every providence, and to be foyled by every temptation: these and such like [...]s do loudly speak it out, that of a truth you [...]t know Christ as you ought to know him; I speak to one and other of us: we shall find, and be able to evidence it, the conscience will be convinc'd of it, That we know not as we ought to know, we have not made that advance in the Knowledge of Christ as we should have done, because it is thus [Page 297] and thus with us, we have no more love to Christ: did you know Christ as you ought, you would never dote upon the world as you do, nor be so inslav'd to your corruptions as you are; did you know Christ as you ought to know, you would live more honourably, and more to the credit of the Gospel than you do. There are many, many things that will evidence it to us, that we do not know Christ as vve ought to knovv.
HOw Righteous, yea, how Gracious this Requirie is, That believing souls should grow in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, hath been abundantly demonstrated and made to appear unto you. Wisdom is justified of her children; if we be Wisdom's children, it will appear, and so it must, by our justification of Wisdoms sayings, and giving in our justification, we come under the strongest obligation for to carry it in a sutableness unto what we profess to be. Now, taking it for granted, that we do acknowledge this to be a truth, that it is our duty to grow in the Knowledge of Christ, as that which is the most excellent, and the most beneficial Knowledge; this Knowledge (which as you heard the last day) will conduce very much to the well regulating of a Christians conversation, when it comes to be known to purpose, what a life Christ himself did live while he was in the World;—what a life Christ lives now he is in Heaven; which two things were accounted to you at large in several particulars. That which now remains to be done, is to make application of all that hath been said, and so to press on after the improving of this Doctrine.
Something in the very close of the last Exercise was spoken to you. May I now without any check from within, appear among you this Morning, as a reprover for God, and in the behalf of God, and in the behalf of Christ, and not be accounted needlesly and causlesly to pick a quarrel. I remember [Page 299] what David said to his quarrelsom Brother, upon occasion of his coming unto the Camp, when he was inquiring what would be done to the man that should slay the Philistine: He replies to his quarrelling Brother; What have I done, is there not a cause? So, if so be there should be any inward secret quarrel at what shall be spoken, in way of reproof and blame, I would speak as. David did, and say, Is there not a cause?
The Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, is unquestionably, and undeniably, pretious Knowledge,—excellent Knowledge,—profitable and beneficial Knowledge: but, is it prized? is it pursued? will our Consciences bear us witness, that we are upon our endeavours after it, that we may advance and improve in it, and that we may answer the duty of this Text, which makes this charge upon us, that we grow in Grace, and in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus? If our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things. Is there not a Conscience within us that can witness against us, that this pretious Knowledge it was never very pretious unto us? This Knowledge did never come to be pleasant to our souls; so pleasant, as that we could say with the Apostle, We account all things but loss and dung for the excellency of the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May it not, without breaking the bounds of charity, be thought and judged that there are many, yea, very many, that profess the Name of Christ, and would be in account for Godliness, that know little or nothing, and nothing at all to any purpose concerning the Lord Jesus, and are not at all troubled at it, that they should be so unacquainted with this Knowledge of our Lord [Page 300] Jesus Christ? And are there not such as are apt to think, that they know as much concerning Christ, and the Mysteries of his Kingdom, as much as need to be known; and so there is no cause why they should much trouble themselves with such a busisiness as this, for to be solicitous about the knowing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I would speak this Morning in this part of the Discourse, to two sorts of persons.
First of all, to such (if such there be among us, possibly there may be some such, though I hope not altogether so many) that are strangers unto any true saving Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; peradventure they have some common notions of Christ, and can (as I said) patter over a form of words, and say, I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, which was conceived by the holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary, and suffered under Pontius Pilate, and was crucified, dead and buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of God; they can patter over such a form of words, but to little or no purpose in the world, and upon the matter are as blind as Beetles, as Batts; see nothing, understand nothing to purpose concerning the Mysterie, Which is Christ in his People, the hope of Glory. O that there were not such to be found, as setting aside the Name of Christ, they have heard of such a name in the World, by common fame and report, but know no more of Christ than the very Heathens, and Pagans, and those that never were within the line of Gospel Communication: I am verily perswaded that there are such to be found within the territories of this Nation, that can give no more account of Christ, and of the Mysteries that concern him, than the [Page 301] grossest Heathens that ever were in the World, excepting common fame of him, and report that's taken up, which they can give no good account of in all the world; and so truly, such persons may be sent to School to the Devil (but that he doth not keep a School for Christ, and to teach the Knowledge of Christ) but is a desperate enemy to it; but otherwise, as touching the ability of the Devil, and of the damned Spirits, truly there are many, I, many might be sent to School to the Devil to learn of him: understand me aright; I say, as touching his ability, for he is notionally, and apprehensively, and indeed by a necessity, he is very much knowing of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Devils are: We know thee who thou art, even the holy one of God. This was the profession that the Devils made; they did know him when he was in the World, and they do know now what he is, and what account is to be given of him, and that he will appear to their everlasting confusion and condemnation. Thus it is, these persons are in no condition to grow in the Knowledge of Christ, for they have not so much as the first grounds and principles of that Knowledge, but rude and raw, and altogether unseen in those Mysteries that concern the Lord Jesus Christ: It is somewhat strange, that persons living in a Land of light, and of Gospel-discovery, that there should be any found under such gross darkness; but it is too true, that there are too many in that condition. I have read, and you have heard it accounted to you (it hath been both by my self, and by other hands) by a learned Divine, of an antient man, that lived for forty years under a powerful constant Ministry, and yet when he came to lye upon his death-bed, and was examined concerning [Page 302] his Knowledge (truly it would make ones heart to tremble to give the account) of God, and of Christ, and of his Soul, and of his final estate: I forbear to give you the answers which were made.—If so be that we should deal with some, and it may be some of long standing in the world, and take a course to catechize and examine what they know of Jesus Christ, of his Person, of his Natures, of his Offices and Administrations, and of his Sufferings, and of his present state of Glory; it may be we should find an utter inability to give any tollerable account of these things.—Now, will you but consider a little what follows upon this, what the Judgment is that is to be made concerning such, how sad their condition is, that are unacquainted with this Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
First, Suppose they have any Knowledge of God, either by nature, or by common illumination, by what way soever; if there be not the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, truly whatever they know of God, will never turn to their comfort, and benefit, and advantage, but rather prove their torment: He that sinneth, and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ, hath not God; whatsoever Knowledge he may have of him, God he hath not, and that Knowledge will prove his torment; whatsoever a man may know of the infinite Being, the glorious Majesty of his infinite Wisdom, and Power, and God-head; whatsoever Knowledge he hath, it will be the torment of the Soul at last, if so be that there be not a Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. I offer this to be considered of, How can such believe? How shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard, and whom they have not known? [Page 303] And if there be no believing, there can be no salvation; for he that believeth not shall be damned.
3. How can they love him? How can they love Christ, that know not Christ? And what a dreadful sentence is gone out against them that love not the Lord Jesus, 1 Cor. 16. Them that love not our Lord Iesus Christ, let them be Anathema, Maranatha, accursed. The Lord will come.
4. How can they repent that know not Christ? There can be no true right repentance, where there is not the Knowledge of Christ; it is the Knowledge of Christ, and of God in Christ, that brings the heart over to repentance: The Soul will never come to repent with a repentance unto life, if so be there be not an apprehension of the Grace of God in our Lord Jesus Christ:—And then consider the danger; except we repent, we shall be sure to perish.
5. How apt are such to rise up in opposition to God, to Christ, and the wayes of the Gospel, that know him not? Observe that Scripture, 1 Ioh. 16. The time will come, when they will excommunicate you, cast you out of their Synagogues, and they that kill you shall think they do God service in so doing.—And why?—because they know neither the Father nor me; they know not me nor my Father, and therefore they will do these things to you, and yet they will think they do God very good service. This is the mischief that follows upon the ignorance of Christ.
6. Consider this, That sad speech of the Apostle, 2 Cor. 14. If our Gospel be hid, and Christ who is held forth in the Gospel, why then the Gospel is hid to them that are lost; in whom the God of [Page 304] this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not.
7. I argue thus, If it be as our Saviour speaks, eternal life to know the true God, and him whom he hath sent, Jesus Christ our Lord, Ioh. 17. why then it follows on the contrary, This is eternal death to be ignorant of the true God, and of Jesus Christ whom he hath sent.
8. And then I add further, That this will be the aggravation of the guilt of such persons as minded not the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, never set their hearts to seek after it; this will be the aggravation, That light did come into the world, and yet they love darkness rather than light; that there was a blessed beaming out of the light of the Knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ, and yet no regard at all unto that Knowledge, nor no improvement of those means whereby that knowledge might be attained: This will be the condemnation, and the aggravating of the guilt, and the strengthening of the condemnation.
9. I add yet further, That such persons as are awanting to the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, especially in a day wherein this Knowledge may be had and attained: I say this; such persons, they lye open to a dreadful stroke of judgment in this world; according to that which the Apostle speaks, 1 Cor. 14. If any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant. It runs in the same form and frame with that dreadful passage, in Rev. 22. Him that is unjust, let him be unjust still; let him that is filthy, be filthy still. This is spoken, not in an approving way, but in a judicial way; Let them that are filthy, be filthy still: And I have had occasion lately to speak upon this Scripture, that this Judgment is now in execution [Page 305] amain at this very day; That they that have been unjust, and formal, and hypocritical, and would not own the holy wayes of God when they were discovered to them, and clearly made known, but dote upon their own fancies; Judgment is gone out upon them, let them be filthy still, let them be vain, and formal, and superstitious, and what not; and let them so live, and so die. So in this form the Apostle gives out the Judgment, If any man be ignorant; one that lives under the means of light and knowledge of our Lord Jesus, having a price in his hand to get Knowledge, and hath no heart to it, doth not care for the commodity, hath it not in any due esteem; he would rather be acquainted with the mysteries of a Trade, than with the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God; be more acquainted with the politicks of the World, than with the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, and so sets light by this Knowledge; that Judgment, such are in danger to have it go out against them. If any man be ignorant, and have a mind to be ignorant, and his heart is not touched with the sense of the knowledge of Christ, nor his affections doth not move and stir within him after that knowledge, that he may come to be made partaker of it; If any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant, let him go on in his blindness, let the Devil blindfold him, and hood-wink him; he will not see, he shall not see till he come to see in a judicial way.
And then I close up this branch of the Discourse thus: Think but this, and let this be seriously considered of, by all that neglect the good knowledge of Christ, and do not set their hearts upon it, are not carryed out in desire after an advance in it. The day will come, when they that will not know Christ [Page 306] now, care not to be acquainted with him, and with the Mysteries of his Kingdom; the day will come when Christ will know them, I, but so as that he will not know them. Here's a paradox, but yet it is a truth; the day will come when Christ will know them, so as never to know them to all eternity; he will know them with a knowledge of apprehension, in a judicial way; he will know them to have been such as cared not to know him; he will know them to have been such as never set their hearts upon this good knowledge, this excellent beneficial knowledge, that they might be partakers of; he will know them to be such as have neglected all those blessed means which have been afforded to them, that they might come to advance in the Knowledge of Christ,—I, and he will know them so as not to know them, and profess unto them, Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you: you would not know me, you would not know the Mysteries of my Kingdom: I do declare here before all the world, I never knew you, nor I never will, I will never know you, not to the days of eternity; I never did know you, I never will know you, depart from me ye workers of iniquity. Let these things be considered which I have thus spoken, with respect unto such as do not mind the Knowledge of Christ.
But now 2ly. And it may be this may more concern the generality of the Auditory.
But before I come to that, some may be apt to say; O, but I hope we are without the reach of this lash, for we do know, we know Christ, and we can give an account of Christ; many are apt to think thus, and to fancy thus with themselves, that they are good Proficients in this Knowledge: But [Page 307] I say, take heed that the light that is in us be not darkness, and the knowledge that is in us be not found to be ignorance.—What knowledge is it?—It may be a formal, notional knowledge (as I spake before) many they can clatter over a form of words concerning Christ, they can say their Belief from one end to the other, and not miss a word; and this is all their Religion, they understand nothing of what they say; they have gotten a form of words setled upon their memories, but alas, they understand nothing of what they say. But I shall speak more to that.
But the second way that this reproof goes, and this complaint, it looks upon the faces of persons concerning whom there is better hope, that they may know, and know to some good purpose, and yet not know to such a degree as they ought to do, and so are culpable as not answering the duty of the Text, which requires a growth in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You may be able to make a Judgment, by the things that have been so largely handled in the Doctrinal part of this Text: Much hath been spoken, according to what my line would reach to, concerning the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
And here now is this to consider of, whether we be not deserving blame upon this account, that though we know something, and it may be something to good purpose, in the saving knowledge of Christ; yet we have not set our hearts to make the advance in this knowledge, and that progress, and to come to such a measure and degree in knowledge as we ought and might have done, according to time and means; and truly I think that there is none of us, but we may find this cause to complain, [Page 308] Ah, sweet Saviour, how little do I know of thee? I remember how that holy Agur doth bemoan himself, even upon such a like account, Prov. 30. Surely I am more bruitish than any man, I have not the understanding of a man; I neither learned wisdom, nor have the knowledge of the holy: Thus he bemoans himself. O, surely, surely, we may most complain and say, O sweet Saviour, how little a matter do I know of thee? Some little smatterings there are, but alas, it's nothing to what might be known and apprehended concerning thee.
And what's the fruit of this, That Believers, holy Persons, such as have the grace of God in truth, have not more advance in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Mysteries of his Kingdom: what are the consequences? and truly the consequences are the evidences that there is not that advance, and that growth in this holy Knowledge. How sad are the consequences that Christians know no more of God, are not more insighted in the Mysteries concerning Christ.
1. Whence it comes to pass, That we advance no more in faith; for undoubtedly, if we grow more in Knowledge, we should grow more in Faith: Did we but more clearly apprehend and understand the Mysteries of the Gospel concerning our Lord Jesus, what a curious cast there is in the business of salvation, by Jesus Christ; did we but more clearly understand, and apprehend, and know the continuance of that Mysterie, it would most largely contribute to the promoting of a Beleevers faith; and the unbelief would fall flat down on its face before this Knowledge, if so be it were but duly improved.
2. Again, This is the consequence: We love the [Page 309] Lord Jesus, with a poor inconsiderable degree of love.—Why? Because we know but little, little of his excellencies, little of that pretiousness that is inhim; and as our knowledge is, so will our love be; much knowledge, much love; little knowledge, little love: Surely, if we had but more through acquaintance with Christ, we should come to have our hearts more fired with the love of Christ; our hearts would burn within us, if so be that we had but more intimate acquaintance with him, and had but a more clear understanding of the Mysteries of the Gospel.
3. And so for Desire. O, if so be there were but that advance in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus, our desires would sparkle and flame out most strongly after this desirable Christ. When the Spouse had informed the Daughters of Ierusalem what a choice one, what an incomparable one he was, then they cry out, O thou fairest among Women, tell us whither thy Beloved is gone, that we may seek him with thee.
4. Whence is it, that there is so much straightheartedness to the pretious priviledges of the Gospel, that we do not prize them more, that we do not set our hearts more upon them?—That great priviledge of Justification,—of Adoption,—of access to God—of acceptance with God,—and that God should not be ashamed to be called our God (to which I spake the last day.) Whence is it that we be not taken more with holy admirings of these great and glorious priviledges, but because we are not more insighted in the Mysterie of the Gospel concerning Christ. Whence is it that we do not make more account of Justification, forgiveness of sins, which is a most pretious mercy? We do not [Page 310] know Christ as we should, and what it cost him to bring over to us the forgiveness of our sins.
5. Whence is it that we are so apt to be tampering with that accursed thing, with sin, that we are so apt to be upon complyance with it, and upon gratifications of it, and of the lusts of it? We know not Christ; did we know Christ, what he suffered, that he might satisfie the Justice of God for the sins of his People, what soul-conflicts he had, and how he was pressed under the burden of the wrath of God, that he might deliver his People from the everlasting Curse and Condemnation, it would make us fear and tremble, and take heed how ever we deal with that accursed thing, and throw away that bloody knife that cut the very throat, and stabb'd the very heart of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
6. Whence is it that we are so apt to be meddling with the World, and apt to have our hearts set upon these beggerly vanities here below? Whence is it, but because we know not our Lord Jesus Christ as we ought to know? Did we but know what a pretious Christ he was, we would set light by the World, and account nothing of it in comparison of the Lord Jesus.
7. Whence is it that poor souls are so apt to be tossed with every wind of Temptation, and to be unsetled upon every occasion, as touching their peace and inward comfort, but because they are very short in the knowledge of the Mysterie concerning our Lord Jesus Christ, and the riches of Grace that discovers it self in him? As, let the guile be what it can be that may be represented to the Conscience, the Conscience may yet upon the true knowledge and apprehension of the Grace of [Page 311] God in our Lord Jesus, bear up with boldness, and make a challenge unto men and devils, and say, Who shall lay any thing unto our charge, when we know that concerning Christ, concerning his Death, concerning the merit of his Sacrifice, concerning his Acceptance with the Father, concerning his pleading in the behalf of his People at his Father's right hand? We have that knowledge of the Lord Jesus that we bear up with glorious confidence, and with blessed boldness; and we are not afraid to look men and devils in the face; we know who it is that is once for all entred into the holy place that is not made with hands, and appears before God in heaven, representing the merit of his Sacrifice; and for our parts we now can triumph with a holy boldness, and say, Who shall lay any thing to our charge? We have no conscience of sin; though we make conscience of sinning, yet we have no conscience to charge against us: O this would be our fruit of the well advanced and improved knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
These things, Brethren, would be considered of by us; and to close up this part of the Discourse, I have only this to say, That if so be that any of us do think in our consciences that we deserve to come under this lash of reproof, and that this Complaint may be justly taken up against us, That we have not so minded as we ought, the knowledge of Christ, and have not set our endeavours as we should, that we may come to grow in this knowledge. Then to close up all (for I would willingly give a dispatch to this part of the Text) I would only speak a few words in a way of Exhortation; and I would thus perswade in the Name of the Lord,
That as it is the duty of the Text, so it may be [Page 312] the matter of your practice for to grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.—And here you must consider, that this knowledge, as also the Grace that God gives, so the knowledge that you may have, and are to have of Christ, it comes not in all at once. Shall I express my self thus if it may not be too low for the Argument:) The Lord, in managing of his Trade with his People, he doth not deal by whole-sale, but rather by retale; he doth parcel out, and give by parcels, dispences by parcels; now a little, and then a little; now a little Grace, then a little more; now a little light, and then a little further improvement: The Sun, it gives not out its full light at once; so Christ, and therefore it is that there is a growth in Grace, and a growth in Knowledge, and in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus. So then, reckon upon it, we are but in the way, and so we know but in part, and prophesie but in part; and we are not comprehensaries, we come not to the full of that which is to be known; press on, and after, and increase in the Knowledge of Christ. I need no other Arguments than vvhat have been already presented to you in the Doctrinal part.
It is the most excellent Knovvledge.
It is the most beneficial Knovvledge in all respects, according to vvhat hath been accounted to you. Novv, there are but these three things, vvhich I shall dispatch in fevv vvords.
First, I vvould have you to consider, vvhat knovvledge of the Lord Jesus Christ it is that you are to grovv in; not a notional knovvledge, not so much in that, so as you should rest in a bare notional knovvledge, and a form of knovvledge; but you must knovv this, That the Knovvledge of our Lord [Page 313] Jesus, vvhich you are to endeavour a grovvth in, it is a spiritual Knowledge, an inward spiritual Knowledge, a heart Knowledge; it is not a knowledge of Christ after the flesh, no, not in that sense which the Apostle may mean in the second of the Corinthians, We have known Christ after the flesh; that is, they knew him, and they knew him so as to see him with their bodily eyes; 'tis not this Knowledge of Christ: though, if you have this spiritual Knowledge, you will in due time have this knowledge and sight of him; but now we know Christ no more so (as he saith there.) Though we have known Christ after the flesh, as he was known to the Disciples when he was here in the state of humiliation, and conversant in the World; We have known Christ after the flesh, but henceforth know we him so no more: Nor is it any carnal Knowledge, but to increase in the Knowledge of Christ, according to the Mysterie, which is Christ in you, the hope of Glory. You should labour to increase in the Knowledge of him, which answers his Constitution, who was made a Priest, Prophet and King; not after the Law of a carnal Commandment, but after the power of an endless life; as in Heb. 7.
You are to endeavour increase in the Knowledge of Christ, which is a confiding knowledge,—and a conforming Knovvledge;—such a knovvledge of him as is a fiducial knovvledge,—such a knovvledge, as that by knovving him, to come to be more and more inabled to rest and rely upon him; that you can say, I knovv so much of the Lord Jesus, that I can sit dovvn and look no further; I have enough, I have the desire of my heart, here I can boldly trust, here I can fix and stay, vvithout any [Page 314] misgivings; I know this foundation is strong enough to bear up the whole weight of my soul.
And then you are to indeavour to grow in that Knowledge, which is a conforming knowledge, that knowledge by which you come to be molded into a conformity to the Lord Jesus; so as what you know of his Wisdom, and Meekness, and Patience, and Humility, and Heavenly mindedness, you know him in these things, so as that you come to grow up into conformity to him: This is the Knowledge, or else your light will be darkness, and your knowledge will be found to be ignorance.
And then I press upon you, that you would endeavour to grow in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.—Now, what especially of the Knowledge of Christ would you have us to grow in?—I'll only mention two things briefly.
First, That you would labour to grow more and more in the Knowledge of the infinite fulness, and sufficiency, and power of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you may know what a powerful Christ he is, what an able Christ he is, how able to do exceeding abundantly above all you ask or think. I reremember it was the blessing of Judah, that his hand should be sufficient for him, Deut. 33. Christ is the head of Judah, he is the Lord of Judah's Tribe; and to be sure this blessing rests upon his head, his hand shall be sufficient for him, to remove Mountains, to break gates of brass, to cut in sunder bars of iron; he is able to do all that concerns his Church, and every Saint that belongs to him, and that the Father hath given him; he is present to go through his work, and he will not leave any part nor parcel of it undone. O this is pretious [Page 315] knowledge, which we should endeavour to advance in, that we may come to be more full in the apprehensions of the fulness of sufficiency, of the power of our Lord Jesus, that whatsoever work lyes upon his hand to perform, he will be found all-sufficient to accomplish and bring to pass; he is sufficient to present all that the Father hath given him, without spot and blame, before the presence of his Glory, with exceeding joy; and though there be the power of Devils, and World, and Corruption, that may labour for to wrest a soul out of the hands of Christ, why saith he, None shall be ever able to pluck them out of my hands. And then,
2ly. That you would know the singular eminency of the love of Christ, which is a love that passes knowledge. And the Apostle presses this upon us, in Eph. 3. saith he, I bow my knees, &c. that you may be able to comprehend with all Saints, the heights, and depths, and breadths, and lengths.—And what do these dimensions refer to?—Why, saith he, That you may know the love of Christ that passeth knowledge; that you may know it in the height of it, in the depths, in the breadths, in the lengths of it. O, saith he, this is the Knowledge that I would have you increase and grow in, that so you may come to be filled with all the fulness of God. O this love is such a love as we can never know enough of, That Christ hath such love to his Father, as to comply with his designs concerning a sinful World;—and that he should bear such love to a company of vile wretches, ugly, defiled, loathsom creatures, that he would not stick at the laying down of his Life, and shedding his Blood to save them from eternal vengeance. O, saith the Apostle, study this, that you may comprehend the height, [Page 316] and depth, and length, and breadth of the love of Christ, which passes Knowledge, and then shall you come to be filled with all the fulness of God.
I have only this one thing further:—But what shall we do to grow in the Knowledge of Christ?
First, When you have improved well; To him that hath shall be given.
Labour to be more humble: If you be of meek and humble frames of heart, and do not swell with notions, truly Christ will delight to communicate more of his Knowledge to you.
And then love him more: If you would love him more, you should know him more; as knowledge will help to increase love, so love to Christ upon what we do know, will contribute to the promoting of our Knowledge.
And then, what you do know, make use of it, practice it, and labour to keep in an obediential frame: If any man will do his will, he shall know, &c.
And then you must pray for this Knowledge, that the Lord would open the eyes of your understanding: I am a stranger in the earth, O hide not thy Commandments from me.
And then, the whole Scriptures, they testifie of Christ; and if you would know much of Christ, be much in the study of the Scriptures. There are two Scriptures, which I would (not in the least to take you off from the searching into others) have persons to be well studied in, to desire to advance in the Knowledge of Christ:—There is first, the Song of Solomon,—and the Book of the Revelations. The Song of Solomon: The studying of that Book, will much promote your knowledge in the love of Christ, when you shall come to see what a [Page 317] spirit breaths in that blessed Book, that Song of Songs, what a spirit of love doth breath there; you will come to know the love of Christ, how dear he is over his Spouse, over his Children, over all that are given to him: O how he delights in them, and to hold converse with them, and how he can over-look their spots and blemishes, and look upon them as fair, and having no spot in them. It is admirable to consider what endeavours there are on the part of Christ over his beloved Spouse: that Book well studied, will promote your Knowledge in the love of Christ.—And then, the Book of the Revelations, it is a Scripture that is given us for pretious purposes; and being well studied, it will contribute much to the advancing in the knowledge of Christ, of his Glory, and Power, and Greatness. There we come to have discoveries made to us, of what Enemies he hath,—and what Victories he shall get,—and what triumphs he shall maintain,—and what glory shall be setled upon him,—and what injoyments there shall be between him and the Bride in due time; and we shall come to understand more fully what blessed days, Sun-shine days, days of light and liberty, of joy and comfort, when tears shall be wiped away from the eyes of his poor mourners here on earth, and they shall come to Zion with everlasting joy, and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
And so I have done with this Knowledge. Now, the Lord make you wise to consider, and give us hearts to set to it, that we may answer our duty according to the charge in the Text.
HAving spent several years in the handling of this Chapter; and having in the former Exercise, been driving at this, That there may be a growing in the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; I am now to issue all that hath been spoken, according to what the Text now guides me to, in a Doxologie, that is, in an honourable acknowledgment of the Lord Jesus Christ, as a Person unto whom Glory is most righteously to be ascribed. Thus the words signifie to us, according to the sound of them, To him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen.
Words of pretious import, words of common use. It were much to be wished, both for Ministers and Christians, that are upon the frequent usage of them, that it may be very carefully lookt unto, that while we keep a form of words, and hold up a form of words, and make use of them in ordinary course, we be not awanting to that which is imported in them; and lose not the Spirit, while we hold forth the Letter.
To him be Glory, both now and for ever. Amen.
And there is infinite cause, that when these words sound in our ears, we should be most free to say our Amen unto them; a sweet close of a sacred and [Page 319] saving piece of Scripture: And truly it is well becoming men and women professing godliness, for to be most cordial unto the uttering and expressing of this language, the language of the Text.
'Tis a becoming close for every Sermon that's Preacht, for every Prayer that is made, for every Duty performed, for every Mercy that's received, and for all that's testified of God and Christ, to issue all thus; Now unto him be glory, both now and for ever, Amen. We have the Letter; the great matter is, to look to it, that we lose not the Spirit, that we be not (as I said) in the usage of a form, and in the mean time be strangers to the Power.
There is some difference as to words, and phrase, and form of expression, between this Doxologie, and some others that we meet withal in holy Writ. The Apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, he forms the Doxologie thus, Chap. 16. 25. To him that is of power to establish you, according to my Gospel, and the preaching of Iesus Christ. To God only wise, be glory, through Iesus Christ for ever, Amen.—In Eph. 3. we have the Doxologie formed thus: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the Church by Christ Iesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen. In 1 Tim. 1. we have the Doxologie formed thus: Now unto the king eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. In the Epistle of Iude, we have the Doxologie formed thus: Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy: To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory, and majesty, dominion and power, now and ever. Amen.—And in the Text thus: [Page 320] To him, that is, to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, To him him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen. These are the Scripture Doxologies (some of them) which I have now referr'd you to: And you may observe, there is something of variation in words and terms; and whereas in the other Doxologies, the glory is ascribed and voted up unto God by Jesus Christ in the Churches, here the Doxologie is made to refer unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and so the Apostle carries it in reference unto Christ. To him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen.
You must not think that Peter was more devoted to the promoting of the honour of Christ, than of the Father, and of the Spirit; nor that he doth exclude the Father, and the Spirit; the eternal Father, and the eternal Spirit, from out of the bounds of this Doxologie:—or that he hath not an holy aim at the Glory of the Father, and of the Spirit, as well as at the Glory of the Lord Jesus, the second Person; no, nothing less than so. The truth is, no man can honour the Son, but in honouring him he honours the Father and the Spirit too; no person can give glory to Christ, but he must give glory to the Father and to the Spirit too: but the wisdom of the Spirit appears in this, and his direction, that sometimes the Doxologie should in terms be referred unto God, Father, Son, and holy Spirit; sometimes it should be so formed, as to have a reference unto the second Person, considered as Mediator; and so in the Text:—And there may be some reason why the Apostle Peter should refer this Doxologie unto our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, not mentioning in terms, the Father, or the Spirit, and putting it in the ordinary form; To God only wise, [Page 321] To the great God, be glory for ever. But thus; To him, who is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, be glory, now and for ever. There may be this apprehension, that the Apostle Peter minding and remembring the great disservice that he had done to Christ, when he was under his abasing, and what dishonour was done to him by his threefold shameful denying of him; he would now leave the best Testimony behind him that he could, of his devotedness to the exalting of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, he would leave the best Testimony to all Posterity that he could: And so in this Epistle, and in this closing Doxologie, he makes mention of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, voting and wishing up, making this application to him, praying this, and wishing this, and voting this unto him, that Glory may be unto him, both now and for ever, Amen. And so you have this more general account concerning these words.
Where you have some matter, To him be glory: To him; to whom? To our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be Glory; a Duty, or a Vote, an Apprecation, that is, a praying unto him. A fit word to be used, the sense whereof, is as I say, an Apprecation, a praying up to Christ, a praying over to Christ, a voting over to Christ; To him be glory. This is the Apprecation.
And then there is the Time; To him be Glory, Now: Now let him have Glory, now while there is time, while time continues, and as long as there is any time; as long as there is a Now, as long as we can say Now, why so long let glory be to him: To him be glory Now, now in this present time, and as long as time shall continue, as long as there is [Page 322] but a nick of time; if there be but a Now of time, one now, even now, and in this present time, be glory to him.
And then, For ever; not now only, but let it, be for ever; let it be a standing business, let there be acknowledgment of honour and glory to Christ: Now; I, and when there shall be no more time, even in Eternity, let there be an acknowledgment of Glory to Christ Jesus. Now, and for ever; in the Original it is [...], unto the day of Eternity. Now, and unto the day of Eternity, to him be Glory; to him be Glory now, and to him be Glory, In diem eternitatis, [...]en to the day of Eternity: Such a day there [...] come, and it will be such a day as will swallow up Time, that came out of the womb of Eternity, before Time was; and Time shall be swallowed up of the Eternity that shall follow, when Time shall be no more; and that shall be a standing and lasting day, a day that shall know no night, and a day that shall know no limits and bounds, but it shall be a lasting day, and a day of Eternity: Such a day there will be, which shall be a dreadful day unto wicked ones, that live and die in unbelief and impenitency; they shall have a day, or rather a night of eternity, a black burning night that will never have a dawning morning, no, never have a dawning morning.
But then there will be a bright and lightsom Sunshine day, that shall never have a cloud upon it, a day of Eternity; and in this day of Eternity, this work is to be performed; and this Glory in this long day of Eternity, is appointed and voted up to the Lord Jesus; To him be Glory, both now, and to the day [...] Eternity.
And then we have the confirmation of all, Amen. [Page 323] O let it be so, Amen; O so it shall be, unto this Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, be Glory for ever, Amen; O be it so, Amen; O it shall be so. I, thus the Apostle shuts up this pretious Doxologie, this blessed Epistle which I have treated of so long.
Now, what are we to gather from hence? This is the only thing that remains to be done, which is, to give you an account of this one Point from the Text.
That they that are acted by a Gospel Spirit, & have any saving Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are and will be most strongly devoted to the Glory of Jesus Christ, to have Glory given to Jesus Christ. This is the Doctrine, and consider of it well, Now and for ever, and will come in with their vote, and say, Amen. This is the thing that I offer.
There was never since the Gospel sounded in the World; never any person that heard and knew this joyful sound, but they would have a tongue to say, Now unto him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen. Those references which I made before to the Doxologie, in the Epistle to the Romans, Ephesians, Timothy, Jude, and other places which might have been referr'd unto; they are all a sufficient proof of this Doctrine that I have now delivered unto you, That such a spirit doth act in all those that know the Lord Jesus Christ to any purpose, that this is the proper spirit and genous of the Gospel, and of a Gospel spirit, for to have Honour, and Glory, and Dominion, and Majesty given up to Christ. Paul was most lively to this discovery, as appears by those Scriptures; when he comes to fall upon the mentioning of Christ, he would make a diversion of purpose, leaving the prosecution of his cause, that [Page 324] he might give up honour to the Lord Jesus Christ; as in 1 Tim. 1. saith he, speaking before, I was such and such a Persecutor, and a Blasphemer, and the chiefest of sinners; Howbeit (saith he) for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me first Iesus Christ might shew forth all long suffering, for a pattern to them which hereafter should believe on him to eternal life.—Now mark you the diversion; out of the pregnancy of his Gospel spirit, he leaves the Argument he was driving, and breaks forth upon this Doxologie; as if he should say, O I have mentioned Jesus Christ, Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory, for ever and ever. Amen. He cannot mention him without a Doxologie; O unto this only wise God, this Lord Jesus Christ, be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Now, there is infinite cause and reason why there should be such an apprecation (understand the word Appre [...]ation, a praying to Christ.) I have said already, it is the spirit of the Gospel, and they that are acted by that spirit, will be most pregnant this way, they cannot hold. The Disciples [...]id, We cannot but speak the things that concern the honour of God, and the Glory of Christ, we are not able to hold our peace; and when the Disciples were rebuked, and the Children, for crying Hosanna, &c. Why, saith Christ, if they should hold their peace, the very stones would speak; they must be crying out, Glory to God, Honour to Christ.—This was that which was prophesied in Psal. 72. where you have that that concerns Christ, v. 15. He shall [...] t [...] sole of the poor and needy from deceit and violence, and pretious shall their blood be in his sight; he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba. Typically understand it according to the [Page 325] time of Solomon, who should be very much inriched with offerings; but understand it in the Mystery of Christ; To him shall be given of the gold of Sheba [...]e gold of Praise, and honour and Glory: Prayer also shall be made for him continually, and daily shall he be praised. Understand this of Christ in the Mystery; Prayer also shall be made for him continually.—What Prayer?—Doth Christ in heaven need the prayers of his People?—Understand,—They shall be continually praying up his Glory, an apprecation of Glory to Jesus: O let him be glorified, O let him be exalted, O let his Name be magnified; Prayer shall continually be made for him, that his Name may be lifted up in the World, that his Kingdom may be inlarged, that his Throne may be established, that upon his head the Crown may flourish. It was the manner of old, to vote up, and to make apprecation, Let the King live for ever; why, O King, O Jesus, live for ever; O Jesus, be thou glorified for ever; O Jesus, let thy throne flourish; O Jesus, let thy Crown flourish upon thy head: why this is the apprecation. And as I was saying, there is infinite cause why it should be thus, and that this language should sound in every mouth, where there is any touch upon the heart; To him be glory, now and [...] [...]. Amen.
First, This is that which doth most fully comport with God the Father's design concerning his Son: For mark you, Christ having [...] the Father by his most voluntary and [...] subj [...] [...]o him in the service of the [...], and in [...] o [...] the saving of souls. [...] [...] [...] [...] the Father in this great [...] [...] saving [...] world, why the Father now sets hi [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] to glorifie him, and that's the [...] [...] [...] God, [Page 326] to have the Name of his Son Jesus Christ lifted up, that Christ may be glorified; and God the Father, and God the Spirit, do not account themselves honoured and glorified, if the Lord Jesus [...]ist be not glorified: So that I say, in that regard [...]s most righteous that it should be thus, that there should be an apprecation, and a wishing, and voting up of Honour and Glory to Christ, because it is that wherein we do most fully comport with the design of the great God, concerning his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; he having humbled himself, and becoming obedient unto the death of the Cross, God hath exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every name; and he will have Honour and Glory given to Christ.
2ly. Consider this, Christ is most worthy of it, in respect of himself; he is most worthy to have an apprecation made of Glory to him, and that every breathing soul should breath out after this manner, and say, To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Worthy of it, O most worthy of it, that every thing that hath breath should give Glory to him. Do but consider that passage, in Rev. 5. 11, 12. I heard the voice of many Angels round about the throne, and the beasts, and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands. Do but weigh this, think with your selves what a vote here was; The voice of many Angels, and the beasts, and the elders, and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands.—and what's the [...]r vo [...]e?— Saying with a loud voice, WORTHY IS THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing; and [Page 327] every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the Sea, and all that are in them, heard I, saying, Blessing, honour, glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throné, and unto the Lamb, for ever and ever. Mark what a spirit here is: Here's the vote of Angels and Saints in the fullest conjunction, Nemine contra dicente, not one contradicting, voting up Blessing, and Honour, and Glory, and Power, to him that sits upon the Throne, and to the Lamb, for ever and ever.
He is worthy; worthy is the Lamb.
Upon what account worthy?—Worthy, because the Lamb; yea, I say, worthy is the Lamb, because he is the Lamb; the Lamb of God, the Lamb that was slain; its a name that he delights to be known by, the Lamb upon Mount Sion; worthy is the Lamb that was slain.
And because a Lamb slain, because he was pleased to become an Offering and a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour, and would undertake to redeem a People unto God by his Blood; worthy therefore to have this acknowledgment made to him, O worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain.
Here now I have a large field to walk in, but that I would contract my self, and dispatch the Point: The Lord Jesus Christ, worthy.
Consider first of all, who he is for his Person; why he is the brightness of his Father's glory, the express image of his person; worthy therefore to have Glory given to him.
2. What is he for his Name? Wonderful Counsellor, the mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, the Lord our righteousness, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the blessed and only Potentate, the [Page 328] Prince of the Kings of the earth; his Name is as an oyntment poured forth: Well may it be said, To him be glory, now and for ever.
3. Consider his Qualifications; The only begotten of the Father, full of Grace: Then, if full of Grace, worthy to be full of Glory. Grace leads in Glory, and Glory doth most properly follow Grace: Who should have Glory, but they that have Grace? Why none have so much Grace as Christ, he was as full of Grace as ever he could hold: Now, where should Glory rest, but upon him that is full of Grace? Therefore worthily is it said, To him be Glory.
4. Then again, Consider this Jesus, this Lord Jesus, Why he suffer'd, he suffer'd for sin; The just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. He suffered, and by suffering made satisfaction to infinite Justice; he hath expiated the sins of his People, provided for the purging of their Consciences; he hath made way by his own. Blood for an entrance into the Holiest. Now, is there not reason to say, To him be glory, both now and for ever? Mark what our Saviour speaks after his Resurrection, saith he, Thus it is written, and thus it behoved Christ to suffer: And what then? And afterwards to enter into his glory. It behoved him first to suffer, and then to enter into Glory; and he hath entred into Glory, and it is our duty for to follow him with loudest acclamations, and to say, yea, yea, To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
5. And then again, Christ is most worthy to have these acclamations, and such Doxologies, a voting up, and applecation of Glory to him. Why? Because all the Glory that ever any Saint on earth shall have, or Saint in heaven doth possess, all that Glory comes [Page 329] over to thereby the Lord Jesus Christ. Whatsoever Glory any soul here shall be partaker of, or hereafter in the Kingdom of Glory, they are to reckon themselves beholding to Christ for it, it comes over to them by his means. Worthy then is this apprecation to be made to him; and that every soul that hath any hopes of Glory, should say, Now unto him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen. So that these things being duly weighed, which indeed are of proper cognizance for men and women professing godliness, and professing to be acted by a Gospel spirit: What is there that should more properly sound in an Assembly of People, that attend to the Gospel? What can more properly sound than this, That unto the King of Sion, the Lamb that was slain, to him that is the King of the Princes of the earth,—to him that is set upon the Throne with his Father, to him that hath overcome Principalities and Powers,—hath made a shew of them openly,—to him that hath vanquished Devils and enemies, and hath brought Life and Immortality to light, to him that is now entred into the Holiest once for all, and appears in the heavens before God, to plead the Cause of his Peoples souls: What is there more proper in a Congregation of Saints, to sound out, than this? To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Now in a word, for Application. Are they acted by a Gospel spirit, that design nothing less than the Glory of Christ; that instead of making apprecations, and voting up Glory to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, do what in them lyes to cast all the shame, and dishonour, and contempt upon him they can? Is this the spirit of the Gospel? It's the spirit of the Devil. That man, be he who he will; let them be never so high in the World, let them be [Page 330] Kings, and Princes, and Potentates [...] whatsoever names and titles they are known by, whatsoever dignities and honours they are advanc'd unto, whatsoever breadth they carry in the World, whatsoever they are for worldly respects, that are set to cast contempt upon Christ, and to turn reproach and dishonour upon him; are so far from being acted by the spirit of the Gospel, that they do walk in the very spirit of the Devil, and it will appear so.
But are there any such? are there such as walk in such a spirit?—There were so of old. O, people be apt to think that they were worthy to be spit in the face:—Why? what did they that cryed out, Not this man, but Barrabas? Let this Jesus be crucified, let him be hanged, let him be hanged for a Malefactor, do him all the shame they can.—They did so; they buffetted him, they spit upon him, they smote him with their fists, they knock'd him upon the head, they put him into a fools, coat, they would make him their laughing-stock: Thus they did.—What was this spirit? Why is this spirit quite worn out of the World?—Nay, the Lord be merciful to us, there is a desperate spirit of opposition to Christ;—among whom?—among the Antichristian party. O that it were not to be found among persons that would be accounted godly, and stand for the honour of Christ, and make apprecations to him: And they can patter it over in forms of words, O Glory to Jesus; Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the holy Ghost; they can patter over such words in their mouths, and in the mean time they carry swords in their hearts against Christ, and their Conversations speak nothing but dishonour to Christ; shame him in his Name, shame him in holding out that, shame him in making Profession [Page 331] of him.—And why?—because they live thus unchristian-like, walk most unsutably to the Gospel, walk most unworthy of their holy Profession; are these men and women acted by a Gospel spirit, that pretend to the Name of Christ, that express nothing but that which is quite contrary to Christ? they would be accounted Christian People, and to have been baptized into Christ's Name, and in the mean time they make it their business every day to cast dishonour upon Christ, walking cross to him, and quite contrary to the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.—For men and women to rise up in opposition to the Kingdom of Christ, to the spiritual Worship of Christ, to a holy reformation, and to do all that ever they can to hinder that God and Christ may not be worshipped in the beauties of holiness: This is to cry up, To him be shame, instead of saying, To him be glory, both now and for ever. No, but to him be shame, and to all his People, and let them be the reproach and scorn of the World.
2ly. And so to close up: If so be that we will approve our selves to be acted by a Gospel spirit, consider how it must appear; it must appear by holy apprecations, and votings up of Glory to Christ, and to say, To him be glory; the Father gives him Glory, the Father reckons Glory to him, the Spirit gives Glory to him; The Spirit shall glorifie me, he shall take of mine, and shew it unto you.—The Angels give him Glory; Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.—The twenty four Elders, and the four Beasts make apprecations of Glory;—an innumerable number, thousands of thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand; they say, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain, to have Glory. Now, if you [Page 332] be men and women of a Gospel spirit, let it appear by having your hearts set to this, to give Glory to Christ;—wish him Glory, in having the Government in your own hearts: O, to thee be Glory, sweet Saviour, the Glory of thy Kingdom in my own soul;—wish him that Glory, the Glory of his Kingdom inlarged in the World, of having that performed which is foretold, the Kingdoms of the world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he shall reign for ever and ever; wish him that Glory, make an apprecation, vote it up to him; shew the spirit of the Gospel, by having your hearts most strongly devoted to have Christ exalted in all his offices, Priestly, Prophetical and Kingly office, that he may come to be the glory of the World, that he may sway the Scepter, according to what is promised: This is the great thing that Christians should be set upon. I speak not this as if I would cry down Civil Magistrates, but that Government which is belonging to Christ, and according to what he is anointed of the Father to, according to what is purposed to him; it is that we are to wish to him, all that honour and Glory that the Father hath designed him; this is that we should wish to him, and say as the Apostle here, To him be glory, now and for ever.
And this is that which we are to do, not in word and tongue, as the Apostle saith; O my little children, let us not love in word and tongue only, but in deed and truth. So I say to you, my Friends, Let it not be in word and tongue only, but in heart and reality: O let your lips speak it, let your lives speak it, To him be glory; so live, so walk and carry your selves; as that you may give a real proof and demonstration of it, that your hearts may be [Page 333] devoted to have Christ honoured and exalted in the World.
I'll conclude all with an itteration of this Doxologie; and if ever tantologie (though it is no tautologie) but if ever there were any place for tautologie, here were the properest place for it to be used; but it is none: I have a pattern for what I shall now perform from the holy Spirit of God, in Psal. 136. O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. Mark you how many verses you have in that Psalm, 26. verses; and so many times you have this itteration, For his mercy endureth for ever. Will you call this tautologie? why then the Spirit is guilty of tautologie; twenty six times you find it there, O give thanks unto the Lord, for his mercy endureth for ever; he did thus and thus, for his mercy endureth for ever; he slew great Kings, for his mercy endureth for ever; he slew famous Kings, for his mercy endureth for ever; and he remembred us in our low estate, for his mercy endureth for ever. Here's my pattern, and let me a little follow it, and I have done, and charge me with tautologie if you can.
Thus I say then, take up the language of the Text, which I would do, not using the words without the Spirit: And thus I say,
Jesus is the Son of God, Now to him be glory for ever. Amen.
Jesus the Saviour of the world, To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Our Lord Jesus came into the word to seek and to save that which was lost, To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Jesus who was full of grace and truth, Now to him be glory for ever. Amen.
[Page 334] Our Lord Jesus that went about while he was here in the world, doing good, preaching the Gospel, healing all manner of sicknesses and diseases, and delivering them that were oppressed of the Devil, To him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Our Lord Jesus, who took upon him to satisfie, even by death and suffering, the Justice of his Father, to fulfil the Law, and to expiate sin, and to purge the Conscience, and to deliver from damnation those that were obnoxious to it; Now unto him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen.
Jesus, he is risen again, and he is ascended up on high; he is set down at the right hand of the Father, and there he appears to make intercession for his People; Now to him be glory, now and for ever. Amen.
This Jesus he improves at the Fathers right hand, all the interest that he hath, for the good of his People; he communicates the Knowledge of the Mysterie of the Will of God, and he makes Revelations unto his Church and People, of those things that do concern it, unto the end of the World; and thus he is beneficial to his poor People here on earth, he takss care of his Churches, and hath a tender respect of all his interest; Now unto him be glory, both now and for ever. Amen.
This Jesus is now in Heaven, in Glory, and he longs after the injoyment of all his redeemed ones, and he hath undertaken to keep them while they are in the World, and to lose not one of them; but he will bring them to the enjoyment of himself, and he will have them to see and to share in that Glory which he is now possessed of, now he is in Heaven. O what cause have we to say, To him be [...]. both now and for ever! Amen.
[Page 335] This Jesus, who died and rose again, and lives at God's right hand, and as I said, improves all his interest for his People; O to this Lord Jesus Christ, Be glory, both now and for ever. Amen.
PAge 39 line 25, for hearing read being, p. 41 l. 8, for sayes r. sees, p. 49 l. 7, f. contiguity r. contiguity, p. 50 l. 31, f. Kod r. Rod, p. 52 l. 8, f. can r. cannot, p. 56 l. 15, f. trust r. faith, p. 62 l. 25, f. firedness r. fixedness, p. 65 l. 15, f. less r. let, p. 74 l. 30, f. said r. sav'd, p. 84 l. 3, f. that r. their, l. 18, f. proposition r. opposition, p. 90 l. 4, f. and r. as, p. 109 l. 27, dele Christ at the beginning of the line, p. 112 l. 5, dele the day of, p. 116 l. 18, f. se [...] r. get, p. 127 l. 19, 20. dele that I might be so discours'd of, as, p. 130 l. 8, f. faithful r. faithless, p. 132 l. 13, f. eradicated r. eradiated, p. 152 l. 31, f. in r. l, p. 158 l. 16, f. which r. with, p. 174 l. 17, f. that's r. there's, p. 195 l. 23, f. fidelial r. fiducial, p 197 l. 3, f. in r. it, p. 209 l. 27, f. established r. chastised, p. 228 l. 12, f. for r. from, p. 234 l. 123 r. things, p. 239 l. 28, f. perfect r. present, p. 244 l. 27, f. such r. sure, p. 250 l. 32, r. no, p. 257 l. 30, f. born r. brother, p. 28 [...] l. 16, f. denoted r. devoted, p. 292 l. 32, f. affective r. afflictive.