By Samuel Slater Minister of the Gospel.
Published by his Lordships Command.
LONDON: Printed for Thomas Cockerill at the Three Legs in the Poultrey. 1688.
THIS Sermon was not preached, nor is it published undesir'd: Your Honour hath had a very great stroke as to both. Tho many others did come with their auxiliary hands to help the Midwifeing of it into the World. It hath stuck long in the birth, because I cared not to expose it and my self, now that the comfortable ease, which God and his Majesty have graciously granted us, (who were before unmercifully run down) doth make too many very uneasie and wickedly angry, as if to shew kindness to the Oppressed, were not becoming of a great King, nor to accept of it fit for a groaning Subject. But, my Lord, contrary to mine own Inclinations, I am constrained to yield at last to Importunity. What entertainment it will find with many, I neither know, nor am sollicitous. Probably they will slight and laugh at it, and so let them till they are weary; methinks, however, they may please to let this, and some other Works of my Reverend Brethren [Page] pass as tolerable, since done by the clumsy Fists of Pedlars and Tinkers, &c. as some out of their abundant civility and good manners have been pleas'd to call us. But we can laugh as heartily at their Abuses, as they can at our Discourses; so long as there are no Fists about our Ears, we shall be contented. You are not, My Lord, without Reproaches, which for the sake of Righteousness, are more Your Honour than Your Chair or Chain: these things are frankly given out by men ready at any thing but what is good. Let us, My Lord, give them to understand, if they have leisure enough to throw dirt, we have none to be concerned at it. No, let us mind the duty of our several Places, and be the more industrious in the doing of it, as the Moon holds on her journey notwithstanding the bawling of Dogs.
That God would direct, succeed and strengthen the heart and hands of Your Lordship and worthy Brethren; that God would make Your City a City of Righteousness, accompany this Sermon with a blessing, that it may reach its wished-for end, Private and Publick good: That Truth and Peace may be in our days, and descend as a blessing upon the head of all following Generations, is the hearty Prayer of,
Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion.
OUR dear and precious Lord Jesus, is the great and blessed Potentate, King of kings, and Lord of lords, his Kingdom the most noble and glorious, his Government the most excellent in its self, and most easy to his Subjects; yet never did any meet with greater Opposition, than he hath done, both in his own Person, while he was conversant upon Earth, tabernacling among Men; and in his Interest, Power and Authority, ever since. He strikes not at the just Prerogatives and Sovereign Rights of Princes, nor at the Peace and Prosperity of Subjects, but hath been and still is carrying on designs of Mercy, Grace and Love, seeking the good, welfare and happiness of Mankind; yet black and cursed designs have been hatched in Hell, and vigorously carried on by some of the Sons of Men against him. He saith in Joh. 18.36. My kingdom is not of this world. Such a Kingdom as is not terrene, decaying and fading, but spiritual and abiding. Such a Kingdom as is not [Page 2] of the same nature with those of this World, is not inconsistent with them, doth not usurp upon them, doth not prejudice or infeeble them, hath nothing in common with them, needs it not, seeks it not. Yet for all this, in the Psalm before us, we find the World in a ferment and violent Heat about it; great Consultations and Endeavours, among all sorts and ranks of Men, high and low, rich and poor, honourable and base, for the wresting of the Royal Scepter out of his hand, the shaking and overturning of his sacred and highly-exalted Throne. In short, tho he be the best Friend that ever the World had, not a Destroyer, but a Saviour; yet he had and hath a world of Enemies, who would break his hands asunder, and cast away his Cords from them, which is egregious folly, and ingratitude in the height.
But the question is, Why do they so? Why do they rage, and set their Wits at work? Why do they combine and unite together against him? Why is all this stir and bustle? Why cannot Men be quiet? Why do they thus bid defiance to the God of Love, to the Prince of Peace? You find no Answer in this Psalm returned to this Question, and surely no other reason of this aversness from him can be assigned, but this, viz. His being an irreconcilable Enemy to the lusts of Men, and their sinful Practices; his Government, whereever it is erected, not allowing the reign of Sin, which the hearts of the Sons of Men are so much devoted to, and mad upon, that they will not be divided from it, but prefer it before the Lord of Life and Glory; and if they are fixedly resolved so to do, let them go on till Divine Vengeance overtake them.
However these their actings upon Earth are taken notice of by one in Heaven. There the Great Iehovah, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, sits as a strict and curious Observer of the Spirits, and Ways, and Doings of men: He sees what is the matter of their Debates, what the issue of their Consults, what is agreed upon in their greatest Privacies, and what is done by them in their open Hostilities; and as he observes all, so he doth it with a perfect Serenity, without any trouble or afflictive commotion, without any undue concernedness for his Son's interest and honour. Notwithstanding all the Confusions that are, and will be here below, all the attempts of wicked and unreasonable men, he enjoys himself as becomes a God, in undisturbed Peace and Quietness, and a plerophory of Satisfaction as to his own Counsels, and the success of them. For his Understanding is Infinite, so that he cannot be outwitted, nor over-reached; and his own Arm is sufficient for him, so [Page 3] that he cannot be mastered and over-powred. There is not any possibility of defeating any of his everlasting Purposes, or frustrating any of his glorious Ends; his Counsels shall stand, and the thoughts of his heart to all Generations.
Hence it comes to pass, that while they rage, he laughs; and while they are putting forth the utmost of their skill and strength, he looks upon them with an holy Derision and Contempt; and while they are raising the Posse Terrae, the Powers of the Earth, against Christ, he knows there is no need of raising the Posse Coeli for him; No need of raising his Hosts, or of arming and sending twelve Legions of Angels to his assistance. No, no, in order to their Confusion and fatal Disappointment, it is full out enough for him to speak to them, only it is in his anger, and that will vex them by turning their Counsel backward, and tumbling their Persons headlong into Destruction, which shall certainly be in due time. The Word of God carrieth along with it, a mighty Power and Efficacy. With a word he created the World, and brought this excellent Fabrick of Heaven and Earth out of nothing. It was but his Fiat, and the Work was done; and by the word of his Power he upholds all things, so that they do not fall and return into their first Nothing. And with a word he can blast all the Projects of his Son's Adversaries, and wither every Arm that is stretched out against him.
If any inquire what it is that God speaks to them; you have it in the words of the Text; Yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Sion. In which you have these things worthy of your Observation.
- First, The will of God set in opposition to the Wills and Counsels of Men. Yet I; they are doing so and so, but I have done quite otherwise; they are doing their Pleasure, and I have done mine; their work is to do, and will never be done; mine is done already, I am before-hand with them.
- Secondly, You have the Act of God the Father, by which Regal Power and authority is conferred upon Christ. I have set, anointed, constituted my King.
- Thirdly, The Seat of his Kingdom, the place where his Throne is set, and where he is to exercise his Sovereign power, The holy Hill of Sion. The Doctrine that I shall from hence raise, and present you with, as the Subject of the following Discourse, is this.
[Page 4]Doct. Let the discontent and rage, the designs and practices of Men be what they will, yet there is a King set up in Sion by God the Father, and this King doth and shall Reign, and that in the midst of his Enemies, and in spite of them too; they may as soon pluck the Sun out of the Firmament, as Christ out of the Throne. I shall dispatch the Doctrinal part in opening the several Words of the Text, which will be done by answering these following Questions.
- First, What is meant by Sion?
- Secondly, Why is Sion called Gods holy Hill?
- Thirdly, Who is that King, whom God hath set up there?
- Fourthly, What is the meaning of that phrase, setting him.
- Fifthly, What is the import of that Particle yet. Yet have I set him; all which I shall pass through with convenient Brevity, having a due respect both to his Auditory, and the time; and then proceed to the Application.
1. Q. Our first Question is this, What is meant by Sion?
A. To which I answer thus, Sion is to be taken two ways, literally and mystically. Sion in the literal Acceptation, was a considerable Mountain in Ierusalem, which had been formerly in the Possession of the Iebusites, and was by them kept until the time of David, the second King of Israel, but the first good one, 2 Sam. 5.7. The King and his men went up to Ierusalem to the Iebusites, the inhabitants of the Land, which spake unto David, saying, Except thou take away the blind and the lame, thou canst not come in hither; thinking David cannot come in hither; nevertheless David took the strong hold of Sion, the same is called the City of David. This Hill had two tops, upon one of which was built the Tower or City of David; and upon the other afterwards, was built by Solomon his Son, the Temple of the Lord, and that top was Mount Moriah, as you may see in the 2 Chron. 3.1. Then Solomon began to build the house of the Lord at Ierusalem in Mount Moriah, where the Lord had appeared unto David his Father.
Sion in the mystical Acceptation is no other than the Church of God. We find that Christ himself, who is the King of Saints, and Head of the Body, is frequently in Scripture called by the name of David. Thus Ezek. 34.23, 24. I will set up one Shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David he shall feed them, and he shall be their Shepherd. And I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David a Prince among them; I the Lord have spoken it: [Page 5] So again, Hos. 3.5. Afterward shall the children of Israel return and seek the Lord their God, and David their king, and they shall fear the Lord and his goodness, in the latter days. Christ in these, and other such like places is to be understood by David; and he hath his Name given him, because he was to be of the Seed of David, the Royal Line, and David was the Type of him, being (as was before hinted) the first good and gracious King in Israel, tender over that People of God, and faithful to their interest, ruling them with Wisdom and Love, not tyrannically with a Rod of Iron.
Now as Christ the King, is called by the Name of David; So the Gospel- Church, which is his Kingdom, the place of his gracious and spiritual Residence, is called by the name of Sion; so you find it in Hebr. 12.22. Ye are not come to the mount that burned with fire, nor to blackness, and darkness, and tempest; but ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, i.e. to the Church, both Militant, in which you are Conversant; and Triumphant, of which you are now Members; that Church which is the Seat of Christ, and Habitation of God. So likewise in Revel. 14.1. I looked, and lo, a Lamb stood upon mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty four thousand, having his Fathers name written in their foreheads. The Mount Sion here meant, is the Church of God, where Christ stands to look to it, and take particular constant Care of it, which he always did, and will still go on to do. These hundred forty and four thousand that were with him, are the Elect of God, and effectually called, who have submitted to him, are followers of him, and take his part, and are ready to take up his Cross, whensoever called to it. And this Mark or Seal doth signifie, both the sanctifying work of the Spirit in their Hearts, by which they are brought over to Christ; and also his strengthening work, whereby they are kept stedfast with him, notwithstanding all the discouragements they find in themselves, all the Temptations and Oppositions that are made against them by Hell, and all the Afflictions and Persecutions they meet with from the World. And it is said to be in their Foreheads, to note out unto us, not only the blessed fruit which they bring forth in the sight of all them that know them, Good and Bad, Friends and Foes; but also their open, bold and undaunted owning and professing of Christ; whose they are, and to whom they resolve to cleave in the darkest days, and most menacing dangers. Like unto those Benjamites, who said, 1 Chron. 12.18. Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou Son of Iesse; peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers, for [Page 6] thy God helpeth thee; and so he doth our David, and him we may set against all his Enemies, for in comparison of him, they all (be they never so many, never so mighty) are less than nothing, Vanity. Among many great and precious Promises, which are made to the Gospel-Church under the name of Sion, that is one, Isa. 60.14. The sons of them that afflicted thee, shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee, shall bow themselves down at the soals of thy feet, and they shall call thee the City of the Lord, the Sion of the Holy One of Israel. Now Mount Sion is thus made use of, as the Type and Figure of the Church of Christ in new Testament-times, the times of the Messiah, upon such accounts as these:
First, Because of the special Presence of God there, above any other place in the World, Psal. 132.13, 14. The Lord hath chosen Sion, he hath desired it for his Habitation. This is my rest for ever, here will I dwell, for I have desired it. It was the place of his choice, and of his desire, and of his delight. It pleas'd him to abide, and to give Audience to his People there; there he met them, and heard their Prayers, and made Manifestations of himself to them; the House built there, he filled with his Glory. Now the spiritual and gracious Presence of God, is in his Church, and with his People. From the wicked he stands at a distance, he looks upon them afar off. We read in the Revelation, That mystical Babylon is a Habitation of Devils, a Cage of unclean Birds, and foul Spirits. But the true Church is the Habitation of God; there he dwells, there he gives forth his Light, and his Loves; there he makes his People joyful; the midst of the golden Candlesticks is the pleasant walk of the blessed Jesus. Hence it is, that (as the Apostle Paul saith in Ephes. 2.21.) all the building fuly framed together, groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord; that is, the universal Catholick Church doth so, that is the Temple of God; and then he adds in ver. 22. in whom you also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit. Not only the universal Church (that which is rightly so called) but also particular Churches, as that in Ephesus, those in London, or in any other Country, City, Town, which are called, united, constituted, order'd regularly, or according to the Pattern given in the Mount, the Divine Will revealed and laid down in the Sacred Scriptures, are Temples and Habitations, in which the great God doth delight by his holy Spirit to dwell; yea, and so are particular Saints, who have been really sanctified, and made partakers of those Gifts, which do not only adorn and grace the Person, but likewise render those that have them truly gracious.
[Page 7] Secondly, Sion was a Type of the Gospel-Church, and its name is therefore fitly given to it, because of the proceeding or going forth of the Gospel from thence. The fiery Law, as you know, was given upon, and from Mount Sinai, in a most terrible manner, so that Moses himself fear'd and quak'd; but the everlasting Gospel, or law of Grace, was from Mount Sion, Isa. 2.3. Many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Iacob, for he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths, for out of Sion shall go forth the Law, and the word of the Lord from Ierusalem. The Law, i.e. not the law of Works, but of Faith. The Law of the Redeemer, and the Word, i.e. the Word of Reconciliation and Peace, the glad tidings of Life and Salvation, by him, who is the Fountain of Life, and the Author of eternal Salvation to all those that accept and obey him. This came first out of Sion and Ierusalem, from whence it appears, that those learned Men did not speak without reason, who have asserted, that the Church of Ierusalem had the best and most rightful claim to that honourable Title of the Mother Church, whatever place besides doth pretend thereunto: So consult Psal. 110.2. The Lord will send the rod of thy strength out of Sion. Now, what is that Rod, but the precious Gospel accompanied with the Spirit, which is the Power of God to Salvation, by which he conquers and subdues a People to himself, and also Rules and Governs them.
Now upon this account, the Church may well be called Sion, because there are made most blessed Revelations of Jesus Christ, and of Mercy, Grace and Peace, in and thorough him; there are the Divine Oracles, there are unlocked, and sweetly opened, those profound and glorious Mysteries, which were conceal'd and kept hid from Ages and Generations. There is made known unto the Principalities and Powers in heavenly Places, [ [...]] The manifold Wisdom of God, viz. in the whole Oeconomy, both of mans Redemption by Christ, and of the Government of the Church in its various Ages and Periods, from the beginning of the World.
Thirdly, Sion is fitly used for a Type of the Gospel-Church, upon the account of its Eminency; it was high and lofty, Psal. 68.15. The hill of God, is as the hill of Bashan, an high hill as the hill of Bashan. That of Bashan, was a very high Hill, rising up with several tops, but not to be compared with Sion; for as he saith in the next verse, Why leap ye, ye high hills, this is the hill which God desireth to dwell in, yea the Lord will dwell in it for ever. So the Church, [Page 8] which is the Kingdom of Christ, doth excel in Glory all the Kingdoms of the World. It is the most noble Society, it needs not go a begging to any other, it needs no borrowed Beauty, it shines brightest with its own Beams, when its Worship is performed according to the Divine will, without the addition of humane Inventions; when its Ordinances are pure, without any Adulteration, and imbasing Mixtures; when its Members walk in an Holy and Gospel-Order, according to the Law and Rule of the new Creature; Then is the Beauty of the Lord its God upon it, and that Beauty is so great, so sweet and ravishing, that it may very well despise and abhor Painting and little pitiful Artifices to set it off; it need not be beholden to any in the World for Ornaments and Dresses. This precious and amiable Spouse of Christ doth then look most lovely, and is then the fairest among Women, when it hath only its Lords comeliness upon it, and doth not appear in any of the rotten Rags, or gaudy Attire of a loathsome Harlot. And besides, there is a most gracious Promise made to the Church, which shall have its certain and full accomplishment in due season, Isa. 2.2. It shall come to pass in the latter days, (and hath he said it, and will he not do it? Yes, without all doubt he will) that the mountain of the Lords house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills; that is, there is a time coming, and I would hope it is not far off, the nearer it is, the better, when the true Church of Christ shall be the Head, and not the Tail; when she shall not be as a Scullion among the Pots, but as a Bride made ready for her Husband; and when that Religion which came down from Heaven, and will carry them to Heaven who sincerely profess and practice it; that Religion which is pure and undefiled, before God and the Father, shall prevail against all the false and counterfeit Religions in the World; as it doth now excel them all in Truth, Purity and Glory, so it then shall in Virtue, Power and Efficacy. Dagon shall fall before the Ark of God, and the Idols be utterly abolished, Yea, tho they be made of Silver or Gold, which men have made, each one for himself to worship, yet shall they be cast to the moles, and to the bats, Isa. 2.20. The Inventions of Men shall be made to give place to the Appointments and Institutions of Christ; and the Doctrines of Devils shall disappear, and vanish before the Doctrine of the Gospel. Babylon shall be made a Hissing and Confusion, but Ierusalem a Rejoycing, and her People a Joy; this we do now rejoyce in the Faith of and patiently wait for the glorious and happy performance. Amen, Come Lord Jesus.
[Page 9] Fourthly, Sion was a Type or Figure of the Gospel-Church, because of its Firmness and Stability. It is said in Psal. 125.1. They that trust in the Lord, shall be as mount Sion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. So shall the Church; yea, tho the Hills do depart, and the Hills be removed, even Sion it self at the end of the World, yet the Church shall abide, and when it ceaseth to be in any part Militant, it shall be throughout Triumphant. Let Men and Devils combine, and unite their Strength, and do their worst, the Church shall stand the shock, and outlive their Fury. They may Rage, Persecute and Kill, they may Imprison, Inslave, and by their Cruelties force multitudes from their own Countries, and native Soils; but when they have done, Christ will shew himself to be above them. They may weary themselves in the greatness of their way, and sweat and fret in their Gears, but they shall never reach their designed and desired End. They may say, Raze her, raze her, even to the Foundation; but Ierusalem is a burthensome Stone, upon whomsoever it falls, it will grind them to Powder. This spiritual Vine, which Gods own right hand hath planted, may be cut and wounded, and bleed sorely, but it shall not be to Death; the old and excellent saying, is at this day as true as ever, Sanguis Martyrum semen Ecclesiae, The Blood of the Martyrs is the Seed of the Church. The more Martyrs there are, the more Believers there shall be. Pauls bonds did turn to the furtherance of the Gospel; and so have done, and shall do, the patient sufferings and joyful comfortable Deaths of others, in the Cause, and for the sake of Christ, and his Truths and Worship. Let all the Enemies do their best, and their worst too, God will have a People in the World to praise his Name, to load his Altars, and to serve him in the beauty of Holiness. In the worst of times, when Ahab had the Throne, and Idolatry was grown rank and rampant, there were seven thousand in Israel that had not bowed the Knee to Baal; so, tho at some times the number of faithful Professors may be much diminished by miserable Persecution, and far more miserable Apostacy; yet there shall be so many preserved, as shall be a seed to serve him, and accounted to him for a Generation, and that seed being water'd with the Divine blessing, shall happily spring up in its season, and yield a mighty increase. There is a sweet and precious Promise of eternal Truth, gone out of the mouth of him who is the faithful Witness, upon which it is our duty, and richly worth our while to live, and in the assurance thereof greatly to rejoyce, Mat. 16.18. Upon this Rock will I build my Church. Upon what Rock? not Peter himself, for tho he was a good Man, and an excellent [Page 10] Apostle, yet he was a frail, fallible and dying man; But either upon the Truth which was then confessed by him, or rather upon my self, who am the eternal Rock, i.e. upon the Lord Jesus Christ himself; and what he hath so built, none shall be able to pull down; The gates, the Policy and Power of Hell shall not prevail against it. So much may suffice to be spoken to the first thing, viz. what is here meant by Sion, and why the Gospel-Church is called so.
2. Q. Our second Question is this, Why is Sion called Gods holy Hill? Or, the Hill of Gods holiness?
A. To which I thus briefly Answer: Sion is so called, because of the Ark, which was there when the sweet Singer of Israel composed this Psalm, which was a visible Symbol of Gods special, spiritual and gracious Presence; and also because of the Temple, which was built there afterward, and was an eminent Type of Iesus Christ. In that the great God was pleased to place his Name; that house he was pleased to fill with his Glory, there he did meet his People, hearing their Prayers, and returning his Answers; from thence it was that he commanded the blessing, even life for evermore, Psal. 133.3. There is no argument to be drawn from hence, that can evince to us the holiness of Places now. As in every Nation, Persons that fear God and work righteousness, are accepted of him; So is that Worship in all places, which is performed to him, according to his Will, in Spirit and in Truth. Ierusalem is not now an holy City, nor Canaan the holy Land. Christ our Altar doth sanctify indeed those Gifts which are by a gracious heart in Faith offered up to God upon and by him; but the meer place doth not do it, it contributes nothing toward it, it puts no beauty upon it, no savour nor rellish that will take with God. Fervent prayers, cordial praises, all holy duties, have as free an access to God, as speedy admission with him, as full a welcome, as sweet, gracious reception and entertainment, which are offered and performed in this place, in a Kitchin, a Closet, a Chamber, or a Field, as those that are performed in any place which man is said to consecrate. If men would look more after heart-holiness, they would not talk so much of, nor insist so much upon the holiness of places. The conveniency of them is considerable, but the holiness of them (in these new Testament-times) is a fancy, Joh. 4.21. Iesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour eometh when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Ierusalem worship the Father. Ceremonious Worship is antiquated, and distinction of places taken away. Christ prayed in a Mountain, and taught in a Ship, and by the Sea-side; and saith Paul, 1 Tim. 2.8. I will that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and [Page 11] doubting. Look to this, that your persons be right, that you have holy hands and hearts, and that your Prayers be right without wrath and doubting, accompanied with Faith in God, and Love to your Neighbour; so you may pray every where [ [...]] in any place, so that you do not do it with the Pharisee and Hypocrite to be seen of men. Prayers, saith, Estius, are at this day no less grateful to God in any Church, or any other convenient and fitting place, than at the Temple of Ierusalem.
But then take this Expression, my holy Hill, mystically, for the Church of God, and we shall find the name doth most aptly agree to it; it is indeed the Hill of Gods holiness, because the Church is made up of holy ones. Thus Paul speaks in his Epistles, 1 Cor. 1.2. Unto the Church of God which is in Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Iesus, called to be Saints. Ephes. 1.1. To the Saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Iesus. So Col. 1.2. To the Saints and faithful Brethren in Christ, which are at Coloss. This holy Temple is not to be made of any rubbish; all persons are not to be admitted to the communion and enjoyments there, tho they come sometimes reeling out of an Ale-house, and at other times reeking out of a Whore house; No, no, Saints only are proper matter here. The Invisible Church is made up altogether of real Saints, such as are born of God, renewed in the spirit of their minds, have been made partakers of the Holy Ghost, not only in his common gifts, but also in his special and saving Graces; who coming unto Christ as to a living stone, chosen of God and precious, are as lively stones built up a spiritual house, an holy Priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifice, acceptable to God by Iesus Christ, 1 Pet. 2.4, 5. The Visible Church is, and ought to be made up of such as are at least visibly holy; men openly loose and flagitious, known to be of prophane hearts and lives, whose lewdness is in their skirts, and who carry the Devils mark in their foreheads; men that live a plain downright contradiction to the Religion they profess, ought not to be admitted into that Congregation of the Lord. All the Visible Members are foederally holy, they are entred into Covenant with God, the Seal of that Covenant is upon them, the Vows of God are upon them, they have been set apart for God, solemnly devoted to his Fear and Service, and they ought to be such as make an open profession of God, and Christ, and Godliness, and such as make it their endeavour, so to live up to that their Profession, that Religion may not be dishonoured and reproached by them, nor others scandalized and offended. And among these holy Ones it is that Gods dwells. It is in the Golden Candelsticks that Christs walks. [Page 12] It is unto the Saints that he communicates himself, and manifests himself. It is in heaven above that he dwells by the presence of his glory, and in the Church below that he dwells by his gracious presence, and therefore it may be, and is most fitly called his Holy Hill.
3. Quest. The third Question we have to speak unto is this, Who is that King whom God hath set upon his holy hill of Sion? who is he that God the Father doth in the Text call his King.
Ans. To this the Answer is ready: It is no other than his own dearly beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ, him hath God exalted to be a Prince as well as a Saviour; he hath not only laid the burden upon his shoulders, the iniquities of us all, but he hath laid also the Government upon his shoulder, and put the Scepter into his hand, all power, Regal, Magistratical power both in heaven and in earth is delivered and committed to him. As he is the eternal Son of the eternal Father, the second Person in the sacred Trinity, God equal with God, he hath a natural Kingdom: As he is Mediator, as God-man, he hath Regnum Oeconomicum, a dispensatory Kingdom, unto which he was appointed and anointed; this was the Fathers Donative, he made him Head of the Church, and head over all things to the Church. So that his Authority and Royal power extends it self unto all the world; for at his name, that is not to be understood of the Syllabical name of Jesus, but his power, and to that every knee shall bow, even the stiffest; all in heaven, all in earth, and all under earth, Angels, Men, and Devils, all are subject to him, all to be order'd, imploy'd, rul'd, over-rul'd, restrained by him as he pleaseth. Some he hath in his heart, and others he hath under his feet, and there he will keep them, let them kick and winch never so much. He is King of kings, and Lord of lords; come, ye earthly Monarchs, lay your Crowns at the feet of Jesus, it is his due, for he is infinitely above you when in your greatest height; and it is your wisdom and interest; those that honour him he will honour. Whether you do or no, it is all one to him, as to his own interest, yet he shall be glorious, and as to his work and design, that shall be carried on his own pace, and according to his own mind and pleasure, and maugre all opposition, brought to perfection. But to bow to him, and take part with him, is to be your own Friends, and to do your selves a kindness. Those that will not be ruled by his Laws, are and shall be over-ruled by his power. If they will not chearfully submit to him, they shall be fatally broken by him. That voice will sound one day, and it will be a dreadful sound in the ears of the profane and Antichristian world, Bring hither those mine enemies that would not have me to reign over them, and slay them before my face.
[Page 13]The special Rule and Government which Christ hath, is over the Church, it is in Sion, there he is a King of Righteousness, there a Prince of Peace. He is that token of love which God hath sent to his people, that glorious Sun which he hath set in the Churches Orb: Isa. 9.6. To us a Son is born, to us a child is given; that is, the Son of God as to his Deity, the Son of David as to his Humanity. He is given to us, and born to us, to the spiritual Israel, to us who are the spiritual seed of Abraham, and who tread in the steps of the faith of Abraham, to us who are Iews inwardly, and have that Circumcision which is of the heart in the spirit, and not in the letter, whose praise is not of men but of God, Rom. 2.28, 29. And the Government is and shall be upon his shoulder; though he be a child, yet he hath strong shoulders (humeros & Oneri & imperio aptos) apt and fit for both burden and rule; and since the iniquities of us all have been laid upon him, the Rule and Government is laid there too. He is made Head over all things, they being under his power; and he is made Head to the Church, that being his Body, which he doth by his care defend, by his Ordinances feed, and by his Spirit quicken, animate, influence and act. Oh! my Friends, let us seriously and frequently consider, how excellent and glorious a body, how blessed and noble a Society the true Church is, which hath such an Head; and withal how holily, how exactly, and how exemplarily all of us ought to demean our selves, who profess our selves the members thereof, that we may not be spots and blemishes in the Body, nor shame and dishonour the Head. What should be our care! how even our walking! how clear our light! In a word, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness, 2 Pet. 3.11. Well then, Christ is King; he that was once Crucified, is now Crown'd. He that was once nailed to the Cross, is now advanced to the Throne. He is King in Sion, he is set up there immediately by God the Father, and as such his work is to rule both in the Heart, and in the Church.
First, It is the work of Christ to rule in the heart, The Kingdom of God is within you, Luk. 17.22. (Non in urbibus habitat sed in animis hominum) it hath not its being in Cities, but in the minds and souls of men; it is not enough to bow the knee to Christ, but the soul must stoop to him, that must be order'd and commanded by him. It is excellent to see the Interest of Christ in a Nation commander in chief, and all other contrary interests made to truckle under it; but it nearly concerns every person in particular to look to this, that the [Page 14] Throne of Christ be erected in his heart, and that the Law of Christ be written there. Not only our Understandings are to be irradiated and enlightned by him, but our wills are to be commanded by him. His will is to be voluntas regulans, the ruling will, ours are to be the ruled wills. Our affections are to be order'd by him, placed first upon his Father and himself, and after that let out to such and such objects, in such an order, and in such a measure as is agreeable unto him. It is he that saith, my Son give me thy heart, Prov. 23.26. This is not exclusive of other things, according to the manner of some; be but so and so in your hearts, and then you may go where you will, and do what you will; but it must be a concomitant with other things; whatever thou givest me, give me thy heart with it, that is unquestionably his due; and we give him nothing to purpose, nothing that he will accept, unless we give him that; this is a command too big for a creature, the whole world doth not deserve the heart of man, and therefore hath no right to demand it; but such a requiry doth highly become him who bought man with a price, gave for him more than he is worth; and having purchased the whole, it is fit he should possess it; having redeemed it, it is just that he should rule and reign in it. He is said to dwell in the heart, Eph. 3.17. and he must dwell there not as an underling, but as a King. Our consciences also are subject to him, he is the Lord of the Conscience, and his Laws do immediately bind the Conscience.
Secondly, It is the right and work of Christ to rule in the Church, to give Laws to it, to appoint Officers in it, and to order as to all matters of Worship; and then is the Church as it should be, when it is governed by Christs Officers, and according to Christs Laws. Moses was but a servant, and so have all Church-Officers been, and still are Pastors to the Church, Rulers in and of the Church, but servants to Christ. Our work is Ministry; though let the world know, it is an honourable Ministry, and we do magnifie our Office; and as for them that cast contempt upon us, let them see how they will answer for it to him who is our Master and their Judg. But Christ is the Son in his own house, i. e. He is the Lord of it, and all in it is to be order'd according to his will; things ought not to be so or so, because this or that man, this or that party will have it so, but all as Christ will have it, and the great business is to inquire what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of our God and Saviour; for Isa. 9.6. He sits upon the Throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to order and establish it with judgment and justice; which no men have done that have [Page 15] gone about to order and establish without him; no, no, as we have seen to our sorrow and smart, and so have our Fathers before us, they have acted without judgment, and with great injustice. He is the Lord of the Vineyard, out of which every plant ought to be plucked, which he hath not planted. He is the Lord of all, both persons and things; the Lord of Persons, he was Davids Lord, and by consequence the Lord of Davids seed; as such Thomas owned him when he cried out, My Lord, and my God. And he is the Lord of Things, so of the Sabbath, Mark 2.28. The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath. Understand it not of every Son of man; as if a man may chuse what day he will make his Sabbath, or whether he will keep one or no, or do what he please upon the Christian Sabbath; but understand it of that Son of man, who is the Son of God as well as the Son of man, the ever blessed Iesus, he is the Lord of the Sabbath, he hath power to order and moderate concerning it; to relax as to the severity, and abate the strictness of the Legal observation, to alter and change it as to the time, from the last day of the week to the first, which learned men conclude he did in the space of those forty days which he continued upon earth conversing with his Apostles and Disciples between his Resurrection out of the Grave, and his Ascension into Heaven, Speaking to them of those things which pertain to the Kingdom of God, Act. 1.3. viz. the Church both Militant and Triumphant, the state and affairs thereof. He likewise is the Lord of Ordinances; he hath power to appoint them, and to continue them as long as he pleaseth, and to remove and abrogate them when he will. He gave out the Ceremonial Law unto Moses, and by Moses to his ancient people the Iews upon Mount Sinai, and it was taken away by him, Col. 2.14. He blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances which was against us. The question is, what was that hand-writing? I answer, the Moral Law: But how? not as it was a Law binding us to duty to God, our selves, and our neighbours; not as it is a rule of life, for so it is irreversible, it stands still in force, and lays upon us an eternal obligation; but as it was a Covenant of Works, and as it did so oblige us to perfect and compleat obedience, as withal to oblige us to punishment, and damn us to Hell for the least neglect and disobedience, nay for the least failure and defect in our obedience. I answer again, this hand-writing was the Ceremonial Law, wherein there was a publick confession and acknowledgment of sin, and of the sinners obligation to punishment, and deserving of death and everlasting misery; and upon that account, or so far, it was against us; [Page 16] now this Christ blotted out by his Doctrine, and after that he nailed it to his Cross by his death, and at it, i.e. he finished it, he utterly abolished it. He took it quite away, out of the way of our duty, we are no more to observe it; and out of the way of our happiness, so that it cannot prejudice nor obstruct that; as it cannot do us any good, so it shall not do us any hurt; as it cannot purge and cleanse us from sin, so it shall not charge us with it; and this he did as the Lord of Ordinances, and instead of that he hath been graciously pleased to introduce and set up another worship, less onerous and painful, more easie and spiritual, and therefore more glorious, for which we have cause to admire his goodness, and to bless his name; and this is his right to do, and his alone; those that bring in worships and modes of worship besides his, do usurp a power that belongs not to them. Men have no power to institute, because they have no power to sanctifie, bless and prosper any of their Institutions; that is in the alone power of Christ as he is Lord and Head of the Church. Moses the man of God did put up his sweet and excellent petition, which we ought heartily to repeat, Psal. 90.17. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us. Oh that it may be so: but when is it so? when, as I hinted briefly before, the Church is constituted according to the mind of Christ; when all its Offices and Officers are appointed by Christ, when all Ordinances in it are administred according to the Law of Christ; when the lives and conversations of Professors are ordered according to the Rule of Christ. It is not the beauty and grandeur of the world which doth become the Courts of Earthly Princes, it is not the beauty of human inventions, how fine and pretty soever it may seem, but the beauty of the Lord; but of this we have spoken before.
Q. 4. Our fourth Question is this, What God doth mean when he saith, He hath set his King upon his holy hill of Sion? Or what may be the import of that word setting?
Answ. I answer, the word in the Original [...] signifieth to anoint, and so you have it render'd in the Margent of your Bibles. I have anointed my King, perfudi, I have poured out my holy Oyl upon him; it doth import a plentiful effusion, an abundant pouring out of the Oyl upon him. The very same word is used in Isa. 29.10. where it is translated, poured out. The Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes; the prophets, and your rulers, the seers hath he covered; they are drown'd in sleep, they are in a dead sleep. He hath poured out such a profound [Page 17] and deep sleep, that they are cover'd with it; this word is metaphorically used to cover, yea so to cover a thing all over as to hide it from the eye, and prevent any bodies seeing it; and as our learned Criticks observe, it is most commonly applied in the Scripture to the pouring out of the drink-offering upon the sacrifice, which drencht it, and ran over it, Jerem. 32.39. They have offered burnt offerings unto Baal, and poured out drink-offerings unto other gods, to provoke me to anger. And it is also applied to, and made use of, for the covering of Sin, in a way of pardoning Mercy and Grace, Psal. 32.1. Blessed is the man whose transgression is forgiven, and whose sin is covered; so cover'd, as that it is quite hid, as a Body that is buried in the Grave out of sight, or as a weight that is cast into the bottom of the Sea, from whence it shall never be fetched up again; it shall be remembred, and mentioned no more to a Person's Condemnation and eternal Reproach. Thus God makes good his gracious Promise of pardoning abundantly. When once he justifieth the Sinner upon his Repentance and Faith, he wholly covers his Sin, tho not from the Eye of his Omniscience, yet from the Eye of his revenging Justice.
This anointing in the Text, doth import God the Father's ordaining, constituting and appointing of Christ for King upon his holy Hill of Sion; or as it is in your Translation, the Fathers setting of him up, placing him in the Throne; Kings and Priests were by the Divine Order to be anointed, as those know, that know the Scripture. And so were Prophets, 1 Kings 19.16. Iehu the son of Nimshi shalt thou anoint to be king over Israel, and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-Meholah shalt thou anoint to be Prophet in thy room. All these Offices meet together in Christ, which they never did in any other; David was a King and a Prophet, but not a Priest. Samuel was a Prophet and Priest, but not a King. Christ is all, the Prophet, Priest and King of his Church, he hath a fulness of Offices, and so hath been anointed, as you find in Isa. 61.1. The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek, that he doth as a Prophet; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, that he doth as a Priest; and to proclaim Liberty to the Captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound, this he doth as a King. And as he hath the greatest fulness of Office, so he hath the greatest fulness of the Unction. But let us speak a little more particularly. This plentiful anointing of our Lord Jesus Christ (from whence he hath [Page 18] his Names, the Messiah, and the Christ) doth hold out to us these two things.
- 1. His being admirably, yea, thoroughly accomplished for the exercise of Royal Authority and Power.
- 2. His Investiture, and being by the Father cloathed with it. Of both, which I shall say something, tho far short of the weight and worth of the Subject.
1. This anointing of Christ doth signify to us, his being perfectly fitted and accomplished for the exercise of Regal Authority and Power, for the Office and Work of a King. There is an excellent Spirit upon him; many have been in high Places and of low spirits; some have had a spirit of Cowardize, and others a spirit of Cruelty; a sanguinary spirit, as well as a Purple-robe. Antiochus, nicknamed Epiphanes, was therefore by the Holy Ghost, called a vile Person, because he was a Prince of a vile base spirit; but there is upon Christ a most excellent and glorious Spirit; it is no other than the Spirit of the Lord God. He did at his Baptism descend upon him in the likeness of a Dove, not of an Hawk or Harpy, a Bird of Prey; but a Dove, Innocent, Meek and Loving; and this Spirit doth rest upon him, hath an eternal abode in him; yea, and with this Spirit Christ is filled with all the gifts of this Spirit, and with all his Graces. You read therefore of the unsearchable riches of Christ, such as have no bottom. He hath enough for himself, and for all those that are united to him, and designed by the Father for him; enough for thee, O poor disconsolate Soul, who thinkest thou hast none at all. You read likewise of an all-fulness which it hath pleased the Father should dwell in him: So that, O Saint, whensoever thou labourest under the most pressing and pinching Wants, thou mayest know whither to go for a full supply. That is an excellent passage to this purpose, which you have in Psal. 47.5. Thou lovest righteousness, and hatest wickedness, therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with oil of gladness above thy fellows. If you ask who those be that are here called his Fellows? Some say, they are Kings and Priests; or rather, if you please, understand it of the Saints, true Believers, all of them, one and other; all those who have received an Unction from the holy one, who have been made partakers of the Holy Ghost in his sanctifying Influences and Operations. These come to be Christs fellows through his most gracious Condescention, [Page 19] for he by assuming their Nature into unity with his Person, stooped so low as to become one of them, Emanuel, God with us. He graciously descended to the state of their Mortality and Meanness, that they through him might be advanced to a state of Immortality and Glory. If it be asked what is that oyl of gladness with which he is anointed? The answer is ready, It is no other than the Divine Spirit, the great and effectual Comforter, who doth chear, refresh, revive, and make glad the Heart of those in whom he dwells. And of this, all the Saints of God are made the blessed Partakers, 1 Joh. 2.20. Ye have an Unction from the holy-one, not only the gifts of the Spirit, Wisdom and Grace, but the Spirit himself, which is, if I may use the Expression, diffused through the whole mystical Body; so that every real living Member hath a share, Rom. 8.9. If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his; he doth not belong to Christ, he is none of his genuine Disciple.
But now, tho there be a joynt Participation, the same Spirit is in Christ and Believers, the same Soul in the Head and Members; Yet there is a difference as to the Measure and Degree thereof. All the holy Oyl was poured out upon the head of Aaron, but only some part of it reached down to the Skirts of his Garments. All the Saints have the Spirit, something of his Light and Life, of his Grace and Influence, but Christ hath unspeakably more. He is seated above them, and therefore anointed above them. He hath a greater fulness of Office than any of them, and therefore a greater fulness of the Spirit. He receiveth the Spirit not only for himself, but for all and every one of them. God the Father in pouring of it out upon him, had an Eye and respect to all the Cases, Imployments, Necessities and Wants of all his chosen and beloved Ones, and furnished Christ accordingly. We find in one place, that when he ascended on high, he received Gifts for Men; in another, we read that he gave Gifts to Men. He received for this end, that he might give. His Work is to communicate, and to influence his People. He is to be an Head, not only for Eminence, but likewise for Influence; and as this is his Work, so blessed be his Name, it is his Delight. Never did tender Mother take more pleasure in giving her Breast to her Child, than Christ doth take in his Communications to his People. Upon these accounts, as it was fit and necessary that he should be, so he is most richly stored. He hath not the Spirit in measure; so you find, Joh. 3.34. He whom God hath sent, speaketh the word of God, for God giveth not the Spirit by measure to him; i. e. He whom [Page 20] God hath sent out of Heaven to Earth, he whom God hath sent out of his own Bosom, he speaketh the Word of God, that and nothing else; he speaks it in another manner than ever any did; for he had not the Spirit given him by measure; all men else that have received this Spirit, have it in measure only, so much every one and no more. Tho we may know to our comfort, that measure is meted out with a most wise, judicious, and gracious Hand, in a just and full Proportion to that place which every one holds in the Body, and to that Work and Service which every one hath to do in the World; but the Spirit was given to Christ without measure. God the Father did not stand upon measuring it out to him; no, no, he poured it out abundantly, he gave as much to him, as his humane Nature was capable of receiving; so that he hath not only enough for himself, for the acting of his own part, and the bearing his own burden; but enough too for all his People, in all Places and Ages of the World. He hath Wisdom enough to teach them all that is needful for them to know, and to direct, and lead them into all those ways in which they ought to walk. He hath Grace enough to sanctify them, and to fit them for a Communion with his Father and himself, while they are upon Earth, and to make them compleatly holy, and so meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light. He hath Power enough to support them under all their Burdens, so that they shall break neither their Backs nor their Hearts, but they shall bear them patiently, and carry themselves under them becomingly. Power enough to enable them for all their Duties, so that they shall perform them to Acceptance and Praise. Power enough to secure them in all their Temptations, and to carry them through them, and to make them more than Conquerors over them, and so to carry them from sore Conflicts to glorious Triumphs. Power enough to Protect and Defend them from all their Enemies, so that they shall give them no more trouble than will tend to the Honour of God, to the advantage of their Cause, and to their own eternal Good. Power enough to perform all things for them, and to save to the utmost all those that come unto God by him. In a word, he hath in him all the fulness of the Godhead dwelling bodily: So that, since the Goverment is laid upon his Shoulders, there is a full and compleat suitablenss, or parity between the Shoulder and the Government. The Government is fit for such a Shoulder, and the Shoulder is fit for such a Government.
[Page 21]Secondly, This Anointing or setting up of Christ, doth signifie God the Fathers designation and appointment of him for this Office; the Commissionating and Authorizing of him. For what he doth in this donative Kingdom, he doth by virtue of his Fathers Commission and Authority derived from him. It is the Father that placeth him as King upon the Throne, and puts the Royal Scepter into his Hand, Ephes. 1.22. and hath put all things under his Feet, and gave him to be Head over all things to the Church. He is given to be Head: By whom is he so given? If you look back into the 17 th verse, you will find, it is by the God of our Lord Iesus Christ, the Father of Glory. That God who is infinitely Glorious, and the Author of all Glory, the Fountain of Honour hath put this Honour upon Christ, and given him to be Head; so an Head, and in such a manner as there is none other beside him; Mat. 28. All Power is given to him both in Heaven and in Earth. Authoritas disponendi omnia in Ecclesia & circa Ecclesiam: An Authority of ordering and disposing all things in and about the Church. This All Power is given unto him singly and solely. He hath indeed his Delegates and Officers under him; but he is Supream; He only Plenipotentiary. The Fulness of Power is in his hand, and in his alone: Therefore it is said, Rev. 3.7. That He hath the Key of David, He opens and no Man shuts, He shuts and no Man opens i. e. He hath supream and absolute Power in the Church, both Militant upon Earth and Triumphant in Heaven; so that He receives and rejects, admits and excludes whom he pleaseth: One Ieanes, a late Learned and Reverend Writer, observes the Fulness of Christs Office is signified by the Power of the Keys. The Keys of an House, Town or City, are the Badges of Power and Authority: And therefore the yielding up of them, is a sign or token of delivering up all to the Conquerour. In Garisons the Keys are every night deposited with the Governours of them. The Steward of an House hath the Keys of it committed to him. And, as Learned Deodate saith, Christ's having the Key of David, doth signifie his being the Sovereign Lord and Governour of the Church; whose Will is to be its standing Law, and whose Commands and Orders are to be Universally observed and obeyed; not subject to any Contradiction, Opposition, or Dispute. Those Keys which were given in common to Peter and the rest of the Apostles, were no more than the Keys of Ministry. The Key of Royal Magistratical Power was put into the hand of Christ; and there it doth rest, and shall immovably remain, whoever [Page 22] they be that would wrest it out of his Hand. Isa. 9.7. Of the increase of his Government and of Peace there shall be no end; upon the Throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, to order it, and to stablish it with Iudgment and with Iustice, from henceforth even for ever. The Zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.
I now proceed to the last Question, which will be this:
Quest. 5. What is the import of that Particle in the Text, Yet? Yet have I set my King upon my Hill of Sion. What may we gather from thence? I answer, Though it be but a very little word, it is full of Matter, of Weight and Sweetness: And I shall give up to you my Thoughts concerning it, briefly in these four following Particulars.
First, It doth hold out to us, that singular Contentment and Delight which God the Father takes in the thing that he hath done, the disposal which he hath made. He is most highly pleased with the Choice that he hath made of his Son, and with that superlative Honour that he hath put upon him. His Soul is at rest; things are now as God would have them. Let Men think and say what they will; let them fret and murmur as much and as long as they will, yet have I set him up, yet I have given him a Name above every Name, that at his Name every Knee shall bow, be it never so proud and stiff. I have done it, and I am fully satisfied. Time was, when it pleased the Lord to bruise him, Isa. 53.10. and to put him to grief. Though he did infinitely love the Person of Christ, yet he took pleasure in his Sorrows and Agonies; the shedding of his Blood was a delightful Spectacle to him, as it was the repairing of his own injur'd Honour, and the price of his Peoples Redemption. When he made his Soul an Offering for Sin, it was a Sacrifice of a sweet Savor: And now he is as much pleased in his having exalted him. You know what is said with reference to his Sacerdotal Office, Psal. 110.4. The Lord hath sworn and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedek. He will never retract that. He hath resolved and determined it with an immutable Will. And we may say the same as to his Regal Office, The Lord hath sworn, and will not repent; Christ is and shall be a King for ever: No, no, God doth not repent of any thing that he hath done for Christ; He doth not repent of the Glory to which he hath advanced him, nor of the Power with which he hath invested him: And the truth is, He hath no cause to repent; and which is more, He never shall. He was fully and eternally sure of that. Such a Power [Page 23] could be no where better disposed of, no where so well as it is. The Royal Robe sits neatly upon the back of Christ; the Crown becomes his Head. Go forth, O ye Sons and Daughters of Ierusalem! and behold King Iesus with the Crown, wherewith his Father crowned him in the day of his Inauguration, and in the day of the gladness of his Heart. It is a most lovely Sight; He a most glorious Object: The Father himself counts him so, and loves to look upon him. As it did greatly please Christ to obey his Father, and to honour Him; the doing of the Fathers Will was his Meat and Drink; He was straitned till it was accomplished: So it doth as greatly please the Father to honour Christ. Therefore He saith, Yet have I set my King, &c. I rejoyce in the Thoughts of it, in a Reflexion upon it; were it to do again I would do it. Indeed, once he said concerning Saul, 1 Sam. 15.11. It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be King, for he is turned back from following me, and hath not performed my Commandments. But it shall never be said concerning the Lord Iesus, that it repenteth God that he hath made him King. Such a Thought will never be in the Mind of God.
Secondly, This Yet doth sweetly signifie Gods settled and unalterable Resolution in the case. This is so done, as that it shall never be undone. As when Pilate had given order for that Inscription to be upon the Cross of Christ, Iesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews, it gave great offence to his Enemies, they knew not how to brook it; the chief Priests being incensed, said unto him, Write not, The King of the Jews, Iohn 19.21. They cared not though he had called him all to naught; such a Title they could by no means away with: But He answered them thus, What I have written, I have written: The thing is done, therefore it is to no purpose for you to say any more: So, saith God, I have set my Son up for King; and doth any one think I will pull him down again? No, far be it from me. What I have done, I have done. So Isaac said concerning his Son Iacob, Gen. 27.33. So God hath made Christ King, and he shall continue so without being deposed: Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever. His Kingdom cannot be shaken, nor his Throne overturned; and indeed it is pity it should, since the same verse tells us, That the Scepter of his Kingdom is a right Scepter. The Counsels of God shall stand all of them, and the Thoughts of his Heart to all Generations. There is no Act of his Will, but there is Counsel in it; it is managed with infinite Wisdom: And therefore [Page 24] it shall continue, because God seeth none, not the least cause to revoke it. Iob 23.13. He is in one mind, and who can turn him? None can prevail with him to alter his Mind, either by Power, or by Persuasion and Intreaty, or by Argument and Reason. And as it is thus with God with reference to other things, so to this in particular; and indeed, as there is not any Shadow of turning in God as to this, so there is not any Shadow of Reason why there should. You may see that which Samuel said to Saul, 1 Sam. 13.14. Thy Kingdom shall not continue, the Lord hath sought him a Man after his own Heart: He sought him and he found him▪ That was spoken of David the Type; but it may be much more said so concerning the Lord Jesus Christ, that he is a Man after the Heart of God. He is perfectly such an One as God would have him. Take him as to the Qualification of his Person, there is no defect in him, no fault, nothing amiss; He is all and only what he should be. And take him as to his Government and managing of Affairs, He is according to the Heart of God; for the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand, Isa. 53.10. He shall deal prudently and prosperously: And as He is according to the Heart of God, so according to the Heart of his People, whom he will rule with love, and save to the utmost.
Thirdly, This Yet doth plainly speak the indignation of God the Father, against all the Enemies of Christ. It is, as one saith, Signum irae accensae; a sign of Wrath kindled and burning in the Breast of God, which will certainly have its vent, and break forth in fury, to their destruction: As you find it in the verse preceding the Text; He shall speak unto them in his Wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure, When he shall speak to them, He will vex them. His Words will be Swords and Daggers, that shall pierce and wound them to the Heart. But what is that which He will speak? That which you have in the Text; Yet have I set my King upon my holy Hill of Sion. How now? What is to do here? What is the matter with this mad besotted and unchristian World? What mean they by their Raging, Plotting and Combining? Is not my Will sufficiently declared? Have not I made my Son Ruler over them, and will they not reverence my Son? Have not I anointed him with mine Holy Oyl, and will they spit in his Face? Have not I given forth my command to all the Angels to worship him, Heb. 1.6. and will these sorry contemptible Worms be wriggling and moving Disturbances? Have not I put all things in subjection under his Feet; and will they strengthen themselves [Page 25] against him, and run upon him, even upon his Neck, and the thick Bosses of his Buckler? What! dare you, notwithstanding that which I have done, dare you appear in desperate Opposition to him, and to rise up in a flat and open Rebellion against him? Dare you for all this meet and consult, conspire and contrive for the breaking of his Bands asunder, and the casting away his Cords from you? Have you so much forgotten me? And do you so much overvalue your selves, as to dare to run counter to my eternal Counsels, and to act in such a way of contradiction to my declared will? Are not these mad Men quite out of their Wits, and far more fit for Bedlams than for Thrones and Tribunals, that do so wickedly and foolishly attempt to put him down, and wrest the Scepter out of his Hand; and in his stead to advance the Man of Sin, the Son of Perdition, when yet they have had notice given them by my Word, what I have done, and how I have Authorized him, and that it is by me that he Reigns? This doth highly provoke and incense God; this makes the Fury to come up into his Face: And therefore let all the Enemies of Christ know, they had better desist from this their vain undertaking; they had better mind their own Business, and study how to secure and provide for their own Peace, and let Christ alone in the enjoyment of what is given him for an Inheritance and Possession. God the Father takes the part of Christ, and will plead his Cause, as one that is in Honour and Interest ingaged so to do; for this is past all question, those Persons that are so eagerly set for the unkinging of Christ, would, if it were in their power, ungod the Father too: And since he sides with Christ, he will be too hard for all his Adversaries, and break their Hearts, and Necks and Arms, whose design it is to break his Bands. This brings me to the last thing.
Fourthly, This Yet, speaks the Vanity and Unsuccessfulness of all the Attempts which the Enemies of the Lord Jesus make against him, and Gods looking with holy Scorn and highest Contempt upon all the grand and petty Antichrists in the World. Yonder is a huge multitude of them, saith God, Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, and the Inhabitants of Mount Seir, with many more, however divided among themselves, yet in a close and strict Confederacy against my Son; and though I have, without any Merit or Desert of theirs, out of my meer bounty, given them Riches and Honour, Pleasure and Power; all this avails them nothing, so long as they see Him sitting in Sion. This is their [Page 26] Language, We will not have this Man Reign over us. No, Barabbas rather than Iesus; a Lust rather than Christ. God sees it, and he smiles at it. He that sits in the Heavens laughs, the Lord will have them in derision: And then salva res est, there is no danger. As long as God laughs, Matters are well, the Virgin-Daughter of Sion may shake her Head at them, and laugh them to scorn. Poor Creatures, they are busie as Bees; but what is it they would do if they could? What is that great thing which they are so earnestly bent upon? What a most cursed design, in which Beelzebub and all his Crew, do most heartily join with them? It is to dethrone Christ, and to rase the Foundations of the glorious City of God, and to blot out from under Heaven the Name and Memorial of Ierusalem. But God knows, it is a vain endeavor; Actum est. The Matter is not only determined, but effected. I have set up my King: And what, do they set themselves against him? They kick against the Pricks, they will wound them; they dash against a Rock that will break them in pieces; they had as good, and may with as much hope to speed, heap Pelion upon Ossa, and wage War with Heaven; go about to pluck the Sun out of the Firmament, and debase it into a Gloworm: They might with as much reason attempt to stem the Tide, and to chain the Ocean. It is as easie for these proud, but silly Projectors, to unhinge the whole Frame of Nature: For it is impossible [...], a thing that can never be done. I have established his Throne in Righteousness and in Judgment; and therefore it is not in the power of Earth and Hell, of Men and Devils, to pull him down. Psalm 97.8, 9. Zion heard, and was glad, and the Daughters of Judah rejoyced, because of thy Iudgments, O Lord. For thou, Lord, art high above all the Earth. Thou art exalted far above all Gods. So much may suffice for the opening of the things considerable in the Text, and for the Doctrinal part. I now come to the Applicatory; which will be composed of Instruction, Exhortation and Consolation.
Use 1. First, By way of Instruction. This most excellent and precious Truth may teach us to admire, and bless, and glorifie God the Father: Yea, let his high Praises be in our Hearts and Mouths, for his putting this Honour upon Christ, and thus exalting with his own Hand him whom Man despised, and whom the Nations abhorred. That thus to do is our unquestionable Duty, doth evidently appear by that which the Apostle saith, 2 Phil. 8.9, 10, 11. Being found in fashion as a Man, he humbled [Page 27] himself, and became obedient to the death, even the death of the Cross; wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a Name which is above every name: That at the name of Iesus every Knee should bow, both of things in Heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the Earth; and that every Tongue should confess, that Iesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. This is that which we Christians ought to confess, which we must in the worst of Times, be free, and forward, and bold, in the confession and publick owning of, That that Jesus Christ, who while Tabernacling among us, was by the blind and wicked Iews counted no more than a Man, the Son of a Carpenter; yea, the worst of Men, the vilest of Sinners, a meer Cheat and Impostor, a Blasphemer, that in his glorious Operations had assistance from the Prince of Devils; He, even He is Lord; non cum limitatione quadam; not with limitation; as other Lords are, who are but Men and no more; and may be weak Men, and unrighteous Men, and cruel and unreasonable Men, and so it is necessary they should be directed and bounded by Laws; but Jesus is Lord absolute: He is unlimited, unbounded; He hath all Power; He is Lord over all the World, and over all Creatures, and doth whatsoever He pleaseth; so to do is his Royal Prerogative, his unquestionable Right. Now as he is God-man, Head over all things to the Church, King of Sion and of Saints; He is Gods King, made so by God the Father; and this is to be owned and confess'd to the Glory of God: And we are obliged to seek his Glory; for He hath sought our Good. We are beholden to the Father for our present Comforts and Hopes, and for our future Salvation and Happiness, as well as to the Son: Yea, there was a concurrence and contribution made to it by all the sacred Persons of the glorious Trinity. But to the Matter before us: As God the Father hath thus honoured Christ, so must we honour the Father for doing so; and there is great reason for it. Take these two:
First, That which we mentioned even now, this advancement of Christ was the Fathers Act. It was He that exalted him to be a Prince and a Saviour; He that gave him this excellent and super-eminent Name. It was He that set him up for King, and delivered into his Hand all Power both in Heaven and in Earth. It was He that put all things under his Feet, and gave him the Heathen for his Inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the Earth for his Possession. All is of the Father. Heb. 5.5. Christ glorified not himself to be made an High Priest: And by parity of Reason, [Page 28] we may say, He glorified not himself to be made a King; but He that said unto him, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee: So again in Psalm 118.22, 23. The Stone which the Builders refused, is become the head Stone of the corner. This is the Lords doing; it is marvellous in our Eyes. Well may it be so, for it deserves to be so; and may well command our highest Admirings, and most grateful Returns. But besides this, consider,
Secondly, In this Honour and Power, which have been thus in infinite Wisdom conferred upon the Lord Jesus Christ by God the Father, He had a special and most gracious Respect unto Us and our Good. It was for our sakes as well as for his. As herein the Father designed and aimed at the Rewarding of his Son for all the hard things he had suffered, and the unmatchable Service he had done; so the security, wellfare, and happiness of those whom he had given to him: Therefore he is made Head over all things to the Church. He is Head over all, over the Devil and his Instruments, over Hell and Rome, over the worst and greatest of Men; He is higher than the highest of them; in those things in which they deal proudly, He is above them; and He is so to the Church, i.e. to the benefit, advantage and comfort of the Church. All this Power is given to him, that he might rule his Church, and defend Her, and preserve Her untill She be perfected, and a Bride made ready for Her Husband. It was a great comfort to that Proto-martyr Stephen, in the midst of his Enemies and in the presence of the Council; that when he looked up stedfastly unto Heaven, he had not only a sight of the Glory of God, but likewise of Jesus Christ in his Exaltation, standing on the right Hand of God; and surely it may be a comfort to us, and all that love him, that he is not now a Priest upon the Cross, but a Priest upon his Throne; that he is not now under the Feet of his Enemies, but at the right Hand of his Father. Let us therefore think and speak of it to the Glory of God the Father.
Use 2. We now come to the second Use, which will be of Exhortation. Is Christ anointed, constituted, and set up by God the Father, King upon his holy Hill of Sion? Then I would persuade you, and Oh that I might prevail with you, for two things which most certainly will be your Wisdom, Interest and Honour, in the sight of God, Angels, and all good Men: The one is, that you would bow to this blessed King; the other is, that you would appear and act for Him.
Exh. 1. First, Be willing to bow your Necks to the Yoke of [Page 29] Christ, and to submit your selves to his Government. Receive him, and own him as your King: Which you may do without any breach of Loyalty, or violation of that Duty which you owe to your King upon Earth. For Christ and Caesar may very well stand together; nay, they stand best together. Our Iesus is no Iacob, no Supplanter, no Enemy to the Crowned Heads; they may all have him for their Friend if they will: And he can furnish them with all that which is necessary for the directing of their Scepters, and the supporting of their Thrones; Prov. 8.14. Counsel is mine, and sound Wisdom. I am Understanding. I have Strength. And he is ready to Communicate to them; v. 15, 16. By me Kings Reign, and Princes decree Iustice. By me Princes rule, and Nobles, even all the Iudges of the Earth. And Oh! how amiable a thing is it for Kings to stand up for Christ, and Christ to stand at the right Hand of Kings? It was an excellent Speech of our present Sovereign, to some Ministers waiting upon him with their humble and grateful Address: Labour by your Preaching to make good Christians, for then I am sure they will be good Subjects. It was a Saying becoming so great a Prince, and worthy to be written in Letters of Gold. If you would be what I would have, you should be the best Subjects in the World; and your own Carriages should speak so loud for you, as to silence the Mouths of your Adversaries, and drown the Voice of their base Calumnies and Reproaches. And that you may be so, my present work is to beseech you to be good Christians. This is that Advice, which in this Psalm is given to Kings and Judges; and sure I am, it will not be misplaced upon Subjects of all sorts: Be wise, Be instructed, Serve the Lord with fear, Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way. Kiss him with a Kiss of Love, of highest and dearest love; give him your Hearts, and inthrone him there. Kiss him too with a Kiss of Homage and dutiful Subjection. And though other Lords have had dominion over you, this and that base Lust, now by him only do you make mention of his Name, Isa. 26.13. Of his Name, as of one whose Right it is to rule over you, and to give Law to you. If ever you desire to be saved by him, be willing to be govern'd and commanded by him. There are two very great Encouragements for you so to do, which I shall lay before you, and make use of as Motives for the pressing of this Exhortation upon you. I desire you seriously to consider them, and let them sink into your Hearts.
First, This Jesus, whom God hath made King of Sion, is a [Page 30] King of Righteousness. He will rule in Righteousness. The Scepter of his Kingdom is a right Scepter. His Law is holy, and his Commandment holy, just and good. And though he hath his Yoke and Burthen, yet that Yoke is easie, and that Burthen light. And though as you read, Psal. 97.2. many times Clouds and Darkness are round about him, yet Righteousness and Iudgment are always the Habitation of his Throne. His darkest Providences have an Exactness and Beauty in them. And when his way is in the Sea, it is in the Sanctuary: And what we cannot understand, we have reason to justifie and admire. And we may be sure of this, that he will do all his faithful Subjects right. Though they do often and often meet with a great deal of wrong in the World, from a company of wicked, malicious and unreasonable Men; the Sheep of his Fold are worried, and have both their Fleece and their Flesh rent, and miserably torn by ravenous and insatiable Wolves, and He for a while sits and looks on as one unconcerned, yet in due time He will awake to Judgment, and thoroughly plead all their Causes, and right all their Wrongs, and then let the proudest of their Enemies look to themselves.
And let me add that which is more than this, a great deal more. Christ is so a King of Righteousness, as that he hath Righteousness enough for all his Subjects, not only so as to do them right, but also to make them righteous. They indeed have a great deal of Sin in them, but He hath a great deal of Righteousness in him. They have in them Sin enough to damn them, but He hath in him Righteousness enough to justifie them. They have in them Spots, Deformities enough to render them odious and loathsome to God, He hath in him Comeliness enough to make their Beauty perfect: So that, though Sin hath reigned unto Death, yet now, Grace doth by Iesus Christ our Lord, reign through Righteousness unto everlasting Life, Rom. 5.21. So that Grace hath got the Victory, and Triumphs over Sin. When he was upon Earth, He did as a Priest offer up himself a Sacrifice to Justice; and by that one Offering, satisfied for their Offences, and perfected for ever them that are Sanctified; and now as a King, He doth acquit, and discharge, and save them.
It is said, Ier. 23.6. God there speaking of the righteous Branch that he would raise unto David, a King that should reign and prosper; This is his Name, whereby he shall be called, Jehovah Tsidkenu, Iehova our Righteousness. And how is it possible that any Person should want sufficient complete Righteousness, who hath Iehovah [Page 31] himself to be his Righteousness? In him all Fullness doth dwell. It hath pleased the Father that it should do so. This is good News for poor Creatures that have been made sensible how Matters stand with them. There is a miserable Want and Emptiness in them, in whose Flesh there dwelleth nothing that is good; but there is an All-fullness in Christ. And if there be an All-fullness in Him, then of Righteousness, as well as of Wisdom, and Power, and Grace, and Love. He hath as much Righteousness, as the guilty undone ruined Creature doth need or can desire. There are in him unsearchable Riches of Righteousness, an inexhaustible Treasure of it; and it dwells in him; it is inseparable from him. There was in him not only Righteousness enough for those who lived in former Ages, but there is enough now, as much for us who live in the present Age: And so there will be for those that shall live hereafter to the end of the World. The Fullness which is in Christ, is an abounding and an abiding Fulness. Heb. 13.8. Iesus Christ, the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Secondly, As the Lord Jesus is the King of Righteousness, so He is the Prince of Peace. He is called the Peace; This Man shall be the Peace. He made Peace by the Blood of his Cross; and if you have in sincerity given your selves up to him, and are become his Subjects indeed, then you shall be not only washed with his Blood, and justified by his Righteousness, but likewise interested in, and blessed with his Peace. God is now reconciled; Fury is not in him; you need not run from him as an Enemy, but approach to him and converse with him as a Father. For He himself is at peace with you, and so are all his Attributes. How terrible an Aspect soever some of them have upon christless, graceless, obstinate and impenitent Sinners, they all look sweetly and smilingly upon you. As his Patience doth spare you, though you have deserved to be cut off; and his Bounty doth supply you, though you are less than the least of Mercies, and at his Hand did never merit a crum of Bread; and his Bowels do vern over you in your Falls as well as in your Sorrows; and his Mercy passeth and seals your Pardon, when you repent and turn from your evil Ways: So his Holiness, which stands at an infinite and eternal distance from Sin, is reconciled to you. Therefore is that command, Psal. 97.12. Rejoyce in the Lord, ye Righteous, and give thanks at the remembrance of his Holiness. And so is his Justice likewise reconciled to you. That will vote for your Discharge and Salvation; that will pass the Sentence on your [Page 32] side, so that when you are judged you shall not be condemned. For your comfortable and full assurance hereof, read and rejoyce while you read, Rom. 3.25, 26. Iesus Christ God hath set forth to be a propitiation through Faith in his Blood, to declare his Righteousness for the remission of Sins that are past, through the Forbearance of God; to declare, I say, at this time his Righteousness, that he might be just, and the Iustifier of him which believeth in Iesus: And again, 1 John 1.9. If we confess our Sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our Sins, and to cleanse us from all Unrighteousness. His doing this for us is in him an Act of Faithfulness upon the account of his own Covenant and Promise, and an Act of Justice upon the account of Christs Obedience, Sufferings, and Satisfaction.
And as all the Attributes of God are thus reconciled and at peace with us, so likewise are all his Providences; not only comfortable Providences, but cross ones too. His most smarting Rods upon your Backs blossom with love. When he seems to afflict in Fury, He really doth it in Faithfulness. And while he speaks and writes bitter things against you, He doth earnestly remember you still. All come upon an errand of Mercy, upon a design of Kindness; And We know, saith Paul, all work together for good, Rom. 8.28. We believe it to be so; yea, by our own Experience we know it to be so.
And the Creatures are at peace with you. Though wicked Men hate you, yet their very Enmity and the Effects of it shall befriend you. They may do you a great deal of wrong, but they shall do you no hurt. While those Plowers make long their Furrows, God will in those Furrows sow that precious Seed which shall spring up, and yield to you the peaceable Fruit of Righteousness. By their adding to your present Exercises, they add to your future Crown; they will make Heaven the more sweet to you, and your Glory there the more exceeding weighty. And as for the good things which you now enjoy, they are all sanctified, all pure; your Tables shall not be Snares to you, Riches shall not be laid up by you to your hurt; you may rejoyce in the Mercies you have, for they all are Mercies in mercy, and all come to you in the Blood of a Saviour, and with the Blessing of your Father. Your common Blessings are Covenant-Blessings. And there will be no After-Reckonings to your cost; all hath been by Christ, and is freely given to you. And therefore while you are in the way of your Duty, you may sleep quietly in the Night, and walk comfortably in the Day, and eat your Bread with a [Page 33] merry Heart; for God takes pleasure in your Persons, and accepts your Works.
Once more; Conscience is at peace with you too; and as you shall be satisfied, so you shall be cheared and comforted from your selves. Conscience, which is mille testes, a thousand Witnesses, will speak to you, and for you; and in the testimony thereof you may and shall rejoice. It will make you sing in Prison, and smile at Famine and Destruction, and laugh alone; and if you have at any time by your foolishness anger'd it, and made it to chide and take on at a strange rate, Christ will, upon your humble, penitent, believing application to him, reconcile it to you: There shall be the gracious Sprinklings of his most precious Blood upon it, by which it shall be purged from dead works, and pacified too, made good and quiet too; the Wounds which you made in it by Sin, shall be healed, and then it shall not be your Tormentor, but your Comforter: And if your Dejection being so great, and your Fears so many, that Conscience alone cannot do the work, it shall have powerful and effectual Assistance from above; The Spirit of Adoption will come in and bear witness with your Spirits, that ye are the Children of God, and so enable you in the strength of Faith to cry, Abba Father, Rom. 8.15, 16. Therefore upon these Encouragements be persuaded to submit your selves to the Government of Christ, and to take his Yoke upon you.
Exh. 2. Let us now come to the second Exhortation, wherein I do entreat, and with utmost earnestness beseech you, not only, as before, to bow to Christ, but also to appear for him, every one of you to your utmost, in those several Stations and Relations in which Divine Providence hath set you. Let no Talents lie dead upon your Hands and unoccupied, but be all imployed and improved for him to whom you owe your selves and your All. Do what you can for the Name and Interest of Christ. This was the excellent Account which the holy Apostle Paul was able to give of himself, Philip. 1.21. That to him to live was Christ. And it will be well, very well for us, if we through Grace are able to give up the like Account of our selves; that while to too too many to live is Sin and the World, to fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh, to heap up Riches, to advance in Honours, to pursue the empty and perishing Delights which the Creatures afford, we fly a more sublime and lofty pitch; for to us to live is Christ. Our hearts are immovably fixed upon Christ, and [Page 34] devoted to him: Our Projects and Designs are laid for Christ: Our Lives and Actions are directed unto Christ, to his Honour, and advancement of his Interest, the increasing of the number of his Subjects, and enlarging the Bounds of his Empire. It is the positive and declared Will of God, That men should honour the Son even as they honour the Father. Now let us all conform and be obedient to this Will, as we will answer the contrary at our peril. It is far better for us to live to Christ, than to our selves, or to any thing else in the World. This will yield us the greatest Peace and Comfort here, together with the greatest Profit and Reward hereafter. They that live to Christ will never see cause to repent of it, whatever else they repent of; they will never see cause to reflect upon it with a Blush; for they live to good purpose, to the best and most excellent purpose. Those Persons shall find no reason to be ashamed of so living, nor to be afraid of dying when they are called hence, nor tremble at the thoughts of giving up their Account, when called to appear before their Judge.
Let me therefore in the first place direct my Discourse to you who are private Christians, and accordingly move in the lowest and narrowest Sphere of Activity: If you have an Heart such as you should have, you, even you are in a capacity of doing something for Christ, though not so much as others above you. I pray give me leave to ask, What have you done? And now do you take up the Question, and bring it home to your selves, and propound it seriously to your own Souls: O my Soul, what have I done? You have lived several Years in the World, some fewer, some more; you have some of you been great Talkers, and made an high Profession of Faith in Christ, and Love to him; and I do not in the least question, but some of you have taken a great deal of pains, and eaten your Bread in the sweat of your Brows; you have wrought hard for your selves and your Families; you have had multitudes of Thoughts, and been taken up with carking Cares; you have risen up early, and sate up late, and eaten the Bread of Carefulness; you have watch'd, and you have work'd, and wearied your selves with working, and when you have not met with the desired Success, you have fretted and pined, and could almost for grief and vexation tear off your Hair: But now inquire, What have you in the midst of all this done for Christ? Certainly he deserves something of you. He humbled himself for you, he suffered [Page 35] and died for you, he became a Curse for you: He did bear your Iniquities, and his Fathers Wrath: He made peace, and purchas'd Heaven for you: And all this deserves something. You owe him a great deal, no less than your All; and you are shamefully disingenuous and ungrateful, if you do not study Returns. Besides this, consider, as he died, so he rose again a Conqueror, and is a King; upon his Vesture and his Thigh there is this glorious Name written, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords: And so he is able to reward you, to make up all your Losses, to satisfie you for all your Labours, to answer all your Hopes, and to exceed your highest Expectations. Well then, call your selves to an Account, before God call you to it; for he will do it one day. What have you done for Christ? If you have done much, if you have been stedfast, immovable, and abounding in the Work of the Lord, take the Comfort of it, knowing that God is not unrighteous to forget it; your Labour shall not be in vain, you shall enter into Joy. But still go on, and endeavour to do more, and abound in it more and more; for none of you have as yet done enough, but have cause to mourn at your coming off so pitifully. If there be any of you that to this day hath done nothing for Christ, (and truly I do fear, yea I greatly fear there are too many such in this Congregation, and in all) you have had a great many Irons in the Fire, and all of them diligently minded and tended, while Christ hath been forgotten and neglected; let me ask you, Doth Conscience say nothing to you? Have you not sometimes some secret Checks and inward Gripes? If in such a Case as this Conscience be silent, if it do not reprove you, and set this Sin before you, really your Case is sad. But I shall do my Duty; and in the Name of God I advise you to be ashamed, and to begin your Duty now, and double your diligence upon the account of your former slothfulness, neglect, and wofully mis-spent Time, not knowing how soon your Breath may be stopp'd, and all Opportunities for Service taken from you. Now, now begin, and go on to speak for him; plead the Cause of his Name, Ordinances, and Institutions; and do not do it with a cold Indifference, but as becomes Persons nearly concerned: Commend him to your Families, Relations, Friends, and Neighbours: See what Hearts you can get for him. Love him your selves with all entireness of Affection, and do what you can to allure and draw others to love him too, Dan. 12.3. They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament: and [Page 36] they that turn many to Righteousness, as the Stars, for ever and ever. Labour then, my beloved Friends, labour hard, as those that have a dear and fervent Love to this lovely Iesus, and as those who also have an eye to this glorious Recompence of Reward.
In the next place, I shall with faithfulness and earnestness, yet with all due respect, offer my Advice and Request to my Reverend Fathers and Brethren in the Ministry, who hold the Head, by whatsoever Sentiments and Opinions they are divided and distinguished. Of and among whom, all that are sound in the Faith, and accompany their Labour in the Word and Doctrine with an unblamable, holy, and exemplary Conversation, I greatly love, and highly esteem and honour. You are Embassadors for Christ; Oh do not forget that: You ought to be his Paranymphs, the real and hearty Friends of this ever-blessed Bridegroom; and of all Men it is your Duty, your Place and Office doth strongly oblige you to make it your main Business, to commend this Christ, who is so sweet, so altogether lovely that you cannot commend him too much, you cannot rise so high as to reach an Hyperbole in his praise. Will you woo for him, and rather speak ten thousand Words for him, than one for your selves. Some Mens Persecuting Spirits, Discourses, and Practices, have been a just Cause of Offense. The greatest hurt I wish them is a sight of their Sin, and a Gospel-Repentance. And since God hath been graciously pleas'd to put it into the Heart of our King to declare for those things which make for Peace, I also wish, that all Men would make their Contributions thereunto, that though as yet there is no great probability of having one Way, or worshipping together with one Shoulder and Consent; though as yet there is no great probability of a full and thorow Agreement one with another; yet we may be put out of a Capacity of being injurious and mischievous one to another. And for this we may comfortably hope, seeing it is the Matter of a Divine Promise, Isa. 11.6. The Wolf shall dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard shall lie down with the Kid, and the Calf and the young Lion and the Fatling together, and a little Child shall lead them; and the Cow and the Bear shall feed— they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy Mountain. We are not offended at their preaching Obedience to Lawful Authority, but own it a Duty incumbent upon us to be subject, and that not only for Wrath or fear of Punishment, but also for Conscience-sake. But I would desire them to prove themselves [Page 37] Gospel-Ministers by their preaching up of Christ, who is Evangelii Medulla, the very Pith and Marrow of the Gospel. Let them be industrious in promoting the Interest of Christ, and willing that others should do it too. Let us rejoice to take his Name, and pour it out as a precious Ointment in our respective Congregations, that the Savour of it, and of his Knowledge, being by us made manifest in every place, the Virgins may love him. Really, my Brethren, I must take leave to tell you, there hath been too much Time, and Labour, and Heat, spent about things ( minoris pretii) of less weight and value: There hath been Tithing of Mint and Cummin: There have been very unkind and unbrotherly Contendings about such things as will not commend Men to God, nor add any thing to them when laid in the Ballance of the Sanctuary. Let us now at last, (though indeed it is pitty that it is so late,) learn to love one another, and so fulfill the Law of Christ, and convince the World that we are his Disciples; and let us love Christ better than our selves. Let us learn of Paul, who was a better Man, and had more Learning than any of us can in modesty or reason pretend to; the best of us are not worthy to have carried his Books after him: I say, let us learn of him, who determined to make Christ the great and main Subject of his Discourses; 1 Cor. 2.1, 2. When I came to you, I came not with excellency of Speech, or of Wisdom. Not with Philosophical Notions, or Platonick Speculations, or Plutarchs Morals, nor with Rhetorical Flourishes, ( verborum phaleris,) the trappings of words: No, not I, saith He: I determined not to know any thing among you, save Iesus Christ and him Crucified.
And now, my Lord, let me address my Discourse to you and those Worshipful Aldermen your Brethren here present, whom God and the King have vested with Authority, and armed with civil Power: I do desire you, and by virtue of his Authority, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, in whose Name I come, I charge you to appear, and that vigorously in your several Places for Christ. I know that you are Gods Vicegerents, and have a very considerable share of the Government laid upon your Shoulders; which is indeed a great Honour to you, but a far greater Burthen. And as you have need of divine Guidance and Assistance, so the effectual fervent Prayers of righteous Ones, of those who are faithful in the Land, will do you a kindness and avail you much; and I can assure you of them; while you sit at the Helm of this great and populous City, there are many at the Throne of Grace putting up their Petitions and Requests for you, [Page 38] of whom I profess my unworthy self to be One. Sensible we are, that it is, ( dura provincia,) an hard Province, difficult Service, unto which you are called, and that you have many curious Eyes upon you, and it may be many Adversaries; the good Lord furnish you with proportionable Wisdom, Courage and Grace. You have a great deal to do for the King, and be you diligent and faithful in the doing of it. Oh! that it may be said of you as it was of Daniel, when the Presidents and Princes sought occasion against him concerning the Kingdom, i.e. some unfaithfulness to his Prince, some abuse of his Power, some or other Miscarriage and Male-Administration; Dan. 6.4. They could find no occasion nor fault, for as much as He was faithful, neither was there any Errour or Fault found in him. I heartily beg of God the same for you.
And now I desire you frequently and seriously to consider with your selves, that the Honour and Interest of Christ ought to have a room in your Hearts, yea, to lye uppermost: And will you act for Christ, and rule for Christ? Will you study what you shall do for him? Let it not be said by others, nor charged upon you by your Consciences, that you minded your own things, but not the things of Jesus Christ. Every one of you repeat these thoughts; let them dwell with you, and be powerful in their Influence. God hath done nothing in vain; God did not send any one into the World in vain. He did not give me my Life and Being for nothing. He hath not brought me to this place of Magistracy for nothing. He hath not sent me into the Vineyard to loiter there, not set me in the Chair to sleep there. He hath not put this Talent into my hand, that it might lye dead there. As I am a Man in Authority, so under Authority, and must be accountable to my Sovereign upon Earth, & (which carrieth with it a greater awe) to my God in Heaven. What now shall I do for this God? How shall I improve my Time? How shall I make use of my Power? How shall I fill up my Place? I beseech you to shew your selves worthy Men, worthy of the Honour put upon you, and the Power concredited to you. Oh! study this, & bestow your best and most serious Thoughts upon it. And whatever your hand findeth to do, be sure to do it with your might. I will commend to your Care only these two things:
First, Do all that in you lyes for the honour of the Day of Christ. The first Day of the Week, which is in Scripture called, [...], the Lords Day; Rev. 1.10. I was in the Spirit on the Lords Day. This is the Day, wherein that Jesus who died for our Offences arose again for our Justification: This is the Day wherein he was let out of Prison, as one that had fully discharged the Debt we owed, for which he as Surety was arrested and clap'd [Page 39] up: This is the Day whereon he finished the work of our Redemption, and gloriously Triumphed over Death and Hell, all the Enemies of our Salvation: This was the Day whereon he was declared to be the Son of God with Power: This is the Day which the Lord hath made, and separated from the rest of the Days: This is the Day which the Apostles and Primitive Christians observed and met upon for Divine Worship, and Christ did honour those their Meetings with his Personal Appearance among them: This is that Day which is now to be particularly remembred and kept holy by us. Read what God saith, Ezek. 20.12. I gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctifie them: And again, v. 20. Hallow my Sabbaths, and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God. What God there speaks concerning the Iewish Sabbaths is true, and to be affirmed of the Christian Sabbath. It is a sign between Christ and us, and by our keeping of that, we own him for our Lord-Redeemer, for our Prince and Saviour; a polluting of that Day is a practical renouncing of Christ. And it hath been and always will be found, that Religion gains or loseth in a Nation or City; Godliness flourisheth or withers, according as the Inhabitants are more strict or remiss in their Observation of that Day. Therefore it concerns all Persons, and particularly Governours, whether in Families or in Cities, to be exceeding careful to this Purpose. And I do lay this upon you as a burthen of Duty, that you do not suffer the Lords Day to be profaned, either by opening of Shops, and following of Trades, or by Sports, and playing in Streets or Fields, or by Tipling and Gaming in Publick Houses for Entertainment. Follow the Pattern which that excellent Governour set you, Nehem. 13.15. &c. Be you as careful for the observation of Christs Day, as others are for the observation of their own Days: So may you with an humble confidence pray as that good Man did, Nehem. 13.22. Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and spare me according to the greatness of thy Mercy.
Secondly, Do all that you can against the abounding and growing Immoralities of Men. His Majesty hath graciously been pleased to issue out his Royal Declaration for a Liberty of Conscience, but not a word for Licentiousness of Life. But what multitudes take that lawless Liberty, which neither God nor Man allow? It is strange to see what flagitious Wickednesses are redundant among us, what Abominations of all sorts and sizes. O London! how art thóu fallen from what thou wast, and some [Page 40] of us can well remember thee to have been? After a dreadful Conflagration thy Houses are raised out of their Ashes more glorious, but many of thine Inhabitants are grown more vitious. Instead of a lovely, beautiful Face of Religion, what and how much of the Power of Ungodliness is visible and apparent among us? Instead of reading the sacred Bible and other good Books, Catechizing Children and Servants, singing of Davids Psalms, what horrid Oaths and Curses are there to be heard in our Streets, as if without them Men could not speak? What more than swinish Drunkenness? What brutish and monstrous Whoredom? All which are a reproach to the English Nation, a dishonour to the Christian Name, and a disparagement to the precious everlasting Gospel, which hath for so long a time been preached and profest among us. Mend those things which you can, and mourn under what you cannot mend. I beseech you, labour to stem this Tide of Profaneness, lest overflowing Sin be quickly followed with an overflowing Scourge. If there be, as there are, those that will not live like Christians, soberly, righteously and godly, let not them have liberty to live worse than Heathen. Make them know, that though there be a great Degeneracy, yet still there is some fear of God in this place.
And I beseech you to do this in your Day, which how short it may be none knows. All your Hours are golden Ones, and it is pitty that any of them should be lost. Blessed be God, that you have begun. I read your Precept, my Lord, and rejoyced in it; see that it be put in execution. Let it not be brutum fulmen. Do not only shake the Rod over the Backs of obstinate Offenders, but lay it on and make them feel it, unless they will grow better. Make them know, you are as much resolved for Justice as they are for Wickedness. And do not only command and imploy others, who may wink and be bribed, and some of them be as deep in Guilt as any, but do you and your Brethren act your selves. Let inferiour Officers have your Zeal and Activity for their President and Encouragement.
And having begun well, go on, and hold out to the last. Let nothing hinder your Progresses, cool your Zeal, nor blunt your Edge. Let your Bow abide in Strength: And Oh! that in the work and duty of your Office, the Arms of your Hands may be made strong, and kept from flagging by the everlasting Arms of the God of Iacob, that so your Resolutions for God may not abate any thing of their Vigour, nor any of your righteous and religious Purposes be broken off. Be of good Courage, and shew your [Page 41] selves Men. And if others dare to be bold, and audacious, and impudent in those things which are Evil, let them see that you also dare to be Good, and to do Justice, and to walk with an upright Heart in a perfect way. Regard not the Face nor Fury, not the Flouts and Jears, not the Envy nor Malice of those that bear ill will to you. The great God will own you and stand by you; and I do not doubt but His Majesty, who under God hath given you the Power, will be ready to encourage you in the due Managing and Improvement of it. Look carefully to the Principle you act from, that it be Right; and to the End you level and aim at, that it be Noble; and to the Way you walk in, for the attaining of that End; and then hold on that Way, and grow stronger and stronger, more and more resolved and active, though there be in it never so many roaring Lions and hissing Serpents. And I counsel you to be much in Prayer; certainly, praying Magistrates are great Blessings, when Debauchees are Plagues and Curses. You will be often waiting upon his Majesty to receive Orders and Commands from him. Go more often to God, and beg Wisdom and Strength from him, and the raising of you up as high as you ought to be, that is, above the Fear of Man, so that nothing may be able to divert you from, nor hinder you in the Path of Truth, Justice and Holiness. Cowardize and Timorousness speak a low, mean and base Spirit. It is intolerable in a Souldier; truly it is as bad, if not worse, in a Magistrate. As the former will in a time of danger flie from his Enemy, so the other will in times of Difficulty and Discouragement turn his back upon his Duty. When one was hired by Tobiah and Sanballat, to persuade Nehemiah's going into the Temple and shutting the Doors, for fear of the Enemies Designs, He returned to him this brave and truly Heroick Answer, Nehem. 6.11. Should such a Man as I flee? And who is there that being as I am, would go into the Temple to save his Life? Thus do you think with your selves, every one of you, Doth such and such a thing become me? Should such a Man as I, one that hath made such a Profession as I have done, one that is advanced to such a Place as I am in, do so or so? And if a well informed Conscience saith no, then do not do it; if it saith yes, this is your Duty, this becomes your Profession and Place, then apply to it, whatever Flesh and Blood, this and that sort of Men say to the contrary. But it is high time now to come to the third and last Use.
Vse 3. And in that I shall speak some things by way of support and comfort to those in this Congregation, yea, and all others to whom this Discourse shall come, that bear good will to Sion, and to that blessed Lord Jesus who Reigns there. Though the Times into which we are cast are very cloudy, and evil, upon many accounts; and though the Providences of God up and down in the World, are abstruse and mysterious, hard to be understood; they are such Riddles as we do not know how to interpret them. In many places the dark side of the Pillar is turned toward the Israel of God: Yet let me say at this Day as the Holy Prophet said formerly, in Psalm 149.2. Let Israel rejoyce in him that made him, let the Children of Sion be joyful in their King. It cannot rationally be denied, but that we have cause of Fear and Mourning when we look into our [Page 42] selves, and take a view of our own Hearts and Ways, and there discover Sins more than enough, to provoke the fierce Wrath of God against us, and to bring down his desolating Judgments upon us; and also when we look abroad into the Nation and the World, and consider the Designs of bad Men, and the Divisions of good Men, the Heats and An [...]mosities among professed Christians, and how great strangers they are to that Healing Spirit by which they all ought to be acted; yet I am sure we have great cause of Comfort and Rejoycing when we look up to Christ: And therefore that Command of the Apostle, Phil. 4.4. Rejoyce in the Lord alway, and again I say, rejoyce. He repeats the Command because of the excellency of the Duty, and of how much concernment and advantage it is to the Christian: For this Joy is his Strength, while Dumpishness and Melancholy infeebles him, unfits him for Service, and exposeth him to Temptations: Yea, and of how much Concernment it likewise is unto Religion. This Joy is its Honour; It is a comely and beautiful thing, and makes it shine even in the Eyes of By-Standers: Therefore he saith, Rejoyce always, [...], at all Times, in all Places, and in all Conditions, not only when the Sun of Prosperity shines upon your Tabernacles, and divine Protection hedges your way, and Mercy paves it; not only when Goodness follows you, and Favour compasseth you about, and you have as much as Heart can wish, but even when the Fig-Tree doth not Blossom, neither shall Fruit be in the Vines, the labour of the Olive shall fail, and the Fields shall yield no Meat, Hab. 3.17, 18. At such a time and in such a case do you rejoyce; but remember in what and in whom; not in things below, that is a mushrom Joy, that is rejoycing in a thing of naught; it is not worth your while: Your Joy must not be Carnal, but Spiritual; your Faith must draw it up out of the Well of Salvation, fetch it into you from Christ, in whom there is cause enough. You can never form to your selves right Thoughts of Christ, never look upon him with a believing Eye, but in him you will discover abundant cause of Rejoycing, yea, of Triumphing: As you meet with that Expression, 2 Cor. 2.14. Thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ. Yea, the Apostle would have Believers so full of Joy in Christ, as that he would have them quite empty of all disturbing and carking Cares. In the same Phil. 4.6. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by Prayer and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your Requests be made known to God. And indeed, He would have us live comfortable and chearful Lives in the World, as well as holy and gracious Lives; and if we do not, the Fault is our own, we are miserably wanting to our selves; for he hath in his Revelations of himself, and in his Covenant and Promises, made ample and abundant Provision in order thereunto. And therefore let us now in the close of all, a little look to Jesus, a little consider the Apostle and High Priest of our holy Profession, this glorious King of Sion and Saints, and take notice of some things in him which very well may raise, feed and maintain our Joy.
First, We have great cause to rejoyce in this, that Christ always lives: Others do die; it is appointed for all Men, for mean Men; the Shrubs shall be stubb'd up, and great Men too, the Cedars must fall. Dives died as well [Page 43] as Lazarus. Death doth not regard their Honours, nor will it be brib'd with their Riches. Great Men must die; they are not too big for Death to wrestle a Fall with; and so do good Men too, yea, the best of them, those that have been most holy and useful. Moses the Typical Mediator, was commanded to go up to Mount Nebo and die there. David was a Man after Gods own Heart, and he served his Generation according to the Will of God, so long as God would have him, and in good measure in such a manner as God would have him. He walked in Communion with God, and he ruled in the Fear of God; but when he had done his work, he fell asleep: The Sleep of Death came with a Commission from Heaven, and closed his Eyes; the Scepter dropt out of his Hand, and he dropt into his Grave. That is the House of all the Living, Princes and Nobles, Kings and Emperours, must take that for their long home; Psal. 82.6, 7. I have said, Ye are Gods, and all of you Children of the most High. They are Gods Vicegerents, Gods Representatives; they are Terrestrial Gods. But be not proud of that, be not high minded, but fear; and to that end, he whispers in their Ear, or rather tells them upon the House-top, but ye shall die like Men. You may ask, what may be the meaning of that? I Answer, You may take it thus: They shall die like Men, i.e. they know no more when they shall die than other Men, whether some years hence, or to morrow, or to day; and they can tell no more than other Men how they shall die, whether a natural or violent Death; whether on a sudden, or by some lingering and tedious Distemper. And again, they die like Men as to the Consequences of Death. They must be stript of all their Ornaments and Royal Robes, and their Bodies must return to Dust, and both Soul and Body must come to Judgment. Kings that are Supreme, and all Inferiour Magistrates, must stand before the Tribunal of Christ, and there be judged; their Rule shall be inspected, their Government examined, all their Words and Actions considered, and all the Sentences that have been here past by them, all the Punishments that have been inflicted by them, by their Authority and Order, shall be curiously and exactly weighed in the Ballance of Justice. Oh! be wise, and consider this, and remember your latter end. But though Christ died once, He died but once, He shall not die a second time. Death hath no more Power over him. This Friend may fall, and that Comfort may wither, and that Prince may die, under whose Shadow the People rejoyced; but so doth not Christ; He abides for ever. Psalm 102. Thou hast laid the Foundations of the Earth, the Heavens are the work of thine Hands. They shall perish, but thou shalt endure, yea, all of them shall wax old like a Garment, as a Vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed, but thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
Secondly, Christ shall reign as well as live. He shall live, and that like himself, in State, and in Power, and Glory. His and our Father who hath set him up for King upon his holy Hill of Sion, hath settled him there, and fixed him there; the Sacred Scriptures do abound with Expressions to this purpose, that we might have a full assurance of Faith in the Matter which is so important: As, to instance in a few, Ps. 45.6. Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever: So Ps. 110.1, 2. The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine Enemies thy Footstool. The Lord shall send the Rod of thy Strength [Page 44] out of Zion; rule thou in the midst of thine Enemies. He now rules in the midst of them and in spite of them, and the Father will subdue them all. Christ sits expecting till it be done. And as the Father was not failed in his Expectation from Christ, so Christ shall not be failed in his Expectation from the Father. All his Enemies shall be brought to an under, either in a way of gracious Conversion, or in a way of most dreadful Confusion: Either they shall willingly bow to him in the day of his Power, or else they shall against their wills be broken by him in the day of his wrath; either they shall submit to his golden Scepter, or they shall be dashed in pieces, like a Potters Vessel, by his Iron Rod. In a word, Either they shall by a chearful Resignation put themselves into his hand, to be moulded, guided and ordered by him; or else they shall be under his Feet, to be trampled upon with Scorn and Indignation, and at last kicked to Hell, as fewel for those unquenchable Flames. And yet further, He must Reign till he hath got the actual and full possession of all that unto which he hath an unquestionable Right by virtue of his Fathers donation, i.e. till the Heathen and uttermost parts of the Earth be brought in to him. Of the continuance of his Kingdom and the increase of his Government there shall be no end, till that happy time come wherein all the Kingdoms of the World shall become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ, i. e. they shall renounce all Idolatry and false Worships, and embrace the Gospel, and walk in the Light thereof, and according to its Rules: Yea, it is said, Rev. 11.15. He shall Reign for ever and ever, till time shall be no more.
Thirdly, Rejoyce in this, That the Church of the living God shall be preserved and continued in the World. Though there have been dreadful concussions, and are so at this present, and are like to be, till all be shaken down that God hath not set up, yet there shall be no overturning of this House, no ruining thereof. The Ship may be and frequently is sorely tost with Tempests, but it shall live since Christ is Pilot, and sits at the Helm and steers the Course; I say, it shall live, as the Ark did in the Deluge, when the Waters were at the highest. Notwithstanding all the Rage and Malice, all the Power and Plots of Men and Devils, Christ will have a Church upon Earth. Though they may prune this Vine which Gods right Hand hath planted, yet they shall never be able to pull it up by the roots. It may bleed grievously, even to Fainting, but not to Death. It is true, this or that particular Church may fail. The Church of the Iews did, though once dearly, yea only beloved, and so have the seven Famous Churches in Asia: And so may others. Therefore that was excellent, and no more than necessary Counsel which Paul (more likely to be an Apostle to them than Peter,) gave them, Rom. 11.20, 21. Because of unbelief, they (i. e. the Iews) were broken off, and thou standest by Faith; be not high-minded, but fear: Which Counsel he followeth with this weighty Reason; For if God spared not the natural Branches, take heed lest he spare not thee. That was Pauls advice to the Church at Rome, when he wrote this Epistle to them. But whatever hath become of Her, or may of this or that particular Church, our Lord Iesus will certainly take effectual care that there shall be a true Church upon Earth. And though at first it be but as a little Stone, yet shall it smite the Image upon his feet, and break them to pieces, and become it self a great Mountain, and fill the whole Earth. Let every one look to it that they be true and living Members of that true Church, and continue so, without turning aside to any Synagogue of Satan, or having any Fellowship with Devils.