[Page] A SERMON Preached (May 16. 1680.) AT THE FUNERAL OF M r Tho. Gilson, Late Minister of the Gospel.

By SAMUEL SLATER, Minister of the Gospel.

Isa. 57. 1.

The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come.

LONDON: Printed for Tho. Cockeril at the Three Legs in [...] Poultrey, over-against the Stocks-Market, 1680

To my worthy Friends, that Society of Chri­stians, who were lately under the Pastoral care of Mr. Tho. Gilson.

IT was a smart and startling Providence which in a short time took away first the Wife, and then the Husband, making the Children Orphans, and you sheep without a Shepherd. His worth was very great, and therefore so was your loss. God hath been pleased to deprive us of many eminent and useful men of late, and those not only among the hoar­heads, (whose thred of life had been drawn out to a con­siderable length) but also among the young and strong, and middle aged, who according to the course of nature might have lived much longer, and laboured and done good. It is not for any to quarrel, for God may do with his own as he pleaseth. Let us make a right interpretati­on of the dispensation, and a wise improvement. None of us know how soon we may be called hence; may every one of us therefore live to the best purpose we can. Oh that we might all mind our work, and get that done, and then the sooner we go to bed, the better it will be for us, though possibly not for the world. Your deceased Pa­stor said upon his Death-bed, When others live sixty or seventy years before they have done what they were sent for, if I can dispatch mine in fifty, I have no cause to complain; his Sun being set when he was not much past the meridian of his age, I did entertain you with the following Discourse, which I have here at [Page] the importunate desire of his Relations and others un­willingly published. The Lord accompany it with his blessing; and if any get good by it for their souls, I shall rejoice. I beg that this loss may be sanctified to your gain, that you may have a Pastor set over you according to Gods own heart. And I beseech you to live in love, follow those things which make for peace; walk so as that you may adorn the Gospel; and so the blessings of the ever­lasting Covenant be your portion. I am

Yours in our dear Lord Jesus, SAMUEL SLATER.
JOH. XII. 26. ‘If any man serve me, let him follow me: and where I am there shall also my servant be.’

You find in the 20th verse of this Chap­ter mention made of certain Greeks, who (as we may probably conjecture) through their converse with the Jews, and reading the Old Testament transla­ted into their own language, had attained to some knowledg of the God of Israel, and upon the Jews great Solemnities came to worship him together with them at Jerusalem. Where being informed of those great things which the Lord Jesus had done, and in particular of his raising up Lazarus out of the Grave, they applied themselves to Philip, and acquainted him with their desire to see Jesus; Philip told this to An­drew, and both of them told Jesus: whereupon our Saviour graciously admitted them into his presence.

But they (as it is likely) having heard of his being looked upon by many as the promised Messiah, and dreaming with others of a Temporal Kingdom which he should have in this world, were willing to come under his Government, and to list themselves in the number of his Subjects, by that means hoping for Earthly preferment and advantages. Our Lord Jesus therefore knowing what is in man, makes it his busi­ness to correct their mistake, and to set them right in their apprehensions concerning him; assuring them, [Page 2] that the hour was come in which he should be glorified; yet withal intimating to them, that he must first be re­jected, condemn'd and [...]rucified. He was to fall like a corn of wheat into the ground and die, but after that he should spring up again, and bring forth much fruit unto the world; not only to the Jews, but also to the Gen­tiles: Giving them withal to understand, that if they would be his Disciples, they must write after the copy which he sets them, and carry their comforts, yea their very lives in their hands, ready to lay them down whensoever they should be called thereunto. This he doth in the Text, and the verse preceding it. In the words which I have read, there are two things observable:

First, Christs command or direction, If any man serve me, let him follow me. Here, saith Grotius, he doth tacitly insinuate his being a King, who hath under him Officers or Ministers of State for the ma­nagement and administration of the affairs of his Kingdom; and whosoever will be one of these my servants, he must follow me through swords and daggers, through thick and thin, by the way of the Cross, through self-denial, and contempt of the world; they must imitate his example, both in his holiness, and in his sufferings.

Secondly, Here is Christs most gracious and encou­raging promise, Where I am; that is, where I am now, as God, and where e're long I shall be, as Man; in the place of highest felicity and glory, there shall my servant also be; as he follows me in the way, so he shall be with me in the end. I will not leave him, nor [Page 3] lose him, he shall not come short home. Non divelle­tur in laetis qui adfuit in tristibus. If we be joined in the troubles, we will not be separated in the com­forts. He that did partake with me in the sorrow, shall certainly share with me in the reward. So the Apostle Paul likewise assures us, Rom. 8. 17. If chil­dren, then heirs, heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. It is this Promise upon which I shall raise my following Discourse. The Doctrine is this:

Doct. Herein lies the happiness of the servants of Christ, that in the same place where he is, they one day shall also be. Those that do now cleave to him by un­feigned Faith, and embrace him by sincere love, and follow him by cheerful obedience, and desire him with ardent longings, shall at last be with him in perfect happiness. You read in 2 Cor. 5. 6. Whilest they are present in the body, they are absent from the Lord. But when they are once absent from the body, when their souls have got out of this crazie tottering Tabernacle, when they have once put off this thred-bare worn­out garment of flesh, they shall immediately be con­veyed with all possible speed by the holy Angels in­to those blissful mansions, where they shall be present with the Lord. In the handling of this most precious and comfortable Truth, these things are to be done:

First, I shall enquire what or who this Jesus Christ is.

Secondly, Who are his Servants.

[Page 4] Thirdly, What is that place where Christ is, and what the Excellencies of it.

Fourthly, What this being where Christ is, doth im­port.

Fifthly, Give you some reasons why Christs Ser­vants shall be where he is.

Lastly, Improve the Doctrine in a way of Ap­plication.

First then, What or who is this Jesus Christ? One might justly wonder, that any in such a Congregati­on as this is, any in such a City as London is (where the Everlasting Gospel is so plentifully and power­fully preached) should be grosly ignorant of Christ, unless it be children lately weaned from the breast, fools and mad-men, or such as turn their backs on all Ordinances, and live altogether as beasts in the world, because without the practices of Religion. But alas! not withstanding those glorious beams of light, and means of knowledg which God in his goodness hath so liberally vouchsafed, I am afraid, many among us are without the knowledg of the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent. Though to know them as we ought to know them be of great and everlasting concernment, no less than life eternal, Joh. 17. 3. whom therefore some of you do ignorant­ly talk of, him do I thus declare unto you.

Jesus Christ is the second Person in the Sacred Tri­nity, the only begotten and eternal Son of God, who [Page 5] did in the fulness of time humble himself so far as to become man, being conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary, having a true body and a reasonable soul, and so continueth to be very God and very man in one Person for ever. He is Gods most beloved Son, and mans most intire friend. In a ready compliance with his Fathers will, and out of the a­bundance of his love to those his poor people whom his Father had given him, he to the wonder and asto­nishment both of Heaven and earth, was pleased to assume our nature, and so to become our Brother in order to his being our Redeemer. And thereupon ha­ving not only an heart but likewise a right to the work, he did engage thereunto notwithstanding all foreseen difficulties, cost and sorrows, and so gave himself a sacrifice, and his life a ransome for them. The chastisement of our peace was upon him, that by his stripes we might be healed, Isa. 53. 5. He was made of a woman, made under the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons, Gal. 4. 4, 5. He died that we might live; he knew no sin, and yet was he made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Upon him was the curse, that upon us might be the blessing. This Jesus hath taken upon himself all relations which speak affection in him, and encourage con­fidence in his. He hath undertaken all Offices that make for their advantage. He is our Prophet to teach us, our Priest to save us, our King to rule and defend us. Having humbled himself and become obedient unto death, even the death of the Cross, therefore God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is a­bove every name, Phil. 2. 8, 9. Him he hath set up as [Page 6] King upon his holy hill of Zion, where his Throne is so sure, that though the Heathen rage, and the people imagine, and the Kings of the earth set them­selves, and the Rulers take counsel together, yet they cannot overturn it. Psal. 45. 6. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever, the scepter of thy Kingdom is a right scepter. His undoubted right it is to reign in every one of our hearts. He doth reign in his Church, and he shall continue so to do in spite of Rome and Hell, Pope and Devil, with all their abettors, until all his enemies be made his footstool, and then cometh the end when he shall deliver up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, 1 Cor. 15. 24. In short, Jesus Christ is Emanuel, God with us, God in our nature. I will report of him to you, as the enamoured Spouse did to the inquisitive Daughters of Jerusalem, Cant. 5. when they asked her, what her beloved was more than another beloved? she answered, He is white and ruddy, the chiefest of ten thousand, his mouth is most sweet, yea he is altogether lovely. Totus, totus, deside­rabilis; all amiable, all desirable, there is nothing a­miss in him, nothing wanting in him. This, my Bre­thren, this is our Beloved, this is our Friend.

In the next place I am to shew who are his servants, those I mean unto whom he doth here promise, that they shall be where he is. And here I might tell you that all true believers are Christs servants, who having their chains knockt of, their Prison-doors opened, and being delivered from the bondage of Satan and corruption, do serve the Lord in righteousness and holiness. Again, some are Christs servants, as being appointed and called to act for [...] and his inte­rest in some particular place or function; thus Paul [Page 7] calleth himself a servant of Christ, Gal. 1. 10. and he calls Epaphras and Tychicus his fellow-servants in the Lord, Col. 1. 7. and Col. 4. 7. because they did toge­ther with him serve Christ in Preaching the Gospel; and so every faithful Minister of the Word is called a servant of the Lord, 2 Tim. 2. 24. The servant of the Lord must not strive, but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. But I shall speak of Christs servants in general, as comprehending all holy and gracious ones, and shall give you a fourfold character of them by which they may be known.

1. Those that are the servants of Christ are employed and taken up about the work of Christ. If we would know whose servant any man is, we may observe and consider whose work it is that he doth. He that doth the work of sin is the servant of sin, Rom. 6. 16. His servants ye are to whom ye obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness. He is the ser­vant of the Devil, that doth the work of the Devil, tempting men to sin, or accusing and troubling the Saints in and for that which is good, 1 Joh. 3. 8. He that committeth sin is of the Devil. And our Saviour told the wicked Jews, Joh. 8. 44. That they were of their Father the Devil; and he proved it by this, be­cause the works of their Father they would do, in con­temning the truth, and opposing Christ, this is the Devils work, and it is dirty work; and all those who are busie in it, you may easily know to whom they do belong. If you see the Devil in a mans life, you may safely conclude him in his heart. On the other side, the servants of Christ will be employed about the work of Christ, they will study his mind, obey [Page 8] his commandments, follow his orders, and apply to that duty which he requires of them. Ye are my friends (saith he) Job. 15. 14. If ye do what soever I comman [...] you. Not pick and chuse, quarrel this, and stick at that, but comply with all my wills, and do whatever I bid. This David knew full well, and therefore said, Psal▪ 119. 6. Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respec [...] to all thy commandments. Whereas half-obedience wil [...] certainly cause blushing and confusion at the last. To follow the Lord fully was Caleb's commendation.

2. Those that are Christs servants have chosen him for their Lord and Master. There are a great many in the world who do some of Christs work after a fashi­on, and would be upon that score reckoned among Christians, and of the houshold of Faith, who yet ne­ver made Christ their choice. Nay, they rise up in most desperate opposition to him, and to his govern­ment, both in their hearts and in the world. We rea [...] Luk. 19. 14. of some that say, We will not have thi [...] man reign over us. No, no, any one rather than him But now every true servant of Christ chuseth him, an [...] doth most freely give up himself to him, and is no [...] only willing but also earnestly desirous that Chris [...] should bore his ear in token of his everlasting Domi­nion over him. Alas, poor soul! he finds a comfor­table alteration, he hath served others, and know [...] what a vast difference there is between Christ an [...] them; he hath now better work, and kinder usage and greater hopes, and more noble expectations, an [...] so is fully of the Churches mind, Isa. 26. 13. O Lor [...] our God, other Lords beside thee have had dominio [...] over us, but by thee only will we make mention of th [...] [Page 9] name. We will own no other, none to Christ, none to Christ.

Thirdly, Those that are the servants of Christ have their hearts engaged in his work, and not only their hands or their outward man. Such indeed are spoken of, Isa. 29. 13. Who drew near unto God with their mouths, and with their lips did honour him, but they had removed their hearts far from him, and their fear toward him was taught by the precepts of men. Those mens services God doth not accept, and their persons he will not own. Though they claim a relation to him, and cry, Lord, Lord, and can tell stories of their prophecying in his name, and casting out Devils, and do­ing many wondrous works, yet he will profess unto them, that he never knew them, and command them to depart and be gone from him. And what is the reason of this? because he knew them to be a company of base hypo­crites, who were a meer complement, and gave him no more than the shell and outside. If you be Christs servants, you rest in nothing external, you will not take up in any thing, unto which an hypocrite can attain. Your hearts are sound in Gods statutes, and do accompany all your acts of duty. When you pro­fess his name, and keep his Sabbaths, and seek his face, and hear his Word, and sit down at his Table, and plead his cause, your hearts are in all; when you con­fess sin, it is with a mourning heart; when you beg his grace, it is with a longing heart; when you speak his praise, it is with an enlarged heart. Psal. 84. 2. My soul longeth, yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God.

[Page 10] Lastly, Those that are Christs servants do in all their work and duties sincerely aim at the honour and glory of Christ; as the word and will of Christ is their only rule, so the honour of Christ is their great and prin­cipal design; and so that be accomplished, they are well pleased, however other things go. The Apostle Paul in Rom. 16. 17, 18. speaks of those which cause divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine of the Gospel. He doth not there speak against all that are offended and do divide, for in some cases that is a du­ty, and according to the Doctrine which we have re­ceived. Our Reformers did no more than what they ought to do, when they were offended at the Idola­tries and Superstitions of Rome, and divided from them. And though they make a great clamour and noise about Schisms, they themselves are the greatest and most notorious Schismaticks; but he speaks there against those that cause divisions and offences, and he commands the Romans, and in them all Christians, to mark them and avoid them. And he gives this reason for it, they serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly: that which they aimed at was their private gain and advantage, that they might grow rich, and live splendidly, and fare deliciously. Now these men do not serve Christ; if the belly be a mans end, Christ is not his Master: the same holy Apostle assures us, Phil. 3. 18, 19. They are enemies to the cross of Christ, (and if to his Cross, then to his Crown), whose god is their belly, and who mind earthly things. A real ser­vant of Christ then is one that makes Christ his end. He serves the interest of Christ, and he seeks the glory of Christ; and makes it his great desire, study and endeavour to exalt the name, and enlarge the King­dom [Page 11] of Christ in the world; this spirit acted Paul; this was it he aimed at, Phil. 1. 21. To me to live is Christ. He had his life from him, and he improved and laid out his life for him. And the same we find in John Baptist, witness those passages of his, Joh. 3. 29, 30. He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom which stande [...]h and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly, because of the bridegrooms voice. This my joy therefore is fulfilled, he must increase, but I must decrease.

Now let us put all these things together: He is a true servant of our dear Lord Jesus, who hath chosen him for his Lord and Master, doth make Christs work the business of his life, and applieth to it with his whole heart, sincerely aiming at his glory.

Having thus seen who is the Servant, our next work will be to enquire concerning his preferment; and in order to our better understanding of that, we must consider what place that is where Christ doth reside: I shall tell you in a word, it is Heaven, the habitation of Gods Holiness, the place where his Honour dwell­eth; thither he took his joyful flight when he left this world which lieth in wickedness, Act. 1. 11. This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into hea­ven. And there he now is in Glory and Majesty, 1 Pet. 3. 22. Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God, Angels and Authorities, and Powers being made subject unto him. And there he is to con­tinue, Act. 3. 21. Whom the Heavens must receive, until the times of the restitution of all things. And it is from thence his people do joyfully expect him, Phil. 3. 20. Our conversation is in heaven, from whence also we look [Page 12] for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glo­rious body. Now Heaven is a very good place to be in, Earth in its greatest beauty is a dunghil if compa­red to it. Take briefly some account of it.

First, Heaven is an high place: Gods promise runs thus, Psal. 91. 14. I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. And when he brings his people to Heaven, this Promise hath its full accomplishment. Hell is an horrible pit; those miserable [...]ouls that for supine neglect, and God-daring provocations are con­demned thither, go down indeed into the deep, yea into the depths of sorrow. They are cast so low, that they are quite out of the reach of comfort. The Di­vine hand will not reach them any succour or relief, and none other can. But Heaven is a lofty place, they that go thither are upon the rising hand. It is mans preferment and advance. Christ is set down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. Nay, he is said to be far above all Heavens; that is, far above those Heavens which are visible, and within our present view. He is above the Airy Heaven, and above the Starry Heaven, in the highest, the Heaven of Heavens, where is the Throne, and the most Glorious Presence of God, which is invisible to us in this lower world. Oh that you who are high-minded, would be heavenly mind­ed! you do debase your selves, and act unworthy of your extract and original till you soar this pitch; that is the highest place, there is the highest Glory. All things else are sordid and base, dung and dogs-meat, if compared with Heaven, and the blessed enjoyments there.

Secondly, Heaven is a spacious and large place; [Page 13] Earth is narrow and scanty, men have not room enough in it, nor comforts enough; they can hardly [...]ive one by another; their vast desires and short­commons cause great discontents, and very frequent­ly mad work; hence proceeds such shouldering and scrambling and quarreling, as we too often see. But in Heaven there is room enough, and Crowns enough, happiness and glory enough. There is indeed but one God, and there needs no more, because he is alsuffi­cient. The glorified Spirits there do altogether as fully enjoy God, and as intirely as if but one enjoyed him. He will be as much thine, as if he were solely thine. One God is so the happiness and satisfaction of all the Saints, as that all God, an whole God is the portion of every Saint. So that in Heaven there is perfect peace among the co-heirs, no mutual envi [...]s and animosities, no disturbances created to one ano­ther. Do but make out your title, and labour for a meetness, and then you shall find both entrance and entertainment; get but an heart in a due frame, fit for the company, glory, and business there, and you need not fear admission. None shall be excluded from thence, because Heaven is not capable of receiving them, but because they are not in a fit case to be re­ceived; they want their oil, and their wedding-gar­ment; and such as these would as ill beseem that holy hill, as filthy swine would a Princes Court. Indeed the glory there would as ill become them; for Ho­nour is not seemly for a fool. Our Saviour hath told us, That in his Fathers house are many Mansions, Joh. 1. 4. 2. —Locus est & pluribus umbris. Calvin observes, he doth not say, Varias & dispares; he doth not tell us of disparity that is in them, but the multitude of them, [Page 14] pluribus sufficient, sufficient for the company; as ma­ny mansions as there are to be inhabitants. In you [...] Fathers house, O Saints, there is bread and lodgin [...] enough, and to spare; you shall there dwell at eas [...] In that bottomless boundless ocean of happiness yo [...] shall bathe and sport your selves with unspeakabl [...] and eternal delight.

Thirdly, Heaven is a secure and safe place, ther [...] you shall be out of gun shot; upon this account it i [...] far better and more desirable than this world. B [...] your estate here never so large, your advancemen [...] never so high, your comforts never so many, they ar [...] u [...]certain at the best. Asaph was offended at th [...] prosperity of wicked men, whom pride compasseth [...] a ch [...]in, and violence covereth as a garment; but h [...] saith, they are set in slippery places, from whence they may soon tumble. Nay not only bad men, but the bes [...] are liable to assaults and troubles, and both afflictin [...] and amazing alterations. Job had his changes, Davi [...] his castings down as well as his liftings up. No plac [...] is to be found here in which a man may be perfectly free from the fear of evil. Here are dangers fro [...] within, the corruption and sin which dwelleth in us [...] dangers from without, wicked, ungodly and unrea [...] reasonable men, who are desperate enemies to th [...] power of godliness, and to the exercises of that Re­ligion which is pure and undefiled before God and the Father, and do encompass the little flock [...] Christ like a company of ravenous wolves. An [...] there is danger from beneath, Satan the Prince o [...] Darkness, a politick, potent and unwearied adver­sary, who will send forth his messengers to buffet and cast his fiery darts to wound, and use his wile [...] [Page 15] to deceive and intrap. He hath his variety of engines [...]nd methods, and it is well if we be not ignorant of [...]hem. We are not safe in our assemblies, nor in our [...]amilies, no, nor in our closets and greatest retire­ [...]ents, when we have sequestred our selves from all [...]ompany, we shall have a treacherous heart within [...]o hinder, and at our right hand a Devil to resist us. [...]ut in Heaven there is nothing to affright nor to of­ [...]end. There is no possibility of sinning against God, [...]o fear of losing our happiness, no danger of falling [...]rom that height of holiness and glory unto which we shall be advanced. There will be no sin within to defile, no Devil without to seduce, no enemy nor wicked men to Inform, persecute or disturb.

Lastly, Heaven is a most sweet and pleasant place; [...]here is fulness of joy, and pleasures for evermore; that is the mountain of spices; where there is absence and scarcity of nothing that would afford content­ment and highest satisfaction to the most raised, ena­moured and enlarged soul. Christ called it Paradise, when he told the converted Thief, This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise; He meant Heaven. The earth­ly Paradise was a lovely and delicious place, a gar­den of pleasure, that was a type of Heaven; but that Terrestrial Paradise did fall as far short of Heaven, as the brazen Serpent did of Christ the Lord of glory. It is most certain, were Heaven no other kind of thing than what besotted wretches and vain worldlings in their idle dreams fancy to themselves, it would be a pitiful contemptible thing, no better than the Hea­then Poets Elysian fields, uncapable of filling up the capacity of the immortal high-born soul, and unspeak­ably short of the hopes and expectations of the fol­lowers [Page 16] of the Lamb, who now cheerfully wade through so many troubles and difficulties, and take joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing that they have a better and more enduring substance, such as hath not entered into the heart of man to con­ceive of. It is such a place as doth surpass the most sublimated thoughts of the most enobled souls. Should one come from thence, he could not fully de­scribe it, but would rather invite you to come and see. It is such a place as shall express, and to the life set forth the greatness and goodness, and glory of that God which framed it. Give me leave to set before you something of its amiable beauties and ex­cellency in these four Particulars.

1. Heaven is full of light. If it be a pleasant thing to behold the Sun, what is it to behold the Sun of Righteousness darting forth his brightest beams of love and glory, with which he shall not dazle but delight the glorified eye, that will be strengthened, and enabled without weariness to fix and dwell up­on such an object! God and Christ are the Temple of that City, so that it hath no need of the Sun, nor of the Moon to shine in it, for the glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof, Rev. 21. 22, 23. And where there is such full and glorious light, there can be no cloud nor darkness. No, there is no ignorance, no error, not the smallest mistake, no half notions, or imperfect apprehensions of things. Here we seek and cannot find; propound many questions, but receive no satisfactory answers; we follow on to know, yet are deficient in our knowledg. But there all Truths are plainly reveal'd, all Mysteries are clear­ly and fully opened, the most abstruse Providences [Page 17] are interpreted, the most difficult Questions are re­solved, and not one [...]not left untied. The meanest Saint in Heaven (if there be any differences and de­grees of glory there) knows God, and himself, and all things better than the best read, and most learned Doctor upon earth; what was puzling here, is plain there; for they see as they are seen, and know as they are known. The Lambs there do most delightfully wade through those deeps in which the admired and lofty Elephants here are swallowed up.

2. Heaven is full of grace and holiness. It is called the holy hill, and the habitation of Gods holiness. It is a glorious place, and God and holiness are the glo­ry of it. Holiness here is in its infancy; there, in its strength and glory. Saints when arrived there, have attained to their highest perfection, because they do fully enjoy God, and are compleatly conformed to him. Now, al [...]! the groans of a longing soul are these: Oh! I have not apprehended I have not yet at­t [...]ined, neither am I already perfect. And therefore he reacheth forth to that which is before, and presseth on to the mark. The children of God here meet with many troubles from without; but that which must breaks their rest, and above all things imbitters their condition to them, is sin and sou [...]-wants; under this he complains. There is a great deal of corruption s [...]ll much dross after all my refi [...]ings, and much chaff af [...]er all my winnowings. O wretched m [...]n that I am! who shall deliver me from this body of de [...]th? And there is but a little grace, a dim eye, and a fee­ble hand, and a short breath; how doth faith stag­ger, and hope faint, and patience tire? Ah my lean­ness, my leanness! I say it is under these things that [Page 18] the renewed and truly gracious soul doth more groan and lament than under all the pressures of the world. Were these wants supplied, these burdens removed, he would carry others comfortably, and laugh at the frown of a creature, and the shaking of the spear. Now in Heaven there is no sin, and all grace; all fair­ness and no spot, nor wrinkle, not the least blemish. David in Psal. 17. 14. had been speaking of the flou­rishing estate of the men of this world, who have a­bundance for themselves, and enough to spare for their babes, though this is a cutting and killing con­sideration, that what they have now is all the com­fort they are like to have; They have their portion in this life. Well now observe, every one as they like, saith he, vers. 15. As for me, I will behold thy fac [...] in righteousness: I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness. Here they complain that they are so unlike to God, that while they call him Father, and bear his name, they have no more of his nature and image; it is the design of the Gospel and work of the Spirit to change them into that image from glory to glory; but in Heaven there shall be a perfect change, such as will issue in their satisfaction, 1 Joh. 3. 2. Be­loved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not ye [...] appear what we shall be; but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as [...]e is. When once you come to Heaven, there will be an heaven in you, God will make all grace to abound, but especially and above all, Love shall shine forth with the greatest luster, and burn with the most vehe­ment flame. There God will magnifie his love upon you, and there shall you abound in your love to God. Here it is your great grief that you can love God no [Page 19] more; and you may pick matter of comfort and joy out of that very grief. It is a sign thou lovest God dearly, if thou dost indeed mourn because thou canst love him no more. And in this also rejoice, that in Heaven your love to God will be perfected. There you shall love him as much as he requires, though to all eternity you shall not love him so much as he de­serves. He shall have your all, though that all falls short. It being utterly impossible that a created love should be commensurate with Divine Perfections.

3. Heaven is full of excellent company. It is no lone­some solitary place. In this world wheresoever we come we find but a few, alas too few that do in sin­cerity fear God. Atheists, and Papists, and Hypocrites, and Formalists, and profane ones overspread the earth, and like ill weeds come up apace; the flowers appear only here and there. We have indeed many Professors, a power of people that call themselves Christians and he that will may believe them such; but how few be there that are experimentally acqu [...]inted with the power of godliness, and have Christ formed in their hearts! But in Heaven there is great store of them, and none else. In a clear frosty night, if you do look up, you will see the Sky full of Stars, but there are in­conceivably more on the other side There is already an innumerable company of Angels, and spirits of just men made perfect; what do you think then will there be when all shall meet together in the morning of the Resurrection. [...]! what a noble, glorious, huge Assembly will that be! Without doubt, you will find company enough, and that so good as you will never be weary of it; never weary of God, and Christ, and Angels; no, nor of any Saint. Here all the people of [Page 20] God have their imperfections, and one thing or other doth sometimes render them unacceptable; and you would be rid of such an one, if you could, handsome­ly do it; but there will be no such thing in the Man­sions above; as all there are brethren, members of the same body, so are all quickened and acted by the same Spirit, all filled with the same Grace, all fitted for the same employment, all delighted in the same work, all singing Allelujah, and all in tune; so that there will be no jarring, not the least discord, but a perfect harmony, and by consequence a most ravish­ing delight.

4. Lastly, Heaven is full of happiness and glory. Such happiness, as if it were not for that work which God hath sent us hither to do, we might well count and call it our loss and misery to be absent from it. Such a glory as all the admired glories of the world are no better than baseness if compared with it. What are Scarlet-gowns to a robe of Righteousness? what a Crown of Gold to the Crown of Life? There is the Glorious Presence of God, there is Christ in his Glory, Angels and Saints in theirs. The very vision of this is Bea [...]ifical. Blessed will be the eyes that shall see it. Our Saviour tells us, Mat. 13. 43. That the righteous shall shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. What a beauty will there be! what a light will they give, when there shall be such an innumerable company of righteous ones, and every one of them as splendid as the Sun it self! It is night notwithstanding the twinkling of all the Stars; but certainly when so ma­ny Suns meet together without any cloud, they will make such a day as yet the world never saw. Will you sit down a while and think of this, O ye besotted [Page 21] worldlings, that dote so much upon the glittering va­nities here below, and pride your selves in things of nought; you that prefer these toyes and trifles before those beams and beauties with which gracious souls shall be invested, after all the dirt and scorn and reproach that you have cast upon them: you, I say, you are the true Fanaticks, being juftly chargeable with as childish folly and Bedlam-madness, as he that should go about to ap­plaud and extoll the sorry light of a slimy Glow-worm, before that glorious Luminary in the firmament, in whose light and influences the world doth rejoyce. Thus I have given you a small account of Heaven according to Scrip­ture reports; all that is said here, or can be said by us, is short of that which it is; one half hath not been told.

The Third thing which I promised, is to consider, what may be the import of our Saviours gracious pro­mise to his Servants, that where he is, they also shall be: What comfort and happiness is contained in the bowels of this promise. I answer in general, as much as heart can wish, enough to reward all your duties, enough to defray the charges of all your sufferings, enough to si­lence all your desires, and to fill you with admirings; when David had been re-minded of what God had done for him, in advancing him from the sheep-cote to the Throne, he brake forth into this humble and thankful ex­clamation, Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto! how much more will you, when you come to heaven, see cause to say, Who am I, O Lord God, a poor contemptible worm, a little handful of rebellious dust! and what are all my duties and services, all my prayers and tears, all my sorrows and sufferings, that thou hast brought me hitherto! But more particularly, I answer thus:

1. Being where Christ is, doth import a sight of his Glo­ry, [Page 20] [...] [Page 21] [...] [Page 22] Cant. 3. 11. Go forth, O ye d [...]ughters of Jerusalem, and behold the Crown wherewith his Mother Crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart. This is to be understood of Christ, of whom King Solomon was a Type; when you go out of the body, you shall see the Crown wherewith his Father crowned him, at his ascension, which was the day of the gladness of his heart. Here we walk by Faith, and not by sight: there we shall walk by sight, and not by Faith; Faith will be swallowed up of vision, and hope of fruition: Christ will be the main and principal object, which glorified eyes will fix upon, and be taken up with the contemplation of; it is true, they shall see others, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, David, Peter, Paul, and all the Saints; and also their former Friends, Acquaintance and Relations, with whom they took sweet counsel, and converst in the things of God; and I make no question, but they shall know them too; Nevertheless, the great object about which they shall be conversant, shall be, as I said, the Lord Jesus Christ: we shall see him as he is. 1 John 3. 2. and this very thing our dear Lord Jesus declared to be his will concerning them, Joh. 17. 24. Father, I will that they whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they also may behold my glory which thou hast given me. And that one sight is infinitely beyond all the sights in the world. When good old Sim [...]on had seen Christ in his in­fancy and state of humiliation, he was willing to have his eyes immediately closed, as not caring to cast one look more toward earthly allurements; Lord, saith he, now lettest thou t [...]y servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation; yet that was much short of seeing Christ in his exaltation. Austin, as I have read; wished he might have seen Rome in her temporal Glory; but alas what would that have been to the seeing of Christ [Page 23] in [...], sitting upon his Throne, at the right [...] Majesty on high!

2. Being where Christ is, doth import an intimacy of communion with him; here indeed they have a fellow­ship with him, 1 Jo [...]. 1. 3. Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus C [...]rist. Here is a fellowship of interest and friendship; but it is accompanied with distance and absence, like that of a wife with her hus­band, or of children with their father, who is in a fo­reign Country, beyondthe Sea: in heaven this fellowship shall be compleated; Christ and Believers shall not on­ly be interested one in another, but they shall be one with another; therefore look again upon that forementioned passage of our Saviour, I will that those which thou hast given me, be WITH ME where I am; not only where I am, but with me where I am; so that there they shall have an immediate and undisturbed and full communion with Christ, and with God in and through Christ; Asaph could say, while upon earth, I am continually with thee, Psal. 73. 23. and so are you frequently in duties and ordi­nances; there is many a gracious visit, loving embrace, sweet and comfortable intercourse; but in heaven, you shall be with him after another manner than ever you were in all your lives before; Lord, said the penitent Thief, remember me when thou comest into thy Kingdom. To day, saith our Saviour, shalt thou be with me in Para­dice; not only in Paradice, but with me in Paradice: and indeed, this is the sweetest flower in that Garden, this is the best and choicest part of the happiness above; the repróach of Christ was by Moses counted greater riches than the Treasures of Egypt. What then is the presence and bosome of Christ? to depart from him is the worst ingredient in wicked mens misery; to be with him is the Crown and completion of good mens felicity.

[Page 24] 3. Being where Christ is, doth comprehe [...] it [...] ­joyment of happiness together with him; God [...] ­fied Christ with his own self, and he will glorifie the Saints with Christ; as the wife partakes in all the riches and honours and advancements of her husband; so doth the Believer in the glory and preferments of Christ; the o [...]l of gladness, the Spirit and Grace poured out upon him, descends to all his members, the lowest and mean­est of them; so shall the glory: they shall so be in Christ's company, as to be suited to it, he shall not be ashamed to own them and call them Bretheren, he shall be the King, they the Courtiers; he shall shine as the Sun, they as the Stars; he shall shine with his own beams, they with light communicated and derived from him: Solo­mon sat cloathed with Glory and Majesty, and the Queen did stand at his right hand in Gold of Ophir, Psal. 45. 9. The very bodies of the Saints, (which were made of dust, and are become vile by reason of sin) shall then be made like unto Christ's own most glorious body: the sights whlch Believers have now of Christ, are trans­forming sights, by them grace is begun, and improved, as 2 Cor. 3. 18. We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image, from glory to glory, even as by the spirit of the Lord. Yet these are but transient sights, and as in a glass; what then will be the issue, and product of that full view which they shall have in heaven? what a blessed glorious change will that make upon them! they shall see God, and enjoy him too, and be like him; Christs glory will be theirs, as his members, and every one of them shall have such a personal glory, as that he shall see no reason to envy another.

4. Being where Christ is, doth carry along with it un­speakable delight; so that the glorified is not only plea­sed [Page 25] and satisfied, but also filled with amazement and won­der at the Divine love and goodness. Oh that God should ever do so much for him! Psal. 16. 11. In thy presence is fulness of joy, and at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. Christ finds fulness of joy in the glorious presence of his Father and so do the Saints in the glorious presence of Christ. The presence of the Creatures doth afford no more than an empty, scanty, fading joy; and indeed what else can be expected from empty enjoyments! But the presence of God in Heaven affords a fulness of joy, such as cannot enter into them, but they must into it. Well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into thy Masters joy. Joy unspeakable and full of glory is the off-spring of faith, what is that then which is caus'd by sight? What! it is such a joy as fills the soul up to the brim; nay more, such as doth even swallow it up, sur­round and encompass it as an huge vast Ocean doth a lit­tle vessel cast into it. In that state the Saints are enlarged to their utmost, and yet they find the joys and delights there, are above and beyond their capacities; they cannot contain but must admire them. Oh how doth the released soul stand and gaze, how is it wrapt up into a kind of ex­tasie as soon a [...] ever it enters into the gates of that City, and treads upon the golden street transparent as glass, and there beholds what delights, what feasts, what glories the great God hath prepared for them that love him!

5. Lastly, this being with Christ doth import an un­changable state, an eternity of duration. His servants shall not only be with him, but they shall be always with him. This world is full of Vicissitudes, the changes are rung every day. Changes and wars are upon me, said poor Job. And David cried out, Thou hast lifted me up and cast me down. Christians, do you not find it so in respect of your spiritual condition? Here are meetings and partings, ap­proaches [Page 26] and recesses, comfortable visits, and mournful withdrawings too; short communion, but long absence Sometimes the gracious enamoured soul triumphs, it skip [...] and leaps for joy, He is come! I, he is come! but then a­gain he sits down mourning as a Turtle alone, and weep­ing, crys out with the be-nighted deserted Spouse, I sec [...] him, but I cannot find him: I call him, but he gives me n [...] answer. But there is, there will be no such thing in Hea­ven. 1 Thes. 4. 7. We shall meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Ever, without end, and with­out intermission; we shall so be with him, as never to be without him, never from him. But what is the reason os all this? why shall Christs servants thus be where he is? I will tell you in a few things.

1. The relation which is between Christ and them call [...] for it. Christ is their Master, and they his servants; and should not servants follow and wait upon their Lord [...] Christ is their King, and they his Courtiers; and should no [...] Courtiers, Favourites, wait upon their Prince? They are his children whom his soul travelled for; yea, he died i [...] travel; and should they not live with their Father. They ar [...] here espoused to him, and at the day of the Resurrectio [...] they shall be married to him; at that day shall be th [...] solemnization of the Nuptials; and should not they cohabi [...] with their Husband? Nay, the Church is his Body, and all true Believers are his members; and certainly they should not be separated from their Head. Christ hat [...] been graciously pleased to take upon himself all relation [...] to his people, and those do not only call for utmost dear­ness but likewise for all possible nearness; as relation doth call for cohabitation, so cohabitation doth maintain and uphold affection in its life and vigour. And so,

2. Christ and his people are united in most intire affe­ction; they love most dearly, their hearts are knit one [Page 27] unto the other, there is no such love in the world, as that which Christ bears to them, and which they again bear to him. The love of Jacob to Rachel, and that of Jonathan to David, though it passed the love of women, was cold as ice if compared with this flame; and is it not pity that those who love so well, should be parted? since Christ hath placed his delight in them, and they their happiness in him, is it not pity but they should live together, and rejoice together, and be a comfort to one another? The Lord Jesus hath abundantly manifested his love to them in this, that let them be how they will, and where they will, he doth come and keep them company; when any of them are in prisons, he visits them there, and puts songs into their mouths; when some of them were in a fiery furnace, he came to them, and walked with them, and was a shadow to them from that heat. His sweet pro­mise runs thus, in Joh. 14. 18. I will not leave you com­fortless, I will come to you. Whoever leaves you, though friends, and estate, and all leave you, I will not; when you have no comforts, I will bring you some. And sure those who are such friends at a distance, should come in­to a closer fellowship.

3. They have been together in troubles; these servants have again by way of grateful return exprest their love to their Master. Afflictions, tribulations, persecuti­ons, death it self could not divide them; and what! shall they be divided at the last? Certainly nothing shall se­parate them from the presence of Christ, whom nothing could separate from the love of Christ. They have drunk of the cup which he drunk of, and been baptized with the baptism which he was baptized with, and therefore they shall enter into his joy, and be with him in his King­dom. They have carried his Cross, and they shall be with him upon his Throne. They have sought his battels, and [Page 28] been with him in his conflicts, therefore they shall share in his Triumphs. Peter thought he had done something when he said, Mat. 19. 27. Behold we have for saken all, and followed thee, what shall we have therefore? Sure he thought Christ was beholding to them for leaving a few old nets, and leaking boats, and pitiful houshold-stuff, to follow him. Our Saviour might have shewn him his error; but observe his answer, vers. 28. Verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me in the regeneration, when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye shall also sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. q d. Do not trouble your self, Peter, neither you, nor any of my faithful Disciples shall be losers by me, though you and they may be sufferers for me; you forsake little things for me, but you shall have great things from me. You part with Nets, and I will give you Thrones. But here remember, that the Saints losses and afflictions do not merit this happiness; no, read Rom. 8. 18. The suf­ferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Yet through the condescending love, and rich grace of God, that hap­piness shall attend and crown those troubles. Rom. 8. 17. We are joint-heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.

4. The friends and servants of Christ cannot be happy upon other terms. Being with Christ is the only thing that can afford rest and satisfaction to them, all the world be­sides cannot do it. Let the Saints have never so great a confluence of Creature-delights, suppose them possest of Relations, friends, estate, honour, peace, plenty, what you will, these are nothing if alone, meer Cyphers, unless the enjoyment of Christ put a significancy into them. Without the presence of Christ, and the manifestations of his love and favour, all these things are in their esteem [Page 29] vanity and vexation of spirit. The heart of poor tender Rachel was so let out to her children, and her comforts so much bound up in them, that when they were not, she [...]efused to be comforted. Now the heart of a true belie­ver is as much set upon Christ, and his comforts are as much bound up in Christ; he knows that if he lose him, he loseth all; if he miss of him, he is an undone man. Hence it comes to pass, that if Christ doth now hide, and withdraw the manifestations of himself, and suspend his influences; the gracious Soul cannot sit still, but up it gets, and away it runs, searching and enquiring, with trembling and tears, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth? Cant. 3. 3. If during this state of desertion and dark­ness, he repairs to the precious ordinances, and there hears a Son of consolation, whose lips drop as an Ho­ney-comb, and is entertained with the most sweet cordial promises, the marrow and fatness of the Gospel; yet he is not refreshed, all is to him as a dry [...]chip, as the white of an egg, if he do not meet with Christ there: the Lord Jesus is to him all in all, he alone is all, though there be nothing else; but all things are nothing, Heaven and Earth are nothing without Christ. Psal. 73. 25. Whom [...]ave I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides thee. Paul had, doubtless, a very considerable number of dear and loving friends upon earth, as well as Enemies, and he had a great deal of excellent work to do here; yet notwithstanding all his friends and work, he had, good man, a desire to depart and [...] to be with Christ, which he counted far better, than what? than any thing you can name in this world.

5. Lastly, There is a place in Heaven already taken up for them, yea, for all and every one of them by name; as the house is built, and richly furnished, so the [...]ooms are disposed of, Joh. 14. 2. In my Fathers house [Page 30] are many mansions; I go to prepare a place for you, t [...] prepare it, and that for you; I will take it up for you [...] and when he ascended into Glory, he entered, as in hi [...] own person, so in his people's names, Heb. 9. 19, 20▪ Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sur [...] and stedfast, and which entred into that within the vail whither the forerunner, even Jesus is for us entred. Mat [...] that, he is entred for us, not only for our good, tha [...] he might there make intercession for us, and prese [...] our prayers to his Father, and from thence convey Spi­ritual blessings to us, but he is entred in our name. Th [...] high Priest under the Law was, you know, a Type o [...] Christ; and when he entred into the Holy of Holi [...] he carried the names of all the Tribes with him, upo [...] his breast: So did Christ our high Priest, at his entranc [...] into the most holy place, Heaven, he entred in th [...] name of all his people; which clearly shewed that they must follow him thither, for otherwise this action o [...] Christ was in vain, and that is impossible; nay, upo [...] this account Believers are said to sit in Heaven in Christ; as they shall one day sit there with him, so they do no [...] sit there in him. Eph. 2. 6. God who is rich in merc [...] hath raised us up together, and made us sit together i [...] heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

If now after all this, you ask me when that blesse [...] day shall come, in which the Servants of Christ shal [...] be with him. I answer in a few words, when they hav [...] finished their course, and compleated that work whic [...] God hath given them to do, according to what our Sa­viour said, Joh. 17. 4, 5. I have glorified thee on th [...] Earth, and finished the work which thou gavest me to do and now O Father, glorifie thou me with thine own self [...] And so that of Paul, 2 Tim. 4. 7, 8. I have fought a goo [...] fight, I have finished my, course, I have kept the faith [...] [Page 31] henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of righteous­ness, which the Lord the righteous Judg shall give me at that day. When Death gives its fatal stroak, and breaks that union which had been between their souls and their bodies, then do their enlarged and nimble souls post im­mediatly to Heaven, making no stay by the way, in [...]ome imaginary Paradise, or feigned Purgatory; nor do they forget themselves and continue in an idle and unprofitable sleep, till the Arch-Angel's Trump awaken them; but they take their direct and speedy flight [...]o the Mansions above, the Palace of the Great King. And then at the last day, when the morning, the joy­ [...]ul morning of the Resurrection shall dawn, their sleep­ [...]ng bodies (having been calcin'd, and purified in the grave as in a refining-pot, shall be awakened, and raised out of their beds of dust, and being fitted to accompa­ny their souls in their most sublime and noble imploy­ments, shall be reunited to them, and together with them made partakers of all that happiness, and invested with all that beauty, glory and perfection, which they are capable of. I have finished the Doctrinal part, and shall now make some improvement of it in a way of Use.

Use 1. From what hath been said, wicked men may [...]ee cause to fear and tremble; if the rule of contraries hold true, they may from hence learn what will be­come of them, and where their lines will fall; you that have to this day lived in a state of estrangement from Christ, and emnity to him, you that do grieve and al­way resist the Holy Ghost, you that slight and reject the [...]enders of Christ, that despise his grace, that refuse to [...]ake his yoke upon you, and submit to his government, but break his bands asunder, and cast away his cords [...]rom you; you that hate his image instamped upon his [Page 32] Saints, and cannot endure the power of godliness, bu [...] are the servants of Sin, that delight to drudg for the Devil, and gratifie your base lusts; whither are you go­ing? what will be the end of these things? where shall you take up your everlasting abode, unless you face a­bout, and steer another course? doubtless with the Ma­ster whom you have chosen; the Devil you will serve, and to the Devil you shall go; read your doom pro­nounced by the mouth of a despised Saviour, and righ­teous Judg, Mat. 25. 41. Depart from me ye cursed int [...] everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his Angels. And this I will confidently tell you, whatever pleasure and delight you do now find in the Devils work, you shall find none in his company nor condition at the last Some of you are Desperado's, stark mad, and wish God to damn you; know, you do more than a Devil da [...]e do, and you need not do it, for your damnation sleep­eth not.

Use 2. I would exhort you all, one and other, to en­ter into Christ [...] Family, and become his faithful Ser­vants. Now, Now, O Sinners! change your Master; Why should you slave for a lust? why should you take pains to ruine and undo your selves? what profit ca [...] you have of those things which will cause shame, and sorrow, and death? Look to the issue of things, and judge them by that. He is a wise man that is so at his latter end; and he is an happy man that will be so to all eternity: Not he that swears and curses, drinks and whores, is merry and mad while he lives; but he th [...] hath hope, a well-grounded hope in his death. My Friends, If Baal be God, follow him; if Sin and Satan can bestow you holding, lasting, everlasting happpiness, cleave to them; but if they cheat you, and will ruine you, forsake them, and for certain they will do it; for [Page 33] the wages of sin is death. And I beseech you act like wise and considerate men; what satisfactory reason can you give, why you should not give up your selves to Christ? His government is sweet, his yoke is easie, and his burden light. His Law is the Royal Law of Liber­ty, and his Commandments holy, just and good; he hath indeed a Rod of Iron, but that is only for his ob­stinate and implacable enemies, whom he will dash in pieces like a Potters Vessel: as for his Subjects, he rules them with a golden Scepter of righteousness and grace. Come, come, put your hand to his plow, my Soul for yours, you will never repent of it; he will help you at your work, and comfort you in it, and crown you after it. Be you wise therefore be­fore it be too late; chuse him for your Prince, who will be your Saviour; the strength and comfort of your hearts here, and your portion for ever.

Use 3. But I shall now direct my discourse to you that are the Servants of Christ, and have given up your names and your hearts to him; some things I have to desire of you, and oh that I may prevail with you! I am perswaded that I shall. Suffer then a four-fold word of exhortation.

1. While you are upon earth, be industrious, do as much as you can, lose no time, bury no talent, always abound in the work of the Lord, remembring that you shall not be always here; nay, you shall be but a little while here: you must go to the place where Christ is. 2. Pet. I. the Apostle tells the Saints to whom he wrote, That he would not be negligent to put them in remembrance; but as long as he was in this Tabernacle he would stir them up by putting them in remembrance, i. e. he would be exceeding industrious. And why so? He gives the Reason, vers. 14. Knowing that shortly I must [Page 34] put off this my Tabernacle. How soon you may have your Summons and remove, none of you can tell; your breath is in your Nostrils, and may be stopt in a mo­ment: you see God doth sometimes give very short, and makes a quick dispatch. Oh! therefore gird up the loins of your minds, ply your business, and follow it close; let no duty be neglected, no day lost, no golden season and opportunity slipt or trifled away; fill up your time, places and relations, that so your works may be found perfect before God; and when you go hence, you may neither mourn nor blush, but hear your Master telling you, That you have been faithful in your little.

2. During your abode here, maintain and keep up a most close and intimate communion with Jesus Christ; make fellowship with him the work of your days, and you shall find it the comfort of your lives. Enoch walk­ed with God; D [...]vids eyes were ever toward the Lord; Asaph was continually with him; and this hath been the practice of all the Saints in their Generations. The Do­ctrine we are handling, doth oblige you to it: You shall hereafter be where Christ is, therefore love to be where he is now, much in ordinances, frequent in holy duties. Let not Christ come into your Families and Closets, and find you absent at the hours of Prayer, or his work thrust out by the world: Let not him come into the As­semblies of his people, and find your places empty in the time of publick worship; let not the King of Saints come to his Table, and want any of his guests; but be you there too, and let your Spikenard send forth its smell. He walks in the midst of Golden Candlesticks, walk you there too, and not with vain persons, nor in any path of the destroyer. Oh! Love the habitation of his House, the place where his [...]onour dwelleth. Count Sabbaths your delight; look upon Prayer not as your task but [Page 35] priviledg. Often ca [...] to mind and meditate upon that of David, Psal. 27. 4. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that I will seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to be hold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his Temple. Oh! that the same frame of Spirit might be in every one of us.

3. Acquaint your selves with Heaven before-hand; one day you shall come thither, that is your home: here you are Pilgrims and Strangers, as all your Fathers were; that is your own Country, there you shall take up your everlasting abode; be there now as much as you can; lay aside those weights that press down, and the sins which do so easily beset you; get upon the wing, soar a-loft, and let your conversations be in Heaven, as the Apostles and primitive Christians were, Phil. 3. 20. Well may miserable worldlings, like blind Moles, dig and bury themselves in the earth; alas! their treasure is there, there portion lies wholly in the things of this life: And it is no wonder at all to see their minds and hearts where their portion is. But as for you, my Bre­thren, who cannot rest in this World, because it is pol­luted, and would be of all men most miserable, if you had hope only in this life; you, whose Head, and Hap­piness, and Inheritance is above, should be of more sub­lime spirits, and thoughts and affections. Be not you choakt with worldly cares, nor disquieted with worldly fears, nor drowned in sensual worldly delights. When there is nothing but disorder and confusion in the world where you sojourn, there is a perfect calm and serenity in the Country to which you are travelling. And when you have peace and pleasure here, sip and look up, re­membring there is something above infinitely better.

Lastly, Be so wise, such good Husbands, as to make the best improvement you can of your godly Pastors, [Page 36] Friends and Relations while you enjoy them. You see by daily experience, they do not, they must not live for ever in this world; yet a little while you see them, and yet a little while and you shall not see them. It is expe­dient for them that they go away. Their dear Lord, whom they serve, loves them too well to be always with­out them: He must have them with him. He loves them too well to suffer them always to toil and labour among a disingenuous and ungrateful people, always to contend with and suffer by a wicked and malicious world. He must and will have them home to himself. Therefore know your duty, and your advantages, while they are afforded you; let there be wisdom in your hearts, as well as a price in your hands, and get as much good by them as you can. Hear their wisdom, attend to their coun­sels, inquire after their experiences, observe their carri­ages; let your converses be spiritual, your discourses heavenly, that they may be profitable, and minister to you both grace and comfort.

Use. Let me now in the last place speak something to you by way of Consolation: Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith our God. Some of you are mourners, and I would not dismiss you without a Cordial, especially now there is one at hand. This consideration, That Christs S rvants shall be where he is, may comfort you,

1. Against all the uncertainties and troubles of this world: they are many and great, In the world ye shall have tribulation, said our dear Master; who dealt faith­fully with his followers, and hath told them the very worst, that they may not be offended. No Saints must expect to go from one Heaven to another. A Wilderness lyeth in your way to Canaan. Gods Ministers especially must expect to meet with hard usage here, many a frown, and frump, and abuse, contrary to the Laws of Princes [Page 37] Embassadors. But the King of Saints who commissioned and sent them, had far worse entertainment, and the ser­vant must not expect to be above his Lord. Wel [...], let things be how they will, and the present day is so very dark, that for a time they are like to be worse than they are; yet let not your hearts fail, but hold up your heads, for they will be better one day. If you do not see what you de­sire in this world, you shall in the next. There will be no cause of complaint when you arrive at that place where your Lord is; the joys of Heaven will make you a plenary amends for all your sorrows and afflictions up­on Earth.

2. You may from hence [...]e relieved as to the shortness of the present life: Though some have their line of life drawn out to a very great length, so that they see those days in which they have no pleasure, but they awake at the voice of the bird, and the Grashopper is a burden; yet others are taken off in the midst of their days when their bones are full of marrow, and their breasts of milk; others presently after their Meridian, before the shadows of the evening are upon them, as was your late beloved Pastor. However it be, an eternal life with Christ in Hea­ven will make you a full amends for a short life on earth. What you want here, you shall have there. Here you have but few days, and those full of trouble; there you shall have but one day, yet that one knows no clouds, no night, no end, and it is full of joy and glory. Though we are but little with you, and our friends but little with us, it matters not much so long as they and we shall be ever with the Lord.

3. From this cordial truth we may fetch comfort against death it self: It is indeed a King of [...]errours, but upon this account a messenger of Peace. Christ by his death hath conquer'd it, and pull'd out its sting, and by the [Page 38] purchase of this blessed priviledg hath put sweetness into it. So that though it hath a pale, ghastly and frightful countenance, yet it comes upon a good errand to believers, and doth them a most remarkable kindness. It is a dark passage to a glorious palace. It closeth the eye that it may see no more trouble; and when that eye is again opened, it shall behold matchless glory. It separates between nearest and dear­est relations, the Husband and Wife, Parents and Children, Pastor and People, Soul and Body; it breaks up families, and turns the Bo­dy into putrefaction, and a stink; but it sends the Soul to Heaven. Snatcheth it from friends on earth, that it may go to a God above; turns it out of a crazie cottage, that it may dwell in a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens, 2 Cor. 5. 1. In a word it strips it of flesh, that it may be clothed with Immorta­lity And then in the last place:

4. This may comfort us under the departure (I do not call it loss) of our dearest Friends and Relations, and in particular, under this late dispensation, which hath so much of wormwood and gall in it; up­on the account thereof many of you are pained and grieved at the very heart. There is indeed a great and dismal breach made upon you; and give me leave to say, he that is not affected and afflicted, is too too stupid; and I would wish him, when he is at home, seriously to consider and examine what kind of spirit he is of. But as for you whose hearts do even bleed within you, my advice is, that you would set your Pastors gain against your own loss. And let this set just bounds to your sorrow, that where Christ is, there is his Servant also, fully satisfied with his love and likeness.

IT may now be rationally expected, that I should ex­patiate in the Commendations of your deceased Pa­stor: but I shall be short and sparing; not because there is want of matter (for the subject is copious), but because of my Relation to him, which will render me in the thoughts of some an incompetent Judge, and his Enco­miums in my mouth suspected. And the truth is, I am no great friend to Panegyricks, or Funeral Orations: They do not deserve to have flowers strowed upon them, whose names will stink and rot, when their friends hav [...] done their best; and they do not need them, whos [...] [Page 39] Works praise them in the Gate; and will do so, when their Adversaries have done their worst. What there­fore I shall say, you may take thus in short.

He was, as I am verily perswaded, a truly godly man; I do not say a perfect man, omnibus numeris absolutus, one free from spot, mistake, or failing. Light up candles, walk thorough the world, search narrowly, and find me out such a person if you can. But after Thirty-five years knowledge of him, I dare say he was an Israelite indeed; He did not mock God, nor in his profession cheat man; he did not personate the Saint, but was one.

He was excellently furnished for the work of the Mi­nistry, having choice natural parts, and great acquired abilities. God had given him both the head and tongue of the learned; He was well stored, and having a door of utterance, could readily bring out of his treasury good things, both new and old: He was a Workman that needed not to be ashamed. Wheresoever he came and laboured, solid and judicious Christians rejoyced in his light.

He was industrious and diligent in his Masters busi­ness; not a loiterer, but a labourer in the Vineyard; one that would dig for knowledge, and then sweat in scattering spiritual riches: He did not think much to spend, and be spent for God and his People: He had so large a soul, that he once craz'd his head; and if he had had two bodies, it would have worn them out through an earnest desire of getting and doing good.

He was really set for the spiritual advantage, and eter­nal salvation of precious souls: He sought the advance­ment of Gods Honour, the enlargment of Christs King­dom, the deliverance of captivated Sinners out of the Devils clutches; it was his joy to see any subjected to the Truth, and walking in it.

[Page 40] His work is now finished, and his race run: He will Pray for you no more, Preach to you no more, Admi­nister Sacraments among you no more; he will advise, instruct, exhort, reprove you no more; he will mourn over you, be troubled for you, and grieved by you no more; he will delight and rejoyce in you no more, un­less it be at the last day, when those that were wrought upon by his Ministry shall be his joy and glory, and crown of rejoycing: He is now at perfect rest where Christ i [...], and where he finds his labour was not in vàin. What­ever unkindnesses he met with in this world, he meets with nothing but love and loveliness in that world. I shall have done when I have made three Requests to you, whom he hath left behind.

1. Live the Sermons he preached among you; let not what he preached be lost now he is dead; he hath sown precious seed, Oh let it root in your hearts, and bring forth much fruit in your conversations: It is not the Gospel heard, but the Gospel believ'd and liv'd, that will save you.

2. Beware of all unbrotherly breaches and divisions; let this breach which God hath made upon you, prosper to the healing of all other breaches. Keep together, and walk in love, and manage all things according to Scrip­ture-rule.

3. Look out for a supply; Seek earnestly to God, and advise with good men. Labour for one sound in the faith, of a gracious prudent spirit, and of an exemplary life; one that may happily build upon the foundation already laid, and be an instrument in the hand of God to make you meet for an inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith in Christ.


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