A Funeral Sermon Occasioned by the DEATH OF Mr. WILLIAM RATHBAND, An Aged and Learned Servant of Christ, AND Preached Octob. 13. 1695. at Highgate.
By Samuel Slater, M. A. Minister of the Gospel.
LONDON: Printed for Thomas Cockerill, Sen r and Jun r, at the Three Legs in the Poultrey, over-against the Stocks-Market. MDCXCV.
To the much Esteemed Mrs. SARAH RATHBAND In HIGHGATE.
THat stroke which the wise God lately gave to [...] Family, did, and yet doth, as I doubt not, sma [...] on your back, and pain you at the very heart. The wresting of a loving Husband out of the bosom of an affectionate Wife, is not much unlike tearing the flesh from the bones. Where indeed there is unsuitableness and discontent, a galling yoke between persons so nearly related, Cohabitation is more uneasy than Dissolution. They are not like to grieve much for parting, who were a mutual vexation and torment. But I am persuaded there was between you Conjugal Love, Kindness and Delight, and walking together as Heirs of the grace of lise; whereupon separation by Death, cannot but be a sore Affliction to you who are left behind. Yet, a reflection upon such a life, and the blessed consequences of that Death which was the period of it, may very well prove a sovereign Cordial to you, carrying along with it strength and sweetness, support and comfort. God hath been graciously pleas'd to carry him through those difficulties which he did encounter in his way, and to employ him in that honourable work of the Ministry which he lov'd and faithfully did, notwithstanding there were many Adversaries, and but very small encouragement he received from the hands of men who will give more to their Houshold servant, than to an Embassador of Christ; and he continued him in the world, and [Page] in his work, to a good old age. When at last he had finished his day and his work together, he entered into peace and rest. And now while he rejoiceth in Fruition, do you rejoice in Hope. Long it will not be, ere he that shall come, will come, and carry us away too to our eternal home; therefore instead of an impotent mourning over our dead Relations and Friends, it is our main wisdom and interest to prepare our selves for Death, that we may be found in a fitness for a better life, in a meetness for the inheritance of the Saints in light. Hearing it was my dear Brother's desire upon his Death-bed, that I would preach the Funeral Sermon, I did most readily apply to the work; and your self afterward desiring that what had been preached might be printed, I complied therein also, notwithstanding multitude of business lying upon my hands; here you have it in the following sheets. The good Lord accompany it with his Spirit and blessing upon you and others that heard, or shall read it, and thereby my desire and design will be accomplished. Your self I commend to the good will of him that dwelt in the Bush. May the Ever-living and Ever-blessed God be your Husband, Comforter and Portion.
IN the thirteenth Chapter of this Holy Gospel we find our Lord Jesus (in whose heart it was to fulfil all righteousness) had celebrated the Passover with his Disciples; at which Iudas having received the Sop, went out immediately, leaving Christ and them behind him, but carrying the Devil in him. It was Night, and therefore, as he thought, a fit season for that Work of Darkness, the betraying of his Lord and Master into the hands of his Enemies, who thirsted for his Blood. The Traitor being thus of his own accord withdrawn and gone, and our Saviour having none about him, but those whom he knew to be his faithful and fast Friends, preached unto them this his last, most sweet and excellent Sermon, wherein his Lips dropt as an Honeycomb; beginning it at the Fourteenth Chapter, and continuing it to the end of the Sixteenth.
Therein he unbosoms himself to them, and speaks his very heart in the Language of Love, affording to them precious and strong Cordials for the bearing up of their hearts under his own departure from them (which he well-knew would be sorely afflictive to their Spirits) and also under those many and great Tribulations they would, during his absence, meet with in the World, being sent as a little Flock of Sheep among a company of ravenous Wolves, that would be set for fleecing and devouring them.
The Sermon being ended, which he delivered, that in him they might have Peace, knowing they had to do with a conquer'd Enemy, the World being overcome by him; we have him in this Chapter putting up a Prayer to his Father, wherein he first asked something for himself, ver. 9. That his Father would glorify him with his own self, with that glory which he had with him before the world was. He desires the manifestation of that Glory which he had before the [Page 2] World was, and his having it before the World was, speaks his Subsistence or Being before the World was, and by consequence his being from Eternity, and therefore God. He also prayed for his People, both those that did at that time believe in him, and likewise those that should afterwards believe in him through their Word. The things he asked for them, were 1. That they might be sanctined through the Truth; and while in the World, kept from the Evil. 2. That they might be united and made One, yea, perfect in One. And 3. That at last they might all be with him where he is, and behold his Glory, taken up to the beatifical Vision, to[?] a constant and close Communion, to a full and perfect Fruition of him. And the reason of these his Desires, is, because he himself was to be no longer with them in the World by his bodily Presence, verse 11. Now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. The Work that he came into the World for, was at that time almost finished; and the Work which he had to do elsewhere, viz. in Heaven, called him away. I am, saith he, no more in the world. The World and I cannot agree. It is a vain, empty, sinful, wicked, and a malicious World, it refuseth to be mended, and it cares not to be saved, and I have been long enough in it; since we cannot agree, we will part. It is weary of me, and I am as weary of it, yea and more weary too: I never tasted of its Pleasures, and I care not for its Profits; that Work which my Father gave me to do, being done, I will be gone.
I come to thee; with whom it is best being, for in thy Presence there is fulness of Joy, and at thy Right-hand Pleasures for evermore. To thee, with whom I was from everlasting, rejoycing always before thee, and being daily thy delight, having a mutual Delight and compleat Satisfaction each in other. To thee, with whom I desire and long to be. Father, I come; as soon as ever I have drunk off that Cup which thou hast given me to drink of, I come; and how am I straitned till that be accomplished, and glad I am at my very heart, that thereupon I come to thee. Now I come, it will be but a little while first, and the sooner the better. I am willing to leave all for thee, to leave the World for thee, yea, to leave my dear Disciples for thee, tho they be my Friends, the Men of my Choice, the Purchase of ray Blood, the Members of my Mystical Body, yet do I freely leave them for thee; Only, Father, I consider where I leave them, in a World that hates me, and will be sure to hate them for my sake; and [Page 3] therefore while I leave them for thee, I would leave them with thee. I put them into thy hand, let that uphold and defend them; I shelter them under thy Wing, let that secure and comfort them. I have kept them while I was with them; when I shall be gone, do thou undertake and be Surety for them for good, that they may be safe in the midst of Enemies, and stedfast in the midst of Temptations and Assaults; yea, and chearful too in the midst of Sufferings and Troubles, having my Joy fulfilled in themselves. And now come I to thee. The Doctrine which from hence I shall observe and speak to in the following Discourse, is this,
Doct. An Holy Soul is, and very well may be willing, yea, heartily glad to leave the world; because when it doth so, it will go to God. I look upon the words of the Text, as the Words of one rejoycing; the Language of one whose heart did even leap within him; of one whose Soul was upon the wing of holy Desires, longing to be at its home. Now come I to thee, and when I once am with thee, I shall be where I would be, and with whom, I would be; in the best place, and with the best Company; what suits me most, and therefore must needs please me best. Now I come to thee, whom I like abve all, being infinite in all Perfections, and whom therefore I love and prefer before all. Now I come to thee, who art mine Eternal Father, and wilt be my Eternal Satisfaction. Our Saviour had before told his Disciples in John 14. 28. That if they loved him, they would rejoice because he said, I go to my Father; because that his departure would be glorious to himself, and advantagious to them; but whether they through want of a judicious Love would rejoyce in it or no, he himself would perfectly, understanding how things were and would be. Now come I to thee. Once I came from thee to do thy will, and that was pleasing to me; I delight to do thy Will, O my God, thy Law is within my heart. Now I come to thee to enjoy thy Presence, and that will be to me incomparably, inexpressibly sweet. Thus it was with our dearest Lord and Saviour, this was the frame, these the actings of his Spirit; and thus likewise it ought to be with all his People, who were predestinated to be conformed to his Image, and who ought to have the same mind in them that was in him, for he acted and suffer'd, he liv'd and died, leaving us an Example that we should tread in his [Page 4] Steps. In the Doctrine which I have laid down, there are three things, which we ought to take notice of.
First, That Gracious and Holy Souls must leave this World. The World to come will be their Eternal Habitation, but in this present evil World they will have but a short stay. Those that have the largest share of its good things, those that are most useful in it, and live to the best purpose, serving their Generations according to the Will of God, must leave it. Their loving Father never intended this for the place for their constant Residence, nor the Comforts and Enjoyments here for their Portion. The highest Heaven in his Throne, the Habitation of his Holiness and Glory; and he was always resolved to have his Children about him there. This World is but your School to learn in during your Minority; your House to work in till you have finished what was given you to do; your Tyring-room to dress in, that you may be ready for the Marriage of the Lamb; a Stage to act your Part upon, see that you so quit your selves as to be at last found to Praise and Honour; but it is not to be your rest, because it is polluted. God hath too much of the heart of a Father, and loves his Children too well to keep them always in a Vale of Tears, where they shall be frequently Suffering and Sighing, Complaining and Groaning; always in a Wilderness that is over-run with Briars and Thorns, and an innumerable company of Beasts of Prey; the wicked of the World are their irreconcilable Enemies, and implacably hate them, therefore they shall not always have them to wreak their Malice and Rage upon. They will for ever envy and gnash their Teeth at them, because of their happiness in Heaven, but they shall not for ever exercise their Patience, and disturb their Peace upon Earth. Often O Saints! repeat in your thoughts, that this World is but the House of your Pilgrimage, therefore let not any of you love it too well; but while you live in it, be you weaned from it; remembring there is a better place prepared and taken up for you, whither the forerunner, even Jesus, is entred, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, whose builder and maker is God.
Secondly, Whensoever Gracious and Holy Persons leave this World, they go to God. The decayed and crazy Body doth no sooner cease to be any longer capable of housing so noble and excellent a [Page 5] Guest as the Soul, and the Soul doth no sooner dislodge and leave that once-beloved Structure, but that it doth immediately take its flight, and mount up with a swift and speedy Motion, and a direct tendency (without the least and shortest Digression) to its great Creator, even to him who alone is the Father of Spirits. It cares not for any further Converse with things below, being intirely set for Communion with him, by and for whom it was made, and on this side of whom, it is, and cannot but be, resiless and unquiet. Gen. 5. 24. Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him, i. e. he took him home; he took him to himself, into the presence of his Glory, into the bosom of his Love. And thus it hath been, is, and will be with all those who walk as Enoch did, who tread in the same Steps, and keep up the same Communion; tho indeed they do not all go the same Way, yet they go to the same Place, and to the same God. Enoch was translated that he might not see death, Hebr. 11. 5. He was presently carried up to Heaven, having his Soul purified, and his Body freed from Corruption. He was soon cloathed with a glorified Body; as for other holy Ones, tho they see Death, yet they are translated too, carried from Earth to Heaven, from Creatures to God. The Body must descend into the Grave, and there lye putrifying, corrupting, crumbling, until it return to Dust as it once was, but the Spirit returns to God that gave it. I desire you all frequently to call this to mind, and consider it with the greatest seriousness, and see that you have sanctified Souls, Souls rightly prepared, brought into such a frame as may be fit to appear in so glorious a Presence, and converse with so pure and holy a Majesty; that when they return to God they may be welcome to him, and being come into his Presence, for ever dwell and abide there, and not afterwards cast out and banisht as the Object of his loathing.
Thirdly, Holy Souls may very well be willing, yea glad to go to God. As a Bride is to go to her endeared Husband; and as a Child at School under severe Discipline is to go to his most affectionate and tender Parents, from whom instead of hard Blows, he shall meet with soft Embraces. Some Saints upon record in Scripture, we find, were in such a frame. Good old Simeon was in haste and prayed for his Dismission, Luke 2. 29, 30. Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. Having seen Christ, he would sain see the Father too. [Page 6] Having got Christ in his Arms, he would have the World on his back. He reckon'd that he had liv'd long enough here, and would needs be gone. He had now got his full freight, and therefore desired to set up his Sail for the other World. Having beheld so great a sight as the Lord of Glory, tho but in his Infancy and Swathingbands, he was loath that his Eyes should be embased with the beholding of earthly Vanities any more. Paul likewise had the same thing in his desire; so he told us in Phil. 1. 23. I have a desire to depart, and to be with Christ. He would go from all, that he may go to him; and leave all, that he might be with him; and he understood himself, and acted rationally in this desire; for it is, saith he in the next words, far better. Heaven is inconceivably better than Earth, when it is in the greatest Peace, when it expresseth the greatest Kindness. He very well knew what he said, he was a competent Judge, having been an Eye-witness of the Felicity and Glory above, taken up into Paradice into the Third Heaven. And tho others have not been partakers of that Priviledge, not so rapt as Paul was, yet they are of the same Judgment, and have the same Desires working in them; therefore he speaks of it as a Spirit and Disposition common to all the Saints while they are in this Tabernacle. Their hearts stand Heavenward, as the Needle doth to the North-Pole, when it hath been once touch'd with the Loadstone; as you may see in 2 Cor. 5. 2. In this we groan earnestly, desiring to be cloathed upon with our house which is from heaven. They had not only some small Inclinations that way, and languid faint Desires, but earnest Groans. And again, verse 8. We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and present with the Lord. We are willing, not only out of necessity, because this is a thing must be, but out of choice, we had rather leave the Body that we might go to God. But now we are to enquire, why it is thus. And you will find there is sufficient, yea abundant reason for it, if you do consider these four following Particulars:
First, In going to God, they go to their Father. This was the comfort and joy of our Saviour's heart; with this he comforted himself, and with this he comforted his Disciples, looking upon it as a Cordial strong enough for them all, John 20. 17. Go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God. Mine by Nature, yours by Adoption. I am now going [Page 7] to one that I am most nearly related to, and most fully interested in. And in Iohn 17. we find him insisting and dwelling upon this, as that which he took singular delight in, and suckt a great deal of sweetness from, verse 1. Father, the hour is come. Verse 5. O Father, glorify thou me with thine own. Verse 11. I come to thee, Holy Father. Verse 21. Thou Father art in me, and I in thee. Verse 24. Father, I will that they whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am. Verse 25. O righteous Father, the World hath not known thee, but I have known thee, &c. It is certain, that when wicked Men, the worst and vilest of them, dye, they go to God. Did I say, Go? Rather, they are forc'd and drag'd against their will; they cannot help it. It is to a God that many of them did not believe, but laboured with all their might to obliterate the Notion of his Being, because troublesome and tormenting to them, Psalm 14. 1. The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. It is to a God, that none of them cared to know, and be acquainted with; Job 21. 14. They say unto God, Depart from us, for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. Neither of his ways, nor of himself. They go to God as their Righteous Judge, but not their reconciled and gracious Father. They are brought before his Tribunal as Malefactors to receive their Doom, but they do not enter into his Kingdom as Children to take Possession.
Whereas those that are truly gracious, go to him as a Father; as a Father of Mercies, yea, and as their Father in Christ; to him as a God, yea, and to their God in Covenant; to a God and Father, by whom they were begotten, of whom they were born, whose Spirit they have received, and whose Image they bear. Wicked Men go to God to give an account of what they have done in the Body; and when once Sentence is past upon them, and they adjudged to their Place and eternal State, they go to Devils, Matth. 24. 41. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. You followed his Conduct, you did his Drudgery, now take your Wages with him. Where he is, there shall his Servants also be. When the Saints go to God, they go to stay, and to take up their everlasting abode with him, Rev. 3. 12. Him that overcometh, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall [...] no more out. As they shall be exalted, so fixed; their Happiness shall never be abated, their Glory never eclipsed. Once in Christ, and ever in Christ, there is no total and final falling from Grace; they that are indeed [Page 8] planted in the house of the Lord, shall never be pluckt up; and so in the present case, once in Heaven, and in Heaven to eternity: 1 Thess. 4. 16, 17. The dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, so shall we ever be with the Lord. After that meeting, there shall not be a parting any more.
Secondly, When holy Souls go to God, they shall he heartily welcome, and find as loving and gracious a Reception as they can desire. When a Sinner doth here in this life by a sincere Repentance break off from his Sins, and returns to God, there is rejoycing above, Luke 15. [...], and 10. There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. Where upon Bernard said, The Tears of a Sinner are the Wine of Angels. At such a time indeed, and upon such an account, Hell is in an uproar, and the Devils fret and rage; they cannot endure to think that they should lose any of their Prey, and that one of their Vassals should be brought into the liberty of the Sons of God: But in Heaven there are Triumphs, and singing of Allelujahs. This our Lord sets out in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, upon whose return to his Father and his Duty, there were Kisses and Embraces, Feasting and making Merry: The good old Man forgot his Age, and found his Legs, ran to meet him; and the Family following so good an example, was in a transport.
Just so there is in Heaven, upon a gracious Soul's arrival there after its dissolution: The great God doth welcome it; even the whole Trinity; the Father who elected it, the Son who redeemed it, the Holy Ghost who sanctified it. Its old Relations and godly Friends do welcome it, for they will not then be Strangers to one another, but both know and be known. It shall be welcom'd by an innumerable company of Angels, who are now ministring Spirits unto the Heirs of Salvation, and by the general Assembly and Church of the First-born, by all the Spirits of just Men made perfect in Heaven. Whatever weeping and mourning, bitter sighs and lamentations there are here, for being deprived of a faithful Friend; a comfortable Yokefellow; a pleasant and hopeful Child; a learned, orthodox and painful Minister; an useful, warm and exemplary Church-member, that did adorn Religion, and credit his holy Profession, there are Triumphs above for the addition of another Star that will for ever gloriously shine in that celestial Orb. Then indeed is that fulfilled which is written in Psal. 45. 14, 15. Those thrice-happy Souls [Page 9] are brought unto the King in rayment of needle-work, a curiously embroidered garment, a spotless beautiful robe of righteousness wrought for them by the hand of Christ himself; with gladness and rejoicing are they brought, they do enter into the King's Palace. So shall they be received with the highest demonstrations of affection. Christ hath most graciously and faithfully promised, that when Sinners do now come unto him, he will in no wise cast them out. And when Saints do at death come to him, he will in no wise shut them out, but an abundant entrance shall be ministred to them into the glorious Kingdom of their God and Saviour: Yea, and when the Lord Jesus shall have delivered up his Mediatorial Kingdom to the Father, they shall still keep the Mansions prepared for them in their Father's house, and God himself shall be all in all to them.
Thirdly, These holy Souls shall not only meet with an hearty welcome from God, and all the blessed Inhabitants of that Region of Light and Love; but also they shall find a most splendid and glorious entertainment, such as will evidently shew forth the Love, and Greatness, and Glory of God himself; and not only issue in their full satisfaction, but likewise excite and keep up in them eternal Admirings. There are many Mansions, and a place provided for every one of them, in which they shall have room enough, and whatsoever will be pleasant to them for Delights. A Throne, a Robe of Glory, a Crown of Righteousness, hidden Manna, the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God; and to render their happiness complete, those bodies of theirs, which are now bodies of vileness, when they come to be raised out of their Bed of dust by the Divine Power, and reunited to their Souls, shall be made like unto Christ's own most glorious body, Philip. 3. 21. What shall I say? Had I the Tongues of men and Angels, I could not speak more than is, the largest descriptions will fall unspeakably short; when you come there, you will say not one half was told you. I may say this in general, in Heaven you will meet with that, which will far more than defray all the Charges you were put to here; that which will abundantly compensate and make amends for all the hardships you endured here. Those that have been the greatest Sufferers in this world, when they come into the next, will thankfully and chearfully acknowledge they are no Losers. They shall receive that which shall richly reward all their pains; so that instead of complaining their labour is lost, they shall wonder such sorry services [Page 10] should be so recompenced, and cry, Grace, Grace to it. They shall have the accomplishment of all their hopes, their former askings and thoughts being outdone. That which is laid up for them, and shall be given out to them, will transcend their highest expectations, be a full and complete answer to all their Prayers, satisfy, silence, and put an everlasting period to all their desires; for their enjoyments will be so great, and their capacities so fill'd, that there will be no room left for more. God will then make good all his Promises, which are exceeding great and precious, so that not one tittle of them shall fail; and by this means all tears shall be wiped from their eyes, sorrow and sighing shall flee away, never more to return, and they shall enjoy an endless Sabbath, an everlasting Triumph, being fill'd with joy unspeakable, and full of glory. In short, there is that which mortal eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor hath it entred into the heart of man; and though the holy and blessed Angels, which kept their standing, and continue to be Heaven's Courtiers, do both see and enjoy it, yet they are not able to express it; there is all that which our dearest Lord Jesus did purchase at the inestimable price of his own heart-blood. Now from all this which hath been spoken, there is abundant reason to conclude
Lastly, That those holy and truly happy Souls are better with God in Heaven, than they were while here, or could ever possibly have been. True love is free and liberal to its endeared object, it studieth to be so, and takes singular pleasure in it. Those that are kind and affectionate Husbands, and live up to the Law of their Relation, do and will make it their business and endeavour to make the Lives of their Yokefellows not only easy to them, but as comfortable as they can. But alas! how short is their Arm, how many outward and inward Troubles are there which their skill and power cannot reach? But it must be granted, all that which they can do, is not comparable to that which God doth for his People, nor to be named in the same day with it. All that own a God, must acknowledge he is infinitely beyond the greatest of men in power, infinitely above the highest and best of Creatures in love. What is a broken Cistern that will hold no water, to the Well of Salvation, the Fountain of living waters? What is a pitiful little Drop, but one remove from nothing, to the boundless, bottomless Ocean of Being and Goodness? Suppose there were ten thousand thousand worlds, and put them all together, what would they all be to one God? And then though the [Page 11] enjoyment which the Saints have of God now, doth far exceed all the sinful and sensual enjoyments of carnal and profane Worldlings, which was the reason why Moses did esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, and rather chose to suffer affliction with the People of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; and made that Noble Italian Marquis Galeaceus say, Cursed be that man who counts all the world worth one hours enjoyment of Iesus Christ. Yet compare the best, and fullest, and sweetest of the Saints enjoyments here, with those in the mansions above, and they fall exceeding short of them; for, what is sitting under the shadow of Christ, to the beholding of his glory? what is the joy of Faith, to that of sight? what is a love letter, or message of peace, or kind token from God now and then, to a lying in his bosom, to a being and continuance in his joy? what is seeing of his power and glory in the Sanctuary, to the beatifical Vision? what is seeing in a glass darkly, to a seeing face to face; seeing as we are seen, and knowing as we are known? what are the first-fruits of the Spirit, to the whole harvest? what some Praelibamina, foretastes, to a sitting down with Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob, in that Kingdom of God at the feast of glory, and there taking the fill of love to all eternity? while the Saints are present in the body, they are absent from the Lord, and a state of absence neither doth nor can afford satisfaction; the holy Soul during that, will with the enamoured Spouse be longing and crying, Make haste my Beloved, and be thou like a Roe or young Hart upon the mountains of spices. It is only in the glorious presence of God that such an one will find a fulness of joy, and at his right hand those pleasures which are for evermore. Let us now come to the improvement of this Point in a way of Application, and the first Use shall be for Information, in three things: If it be just matter of rejoicing to holy Souls, that at death they go to God; then from hence,
First, We may learn the folly and misery of those who do now depart from God; whose lives are nothing else but a continual departure from him. Yea, in the very Acts of Worship, when they draw nigh to him with their lips, their hearts are estranged and far from him, running after their covetousness. The folly that is in this course of life is very apparent, and the misery that certainly attends it, will be one day no less sensible; but there are too too many among us guilty [Page 12] hereof; some through the principle and power of Unbelief; their not giving credit to the reports of the Word, neither to its dreadful Threatnings, nor to its sweet and gracious Promises. Do you, I beseech you, look carefully to it, that there be not in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. Others, yea and the same persons too, make this departure from God out of love to the world; for if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. And it is no wonder to see men going from that place and company where and with whom they do not love to be; have a care of the world therefore, let it not bewitch you. While ye live in it, be ye not devoted to it, but weaned from it. If you do set your hearts upon the world, you will turn your back upon God. Demas, saith the Apostle, hath forsaken me; and in forsaking him, he forsook Christ: what was the reason of it, but his embracing this present world, 2 Tim. 4. 10. How powerful and prevalent are these two things, unbelief, and love of the world, with the generality of men! what a vast multitude of persons do they carry away from God! What is there that in a moral way he could have done more, than that which he hath done? He hath frequently and loudly called them by messenger after messenger; he hath most graciously invited them, most lovingly and sweetly allur'd them, and used variety of means and arguments to conquer their aversness, to convince their judgments, to gain their hearts, and bring them to him; yet, after all, he hath cause to complain, Ye will not come to me that ye may have life. Nay, in stead of coming to him, they are running further and further from him, as if they thought they could never be at too great a distance; whereas they have no cause to run from God, for in so doing they run from life, and rest, and happiness, and into the mouth of ruin and destruction, and are too far removed from him already. They are already without God in the world, Ephes. 2. 12. They were born with their backs upon God, were Transgressors from the womb, going astray, speaking and seeking Lyes, and so they continue to do, for every wilful Sin is a step from God. Now I would desire such to consider, and that seriously, whether this their way be not their folly. The Scripture doth expresly tell us, They that are far from him shall perish, Psal. 73. 27. and that he hath destroyed all them that go a whoring from him. And as he hath done, so he will go on to do; for he is in one mind, and in this case Repentance shall be hid from his eyes. And to this add one Consideration more, You [Page 13] must appear before him at the last whether you will or no; though you should call to the rocks to cover you, and the mountains to fall upon you, and hide you from the wrath of the Lamb, and from the face of him that sitteth upon the Throne, yet you must appear. Now you will not be invited to him as a Saviour; then you shall be dragged before him as a Judge. Suppose you should then beg and plead, Lord, Lord, open to us; what answer can you look for at his hands but this, Depart from me, for I know you not. And how do you think he should know you, since as long as you liv'd, you would never acquaint your selves with him. Oh poor Sinners! be wise while you may, and know assuredly, it is best going to him now for a pardon, and grace, and acceptance, before you go to him to receive your final Sentence. If you will not now go to him as humble Penitents, with Confessions and Supplications, that your Sins may be blotted out, you shall come to him as Criminals in order to execution; and if you desire to know aforehand what your punishment will be, you may read it in 2 Thess. 1. 8. Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power.
Secondly, We may from hence learn, what our life in the world should be: It is a matter of very high and near concernment for men and women to understand themselves well in this particular, to know what they should be and do, and how they should live, that they may be approved; and truly our life should be a coming to God, and a walking with him. In the first Conversion there is a facing about, a turning of the mind and heart to God. Christ sent Paul to the Gentiles, to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. And after the first turn is made, there should be a further returning; all the actions of the life should be so many steps back to God. This was the great design and end of our Lord Iesus in his dying, not only that he might bring pardon and peace to men, but also that he might bring men to God, bring them into favour with God, yea, and into obedience and conformity to him, and into a communion and conversation with him, 1 Pet. 3. 18. He suffered, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God. Now since that was the gracious design of Christ, the blessed and noble end he had in his eye, and was willing to be at so much cost for the accomplishment of, shall not we comply with him therein? shall it not be in our heart, as well as in his? And since we have so great an excellent Person to take us by the hand and introduce us, and [Page 14] bring us in and present us to the Father, let us go, let us not draw back, let us not stand questioning and disputing, and saying, Shall I, shall I? this is a meer loss of time, let us go presently, the sooner the better. You have heard that you must go at last, yes, you must, there is no possibility of avoiding it, and therefore let us all be persuaded, and heartily willing to go now. To day if you will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Go now to God in your Mind and Thoughts, in your Hearts and Affections, before you go in your Persons. Get as much of Heaven as you can before-hand. The Psalmist said, Psalm 73. ult. It was good for him to draw night to God. And without peradventure, it is full out as good now as it was then, as good for us as it was for him. It is both a pleasant good, and a profitable one. Let us therefore do it, yea, and be drawing nearer and nearer to him every day, never thinking our selves near enough so long as we are in a far Country, and till we come to be with him in Heaven. And yet again, let us not think it enough to to be making frequent approaches to him in Holy Duties, and in Gospel Ordinances, which are as a Iacob's Ladder, upon which the holy Soul ascends and makes its spiritual advances, but keep up a daily Walk with God, as Enoch and Noah did in their Generations; maintain an intimate and constant Communion with him, that you may be able to say with Paul, Our Conversation is in Heaven. And with Iohn, Truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son the Lord Iesus Christ. Oh how Noble is it to converse with God! it meliorates and raiseth, and spiritualizeth the Soul; it never is with him, but it comes away better from him; and how sweet is it, God being pleasant for delights; for certain you will find and judge it so, when you do once come by experience to know what it is, you will then say as Peter did upon the Mount of Transfiguration, It is good, Lord, to be here.
Thirdly, We may from hence learn that, It is very much our Interest, and therefore our wisdom to bid God heartily welcome, whensoever he is geaciously pleased so far to condescend as to come to us. You have heard, and I hope you believe, that it is appointed for all Men once to dye, and when we do dye, let it be in what way it will, and by what stroke it will and let us be in what State and Frame we will, we must all of us go to God, all appear before the Judgment-Seat of Christ. And let us think with our selves what Entertainment we would have then; how we would have Christ carry toward us. [Page 15] Do not we desire that he should receive us graciously, and bid us welcome as some of his old Friends and Acquaintance? Would we not be glad to hear him owning us before his Father and the Holy Angels, and saying to us, Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you? I do not in the least question but you would. Then I counsel you, that in order thereunto, you would now carry kindly toward God, and receive him as it becomes an infinite Great, Holy, and Glorious Majesty to be received. Know this, such is his Goodness that he often comes to you. Frequently in his word, therein he discovers and reveals his Mind and Will concerning you, opens to you the Mysteries of his Kingdom that were kept hid from Ages and Generations, from the Wise and Prudent of the World. Bid him welcome, and his Word welcome, say with Hez [...]kiah, Good is the word of the Lord; yea, those Precepts of it that are most contrary to corrupt Nature, and those threatnings of it that are most tremendous and startling. Receive it into your Hearts as well as into your Heads, and let it dwell richly in you. Do not imprison any word of God, as Asa did one of the Messengers that brought it; do not rebel against the Light; do not hold any truth in unrighteousness. Sometimes he comes to you by his Spirit, in such and such an holy Motion, awakening you out of your Sleep and Sloth, reducing you from such a wandering, calling you to such a Word and Duty. Now, do not you resist him, but submit and comply; do not you quench him, but bring fewel rather; do not grieve him, but labour to be his Delight and Joy. Carefully listen to his Voice, and make speed to follow his Ducture, as Paul did immediately, not consulting with Flesh and Blood when God had once revealed his Son in him. The Spouse was guilty of vile Ingratitude, and sinn'd grievously in lying lazily, and asking her self a company of simple questions, I have put off my coat, how shall I put it on? I have washed my feet, how shall I defile them? Which spake her loath to stir, when her beloved who had done a great deal more, and deserved much better at her hands, stood all the while without knocking at the Door, calling and begging for Admission, Cant. 5. 2. Open to me my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled. One would have thought such language of Love should have melted, should have raised her. Do not you contract upon your selves guilt of the same kind; therefore my advice to you shall be the same with what you find in Psalm 24. 7. Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lift up ye everlasting doors, [Page 16] and the king of glory shall come in. Follow this advice, will you? Oh that you would, remembring that you your selves must one day go to God, and let that influence you to such a demeanour of your selves toward him now, as that you may not at last find the Door shut against you, and be forced to stand without calling and crying in the bitterness of your Souls, Lord, Lord, open to us, but may have an entrance ministred to you abundantly into the glorious kingdom of your God and Saviour; Know for certain, the very same measure you mete out, shall be meted into you again; with the pure he will shew himself pure, and with the froward he will shew himself froward. If you will be deaf to his call now, he will not hear yours at last, Prov. 1. 24 &c. Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded. When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you, then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me.
The second Use that I shall make of this Point, shall be for Examination: Let you and me fall to work, and put our selves upon the Scrutiny, for I can assure you, it will be no lost labour to search and try our selves, whether we are such, and our State such, as may at a dying hour be willing to go to God, and may at the present rejoyce in the thoughts of it; and so, tho we must expect to fall by the stroke of Death, yet we are deliver'd from the fear of Death. And in order to the resolving of this great case, let us propound to our selves these three Questions, and deal faithfully with our own Souls, for it is dangerous, yea ruinous to be deceived in a matter of so great importance.
First, Hath there been reconciliation made between God and you. Is it Peace, O my Soul, is it peace? There was a b [...]each, that breach sprung up to an Enmity, that Enmity produc'd a War; you have been fighters against God, there have been Acts of Hostility, how is it now? Is that Breach made up, is that Enmity taken away, and the War at an end? There hath been Peace offered to you, and most condescending gracious Terms propounded, have you accepted and closed with them? It cannot but be a most dreadful thing for a poor Creature to find it self at last no other than a vessel of wrath fitted for destruction, one in whom God can have no pleasure. It [Page 17] is a dreadful thing for one that lived a pitiful life, and had little else but trouble in this world, to find it unspeakably worse in the next, trouble here, and torment there. A dreadful thing for one that was cloathed with Silk and Velvet, far'd deliciously every day, swam in pleasures, and had the world at will, to lie down in sorrow upon a Bed of Flames, where throughout Eternity he cannot procure a moment's ease, nor a drop of water to cool his tongue. How sad will it be, when a poor Soul is deprived of those comforts and delights which it eagerly hunted after, and plac'd its happiness in, and is turned out of house and home; its old tabernacle of the body being so weak and crazy, that there is no possibility of continuing there any longer, and goeth naked to God, who alone is able to afford it succor and relief, and then it findeth that he is an enemy to it, and will not give it one good word or look, nor receive it into everlasting habitations. Well, do you now think seriously of it, God is in Christ reconciling the world to himself, and he hath committed to us the Word of reconciliation, and we as the Embassadors of Christ, and Messengers of Peace, have sounded this Word in your ears; and as tho God did beseech you by us, we have often and often prayed you in Christ's stead that ye would be reconciled to God. Now enquire how hath this Word wrought upon you? Hath it come to you not in Word only, but also in Power? What effect hath it had? Is the enmity that was in your hearts and natures to God slain? Have you thrown down your Weapons of Rebellion? Are you reconciled unto God? Have you laid hold by an hand of Faith upon Christ, who is his strength, in order to the making of peace with him? He hath promised that in that way you shall make peace with him, otherwise never expect it, for it will be but in vain; to persons out of Christ, he is a consuming fire, and everlasting burnings. Have you submitted to God, and stoop'd and bow'd to his Government? Do you like and love his Law? Are you desirous that he should reign over you, and erect his Throne in you? Set this down with your selves as a most certain truth, that unless you receive him for your Lord and King, you will never find him your Friend.
Secondly, Can you say as Christ did in this Chapter, that you have glorified God upon earth? All the glory that great Personages, Lords and Ladies, Kings and Queens have now, will not stead them, nor comfort them at the last, but their having brought glory to God in their generation, and several places. Christ did this, and he found [Page 18] the thought of it sweet to him, he reflected upon it with joy; and this all of us should do too in cur measure, and to the utmost of our power: for this was the end of our Creation, for this we were sent into the world, without this we live to no purpose; and without this we cannot rationally expect to be accepted of him, or glorified by him. But here some poor humble Christian may object against its self, and say, When you speak of my glorifying God, it strikes all my hopes dead, for I have not done it, nay, I have not been in a capacity of doing it. What glory can the infinitely great and ever-blessed God (who is exalted above all blessing and praise) possibly receive from such a sorry contemptible Worm, such an earthen Vessel, such a broken Potsherd as I am? I do with grief and self-abhorrence own and acknowledge that I have highly dishonour'd him, being a discredit to his holy and reverend Name while I was called by it, and a disparagement to Religion while I made a profession of it. But let me ask thee, Was not the glory of God dear to thee, and his Name precious? Was he not highest in thy esteem, valued above all the world, set up in the Throne, all other things being made his Footstool? Canst thou not with all thy heart say after the Prophet in Psal. 73. Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee? Hast thou made him thy choice, and desired to live in an obedience to him, and expressiveness of him? Hast thou commended him to others, thy Relations, Friends and Neighbours, and endeavoured in thy place to enlarge his Kingdom, and submit themselves to his Government? Hast thou offered thy self and thy praise to him? He himself tells thee, Psal. 50. 23. That is a glorifying him. Hast thou had thy fruit unto holiness, and was thy heart set for the bringing forth much fruit? Our Saviour tells you, Iohn 15. 8. Herein his Father is glorified. If thou dost find these things in thy self, tho thou dost also find too much of that which should not be, and is matter of grief to thee, thou may'st meditate terror without being terrified, thou may'st be very willing, yea glad to die, whensoever God calls thee to it, being fully persuaded that he will with an hand of grace put a glory upon thee, when at the same time he will extort glory from others in a way of wrath and vengeance.
Thirdly, Can you say as our Saviour did, I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do? He had work given him by the Father, good and great work, in which his Father, himself, and all his people [Page 19] were concerned, it being for his Fathers and his own Glory, and for his Peoples Salvation and everlasting Happiness. And he was intent upon it, industrious and diligent in it. I must, saith he, work the works of him that sent me while it is day. And at his giving up of the Ghost, he could say, It is finished. Now none of us were made and sent hither to be idle, nor to sport upon the Earth as Leviathan doth in the Sea. No, no, we all have Work to do, Work that our heavenly Father hath given us. There is the general Work of Godliness and Religion, and the particular Work of our several Stations and Relations. None need sit still and study how to pass away the time, for they have enough to do if they will but mind it. Now if our Work be not done, how shall we with any comfort or boldness look our great Lord and Master in the Face. It was a terrible Sentence that past upon the lazy Servant that had buried his Talent in a Napkin. But here again, a poor humble Christian will presently object against its self; for such an one needs none Accuser, he can and will do that work fast enough. And in this case he will take shame as his Portion, and declare he is very far from finishing the Work which God gave him to do. You have minded other things of less concern, yea of no concern, and neglected that. You have lived in the World to very little purpose, led unprofitable Lives, and suffered your Days, your precious Seasons, your golden Hours to run out at waste. You have done but very little for God, and for your Souls, and in order to your everlasting Happiness; and that which you have done, hath been so pitifully done, that you are asham'd to look upon it; you have botcht and bungled at it. And I do readily grant, your best Works do not deserve acceptance with God; he may justly reject and abhor them, and cast them as Dung into your Faces, because of the Iniquities which adhere or cleave to them. But let me ask you, and do you ask your own Souls when you are in your Retirements and greatest Seriousness, Hast thou loved the Work of God, and preferred the hardest and most unpleasing pieces of it before the most facil and pleasant parts of the Devil's? Hast thou counted his Service perfect freedom, but that of Sin the basest of Drudgeries? Have you been pleased and delighted when you did at any time find your hearts raised in it, and enlarged, and more than ordinarily carried out? Hath it been your Grief and Trouble when you found in your selves straitness, deadness, and dulness? Have you been angry with your selves, because you have done no more and no better for God? [Page 20] Have you often and often with earnestness begg'd of God that he would give you more Grace and greater Strength in order to your doing him better Service, and bringing him more Glory? Then you need not be afraid to appear before him, for he will spare you, as a Father spareth his Son that serveth him; and you shall be accepted in the beloved; and your gracious and prevailing Advocate will appear on your behalf, and plead your Cause, saying, as once he did on the behalf of the good Woman, whom the Disciples in their discontent quarrel'd, They have done what they could. And he will cover all your Failings, and fill up all your Vacancies and Defects with his own most full and perfect Obedience; for to your comfort know, tho thy Duties be weak, and deficient, and defiled, yet his Obedience was compleat and perfect; nay more, it was Satisfactory too, and of a meritorious Nature too, and the merit of it is sufficient for thee, and for all his People. And therefore if that which I have spoken be the frame of your Spirits, you may at a dying hour with triumph say, Now, Father, come I to thee.
We will now proceed to the third Use of this Doctrine, which will be by way of Exhortation; and it shall be divided only into Two Branches.
My first Exhortation is this, Do not mourn immoderately over your deceased Friends and Relations. Those of them I mean, who while they were here, lived unto the Lord; and when they had finished their course, and came to the period of their Days, those Bounds which they could not pass, died in the Lord, and in the faith. As to the business now in hand, it is no matter by what they died, whether a natural Death or a violent one, by the hand of an Enemy or an Executioner; consumed by the merciless Flames, or swallowed up by the mighty Waters; whether they died a short and easy Death, and having serv'd their Generation according to the Will of God sell asleep, or a tedious and lingring one, cast upon Beds of Languishment, and having wearisom Days, Nights, and Months, numbred out unto them. Nor is it as to this any matter in what manner they died, whether under a dark and thick Cloud, having many Questions, Doubts, and Fears; or under the Smiles of God, the Light of his Countenance, and the bright sweet shining of his Face; whether they came to their Harbour in a pleasant Calm, or in a blustering Storm. In a word, whether they had the perfect use of their Understanding and Reason to the last, or were under a delirium and distraction. These things [Page 21] are not so much to be insisted upon. Were they Holy and Gracious? Were they born twice before they died once? Were they partakers of the Holy Ghost in his renewing Influences? Was their Walk with God, and their Motions toward Heaven? Did they carry Grace along with them into the other World, and leave good ground of Hope in this concerning them? Then keep your Grief within its due bounds. You may, yea you ought to be sensible of God's hand, and of your own loss, and of the Nations and Churches loss. God would not have his Children stupid, he allows not in them a Stoical Apathy. Paul doth not forbid all Mourning upon this account, but would not have yours like that of theirs who mourn without hope. You may be sensible, but not sink; drop some Tears over such an o [...]s Herse, but not be drown'd in Sorrow. While by your Sorrow and Tears you express the dearness of your Affection to your deceased Friend, be sure that by your patient Submission and humble Silence, you do equally manifest your Faith and Hope. And to that purpose I offer these Four following Particulars to your Consideration.
First, Your departed Relations and Friend [...] are gone to him that loved them best, and that both can and will do most for them. To him that is all Love, and hath all Power. To him who hath Earth with all its fulness, Heaven with all its Glory at his own dispose, and is himself alone better than both. They are gone indeed, and shall not return; their Places here will know them no more. Oh! saith one, my Husband is gone, and he was my Guide and my Support. He lived with me as a Man of Knowledge, and helped me on in the way everlasting. And saith another, My Wife is gone, and she was a suitable Yoke-fellow, a delightful Companion, the desire of mine Eyes. And saith another, My Child is gone, and it was a pleasant One, the Child of my Hopes, but now that is gone, that Bud[?] is nipt, and those Hopes are blasted. And say others, Our Shepherd is gone, who led us by the skilfulness of his Hands, brake to us the Bread of Life, and sed us with sound Knowledge and Understanding. These are gone, and gone for ever, and they will not return any more; and you say true, for they cannot, Job 14. 14. If a man dye, shall he live again? Yes, in another World, (Iob did not question that, but rejoyced in the Faith of it) but not again in this World. The most holy Persons that lived best, and pleased God most, cannot return to live again here; and indeed as they cannot, so they would [Page 22] not; if they could, they would not. For remember this, as they are gone from hence, and from you, so they are gone to God, and to Heaven. They are gone, but it is from their Labour to their Rest, to an undisturbed and everlasting Rest, after a wearisome and tedious Life. They are gone, but it is from the Work of their Lord, in which they were faithful and industrious, to the Joy of their Lord, which nothing shall imbitter, neither can any take it from them. God will not, Enemies shall not. They are gone, but it is from a life of Conflicts which they had with the Corruptions of their own Hearts, and the Temptations of Satan, to maintain an everlasting Triumph with the Lord Jesus, the Captain of their Salvation. In short, They are gone, but it is out of the Wilderness which was over-run with pricking Briars and vexing Thorns, and full of Beasts of prey, Lyons roaring, and Serpents hissing, the Devil and his Instruments creating them all the trouble they can; and now they are entred into the Coelestial Canaan, a Land flowing not with Milk and Honey, but unspeakably better. Enjoyments, infinitely purer and higher Delights. Do but you tread in their Steps, and follow them in their Faith and Holiness, considering the end of their Conversation, and then you shall meet them again, and that meeting shall be with Joy.
Secondly, Tho they be gone, yet their time of going was first come. The Apostle Paul speaks of a time of departure, 2 Tim. 4. 6. I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. The time which God in his infinite Wisdom and Goodness had ordained and prefixed by an eternal and unalterable Decree. They liv'd till the last Sand in their Glass was run out, till they had reached those Bounds which they could not pass. There is one thing which some surviving Relations do most unreasonably afflict and torture themselves with, notwithstanding all the care they have taken, it is this; they think if this or that had been done, their deceased Relation might have been still alive; but that is a foolish Fancy, and I am apt to think it a Suggestion of the Devil, who thereby would pour Vinegar into that Wound which Providence hath made; for if this and that, and an hundred, nay, a thousand things more had been done, they all would not have kept them here. It is indeed unquestionably our Duty to be in the diligent use of all lawful means for the preservation of Health, the cure and removal of Diseases, and the continuance of our own and our Relations Lives, and a known [Page 23] wilful neglect of any doth bring guilt with it, and may breed a painful sting in the Conscience; but all the means that can be used cannot possibly hinder the accomplishment of any of the divine purposes; Who hath resisted his Will? and who can resist it? Will you consider this, and work it upon your hearts by repeated thoughts? such Friends and Relations of yours are gone, but not before they were sent for. God bid Moses go up to Mount Nebo, and die there; the same God (in whose hand our times are) did also bid them lie down upon such a Bed, and die there. Death was God's Messenger, he commission'd it, and gave it his order, its work was to cut off the thread of their lives, and fetch them home; and that work must be done, how unacceptable and afflictive soever it is to any, yea, and it must be done at that very time too. Tho in other things God exerciseth admirable patience, waiting that he might be gracious; and being exulted, that he might have mercy upon sinners; yet in this case he will not stay, nor is it at all fit that he should, nor is it lawful for any to desire it. What reason can be given why Infinite Wisdom should give way to humane weakness and folly, or why God should in the most minute and smallest Circumstance act counter to his own most Holy Will and Purpose for the gratifying of our humour and imprudent desires; let us leave God to chuse and order, as being best able, and learn our selves to submit and accept; and since Death must and will do its work at its time, let us be before-hand, and do our work in our time; since Death will not stay for us nor any body, let us so prepare and get ready, that we may not have cause to desire its stay.
Thirdly, Though they be gone, yet it was not before they were fit to go. Some of thm liv'd but a little time, but they liv'd much in a little time; and how are they to be commended, and the grace of God to be admired in them, who do happily dispatch that work in twenty years or less, which others, and those holy Souls too, are threescore or seventy years about. Some die young, it is a sign they ripened apace. The Husband man careth not when he plucks up his Weeds, because they are either for the Furnace or the Dunghil; but his Corn shall be white to the Harvest before he puts in his Sickle. So a wise man will let the Fruit of his Orchard hang till it be ripe, and when it is so he gathers it. So doth the wise and ever-blessed God; as for wicked men he is not so curious about them, they only cumber the ground, they bring forth wild Grapes, down with them, saith [Page 24] [...] [Page 25] [...] [Page 24] Justice, it will be a good riddance, let better be planted in their room; but he doth otherwise with the Trees of Righteousness, the souls of holy persons are prepared for glory by that time their bodies drop into the Grave. The marriage of the Lamb will not come, before his Bride hath made her self ready. Now is not this enough to satisfy you? give one good reason if you can, why any should remain upon earth, after they are once truly fit for Heaven? why they should have their days prolonged, when their work is finished? they shall not die before it, why should they live here after it? why should they not receive the Crown of Righteousness, when they have fought the good fight, and finished their course, and kept the faith? To what purpose, I beseech you, should they live, when they have no more grace to get here, and no more good to do? To such an one as loves God dearly, and is set for his glory, an useless, barren, and unprofitable life would be an heavy burden, and a great deal worse than death: Such an one in such a case would not know how to enjoy himself an hour, but would long and pine, and cry out for the coming of death, as the Mother of Sisera did for her Son, Why is his Chariot so long in coming, why tarry the wheels of his Chariot?
Fourthly, As they are gone to God, so they had excellent company by the way. It is not a little distance between this earth which the Saints now inhabit, and the highest Heaven unto which at death they go, the habitation of God, and seat of the blessed; and tho the holy Soul be exceeding swift in its motion, when it is once freed from the heavy clog of dull flesh, and got upon the wing, yet will it be some time before so long a Journey can be dispatch'd, and it arrive at its desired home. At the beginning of Daniel's supplication the Commandment came forth, and the Angel Gabriel was caused to flee swiftly, yet he came not to him till the time of the evening oblation. And there is an innumerable number of wicked spirits in the way, Legions of Devils in the Regions of the Air, which envy the happiness of those who are to have an everlasting abode in those places out of which they themselves were cast, and therefore will be sure to do their utmost for the disturbing them in their ascent. But for the preventing of it, the great and holy God hath appointed them a strong Guard, in Hebr. 1. 14. the holy Angels are said to be initistring spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be the heirs of salvation, and they take pleasure in doing so. Little do we know the obligations we lie under to them, how much we are beholden to [Page 25] them, how they watch over us, and pitch their Tents about us, and are Assistants to us. Many and many are the good offices which the good Angels do for the Saints while they live, and when they die, they are a strong Convoy to their Souls, that will keep off from them all Enemies and Dangers, and bring them with safety and honour into the King's Palace, the Presence-Chamber of their God and Father. Upon all these accounts I counsel you not to lay the reins upon the neck of your passions, nor to mourn over them who died in the Lord, as those who have no hope, for they are blessed. When they lived, they were the habitations of God through the Spirit; when they died, they died in the Lord, and their bodies sleep in Iesus; their Souls upon dissolution, are the charge of Angels. It was they that carried the Soul of poor, but precious Lazarus into the bosom of Abraham, tho the rich Glutton suffer'd him to lie in his Rags and Sores, starving at his door, neglected and despis'd; and both their souls and bodies, at the Resurrection of the Just, shall have a consummate happiness in the full, uninterrupted, and eternal enjoyment of God. Therefore, I say again, mourn not for them, there is no cause, they are in a far better condition than you; turn your Grief into another Channel, and, as our Saviour directed, weep for your selves, and for your children, on the score of what you have lost, and what you may feel in this world of sin and uncertainty.
The second Branch of this Use of Exhortation will be this, Be you willing to go to God also, whensoever he shall please by death to send for you. You, I mean, who have been indeed made partakers of grace; who love God, and have made him your choice, and have good hope, yea, assurance of your interest in him. It would be a shame for any of you to be unwilling and loth to die, God may very well take that unkindly at your hands, and you for it have reason to be displeas'd and angry with your selves. What is there upon earth that should make you unwilling? What is there in Death that should affright and scare you? Have you great affliction and trouble here, would it not be better for you to be out of it; to exchange a tempestuous Sea for an Haven of Peace? Do you now swim in Delights, and abound with Creature comforts, shall you not find better in Heaven, than those you leave behind you? Would you stay yet longer, that so you might provide for your Children, and see them setled well and comfortably in the World? Will you not commit them to the care of your heavenly Father, who is their God in Covenant as well as yours? Can you trust God with your Souls, and will you [Page 26] not trust him with your Seed? Do you think it is an hard thing to die, cannot God strengthen you for it? Is there a bitterness in it, cannot God sweeten it to you? Cannot he make it easy to you, as he hath made it to many of his People? Cannot he by the light of his Countenance, and the witness of his Spirit, and the shedding abroad of his love in your hearts, mitigate and abate the sense of pain? Look to it that you do not leave him while you live, and then rest confident of this, that he will not forsake you when you come to die. David could say, Psal 23. 4 Tho he did walk through the valley of the shadow of death he would fear no evil; for God's rod and staff did comfort him. I am apt to think the pains of Death are worst at a distance, and not seldom more terrible to the Spectators than to the Patient. And I do not in the least question, but the throws and agonies of many poor Women in Child-bearing, and those Pains also which are caused by the Cramp, the Gout, the Stone or Strangury, are far greater and more severe than the Pains of Death usually are. But however, we may be sure of this, those Pains, be they what they will, are but short, if compared with that blessed Eternity which shall succeed them; and so light, as not worthy to be mention'd the same day with that far more exceeding weight of glory which shall be graciously bestowed upon them that overcome. So the holy Apostle Paul saith, Rom. 8. 18. I reckon that the sufferings of this present life, take them altogether from the first to the last moment, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Therefore by Prayer earnestly beg of God a willingness to go to him, and take pains with your own Souls, in order to the working of them up thereunto. Humbly and freely leave it to him, who is infinite in wisdom to chuse, the time when it shall be; to him who is love it self, and whose compassions do not fail, to order out the manner how it shall be; only be you careful to prepare and get ready; labour to be fit to die, and meet for the inheritance of the Saints in light; and when that grim Messenger comes, bid him welcome, and let your hearts be glad, and your glory rejoice. Do your Souls now at any time wander from God, call them in, and chide them home; and when you come to die, sing them home, and the good Lord enable you by being with you while you walk in the valley of the shadow of Death, comforting you with his Rod and Staff, giving you to look within the veil, and to see your Advocate and Mediator Jesus at the right hand of God ready to receive you, that so you may, as the Protomarryr Stephen did, commend your spirit into his hand; and besides what hath been already said, before the time of your [Page 27] departure come, lay your selves in with these comfortable meditations.
First God, whom you go to, is the best and dearest Friend. In him there is infinite Fulness and everlasting Love. As the Sun when up and shining forth in his Glory, doth so obscure and darken all the Stars, that in his Presence they hide their Heads and disappear; so doth the Glory of God prevail and triumph over all the Beauty and Glory of the Creature. He hath all Perfections, and is pleasant for Delights. It is his Glory to be Self-sufficient and All-sufficient. He hath enough for himself, and for the holy Angels, who look no further and desire no more; therefore he cannot but have enough for you. And as there is All fulness in him, so All-sweetness too. Here indeed a gracious Soul may sometimes discover that in God which strikes a terror in it. The Psalmist remembred God, and was troubled, Psalm 77. 3. The Prophet cried out, I am undone, for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of Hosts, Isa 6. 5. But in the other World, where the sight will be clear and full, you shall see nothing in him, save that which will be your Comfort and Joy. Then every sight of him will be ravishing, and every thought of him precious. He will then be in your Account altogether lovely. You will then see he hath such a Glory as knoweth no blemish, such a Fulness as knoweth no defect, so that you cannot desire him better than he is, nor would you have him other than he is; for, as all his Attributes are his own Glory, so they will all contribute to, and issue in your Satisfaction.
Secondly, Heaven is the sweetest place that you can be in: We have reason to conclude it must of necessity be so, since God hath chosen it for his own Seat, the place of his own Residence. This World is but a Wilderness since Sin entred into it, that is a Paradice far beyond the Terrestial one, out of which our first Parents were driven. This World is but a Dunghil, that is a Mountain of Myrrhs, there be the Beds of Spices. There is nothing to pollute, nothing to offend, no danger of falling, no fear of losing, nothing to disturb the Spirit, to break the Peace, or damp the Joy. Read and consider that excellent Description which is given of the New Ierusalem in that Rev. 21. 10, &c. some passages whereof are these, The foundations of the wall garnished with all manner of precious stones, the twelve gates were twelve pearls; the City, yea, the very street of it is pure gold; the Lord God Almighty, and the Lamb, are the temple of it; the Glory of God doth lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. And if there be such a Glory in that great City, which descends from God out of Heaven, what do you think, [Page 28] and how great is the Glory of that great City which is in Heaven? What words are big enough to express it? What mind large enough to conceive it? Deus & Coelum non patiuntur hyperbolem. God and Heaven are incapable of an Hyperbole; our most raised and inlarged Thoughts will be too narrow, short and low. I will add but one thing more, and shut up this Discourse.
Lastly, When once you come to Heaven, you will never be weary of being there. Here indeed we are quickly weary and tir'd out at the best of our comforts. A Man may lie in a Bed of Down till he is weary, and his Bones ake. He may sit at a noble and sumptuous Feast till he is weary, and would be glad of a dimission. We may pray, and preach, and hear, till we are weary, tho we should not be weary of Gospel-Ordinances and Religious Duties, yet we may be weary in them. But there is no such thing as this in Heaven; no, nothing like it throughout Eternity. The Saints there will neither be weary of God, nor of Heaven, nor of themselves, nor of one another. Their Eye will not be weary of beholding God, and contemplating his Glory, nor the Tongue weary of blessing and praising him, nor Soul and Body weary of maintaining a close and intimate converse, with him. As there will be a compleat Enjoyment, so constant and fresh Delight. A Fulness and All fulness of Joy, and that will infallibly afford Pleasures for evermore.
God hath made a great Breach among you, who meet in this place, by taking away his Servant, who labour'd in the Word and Doctrine. It is above Fifty years since our first Acquaintance, we having been of the same College, and under the same Tutor. He was a Learned Man, and as I am persuaded, truly Godly, one that denied himself, and suffered much for Conscience-sake. I came hither to do you good, not to commend him, for that is needless, you having known his Doctrine and manner of Life. His Course is finished, and God hath call'd him home, so that you shall see his Face no more. I beseech you to live the Truths he brought you; and since you are taken with the goodness of this Air, and the pleasantness of this Place for the health of your Bodies; see that you neglect not you Souls, but chearfully allow to the procuring and setling one among you, that may fe [...]d you with sound Knowledge and Understanding; by your Liberality therein manifest the value you have for the Gospel; and the good Lord send one, in whose Light you may rejoyce.