Sir Walter Raleigh Sailing in the Low-lands.

Shewing how the famous Ship called the sweet Trinity was taken by a false Gally, and how it was again restored by the craft of a little Sea-boy, who sunk the Gally; as the following Song will declare.

To the Tune of, The Sailing in the Low-lands.

SIr Walter Rawleigh ha's built a ship
in the Neatherlands,
Sir Walter Rawleigh ha's built a ship
in the Neather-lands?
And it is called the sweet Trinity,
And was taken by the false Gallaly,
sailing in the Low-lands:
Is there never a Seaman bold
in the Neather-lands:
Is there never a Seamen bold
in the Neather-lands?
That will go take this false Gallaly,
And to redeem the sweet Trinity,
sailing in the Low-lands.
Then spoke the little Ship-boy
in the Neather-lands,
Then spoke the little Ship-boy
in the Neather-lands,
Master, master, what will you give me,
And I will take this false Gallaly,
And release the sweet Trinity,
sailing in the Low-lands.
I'le give thee gold, and I'le give thee fee
in the Neather-lands,
I'le give thee gold, and I'le give thee fee
in the Neather-lands;
And my eldest daughter thy wife shall be,
sailing in the Low-lands.
He set his breast, and away he did swim
in the Neather-lands,
He set his breast, and away did swim
in the Neather-lands.
Until he came to the false Gallaly,
sailing in the Low-lands,
HE had an Augor fit for the once,
in the Neather-lands,
He had an Augor fit for the once,
in the Neather-lands;
The which will bore
Fifteen good holes at once,
sailing in the Low-lands
Some were at Cards, and at somt Dice
in the Neather-lands,
Some were at Cards, and some at Dice
in the Neather-lands,
Until the salt water flash'd in their eyes,
sailing in the Low-lands.
Some cut their hats, and some cut their caps
in the Neather-lands;
Some cut their hats, and some cut their caps
in the Neather-lands,
For to stop the salt-water gaps,
sailing in the Low-lands.
He set his breast and away did swim
in the Neather-lands,
He set his breast and away did swim
in the Neather-lands;
Until he came to his own ship again,
sailing in the Low-lands,
I have done the work I promised to do
in the Neather-lands,
I have done the work I promised to do
in the Neather-lands.
For I habe sunk the false Gallaly,
And released the sweet Trinity,
sailing in the Lowlands.
You promised me gold, and you promised me, fee
in the Neather-lands,
You promised me gold, and you promised me fee,
in the Neather-lands,
Your eldest daughter my wife she must be,
sailing in the Low-lands.
You shall have gold, and you shall have fee
in the Neather-lands,
You shall have gold, and you shall have a fee
in the Neather-lands.
But my eldest daughter your wife shall neĀ­ver be
for sailing in the Low-lands.
Then fare you well, you cozening Lord
in the Neather-lands,
Then fare you well, you cozening Lord
in the Neather-lands.
Seeing you are not so good as your word,
for sailing in the Low-lands.
And thus I shall conclude my Song
of the sailing in the Low-lands,
And, thus I shall conclude my Song
of the sailing in the Low-lands;
Wishing all happiness to all Seamen both
old & young in their sailing in the Low-lands.

This may be printed R. L. S.

Printed for I. Conyers, at the Black-Raven the first shop in Fetter-Lane next Holborn.

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