Sr. Thomas Armstrongs Last Farewell to the VVORLD: He being Condemned for HIGH-TREASON, and Conspiring the Death of the KING and the DUKE, and subverting the Government of these three Kingdoms A SONG.

To the Tune STATE and AMBITION
A Due to the pleasure of murther and whoring,
Of plotting conspiring the death of a King:
Con [...]ound the temptation of Bastard Adoring,
For which I con [...]ess I deserve for to Swing.
Poor Monmouth may Curse me, 'twas I over Ruled
In all his Intreagues by Tony's black spell,
His timerous contrivance I constantly Schooled;
And told him how safe it was then to rebell.
I shew'd him the glimps of a Crown and a Scepter,
The strength of the Crow'd, and applause of the Town
Till glory did dazle his Soul in a Rapture;
That all things inferior appear'd but a Crown:
Then I was in hopes to be second Assistant;
Therefore to unKing him our party would bring:
But now a [...] the Devil wou'd have it I mist on't,
For which I before the damn'd Doctor must swing.
The Doctor confused three parts of the Nation;
He murthered thirty; I murthered but two,
With long sword and Codpiss I made it the fashion
Rogues Whores to advance, and the Kingdom subdue:
Brave Monmouth I shew'd him all ways of debauching,
And ne'r let him want procurer nor Whore;
Some Aldermens Wives they were proud to approach him,
I often as Grey have stood Pimp at the door.
Nay, many were sure, that their souls would be sainted
Had they but one hour his sweet grace to enjoy▪
How oft in my Arms they have sighed and panted,
Untill I conveyed 'em to their Princely Boy▪
But now all those pleasures are faded with glory,
His Grace in Disgrace and Tom is Condemn'd;
Jack Ketch now looks sharp for to shorten my story,
And leaves me no time to murder or mend.
Yet I must confess, I was oft Monmouths taster,
For fear, least some fire-ship might blow up her Prince,
Which caused our party to flock in much faster,
All Officers from the Plot Office advance.
Old Tony took Care too, that nothing was wanting,
In Wapping, the Square, and Algers-gate-street,
I brought in Bess Mackrel, to help out the taping,
And Tony swore damn him, theres nothing so sweet.
Sweet Betty farewell, 'twas for thee I abiured,
My Lady and Children, this fourteen long years;
They always were kind, but I still was obdured,
Seeking the Destruction of King, Church, & Peers
Had I Grey and Mellvin now here to condole with
And their Recommendations to'th' Cabals below—,
I might have Commissions in Hell to controle with
But sure I shall find some Friends where I go.

LONDON, Printed for J. Dean Bookseller in Cranborn-Street, near Newport-House, in Leicester-Fields.

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