ΣΥΜΒΊΩΣΙΣ, OR THE Intimate Converse OF POPE and DEVIL Attended by A Cardinal AND BUFFOON.

To which Is annexed the Pourtrait of each, with a brief Ex­plication thereof.

BY JAMES SALGADO Spaniard and Converted Priest.

LONDON, Printed by Thomas Snowden. 1681.

The Fool and Cardnal joyn; and well they may.
Both make the World their scene and all a play.
No shew i' th' Fair without a lay Buffoon.
So without Cardinal no Pope at Rome.
With what strict bonds t [...] Pope and Devill are ti'd!
Who 'tween them both the [...]le o'th' World divide.
They to each other mut [...]all kisses lend,
And in them Vote, which [...]ay the world shall bend.

To his most Illustrious Highness Prince RUPERT Duke of CUMBERLAND, one of His Majesties most Honoura­ble Privy Council, and Kt. of the Noble Order of the Garter.
The Author wisheth a Success pro­portionable to his high Valour.

IT is a manifest impeach (most glorious Prince) both to your Highness's Authority and Candid­ness; to have your Illustrious name (a name celebrated above the Stars) prefixed to so mean and inconside­rable a Pamphlet. My presumption had been more excusable, had it been to some weighty Volume, the product of long pains and most ac­curate politure. But since volumi­nous Opera's are not for the genius of this present age, who being more taken with succinctness, will not reckon brevity amongst my crimes, but having long since renounced all prolixity, may value this Compen­dium [Page]as a Homer shrunk up into a Nut-shell. The more delicate Stomacks of these times loath that flesh (as right­ly they may) that being often hash'd and stew'd, retains neither tast nor vertue in itself, but has lost it in such abundance of swashy broth. And if your Highness be delighted with such a brevity; I humbly presume, that this small Tract (may I use the vanity to say) this small body consisting of its due Members and Arteries will not be exposed as a new born Orphan, altogether desti­tute of your most noble Patronage.

I have endeavoured to expose to publick view the Pope of Rome, that true Apocalyptick Beast, in his own proper and genuine Colours. I have deservedly linked him with the grand Devil, that sworn Enemy of Mankind, and universal Parent of all Disorder and Confusion: Not in the least doubting, but your High­ness's deep, and most acute Judg­ment, will quickly perceive the [Page]reasons of that Conjunction. And if I do not evince (tho briefly) the de­scription fully and in every part to answer the Frontispiece, I will in­genuously confess my self to be carried sheer from my Design; or must loudly confess, that the truth of Hi­story is very questionable.

But to the truth of these Premi­ses, 'tis an unparallel'd rudeness to doubt of your Highness's Assent, who has been throughly instructed in the verity of the Proposition, as well by those manifold dangers your Prince­ly Person underwent, as the sad and miserable calamities that befell your Royal Father and his Family, from the Hellish Malice and Tyranny of that cursed Romish Crew; besides what you have added by your long and constant experience of their un­wearied pursuit after Royal and in­nocent blood.

So that nothing remains for me now, but to cast these unworthy Pa­pers at your Highness's feet for Pa­tronage [Page]and Protection: earnestly praying in the lowest posture of an humble suppliant, that it would please your Highness, according to your wonted Gallantry to give them a kind and curteous receiption. And that it would further please you to beam down on your unworthy Sup­plaint, the warm blessings of your Princely Favour, as may best suit with your innate and known gene­rosity, and his Condition.

This if your Highness please to vouchsafe, it will vastly add to those Obligations, whereby I am bound to be for ever Yours, intirely to admire and serve.

Long and happy may you live (most Illustrious Prince) a Comfort to your self, the Church, and State; as it shall be the daily and hearty Prayers of,

Great Sir,
your Highness's most devoted humble Servant, JAMES SALGADO, A Spanish Priest Converted.

SYMBIOSY, OR The true and genuine Picture of the Pope.

MOst Curte [...]us Reader, of what make soever thou art, thou art desired to lay aside thy graver matters, whilst thou viewest here the Pope in the Devil, and the Devil in the Pope These Arcadians, like old friends of the same Trade and Country, are both so closely unit­ed, so tied together in knot more un­diss lvable than the Gordian, that they seem no longer two distinct per­sons, but one and the same. This Ro­man [Page 2] [...] [Page 4]Cerberus is so throughly died with the Morals of Satan, so closely followes his footsteps, and so officious­ly Executes his Mandates, that we justly account him either genuine Son or else Vice-Gerent of the Devil. But lest our Preface grow too long, lest the softness of Words with the neg­lect or loss of substantial things, sho'd be proposed to our Reader, we will forthwith set about the thing itself. And whilst in proper Colours we limn out the Pope (qua talis) un­der the formal Character of Pope, we shall briefly touch on those Rea­sons, which persuade us to believe this Prometheus, this dunghil I dol of the Devil.

First then, if we look into the O­riginal of both, the Truth of that we propose will very clearly appear.

When the Almighty hand of God laid the foundations of th' earth, the same hand as we may very well sup­pose, had created Angels the Morn­ing Stars, the Sons of God which [Page 6]shouted for joy at sight of the Crea­tion in its Craddle: An Argument of the goodness of them all, nor could a­ny evil be created by God, whatever the foolishness of the Jews suggest­eth, assigning the Reason why the approbation of the second days work is omitted, Gen. 1.12. because the Devils made, as they usually affirm, on that day, it could not be said, Be­hold all was good. Whereas of An­gels made good, some either swelling in the magnificence of their present condition, or aspiring to greater state declared a war against God, revolt­ed from him, and at length under the weight of their own sin, fell into the Abyss of a never to be repair'd mi­sery, and thus degenerated into Devils.

Also when God would by Christ create the new Heaven and the new Earth, he employed his A­postles as faithful and chief build­ers who should wisely lay the foun­dation of our Salvation, and preach [Page 8]Jesus Christ to us. And since these of necessity must at last die, it seem'd good to him to appoint Pastors and Teachers to succeed them in the work of the Ministry, for perfecting of the Saints, Eph. 4. and for the Edifying of the Body of Christ. All these in Sacred Scripture are called An­gels. Apoc. 1. The seven Stars are the An­gels of the seven Churches, saith our Saviour. Such were the Primi­tive Bishops of the Roman Church, (the Faith of which, the Apostle doth in an excellent character de­scribe, Rom 1.) These Angels car­ried it humbly, the Zeal and Con­stancy of them was for the main, worthy of Commendation. Till in process of time, swelling with pride (whatever were the occasion) they were first in Boniface the III. chang­ed into professed and open Devils, about the sixth Age, as Lucifer before had (as is Credible) fallen on the Sixth day of the Cre­ation.

Ambition in the Roman Pre­lates had already spread itself, and albeit Gregorius I. contesting with John of Constantinople, had some­what checkt the itch, yet at last it broke out like a flame, and if it did not turn the World into ashes, it did like hellish fire scorch and blast the World, the very next Suc­cessor of Gregory (who had brand­ed the Pride of John as an Imita­tion of Lucifer) turns Lucifer him­self under the name of Bonifacius, (tho' Malifacius were a truer title for him) who without difficulty ob­tain'd the title of universal Bishop by grant from Phocas (designing thereby to oblige the Romans to him­self) when he had most wickedly murther'd the Emperor Mauritius and his Royal Children.

These were the beginnings of this Lucifer, this the way to the ambiti­ous aim, this the method of obtaining the High Priesthood of Rome, that he might be like the Devil, he began [Page 12]with the Devil, that he might re­semble him who was a Murtherer from the beginning, it was fit he ob­tain his investiture from a Murther­er. By these or such like means, the Ambition of this most holy Beast grew up, which is sufficiently known to all that have but cast an eye in­to the Records of History. Is there any need I sho'd mention Zacharias, whose pride as the pride of his suc­cessors was set up to the highest pitch by Pepin King of France? In kind requital whereof, Calv. Inst. 4. c. 7. Sect. 17. Zacharie deposeth Childeric, and Devil-like absolveth his Subjects from that Oath of Fealty they had sworn to Childeric. What shall we say of Syl­vester II. who (as old stories tell us) was advanced to the Pontifical dig­nity by the Devil himself.

Thus I suppose it is clear to e­very one, that the Origine of this most holy Father, was the same with that of the Devil.

Now lest our Pope sho'd but [Page 14]seem to vary ever so little from the temper of his Predecessor, he hath made himself famous (much like the Devil.) by slaughter of men, and the utter ruine of many; in which cruelty he proceeds as in a thing that needs not be deliberated, like bloody Executioners made more fierce by taste of humane blood, he retains the Savageness he contracted from the taste of the blood of Mauritius It is obvious to every one, how mary Murthers, how many bloody Butche­ries havebeen committed by the Pope. Who is a stranger to the proceedings of Roderic Borgiu, [Alexander 6?] How many did he, by the help of Va­lentine a Duke but his bastard Son, poyson? How many did he procure to be murthered? The very dust of the Cardinals, of St. Angelo of Ca­pa, of Modena, and of Ursine do still cry out, the Tombs of other ve­ry rich men removed by poysons, cry aloud, that he like an hungry Vultur was wont first to destroy [Page 16]their life, and next seize all their goods; for all which cruelties at last he was justly punisht in the Garden of the Cardinal Cornetensii, for the Pope coming somewhat before Sup­per time, very thirsty by reason of the vehement heat, unwarily drinking lighted on the poyson'd Cup, which his foresaid Bastard had prepared for the Cardinal; and next morn­ing the Pope breath'd out his impi­ous Soul. Did not Hildebrand (af­terwards Gregory the 7th) that Firebrand from Hell, murther by poyson six Popes, by this means ma­king way for himself to the Pope­dom? Did he not in his frantick fit often cast his Breaden God into the fire, as if he wo'd have Sacrific'd to Vulcan? Of which crimes con­victed, and by the Council of Wormes deposed, like exil'd Devil, he died at Brixia in Italy.

What sho'd I here mention Hen­ry III. King of France, stab'd ac­cording to appointment of the Pope, [Page 18]by James Clement of the D [...] ­minican order Monk, whom th [...] Pope our High Pontife did in [...] and solemn Speech praise for [...] Why need I repeat the Parisian but cherly Slaughter? Or the Murthe [...] of Prince Maurice? Or the cruelt [...] of Mary against her Protestant Sub­jects of England? Or the frequent exposing the life of Queen Eliza­beth to the danger of death by Trea­cheries? Or the never to be forgotte [...] Gun-powder Plot? Why sho'd I a [...] last mention more at large the mos [...] merciless Inquisition of Spain? th [...] blood of many innocents, whose life hath been tyrannically and without Law taken away by the means and procurement of the Pope, doth yet trickle down within our own view. And what wonder if they do so slightly account of the life of others, who can murther one ano­ther, and as slightly think what be­comes of themselves or others after death? I may scarce touch here on [Page 20] Julius, his casting the Keys into Ti­ber, and his taking up the Sword, his army marshal'd against the French King, of which sixteen Thousand men in one battel wer [...] lost in the sight of Pope Julius. I will not more than glance at the Ar­mies of Urbane 6th. and Clement the Anti-Pope. It will be enough to have reckon'd up Boniface 7th. and Gregory 5th. one of which put out the eyes of John 18th. the other put out the eyes of John 15th. and star­ved them by famine, or procur'd their death by violent course. Did not Stephan 6th procure, that the body of Formosus sho'd be dig'd out of his Grave, his two hallowed fin­gers cut off, he put into a Lay-man't habit, and in infamous manner be again buried? Did not Sergius com­mand that Formosus defended by Romanus 1st. by Theodore 2d. and John the 9th. and restored to the honour of having been worthy of E­piscopal dignity sho'd be beheaded, [Page 22]and that his head sho'd be cast into Tiber? Eminent instances of infal­lible Holiness? if you see not here the Effigies of the Devil, I know not where it can be seen.

Yet we have not drawn the last lineament, the Devil is proud, wh [...] tho' he had nothing, promised all the Kingdoms of the World, Mat. 4. and this to our Saviour, if he would fall down and Worship. What think you of our Pope, who from Servant of Servants hath raised himself to be Lord of Lords, under whose feet, as one blas­phemously saith, is written King of Kings? It is known by experience, that he claims to himself a Power; and Right over Kings, Princes, Seep­ters and Crowns, in so much that with impunity in Devilish pride A­lexander III. trod on the neck of the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and blasphemously repeated these words, Ps. 91.13. Thou shalt tread upon the Lion and Adder, and claimed in these ill expounded words, an equal [Page 24]share with St. Peter, whilst he derived the influence of them to himself by that Passage, & Mihi & Petro, to Me and Peter. Was it ought but Diabolical pride in that same Hellbrand, to make the Em­peror Henry 4th with his Wife and little Son, bare footed in the coldest frosts for three daies together, to wait before the Gate of the Pal­lace at Ganusium e'er he would ad­mit him to a Conference? Moreo­ver whence those Schisms in the Church, but from the excessive de­fire the Popes of Rome had after a Primacy over the Universal Church? whence did the Tartars take advantage to make so much slaughter in Poland, Silesia, and Hungary, but from the most fierce dissentions rais'd by the Pope against the Emperor Frederick II. about Praeeminence? insomuch that this proud Progeny of Lucifer grew to that height of Impudence as to as­sert, (with Innocent III.) that the [Page 26]Pope was like the Sun, the Empe­ror but as the Moon, and thence by a Mathematical Argument con­cludes the Papal throne 47 times greater than the Imperial, and that as Lead was of less value than Gold, so much was the Imperial dignity less than the Papal.

This pretty well for a pretender, but he imitating his Exemplar, who blindeth the eyes of the Nations, as­sumeth divine Honours to himself, and usurpeth a God-like Authority, nay lifts up himself above God him­self, as the transcendent power of Dispensing and Exempting, given to him by the Canonists, manifestly declare: So that the foresaid Gen­tlemen, the Popes thought they need not blush, when they assert their Power to dispense with the Law of God, and Nature, and Christ, and against the Precepts of both Old and New Testament, in which cause we want not examples of the former and present Age. This doth parti­cularly [Page 28]appear in the Popes Dispen­sation to Henry 8th. of England, that he might marry his Brother's Relict, and at this day in the Prince of Portugal, with Papal Dispensation, marrying his Bro­ther's Wife, the Brother still alive. By such Rules 'tis, that he is prov­ed to be obliged by none, but is above all Law, or indeed lawless. As for his Power transcendent, this gives him an honor no less than that due to Angels, Antonin. Sum. part 3. by vertue hereof, the Papacy is the supreme created Pow­er, Angels and Arch-Angels are subjected to him, and are (if his flatterers speak truth) the Fowls of Heaven, as men are the Sheep and Oxen, Joh. de Pariis. and as Souls in Purgatory are to be understood, when the Fishes of the Sea are said to be put under Man's foot. But this is not high enough yet! He can make some­thing out of nothing, and make that just and equal, which was unjust and unequal. Take the Character of his Person:

They are not pleas'd he be or God or man,
Neuter to both, he is, above both what he can.

In plain prose what will he prove to be? Not an Angel, for he rules the Angels, and the Pope gives them Law, not God, How great soever his barbarous pride be, and whatever his Flatterers whisper in his Ear, he dares not declare that he is God; well then, neither God, this too much; nor Angel, this too little, but the Devil will fit it well, and for such let him pass, whilst we farther spin out the thread of our Discourse, and view whether there be not more of the like documents which confirm what we say.

He is either Devil, or Progeny of the Devil, who doth his works or fulfils his desires. Ye are (saith our Saviour) of your Father the Devil, Joh. 8. and the Will of your Father ye will do. Now what a long train of Popes, how many names of them [Page 32]shall you read, who have continually and diligently done the works of the Devil, Men as culpable in faith as in Morals. How great a current of all Vices was there in John 13. who ordain'd Deacons in a stable, was incestuous, a Worshipper of De­vils, a Ravisher of Virgins, who had at last a miserable death by the hand of the Husband, whose Wife was Adulteress to that Pope.

As for Gregory 7. what Blas­phemies, what Perjuries, what Con­sultings with Wizards, what study of the Black-Art are there reported of him? I will not here paint out John 23. nor Eugenius censured in the Councils of Constance and Ba­sil; nor Silvester 2. a Magician and a Necromancer. Time wo'd fail e'er I could rehearse all their Vices, such their Morals, their Faith was no better, nor co'd it be otherwise, than they sho'd be delighted with the Doctrine of Devils, who were unit­ed close to Devils in a knot that [Page 34]cann't be untied. I will pass by the several Honorus's, Stephanus's, A­nastasius's, Caelestin's and John's, It will be sufficient to inform my Reader, that in one Iron Age the Popes which succeeded each other to a greater number than 50 in the Roman See, were Apostatical, or Apotactical (disorderly livers) ra­ther than Apostolical. May we ac­count these the Ministry of Christ? The Doctors of the Church? The Vicars of Christ? The Successors of Peter? Men whose chief delight was in a dissolute Life, and spread­ing of Haeresies? These must be ac­counted Devils, or Successors of an Apostle, as Darkness is Successor of Light, or Sickness succeeds Health. Doctors of the Church by the same Rule that Scipio was surnam'd A­fricanus, because he had wasted and enslaved Africa.

Let us go a little further in our Parallel, we shall find one more qua­lity, (omitting others) That the De­vil [Page 36]and our Pope agree in. Satan is crafty and contriver of endless cheats: The guileful Serpent which under the Pretence of Friendship, decoy'd our first Parents into sin, that when he had made them like himself in sin, he might utterly ruine them by misery: In this an easie view will shew you the Pope the Fox like He­rod, and an unwearied imiter of the Devil, who doth lay traps for Souls with this bait, Mat. 4. All these will I give to thee. The Pope destroyes Souls, and by his Indulgences, that well known Merchandise of Rome, most craftily dreineth all the Countreys of Europe. Read over th' Annals of all Ages, you will find every where that under the cloak of Religion, and under a counterfeited Vicariate from Christ, the Pope hath ruled all, and lorded it over the Imperial and Royal Purple, much as of old the Pagan Rome's Emperours, by force of Arms, tyrannised over the World. Mantuan witnesseth this, [Page 38]

What, Rome head of the World, by Arms ne'r gain'd,
That she by ill fram'd pious frauds obtain'd.

whilst she demurely acts the Sobri­ety of the Curii, she debauchedly lives in the Riots of the Bacchanals and is as much a stranger to Religion as she pretends acquaintance with it. All which that she may do cheap­er than at Expence of her Reputa­tion and Honour, she doth craftily endeavour by fit distinctions, like mince meat, to prepare that the Christian World may swallow it without chewing. So that when the Pope errs, It is in a controversie of what was done, not what was right, and in the character of a private Christian, not in the great figure of Pope of Rome, and when he was unluckily out of his Chair, not when he was gravely seated in it. These are some of the finenesses of the De­vil; New paint by which the ugly face of old Sathan is somewhat [Page 40]smooth'd, and his falling Kingdom patch'd up a little more plausibly. Devil-like and with the same Arti­fice he divides Kingdoms, and en­gageth them in Wars against each other, he raiseth jealousies between King and Subjects, sets them to pull one another down, that their ruines may build and adorn his Pallaces, there is no necessity I sho'd appeal to other Kingdoms shaken by the trou­bles he raised, tho' France were si­lent, and Germany and Venice held their Peace as dumb; England alone might come forth and speak to this point. England a most happy Kingdom, which all admire, and court her Friendship, for which all do most carnesty (as for the Golden Apple) contend. A Kingdom now the hope of Spain; a terror and check to France; support of Netherlands, in how great Perplexity and Confu­sion do's it See itself, by the devilish Stratagems of the Pope? I'le say nothing of the burning of London, [Page 42]of the civil Wars rais'd among them by the Pope. The present Plot alone is an unshaken argument, to demon­strate what I have said; from the least to the greatest, all stand won­dring to see the measures of an uni­versal ruine of King and Kingdom, laid out by the crooked, but long measuring Pole of Papal crafts, when they see so many Plots, so ma­ny Devices multiplying like Hydra's heads, on the Discovery and Disap­pointment of former; well there may be some fear within and some without, whilst dangers hang over our heads, and threaten as if they were unavoidable. And now Eng­land is become a weeping Democri­tus. So much the more for that she sees all the Conspirators cajolled by the craft of the Pope, like constant Companions with seeming chearful­ness endure Death, the Gallows, and all without a penitent Discove­ry of their guilt: Staley dieth, Cole­man is executed, the Jesuits hang'd, [Page 44]the Murtherers of Godfrey are so punisht, and Stafford brings up the rear, all lead in blind obedience to the Pope, through his Diabolical subtlety.

Swear, and forswear, though to the Pit of Hell,
The secrets of the Popish Plot ne'er tell.

Ʋnhappy world thus to be bewitch'd! unhappy Kings thus to submit them­selves to the Command of the Pope! who never leaves them in rest, till ti­red out, they lay themselves down at the feet of this three headed Cerberus, who at his leisure devours them. How much wo'd it be for the good of the Christian World, wo'd the Cardinals do now (what is as most earnestly de­sir'd in that Tripple Schism headed by three Popes at once) by an unanimous Vote, resolve after Death of the next Pope, no other sho'd ever be chosen more. Then our PAPA, interpreted by that word which is begun with each letter of his name, P. Poculum the Cup. A. Aureum Golden. P. Plenum Full. A. Abominationum of Abominations. (the Character of Babylon in the Re­velation) so taken away, Kings and Princes would no wore drink of the in­toxicating Wine of her Spiritual For­nications.

This our Buffoons, the Purple flat­terers [Page 46]of the Babylonish Strumpet might easily do. Without difficulty might these Fools in the play, remove that Idol which first they make and then adore, and finally propose to be adored by others; Then would the Vi­car of the Devil cease, when his strength were thus broken and scattered.

Oh for some Diogenes wiser than the rest, with Candle and Lanthorn to seek a Pope in the apartments of the Vatican, or thro' the corners of the Christian World, and yet not find him; Then,, and not till then, will Christ, as he hath right, reign alone in his Church: And the Monarchs of this World deriving their authority immediately from Christ, would take care, that in the Church those things might be establish'd, which conduce to the publick Peace in a most sweet harmony. This proud Satan, that blends Hell and Heaven, sho'd be bound nor ever loosed till eternally destroy'd by the Breath of the mouth of Christ.


SYMBIOSIS PAPAE & DIABOLI, UT ET Cardinalis ET MORIONIS. CUM Adnexa utrius (que) Effigie, & brevi ejus Explica­tione.

Opera & Studio JACOBI SALGADO Hispani Conversi Presbyteri.


Papa, Sathan, fratres nodo ju [...]guntur ab arcto.
Cur▪ Quoniam mundi fert [...]r uter (que) Deus.
Os ori junctum est; quia, q [...] dilabitur orbis
Communi voto, sufflat uter (que) sibi.
Morio [...]athoni Babylonis jungitur ast cur?
Orbem nam scenam frater uter (que) facit.
Vix spectator erit, stulto modò tolle theatrum;
Nec Romae, dempto Cardine, Praesul erit.

Illustrissimo AC Celsissimo PRINCIPI RUPERTO, CUMBERLANDIAE Duci, &c. Res non minùs fortiter quam feliciter agere.

AButor auctoritate & bene­volentià Tuâ, Princeps celsissime, quod lineolis hisce no­men Tuum, super aethera notum, praefixum cupio. Quod si libellus, tum mole grandior, tum curâ & arte limatior, prodiisset, excusa­tius me acturum fuisse non pror­sus diffido. Ast vel ipsum com­pendiosum istud seculum me ab­solvet, & in exilium missa pro­lixitate [Page]hunc nuci inclusum Ho­merum anteferet. Nauseant quip­pe delicatiores Stomachi super talibus escis, quae toties masti­catae à solius jusculi abundantiâ commendantur. Et, si brevi­tas delectet, compactum istud, suisque membris & arteriis coa­gulatum quasi corpusculum, Tuo non destituetur Patrocinio.

Papam hic, veram illam A­pocalypticam bestiam propriis & genuinis reddidi coloribus, & pro ejus meritò; cum jurato hu­mani generis hoste, omnis con­fusionis & ataxias Parente Dia­bolo, contuli. Rationes sagax Tuum & perspicax judicium acu [Page]mentis in processu tanget, & ni­si evictum dederim (summatim licet) descriptionem Effigiei re­spondere, nae aut ego fine exci­di, aut omnis historiae veritas exolevit.

Sed cur ego de Tuo, mag­nanime Princeps, assensu dubi­tarem, qui propriis periculis, Parentis cladibus & quotidianâ rerum experientiâ de veritate pro­positionis meae jam olim edoctus fuisti.

Patrocinium solummodo Tu­um supplex expeto, & humili observantiâ obtestor, ut pro mo­re [Page]Tuo id est, benignè ac be­nevolè lineolas hasce excipias, auctoremque earum eâ prosequa­ris Clementiâ, quae & depraedi­catae Tuae generositati & meae conditioni respondeat.

Hoc si à Celsitudine Tuâ im­petratum fuerit, habebo unde & mihi aeternum gratuler & Tu­um me in posterum mancipium, profitear.

Vive Illustrissime Princeps diu faustus, ubique felix, Tibi, Ec­clesiae, Reipublicae, & habe Gratiae Tuae quam commenda­tissimum

JACOBUM SALGADO, Hispan. Presbyt. Conversum.

SYMBIOSIS, &c. Sive Vera & genuina Papae Delineatio, &c.

QUisqui [...]es, Lector Candi­dissime, sepositis graviori­bus negotiis, mecum hic Papam in Diabolo, Diabolum in Papa intuere. Tam arcto hi' Arcades ambo copulantur nexu, tam in­dissolubili concatenantur Gordio, ut jam non divisi ab invicem, sed unum idemque esse suppositum videantur. Tam feliciter Ro­manus [Page 3] [...] [Page 5]Cerberus Sathanae mor [...] ­bus imbutus est, tam stricte ejus premit vestigia, tam denique officiose mandata exequitur, ut vel progenies Diaboli, vel ejus Vice-Regens venire mereatur. Ne verò in longum protrahatur Oratio, meraque verborum leno­cinia, rerum pondere vel neg­lecto vel praetermisso, Lectori proponantur, rem ipsam ag­grediemur, Papamque qua ta­lem, genuinis delineaturi colo­ribus, strictim eas attingemus rationes, ob quas nobis, hic Stercorariae Sedis Prometheus, Diabolo ipsi comparandus vide­atur.

Inprimis si utriusque Origi­nem introspexerimus, Propositi­onis nostrae aequitas clariùs elu­cescet.

Dum ipsa terrae fundamenta omnipotens Dei manus pone­ret, etiam Angelos creasse cen­senda est, quos matutina astra [Page 7]& jubilantes Dei filios in ipsis Creationis incunabulis Creator pronunciat. Job. 38. Omnes tum erant boni; Gen. 1. neque enim quicquam mali Deus creaverat, quicquid Judaeo­rum sentiat Stultitia, quae ratio­nem praetermissi secundae diei epitheti, vers. 12. quod esset bona, in Diabolorum (quos tunc factos suspicatur) crea­tionem consuevit refundere.

Quidam autem horum sic creatorum Angelorum, vel con­ditionis suae magnificentiâ elati, vel ad altiora aspirantes, bel­lum indixere Deo, &, latâ suâ culpâ, ab eo deficientes, tan­dem in miseriarum & irrepa­rabilis infelicitatis abyssum prae­cipitati, Diaboli evasere.

Cum etiam Deus in Christo novum coelum & novam ter­ram crearet, Es. 65. Apostolos suos tanquam fideles Architectos ad­hibuit, 1 Cor. 3. qui fundamentum salu­tis nostrae Jesum Christum sapi­enter [Page 9]ponerent. Quia vero illi tandem supremum erant obituri diem, successores eis, Pastores & Doctores, idque ad opus mini­sterii, Eph. 4. ad Consummationem sanctorum, ad Aedificationem corporis Christi assignare digna­tus est.

Omnes tales in sacrâ paginâ Angeli dicuntur; Apoc. 1. Septem stellae Angeli sunt septem Ecclesiarum, inquit Salvator. Quibus quin primitivi Romanae Ecclesiae An­tistites (quorum fidem encomi­asticè describit Apostolus) ac­censendi sint, nulli dubitamus. Rom. 1. Submissè hi Angeli se gerebant, laudabilis maximam partem fuit eorum zelus & constantia, do­nec tandem, turgentes. Super­biâ (quaecunque ejus fuerit oc­casio) post sextum seculum (ve­lut sexto die cecidisse Luciferum credibile est) in Bonifacio III. in professos & apertos Diabolos fuere commutati.

Serpebat jam olim in Roma­nis Praesulibus ambitio, & licet eam quodammodo Gregorius I. Fox. p. 13. contra Johannem Constantinopo­litanum decertans sufflaminârit, tandem tamen in flammam eru­pit, & Universum si non combus­sit, saltem instar Ignis Inferna­lis adussit orbem. Proximus Successor Gregorii (qui Johan­nem in elucidatione suâ Luciferum imitari aiebat) Lucifer evasit. Quippe dictus Bonifacius, sed Malefacius dicendus, Universa­lis Episcop [...] titulum à Phoca Par­ricida, Imperatoris Mauritii & stirpis regiae pessimo sicario (qui eâ ratione Romanorum animos voluit devincere) facilè impe­travit.

Haec erant hujus Luciferi ini­tia, haec ad Ambitionem via, haec obtinendi summi Pontifi­catûs Methodus. Ut Diabolo similis fieret, à Diabolo incho­are [Page 13]debuit: ut eum, qui est Homicida ab initio, referret, Joh. 8. à Parricida investituram obtinere merebatur. Talibus vel simili­bus mediis sua, sacerrimae hujus Bestiae Ambitio capiebat in­crementa. Notum satis istud est eis, qui historiarum adyta vel à limine salutarunt. Et quid hîc Zachariam commemorem, cujus insolentia, aeque ac suc­cessorum ejus, per Pipinum Gal­liae Regem in arce collocata fu­it? Calv. Inst. 4. c. 7. Sect. 17. In cujus rei redhostimen­tum Zacharias Childericum depo­nit, ejusque subditos à juramen­to fidelitatis Regi praestito, di­abolicè absolvit. Quid Syl­vestrum II. quem ab ipso Diabo­lo ad Pontificatûs dignitatem e­vectum, antiquis monumentis proditum legimus.

Originem ergo sanctissimi hujus Patris eandem, quam Diaboli, fu­isse nulli non patere existimo.

Ne vero Papa noster ab Anteces­soris [Page 15]sui naturâ vel latum un­guem discedere videretur, non minùs ac Diabolus homicidiis, va­riorum internecionibus clarus ef­fectus est, quasi nihil de cru­delitate deliberaturus, quam ex hausto Mauritii cruore contra­xerat, veluti solent Carnifices ex poto humano sanguine fero­ciores evadere. Quot enim ab illis homicidia commissa, quot lanienae effectae, nemini non ob­vium est.

Cui ignoti sunt Roderici Bor­giae, postea Alexandri VI. pro­cessûs? Quot ipse, opitulante Valentino Duce, filio suo notho, veneno enecavit? Quot vitâ pri­vare curavit? Joh. de Serres. Clamant adhuc Cardinalium de S. Angelo, de Capa, de Modena, & de Ur­sino, cineres vociferantur alio­rum ditissimorum veneno è vi­vis sublatorum busta, quorum omnia bona, tanquam insati­bilis Vultur, post exitum eo­rum [Page 17]ad se rapere consueverat. Licet tandem justas crudelitatis suae, in horto Cardinalis Cor­netensis, poenas dederit. In­toxicatô enim, quod supra­dictus spurius pro Cardinali pa­raverat, vino Papa ante tem­pus coenae accedens, nimio calore exsiccatus, impruden­ter hausto, proximo mane im­piam animam efflavit.

Annon Hildebrandus (dein­ceps Gregorius VII.) inferna­lis ille titio, sex Papas veneno enecavit, ut eâ ratione sibi viam ad Papatum sterneret? Annon impanatum suum De­um, [...]abie correptus, Vulca­no saepiùs consecravit? Quo­ [...]um criminum convictus, & [...]n Wormatiensi Concilio con­demnatus, tandem Brixiae in [...]taliâ depositus, Ʋrsperyen. exul Diabolus expiravit.

Quid hîc ego Henricum III. Galliae Regem, per Papae subor­nationem, [Page 19]à Jacobo Clemen­ [...]e, Dominicani Ordinis Mo­nacho, (quem & panegyri summus noster Pontifex dig­natus est) pugione transverbe­ratum; quid lanienam Pari­siensem aut Hibernicam; quid Mauritii mortem; quid Mariae in Anglos Protestantes cru­delitatem; aut Serenissimae Eli­zabethae Reginae vitam, toties fatorum periculo expositam; vel nunquam obliterandam pul­verariam Conspirationem; quid tandem crudelissimam Hispani­cam Inquisitionem, fusiùs com­memorem? Stillat adhuc mul­torum sanguis innocentium, quo­rum vitae, curante & promo­vente Papa, tyrannicè & ille­gitimè ereptae fuere. Et quid­ni ipsi aliorum vitas floccipen­derent, cum violentas manus si­bimet invicem, non solum in vita, sed post fata etiam injicere non dubitent. Non hîc Julii clavi­um [Page 21]in Tiberim projectionem & assumptionem Gladii, non in­structam contra Galliarum Re­gem aciem, ex quâ ipse prae­sens sedecim millia hominum in Praelio amisit: neque Urba­ni VI. & Antipapae Clemen­tis exercitus attingam. Satis erit Bonifacium VII. & Gre­gorium V. enumerasse, quo­rum alter Johanni XVIII. Fox. p. 160. al­ter Johanni XV. oculos erue­re, & vel fame enecare vel vi­olenter vitam eripere curâ­runt.

Nonne Stephanus VI. resosso Formosi Corpore, & duobus con­secratis digitis praecisis, Platina. laici veste indutum, infamem in modum iterum tumulari curavit? Non­ne Sergius eundem Formosum à Rhomano primo, Stella. Theodo­ro secundo, Johanne nono defensum & Episcopali dig­nitati restitutum, capite trun­cari jussit & tandem caput [Page 23] [...] Tiberim proiici? Pulchra in­ [...]llibilis sanctitatis exempla! ni­ [...] hîc Effigiem Diaboli videas, escio ubi conspicies.

Sed necdum lineamentorum [...]is. Superbus Diabolus est, [...]ui vel Salvatori nostro, ipse ni­ [...]il habens, Matth. 4. omnia mundi regna [...]onare pollicebatur, si modò ca­ [...]ens adoraret eum. Quid vero de [...]apa nostro existimas? Ex servo ervorum Dei evasit in Dominum [...]ominantium, in cujus calcaneo, [...]t blasphemè quidam ait, scriptum [...]st: REX REGUM. Experien­ [...]â compertum est, quod in Reges, [...] Principes, in Sceptra & Diade­nata, jus & potestatem sibi vindi­ [...]et, in tantum, ut Alexandro III. [...]icuerit supra collum Friderici Bar­ [...]arossae diabolico fastu impunè [...]aclare, Joh. de ser­res. cum blasphemâ horum verborum repetitione: Super As­pidem & Basiliscum ambulabis. Et aequè verborum horum, licet pessime expositorum, energiam [Page 25]ad se ac ad Petrum extende­re, per illud suum: Et mihi & Petro. Quid superiùs no­minatus Hellebrandus praeter­quam Diabolicam insolentiam commisit, quando Imperato­rem Henricum IV. Jewel. De­fens. Apol. p. 168. unà cum Uxore & Infantulo nudis Pedi­bus, in maxima frigoris impa­tientia, per triduum ad Ostium Palatii sui Canusiis stare fecit, priusquam eum ad suum Col­loquium admitteret? Unde il­la in Ecclesia Schismata, Niceph. Greg. lib. 5. prae­terquam ex Romanorum Ponti­ficum nimio primatûs in uni­versam Christi Ecclesiam desideri­o? Unde tot in Poloniâ, Silesia, Vid. Mor­nae. Hist. Pap. p. 845. Ungaria à Scythis editae stra­ges, praeterquam ex atrocissi­mis Romani Pontificis cum Im­peratore Friderico II. Aventin. lib. 6. An­nal. Bojor. ob prae­eminentiam dissidiis? Quid, quod haec progenies Diaboli eò processit impudentiae, ut se (cum Innocentio III.) Soli, [Page 27]Imperatorem Lunae assimilare non erubuerit: imò adjecit, Innocent. 3. in de­oretal. Papalem dignitatem septies & quadragies Imperatoriâ majo­rem esse, hanc verò infra Pa­palem praeeminentiam adinstar Plumbi, Gelas. di­stinct. 96. infra Auri decus & pre­tium subsidere.

Levius id esset, nisi ad exem­plum Diaboli oculos Ethnicorum excaecantis, non solùm divinos sibi Honores & Authoritatem arrogaret, verum etiam Deo se ipsi anteferret. Manifestò id evincunt attributa ei à Cano­nistis dispensativa, exemptiva, & transcendentalis Potestas. Jux­ta priorem, Papam, contra Jus Divinum & Naturae, con­tra Novum Testamentum, imò de omnibus Veteris & Novi Testamenti praeceptis dispensa­re posse, Jewel De­fens. Apol. p. 59. Fox p. 785. asserere non eru­bescunt. Neque destituimur hâc in materia, anterioris & prae­sentis seculi exemplis. Quemad­modum [Page 29]istud in Henrico VIII. Britanniarum Monarcha Fra­triam suam ex dispensatione Papae in Uxorem ducente, & modò regnante Lusitaniae Principe liquidò apparet. Jux­ta aliam, nullâ Lege tene­tur, sed est merus Exlex.

Quantum ad tertiam, quam trans­cendentalem dicimus, non mi­nor honor Papae debetur, Anton. in Sum. part. 3. quam Angelis. Juxta eam Papatus est summa Virtus cre­ata: Angeli & Archangeli sunt ei subjecti, quos vola­tilibus Coeli Gnathones ejus comparant, ut omittam Oves & Boves (per quos homines) & Pisces Maris, Johan. de Pariis. per quos ani­mae in Purgatorio intelligun­tur. Altius assurgunt: Ex ni­hilo potest facere aliquid, Nicol. dist. 96. ae­quum ex iniquo; & si ip­sam personae qualitatem respi­cias.

Nec Deus est, nec homo, quasi neuter inter utrumque.
Extravag. Bonifac.

Quis ergo tandem erit? Cum Angelus esse nequeat, utpote fraenum suae potestatis illis inji­ciens, Papa Angelis praecipit, Agrippa. necessum est, ut sit Diabolus, quia ne ipsa quidem, quanta­cunque sit, ut Deus dicatur (quicquid garriant adulatores) non sinet barbaries.

Ulteriùs rationum nostrarum filum protendamus & videa­mus, utrum plura non sint, quae nostram Propositionem ad­struant, documenta.

Diabolus ille, vel Progenies Diaboli esse debet, qui facit opera Diaboli, & ejus explet desideria. Joh. 8. Vos (inquit Salva­tor) ex Patre Diabolo estis, & desideria Patris vestri vultis facere. At quantum Paparum syrma, quot onerosa ipsorum [Page 33]nomina legeris, qui opera Diaboli assiduò & sedulò perpetrarunt. Mores aeque ac fides in multis culpabiles. Quanta in Johanne XIII. in omnia vitia proclivi­tas, Diaconorum in stabulis or­dinatio, incestus, Diaboli invo­catlo, violatio Virginum, Adul­teria, & tandem miser per ma­num Mariti Adulterae ex hac vita exitus.

Quae de Gregorio VII. Fox p. 159. Blas­phemiae, quae Perjuria, qualis auguriorum sectatio, quàm ini­quum Necromantiae studium, re­citantur? Non hic Johannem XXIII. non Eugenium, Constan­tiensi & Basileensi Conciliis casti­gatos, non Sylvestrum II. Magum & Necromantam depingam. Dies me desiceret, si per omnia eorum vitia divagari deberem.

Sed nec fides moribus melior. Nec enim aliter fieri potest, quàm ut illi, quos indissolubilis cum Dae­mone copulavit nodus, doctrinis [Page 35]Daemoniorum delectentur. O­mittam hîc Honorios, Stepha­nos, Anastasios, Caelestinos, Jo­hannes; sufficiet, quod ferreo illo seculo plures quam quinqua­ginta Pontifices, Apostatici po­tiùs aut Apotactici quàm A­postolici dicendi, Genebrar­dus. in sede Roma­na sibi mutuo successerint. Hos­ne ergò Ministros Christi, hos Ecclesiae Doctores? Hosne Vi­carios Dei & Petri successores di­ceres? Quorum unica in vitae dissolutae ratione & in prosemi­nandis haeresibus erat delecta­tio? Vel Diabolos dicas necesse est, vel eo modo successores Apostoli, quo tenebrae luci, morbus sanitati dicuntur suc­cedere: Eô modô Doctores Ecclesiae, quô Scipio dicebatur Africanus, eò quod Africam va­stasset & subvertisset.

Sed ulteriùs pedem promove­amus, & unam adhuc Diaboli (ut caeteras omittam) qualitatem in [Page 37]Papa nostro reperiri exhibeamus. Astutus est Sathan, & mille frau­dum Artifex: Callidus Serpens, qui sub amicitiae praetextu Pa­rentes nostros ad Peccandum pel­lexit, ut postquam eos sibi similes reddidisset, etiam penitùs subjice­ret. Converte autem oculorum aci­em in Papam, protinus conspicies, vulpem esse hunc Herodem & Di­aboli imitatorem indefessum. Ani­mam Diabolus per Tibi dabo vena­tur. Hic verò & animas perdit, Mat. 4. & per suas indulgentias notamque illam Babylonicae meretricis mer­caturam ingentem pecuniae vim, omnibus Europae Regionibus cal­lidissimè emungit. Evolve omni­um temporum Annales, ubique re­peries, Rêligionis obtentu & vica­riatûs Christi praetextu, Papam omnia rexisse, & pro lubitu suo purpuratis imperasse capitibus, non secus ac olim Romani Imperatores universum orbem, armorum suo­rum potentiâ, in officio continue­runt.

Orbis Roma caput, quicquid non continet armis,
Relligione tenet.—

Attamen curios simulando Bacchanalia vivit, & dum Re­ligionem obtendit, quàm ma­xime ab ea reperitur alienus. Ne vero quicquam existima­tioni ejus & honori decedat, fraudulenter admodum palpum, variis ad. hoc negotium con­fictis distinctionibus, Christia­no orbi conatur obtrudere. Dum errat, errat in quaestione fa­cti non juris, quà privatus Christianus, non quà Romanus Pontifex, extra Cathedram, non in Cathedra constitutus. Nonne haec sunt figmenta Di­aboli, nonne nova inventa, per quae deformis satis Sathanae facies aliquantulum interpola­tur, [Page 41]& ruens ejus Regnum ful­citur plausibiliùs? Subservit Di­abolicae huic illius astutiae, quod semper Regna cum Regnis, Re­gem cum subditis committat, ut eâ ratione in aliorum ruinis sua edificet Palatia. Non hîc opus est ad aliorum Regnorum turbas per eum concitatas excur­rere. Sileat Gallia, taceat Ger­mania, Venetiae obmutescant, so­la Anglia prodeat in medium & loquatur.

Anglia, Regnum felicissimum, quod omnes mirantur, cujus om­nes amicitiam ambiunt, & quasi de aureo Pomo contendunt acer­rime. Regnum, quod est spes Hispaniae, terror & stupor Gal­liae, Belgii fulcimentum, in quan­ta quaeso per Diabolica Papae Stratagemata nunc semetipsam perplexitate, in quanta confusi­one conspicit! Nil dicam de Lon­dinensis Urbis conflagratione, [Page 43]nil de mutuis cladibus Papae o­pera procreatis. Moderna sola Conspiratio inconcussum est sta­biliendae nostrae propositionis ar­gumentum. A minimo ad ma­ximum omnes stant attoniti, quando Regis & Regni univer­salem ruinam quasi jam in Pa­palis astutiae statera appensam suspicantur. Quando tot vident machinationes, tot nova strata­gemata, quae quasi Tirynthianae hydrae capita in locum priorum praecisorum cum foenore renas­cuntur. Metus eos intus & fo­ris oppressit, pericula hinc inde quasi certò imminentia formi­dantur. Flens est Anglia Demo­critus. Et quidem eò magis, quod videat omnes conjurationis Achates calliditate Papae cir­cumventos, Mortem, Crucem, & omnia sponte subire, nullo criminis & reatûs sui propalato indicio. Moritur Staley, perit Colemannus, intereunt Jesuitae, [Page 45]plectuntur Godefredi sicarii, ag­men tandem impraesentiarum clau­dit Staffordius, caecâ erga di­abolicas Papae astutias ducti obe­dientiâ. ‘Jura, Perjura, secretum prodere noli.’ Infelix mundus, quem talis fascina­vit socius! Infelices Reges, qui e­jus sese submittunt Imperio, nun­quam magis inquieti, quam dum in iniquissimo tricipitis hujus Cer­beri finu lassatum caput gestiunt recondere. Quam expediens uni­verso Christianorum orbi foret, si (quod in triplici illo Antipaparum schismate ardentibus votis expe­tebatur) Cardinales communibus fuffragiis in id conspirarent, Gerson. ne unquam amplius post fata unius, alter Pontifex eligeretur. Tunc PAPA noster, literis in voces re­solutis Poculum Aureum Plenum Abominatioum, è medio subla­tus, nuuquam ulteriùs Reges & Principes fornicationum spiri­tualium vino inebriare perge­ret.

Atque facilè Mimus noster, Cardinalis. pur­puratus [Page 47]Babylonicae Meritricis gna­tho id posset efficere; facilê qui nunc Morionis instar scenam ex mun­do facit, adorando eum, quem ip­se creavit, & aliis adorandum ini­que propinando, omnes has diffi­cultates amovere. Cessaret Pa­pa Vicarius esse Diaboli, qui tali destitutus instrumento vires suas si non ad ultimum frangeret, certè tamen quam maxime dissiparet.

Et utinam Diogenes iste tandem resipisceret, utinam accensâ Ve­ritatis taedâ in foro Vaticano, imo in ipso foro orbis, quaereret Papam nec tamen inveniret. Tunc tempo­ris solus in Ecclesiâ, veluti debet, regnaret Christus, & seculares Monarchae, jus suum ab eo imme­diate arcessentes, curarent ea in Ecclesiâ, quae communi paci, re­rumque quam suavissimo ordini, harmonicè inservirent. Ligaretur hic superbus & ubique summa im­miscens Sathanas, nec ante dissol­veretur, quam, spiritu oris Chri­sti deletus, aeternum concideret. 2 Thes. 2.


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