THE GREAT TREATY OF PEACE: OR A Serious Exhortation upon a sad occasion to double Diligence about making Peace with God. Part whereof was preached at the Fu­neral of Mrs. ANNE KYRL, April 6. 1677.

To which is Annexed, The Character of that Wor­thy Gentlewoman.

By H. S. Minister of the Gospel.

LONDON, Printed for John Hancock, at the Sign of the Three Bibles in Popes Head Alley in Cornhil. 1677.


To the Relations OF Mrs. ANNE KYRL Lately Deceased, H. S.

Wisheth the Multiplication of Grace and Peace, through the Knowledge of God, and of Je­sus our Lord.


BY a sad Providence you are brought together into this place, yea by a long series of Providences the Governor of the World hath brought it to pass, That I must be your Orator for a while, and you my Auditors.

To bespeak your attention and seri­ousness, being met upon such a sad oc­casion, one would think should be need­less.

I hope you are perswaded that you [Page 2] are all here before God to whom all things are naked, and opened, and to whom you must, another day, give ac­count of your being here this day.

I hope also that you are fully perswa­ded that preaching the Gospel, what ever the World accounts it, is the power of God, Rom. 1. 16. and that whereby it pleaseth him to save them that believe, 1 Cor. 1. 18, 21. and that Faith comes by hearing it, Rom. 10. 17. and that 'tis a means ordained of God to open peoples eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, &c. Acts 26. 17, 18.

I would hope also, that you are come with an expectation to hear what God, by Man, will say unto you, and with a resolution to do what shall be comman­ded you of the Lord, as Peters Hearers, Acts 10. 33. when he was sent to them to tell them words whereby they might be saved, Acts 11. 14.

My hearts desire and prayer to God is, that I may so speak, and you may so hear, that our Souls may be, when we go hence, where that Blessed Soul is, whose Corps we are met here to inter.

[Page 3] It is written, 2 Pet. 3. 14. thus, Wherefore (Beloved) seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot and blame­less.

The day of the Lord will come, v. 10. whatever Mockers (v. 3, 4.) say to the contrary. Therefore the Apostle exhorts to holiness, v. 11. and in this v. 14. repeats his Exhortation.

The Exhortation is enforced by Ar­guments.

1. One v. 12. from their hope and ex­pectation of Christs coming.

2. Another from the new and better estate they expected at his coming ac­cording to promise, v. 13. which pro­mise you have, Isa. 65. 17. & 66. 22. Be­hold, I create new Heavens and a new Earth, that is, a new estate of the Church, which was to have,

  • 1. Its inchoation and beginning.
  • 2. Its consummation and perfecting.

1. Its inchoation at the first coming of Christ in Gospel times, which estate of the Church is called,

  • 1. A new Creation by the Prophet Isaiah.
  • [Page 4] 2. The World to come by S. Paul, Heb. 2. 5.
  • 3. The Kingdom of Heaven by John Baptist, Mat. 3. 2.

2. Its consummation and perfecting at the second coming of Christ at the last day, which is that here spoken of v. 13. and Rev. 21. 5.

Now it follows, Wherefore seeing we look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, &c.

Beloved, beloved of God, Christ, An­gels, and Men; seeing ye look for, ex­pect, hope for, such things, such a new and happy estate, viz. Eternal blessed­ness, Eternal life, when this Life shall have an end; be diligent, industriously diligent, sedulous, studious, sollicitous: that ye may be found of him, that is, of the Lord Jesus Christ, when he shall come to judgment, to the judgment ei­ther of all in general, or of each one in particular.

1. In Peace, In peace with God, re­conciled to him by Jesus Christ, Col. 1. 20. Rom. 5. 10.

2. In peace with our selves, having [Page 5] peace of Conscience, and no trouble or terror in our spirits at his coming, as they Rev. 6. 15, 16. who could not endure to see the face of him that sate on the Throne.

3. In peace with others, especially the Saints, holding fellowship and communion with them.

Without spot, having the unspoted righteousness of Christ imputed to them as their own.

And blameless in their conversation.

Three things upon this occasion I intend to speak to.

1. That Christ will come to judg­ment.

2. At his coming Believers expect a blessed estate.

3. They that do expect this blessed estate must be diligent, that they may be found of Christ in peace at his co­ming, in a reconciled estate with God.

Of the two former briefly, of the last more largely.

1. That Christ will come to judg­ment, is an Article of our Faith: We say we believe that Jesus Christ the Son [Page 6] of God shall come from his right hand to judge the quick and the dead.

  • 1. Christ himself hath told us so, Joh. 14. 3.
  • 2. Enoch prophecied of it, Jude 14. 15.
  • 3. Paul assures us of it, Acts 17. 31. 1 Thes. 4. 16. 2 Thes. 1. 7, 8. 2 Tim. 4. 1.
  • 4. Peter likewise, 1 Pet. 4. 5.
  • 5. And John, Rev. 1. 7.
  • 6. Yea Angels, Acts 1. 11.

This day is diversly called with re­spect to good and bad.

1. To the good: so 'tis called,

1. The day of refreshing, Acts 3. 19. Repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come.

2. The day of redemption; Lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh, Luke 21. 28.

2. To the bad: so 'tis called,

  • 1. A day of wrath and revelation of Gods righteous judgment, Rom. 2. 5. 1 Cor. 4. 5.
  • 2. A day of perdition, 2 Pet. 3. 7.

Use. Seeing Christ will come to judg­ment, I have a fourfold request to make unto you.

[Page 7] 1. That you would settle this Truth in your hearts by believing it: Do not only say you believe it, viz. That Christ shall come to judge the quick and the dead, but do so indeed, believe it with all your heart. My hearts desire and prayer to God for you is, that you may be established, strengthned, and setled in the belief of this Article of the Chri­stian Faith.

2. That you would be mindful of it, let it be always in your thoughts, Christ will come to Judgment, he will reckon for this another day. Say this often to your selves; The coming of the Lord draw­eth nigh, he is even at the door, Jam. 5. 8, 9.

3. That you would repent: Because for certain God hath appointed a day where­in he will judge the world by Jesus Christ, Acts 17. 31.

4. That you would see to it, that your conversations be holy and godly. Seeing Christ will come to judgment, what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conver­sation and godliness? 2 Pet. 3. 11.

Doct. 2. Believers at the coming of [Page 8] Christ expect a blessed estate.

When Christ who is their life shall appear, then do they expect to appear with him in glory, Col. 3. 4.

Our conversation is in Heaven, from whence we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall change our vile bodies, and make them like to his own glorious Body, Phil 3. 20.

According to promise we look for new Heavens and new Earth, saith St. Peter 2 Pet. 3. 13.

And Paul is confident of rest, when the Lord Jesus should be revealed with his mighty Angels, 2 Thes. 1. 7.

Use Approve your selves Believers, by looking for this blessed estate, and hastening unto it. See 2 Pet. 3. 12.

Doct. 3. They that do expect this blessed estate must be diligent, that they may be found of Christ in peace, or a reconciled estate with God, at his com­ing.

Here I shall shew you,

  • 1. What this Peace and Reconciliati­on with God is.
  • 2. How it was effected, how brought [Page 9] to pass, seeing we were in an estate of variance and enmity.
  • 3. That 'tis our duty to be diligent to be found in peace in this estate.
  • 4. What this diligence is.
  • 5. To what this diligence in Scri­pture is applyed, and to what required.
  • 6. Why.
  • 7. The Use.

1. What this Peace and Reconcilia­tion with God is?

Answ. 'Tis the restoring that ancient friendship betwixt God and Man which sin had dissolved. Or,

The reuniting of God and Man which were at odds.

The healing and making up of the breach between God and Man, which sin had made.

Rightly to understand this, know,

1. God and Man were once good Friends; Man in his estate of innocency was in an estate of unity and amity with God, God was well pleased with Man, and Man well pleased with God, Gen. 1. 31.

2. By mans transgression this friend­ly [Page 10] estate between God and Man was lost, and all mankind plunged into an estate of alienation and aversation from God, and enmity against God.

3. This alienation and difference is mutual, on both sides.

1. On Mans. Col. 1. 21. You that were sometimes alienated, and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he re­conciled.

So Rom. 8. 7. The carnal mind is en­mity against God, and is not subject to the Law of God, neither indeed can be.

2. On Gods. God owns him not, will have no fellowship with him, Mat. 7. 23. Luk. 13. 17..

God is so alienated from fallen Man,

1. That he abominates his Person and Services.

1. His Person. Ps. 5. 5. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight, thou hatest all workers of iniquity, saith David. God is angry with the wicked every day, Ps. 7. 11. His Soul hateth the wicked, Ps. 11. 5.

2. His Services. He that turneth away his ear from hearing the Law, even his Prayer shall be abomination, Prov. 28. 9. [Page 11] The Sacrifice of the wicked is an abominati­on to the Lord, Prov. 15. 8. So Isa. 1. 13. Incense is an abomination to me, your appointed Feasts my Soul hateth. v. 14. They are a trouble to me, I am weary to bear them.

2. God is so alienated from man, that he leaves him under the power of Satan, to whom he had yielded himself, Ephes. 2. 2.

3. And in bondage unto death under which he had brought himself, Heb. 2. 14.

4. God is so alienated from him, that he leaves him under the power of sin which he had embraced, Rom. 6. 16, 17.

5. Under the guilt of sin which he had contracted, Rom. 3. 19.

6. Under the curse of the Law which he had transgressed, Gal. 3. 10, 13.

7. Under the wrath of God which he had deserved, Ephes. 2. 3. Rom. 1. 18. and 5. 9.

4. No man can reconcile himself to God, or reingratiate himself with God, nor can any creature do it for him. Acts 4. 12. Neither salvation, nor reconcili­ation in any other but in Christ; for there is none other name under Heaven [Page 12] among men, whereby we must be saved or reconciled.

5. Jesus Christ (a mighty Person) un­dertook the Office of a Mediator, and has made peace for many, and will make peace for all the Father hath given him.

This may be illustrated by the ma­king up of the breach between David and Absalom, 2 Sam. 14.

1. David and Absalom were good friends at first.

2. Absalom kills Amnon, and thereby offends David.

3. This offence makes a difference be­tween David and Absalom. David is wroth, Absalom slees, and dares not come near his Father.

4. Joab uses means, and seeks to take up the difference.

5. By Joabs means the breach is made up, and David and Absalom become good Friends again.

Even so,

1. God and Man were good Friends at first, whiles he retained Gods Image.

2. Man offends by eating forbidden fruit.

[Page 13] 3. This offence makes a difference be­tween God and Man.

4. Jesus Christ undertakes to make up the difference.

5. By means of Jesus Christ God and Man become good Friends again.

2. How this peace and reconciliation with God was effected, how 'twas brought about.

Answ. Much after that manner, and by that means, that David and Absalom were reconciled.

1. Davids heart was towards offend­ing Absalom, 2 Sam. 14. 1. Davids Soul longed to go forth unto Absalom: but for shame he could have gone himself, or sent others to fetch him home. O the Ocean of Love that is in a Fathers heart! 2 Sam. 13. 39.

Even so was Gods heart towards trans­gressing offending fallen Man. His Soul longed to go forth unto fallen man. His kindness and love towards man appear­ed Tit. 3. 4. which Eph. 2. 7. is called the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindness towards us through Christ Jesus. This he shewed. God so loved [Page 14] the world, that he gave his onely begotten Son, that we might live through him. Read Joh. 3. 16. 1 Joh. 4. 9.

2. Joab perceives it, 2 Sam. 14. 1. So Christ knew the Fathers love to Man, being in his bosom, Joh. 1. 18. The onely begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Fa­ther, he hath declared him. None knows the Father but the Son, and he to whomsoe­ver the Son will reveal him, Mat. 11. 27.

3. Joab intercedes for Absaloms re­turn and reception into favour, and in­structs the Woman of Tekoa to say to David among other things, The iniquity be upon me, 1 Sam. 14. 9.

So saith Christ, Man hath sinned, let his iniquity be upon me.

As once Abigail said to David when her Husband had offended, Upon me, up­on me let this iniquity be, 1 Sam. 25. 24.

And as Rebecca said to Jacob, when he feared he should bring a Curse on him, by seeking a blessing in a wrong way, Upon me be thy curse, Gen. 27. 13.

So said Christ to his Father, Upon me be the curse of the Law which Man hath transgressed.

[Page 15] And as Paul to Philemon concerning Onesimus, Phil. 18. If he hath wronged thee, or oweth thee ought, put that upon my ac­count.

So said Christ to his Father, What the sinner oweth thee put that upon my account. Lo, I come (saith Christ) to do thy will, Ps. 40. 7. Heb. 10. 7, 9.

4. David hearkens to Joabs motion, grants his request, 2 Sam. 14. 21.

So God accepts of his Sons offer, and lays mans iniquities upon him, Isa. 53. 6. and v. 5. The chastisement of our peace was upon him.

5. Joab goes to Geshur to seek and fetch Absalom back again, 2 Sam. 14. 23.

So Christ came into the world to save sin­ners, 1 Tim. 1. 15. to seek and save lost man, Luke 19. 10. Which that he might do, more was required of him then was of Joab in order to Absaloms return.

Two things Joab did not which Christ did, and without the doing of which Man could not have been recei­ved into favour again with God.

1. Joab did not die at Geshur or Jeru­salem for Absalom, to satisfie for the [Page 16] bloud of Amnon, he onely went to Ge­shur; but Christ when he came into the world to save sinners, he died and suf­fered in the room and stead of sinners, to satisfie the Justice of God offended by sinners. He died for the ungodly, Rom. 5. 6. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us, v. 8. When we were enemies, we were reconciled unto God by the death of his Son, v. 10. The just suffered for the un­just, 1 Pet. 3. 18. See also Col. 1. 20. Eph. 2. 16. Heb. 2. 17.

2. Joab did not undertake for Absa­loms good behaviour for the future; but Jesus Christ did undertake for sin­ners, that they should be have themselves better for the future, and by his death merited Faith, Repentance, New Obe­dience, and Good Behaviour, for them for whom he died. Therefore, says he Joh. 6. 37. All that the Father giveth me shall come to me: and tells his Hearers, Joh. 12. 32. If he be lifted up from the earth, he will draw all men unto him, that is, all given to him.

This God stood upon with Christ, when he undertook for sinners. He [Page 17] must and will have his justice satisfied, which could not be done without dying for, and suffering in the room and stead of sinners.

And sinners must turn from sin, and lead a better course of life, else it would not stand with Gods Holiness to receive them into favour and fellowship with him.

To illustrate this by a similitude.

Suppose one mediating to a Prince for a Thief, that had greatly wronged ano­ther in his Estate: Upon two conditions, says the Prince, I will pardon him;

1. That the wrong done be satisfied for, and the loss sustained be repaired.

2. That he leave off his thieving and former course of life, else in justice and wisdom, says the Prince, I cannot but refuse your suit.

Now Christ does both.

1. The former by dying for Sinners, and thereby satisfying justice for the wrong done to it.

2. The later, by meriting grace for Sinners, viz. Faith and Holiness, and by sending his Spirit to work it in them; [Page 18] therefore is the Spirit called,

  • The Spirit of Faith, 2 Cor. 4. 13.
  • The Spirit of Holiness, Rom. 1. 4.

6. Joab brings Absalom to Jerusalem, 2 Sam. 14. 23.

Christ by his care brings Sinners to the Church, to the means of Grace, or the means of Grace to them, as he did to the Jaylor, Acts 16. 29, 30, 31, 32. Christ, as the good Samaritan, brings them to an Inn, and Host, and gives charge concerning them, Luke 10. 34, 35. See also Joh. 21. 15, 16, 17. 2 Tim. 4. 1, 2.

7. Absalom at Jerusalem is troubled that he was not admitted to see the Kings Face, 2 Sam. 14. 32. For v. 24. David had said, Let him not see my Face: And this David did, to humble him the more for his sin, and to keep him in awe that he might do no more so wickedly.

So Sinners by the means of grace be­ing brought to a sight and sense of sin and misery, as Peters Hearers were, be­ing prick'd at heart, and troubled as the Jaylor was, Acts 16. 29. do long for a sight of the pleased Face of their Hea­venly [Page 19] Father, which for their farther humiliation he thinks fit to deny at pre­sent.

8. Absalom sends for Joab, but he comes not, 2 Sam. 14. 29.

So the Sinner by prayer sends to Christ about Gods hiding his Face, but he comes not.

9. Absalom sends a second time, and sets Joabs Corn on fire, 2 Sam. 14. 29, 30. and then Joab comes.

So the Sinner prays and sends again to Christ, and then Christ comes.

Thus Paul prays, and then Annanias was sent to him, Acts 9. 11.

So Cornelius prayed, and Peter was sent to him, Acts 10. 2, —20.

10. Joab being come Absalom imploys him, and sends him to the King, 2 Sam. 14. 32.

So poor penitent sinners imploy Christ by faith, to make peace for them with their offended Father.

11. Joab comes to the King, and repre­sents to him Absaloms trouble, because he could not see his Fathers Face, I Sam. 14. 33.

[Page 20] So Jesus comes to God, and represents as an Advocate the troubled sinners case to his Father, 1 Joh. 2. 1. Heb. 9. 24.

12. Now Davià calls for Absolom, 2 Sam. 14. 33.

So does God, upon Christs appearing for the penitent sinner, call for him, Mat. 11. 28. Come to me poor, labouring, heavy-laden sinner, and I will give thee rest. So Isa. 55. 1. Ho, every one that is athirst, come. And Joh. 7. 37. If any man thirst, let him come to me and drink.

13. Now Absolom comes and prostra­tes himself before the King, 2 Sam. 14. 33.

So does the penitent sinner prostrate himself before his heavenly father, as the Prodigal did before his Father, judg­ing himself, Luk. 15. 21. saying, I have sinned against Heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son.

14. Now David kisses Absolom, and re­ceives him into favour, 2 Sam. 14. 33.

So God as the Father of the Prodigal, falls upon the necks of penitent sinners, and kisses them, receiving them into fa­vour, as if they had never offended, Luk. 15. 20.

[Page 21] 3. The Proof of the Doctrine.

That they who expect a blessed estate at the coming of Christ, must be diligent to be found of him in peace, or in a re­conciled estate with God, at his com­ing.

Eliphaz counsels Job to acquaint him­self with God, and to be at peace, and tells him that thereby good shall come unto him, Job 22. 21. both here and hereafter.

Gods face and favour is to be sought evermore, Ps. 105. 4.

Let him take hold of my strength, saith God, that he may make peace with me, Isa. 27. 5.

Nay, God beseeches us to be reconci­led to him, 2 Cor. 5. 20. Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ his stead be ye reconciled to God.

We must be ready for the coming of the Son of Man, Mat. 24. 44. And rea­dy sure we cannot be, until we have made our peace with God. We are be­seeched to present our bodies a living Sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, [Page 22] which sure cannot be whiles we are up in arms against him, Rom. 12. 1.

4. What this diligence is?

Diligence is the continual and earnest applying our selves to a thing.

The giving, setting, bending the mind to a thing.

'Tis to be instant in season, and out of season about any thing, 2 Tim. 4. 2.

'Tis in the morning to sow ones seed, and in the evening not to withhold his hand, Eccles. 11. 6.

'Tis to do what one does, with all ones might, Eccles. 9. 10. and power, Gen. 31. 6.

'Tis to abide at ones work, as the Le­vites were required, Lev. 8. 35.

'Tis to be at it early and late, night and day, as Paul was, Acts 20. 31.

'Tis to take heed to fulfill our work, as Archippus is required, Col. 4. 17.


'Tis to arise and be doing, 1 Chron. 22. 16.

'Tis to rise up betimes about a thing, 2 Chron. 36. 15.

'Tis to enquire early after a thing, Ps. 78. 34.

[Page 23] 'Tis to take heed that we fail not to do a thing, Ezra 4. 22.

'Tis to bestir ones self, 2 Sam. 5. 24.

'Tis to be industrious about a thing, 1 Kings 11. 28.

'Tis to wait on a business, Pro. 27. 18.

'Tis to stand continually at it, Isa. 21. 8.

'Tis to give ones self no rest, Lam. 2. 18.

'Tis to seek as for Silver, and to search as for hid treasure, Pro. 2. 4.

'Tis to offer violence, Mat. 11. 12.

'Tis to press into, Luke 16. 16.

'Tis to work out with fear and tremb­ling, Phil. 2. 12.

So then, to be diligent to be found of Christ in peace, or a reconciled estate with God, it is,

To be instant in season and out of sea­son about it.

To be at this work of making peace with God in the morning and in the evening, not to withhold our hand.

To endeavour it with all our might and power.

[Page 24] To be at this work of making peace with God early and late, night and day.

To abide at it; and,

To take heed that we fulfill it, and not fail to do it.

To wait on it till it be effected.

To give our selves no rest till it be done.

To seek this peace with God as one would seek for Silver, or as one would search for hid Treasure.

To offer violence to all that oppose our doing it, &c.

5. The Fift thing I promised to shew you was,

To what this Diligence in Scripture is applied, and to what required.

1. To what applied.

'Tis applied,

1. To seeking Good, Heb. 11. 6. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

2. To seeking God, Prov. 11. 27. He that diligently seeketh God procureth fa­vour.

3. To searching for Salvation, 1 Pet. 1. 10. After which the Prophets searched di­ligently.

[Page 25] 4. To learning the ways of Gods peo­ple, Jer. 12. 16. If they will diligently learn the ways of my people, they shall be built.

5. To looking left any fail of the grace of God, Heb. 12. 15. Looking diligently lest any fail of the grace of God.

2. 'Tis required,

1. To the keeping of the Soul, Deut. 4. 9. and Heart, Pro. 4. 23. Keep thy Soul diligently. Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.

2. To keeping Gods commands of lo­ving him, walking in his ways, and clea­ving to him, Deut. 11. 22. Ye shall dili­gently keep all these commandments, which I command you to do them; to love the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, and to cleave unto him.

3. To the delivering of our selves from an Adversary, Luke 12. 58. When thou goest with thine adversary to the ma­gistrate, as thou art in the way give dili­gence, that thou mayst be delivered from him, lest, &c.

4. To adding to our stock of grace, 2 Pet. 1. 5. Giving all diligence, adde to your faith vertue, and to vertue knowledge, and [Page 26] to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience, godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brother­ly kindness charity.

5. To attaining the full assurance of hope, Heb. 6. 11. We desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope to the end.

6. To the making of our calling and election sure, 2 Pet. 1. 10. Give diligence to make your calling and election sure.

7. And here in my Text, To our being found of Christ in peace at his coming.

6. The Reasons why we must give diligence to be at peace, and in a recon­led estate with God, that so we may be found of Christ in it at his coming, are these:

Reason 1. Because God having done so much in order thereunto, (viz. in or­der towards making peace between God and Man) our negligence in not doing our part in order thereunto, will be a slighting of the love and kindness of God, which is said to be great, Eph. 2. 4. and exceeding rich towards us through Christ Jesus, Eph. 2. 7.

[Page 27] It will be horrible ingratitude, which will cause God to cry out and say as Isa. 1. 2. Hear O Heavens, and give ear O Earth, for I have out of my love, and by my wisdom, found out a way for fallen offending Man to be at peace with me, and he will not accept of it, will not be diligent in the use of means to obtain it.

Now here it may be inquired,

Q. What hath God done towards ma­king peace between Man offending and himself offended?

A. 1. He took counsel about it; both Father and Son took counsel together a­bout it, Zech. 6. 13.

The counsel of Peace-making between God and Man was between them both, not I think between the two Offices of Christ, Kingly and Priestly, but between the two persons spoken of before, viz. the Lord Jehovah, and he who was to be the Branch. God takes this counsel with him, as he was his Eternal Wis­dom, with respect to his future Incarna­tion, for in that respect he was to be the Branch. Hence it may be he [Page 28] is called Counsellor, Isa. 9. 6.

The consultation was how to satissie Justice offended, that so the Offender might be received into favour, how Man an enemy to God might be reconciled unto God, and God to him.

The way thought upon was, the In­carnation of the second person in the Holy Trinity, in order to his suffering death in the room and stead of the Of­fender, thereby to satisfie the Justice of God offended.

2. He entred into a Covenant and Agreement with his eternally begotten Son about it.

In order to Peace-making between God and Man,

1. God demands, requires of his Son, such and such things to be done and suffered, viz. that he be made under the Law, and that his Soul be made an Of­fering for sin, Isa. 53. 10. The trans­gression of the Law of God made the difference between God and Man, and he will not be satisfied and reconciled, unless this Law be fulfilled. Satisfie the Law and I am satisfied, says God.

[Page 29] 2. The Son accepts and engages to satisfie his Fathers demands, viz. to ful­fill the Law, to perform the duty and pay the penalty of it; to do what the Law enjoynes, and to suffer what the Law threatens.

Therefore when he came into the World, he was made under the Law, Gal. 4. 4. and says, Lo, I come to do thy Will, O God, Heb. 10. 5. and Ps. 40. 8. I delight to do thy Will, O God, yea thy Law is within my heart.

It becometh us, saith he to John Bap­tist, to fulfill all righteousness, Mat. 3. 15. I am not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill it, Mat. 5. 17. And this he did, that the righteousness of the Law might be fulfilled in us, Rom. 8. 4.

How often doth he say his Father had sent him, and that he came to do the Will of him that sent him? Joh. 6. 38, 39, 40. and Joh. 9. 4. I must work the works of him that sent me, and in his prayer, Joh. 17. 4. He tells his Father that he had finished the work he had given him to do.

3. He takes delight in these transacti­ons [Page 30] between him and his Son about this peace making for Man, Prov. 8. 30, 31. The counsel and contrivance of the work of our redemption and salvation was the mutual delight of the Father and Son.

God forseeing how these transacti­ons between him and his Son about mans reconciliation with God would issue in his own eternal glory, is delight­ed and pleased therewith. The Father and Son foreseeing how by this means the Law would be fulfilled, Gods justice would be satisfied, Gods glory would be repaired, Satan would be trodden under foot, and his works destroyed, and poor captives would be delivered, and sin­ners reconciled, are greatly delighted. The Father rejoyces in the Sons under­taking this work; the Son rejoyces in the Fathers undertaking for his prote­ction, and assistance, and success in the work. See how 'tis expressed, Isa. 42. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Behold my servant whom I uphold, mine Elect in whom my soul de­lighteth, in whom my soul is well pleased. Mat. 12. 18. My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Mat. 17. 5. and Mat. 3. [Page 31] 17. I have put my spirit upon him, he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles. He shall not cry nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the streets: A bruised Reed shall he not break, and the smoking Flax shall he not quench: He shall bring forth judgment unto truth: He shall not fail nor be discou­raged, till he have set judgment in the earth, and the Isles shall wait for his Law. Thus saith the Lord, he that created the Heavens, &c. I the Lord have called thee in righteous­ness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and give thee for a Covenant of the People, for a light of the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, and to bring out the Prison­ers out of the Prison, and them that sit in darkness, out of the Prisonhouse. The fore­sight of these things was their delight.

4. He has been at great cost and ex­pence, even the expence of blood, preci­ous blood, 1 Pet. 1. 19. yea God-blood, Acts 20. 28. to have this peace with himself purchased and procured for us.

It pleased the Father (Christ having made peace through the blood of his Cross) by him to reconcile all things to himself, &c. And youth at were some­times [Page 32] alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled, in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable, and unreproveable in his sight. See Col. 1. 19, 20, 21, 22. See also Ephes. 2. 13, 14, 15, 16. When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, Rom. 5. 10.

5. He has provided and taken care, that this purchased peace should be preached and proffered unto us: Christ himself came and preached it, Ephes. 2. 17. and has commissionated others to do so too, Mar. 16. 15. Go preach the Gospel, the Gospel of Peace, Rom. 10. 15. to every Creature.

God sent to the Children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ, Acts 10. 36. He hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation, to wit, That God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of recon­ciliation, 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19. This grace is given to Ministers, that they might preach the unsearchable Riches of Christ, Eph. 3. 8.

[Page 33] When Christ sent forth the 70 Disci­ples, he commissioned them to say to e­very house where they came, Luke 10. 5. Peace be to this house.

After Christ was risen he appears to his Disciples, John 20. 21. saying, Peace be unto you, as my Father hath sent me, so send I you to preach the Gospel, even the Gospel of Peace.

6. He hath given us a charge to ac­cept of proffered peace, to believe on his Son for peace and reconciliation. 1 John 3. 23. This is his Commandment that we should believe on the Name of his Son Jesus Christ: and Isa. 27. 5. Let him take hold of my strength that he may make peace with me.

7. He hath expressed and manisested his great desire of our making peace with him

1. By Writing. Christ writes to the Church of Ephesus to repent and make her peace, lest he come against her, Rev. 2. 1. with 5.

2. By sending. Ministers are Messen­gers sent to us, Job. 33. 23.

Embassadors sent to treat with us a­bout [Page 34] peace and reconciliation with God, 2 Cor. 5. 20.

The Lord God of their Fathers sent to them by his Messengers, because he had compassion on them, 2 Chron. 36. 15. As my Father sent me, saith Christ, John 20. 21. so send I you: In the same Errand that I was sent, I send you; my Errand was to make peace, and that's yours. Luke 10. 5. Say, Peace be to this house.

3. By praying and beseeching. Now then we are Embassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christs stead, be ye reconciled to God, 2 Cor. 5. 20.

4. By expostulating and reasoning the case: Turnye, turnye, for why will ye dye? Ezek. 33. 11.

5. By Wishing. O that thou hadst hear­kened unto my Commandments, then had thy peace been as a River, Isa. 48 18. O that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways! I should soon have subdued their Enemies, and turned my hand against their Adversaries. O if thou hadst known in this thy day the things belonging to thy peace! Luke 19. 42.

[Page 35] O that there were such a heart in them! Deut. 5. 29.

6. By waiting for our coming in and making peace with him. The Lord waits that he may be gracious, Isa. 30. 18. Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and sup with him, and he with me, Rev. 3. 20.

7. By Swearing. As I live, saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live, Ezek. 33. 11. So, but that he lay down his weapons and be at peace with me, that so he may live.

Reason 2. Why we must give dili­gence to be at peace, and in a reconciled estate with God, that so we may be found of Christ in it at his coming.

Because peace with God is so desira­ble. All peace is desirable, whether in a Family, or Neighbourhood, or Nati­on; but this peace with God is tran­scendent, an incomparable blessing.

1. It passeth all understanding, all created understanding, Phil. 4. 7.

2. It is safeguarding, Phil. 4. 7.

[Page 36] 3. 'Tis part of the Kingdom of God, Rom. 14. 17.

4. 'Tis everlasting, Isa. 54. 10.

Reason 3. Because to be negligent herein, not to be diligent in seeking peace with God, is so dangerous. For are we able to meet God when he shall come against us? See Luke 14. 31, 32. Are we stronger than he? 1 Cor. 10. 22. Can thy heart endure, or can thy hands be strong, in the day when God shall deal with thee? Ezek. 22. 14.

If you rebel, and make not your peace with him, he will be your enemy, and fight against you, Isa. 63. 10. and, Who ever hardned himself against God, and pro­spered? Job 9. 4. If you shall not be found of Christ in peace at his coming, he will at his coming take vengeance upon you, 2 Thes. 1. 8.

The Use.

Must we be diligent in seeking peace with God, that so we may be found of Christ in peace at his coming?

Use 1. Examine.

Have we done our duty herein? have we been diligent in making our peace [Page 37] with God? and have we made our peace? what faith Conscience? is there peace between God and you? deal tru­ly with your own Souls.

1. They that are at peace with God, are at war with sin. Know ye not the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God, Jam. 4. 4. Now all that is in the world is, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, 1 Joh. 2. 16. and whosoever is a friend of these, is an enemy of God. If any man love these, the love of the Fa­ther is not in him, 1 Joh. 2. 15. These lusts do war against God and the Soul, 1 Pet. 2. 11. and they that are at peace with God, and in his favour, and have any love to him and their souls, cannot be at peace with these, with an unlaw­ful immoderate desire after the Profits, Pleasures, and Honours of this world. What say you, are you at war with these? If you be at peace with these, you are not at peace with God.

2. They that are at peace with God, are in mourning for their former enmi­ty [Page 38] against God; when they look on him whom they have pierced they mourn, Z [...]ch. 12. 10.

Now do you do so? Do you mourn for your former sinning against God, and offending him, as one mourneth for his onely Son? what, and are you in bit­terness for it, as one that is in bitter­ness for his first born?

3. They that are at peace with God, are in care to please God, and in fear to offend him for the future.

Care and Fear are the fruits of godly sorrow for offending God, 2 Cor. 7. 11. They that are at peace with God say as Joseph when tempted to sin, Gen. 39. 9. Behold, now I have peace with God, how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God, and so break my peace with him? Is it thus with you? is there this care and fear in you?

4. They that are at peace with God are in pain and heaviness till others, especially near Relations, be also at peace with God, as Paul was Rom 9. 1, 2. He had great heaviness and continual sorrow in his heart for his brethren and kinsmen according to the flesh, because [Page 39] they sought not peace with God by Je­sus Christ; because they being igno­rant of Gods righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteous­ness, had not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God, Rom. 10. 3.

You have Children and other Relati­ons, are you in pain and heaviness till they have made their peace with God? is it a grief of heart to you, that any of yours should be at war with your God, with whom you now are at peace?

5. They that are at peace with God, are at peace with those that are at peace with God: their delight is in them: Ps. 16. 3. but they are grieved with those that rise up against God. Ps. 139. 21. they count Gods enemies their enemies, v. 22. and Gods friends their friends. Is it thus with you?

6. They that are at peace with God cannot but wonder, and say to God as once Ruth said to Boaz, Ruth 2. 10. Why have I found grace in thine eys, that thou shouldest take knowledge of me, seeing I am a stranger? So faith the person that is at peace with God, that has found favour [Page 40] in his eyes, why have I found this fa­vour, who was sometimes alienated, and an enemy in my mind by wicked works? Is it thus with you?

7. They that are at peace with God are joyful in God through our Lord Je­sus Christ, by whom they have received the attonement, Rom. 5. 11. They rejoyce in Jesus Christ, and have no considence in the flesh. Phil. 3. 3. They say, not unto us, not unto us, but unto God in Christ be all the glory and praise of our being at peace with God: They thank God through Jesus Christ for their being at peace with God. They say as Paul, Gal. 6. 14. God forbid that we should glory in any thing, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which our peace was made, Col. 1. 20. Now are you thus joyful in God through our Lord Jesus Christ?

8. They that are at peace with God, do highly esteem those that have been instrumental in making their peace with God: The feet of those that preach the Gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things, are beautiful to them, Rom. 10 15. How are they accounted of by you?

[Page 41] Use 2. Reproof.

This reproves those that neglect their duty herein; that give no di­ligence to make their peace with God, but go on in their enmity and hostility against God: As did the old World, Pha­raoh, Nebuchadnezzar, and Herod, when God spake unto them by Noah, Moses, Daniel, and John Raptist.

But what got they by standing out a­gainst God? Had it not been better for the old World to have hearkened unto Noah, and for Pharaoh to have hearkned unto Moses, and for Nebuchadnezzar to have hearkened to Daniel, and for Herod to have hearkned to John, and so to have prevented that destruction and misery which came upon them?

Did they do ill in standing out against God? and is it not ill in you to do the same? can you condemn them and not your selves? Sirs, you have the offers of peace with God made unto you, if you accept not of the offers, if you hearken not to the counsel God gives you, and shall continue not to hearken, 'tis a sure [Page 42] sign that God will slay you. See what was said, 1 Sam. 2, 25. concerning Elie's Sons, They hearkened not to the voice of their Father admonishing and reproving them, because the Lord would slay them. Dreadful was that word of the Prophet to Amaziah, 2 Chron. 25. 16. I know that God hath determined to destroy thee, because thou hast not hearkened to my counsel. Great wrath from the Lord of Hosts may they expect to feel that refuse to hearken to Gods counsel, Zech. 7. 11, 12, 13. Pray take your Bible and read this Scripture.

Assure your selves if you continue in a state of enmity against God, not mind­ing reconciliation, God will find you out. Ps. 21. 8, &c. Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies; thine right hand shall find out those that hate thee; thou shalt make them as a fiery Oven in the time of thine an­ger; the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them. And Ps. 68. 21. God shall wound the head of his Enemies, and the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses: Yea he will make his Enemies his footstool, Ps 110. 1. and render vengeance to them, Deut. 32. [Page 43] 41. and reward them that hate him.

What else can you expect if you con­tinue in a state of enmity against God, seeing he has done so much, and said so much towards peace-making between him and you: What more could be done or said, than he has done and said?

You have heard that he took counsel about it, and contrived a way that there might be Peace between him and you.

He entred into a Covenantand A­greement with his Son about it, and that he undertook the work of making peace and bringing sinners into an estate of re­conciliation with God, if they would be ruled by him.

He took great delight in those transa­ctions between him and his Son about this peace-making for man.

He hath been at a great deal of cost & expence of precious blood to obtain it.

He has taken care that this purchased peace might be preached and proffered to you, and so it has been again, and a­gain, and again.

He has charged and commanded you to accept of it.

[Page 44] He has written to you about it, and sent to you about it, and prayed and be­seeched you to be at peace with him, and expostulated and reasoned the case with you, and wished your acceptance of proffered peace, and waited for it, and what more could he have done? and now after all this, what cloke, what ex­cuse can you have? See Joh. 15. 22. If I had not come and spoken to them, they had not had sin, but now they have no cloke for their sin. If God had not done all this in order to peace-making between him and you, you might have had some plea for your selves; but now if you shall continue in a state of enmity against God, neglecting the means ordained and appointed to be used for the obtaining of peace with God, if you shall be dealt with as enemies thank your selves.

Use 3. Exhortation.

Be diligent in making your peace with God, that so you may be found of Christ in peace at his coming. Conti­nually and earnestly apply your selves to this work: give, set, and bend your minds to it.

[Page 45] Be instant in season and out of season about it. Be at this work of making peace with God in the morning, and in the evening withhold not your hand. Endeavour it with all the might and power, &c. as before in Answer to the 4th. Quest.

Q. What is to be done that we may make peace with God?


A. 1. Satisfie your selves in what e­state you are, whether in an estate of peace and reconciliation with God or not.

Examine your selves, say to thine own soul, Am I at peace with God? Time was when I was at enmity with God, how came I to be in an estate of a­mity? May not I be mistaken, and think I am in an estate of peace and friendship with God, when in truth it is no such matter? May I not think my self to be something when I am nothing? Gal. 6. 3. and to be rich, when indeed and in truth I am poor, naked, &c. Rev. 3. 17.

Call to mind the former characters of a reconciled estate, and say,

[Page 50] 1. Am I at war with sin? with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, the pride of life, all which do war against my soul? Am I at war with all these lusts, or one or none? What is the sin, the lust that I am at war with? is it Pride, or Worldiness, or Wantonness, or what is it?

How long have I been at war with it?

What success have I had?

What conquests have I gotten?

What aids and assistances have I had?

What weapons have I made use of?

What sword, what word of God, what precept, what promise, what threat­ning is it, that I have either defended my self with, or offended my sin with?

2. Say to thy self in secret, and in good earnest, Have I mourned for my former enmity against God? When? where? how long? how much? what sin was it that I mourned for? what was its name? Have I been in bitterness for it, as one that is in bitterness for his first born?

3. Say again, Am I in care now to [Page 51] please God, and in fear of offending him? had I rather offend all the world than offend him? or can I venture to dis­please him, rather than to displease o­thers?

4. Say also, Is it a grief of heart to me that any of mine should be found fighters against God?

5. Am I best pleased with those that are at peace with God?

6. Have I at any time wondred at such a wretch, such a rebel as I should be received into the favour of God?

7. What thanks did I ever render to God for it? what rejoycing in Christ the Purchaser of it have I ever had?

8. What are Ministers, and what is their Ministry unto me? are they, or is their Ministry much set by, by me?

By such questioning with your selves you may satisfie your selves in what e­state you are, whether in a reconciled, or unreconciled estate. This is the first Direction.


[Page 48] 2. Satisfie your selves, that getting into a reconciled estate with God, is your greatest concern in the world.

1. The greatest counsel was taken a­bout it that ever was.

2. The greatest persons imployed a­bout the bringing of people into it that ever was.

3. The greatest price was paid that it might be obtained that ever was.

4. The greatest love was manifested about it that ever was, 1 John 49, 10.

5. The greatest good thereby, by being brought into a reconciled estate with God, will come to us, that heart can wish or desire.

6. The greatest hurt, by remaining in an unreconciled estate with God, will come unto us that can be.

And is not then the getting into a re­conciled estate with God, our greatest concern in the World?

Review the first Reason, and consider well what God hath done towards ma­king peace between man offending and [Page 49] himself offended, and you will under­stand the better, of how great concern a reconciled estate with God is to you.


3. Understand well the way of ma­king peace with God, viz. by Jesus Christ who is our Peace, Eph. 2. 14. and by whom there is peace on Earth, Luke 2. 14. and peace in Heaven, Luke 19. 38. having made peace through the blood of his Cross, Col. 1. 20.

When Herod was highly displeased with them of Tyre and Sidon, they came with one accord to him, and having made Blastas the Kings Chamberlain their Friend, desired peace (it being their great concern) because their Country was nourished by the Kings Country, Acts 12. 20.

In like manner God being highly dis­pleased with sinners, they must make Jesus Christ Gods beloved Son, in whom his Soul is well pleased, Mat. 12. 18. their Friend, to make peace for them: And if Sinners desire this of him, he will not say them nay, John 6. 37.


4. Know also and labour with thy self to be fully perswaded that peace with God, and a reconciled estate with him, is a real thing, a real blessing and privilege.

Sure, that about which

Such a Consultation was held,

Such a Contract was made between the Father and the Son,

And such Articles were performed by both Father and Son, must needs be a real thing.

And that for the accomplishment of which so much real work was finished, and so great a price was paid, must needs be a real thing.


5. Well understand the terms upon which this peace and reconciliation with God, is really tendred in the Go­spel and Ministry thereof.

The Terms are,

1. Laying down our Arms in a peni­tent way. Wash ye, make you clean, put [Page 47] away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes: cease to do evil, learn to do well. Come now and let us reason together and be friends, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson they shall be as wooll. Isa. 1. 16, 17, 18.

2. Resigning up our selves to the go­vernment of Christ in a believing way. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, said Paul and Silas to the trembling Jaylor, Acts 16. 31.

And that it is really tendered in the Gospel and Ministry thereof, who can doubt that well considers that one Scrip­ture? 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19, 20. where the Go­spel is called by the Holy Ghost, the word of reconciliation, and the Ministry of it the ministry of reconciliation; and where we are beseeched and prayed in Christs stead to be reconciled to God.


6. Make it your business to get into this reconciled estate:

Lest you should deceive your selves, and think you make it your business. [Page 52] when you do not. Know that when a man makes any thing his business,

1. He thinks of it seriously, much and often: his first and last and middle thoughts are of it; he thinks of it when he is eating, drinking, sleeping, working, journying.

2. He talks of it perpetually, and puts questions about it to any one he thinks can better inform him.

3. He does cast and contrive this way and that way how to effect it.

4. He takes all opportunities offered that may further it.

5. He removes all hindrances of it, and is glad when they are removed, and sad while they lie in the way.

6. He allows time for it, yea redeems time for it.

7. He sequesters himself from all company that may disturb him in it.

8. He puts out his strength in the use of all means to effect it.

Thus in this way make it your busi­ness to get into a reconciled estate with God.

[Page 53] 1. Think seriously of it, as the Prodi­gal did, Luke 15. 17. and Peter, Mark 14. 72.

2. Talk perpetually of it, and put questions about it, as Peters Hearers, Acts 2. 37. and the Jaylor Acts 16. 30. Be talking of it when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

3. Contrive how to effect it. Sit down and consult what is to be done, Luke 14. 31, 32.

4. Watch and take all opportunities that may further it. For Watching see Luke 21. 34, 36. 1 Cor. 16. 13. 1 Pet. 5. 8.

5. Remove all hindrances of it. If iniquity be in thy hand put it far away, Job 11. 14.

Do as they Ezra 10. 3. covenanted to do, and did v. 11.

6. Allow time for the doing of it. Re­deem time from meals and sleep, rather then want it for this work, Eph. 5. 16.

7. Sequester your selves; go into your Closets, shut the door against all Disturbers, Mat. 6. 6.

[Page 58] 8. Put out your strength in the use of of all means to effect it. Set about it with all your might, Eccles. 9. 10.

Q. In the use of what means?

A. In the use of all means:

Reading, Hearing, Studying, Medita­ting, Praying, Watching, Fasting, Search­ing, Trying, Examining your selves, Keeping your hearts, Flying temptati­ons and occasions of sin, neglecting no opportunities of acquainting your selves with God.

Among other means use these with diligence, preparation, and prayer, as in the sight and presence of the great God.

1. Attend upon the Word and Mini­stry of Reconciliation, so called 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19. because 'tis a great means of re­conciliation.

This blessing of peace comes out of Zion, Ps. 128. 5.

'Tis the fruit of the lips that must be instrumental to make peace with God, Isa. 57. 19.

If there be a Messenger with him, that is, a Minister of the Gospel and Interpre­ter, [Page 59] one of a thousand to shew unto Man his uprightness, then he that is God is gracious to him and saith, Deliver him from going down to the pit, I have found a ransom, Job 33. 23, 24.

2. Joyn with confession of sin, where­by God has been offended, Contrition and Conversion.

1. Confess sin. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, said David, Ps. 32. 5. and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said I will con­fess my transgressions unto the Lord, and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin.

If we confess our sins, saith S. John, 1 Joh. 1. 9. God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. See Jer. 3. 13.

2. Mourn for sin and turn from it un­to God. Rend your hearts, and turn unto the Lord, Joel 2. 13. for he is gracious.

Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return unto the Lord and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God for he will abun­dantly pardon, Isa. 55. 7.

3. Make your supplication to the God of peace in the name of Christ, who is our Peace, Eph. 2. 14. and the Prince of peace, Isa. 9. 6.

[Page 56] Give your selves to prayer, Ps. 109. 4.

Pray as David did, Ps. 60. 1. O God, thou hast been displeased, O turn thy self to us again. Cause thy face to shine, Ps. 80. 3. and as Daniel, ch. 9. 17. Cause thy face to shine upon me for the Lords sake, v. 19. O Lord hear, O Lord gorgive, O Lord hear­ken and do, and defer not for thine own sake. And as Jeremiah, ch. 14. 7. O Lord, though mine iniquities testifie against me, do thou it for thy name sake, for my backslidings are many; I have sinned against thee. And a­gain, v. 21. Do not abhor me for thy name sake.

4. Get some Abraham, Moses, or Samuel, some Noah, Daniel, or Job, to pray & make intercession for you: The prayers of such are prevailing, Gen. 20. 7. He is a Prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and thou shalt live. Accordingly v. 17. Abraham prayed and God heard.

So Job 42. 8. My Servant Job shall pray for you, for him will I accept.

Gods wrath was kindled against E­liphaz and his two Friends, Job 42. 7. And Job is to be imployed as Gods spe­cial Favourite, to offer up Sacrifice, and [Page 57] to pray for them, and so to make recon­ciliation between God and them.

The prayer of a Man of God may do much. 1 Kings 13. 6. Jeroboam put out his hand against the Prophet, and God dried it up, so that he could not pull it in again to him. And the Man of God besought the Lord, and the Kings hand was restored again.

5. Set Faith awork in the satisfaction and mediation of Christ; He is our High Priest, whose Office it is to make attonement, Numb. 16. 47. Christ was in all things made like to his Brethren, that he might be a merciful and a faithful Highpriest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the People, Heb. 2. 17.

'Tis by his death that we are reconciled to God, Rom. 5. 10. and v. 11. We joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the Attone­ment.

Let him take hold of my strength, saith God, Isa. 27. 5. that he may make peace with me. By strength some understand the mercy of God in Christ; Let him [Page 54] take hold of this by Faith, and he shall make peace with me.

6. To all this add a day of humiliation and soul-affliction, which is called a day of Attonement, Lev. 23. 27. Christ told his Disciples, that some Devils went not out but by prayer and fasting, Mat. 17. 21. and Mar. 9. 29. He said unto them, this kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting. Now it may be God may be so greatly displeased, that he will not be at peace with us until we have greatly humbled our selves. Set apart a day therefore and set about this work; sure Peace and Reconciliation with God is well worth a day, yea days of Humiliation.

Thus do, and do it with speed with­out further delay.

1. The present day is the day of Sal­vation. 2 Cor. 6. 2. Now is the day of Sal­vation; and Heb. 3. 15. 7. The Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice.

2. Good purposes are often lost if not presently put in execution; as Felix's were, Acts 24. 25. Go thy way, saith [Page 55] he to Paul, for this time, when I have a convenient season I will call for thee; but that season was long a coming.

'Tis just with God to deny thee a fu­ture day, that acceptest not the present?

4. Time is short, and the very next day very uncertain: We are apt to pro­mise our selves a long time to come, whereas we know not what shall be on the morrow, Jam. 4. 14.

And therefore do as Moses bade Aa­ron do, Numb. 16. 46. Go quickly and make an attonement.

And as Solomon advised a surety for another to do, Prov. 6. 3, 4, 5. Give no sleep to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eye­lids, till thou hast made thy peace with God.

And as our Saviour adviseth to do, when a Brother is offended, Mat. 5. 25. Agree with thine Adversary quickly: So let us do.

Speedily, quickly apply your selves to the use of the forementioned means, to obtain peace and reconciliation with God.

Think it not enough to read or hear these Directions, or to talk of them, un­less [Page 60] you practise them. I am sure, you think it not enough to read or hear di­rections for the health of your Bodies, unless you practise them.

Give me leave therefore to ask you, Will you practise these directions or not?

Motives to follow the Directions given, and to use the means prescribed for the obtaining of Peace and Reconciliation with God.

  • 1. THE Happiness of a Reconciled Estate.
  • 2. The Misery of an Unreconciled E­state.

1. The happiness of a reconciled e­state, which will appear to be very great, if you shall well consider;

1. That God will be a friend to such as are in a reconciled estate; whoever be enemies to them, God will be their friend; God will be for them whoever be against them. And if God be on their side and take their part, they need not fear. Ps. 118. 6, 7. The Lord is on my side, [Page 61] I will not fear, what can man do unto me?

2. That to whom once he is a Friend, to them he will be a friend for ever. The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace, or my covenant of peace, as Ezek. 37. 26. be removed, Isa. 54. 10.

Although sight, hearing, speech, de­part from me, said one, yet Gods loving kindness shall never depart: Somewhat like that of David, Ps 73. 26. My flesh and my heart faileth, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever.

God may visit his Friends and such as are at peace with him with the Rod, ne­vertheless his loving kindness he will not utterly take from them, nor suffer his faithfulness to fail, Ps. 89 33.

Whom he loves, he loves to the end, Joh. 13. 1.

3. That he will be a friend with all that he



Can do and procure, if for their good.

[Page 62] He will be a friend to those that be at peace with him.

1. With all that he is; and he is all: I am, is his Name. He is a Sun and a Shield, Ps. 84. 11.

He is a Rock, a Fortress, a Deliver, a Buckler, a Rock, a High Tower, Ps. 18. 2.

2. With all that he has: Now he has Strength, Prov. 8. 14. Counsel and Under­standing, Job. 12. 13.

3. With all that he can do: Now he can do whatsoever pleaseth him, Ps. 135. 6. Ec­cles. 8. 3. He can furnish a Table in the Wilderness, he can give bread and provide flesh, Ps. 78. 19, 20.

4. That God takes pleasure and de­light in such, rejoyces over them as a Bridegroom rejoyceth over the Bride, Isa. 62. 5. Rejoycing over them with joy, with singing, Zeph. 3 17. See Cant. 4. 7, 9, 10. and 7. 6, 10.

O how well-pleased was the Father of the Prodigal with his returning Son! He falls upon his neck and kisses him, Luke 15. 20.

In truth, reconciled persons are the [Page 63] travel of Christs Soul, Isa. 53. 11. And you see how Mothers delight in those Children they have had hardest travel with.

5. That God will not deny them any request that is for their good. They may ask what they will, and it shall be done for them if it be good for them, Joh. 15. 7. And this they may be confident of, 1 Joh. 5. 14.

If they call, God will answer, Ps. 91. 15, 16. and be favourable to them, they shall see his face with joy, Job 33. 26.

Yea, sometimes before they call he will answer them, and whilst they are yet speaking he will hear, Isa. 65. 24.

6. That all shall work together for their good, Rom. 8. 28.

Their wants shall make them pray the more.

Their sins shall humble them the more.

Their sorrows and sufferings shall make them slight the world the more.

Their temptations shall make them exercise grace the more.

Their spiritual desertions shall set [Page 64] them a longing to be with Christ the more.

All shall be for their advantage, whe­ther Paul, or Apollo, or Cephas, or the World, or Life, or Death, or things present, or things to come, all shall be theirs, 1 Cor. 3. 22, 23. See Jer. 24. 5, 6.

7. That the Creatures shall be at peace with them, Job 5. 23.

Yea their enemies too if it shall be for their good, Pro. 16. 7.

So that they may sleep securely, Job 11. 19.

And not be afraid of evil tidings, Ps. 112. 7.

When thou liest down thou shalt not afraid, yea thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet unto thee, for the Lord, with whom thou art now at peace, shall be thy confidence. Read Pro. 3. 23, 24, 25, 26.

8. That they shall have confidence at the appearing of Christ, and shall not be ashamed before him at his coming, 1 Joh. 2. 28.

[Page 65] Reader, shall I reason with thee?

1. Are these things so? is this the happiness of a reconciled estate?

Will God be a friend to such?

A friend for ever?

With all that he is, has, can do or pro­cure?

Does God take delight and pleasure in such? do you believe it? nay, but do you believe it?

Will not God deny them any request that is for their good?

Shall all work together for their good?

And shall even enemies be at peace with them if for their good? I say, are these things so? do you indeed believe them to be so?

2. Say then, is not a reconciled estate a happy estate?

3. Is not such a happy estate desire­able?

4. Art thou yet in a reconciled estate? Canst sind in thy self the Characters of a reconciled person?

[Page 66] Look back to the Use of Trial, and put again and again the questions to thy self, that there are put to thee, and al­low some time for it: deal truly, can time be better spent?

5. If thou canst not yet satisfie thy self, that thou art in a reconciled estate, how art thou affected? art in trouble about it, in care and fear about it?

6. If so, wouldst thou be in a recon­ciled estate? may one believe thee?

Is it a comfort to you to think that God is reconcilable through Christ? and that he makes the motion to you, and will be at peace with you, if you will be at peace with him.

And are they welcom to you, that come in Gods Name to make peace be­tween him and you?

And do you like the terms, and cordi­ally accept of peace with him upon these terms?

7. Can you be in a reconciled estate without the use of means?

8. What are your thoughts of the means prescribed, are they good?

9. Why then will you not use them?

Motive 2.

The misery of an unreconciled estate, which will appear to be great if you consider that unreconciled persons are,

  • 1. Enemies to God.
  • 2. And God is an enemy to them.

1. If you be an unreconciled person, thou art an enemy to God; and, which aggravates thy misery,

1. Thou art a weak enemy, unable to resist or defend thy self. Can thy heart endure, or can thy hands be strong in the day when God shall deal with thee? Ezek. 22. 14.

2. A poor Enemy, that hast nothing to ransom thy self if taken, though thou have Silver and Gold never so much, for Neither Silver nor Gold shall be able to de­liver in the day of the Lords wrath, Zeph. 1. 18.

3. A secure Enemy, that fearest no danger, and therefore thy case the more dangerous. When any man shall hear the words of the Curse, and yet shall bless himself in his heart, and say, I shall have peace, though he walk in the ima­gination [Page 68] of his heart: the Lord will not spare him; but then the anger of the Lord and his jealousie shall smoke against that man, and all the curses that are written in this book shall lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot out his name from under heaven, Deut. 29. 19, 20.

4. A provoking Enemy, that provo­kest God to his face, Isa. 65. 3.

5. An Enemy that hast refused proffers of peace, Pro. 1. 24.

6. And it may be an Enemy that hast abused those that have been sent to treat with thee about peace with God, such as you read of 2 Chr. 36. 16.

And if so, may not God justly refuse now to be reconciled to thee?

Because I have called, says God, and ye have refused, I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded, but have set at naught all [...]y counsel, and would none of my reproof, I also will laugh at their calamity, and mock when your fear cometh, Pro. 1. 24, 25, 26. Take your Bible and read on to v. 31. And dreadful is that word Ezek. 24. 13, 14. In thy filthiness is lewdness. Because I have purged thee and thou wast not purg­ed, [Page 69] thou shalt not bepurged from thy filthi­ness any more, till I have caused my fury to rest upon thee. I the Lord have spoken it; it shall come to pass: And I will do it, I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent, according to thy ways and according to thy doings, shall they judge thee, saith the Lord God.

Poor Soul, what if this Scripture should be fulfilled in thee?

And what if God should give Satan a commission to fetch away thy unrecon­ciled Soul this night?

2. If you be an unreconciled person, God is an enemy to thee: And he is,

1. A potent enemy, Nah. 1. 2, 3, 6. God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth, the Lord revengeth and is furious; the Lord will take vengeance of his Adversaries, and he re­serveth wrath for his Enemies. The Lord is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked. Who can stand before his indignation, and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is pou­red out like fire, and the Rocks are thrown down by him.

[Page 70] 2. A sworn resolved enemy, Deut. 32. 40, 41, 42. For I lift up my hand to Hea­ven, and say, I live for ever. If I whet my glittering Sword, and my hand take hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and I will reward them that hate me.

3. An unavoidable enemy, Ps. 139. 7, &c. Whither shall I flee from thy presence?

4. An immortal enemy; not like a Man that shall dye, or the Son of Man that shall be made as grass, Isa. 51. 12.

And whilst he is an enemy to thee,

1. All his actings towards thee are in a hostile way, Isa. 63. 10. They rebel­led and vexed his Holy Spirit, therefore he was turned to be their enemy, and he fought against them.

2. He will not grant your requests, Isa. 1. 15. When you spread forth your hands I will hide mine eyes from you; yea, when you make many prayers, I will not hear.

3. His Creatures are in Arms against you, and wait but for a word of com­mand, and then will fall upon you as once they did upon Pharaoh.

[Page 71] 4. You may fear therefore continual­ly day and night, and can have no assu­rance of your life, Deut. 28. 66.

And now poor unreconciled Soul, shall I once more reason with thee?

Are these things so? art thou an ene­my to God, and is God an enemy unto thee? And art thou not only a poor, weak enemy, no way able to prevent falling into the hands of the living God, nor to deliver thy self out of his hands when fallen into it; but a secure enemy, also a fearless enemy, unapprehensive of danger, yea a provoking enemy, that hast time after time refused proffered peace? And is God an enemy unto thee? a potent, sworn, resolved, provoked, un­avoidable, immortal enemy to thee? And are all his Actings against thee in a Hostile way? And will he grant none of thy requests, nor have any fellowship with thee? And are the Creatures waiting for a command from their great General to fall upon thee? And canst thou have no assurance of thy life, no not for an hour, no not for a minute? Is this thy case poor unreconciled Soul, [Page 72] what thinkest thou? Is this thy case? is this thy case? wilt thou not be at the pains to think a little? Lord what ails thee, that thou art not startled, af­frighted, sinking into a swoun at the thoughts thereof? What, to be an ene­my to God, and to have God to be an enemy unto thee? Is this nothing? a thing to be laid to thy heels and not to your heart?

1. Is it nothing to reject proffered peace and reconciliation with God? will it not bring upon thee double condem­nation? Reader, I beseech thee take thy Bible, and before thou read a line more in the Book thou hast in thy hand, read Mat. 10. 12, 13, 14, 15. Luke 10. 5, 6, 10, 11, 12.

And now, Reader, what sayest thou, is it nothing to be under this threat­ning? It shall be more tollerable for So­dom and Gomorrah in the day of judg­ment than for thee.

2. Is it nothing by thy standing out & refusing proffered peace with God, to grieve God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, An­gels, & near and dear Relations, a Mother [Page 73] it may be that bare thee, brought thee forth into the World, and nurst thee up, who is in travel again till thou be at peace with God, is this nothing? Once more I beg of thee to take thy Bible and read Mat. 23. 37. Mar. 3. 5. Mar. 8. 12. Luke 19. 41 to the end. Zech. 7. 11, 12.

What more shall I say unto thee poor unreconciled Soul, that refusest proffer­ed peace?

1. Is it not thy Saviour, thy Saviour for all that thou knowest, that thou standest out against?

2. Art thou without reason, natural affection, and self love, that thou stand­est out against a Saviour, that thou run­est from peace, and pardon, and life?

3. What harm will pardon, peace, re­conciliation do thee?

4. Wilt not wish first or last that thou hadst accepted of proffered peace with God? Reader, take thy Bible, read Luke 13. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. Good Reader, say me not nay,; read what is written for thy good, for thy admonition.

5. Would it not be a day of gladness to [Page 74] God, Christ, Saints, Angels, and thy Relations and Acquaintants that fear God, if thou wouldest be perswaded to come in and be reconciled to God? for certain it would. Read Luke 15. 6, 7, 9. Luke 10. 21. Cant. 3. 11. Ps. 87. 5, 6, 7.

You will do very little for your souls, if you will not be at the pains to read and consider these few Scriptures, for their good.

Come, come, Reader,

6. Is it without a Providence that this Book was put into thy hands, and that thou hast had a heart to read it? sure not, I would hope that God intends thee good by it.

Good Reader, be willing to be saved,

To come to Christ,

To endeavour thy peace with God,

To set about the use of the means be­fore prescribed,

To try what thou canst do to be at peace with God.

Come, wilt thou try, and use the means in good earnest? I will promise thee if thou wilt, thou shalt not want help; God Christ, his Spirit, good Ministers and [Page 75] People will help thee. See Isa. 41. 10, 13, 14. Rom. 8. 26. Ps. 89. 19. Ps. 72. 15. Ps. 118. 25, 26.

Come, Reader, do I intreat thee to thy loss or hurt?

Is it not for thy good? Hear it, I be­seech thee, and know it for thy good, Job 5. 27.

Is it not great rich grace and favour that god doth offer to be at peace with thee?

And wilt thou receive the Grace of God in vain? God forbid.

In Memory of that very Religious Gentle­woman, Mrs. Anne Kyrl, the Relict of Colonel Robert Kyrl of Waford, and Daughter of William Sellwin of Mat­son near Gloucester, Esquire.
Who having lived about 46 Years, did sweetly fall asleep in Christ March 30, was decently interred April 6. 1677. and is at blessed rest till Christs second ap­pearing, to awaken, raise, and glorifie her with himself for evermore.

Concerning our dear Friend depart­ed, an Exemplar worthy imitation, I think I have warrant enough to say something to her praise.

She was a Woman that feared the Lord, and shall she not be praised? So­lomon says she should, Pro. 31. 30.

She was a Dorcas, why should not the Coats and Garments she made be shew­ed? Acts 9. 39.

Christ commended the Faith of the Centurion, Mat. 8. 10.

And of the Syrophoenician Woman, Mar. 7. & Mat. 15. 28.

[Page 77] And the love and repentance of the Woman that stood at his feet behind him weeping, Luke 7. 44, &c.

And what Mary the Sister of Lazarus (Joh. 12. 3.) had done in pouring Oynt­ment on his head, he said should be spoken of throughout the world for a memorial of her, Mar. 14 9.

And for a Memorial of our Friend now sweetly sleeping in Jesus, who had (as Demetrius) a good report of all, 3 Joh. 12. I may safely and boldly say,

1. That she according to Gods pro­mise looked for new Heavens and a new Earth. She looked to things not seen, and things that are eternal, 2 Cor. 4. She looked for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ, Tit. 2. 15.

Yea she looked for and hastned unto the coming of the day of God.

2. Her looking for such things made her diligent, industriously diligent, that she might be found of Christ in peace, without spot and blameless▪ in a recon­ciled▪ justified and sanctified estate.

[Page 78] She gave her mind, she set her self to be found in this estate.

She was instant in season and out of season about this.

In the morning she sowed her seed, and in the evening she withheld not her hand, Eccles. 11. 6.

She gave all diligence to add to her faith vertue, and to vertue knowledge, &c.

She gave diligence to make her cal­ling and election sure, 2 Pet. 1. 5, 10.

She was not slothful, but shewed dili­gence to the full assurance of hope, Heb. 6. 11, 12.

And whatsoever she apprehended was commanded by the God of Heaven, she would diligently do it, Ezra 7. 23.

What more shall I say?

Her eyes were turned away from be­holding vanity, Ps. 119. 37.

Her ears were swift to hear, Jam. 1. 19.

In her tongue was the Law of kind­ness, Prov. 31. 26.

Her hands were stretched out to the poor and needy, Prov. 31. 20.

[Page 79] Her feet were shod with the prepara­tion of the Gospel of Peace, Eph. 6. 15.

Her knees were bowed unto the Fa­ther of our Lord Jesus Christ, Eph. 3. 14.

Her face was Zion-ward, Jer. 50. 5.

Her clothing was humility, 1 Pet. 5. 5.

Her ornaments a meek and a quiet spi­rit, 1 Pet. 3. 4.

Her girdle sincerity, Eph. 6. 14.

Her speech was savoury, seasoned Salt, Col. 4. 6.

Corrupt communication proceeded not out of her mouth, but such as might mi­nister Grace to the hearers, Eph. 4. 29.

Her conversation was upright, Ps. 37. 14.

Ordered aright, Ps. 50. 23.

As became the Gospel, Phil. 1. 27.

Without covetousness, Heb. 13. 5.

Chaste coupled with fear, 1 Pet. 3. 2.

Honest, 1 Pet. 2. 12.

Holy, 1 Pet. 1. 15.

Heavenly, Phil. 3. 20.

All her springs whence slowed these streams were in God, Ps. 87. 7.

Her confidence was not in the slesh.

Her rejoycing was in Christ, Phil. 3. 3.

[Page 80] Christ was her All, Col. 3. 11.

Her wisdom to direct her, righteous­ness to justifie her, sanctification to cleanse her, redemption to set her at li­berty, 1 Cor. 1. 30.

When she was hungry his flesh was her meat.

When thirsty his blood was her drink, John 6. 55.

When she fainted he was her cordial, Luke 2. 25.

When she fought with her spiritual adversaries, he was her victory and tri­umph, 1 John 5. 4, 5. 1 Cor. 15. 57. Rom. 8. 37.

When she failed, Christ was her Ad­vocate with the Father, John 2. 1, 2.

In life he was her hope, 1 Tim. 1. 1.

In death he is her gain, Phil. 1. 21.

In the grave he will be her life and resurrection John 11. 25.

I think I may say of her as Hezekiah of himself, Isa. 38. 3. That she walked before God in truth and with a perfect heart, and did that which was good in his sight.

And as Christ of Nathanael, John 1. 47. [Page 81] Behold an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile.

Her dying words exprest much of a Christian indeed. To instance:

They exprest,

1. Her expectation of a change: I do not hope to live long.

2. Her weannedness from the world and sense of the badness of it: For, said she, being fit to dye, 'tis the best time to dye in, and the worst age to live in.

3. Her lamenting after God; for she complained of unprofitableness under the means she enjoyed, and of the want of for­mer refreshments.

4. Her confidence in God: For, said she, though I am a great sinner, yet I believe I am a pardoned sinner, and so have rest and quiet.

One saying to her, There is need of the Lords help: Yea, said she, and God hath laid help upon one that is mighty, and by his stripes I am healed.

One repeating that Scripture, Ps. 116. 6. The Lord preserveth the simple, I was brought low, and he helped me. Yea, said she, the Lord will remember me in my low estate.

[Page 82] Her thankfulness. Blessed be God, said she, I have refreshing though not rest.

At other times she would say: O the consolations of the Lord are not small things.

6. Her prayerfulness. In her last fit she said: Lord ease, Lord help; Pray, pray, pray. And so whiles we were praying for her, she fell asleep.

Thus she has given you an Example, as Christ did his Disciples, John 13. 15.

I will not call you to lamentation, but to imitation I must.

Not to lamentation,

Though some of you have lost a dear Sister.

And some of you a tender Aunt.

And some a faithful Friend.

And some a helper of their faith and joy.

And some an encourager in the ways of God.

The poor have lost a visitor and libe­ral benefactor.

And this Congregation a worthy member.

And she her self has lost something [Page 83] too; she has lost her Asthma, or difficul­ty of breathing.

Her pains, sighs, and groans.

Her cold sweats and fainting fits.

Her sorrows and sufferings.

Her troubles and temptations.

Her sins and corruptions.

But what are her gains?

No tongue can express, nor heart can conceive, what they are.

She has gained Heaven.

What eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, nor hath it entred into the heart of man, 1 Cor. 2. 9.

A Kingdom Everlasting, Luke 12. 32. 2 Pet. 1. 11.

A Crown of righteousness and life, 2 Tim. 4. 8. James 1. 12.

An Inheritance rich and glorious, Eph. 1. 18.

Incorruptible, undefiled, and that fa­deth not away, 1 Pet. 1. 4.

She has gained fulness of joy in the presence of God, and pleasures for ever more at his right hand, Ps. 16. 11.

An exceeding exceeding eternal weight of glory, 2 Cor. 4. 17.

[Page 84] The Beatifical Vision, Mat. 5. 8.

The immediate and full fruition of God and Christ.

An eternal life with God, and Christ, and Saints, and Angels.

And therefore I must not call you to lamentation.

But, as I said, to imitation I must.

Follow her as she followed Christ, 1 Cor. 11. 1.

Let her Vertues live in you, so shall she in some sense still live with you.

1. Look for such things as she did.

Look for new Heavens and new Earth.

Look to things not seen, and things that are eternal.

Look for the blessed hope and glori­ous appearing of, &c.

Look for and hasten unto the coming of the day of God.

2. Let the expectation of such things make you diligent in the use of means to be found of Christ at his coming in peace without spot, &c. in a reconciled, justified, and sanctified estate.

Give your minds, set your selves to be found in this estate.

[Page 85] Be instant in season and out of season about it.

In the morning sow your seed, and in the evening withhold not your hand, Eccles. 11. 6.

Give all diligence, adde to your faith vertue, &c. 2 Pet. 1. 5.

Give diligence to make your calling and election sure, 2 Pet. 1. 10.

Be not slothful, but shew diligence to the full assurance of hope, Heb. 6. 11, 12.

And whatsoever shall be commanded you by the God of Heaven diligently do it, Ezra 7. 23.

Turn away your eyes from beholding vanity, Ps. 119. 37.

With your ears be swift to hear coun­sel and receive instruction, James 1. 19.

In your tongues let the Law of kind­ness be, Pro. 31. 26.

Let your hands be stretched out to the poor and needy, Pro. 31. 20.

Let your seet be shod with, &c. Eph. 6. 15.

Let your knees be bowed to your Fa­ther, &c. Eph. 3. 14.

Let your faces be Zionward, Jer. 50. 5.

[Page 86] Cloath your selves with humility, 1 Pet. 5. 5.

Adorn your selves with meekness and a quiet spirit, 1 Pet. 3. 4.

Gird your selves with sincerity, Eph. 6. 14.

Let no corrupt communication pro­ceed out of your mouth, &c. Eph. 4. 29.

Order your conversations aright, Ps. 50. 23.

Let your conversation be as becomes the Gospel, Phil. 1. 27.

Without covetousness, Heb. 13. 5.

Chaste, coupled with fear, 1 Pet. 3. 2.

Honest, 1 Pet. 2. 12.

Holy, 1 Pet. 1. 15.

Heavenly, Phil. 3. 20.

That it may be such,

Let all your springs be in God, Ps. 81. 7.

Have no confidence in the flesh, Phil. 3. 3.

Rejoyce in Jesus Christ, Phil. 3. 3.

Let Christ be your All, Col. 3. 11.

Your Wisdom to direct you, your Righteousness to justifie you, your San­ctification to cleanse you, and your Re­demption [Page 87] to set you at liberty, 1 Co. 1. 30.

When your Souls are hungry, let Christs flesh be your meat.

When thirsty, let his blood be your drink, John 6. 55.

When you faint in a day of adversity, let Christ be your cordial, Luke 2. 25.

When you fight with your spiritual adversaries, look to Jesus for victory and triumph, 1 John 5. 4, 5. 1 Cor. 15. 57. Rom. 8. 37.

When you fail, look to Christ your Advocate with the Father, 1 John 2. 1, 2.

In life let Christ be your hope, 1 Tim. 1. 1.

In death be confident he will be your gain, Phil. 1. 21.

And in the grave your life and resur­rection, John 11. 25.

Thus pace after this blessed soul departed, your near and dear Relation, tread in her steps, and then ere long where she is you shall be also.

Where's that? I doubt not to say in Para­dise, Luke 23 43. In Abrahams bosom, Luke 16. 22. In Heaven with Saints and Angels, Heb. 12. 22, 23. With God in Christ Jesus, which is best of all, Phil. 1. 23.

[Page 88] AN APPENDIX TO THE Foregoing Discourse BY WAY OF Caution and Exhortation.

1. BY way of Caution.

Take heed lest Christ at his com­ing find you,

1. With nothing but leaves on you, as that Figtree, Mar. 11. 13. was, lest you be cursed, and it be said unto you as Mat. 25. 41. Depart, &c.

2. Without fruit, as that Tree was, Luke 13. 7. lest you be cut down and cast into the fire.

3. Without Oil in your Vessels, as the foolish Virgins were, Mat. 25. 3. lest the door be shut against you, v. 10.

4. With works not perfect before God, Rev. 3. 2.

[Page 89] 5. Smighting your fellow-servants, as he, Mat. 24. 49. lest you be cut asunder, and have your portion appointed you with Hypo­crites.

6. Eating and drinking with the drunken, Mat. 24. 49, 50, 51.

7. Idle, slothful, and not improving your Talents, Mat. 25. 25, 26. lest you be cast into utter darkness, where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, v. 30.

Take heed therefore, lest Christs coming suddenly, as Mar. 13. 36. find you thus, viz.

  • With nothing but leaves,
  • Without fruit,
  • Without Oil,
  • With works not perfect,
  • Smiting your fellows,
  • Eating and drinking with the drunken,
  • Idle, drunken, not improving your Ta­lents.
  • Do not make slight of this Caution I be­seech you.

2. By way of Exhortation.

Be diligent, that you may be found of Christ at his coming.

[Page 90] 1. Watching. For blessed are trhose Se­vants whom the Lord when he cometh shall sind watching, whether he come in the second watch, or in the third watch, and sind them so, blessed are those Servants, Luke 12. 37, 38.

2. In Christ, not having your own righ­teousness, which was Pauls desire, Phil. 3. 9. That I may be found in Christ, not having mine own righteousness which is of the Law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith.

3. Written in the Lambs Book of Life: For whosoever shall not be found writ­ten in the Book of Lise, shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, Rev. 20. 15.

4. Established, unblameable in Holiness before God. This was part of Pauls prayer for the Thessalonians, That their hearts might be established unblameable in holiness before God even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his Saints, 1 Thes. 3. 13.

5. Sanctified wholly in Spirit, Soul, and Body. So also prays the Apostle for the Thessalonians, The very God of Peace [Page 91] sanctifie you wholly, and I pray God your whole Spirit, Soul, and Body, may be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Thes. 5. 23.

6. Patient. To this S. James exhorts, Be patient, Brethren, unto the coming of the Lord, which draweth nigh, James 5. 7, 8.

7. Waiting for his coming, which was the commendation of the Corinthians, They waited for the coming of our Lord Je­sus Christ, 1 Cor. 1. 7.

8. Looking for and hasting to it, ac­cording to the counsel of S. Peter, 2 Pet. 3. 12.

9. In peace without spot and blameless, as in the Text.

Be diligent thus to be found at the com­ing of Christ, so shall you be blessed, Luke 12. 37, 38.

And so shall you have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming, 1 Joh. 2. 28.


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