The Dean of St. PAVL's SERMON Before the Lord Mayor and Aldermen, On APRIL 25. 1697.

Clarke Mayor.

THIS Court doth desire Mr. Dean of St. Paul's to print his Sermon preached before the Lord Mayor and Al­dermen of this City, on Sunday the 25th day of April last.


The Danger of corrupting the Faith by Philosophy.

A SERMON Preach'd before the Right Hon ble the Lord-Mayor, AND Court of Aldermen, At GUILDHALL-CHAPPEL, On SUNDAY, APRIL 25. 1697.

By WILLIAM SHERLOCK, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's, Master of the Temple, and Chaplain in Ordinary to His Majesty.

LONDON: Printed for W. Rogers, at the Sun against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. MDCXCVII.

COLOS. II. 8. ‘Beware lest any man spoil you through Philo­sophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.’

HAD St. Paul lived in our Age, it would have required little less than the Cou­rage and Bravery of the Spirit of Mar­tyrdom to have said this: And nothing but the Authority of so great an Apo­stle (which though some men do not much value, yet they dare not openly despise) can skreen those, who ven­ture to say it after him.

What some men call Philosophy and Reason (and there is nothing so foolish and absurd which some men will not call so), is the only thing which those men adore, who would either have no God, or a God and a Religion of their own making. And what Attempts some have made to undermine all Religion, and others to corrupt and trans­form the whole Frame of the Christian Religion, upon a pretence of its contradicting Natural Reason and Philoso­phy, is too well known to need a Proof. That thus it was in his days, and that thus it was likely to be in future Ages, St. Paul was very sensible, when he gave this Caution to his Colossians; and I'm sure it is as proper a Caution for us, as ever it was for any Age since the writing of this [Page 2] Epistle; for this vain Pretence to Reason and Philosophy never more prevailed, and never did more mischief to the world.

It is an endless and fruitless Task to go about to confute all the absurd Hypotheses and wild inconsistent Reason­ings wherewith men abuse themselves and others: The Experience of so many Ages wherein Philosophy was in all its Glory, and the several Sects disputed and wrangled eternally, without ending any one Controversy, gives no great Encouragement, to hope for much this way; at least it can never be expected that ordinary Christians should be better instructed and confirmed in the Faith by Philosophi­cal Disputes.

The Christian Religion has from the very beginning been corrupted by a mixture of Philosophy: Thus it was in the Apostles days, and thus it has been more or less in all Ages of the Church to this day; and the direction the Apostle gives for the security of the Christian Faith, is, Not to dispute such matters, but to distinguish between Philosophical Disputes, and Matters of Revelation; and to reject all the Pretences of Philosophy, when it does or seems to contradict the Faith of Christ, or would make any corrupt Additions to it.

Beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit; [...], is to make a Prey, or to carry away as a Prey; that is, to seduce them from the Christian Faith, or from the Purity and Simplicity of it: Through Philoso­phy and vain deceit, that is, through the vain deceit of Phi­losophy, which cheats men with a flattering but empty ap­pearance; may unsettle weak Minds, but cannot lay a sure and solid foundation of Faith; may cheat men out of their Faith, but when that is done, can give them nothing certain in the room of it: For it is but after the traditions [Page 3] of men, and after the rudiments of this world: Some of these Doctrines may possibly plead Prescription, as having been so long received that no man knows their Original; or if they have the Authority of some Great Name, yet it is but a Human Authority, and they are but the traditi­ons of men; and of men who at best had no better infor­mation than from the visible appearances of Nature, and their own imperfect Observations, and corrupt or defective Reasonings, after the rudiments of this world: And is this an Authority to oppose against the Faith of Christ, which both wants that Divine Confirmation which he gave to his Doctrines, and contradicts them? For they are not after Christ, neither taught by Christ, nor consonant to what he taught.

These Words might afford great Variety of Discourse; but I shall confine my self to what is most Useful, and re­duce that into as narrow a compass as I can, by shewing,

I. What great need there is of this Caution, To beware lest any man spoil us through Philosophy and vain deceit.

II. What great reason we have to reject all these vain Pretences to Philosophy, when they are opposed to the Authority of a Divine Revelation.

I. As for the first of these, Whoever considers what an Enemy these vain Pretences to Philosophy have always been to Religion, will see need enough for this Caution.

True Reason, and the true Knowledge of Nature, which is true Philosophy, would certainly direct us to the Acknowledgment and Worship of that Supreme Being who made the World: And yet we know, that there ne­ver was an Atheist without some Pretence to Philosophy, and generally such loud noisy Pretences too, as make igno­rant [Page 4] people think them very notable Philosophers, and that tempts some vain empty persons to affect Atheism, that they may be thought Philosophers.

That this is vain deceit, all men must own, who believe there is a God: And if it be possible to pretend Philosophy for Atheism it self, it is no great wonder if it be made to patronize Infidelity and Heresy: But this plainly shews of what dangerous Consequence it is to admit Philosophical Disputes into Religion, which if at any time they may do any service to Religion, much oftner greatly corrupt it, and shake the very Foundations of it; of which more anon.

At present I shall only shew you how the Matter of Fact stands; That most of the Disputes in Religion are no­thing else but the Disputes of Philosophy, and therefore according to the Apostolical Command, to be wholly flung out of Religion, and not suffered to affect our Faith one way or other. To be a Philosopher and a Christian, to Dispute and to Believe, are two very different things; and yet it is very evident, that most of the Arguments against Revelation in general, and most of the Disputes about the particular Doctrines of Christianity, are no bet­ter than this vain deceit of Philosophy; that were the mat­ters of Faith, and the Disputes of Philosophy truly distin­guished, this alone would be sufficient to settle the Faith of Christians, and restore Peace and Unity, at least in the great Fundamentals of Religion, to the Christian World.

1. As to begin with Revelation in general. The Books of Moses are the most Ancient, and that considered, the best attested History in the World; the whole Nation of the Jews, whose History he writes, pay the greatest vene­ration to him; and if we believe the Matters of Fact which he relates, he was certainly an Inspired Man, who [Page 5] could neither deceive, nor be deceived. And it is impos­sible to have greater Evidence for the Truth and Authenti­calness of any Writings, at such a distance of time, than we have for the Writings of the New Testament; and in­deed the Infidels of our Age have very little to say purely against the Credibility of the History; and then one would think, that all their other Objections should come too late, unless they will justify Pharaoh in disbelieving Moses, and the Scribes and Pharisees in disbelieving our Saviour, after all the Miracles they did: For if they will disbelieve Moses and Christ, though they have nothing material to object against the Truth of these Histories; nothing, which they would allow to be good Objections against any other Hi­story; they must by the same reason have disbelieved them, though they had seen them do all those great Works which are reported of them in such Credible Histories. But whatever the Authority of these Books are, they think they may securely reject them, if they contain any thing which contradicts their Reason and Philosophy, and they find a great many such things to quarrel with: They think Moses's History of the Creation very unphilosophical; That the Story of Eve and the Serpent is an incredible Fiction; That the Universal Deluge is absolutely impossible, and ir­reconcileable with the Principles of Philosophy; and it does not become Philosophers to have recourse to Mira­cles: That what we call Miracles are not the effects of a Divine Power, but may be resolved into Natural Causes; That Inspiration and Prophesy is nothing but Natural En­thusiasm, and all the Pretences to Revelation a Cheat and Imposture; That Nature teaches us all that we need to know; That there is no other certain knowledge but this; That we are not bound to believe any thing which our own Reason cannot grasp and comprehend, and therefore Revelation is perfectly useless; and God himself cannot [Page 6] oblige us to believe any thing which does not agree with the Reason of our own Minds, and the Philosophy of Na­ture. Those who understand the Mystery of Modern In­fidelity, know that these, and such like, are the wise Rea­sons for which they reject and ridicule all Revealed Reli­gion, and endeavour to rob and spoil men of one of the greatest Blessings in the World, A Divine Revelation. So that Infidelity is resolved into these vain Pretences to Phi­losophy, that Men will understand how to make, destroy, and govern the World better than God.

2. As these men oppose Reason and Philosophy to Re­velation, so others either deny the fundamental Articles of Christianity for the sake of some Philosophical Difficul­ties, or corrupt the Doctrines of Christianity by a mixture of Philosophy. The Gospel of our Saviour is the plainest Revelation of the Will of God that ever was made to the World; all its Doctrines are easily understood, without Art and Subtilty; and yet there is not a more nice, intri­cate, perplext thing in the World, than what some men have made the Christian Faith: All the Subtil Disputes of Philosophy are brought into the Church; and Plato and Aristotle are become as great Apostles, as St. Peter, or St. Paul: As to give some few Instances of it; for time will not permit me to discourse it at large.

What are the Arian, Socinian, Pelagian Controversies, but meer Philosophical Disputes, with which these Here­ticks corrupted the Catholick Faith?

There is nothing more plain and express in Scripture than the Faith of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or the Doctrine of the Trinity in Vnity; and that great Art and Subtilty which has been used, and to so little purpose, to per­vert those Texts of Scripture, wherein this Doctrine is con­tained, is an evident proof, That this is the plain, natural obvious sense of those Texts, since it requires so much Art [Page 7] and Criticism to put any other sense on them; and that will not do neither, till men are resolved rather to make any thing of Scripture, than to find a real Trinity there. If then this Faith be so plainly contained in Scripture, what makes all this dispute about it? What makes those, who profess to believe the Scripture, so obstinate against this Faith? Truly that which makes some men Infidels, makes others Hereticks, that is, a vain pretence to Phi­losophy.

The first Philosophical Dispute is about the Divine Unity: We all own with the Scripture, that there is but One God; but we say further, as the Scripture teaches us, That there are Three, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, each of which is true and perfect God. This they say is a Con­tradiction; and if it be so, there is an end of this Faith, for both parts of a Contradiction can't be true: But to be Three and One upon different accounts, and in diffe­rent senses, is no Contradiction; for thus Three may be One, and One Three; and this is all the Scripture teaches, or that we profess to believe, whatever the My­stery of this Distinction and Unity be: But this will not satisfy these Philosophical Wits, unless they can compre­hend how Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are really and distinctly Three, and essentially One, the manner of which the Scripture gives no account of, and therefore this is no Dispute in Faith, but only in Philosophy.

Another Objection concerns the Divine Generation, how God can beget a Son of his own Substance; which the Arians thought inferred a division of the Divine Sub­stance.

And a Third Objection concerns an Eternal Generation; how it is possible that the Father should beget an Eternal Son; that the Son should be begotten without any begin­ning [Page 8] of Being; and that the Father should not be at least some few moments before the Son, and consequently the Son not Eternal. Now we all grant that we can give no Philosophical account of this, no more than we can of the simple Divine Essence, or of Eternity it self; but we may believe that God has an Eternal Son, as we do that there is an Eternal God, without knowing how any thing is Eternal: These are Disputes in Philosophy, and such as none but vain men will dispute about, as being acknow­ledged above our Comprehension, and therefore no reaso­nable Objection against our Faith.

This as for the Doctrine of the Incarnation, nothing can be plainer in Scripture, than that the Son of God was made man; That the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us; That God was manifest in the flesh: And all the disputes about this Article are purely Philosophical: Some men re­ject it, because they cannot understand how God and Man can be united in one Person: Others confound the Divine and Human Nature, as Eutyches did; or divide the Per­sons, as Nestorius did; both which indeed destroy the Ar­ticle of the Incarnation; for the Word is not made Flesh, unless the same Person, who is God, is Man too, and conti­nues perfect God and perfect Man after this Union: But all these disputes concern the Philosophy of the Union of the Divine and Human Nature in Christ; and if we would separate between Faith and Philosophy, such di­sputes might soon be ended.

Thus most of the difficulties in the Pelagian and Quin­quarticular Controversy, are ultimately resolved into mere Philosophical disputes about Fate and Prescience, Liberty and Necessity, and God's concourse with Creatures, or the Powers of Nature and Grace: And would time permit, it were easy to shew this in most of the Controversies of Religion, That it is not what God has revealed, and what [Page 9] he requires us to believe, but such Nice Philosophical Questions as men raise about these matters, which occasion all these disputes.

It has often been proposed as a means of Union to silence all disputes, To confine our selves to Scripture-Words and Expressions, without determining the signification of them: But this would make only an Agreement in Words, not a Consent in Opinions; nor could it secure the Peace of the Church, while all men knew, that under the same form of Words, they had very different and contrary Meanings, which would still make them as much Here­ticks to each other, as if their Words did as expresly con­tradict each other, as their Faith. But would men reduce all their disputes to Scripture, and make that the only Rule of their Faith, without intermixing any Philosophical disputes with it, this would be an infallible means of Uni­on; for it is only this vain pretence to Philosophy, which raises all these disputes, and then tempts men to pervert the Scriptures to justify their Philosophy.

In all these cases we are concerned to enquire what the true sense of the Article is; for this the Scripture teaches, and so far our Faith is concerned; and these are not only justifiable, but necessary disputes, if the true Faith be ne­cessary: And such were the disputes of the Catholick Fathers with the Sabellian, Arian, and Photinian Here­ticks; Whether Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, were only Three Names, or Three Appearances and Manifestations of the same One single Person, or any other Three, but Three True, Proper, Coeternal, and Coequal Persons: Or whether He, who is in Scripture called the Son of God, be a Creature, though the most Excellent Creature; or a Son, and God by Nature, truly begotten of his Father's Substance: Or whether Christ be God Incarnate, or a meer Man: And their ancient Creeds pretended to no [Page 10] more, than to teach what the Catholick Faith was, not to expound the Philosophy of the Trinity and Incarna­tion. And thus far we must explain the Faith, as to know, and to let others know, what it is we believe; and if to assert the ancient Catholick Faith against old and new Heresies, should be called New Explications, we cannot help it; for we must explain what the Scripture teaches about these Articles, and how the Catholick Church always understood them: But that which we are to beware of, is, Not to mix Philosophy with our Faith, nor to admit of any mere Philosophical Objections against the Faith, nor to attempt any Explications of these My­steries, beyond what the Scriptures, and the Faith and Practice of the Catholick Church will justify.

Indeed the Importunity of Hereticks did very often en­gage the Catholick Fathers in Philosophical disputes; but this they did, not to explain the Christian Mysteries by Philosophy, but only to shew, that as incomprehensible as these Mysteries are, the Philosophy of Hereticks, and their Objections against these Articles, were very absurd: And such disputes as these may sometimes be absolutely ne­cessary, and of great use to shame these vain Pretences to Philosophy, while we do not put the Trial of our Faith up­on this Issue.

Secondly, Let us now consider what great reason we have to reject all the vain Pretences to Reason and Philo­sophy, when opposed to a Divine Revelation. For that is all the Apostle intends in this Caution; not to discou­rage the use of Reason, or the study of Philosophy, which are great Improvements, and a delightful Entertainment of Human Minds, and with a wise and prudent Conduct may be very serviceable to Religion too; but we must not set up any Conclusions in Philosophy against the Christian Faith, nor corrupt the Faith with a mixture of Philosophy, [Page 11] nor reject any revealed Truths, for want of Natural Ideas to conceive them by.

To shorten this Discourse as much as I can; I shall at present only shew you what reason we have to believe those Doctrines which are thought the most mysterious and inconceivable, notwithstanding any Objections from Natural Reason and Philosophy against them. And the account of this must be resolved into the Nature, Use, and Authority of Revelation; that Revelation, as to such matters as are knowable only by Revelation, must serve instead of Sense, Natural Ideas, and Natural Reason; that is, That we must believe things which we do not see, things which we have no Natural Notion or Con­ception of, things which are not evident to Natural Rea­son; for without this, there is little use of Faith, no Au­thority of pure Revelation.

It is true, the general Corruption of Mankind made it very necessary for God to revive the Laws of Nature, and to reinforce the observation of them by his own Au­thority and Command; but the proper work of Revela­tion is to discover such things to us as Nature cannot teach, of which we have no Natural Notion, nor any Natural Evidence; At least, thus it may be, if God knows more than Natural Reason teaches, or can compre­hend; and thinks it fit to reveal such Supernatural Truths to us, when he sees it useful for Mankind.

Now if God ever does reveal such things to us, if we believe upon God's Authority (which is the strict Noti­on of a Divine Faith), we must believe without any Na­tural Evidence, merely because God has revealed it; and then we must believe such things as are not evident to Sense and Reason; and then it can be no Objection against Revelation, nor against the belief of any such superna­tural Truths, that we have no Natural Notion, nor Na­tural [Page 12] evidence of them, that they are what we cannot conceive and comprehend.

To believe no farther than natural Reason can conceive and comprehend, is to reject the Divine Authority of Re­velation, and to destroy the distinction between Reason and Faith. He who will believe no farther than natural Reason approves; believes his Reason, not the Revelation; and is in truth a Natural Philosopher, not a Believer: He believes the Scriptures, as he would believe Plato and Tully; not as inspired Writings, but as agreeable to Reason and the result of wise and deep Thoughts; and this puts an end to all the disputes about Faith and Revelation at once: For what use is there of Faith? What matter whether the Scriptures be divinely Inspired or not, when we are no far­ther concerned with them than with other Human Wri­tings, to believe what they teach agreeable to our own Rea­son? Let these Men then either reject Faith and Scripture, or confess, That Revelation, as to all Supernatural Truths, must serve us instead of Sense and Reason. I would gladly know of them, Whether they would not believe such su­pernatural Truths, as are not evident to Reason, were they sure that God had Revealed them? I guess they will not be so hardy as to say, That they would not believe God himself, should he Reveal such things as their Reason can­not comprehend; and if they would believe God in such matters, Why will they not believe a Revelation, which they themselves acknowledge to be Divine, in such mat­ters? For is there any difference between believing God, and believing a Divine Revelation? If God does know, and can reveal such Mysteries, and is to be believed when he does reveal them, and such Doctrines are contained in an undoubted Revelation; then the unconceivableness of them can be no argument against the Truth of the Reve­lation, or that sense of the words, which contains such Mysteries.

[Page 13] Let us then consider the natural consequence of this, which is of great moment in this dispute, viz. That we must allow of no Objections against Revealed Mysteries, which we will not allow to be good Objections against Sense and Reason; which is a necessary and unavoidable consequence if Revelation, with respect to supernatural Truths, stand in the place of Sense and Reason.

Now no man questions the truth of what he sees and feels, or what he can prove to be true by plain and undeni­able Reason, merely because there are unconceivable diffi­culties in it; as there are in every thing, even the most cer­tain and familiar things in Nature: And if Revealed Truths are not more unconceivable than many natural ob­jects of Sense and Reason, Why should their being uncon­ceivable be a greater Objection against believing a Revela­tion, than it is against believing our Sense and Reason in matters equally unconceivable? When God has Revealed to us, That he has an Eternal and Only Begotten Son, though we cannot comprehend the Mystery of the Eter­nal Generation, Why should we not as firmly believe it, as we do, that Man Begets a Son in his own likeness, the Philosophy of which we as little understand? Nor can we any more conceive the Union of the Soul and Body, than we do the Incarnation of the Son of God, or the Union of the Divine and Human Nature in one Person? And if we own the Authority of Revelation, Why should we not as well believe what Revelation teaches, how unconceivable soever it be, as we do what Sense and Reason teaches, though it be alike unconceivable?

All men are sensible, that it is very absurd and foolish to deny the Being of any thing which they have certain evi­dence of, because they cannot comprehend the Nature and Reasons of it: The Man who rose up and walked before the Philosopher, who was disputing subtilly against [Page 14] the possibility of Motion, put a scorn upon all his Argu­ments, by shewing him that he could Move: And there­fore we see, that all men believe their Senses and Reason against all the difficulties in Nature, and will never be persuaded, by the subtillest Disputant, That that is not, which they certainly see and know to be. Now for the same reason, if men will allow the Authority of Revela­tion, they must believe what is Revealed, how uncon­ceivable and incomprehensible soever its nature be; for when we know that a thing is, (and this may be known by Revelation as well as by Sense, as those men must confess, who acknowledge a Divine Revelation) no difficulties in conceiving it, must persuade us to deny that it is.

This is very plain in it self, though few men consider it, That to disbelieve what is Revealed, for the sake of any dif­ficulties in understanding or conceiving it, is to reject the certainty of Revelation; For what other account can be given of that difference men make between the Evidence of Sense and Reason, and of Revelation, but that they allow Sense and Reason to be good and certain proofs of the being of such things as are evident to Sense and Reason, how mysterious soever their Natures are; but that mere Revelation is no certain proof of the being of any thing which is not evident also to Sense and Reason, how plainly soever it be Revealed; that is, that Revelation alone can prove nothing; for if Revelation it self could prove the certainty of what is Revealed, the difficulties in Nature and Philosophy could no more disprove a Revelation, than confute our Senses. Now let any man judge, whether this be not unequal usage, to expect more from Revelation, than they do from Sense and Reason, and not to believe Revela­tion upon the same terms that they believe their Senses.

Should men resolve to believe nothing which they see, till they could give a Philosophical account of the Reasons, [Page 15] and Causes, and Natures, of all they see, as they refuse to believe a Revelation any farther than they can conceive and comprehend the thing Revealed, they must of neces­sity be as great Scepticks, as they are Infidels. For as for contradictions, it is an easy matter to make or find seem­ing contradictions in what we do not understand; for when we know not the Philosophical Natures of things, nor how they act, and yet will be reasoning and guessing at them, all our false guesses may be full of contradictions and impossibilities, because we know not the true Mystery of Nature. It is this vain humour of Criticizing upon Nature which makes so many Atheists. They go upon the same Principle with Infidels and Hereticks, To believe nothing which natural Reason cannot conceive and com­prehend; now they cannot comprehend the Notion and Idea of a God, which they say, is made up of Contra­dictions and impossibilities, and therefore they reject the Being of a God: They cannot conceive a Creating Power, which can give Being to that which had no Being before, which they think a plain Contradiction to make Something of Nothing; and therefore they reject the Creation of the World, and either assert the Eternity of the World, or at least the Eternity of Matter: They can conceive no Substance but Matter and Body, and therefore reject the Notion of a Spirit, as Nonsense and Contradi­ction: They will allow nothing to be wisely made, which they understand not the reason and uses of, and there­fore they fancy a great many botches and blunders in Nature, which cannot be the designs and contrivance of Wisdom, but the effects of Chance; and then the conse­quence is plain, That the World was made by Chance, not by a Wise Author.

Now, I confess, if this way of Reasoning be allowed, it will be impossible to defend either Sense, or Reason, or [Page 16] Revelation, against the Cavils of Atheists and Infidels; for there are unconceivable and incomprehensible Secrets and Mysteries in them all; and if to conceive and compre­hend the Natures of things must be made the measure and standard of true and false, we must deny our Senses and Reason, as well as our Faith; and if we do and must be­lieve our Sense and Reason beyond our Comprehension, Why must we believe nothing that is Revealed, any far­ther than we can conceive and comprehend the Nature and Reasons of it?

The Sum is this: Humane Knowledge, whatever the means of knowing be, whether Sense, or Reason, or Re­velation, does not reach to the Philosophical Causes and Natures of things, but only to their Being, and Natural Vertues and Powers; and as a Wise man, who knows the measure of his Understanding, expects no more from Sense and Reason, than to know what things there are in the World, and what they are, as far as they fall under the notice of Sense and Natural Reason; so we must expect no more from Revelation, than the knowledge of such things as Sense and Natural Reason cannot discover. But we must no more expect the Philosophy of Supernatural Truths from Revelation, than we do the Mysteries of Na­ture from Sense and Reason.

Now since Human Knowledge is not a knowledge of the Mysterious Natures of things, but only to know what things there are, and what they are; there can be no can­tradiction between Sense, and Reason, and Revelation; unless one denies what the other affirms, not that one teaches more than the other teaches, or that one cannot comprehend what the other teaches. Reason teaches more than Sense teaches, or can comprehend; and Revelation teaches more than either Sense or Natural Reason teaches, or can comprehend; but this is no contradiction, but [Page 17] only a subordination between these different kinds and de­grees of Knowledge; but as for Unconceivableness and Incomprehensibility, that is no argument against any thing; for Sense and Natural Reason can no more compre­hend their own Objects, than they do what is revealed: And it is manifest perverseness to make that an objection against Revelation, which we will not allow to be an ob­jection against Sense and Reason.

This is sufficient as to the reason of the thing; but as far as it is possible to remove mens Prejudices also against believing Mysteries, I shall briefly answer two very popu­lar Objections.

1. It is thought very unnatural, that when God has made us reasonable Creatures, and therefore made Natu­ral Reason to us the measure of Truth and Falshood, he should require us to believe without Reason; as we must do, if he reveals such things to us as we know not, and cannot possibly know the reasons of. If we must believe with our Understanding, how can we believe things which we cannot understand?

This were a reasonable Objection, were it true; for we cannot believe what we have no knowledge, nor under­standing of; for Faith is Knowledge, though not Natu­ral Knowledge.

But do we not understand what it is we believe? Do we not know what we mean, when we say, We believe in Father, Son, and Holy Ghost? Nay, do not our Ad­versaries understand what we mean by it? How then come they to charge us with believing Contradictions and Impossibilities? For if they know not what we believe, they cannot know whether we believe Contradictions or not. And if we do understand what it is we believe, then we do not believe without understanding, which [Page 18] is absolutely impossible, if we know what it is we be­lieve.

And we know also why we believe: Our Faith is found­ed in Sense and Reason, and resolved into the Authority of God, which is the highest and most infallible Reason. The Miracles which Christ and his Apostles wrought, were evident to Sense, and owned by Reason to be the effects of a Divine Power; and the Answer the Blind man gave to the Pharisees, when Christ had opened his Eyes, speaks the true sense of Nature: H [...]rein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes. Now we know that God heareth not sinners; but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doth his will, him he heareth. Since the world began was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind: If this man were not of God, he could do nothing, 9. John 30, 31, 32, 33. And all Man­kind own, that the most absolute Faith is due to God, and to those who speak from God; and this, as I take it, is to believe with Reason.

But still we believe such things, whose Natures we do not understand, and cannot account for by Natural Rea­son, and this is to believe without Reason. We believe, that God the Father hath an Eternal Son, and an Eternal Spirit; and that Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, are but One Eternal God; but this is what Natural Reason cannot comprehend, nor give us any notion or conception of, how God can have an Eternal Son, and an Eternal Spirit, really distinct from himself, and yet with himself One Eternal and Infinite God: Reason can give no account of the Eternal Generation of the Son, nor of the Eternal Pro­cession of the Holy Spirit; and is not this to believe with­out Reason, which a reasonable Creature ought not to do, and which we ought not to think, that God who made us reasonable Creatures, expects from us?

[Page 19] And this I grant would be a material Objection, were Reason the Judge of the Nature and Philosophy of things; and did Reason require us to believe nothing but what we understand and comprehend. But then we must no more believe Sense and Reason, than Revelation; for we do not comprehend the Nature of any one thing in the World, how evident soever it is to Sense and Reason, that there are such things. Nature is as great a Mystery as Revela­tion; and it is no greater affront to our Understandings, no more against reason for God to reveal such things to us as our Reason cannot comprehend, than it is to make a whole World, which Reason cannot comprehend.

When we make it an Objection against any thing, That it is without Reason, or, as we apprehend, against Rea­son, and contrary to Reason; we must first consider whe­ther it be the proper Object of Reason; otherwise it is no Objection; as it is no objection against Sounds, that we cannot see them; nor against Colours, that we cannot hear them; because Sounds are not the Objects of Sight, nor Colours of Hearing.

Now no man pretends, that the pure Natures and Es­sences of things, or their Essential Reasons, Properties, Unions, Operations, are the Objects of Humane Reason; for no man living knows any thing about them.

And yet this is all the Incomprehensibility men have to complain of in the Doctrine of the Trinity, and the In­carnation; That they cannot comprehend, how God can beget an Eternal Son; nor how Three Divine Persons should be so united, as to be essentially One God; nor how the Divine and Humane Nature can be united into One Person, God-man: All which concern the Essence, and Essential Properties, Operations, Unions, Relations of the Deity, which a modest man might allow to be in­comprehensible, if God be infinite, though he could com­prehend [Page 20] the Natures, Essences, and Essential Reasons and Properties of Created Beings; but when all Created Na­ture is such a Mystery to us, that we know not the pure Nature and Essence of any one thing in the World, is it an affront to our Reason, that we cannot comprehend the Divine Nature?

Such Matters as these are neither without Reason, nor against Reason, nor contrary to Reason; because Reason has nothing to do with them, and can take no cognizance of them: They belong not to Reason, but to that Infinite Mind, which comprehends it Self, and the Ideas of all pos­sible Beings. A perfect comprehensive Knowledge of Na­ture belongs only to the Maker of all things; for it is not only to know what things are, but how to make them; which would be a vain Curiosity, and useless Knowledge to those, who have not a Making and Creating Power. This is to know things à priori, with an Intuitive Ideal Knowledge, which is infinitely more superior to Reason, than Reason is to Sense: And it is the affection of this Intuitive making Knowledge, which makes some men Atheists, and others Hereticks.

2dly. Another great Objection against such a Revelati­on as contains matters which Natural Reason cannot com­prehend, is, To what purpose such a Revelation serves? What Merit there can be in believing such Doctrines? And of what good use such a Faith can be to us?

Now I confess I cannot think it meritorious merely to believe things which are incomprehensible; or that God any more intended to puzzle our Faith with revealed My­steries, than to puzzle our Reason in making a Mysteri­ous World. Whether we receive our information from Sense, or Natural Reason, or Revelation, it is certain we must believe Mysteries, if we believe any thing; for all things have something mysterious and incomprehensible in [Page 21] their natures; what natural Reason cannot account for, and what God never intended we should understand: for God never intended to teach us how to make the World, nor how every Creature was made; and therefore we can­not and are not concerned to know the internal frame and constitution of Nature.

But though neither Natural nor Revealed Knowledge extends to the Reasons and Causes of Nature, and of essen­tial Properties and Operations; yet both natural and re­vealed Knowledge is of as much use to us, as if we did perfectly understand all the secret and incomprehensible Mysteries of the nature of God, or of the natures of Crea­tures. Both natural and revealed Knowledge are alike up­on this account, That they only acquaint us what things are, and what ends they serve; and then we know what use to make of them, without understanding the secret Mysteries of Nature.

Is this World, or any thing in it, the less useful to us, be­cause we cannot conceive how God created all things of nothing? Or because we do not understand the nature of Matter, nor how the several parts of Matter came by their different Virtues and Qualities? Is Corn, or Fruit, or Herbs, the less nourishing or refreshing, because we know not how they grow? Does it require any Philoso­phy to know how to eat, and drink, and sleep? Will not our Food nourish us, unless we understand how it is con­cocted, and turned into Chyle, and Blood, and Spirits? Nay, is it of no use to know that God is an Eternal, Om­nipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent Being, unless we can conceive how any Being can be Eternal without a Cause, and without a Beginning? Or can comprehend how he can do and know all things; and be present in all places at once, without Extension, and without Parts? We may make all the use that can be made of this world, and of [Page 22] every thing in it, without understanding the essential Rea­sons and Causes, or internal Nature of any thing; and we must do so, if we will make any use of it; and we know God to all the ends and purposes for which Crea­tures ought to know God, though his Nature be incom­prehensible.

And thus it is in matters of pure Revelation, such as the Doctrine of the Trinity, and the Incarnation; how unaccountable soever the Mystery of a Trinity in Unity, the Eternal Generation, and the Incarnation of the Son of God be, yet it is the most useful Knowledge in the world: Though we know not how the Eternal Father begat an Eternal Son of his own Substance, nor how this Eternal Son in time became Man; yet it is the most desi­rable knowledge in the world to sinners; to know, That God has an Eternal Son; and that he so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son for the redemption of mankind, that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life; and that this Eternal Son of God became Man, lived a poor, necessitous, laborious Life, and died an accursed Death for the Salvation of Sinners; and to know, That the Holy Spirit, which proceeds from Fa­ther and Son, dwells in the Christian Church, and quick­ens and animates the whole Body of Christ. If this be true (as we must suppose in this Argument), all Mankind must confess, that this is a very useful Knowledge; and never the less useful, because a Trinity in Unity, and the Eternal Generation, and the Incarnation of the Son of God, are great and inconceivable Mysteries. Could we give a Rational and Philosophical Account of the Eternal Generation, and of the Incarnation, we should know more than we now do; but Faith makes it as useful to all the purposes of Religion, as the most perfect intuitive Knowledge could do.

[Page 23] This is a sufficient Answer to that Objection against the Usefulness of such Mysteries as have something in­comprehensible and unconceivable in their Natures: Which is an equal Objection against all created Nature, which is but one great Mystery; and yet the World is a very useful World, and we know in some good degree what use to make of it: And the Knowledge of those Gospel Mysteries which are the Subject of our present dispute, are manifestly of infinite use to us, if the certain knowledge of the Pardon of Sin, and eternal Life, by the Obedience, and Sufferings, and Death, and Intercessi­on of the Son of God Incarnate, be of any use; and there­fore it became the Wisdom and Goodness of God to reveal these Mysteries of Salvation to us.

Especially if we add to this, That the lapsed state of Human Nature makes supernatural Knowledge necessary. Natural Knowledge we grant was sufficient for a state of Nature, though no man would have had reason to com­plain, had God in a state of Innocence by a more familiar intercourse with Man, or by the frequent Conversation of Angels, improved his Knowledge beyond the mere at­tainments of his Natural Faculties; and it is not impro­bable, but this might have been; I am sure there is an im­patient thirst after knowledge in human Nature, and such a great curiosity for secret and hidden Mysteries, that it looks very unnatural for Men to complain, that God Reveals more to them than Nature teaches.

But yet I say, Natural Knowledge must be allowed suf­ficient to all the ends of Human Life, while man conti­nued Innocent; for that is the Original state of human Nature, as all men must grant, who believe that Man was made by God.

But when man sinned, he forfeited the Favour of God, and a natural Immortality; and whether he should be re­stored [Page 24] or not, and by what means he should be restored, depended wholly on the Sovereign Will and Pleasure of God: And therefore the Light of Nature, though it could direct an Innocent Man how to Please and Worship God, and to preserve himself Immortal, it could not teach Sinners how to make atonement for Sin, nor give them any certain hopes that God would forgive Sins, and bestow immortal Life on them; which makes it necessary, that the Religion of a sinner be a Revealed Religion. And if God in infinite Goodness is not only pleased to re­store sinners to Grace and Favour, but to advance them to a supernatural state of Perfection and Happiness both of Soul and Body in the next World; this must be done by supernatural Means, and therefore requires a supernatural Knowledge; for the Light of Nature can neither raise us above Nature, nor discover supernatural Truths to us; and this makes it necessary to know and believe such things, as we have no natural Notion or Idea of, Such things, as nei­ther eye hath seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entred into the heart of man to conceive. If Nature can't save us, it can't discover to us the way of Salvation neither; and if we must be saved by a supernatural Grace and Power, it must be supernaturally Revealed; and what is Supernatural, is the Object of Faith, not of natural Knowledge.

This seems to me to give a plain account, Why God thinks fit to Reveal such Mysteries to us as Nature cannot teach, and as we have no natural Notion of, Because our lapsed state has made such supernatural Revelations neces­sary to the recovery of Mankind; and when we are fallen below the relief of Nature, and of natural Knowledge, we ought to be very thankful to our Good God for super­natural Knowledge, and supernatural Means of Salvation.

To God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, Three Persons, One Eternal God, be Honour, Glory and Power, now and for ever. Amen.


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