A PROCLAMATION Requiring all the Heretors and Free-holders, and Militia of the Kingdom of Scotland to be in a rea­diness to come out in their best Arms and provided (upon Advertisement) for His Majesties Service.

JAMES, by the Grace of God King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;
To Macers of Our Privy Council, or Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, con­junctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting:

Forasmuch as we being resolved that in the present exigence of Affairs, all Our Subjects, and particularly Heretors and Free-holders, and Our Militia, should be in a readiness, in Defence of Us and Our Go­vernment, Do therefore, with Advice of Our Privy Coucil, hereby peremptorily Require and Command all Heretors and Free­holders within this Our Realm, above one hundred pounds Scots valued yearly Rent, to be in a Readiness, sufficiently Armed and Provided to come out on Horse-back, with their Followers and Servants, and with twenty Dayes Provision, to attend Our Ar­my, on twenty four hours Advertisement, and to March and obey such Orders as they shall recieve from Our Council, or one of Our general Officers, and herein they are not to fail, as they will Answer at their highest Peril, And under the Pains and Certifications appoin­ted by the Laws of this Kingdom, against Absents from Our Host: and that neither the said Heretors and Free-holders, nor these concerned in the Out-reik of Our Militia, may pretend excuse, either as to the want of Arms or Amunition or such Warlike Provisions, We hereby allow them to be readily furnished therewith, forth of the Magazine of Our Castle of Edinburgh, and Our other Magazines, at the ordinary Rates; Declaring, that all such as shall not be sufficiently Armed and provided as said is, that they shall be holden and repute as Absents from Our Host, and be proceeded against and punished accordingly; And We, but prejudice of the generality aforesaid, being resolved that the Hereitors and Free-holders of the Shiers under­written, in place of the Militia Horse should come out, under the Command of the persons following, viz. These of the Shires of Ross, Southerland and Caithness, under the Command of the Earl of Caithness; These of the Earl of Seafort, and Lovats part of Inverness Shire, under the Command of the Lord Lovat's Tutors or Factors: These of the Shires of Elgine, Nairn, and the other part of Inverness Shire, under the Command of the Lord Duf­fus: These of the Shire of Aberdene, not being Marischals part, and the Shire of Bamff, Under the Command of the Duke of Gordon: These of the Shire of Kinnardin and Marischals part of Aberdene, under the Command of the Earl of Kintor, or the Lord Inverary his Son: These of the Shire of Perth under the Command of the Lord Marquess of Athol, Lord Privy-Seal, (who is also conform to a Commission of Lieutenency, for the Shires of Argile, and Tarbot under Our Royal Hand, Dated at White-hall the fourth Instant, to Call out all the sencible Men in the Shires of Perth, Argile and Tarbot, to his assistance, in prosecution thereof:) These of the Shire of Forfar, under the Command of the Earl of Southesk, or the Lord Carnagy his Son: These of the Shires of Fife and Kinroffe, under the Command of Sir Charles Halket of Pitsirrin: These of the Shires of Stirling and Clackmannan, under the Com­mand of William Livingston of Kilsyth: These of the Shire of Roxburgh, under the Command of the Earl of Lothain: These of the Shire of Linlithgow, under the Command ot the Earl of Linlithgow: These of the Shire of Peebles, under the Command of the Laird of Drumelzier: These of the Shire of Mid-Lothian, under the Command of the Earl of Lauderdale: These of the Shire of East-Lothian under the Command of the Lord Yester: And these of the Shire of Berwick, under the Command of the Laird of Langtoun Elder: As also, that the Militia Regiments of Foot, of the Shires under-writ­ten, should come out under the Command of their Collonels Respective, viz. The Militia Regiment of the Shire of Forfar, under the Cammand of the Earl of Strathmore: That Malitia Regiment of the Shire of Perth, belonging to the Lord Chancellor, under the Command of his Lieutenant Col­lonel: These of the Shires of Stirling and Clackmannan, under Command of the Lord Elphingstoun: The Militia Regiments of the Shires of Linlithgow and Peebles, under Command of the Duke Hamilton: The Malitia Regiment of the Shire of Berwick, under the Command of the Earl of Home: The Militia Regiment of the Shire of Mid-Lothian, under the Command of the Lord Collingtoun: The Militia Regiment of the Shire of East-Lothian, un­der the Command of the Earl of Wintoun: And the Regiment of the Town of Edinburgh, under the Command of the Lord Provost of Edenburgh. We hereby require and Command the said Heretors and Free-holders, and Malitia Regiments forsaid, to be in a readiness to Rendezvous, or March as they shall be Required by their said Commanders, or Collonels respective, The Militia being to Rendezvouz at the ordinary place for the first Diet upon the nineteenth of May instant, and the Heretors and Free-holders, as shall be appointed by their Commanders, they being alwayes Armed and provided in manner, and under Cirtifications above-written. And that this our Pleasure may be known: Our Will is, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and all other Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs of the Shires of this Kingdom, and other places needful, and there by open Proclamation, in Our Name and Authority, make publication of the Pro­misses, that all persons concerned may have notice thereof, and give due and exact Obedience thereto.

Per actum Dominorum Secreti Concilii. COL. MACKENZIE, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD save the KING.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the Kings most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1685. And Reprinted at London, by George Croom, at the Sign of the Blue-Ball in Thames-street, over against Baynard's-Castle.

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