A PROCLAMATION ORDERED By His Majesties Privy Council of Scotland, Ʋpon the Horrid Murther of JAMES late Lord Archbishop of St. Andrews, Primate and Metropolitan of all Scotland, and one of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council of that Kingdom. At Edenburgh, Sunday the Fourth of May, 1679.
We being fully and by legal Proofs assured of the late Horrid and Bloody Murther committed upon Saturday last, being the Third Day of May instant, by Ten or Eleven Fanatick and Execrable Assassinates, upon the Person of the most Reverend Father in GOD, JAMES late Archbishop of St. Andrews, Primate of all Scotland; which Barbarous and Inhumane Assassination will (we doubt not) spread Horrour and Amazement in the Hearts of such as believe that there is a GOD, or a Christian Religion; A Cruelty exceeding the Barbarity of Pagans and Heathens, amongst whom the Officers and Ministers of Religion are reputed to be Sacred, and are by the respect born to a Deity whom they Adore, secured against all such Bloody and Execrable Attempts; A Cruelty exceeding the belief of all true Protestants, whose Churches have justly Stigmatized with the Marks of Impiety all such as defile with Blood those Hands which they ought to hold up to Heaven; and a Cruelty equal to any with which we can reproach the Enemies of this True and Reformed Church! By which also not only the Principles of Humane Society, but our Authority and Government (the Archbishop of St. Andrews being one of Our Privy Council) is highly violated, and Example and Incouragement given for Murthering all such as serve Us faithfully according to the Prescript of Our Laws and Royal Commands: Daily Instances whereof We are to expect whilst Field-Conventicles, those Rendezvouses of Rebellion, and Forgers of all Bloody and Jesuitical Principles, are so frequented and followed, to the scandal of all Government, and the Contempt of Our Laws; and which Murther is as far as is possible rendered yet more detestable by the unmasked Boldness of such as durst openly with bare Faces in the midst of Our Kingdom, at Mid-day assemble themselves together, to Kill in Our High-Way the Primate of Our Kingdom, and one of Our Privy Council, by so many Strokes and Shots, as left his Body as it were but one Wound, and many of which being given after they knew he was Dead, were remarkable Proofs they were acted by a Spirit of Hellish and Insatiable Cruelty:
Have therefore, with Advice of Our Privy Council, thought sit hereby to Command and Charge all Sheriffs, Stewards, Bayliffs of Regalities and Bayliaries, and their Deputies, Magistrates of Burghs, and Officers of Our Standing Forces, to Search, Seek, Take, and Apprehend the Persons Guilty of the said Horrid Murder, or any Suspected by them, until they be brought to Justice; and all our good and faithful Subjects to concur in the Taking and Securing (as far as is in their power) those Assassinates. And in respect there is a Company of vagrant and skulking Ruffians, who, to the great Contempt of all Government, do Ride through this Our Kingdom, Killing Our Soldiers, Deforcing such as put Our Laws in Execution, and Committing such Horrible Murders, who might be easily Discovered, if all such, amongst whom they Converse, did, according to their Duty, endeavor to Apprehend them, or give Notice of their Residence. We have therefore thought fit, Conform to the 144 Act of Parliament 12, King James 6. to Command and Charge all Our Subjects, that whenever any unknown Men or Vagabonds happen to repair amongst them, That they with all possible speed Certifie any of Our Privy Council, Officers of Our Forces, or any having Trust under Us thereof; With Certification to them, That if they omit the same, they shall be punished with all Rigor, Conform to the said Act. And since several of the said Assassinates are known to have been Tenants in the Shire of Fiffe, whose Faces will be known to such of the Witnesses as were present. We hereby Require and Command all the Heretors and Masters of the said Shire of Fiffe and Kinrosse, to bring their Tenants, Cottars and Servants, living in the respective Presbyteries, upon the several days, and to the places following, viz. To St. Andrews, &c. There to be seen by the said Witnesses, and to continue there until they be Examined; With Certification to such of the said Tenants, Cottars and Servants as shall be absent, they shall be reputed as accessory to the said Crime; And the Masters, if they produce them not, or if hereafter they harbor any that shall not Compeer, they shall be reputed as Favorers of the said Assassination; And whereas there are several Persons under Caption and Intercommuning in the said Shire for several Causes, and left Persons, who are innocent, may be thereby debarred from appearing, We have thought fit hereby to sist and supersede all Execution upon any Letters of Caption or Intercommuning, or any other Warrant, for securing of Persons for the space of Forty eight hours, after the said Diets of appearance. And to the end the said cruel Murder may be the more easily discovered, We do hereby offer and give full assurance of our Indempnity to any one of the said Assassinates, who shall discover his Complices, and such as hounded them out, and present payment of the Sum of Ten Thousand Merks to any who shall inform who were the said Assassinates, if upon his Information they, or any of them can be apprehended, that they may be brought to condign Punishment. And We Ordain these Presents to be Printed and Published at the Market-Cross of Edenburgh, and other Places needful.
Given under Our Signet at Edenburgh, the Fourth Day of May 1679 and of Our Reign the One and Thirtieth Year.
GOD save the KING.
Reprinted at LONDON by THO. NEWCOMB. 1679.