A PROCLAMATION, For Calling out Heretors, &c. for His Majesties Service.

JAMES by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, To our Lyon, King at Arms, and his Brethren bernulds, Macers of our Privy Council, Pursevants, Messengers at Arms, our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially constitute, Greeting: Forasmuch, As We being obliged by the vast Preparations of the States of Holland, to put this Our Antient Kingdom in a condition of Defence, as well for the Securing of Our Own Honour, as the Protecting the Lives and Estates of all Our Leidge People; Therefore, We with Advice of Our Privy Council, do hereby peremptorily Require and Command, the whole heretors, Liferenters, and Wodsetters, and the Factors and Chamberlains of such as are Minors, out of the Kingdom, or otherwise necessarily absent, To Conveen their best horses and Arms, and to be Rendezvouzed, under the Command, and at the Respective places Ofets after mentioned, viz. The Shire of Nithisdale and Stewartry of Annandale, at the Town of Dumsreis, the fifteenth of October instant, under the Command of the Duke of Queensberry; The Shire of Wigtoun, the said day at Dumsreis, under the Command of the Earl of Galloway, and in his absence the Laird of Logan; the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, the said day and Place, under the Command of the Discount of Kenmure, or the Laired of Lagg The Bailliary of Cunninghame, the said day at Glasgow, under the Command of the Lord Montgomery; The Baislaries of Kile and Carrist, the said day and place, under the Command of the Earl of Cassils; The Shire of Renfrew, at the said Town, the twelfth day of October instant, under the Command of the Earl of Dundonald; The Shire of Lanerk; the said day and place, under the Com­mand of the Duke of Hamilton, and in his absence, Lord John Hamilton his Son; The Shire of Dumbartoun, the said day and place, under the command of the Earl of Glencairn; The Shire of Tiviotdale, at Edinburgh, the tenth day of October instant, under the command of the Earl of Lothian and the Lord New-bootle; The Shire of Berwick, the said day and place under the Command of Sir. Archibald Cockburn of Lantoun Barronet; The Shires of Forrest and Peebles, the said day and place, under the Command of the Land of Drumelzier; The Shire of East- Lothain, the said day and place, under the Com­mand of the Lord Yester; The Shire of Mid- Lothian, the said day and Place, under the Command of the Earl of Lauderdale; The Shire of West- Lothian, Stirling and Clackmannan, at Stirling, the said teenth day instant, under the Command of the Earl of Mar; The Shires of Fife and Kinross, the said day, at the Town of Burnt-Island, under the Command of the Earl of Belcarras; The Western Division of Perth-shire, at Stirling, the foresaid tenth instant, under the Command of David Discount of Stormonth; The Eastern Division of that Shire, the foresaid day and place, under the Command of the Lord Murray: The Shire of Forsar, at the Burgh of Strivling, the twelfth instant under the Command of the Earl of Southesk: The Shire of Merns, at the Burgh of Perth, the fifteenth instant, under the Command of the Lord Keith; Marshals part of Aberdene, at Brichen or Forsar, the fifteenth instant, under the Command of the Earl of Kintore: The rest of the Shire of Aberdene, with the Shire of Bamsf, the said day and place, under the Command of the Duke of Gordon: All Betwirt Spay and Ness, at the Burgh of Brichen, twentieth second instant under the Com­mand of the Lord Duffus: The Shires of Ross and Caithness, at the Burgh of Elgin, the twenty fourth instant, under the Command of the Master of Tar­bat: And hereby Requires and Commands the Earl of Caithness to Levy two hundred Foot, out of the Shire of Caithness, in place of the Militia of the said Shire, sifficiently Armed and provided with fourteen days Loan, which is to be proportionably said on by the Commissioners of Supply of the said Shire, upon all persons lyable in Dutreik of the Militia, and with these to march to the head of Lochness, betwixt and the twenty ninth instant: As likewise, Requires and commands the Lord Doun, forthwith to Rendezvous the Foot-Militia, betwixt Spey and Ness, and to make a Detachment of the third part thereof, provided with fourteen days Loan, which is to be imposed and proportioned upon these lyable in manner above-exprest, and with these to march to Lochness, betwixt and the twenty ninth instant. As likewise, Requires the Lord Strathnaver to Levy two hundred Men in place of the Militia of Sutherland, and to March forthwith to the head of Lochness, with fourteen days Loan, which is to be laid on the proportioned on the said Shire, in manner above mentioned; And this besides and without prejudice to the proportions of Men, formerly-Ordered by Our Council, to be Rendezvouz­ed, and Levied by those of Our Mobility and Centry, having interest in Our highlands; with Certification to such as shall fail herein, the shall be pu­nished as absents from Our host, conform to Our Laws and Acts of Parliament. And Ordains all the saids Commanders, and all under their respective Commands, to remain at the respective above mentioned places, till further Order from Our Council. And for the security of all persons concerned in this Our Service, We Do hereby by vertue of Our Royal Prerogative, Discharge all personal Execution for any civil cause or Debt, against any Per­son, who comes out to our host, in obedience to this Our Royal Command, and that during their attending the same: And to the end Our Pleasure in the Premissers may be made publick and known, Our Will is, and we charge you strictly and Command, the incontinent, these Our Letters seen, ye pass the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and whole remnant Mercat-Crosses at the head Burghs of the Shires of the Kingdom, and other places needful, and there, in Our Royal Dame and Authority, make open Proclamation of the Premisses, that all Persons concerned may have notice thereof, and give punctual and exact obedience thereto, as they will be answerable at their highest peril.

Per Actum Deminorum Secreti Concilii.
WILL PATERSON, Cls. Sti. Concilii.

GOD Save the KING.

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