PROCLAMATION Against a late Resolve, containing an Engagement as to Forraign Stuffs and Cloaths, and certain Forraign Liquors.

WILLIAM by the Grace of GOD, King of Great-Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith;
To Our Lovits. [...] Macers of Our Privy Council, Messengers at Arms, Our Sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally, specially Constitute, Greeting;

Forasmuch­as, notwithstanding that by the twelth Act of the tenth Parliament King James 6. Revived, Renewed and Ratified by the fourth Act of the 1st. Parl. Charles 2d. It is Statute and Ordained, that no Leagues or Bonds be made amongst the Subjects of any degree upon whatsoever Colour or Pretext, with­out His Majesties Privi [...]ie and Consent had and obtained thereto, under the pain to be holden and execute as movers of Sedition to the breach of the Peace; And notwithstanding of any Alledgance can be made for the same, as being for the publick Good, yet some persons presume, and of late have taken in hand to form and draw up a Resolve, containing a plain and direct Ingagement against the wearing of Forraign Cloaths and Stuffs, and making use of certain Forraign Liquors, and do carry about the same, both to single Persons and Societies for concurrence, and to draw them into the foresaid In­gagement, which albeit disguised under the said Name of a Resolve, yet is manifestly a League or Bond reprobat by Law, and an evil Preparative, and of most dangerous consequence; And His Majesty Being desireous to pre­vent the Hazard of his good well-meaning Subjects, and that they should not be insnared by such a pernicious Practice, hath therefore Discharged, and by the Tenor hereof, with the Advice and Consent of the Lords of His Ma­jesties Privy Council, strictly Discharges and Prohibits the foresaid Resolve, and the Taking, Carrying-about, or Ingaging therein, as well without as by Subscriptions, as being upon the matter an illegal League and Bond contrary to Law; With Certification, that all such as shall do in the contrarie, by carrying about, ingaging themselves and others, or propagating the said Re­solve, they shall be holden and punished as Movers of Sedition, to the breach of the Peace, conform to the Tenor of the said Acts of Parliament in all Points. OUR WILL IS THEREFORE, and We Charge you strictly and Command, that incontinent thir presents seen, ye pass to the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, and to the Mercat-Crosses of the Head-Burghs of the several Shires and Stewartries within this Kingdom, and there in Our Name and Au­thority, make due and lawful Intimation and Publication hereof, that none may pretend Ignorance, and Ordains these Presents to be Printed.

Per actum Dominorum secreti Consilii GILB. ELIOT Cls. sti. Consilii.

God save the King.

Edinburgh, Printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1700.

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