Advertisement anent the Reparation of High-Ways and Bridges.

WHereas the Lords of his Majesties most Hono­rable Privie Council, have by their Act of date the twenty second day of June last, renewed the for­mer Acts, both of Parliament and Council for reparation of High-Ways and Bridges, and strictly required obe­dience thereto, and for that end have specialy appoin­ted that all the Heretors and Freeholders within all Shyres be North Tay, should meet at the Head Burghs of the respective Shyres, upon the third tuesday of July Instant, and requiring the Sheriffs to cause make intimation thereof at each Parish Kirk upon the Sunday immedi­atly preceeding the same. Therefore, these are ad­vertiseing and requireing all Heretors and Free-holders within this Shyre, to conveen and meet in the Tolbooth of the Burgh of Aberdeen or Councill-house thereof, upon the said third tuesday of July instant, being the twenty day, at eleven a clock in the forenoon; and then, and there to consider of the said Acts of Parliament, and take exact course for makeing of the same effectuall: Certifying such as shal be absent, that they will be fyn­ed according to the Authority of the said Acts. And that none pretend ignorance, these by Order of the Right Honorable the Earle of Erroll, Sheriff Principall are appointed to be published by me.


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