ACT of COUNCIL, Explanatory of the TEST: WITH His Majesties LETTER Containing His Royal Approbation thereof.



EDINBƲRGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sacred Majesty, Anno DOM. 1681.

Act of Council, Explanatory of the TEST.

FORASMUCH, as some have entertained Jealousies and Prejudices against the Oath and Test, appointed to be taken by all Persons in publick Trust, Civil, Ecclesiastick, or Military, in this Kingdom, by the sixth Act of His Ma­jesties third Parliament, as if thereby they were to Swear to every Proposition or Clause in the Confession of Faith, therein-mentioned; or that Invasion were made thereby upon the Intrinsick Spiritual Power of the Church, or Power of the Keys; or as if the present Episcopal Government of this National Church, by Law Established, were thereby exposed to the hazard of Alteration, or Subversion; all which, are far from the Intention and Design of the Parliaments Imposing this Oath, and from the Genuine Sense and Meaning thereof: Therefore, His Royal Highness, His Majesties High Commissioner, and Lords of Privy Council, Do Allow, Authorize and Empower, the Arch-Bishops and Bishops, to Administer this Oath and Test, to the Ministers and Clergy in their respective Diocesses, in this Express Sense; that though the Confession of Faith, Ratified in Parliament, one thou­sand five hundred sixty and seven, was framed in the Infancy of Our Refor­mation, and deserves its due Praises; yet by the Test We do not Swear to eve­ry Proposition or Clause therein-contained; but only to the true Protestant Religion, Founded on the Word of GOD, contained in that Confession, as it is op­posed to Popery and Phanaticisme. Secondly, That by the Test, or any Clause therein-contained, no Invasion or Encroachment is made, or intended upon the Intrinsick Spiritual Power of the Church, or Power of the Keys, as it was Ex­erced by the Apostles, and the most pure and Primitive Church in the first three Centuries after Christ, and which is still reserved intirely to the Church. Third­ly, That the Oath and Test, is without any prejudice to the Episcopal Govern­ment of this National Church, which is declared by the first Act of the second Session of His Majesties first Parliament, to be most agreeable to the Word of God, and most suitable to Monarchy, and which upon all occasions, His Ma­jesty hath Declared, He will inviolably and unalterably Preserve. And ap­points the Arch-Bishops and Bishops, to require the Ministers in their respe­ctive Diocesses, with the first conveniency to obey the Law, in Swearing and Subscribing the foresaid Oath and Test; with certification, that the refusers shall be esteemed persons disaffected to the Protestant Religion, and to His Majesties Government, and that the punishment appointed by the foresaid sixth Act of His Majesties third Parliament, shall be impartially and without delay, inflicted upon them. Extracted forth of the Records of Privy Council, by

WIL. PATERSON. Cl. Sti. Concilij.

His Majesties Letter of Approbation.


MOST Dear, and most intirely beloved Bro­ther; Right Trusty and well beloved Cousins and Councellers, Right Trusty and well be­loved Councellors, and Trusty and well belov­ed Councellors, We Greet You well; Where­as, by one of your Letters, Directed unto Ʋs, bearing Date the eight Instant; We do find that some having entertained Scruples and Prejudices against the Test, by mistaking the true Sense and Meaning thereof: And others having put false and unjust Glosses and Senses upon it, tending to defeat its excellent De­sign, for the Security of Our Government; and that upon this account, you found it ne­cessary, by an Act of that Our Council (which We have seen) to Declare its True and Genuine Sense, and to allow and Impower the Bishops to Administer the same, in this Sense to the Clergie, in their respective Diocesses: We are so well pleased with that Explanatory Act, that We will not delay to send you Our Chearful Appro­bation thereof, with Our hearty Thanks, for your Zeal in Our Service upon all oc­casions, especially, in what relates to the Security of the Persons, Rights, Interests and Priviledges of Our Orthodox Clergie; which We do now (as We have often done before) in a particular manner, Recommend to your Care, as a matter where­in you may render unto Ʋs the most acceptable Services; And therefore, We do ex­pect, that you will upon all fit Occasions, give them all possible Encouragement, as these whom We have received, and will constantly Shelter under Our Royal Pro­tection, against all their Enemies. So We bid you heartily Farewell.

By His Majesties Command. MORRAY.

Directed Thus, To Our most dear, and most entirely beloved Brother, Our right Trusty and well beloved Cousins and Coun­cellors, Our right Trusty and well beloved Councellors, and Our Trusty and well beloved Councellors, James Duke of Albany and York, Our High Commissioner, and the Lords of Our Pilvy Council, of Our Ancient King­dom of SCOTLAND.


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