THE DREADFUL and TERRIBLE VOICE of GOD Uttered From the Throne of his Justice; As the Voice of a Mighty Thunder, and as the Voice of many Waters Rumbling.

ABout the twentieth'day of the tenth Month, 1660. soon after the twelfth hour of the day, the Word of the Lord sprang up in me, which made the earthly part to shake. And I was filled with the Words of his Holiness; and a necessity was laid upon me from the Dreadful God, that made Heaven and Earth; To proclaim the day of Judgement, and was made to go Bare-headed; and the Word of the Lord Sounded through me: The Dreadful, and Terrible day of the Lord is coming terrible; Terribly, Terribly will the Lord shake the Earth, and the Graves shall open, and the dead shall rise and come to Judgement. And these words were added: O Earth, Earth, Earth, Here the Word of the Lord, and all the Inhabitants therein, awake, and [...]and up to Judgement, For the hour of his Judgenient is come; and the Lord will Plead through the Dark Clouds; and there will be nothing able to cover in that day, but the Co­vering of the Spirit of God. And further, the Word of the Lord was Sound­ed through me; Woe, Woe, Woe to all the workers of Iniquity, they must all depart from the living God; and the Vialls of the Wrath of the Almighty are to be poured forth upon the Sea, and upon the Earth, and upon the Fountaines of Waters: So all people upon the face of the whole earth, fear God, and give glory unto his Name; and worship him who made the Heavens and the Earth; whose Name is, The Lord of Hosts, who lives for ever and ever: This was the Word of the Lord that passed through me, which shall stand for ever.

And further, the Lord Revealed in a Vision, things that must shortly come to passe: Two dayes after as I was lying in my Bed, Meditating upon my God, the Dread of the Almighty came over me; the power of the Lord came so over me, that I was bowed down by the Power of God; and as I was bound down by the Power, the God of Israel appeared as in Mighty Thunders, which was exceeding terrible unto me; I saw as if Chariots of fire, and the Hosts of Heaven Moving; and the Lamb ap­peared with his Brightness, clearer than the Sun at Noon-day; and the Light shone about me, and I say an Innumerable Multitude which As­sembled to the Mount Sion, where the Lamb stood, with a Rod of Iron in, his Hand, who was to bruise the Nations, (and to crumble them under his feet) that will not that he should Reign: And behold, He uttered his Voice, and the Mountains trembled, and made the Hills to shake, and all the Beasts of the Field to tremble: So that none could endure his Voice, but they who were gathered into his Light; to them his voyce was sweet. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear.

And as I was lying, behold, in their streets I heard Joy and Mirth; but it is that Mirth and Joy, that must be turned into Sorrow: For it Wounded my Soul, and I was much smitten in the inward man; yet standing still in the patience, and waiting to what the Lord would have done by me, the Word of the Lord sprung up in me; Have I called you [...]o Fasting, and Mourning, and Girding with Sackcloath? but you call for Joy and Gladness, and Mirth, slaying of Oxen, and killing of Sheep: Verily, Saith the Lord God, This Iniquity shall not depart from you, till ye die, unless ye speedily Repent. Thus saith the Lord, Are you feeding your selves for the Slaughter? This is the way to bring the Plague upon you, feeding your lusts to the full. And further, the Lord hath Revealed unto me, what is to come upon these Nations; especially the Priests and Pro­fessors of all sorts, under what name soever, whether Teachers of others, or Hearers, that is not in the possession, Life and power of Righteousness; Such an overturning as was not since Ezekiel did declare of the captivity to come; for the Lord will overturn all your buildings, and all your false covers shall be taken off: yea, He will shake all foundations which are not upon the Rock, Christ, and shame shall cover the face of the Hypocrite; it will not be the Arm of flesh that you have so long trusted in, neither the great Multitude of Hosts, nor your Strength which you have so long Gloryed in, that will deliver you; nay, your Strength shall be turned into Weakness, and your Glory into shame, and the Lord will awake you by his Righteous Judgements; yea, Famine is coming upon you; yea, a Famine of the Word, and of the Gos­pell, though you preach your selves up, to be the Church of God, and Preach up the Sabboth in the Shaddow which in the Substance is the Rest which you are out of: And the Lord made me a true Signe unto you; for as a Necessity was laid upon me, as to go severall dayes without my Hat, so will your Heads be open to the Storm and Hail, and Tempest of Gods Eternall Wrath; it is surely to come upon all the ungodly.

And further, The Lord layed a necessity upon me, both to Fast and to Mourn, and to Gird with Sackcloth, and that for severall dayes, that hap­pily some might consider.

For a Necessity was laid upon me, to Gird with Sackcloth upon my Loynes, after I had Fasted, and besought the Lord with Prayer, Teares, Sighes, and Groans; at last the Lord cleared unto his Servant, what his Will was and I, was made willing, through his Righteous Judgments, even freely to give up, Life and All; and so went on in Obedience to the Moti­on of the Spirit of God, to the Town Rippon, and there I was moved to be a Signe of the Downfall of Babilons Priests and Professors: And when I came there, I girded Sackcloth upon my Loynes, and was to go bare­headed. And thus the Word of the Lord came unto me, This is a Rebel­lious People, they will not hear my Word, (saith the Lord) They have rejected my Servants, and slighted those whom I sent unto them: Therefore have I sent thee to be a Signe unto them. Fear not, go on, and prosper.

And I was moved to take up a Lamentation over them; Alas, your Ca­lamity is coming, and your Day is almost spent, and the Just Judgements of the Lord are near to be executed. Thus I was made to go about the Mar­ket in Mourning over them, till I came near to the Masse-house (called a Church) where I was made to be a sign of their Fall, lying for severall houres upon the Ground, with a Stone under my Head, giving my back to the Smiter, and my Cheek to him that pulled off the Hair, and Hundreds of People pressed about me; yet the Lord sweetly preserved me, that I re­ceived no hurt; and I was moved to Lye the most part of one Day: But the People that were Moderate and Tender were much reached, the Wit­ness of God being much raised in them, was made to say, There is great work to be done.

And after I had finished my Testimony, I had Great Peace: So, Blessed are they that know the Commands of Christ, and keep them, and are wil­ling to follow him where ever he goeth, if it be to the laying down of the Life, such shall find it again: I can say, that Scripture was fulfilled in me; for it was as death unto me, till I was given up to do the will of God, in that service; but after I was given up, the burthen was light. (And so it is) For the Way of the Lord is delightfull to all the Faithfull and Obedient.

So all sober people, consider your Wayes, and while you have time, prize it, and turn your minds to within, to the pure Light of Christ, which reveales things to come, to all them that abide in it; yea, the Secrets of the Lord are with them that fear him: and the Lord revealing this unto me, it lay upon me for to give it forth that it might do its service, to whom it is sent, that people may know, that the Lord hath raised up Pro­phets in this Day, to warn the people of the evill that is coming upon them, who live in Pride, covetousness, Envy, and Wrath, and Cruelty, these be fruits of the corrupt Tree. And as your Minds are kept to Gods pure Witness, you will see your selves, whether you be but in the Profession, or you be in the possession: So nothing will stand you in­stead, in the Day of Gods Tryall, but the Life it self.


A few words to the Mayor of London, so called.


COme down to Gods Witness, the Light of Jesus Christ in thy Conscience, and there Wait to receive in, the Wisdom of God to Order thee, and to Preserve thee in Gods Feat, that the Witness of God may arise to stop thee from thy Rage and Envy against the Righteous Seed, Lest thou bringst Innocent Blood upon thine own Head: And this in Love unto thy Soul, I am made to lay before thee, that thou mayst stay thy Hand from shedding Innocent Blood, lest so thou bringst down the Judgement of God upon thine own Head. Stand still a little, and Consider what thou art doing; we are an Innocent and Harmless People, who seek the good of all Men: if we are Imprisoned, Persecuted or Abused, we leave all unto the Lord, who will Avenge our Cause, and Plead our Innocency. So this is a Warning to thee, before the Plague break forth upon thee, that thou mayest Repent, and Turn to the Lord, before the Door of Mercy be shut. For the Lord hath given thee a Day to Try thee, and thou art Weighed in the Ballance of Equity, and art found too Light, and with the same Measure thou hast Measured, shall be met to thee when the Lord cometh to Judgment; then must every one receive according to his Works: So come down to that of God, and read thy Portion. This is Written in tender love to thy Soul, that thou mayest Repent and Live.

Which is given forth from the Spirit of Truth, from one who is a Sufferer; for the Seed of God, till it be wholly gathered into Covenant with him; which seed, is that which Breathes, and Hungers after Righteousness in any one.

London, Printed for Robert Wilson at the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-mill, in Martins Le Grand.

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