Instructions from the Committee OF ESTATES, To the Colonells and Committees of War, in the severall Sheriffdoms of the Kingdom of Scotland.
THe lamentable estate and condition of the Protestant Religion, and Professours thereof in England, and Ireland, with the imminent danger of the same in Scotland, moved the Gonvention of Estates to enter into a Treaty with the Commissioners of both Houses of the Parliament of England, who craved the aide and assistance of this Kingdome, against the common enemies of Religion: The result of the first part of which Treaty, with concourse of the Generall Assembly, was a joynt resolution to enter into a Solemn League and Covenant, for the maintenance and reformation of Religion, preservation of his Majesties Honour, and settling and securing the Peace of the three Kingdomes: The other parts of the Treaty were concerning the means and maner of the raising and maintaining a considerable Army in pursuance of the ends of the said Covenant, as is more fully exprest in the Declaration of this Kingdome herewith sent. And because the publick burdens of this Kingdome are so great, that the Army could not be levied and entertained without some considerable summe of money from England, or elswhere:
The consideration whereof moved the saids honourable Houses of Parliament to agree, (when they shall be enabled, either upon their owne, or the publick faith of both Kingdomes) To pay the summe of an hundred thousand pounds sterlin, to be allowed in the monethly pay of the Army, after the marching thereof into England. And notwithstanding their many urgent affaires and necessities pressed them otherwise, yet they have sent hither the one halfe of the said summe, and expects a speedy march of the Army towards their relief.
If the Treaty, as it is now agreed, (which is the warrantable call for our going into England) had been sooner sent hither and concluded, the Rendezvous of the army had been before this time appointed: But since that time is spent, and the enemies strength by the Cessation in Ireland daily augmenteth, there is the more necessity to make the greater haste to the expedition: It is true the Winter is not yet past, yet all possible meanes shall be used to provide so for the Souldiers, that they may be sheltered from the violence of the Weather: The day will be lengthening, our Brethren are longing for us; And by lingring and delayes, courage will be given to the enemies. And therefore, and that the whole Kingdome may know the time and place of the Rendezvous of the said Army, the Committee of Estates have appointed the said Generall Rendezvous to be kept at HAIRLAW, within 4. miles of Berwick, upon the nine and twenty day of December next.
And ordaines the Shires after specified, to bring the numbers of men, horse and foot to the said Rendezvous the aforesaid day, viz. the Sheriffdomes of Roxburgh and Selkirk, two thousand foot, and two hundred horse; The Sheriffdome of Berwick, twelve hundred foot, and a hundred and twenty horse: The Sheriffdome of Hadinton, twelve hundred foot, and a hundred and twenty horse: The Sheriffdom of Lithgow, five hundred foot, and sixtie horse: The Sheriffdome of Edinburgh, twelve hundred foot, and a hundred and twenty horse: The Sheriffedome of Peebles, foure hundred foot, and fortie horse: The Burgh of Edinburgh, Canongate, and Leith, twelve hundred foot: The Sheriffdome of Dumfreis, twelve hundred foot, and a hundred and twentie horse: The Sheriffdoms of [Page 5] Air and Renfrew, two thousand foot, and two hundred and fourtie horse: The Sheriffedome of Lancrick, a thousand and five hundred foot, and two hundred horse: The Sheriffedomes of Stirlin and Clackmanan, a thousand foot, and a hundred and twentie horse: The Sheriffedomes of Fyfe and Kinrosh, two thousand and foure hundred foot, and two hundred and fourtie horse: The Sheriffedome of Perth, two thousand and foure hundred foot, and two hundred and fourtie horse: The Sheriffedome of Forfar, a thousand and five hundred foot, and a hundred and fourtie horse: The Sheriffedome of Kinkardin, and the Earle of Marshels part of Aberdene, a thousand and two hundred foot; and a hundred horse: The rest of the Sheriffedome of Aberdene and Bamff, a thousand and sixe hundred foot, and two hundred and fourtie horse: The Sheriffedomes of Elgin, Narne, and Innernesse on this side of Nesse, a hundred and twentie horse.
Howbeit the Loane be granted by the Convention of Estates, for payment of these who furnished Victuals, Money, and Provision for Ireland, and should have been employed for no other use untill they had beene satisfied, whose just debt after compt, will exceed seven hundred thousand Pounds: Yet in respect that the Kingdome of Scotland is obliged by the said Treaty, to leavy, out-rig, arme, and transport the Army to the Borders of England on this Kingdoms expences, to be repayed by the Parliament of England, when GOD shall send peace to both Nations; The Committee of Estates for the case of the Noblemen, Gentlemen, and Burrows, resolved to borrow so much of the said Loane, as shall pay the leavy Money for horse and foor, with Carriage horses, conforme to compt sent with the last instructions: Whereby the the said Loane is so exhausted, that what is over and above, must with all speed be payed, to the effect the saids furnishers and advancers may have some part of the great summes owing them, to keepe their credit till some way bee found how the rest may be paid them, and they secured in the meane time.
The Money which is come from England is not so much as was proposed, and therefore must not bee disbursed, except onely for what is necessary for the provisions and pay of the [Page 6] Armie, after they shall come to the generall Rendezvous.
The Loan and Taxt must presently be advanced to the Sub-collector of the Shire, to the effectt the said Levie-Moneys may be delivered to the Souldiers, Horse and Foot, and the Carriage Horses payed, conform to the Orders formerly and herewith sent to severall Sheriffedoms respectivè, which Loan and Taxt being so advanced to the said Sub-collector, hee is immediately thereafter to deliver the said Levie-Moneys, and prices of the said Carriage-Horses, as the Colonells and Committees of War shall appoint. And the Committee likewise ordains the Transport-Mony for Horse and Foot, allowing to every Foot-man Souldier, and every Carriage-man for each twelve miles, six shillings Scots▪ and to each Horse-man, eighteen Shillings Scots for every twenty miles, from the Rendezvous of the Shire to the generall Rendezvous, conform to the former Orders, to be paid out of the Loan and Taxt by the Sub-collector of every Shire.
And in case any of the Troopes shall be levied, and ready before the day of Rendezvous, above specified, The Committee declares that upon notice given thereof to the said Committee, they will cause Muster, Inroll, and provide Quarters for them untill the generall Rendezvous.
And because of the scarcity of Arms in the publique Magazine (the exhausting whereof at this time, may prove dangerous) The Committee hath ordained all the Shires to send out their men armed, two parts with Muskets, and the third part with Pikes, according to the first Orders precisely; or if any want Aarms, that they deliver ten pound for every Musket, and five Marks for every Pike, to the Quarter-Master of the Regiment, the Colonell being answerable for him, and to send here the Ticket of receipt thereof, from the said Quarter-Masters. And if any persons bring out neither Armes nor this Money, there shall be taken▪ from the Heretor, as a penalty, twenty Pound for every Musket, and ten Marks for every Pike. And because of the hundred thousand Pound promised by the Kingdome of England, there is onely come fifty; the Committee cannot for the present give the summes promised for the price of [Page 7] Arms, But how soone Money shall come, payment shall be made conform to the first Orders.
The Committee likewise thinke it necessary, and ordaines all the Souldiers to be provided with Pans, some Harne or Tvvill to be Tents, Caps, Stoups and Axes, conform to the Instructions of the first of September; And also with Bibles and Psalme Books, And sick like, ordains Carriage and Artillery Horses to be provided, conform to the last Orders of the twentieth of October sent herewith.
And for the more speedy bringing together of the said Forces, the Committee declares the Heretors of each Shire to be lyable and obliged to put out the numbers of Men, Horse and Foote; that will fall upon them, according to the proportion laid upon the Shire, and to be assisting to the Root-Master: And if any Heretor shall refuse to bring their Men designed to come out to the Rendezvous of the Shire, and deliver them there to their Captaines, The Committee gives hereby Commission to the Colonels and Committee of the Shire, to take of every one so sailing, the summe of fourty pound of penalty for each Souldier, together with any other men he hath.
And if any person or persons shall refuse or delay to pay and advance their Loan and Taxt, whereby the Leavie-Money for Horse and Foot, price of Carriage Horse and Transport-Money may not be timously payed, and so make the businesse to halt, and the Marching of the said Regiment tarded, The Committee gives Commission and power to the Colonells and Committees of War of the Shires to poynd and distreinʒie any such person or persons for the payment of their part of the leavie-Moneys for Horse and Foot, price of Carriage Horses and Transport-money (which shall not be allowed in part of their Loan) & aye and while the said Money be paid, that the rest of the Regiment be Quartered upon them.
And for the better Reeping the souldiers in Order, Discipline, and punctuall performance of the duties of Gods Worship, ordaines a Minister to be designed by the Prebytrie to come out with each Regiment: And ordaines the souldiers, appoined to be sent out by the Ministers, to be sent with the Companies of the shire, with a Letter direct to [Page 8] Colonell Arthur Areskine, bearing the name of the man they send, and the name and designation of the person with whom he is sent.
And the Committee of Estates declares, That all such Colonells, Committees of War, or others, who shall be negligent, or upon whose default the said Rendezvous shall not be punctually kept, shall be esteemed Enemies to Religion, the Kings Honour, and Peace of their Kingdoms.
And sicklike, that all persons who shall be designed either for Horse or Foot, or Carriage-man, and shall not come willingly out at the time appointed so to them, and run away, they shall be declared and punished as fugitives by death, conforme to the Articles of Military discipline: And all such as shall either receive or reset any of the said run-awayes, shall be lyable to such punishment in their person and goods, as the Committee shall thinke fit.
The Committees likwise ordains the Colonells of each Regiment, to provide Colours and Drums for their owne Companies, and such of their other Companies as are commanded by souldiers of fortune, and the rest of the Captains to provide for themselves, and upon their colours to draw these words: Covenant for Religion, Crowne and Kingdom.
And since the diet abovementioned, is the furthest that can be granted for the time of Rendezvous▪ It is therefore earnestly desired, that all Colonells and Committees of War, and other persons within this Kingdom, use all diligence in bringing out these men, as they will testifie their affection to Religion, His Majesties Honour and safety of His Kingdoms, and their sense of the danger of all these.