Act made at Aberdeen the nynteenth day of Aprill 1677 Years.
THere being been Advertisement given to the whole Commissioners of Excyse of this Shire, to have met here at this tyme, for setling the said Excyse for an Year, after the first day of May next, there hath but a very few of them conveened for that effect; and these conveened, finding themselves not an competent number to conclude so weighty an effair, have therefore adjourned their Meeting to the fifteenth day of May next, being the third tuesday thereof, at which tyme they resolve to settle the said Excyse, be Ferming, Rouping, or any other way that shall be thought most expedient, be those of them who shall be then present. And requires the saids whole Commissioners, to meet at Aberdeen that day, be ten aclock in the forenoon, for setling the said Annuity of Excyse, for the ensuing Year, which is expected they will doe, it being a matter wherein the good of the Shire is so much concerned. Withall intimating to all interested, that the Commissioners will be then readie to accept of reasonable offers, of an Ferming and Rouping, and will give all suitable encouragement to those who shall offer upon that account, so that any person who hath an inclination to serve the Shyre, and Town of Aberdeen in that effair, may be present at that tyme, furnished with sufficient and responsall Cautioners. And in respect, that Iames Moncrief is shortly to come North, with a partie of Horse, of his Majesties Lyfe-Guard, to quarter upon the account of an Arier the Shyre is in▪ to his Majesties Cash-keeper, These are requyring all the Heritors, Lyfe▪renters, Brewers, and others who are deficient in any publick dues, to pay in their deficiencies to the Collector, betwixt and the eight day of May next to come, that the Shire in generall may be free of any quartering upon the Account of their deficiencie, and ordains the Collector to give up an impartiall list of the deficients names, and their deficiencies (who shall not pay in against the said day) to the said Iames Moncrief, that he may cause the said partie to quarter therefore, till satisfaction be made, be which the Shyre may be in no future danger. And that none may pretend ignorance, the Collector is appoynted to cause Print and publish thir presents, at the severall Parish Kirkes of the Shyre, the ensuing LORDS-DAYES.
Another Act made at Aberdeen the twentyeth day of April 1677 Years.
THe Earles of Erroll and Marischall, and Sir Iohn Keith, three of the Lords of his Majesties Privie Councill, having met this day, with severalls of the Commissioners of Excyse of the Shire and Burgh of Aberdeen, for putting in Execution the Lawes and Acts made anent the pryces of rough-Bear, Ale, and drinking-Beer. Have with consent of the saids Commissioners, in pursuance thereof ordained, and hereby ordains, that no Malt-Man nor Brewer within the said Shyre or Burgh of Aberdeen, buy nor sell any Bear or Malt of the Cropt 1676 Years, under the pryce of seven pounds scots the Boll, the Brewers having libertie to sel their Ale at twenty pennies the pynt or to sell double or three shilling Ale: With certification that the Contraveeners names shall be given up to the privie Councill, and they fyned and punished conforme to the Acts of Parliament and Privie Councill made thereanent. And appoynts thir presents to be printed, recommending to the Magistrats of Aberdeen, to cause publish and intimat the same to those concerned, within their Burgh and Freedom. And ordains the Conveener of each Parish of the Shyre, to cause publish the same at the respective Parish Kirks the ensuing Lords-days