A NARATIVE Of the RECOGNITION Taken by the Commissioners, Appointed by the Lords of His Majesties Privy-Council, for Enquiring into the Witchcrafts, and Witches, in the Shirrifdom of Renfrew; with Relation to the Afflicted Case of Christian Shaw, Daughter to the Laird of Bargarren. At the Place of Bargarren, Feb. 5. 1697. Present, the Lord Blantyre, &c.
THE said Christian Shaw, being Confronted with one Iames Lindsay (whom Elizabeth Anderson, one of the Confessing Witches Under-written Declared, Was one of the said Christians Troublers in her Fits) Did, upon [Page 6] Touching the said Iames, take a very Violent Fit, Leaping, Starting and Staring, with such a Stiffning of all her Joynts, that it was hard for the Assistants to keep her from Falling, and, at last, fell, as quite Dead, and Senseless, for some time; and, after Recovery, being Confronted with one Catherine Campbell, who being once Servant to her Father, for a Mis-representation of her to her Mistress, Curst her; and is the Aledg'd Instrument of all the said Christian her Trouble. The said Katherine being by the said Commissioners Interrogate on several Points, in the Hearing of the said Christian, she Deny'd all, and particularly her Accession to the said Christian her Trouble, or the Rise thereof. But the Child still Charging her, Conjured her to tell the Commissioners, Why she would never Pray, That God would deliver her from that Ill, and Restore her well again. Katherine did not disown her Refusal, but shifted about for frivolous Excuses which the Commissioners bearing home on her, as a Great Argument of her Guilt; and finding she could hardly evade the Force of it, Katherine offers to run at the Child (they being then at some distance from one another) and the Child did all she could to shun her Touch. Katherine Complain'd; saying, Now I would Pray for her, but she will not let me. But the Child being forc'd to suffer her Touch by the By-standers, the most Unwillingly, and with great Fear, she immediately after fell down, in a most Violent Fit, as before, on Iames Lindsay's Touch: But thereupon Katherines Tongue was loosed, and she said, The Lord Bless her, The Lord Deliver her; which nothing could Oblige her to do before: And the Child her self declared, after that Fit, and Katherines Prayer, she now found her self free of all Fear to Touch the said Katherine, or any other of her Tormentors.
The Commissioners were then Earnest with Katherine, to tell why she would, or could not Pray before she Touch'd the Child? But, to this, she could give no Satisfactory Answer.
Afterwards the Commissioners call'd a Young Damsel, Nam'd Elizabeth Anderson, whom they found a very Useful Person in the said Enquiry, as being many times admitted by her [Page 7] Father, and other Friends, to their Meetings with the Devil, as her Confession hereto Subjoyned does Evidence, to which you are Referr'd. As also the Commissioners having Examin'd Christian Shaw, about the Persons Represented to her as her Tormentors in those Fits; and finding her Testimony Confirmed by Elizabeth Anderson her Confession, with relation to many of the Persons Accused by Christian. The Commissioners, on that Evidence, Ordered them all to Prison, (viz.) Alexander Anderson, Father to the said Elizabeth, Agnes Nasmith, Iohn Lindsay in Barrcloch, Iohn Lindsay in Formachin, Iames Lindsay his Brother, Agnes Foster, Margaret Fulton, and the said Katherine Campbell, where they are to lie till farther Orders. But the said Christian Shaw knows and remembers another Person, whom she declares she has not the Power to Name: And she has many times attempted it, but is still seized with Fits when she Assays to Express it; She came, at last, to say, for her first Name, Margaret, or Pincht Margaret (a Name given her by the Devil, from a Pincht Cross-Cloath, ordinarily worn on her Brow) But cannot express her Patronimick, or Surname. The Commissioners were so concern'd at this, that they urged her to Write it, which being loth to try for fear of Torture, she nevertheless essayed it; And beginning to Write other Names, she was desir'd to try that too, but could Write no more save Margaret, and the Letter L. of her Sirname, being presently taken with a most Violent Fit, the Pen falling out of her hand, and she falling Dead, as above, with Groans, heavier and sorer then ordinary. Within a while the Commissioners having caus'd her to take a little of a Julip, after her Recovery, some Ministers standing by, Presented her with a Bible, desiring her to Read a Passage in it, which they pointed to her; but no sooner had she cast her eyes on the Book, but instead of Reading, she fell to Sing a very Melodious Tune, such as is used in Opera's; and, within a little while after fell in her Fits again, and even then the Musick ceas'd not, tho she appear'd as one dead, with her Mouth open, but neither her Lips nor Tongue stirring, She remain'd long in the Fit, till one of the Commissioners, [Page 8] desir'd the Book might be Clos'd; which done, she Immediately came to her Self; and being Askt what she meant by Singing, when she was desir'd to Read, she was not sensible she had Sung, and declar'd she did not remember it.
Bargarren-Place. Febr. 5. 1697.
ELizabeth Anderson, Daughter to Alexander Anderson, Aged 17 years, or thereby, Declared that about 20 days ago, she was Invited by her Father, to go along with him to Bargarrin's Yeard, about Twelve a Clock in the Day, who went both together; and having come there, they met with ane Black Man, who had ane Bonnet on his Head, and a Band about his Neck, whom her Father, and Agnes Nasmith, then present, told her, He was the Devil And that there was in Company with that Black Man, whom she thought was the Devil, the Persons following; viz. the said Alexander Anderson her Father, Agnes Nasmith in Park of Erskin, Iohn Lindsay in Formaken, call'd, The Bishop, Iames Lindsay his Brother, Margaret Fulton, Spouse to Robert Wallace in Kilpatrick, and Sister to the Grandmother of the said Elizabeth, who Dyed in Paislay Tolbooth, Accused of Witchcraft above half ane Year since, or thereby. And that their Discourse was at that time concerning Christian Shaw, Daughter to the Laird of Bargarren, who was then not well, and whose Life they all promis'd to take away by Stopping of her Breath; and that she saw the Devil several times before in her Fathers House, in Company with her Father, and several others. And that the Devil, with the Company foresaid Danc'd all in the said Yeard the time foresaid. And that her Father Discharged her to tell any thing she saw, or else she would be Torn [Page 9] in pieces; And that she was more Affraied of the forsaid Persons, then she was of the Devil. And being Examin'd whether or no any Person in the Company foresaid Desired her to Ingage in the Devil's Service? She declared, That both the Devil and her Father Invited her several times to the Devil's Service, Promising to Reward her for her paines But that she altogether refus'd to Ingage therein: And that notwithstanding thereof, she went along to the foresaid Yeard, to the said Meeting with her Father; Where she heard the Devil say, That no body would see them: At which the forsaids Persons then present did Laugh. And being asked, If she was Affraid when she saw the Devil in the Yeard? She Declared, She was Fear'd not, because she had seen him several times before.
Elizabeth Andersons Additional Confession, who Compear'd, and being Examin'd upon the Point of Witchcraft, Declared the Particulars following.
Renfrew, Feb. 18. 97.
THat about Seven years since or thereabouts, the [...] Elizabeth Anderson was with the Deceas'd Iean Fulton, her Grandmother; and playing about the door of the House she saw ane Black grim Man go into the House to her Grandmother; who abode with her a considerable space, talking with her; and afterward she came to the door, and desired the said Elizabeth Anderson to come in; and upon her incoming, desired her to take the Gentleman (as she named him) by [Page 10] the Hand, and she would give her ane Bony Black new Coat, which accordingly she did; which seemed to her very cold: whereupon she was affraid, and immediatly he vanished and went away. About a Month after her Grandmother and she were both in the House together, when the aforesaid Gentleman appeared to them, (which the said Elizabeth then suspected to be the Devil) and he and her Grandmother fell a talking together, by rounding in others Ears, but understood not what they said; and afterward her Grandmother desired her to take the Gentleman by the hand, but she refusing, saying, It was the Devil, which her Grandmother denying, said, It was a Gentleman a Friend of hers; and she still insisting and threatning her if she would not take him by the hand, she would get none of her Cloaths, but the said Elizabeth Anderson would not be perswaded to do it, but saved her self from him, saying, the Lord be between me and him, whereupon her Grandmother said, she need not fear for it was not ill thing, and upon that the Devil went away in a Flight, she knew not how; and declares, for a long time after, she was no more troubled with the said Gentleman. Till one time her Father Alexander Anderson desired her to go with him through the Country to seek their Meat; to which she replyed, she need not go seek her Meat, seeing she might have Work: But her Father pressing her, she went with him, where he took her to ane Muir in Kilmacolme, where were gathered together, before they came, Agnes Nasmith, Margaret Fulton, Iohn Lindsay, called Bishop, Iames Lindsay, called Curat, ane Heighland Body, Katherine Campbel, ane Gentlewife called by them Antiochia, Thomas Woodrous's Wife in Carslup, Margaret Lang in Cartinpan, and her Daughter, Martha Semple, John Read Smith, John Stuart and his Wife, Annable Read, Margaret Sherer, Margaret Rodger in Park, Ianet Rodger her Sister, Robert Wallace in Kilpatrick, Allason there, Thomas Birkinyers Wife in Stamne-butts, and several others whom she does not know or remember, when the aforesaid Gentleman who appeared to her formerly, came to the said Elizabeth Anderson, bidding her Renounce her Baptism, promising her if she would consent thereto, she should be better then she was then, and she would get better Meat and better Cloaths, and she would [Page 11] not need to beg. But (as she declared) she would not Consent to him; And he enquired of her, What brought her thither? then she replied, That she came with her Father. Whereupon the Devil and her Father went together, and talked to one another; but she knew not where-about: And declares that the cause of her meeting at that time (as she said) was about the forming of a Picture, of Mr. William Flemings Minister at Innerkeppe his Child, who at that time effected the same; the Main Actors being, her Father, Agnes Nasmith, Margaret Fulton, Isabel Cochran, and some others, who at that time put in Pins both small and great; but their Master told them they behoved to have some other thing before it could take Effect. As also she Confesses, she was present at ane Meeting with that Crew, above the Town of Kilpatrick, where were present her Father, Mother, and Sister, Margaret Lang and her Daughter, Margaret Fulton, Agnes Nasmith, Margaret▪ Rodger and her Sister Ianet, Margaret Sherer, Robert Wallace in Kilpatrick, with the foresaid Gentleman, whom they called their Lord; where they formed ane Picture of Mr. Iohn Ritchie Minister of Kilpatrick his Child, and they all Stabed Pins in the same, both great and small; and heard the said Margaret Rodger say, stay a little till I stop ane Pin in the Heart of it, which accordingly she did. And declares, she went with her Father to the Ferrie-Boat of Erskin, where he took her on his Back over the Water to Kilpatrick in a Flight. Farther Confesses, To have been present at the Drowning of Brighouse, and the Ferrier of Erskin, where was present in the Boat, the Devil, her Father and Mother, William Miller at Formakin, the Ferriers Mother-in-Law, Margaret Fulton, and some others; and there were on Erskin side of the Water John Lindsay the Bishop, Iames Lindsay, the Curat, Margaret Cochran, Tarbet, Jennet Waugh, Margaret Shearer, Margaret Lang, and her Daughter, Iohn Stwart, and his Wife, the Highland Body, Catherin Campbel, and several others, with her Self; and heard them say, That they would have saved one of the Horse, but they could not get it done, unless they had saved also one of the Men which were Drounded, and which she believes was Iohn Glen, [Page 12] had not his Mother-in-Law prevented it. Moreover she declares, she was present at the putting down of a Child of William Montgomries in Bargarrans Land, where were present Margaret Fulton in Kilpatrik, Agnes Nasmith, her Father Mother and Sister, Iohn and Iames Lindsays, Bishop and Curat, Margaret Lang, in Cartinpan, Ianet Waugh, Margaret Sherer, Thomas Woodrouse's Wife in Carsslup, Thomas Lindsay, Iames Lindsay his Brother, Iohn Reid Smith, and several others whom she does not know or remember, with the Black Man whom they called their Lord, about two a Clock in the Morning, where they Strangled a Child with a Sea Napkin: The Main Actors, being Agnes Nasmith and Margaret Fulton, who opened the Door of the House, and after they were entred, went to the Fire and lighted ane Candles, which was blacker nor your Candles usually are, somewhat blewish; and none in the House ever stir'd or wakened, and they stayed all in the House upwards of ane Hour; And declares, that she heard Agnes Nasmith say, What if the People of the House awake? To which Margaret Fulton replyed, You need not fear. Lyke as confessed, That upon Wednesday about sive Weeks since or thereby, her Father brought her out of his House with him, and come all the way with her on her foot to Bargarren out-Yeard, where they come in by ane Shap in the Yeard to ane Meeting, where where present Agnes Nasmith, Margaret Fulton, Iohn Lindsay Bishop, Iames Lindsay Curate, Agnes Foster, the Highland Body, Janet Waugh, Margaret Sheirer in Eskingram, Margaret Lang, Margaret Cunningham Spouse to Thomas Woodrow in Carsslap, Iohn Read, Smith, Iohn Steward and his Wife, Thomas Birkinyers Wife, Thomas Lindsay, James Lindsay his Brother, and Alexander Anderson, the Declarant, her Father; Where was also present the Devil, who had on ane Black Coat, ane Blew Bonnet, ane Blew Band, who Played on a Pipe, and they all Danced. At which Meeting they were Contriving and Consulting with the foresaid Black Man, whom they called their Lord, about the Destroying of Christian Shaw, Daughter to the Laird of Bargarren; where some of them were for Stabbing her with a Touck; particularly, Agnes Nasmith, [Page 13] Margaret Fulton, Margaret Rodger, Thomas Woodrouse Wife, Margaret Sheirer, and others, were for Hanging her with a Cord, particularly the Highland Body, John Read, and his Daughter; and others for Stopping her Breath, and Choaking her, and particularly Janet Waugh, John Lindsay Bishop, James Lindsay his Brother, and the Gentle Wife, whom they called Antiochia, as also Declared that she heard some of them say, That if ever they should have a Meeting again, they should have her out of the House and destroy her: But fearing they would be taken before they should have ane other Meeting, their Lord, as they called him, gave them ane place of ane Unchristned Bairns Liver to eat, except her, and the other Two, who has Confessed, viz. James and Thomas Lindsayes, telling them, that though they were Apprehended, they should never Confess, do to them what they would. And farder declares, That several of them were feard, That the said Elizabeth Anderson should Confess and tell of them, in regard she had done it formerly. They threatned her, if she did, They would Tear her all in pieces, if ever they got their hands on her, and particularly Margaret Lang, who Threatned her most. And farther declares, that against the next Meeting, they intended, if they were not Apprehended, To Forme the said Christian Shaws Picture, and then they would gett a gett of her; And when the Meeting was ended, which continued upwards of Two houres, or thereby, they went all away in a Flight, except the said Elizabeth Anderson, who went home on her foot. Farder Confesses, That one Night her Father raised her out of her Bed, and took her to the Ferry-Boat of Erskin, where he took her on his Back, and, in a Flight, carry'd her over the Water, and went from that both together to Dunbarton, to the Yeard of Mr. John Hardy, Minister there, where were present Agnes Nasmith, Margaret Fulton, Robert Wallace her Husband, Margaret Lang, and her Daughter Martha Semple, Alexander Anderson, Thomas Woodrous Wife, James Lindsay, Thomas Lindsay his Brother, Mc. Killops, Mother-in-Law to John Glen the Ferrier, Katherin [Page 14] Campbell, the Highland Body, John Lindsay Bishop, James Lindsay Curat, William Miller in Formakin, the Gentlewoman called by the Crew Antiochia, and the foresaid Black Man, whom they called their Lord; where the foresaid John Lindsay Bishop, Played on a Pype, and all Danced; at which Meeting they Formed the Picture of the said Mr. John Hardy, which was made of Bees-Wax, Hair, and other Materials, and Dabbed it full of Pins small and Great, and thereafter put it amongst Water and Ale Mixed, and then put it on a Spit, which Agnes Nasmith and others told her, they Roasted at the Fire, the Main Actors were, the said Agnes Nasmith, and Margaret Fulton, who made the Same Picture, and when they had done they went all away in a Flight, except her Father, and her self, who come upon their Feet to the Ferry again, and carry'd her over, in a Flight as foresaids: And Declares, That the foresaid Agnes Nasmith, got the Picture in Custody when they parted; And also Declares, That the Words that her Father spoke, when he took her on his Back, and Flew with her, were Mount and Fly; And also Declares, That no Person promised her any good Deed, or Reward, to make the said Confession.
Feb. 18. 97.
JAmes Lindsay being examined Confesses as follows, (Aged 14 years, or thereby,) That one day he met with the Deceas'd Iean Fulton his Grandmother at her House in Inchannen, wher she took from him a little Round Cap and a Plack, But being loath to part with the same, required them from her again; which she refusing, he cal'd her an old Witch and run away; upon which she follow'd him and cry'd, that she would meet him another time with an Ill turn: about [Page 15] 8 days therafter, as he was begging thorough the Country near to the Town of Inchannen, he met again with his Grandmother at the Back of the yard of that House at the head of the Causey, where there appear'd to him ane Black Grim Man, with black Cloaths, ane black Hat, and blew Band; his Grandmother desiring him to take the Gentleman by the Hand, (as she term'd him) who accordingly did as he was desired, whose hand seem'd to the said Iames to be exceeding cold, and gript him very straitly; whereupon the said Gentleman enquir'd at him, If he would serve him, and he would give him a Bonny black Coat and a black Hat, and several other things? to which he reply'd, yes I'le do't; and continuing there a litle time they parted, when the said Gentleman (which he knew thereafter to be the Devil) and his Grandmother went away together from him, but he knows not how. This the said Iames Landsay declares was the first time that ever he saw the Devil, or engaged with him; and thereafter confesses he was frequently at Meetings with him and others, and particularly the Meetings after specify'd, besides many others: Viz. That about 5 Weeks before Iennet Ker was Apprehended he went with her to a Muir in Kilmalcolme Parish upon a Hill to a Meeting there about 4 a Clock in the afternoon, where were present whom he knew (besides several others whom he does not know or remember:) The said Iennet Ker, Iennet Woodrow, Margaret Alexander, Margaret Cockran, Tarbett, Alexander Anderson, and his Wife; Iohn Lindsey Bishop, Agnes Nesmith, Iohn Lindsay in Barclough, Iennett Waugh, Margaret Sheirer, William Miller in Formaken, Margaret Lang in Carterpan, Martha Semple her Daughter; Kat, Ferrier at Craigtownburne, Iohn Reid, Iohn Stuart and his Wife; Patrick Lindsey in Formakin, Katherin Campbell, ane Highland Body, cal'd by the Crew their Drudg; and ane White-haird Man which he says was Iames Lindsay Curat, who play'd upon a Fiddle to them and they all Danc'd with the first Gentleman, whom they cal'd their Lord, who came to the said Iohn Lindsay, and took him by the Hand and forbad him to tell, at which time they were contriving about the Drowning of Brighouse, [Page 16] when he should come over the Ferry of Erskin, (the foresaid Iennet Ker being the main Instigator) where he heard their Lord say, That if they could not get him out by the the Hairs of the Head, they would sink the Boat and all therein, and Iennet Woodrow reply'd, That if they could get Brighouse Drown'd alone they would be content, Iohn Glenn the Farrier were sav'd, but Mckillops Mother-in-Law to the said Farrier (who was also present) said in regard he had put her out of the House a little while before the Meeting, she should have him Drown'd also. And likewise Confesses, That at the Comitting of the said Fact, the heal forenam'd persons were present with several others, except the said Iennet Woodrow and Iennet Ker, who were then at that time in Prison; and that the Devil was at the Head of the Boat, and Alexander Anderson, William Miller, the Farriers Mother-in-Law, and Iohn Steward, and his Wife were in the middle of the Boat, and the rest of the Crew abovenam'd with himself and several others upon Erskin side of the Water.
As also Confesses, he was present at the putting down of a Child of Mathew Parks in Parkland, with the Persons abovenam'd, and several others, as Thomas Lindsay his Brother, Elizabeth Anderson, Daughter to Alexander Anderson, where was present with them ane Black-haird Man, bare-headed, in ane black Coat and a long blew Cravat, which was don late at Night about 12, when the whole Family were asleep except ane Servant-lass, who waited on the Child, who at this time went to the Door a little, and in the Interim before she return'd they put a Cord about the Childs Neck and Strangled it; the main Actors of the Fact being Margaret Fulton, and Agnes Nesmith, and when the Lass came in again to the place where the Child was, they heard her cry these words, Mathew, O Mathew! Mathew! The Bairn is Dead; whereupon they all went away.
Note, That the foresaid Elixabeth Anderson another Confessant, agrees in her Confession to this Article, that the [Page 17] Bairn was in the Cradle when the Fact was Comitted, and that when they had don they took the Cord with them. Likeas Confesses, he was present at the Strangling of a Child of VVilliam Montgomerys in Bargarrins-land, with Martha Lang in Cartanpan, Martha Semple her Daughter, Thomas Lindsay his Brother, Margaret Rodger, Alexander Anderson, and his Wife and two Daughters, Iane and the said Elizabeth Anderson, Iohn Lindsay Bishop, Iames Lindsay Curate, and Patrick Lindsay his Son; Agnes Nesmith, Iennet Landsay in Barloch, Iennet VVaugh, Margaret Shearer, Crooked VVilliam Millar, Kath, Ferrier in Craigtown-burne, John Steuart and his VVife, Kath Campbel, and the Highland-body their Drudge, and several others, whose Names he does not know or remember; Where was present the foresaid Black-hair'd Man, nothing on him but ane black Shirt, and a black Hood, cald by the Crew their Lord, where they Strangled the Child with ane Sea Napkin, and heard Agnes Nasmith cry draw the Lowp, and at theyr entring to the House Agnes Nasmith opened the door and went in, and the rest followed her to the Fyre syde, and lighted a Candle tending to a blewish colour, where they stayed a considerable space upwards of ane hour, and during that time none of the House awakned, for he heard one of them, to wit Agnes Nasmith, say, she wold keep them from Wakening; the main Actors were the foresaid Agnes Nasmith with Alexander Anderson and another Woman whom he did not know, and who is condescended on by the other twa Confessant, viz, Thomas Lindsay his Brother, and the said Elizabeth Anderson, to be Margaret Fulton in Kilpatrick. Furder Confesses, That upon a VVadensday about fyve weeks since or therby, he was taken on a sudden in a Flight, wher he was begging near to the place of Inchannen, from that to Bargarrens Orchyeard, to a Meeting with the Crew, where were Agnes Nasmith, the foresaid Margaret Fulton, his Brother Thomas, Iohn Lindsay Bishop, Iames Lindsay Curat, the Highland Body, Jennet VVaugh, Margaret Sheirer, Margaret Lang and her Daughter Martha Semple, Thomas VVoodrow's VVife in Cairslop, Iohn Reid Smith, Iohn Stewart and his Wife, Thomas Birkmire in Stainie-butts and his Wife, Alexander Anderson [Page 18] and his Wife and twa Daughters, ane Gentle VVife called by their Lord his Wyfe Antiochia, and several others whome he does not know or Remember; wher the Devil theyr Lord, as they called him, played upon a Pype and they all danced; at which Meeting they ware advyseing and consulting the destroyeing of Christian Shaw Doughter to Bargarren, wher some of them ware for distroyeing and pulling down of the House upon her, some for Choaking and Stopping in Pins in her Throat, others for hanging her with a Cord, some for seeing if they could get her out of the house and distroy her. And Confesses, They all agreed to the Forming of her Picture against the nixt Meeting if they ever should have ane; but fearing they showld be apprehended ere that tyme; theyr Master gave them all ane peece of ane Unchristned bairns Liver, excepting himselfe and other twa, viz. Thomas Lindsay his Brother, and Elizabeth Andersone, they telling them though they ware apprehended they would never Confess doe to them never so much.
Lykeas Confesses, Being in Bed in the house of VVilliam Killoch in Davistown late at Night he was taken out of his Bed in a Flight, wher he never knew till he was in Dunbar-town, in the yeard of Mr. Iohn Hardie Minister there, where were present at the Meeting of the Crew, Agnes Nasmith, Margaret Fulton, Robert VVallace, Margaret Lang, Marthew Semple, Alexander Anderson, his VVyfe and Daughter Elizabeth, Thomas Lindsay, his Brother who agrees to his Confession;
Mc. Killops, Mother-in-Law to John Glenn, Farrier, Kathrin Cambel, the Highland Body, John Lindsay Bishop, and Iames his Brother, Thomas VVoodrow's VVyfe, VVilliam Miller in Formaken ane Gentle VVyfe, called by theyr Lord his Wyfe Antiochia, with several others whome he knows not or remembers; where the forsaid Iohn Lindsay Bishop played on a Pype, and they all Danced, at which Meeting they framed the Picture of the salid Mr. John Hardie, and dabbed it full of Pins and great, and therafter put it in Water and Ale mixt and then Roasted it at the Fyre, the Main Actors being the said Agnes Nasmith and Margaret Fulton, who formed the same; and when they had ended theyr Meeting, declares [Page 19] he was taken back to his Bed again in a Flight, as said is And declairs, Agnes Nasmith got the Picture in Custody when they parted. Furder Confesses, he hes several tymes appeared to the Chyld (whyte in the foot) both in Glasgow and Bargarren, tho Invisible to Spectators, with others as Agnes Nasmith, and Alexander Anderson, the Highland Body, (in Iohn Davisons) and Margaret Lang tormenting the Child, wher he declares, he and the foresaid Persons and some others were the Occasion of the foresaid Christian her putting out the Coales, Cinders, Bones, Hay, Fire, Sticks, and other trash which they put in her Mouth, intending to Choak her. And furder acknowledges, That he and the foresaid Persons and others did oftimes Prick and Stab her as if it had been don by Pins, and the way and manner how he had don it was his having a Needle, which if he put in his Cloathes, her Body would be prickt and Stab'd in that place where he Stab'd the Needle, and if he should put it in his Hair, that part of her Head wher he put the same would be Stab'd. And further declares, He was present when the said Christian Shawe put Pins out of her Mouth, which he and the aforesaid persons and others had put in, and also at the time of his doing these Arts, the said Iames cry'd thir Words, Help John Davison, who was also then present; and also when the Minister began to pray in Bargarrens House, the Devil, he and the rest immediatly went away. And also declares, There was no Person promis'd him any Reward for making the foresaid Confession, and declares he cannot Write. And also declares, That the Devil and the rest of the Crew cal'd Iohn Lindsay Bishop, The Post.
THomas Lindsay declares, That one Night lying in Bed in his Grandmothers House Jane Fulton, late at Night there came in a Black Man, with black Cloathes, ane blew Band and black Hat, into his Grandmothers, but he being asleep at the time, she awaken'd him, desiring him to take the Gentleman by the hand, and she would give him a Black Coat, which accordingly he did, whose [Page 20] Hand seem'd to be very Cold, and enquir'd at him, If he would serve him, and be his Man, and he would give him a Red Coat, which he said he would do▪ And thereafter he declares, The Gentleman, which he knew thereafter to be the Devil, went out the Broad side of the House: And Declares farther, That when he gave his Consent to serve the Devil, he Nipt him in the Neck, which continu'd Sore Ten dayes space. Thereafter, one day, coming by his Grandmothers House (she then being dead) as he thought, she Appeared to him, Clapping his Head, Desiring him to be a good Servant to the Gentleman to whom she had Gifted him, and forbidding him to Reveal it. And thereafter she Evanisht out of his Sight. Likeas Confesses, one Night Lying in Bed in the House of Robert Shaw in Barscobe Hill, late at Night, he was Awaken'd out of his Sleep, and taken away in a Flight, to the House of one Mathew Park in Parkland, to the Murthering of a Child of his; where were present, Iennet Ker, Alexander Anderson, and his Wife, and Daughter Elizabeth; John Lindsay Bishop, and James Lindsay Curate, Agnes Nesmith, Margaret Fulton, John Lindsay in Barloch, Jennet Waugh, Margaret Sherer, Crooked William Miller, Margaret Lang, her Daughter Martha Semple, Katharine Ferrier, John Reid, John Stuart, Anaple Reid his Wife, Katharine Campbell, the Highland Body, James Lindsay his own Brother, Jane Park in Paisley, Ross, her Mother, and the said Gentleman, whom they call'd their Lord; where they Strangled the Child with ane Small Cord, while the whole Family were Asleep, except a Lass who Waited on the Child, who at that time went to the Door; and before she return'd, Jennett Ker, and Margaret Sherer, put the Cord about the Childes Neck, and Strangled it, and after they had done, they all went away in a Flight: And Declairs, he was brought to his Bed in the same maner again. As also Confesses, another Night being in Bed in the House of Walter Alexander of Ersken Kirk, he was taken away in a Flight to a Meeting at the House of William Montgomry in Bargarrens Land, with the Crew, where [Page 21] they Strangled his Child about two a Cloak in the Morning, being there present Margaret Fulton, Agnes Nesmith, Iames Lindsay his Brother, Alexander Anderson, and his Wife and two Daughters; Iohn Lindsay Bishop, James Lindsay Curat, Margaret Lang and her Daughter, Jennet Waugh, Margaret Shearer, Thomas Woodrow's Wife in Cousslop, Kathrin Campbel, the Highland Body, aud several others, with the forsaid Gentleman whom they called their Lord; the Main Actors being Agnes Nesmith and Margaret Fulton, who opened the door of the House, and when they were entred the House went to the Fires side, and lighted a Candle which was blacker then other Candle but somewhat blewish; and none of the house ever stirred or awaked, and heard the said Agnes Nesmith, say, What if the People of the House awaked? to which Fulton replyed you need not fear, which was in the mean time whilst they Strangled the Child with ane sprekled Sea-Napkin, and after committing of the Fact they all went away, the said Thomas was brought in a flight to his Bed again.
Likeas Confesses, About five Weeks since or thereby, coming by Finlastown about Twelve a Cloak midd day, was taken in a sudden Flight, when he never knew, till he was in Bargarrins Ortchyeard, where were present Margaret Fulton, John and James Lindsay Bishop and Curat, the Highland Body, Jennet VVaugh, Margaret Shearer, Margaret Lang and her Daughter, Thomas VVoodrow's Wife, John Reid Smith, John Steuart and his Wife, the Gentle VVife called by the Crew Antiochia, Thomas Birkmyres Wife, James Lindsay his own Brother, Alexander Anderson his Wife and two Daughters, John Lindsay in Barloch, and the foresaid Gentleman whom they called their Lord, who played on a Pipe and they all Danced, and after the merry fit they fell a consulting about the destroying of Christian Shaw Daughter to Bargarrin, where some of them were for Stabbing her with Pins, some for Stabbing with a Tuck, some for hanging her with a Cord, some for geting [Page 22] her out of the House to destroy her, but declares he heard them all consent to the making of her Picture against the next time, but fearing they should be apprehended ere the time. Their Lord gave them ane peice of ane Uncrissened bairns Liver, except himself his Brother and Elizabeth Anderson; And he told them tho they were apprehended they should never confess, after the eating of that, do to them never so much. And after the Meeting was ended, which continued about two hours space the said Thomas Lindsay was caried back to the verry same place from which he was taken away.
THE Copy of a Letter SENT, From Bargarrens Lady to him, being then at Ranfren, dated Febr. 18. 1697.
I Thought it fit to give you ane Account of Christians Condition, this day about two a Clock in the Afternoon she said she saw the Devil in likness of a Man, she seemed to be somewhat feared, and I desired her to say The Lord Rebuke thee Satan, but the use of her Tongue was taken from her, yet recovering it in a short space she asayed to speak, but was presently seised with a Fit, and when that was over she went about the Room deaf and blind as you your self have seen her before, but still speaking, as to a Bumbee, said, VVith the Lords Strength thou shalt not put Straw nor Stiks into my Mouth, houlding her hand fast on her Mouth all the while, then walking a litle faster [Page 24] she cryed out, the Bumbee is Stinging me, and sitting down looked on her Leg where was the Impression, very deep of finger Nails. The Devil appeared to her again in the Bed like a Gentleman, she standing at the Bed-side reasoned with him after this maner; Thou thinks to make me a VVitch but through God's Strength thou shalt never be the better; I charge thee in the Name of God to be gon and thy Papers too, for I will have non of them, I will not fear thy ill, stand here see if thou dare come one stop nearer me: I think thou art feareder for me then I for thee; then turning she went up and down the Room as before, and again was bitten with Teeth in the hands very deep, and Impressed with Nails of Fingers more then twenty four times, which made her cry aloud every time she received them, and shewing the place where she was hurt by getting her hand upon it; but we neither saw nor heard any thing about her. She continued in this Fit from two a Clock till past five at night, she said in the Fit Margaret Lang had given orders to Torment her, so by the Lass you will get a fuller account; till meeting; I remain