Strange NEWS FROM Stratton in Cornwal: OR, A True Relation of a cruel B [...]oody Mur­ther commited by one J. R. UPON His Own FATHER, for Lucre of enjoying his Estate; who (after he had Committed the Fact, and laid the Knife in the Bed wherein his Father lay) called in several Neigh­bours to witness that his Father had Murthered himself; but upon search, his Shirt and Breast were found besprinkled with his Fathers Blood; upon which search he fell in a Swound, and after his Recovery Confest the Fact, and is now in Goal

Written by one William Reddish, who was in Stratton at the same time when the Murther was Committed: And Written since in a Letter to Mr. Pearce Manaton in Wind­mill-Court in the Butcherrow near Temple-Barr, by his Bro­ther, living within half a Mile of the said Town.

With Allowance.

Printed for I. Goniers, at the Sign of the Raven in Duck-Lane.

Strange News From Stratton in Cornvval. OR; A True Relation of a Cruel, Bloody Murther, Com­mitted by one J. R. upon his own Father.

IT is very remarkable that amongst all capital crying sins, the sin of Murther very seldome, or never goes unpunished: notwithstanding the Patience and long-suffering of God against many prophain and presumpti­ous despisers of his ways and truth; yet particularly here­in he seems to shew forth his Justice in all Ages to the shameful downfall and destruction of such as are found [Page 2] guilty of this detestable monstrous sin even in this life, and they leave the memory of their names as odious as their savage cruel practices have been in their life time.

This short Story affords you as true a Relation of as inhumane a Murther, as any this age hath afforded, or any future can parallel, which was as followeth.

THe murthered person, by name William Ross, was a very aged man, but his Wife was some years younger, they had but one onely Son (the cruel actor of this bloody Tragedy) neither ever had they any more children then he; they had about 16 or 18 pounds per an. in land, & 'twas thought the provident old Man had money by him: this his son he had bred a Schollar, more then usually men of his degree do in the Countrey, and had thoughts to have plac'd him in some way whereby he might be a comfort to him in his old age, but proving of a more stubborn nature, his designs were frustrat­ed, and he resolv'd his Son should live with him, during the remainder of his life, which by the course of nature could not be long; but this bloody inhumane wretch not satisfied with this way of living, giving his will to much indulgence after [Page 3] youthful extravagancies; and thinking the time too long till he had the full possession and sole dis­posal of all himself.

He takes the opportunity (which by all proba­billity had been long hatching in his hellish brain) of a very fit time for his cruel design: (if without sin one may call any time fit for such barbarous cruelty) his Mother being called out to the labour of one of her Neighbours, being on the 27th. of March, last at night, leaving none in the house but her aged Husband and her Son; About three of the clock in the morning he takes a great sharp Knife, which was his Fathers own knife, and goes with as much privisie as possible he could to his Fathers bed-side, and therewith cut his Throat, cross the Wind-pipe, and cut so deep that at one stroak he cut the Pipe almost through, and holds him down in the bed until he left him uncapable of moving; and then laid the Knife by his Father in the bed, and about five a clock he ran out like a distracted man (it being his custom to rise early and go a­broad into the fields) to call in the neighbours, not onely where his Mother was, but several others, crying aloud as he went, My Father hath kill'd him­self, My Father hath kill'd himself: upon which, neigh­bours [Page 4] crouding in, found the poor old man wel­tering in his own blood in the bead, which amaz­ed all spectators, knowing him to be a civil honest man, and a good liver; then this vile wretch en­deavoured to lay it upon his Mother, that it must be done by her before she went out; but all to lit­tle effect, for the Neighbours had still more chari­table thoughts for her then for him: and amongst the rest, a Merchant in Stratton being present, desi­red that he might be examined, who stood pe­remtorily, affirming that his Father was dead be­fore he rose from his own bed, and as he came through his Fathers Room, he saw blood up­on the Sheets, and about his neck, but could not have the heart to lift up the sheets to see where the wound was, but immediately ran forth to call the neighbours, &c.

But says the Merchant Mr. B. Neighbour, not that we do mistrust that you are concerned in the Fact, but for our own satisfaction pray let us see your Shirt and Arms, for your hands seem to be clean, and we do heartily wish they may be so in reallity, and your heart too in this matter; upon which his colour chang'd, which bread more suspition amongst them, and unbut­toning himself, they found not onely his shirt, [Page 5] but his breast all besprinkled with his Fathers blood: How now, quoth the Merchant, thou cruel Monster, what say you now? upon which he fell down in a swound and so continued for above an hour, and after his recovery he con­fessed the whole Fact, and was immediately committed to Goal where he is to remain un­till the next Assizes.

[Page 6]I desire that this and other precedent examples of the like nature, which are too too common in our ears in this wicked age, might at least be a warning to all, especially to Young men that are too apt to let their mind Rove after great things, and think they they may commit any Enormity to attain to their desired ends, but many times it proves bitterness to them in the end; For a little well gotten is worth a Lordship of Land with a Curse.


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