REASONS FOR CONFORMITY Tenderly offered to all the Sober Dissenters of London, BY SOME Laodicean Conforming Ministers.
Whereas several eminent Divines have lately set forth in Print many Arguments as Motives to perswade you to Conformity, and the Success of their Labours has not [...]swered their Expectations and Wishes; And whereas the Government (for its own Preservation and Defence) has thought fit to compell you to Conformity, by putting the penal Laws against Dissenters in Execution; Know ye therfore, That out of Our wonted Grace and Compassion, WE have consulted all WE could for the Ease ad Satisfaction of your Tender Consciences; And, By these PRESENTS do give and grant unto you these following REASONS for CON [...]ORMITY.
First, That WE shall frankly and joyfully receive your return, Though your Conformity be no more but seeming, external, and not from your hearts.
Secondly, If you will but confess, that some of our Sermons or Writings were the means of bringing you over to the Church, we will then proclaim and publish to all the World, That you are the most Pious Holy Men WE know, and far more excellent Converts than ever were made by St. Paul; for Truth is, WE count none Good, as they should be, unless they admire US and our Labours.
Thirdly, If you will conform, that is, Come and Hear US, WE will cry you up for the sober Godly partly of the Nation.
Fourthyly, If you fall into any Jeopardy for not frequenting your own Parish-Church, WE will be ready at all times to appear in any Court, to vouch and attest upon Oath, That you are as High and Strict Churchmen as our selves, or any Others we have familiar acquaintance with.
Fifthly, If you will be our Auditours, and help to fill our Churches, WE do promise you all manner of Indulgence, and to salve all Doubts and Scruples of Conscience according to your own Wills and Humours.
Sixthly, If you sit in Church all the Service while on your Breech, or Talk or Sleep whilst its reading, and never stand up at the Creeds, though WE see and know it, yet WE will wink at it, and never reprove you for it; for truth is, WE can doe the same our selves.
Seventhly, WE will use all powerfull means to save and defend you from being Presented and Prosecuted for deserting your own Parish-Church and Minister.
Eighthly, Whatever are scandalous, notorious and damnable Sins in others, WE will endeavour to prove but small, venial, natural and unavoidable infirmities in you.
Ninthly, If you design and cannot effect an Alteration in the Government upon pretence of bettering it, WE will throw the Odium of it upon the Papists, for our saying it was They that murthered Charles the first has made it pass for a [...]urrent Truth.
Tenthly, If you will receive with US the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, either sitting, lying, leaning, lolling or standing, WE will give you our Certificates that you received it according to the usage of the Church of England.
Eleventhly, If you would have your Chrildren Christned or not Christned, with Godfathers and the sign of the Cross or without them, WE are ready to doe either; for truth is, WE judge such indifferent things left to yours and our discretion and pleasure.
Twenfthly, WE will always earnestly Expose, Rebuke and Condemn all those for Rash, Imprudent and Unlearned Preachers, that shall offer to revile you for former Faults, or rip up the old stories of Schism, Faction and Rebellion in the LATE BAD TIMES.
Thirteenthly, If your Wives shall present us with Cloth, Silks, Plate, Money, Wine and Sugar-loaves, as they formerly did to their Pastors, WE do promise upon our sacred words, That WE will not accept and receive them without your leave and consent first had and obtained; for WE value our selves upon such Scruples and Criticisms of Honesty.
Lastly, WE do vow and protest that whereas you formerly gave One, Two, Three or Four Pounds a Year to a Conventicling Teacher, WE would be glad to have you our Auditors for Ten Shillings a Year,
And thank you too.
By this you may see our Moderation.
NOW consider what is here offered to you. First, here is Liberty of Conscience as much as you can desire; Secondly, Credit and Reputation as far as WE can promote it; Thirdly, Indulgence and Ease to the most Tender Consciences; Fourthly, Security against Persecuting Churchwardens and Bishop's Officials; Fifthly, Complyance to Administer Sacraments which way you will; Sixthly, To extenuate the greatest Sins you can commit upon the score of Reformation; Seventhly, To reprove and condemn all them that shall speak any manner of ill against you; Lastly, to preserve your Goods, and save you some Pounds in the Year, which is for your Interest.
If such Considerations and Arguments as these cannot prevail with you to Conform to the CHURCH of ENGLAND, or at least to US in Our publick Congregations, according to Our PROPOSALS, WE then in Great Grief of Heart, must fear that you are in a Reprobate State.
And the Lord have Mercy on your Souls.