LES TERMES DE LA LEY; OR, Certain difficult and obscure Words and Terms of the Common Laws and Statutes of this Realm now in use, expounded and explained.

Now Corrected and Enlarged.

With very great Additions throughout the whole Book, never Printed in any other Impression.

Multa renascentur quae jam cecidere, cadentque
Quae nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus.

LONDON, Printed by W. Rawlins, S. Roycroft and M. Flesher, Assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires.

For G. Walbanke, S. Heyrick, J. Place, J. Poole, and R. Sare. 1685.

To the READER.

I Need not strive much to prove the necessity of this Book, if you consider, that the most accomplished Plead­er that ever charm'd his Author with Eloquence and Reason, began with it; much less shall I have difficulty to shew its profitableness to any who looks about and sees how many fair Estates are every day gained by the Professors of this Noble Science, to which this little Book must open the door and let them in: But least of all need I suspect, that whoever is convinced of these two Points, its Necessity and Profitableness, will fail to peruse and esteem it.

Though no name of any Authour appears to it, yet my Lord Cook in his preface to his Tenth Report ascribes it to William Rastal, that reverend Judge; who was emi­nently knowing both in the Common and Statute Law of this Land, as appears by the many Leraned Expositions and Excellent Cases, which every where occur in it. And we may probably guess it to be written by him originally in French only, having some cause to suspect the Translation to be done by a less skilful Hand: For though by the many Impressions of it, and carelesness of Printers, V. J. Cow. Interpreter. it has suffered much (as other Books of like nature daily do) yet some Objection lay against the Translator himself as (to omit others) Chapter is defined to be Locum in quo fiunt communes tractatus Collegia­torum, which was Englished thus odly, A Place wherein common Tracts of men Collegiate are made. And for Errors of the Press, they were very numerous and strangely unhappy: as disseised for die seized, Common Law for Canon Law, deep for deer, necessary for accessary, tiel for viel, rather, for either, owner for power, &c. In de­vastaverunt, sans compulsion, was Englished by compul­sion, In the word Gild two whole Lines were omitted in [Page] the English, and the French imperfect; so likewise in Gar­ranty, and other words. There was also a mistake in Geo­graphy in the word Pape, where Rome was said to be 1500 miles from hence, full 500 too much. And still as Impres­sions were iterated, Errat's increased.

Besides the very many Faults which were thus crept into this Book, it was so extreamly misalphabeted, that some words could not be found without much difficulty, I had almost said not at all: for if the Reader finds not the word he seeks in its true place, he commonly lays by the Book with despair.

To remedy these encreasing Evils, I was willing to bestow my endeavour: First, by adding above an hundred Words with Explications in their proper places, and making refe­rences to others, where needful. Secondly, by Correcting the whole Work in what I found amiss, and retrenching some antiquated and tautological Expressions as they occurred. Thirdly, by adding to some old words such late Statutes as alter or concern the Law established by them. And lastly, by digesting the whole into an exact Alphabet, and taking care to prevent Errors of the Press.

That I intended well, I can give you but my word: how I have performed, I make my Reader Judge.

T. B.

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