- 1 A Dead Boy by Fuller
- 2 An old Philosopher
- 3 King William and Queen Mary
- 4 A winter-piece
- 5 A piece of Vanity
- 6 A small Piece of Vander Velde
- 7 A Mountebanck, after Teniers
- 8 A little landskip with a ruin, by a Dutch master
- 9 A Frost-piece, by the same
- 10 a sketch of an old mans head, by an Italian
- 11 another Ditto
- 12 An House of entertainment, finely done
- 13 a small Landskip by a Dutch master
- 14 a Frost-piece Ditto
- 15 Our Saviour, in the Garden, finely done
- 16 St. Peter's deliv. out of Prison, by a Dutch mast.
- 17 an amorous piece, by Haemskirk
- 18 a King William after Wissing
- 19 Queen Mary, Ditto
- 20 a Battle piece by a Dutch master
- 21 a Landskip well done
- 22 a Blackmoor woman
- 23 a mans head after the Life
- 24 a womans picture, in small
- 25 a Madona, in an oval frame, curiously done
- 26 a Frost-piece with Sliders
- 27 St. John, by an Italian master
- 28 a sketch, of an old mans head, well done
- 29 another, Ditto
- 30 a Landskip by Flyer
- 31 a Lemon finely done
- 32 an Hare and a Dog
- 33 King Charles after the Life
- 34 Queen Mary after Housman
- 35 Venus and Cupid
- 36 The King of Swedeland in a Cradle
- 37 a Droll finely painted
- [Page 2]38 King William, on copper, finely done
- 39 Queen Mary Ditto
- 40 an half length by Mr. Christian
- 41 an East-Indian Raven drawn after the Life
- 42 a Venus and Cupid by Du Ball
- 43 a King and Queen 3 Quarters
- 44 a Venus
- 45 a Landskip by a Dutch master
- 46 a Frost-piece
- 47 King Charles a half length after Van Dyck
- 48 Two Batts drawn by the life
- 49 a naked Lady in small
- 50 a Landskip by a Dutch master
- 51 a small piece of Haemskirks, on Copper
- 52 another Ditto
- 53 King David at his Devotion
- 54 a flower-piece, by Montingo
- 55 a little piece of Fruit upon copper
- 56 a flower piece by Mr. Verelst
- 57 a little piece of fruit by a Dutch mast. on copper
- 58 a Bear-baiting by Hondius
- 59 Sampson and the Lyon, by a Dutch master
- 60 a large Landskip, with Figures, by Mr. Hodowly
- 61 King Charles the Second by a Dutch master
- 62 Queen Katherine, Ditto
- 63 a Lady by a Dutch master
- 64 a singing by Haemskirk
- 65 a Lady's Picture by a Dutch master
- 66 Christ taken from the Cross by an Italian
- 67 a Ceres's head
- 68 Cleopatra finely painted
- 69 a 3 quarter Landskip by Mr. Edima
- 70 a piece of Mars, Bacchus, & Venus, by Hondius 7 foot high, 5 foot broad
- 71 a Drunken piece, 3 quarters, by Hondius
- 72 an half length Cupid by Hondius
- 73 Queen Mary, on copper
- 74 a Dog finely done
- 75 Cleopatra on Copper by Du Ball
- 76 Autumn after the way of Rabens
- 77 a piece of time, with several Figures by Hondius
- 78 a half length Landskip by Mr. Edima
- 79 a Landskip by Van Deist
- 80 Pomona, on copper, by Du Ball
- 81 a Madona on copper, by Van Heiden
- 82 a School, by Haemskirk, 3 Quarters
- 83 an Original head of Sir Anthony Moor
- 84 a Landskip by Van Deist
- 85 a piece of flowers and fruit by Boudan
- 86 an Original piece of Flowers by Mr. Baptist
- 87 The Offering of [...] Kings, by an Italian
- [Page 3]88 a piece with figures, and a Landskip, by Griffier
- 89 a Summer, by Rubens
- 90 a Spring, Ditto
- 91 a wine Glass, and golden Cup, an orig. of Roustraten
- 92 an original ruin by Griffiere
- 93 a half length Angel by Hondius
- 94 an Original piece by Molenar
- 95 a fruit-piece, Original, by Du Ball
- 96 Old Haemskirks Picture, in Little
- 97 Jupiter and Calisto, by a Fountain
- 99 a very fine Japan Cabinet
- 100 a fleeping Venus
- 101 an old man signifying winter, by Rubens
- 102 a singing Bird an Original by Verelst
- 103 an original Landskip by Mr Edima
- 104 a Boy holding a Looking-Glass, by Hondius
- 105 a fine Landskip by Hondius
- 106 a Landskip with several figures, by Hondius
- 107 an Original piece of Haemskirk's
- 108 Christ before Pilate, by an Italian
- 109 a very fine Japan Cabinet
- 110 King James on Horse-back
- 111 Venus and a Satyr, by Van Heyden
- 112 a Fruit-piece, an original by Boudan
- 113 a Landskip in Copper, by Parelle
- 114 a piece of beasts, by Van Bergham
- 115 a Lady's head, after the life, an orig. by De Ryck in oval
- 116 a Gentleman's head, Ditto
- 117 a large piece with Parrots, by Snyders
- 118 Orpheus playing to the beasts, and birds, and antique piece in water Colours, an original, by a great master
- 119 Mr. De Rycks picture, by himself
- 120 a Lady in an oval frame
- 121 a Cupid
- 122 a Fortune
- 123 a very fine golden Pendulum chain Watch, enamell'd with little figures, by De Ryck