THE HISTORY OF THE Turkish Empire From the YEAR 1623. to the YEAR 1677. CONTAINING THE REIGNS Of the three last EMPEROURS, VIZ. SULTAN MORAT OR AMURAT IV. SULTAN IBRAHIM, AND Sultan MAHOMET IV. his Son, The XIII. Emperour now Reigning.
By PAUL RYCAUT Esq late Consul of Smyrna.
LONDON, Printed by J. M. for John Starkey at the Mitre in Fleet-street near Temple-Bar. M DC LXXX.
THE Epistle Dedicatory TO THE KING.
I Cannot without some despondency of mind and awful fear of the Greatness of Your Majesty, make an Offering at Your Sacred feet of so small an esteem and inconsiderable value, as these following Histories. For having travelled long in remote Countries, and resided no less than eighteen years in Turky, the World may reasonably expect some rich returns unto Your Majesty in Persian Silks, and Tyrian Purples, or in the finest Carpets, and other Gayeties in which the softness and luxury of the Lesser Asia did anciently abound: and may now judge me a Bankrupt, or an ill Husband of my Talent, when they see me at home trembling in Your Royal Presence, with a Gift no more worthy than a few sheets of Paper; which being a Sacrifice inferiour and beneath the acceptance of so Great a Monarch, I might reasonably fear, that they would take fire at the heat of Your just displeasure, were they not with all humility and reverence consecrated to the Royal Clemency. For in this glorious Title and Attribute, Your Majesty (as is notorious to the World) exceeding all the most Serene and the most Clement Emperours that ever were, expects not from me, either Gold or Jewels, but rather a true account of my time, how I have spent it in the Service of God and of Your Majesty: and how I have administred that Publick Trust and Interest which was committed to my Management. Accept therefore, GREAT SIR, these following Discourses to discharge part of the account of my time, with other Treatises which have been the Employment to fill up my vacant Intervals: the remaining [Page] account of my hours are not to be justified by my own report, but by the Testimony of others, whose wisdom and goodness will be as ready to owne my Industry and Faithfulness in their Concernments, as they will be to excuse and pardon my infirmities.
Ever since the time of Your Majesties happy Restauration, my Lot hath fallen to live and act within the Dominions of the Turk, and there to move in a Publick Capacity; which though it was in an Administration of one of the lowest note and degree, yet the great Influence which the flourishing Estate of that Trade hath on the common Good of England, nourished in me a secret pride and satisfaction in that Employment, which called and raised up all my endeavours to acquit my self therein with prudence, faithfulness, and industry, there being the same Regularity required in the Stars of the lower, as in those of higher Magnitude.
This hath been the first, and indeed the only Affair I ever managed for the Publick; for before Your Majesties blessed Return, the Character noted on my Family of being Loyal, as it made them at first active and zealous in the Service of Your Glorious Father, so afterwards it famed them for their Sufferings, and rendred them and me uncapable of Office. But Your Majesty returning like the Sun to animate and cherish all living Creatures with an equality proportioned to their several Capacities, hath been pleased also to bestow a Ray of Your benign Influence on my self, whereby having received comfort and refreshment, I do with all sense of my Duty, and with entire Devotion pray unto the King of Kings for the Happiness, long Life, and immortal Glory of Your Majesty, and with all reverence and humble submission devote and consecrate my self, for ever to remain,
THE Reign of Sultan Amurat or Morat being imperfectly wrote in Knolls his History, consisting for the most part of abrupt Collections; I have thought fit for the better compleating of the Reign of that Sultan, and the whole Body of our Turkish History, to deliver all the particular Transactions thereof with my own Pen: whereunto also I have added the Reign of Sultan Ibrahim, never before Published in the English Tongue, the particular Occurrences of which being acted before my time, were for the most part extracted from Venetian Writers, who by reason of their Vicinity to the Turk, have been always most curious, and concerned to note and observe the Affairs of that Empire.
But the other part of this History beginning from the Year 1660. and continued to the Year 1677. is the Product of my own Observations, being matters transacted in my time, which being part seen by my self, and in part received from good and probable Advices, I call by the Name of my MEMOIRS, in regard that I am little obliged to other Writers for those Collections; and therefore by Gods assistance assume the chief Merit of that Work unto my self: which I desire and heartily wish, Good Reader, might for thy satisfaction, and for the benefit of the World be still continued, and the thread of History drawn out unto future Ages: as also that those Errours and Mistakes of which I have been guilty herein, might be corrected and amended. Farewel.
THE weak Understanding of Sultan Mustapha, and his inability 1623 for Rule, caused the Affairs of State both at home and abroad to move disorderly and irregular. Where violence and injustice prevail, there is so little distance between the most eminent height of Grandeur and the lowest abyss of misery, that a Prince may in a moment step from one unto the other. The Janisaries and Military Officers commanded more now than the Civil, all things being guided by the air and fancy of the Souldiery, who placed and displaced with that wind of favour and displeasure, which is agreeable to the humor of a multitude and the licentiousness of Arms. For at the same time there were three Emperours, seven Great Viziers, two Captain-Pasha's, five Aga's of the Janisaries, three Treasurers, six Pasha's of Cairo, and in proportion the changes and alterations were as many in all the Provinces of the Empire. All this confusion evidently proceeding from the weak and almost sensless understanding of Mustapha; the Ministers [Page 2] and people concurred as it were in an universal consent to dethrone him a second time, and exalt into his place Sultan Morat Brother to Osman, who was murthered the year before. The principal Actors in this contrivance were Kiosem the Mother of Morat, and the Mufti; but in the execution hereof three difficulties occurred. The sirst was Chusaein Pasha the Great Vizier, who by reason of the inabilities of Mustapha, being become absolute Lord and Soveraign of all, would be unwilling to assent unto that Proposition, which might degrade him of his Dignity, and divest him of his Power. A second obstacle was the fancy and humor of the Souldiery, who having with much zeal and passion exalted Mustapha to the Throne, it might be doubted, that in maintenance of the same humor they would with equal obstinacy persevere in their Election. A third was the poverty or low ebb of the Exchequer, which at that time was in no capacity to supply that Donative to the Souldiery, which was usual and customary at the Inauguration of every Sultan. To forward and hasten this change and ripen this Plot, the News of the Rebellion of Abassa did much contribute, who with a Body of fifteen thousand Horse roved over all the Plains of Kara-hisar, calling himself Avenger of Sultan Osmans Murder, and Enemy of the Janisaries, by whose Mutiny and Conspiracy he was put to death; in satisfaction for which he not only killed all Janisaries which fell into his hands, but their wives, children, and those allied to them he destroyed with implacable malice and bloody rage. Upon this advice the Janisaries at Constantinople being moved with equal fury and desire of revenge, applied themselves to their Aga, proposing a speedy union with the Spahees for suppressing this Rebellion before time gave it greater growth, and made the humor more stubborn and difficult to be purged. At the same time also came Letters from Cicala Pasha (who was dispeeded into Asia with a strong Party to give a stop to the farther progress and advance of Abassa) advising that upon his near approach to the Enemy, so general a fear possessed his Souldiery, that most of them disbanded and forsook their Colours; and that at present he had no more than five hundred Janisaries, and two hundred Spahees under his Command, which he found to be an unequal match to contend with the increasing power of Abassa. This Intelligence served happily the occasion of the Mufti, Vizier, and Aga to give a turn to the desired change, and supplied them with an answer to the Janisaries, that they were ready to yield compliance unto their Address, but that the incapacity of their Soveraign obstructed their proceedings, and that the defect in the principal wheel disordered all the motions of good Government. At which reply the Janisaries becoming more unquiet, assembled themselves in a tumultuous manner at the Mosch of Sultan Solyman, where making an Avack in Turkish signifies a Foot. Ayack Divan, (so called, because they sit not down, but stand on their legs to denote the present haste and urgency of their affair) it was enacted by an unanimous consent of the Civil and Military power, That young Morat or Amurat should be promoted to the Throne, and that Mustapha should be deposed: and because the Exchequer was at its lowest ebb, and wholly exhausted by miscarriage of the Officers, the Souldiers were contented to dispense with their Donative, which they relinquished in consideration of the publick good, reserving still their Title and Claim thereunto at times of a more happy Inauguration. With this News the Vizier immediately mounted on Horse-back to signifie this universal Decree to Mustapha, [Page 3] but he found him so stupid, as if he had been insensible of the Message; and his Mother wanting power to resist this strong convulsion, gave way to necessity, and seemed to embrace what she could not oppose.
Thus Mustapha falling from the Heaven of his Throne to the Abyss of his Prison, seemed to return unto his centre; for being only by the wild-fire of Fortune carried as far aloft, as the force of popular powder could reach, he afterwards by the meer weight of his earthly temper returned with the like quickness of motion to the place from whence he ascended.
Hereupon Sultan Amurat, a Youth of about fourteen years of age, was brought forth to the people, and placed in the Throne with all the acclamations and rejoycings of the people. And being taught by his Mother in a feigned manner to refuse acceptance of the Empire, he pretended that the Exchequer was exhausted, and that therefore he was not able to demonstrate the affection and esteem he had for them, and that since they had killed their former Sultans, he was fearful lest the tenderness of his age should betray him to the like violence: but the Souldiery having not the patience to hearken to his excuses, immediately carried him to the Divan, where having cloathed him in white, they Amurat installed. seated him on a Safraw erected with four Pillars studded with precious Stones; the Covering of which was of Crimson Velvet richly embroidered with Gold and Oriental Pearl. And being so seated, the Mufti with all reverence approached, and kissed his hand; and then turning to the people he demanded of them, if they were contented with that Prince whom they now beheld in the Seat of the Ottoman Kings; to which they having given assent by their loud acclamations, Morat with a becoming gravity encharged the Mufti to take care that Justice and the Law be executed, and so retired to his Lodgings with general satisfaction. The next morning he was carried by Water to the Mosch of Jub in the Suburbs of Constantinople, where according to the Solemnity of the Ottoman Empire, having performed his Which is a dispensing of Mutton to the Poor. Corban or Sacrifice, and having his Cemiter girt to his side by the Emirsheriff, he mounted on Horse-back, and with a magnificent Train entred by the Gate of Adrianople. In the mean time Mustapha, who was more worthy to bear a Fools Cap than an Imperial Diadem, was conducted to Prison, and more narrowly guarded than formerly; howsoever no man offered to take away his life, the persons of Fools and Idiots being sacred in esteem of the Turks, and the least injury offered to them accounted irreligious and unlucky.
Morat was of a lively countenance, full-fac'd, dark hair, of a black and lively eye, ruddy and sanguine Complexion, and in every degree of a promising and hopeful Aspect: but his exteriour appearance did not correspond with the internal cruelty of his violent Spirit, having some similitude with the Swan, which hath white feathers and black flesh.
The Great Vizier who assisted at this Solemnity was (as we have said) Chusaein Pasha, a person of self-interest, who had wasted and consumed the Treasury, and converted a great part thereof to his own benefit; he was a Tyrant, hated of all men, and supported himself by no other Art than bribing of the Souldiery: and to his other Crimes he added that of having unjustly persecuted Halil Pasha, and deprived him of his Office, his power not reaching to the taking away his life; which being [Page 4] reserved for better times, he was again recalled from his retirement, and 1624 by special command of the Sultan, was unwillingly restored to the Office of Vizier, being best pleased with a quiet and pacifick life, to which his melancholy temper had naturally disposed him. In the mean time Chusaein Pasha being terrified by the sensible touches of his own conscience, took his flight by way of the Black Sea, and being out of the reach of Justice, a Fine was set of five thousand Zechins, and of Lands to the Revenue of an hundred thousand Aspers a year, to be given unto him who should bring his head; many of those who had sold him their friendship and favour being affrighted with this Sentence, voluntarily disgorged the rewards they had received, and amongst the rest the last Aga of the Janisaries, who had been his Kahya or Steward for the space of three months, restored eight hundred thousand Dollars as an atonement for his sin, and a ransom for purchasing his own life and Office. At length by force of the foregoing reward Chusaein Pasha was betrayed and taken alive, and being brought to Constantinople, was immediately strangled before the gate of the Divan.
Many were the difficulties which this young Sultan was to encounter, the greatest of which was the insolence of the Janisaries, who feeling themselves empty of money, began to repent of the prodigal and easie remission of their Donative, and in a tumultuous manner to redemand it again. There was no argument or debate to be used against men of the Sword, who hearkned to no other reason than their own wants, and to satisfie them there was no other remedy than compliance; wherefore all Officers and persons not employed in Military Affairs were forced to contribute towards a large Tax, and a shameful demand was made for the Loan of thirty thousand Zechins from the four Christian Ambassadours resident at the Port, that they also as Friends might yield an assisting hand towards the present urgency of Affairs: so little consideration and shame have Turks to lay open the nakedness and distress of their Country even to strangers and enemies of it. And indeed such was the insolence and uncontroulable power of the Souldiery, that their desires and commands were Laws, and their determinations Rules for their Sultan and his Subjects.
This humor of Usurpation and unlimited Power wearied all the Officers of the Empire, and inclined them secretly to approve the cause of Abassa Pasha of Erzirum, who declared and stiled himself Enemy to the Janisaries; and of Bechir Pasha of Babylon, who was joyned with him. The Vizier also finding his power abridged by the arbitrary will of the Souldiery moved slowly and coldly into Asia, where all the Force he could make consisted of no more than fifty thousand new and unexperienced men, such as were uncapable to contend with a more numerous Army of veterane Souldiers; to which also the Beglerbei of Anatolia joyned himself, as did all other the chief Timar-Spahees, who conspired together to confound and destroy the pride and government of the Janisaries. The Vizier also was of the same Party, and coldly at first answered the request of the Janisaries, when they earnestly pressed him to lead them against Abassa their common and mortal Enemy: at length being fortified with the Force of the Timar-Spahees, he told them plainly, That if they would go and fight, he would be a Spectator of the success, but would not ingage himself in a quarrel wherein the blood of Musselmen might be spilt on one side and the other: by which means the Rebels in Asia took [Page 5] head, increased in force, and every day rendred them in a more formidable 1625 and dangerous posture.
But this was not all the trouble which ensued; for the Tartars having refused that King whom the Grand Signior had appointed them to receive, declared for Mehmet his Brother, who was seconded by the Votes of the generality, and maintained by the strongest nerve of that Nation. The Vizier was unwilling to ingage in this quarrel, alledging, That a Civil War was the worst of evils, and that it was better to coanive at a present inconvenience, than in this distracted time of Affairs to pollute the Empire with the blood of Tartars, who were their Brethren and of the same Religion and Alliance with them. Howsoever the Divan was of another opinion, and resolved to dispeed the Captain-Pasha with a Force sufficient to re-instate Gherey (for so the elder Brother was called) in the Government of that Kingdom: but yet the Instructions given rather directed him to act with dexterity than with force, supposing that the Authority of the Turks abetted with the presence of a considerable Force would create an inclination in the Tartars to obedience, so soon as they discovered them to appear on their Coast. The Captain-Pasha being arrived at The chief City of the Krim Tartar. Caffá, declared, That he was sent by the Grand Signior not to exclude either one or other of the Pretenders, but only to be Witness of a free and fair Election, that so all Civil discord ceasing, that Party might be chosen who was most pleasing to the generality of the people: to which end two Standards were erected, one for Gherey the name of the Family. Gherey the elder Brother desired by the Turks, and the other for Mehmet beloved of the Tartars. The people in multitudes ran to the Standard of Mehmet, and but few to that of Gherey, which demonstrated at how mean a rate the Tartars esteemed the protection and favour of the Port. The Captain-Pasha vexed hereat, denied to give his assent to the confirmation, on pretence, that he was first to demand the Grand Signior's pleasure; but at length was perswaded by Gherey to land a Force of about eight thousand men to owne and maintain his Cause, on hopes, that rather than ingage against the Turks, the people would condescend to Terms in his admission and favour. The Tartars not being in the least dismayed hereat, arrayed themselves in a warlike posture, and feigning fear and flight, allured the Turks to a pursuit of them, until they had brought them to a place where thirty thousand Horse lay in ambush, which on a sudden arising and encompassing them round, had entirely destroyed them, had not Salil the Brother of Mehmet given a stop to the slaughter, on hopes, that such a testimony of friendship would reconcile the spirits of the Turks, at least might render his Brother's preferment more tolerable and grateful to the Turks. In this conflict Ibrahim and Chusaein who were Viziers of the Bench, the Kahya and a Capigibashe of the Seraglio were slain, whose bodies were afterwards transported to Constantinople, six hundred Janisaries and as many Sea-men were killed, and fifteen hundred Prisoners were taken, whose liberty was procured at a mean ransom for the sake of that Faith and Religion which they joyntly professed; they also took thirty Pieces of Cannon, and might also have become Masters of the whole Fleet consisting of thirty six Gallies, had they been desirous to have prosecuted their Victory to the utmost advantage: and moreover in that conjuncture of affairs, when a general consternation had overspread the principal parts of the Ottoman Dominions, when the Counsels were feeble and faint, [Page 6] and that a languishing pulse beat in all the Government, had the Tartar with an Army of fifty thousand Horse then ready to march, made up to the Walls of Adrianople; it might have proved such an opportunity for dividing and destroying this Empire, as hath not offered at any time since that occasion. But the two Brothers Mehmct and Salil stiling their War forced and defensive, used that moderation in their Victory which might not provoke a desire of revenge in the Turks. The Captain-Pasha being thus permitted to depart from Caffa with his Fleet, sailed to Varna, a Port in the Black Sea about two hundred miles distant from Constantinople; where the News of this defeat being arrived, put all the City into confusion, and raised the Viziers at midnight to consult of those remedies and expedients, which were agreeable to the present emergency of Affairs. The Great Vizier Ali was of opinion, that the Grand Signior ought to condescend to Terms of Accommodation, though to the disadvantage and disreputation of his power; and that accordingly a Letter should be wrote to Mehmet the Tartar, beginning with the usual Complements of Friendship and Salutation; and afterwards declaring, That it was never the intention of the Port to ingage in a War against him, the late conflict having only proceeded from a mistake and misinterpretation of Orders; and that there was no other design than to compose the Civil differences amongst themselves by advancing that Prince to the Kingly Dignity who was most pleasing and grateful to the people. This advice was approved by the rest of the Council, and a Messenger dispatched with the Letter, accompanied with a Cemiter and Vest of Sables, which are the Signals of the Sultans favour. In the mean time the people murmured at the pusillanimity of the Government, saying, That they had sent an Ambassadour to thank the Tartar for not seizing their whole Fleet, and acknowledge their obligation to him for the blows and wounds he had given their Army. The Tartars also gloried in this submission, and took the boldness to vaunt of their Linage and Descent to be more Ancient and Noble than that of the Ottoman Family; and that in this time of decay and degenerate procedure of that Monarchy, it appertained to the Greatness of the Tartars to stir up the fire and snuff the lamp, that the Splendour of that Empire might become more bright and shining than in former Ages: and so little respect did they now maintain for the Port, that they surprised two Ambassadours sent from the Moscovite in their way to Constantinople, robbed and killed them, as also the Turkish Chiaus that was with them, lest his testimony should be brought in for an evidence against them.
During these Troubles the Cosacks taking advantage of the Captain-Pasha's 1626 absence in Tartary, entred the Bosphorus with about an hundred and sifty Sail of Saicks and Boats; these Boats and Vessels which the The form of Cosacks Boats. Cosacks use are built long and light with ten Oars of a side, and two men to an Oar; the Head and Stern are not unlike, so that they hang the Rudder sometimes at one end, and sometimes at the other, being not obliged to turn their Vessel, but without loss of time to proceed with that end which happens to be foremost. Each Boat carries fifty select men armed with Fire-arms and Cemiter, in the management of which they are very expert; and are a People sober, enduring labour and hard diet, and so speedy in their Incursions, that they forestal the advices, and commonly strike before they threaten. With these Boats [Page 7] and people (as we have said) they entred the Bosphorus, where they burnt several Villages and Houses of Pleasure; on the Grecian side they burnt Boyuc-deri and Yenichioi, on the Asian side Stenia. The appearance of this Enemy so near the Imperial City caused a general consternation, not unlike that at London, when the Dutch entred the River of Chatham. To oppose this Force there was not one Gally in readiness, so that Saicks, Chimbers, and small Boats were armed to the number of four or five hundred, and man'd with such people as the present haste and expedition offered; the great Chain was then brought forth to cross the Bosphorus, which the Grecian Emperours used at the Siege of Constantinople: and ten thousand men were issued from the City to defend the shoar from depredation and farther mischief. The Turkish Fleet faced the Cosacks to give them a stop, whilst they hovered about the middle of the Chanel in form of a Half-Moon, and so continued the whole day until Sunset; when with the night they returned into the Sea, carrying with them, besides their Booty, glory sufficient to have entred the Chanel, and without blows or opposition to have braved the Capital Seat of the Ottoman Monarchy, and the most formidable City of the whole World. Not many days after they returned again with a greater Force than before, which put the City into the like consternation; and having hovered about three or four days at the Mouth of the Black Sea, they burnt the Pharos or Lantern with certain Villages thereabouts, and being laden with Spoils and Glory, they again returned into their own Country. Thus we may observe, how bold Enemies are made with the weakness of a State: a Horse is soon sensible of his Rider, when backed by a faint hand and an unaccustomed lightness, but a stisf Rein and a close knee makes him obedient to his Ruler. All people having discovered the imbecillity of the Government, made head against it: and the young Sultan had those for his Enemies in the time of his Nonage, which in his strong and fiercer years became the most submissive and fawning Slaves in the World.
And though at this time the Turkish Ministers were corrupt and rebellious, and the Souldiery mutinous; yet Bethlem Gabor Prince of Transylvania, a Christian, was observant to the Port, demanding licence Bethlem Gabor desires assistance against the Emperour. to wage War against the Emperour, which was easily granted, and upon payment of the usual Tribute of ten thousand Hungars, the Ambassadour with thirteen of his Followers received Coftans or Vests of Honour, and a promise of Succour and Protection, as the condition of his Affairs should require. Thus we see, that whilst the Turks themselves endeavoured to rent in pieces their own Monarchy; to which one would have thought, that the Christians had most reason to contribute: yet such was the unhappy Fate of Christendom, that Gabor was the only person at that time to court the Turks; and that for no other reason, than that he might be supported and abetted in a War against the Emperour and other Christian Princes of Germany.
The Army of Bethlem Gabor consisted of above thirty thousand men, with which he marched over all Hungary, having taken most Towns of consideration, unless Presburg aliàs Possonium, Rab, and Komorra: but if we penetrate into the depth and foundation of this War, we shall find that it had a deeper interest than that of Gabor, and had its Original from the discord and Civil War of Germany. For the House of Austria being at that time in a condition to render it self formidable, and in a [Page 8] posture to create a jealousie in all the Princes subjected to it, did under colour of subduing the Palatine of the Rhyne, oppress also the liberty of the Empire, and of the several States which composed it. For after the Emperour against the Constitutions of the Golden Seal, and the sense of the Electoral Colledge, had divested the Palatine and his Children of their Estates and Dignity, not so much by force of Arms as by deceit and breach of promise; instead of disbanding the Army, which was to have been performed according to agreement, new Troops were added; and though the Protestant League was dissolved, yet the Catholick Combination with all its Adherents remained armed and immoveable to compel the Protestants to a restitution of the Ecclesiastical Revenue, notwithstanding the Articles of Peace to the contrary: so that the Princes and Towns of the Lower Saxony entring into a new League raised an Army under the Command of Christian of Brunswick Bishop of Alberstadt. Bethlem Gabor having his interest adjoyned to this Party, entertained the same desires and intentions to suppress the Greatness of the Emperour; and having the just complaint to alledge of wanting his annual Pension of fifty thousand Crowns, as was agreed by the Treaty of Niclasbourg, he resolved to force it by Arms, and take part with the Princes of the Protestant Religion which he professed: but because his strength and power was not sufficient without the assistance of the Turks, he not only obtained their permission and approbation of this War, as we have said before, but by payment of fifty thousand Dollars presented to the first Vizier, and of forty thousand by way of annual Tribute, he procured an auxiliary Force of fifty thousand Turks and Tartars; with part of which, commanded by Budiani, he made an irruption into the Lower Austria, and with the other Bethlem himself about the beginning of October entred into Moravia, defeated the Regiment of Tissenbach, retook the Town of Turnova, and routed the Count of Montenegro General for his Imperial Majesty before the Town of Ghoding on the Frontier of Moravia, which he afterwards beleagured and held besieged until the 20 th of November, when Stanislaus Turzow a Hungarian Palatine became Mediator of the Peace, and at length obtained a Truce: the principal Articles of which were as followeth.
1. That on both parts Arms be laid down for ten months, and all Acts of Hostility cease, that on neither side any attempt should be made either by force or fraud to take any Castles, Forts, Cities, or places of defence during this time; and that both Germans, Hungarians, and Turks should be alike comprehended.
2. That if the Emperour were desirous to treat and conclude a final Peace with the Grand Signior, he should use Bethlem Gabor as Mediator, and do nothing therein without his privity.
3. That all Places and Forts taken by the Prince of Transylvania in his late Expedition, and that all Cities and Castles now in possession of either, should so remain without any alteration.
4. That all Passages should be open for free Trade of Merchants, and all other the Subjects and Friends of either side.
A Truce being thus concluded, the Turks in their return made great havock, carrying with them great numbers of poor Christians into Slavery, which Gabor out of compassion seemed willing to redeem with a low price at his own charge, which the Turks refusing, carried those miserable Wretches into Captivity. The Count Esterhast Governour of [Page 9] Newhausel for the Emperour, being highly incensed at this treacherous action contrary to the Truce so lately concluded, having drawn out a sufficient Force from the neighbouring Garrisons, fell on the Rear of the Turks in their March towards Buda, and charged them so home on the Banks of the River Niter, that he killed five hundred of them on the place, took all their Baggage, with divers Prisoners, and gave liberty to many Christian Slaves. The next day but one after he charged another Party of them, as they attempted to pass a Bridge, which the night before he had caused to be broken down; of which having killed a great number, the rest saved themselves by swimming: howsoever many Christians procured their liberty thereby, and a considerable Booty was made of Horses, Camels, Waggons, and all Provisions. The other Troops consisting of greater numbers were worse treated than the former; for Esterhast having received a Recruit of Horse from Reiffemberg Governour of Komorra, and Breuner of Javarin or Rab, he proceeded boldly to meet the Turks, and joyning Battel with them, he slew twelve hundred on the place, gave liberty to fourteen hundred Christians, took divers of their principal Commanders with all their Bag and Baggage, besides a considerable quantity of Gold and Silver in Plate and Money. Nor were Reiffemberg and Breuner less successful over those who passed through their Quarters to joyn with the Garrisons of Alba Regalis and Canisia, having killed seven hundred of them, and taken all their Baggage. Moreover Count Serini in his Journey towards Vienna defeated six hundred of them, and presented their Colours to the Emperour: and Esterhast in like manner after his several Exploits offered thirty Cornets at his feet, with six Prisoners of Quality, one of which was Kinsman of Bethlem Gabor.
These rebuffs cooled the courage of the Turks a little, and altered the resolution of the Council for carrying forward the War on the side of Germany, as was intended, had the success answered expectation: For these misfortunes abroad, and intestine troubles at home, with Pestilence and Famine, which at the same time greatly afflicted the parts of Constantinople (whereby an hundred thousand people dyed) abated the mettle of the Turks, and caused them to take new measures in all their determinations: and for that reason Ambassadours were sent both to Vienna and into Poland to renew the Articles of Peace, and so to confirm the League, that whilst the Sultan was imployed in his Wars with Persia and the Eastern Countries, nothing should intervene from the Western parts to trouble or obstruct his progress, or recal him from his Enterprise. For now the Rebellion of Abassa, joyned with Bechir Pasha of Bagdat, growing daily more considerable, and his strength increasing to that condition, that he was able to keep the field in despight of the Grand Signiors Forces, he adventured to quarter within five days March of Constantinople: and at the same time Letters coming from Hafish Pasha General of the Army in the Province of Bagdat, that the King of Persia was entred into the Dominions of the Turk with a powerful Army, a general consternation seized the whole Turkish Court, the wisest and stouiest having occasion to call up for all their wisdom and courage to assist at a time when the Government was assailed on all sides, both at home and abroad. Various were the Counsels and Proposals in what manner to proceed in times of such emergency. First it was resolved to proclaim a War both against the King of Persia and the Rebels in Asia, [Page 10] and that whosoever took of the Grand Signior Pay from one Asper a day to a higher value, should be in readiness to serve in the War upon penalty of losing his Estate, of being accounted a Rebel, and his wife and children sold for Slaves. But the more sober and moderate sort judged it policy to take off Abassa by sending him a general Pardon, with a concession of all his demands, upon condition, that he should turn his Arms upon the King of Persia, who was the common Enemy of their Country and Religion: but the Janisaries would by no means assent to this agreement with a person to whom they bore a more inveterate hatred, than to the Persian himself, as he did also to the Janisaries. For that he might better justifie his pretence of revenge, he declared, That being one day in a Mosch at his Prayers the murdered Osman appeared to him, and taking him by the hand said, My faithful Mussulman, since thou art the most generous of all my Slaves, I command thee to revenge my death, with the blood of sixty thousand Janisaries and Spahees, good Fortune shall accompany thy Arms, and Victory shall crown thy labours. During these intrigues and difficulties of reconciliation, Abassa spoiled the Lesser Asia, and the Persian King conquered the City and Province of Bagdat or Babylon, took Kur Asan Pasha an old Souldier Prisoner, possessed himself of Mosul and Leska on the Persian Sea, and meeting no considerable opposition, he divided his Army into four parts. The first was dispeeded into Mesopotamia commanded by the King himself. The second made Incursions into Palestine. The third infested the Coast of the Black Sea: and the fourth marched towards Mecha, with hope and design of sharing all the parts of the Eastern Empire.
Ali Pasha, who opposed the King in Mesopotamia, was slain and his Army wholly defeated, so that the Province became a prey to the Enemy: the success in Palestine was equally fortunate by the revolt of Damascus, a place of great riches and importance; the Coast of the Black Sea was grievously infested, and a Port taken near to Trapezond; and little opposition being made at Balsora, the Town was taken by that Army in their March towards Mecha and the parts of the Red Sea, where they rendered themselves Masters of Medina the City of their Prophet Mahomet.
To repair these losses, and to encounter numbers so strong and valiant in all parts, the Vizier was dispeeded with a powerful Force to the Town of Bagdat; but by reason of Mutinies and Tumults amongst the Souldiery, matters found not the success expected: and the Garrison making valiant and vigorous Sallies against the imbecillity of the Turkish Souldiery, which were always most obstinate and stout to oppose their The Siege raised at Bagdat, and the Turks overthrown. own Commanders, obtained an advantage in every Attempt; by which discouragement many forsaking their Colours, the Siege was raised with dishonour, and the interest of the Turk impaired and almost irreparably lost in those Provinces. This News arrived at Constantinople, that the Camp was risen and fled by night, that they were forced to burn their Tents and Provisions, and to break their great Artillery and cast them into the Euphrates: that the miseries in the Army had been such by Famine and Pestilence, and want of all Provisions and Ammunition, that the like was never known: that the Vizier had beheaded three of his Pasha's, that so he might cast the whole blame upon them; and that now retreating with his Army into the Turkish Dominions, the Persians pursued them in the Rear, and for ten days did execution on them, making [Page 11] the best use they could of their Victory; which relation silled the hearts of all people with sadness, and disordered the Counsels with confusion. The cause of which ill success according to custom being imputed to the General, he was deprived of his Office, and sacrificed to the fury of the Janisaries.
These troubles were increased at Constantinople by the Addresses which the Prince of Transylvania made unto the Port by his Kapi-Kahya or Agent, representing to the Grand Signior, That he wanting Heirs Male to succeed him in his Principality, the States at a Diet had with common consent elected his Lady for his Successour, and therefore desired consirmation from the Port; in excuse of her Sex he alledged the urgent necessity of the present times, which perswaded rather to admit of the Government of a Woman, than that his Principality should for want of an Heir fall into the hands of the powerful Family of Austria. To make good this demand, Duke John of Weymar and Count Mansfelt arrived Duke of [...] and Count Mansfelt joyn with the Prince of Transylvania. in Silistria, to whom the Prince of Transylvania joyned his Troops; and Morteza Pasha of Buda wrote to the Port, that he was marching towards Valz to meet the Prince, and confer with him concerning these designs. The Emperours Resident at Constantinople greatly exclaimed against these proceedings, which something troubled the Counsels of the Turks, who in that conjuncture were unwilling to give beginnings to a new War; so that besides fair words they promised to write such Letters to the Pasha of Buda, as should give a stop to the Investiture of the Princess; but to say truly, the Instructions given were in such ambiguous terms, that they in essect lest the whole matter to the discretion of Morteza to act, as he judged most agreeable to the state of Affairs on the Frontiers, and security of the present Peace.
Thus did the Turkish Court seek to ward off the blow of a War with Germany, and yet secretly nourished and encouraged it, by giving Orders to the Pasha of Buda to take up his Winter-quarters with the Prince of Transylvania, and to follow his directions; but yet so to govern matters with caution, as not to engage too far on uncertain grounds or doubtful hazard, but to embrace Propositions of Peace, if offered with honour and security. In prosecution of these Rules, Morteza observing, that Weymar and Mansfelt having united their Forces with Gabor, had formed a considerable Army, and were able to sight with Wallestein General of the Imperialists; joyned also his Forces to theirs, judging it a prudent and politick design to wage a War at the blood and expence of others. With these encouragements, and with the favour of a good opportunity the Confederates fell upon the Army of Wallestein near the River Gran, who not being able to withstand their force and fury, was The Emperours Army deseated. put to flight, and pursued in the Rear with great slaughter; and endeavouring to pass the River on two Bridges of Boats, were closely followed by the Princes Forces, who gaining the pass, put the whole Army into great amazement, and resolved to pursue them to the Gates of Presburg or Vienna.
Notwithstanding this success, the Prince of Transylvania observing the backwardness of his Allies to contribute the Succours of Men and Money which they had promised; and fearing that the unfortunate estate of the Turkish Affairs should cause the Sultan to disown the War, dispeeded a Messenger to the Emperour in the Winter-season to excuse the constraint upon him of taking up Arms, and to offer Terms of Accommodation [Page 12] and Peace: but the Emperour refused all Treaties, until such time as Gabor had separated himself from his Allies, and from association with the Turk; upon which Answer Gabor retired to Cassovia, and Morteza to Pesth. This compliance gave beginning to a Treaty at Komara, where the Commissioners on part of the Emperour, of the Grand Signior, and Prince of Transylvania assembled. All Parties seemed inclinable to War, and yet with occult intentions to make Peace, being necessitated thereunto by the urgency of their distinct Interests. The Emperour was urged by his Wars with the Protestants of Germany, and apprehension of Forces from England in favour of the Elector Palatine, then King of Bohemia: the Grand Signior was encumbred by the unfortunate condition Peace concluded between the Emperour and Gabor. of his Wars in Asia: and Bethlem Gabor, jealous of being disowned by the Port, deserted by his Allies, and exposed to sight and contend singly with the Emperour. In short, Gabor concluded a Peace with the Emperour apart, which gave some jealousies and displeasure to the Grand Signior: howsoever he dissembled his discontent, and willingly interessed Gabor with Morteza as Commissioner for him; who being variously disposed, yet moved with the considerations of their common advantage, worked all differences into a Composition of Peace, the Articles of which being brought to Constantinople by an Internuntio from the Emperour, and delivered in presence of the two Ambassadours of Gabor, they were accepted by the Chimacam, and ratified by the Grand Signior.
Articles of Peace Concluded between the Emperour of Germany Ferdinand the Second, and Bethlem Gabor in the Month of December 1626.
I. THE Prince of Transylvania doth promise by the Faith of a Christian never to move Arms, or use any Hostility against the Majesty of the Emperour, or the House of Austria, or their Successours, much less to enter into their Dominions with an Army, nor to aid his Enemies, or keep a Correspondence with them: not to plot any Innovation in the Kingdom of Hungary or other Christian Countries: nor to stir up or provoke the Turks, Tartars, or others to invade them: not to entertain or assist in any evil Counsel against his Majesty, nor to give ear to the requests and desires of his Enemies; but rather to reveal all their Conspiracies and Wickednesses, which shall be made known unto him, and by all means to demonstrate and shew a sincere mind truly desirous of Peace, and sollicitous of the common Good.
II. That the Prince shall instantly depart with his whole Army out of the Territories and Cities of the Emperour; and that he shall restore as well all Goods belonging to the Imperial Treasure, as those of his faithful Subjects.
III. That he shall remove from him the Rebel Mansfelt, and all other his Followers and Adherents desirous to invade the Dominions of the Emperour; and that he shall not aid any Stranger whatsoever, who at his instance hath entred into the Territories of his Majesty with Count Mansfelt, to whom Letters of publick Safety shall be given, that they may return by twenty or thirty in a Troop, conditionally that in no placo of their Retreat they shall joyn with the Enemies of the Emperour.
IV. That seeing it is fit for Establishment of the Peace, that the Inhabitants of Countries and Cities belonging to the Prince, by consont of the Emperour, [Page 13] should remain during his life in Obedience and Fidelity to him; and that those Inhabitants should do Homage to the Emperour (saving their corporal Oath to the Prince) to keep inviolate these Articles, That they should have leave by Letters of full Authority and Power granted them by the Prince in their first Assemblies and Conventions to make such Oath of Homage.
V. That at the same time of performing the Homage and Oath, besides the Oath before the last War, they shall take a new Oath according to the Agreement between the Prince and the Commissioners of the Emperour.
VI. The Prince shall procure, that all Places upon the Consines which were taken by the Turks in the last War, be restored; and that all Captives taken Prisoners shall be set at liberty: and that the Prince shall procure the freedom of all such the Emperours Subjects as shall be in the Turkish Captivity.
VII. That all the Subjects of the Emperour, lately incited and drawn to the Service of the Prince, shall be free from their Oath: and if the Prince hath any of their Writings Obligatory in his hands, that he shall restore them: and that these Conditions being confirmed, all other things formerly treated, shall remain in their former state and vigour.
VIII. That if any other difficulties arise, they shall be accontmodated with fidelity and quietness by Commissioners on both parts: And that all those who in the last Commotions have served the Prince, shall be absolved according to the Treaty and Agreement at Vienna.
IX. That all the Inhabitants of Cities and Countries, which have served the Prince, shall be absolved; only those excepted, who have voluntarily taken up Arms against the Emperour, for whom the Prince only shall intercede, excusing always private men, who have done private wrongs; for they shall according to Law and Custom seek their restitution by Civil Action.
X. That all other Articles of Peace concluded at Nichilsburg and Vienna, shall remain in their former vigour and force: And that all Goods of the Emperours Clergie, possessed by the Prince from the Year 1619. to this present day, shall be restored; except the Abbies of Replana belonging to the Seminaries of Strigonium, for which the Prince shall pay yearly to the Emperour five hundred Florens.
These Articles being thus agreed, and signed, and approved by the Sultan, in the month of September following 1627. the Articles between the Emperour and the Grand Signior were also agreed at Komara, the which are as follow translated out of the Turkish word for word.
THat seeing the Peace established formerly at Zitwar, Vienna, Komara, and Chiarman, hath remained in the same state, and in the same Articles, without any alteration, it shall not be violated by any new occasion of contention.
That the differences of Vatz, whereof is made mention at the present; shall rest in the same state that the Commissioners on both sides shall agree.
That the new Forts built upon the Confines of Croatia, contrary to the Peace, shall be demolished. To which purpose our said Deputy Mehmet, and our Vizier Mortesa Pasha, shall meet upon the Frontiers of Buda with your Deputies, at the time appointed by the Treaty, and thereupon the places on both sides shall cause to be demolished the Forts built contrary to the Peace: wherein if they find any impediment, they shall chuse able and valiant men to perform and execute the said service.
[Page 14] That after the approbation of this happy Peace, your great Ambassadour shall come to Komara, and ours shall repair with our Imperial Letters to Strigonium: and there one of them advising the other, yours shall set forward to our happy Port, and ours shall advance to you. For so it is agreed by our Imperial Order, both carrying with them the new Imperial Capitulations.
That all complaints of Villages subject to both parts, shall be laid aside, and no Violences, Taxes, or Contribution, contrary to our sormer Convention, shall be exacted. And all Forts built in the common Consines shall be rased. And reciprocally it shall be made known, according to the ancient Treaty, what great men do dwell amongst our Tributaries. And for the execution of the sixteenth and seventeenth Articles of the Peace of Zitwa, the tenth of Vienna, and the fourth of Komara and Chiarman (for such was then the agreement) two Capigi-Pasha's of our high Port shall be deputed and dispeeded, the one to this side, and the other to that side of the Danube. And upon your part you shall send two such qualified persons to the same places: who being met together with the Deputies of Mortesa Pasha and the Palatine of Hungary, shall rectifie all disorders, and see that good Justice be done on both Parties: for so it is our most high pleasure.
That the Slaves which have been taken during this our Treaty, shall be freed and set at liberty without any ransom: and those who were taken before the said Treaty shall be exchanged and redeemed, according to their qualities and estates, by the interposition of Mortesa Pasha and the Palatine of Hungary deputed for that purpose.
For the good of poor people on both sides, the Commissioners have thought it fit to conclude this renewed Peace for twenty five years from 1627. Whereunto we have given our Imperial assent.
That all Merchants, and other our Subjects on both parts, shall have safe passage and conduct through both our Dominions: and we have given Command to our Pasha's, Beglerbeghs, Generals, Beghs, and Captains, upon our Consines, to apprehend, bring into Justice, and punish all such as shall any way disturb or molest them contrary to the Peace. As likewise the Palatine of Hungary and other your Ministers shall do on your part, is they find any such offendors.
That our Beglerbeghs, Sanzacks, Captains, and Governours; and your Generals, Commanders, and Captains shall upon occasion imploy all such persons as are lovers of the Peace and common Good.
That there shall be no damage or hurt done to any of our Subjects in any of your Kingdoms or Dominions, neither by Sea nor Land: as there shall none be done to yours in our Dominions.
That all by-past wrongs, enmities, and unkindnesses on both parts shall be forgotten and laid asleep: and that this happy Peace shall be sincerely and firmly continued and kept inviolate.
Upon condition that the Emperour perform and observe all the aforesaid Articles, and that there follow no action from any Ministers, contrary to the said Peace; We promise and swear by God our Creator, who made the whole world of nothing, and by the honour which we bear to our most high Prophet Mahomet Mustapha, That there shall not be done during the whole term of the said Peace, the least hurt or damage to the Subjects, Countries, Kingdoms, Castles, or Forts of the said Emperour, by any of our Ministers or Armies, nor to any Christian Slaves subject to our happy Port.
[Page 15]By these Articles we may observe, that both Parties were desirous of a present Peace, rather than one which was durable; for things are so slubber'd over to serve the present occasion, that they leave all disputes undecided, till time should happen more proper to interpret them with the Sword, than with the Pen: like sores obducted by an unskilful Chirurgion, which festering within, must be again opened before they are cured: howsoever they served the turn of Gabor, whose interest it was to maintain an ill correspondence between the two Emperours. Peace 1627 being thus concluded between Ferdinand the Second and Sultan Morat, gave some reputation to the Affairs of the Turks: so that notwithstanding the late success of the Persian in their War by raising the Siege of Bagdat, and overthrow of the Turkish Army; yet that King finding himself now engaged alone, and singly to contend with the Ottoman Power, feared the Puissance of that Empire, lest being roused and heated with the sensible pinches of the late disgrace, they should call up and invigorate all their Forces to a revenge, which might at length tend to a ruine and destruction of Persia, unless Fortune which attended the first auspicious beginnings with success, did also continue constant, and still accompany their Arms, which could hardly be expected.
Wherefore on these considerations becoming more faint in prosecution of the War, the Persian dispatched an Ambassadour to Constantinople, furnished with various Proposals and projects for a Peace; but still matters driving so as to reserve the City and Province of Bagdat or Babylon in the hands of the Persian, the Treaty became ineffectual, in regard the Vizier (who was then called Halil Pasha) judged it a high and an irrecoverable disreputation to the Empire to be dismembred of so principal a part of it. Wherefore the Ambassadour being dispeeded away with some neglect, the Turks armed with that diligence and heat, that they entred Persia with an Army of an hundred and fifty thousand men, with which appearance the people being dismayed, suffered Tauris to be taken without much opposition. From hence marching to Bagdat, they found the City well provided and defended with a numerous Garrison, from whence many Sallies were made with variety of Fortune, till at length the Turkish Souldiers being wearied and tired with incessant labour and watchings, many of them fled from their Colours; and with such diminutions, the Army being much abated in its numbers, the Vizier withdrew them from the Persian Dominions.
Some months after the Turkish Army being reinforced, the Vizier entring again into Persia, overthrew the Turcmen who opposed him in Another Expedition into Persia. his March, and destroyed the Gregorians, who were friends to the Persian, with a very great slaughter, took Moroc their General and cut off his head, and adding to these Victories the report of having taken some few inconsiderable Towns, this Expedition ended without other advantages, or progress of their Arms. This ill success much troubled the Councils at Constantinople; for they considered that they had now waged an expensive, laborious War for the space of three years without any effect agreeable to the blood and charge which maintained it, but rather to the loss and damage of the Empire. The Souldiers abhorred the length and tediousness of the way, and the misery of the March, being to pass over vast Countries and Desarts, where there was nothing besides rocks, sands, and barrenness: many Horses, Camels, and other Beasts of burden perished for want of nourishment; and where provisions [Page 16] were to be had, the price was so excessive, that the Timariots and other Souldiers had not a purse to defray their charges. The Enemy likewise was very strong, for the Sosi was at the head of forty thousand brave Horse, which daily infested the Ottoman Camp, beat their Convoys, and cut off their Provisions, and so obstructed them, that they could not advance. The Vizier Halil then General being discouraged by these Proposition made by the Persian for a Peace. disasters, was inclinable to accept of the Proposition made by the Persian, viz. That Babylon should remain to his eldest Son in Fee, and to his Heirs and Successours, acknowledging to the Grand Signior a Tribute as great as the yearly Revenue which proceeded from it, at the time when it was in the hands of the Sultan. But this middle way seemed an Expedient dishonourable to the Greatness of this Empire, and that which argued pusillanimity and want of courage in the Government, and therefore was rejected by the Council of State as well as by the Military men. Howsoever the Persians taking their measures by the disposition they discovered in the Vizier thereunto, adventured to dispatch an Ambassadour to Constantinople with tender of the same project; but as he was coldly and faintly received, so he was in a few days dispatched with few words and little respect, as if he had been sent as a Spy to discover Rejected by the Turk. the state and condition of the City, and the inclination of the Prince, rather than to obtain any benefit by a Treaty. For now Amurat growing into years, increased in spirit, and discovered a Martial courage; he began to leave his delights, and walks in gardens, and the society with his Mother and Women, and to assume thoughts of War and Government: such as entertained him in softness and luxurious pastimes were reproved by the Ministers about him, and by them perswaded to buckle on his Armour, and to delight in Martial Exercises: so that now new measures were taken in all Affairs; and in the first place Halil the Great Vizier was recalled from being General in Persia, and the Pasha of Darbiquier put into his place; and though he was Brother-in-law to the Grand Signior, yet being esteemed at Court as a person who had amassed great richess in his employment, he was forced to disgorge five hundred thousand Crowns as an ease of his burden, and an atonement to pacifie the Sultan for the fault of his misfortunes and ill success.
In these times of licentiousness and revolt, the Pirates of Algier and Tunis began also to cast off their respect and reverence to the Ottoman Empire; for being become rich by the Prizes they had taken on Christian Vessels, they resolved to set up for themselves, and to esteem the The Pirates of Tunis and Algier trouble the Seas. Peace which Christian Princes had made with the Grand Signior not to concern them; but as if their Governments had been independent, demanded a particular Treaty, and distinct Articles with themselves: so that now daring to do any thing, six Vessels of Tunis chased some Christian Ships into Rhodes, and there attaqued them, notwithstanding that the Castle shot at them: they afterwards took a Dutch Ship which had laden at Alexandria; and entring the Port of Salines in Cyprus, they engaged with two Venetians: the lesser Ship made a good resistance, but having no help she was thrice fired, and at last burnt: the other being a Ship of eight hundred Tuns, was cowardly set on fire by the Mariners, and abandoned, escaping ashore with their Boats. Then they sailed for Scanderone, where finding a Dutch Ship and a Polaca they took both, and then landed. The Aga of the Scale with all the Inhabitants fled, so that finding no opposition they ransacked and robbed all the Ware-houses, [Page 17] and afterwards set them on fire: the greatest loss fell upon the English and Dutch, the first lost about ten thousand Dollars, and the latter about thirty thousand. Of these losses and breach of Peace the Christian Ambassadours much lamented; and complained, that if some remedy were not applied thereto, all Trade must be given over, no security being to be expected in the Articles and Faith of the Grand Signior: to which, though the Vizier and Great men did seem to yield a favourable ear, and promise redress; yet being corrupted with some share of the Spoils, and sweetned with part of the robbery, they began to reject the Memorials of the Ambassadours, and to allow the pleas of the Pirates as grounded on some solid foundation of reason and Religion: fuffering them to publish discourses, that the Turks were obliged to maintain a perpetual War with the Christians, as Enemies to their Law and Alchoran; and though policy may suggest some conveniencies by peace with them, yet those considerations are matters of sin rather than of reason. To make all this good, the Divan of Tunis sent two Deputies to remonstrate the great benefit and advantage the Port received by the depredations and hostile acts which they committed on the Christians; and to inculcate this argument the better, they declared, That they had lately taken two Gallies of Malta, out of the spoils of which, they presented unto the Sultan two Stirrups of Gold, with divers Slaves, two of which were Cavaliers, one of the Roman, and the other of the French Nation: those which were Youths, and comely in shape and feature, were entred into the Service of the Seraglio, and the more strong and robustious were committed to the service of the Gallies; so that the Turks were inwardly pleased with these Piracies, howsoever gave good words to the Christian Ambassadours, promised much and effected nothing. At that time Trade flourished greatly in those parts, and had done much more, had it not been interrupted by the Piracies of Barbary; and the Trade was especially so great with Venice, that a Turkish Merchant called Rodul Aga, whose whole Negotiation and dealing was for that place, dyed worth a million of Soltanees, of which for want of children the Grand Signior became the sole Heir. But one accident happened about this time on the Seas worthy to be recounted. The Seas (as we have said) swarming then with Pirates, the General of Candia with three Gallies coasting on the Seas for defence and protection of Merchant-Ships, arrived in the Port of Andro, from whence espying a Gally plying close under the shore, and believing her to be a Corsaire or Pirate, made up to her; and because it was about the glimpse of the evening, so that she could not be well known or distinguished, the General rashly charged her, and meeting a stout resistance, many were killed before it was known that the Gally belonged to the Archipelago, commanded by Dervis Bei, one of the Grand Signiors Captains: but so A Fight at Sea by mistake. soon as the mistake was discovered, the Candiot General demanded of the Turk a thousand excuses, returned him his Gally and Slaves again, and whatsoever was taken from him, bestowing with them an infinity of complements, supposing that thereby the spirit of the Turk being somewhat appeased and mollified, he would represent this encounter with the more favourable terms and advantage at the Port. Notwithstanding which offices of kindness, Dervis Bei without farther loss of time passed up to Constantinople, bringing his Gally in without Lantern, shot thorough, ill treated, and shattered, feigning himself also to be wounded [Page 18] related that he had lost forty four Levents, and seventy seven Slaves which were killed; and that all the Haratch or Tribute-money, which was collected for the Grand Signiors service from the several Islands, was robbed and embezled by these Candiots. His complaints were aggravated by many circumstances, and being assisted with the clamours of other Beys or Captains of Gallies, the noise and dispute was exceeding high in the Divan, urging, that the Venetians were obliged to make good a loss which they had caused rather out of malice than mistake. At that time Georgio Giustiniano resided at Constantinople for the most Serene Republick, who to oppose the high clamours of these Complainants, shewed courage, and accompanied his answers with prudence and resolution, which are often very convincing in the Turkish Court. They alledged, that the Peace was broken, he answered, That it would not be the first time, and that they ought not to yield entire credit to the relation of persons passionate and partial in their own cause; that such accidents as these were as ordinary and common in the World as cold and heat, as fair and foul weather; and that so soon as the errour was discovered, and the Gally known not to belong to Barbary, but to the Grand Signior, it was punctually and entirely restored with all the excuses imaginable. In short, this business which had so bad an aspect at the first, by the dexterity of this Minister, and giving something to Dervis Bei whereby to stop his mouth, the complaint ceased, and all farther proceedings were superseded.
The Wars in Persia being unsuccessful, it was proposed in Council, Proposals of Accommodation with Abassa. that a Peace should be made, if possible, with Abassa Pasha; that his demands, whatsoever they were, should be granted, and promises given him of Honours and Preferment: but the inveterate enmity and hate which the Janisaries bore him, and the difficulty there was to perswade Abassa, that the overtures made him were free and candid, and not mixed with treachery and design, were obstructions not to be obviated or overcome. Wherefore Abassa keeping mutual Intelligence with the Persians, and receiving assistance and succours from them, was become very formidable and strong, and the Town of Erzirum well fortified with Works and a numerous Garrison. Howsoever the Janisaries, his mortal Enemies, pressing the Vizier to proceed against him, at length obliged him to besiege the place; which having done, and closely begirt it, the most forward and brave amongst the Janisaries were the first to scale the Walls, but were repulsed by the valour of stout and resolute Souldiers; Erzirum besieged. for they knowing that there was no other safety but in their Arms, and no other mercy than an ignominious death, being the just reward of their Rebellion, refused to give or to receive quarter: wherefore they made frequent Sallies on the Enemy, and as many Janisaries of them as they took Prisoners, they immediately hanged about the Walls, as a spectacle of horrour to their Associates. This resolution and cruelty deterred the Turks from their frequent assaults and storms made upon the Town; and the many Batteries and Fortifications rendred the place almost impregnable, so that there seemed no other hopes to remajn, but to overcome them by a long Siege and Famine: but Abassa had so well provided against this danger, with such plenty of provisions, that the Turkish Army began to be more straitned for want of sustenance than the besieged; so that becoming weary and discouraged amidst so many difficulties, they raised the Siege with such disorder and haste, that they The Siege raised. [Page 19] left several Pieces of Cannon behind them, and retiring with some confusion, were charged in the Rear, so that many Janisaries fell a Sacrisice to the hate and revenge of the Enemy. The News of this success coming to Constantinople, was ill received; but the disaster thereof, according to the usual custom, was attributed to the Vizier who was General; for which cause he was deprived of his Office, and the Selictar Aga (who carries the Sword before the Grand Signior) was put into his place, a person of a fierce, bloody, and cruel disposition.
To these, new troubles were added out of Tartary. For Mahomet the King of that Country, exalted to the Princely Dignity (as we have already declared) by the favour and Election of that People, though contrary New troubles from Tartary to the sense and pleasure of the Port, was now fallen from the good esteem which they conceived for him, because he gave some hinderance to their usual Incursions on the Polonians and Cosacks out of memory and gratitude to the assistance they had contributed towards his Election; for which reason being as it were famished for want of their usual depredations, they refused to obey his Commands, and then openly threw off their Obedience to him as their Prince. The Turks, who always envied this Dignity to Mahomet, rejoyced to see this discord between him and his People, and therefore thought it time to make use of this occasion to re-instate Gherey the elder Brother into the possession of his Kingdom; whom the Turks, for his better security, having placed at Rhodes, the usual Retirement of the Tartarian Princes, dispatched a Squadron of Gallies to fetch him from thence to Constantinople; where being arrived, he was received with a magnificent and Princely Entertainment by the Sultan: that so the Fame thereof forerunning his arrival in Tartary, the people might be better prepared to concur with the Port in their acceptance of him for their King. He was afterwards conducted to Caffa, the Grand Signiors Town in Tartary, with a strong Fleet of fifty Gallies, where at his first landing he was received by Cant-Emir, a rich and powerful Tartar, and Chief of the Turkish Faction, and by many others with great honour and solemnity, with whom also a considerable Party most willingly engaged. But the Cosacks of Poland and Circassians, friends to Mahomet the Brother, joyning their Troops to his Forces, became too strong for the Turks; for giving them Battle near the Inclosures of the Danube, at a place called Bandet, they defeated them, and killed three or four thousand of their men, putting all to Fire and Sword round about; and entring on the Seas with their Fleet of Boats, took five of the Turkish Gallies: with which ill success the Tartars, which took part with Cant-Emir, being discouraged, abandoned their Colours and fled; so that Cant-Emir was forced to take Sanctuary in Caffa, which being a Town belonging to the Grand Signior, it was hoped, that the reverence they owed to that Name, would cause them to refrain all violence thereunto. But the Tartars, provoked by this late effusion of blood, lost all respect to that Government; so that besieging the Town, they assaulted and took it, and therein the Son of Cant-Emir whom they cut in pieces, the Father escaping in a disguise from the City. The News hereof arriving at Constantinople was greatly displeasing, and caused many serious Debates and Consultations thereupon; the wisest and most sober of the Council was for dissembling the matter, and with their usual dextcrity to suffer what they could not remedy: for that it was by no means advisable in the present conjuncture [Page 20] of Affairs, to proceed unto an open rupture with the Tartars, fearing lest the Christians, Persians, and other Enemies should make a benesit of this occasion, and joyning with a Nation so strong in Horse, should dangerously press upon the Empire, and force them to the ultimate extremity of affairs. Wherefore an Envoyé Extraordinary was sent to the Tartars, who covering the inward sentiments of regret and anger which the Sultan conceived for the late disgrace, seemed to wonder at the cause and reason of the last Engagement, as if it had been acted without the knowledge or order of the Grand Signior; and thus with gentle terms insinuating, that the Surrender of Cassa would be very acceptable to the Port, and that which would atone for all miscarriages, and be such an offering of pacisication, as would reconcile all past differences, and restore a perfect correspondence between the Sultan and them, the Tartars readily assented to the demand, upon condition, that the Turks should impose no other King upon them than him, whom by general consent they had elected for their Prince.
Though differences were thus concluded with the Tartars, yet the 1628 Cosacks continued still their enmities, entring the Black Sea with eighty Saicks, which they so infested, that the Turks could for that year avail themselves little of their Navigation in those Seas: so that the Turks, to curb these insolencies, gave Orders to build two Forts at the mouth of the Black Sea: the Polish Ambassadour made complaint hereof, and protested against it, as an Act contrary to the Capitulations of Peace; but the Turks esteem little of the air of Bravadoes, whilst they are not accompanied with something else more solid than their own levity.
But the grand Concernments which busied the thoughts of the Turks was the Rebellion of Abassa, and the War in Persia, the management of which was the charge and care of the Selictar Aga lately made Vizier, called Serches Pasha. His Head-quarters were at the beginning of this year taken up at Iconium, called by the Turks Conie; and Abassa was encamped at Kaisaria, against whom the Vizier marched; and being nearly approached, the Janisaries earnestly urged, that Battle might be given the Enemy; but the Vizier having received Instructions not to engage, if possible, but rather to enter into a Treaty, and to propose terms of Accommodation, delayed the time, and with various excuses eluded the present premures of the Janisaries; at which they became so angry, that they slew into an The Janisaries mutiny. open Mutiny, cutting the Cords of his Tents, stoning him, and wounding him in the head: by which open violence the Vizier being compelled to make known his Orders, he assembled the chief Commanders of the Spahees and Janisaries, giving them to understand, that the Grand Signiors pleasure was to make up the difference with Abassa, as the only means to conclude an intestine and unnatural War, and to be able to withstand the Persians, and regain the Country and reputation which the Turks had lost. This Proposition seemed plausible to the Commanders at the General Assembly, and more especially because it was the pleasure and injunction of the Grand Signior; but more difficult it was to incline the rough and obstinate minds of the Janisaries to a resolution so different to their natures, and so contrary to that revenge which they had deeply rooted in their hearts and sworn to execute: howsoever the perswasions which the Officers used to their inferiour Souldiers, putting them in memory of the blood of their Companions, and how destructive the continuance of such a War must necessarily prove for the future by those [Page 21] large essusions of blood hwich they must expect farther to make, were so prevalent upon them, that at length they condescended to a Treaty, and to receive Abassa for a Friend and a Fellow-Souldier. Abassa at They consent to treat with Abassa. first suspecting some treachery, refused to give a private meeting to the Vizier; but the Vizier giving his Brother the Beglerbegh of Caramania and the Pasha of Anatolia for Hostages, the day and place for a Conference was appointed; where both Parties meeting, Articles were agreed, that Abassa should still continue to be Pasha of Erzirum, his Son Pasha of Bosra, his Kahya or Lieutenant to be Pasha of Maraseh (all which were places on the Confines of Persia) a general Act of Pardon and Anmestie was to be given to Abassa and his whole Army, and the Articles sworn unto in the most solemn manner by the Vizier, and confirmed in the publick Camp of the Janisaries, who also promised to maintain this word and promise of the Vizier; to all which the Grand Signior gave his Hand, Abassa reconciled to the Grand Sigmot. and affixed his Royal Signature. A Reconciliation being in this manner compleated, the City of Erzirum resigned it self to the Obedience of the Grand Signior, and the Army of Abassa was employed on the Confines of Persia, and converted against the Enemy. The Vizier also was appointed to proceed on the same Enterprise; but his Army was so ill provided of all necessaries, that he made his excuse, and refused to march forward; but on the contrary, he returned to Constantinople in company with Abassa, where with many demonstrations of friendship and respect, he was conducted to the presence of the Grand Signior to receive Honour, and the reward of his penitence, and return to obedience. The approach of these two great Personages near to Constantinople made much noise and rumor in the City; some blamed the weakness of the Government for accepting an Enemy unto favour, and that the crowning of his Rebellion with rewards, was to encourage others in the like practices. The Vizier was also murmured against for leaving the Army and the War, contrary to the Royal Command, by such as were emulous of his Greatness: but as envy is converted into veneration, and The Vizier and Abassa make their Entry into Constantinople. ceases as smoke doth, when it is blown up by the flame of success and glory; so those who were emulous of these persons, submitted to all obsequious offices towards them, and dissembling their malice, went to meet them as far as Scutari, that they might add to their Train and Equipage, and help at the Solemnity of their Entrance. All people now cast their eyes on the Vizier and Abassa, as the two great men of this Age; the first was esteemed for his dexterous and successful management in bringing over Abassa to his submission and obedience; for though he was not famed much for his great Feats of Arms, yet this Reconciliation of Abassa was accounted a Master-piece of Policy, and better service than a Victory. Abassa also drew the eyes of the people, who crowded to see so great a Captain, that could contend with the Port, and put all Asta into disturbance, and in conclusion could make the same Arms serve his Master, which had lately before given a check and stop to all the Ottoman Force. The Vizier was the first introduced to the Royal Presence, where being graciously received, he was presented with a Vest of Sables and a Cemiter set with Jewels. Abassa was afterwards admitted, and having performed his obeisance by touching the ground with his forehead after their fashion; he declared, that he never was other than a faithful Vassal to the Sultan, and that he had taken up Arms for his sake, that he might subjugate the insolence of the Janisaries, and with their [Page 22] blood revenge the death, and sacrifice to the Ghost of his murdered Brother Osman, that they might learn to reverence their Princes for the suture, and learn to know how sacred the blood is of their Soveraign. The Grand Signior seemed kindly to accept this Apology, and as a token thereof bestowed three Vests upon him, which was a treble Honour of that kind, and made him Pasha of Bosna; on which employment he immediately entred: and though when such Offices are bestowed, it is commonly the custom for that person who is invested in the Employment given, to kiss the sleeve of the Grand Signior publickly by way of thanks; yet lest such demonstration of Honour should ill afsect the eyes of the Janisaries, and cause murmuring and repinings amongst the most envious of the Souldiery, his last Audience was designed privately, and his Dispatch procured in more secret and familiar manner, and therefore more obliging than was usual.
To yield some assistance to the present growing Charges of the Empire, the Vizier imposed a heavy Tax on the Christians and Jews; on the first it was levied with all severity; but the Jews found more favour by their Arts and secret management of Affairs; for they are a people The Jews at Constantinople how treated. of some Authority and Power in Turkie: they are cursed by particular persons, but caressed by the generality: they are Slaves in all Countries, and yet acquire somewhat of Mastership and Propriety: they are Vagabonds, and yet every Country is their own: they cannot buy Lands, and yet daily increase their Fortunes: they multiply in abundance, because they all marry, and are not destroyed by Wars: they are great Confidents of the Turks, and Enemies to the Christians. In short, covetousness in Constantinople is like a publick Courtisan, to whom the Jews are the Panders and Ruflians.
The Grand Signior passing one day through the streets, unhappily 1629 met with the Ambassadour of the Prince of Transylvania, who because he did not immediately descend from his Horse in token of reverence, he caused him and his whole Family to be imprisoned; but being afterwards excused by the Chimacam to have only been a matter of inadvertency, his omission was pardoned, and so released from his restraint.
The Souldiery having for a long time been governed by a loose and gentle hand, continued their licentious way of living, committing many outrages on the Merchants and Inhabitants of Constantinople, against which many Decrees having been published, and Proclamations made without any effect or notice of the Souldiery; the Vizier was unwilling to dally longer; and therefore taking a Spahee and a Janisary, hanged them up, and cut off their Heads, and with such course and method of severity he so abated the haughty stomachs of the Souldiers already mortified by the assumption of Abassa into favour, that they began to yield unto Command, and to behold their Rulers with an eye of respect, as those which were seated in some degree above themselves; for till now there was scarce a common Janisary, but who thought himself to be the Creator or Elector of his General, and therefore to be little inferiour to him in Power and Dignity. And as this Vizier was severe towards the Souldiery, so he demeaned himself with equal rigour towards the Pasha's and Grandees of the Court; which though it was an humor in the Vizier at that conjuncture laudable and necessary, yet it procured him such enmity, as removed him at a distance, and caused him to be sent into Persia to command the Army, and by that means to expose him to [Page 23] the hazard and difficulties of doubtful success in a dangerous War.
The Vizier being departed, the Grand Signior appeared in publick on Horse-back, together with his Brother by his side, an unusual sight amongst the Turks; but the Queen-Mother, who in absence of the Vizier ruled much, commanded that it should be so: the Grand Signior had this year a Son born which caused great rejoycing at Constantinople; because there were few Males at that time surviving of the Ottoman Line; but scarce was the Festival ended before the Child died.
But let us now for a while withdraw our Discourse from the Wars of Persia, and look to the Actions in Poland and Transylvania. Mehmet the late King of Tartary, who was so displeasing to the Port (as we have already related) was now dead, to whom succeeded a Kinsman of his called Fembeg Gheray, universally pleasing and acceptable to that people. This new King, to demonstrate his prowess, and to act something acceptable to the Port, dispeeded forty thousand Horse into Podolia and The Tartars overthrown by the Polanders. Russia to sack and ravage the Country, which dividing themselves into several Parties, made their Incursions as far as Socal. But in the mean time the Polonians and Cosacks having formed a strong Body of Horse under the Command of Stephen Chmieleskie, met them at their return near to Burstinow, where they gave them a total overthrow; and in like manner Stanislaus Lubomiski encountred another Party, and overthrow them, leaving thirty thousand slain on the place, and taking two thousand Prisoners, amongst which was the younger Brother of the Tartar King. This defeat, as it was the greatest that ever was given to the Tartars, so it is probable, that had it been well prosecuted at that time by the Polonians, they might have entred the Chersonesus Tauricus, and without much opposition have put an end to that Kingdom; but Sigismond King of Poland had other designs in hand: such mixed Monarchies as that being better able to defend their own Dominions, than to acquire or conquer others.
To this News ill received at Constantinople supervened the unexpected death of Bethlem Gabor; unexpected, I say, because that though he had The death of Bethlem Gabor. been long labouring under the diseases of Dropsie and Asthma, yet the greatness of his Soul, and activeness of his Spirit mastered for a long time his indisposition, so that he seldom or never omitted his Counsels and business; and to the very time of his death was meditating and contriving designs, whereby to preserve his Dominions, and enlarge them. And indeed the Government of Transylvania required no less than such a stirring Spirit: for being seated between two such powerful Monarchs, as the Emperour and the Turk, there was need of dexterity and courage to steer between the rocks of such opposite Interests: sometimes it was necessary to joyn with one, and anon with the other: so Sigismond Battori Prince of Transylvania uniting his Forces with the Emperour's in several Conflicts overthrew the Turk, and kept the scale in an equal balance: Gabor on the contrary inclined to the Turks, and supported his Interest with the Ottoman Power, following such Maxims as had been more ruinous to Christendom, had he transferred them to a Son to imitate and pursue; but dying without issue, the Government devolved to his Princess by Vote of the States of the Country, and by Confirmation of the Turk, as we have already intimated. Gabor knew so well how to deal and treat with the Turks, that he gained an abatement of ten thousand Dollars of the annual Tribute; he managed his affairs so [Page 24] subtilely with the Emperour, that he was always invited to a Peace, and accordingly made his advantage by the Treaty. The other Princes of Christendom in like manner courted him, and particularly the Cardinal Richelieu employed one Bornemis, a Gentleman of Transylvania, a Lover of the French Interest, to be always about him, by whose means, and with the assistance of twenty thousand Crowns of yearly Pension, he obliged him to make War on the Emperour, at such seasons as it should be intimated unto him to be most conducing to the advantage of France. At length, as we have said, giving way to mortality, he died on the 15 th of November, after he had reigned eighteen years: he was a Prince of great abilities, but exercised them ill to the damage of Christendom; howsoever he was a Souldier of extraordinary courage and conduct, having begun to manage his Sword at seventeen years of age, and as it is said, had been engaged in forty two several Fights. His Widow Katherine, Sister of the Elector of Brandenburgh, rendred an account to the Port of this accident, and the Grand Signior immediately returned Answer by Sulficar Aga, condoling the misfortune, and encouraging her to a dependence on the Port: which she accepting with due resentment promised obedience to the Grand Signior, and begged his Protection. But the weather was too boisterous and rude for a Vessel to be navigated well under the Pilotage of a Woman; for the situation of the Country between two mighty and potent Monarchs required more than a masculine mind and courage to free and defend it from the plots, snares, and violence with which it was, as with a toile, encompassed by those two great Nimrods of the East and West. And though the Sultan undertook to defend his Female Ally, yet the diversion of the Ottoman Arms in Persia, the intestine distractions, and the Minority of the Emperour were such burdens on the foundation of Empire, and obstructions to great and Heroick Atchievements in behalf of the distressed Princess, that all the promises made to her were unavailable and ineffectual. For Stephen Bethlem, a Kinsman of the deceased Prince, a man conspicuous The Widow of Bethlem Gabor perswaded to quit her Government. in his own Person and Estate, as well as for the several Governments divided amongst his Sons, and the interest he had gained in his Country, procured means to convoke the States at Claudiopolis, and insinuating the foregoing inconveniencies of a Female Government, so prevailed with the Assembly, that they perswaded the Princess to yield up her Soveraignty to Stephen Gabor, as one better capacitated for Rule and Soveraignty than her self. Stephen having thus obtained his intent, entred into a serious Consultation with his Friends and Relations, whether he should labour to confirm the Government to himself and entail it to the Family, or renounce it to some other. The first seemed a matter very dubious and difficult; for that Bethlem Gabor his Predecessour had disobliged the principal Boyards or Barons of the Country, and thereby derived an envy and hatred to all his Family: his long and violent government annexed to the interest of the Turk, had not only rendred his Memory odious to his own-People, but likewise to the House of Austria, which would be ready to continue the like prejudice and aversion to any of the same Family, as it did to the last thereof. For which Reasons, after due and mature consideration, it was resolved to offer the Government to George Ragotski, a person rich in money and of great interest, by reason of the Jurisdiction and Castles which he possessed in Hungary, belonging to his own paternal Inheritance; and in pursuance thereof they [Page 25] sent Stephen the second Son, and Solomon a Kinsman of that Family for Ambassadours to Ragotski, representing to him, that they had preferred his Merit before the Interest of their own Family, and therefore desired The Principality offered to Ragotski. him, that he would be pleased to take upon himself the Regency of the Principality. The offer of Government was a savoury bait to the palate of Ragotski, which he embraced with singular afsectation and contentment, and was easily perswaded on this occasion to take a Journey to Varadin, one of the principal Fortresses and places of consideration in that whole Province, and was there received by Stephen the Ambassadour, Governour of the Citadel, with firing all the Cannon, and with the common Joy and Festivity of the whole City. But in the midst of this mirth, an unexpected Messenger arrived with News, that the States had with common consent elected another Prince, which was Stephen Bethlem, Father of the Ambassadour, and Author of this Counsel. Ragotski was strangely surprised with this Intelligence, and the Ambassadours were put to the blush to see their Negotiations under such a shameful defeat: howsoever resolving to continue constant to their first Election, and to renounce the interest of their own Family, they still maintained the same obsequious offices of Honour and Reverence towards Ragotski, as formerly. And notwithstanding the Orders received from the States to abstain from any other demonstrations of Honour to Ragotski, than what were ordinary towards a private person of his Quality and Riches; and that he should retire from the Confines of Transylvania to the Precincts of his own Castles: yet they still persisted to execute their first Commission, and so to attract people to his Party; that the number thereof daily increasing, it was at length agreed, that the first Election not being fair, the point in Controversie should be determined at Sazburg, a City of Saxony. The States General being assembled, Ragotski accompanied his pretensions with a large effusion of Gold, the most powerful and most convincing Argument imaginable: to which he added, That he had no design to affect the Principality, had not the same been first offered to him from Stephen Gabor the Father by the hand of his Son: that it was very improper for that person to offer a Dignity to another, which he affected for himself: that it was in the power of the Transylvanians not to have offered him the Principality; but having once chosen him to it, they could not, without his disparagement and prejudice, retract from their Election. In short, these considerations, assisted by the interest of the Princess Dowager, so far prevailed, that Stephen Bethlem was put aside, and Ragotski, who attended the success of this matter at Varadin, was with common consent elected Prince; Ragotski chosen Prince. from whence being with great Acclamations, and a general concourse of the people, conducted to Alba Julia, he there took the usual Oath with much Solemnity and Magnificence; and with Princely Magnificence entertained and treated the two Ambassadours Stephen and Solomon, and dispensed freely his money unto divers; who before being Enemies, were now reconciled, and become his Friends and Admirers. Liberality in a Prince is the most resplendent Gemm in all his Crown, and is a light so forcible, that it dazles envy it self, and puts out all the eyes of suspicion and jealousie.
By this time the Great Vizier was far advanced with his Army into 1630 Persia, having been encouraged to proceed by the feigned flight, or rather retre at of the Enemy, who burned, destroyed, and laid waste all [Page 26] round them, as they retired; which put the Turks to such inextricable difficulties, that in two months March they had all the inconveniencies and miseries to contend with, which commonly attend Armies in strange Countries; the Plains through which they travelled were abandoned by the Inhabitants, and void of provisions, the Mountains were covered with Snow and comfortless; and what was worst, the Persians kept all the narrow passages so strongly guarded, that the Vizier was now more in danger of Famine than of the Sword: but being a person of great sense and experience in Military affairs, he prudently disingaged himself from the intricacy of these dangers; and encamping his Army in the Plain of Amedan, he so provoked the hot Spirits of the Persians, that they resolve to assault him on that side of his Camp, which they judged A Victory gained by the Turks over the Persians. to be the most weakly defended; of which having some advertisement, he secretly laid an Ambuscado in the way, which so happily succeeded, that he killed eight thousand Persians on the place; but howsoever the Victory cost so dear, and was so bloody by the loss of the stoutest Janisaries, and the bravest of the Souldiery, that the news thereof made little noise or rejoycing at Constantinople.
With this Intelligence the Vizier demanded new Recruits; for that besides the abatement of his numbers by the last Engagement, the multitudes of the Enemy increased, and his own Souldiers fled from their Colours; of which many being observed to enter Constantinople, notwithstanding the severe Decrees of Martial Law published against them, put the Grand Signior into a high choler and indignation. And being desirous to reinforce the Viziers Army with all the Recruits that he was The difficulty of sending men into Persia. able, Proclamations were made, that all the Militia at Constantinople should immediately pass over unto Scutari under their respective Commanders; and that whosoever received one Asper of Pay from the Grand Signior in quality of a Souldier, should immediately pass the Chanel into Asta, and follow their Leaders to the War. But so great was the abhorrency which the Souldiers had to this March into Persia, calling it the Sepulchre and Cemetery of the Turks, that few or none would obey, every one flying, hiding, and shifting for himself as well as he could; during which fears and troubles, the ways from Persia were so obstructed by the Curdes, that in the space of three or four months no News arrived at Constantinople from the Army, which caused as great apprehensions and affrightments there, as if the Empire had been reduced to the utmost extremity. Nor did the Sultan want jealousies and fears of receiving affronts from the Emperour, and King of Poland; the first of which had a fair opportunity presented of regaining all Transylvania, especially at a time when that Country was divided by two several Factions; but more pressing and troublesom were the Cosacks, who daily The Cosacks trouble the Turks. infested the Black Sea, and to the great reproach of the Imperial City perpetually disturbed it with Alarms, passing up almost in sight of Constantinople: of which complaints being made to the Polonian Ambassadours, he answered with some indignation, That the Cosacks had reason for what they acted; for that since the Tartars had by Orders from the Grand Signior made their late irruption into that Country, as they could well prove from the Commission taken amongst the Baggage of the Prince of Tartary in the last defeat, the Cosacks might with all justice assume to themselves a method of revenge. But the Grand Signior not being able to support this affront, or to see himself braved on the very Banks of his [Page 27] Imperial Seat, and his Villages and Towns round about burnt and pillaged by a crew of Free-booters and Pirates, cast all the blame on the Chimacam, to whom in his rage he gave such a blow with his sist on the face, that blood issued from his nose; and had not the Queen-Mother interceded for him, he had been delivered into the hand of the Executioner to take away his life. Nor was the Captain-Pasha in less danger at his return; because, that upon his assurance, that the Cosacks would not for that year make any attempt in the Chanel of Constantinople, the Grand Signior had assented, that the Fleet of Gallies should that Summer make a Voyage into the Archipelago; which mistake having been the cause of all this affront, the Captain-Pasha was to share in the blame, and had likewise in the punishment, had not good Friends interposed between him and danger. Nor were the Cosacks satisfied with their late Plunder, but speedily made another return with two hundred Boats; and though the whole Fleet of Gallies were then in Port, yet they had the boldness to proceed as far as Pompey's Pillar, and thereby to hinder all Provisions from passing to Constantinople by way of the Black Sea. And what gave greater fear than all this, was the News which came at the same time, that the Poles were on the Frontiers with thirty thousand Horse; to whom immediately a Chaous or Envoyé was dispatched with Propositions very advantageous to the Crown of Poland, conditionally that the continual irruptions made by the Cosacks should be stopped, and they restrained within the due terms of peace and moderation. The Chaous found a civil reception from the Poles, and promises of compliance, in regard that the King had some intentions of making War upon the Moscovite; but whilst these things were in agitation, and that the Chaous was ready to return, behold on a sudden News came, that ten thousand Tartars were broken into Podolia, which put all things back again, and so changed the stile of Affairs, that in the stead of Articles of Peace, the Chaous was again returned with the menaces of War, and with reproaches for the last perfidious action.
Notwithstanding all these troubles abroad, the Puissance of the Ottoman Empire might have been able to have struggled with greater difficulties, had not its own intestine distractions rendred all things dangerous, and of a malevolent aspect. The Government was at that time chiefly in the hands of the four Brothers-in-law, who had married four The disorders in the Ottoman State. Sisters of the Grand Signior's, and for that reason were powerful, and employed in the principal Offices of State, and commonly drew contrary to the opinions of the Mufti and Chimacam, which two last were not well accorded between themselves; for that the latter encroached on the Office of the Mufti, to the great scandal and discontent of all the religious and literate men in the whole City; howsoever they both joyned in consultation by what means they might best secure themselves and the Government from the lusts and evil designs of this quadruple Fraternity; but their wisdom and interests were too weak to contrive remedies against such high oppressions; for besides the violences daily practised by the Brothers, the extravagant humors in the Sultan himself added to the disorders of State, and increased the discontents and dissatisfactions of the people: for though Morat was naturally endowed with a good wit and parts, was stout and of a good courage; yet as his perpetual debauchery in Wine rendred him in appearance but of a weak understanding, mixed with much levity, so it caused his accessions of the Falling [Page 28] sickness (to which he was subject) to return often, whereby the strength of his brain was daily weakened and impaired: he was negligent also in the performance of those Ceremonies which his Ancestors were accustomed to observe; nor did he live with that gravity and regular course which is agreeable to the Grandeur of so great a Prince: for sometimes he would go out of his Seraglio with no other Attendance than of three or four men, which were for the most part Buffoons, Players upon the Gittern, and Eunuchs; and with no better an Equipage would he sometimes be seen on Horse-back, or in his Boat rowed on the Bosphorus with six Oars only: by which actions and other mean sallies of Youth, he created such a contempt towards his Person, that evil men grew factions and weary, and entred into Conspiracies against his life, whilst the good men feared and presaged the ruine and downfal of the Empire: for neither justice, nor order, nor obedience prevailed; no Offices were conferred for Merit, but by money, or some other unlawful means; there remained no Counsellors of true faith and integrity, nor Souldiers almost either of experience for Sea or Land-adventures. The people being burdened by double Taxes and Imposts were mutinous; and ready to take the least fire of Rebellion; the Souldiery were disorderly for want of Discipline and their constant Pay: the Pasha's of remote Provinces grew insolent, taking upon themselves rather an absolute than a depending Soveraignty. In short, all things looked with that black appearance, that nothing seemed to keep the frame of Empire together, but only the expectation of good success to the Army in Persia, the which, as it depended on uncertain events, so the Ottoman Monarchy was then shaking, and stood tottering on its deepest foundation.
Wherefore all people being intent to hear of good News from Persia, were much pleased to understand, that the Vizier having by advantage in the last Engagement laden his Army with Plunder and Spoils, was now preparing to besiege Bagdat, for whose good success Prayers were The Vizier prepares to besiege Bagdat. daily made in the Moschs; and the Schoolmasters surrounded the streets with their young Scholars, singing out Prayers with the Amen at every period, according to the custom of that Country. The Vizier marched towards Bagdat, and began to besiege it about the 10 th of September; in order whereunto he amassed great abundance of all sorts of Provisions, and made his Magazine of them at Mosul, two thousand Camels, each laden with two Sacks of Cotton, every Sack being of about ten foot long, were carried to the Siege, for shelter of the Souldiery, and to fill the Ditches. The Vizier having passed part of his Army over the River Tigris, the rest with the Cannon remaining on the hither side, he dispatched Nasuf Pasha of Aleppo with six thousand Spahees to take a view of the place, and discover the Avenues unto it: in his way thither he met with eight thousand Persian Horse sent to reinfore the Garrison, which he valiantly engaged; but being dangerously wounded, was forced to retreat with the loss of almost half of his men, part killed, and part taken; those which were carried Prisoners to Bagdat were treated with all civility by the Governour, who gave them a view of the Garrison, which consisted of twenty thousand effective men, shewed them their Stores and Provisions, and that there was scarce an unuseful mouth in all the City to devour them. Notwithstanding this disaster at the beginning, the Vizier nothing dismayed proceeded on his design, spending the whole month of September in making his approaches. In the month The Siege. [Page 29] of October he mounted eighteen Pieces of great Cannon, which for the space of twenty five days battered continually the Curtain between the two Bastions on which were four Pieces of Cannon not perceived by the Turks; there was also a deep and large Ditch not discovered by them, for that it was planked over with Boards, and covered with a green Turff, so that it appeared like a plain and firm ground; the broach being made, and seemingly undefended, the Turks resolved to make an Assault; wherefore the Vizier on the 20 th of November commanded the Spahees under the Conduct of the Beglerbei of Anatolia, accompanied with Pasha's, Sangiacks, and other persons of note, as also with Janisaries, to the number of thirty thousand, to enter the breach: which being performed, and great numbers crowding on the Turff, the weight of them pressed down the Planks; and therewith the whole Engine giving way, five or six thousand were in a moment taken as it were in a Pit-fall, and swallowed up without any possibility of succour to be yielded from their Companions. After which on an instant there appeared fifteen thousand men on the breach and on the Bastions, which with their The Siege raised. Cannon and continual Vollies of Musket-shot, so galled the Spahees, that they broke their main Body, and killed the Beglerbei of Anatolia with other persons of note and quality, and made the whole Army to retreat. Two days after this disgrace the Vizier raised the Siege, and marched towards Mosul, and the Persians encouraged with this success, pursued the Turks with eight thousand Horse, assailed the Rear-guard of the Enemy; and though the conduct and care thereof was committed to the charge of the Pasha's of Aleppo and Damascus, yet the Persians killed three thousand Turks, and had defeated the whole Rear of the Army, had not the Spahees turned their Horses, and withstood the shock with great Valour.
Notwithstanding this dishonourable Retreat the Vizier lost not his courage, or hopes of taking the Town, in order unto which he appointed all things necessary to renew the Siege again in the months of September and October following; for that the foregoing months are either too rainy, or too hot in those Countries to undertake a design or enterprise of that nature: he fortified all the small places in those parts round, and quartered his Souldiers in them; so that having all conveniencies of living, they might be induced to continue, and not abandon their Colours: especially he took care to fortified Illay, a place of about two days journey from Bagdat, reinforcing the Garrison with six thousand men under the Command of three Beglerbegs, in regard that it was a very considerable Pass, and the principal Magazine and Granary of Corn and other Provisions. At the same time he sent Letters to Constantinople, representing the state of his affairs to be in a hopeful condition; and desiring Recruits both of men and money, gave great assurances of conquering the City at the next Attempt.
In this perillous condition of the Ottoman State one would have imagined, that Christian Princes would have seen their own interest, and made use of their advantage; but God not having as yet fixed a period The Poles and Turks make Peace. to the bounds of this Empire, was pleased by his secret Providence to divert both the Emperour and the King of Poland from making War with the Turk, inclining them to employ their Arms on their Christian Neighbours. For though the Chaous (as we have said before) was returned from Poland with disdain, and with an angry Message; yet the [Page 30] Chimacam, when he made Moses Vayvod of Moldavia, encharged him to perform all offices of Mediation between the Grand Signior and the Poles, perswading them to restrain the Incursions of the Cosacks, and to send an Ambassadour to the Port: in which affair Moses so well performed his Negotiation, that applying Lenitives to the anger of the Poles, he reduced them to Articles of Peace, and to promises of restraining the Cosacks, on condition, that the Turks reciprocally forbid and withhold the Tartars from joyning or affording assistance to his Enemies the Moscovites. These Conditions being agreed, an Ambassadour was sent from Poland to Constantinople, where he was received with as much joy as he was expected with impatience. The Cosacks and Tartars were two sorts of people which lived equally on Spoils and Booty, the first as offensive to the Turk, as the latter to the Pole; and The Cosacks and Tartars compared. therefore as it was an equal benefit, so it was an agreement of even Terms to counterchange the caution given reciprocally for one and the other. But the Engagement for such wild people was more easily given than performed, which because it was a point agreeable to both Parties, it was expressed with the most clear words and strict terms possible. The Poles were weary and grieved to see their Provinces depopulated by the Tartars, who yearly carried away some thousands of souls: the Turks on the other side were not less infested with the Cosacks, who captivated their people, burnt their Towns and Villages, and kept them in continual Alarms. But because these people are hardly restrained from their robberies and pillaging, the Poles, as a remedy, resolved to carry the Cosacks to the War against the Moscovite, and better to secure the Tartar, the Polish Ambassadour obliged to pay them twenty thousand Florins yearly, and six thousand pair of Boots, according to the ancient Articles of Peace; on which considerations the Tartars were engaged never to enter Poland in a hostile manner, but to serve that King in his Wars against all Nations whatsoever, the Turks only excepted.
In this manner were the Turks this year freed from all apprehensions 1631 of Alarm from the Cosacks, and of War with Poland. And the Emperour was so busied concerning the surprize of Mantoua, and engaged in the quarrel about that Dutchy, and with some ambitious thoughts relating to Italy, that the Turks hoped to have prosecuted their Wars in Persia without fear of diversion from the Western parts. But yet the affairs Troubles in Hungary. towards the parts of Germany were not so well secured, but that the turbulent spirit of Ragotski administred subject for dissention; for being lately seated (as we have said) in his Principality, he was doubtful, whether it were most for his interest to incline unto the Emperour, or to the Turk; and whilst both Parties courted his friendship, and cheapned his acknowledgments (for of necessity he must be a Vassal to one or the other) the Heyducs who were Tenants to the Lands of Gabor, refused to return to the obedience of the Emperour, demanding protection from the Grand Signior. The jealousie of those ill consequences which this commotion might produce alarmed all the Country; and the Emperour and Ragotski being hereby raised to a mutual defiance, advanced their Troops one against the other upon the Frontiers; but all Hungary trembling with fear of those calamities which ensue from War, several of those concerned interposed so far towards an Accommodation, that Deputies were appointed to meet at Cassovia to treat of Peace: but in the mean time the Palatine of Hungary passing eight thousand men over the River Tibiscus [Page 31] to make seisure of a certain Fort built by George Basta, so alarmed and awakened Ragotski, that he dispatched a Gentleman to him to demand the cause of this motion; and not receiving an answer agreeable to his expectation, he advanced upon him with an Army of ten thousand men, and engaging him with great resolution, killed four thousand on the place, and so caused him to retire: from these beginnings all the mischiefs of a bloody War had certainly ensued, had not Ragotski refused to receive Succours from the Turk; but he depending on his own strength (having fifteen thousand men in Arms for defence of his hereditary Lands in Hungary) contemned all external assistances, as savouring too much of vassalage and dependence; howsoever the Pasha's of the Frontiers assembled their Forces, and yet acted with such caution, as not to proceed to an open Rupture; for the Wars in Persia being unsuccessful and pressing, required moderation and Lenitives on this side, that so the differences now on the Frontiers might be transferred to an opportunity more seasonable for dispute.
In the month of September Sultan Morat being at his small Seraglio called Daout Pasha, and sleeping there one night in his Bed, he was on a sudden awakened by a terrible Lightning; which entring his Chamber The G. Signior affrighted with Lightning. rounded his Bed, leaving several marks on his Sheets and Quilts; and whilst he sought some place to hide himself in, it passed under his arm, and burnt part of his shirt, the affrightment of which so astonished him, that he remained for some time in a swound, which for ever after did much impair the strength of his brain: he now began to be sensible that there were other Thunder-bolts than those that proceed from his own Throne; and like Tiberius learned to tremble at the voice of God, whilst he heard him speak in the clouds: Nec Deum unquam nisi iratum pertimuit, & turbatiori Coelo fulminantem. And so affected was the Sultan with this accident, that afterwards he dismissed divers of his Buffoons from the Court, and particularly a Mute whose ridiculous gestures were his common Divertisement, and for some time caused him to abstain from Wine; and as a farther token of his Conversion and thankfulness to God for this escape, he ordered five thousand Dollars to be given in alms to the poor, and Korban to be made of three hundred sheep; and the Friday following he solemnly went to the Mosch, to render thanks unto God for having so prodigiously preserved him from the Executioner of his Vengeance.
During all this time the Great Vizier wanting Succours and Supplies of men and money, had great difficulty to contain his people in their due obedience, or within the bounds of their Quarters; for they were apt to leave their Colours, and would really have disbanded, had not their spirits been daily held up with the hopes and amusements of Pay and Recruits. The four Brethren-in-law which greatly apprehended lest their Power and Authority should be abated by the return of the Vizier, exercised all the diligence they were able to make new Levies, the reinforcement of which might instill new courage into the Souldiery, and be a means to continue the Vizier in those parts; but the Mufti obstructed all Levies on the side of Greece and the Frontiers of Christendom, alledging, That the best Souldiers being sent from those parts, would hazard the Empire by exposing and laying it open to the Incursions of the Christians: by which contrary opinions and delays the Vizier wanting the assistance expected, the Persians recovered all the little [Page 32] Fortresses which they had lost the year before, with the considerable place of Illay; which being taken by assault and by an absolute force of Sword and Arms, the greatest part of the Garrison consisting of eight thousand men commanded by the three Pasha's before-mentioned, were cut off, which was an important loss to the Turks, not only for the slaughter of so many brave Souldiers, but also for the quantities of Provisions, being the Granary and Magazine for the whole Army. Therein Illay retaken from the Turks. were likewise taken forty Field-pieces carrying eight pounds Bullet, with a great Chain of Iron, which usually encompasses the Treasury which is carried into the Field. With this ill success the Vizier retreated from Mosul as far as Mirdin, from whence he redoubled his instances for Supplies for men and money. At length it was agreed, that an Army of thirty thousand Tartars should be sent thither; but Ragotski advising, that he was upon the point of breaking with the Emperour, it was ordered, that their number should be reduced to ten thousand; the which taking their Journey into Persia by the way of Circassia, were there encountred by Han Gherey, the Prince of Tartary, (whom we formerly mentioned to have been deposed by that people) and by him obstructed in their passage, the Vanguard of their Army being cut off by him; so that they were forced again to retreat and to embark their Men and Horse at Caffa to be transported by Sea to Trapezond; which as it was a matter of great trouble, so it was a course unpractised by the Tartars. The G. Signior being unable to render a more considerable Succour than this unto his Army, which was now reduced to the weak number of two thousand Janisaries, and three thousand Spahees, he resolved to condescend to Terms and Articles, as the only means to save his Honour, and the remainder of his Forces. In order unto which, he released a Persian Lord from his Imprisonment in the Seven Towers, and qualified him with the Title of Ambassadour, bestowing upon him an Equipage of Men and Horse agreeable to his Character, with four thousand Dollars to defray his Expence; and that the King of Persia might be assured of the Sultan's real intentions and desires of Peace, he recalled his Army in the Spring, whereby all Acts of Hostility ceased: and thus the Vizier being returned to Constantinople, that pride and rigour which he exercised towards all in the time of his prosperity, laid him low by misfortunes in the esteem of his Enemies; who gladly embracing the opportunity to disgrace him with all the terms of obloguy and detraction, deprived him at length of The Vizier deprived of his Office. his Office. One of the four Brothers-in-law married to one of the Grand Signior's Sisters, and Prime of the Cabal, being constituted Vizier in his stead. Nor did the late Vizier easily escape with his life, until he had reprieved it with an atonement of an hundred thousand Zechins of Gold and some choice Horses which he presented to the Sultan; the like Example other Pasha's his Companions followed in proportion to their Estates and Employments; by which Presents the empty Treasury was in a manner recruited, and the present necessities of the Sultan relieved.
But this new Vizier enjoyed not long either his Honours, or his life; for the first act he performed, was to mitigate the Valedé Sultana or Queen-Mother to obtain a Hattesheriff, or writing under the Grand Signior's Hand for cutting off the Head of Casref Pasha, the Spaheeler-Agasi, or General of the Spahees, which being executed by Mortesa the Commander in Chief in Persia, his Head was brought and thrown at the Gates of the Divan. The Spahees astonished at this spectacle, and enraged to 1632 [Page 33] see that Head on the ground which they so much esteemed and loved, forgot all the terms of duty and obedience to their Superiours; and without regard to the place wherein they were, even within the Walls Mutiny of the Spahees joyned with the Janisaries. of the Grand Signior's Court they threw stones at the Vizier, and beat him from his Horse; which though the Grand Signior and all the Viziers highly resented, as the most scandalous indignity that could be offered to the Majesty of a Supreme Ruler and to all Government, yet their Counsels rather sought remedies to suppress the Mutiny, than to make Proposals of executing Justice on the Offenders; for the Spahees seconded by the Janisaries, (who were glad of any cause to make a commotion) assembled in the Hippodromo, from whence they sent an Arz to the Sultan, requiring the Heads of the Great Vizier, and of divers others, as well within as without the Seraglio. The Grand Signior denying positively to assent hereunto, the Souldiery as plainly threatned to depose him, and place his Brother in the Throne; at which barbarous resolution the Grand Signior being affrighted, his youthful constancy was so shaken, that he wrote to his Mother to desire her excuse in case he assented to the death of her Son-in-law the Great Vizier; for that the storm of the military fury was so great, that he could not endeavour to protect him without the loss of his life and Crown: wherefore the Vizier being turned out of the Gates of the Seraglio, he was immediately butchered in the presence of the Sultan. Nor did the impetuous rage of the Souldiery end here, but they proceeded farther to demand the Head of the Janisar-Aga, or General of the Janisaries, who was reputed the chief Instrument of the death of Casref, because he was a principal Favourite to the Grand Signior; but he wisely taking divers off with Money and Presents, sowed division between the Janisaries and Spahees; so that some difficulty arising hereupon, the determination of his death was deferred for a while; howsoever they proceeded to demand, that the Mufti should be discharged of his Office, and that the Tefterdar or Treasurer should be delivered into their hands. To the first the Grand Signior assented; but being willing to save the other, he pretended, that he was escaped and fled; but when he was found, he should run the same Fate with the Vizier. But the military Sedition not being appeased with this answer, they roved through the whole City, and Galata, and other parts of the Suburbs: the Spahees persisting to require the Head of the Janisar-Aga, and not finding him in his House, they plundered it, and departed; and meeting with a Youth, a Favourite of the Grand Signior's, they killed him; and so returning with the like fury to the Seraglio, they required admission to the New Vizier and Mufti. Regep Pasha, another of the Brothers-in-law, was then made Vizier, who with the new Mufti trembling at these Tumults, were careful to treat the Souldiery with all lenity and condescension imaginable, desiring them to declare their grievances, and whatsoever might give them satisfaction should be granted. The seditious Souldiers replied, That they were resolved to see the Grand Signior's Brother, for that when the present Sultan did not govern well, they might know from whence to produce another of better abilities, and more agreeable to the designs of the Empire. That necessity which caused the late easiness of condescension to former demands, made way also for compliance with this; so that the young Prince being brought forth, they obliged the Sultan not to attempt any thing against his life, [Page 34] and caused the Vizier and Mufti to become caution and security for it. Nor did these concessions contribute towards a pacisication; but rather their insolence increased thereby, renewing their exclamations at the Gates of the Seraglio for the Heads of the Janisar-Aga and the Testerdar; nor would they be satisfied with answer, that these men were not found in the Seraglio, but still persisted in their rude out-cryes and menaces, losing all respect and reverence to the Sultan and the Superiours; so that the Grand Signior resolved once to sally out upon them with his own Guard; but trying their temper and resolution, he discovered most of them to be poysoned with the like spirit of Sedition, and combining with the others as Associates in the Treason. The Viziers and other principal Officers perceiving the Mutiny to increase daily, and not knowing to what degree it might arise, made it their business to search out for those proscribed by the Souldiery: at length the Aga was happily discovered by a certain person, to whom a reward was given of a thousand Zechins, with the Office of Zorbasi or Captain; and the Aga confessing that he had counselled the death of Casref, he was immediately strangled, and his body hanged upon a tree to publick view. The like Fate befel the Testerdar, who being also taken, was killed and hanged up, together with the body of the Aga. All which persons thus inhumanely murdered by the Souldiery, were the Enemies of the present Great Vizier Regep; for which cause the Grand Signior suspecting that he secretly contrived and nourished these Rebellions, never after looked on him with a gracious eye. Of which the Vizier being sensible, combined with the Souldiery; and judging it almost impossible to set himself right in the affection of his Master, he courted the favour of the Militia, as the only means to protect his life, and maintain his Power. But as the revenge of Princes is not like a Thunder-bolt, which wounds on a sudden, but rather like a Mine which requires time to form, and is then sprang, when it may do the best execution: so in the same manner, the Grand Signior dissembled his hate towards the Vizier, until one The Vizier strangled by order of the Grand Signior. night being present with him in the Seraglio to see certain Fire-works, he called him aside, and whispered to him, that he should go into his private Lodgings, where being entred, the door was shut upon him, and he strangled by certain Eunuchs, who were appointed to attend him for that purpose. But little benefit or riches did the Grand Signior reap by his death; for the Vizier having for some time expected this blow, had concealed his Treasure, and conveyed it away for the use of his Posterity. The like hatred did the Sultan conceive against the Souldiery, resolving in his mind to execute his revenge especially on the Janisaries, as the most turbulent Fomenters of Rebellion and Treason, and to vent his anger either by the Cord or Sword, or some other more expedite way, as opportunity presented: and to prevent or oppose the like Seditions for the future, he fortified the Seraglio, and brought Arms in thither by night, chusing into his Guard select men of còurage and faithfulness: and being sensible, that the being of his Brother attempered his Soveraignty, and drew away the hearts and eyes of his Souldiers and People from fixing entirely on his own person; he therefore intended to cut him off, but the caution and security given by himself and chief Ministers to preserve his life, diverted him from this resolution.
In place of the deceased Vizier, Mehmet late Pasha of Cairo was constituted, and the Seal consigned to him, with whom the Grand Signior consulting of the present emergency of affairs, often uttered his displeasure [Page 35] against the late Seditions, and signified his intentions to redress them for the future; in order unto which, he caused the Heads of the most mutinous Spahees to be cut off, and on various pretences separated the Souldiery each from other into divers parts; some numbers of Janisaries he commanded to march to the Confines of Persia, and caused many others of them to be killed by night, and by various other means greatly weakened the Chambers, both by diminishing the numbers, and taking off such who were the men of best courage and conduct: many bodies were found swimming in the Bosphorus, and known to be Spahees; great part of the Lands belonging to the Timariots was taken away, and the Pay of the Spahees was abated, and divers Offices of Profit and Honour were taken from the Militia, that so men might be made sensible of the indignation of their Prince, and that there is no sport or jesting with the anger of a provoked King, who knows no other mean of his passion than the total evaporation of his choler and vengeance. To maintain and make good these several acts of just punishment, young Morat growing in courage with his years, mounted on Horse-back well armed, and like a Souldier attended with a select Party of Cavalry, passed through the most publick streets of the City in a huffing manner, and casting a stern eye upon the Souldiery and People as he went, and making a hundred passes through the midst of them, struck them with an awe of his Majesty, and admiration of his warlike and Martial appearance; with which severity and gallantry the Souldiery being affrighted, began to consider, that they were not longer to be governed by a Woman, or a Child, but by the most brave Prince that ever swayed the Ottoman Scepter; and thereupon for the future resolved upon an impartial submission and obedience unto him. To encourage them in which, and to reconcile their spirits and affections to him, Morat oftentimes assembled his Souldiery at Ackmeidan, where he exercised with them shooting with the Bow at Marks and at Rovers, rewarding those who shot best with adding an Asper a day to their Pay; besides which he distributed six thousand Hungars amongst them, to demonstrate that wise Princes are used to mix Lenitives with their rigour.
These Mutinies and Seditions in the Capital City encouraged rebellious Spirits in divers other places: so that a certain bold and audacious Fellow drawing a number of Miscreants after him, possessed himself of the City of Prusa: another of the same temper called Elia Pasha made himself Master of Magnesia, where he committed all the outrages which Rebellion in Anatolia. Enemies inflict on a conquered People; and being about twenty four miles distant from Smyrna, so assrighted the people of that place, who were Merchants, and such as lived by Trade, that they fled with their Wealth, and such things as were portable, left they should be exposed to the robbery and spoil of Thieves and Rebels. But the Beglerbey of Anatolia suffered not Elia to reign long in his lust, but giving him Battel in those Plains, wholly defeated him, and sent twenty of the Heads of the chief Commanders to the Sultan for a Present; and pursuing Elia and the rest of his Army to Magnesia, besieged him in that City. The Grand Signior being advised hereof, and fearing left the Siege should take up too much time, and move other ill humors in that Country, dispatched Orders to offer Terms and Conditions of Accommodation with Elia, which were secretly treated, and great promises made him of [Page 36] favour and rewards from the Grand Signior. The easie Fool accepted the Conditions, and embraced the promises; and leaving his City of Magnesia, proceeded confidently to Constantinople to receive the gracious rewards of the Sultan for his past Services. At his Entry into the Seraglio in place of the Kapislar-Kahyasee or Master of the Ceremonies, he was received by Officers with a Cord in their hands, who bestowed on him the gracious reward of his Masters ultimate favour.
These Rebellions were no sooner suppressed in Asia, but that other Mutinies of the Janisaries for want of Pay began at Buda in Hungary, Mutinies at Buda. where they threw stones at their Aga, and pursued him to the very Palace of the Pasha, electing another into his place. They also cut in pieces the Governour of Pest, and bestowed his Office upon his Lieutenant. To remedy these disorders, and extinguish the Mutiny, the Grand Signior sent Commissioners to examine the matter, and to render him an account of the grievances and demands of the Souldiers: but they fearing to be surprised with some severe acts of Justice, prevented or forestalled the inquiries of the Commissioners by acknowledging their fault, and demanding pardon, with surrender of four of the Ring-leaders to punishment, declaring, That by their seducement and evil perswasions, they were debauched into that disorderly course of proceedings: the Sultan accepted the submission, and all things were quieted in Hungary.
Howsoever new troubles arose in Moldavia: for that People being Troubles in Moldavia. oppressed over-much by their Prince Alexander, made an Insurrection against him, and drove him out of the Country, who for refuge fled to Constantinople. And the people desirous that one Bernoschi, a Polonian by Nation, might be put into his place, to obtain his Confirmation he came to the Port, and offered himself before the Grand Signior; but Morat suspecting, that to obtain the Principality for himself, he had secretly instigated and nourished the late popular Commotions, caused his Head to be cut off in the publick Divan.
Amurat had now born to him a seventh Daughter by his Slave, called the shining Star; and though he was much troubled that she had not brought him forth a Son and Heir, yet so much was she beloved by him, that he resolved to create her Queen, had not his Mother declared against it, as a thing not usual for any Woman to be honoured with that Title before she had supplied the Inheritance by the Birth of a Male Child. And that he might now totally extinguish the fire of Sedition amongst the Souldiery, he caused Ferdum Efendi and Saluc Aga, two prime Chiefs of the Spahees, with eight principal Janisaries, to be put to death; after which severity, fearing another Insurrection, he passed the Water, and retired to his Seraglio at Scutari, where he fortified himself.
It happened about that time, that a Turk Woman a Slave was found aboard a French Ship, ready to sail from Constantinople, which the Turks highly resented, and aggravated the crime so much against the French Ambassadour, that they imprisoned his Son then embarked, and would have confiscated the Vessel and her Lading. In those days the Christian Ambassadours resident at that Court, kept better Union and Correspondence amongst themselves than they do at present; so that all of them as concerned, joyned together to represent before the chief Ministers, that such a fault merited not so grand a forfeiture, for that it was most probable to have been committed without the privacy either of the Ambassadour or Commander of the Ship. The Ambassadours then resident [Page 37] were Sir Peter Wych for England, the Sieur Marcheville for France, and Pietro Foscarini for Venice, at whose warm and urgent instances the Turks condescended to release the Vessel and the Goods laden upon her, with free liberty to depart. Howsoever it being represented to the Grand Signior by the Captain-Pasha (who is Admiral of the Seas) that one Baldasar, an Armenian by Nation, but Dragoman or Interpreter to the French Ambassadour, was a principal Instrument to move the Ambassadours to unite in this pretence; and being observed to manage the Interest of his Master with warm and earnest sollicitations, the surly Sultan grew so angry that one of his own Slaves should presume to manage a dispute with him, in fury and rage commanded, that he should The French Interpreter empaled. be immediately empaled; and that he might be assured that his Sentence took effect, he would see him with his own eyes on the Stake before he would pass the Water to his Seraglio at Scutari. The resolution was so sudden, and the Execution so speedy, that there was neither ear lent to hear, nor time given to mediate in his behalf; and the act being performed, complaints would not serve to redress a tyrannous action now past remedy, and not to be recalled: wherefore as the Ambassadours were forced to acquiesce and patiently endure the affront; so if they would have resented it, they could scarce have found one amongst their Interpreters of so bold a spirit, who durst have opened his mouth after so terrifying an example. The truth is, the Dragomen or Interpreters to Ambassadours at Constantinople are required to be men of Learning, Courage, and Courtship, their studies ought to endue them perfectly with the Turkish, Greek, and Arabick Languages, with some knowledge also of the Persian, and with good Elocution, and readiness of Tongue: their constancy and presence of mind is always necessary at their appearance before those Grandees or Great men, who are ever proud, haughty, and arrogant in all their expressions and ways of Treaty, the which they commonly manage towards Christian Ministers with the same respect which we use towards our Servants, or our Slaves. And therefore by reason of this and other Presidents of like nature, Dragomen have been always timorous in representing the true sence of the Ambassadours and Consuls; at least have so minced and tempered their words, that they have lost much of that vigour and accent which is necessary to inculcate perfectly a business into the Understanding of a Turk, especially if you intend to incline him to Reason and Justice. Wherefore it would be an excellent Qualification for an Ambassadour himself to understand and speak the Turkish Language, or at least to have a young man by his side of the English Nation educated in the Turkish Court, who should be ready to explicate those matters which are too thorny and prickly for Subjects of that Country to handle.
Had all the foregoing Troubles, Mutinies, and Misfortunes encountred the spirit of an easie and a gentle Sultan, certainly the Fate of this Amurat had been the same with that of Osman, who retiring within his 1633 Seraglio, could never have appeased the seditious humor with all the concessions he could give to an unreasonable multitude: but being a resolved and busling Prince, he at first gave some few steps backwards, as if he would yield somewhat to the impetuosity of that Torrent which he could not resist; yet it was only like a Ram who retires, that he may butt with the greater force. Howsoever the Politicians and sober men attributed the true cause of all these Commotions in the Souldiery, to [Page 38] have no other foundation than the ill success and miseries which attended the War in Persia; for the way being long, and the Countries hot, barren, and for the most part void of all comfort, the Souldiers abhorred the fatigues, and march thither, and hated to consider, that they should be made a Sacrifice to the lust of voluptuous Ministers, who, to gain Estates and Riches out of those Monies, which were designed to carry on the War, did not care, whilst they lived at ease and in delights, what labours, wants, and dangers attended the Militia. These considerations made likewise some impression in the Sultan, who therefore inclined to hearken unto those Propositions of Peace which were brought him by an Ambassadour from Persia; and being accompanied with very great Presents, the Peace was clapt up and concluded on a sudden. But as The Peace made with Persia, and speedily broken. things quick in their birth and production are not long-liv'd, nor long durable; so this Peace was broken the same year with an inconstancy equal to that inconsideration with which it was agreed and signed. For no sooner was the News hereof flown into the Eastern World, than the Great Mogol dispatched his Ambassadour with Letters to the Grand Signior, perswading him to make War again with the Persian, promising to assist him therein, by stopping up the passage of Nachivan, which is a City in the Lesser Armenia, built upon the River Aranes, and is the common Road into the Indies; the which motion, as it was pleasing to Morat, so being accompanied with Indian Curiosities and Presents of an inestimable value, the Ambassadour was graciously received and treated with such Feasts and Entertainments as are not usually known amongst the Turks; and returned again with Letters giving hopes, that he would speedily take an occasion to break with the Persian. But those who had experienced the difficulties of a War with Persia, and observed, that in the present Conjuncture of Affairs it might be more easily and with advantage waged on the side of Hungary, endeavoured with many pregnant arguments to perswade the Grand Signior thereunto, giving him Perswasions for a War against the Emperour. to understand, that Gustavus Adolphus King of Sweden being victorious over the Emperour in Germany, had taken many Towns and Cities of great strength; and having overthrown him in divers Battels, had slain or taken his best Captains and most Martial men of Valour; and that other Christians, who were desirous to abate the pride of the Austrian Family, were ready to embrace the same Conjuncture, whereby they might entirely shake off the yoke and servitude to the Imperial Tyranny. These advantages being well represented, took place easily in the mind of Morat, so that he dispatched express Orders to the Pasha of Buda to assemble his Forces, and put all things in a readiness on the Frontiers: in compliance with which, though the Pasha set forth his Tents, and made great appearance of a March, yet some secret designs caused him to move slowly, and to affect a Peace rather than a War; so that receiving an Ambassadour from the Emperour at Pesth, he readily admitted him, and gave him safe conduct and Convoy unto Constantinople: at which time Advices coming, that the Great Gustavus Adolphus was slain, and that the Affairs of the Swedes went backwards and unsuccessfully in Germany, altered all the measures of the Ottoman Counsels; and though Ragotski endeavoured all he was able to foment the differences, and encourage the Turks to a War, having besides other specious pretences, an Army of thirty thousand men in a readiness to joyn with the Turks against the Emperour; howsoever the Turks looking [Page 39] on the condition of the Swedes as desperate, and the proffers of Ragotski to be uncertain, and of no true foundation, and the state of affairs amongst themselves to be turbulent and unsetled, gave a kind reception A Peace made between the Emperour and the Grand Signior. to the Emperours Ambassadour, and signed the Agreement for continuance of the Truce. By this and other actions of like nature Ragotski lost much of his esteem with the Emperour and the Grand Signior; the first always looked on him as an ambitious Prince, exciting the Turk against him, and ready on the least occasion to enter his Country with fire and sword; the other looked on him as a false Friend, who never made proffers but those which squared with his own designs and interest, and particularly he had disgusted the Port by presuming to instate one Mathias in the Principality of Valachia, and to eject another constituted there by Authority of the Grand Signior, called Stridia Bei, or Lord Oysters, because his Father was a Fisher-man, and gained a good Estate by the Trade of Oysters; howsoever it being the Grand Signior's pleasure to ordain such a person to that Office, it was a presumption and a bold piece of Usurpation in Ragotski to dispose of that Government by virtue of his own single Power: howsoever the Grand Signior, to avoid contention with the resolved spirit of Ragotski, confirmed Mathias, upon condition of a double Tribute paid for the Investment to the Principality. But besides these reasons for a Peace with the Emperour, the designs the Grand Signior entertained of making War upon Poland with the assistance of the Moscovites and Tartars, and of dispossessing Emir Facardin of his Government, were strong inducements to make fair weather on all other sides of the neighbouring Princes. The envy which the riches and greatness of Emir Facardin (who was a Prince inhabiting in the parts of Arabia, to whom a large tract of Land with several Fortresses did belong) had contracted to him from the Pasha's of Damascus, Tripoli, and Gaza, caused them to accuse him before the Grand Signior of Rebellion and other enormous Crimes: the Plea against him was managed especially by the Pasha of Tripoli, who alledged, That he was an Enemy to the Mahometan Law, destroyed the Moschs, kept correspondence with the Malteses and the Corsaires of Ligorn, permitting them freely to take water in his Country; that he openly favoured the Christians, suffering them freely to build Churches in his Country. That he continually fortified his Castles, and encroached on the Lands and Territories of the Emirs his Neighbours. In short, his riches were so great, that every one feared and envied him, and therefore represented his case in that manner, that the Grand Signior resolving to destroy him, sent great Forces into those Countries under the Command of the Pasha Preparations of War made against Emir Facardin. of Tripoli, to whom he commanded the Pasha's of Damascus, Gaza, Aleppo, and Cairo to joyn their Forces: and for better expedition, the Captain-Pasha was appointed to equippe his Fleet, to transport Men and Ammunition into those parts. The Captain-Pasha in his passage by Sea encountred two English Ships lading Corn in the Gulph of Vola, called the William and Ralph, and Hector: this being a prohibited Commodity A Fight of the whole Turkish Fleet against two English Ships. not to be transported under penalty of forfeiting Ships, Goods, and Liberty of the men, moved the Pasha with the sight of such a Booty to command his Gallies to seize the Vessels; which being only two, it was imagined, that they would immediately yield and surrender without contest. But these bold Brittons knowing the consequences of such a surrender, resolved not tamely to yield themselves, at least to sell their [Page 40] liberties, lives, Ships, and Goods to the Turks at the dearest rate they were able: wherefore cutting their Cables, put themselves under Sail, and got into the main Sea, fighting with the whole Fleet above three hours; sometimes they were boarded by one Gally, sometimes by two at once; but plying their Quarter-deck Guns with small shot, and defending themselves manfully with their half-Pikes, they often cleared their Decks, and put off the Enemy with great slaughter: the Captain-Pasha being ashamed to see such resistance made by two such Vessels against his whole Force, resolved to enter his men at the Gun-room port of one of the Ships, and running the Prow of the Gally into the Stern-port, the valiant crew of the Gun-room clapt an Iron Spike into the Trunnel-hole of the Prow, whereby the Gally being wedged fast to the Timbers of the Ship, they brought their Stern-chase laden with cross Bars, pieces of Iron, and Parteridge-shot to bear upon them, which raking them fore and aft, killed the Captain-Pasha himself, with near three hundred out of the Bastard Gally. At length having spent all their shot, they charged their Guns with pieces of Eight, and being over-powered by numbers of their Enemies, and not able farther to resist, they set fire to their Ships, which blowing up, destroyed two or three of the Gallies which laid by their sides, together with those men which were then fighting aboard at handy-blows on the Deck with the defendants; so that none of the English were taken, unless three or four fished out of the water. An end being in this manner put to the Fight, the Turks gained the Victory, with the loss of twelve hundred Slaves killed and wounded, besides Turks, and were forced into Port, where they remained a full month to repair their Gallies; the which Fight affected all Turks with an astonishment of the English Bravery, or obstinacy, (as they call it) and is a matter remembred and talked of to this day, especially by the Son of the Captain-Pasha who was slain, called Omem, Pasha Ogli, who is Pasha of Rhodes at present, (as I remember) and commands three or four Gallies; for which reason he is so inveterate an Enemy to the English, that to satisfie his revenge, he buys what English Slaves he can get into his Gallies, and sells none out under a double price or ransom. The News of this Fight coming to Constantinople provoked the Grand Signior to the height of indignation; howsoever the Officers either being ashamed of their loss, or entertaining some secret admiration of the English Bravery, suffered the matter to be compounded for the Sum of forty thousand Dollars, of which the English paid only their share with the French and Venetians, whom (for I know not what reason) the Turks equally concerned in the occasion.
Whilst the Turks were appointing a new Captain-Pasha, and again refitting their Fleet, the Pasha of Damascus dispatched a Summons to Facardin to surrender Seida up to him, with other Castles and places of strength. The Old man resided then at Barut, where pretending to be retired from all business, answered, that he had resigned the whole Government into the hands of his Son Ali, as he had already testified by publick Acts: that he was but a Subject, and a Souldier under his Son, and therefore to him they ought to make their applications. Facardin had at that time an Army of twenty five thousand men, the which he divided into two Bodies, commanded by his two Sons. Ali his eldest he ordered with twelve thousand men (a thousand of which were Maronites, and two thousand Druzes) to march to Saphet for hindering the [Page 41] conjunction of the Emirs of Ferue and Therabith, and the Pasha's of Gaza and Damascus, whose Forces being joyned together, did not compose a greater number than that of Facardin. Ali encountring with them, and being a brisk and hot-metled Prince, engaged and charged them so home, that he defeated them, and killed eight thousand of their men; but such a Victory as this not costing him less than seven thousand of his men, was in effect his own overthrow; for being the next day charged again by the Enemy, both sides fought with that obstinacy, that (as is reported) The Son of Facardin overthrown, there remained not above an hundred forty six of all the Souldiers which followed Ali; and he himself having his Horse mortally wounded under him, and being out of breath, weary, and faint, yielded himself to a common Souldier who promised him quarter; but afterwards having him in his power he stranged him with his Match, and cut off his head and is strangled. and his little finger on which he wore his Seal-ring, and so presented both to the Pasha. But this proud Conquerour refused to accept this Present without Ceremony, until first the Head had been perfumed with sweet waters, the beard combed out, and covered with a rich Turbant, and having kept this Trophy for some days by him, he sent it afterwards to Constantinople. But before the News of this Defeat reached the ears of old Facardin, the Captain-Pasha with his Fleet of Gallies arrived at the Port of Tripoli; to whom Facardin being desirous to shew all friendship, and profess loyalty to the Grand Signior, he caused his Army to retire into the parts of Mount Libanus, whilst he himself with about three thousand men between domestick Servants and his Guards went to Scida, from whence he sent two A sort of Vessel or Ship so called by the Turks. Caramosauls laden with Provisions and refreshment to the Captain-Pasha for a Present, assuring him that he was an humble Vassal to the Grand Signior, and was ready to obey all his Commands; and because the Sultan may probably have received sinister reports relating to the Arms he had taken up, he assured him, that they were no otherwise designed, than to suppress the Robberies of the Arabs, and the Incursions of their Kings; and that he was ready to conduct his Army to any place, where his Master the Grand Signior should think fit to employ them. But these fair words could not divert the Captain-Pasha from his resolutions to enter the Port of Scida, nor from his Instructions of demanding, and upon refusal of forcing possession of the Castle; which as it was the most considerable Fortress, and the most pleasant Seat of all his Dominions, so he could not without much regret and sorrow hearken to such a Proposition: wherefore that the Pasha might not persist in this demand, he secretly proffered him an hundred thousand Zechins as a Bribe to himself, and his Son Mansour to be carried for a Hostage and Earnest of his faithfulness to the Grand Signior. The Captain-Pasha liked well the hundred thousand Zechins and the Hostages, but still required the Surrender of the Castle with them; on which whilst Facardin deliberated, News came of the death of his Son Ali, and the destruction of his Army, with which losing all courage, he yielded his Castle of Scida to the Captain-Pasha, retiring himself to his City of Barut; nor could he rest quietly at that place; for being pursued, he was forced to quit it, and retire with his Maronites and Druzes into the Mountains, lest being inclosed within the Walls of a City, he should fall alive into the hands of his Enemies. And now all good Fortune forsaking unhappy Facardin, the Maronites and Druzes his Subjects revolt to the Pasha of Damascus, his Palaces and Gardens [Page 42] of Pleasure were all ruined, his Friends forsook him, his two remaining Sons were lost, one carried to Constantinople for a Hostage, and the other slain in fight; his Towns of Gazir, Saphet, St. John d'Acria, and others were surrendred to the Pasha of Damascus: only some sew strong places in the Mountains remained to him, where living in League with Reba a King of the Arabs, he committed all the spoils he was able on the Lands belonging to the Pasha of Damascus. But being hunted from one Mountain to another, and from one Cave to another, he was at length forced to surrender upon Conditions, that he should have liberty to proceed unto the Grand Signior with his own Equipage of three hundred men and Trumpets founding, and that he might carry with him all his Treasure consisting of a million of Zechins all in gold, together with other Riches, which were carried by fourteen Camels; and that he should not be conducted as a Prisoner in Triumph, but that he should with freedom approach the presence of the Sultan, like other Pasha's, who are in grace and favour. These Proposals being granted, Facardin with his two young Sons began his Journey to Constantinople, and being about two days journey from thence, he dispeeded eight Chests of Gold before him, to prepare and make his way to the Grand Signior; who being pleased with the gold, and greatly rejoyced to receive the submission and Homage of one who had so long stood out in Rebellion, he went out in a disguise and Habit of a Pasha to see and discourse with that person, of whom there had been so general a rumor: and having accordingly encountred with the Emir, he sate down in his Tent with him, desiring him to relate the story of his life, with the several particulars of his late misfortunes. Emir Facardin well knew the person of the Grand Signior; but feigning as if he was unacquainted with whom he discoursed, and that he took him for some Pasha, began to recount the course of his life, the reasons why his Enemies falsely suggested evil reports of him to the Grand Signior, how he was forced for defence of his life to take up Arms, and what ill success accompanied his affairs; all which he represented with such quickness and eloquence, that the Grand Signior pitying his misfortunes promised to be his Advocate, and mediate with the Grand Signior in his behalf. The day following Facardin made his Entry in a Triumphant manner, and received a most favourable Audience from the Grand Signior; and all the Pasha's and great men in conformity to their Master, and in hopes of sharing some part of his gold, shewed him a like kind favourable countenance and aspect. But finding afterwards that Facardin increased daily in the esteem of the Grand Signior, and that the old Rebel was become a new Favourite, and that he was likely to over-top and out them, they generally conspired together, taking the Mufti on their side to accuse him of many crimes, and more particularly that he was a Christian and an Apostate from the Mahometan Faith. This point of Religion so sensibly touched the Grand Signior, that he resolved to condemn him in a manner solemn and extraordinary; for mounting one day on his Throne, he commanded Facardin to be brought in, and placed on a low chair, where ordering his crimes whereof he was accused to be recited, he passed a formal Sentence of death upon him: but Facardin arising to justifie himself, was not permitted to speak, only he obtained a quarter of an hours reprieve to make his Prayers, and afterwards was strangled by the hands of two Mutes.
ANNO 1634.
Morat growing now into years, took into his own hands the reins 1634 of Government, resolving to rule singly and absolutely, and to make himself rather feared than beloved: he degraded four Viziers at once, and banished them into Cyprus, consiscating their Estates, for no other reason, than because they had denied him the use of their Mules and Camels on occasion of his service. He became extremely severe against Morat exercises several acts of Tyranny. the Souldiery, crushing them with all imaginable rigour on the least appearance of reluctancy to his Commands, declaring, that he expected blind and silent Obedience from all, but especially from his Souldiery. He imposed a great Tax upon Copper; and because he had several Warehouses filled with that Metal, which had for many years lain by, he forced the people to buy it at his own rates; at which aggrievance the Commonalty growing desperate began to mutiny and rebel; but Morat put a speedy stop thereunto by cutting off the Heads of fifty of the most seditious, and so passed to Prusa with the attendance of six Gallies. He caused a Kadi to be hanged, to the great displeasure and universal resentment of the Ulemah, who are Students in the Law; who to make known their aggrievance, and consult a remedy, assembled in great numbers at the House of the Mufti. The Queen-Mother being acquainted with this Meeting, and fearing the ill consequences thereof, gave immediate advice to the Sultan, who with like expedition dispatched a Boat to bring over the Mufti and his Son to Prusa, who were no sooner arrived than they were strangled, being not permitted to speak for themselves, or to alledge any plea or excuse for their lives. This act of cruelty beyond the example of former Ages, and never practised by the most tyrannical of his Predecessours, struck a terrour on the whole Empire; for men observing the unjust rigour which was executed on the Head and Chief of their Law, the Oracle and Mouth which resolved their difficult Problems, and whom the World so reverenced and honoured, that few examples have been of Capital punishment executed on his reverend Head, feared that innocence was not sufficient to secure their own less considerable Estates from his fury and violence. There is a particular death allotted for Mufties, which is by braying them in a Mortar, the which Mortar is kept in the Seven Towers at Constantinople, and there shewed to strangers; the which Instrument hath been seldom made use of.
Morat being greatly addicted to Wine, was sensible of the ill effects of it in himself, and that the heat of debauchery inclined him to violence and cruelty, and from hence collecting how dangerous this humor Morat destroys the Taverns. of drunkenness was in his people, especially in his Souldiery, for that much of the late Seditions might be attributed thereunto, he published a most severe Edict against Wine, commanding all Taverns to be demolished, the Butts to be broken, and the Wine spilt. It was the common custom of the Grand Signior to walk the streets in disguise, when meeting with any drunken person, he would imprison him, and almost drub him to death. It was his fortune to meet a deaf man one day in the streets, who not hearing the noise of the people, nor the rumor of his approach, did not so readily shift out of the way, as was consistent with the fear and dread of so awful an Emperour, for which default he was strangled [Page 44] immediately, and his body thrown into the streets. All people feared and trembled at these practices, and were as careful to look out abroad for the Grand Signior, lest they should be surprised with the bluster of his presence, as Mariners are of being taken unprovided by some sudden Gust or Hurricane; for there was scarce a day, that one innocent or other was not sacrificed to his fury and tyrannical sancy. One Thomas Hangs a Venetian Merchant. Zanetti, a Venetian Merchant, who had built a losty Jardac, or a high Room of Prospective on the top of his House, was accused to the Grand Signior to have designed that place for no other end, than that he might with a Long-glass oversee the Chambers of the Ladies, and the Gardens, and Walks of the Seraglio: for which reason, without farther inquiry, he was hanged in his shirt on the top of his Jardac with a red Streamer in his hand, that so the Grand Signior might be sure, that the Sentence was executed. The Estate of Zanetti, whether belonging to himself or Principals, was consiscated; but in regard the Goods for Security were privately conveyed to the Ware-houses of several Frank Merchants, strict search was made for them; but in regard the Marks and Numbers were altered, they could not be distinguished: wherefore the Grand Signior concluding, that all the Frank Merchants had combined together to deceive him, he imprisoned every man of them, nor would he release them until they paid forty thousand Dollars for their ransom and liberty. After which upon pretence of a Plot, or agreement of the Franks to defend themselves from the leviation of this Tax, the Turks searched their Houses for Arms; in taking of which they were so rigorous, that they spared not so much as a Birding-piece, nor yet the Sword of Sir Peter Wych, then Ambassadour for England, though he alledged, that it was the very Sword with which his Majesty had conferred the Honour of Knighthood upon him.
But from these transactions at home, let us pass to the Wars in Poland and Persia. That invincible Prince Uladislaus King of Poland had gained such good success against the Czar of Moscovy, that the Czar was forced to demand assistance from the Turks. The Grand Signior, though he had lately made a Peace with Poland, and sworn to maintain the Articles of Chocin concluded by his Predecessour Sultan Osman; yet the continual depredations which the Cosacks made, did always administer reasonable pretences for a War: to which Abassa one of his chief Counsellours, a valiant and presumptuous Captain, did much incite him; for promising to himself the Conduct of that Army designed against Poland, did much The Turks make War on the Poles. flatter the Sultan and himself with the fancy of mighty success. The War being thus resolved upon, the Turk who commonly strikes before he quarrels, gave Orders to Abassa to make Levies of men in Moldavia and Valachia, and to put the Tartars in Arms, and the Militia of Buda, and of the parts along the Danube into a warlike posture, and with all expedition to enter Poland. Abassa who had with wonderful diligence put his Troops in readiness, ordered the Tartars with a Body of sifteen thousand men to enter Poland; which they performed with such celerity, that passing the River of Tyr above Chocin and Rinczug, they in a few hours laid all waste for the space of ten leagues round Kemenitz, and so retired with their Booty into Moldavia; howsoever their haste was not attended with such good speed, but that they were overtaken on the 4 th of July by Stanislaus Konispolzki, General of the Polish Army, with no greater Force than two thousand five hundred Horse; howsoever [Page 45] surprising them whilst they were seeding their Horses, he put them into such confusion and disorder, that he easily recovered all the Booty, and took five of their Chief men Prisoners, of which the Son-in-law of Cantemir was one. But this was a faint resreshment in respect to that terrible storm of sixty thousand men composed of Turks, Tartars, Moldavians and Valachians, which under the Command of Abassa had already passed the Danube. Konispolzki the Polish General having not sufficient Force to oppose them in open sield, nor time to assemble a greater Army, gathered what Supplies he could from the Cosacks and Lords of that Country, and therewith encamped himself upon a Hill between the River Tyr and the Town of Chocin, that he might be the better able to succour Kemenitz, which the Enemy designed to assault. A Fight between the Turks and the Poles. Abassa who contemned this weak Force of the Poles, resolved without farther consideration to attack them in their own Camp, and force them to sight; of which the Poles being well advised, placed several-Pieces of Artillery, and lined all the Hedges and Ditches with Musquetiers where the Turks were necessarily to pass, drawing out their whole Army into Batalia; the Turks who hastened the nearest way to charge the Enemy, fell into the Ambush, where having lost about five hundred men, they began to make a stand, and to consider of some more advantageous way to their design. Wherefore Abassa taking another course, which he judged to be free from all concealed dangers, ordered the Tartars to charge the right Wing, and the Moldavians and Valachians the left of the Enemy, and he with his Turks would fight the main Body. The Tartars with great resolution performed their part, and had wholly deseated that Wing, had not Wisnovitzki with some Troops and a Train of small Artillery come in seasonably to their succour: the Moldavians and Valachians sought so faintly against the Enemy, whom they considered to be Christians, Brothers, and Neighbours, that they soon turned their backs and fled, but were not far pursued by the Poles. Abassa receiving this repulse sounded a Retreat, and immediately repassed the River Tyr, and marched with all the haste he was able, stopping no where, until he arrived at Rinzur about thirty English miles from the place of the Fight, and arriving at length on the Banks of the Danube, he gave licence to his Souldiers to disperse into their Winter-quarters; in the mean time Abassa dispatched Advice to the Grand Signior of the Particulars of the Fight, and of his great Victory by an entire defeat of the Polish Army. The Grand Signior believed the report, which none durst to contradict, and which was confirmed by the rumour of an Ambassadour coming from Poland. For the Poles being at that time engaged An Ambassadour sent to the G. Signior from Poland. in a War with Moscovy, and apprehensive of another with Sweden, judged it not seasonable to provoke the Turk, but rather by way of Accommodation dispeeded an Ambassadour with a train of three hundred men to make complaints against the late Acts of Hostility committed by Abassa, as if he had moved his Arms without the Orders, or knowledge of the Sultan. About that time that the Ambassadour approached near to Constantinople, the Grand Signior had another Son born, but of a weakly and sickly temperament, howsoever great joy was expressed, and all the City was enlightned with Torches, Bonsires, and Fire-works; and that the Grand Signior might evidence his Greatness and Magnisicence to the Ambassadour, he took this occasion of the Birth of a Son to make a solemn Entrance into the City, and to make [...] [Page 42] [...] [Page 43] [...] [Page 44] [...] [Page 45] [Page 46] the greater show he armed all the Citizens and Inhabitants.
Before the Grand Signior would grant Audience to the Ambassadour, he ordered that Abassa should treat with him, and understand his business and desires: Abassa carried himself high in the Negotiation, he pretended the damages and charges of the War, the demolishment of certain Palancas, which were the places of Refuge for the Cosacks, and the Tribute of ten years past, with security of payment for the time to come. The Ambassadour positively refused to hearken unto any terms about Tribute, and that for other matters the Presents which he had brought to the Grand Signior would reasonably answer. His Presents were
- A Coach lined with Velvet, with six very fine Horses.
- A Bason and Candlesticks of Silver richly gilt.
- Four Clocks, ten Vests of Sables, six Quivers of Arrows, with some Hunting Dogs.
Being at length admitted to Audience, and thereunto conducted by the Aga of the Spahees and the Chaous Bashee, the Grand Signior asked the Ambassadour, which was not usual: For what reason he was come thither? To which he answered: That he was come to bring his Majesty advice of the Coronation of his King, and to establish a Peace, if his Majesty should judge fit to accept thereof. To which the Sultan replied: That all Christian Kings ought either to receive the Ottoman Laws, or pay him Tribute, or try the sharpness of his Sword. And taking a Cemiter in his hand which hung by him, he drew it half out, and said: With this I will subdue my Enemies, and though my War in Persia continues, I do not fear to undertake another in Poland. To which the Ambassadour returning a modest Answer, was dismissed of the Royal Presence.
And now the Grand Signior, to put a good face on the business, and to make the World believe, that he designed what he spake, he proclaimed a War with Poland, and ordered his Tents to be carried abroad, supposing hereby to draw the Poles to his own terms of agreement: and in pursuance hereof he mounted on Horse-back and rode in state through the City, his upper Vest was made after the Hungarian fashion lined with Sables; in his right hand he carried a Quiver of Arrows, in his left two drawn Swords, on his Turbant he wore a large Plume of Feathers encompassed with a Circle of Diamonds; and in this manner entring his Tents he proceeded to Adrianople. But before his departure the Count Puchen, Ambassadour from the Emperour, arrived with other sumptuous Presents, offering Incense and gifts of Peace at the Throne of this Greatness.
But before we relate the transactions at Adrianople, and the success of affairs at that place, let us recount several dismal accidents at Constantinople. The Grand Signior returning by Sea from a place called Stravosta in the Bay of Ismit, anciently the Bay of Nicomedia, where he had for some Several mischiefs by water and fire. time held his Court and great Divan, he was followed by several Vessels appointed to transport the people, in one whereof were ninety five persons embarked, all of them Pasha's, Aga's, and chief Officers of the Court; the Vessel was over-set by a sudden gust of wind, and all the people drowned, excepting three Sea-men which saved themselves by swimming. More considerable were the mischiefs by fire. For on occasion of some Fire-works made in one of the Grand Signior's Chiosks or Houses of Pleasure, the fire took so siercely on the Tavan or wooden Works of the [Page 47] Sieling, that it endangered the whole Palace, and had consumed all, but that many hands and active men gave a stop to the farther progress. This fire was but the fore-runner of a greater, which began the 16 th of September in that part of the City of Constantinople, which is called [...], A terrible fire at Constantinople. being between the Wall and the Port where live Taverners, Butchers, Fishmongers, and others who sell provisions. The fire took first in one of those Houses which had been a Tavern, and are Buildings only made of Deal-boards and Timber, which combustible matter flamed out so violently, that it took hold on all the Houses round, and was so quick in its motion, as if it had taken by a train, or that some wicked people with Fire-balls had employed themselves in the mischief; the fire took its course against the wind, burning on one side and the other to the Historical Pillar, and to the Mosehs of Sultan Mahomet and Sultan Selim; so that in a short time one third of the City was reduced to ashes. It is difficult to express the lamentable destruction was made hereby, what Riches, what Palaces, and Moveables were consumed in it, there being twenty thousand houses reported to be burnt; which misery is best represented by the remembrance of our calamitous Incendiation at London, the greatest difference between one and the other was, that that at Constantinople was more quick in its motion; for it burnt a larger compass of ground in one third of the time, than ours did at London; for that City for the most part consisting of slight Buildings of Wood met not the resistance which ours sometimes did against the Walls of Brick and stones. The fire being extinguished, and men having time to lament and think, began to impute the cause and fault to those whom they most suspected; sometimes they accused the Persians for having fired the City, for which crime one of them the next year suffered death: some attributed the cause of all to the Janisaries, and that they out of [...] to the Inhabitants, or for the sake of Plunder, if they did not begin, yet at least increased the fire; which they the more suspected, because the Janisaries refused not only to work themselves, [...], that they expected Orders from their Aga, but likewise hindered and discouraged others. Howsoever the Grand Signior not wanting on his own part to contribute all assistance possible, sent four thousand men out of his Seraglio to work about the fire, not excusing the very Officers of his Royal Chamber from contributing their authority and personal aid; some of which ventured far into the fire to demonstrate their courage, activeness, and obedience to the Commands of their Emperour: but all this was too little against an obstinate and an invincible Enemy, for the fire slamed and proceeded until it wanted nourishment and food to consume. In fine, twenty thousand houses were burnt, two hundred Mosehs, and the library of the Mufti, which for the number of the Arabick and Persian Books was curious and of high esteem: the Albengs or Habitation of the Janisaries containing three hundred Chambers, of which each Chamber was capable to receive four hundred men, were all burnt and reduced to ashes. The which fatal and miserable spectacle did a little touch the heart of Sultan Morat; so that he gave out considerable Sums to comfort the distressed who had most suffered by this calamity, and to raise from its ashes his consumed and languishing Constantinople, which being revived and slourishing, was again miserably consumed by flames in the month of April 1660. But such is the benesicial and commodions situation of that place, and the [Page 48] riches thereof by trade, and the presence of the Ottoman Court, that the Inhabitants again rebuilt it in fewer years than could be imagined.
But now to return to the Grand Signior at Adrianople, we find him resolutely designed to make a War upon Poland, to which he was induced by the perswasions of Abassa, and the present conjuncture of advantage to joyn with the Moscovite, it seeming great Policy not to suffer Reasons for a War with Poland. the Countries of Moseovy to be over-run, or the Poles, who is a warlike and dangerous Nation, to grow puissant and powerful by his success and Conquest over his Neighbours: wherefore preparations were made on all sides for the War; great quantities of Provisions and Ammunition were sent into Moldavia by way of the Black Sea and the Danube. The Tartar Han sent word that all his Forces were in readiness, and expected nothing but their Orders to march; the Beglerbey of Greece made his Rendezvous at Philippolis with an Army of thirty thousand men, where he attended to joyn with the Forces of Bosna, Silistria, and other parts of Europe; Moldavia and Valachia made an appearance of levying men, and joyning with the Turk, but their hearts were towards the Poles, with whom they kept a secret correspondence, and would be ready to adhere on the least opportunity. In short, the Army of the Turks was so great, and all his affairs in that readiness, that he scorned to incline an ear to Propositions of Peace; in which opinion Abassa humoured and perswaded him, that the Poles were so fearful of his Forces, that they had already yielded to Terms of compounding for a yearly Tribute. All which proved false; for in the mean time Vladislaus King of Poland remitting nothing of the heat and vigour of his War against the Moscovites, he was so successful therein, that he forced an Army of eighty thousand men, which he had besieged in their Camp, to lay down their Arms, and surrender themselves, which was an action scarce to be credited, The Victory which the Poles obtained [...] the Moscovites. at least to be paralleled in any History, and with this Conquest he might have proceeded to the Capital City of Mosco, and concluded the War and that Empire: but Gods Providence which governs all things altered this Counsel, and diverted those victorious Arms to the Siege of Bial; which Town being well fortified and garrisoned withstood many assaults of the Enemy, and blunted the Spirits and Swords of the Conquerour; for losing much time in this Siege, other Towns made use of the opportunity to provide and fortifie themselves, whilst the Poles growing weary, and wanting Pay raised divers Mutinies and Seditions in the Camp. These difficulties and inconveniences inclined the King Vladislaus to bend a favourable ear to the many supplications and instances which the Moscovites made for Peace; so that the Plenipotentiaries being assembled, it was agreed, that the Dutchy of Smolesko and Czernieschou, which two hundred years past had been taken They make a Peace. from Poland and Lituania, with many other Towns and Countries to the extent of two hundred leagues, should be restored to the Kingdom of Poland.
The News of this sudden Peace coming unexpectedly to Sultan Morat caused his Bravadoes against Poland to cease, and to turn the stile of his fury and indignation against the Moscovites, whom he vilified with all imaginable terms of perfidiousness and cowardise, and abused and imprisoned their Ambassadours. He considered that he had provoked an Enemy who was victorious, valiant, and powerful, and one who at any time was able to contend with his united Force, much more whilst it was separated [Page 49] and disjoyned by his War in Persia: wherefore in all haste he dispatched an Ambassadour into Poland called Shahin Aga, desiring to renew the ancient League and Articles of Peace. This Ambassadour The Turk sends an Ambassadour into Poland to desire a Peace. found the King at the Diet in Warsaw, where he publickly endeavoured to excuse his Master for the late Acts of Hostility, assuring them, that they were not performed according to his Masters desires and original intentions, but as they were moved and guided by the evil suggestions and artifices of Abassa, who being solely culpable of this fault by giving ill counsels to his Master, he assured them in the Name of the Sultan, that he should receive such punishment, as they should think sit to inflict upon him. Hereunto the King Vladislaus gave this answer, That since the Grand Signior could so easily infringe the Articles of that Peace which had been solemnly and sacredly established, it was now his part, and the wisdom of that grave Assembly to contrive such conditions and bonds wherewith to oblige his Master, as could not easily and at his pleasure be broken or avoided: and at the same time the Polish Ambassadour being returned from Constantinople, and discoursing in the Diet of the pride and perfidiousness of the Turks, and the scorn wherewith they received Christian Ambassadours, so incensed the spirit of the whole Assembly, that with a general consent they approved the words of the King, adding, that they would no longer be subject to the insults and falsities of that Tyrant, whom they would make to know, that they wore as well offensive as defensive Arms, and were not of that abject spirit or mean condition to permit the Sultan to violate the most sacred Articles of Peace, and then at his pleasure to salve them with a fawning acknowledgment, or a flattering speech. In this manner the Turkish Ambassadour was returned, whilst the King Vladislaus went into Podolia to take a view of his Armies, which he found to consist of eighty thousand fighting men, all well accoutred, of good courage, and ready to follow their King to the Walls of Constantinople.
The fear of the motion of this great Army in a conjuncture when the Wars broken out again in Persia were not prosperous, affected the mind of Morat with much terrour; so that he became very sollicitous to find out and make some substantial Proposition in order to an Accommodation. One of the Viziers called Morteza was very active in this business, plying continually the General Konispolzki with Letters, Ossers, and Expedients for a Peace; to facilitate which and shew that the Grand Signior did heartily relent, Abassa was strangled by two Kapugees, and given Abassa strangled. for a Sacrifice to appease the anger of his Enemies; a person who was a stout Souldier, and one who had performed great and signal services in the War of Persia. But the Poles not being pacified with this single act of penitence, but thirsting farther after the blood of the Turks, desired to spoil and pillage their richer Provinces. Howsoever at length the Council of Poland entring into more serious debates, considered that the Troops lately come from Moscovy were but in a bad condition, that the part of their Army which consisted of Voluntiers would not endure a long and tedious War, and that the expence and charge of this Articles of Peace agreed between the Poles and the Turks. great Army was immense and almost insupportable: for which reasons it was resolved, that a Peace should be made, which was soon afterwards concluded and agreed on these following Articles.
That the Vayvods of Moldavia and Valachia should be confirmed by the Grand Signior with the consent and recommendation of the King of Poland.
[Page 50] That Cantemir and his Tartars should abandon the Country of Buckzac, and in case of refusal, that then the Turk and Tartar Chan should joyn their Forces to expel them from thence.
That the Poles shall suppress all Acts of Hostility of the Cosacks in the Black Sea.
That the Turks renounce for ever all demands, or future pretence of Tribute from Poland: and that they shall build no new Forts on the Frontiers.
That the Navigation on the River Nieper shall remain free and undisturbed to the Poles. That all other Articles shall remain as formerly in their true force and virtue.
In this year happened out great differences between the French Ambassadour and the Turkish Officers. The first disgust had its original from the year 1631. when the Marquess of Marcheville going Ambassadour A difference between the French Ambassadour and the Captain-Pasha. to Constantinople, was in his Voyage met off of Scio by the Captain-Pasha and his Fleet of Gallies, who immediately sent off a Boat to advise him, that he should strike his Flag, and make ready the Presents which were due to the Grand Signior's Admiral: Marcheville duly considering, that this submission would blemish the Honour of his Master, and the Dignity of his Character, refused compliance either in one or the other; howsoever that he might testifie the friendship and good correspondence which he came to confirm between the two Kings, he stood off at some distance and fired five Guns to salute the Grand Signior's Standard; but the Captain-Pasha not contenting himself herewith, required the Ambassadour to come aboard and speak with him, which after divers Messages from one Vessel to another, the Ambassadour was counselled to perform, not knowing how far otherwise he might engage the Honour of his Master. Marcheville being arrived at Constantinople did greatly complain of the affront and violence he received from the Captain-Pasha; which though the Grand Signior and other Ministers seemed not to approve, yet the Ambassadour received little other satisfaction than fair words and promises, that his Honour should be again repaired. At the Arrival of the Sieur Marcheville the Count Cesi, who was the former Ambassadour, was to return into France; but the debts which he had contracted by a certain way of living, were so great, that the Creditors would not suffer him to depart without payment; for default of which he endured many affronts offered to his own person, and was detained at Constantinople until this year 1634. during which time the Marquess Marcheville managed all the Affairs of the Embassy, who keeping still in mind the affront offered him before Scio, watched all opportunities to disparage the actions and person of the Captain-Pasha; who at length returning from the Black Sea, where he had some success against the Cosacks, was graciously received by the Grand Signior; and being advertised, how during his absence the French Ambassadour had endeavoured to blast his reputation by many instances of diminution, which he often inculcated by his Druggerman, took advantage of the Grand Signior's good humour, to vent before him the resentment which he conceived thereof: the Grand Signior to gratifie the Pasha, promised to hang the Druggerman, which the Pasha acknowledged as a singular favour, and returned from the presence of the Sultan full of joy and contentment: but better to cover his malice, and to ensnare the poor Wretch, he sent a Messenger to the Ambassadour, [Page 51] assuring him that he desired his friendship; and that there might be a right understanding between them, he perswaded him to send his Druggerman to him, that by his mouth he might signifie the esteem he had for the Ambassadour, from whose spirits he was willing to take off all jealousies and ombrages of discontent. The Ambassadour not suspecting the perfidiousness of the Pasha, sent his Druggerman to him, who The French Druggerman hanged being come within his power, was immediately hanged by the Grand Signior's express Command, and ordered that he should remain on the Gallows with his Velvet Cap on his head, which in this Sultan's Reign all Druggermen wore to distinguish them from others. The Ambassadour complained greatly of this affront and violation of Articles, to the Chimacam and other Officers, but could receive no other answer or satisfaction than that the Grand Signior might execute Justice, as he pleased, on his Subjects, without asking leave, or concerning the King of France or his Ambassadour in the matter. But Marcheville not resting satisfied with this reply, still prosecuted his pique and animosity to such height, that the Captain-Pasha farther incensed thereat, obtained Authority from the Grand Signior to dispeed him away: so that sending one day for Marcheville, and first reproaching his contrivances and designs against him, told him plainly, that it was the Grand Signior's pleasure that he should depart at that instant; to which he constrained the Ambassadour so precipitately, that he would not give him time to advertise his Servants, or make up his Baggage; but forced him aboard a French Ship then in Port, which he immediately compelled to sail; and the wind being contrary, caused the Vessel to be toaed abroad by two The Sicur Marcheville forcibly sent away. Gallies into the open Sea of the Propontis. After the injurious departure of this Ambassadour, the Count Cesi, who had been detained at Constantinople for the reasons before denoted, took again upon him the function of Ambassadour, to execute which in better advantage of Trade and Commerce, he was advised to a compliance with the Captain-Pasha, and to use such means as might mitigate that acrimony of spirit, which this Pasha nourished against the French Nation. These disputes between the French and the Turkish Officers revived certain disgusts and aversion against all the Frank Nations, which favoured the Latine Rites; so that in despight to them the Grand Signior restored again Cyrillus the Patriarch to the Patriarchal Jurisdiction, who had long been persecuted by the Jesuits, and by their means been deposed, promising that for the future he should continue undisturbed, in opposition to all those of the Roman Religion.
The Peace (as we have said) being concluded with Poland, the Grand Signior was more at leisure to attend the Wars in Persia, with the labours and toils of which the Janisaries being wearied, began new troubles and Seditions in the Camp; the which disorder Morat attributing to the negligence or cowardise of the Officers, as wanting courage to suppress Acts of cruelty. them, summoned the Janisar-Aga to appear before him, and without long process or excuse cut off his Head, and consiscated his Estate to the Exchequer, which amounted to a million and seventy thousand Dollars: another Janisary also more rich than seditions, was in like manner sacrificed, and an hundred and sixty thousand Dollars of his Estate added to the Treasury of the Sultan. The Pasha also of Damascus, with several other Officers of the Army enriched with spoils of the people, fell a Sacrifice to Morat's avarice and cruelty; to whom riches and blood were [Page 52] so pleasing, that none acquired a higher degree of grace in his favour, than those who could give him notice of opulent men, who having found riches he undertook to find them guilty, and to prove their wealth so corrupted by extortion and violence, that nothing could hallow or purifie it but his Coffers.
The next News from Persia brought advice, that that King at the Head of a powerful Army was encamped in the Country about Van, with which the Turks not having sufficient Force to fight, the Vizier wrote to the Grand Signior, that his presence was necessary to increase the Army, and encourage the Souldiery; whereupon he resolved to leave Adrianople, and transfer his Court to his Seraglio at Scutari, that The G. Signior returns to Scutari. so remaining on the Banks of Asia, he might be nearer to his business, both to receive Intelligence and administer Supplies; and because Seditions and discontents in the people do always obstruct the motion of publick Affairs, he not only ruined the Taverns and Tabaco-shops, but forbid Coffee-houses, and other idle places of concourse; nay into Barbers shops no more than one was suffered to enter at a time; for those being places of resort, Treason was frequently vented there, men of that profession being notorious through the World for their talk and intemperance of language: and farther to restrain Meetings and secret Conventions strict Orders were given, that after an hour and half in the night all fires and candles in the City should be extinguished, which was the general discontent of all people. But what shewed much of the fierce spirit of the Sultan, was a certain fury which he conceived on this occasion. On a certain day riding on his Horse, thirty Indian Pilgrims met him in the way to demand his charity, and being in a different habit to what the Turks wear, and not accustomary in that Country, the Grand Signior's Horse started at the sight of them; and being spurred for bogling in that manner, the Horse capred and reared an end, so that he threw his Rider; at which the Grand Signior being highly enraged, drew out his Cemiter, and with his own hand killed his Horse, and instead of alms prepared a place of entertainment in the Gallies for those unhappy Indians.
The Grand Signior being returned to his Palace at Scutari, which is seated on the Asian side opposite to Constantinople, applied his whole mind entirely to the Affairs in Persia; and being resolved to march thither The G. Signior resolves to go to Persia in person. in person, he put abroad the Horse-tail, which is a signal of departure, he visited the Sepulchres of his Ancestors, made his Corban, which is a distribution of flesh to the poor, for a Blessing on his Enterprise. The Officers of the Army contended to out-vy each the other in their Presents to the Grand Signior, some furnished him with Royal Tents, others with curious and light Arms; and others with Horses and Furnitures of value. Great Sums of Money were extracted out of the Exchequer for Military preparations and payments of the Souldiery. The charge of Affairs in absence of the Grand Signior was committed to the Bostangibashee, who was made Chimacam of Constantinople; and so with a fierce spirit, and aspect full of indignation and anger he mounted his Horse at the head of an Army of an hundred thousand; he departed from Constantinople about the end of April.
But before we recount the particulars of what succeeded in Persia, it is requisite to cast our thoughts back to the troubles of Transylvania occasioned 1635 by the competition of Stephen Bethlem and George Ragotski for [Page 53] that Principality. Bethlem (as we have said before) being grieved and discontented at his hard Fortune in being put by the Government, and resenting the punishment which Ragotski inflicted on his Son for the Bethlem renews his complaints to the Grand Signior. crime of manslaughter, he went to Buda, and there renewing his old complaints to the Pasha, he was with recommendations from him accompanied to the Port, where being introduced to the presence of the chief Ministers, he at large declared the Merits and good Services of his Family towards the Sultan: ‘That for this reason only, in dishonour His reasons to be re-inslated. and despight to the Ottoman Empire, he was excluded from the Government; and therefore challenged its assistance to re-establish him therein, in consideration of which, he promised the same faithfulness and devotion to the Sultan, which was professed and maintained by his Ancestors, and was natural to the Family of Gabor. That as to Ragotski it was apparent, that he entertained different principles; that he was a person of elated thoughts and a turbulent spirit, and was ever united in combination with the Emperour, Germans, and other Enemies to the Ottoman State.’
The Turks moved with these reasons, resolved to favour Stephen, and to discountenance Ragotski; and though the conjuncture of affairs was such, as that any other Engagement in War, besides that of Persia, did not square with the present designs; yet at all times it was judged convenient to sow the tares of discord, and promote differences amongst Christians, which have ever produced advantages to the Mahometan Cause: and likewise the Pasha of Buda was commanded to enter Transylvania with a Force sufficient to contend with Ragotski; and lest the Emperour should be alarm'd with this commotion, a Chiaus was dispatched to give him a perfect understanding of the reasons, why an Army The Turks send an Army into Transylvania. marched into Transylvania; the design of which was not intended in the least manner to impeach the Articles of Peace between him and the Grand Signior, but only to displace a man of a furious and turbulent spirit, and to ordain another in his stead of a more sober and quiet temper, by whose moderation and prudence the Peace between the two Empires may be improved and continued.
Ragotski startled at this design intended against him, assembled the States of his Country to determine and consult concerning a remedy, and immediately dispatched a Messenger to the Emperour, to desire Ragotski implores aid from the Emperour. and implore his Imperial succour and protection: and though Ragotski was sensible of the disparity of his strength, in comparison of that of the Turks; yet neither did his counsels nor behaviour betray fear or want of constancy. The Hungarians seconded those instances which Ragotski had made at the Imperial Court, and the Party which he had made at Vienna brought the matter to a debate in Council, which was argued on both sides with solid and convincing reasons. Those who spake in disfavour of Ragotski, alledged, That all assistance contributed to him would be a just cause and pretence to the Grand Signior to make War with the Emperour. That Ragotski himself was of an uniquiet temper, not unlike to Gabor his Predecessor, who had often bid defiance It is debated in Council. to the Emperour, and over-running all Hungary and Austria, had often erected his Standard in the sight of Vienna. To protect and cherish a person of this disposition, was no other than to nourish a Serpent or Viper in their bosom; who being elevated at the expence of the Empire in successes against the Turk, would convert that power which he had [Page 54] gained to the damage of the House of Austria, combining with the Faction of other Princes to procure its destruction. Let us therefore, said they, stand at a gaze, and as men on the shore or in a good Port behold the agitation of Ships in the Ocean; perhaps the change of a Prince in Transylvania may turn to our benefit, and one may succeed into the place, of such a mild temper and serene disposition, as may better agree with the Maxims of this Court, and may cultivate that Peace which can only render these Countries happy.
Howsoever there were other opinions to the contrary, amongst which it is said, that D. Annibal Gonzaga, a person acquainted with the State of Transylvania and of the Turks, and Director of the Imperial Army, delivered himself in this manner.
May it please Your Sacred Imperial Majesty,
IF Ragotski had been the lawful Son and hereditary Successour of Gabor, who was an Enemy to your Majesty, we might then apprehend the evil consequences of a Son, that traces the same path and footsteps of his Father. But here is another person, another Prince, in emulation different, and by enmity hating the House of Gabor; wherefore I cannot imagine, how this Prince can possibly entertain Maxims of like nature with the other. For my part I believe, that it behoves your Majesty to maintain a good correspondence with the Princes of Transylvania by a close Vnion against the Turk; your adjoyning Countries being like contignous Buildings, which are strengthned by a mutual support: let us therefore support it, for if it depends not on us, it will be over-run, and remain oppressed without us. To aggravate the faults of Gabor to the disparagement of Ragotski, is no Logical consequence, unless you will argue, that the faults of the guilty are to be punished on the innocent. Let us therefore consider, which agrees best with the security of the Empire; that Transylvania should remain in the hands of Ragotski, or of the Turk; or that we had better strike against the rock of jealousie, which we conceive against this Transylvanian, or on that ruinous rock of the Turkish Power. The Ottoman Counsels commonly look asquint, they cast their eye on the Prince, when their sight aims at the Principality, and threaten the person, when they design to vent their fury to the subjection of his Country. The true intent of the Turk is to reduce Transylvania to the same condition with Moldavia and Valachia, and to incorporate this with infinite other Provinces into the gross body of his Empire. It is notorious to all the World, that the Emperours your Predecessours have lost a large tract of Land by the Turks, and your losses will every day be greater, as their Conquests increase; and when their Dominions in Europe are so enlarged, that they are able to quarter their Asiatick Cavalry in these Countries, your dangers must necessarily be inevitable and full of terrour. For I compute, that when the Turk designs to make War upon us, he marches with an hundred thousand men, and perhaps ten thousand Camels, besides other beasts of burden; so numerous a body as this cannot be maintained until the grass be fully grown, which is not until the middle or end of June; and from that time they have more than a month or six weeks March before they arrive upon our Consines; the which consumption of time prolongs their Enterprises, and protracts the time of our damages. But if once they become Masters of Transylvania, and that that Country be laid to Moldavia, Valachia, and other parts of Hungary, they may then commodiously winter amongst us, and begin their Wars and Attempts [Page 55] upon us early in the year, and pursue them until the last season of the Autunin: and in this manner, whilst we are debating and taking our measures in our Diet, they will fatten themselves, and satiate their appetites with our spoils. It is good therefore for us to defend Austria in Transylvania, keeping the eaver as far from the heart, as we are able. Let us suppose, that Ragotski is the most ungrateful man in the world, and that after we have supported and succoured him, that he will reverse his Arms upon us: howsoever he is not so strong and considerable as to do us much hurt, and therefore it were better to have him our Neighbour and our Enemy, than the Turk, though our Friend: the first can only administer some little causes of jealonsie, but the other may destroy and supplant us: the first is but like a putrid feaver, which is cured with every small evacuation; but the latter is a pestilence, which dilates and diffuses it self, and is deadly and irrecoverable. Let not the seruple neither of breaking with the Turk trouble us; for we may administer assistance under-hand, and without noise effect our business, without arriving at the extremity of a rupture. It is folly and weakness in us to be charmed by the statteries of the Turks, and the fair words of this Chaous, or to imagine, that when they have over-run all Transylvania, they will stop in the midst of their career, before they arrive at the Gates of Vienna; no, their intentions are to lull us asleep, and to destroy our Neighbour first, and then us; they cannot devour us both at once, but husband their diet, and reserve us for another meal. The Turk is like a Serpent, who lyes quiet and coiled up all the Winter, not because he wants either a sting or poison, but being benumbed with cold, wants warmth and heat to give it motion and operation. This is my sense and opinion, which I most humbly tender before the greater Wisdom of Your Sacred Majesty.
Notwithstanding these convincing Arguments, the result of the Council determined otherwise, and Ragotski was left to shift for himself, and The Emperour resuses succour to Ragotski. to stand upon his own legs, which was a pernicious resolution, and that which was afterwards the cause of the subjection of Transylvania to the Turk, and the original of many mischiefs to the Empire; but this was the fortune of the Turks, more favourable to them than to the Christian State.
Ragotski being thus abandoned by the Imperialists, and exposed to the mercy of an insatiable Enemy, though his courage was good and resolute, yet he began to despond of his Force, unable to deal with such an unequal Match, as that of the Turk: and his Subjects being fearful of the event, perswaded him to give way, and resign his rule to the hands of Gabor his Competitor; Ragotski, that he might not seem to neglect the counsel of his Subjects and Friends, and to gain time, pretended to hearken to their advice; and accordingly entred into a Treaty with Gabor. During which debate he secretly obtained some Forces from Ragotski obtains succours under-hand. Poland, by connivance of that Government; and the Hungarians being his friends, privately favoured him, knowing that the Conquest of Transylvania would be a step to their destruction; and being at length well fortified and recruited, he began to declare openly, that he found no security to himself in this Surrender, for that a place was denied him, wherein he put his chief hopes of defence; and therefore that he was resolved to support and maintain his state and cause in the best manner that he was able. Hereupon the Turks entred Transylvania with an The Turks enter Transylvania. Army of twenty five thousand men under the Command of the Pasha of [Page 56] Buda: Ragotski, to obstruct their March, dispeeded his General Cornis with seven thousand men to prepossess an advantageous ground, with Order to entertain, but not fight the Enemy, until he could come up to him with the gross of his Army. The Turks perceiving their advantage in number, resolved to engage the Enemy before they were reinforced with new Succours; to perform which they made a detachment of twelve thousand Horse, and two thousand Janisaries, and some Fieldpieces commanded by the Pasha himself and Stephen Gabor. Cornis not They fight with Cornis, being able to disingage himself or avoid fighting, made a vertue of necessity, and put his Forces into form of Battel, and exhorting his men to follow his example, assured them, that Victory was sooner acquired by valour than numbers, and that Fortune was always more favourable to the valiant and brave, than to the cowardly and pusillanimous. Cornis unsheathing his Sword fought in the head of his men, and led them through the thickest of his Enemies, the first rank of which not being able to sustain the surious charge of the Christians, gave way; and being disordered, the first Squadrons ran foul of the second, and at length all of them betook themselves to a shameful flight. The Transylvanians are overthrown. took all their Cannon and Baggage with ten Ensigns, and killed three thousand Turks. The Pasha of Agria was wounded, and Olac Bei of Temiswar was taken Prisoner; and the whole Army had that day been defeated, had not the Janisaries, who fortified themselves in a thick Wood, given a stop to a farther pursuit. Ragotski likewise in divers succeeding Skirmishes overthrew the Turks, killing many Pasha's and Souldiers of quality, and at length remained sole Master of the Field. The Turks retired to Lippa, and Stephen to Temiswar, whilst Ragotski made his Incursions into the Country of the Turks, burning and spoiling two thousand Villages; with which being terrified and beaten into terms of reason, they agreed to suffer Ragotski to injoy his Government, Peace is made. conditionally, that the Goods and Estate of Gabor in Transylvania should be restored unto him: and thus Ragotski established himself in the Government, and obtained a confirmation thereof from Constantinople to his Son, accompanied with Presents and Ornaments of a Prince. And this example shews us in what manner we are to deal with Turks; resolution and rigour are better Arms against them than complements, and with an Enemy it is more advantageous to make Peace with weapons in our hands, than to condescend to the hard terms which a Tyrant pleases to impose on an easie and an unprovided People. So soon as this News arrived the ears of the proud Sultan, he was so incensed, that in a fury he would have desisted from his present War in Persia, to vent his revenge upon Transylvania; but the cooler and more moderate counsels of wiser friends advised him to defer the execution of his anger, until he could discharge it more to the purpose, and in a conjuncture when it would fall more easie on himself, and more heavy on his Enemy: howsoever in the mean time Ragotski made such use of this remote diversion of the Ottoman Arms, by advantaging himself of an Alliance with the Cosacks, and by the ill correspondence and diffidence which at that time intervened between the Tartars and the Port, that he not only avoided the revenge threatned by Morat, but obtained an establishment of the Inheritance to his Son.
By this time Sultan Morat was arrived at Erzrum, which is a City belonging to the Turks on the Confines of Persia; where the first Act Morat at Erzrum. [Page 57] which he performed of Justice, was to cut off the Head of the Pasha for his oppression and extortions inslicted on the people. Entring into Armenia, he was grieved to see the upper and lower Provinces so miserably destroyed and wasted by the War; to recover which he commanded the people under pain of death to return again to their ancient habitations within the space of twenty days; but they being setled in other Cities, where perhaps they had purchased Houses and Lands, could not possibly comply with the severity of this Decree; and therefore were constrained to buy a dispensation and release from the penalty for a Sum of money.
About the beginning of July in the parts of Erzrum, Morat made a general review and Muster of his whole Army; with which those he brought from Constantinople joyned to Recruits by the way, and those Forces which had waged War in Persia amounted to near the number of three hundred thousand fighting men, but such as were admirably well disciplined, not only by the severity of their Soveraign, but by the example he shewed them of frugality and patience: for he often marched afoot in the midst of the heats, he was extremely temperate in his diet, though he was naturally of a gluttonous and luxurious palate; for several The Grand Signiors patience and labours. months he made use of no other Pillow for his head than his Saddle, nor other Blanket or Quilt than the Covering or Foot-cloth of his Horse. Being arrived near to the City of Revan he bestowed that largess on the Souldiery of a Dollar a man, which is accustomary to be given at all times, when the Grand Signior marches in person, and then made known to them his intentions of besieging that place; and in case he took it not in the space of ten days, that then he would leave it begirt with forty thousand men; and dividing his Army into three Bodies, he would enter the bowels of Persia by divers ways. The Tents of the Grand Signior and of all the Camp were pitched, Batteries raised, the Trenches opened, and all matters laid in the formal manner of a Siege. The Garrison within commanded by Emir Gumir consisted of Revan betrayed and surrendred by Emir Gumir. fifteen thousand men, sitted and provided with all sorts of Ammunition, and wanted neither courage nor provisions; howsoever at the end of nine days the City was surrendred to the Sultan, upon terms of quarter to the whole Garrison both for life and freedom of Estate; and because this Governour Emir Gumir, a principal Noble-man of Persia, had by corruption thus voluntarily delivered up the City, he acquired a place of high grace and esteem in the favour of the Grand Signior, to which his courtly manner of indulging his humor, and complying with him in his Wine and Feasts (to which the joy of this present success priviledged him to return) gave him daily a new Title to receive extraordinary Honours from him. The news of this prosperous success was posted to Constantinople, as the first essay of the good effects of the Sultan's presence, and was there celebrated with Feasts, Joy, and Lights, according to the Turkish fashion, called Danalma; to perform which the Turks obliged Rejoycing and a Festival kept for it at Constantinople. likewise the Christian Ambassadours, saying, that if they were friends, they ought to evidence their satisfaction by demonstrations of joy in the prosperity of their Ally: the Festival was kept for the space of four days, during which two Brothers of the Sultan, viz. Bajazet and Orchan were strangled; the latter of which, as is said, was so brave, and of that courage, that he killed four of his Executioners before he submitted his neck to the fatal Cord.
[Page 58] The Turk entring farther into Persia, inconsiderately fell into an ambush, where twelve thousand of their men were defeated; howsoever the remainder of the Army not being discouraged with this Encounter, proceeded on their March, making most miserable havock and destruction of all before them, carrying that dread and terrour to the Countries round, that all people fled, leaving their houses and things The Turks enter farther into Persia. not portable to the possession of the Enemy. Howsoever the Turks found greater difficulties than they expected; for meeting frequently Parties of the Persian Cavalry, which were practised to manage their Horse and Sword, were often defeated, at least endured and sustained the shock of bloody Skirmishes; and then the Persians retiring into the Mountains known to them, but unknown to the Turks, which served them better than fortified places, returned again when any advantage or Booty appeared, which perpetually vexed and wearied the Enemy; and burning all things which might afford them relief, rendred that fruitful Country more desolate and barren than the Desarts of Libya, or the Sands of Arabia. In this manner the Turkish Army being destitute of all sorts of provisions and refreshments, were forced to retire to the Country of Tauris; which being harassed and impoverished like other Provinces, caused a miserable famine in the Camp, whereby multitudes of Horses and Camels perished for want of nutriment; at which the Grand Signior being highly incensed against the Inhabitants of Tauris, committed their City to the will and mercy of the Souldiery, who having Tauris destroyed. pillaged and sacked it, left it a miserable spectacle of fire and sword.
The King of Persia seeing in what manner the Troops of his Enemy were wearied and consumed, took hold of this opportunity as seasonable to propose certain Articles of Peace by an Ambassadour, to which Morat seemed to incline a flexible ear; but lodging his Souldiers in their Winter-quarters in the parts of Damascus and Aleppo, he took his way towards Constantinople, with intention to ease the hardships and labours of the Summers War, by a voluptuous ease and Winters pastime in the delights and softness of the Seraglio. The 16 th day of December he arrived at Constantinople, having passed from Ismit through the Gulph of Nicomedia with the attendance of fourteen Gallies: he made his Entry by the Jews Gate, and not by that of Adrianople, as was accustomary; he was mounted on one of the best of his Horses, and cloathed with a Coat of Mail, a Casket on his head with three Feathers adorned with Pearls and precious Stones, his Sword was girt to his side with his Bow and Quiver, his beard was in a rough and neglected manner, which made him appear more fierce and Martial; the Chimacam came after him, accompanied with the Traitor who surrendred Revan. This Festival for his return Festival for return of the G. Signior. was celebrated for the space of a whole week, during which time the Shops were shut, the doors and outsides adorned with green Boughs and Paintings, and by night the streets with Torches were made as clear as the day: howsoever the people secretly murmured, that the War was not prosecuted, and the advantages taken when Fortune began to smile and favour their Enterprises; and that now desisting in the middle way, 1636 the work was again to be begun, and all the foregoing blood and treasure was spent and consumed to no purpose: these murmurings of the people were not without some ground and cause; for after the departure of the Grand Signior, the Persians put themselves again into the field, and recovered the Country which they had lost; and having [Page 59] offered a Sum of money to Mortesa Pasha to surrender Revan; which he refusing to accept on principles of fidelity and honour, they prepared to lay close siege to the place: the Janisaries were also displeased to see themselves neglected, and cast out of the Guard, and their places supplied by the Bostangees; nor less disgusted were the Lawyers to see several of their Judges and Kadies hanged, and their heads cut off, upon pretence of Sedition and Faction. His ill humor more increased to the height of Tyranny, by reason of certain twinges which he suffered of the Gout, which is not usual in persons of his age, not surpassing twenty six years; and because his Physician a Jew forbid him wholly to drink wine, as poison to his disease and complexion, he was so enraged, that he drove him from his presence with indignation, and immediately conceived such anger and prejudice against the whole Nation, that he caused their Houses to be searched, and their Jewels taken from them. But what was most strange, was his horrid aversion to Tabaco, the taking His aversion to Tabaco. of which by any person whatsoever he forbid upon pain of death; which sentence he so rigorously executed, that he caused the legs and arms of two men, one that sold Tabaco, and the other that took it, to be sawed off, and in that manner exposed to the view of the people: he also caused two others, a man and a woman to be impaled alive, for the same offence, with a Roll of Tabaco about their necks.
As the Gout caused him to be froward and ill-natur'd, so more especially when ill News came from Persia, he was observed to be more raving and tyrannical than ever: his Army in Persia wanting provisions disbanded; Mortesa Pasha Governour of Revan being killed, the Souldiers Revan regained by the Persian. rebel, open the Gates, and yield themselves to the Persian; for which offence the Janisaries fearing the Justice of their Master the Grand Signior, two thousand of them took up Arms in service of the Enemy: the sense hereof vexing Morat to the soul, he caused the Register of the Janisaries to be hanged, and another of their principal Officers to be beheaded, The Grand Signiors severity and cruelty. and strowed the streets of Constantinople with dead bodies, some for one cause, and some for another, which struck the whole City with a general dread and consternation. He often walked in the night, punishing quarrels and disorders of the streets, and meeting two women wandring in the dark, he caused them to be cut in pieces. He put his Cook to death for not dressing his Meat well, or not seasoning his Sauces according to his palate. In his Seraglio sporting with his Arms, he wounded himself with a Dart in the thigh; and by accident wounded the Son of Mehmet the late Vizier with a Carbine-shot, of which in a short time after he dyed.
The Persian having taken Revan (as we have said) instituted Chambers of Janisaries in that place after the Turkish fashion, paying them in the same form as at Constantinople; and to allure the Spahees to enter into his Service, he offered to all that came in twelve Aspers a day of constant Pay, and declared, That their Faith and Law had no difference from the Mahometan. The Grand Signior receiving these Advices with extreme indignation, proclaimed his intentions to return again into Persia; and though the design pleased not the Militia, who were weary of the War, yet his power was too great to be resisted, and his humors too violent to be diverted by sober counsels; for having subjected and absolutely subdued the insolence of the Souldiers, and suppressed the arrogance of the Lawyers and Church-men, he ordered every thing according [Page 60] to his arbitrary and uncontroulable pleasure, which being rendred extravagant and unsupportable, by reason that in his Cups, and at the time of his debauchery he would often take his Counsels and determine his resolutions, were notwithstanding with more patience endured upon hopes that they would not be lasting, and that excesses would accelerate his death, and the end of their oppressions. The Pasha's of greatest note and richess he put to death, and consiscated their Estates to his Exchequer; and whereas avarice and cruelty were equally predominant in his nature, there was scarce a day wherein he made not some demonstration of those dispositions: the English Ambassadour making some instances for the releasement of English Slaves from Captivity, was forced to purchase their liberty by giving two Russians, or other Slaves in the place of one English-man. He took a singular delight to sit in a Chiosk by the Sea-side, and from thence to shoot at the people with his Bow and Arrows, as they rowed near the Banks of the Seraglio, which caused the Boat-men afterwards to keep themselves at a distance from the Walls of the Seraglio. And as he likewise took pleasure to go from one Garden to another on the Bosphorus, so if he observed any so bold, as to put forth his head to see him pass, he commonly made him pay the price of his curiosity by a shot from his Carbine. In all his Gardens and places of pleasure his chief recreation was drinking, in which his principal or almost sole Companions were Emir Gumir the Persian who betrayed Revan, and a Venetian of the Family of Bianchi, who having been taken by the Turks, when he was young, was placed in the Seraglio, and educated in all the Learning and Customs of it, and becoming as well a Proficient in drinking, as in other vices, he was made a Favourite and Companion to Morat. And thus did they follow this trade of drunkenness so constantly, that the health of the Grand Signior began to impair, and at length he became so sensible of his extravagancies, that he incharged the Chimacam not to obey him after dinner: and when in the heat of his Wine he took a humor to ride through the streets, the Janisaries and Officers would sometimes run before to advise the people to withdraw, and sometimes drive them away with stones, that so they might escape the hazard of this capricious Tyrant. As it cannot be expressed in what dread and fear the people stood of him, so neither in what Veneration he was with his Servants, who observed the looks and every cast of his eyes, had learned his nods, and the meaning of every motion and gesture of his body. It happened once, that a paper falling casually from his hand out of a window, the Pages ran in all haste down the stairs, striving who should be the first to take it up; but one more desirous than the others to evidence the zeal of his service, took the nearest way and leaped out of the window; and though with the fall he broke the bone of his thigh, yet being the first that took up the paper, he came halting to present it with his own hand: this bold readiness in his service so pleased the Grand Signior, that being cured, he was afterwards preferred to one of the most considerable Offices of the Empire. Thus was Morat revered in his Seraglio, as he was feared abroad, his Servants having the same awe of him, as Bagotes the Eunuch had of Alexander the Great, who holding the Pot of Incense and Perfumes whilst his Master slept, suffered his hands to burn to the bone, rather than to awaken him by moving out of his place. Q. Curtius.
But it is time now to leave off farther discourse of the Extravagancies [Page 61] of Morat, and to return to the Wars in Persia; howsoever before the departure of the Grand Signior, it will be requisite to recount somewhat of the state of affairs in Europe. On the Frontiers of Hungary and Poland Disturbances in Poland and Hungary. there wanted not Exercises and Skirmishes to employ and practise the Souldiery, and keep them in breath. The Poles heightned with their good successes, would not longer endure the Incursions of the Tartars, complaining against the Turk, that he had given Orders, and secretly abetted them in their Robberies and Invasions against the Articles of the last Peace; and therefore to avenge themselves, the Poles appeared on the Frontiers with forty or fifty thousand Horse; but the Grand Signior not willing in this conjuncture to break with the Poles, absolutely disowned any such Order or permission given to the Tartars, and being willing to continue the League, that he might oblige the The Turks confirm the Peace with Poland; King of Poland, gave liberty to all the people of that Nation, and to the Russians, who had been taken since the last Treaty, positively prohibiting all people from buying or keeping any of the Subjects of that Country for Slaves, during the continuance of this Peace. In Hungary, though the Ambassadour had but lately brought a Confirmation of tho Peace from Constantinople; yet the Turks pretending that the Articles were not complied with, continued to trouble and disturb those Frontiers; for four thousand of them being gotten into a Body burnt certain Villages, made divers Slaves, and battered the Castle of Raab; but being repulsed by that Garrison, and by that of Komorra, they again made Head, and encamped within three leagues of Presbourg: the which gave great trouble to the Emperour, both because he had lately declared a War against France; and because he apprehended, that those Commotions of the Turks were designed to no other end, than to engage him Send Forces against Ragotski. to renounce all assistance and succour to be given unto Ragotski. We have already recounted in what manner the Turks had espoused the quarrel of Stephen Gabor, and resolved to establish him in the Principality of Transylvania with the ruine of Ragotski; which now being designed to be done by open Force, several Troops were sent to the Frontiers of Transylvania; which so alarmed the Hungarians, that they put themselves on their Guard, and obliged the Estates of Austria and Hungary to contribute towards the succour of the Transylvanian Prince. The Emperour remained long in suspense what course to steer, until at length the perswasions of the Confederate Princes, the shame of abandoning a Friend and an Ally for a prey to the Turks, and the fear of displeasing his hereditary Dominions in Hungary, who considered Transylvania as the Bulwark of their Country, induced him to promise secretly and underhand assistance to Ragotski. As to the Turks themselves, the effects did not correspond with their menaces; for though they had gathered an Army of twenty thousand men at Buda, they not only were disappointed of their design upon Newhausel, but were openly repulsed, and shamefully expelled the Frontiers by the Palatine of Hungary: and Ragotski being recruited by Succours from the Emperour, and by an Alliance with Poland desied the Forces of the Turk, and contemned the reports of sixty thousand men, preparing to march against him.
For indeed the Grand Signior had too great an incumbrance on his shoulders by the War in Persia, to attend unto a perfect and studied revenge against Ragotski; for Revan being recovered by the Persian, (as we have already declared) was a matter of high moment, and what distracted [Page 62] all his counsels and weakened his hopes. When News came first of the Siege of Revan, Orders were given to the Vizier to besiege Bagdat, as a means to cause a diversion of Arms; but the Souldiery entertaining Mutiny in the Turkish Army. an aversion to this Enterprise, unanimously refused to march, or to proceed farther than Erzrum. Jambolat Ogli, who commanded the Army before the arrival of the Vizier, had strangled a Pasha, and taken his Estate to supply the wants of the Army, and had likewise put to death several Spahees and Janisaries for Mutiny, and because they had declared an unwillingness to this War. The Souldiery prepared to address themselves to the Vizier for justice against these violent proceedings; but he not willing to hear them, endeavoured to divert their complaints, which caused a greater commotion and storm than before. And though Jambolat pleaded his Orders and positive Commission from the Grand Signior for what he had acted; yet that allegation not being accepted by the multitude as a justifiable plea, the Vizier was forced to condescend to their desire, and strangle Jambolat, as he had done the others, being the only means to quiet and compose this trouble of his Army. But as after some great storm there is always remaining for a while a swelling and fluctuation in the waters, so there still remained on the spirits of the Souldiery discontents and unquietness of mind: wherefore the Vizier fearing lest the Enemy taking advantage of the present Seditions, should charge them at a time of disorder, he retired at a distance from them into the Plains of Erzrum: but he was not able to continue long in those parts for want of fuel, and of wood and planks to secure them against the rains and snow; for it being Winter, which is rigorous and cold in that Country, their Tents were not sufficient proof to defend them against the extremity of the weather.
Whilst the Turkish Army remained at this place, advice came, that the Persians had besieged Van, which is a strong Fortress situate on an inaccessible Rock on the Frontiers of the Province of Diarbequir. And Van befieged by the Persians. though the Persians were not able to take this place neither by storm nor famine; yet during this Siege they made use of their time to ruine all the Country of Diarbequir, which they left so desolate, that the Turkish Army could not quarter there, nor extract the least provision or subsistence from thence. To all these misfortunes a greater was added by the treachery of a certain Curd, one who pretending to be ill-satisfied with the Persian Party, voluntarily offered himself to the service of the Turks; and having done them some little services by being their guide through certain difficult passages, he gained a confidence so far with them, as that designing to surprise a quarter of the Enemy, they committed themselves to his guidance and conduct; who having brought them into Fifteen thousand Turks killed in an Ambush. a narrow passage, where an Ambush of the Enemy lay, he then turned his Coat, and fought against the Turks, of whom fifteen thousand were killed and taken in this snare. In short, all matters of this War proceeded cross and unfortunate for the Turks; for besides their unlucky Fights with the Enemy, their own Seditions in the Camp were greater mischiefs; Mutiny of the Souldiers. for now enduring no longer these pungent miseries, under the pretence of wanting Pay, they cut in pieces the Treasurer of the Army, two Aga's of the Spahees, and the Chaousbashee of the Janisaries.
This News arriving at Constantinople, when Morat was asslicted with a grievous accession of the Gout, served to redouble his pains, in which raving against the conduct of his Officers, he immediately deprived the [Page 63] Vizier of his Charge, and ordained Biram Pasha, late Chimacam, to succeed him in his Employment. The new Vizier immediately set forth the Horses Tail, which is a signal of departure, with sound of Drums A new Vizier sent to the Army. and Trumpets, making Corban, which is a distribution of Mutton to the poor, in divers places: his Retinue was speedily equipped with such sumptuous Magnificence, that it looked rather like the Train of an Ambassadour, which intended to make Peace, than to the Troops of a General, whose business was nothing but blood and destruction. And indeed matters seemed to be inclining that way, the Persians having far advanced in this Negotiation; for they wisely pondering the immense Force of the Ottoman Empire, with which they were now contending, judged it the most politick course to make Peace under the auspicious Planet of their good Fortune; for not knowing how long that might remain constant, they might so soon as the wheel turns on the other side, be forced to accept terms of less advantage, than at present they might promise to themselves under their happy Stars. Wherefore a Proposition being made of sending an Ambassadour to the Grand Signior, he accepted of it; and accordingly arrived at Constantinople in the A Persian Ambassadour sent to the Grand Signior. month of August, when the Vizier was scarce in the middle of his Journey. The Grand Signior entertaining some real inclinations to Peace, laid aside something of his usual Grandeur and State, giving the Ambassadour Audience in a few days after his arrival: and as nothing mollifies the hard mettle of a Turks spirit, like a gentle shower of Gold, and the emulgent softness of rich Presents; so Morat understanding of Gifts with which he came accompanied, afsorded to the Ambassadour an easie ear and a pleasing countenance. The Presents for the Grand Signior, besides those for the Court, were these that follow.
- Eight Indian Horses of great price.
- Forty Dromedaries.
- An hundred and fifty Meticals of Musk. As much Ambergriese made up in several Bags, all sealed up with the Kings own Seal.
- Thirty Bundles of the best black Sables.
- Eight large Carpets mixed with Gold and Silver, with divers others of Silk very rare and precious.
- Many Pieces of the finest Linen to make Turbants.
- A great number of the rarest Girdles. Porceline to a great value.
- Divers Pieces of Satin and Velvet with golden Flowers.
- Fifty Pieces of silken Stuffs.
- Eight Bows of excellent work.
These Presents so well disposed and prepared the mind of the Grand Signior towards an Accommodation, that he bestowed a kind aspect and gentle words on the Ambassadour, so that all the World expected that a Peace would have ensued.
And indeed one might well have believed his reality in this intention, since the ardent passion he had to be revenged of Ragotski, availed more with him than all other considerations in the world: his Honour also called him to give a stop to the progress of the Moscovites, who had taken Asac; and the Tartars and Cosacks gave some ground of jealousie, that before long they designed some Action on the Turkish Territories, the reasons whereof we shall discourse in this following Year.
We have already related some Years past, on what Terms the Tartars stood with the Turk, how they refused to accept that King which 1637 [Page 64] the Port recommended to them, though the eldest and first of the true Line; how they fought and overthrew the Forces which the Grand Signior sent to compel them to the Election he desired, and this last Year Troubles in the lesser Tartary. upon pretence of a War with Cantemir they refused to send their Army against the Persian, as had always been accustomary to do against the Enemies of the Sultan, whensoever required. The Pasha, Muftee and Kadi of Caffa (which is the Grand Signior's Town in Tartary) urged the Tartar Han to prepare and forward his Forces according to the duty and obligation which was incumbent on him; and enlivening their arguments with reproaches of cowardise and ingratitude, so far provoked the Han, that he caused them all three to be strangled. Notwithstanding this high provocation, the Grand Signior dissembled the injury, lest a due resentment should raise them into an open Rebellion; and dissembling an approbation of the Fact, as done with reason and justice, sent to the Tartar Han a Sword and a Vest, as signals of his favour: and farther suspecting, lest in prosecution of so sensible a blow, the Tartar joyning in League with the Cosacks and Moscovites, should make himself Master of Caffa, he prudently touched the wound with a gentle hand, offering to ordain such a Pasha, as should be warranted with his assent and approbation. The Tartar being overcome by such lenitives as these, protested that he never entertained other thoughts, than to maintain his Faith and Allegiance inviolable towards the Grand Signior, and that the Alliance he had made with the Nogay Tartars, and the Forces now raised were maintained with no other design, than to suppress the rebellion and insolence of Cantemir.
This Cantemir being a person of a bold spirit, and daring in all his actions, did oftentimes, by virtue of his own Authority, lead a strong Party to the field, being followed by the bravest and stoutest Souldiers of Tartary; for which reason being hated by the Tartar Han, and his life often attempted, and his own spirit not supporting a subjection to Cantemir makes a new Colony. any other, he passed the Niester and retired with his own Troops, and such others as would follow him into the Country of Budziak, near to Beliegrod and Kilia, confining on the Frontiers of Moldavia: where he intended to plant and form a new Colony and Government. In a short time divers chief Captains being desirous to follow the Ensigns of so famous a General came in to him, and multitudes of people forsaking the sands and barren rocks of Tartary, came crowding into this Country, that the Plains of Budziack not being capable to contain them, they passed into Moldavia, where incroaching on the Lands of the proper Inhabitants, gave a jealousie as if they intended to take possession of the whole Province. The Poles being jealous of these ill Neighbours which lay at the Gate of their Country ready to enter on all occasions, had made provision in their last Articles of Peace with the Grand Signior, that he should force them to return, and urged that point by the Ambassadour with all earnestness. The Tartar Han also finding his Countries depopulated and weakened by so large an evacuation, male also his complaints and addresses to the Port: but the Grand Signior looking on this Colony, as an increase of his Dominions, and to be composed of such people whom necessity must render obedient; and that they could easily at his command make irruptions into Poland, Hungary, and Transylvania, seemed deaf to all applications in this business; and as if they were a people in whom he had no part, shewed no concernment for them, [Page 65] though secretly he promised them his protection. Hereupon Vladislaus King of Poland being wearied with delays, resolved by force of Arms to drive out this detestable Neighbourhood: but the Tartar Han whom this business more nearly concerned, being more speedy in execution He is overthrown by the Tartar Han. than the Poles, having raised an Army of thirty thousand men, encountred Cantemir with twenty thousand, and charged him so furiously, that he killed seven thousand of them on the place, and put the rest to flight, pursuing them through the Plains of Dobruc on the other side of the Danubc. The Grand Signior who had all this time remained a Spectator of this success, began now to take the part of Cantemir, and severely to reprove the proceedings of the Tartar Han, for having disturbed Cantemir whilst he was preparing to serve him in the Wars of Persia. But the Tartar Han having shaken off much of his respect and reverence towards the Grand Signior, despised the menaces which he vented against him, and proceeded in his own business, compelling his people to return again to their Country, and to their ancient Habitations. Morat being forced to suffer what he could not remedy, summoned Cantemir with all diligence to render himself at Constantinople, where being arrived, he was at first regarded with a favourable eye; but his Son soon after having in a private quarrel killed a Tartar near the Walls of the Seraglio, was for that fact justly strangled by Order of the Grand Signior; the day following Cantemir was also imprisoned, and in a short time underwent the Cantemir put to death. like Fate with that of his Son.
During these troubles a Nephew of Cantemir feigning himself to be disgusted with his Uncle, revolted to the Party of the Tartar Han with no other than a treacherous design to take away the lives of the two Brothers; the which he compassed at a time of their Hunting, when being far remote from their Attendance, following their Game in untrodden paths, he set upon them with an hundred Villains, and perfidiously The King of Tartary killed. took away their lives. The News hereof was highly applauded at Constantinople, and the Traitor extolled as a person of mighty courage and wonderful ingenuity, so that now different counsels and new measures were taken concerning the Affairs in Tartary.
Beehir Gherey Brother to those Princes of Tartary which were killed, was then at Jamboli, a City in Thrace, retired thither under the Protection of the Grand Signior, for fear and jealousie of treachery from his Beehir Gherey ordained King of Tartary. elder Brother. Morat caused him to be brought to Constantinople, where he was sumptuously received and conducted to Audience by the Chimacam, who gave him the upper hand, which is the left amongst men of the Sword, as the right is amongst men of Learning or of the Pen; for as the right hand governs the latter, so the first is appendent to the left side. The bodies of the two dead Brothers were brought to Constantinople, where fetulent or stinking, they were exposed to the sight of Morat, who to gratifie his own humor of revenge, caused them to be thrown into the Sea.
This good News from Tartary was attempered with a worse from Asac., which the Moscovites and Cosacks had besieged. This Town is situated Asac besieged. at the mouth of the River Tanais upon the declining of a Hill; it is in form four-square, and may be of about twelve hundred paces in compass. Before it fell into the hands of the Turks, it was a famous Scale for all sorts of Merchandise, especially for Butter, Cheese, salt Fish, Leather, Slaves, and other Commodities brought hither by Turks, Tartars, and [Page 66] Moscovites. The Venetians when they addicted themselves more to Traffick and Commerce than they do at present, took this Scale for their way into Persia. This Town was fortified with ancient Walls flanked with capacious Towers, and with a Castle which being in the middle and on the side of the Water, divides the Town as it were into two equal parts. The Garrison consisted not of above three or four hundred men; for being a place remote from powerful Enemies, it fell not under any great jealousie, nor was it deemed worthy the charge of numerous defendants. The City being in this weak condition, the Cosacks soon made themselves Masters of it, which after they had sacked and pillaged to the utmost, they considered it as a place worthy of better Fortifications; and therefore applying themselves to raise new Works, and repair the old, they soon made it a Fortress of strength and consideration. Is taken by the Cosacks. This happening at a time, when the Turks were diverted by the Persian War, the Cosacks injoyed this new Conquest for the space of four years without molestation, until that in the Year 1641. it was recovered with much blood and slaughter by the Arms of Sultan Ibrahim, as we shall hereafter recount in the sequel of this History. And now because the taking of this place was the original from whence the Divisions and Civil Wars between the Poles and Cosacks derived their beginning, and was the occasion that the Cosacks revolted from their just Obedience, to the Protection of the Turks; the relation will not only be curious, but a digression necessary to the clearer light of the present History.
Uladislaus the Fourth King of Poland being wearied with constant The cause of the Civil War between the Poles and Cosacks. complaints of the Robberies and Incursions made by the Cosacks upon the Turks contrary to Articles and Treaties of Peace, was at length perswaded by his Barons and Counsellors, that the only means to suppress the violence of this unruly people, was to disarm them; and taking away their Weapons of War to supply them in lieu thereof with the Shovel and Mattock, with Ploughs and Pruning-Hooks: by which industrious diversion from a wicked life of blood and robbery, to honest Husbandry and lawful Arts of living, they might with time be rendred useful to their own Prince, and capable of faith and just communication with their Neighbours. It is not one Age past since these people were The Cosacks Country described. called Cosacks, derived, as is supposed, from Cosai, a word in their Language which signifies a Goat, perhaps because of their agility of body, or because their garments are chiefly made of Goats skins.
The Country inhabited by them was at first on the banks of the River Boristhenes, about fifteen leagues in length to the entrance into the Euxine Sea, where it is reported, that Ovid was banished; and some say, that from him a Village thereabouts called Ovidona derives its denomination; and hereunto we may afford the greater belief from one of his Elegies in his Book De Tristibus, which seems to describe this Country, and the fierceness of the Inhabitants. Eleg. 8. lib. 5.
At present the name of Cosacks and their Country also is of a far greater extent than it was formerly; for they call now all such in Poland Cosacks that are light Horse armed with Bow and Arrow and Fire-arms: and their Country since the late Commotions is measured from the farthest parts of the Palatinate of Chiovia for the space of an hundred and twenty leagues on one side, and the other of the Boristhenes, which comprehends likewise all the Country of Ukrania. This Country was always inhabited by the most warlike people of Russia; for that being subject to the frequent Incursions of the Tartars, necessary defence and constant practice in Arms endued them with a bold and Martial spirit. Ukrania is a Country so fertile, that it may compare with the most fruitful soil in the World, producing such quantities of Corn with little labour, that the Husband-men being made negligent by their abundance, produced with little toil, have leisure to apply themselves to violence and rapine: they have no Wine, but use themselves much to Strong-waters: their houses are not built of wood or stone, but of Osiers interwoven and daubed over with Earth and Lime; so that they use no nails or iron: they have no Merchants unless in Kiow: nor do they serve themselves of Physicians or Aporhecaries. Their learned Language or the Tongue wherein they write is the Sclavonian, anciently called the Illyrian: so that in all things this people is rude and barbarous; and though their manner of Government and Policy is not refined or methodically disposed, yet nevertheless it is solid and of deep foundation, appropriated to the nature and disposition of that people.
This honest design of King Uladislaus to reduce this people to a just and an industrious course of living, not agreeing with their temper and customs, they rather resolved to leave their Country, and betake themselves to various fortunes; some of them passed into Moscovia to plant a Colony in those uninhabited parts: a Body of them to the number of six thousand joyning together, resolved to pass into Persia to offer their service unto that King; and being on their Journey as far as the Tanais, they encountred with a Party of Moscovite Cosacks, who inhabited certain Islands of that River, with whom entertaining discourse, they understood that Asac might easily be surprised by them, if they could agree to unite Forces, which together might compose a Body of ten thousand men: the importance of the place being well considered, it was resolved, that the March into Persia should be shortned, and this City be ordained for the ultimate end of their travels and place of repose. According to this counsel Asac being assaulted and taken, (as we have already intimated) the Cosacks fortified it in the best manner that they were able, making an Arsenal for their Boats and Saiks, whereby afterwards they did much more infest the Turks than before.
The other Cosacks who continued in their Country, being much persecuted [Page 68] by the Polish Nobility, chose Kilminieschi for their General (the Son of a Noble Family in Lituània, but banished and degraded of his Honour for his criminal offences) and rebelled against the Government. At sirst not being able to resist the Force of Poland, they retired within the Woods; but joyning afterwards with other Cosacks, they issued forth at the beginning of the Spring, beat the Poles, and carried away a considerable Booty: afterwards joyning with the Tartars, they made their Incursions as far as Zamosca within twenty leagues of Warsaw; and so matters continued with various successes not appertaining to this History. Only thus far it is pertinent to the matter discussed for us to have shewn, That the Counsels of Poland were in a great errour, when they resolved to change the life, and alter the humour of this warlike people, which being protected in their Priviledges, and encouraged in their Wars, would at all times, as occasion served, have been ready to have ejected great numbers of good Souldiers into the Ottoman Territories, and might still have been conserved to balance the Power of the Tartars, which now daily infest and ruine the Borders of Poland. These people were like ill humors, which being vomited out into the Dominions of the Turk, eased and made healthy the Body politick of Poland; but being conserved within the stomach, caused Syncopes, Convulsions, and such Commotions, as have of late years shaken the whole Body of the Polish Kingdom: and at length withdrawing themselves entirely from all Obedience, together with that large Province of Ukrania, as they have weakened that Government; so now of late years seeking protection from the Turk, have added to his Kingdom, and enfeebled that of Poland.
When the News arrived first at Constantinople that Asac was besieged, the Captain-Pasha going then to instate Bechir into his Kingdom of Tartary, received Orders to relieve Asac, and if possible, to raise the Siege; but the Succours coming too late, and the Town being taken, the loss thereof was not esteemed important enough to divert either thoughts or Forces from the Persian War.
For now Morat resolving to prosecute the War in Persia, which could not be successful without the united Power of his whole Empire, conducted by his own person, he resolved to make a second journey into Preparations for the War in Persis. those parts, and with his own hand to knock at the Gates of Babylon. To prepare and dispose all matters in order hereunto, he in the first place countermanded his Decree, which prohibited a farther increase of the number of Janisaries; for now being desirous to augment his Army beyond the account of ancient Registers, he opened the Janisaries door, (as they call it) and enrolled six thousand more into that Order. To conserve still the Order of this Militia, he appointed Officers strictly and severely to take the Decimation of the Christian children in Europe, and lest (as was usual) they should be corrupted by the parents, who often give Presents, whereby to blind the eyes of the Ministers, that so they may oversee their children, or in lieu of the comliest and most fit for service, accept of the sickly and impotent, or such as are unworthy of the bread and education given them by the Sultan, he most severely injoyned this service, and under a thousand menaces encharged the care hereof to be executed without favour or partiality to any. He carefully reviewed the Books of the Timjar-Spahees, counting the number exactly that every Country yields, and comparing them with those mustered in the Field, [Page 69] he consiscated the Lands of those that wanted, being forfeited for non-appearance: he would admit of no excuse or delay to the matter in hand. The Superintendant of the Ordinance but making a seruple about the proportion of some Guns, as too weighty and unwieldy for so long a March, lost his life for doubting or making a difficulty in what the Grand Signior proposed or designed. And that no commotions at home might divert or call him back before his business was perfected, he encharged his Pasha's of the Frontiers to live quietly with their Neighbours, and to be sure to give no occasions of complaint, or cause for War during his absence, recommending to the prudence of the Pasha of Silistria the care of composing certain differences between the Princes of Moldavia and Valachia. Having secured matters as well as he could at home, he ordered the Horse-tail to be set forth at the gate of the Divan, and all Pasha's and Officers of the Army did the like at their own doors. His Troops began now to grow numerous; the Spahees and Timariots appointed for the Guard of the Grand Signior's Tents, together with other Cavalry which hold their Lands under Service, amounted unto two hundred thousand. From the hundred seventy two Chambers of Janisaries he drew forth thirty thousand. From the Topgees or Gunners, whereof there are no more than twelve hundred in their Chambers at Constantinople, yet make up twelve thousand in other parts, he drew out three thousand for the present Service. The Shepherds and Plough-men of Dulgaria made up twenty thousand, which with Water-bearers, Smiths, Bakers, Butchers, and all other Tradesmen which followed the Camp, were in vast numbers; so that the whole Army with the Attendants belonging thereunto were at a moderate calculate computed to amount unto near five hundred thousand men, whereof three hundred thousand were fighting men.
The Pestilence which is the Epidemical disease of Turkie, and which abates the numbers and pride of that people, raged this year greatly in Constantinople, and in the parts of Romagnia; it entred into the Seraglio, and amongst others took-away the only Son of the Grand Signior of two or three years old. This caused Morat to pass most part of the Summer at a Palace on the Bosphorus, where he recreated himself with his drunken Companion the Persian Traitor, and hereby he contradicted the Proverb, That Princes love the Treason, but not the Traitor; for Morat it seems loved them both, entertaining this Fellow in his bosom: his Cloaths, his Garb, his Horses, and Equipage might rival with that of the The extravagant pleasures and cruelties of Morat. Sultan's; he took place of the Chimacam in all publick appearances, and what was most strange, he preceded the Mufti; which was a new form, never before practised, and would have afforded matter of wonder and discourse, but that the World considered this Novelty as a method agreeable to the extravagant humour of the Sultan. Amongst his pastimes nothing was more pleasing than some divertisement acted with blood; he shot the Son of a Pasha with his Gun, for daring to approach near the walls of his Seraglio, supposing that he came with curiosity to discover his pleasures and manner of voluptuous recreations; for the same reason he would have sunk a Boat laden with women, as it glided slowly by the banks of his Garden. He would himself behold two Thieves impaled, which were condemned to die for robbing something out of his Seraglio: he commanded the Head of the Treasurer of Cyprus to be cut off in his presence; as also the Master of his Musick, for daring to sing [...] [Page 70] certain Air which seemed Persian, and to praise the Valour of that Nation. The Pasha of Temiswar he put to death at a full Divan, for fighting unfortunately against Ragotski. To these severe Acts of Cruelty, which he called Justice, he added one not unpleasant. A certain Greek called Stridia Bei or Lord Oysters, who had been Prince of Valachia, and one whom we have before mentioned, having by his oppression and harassing that people amassed a considerable Sum of money, essayed a second time by force thereof to obtain the Principality, and making his offer and request before the Grand Signior, he was heard with some raillery; at length the Grand Signior told him, that he was too proud and aspiring, and therefore ordered the tips of his nose and ears to be cut off, telling him, that that was to clip the wings of his ambition. But that before his departure for Persia he might consummate his Acts of Tyranny, he practised one upon his Brother, a Youth of twenty two years of age, of great hopes and good endowments. He was conducted to the presence of his Brother at the Biram to pay his respects, as is usual at that Festival; and having performed the Ceremony, he enlarged himself in high praises and admiration of the Grand Signior's Generosity and Bravery, who for recovery of Bagdat, was contented to expose his Person to the inconveniences of a long Journey, and the dangers of a hazardous War, and that therein he equalled, if not surpassed the Glory of his Ancestors: which courtly and rational manner of discourse did not please Morat, but rather administred subject of jealousie, fearing that he knew too much, and that as he could speak well, so he might act accordingly; wherefore the same day he caused him to be strangled, to the great sorrow of the people, and detestation of his abominable Tyranny: but to amuse the minds of the multitude, and cease their murmurings, he caused it to be divulged abroad, that fourteen of his Women in the Seraglio were with child; which was all false, there remaining none of the Ottoman Race besides his Brother Sultan Ibrahim, who was weak as well in body as Understanding, and whose imperfections secured and compounded for his life; and to suppress the discourse about his Brothers Murder, he changed it into a talk about his Preparations for War, and his departure for Persia. Wherefore the Fore-runners and Harbingers of the Army being sent away with Labourers to repair Bridges, and to level the ways for the more easie passage of the Cannon, Morat passed over to his Tents at Scutari cloathed in a Coat of Mail, and with a Head-piece set with precious Stones, and his Sargoutch or Feathers clasped to it with Buckles of Diamonds. As he landed at Scutari he was received by three Squadrons of Souldiers, each Squadron consisting of four thousand men well armed, and richly attired; the garments of one Squadron of which were provided at the expence of the Grand Signior, and of the other two at the charge of his Favourite and of the Captain-Pasha; the latter of which presented to the Grand Signior thirty Purses of Money, for bestowing on him the honour to command that Gally which transported him to the Asian Coast. The Ambassadour sent from Persia was detained at Constantinople until this time, and after the Turkish fashion not permitted to depart at his own liberty; but being now ordered to follow the Camp, his Port and Quarters were assigned, that so he might be a Spectator of that Tragedy which was now to be acted. All things were now disposed in good posture with much Solemnity in order to a March; the Conacks or days Journies with their places of [Page 71] Quarters were laid out in an hundred and twenty days of March from Scutari to Babylon, and seventy days of Otorack or of repose: the Journies with the gross Body of such an Army could not be long, and the joyning with other Forces in the way required leisure and time.
In short, the Horse, after the Turkish manner, having eaten their 1638 grass and been soiled, this powerful Army decamped from Scutari about the end of May. The sirst day of Otorack or repose was appointed at The March of the Turkish Army. Ismit, where the Grand Signior made a review of his Army; such as were aged, and unable to endure the fatigues of a long March he dismissed, giving them half Pay for their lives with the name of Otoracks, which is the same with Milites Emeriti amongst the Romans: with exact Order therefore and severe Discipline, to which their fierce Monarch had reduced them, marched this numerous Army; no Villages were abused, nor Country-people plundered, and all things were purchased with ready money: and the Grand Signior himself being rendred more gentle and tractable in the Field than in his Seraglio, heard all complaints, and distributed Justice with an equal and an impartial hand.
In the mean time at Constantinople due care was taken to keep things quiet and in order; the Bostangibashee like Lord High Chamberlain, had the Charge committed to him of the Seraglio and the Moveables of it; he frequently made his Rounds both by Sea and Land, punished those whom he found in Taverns; nor would he suffer any Candles to be lighted after two hours in the night: the Chimacam and the Captain-Pasha likewise executed their Offices with all care and severity in their respective stations.
At this time, to the great dissatisfaction of the Greek Nation, Cyril Cyrillus the Patriarch strangled. the Patriarch, who had been in England, and greatly affected with the Discipline of our Church, was deposed, imprisoned in the Seven Towers, and strangled: in his place one Carsila was ordained Patriarch, and his Commission or Baratz obtained from the Grand Signior at the expence of fifty thousand Crowns, one moity whereof was paid from Rome, the whole design against Cyrillus being managed by the Jesuits and other Religious living at Galata, who accused him before the Turks of keeping a secret correspondence with the Moscovites and Cosacks; for which losing his life, Carsila a pretended Friend to the Roman Faction was instituted Patriarch.
The Grand Signior marching with his potent and numerous Army, all the world remained at a gaze what the issue would be of this mighty Enterprise; yet most were of opinion, that the Honour and Riches of the Ottoman Empire being now at stake, the War could not otherwise conclude than with the Conquest of Babylon. All that could be feared was some diversion by the Christian Princes, who taking hold of the present conjuncture, should enter the Frontiers with a powerful Army, and thereby force the Sultan to return; but as to Poland the jealousie soon vanished. When the News came of a Civil War between the Poles and the Cosacks, and that ten thousand of the latter were slain in a Battel, this Intelligence came most seasonable and grateful to the Port, expecting now a Meslage from the Cosacks, desiring succour in their extremity; for such accidents as these have nourished the Turkish Interest, which hath grown out of the Civil discords of Christian Princes.
By this means as the apprehensions of War by Land ceased, so there appeared some clouds of storm at Sea, which doubtless might have produced [Page 72] a War with Venice, had the Turks been at leisure to attend it; for sixteen Gallies belonging to Algier, Tunis, and Biserta well armed with Slaves and Souldiers, and provided sufficiently with Cannon, Powder, The Pirates of Algier and Tunis insest the Gulf of Venice. and Bullet, commanded by Ali Picenin, united together and formed a small Fleet, with design to rove over the Adriatick Sea, and infest the Coast of Italy. Their intentions were to plunder the Riches of Loretto; but being hindred by contrary Winds from entring so high into the Gulf, they made a descent in Puglia, and sacked all the Country of Nicotra, carrying away a great Booty, with Slaves, and amongst them several Nuns which they prostituted to their lust; thence they passed over to the side of Dalmatia, and in sight of Cataro took a Vessel, and made Prize of all Ships which they met in those Seas, the rumour of which made great noise over all Italy, the people exclaiming against their Princes for suffering their lives and Estates to remain subject to the petty Force of a few Pirates. For the Vessels of Malta and Florence were disjoyned, and roving after purchase in the Archipelago, took little notice of what was acted in the Gulf. The Spaniards after their fashion were slow in arming, and spent the Summer in preparations, till the Pirates laden with Booty, were departed towards the Winter; so that none remained to take care of Italy and the Venetians Gulf, but Venice only, to whom the Dominion of those Seas are rightly appropriated. To suppress therefore the insolence of these Pirates, the Republick set forth a Fleet consisting of twenty eight Gallies and two Galleasses under the Command of Marin Capello, with Instructions to sink, burn, and destroy those Pirates, either in the open Seas, or in Harbour of the Turks; for that by the Articles of Peace between the Grand Signior and the Venetians, it was agreed, That no Port or Harbour of his should be priviledged to afford entertainment or protection to any Free-booter or Pirate of that nature. It happened about that time, that the Malteses and Florentines crusing in the Archipelago, had done great mischief to the Turks in those Seas; to revenge which, and to prevent farther damage, the Captain-Pasha sent Orders to these Vessels of Barbary immediately to come to his assistance; to which they were now more easily perswaded; for being already laden with Booty and Spoils, they contented themselves with a change of their station: but to give a farewel to those parts, they first resolved to spoil and plunder Lissa aliàs Lesina, an Island belonging to the Republick; but being overtaken by the Venetian Fleet in their Voyage thither, near to Valona, a Port and Harbour belonging to the Turks, they put themselves under the defence of the Town and Castle, which received them willingly to their protection, notwithstanding all Articles and Agreements to the contrary. The Venetian Fleet saluted the Castle without a shot, desiring, that according to the Capitulations of Peace the Pirates might be rejected, and capello blocks up the Pirates in Valona. commanded to abandon their Port: in answer hereunto the Turks replied with a shot, making known their intentions to defend their friends: wherefore the Venetians retiring at some distance came to an Anchor, designing to block up the Port. Many days had not passed before the Pirates endeavoured by help of their Oars and a gentle gale to make their escape; and being with the gray of the morning, advanced without the Port, they were espyed by the watchful Venetians, who dividing their Fleet into two Squadrons charged them with high courage; the Fight continued for the space of two hours, during all which time the [Page 73] Castle of Valona fired at the Venetians, and shot down a Mast of one of the Galleasses, a splinter of which wounded Lorenzo Marcello the Commander; at length five of the Gallies of the Pirates being disabled, and many of their people killed, they began to fly and retire again under the protection of the Town; as also did the Venetians to their place of Anchorage. A distinct Advice of all Particulars being dispatched to Venice, the Senate wrote to Capello, That since the respect which the Republick owes to the Ottoman Court was not unknown to him, he should by no means make any attempt against those Pirates upon the Land, but meeting them fairly at Sea, he ought then to make use of all the valour and force he was able. In the mean time the Duke of Medina las Torres Vice-King of Naples dispatched an Express to Capello, with Letters applauding the generosity of the design, wherein he was now engaged for the Glory of his Republick, and the common good of all Christendom, proffering to supply him with refreshments and Ammunition, and what else might supply his occasions; expecting that by such encouragement as this, he might be induced to assault the Enemies in Valona, without respect to the Grand Signior, or any inconveniences which might arise thereby. On the contrary the Governour of the Castle and Kadi of the Town wrote a Letter to Capello, putting him in mind, that he was within the Grand Signior's Dominions, and that he should be careful how he offered any violence to those places, which would certainly prove a violation of the Peace, and be the Original of an inevitable War.
Capello had now lain a whole month before the Port, having all the time injoyed fair weather and a smooth Sea, against the hope and desire of the Turks, who expected, that by means of some storm the Enemy would be forced to remove their Quarters to some secure Harbour, and thereby afford them an opportunity to escape. But Capello growing weary of such tedious attendance, resolved to expect no longer, nor He assaults them in the Port. yet to lose the present advantage of rendring himself Master of the Vessels of the Enemy: wherefore dividing his Fleet into several Squadrons, he advanced near the Port, firing several shot at the Tents of the Pirates, of which one from a Galleass struck a Mosch; and arming with store of men the Galeotes and Brigantines they entred the Port, and to the astonishment and vexation of the Turks possessed all the sixteen Vessels, and brought them to their Admiral: which though they had disfurnished of all their chief Booty, yet their Cannon and Arms remained, of which there were twelve Pieces of great Brass Guns, besides others of Iron, with divers Falcons and lesser Arms.
The Intelligence hereof being carried to Venice, Orders were given, that all the Vessels should be sunk in the Port of Corfu, excepting only the Admiral of Algier, which was to be brought to the Arsenal of Venice, there to remain as a Trophy of Victory, and for a perpetual Memory of this glorious Atchievement. Howsoever this Exploit was variously interpreted at Venice, and approved or disproved according to the diversity of humors. The younger men applauded it as an action of great Gallantry, excusing his transgression of the Senates Orders by a transport of passion and zeal towards his Country, and desire of Glory. But the Senators and men of mature Judgments highly resented this breach of their Orders, which as they are strictly enjoyned, so they expected that they should be punctually obeyed. That this action was a sufficient and just cause alone to kindle a War, and that it was a matter intolerable, [Page 74] that a single Citizen should of his own head and humor presume to act such things, as must necessarily involve the Publick in a War contrary to their pleasure, and in opposition to their express commands. For which crime and other subsequent defaults Capello was afterwards forced to justifie himself, as will be signified in the sequel of this History.
The Particulars of this Advice were by an express Messenger dispatched to Luigi Contarini the Bailo or Ambassadour for the Venetians at Constantinople, a Person of great reputation and esteem, having been conversant in the principal Courts of Christendom, and employed for the space of seven years at Munster, where he was assistant with the Nuntio Chigi afterwards Alexander VII. in the general Peace of Europe. The Turks also receiving this News aggravated to them with all the foul circumstances imaginable, the Chimacam immediately summoned the Bailo to Audience, and with an angry countenance began to exclaim: ‘That taking advantage of the Grand Signior's absence in remote parts, the Venetians had in a perfidious and hostile manner assaulted and destroyed the Fleet of Barbary, which were his Subjects, and such as he had called to his assistance against the Corsaires of Malta and Ligorne. That being accidentally compelled by storm to enter into the Port of Valona, they were forcibly taken thence, and violence offered to the Grand Signior's Port and Castle by way of a manifest and open breach. If this presumption were grounded on the long distance of the Grand Signior from these parts, the Venetians would do well to consider, how that they provoke an angry Prince, and one who esteems neither expence, hazards, nor labours to compleat his revenge. If this were a design to divert the Grand Signior's Arms from Persia, they would do well to consider, that the Sultan was not so far advanced, but that he could turn a currant, if he pleased, sufficient to drown, and in an instant to overwhelm the Dominions of Venice; or could at least collect Forces from nearer parts able to revenge his quarrel, and vindicate his Honour from the disdain and scorn of such petty Neighbours.’ Hereunto the Bailo or Ambassadour made this Reply: ‘That this Piratical people was the same which the year before had landed in Candia, and made spoil of the Estates of the Inhabitants, and carried many of them into slavery; and not contented with this Booty they entred the Gulph, and penetrated into the very bowels of Italy, with design to sack and plunder the Island of Lissa, which was under the Dominion of the Republick. That the Venetian General friendly saluted the Castle of Valona, which was returned with several shots from thence; that had it been his intention to have attempted the Port in the beginning, he would not have lain thirty seven days in expectation of the forthcoming of those Pirates, it being only respect to the Grand Signior, which obliged him to that attendance. At length being wearied, and provoked by the insolence of that people, he forcibly entred the Port, knowing that by Capitulations with the Grand Signior, it was agreed, that all Ports should be forbidden, and that to these Pirates, unless they first gave security and caution not to injure and make Prize of the Subjects of the Republick. The Chimacam replied hereunto, That there were ten thousand Souldiers and Slaves belonging to those Gallies, which had taken their refuge in Valona; and therefore he required the Venetians to permit them free passage into their own Country, and to restore their Gallies, unless they intended to come to an open Rupture with the Grand Signior.’
[Page 75] The Chimacam also pressed more urgently for restitution of the Gallies, in regard that having advised the Grand Signior of this disaster, he had at the same time given him hopes and almost assurance to believe, that by his Negotiations he should recover them out of their hands: but the Senate was of a different opinion; and therefore gave express Orders to their Officers of the Marine Affairs immediately to sink all those Vessels, that so the expectation of the Turks being disappointed by an impossibility of recovery, might not by the rude instances and threats of Morat oblige them to a dishonourable and an undecent restitution.
The News of this misfortune made greater noise and disturbance in the Divan of Algier than at Constantinople, that rude rabble raved and The [...] angry at this News. railed and threatned, laying the blame sometimes on one, then on another, being ready to come to blows amongst themselves; but that being obliged by order of their Divan to keep their thumbs within their girdles, they durst only express their anger by punches and thrusts of their elbows. At length coming to cooler Terms, they charged all the fault on their Admiral Ali, and resolved to make applications to the Grand Signior for redress, and reparations on the Estates of the Venetians in his Dominions.
The News also hereof overtaking Morat in his March into Persia angred The Grand Signiors anger against the Venetians. him to the heart, and transported him to that heat of indignation, that he immediately ordered, that the Venetian Bailo with all his Nation in the Ottoman Dominions should without exception be cut to pieces; but the Great Vizier and his Favourite suffering him for some time to vent the impetuosity of his fume and rage without contradiction, gave a stop for thirteen days to the dispatch of these fatal Orders; until taking him in a more gentle mood, they perswaded him to change this sentence of death, to the imprisonment only of the Bailo; and such care was taken, lest the News of a War with Venice should fly into Persia, and thereby prejudice the Terms of Peace, that this accident was kept as a secret and communicated to none, but such as were nearly concerned in the Government. The Command for the Bailo's Imprisonment being arrived at Constantinople, he was summoned to Audience by the Chimacam; and though at that time he was exceedingly afflicted with the Gout, yet the Turkish obedience to Imperial Commands admitting of no excuse, he was forced to an attendance; and being brought in his Sedan, he was carried to the Chamber of Audience, where he expected some time until the Chimacam came to him; in the interim being entertained by some Aga's, whom the Chimacam had employed to sound him touching the restitution of the Vessels; who finding by his discourse that they were sunk, without possibility of recovery, and that there could be no compensation made for them, they returned with this answer to the Chimacam; of which being now informed he came in, and having no farther to expostulate on this matter, produced the Grand Signior's Command for his Imprisonment, and kissing it first caused it to be read The Venetians Bailo imprisoned. The Bailo replied, that he was ready to submit, being not only willing to suffer Imprisonment, but also Martyrdom, accompanied with the severest pains, for the sake of his Prince and his Country.
To soften and mitigate matters, the other Christian Ambassadours then resident at the Port, had made Arz to the Grand Signior, wherein with all reverence and respect they offered themselves for Mediators in this difference, engaging themselves but not the parole of their Princes, for [Page 76] the person of the Bailo, that he should not fly from the Port, nor yet refuse any reasonable Terms by way of Accommodation. This Mediation of the Ambassadours seconded with some Presents from the Bailo to the Turkish Ministers, so facilitated matters, that the Bailo at first was conducted to the [...]. Kahya's Chamber, and afterwards was confined to his own House in Galata, guarded by four Chiaouses, with free liberty to all Visitants whatsoever. There was now no other rumour or discourse in Constantinople, but of a War with Venice, so soon as that with Persia was concluded; and in the mean time the Grand Signior gave Orders, that ten Gallies should be built in his own Arsenal at his charge, and presented to the Barbarouses, with condition that they should stay until the Spring, and accompany his Fleet to Sea. But Ali Picenin the Admiral suspecting that this was only a snare to engage him and his men for ever in the Grand Signior's service, refused the obligation, and set two Gallies on the stocks for his own account.
Advice of the Bailo's Confinement being come to Venice, with a report of the passion and rage of the Sultan, they expected nothing more than a War with the Turk, which they communicated to all Christian Princes, requesting their succours and assistance against the common Enemy. These addresses produced rather compassion of their case, than substantial Contributions, Pope Urban himself giving them great assurances of some help from the Ecclesiastical Revenues, besides Processions, Masses, and Benedictions for their good success, in as great a number as they could desire: notwithstanding which due care was taken to make ready and provide against all Encounters. Letters were wrote to the Captain-General in the Levant to make due Preparations against the Enemy: sixteen Gallies were armed out of Candia, to which were joyned other Galleasses under the Command of Antonio Pisani and Sebastiano Veniero: Souldiers were levied in every place, and all Garrisons provided with Ammunition and Victuals, and reinforced with numbers of an auxiliary Militia. Howsoever it was not the business nor advantage of the Venetians to make a War with the Turks, but rather whilst they feared the worst, and made provisions against the utmost extremities, they endeavoured to enter into Treaties of Peace, and to qualifie the hot Spirit of the Grand Signior with the gentle lenitives of fair words, and proffers of making attonement with the Sacrifice of Gold and other Presents: in order unto which they wrote a Letter to the Grand Signior to this effect. That being provoked by the insolence and frequent robberies of the Pirates of Barbary, who did not esteem faith or obedience to his Majesty, nor the Commands which he had often sent to restrain them, they were induced out of natural defence of themselves, to chastise and correct them; but as this was acted without intention to disoblige his Majesty, so they were ready to maintain and cultivate that ancient friendship and correspondence which was ingrasted on the firm root of his glorious Progenitors. Morat, though he received this Letter in a huff, and gave an Answer to it with disdain, which breathed nothing but threats of revenge and total destruction; yet he sent it by an Express of his own to Venice, couching something within the terrour of his words, as if there was place left for an Accommodation, if the Venetians knew what salve was to be applied to obduct the skin of this bleeding wound. The Venetians quickly apprehended, that Gold was the only remedy, of which they were ready to contribute freely; since they could make no better a purchase with [Page 77] their money than Peace, nor could make a better bargain than with such a Sum as would serve only to make the first Preparations of War, to evade all hazards, troubles, and calamities by a happy and safe conclusion of Peace. The which notwithstanding took no effect, until the return of Morat from Persia; and therefore we shall defer discourse thereof to its proper place. Amurat marched now at the Head of a formidable Morat marches to Persia. Army, cloathed in the Habit of a Janisary, to render himself acceptable to the Militia, whom having subdued by rigour and severe Discipline, he would now oblige by courtesie and fairer treatment: with courage and great patience he marched through sandy Desarts and unfrequented places; and being the first who offered to expose himself to dangers and sufferings, the Souldiery followed willingly his example, esteeming no attempts either hazardous or tedious, in which they saw themselves preceded by their valiant General. In this March he was overtaken by one who rode hard to demand Mostaluck, which is the reward of good News for the [...] of a Son, of which one of his Sultana's was delivered at Ismit: the Messenger was secured until the News was confirmed; which being afterwards turned to the Birth of a Daughter, the poor man suffered death, being cruelly impaled for his unadvised haste and excess of officious respect towards his Prince.
The Great Vizier met his Master at Iconium with a moderate Equipage to give more room for the Quarters of the Army; and rendring himself more gracious in his eyes by a Present of fifty thousand Dollars, he was again remunerated with a Cemiter and a Vest of Sables, which are the usual signals of the Sultan's favour. All Asia was now in Arms, and the Princes and Great men came in to perform their duty, accompanied with their Forces and Attendance: only complaints were made of a certain Shegh, Santone or Preacher belonging to the Mountains of Anatolia, who A Shegh rebels. had refused to do Homage, or serve in the War; he was one, who by a feigned Sanctity had acquired a great reputation amongst his people; and having declared himself to be the Mehedy or the Mediator, which according to the Mahometan Doctrine is to fore-run Antichrist, for reducing all the World to one Unity of Faith: he had perswaded his people, that he and they under him were by Priviledge of his Office exempted from all Taxes, Contributions, or Impositions by any Secular Power whatsoever. The Grand Signior who could not understand or believe this Doctrine, presently detached a strong Body with some Cannon under Command of the Captain-Pasha (who, as we have said, was to accompany the Grand Signior in the War) to confute the Principles of this Rebel, and to reduce him to obedience. These Forces being entred on his Dominions, Proclamation was made to the people, that they should deliver up their Impostor into the hands of Justice; which if He is overcome and punished. they refused to do, then Fire and Sword was to be their portion, and destruction to extend even unto their children of seven years of age. This terrible denuntiation of the Sultan's Sentence struck all the people with cold fear and amazement; howsoever the Shegh availing himself on certain Prophecies, which he interpreted in his own favour, adventured to stand a shock with the Grand Signior's Forces; but being overcome by them, the Shegh was taken alive and carried to the Grand Signior; who having given a stop to his March at Iconium, until the end of this business, he condemned him to be flead alive; and in this guise being a horrid Spectacle to all Beholders, he was carried upon an Ass to [Page 78] the Wheel, on which he seemed to endure the remainder of his punishment without any sensible touches or pangs in the torments.
This success being attained, Morat proceeded in his March, and passing through Alexandretta or Scanderone, he was there saluted by the Guns of all the English and Dutch Ships then in Port, and presented by the Merchants and Consuls, especially by the Venetian called Marco Foscolo, whose Presents were computed to amount unto the value of ten thousand Dollars. Thence he proceeded to Antioch, where he refreshed his Army for a few days, observing the Antiquities of that place. At Aleppo he was met by the Pasha of Grand Cairo, who brought with him a rich Tribute, accompanied with an Army of twenty four thousand Souldiers, all choice men well armed and well cloathed; at the same place also the Forces of Palestine joyned with him, so that his Army was now increased to a vast number. Proceeding forward new Sangiacks came in daily belonging to the Countries through which they marched, and a strong Party of Tartars despairing of being able to act any considerable matter against Asac, offered themselves to the service of the Grand Signior.
The King of Persia entred the Field at the Head of an hundred and twenty thousand Horse; but being inferiour in force, made only use of them to reinforce his Garrison of Bagdat with an addition of thirty thousand The Persian Army dares not give battel to the Turk. men; which now being well provided, he judged that the Force within and the strength of the place would be able to endure a long Siege, and with time weaken, if not destroy the vast numbers of the Turks, of which there were former examples: with the rest of his Forces he returned to encounter the Great Mogul, who (as we have said) promised Morat to assist him in this War, and attack the Persian on the other side of his Dominions, which served for an advantageous diversion to the Turk. This was the reason that no memorable Battels succeeded in the Field, there being none of greater note than a Fight which Quinan Pasha had with two thousand Persians belonging to Revan, with whom accidentally encountring, he killed fifteen hundred of them on the place, and took the rest Prisoners, which being five hundred in number were brought before Morat, and all barbarously put to death by him.
During the time of this March Morat often exercised himself in Feats of Arms, to shew his strength of body and dexterity of hand; amongst other things wonderful to the Souldiers, he pierced a Suit of Arms of Musket-proof with a Dart, called by them a Gerit, thrown from his hand; for evidence of which the Armour is placed on one of the Gates of Aleppo with an Inscription under it.
About the beginning of the month of August the Turkish Army passed the River Euphrates by means of a Bridge, which was not so well built, The Turks pass the River Ellphratis. but that it sunk under the weight of Horses, Camels, and Baggage, by which disaster many perished in the water, which great rains had swelled above the bounds of its Banks. As this numerous Army proceeded, so all petty Princes applied themselves to perform their Homage; amongst which one Tarpos a King of the Arabs came with his Wife, Mother, and Son to prostrate himself before the Sultan: he was entertained in the Tent of the Favourite, who being always in company with Morat, was never suffered to separate from him, and his Tent more for ostentation than to serve his occasion. Tarpos being admitted to Audience, was received with respect and a favourable countenance, and presented with a [Page 79] Vest of Cloth of Gold lined with Sables and a small Purse of Gold: in recompence whereof the Arab Prince returned certain choice Horses and two Leopards. In like manner the Georgians and Mengrelians, who are Tributaries to Turk and Persian, and commonly incline to the strongest side, whose Nations we have described in the present State of the Ottoman Empire, would not be wanting at this time to bring their Tribute of eighty thousand yards of Linen-cloth, which they pay every three year, with some Children of both Sexes chosen out of the comeliest and most healthful amongst them.
At Mosul the Army lay encamped for some time, where was a general Rendezvous and confluence of people from all parts, and every thing The Turkish Army at Mosa. ordered and modelized for a War. Severe Discipline was kept amongst all, Offenders were impaled, flead alive, their bowels ript out, and thrown into the publick ways: nor did Takers of Tabaco escape with less punishment than the rest. In the mean time Wine was forbid to his whole Camp, unless to himself and his Favourite, being a Royal drink; and when the chief Physician commended the admirable virtue of Opium, advising Morat to use it in the place of Wine, he enjoyned him to make his words good by his own example and thereby forced him to take so much, that he was overcome, and died by swallowing too great a quantity.
From Mosul the Army marched in due order to Babylon, where the Great Vizier arrived with thirty thousand men about the 19 th of October: The description of Babylon or Bagdat. but by reason of the great weight of Artillery, and the many impediments which attend such vast numbers, the Grand Signior came not thither till the 5 th of November, and on the 9 th the whole Turkish Army presented it self before the Walls of Babylon.
Babylon the ancientest City of the World, reported to be built by Nimrod on the Banks of the River Euphrates, and afterwards beautified and enlarged by Semiramis the Wife of Ninus, is recorded in History for the vastness thereof to be one of the seven Miracles of the World. Afterwards the furious Inundations of the River, and the Iron teeth of devouring time, and the subjection thereof to the Macedonian Empire, did much eclipse the glory of that City, and caused Seleucus Nicanor, one of Alexander's Captains, to build a new one where the Tigris and Euphrates meet, forty miles more Northwards than the old Babylon, which he therefore called Seleucia after his own Name. In the year of our Lord 753. Abugiafer Almansor an Arab King enlarged this City to the Eastern side of the Tigris, as being less subject to the Inundations of the River, giving it the Name of Bagdat, or the place of Gardens; but his Son Almolied being more pleased with the Western side, encouraged people to build the stateliest Palaces and best Fabricks near the place where he delighted to keep his Court, so that the River Tigris divided the City. The which with the Country thereabouts was subdued by Solyman the Magnificent; and afterwards in the Year 1625. it was recovered by Abas King of Persia, until at length in this of 1638. it was vanquished by the mighty force and prowess of this Magnanimous Sultan, as we shall now understand.
The numerous Troops of the Ottoman Army covering all the Plains, Bagdat desieged. a general Council of War was called of the chief Commanders of the Janisaries and Spahees, especially of such who had been practised in the Sieges of the strong Fortresses in Hungary. After some debate and long [Page 80] consideration, it was agreed, That the City should be battered in three places. One Battery of twelve Pieces of Cannon commanded by the Great Vizier was to be erected against the Bright Gate: the second against the Dark Gate of ten Pieces of Cannon, under the Command of the Captain-Pasha: and a third of eight Pieces directed against the Gate of Persia, under the Government of Chusaein Pasha Beglerbei of Anatolia. The Grand Signior in the mean time habited like an ordinary Souldier, that he might be the less exposed to danger, visited all Posts and places, encouraging them with his words and presence, protesting that he would not change his Cloaths for ever in any place but within the Walls of Bagdat. In the space of three days the Trenches were opened, the Batteries raised, and the Cannon planted; and Morat having made Korban, gave fire to the first Cannon with his own hand, as he had brought the first Basket of Earth to raise the Works. The Defendants within consisted of eighty thousand fighting men, with which they made frequent Sallies of four and five thousand men at a time, who being retired were again seconded by another of the like number, which put the Turkish Camp into much confusion, and into danger of having their Trenches levelled, and their Cannon spiked; but the Turks valiantly fighting, the slaughter proved bloody on both sides: and being guided rather by the bravery of their courage, than by Art or Experience in War, they carried their Works forward to the very brink of the Ditch, having an Italian and a Candiot for their chief Enginiers; who though they were not persons of that ability, as our modern times have produced, yet they were such, as for want of better, served the presented occasions, where force and numbers, with small additions of Art, were the most available. For in this Siege the Sword was more exercised than the Spade or Matock, and there was more need of Arms than Works; for the constant Sallies kept the Turks always watchful and imployed, and perpetually disturbed them, until at length they were forced with great labour to raise a high Circumvallation with a very deep Ditch defended by several Redoubts; whereby the Besieged being kept in, their numbers decreased by former Sallies, and their courages abated by despair of Relief, they began to grow cold in the Acts of Bravery, and to reserve their men for the ultimate and last efforts of defence. In the mean time the Turks plied their Batteries so hotly, that in a few days the Walls were laid open almost fifty paces wide. In this condition the Defendants having no other refuge than some small Retrenchments, which they had made during the Siege, were exposed to the open force of the Enemy. For now the Turks having filled up the first and second Ditches with Sacks of Wool, Faggots, and other Rubbish, crowded in vast numbers to enter the Breach, which the Persians defended as stoutly with Stones, Bullets, artificial Fires, and all Instruments of death, which fell like showers of Hail on the heads of the Enemy. The Great Vizier signalizing himself above all by his undaunted courage, commanding with his hand and voice, was unhappily shot by a Musket-bullet, and fell on the heaps of the dead, amongst whom there is no distinction between the common Souldier and the bravest Captain. This Fight within the Breach continued for five days, where both sides fighting like men in despair, the dead bodies lay in heaps, and blood was stagnated like a Pool to wade thorough. At length the numbers of the Turks prevailing, commanded now by Mustapha the Captain-Pasha, [Page 81] entred the Town by force of Arms on the 22 th day of December about the time of Sun-set, when the Royal Standard of the Turks was planted in this City. Howsoever twenty four thousand of the Persians remaining still alive, and united in a Body capitulated for Quarter, otherwise threatning not to die unrevenged: Pardon and Quarter for their lives was readily granted, on confidence of which the Persians threw down their Arms, and submitted to the publick faith or the Sultan's clemency. But the Grand Signior afterwards considering, that the granting Quarter Bagdat taken. at Revan had been the cause of the loss of the City, he repented him of his promise, and gave Order to the Janisaries most inhumanely to open a torrent of blood, and make a barbarous Massacre of those who had newly thrown down their Arms at his feet, not sparing either woman or child, either sex or age; the which slaughter, like a work of darkness, was acted in the night by the light of Torches and Lanthorns, and appeared a horrid spectacle to all, especially to the Persian Ambassadour, who being conducted like a Prisoner in the Camp, was a sad Spectator of his Countries destruction on the horrid Theatre of its capital City.
So soon as Bagdat was taken, Morat dispatched away Posts immediately with the News into all parts, and wrote a Letter with his own hand to the Chimacam, ordering a Dunalma or Feast of Thanksgiving, and rejoicing for the space of twenty days; during which time no business was to be acted, the Houses were to be adorned both without and within with the best Furniture, and every House was to set forth Lights, Torches, and Fire-works agreeable to the condition and ability of the person. The people exclaimed hereat as too great an expence, and the vacation from business seemed too long for those who lived by their daily labour. The chief Ministers and Grandees evidenced external actions of joy, but inwardly feared and trembled, suspecting that the fierce and cruel humour of their Sultan would be elated, and rendred more tyrannical, and untractable by success and a favourable Fortune. The Christian Princes received this Intelligence like bad News, and as an Alarm to awaken them from the easiness of Peace, to expectations of War: for War with Persia was like an Ulcer in the Bowels of the Turkish Empire, which gangrened and consumed the strength and marrow of their Power; which now being cured, and the Body politick rendred healthy by such a seasonable success, would convert it self to Enterprises pernicious and dangerous to the neighbouring States.
After the Conquest of this City Morat gave out, That he resolved to proceed with his Army into Persia, and to enter the Walls of Spahan; but having some indispositions of health upon him, and recalled by the charming Letters of a Favourite Mistress, whom he had left at Diarbechir, he inclined to return again to Constantinople. Wherefore mustering first his Army, he found that it was abated near an hundred thousand men, two thirds whereof being killed in the War, the rest perished by the Pestilence, and other diseases and maladies incident to Camps; a great part of the slaughter fell on the most veterane Souldiers of the Janisaries and Spahees, of which many of the Chief being slain, their Lands and Revenues returned to the Grand Signior, and gave him both opportunity and ability to reward many with such Offices and Gifts as came by the death and fall of other Commanders. Thus the Captain-Pasha, whose Valour had rendred him famous, was made Great Vizier in the place of him that was [Page 82] slain, and the Persian Favourite was constituted Captain-Pasha; and though many repined at this advancement, as conferred on a Stranger, and a Person without Merit, yet the Grand Signior considered him as one whose Experience in that Country, and the Information he had given him of the situation and strength of Babylon, had made abundant compensation for the favour and honour he had bestowed upon him.
The Grand Signior having left a Garrison of thirty thousand men in Bagdat, dispeeded the Great Vizier with a considerable Army to penetrate 1639 far into the Country of Persia. And having now released the Persian Ambassadour, giving him liberty to return to his Master, wrote by him this braving Letter.
I That am Lord of Lords, and Conquerour in the parts of Arabia, Persia, and Greece: King that commands with eminent Rule in the World, exalted by Divine assistance to the Empire of the Vniverse; the most Invincible Possessor of the White and Black Seas, and of all the Cities and Fortresses which encompass them. Lord of the Divine and Prophetick Temple, that is, of Mecha and Medina, as also of Jerusalem, Aleppo, Damascus, and of all those Holy and Venerable Countries, of Grand Cairo, Salutiferous Babylon, and of Van, of Ethiopia, Balsora, and the Lesser Asia; of all the Countries of the Curds, Georgians, and Tartars; of Moldavia, Valachia, and universally of all the Provinces and Regions of Greece and Anatolia. And in summ, Supreme Lord of the Seven Climates, the Victorious and Triumphant King in the Service of God Sultan Amurat Han, to the Valiant Sofi, to whom may God give peace, if he deserve it. This Imperial Letter worthy of Obedience being come to thee, Be it known unto thee, That the Ambassadour which Thou didst send to my happy Port with desires of Peace, I have detained until this time in which I have subdued Bagdat, by means of the keen edge of my Invincible Cemiter. If thou desirest Peace, surrender those Provinces which belong to the Dominions of my Victorious Predecessors, into the hands of my Beglerbeys, who are now marching at the head of my Victorious and Inexpugnable Army: otherwise expect me next Spring with my Troops more numerous than the sands of the Sea, within the bowels of thy Dominions; where I will appear on Horse-back to unkennel thee from the Caverns wherein thou now lurkest, not daring to manage those Arms, which are unworthily girt to thy side. That afterwards shall succeed, which was determined from all Eternity. Peace be to him who directs his ways aright.
This Letter being dispatched, the Grand Signior recalled the forty thousand men which he had lent, from the Service of the Great Mogul, which he quartered about Bagdat to hinder the attempts of the Persians, in case they should design to pursue him in the Rear, and disturb his return into Europe. By reason of the rigour and extremity of the Winter, and a certain defluxion which falling on his Nerves, made him something paralytical, the Grand Signior departed not from Bagdat until the 15 th of April, and then for recovery of his health, and to soil the Horses The Grand Signior returns to Constantinople. by the way with convenience of grass, short days journies were appointed. The Grand Signior's indisposition increasing with some cold and shivering sits, gave the first Symptoms of a Feaver; but afterwards it plainly appearing to be a paralytical distemper, suspected by the Physicians to end in an Apoplexy, it was rumoured abroad, that Morat was dead; but it was whispered with such caution, as if they had feared lest [Page 83] the Grand Signior would have over-heard them, and risen from his grave to punish their secret and inward joy. Being somewhat recovered from the last accession of his Palsie, the humour fell into his legs, and swelle so much, that he could scarce sit upon his Horse; howsoever he hastened us fast as he could to Constantinople to disprove and confute the falsity of that [...] concerning his death. In the mean time it is not to be expressed with what sear and terrour the Chimacam and other great Ministers of State expected the return of their formidable Prince, not knowing where the Thunderbolt of his cruel disposition would strike, until at length it fell on the head of the poor Sultan Mustapha, whose weakness, as it rendred him unable for Government and Command, so it made him stupid and insensible of death.
At length on the 10 th of June the Grand Signior arrived at Constantirople: the Favourite Soltana, which had accompanied him to the War, passed by water from Ismit attended with six Gallies, and took her The Grand Signiors Entry into Constantinople. Lodging the first night of her arrival at a small Chiosk or House of Pleasure under the Wall, so as to make a magnificent Entry the day following. Her Coach was covered with Cloth of Gold, and the Spokes of the Wheels were gilded, and the Wheels shod with Silver; she was followed by twelve Coaches, and the Mufti, Pasha's, Kadees, and other Officers went before to conduct her to the Seraglio. The Grand Signior, who arrived the same day attended with fifty six Gallies, made not his solemn Entry until two days after, being performed with all the Ceremony, State, and [...] which could be contrived. The Grand Signior in his own Person appeared in the Persian Habit, with a Leopards skin thrown over his shoulders, after the manner of a Kausee (as they call them) or a brave husting Champion, having his Stirrup attended with twenty two of the chiefest Nobles, whom he had reserved at Bagdat purposely to lead in Triumph when he made this Entry. The Treasure brought to Constantinople was landed at the Seraglio out of ten Gallies, and calculated to amount to a greater Sum than that which was carried from thence; for besides the Riches taken in the Plunder of Babylon, seisure was made in divers places of the Estates of Pasha's and other Great men, which by death, or for crimes escheated to the Grand Signior.
After the Grand Signior's departure out of Persia, little of action succeeded, as if by mutual agreement, a Truce or Cessation of Arms had been contrived. The Persians desired a Peace, because they were enfeebled and tired with the War: The Turks had regained their Honour by the Conquest of Bagdat; and being unwilling to lose it by change of unconstant Fortune, and longer consume their riches and men in a tedious and remote March, were attending to receive Propositions of Peace first offered by the Persian. To effect which the Great Vizier, who was left at Bagdat to command the Army, intimated to the Governours of the Frontiers, that a proffer of Peace should be accepted; An Ambassadour sent from Persia to the Grand Signior. which being made known to the King of Persia, he immediately dispatched an Ambassadour to the Grand Signior to propose Terms of Accommodation. The Ambassadour being arrived at Constantinople, was grateful and acceptable to all, and his day of Audience appointed after the usual manner on the Pay-day of the Janisaries, when the floor of the Divan is covered with Sacks of Money: before the door of the Chamber of Audience stood the Persian Captives all cloathed in rich Vests. The Ambassadour being conducted to the Royal Presence with the usual [Page 84] Ceremonies (of which we have given an account in another place) was received by the Sultan sitting upon a Saffaw covered with Crimson Velvet embroidered with Pearl; his Turbant was encompassed with a Chain of Diamonds, cloathed with a rich Vest lined with Sables; he cast no pleasantness of aspect on the Ambassadour, but beholding him with a fierce and scornful look, received the Letter in a kind of careless disclain, behaving himself in every motion, as if he neither esteemed the King, nor his Ambassadour; or as if the Persian had been wholly conquered by him, had sent to beg Peace, and pardon for his life: The Ambassadour was soon dismissed from his Presence; and matters being referred to the Negotiation of the Chimacam, no other difficulty arose besides the dispute concerning Revan, which at length was agreed by another Ambassadour A Peace concluded. sent to the Vizier on the Frontiers to remain unto the Persian, as Bagdat was consirmed to the Turk: and so Peace was without long debate clapt up; the Grand Signior, by reason of his indisposition which increased upon him, being not inclinable to trouble his head with the burden of business.
Peace being thus concluded with Persia, there appeared a perfect Sunshine and fair weather in the Ottoman Court, neither dissentions at home, nor Wars abroad troubling the quiet and repose of the Sultan; until some differences happening between the Princes of Moldavia and Valachia exhaled the first cloud of disturbance. At that time Lupulo was Prince of Moldavia, a Person of evil Principles, covetous and unjust. Matthew was Prince of Valachia, a good man, zealous for the Christian Religion, and one who administred equal Justice to his people. Lupulo not contenting himself with his own, but desirous also of his Neighbours possession, made instances to the Port to have the Principality of Moldavia conferred upon his Son, alledging that thereby he should be better enabled Troubles in Moldavia and Valachia. to balance the power of Ragotski in Transylvania, and on all occasions be rendred more serviceble to the Grand Signior's designs and interest: and seconding this Proposition with a Present of fifty thousand Dollars to the Chimacam, and promise to increase the annual Tribute, he obtained the Chimacam's friendship, at whose instance the Grand Signior was perswaded to write unto Matthew to surrender up his Province into the hands of the Son of Lupulo; declaring, That it having been accustomary to change the Princes of those Countries every three years, he ought after an injoyment of above seven years to content himself with a quiet and voluntary resignation, unless he would desire to draw upon himself a ruine by the anger and displeasure of the Sultan. Matthew having no posterity, resolved not to surrender his Government but with his life; and having a particular animosity against Lupulo, could by no means incline his mind to make his Enemy happy with the Spoils of his Estate. Wherefore having obtained assistance from Ragotski, he resolved to withstand the Forces of young Lupulo, and engage with them: and being ready to mount on Horse-back and begin the Battel, he first dispatched an humble Message to the Grand Signior, acquainting him, ‘That he was ready at his Command to resign his Principality into the hands of the meanest Greek his Majesty would appoint; who being the source of all Equity and Justice, he hoped that he would not oblige him to such Terms as would raise his mortal Enemy upon his ruine; a man so intent to his own interests, and so unconscionable to compass them, that all late Revolutions, Wars, and Commotions have [Page 85] been raised either by him, or by his Instruments.’ This Letter being received and read by the Grand Signior, was seconded in a few hours after, with News of the total defeat of young Lupulo; which put the Grand Signior so much into choler, that he immediately committed the Chimacam to the Seven Towers, for being the Projector and Author of this Counsel. It was supposed however, that Morat's anger would not proceed to that degree, as to extend to his life; but being informed, that he was rich, and that he was possessed of two millions of Dollars, which lay by him in ready Money, it was concluded, that so vast a wealth could not in a short time be honestly gained; which appearing as an undeniable evidence and testimony of his violence and oppression, the Grand Signior made no difficulty to pass the Sentence of death against The Chimacam put to death. him, nor to condemn the Money to his own Exchequer. His Office was given to Sinan Pasha, and the Principality confirmed unto Matthew.
During all this time, the quarrel which the Turks conceived against the Venetians for violating their Port of Valona, was not yet composed; but now having time to peruse and consider old accounts, the Venetian Bailo was called by the Chimacam to Audience, and to a Conference with him concerning this matter. In the first place therefore the Bailo alledged, ‘That the Pirates of Barbary had for the space of twenty years roved in the Venetian Gulf, and made Prize in that time of so many Ships and Goods belonging to Merchants, that the Republick had been prejudiced by them in several millions; which also did in some manner prejudice the Customs of the Grand Signior, to whom the Venetian Merchants pay for the most part yearly the Sum of an hundred thousand Dollars in Custom for their Goods, besides the benefit which the Ottoman Dominions receive by so profitable a Commerce.’ Hereunto the Chimacam replied: ‘That the damages which the Turks received by the Corsaires or Free-booters at Sea under the Colours of Malta, Ligorn, Majorca, and other places were greater and more dishonourable to the Majesty of the Ottoman Grandeur, than the depredations of the other side were to Venice: and therefore it would be necessary for the good of the World, that such violences were prevented in all places; and that men of such wicked profession should be esteemed for universal Enemies, and to have no other Quarter, nor Articles granted them, than what we give to wild and hurtful beasts, whom we destroy by snares and gins, and all advantages. The which also was never denied to the Venetians, whilst they encountred and took them in the open Seas; but to enter into priviledged places, and violate a Sanctuary of the Grand Signior's, without respect to the mighty Power of so dreadful a Monarch, was an act so insolent, as could never obtain pardon without a due compensation for the offence; which could not be done, but either by a restitution of the Vessels, or else of a like number in the places of them.’ Hereunto the Bailo replied: ‘That if an Accommodation could not be made on other Terms, nor Peace maintained, but by a submission to Pirates, and supportation of all their injuries and robberies, a War must inevitably ensue; for the good success of which they depended on the Blessing of God Almighty, and the general assistance of all Christendom, which will esteem it self universally concerned in this Cause, and obliged as well to make good this quarrel against Pirates, as to preserve Venice for [Page 86] their main Bulwark and defence against the Ottoman Force.’
‘You make me smile (answered the Chimacam) when you tell me of the power of Christendom, which contains nothing more of terrour than the name. Do not I know, who have been Pasha of Buda; that the Emperour hath no money; and that when the Swedes, a small and inconsiderable people, have made War upon him, they have almost over-run his Country? As for France, if they understand their own Politicks, they will scarce be perswaded to lend assistance to the Empire, when we make war against it. The Spaniards have so much to do at home, and to conserve themselves from the incroachments of their powerful Neighbour the French, that they are wholly unable to lend Forces to wage a war at such a distance from their Dominions. Wherefore considering the advantage we have upon you, which we well know and understand; you must either have war on these hazardous terms, or else purchase your peace with a considerable Sum of money. In making of which bargain you must consider, that you have to deal with a mighty Prince, and not with a Merchant; and therefore your offer ought to be large at first, so as it may gain credit, and be received with a favourable ear; for a small Sum to him is like a little morsel given to an hungry stomach, which serves only to increase the appetite. And you know, that we our selves are often forced to sacrifice to the avarice of our Prince, by effusions of vast Sums of money, which are always best compounded for, when they are done readily, and at first, before we give our Master time to consult with his pillow, and to make up our accounts according to the calculate of his own reckoning. Let me therefore exhort you to follow the like example, and immediately make an offer of three hundred thousand Zechins of Gold, which if you will do, and employ my interest to make this composition for you, I hope, though with some difficulty, to gain its acceptance. To talk and reason of things past is but to beat the air, because the time is vanished and gone; but you may consider of the present, that you may secure the future. We sell you peace at this price, if it be worth your money take it; if not, refuse it, as you judge the purchase most agreeable to your interest.’
At this time Christendom was embroiled in its usual combustions, so that assistance from other Princes was not only uncertain, but without all foundation; so that the Venetians could have no sure trust to any other than their own Force. In regard that many were desirous at that time to see the Venetians engaged with the Turk, that so they might not be able to concern themselves in the War of Italy, which then grew hot by the Wars of Savoy, Modena, and Matona, favoured by the protection of the Spaniards, by whose means all the differences arose about the Valtoline. Considering which, the wise Senate being willing to purchase so great a blessing to their Country by a moderate price, gave liberty to their Bailo to compound for it at what rate and terms that he was able; which by the Bailo's dexterity in the management was concluded for the Sum of two hundred and fifty thousand Zechins, which was esteemed for a great service, and redounded much to the reputation of the Bailo: after which conclusion, the former Articles were ratified, and these which follow added thereunto.
‘That the Ambassadour or Bailo should be set at liberty, and permitted to return to his own habitation: That Commerce be renewed [Page 87] as formerly between the Subjects of both Countries. That all Controversie about the matters happened at Valona, for ever be silenced and forgotten. When at any time the Pirates of Barbary shall happen to enter within the Ports of the Grand Signior, they shall give security, that they will commit no damage or spoil on the Subjects of Venice. And in case they shall have taken any Prizes belonging to the aforesaid State, they shall not be admitted nor protected in the Ports belonging to the Grand Signior. Wherefore in virtue hereof all Aga's, Captains of Castles, and other Ministers who shall not obey and observe this Capitulation, shall be deprived of their Office; and if the Venetians shall then enter violently into the Port, where such Enemies have taken refuge, it shall not be imputed to them for a crime, or esteemed a breach of the Capitulations. And farther, if the Venetians shall at any time encounter the aforesaid people of Barbary in the open Sea, it shall be lawful for them to assault, take, and destroy them without notice, or exceptions of the Ottoman Port. And lastly, the new Bailo lately elected shall pay unto the Grand Signior five hundred thousand Pieces of Eight, which make two hundred and fifty thousand Zechins of Gold. This Writing was firmed and ratified about the middle of the Moon Rebiul in the Hegeira or Year of Mahomet 1049.’ Hereof September 1639. authentick Copies were immediately dispatched to the Beglerbeys, Sangiacks, and Kadi's on the Coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, and to the Pasha of Bosna, for better publication of the Peace, and free Traffick and Commerce between the Subjects of both people.
The Baron Chinski arrived at that time from the Emperour in quality of Envoyé Extraordinary to congratulate the Grand Signior's success in An Envoyé sent from the Emperour to the Grand Signior. taking Bagdat, and making a Peace with Persia; but not bringing with him Presents to that value, which on this occasion were expected, he was not looked on, nor considered with that favour and respect, as was agreeable to his Character and Quality. And there happening a dispute between this Envoyé and the English Ambassadour concerning precedency of place; the Turks yielded it to the English, being made to understand the difference which Christian Princes make between the Title of an Ambassadour and that of an Envoyé, though the Turks use but that one word of Elchi to express both. And though the Baron Chinski laboured to diminish the Dignity of an English Ambassadour at Constantinople, by alledging, that he was elected by the Company of Merchants for conservation of their Trade only, and afterwards confirmed and honoured by the King: yet this Argument was in no wise prevalent with the Turks, who esteeming the Commission of the Prince, and the charge of an Office the only qualification to ennoble a person, made no difficulty to determine the point in behalf of the English. And though some Italian Writers say, that the English Ambassadour gave fifteen Purses of Money or seven thousand five hundred Dollars to the Chimacam for this favour; yet those who understand how unwillingly the Turkie-Merchants part with their money on defence of such punctillios and niceties, especially where the Ambassadour might have avoided the bringing them into dispute, will more readily believe, that the Turks from free motives of their own Justice and Reason judged this Honour due to the Ambassadour, than that he should purchase this indisputable point by the disgraceful means of money.
ANNO 1640.
1640 All matters being now determined between the Turks and Persia, and the black clouds blown over from the Venetians, the Grand Signior studied how and where he might turn his Arms with most advantage: he The Turkish Counsels uncertain about a War. had conceived an irreconcileable pique against Ragotski and Matthew for the causes before related; but having an intention to make use of their Force against Poland or Germany, or against them both together, he dissembled the passion he conceived against them, and rather deferred his revenge, than pardoned the liberty which they had exercised without his licence or assent. Sometimes he resolved to recover Asac out of the hands of the Cosacks; sometimes he thought of making War upon Poland, judging himself much affronted by that King, for not sending an Ambassadour to congratulate his late successes: then he supposed, that a War in Germany would be more easie, and the Conquest more profitable by reason of the richess of the people, and the fertility of the soil, to which pretences could never be wanting on the score of those differences which always arise amongst the people of the Frontiers. During these debates and counsels, preparations were made for War both by Sea and Land, as yet uncertain where they should be employed: to command them the Great Vizier was ordered to hasten his journey from Persia, The Vizier returns from Persia. whose arrival was celebrated at Constantinople with a solemn Entry; and for a particular and distinguishing Honour, the Grand Signior sent him a Vest from his own Back to wear on the day of his Triumph. This Vizier was a person very austere in his behaviour, bold and valiant, as he evidenced by his actions in taking Bagdat, zealous for his Master's interest; and what is rare in a Turk, not much addicted to his own: he had acquired a great share in the esteem of his Master, and his Authority increased, as the daily decay of the Grand Signior's health rendred him less able for Government. For now the strong complexion of Morat began to grow feeble by excesses of frequent debauchery, his stomach was become cold and weak, not able to digest the lightest meats, his hand shook, and a paralytical distemper seized him in every part: so that his Mother and the Physicians perswaded him to forsake the use of Wine, as poison and destruction to his health: and he, whilst he was sensible of his languishing condition, like a true Penitent, made many protestations and vows against it, forbidding the accursed poison to be received within the Walls of the Seraglio: howsoever his kind heart could not possibly withstand the temptation of a Banquet, to which his Pot-companions did sometimes invite him: amongst which the Great Vizier would not be wanting also to please and cajol the humor of his Master with the liquor that he loved. But his chief and constant Camerades in drinking were his Persian Favourite and Mustapha Pasha of Bosna, one educated in the Seraglio, promoted to the place of Selictar Aga, to whom he gave the stately Palace of Ibrahim Pasha on the Hippodrome, together with his eldest Daughter in Marriage. These two stout Sons of Bacchus perswaded the Grand Signior to appoint one solemn Drinking-day in time of the Biram, which is the great Festival of the Year, and introduced by their Prophet in imitation of our Easter. Morat being at this time possessed with the spirit of debauchery, accepted the motion, and invited the two Drunkards to dinner with him. The Persian provoked his pleasure [Page 89] of drinking by salt Meats, and by peppered and spiced Dishes; the sort of Wine they most used was a sweet Malvoisia, sometimes twisted, and encouraged with the strong Waters, called Rosa Solis, of which they sucked so long, and with such excess, that falling under the force of it, they were insensibly carried away to their several beds. This dissolute repast became fatal to the Grand Signior; for a fire being kindled in his veins and bowels, he fell into a violent and continued Feaver. The Physicians being called, were fearful to administer Remedies, lest proving The death of Sultan Morat. unsuccessful, their lives should pay for the ineffectual operation: at length they agreed to let him blood, but this hastened his death. For he died the fourth day of his Feaver, being the 8 th of February, in the seventeenth year of his Reign, and the one and thirtieth of his Age, having ruled in the height of all disorders and irregular excesses, which his youthful years enabled him to support. With his death all his thoughts and designs of making War against Christendom perished, having sworn after his return from Persia to reduce all his neighbouring Countries to the Mahometan Law. He was of a most cruel and implacable disposition, having amongst his other Acts of Tyranny imbrued his His Character. hands in the blood of his two Brothers, Orchan and Bajazet; as also strangled his Uncle Mustapha, whose innocent weakness had been sufficient to secure his life against any, but the most horrid Monster of humane Tyranny. He left no Son; for though he had divers, they died in their infancy, notwithstanding which his Kindred were so detested by him, that he envied the descendence of Monarchy on his Brother Ibrahim, who was preserved by a strange providence from his fury: often saying, that he wished that he might be the last of the Ottoman Line, that the Empire of that Family might end with him, and devolve unto the Tartar. He was certainly the most absolute Prince that ever swayed the Ottoman Empire: but of no Religion, seldom fasting in the month of Ramasan, contemning and laughing at the Santones, and others of their Religious Orders. He was very inquisitive into all Actions of the City, for which he maintained his Spies, and oftentimes took his rules and measures from discourses of people concerning his Government. He was a great Dissembler, ready, active, and revengeful, covetous to extremity, having left fifteen millions of Gold in his Treasury, which was empty when he entred upon the Soveraignty. In short, he was so bad, that he had scarce any allay of Vertue; being so great a Tyrant, that at length he became his own Assasinate, and fell unlamented by all but the two Companions of his bestial excess.
Sultan Amurath, or Morat, after a Feaver of eight days continuance, 1640 caused by an excess of Debauchery in Wine; having on the eighth of February, 1640. according to the New-Style, expired his last Breath: His Mother, called Kiosem, comforted her self with the thoughts that her Son Sultan Ibrahim still lived, Vid. the [...]. State. and was the sole Surviver, and undoubted Heir of the Ottoman Family; to whose Succession, that She might make the more facile, and undisturbed Entrance, She consulted with all the Viziers; requesting their consent and assistance in the lawful promotion of her remaining Son to the Throne of his Ancestors: For She had understood, that Morat, who always abhorred the ill-shaped Body, and weaker mind of his Brother, envied him the Dignity of the Ottoman Scepter, and therefore had bequeathed the Succession to the Tartar, having, in the heat of a Debauch, and fumes of his Wine, compelled his Pashas to swear to the performance of his Testament. Wherefore the Queen, assembling them together, with gentle words desired them to remember, That Ibrahim was the lawful Heir, and their true Emperour; that the Tartar Han was a Stranger, odious to the Souldiery, and not beloved by the People; that an alteration of this nature could never be contrived and executed without danger to the Actors, and that they to whom She assured the continuance of the same Honours and Offices in reward of their constant Allegiance, [Page 2] would be in hazard of losing all, by the coming of a Foreign Prince, who having Confidents of his own to prefer, and grand necessities to satisfie, would make bold even with Estates and Provinces to prefer his Favourites, his Kindred, and Country-men; and establish the firmness of his Government on their ruine: Yet, setting aside those considerations, touching their own safety and interest, She promised, That if they would reach out their hands unto her Son, for to lift him unto the Throne, he should acknowledge his Empire from them, and accordingly love, tender, and esteem such faithful Subjects. The Viziers, after some reflections on the tye and obligation which Sultan Morat had caused them to make to him, declared, and published it to be unlawful, and void; protesting, that they were resolved to maintain inviolable the Allegiance they owed unto Sultan Ibrahim, descended from the Ottoman-bloud, which they reverenced and adored with an awe equal to the religious esteem which their Forefathers had of it; and therefore with one voice they cryed out, Let Sultan Ibrahim live. Herewith the Council breaking up, the Viziers, accompanied with all the Officers and Attendants of the Seraglio, went with Shouts and loud Acclamations to the Prison of Ibrahim, to salute him Emperour; for he, poor Prince, had now for four years remained a sad Recluse in a dark room, where he had received neither light, nor Air, but what came from a little Window, which sometimes in favour was opened to him, from above; and what was worse, the continual expectations, and fear of Death, without Friends, Conversation, or Hope, rendred those apprehensions worse than Death it self, which daily were represented to him in that solemnity, as might terrific a mind more constant and firm than his: So soon as he heard the Shouts and Voices of a Multitude near his Door, he immediately conceived, that the Fate was now come which he had so long expected, and therefore he barred his Door, and denied to give entrance; and when the Viziers proclaimed him Emperour (fearing it might be some artifice of his Brother to see with what joy he would entertain the News) he answered, that he did not so much as think of the Empire, nor desire it, but only prayed, that Sultan Morat might live, to whom he pretended not to be a Brother, but a Slave; and when he perceived that they began to force the Door, though with terms of Respect and Observance, he still endeavoured to keep it close; for Nature had taught him to conserve a Life, however miserable, and void of consolation. He continuing thus resolute not to open, Reverence to his Person commanded them to forbear any ruder violence, until the Queen Mother over-hearing all this stir, descended her self in Person, and first causing the dead Corps of Sultan Morat to be extended before his Door, with gentle Compellations, and confident Assurances, averred the Death of his Brother. The voice of his Mother began to dissipate his fears, and being in part already convinced by his Ears, he adventured to peep at the Door, and giving then entire Credence to his Eyes, his heart and spirits consented to revive, and so retiring back into his Chamber, he willingly received the Congratulations of the Ministers and Souldiers; which being past, he readily applied his Shoulders to the Coffin of his dead Brother, and having bore his share of that dear burden to the Gate of the Seraglio, he there resigned it to his Domestick Officers, who buried him in the Sepulchre of Sultan Achmet. From thence he took Boat, and [Page 3] passed to the Mosch of Jubs Seraglio, where in the space of eight days, he compleated all the Ceremonies of his Coronation, and afterwards, according to the custom of his Ancestors, he rode through the City to his great Palace; but whether it were for want of practice, or by reason of a posture natural unto Fools, he sate so ridiculously on his Saddle, as moved rather the Laughter than the Acclamation of the People. In fine, being entred the Seraglio, he began to breathe, and enjoy the Air of Liberty with so much contentment and satisfaction, that he unwillingly would empair the least Particle of his late acquired Freedom, by thinking, or attending to business, and as if he enjoyed sufficient, committed all to the management of his Mother; howsoever, being desirous to handle something of the Government, he did it with so little grace and dexterity, that it plainly appeared, that that Soul animated a Body not fit to sway or wield a Scepter.
The Queen-Mother, to maintain the word She had given to the Viziers, continued them all in their respective Offices, so that, though there was great disproportion in the mind of the two Princes; yet the Ministers being the same, there seemed to be little or no alteration in the Government. The Great Vizier remembring well the thoughts of War which Sultan Morat meditated against the Cossacks, and being desirous of Glory, and continuance of his Power, resolved to prosecute the same design, hoping to meet a spirit in Ibrahim equal to the generosity of his Brother: To this War many and various were the motives, as first, a natural desire of revenge on the Cossacks, for having infested the BlackSeas, that they might thereby provoke Poland to a War, which when Reasons for a War with the Cossacks. they had reduced to some extremity, the Emperour would consequently fall in to their assistance, and thereby create quarrels, which must necessarily open a large Field of troubles, which being sown with the seed of discord, could not fail to produce causes, and pretensions for a War. It being thus resolved, to which the Vizier neither wanted Eloquence nor Reasons to perswade; Great preparations were made for a War, which was intended to be maintained for many years: during which time, God, who disposes all things at his pleasure, permitted a false report to fly, that the Persians were providing a great Army to besiege Bagdat, to which the Turks giving entire credence, it was resolved in the Divan, that those preparations against Christendom, should be diverted towards the Parts of the Eastern Countries. By this vain rumour only were all these grand designs disappointed, and all farther thoughts vanished for the present, of molesting the Christians. From whence it is observable, how necessary are the foreign Residences of Ministers, and how absurdly the Turks erre, who, by reason of their pride, vouchsafe not to entertain Ambassadours in the Court of Strangers, being beholding to the Jews, or Armenian-Merchants for all their intelligence they receive touching the Affairs of Neighbouring Kingdomes.
The Wars being thus suspended, the Great Vizier had time to cast his Eyes about him, and contrive the ruine of such whom he suspected most dangerous to his Condition. Amongst the rest, none appeared more formidable than Mustapha Pasha, Captain Pasha; a young brisk Person, and Favourite of the Queen-Mother, whom to remove was difficult and dangerous, being a Vizier as well as he, and in one of the most eminent degrees of dignity in the whole Empire: and therefore that he [Page 4] might touch him with smooth and gentle terms, he practised upon him the ordinary decoy of Preferment, proffering him the Government of Buda; which whilst the one seemed out of modesty to refuse, the other with the greater force of Complement, and obliging expressions of friendship pressed him to accept. At length, overcome with importunity and kindness, Mustapha received the proffer, whereby being divested of the Queens Protection, he was soon after overtaken in his Journey towards his Principality, and by another Mandate required to take his way to the Province of Silistria, the smallest, and most inconsiderable of the Empire: in which he was no sooner invested, than a second Edict took off his head.
But another Mustapha, more fortunate, was sent Pasha to Grand Cairo in AEgypt; he was a mortal Enemy to the Crim Tartar, of whom he shewed his hatred at Rhodes, by putting his Son to death, for having said, that Sultan Morat, and Sultan Ibrahim dying without Issue, the Empire was to descend to his Family: This Son of the Tartar was then at Rhodes, it being a custome always to have one of them as a Hostage for the Fathers obedient Comportment towards the Turks, their place of Residence being either at Rhodes, or some Town on the Black Sea, as we have elsewhere declared.
The Sultan in this Interim had little regard unto the Government, both for want of Capacity, and by reason of his luxurious and wanton Appetite, to which he indulged in the highest excess of sensuality; for having been accustomed to a Prison, and restraint, he knew not how to enjoy that freedome he had recovered, but by subjecting it to the imperious servitude of his Lusts. This humour the Vizier and great Ministers cherished in him, by continual Banquets, Feasts, and Entertainments, in which he always took high contentment and satisfaction. His other Recreations were, Horse-races, and Shooting with the Bow, rewarding the most dexterous Archers. Business was a stranger to him, he knew not what it meant, nor thought there was other employment for an Emperour than to study those pastimes, which most corresponded with his Youth and Nature: only the Vizier would sometimes in matters of high importance demand his Assent, which was either out of formality, or else to secure himself with the Name and Authority of his Master.
The News of Sultan Ibrahim's promotion to the Throne being arrived at Venice, the most Serene Republick dispatched Pietro Foscarini as their Ambassadour extraordinary to complement the Sultan: The Prince of Transilvania in like manner, sent his Tribute, which was some Hawks, Ambassadours sent to complement Sultan Ibrahim. and twelve Vessels of Gilded Plate, as feudatary acknowledgments for the Lands held, and for his Confirmation in the Principality.
The Ministers of other Princes having passed the like addresses, which were customary, The Ambassadours of Poland made Complaints of the Tartars, whose incursions against them, the Turks by Conditions of Peace were obliged to restrain; but in this, as in other occasions since that time, the Poles could obtain no redress from the Turks, who willing to have the Christians oppressed or ruined, either seemed not to give credit to the subject of Complaints, or else to find out excuses to acquit the Tartar; which being so known and common a Practice with the Turk, it is to be wondred, why the Poles have sent so many late Messages of this nature, which in former, as well as in this present [Page 5] Age have proved fruitless; a pregnant example of which, we shall find 1641 in the Reign of Sultan Mahomet, Son of this Ibrahim.
Amongst other Corruptions of these Times, Aspers were so cut and clipt, that the Dollar rose from 80 to 120 Aspers; which irregularity being complained of in the Divan, all monies were reduced to their intrinsick value, and the Aspers called in to be coyned in the Mint, to the great damage of the people. But this matter will not appear strange, if it be compared to the Vellion of Spain, and to the permission in Turkey, of the base alloy of Temins, by which never any Nation before was ever so cheated and abused. And now the storms of War, which threatned from Persia, being blown over, it was judged seasonable to reassume the thoughts of War so long mediated against the Cossacks; in order unto which, Gallies were commanded to be built, which should draw little Water, and purposely made to pass the shoals of the Black Sea, near Asac, for the recovery of that place out of the hands of the Enemy: Another Squadron also of Gallies was designed for the Archipelago, to oppose the Gallies of Malta and Naples, which much infested those Seas. To the first enterprize the Tartar much excited the Turk, by reason that Asac did not only hinder his Incursions by Land, but rendered his Navigation in the Black Seas, very unsecure. To the second, The Gallies of Malta much provoked them, under the Command of Frederick the Landgrave of Hesse; who by the perswasions of the Cardinals of Savoy, and Barberini, from a Protestant was become a Roman Catholick, and had obtained the great Cross of Malta; and with several Gallies and Ships, performed some exploits at Biserta, and at the Golleta near Tunis.
The Year 1641. being now entered, the Sultan passed a most Luxurious Life in his Seraglio, consuming an immense Treasure on his Women; and whilest these two Fleets were preparing to proceed on their respective Expeditions, that intended for Asac had almost been diverted by the rumours and disturbances on the Frontiers of Hungary; but they were soon afterwards appeased by an appearance of an Envoy from the Emperour, and return of a Chiaus to Vienna, with Ratification of all the former Articles and conditions of Peace: Howsoever the German Internuntio was braved at the Port, for not appearing sooner with his Presents and Complements of congratulation, for the happy Entrance of Sultan Ibrahim to the Ottoman Throne; so apt are the Turks to believe Acts of Civility, or Ceremony to be parts of Obedience and Submission; and what Christians have once given them voluntarily, is afterwards exacted as a matter of Debt or Duty.
And being thus freed from a suspicion of Troubles in Hungary, and exempted from the fears of waging two Wars at once, (which the Turks always studiously avoid) they dispatched a Letter into Poland, to demand passage for their Army, through that Country to the Siege of Asac; but that not being consented unto, the Turks prepared to open their way by Force, and the Poles to defend the passage. In which interim, many disasters concurred, sufficient to discourage the Turks in their design; who are a people, that superstitiously calculate the success of their Enterprises, by the difficulty or smooth success of their first beginnings: For when the Vizier was ready to depart, a dreadful Fire happened in Constantinople, to the quenching of which, applying not only his Orders, but his own Person; he adventured so far, that he burned both his hands, and sindged his Beard in that manner, that he was forced to take his Bed [Page 6] for several Days, where he was honoured with a Visit of the Sultan. News also came at the same time, that Tauris, or Ecbatan, on the Borders of Persia, was miserably ruin'd by an Earthquake; and what was worse, the Sultan himself was seized with an Apoplexy, which turned to a Paralytical Distemper, the cause whereof was attributed to his excessive use of Women; to whom he was so immoderately addicted, that he consumed his Days and Nights in their Apartments. This Disease, which is rarely or never Cured, being joined to a report given out by his Ladies, that notwithstanding his Venereal heat, he was yet impotent as to Women; created a belief, or at least a strong probability, that he might die without Issue, which caused high confusion in the Counsels of the Grandees, that no design could make any chearful progress, until provision was first made for supply of the Ottoman House; for the Succession of the Tartar was in no manner convenient or secure; but rather that the Throne should be furnished with the Son of a Sister, or of a Niece, than to subject themselves to the Rule and Passions of a Foreign Prince: And though the Sultan did afterwards recover his health, yet all suspected and feared, that by the immoderate heat of his Venereal Inclination, he would dye without Children; every one discoursing, as moved by his Passion, or his Interest.
About this time arrived an Ambassadour at Constantinople, from the Sofiá of Persia, bringing a Ratification of the Peace; who was so much the more welcome, by how much more the present Conjuncture rendred it advantagious; and being ushered in with exceeding rich presents, ravished the hearts of the Turks, whose good nature melts and dissolves with the sight or hopes of Gifts.
In Dalmatia, near the Confines of Zara, the Turks made Incursions on the Venetian Territories, and caused some disturbances: but being chastised by an Ambush laid for them, whereby about 200. of them perished; all matters were again reconciled, and the Peace renewed.
And now one would imagine, that the design against Asac, by such diversity of obstructions, were absolutely laid aside; which though they were of that importance, and especially the fear of Ibrahims Death, to detain the Vizier at home; yet he thought fit to prosecute the design under the Command of the Pasha of Silistria, to whom he had committed the Conduct of this War. The Pasha proud of his Charge, rejoiced to The Siege of Asac. be employed in a War, wherein he apprehended so little difficulty, and prognosticated to himself nothing but Glory and Victory; esteemed the Defendants for no other than Fishermen, and better experienced to sail their Boats, and govern their Sayks in the Black Seas, than to draw up an Army in the Field, or defend their Walls. This confidence was farther increased by an Embassy at the same time from the Moscovite, who not only renounced all assistance, or concernment for that Town, but renewed with them his Friendship, and Articles of antient Agreement. The Ottoman Army, besides Janizaries, and other Turks, consisted of Moldavians, and Valachians, and a great number of Tartars, which at first entered into their Trenches, and besieged the Town; but here they rested not securely, by reason of the frequentSallies the Besieged made upon them; and more especially by the Mines which they sprang to the terrour and damage of their Enemies. The Turks moved hereat, made furious Assaults, but were as valiantly repulsed by the Defendants; who threw scalding Water, and Pitch, and burning Sulphur, upon the Assailants; [Page 7] so that not being able to take the Town by force, they retired to their Trenches, and deliberated in what manner, by fair promises, and mony, they might invite them to surrender: Hereupon the Captain Pasha, the Tartar Han, and others, tryed the efficacy of large Proffers of Priviledges to the Town, their Country, and Inhabitants; with a gratuity of twelve thousand Hungers of Gold: but these promises could make no more entrance into their hearts, than the Turks could do into their Walls, which they seemed resolute to defend, wanting neither Provision, nor Amunition, nor Courage for the War; but on the contrary side, all these were wanting in the Turkish Camp; so that 15 days passed without any action, until they were supplyed by the arrival of certain Brigantines, and light Vessels, dispatched with all expedition with the necessaries of War; At the coming of which, the Turks prepared for another Assault, which they continued uncessantly for the space of seven days, but were received with that vigour by the Besieged, that they could not gain one palm, or inch of ground, so that at length with disgrace, and discouragement, they were forced to give over their attempt, despairing to gain the Town in the time, and with the Force which was allotted for this enterprize. With this ill success, extremity and Famine pinched the Turks in their Trenches so much, that an Oxe was sold for 15 Zaichins, a Lamb for three, and a Measure of Barley which served a Horse for one time, for a Dollar, so that at length they were forced to raise the Siege; and the Captain Pasha by tempestuous weather was constrained to shelter his Fleet in the Port of Caffa. In their return home, the General was fearful of having forfeited his head; the Commanders were silent, and ashamed of their success, and the Souldiers discouraged, famished, and poor; for they had lost 3000. Spahees, 7000 Janizaries, and 800 other Souldiers, besides Moldavians, Valachians, and Tartars; those that survived of the Foot were naked, and many sick; the Spahees were without Horses, with which they were supplyed by the Tartars; and in fine, so unsuccessful were all matters, that the Veterane Souldiery avouched, that they never endured a more cruel, nor a more miserable War.
And now we shall end this Year 1641. with the ruin of Emir Gumir, The just punishment of a Persian Traytor. a Persian by Birth, a Favourite, and yet Traytor to his natural Prince. This Emir in the last Wars which Sultan Morat waged against Persia, was entrusted with an Embassy, and with Conduct of part of his Army, but he betrayed both to the Turk, under whose protection he took Sanctuary, and obtained great Gifts and Preferments, for a reward and price of his Treachery. Sultan Morat afterwards bestowed a magnificent Seraglio upon him, situated on the Bosphorus, enriched him with a vast Treasure, and what is more, with his Favour; making him his Companion in his Pastimes, and his Confident in his serious Counsels; it was he, that first perswaded the Sultan to drink Wine, in which both of them were beastly intemperate, and mighty and valiant to bear, until the heat thereof having extinguished the natural heat of their Stomachs, it became too cold and crude, unless corrected, or fortified with Rach, or distilled Spirits. The fumes of such strong Drinks, were the cause of the extravagant actions, which Morat practised in his Life, and afterwards became the means to hasten his Death; whose days being ended, it was time also for prosperous wickedness to expire, and to meet a punishment equal to its demerit. Wherefore one day, (having desired Licence of the [Page 8] Vizier to return to his own Country, where it is believed, he had by 1642 mony purchased his Pardon) he was called to the Viziers presence, and there without any Impeachment, Process, or Accusation, had the string applyed to his Throat, and strangled on the place; the reason hereof some give, to be the immense Riches which Sultan Morat had bestowed upon him, though there wanted not many causes to render him suspected, and obnoxious to the present Government; first, because he was too well acquainted with the Secrets of the Seraglio, and of that State, to live in any other Country than the Turkish Dominions; then it was feared that the Persian Ambassadour might make use of this person to act what Treason he pleased on the remainder of the Ottoman Family, on promise that such an attempt should expiate his former Villany, and regain the favour of his natural Prince. But such signal actions as these are commonly wrote in such large Characters of Divine Justice, which never left Treason unpunished, either in this Life or the other; that we need not to search or enquire for a further cause, or occasion of this punishment.
The Year 1642. being now entered, and the Turks desirous to repair their last Years disgrace, resolved again with better preparation and Conduct, to attempt Asac; but before they would engage, according to their usual Custom, they determined to conclude all Ombrages, and matters of dispute arisen on the Confines of Hungary. To which end, the Emperour deputed the Baron of Questemberg, with other Barons; and the Turks on their side commissionated the Pashaws of the Consines, with instructions not to insist too strictly on the Conditions, lest it should retard the Peace, and obstruct the other design of War: Wherefore the Turks condescending to matters reasonable, and yielding up part of their Usurpation, a Peace was concluded for twenty Years, much to the Advantage and Favour of the Christians.
And now to give farther courage to the Prosecution of higher Attempts, The Birth of Sultan Mahomet. the whole Turkish Empire was replenished with joy, for the Birth of a young Prince Sultan Mahomet, that now reigns; so that the supposed impotency of the Father (whereby the Ottoman-Family might have been extinguished) was proved otherwise by plain Effect; and the fear of those that ruled the Empire vanishing by the Rising of this new Star, all places were filled with Joy and Triumphs; only the Tartar Han sinding himself thus disappointed, was supposed not willing to concurre heartily in this common Joy. In this manner vanished the appearance of Civil Dissention in that Family, which now flourishes and encreases every day, and insensibly creeps forward to the design (which they hope) of an Universal Monarchy. Pardon me, O Christian Kings, if I say insensibly, for methinks you are sensible of the least touch you receive from one and the other, but feel not the gripes and pinches of your Common Enemy, who like a Hectick Feaver hath mingled with your Blood, and stolen into the Marrow of your strength, where he will lurk until he hath dissolved the Fabrick of your Christian World, unless expelled by Concord amongst your selves, and the Divine Assistance favouring your united Forces.
But now to return again to the famous Siege of Asac; It being the The War renewed against [...]. custome to cast all miscarriages in War on the General, the Visier displaced the Captain Pasha, taking upon himself that Office and Title, of which there was never any former example. In the Place likewise of [Page 9] the Pasha of Silistria, was constituted Mustapha Pasha of AEgypt; which Government, though much inferiour to his former, yet was received without sense of disgrace, it not being the Riches or Power of any Office that confers Honour, but favour and good will of the Sultan. Nor did only the miscarriage of the late War tend to the disrepute of the former Pasha of Silistria, but the report of his having poisoned the Tartar Han encreased the difficulty of reconcilement with his Superiours, which being a matter rather suspected than proved, excused him from farther punishment than only a deprivation of his Office.
The new Pasha of Silistria thus taking upon himself the Command of the Army, and Conduct of this War, assembled a Force of Turks, Tartars, Moldavians, and Valachians, far exceeding the number of the last Year. At the News of which, and of the Fleet of Gallies designed to besiege them by Sea, they apprehended their danger so great, that without the assistance of the Moscovite, they concluded it impossible to defend their City; to him therefore they made applications for succour, representing unto him the extremity their affairs were in, by reason of that powerful Enemy which threatned them; and that having always acknowledged him for their Protector, there was no refuge lest them but under the defence of his Arms. But hereunto the Moscovite gave a brief reply, That he had lately concluded Peace with the Turk; since which, having received from him no occasion of breach, he could not with any Justice engage so soon against him in a War. The Cossacks being The Inhabitants abandon Asac. thus disappointed of their principal hopes, resolved to abandon their City; but to make the best advantage of their flight, they carried with them all their Moveables; and demolished their Walls, and ruined their Houses, leaving the place a notorious spectacle of despair and ruine; and no other possession to their Enemies, than the compass of so much ground pestered with Rubbish, and rude heaps of Stones: The Pasha howsoever abundantly contented, that his very name was sufficient to affright his Enemies, entered the City with Triumph, where he began to repair the Walls, and invite the Inhabitants to return, with all assurance of security, and protection. This gentle treatment recalled many back to their homes, so hardly are men weaned from their Native Country; and in a short time the City beginning to sill, all matters seemed to return to their pristine state and condition.
About this time the Persian by his Ambassadour renewed his League The Persian renews his League. with the Turk, and confirmed it in the name of the new King, which was performed on condition, that the Softi should demolish the Fortress of Fortrina, which he had contrary to Articles built on the Frontiers, not far from the Caspian Sea; which that it might assuredly be performed, a Capugibathee was dispatched to see it effected.
And in this manner, Asac being subdued, and a Peace secured with the Persian; The Turks who can neither live in quiet with their Neighbours, nor observe Capitulations longer than they turn to their advantage; contrived to take Giavarine, aliàs Rab, a strong Fortress on the Confines of Hungary, by a Stratagem which they designed in this manner: Certain Souldiers habited like Peasants, were crouded into several The Turks seek to take Rab by a Stratagem. Carts, covered with Hay, which being entered within the Walls, were immediately to leap forth, and surprize the Centinels and Guards at the Gates (which might easily be Executed on men, whom 20 Years before of Peace had made secure) these were to be seconded by 4000 Souldiers, [Page 10] which lay ready in a Neighbouring Vally; but it happened, That an Officer of the Garrison returning from Hunting, had by chance discovered this strong party of Turks, which caused him to quicken his pace towards the Town, and overtaking in his way certain Carts of Straw, which appearing to be laden in a form different to what was usual, increased in him a farther suspicion of Treachery; howsoever, he proceeded forward with the more haste, yet without any appearance of Jealousy: until being entered into the Town, he declared what he had seen, at which the Garrison was immediately in Armes; and having permitted the Carts to enter, the Bridge was drawn up, and the Carts being searched, the whole fraud and treachery was discovered; and having made the Turks Prisoners, and Armed the Walls with Souldiers, the whole design was disappointed; so that those who lay in Ambush returned to their own Cities. The Emperour hereupon resolved to send an Ambassadour to Constantinople, to complain of this Treachery; whereof the Turks being ashamed, and the more because it did not succeed; refused to admit the Ambassadour, unless the Emperour would first agree to pay a Yearly Charge of a hundred thousand Rix-Dollars to the Port; not by way of Tribute, but of Present; in which unreasonable demand, they took more confidence, in regard they perceived that the Emperour was engaged in a War against the Smede. Upon this dishonourable demand, the Emperour deferred the Embassy intended, supposing it less perilous to adventure a War in Hungary, than dishonourable to condescend unto a Proposition, so derogatory to the Majesty of his Cesarean Greatness.
The Year 1643. being now entered, the Prince of Transilvania conveyed 1643 his Annual Tribute, being 10 thousand Zaichins, to the Port; which when the Agents of that Prince Presented before the Vizier; he seemingly refused it; protending that the compleat Tribute was to be 15 Thousand; according to Agreement; but the Agents replyed, that five thousand had been remitted unto Bethlem Gabor; not by way of Gratuity or Recompence for his Services, but in Exchange, or as the price of two Cities, which the Prince had yielded to the Sultan, out of his own proper Estate in Hungary; with which Answer the Vizier remained satisfied, being Jealous of the Turbulent and Active Spirit of that Prince.
During all these Wars and Revolutions in Kingdoms and States, Sultan Ibrahim contained, and contented himself within the Precincts of his Seraglio; where becoming a Faithful and Valiant Souldier of Venus, he consumed more Treasure in that War, than his Brother Morat did in his Foreign Conquests; and being as it were entered into the Mahometane Paradise, where the Company of fair Women is the chiefest felicity promised, he laboured to increase the Ottoman Family, and to acquit his people of the apprehension they had of wanting an Heir to succeed in the Throne; so that on the 15th of February, he had a second Born, and a third Son on the 12th of March following; which absolutely took away the reproach of his frigidity or impotence, proving afterwards the most lascivious, and devout Sultan, that ever aspired to the Mahometan Heaven.
This Year the Turks Armed out 20 Gallies more than usual, besides 30 Sail of Ships, and Gally Grosses; in the beginning of June, riding at the Seraglio point (where the Commanders in Chief came to take their [Page 11] leave of Sultan Ibrahim) they divided into two Squadrons; one of which consisting of 20 Gallies, under the Command of Beker Basha, took their Voyage into the Black Sea; the remainder under the Captain Pasha, sailed for Cyprus, with intention to do Justice on the Pasha of that Island, whose Riches gained by Oppression, had [...] him from due Obedience towards his Prince; and being arrived there, without rumour or noise, giving signs of good will and respects towards the Pasha, one day he sent to invite him aboard to banquet with him; where the Pasha foolishly coming, and having well eaten and drank with him, his entertainment had not time to digest, before he breathed his last; for being on his departure, the Slaves assaulted him, and strangled him by Order of the Captain Pasha. No other matters remarkable did the Turkish Fleet perform this Year at Sea, before they returned again to their Winter Quarters. Howsoever this Year proved favourable to many poor Christians in Slavery; for there happening a most miserable Plague in Alexandria, which relaxed the spirits of men, and rendered every one so negligent in his Office, that about 4000 Slaves taking advantage of such remissness in their Guardians, seized a Ship in Port, and crouding themselves therein, set Sail, and landed some of their people at Candia, others at Malta, the rest at Marseillia, by which means they happily regained their liberty: on which incouragement 800 more adventuring to perform the like, and fighting in a body at the Gate of Alexandria, 300 of them were slain, the rest leaped into a Gally, which though without Oars, had yet her Sails to the Yard, and having the fortune of a favourable wind, arrived safe at Candia; in like manner they became free, taking convenient passage from thence to divers parts of Christendom; these Slaves were all redemanded by the Grand Signior from the Venetians; in which no satisfaction being given, was one cause, and original of that War which afterwards ensued.
And now the Year 1644. being begun, Ragotski who was never contented 1644 but in combustions, and never at case but when he was proving new projects, made demands of certain places on the Confines of Moravia, scituated within the Mountains which he challenged as the Inheritance of his Son, besides other pretences, which he made in right of Bethlem Gabor. To forward which designs, moved with an inveterate enmity to the Austrian Family, he endeavoured to win the hearts of the Commonalty with a plausible Declaration for Liberty, and to throw off the Yoke which had so long gauled the neck of Hungary; whereby having raised an Army of 20000 Horse, and 30000 Foot, he entred, and spoiled the Country of his old Enemy and Neighbour the Count of Humanay an Hungarian, took Solnock by Force, and Besieged Filek, and Cassovia; for suppression of which Insurrection, and Rebellion of Ragotski, the Emperour was forced to a War, and having Rendezvoused his Army at Presburg, the Conduct thereof was committed to the Charge of Count Puecaim. The Turks having intelligence of these Preparations for War, Commanded 20 thousand men to march into those parts, to oppose these Combustions on the Frontiers; with 6000 of which the Count Puecaim Encountering furiously, Assaulted and routed them. And in the mean time Ragotski laying aside all care for the War in Hungary, applyed himself to Relieve Olimz in Moravia, but in his March thither he was recalled by the Inhabitants of Sendar, which is a Castle erected on a Hill near Cassovia, offering to surrender unto him; but the Governour [Page 12] Forgatz, and the German Garrison opposing this Mutiny of the People; a Civil War began amongst themselves, but at length the advantage falling unto Ragotski, the Gates were opened unto the Transilvanians; with which success their spirits being raised to higher matters, they proceeded forward, until General Getz with a strong Body, gave a stop unto their progress. And thus was the Fire of War rekindled again in Hungary, by means of Ragotski, to whom notwithstanding the Turks would never adhere, being well acquainted with his turbulent and unsteady humour. In the mean time the Emperour dispatched his Ambassadour, with rich Presents to the Sultan, desiring him to forbear giving farther assistance unto Ragotski; but what between skirmishes, propositions, and treaties, matters were not composed until the fourteenth of August, 1645. at which time all Articles were concluded, and signed between the Emperour and Ragotski.
But to return now to the Affairs of Constantinople; Sultan Ibrahim having the Fortune of active and prudent Ministers, attended entirely to his Pastimes and Pleasures without prejudice to his interest, and the state of his Empire; for the first Vizier being faithful and vigilant, immediately cut off those Members with the Sword which he suspected in the least manner inclinable to Sedition; amongst which were the Pashaws of Aleppo, and Caffa. For by this kind of seasonable and speedy remedies, the Plethory of the Ottoman Empire is commonly evacuated, and the Body Politick thereof restored to its pristine state of health and safety.
In like manner the Valede Sultana, being a Woman of great courage and abilities, attended carefully to the welfare of her Son, whom She sometimes decked up, and set forth as a property of Majestick Gravity to the People, whilst She her self assumed the Authority, and carried all things with a high and imperious spirit; and being ambitious to be feared as well as honoured, She laid violent hands on the first Vizier, called Mustapha, and strangled him; for though he was an active and faithful Minister, yet because he passed something on her which She imagined did favour of Neglect, and because she apprehended his power, which was greatly confirmed by the interest and favour he had with the Janisaries, and their Favourers, she resolved to make him an example, as well of her revenge, as of her Power; after whose death the charge of first Vizier was conferred on Mahomet the Pasha of Damascus.
The same Fate befel the Captain Pasha, who was likewise strangled for having over boldly, or peremptorily made answer to some impertinencies of the Grand Signior; and his Office was afterwards conferred on Beker Pasha of Rhodes. With such rigour as this, do the Sultans govern, who resolve to be obeyed, and to have their Commands executed without delay or contradiction.
Whilst these matters were in agitation, the Tartars forgetful of their The Tartars make incursions into Poland notwithstanding the Peace. late Peace, made another incursion with thirty thousand Men into Russia, against whom Konispolski having made head with twenty thousand Men only, overthrew them, and killed twelve thousand, and took three thousand Prisoners, pursuing the rest to the Borders of Wallachia. In like manner Wisnowick, a noble Polander, happily encountred another Party of Tartars, as they were on their return from spoiling the Countries of Moscovia, of whom, having killed ten thousand [Page 13] Men, he recovered their Booty, and sent the rest home naked and empty. This was the true and most effectual means for the Polanders to avenge, and right their injuries, and more prevalent than Ambassies, and Messages of Complaint unto the Port, which we have experienced since, and in the present Reign of the Son of Ibrahim, to have been so far from producing matter worthy so much as the Charge of the Ambassadour, that they have been retorted with ignominy, and affronts. But here Ibrahim perceiving how the Poles had avenged themselves with their own Sword, would seem to approve of the action, which he could not hinder; and to appear a sincere observer of the peace, he deposed the Tartar Han for his unlawful incursions, which was such a satisfaction to the Crown of Poland, as they never could obtain by force of Justice, Complaints, and Vertue of passive Valour, until their active fortitude took their cause in hand, and pleaded for them.
On the 19th. of March of this year a fourth Son was born to Sultan Ibrahim, and on the 19th. of February following, being in the year 1645, notwithstanding all the Reports of his impotency, was born a fifth Son, named Solyman, to the Great Contentment of his People.
The Turks Gallies this Year under the Command of Beker their new Captain Pasha made an attempt on the Coast of Calabria, bringing from thence two hundred Slaves; and attempting the like near Corton paid for their former Booty, with the loss of five hundred Men.
Howsoever, the Gallies of Malta being six in number, had better success as to themselves, though the consequences thereof proved fatal to the Venetians, having given the first occasion of that long War, which afterwards ensued between the Turk and them. The truth of which Story is this, free of all Romance or Fable, which the Knights of St. John or Malta would mix therewith: It happened that the Kuzlir Aga, The story of the Kuzlir Aga, his Slave and Son taken by the Malteses. or Chief Eunuch which governs the Women in the Signiors Seraglio, having cast his Eye on a fair Slave, then set to sale by a Persian Merchant, became so enamoured of her that he purchased her for himself, under the notion of a Virgin, at the price of 450. Dollars; but the Eunuch had not long entertained this Lady in his service, before she proved with Child, not by him (you may conceive) if you understand how the Eunuchs of this Country are disarm'd of their virility: at which he was so greatly offended, that he banished her from his Society, and confined her to the house of his Steward. The time being come for her to be delivered of her great Belly, it proved a Son, and some months after, the Aga being desirous to see the Babe, was so pleased with the Aspect of it, that he resolved to adopt it for his own, ordering it Cloaths, and other necessaries agreeable to its Condition. It happened that about that time Sultan Mahomet (which now reigns) was then born, and there wanting a Nurse for the Child, this beautiful Slave was preferred to the honour; so that she was entertained near two years in the Seraglio: during which time Sultan Ibrahim took such an affection to the Nurses Boy, that he loved him better than his own eldest Son, who was of a bad Complexion, and of no better air in his Face than his Father, and took great delight to play and sport with him, at which the Mother of Sultan Mahomet was so displeased, that She could not longer endure either Nurse or her Boy, and for her sake took so much displeasure against the Kuzlir Aga, who preferred her, that [Page 14] neither his presence nor service were acceptable; and so violent she was in her passion, that one day, when Sultan Ibrahim was playing with his Women and Children in the Garden, according to his usual Custom, throwing them one on the other into the Water, the Queen grew so furious, that she could not contain longer from venting her Anger in unhansome terms, and Jealousy against the Nurse and her Son. At which the Sultan being much displeased, and being ill natured (if we may speak boldly of an Emperour) took her Son which is now Sultan Mahomet, out of her Arms, and with some few Curses swung him into a Cistern, where he had been certainly drowned, had not every one in that instance applied themselves to saye him; at which time he received the mark or scar he wears at this day in his Forehead. All these matters served for farther fuel to nourish the implacable Spirit of the Queen, which the Kuzlir Aga well observing, judged it prudence to give way to her Fury, and so begged his Dismission from the Court, together with his Slave and Son, and that having visited Mecha, according to his Law, he might enjoy a retirement in Egypt, which is the Portion of banished Eunuchs.
The Queen easily consented hereunto, nor was it difficult to procure the Licence of the Sultan, who was as easily perswaded to any by those who were about him; wherefore the Eunuch having provided to be gone, Shipped himself with his great Treasure, on the Fleet which was now designed, and ready to depart for Alexandria, which consisted of three Ships; one a great Gallion, and two others of lesser burthen, and 7 Saiks; these having at the beginning of their Voyage found contrary Winds, put into Rhodes; from whence loosing with more favourable weather, they unfortunately met with 6 Malta Gallies, excellently well The Engagement of the Turkish, with the Malta Gallies. Manned, and provided. The Admiral Gally immediately Boarded one of the Saiks, and took her, Manned only by Greeks; by whom they were informed of the condition, quality, and Cargo, of the greater Ship, which gave heat, and resolution to the Souldiery. In like manner, with little Opposition, the Gallies called the St. John, and Joseph, possessed themselves of one of the lesser Ships, which being laden only with Timber, brought from the Black Sea, to build Ships at Alexandria, was of little value, having 40 Turks aboard, 8 Women, and a Child which sucked at the Mothers Breast. In the mean time, the three other Gallies, called the St. Mary, St. Lorenzo, and Victory, attacked the great Gallion, and having cast their Iron Graples into the Ship, with the motion of the Ship, the Irons gave way and broke, only that of the St. Lorenzo held fast, so that the whole force of the Ship, both of small and great Shot, was poured in upon the Gally, to their damage and loss of men. In the mean time the Admiral Gally came in to their assistance, and Assaulting the Ship on the other Quarter, made a Diversion of their men, and having thrown in their Graples, they scaled the sides of the Gallion, as if it had been a Fortress; where being entred, they remained for some time at handy-blows with the Turks; but at length, all the Gallies coming to their help, having made an end of subduing the other Ships, the Turks were forced to retire under Covert of their Decks, which they defended still with singular valour, wounding the Christians with their half Pikes through the Gratings. But in fine, the Captains of the Gallies, perceiving that this was not the way to compel them to a speedy Surrender, ordered several Musquetiers out of every Gally, to fire in at [Page 15] the Windows, and loop-holes of the Ship; by which having killed their Commander in Chief, their Valour and Constancy began to fail, and desirous to save their lives with loss of Liberty and Estates, they cast down their Armes, and begged mercy.
In this Engagement were killed the Captain of the St. Mary, and seven Gavaliers, of which five were French, one Italian, and one German; the Admiral himself and the Captain of his Gally were both wounded; 79 Souldiers and Mariners killed, and 132 wounded; of the Turks it is not certain how many fell, in regard as they were killed, according to Custom they cast them over-Board; the Eunuch himself though always educated in the softness of the Seraglio, and in the Conversation of the Female Court, yet in the end concluded his days like one of the Masculine Sex, fighting valiantly with his Sword, until over-whelmed by his Enemies: by which it is observable, that those persons loss not their Courage with their virile parts; for it hath been known in former days, how that Eunuchs have been Generals in the Turkish and other Armies, and Conducted their affairs with admirable Courage and Success.
The prize which the Christians had gained in this manner, was very considerable; for besides the Gold, Silver, and Jewels, which were theTreasure this Eunuch had amassed in the Reign of three several Sultans; they gained 350 Slaves, besides 30 Women, some of which were young and Virgins; so that there was not a Souldier or Seaman who had not a considerable share of [...] proportioned unto him. With this Fortune, towing their prizes, they in a short time came to an Anchor in the Port of Calismene, in the Island of Candia, called antiently Phenice, on the South-side of the Island, remote from all Venetian Garrisons; and where (as it is reported) they were supplyed with no Provisions, excepting a small quantity of Biskot, which was furnished by a Country Fellow, who for that very cause was shot to death: Front hence the Gallies departing, arrived in Malta with their Prizes, where they were received in great Triumph. The young Son of the Eunuch (for so we call him) was reported to be a Son of the Grand Signior, sent into Egypt to be Educated, and was accordingly saluted, [...] and reverenced by the Grand Master; the same Opinion was dispersed and confirmed in all parts of Europe, and the Errour for many years maintained at the expenoe of the * Of the h nights of Malta. Religion, until the Boy growing up to a good Age, and not judged worthy of a Ransom, or enquiry after by the Turks, it was thought convenient for him to put off his State, and Greatness, and become a Fryer, and I think a Dominican, and this is he who now goes under the name of the Padre Ottomano.
The news hereof arriving at the Ottoman Court, Sultan Ibrahim was transported with Anger, threatning Destruction and Ruin unto Malta; besides he shewed a most inveterate Passion against the Venetians, for not guarding the Seas from his Enemies, and for relieving them in their Ports. In which Rage and Fury, he put his own Captain Pasha to death, and Summoned the Christian Ambassadours, braving them all for the little respect was shown to his proper Shipping; and in short, was angry with all, but reserved the effect of his wrath to be poured on the Venetians, to which this accident administred the first original, and will afford us ample matter of discourse in this ensuing History.
For the Grand Signior first made his Complaints against Venice, to their Minister, or Bailo, then residont at Constantinople called Soranço; alledging, [Page 16] that contrary to the Articles of Peace, they had afforded Provisions and Entertainment to his Enemies in Candia, and at a time when having made prize of his own Ship, and Domestiques of his Seraglio, they seemed with more extraordinary demonstrations of Hospitality than usual, to receive them into their Harbours. To which the Bailo made Answer, That his Majesty was ill informed of the true state of those matters; for that the Port to which the Malteses came, had neither Castle nor Fortress belonging to it; but was an open, wide, and unfortified place; for if the Grand Signior is not able to defend those Ships from careening as they have often done, before Rhodes it self, how was it possible for the Venetians to drive them from the Seas, and deny them the use of that Salt Water, which hath neither Fort nor Castle to reach and Command them? With which Answer Ibrahim seemed to remain satisfied; and matters appeared so appeased on the side of the Venetians, that Soranço, though a person of a most acute and penetrating judgment, imagined nothing less than a War: and though he was assured otherwise, by something that the English Ambassadour had discovered in that matter; yet because it came not first from the report of one of his own Interpreters, he would not seem to believe, or give credit thereunto, notwithstanding the strong probabilities that might perswade it. Indeed Christian Ministers must necessarily, with much difficulties, and less inspection govern, and penetrate affairs in the Turkish Court than in any other; because access to the great Ministers is seldom privately, or familiarly admitted, from whence wise men most commonly take their measures, and observations; but on the contrary, are forced to act all by the Negotiation of their Druggermen or Interpreters; and as they hear with their Ears, so are they often-times beholding to their reflexions; which how subject they may be to errour, is best known to those Ministers, who have practised much, and long in that Court.
And in this manner Ibrahim covered his design against Candia, by pretence of making War upon Malta, to which he had lately received so just a provocation. To this enterprize none instigated him more, than a certain Hagia, or Tutor, which had accompanied him in the time of his solitude, and had instructed him in the first Principles of the Mahometan Doctrine; he was a subtle, and understanding Man, and one who kept a secret correspondence in the Christian Courts; for being Master of what Gold he pleased, he paid for his intelligence with liberality and secrecy; and though he was no Prophet, yet he pretended to be a Magician, or Conjurer, or one that had a Command or Soveraignty over familiar Spirits; an excellency greatly admired, and reverenced by the Turks. This man had for a long Season attended an opportunity to promote a War against Venice; esteeming their Territories very convenient to be laid to the Turkish Dominions, and their force an under-Match for the puissance of the Ottoman Empire. And now this accident provokeing the desire of the Turks to this War, and the opportunity appearing commodious to cover the design, under pretence of Assailing Malta, it was secretly resolved to attempt the Island of Candia; for as its strength and situation made it the Key to all the other Isles of the Archipelago, so it would be the Bullwark of the Maritime Countries, from whence the passage would be short and easy into Africa; from whence the Gallies might advantagiously relieve Cyprus, and guard the Fleet from Egypt, and from thence might be opened a Door to invade Sicily, and the other [Page 17] Parts of Italy. On these Considerations War being resolved against Candia, reports divulged the design only against Malta, and for that end, orders were issued for building and fitting a hundred Gallies, and as many Ships of War; and Commands sent into Barbary for assistance of all their Naval Forces, and the day appointed for Rendezvous, and departure, all which time the enterprize was kept secret, and by no more symptoms suspected, unless by the unusual caresses the Turks at that time over-acted in their officious kindness towards the Venetian Bailo.
The report of these great preparations slying over all Parts of Europe, was entertained at Malta, with some apprehensions, as being the Place on which all the storm was to refund its fury. Whereupon the Cavaliers or Knights of that Place summoning a Council, resolved to cite all the Fraternity to repair to the defence of their Capital Seat, and of their order and patrimony: Likewise Letters were directed to the several Officers, to prepare and send Powder, Match, and Lead, iron Buckets, Timber to make Carriages for Cannon, and for other uses, as also Corn, Bisket, Salt, Flesh and Fish, Vinegar, Wine, and all other sorts of Ammunition. They likewise instituted some Officers over the waters, to see that the Fountains and Conduits should be made clear, which were to serve the City, and that those without, that were to remain in the possession of the Enemy, should be carefully and artisicially poisoned, all the Mills remaining in the Fields were transported into the Town, the Doors and Windows of Wood belonging to the Peasants houses were taken down, and carried into the City, with all their Utensils, and what else was portable, so that nothing remained but the wide Fields, and an open Air to breathe in.
In the mean time, the Venetians being a wise and jealous State, suspected the worst of all Events, and feared what their Minister at Constantinople could not discover, which caused them to make some preparations; but yet with that dexterity and secresy, as not to render them diffident of the Turks proceedings. For to be jealous of a Friend, is sometimes to make him an Enemy, and distrust always argues disaffection, which Prudence teaches to conceal from those who are more powerful than our selves. Some were notwithstanding of opinion, that the Complaints of Ibrahim were only artisices to extract the Blood of Gold, which they judged sit to administer, if it were possible to satisfie the Appetite of those Leaches. Others were of a contrary sense, and would by no means admit it for good counsel, or policy, to buy their Peace of the Turk; for besides that it was disagreeable to the Crandear of Venice, it was but a shadow that they purchased, since their Enemies could on every slight occasion reassume what they had sold, and make the menaces of War, and the Sale of Peace serve them for a perpetual Fountain, and Mine of Gold and Treasure; and that since it was necessary at one time or other to cast off this yoke of Tyranny, the sooner it was done, the advantage would be the greater, and the honour more apparent to the World, seeming to make War rather their choice than their last remedy. Howsoever, orders were given to the Bailo, with all Prudence and Art to touch gently the Pulse of the Turks, to discover if money would redeem the present quiet of their State. But the resentment that the Turks had conceived was grown apparent in the comportment towards the Bailo; for having [Page 18] one day demanded Audience, he attended several hours without admission; yet when the Ambassadour of Ragotski come to the Vizier, he no sooner entred the house than he was received: and at the same time it was told the Bailo, that he might retire, for that there was no place nor season at present to afford him Audience. In the mean time, Ibrahim himself walked often to the Arsenal, to forward and hasten his preparations, laying an Embargo on all Strangers Vessels in all Ports of the Ottoman Dominions. Orders were likewise dispatched to Thebes, Negropont, and other Parts of Greece for making Bisket, and to Morca for cutting and squaring Timbers, and sacking Wools to fill up Trenches; in all which rumour and stir there was no other discourse but of Malta, and of throwing that Island into the Sea with the Shovel and Mattock, and rendring it the most dreadful example in the World of the Ottoman Rage and Greatness.
With such preludes as these began a War of long continuance, maintained with various successes for divers Years, the fatal issue whereof we our selves have seen and heard. But it is strange to consider, that an Exploit so Martial as this should commence in the Reign of a Sultan wholly given up to his Pleasures, and so swallowed in sensuality, that all those luxurious and wanton actions which are recounted of Sardanapalus and Heliogabalus are flat and faint Similitudes of that prodigious effeminacy, in which this Sultan outdid all other examples of former Ages.
Amber was the common perfumes which burned perpetually in the Womens Apartments, and the common Sauce to most of his Viands; not perhaps because it so much pleased his Palate, as that it was a provocative, and incitement to his Lusts. And this puts me in mind of a story I have heard of an English Merchant, living then at Galata, who was master of a rare piece of Ambergriese, which was in form like a Pyramid; the News whereof was told to the Grand Signior late at Night, when the smoak of the Perfumes began to abate: Which so soon as he heard, though it was near Midnight, he dispatched a Messenger to call the Merchant with his Ambergriese; who being knocked out of his Bed in haste, by the importunity of the Officer, came to the Seraglio Gate two hours before day, where he attended until it was broad light, and then without more words found a Market for his Amber, and before his departure received thirteen thousand Dollars. The Female Court was then extreamly rich and splendid, all Italy was scarce able to supply it with Silks, and Cloath of Gold; so that the Trade was in those days flourishing above other times, and gave great employment to English Shipping; and so impatient were the Women for their Gay Cloaths, that so soon as the news of a Ship from Italy came, and that she was arrived within the Castles of the Hellespont, but there detained by contrary winds, Gallies were immediately dispatched to bring up their Silks, which they oftentimes forced away without any account or price made with the Merchant; of which that worthy Gentleman, Sir Thomas Bendysh, then Ambassadour, complaining to the Vizier, and finding no other relief than good words, resolved on an expedient of making known his cause to the Grand Signior, which was this. In Turkie they have a Custom, that when any one receives a notable injury, or injustice from the Chief and great Ministers of State, they put fire on their heads, and running to the Grand Signior, no man can hinder [Page 19] or deny them access to his presence. In like manner the English Ambassadour not being able to obtain satisfaction from the Vizier, in return to his many Complaints, drew out all the English Ships in Galata, which were then 13 in number, and drawing in their Guns, and shutting the Ports, put fire on every Yard Arm of their Ships, and came to an Anchor just before the Seraglio. The Customer being the first that espyed this unusual sight, immediately apprehended the reason, and sent to acquaint the Vizier thereof in all haste; the Vizier likewise fearful lest the Complaints should by this means come to the Grand Signiors Ear, sent the Customer aboard with a considerable part of the money, and desired that the Fires might be extinguished, promising faithfully to comply in payment of the rest; hereupon Consultation being had between the Ambassadour and the Merchants, the Ships returned to their Stations, not seeming to have been taken notice of by those in the Seraglio.
And notwithstanding the great number of Women within the Seraglio, all which were at the Devotion of the Sultan; yet Ibrahim not being contented herewith, passing one day to Scutari, had by chance cast his eye on an object which much pleased him: what it was, becomes not the modesty of my Pen to relate; but being returned to his Seraglio, he sent Orders to the Vizier, to seek out for him the biggest, and best proportioned Woman which was to be found in all Constantinople, and the parts thereabouts. Hereupon Emissaries were dispatched into all Quarters of the City; at length they happily procured a huge tall Armenian Woman, well proportioned according to her height, and a Giantess for her Stature; which being found, she was presently washed and perfumed in the Bath, and as richly Clothed and Adorned as the shortness of time would permit: There was no great difficulty to perswade her to become Turk, having so high preferment in her prospect. So that being introduced to the Grand Signiors presence, he became immediately Enamoured, and was so pleased with her Society, that he preferred her before all the Women of his Court; an Evidence whereof he gave, in that he could not deny her in any request she could make, and particularly about that time the Pashaluck of Damascus being void, this Woman begged it for her self, substituting another in the Office, who was accountable to her for all the profits and emoluments thereof: By these particulars of favour the Queen Mother becoming jealous, one day inviting her to Dinner, caused her to be Strangled, and perswaded Ibrahim that she died suddenly of a violent Sickness, at which he poor Man was greatly afflicted.
But not to insist long on these luxurious pastimes, we shall return again to matters of higher concernment: Ibrahim had now understood, that the Venetians growing jealous of his Preparations, began likewise to Arm, and provide for the worst; which being in no wise pleasing to the Turks, who were apprehensive that their Marine Forces consisted most in surprize, caused Ibrahim to complain of the defensive posture, in which they Arrayed themselves, alledging that suspicions of this nature argued no hearty disposition towards their Friends, nor was any thing more contrary to a good correspondence, or more disobliging than such like Jealousies, which oft times beget that enmity which was never designed; and farther it was judged necessary if possible, to disswade the Bailo from a belief of any Hostility designed against his Republick; to inculcate which none was esteemed so proper an instrument as the old cheating [Page 20] Hogia, who was the first motive to the War; a Preacher who imagined that the excellency of his Religion afforded him a priviledge to falsifie, lye and commit any act for advantage thereof, though never so contrary to truth and Morality. This Santone with the testimony of one or two more grand Professors, with many Asseverations and Vows, endeavoured to perswade the Bailo, of the Grand Signiors good intentions towards Venice, and his fixed resolutions to destroy Malta. And though the concernment which those godly Elders showed, and the earnestness they used, whereby to inculcate a credence to what they affirmed, were enough to discover their contrary intentions; and though it is said, that the Venetians could not heartily believe what they so strongly suspected; yet hereby, and by the common vogue of the people, they abated much of their caution and heat, which they otherwise had used in due preparations and provisions against an evil so fatal and destructive in the sequel. The first Act of Hostility was committed by Giacomo da Riva, who The beginning of the War. being sent for Sopraveditor to Tino, was in his way to touch at Candia, there to deliver Ammunition and Provisions for War; but being encountered by some barbarous Vessels, who assailed him for a Merchants Ship of small force, were received so warmly that he sunk one of them, with which the rest left him and fled, relating at Constantinople that they had been ill treated by the Venetians, and that they gave the first Assault upon them, because that they were called to the assistance and service of the Grand Signior.
The Fleet and Land Forces being already put to Sea, the report and opinion still continued, that the War was designed against Malta; wherefore such as apprehended the hazard, and were acquainted with the difficulty of such an enterprize, began to inform the Grand Signior how impossible it was, that this action should be accompanied with good success. To which arguments he made no other reply than by a seeming obstinacy, resolved with the Ottoman Sword to cut all those knots and difficulties which opposed him in the work. At length one Salee Efendi, a Preacher, who had obtained some more than ordinary esteem with the Grand Signior, advised him, that before he commenced a work of that importance, he should inform himself of the true state of that place, from a certain Aga, who was lately returned from Malta. The Grand Signior being very willing to hear any thing of this nature, called the Aga, who related to him how impregnable both the City and Castle were; how the Knights were provided against all Assaults; that the Island it self is only a Rock, not containing Earth enough for an Army to intrench; that the approaches must be made by the Pick-Axe and Mattock, it being all Stone. In short, it was not a place to be taken in one Summer, and the Winter coming on, it affording no shelter, nor provisions of it self, was not capable of relief in Seas so stormy, and from Countries so remote, without hazards, losses, and frequent Shipwracks. Ibrahim, who had designed all along to make War upon Candia, seemed little concerned or moved at this Discourse. The Gallies and Ships which were now all in a readiness, being come forth to the Seraglio point, the Grand Signior entered his Grand Chiosk, situated on the Bank of the Sea; where the Selictar Aga, General, and all the Chief Commanders, came to perform the usual Ceremonies of Obedience and Duty before their departure. At this solemn Assembly the Grand Signior declared, that his intentions were to make War upon the Infidels, according as every one [Page 21] should understand by his respective Commissions, which should now be delivered unto them: That he expected the highest demonstrations of Courage in them imaginable, and what was agreeable to the Conductors of the Ottoman Armies: That reward and punishment were in his hands, and that he resolved to dispense them according to their merits: That they should not doubt of all due assistance and succours; for he had so well contrived, and so justly fitted all his measures, that he was allready provided of Men, Timber, Ammunition, and money sufficient to maintain and carry on this War for seven Years. At which they all gave a shout, and declared, that they were ready to spend their Bloud and Lives in Execution of his Commands. Whereupon every one received a rich Coftan, or Vest, and the General a Scimitar set with Diamonds; who being a young Man of about 26. or 27. Years of Age, had a Council of six graver Pasha's allowed him, and then the Commission for the War was brought forth sealed, with Orders not to open it, until they were past the Dardanelli. Hereat the noise of great and small shot from the Gallies and Ships, resounded through all Constantinople, and the Commanders repairing to their Vessels, the Assembly broke up, and every thing was put in a posture to make Sail.
It was now the last day of April, 1645. old style, when the Fleet first 1645 broke ground, which consisted of 73. Gallies, besides the 8. Gallies of Barbary, 2. Mahons, or Galleasses, one great Gallion called the Sultana, 10. Ships of Alexandria, 2. of Tunis, and 10. of English and Dutch Ships, which coming to Constantinople for Trade, were there pressed into the Service, with about 300. Saiks, and Caramussals, which carried Souldiers, Provisions, Ammunitions, and Utensils for War. Their Militia consisted of 7000. Janisaries, 14000. Spahees, and about 50000. Timariots, and other Souldiers, with about 3000. Pioniers; these all were to Rendezvous at Scio; where they arrived the 7th of May. But before their departure from Constantinople, the Bailo Soranço, or the Venetian Ambassadour, thought fit in Complement, and for discovery, to make a visit to the Captain Pasha, by whom he was received with frank courtesy and assurance of Friendship; so that though he suspected the worst, yet could he collect no certain assurances of Peace, or War; however he advised Signior Cornaro, then Governour of Candia, that though he could not certainly penetrate into the bottom of the Turks design, yet he apprehended that the storm might fall on that Kingdom, understanding that the Captain Pasha was not well inclined towards the most Serene Republick: wherefore, he ought to be watchful and circumspect, yet with as little demonstration of jealousy as was possible; so that if the Turks should there arrive, he should afford them all conveniencies of Watering, Provisions, and other refreshments.
The Fleet being departed from Scio, for Napoli di Romagnia, the Northern Wind so freshned, and blew so hard, that the Gallies were separated, and forced to put into divers Ports, and the Saiks and Caramussals to Anchor at Micono, and Tino. At the latter of which belonging to the Venetians, they had licence to Water, and were refreshed with such Provisions as the Island afforded; and now after this slurry of Wind, the Fleet being again united, they were seen off at Sea from Cerigo, an Island of the Venetians at the Mouth of the Archipelago, and sailing towards the Channel of Braccio de Maina; and the next day 9. Gallies, a Gallion, and a Brigantine, made towards the Isle of Cerigo, [Page 22] and sent a Letter ashore by a Boat to the Proveditor, from the Pasha of Rhodes, demanding their usual present of Coffee and Sugar, which was given them, they assuring all friendship, and real good intentions towards the People, and Dominions of Venice. But in the mean time a Satia laden with Armes and Ammunition from Venice, bound for Retimo, unhappily falling into the Turkish Fleet was intercepted by them, and taken, which unmasked all the design, and made the Turks appear in their true colours, notwithstanding all their religious Protestations, and outwardly fair Comportment, the usual disguise of the Mahometan sincerity.
Towards the end of May the Turkish Fleet was discovered from Carabuso, a small Fortress of the Venetians, some distance off at Sea, standing to the Westward, which gave some jealousie to them at Candia; and being compared with some precedent Acts, as that of sounding the depth of water about St. Theodoro with a Brigantine, (which is a small Rock lying off of Canea) which pretended to come from Sancta Maura with Turky Merchants, afforded undeniable grounds of assurance to those in Candia, that the War was designed against them; howsoever, the Ottoman Fleet rendezvousing again at Navarino, a place far distant from Candia, altered their apprehensions at Venice, and elsewhere of this War, deeming it now certain, that this design had no other aim or mark but that of Malta. But this opinion was no sooner entertain'd, than it was confuted by open acts of hostility; for the Captain Pasha being arrived at Cape Colonna, by some called Sunio, immediately dispatched a Brigantine to Constantinople, with advice of his proceedings and intentions to pass directly for Candia; whereupon it was thought seasonable to publish the War against Venice, which was performed with committing the Ambassadour Soranço to Prison, and giving orders through all the Archipelago to destroy or enslave all the Subjects of that Republick. And here the Turk practised his usual beginnings of War with more than ordinary caution; for though with other Princes, whose Territories border on him by Land, he usually endeavours to strike at the same time when he gives the salutations of Peace; Yet here being to contend at Sea, where he is conscious his Forces are inferiour to those of Venice, he practised all those feigned artisices, confirmed with as many holy Vows and Protestations, as their Religion hallows, and makes lawful, when they can bring advantage and encrease to the Mahometan Faith.
But though the Venetian Republick was so politick as outwardly to demonstrate a religious confidence of their potent Neighbour, whom they were conscious not to have provoked by any breach of Capitulations; yet were not so secure of his Faith, and so easie to believe his fair dissimulations, as not prudently to provide against the utmost effects of his power and treachery. Wherefore, whilst the Turk prepared, they armed likewise secretly, made considerable Levies without noise, commissionated thirty extraordinary Commanders of Gallies, took up seventeen English, and Dutch ships into their service, armed out two Galliasses extraordinary, and when the Turk had unmasked his design, they then imparted their condition to all the Christian Princes, craving their succour and assistance to maintain the common Bulwark of Christendom against the common Enemy. The Galleasses were commanded by Girolamo Morosini; the Gallies, of which fifteen were made ready, and [Page 23] afterwards put to Sea, all commanded by Noblemen, were under the Conduct of Antonio Capello. Francesco Molino was made Proveditor General, a Person of untainted Justice and Honour, and extraordinary zealous and vigilant in the Publick Interest, whose undefatigable labours and care of his Countrey promoted him afterwards to be Doge of Venice. By his order and counsel extraordinary Proveditours were sent to Candia, Cerigo, and Tino, as Places most feared, and in danger, and orders were dispatched to Andrea Cornaro, then General and Inquisitor in Candia, to arme out twenty Gallies from the Arsenal of Canea; and to promote this design the better, he hired two English, and one Dutch Ship, then in Port of Malomocco, to carry unto Candia Timbers sitted, and already squared at Venice, for building Gallies; besides which he sent Cannon, Corn, and all Ammunition of War, with fifty thousand Zecchins in Gold for encouragement of the Militia, with a recruit of two and twenty Companies of Foot, formed and collected out of divers Nations. Intelligence being come of the imprisonment of the Bailo at Constantinople, the Senate by a common and unanimous suffrage elected Francesco Erizzo, then Doge General of the Sea, judging, that their Armes would prosper under his Command, which had formerly been successful under the auspicious Conduct of his Ancestors; and he, though a person of seventy four years, worn out with Age and Cares of the Publick, did yet chearfully consecrate the remainder of his days to the service of his Country. But whilst he prepared to crown the end of his Life with the Glory of this important and generous enterprize, Death terminated all his intentions, leaving him with the honourable memory of his past actions, and with a Lawrel hanging over his head, which had his Life continued, had been planted on his Brows. But that this accident might not give interruption to the weighty Affairs now in hand, Molino took his place, and proceeded in his Voyage and designs, and arrived with the Venetian Fleet at the Island of Corfu. In the mean time the Turkish Fleet careened and fitted themselves at Navarine with all necessaries to assault Candia; in which interim advice came to Canea, that the Bailo was imprisoned at Constantinople, by a Letter from Soranço himself; which he had dropped from the Window of his close restraint, and dispatched by one of his Confidents with a Vessel, express; which was not sooner arrived than it was that Night confirmed by all the Beacons or Watch-Towers of the Countrey; who having discovered the Turkish Fleet far distant at Sea, gave a general Alarm by the Fires they made. The next Morning being the [...] of June, they discovered the whole Fleet, near Cape Spada, which being drawn up in the form of a half Moon, took up a vast tract of Sea; and sailing slowly with fair Weather, and a smooth Sea, displayed themselves with the greatest terrour imaginable to the Islanders. At length the lighter Vessels began to edge in with the Bank of Gogna, (which is a place distant about eighteen miles from Canea) and were followed by the grosser and heavier part of the Armata. And now before I proceed farther I should make a pause, and describe the antiquity, the Geography, and the present state of this famous and renowned Island, but that is already performed so distinctly and elegantly by other Pens, that it shall be sufficient for me to declare here in brief terms, how this Kingdome became the Patrimony or Possession of Venice. In the year 1204. a Sale thereof was made to this Republick, by the Marquis [Page 24] Bonifaccio of Mont serratto, by an Instrument sealed the 12 th of August at Adrianople, and signed, and delivered, in the presence of Marco Sanudo, and Ravano, du Verona, Ambassadours in the time of Enrigo Dandola Doge; but the people of this Island not consenting unto the sale, opposed themselves against it, until the Venetians by force of Armes procured their Obedience, and confirmed their purchase by a double Title. Hereupon such noble Citizens as adventured their Lives in this acquisition, obtained the Estates of the Rebellious Greeks, being obliged in proportion to the Lands they held, to maintain Men and Horse at their own charge, and are therefore called the Feudatary Cavalry. So that the whole Country is divided into three parts; viz. the noble Venetians or Cavalry; secondly, the noble Candiots, or Colony, which were Infantry that came to inhabit from Venice; and thirdly, the Greeks or Natives of the Country which never rebelled, but took part with the Venetian State: the first two speak Italian, and are of the Roman Church; the others speak Greek, and conserve the right of that Religion.
The Ottoman Fleet now touching the shoar at Gogna, took Livery and seizin quietly of that flourishing Isle of Candia, where they Encamped a while to refresh their Forces, and prepare all things in order to their Conquest. In the mean time, the news hereof Alarmed all Venice, and not only hastened them in the expedition of their Fleet, but warmed their applications to all Christian Princes, from whom they craved help in the general defence of Christendom: which some at first imagined would have been granted as it was once in the time of the holy War; or that those whom the Declaration of a common Crusada, or Devotion, or sense of Religion could not move, yet at least the consideration of their Countries defence, or the maintenance of a Bulwark of Christendom, might perswade to wage Arms against the Turk, as a Common Enemy: but what cold apprehensions the Christian Princes entertained hereof, both the faint supplies and assistances they administred, and their bloody and vigorous Wars one against another, have abundantly testified, to the fatal loss and ruine of that Country. And though in the beginning there were better hopes, by means of the Popes earnest intercession with all the Princes of Italy, to whom he showed a fair Example, by uniting his own Gallies with the Venetian Fleet, and amongst the rest prevailed also with the Republick of Genoua, to employ their Gallies in this noble enterprize, which tended to the Glory of God, and the common safety and preservation of Italy: yet that leaven of vain punctilio's, which hath so often betrayed the Christian Cause to the advantage of the Turk, gave a stop for some time to these proceedings. For before they would enter into Armes, they desired the Genoeses, that the right of bearing the Flag should first be determined in favour of their Admiral, before that of Toscany, or Malta: and though the Pope to take away this occasion of dispute, proposed to have no other Flag worn besides his own, under which all Italian Princes without impeachment of their honour, as Auxiliaries, and Military Adventurers might promiseuously wage War; yet this could not appear satisfactory to the Genoeses, who not only took this occasion to demand the precedency before Toscany and Malta; to which the G. Duke (who was not inferiour in State, and superiour in Title) and the Malteses (who time out of mind, and by Decree of Charles the Fifth, claimed Precedency on the Seas before them) would never assent; but also thought sit to avail themselves [Page 25] in this Conjuncture, to obtain from the Pope the Grant of a Royal Court; and that treatment which is given to Kings, or Crowned Heads. But because these demands seemed to contain those difficulties in them, which could not be granted without the manifest displeasure of other Princes; the Pope resolved to afford what assistance he could from himself, and therefore granted a Leavy of a thousand Foot out of his own Dominions, with free liberty to buy what Ammunition, and Provisions were to be found in the Ecclesiastical State, with imposition of a double tith or tenth on the goods and Dominions of the Clergy; so that these succours of the Pope, and the Auxiliary Forces of Naples, Toscany, and Malta, under the Command of Prince Ludovisio, General of the Church, being united to the Venetian Fleet, did speedily compose a most puissant and formidable Force; however by reason of dissentions amongst the Commanders, and other misfortunes derived from thence, to the Christian Arms, nothing succeeded fortunately this Year. For the Turks having gained their landing at first without opposition, overthrew the Christians in several small Skirmishes, and afterwards forced Canea, the second City of that Island, which they took with much blood and slaughter of the Christians.
The Turks having made so successful a progress this first Year, as to 1646 possess themselves of one of the most considerable Cities, took Courage to proceed in their Conquests; in which they had the fortune to make themselves Masters in the next place of Retimo; in defence of which, the General Andrea Cornaro, lost his Life by a Musket shot. Nor more successful were the Venetians this Year at Sea; for what with quarrels amongst the Commanders, and with their coldness, and negligence in their business, they suffered the Turkish Vessels to pass freely, without giving them that interruption which was very facil to men resolute and concerned: Nor was the opportunity which presented to ruine the Turkish Fleet made use of, then lying half disarmed, and ill provided, at the Isle of St. Theodoro, (which is a Rock opposite to Canea) where at that time it is believed they might all have been burned, had the occasion been improved, agreeable to that advantage which then offered: so that towards the latter end of the Year, the General Molino returning home, either by reason of some distemper, or by revocation from the Senate, which seemed to be ill satisfied with his ill fortune, or his ill management of the publick Affairs; he was dismissed from his high Charge. And Gio. Cipello, Procurator of St. Mark, was constituted in his place.
This new General early in the Year departed from Venice, having under 1647 his Command, 50. Gallies, 6. Galleasses, and 40. Ship of War, and 4. Fireships, besides other Vessels which are necessary Attendants on so great an Armata; which grand preparations raised the minds of the Christian World to expect the abatement of the Ottoman Pride, and other effects equal to the magnificent ostentation, and triumphing glory of this mighty power: but God who gives not always success to the powerful, nor the Battel to the strong, was not, it seems, so well satisfied for the sins of Christendom, as to judge it worthy to be delivered from the scourges of its Grand Oppressor.
Whilst Capello remained with the best part of the Fleet at Candia, Tomaso Morosini, Admiral of the Ships, shewed himself in a Bravado Moro ini braves the Turkish Fleet. with 22 Sail before the Castles of the Hellespont, called the Dardanelli, [Page 26] defying the whole Turkish Power, with Colours flying, and Drums beating; nor did they dare to answer the bold Challenge, until in a dead Calm, some few light Gallies presented themselves in a seeming Battel, with whom for want of Wind, the ships were on the disadvantage, and rather received prejudice than gave it; so that both sides were contented with the action. Morosini withdrew from that station and returned to his General at Candia, to whom having joyned his Forces, he earnestly perswaded him, together with the Proveditor Grimani, to engage the Turkish Fleet, which they assured him was much inferiour to them, both in number of Vessels, and in Skill, and Courage of the Combatants; and that the success of this Year consisted in the cutting off the Enemies succours, which was their sole relief and dependance, without which they could not longer maintain the ground they possessed, but must deliver up that and themselves to their pleasure. But the cautions General would not assent to this resolution, judging it overrash and precipitate; for that the fortune of Candia, and other Isles of the Archipelago was not to be hazarded on the success of one Battel. During which dispute, and irresolution of affairs, the Turkish Fleet consisting of 300. Sail, arrived at Canea, where they landed 40000. fighting men, which turned the scale of the War, and rendered the Turks so powerful, as not ever more to be expelled, or their off-spring extirpated from the Confines of that Island. By this time the Pope's and Malta Gallies were come to their assistance, and united with the Venetians; so that Capello setting Sail from the Port of Suda, resolved to engage the Enemy at St. Theodoro, which was effected accordingly, though with little success; for the Turks had fortified themselves, and secured their Gallies with that advantage, that they could not be assaulted without great hazard of the Christians; and when they endeavoured to burn them, their 4. Fireships took fire too soon, and proved of more fear and astonishment to the Turks (to whom this invention was as yet unknown) than of real dammage. After this the Venetians returned again to Suda, where having intelligence that 30. Turkish Gallies, with men and Provision (which they had collected in several parts of the Archipelago) were on their Voyage to Canea, Capello preparing to intercept them with a force of Galleasses and Gallies, and leaving Grimani and Morosini to Gommand the main body of the Fleet, he in person bent his course towards Cerigo.
In the mean time Mustapha Pasha departed from Canea, in order to his return to Constantinople, with 57. light Gallies, 2. Ships, 2. Galleasses, and many Saiks; but meeting in his passage with a hard storm of Northerly Winds, he lost 7. of his Gallies, and several other Vessels, so that he resolved to divide his Fleet, and send part of them to Scio, and himself with the other part to make for Negropont. This Fleet was followed by some other Vessels under the Command of Mahomet Celebee, Brother of the Pasha of Algier, who being as far in his way, as the narrow Streights of Andra; he was there stopped by the fury of the Northern Winds (which are the Master Winds of those Seas) and by the impetuous rage thereof, was carried to the Island of Zia; where having given Licence to the greatest part of his Souldiery to Land, they carelesly strayed abroad, and without suspicion of surprize, merrily passed their time in eating and drinking. In the interim, advice hereof being carried to Tomaso Morosini, then with some Ships in the Port of Milo; he immediately without loss of time applied himself to assault the Turks, and being followed by the [Page 27] Proveditor Grimani; he took two of their Ships, whilst Mehmet Celebce with about 200. of his men, betook themselves to the weak shelter of an old demolished Fort, and afterwards surrendred themselves to the discretion of the Conquerour.
Morosini and Grimani, encouraged with this success, resolved to pursue the Enemies Fleet; in order unto which, Morosini first putting out to Sea, was instantly carried away by a sierce gale of Wind towards Ambro, and separated from the rest of his Fleet, and thence again was tossed by the impetuosity of the storms unto Rafti, of which Mustapha Pasha having intelligence, made haste to attack this single Vessel, with 40. Gallies; giving order to the Bey of Rhodes, to lay him aboard with 15. Gallies, the strongest and best armed of all their Squadron: Morosini nothing dismayed, bearing the same constancy of mind in the midst of his Enemies, as at a distance, boldly showed himself on the Quarter Deck, encouraging his men with his words, and by his example, to actions worthy their Religion, Faith, and Country, for which they contended. The Turks continued for some time to batter the Ship at a distance with their Cannon, but with little dammage to the Christians; who returned their shot to better advantage. Hereby the Turks perceiveing that blows given so far off did little Execution, resolved to Board the Vessel, and subdue her by force of Armes, and being come to the side of the Ship, the Souldiers were fearful to enter, suspecting some trains of Powder to blow them up, until Emurat one of the Captains struck off the Head of one or two of his own men, whom he perceived backward in the Assault, which affrighted the rest into the greater danger, and forced them to enter the Ship, who were soon followed by the Gallies of the Bey of Rhodes, of Milo, of Mehmet Bey, and others; so that now 200. of the Enemy were Combating with Swords and Half Pikes upon the Deck; in which storm, Morosini sighting amongst the thickest, was shot through the Head with a Musket Bullet, and so gloriously finished his days in the service and defence of his Country; gaining to himself a Laurel, and an Immortal name of Glory and Renown. The Christian Souldiers little regarding all this time the fall of their General, stoutly maintained their Fight, in which they received encouragement from the prospect they had of 2. Galeasses making haste to their succour; at whose nearer approach, the Turks desisted from their farther attempt; being unwilling to purchase a Victory at the dear rate it would cost them. The Body of Morosini was transported to Venice, and his Obsequies Morosini slain. Celebrated in a manner more Triumphant than Funebrous; the Proveditor Grimani was likewise declared Captain General in the place of Capello; who having as it were Besieged the Castles at the Mouth of the Dardanelli, taken several places in the Archipelago, and put the Enemies Fleet often unto flight; he thereby, and by other acts of Valour, rendered him justly renowned through all Christendom.
These were the chief and most memorable actions by Sea, performed this Year; Those by Land were acted chiefly in Dalmatia, where the Turks poured in their Forces on the Venetian Dominions, but were bravely repulsed by Leonardo Foscolo, who took Ali Bey Prisoner, the Commander in Chief of the Sangiac of Licca, and slew his Son; besides which, he took Saccovar, Polissano, Islan, and other Fortresses and Castles, full of Armes and Ammunition, which were the Magazines of the Country; he also recovered Novegrade out of the hands of the [Page 28] Turks, which was afterwards demolished by Order from the Senate; which Victories were followed with other successes; nothing being able to oppose the Valiant and Prosperous Armes of Foscolo; for besides the taking and sacking of several other Forts and Castles in Dalmatia, Obraozzo, Carino, Ottissina, Velino, Nadino, Urana, Tino, and Salona, in the Confines of Croatia, and Bosna, became a prey to the Venetian Armes.
But to this successful Progress of the War, a stop was given for some time by the sickness of Fosiolo; in which interim, the new Pasha of Bosna, called Mahomet Techli, a Circassian born, a person both Generous and Valiant, with an Army of 4c. thousand men, besieged the strong Sebenico Besieged. Fortress of Sebenico; but was bravely repulsed by the Valour of the Inhabitants, the very Women exceeding the imbecillity of their Sex; and Children and old Men, with the weakness of their Age, strengthened themselves with resolution against their Enemies, and so valiantly behaved themselves in defence of their City, that the Turk was sorced to raise his Siege, having gained nothing but the loss and slaughter of many of his people, and the best of his Souldiery; whereby he gained an assurance of the invincible strength of that place, and the valour of the Inhabitants. Foscolo in like manner recovering his health, continued the un-interrupted course of his Victories, and thereunto added the taking of Scardona; so that in Dalmatia the Venetian affairs ran so prosperously, that nothing could be desired to render them more happy and glorious. For the Turks not only were expelled from the Confines of Dalmatia, but likewise that Province became more quiet and secure than ever it had been in the times of Peace.
But the joy of these successes was very much allayed by the unhappy fate of a great part of the Venetian Fleet, at the Island of Psara; which The ruine of the Venetian Armata at Psara. being lanched from Candia with intention to assault the Turks within the Dardanelli, unfortunately were driven by contrary Winds to that unsecure shore; where contending with a most furious storm, a great part of the Fleet was cast away, and the General Grimani himself drowned. About which time, the Turks for the greater terrour of the Christians, laid close Siege to the City of Candia, and made many and various attempts thereupon, carrying on their Assaults with the height of bravery and resolution, the particulars of which require a distinct History; but by the invincible Fortitude and Courage of the Christians, they were repulsed with that slaughter, and with the loss of so many men, by sallies and other stratagems of War, that the Turks were at length constrained to raise their Siege with dishonour and confusion; during which time many of the Nobility and persons of Quality lost their Lives; amongst which, the principal were, Vicenzo della Marra, Governour General of the Armes of Candia, and Count Remorantino, natural Son of the Duke of Loraine, Commander in Chief of the Forces that came from beyond the Alpes.
General Foscolo encouraged by the many glorious Enterprises that he had obtained, resolved to consummate all by taking the strong and famous Fortress of Clissa, scituate in the Confines of Dalmatia, and Borders clissa taken. of Bosna, on the top of a sharp and craggy Mountain, invironed with Rocks and unaccessible passages; the difficulty of the attempt rather inflamed than abated the Courage of Foscolo, so that he Valiantly Besieged and Assaulted that place; during which time, the Priest D. Stesano Sorich, [Page 29] Captain of the Morlachs, intercepted the succours which were sent thither, and Georgio the Proveditor, overthrew Teccheli Pasha in a Field Battel; so that the Inhabitants despairing of relief, surrendered up themselves to the mercy of the Venetians; and thus Clissa being taken, the Senate Commanded that it should be more regularly Fortified.
And here the Christian Armes met some interruption. For the Morlachs desirous to cast off the Turkish Yoke, and return to the protection of the Venetians, designed to surprize Scutari; and at the same time the Archbishop of Durazzo, with 7000. Albanians, was to seize upon Croia, and Allessio; but the design being discovered by the traiterous practices of some false Brethren, before matters were maturely grown, or the time of Execution, it had certainly cost the Life of all the Morlachs, and 700. Venetian Souldiers joined with them, had not the increase of the Waters hindered the speedy March of the Turks, who resolved to cut them all off without mercy, or regard to any; so that having time to disperse themselves, and take refuge in the Mountains, the most of them preserved their lives from the Cruelty of their Enemies; only some certain Ecclesiastical Persons falling into their hands, they imputed unto them the cause of the Rebellion, and in a barbarous manner impaled them on Stakes.
The Turks enraged for the loss of Clissa, dispatched Dervis Pasha into the parts of Bosna, with a potent Army threatning to Assault Spalatro; whom to divert, Foscolo, together with Priest Sorich, Captain of the Morlachs, entered into the Enemies Country; spoiling, burning, and destroying wheresoever they came. The Morlachs more greedy of prey than ambitious of glory, divided themselves into small parties to rob and pillage; in which interim they were assaulted by the Turks, but being scattered, were so far from making a stout resistance, that they committed themselves to a shameful flight, in which great numbers of them were miserably Butchered; nor could the valour of Sorich, nor of the Governour Possidaria, reduce them by their Examples into any Order; whilst together with some few valiant Dalmatians, and Morlach Captains, they endured the shock of all the Enemies Fury; in which Skirmish the Turks lost 7. Agas, and about 70. Souldiers: On the Christians side were killed 400. some few Slaves, and about 70. Ensigns taken; amongst the rest the good Priest Sorich scorning to turn his back, had the misfortune to fall into the Enemies hands, whom they flead alive, and afterwards impaled; and though they subdued his Body, yet he was still master of his mind; bearing the same constancy in his torments, as he had showed Magnanimity and Courage in the Face of his Enemy.
Whilst these Martial Affairs were transacting with the bloud and life of many thousands on both sides, Sultan Ibrahim, like a stout Souldier of Venus, waged another War in the Elysiums of Cupid; and casting aside all thoughts of Candia, remitted the sole care and management thereof to the Vizier and Pashas of the Divan; following a life so lascivious and sensual, as can neither be imagined with a chast fancy, or described by a modest Pen. A principal instrument of his delights, and Engine to compass his Amorous Designs, was a certain cast Wench of his, which he named Shecher Para, which signifies a little piece of Sugar; for it seems she was so complaisant and dulcid in her humour and discourse, as meritted that apt name to express the sweetness of her Conversation; this [Page 30] Woman having the convenience to visit all the Baths in Town, took notice of every Woman which she saw of more than ordinary Features and proportion, and having enquired her condition and dwelling, presently reported the same with all advantage to her Sultan, who having heard the beauty described, became passionately Enamoured, and could find no repose in his fancy, until his instruments, either by fair words or violence, had seduced her, or forced her to his Bed. But growing now extravagant and over-wanton in his Amours, he fell in love with the Sultana, or Widdow of his Brother Sultan Morat: To win her affections he had recourse to his Dear Shecher Para; who used all her Arts in this service: but her pretty wheedling terms could prevail nothing on this Lady, who answered her in short, that at the Death of her Lord Sultan Morat, she had resolved upon a perpetual Widdowhood, for that the memory of him was still so lively in her, that she could not entertain the thoughts of admitting any new Embraces. This repugnancy and opposition inflamed the heat of Ibrahim like a Feaver, so that he resolved to assault her himself one day by force, and took his time just as she came out of the Bath; but she being a bold Woman, and disdaining the wandring loves of Ibrahim, laid her hand upon her Dagger, (which Sultana's and great Ladies usually wear) threatning to wound him in her own defence; the noise and brawling hereof being over-heard by the Queen Mother, called her from her Retirements, and concerned her in the Quarrel; who whilst she reproved her Son, for the rape he intended on his Brothers Wife, gave opportunity to the Sultana to escape; and so delivered her out of the hands of this Satyr. But Ibrahim mad with love, and fuming with disdain to be checked and opposed by his Mother, Commanded her immediately to the old Seraglio, where he confined her to several days Imprisonment, during which time he understood in what manner she had treated his large-sized Armenian, of whom we have already spoken; whereof the Queen Mother being conscious, submitted her self with all humility to her Son, begging his favour and pardon; and so well acted her part by those who carried her Addresses, that she overcame quickly his easy nature, and was again restored to his Grace, and her Lodgings in the new Seraglio.
In the mean time Shecher Para travelling over all the Baths in Town, to discover new delights for her Master, at length had the fortune to cast her Eyes on a Daughter of the Mufti, a Maid of Incomparable Beauty and features of Countenance, and proportion of Body, which she reported to Ibrahim so sensibly, as if she her self had been in love; and after she had praised every part and member of her, she concluded in sum, that she was the most Excellent and admirable piece that ever Nature framed. The Sultan had no sooner heard the story, but according to his usual custom, fell most desperately in love, and had immediately without farther consideration or counsel, dispatched his Emissaries; or without other preamble, ceremony, or Courtship, to have fetched her to him; had not the sense of the late rebuff he had received from his Brothers Wife, made some impression of fear in him; and the apprehension he had of the power of the Mufti, created in him a certain caution and respect in the treatment of his Daughter: wherefore he rather resolved to send for the Mufti, with whom he treated of honourable terms concerning Marriage; promising to take her into his Bosom, and prefer her in honour equal to any other of his Sultana's.
[Page 31] The old Man who was tender of, and doated on his Daughter, knowing well the wandring humour of the Sultan in his Amours, intended rather to marry her to some great Personage, with whom she might be more happy, than in being a Soltana: for he considered, that Ibrahim having already other Sons, her Issue would either be Sacrificed for security of their Brothers, or else spend their days in a Prison, and become Grey-headed, whilst they breath in a medium between Life and Death, and are sad Recluses in the Grave of their unhappiness. These considerations were well imprinted in the mind of the Mufti: but because he durst not deny his proposal, he dealt with him as Inferiours usually do with their Lords and Superiours; that is, he returned him thanks, expressing insinite Obligations, that he would vouchsafe to cast his Princely Eyes on the unworthiness of his Family: however he advised him, that according to the Canons of their Law, of which he was the Expositor, and obliged to be a severe and precise Observer; it was great Impiety in a Father to impose on the affections of his Child; so that though he could heartily wish that his Daughter would embrace this honour, to which he would exhort her with all the earnest perswasions of a Father; yet if she proved refractory thereunto, it would not be becoming his power to force her; and therefore hoped his Majesty would believe, that in proceeding thus far, he had performed that duty which became him, both as a Father, and a Loyal Subject. Ibrahim supposing that by this Concession he had gained his design, thanked and imbraced the old Man, whom dismissing with plenary satisfaction, he remained now with an impatient expectation and hopes of enjoyment. Next Morning the Mufti returned early to the Grand Signior, and having sirst sufficiently instructed his Daughter to refuse the Sultans proffers, told him plainly, that he had used all his paternal authority and interest with his Daughter, that he might induce her to accept this mighty Fortune, which cast it self upon her; but that it found not that ready acceptance with her as he expected; what could be the reason he knew not how to conjecture, since Women are commonly irregular, and unreasonable in their Affections.
Ibrahim being in this manner disappointed, and more angry to encounter any boundary or restraint to the imperious violence of his Lusts, than opposition against the puissance of his Armes; dismist the Mufti with some neglect and disdain, whom he resolved to treat with rigour, and his Daughter with Courtship. In order to the first, he banished him the Court, and forbad him his presence in any other place; grew sullen and unsatisfied at all his administrations of Justice, intending thereby to induce him to a resignation of his Office, there being nothing more irksome to an ingenuous spirit, than to serve and not to please. On the other side he dealt with the young Lady in a different manner, by the crafty and flattering insinuations of his trusty Shecher Para, who so forcibly mannaged her tongue full of curious words mixed with threats, representing the storms and fury of the Sultans rage, and again the glory, splendour, and happiness of the Seraglio; where she should Reign as Empress and Soveraign of the World: all which she expressed with that passion, and lascivious enticement, as would have shaken a firmer Constancy, than the Vertue of a Turkish Maid: but she being well admonished by her Father, remained obstinate in her denial: but to quiet the importunity of this Seducer, she begged her not to sollicite her Father [Page 32] in this request, but rather that she would intercede in her behalf with the Sultan; supplicating him with all humility to pardon her Childish refusal, and to leave her unto her own liberty and choice, and a single Life: to obtain which favour from her, she produced a Diamond of considerable value, desiring her to accept of that from her, and to become her Friend, her Assistant, and Protectress. Shecher Para being overcome by her Maiden Modesty, could no longer resist such forcible entreaties; and having her Eyes obscured with the lustre of the Jewel, promised to change her note, and excuse her refusal with all the advantagious and compassionate terms possible; and so taking her leave with a courteous farewel, repaired to the Sultan, to give an account of her Negotiations. Ibrahim having with more doubtful fear attended the Issue of this last Conference, than he did the success of his War with Venice; received his Shecher Para with exceeding joy, who being come in, began to recount all the particulars that had passed: but the sum of all was, that this silly Maid was sufficiently sensible of the honour of being a Soltana, of being Courted by his Majesty, of the joyes, delights, and glory of the Seraglio; but that when she reflected, how that she was to bring forth Children to die by untimely Deaths, and to end their Days by poison, or the Bow-string, or at least to live miserable lives separated from Mankind, and immured within Walls, and Intombed whilst they breathed; she could not but tremble with some horrour, and judge that all the blandishments of Worldly Fortune were but a transient Paradise; which could not possibly recompence, or out-weigh the sense and tenderness she conceived for the misery of her unfortunate Off-spring. Howsoever she so couched her Discourse, that she gave Ibrahim some hopes to overcome at length; by which she appeased a little his fury and despair, and extracted some Jewels and Gifts in reward of her past labour, and encouragement for her future service. In this manner Ibrahim had patience awhile, expecting something farther from the industry of Shecher Para; but finding no effect of all his expectations and gentleness, at length resolved to break through all considerations of respect, either to the Father as the Mouth and Oracle of the Law, or to the simple and foolish innocence of the Maid; and therefore ordered the Great Vizier to cause a Watch to be set on the Girl, either going in or coming out of the Bath, and without farther Ceremony to bring her unto him. This Order being executed accordingly, and the Maid hurried to the Seraglio; Ibrahim possessed and enjoyed her for some days, but with those tears, reluctancy, and sullenness, as took off from the edge and appetite of enjoyment; so that he returned her back again with scorn and contempt unto her Father; who at first dissembled the injury with the same Countenance as he did before, when he was interdicted the Sultan's presence; suppressing his revenge like a concealed fire, which bursts out afterwards with more violent Flames. But though the sense of obedience and duty towards his Prince allayed much of the choler he conceived against him for the Rape of his Daughter; yet he knew not how to pardon the Great Vizier, whom he termed no other than a Ruffian or Pandor; the Minister of his Masters Lusts, and not of his Laws, and of Justice. Thus full of indignation he applyed himself, and made his complaint unto one Mahomet Pasha, a principal Member of the Divan; one of great wisdom and practice in the conduct of affairs, and one with whom he had a particular Friendship and intimacy. Nor [Page 33] less interest had he with Janisar. Aga, or General of the Janizaries; to 1648 both whom, with tears in his Eyes, and with such words as the sense of his injuries suggested, he railed at the Vizier, and aggravated the Ravishment of his Daughter with all the circumstances of Villany and Violence. These two Friends heard the story with a sensible remorse, and immediately concluded that for the honour and security of the Empire, it was necessary to depose Sultan Ibrahim; and for the same reason to cut off the first Vizier; agreeing amongst themselves that Mahomet Pasha should receive the Seal, and the Office. To effect which, they deemed it necessary to draw the Queen Mother into the Conspiracy, being a Woman of great Authority, and having as it were the Reins of Government in her hands, by reason of the weak judgment of her Son. But because it was difficult to perswade the tenderness of a Mother to the ruine of her Son; the Wise Mufti resolved first to sound her inclinations and disposition towards this design: and being well informed of her fierce Circassian nature, and the jealousy and anger she conceived against Shecher Para, obtained Licence to be heard by her, as if he would beg her intercession with her Son in his behalf; and being admitted to discourse with her, he thereby plainly discovered her most inverterate hatred and displeasure against her Son; not only for this, but for many other actions of like nature. This discovery which the Queen had made, gave him the boldness to propose the confinement again of Ibrahim to his old Prison; not that he should be absolutely laid aside and deposed, but only corrected awhile, and being put in remembrance of his past condition, might be taught wisdom, and instructed for the future, what moderation and justice Sultans are obliged to exercise in the administration of Government; and so subtlely did he insinuate his discourse, that the Queen Mother assented to the proposal, and that the Seal should be conferred on Mahomet Pasha; for she had conceived an irreconcileable hatred against Achmet the G. Vizier, by whose counsel she was sent to the old Seraglio, and was united in Confederacy with the detested Shecher Para. The Mufti greatly satisfied to have gained so considerable a Conspirator to the party, communicated the whole business, with the Progress of it, to the two Kadileschers, or Lord Chief Justices of Romelia and Anatolia; who approveing thereof, and promising their utmost assistance, the 7th of August was the Day appointed for the Insurrection of the Janizaries, who being all in a readiness on that day, went in a tumultuary way to call the Mufti, the Kadileschers, and other Officers and Ministers of the Law, whom they seemingly forced to accompany them to the presence of the G. Signior, of whom they demanded, that the present Vizier Achmet should be deprived of his Office, and that Mahomet Pasha should be constituted in his place. The G. Signior at first refused their demand, but being perswaded by his Mother that it was necessary to content the Militia in that tumult; he consented thereunto, and having called Achmet, he took from him the Seal, and conferred it on Mahomet Pasha, and therewith the Office of G. Vizier. Achmet trembling at the consequences hereof, resolved to commit himself to the mercy of the Mufti, and therefore hastned to his House to attend his return, hoping to find him his Protector, under whose shadow and roof he fled for Sanctuary. The Souldiery having thus obtained the first-fruits of their Insurrection, accompanied the Mufti unto his home, where finding the deposed Vizier Achmet, the Janisar. Aga immediately Commanded him out of Doors, from whence he had no [Page 34] sooner drawn his Foot, than that he was seized upon and strangled, and his Body thrown before the Gate of the new Mosch.
The next day being the 8th of August, 1648. the Janizaries again arising in the like tumult as before, came to demand of the Mufti, whether that according to their Law, Sultan Ibrahim as a Fool, and a Tyrant, and unsit for Government, ought not to be deposed? To which the Mufti giving answer in the affirmative, sent to cite Sultan Ibrahim the day following to appear in the Divan, to administer Justice to his Souldiers and Subjects, who expected it from him. But Ibrahim supposing that he had sufficiently satisfied the Souldiery, by putting the Vizier out of Office, laughed at the summons which the Mufti made him; which being seconded by a Fetfa, which is a point of Law resolved by the Mufti, who is the Mouth or Oracle thereof, viz. That the G. Signior being called to account, is obliged to appear before the Justice; the Sultan in high disdain tore the Paper, threatning the Head of the Mufti: but it was now too late, he having already sufficiently fortified himself with the power and strength of his Rebellious Companions. This Fetfa was immediately seconded by another of a higher nature, which declared, that whosoever obeyed not the Law of God, was not a true Mussulman or Believer; and though that person were the Emperour himself, yet being become by his filthy actions a Kafir or Infidel, was ipso facto, fallen from his Throne, and no farther capable of Authority and Government. This Fetfa being seen by Ibrahim, he tore it in pieces, Commanding the G. Vizier instantly to put the Mufti to Death, as guilty of Treason against his Prince: but having now lost his Authority, his Commands were not longer regarded, nor any reverence had of his person: For the Janizaries being again assembled about five a Clock in the Afternoon, came with their usual tumult to the Gates of the Seraglio. And now Sultan Ibrahim losing all Courage at this third attempt, fled into the Armes of his Mother, begging her assistance and protection. She being a bold and subtle Woman, employed all her Rhetorick and Eloquence to perswade the Souldiery not to offer violence to the person of their Lord and Master; promising that he should relinquish the Government, and retire himself with a Guard into his old Lodgings. Ibrahim comforted a little, that he should save his Life, shrunk himself willingly into his old Shell, wherein he had so long conserved his Life. In the mean time the Conspirators taking forth his eldest Son Sultan Mahomet, set him on the Throne of his Father, and planting the Sargouch, or Imperial Feathers on his Head, saluted him for Emperour with loud Acclamations. Ibrahim continued his Imprisonment for some days with great patience, but at length growing desperate and furious, often beat his Head against the Wall, until at length, he was on the 17th strangled by four Mutes.
In this manner Sultan Ibrahim ended his Days, which puts me in mind of the saying of a wiser and a better King than he, That there is little distance between the Prisons and the Graves of Princes. And this Example made a great Officer understand how King Charles the Glorious Martyr was put to Death. For he, I think it was the Great Vizier, falling into discourse with the Chief English Interpreter at Constantinople, not then calling to mind the Fate of Sultan Ibrahim; demanded, How, and when King Charles was put to Death? Sure, said he, Your King must have no Power, or your People must be more Rebellious and Mutinous than other Nations of the World, who durst commit an act so horrid and vile as [Page 35] this. See, said he, How our Emperour is revered and observed; and how submissive and obedient half the World is to the nod of our Great Monarch. To which the Interpreter replyed, that to recount unto him the History and occasion of this prodigious fact, would be too long and tedious for him to hear: but that the time it happened, was some Months after the Death or Murder of Sultan Ibrahim; which was an Item sufficient to give him a perfect understanding of what he required.
Sultan Ibrahim having in this manner ended his Dayes, the Government was committed into the hands of the G. Vizier, and the old Queen Mother (which is she whom we call Kiosem in the Ottoman State) and of 12. Pashaws; who were to manage all Affairs with supream Power, during the Minority of Sultan Mahomet, who now Reigns.
Ibrahim was the sifth Son of Sultan Achmet, born of the same Mother with Sultan Morat, Educated like the other younger Sons of the Ottoman Family, within the Walls of an obscure and unhappy Prison; so that 'tis no wonder, if wanting the advantages of seeing and practising in the World, he should neither have studied Men, nor been experienced in the Art of Government. Nor less strange is it, being natural to humane insirmity; for men who have lived under restraint, afsliction, and fear of Death, to become licentious and immoderate in all kind of pleasures, whensoever they pass on a sudden from the depth of misery to some transcendent degree of happiness and prosperity; which as I say all men are naturally subject unto; so more especially those, whose Religion indulges them all kind of sensual Carnality in this Life.
Ibrahim was in his own nature of a gentle and easy temper, of a large Forehead, of a quick and lively Eye, and ruddy Complexion, and of a good proportion in the Features of his Face; but yet had something in the air of his Countenance, that promised no great abilities of mind. And giving himself up to all kind of Effeminacy and softness, attended not unto the Government of his Affairs; and therefore it was his greatest misfortune to be served by wicked and faithless Officers to whom he trusted, and to whom he gave credence, wanting in himself the talents of wisdom and discretion to discern their malice. The continual apprehensions that he entertained of Death during his Imprisonment, had so frozen his constitution with a strange frigidity towards Women, that all the dalliance and warm embraces of the most inflaming Ladies in the Seraglio, could not in a whole Years time thaw his coldness; which was the occasion at sirst of that report, which spoke him to be impotent towards Women: during which time he attended to his Ministers of Justice, and to a management of the affairs of his Empire, which in the beginning of his Reign gained him a credit and reputation, and raised a great expectation of his goodness and care of his Subjects welfare; an evidence of which, he gave in his Charge to the Great Vizier, that he should put no Man to Death unless for Capital and enormous Crimes. But at length losing himself in Lusts and Sensualities, he forsook the Helm of his Regency, committing the guidance of his Empire to other hands: and as he was ignorant of War, so he foolishly sported in the calms of Peace; and suffering himself to be guided only by Fortune, felt the stroke thereof in his last Unhappy Fate.
ANNO 1649.
SUltan Ibrahim perishing in this manner, by the mutinous violence of the Souldiery, his Son Mehmet, or Mahomet, being a Child of seven years of Age, succeeded in the Throne: During whose Minority, (which was to continue for the space of ten years longer) his Mother, who was the first Sultana, assisted with the Counsel of twelve Pashaws, took upon her self the Regency, and in the first place resolved to continue the War against the Venetians, which Ibrahim intended to conclude, having engaged himself far in a Treaty of Peace with the Bailo or Ambassadour, which resided at the Port for that Republick.
Whilst these matters were transacting, and preparations making to prosecute the War; the malignant humours of the Empire began to ferment [Page 38] unto that degree, as affected the Body Politick at first with unnatural 1649 heats, which soon afterwards proceeded to a Feaver, and then to a dangerous Convulsion. The ill-affected Part was the Militia, which is the heart and principal of the life of that Government. For the Spahees and the Janisaries, being the Horse and Foot, entred into a desperate controversie. The first judged it their Duty to revenge the Death of their Soveraign, Sultan Ibrahim; and in order thereunto demanded the Head of the Great Vizier, as the Chief Authour and Contriver of the death of his Lord and Master. The others being conscious to themselves of having by their Armes carried on the Conspiracy, not only declared their resolutions to defend the Vizier, but owned that what he had acted was by their order, and at their request and instigation. The Spahees being highly provoked with this declaration, swelled with anger and malice against the Janisaries; and both sides being equally proud and rich could not bear each others reproaches. The Spahees being Men of Estates in Land, looked on themselves as the Gentry, and to have the greatest share in the concernment of the Empire. The Janisaries living regularly in their Chambers, or Martial Colledges, looked on themselves as the better Souldiers, and the more formidable Party; and the truth is, both of them were proceeded to that height of Command and Authority in Government, that had they not been suppressed by the cruel hand, and bloody disposition of Kuperlee, as shall be more largely related hereafter, this Empire was then in danger of falling into as many Divisions, as there were at that time Pashaws, or great Captains. The cause hereof proceeded from the warlike disposition of Sultan Morat, who being the most Martial Man of his Age, preferred none but Men of great courage, and such as had signalized their valour by undoubted proofs; And such Men as these he loaded with honour, and raised them to the highest, and most eminent charges in the Government. But Morat dying soon afterwards, these Great Men had time to enrich themselves during the gentle and easie Reign of Sultan Ibrahim; which being seconded by the Minority of this Young Sultan, their pride knew no bounds, either of Modesty towards their Commanders, or Reverence towards their Sultan. Hence it was that the Souldiery dividing, so great a Sedition arose amongst them, that at last they came to blows, resolving to decide the controversie by the Sword. But the Quarrels of Turks amongst themselves not being commonly of long durance, the Care and Vigilance of the Magistrates prevented all open defiance in the Field; but yet could not so pacifie their Animosities, but that several Skirmishes, or Rencounters passed between them in the Streets, wherein the Spahees were always worsted, and at length were forced to abandon the City, scarce daring for some time to owne the name of Spahee within the Walls of Constantinople.
These disturbances gave the Venetians some hopes to accomodate their Peace with better advantage; but the Reply to this Proposition was more fierce and positive than ever, and so ill resented that the Bailo going from his Audience, was on the 27th. of April seized on, and with all his Retinue clapped into Prison and Chains; being sent to those Castles which are scituate on the Bosphorus, in the middle way between Constantinople and the Black Sea. But this furious severity by the intercession of other Christian Ministers continued not long, before [Page 39] the Bailo received more gentle Treatment, by the Sacrisice which the Turks made unto themselves of Grillo, his Interpreter, who being called down from the presence of the Bailo, was immediately by two Officers strangled, and his Body thrown out at the Window of the Castle; the which act, though it may seem unjust and barbarous to us, hath yet been frequently practised amongst the Turks, being to this day their common use to threaten the Druggermen or Interpreters; which is the cause that they often mince, or wholly alter the sense or meaning of their Masters, on those occasions when words are spoken by them ungrateful to the Turks.
The Turks bearing this disdain to the Venetians, laboured to re-enforce their Armies in Candia, and supply them with Ammunition and Provisions; and though the Venetians lay before the Mouth of the Dardanelles to intercept all succours which might be carried thither; yet the Turks notwithstanding their Divisions, having recruited their Fleet with forty Gallies, and ten Great Ships, broke through the Venetians, and in despight of them, convoyed five Gallies laden with Souldiers and Ammunition, and landed them safe at Canea; and about the same time six Gallies, and ten Ships of Barbary, entered into the Port of Suda.
The General which commanded in chief was named Chusaein Pasha, a Person of great courage and experience; he had for some time besieged the City of Candia, but for want of Men and Ammunition was forced to rise from that place, and retire to Canea and Retimo, whilst in the mean time the Candiots received recruits of Men, and supply of Provisions, improving their leisure time to fortifie their Town with such works as rendred it almost impregnable, and made it become the Wonder and Discourse of the World after some years succeeding.
Nor was the War only carried on in Candia, but also in Dalmatia, Morea, Bosna, and Albania. For Foscolo, the General of Venice, designing to force some Corn from the Parts of Castel-nuovo, he landed some Men there, but was so ill received by the Turks, that he was forced to retreat unto his Vessels with great disorder, and no less dishonour. But he had better fortune in the Parts of Bosna, where he repulsed the Enemy to the very Gates of Sarsay, the Capital City of that Province, and took upon composition the Fortress of Risano, which is scituate between Cataro and Castel-nuovo; but at length the Turks receiving an additional aid of fifteen or sixteen thousand men, the Venetians were forced to quit their new Conquests, and retire into their own Country.
During the time that these Affairs were in agitation, the young Emperour was proclaimed, and his Inauguration celebrated with the usual Ceremonies, but with rejoycings, and hopes extraordinary; who being yet scarcely arrived to eight years of Age, many mutinies and troubles arose in divers Parts of the Empire, as in Damascus, Syria, Anatolia, and other Countries, where the Pashaws refused to pay in the customary Taxes and Tribute, declaring that they would keep the money in their hands during the minority of the Grand Signior; and that when he came to Age of Government they would be accountable to him both for the principal and for the improvement.
The Turks in Hungary making incursions into the Territories of the Emperour were overthrown by the Count Forgatz, near Buda, where [Page 40] the Pasha was taken Prisoner, and his Son slain. Nor better fortune had they in the Assault they made on the Fortress of Clissa, where having lost five thousand Men, they were forced to retire with great dishonour.
The Cossacks also in this conjuncture grew more bold, so that they covered the Black Sea with their Boats, doing great damage to the Saicks, and other Vessels, which traded in that Sea, and at length came up the Bosphorus above Therapea; giving a great Alarm with much fear and confusion to all Constantinople.
Amidst these misfortunes, intestine troubles and new disorders arose in the Ottoman-Empire; For as commonly all the blame of miscarriages and ill successes in Turkie, are cast upon the head of the Commander in chief; so the Enemies of the Great Vizier took the advantage in this conjuncture to reproach his ill Government, and carried the accusation so far, as to depose him from his Charge and Office; in whose place the Aga, or General of the Janisaries succeeded.
The Spahees in Asia, being displeased with this Election, assembled in a Body of seven or eight thousand, and marched towards Constantinople, pretending to revenge the death of Sultan Ibrahim; their numbers daily encreasing, the Divan very much feared lest the Party which favoured the Spahees in Constantinople, should join themselves to the Asian Mutineers; to prevent which it was judged good reason and policy, to anticipate the Justice they demanded, by taking away the Life of the deposed Vizier; which being easily assented unto, and without much hesitation performed, gave some little stop to the fury and heats of the Spahees. Notwithstanding all which, as the Divisions which the Turks entertain amongst themselves were never so great as to afford the Christians any advantage thereby; so the Venetians did not reap any benefit from these Quarrels; but on the contrary, the Turks studiously attended to their Affairs in Candia, passing thither with sixty Gallies, thirty great Ships, and twenty five other smaller Vessels, laden with Men, and all sorts of Provisions and Ammunition for War; so that in this year 1649. the Affairs of the Turks remained in that Island in this happy and hopeful posture. Amongst these Ships were thirteen English, which the Turks took up at Smyrna, and forced into their service. For though the Ambassadour, Sir Thomas Bendysh, then resident at Constantinople, opposed the engagement of these Ships what was possible, and also the Commanders and Seamen were very unwilling and dissatisfied to undertake the design; yet the Turks with menaces, and promises of reward forced them to carry Men and Ammunition to Candia, so that, making a Vertue of Necessity, they complyed with that which they could not resist.
ANNO 1650.
CHusaein Pasha, Governour of the Island of Candia, having received these succours and recruits, resolved to besiege the Chief City of Candia; to which intent, drawing out from the Ships, and Garisons of Retimo and Canea what men he was able, he formed an Army of thirty thousand Men, with which he marched, and pitched before the Town. He was provided also with twelve pieces of Cannon, four thousand [Page 41] Sacks of Wooll, three thousand Ladders, and with a good quantity of 1650 Granadoes; with this force he attaqued the City in two places, viz. on the Forts of Martinengo, and Mocenigo; and pressed so hard on the latter, that notwithstanding the generous resistance of the Defendants, he won the Fort, and there planted the Ottoman Colours; fortifying it with more Cannon, and a good number of Men.
Count Coloredo, Governour of that place, was then sick, the Garrison very weak, and things reduced to the last terms of extremity; when General Balbiani, Admiral of Malta, arrived with six Gallies, and there landed 600. Men, and 60. Knights; which with great Courage mounted the Guard of the Fort Martinengo, which was the place of most danger and honour. The Turks excited with a desire to welcome the new Guests, made three desperate and furious assaults on this Fort, but were with equal valour repulsed by the Defendants; at which disgrace and foil being highly enraged, they resolved on a fourth attempt, which they pursued with that Courage and Success, that the Venetians were forced to give way to their violence, with the slaughter almost of all those which defended this Fort; until the Cavaliers of Malta, who having no greater glory, nor readier will, than to spill their bloud for the Christian Cause, rallied all the force they were able, and made so prosperous an Attaque upon the Fort, that they recovered it again with the bloud and destruction of all those who defended it; but they enjoyed it not long, before the Turks regained it with the like success and slaughter; which variety of Fortune the Venetians being sensible of, and that they could not bear such costly interchanges with the Turk, had recourse to their ultimate remedy of Mines, which succeeded so happily, that the whole Fort was carried into the Air, and therewith 2000. good Souldiers of the Turks; with which destruction, and other repulses in divers places, they were so weakned and discouraged, that they raised the Siege on the sifth of October, new Stile.
In this Interim, the Tartar Han, called the Krim, demanded the Guardianship of the young Sultan, as of right belonging unto him; but the Council answered hereunto, that their Master was already in better hands than those into which they desired to transfer him; and that his Grandmother, and the Divan, wanted neither wisdom nor fidelity to direct his affairs: with which answer the Tartar being forced to remain satisfied, was able to revenge himself no farther, than by exciting the Cossacks to infest the Seas; which gave some diversion to those Armes, which otherwise had all been employed against the Venetians.
But these designs from Tartary did little trouble the Council, in comparison of that spirit of Discord which was arisen between the Spahees and the Janisaries; for both parties being emulous of each others greatness, endeavoured on all occasions to elevate their Chief Commanders to the highest and most profitable places of the Empire: which dissention touching the principal Ministers of State, who were all ongaged on one side or the other; administred great troubles, and retarded the execution and success of all the grand designs of the Empire. Nor was it of less importance and dishonour to the Divan, that their Fleet was hindered passage by the Venetians, who blocked up the Mouth of the Dardanelles; whereby all intercourse with Candia was interrupted: but being resolved to remove this obstacle, they commanded the Captain Pasha to force his passage; which he accordingly performing, was so warmly [Page 42] received, that he quickly lost two Gallies, and after much bloud, and loss on both sides, was forced at length to retire again within the Streights. But what was of worse consequence to the Turks, was the inveterate discord between the Spahees, and Janisaries; who having been unadvisedly embarked promiscuously together, came oftentimes to words, and then to blows; which ended not without the bloud and death of divers of each party. These mischiefs increased the rage which the Turks at Constantinople conceived against the Venetians; who were all thereupon (not excepting the Bailo Soranzo, nor his Secretary Ballarino) interdicted the Territories of the G. Signior; and sent back into their own Country.
The Captain Pasha, that he might be in a capacity to make a second attempt to force his passage, sent to Constantinople for new recruits: when News came that the Siege of Candia was raised, and that the Turks had lost the Fort of St. Theodoro; which so angred the spirit of the Queen Mother against the Vizier, that she immediately deposed him from his Charge, and therewith had taken away his Life, had not the Faction of the Janisaries protected him in this extremity.
The Pasha of Buda was introduced into his place, a person of a turbulent and ambitious spirit, who to increase his savour with his Mistress the Sultana, evidenced his heat and zeal against the Venetians, and to that end sent immediately express Orders to the Pasha of Bosna, to invest Clissa with all the power he was able; and therewith he presented him with a Cimeter, and a Halter; the former to be his reward in case of good success, and the latter to be his punishment in case of misfortune. But this furious Vizier continued not so long, as to experience the Issue of this Command; for he was in a few days laid aside, and Chusaein Pasha, the General of Candia, was placed in his stead; howsoever his Orders were to remain with the Army, by which means, much emulation and contest was prevented, which might otherwise have happened between the Spahees, and Janisaries, at the Election of a new Vizier; and thereby all excuses taken from the Souldiery of absence from the War, who could now pretend nothing of reason to withdraw themselves, on score of attendance on the Viziers person; and to supply his Authority at the Regal Court, a Chinacam was substituted to administer Justice in place of the Vizier, which is usual on such occasions.
Notwithstanding all which, affairs succeeded not extraordinary well for the Turks in Candia; for being straitned for provisions in Canea, by the near approach of the Christians, the Turks were forced to make a diversion, by appearing in great Troops before Candia; which they were enabled to do, by the supplies they had lately received, with the arrival of their Fleet of Gallies; for the Winter season approaching, the Venetians were constrained to abandon their station before the Dardanelles, and to leave the passage open for the Enemy. And so this Year ended rather with advantage than disgrace to the Christians.
ANNO 1651.
WIth these great succours and supplies sent to Candia by the Turks, affairs must necessarily have succeeded prosperously to their designs, had not intestine discords at home interrupted their proceedings, which arose from a Jealousy and Emulation between the Grand-mother, [Page 43] and Mother of the young Sultan. For each of them pretending to the 1651 tuition or guardianship of the Emperour, during his minority, divers Parties and Factions formed at Constantinople, from whence all that trouble and combustion arose, which we have at large related in the third Chapter of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire. So that now it was no time to talk to the Souldiers or People of a War in Candia; For the first thought themselves engaged to contrive a settlement and determination of Disputes at home, and the latter being irritated with a new Tax laid on them, for want of money in the Treasury, exclaimed, and talked loud, and at length, instead of paying, broke out into open Rebellion, which by assistance of the Souldiery, was appeased, under no less terms than the death of several principal Ministers of State.
During these Divisions, the Venetians had time to arme out a very considerable Fleet for defence of Candia; Foscolo, who had been General in Dalmatia, being sent thither with title of Generalissimo in the place of Mocenigo: But these Dissentions amongst the Turks, according to their usual custom, lasting not long before they came to a Conclusion, by the entire destruction of one of the Parties; the Chief Ministers began to reassume again the thoughts of prosecuting the War in Candia, and to send Recruits to reinforce the Army under the Command of Chusaein Pasha, who was returned with new Forces and courage to assault the City of Candia. At this time a certain Greek, pretending to be a Person of Quality, and discontented with the Turks, fled from them to the Christians, where being received with all kind and obliging entertainment, he had thereby liberty of seeing and visiting all the Fortifications of the Place. After he had observed and discovered as much as he desired, this traiterous Fugitive fled again to the Turkish Camp, where he revealed what places were most strong, or best fortified, and where the Town was weakest, and most easily to be assaulted. The Venetian General being awakened at this discovery, and considering the numbers of his People to be few, in respect of the Enemy, and that the Outworks could not be maintained without a more numerous Garison, he resolved to destroy some of those Forts; and accordingly blew up with Mines four Bastions, which being at a distance could not be relieved without much danger. The Turks hereby making conjectures of the weakness of the besieged, cheerfully assaulted the Fort of St. Demetrio, thinking to carry it without much trouble, but contrary to their expectation, they encountred so bold a resistance, that they lost three thousand men on the place.
At Constantinople they were still so intent to carry on this War, that having prepared, and laden on the Fleet great quantities of Granadoes, Bomboes, and Mortar-pieces, with other Fire-works, the Captain Pasha, with hopes agreeable to his Force, set forth to Sea, with eleven hundred Sail, consisting of Gallies, Ships, Galleasses, Saiques, Brigantines, and smaller Vessels, with resolution to engage the Venetian Fleet, whose. Commanders also were equally desirous and ready to consent with them to a Battel. On the 7th. of July, the Venetians being at an Anchor in the Port of St. Ermina discovered the Turkish Fleet, to which as they were much inferiour in number, so they were superiour to them in the agreement and experience of their Commanders. The Turks having passed forward on their way, the Venetians pursued them, and the better to draw them to a Battol, Mocenigo ordered two [Page 44] Ships, commanded by Barbaro and Dolphino to cross the Turks at the point of the Island; and his Vice-Admiral, Bataggio, with four Ships to engage the main Body of the Turkish Fleet; to whose assistance many other Vessels coming in, he so rudely treated several Gallies, that they were forced to seek harbour in the Port of Chios, now Scio, with the loss of Mahomet, Pasha of Anatolia, who was sent to succeed in the Office of Chusaein Pasha, the General of Candia; but Night coming on, the rest of the Fleet retreated to the Isles of Naxia and Paros. On the tenth day the Turks having watered their Fleet, gave a signal of desiance to the Venetians, by discharge of two pieces of Cannon; and the Venetians accepting the challenge, both Fleets gave a furious charge one to the other; but the Turks were not able to withstand the courage and skilfulness of the Venetians; for the Captain Pasha having lost many of his men, and the poop of his Gally being carried away with a Cannon shot, the whole Fleet was put into disorder, and then unto flight, so that the Gallies began to employ themselves in toaing the Ships. But one of their Mahones being separated from the rest, was assaulted by two Galleasses, and some Ships, and finding none to come in for succour, the Captain was killed, with four hundred Souldiers, and two hundred were taken Prisoners.
In the mean time Mocenigo, the General, gave chase to the Gallies, which two to a Ship were toaing the heavier Vessels as fast as they could; but being hardly pursued, were forced to cast off the Hauser, A great Victory obtained by the Venetians over the Turk. and shist for themselves as well as they were able. The Turkish Ships seeing themselves thus abandoned, fired whole Broadsides upon the Enemy; but the Venetian Gallies leaving their own Ships astern, that they might pursue their advantage, Querini boarded a Great Galleass, called the Soltana, upon which were three hundred Souldiers, who offered to surrender upon promise of Quarter for their Lives. But the Christian Souldiers heated with fight, and not then understanding any thing of Conditions, desperately boarded the Vessel, whereby the Turks being reduced to an extremity of despair, gave fire to the Powder, and therewith carried as well the Vanquishers as the Vanquished into the other World. According to this example four other Vessels burnt themselves, one of 60 brass Guns, and three others of 40 to 44. Fifteen Vessels of the starboard wing saved themselves by good sailing. Of the larboard wing, Captain Nicolo, a Renegado, with his ship was taken by the Admiral of the Galleasses, likewise another Great Vessel by Lazaro Mocenigo, and another by Proveditor Melino. In short, there was not one Vessel which remained in sight of the Venetians, which was not either taken, sunk, or burnt. Notwithstanding all which, considering the Vessels which were escaped, and the three thousand men which the Turks had landed at Naxia, in order to their being transported unto Candia, the Victory seemed to be very imperfect; wherefore the Venetians attending another encounter with the Turkish Fleet, did happily meet them in a few days after; and being encouraged with the late success, as the Enemy was low in their spirits and resolution, they bravely attaqued the Turk, and took 39 Gallies, 23 Ships, three Galleasses, together with the three thousand Souldiers, which were then embarked from Naxia: Those which escaped took Refuge in the Port of Rhodes.
After this great loss, the Turks entertained no great designs of the [Page 45] Conquest of Candia; but only to conserve Canea, and the footing that they had won in that Island: nor did ever the Turks after this, dare to stand a formal Battel with the Venetians at Sea, but rather contriving to escape than to fight, did ever after build light Gallies, for transporting of Men and Ammunition, with intention to wage their War only at Land, and not at Sea; it being a saying ever after common in their Mouths; That God had given the Sea to Christians, and the Earth to the Turks.
To these ill successes abroad, were added great dissentions at home; for the mutinous Spahees in Asia, having united into a strong Body, marched towards Constantinople, to join with their other Brethren in those parts. The Janisaries on the other side not less diligent to oppose their Enemy, to revenge the outrages committed on their Brethren, whom the Spahees had ill treated, having cut off the Noses and Ears of several of them; besides all which, they proceeded to that height of Insolence, as to demand the Heads of the Great Vizier, and of the Aga of the Janisaries; and being now by their numbers rendered formidable to the Court, it was judged agreeable to the present Conjuncture, to satisfy in some measure these Mutiniers, by discharging these two Officers of their employment, which did in some degree for the present qualify and appease these Tumults.
ANNO 1652.
THE seditions at Constantinople were scarce quieted, before advice came of a Rebellion of the People of G. Cairo and Damascus, who both at the same time conspired, as if they intended to cast off subjection to the Ottoman Family; the which mutiny and disturbance arose to that Head, as gave great cause of fear to the Divan; and employed all their Counsels and contrivances for this whole Year, in what manner they might reduce this people to their Duty and Obedience. During which time, the Christians in Candia had time to breathe, and opportunity to provide themselves with all Ammunition and Provisions; and to repair their old, and add new Fortifications to their Town.
ANNO 1653.
BUT these troubles being with time composed, the G. Vizier desired greatly the Conquest of Candia, which being by experience proved to be with difficulty gained by the Sword, he endeavoured to win it by fairer terms; and to that end wrote a Letter to the Republick of Venice, in Letters of Gold; wherein he declared, that it seemed strange to him, that the Senate had not dispatched their Ambassadour to him with the surrender of Candia, in regard that thereby they might assure themselves to purchase a certain Peace, which they vainly retarded by such delays. Howfoever in these Letters no mention was made of the causes, or reasons, why Signior Capello, who was an eminent Person, being Procurator of St. Mark, and sent thither for Bailo, was so ill treated with Imprisonment at his Arrival, not withstanding the permission and encouragement which was given for his kind reception obtained at the instance of the French Ambassadour; but this restraint continued not long upon him, before he was released with a daily allowance (which continued for some [Page 46] time) of 1200. Aspers a Day; and afterwards the Court returning from 1653 Adrianople to Constantinople, he was permitted to lodge in the Palace which belongs to the Bailo's of Venice.
The Venetian Fleet being Victorious at Sea, made it their work to keep the Mouth of the Dardanelloes always blocked up, whereby they hindered all succours from Candia: notwithstanding which diligence, the Venetians being sometimes forced for the sake of water and provision, to abandon that Station; the Turks took hold of the opportunity to escape forth; but being eagerly pursued by the Venetians, they were forced to take Sanctuary in Rhodes, where being again blocked up, the affairs in Candia suffered much, and the complaints from thence were loud at the Court. So that Orders were sent, and often repeated unto the Captain Pasha, that he should spend no longer time in Rhodes, but that in despight of all difficulties, he should immediately proceed to Candia, and fight through the Venetians in case they remained in the way to interrupt his passage; but theCaptain Pasha notwithstanding these Orders, and Menaces which accompanied them, could not perswade himself to the hazard of a Battel; till at length the season of the year spending, and being wearied in the Port of Rhodes, he resolved to adventure abroad; but instead of going to Candia, he plundered the Islands as he passed, and returned to Constantinople, with 40. Gallies, where he hoped with the booty he had plundered to appease the anger of the Divan against him; but this Sacrifice did not much avail, for he was not sooner arrived, than his person was seized, and Goods sealed up for the use of the G. Signior; the which Seal his Sons broke open, and taking with them the richest and most considerable part of their Fathers Estate, laded it on one of the Gallies, and fled therewith into Foreign Parts, little regarding that danger in which they had left their Father to perish. During which time the Venetians still maintained their Guards on the Coasts of Candia, not suffering any Recruits of Men, or Provisions for War, to be transported thither; so that if the Turks designed to prosecute this War, it must be by new Forces, and such as were able to encounter the Marine Power of the Enemy; the which being resolved upon by the Council, a heavy Tax was laid on the people to carry on the design, which they not willingly supporting, made a publick Insurrection in the City; and at the same time also the antient quarrel between the Spahees and Janisaries, began again to ferment; which troubles being added to a Rebellion raised by the Pasha of Aleppo, who increasing in strength and number, came marching towards Constantinople, put that great City into a horrible fear and confusion.
ANNO 1654.
THE Venetians judged that these troubles would naturally produce some advantage to them, and much facilitate the Peace which they had long desired; but as Seditions among the Turks are always too violent to continue, so these discontents evaporated in a short time, and new resolutions were taken to prosecute the War in Candia; for notwithstanding that Monsteur de Ventelay, Son to the French Ambassadour, mediated with agreeable prudence to compose matters in order to a Peace, yet his endeavours were all insignificant; for neither had Signior Capello Audience granted him, nor that liberty which was promised before [Page 47] his Arrival; the Turks still insisting on the surrender of Candia, 1654 would not understand any terms which did not entirely invest them in that Conquest.
To effect which by force, which could not be performed by composition; the Pasha of Buda was Elected for Captain-Pasha, or Commander in Chief of the Seas; and Orders given to equippe a new Fleet of Ships, and Gallies, for transporting the succours of Men and Provisions to Candia: where Chusaien Pasha the General, being wearied with his long Siege of the Town, withdrew his Men at some farther distance for their better refreshment; for they wanting all conveniencies in their Trenches, began to Mutiny, and to refuse the performance of their duty, until the General satisfying their pay, and dispensing liberally Largesles to the Officers, gave them new encouragement and satisfaction; with which, being a little enlivened, Chusaein sent a Herald, with a defiance to those in the City, challenging them to sight a pitcht Battel with him; but the Christians refused the offer, thinking it more prudence not to accept, than loss of honour to deny an Answer to the Challenge. Then the Turks sought some means to effect their design by treachery; to which end, they treated with a certain Captain for delivery of one of the Gates of the City, which he promised to do unto the Turks, but gave Advertisement unto the Governour. The Pasha the night following advanced with some Troops, hoping to find one of the Gates opened to him; but instead thereof, the Defendants having prepared a Mine to receive them, sprang the same so opportunely, that it carried away the most of those who were engaged in the design, and therewith their hopes of becoming Masters speedily of that impregnable Fortress. Wherefore they resolved for a while to repose, and attend those succours which were now preparing at Constantinople.
The Fleet being put into a readiness, the Souldiery departed with their usual hopes of success; but meeting with their Enemy again at the Mouth of the Dardanelli, the Fight was furious and hot for a long time between them, but concluded to the disadvantage of the Turks, who there lost 6000. Men, two Gallies, three Ships, and a Mahone: howsoever they broke through the Venetians, and landed 12000. Men in the Isle of Candia. The News of this defeat, and the confirmation thereof, by the wounded Men which were landed at Constantinople, made a great noise amongst the people. Howsoever the Turks persisting constant to their intentions of prosecuting the War, sent Orders to the Captain-Pasha again to sight the Venetians so soon as the Fleet was resitted, and restored to a condition to engage in another Battel; but the Venetians scarce gave them the leisure to repair, before they attacked them again, whereby they put them to such disorder, that they were forced to take refuge in the first convenient Port; where having attended a favourable Wind, they hastned to Constantinople; and from thence were dispeeded into the Black Sea against the Cossacks, who very much infested those parts.
The Captain Pasha being arrived, extolled his own great services and adventures, and on the contrary vilified the Great Vizier, disparaging all his actions, as mixed with weak counsels, and prosecuted with cowardice, or want of true resolution; the which took such deep impression in his absence, having none to answer for him; that all being given for granted which was alledged against him, orders were dispatched to Candia by an Officer, to take off his head, in whose place this Captain Pasha succeeded.
[Page 48] Amidst of all these combustions of War, the mediation of Peace was carried on by the French Ambassadour: For though Signior Capello was actually Resident on the place, qualified with the Character of Bailo for the Republick of Venice; yet the Turks would scarce vouchsafe to treat personally with him; and indeed his sufferings by imprisonment, and other barbarous usages had affected him with such a melancholy, as rendred him uncapable for some time of administring publick Affairs; for having lost his reason by giving way to sad and black thoughts, he laid violent hands on himself, by wounding himself in two or three places of his Belly; but the Wounds proving not mortal, he was in a short time restored again to a sound estate both in Mind and Body; as I shall some few years after have occasion to relate from the words of his own mouth, which he was pleased to utter to me on his death-bed, and the day before he departed this life.
ANNO 1655.
THE Great Vizier after all his evil insinuations against Chusaein Pasha, fell very sick and insirm; so that the Court considering him as a person uncapable of farther service, cast their eyes on the Pasha of Aleppo, who being a daring Martial Man, was esteemed to be the better Chief in such a hazardous War, which for being on the Sea, was unusual and displeasing to the Turks. Against him nothing could be objected besides his rebellions and contrariety to the Government; but hereunto it was presently answered, that the extravagance of his humour proceeded only from his Ambition of being Great Vizier; which when he had attained, that thirsty desire of Glory, which he exercis'd for acquiring this office, would be busied in thoughts to advance and improve his honour in actions beyond his Predecessours. Letters being arrived at this Pasha's hands, which called him to Court to accept this charge, did secretly please the humour of his haughty spirit; howsoever, he remained for a while in some suspence and irresolution, not being assured whether some deceit might not be concealed under this specious appearance of Preferment: But considering, that the way unto gains and advantage was by daring adventures, he resolutely accepted the proffer, and put himself in his March towards Constantinople with a glorious Equipage of forty thousand Men, thinking therewith to make good his retreat, and secure his person in case that deceit were discovered which he rationally suspected. Being arrived near unto Constantinople, he received from the Great Signior several messages of kindness, and a good welcome; and was accordingly received into the City, and invested in the office, with all the circumstances of favour and honour imaginable.
Having thus taken possession of his charge, he promised the Grand Signior that he would employ all his endeavours to restore the decayed Estate of Affairs, and reform the Government. And as an earnest thereof, he began to remove such Ministers from the Court which were suspected by him; and to render himself the more absolute, he cut off several others, whom he imagined might in any wise disturb or controul him in the management of his Affairs.
After which he dispatched his orders to all Maritime Towns of the Empire, to sit and make ready what Gallies and Ships were possible to be provided; intending thereby to set out the greatest Fleet that ever was [Page 49] seen in the Levant; but to compleat this work, two great difficulties arose. The first was, to find a wise and well experienced Commander, and the next was, in what manner to perswade the Spahees and Janisaries to embark; for they having heard and seen in what manner their Companions had perished in this miserable War, absolutely refused to go, and though the Animosities of these two orders of Souldiers were irreconcileable one to the other, yet in this common Cause being united, they raised so horrible a Sedition, that they assaulted the Mufti in his very house, and pursued him within the Gates of the Seraglio with a thousand reproaches and injuries, as an Author of evil Counsels, and a Disturber of the common Peace and quiet of the Empire. Nor was it possible to appease this Tumult, but by anticipating to them four months Pay; with which their minds being made more pliable, they gently yielded to Obedience, and suffered themselves to be embarked for Candia.
Zarnozau Mustapha was made Captain Pasha, or General of the Fleet, which was very numerous, and well equipped, consisting of sixty Gallies, eight Mahones, thirty great Ships of War, and sixty one Gallies, belonging to the Beys. After having remained three days at the mouth of the Dardanelles near the Castles, they went out in this order; The Beys Gallies were the first, then followed the Ships, next the Mahones, and the Rear consisted wholly of the Grand Signiors Gallies. The Van of the Fleet being the Beys Gallies, which are always the best manned, and provided, were ordered to attack the main Body of the Christian Fleet, for that being seconded with the Ships they would be able to sustain the shock until the Mahones could come up, which were directed against the starboard Wing of the Enemy, composed of Galleasses. The Venetians, though much inferiour in number, yet as great in courage, gave evident signs of their desire to fight, with hopes, by Gods Blessing, to obtain a Victory. The Venetians whilst the Turks passed, remained still with their Anchors apique, which the Turks interpreting as a token of their courage and boldness, were so daunted that they began to ply towards the Coast of Greece; but being forced to pass under the Guns of the Venetian Admiral, they were so ill treated by his Broadsides, that they were discouraged from making a second charge. The Ships, and other Vessels fared little better, being forced to pass under the Guns of the Enemies Fleet. The Captain Pasha attempted to pass on the Coast of Anatolia, with his lighter Gallies, but being hindred by a strong party of the Enemy, he was forced to follow the rest of the Fleet, taking his Course with them by the Coast of Greece. In this Charge one of the Turks Mahones was sunk, and two disabled: But the greatest Fight happened between a Squadron of the Turks Ships, and four of the Venetians, which had been hard put to it, had not the Captain Mocenigo come in to their assistance; howsoever, the Venetian Captain of the Ship, called the Crown, was slain by a Musket shot. In short, the Christians boarded the Turks with so much vigour and resolution, that they took several of their Ships, and mixing with the thickest of their other Vessels, they put many ashore, and others escaping in their Boats, left their Slaves and Gallies to the disposal of the Enemy; so that the Venetians obtained that day a hundred brass Guns, with a signal Victory, having had no other important Loss, unless the Ship called the David and Goliah, which being overpowered, was burnt by the Turks.
[Page 50] The People of the Turks, who were in daily expectation to receive 1655 intelligence of a success agreeable to so great preparations, were much troubled to hear the news of the Defeat given to their naval Forces; of which miscarriage the World dividing it self into different conjectures, the most part, especially those of Constantinople, attributed the misfortune of all to the ill Government, and want of experience in the General. Wherefore to appease the People, especially the Merchants, who were weary of this marine War; from whence they reaped nothing but losses of their Ships and Goods; It was thought fit to enter into a Treaty with Signior Capello, the Venetian Bailo, concerning a Peace; but he having his Commission taken from him, for the reason beforerelated, his Secretary Ballarino supplyed his office; and in order to an accommodation, had two Audiences with the Great Vizier, to whom, and to others of the Divan, he made Presents of rich pieces of Cloth of Gold, in the name of the Republick. Howsoever the Turks thinking it dishonourable to accord unto other terms, than the intire resignation of Candia, proceeded in their preparations as formerly; at which the Merchants and Tradesmen at Constantinople received such matter of discontentment, that in tumults they cryed out for Peace at the Gates of the very Seraglio; and behaved themselves with that insolence, that the Janisaries were called to drive them from thence by force of Armes; howsoever this Tumult and Riot of the People ended not without the Life of the Great Vizier, to whose fury he was made a Sacrifice. And though his Son appeared at the Gates of the City with forty thousand men, to demand Justice on the Murderers of his Father, yet the People were so far from being dismayed thereat, that their fury and rage encreased to a greater height, and required the Authority of the Divan to keep things from running into the inconveniences of a Civil War.
ANNO 1656.
THese disorders induced the chief Ministers to enter into another Treaty with Ballarino, proposing to withdraw their Forces from Candia, and make a peace, upon the payment of ten millions for the charge of the War; and to incline the Venetians hereunto, the Turks gave severe orders to their people living about Corfou, to molest the Inhabitants of that Island with all acts of Hostility imaginable; and farther published, that their intentions were to set out a more numerous and stronger Fleet than any which from the beginning of this War had failed on the Seas; and in order thereunto, great numbers of Slaves, consisting of Cossacks and Moscovites, were bought of the Tartars, and transported to Constantinople.
The Venetians were not in the least affrighted at these boastings of the Turk, but on the contrary, knowing that their Affairs in Candia were well secured and provided, gave orders to Ballarino to desist from farther Treaties, and to procure his Licence to depart. And the Turks to evidence their intentions to prosecute the War, entered into Canea with twenty eight sail laden with Armes and Provisions, on which also were fifteen hundred men. By this conveyance was sent a Janisar. Aga with Orders from the Grand Signior to constitute Chusaein Pasha, in the place of Captain Pasha, or Admiral of the Seas; but he judging this to be a design, or lure to draw him from his Post, or Office, wherein [Page 51] he was more strong and secure, acknowledged the honour of the employment, 1656 but framed excuses to continue his Seat and place of Residence, which the Chief Ministers were forced to accept; it being a conjucture more seasonable to dissemble, than to resent his refusal.
Whilst new preparations were making against Candia, so horrible a storm of Mutiny and Sedition arose at Constantinople, as constrained the Grandees of the Council to quit for the present all thoughts of providing for the War against the Enemy, that they might defend and save themselves from the fury of their own People; For the Spahees and Janisaries joining together, pretended to reform the abuses of the State; to perform which, in a furious tumult, putting themselves in Arms, they ran to the Divan, where they deposed the Great Vizier, and discharged divers other Officers of their employment; The Mufti was constrained to fly A Rebellion at Constantinople. to Jerusalem, and the Queen Mother scarce remained secure in her old Seraglio. And to so great a height their Rebellion proceeded, that they proposed even to dethrone the Grand Signior himself. And having thus cast off all respect and duty to their Prince, they entred the Imperial Palace, and forcing the Guards, broke up the Treasury, and carried two millions from thence. Amidst of this horrid and affrighting Confusion, Merchants and well-meaning Citizens remained in the most astonishing apprehensions imaginable; for all Laws being broken, and Justice unregarded, the whole City laid open to be pillaged and sacked by the licentiousness of an unbridled Souldiery. For several days the Offices both of the Mufti, and Great Vizier remained vacant, by reason that the two Factions of Janisaries and Spahees could not agree upon the Election. At length the most seditious amongst them wearying out the others with Quarrels and Contests, advanced a Fellow of no understanding or reputation to the eminent degree of Great Vizier; in which condition he remained not long. For the fire of the multitude being with time quenched, and the popular heat abated, this new Vizier was displaced, all things returning to their usual Channel, and Authority to its Fountain. And that matters might more easily be restored to their ancient order, the Grand Signior called for the Pasha of Damascus to receive the Dignity of Great Vizier, for he being a Person of eighty years of Age, and of long experience in Affairs, having managed the most weighty Charges of the Empire, was looked on by all as the most proper person to compose, and heal these great distempers in the State; and this was that famous Kuperlee, who was Father to him who succeeded him in this Office. The Pasha of Silistria was also constituted Captain Pasha, and Chusaein was confirmed in his Government of Candia. And now the bright Beams of Justice and Government having dissipated the storms and fury of popular sollevations; the Grand Signior in Person mounting his horse, accompanied with his principal Ministers of State, visited all the Parts of Constantinople, where making Inquisition for the principal Leaders and Fomenters of this Rebellion, he seized on some, and without further process, boldly executed them in the face of the People. But before things were reduced to this condition, four Months were spent in this horrid Confusion; and what is most strange, this Great Empire for so long time remained without a Pilot, tossed on the Waves of popular Commotions; all which served to give ease, and respite to the Venetians in their War, but not to operate towards a Peace; so resolute were the Turks in their design of making an entire Conquest of Candia.
[Page 52] For having again Equipped a most formidable Fleet, consisting of 60. light Gallies, 28. Ships, and 9. Galleasses; they attempted to make their way for Candia, and therewith to fight the Venetians in case they should oppose them in their Voyage, to which they were the more encouraged upon sight of the Venetians, who appeared at the Streights of the Dardanelli, with no more than 29. Gallies, and some Boats, or Brigantines; howsoever the Turks were not so confident in their numbers, but that they judged it requisite to fortify themselves with two Batteries; one on the Coast of Anatolia, and the other on the European shore; whereby they imagined, that they might cause the Venetians to give way, and open a passage to their Fleet: But notwithstanding the continual shot Engagement between the Turks and Venetians. which the Turks made upon them, they still kept their Station from the 23th to the 26th of June; when the Wind coming about to the North, which was favourable for the Turks to Sail out, and to bring them nearer to their Enemies, they began gently to approach; and the like the Christians endeavoured, being desirous to join Battel; at which firmness of resolution, the Turks being a little startled, became willing to avoid the sight, and to creep under the shelter of the point of Babiers, which locks in one of the Bayes between the Castles and the Mouth of the Dardanelli. But the Wind on a sudden turning favourable for the Venetians, the Prior of Rochelle with his Squadron, and Mocenigo with three Ships under his Command, made up towards the Castles, with design to cut the Turks off from their Retreat; the others valiantly assailed the Turks, who defending themselves like those, whose chief security consists in their Arms, there ensued a most miserable slaughter on one side, and the other; at length the success of Victory happened to the Venetians, who were animated by the couragious Example of their General Marcello, though he having Boarded, and become Master of a great Ship called a Soltana, with the Gally which attended her, was shot in the thigh with a Cannon Bullet, and thereby gained the glory to die Conquering, and Triumphant. After whose Death the Proveditor taking upon him the Command of the Fleet, prosecuted the Victory so close, that excepting 14. Gallies which escaped with the Captain Pasha, and 4. Gallies of the Beyes; all the whole Fleet was either taken, sunk, or burnt. The Venetians not being able to Man all the Vessels that they had taken, The Venetians obtain the Victory. set many of them on fire in the Night, excepting only 12. Gallies, 4. Ships, and 2. Galleasses, which they reserved for a demonstration, or evidence of their Victory. With this glorious success 5000. poor Christians obtained their freedom, and had their Chains and Shackles knocked off. What number the Turks might have lost is uncertain; but as to the Venetians, it is reported, that besides their General, there were not above 300. Men in all killed and wounded.
The Venetians being encouraged by this success, attacked the Island of Tenedos, and in the space of four days became Masters of it; as also in a short time afterwards of Stalimene, antiently called Lemnos; the which shameful losses, and overthrow, so irritated the mind of the G. Signior, that he gave Orders to carry the War into Dalmatia, intending the next Summer to go thither in person; and in the mean time Commanded by the Pasha of Bosna, that the City of Ragusa should be put into a readiness to receive his Troops, being judged a convenient place for the Seat and Magazine of Arms for those Countries. But the poor Republick greatly apprehending this misfortune, than which there could [Page 53] be no greater mischief, nor ruine to their Country; dispatched certain Deputies with their yearly Tribute to the Port, with instructions, that in the way thither, they should supplicate the Pasha to intercede with the G. Signior in their behalf, representing to his Majesty, that they paying their annual Tribute for protection, ought not in justice to be exposed to the licentiousness of an Army, which their little Territories were not capable to receive, nor provide with convenient Quarters: at which Message the Pasha being highly incensed, answered rudely, and imprisoned them; threatning to strangle them, in case their Government did not obey the Commands of the Sultan.
ANNO 1657.
BUT the Chief Ministers at the Port, taking into their consideration the present State of Affairs; that the City of Constantinople was full of discontents; the Persian on one side, and Moscovite on the other, ready to invade divers parts of the Empire; that there were designs to depose the G. Signior, and set one of his Brothers on the Throne; besides a multitude of other dangers; the resolution of the Courts removal, and of the G. Signiors March into Dalmatia was suspended; his presence and authority being esteemed most requisite in such a Conjuncture of troubles at the heart and center of his Empire. After which, the appearance of the G. Signior in publick was less frequent; for that he might hasten the departure of the Spahees and Janisaries for Candia, he deferred his Journy to Adrianople for some time; but they being averse to this War, refused to march, until first they had received all Arrears, which were due to them; the which audacious proposal so inconsed the G. Signior, that he caused the heads of two of the most forward Mutineers to be cut off in his presence.
This unseasonable rigour rather provoked the spirits of discontented men, than abated them; and the continual prizes which the Venetians made on the Turks, and stoppage of provisions, which did usually supply Constantinople from the Archipelago, raised the price of Bread, and of all Victuals in that populous City, so that the people murmured and exclaimed, as if they had been reduced to their last extremity. The G. Vizier considering that the loss of Tenedos was the cause of all these inconveniences; promised the Inhabitants of Constantinople, that he would regain it in a short time; in order to which, he set forth a very numerous Fleet, to besiege that Fortress; but contrary Winds, and bad weather, forced them into a Neighbouring Port, where they attended the Conjunction of the Beyes Gallies with them. The General of the Venetians having received advice hereof, put to Sea, that he might hinder these two Fleets from joining; and was no sooner in the Channel of Scio, than that he met with 10. Sail of Barbary men of War, convoying a great number of Saiques, and other Vessels, of which 14. were laden with provisions, carrying also with them 200 thousand Crowns, which was the Tribute of Rhodes: these the Venetians assailed with such Courage and success, that they burnt the ten Ships, and many of the Saiques; killed a thousand Turks, took 400. Prisoners, delivered 300. Christians; with the loss only of 100. killed, and 300. wounded.
This and other losses augmented the discontents at Constantinople, so that the G. Vizier to hold up the spirits of the people, resolved to go in [Page 54] person to Tencdos; and accordingly Equipped a Fleet of 18. Ships, 30. 1657 Gallies, 10. Galleasses, with an innumerable Company of Saiques, and other Vessels; whereon he Embarked 20. thousand Horse, and 80. thousand Foot; with which Army the Vizier sailed out of the Dardanelli, on the 17th of July, having first received intelligence, that Mocenigo was not returned from the Morea, where he had been for some time in chase of certain Ships; Howsoever the Turks found not the passage so clear, but that they encountred with a Squadron of 18. Sail of Men of War, under the Command of Signior Bembo; the which seeming an inconsiderable number to the Turks, they assailed them with undoubted hopes of Victory. The Admiral and Vice-Admiral of the Turks, with five other great Ships, charged the Venetian Admiral, who defended himself so bravely, that for three hours they lay Board and Board; the rest of the Turkish Fleet assailed the other part of their Enemies Fleet so close, that the Fight became terrible and bloody, both for one and the other, until at length the Turks being worsted were put to flight, and in the pursuit a great Turkish Sultana was put ashore near Troy; one of their Galleasses was disabled, two of their Ships sunk, and the rest were chased as far as Metylene, being put by the Island of Tenedos.
In this Interim, the General Mocenigo was on his Voyage towards the Dardanelli, and being come within the noise of the Cannon, he hastened with more diligence; and arrived so seasonably to the assistance of Bembo, that at his appearance most of the Turkish Gallies began to turn their sterns, and make towards the shore of Anatolia with such disorder, that of twenty eight Gallies, and two Galleasses, there were but five only which kept company with the Bastard Gally of the Captain Pasha, and entred with him under the defence of the Castles. The rest of the Fleet was chased by Mocenigo, but the Turks being to windward, the Christians were not able that day to come up with them. The next day the Wind being more favourable, a Council of War was held aboard the Venetian General; during which consultation, they espied five Gallies making towards the Point Baba, there to secure themselves under the Shore; and thereupon resolved, that whilst the Captain General with the Squadron of Malta, attempted those 5. Gallies, and others which had taken the same place of refuge; the rest of the Fleet should keep siring at those without. Accordingly the Captain General made towards the Point Baba, where passing within Musket-shot, and under the reach of five Batteries, an unfortunate Shot in the powder-room blew up the Ship, and therewith ended the days of this valiant Mocenigo, who died full of honour and glory; his brave actions continuing his Memory in all the Histories of Venice. The Proveditor succeeding in his Command prosecuted the same design, and as if he would imitate the antient funeral piles, he celebrated the Obsequies of his General, by burning the Admiral Gally of the Turks, and thence retired towards Tenedos.
After the Turks had refitted their Vessels, and put their Fleet in a reasonable posture, they departed from Metylene the 28th. of July at night, and on the 30th. were on the Coast of Tenedos, where immediately Tenedos retaken by the Turks. landing five thousand Men, and great numbers approaching ready to set their Foot on shore, the Defendants of the Fortress summoned a Council of War, at which all agreeing that the Island was not tenable against so great a force, embarked their Men, Ammunition, and Artillery, and resigned their place to the Disposal and Command of the Enemy. After [Page 55] which success the Turks in like manner landed ten thousand men on the Island of Lemnos, where, having laid a formal Siege to the Castle, they made a general assault, but were repulsed with the loss of five hundred men, leaving their sealing Ladders to the Besieged. They made afterwards divers attempts, but in all were beaten off with considerable loss; so that they had abandoned the Enterprize, had not the greater fear and apprehension of the Divan at home confirmed their courage against the Enemy; until at length the Christians being wearied with two Lemnos retaken. months Siege, without hopes of relief, were forced to a surrender, which was performed on Articles, That they should depart with Armes, and Baggage, and have free liberty to embark themselves for Candia.
These two important places being regained by the Turks, were the subject of great joy to the Court, and of courage and satisfaction to the Inhabitants of Constantinople: So that the Grand Signior apprehending that by these successes, the Seditions and Mutinies of the City were appeased, he took his Journey to Adrianople; where to evidence his Grandeur to the Bailo Capello, and the Secretary Ballarino, he made his entry with an Army of twenty thousand men, besides the ordinary attendance of the Court, and usual Concomitants of the Ottoman Train. After which Ostentation, the Grand Signior encharged Ballarino to write to the Senate, That though he was able to over-run all their Country, and take from them their Capital City, yet such was his clemency, that he was contented to grant them peace, on conditions that they surrendred to him all the Island of Candia, with the Fortress of Clissia in Dalmatia, and payment of three millions of Gold for the dammages of the War. But these seemed to the Senate to be such unreasonable propositions, and so prejudicial to their honour, that they resolved to maintain the War, and to defend themselves more vigourously than ever.
ANNO 1658.
NOtwithstanding the designs of the Turks against Dalmatia, they were not less intent to their Affairs in Candia, designing to try their fortune once again in the Siege of the principal City of that name, for that that falling into their hands, the whole Island would quickly be reduced, and with that Conquest an end would be put unto the War. The Venetians on the other side, attended to their business with all diligence, not neglecting any provisions which might secure their interest in that Country; and that they might regain what they had lost, they held intelligence with some persons in Canea, hoping by their means to surprise the Town; but the Turkish Governour, being very vigilant, reinforced his Garison with five hundred men; and Chusaein Pasha coming to his assistance with thirty Gallies, disappointed the Venetians of landing at that place.
The Rendezvous of the Army which was to march into Dalmatia, was ordered to be at Adrianople, where the Brother in Law of the Pasha of Aleppo, who was Commander of the Forces of that place, arriving later than the day presixed, was for that reason put do death by the Great Vizier. This severity so enraged the Pasha, that immediately he raised The Rebellion of the Pasha of Aleppo. an Army of forty thousand men, and marched towards Scutari, threatning Constantinople it self, unless the head of the Great Vizier were given him by way of reprizal for that of his Brothers. The Divan being startled [Page 56] hereat, returned him a gentle message, neither denying nor granting 1658 his demand, as if they intended to amuse him with hopes: but he interpreting this delay for a refusal, did not only persist in requiring the head of the Vizier, but of four other principal Councellours, whom he judged to have concurred in the Sentence for his Brothers death; and in farther prosecution hereof, he burnt and spoiled all the Country about Constantinople; and the Plague raging at the same time in the City, affected the Inhabitants with such sadness and discontent, that the chief Ministers apprehended more evil from thence than from the Enemy without. The Army of the Pasha daily increasing, and being grown from forty to sixty thousand men, caused the Vizier to abandon all other thoughts and designs but those which tended to the destruction of the Pasha, and his Complices; so that there necessarily followed a revulsion of the Forces from Dalmatia; the Vizier himself diverting them from thence and Transilvania, marched with the whole Army towards Constantinople.
Yet before the Great Vizier departed from Adrianople, he perswaded the Grand Signior to set the Bailo Capello, and the Secretary Ballarino at liberty, that thereby he might give some jealousie to the Rebels, as if he designed to make a Peace with Venice, to have more power, and better leisure to make his War against them. This Counsel, though prudently given, had yet little influence on the humour of the Pasha, who continued his March, fortifying himself in the most advantageous Passes of the Country: But what was most bold of all his actions, and rendred his pardon beyond the clemency of his Soveraign, was the proclaiming a Youth of twenty years of Age, then with him in his Army, to be the Son of Sultan Morat, and consequently the lawful Heir of the Crown; and that in right of him, he had taken possession of a great part of Asia, and was marching towards Constantinople, with resolution to dispossess Sultan Mehmet, and exalt this lawful and undoubted Heir on the Throne of his Ancestors.
This and other rumours from Persia, that that King taking the advantage of these disorders, was making preparations to regain Bagdat, or Babylon, and revenge himself of all those cruelties which the Turks had inflicted on his Subjects and Country, increased the fears and cares of the chief Ministers of State. Notwithstanding which, Chusaein Pasha prosecuted his business no less in Candia than formerly, in hopes to put an end to the War there, before the end of the Summer; and in order thereunto, he received a Recruit of five and twenty thousand men, from the Morea. But the daily increase of the Pasha's Forces, and his approach towards Constantinople, as it was a matter of the highest consequence, so it required the most prudence and caution in the management. In the first place therefore by Fetfa, or Resolve from the Mufti, the Pasha was declared a Rebel, and guilty of High Treason against the Sultan, notwithstanding which, a Chaous was dispatched with Letters of Pardon, if now repenting of his fault, he would disband his Army, and return to his former obedience, he should be received into grace and favour. The Pasha received the Chaous with the same Ceremony and honour, as if he had been an Ambassadour, being willing to consider him under that Character, rather than under the notion of a Pursuivant, or Officer sent to affright him into his Duty; and in answer to the message replyed, That it was not in his power to condescend to any conditions, for that since he had assumed the Cause of this Youth, who was the Son of Sultan [Page 57] Morat, concealed to that Age by his Mother, for fear of the power of his Uncle, he could not assent to any terms or conditions less than the Exaltation of him to the Ottoman Throne: and so carrying this Young Man with him, as a property, whereby to cover his Rebellion with the Guise of Justice and Duty; he maintained a Court for him after the Ottoman fashion; and causing the Tagho, or Standards to be carried before him, he permitted him to give Audiences, send Dispatches, and to take on him all the royal marks of Empire. The Army of the Pasha was by this time encreased to seventy thousand Men, one Part of which he sent towards Scutari, and another towards Smyrna, which alarm'd all the Countries round about, and gave the Grand Signior such cause of apprehension, that he tryed divers means, and made many propositions of honours and benefits to the Pasha, whereby to allure him to obedience; One while he offered to him the Government of G. Cairo, but that being rejected, he endeavoured to raise men in Asia to oppose the progress of his Armes; of which some numbers being got into a Body, and perceiving the formidable Force of the Pasha, revolted, and joined themselves to his Party. This extremity of Affairs caused the Grand Signior not only again to proclaim the Pasha a Rebel, but to give liberty to his people to destroy him and his Souldiers in any parts where they should encounter them. In pursuance of which Licence, a Village in Asia having killed twenty five or thirty of the Pasha's men, which came thither to refresh themselves; the Pasha was so enraged thereat, that he caused his Souldiers to put Man, Woman, and Child to the sword throughout the Village. And in this manner the Affairs of the Turks remained in the greatest Confusion imaginable through the whole course of this year 1658.
ANNO 1659.
NOR did this Year begin with better Omens of success, for to the other dangers was added a report, that the Persian had taken the Field with two hundred thousand Men, for recovery of Bagdat, or Babylon, which was the Ancient Patrimony of his Forefathers; so that the Grand Signior being rendred thereby more willing to agree and accommodate Affairs with the Pasha, proffered to him the Government of the Province of Soria for ever, paying only a yearly homage of a hundred thousand Sultanees, in lieu of three hundred thousand, which that Country always yielded. But the Pride of the Pasha scorned a proffer of so mean a consideration, having nothing less in his thoughts than the entire enjoyment of the Empire, or at least to partake an equal share thereof with the Sultan. Forthe hopesof the Pasha encreasing with his Army, which was now grown to eighty thousand men; he took up for some days his head-Quarters near the Fortress of Tocacaia, within ten days March of Smyrna; and thence approaching towards Constantinople, the chief Ministers concluded that there was no other safety but in their Armes, and that the Pasha was not to be reduced to any terms of gentleness or moderation. Accordingly the Great Vizier passed into Asia with a numerous Army, and speedily joined Battel with the Pasha, which continued for some hours with great slaughter on one side and the other; but at length the fortune of the day turned in favour of the Pasha, and the Viziers Army being routed, he lost all his Cannon and Baggage, and he himself [Page 58] was forced to save himself in the neighbouring Countries; where not 1659 being pursued by the Pasha, he had time again to collect his torn and scattered Troops. The news hereof multiplied the disorders and confusions at Constantinople, to which being added the motion of the Persians, and that they were to join with the Pasha, as also some troubles in Transilvania caused by the unquiet spirit of Ragotski, together with the ill humour of the male-contents in the City, made all things appear with equal, or greater danger at home than abroad.
Wherefore, as the ultimate remedy of these imminent dangers, it was resolved, that the Grand Signior should go in person to the War, on supposition that Reverence to his Royal Person would produce that awe on the spirits of his Subjects, which was not to be effected by violence, or force of Armes. According to this resolution the Grand Signior passed into Asia, and joining his Forces with those of the Vizier, composed an Army of seventy thousand Foot, and thirty thousand Horse, with which marching boldly towards the Enemy, the heart of the Pasha began to fail him; so that calling a Council of his Officers, he proposed his inclinations towards terms of agreement, rather than to hazard all on the uncertainties of a Battel; the spirits of the Souldiery being now become tractable by the appearance of so great a Force, assented to the proposition; and thereupon Articles being speedily drawn up, were sent to the Grand Signior for his approbation, who, though he would not seem to refuse any thing therein contained, yet declined a personal Treaty, as being a matter too mean for his Imperial Person to capitulate with his Vassals; and therefore ordered, that Mortaza Pasha should treat in his behalf, promising to confirm whatsoever Act Mortaza Pasha should conclude in this matter. Mortaza being thus made Plenipotentiary, refused to treat with the Pasha, until such time as he had retreated with his Army at a distance of some days March from the Grand Signior's Camp; which being performed near a Town called Alexandria, he foolishly suffered himself to be separated in a private place from his Army, on pretence that Peace was more aptly concluded in a free retirement, than under the constraint and force of the Souldiery. Here Mortaza meeting the Pasha forcibly strangled him with 17. of his Complices, whom he had brought with him for Witnesses to his Capitulations with the Grand Signior. With the news hereof the Army of the Pasha soon disbanded, every one with shame and silence shifting for himself, retired to his own Country and home. And herewith easily ended this Civil War almost in a moment, which but now threatned the Extirpation of the Ottoman Race. The cruel Vizier retained his thoughts of revenge, which we shall shortly hear in what manner he vented on the great Spahees and rich Men in Asia, who had joined themselves with the Pasha in this Rebellion. This good service promoted Mortaza, and rendred him more considerable to the Grand Signior; so that he was employed in the assistance of the Tartars, against Ragotski in Transilvania, and afterwards preferred to the important Charge of Bagdat, or Babylon, of whose success, and Fate we shall hear in the Sequel of a few years.
But as yet the Commotions of Asia were not so wholly extinguished, but that the Nephew of the Pasha of Aleppo, in revenge of the treacherous death of his Uncle, took up Armes, and was followed by the people of the Territories depending on Aleppo. To his assistance came in also the Son of Chusaein Pasha, late General in Candia, whom the cruel Vizier had put to death, notwithstanding the merit of his late services, [Page 59] which might seem to attone for his former misfortunes, and make satisfaction for non-compliance with instructions; but this Vizier, who never pardoned any Person, would not begin with an Act of clemency towards one who was none of his Creatures, or Confidents depending on him. To these joined the Bey of Torgue, who casting off his Obedience to the Pasha of Cairo, entered into the Cabal with ten thousand Horse; so that a formidable Army being composed by this Union, gave a new subject of fear and apprechension at Constantinople. But the Great Vizier so dextrously managed his Affair, by sowing Dissention between the Chiefs, and bestowing Largesses to the Souldiery, that the Army unsensibly mouldred away, leaving their Generals, and Commanders to shift for themselves, and exposing them to the Justice of a Vizier, who was unacquainted with mercy, and never pardoned any who was either guilty of a fault, or suspected for it.
Towards the end of this Year the Vizier built the lower Forts, which are scituated at the entrance into the Dardanelles, commonly called by the name of the Queen Mothers Castles. And dispatched a Chaous to the Pasha of Canea, to put all things in a readiness for the Siege of Candia: Orders were also given to the Pashaws of the Inland Countries to prepare themselves for the Wars against Dalmatia, and Transilvania.
ANNO 1660.
THE Rendezvous of the Army being appointed at Belgrade, the Vizier hastened thither in Person to quicken the preparations, and March of the Souldiers, which were flocking thither from all parts. This Vizier Kuperlee, though aged, was yet very active and vigorous, by which he created so much confidence of himself in his Master, that he acted nothing in all the Government but by his counsel and direction: which being always jealous and bloody towards those who had any power in the Empire; he for that reason cut off the Casir of Damacus, who though he was a good Governour, and a faithful Servant, yet because he was a Favourite of the Queen Mother, and conserved the. State of his Affairs in a laudable posture, he grew jealous of his power, and therefore sacrificed his blood to his own security and bloudy disposition. The which act of unjust cruelty so enraged the Queen Mother, that she for ever after bore a mortal harted to this Vizier, and continued the same to his Son, which was the famous Kuperlee; but his moderation and discretion was so well tempered with respect towards her, that She at length not only pardoned the sin of his Father in him, but became his Friend, and relished the services which he performed for his Master.
The Venetians having about this time received considerable succours, namely 4000. French Foot, which his most Christian Majesty after the Conclusion of Peace at the Pyrenean Treaty, had most generously spared to that Republick, were enabled to attempt some notable enterprize; and thereby so hardly pressed the Pasha of Canea, that he earnestly wrote to the G. Signior for succours; assuring him that without present relief, he should be forced to surrender his Town to the mercy of the Enemy. The G. Signior promised him speedy relief, and for his better encouragement sent him the Present of a Sword and a Vest of Sables; in the mean time the Venetians took three Forts, viz. Calamo, Calegro, and Epicarno, and proceeded to lay Siege to Canea; but the Enemy having received a [Page 60] supply of 3000. men into the Town, the Christians quitted this enterprize 1660 in hopes of beating the Turks out of new Candia; which was lately built near to the old Candia, with design to keep that Town straitned by perpetual Alarms, and by the vicinity of so bad a Neighbourhood.
The G. Vizier being very Aged, was subject to many infirmities, and falling sick at Belgrade, he was advised by the Physicians to change the Air, as the best remedy for his Disease; and indeed they were all careful to give him the best and safest Counsels, for that he often threatned them, if he died of that Sickness, he would send them all to the next World before him. The Vizier following the advice of his Physicians, returned to Adrianople, where having in a good measure recovered his health, he sent Orders to Hali Pasha, then General of the Forces in Hungary, to hasten the Siege of Varadin, being esteemed by the Turks an advantagious Fortress for carrying on their Conquests in that Country; of the taking of which Town, and of all the troubles in Transilvania, caused by the ambitious humour of Ragotzki, we shall treat at large in the following History. For being come to that time, in which Providence allotted me a charge at Constantinople; I was thereby somewhat elevated on a rising ground, whereby I could with my own Eyes survey the Transactions of that great Empire; and for that reason I call them my Memoirs; which for being matters transacted in my own time, I have thought fit to introduce them with a short Advertisement to the Reader.
THE MEMOIRS OF PAUL RYCAUT, Esq Containing the HISTORY OF THE TURKS, FROM THE YEAR 1660. to the YEAR 1678. With the most Remarkable Passages Relating to the ENGLISH TRADE In the space of Eighteen YEARS.
LONDON, Printed for John Starkey at the Mitre near Temple-Bar, M DC LXXIX.
THis following History is some part of those fruits arising from my vacant hours of eighteen Years residence in Turky, seven whereof I compleated at Constantinople, in quality of Secretary to the Lord Ambassadour, and for eleven Years I exercised the Office of Consul at Smyrna. In the first times of which, I had great advantages to observe, and make my Annotations; having for the most part been acquainted with the persons as well as with the affairs of those concerning whom I write; and indeed the incumbence which was then upon me, obliged me to a knowledge both of persons and business. My latter time, which was that of being Consul, constrained me to an attendance on matters relating to the government of our Trade; and therefore it is not to be expected, that at that distance from the Court, I should lay down Transactions so positive, and particular, as in the preceeding Years; yet the acquaintance, and correspondence I afterwards continued at Court, and the care I took to inform my self of what occurred, qualified me in some measure for an Historian; at least put me into a condition to make a Breviate, or Collection of certain Observations occurring in the Turkish Court.
When I first entered on this work, I was carried with a certain emulation of French and Italian Writers, of whose Ministers few there were employed in the parts of Turky, but who carried with them from thence, Memoirs, Giornals, or Historical Observations of their times. In which our Nation hath been so defective, that besides some scattered and abrupt Papers, without coherence, or method, adjoined to the end of Knoll's History of the Turks (which is an excellent collection from divers Authours) one shall scarce find five sheets of Paper wrote by our Countrymen in way of History. At which omission having often wondered, I resolved from my first entrance in those Countries, to note down in a blank Book what occurred in that Empire, either as to civil, or military affairs; with what Casualties and Changes befel our Trade, that so both one and the other might serve for Examples and Precedents to future Ages; the which after some years afforded me materials to compose and frame this following Discourse. In which, having by Gods assistance [Page] thus far proceeded; As it may be an Example to my Successours, to spin and draw out the thread of this History through Ages to come; so it will be a good part, and office, of those who reside there at present, by a more diligent enquiry to correct, and amend what I have mistaken, or misunderstood.
For next to the immediate attendance to the Charge and Trust imposed upon me, I judged it a chief duty towards my Country, to denote and Record certain Transactions relating to Trade, which is the grand Interest that bath engaged England to a Communication, and Correspondence, with these remote Parts: nor doth the World perhaps expect much less from me, than that I should add something to the History of the Turks in our time, which howsoever imperfectly I may perform it; yet the Of. fices which I have exercised, and the impartiality with which it is wrote, may gain it some credit and reputation in the World. For in the writing hereof, I cannot be taxed with animosity to any person; nor am I to be esteemed as possessed with affection, or partiality to any side; which is a point of sobriety, and good temper, necessary for all Historians: For we who lived in those parts, were little concerned for the House of Kuperlee, or for the Favourites of the Court; nor was it of any moment to us, whether the Faction of the Spahees, or Janizaries prevailed; or whether the Courtiers, or the Souldiers, ruled the Empire: only we esteemed it our duty, to speak best of that Government under which our Trade thrived most. And though the times of Sultan Ibrahim were the golden days for Merchants, which employed our Navigation beyond the memory of any times, either before, or since; and consumed of our Manufactories (though not in greater quantities) yet perhaps with better advantage and profit to our Nation: Yet I ought not to be so injurious, or ungrateful to Sultan Mahomet the Fourth, as to accuse his Government of Oppression, or Violence towards us, or of any breach of Articles, and Priviledges, which he had granted to his Majesties Subjects; but shall rather applaud, and be ready to own that Justice which our Complaints have found, and met at the Ottoman Court, under the protection of those worthy Ambassadours sent by his Majesty to stand Centinel on the Guard of their Country.
For whereas in the time of Sultan Morat, when the Military men bore the sway; Injustice and Violence, which mingled in all the actions of Rule, had an influence also on the English affairs: And when in the time of Sultan Ibrahim, that the Female Court had gained the predominancy; and that vast Treasures were expended in Riot and Luxury; the prodigality of great persons made it necessary to be rapacious and unjust: But in these more moderate times of this present Sultan, when neither excessive Wars abroad, nor Luxury nor immoderate expences at home, exhausted the Coffers. [Page] We may easily imagine, that the disorders of State did not drive the Rulers to a necessity of exercising unjust Arts, which are always most certain Sym ptoms, either of a bad Government, or a vitious inclination in the Prince.
The English Trade according to the Chronicles of Sir Richard Baker, was first introduced into the Country of the Turks, in the Year 1579. but Sagredo an Italian Writer, accounts only from the Year 1583. perhaps before that time Overtures were only made for a Trade, which might be so inconsiderable, as that until then it was not esteemed worthy to be adorned with an Ambassadour, or to be opposed by the Ministers of Foreign Princes. For so soon as an Ambassadour from England appeared at the Ottoman Court, with Credential Letters from Queen Elizabeth, the French and Venetian Ministers took the Alarm, and opposed his reception, especially the French, who (as Sagredo reports in his History of the Turks) represented unto the G. Vizier, how much this new Friendship with the English would obstruct that antient Alliance which was made with his King, and would impeach and lessen the Priviledges and Trade which they enjoyed in those parts: To which the Vizier answered, according to their usai phrase and stile; that the happy Imperial Seat where his Master resided, was called the Port, because it was free and open to all such who desired to take refuge and Sanctuary therein, and therefore the English without just reason ought not to be excluded. That the Sultan ought not to be denied that freedom of love and hatred, which was common to all Mankind; and that he was as well resolved to chuse and cherish his Friends, as to prosecute and destroy his Enemies. Whereunto the French Ambassadour urged, that since it was the pleasure of the Grand Signior to admit the English; that at least they should be obliged to enter Constantinople under the French Colours. But the English Ambassadour replyed, that his Mistress who was so potent, scorned all Dependencies on other Nations, and would rather abandon the Friendship of the Sultan, than admit the least diminution of her own honour: and embellishing his Discourses (as Sagredo proceeds) with the representation of that advantage and profit, which the English Trade would bring to the Ottoman Empire; he so ensnared the hearts of the Turks, that they preferred the admittance of new Guests, before the Alliance of antient Friends. Since which time our Commerce and Trade with the Turk hath been in its increase, and being governed by a Wise and Grave Company of Experienced Merchants, hath by Gods blessing brought an inestimable Treasure and advantage to the English Nation, which that it may still continue, increase, and flourish in all Ages and times to come, is the hearty desire, and Prayer of him, who is a true, and faithful Servant to that worthy Society, and a sincere Wellwisher to his Country.
The First BOOK.
Anno Christi, 1661. Hegeira, 1072.
IT was now the beginning of this Year, when the Earl of Winchelsea arrived at Constantinople, the first Embassadour sent abroad from His Majesty of Great Britain, Charles the Second, after his happy Return to the Glorious Throne of his Ancestors, to Sultan Mahomet, the Thirteenth Emperour of the Turks; it being judged fit, that amongst other Alliances which were to be contracted with Foreign Princes [Page 68] and States, this of Turkey should not be omitted, but rather in the first 1661 place considered: In regard, that as the flourishing Estate and prosperity of England's richesse depends absolutely on her Foreign Trade, so on none more particularly than on that of Turkey, which consumes great quantities of her most staple and substantial Manufactures, and makes returns in whatsoever Employes, and gives Bread to the poor and industrious of the Nation.
At the arrival of this Embassadour, the important affairs of this vast and still growing Empire, were governed by the Great Vizier Kuperlee; The Vizier Kuperlee. a person decrepit and infirm in body, by reason of his great Age, but of a solid and subtle judgment; by Nature cruel, and by Years froward; which disposition was singularly well fitted to do service to his Master, against the impetuous storms of the Faction of those times, in which the Pashaws, and Chiefs of the Souldiery (as often it happens in Empires, whose Body is grown too vast to be ruled by a weak Head) became rich and powerful, and by the long Vacations of Peace, insolent and wanton; for as then the Wars with Venice were carried on faintly, only by sending forth an Armata of Gallies in the Spring; and the preparations became rather accustomary, returning with the Year, and made for exercise of the Arsenal, and amusement of the people, than designed with any probable expectation of success or Victory, proportionable to that Treasure and trouble which maintained them. So that to encounter so many difficulties, and predominancy of Ambition and Avarice, the Prince himself being young, the Fortune of his Empire had more than urgent necessity of such a rough and cruel disposition as was found in Kuperlee; who so seasonably made use of it, to the destruction of all such, who might either endanger his Prince, or himself; that in two or three Years time he became Master of the Lives, and Estates, of the Grand Mutiniers; confiscating their richesse and fortunes to the use and security of his Master; having in his time put to Death, thirty six thousand persons, whom he proscribed in several Countries; and privately strangled in the City, by vertue of his absolute and uncontroulable Authority, without giving the Offenders liberty of Processes, or Pleas for their Lives, or the solemnity of Scaffolds, or applause of a Funeral Oration at the Gallows, whereby to win the affections and compassions of the vulgar, but went through with his bloody and tragical business, without noise, or rumour, or knowledge almost of all the Souldiery, or the people; whilst the great Personages, whose rapine and pride had contracted them envy and hatred from their inferiours, stood confused and amased, not having power to rebel, nor Sanctuary to fly unto.
Such is the effect of an absolute, and arbitrary power, which is Master of times and affairs, and rather fits and squares Enterprizes to Counsels, than Counsels to Enterprizes. Reges Hercule non liberi solum impedimentis omnibus, sed Domini rerum, temporum (que) trahunt Consiliis cuncta, non sequuntur. Liv. lib. 9. The Grand Signior in the mean time applauded the diligence and circumspection of his Minister; and though yet trembling with the memory of late sollevations amongst the Janizaries; yet being young, and active, addicted himself wholly to the delight of Hunting, and to follow the Chace of fearful, and flying Beasts; whilst his Vizier so closely followed his game of bloud, that he left no person considerable in the Empire, who was not a Creature made by, or depending on him; unless the Kahyabei, or Lieutenant General of the Janizaries; Mortaza [Page 69] Pasha of Babylon, now called by the Turks Bagdat, and the Pasha of Magnatia; Men, whose bravery, and generous Justice, or else their Guards, or Fortune, had only seated beyond the reach and Sword of this Tyrant. This was then the State of the Turkish Affairs amongst themselves: As to Foreign, and Christian Princes; The Emperour, the King of England, the French King, and the States of Holland, had their Embassadours and Residents at the Ottoman Court, with whom as yet passed a fair and amicable correspondence, excepting with the French; whose Embassadour had then lately obtained his release from Imprisonment, to which he was confined contrary to the Law of Nations, and the Custom of the wisest, and most generous people of former Ages; and compelled to return into France; an Agent being there setled by the Merchants, to Negotiate their Affairs; the occasions and grounds whereof we have at large signified in another place: which unlawful treatment of a person sacred, none will much admire, who considers the humour of supream Ministers that judge themselves under no restraint or limits of Law; either Civil, or National. The Venetians notwithstanding the War, had two Ministers there resident; the Ecc mo Capello, Procurator of St. Mark, a right worthy and noble person; and Signior Ballarino, a person vigilant, and subtle, who omitted no opportunities to advance his own Fortunes, and with that the benefit of his Republick. The Emperours Resident, called Simon Renninghen, a person sincere, free, and open hearted, agreeable to the nature of the Germans; had for some Years, though with some difficulty, continued the Peace, or rather matters from breaking out into an open War; the Incursions on the Frontiers, and other accidents, always administring occasions of discontent, and complaints to both parties.
But that the series of this History may be continued with an even thread, and clear light to the Reader, we must cast back our Eyes to the Year 1657. when the Ambition of George Ragotzki, Prince of Transilvania, The History of Prince Ragotzki. began new troubles in his own Principality, and laid the Foundation of a future War between the Emperour and the Turks. For now Poland was so wearied with the incessant Wars of Moscovy (the inveterate Enemy of that Crown) with the frequent Rebellions of the Cossacks, and the invasion of the Swedes; whom the traiterous Vice-Chancellour, and his Adherents, had invited to the spoils of their own Country; that King Casimirus was reduced to the ultimate extremity of his Affairs; the publick Exchequer, and private Treasuries were exhausted, the Villages dispeopled, the Fields uncultivated, Traffick, and Commerce ceased; nothing but Wars, Robberies, and confusion filled the Diurnals with News, and the hearts of the Inhabitants with Sorrow and Calamities: wherefore Casimir King of Poland, vexed on all sides, and not knowing where or how to apply a remedy, dispatched his Great Chancellour Albertus Pravesmoski, in Quality of Embassadour, to demand assistance from Ragotzki, promising in recompence thereof, to adopt his Son to succeed him in that Kingdom. No Message could arrive more grateful to ambitious Ragotzki, who by so desired a proffer, seemed to arrive the Zenith of his Prosperity; which like the Land of Promise, being only shewed to his Father in a long Prospective, seemed now as it were, by Inheritance, to devolve upon his Son; in order unto which, many days of Treaty and Conferences were held between Ragotzki, and the Polish Ministers; but Ragotzki insisting on certain particulars, which were not in the Power [Page 70] of the King or his Commissioners to grant without the approbation of a Diet, the Treaty was dissolved, and Ragotski remained displeased, and angry; pretending himself to have been deluded and slighted, resolved to avenge the Affront, and by his Armes gain to himself the Crown of that Kingdom; so that raising a strong Army, and joining himself in a Confederate League with Sweden, he invaded Poland, wasting all the Frontiers with Fire and Sword. The Ottoman Port growing jealous of Ragotski joins with the Swedes against Poland. the successes of these Affairs, and not so much of the Advance of Ragotski, as of the growing greatness of the Swedes, with whom unwillingly they would be Borderers, issued an express Command, That without contradiction or delay, he should immediately give a stop to his March, and return with his Army into Transilvania. And though the Emperor of Germany, and the Krim Tartar declared their dislike of his proceedings, threatning to invade his Principality at home, unless he retracted himself, and desisted from this enterprize; yet Ragotski having his understanding blinded with Ambition, and the lust of Rule and Government, stopped his ears to the menaces of his Enemies, and the counsel of his Friends. This Ragotski enjoyed a State most happy, large, fertile, and populous, in Power inferiour to few, superiour to many; so that he might have passed peaceably and honourably with all, could his great spirit have bowed to, and complied with his Potent Neighbours. For on The difficulty of Ragotski's Affairs. the one side the Puissant power of the Turk threatned him, to whom the least Ombrages of displeasure administer occasion of War; On the side of Hungary the Emperour over-awed him; On the side of Valachia, and Moldavia he lay open to the incursion of the Tartars: So that a man might rationally expect, That this Prince should have esteemed it honour enough to have conserved his own without rendring himself obnoxious to the jealousie and suspicion of his Neighbours. But his great spirit was so enamoured of a Crown, and so bewitched with the hopes of obtaining it, that nothing seemed difficult or improbable to the acquisition of his longing desires, which were the occasion of all those calamities and miseries in Hungary, which afterwards ensued.
In contemplation of all which foreseen evils, his Cesarean Majesty sent a Message to the Ottoman Port, declaring against the temerity and audaciousness of Ragotski; who in the mean time subdued the Fort of Bristia, invaded with Fire and Sword the Province of Russia, plundered Podolia, and advanced as far as Camonitz, a Fortress strong by Art and Nature; and joining afterwards with the Swedes, assisted them in the subjection of Cracovia. About this time the Emperour Ferdinand the third began to send succours into Poland, and to protest against the proceedings of Ragotski, but being surprised by sickness, soon after passed to a better life; which for some time, giving a stop to the assistance of Poland, was interpreted by Ragotski, as a happy Omen of his good Fortune.
But how vain and deceitful are humane hopes, whose foundations are Ambition and Violence! For Leopold succeeding in the place of his Father to Hungary, and the Empire, immediately prosecuted the design in favour of Poland, and in the first place besieging Turone, one of the chief Cities of Prussia, taken by the Swedes, forced it to a Surrender. The King of Denmark also growing jealous of the encreasing greatness of the Swedes, nourished by antient grudges, and National Emulations, took up Armes in defence of Poland, and being at first, flush of money, [Page 71] gave constant pay and large donatives to mercenary Souldiers, which encreased his Army, drawing great numbers from the Swedish Colours; so that being stoutly recruited, he entered into the Enemies Countries, possessed himself of the important Fort of Olme in Norway; overthrew the Swedish Army at Vorgast, and obtained a victory over their Flect in the Baltick Sea. The Poles also themselves, who at first revolted from their Prince, and favoured the Swedish proceedings, perceiving the Wind change, and become contrary to that Party, began to abandon the interest they prosessed, and by degrees to return to the due obedience of their King. Zerneski also the General, and Lubomiski the Great Chancellour of Poland met the Swedish Forces near Cracovia, where giving them Battel, discomfited the whole Army, killed fourteen thousand upon the place, took all the Cannon and Baggage, and won that day a most signal Victory.
Ragotski perceiving the face of things thus changed, and being by Command of the Ottoman Port abandoned by his Moldavian and Walachian Forces, began to turn his face towards Transilvania, where now he wished himself and Army lodged in safety. But being overtaken by General Zerneski near the Mountains of Transilvania, he was, though unwillingly, engaged to fight, and was with that fury assaulted by the Polish Horse; that though according to his usual Bravery, he charged in Person at the head of his Troops: yet he was not able to withstand a violence so disadvantageous in number, but that his men being first put into disorder, then to a Retreat, and then to open flight, his whole Army Rigotski overthrown by the Swedes. was defeated, many of them perished by the Sword, others flying through the Woods and Mountains died with famine; and he himself obliged to buy a shameful Peace, engaging by Word and Oath to the payment of a great summ of Money, was permitted with a mean Retinue to return into his own Country. Nor did these misfortunes end here; but the Tartars commanded by the Turks, in revenge and chastisement of Ragotski's Enterprize without their consent, entered into his Principality with considerable Bodies of Horse, against whose sudden Invasion, an Army under the Conduct of his General Kemenius could not be so soon collected and disciplined, as to be able to resist that fury of Tartars, who at their pleasure, burned the Towns and Villages, and carried away multitudes of people of both Sexes, and all Ages for Captives into their own Country, amongst which some were of Quality and Condition. Amidst which troubles came Letters from the Ottoman Port, directed to the Nobles of Transilvania, declaring Ragotski a Rebel, and The Turks threaten Ragotski. commanding that according to the laws and priviledges of that Principality, they should proceed to the Election of a new Prince, and in case of refusal, all the ruines and calamities were threatned, which they might justly expect in punishment of their disobedience from a severe and angry Emperour.
Ragotski being well informed what was designing against him at the Ottoman Port; and knowing that his power was not able to oppose so much puissance, resolved to give way to necessity, and voluntarily depose himself, before he should be engaged thereunto by the Imperial He deposes himself. Decree; so that he calmly receded from his Principality, hoping that his humility and submission might procure his pardon at the Court. The Nobility of Transilvania being as well desirous to evidence their affection to their old Prince, as their obedience to the Grand Signior, did immediately [Page 72] appoint a day for Election, but with Proviso, that a general Petition should be made in behalf of Ragotski, that he might be again restored unto ancient Grace and Favour with the Port, who in the mean time swore to live peaceably in a quiet and private condition, without making disturbance, or innovation in the Government, and that when this Grace should accordingly be obtained, then that the new Prince should recede, and suffer things to return to their former and pristine Estate. For which purpose there was choice made of one Francis Redeius, Redeius made Prince of Transilvania. a Person of a peaceable and gentle temper, who would easily condescend to the terms agreed, and as willingly resign up his Government again, as he unwillingly received it. But though Ragotski had renounced, promised, swore, and in appearance seemed to recede from his Government, and surrender all at the irresistible Decree of a superiour power; yet his high Spirit, and working Brain could not dislodge that Ambition of his heart, which at first privately countermined and enervated the Power of the new elected Prince: but afterwards his towering thoughts swelled too big to be suppressed under the cover of dissimulation, yielded just reason to the Ottoman Port to suspect his designs; who not being ignorant of what was past, dispatched Orders to the Pasha of Buda to demand the strong Fort of Janoua for caution and security of the good Behaviour of the Transilvanians.
Ragotzki feeing himself thus discovered, unmasked himself openly, and Ragotzki again declares himself Prince. threw away his Vizard, and with a vigourous force and courage reassumed the Rights and Standard of his Principality, forcing Redeius not only to relinquish his Power, but to swear never again to usurp it, though enforced upon him by the Authority of the Turks.
These extravagances so exasperated the minds of the Turks, that whereas before they began to entertain tender thoughts towards Transilvania, they now meditated its entire Ruine and Conquest; and so laying aside Arguments and Treaties, they made Levies of Horse and Foot both in Europe and Asia. Ragotski foreseeing how unable he was to resist a Force so unequal as the puissance of the Ottoman Empire, without the succour of Foreign Force, resolved, like the Prodigal Son, to throw himself into the compassionate Arms of the Emperour, as his Father, earnestly supplicating, That whereas before, his disorderly and disobedient Life had rather merited punishment than favour; yet in this Cause, wherein the interest of Christendome was concerned, he would compassionate the common Good of the Christian Church, rather than chastise his particular misdemeanours. With this message Michel Misces, his Chancellour, being dispatched, was graciously received by the Emperour, and readily assured of powerful aid and protection.
Ragotski elevated with this courteous Treatment and promises had his whole mind enflamed with hopes and desire of revenge; so that assembling such Forces as he could, he entered boldly into the Field against the Pasha of Buda, who with a considerable Army, was ordered to march before, and enter the Confines of Transilvania, and there unite with the Pasha of Temiswar.
In the Transaction of all these passages, July was well entered, when 1658 both Armies met in open Field; and though the Forces of the Transilvanians were much inferior to those of the Turk, yet Ragotzki full of his wonted Courage and heat, so vigorously assailed the Enemy, that he quickly broke and disordered their Ranks, put them to flight, and killed [Page 73] three thousand upon the place. But little did this advantage benesit poor Transilvania, for the Great Vizier soon after following with the gross of his Army, consisting of little less than an 100. thousand men, provided accordingly with Artillery, and all other Military Ammunition; seconded by the Tartars, and assisted by the Moldavians and Valachians, and a Rout of other barbarous Nations; laid Siege to the strong Fortrefs of Janoua; The Vizier besieges [...]. of which and of several others, in a short time he rendered himself Master, laying waste and desolate, all the Countries round with Fire and Sword. The Nobles of Transilvania sensible of these imminent and approaching mischiefs, dispeeded three persons of considerable Quality amongst them, in an Embassy to the Vizier; viz. Francis Daniel, John Lues, and Acatius Berclay, who greatly laboured by their Oratory to perswade the Vizier, that they were in no wise consenting to the disobedience of their Prince, but did always readily submit to the Ottoman servitude; imploring his Clemency and Commiseration of their distressed and ruined State. The Vizier inclining his Ear to their Petition, stopped the progress of his Arms, but increased their Tribute to such an excessive rate, that the burden of it became insupportable; and appointed Berclay, one Berclay made Prince of Transilvania. of the Embassadours to be Prince; taking thereby from the People, the free priviledge of Election; Commanding them to accept him without farther dispute, or repugnancy. It is uncertain whether Berclay designed the Principality to himself by any instance he made to the Turks, or whether his Election proceeded meerly from the Vizier himself; yet this is certain, that returning home Berclay applyed himself to establish his own Dominion, and to disappoint the designs of his Predecessour, and his party.
The Turks being satisfyed with this submission, with the subjection of several places of importance, with deposing of Ragotzki, and establishment of a new Prince, began to disband a great part of their Forces; and the Great Vizier, with the remainder, returned towards Constantinople; supposing the fire of this War to be totally extinguished.
In this condition of repose, matters continued for about the space of two Years; when Ragotzki impatient of his losses, and of the exchange of his publick State to a private condition, inveterate in his hate towards his Rival and Competitor, resolved to tempt fortune once more, and make his ultimate Assay, either to establish himself in his Principality, or at least to render himself equal with other mortal Princes in the Grave; and so relying with much confidence on the zealous affection of his Subjects, and the promise of powerful Adherents, he once again justled himself Ragotzki makes new Troubles. into the Government, by the expulsion of his Rival; whom he could not behold with other than with an emulous and unpleasing eye. Berclay perceiving himself thus ensnared, neglected, and persecuted by all parties, represented these innovations to the Ottoman Port, with the most aggravating circumstances imaginable; beseeching them to afford him aid, and vindicate their own honour in maintenance of him, whom they had constituted a Prince, and was a Creature formed by their own favour. The Turks immediately touched with the sense hereof, Issued out Orders to Ciddi Ahmet, the new Pasha of Buda; Commanding him without delay, to gather what Forces he could to interrupt the designs of Transilvania; and to put matters unto a stand, until a greater Army could fecond him, under the Command of Ali Pasha, appointed General for this Expedition. The Pasha of Buda readily obeyed, and assembling what [Page 74] Forces he could in Hungary, and joining with the Pasha of Temiswar, passed the Danube, and with a very considerable Army entered Transilvania. Ragotzki undaunted at the near approach of his Enemy, boldly entered the Field with his Forces, and joined Battel with them in the Month of May, 1660. between the Cities of Clansemburg, and Giulia Alba. At first the Christians endeavoured to have intercepted the Enemies passage, by some Ambuscado, or stratagem of War; but the Turks still advancing, were at length met by the Van-Guard of the Christians; to assistance of which several Bodies following one after the other, it became a general Engagement of both Armies: in which Battel, Ragotzki gave his usual proofs of valour; declaring by his actions, that he was resolved to die, or. to Triumph. But being at length wounded in four parts of his Body, and his Army over-powered with numbers, he was forced to yield the Fortune of the Day to the Turks; leaving 8. pieces of Cannon, and his Standard in their hands; and the greatest part of his Army being either killed or taken; he himself with a few of his Attendants, recovered Varadin; where after 18. Days distemper of his Wounds, he expired his The Death of Ragotzki. unquiet and troubled Soul. This was the end of that vain Icarus, who attempted to fly with feigned Wings and borrowed Feathers; this is the fate of ambitious Spirits, whom Pride elevates and exhales like a vapour, unto that height, until it dissolves them into Showers, or precipitates them into the abysse of all Confusion. This George Ragotzki was of a His Character. tall and well proportioned Stature, black Hair, and a frisled Beard; his Eyes quick and lively, of an active Body, and healthy Constitution; his Spirit was high and great, which betrayed him to extravagancies; his Comportment was generous and courteous towards all, which rendered him exceedingly beloved and esteemed by his Nobility; he was free in his Speech, and eloquent in his Expressions, prudent in his Counsels and Enterprizes; had not the quickness and vivacity of his Soul made him something rash and violent in his Attempts; he was of the Protestant Religion, leaving behind him a Widow, and a Son of hopeful and happy endowments.
After the Death of Ragotzki, it might well be expected that these storms of War should be dispersed, and that Transilvania should at length enjoy the Sun-shine, and calmer Weather of Peace and Repose. But Ali Pasha, General of the Turkish Camp, being by this time arrived the Confines with his powerful Army, resolved not to return empty or in vain, without advantaging the Ottoman Interest, and making some satisfaction towards the expence and trouble of so great an Army. Wherefore taking pretence against Varadin, for receiving Ragotzki after his Defeat, abetting his party, and following his Interest, designed to summon that important Fortress to surrender, which is situated at the foot of those Mountains which open a passage into Transilvania.
The Inhabitants of Varadin terrified at the approach of this formidable The people of Varadin crave aid of the Emperour. enemy, dispatched a Messenger to the Emperour, imploring with most effectual Arguments his Sacred Protection and powerful Assistance against the Common Enemy to Christendome, representing to his Cesarean Majesty, how that the Turks in their Capitulations with him, had agreed to build or erect no new Fort on those Frontiers: and whereas it was the same thing to force and usurp a Fortress already made, as to form a new one; the taking of Varadin was to be esteemed a real violation of the Articles of Peace. That his Majesty would be pleased to reflect on [Page 75] the fatal consequences which the loss of Varadin might prove to Hungary as well as Transilvania; being that Gate, which obstructed, cuts off all intercourse between them and Germany. These considerations with several others, were exceeding prevalent in the Imperial Council; so that it was resolved, that General Souches should prepare his Army, and put all things in readiness to afford the assistance which was desired; supposing that with the German Regiments, and Hungarian Forces, might be formed an Army of about 25. thousand fighting men. But in regard in those instructions given to Souches, there was a Clause, that he should be careful not to engage his Forces in any attempt, where the event might be doubtful, he assembled the principal persons of that Country, and the Militia, to consult whether succour and relief might be given to Varadin, without hazarding the Army in a doubtful and a dangerous adventure: in consideration of which point, a true computation being made of all the Imperial Forces, they were found much inferiour to that calculate which was made of them at Vienna; For that since Tockai, Zatmar, Kalo, and other places belonging to the State of Ragotzki, had been Garisoned by German Souldiers, there remained not of them above 4000. effective Men; the Hungarian Forces which were supposed to have consisted of 2000. Men, could not form 600.; the Haiduchs which were computed to be 6000. Men, did not appear in the person of one; being all dispersed and retired to their own homes. The additional Forces from the Princes of the Empire were as uncertain, as the expectation of them long and tedious; The difficulty of making war with the Turk. for though the Imperial Forces united are of puissance sufficient to bid Battel, and defiance to the numerous Troops of the Ottoman Power; yet in regard the union of that Body depends on the Assembly of Diets, Treaties, and long Debates, which are subject to time and delays, caused by different Factions, (which are impossible to be avoided amongst different States) whose Disunions, Competitions, Emulations, and Pretences, always in such meetings abound, and prejudice the common cause and benefit of the Empire; the raising of such a formidable Army, becomes a matter always of time and difficulty. Howsoever the Emperour whose Hereditary and Elective Possessions bordering on the Consines of the Enemy, is necessarily engaged to be the standing Bulwark of the rest, and a Bank against the inundation of barbarous Nations; whilst other Princes whose Dominions are more remote and secure, apprehend not the premures and storms that the Emperour sustains, and is enforced to expel with the loss and diminution of his own people, and impoverishment of his peculiar Treasure: To these considerations, which rendered these pious intentions towards Varadin almost impossible; there wanted Money, which is the Sinews of War, and the Soul of all Enterprizes: And that which farther retarded those succours and prosecution of the design in hand, was the departure of his Cesarean Majesty from his Court at Vienna, on occasion of a Progress as far as Trieste, to take Homage of his Provinces of Stiria, Carinthia, and Cragno; which was an action much against the Counsel and advice of the Arch-Duke Leopold his Uncle; who foresaw how great disorders would ensue by the Emperours absence in this Conjuncture from his Imperial Court. Upon which considerations, Count Souches sent a true List of all his Forces, with an account of the strength of his Enemy; remonstrating that it was impossible to convey Forces into Varadin, without hazarding a Battel with Ali Pasha, which would prove an absolute breach of the Peace; which in this Conjuncture, and [Page 76] want of preparation, was neither honourable, nor safe for the Empire.
In the mean time Ali Pasha proceeded and encamped with his Army before Varadin, breaking first ground the 4th of July, 1660. and beginning a Formal Siege, he soon begirt the Town, and continually labouring Varadin besieged. in making Trenches, Batteries, and Approaches, they arrived in a few days to the Counterscarp of the Wall. But the better to describe the Siege and Assaults on this famous City, it will be necessary first to explain the Condition and Scituation of the place.
Varadin therefore is seated in a Plain, on the Banks of the River Chrysé; To the East it is environed with such craggy, and rough Mountains, as render it almost on that side unaccessible; To the South the Town extended it self most; To the North it is washed with the River, over which some small, yet fruitful, Hills raise themselves; it is encompassed with a Wall filled with Earth, after the fashion of Modern Fortifications, and strengthened with five main Bulwarks, and a very deep Ditch filled with the River Water: it was well provided both of Victuals and Ammunition, and armed with Ordnance both great and small, as was sufficient to have repulsed a puissant Enemy, and have sustained a long and strait Siege. But the Garison within consisted only of eight hundred and fifty Souldiers, an inconsiderable number, both in respect of the Circuit of the Fortress, and of that gross Army which emcompassed it.
The Enemy being now, as it is said before, under the Counterscarp of the Wall, they perceived that the Ditch was so deep, and filled with Water, that though their great Guns had made open Breaches in the Walls, yet there was no possibility to storm them, or bring the Souldiery to sealing Ladders, or handy blows. The besieged also made such continued Sallies, with success and slaughter of the Enemy, that after three and twenty days of vain labour to few the Ditch, Ali Pasha was at length almost resolved to have raised his Siege, and given over the Two ill accidents to the Garison. Enterprize; upon which whilst he considered and ruminated (as ill Fortune would have it) a certain Maid, which formerly had been a servant to the Governour of the Garison, then a Captive in the Turkish Camp, having observed how on occasion the Citizens used to empty and drain the Ditch, revealed the secret to the Turks, hoping thereby not only to purchase her Liberty, but with that also a Sum of Money for price of her treachery; so that discovering where another Ditch was to be opened, the course of the Water was soon diverted, and the Walls of the Town laid dry and open to the Assailants. As this happened without, so another accident within, equally dangerous, befel the Besieged; for one day an Officer of the Ammunition going into the Stores with a lighted Candle, by chance dropped a spark of fire from his Lanthorn into the Powder, which taking fire, blew up the Powder, Granadoes, Fire-works, and all other military Stores, with the neighbouring houses, and above a hundred men; which loss alone was sufficient to have dejected the minds of frail men; yet they so valiantly bore up their courages, that they seemed not in the least abated, but rather animated with the height of anger and despair. The Turks having now free Access to the Walls, undermined some small Forts, which they blew up, and thereby made so great a Breach that with facility hoping to gain the Town, if they made use of the occasion, they poured in such multitudes of people [Page 77] as the Besieged were scarce able to withstand; and the Turkish Souldiery being also weary of their sufferings, and irksomness of their tedious leagure, resolved now or never to put an end to their labours; so that advancing with their open Breasts to the top of the Battlements, without fear either of Cannon, or Musket shot, they entered within the Walls, and planted the Turkish Banners on the Works; but being afterwards received by a resolute Company of the Defendants, they were again thrown from the Walls, and tumbled back into the Ditch with an incredible Slaughter. It is impossible here to describe the anger, the courage, the despair which was apparent in the faces of the Besieged, enflamed by the love of their own Country, and hatred of the Turks; so that three or four sustained sometimes the Assault of a Troop, and a small number united opposed a whole Sangiack of the Enemy. The Women also forgetting the imbecillity of their Sex, renewing in themselves the Courage and Vigour of the Ancient Amazons, exposed themselves without fear upon the Walls, throwing sealding Water, Stones, burning Pitch, and whatsoever came next to hand, upon the Assailants; whom they so valiantly repulsed from the rising of the Sun till twelve at Noon, that after much slaughter on both sides, the Turks growing faint, retreated, and took breath a while within their Trenches. And now the Souldiery considering the Obstinacy of the Christians, began to mutinie, and resolving not to cast away their lives in vain, motioned to raise the Siege, and be gone; which when the General opposed, they threatned to sacrifice his Life to the Ghosts of their departed Brethren. But see, how many times the Devil ruines the fortune of the Christians! for whilst they were in this deliberation to depart, behold, a certain Thracian one of the Garison Souldiers advised the Turks that there were not above three hundred sound men remaining in the A Thracian betrays the [...] of the Town. whole Garison, that [...] were now reduced to their ultimate Crisis; so that if they appeared only before them, and would but terrifie them with another Assault the Town was their own, without the least doubt of Surrender. This Advice retarded the hasty departure of the Camp; instead of which they again mustered themselves before the Walls, and prepared to assault the Breach, resolving to put all to a second extremity. The Christians within perceiving the resolution of their Enemy, and being sensible how much they were infeebled by the last Convulsion, and loss of blood, and as yet sore of their Wounds, immediately spread a white Flag of Treaty, which was as readily accepted by the Turks, and Varadin surrendred. all Articles agreed on the 17th. of August, and on the 20th. the Garison marched freely out with Colours flying, and Drums beating, with liberty to go wheresoever they pleased without hurt or injury; which Conditions were fully and faithfully performed and maintained.
Varadin being thus yielded, afforded matter of discourse, of discontent, of fear, and apprehensions at Vienna; some argued, That is was but common Vienna troubled for the loss of Varadin. and natural reason, when our Neighbours house is on fire to look to our own; Others blamed the slow and phlegmatick proceedings of the German Ministers, who in such urgent emergencies as these, could sit as unconcerned, as Spectators at a Theatre, who regard nothing, which way the prize is carried; And in short, the whole Christian World stood Admirers of this sottishness, esteeming either those Borderers astonished and struck into a stupid timidity, or moved by principles of Policy, which none besides themselves either understood, or penetrated. Only Count Nicholas [Page 78] Serini, a Prince who had a fair and Soveraign Inheritance in those Parts, Commander of Croatia, and the Confines under his Cesarean Majesty, a most mortal and inveterate Enemy of the Turks, could not endure Count Serini designs against the Turks, their insults, bravadoes and daily encroachments, but watching his occasion of advantage, when Canisia was almost destroyed by a dreadful fire, and thereby their Ammunion, and Provision for the most part consumed, he gathered what Forces he could possible, and made use of the opportunity to lay Siege unto it, not doubting but in that Conjuncture, and miserable Calamity of all things, to promote the interest of his Master, and the common cause of Christendom; which as soon as he had done, he wrote a Letter to the Emperour, acquainting him that God had opened him a Gate and Path to his Interest, and to a just revenge of the Ottoman perfidiousness; Who having violated their Faith, and the mutual Peace in taking Varadin, would be justly and gloriously recompensed by the loss of Canisia; which being now, as it were by miracle, put into his hands, it were a neglect of the Divine Providence not to improve with advantage an opportunity so cheerful and so promising: to which, besides other arguments, he added, That if his Cesarean Majesty should not think fit to concurr herein with assistance of his Imperial States, yet at least he would be pleased not to interdict him from the Glory of that design, in which he questioned not but to succeed, and in a short time to render not only to his Majesty, but also to the whole Christian World, proofs of his Valour, and a good account of his Enterprize. Howsoever, the Emperour's Council seriously considering that Serini's State could not be engaged with the Turk without involving his Interest; and that the Princes of the Empire, though when assaulted, would willingly contribute their Forces in the defensive part, yet would —is forbidden by the Emperour. be backward to be the Aggressors, and engage their States in an offensive and provoking War, did therefore not only deny to second, or abett his designs with military succours, but positively commanded him to retire, and desist from his resolution against Canisia; with which Answer, the Zeal and Spirit of Serini was so enflamed, that throwing in passion his Cemiter on the Ground, he raised his wellformed Siege, and retired to his proper Residence at Chiacaturno.
The loss also of Varadin moved the Transilvanians to consult their safety in this extremity of their Affairs, which now amidst these dangers and storms which threatned them, appeared in a desperate and languishing The Transilvanians consult their safety. Condition, unless remedied by a desperate Cure, and the resolves of some wise and valiant Counsel. Wherefore in the first place, they concluded to depose Acatius Barclay, the Favourite of the Turks; and in his stead they constituted John Chiminianus, or Kemenius, the late General of Ragotzki's Army. In the next place, they made their Addresses and Applications to the Emperour for assistance, supplicating, as Ragotzki, They beg assistance of the Emperour. and those of Varadin had done before, the powerful protection, and sacred Patronage of the Imperial Eagles, alledging those Arguments of common safety, and mutual interest, which apparent reason suggested, and which were the present Subject and Theme of all the Courts in Christendome. To this Demand the Emperour assented, promising readily his assistance, but with Proviso, that for his security, the Cities of Zechelhid, Chowar, Julia, and other places should receive Garisons of German Souldiers. The Transilvanians willingly accepted the propositions, so that soon after those places were supplied with German [Page 79] Garisons. But as yet no effectual Forces came from the Emperour, nay rather the German Councils seemed willing to perswade the Turks that there was no design, but to maintain the ancient, friendly and amicable Correspondence; to which end it is said confidently, that the Prince Gonzaga wrote to the Pasha of Buda, That those Garisons sent to possess certain places of Transilvania were only in appearance, and not to Prince Gonzaga's Letter to the Pasha of Buda. create Dissentions between the Austrian Court, and the Ottoman Prince; which Letters Ali Pasha sent to the Transilvanians, with design, that discovering unto them an evident reason to distrust the Emperour, they should wholly resign themselves to the good will and disposition of the Port. But notwithstanding, these verbal assurances prevailed not so much with the Turks on one side, as the German Garisons administred jealousie on the other; So that the Vizier raged furiously against the Emperour, for encouraging Kemenius, who had treacherously murdered his two innocent Brothers in his Rebellion against Barclay, the only, true and lawful Possessour. Nor did the Turks only vent their anger and disdain in words, but also by the sad and calamitous effects of War; passing without farther parly into the Emperours Dominions in Hungary, Count Serini builds a Fortress on the Turks Dominions. where they put all to fire and sword. Count Serini perceiving evidently hereby that the War was broken forth, and that it was not longer time to stand at a gaze, and not make necessary Provisions for defence; about the beginning of June, he laid the foundations of a Fortress on the Banks of the River Muer, within the Dominions of the Turks, about a League distant from Canisia, and in memory of his Family and Name, called it Serinsivar, a place convenient to assault, and offend the Enemy, and to fix the Bulwark, or Redoubt of the Province of Stiria, which work was laid with that secresy, and executed with such expedition, that it was almost sinished before it was known, or notice taken thereof by the Turks; but so soon as it was discovered, and the News arrived at Constantinople, the old Vizier Kuperlee stormed with rage, and in his height of passion, signed a Command for strangling the Pasha of Canisia, for not timely preventing the Erection of that Fort in its beginning. In like manner this work was an occasion of disgust at Vienna; for though the Turks were the first who had broken the Peace, and given just cause to the Christians to provide all cautions imaginable for their safety; Yet I know not why, nor wherefore, there wanted not certain persons in the Court either emulous of Serini's Glory, or zealous of the Emperours Interest, who interpreted the activeness, and forward heat of this Count to be like fire to enflame the Fuel of Controversie between the two Empires; yet certainly we cannot but meritoriously The iust commendation of Count Serini. applaud the Heroick Spirit of this Prince, who was provident of his Countries safety, watchful of the Enemies Motion, soon touched with the sense of the Mahometan infidelity, and in fine, a zealous Champion of the Christian Cause. But now, with what Salve or Balsome soever the Italian, or Spanish Chirurgions of Politick Government, imagined to obduct a callous over the smarts or wounds of these differing States; the Breaches grew every day too wide to be drawn up, or cemented by The [...] sends Forces to Transilvania. artisicial compliances, or verbal lenitives; for now the succours promised by the Emperour were arrived in Transilvania, under the Command of Count Monteouculi, and joining with the Forces of Kemenius, formed such a numerous, and well composed Army, as was judged not only sufsicient to contend for the interest of the Christian Cause, but also for the [Page 80] entire decision of the Worlds Dominion; So that both Generals with an unanimous consent, confident of Victory, agreed, not to expect the approach of Ali Pasha, but boldly to meet and provoke him to Battel.
Ali the Turkish General perceiving the strength and resolution of the Christians, thought it prudence for a while to detract from Engagement, and temper the usual mettle of the Ottoman fury with cooler Counsels of advantage, which delays and opportunities of time would administer: for observing that the Transilvanians were divided into Factions, he humoured the dissenting party, by constituting Michael Apafi their Prince; The Turks Policy. a person in the flower and strength of his Age, of great parts and abilities; and one who violently affected the Principality, having but lately purchased his freedom from slavery. In this manner Apasi passing from his Prison and Chains, to the glory and trouble of a Throne; poor Transilvania remained divided, and taking Armes against her self, went daily working and contriving her own ruine. This hath always been the Master-piece of the Turkish Policy, and this disunion amongst Christians hath availed the Ottoman Interest more than their Swords, and confirmed their obstinacy in Religion with a Miracle, as if the division of Christian Princes (which in late Ages have frustrated the holy designs against this common Enemy) had been an effect of their Prayers, and a Concession of Divine Providence to their daily Petitions. So now the Transilvanians being divided, great numbers of them revolted from Kemenius to Apasi, which not only weakened, but discouraged the Christian Army Kemenius routed. with fear and confusion; amidst of which, Ali Pasha took his time to Assault them, not far from Claudiopolis; and being assisted by the advantagious conjuncture of the present opportunity, so wholly discomfited them, that he killed and took 50000. persons, which was the Issue of the present union, and the exclusion of Kemenius, who was now forced to abandon Transilvania, and seek his refuge in Hungary.
Howsoever Kemenius could not here rest satisfied, but revolving in his mind certain ways to recover his Principality, obtained from Montecuculi some German Troops; with which, and with his own scattered Forces, which at length he had collected into a Body; he resolved to try his Fortune once more with the Turks, and joining Battel with them, not far from Presburg, he fought with a resolution becoming the desperateness of his design; either that day to Die, or to Triumph. The Fortune of that days conflict remained a long time doubtful; so equal they seemed on both sides to be in their Courage, in their Force, and in their Conduct, until at length the advantage of the Turks number prevailing, Kemenius Kemenius a second time put to flight. was forced to a disorderly retreat, and afterwards to a confused flight; in which, being by one of his own Souldiers knocked from his Horse, was trampled under foot, and the greatest part of his people remained a Sacrifice to the enraged Weapons of the Turks.
Apasi's party being greatly encouraged with this success, joining with a Body of the Turks, laid Siege to Claudiopolis, the Court of the Transilvanian Claudiopolis besieged. Princes, now Garisoned by German Souldiers, and Governed by David Retani, a right valiant and trusty Souldier, who omitting nothing which might conduce to the defence and maintenance of the Town, either by his care or valour, made many successful Sallies upon the Enemy, and tired and wearied them out in their Siege; until at length General Schenidau then in Hungary, gathering what force he could, which were not above 6000. Men, marched with all haste possible to the relief of Claudiopolis; [Page 81] the report of whose approach arriving the Turkish Camp before his person, or Army, and the common rumour and fear augmenting much their number; the Turks were so terrifyed hereat, that in haste and disorder they forsook their Siege after three Months continuance; leaving great quantities of Victuals behind for want of Carriages, and Beasts of burden. Schenidau having gained this success and honour with so much The Siege raised. facility, he reinforced the Garison, and returned with Triumph home; carrying with him great Booties of Cattle and other spoils of the Enemy. The defence of this place was accounted almost miraculous; for besides that the Fortifications were after the antient model, it was unprovided of Cannon and other warlike Ammunition; and therefore we are not to pass by the Governour Retani without due Commendations; whose valiant and generous spirit, with courage equal to his diligence, knew how to fortify and to defend his Walls: For out of the Town Bells he founded his Artillery; he daily wearied the Enemy with Sallies, surprised one of their Batteries, which most annoyed the City; composed the Mutinies of the Citizens within; and in short, against the opinion of all, he defended and maintained it in the possession and right [...] the Emperour.
Claudiopolis being thus relieved, the Turks stomached inwardly the disgrace, and yet thought it prudence for the present to dissemble; and therefore upon some addresses made for Peace from Transilvania, and certain Propositions tendered by the German Resident; the Vizier counterfeited his inclinations thereunto so far, that he prohibited all farther Acts of Hostility upon the Frontiers.
Notwithstanding which, the rumour at this time running, of a Combination of all Christendom against the Turk, with Men or Money, forwarded by the endeavours of the Pope, and the contrivances of Venice encreased the former jealousy, and caused the Skirmishes on the Frontiers to be more hot and frequent: and the Vizier being froward and cholerick, The Turks jealousy. and by nature jealous; matters had immediately proceeded to an open rupture, had not the German Resident, by his Moderation and Prudence, represented affairs in the smoothest guise of Peace, and delayed the War rather than composed it; so that this whole Summer was spent in disputes, messages, and debates on both sides.
The Vizier designing this War in his Eye, and desirous to comply with the vagrant humour of his Master, who was weary of his Seraglio at Constantinople, resolved to transfer the Turkish Court to Adrianople, so that The Turkish Court removes to Adrianople. toward the end of June they entered their Tents without the City. But before they could dispose their affairs for to depart, the Plague which is the Epidemical Disease of this Country, and the common distemper of the Summer Season began to break forth and diffuse it self through all parts of the City; that in a short time the Keyes of many Houses were brought to the Grand Signior for want of Pretenders and Heirs surviving to possess them: in greater Houses of Pasha's and others, where have been a hundred and fifty persons, scarce five have remained alive for burial of the others; what the fury of that mortality might be, was best conjectured A great Plague at Constantinople. by the daily account was kept of the Corps carried out of the City, by the Gate only of Adrianople, which for some Weeks amounted (I speak moderately) to twelve or thirteen hundred a Day; It being observed amongst the Turks, when above a thousand in a Day are carried forth Dead by that Gate, that then Prayers are to be made to Almighty God [Page 82] to withdraw that heavy judgment. At which time the Greek and Armenian Patriarchs are likewise desired to offer up their Devotions, and intercede with God for mitigation of the Pestilence; and the same day in a Field called Okmaidan, do all assemble, though divided apart, to pray against the common Calamity, it not seeming vain to them, that every one should call upon his God. Nor did the Plague rage only in the City, but the Ships and Turks Saykes were infected in parts remote on the Black Sea, and the Propontis, so that above a hundred Sail were reported to be lodged at several Ports for want of Seamen to navigate them home. The Camp also where the Grand Signior, and Vizier remained, was not exempted from this common Contagion, for the necessary intercourse between that and the City communicated the evil equal unto both, strowing the ways with dead Bodies, in that manner as represented a passage conducting to a Coemetery, or Charnel house, rather than to a Martial Camp or Court of a Great Emperour. This mortality hastned the Grand Signior with his Army and Attendances into a better Air, the Vizier was to follow a few days after, but before his departure he setled and constituted his Son Chimacam, or Governour of Constantinople. Things in this confusion and haste not being well provided for, the Grand Signiors reception at Adrianople caused him to prolong his Journey by taking a compass round by the Castles at the mouth of the Hellespont, and from thence went to Dimotochum, where having lingered out eight or ten days more, he made a solemn entrance into Adrianople, which will for some years following be discoursed in this History as the Seat of the Ottoman Empire.
It was now towards the Winter, when this Vizier Kuperlee, finding Kuperlee sends for his Son. himself mature with Age, and ready to fall like Autumn Fruit, sent for his Son from Constantinople to bear a share with him in the Burden of the Empire. This he did with the consent of the Grand Signior, for he alledged, that being now feeble and decayed, he could not make his personal Addresses as formerly, nor attend at the Court to render his Majesty an account of his Affairs; and therefore had need of so trusty a Messenger as his Son, to carry his advices and directions, and faithfully to communicate what he should encharge to his Relation; all others being on some consideration or other suspected, and at least Enemies to him, or to the Grand Signior. The Sultan accepting the proposition and the Person, had often occasions of discourse and familiarity with the Son, called Ahmet, who deported himself with that faith and prudence in the management of all his Affairs, that the old Vizier had no great difficulty to procure a Grant of succession for him in that Office: For though there were many obstacles therein, as the abhorrency of the Turkish Policy from all hereditary succession in places of trust; and the Youth of his Person not exceeding 32 years of Age, and some emulous, powerful, and ancient Competitors, who hated the Father; Yet the old Fox had so ingratiated himself with his Master, for (to speak truly) he had been the only instrument that had preserved him and his Empire Procures the Succession for his Son. from falling into as many Divisions as there are Pashalicks, or Governments, that the Grand Signior gave credit to him as to an infallible Oracle, assuring him that before any other, who might either pretend merit, Age, or Precedency, his Son should be preferred to the Succession. The old man acknowledged the favour with all humility and thankfulness, declaring, that he had now served his Majesty faithfully for the [Page 83] space of five years, a longer proportion than commonly Viziers had managed that Office, in such tempestuous and distracted times, who either for their own offences, or want of Providence, or good Conduct have made shipwrack of their own lives, and the Charge they piloted: But he had lived in the worst of times, when the spirits of men with discontent were enflamed round about him, and threatned the ruine of their Prince and Empire; and yet had reduced things to composure, and to the obedience of the Ottoman Yoke, that now he that was the Sultan might incline his head to rest with security, and enjoy his pastimes and pleasures, without being interrupted by those Conspiracies, which destroyed his Father, and endangered him in his years of Infancy. And because the continuance of his Security and Glory depended on the execution of certain Maximes, which he had framed to himself, he was chalking out to his Son such undoubted Rules and Doctrines of Government, as would certainly tend to the glory and prosperity of the Empire, being abundantly satisfied that his Son was faithful, prudent, and active. But three things he particularly recommended to his Majesty.
- 1. Never to give Ear to the Counsels and Advices of Women.
Rules given to the Grand Signior.
- 2. To amass what Treasure he could possible into his Coffers, though with Oppression, and impoverishment of his people.
- 3. To be continually on horse-back, and keep his Armies in constant Action.
On the 19 th of October Kuperlee having ended his days, whose Disease Kuperlee dies, was Old Age, and a Gangrene in his Legs, his Son by Hattesheriff, or the Grand Signior's Patent under his hand, taking the Seal was constituted Vizier in the place of his Father, to the admiration and disappointment of the graver Seniors, who were discontented, not only to perceive themselves neglected, but that person also to supplant them, who was judged uncapable of the office, according to the Canon, and ancient Precedents of this Government.
The Body of Kuperlee was transported to Constantinople, where in his life time he had erected a very stately and magnificent Structure, as his Monument over the Grave, or Vault, where he designed to be interred. In his life time he had filled it with Corn, which daily was distributed to the poor, and being emptied after his death, received his Corps, over which a small Mosch was endowed with Oyl for Lamps, and maintenance of certain Talismans and Softaes, to make Prayers and Offerings for his Soul.
The Father being thus interred, Ahmet his Son began to contrive his own establishment, and to settle his Greatness on the foundation of his Fathers Rules of Policy, from whom not to degenerate in cruelty of Nature, or leave his Legacies unpaid to those he had proscribed, he in Pasha of Magnatia cut off. the first place sacrificed the Blood of the Pasha of Magnatia to his Fathers Ghost, with some other petty attendances; so that the World perceived that they had changed the Vizier, but not his tyranny, or at least the same spirit of the Father seemed to be renewed, and transmitted again into the Person of the Son. But more difficult it was to obtain the like success against Mortaza, the Pasha of Babylon, and the Kayah-begh, or Lieutenant General of the Janisaries, who were long before (as we have said) marked out for destruction by his Father. For the first was the most powerful Pasha of all Asia, vigilant, and active, and had done and merited great rewards from his Master, and particularly in [Page 84] decoying, and cutting off the head of the Grand Rebel Asan Pasha, who dared the Sultan at the Gates of his Seraglio; but understanding the ill will of the house of Kuperlee against him, stood always on his Guard, lodging without the Walls of the City, and under the protection of his Armes and Souldiers, who were greatly affected to the generosity of his Person; so that, though many attempts were made upon him, and that Officers, or Executioners came from the Court, openly tendring from the Sultan the Present of a Sword, and Vest of Sables, the usual Signals of the Ottoman Grace, but privately bringing a Bowstring, or a Halter; yet they were all entertained at a distance, and returned again with the same dissimulation they had used in their feigned Addresses. In like manner the Kayah-begh, an ancient, prudent, and experienced Commander, beloved by the Souldiery, and secured by the Priviledge of his Office, (for a Kayah-begh cannot be cut off during his Command, without infringement of the honour and order of the Janisaries) preserved still his Station, and Command in despight of the Viziers hate and endeavours. But what could not be done by mere vertue of the Absolute Power, was effected under the appearance of honour and favour of the Sultan, who by his Royal Commission, having made him Pasha of Damascus, he was at the same instant deprived of his Solyman Pasha in disgrace. Military Power and Priviledge, and lay now naked and exposed to the Arbitrary Pleasure, and will of his Adversary. Nor could his prayers or tears incline the Grand Signiors mind to reverse his Order, who, together with the Vizier, rather inforced it with the specious pretext of Favour and Grace for his former merits, and with commendation of his Abilities agreeable to the importance of so considerable a Government encreased the just suspicion of Solyman, (for so the Kayah-begh was called) not being ignorant of the Turkish Proverb, A Kayah-begh is like a Fish in the Water, which out of its Element immediately dies. Howsoever, ut finis omnium cum dominante, grates agit, he acknowledges the Tac. Lib. 14. Ann. favour of his Master, and gave thanks for it, according to the Duty of a good Subject, who ought to acquiesce in the sentence of his Prince, which, though never so full of severity, ought to be believed, and called Clemency. The Vizier now hasted Solyman Pasha to depart with all expedition, not allowing him above four or five days time to make preparations for so long a Journey, which otherwise he would have prolonged as one, like the rest of Mankind, desirous to protract the thread of Life, imagining that in his journey, at some distance, where his Death might be most obscure, and least noted, the Edict of the Grand Signior might overtake him, and find a Grave for him in some solitary Desert, or unfrequented Mountain. Wherefore he made one day an Address to the Vizier, under pretence of taking his last furewel, and freely acquainted him with his apprehension and his fears, desiring that he would deal as frankly with him, in letting him know the utmost of his Fate, for that now he was in his hand, and was so good a Proficient in the Mahometan Religion, as to oppose nothing which was his Destiny, or inconsistent with the Decree of the Sultan. The Vizier reverencing the Years, and pitying the Condition of so worthy a Commander abased solely by his Power, bid him be of good cheer, assuring him of his Life, so long as he acted nothing contrary unto his, which he confirmed by Vows, and all imaginable Protestations, encouraging him to proceed forward to his Government with those cheerful Words, and Assurances, [Page 85] that Solyman Pasha taking his farewel with more ease of mind, and confidence of Life, departed Adrianople in three days after his delignment to the new Office: But not many days Journey had he advanced into Asia, He is sent away. before the G. Signiors and Viziers Commands over-took him, altering his design for Damaseus, and instead thereof ordered him a Pilgrimage unto Mecha, and exile into the remote and desert parts of Arabia, until he should be thought worthy to be re-called by that power which banished him. In like manner some few days after, the Mufti being on a Friday seated in his place, in the Mosch of Sultan Selim (a very noble and famous Fabrick) and attending there the G. Signiors entrance, that he might begin his Prayers, was unexpectedly whispered in the Ear, that he should retire and give place to another Mufti; which immediately he obeyed, and in four hours departed Adrianople, being banished to Gallipoli, for his Friendship (as was supposed) to Solyman Pasha, and for not passing the Fetfa for his Death, according to the will and desire of the Grand Signior.
During the Transaction of these affairs in divers parts, the Wars against the Venetians were carried on faintly; the Gallies had no other design, or employment, than to transport recruits of Men, and Ammunition to Canea, that so the Turks might rather keep the ground that they had gained in that Island, than add thereunto by new Conquests, until such time, as that being freed from other Wars, they might have leisure and opportunity to attend unto that alone. Accordingly the Captain Pasha set forth at the usual Season from Constantinople; and arrived at Scio with 23. Gallies, besides his own called the Bastard-Gally, or Admiral; the advice of which, coming to the Captain General of the Venetians, he hastned thither with all his Fleet to besiege him in the Port: but this seeming after some days a tedious work, and what might lose too much time; he resolved to depart from thence, and so leaving a sufficient Guard before the Port, he set Sail with two Galleasses, thirteen light Gallies, and seven Auxiliaries for the Coast of Rhodes; where his Brigantines advised, that the remainder of the Turkish Fleet were Anchored, and were taking aboard two thousand Souldiers for reinforcing Canea; but before the Venetians could arrive, intelligence was given them by the way, that the Turks were loosed from Rhodes, and were Anchored under the Island of Patmos, wherefore altering their course, they steered for Nio, and there watering their Vessels, sailed near to Nixia, where the Van-guard discovered five and thirty Gallies of the Enemy, which had made prize of a Tartana laden with Provisions designed for the Venetian Fleet, and having taken out her lading had set her on fire. The Venetians having their Enemy in their Eye, gave them chase until the Evening, when the Night coming on put an end to the pursuit: but keeping their course towards Candia, they had sight again of them the next Morning, and coming nearer, the Turkish Admiral put forth his Flag of Defiance, as if he intended to come to a Battel; but the Wind blowing hard, and the Sea increasing, both Fleets were separated until the Morning; when the Venetians discovered certain of the Enemies Gallies to Leeward of Milo, where bearing down before the Wind upon them, five of them ran ashoar; one was sunk, and four were taken by the Venetian and Maltese Gallies, three of which sighting with great Courage and Valour, killed divers brave Cavaliers of one and the other Country. The men which ran the Gallies ashoar at Milo, did it with design to secure themselves in that [Page 86] small Fort which the Turks possessed in that Island; but they were not able to withstand the valour of the Venetians, who having first recovered the Cannon of the Gallies which were ran ashoar, with their rigging, and what else was useful, they set the Hulls on Fire; and immediately entering the Port, the Captain General Landed two hundred select men, and veterane Souldiers to besiege the Fortress, giving Orders to one Manolacchi Macchiotti, who was well acquainted with the Turkish Language, to summon them to a Treaty, the which they readily accepted, andwere received to quarter at discretion of the General; the next Morning they were brought down to the Sea-Coast to the number of about nine hundred, amongst which there was a Janizar-Aga, a Bey of Rhodes, and three of Constantinople, besides Captains, and other persons of condition and quality. These Prisoners being divided into several Gallies and Ships, the Venetians departed, and cruising about the Coast of Candia, to hinder the importation of all succours, they encountered with Antonio Priuli, with a good Squadron of Vessels under his Command.
The Second BOOK.
Anno Christi, 1662. Hegeira, 1073.
AT the beginning of this Year the People of Algier sent Messengers and Presents to the G. Signiors Court, then at Adrianople, complaining against the actions his Majesties Fleet, under the Command of the Earl of Sandwich, had done against their Town and Castles, pretending those Forts to be the G. Signiors, and the Affront offered to him, as willing to interest him in their Quarrels and Piracies. And that their Addresses might be more graciously received, they brought with them certain Presents, which though in former times were Yearly, were now only as their Affairs required, and on this occasion were doubled: for besides their Presents to the Ministers and Officers of State; they brought to the G. Signior a Ship made in Silver, beset with Emrods, Rubies, and other Stones; fourteen young and hansome Boys, and a Neger Eunuch for the Seraglio. But the Earl of Winchelsea, his Majesties Embassadour there Resident, being then at Court, had so well prepossessed the Vizier with the ground and reasons for the War, that the complaints of Algier were judged in no wise [Page 88] touching the Ottoman Interest, or the breach of their Peace, any impeachment 1662 of the good correspondence and friendship which then intervened between the King of England and the Grand Signior. But their presumption to search English Ships, and take out Strangers goods, was objected as an argument of their disobedience and Rebellion, contrary to the G. Signiors Capitulations, which also was aggravated by their ill Treatment of the G. Signiors Pasha, whom they had beaten, imprisoned, and cast out of all power and authority; which severe reprehensions so terrifyed and discouraged them, that they not only desisted from their pretensions against the English, but began to fear, lest the power and interest of the Embassadour at Court, should contrive some mischief to their own persons.
Soon after this the Vizier esteeming it necessary towards his better establishment to gratify the City of Constantinople, and the Grandees of the The G. Signior perswaded to return to Constantinople. Empire, by the G. Signiors return to his Imperial Seat, prevailed with him, (as a matter wholly necessary) to adorn and comfort that place by his presence; for now he began to declare a kind of abhorrency to it, in regard the memory of those Rebellions which were nourished in that place, to the destruction of his Father, and to the great hazard and narrow escape afterwards of himself; had taken that impression on his fancy, that the Chambers of the Seraglio appeared melancholy and dismal, and the Walks of his Gardens solitary, and the noise of the Rooks and Daws amongst his Trees, were like the croakings of Ravens or unlucky Birds. Howsoever the Vizier had so far entered into his affection and esteem, that his perswasions were stronger than his own absolute Dominion; and prevailed so with him against the force of his own fancy, that about the Equinoctial he began his Journy towards Constantinople, to the great joy and satisfaction of his people: But by the way lingring out his time in Hunting and other Pastimes of the Woods and Fields; it was the 30th of March before he made his Entry, for never was Prince so great a Nimrod, so unwearied a Huntsman as this; never was he at quiet, but continually in the Fields on Horseback, rising sometimes at Midnight, to ride up the Mountains, that he might more early discover the Sun in the Morning; by which extravagant course of life, he wearied out his Court and Attendants, who began to believe the amorous humour of his Father more supportable, than the wandring Vagaries, and restless spirit of the Son. But The Grand Signiors extravagantHunting. not only were his Huntings tedious to his Court, but troublesome and expensive to the whole Country, which were all summoned in wheresoever he came, and sometimes thirty or forty thousand men appointed to beat the Woods for three or four days, carrying before them the compass of a whole days Journey about, inclosing all the Game and wild Beasts within that Circuit, which on the day of the Hunt, the G. Signior kills and destroys with Dogs, Guns, or any other way, with abundance of noise and confusion: which pastime, though lawful in it self, and commendable enough in so great a Prince, yet the frequent use of it, was a burden and an oppression to his people, whilest in the Winter they passed many cold Nights in the Woods, and being unused to that hardship, many of them paid for their Emperours Pastime with their own lives.
The G. Signior being now at Constantinople, the Vizier judged not himself The Vizier endeavours to establish himself. so well fixed in his Government, but that through the malice of his powerful Enemies, who were familiar to the G. Signiors Ear, he was in danger to be shaken; the principal of which was the Kuzlir Aga, or Chief [Page 89] Eunuch of the Women of the Seraglio, who by means of the Valede, [...] Queen Mother was ill-affected to him, being both inclined to prefer some Favourites of their own, for the diminution, and Eclipse of the Viziers Power, one whereof was the Tefterdar Pasha, or Lord Treasurer, placed in Office against the Viziers Approbation, which the Vizier understanding, made short Work with him, depriving him of his Office, commanded him in a few hours to quit Constantinople.
But the Queen Mother, and Kuzlir Aga resenting this Affront to their Favourite, resolved to even scores in a piece of the like nature: Wherefore they obtained for the Viziers Kahya, or Steward, the Pashalick of Darbiquier, a rich and honourable Government, not for any disaffection or hatred they had unto him, but only to deprive the Vizier of the Counsel and Assistance of so knowing and faithful a Servant; for he was a Person, who by his own Estate, and Friends had raised the house of Kuperlee, having in the time of his poverty and meanness lent him that Sum of Money, which gave him the first Rise to his Richesse and Authority; for recompence and interest of which, old Kuperlee made him his Steward, and shared to him his honours and prosperity; in which deporting himself towards all people with the same modesty, and evenness of temper which he used in his former Condition, he procured no Enemies to his own person, and such as hated the interest he served, only wished him disobliged from it, so as to be able to dispense their malice on the Vizier, without concerning him in his Masters ruin. This consideration moved the angry Lady, and the envious Eunuch to vex their Adversary by the removal of his most faithful Creature and Servant.
Mahomet Kahya now Pasha of Darbiquier, after a reasonable and convenient time allowed him for his preparations, being very rich, set forward towards his Government, with a very noble and numerous Retinue, having amongst the rest five hundred persons young, well mounted, and well armed; which notwithstanding were not so strong, but before they were advanced many days Journey into Asia, were encountred A notable Robbery. by a greater force of bold and desperate Robbers, who engaging with him killed two hundred of his people on the place, rifled his Baggage, and constrained the Pasha himself to fly to the next City. This strange and audacious Robbery produced many Commands and Orders for seizure and suppression of Thieves in the lesser Asia. And because the custom is, that something must be done in compliance with the Imperial Commands, many poor innocent men were taken in the Fields, and Mountains, and perhaps without any other Crime against them, than that they were not masters of a thousand Aspers to bribethe Officers, were for want thereof sent as Thieves to the Port, where without further conviction or Tryal they were executed.
The Vizier being thus weakned by the removal of his faithfullest friend, his condition was given over as desperate by the generality of the World, and several appearances of troubles arising from the Eastern and Western Parts, gave occasion to the Queen Mother, and her Party, to disparage his Abilities in the esteem of the Sultan: Wherefore they exhorted him to imitate the Example of his Renowned Predecessors, who made use of their Viziers only to ease them from the troublesom part of their Government, but did not entirely throw off the knowledge and privity of the [Page 90] important Transactions and State Affairs in the whole Empire. This Lesson awakened the Grand Signior a little, so that he declined some days his sports abroad, and exercise on horse-back, and instead thereof passed much of his time in a Chiosk, or Garden-house on the Wall of the Seraglio, just opposite to the Viziers Gate, where his chief business and concernment was to observe such as went in, or came out; and when at any time he espied those enter, remarkable for their Attendance, or difference of habit, he would send to know of the Vizier, what occasion drew those people thither, what their business was, and the like, by which he gave himself that satisfaction as to believe that he had now found the true way of inspecting his Affairs, and taking care of his Empire. The Vizier was not unsensible from whence this humour of the Grand Signior The Queen Mothers enmity to the Vizier. proceeded, nor ignorant what ill consequences such petty matters might produce; wherefore he resolved, if possible, to reconcile the favour and good will of the Valede, or Queen Mother, but all his Addresses (it seems) were returned fruitless; so difficult was it to appease the malice of a feminine Spirit; and this malice She so ill concealed, that it was often said by Turks of Quality and Judgment, That the Great Viziers Mother, who entertained a Familiarity with Spirits, as they believed, had by her Enchantments procured the Office of Vizier for her Husband and Son successively, and prevailed still to preserve her Son in the favour of his Master, yet could not by force of Magick get power or dominion over the Valede; No Spells, it seems, had virtue enough to qualifie the spirit of that angry Juno. Some hereupon judged, that the Vizier might have thoughts to make Resignation of his Office, and to content himself with some Pashalick of a higher, and more eminent degree; but apprehensions and jealousies of their dangers, and his own natural Ambition, soon stitled those considerations, resolving to continue his Charge in opposition to all the difficulties, and dangers he might encounter. And perhaps he gave himself the same counsel which the Vitellian Souldiers did to their General. Nihil atrocius eventurum, quam in quod Tacit. Lib. Hist. 3. sponte ruant, moriendum vict is, moriendum deditis; id solum referre, novissimum spiritum, per ludibrium & contumelias effundant, an per Virtutem. Men who must die, whether they yield or are conquered by force, have the same Fate; all the difference is, that the one dies with valour and reputation, the other with reproach and cowardice. But to execute this stout counsel with prudence and wisdom, he conceived it necessary, if possible, to reconcile the sincere friendship of Samozade, the Reis Effendi, or Chief Secretary of State, a person the best practised of any, in the Affairs and Negotiations of the Ottoman Empire, and one much in the esteem and favour of the Queen Mother, and in order thereunto treats him with more familiarity and condescension than was ordinary, or by many judged agreeable to the Greatness of a Grand Vizier; for always when he came into his Presence, he arose up, calling him secretly Father, Tutor, and Companion, in supporting the Burden of the weighty Government, and such other Compellations, as the Grand Signior vouchsafed only to the Vizier: for though this Reis Effendi was of the greatest abilities, and this present Vizier the most youthful and unexperienced of Latter Times, yet it may be accounted one special mark and token of his prudence, in knowing how to elect so useful a friend, and of his policy in procuring his sincere faithfulness towards him, and [Page 91] making him really his own. To which end he conversed much with him, communicated all his thoughts, freely demanded his advice, received his private entertainments, and in fine, was wanting in no points of affable courtesie and compliance, whereby he might create him his own, contenting for some time himself with the name of Vizier, though the other as one, who best knew how to mannage it, enjoyed the power.
The Chief Officers of the Seraglio, instigated by the Queen Mother That is, of the Hizoda, or Royal Chamber to diminish something the power of the Vizier, put often the Grand Signior in mind, as a matter agreeable to his dignity, to have a regard to his Government, which caused him more frequently than his humour served, to betake himself to his Chiosk over against the Viziers Gate to make his usual observations; and perceiving some Christians to enter the Court with red Calpacks, or Caps, and yellow Shooes (prohibited to Christians by orders of inferiour Magistrates but never until now thought worthy the Imperial Observance) immediately called for the Subashee or Constable of Constantinople, and from the Window commanded him with great fury to enter the Viziers Court, and such Christians as he should find there with yellow Shooes and red Caps he should first beat, and then send uncovered, and bare-footed home. The Subashee armed with a power in this matter as high as the Viziers, entered his house without Complement or Licence, and encountring first the Kapikahya's or Agents of Moldavia and Valachia negotiating the Affairs of their Prince and Country, he rudely layed them down, and without The Grand Signiors [...] prohibition of yellow shooes, and red Calpacks to Christians. respect to their Persons or Office, beat them on the seet, tore off their red Stockins, and Caps, and sent them home with their heads and feet bare, derided by the people, and lamenting the affliction of that Tyranny to which they were subjected. This inhumane treatment of persons in a manner sacred, was seconded by publick Proclamations, strictly prohibiting all Christians from wearing red Caps, yellow Shooes, scarlet Vests, and the like; and Janisaries from the use of Hanjars or Daggers, and silk Turbants, upon pain of death: which Order was so strictly enjoined, that the corners of every Street were furnished with Officers to observe, and punish such who were found to offend. The Grand Signior himself judged also the Execution of this order of that importance as to deserve his own proper care and inspection, wherefore walking abroad, as his manner was, in disguise, with his Executioner at hand, encountred in the Streets an unfortunate Bridegroom, an Armenian, who that day, on priviledge of his Espousals, had adventured to dress himself with yellow leathern Socks: nothing was, or could have time to be pleaded in his behalf, before the fatal Blow was struck, which sent him to his Grave instead of his Nuptial Bed. This fury continued some few days with much rigour, and strict observation, but afterwards growing cold again, all care was neglected, happening herein, as commonly it doth in all things, which have no other foundation than humour and fancy.
But this inspection into petty matters did not so much disturb the thoughts of the Vizier, as did the power and greatness of Mortaza the Pasha of Babylon, by the Turks called Bagdat, a person of an undaunted Courage and great Conduct, whom he had hitherto suffered to live, contrary to the true knowledge of his interest, and the Rules his Father had left him: wherefore he resolved to renew his design and attempts against [Page 92] his Life; one I remember was in December of the past Year, when in our Journey to Adrianople, we met a Messenger on the way, who amongst other Discourses informed us, that he was then going to Babylon for confirmation of Mortaza, and as a testimony of the G. Signiors favour and good will towards him, he carried him a Sword, and a Vest of Sables: we immediately, and that truly guessed, for what Present the Sword was sent; for in some Months after the Chaous-bashee, or chief of the Pursuivants, returned without delivery of his Present. For the wise Mortaza The Vizier seeks to cut off Mortaza the Pasha of Babylon. was so justly jealous, that he would not so much as admit him to his presence, but returned him again with his Sword and Sables, for those who were more easy and credulous, and who believe to die by Command of the Sultan to be Martyrdom, and the only Crown of all their merits and deserts: and knowing that he could not long subsist in opposition to so great an Enemy; he contracted an Alliance, by Marriage with a Daughter of one of the Gordean, or Curdean Princes, and in Dowry, had one of the strongest Forts of those Mountains delivered into his hands.
The Vizier finding himself thus foiled in his occult Artifices, began publickly to profess his enmity; and therefore in the first place perswaded the G. Signior, that the long continuance of Mortaza in that Government, beyond the usual term, so opulent and powerful, and of a spirit so ambitious and rebellious, could not but prove dangerous to himself, and in time give him confidence of competition for the whole Empire: which hazard to prevent with most prudence and advantage, (there being a present occasion of good Souldiers for relief of Candia) Mortaza and his Complices could not be better bestowed than upon that employment. The G. Signior readily consented to this Counsel, being naturally very apprehensive of danger, and in his place constituted the Aga, or General of the Janizaries, posting him away with all speed possible to hisGovernment; who did not run so fast in his Journey, but that the advices of the coming of a new Pasha, arrived timely the Ears of Mortaza, who judging it an unequal match to contend with the whole Empire, gave way to his Successour, but withal, kept himself so on his Guard, that his adversary could not reach his Head, and send it as the first-fruits and Tribute of his new Office. For yielding up his Command as in an honourable manner of retreat, he gave out, that with his Army (reported to consist of forty thousand men) he was on his March to Candia, but soon after his design was discovered to be otherwise; for believing his own Force unable to contend with his Masters, he retired with his richess, and some of those most faithful to him unto his Fort on the Mountains, and to the protection and Country of the King of the Curdi, whose Daughter he had Married, and remained in expectation of time and opportunity, to take his revenge on the Vizier, hoping that with time this storm would blow over, and that the beams of his Princes favour would again shine upon him. These Curdi are called by some Writers Cordiaei, from Curdi. whence the Province had the name of Gordiene, bordering on Assyria, the Kingdom once of Zabienus, who siding with Lucullus against Tigranes King of Armenia, was by Tigranes murdered with his Wife and Children. These people inhabit the Mountain Amanus, dividing Syria from Cilicia, which by reason of the difficult access thereunto, was never yet subjected to the Ottoman Yoke; they are said in former times to have worshipped a black Dog, and dare not speak ill of the Devil, not for love, but fear. [Page 93] But some report that have lately been amongst them, that they have left off that Hellish superstition, and embrace a certain sort of Religion mixed with Christianity and Turcism; but yet without Baptism or Circumcision. In brief, they are a bad sort of gross people at the best, contenting themselves with little Religion, addicted to bloud and Robberies. These Curdi or Gordeenes, being a people retired, keep within their Mountains, are shy in their Conversation and Discourse, and afford us little subject, or opportunity of knowing with any satisfaction, their Religion or Manners: but from such of our Country-men, as have lately entertained Society with them, we have this account. They are seated on those Mountains as we have said before, which of old were called Cordiaei, or Gordiai, beginning near Aleppo, but running out as far as Persta; they make shew of the Turkish Religion for fear, but have in reality another of their own, which permits them to eat Swines flesh and drink Wine, as the Druses and Kalbeenes; Bacon being esteemed by them a particular Cordial, or Restorative for the sick. The chief Country and City of those near Aleppo is called Jeumee, where they have a Convent of twelve Priests with a Superiour over them, and another of the like sort near Mosul, or Nineveth. The two Chiefs of these Monasteries meet at fixed times to consult for the good of the Common-weal. Their Devotions are private in a Cave; they tell us of but one Book, which contains both their Law and their Rituals; being asked what they thought of our Saviour, they answered, he was their breath, and their Soul; at the name of Mahomet they spit, and with Nicodemus his circumspection and assurance of secrecy, they declared themselves and Christians the same, which they would make appear so soon as they were delivered from their fear of bondage to the Turk. They say that they worship God, and will not curse the Devil, to which no force or power can compel them; partly, perhaps beeause they have heard of our Saviours Precept, Bless, and Curse not, but rather, because they hold, that the Devil and his Followers, shall one day be restored to their former seats of blessedness and dignity. When their Priests are together, and Wine brought in amongst them, the Superiour makes a sign for silence, and afterwards a short Admonition, that Wine is the bloud of God. I have heard that a Capuchin Fryer was once invited amongst them, with promise to give him a sight of their Book of Rituals, and being come to Jeumee, was detained a Day or two in a Cave, on pretence that the other Superiour of Mosul was then amongst them, who being a severe person, if he knew of his being there, would certainly put him to Death, as one who came to alter their Religion; upon which suspicion the Capuchin forgetting his Curiosity, fled for safety, with all speed possible. Their Priests are said to be grave, wearing black throughout; their Garments plaited or quilted; the Vestures of the Commonalty are agreeable to Mountaniers, whose natures are rough and boisterous, addicted to bloud and Robbery, the common vice of those people. I have heard, that the Son of a Gourdeene Widow being killed by some of that Country, she assembled her nearest Kindred, and required them to bring her the Windpipe of the Murderer, which when they had done, she together with her Friends, eat it in revenge. In fine, their Religion may have some small Reliques of Christianity, but mixt with the dregs of other Religions. Tis possible they may be of the Manichee Race. Their opinion of the Devils Restoration, was once held in part by Origen: that of Wine (that it is the bloud of God) was the Heathenish conceit of the [Page 94] Egyptian Priests. Their whole Nation if well united may compose an Army of thirty or forty thousand men.
But to return to our purpose. The news of the flight of Mortaza to this ignoble Prince troubled the G. Signior, who still retained some impressions of kindness to his person, remembring his generosity, valour, and former deserts, the memory of which was encreased also by the Friends of Mortaza, who wanted not in the Court to represent them with some compassion, arguing that his flight was not of contumacy, or contempt to his Masters protection, but an effect of natural preservation; which worked so far on the G. Signior, that he immediately sent for the Vizier to enquire of him the state and condition of Mortaza. The Vizier to defend himself, and make good what before he had counselled his Master, aggravated his Adversaries crimes, and his disobedience and flight to an inconsiderable King; with which, and some other light excuses and perswasions, that the removal of such a person was agreeable to the present state of affairs, and conducing to his own security, easily pacified the mind and affections of the G. Signior; but no sooner was he returned to his House, but advice was given him, that the Emaum of Mortaza, or his Priest or Chaplain was then at Constantinople, whom the Vizier immediately sent for, and without any Plea or Endictment, struck off his Head, and threw his Body into the Sea, on pretence that he was sent thither, as a Spy for his Master, and to give Intelligence, and a beginning to Rebellion: These were his colours and allegations for his deserved Death; for Governours though never so wicked and so absolute, and that have no need to render any other cause to the World of their actions, than their own will, yet esteem it necessary to act under the specious guise of justice, and in the good opinion of the multitude. The Aga of Babylon encountred the same Fortune; for Mortaza giving place, he thought it sit for himself to do the like; resolving for Constantinople, but being intercepted in his Journey by the new Pasha, his Head was struck off, and his Journey shortned.
But that which again renewed the trouble and fears of the Vizier, was a report that the late Kahya-begh degraded at Adrianople, was secretly returned to the City, and lived concealed, giving such Orders to the Janizaries as tended to Mutiny and Insurrection, and that the pretences and reports of his being gone to Damascus, and thence in his holy Pilgrimage to Mecha, were but all false stories to conceal his Residence at Constantinople. This set the Vizier all on fire, and made him tremble with the thoughts of it; wherefore search was made for him day and night, but not found; for in reality he was gone on his designed Journey, only it was the misfortune of his Kahya, or Steward, as before it was of Mortaza's Emaum, to fall into the Viziers hands, who being beaten to confess where his Master was, died afterwards of the blows.
But notwithstanding that Mortaza was fled, yet the Vizier laid not aside his fears and thoughts concerning him, not knowing how soon he might be recalled home, and seated in his place; of which various Examples are extant in Turkish History; And therefore he sent orders to Mahomet Pasha, his late Kahya, now Pasha of Darbiquier, as General (with the knowledge and consent of the Grand Signior) and to the Pashaws of Aleppo, Erzirum and others near adjacent, to prepare and assemble what Force was necessary to constrain the King of the Curdi, to surrender Mortaza into their hands: But whilst these matters were in agitation, [Page 95] some unexpected troubles in Georgia diverted their Armes, and held them for some time in suspense, not knowing what the issue might be. The Original and Ground thereof was this: After Sultan Solyman had taken Erzirum, it was agreed in the Capitulations between the The Provinces of Georgia in disturbance. Turks and Persians, that of the seven Provinces of Georgia (anciently called Iberia, but now as supposed to have received the Denomination from St. George, the Cappadocian Martyr, there had in great esteem and reverence) three should be tributaries to the Turk, and three to the Persian, all governed by Achic-bash as head and supreme Prince, to whom the seventh should also be subjected, without acknowledgment to either; In payment of which tribute, they continued most willingly, lest for default thereof, the importation of Salt, of which their Provinces afford none, should be hindred either from the Turkish, or Persian Dominion. And now it happened that Achic-bash dying, his Wife married again, who to gratifie her new Lover, was contented to have the eyes of her Son put out, who was the lawful Heir to the Government. This Fact was so hainously received by the Princes of the three Provinces under the Persian, that with common consent, they elected one to succeed Achic-bash, and extorted the power out of the hands of the Amorous Traitour. The Princes of the three Provinces under the Turk alarm'd hereat, made insurrection, resolving rather than any Foreigner, to set up one of the Kindred of Achic-bash, which the Persian Provinces better understanding, approved likewise, and for confirmation, and maintenance of their choice assembled an Army of threescore thousand men. The Pashaws tending towards Curdi; were surprized in their March with the news of these disturbances in Georgia, and not rightly apprehending the causes of these sudden commotions, gave an arrest to the progress of their Armes, inclining towards the Parts of Georgia, to be in a readiness to suppress all designs against the Ottoman Dominions, so that the thoughts of War against the Curdi was for some time laid aside. The news of these troubles did also alarm the Port, with which also came a report, That six hundred Tents of the Kuzilbashees (which are the best sort of Persian Horsemen) were pitched nigh the Consines of the Grand Signiors Territories; so that Orders were dispatched to the aforesaid Pashaws to watch the motion and issue of those Affairs, but those storms blowing over by the establishment of Achic-bash, the Turkish Forces proceeded on their first design against Mortaza, marching to the pass of the Country of the Curdi, which is very steep, asperous and rough. The whole Kingdom being, as it were, one Mountain of dangerous and difficult access, hath hitherto preserved the Inhabitants from the Ottoman Subjection. The entrance thereunto being strong by Nature, is also fortified with several Castles, the chief of which, possessed by Mortaza, is called Zizri, and the people thereabouts Zezidi. The Turkish Army being arrived at this pass, Mahomet, the Pasha of Darbiquier, appointed General, as we have said before, ordered five hundred of his select men to enter within the pass, which the Curdi perceiving, with little opposition, put to slight, being so commanded by the General; The unadvised Curdi cagerly pursuing the enemy, left the pass naked, and undefended, supposing their whole victory The Turks [...] against the [...]. and success to consist in the Rout of those few: whereupon the Turkish Army wisely possessed the pass, and got between the Curdi, and their place of Retreat, and laying the Siege to the Castle, required them either to [Page 96] surrender themselves, or else Mortaza and his Complices into their hands.
The Curdi perceiving themselves thus hardly beset, and in a manner defrauded, their Garison which possessed the pass without the Confines, the enemey gotten possession of the Gate which opened to their Countrey, their Castles besieged, and in danger to be gained, and an inlet made to an Inundation by their Enemies, caused them to request a three days truce for Consultation, which being granted, they began to consider, whether it were better to hazard the welfare of their Country in a dangerous War, of which the Turks having already compassed the passage, had made half the Conquest; or to surrender up Mortaza to his own King, one in whom they had no part, no interest, nor relation. The latter counsel was most generally pleasing, wherefore they seized Mortaza, promising at first to conduct him through the Mountains to the Persians, but afterwards being on horse-back, and about a mile distant from the Camp, they bound his hands behind him, and with his Steward, The Surrender of Mortaza in the Turks hands, and his death. the Master of his Horse, and a Page, delivered him into the hands of the Turks, who immediately struck off their heads, and sent them to Constantinople, where for three or four days they lay before the Door of the Divan, with Inscriptions on them whose they were, and afterwards were thrown into the Sea. And thus ended this famous Mortaza, who had in like cases, by order of this Viziers Father, been an active Executioner of other Pashaws, and now included in the same Fate, by means of the Son, being proscribed (as we have said before) by Testament, and the most likely of any Pasha in the Empire to stand in Competition for the Office of Vizier.
The Vizier upon this success began to shew a more cheerful Countenance than formerly, suspecting less of danger upon removal of so suspicious an Enemy. And truly it was now hard to say where in the whole Empire was a generous, bold, or ambitious spirit remaining, who had Reputation and Authority enough to attempt a priority, such havock was made by this Viziers Father of all hopeful and daring dispositions, and such an Addition made to the slaughter by this man in present Office, that whether mens spirits were vanquished, and cowed with former Examples, or that the Age really afforded not such Heroes, it is hard to say: None now appearing other than obsequious to this Vizier, and to fear, and court him.
The Vizier having thus successfully contrived his Establishment, and security at home, had time to confirm it by his Wars abroad, well judging that Foreign Wars allay Civil Dissentions, and the prosperity thereof doth both produce reputation and terrour of his person amongst his Enemies, as well as reconcile affections, and increase Authority amongst his Subjects at home. Wherefore he mediated on a War against the Emperour, and was glad to embrace the occasion from the late Disturbances made in Transilvania by Kemenius, as we have related in the former Year. But yet like a crafty Politician, who looketh one way, and steers another, so the Vizier, that he might the better lull the Germans into a sleep, and apprehensions of security, he dissembled his inclinations to Peace, and to hearken to such propositions as were tendered him by the German Resident, namely, that the Fort of Serini should be demolished being built against the intention, and without the knowledge or consent of his Imperial Master, that the Garisons of [...], Coloswar, and [Page 97] other places should beremoved, with other overtures, and the fairest propositions imaginable, which might give the Turks satisfaction, and by some means or other reconcile the differences, if possible. To which The resolution of War uncertain. counsel the Emperour was the rather inclinable, in regard that a Treaty at that time was on foot between the French King, and the Duke of Lordin for Alsatia, and that the result might prove prejudicial to the Empire, should he at the same time be engaged in a War against the Turk, whilst as dangerous a friend as the other was an enemy, crept easily into a suspected Neighbourhood. But the other Christian Princes, especially Rome, and the Allies, engaged in the Venetian Quarrel, perceiving the Emperour to detract from his resolutions of War, upon this suspicion endeavoured to clear him from all jealousie in reference to the French designs, and for better evidence thereof, had their own engagements seconded by protestations from that King, not only not to molest the Empire during this War, but to afsord him considerableaid and assistance both in Men, and Money. These Negotiations and incitements to a War, encouraged the Emperour, and the German Princes in that manner, that whilst the Turks expected the return of the Corrier from Vienna, as it were with an Olive Branch of Peace, and Confirmation of all Articles, which before were esteemed to be concluded, and agreed; the Scene was wholly changed, and the Letters contained new demands and propositions, and in fine, made all doubtful and unsatisfactory. The Turks penetrating rightly into this Affair, pressed hard to have a speedy Peace, or War, wherefore the Reis Essendi, or Secretary of State, did at a private Conference with the German Minister in the name of the Grand Signior, and in few words declare, that three months were allotted to demolish the Fort built by the Count Serini, and for coming of an extraordinary Ambassadour to consirm the Articles: Notwithstanding which, the G. Signior unmindful of the time, and of the Conditions he had given, and prefixed for peace, ordered the Vizier immediately to prepare for the War, declaring that he would in Person accompany him in part of his March, and remove his Court to Adrianople; For this being a Country Champion, and plain, full of Game of all sorts, so drew the heart and delight of the Grand Signior, that his Seraglio at Constantinople seemed as a Cage, or Prison in respect of those desired Plains of Thrace: His Women were no pastime or recreation to him, in whose Apartments he spent little time: For this excessive humour in Hunting made him daily to press the Vizier to depart for Adrianople, not that he had so real a desire to the War as he had to his Game; which gave occasion to that ordinary Saying amongst the Turks, That the Grand Signior had left some Hares behind him at Adrianople, and would return to seek them. At length the Vizier not longer able to resist his importunity without his displeasure, summoned a Council of all the Viziers of the Bench, where also the Janisar Aga was present, to consult concerning the time of their departure, at which they unanimously concluded, that for divers reasons, it was most necessary to deferr this expedition until the next Spring. First, Because that three months time were already given The Reasons why the Turks deferred the War with the German. to the Emperour for sending his Extraordinary Ambassadour. Secondly, Because in so short a time provisions could not be sent into those Parts for relief of the Camp. Thirdly, Because the Souldiers which were abroad could not have timely notice to repair to their Colours. Fourthly, Because many Souldiers had begun to rebuild their [Page 98] houses destroyed by the late Fires, which by the Spring they might see finished. And lastly, That the Summer being now almost spent, was not so fit for action, as the Spring, which gives new life and bloud to men, as well as sap and moisture unto Vegetables. These reasons being represented with all humility to the Crand Signior, he seemed to rest satisfied, and his heat of visiting Adrianople for the present allayed. And in the mean time, that the design against Germany might be the more covertly carried, it was given out that the preparations were intended against the Venetian Territories in Dalmatia, (viz.) Zara, Sebenico, and Cataro, and Proclamation was made that all Souldiers should prepare themselves for the Wars against the next Spring. In which Interim no accident intervening which might bring matters to an accommodation and better understanding, the daily Skirmishes on the Frontiers made the Controversie every day more difficult to be reconciled, and the breach the wider. The Count Serini also proceeded in sinishing the Fortification he had lately raised near Canisia; And the other Commanders of the Cesarean Army seeing the great progress of the Turks in Transilvania secured Claudiopolis, Somoswar, Sechilhid, Clewar, aliàs Coloswar, and Betlem, with some other Towns and Fortresses. The The sad Condition of Transilvania. Turks on the other side, under the Command of Ali Pasha, penetrate into the very Center of Transilvania, and conceiving a jealousie of War from the passages before mentioned, lost no time to take their advantages, so that the Pasha of Varadin not contenting himself with that Country, and limits formerly prescribed for maintenance of his Fortress, adjoined to his Jurisdiction what Villages and Towns he thought fit, whilst the poor Prince, Michael Apafi, though made by the Turks, durst not lift a hand, or interpose the least Obstacle, or Impediment to his quiet progress, or peaceable possession, which so harrassed the people of the Country, and wrought that misery and destruction therein, that the Prince, deprived of his power in Government, and disabled by oppression to pay his Annual Tribute, had no hopes of redress, but from the assistance of Divine Providence, governing the hearts of Christians and Turks to compassionate the misery of his Country. Wherefore he craved the assistance of the Emperour, and of the King of Poland, acquainting other Christian Princes more remote of the sad estate of the Christian Cause; He sent also his Ambassadours to the Port with most submissive Letters to the Vizier, complaining against the Pasha of Varadin, and craving his Commands for retirement of his Army, within their due and ancient bounds. Letters were also directed to the Publick Representatives of Christian Princes residing at Constantinople, one of which was directed to the Earl of Winchelsea, his Majesties Ambassadour, which being that which may conduce to the more full understanding of the present deplorable Condition of Transilvania, I thought fit to be here mentioned.
AFflictiones Regni Transilvaniae quibus per complures annos justo Dei The Prince of Transilvania's Letter to His Majesties Ambassadour. Judicio castigatur, toti Orbi Christiano manifestae sunt, nec possumus non fateri, inter duos Potentissimos Monarchas adeò indies hoc Regnum coangustari, ut nisi extraordinariâ Dei clementiâ aliquod subsequatur levamen, vix, immo ne vix quidem, din duraturum credamus. Sed ut adrem proximiùs collimemus. Potentissimus Imperator per Legatos Regni, & nostros [Page 99] nunc reduces Clementissimum suum patrocinium pollicetur, interim autem Passa Varadinensis non contentus Villis ac Pagis ad dictam Arcem pertinentibus, usque ad meditullium planè Transilvaniae, metu Mortis, integras ad deditionem cogit Regiones, quae nunquam eidem Arci applicatae fuerant, nee possibile est Principatum Transilvaniae iis ademptis, ulterius persistere, Tributúm (que) annuum persolvere posse. Qua de re tam Potentissimum Imperatorem quam Supremum Vezirium denuò requirere cogimur, vestram quocirca Excellentissimam Dominationem confidenter rogamus, eo quo convenientius putaverit modo continuò nostro Oratori opitulari, eá (que) quâ pollet Authoritate Causam promovere, ne gravetur rem non saltem Transilvaniae, verùm quoque Christianitati perutilem factura, nós (que) ad vincula amicitiae arctissimè devinctura, cui felicem vitam precamur, & manemus indubitati.
In English thus.
THE Miseries of Transilvania, with which for many years, by the just Judgment of God, we have been afflicted, are manifest to all the Christian World; Nor can we but confess, how between two most Potent Monarchs, our Principality is so daily straitned, that unless through the extraordinary mercy of God, we obtain some relief, we believe not our selves longer able to subsist. But to come nearer to our business. The Most Potent Emperour, by his own Ambassadours, and ours now lately returned, hath promised us his most Gracious Protection; yet notwithstanding, the Pasha of Varadin not content with the Towns and Villages appropriated unto his Castle, hath entered into the very middle of Transilvania, and hath compelled, for fear of death, those Provinces entirely to yield themselves, which never before were belonging to his Fortresses, which being taken away, it is impossible for the Principality of Transilvania longer to subsist, and pay its annual Tribute; Wherefore we are constrained again to beseech the most Potent Emperour, and the Supreme Vizier, as also we confidently desire your Excellencie, in that manner which your Excellencie judges most convenient, to be assistant to our Agent, and with your Authority to countenance our Cause, in which your Excellencie will not only perform a matter beneficial to Transilvania, but to all Christendom, and oblige us for ever with the Bonds of friendship; and praying for all happiness of Life and Prosperity to your Excellencie, we remain your undoubted Friend.
[Page 100] This Letter was received by his Majesties Ambassadour with that humanity as was agreeable to his noble Nature, and with that sense of the Christian Cause as became a religious Minister of the Faiths Defendor, and an Answer returned thereunto full of affectionate Piety and Compassion. But it was feared that the time was elapsed, and the Disease proceeded too far to admit a gentle Cure; For it could not probably be expected, that the Vizier should, upon fair words, or perswasions, or by the force of passionate and Rhetorical expressions, be induced to let slip the fair opportunity of an intire and total subjection of Transilvania. And the truth is, herein lay the ground of the great Quarrel between these two Emperours; for ever since the Defeat of Chimianus (or as the Transilvanians call him Kemenius) the Turk swallowing in his thoughts the intire subjection of that Country, designed to reduce it to the Government of a Pasha, rather than of a Christian Prince, though elected at the Ottoman Port; and in order thereunto, advanced beyond the Limits of the ancient bounds, and pitched his Camp in the very Bowels of the Country. These proceedings giving matter of jealousie to all the Captains of the bordering Christians; the Count Serini first hastned the finishing of his Fort, as much as was possible, and next, according to his example, the Imperialists in all parts of the Borders fortified their Towns and Castles, and reinforced their Garisons; which was answered by the Turks in the like preparations. And thus mutual fears and jealousies effected that ill Correspondence, in which the State of Affairs then remained.
And since Transilvania is the present Scene of Action, it will not be much from our purpose to digress a little in declaring the state of that miserable Principality, and by what ways and means the Turks encreased their Tribute, and encroached on their Liberties; the which Relation I received from one of the Transilvanian Agents to this effect.
In the time of Sultan Solyman, Transilvania was governed by her own A History of Transilvanian Misery. Laws, and her natural Prince, paying then only thirty thousand Dollars of yearly Tribute. After which Ali Pasha taking Varadin on the Frontiers, had some part of the Country allotted him for maintenance of his Garison, and at that time solemnly swore, That beyond those Limits allotted to Varadin, the Turks should not farther enter into Transilvania, but that Oath being little regarded, they have since that time possessed themselves of six Provinces, (viz.) Bichar, Doboka, Halnock, Colos, in which is Claudiopolis, and of the best part of Zarand. Nor were the Turks satisfied herewith, but in the year 1658. the Vizier Kuperlee entered Transilvania, and by force of Armes took the strong Town of Janova, and demanded the Surrender of Lugas and Karansebes into his hands. Nor could the allegations of the Oath of Sultan Solyman, or of Ali Pasha, or any other perswasions or submission induce him to moderate any part of his severe demands, until first having miserably destroyed the whole Country, and satiated himself with bloud, he was contented, upon the sad and humble supplication of the Ambassadour from that Prince, to withdraw his Army out of Transilvania, on condition, that fifty thousand Dollars of yearly tribute should be added to the former thirty thousand, and that Lugas, and Karansebes should be wholly abandoned by the native Inhabitants, and delivered into possession of the Turk: And as a mark of his absolute Dominion over that Country, he [Page 101] forced one Achacius Barcley, employed before as Ambassadour to him, to take on him the Government, threatning that if he accepted not of the Charge, he would invest a Carter in the Principality: Notwithstanding all this Treatment; and though the Transilvanians comply'd with all the propositions offered them by the Turk, yet not long after the Tartar Han passed twice through the Country, miserably harrassing, spoiling, and killing, or making Captives all he met, whose departure also from this Country was purchased with a considerable sum of money. And this was the state of the misery of Transilvania, when the troubles raised by Ragotzki and Kemenius added to the other discontents, and administred farther occasion to the ensuing War.
But whilst the thoughts of the Ottoman Court were intent on their preparations for the next years War in Hungary, advice came that the Turkish Fleet, consisting of seventeen ships, and thirty seven Saiques, lately departed from Constantinople bound for Alexandria in AEgypt, and The Alexandrian Fleet encountred by the Venetians. convoyed by six Gallies, which met them at Scio, very rich with mony, and other goods, (whose returns are yearly for the most part made in Sugar, Coffee, Rice, and other Commodities) were encountred near Rhodes by the Venetian Armata, and such ruine and prize made of them, that of the threescore Sail, twenty eight Saiques, and four Ships were sunk and taken: ( viz.) eighteen Saiques taken, and ten burnt, three Ships taken, and one burnt, and thereon two hundred and seventy Slaves, amongst which there were of note, Arnout Asan Aga, Eunuch of the Seraglio, Mahomet Aga, Bascut Agasey of Grand Cairo, and Emin Reis, Captain of a Ship. When this news arrived I happened to be at the Viziers Court, and perceived a strange disturbance and alteration in the faces of all then present; but more particularly the Grand Signior seemed to be heated with fury, and present resolution of revenge; so that he had almost forgotten his designs against the Emperour, and quitting his pastime in Hunting, he began to talk of transporting his Armes into Dalmatia, and thereupon sent Orders to one Beco a Begh of the Morea to cause a survey of the Highways, Passages, and Bridges towards Dalmatia, as if he had intended immediately to march, and either to deferr his Hungarian War, or wage both at the same time. But his graver, and more sober Council moderated his heat with reason, knowing that the designs of Princes, though never so absolute, must be subject to times and seasons, until their Powers can extend to Omnipotency, which never yet could exceed the abilities of a mortal man, though some have affected Divine Honours, and by Flatterers have been ranked after death in the number of the Gods. The venetians lost seventy men only, or thereabouts, and amongst them Giaconto Semitecolo, a noble Venetian, with other Braves and Souldiers of Fortune. The Turks horribly touched with this loss and disgrace, especially the Grand Signior, who had an interest in the Caravana, had a mind to vent some of their fury on Signior Ballarino, the Venetian Minister to the Port, like those (as we say) who cannot beat the Horse will beat the Saddle; so that they intended to imprison him again in some dark Cell, or obscure retirement, of which, or of some other rigour Signior Ballarino was so sensible, that he wrote this ensuing Letter to the Senator Nicolo Contarini, which may serve to explain the anguith and sorrowful apprehensions of his Soul.
[Page 102] IF my mind were capable of Comfort, I could not in the midst of so much anguish entertain a more efficacious motive thereunto, than those obliging expressions which your Excellencie uses towards me, who like a Terrestrial Deity is pleased to protect me. But alas, I am too much overwhelmed with grief to discover any subject which may cause me to dry my tears. I find no shelter against that storm which I foresaw. Nor is it sufficient for me to discover the Tempest before it arrives: It is not sufficient in this darkness to lose my sleep, disturb my quiet, tire my Body, debilitate my health by a stender Diet, whilst tossed in the Bosome of an inexorable Element, I am denied the enjoyment of a ray of Light. I hold the Helm of the Ship as direct as I can, but the adverse waves of my Fortune drive me into the midst of those storms where I apprehend the greatest dangers: I am here in the midst of a Sea, which is the Nest of Extravagancies, the grand belief of unthought of Accidents, the spacious Theatre of Tragedies, a fierce Giant, a horrible Monster, who with gentle Opiates endeavours to lull asleep, and lead those to destruction who have too great a confidence in their own strength. I reproach my self for not having been able to make it sufficiently understood, how one stroke of adverse Fortune is capable to put all into danger, who are imbarked in the same Vessel; And as little able am I to inculcate into the minds of men, that whilst the Waves of the vast Sea are smooth and calm, the nearer is the raging of the Waters, and the fury of a Tempest. It was therefore necessary that there should have been some more skilful Pilot than my self to conduct this Vessel. I was long since acquainted with my imperfections, and therefore called aloud for the assistance of an abler Pilot, to direct me in this tempestuous Region; but since I was not heard, I gloried at least to be alone in this Gulf, that being swallowed up by a final ruine, my Martyrdom may be a means to save the rest. Rains and Lightnings do not affright me, but rather serve to quench that fire of disdain which I conceive against my self, for not knowing how to perform better, and serve to enlighten me daily to find out that Compass or Cart which may direct me to a course or path of security. I fear Thunders and Tempests, because the violence of one, and the hardness of the other is able to render a cold sweat mixed with bloud altogether unprofitable. This miserable School, though of eleven years continuance, constrains me to study the disposition of the Stars, the Signs in the Air, the ebbings and flowings of the waters, concealed Rocks, the dangers of along Voyage, and the necessity of recovering a Port. I have studied indeed, but I fear I have not well learned this profound Discipline, for where there is the greatest urgency, there I have gathered the least fruit; for since the aspect of the Spheres are become more inauspicious, I am doubtful that I shall see the Ship beaten with swelling Surges, and being full of Water, it will be so far from being eased by those opportune remedies which I bring, that it will rather be encreased by my tears. God grant by his miraculous Providence, the Tranquillity which we desire, and which by humane means will be difficult to obtain. I had not the understanding to take Opportunity by the Foretop when She presented herself unto me with gentle and benign appearance, showing me the means to save this floating Vessel, and spare our insidious rewards. For this reason my dejected, but not conquered, mind makes my very Bowels feel an unusual anguish of an over-troubled estate. May it please the Divine pity, that these my affictions may prove the Offspring of my own vileness, but not the means of my ruine. I trust therein, I confess, and yet frail hope, amidst this Gulf of Sin, induces me to expect doubtful successes; Yet [Page 103] certainly I will endeavour to avoid a shipwrack on those Rocks of Despair:, And so imploring the Patronage of your Excellencie here on Earth, I confirm my self. From Pera of Constantinople the 19 of December, 1662.
This Letter seems to be wrote in the style of a despairing person, yet if it be well considered, the meaning is no other than what the Issue of Affairs some years afterwards did evidence; and his intentions were no other than to describe the ill nature of the Turkish Ministers, and their obstinacy of continuing a War, until they had wearied out the Venetians into an humour of surrendring the whole Island of Candia unto them. I had the honour to be well acquainted with the Person of Signior Ballarino, and I always esteemed him in his external Behaviour accomplished with the excesses of Italian Civility; he was endued with great fluency of Language, both in Discourse and Writing; he was jealous, acute, and wary; and in short, was a proper Minister for that Republick, well practised and versed in the manner of Treaty with the Turkish Court. He at first was sent from Venice to Constantinople in quality of Secretary to the Excellentissimo Capello, Procurator of St. Mark, a Person eminent for his Office, and the several great employments which he had exercised in that State; he was sincere, and of a generous Soul, his comely looks, and grave habit spoke him to be a Gentleman and a Senator. In short, he was so well esteemed of at Venice, that he was thought worthy to be imployed in this Embassy to the Grand Signior, which is commonly granted to persons after they have run through all services of the Commonwealth, as a Consummation of their Honours and Richesse. This Gentleman then had the misfortune to be invested in this honour in the worst of Times, when the War was broke forth, and being thereby exposed to their cruelty, he was put into Prison, where passing for some time a Life of sorrow and sadness, he fell into a melancholy, which represented all things to him in the blackest manner; so that, I know not why, his fancy suggested to him, that he was not only miserable in his Imprisonment and Restraint amongst the Turks, but that he was fallen also into disgrace, and displeasure of his Prince at home. I will not say that Signior Ballarino did nourish the operation of this black humour in him; but I have heard that he did not administer that comfort to him, as might serve to dispel the thickness of that Vapour which obscured the generous temper of his Soul. In short, he gave such way to this melancholy, that he laid violent hands upon himself; (as we have said before) but afterwards by the Care of his Friends and Servants, being cured of his wounds, he lived some years after, by his sorrows, and repentance for it, to give satisfaction to God and the World. Howsoever, the Senate being informed thereof, and judging this Act to be the effect of a violent Phrensie, appointed Ballarino to take on himself the intire management of Affairs, reserving only the Title and Honour to Signior Capello. Ballarino now managing all Affairs, Capello looked on himself as neglected and laid aside, howsoever comported his condition with submission and gentleness, never openly resenting the Honours of Ballarino, or to see him preferred before himself; Howsoever, secretly nourishing an inward discontent, his robustious Nature, upwards of eighty years of Age, was forced to give way to its final dissolution; and falling sick he sent to the Earl of Winchelsea, then Ambassadour for his Majesty at Constantinople, to acquaint him of his Distemper, desiring him to send me, who was [Page 104] then his Secretary, unto him. At these Summons I was easily perswaded to go, having always had his Person in great Reverence; and being come to his Bed-side, he raised himself upon his Pillows, and embracing me in his Arms, I fancied my self to receive the Benediction of one of the Ancient Patriarchs. He began with a weak voice to say to me, Sir, I am near my end, expecting every minute to render up my last Breath, and therefore as a dying man, I desire of your Master, the Ambassadour, that so soon as I am dead, he would be pleased to deliver this poor Carcass of mine from under the Covering of this accursed Roof. For Answer whereunto I did not stand to expostulate the reasons with him, well knowing the cause of his discontent; but that I would communicate his desires to my Lord Ambassadour, and speedily return with my Answer to him. Accordingly I departed from him, and quickly brought from my Lord a promise to endeavour hisutmost to comply with his request; at which he seemed to be much satisfied, and commanded his Servants then present, especially one called Sig. Tomaso Gobbato, his great Confident, to be Witnesses thereof. The next day he expired his last Breath, and the day following his Body being embalmed, his Bowels were buried, and the Funeral Rites performed with such order and decency as was seemly in a Country where he lived rather like a Prisoner than an Ambassadour. All things being thus prepared, the Earl of Winchelsea, according to the Will of the Deceased, sent for his Body, already embalmed, which was immediately without opposition or scruple sent to his house; where it remained for some months, in expectation of a conveyance for Venice. At length a Dutch ship, being bound from Constantinople thither, it was designed that the Body should be thereon imbarked; but I know not for what reason, the Customer refused to suffer it to pass; though it may well and rationally be conjectured, That Ballarino, who was sensibly touched to have the care of the Body of his Master, his Countryman, and Colleague taken from him, did with Presents prevail with the Customer to put difficulties in the way, which he supposed might vex those who were thought worthy of this employment. This opposition being made, and not to be overcome without much money, it was contrived that the ship departing should attend the Corps at Tenedos, which was without the Command of the Castles; and the Body being divided from the Legs, was packed up in a Butt of Cavear, and so sent down by a Boat with Licence of the Customer, as a parcel of Goods and Merchandice; and so safely arriving aboard, the Corps were separated from their adjuncts; and being laid decently in a Costin, covered with a Pall of Black Velvet, with Scutcheons, and other ornaments appertaining to the Funerals of such great Personages; it arrived safely at Venice, where it was interred with the usual Ceremonics, in the Tomb of the Ancestors of that Ancient Family.
But the heads and thoughts of these Governours were not so employed in their preparations of War, but that the Vizier could lend an Ear to the suggestions of some malicious Pharisees, who, under pretence of Religion, informed him, That the Christian Churches, burnt down in Constantinople and Galata by those dreadful Fires in the year 1660, were again re-edified against his Command, and the Law of the Turks, which allows the reparation of Churches, and continuance of such which were found standing when Mahometanism was introduced; but not to erect new, or rebuild what are either by time, fire, or other accidents fallen to [Page 105] ruine. And being farther informed, that though those Churches were restored under the notion of Dwellings, or Ware-houses, yet secretly served for Celebration of Divine Service, and thereby his Deerees and The Vizier destroys the Christian Churches rebuilt after the Fire. Edicts were frustrated and disappointed: Wherefore, furiously transported with a Mahometan Zeal, commanded immediately that the Authours of those Buildings should be imprisoned, the Churches themselves levelled to the Foundation, and the ground whereon they stood consiscated to the Grand Signior. This action, though naturally agreeable to the disposition of the Vizier, who was a perfect Turk, zealous in execution of all points of the Mahometan Law, being educated after the severest sort of Professours, and one of those whom they called Softaes; yet he was chiefly prompted unto this, and to a greater abhorrency of Christianity, by one Vanni Esfendi, a Shegh, or Preacher, one who was as inveterate The Zeal of a Turkish Preacher. and malicious to the Christian Religion, as any Enthusiast or Fanatick is to the Rites of our Church and Religion. And thus we may see how troublesome Hypocrisie and Puritanism are in all places where they gain a Superiority; For this Preacher not contented only to ruine the Christian Churches, but perswaded the Vizier that the terrible Fires in Constantinople and Galata in the year 1660, and the last years unparalleled Pestilence, and the inconsiderable advance of the Turks on the Christians for some years, were so many parts of Divine Judgments thrown on the Mussulmen, or Believers, in vengeance of their too much Licence given to the Christian Religion, permitting Wine to be sold within the Walls of Constantinople, which polluted the Imperial City, and ensnared the faithful by temptation to what was unlawful: Wherefore a Command was issued, That no Wine should be henceforth sold within the Walls of the City. And it was farther intended that Greeks and Armenians, and all other Christians, who had Dwellings or Possessions within the Walls of the City, should within forty days sell those habitations, and depart; which otherwise should be confiscated to the Grand Signior; but God who supports the Faithful in Tryals of Persecution, moderated this Decree, and reserved still his Church in the midst of Insidels; not suffering this City to lose the Name nor Religion of that Holy Emperor, who both erected, and christned it; as also to preserve most of the Churches, which though again uncovered, yet were redcemed for money from the possession of the Turks. Nor was the Mahometan Zeal satisfied in Demolishment of the Churches themselves, unless it vented part of its fury against the poor Workmen, which for their hire and days Wages erected them; such as Greek Labourers, Masons, and Carpenters, who were all beaten and imprisoned. But it happening at that time that the Queen Mother building a sumptuous Mosch, and having occasion of many Labourers and Artists to forward so vast a Work, sent to the Maimarbashee (who is the Master work-man, or Cape, over all such who are employed in Building) to supply such a number of Carpenters, Masons, and others, as were convenient to carry on that Fabrick with expedition; who readily replyed, That he would provide all that was possible, but could not promise a sufficient number, unless those Greeks were set at liberty, who were imprisoned by the Grand Vizier for building the Christian Churches; which answer being reported again to the Queen Mother, she interceeded with the Vizier in their behalf, who being glad of any occasion to gratifie so great a Lady, immediately released them, without any fine or reward, which he designed to obtain for their liberty. [Page 106] Howsoever the Vizier not well brooking such an indignity (as he supposed) put upon him by so mean a Slave, as the Maimarbashee, dealt with some of the imprisoned Labourers to accuse him, as the Authour and Licenser of building the Christian Churches. The Greeks easily enough perswaded to please so great a Personage, accused him accordingly, whose Evidence, though not passable against a Turk by the Mahometan Law, yet served the Viziers revenge for the present, who immediately commanded his head to be struck off, and his Estate confiscated; which was The Viziers revenge on the Cape of the Builders. reported to consist of two thousand purses of mony, every purse importing five hundred Dollars, then found actually in his house, which, if true, is a strange Wealth for so ordinary a person. But by this, and by many other instances, we may perceive that there is no people in the World more covetous, and desirous to amass Wealth than the Turks, nor none more uncertain to enjoy it.
About this time the French Merchants in the Levant, having advised his most Christian Majesty that the Turks were sensible that the affront to the person of Monsteur la Haye, his Ambassadour, was contrary to the Law of Nations, and such an injury as could not but provoke the Choler of so puissant a Prince to a just revenge; and knowing that his Majesty being powerful at Sea, was able to extend his Armes to the utmost Confines of his Empire, whilst the interposition of other Countries limited the Turks March by Land, and their ignorance and inability in marine Affairs rendred them uncapable to arrive those Banks of France, which the Sea washes: These Considerations the French Merchants having perswaded the King to be the thoughts of the Grand Signior, and that he desired the continuance of the Peace and Traffick with France, and as an evidence of his remorse and displeasure for the injury to Monsieur la Haye, the Father, his Majesty was contented in satisfaction thereof to redress this injurious transgression of the Law of Nations, by some extraordinary marks of favour and honour to the Person of Monsieur la Haye the Son; that so exceeding the usual method and rule of Ceremony towards this Ambassadour at his arrival, the World might be convinced of the real affection, and hearty desire the Grand Signior had to renew his Peace, and preserve his Commerce with France. This is supposed to be what the Merchants of Marseille and Lyons governed by the Interest of their Trade, suggested to their King to induce him to send an Ambassadour to Constantinople; For at this time Monsieur Roboli, a Merchant, remained only Messengers from France to introduce a new Ambassadour. as Consul or Agent for the Affairs of Commerce. Things thus represented at the French Court, the King dispatched away two Gentlemen to Constantinople with Letters to the Grand Signior and Vizier, and one to the Sieur Roboli, the Agent, declaring that if the Turk would make amends for the last Affront done to the Ambassadour, by some signal notes of Honour in the abused Person of Monsieur la Haye, the Son, he would then condescend to confirm the Ancient League and Amity. The Letters translated out of the French Tongue, were as followeth.
To Our Dear, and Well Beloved le Sieur Roboli, Agent for Our Affairs at Constantinople. By the King.
THE Inclination We have to continue that Amity with the Emperour of the Turks, which hath remained so long between Us, and Our Empires, and maintain the ancient Alliances, hath caused Us to write to Him, and his Great Vizier, to know the Entertainment and Reception that they will give to the Sieur de la Haye, the Son, in satisfaction of the violence exercised before on his own Person, and the Person of the Sieur de la Haye, the Father, our Ambassadour, against the Law of Nations. We write to You this Letter, to give you Order to conduct and present before the Vizier, the Secretaries du Pressoir, and Fontain, which We have sent to carry him our Dispatches, and return with the Answers, which you shall solicite without loss of time, the which you shall bring your self, in case they be not agreeable to that resolution we have taken not to receive any satisfaction, but in the Person of the said Sieur de la Haye, the Son, which is due to Us, for that Insolency and Affront which hath been done them. Willing also notwithstanding, that before you depart, you assemble the French Merchants in Constantinople together, that they may chuse amongst themselves one for their Chief; but if the Answers be such as We have cause to expect, We approve that you remain in the Station where you are, in Quality of Our Agent, until the Arrival of the said Monsieur de la Haye, and that you send them by the said Secretaries du Pressoir, and Fontain, of which you shall not fail, for so is Our Pleasure.
The King of France his Letter to the Great Vizier.
ALthough the Indignity offered to the Person of the Sieur de la Haye Venteley, Our Ambassadour, and to his Son, which We have designed to the same Charge, have touched Us as far as becomes a victorious Prince, who holds the first rank over Christian Kings, and who hath under his Power one of the most warlike Nations of the World; Notwithstanding after being informed, that the disgrace which the said Gentlemen have incurred hath proceeded rather from malice, and the ill Offices of some Persons, who have endeavoured to disturb, by this ill Treatment of them, the good Correspondence [Page 108] which hath been between Us, than from any design on the Grand Signiors Part to offend Us; and that on the contrary, there continues in His will an intention to maintain the Ancient Friendship which remains between our Estates and People after so many Ages. We being not desirous to estrange Our selves, shall send an Embassadour in ordinary to his High Port, and having cast our Eyes upon the said Sieur de la Haye, the Son, We are much inclined to dispatch him for this employment; but as We desire to be assured of the good reception that shall be made him, We give You advice of Our intentions by this Letter; that according to the desire You have testified of the continuance of Our friendship, and Our Ancient Alliances with His Highness, shall pray God to have You, Most Illustrious and Magnificent Lord, in His holy and worthy protection.
The King of France his Letter to the Grand Signior.
MOST High, most Excellent, most Puissant, most Magnanimous, and Invincible Prince, the Grand Signior, Emperour of the Mussulmans, Sultan Mahomet, in whom all Honour and Vertue abound. Our most dear and perfect Friend. May God encrease Your Greatness and Majesty with a happy end. We have not known how to impute the ill usage, which hath been offered to the Person of the Sieur de la Haye, our Ambassadour, and to his Son, designed by Us to the same employment, to any causes and motions in Your Highness, but rather to the Instigation of some People, which would trouble that good Correspondence, which hath been so long established between Us, and our Empires. And as we have cause to believe that Your Highness desires much to continue this friendship and good understanding, upon what hath been wrote Us on Your Part; and to concurr with You herein, we desire much likewise to continue to maintain an Embassadour at Your High Port, in place of the said Sieur de la Haye. And since We have none of Our People that is more intelligent than the Sieur de la Haye, the Son, in what concerns the Affairs and Functions of this Embassy; We have elected him for this employment, to which We shall willingly dispatch him, if We may be assured of the good usage and kind reception which shall be given him. This is that which We expect from Your Highness, reserving a more particular information to be sent by the Sieur de la Haye, the Son, of the good Correspondence which We desire always to have and maintain with You. And hereupon We pray God, That You may be most High, &c. as above, in his Holy and Worthy Protection.
The Viziers Answer to the foregoing Letters.
To the most Glorious amongst the Sublime Christian Princes, chosen amongst the Great and Sublime of the Religion of the Messiah, Mediator of the Affairs of all the Nazarene Nation, Lord of Majesty and Reputation, Master of Greatness and Power, Louis Emperour of France, the end of whose days be happy. The Salutations which respect Friendship, and are desired from Love and Affection, being premised. Your Majesty shall know that the Letter which was sent to Your Friend, by the Honourable du Pressoir and Fountain hath been delivered me by the Sieur Roboli, Agent and Attorney of the Embassy, at the High and Imperial Port; the Contents whereof We have apprehended to be as Your Majesty gives to understand, touching the intire Amity and good [...]. Certainly Your Majesty knows, that the Augmentation, and daily Encrease of that Amity, proceeds from the protection and honourable Observance of Conditions and Capitulations between both Parties. By the Grace of the most High God, the Sublime and Imperial Port of the most Happy, most Puissant, most Valourous, most Magnificent, and most Strong Emperour, Support of the Mussulmans, My Lord, whose Armes God prosper with double Force, is always open for our Friends, and others without any Obstacle, as all the World knows, and particularly for Your Majesty, Who is our Friend, and hath been long in Amity with the most Serene Ottoman Family, whom God establish until the day of the Ballance. It being a most certain Truth that there hath happened neither on one side or other any Action contrary to the promised Faith.
And now, since Your Majesty desires for a new Ornament of the Ancient and Good Correspondence, and to the end that the Agreement and Conditions thereof be honoured as they ought, that the considerable Person amongst the Nobles of the Court of Your Majesty, the Sieur Denys de la Haye, Son of the late Ambassadour, a Subject of Reputation, Your Gentleman of Credit, whose Days may they conclude in happiness, be sent to reside at this Happy and Imperial Port, for Your Majesty, according to the ancient custom; To the end that the Intention of Your Majesty may be performed, We have exposed it at the High Throne of the thrice Happy, most Mysterious, and most Great Emperour, My Lord, Who with an Imperial regard of courteous Demonstration, hath accepted the said Demand with willingness, and therefore in signification of his Pleasure, We write You this Our present and friendly Letter; and if it please God, according to the ancient Custom, when the said Embassadour shall arrive at this High Port with the Letters of Friendship from Your Majesty, he shall be honoured on the Imperial part, and entertained according to the ordinary custom, the Imperial Capitulations shall be renewed, the Ornament of Affection on one side and the other shall be confirmed; and for an essicacious Consirmation of a good Peace between both Entperours, an Imperial Letter shall be sent to Your Majesty, whose health be happy and prosperous.
[Page 110] In Answer to the Kings Letter the Grand Signior made no reply, but only by his Vizier, by reason that in all the Ancient Turkish Registers and Archives, there was no example found, that the Grand Signior ever wrote to any King, who had not an Ambassadour actually resident at his Port. But this Negotiation about a French Ambassadour took not effect, until some time after, in which other Letters and Messages intervened, as will appear by the following Sequel of this History.
It was now towards the beginning of Winter, when the Season of the Year compelled the Turkish Fleet of Gallies to return according to custom, to the Port of Constantinople. The whole Summer before, they The returns of the Turkish Armata to winter at Constantinople. had for the most part passed in some Harbour or Creek amongst the Greek Islands, having afforded nothing of Convoy or succour towards the safe Conduct of the Fleet of Grand Cairo, but suffered them to fall into the hands of the Enemy, as before mentioned, and indeed for several years the Marine Affairs of the Turks have always gone decaying in Fame and Force; and the preparations of the Armata every Spring, have been of Form and Course, rather than with hopes of success correspondent to the expence. In their return home, near Constantinople they encountred a sierce storm, so that three Gallies were cast away at Ponte Piccolo, (by the Turks called Cuchuccheckmage, about four Leagues distant from Constantinople.) Howsoever the Weather clearing, the remainder of the Fleet got into Port, entring with joy, with vollies of great and small Shot, with Streamers flying, Pipes sounding, and all other sorts of their Country Musick, bringing with great Ostentation a small Flyboat, which had been a Ligornese Man of War, taken by them as she was cruising singly in the Arches of Pelago; which was brought in with so much Ceremony used in toaing her into Port, decking her with Streamers and Pendants, with such signs of Victory and Triumph, as if they had led Captive the whole Venetian Armata. But I must not omit the relation of what befel one of the Beghs Gallies, designed, with the rest, The Slaves make an Inforrection in one of the Beghs Gallies. to rendezvous at Constantinople, whilst she loitered amongst small Isles in the Gulf of Nicomedia. It was a Gally, the Commander of which had newly received as the Portion of his Wife, being a Young man lately married, who entertained great thoughts of raising his Fortunes by the spoils and prize he was to make. At these Isles several of the Officers, and The Souldiers at Sea called by that name. Levents went on shore; where whilst they entertained themselves with Wine and merriment; the Slaves made an insurrection in the Gally, seized the Captain, cut off his Head, and threw his Body into the Sea; and so becoming Masters of the Vessel, weighed Anchor, and set sail. Those on the shore admiring at the unexpected departure of the Gally, accompanied her with their eyes and wonder as far as they could perceive her in sight, but observing her to steer a different course from the Port, to which they were designed, suspected much of the truth of what had succeeded; wherefore taking their Boat immediately, they hastned to Constantinople to give advice of what had passed, that (if possible) Orders might timely arrive the Castles on the Hellespont, which might obstruct their farther passage. But alas! the poor Slaves were so dismayed with their own action, and so transported with a slavish fear and apprehension of what might succeed should their escape not be effected; that they knew not what course to steer: all things seemed to contradict their liberty, the Wind proved contrary, their Spirits dejected [Page 111] their understandings void of counsel and contrivance; so that wandring three or four days in the Propontis, at last ran their Gally ashoar on the Asian side, near Palormo; from whence they were brought back to Constantinople, and there, by sentence of the Captain Pasha, fourteen of them had their Legs and Arms broken, and so suffered to dye in that torture, and afterwards their Bodies were thrown into the Sea, to the terrour of all other Slaves, who prefer a miserable Life at the Oar, before the torments of some hours in dying.
Though the Turks have their Affairs but ill managed at Sea, and their success accordingly fortunate; yet their preparations for Land services are more expedite, and executed with that secrecy and speed, that oftentimes Armies are brought into the Field, before it is so much as rumoured by common mouths that any designs are in agitation: For though it was now Winter, yet the design against Germany went forward, Forces were daily sent to the Frontiers, Cannon, and Ammunition for War, transported by way of the Black Sea, and the Danube. Orders issued The Preparations for the German War. out to the Princes of Moldavia, and Valachia to repair their Wharfs and Keys along the River, for the more convenient landing of Men and Ammunition, and to rebuild their Bridges for the more commodious passage of the Tartars; That Horses should be provided against the next Spring, for drawing all Carriages of Ammunition, and Provisions; their Magazines stored with quantities of Bread, and Rice, their Fields well stocked with Sheep, and other Cattel, and that no necessaries be wanting which concern the victualling, or sustenance of a Camp. The Tartars were appointed to have in a readiness a hundred thousand Horsemen, to make Incursions on the Frontiers; Likewise the Pashaws of Darbiquier, Aleppo, Caramania, and Anatolia received their orders; and seven and twenty Letters, accompanied with as many Vests, after the Turkish manner, were sent to as many Pashaws of the Empire, to dispose the strength of their Countries in a Warlike posture, so as to march when the Grand Signiors Commands should require them to attend his designs: And that the occasion of the War might appear the more justifiable, it was resolved, That no Acts of Hostility, or other Breaches of Peace should be pretended, than the Fort built by the Count Serini, being a matter really against the Articles of the last Peace; the Demolishment whereof, the Ottoman Force intended to make the principal end of their first Enterprize, in which if they encountred any opposition from the Emperor, the Cause of their War would be then the more plausible; for as yet the Emperour had not fully declared his approbation of that Work, raised by Serini, as agreeable to his Assent, or Pleasure. On the other side with no less caution and labour did the Christians endeavour to secure their Frontiers, by raising their Militia, and reinforcing their Garisons, and especially to perfect the new Fort near Canista, which, as it was thought so considerable, as to countervail the inconveniences and miseries of a War, so the Turk thought it neither honourable, nor secure, until he had seen it razed, and levelled with the ground.
All things thus growing black and stormy round about, that nothing An Accident disposing the Christian Affairs to a peace with the Turk. seemed less probable, and it may be said, less possible, than an accommotion; Behold, on a sudden, an Accident fell out at Rome, from whence this War with the Turks received its life and heat, which becalmed much of the fury and storm on the Christian Consines, and inclined matters in Germany towards propositions of Peace, fearing that Italy, who had begotten [Page 112] this War, was not able (as things stood) to contribute towards its maintenance and support. The occasion was this. It happened that in the streets of Rome the French Ambassadours Coach was assaulted by the Corsi Natives of the Ifle of Corsica, which are of the Popes Guard, the Page killed at the Boot of the Coach, and the Ambassadours Lady wounded; whether this barbarous act was designed against the Person of the Ambassadour by any Persons of Eminency, or malice of the People, is little to the purpose I have now in hand; only the King took this Affront so heinously, that for the present no acknowledgments or satisfaction the Pope could make, could allay his just resentment, or any thing be imagined possible to expiate this indignity, besides a War. The News of this Division between the Son, and the spiritual Father, filled all the Ministers of Constantinople with much Joy, and with subject of Laughter, and expectation of the Event, judging now that their daily Prayers for the Discord of the Christian Princes amongst themselves, were heard and granted, since they had so far availed, as to disunite the very Oeconomy of Christendome. And now they imagined that this difference would have a forcible influence on their Affairs in Hungary, and either incline the Emperour speedily to a Peace, or otherwise to undertake a War on disadvantageous terms. Things had an issue accordingly, for in a few Weeks after, advice came by Post from Ali Pasha, then at Tentiswar, that his Salam-Chaous, called Chusaein, who had long since been sent to Vienna, with more distinct Demands of what the Turks proposed, and being supposed, through his long stay, to be detained a Prisoner, was again returned, and with him had brought the Baron of Goez, as Internuncio, The Baron of Gowtz sent to Ali Pasha. sent to Ali Pasha, to receive a more particular Information of the Turks propositions, for that the Emperour pretended, he was not as yet throughly satisfied therein. And thus matters, beyond all expectation, began to incline to an agreement, in regard that Rome being now in danger herself, not by the Turks, but by the Christians, held herself uncapable to administer that Fuel to the Fire of War which She had promised; so that the League treated there beginning to fail, the Emperour grew faint, and the Princes cold, in their Preparations, wishing some Course could be effected, which might bring matters to an accommodation. Such were the Discourses and imaginations of the Turks; In which condition we leave the state of Affairs until the beginning of the next year; and in the mean time it may not be from our purpose, nor tedious to the Reader, to record what befel this year most remarkable to the English Nation, and their Trade in Turky, which also may be beneficial, by instruction of past examples, to such who shall for the future be concerned in the Traffick and business of the Levant.
What Remarkable Accidents befel the ENGLISH NATION, and their Trade this Year in TURKY.
THE Messengers from Algier, as before related, having promised better Obedience for the future to the Commands of the Grand Signior, obtained a new Pasha for their City, and Country thereunto belonging; who before his departure, was enjoined by the Grand Signior to dispose Affairs with the Earl of Winchelsea, his Majesties Ambassadour at Constantinople, as might demonstrate his dispositions towards a Peace, and his desire that the Algerines should do the like, and accept of that Clause in the Articles, prohibiting the search of English Ships, either for their own or Strangers Goods. The place appointed for the meeting between the Embassadour and the Pasha, was a certain Chiosk, or Garden house, belonging to an Eunuch, the Aga of a Seraglio at Pera; where both parties being met, the Pasha declared that the Grand Signiors desires were, That a Peace should be concluded on the Ancient Capitulations, and that by him these Orders were to be carried unto Algier, from whence he was advised, that the Algerines were ready to accept those Articles, if one of his Majesties Ships singly appeared about the Treaty; so that, the World might not esteem their condescension to proceed from Force and Compulsion. Hereof Advices being sent into England, a Peace ensued in some Months after, but what faith these Insidels kept will be related in the Sequel of this Story; the memory of which is engraven with the Point of a Diamond, and the Losses which ensued thereupon to the Exchange at London, deserve a particular Treatise, which in the mean time many Families retain in a sad remembrance.
In May Advice was brought to the Lord Ambassadour, how that the Anne, a Frigate of his Majesties Royal Navy, commanded by Captain Jonas Poole, which had convoyed the general Ships to Smyrna, in her passage homewards stopped at the Morca, and came to an Anchor near a place in that Country, called the Black Mountain, commodious to Wood and Waterin; to which end were landed threescore men, armed with Swords and Firelocks; these made havock of the Woods on all sides, loading their Boats away as fast as they could, and not only so, but set great Trees on Fire, which in that dry Season of the Year dispersed it self far and wide; which being seen at a distance in the Night, alarmed the people of the Country, so that the Begh, or Governour came down with some Force to discover the matter, supposing that some Malteses, or Venetians might be landed. At the approach of this Body of Turks, our Men quitted the Woods, and shifted away as fast as they could to their Boats, of which thirty eight escaped, the rest falling short were intercepted by the Turks, and eleven of them were killed, and eleven taken Captives; and of the Turks, two Aga's, and two or three others had the fortune to fall by some Musket-shot from our men, whilst in this confusion, they endeavoured to defend themselves. On the news hereof, our Lord Ambassadour represented the whole matter to the Vizier declaring, That it was lawful according to our Capitulations [Page 114] to take refreshments, and supply our wants in any part of the Grand Signiors Dominions; and that therefore he demanded Justice on the Begh of the Morea, and restitution of the Captives. But the Vizier understanding that some Turks were killed in the skirmish, lent not so ready an ear to these Complaints; howsoever, to be acquitted of the Ambassadours solicitations, referred the business to the Examination and Justice of the Captain Pasha: but it falling out that at that time the Consul and Merchants at Smyrna had an unhappy difference with the Captain Pasha, (which shall in the next place be related) was the Cause that all Applications to his Favour and Justice were suspended, and a slow progress made towards obtaining the liberty of those poor unfortunate men. Howsoever, some months after it happened that the Begh of the Morea being removed from that Government, and coming to Constantinople with his whole Estate, brought with him the eleven Englishmen, which he had taken, and offered them to sale unto the Ambassadour, who considering that they were Englishmen, and such as had been enslaved in actual service of their King, he esteemed himself obliged both in Charity and Honour to redeem them. But the Case appeared too foul to demand their Liberty by strength of the Capitulations; for besides that, the cutting Wood in places inhabited without permission, is a Robbery and a Crime in its self, not to be maintained by the Law of Nations, the killing of a principal Aga, and wounding others, might sufficiently warrant the Turks, without any Breach of Peace, to detain these men as lawful Captives: Wherefore the Lord Ambassadour deeming it unseemly, that those who had served in his Majestics Navy should be condemned to the Turkish Gallies, disbursed fourteen hundred Lion Dollars, which was demanded for them, which was afterwards repay'd him by his Majesty; and having cloathed, and provided them with necessaries for their Voyage, conveyed them with the first occasions into England.
The difference between the English Nation, and the Captain Pasha which impeded the Liberty, for some time, of these Captives, had its Original at Smyrna, where some English Merchants making Collation one Evening in a Garden, were assaulted and beaten by certain drunken Souldiers belonging to the Sea. Levents, belonging to a Gally then in Port, in whose Company was a Portuguez Slave. The News hereof flying to the Frank Street put all the Neighbourhood into an uproar, so that divers people with such weapons as TheGarden Avania. came next to hand, in a sury went in pursuit of the Levents, and unhappily meeting one, drew him into the English Consuls house, where they treated him with such blows as abated much of the heat and fumes of his Wine; during which disturbance and confusion, the Portuguez slave found an opportunity to make his escape. The Consul knowing it some advantage in Turkie to complain first, sent to the Kadi, giving him to understand the ill usage of four of his Merchants (whose names he gave in writing) by the unruly Levents, whilst they innocently, and without injury to any, divertised themselves in a Garden; to which, for the present, little more was given in answer, than that on a farther examination of the business, the Consul should receive Justice. In the mean time the Turk, who had been beaten in the Consuls house, resolved not to leave the Gate till he had received satisfaction for his blows; and the others that were his Comrades demanded their Slave from the English, which was lost, by whose means and assistance (as they pretend) he had made his Escape. The matter came now to high Demands on both sides, [Page 115] which the Kadi, either not being desirous, or not of sufficient Authority to compound, the Gally departed without any agreement, and the complaint was carried by the Turks to the Captain Pasha, who then being with his Fleet at Mytilene, with little other thoughts or business, was glad of this occasion to get money, and therefore suddenly returned the Gally again, with Orders to bring before him the four Merchants, whose names he particularized, to make answer to their accusation of having beaten his Levents, and contrived the escape of the slave. The Consul and Merchants being affrighted by this Message, and Command of so great a Personage, endeavoured with money to accommodate the business, by force of which it was at length taken up, costing in all the summ of Dollars two thousand seven hundred, or thereabouts. The which passage may serve for an example to such as live in Turkie, that all troubles of this nature are best compounded for at first; for at the beginning nothing more was demanded than the price of the Slave, and of the broken pate of the Levent: but being suffered to come under the Cognizance of powerful and covetous Tyrants; as there is no fathoming their unsatiable desires, so there is no prospect into what inconvenient dangers such Affairs will involve, and entangle themselves.
As Turkie hath been seldome or never without having false money currant, so the best sort of Silver hath been so clipped by the Jews, Armenians, Merchants, and others; that the Dollar was brought at Constantinople to six Drams, and at Smyrna to seven, which made great confusion in the Trade of these Countries. Wherefore the Vizier as he had already given proof and testimony to the World of his strict observance, and adherence to the Mahometan Law, so he was desirous to appear highly careful and sensible of the Publick Interest: And therefore as the most necessary work, he began with the Dollars of six Drams, proclaiming The Viziers Edict against Dollars of six Drams. that they should no longer pass in payments, and that those in whose hands they were found, delivering them into the Mint should receive a 8 o in return of every such Dollar, by which means the Mint would advance a. 4 on every Dollar, esteeming every dram worth 14 Aspers, and that for the present no Dollar being currant under seven Drams, it might afterwards bebrought to Lyons, and Dollars of nine Drams; which regulation, though at first grievous to some particular persons, would afterwards redound to the common advantage and benefit of Trade. To forward which Design the Grand Signior, and Queen Mother sent all their Dollars of six Drams to be new coined into Aspers at the Mint, so likewise did the Vizier, intending to be very strict in prohibition of that money. But a while after it happened that the Treasurer of the Viziers Steward having occasion to pay monies, either for his own or his Masters account, forced some Bags of six Drams on those to whom payment was to be made; the Receivers denied to accept them, but he being a powerful man, and very urgent, forced the money upon them, with which laden, as they had received them, they went directly to the Vizier, acquainting him that they were desirous to obey his Commands, as to the six Dram Dollars, but his Stewards Treasurer had forced on them that sort of money, which if it was his pleasure that they should still pass, they were contented to receive, if not, they desired him to give Command for their payment in other money. The Vizier being highly enraged, that the first Violation of his Commands should begin in his own Family, immediately ordered, without farther proof or process, that the Offenders Head [Page 116] should be struck off, and his body thrown into the Sea; which Sentence was executed in the same hour for example and terror of others, and to expiate the crime, and take away the scandal from the fountain of Justice, whose streams can never be esteemed to run clear when the source is corrupted. In like manner the Overseer of the Mint was strangled, and Emir Pasha, formerly Pasha of Grand Cairo, was banished to the Isle of Lomnos, for making the Coin of Aspers 5. per cent. worse than their true value.
The Merchants at Aleppo, being far from the Court, are more subject to troublesom Avanias than others, who are nearer to the head or fountain, from whence Justice should proceed, as may appear by many examples, Merchants of Aleppo. and particularly by an accident which fell out there this year. For it happened, that a Janisary which served the English Nation, riding abroad with some of the Merchants, for want of heed, or the unruliness of his Horse, chanced to hurt a Youth playing in the streets. Whereupon the Merchants, and the Janisary, not to suffer this business to come within the knowledge of the Cities Officers, immediately for some money quieted the complaints, and stopped the farther demands of the father; and to make the business more secure, caused the father to make Hoget before the Kadi, that he was well satisfied, and remained without farther pretence, either on the Merchant, or the Janisary, for the hurt which his child had received. But the Pasha, who had for a long time attentively watched an opportunity to extort mony from the English, was resolved not to let pass this fair occasion; and therefore sent to demand from the Consul those Merchants, which he called Accessories to this mischief, and the Assassinates of a Mussulman. The Consul appearing in person before the Pasha, denied to deliver up the Merchants being guiltless of any crime 5 and that for hurt to the child, the father had received full satisfaction from the Janisary, and given a discharge before the Kadi. Howsoever this reason would not pacifie the Pasha, who could acknowledge no other argument available than a sum of money; and therefore in prosecution of his design produced ten false Witnesses, that the child was dead of its hurt, and that English men had done the mischief. The Consul had now no other answer than a flat denial; for the Pasha had forced by threats the Hoget from the Janisary, and persisting with constancy in defence of his Merchants, the Pasha confined him for an hours time in a Chamber of his House, and beat, and imprisoned his Druggerman. The Consul afterwards returned home; and perceiving a difference between the Pasha and the Mufti, purchased the favour of the Mufti on his side, and procured from him an Hoget of the several proceedings in this business, which was dispatched away with all expedition to Constantinople, that a redress of this injury might be obtained from the Superiour Power. Whilst the Lord Ambassador in due manner resented this breach of Capitulations, and prepared to make his complaints to the Vizier, it happened that certain Christians of Aleppo, from whom the Pasha had forced 18000 Dollars by unjust extortion, were then at Court solliciting the restauration of their right. The Ambassador judging this a convenient and opportune preparation to prepossess the mind of the Vizier with a true apprehension of the injustice of this Pasha, encouraged and pricked forward these abused and oppressed Christians in their complaints; and the next day presented his Memorial to the Vizier, containing all the particulars of the late passages at Aleppo: which with the [Page 117] other Crimes alledged the Day before, so moved the mind of the Vizier, that he promised the Ambassadour to send a Kapugibashee of the Grand Signior to enquire into the Truth of these Allegations; and that he might be satisfied of his real intentions to do him justice, he advised him to send a Messenger in company with this Officer, who might witness the reality of his proceedings. The Kapugibashee being in this manner dispatched, and arriving at Aleppo, made the Pasha refund the money he had unjustly taken from the poor oppressed Christians of that Country; in which good action my Lord Ambassadour had been an useful instrument, having encouraged the Agents of those Christians at Constantinople, counselled them what Course to take, and introduced them by his Chief Interpreter to the Presence of the Vizier, for which he received the thanks of the Greek and Armenian Patriarchs, who gratefully acknowledged to the English Consul at Aleppo, how much they were engaged to the charity and favour of the English Ambassadour: But whilst all mens eyes were in expectation what farther proceedings were designed against the Pasha in favour of the English, the Officer denied to have received any instructions therein, and so returned to Constantinople without taking notice of the English Concernment. The Ambassadour judging himself herein slighted, sent to the Viziers Kahya to know the mystery of this neglect; for the Vizier and himself having pawned his word, and promises to do him justice, against the Pasha of Aleppo, it seemed strange that his assurances should vanish into nothing; and that he so meanly esteemed his Quality and Office, as to disparage it with so much disrepute and contempt as must necessarily befall him, should this Pasha escape without [...] punishment; For then the World might with reason believe his Applications of no prevalency, and his Merchants fear the insufficiency of his protection. To which the Kahya answered, That it was true, that the Kapugibashee was not instructed in the Concernments of the English, in regard a more solemn and eminent piece of Justice was designed for the Ambassadour, than any that could be performed by the Kapugibashee, and that in twenty or thirty days at farthest the Pasha should be deprived of his Office. The next day following the Kahya advised that the Hattesheriff, or Imperial Command for deposing of the Pasha, was signed, and that old Mahomet Pasha of Darbiquier was constituted in his place; which News was highly pleasing to the Lord Ambassadour, in regard he had been an ancient Friend to the English, under whom he presaged to our Nation at Aleppo all security and contentment. By which Story it is observable, That though the Supreme Reflections on the Premises. Officers amongst the Turks are willing to satisfie Christian Ambassadours resident with them, in the Care they have of their Welfare, and maintenance of their Capitulations; yet are not desirous to publish to their own people the punishment of their Grand Officers, at the instigation or for the concernment of a Christian: And that though the Turks are apprehended amongst us for a people of great Morality, and singleness in their Dealings; yet it is observable in this, as well as in other their actions, that they have double tongues and faces, and know how to act with as fine a Thread, and plausible pretences as are accustomary in the most politick and refined Courts of Italy.
Anno Christi 1663. Hegeira 1074. 1663
THE Baron of Goez, which at the end of the last year arrived at Buda with several overtures of peace, had so far proceeded in his Treaty with Ali Pasha of Buda, that all Articles seemed almost concluded, and scarce any difficulty to remain, unless the Surrender of Zekelhyd on the Confines of Hungary; which also was afterwards accommodated by Agreement, That the City should be resigned into the hands of the Prince of Transilvania, as the most equal Condition between the Emperour and the Turk. So that, matters thus seeming to be composed, all people talked of Peace with Germany, and that the force and miseries of Wars were to be turned upon Dalmatia: And though the Turks had no design less in their thoughts than this, or any intentions towards a Peace, as will be proved by the Sequel; howsoever, the German Ministers, as men credulous of what they desire, gave the Peace for certainly concluded, in which conceit the Turks so humoured and indulged their fancy, that they perswaded Prince Portia, the Chief Minister of State to the Emperour, in that manner of the reality of their intentions; that he neglected the necessary provisions and preparations of War. And though he was often advised by the Resident at the Ottoman Port, that all these Demonstrations of Peace were only Artifices of the Turk, to delude the Emperours Council; yet so tenacious was he of this opinion, that The Turks with words deceive the German Ministers. though it be but common reason, and the vulgar rule of Policy for a Prince to arm, and suspect his Neighbour, who puts himself into a warlike posture; yet this Great Personage, though in other things profoundly wise, and circumspect, was so deluded, that he replyed to the Residents Advices to this effect, That it was the Office of a prudent and experienced Minister to discover with diligence the resolution of the Cabinet Councils of Princes, and not to give ear or credit to what is the common voice or vogue of the Vulgar.
The Spring drawing near, the Vizier prepared all things for action, nominating and appointing such, who in his absence were to supply the Offices of State: Ishmael Pasha, then Pasha of Buda, was designed for Chimacam, or Governour of Constantinople, and Mustapha Pasha, Captain Pasha, Brother in Law to the Great Vizier by marriage of his Sister (and now the present Vizier) was made Chimacam at Adrianople, near the Person of the Grand Signior. All other preparations for War went forwards, thirty pieces of Cannon from Scutari, and fifty from the Seraglio, most of a vast bigness and weight, which had served in the taking of Babylon, with great store of Ammunition and Provisions of War, were transported up the Danube to Belgrade, and the Princes of Moldavia, and Valachia, had now Commands sent them to quicken their diligence in making their preparations of War, and in providing Sheep, Beef, Rice, and all sorts of Victuals for supply of the Camp; and General Proclamation was made in all places, That all Souldiers, who received one Asper of pay from the Grand Signior, were to prepare themselves for the War.
About the middle of February the Horse Tail was set forth at the Viziers Gate; (which is the usual signal of the Camps motion within the space of a month) so that none may excuse himself from the War for want of due and timely intimation. And though the time for departure [Page 119] nearly approached, yet the Grand Signior was so impatient, that he would scarce expect until the Equinoctial, which was the Term formerly appointed and published for this expedition; resolving sometimes to proceed The Grand Signior impatient to leave Constantinople. before, and leave the Vizier to follow him, letting fall words often, That such as loved and honoured him would keep him company. But this hasty resolution, and eager desire of his Journey the Vizier, Mufti, and others of his Counsellours did moderate, perswading him to a little longer patience: to which, though with some difficulty, he assented; yet he could not forbear from his horses back, and constant exercises abroad, nor could he be induced to take one nights repose longer in his great Seraglio at Constantinople, but lodged at Daout Pasha, a small Palace about four miles distant from Constantinople. Which extravagant manner of living most people attributed to his wandring humour, and delights in hunting, riding, and such like exercises, having his sole pleasure in the Woods and Fields: But others, who judged with better foundation, did conceive, That the Grand Signiors choice of other places of Residence rather than his Imperial Seraglio, proceeded not so much from his own unsetled humour, and course of living, as from an apprehension of some Designs, and mutinous Treasons of the Janisaries against him: for to speak the truth, since the death of Kuperlee, the Militia began again to be corrupted; and if we may believe the opinion of the most principal Turks, the Vizier undertook this War to employ the busie spirits of the Souldiery, which began to grow resty and insolent through idleness, and by that means secure his own life, and establish his Condition and Fortune.
The Equinoctial being come, the Grand Signior would not have one days longer patience; for though the Season was wet and rainy, yet the Tents were pitched; and though the Wind was so violent and forcible as overturned almost the whole Camp, yet no difficulties and inconveniences of Weather could give one hour of intermission to the Sultans desires: Wherefore on the 9th of this Month the Grand Signior departed Much. from Constantinople, attended with his Court, his principal Officers of State, and with what part of his Army was then in a readiness to march. The magnificence of the show they made, was according to the usual solemnity, yet worthy the sight of a Stranger, and perhaps not incurious to the Reader in its Relation.
First, marched with a singular Gravity, the several and distinct Orders The Cavalcade which the Gr. Signior made when he departed from Constantinople. of Civil and Military Officers in their proper Habits and Caparisons, the Santones in their wild dress followed by the Emirs, or such as are of the Kindred of their false Prophet; The Great Vizier, and Mufti rode in rank together, the Vizier on the left hand, the most honourable place amongst the Souldiery, being the side to which the Sword is girt, as the right is of greatest esteem amongst such as are of the Law, being that hand which guides the Pen: The Trappings of the Viziers Horse were plated with Gold, and before him were carried three horse-tails, called in Turkish ( Tugh,) and behind him came about three hundred and fifty Pages, all Young men well mounted, and armed with Jacks and Coats of Male: Next followed the Minions of the Court, or Seraglio, ( viz.) the Paicks with Caps of beaten Gold, and embroidered Coats, the Solacks with Feathers, armed with Bows and Arrows; these two last are of the highest degree of Lacqueys, which more nearly attend the Person of the Grand Signior; These were followed by nine led Horses of the [Page 120] Grand Siginor, richly adorned with precious Stones, and Bucklers all covered with Jewels of an unknown value. Immediately before the Person of the Grand Siginor was led a Camel carrying the Alcoran in a Chest covered with cloth of gold: The Grand Siginor himself was cloathed in a Vest of cloth of gold lined with a Sable incomparably black, held up from the sides of his Horse by four Pages; his Person was followed with great numbers of Eunuchs, and Pages with long red Caps wrought with gold about the head, carrying Lances and Mails, with two locks, one on each side of their head, which are worn by such only as are of the Royal Chamber: after these crowded great numbers of Servants, with the chief Comp. of Spahees, commanded by the Selict ar Aga, in number about 1800. And in this manner and order they marched to their Tents.
The Tents were raised on a small Hill, as may be judged about four miles distant from Constantinople, and about two thousand in number ranged at that time without order, only the Grand Siginor's seemed to be in the midst, and to over-top all the rest, well worthy observation, costing (as was reported) one hundred and eighty thousand Dollars, The richness of Turkish Tents. richly embroidered in the inside with gold, and supported by Pillars plated with gold. Within the In Turkish Perdéh. Walls of this Tent (as I may so call them) were all sorts of Offices belonging to the Seraglio, all Retirements and Apartments for the Pages, Chioskes or Summer-houses for pleasure; and though I could not get admittance to view the innermost Rooms and Chambers, yet by the outward and more common places of resort, I could make a guess at the richess and greatness of the rest, being sumptuous beyond comparison of any in use amongst the Christian Princes. On the right hand hereof was pitched the Grand Viziers Tent, exceedingly rich and lofty; and had I not seen that of the Sultans before it, I should have judged it the best that my eyes had seen. The ostentation and magnificence of this Empire being evidenced in nothing more than in the richess of their Pavilions, sumptuous beyond the fixed Palaces of Princes, erected with Marble and Mortar.
On the 16. of this month the Aga of the Janisaries first raised his The Turks begin their March. Tents, and began his march, the next day followed the Grand Siginor, Vizier, and other Officers, and Spahees. At which time all Asta was full of Souldiers flocking from all parts of the East, as from Aleppo, Damascus, Arabia, Erzirum, and Babylon: so that for a long time Boats and Barks were continually imployed to ferry the Souldiery from Scutari into Europe: and the High-ways, Villages, and all parts of the Road towards Adrianople were filled with Souldiers, as if all Asta had issued out to devour and inhabit the German Possessions. And for greater expedition in the March of the Army, Proclamation was made of a general Rendezvous at Sophia at the The Turks Feast. Biram, then within three weeks time, where they designed to soil their Horse, and refresh themselves before they fell in carnest to their business. But before the Grand Vizier departed from Adrianople to prosecute a War in Hungary against the Emperour, he called Siginor Ballarino to his presence, as if he would treat with him of matters tending to an adjustment with Venice; when at the same timo he had 20000 men in a readiness at Scutari to march into Dalmatia, and to joyn with other Forces in Bosna and Croatia; but this dissimulation and appearance of Treaty served only to discover on what Terms a Peace might be obtained, in case Affairs in Hungary should be so pressing as [Page 121] to require an application solely of Arms to that Country.
Not only had Signor Ballarino Affairs of publick trouble, but likewise something touched him of private concernment in his own Family; where the Turks, I know not upon what information coming to search, found in his house two figures, one of a man, and the other of a woman made of linen cloth, stuffed with Wool and Cotton; the which were interpreted by the Turks to be Images of Sorcery and Inchantment; one representing the Grand Siginor, and the other his Mother, were designed in a secret manner, by thrusting Needles and Pins into those parts, where the heart and liver is, to cause those whom they represent to dye with macerations and consumptions, according to the Inchantment of Medea. In jecur urget acus. And this suspicion was augmented by the reports of the neighbourhood, who hearing the Priest often recite his Litany, and sing Evening-song, avouched that they constantly over-heard the Charms muttered in such forms as are used by Magicians and Sorcerers: wherefore designing to take the Priest, who was the Father Provincial of St. Francis, and punish him for his Witchcraft, the good man fairly fled, and kept himself out of harms way, until Signior Ballarino could quiet the minds of the Turks by some Art, which he more forcibly practised upon them by a stronger charm of money and Presents than that which was the subject of their complaint.
In the mean time all scars and dangers of Candia vanished, because the Turks bent their Forces and chief of their strength against their Encmies at Land: to provide against which, the Senate of Venice sent into Dalmatia the, Baron Spaar for General, with many other Officers under him, namely the Marquess Maculani, Count Ettore Albano, Carlo Martinengo, and Roverelli, Count of Caudes, the Cavalier Grimaldi, Echenfelt, and others. Into Friuli, Francisco Morosini was dispatched in quality of Proveditor General with supreme Power and Authority, and in this manner all matters were as well provided and secured by Land, as they were by Sea.
The Biram chanced to happen out this year towards the end of April, by which time the Vizier, and most of his Army, assembled according to Proclamation at Sophia; where having continued some time, and consulted well in what manner to put their designs in execution, they proceeded in their March towards Buda, and the Confines of Hungary; but in the way the Vizier was encountred by a Messenger from the Emperor, offering all reasonable Propositions of Peace, if possibly a stop might be given to the farther progress of that vast and formidable Army. All matters were proposed which probably might give satisfaction; the Fort of Count Serini (the grand eye-sore of the Turks) was proffered to be demolished, with other Conditions which before the March of the Army were never proposed or demanded. But the Vizier gave little ear to these fair Overtures, but proceeded forwards in his Demands, as he did in his March: requiring now, not the demolishment of the Fort, but the surrender of it entirely with all the Strength, Artillery, and Ammunition into the hands of the Grand Signior. Had this condition been granted, it is probable the desires and pretensions of the Turks would not have stopped here, but have risen, as the spirits of their Enemies had condescended, and exceeded all the hopes and advantage which they imagined probable and feasible to be obtained by the War. Wherefore this Message proving fruitless, the Bringer of it was permitted licence to [Page 122] return into Germany: But the Resident was refused dismission, being detained in the Turkish Camp, as an Instrument to mediate a Peace, when both sides should grow weary of the War.
About this time the Tartars were greatly infested by the Cosacks, who were then very formidable and strong, approaching near the City of Osac, the Key and chief Fortress of Tartary, under the Command of a The Cosacks insest the Tartars. Fisherman of the Boristhenes, who having had great successes, and collected a considerable sum of money, became a dangerous Enemy: By Sea also they commanded absolutely, roving uncontrouled, having a Fleet of Saykes and Gallies near an hundred and fifty Sail, against whom the Tartar Han or King of Tartary craved of the Grand Signior forty sail of Gallies that year to oppose them. But this Force of the Cosacks was soon abated; for it pleased God, that passing out of the Palus Moeotis through the narrow passage of Colchos into the Black Sea, the best part of this Fleet suffered shipwrack; with which they were so dismayed, that the twelve sail of Gallies (which was the whole Force the Turks could spare this year for that Sea) gave a check to the remainder, and forced them again to the Banks of the Boristhenes. The rest of the Turkish Fleet, consisting, together with the Beys Gallies, in all but of thirty Sail, departed from Constantinople, with design rather to make some appearance of a Fleet, and noise amongst their own people, and collect the Contributions of the Isles in the Archipelago, than out of hopes of effecting any thing against the Venetians, and so it succeeded; for this Fleet remained the whole Summer at Mytilene, not daring to appear abroad for fear of the Enemy.
Though the Tartars were so hardly beset by the Cosacks, yet their danger at home was not a sufficient excuse to disingage them from their assistance in the. War of Hungary. For the Vizier marching towards the Frontiers, sent one Messenger after the other to hasten the Tartar Han with all speed possible to the Wars. But the Tartars seeming not so willing, or so ready as the Turks expected, more positive commands, and severe threats, were dispatched than before, that laying aside all excuses or delays, they should with all the Force of their Country attend in this present War against the Emperour, or otherwise the Tartar Han The Tartar unwilling to go to the War. was to be deprived of his Government, and his Son constituted in his place. These severe menáces reduced the Tartar to great straits; fearful he was to displease the Sultan, not knowing what ill consequences might proceed from thence; but more apprehensive he was of the approaches of the Cosacks, and of the displeasure of his own People, who were resolved to see this fire of War extinguished in their own homes, before they would attend the designs, or satisfie the lusts of a stranger Prince. In this Dilemma the Tartar Han finding himself, made use of fair words and promises, ingaging his word, That after the harvest was past, no obstacle should prevent his compliance with the Sultans expectations; for at present it was impossible, in regard that should their people at this season be diverted srom gathering the harvest, the Corn and Fruit would remain on the ground, and so occasion a Famine, and destruction of their Country. And herein the Tartar had some reason; for these people go not to the Wars, as other Nations, who leave a sufficient number behind to cultivate their Country, and perform all other Offices and Imployments in a Common-wealth: but these making their chief livelihood The course of lis: amongst the Tartars. and subsistence on the prey and robberies they make on their Neighbours; [Page 123] as many as resolve to eat Bread and live, who are men not old or impotent, able to bear Arms, betake themselves to their Horse and Bow, so that when their Army is abroad, their Towns and Villages are only inhabited, and defended by their Women. But the Turk whose desires are never satisfied with reasons, or withstood by words, or with any thing besides the execution of his Commands, dispatched another Message more They are threatned again. full of threats and resolution than formerly, carried by the Embrahor, or Master of the G. Signiors Horse, menacing nothing but Fire, and Sword, and Destruction, to the Han and his Country, if he longer delayed to perform his Duty. But by this time the Harvest being almost gathered, and their fears against the Cossacks partly extinguished, the Tartar promised with all expedition an Army of seventy thousand men, under the Conduct of the Prince his eldest Son, who whilst they were putting themselves in order, and assembling for the War; reports were murmured, as They send an Army into [...] if the Turks were in a Treaty of Peace with the Emperour, and matters in a fair likelyhood of composure: At this news the common Souldiers amongst the Tartars were not a little startled, fearing that they who are free Booters, and have no other pay than their purchase, should by such a Treaty be forced to return empty, and therefore before they would proceed, sent to advise the Sultan of these their fears; supplicating him, that if he should think fit to conclude a Peace, and so oblige them to return into their own Country, that he would not take it amiss, if upon their march home, they should make themselves good upon his Subjects of Moldavia, and Valachia, whose persons and Estates they resolved to carry with them, as a just prey and recompence for their loss of time and labour. The Sultan who sets a small value on the Lives and Estates of his Christian Subjects, judged this Proposition but reasonable, so long as upon these terms he might obtain the benesit of the Tartars assistance, who are the best Horse to forage, destroy, and make desolate a Country.
The Story of Asan Aga the Mosayp or Favourite, and other instances of the uncertainty of the Turkish Richesse, and Glory.
TH E Great Vizier being by this time arrived on the Frontiers with a very considerable Army; the G. Signior at Adrianople continued his usual pleasures in Hunting, Riding, throwing of the Gerit or Dart, and in other pastimes and sports of this nature; at which time casting his Eyes upon one Asan Aga, a sprightly youth of his Seraglio, a Polonian by Nation, to be more forward and active than any of his Court, took an affection to him, so sudden and violent, as might be judged neither well founded, nor long durable; for the Grand Signior having heard, that; there were examples amongst the Emperours his Predecessors, not only in the absence, but in the presence also of the Vizier, of maintaining and constituting a Favourite, in Turkish called Mosayp, did own publickly the Election of this person for his Friend and Companion; so that this Minion was on a sudden so highly ingratiated in the favour of his Prince, that he always rode equal with him; Cloathed as rich, and mounted as well, as the Sultan himself, as if he had been his Coadjutor, or Companion in the Empire. The Queen Mother, the Kuzlir Aga, and other rich Eunuchs of the Seraglio, the Chimacams of Adrianople, and Constantinople [Page 124] with all the Great Officers and principal Ministers, were commanded to make Presents of Money, Jewels, and other Sacrisices, to this rising Sun; whom now every one so courted and adored, that he became the only talk and admiration of the whole Town; no other discourse there was, but of Asan Chelabei, Asan the fine accomplisht Gentleman, Asan the only Creature of Fortune, and Idol of the whole World. This high and sudden promotion of this Youth, greatly displeased the Queen Mother, and Kuzlir Aga, who had Creatures of their own to prefer, and by their means became the Envy and Emulation of the whole Court, so that there wanted not such who posted the news to the Vizier, as him, on whom the growing greatness of Asan might have the most dangerous reflection: but the Vizier duly considering, that the deep impressions this Youth had made in the affections of his Master, were not to be removed by plain dealing, but by some more occult Artifice and dissimulation, took occasion to write to the G. Signior, in favour of Asan Aga, extolling the prudence of his choice of so compleat and hopesul a Youth for his Favourite, but that it was pity, so pregnant parts as those with which Asan was endued, sit to promote his Masters Service and Interest, should be Encloistred, and Buried, in the softness and delights of his Seraglio; and therefore his Counsel was, to have him preferred to some government, and degree of a Pasha, to which, his Abilities and Education, in the Nursery and Discipline of the Court, had abundantly accomplished him. Pessimum genus inimicorum, laudantes. Nor were the Queen Mother, [...]. and Kuzlir Aga, all this time wanting in their contrivance to undermine him, but not with a design spun with so fine a thread, professing themselves openly his Adversaries: for which Courtly Policy, the Vizier only received a check, and some few verbal reproofs, for intermedling with what so nearly concerned his Masters Fancy and Affection: But the Kuzlir Aga, was by one word from Asan (whom he had discovered to be his The Kuzlir Aga [...] to Cairo. Enemy) deprived of his Office, and had therewith lost his Life, had not the Queen Mother powerfully interceded for him, and gained an exchange of his punishment from death to banishment in Grand Cairo in AEgypt. The Baltagibashee also (who is the Captain of that part of the Grand Signiors Guard, who carry hatchets, and are employed in cutting [...] the Baltagibashee. Wood for the use of the Seraglio) being discovered to be a Confederate in the same Plot against the Favourite, was condemned to the same punishment, and immediately both of them dispeeded away to the place, where they were to spend the remainder of their days. Grand cairo hath always been the place of Banishment for unfortunate Courtiers, or rather of such who have with much greatness, plenty, and contentment sometimes enjoyed the Fruit of their great Richesse, gained in the sunshine and summer of their Princes Favour. To this City also was this Kuzlir Aga exiled, who in the enjoyment of his Office for several years, had amassed a most vast Wealth, incredible to be spoken, and much to be wondred, that a Negro, whose hue and person is contemptible amongst all, whom God hath created of a Colour different from those who partake more of Light, and are of nearer similitude with the Sun, and Nature of an Angel, one whose Original was a Slave, and his price never above a hundred Pieces of Eight, should be loaded with such Goods of Fortune, and enriched with the Treasury of a Prince: His Retinue consisted of about 900 Horse, (besides Camels, and Mules for his Baggage) amongst which a hundred were led Horses, worth seven or eight hundred Dollars a [Page 125] Horse, and that he might still seem to live by his Princes Bounty, a thousand Aspers a day was to be his constant pay, to be issued out of the G. Signiors Revenue in Egypt; by which we may in part calculate the greatness of this Empire, when so vast Richesse is accounted but a reasonable proportion for so vile and mean a Slave: Howsoever the G. Signiors Treasury suffers little hereby, for this wealth and pomp is but lent him to keep, and look on; he is uncapable to make a Testament, or constitute an Heir; the G. Signior himself succeeding to all the Estate he hath given him, and the improvement of it. This Negro being proceeded as far as to Constantinople, had his Companion the Baltagibashee, recalled from him with design to be put to Death, but afterwards by mediation of some powerful Friends, who took advantage of the gentle and benign humour of the Sultan, his pardon was obtained, and he preferred to a small Government of a Pasha. Pashalick in the lesser Asta. Howsoever the Eunuch proceeded in his Journey to Grand cairo, where being arrived, after three Days, was by the Imperial Command stript of all his wealth and greatness, which amounted unto two Millions of Dollars, to be restored again to their sirst Master, who uses to lend his Slaves such gaieties and Ornaments, only to afford the World occasion to see and admire the vastness of his Wealth, and contemplate the vanity and unconstancy of Richesse and Worldly glory. This poor Negro thus devested of all, returned to his primary condition of a Slave, in which he was born, and for many years had lived, and was now banished, forsaken, and disconsolate in the upper Egypt; whither going scarce with sussicient to preserve him from Famine and Beggery, the Beyes of Egypt, out of compassion, bestowed on him an Alms of twelve Purses, being eight thousand four hundred Dollars, according to the Account of cairo, now the only. support and sustenance of his Life.
This Victory gained over these great Personages, and foyl given to the Queen Mother herself, was not carried by this young Favourite with that prudent equality of mind as was decent; but being puffed up with pride and glory, adventured to a judgment and censure of the deepest matters of State, which touched not a little the jealousie and scorn of the Great Vizier, who therefore wrote to all those grave Sages, to whose Counsel he conceived the Sultan gave any car or credit; representing with extraordinary passion and fervency the dangers he apprehended might befal his Master, and his Empire, whilst both were subject to the unexperienced Counsels of Asan, a Youth both in years and knowledge. That it was much to the disparagement of the Supreme Office of Vizier, whilst he was with thousands of Turks on the Frontiers contending for the Glory and Enlargement of the Ottoman Dominions, subjected to millions of dangers and labours; to be supplanted by a Boy, sit only for an attendant in his Masters Chambers; and to have the privacy of the Emperours State Counsels and policy rilled by a Youth, whose years had not sitted him for the knowledge and continence of an ordinary Secret. These reasonable Complaints of the Vizier's were by some of his wise Friends, whose Age and Gravity had produced something of Reverence towards their Persons, not without hazard and fear communicated unto the Sultan, the violence of whose Love being with time moderated and abated, he began to consider the reasonableness of this Discourse, and so on a sudden, to the great admiration of all, cast off his Favourite, creating him a Kapugibashee, or chief Porter, with a hundred and sifty Aspers a day Sallary.
The Ruine of Samozadè, the Reis Effendi, or Chief Secretary of State to the Great Vizier.
AND since we have related a Story which partly represents the unconstancy and tyranny of the Turkish Greatness, it may yet please the Reader, should we add another, though a little out of its due order, not less remarkable, and worthy of Record than the former.
When Newhausel was besieged, called by the Turks and Hungarians Oymar, and divers attempts made on it in vain; Samozadè the Reis Effendi, with less caution and wisdom than he did usually practise in other matters, wrote a Letter to the Chief Eunuch of the Women, then in the Seraglio at Adrianople, to this effect. That if the Grand Signior desired to have that Fortress taken that was then besieged, he should chuse a more able Captain for his Army than the present Vizier, a person who had only been educated in a Tekeh, or Colledge, and studied in the speculations of Law, and not in the Oda's of the Janisaries, or Customes and Exercises of the Camp: and therefore if his Majesty thought fit to chuse another General, he could not cast his eyes on any more able and deserving than Ibrahim Pasha his Son in Law, a Person qualified for the Office of Vizier, being skilful in all points both of War and Peace. This Eunuch being the person that had succeeded to the former lately exiled, having received this Letter, immediately without farther Art or Prologue, read it to the Grand Signior, at which though at first he was startled, yet not as yet weary of the Vizier, but still conserving a kindness and esteem for him, took the Letter from the Eunuch, and sent it to the Vizier, permitting him to inflict what punishment he judged most agreeable to his own preservation and vindication of his honour. The Vizier having received this Letter, seemed not in the least to be surprized with the perfidiousness of Samozadè, but in a cool temper recollecting all the Applications and Addresses (which we have mentioned before) at his first entrance into this Supreme Office, and judging from thence, that he was not a person capable of friendship, or a steadiness to his Interest, sent for him, and for Ibrahim Pasha his Son in Law to his presence, and first having upbraided his Treachery, and want of Integrity, in return to all the Caresses and Endeavours he had used to win his Faith, caused both their heads to be struck off by the Executioner.
This Samozadè was one of the most wise and best practised Secretaries of State that ever served the Ottoman Empire, and one whom our English much lamented, being perfectly acquainted with the particulars of our Capitulations, and Constitution of our Trade; and had not his extraordinary Covetousness blemished his other moral Vertues, he might have been esteemed a man rare, and a Minister not unworthy the greatest Monarch of the World. The Richesse he had collected during the time of his State Negotiations were incredible and immense, for he spared and lost no opportunity of gains, which rendred him the more liable and obnoxious to the stroke of Justice. His Goods were now seised on for service of the Sultan, his Master, as justly confiscated for Treason, his Estate was found to amount unto three millions of Pieces of Eight in ready money; He had sixteen hundred Camels, four hundred Mules, six hundred Horses of the best sort, besides ordinary Horses of service [Page 127] proportionable to those of value. In his Chests and Stores were found four thousand Girdles, or Sashes of the best sort of Silver, never worn; seven and twenty pounds weight of Pearl, three hundred Daggers (or Turkish Hanjars) most set with Diamonds and Rubies, besides ninety Sable Vests, each whereof might be valued at a thousand Dollars; His Swords and rich Furniture were without number, or account, with a Cart Load of the best and finest China; over and above all this remained to his Son a Revenue of about ten pounds Sterling a day, who being condemned to the torture to confess the hidden Riches of his Father, at his first examination discovered one hundred and twenty five thousand Zaichins of Venetian Gold.
Of an Avania brought upon the Dutch Nation.
BEfore we proceed on with the Relation of the War in Hungary, where we for a time shall leave the Great Vizier, it will not be from our purpose to digress a little in recounting certain intermediate Accidents, which had reference to our own and the Dutch Nations Interest at the Ottoman Court. And first I shall begin with the Dutch, to whom a considerable trouble and misfortune befel, by means of a ship of theirs called the Emperour Octaviano, which designing to lade Turks Goods at Alexandria for Constantinople, had her Licence and Dispatches obtained by means of the Holland Resident, the Sieur Warnero. This ship being accordingly laden at Alexandria, whereon also the Grand Signior himself had thirty thousand Dollars Interest, and being ready to depart, was near the Port surprized by the Venetian, and Maltese Corsairs, and so taken. This News was posted over land from Grand Cairo, and the Cargo sent of the Goods, importing fourscore and four thousand Dollars, which in the Month of June arrived at Constantinople. The persons interested in this loss being many, in the nature of a Tumult applied themselves to the Grand Signior, and demanded sentence against the Dutch Resident for reparation, alledging that he had recommended the ship, and Commander, who had combined with the Corsairs to surprize him, and that the Resident had engaged for the faithfulness of the Captain, who had betrayed their Goods, not endeavouring to defend himself so much as by the shot of one Musket. The Grand Signior being likewise concerned herein himself, was easily perswaded to grant his Order and Sentence, That the loss of all should concern the Dutch Resident, and his Nation, requiring the Chimacam of Constantinople to summon the Resident, and intimate his pleasure therein, exacting a time limited for the payment. The Resident being called to several Audiences thereupon, denied to have had any hand in the employment of this ship on this Voyage, and that their Capitulations, to which the Grand Signior had sworn, acquitted him from being responsible for the misdemeanours of any of his Nation, for whose fidelity and good behaviour he had never personally engaged, and thereupon positively refused to make himself liable for payment of this money, to which he was neither obliged by the Law of Nations, nor his own private Act. Notwithstanding which, the Turks sentenced the Resident to be liable to make satisfaction; in regard that when the ship was first freighted, he appeared before [Page 128] the Chimacam at Constantinople, and being asked whether the Commander of this Ship was an honest man, and one who might be intrusted with such a concernment of the Turks; his Answer was, That he believed he might, and that he was always esteemed faithful and honest to his Trust: which in the Turkish Law amounting to as much as if he had said, he would become his security, the Grand Signior consirmed the former sentence against the Resident, and with haste and sury dispatched a Kapugibashee to bring his person to Adrianople; where being arrived, and continuing as yet constant to his first Answer, was committed to custody of the Chaousbashee, or Chief of the Pursuivants, where they gave him time until after the Feast of the little Biram, to consult his own good and security of his Nation within the Turkish Dominions. The Feast was no sooner ended, but the Grand Signior sent immediately to know his ultimate resolution, declaring, That if he continued still obstinate against his Power, he had commanded that he should be committed to that Dungeon which had some few years before been the Lodging of other Christian Ministers. The Resident terrified at the thoughts of such an Imprisonment, declined from his former constancy, ingaging to pay the money in an hundred and five days time, for no longer would be granted; so violent and unreasonable the Turks were in their demands against the Law of Nations, the particular Capitulations, and the common reason and justice of the World. This money was for the most part taken up by the Dutch Nation in Turkie at Interest, and afterwards the debt extinguished by money lent them by the States, for payment of which a particular Imposition was granted on all Goods brought from Turkie, until the debt to them was cleared with an Interest of one per cent. for the year. By which it may be observed, how little are esteemed the persons of Christian Representatives in the Turkish Court; who having proved with what tameness some Princes have taken the affronts offered to the person of their Ambassadour in former times, and now observing with what patience the States of Holland have sustained the like insolence and injury in their Resident, they may possibly profess their Function sacred, but yet in matters of their own interest will never be induced to vouchsafe them that respect or just treatment which is due to them.
In what state the Affairs of England, in reference to the Turkish Court, stood about this time with Algier, and other Parts of Barbary.
IN the preceding year we declared how a Peace was concluded between England and Algier: for better confirmation whereof, and security of our Merchants Estates in the Levant, upon occasion of a future breach, it was judged necessary by His Majesties Council, That the respective Articles last made and concluded with Algier, Tunis, and Tripoli should be distinctly described and ratified by the Grand Signior, with this Clause at the conclusion of each, viz. ‘That in case the foregoing Articles were not kept by these his Subjects respectively, but should contrary to the meaning thereof through Piracy be broken, that then [Page 129] it should be lawful for the King of England to chastise those people by his own Arms and Force, without impeachment or breach of that good Peace and Amity which intervenes between His Majesty of Great Britain and the Ottoman Emperour:’ And this was supposed might always be a Plea in defence of the English Nation in Turkie, when at any time His Majesty provoked by the injuries of those faithless and piratical Nations, should take due revenge upon them, not only on the Seas, but also on the Land, subverting those very Cities and Fortresses, which are the Nests of Piracies, and the common chastisement and Gaols of Christendom. When these Articles came to the hands of His Majesties Ambassadour the Earl of Winchelsea, with Orders to have them ratified and subscribed in the manner foregoing, the Turkish Court was then at Adrianople, to which place on this occasion the Lord Ambassadour made a journey from his usual Residence at Constantinople; and having acquainted the Chimacam with the whole matter, and the Propositions rightly apprehended by him, they were offered, and the next day communicated in behalf of the Ambassadour to the Grand Signior, who readily promised compliance with His Majesties desires, ordering the Articles, and conclusion of them, to be ingrossed and prepared for the Imperial assent. Howsoever some considerable time ran on before they were delivered out, in regard that being matters of State relating to War and Peace, they could not be fully granted without privity and knowledge of the Grand Vizier, who was the supreme Counsellour, and therefore we were forced to attend thirty five days before an Express could go and return from the Frontiers with the Answer expected, which was as easily granted by the Vizier, as before it was entertained by the Grand Signior. On August 5. the Confirmation of the several aforesaid Articles were consigned unto my self in presence of our Lord Ambassadour by the hands of the Chimacam, being my self designed in person to deliver them; for which service a Frigate of His Majesties Navy attended at Smyrna: so that very evening I departed, and arrived at Smyrna the 15 th of August.
In my Journey from Adrianople to Smyrna, omitting the Geography of the Countries, and the pleasant view I had from the top of a Mountain between Malagra and Gallipoli, from whence I could survey all the Hellespont, and at the same time take a prospect of the Propontick and Ionian Seas, I shall only relate two passages which befel me in this Journey, not: unpleasant to be remembred.
The first was at a small Village called Isheclé, at the foot of the Mountain Ida, not far from the Ancient Troy, now named by the Turks Kauzdog, which signifies the Mountain of Geese; the people that inhabit here are of a rude disposition, great Thieves, and of a wild and savage nature; at my entry thereupon I was advised by those that were with me, that it was necessary to take Mules to carry my Baggage through the Mountains, and to press the people to convoy me to the next Government by virtue of a Command the Grand Signior had granted me for the security of my Travels; so that arriving at this place by break of day, I went directly with all my Attendance, being about eighteen or nineteen Horse to the Kadi's House, where knocking hard at the door, a Servant looked out at the window, and spying so great a company, wholly affrighted, ran to his Master, and awakening him with such dreadful news, he had scarce any soul or life remaining to render an answer; for he was one of those, who three times a day was used to take his [Page 130] Dose of Opium, which gave him a strange kind of intoxication or drunkenness; during the operation of which, men have their spirits violently moved and agitated, that afterwards it leaves them so wearied and languid, that in the morning when they first awake, they remain like dead stocks, their members are benumbed, and can scarce turn from one side to the other. In this condition the News of new Guests surprized this Kadi, when wholly feeble he called to his servant to reach him his Box of Opium, of which when he had taken his usual proportion, and that it began to work, his life returned again to him, and he began immediately to recover, so that he had courage to open his Gates and receive us in: when he had read the Command, and found no hurt in it, the man was transported with joy and Opium, and was so kind, chearful, and of a good humour, that I could not but admire at the change; he told me, that he lived in a barbarous Country, and was forced to use that for divertisement, and as a remedy of his melancholy hours. I easily perceived the effect it had upon him, for he seemed to me like a Bedlam; in which humour he called all his Neighbours about him, and after a wise consultation, they provided me with two Mules, and five men on foot with rusty Muskets without powder or shot to guide and guard me through the Mountains. I had not travelled two miles before all my guard was stollen aside, and taking advantage of the Woods and Mountains were fled from me, so that I found my self with no other than my own people, in an unbeaten path, and a way unfrequented; the man excepted who drove the Mules, who for sake of his Beasts was obliged to a farther attendance. We travelled in this manner through the Mountains about four hours, when near a Village called Suratnée, we met one of the Principal men on Horse-back, carrying a flead Mutton behind him, which upon examination we discovered to be carried for a Bribe to the Kadi of Isheclee, that so he would be his Friend, and favour him in his Cause: And farther upon inquiry finding, that our entertainment was likely to be mean at Suratnée, we forced the Gentleman to return with us, and to sell us his Mutton at the market-price, and so for that time we disappointed our Kadi of his Fee or reward: and being upon the rise of a Hill descending to Suratnée, so that the people could see us at a distance, they like true Sons of Kauz-dog forsook their habitations, and fled, which we perceiving posted after them, and catched two of their men, whom we brought under Shart, (or the Country-mans Oath, which they account very sacred, and will by no means break) to be true and faithful to us, to serve, and not leave us for so long time as we should remain in their Village; and accordingly these men were not only serviceable, but diligent: so soon as they discovered me to be one who would pay justly for what I took, and was not a Turkish Aga, or Servant of Great men who harass the people, and take their service and meat on account of free Quarter, the whole Village returned again from their places of Refuge amidst the Woods, so that I neither wanted provisions nor attendance.
Another passage happened unto me of better civility and entertainment in the Plains of Pergamus, where not many miles from that ancient City, I arrived about six a clock in the evening at certain Tents or Cots of Shepherds, being only Hurdles covered with Hair-cloth, lined within with a sort of loose Felt, a sufficient defence against the Sun and rain; the Turks call these people Euruchs, and are Shepherds, who with their [Page 131] wives, children, and cattel live and inhabit, where they most delight, or like the Shepherds of ancient days, remove their dwellings to those places where they find most plenty of water and pasture. Amongst these Cots so soon as I alighted from my Horse, I was received and saluted by the Aga or Chief with great humanity and kindness; for so soon as he understood who I was, and that I was imployed in publick Affairs, he presently placed me under some neighbouring Trees, and called for Carpets and Cushions to sit on, which were more fine and rich than agreed with the outward appearance of men wholly unaccustomed to a City-life. After some discourse had with me, which I remember to have been very courteous and inquisitive of my condition and business, he provided Provender for our Horses, and in a short time ordered Bread and Eggs to be brought for to stay my stomach, supposing that hard Travels had sharpened my appetite. About an hour after that, he invited all my company, and then we fed very plentifully of several dishes which the good Houswives had dressed within the Precincts of their poor Tents: whilst the Shepherds had in the field killed a fat Kid, and were then roasting it whole at the fuel of a tree which they had fell'd; this Roast-meat they cut into quarters, and with Bread and Salt put it into a Linen-cloth, delivering it to one of my Servants for our Breakfast the next morning. Having thus well refreshed my self with the charity of these good Shepherds, I arose with the Moon about eleven a clock at night; but before my departure, I demanded what I had to pay: to which the generous Shepherd replied, That my acceptance was a sufficient payment, for that all men were obliged to be civil and hospitable to men who travelled the World like me for publick service; and withal desired me to speak well, wheresoever I came, of such poor men who led their lives in the sields, who were instructed in these Principles, viz. to hurt none, and to be humane and helpful to all mankind.
In a few days after my Arrival at Smyrna, I imbarked on the Bonaventure Frigat commanded by Capt. Berkeley, afterwards Sir William Berkeley, and shaping our course first for Tripoli in Barbary, we came to Anchor Tripoli. before the Town the 29 th: and immediately going ashore, we were conducted to the Presence of the Pasha of that Country, whom I acquainted with the occasion of this Address, delivering into his hands two Copics of the late Treaty of Peace, one confirmed by the Hand and Seal of His Majesty our Gracious Soveraign, and the other of the Sultan; both which he received with singular respect and reverence, promising to maintain the Peace sacred and inviolable; and so being dismissed fairly from him, we speedily repaired on board, and setting sail again that night with a prosperous gale, we anchored in the Bay of Tunis on the second Tunis. of September: and the next day being landed, we in the first place madc our Addresses to the Dey, who bears the Office of Prince or Governour in Chief, though in the Arabian Language the word signifies as much as Uncle, to whom I tendred the Confirmations of Peace in the same form and manner as before at Tripoli: the Dey received them with respect and honour, promising to continue the Peace; that part which was from our King he received himself; but that which was from the Grand Signior he advised me to deliver to the Pasha; for coming from his Master, it might more nearly concern him than any other: the Pasha having seen and read the Hattesheriff, returned it again to the Dey to be placed amongst the Records and Registers of the Divan, and so making a [Page 132] Visit to all the great men in power, giving them notice of our business, that so none might take exceptions, or judge themselves neglected for want of Addresses; we the same Night departed from Tunis, and proceeded forward in our Voyage to Algier. But before we arrive there, I have time to acquaint the Reader of the pestilential Fever which then affected our whole Ship. When we departed from Smyrna, we had fourteen sick of the Autumnal Distemper, but before ten Days, we had ninety five out of a hundred and sixty men, which lay sick on their Beds and Hamocks; and we feared so general a weakness, that we should not have had strength sufficient to have Sailed our Ship; for I think there was scarce any amongst us in perfect health. But God shewed his strength in our weakness, so that in ten Days, having buried nine of our men, he was pleased with the change of our Climate, to renew our health, and in Answer to our Prayers, as it were by a Miracle, to restore us to all the Health, and Strength, and Comfort, that we could desire.
At Algier that Den of Thieves, and Harbour of Faithless Men, and all Impiety, we arrived the 10 th of September, where immediately with assistance of the Consul, we designed to tender the Confirmations of the Peace unto the Divan; then the supreme and absolute power. But whilst we imagined the Peace firm, and improbable, that those Articles which were concluded and agreed but the last Year, should so easily and soon be forgotten; we found the Scene of affairs greatly altered, and sears of an unexpected rupture; for the Ships of Algier roving in the Seas, had lately sent in nine small English Vessels without a Pass from the Duke of York, for want of which, they pretended by a new Agreement they ought to be prize; of which, six by means of the Consul being released, three only remained under detention at our Arrival; when immediately we applyed our selves to Shaban Aga, a Spanish Renegado, then Cape or Chief of their confused Divan; to him we first disclosed the import of our Message, and shewed the Confirmations of our Peace subscribed by the King of England, and the G. Signior. After he had read them, a Divan was called, and the Confirmations openly published; at which time, it was assented, and agreed, that the Articles ought to be maintained, and the Peace continued: but to have this established by sirm Authority, it was farther referred to the Great Divan, which is a grand Assembly of the People, who usually meet together every Saturday of the Week. In the mean time, having had an acquaintance formerly with the Pasha of this place, sent hither by the G. Signior, we were desirous to make him a Visit, the better to discover in what nature they honour and own the Ottoman Port: but before we could be admitted to his presence, we were obliged to demand Licence of the Divan, which they granted with some unwillingness, and with the caution of two or three Witnesses of our Discourse. We were scarce welcomed into the room, and the usual salutations passed, before we were interrupted by the Officers, and not suffered to proceed; so little esteem they made of the Pasha, to whom notwithstanding they allowed twelve thousand Dollars a Year for his maintenance, so as to carry the fair and specious outside at the Ottoman Court, of receiving a Pasha from thence; but were so far from permitting him to intermeddle in the Government, that they confined him like a Prisoner, not suffering him to stir abroad without permission and consent of the Divan, and that very seldom, though he often pleaded, his health was much empaired [Page 133] by his restraint, and craved enlargement, rather for necessity than his pleasure.
The Day of the great Divans Assembly being come, the Confirmations of the Peace were again read, and well approved, and so laid up in the Repository of their Writings; and promise made us for releasement of our Ships. But let us now observe the levity and unsteadiness of this popular Government; for being the Day following appointed to receive our dispatches, and discharge of the three Ships; there arose unexpectedly The unconstancy of the popular Government at Algier, at the Divan, certain scruples and jealousies amongst them, which immediately quashed all our Negotiations, and instead of confirming the Peace, produced a War. For the Divan being met, they were afraid to release the Ships, lest the Souldiers who had sent them in, being then abroad, should call them to question for it at their return; and not to release them, might be an occasion of a War; which not succeeding according to their desire, the causers thereof might be called into question, and punished for it; of which still remained the fresh memory of late Examples. In this Dilemma of their affairs, they resolved to make the Act herein, to be of general and publick assent; and to that end they Assembled a Grand Divan, calling the Captains of Ships and Gallies, then in Port, unto their Council; who without hesitation, or questioning other matters, declared, that the three English Ships were lawful prize; and that it was no longer requisite to maintain the second Article of freeing Strangers goods on English Vessels; it neither being the design nor interest of Algier, to benesit all Christendom by their Peace with England: this Sentence was followed by the whole rabble of the Divan, with cry and noise; to which, the wiser sort, notwithstanding our Plea, and reasons to the contrary, which lasted for full two hours, were forced to condescend, and concur in the same vote. Howsoever by importunity, and something of the force of reason, which in the most blind and obscure minds of men, hath something of forcible violence; we obtained the release of the three Ships, upon discharge of the strangers goods, and payment of their Freight. But the second Article of Peace, forbidding the search of English Ships, for Strangers Estates or their Persons, was declared null, and no longer to be maintained; nor the Peace likewise, unless his Majesty would accept it upon that condition, to which end, they wrote this following Letter.
The Letter of the Government of Algier to his Majesty.
GReat and Christian Prince, King of England. After Health and Peace, &c. Since we have made Peace with You unto this day there have no injuries nor damages been offered by Vs. Your Ships that have been as Prizes, for Your sake we have let free, not offering them the least injury, nor diminishing any thing from them in the least, until such time as Your Consul gave Vs Counter-passes; that what Ships were found with them, to be let free, and those that are without them to be brought in: And we have found divers without them, which for Friendship sake which is between Vs, We have let go free. Now from henceforth, if that we find any of our Enemies goods or men in Your Ships, we shall take the goods and men, paying the freight to their Port. And we shall desire you, as soon as you shall receive this our Letter, that you will send your answer hereunto, for we shall think it long [Page 134] until we receive it from you; and for the future, what Ships shall be brought in without a Pass-port, we shall take them, and detain them here, until such time as we have an answer from You; which pray send without delay. The end of the Month Sefar, 1074, which was then in the Month of September, 1663.
In this manner a second War broke forth in the space of two Years, by which a person may judge of the inconstancy and unsteady humour of this People; who but three days before, gave us all the evidence of fair correspondence and Friendship; and it is probable, that when they entered the Divan, they came not with resolutions or thoughts of War; however accidents and occasional Discourses each with other, following the cry and humour of some rude Savage person, which leads the rest, carried all things with violence towards a breach: So that by what preceded, and from these following reasons, it may be concluded impossible to maintain a sirm and lasting Peace with this People.
First, Because these people are composed of the worst sort or scum of the Turks, and worst of Christians, which are Renegadoes, who have renounced God and their Country, and a Generation of people who have no Religion, nor Honour; Peace cannot be longer expected or maintained, than fear or interest enjoins them to compliance.
Secondly, The Government of Algier being popular, and in the hands of a vile Commonalty, who are ignorant persons, guided by no Rules, or Principles; unsteady in all their Councils, not resolving or consulting any thing before they enter the Divan, do commonly follow that resolution, which they perceive to be carried on with the greatest noise; and therefore are a people not capable of Peace or Friendship.
Thirdly, This irrational Commonalty is over-awed by a heady Souldiery, who are only then affrighted into a Peace, whilst a stronger force compells them into good manners. But when that power and punishment is withdrawn, they again harden their hearts like Pharaoh, and then when the temptation of rich Merchant men presents it self, their natural inclination to Piracy returns, and their Covetousness again prevails, and then they curse the Peace, and the makers of it, and without remorse break their Articles, and their Faith, having neither honour, nor Conscience to restrain them. Wherefore unless the Heads of the chief Causers of the War be given in satisfaction, or money paid for the expence, and Hostages given for security of it, it can never be expected that a lasting Peace should be maintained with this people; the proof of which, hath been made appear by the sequel of affairs, and by those Wars which have ensued since this time. And now let us return to the Wars in Hungary, and become Spectators of those Transactions, which were then the general concernment of the Eastern and Western World.
The Proceedings of the War in Hungary.
WE left the Grand Vizier on his March towards the parts of Hungary, with an Army, as computed, to consist of eighty thousand fighting men, and of about seventy thousand designed for Pioniers, and other necessary services of the Army. In this march the Vizier out of The Vizier desires a Treaty to amuse the Christians. design to slacken the Warlike Preparations of the Christians, and to discover the inclinations of the Emperour to Peace, desired a Treaty, that if possible, matters might be reduced to terms of accommodation. The Resident of Germany, was then in the Army, but he, not being impowered singly for any such Treaty, the Baron of Goez, then with Ali Pasha at Temeswar was sent for, and being arrived, were both called into the Viziers Tent at Belgrade, to whom it was proposed, That in Case the Emperour desired a Peace, he should resign into the hands and possession of the Sultan Zekelhyd, Zatmar, Clausenburg aliàs Colosvar, with the late built Fort of Count Serini, without which, no Sacrifice could appease the anger, and give a stop to the progress of the Ottoman Armes. Whilst these Propositions by Post were dispatched to Vienna, the Vizier proceeded in his Journey to Strigonium, now called Gran, to which place, after sixteen Days time, the Messenger returned with an answer from the Emperour, which showed an inclination towards an acceptance of Peace on the terms proposed, but with instructions to his Ministers to moderate by their discreet mannagement (what was possible) the rigour of the demands. For by reason of the disaffection of the Hungarians, whom the Emperour had lately disgusted by demolishing several of their Churches, and discountenancing the Protestant Religion which they professed; and by reason of the phlegm of the Princes of Germany, whom different interests made slow and unactive in their preparations against the common Enemy; the Emperour was wholly unprovided to oppose the violence of this over-flowing Torrent, and became an unequal match for the Ottoman Force. The Turks perceiving that the Germans began to condescend, and yield to any conditions, which might purchase their quiet, started a farther demand of fifty thousand Florins of Yearly Tribute, and This Tribute was paid by the Emperour to Sultan Solyman. two Millions of Crowns for expence of the War, to be paid by the Emperour to the Sultan. These proud and unexpected Proposals startled not a little the Baron of Goez, who readily made answer, that he clearly perceived now, that there were no intentions to a Peace, since the Vizier was pleased to make the matter so difficult and impossible, for that it were as easy to bring Heaven and Earth to meet, as his Master to meet the G. Signior in the Concession of this particular. These extravagant demands awakened the Imperial Court, who now observing the Turks without their Vizard, to march hastily to surprize them, vigorously roused themselves to make that convenient provision and defence by War, which the straitness of time permitted them: so that in the first place they Assembled a Diet at Ratisbonne, where it was resolved to raise four Armies; the first for the Guard and defence of Moravia and Silesia, under the Command of Count Susa, a Native of Rochel. The second under the Command of Count Raimond Montecuculi, for safety of Rab, Newhausel, and Komora, and the Frontiers of Hungary. The third under Command of Count Nicholas Serini for defence of Croatia. The fourth [Page 136] composed solely of Hungarians, commanded by the Palatine of that Country, which they reported to consist of thirty thousand fighting men. Fifthly, It was ordered that all Garisons should be well provided of Victuals and Ammunition; and that the Inhabitants of Vienna should take into every house a provision for a years maintenance, and such as were not able at their own Cost, were to abandon their Dwellings. And in the mean time the Villages round about were demolished, to the great amazement and confusion of the people.
The Turks now bearing in their thoughts nothing but War, began to design and chalk out the best order and method for its prosecution. The principal places then in eye of the Vizier, were Raab, and Komorra, Fortresses of considerable strength, maintained and defended by Souldiers of known prowess and conduct, and provided equally with all sorts of Ammunition and Provisions, agreeable to such considerable Bulwarks and Walls, not only of the German Empire, but (I may say) of all Christendom. Raab, called by the Italians Javarin, and by the Turks Raab. Yanick, is scituated in a plain, level, and Champion Country; the Town it self very regular and compact, the Fortifications most exact according to the new model, and much improved in its strength since the recovery of it from the hands of the Turk, by whom it was once taken, in the year 1594. it hath its name from the River Rab, on which it is seated just on the meeting of the Danube. Komorra is a stronger Fortress, erected in an Island of the River Danube, called after the same name, which hath Komorra. often been attempted by the Turks, but with ill success; at both which places I have personally been, and viewed them with much delight. Wherefore the Vizier considering the strength and difficulty of these places, resolved to take due and mature consideration before he engaged himself in any enterprize, and to that end assembled together in Consultation with him the most ancient aud grave men, that were Natives of the Country; some of these being such who had lived in Rab, been Slaves there, and had well marked and observed the strength of that Fortress The Turks deliberate of the Method to be used in the war. both as to Nature and Art, assured the Vizier, That the Work was immense, difficult, and dangerous, and not to be accomplished in the space of one Summer; and that the Winters in that Countrey were very cold and rigid, and ill agreeing with the temperament of the Asiatick Souldiery. The Vizier, though he farther considered that his Souldiers were as yet young and unexperienced, and that a foyl encountred at the first Enterprize, might be a discouragement from following the continued Tract and Course of this War, which must be sustained with labour and patience, and that to withdraw his Forces in the Winter would be a dishonour to the Ottoman Armes, a blemish in the beginning to his own Reputation, and an encouragement of the Enemy: Howsoever, having a violent Ambition and Desire to become Master of Rab, he could not rest satisfied in this Counsel before he had consulted with Ali Pasha, and other Pashaws of the Frontier Countries, who duly considering the matter as it stood, concurred in the same judgment that was formerly made of the difficulty of this design; and herein they were the more strongly confirmed, by the report of certain Hungarians, whom some parties of Horse, under the Command of Ali Pasha, roving and sallying out near the Walls of Rab, had surprized and taken, who being brought bound before the Vizier, related, That the Town was well provided with all sorts of Ammunition and Provisions, and the Garison reinforced by [Page 137] Count Montecuculi with supply of four thousand men, and in this manner reported the Work as difficult as the Turks of the Countrey had formerly signified. This relation confirmed by so many hands, diverted the Vizier from this Design; for before that time imagining it a place which might easily be subdued, he proposed to himself, without any interruption, a clear and undisturbed March to the Gates of Vienna, which he swallowing also in his thoughts, hoped by his own success to repair the shame of Solyman's flight from the Walls of that City, and besides the Glory of forcing the Emperour from his Imperial Seat, he should attone for the sin of the Ottoman Cowardice, and be the first who undertook to mend the actions, and outvie the prowess of the most magnificent, and most successful of their Sultans. But the Ambition of this grand design giving way to necessity, and to those other impediments which obstructed it, after due and mature Consultation, Newhausel, called by the Newhausel. Hungarians Oywar, was sixed upon as the place to be first attempted, and held up to the eye of the Souldiery, as the reward and prize of their valour and hazard. Wherefore Boats were provided, and Planks, and Timbers for a Bridge to pass the Danube, which the Turks in a few days, according to their usual expeditions, had raised; so that the Army both Horse and Foot began to transport themselves as fast as was possible to the other side, but the multitudes crouded over in that disorder and hast, that three or four thousand men had scarce passed the River before the Bridge was so broken and shattered, that some time was necessarily required to repair it, before the rest of the Army durst adventure to follow their Companions. The Approach of the Turkish Army alarmed all that side of Hungary, but especially the Inhabitants of Newhausel; who observing the Turks to bend their Course that way, plainly foresaw the Storm of War to be breaking on them: the News also of the fall of the Bridge, and thereby the Separation of about four thousand Turks from the Body of the Army, was brought in by the Country people, who forsaking their Villages fled for succour to the stronger Fortress of Newhausel. Hereupon Forcatz, the Governour of Newhausel, a valiant Forcatz the Governour of Newhausel, ill advises a Sally. and experienced Souldier, though esteemed by the Turks unfortunate, taking this Alarm, judged that this occasion of cutting off that part of the Turkish Army which had past the River, was in no wise to be omitted, and therefore assembled a Council of War, which consisted of all the principal Officers and Commanders of the Garison; (amongst which was Colonel Volter, that commanded the four thousand men, lately sent to reinforce the Town) he declared that his opinion was, Immediately to make a Sally on that part of the Turkish Army, which had already passed the River, before the Bridge was repaired for Transportation of the others; which endeavours, by Gods Assistance, succeeding well, might not only discourage the Enemy, but be a means to divert them from their present design upon their City. This Advice, though he pressed with heat of Argument, and violence of Speech, yet could it not prevail with the rest of the Council, which seemed wholly averse thereunto, especially Volter who declared, That his Commission was not to fight in the Field, but to conserve himself within the Walls, for maintenance of his Garison: Some days passed in this Dispute, whilst Forcatz growing more eager and hot on this design, used opprobrious Terms, and expressions of infamy towards the other Officers, accusing all such of Cowardice and Treason, who refused to concurr with him in [Page 138] this Enterprize and advantage on the Enemy, which Heaven seemed to reach out to them for their Deliverance, if their wisedom and courage afforded them only will and grace to lay hold on the opportunity. These sharp words and resolution of the Governour provoked the minds of the Officers to a condescension, and thereupon about eight thousand men of Choice, and approved Souldiers, well armed with stout hearts, and hard Iron; not suffering themselves to be upbraided with such reproach, in the silence of the Night, under the Conduct of Forcatz, (their own Commander Volter remaining in the Town) took their way towards the Turkish Camp, and being armed with Firelocks, marched with all privacy, without lighted Matches, or sound of Drum or Trumpet. But whilst the foregoing Dispute lasted, the Turks had transported the gross of their Army over the River, and then lay on her Banks, resting securely under their Pavillions. The Christians approaching near the Turkish Camp, Forcatz surprises the Turkish Camp. with the first twilight, and dawning of the Morning, (perceiving the Enemy unprovided, but not discovering their Force) dealt at first onset, their shot most plentifully amongst them, and proceeding amidst the thickest, cutting, shooting, killing, and making havock of all before them. The amazed Turks having many of their Companions brought to their last sleep, before themselves were throughly awake, and some flying before they discovered the reason or the danger, an Alarm was given by the confused murmur of Allah, Allah, and that the Christians were upon them, reached the farthest Quarters of the Turkish Army, which immediately put themselves into Battalia, and order of fighting, whilst this handful of Germans proceeded forwards, dealing their blows amongst their Enemies, cutting the Cords of the Tents, and destroying all before them. But by this time the Turks having put themselves into a posture of Defence, the Horse and Foot came marching in a Body, extending their Wings in the form of a half Moon, so as to enclose this small number, and on all sides to assail them. The Germans seeing this formidable sight approach, and no safety in flight, encouraged each other The Germans are routed, and fly. to sell their Lives at as dear a rate as they could; all hopes of escape seeming desperate, they fought with that courage and obstinacy as amazed the Turks, and yielded not until their Spirits fainted with labour, and their Swords were blunted by the Bodies of their Enemies. The Count Forcatz hardly escaped, but by the help of his Horse, with some few others, fled to Newhausel, which unwillingly received him, wishing that the rashness of his Counsels had only proved his own destruction, and not involved so many brave and innocent Souldiers, who were only unfortunate for being over-powered by his command and perswasions: The rest overwhelmed with multitudes yielded; for though they behaved themselves beyond the power and courage of men, yet the numbers of the Enemy prevailed at length over these Christian Champions, whose Gallantry was more eminent and conspicuous in being subdued, than the Glory of their Enemies in the Victory. In this Skirmish few escaped, amongst which four hundred Gentlemen were slain, and about eighteen hundred Prisoners reported to be taken, a bad Omen at the beginning of this War. This Rout being given, the Turks triumphed in Blood, The Vizier deals not like a Souldier with his Prisoners of War. and success, and returned with their Captives, and Trophies back to Strigonium, where the Vizier mounting a Throne of State and Majesty, treated these valiant Souldiers, not like men of War, or Captives taken in open Field, but as a Judge condemned them to dye by the hand of [Page 139] the Hang-man or Executioner, passing a formal Sentence of Death upon them, as if they had been Thieves or Assasinates arrested by the hand of Justice. The Sentence being passed, and the Turkish Army drawn up, these valiant Christians were ranked in order and sile to dye, who had so lately with Swords in their hands, ranged themselves in Battle against their Enemy; and so soon as the Executioners fell to their work, and the horrid Massacre was begun, the Guns were fired, and the whole Camp resounded with barbarous Musick and shouts. In the mean while the most superstitious amongst them triumphed, that God was now destroying the Infidels, manifesting the truth of their Prophet, and doing his own work; not unlike the assertions and doctrines of those Pretenders to Religion, who have always hallowed and excused their cruelties with the Name of God, and sanctified the blood they have shed by making their Enemies Amalekites, and by pretence of false Lights and Prophecies countenanced their most impious Sacriledge in Gods Churches, and Invasions of their Neighbours Rights. The merciless Executioners had proceeded to bereave of life about thirteen or fourteen hundred persons, the Vizier standing a Spectator with zeal to his Sect and Prophet, until the Turkish Souldiery who inhabit the Borders, glutted with so much cruelty towards their Neighbours began to murmur, and at length to speak aloud, That to destroy Captives in cold blood was an action against the Law of Arms, and might be revenged by their Enemies with like examples of cruelty, since none there present, being all Souldiers, were secure from the misfortunes and mutabilities of War. The Vizier over-hearing these whispers of the Souldiery, gave a stop to the cruelty of the Executioners, and sent such as survived to different Prisons in Buda, Adrianople, and Constantinople. I have seen not far from Strigonium the heads of these Wretches thus miserably butchered, thrown up into a heap, the beards and hair of those that lay undermost still growing; the earth which sucked in their blood, became thence stenched up and barren, and the white bones and carkasses of their bodies lay dispersed and scattered in a large field; so that I could not but call to mind the massacred Legions under the Conduct of Quintilius Varus in Germany; and those albentia ossa, and the barbarous Altars flowing with the Roman blood; and I could as passionately fancy to have seen the angry Germans return to appease the Ghosts of their Country-men with decent Burial, as I was sensible of Germanicus his zeal, when he adventured to contaminate his Augurs Office by his too forward Humanity and Religion towards his Country and Parentage. But this cruelty of the Vizier was recompensed by Count Serini not long after, who having had some success against Arnaut Basha and his Army of whom he had slain six hundred men, and such as he took alive, in cold blood he dismembred and tortured, and having of some cut off their hands, and plucked out their eyes, sent them to report the reason of this inhumane and merciless usage to the Vizier.
In the mean time Forcatz advised General [...] the Governour of Rab of this defeat, and how the flower and strength of his Garrison was destroyed; and that if he were not immediately supplied, he should be forced to abandon his Fort, and leave all to the fury and mercy of the Enemy. Hereupon a thousand Germans were sent for succour with The Turks approach to [...]. all sorts of Ammunition and Provisions requisite; but the Turks after their Triumph before Strigonium, returned and marched on so fast towards [Page 140] Newhausel, having passed the Danube, that certainly they had intercepted this Recruit, had not Forcatz amused their minds, and for a while stopped their hasty approach, by advancing a white Flag to the top of the Walls, as if he had had a design of Treaty and Surrender of the Town upon Conditions: so that here the Turkish Army made a halt, and for three or four hours time remained with expectation when Conditions for the Surrender should come; every one wondering to see the Flag of Truce erected, and so much silence in the Fort, and yet no appearance of a Message. In this interval and breathing of time, the Succour safely arriving within the Town, the white Flag was changed to colours of defiance, to the great astonishment and anger of the Turks: Whereupon the Vizier drawing somewhat nearer, began to intrench and begirt the Town on the 4 th of August, which was defended by three principal Officers, viz. Count Adam Forcatz, the Marquess Pio an Italian, and one Lucatelli an old and experienced Souldier. But the Vizier, before he would offer any violence to the Town, thought sit to summon them in this stile: That through the Grace of God and the Miracles of our Prophet, who is a Son of both Worlds, and by whom there is Happiness The Turks Summons. and Glory, I that am the first of the Council, and General of the most Mighty Emperour of the Turks, that is the King of all Kings of the Earth, To you Adam Forcatz that are the Chief among all the Nobility of Hungary, do make known, That through the Command of my most Gracious Lord, the most terrible, the most puissant, and most mysterious Emperour, I am come with his Forces before Newhausel to reduce it to his Obedience. Wherefore if you shall deliver up the place to Us, you shall have liberty to march out with what belongs unto you from the highest to the lowest, and he that would rather stay shall keep his Goods and Estate: but if you will not yield, we will take it by force, and every man of you, from the highest to the lowest, shall be put to the sword. If the Hungarians did but know the good intentions of the mighty Emperour, they and their children would bless God for him. Peace be to the obedient. The Christians not submitting to these Summons, the Turks continued to make their nearer approaches, and being now at a convenient distance, raised two great Batteries, on which they mounted a hundred Pieces of Cannon, and from thence made such constant shot as shaked the Churches, and almost levelled the most lofty Buildings with their foundations. The 14 th of August was designed for a general storm, so that before break of day Faggots and Rubbish were brought to fill the Ditches, and sealing Ladders to ascend the Walls; but though the The Turks storm the Town. Ottoman Forces were puissant, and their Assault they made fierce and brisk, yet they were received with that gallantry by the Defendants, that the Trenches early in the morning were filled with the carkasses of the dead, and at last the Turks forced to give over the Assault, with the loss of great numbers of their men.
The Siege still continuing, and the Turks angry, and inflamed with the disgrace of their late foil, endeavoured to redeem their Honour by their Attempts, filling up the Ditches with Rubbish, serving themselves therein of the Christian Captives lately taken: The Defendants on the other side, by the dictates of Nature and Reason, were directed to maintain their houses, wives, and children from the rapine and violence of an unjust Enemy; so that both Parties moving from different Principles, used all the Art and Valour possible for destruction each of other: the [Page 141] noise of Cannon from the Forts raised by the Turks, resounded continually in the Air, and from the Town the shot were often so fortunately placed, that daily, besides great numbers of ordinary Souldiers, many Persons of Note and Quality amongst the Turks were slain.
But the Turks having before this Town a greater number of Souldiers than either could come to sight, or what was thought necessary to subdue it, the Vizier selected from his Army a very considerable Force to enter and spoil Moravia and Austria; of these were 600 Tartars joyned The Turks enter Moravia and Austria. to a strong Force of Turks, who by the guidance of the Natives passing the River Waegh, spoiled and destroyed all the Country round about, carrying men, women, and children into slavery, leaving what was not conveniently portable, in ashes. But in passing the River, they incountred a considerable Body of Germans, both Horse and Foot, and being opposed by them, were at first forced to retreat again over the River with the loss of about eight hundred Janisaries; but the next day renewing the Fight with better courage and success, passed the River in despight of the Imperialists, whom they pursued almost as far as Presburg. These Turks were seconded by a greater Body of Tartars, every one after the manner of his Country, leading one or two spare Horses, made Inroads within five miles of Vienna, destroying and laying in ashes all places before them; things there resembling Dooms-day consumed with fire, and not so much almost left as marks or appearance of habitation.
These Troubles and Confusions in Hungary were the talk and amazement The confusion of the German Councils. of all Christendom, and indeed little more they were than talk; for the Christian Princes farther distant, as less concerned stood at a gaze, expecting the issue of that Treaty which was between the King of France, and the Pope; and the Princes of Germany (whatsover was resolved at the Diet) like men surprized knew not what Succours to afford: some thought it now time to treat with the Emperour, and recover the Rights and Priviledges they thought their due, and to condescend to no Terms of confederate assistance against the common Enemy, unless with advantageous considerations to their State; and all in general acted with that negligence and coldness, as if only the State of Austria, and not the common Cause of Germany had been concerned. The Election of a General for the Imperial Army admitting long debate, was another retardment to the Preparations for the War; the Duke of Brandenburg was nominated, and sollicited to accept the supreme Command; but the Title of being General of the Empire, or the Imperial Army, was a dispute undeterminable, and a difficulty not to be overcome: and though the Enemy had passed their Frontiers, and triumphed in their Possessions, and threatned the subversion of all Christendom, yet Jealousies, Niceties, and acry Formalities took up all the time; so that at length their Councils had no other result than an increase of Animosities and Difficulties amongst themselves. The Emperour also The Emperer removes to Lintz. terrified with the Siege of Newhausel, and the near Incursions of the Turks, abandoned his City of Vienna, carrying with him the Records and greatest of his Richess to Lintz, to the greater apprehension, discouragement, and fear of the whole Country in general, and was an act which might have produced very fatal effects, had not the Winter approached, and the progress of the Insidels been interrupted by the Valour, Vigilance, good Fortune, and Conduct of Count Serini, who in requital of those Incursions [Page 142] the Turks made into the Christian Territories, entred the Turkith Borders near Komorra, and there with Fire and Sword destroyed all before him, defeated a Party of about three thousand Janisaries, taking from them a good Booty of Money and Provisions designed for Relief of the Leagure before Newhausel.
During these varieties of success the Turks still continued the Siege, and having now made a breach, and almost filled the graft with rubbish, Faggots and other implements, attempted a second storm on the 28 th and 29 th of August, but were repulsed with an extraordinary loss, by the couragious Gallantry of the Defendants: on the 9 th of September was given another more furious Assault, every Pasha leading his men The Turks make another assault on the Town. in the Front, so that the Action this day was so violently and couragiously performed, that the Turkish Ensign was advanced to the top of the Rampire of the Fort Frederick, where both sides coming to handy blows, the dispute continued a long time; but the courage of the Defendants at length prevailing, the Turks were driven headlong from the Walls, and their Colours wrested from them with the loss of about five thousand men, and four hundred Christians. Though the Turks were much abated in their courage by this days work, yet the Vizier obstinately continued the Siege, preparing speedily for another storm, in which he hoped to force the Christians to a Surrender. In the mean time, to facilitate the design of the Turks, on the 15 th of September the chief Magazine of Powder (none knows how) took fire, and blew into the air, by which blow fifty Souldiers and several Officers were slain; but the worst was, that the besieged were deprived of all their Powder, unless what remained in private houses, which so dismayed the Inhabitants, that immediately with one voice they demanded a Parly: the women also began a confused tumult, crying out for a Surrender, in which they were so impetuous and violent, that they threw stones from their windows on the Souldiers. Amidst of this confusion the Turks disposing their Companies to make another storm, the Officers resolved upon a Treaty, which concluded with these following Conditions.
First, That the Commanders and Garrison should march out on the Newhausel yielded. 17 th of September with Bag and Baggage, and have safe conduct as far as Komorra: and that for a convenience of the sick and wounded, the Vizier should be obliged to provide four hundred Carts and more, if there should be occasion.
Secondly, That as such as desire to abandon their dwellings, may have liberty to depart, so such as desire to abide may continue their habitations: and that the Religious and Ecclesiastical persons may perform their Functions as in former times.
Thirdly, That upon the Surrender of the principal Works, no Turk shall enter within the Town, until all such as intend to depart have quitted their stations.
Fourthly, That for performance of Articles, two Aga's should be given for Hostages; and that until the foregoing Articles were fully accomplished, all acts of Hostility should cease.
Fifthly, That the Garrison might not be necessitated to march through the Turkish Camp, the Turks themselves were obliged to make them a new Bridge, or repair the old to pass the Niter.
These Articles, though punctually observed by the Turks, yet the Tartars, who are of a faithless and barbarous nature, upon certain pretences [Page 143] assaulted the Garrison, as they marched out, and had doubtless moved the rest of the Camp Rabble to imitate their example; had not many of the Pashaws at the Head of their Troops, killed the most forward in this Rebellious attempt, whose perfidious insolence and riot could not yet have been restrained, had not the Garrison quickned their pace, more like a flight than an orderly March. But the Vizier on the contrary, distributed money to the Garrison, and especially to the Hungarians, with design (as is supposed) to allure and attract their minds to a belief of the gentleness of the Turkish Yoke; as if he compassionated the miseries of that Country, which was the Stage whereon the Tragedies of so many miseries and slaughters were acted. This Siege continued about the space of 43. Days; of the Garrison marched out 3500. sound men, and about 500. wounded; those Inhabitants who would remain, had protection and liberty. The Army which besieged the Town consisted of 50000. men. In the Town were found 60. pieces of Brass Cannon, but most broken and unserviceable, with little Ammunition, but with great provision of Hungarian Wines. The loss the Turks might receive, is computed to have been of about 15000. men, amongst which was slain, the Spaheelar Agasee, or General of the Horse, Beco Pasha, Beglerbeg of Romalia, Vsasf, Pasha of Anatolia, and Ibrahim Pasha of Seydi, with sixteen Captains belonging to Buda, and nine to Constantinople.
The loss of Newhausell affected the Austrian Court with so drendful apprehensions of the Ottoman Fortune and Fury, that they hastened the finishing of the Works, and Fortifications of Vienna; cutting down all the Woods and Boseage thereabouts, which might benefit or thelter the Enemy; and so great an impression did the fear of the Turks prevalency and power work on the minds of the Germans, that they not only Fortified the Frontiers, but secured the innermost parts of Austria, which extend along the River, as far as within three Miles of Lintz.
But above all, Possonium which was upon the Frontiers, though not Possonium garrisoned. an open Town, yet of no strength or resistance, was not neglected, but reinforced with a considerable Garrison, and the Works restored and repaired, with as many additional Fortisications as time would admit. But the Inhabitants had lost so much of their Spirit and Courage, by the melancholy relation of the fate of Newhausel, and the apprehension of the dreadful advance of the whole Turkish Force; that their constancy to the Emperour began to waver, and to entertain some thoughts of submitting to the mercy and clemency of the Turks, who had newly declared, that such as voluntarily submitted to the Ottoman Obedience, should for three years be exempted from all Tribute or Taxes. This consideration adjoined to fear, so prevailed on those of Possonium, that they shut the Gates against the Garrison which was sent to recruit and defend them; some publickly declaring the extremity of their affairs had no other safety than in a surrender of themselves to the mercy and protection of the Vizier. Howsoever the Count Strozzi, with his Italian Artifices, so wheedled the Count Strozzi. grosser humour of the Hungarians, that they were perswaded to admit him and his Regiment within the Town, where he disposed all things with that Conduct, and built those Forts, and in a short time so apparently rendered the Town tenable, that the Inhabitants taking Courage, resolved to defend themselves, in obedience to their Prince, to the ultimate point of Estates and Lives. In the mean time the Turks made themselves Leventz taken by the Turks. Masters of Leventz, a Town though tenable, and not contemptible for [Page 144] its strength, yet was by the peoples fears, and allurements of the Viziers promises and fair Propositions, committed to the mercy of the Turks, and swore in Fealty to them the 23 d day of September.
By this time the news of the taking of Newhausell, was arrived at the Festivals for Victory amongst the Turks. Ottoman Court, where it was entertained with so much joy, that a Dunelma, or Festival, was appointed for the space of seven days through the whole Empire; which according to the fashion of the Turks, is Celebrated by adorning the Gates, and outward Walls of their Houses, so soon as it begins to be dark, with great store of Lamps and Candles, during which time the Nights are spent with Musick and Bankets, as the Dayes are with Visits and Presents, and Corban, (which is an Almes which rich men make in flesh to the poor sort, and is given either at the little Biram, which is called the Feast of Corban, or upon some publick Thanksgiving, which is performed in this manner.) He that makes the Corban, first layes The manner of Corban. his hand upon the head of the Sheep, or Lamb, makes a short Prayer, and then in the name of God cuts the throat, the Butcher afterwards fleying off the skin, the Corbanist divides the flesh into small pieces, to as many poor as slock to receive it. In the heat of these Revels, and Bankets, every one spake high in praise of their fortunate Arms, and Congratulated each with other, the prosperous beginnings of this War, promising to themselves the following year, rather a time of Peregrination or Travel through the pleasant Countries and Cities of the Christians, than blood and sweat in obtaining the possession of their Enemies. Nor were such imaginations vain, or absurd for the Commonalty to entertain; in regard it was evident to the World, in what manner the Ottoman Arms roved through Hungary uncontrouled, without an appearance of any considerable Force to give them the least stop or interruption; so that under the very Walls of Rab and Presburg, and on the Banks of the Danube near Komorra, Incursions and depredations were made, and great numbers of people of both Sexes, and of all Ages, were carried into slavery, the Country all round laid wast, the Corn and Hay burnt; with all other miserable effects and Concomitants of War.
In this manner all places seemed to fall down and yield at the very rumour of the Turks approach; for not only Leventz surrendred it self, but likewise Nitra, though over-topped by a strong and an impregnable Castle, was by the Cowardice of the Commander betrayed at the first Summons of the Turks; for which action, the Captain afterwards, by express Command of the Emperour suffered Death.
After all these successes, though no opposition appeared in the Field, to obstruct the luxuriant and wanton march of the victorious Squadrons of the Ottoman Army; and not only Hungary, but Austria, and the lower Germany was Alarmed and terrified with the rumour of the Turkish numbers; and though the Vizier (as it is said) began this War with the ambitious thoughts of possessing Vienna it self, and out-vying the Acts of Solyman the Magnificent: Yet it seemed strange, that being come thus far, and almost in prospect of his hopes, that he should give a check to his Fortunes, and not advance towards Vienna; to which now the passage seemed wide and open; but it was almost a miracle, that he should not make a Visit to Possonium, before which, had he only displaid his dreadful Arms, it had surrendred at his first Summons and Appearance. Instead The Vizier assaults Schinta, but beaten off. whereof he attempted Schinta, the Magazine of the Emperours Arms and Artillery, but found not the same easy entrance as he did with [Page 145] the Governour of Nitra, but instead thereof, being stoutly repulsed after several assaults, concluded the enterprize too difficult, and requiring more time and bloud than could be countervailed by the acquisition of that place. Wherefore raising his Camp, he employed a considerable party to take Novigrade, a Castle scituated on a high Rock, encompassed Novigrade taken by the Turks. with a Ditch of thirty four Foot deep, Garrisoned with 600. Souldiers, and provided sufficiently with Victuals and Ammunition; howsoever by ill fortune and worse Conduct, this place also was resigned into the hands of the Turks.
By this time the Winter approaching, and the season of the Year beginning The Vizier retreats to his Winter Quarters. to be unfit for action, the Great Vizier retreated as far as Belgrade, to take up his Winter Quarters with the gross of his Army. Where remaining with full satisfaction and glory, contemplating the successes of the past Year, and promising to himself greater renown, and exaltation of his mighty acts, for that insuing; he so contemned the Force of his Enemies, that he Licensed great numbers of the Asian Spahces, who came as far as from Babylon and Grand Cairo, to return home to their own possessions. Howsoever to vex the Christians with continual Alarms, the Vizier ordered a flying Body of Turks and Tartars, to the number of 30000. under the Command of Pasha of [...]. Chengiogli, to pass into Stiria and Croatia, the Country of Count Serini, and there to burn, lay waste, and depopulate all before them. Count Serini was now newly returned from Hungary, and supposing the Season for action sinished, had lodged the greatest part of his Forces within their Winter Quarters, and securely laid himself to repose; when an Alarm came of the approach of thirty thousand Horse; the Count rowsing his great Spirit from its case, collected as many of his people into a Body, as the shortness of time would permit, which were not above 480. men; and with these he betook himself to the [...] Muer, to give a stop (if possible) to the passage of the Enemy, placing Centinels in all places where the River was fordable. On the 17 th of November the Christians espyed the Turks Encamped on the other side, and at the same time discovered 2000. of them to have passed the River; on which, Serini immediately made that furious Assault, assisted Count Sirini overthrows a party of Turks and Tartars. with the Courage of Captain Chirfaleas (a person who had often times given glorious proofs of his valour against the Turks) that he soon put them to open flight, and they seeking to pass the River, and missing the place where the River was fordable, threw themselves headlong into the Water, where the most part of those perished who escaped the Sword. The Turks on the other side were so amazed at this stupendious Valour of Serini, that their Courages failing them, they desisted from their farther attempt upon Croatia, so that this poor Country seemed as it were for the present, to be reprieved by Miracle from a total destruction.
The Third BOOK.
Anno 1664. Hegeira 1075.
THE Month of January was now well entered with its rigid Frosts, when Apasi Prince of Transilvania, beholding his Souldiers in their Winter Quarters, and all things quiet and still about him, judged it seasonable for his establishment to discover himself with some lustre to the World, seated in the usual Throne of the Transilvanian Princes; which sight appeared souniversally grateful to the people, that they began to be enamoured of their Prince, and to applaud his Person, his Prowess and Vertues, and to cast an ill and envious Eye on those Cities, which were Garrisoned with German Souldiers. About which time the Fortress of Zechelhyd revolted from Zechelhyd revolts to Apasi. Obedience of the Emperour unto Apasi the Prince: for the Souldiery of that Garrison having long Arrears of pay due to them, made a Mutiny, and expelled their Colonel Dempenbal from his Office, and pillaged his House, placing the Quarter-Master of Strozzis Regiment in his stead. The news of this Sedition flew quickly to Vienna, from whence immediately a Messenger was dispatched with an Act of Pardon, from the Emperour, [Page 147] upon submission, and proffers of full satisfaction of all Arrears; 1664 but the Souldiery finding themselves only paid with words, hearkened to the more effectual Propositions of Apasi, who taking hold of this opportunity, sent every Souldier ten Dollars with a Suit of Cloaths, promising larger and more constant pay than they received from the Emperour, with which the Garrison being satisfied, surrendred up their City on the 20 th of January. But whilst other Armies remained in their Quarters, and other Commanders gave themselves up to ease, and drowned themselves in Wine and Bankets; and whilst Jealousies, Envics, and Ceremonies, disturbed and confused the resolves of Diets and private Councils; The generous and vigilant Serini, having received advices from Adrianople, that the Turks design in the next Campagna, was to convert the whole heat and fury of the War upon Croatia, and through that Country to open a passage unto Friuli; his active Spirit conceived that heat and flame, that the Winters cold could not chill his hot and eager desires from entering into the open Field, and commencing some attempt and enterprize on his Enemy. Wherefore on the 16 th of January he began his march from Serinswar, with an Army of about 25000. men; And in the first place, marching along the Banks of the Dravus, shewed himself before Berzenche; which upon conditions of marching away with Arms, Bag, and Baggage, was surrendered to him. Bakockza was likewise yielded, and a Palancha on the River quitted upon report of the Counts approach, leaving behind them eight brass Guns in the Fort. From hence he marched towards Esseck, otherwise called Oseck, which is the only pass from the upper to the lower Hungary, having a Bridge of Wood over a Moor or Fen, about six or seven miles in length, which once I remember, with my Horse, I was an hour and three quarters in passing (as I observed by my Watch), and reported to have been six years in building. This Bridge Serini resolved to burn, which cost the Turks 300000. Dollars, Oseck. and six Years time to build, imagining that to rebuild it again, was a work of that time, as could not be repaired in one Summer, and that by this means the Turks would be disappointed of all action the following Year, and the Empire have time to breath, and assemble the utmost of The Bridge burned. their strength and force together: wherefore taking opportunity of the hard Winter, when the Marsh was frozen, and a strong wind to carry the flame; he sent before him 2000. Dragoons, and 3000. Croats, which encountring 6000. Turks at the foot of the Bridge, set for guard of that place, were so ill treated by them, that they had been wholly cut off, had not a considerable Force of Horse and Dragoons, come in to their assistance, by whose resolution they not only routed the Turk, but took the Palancha, which was the defence of the Bridge, and having gained it in hot blood, put all to Fire and Sword; after which, Fire being set to the Bridge in divers places, in a short time it was consumed and remained in ashes. The news of this exploit was received at Vienna with great Joy; believing that for the following Year, they had disappointed the Turks of a passage, but by the sequel it will appear, how much they erred in the account made of the diligence of the Turks, who in forty days repaired that which they esteemed a work of some Years; and as I observed, it was all built of new Timber, and on another foundation different from the old. From this place Serini marched to Quin (que) Ecclesiae, or Five Quin (que) Ecclesiae taken by Serini. Kirk, at whose near approach, the Turks set out a white Flag on one of the Towers, signifying a desire of Parley, as if they had had intentions [Page 148] to surrender on Terms and Articles of Agreement; the Christians with this confidence marched near the Walls, where the Turks espying their advantage on their Enemies now under command of their Guns fired upon them, and did severe execution, killing amongst others several principal Officers, of which were General Hammerling and Count Harberstein; which perfidious action so transported Serini, that he resolved on a furious assault, and performed it with that gallantry, that on the 5 th of February he took the Town by storm and force of Arms, and in recompence of their treacherous Stratagem, put all the Inhabitants to the sword, and gave up the Town to the Pillage and Plunder of the Souldiery, and afterwards setting it on fire, rendred it the most horrid spectacle of fire and sword that had as yet been seen or known in this present War.
These successes of Serini gained him the reputation of a valiant and fortunate Prince, and his liberal hand in frankly bestowing the Booty and Pillages amongst the Souldiery, invited great numbers to follow his Banner. His active Spirit and Vigilance gained him likewise a reputation amongst the Turks, that their principal fear and dread was of Serin-Ogli, as of a watchful and politick Enemy; for in every place he made great havock and spoil, being reported to have laden two thousand five hundred Carts with Slaves, Goods, and Ammunition, and to carry with him an hundred fifty five Pieces of Cannon taken out of small Forts and Palancha's, and to have laid waste all the Country between the Dravns and the Danube. In these Incursions, and victorious and dreadful travels through the Enemies Country, the valiant Serini at length arrived at Sigeth, a Fortress consisting of a new and old Town Sigeth besieged. conjoyned by a Bridge which crosses a famous Marsh or Fen, ennobled by the Attempt made thereon by Solyman the Magnificent in the year 1565. with an Army of six hundred thousand men; in defence of which Nicholas Serini, the great Grandfather of the present Count, immortalized his Fame and Memory with the loss of his life, and renowned the place it self by his Feats of Arms. At this place Serini was resolved to revenge the blood of his Ancestors, and sacrisice great numbers to the Ghost of his Grandfather; to which end he sent the Count Olack before him with part of his Army, to summon the Enemy, and prepare the way to his own more effectual force; Olack had ordered all things accordingly, when Serini full of Glory and Spoils arrived him in his Leagure, and joyning together appointed the day for a general storm; but whilst these things were meditating, and that Sigeth was reduced almost to the last extremity, advice came of the near approach of a Body of twelve thousand Turks and Tartars; to encounter which The Siege raised. the Attempt was accounted difficult, considering the loss and diminution of the Christian Forces, which by continual actions, and the bitter suffering of the Winter season, were reduced to a number inferiour to that of their Enemies, and wanting all sorts of Provision and Ammunition, it was resolved, as most expedient, to raise the Siege, which was the next day performed, and the Souldiery taken into Garrisons to repose and recruit themselves. But whilst by the active and zealous Spirit of this great Champion most matters proceeded successfully on the side of Croatia, the Christian Affairs on the other side, by the negligence of some Ministers, ran into evident ruine and disorder. For Claudiopolis which Claudiopolis yields it self to Apasi. not many years past had defended it self so valiantly against the Turks [Page 149] under the Command of the Governour Retani, did now, wanting pay, (the sinew and life of the Souldiery) follow the late example of Zechelhyd, and surrendred it self into the hands of Apafi; and though the complaints and murmurings of the Souldiers gave a sufficient time of warning to make due Provisions against a misfortune so imminent and plainly appearing, yet the want of expedition at Vienna, and the unprofitable application only of empty words and air to feed the penury and satisfie the appetite of starving men, was a remedy so little available, that the Garrison submitted to Apafi, and yielded to Conditions whereby they might eat and live: the story of which place, compared with that of Zechelhyd, was so shameful and pungent to men capable of any impressions of honour or duty, that at length it awakened the Germans, and admonished them to provide better for Zacmar and Tockay, and other Frontier Garrisons, lest they also should incur the like Fate and misfortune with the two former.
By this time the Actions of Serini were rumoured in the Grand Signiors Seraglio, and the report of them became common in the mouths of the Vulgar; wherefore full of anger and disdain, the Sultan wrote severely to his Vizier, reproving him of negligence for suffering Serini so freely to range his Countries without controul, to the great dishonour of his Empire, and damage of his People: whereupon the Vizier not as yet having received his Recruits, nor prepared so early for the March of the gross of his Army, dispatched notwithstanding a considerable Force to precede him, with Orders either by stealth to surprize Serinswar, or else to lay siege unto it. This Army marching by the way of Bosna, the News thereof was brought to Count Peter Serini, appointed Count Peter Serini defeats the Turks in the Streights of Morlac. by his Brother to stand Sentinel on the Guard of his Country, whilst he in Person was busied in Hungary, who immediately thereupon with what force he could collect, ambushed himself at the narrow Pass of a Mountain called the Morlac, where he had not long attended before the Turks without order or care entred with their whole Body; but being on a sudden surprized by the Count, were wholly defeated, leaving two thousand dead on the place, with many Prisoners.
The month of March being now well entred, the Frosts began to thaw, and the Air become more mild and moderate, when Count Nicholas Serini entertained thoughts of laying siege to Canisia: But to lay the foundation of this design with the better judgment, it was thought first necessary to view the state and situation of the place; wherefore the Count in person accompanied with about fourteen Officers, went one day The danger of Serini. to take a survey thereof; but he was not so private in his design, but that it was known to the Turks, who secretly laid five hundred men in wait to take him, and upon the near approach of Serini, started from their holes with shouts and out-crys; but the Count was so well mounted on his Croatian Courser, that he out-ran them all, and got refuge in the Thickets of a neighbouring Wood, where three hundred of his own Horse alarmed at a distance by the Echo's of the cry, came in to his succour, and making head against the Turks, routed and defeated them, killing and taking many Prisoners; amongst the slain was found one armed cap-a-pe, with a silk twist or cord of divers colours about his waste, who was, as reported by the Captives, to have been one who resolved to have taken Serini, and with that cord to have brought him bound to the feet of the Vizier. Serini having thus escaped, resolved [...] [Page 150] [...] [Page 151] [...] [Page 152] [...] [Page 153] [Page 150] to revenge himself of the affront, and therefore made most dreadful spoils, and confusion in all places round Kanisia, so that the people flying thither for Sanctuary, were refused entertainment by the Pasha, who at that time labouring with scarcity, and expecting a siege, had no need of unnecessary guests.
Serini having now fully resolved to lay siege to Kanisia, thought fit first to signifie the design to his Imperial Majesty, for which purpose he dispatched away the Engineer General with Letters to the Council of War of the Lower Hungary, containing a perfect relation of the success and progress of his Arms in that Winter, and how he had laid waste and desolate all that circumference of Land which lyes between the River Dravus and Serinswar, by which means Kanisia was already strained Serini makes known to the Emperour his design against Kanisia. with famine, and that now was the only season to recover that Fortress, if the design were put into immediate execution, before the Turks arose from their Winter-quarters, or had time to afford a powerful Relief. The resolution of Serini was so well pleasing to the Council, that by the same Messenger they signified their approbation thereof to the Emperour then at the Diet at Ratisbone, humbly desiring, that this design might proceed, which would undoubtedly take effect, if the Count were provided only with thirteen thousand Foot and seven thousand Horse; but then the Siege was to be laid before the beginning of April, lest the early motion of the Turkish Camp should blast and defeat the too late beginning of this action. The particular Journal of Serini's success was not less pleasing to his Caesarean Majesty, than his present Heroical resolution against Kanisia, who thereupon gave Orders to the General Council to supply him with all Provisions, Ammunition, and Men, which were requisite for this Siege, and was graciously pleased himself to express in a Letter to the Count the sense he had of his Merits and Valour, which he applauded and extolled in the words following.
POstquam mihi Architectus Militaris de Vassemboij eximios Vestros progressus famosi (que) Pontis Essolciensts exustionem, & coetera à Vobis edita Virtutis Militaris singularia specimina longa seric exposuisset, supervenerunt Vestroe de 19. Februarii, & omnia breviori, quàm tantorum gestorum magnitudo capit, enarratione confirmantes. Posuit fortunatus iste progressus labescenti rei Hungarioe sirmum adminiculum, erexit consternatos meorum sidelium animos, & suturorum foelicium successuum non exiguum jecit fundamentum. Proinde hoec Vestra egregia facta non minùs mihi grata & accepta accidunt, quàm in Nominis Vestri perennitatem, & augendam apud Posteros memoriam redundant. Spero omnino per Divinam assistentiam, virtutémque, & experientiam Vestram ejusmodi ultiores foelices successus, atque hostilium armorum debellationem.
According to this Order of the Emperour, the resolution of the Council of War was established on the 10 th of March, and Serini published, That on the 8 th of April he would begin the Siege; but in regard the Kanisia besieged. Germans in Stiria, and the Forces of the Rhyne by reason of the absence of their General, the Count Olack, could not be so soon ready, the time of the siege was deferred until the 30 th of April, on which, or the first of May, the Town was formally beleagured, not so much with hopes of success, as with design to maintain the reputation of the Imperial Arms, and to divert the gross of the Enemies force from the more easie and delightful [Page 151] Plains of Hungary, or the plenteous Confines of Vienna, to a Country less happy or fruitful, encompassed with Fens and Marshes, poisoned with bad Airs and Vapours, and made more miserable already by the Desolations of War. But let us leave Serini at his Siege before Kanisia, and travel a while with our thoughts to the Diet at Ratisbone, and understand what is there forming and designing towards Preservation of The Diet at Ratisbone. the Commonweal of the Empire. The taking of Nemhausel, and the Progress of the Ottoman Armes, had awakened the German Princes with that sense of the common danger, that a Diet was assembled at Ratisbone to consult of the most effectual means that might give a stop to the uncontrouled incursions of the Turk. And not to trouble the Reader with the names of all those Princes and Ambassadours which there appeared, it will be sufficient to signifie, That besides his Cesarean Majesty, there were present, as his Plenipotentiaries, the Elector of Mentz, and Arch-Bishop of Saltzburgh: And though many Princes showed themselves with Glory and Splendour; yet none appeared with that Pomp and Magnificence as the Elector of Bavaria, who for number of Coaches, richness of his Liveries, and compleat Government of his Retinue, was so neat and polite, that he seemed not only to exceed every Court in particular, but in Elegance and Magnificence to equalize them all together. Upon Debate of matters in reference to this War, the Count of Olach was unanimously chosen General for the Confederates of the Rhime; but the more hot Disputes between the Protestants and Papists about Election of other Generals kept matters in longer suspence, yet at length the Marquess of Baden was chosen Marshal General in behalf of the League, the Marquess of Durlach, and the Bishop of Munster his Councellours, and Directors of the War, and Count Francis Fucher, General of the Ordnance. But in the Levies of their Forces The strength of the Christian Army. they concurred more freely and willingly; for besides the Imperial Forces, which consisted of 41600 Foot, and 13900 Horse, the Allies and Confederates furnished 13850 Foot, and 3350 Horse; the Auxiliaries of the Empire made up a Body of 16991 Foot, and 4037 Horse, besides the Forces of Saxony, and Brandenburgh, and the Succours of France, so that, by Gods Providence, the Christian Army was this year esteemed equal, if not more numerous than the multitudes of their Enemies.
The next matter under consideration was the nomination of Ministers Italy. to be sent abroad to implore assistance from Christian Princes more remote; the Count Piccolomini was to negotiate in the Courts of Italy, but having taken a Distemper in his Journies, died after a short Sickness at Milan.
Also the Count Colalto, sent to his Majesty of Great Britain, died in England, his Journey before he arrived at London; notwithstanding which the generous piety of his Majesty was not wanting with a liberal hand to contribute towards the promotion of the Christian Interest.
From Poland nothing more could be obtained than Terms of Courtesie, Poland, and Demonstrations of Good Will and Desires, for that their Forces being employed against the Moscovite to recover the lost Countries of Lituania, could not possibly attend the Service and Command of his Imperial Majesty, though they could not but at the same time reflect on their premures and necessities with shame and confusion, which disabled them from answering with like returns, the grateful memory they still retained of the assistance against Sweden.
[Page 152] To his Most Christian Majesty Count Strozzi was employed, before whose Arrival at Paris the common report and vogue was, That that King resolved to contribute an effectual assistance to the Christian France. Cause in that present Conjuncture; which pious disposition Strozzi so happily improved, that he obtained from his Majesty a Grant and promise of four thousand Foot, and two thousand Horse, raised and payed at his own charge, to be united with the Troops of the Rhinish League: And farther his Majesty was so gracious herein, that he published a Declaration, That what person soever would serve the Emperour against the Turk, his resolution and action therein should be accepted by him, in the same manner, as if the service were immediately tendered to himself. Upon which many persons of Quality resolved upon this expedition, amongst which was the Duke of Buglion, the Marquis de Villeroy, the Abbot of Richelieu, and many other Heroes, and Persons of Bravery, who ventured their Lives with no other consideration than that of honour and Religion. But before I pass from this Embassy, give me leave to report a Complement which Count Strozzi passed upon this King, which some say did savour a little too much of flattery and affectation. The matter was this: Count Strozzi Count Strozzi's Speech to the French King. being admitted to hiis Audience, so soon as he entered into the Chamber, I know not whether it was feigned or real, he seemed to be struck with such an amazement and fear, that for a while he was not able to pronounce a word articulate or intelligible; but at length recollecting himself, he began with a trembling voice to excuse this hesitation of his Speech, having his Senses dissipated, and his Eyes dazled with the Rays and Splendour of so much Majesty; and with that, as in a rapture or ecstasie, broke out into an admiration of the French Monarchy, the report of whose Greatness and Glory, though arrived to the utmost Confines of the Universe, came yet far short of that real Majesty which he saw and admired, whose dreadful and mysterious Throne was sufficient to revive the dead Ashes of the Sabean Queen to prostrate herself before this new Solomon, much excelling the wisdom, the richess, the vertue, and happiness of the former. And thence descending with the like sagacious obsequiousness, to confute the malicious Reports of malignant tongues, who, envious of the harmony of Christian Spirits, represented his Majesty as ill-affected to the Austrian Family, whereas to the contrary, he could testifie to have found that excess of Affection, and admirable disposition in his Majesty towards the Emperour his Ally, as rendred his Embassy abundantly happy and successful, which, joined to the Zeal his Majesty had towards the Christian Cause, was like Friendship united to Charity, and Moral Vertues made perfect by spiritual Qualifications. In fine, he compared his Christian Majesty to that Glorious Sun, which communicating his light to the Christian World, affords the most benign influence to the Catholick Climate; with much better reason therefore ought Germany to participate so great a Circle of those Rays, as may serve wholly to obscure and darken the dim and barbarous Light of the Ottoman Moon. In sum, Strozzi knew so well how to manage his Discourse, and play the Oratour, that he obtained considerable assistances, and returned to his Master the Emperour with full Demonstrations of all obliging Terms, and courteous Treatments. And having thus understood what preparations are making in Christendom, let us pass over into the [Page 153] Turks Quarters, and see what is in the mean time transacting in those Dominions.
At this time the rumour of a Rebellion and Mutiny amongst the Rebellion of the Beghs in Egypt. Great Beghs at Grand Cairo in Egypt afforded matter for trouble and consultation at the Ottoman Court; for that those Beghs who have great possessions and power in that Country, made seizure of Ibrahim Pasha, and imprisoned him, being about the expiration of his three years commonly allotted to that Government; and therefore near upon departure. The demands they had upon him was for no less than three thousand purses of money, which, according to the Cairo Account, are reckoned seven hundred and fifty Dollars a purse, and pretended to be taken from them against Law and Justice; and that without restitution thereof they resolved not to restore him his liberty. This insolence against so eminent a Pasha, qualified with such absolute power in his Government, and one related to the Grand Signior by marriage of his Sister, compared with the late neglects and disobedience of that people, who for some years had failed in the full payment of their Tribute, were interpreted as evident Symptoms of disaffection, and malignancy, which that people entertained against the Ottoman Subjection. Wherefore the Sultan immediately dispatched away the Master of his Horse to Cairo, with full power to appease this Rebellion, and with Lenitives to moderate the fury of the people, who seemed to be too licentious and unbridled to be governed by a Musselim, or Deputy: Wherefore the Selictar Aga was elected Pasha, and to depart with all expedition. In the mean time this Messenger, to make greater haste, took post through Asia with thirty in his Company, and in a short time arrived at Grand Cairo, where, with fair terms, and restitution of some money from the Pasha, all matters were reduced to an amicable composure, only the punishment of the Chief Mutiniers, with a fair Countenance, deferred for a season, was afterwards according to the Turkish fashion, when time and opportunity presented, remunerated to those factious Spirits with a severe Interest, and satisfaction to Justice.
Not long after Ibrahim Pasha having obtained his liberty, returned from his Government of Cairo to Constantinople, where refreshing himself some time with the embraces of his young Sultana, an Imperial Command for immediate payment of four hundred Purses of money to Ibrahim Pasha [...], the Grand Signiors Treasury, disturbed his delightful quiet. The Pasha made a present payment of one half, but desired time for the remainder, either for want of that instant supply, or else on hopes of ease of his Fine. But the Sultan, who is impatient of any delay in his Slaves, which savours of obstinacy or disobedience, though never so reasonable, dispatched another Command enjoining present compliance, and as a penalty for the late neglect, raised the Demand from four hundred to six hundred Purses, which if not as readily payed as required, the Kimacham of Constantinople was impowred to commit him Prisoner, within the four Gates of the Seraglio, the fatal Prison, from whence few find other Release than by Death. The Pasha not being able to comply, and imprisoned. was there restrained of his Liberty; and yet had the good fortune in a few days to obtain his freedom, by the endeavours (as some suppose) of the Great Vizier, who having by this Act weakened his Power and Treasure, did afterwards as an instrument of his Deliverance, conserve his Life, and obtain for him the Government of Darbiquier, where being [Page 154] remote and obscure at so far a distance, could never be capable to shadow, or by his great popularity and affable comportment endanger the present happy state of the Viziers Office.
Matters growing now towards action, by return of the Spring, the Grand Signior, to incourage his Vizier in a continuance of his duty, sent him a Horse and a Sword as a testimony of his favour and good esteem of his person: and Orders were issued out through all the Empire for publick Prayers to be made some days before the Vizier began his March towards the Enemy. This appointment of publick Devotions occasioned matter of argument and dispute between the Mufti and a Shegh or Preacher, one that was always near the Grand Signiors Person, and therefore on confidence of his familiar accesses to the Presence of the Sultan, and on presumption of his Sanctity and Priviledge of his Office, took liberty to oppose and contradict the Oracle of the Ottoman Law. The Problem A Dispute between the Mufti and a Shegh. in question was, Whether Prayers appointed for success of the Ottoman Arms, according to the Law of their Prophet, were to be made privately, and in every Mosch or Oratory apart, or in a general Assembly of the whole City. The Mufti maintained the last Position, citing in favour of his opinion the testimony of divers Arabick Doctors, and the customs of the present and past times. The Shegh on the contrary was for Devotions to be performed in every Mosch, declaring, That the Assembly of all the people of a City into one body did nothing avail or inforce the power of Prayer; for they being true Believers were all illuminated, and had no need of helps to make their Prayers more fervent or more acceptable. The argument was hot on both sides: and though the Mufti had got another Shegh on his part, who might pretend to as much of illumination as the other, and joyned to the Mufti's opinion, who is the Mouth and undoubted Interpreter of the Law, might seem able not only to resolve the knottiest difficulties, but to impose an assent on them with greater authority; yet the Shegh having the Grand Signior on his side, presently got most of reason, and forced the Mufti to recant his former opinion as erroneous, and to banish the other Shegh his Companion, pretending that he was now convinced, and had sooner discovered the truth, had not the Impostor, the false Preacher deceived him by his feigned illuminations. This Victory gained the Shegh much applause and esteem with the Grand Signior, so that he vented what Doctrine he pleased, and all he said was taken for Divine Rules and Precepts. He was born about Van on the Confines of Persia, so that he is called Vanni Efendi, and is of the Armenian Race: he preached every Friday at Adrianople in one Mosch or other, where the Grand Signior was for the most part present; and though the greatest part of his Sermons were stuffed up with praises of the Mahometan Religion, and invectives against Christians, sentencing all polluted and profane who associate with them, and exclaiming against the abomination of Wine; yet it is confidently reported, that he is no strict Observer of the Law he professes, the which his Disciples and Familiars are ready to excuse in him, saying, That it may be lawful for him to dispense with such matters, in regard his Illuminations and high Prerogatives of Sanctity have infranchised him from observance of the meaner and less substantial points of their Law.
The Turks who are as much given to Predictions and Interpretations Predictions amongst the Turks. of old Prophecies, as ever the Egyptians were, busied themselves this [Page 155] year more than ever, to know the Event of this War. Some who had studied ancient Arabick Predictions, had extracted certain Astrological Figures, and from thence framed strange fancies, according to the humor or melancholy of the Astrologer; one whereof coming to the Grand Signiors ear, mentioning divers things obscurely, and in general of the great effusion of blood, but that at last the advantage and Victory should remain to the Turk, and that the Grand Signior himself should shortly make a Journey; the Grand Signior troubled hereat, as much as ever Pharaoh was about the Interpretation of his Dream, sent for one of the Chief Justices of the Law called the Kadilescher, and with him conferred concerning this Prediction: all things pleased him well, but only the latter part of making a Journey. Whither that Journey should be, he could not imagine; his Arms were so prosperous in Hungary, that he conceived the Vizier had no need of his presence either to animate or recruit his Army: and to any other part, he knew not what could move him from his delightful and beloved City of Adrianople. The Kadilescher supposing that he might put that Interpretation thereon which might not be ungrateful, replied, Perhaps, O Emperour, he may mean that you shall again return to your sublime and happy Port of Constantinople. The Grand Signior suddenly touched herewith burst into choler: The Grand Signiors aversion to Constantinople. How, said he, to Constantinople! what joy, what comfort can I have there? Hath not that place been fatal to my Father? What benefit had my Uncle from thence? or any of my Race? Have not all my Princes Ancestors been subject to a thousand Mutinies and Rebellions in that place? I shall sooner than return thither set fire to it with my own hands, and rejoyce to see that City with my Seraglio brought to ashes. And that we may farther discover the strange aversion the Sultan had to Constantinople, and his resolution to change the Seat of his Empire, it is observable, that he built a small Seraglio not far from Adrianople, A small Seraglio by that name near Constantinople. in imitation of that near Constantinople called Odout Pasha, the place to which he most frequently resorted after that City fell under his dislike and hatred. The Village where his Palace was built was called Chiomlichoi, or the Village of Pots, where earthen vessels were made: but the Grand Signior changed the name, and called it Odout Pasha; with which name before the people were well acquainted, and that it was accustomed to their mouths, two poor silly Country-men mistaking, and calling it simply by the former name, were apprehended by some of the Bostangees; and brought before the Grand Signior as contemners of the Imperial Command, and by his immediate Sentence were put to death.
About the end of May the Grand Signior had a Son born to him of A Son born to the Grand Signior. one of his Women, for joy of which seven days of Dunalma, or rejoycing were appointed through all the Ottoman Dominions: but especially at Adrianople the Solemnity was greatest, all sorts of Artisans endeavouring to outvy each other in their shows and pastimes to entertain the City. At the Gate of the Seraglio was erected a magnificent Pavilion for the Grand Signior, before whom were shown rare artificial Fireworks invented by the most ingenious Masters thereof amongst the Jews: one of which firing a Rocket, which not ascending with usual strength, unhappily fell on the Vest of the Grand Signiors Favourite, standing at the door of the Tent: at which the Young man being surprized, sent to find out him who fired it, which happening to be a poor Jew, was condemned immediately by the Grand Signiors sentence to receive eighty [Page 156] blows on the soals of his feet: but as report went, this young Favourite not appeased with this slender punishment, obtained the Sultans command to put him to death.
But to return to the Turkish Camp. The Vizier was astonished to understand that Kanista was besieged, and wondred much at the rashness of Serini, in attempting a work so difficult without probability of success; howsoever being advised, that the Garrison was ill provided of Victuals and Ammunition, he gave order for its supply. In order to The Siege of Kanisia. which eighty Carts laden with Provisions convoyed by a considerable number of Turks, were conducted by way of Sigeth; but being interrupted in their passage by Serini's Souldiers, were routed, put to slight, and their Provisions taken. In the mean time the Besieged made many vigorous Sallies, and some not without loss to the Christians, and to defend themselves the better uncovered the tops of their houses, and made their Lodgings under ground, secure from Granadoes, or shot of the Enemies Batteries. On the other side the Ammunition and Artillery from the Emperour came not so timely as was expected; nor were the Bomboes and Granadoes so artificially made, but that many of them spent themselves in vain: the Succours likewise of men fell very short of the numbers promised, and Souldiery being drawn from their Winterquarters before the colds were past, or the pasture grown, began to murmur; but nothing discontented them so much as want of Pay, the just complaint of Souldiers, which discouraged them more than the difficulty of their adventure: against all which Serini provided as much as he was able out of his own Purse, continuing the Siege more out of reputation than probable hopes of success; for his Army was at least diminished two thousand in its number, of which four hundred Hungars, and two hundred Germans were lost in the first Assaults made upon the Suburbs, and the rest perished by sickness, and the vigorous and frequent Sallics of the Enemy. Howsoever Serini seemed not to doubt of the success, if he could but be for some time secured from the advance of the Vizier, who now began to draw his gross and numerous Army out of their Winter-quarters into the open field; and therefore with the other Officers before Kanista signified their advice to the Emperour and General Council of War, That it was necessary that the Imperial Army should be as early in the field as the Ottoman; and for the more methodical government of Affairs, that the Army should be divided into three Bodies, one to recruit the Forces before the Town, a second to march to Osek, and hinder the Enemies passage over the Dravns, and a third to take the field, and apply assistance where it was judged most useful. This counsel being well accepted by the Emperour, Orders were immediately issued forth to General Montecuculi to begin his March, with design to obstruct the Turks passage over the Dravns; for that the success against Kanista was of that high importance, as might justly require the imployment of all the Christian Forces in its concernment. Wherefore one Post was dispatched after the other to Montecucli to sollicite his speedy March, and to give a stop to the Viziers progress. But he answered, That he attended General Sporch, whom he every day expected to joyn with him; but this Answer proving by the effect to be nothing more than a present excuse, gave occasion of sulpicion, and produced that discontent in the minds of the most zealous, as spread a rumor through all Germany much to the disreputation of [...]. [Page 157] Time thus being protracted, and no Forces appearing to recruit the Leagure, at length advice came to the Generals, when they were just going to dinner, that the Vizier with a most numerous Army was within Fifteen English miles, three Leagues of the Town. For the Bridge of Osek was against the common opinion again rebuilt, planked, and compleated, with new Timbers in the space of forty days; many hands making light work; which when first founded, was the work of six years: which Expendition was the more remarkable, in regard that this Bridge was not formed out of the ruines of the old, nor founded on the same ground, but new framed out of the Woods with as much comliness and order as besits a Bridge of that nature and length, passing over a wild Marsh or Fen. The news of the Viziers so near approach was strange to Serini, who by the calculation made of his March, did not yet expect him for several days; but the Vizier apprehending the straitness in which Kanista might be, leaving the gross of his Army, made more expedite Journies with a Body of twenty thousand Horse, which not being unknown to Serini, his daring spirit was once resolved to give him Battel, in which opinion was also Count Strozzi; but Olach dissenting, and refusing to ingage his Forces, the Siege was The Siege of Kanista raised. raised, and all the Forces with good order retreated to Serinswar, where they arrived the day following, leaving to the Enemy a great quantity of Powder, Match, Shovels, twenty Carts of Meal, and two Iron Guns broken.
No Pilgrim ever followed his way with more devotion to the sacred Shrine, than the Vizier was willingly led in pursuit of his Enemy to the The Turks pursue the Christian Attny. Walls of Serinswar, being the place to which his intentions inclined, as the beginning and consummation of the War. Over against this envied Fort there is a little Hill strong by Nature, incompasled with a narrow Ditch, yet not so narrow, as that a Horse can leap over it, nor yet so shallow as to be forded. This Hill Serini proposed to the rest of his Collegues or Coadjutors, viz. Olach and Spaar, as a place commodious to incamp their Army, because lying open to the River, could easily be relieved, and would serve as a Redoubt or Out-work to the Fort, in which upon all extremities they might find Sanctuary and refuge: But the apprehension of the Viziers Numbers, and his near approach had made that impression of fear in their minds, that no safety seemed to remain, unless they could see the River Mura between them and their Enemy. Nor was Serini more successful in his perswasions to assault the Enemy, whilst they were wearied with their March, and busied in extending their Tents, the other Generals being of opinion, that it was too great a hazard for them alone to venture their Forces in so unequal a Combate, but they ought rather to expect Montecuculi, by the addition of whose Forces the lot of War would be less hazardous, if not wholly certain. In this manner great Enterprises have been disappointed, which have wanted only resolution to make them successful, Fortune being commonly favourable, if not a servant, to bold and daring Spirits; the disunion also of Generals hath been the overthrow of the wisest Counsels, and Wars have been observed nover to have thrived where the Heads of Armies have been of dissenting humors of different interests.
This timidity on the Christian part raised in that manner the spirits of the Turks, that without stop or opposition passing the River Muer, they arrived at Serinswar, where they immediately fell to their Mattock and The Turks intrench before [...]. Spade, breaking ground for their Trenches, which by continued labour [Page 158] they so diligently attended, that in seventeen days they arrived at the very ditch of the Fort: only whilst the Turks were transporting their Numbers over the River, the generous spirit of Strozzi not enduring to see their passage so easie and open, valiantly opposed himself and his small Force against the greater power of the Enemy, and so resolutely performed the Action, that he killed five hundred upon the place, till at length being unfortunately shot by a Musket-bullet in the forehead, Count Strozzi slain. he gloriously, together with one Chisfareas, a renowned Croatian Captain, ended his days in defence of his Country and the Christian Cause.
In this interim General Montecuculi arrived with his Army, and was received by Count Serini with all evidences and demonstrations of respect and hearty welcome, and between both passed an appearance at least of friendly correspondence. But as to the present Engagement, Montecuculi was of opinion, That the opportunity was over-slipt, which should at first have been performed, rather by way of surprize than open Battle, Serini's Reasons to fight with the Turks. before the Ottoman Army had arrived to its full numbers, consisting now of an hundred thousand fighting men. To which reasons Serini replied, That the Christian Cause, and the States and Confines of the Empire were not to be maintained by men that carry their thumbs at their girdles, or by Armies made resty with ease, and wanton with luxury. That those Armies were raised not to consume and exhaust the Revenues of their Princes, and Exchequers of their States, without making satisfactory amends by a valiant defence of that Interest which they owned. That the Enemy had not been before that time attempted, was no fault or neglect of his, who under the very Walls of Kanisia resolved to give them Battle; but that the other Generals supposed it more prudence and caution to protract the Engagement till his Arrival, who being now happily conjoyed with them, nothing ought to deter them from a glorious Attempt on the Turks, who not consisting of above thirty thousand men, ill disciplined, and worse armed, were not able to withstand the prowess of their Veterane Army, which far exceeded them in number, discipline, and courage. These or such like expressions Serini used; and to prove what he averred, he dispatched a confident Person of his own, who spake naturally the Turkish Language, with a Letter to the German Resident, then entertained under custody in the Turkish Camp, to know of him the true [...] and number of the Turks, which Messenger soon after returned with this short account.
Nisi me mortuum velis, ampliùs non rescribas, hîc vix sunt triginta millia, The German Residents Letter to Count Serini. nec illa satis electa, quid vos à pugna deterret? Tormenta Arcis nimis in altum exploduntur. Which in English is thus. ‘Unless you desire my death, write not back to me again, here are scarce thirty thousand men, and those ill provided, what then should deter you from an Engagement?’ The Cannon in the Castle are too high mounted, or shoot over. Serini gave this Letter to Montecuculi, who replied, That so soon as General Montecuculi contrary to the opinion of Serini declines the Battle with the Turks. Sporch came up with his Forces, he would immediately draw up the Army into Battalia; Sporch being arrived, he then resolved to expect Marquess Baden, and so deferred the Battel from time to time, until the Turks advantaging themselves by these delays, had worked themselves under ground to the very Walls of the Castle. At length Montecuculi entring into Serini's Fort (it is not known upon what reasons of jealousie, or discontent) cleared Serini's Forces of the Garrison, and dispossessed the [Page 159] Governour, which when Sirini perceived, full of anger and displeasure, he quitted the Camp, and retired himself to his Residence at Chiacaturno, with intent to make his just Appeal and Complaint to the Emperours [...] retires from the Wars. Court.
The Turks availing themselves of these delays and discontents, proceeded forward in their work, so that having Mined to the very Walls, on the 9 th of June, they blew up one of the Half Moons, at which the Defendants were so terrifyed, that with amazement they left open one of their Sally Ports, at which the Turks entering, put the whole Garrison into disorder, consisting of 1900. fighting men; so that now no safety remaining but in flight, they forsook their Fort, and crouding over the Bridge in confused heaps, broke it down with the over-pressure of its burden; by fall of which, many perished in the Waters, and about 350 which remained, [...] taken. were cut off by the Sword; This was the fate of Serini's Fort, built with Art, and lost by Cowardice and ill Conduct, which the Year before, only with 20. Germans, and 150. Hungarians, withstood a most impetuous and fierce storm of the Enemy, but now was less tenable than a Palancha, though Garrisoned with 1900. men, of whom in this last assault one alone had Courage to fire his Musket, but none adventured to draw a Sword: unless certain Voluntiers, and French Officers, whose Courage only renowned their own Deaths, and served to upbraid the Cowardice of their Companions. In the Fort were only found five small Field Pieces, one whole Cannon, a great Mortar piece, and two small ones belonging to Count Serini; there were also one Morter piece, and two small Field pieces, like to those of Serini, belonging to the Emperour; the other Guns of weight or value, were carried out of the Fort, as being judged not long tenable, and decreed to be abandoned to the Enemy. Serinswar being thus taken was immediately demolished by the Vizier, and razed to the ground; either because he would seem to maintain his word, or Vow he had made, or because he would not multiply Garrisons, when the present occasions required rather the active Force of a moving Army.
But before we proceed farther, it seems pertinent to our purpose, to Reflections on the disgrace of Serini. declare the reasons and grounds of the preceeding neglects and discountenance passed upon Serini by the Grandees of the Imperial Army, which not being vindicated by the Emperour, seem to have been cast upon him by his express Order, or at least to have been willing for some private respects, to have the person of Serini abased, and his actions obscured. It is therefore to be noted (what before hath been said) That the first pretence the Turks made for this War, was this Fort of Serinswar, raised against the Capitulations and Articles of the last Peace; for which, though the violence against Varadin may be pleaded as equal, if not exceeding the present breach, to which this was only subsequent, and seemed to be but a just recompence or effect thereof; yet because it was that stone of scandal and offence, which drew after it that deadly War, in which the Emperour unwillingly engaged against the Ottoman Power, and caused him freely to intimate unto Serini, his desire rather to see that Fort demolished, than the Peace interrupted; to which Serini yielding no Ear, drew upon himself the deserved displeasure of his most gracious Prince, who permitted the act of his obstinacy and disobedience, to become a just snare to his own folly. But perhaps, that displeasure which was Justice in the Emperour, might be Envy, and emulation in his Ministers [Page 160] who beholding with jealous Eyes his actions and succesies the Winter before, which enraged his Enemies, and exalted his name to that glory in all the Courts of Christian Princes, that the Pope honoured him with Medals of Gold; the King of Spain, with the Order of the Golden Fleece; the French King as a demonstration of his esteem, with a Token of ten thousand Crowns; and Cardinal Francis Barberini, with a Pension of eight hundred Crowns a Month; and all other European Princes, at least made the most part applications to him by Congratulatory Letters, admiring his Virtues, and applauding his Successes; permitting their Gazets and Diurnals, Weekly to divulge and publish his praises. From whence may rationally be collected, the true occasion of that Envy, which by cold assistances, and slow succours, obstructed as well the taking of Kanisia, as the valiant defence of Serinswar, which was decryed, not only as a Fort erected without due and mature consideration, but without art, or regular proportions, which might render it tenable; accusing at the same time as well the rashness and temerity of Serim's Counsels, as his want of judgment and experience in Military Affairs.
But to leave now the sad subject of the Christian misfortunes, occasioned by their own quarrels and dissentious, which the Grand Enemy of Gods Church always endeavoured to sow for advancement of his own Kingdom: Let us cast our Eyes on the other parts of unhappy Hungary. The Siege of Kanisia being raised, and Serinswar taken, and demolished, success had swelled, and puffed up the minds of the Turks to a height that nothing seemed difficult or impossible to their desires. On the other side, controversies and delays gave that advantage to the Enemy, that nothing could be expected, but losses, slaughter, and in the end, a total ruine. But God who pittied the miseries of poor Christendome, cast his Eyes of mercy on the Frontiers of the upper Hungary, granting some more happy successes to the Christian Armes, conducted by the Valour and Fortune of Count Soisé, a French Gentleman, who having the Command of an Army distinct from that of Montecuculi, began his first attempt and enterprize upon Nitra, where several persons of Quality, and Officers of the Turkish Army, were assembled to consider of the affairs of War. Soise having taken his convenient measures, and made his due [...] taken by [...] the [...] approaches, began to batter the Walls, a great part of which in a short time he shook so shroadly, that he opened a very wide breach, and continually plying Granadoes into the Town, so assrighted the Besieged, that immediately they offered a Parley, which Soisé accepted, (and the rather, upon advice, that Varadin, Solnoc, Temiswar, and the places adjacent, were collecting Forces to raise the Siege, and relieve the Town) entered into Treaty, and concluding upon Conditions, the Town Surrendered, and the Turks marched out with their Colours folded, and Muskets under their Arms, leading their Horses, had Convoy as far as Chomar.
Soisé having obtained this success, entered into Consultation about recovery of Newhausel, but having not Forces judged sufficient to attempt the difficulty of that place, he turned his endeavours and designs upon Lewa, or Leventz; but in the way thither, he was casually engaged with a Body of fourteen thousand Turks and Tartars, who were marching to the relief of Nitra, and fell in unawares upon his Rereguard: whereupon The Turks assault Soisi. Soisé commanded the Regiments of his Major General Guarnieri, and of the Colonels Caprara, and Zeitsch, and the Horse and Dragoons [Page 161] of Brandenburg, then marching in the Van to face about, and Charge the Enemy, which they performed with that Courage, and Vigour, that they routed and pursued them as far as the River Giava. At which place Soisé Encamped with his Army, and in an advantagious situation made a line of Circumvallation about his Camp, strengthening it with some pieces of Cannon. The Turks having recovered a convenient Retreat upon the River, remained opposite to the Christians, and having there reinforced themselves with additional Recruits, returned again to give them Battel, and in three places with extremity of fury and despair, assaulted the Christian Camp: Fortune for a long time remained doubtful on both sides, till at length the admirable resolution of the Christians overcame, leaving a thousand Turks extended on the place; many were drowned and the rest fled; leaving a rich Booty for reward to the Conquerours.
The Christians in this manner being successful, resolved not to check the current of their Fortune, but without delay proceeded to Lewa, Lewa taken. which having been for some time battered with great Guns, surrendred it self to the mercy of the Conquerour; in which was found, a considerable quantity of Meal, and twenty great pieces of Artillery.
In the mean time, the difference between the King of France and the Pope (on occasion of the insult offered at Rome by the Corst, to the Embassadours House and Person) being this Year composed; those Forces of the French being in all about 3000. Horse, sent first into Italy to avenge this affront, under the Command of the Count Coligni, were ordered to pass into Hungary, by way of Venice, to the assistance of the Emperour; to which, several Gentlemen, Voluntiers of the same Nation, joining themselves, formed a Body of 4000. Horse well appointed, valiant and desirous of action. The Pope also, whose words expressed and breathed out nothing but holy zeal against the common Enemy, promised a supply of 10000. Foot, and 3000. Horse, which were to pass by way of Trieste into Croatia, according to the promise and assurance of the Nuntio at Vienna: for acknowledgment of which religious and considerable succour, Count Leslie was dispatched from the Imperial Court, in a private Character, to pass those Offices of grateful acceptance, as were due to so high a merit and sense of the Christian Cause. But scarce was Leslie arrived at Venice, before he understood (to his great admiration) that the holy Army was by Order of the Pope disbanded, for The Pope recals his Forces from assistance of the Emperour. which no other cause was assigned, than only, that at Rome it was seriously debated, and in the end, it was concluded, that the expence was too great to be charged on the Ecclesiastical State; and that the Souldiery also were themselves unwilling to be so far separated from their own Country; all which at Vienna were understood to be frivolous pretences, and the causes thereof attributed to the sinister Offices of a person ill affected to the Emperours Interest, by which the Pope and Don Mario his General, falling from their resolutions and promises, Count Leslie was revoked from his employment, and the Imperial Interest, and hopes disappointed of so considerable a succour.
Howsoever, that the Pastoral care might not seem to be altogether dormant and careless of the Universal Flock, the Pope having disbanded The Pope supplies the Emperour with money, but not with men. his Army, could not do less than to supply the defect thereof with mony; for raising of which, he charged the Ecclesiastical State through all Italy (the Dominions of Venice only excepted, whose Wars already with the [Page 162] Turks exempted them from farther Taxes) with an imposition of 6. per Cent. of their yearly Revenue, under the notion of Tenths, or Tiths, which in all amounted to the sum of 700 thousand Dollars, which by Bills of Exchange, was remitted by way of Venice to the Imperial Court. In the mean time, the French Troops were arrived in Hungary, under the Command of the Count Coligni, which joining themselves with the General Montecuculi, followed the motion of the Viziers Army. The Turks designed to pass the Danube, for recovery of Lewa or Leventz, and in their way to destroy and lay desolate the Country of Count Badian, and in vertue and strength of that and former successes, to pass forward to the subjection of Possonium and Vienna. But God who disposes the affairs of this World, and gives laws and bounds to the licentiousness and unlimited Pride and Avarice of Mankind, took off the Wheels of the Turkish Chariots, and caused them to move slowly and warily, having an Eye always backwards to the Forces of Montecuculi, who attended them along the Banks of the River Muer, or Mura.
But whilst these two great Armies marched in view of each other, the Walachian and Moldavian Forces joining with a considerable number of Turks and Tartars, under the Command of Chusacin Pasha, resolved to assault, and again to recover Leventz, which though scarce setled, being so lately taken by the Christians, yet valiantly repulsed two fierce assaults of the Enemy, with that Courage, and Bravery, that 2000. were slain under the very Walls. By which time, it being the [...] of July, Count Count Soisé marches to raise the Siege of Leventz. Soisé passed the Nitra with his Horse and Foot, and thence hastning his march with all expedition, he first Encamped at the foot of a Hill called S t Benet, from whence he discovered the Enemies Body from the top of a Mountain, and thence approaching nearer, threw up some Earth and Works by the Banks of the River Grava; the next day having found a fordable place of the Water, Soisé in less than two hours passed the gross of his Army; which the Enemy observing, left their Siege, abandoned their Trenches, and displaid their Army in open Field, which consisting of 25 or 30 thousand fighting men, appeared much more numerous than the Christians. For to these Forces, under the Conduct of Husacin Pasha of Buda, were joined the Pasha of Anatolia, and Cidizade, the Pasha of Temeswar, four Boluchees of Spahees, and a good Force of Tartars, together with the Militia of Moldavia, and Valachia, under their respective The Turks before Lewa. Princes, which composed an Army, as was computed, of above 25000. men. Upon approach of Husaein Pasha, the Christians gave way, and retreated, intending to receive their Enemy in a larger Field, and afford an occasion to them of greater confidence in execution of the design they came to act. The Turks supposing the Christians to be fled for fear, with more boldness marched forward. And believing this retreat to proceed rather of fear than policy, continued to contemn the pusillanimity of the Christians, and lest it should argue too much regard and esteem of their Force, vouchsafed not to send Scouts abroad, either to view their Camp, or to prevent surprisal: but some of their Officers wisely considering, that a Souldier ought never to despise his Enemy, they were perswaded to send a considerable Body of Horse, to view and discover the Enemies Force, who in the way, meeting with a party of the Christians, after a small Skirmish put them to flight, and taking some Prisoners, brought them before the General; the Prisoners upon Examination confessed, that Count Susa was fully resolved the next Morning [Page 163] to give them Battel, and declared the number and courage of his Army to be such, as altered the opinion Husaein had conceived of the Cowardice and weakness of the Christians power; so that that whole night the Turks past with watchsul and vigilant Guards; their Arms ready, and their whole Camp in a posture of desence.
The next Morning being the 9 th of July, the day breaking discovered The Christian Army put themselves into Battalia. the Christian Army at so near a distance, as that their several motions might be discerned; and putting themselves in Array for the Battel, made two Wings of Horse; each Wing consisting of 3000. Horse, the most Armed Cap-a-pe, and well provided; the Foot marched in the Body of the Army, well appointed and sitted with all sorts of Ammunition and Arms, and so raised with chearful Courages, as rendered them in appearance to the Turks, a Warlike and formidable Army. The Turks likewise drew themselves into Battalia, defirous to try the fortune of the day; the right Wing was Commanded by the Prince of Valachia, and the left by the Prince of Moldavia. The Body of the Army was composed of Turks and Tartars, almost all Horse, except 2 or 3000 Janizaries, sent as an Auxiliary Force from Newhaufel, and Strigonium. These two Armies thus rauged in a posture of defiance, stood in view each of other, until Husaein Commanded his men to pass the Marsh or Fen, which was between them and the Christians: but several would have perswaded him the contrary, lest the success of the day not proving to expectation, the Marsh should be a disadvantage to their flight, and an occasion of greater slaughter in the pursuit: to which Husaein Couragiously answered, That men who would Conquer were to look forward, and not behind them; those that would save their lives by slight, were fit to perish in it; and that for his part, he was resolved to cut off all hopes of safety from his Army, but what consisted in their Swords, and Victory over their Enemies. The Turks having thus passed the Marsh, made a halt and faced the Christians until Noon; who moved not a foot from their ground, that so they might obtain the advantage of the Sun; which in the Morning being in their Faces, would upon declining be an offence unto the Turks. In the mean time, no question but both Generals made their Orations to their Souldiers, encouraging them to fight in defence of their Faith and Religion, of their Countries Glory and Safety; suggested with those Arguments and Rhetorick, as was agreeable to the principles and condition of both parties; and which we may well suppose according to the Licence of Historians, to have been in these words, or to this essect.
The Speech of Count Susa to his Army.
WHen I see, and consider besore us (Fellow Souldiers) those Enemies who are the object of our fury and rage, I conceive words more necessary to moderate the heat of your anger, so as to sight with diseretion, rather than to raise your Spirits to that height of Warlike Courage, in which consists the sasety and glory of this days Fortune. For these are they, who lately in cool blood against the Laws of Arms and Nations, unhumanly butchered our Countrymen and Kindred, and made no difference between Captives of War, and Malesactors, but like Thieves, and Murderers, sentenced brave men to death, who had no other crime, than that they unhappily fought in defence of their Country. These are they, who in the very times of peace, consume your [Page 164] Borders, and rob your Markets; and whose Capitulations of Peace, make yet all acts of hostility lawful: These are the grand Enemies and despisers of the Cross of Christ; against whom whosoever dies, is both a Conquerour and a Martyr. This Army before your Eyes, consists in part of Moldavian, and Valachian Christians, forced to this War by compulsion, not of choice; the rest are either Turks educated in the sostness of Asia, or Tartars who never made advantage by Battle, but by flight; these are they with whom you have this day to contend before the Walls of Lewa, where many of your Wives, and Children, and Friends, are immured, and are Spectators of your Vertue and Courage: Let us therefore valiantly address our selves to this Battle, on the success of which the fortune of Hungary and Germany depends.
The Speech of Husaein Pasha to his Souldiers.
WHilst our General the Grand Vizier is so successful in his Arms abroad, having subdued the strong Fortresses of Oywar and Serinswar, and struck a terrour and amazement to all the Enemies of our formidable Emperour; let not us be unactive, or want our share in the renown and fame of triumph and Victory. I shall not need to put you in mind of the glorious exploits of your Ancestors, whose Valour and Vertue, which formed this vast Empire round about us, you ought now to imitate, and give the World new prooss, how emulous you are to exceed the Courage and bravery of former times. The other divisions of the Ottoman Power have contended hitherto with their Enemies on unequal terms, and droven them forth from their shelters of Trenches and Bulwarks; but here you have an open Field to fight, nothing between you and the naked Breasts of your Enemies; we stand in equal numbers and terms with them; nothing can win the day but only Valour, and nothing lose it but meer Cowardice. These are the shattered Companies we have expelled last Year from Oywar, and the Companions of those, whose Bodies and Heads we have heaped before Strigonium: should we submit to be subdued by these, whom our Osmanlees have so often Conquered; we should not only stain our selves with the highest infamy and shame, but give a turn to the Universal Fortune of the Ottoman Arms.
By this time it was Noon, and the Sun turning it self from the Christian to the Turkish Army, a Warning piece was fired from the Christian Camp, at which sign their whole Army began to advance, and with chearfullness to approach the Turks, who stood ready to receive them. At the Husaein Pasha routed und tied. first onset the Christians poured a plentiful Volly of shot on the Turks and Tartars, which composed the main body; at which immediately they put themselves to flight, leaving the two Wings to an unequal Battel, who resisted not long before they followed the example of their Companions, leaving their Baggage and Cannon, with the honour of the day, unto the Christians; who in the pursuit slew the Turks without compassion or resistance; filling the Fields with dead Bodies, and the Rivers with blood, until Night which is the shelter of the distressed, gave a stop to their farther slaughter: such as escaped betook themselves to Resuge denied them at Strigonium. Strigonium, where they were refused either passage over the Water or Provisions, or any other refuge or entertainment after their wearisome flight; for Strigonium it self was judged now in danger, and the next attempt after the foregoing Victory, and therefore there was no reason or policy to unfurnish themselves of necessary provisions to supply or relieve [Page 165] a discouraged and cowed Army. Whereupon the Moldavians, and Valachians, sinding themselves half famished, forced their Princes to return home, being glad of the occasion to acquit themselves of the Turkish The Moldavians and Valachians return home. Wars, in which they were used more like Slaves than Souldiers. The Princes though sensible of the danger this unlicensed departure, and desertion of the Wars might bring upon their persons, were yet necessitated to yield to the violence and mutiny of their Souldiery: in their march homewards they encountred no difficulties or opposition, unless at the Tibiseus, where a small number of Turks would have denied them passage, but were soon dispersed by the Sword of the resolved Souldiery, who having conducted their Princes to their usual Courts, made an end betimes of this Years Campagna. Husaein Pasha in the mean time, being denied entrance at Strigonium, fled to Newhausel, where his presence was most acceptable for reinforcement of [...] Garrison, which now was in some danger of being recovered by the Christians. Of the Turks were killed in this Fight 6000, of the Christians 150; none of Quality, excepting one Kovari, a worthy and stout Hungarian Captain; 4000 Carts were taken, laden with all sorts of Provision and Ammunition for War; about 100 Colours, and a great number of Tents, and Arms of all sorts; twelve pieces of Cannon, about 1000 Horse; and 140 Camels, straying in the Fields, without care of Keepers, or Riders, with great: Droves of Cattle of all sorts, and other good booty and spoil, which remained as a reward to the Conquerour. The number of Prisoners was not great, by reason that the Souldiery, in heat of the pursuit, and in revenge of the Turks Cruelty towards the Garrison of Komar the less, whom lately in a barbarous Cruelty they had put to the Sword, were wholly inclined to slaughter and destruction, only about 700 Moldavians, and Valachians, were spared until they came in sight of Strigonium, where they erected several Gibbets, and hanged them thereupon, with their Muskets about their Necks, requiting (as they supposed) part of the Viziers Cruelty, and executing part of Gods Justice upon those who profess the name of Christ, and yet sight under the Banner of Mahomet.
Soisé animated with the foregoing success, designed to attempt Barcan Soisé assaults Barcan. a Palancha opposite on the other side of the Danube to Strigonium, and to that end embarked ten thousand five hundred of his men on four Gallies, and forty Galliots, carrying the Teutonick Colours, in regard that that religious Order had amply contributed towards the building of those Vessels, when they were on the Stocks in the Arsenal of Vienna. The Souldiers were so fleshed with the former Victory, that nothing seemed difficult or hazardous; so that Count Marset, without Orders of the General, rashly in a Bravado fell in upon the Town, without any advantage of earth, or other shelter, but with open Breasts exposed himself and Souldiers to all dangers; but the attempt being too difficult, he was, in fine, shot through both the Cheeks, and forced to retire with loss and disreputation: This attempt was seconded by the Duke of Holsatia, and his Insantry, who bringing some small pieces of Cannon to the very Palizadoes, began to batter the houses, during which about a hundred and sisty Janisaries made a vigorous Sally, but were repulsed with a sufficient loss, so that the Christians making good their ground, brought up and planted four Cannons, and two Mortar Pieces, and siring at the same time some Granadoes, so plyed their work, that the Inhabitants [Page 166] looking on their condition as desperate, gave fire themselves to their Wooden Buildings, passed the Bridge, and recovered Strigonium. The Town thus abandoned, the Christians had no difficulty to get possession, but entering quietly in, seized what was remaining of value, and adding to the flames, by other fires, in a few hours reduced all to Ashes; Farcan burnt. which being done, Soisé marched back to Komorra, to refresh his men, and take Counsel what ought to be the next design and enterprize to be taken in hand. And here for a while was a pause, or full point of the actions of Soisé, who not wanting Adversaries in the Imperial Court, emulous of his happiness and fortune, instilled such suspicions and scruples into the mind of the Emperour and Council, as caused Soisé to give up his Commission, that he might seek a life private, and free from the evil tongues of the envious, until afterwards his Vertues dispersing those malignant Clouds, he was restored to the good opinion of his Cesarean Majesty, and honoured with the Charge and Command of the strong Fortress of Komorra, where I my self had once the honour to make him a Visit, and was courteously received by him. This ill success of the Pasha of Buda arrived the Viziers ears, whilst he was attempting to pass the River Rab, in which were many difficulties, in regard the Banks were defended by the Christian Palanchas, which in every adventure cut off considerable numbers of men. At which loss of men, and time, and the ill success near Lewa, the Vizier being greatly moved, made another attempt on the 27 th of July; advancing with the Gross of his Army as far as Kemend, where the River runs narrow and shallow, but by the valour of the Hungarians, Germans, and French conducted by General Montecuculi, an Italian born, were repulsed with some Slaughter.
On the first of August, the Turks made another considerable attempt, The Turks with part of their Army pass the Rab. having planted Guns on the Banks of the River, which shot into the Christian Camp, and passed over in one place six thousand Janisaries and Albanians, and near a Village called Chiesfalo, where the water was narrow and shallow, very considerable numbers of Horse crouded over. At which formidable sight, the Christians collecting their Forces together, retreated to a more spacious place, where might be open Field sufficient for both Armies to draw up and join Battel. About half the Army having now passed the Water, the other part, in which was the Vizier, remained still on the other side, intending the next Morning to follow and advance to the Body, which was gone before; but it happened, by Gods Providence, that that very Night there The Rab swells with immoderate Rains. fell such a Deluge of Rain, as immediately made the River to swell above its Banks, and become altogether unpassable without a Bridge or Floats; so that the Turkish Army being now divided by the Waters, were uncapable of yielding any sudden assistance each to the other. Howsoever, the Vizier judging that that Part of his Army which had already passed, was an equal Match for the Christians, entertained not the least diffidence of good success, at least supposed they might be able to decline a Battel, until by abatement of the waters (which could not be long at that Season of the Year) he were enabled to pass, and join his main Body with them; and therefore full of hope and confidence, having at first discomfited the forlorn hope of the Christians, which consisted of a thousand men, dispatched immediately Messengers to acquaint the Grand Signior of his success and passage, which News he [Page 167] knew would be the more grateful, because the Grand Signior by daily Letters and Commands urged him to proceed in his March, and not to suffer the impediment of a narrow Ditch to be an interruption to the whole Ottoman Force, which in former times was not restrained by the depth or breadth of the Ocean. The Grand Signior having received this Intelligence, as if the intire Victory and Triumph over the World consisted in the passage over the Rab, was transported with such an extraordinary joy and assurance of Victory, that to anticipate the good News a solemn Festival was ordained for the space of seven days, and seven nights, called by the Turks Dunalma; in which time the whole nights were made light with Lamps and Candles, and made chearful with great The Turks vain joy. Guns, Vollies of Muskets, Sound of Drums and Trumpets, revellings and what other Solemnities might [...] joy and triumph. But scarce three Nights of this vain Dream had passed, before the Grand Signior awakened by intelligence, contrary to his assured expectation, of the Defeat and Destruction of a considerable Part of the Viziers Army, shamefully commanded the Lights to be extinguished, and the remaining four Nights designed for Joy, to be converted to Melancholy and Darkness: And though the rashness and vain fancy of the Governors was the sole cause of this precipitate mirth, yet as great men love always to charge their errours and follies on the shoulders of others, so the Sultan accused the Chimacham, through false Information, to have been the Authour of this shameful Decree; and in that fury, calling the Executioner, had certainly taken off his head, had not his young Minion, Signifies the Son of a Kul, or Slave. or Favourite, now called Kul Ogli (promoted to the Preferment of Asan, before mentioned) with much earnestness and Prayers interceded for his Life.
And indeed this Joy and Triumph was so much more ridiculous and shameful, by how much more fatal and destructive was the ensuing Event. For the Turks being now got over the River, had not, at first, time enough given them to cast up Earth, but were forced by the Christians to an Engagement; For the Christian Army was drawn into Battalia to receive them. The right Wing consisted of the Austrian Forces, commanded by Montecuculi himself; The Left was formed of the Confederates of the Rhine, commanded by Count Olac, to which was adjoined forty Troops of the French Cavalry, conducted by Monsieur Coligni, and the main Body was commanded by the Marshal General Marquis Bada, which composed a very formidable Body, and assailed the Turks with extraordinary Valour; the Fight was very furious, and began about nine a Clock in the morning on the third of August, and continued till four in the Afternoon with variable fortune; during which time the Waters being abated, the Spahees passed over in several places, and charged the left Wing of the Christians, and in other places they made attempts, only to divert the Army, whilst the Janisaries threw up Earth to secure a passage for the rest; which when the Christians espied they at first resolved to sound a Retreat, but afterwards, perceiving that the Trench was but newly begun, Montecuculi drawing up the Body of the Army into a half Moon, attacked the Janisaries on all sides with that fury, ordering the Bodies of Horse to contend with the Spahees; that the Turks now faintly fighting began to give ground to their Enemies, at which instant turn of Fortune, an outcry was heard, That Serini on the other side had set on the Viziers Camp; which so animated [Page 168] the Christians, and terrified the Turks, that the latter began to give back, and put themselves to shameful flight, leaving dead upon the Place eight thousand of their Companions, and the Glory of the Day to the Christians. The Turks, who always fly disorderly, not knowing the The defeat given the Turkish Army by the [...] Rab. Art of a handsome Retreat, crouded in Heaps to pass the River, the Horse trampling over the Foot, and the Foot throwing themselves head-long into the Water, without consideration of the depth, or choice of Places fordable; those sinking catching hold on others who could swim, sunk down, and perished together; others were carried away by the rapidness of the Stream, and both Men and Horse were carried down the River, and swallowed up in deeper Places: the Water was died with Blood, and the whole face of the River was covered with Men, Horse, Garments, all swimming promiscuously together; no difference was here between the Valiant and the Cowardly, the Foolish and the Wise, Counsel and Chance, all being involved in the same violence of Calamity, non vox Tae. lib. 1. & mutui hortatus juvabant adversante undâ, nihil strenuus ab ignavo, sapiens à prudenti, constlia à casu differre, cuncta pari violentiâ involvebantur; so that the Waters devoured a far greater number than the Sword, whilst the Vizier standing on the other side ofthe River, was able to afford no kind of help or relief, but as one void of Counsel and Reason, knew not how nor where to apply a remedy. This defeat though in Christendom not greatly boasted, by reason that the destruction of the Turks, which was most considerable by the Water, was partly concealed to them, yet the Turks acknowledge that Ruine and Slaughter to have been of a far greater number than what the Christian Diaries relate, confessing that since the time that the Ottoman Empire arrived to this greatness, no Stories make mention of any Slaughter or Disgrace it hath suffered to be equal unto the calamity and dishonour of this. On the Turks side were slain that day, Ishmael the late Pasha of Buda, and Kimacham of Constantinople, by a shot from the Enemy passing the Water; the Spaheelar Agasee, or General of the Spahees; the Janisar Aga, the younger Son of the Tartar Han, and several other Pashaws; Alibegh, General of Bosna, thirty Capugibashees, five and thirty Pages The slain on the Turks side. of the Vizier's and three hundred of his Guard, five thousand Janisaries, three thousand Spahees, fifteen hundred Bosnacks, eight hundred Albanians, six hundred Croats and Hungarians of the Turks Subjects, two hundred and fifty Valachians and Moldavians, six hundred Tartars, of Anatolia fifteen hundred, and about four thousand other Asiaticks, from the farthest parts of the Turks Dominions, Eastward; so that in all we may account seventen thousand slain on the Turks side; besides which were taken sixteen pieces of Cannon, a hundred and twenty six Colours, with the Standard of the Viziers Guard, five thousand Cemiters, most of which were embossed with Silver, and some beset with Jewels, with many Horses, of which six were sent as a Present to the Vizier. Of the Christians were slain near three thousand Men; those of note were, The Count Nassau, Count Charles of Bracondors, Captain of the Guards to Count Montecuculi, Count Fuchier General of the Artillery of the Empire, Colonel Pleiter, with his Lieutenant Colonel and Serjeant Major, and with many other Gentlemen of the French Nation, who deserve forever to be chronicled for their Vertue and Valour. For herein the French Nation ought not to lose their just praise, having made proofs of their Valour, as well in this, as in other Battels, it being reported, [Page 169] That Monsieur Coligni their General, killed thirty Turks with his own hand.
The News of this Victory being posted to Vienna, it is wonderful to consider with what Applauses, with what Honours, with what Encomiums the Fame of Montecuculi was celebrated; for besides the Triumphs, with [...], sounding of Bells, Banquets, and other demonstrations of solemn Joy; the Glory of Montecuculi was the Theme of every Ballad sung in the corners of streets; which Honors of the Commonalty were seconded by greater and more substantial of the Imperial Court, who conferred upon him the Title of Lieutenant General of the whole Army, a Dignity so eminent, as is inferiour to none, except the Emperour, in order of the Militia; and was not without some scruple granted to the Archduke Leopold by his Brother Ferdinand the Third; and withheld from Piccolomint Duke of Amalsi, until he had highly merited it, and made his way to it through bloody fields, where Providence first crowned him with Laurels of Success and Victory.
And here is just occasion for us to doubt, why Montecuculi should be thus admired and loaded with Honours, whilst the services of Serini and Soisé were so far from being taken notice of, that they seemed to effect the disgrace and ruine of these Worthies, rather than to produce the favour of their Prince, and the applause of their Country, the natural Rewards of Valour and Vertue. And indeed I cannot but confess, I my self have wondred, when in the Court of Vienna I have heard the Actions and Zeal of Serini so slightly spoken of or contemned, when a Stranger took the liberty but to descant on his actions, and to vent any thing which but savoured of his commendations. The reason of which I adventure to assign unto two causes. The first is, that Antipathy or natural Reasons why the Services of Montecuculi were accepted better than those of Serini. aversion the Germans have to the Hungarians and Croatians, these endeavouring to maintain the Priviledges of a People, who have a free liberty of the Election of their Prince; whilst the others desirous to take occasion to weaken and impoverish them, would necessitate them to yield their Kingdom to the Emperour by an hereditary Right. The second is, the fury of Serini and Soisé, whose zeal without consideration of irritating the Turk, or fear of moving the passion of the Lyon beyond the terms of an easie pacification, transported them to commit all damage and ruine, which are the just concomitants of War; which rage seemed over-violent to the Court at Vienna, and not to suit with the present Policy of the War, which was designed to be carried on rather in a defensive than in an offensive posture; imagining perhaps, that the good nature of the Turk might be complemented into Peace, and that gentleness and generosity might have the same effect upon them, as it had upon Saul, when David had his life at his mercy, and yet spared him: according to which counsels of the Court, Montecuculi squaring every particular of his motions, and thereunto adding success, mounted on the wings of Fame, and had his Glory celebrated without diminutions; but the hot and zealous temper of Serini, which Souldier-like understood nothing but down-right blows, knew not how to use that moderation and caution, which the Imperial Court judged an ingredient so requisite to the prudent management of the present War, that he was esteemed uncapable of command, who had not discretion enough to practise it: and this was the true reason that Serini was discountenanced, and that his Command was taken from him, and that his Appeal to the Court was [Page 170] without redress: howsoever in regard that the Fame he had won carried him high in the esteem of all Christendom, he was entertained with hopes and fair promises; and even after the very Battle of Rab, nothing was more commonly discoursed than the giving Nicholas Serini a command independent of any other General: but in the end it proved nothing but vain Proposals to humor the fancy of Serini himself, [...] to satisfie the World, which admired, a person so qualified and deserving as he, should be made a subject of so much disgrace and neglect.
With this News the Turks remained greatly ashamed and dejected, having but two days before demonstrated excesses of joy, congratulated the happy News one to the other, and after their manner sent Presents abroad, derided the Christians upon the News, exprobriated them with a thousand injuries, and applauded their own Vertue, Valour, and the righteousness of their Cause and Religion: but on a sudden Intelligence coming contrary to their expectations, such a dampness fell upon their spirits, that for some days there was a deep silence of all News at Constantinople; they that the day before sought for Christians to communicate to them the Miracles of their Victory, now avoided their Company, ashamed of their too forward joy, and the liberty they had taken to contemn and deride the low condition of the Christian Camp. And now the ill News not being able longer to be concealed, Prayers and Humiliation were appointed publickly to be made at all the great Moschs of Constantinople and Adrianople, where all Emaums with their young Scholars were commanded to resort, and sing certain Prayers appointed for such occasions.
The minds of the Souldiery after this defeat were very much discomposed, Sedition in the Turkish Camp. tending more to sedition than obedience. Every one took licence to speak loudly and openly his opinion, that the War was commenced upon unjust and unlawful grounds. That the total Eclipse of the Moon which portends always misfortunes to the Turks, should have caused more caution in the Commanders in ingaging the Armies this year, until the malignancy of that Influence had been over-passed. All generally accused the first Vizier as the Author and ill Manager of the War, Iniquissima Tae. in Vitâ Agricol. e. bellorum conditio est, prospera omnes sibi vendicant, adversa uni imputantur, and calling to mind the solemn Oath with which Sultan Solyman confirmed his Capitulations with the Emperour, particularly vowing never to pass the Rab, or place where the Turks received their defeat, without a solid and reasonable ground of War, concluded that this Invasion was a violation of the Vow, and an injury to the sacred Memory of that fortunate Sultan, and therefore that all Enterprises and Attempts of this War would be fatal and destructive to the Mussulmen or Believers, and the end dishonourable to the Empire.
This opinion was rooted with much superstition and strength of fancy in the minds of the Vulgar: and the rumorsin the Camp that the Vizier upon a false Alarm of the approach of the Enemy towards his Quarters, had commanded the Army to retreat, administred fury and courage to the Christians, and fear and amazement to his own; from which errour and timidity was occasioned that slaughter which ensued; on which discourses and reports dangerous discontents daily increasing in the hearts of the souldiery, it is thought, they would have vented their passion, and revenge on their General, had he not at a publick Assembly of all the Heads and Commanders of the Army cleared himself freely, by charging the miscarriage [Page 171] of all upon the Grand Signior, having acted nothing but with Authority of the Imperial Command, promising with as much speed as honour and safety would permit, by agreement and composition of Peace to bring the War to a conclusion. And this contrivance and art was that (as is supposed) which for the present secured his life; for the Souldiery were greatly terrified and possessed with a dread of the Christians, and amazement upon every Alarm. For the old and experienced Commanders and Veterane Souldiers were either destroyed by the secret Proscriptions of the Vizier Kuperlee, or slain in the Engagements of this Year, and the Asian Spahees and other Souldiers having wives and children, and possessions to look after, were grown poor, and desired nothing more than in peace and quietness to return to their homes: so that nothing could come more grateful to this Camp, no largesses or donatives could pacifie the minds of the Souldiery more than the promises and expectations of a Peace.
The Sultan during these disturbances and misfortunes was preparing The Grand Signiors hunting at Yamboli. for a hunting Journey to an obscure Village called Yamboli, about three or four days travel from Adrianople, designing to drive all those vast Woods along the Black Sea for Game, where he had a small ruinous Seraglio. The Queen-Mother, the Chimacam, with all the Court, were to accompany him. The Equipage and Pomp he went in perswaded many, that the design of that Journey was grounded on other causes of Policy, than what were generally penetrated: some conceived, that the Vizier contrived his Journey thither, to divert him from opportunities of receiving Intelligence from Spahees, and others of the true state of the Camp, and management of Affairs: others judged it might be to avoid in that obscure place the mutinous seditions of the Souldiery. On what consideration soever it might be, the Grand Signior having spent some time abroad, returned again to Adrianople with all his Retinue, without doing any thing more important than killing great numbers of wild Beasts, and ennobling those Wildernesses and Woods about Yamboli with the same of his renowned Hunting. Keblelee Pasha being slain (as we have said) before Scrinswar, who was Husband to the Viziers Sister, the Vizier bestowed the Widow on Husaein Pasha of Silistria. And much about the same time the Grand Signior considering that his own Sister, by the death of her old Husband Ishmael Pasha, slain in the last Battle, led a single life, conferred her in Marriage upon the old Mahomet Pasha, whom before we have related to have been Kahya to the Vizier, late Pasha of Darbiquier, and now of Aleppo, who as an Honour charged with a weight of troubles and other inconveniences, seemed thankfully to receive her; and though he was a man of ninety years of age, and had long since forgot the solaces of the bridal Bed, yet according to the custom of Marriage with a Sultana, he was ingaged to divorce his former Wife, with whom he had past the summer and winter of his age, and as a constant Husband, was still uxorious in his love. So that in the midst of Wars, where some found Graves, others found Marriage-beds, and reason of State found a Vacation to conjoyn Mars and Venus without interruption of ruder Enterprises.
The Great Vizier after his defeat marched to Stultweissenburg or Alba Regalis, to recruit and refresh his Army, and expect the Recruit of the Pasha of Aleppo, who was said to bring with him about eight thousand Souldiers.
[Page 172] From Stultweissenburg the Turks, with the gross of their Army, returned to Strigonium, and here the Vizier not unmindsul of the shameful flight, and rebellious return of the Princes of Moldavia and Valachia to Vizier sends for the Princes of Moldavia and Valachia. their own Countries without his order or permission, sent one Messenger after the other in great haste and fury after the Turkish manner, to recal those Princes to the War, and that laying aside all excuses whatsoever, they should immediately, with what Forces they could collect, repair again to the Camp. The Princes weary of the War, and fearful of the Viziers evil intentions to take away their lives, endeavoured to excuse The Princes of Moldavia and Valachia recalled to the Wars. their flight, alledging, that their People would not obey, or follow them to the Wars in any considerable numbers, and that now it being the end of the Summer, new Levies would be of great expence, and of little benesit, and disenable them from paying their yearly Tribute; of which (notwithstanding their consumption of Treasure in the last Expedition) they were like to find no ease or relaxation, though a burden too great for their harassed and impoverished Country to support. But these excuses were no arguments to resolved Turks, so that Commands came doubled and trebled one after the other full of threats and menaces, to march forward with what Forces they could collect, the Messengers assuring them, That there was no design prepared against them by the Vizier, but what was friendly and of good intention. At length the Princes not able to remain longer without a censure of Rebellion to the Port, with heavy hearts and light purses set forwards with about fifteen hundred men apiece, sending before such sums of Money and Presents, as they hoped might mollifie and prepare their access to the Vizier, whilst they themselves marched slowly, to afford longer time to the operation of this Physick. The Prince of Valachia had intrusted about forty thousand Zaichins to an Officer of his called his Vestiario or Master of his Wardrobe, whom he had sent before him, therewith to make his access easie and safe to the Vizier: of whose faith that he might assure himself the better, he made him swear before the Holy Altar, and take the Communion thereupon, that he would be faithful and active in this Negotiation. The Vestiario thus departing, added to his religious Fides Graeca, or the honesty of a Greek. Vows, common promises and protestations; but no sooner was he a few miles distant from his Master, before he tired in his Vows, and altered his road from the Vizier to the way leading to Constantinople, declaring as he went, That his Prince was become Rebel, and was fled, and that he, not to be Partner in his perfidiousness, was hasting to Constantinople, there to give evidence of his faith and submission to the Turks. This unexpected news coming to the Prince, caused him to despair of all security and reconciliation with the Vizier, and force him by flight to make good the words of his treacherous Servant; so that taking with him his Wife and remainder of his Wealth, passed through Transylvania with much difficulty, and at length arrived within the Emperours Territories, resolving to exchange an inconstant and dangerous Principality for a more secure and private course of life. But this impious Greek did not rest quiet with his ill acquired Estate without receiving disturbance from the Boiars or Nobles of the Country; and Stridia Bei the new-made Prince, justly accusing him for having robbed the Publick Treasury, extorted from him the sum of 150000 Dollars towards his Investment in the Principality, and ease of the Country, which was now wracked for payment of old debts, and the growing charges of the new Prince. And [Page 173] thus much of the Princes of Moldavia and Valachia.
At Strigonium great were the Consultations, what course was to be taken: The Christians were now Masters of the Field, and the Turks discouraged, and now the Summer was so far spent, that it was too late to think of recovering their reputation that year with the hazard of a Battel. So that at length it was resolved to unite the shattered Forces of Chusaein Pasha, lately defeated by Count Susa, to the Army of the Vizier, and attend to secure Oywar or Newhausel with Provisions, Ammunition, and Reinforcement of that Garrison, whereby this War might conclude with some Trophies of advance, and inlargement of the Ottoman Borders, which in all their Wars is the design and Maxime of the Turks. So that marching thither, they gathered and collected all the Provisions possible, and having supplied the Garrison, they returned again to Strigonium with all expedition, retaining still impressions of terrour from the late ill success. And that they might march with less impediment, they sent their Artillery and heavy Baggage down the Daenube: such was the fear of the Turkish Army at present, that it is supposed, had the Christians eagerly pursued their Victory, they had not only defeated the whole Turkish Force with little opposition, but also without any impediment marched to the very Walls of Buda.
But what infatuation soever blinded the Christian Counsels, little or no advantage was taken, as if the design of the Emperour had only been to repel the Enemy from his Borders, or that he feared to irritate the Turks with a too inveterate and pertinacious prosecution of his Victories. Instead of which the Vizier making some Overtures of Peace, and evidencing the reality of his intentions by his Presents of a Vest of Sables, and a Horse richly furnished, with which he flattered and caressed the German Resident, the Articles were accepted and embraced at Vienna with much greediness, and the Peace almost wholly concluded and clapped up in a moment, to the astonishment of the whole World. But as The reasons which inclined both Parties to Peace. matters of this nature cannot succeed without just and due considerations, so on both sides certain causes concurred which inclined and disposed things to an accommodation. For on the Turks part there wanted not such in the Ottoman Court, who emulous of the Grand Viziers fortune and charge, endeavoured to remove him from the favour of his Prince, by accusing him in many particulars of negligence, and imprudence in the conduct of his Affairs. To answer which, his return with the Olive-branch of Peace in his mouth, and yet the Laurels of Conquest on his head, having added so considerable a Fortress as Newhausel to the Dominions of the Empire, and demolishment of Serinswar, the Original cause of the War, were a sufficient conviction of the evil accusations of his Adversaries, and an argument irresistible, when inforced by the Authority of his own Presence. On the Emperours side, the demand of the City of Erfurt by the Elector of Mentz situated on his Consines, at a time of so much exigency as this, and seconded by hopes of assistance from France, and the Hans Towns on the Rhyne, whereby it was probable great turbulences might result, inclined the Emperour with much reason to Proposals of Peace; Instructions for which being conveyed to the Resident then in the Turkish Camp from the Caesarean Court, after a short Treaty the Articles were agreed and concluded, as followeth.
First, That Transylvania remain with its ancient Limits and Priviledges under the Command of Prince Michael Apasi.
[Page 174] Secondly, That the Emperour of Germany have liberty to fortifie both Gutta and Nitra.
Thirdly, That the Turks shall not alter or innovate any thing on the Confines of Hungary, or any other part bordering on the Emperor.
Fourthly, That Apasi pay six hundred thousand Dollars to the Ottoman Port for expences of the War.
Fifthly, That all Acts of Hostility between the Emperour, and the Grand Signior, and their Subjects for ever cease.
Sixthly, That the two Provinces of Zatmar and Zaboli, granted to Ragotzki by his Imperial Majesty during life, return again to the Emperour, to which neither the Prince of Transilvania, much less the Ottoman Port, shall ever pretend.
Seventhly, That the strong Castle of Zechelhyd, which revolted from the Emperor, be demolished, in regard neither Party will relinquish his Right thereunto.
Eighthly, That Varadin and Newhausel remain to the Turk, having conquered them by force of their own Armes.
Ninthly, That for confirmation of this Peace, Ambassadours be interchangeably sent with Presents of equal value.
On these Terms (of which none seems disadvantageous to the Christian Interest, unless the fourth Article, the dishonour of which seems to be covered with the name of Apafi, though the score was paid by the Emperour) the Peace was established, and the Vizier, as a beginning thereof, gave liberty to many Christian Captives, some whereof were of Quality, and Proclamation was made through all the Confines for a Cessation of Armes. Howsoever, some petty matters remained undecided, which were deferred until the Arrival of an extraordinary Ambassadour, who was to exchange with the Turks another Ambassadour in the Month of May following; and in the mean time suspension of Armes, and all other Hostilities was confirmed. At which News all sorts of People amongst the Turks were greatly rejoyced, and the Publication thereof the more welcome, by how much the more unexpected. Whereby we may observe the alteration of that ancient Martial disposition, which was natural to this Empire, which whilst it was exercised in War, grew hardy, active and inured to warlike exercise, but now through Idleness and want of War (except the Venetian, which affords the Souldiery no considerable employment) their minds became resty, wearied with one year and a halfs labour, and dejected with the unprosperous success of one Summer.
But what Considerations soever the Emperour might have to conclude this Peace, the Hungarians were highly dissatisfied with it, because The Hungarians oppose the Peace. it was founded on their proper loss; and that Newhausel was given for a price of the common quiet, which none but themselves paid, and yet all Germany enjoyed the benefit. That that Town was an appendage to the Kingdom of Hungary, and to which the Emperour having only the claim (as they pretended) of an Elective Prince, could not dismember any part without consent of the States thereof; and this position they maintained with that heat and fury, that they declared themselves disobliged from observation of the Articles, resolving to vindicate their own right in despight of all opposition whatsoever; and that since the Emperour had undertaken their Protection he was bound to assert their freedom, and defend their Cities, even with the [Page 175] expence of his own Treasury, and at the hazard of his own hereditary Possessions. But to these exorbitant Demands the Emperours Council replyed with these following reasons and moderation; That they themselves were the first Beginners and Promoters of this War; That His Majesty at their instance and request condescended to protect them as Subjects, not only with draining of his own Exchequer, and blood of his Patrimonial Dominions, but with the charge of hired and mercenary Strangers. In the mean time what assistance had the Hungarians brought to this War or to their own defence? What Contributions did they ever make? What Forces did they ever unite in the Field by a general assent of their whole Kingdom? Notwithstanding his Majesty was ready to continue the War, could they themselves propose either a safe way for the maintenance of it, or that the present Conjuncture did not offer honourable Conditions of a happy Composure? Moreover, The Emperors Reasons for a Peace. That the King of Spain, his Uncle, and Father in Law, being aged and decrepit, leaving no other Heir than an insirm and sickly Child, to support the charge and weight of all his Kingdoms, it was requisite that at such a time as this, he should be free from all incumbrances, either to assist the Infant in Administration of the Government, or to assert his own Rights (if so it should please God) in the Succession. And that now, since a Treaty was on foot for Election of a Successour to the Kingdom of Poland, it was necessary for His Imperial Majesty to bear his part in that Transaction; but above all, it was considerable, That the common Enemy being rich and powerful, God had seemed to put his Victory into their hands to no other end than to improve it unto a Peace, which being at this time neglected, the best that could ensue would be the miseries of War, which turning on the inconstant Wheel of Fortune with variety of successes, is always attended with Slaughter, Captivity, Fire, Sword, and a thousand other Calamities. These, and such like reasons, moderated and mollified the exasperate spirits of the Hungarians, so that they seemed to acquiesee and be satisfied, and making a Vertue of Necessity, had patience where there was no other remedy.
The sudden News of this unexpected peace did in like manner affect the French King, and the States of the Empire, judging it unreasonable for them to be interested in the War, and yet unconcerned in the Conclusion of the Peace. Howsoever, things being well represented, and as well received and understood; his Most Christian Majesty accepted of the Reasons as just and satisfactory. In the mean time the French had a The French Army march homeward. free liberty to make choice of their Winter Quarters, which they fixed upon in Bohemia, but their King being unwilling to burden the Country with his Souldiers for a longer time than they were serviceable to them, he ordered them to march, and quarter in Alsatia; but before their departure the Emperour honoured Monsieur de Coligni with his Picture incircled with Diamonds, and the other Officers with Gold Chains and Medals; ordering the Troops not to march above ten miles a day, and every third to be a day of repose, and to be entertained all the way at free Quarter, so as to return into France jocund and healthy, as they departed thence. But before they would bid adieu to those Countries, the General and Officers paid their Visit to Count Nicholas Serini, presenting him with a Horse, Furniture, and Pistols, as a small Tribute to that Great Captain, whose Fame was celebrated through the whole world, ingenuously confessing, That the [Page 176] rumour of his name struck more amazement and terrour in the Enemy, than the Armies that actually faced them, and was more instrumental in obtaining the Victory on the Banks of Rab, than their weapons or courage which fought against them. But not long after this worthy Heroe Serini hunting one day separated from the rest of his Attendants in the Thickets of a Wood, behold, on a sudden was surprized by the rushing forth of a wild Boar, which raging, and made furious by some Wounds he had received, first struck him in the Knee, with which falling to the ground, the fierce Beast not giving him leisure to recover himself, ganched him again in the head with his broad Tusk, which proved so mortal, that in a short time he expired in the Arms of one of his Pages. This Serini's Death. was the end of this valiant Captain, who unconquered in many and redoubled Conflicts of his Enemies, was made the prey of an ignoble Beast. Such are the secret and occult Providences of Heaven, which men interpret or reflect on as they are governed by prejudice or interest. And so did the Turks attribute the Fall of this their Grand Adversary to the righteousness of their Religion, and justness of their Cause; as if he had been a person unworthy to dye by the hand of a man, was condemned to be executed by that Beast, which is most abominated and detested by the Turkish Rites. He was a Person as mortal an Enemy to the Turks, as ever Hannibal was to the Romans; in Dangers most couragious, The Character of Serini. in War valiant, and patient of labour, in Peace courteous, and moderate in his Pleasures; his Diet was natural, rather than artificial; in Bankets, or Drinking Meetings, after the fashion of that Country, was sparing in Wine, and rather abstemious than intemperate; Musick and Dances were the Entertainment of the softer and effeminate Part of his Court, rather than his own Pastimes, whose Recreations were chiefly in the Woods, and in fuch Huntings as had something in them of similitude with Martial Exercises; his Judgment was profound and deep, and yet his familiar Discourse facetious; his Conversation obliging, his humour affable, and yet severe and majestick; he spake much, and yet well, his disposition was liberal and generous, especially to his Souldiers, whom he never restrained or defrauded of their Booty and Prey, but contented every one with a just and exact Division. In short, he was one of those zealous Champions of the Christian Cause, who in the Chronicles of past Ages ought to be placed and numbred amongst the worthiest Heroes.
The Winter now approaching, and a conclusion in all appearance made of the War, the Vizier returned to Belgrade, designing to remain there until the German Ambassadour had entered the Turkish Borders, and in the mean time sent for his Mother thither, pretending that in an uncertain and changeable estate the Maternal Blessing is of highest Consolation, The Vizier sends for his Mother to Belgrade. it being esteemed pious amongst the Turks for a man to die at the Feet of his Mother. This Mother of his was esteemed a cunning or wise Woman, by whose Charms and Incantations his Father, and he were supposed long to have conserved the Office of Vizier; and as my own Ears can witness the common Souldiers Discourse, That his Mothers Art consisted much in Philtrums and Charms, reconciling affection and friendship, and had a power over the Grand Signiors Inclinations and Understanding, rendring all things and actions the Vizier had performed in this War full of merit and admiration. This I say was the Discourse of some common Souldiers.
[Page 177] In the month of December, that Blazing-star which appeared formidable to most parts of the known World, was also seen within the Turkish Empire, not without a general terrour of all, as prognosticating disasters The Blazing-star. of Sword, Pestilence, and Famine; and set the Turkish Astrologers at work to find out the mystery it portended: from whose Art most commonly was divined the death of some great Person in the Empire, which some would have to be the Grand Signior, others the Vizier, others both, as they desired alteration and change of Government.
The Grand Signior continued all this time at Adrianople taken up with The Sultans hatred to Constantinople increases. an extraordinary delight and pleasure in his Court there, with which his aversion to Constantinople so much increased, that he could not endure so much as the name of the place: and if accidentally in his Hunting (as is reported) he chanced to fall into the road which led thither, and remembring himself thereof, would immediately turn thence, as one that corrects himself of some desperate errour, or avoids a path which tends to an evitable destruction. The Kadelescher and the other grave Judges of the Law observing this unreasonable hatred of their Prince to his Imperial Seat, considered how prejudicial it was to him and his People to have a City of that renown, antiquity, and commodiousness of living despised and abandoned: and that perhaps the Souldiery now upon their March from the War, might be impatient of returning home, as all the Dependents on the Divan, and Personages of great Quality, desired to injoy their Habitations and Gardens at Constantinople; from which discontent on all sides it was concluded, That there might result dangerous Seditions and Mutinies, and therefore resolved (and as some say also at the instigation of the Vizier) to prostrate themselves before the Grand Signior, and tender him their opinions and sence in that particular, which they accordingly performing and assigning the Kadelescher, or the Chief Justice with all humility to be their Mouth in this Petition, their counsel was received with that indignation, that they were chased from the Grand Signiors presence with fury and high displeasure, and the Kadelescher at that moment deprived of his Office.
To these other extravagances the Grand Signior would have added another of a higher nature and cruelty, by causelesly putting to death The Sultan seeks to destroy his Brother. his Brother Solyman, whom all the time of his Raign, together with another Brother, he had kept Prisoner in the Seraglio: for now having a Son of his own, he conceived it more secure to remove all competition that might be for the Government, according to the example and custom of the Ottoman Princes; but suffering some remorse of conscience in the thoughts of imbruing his hands in the blood of his guiltless Brother, conceived it more justifiable to perform the Fact by process of Law, and to that end sent to the Mufti for his Fetfa or Sentence, viz. That in such a case, where there is a sufficient provision for continuance of the true Linage of the Ottoman Family, whether it may be lawful, according to their Law and ancient Presidents, to take off some as superfluous Suckers, that draw not only nourishment from the root, but endanger also the life of the Tree. But the Mufti was not so cruel or unjust as to pass this sentence, but rather supplicated the Grand Signior to defer this resolution; for having but one Son, and that a Child, which was subject to the common chances of mortality, the Ottoman Family was not so sufficiently provided of Heirs, that he could pass his sentence for taking away one who was so necessary a reserve and member of it; with which reply the [Page 178] Grand Signior suffered himself to be overcome, having some touches of 1665 conscience, and perhaps not being naturally cruel some sense of compassion towards his innocent Brother.
But returning now to the Great Vizier, we find him in his Winter-quarters at Belgrade, where having taken an affection to the elder Son of the Tartar Chan, or else having conceived some hatred or displeasure against the Father, frankly proffered to depose the Father, and confer the Government The Vizier offers to depose the Tartar Chan. upon him who was the Son. But it seems this young Tartar, though barbarous, had yet so much of filial obedience and reverence instamped on him by Nature, that he modestly refused the proffer, and immediately dispatched a Messenger with secret Advices to his Father. The Tartar Chan received this Intelligence with great indignation, and purposing to play that game in reality with the Vizier, which he had passed on him only by way of overture, wrote a Letter to the Pasha of Buda, a man of great abilities and courage, advertising him, that hearing a true and worthy character of his prowess and wisdom, he could not but desire to be his friend; and that he might make demonstrations of his being such, he prossered all the interest he had at the Ottoman Court to promote him to the supreme Office of first Vizier. What Fate soever accompanied this matter, either from the Confidents of the Tartars, or of the Pasha, the substance of the Message came to the knowledge of the Vizier, who obtaining a private Commission immediately from the Grand Signior therein, sent for the Pasha, and without farther process, or evidence of proof, or accusation struck off his Head.
Anno Christi 1665. Hegeira 1076.
THE Peace thus happily concluded with Germany, was a subject of singular contentment to the people, and not less readily embraced by the Grandees, who hastened so much the consummation thereof, that in the beginning of January one Mahomet Beigh, of the Order of the Mutafaracaes The Turkish Ambassadour departs. (who are those that attend the Services of the Divan, and are of a degree somewhat above the Chaouses) a man of considerable richess, was designed Ambassadour for Vienna, and qualified with the Title of the Pasha of Romelia. In the month following being February, this Ambassadour having received his Presents and Instructions departed, with Orders to remain on the Frontiers, until the Emperours Ambassadour met him at the place of Exchange, where according to custom at the same time that one enters into the Dominions of the Emperour, the other passes into those of the Grand Signior. The Presents that one Emperour sends to the other are according to the ancient Canon, and are to be of equal value, and are commonly estimated to be an hundred thousand Dollars. Those sent by the Grand Signior to the Emperour were
- 3 Horses with their Furniture adorned with precious Stones.
- 12 Other led Horses of great price.
- A Royal Tent with all the Apartments, valued at eighty thousand Dollars.
- A Royal Feather set with Jewels.
- Ambergreese of a considerable value.
- Bezoar-stones.
- 20 Cods of Musk.
- 70 Coftans or Vests of three sorts.
- 6 Persian Carpets.
- [Page 179] 40 Very fine Turbants, with other Persian Commodities of divers sorts of Linen.
The Spring being now well forward the time of action, and the Summer at hand, the Turks remained with great expectation of the German Ambassadour; and with greater impatience, in regard that their Ambassador had for some time continued upon the Frontiers. It was now May, and yet no news from Germany; so that many began to doubt the reality of the Peace, others reflected on the dishonour of the Grand Signior, in having his Ambassadour so long on the Frontiers, as if the Peace had been precarious and desired by the Turks: some considered the present ill consequences, in case the War should break out again; for the licence was given to the greatest part of the Army to return home, and all such as came as far as from Babylon, Damascus, and Egypt to the Frontiers in Hungary were departed; and to recal these again, and other Zaims and Timariots Rumors of the People on occasion of stay of the German Ambassadour. from remote parts, required a considerable time, of which their distress would not admit, should the Christians prove deceitful in their Treaty. Besides which, reports were spread abroad, that the French had intercepted the Ambassador in his passage about Komorra, and had given an interruption to the Peace. Others reported, that the Ambassadour was dead in his Journey, and that the Hungarians were again in Arms, as wholly dissatisfied with the Peace. These rumors flying about, all people blamed the facility of the Great Vizier in being too credulous, and confident of the faith and morality of the Christians; and the Enemies of the Vizier more boldly adventured to accuse his ill management of Affairs, which did not a little tickle the ambition of Mustapha Pasha, then Captain Pasha, and Chimacam of Adrianople, supposing that all the disgraces and ill successes of the Vizier prepared a way for his ascent unto that Office. And to become more popular, being a man naturally of an affable and plausible carriage, insinuated himself into the favour and good opinion of the Great men and principal Favourites of the Seraglio, over-acting his part in some measure by condescensions unbeseeming the degree and dignity Mustapha [...] affectation and popularity. of a Chimacam, being observed one day to kiss the Vest of the Kuzlir-Aga, too apparent a piece of adulation and meanness in so great a Subject, who in those parts represents the person of his Master. These passages were not altogether unknown to the Vizier; and though at a distance he could not perfectly view, and discover particularly the comportment of this Chimacam, yet being by conversation well acquainted with his subtle disposition, guessed at his thoughts and the rest of his actions, and to deal with him in the same terms, wrote a Letter to the Grand Signior, bewailing the ill success of the War against Venice, and the ill estate and condition of the Fleet, to repair which, and to give courage to their men, and restore the Discipline in marine Affairs, the presence of the Captain-Pasha was necessary in the Fleet, who had now for two years injoyed the benesit and the title without personal attendance on that important Charge. The Grand Signior having received' this Letter, concurred in the same opinion with his Vizier, and gave Orders to the Chimacam to prepare himself to serve that Summer at Sea; for that now it was necessary he should be in person there, and less requisite his presence in the City, where his Office would speedily be made void by return of the Vizier. The Chimacam immediately in obedience to his great Masters command, put himself in a posture for his Voyage, and in the first place sent away his Women to Constantinople, and appointed the Fleet not to [Page 180] depart until his faither order: yet in the mean time so secretly and under-hand made use of the friendship of the Court-Favourites, representing as from themselves, how useful the service and attendance of the Chimacam was as yet in the City, by reason that the delays of the German Ambassadour made the Viziers return uncertain, and that this Office would ill be supplied by any other, they obtained licence for his continuance in Office, and disappointed the intentions and designs of the Vizier.
About the end of May, after long expectation arrived the German Ambassadour at Buda, to the great joy of the Turkifh Camp. I then was there my self, and observed the general satisfaction at this news: so that now the Ambassadour being entred the Frontiers, and his arrival secured, on the 29 th of May the Vizier began his March from Belgrade with the whole Army, and I kept company with them for thirteen days. On the last of June the Vizier arrived within six hours Journey of Adrianople, intending in two or three days to prepare for his solemn Entrance. But it is reported, That the Viziers Mother had by her Art so affected the heart of the Grand Signior towards her Son, that he could not longer want his presence, and therefore in the way dispatched frequent Messages to him to hasten him as fast as his convenience would permit. And better to assure him of his grace and favour, sent his young Favourite, a handsom Youth of about twenty years of age, to meet him with a Present of five Horses richly adorned and furnished, and to feast him plentifully on the way: and being come within a few hours Journey, the Grand Signior could not contain his desire of seeing him, until the day of his Entry; but ordered him immediately to come to him, being impatient of a private Conference. The Vizier accordingly obeying, and being come to the Royal Presence, the Grand Signior kissed him on the shoulder, and honoured him with a It is in the fashion of a Mace, which the Turks wear at their Saddles. Topoose of gold studded with precious Stones, with a Sword, a Dagger, and a Horse richly furnished, with which Regal Munificence he returned triumphing to his Tents, being now fully assured of the real grace and constant favour of his Master. The second of July the Vizier made his Entrance with solemn Pomp and Glory through part of the City, passing again into the field to remain under Tents with the whole Camp, being so ordered by the Grand Signior, in regard the City was neither capable to contain so great a number without dispossessing the greatest part of the Inhabitants of their Houses; nor in this hot season of the year was it so wholesom and cool as the open air of the Country. Besides matters would be in a far greater readiness for a departure towards Constantinople, to which place the Vizier had perswaded the Grand Signior to make a Visit after Audience given to the German Ambassadour, whom the people now expected with wonderful impatience.
Not many days after arrived Count Lesly the Ambassadour Extraordinary from his Caesarian Majesty to the Grand Signior, who made a solemn Entrance into the City, passing first through the Turkish Camp, where the Grand Signior remained, and thence to the House furnished and appointed for him at the expence of the Sultan. The Cavalcade was The German Ambassadours Entrance. as followeth: In the Front of all were the ten Chaouses which had attended the Ambassadour through the whole Journey, these were followed by an hundred fifty five other Chaouses with Muzevegé, with some Captains over the Janisaries. The Ambassadour had of his own [Page 181] Retinue about a hundred and fifty Persons on horse-back, well mountted, and cloathed after the Hungarian fashion; his proper Guard consisted of four and twenty Persons armed with Partisans; before him went his Trumpets, and Kettle Drums, but not sounding, with two Banners of Spread Eagles flying, one of them richly embroidered, carried by a Count of the Empire. The Ambassadour himself was cloathed with a Cloth of Silver Vest, lined with Sables, on his Cap he wore a Feather after the Turkish fashion, adorned with Jewels, which they call ( Sargouch) and is only used by the Grand Signior, and his principal Vizier; before him went eight led Horses richly furnished; immediately after him followed the Pages and Servants of the Spaheelar Agasee, and of the Aga which conducted him from the Frontiers. Next came his Litter covered with Violet coloured Velvet and carried by Mules; then his three Coaches with six Horses a piece, one of which being richly gilded, and made chearful with Glass Windows after the new mode, the Grand Signior became much pleased with it, and at his request it was presented to him; after these followed four or five other Coaches of four Horses, in which were Churchmen and unfirm persons; and last of all came the German Waggons, and other Carts with those of the Countrey with Baggage.
This Ambassadour was not long arrived before he was admitted to Audience given to the German Ambassadour. Audience with the Prime Vizier, who bestowed on him a Vest of Sables, with a Horse and Furniture of considerable value, and a hundred of his Retinue were vested with Coftans, which amongst the Turks are testimonies of favour and acceptance. About four days after the Ambassadour had Audience with the Grand Signior himself, at which were only forty Coftans given out, which coming from so Grand a Personage, were in value multiplied much above the number given by the Vizier.
The Presents brought by the Ambassadour were as followeth:
- A Looking Glass of about a Mans height, in a silver Frame, standing on a pedestal of Silver, turning round on every side.
- 2 Great Basons of Silver, supported with three Pillars at three Corners, a Mans Body and a half high, adorned with several Figures; at one Pillar was fastned a gilded Bason, over which was a Fountain Cock for [...] Water to run through.
- 2 Great gilded Basons full of holes at the Bottom to make a Passage for the water.
- 12 Silver Candlesticks, every one about two Ells high.
- 6 Silver Flower-Pots.
- 12 Gilded Ewers for sweet Waters.
- 12 Silver Dishes with Covers made after the form of Turkish Turbants, all gilded within side.
- 12 Gilded Dishes for Confects, set upon Pedestals of Silver.
- 1 Round Table of Silver upon a Pedestal of about half an Ell, after the manner of the Turkish Tables, with many Devices.
- 4 Guns with Silver Stocks, and one Cutlash of Silver.
- 2 Great Writing Desks of Jaspar-Stone with Prospectives within.
- 2 Other of Ebony Wood, and Tortoise shell, in-laid with Gold and Silver.
- 1 Great Ice Vessel, and one great Drinking Pot of Silver.
- 4 Pieces of Spanish Tapestry wrought with Silver.
- 14 Clocks with Turkish and Christian Figures.
- [Page 182] A Grota with a Clock in it, and a Case of Virginals which sound with the motion of Water that runs through it.
- A Cupboard an Ell high adorned with Bosses of Silver, in which was a Salt-Box, Candlesticks, and other appurtenances thereunto.
- A large Chest with Figures of Silver gilded.
- A high Writing Desk of Silver gilded with many Boxes and Drawers, which for the Art and Invention is not to be described.
- An embroidered Cushinet to sow upon, in which was a Looking Glass, and a Virginal sounding of it self.
- A large Looking Glass in a Silver Frame.
- 2 Silver Candlesticks of an Ell and half high.
- A Basket of Silver rarely worked and engraven.
- 4 Great Cups.
- 12 Silver Platters with Covers.
- 2 Silver Candlesticks ¾ of an Ell high.
- 12 Silver Plates handsomely worked for Confects.
- 1 Basket of Silver engraven.
- 14 Very large Silver Cups.
- 32 Clocks of several sorts, some with Turkish, and others with Christian Figures.
- 21 Watches gilded.
- 7 Gilded Basons and Ewers.
The Weight of the Silver all together amounted unto three thousand five hundred pound weight. These were the Particulars of the Presents sent from the Emperour to the Grand Signior, from whom he received the like value by the Ottoman Ambassadour. And though this Relation may seem impertinent to the Weight of History, yet in regard on such minute things many times greater matters depend, and thereby the curiosity of the Reader satisfied, I thought it not from our purpose to insert a List thereof.
This year gave the first Beginning to trade between the Ottoman Dominions, and that of Genoua. For in Company of the German Ambassadour, in condition of a private person, came the Marquess Durazzo a Nobleman of Genoua with Letters from that Republick to the Grand The Genoese make Peace with the Turk. Signior, and Great Vizier, importing their desire of friendship and commerce with the Ottoman Port. This design of opening a door to a new Trade was commenced and carried on wholly by the contrivance and power of the Family of the Durazzo's, falsely founded on the course allay of money, then currant in the Turkish Territories, which proved not long durable, as will appear by the Sequel. This Marquess being arrived at Constantinople, declared his Message, which if favourably accepted, an Ambassadour or Resident with Merchants should be [Page 183] sent to hold a Trade in the Turkish Dominions. In answer whereunto the Vizier replied according to the usual complement, That the Arms of the Port are always open to those who desire to entertain a friendship and correspondence with it. But because in former days Ambassadours from Spain and Genoua having like promises of admission, were notwithstanding, through the union of the English, and French and Venetians, obstructed in their passage, and forced to return home, though one of them as far as Scio in his way, and the other as Ragusa; therefore this Marquess in remembrance hereof pressed the Vizier farther in his promise, desiring him to give him the assurance, that what opposition might be made to the contrary by other Ministers, he would yet keep firm to that word he had given to his Republick: the Vizier constantly promised that he would; and if any other Ambassadours were not pleased with the friendship and Treaty of that day, they might seek their remedy as they pleased, and if they pleased might have liberty to depart. The Marquess being satisfied with this assurance, took Letters to his Republick in assurance thereof, and Articles were given, and Priviledges The Genoese received. for Trade signed according to the Tenour of other Capitulations: and being herewith dispatched, he returned home by Land, and the next year appeared again himself in the Person of Ambassadour Extraordinary to the Ottoman Court; where after high and considerable Presents and great Expences made, chiefly supported by the House of Durazzo, a Resident was seated at Constantinople, and a Consul at Smyrna, where we will leave them for a while, and some years after (God willing) take an account of the profit and loss this progging Nation had made by this Embassy and Trade. But before we leave this point, it will be worth our noting, how hainously the French Ambassadour Monsieur La Haye took this entertainment of the Genoese, in regard he was so concerned against his admission, that he declared to the chief Ministers of State, how he had received Orders to oppose the entrance of the Genoese Nation as highly prejudicial and obstructive to their Trade; and in fine, to acquaint the Grand Signior, that in case he resolved to entertain them, his Master would withdraw his Ambassadour and Nation, and therefore they ought to consider, whether a new Friend and an inconsiderable Republick ought to be preferred before the known and approved acquaintance of the powerful Empire of France. But whatsoever the French Ministers were able to act to the contrary, the Genoeses kept their stations, in which they were the better secured by those frequent occasions of disgust his most Christian Majesty in defence of the Christian Cause, had given to these Enemies of the Christian Faith.
The Great Vizier and the German Ambassadour being now both at the Ottoman Port, the Wars were concluded, and every one began to dispose his affairs to a quiet and a reposed life. But this Empire being still by Gods Providence in a condition of growth and augmentation, could not remain long in Peace, nor long in health without exercise and The Turks resolve to prosecute the War in Candia. action. Wherefore no sooner was Germany at ease, than the Visier began to move the prosecution of the War in Candia, desiring to obtain the glory of subjecting totally that Island, which for the space of twenty five years had been the principal subject of the Ottoman design and exercise, and acquire to himself the Fame in History of being Conquerour of Candia, and Concluder of the Venetian War. Wherefore the Vizier with several other principal Persons, assembled in a Garden near the [Page 184] City of Adrianople, sent for the Signior Ballarino Representative for the Republick of Venice; where being come, at the first word demanded of him the Surrender of the whole Island of Candia. To which he modestly replied, That so great a gift was not in his power to give, and that his office was only to be assistant to that happy hour, wherein all matters might concur towards Peace, and that his Mediation might contribute towards a conclusion of this long and tedious War. In the mean time he should acquaint his Prince with the demand the Vizier was pleased to make. To which the Turks added menaces, with high and insolent words, designing to bend their whole force and power against Candia, the effect of which will hereafter be a material subject of our History. And thus much, to my best remembrance, I received from the mouth of that Venetian Minister.
In the mean time the Grand Signior, though he continued his Sports and Hunting, without regard to the violent heats of the Summer, yet he began to entertain something more of warm affection towards his Women, and to be reconciled to that Sex, in contemplation of his little Son, who beginning now to play and prattle, afforded him matter of entertainment in the Apartments of his Women; so that he affectionately doting on his Queen, gave order for increase of her Revenue and Attendance, The Grand Signior passionately loves his Queen. and appointed the best Artisans of Adrianople to make her a Crown studded with very precious Stones to adorn her Head, of which he was so impatient, that he ordered the Goldsmiths to work in the Seraglio, permitting them scarce time to eat or sleep until it was finished. In recompence of which affection of her Sultan, this Lady so corresponded, that she appeared passionately in love, practising certain pretty tricks of swooning and of an uneasie condition in his absence, which so endeared him in all respects to her, that it was said the Sultan kept himself constant to this Queen only, and contrary to the custom of other Emperors, and permission of the Turkish Laws, made use of the multitude of his other Women only for Slaves, or Attendants to the greater state and adoration of his beloved Queen.
And now the Grand Signior, at the perswasion of the Vizier and others of his Council, resolving to winter at Constantinople, certain Women of the lower rank were dispatched before, as fore-runners of the removal of the Court: and being in the Seraglio at large without observance and awe of their usual Spies, two of the boldest Wenches finding a Cradle, wherein the Royal Infants were usually laid, adventured to pick out the best Jewels, of which some were very good Stones, and afterwards laid it up again in a private place, where it was not easily found. Not many days after the Queen-Mother wanting the Cradle of so much value and antiquity, where many of the young Sultans had lain, sent to the Seraglio at Constantinople to fetch it thence. But it not being found, inquisition was made into all secret corners, the Wardrobes were searched, but nothing appeared, to the great fear of those to whose care it was committed, one accusing the other to acquit himself. In fine, the matter was so traced, that some whispers there were concerning those in whose hands the Cradle not long before was seen to remain. The Women having guilty consciences were amazed in being so closely followed, and fearing the matter should be perfectly discovered, entred into consultation what course they should take to save their lives and their honour. In fine, they both concluded, that in such an extremity desperate remedies ought [Page 185] to be used, than which none was better than to set fire to the Seraglio, by which means, either the thing sought for would be esteemed for burnt and consumed by the fire, or in so great a loss it might be hoped that The Seraglio at Constantinople set on fire, matters of smaller moment would not be remembred. Wherefore the bold Wenches without other consideration gave fire with their candle to the roof of Cedar, of which wood most of the Womens rooms in the Seraglio are made, which in a moment made such a flame, as with the help of a little wind, was carried through all the quarters of the Womens Apartments, and thence took its way to the Divan Chamber, and other considerable parts of the Court, where many Records and Registers of Law were consumed to ashes, together with one of the lesser Treasuries, where much richess, which endured not the test of fire, perished: and the whole Seraglio had run an evident hazard, had not the Bostangees and other Servants of the Court ventured far into the flames, in which many of them miserably perished. The fire being quenched, and the Women afterwards (I know not how) detected to have been the Authors thereof, were sent to Adrianople, and being there accused, were strangled by the immediate order of the Grand Signior.
But the destruction of that considerable part of the Seraglio was no impediment to the Grand Signiors return to Constantinople, being rebuilt with that speed and industry, equal or excelling the magnificence of the former, that the day prefixed for the Journey thither was not prolonged by reason thereof. Howsoever the Grand Signiors aversion to the place made the wheels of his Chariots move slow, and the quickness of his Attendants grew slack and cold, observing so much displeasure in their Emperor to the place designed. For though he was pressed by the Vizier to begin his Journey, and could not handsomly refuse to comply with the time appointed; yet to defer this resolution as long as was possible, he contrived a long way of Meander towards Constantinople, forming his Journey in Company with the Great Vizier by way of the Dardanelli upon the Hellespont, on pretence of viewing the Fortifications of the new Forts raised at the entrance of that Streight, and sending some Provisions from thence for Relief of Candia; wherefore the Captain-Pasha was commanded to Sea with three Gallies, and at Gallipoli to attend the Grand Signiors arrival, being to transport him thence to the Castles, and back again. And the design being now resolved, and hot to prosecute the War in Candia; for transporting thither a numerous Army, it was concluded, That the Captain-Pasha should propose to the English Ambassadour the Grand Signiors desire of fifteen Sail of Ships, with consent of our King, for this service, the Turks paying what reasonable Rates should be demanded. But the Earl of Winchelsea then Lord Ambassadour, modestly replied, That though His Majesty of England did always entertain a good affection and a zealous disposition towards the Affairs of the Grand Signior; yet at present the War with Holland, and ill understanding with France, made his occasions for his own Shipping more urgent than usual, and the time most unseasonable to press his Majesty in this particular: by which reply and several other excuses of the Ambassadour, the Captain-Pasha perceiving an aversness to the Proposition, and that Christians unwillingly arm Turks against the Cross, gave an account of this discourse to the Grand Signior and Vizier, who immediately gave order for the building of sixty Gallies against the next Spring, which with what they had before would make up above an [Page 186] hundred Sail. The Rendezvous of this Fleet, together with Saykes and other Turkish Vessels, from thence to transport the Vizier and his Army for Candia, was appointed to be made at Malvoisia; of the success of The Turks prepare for a War on Candia. which we shall have occasion (God willing) to discourse in the following Year, which gave a beginning (as we may say) to the total loss of that Country and to that famous Siege, which in History will bear the Fame of one of the most memorable in the World. And as a preparation thereunto, and as a supply of the present urgent necessities, three Ships, viz. one English, another French, and a third Dutch were laden with Corn, and thirty Sail of Beys Gallies, with all sorts of Arms and Ammunition, with a Recruit of a thousand Janisaries, were dispeeded from Constantinople for Reinforcement and Succour of that Island.
And now at length the Grand Signior after his long circuit arrived at Constantinople, where he made his solemn Entry the third of October, but not with that Joy and Pomp, which usually attended other Sultans in their return from the Wars and labours to their Imperial City; but all things seemed like the Sultans humour sullen and displeased; for he seldom The Grand Signior arrives at Constantinople. lodged in his Seraglio, or slept there, but at a small Palace called Damt-Pasha, where he for the most part made his abode; only sometimes in the day he passed a few hours at his Seraglio, but rested not there in the night: the reasons hereof some attributed to the remembrance of those dangers and troubles which he had seen in that Court, and which made so deep an impression on his fancy, that he could never enter within those Gates without some sense of terrour for the late disorders.
The German War being thus concluded, the Sultan returned to Constantinople, and Affairs disposing themselves to spend their fury against Candia, all things growing black and tempestuous towards that Coast, the Venetians prudently provided to oppose the storm. And as an able Marquess Villa received into service of the Venetians. General, and wise and experienced Captains are the supports of an Army; and that the success of War depends much on Martial Discipline, and on the vigilance and wisdom of the Commanders, the Senate gave order to their Ambassadour at Turen called Catarin Belegno, to offer unto Marquess Ghiron Francesco Villa, a Native of that Country, the honourable charge of General of the Foot with a stipend of 12000 Crowns of yearly Pay; the said Marquess obliging himself to bring with him four Captains, and two Lieutenant-Generals, for entertainment of whom the Republick allowed five thousand Ducats, besides seventy Ducats a month pay to an Engineer. To this Marquess Villa a power was given to command in chief over all, without subjection to any other than to the Captain-General, and to the Proveditor-General in Dalmatia, when he waged War in that Province: and in short, his actions were not to be questioned or examined by any other than the Senate it self, to whom he was immediately subjected, and a Gally was to be allotted purposely to transport him and his Family to Candia. Upon these conditions agreed at Turen, Marquess Villa took his Journey to Venice about the beginning of April, being accompanied with his Kinsman Francesco Villa, his Nephew Benedetto Count of Lagnasco, Count Lodovico Saluzzo, and Count Bernardino Barretta, which four served in quality of Captains, together with Gio. Francesco Pusserla and Alessandro Negri, who were Lieutenant-Generals, and Gio. Girolamo Quadruplano Engineer. With these Companions and several other Voluntiers Gentlemen of Quality, the Marquess Villa was received with much honour by the Nobility and [Page 187] People of Venice; and being introduced into the Colledge, with a singular grace and fluency of Language he began to speak in this manner.
IF thanks, most Serene Prince, and most Excellent Sirs, ought to be equivalent The Speech of Marquis Villa to the Senate. to the benefits we receive, I must of necessily (not to appear ungrateful) refuse those favours, which this most Serene Republick is pleased to confer upon me; or resolve to appear ungrateful, because I am unable to make a compensation. But I satisfie my self in this, That as the mind which receives favours, and returns thanks is the same; so that mind which makes acknowledgments with a due sense of them, doth in some measure equal the benefit, though it prove defective in expressions to declare it. I do theresore confess and acknowledge, that the Election you have been pleased to make of me amongst so many conspicuous Persons, unto a Charge graced by most renowned Predecessours, and in it self most honourable, is a most singular favour, and an effect of your immense Bounty to me; which though it be limited with some subordination, yet it may serve for the ultimate Goal to a glorious Course of Military labours. I must also farther acknowledge, That as it is the property of this most Serene Republick to receive momentary Services, and to render them eternal by Records in History; so they have been pleased to adjoyn unto my mean deserts a remembrance of the humble devotion which my Ancestors professed towards them: I mean Alfonso Villa my great Grandfather, who in that most glorious Fleet at Lepanto, whose Sails were the wings of Victory, evidenced his Christian zeal against that People, which issuing from the bowels of Sea-monsters, continue to vent their ancient rage against your most Serene Highness. Nor with less promptness of mind, had my Grandfather Francesco Villa and my Father Guido Villa consecrated their Powers to your Command; but that the unparallel'd Equity of this most Serene Republick gave permission, that one of them should take the charge of General of the Artillery of the Holy Church under the Pope his Supreme Lord, preferring a natural duty before a voluntary service; and that the other being entertained in service of the most Invincible Charles Emanuel in Piedmont, you were pleased to judge, That the service done to a Prince your Confederate, and Son of this Republick, was a service and duty rendred to your selves: so that this Election made of me by this most Serene Republick, and approved by the singulur goodness of that Charles Emanuel, who now reigns, evidences the Destiny of my Family, and obliges me to satisfie that hereditary debt by performances, which my Ancestors entertained only in their wishes. Hence it is, that to this my Election some celestial influence hath concurred, by which I am clearly assured, that your more than humane power is desirous to imitate the Divine, which oftentimes makes use of weak means to operate miraculous effects, that to you only the success may be acknowledged, and to you only the thanks be returned: that if the Providence of your Serenity, and of this most Serene Republick will be pleased, (as I am assured you will) to imitate the Divine Providence, which cooperates with means, the number and quality of your Troops and plenty of your Provisions, which are the nerves of War, are those means which correspond with the ends you design: and therefore I dare presage, that I shall not only see the threatning horns of the changeable Ottoman Planet precipitated into the Sea by the Venetian horn of strength, but those glorious Conquests renewed, which rendred your Name more bright and resplendent than the Sun it self in his Oriental parts. With these auspicious Presages, I feel already in my breast an impatient heat to sacrifiee my life in so worthy a cause, fancying that I serve [Page 188] the Universe, whilst I am engaged in the service of the greatest of Republicks, which communicates delicious Fruit to all People, gathered from those triumphant Palms, which were planted and watered with her own sweat and labours; and resembles her own generous Lion, which continually stands on the Guard in opposition to the common Enemy, that all other people may rest quiet, and repose secure. And thus much, Most Serene Prince, and Most Excellent Sirs, shall suffice to have been spoken by a Souldier, not acquainted with Eloquence, to whom courage is more requisite than words, and to fight well with the hand, is more laudable than to utter florid Speeches with the tongue.
According to the preceding counsel and desire of Marquis Villa, the Senate sent by divers Convoys great plenty of Provision and Ammunition to Candia, and fitted their Fleet with all things necessary; and strengthened their Forts both with Horse and Foot drawn out of their Garrisons on the Terra Firma, being assisted with men and money from other Princes and States. The Pope gave them liberty to levy four thousand men out of his Countries, the Emperour also furnished them with a considerable Force, to which were made Additions from other Parts of Germany.
In this manner the prudent Care of the Venetians provided for their own safety: But at Constantinople things were more quiet, for it being Winter, the Turks made Entertainments for the German Ambassadour, who was first feasted by the Chimacam, and twice afterwards, with much Magnificence, by the Great Vizier at his own Garden, seated on the Bosphorus, all difficulties being before overcome, and agreed, unless the deliverance of the poor Captives from the Prison and the Oar, who continued in the torment of expectation between hope and fear, either of liberty or perpetual slavery. Which Treaty though it properly belonged to the Vizier, to whom the absolute power is derived, yet in formality it was reserved for matter of the last Audience with the Grand Signior, who being desirous to attend his Hunting and Pastime abroad, was in pain, until he had complyed with his Office towards this Ambassadour, whose departure though not some time after designed, yet being often called upon, to receive his Dispatch from the Grand Signior, was admitted on the 31 th of October to his Audience with the same formality and feasting as is common to all other Ambassadours in the Divan, or place of Judicature, and received three and forty Costans bestowed on himself and his retinue, and thence being conducted to the Chamber of Audience, with some of the principal Noblemen of his Company, they presented themselves on their Knees, with their Faces on the Ground, according to the Custom of the Eastern Courts; with which occasion the Heer Reningen, who had for sixteen or seventeen The German Ambassadour's last Audience with the Grand Signior. years been Resident for the Emperor, a person grown infirm with Age and the Gout, and his Knees not so active and pliable as the younger sort, coming also to take his turn in this prostrate manner of Worship, was so rudely handled by the Kapugibashees, who assisted on each Arm at the Ceremony, that he not being able to bow his head to easily as others, was thrust down by them with so little consideration or respect, that his Brows and Forehead were broken on the Flour; which mischance so disordered him, as put him besides that Speech which he had premeditated in Turkish to address to the Grand Signior; and though he [Page 189] curbed what was possible his passion, whilst he remained in the Royal Presence, yet in vain afterwards he vented his Choler with words against those unmannerly Officers without other remedy or satisfaction. The Demands of the Ambassadour were in writing read before the Grand Signior, according to the custom of the Court, and principally concerned the freedom of the Slaves, some of which were then in the Gallies, and Banniard, and others of the most principal in the seven Towers. Other Demands there were in relation to the State of Transylvania, that for the future it might be free from Incursions, in which particular the Turks had already violated the Peace; and that a more orderly Government of Affairs might be observed on the Frontiers, than usually had passed, as agreed by the last Capitulations. To which the Grand Signior gave no Answer, referring all to the Vizier, only told the Ambassadour in short, That he should counsel his Master to beware of invading the Ottoman Dominions, or acting any thing in prejudice of the Peace.
The Articles of Peace made between the two Emperours were for the most part a confirmation of the ancient Agreement, only it was provided as a new Addition, That the Armies should depart from the Confines of Transilvania. Secondly, That the Castles and Forts garrisoned with German Souldiers in that Countrey should be resigned into the hands of the Prince. And Thirdly, There were other particulars added in reference to Newhausel, and the Countries adjacent lately conquered, and the Limits of both Emperours, as before declared.
But whilst these things were in agitation, and Ambassadours interchangeably at either Court, the Turks of Varadin and Janoua made frequent incursions into Transilvania, destroying the Villages, and carrying, away great numbers of Captives; and so lately, as about the beginning of August last, those of Varadin conveyed themselves privately under the Castle Cseh, and robbed the Horses belonging to that Garrison, killed some, and carried others into slavery; at which time also two thousand Turks besieged the Castle Valko, which they took, and razed to the ground; which Complaints of their Countries Aggrievances the Transilvanians intimated to the German ambassadour, as matters already acted contrary to the late Articles of Peace, requesting farther to interpose for a moderation and abatement of their Tribute, which Kuperlee had, contrary to Oath and reason, unjustly augmented. But the Ambassadour seemed so coldly to interpose in this behalf, as taught the Turks to deny his Requests, acquiescing with this Answer, That it was no breach of Peace the to make incursions on the Frontiers, as also without Cannon to rob, and spoil, and skirmish, not exceeding five thousand men in number. For it appeared that the Ambassadour The Reasons why the German Ambassador interposed notin behalf of Transylvania. was most desirous to secure the main points of the Peace, which concerned most the Interest of the Empire, and not hazard it for such like Concernments of Transilvania; for though it seemed strange to the World to see a Peace hastily clapt up with disadvantageous Terms on the Emperours side, whilst he was victorious and fortunate in several Enterprizes; yet they that penetrated farther into the State and Condition of the Empire report, That there was a necessity of making a moderate use of these successes by a fair accommodation, rather than to tempt Providence by a too eager and continued prosecution of the war. For it was observed that the Designs of making the Duke of Anguien, Son [Page 190] to the Prince of Conde, King of Poland proceeded forward; and that there was a Combination of a dangerous League amongst the Princes of the Rhine. The Divisions between the Germans and the Hungarians encreased; the latter of which are known to be an obstinate sort of People. The Army also of the French was feared in the Bowels of the Empire, under the Command of Monsieur la Feüvillade, who under pretence of applying themselves to the assistance of Christendom, were suspected to come with intentions to advance the interest of their King, and force the next Diet to elect him King of the Romans; in order whereunto, and in consideration of farther assistance, they demanded several Towns in Hungary to be delivered into their hands, and made extravagant Propositions for Winter Quarters; all which considered, made the German Ambassadour more tender how he entered into Disputes with the Turk, which might prejudice the essential points of the Peace, or occasion a new War more destructive to Germany through the dangers before intimated, than by the Arms and Hostility of the common Enemy. These Considerations made the Ambassadour less zealous in the matter of Transilvania, and in all others which were not really conducing to his Masters immediate service; so that having no other difficulty remaining, than the liberty of the Captives, on the day of his last Audience The German Ambassadour's Audience with the Vizier. with the Vizier, being the 8 th of November, he urged with more earnestness their Release, which was in part granted; those of the Gallies were delivered from their Chains and Oars; but such as were of greater Quality in the seven Towers were detained, untill the Emperor had on his part released the Turks of Quality in like manner; and though it was agreed in the Article, That Captives should on both sides be released, yet the Vizier interpreted it to be in respect to Number and Quality, of which I remember to have heard often Complaints, and especially of those poor Gentlemen, then under Irons and restraint, who though afterwards received their freedom, yet for the present endured more torment in their minds, than if they had never been put in expectation to enjoy their hopes. At the end of the Audience the Ambassadour proposed something in behalf of the Religious of Jerusalem, That certain places of Devotion might be restored them, which were injuriously taken from them by the Greeks; and also that Licence might be granted for re-Edification of some Churches, and Monasteries destroyed in Galata by the late Fire: To the first of which the Vizier answered, That the Franks with the Greeks of Jerusalem should have a fair and equal Tryal at Law about the possession of those places in difference, and Justice and Right should be done unto the injured; but the latter Proposition he positively denied, for being a matter contrary to their Law and Religion, was not dispensable by his Power, nor ought he to expect a Complement from him, or Gratuity of that nature, which was inconsistent with the honour and conscience of the Donor; but that in any thing else he was ready to yield to his Desires, whereby he might understand the value he put upon his Person, using this Expression, That he was more satisfied that the Emperour had designed so illustrious and worthy a person to this Embassy, than if he had sent him a hundred thousand Dollars more of Present, and at the Conclusion of the Audience, vested both the Ambassadour and Resident with Sables, which ended with all imaginable satisfaction, and mutual contentment.
[Page 191] On the 21 th of the month of November arrived at Constantinople Monsieur De Ventelay, Ambassadour from the French King to the Grand Signior, who was Son to the Sieur De la Haye, the former Ambassadour, a An Ambassadour arrives srom France. person much talked of before he arrived, a generous and an accomplished Gentleman, and one well practised in the Affairs of that Country. To understand which story the better we must look back to the former Year, at the beginning of which during the German War, and that the Vizier remained in his Winter-quarters at Belgrade, a Corrier with Letters from his most Christian Majesty to the First Vizier arrived, who concealed not the occasion of his coming, nor the contents of his Letters with that secrecy, but that those who were imployed in the Translation of the Papers into Turkish, made it publickly known to be no other than a recital of the many provocations his most Christian Majesty had received from the Pirates of Barbary, containing a List of the Ships, Men, and Goods they had from time to time seized and made Prize: in vindication of which indignities to his Honour, and in protection of his People, he could not do less than make a War upon those Pirates (for as yet the advice was not come, that the French had deserted Gigeri) in which for the foregoing reasons the Grand Signior ought not to judge himself concerned. And for the Succour given the Emperour, it was not afforded as King of France, but as one of the Princes of the Empire, in which capacity, by virtue of his Tenure, he was obliged to contribute such Forces on the like emergencies and distresses of the Empire. And if the foregoing reasons were available with the Sultan to induce him (as in reason he ought) to believe he continued in perfect friendship with him, without breach of Articles, he was then ready to send his Ambassadour to reside at the Port, provided it might be Monsieur De Ventelay, Son to Monsieur De la Haye late Ambassadour there, who was the person that had some time since received indignities from the Vizier Kuperlee, that so his Majesty might receive satisfaction, by having the very person of Monsieur De Ventelay honoured by extraordinary demonstrations of respect, in reparation of the former affronts. This Messenger having translated his Papers, obtained licence to ride Post to the Vizier, and in the frosts and extremities of the weather in Jannary set forward on his Journey; but in his passage through Adrianople, visiting the Chimacam, and desiring his licence in like manner to ride Post to the Vizier on publick affairs, received such a lesson of scorn and disdain, vented with the extremity of choler against the French Nation in publick Divan, with terms undecent to be repeated: and that in farther resentment, if he were First Vizier, he would refuse to accept any friendship or alliance with them; but since he was inferiour to the Great Vizier, he would dispeed him to the Camp, and grant him a Command for his Post. But it seems this Corrier being arrived at Belgrade, was received with better terms, and more courtesie by the Vizier, who had learned by experience of the late Christian Wars, and proof of the Valour of the French Nation, that the Propositions of that King were not lightly to be contemned. And therefore consented that Monsieur De Ventelay might freely come (using their common expression) that the Arms of the Port are always open to receive the addresses of Friends, Allies, and Confederates. With this Message and Letters the Corrier was dispatched by way of Ragusi with safe conduct, and what else was requisite for his securer passage. No doubt but his most Christian Majesty [Page 192] was the more urgent, that the person of Monsieur De Ventelay (who was the subject on whom formerly the Turks had exercised such injurious violence) should be accepted for Ambassadour, and resolved, Reflexions of the Turks on the Embassy of Monsieur De Ventelay. unless they received him, he would send no other, that so his Honour which suffered before in this person, might be repaired again by the respect and reverence they were to shew to him as Ambassadour; as if in repentance of their former unkindness, they should now strive to make amends by extraordinary demonstrations of honour to this Representative. For it was judged in France, and there concluded, That there was no other means to repair the Kings Honour, than by the Embassy of Monsieur De Ventelay; to which that a greater reputation might be added, he was transported in one of the Kings Ships called the Caesar, accompanied with a Fire-ship, and a small Patach for a Victualler, and for his better Equipage was attended by four or five Marquesses and Persons of Quality. Being arrived at the farther part of the City called the Seven Towers, the Ships came to an Anchor, from whence the Ambassadour sent to advise the Vizier of his arrival, desiring as one mark of the extraordinary honour promised him, that a return might be made to the Salute of his Ship from the Seraglio, by the Cannon which lay under the Wall, a Ceremony before never demanded, or practised with respect to any Christian or Turkish Vessel; and that his landing might be honoured with a more than usual reception by the attendance of Officers, or at least equalled to the Formalities of the late English Ambassadour. But the Vizier it seems judged, that the reception of the English, strained on a particular occasion, was not to be brought into example, and that a Salute from the Seraglio was so besides the ordinary custom, that he esteemed the demand to be extravagant, and that such a President would be dishonourable to his Master. And therefore resolving not to exceed the particulars of former customs, offered at his landing to have him accompanied to his House with ten Chaouses; only the Ambassador not accepting hereof, in a discontented manner entred with his Ship the day following, and giving the usual Salutes to the Seraglio, landed at Topenau, a place near to his own Dwelling, from whence with no other attendance than his own Company, privately walked up, and with no farther ceremony took possession of the place of Residence of former Ambassadours from France.
Notwithstanding this slight treatment, the Ambassadour was not so much mortified, but he conceived hopes, that the Turks would at length in contemplation of his Masters greatness, gratifie him with some signal demonstrations of extraordinary honour, by concessions of unusual Priviledges, and greater facility in his Negotiations: and therefore was induced, though as yet he had not had a personal Audience of the Vizier, to desire a revocation of the agreement made with the Genoese, (the Marquess Durazzo, of whom we have spoken before, being just upon his departure) protesting against it with all earnestness, as a matter so prejudicial to the French Traffick and Commerce in those Dominions, that if admission were given to the Genoese, they must expect to lose friendship and commerce with France. But notwithstanding this heat and other protestations against it, the Vizier who inherited his Fathers spirit, little regarded the discontent of the French, but calmly answered, That the Grand Signior was Master of himself and Country, and might make Peace or War at his own pleasure without licence or permission of the [Page 193] French King; and that such as were envious, or discontented at the Peace, had free liberty to depart, and take their remedy as they esteemed most beneficial.
In this manner matters passed between the time of this Ambassadours A strange accident befallen the French Captain of the Man of War. Arrival and his Audience. In which interim the curiosity of Monsieur Abermont, Captain of the French Man of War, had like to have proved fatal to him; for whilst he viewed from the Gallery of his Ship the pleasant situation of the Seraglio, and the Prospect of the Bosphorus, behold at a distance appeared certain Gallies gently gliding down the stream, dressed up with Flags and Streamers, which all Ships and Saykes saluted with their Guns as they passed. This Captain being informed that the Grand Signior was there in person, and returned from his Hunting, which he had made in certain Woods not far from the City, saluted him also as he passed with twenty five Guns; but being not able to discover his person, presently fitted his Boat and followed him, hoping to receive that satisfaction at his landing; for conceiving, that access to the Ottoman and Eastern Princes is as facile and grateful, as it is to those of Christendom, with all confidence endeavoured to accost the Person of the Grand Signior as near as was possible. The Grand Signior turning his eyes, and seeing a man habited (as he conceived) in a barbarous and extravagant dress, apprehended the Majesty of his Person violated by so near and bold an approach of the curious Stranger; and thereupon, without farther inquiry, being moved with scorn and indignation, called for the Executioner, who is ever ready at his hand. But some persons then present, especially the Bostangibashee, being of more moderation, beseeched the Grand Signior to have a little patience, and to inquire of the Ghaur or Infidel (as they call'd him) the cause of this his boldness: with which the Grand Signior suppressing a little his passion, and having patience until one was sent to expostulate with the Captain, who all this while, though he perceived some disturbance, was yet ignorant that the matter so dangerously concerned himself; and not being able to understand the Messenger, nor to be understood by him, rendred the business more confused, and less understood: which the Messenger observing, and knowing the danger of this worthy and innocent Gentleman, being perhaps of a compassionate nature and prudent, framed this excuse to the Grand Signior, That he did not well understand the Infidels language, but what he conjectured was, That he being Captain of that Vessel, which had newly saluted his Majesty as he passed with twenty five Guns, was now come in confidence of his Royal bounty and clemency to receive a Coftan, as a sign of his Majesties favour, and reward of his own respect. The Grand Signior having by this time his choler somewhat abated, was better pacified with these gentle words; the Bostangibashee also interceding at the same time in his behalf, that he was a stranger, and ignorant of the customs of their Court, and that if he deserved punishment, he might be remitted to the examination of the Vizier, who might chastise him, as he found it reasonable. The Grand Signior contented herewith, the rude Bostangees seized the Captain and hurried him to the Vizier, who all this time was ignorant of his errour or his danger, more than that he perceived by the accent of their words, and by their gestures, that something was amiss, and debated in reference unto him. The Drugger-men, or Interpreters of the French Nation being sent for, and the Vizier and the Captain both understanding the matter, the crime [Page 194] appeared only to be an absurdity committed through ignorance: yet to please the Grand Signior, and to make an appearance, as if something were done in chastisement of this bold curiosity, the Vizier ordered, that the Captain should be conducted by two Chaouses to the Ambassadour, there to be put in Chains and in Prison, until satisfaction was made for his fault. The Captain being thus brought before the Ambassadour, this honest Gentleman was punished in the same manner as we do those in Christendom, who crowd to see their Prince.
The Ambassadour had his first Audience with the Vizier on the 7 th of December, which being insignificant to any other business more than to the delivery of his Masters Letter, and other matters of Form and Ceremony, we shall need to insist the less upon it.
His second Audience before that of the Grand Signior, was in the beginning The French Embassadours second Audience. of January, at which time the Ambassadour began to declare what he had in Commission from his King, which principally related towards a satisfaction for those affronts formerly offered him in the person of his Father, and himself inculcating into the Vizier a true apprehension of the greatness of his Master, his Force by Land, his powerful Fleet which should that following year be set forth in the Mediterranean Seas, with other arguments which might challenge due respect and honor to so great a Prince. These Proposals and Discourses, though the Vizier seemed not to entertain with that benign and flexible ear as was expected or thought satisfactory, and thereupon several disgusts did afterwards succeed; howsoever in the end all matters cleared up again, and his Excellency was permitted to return to his own House with all imaginable satisfaction, as he was pleased to intimate to the Ambassadour for his Majesty of Great Britain. Soon after followed his Audience with the Grand Signior according to the usual Ceremonies; so that all things run smoothly with the French for several years after. And here by the way it is observable, That an English Ambassadour once arguing hotly with the Vizier on some points of the Capitulations, in which judging himself wronged, threw the Capitulations to the Vizier, telling him, that he might keep the Writing and Paper, since he resolved not to obey the Letter. The Vizier hereupon calmly took the Capitulations, and laid them behind his Cushion, which the Ambassadour in a more considerate temper could not again recover under an expence of fifteen hundred Pieces of Eight.
During the time of these Negotiations the Grand Signior wholly imployed his time and thoughts in Hunting, ranging all the Woods for several days journies round Constantinople, in which Exercise twenty or thirty thousand men were imployed, collected from the Cities and Villages round about, all which were paid at the publick expence and charge of House-keepers both Turks and Christians, which in one hunt might The Grand Signiors Huntings. amount to thirty or forty thousand Dollars. With this burden the people being often oppressed, and many perishing in the Woods with cold and hunger, began to murmur at the excess of Tyranny, cursing their Princes madness and folly, maintained with the life and ruine of his Subjects. But not withstanding all these whispered curses and secret menaces the Grand Signior followed his delights with such frequency, and with that heat and eagerness, that the people perceiving no end of their misery, began to speak loudly and plainly, and by some principal Persons gave the Vizier to understand, That the people would not longer endure [Page 195] the extravagant Vagaries of their Prince at so dear a rate, of which he that was his chief Councellour ought to inform and advise him. The Vizier, who was before sensible of the excess of his Masters humour in this particular, and that immoderation, even in lawful and innocent exercises, may become a Vice, and when acted with oppression of the Subject as dangerous as other terms which sound more of Tyranny and Violence, resolved with courage and humility to represent to his Master the danger of such expensive Huntings, especially when over frequent; and therefore assured those who made their Complaints, That for the future all matters should be redressed, and the Grand Signior should not be so prodigal in his Huntings on the Purse of his Subjects. And so sensible was the Vizier of the disorders which might arise from hence, if some remedy were not speedily applied, that he immediately departed Constantinople to find out the Grand Signior, who was lodged in some retired cool place, environed with Woods and Mountains; leaving Solyman Pasha for Chimacam, or Deputy, in his place, in whose former Government many terrible Fires had happened in Constantinople.
About this time Advice came to Constantinople of certain Addresses the The Nogay Tartar desires Lands of the Grand Signior. Nogay Tartar had made to the Pasha of Silistria to obtain a Country to live in between the Rivers of Boristhenes and the Danube; for that their own Country being full, they were forced to abandon and empty it of forty or fifty thousand Families, who lived in Waggons, and had about a hundred thousand head of Cattle, all which with their substance, they proffered for Subjects to the Grand Signior, if he pleased to afford them protection, and Land for Pasture and habitation. The Pasha approving hereof, gave them assurance of security under the shadow of his Masters favours, sending information thereof to the Port, who willingly embraced these new-come Guests, and entered into consultation what Country and Limits should be assigned them. In the mean time the Krim Tartar jealous of this people, and not knowing what inconvenience such Neighbourhood might produce, fell upon them, and cut off a great number of them, forcing the rest to return into their own Country, which though ill taken at first by the Turks, was yet afterwards excused by the Tartar, and dissembled by the Port.
Though all things appeared quiet at Constantinople after the Peace concluded with the Emperour, and that the German Ambassadour was returned back to his Master; yet the Turks prosecuted their Designs against Venice, and made great preparations in the Provinces of Albania, Bossena, and Licca, which confine on the Venetian Territories; and though in reality those Forces were not intended against those parts, but in order to a more warm prosecution of the War in Candia, whither the Vizier intended to transport himself in Person; yet the Venetian State not fully penetrating the Design, took the Alarm chiefly in Dalmatia, and reinforced their Garrisons of Cataro and other Fortresses. And that matters there might be well provided, and all things acted with due circumspection; Marquis Villa was ordered to visit those Garrisons in his Marquess Villa surveys the Forts in Dalmatia. Voyage to Candia; so that departing from Venice attended with two Gallies, he arrived in a few days at Zara, and thence proceeding to Spalato, where the Proveditor General, Catarin Cornaro, made at that time his residence; they both joined together to survey the most important places of that Province. They began with the City of Spalato, which Spalato. rather seems a place intended by Nature for a Palace of delights, than a [Page 196] Garrison of Armes; being the Seat which Dioclesian (who was born at Salona, six miles distant from thence) chose for his Garden of retirement, after he had renounced the Empire, and is now turned into a ruder shape of War, since the Invasion of the Turk made it necessary to be fortified for security of itself, and the parts circumjacent. Spalato is now very strong, being secured by divers Redoubts; the chief of which is scituated on a little rising, called Grippe, distant about a Musket-shot from the Town, is strengthened with four Royal Bastions, and with good Artillery; there is also a new Line of Fortisication drawn round the Town, which renders it the strongest, and most considerable of all Dalmatia: But to make this place the more impregnable, these Generals laid the foundation for another Bulwark; and as an evidence of their Union, they cast a medal with a stamp on one side of Cornaro, and on the other of Marquis Villa, and so rendring thanks to God, the Service ended with firing all the Guns of the Town.
Afterwards both the Generals embarking, passed that Night to Curzola, Curzola. anciently called Corcina Negra, which is one of the greatest and best of the Isles of this Gulf; Thence passing by Ragust, where the Deputies of that Government, in recognition of that Soveraingty which the Venetians have over the Adriatick Seas, presented the usual refreshments to the General of the Province; and in a particular manner treated Marquis Villa with a Present in name of their Republick. That Night they Cataro and Perasto. arrived at the Entrance of the Channel of Cataro, and taking Perasto in their way (which is a strong Fortification about six miles distant from Cataro) they were received there with firing all the Guns of the Town, which were doubly multiplied by an Echo returned from the sound of the neighbouring Mountains. Thence they proceeded to visit Budua, a place well fortified, as also Fort S t George in the Island Liesina, which is the usual Rendezvous of Brigantines, and armed Barques; at length they went to Almissa, where they made a general Muster of all the Forces of the Province; in all which places having viewed and amended the defects in Fortification, and given order for supplying them with Ammunition and Provisions necessary; they returned back to see the famous Fortress of Clissa, the scituation of which seems to have been Clissa. planted when Nature desired to sport, and be wanton; for it issues, as it were, out of the Bosom of two Mountains, which are at an equal distance from the Town, and then drawing themselves at each end into the fashion of a Bow, seem to form a triumphal Arch. The passage through these Mountains is so narrow and crooked, that it appears like a Labyrinth; and being supplyed with plenty of Fountains and Cisterns both within and without the Fortress, the Suburbs demolished, and no incumbrances to cloy and weaken its strength, is certainly more obliged to Nature for its defence than to Art. From hence they proceeded to view Sebenico, which is another strong Fortress, scituated on a rising Hill, and Sibenico. overviews a spacious Port, the entrance to which is secured by the Fort S t Nicholas; and the City it self, besides its own Walls, is guarded by a Cittadel, and by the new works of S t John, scituated on two Hills; From hence the Generals returning to Zara, the Capital City of the Province, which being encompassed by the Sea, and annexed to the Land only by a Bridge, which is also defended by a Fort, is rendered the strongest and most impregnable of all the Fortresses. And here having made a general Muster of all the Forces, and visited the Country [Page 197] of Novigrade, and Possidaria the habitations of the Morlach Militia, the Marquis returned again to Venice, being called thither by the Senate; for the Year being now well spent, and the Winter approaching too near to admit of any considerable action; the time grew seasonable for counsels in which manner the Affairs of Wars might best and most advantageously be directed for the succeeding Year. Yet in regard Advices were come from Candia, That the Turks were much afflicted with the Pestilence, and scarcity of all Provisions; it was judged requisite to prosecute the War the more eagerly against them, before the Great Vizier arrived there with such an Army as commonly attends his Person; it being advised from Count Leslie, the Emperours Ambassadour at Constantinople, that the whole force of the Ottoman Armes was to refund it self speedily on that Island. This Intelligence hastned the departure of Marquis Villa from Venice, with such Force as was then in a readiness, being directed with necessary Instructions of what he ought to act in Candia. In his Voyage thither he touched at Corsu, Cesalonia, and Zant, and afterwards happily arrived on the 6 th of December at the Isle of Paros or Parest in the Archipelago, where he met with the Captain General, and other Chief Commanders of the Fleet, together with Vuertmiller the Lieutenant General of the Ordnance; and here the Marquess reforming several Companies, which were much diminished in their numbers, a general Muster was made of all the Forces, which being ranged in form of Battel, they were accounted to amount unto eighteen hundred Horse, and eight thousand two hundred ninety five Foot. This Army had some want of Fire-Armes, and other Necessaries, of which the Senate being advised, they promised to supply all by a Convoy, then preparing; and congratulating in their Letters to Marquis Villa the good News of his happy Arrival at Paros, raised and prompted him to Atchievements worthy his Courage and Grandeur; for being a Person now elevated on the Bulwarks of Candia, he seemed to stand on that Theatre, where he had all Europe for his Spectators.
The Troubles which the English Trade found this Year in Turky.
THE Currant of our Negotiations ran smoothly this Year without any considerable interruption in all parts of Turkie, unless at Aleppo, where the Emin, or Customer, according to his usual practice, began a new pretence, not only against former Presidents, but also against the very Letter of Capitulations, demanding 2 ½ per Cent. Custom at Scanderone, and 3 at Aleppo; a matter against which our Articles of Peace and Commerce have made many and sundry Provisions; Notwithstanding the Customer (like others of his Predecessours, who have ever at Aleppo made Disputes about their Customes, without being restrained by the most strict Imperial Commands, and plainest Decisions of the Law) resolved to make good his pretence by a sequestration on the whole Cargo of two general Ships, then under his Custody in the Custom-house. The Consul hereupon had recourse to the Justice of the Kadi, and there produced the Capitulations, the Hattesheriff, or Royal Signature, under the hand of Sultan Ibrahim, wherein the particulars of Custom were regulated, a Command from the present Vizier, and his Father, and other [Page 198] Commands from Adrianople and Constantinople, all of the same tenour. The Emin on the other side, had no other Argument than his Baratz or Patent from the Tefterdar or Lord Treasurer, which was so prevalent, and of that force with the Kadi, joined with the fear and favour he bore towards the Emin; that it was judged by him to stand in ballance with all the other Imperial Signatures; and therefore left the business (which was as much as the Customer desired) undecided, making a Declaration, that the reasons on both sides were so forcible, and the arguments so equal, that he concluded it more proper, that a matter of so great importance should be reserved for the determination of more powerful and eminent Officers. The matter standing thus doubtfully, the Emin conceiving it too great a pawn to detain so great a quantity of Cloth for a difference only in the Custom, delivered to every man his consignation, reserving only fifty Bales to make himself good on the judgment and commands he expected shortly in his favour. The difference being now referred up to the Court, the Lord Ambassadour received the just complaints of the Consul and Merchants; for redress of which abuses, his Excellency dispatched my self, then his Secretary and Druggerman, to the Vizier at Belgrade, attending the advice of the German Ambassadours entrance into the Frontiers. The Vizier having heard the difference, was ready to have passed sentence in our favour, had not the Tefterdar the only Advocate for the Customer, from whom the Original of our Evils was derived, put an unhappy obstacle in the course of our Negotiations, pretending that therewerd antient Tefters or accounts amongst his Books, which mentioned two and a half per Cent. at Scanderone, and three at Aleppo; and though it was urged to the contrary, that we never had to do with the Registers of the Treasurers, nor had managed any Apalto, or Farm of the Grand Signior; but our Capitulations are our Law and Rule, and our Commands Registred in the Reis Efendi's, or Secretaries Office, than which we never had, nor could ever acknowledge any other Canon: yet the Vizier over ruled our reasons, and we were forced to submit, until the Tefterdar took his leisure to examine and consult his Books.
The Vizier and his Army being then upon their return, we found no opportunity to renew our sollicitations, until we came to Nissa, where the Army had two days of repose, and there again as in other places before, we urged the Tefterdar so importunately, that at length we compelled him to acknowledge to the Vizier, that our affairs were not registred in his Office. So that now we took liberty to declare our reasons to the Vizier; which we drew from our Capitulations, the antient Hattesheriff of Aleppo, the Vizier and his Fathers own Commands, and Copies of others of the like tenour, not omitting other Arguments and Evidences, which rendered the business not a little clear and apparent to the capacity of the Vizier: who thereupon reprehended the Tefterdar, for seeking by his Command to introduce an innovation contrary to our Capitulations, and promised us Commands in our favour; but we replyed, that we had already Commands, and the Grand Signiors own Royal Signature on our side, and that our Ambassadour had not sent us so many days Journey to seek another, which perhaps would as ill be observed as the former; But it was the punishment of the Customer which the Ambassadour expected, who against so many clear evidences, durst proceed to the violation of them all. Many other words were added pertinent and [Page 199] forcible to the present purpose. To which the Vizier answered, that he was now upon his Journey, where business of this nature was ill dispatched. And therefore ordered us to proceed to Adrianople, where he should have more leisure to consider what was sit to be done in order to justice and satisfaction of the Ambassadour. Hereupon I left the Army, wherein I was much incommoded, and proceeded with all haste to Adrianople, where the Great Vizier in some days after me arrived, and there we renewed our wonted endeavours, and sollicitations, that we might come to an end of this business, and that justice might be done us: But the Vizier willing to gratify the Tefterdar, was not forward to pass his Sentence, but put us again off to Constantinople, where the Books should be perused, that were laid up amongst the Registers of the Divan: For that this matter was a concernment of the G. Signiors, in determination of which, he ought to be tender and considerate. That for sending for Ibrahim Aga, the Customer (which was one of the principal of our demands) to answer for the injuries he had done our Nation, he was already ordered to appear at Court, where he should be ready to stand to judgment for what the Ambassadour should object against him: and this had been the answer which was contrived to be given to the Ambassadour himself, in case he had (as once he designed) appeared at Adrianople in person on this occasion.
The Vizier arriving at Constantinople some few Months after; The Lord Ambassadour obtained Audience of him on the 15 th of October, pressing still for justice against the Customer of Aleppo: but nothing thereof could be procured, besides a Command for restitution of the fifty Bales of Cloth, detained in the hands of the Emin, upon the pretence before related, and that the payment of Customs should be regulated after the rate of three per Cent. according to the antient usance. For putting this Command in execution, an Aga was ordered to be dispatched, for whose service herein the Vizier allotted a thousand Dollars should be paid him, which though an extravagant reward, yet to put an honour and authority on the business, and not to displease the Vizier, it was granted to him, and so he was dispatched the 25 th for Aleppo. But the troubles of our Merchants at Aleppo ended not here: For the-Tefterdar greatly enraged to see his designs against us to have no better issue, thought to trouble us by a new invention of prohibiting the Scale of Scanderone to all English and other Christian Vessels, and that the Factories should be transferred again over to Tripoli in Soria; a place formerly frequented by our Merchants, but by reason of the danger and inconvenience of that Port, the Trade was transported to the Scale of Scanderone. This alteration the Tefterdar pretended to have been granted to the Merchants at their carnest Petition, and promise to the G. Signior, of payment of 13000. Dollars Yearly, for discharge and maintenance of those Guards which were requisite in that place for safety of the Coast, and defence of the Caravans which pass with Merchants goods to Aleppo; but time and corruption of the Ministers had deprived the Grand Signior of the benefit of that duty. And this he urged with the greater instance and eagerness, knowing that the Scale of Scanderone being prohibited, the Hattesheriff whereon consisted the priviledge of the Merchants, and their sole security must consequently fall, and they forced to a new agreement. On this occasion our Lord Ambassadour had Audience with the Vizier, and insisted on that point of our Capitulations, which gives us [Page 200] liberty to trade in any part of the Grand Signiors Dominions; and therefore to consent to be restrained, or confined to any particular place, was to assent to a breach of the Capitulations, which was out of his power, and only to be dispensed with by his Master the King of England, and the Grand Signior by whom they were established; and to connive or assent to the breach of one particular clause, was to hazard the loss and breach of the whole: for that our Capitulations (to use the Turks saying) are like a string of Beads, of which, when one link is broken, the others drop off. To which the Vizier replied, that the Scale of Scanderone was open, and clear as before for the English Trade; but because the Tefterdar, and Customer, pretended that the Grand Signior was put to great expences for maintenance of a Watch and Guard at that Port, which was only in respect to the security of the Merchants Goods; Orders should be given for taking away those Officers, as unnecessary and insignificant to the publick Service; no Guards having ever been in that place, the Embassadour judged his business to be granted, and so thanked the Vizier and departed. But not many days after the Tefterdar procured a Command for shutting the Scale of Scanderone, and transporting the Factory to Tripoli: which Command was rather intended to affright our Nation into some composition, than really to be put in execution, as appeared by the sequel; for the Tefterdar better considered than to bring so great an odium upon himself from the whole Country and City of Aleppo, and to enforce the Embassadour to have recourse to the Grand Signiors own person, for redress of an abuse of so high a nature, in derogation of his Imperial Capitulations. Howsoever it is observable in the transaction of all this business, that it is difficult to bring a corrupt Turkish Minister to Justice or punishment, meerly for breach of our Capitulations, or in respect to any difference or abuse offered to Christians, unless the complaint be accompanied with presents or money, which are most prevalent Arguments in the Turkish Court; and in this Case I really believe, that had three or four thousand Dollars been offered as a reward for bringing the Customer to capital punishment, the complaint had found acceptance, and honourable success: for default of which, the Cause was starved, and naked, and carried no fire or heat in those aggravations with which it was represented. It is likewise observable, that business in the Turkish Court doth not always find that dispatch, or expedition, as is generally believed in Christendome, unless it come accompanied with the interest of the Ministers themselves, and then it is transacted in a moment, which otherwise languishes with delays, and will never want excuses to defer it.
Anno 1666. Hegeira 1077.
WE shall begin this Year with the strange rumour and disturbance of the Jews, concerning Sabatai Sevi, their pretended Messiah, which for being most principally acted in Turkey, may properly belong to the History of this time and place; which therefore for delight of the Readers, I shall here insert: for though it may have been elsewhere published, yet being an issue of my Pen, I may lawfully now own it, and annex it to this History, in respect of that near coherence it may have therewith; and that many other particulars have been added thereunto, which succeeded until the Death of this Sabatai.
[Page 201] According to the Predictions of several Christian Writers, especially 1666 of such who comment upon the Apocalypse or Revelations; this Year of 1666. was to prove a Year of Wonders, of strange revolutions in the World, and particularly, of blessing to the Jews, either in respect of their Conversion to the Christian Faith, or of their Restoration to their Temporal Kingdom. This opinion was so dilated and fixt in the Countries of the Reformed Religion, and in the heads of Fanatical Enthusiasts, who dreamed of Fifth Monarchies, the down-fall of the Pope and Anti-Christ, and the greatness of the Jews, insomuch, that this subtle people judged this Year the time to stir, and to fit their Motion according to the season of the Modern Prophecies. Whereupon strange reports flew from place to place, of the March of multitudes of people from unknown parts into the remote deserts of Arabia, supposed to be the ten Tribes and a half, lost for so many Ages. That a Ship was arrived in the Northern parts of Scotland, with her Sails and Cordage of Silk, navigated by Marriners who spoke nothing but Hebrew, and with this Motto on their Sails, The twelve Tribes of Israel. These reports agreeing thus near to former Predictions, put the wild sort of the World into an expectation of strange accidents this Year should produce in reference to the Jewish Monarchy.
In this manner Millions of people were possessed when Sabatai Sevi first appeared at Smyrna, and published himself to the Jews for their Messiah, relating the greatness of their approaching Kingdom, the strong hand whereby God was about to deliver them from Bondage, and gather them from all the parts of the World. It was strange to see, how this fancy took, and how fast the report of Sabatai, and his Doctrine, flew through all parts where Jews inhabited, and so deeply possessed them with a belief of their new Kingdom and richess; and many of them with promotion to Offices of Government, renown and greatness; that in all places from Constantinople to Buda (which it was my fortune that Year to travel) I perceived a strange transport in the Jews, none of them attending to any business, unless to wind up former Negotiations, and to prepare themselves and Families for a Journey to Jerusalem; all their Discourses, their Dreams, and disposal of their affairs, tended to no other design, but a re-establishment in the Land of Promise, to Greatness and Glory, Wisdom and Doctrine of the Messiah, whose Original, Birth and Education is first to be recounted.
Sabatai Sevi was Son of Mordechai Sevi, an Inhabitant and natural of Smyrna, who gained his Livelihood by being Broker to an English Merchant in that place; a person who before his Death was very decrepit in his Body, and full of the Gout and other infirmities: But his Son Sabatai Sevi addicting himself to study and learning, became a notable proficient in the Hebrew and Arabick Languages; and especially in Divinity and Metaphysicks, he was so cunning a Sophister, that he vented a new Doctrine in their Law, and drew to the profession of it so many Disciples, as raised one day a tumult in the Synagogue; for which afterwards he was by censure of the Kockhams (who are the Expounders of the Law) banished out of the City.
During the time of his Exile he travelled to Thessalonica, now called Salonica, where he married a very handsom Woman; but either not having that part of Oeconomy as to govern a Wife, or being impotent as to Women, as was pretended, or that she found not favour in [Page 202] his eyes, she was divorced from him. Again, he took a second Wife more beautiful than the former; but the same causes of discontent raising a difference between them, he obtained another Divorce from this Wife also. And being now free from the incumbrances of a Family, his wandring head moved him to travel through the Morea, thence to Tripoli in Syria, Gaza, and Jerusalem, and by the way picked up a Ligornese Lady, whom he made his third Wife, the Daughter of some Polonian or German, her Original and Country not being very well known. And being now at Jerusalem, he began to reform their Law, and to abolish the Fast of Tamuz, (which they keep in the month of June) and meeting there with a certain Jew called Nathan, a proper Instrument to promote his design, he communicated to him his condition, his course of life, and intentions to declare himself the Messiah of the World, so long expected and desired by the Jews. This design took wonderfully with Nathan; and because it was thought necessary, according to Scripture and ancient Prophecies, that Elias was to precede the Messiah, as St. John Baptist was the Fore-runner of Christ, Nathan thought no man so proper to act the part of the Prophet as himself; and so no sooner had Sabatat declared himself the Messiah, but Nathan discovers himself to be his Prophet, forbidding all the Fasts of the Jews in Jerusalem, and declaring that the Bridegroom being come, nothing but joy and triumph ought to dwell in their habitations, writing to all the Assemblies of the Jews to perswade them to the same belief. And now the Schism being begun, and many Jews really believing what they so much desired, Nathan took the courage and boldness to prophesie, That one year from the 27 th of Kislan, which is the month of July, the June. Messiah was to appear before the Grand Signior, and to take from him his Crown, and lead him in chains like a Captive: Sabatai also at Gaza preached Repentance to the Jews, and Obedience to himself and Doctrine, for that the Coming of the Messiah was at hand. Which novelties so affected the Jews, Inhabitants of those parts, that they gave up themselves wholly to their Prayers, Alms, and Devotions; and to confirm this belief the more, it happened that at the same time that news hereof with all particulars were dispatched from Gaza, to acquaint the Brethren in foreign parts; the rumour of the Messiah had flown so swift, and gained such reception, that Intelligence came from all Countries, where the Jews sojourn, by Letters to Gaza and Jerusalem, congratulating the happiness of their deliverance, and expiration of their time of servitude by the appearance of the Messiah. To which they adjoyned other Prophecies relating to that Dominion the Messiah was to have over all the World, that for nine months after he was to disappear; during which time the Jews were to suffer, and several of them to undergo Martyrdom; but then returning again mounted on a celestial Lyon, with his Bridle made of Serpents with seven heads, accompanied with his Brethren the Jews, who inhabited on the other side of the River Sabation, he should be acknowledged for the sole Monarch of the Universe, and then the Holy Temple should descend from Heaven already built, framed, and beautified, wherein they should offer Sacrifices for ever. And here I leave the Reader to consider, how strangely this deceived People was amused, when these confident and vain reports and dreams of Power and Kingdoms had wholly transported them from the ordinary course of their trade and interest.
[Page 203] This noise and rumour of the Messiah having begun to fill all places, Sabatai Sevi resolved to travel towards Smyrna, the Country of his Nativity, and thence to Constantinople, the capital City, where the principal work of preaching was to be performed: Nathan thought it not fit to be long after him, and therefore travels by way of Damaseus, where resolving to continue some time for better propagation of this new Doctrine, in the mean while writes this Letter to Sabatai Sevi as followeth.
22. Kesvan of this Year.
TO the King our King, Lord of our Lords, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, who redeems our Captivity, the Man elevated to the height of all sublimity, the Messiah of the God of Jacob, the true Messiah, the Celestial Lyon, Sabatai Sevi, whose Honour be exalted, and his Dominion raised in a short time and for ever, Amen. After having kissed your hands, and swept the dust from your seet, as my duty is to the King of Kings, whose Majesty be exalted, and his Empire enlarged. These are to make known to the Supreme Excellency of that place, which is adorned with the beauty of your Sanctity, that the Word of the King and of his Law hath inlightned our faces, that day hath been a solemn day unto Israel, and a day of light unto our Rulers, for immediately we applied our selves to perform your Command, as our duty is. And though we have heard of many strange things, yet we are couragious, and our heart is as the heart of a Lyon, nor ought we to inquire a reason of your doings, for your works are marvellous and past finding out, and we are consirmed in our fidelity without all exception, resigning up our very Souls for the Holiness of your Name. And now we are come as far as Damascus, intending shortly to proceed in our Journey to Scanderone, according as you have commanded us, that so we may ascend and see the face of God in light, as the light of the face of the King of life: and we servants of your servants shall cleanse the dust from your feet, beseeching the Majesty of your Excellency and Glory, to [...] from your habitation to have a care of us, and help us with the force of your right hand of strength, and shorten our way which is before us. And we have our eyes towards Jah, Jah, who will make haste to help us and save us, that the children of iniquity shall not hurt us, and towards whom our hearts pant, and are consumed within us, who shall give us talons of iron to be worthy to stand under the shadow of your Ass. These are the words of the servant of your servants, who prostrates himself to be trod on by the soals of your feet.
And that he might publish this Doctrine of the Messiah and himself more plainly, he wrote from Damascus this following Letter to the Jews at Aleppo, and parts thereabouts.
TO the Residue or remnant of the Israelites Peace without end. These my words are to give you notice, how that I am arrived in peace at Damascus, and behold I go to meet the face of our Lord, whose Mijesty be exalted; for he is the Soveraign of the King of Kings, whose Empire be enlarged. Sabatai wrote a Letter to elect one man out of every Tribe. According as he hath commanded us and the Twelve Tribes to elect unto him twelve men, so have we done: and we now go to Scanderone by his Command to shew our faces together with part of the principal of those particular friends to whom he hath given licence to a assemble in that said place.
[Page 204] And now I come to make known unto you, That though you have heard strange things of our Lord, yet let not your hearts faint or fear, but rather fortifie your selves in your faith, because all his actions are miraculous and secret, which humane understanding cannot comprehend; and who can penetrate into the depth of them? In a short time all things shall be manifested clearly unto you in their purity, and you shall know and consider, and be instructed by the Inventor himself, and blessed is he who can expect and arrive to the Salvation of the true Messiah, who will speedily publish his Authority and Empire over us now and for ever.
And now all the Cities of Turkie, where the Jews inhabited, were full of the expectation of the Messiah, no Trade or course of gain was followed; every one imagined, that daily Provisions, Richess, Honours, and Government were to descend upon him by some unknown and miraculous manner. An Example of which is most observable in the Jews at Thessalonica, who now full of assurance, that the restauration of their Kingdom, and the accomplishment of the times for the Coming of the Messiah was at hand, judged themselves obliged to double their Devotions, and purifie their Consciences from all sins and enormities, which might be observed by the scrutiny of him who was now come to penetrate into the very thoughts and imaginations of Mankind. For which work, certain Kochams were appointed to direct the people in the regulation of their Prayers, Devotions, and Fastings: but so forward was every one now in his acts of Penance, that they stayed not for the sentence of the Kocham, or Prescriptions or Rules, but applied themselves immediately to Fastings; and some in that manner beyond the abilities of Nature, that having for the space of seven days taken no sustenance, were famished: others buried themselves in their Gardens, covering their naked bodies with earth, their heads only excepted, remained in those beds of dirt, until their bodies were stiffned with the cold and moisture: others would endure to have melted wax dropt upon their shoulders: others to roul themselves in snow, and throw their bodies in the coldest season of the winter into the Sea, or frozen waters. But the most common manner of Mortification was first to prick their backs and sides with thorns, and then to give themselves thirty nine lashes. All business was laid aside, none worked or opened shop, unless to clear his Ware-house of Merchandise at any price: who had superfluity in Houshold-stuff sold it for what he could, but yet not to Jews, who were interdicted from all bargains or sales under pain of Excommunication, pecuniary mulcts, or corporal punishment; for their comportment as to business and imployment was esteemed the test or touch-stone of their faith. It being the general Tenent, That in the days that the Messiah appeared, the Jews should become Masters of the Estates and Inheritance of Insidels, until when they ought to content themselves with matters only necessary to maintain and support life. But because that every one was not Master of that Provision and Fortune as to live without daily labour; therefore to quiet the clamours of the poor, and prevent the enormous lives of some, who upon these occasions would become vagabonds, and desert their Cities, due order was taken to make collections, which were so liberally bestowed, that in Thessalonica only four hundred poor were supported by the meer charity of the richer. [Page 205] And as they endeavoured to purge their consciences of sin, and to apply themselves to good works, that the Messiah might find the City prepared for his reception; so lest he should accuse them of any omission in their Law, and particularly in their neglect of that ancient Precept of Increase and multiply, they married children together of ten years of age, and some under, without respect to richess or poverty, condition or quality; but being promiscuously joyned to the number of six or seven hundred couple, upon better and cooler thoughts, after the deceit of the false Messiah was discovered, or the expectation of his Coming grew cold, were divorced, or by consent separated from each other.
In the heat of all this talk and rumour came Sabatai Sevi to Smyrna, the City of his Nativity, infinitely desired there by the common Jews, but by the Kochams or Doctors of their Law, who gave little or no credence to what he pretended, was ill received, not knowing what mischief or ruine this Doctrine and Prophecy of a new Kingdom might produce. Yet Sabatai bringing with him Testimonials of his Sanctity, holy Life, Wisdom, and gift of Prophecy, so deeply fixed himself in the heart of the generality, both as being holy and wife, that thereupon he took courage and boldness to enter into dispute with the Grand Kocham (who is the head or chief Expositor of their Law, and Superintendent of their civil Government) between whom the arguments grew so high, and language so hot, that the Jews who favoured the Doctrine of Sabatai, and feared the Authority of the Kocham, doubtful what might be the issue of the contest, appeared in great numbers before the Kaddee of Smyrna, in justification of their new Prophet, before so much as any accusation came against him; the Kaddee according to the custom of the Turks swallowed money on both sides, and afterwards remitted them to the determination of their own Justice. In this manner Sabatai gained ground daily; and the Grand Kocham with his Party, losing both the affection and obedience of his People, was displaced from his Office, and another constituted more affectionate and agreeable to the new Prophet, whose power daily increased by those confident reports of his Enemies being struck with phrensie and madness, until being restored to their former temper and wits by him, became his Friends, Admirers, and Disciples. No invitation was now made in Smyrna by the Jews, nor Marriage, or Circumcision held, where Sabatai was not present, accompanied to the solemnities with multitudes of his Followers, and the streets covered with Carpets or fine Cloth for him to tread on; but the humility of this Pharisee appeared such, that he would stoop and turn them aside, and so pass. And having thus fixed himself in the opinion and admiration of the people, he began to take on himself the Title of Messiah and the Son of God, and to make this following Declaration to all the Nations of the Jews, which being wrote Originally in Hebrew, was translated for me faithfully into Italian in this manner.
L'Unico Figliolo e Primogenito di Dio Sabatai Sevi, il Messiah e Salvatore d'Israel, atutti li Figlioli d'Israel eletti di Dio, Pace. Essendo che sette fatti degni di veder quel gran giorno della deliberatione e salvatione di Israel, e consummatione delle Parole di Dio promesse per li suoi Profeti, e Padri nostri, per il suo diletto Figlio di Israel. Ogni vostra amaritudine si converta in allegrezza, e li vostri digiugni si faccino feste, per che non piangerete, O miei Figlioli di Israel, havendosi dato iddio la consolatione innarabile [Page 206] festegiateri con Timpani, Organi, e Musiche, ringratiando quello chi ha adempito il promessa dalli secoli, facendo ogni giorno quelle cose che solete fare nelle Calende, e quel giorno dedicato all' afflittione e mestitia, convertite lo in giorno giocondo pro la mia comparsa. E non spaventateri niente, per che haverete Dominio sopra le Genti, non solamente di quelle, che si vedono in Terra ma quella che sono in sondi del Mare. Il tutto pro vostra consolatione e allegrezza.
Which translated into English runs thus.
THE only and first-born Son of God Sabatai Sevi, the Messiah and Saviour of Israel, to all the Sons of Israel, Peace. Since that you are made worthy to see that great day of Deliverance and Salvation unto Israel, and accomplishment of the Word of God promised by his Prophets and our Forefathers, and by his beloved Son of Israel, let your bitter sorrows be turned into Joy, and your fast into Festivals, for you shall weep no more, O my Sons of Israel; for God having given you this unspeakable comfort, rejoyce with Drums, Organs, and Musick, giving thanks to him for performing his promises from all Ages, doing that every day which is usual for you to do upon the Calends, and that day dedicated to affliction and sorrow, convert you unto a day of mirth for my appearance. And fear you nothing, for you shall have Dominion over the Nations, and not only over those who are on Earth, but over those creatures also which are in the depth of the Sea. All which is for your consolation and rejoycing.
Notwithstanding the Disciples of Sabatai Sevi, were not so numerous, but many opposed his Doctrine, publickly avouching, that he was an Impostor, and deceiver of the people, amongst which was one Samuel Pennia, a man of good Estate and Reputation in Smyrna; who arguing in the Synagogue, that the present signs of the Coming of the Messiah were not apparent, either according to Scripture, or the Doctrine of Rabbins, raised such a Sedition and Tumult amongst the Jews, as not only prevailed against his arguments, but had also against his life, had he not timely conveyed himself out of the Synagogue, and so escaped the hands of the Multitude, who now could more easily endure Blasphemy against the Law of Moses, and Prophanation of the Sanctuary, than contradiction or misbelief of the Doctrine of Sabatai. But howsoever it fell out, Pennia in a short time became a Convert, and Preacher up of Sabatai for the Son of God, and Deliverer of the Jews; and not only he, but his whole Family, his Daughters prophesie, and fall into strange ecstasies: and not only this house, but above four hundred men and women prophesie of the growing Kingdom of Sabatai, and young Infants who could scarce yet stammer out a syllable to their Mothers, repeat and pronounce clearly the Name of Sabatai the Messiah and Son of God. For thus far had God permitted the Devil to delude this people, that their very children were for a time possessed, and voices heard to sound from their stomachs and entrails: those of riper years fell first into a trance, foamed at the mouth, and recounted the future prosperity and deliverance of the Israelites, their Visions of the Lyon of Judah, and the Triumphs of Sabatai. All which were certainly true, being effects of diabolical delusions, as the Jews themselves since have confessed to me.
[Page 207] With these concomitant accidents and successes Sabatai Sevi growing more presumptuous, that he might correspond with the Prophecies of Greatness and Dominion of the Messiah, proceeded to Election of those Princes which were to govern the Israelites in their March towards the Holy Land, and to dispense Judgment and Justice after their Restauration.
In this manner things ran to a strange height of madness amongst the Jews at Smyrna, when appeared such Pageantry of Greatness, that no Comedy could equal the mock-shows they represented. And though none durst openly confess any scruple or doubt of this common received Belief, yet for confirmation of the Jews in their Faith, and astonishment of the Gentiles, it was judged no less than necessary, that Sabatai should shew some Miracles, whereby to evince all the World that he was the Messiah. And as the present occasion seemed to require an evidence and conviction infallible of this truth, so it was daily expected by the Vulgar with an impatience suitable to humors disposed to Novelty, who out of every action and motion of their Prophet, began to fancy something extraordinary and supernatural. Sabatai was now horribly puzzled for a Miracle, though the imagination of the people was so vitiated, that any leger-de-main or slight of hand would have passed more easily with them for a Wonder, than Moses striking the Rock for water, or dividing the Red Sea. And an occasion happening, that Sabatai was in behalf of his Subjects to appear before the Kaddee or Judge of the City, to demand ease and relief of some oppressions which aggrieved them; it was thought necessary a Miracle should be worked now or never, when Sabatai appearing with a formal and Pharisaical gravity which he had starched on, some on a sudden avouched to see a Pillar of Fire between him and the Kaddee, which report presently was heard through the whole room, filled with Jews that accompanied Sabatai. Some of whom, who strongly fancied it, vowed and swore they saw it; others in the outward Yard, or that could not come near to hear or see for the crowd, as speedily took the Alarm, and the rumor ran, and belief received by the Women and Children at home in a moment. So that Sabatai Sevi returned to his house triumphant, fixed in the hearts of his People, who now needed no farther Miracles to consirm them in their Faith. And thus was Sabatai exalted, when no man was thought worthy of communication, who did not believe him for the Messiah: others were called Kophrim, Infidels, or Hereticks, subjected to the Censure of Excommunication, with whom it was not lawful so much as to eat. Every man produced his Treasure, his Gold, and Jewels, offering them at the feet of Sabatai; so that he could have commanded all the Wealth of Smyrna, but he was too subtle to accept their money, lest he should render his design suspected by any acts of covetousness.
Sabatai Sevi having thus fully fixed himself in Smyrna, and filled other places with the rumors of him, declared that he was called by God to visit Constantinople, where the greatest part of his work was to be accomplished; in order whereunto he privately shipped himself with some few Attendants on a Turkish Saike in the month of January [...], lest the crowd of his Disciples, and such who would press to follow him, should endanger him in the eyes of the Turks, who already began to be scandalized at the Reports and Prophecies concerning his Person. But though Sabatai took few into the Vessel with him, yet multitudes of Jews travelled [Page 208] over land to meet him again at Constantinople, on whom all their Eyes and expectations were intent. The Wind proving Northerly, as commonly it is in the Hellespont and Propontis, Sabatai was thirty nine days in his Voyage, and yet the Vessel not arrived: So little power had this Messiah over the Sea and Winds. In which time the News forerunning to Constantinople that the Jews Messiah was near, all that people prepared to receive him with the same joy and impatience as was expressed in other parts where he arrived. The Great Vizier then also at Constantinople, (being not yet departed on his expedition for Candia) having heard some rumours of this Man, and the disorder and madness he had raised amongst the Jews, sent two Boats, whilst the Saik was detained by contrary Winds, with Commands to bring him up Prisoner to the Port, where accordingly Sabatai being come, was committed to the most loathsome and darkest Dungeon in the Town, there to remain in farther expectation of the Viziers Sentence. The Jews were not at all discouraged at this ill Treatment of their Prophet, but rather confirmed in their belief of him, as being an accomplishment of the Prophecy of those things which ought to precede his Glory and Dominion; which Consideration induced the Chiefest Persons amongst the Jews to make their Visits and Addresses to him with the same Ceremony and Respect in the Dungeon, as they would have done, had he then sate exalted on the sublime Throne of Judah. Several of them, with one Anacago by name, a Man of great esteem amongst the Jews, attended a whole day before him, with their Eyes cast down, their Bodies bending forward, and hands cross'd before them; (which are postures of humility and service in the Eastern Parts) the undecency of the place, and present subjection not having in the least abated their high thoughts and reverence towards his person.
For the Jews in Constantinople were become as mad and distracted, as they were in other places, all Trade and Traffick forbidden, and those who owed money, in no manner careful how to satisfie it; Amongst which wild Crew, some were indebted to our Merchants at Galata, who not knowing the way to receive their money, partly for their interest, and partly for curiosity, thought fit to visit this Sabatai, complaining, That such particular Jews, upon his Coming, took upon them the boldness to defraud them of their right, and desired he would be pleased to signifie to those his Subjects, his pleasure to have satisfaction given.
Whereupon Sabatai, with much affectation, took pen and paper, and wrote to this effect.
To you of the Nation of the Jews, who expect the appearance of the Messiah, and the salvation of Israel, Peace without end. Whereas we are informed, That you— are indebted to several of the English Nation, It seemeth right to us to enorder you to make satisfaction to these your just Debts: which if you refuse to do, and not obey us herein; know you that then you are not to enter with us into our Joys and Dominions.
In this manner Sabatai Sevi remained a Prisoner at Constantinople for the space of two Months; at the end of which the Vizier having designed his expedition for Candia, and considering the rumour and disturbance the Presence of Sabatai had made already at Constantinople, thought it not secure to suffer him to remain in the Imperial City, whilst both the Grand Signior, and himself were absent; and therefore changed his Prison to the Dardanelli, otherwise called the Castle of Abydos, being [Page 209] on the Europe side of the Hellespont, opposite to Sestos, places famous in Greek Poetry. This removal of Sabatai from a worse Prison, to one of a better Air, confirmed the Jews with greater confidence of his being the Messiah, supposing that had it been in the power of the Vizier, or other Officers of the Turks, to have destroyed his Person, they would never have permitted him to live unto that time, in regard their Maximes enforce them to quit all jealousies and suspicions of ruine to their State by the death of the Party feared; which much rather they ought to execute on Sabatai, who had not only declared himself the King of Israel, but also by Prophecies published fatal things to the Grand Signior and his Kingdoms.
With this Consideration, and others preceeding, the Jews flocked in great numbers to the Castle, where he was imprisoned, not only from the Neighbouring Parts, but also from Poland, Germany, Ligorn, Venice, Amsterdam, and other places, where the Jews reside; on all whom, as a reward of the expence and labours of their Pilgrimage, Sabatai bestowed plenty of his Benedictions, promising encrease of their Store and enlargement of possessions in the Holy Land: So great was the confluence of the Jews to this place, that the Turks thought it requisite to make their advantage thereof, and so not only raised the price of their Provisions, Lodgings, and other necessaries, but also denied to admit any to the presence of Sabatai, unless for money, setting the price sometimes at five, sometimes at ten Dollars, or more or less, according as they guessed at the abilities and zeal of the Person; by which gain and advantage to the Turks, no Complaints or Advices were carried to Adrianople, either of the Concourse or Arguments amongst the Jews in that place, but rather all Civilities and Liberties indulged unto them, which served as a farther Argument to ensnare this poor People in the belief of their Messiah.
During this time of Consinement Sabatai had leisure to compose and institute a new Method of Worship for the Jews, and principally the manner of the Celebration of the day of his Nativity, which he prescribed in this manner.
BRethren, and my People, Men of my Religion, inhabiting the City of Smyrna the Renowned, where live Men, and Women, and Fantilies; much Peace be unto You from the Lord of Peace, and from Me his beloved Son King Solomon. I command you, That the ninth of the Month of Ab (which according to our account answered that year to the Month of June) next to come, you make a Day of Invitation; and of great Joy, celebrating it with choise Meats, and pleasing Drinks, with many Candles and Lamps, with Musick and Songs; because it is the day of the Birth of Sabatai Sevi the High King, above all the Kings of the Earth. And as to matters of labour, and other things of like nature, do as becomes you upon a day of Festival, adorned with your finest Garments. As to your Prayers, let the same Order be used as upon Festivals. To converse with Christians on that day is unlawful, though your Discourse be of matters indifferent; all labour is forbidden, but to sound Instruments is lawful.
This shall be the method of your Prayers on this day of Festival. After you have said, Blessed be thou, O Holy God; then proceed; and say: Thou hast chosen us before all people, and hast loved us, and hast been delighted with us, and hast humbled us more than all other Nations, and hast sanctified [Page 210] us with thy Precepts, and hast brought us near to thy Service, and the Service of our King. Thy Holy, Great, and Terrible Name thou hast published amongst us; And hast given us, O Lord God, according to thy love, times of Joy, of Festivals, and times of Mirth, and this Day of Consolation, for a solemn Convocation of Holiness, for the Birth of our King the Messiah Sabatai Sevi, thy Servant, and first-born Sonin love, through whom we commemorate our coming out of Egypt. And then you shall read for your Lesson the first, second, and third Chapters of Deuteronomy to the seventeenth Verse; appointing for the reading thereof five men, in a persect and uncorrupted Bible; adding thereunto the Blessings of the Morning, as are prescribed for Days of Festivals. And for the Lesson out of the Prophets, usually read in the Synagogue every Sabbath, you shall repeat the 31 th Chapter of Jeremiah to your Prayer called the Mussaf (used in the Synagogue every Sabbath and solemn Festival.) Instead of the Sacrisice of Addition at the returning of the Bible to its place, you shall read with an audible Voice, and clear Sound, and with holy Harmony the 95 th Psalm. And at the first Praises in the morning, after you have sung Psalm 91, and just before you sing Psalm 98, you shall repeat Psalm 132; but in the last Verse where it is said, As for his enemies I shall clothe them with shame, but upon himself shall his Crown flourish; in the place of [upon himself] you shall read, Upon the Most High; after which shall follow the 126 th Psalm, and then the 113 th to the 119 th.
At the Consecration of the Wine upon the Vigil, or Even, you shall make mention of the Feast of Consolation, which is the day of the Birth of our King the Messiah Sabatai Sevi, thy Servant, and sirst-born Son; giving the Blessing as followeth. Blessed be thou, our God, King of the World, who hast made us to live, and hast maintained us, and hast kept us alive unto this time. Upon the Eve of this Day you shall also read the 81 Psalm, as also the 132, and 126 Psalms, which are appointed for the Morning Praises. And this Day shall be unto you for a remembrance of a solemn Day unto eternal Ages, and a perpetual Testimony between me, and the Sons of Israel.
Audite audiendo, & manducate bonum.
Besides which Order and Method of Liturgy for Solemnization of his Birth, he prescribed other Rules for Divine Service, and particularly published the same Indulgence and priviledge to every one who should pray at the Tomb of his Mother, as if he had taken on him a Pilgrimage to pray and sacrifice at Jerusalem. The Devotion of the Jews towards this pretended Messiah, encreased still more and more; so that not only the chief of the City went to attend and proffer their service towards him in the time of his Imprisonment, but likewise decked their Synagogue with S. S. in Letters of Gold, making for him on the Wall a Crown, in the Circle of which was wrote the 91 Psalm at length, in a fair and legible Character; attributing the same Titles to Sabatai, and expounding the Scriptures in the same manner in favour of his appearance, as we do of our Saviour.
Howsoever some of the Jews remained in their Wits all this time, amongst which was a certain Cocham at Smyrna, one zealous of his Law, and of the good and safety of his Nation; and observing in what a wild manner the whole people of the Jewswas transported with the groundless belief of a Messiah, leaving not only their Trades, and Course of Living, but publishing Prophecies of a speedy Kingdom, of rescue from [Page 211] the tyranny of the Turk, and leading the Grand Signior himself captive in Chains; matters so dangerous, and obnoxious to the State wherein they lived, as might justly convict them of Treason and Rebellion, and leave them to the mercy of that Justice, which on the least jealousie and suspicion of matters of this nature, uses to extirpate Families, and subvert the Mansion houses of their own People, much rather of the Jews, onwhom the Turks would gladly take this occasion to despoil them of their Estates, and condemn the whole Nation to perpetual Slavery. And indeed it would have been a greater wonder than ever Sabatat shewed, that the Turks took not advantage from all these extravagancies to drain the Jews of a considerable Sum of money, and set their whole Race in Turkie at a Ransome, had not these passages yielded them matter of pastime, and been the subject of the Turks laughter and scorn, supposing it a disparagement to the greatness of the Ottoman Empire, to be concerned for the rumours and combustions of this despised people. With these Considerations this Cocham, that he might clear himself of the blood and guilt of his Countrymen, and unconcerned in the common destruction, went before the Kaddee, and there protested against the present Doctrine, declaring, That he had no hand in setting up of Sabatai, but was an enemy both to him and his whole Sect. This freedom of the Cocham so enraged and scandalized the Jews, that they judged no Condemnation or Punishment too severe against such an Offender, and Blasphemer of their Law, and Holiness of the Messiah, and therefore with money and presents to the Kaddee, accusing him as disobedient in a Capital Nature to their Government, obtained sentence against him to shave his Beard, and commit him to the Gallies.
There wanted nothing now to the appearance of the Messiah, and the Solemnity of his Coming, but the presence of Elias, which the Jews began to expect hourly, and with that attention and earnestness, that a Dream or Phantasm to every weak head was judged to be Elias, it being taught and averred, that he was seen in divers Forms and Shapes, nor to be certainly discovered or known before the Coming of the Messiah. For this Superstition is so far fixed amongst them, that generally in their Families they spread a Table for Elias the Prophet, to [...] they make an invitation of poor people, leaving the chief place for the Lord Elias, whom they believe to be invisibly present at the Entertainment, and there to eat and drink without diminution either of the Dishes or the Cup. One person amongst the Jews commanded his Wife, after a Supper of this kind, to leave the Cup filled with Wine, and the Meat standing all Night for Elias to feast and rejoyce alone, and in the morning arising early, affirmed, That Elias took this Banquet so kindly, that in token of gratitude and acceptance, he had replenished the Cup with Oyl instead of Wine. It is a custom amongst the Jews on the Evening of the Sabbath to repeat certain praises of God, ( Haudola) which signities a distinction or separation of the Sabbath from the prophane days (as they call them;) which praises or blessing they observe to perform in this manner. One takes a Cup filled with Wine, and drops it through the whole house in the name of Elias, saying, Elias the Prophet, Elias the Prophet, come quickly to us with the Messiah the Son of David. And this, they affirm, is so acceptable to Elias, that he never fails to preserve that Family so devoted to him, and augment it with the Blessings of encrease. Many other things the Jews avouch of Elias, so ridiculous, as are not [Page 212] necessary to be declared, amongst which this one is not from our purpose, That at the Circumcision there is always a Chair set for Elias. And Sabatai Sevi being once invited at Smyrna to the Circumcision of the firstborn Son of one Abraham Gutiere, a Kinsman of Sabatai, and all things ready for the Ceremony; Sabatai Sevi exhorted the Parents of the Child to expect a while until his farther order. After a good half hour Sabatai ordered them to proceed, and cut the Prepuce of the Child, which was instantly performed with all joy and satisfaction to the Parents: and being afterwards demanded, wherefore he retarded the performance of that Function; his answer was, That Elias had not as yet taken his Seat, whom as soon as he saw placed, he ordered them to proceed: and that now shortly Elias would discover himself openly, and proclaim the news of their general Redemption. This being the common opinion of the Jews, and that Sabatai Sevi was the Messiah, being become an Article of Faith, it was not hard to perswade them that Elias was come already, that they met him in their dishes, in the dark, in their Bed-chambers, or any where else invisible, in the same manner as our common people believe of Hobgoblins and Faries. For so it was, when one Solomon Cremona, an Inhabitant of Smyrna, making a great Feast, to which the principal Jews of that City were invited, after they had eaten and drank freely, one started from his seat, and avouched that he saw Elias upon the Wall, and with that bows to him, and complements him with all reverence and humility: some others having in like manner their fancies already prepossessed, and their eyes with the fume of Wine ill prepared to distinguish shadows, immediately agreed upon the object, and then there was not one in the Company who would say, he did not see him; at which surprise every one was struck with reverence and awe, and the most eloquent amongst them having their tongues loosed with Joy and Wine, directed Orations, Encomiums, and acts of thankfulness to him, courting and complementing Elias, as distracted Lovers do the supposed presence of their Mistresses.
Another Jew at Constantinople reported, That he met Elias in the streets, habited like a Turk, with whom he had a long communication, and that he injoyned the observation of many neglected Ceremonies, and particularly the Zezit, Numb. 15. 38. Speak unto the Children of Israel and bid them, that they make sringes in the borders of their garments throughout their generations, and that they put upon the sringe of the border a ribband of blue. Also the Peotz, Levit. 19. 27. Ye shall not round the corners of your head, nor marre the corner of your beard. This apparition of Elias being published, and as soon believed, every one began to obey the Vision, by fringing their garments; and for their heads, though always shaved according to the Turkish and Eastern fashion, and that the suffering hair to grow, to men not accustomed was heavy and incommodious for their health and heads; yet to begin again to renew, as far as was possible, the ancient Ceremonies, every one nourished a Lock of hair on each side, which was visible beneath their Caps, which soon after began to become a sign of distinction between the Believers and the Koparims, a name of dishonour, signifying as much as Unbeliever or Heretick, given to those who confessed not Sabatai to be the Messiah. Which particulars, if not observed, it was declared as a menace of Elias, That the people of the Jews who come from the River Sabation, as is specified in the 2. Esdras Chap. 13. shall take vengeance of those who are guilty of these omissions.
[Page 213] But to return again to Sabatai Sevi himself, we find him still remaining a Prisoner in the Castle of Abydos upon the Hellespont, admired and adored by his Brethren with more honour than before, and visited by Pilgrims from all parts, where the Fame of the Coming of the Messiah had arrived: amongst which one from Poland named Nehemiah Cohen was of special note and renown, learned in the Hebrew, Syriack, and Chaldee, and versed in the Doctrine and Kabala of the Rabbins, as well as Sabatai himself: one (of whom it was said) had not this Sevi anticipated the design, esteemed himself as able a Fellow for to act a Messiah as the other. Howsoever it being now too late to publish any such pretence, Sabatai having already prepossessed the office, and with that the hearts and belief of the Jews, Nehemiah was contented with some small appendage or relation to a Messiah; and therefore to lay his design the better, desired a private Conference with Sabatai. These two great Rabbins being together, a hot Dispute arose between them. For Cohen alledged, That according to Scripture and Exposition of the Learned thereupon, there were to be two Messiahs, one called Ben. Ephraim, and the other Ben. David: the first was to be a Preacher of the Law, poor and despised, and a Servant to the second, and his Fore-runner; the other was to be great and rich, to restore the Jews to Jerusalem, to sit upon the Throne of David, and to perform and act all those Triumphs and Conquosts, which were expected from Sabatai. Nehemiah was contented to be Ben. Ephraim, the afflicted and poor Messiah, and Sabatai was well enough contented he should be so; but that Nehemiah accused him for being too forward in publishing himself the latter Messiah, before Ben. Ephraim had first been known to the World, Sabatai took this reprehension so ill, either out of pride and thoughts of his own Infallibility, or that he suspected Nehemiah being once admitted for Ben. Ephraim, would quickly, being a subtle and learned Person, perswade the World that he was Ben. David, would by no means understand or admit of this Doctrine, or of Ben. Ephraim for a necessary Officer: and thereupon the Dispute grew so hot, and the Controversie so irreconcileable, as was taken notice of by the Jews, and controverted amongst them as every one fancied; but Sabatai being of greater Authority, his Sentence prevailed, and Nehemiah was rejected as Schismatical, and an Enemy to the Messiah, which afterwards proved the ruine and downfal of this Imposture. For Nehemiah being thus baffled, and being a Person of Authority, and a haughty Spirit, mediated nothing but revenge; to execute which to the full, he took a Journey to Adrianople, and there informed the chief Ministers of State and Officers of the Court, who (by reason of the gain the Turks made of their Prisoner at the Castle on the Hellespont) heard nothing of all this concourse of people, and Prophecies of the Revolt of the Jews from their obedience to the Grand Signior. And taking likewise to his Counsel some certain discontented and unbelieving Cochams, who being zealous for their Nation, and jealous of the ill consequences of this long continued and increasing madness, took liberty to inform the Chimacam (who was Deputy of the Great Vizier then at Candia) that the Jew Prisoner at the Castle called Sabatai Sevi was a lewd person, and one who endeavoured to debauch the minds of the Jews, and divert them from their honest course of livelihood, and obedience to the Grand Signior, and that therefore it was necessary to clear the World of so factious and dangerous a Spirit. The Chimacam being thus informed, could do no [Page 214] less than acquaint the Grand Signior with all the particulars of this mans condition, course of life, and Doctrine; which were no sooner understood, but a Chaouse or Messenger was immediately dispatched to bring up Sabatai Sevi to Adrianople. The Chaouse executed his Commission after the Turkish fashion in haste, bringing Sabatai in a few days to Adrianople, without farther excuse or ceremony, not affording him an hours space to take a solemn farewel of his Followers and Adorers, who now were come to the vertical point of all their hopes and expectations.
The Grand Signior having by this time received divers informations of the madness of the Jews, and the pretences of Sabatai, grew big with desire and expectation to see him; so that he no sooner arrived at Adrianople, but the same hour he was brought before the Grand Signior. Sabatai appeared much dejected, and failing of that courage which he shewed in the Synagogue. And being demanded several questions in Turkish by the Grand Signior, he would not trust so far to the vertue of his Messiahship, as to deliver himself in the Turkish Language, but desired a Doctor of Physick (who had from a Jew turned Turk) to be his Interpreter, which was granted to him, but not without reflection of the standers-by, that had he been the Messiah and Son of God, as he formerly pretended, his Tongue would have been loosed into Eloquence and perfection of Languages. But the Grand Signior would not be put off without a Miracle, and it must be one of his own chusing; which was, that Sabatai should be stripped naked, and set as a mark to his dextrous Archers; if the arrows passed not his body, but that his flesh and skin was proof, like Armour, then he would believe him to be the Messiah, and the person whom God had designed to those Dominions and Greatness he pretended. But now Sabatai not having faith enough to stand to so sharp a tryal, renounced all his Title to Kingdoms and Governments, alledging that he was an ordinary Cocham and Jew, as others were, and had nothing of priviledge and vertue above the rest. The Grand Signior notwithstanding, not wholly satisfied with this plain confession, declared, That having given publick scandal to the Professors of the Mahometan Religion, and done dishonour to his Soveraign Authority, by pretending to withdraw from him so considerable a portion as the Land of Palestine, his Treason and Crime could not be expiated without becoming a Mahometan Convert: which if he refused to do, the Stake was ready at the Gate of the Seraglio to impale him. Sabatai being now reduced to his last game and extremity, not being in the least doubtful what to do; for to dye for what he was assured was false was against Nature, and the death of a mad man: replied with much chearfulness, that he was contented to turn Turk, and that it was not of force, but of choice, having been a long time desirous of so glorious a profession, he esteemed himself much honoured, that he had an opportunity to owne it first in the presence of the Grand Signior. And here was the Non plus ultra of all the bluster and noise of this vain Impostour. And now the Reader may pause a while, and contemplate the strange point of consternation, shame, and silence, to which the Jews were reduced, when they understood, how speedily their hopes were vanished, and how poorly and ignominiously all their fancies and promises of a new Kingdom, their Pageantry and Offices for Devotion were past like a tale or a midnights dream. And all this was concluded, and the Jews sunk [Page 215] on a sudden and fallen flat in their hopes, without so much as a line of comfort or excuse from Sabatai, more than in general to all the Brethren, that now they should apply themselves to their callings and services of God, as formerly; for that matters relating to him were finished, and the sentence past.
The News of Sabatai turning Turk, and of the Messiah to a Mahometan, quickly filled all parts of Turkie; the Jews were strangely surprised at it, and ashamed of their casiness of belief, of the arguments with which they had perswaded others, and of the Proselytes they had made in their own Families. Abroad they became the common derision of the Towns where they inhabited, the Boys houted after them, coining a new word at Smyrna (Poustai) which every one seeing a Jew, with a finger pointed out, would pronounce with scorn and contempt; so that this deceived people for a long time after remained with confusion, silence, and dejection of spirit. And yet most of them affirm, That Sabatai is not turned Turk, but his shadow only remains on Earth, and walks with a white head, and in the habit of a Mahometan; but that his body and soul are taken into Heaven, there to reside until the time appointed for accomplishment of these Wonders: and this opinion began so commonly to take place, as if this people resolved never to be undeceived, using the Forms and Rules for Devotion prescribed them by their Mahometan Messiah. Insomuch that the Cochams of Constantinople fearing the danger of this Errour might creep up and equal the former, condemned the belief of Sabatai being Messiah as damnable, and injoyned them to return to the ancient Method and Service of God, upon pain of Excommunication. The Stile and Tenour of their Letter was as followeth.
To you who have the power of Priesthood, and are the knowing, learned, and magnanimous Governours and Princes residing in the City of Smyrna, may the Almighty protect you, Amen, for so is his will.
These our Letters which we send in the midst of your Habitations, are upon occasion of certain Rumors and Tumults come to our ears from that City of your Holinesses. For there is a sort of men amongst you, who fortifie themselves in their Errour, and say, Let such an one our King live, and bless him in their publick Synagogues every Sabbath day; and also adjoyn Psalms and Hymns invented by that man for certain days, with Rules and Methods for Prayer, which ought not to be done, and yet they still remain obstinate therein. And now behold it is known unto you, how many swelling waters have passed over our souls for his sake; for had it not been for the mercies of God which are without end, and the merit of our Forefathers which hath assisted us, the foot of Israel had been rased out by their enemies. And yet The Jews scruple to say the head of Israel. still you continue obstinate in things which do not help, but rather do mischief, which God avert. Turn you therefore, for this is not the true way, but restore the Crown to the ancient custom and use of your Forefathers, and the Law, and from thence do not move.
We command you, That with your Authority, under pain of Excommunication and other Penalties, all those Ordinances and Prayers, as well those delivered by the mouth of that man, as those which he injoyned by the mouth of others, be all abolished and made void, and to be found no more, and that they never enter more into your hearts; but judge according to the ancient Commandment of your Forefathers, repeating the same Lessons and Prayers [Page 216] every Sabbath as hath been accustomary; as also the Collects for Kings, Potentates, and Anointed, &c. and bless the King Sultan Mahomet; for in his dayes hath great Salvation been wrought for Israel, and become not Rebels to his Kingdom, which God forbid. For after all this which is past, the least motion will be a cause of jealousy, and you will bring ruine upon your own persons, and upon all which is near and dear to you; wheresore abstain from this man, and let not so much as his name proceed out of your mouths. For know, if you will not obey us herein, which will be known, who, and what those men are, who refuse to conform unto us, we are resolved to prosecute them, as our duty is. He that doth hear and obey us, may the blessing of God rest upon him. These are the words of those, who seek your peace and good, having in Constantinople, on Sunday the 5th of the Month Sevat, underwrote their names.
- Joam Tob, Son of Hanania Ben Jacar.
- Isaac Alnacagua
- Joseph Kazabi.
- Menasse Barudo.
- Kaleb Son of Samuel.
- Eliezer Casti.
- Eliezer Gherson.
- Joseph Accohen.
- Eliezer Aluff.
During the time of all these transactions and passages at Constantinople, Smyrna, Abydos upon the Hellespont, and Adrianople; the Jews leaving their mercantile course and advices what prices Commodities bore, and matters of Traffick, stuffed their Letters for Italy and other parts, with nothing but wonders and miracles wrought by their Messiah. As that, when the Grand Signior sent to take him, he caused all the Messengers immediately to die; upon which, other Janizaries being again sent, they all fell dead with a word only from his mouth; and being desired to revive them again, he immediately recalled them to life, but of them only such, who were true Turks, and not those who had denied that Faith in which they were born, and had professed. After this they added, that he went voluntarily to Prison, and though the Gates were barred, and shut with strong Locks of Iron, yet that Sabatai was seen to walk through the streets with a numerous attendance; and when they laid shackles on his Neck and Feet, they not only fell from him, but were converted into Gold, with which he gratified his true and faithful Believers and Disciples. Some Miracles also were reported of Nathan, that only at the reading of the name of any particular Man or Woman, he could immediately recount the story of his or her Life, their sins or defaults, and accordingly impose just correction and penance for them. These strong reports coming thus confidently into Italy, and all parts; the Jews of Casal di Monferrato, resolved to send three persons in behalf of their Society, in the nature of extraordinary Legates, to Smyrna, to make enquiry after the truth of all these rumours, who accordingly arriving in Smyrna, full of expectation and hopes, intending to present themselves with great humility and submission before their Messiah, and his Prophet Nathan, were entertained with the sad news, that Sabatai was turned Turk; by which information, the Character of their Embassy in a manner ceasing, every one of them laying aside the formality of his Function, endeavoured to lodge himself best to his own convenience. But that they might return to their Brethren at home with the certain particulars of the success of these affairs; they made a visit to the Brother of Sabatai, [Page 217] who still continued to perswade them, that Sabatai was notwithstanding the true Messiah; that it was not he who had taken upon him the habit and form of a Turk, but his Angel or Spirit, his Body being ascended into Heaven, until God shall again see the season and time to restore it; adding farther, that an effect hereof they should see by the Prophet Nathan verifyed, now every day expected, who having wrought Miracles in many places, would also for their consolation, reveal hidden secrets unto them, with which they should not only remain satisfied but astonished: with this only hope of Nathan, these Legates were a little comforted, resolving to attend his arrival, in regard they had a Letter to consign into his hands, and according to their instructions, were to demand of him the grounds he had for his Prophecies, and what assurance he had that he was divinely inspired, and how those things were revealed unto him, which he had committed to Paper, and dispersed to all parts of the World.
At length Nathan arrived near Smyrna, on Friday the 3 d of March, towards the Evening, and on Sunday these Legats made their visit to him, but Nathan upon the news of what success his Messiah met with, began to grow sullen and reserved, so that the Legats could scarce procure admittance to him; all that they could do, was to inform him, that they had a Letter to him from the Brotherhood of Italy, and Commission to confer with him concerning the ground and foundation of his Prophecies: but Nathan refused to take the Letter, ordering Kaim Abolafio, a Cocham of the City of Smyrna, to receive it; so that the Legats returned little contented, but yet with hopes at Nathans arrival at Smyrna, to receive better satisfaction.
But whilst Nathan intended to enter into Smyrna, the Cochams of Constantinople, being before advised of his resolution to take a Journey into their parts, not knowing by which way he might come, sent their Letters and Orders to Smyrna, Prussia, and every way round, to hinder his passage and interrupt his Journey, fearing that things beginning now to compose, the Turks appeased for the former disorders, and the minds of the Jews in some manner setled, might be moved, and combustions burst out afresh by the appearance of this new Impostor, and therefore dispatched this Letter as followeth.
TO you who are the Shepherds of Israel, and Rulers, who reside for the Great God of the whole World in the City of Smyrna, which is a Mother in Israel, to her Princes, her Priests, her Judges, and especially to the perfect wise men, and of greatest experience; may the Lord God cause you to live before him, and delight in the multitude of Peace, Amen. So be the will of the Lord.
These our Letters are dispatched unto you, to let you understand, that in the place of your Holiness, we have heard, that the learned man which was in Gaza, called Nathan Benjamin, hath published vain Doctrines, and made the World tremble at his words and inventions. At this time we have received advice, that this man some dayes since departed from Gaza, and took his Journey by the way of Scanderone, intending there to Embark for Smyrna, and thence to go to Constantinople, or Adrianople. And though it seems a strange thing unto us, that any man should have a desire to throw himself into a place of flames and fire, and into the sparks of Hell: Notwithstanding, we ought to fear and suspect it, for the feet of man always Arab. Prov. [Page 218] guide him to the worst. Wherefore, me underwritten, do advertise you, That this Man coming within the Compass of your Jurisdiction, you give a stop to his Journey, and not suffer him to proceed farther, but presently to return back. For we would have you know, That at his Coming he will begin again to move those tumults, which have been caused through Dreams of a new Kingdom, And that miracles are not wrought every day. God Arab. Prov. forbid, that by his Coming, the People of God should be destroyed in all places where they are, of which he will be the first, whose bloud be upon his own head; for in this Conjuncture every little errour or fault is made Capital; you may remember the danger of the first Combustion, and it is very probable, that he will be an occasion of greater, which the tongue is not able to express with words. And therefore, by virtue of ours, and your own Authority, you are to hinder him from proceeding farther in his journey, upon pain of all those Excommunications, which our Law can impose, and to force him to return back again, both he and his Company. But if he shall in any manner oppose you, and rebel against your word, your Endeavours and Law are sufficient to hinder him, for it will be well for him, and for all Israel.
For the love of God, let these words enter into your ears, since they are not vain things, for the lives of all the Jews, and his also consist therein. And the Lord God behold from Heaven, and have pity upon his people Israel. Amen. So be his holy will written by those who seek your Peace.
- Joam Tob Son of Chanania Jacar.
- Moisé Benveniste,
- Kaleb Son of Cocham,
- Isaac Alnacagua,
- Samuel deceased,
- Joseph Kizbi,
- Moisé Barudo,
- Samuel Acazsina,
- Elihezer Aluf.
- Jehousual Raphael Benveniste.
By these means Nathan being disappointed of his wandring progress, and partly ashamed of the Events contrary to his Prophecies, was resolved, without entring Smyrna, to depart thence; howsoever he obtained leave to visit the Sepulchre of his Mother, and there to receive pardon of his sins (according to the institution of Sabatai before mentioned;) but first washed himself in the Sea, in manner of purification, and said his Tevila, or Prayers, at the Fountain, called by us the Fountain of Santa Veneranda, which is near the Coemetery of the Jews, and then departed for Xio with two Companions, a Servant and three Turks to conduct him, without admitting the Legates to audience, or answering the Letter which was sent him from all the Communities of the Jews in Italy. And thus the Embassy of these Legates was concluded and they returned from the place from whence they came, and the Jews again to [...] Wits, following their Trade and Profession of Brokage, as formerly, with more quiet and advantage than the means of regaining their possessions in the Land of promise. And thus ended this mad phrensie amongst the Jews, which might have cost them dear, had not Sabatai renounced his Messiahship at the Feet of Mahomet. These matters were transacted in the Years 1665 and 1666; since which Sabatai hath passed his time devoutly in the Ottoman Court, educated at the Feet of the learned Gamaliel of the Turkish Law, ( viz.) Vanni Effendi, Preacher to the Seraglio, or as we may so term him, Chaplain to the Sultan, one so literate as to be esteemed the Grand Oracle of their Religion, [Page 219] so precise, and conceited of his own Sanctity as a Pharisee, and so superstitious, that nothing seemed more to unhallow his Worship than the touch or approach of a Christian. To this Master Sabatai was The course of life which Sabatai led after he turned Mahometan. a most docil Scholar, and profited, as we may imagine, beyond measure in the Turkish Doctrine; so that in exchange of such impressions Vanni thought it no disparagement, from so great a Rabbin as his new Disciple, to learn something of the Jewish Rites, and rectifie those crude Notions he had conceived of the Mosaical Law. In this manner Sabatai passed his days in the Turkish Court, as some time Moses did in that of the Egyptians; and, perhaps in imitation of him, cast his eyes often on the Afflictions of his Brethren, of whom, during his life, he continued to profess himself a Deliverer, but with that care and caution of giving scandal to the Turks, that he declared, Unless their Nation became like him, that is, renounce the Shadows, and imperfect Elements of the Mosaical Law, which will be compleated by adherence to the Mahometan, and such other Additions as his inspired Wisdom should suggest, he should never be able to prevail with God for them, or conduct them to the holy Land of their Forefathers. Hereupon many Jews flocked in, some as far as from Babylon, Jerusalem, and other remote places, and casting their Caps on the ground, in presence of the Grand Signior, voluntarily professed themselves Mahometans. Sabatai himself by these Proselytes gaining ground in the esteem of the Turks, had priviledge granted him to visit familiarly his Brethren, which he employed in Circumcising their Children the eighth Day, according to the Precept of Moses, preaching his new Doctrines, by which he hath confirmed many in their Faith of his being the Messiah, and startled all with expectation of what these strange ways of Enthusiasm may produce; but none durst publickly owne him, lest they should displease the Turks, and the Jews, and incurr the danger of Excommunication from one, and the Gallows from the other.
Howsoever in January [...] appeared another bold Impostor amongst the Jews in Smyrna from the Morea, as it was said, or not known from whence, who in despight of Sabatai, and his own Governours, pretended to be Messiah; but with so inconsiderable and petty a Deluder as this, the Jews thought to make quick work; but being ashamed at first to bring another Messiah on the Stage, by help of money they accused him of Adultery, and procured a Sentence from the Kadi, condemning him to the Gallies; in order unto which, and in proof of his good behaviour he remained some time in prison, in which Interim he found means to clear himself of that Crime by open evidence to the contrary, and had for the present escaped out of the power of the Synagogue, had not their Authority and money prevailed more than the Friends or Disciples of this Impostour; whom we will leave in prison, and Sabatai in the house of Pharaoh; where he continued until the Year 1676, and then died. And so we return to more important matters of the Turkish Affairs.
Since that we have so long insisted on the phrensie of the Jews, let us return to matters of greater Consequence, and more general concernment; and look back to Count Leslie the Emperours Ambassadour, who having departed from Constantinople the 11 th of December of the last Year, we find on the 10 th of March of this year on the Frontiers ready to make exchange with the Turkish Ambassadour. The Night [Page 220] before, Count Leslie was lodged at a Village called Elmas, where the Inhabitants, as in the most parts of upper Hungary, are Calvinists in Religion; and though they live between two Swords, do yet in time of The manner of exchange of the Emperours and Turks Ambassadours. War, by paying a Tribute to both Parties, and providing Forage for both, remain more secure than in the Villages subjected to either, which are often burnt, or in some other manner miserably destroyed. The next day the Emperours Ambassadour, conducted by the Pasha of Quinque Ecclesiae, with about three hundred Horse, arrived at the place for many years observed for Exchange of Ambassadors, which is about an hour and halfs Journey, or five miles (as we may so say) distant from this Village, where in open Fields upon the Brink of the Danube, are set three Posts; the two Ambassadours meeting at that in the middle, after some Complements, take their leaves each of other, and so exchange. The German Ambassadour that day arrived near his Post about seven a Clock in the morning, but the Turkish, not being as yet come from Komara, he could not proceed farther. After some expectation here, advice came, That the Turkish Ambassadour was resolved not to depart from Komara, until he was satisfied for the allowance of eighteen days, at a hundred Dollars for every day, which he had spent at his entrance into Christendom, between the Frontiers and the City of Vienna. But to this was replied, That it had never been the custom to allow the Turkish Ambassador mony for his daily provisions, until he entred the Emperors Court; and in the mean time the expences and charge of his journey were to be defrayed by the Imperial Officers, who had performed the same in a most ample and plentiful manner: But the Turk was resolved not to be so satisfied, and therefore declared he would not depart without full payment; hoping the more easily to prevail, in regard the German Ambassadour was already in the Field, exposed to the cold and sharp weather, without provisions either for himself, Attendance, or Horses, whilst the Turk remained warm in his Boat, accommodated with his Stove, and wrapt in his Furrs, so that he hoped there might be a necessity of granting what he reserved for the rear-guard of his pretensions. The matter seemed unreasonable to the German Ambassadour, as also to the Turks that attended him, who being in the open and cold Air, judged it an unseemly time to capitulate. But in fine, the German gave him this Answer, That an Ambassador ought to be contented with that hospitality and entertainment which was accustomary, as he himself had done; for that since his departure from Buda, which was then seven days, he had not received one Asper of allowance, resting satisfied with the Pasha's word, that from Buda homewards it was not accustomary to receive a farther treatment; so that if he insisted on the first he was to be allowed the latter, since both Ambassadours are to be used with terms of equality; and therefore to find an expedient to give him satisfaction, he was contented to resign his seven days allowance from the Grand Signior; and if any thing farther was really owing he would engage his parole of honour for the payment. And farther he added, That none but a corrupt Minister would make his private Interest to stand in Competition with a publick Design, and make the pretence of a few Dollars an interruption and impediment to the progress of the great Affairs of the two Empires, professing that he would have quitted all his right, rather than the least concernment of his Master should have received a prejudice, on confidence of whose gracious [Page 221] favour he depended for reparation of whatsoever he suffered for his service. He thanked God that he had happily managed his Embassy to the satisfaction of the Grand Signior, and the approbation of his Master, and was now ready to perform the last office and ceremony, in which if he did [...], or was impeded, the fault was not his, being ready to return to Buda, so the other in like manner did to Vienna, there to remain until this difference was decided by their Masters. The Turkish Ambassador's Kahya or Steward who was present, and heard all this discourse, seeming not pleased to hear of a return to Vienna, immediately replied, That he conceived his Master would not remove from Komara; to which it was answered, That a man who so little understood the office of an Ambassadour, as it appeared his Master did, was to be treated with some other kind of stile than was agreeable to the respect due to a publick Minister, and should therefore be forced to it in case he should refuse. The Turkish Ambassadour having his stomach something taken down with the threats of returning to Vienna, that afternoon loosed from Komara, and between three and four a clock arrived at the place of Exchange; but the wind blowing hard, had put some of his Boats ashore, which were most laden, and fewest men to govern them, which asforded him occasion of farther delay, pretending that his Goods might be arrested at Komara, and until he was satisfied to the contrary, he was resolved not to make the Exchange. The German Ambassadour was more moved with choler at this humor than at the former; and the Turks that attended, growing more hungry and more cold, bestowed on him a million of curses. The Sun now declining towards its setting, Count Leslie sent word to the Turk, That he was resolved not longer to abuse his own patience, but immediately to proceed forward, giving order to his Coach to drive on, protesting, That if any mischief was derived from this irregular proceeding, the fault was not his, nor would he answer for any of those fatal consequences which might ensue; to which also being added some perswasions of the Pasha of Quin (que) [...], the Turk at length came out from his Boat and went to his Post. The Turks were drawn up on their own Quarter to the number of about three hundred, and the Hungarian Hussars or Horse-men on the other to about two hundred; the two Ambassadours making a stand at their respective Poles, proceeded with equal paces to meet in the middle, where some few Complements having passed between them and Salutes interchangeably sent to the chief Ministers of each Empire, the German Ambassadour entred his Coach, and the Turk his Boat, and so both returned to their respective Courts. Such as was the sordid and interessed humor of the Turkish Ambassadour in this transaction, so no less dishonourable was his way of living at Vienna, where he sojourned with that miserable famine and penury in his house, as discontented all his family, causing some to leave him and return home; others with better motives (as it is hoped) to the number of thirty became Christians, and imbraced the Faith: at the same rate he was generous in his Presents; for to the Master of the House where he lodged he gave two five-Senars or eighteen Pence English, and to the Commissary who conducted him to the Frontiers he presented a Bag of Rice, which was not accepted, but returned with the like complement, as that with which it was tendered.
But no sooner was this Peace concluded, and the Ceremonies thereof The Turks meditate a new War. thus happily finished, but the Turks, attentive to another War, which [Page 222] is the life of their Empire, and their only security against intestine Discords, made all the Preparations and Provisions this Year, that were possible, for the total subjection of Candia, of which this Vizier was highly ambitious, designing thereby to gain unto himself that renown of which his Predccessours had been in pursuit for the space of twenty five years; so that all Ammunition, Victuals, and whatsoever was necessary was in great quantities supplied from all the circumjacent parts of the Empire.
The City of Candia was some time before governed by the Proveditor Priuli; but afterwards the Venetians, apprehensive of the succeeding War, conferred the Charge on Marquess Villa, a worthy and experienced Souldier, with Title of General of the Venetian Infantry, as we have before intimated; and having left him and his Forces in the month of December last, on the Island of Paros; where having, as is said, mustered his Forces, he imbarked them on sixteen Gallies, five Galleasses, and thirty five Men of War; with which sailing in company from AntiParos, the whole Fleet on the 12 th of February made their Rendezvous at Argentiera; during which time the Turks landed eighteen hundred Janisaries at Canea, being transported thither on thirty five Gallies, which having incountred with the Cavalier Hoquincourt in the Chanel of Scio, received some damage and loss of men in their way, though this Cavalier himself was wounded in the Engagement, and forty of his men slain. The Venetain Fleet departing from Argentiera on the 23 th of February came in sight of Candia, when a very great storm arising with Thunder and Lightning, put the whole Fleet in danger of shipwrack; but by Gods Providence, though tossed with contrary winds, they arrived on 26 th in safety in the Port of Suda, being directed thither in a dark night, by those Lights which the Fortress had put abroad, though the Turks on the other side had put out false Fires to deceive them. The Army being landed at this place, and a Muster made of the Forces, Pay was given to the Souldiery; with which being become the more couragious, they marched towards Canea, with hopes to perform some memorable Enterprise at that place. The Lieutenant-General Vuersmiller led the An Engagement near Canea. Van consisting of six hundred Foot, and an hundred and eighty Horse, and advancing beyond those bounds which Marquess Villa had prescribed him, was incountred by a more numerous Force from the Garrison, by which being at first put into some disorder, had been intirely defeated, had not the Marquess opportunely arrived to his Succour: howsoever the Venetians lost in this Skirmish three hundred Souldiers, forty Horse, and twelve Officers, amongst which the Marquess Ceva was slain upon the place, and Captain Scot a Scotch-man taken Prisoner, whom the English Factory redeemed at Smyrna; of the Turks seven hundred were computed to have been killed, with the Aga of the Janisaries, a stout and a well experienced Souldier. And as this beginning was not very auspicious to the Christians, so neither did the Heavens seem much to favour them; for an unusual rain with few fair days continued almost for the space of three months, which filled all Rivers, Marshes, and Ditches with so strange an inundation, that the Army beginning to want Forage for the Horses, and all other Provisions for their Men; and the Garrison of Canea being reinforced from Retimo, Chiramo, Armiro, and other places, discouraged the Commanders in that manner, that they thought it more convenient to retire and incamp in the pleasant and fruitful Vallies of Spina Longa, until better weather, and other Recruits of their Army [Page 223] should open a way either to make another Attempt on Canea or new Candia. But Fortune did not favour these designs; for the CaptainGeneral Androa Cornaro arriving with his Fleet, part at Candia, and part at Standia, (which is an Island or Rock about two Leagues distant from this City) a new resolution was taken to remain on the defensive part, and to attend wholly to the guard of the City: for as in the natural body, when it is assaulted by acute and hot humors, the spirits retire to the heart to confort and secure that from the violence of the distemper; so the Venetians perceiving that their Enemies daily grew more numerous, resolved to contract their Force into one Body for defence of that City, which was the heart or the most principal instrument of life in that Island: wherefore Recruits both of Men, Ammunition, and Provisions were daily sent thither; and the Captain of the Gulf arriving at [...] with eleven Gallies and one Galleass, carrying fifteen hundred Souldiers, with three hundred Pioniers, joyned his Forces to the Body of the Fleet; and all imbarking in divers Squadrons, made haste to land their men in the City of Candia with all possible expedition.
The Marquess Villa landed here the first of March, being conducted Marquess Villa lands at the City of Candia. from the Mole by the Proveditor to the Palace, which was provided for him; where having been complemented, and having received and returned the usual Visits, he in the first place took care to quarter the Horse, and the new Forces lately arrived with due convenience; next he visited the Garrison and every Fort in particular, where he amended what was amiss, and added what was defective. The Captain-General by this time arriving with the remainder of the Militia, a general Multer was made in the Trenches of the Fort Panigra; of which the Turks having advice, fell unexpectedly upon them with a strong Body; the Christians being surprised hereat, and Versama a valiant Colonel being [...], they began shamefully to run, nor could either the Bravery of the Marquess, or his Authority stop their flight; howsoever the Musket-shot and great Guns from the Walls were so plentifully bestowed on the Turks, that few of those who were over-forward in the pursuit, returned to their Companions.
On the 12 th of April a Fleet of Gallies arrived with new Recruits, with which the Christians being reinforced, [...] Villa resolved to take the Field; so that marching out of the City by night with seven thousand Foot and six hundred and fifty Horse, he incamped between The [...] incamp. that and the Valley of the River Gioffiro, drawing his Trenches just opposite to the Enemies Camp; in the mean time two Squadrons of Ships were sent abroad, one towards the Crociere, and the other towards the Coast of Canea, to intercept and hinder such Succours as might be sent to the Enemies Camp. Nor were the Turks less vigilant or valiant on The Turks assault them. their side; for a Party of about two thousand men sallying from their Trenches, and marching secretly under the covert of a Mountain, unexpectedly assailed the Out-guards of about fifty Foot belonging to the Regiment of Frischein, commanded by Captain Rades; which after a stout resistance retreated into another Body of fifty Musquetiers, and twenty five Arquibusiers of the Regiment Arborio; who also being assisted by other detachments, recovered their first Post; but being afterwards overpowered by great numbers of Turks, were forced to quit the place; which Marquess Villa observing, ordered fifty Horse under Lieutenant-Colonel Mattiazzi, and seventy Foot under Blane Sergean: [Page 224] Major of the Regiment Arborio to their assistance, by whom the Post was again recovered with great slaughter of the Enemy: but this advantage was of little other benefit than to inflame the spirits of the Turks, who rallying again their Force with fresh courage and extraordinary valour came to handy-blows with the Venetians, forcing them to another Retreat with the death of Lieutenant Cerusa a Savoyard, and some common Souldiers; but the Turks injoyed not long this advantage; for the Musquetiers from the Line with some small Guns, and the gross Artillery from the Walls did much execution on them; and at the same time being charged by a Party of Horse under Command of Colonel Rades, the Venetians with glory and incouragement recovered their Post, driving the Turks in disorder and confusion to their Trenches. This success of the Christians served to heat the spirits of the Turks, and animate them to another Engagement: for having by private ways of The Turks make another assault. hidden Vallies conducted their Men, about four hours before night made another Assault upon the Venetians, I will not say surprised them; because remaining always in apprehension of the Enemy, they kept themselves so watchfully on their Guard, that in a moment they were ready to receive them; and that so warmly, not firing until they came within the length of two Pikes, that in a moment the field was covered with the bodies of Horse and Men; the Turks startled hereat, not knowing whether it were better to stand to it or fly, until incouraged by their Leaders, they kept their ground for a time: but being galled by the continual Vollies of shot, and charged by a Body of Horse led by Count Sforza Bissaro and Captain Casich; they were so shaken, that they turned their backs, and began to run, until falling in with the gross Body of their Party, they made head again; and mixing both Horse and Foot with the Venetians, they forced them to retreat to the side of their Trenches; and so closely plyed them, that the fresh Troops of the Turks on the right and left wing had cut them off, had not the Count Corradini by order of Count Sforza with a Regiment of Curassiers, and likewise Colonel Scoppa with his Lieutenant-Colonel Tadeo Motta, with a good number of Archibusiers, assisted by a Squadron of the Regiment of Count Bassaro, sallied from the Line, and being succoured on all sides, forced the Turks at length to sound a Retreat. The night coming on disswaded any [...] of the Enemy, lest unknown ways and darkness should betray their men into ambushes or other snares. The Turks lost a thousand men with divers Commanders of Quality and Note: of the Venetians were killed Lieutenant Cerusa, Gio. Tessari Captain to La Motte, eleven Horse, and some few Foot: Motte, Corradini, Soupe, Count Corbelli, and some others were wounded.
About this time advice being come to the Captain-General, That the Turks were dispeeding fifty Gallies laden with Men and Ammunition, he resolved to incounter them at Sea with four Galleasses and twenty Gallies, reinforcing his Fleet with twelve hundred men, which he took from the Camp; which being thereby considerably diminished, as also by the late Engagements; yet Marquess Villa kept his ground, but contracted the compass of his Trenches, and raised a Fort in sight of the Enemy, who had not the courage to give him the least interruption; but rather after this example fortified their own Trenches, shutting all Avenues or passages to Renegadoes, whom they suspected might fly, and give advice to the Christians: howsoever some of them escaped to the Venetian [Page 225] Camp, declaring that the Cannon from the Town did much incommode the Turks in their Trenches; upon which Intelligence Marquess Villa ordered forty eight shot to be made at that place, where they were most offended, which put the Turks into great consternation: after which no considerable Engagements happened, besides some few Skirmishes and Rencounters of no memorable note, in which one Antiquario a Quarter-master, Count Pio Ferretti, and others signalized themselves by particular Acts of Valour, as also Captain Vimes who killed Mehmet Bey, a Turk of great esteem, with his own hand.
But now the Turks receiving daily Recruits, as of eight hundred Janisaries, and six hundred Spahees landed at Gira-petra, and seventeen hundred more disbarked at Chissamo; and advices daily coming of great numbers of Galeots and Brigantines providing in the Gulf of Lepanto, and of eighteen Ships of Barbary, all ready to transport Souldiers to Candia, The Venetian Camp raised. moved the Captain-General to perswade the removal of the Camp for better security of the most important places: the which Marquess Villa performed accordingly in the night preceding the first of June, with much order and care; for first he caused the Artillery to be withdrawn, with the Mortar-pieces, Ammunition, and Provisions of War, and placed in the Fort of Mocenigo; then he caused half the Army to work in filling the Trenches, whilst the other half remained in form of Battle, and two hours before day blew up the Fort; which having done, they marched in three Bodies to the City, to the great joy and satisfaction of the Turks, who on that occasion made a day of Festival.
These particulars of Action having passed under the Conduct of Marquess Villa without any signal Victory or advantage over the Turk, administred subject to such who in the parts of Christendom were emulous of his glory, and envious of his eminent charge, to give liberty to their tongues to disparage the management of his Affairs, as not agreeable to that high expectation of success which the World conceived thereof, when he first entred on this imployment: But here it is observable at what rate men who lye soft and warm in their beds at home, unconcerned in the dangers, labours, and hazards of those who live and act abroad, can make their reflexions, and pass their censures on active and ingaged men, not considering the state of affairs, the uncertainty of Succours in so long and distant a tract of Sea as passes between Venice and Candia, subjected to winds and a thousand casualties; nor yet the numerous Troops of the Enemy, nor the Puissance of that Empire, which for its Power, Richess, and the Valour of its Souldiery may be esteemed the most Potent and considerable of all the Monarchies and known Kingdoms of the Universe. But what conjectures soever envious men might make of the Conduct of Marquess Villa, yet the Senate of Venice applauded his labours, and owned his services, as being such, which having merited the admiration and esteem of all the World, did in a particulae manner challenge their thankfulness and acknowledgments. About this time the Gallies of Malta arrived at Candia, where some dispute arising touching the place of precedence in the Fleet, which the Venetians denied to them: they departed thence with some dissatisfaction, and returned to the Westward to transport the young Empress out of Spain into Italy.
And now Intelligence coming to Candia by divers Letters, that the Great Vizier was departed from Adrianople with a numerous Army, and [Page 226] was already arrived at Thebes, where a general Rendezvous was appointed of the whole Army, with resolution to be transported from Malvoisia to that Island; the Venetian Generals and Commanders in chief concluded The Great Vizier arrives at Thebes. it necessary, if possible, to hinder their passage, and rather to fight them at Sea, which was their more propitious Element, than to attend their landing, where they would be forced to dispute with unequal numbers and on disadvantageous terms. Accordingly the Captain-General reinforced his Fleet with two thousand Foot, and a thousand Horse under the Command of Count Licinio Martinoni, appointing the Rendezvous to be at Argentiera, to which place also Marquess Villa repaired, touching by the way at Milo for refreshment of his Horse, it being an Island abounding with herbage; the Captain-General being for some days detained at Standia by contrary winds, a Consultation was held for the more advantageous management of the War; after which the whole Fleet making sail was on August the 9 th scattered by a furious storm, and not being able to recover Santoxini, they by good fortune fetched Stampalia, an Island abounding with generous Wines, excellent Fruit, Partridges, and other Provisions; at length after various fortunes arriving at Andra, which is a great and populous Island, another Council of War was held, where it was again concluded, That all care was to be taken to intercept the Succours which the Enemy daily sent to Candia; to which end the Cavalier Grimani, Captain of the Galleons, was ordered to cruise about the Coast; and hearing that twelve Turkish Ships were Twelve Turkish Vessels taken. lading Provisions in the Gulf of Volo, he repaired thither, and had the good fortune to take them with all their lading; but the other Squadrons missed of the like success; for notwithstanding the care and vigilance which was used, all matters seemed to succeed prosperous for the Turks, and adverse to the Christians; the designs of the first having an issue agreeable to their intentions, whilst those of the latter were always disappointed either by Nature or by Fortune, or rather by that secret hand of Providence, which had allotted that Island for a Prize to the Ottoman Arms.
By this time the Turkish Army being at their Rendezvous at Thebes, the Great Vizier prepared to imbark; and considering the difficulty of the passage, thought it prudent first to make new Propositions to Signior Ballarino before he entred on this hazardous attempt, supposing perhaps, that the rumour of this March might have affrighted the Venetians to a Surrender of that Kingdom, that they might spare the blood and charge of that War which afterwards ensued: wherefore Ballarino being called from his house at Constantinople, began his Journey towards Thebes on the 25 th of August, accompanied by a Capugibashee and three Janisaries; and in twenty three days arriving at Thessalonica, now called Salonica, he fell sick of a violent Feaver, caused by that agitation of body in his Travels to which he was unaccustomed, and for want of that sleep which he used to take after his slender dinner, passing the rest of the day and night in continual watchings: at first he felt only some little alterations, which he hoping might pass over, resolved to proceed on his Journey notwithstanding the perswasions to the contrary of Signior Patavino his Secretary, with whom I was well acquainted, and ever esteemed for an honest and a worthy Person: but he continued resolute to proceed, fearing left his delays by the way should lose him the opportunity of that moment of Treaty, which was impossible afterwards to be retrieved; [Page 227] for in his Journey he would often reason in this manner: If I should stop here, what censure would the World pass on me? I may possibly excuse my self; but in the mean time the Vizier may ingage too far in his design, and frustrate all those methods and foundations which I have laid towards a Peace: and then if I live, I shall be over-burdened with the reproaches of the World, for having abandoned the grand incumbence in its ultimate necessity, which is charged upon me, which will be a more sensible affliction than the agony of death. My sickness will be esteemed by many to be rather dissembled than real. The dead man lives in the memory of his faithfulness and constancy, and the living man dyes in the indelible characters of his cowardise and misfortune. These were his own words. And thus travelling forward his Feaver daily increased to that excess, that on the sixth day he was forced to stop at a City called Isdino, where having instructed Signior Patavino in what manner he ought to manage affairs, and recommending his services and children to the favour and protection of the Senate, he passed to the other World, being honoured by a solemn Funeral at the publick Expence, and interred in the Church of St. Mark, his Son Domenico Ballarino succeeding into the Office and Inheritance of his Father. The Senate understanding by advices from Signior Padavino, That the Vizier desired another Envoyé qualified with the Character of a publick Minister to reside with him in Candia, dispatched the Secretary Girolamo Giavarina, a Person of good abilities, to that place. And at the same time the Captain-General Andrea Cornaro pressing the Senate for licence to return to his own Country; his request was granted, and Francesco Morosini was appointed to succeed him in that important Charge, and was accompanied at a time of so great emergency with powerful Convoys, and with Recruits of Men, Provisions, and Ammunition sitting to carry on so pressing a War.
On the month of October the Great Vizier in person imbarking himself The Vizier passes over into Candia. and Army at Malvoisia with many Pasha's, and men expert and active in the War passed over to the Isle of Candia, resolving by strength and dint of Sword to force that strong City to obedience, the main Bulwark of Christendom, situated at the entrance of the Archipelago; of the success of which famous Siege we shall have occasion to discourse more at large and more particularly hereafter; in order unto which the Great Vizier on the last day of this Year, went in Person to take a view of this City, and having surveyed all sides of it, apprehended that the Siege would be long and tedious; and therefore returned again to Canea to take those measures which were requisite for an Enterprise of that weight and consideration.
In the mean time the Princes of Christendom being for the most part either in that discord amongst themselves, of which the Turks have always made their advantage; or else living in parts remote, did not consider Candia as a Bulwark to their Dominions, and therefore rendred little other assistance to the Venetians than good words, and vain wishes for their success and Victory. The Popes Forces only under Command of Muzeo Mattei which were in Dalmatia, were transported to Candia, and five hundred Foot belonging to the Grand Duke of Toscany, came into their places for defence of that Country. The most Christian King in return to the Embassy of Venice performed by the Cavalier Alvise Sagredo, remitted to that Republick an hundred thousand Crowns, and [Page 228] Cardinal Barberini at his expence supplied four thousand Measures of 1667 Corn. But the present Conjuncture did not seem to smile on the Venetians, for all the Gallies belonging to Spain and Italy, as well as, those of Malta, were employed in the transportation of the new Empress Margerita of Austria. The Pope was infirm, and distracted with his own domestick Affairs. The Emperour was a young Bridegroom, and besides the Diversion which a Wife gave him from Cares, he apprehended that he might speedily receive some disturbance from the Princes of the Rhine, and from Sweden in the Dukedom of Bremen. The King of Spain was a Child of five years old, labouring at the same time under a war with Portugal, and threatned by the more powerful Arms of France, on the pretence of Flanders. Besides all which, the Turks were as well in quietness amongst themselves, as they were at peace with all other Princes; so that we may expect that the force and power of the Ottoman Empire should now be turned, like a Torrent, to overwhelm this spot of land, which seemed to be so scituated, as well to resist the Waves of the Seas, as the inundation of this mighty and Martial People.
Anno Christi 1667. Hegeira 1078.
AT the Beginning of this year the Winter and Cold which chilled and benumbed the Earth, encreased the heat, and gave vigour and action to the Tartars, who made such an unexpected incursion into Poland, that they carried with them near a hundred thousand captived Souls, as they were numbred before Jash, in their return home. The Polanders, awakened hereat, but ill advised, resolved on a Treaty where there was more just cause for an open War, and in order thereunto dispeeded an Ambassadour to the Sultan, to expostulate the reason of this Breach of Peace, and require justice and satisfaction on those his Subjects, who had, contrary to the Articles of Peace, committed such actions, and outrages of open hostility; or at least, that the Turk would not take upon him to abett the cause of the Tartars, whilst the Polanders took just revenge for their late injuries. The Ambassadour with this message put himself in a readiness, and with a retinue of about two hundred and fifty persons, begun his journey towards the end of April, and on the second of May crossed the River Niestro, which divides Poland from Moldavia, where he was received by two of the Boiars, or Moldavian Noblemen, and thence conducted to Jash, where the Prince of that Country resided. The Ambassadour expected the Visit of the Prince, according to Custom and Articles of Peace; but the Prince being either forbidden by the Port, or rather out of an ignorant stiffness and pride, omitted to pass the Civilities of that Office, but yet supplied the Ambassadour with plenty of Wine and Provisions; which the Polanders enjoying freely, dispensed perhaps more easily with other neglects and omissions which concerned formalities and ceremonies.
The ninth of June the Ambassadour arrived at Adrianople, and thence was called to Demitochum, a City about a days Journey distant, where the Grand Signior, for the sake of his hunting and divertisement, remained under Tents, as the most convenient lodging in that Season of the year; By the number of Costans is to be esteemed the honour the Turks bear to one Prince above the other. the 25 th the Ambassadour had his first Audience with the Chimacam, at which thirty five of his Retinue were vested with Coftans, nothing passing but the usual Ceremonies and Complements. The 28 th he had [Page 229] Audience of the Grand Signior; but first made tender of his Presents as followeth.
- A Crystal Cup in a Case of Gold, adorned with Rubies and Diamonds.
- 2 Baskets rarely woven with a very fine Rush.
- A Clock.
- A Cabinet of Ebony supported with four Eagles made of Silver, in which also was a Clock with a perspective Looking-Glass.
- 2 Silver Cups of considerable bigness.
- 2 Silver Flaggons.
- A Gun which discharged twenty times.
- 2 Spotted Dogs.
- 4 Mastiffs.
- 100 Ells of Holland.
These Presents preceding, made way for the Ambassadours Audience, at which he declared, That the Commission from his Master the King of The Polish Ambassadours Audience. Poland, was to make Complaints unto his Majesty of the grand Incursions the Tartars had made into Poland without any reason or cause of War; and that therefore his Master did expect from him, as from a just and vertuous Prince, a permission for revenge, and satisfaction of his injuries, to enter Tartary, without assuming it as any ground of Breach or Infringement of that Peace which he held with him; or else that he would by his authority enjoin the Tartars to restore their Captives, and their spoils, and render them a reasonable satisfaction. The Grand Signior returned no reply hereunto, but referred that to be done by his Chimacam, silence being esteemed some part of his Majesty and State, which he seldom breaks but with few and haughty words.
This Ambassadour was a man of a bold and daring Spirit, a fit Orator for such an Embassy, had not his immoderate Covetousness, the vice and folly commonly incident to Old Age, much eclipsed many of those Vertues of which he was Master. He was also a Man of a violent temper, feavered to a madness in the height of his Choler, which strangely betrayed him to many undecencies in his Language and Comportment. For at his Audience with the Chimacam, when he came to receive the Grand Signior's Answer, his words were vented with that heat, and so like to menaces, that the Turks taking exception thereat, returned his course Speeches with the like Dialect, at which the Ambassadour swelled with that indignation and anger, as became not the Moderation and Gravity of his Office; adding in Conclusion, That he was an aged man, full of years and corporal infirmities, that nothing could arrive more happy to him than a death in which he should triumph to suffer for the benefit and glory of his Country. This excess and intemperance of Language moved the Turks to set a guard upon him, and confine him to his own house in the nature of a Prisoner; which violation of his Sacred Office, so worked upon his Spirits, that he often vented some part of his fury in words and blows on the Officers of his Guard; for which rude behaviour having received some reproofs from the Chimacam, his passion not knowing which way to ease it self, feavered him into a desperate sickness, of which in a few days, phrensical and distracted, he departed The Death of the Polish Ambassadour. this life.
The Secretary of the Embassy, being the next in Office, took upon him the Function and Charge of the Ambassadour, and having now nothing [Page 230] to act, but to receive the Answer to the Message of his Master, for which a day being appointed, he was presented with a Horse and Furniture by the Chimacam, of whom having audience, he received no other satisfaction to the complaints against the Tartars than these following, which were related to me by the Secretary of the Embassy, who did me the honour to make me a Visit, when I was on my recovery from a dangerous Sickness, at Constantinople.
First, That no compensation or pretence be ever hereafter demanded for the late incursions made by the Tartars into Poland.
Secondly, That the Polanders make not War upon the Cossacks, who had lately renounced their subjection, and were sled for protection to the Ottoman power.
Thirdly, That the Poles immediately make war upon the Moscovite.
Fourthly, That the Turk Merchants have free trade into Poland, and that the Turkish Merchants receive satisfaction for what injuries and losses they lately suffered.
With these propositions and conditions of Peace, the Secretary was dispatched, which did not so well please the Poles as to return thanks for them or a Messenger with Advice of their Acceptance or Ratification; and though they could not but be sensible of the scorn and yoke the Turks would impose upon them, yet having still remaining amongst them certain Reliques of their former dissentions and diversity about election of a Successour to their King, and there being a certain spirit of Luxury, Pride, and Sedition which was crept in amongst the Nobility, they considered not the advantage of the present time, but willingly preferred a present ease, and enjoyment of their Feasts and Banquets, before the hazards and uncertainties of benefit, which they might receive by the doubtful lot and fortune of War; and though never any Season appeared more opportune and advantageous to the Pole than this, when the flower of the Turkish youth and Force was employed in Candia, and all places, in part, dismantled of their usual strength and complement of Souldiers to defend their Frontiers; yet they seemed resolved to pass by the former incursions, and spoils, and robberies made on their people, so the Turk would but stop here, and permit them, without farther provocation, to enjoy their quiet, and debauched way of living: Only some of the Borderers on the Turks, who had deeply suffered by the late incursions, moved with the loss of their Estates, and the Captivitic of their nearest Relations, joined with a considerable number of the Moscovites, entered Tartary in the Months of October and November, and burned about three hundred Villages, carrying away Captives, and other prey, from under the very Walls of Coffá.
At this time also the Pasha of Balsora began new rumours and an unseasonable Rebellion, who being reported to have an Army of Horse and Foot consisting of forty thousand men, gave no small disturbance and apprehension The Revolt of the Pasha of Balsora. to the Turks; who with their difficulties of War in Candia, and the jealousies of a storm from Poland, remained with some doubts and hesitancy about the way of their proceedings. At length Orders were dispatched to the Pashaws of Erzirum, Aleppo, Damascus, and Darbiquter to unite against the Rebel, to divest him of his Government and to send his forfeited head to his Master. These Pashaws accordingly joining their Forces, defeated the Rebel; and as all Conspiracies of open Rebellion distant from the Court, have had but ill success in these [Page 231] Countries against the true Prince, so this Pasha was routed, and being forsaken by his Servants, fled with a few horse to the protection of the King of Persia. The principal Cause which moved the Pasha of Balsora (as I was informed from the mouth of the Pasha of Damascus) to this Rebellion, was the Confidence he had in his own strength, and the fidelity of his people, to whom of ancient right, that Government was of hereditary Succession, descended to him by his Ancestors for many Generations: by which means he challenged such absolute interest in his Principality; that for many years he refused to acknowledge the Grand Signior by any other tokens of homage, than in the bare name of his Protector, and in making publick prayers for his prosperity and victories. But at length the [...] Signior coming to impose farther on him, stirred his hot desires [...] Rebellion, and to an open defiance.
About the beginning of this year the Captain-General Cornaro, with the Proveditor of the Armata Francesco Barbaro returned to Venice, bringing with them one Ramadam a Sangiac of Egypt, and other Slaves taken by the Captains Grimani and Molino. The manner was this: Ramadam, with three and twenty Ships, laden with Men and Ammunition, endeavoured to enter into Canea, but being charged by the Venetians, and overcome, set fire to their Ship, and leaping into the Schiff to save their lives were taken by the Boat of Molino; and though fourteen Gallies came out of Canea to their assistance, yet they could not hinder the taking of five of their Ships, besides several others which were put ashore and strand by four Maltese Corsairs, who entered into the fight, being called at a distance by the sound of the Cannon. About that time also a Turkish Gally was surrendred by the industry and ingenuity of the slaves, who having secretly boared some holes in the bottom of the Gally, and plugged them up afterwards, so as that they might let in the water, or stop it when they pleased; it happened that the Gally being near the Rock, which is called Polycandro; they secretly drew out the plug, whereby so great a Flood of Water on a sudden came in, that the Gally being ready to sink, the Turks affrighted forsook the Gally to save themselves on the Rock, leaving the Slaves in the Gally to shift as well as they could. The Slaves being thus free'd of their Masters the Turks, plugged up the holes again, and clearing the Gally of water rowed away, and delivered themselves into the hands of the Venetians; upon which advice, the Captain General dispatched the Captain of the Gulf Lorenzo Cornaro with two Gallies to that Rock, where they became masters of all the Turks except two, who threw themselves into the Sea, preferring death before slavery.
In the mean time the Duke of Savoy recalled Marquess Villa, who was his Subject, from Candia; the reasons for which was attributed to an appearance of Breach with Geneva, the Switzers and the Valtelines, who were his Subjects, or rather to the ill Offices of those who envied his preferment, being desirous to have him recalled from a place of so much honour and reputation. In obedience to this revocation Marquess Villa taking his leave of General Cornaro, returned from Candia as far as Zant; where meeting the new Captain General Francesco Morosini, and being by him assured, That the Pope, and Senate of Venice representing the difficulty of Affairs in Candia, and the present urgency and necessity for his presence there, had obtained Licence from the Duke of Savoy for his continuance in that employment; upon which assurance, Marquess Villa [Page 232] took a resolution to return again to Candia, being accompanied with a strong Squadron of Vessels carrying considerable quantities both of Ammunition and Provisions.
The History of the famous Siege of Candia.
On the 27 th of April the Forces from Egypt under the Command of Messir Bey appeared in the field, and on the 5 th of May N. S. the General of the Janifaries incamped on the right side of New Candia, that he might better view and survey the ground near the Lazaretto.
At the beginning of the New Moon of this Year's May, being the [...] day of the month, publick Prayers [...] first made through the 1667 most principal places of the Empire for the success of the Ottoman Arms, and so solemnly continued every Monday and Thursday for the space of a year; the Great Vizier first appeared before the renowned Fortress of Candia, and began the memorable Siege of that City, which for the space of twenty five years preceding had been the subject to which the special care and expence of Venice, and the Art of the most subtle Engineers of the World, as far as humanely was possible, did concur to render it the most impregnable Fortress of the Universe.
The Town was fortified with seven great Bastions, viz. the Sabionera, Vetturi, Jesus, Martinengo, Betlem, Panigra, and St. Andrea; these were all incompassed with a large and deep Ditch, of which were the Revelin of St. Spirito, the Revelin of Panigra flanked to the right with the Half-moon of Mocenigo: next hereunto was the Revelin of Betlem bordering on the Work of St. Maries, which to the left had the Revelin of St. Nicholas, and this adjoyned to the Fortification of de Palma, next whereunto was the Revelin of Priuli, with the Redoubt of Crepa-cuore; and over all was the Royal Fort of St. Demetrio, which commanded the Work of Molino and Sabionera unto the very Sea.
Marquess Villa at his last return was chiefly intent to strengthen the Fortifications, and repair the Out-works, especially that of St. Andrea which was almost ruined, and the old subterranean Traverses were so full of water, and the old Galleries so high, that the Enemy could easily pass under them, all which he repaired and amended in a short time. In confidence of gaining this strong Fortress, the Turks demolished New Candia, situate about two miles from the Old, which the Vizier now pointed out to them as a better Seat, and incouraged them to win and inhabit it; so that [...] th of May the Turks incamped over against St. Maries along the Valley of Gioffiro with the sound of their Drums and Trumpets, and firing great Guns and Vollies of Muskets. Their Forces at first consisted of about forty thousand fighting Men, and eight thousand Pioniers, but soon afterwards increased to seventy thousand, and so for the most part were maintained during the Siege.
The first Traverses began from the side of St. Maries, and were carried to the Sea, the Great Vizier took his Quarters over against Panigra, the Janisar-Aga against Martinengo, and other Pasha's between that and The disposition of the Turks Camp. Betlem. On the other side the Pasha of Romelia incamped against the Lazaretto, and Catirgi-Oglé Pasha of Canea against Sabionera, Achmet Pasha Vizier of the Camp, and Zagargibashee Major General of the Janisaries, who had the reputation of old Souldiers and good Engineers, were ordered to inlarge and lengthen the Traverses on the side of the Half-Moon [Page 233] of Mocenigo. Quarters being thus assigned, they raised three Batteries, the first against the Bastion of Martinengo, and the right side of the Work St. Maries; a second against Panigra; and soon after a third The Batteries raised by the Turks. against the Half-moon and Bulwark of Betlem, from whence they continually thundered with their great Cannons, shooting Bullets of sixty, ninety to an hundred and twenty pound weight.
Nor were the Besieged within less industrious or wise in the disposition of their Affairs; for Marquess Villa took his Quarters at the entrance of the Bulwark Jesus, Proveditor Barbaro at Panigra, the Proveditor General of the Kingdom at Martinengo, the Duke of Candia, Francesco Battaglia, in the Fort of Sabionera, and other Officers between the Curtains of St. Andrea, Betlem, and Sabionera.
Things thus disposed on both sides, many and various were the valiant Aslauts and Sallies, the Traverses extraordinary, the Rencounters bloody, the resistance vigorous, not known or recorded in any Siege before; which though they can never be fully expressed, or particularly denoted, yet I should do injury to the ashes of those Heroick Christians who so freely entred the List, and on this Theatre of the World sacrificed their lives in defence of Christendom, should I not signalize some of them of divers Nations for their Prowess and Valour. And here pardon me, good Reader, if I come short or fail in this relation, where many of unparalleled Valour and Vertue dyed obscurely and unknown, and the numbers of others so great, that to specifie them all, were to swell this Work to a larger Volume than the Book of Martyrs. Here was that Martial field into which remote Nations and unconcerned descended, carried thither by zeal to the Christian cause, or by certain Principles of Valour and Magnanimity; so that though the War bore no other denomination than of the Venetian and the Turk, yet so great was the confluence of both parts of the World to this little Isle, as if it had been chosen by unanimous consent for a Stage to try the Title to the Universal Empire. The Town being thus beleagured on all sides, but where Neptune the Spouse of Venice kept it open, the Christians endeavoured The first Mine blown up. first to disturb the Traverses of the Turks by a Mine of Powder which they blew up; but through the neglect or little experience of the Engineer, it being the first which they had fired, reverted, and did more hurt to themselves than to the Enemy; the errour of which being observed, another Fornello was fired, which taking its due place and measures, so affrighted the Turks, as yet not acquainted with this manner and invention of War, that they began at the first onset to be discouraged, considering that if the ground was unsecure and unstable at that distance, what abysses and chasmes must there be prepared to make them graves under the Walls or entrance to the City. To second and justifie this Gun-powder Plot the Christians made two Sallies, one by the Savoyards under Command of Colonel Profito Torse, who issued forth from the Revelin of Betlem, and made great slaughter of the Turks with Granadoes on the side of Panigra; another was performed by Colonel Arborio and Colonel Marini, accompanied with Count Brurasco Two Sallies made by the Christians. Captain of the Guards to Marquess Villa who assaulted two Redouts of the Turks, and forced them to flight, and afterwards with some loss retreated victoriously to their Works. In like manner Colonel Frigeri Commander of the Fort St. Demetrio, made a Sally on Catirgi-Oglé near the Lazaretto, and with some loss returned triumphant.
[Page 234] About this time arrived at Standi the Captain-General Francesco Morosini, who after some Consultation disarming his Fleet of about a thousand men, entred with that Succour into the Town, and yet fitted out a The CaptainGeneral disarms his Gallies. convenient Squadron of Gallies and Galleasses to rove in the Archipelago to hinder the Enemies Succours and Recruits, which were designed for Candia. In this interim the Turks repaired the old Battery against the Lazaretto, and laboured continually in their Galleries and subterranean Five Mines the Christians sprang. Works; so that by that time that the Christians had sprang five Fornelli upon them towards the point of the Half-moon of Mocenigo, the Turks had advanced so well towards the Borders of Panigra, that they sprang two Mines; but these being but the first proofs or essays of this kind of invention, reverted on themselves with the loss of two hundred of their men, and again fired a third with little success: which the Christians answered to better purpose, blowing up sixty or seventy Turks. Wherefore the Turks made a farther tryal of two Mines by the Half-moon, rather to their own loss, than to the damage of their Enemy.
In all the month of July passed not a day without some considerable action, sometimes to good, sometimes with bad success to both Parties; every day Mines were sprang on both sides, destroying the Lines, and overthrowing the Galleries; but the main force and heat of the War as it were concentring it self towards the Quarters of Panigra, to defence Attempts of the Turks on the side of Panigra. thereof the Engineer Castellan as freely as couragiously proffered the use of his Art, and the hazard of his Person. In which whilst he imployed himself, and endeavoured to cleanse the Galleries of their rubbish, which the Enemies Mines had thrown down, the Turks threw such quantities of Bomboes and Stink-pots into those Caverns, as made the stench thereof so suffocating and noisom, that two Officers were choaked or smothered that went to view the place, and Lieutenant-Colonel Cavalli and the Engineer Castellan himself were brought away half dead, poysoned with Sulphur and pestiferous smoke; to purifie which Grota, nothing could render the air more wholesom, in expulsion of the preceding vapour, than the smoke of Juniper and burnt Aqua vitae, which being made use of with good success, the Christians fired two Mines, which opened so dreadful an abyss, as served for the grave of great numbers of Insidels.
During this time of daily rencounters arrived the Auxiliary Gallies Arrival of Gallies from the Pope and Malta. from the Pope and Malta, commanded by Prior Bichi and Bali del Bene, as also the Gallies of Naples and Sicily commanded by Gianettino Dorta and the Duke of Ferrandina, of whom the Captain-General would have borrowed some Forces to have served at Land; but their Commissions it seems or their courages were too strait to afford any such Supplies, being designed to cruise in the Archipelago; only the generous Chevalier d'Harcourt with ten other Camerades that were imbarked on the Gallies Chevalier d'Harcourt. of Malta agreed to enter the Garrison, having come with no other design from France, than to offer themselves in defence of the Christian cause, and in a time of Peace, when their Prince had no need of their assistance and service, to give the World true evidences and proofs of the value and greatness of their souls. In all Enterprises this Person, worthily descended of the House of Lorrain, was a Companion to Marquess Villa, and one day venturing on a design to disturb the Enemies approaches, was shot in the face with a Musket-bullet; of which wound recovering some time after, he with his Companions returned to France, [Page 235] having like Gavaliers Passant acted the parts of true Chivalry. But neither did the Prior Bichi Commander of the Popes Gallies, nor Doria Admiral of those of Naples, act agreeable to the bravery of those French Gentlemen; for they not only denied, as we have said, to land a small number of their men, but as if they came only to make them a visit, sent this short Letter of Advice dated the 24 th of August, in these words. The Auxiliary Gallies are obliged to depart this night and to return to Suda, where they are to remain until the expiration of that time which is appointed for them in these Seas. Prior Bichi likewise sent word to Marquess Villa, That he judged it fit to depart, by reason that no action presented for them to undertake: to which the Marquess replied, That he who seeks may find, and that such opportunities never offer to those who endeavour to avoid them. Doria also, to colour his excuses, said, That his Orders were not to land men, unless the Town were in the extremity of danger of being taken; to which Villa replied, That he could not well be assured in what condition the Town was, since he never vouchsafed to set his foot ashore, or conceived a curiosity of seeing the greatest and the most famous Siege that ever was in the World. In short, these Holy and Catholick Squadrons departed without contributing any assistance to the Christians, incurring thereby the severe censure of the Commanders in chief, with the anger and disdain of the Souldiery.
The Venetians have always thought it Policy to maintain an Agent in the Ottoman Quarters, perhaps with design to afford them Intelligence, or to be ready to apply Terms of Peace in times of most urgent necessities. According to which Rule Signior Giavarina was sent An Agent arrives at Candia to treat with the Vizier. to Candia upon the Venetian Armata, now governed at Sea by one Pasqualino, with Instructions to treat with the Vizier, and perhaps to grant him any thing besides Candia, though without this nothing could come either welcome or satisfactory to the Turks. Howsoever to introduce him into the Camp, a white Flag was displayed on the side of the Lazaretto; which when the Turks perceived, they flocked in great numbers to know the mystery of this Signal of Pacisication. And though nothing appeared, besides a Letter directed to the Great Vizier, yet they hoped it might portend something of Treaty, which in the end would produce a Peace, and a conclusion of their labours, before the Winter surprised them in their colder Lodgings. The Vizier having read the Letter, had his thoughts raised as high as was possible in hopes of a Surrender; and therefore most freely ordered, That Signior Giavarina should the Sunday following come to the Valley of Gioffiro with what Attendance and Followers he judged sit, proffering at the same time a cessation of Arms and all acts of Hostility: but the Christians who were not reduced to that extremity as to crave Peace, or a respite from action, kindly refused his gentle proffer, which so inraged the Vizier, that in The Turks assault Panigra. a fury he gave fire to a Mine on the left side of Panigra, which was seconded with that furious assault, that Panigra had boen put into great danger, had not the courage of the Defendants been supereminent; and repulsed the Enemy with so great a slaughter, that the earth round about was covered with dead bodies: which action was seconded by a brisk Sally performed by some Knights of Malta, asla Maison Neufve, do Langeron, de Clement, de Monrosier, de Charboniere, and de Blanbuisson, though against the advice and counsel of Marquess Villa, of which the two first were slain, and the rest returned with honour and success.
At the end of this month of July the Garrison received a Supply of [Page 236] six hundred Foot under Command of Ottavio Abia, a noble Venetian, who likewise made his entry more acceptable by twenty thousand Ducats which he brought with him. At the time of his arrival the Christians sired a Mine with good success, but the Enemy had prepared another in revenge, which took such effect on the right Angle of Panigra, as broke the counterscarp ten paces, and filled the Ditch with Earth, on advantage of which the Turks came to an Assault, but through the courage of Luca Grandis Serjeant Major, and other gallant Officers, a stop was given to the Enemies fury, and they beaten off with considerable loss.
And now for the present all Sallies ceased, whilst both sides carried on their designs under ground, thwarthing and crossing the Mines, each of other; in which subterranean Travels and Passages, the Miners often met, and had frequent and bloody Encounters, those that were strongest robbed the Powder and Utensils of the weaker, so that the Scene of War seemed to be transferred ad inferos, and to be carried on with more fury and violence in the Grave, or the other world, than it was in the open Air of the Cydonian Fields. The Turks becoming now as expert as The Turks fire a dreadsul Mine. the Christians in their secret and hidden Traverses, had penetrated so far, that on the 8 th of August they fired a most dreadful Mine on the side of the half Moon, which made so great a Breach in that work, that eight men could march a breast; which so animated the Enemy with the advantage, that immediately in great numbers they mounted the breach to give an Assault; but supplies being timely afforded in assistance of the Guard, the Enemy was precipitated headlong, and overwhelmed with such showers of Musket shot, that the Retreat into their works was not only disorderly, but the number of those who survived so few and diminished, as gave proof how hazardous it was to attempt other more difficult and better fortified Bastions.
Nor was the success of the Turks less on the side of Panigra, where having made a Breach, they endeavoured to make good their ground under shelter of Sacks of earth, which the Christians drew away from them with long iron hooks, which was such a piece of sport to the besieged to see their Enemies dismantled of their shelter, and lye open to their shot, that a young Page of Marquess Villa, called du Clos, venturing in this action beyond his years, was shot with a Musket Bullet in the head, and so hastned to the other World covered with glory and renown.
There was scarce now a day which passed, that was not signalized with the springing of several Mines both on one side and the other; most of those made by the Christians were seconded with Sallies, and those of the Turks with Assaults and Stormings of one Fort or other. On the 10 th of September Signior da Riva, a noble Venetian, arrived with a Recruit of five hundred Souldiers, and a great number of Pioniers, and the same day was celebrated, after the usual manner, by springing of Mines; one of which threw a Turk on the Fort of Panigra, and ruined the Galleries of the Enemy; the next day likewise several Fornelli were fired by the Enginier Lubatiers from the parts of the half Moon, and of Panigra, which filled up the Line, and spoiled the Redoubts of the Turks.
On the 15 th the Christians vigourously sallied out with seventy Foot, under the Command of Colonel Vechia, and two other Captains from the Revelin of Panigra, who after a valiant skirmish, orderly retreated under the rampart of the Revelin; to which place the Turks eagerly [Page 237] pursuing them, were entertained with a Mine, and tossed into the Air; which being done, the Venetians returned again, and were in the same manner encountred by the Turks, whereby a very hot fight began; during which time the Captain General, who stood on the Bastion of Betlem to observe the motions of the Enemy, saluted them with a plentiful shower of Musket shot. In short, after the Venetians had for the space of an hour resisted the Force of the Enemy with much slaughter, they retired with good order into the Ditch of the City.
On the 18 th Captain Fedeli, with a hundred Souldiers, made another Sally, but being wounded, he retreated with some loss; which was retured again on the Enemy by a Mine which the Enginier Quadruplani sprang with happy success on the Quarter of Panigra; and on the same day the Captain of the Galleasses, called Gioseppe Morosini, arriving with five hundred men, and two hundred thousand Ducats together with good quantities of Ammunition and Victuals, gave encouragement and relief to all the City; with whom also came the Cavalier Gonges and his Brother, in quality of Adventurers for Honour and Religion. There was not one day in all this Month, but divers Fornelli and Mines were fired on one side and the other; and though the Christians exercised as much military Art, Industry, and Valour, as men were capable to perform, yet the Turks still gained ground, and daily advanced their works upon the Christians; wherefore the Captain General ordered that a Mine and three Fornelli should be fired; by which a small Fort of the Turks, near the Counterscarp, was overthrown, with divers other works lately raised.
The Turks had such good success with their last Mines, that a Week after they fired another, which was calculated so well that it ruined the Gallery of Communication between Panigra and its Out-works, and threw the Counterscarp into the Ditch of the Town; For the necessary The Turks spring another Mine. repair of which Breach, and clearing of the Ditch, the Governors gave immediate Order, and appointed a strong Guard for defence and protection of those that laboured; and to make better dispatch, a most ingenious Engine was contrived to remove and rid the Ditch of Earth, which whilst it worked with admirable success, the Turks, by help of a Mine, blew it into the Air, and shattered it into a thousand pieces. Howsoever, the Christians desisted not from their intended work, but still laboured with Baskets, Sacks, and Wheelbarrows to carry away the Earth; which that they might do quietly and undisturbed, the Savoyards and Sclavonians made a furious and desperate Sally, which continued for the space of two hours; and though in that time the Enemy had opportunity to collect their greater Force into a Body, yet the Christians were not put to slight, but retreated orderly, and in a fighting posture, though with the loss of several Officers, of which were Captain Two Mines of the Christians. Rè, and others. To revenge these mines of the Turks, the Christians fired two others as dreadful as the others; the first near S t Spirito, which being under the Enemies Traverses, performed its desired Effect; the second was on the side of the half Moon, which swallowed up two of their Redoubts; And on the third of October they fired four other mines on the sides of Panigra and Betlem, one of which consisted of six and thirty Barrels of Powder, and another of fourteen, ordering at the same time a furious Sally from divers places; as namely, Captain Four Mines and a Sally of the Christians. Gamba sallied from the Revelin of S t Spirito, Serjeant Major Arasi from [Page 238] under the Bulwark of Panigra. Colonel George Maria was ordered to assault the Redoubts which were opposed to the Breach, Colonel Vecchia to attaque the Redoubts between Panigra and the half Moon, Colonel Cremasco and Marini to assault the redoubts between the half Moon and Betlem. Count Brusasco defended the work of S t Maria, Colonel Inberti defended the Revelin of S t Nicholas, and Serjeant Motta with thirty able Souldiers advanced to the farthest Lines of the Enemy, killing and putting to flight all before them. Colonel Frigeri Captain of the Fort S t Dimetry, and Lieutenant Colonel Vimes possessed several Redoubts; and in the conclusion all retreated in excellent order with success and triumph, to yield the Turks evident arguments of their fortitude and courage; and that the Town was still so well provided, as not only to be in a Condition of defending it self, but offending the Enemy.
Yet the Turks were still labouring to countermine the Fornelli of the Enemy, and to revenge the former Plots; to which end they had penetrated to the most inward works of Panigra; but the Pioniers, employed by the Engineer Quadruplani, discovering their Gallery, entred boldly in, and drove away the Turks, from whom they took thirty two Barrels of Powder, and by that means for the present preserved that work, and the Lives of many Souldiers.
The 17 th of October the Christians sprang two Mines, one of thirty, Two Mines of the Christians. and another of five and thirty Barrels of Powder, which did the desired execution upon the Turks; which some brave spirits seconded by a bold Sally, amongst which none was more eminent than a Greek Priest, who, moved with zeal to his Country, entered far into the Enemies Trenches, where having killed a Person of Quality hand to hand, he was returning with the Trophy of his head; but being in the way intercepted by three at once, he was unequally matched, and slain, and died with the highest honour imaginable under the Walls of his Native City.
Soon after the Cavalier Verneda, another Engineer, fired a Mine of One Mine of the Christians. forty Barrels of powder, which made the very City and Works tremble, like an Earthquake; for whereas this Mine should have taken its effect on the Enemies Redoubts, Providence ordered that it should take its passage through an old Gallery, with so much violence and smoke, that it suffocated the Miners, Carpenters, and Masons, to the number of sixty men.
Towards the end of this Summer the Turks at Constantinople and Adrianople grew big with the expectation of the happy News and Arrival of that messenger that should declare the taking of Candia, and the end of the Venetian War; to entertain which joy with the more readiness, they had prepared Lights, and Lamps, and artificial Fire-works to solemnize their Which is their Triumph for Victory. Dunalma, and made publick prayers and procession of the youth of the City twice a week; but finding their hopes frustrated, and their joys from Month to Month deferred, their expectations became tyred and wearied, and growing almost ashamed of their disappointment, began to throw the blame of the miscarriage of their Affairs on the ill Conduct of the Vizier, and the sluggishness of their Souldiery. The The G. Signior sends a Messenger to bring him certain information of the State of his Camp in Candia. Grand Signior also more impatient than the rest, dispatched away a Messenger with Letters to the Vizier, reproaching his cowardise and sloth; that being provided with a most puissant Army, and with all other appointments of War, should suffer the Ottoman Force to be baffléd [Page 239] and entertained in taking a single Fort for longer time, than formerly it had been in subduing whole Provinces and Kingdomes; and moreover charged the Messenger to bring him a faithful and true Relation of the state of all Affairs, and what was the real cause and difficulty that so long obstructed the progress of his Arms; but yet sent the Vizier for his encouragement a Sword, and a Vest of Sables, as tokens of his favour. The Great Vizier moved with this message, resolved to give some certain proofs of his industry and valour, and either to take the place, or else at least to convince his Master, by the knowledge and testimony of his Inquisitor, that the Work was of more hazard and longer time than was apprehended in the Seraglio. Whereupon preparations were made, and the time of assault was appointed chiefly on the side of Panigra, so that pressing valiantly forward, they planted six of their Colours on the ruines of that work; so that now, full of hope and courage, they adventured to descend into the Ditch, but being prevented by three Mines, which contained seventy Barrels of powder, they were mounted in the air with so much noise and violence, that many Bodies were tossed on the Rampire of the Town, many of their greatest Redoubts overthrown, and Graves made for multitudes of the Assailants. This Assault as it began with great fury, so it continued for many hours; in which action Signior Pisani, Proveditor General of the Kingdom, was killed by a Granado. Howsoever, the Enemy was repulsed by the valour of the Christians, insomuch that the Turks growing faint were pressed forward by the Vizier, who, to encourage his Souldiers, promised an extraordinary reward of honour and mony to him who should but first touch the Walls with his hands. The hopes of riches and honour so pricked forward all conditions of the Souldiery, that the Commonalty desperately threw themselves at all, and endangered so far the taking of Panigra, that they had certainly possessed themselves of it, had not the Venetians had recourse to their last refuge of Mines, and blown the whole Work into the Air, by which perished three Pashaws, and great numbers of common Souldiers. And this for the present astonished the Turks, and gave a stop to the farther proceedings of this Assault. This proof gave an evident Conviction to the Grand Signior's Inquisitor of the strength of the place, and difficulty of the Work; and having been an Eye-witness of all, returned with dismal Stories of a cruel War, reporting perhaps, and it was related in the parts of Christendom, That this was a place where blood was spilt day and night, where Gallant Men had forgot to sleep, living in perpetual labours, enured to intolerable sufferings and hourly dangers, there being none secure either in the Church, in the house, or in the street; for Granadoes rained, Cannons thundred, Arrows flew, with stones like a Tempest; so that there was none in that place, but who quartered on the Brink of the Grave.
It now grew towards Winter, and yet the Vizier thought of no other Quarters than his Trenches, judging that if he should quit his station, the labours and progress of the former Summer would be lost, and the Work to be again begun in the Spring. Wherefore resolving to keep his Works, provided all conveyances to carry away the Water, and sheds to cast off the Rain, and warmer Tents for the Souldiery, which yet could not so artificially be contrived, but that the Camp was full of mire and dirt, tedious and troublesome to Man and Beast, and the [Page 241] Quarters of the Souldiery, so damp between their Banks of Earth, as caused Catarrhs, Fluxes, Feavers, and other Camp Diseases with much mortality.
It was now the dead of Winter, and yet Martial Exploits were as frequent as they had been in Summer; and though the great rains and flouds The Winter causes all action to cease. of water extinguished the fires, and made, as it were, a cessation of Armes, and of all acts of hostility; yet this interval of calmness and tranquillity the Christians made use of to repair the Palisade of S t Andrea, and the Lines of Communication within the Ditch. And because the main Bulwark was also shaken, and in some danger, all the Chiorma or Slaves of the Gallies were commanded ashoar to labour in the reparation, and to make aninward retrenchment, which in short time, with admirable diligence, was perfected, and on all sides compleated.
The Turks in the mean time carried their Traverses forward as much as they could, for they were now entered into the very Ditch of the Town; and because there was no possibility to work in the Mines, by reason that the Galleries were filled with water, they attended wholly to employ their great Guns, and fire Granadoes, so that they raised a new Battery near the Work of Mocenigo, which began to batter the lower parts of S t Andrea, and raised another Battery on the ruines of the Revelin of Panigra, which being lower ground could not much prejudice the main Bulwark.
The Sultan satisfied with the Relation given by his Messenger concerning the progress his Vizier had made upon the Town, and of the hopes there was in time to gain it, encouraged him with a Letter of Praise, accompanied with a Sword, and Vest of Sables, the magnificent Signals of the Sultans favour., And now besides the Force of Fire-Arms, the Turks made use of Arrows, shot into the Town, carrying papers written in Italian and French, perswading the Souldiers to fly to their Camp, where they should receive civil treatment, and a secure refuge; which gave that encouragement to those wearied with the labours of the Siege and hard usage, that many of them made Tryal of the Turks entertainment, and escaping out of the Works, fled to the Enemies Camp, where they were cloathed, received Conduct Mony, and were permitted Licence to embark themselves for what place they pleased.
About this time the Proveditor General Barbaro and the Licutenant General of the Artillery Uvertmiller having obtained licence from the General Barbaro and Uvertmiller depart from the Army. Senate, returned to Venice; the first was displeased, that Marquess Villa should take the precedence of him; and the other, because his opinion of making a general Sally of all the Garrison on the Enemy was not followed, but rejected by the Council of War, as a design pernicious and over-hazardous; for that the fighting with an Enemy more numerous than themselves, fortified in their Redoubts and Works, and hidden under ground in inextricable Labyrinths, was an Enterprise so rash, that no man wishing well to the Garrison, and of sound judgment ought to advise.
The Turks having in this Campagne fixed themselves well in a formal Siege, and gained ground, and many advantages on the Christians, of which the destruction of the Work of Panigra was none of the least; the The deaths of Secretary Giavarina and Padavino. Vizier supposed it a seasonable time to enter into a Treaty by the hand of the Secretary Giavarina, who was there entertained for that purpose; [Page 241] but he falling sick of the Camp-distemper dyed in a short time, whose death was soon after followed by that of Signior Padavino, who finished his days at Caned; the Plate, Money, and Houshold-stuff of both were carefully inventored, and by the justice of the Vizier duly accounted for, and administred to the Venetians. The Instruments of Treaty being thus taken away, the Captain-Pasha was dispatched to Constantinople, carrying with him four thousand wounded and sick men, and a Letter to the Grand Signior and Divan, signifying his resolutions to win the place, or dye under the Walls of it; and to that end desired them to send him such Recruits of men and supply of Provisions as were requisite. He complained of the cowardise of those to whom they had incharged the Convoys; that he wanted both Powder and Bullet, for default of which they could neither ply their great Guns, nor go forward in their Mines; that bread was so dear, that no price could be set to it; that his Souldiers by slaughter and sickness did daily diminish, so that his Army was reduced to twenty three thousand Foot, seven hundred Horse, and two thousand Pioniers; and in fine concluded with urgent instances to have Recruits of all dispeeded to him, without which it was impossible to gain the Town, or save himself. Hereupon Recruits came from all parts, both of Men, Ammunition, and Provisions, especially from the Frontiers or adjacent places, which by such vast evacuations were almost dispeopled, more particularly in Albania and Castelnuovo extraordinary Preparations were making both of Men, Horse, and Camels; and a report was spread, that the Grand Signior intended to pass over in Person to Candia; but this was soon disproved by his residence at Larissa, where he remained to render assistance more easily, and receive advices more speedily than could be performed at Adrianople.
Great quantities of Corn were also sent from divers places, particularly from Smyrna, where English, French, and Dutch Ships were taken up for that service, to the prejudice of the Trade, and damage of the concerned: some of which Vessels were taken in their passago to Candia, whilst others arrived in safety through the negligence, as was supposed, of the Commanders at Sea. And indeed the Turks plyed their business with that industry and diligence, that notwithstanding the Force which the Venetians had at Sea, their Recruits for the most part arrived safe, and Corn began to be so plentiful, that the Vizier gave a prohibition against having more imported; and in short, nothing wanted for prosecution of the War, which was carried on in the Winter, as far as the season or the weather would permit; so that scarce a day passed without something of action, either of storming or blowing up of Forts, overthrowing Galleries, filling Trenches, the particulars of all which are so numerous, that to recount them would fill a Volume, and are more proper to be related in a Journal than a History, in which minute matters ought to be passed by, and nothing but acts of greatest moment be recorded.
Howsoever great Actions at this season ceased for a while on one side and the other, only continual discharges of great shot and Bomboes were practised. And the Turks endeavouring with artifice to cover their designs, dispatched a Letter to the Senate of Venice by way of Suda, and thence in a Galley to Candia, touching certain Motives of Peace, supposing that Propositions and Offers of Accommodation would loosen the minds of the Officers, and render them less intent and diligent in [Page 242] their Affairs; on receipt of which Letter, though Marquess Villa replied, 1668 That he had as much power from the Senate to conclude a Peace, as the Vizier himself had from his Master, yet the Vizier would not treat with him, but sent a Letter which was consigned by an Aga at the Bulwark of Palma under the caution of a white Flag, desiring that it should be forwarded to Venice. About this time arrived to the great comfort of the Besieged the new Proveditor Bernardo Nani with five hundred Souldiers, and Matteo Matheus Sergeant General with some Recruits from the Pope, bringing with him three hundred Medals of Silver to bestow on such as deserved them, with Jubilees and Indulgences without number, and thus ended the Action of this Year.
Anno Christi 1668. Hegeira 1079.
THE Spring approaching, toward the end of January the Turks full of hopes to compleat their Conquest, vigorously in all maritime Ports of the Empire made provisions of Corn and other Victuals to be sent to the Camp, when occasion should require, and opened a door for Janisaries according to the Turkish phrase, the Formality of which is in this manner: The Chief Officer appointed for that purpose asks severally such as come to be listed, Of what Chamber they desire to be; to which Formality in making sanisaries in these days. they making reply, That they will be of the fifth, sixth, or seventh, or the like, the Officer gives them a blow under the ear with the palm of his hand, and bids them repair to their Chamber, with which they nimbly pass away. But herein the due form and order of Janisaries was corrupted; for in former days Janisaries were educated in that condition from children, and from thence named Yenisheri or Tyrones, or the young Souldiery; but now on this necessity of raising Forces, ancient men, Fathers of Families with long beards were admitted, to the disparagement of that Order, and corruption of the exactness of that Discipline. Considerable Supplies also were sent of Beldargees or Pioniers; so that this year from several parts, according to the best computation, the Forces of Candia were recruited with a Supply of seventy thousand men, for transportation of which and of their Provisions, all Christian Ships were imbarged at Smyrna and Constantinople, several of which in their voyage to Candia, were intercepted by the Maltese Corsaires, and particularly a French Ship called the Arms of France, on which were between four and five hundred Turks, was taken, and in boarding of her about an hundred Turks were killed upon the Deck: some other small Vessels (one of which was a Ligornese under English Colours) were taken, the French Barks which had in this manner lost their Corn, unadvisedly returned to Smyrna, supposing the excuse of having done their endeavours, and of being over-powered by a stronger Force was sufficient: But the Turks who judge of nothing well, but by the success, having gotten them into their hands, made them not only return their Freight, but satisfie the loss of the Cargason.
In the Month of March the Vizier having intelligence of six or seven Venetian Gallies to be at Fodile, not far from Standia, under the Command of the Proveditor of the Armata Lorenço Cornaro, gave order to Regep Pasha of Romelia, who was Captain of the Souldiery, and Durach A Fight at Sea. Begh, who commanded a Squadron of twelve Gallies, to weigh Anchor in the night, and there surprise them: Durach Begh, though [Page 243] sore against his will, doubting the truth of the report, yet readily obeyed and fitted his Gallies for the Enterprise. The Captain-General having intelligence of the design, prepared four Gallies in Port, and imbarked that night with a French Regiment and some Italians to the number of six hundred, besides two Companies of the Guards, and one of the Proveditor Nani, under the Command of Colonel André Facile and Montalto, accompanied also with the Proveditor Extraordinary, Daniel Justiniani, Commissary of the Treasury of the Militia, with several other Captains and Officers; and arriving at Standia, found the Proveditor General Cornaro newly entred there from crusing the Seas with sixteen Gallies, to whom having communicated the design, they immediately loosed from the Port, and arrived at Fodilé before midnight. The Turks having from the place of their Anchorage discovered two Sail, hoped there might be no more, and therefore came forth to sight them; but ingaging farther, met such a number as evidenced the danger, and the little hope there was in other than in their Courage and Arms. The night being dark, the Venetians not to mistake each other, carried such great Lights on their Mast-heads, as not only distinguished them from the Enemy, but also directed them to give battle to the Turks, which they prosecuted so home, that they took and sunk five of the Turkish Gallies, of which the Admiral commanded by Durach Bey was one; the rest, though much shattered, and for the present unserviceable, did yet by the help of their Oars, and the darkness of the night, find a way to escape: nor was this Victory gained by the Venetians in a Fight of seven hours without the loss of two hundred Souldiers killed, and about five hundred wounded, besides some Persons of Quality and Command, viz. the Cavalier Arasi Justiniani, the Commissary Francesco Cornaro, Foscarini, &c. the wounded were Georgio Greco, Lorenço Bembo, and Marco Balbi. The Turks lost many of their best Sea-men and Souldiers, besides Slaves and others, counting on every Galley one with another three hundred persons; amongst the Prisoners which amounted to four hundred and ten, the Beys of Cyprus and Navarine with Mustapha of Anatolia, and the Chiaus of the Pasha of Aleppo were taken, together with eleven hundred Christian Slaves who were all freed, on condition that they should serve the Summer following in the Venetian Armata. Of the Turks were slain Durach Bey, the Bey of Coron, and Hastam formerly Bey of Coron. The Great Vizier from the Camp could all the time behold the flashes of the small and great shot, and by help of the Venetian Lights perceive the success of his own Fleet, not answerable to his expectation. What loss the Turks sustained with Slaves and Souldiers is incertain, only an hundred Christian Slaves were released, and four hundred Turks captivated, and amongst the slain was Durach Bey himself, a stout Sea-man, and a known Pirate, who from a small Brigantine had raised himself to be Begh of the Morea, and to command four or five Gallies of his own. In like manner, and not long after, a Squadron of Venetian Ships were forced by storm in the night to anchor under Cape Spada, where accidentally six Turkish Gallies were riding. The Sky being very dark and close, the first Ship ran foul of a Galley, and so shattered and crushed her sides, that being ready to sink, the Turks forsook her, and run aboard the Ship to save a life which was to be afterwards miserable and slavish. The others assrighted at the arrival of these unexpected guests, slipt their Cables to seek harbour in a tempestuous [Page 244] Sea; but the weather being too boisterous for Gallies, one of them was cast away, and about an hundred and seventy men lost: the news hereof being brought to Venice by Colonel Vecchia with the Ensigns and Spoils taken from the Enemy, the Senate bestowed the honour of Knighthood on the Captain-General, comforting the families of the slain and wounded with signal marks of Honour and Glory.
The Captain-Pasha put this year to Sea more early than was usual, designing to make as many Voyages to Candia as was possible, with Succours both of Men and Ammunition; his design and work was wholly to avoid the Venetians, and to steal ashore his Recruits; to which end he made such expedition in every Voyage, that scarce could the The success of the Turks at Sea. Christians have advice of his arrival in any part of the Isle of Candia, before he was well forwarded in his return: yet his haste was not so great, but one time having fifty three Gallies in his Campany, he adventured to look into the Port of Nio, where he met four Corsaires or Free-booters under Maltese Colours, commanded by two Brothers Themericort, and by the Knights Verva and Bremont: two of the Ships were on the Careen washing and tallowing their Vessels, whilst the other two, viz. the Themericort Brothers were on the Guard, being at anchor in the narrowest entrance to the Harbour. The Turks supposed at first, that so formidable an appearance of their Fleet would affright the Christians to a Surrender, rather than to contend on those unequal terms. But it seems the Corsaires were more resolute than was imagined; for no sooner did the Turks approach, than the Christians discharged their Cannon and Vollies of small shot so plentifully, as caused the Gallies to dispute at a farther distance, where shooting as it were at rovers with their long Cashee Pieces (not adventuring to come to a nearer Fight) for the space of eight hours made (as reported) about eight thousand shot, with little or no execution; so that the Captain-Pasha made his sign of Retreat, and forsook the Engagement, as being too dangerous and difficult an Enterprise. But better success had the Turks the next month at Sea against Captain Georgio, an old and subtle Pirate, who for many years had vexed and pillaged, not only the Turks, but Christians on all Isles of the Archipelago: great fortune he had in taking Turkish Saiks and Vessels, and some of them considerably rich, and when that prey failed him, or was scarce, he then pursued his game on the shore, from whence he often carried men, women, and children into slavery, and oft-times had the fortune of considerable Booty. The Islands which lay open and unguarded Captain Giorgio taken by the Turks. were his common Rendezvous, where the men attended his service, and the women his lust. In this manner this Pirate passed for several years, having obtained unto himself a fame and terrour with the Turks, and richess at home: the place which he commonly chose to wash and tallow his Vessels, was amongst certain small Isles in the Bay of Edremit, anciently Adrimetum, opposite unto Mytilene, from whence he had as from a Thicket or Wood a view of such Vessels as passed the great Road towards Constantinople: these frequent successes rendred him so confident and secure, that he still continued his station, notwithstanding the Turkish Naval Forces, which in the Summer season made their Rendezvous at Scio. But at length the Captain-Pasha with the whole Turkish Armata being at Scio, and with him three Ships of Tripoli, advice came that Captain Georgio had not forsaken his little Isles, but was there careening his small Fleet which consisted of two Ships and a Brigantine: hereupon [Page 245] the Tripoleses were commanded out to encounter the Enemy, whom the next day they found so secure and negligent, that he discovered not his Foes before they were ready to attaque him. The Captain Pasha also fearing that the Tripoleses were not of sufficient Force to encounter so valiant and experienced a Commander, both to make the Enterprize the more easie and certain, and to gain the reputation of that business to himself, went out in person with all his Gallies. The Tripoleses had began to fire on Captain Georgio before the Pasha came in to their assistance, but it falling calm, and the Ships not able to join in a nearer fight, gave way for the Gallies, which being above fifty in number, overpowered the Christians on all sides; howsoever, the two Ships defended themselves against all this Force, until the Captain himself being killed, his own Ship surrendred, but so shattered, that she was scarce able to swim above water. This Ship being overcome, the Turks boarded the other, commanded by Captain de Leseases, who seeing no remedy to avoid being taken, he leaped into his Boat, and blew up his Ship; howsoever could not escape his destiny, for having his Arm broke, he became a prey and a slave to his Enemy.
The News of this Victory was celebrated with so much the more joy, by how much this person was feared and hated; and was not only a subject of rejoycing to the Turks, but also to the Christians, whose Parents and Relations this Corsaire had pillaged and enslaved; so that the Inhabitants of the Archipelago for the most part were pleased with the revenge, and promised more security and quietness to their open Coasts. With no less triumph was this News posted to the Grand Signior, who rewarded the Messenger with two thousand Dollars gratuity, and caused demonstrations of joy to be made through the whole Court; so dreadful was grown the Name of so inconsiderable a person, in respect of the greatness of the Ottoman Empire.
But the success of this advantage did not heighten the courage of the Captain Pasha to that pitch, as to make him more bold with the Venetian Armata; for in the month of July having great Recruits of Men and Provisions to land, and hearing that the Venetians lay before Canea, having fortified a Rock, called S t Todoro, at the mouth of that Port, he resolved for Retimo; but pursuits, or intelligence of the Enemies being in the way, or his own fears still prevented him, until at length he was forced to Gira-Petra, a small and obscure place, far distant from the City of Candia, and the way thither by land rocky, and almost unpassable for Beasts of Burden; howsoever, the Men and Ammunition were there landed with that haste and expedition, that in less than thirty hours time the Captain Pasha was again upon his return for Scio, leaving the Souldiery, and the Ammunition he had disbarked to find a passage through the Rocks and Mountains: At which the Vizier was so displeased, that he sent the Captain Pasha this Message, That the next time he should forbear to bring farther supplies, until he could find a more commodious Port wherein to land them.
In this manner the Marine Affairs passed this year at Sea, the Turkish Fleet having, besides other succours, transported Ibrahim Pasha of Damascus with eight hundred Spahees unto Candia, whom we mentioned formerly to have been Pasha of Grand Cairo, and married to the Grand Signior's Sister; and being one with whom I had a former acquaintance, and who was a great friend to the English Nation, I made him a visit as he passed through Smyrna.
[Page 246] Whilst these matters were transacting at Sea, on the 7 th of January arrived the new Proveditor General Bernardo Nani, and Sergeant General Mutio Matei with five hundred Foot, sent by the Pope, who gave icence for destruction of some Monasteries, whose Orders were judged less necessary in the Venetian State, that their Revenue might be applied to the service of this War; after Arriva of which succours, a general Muster was made of the whole Garrison, and the number thereof reckoned to amount unto eight thousand fighting Men; though soon afterwards continual action and exploits of War decimated the number, and many of the brave Commanders being taken off, every tenth man perished, and rendred the place in a condition which required continual supplies.
For many and various were the attempts and actions performed on both sides under the Walls of Candia; and first the Turks began to make appear a Battery which they had raised on the side of the Lazaretto, which so offended the Port, that there was no harbour or access for Vessels. On the contrary to which, by the Fort of S t Andrea another Battery was raised, which offended Tramata very much, which was another small harbour, capable only to receive Boats or Barks; the passage to which was so annoyed now by the Enemies Cannon, that no Vessel could go in or out, unless in the Night, and that too with some difficulty and danger.
The Turks gaining advantage on the side of S t Andrea, applied their The Turks resolve to make their passage by St [...]. whole strength and diligence to that part; and one dark Night passing undiscovered along the Seas, they silently fixed a Cord to the Palisade of S t Andrea, and with an Engine strained it so violently, that they tore away several of the main Stakes of the Work without being perceived by the Centinels, who paid for that neglect with the price of their lives; upon which success they continued to advance their lines on that side, which Marquess Villa perceiving, resolved to hinder by some valiant sallies. And first two hundred brave men selected out of several Regiments, conducted by Sergeant Major Motta, issued out from Panigra, and taking their way along the Sea, bravely mixed with the Turks, and put them to slight; and though the Alarm thereof brought a Concourse A Sally made by the Christians. of Turks from all parts of the Camp, yet the Christians stood so stoutly to it, that they struck a terror to their Enemies, and once forced them to a Retreat within their Trenches; and at length, after they had overthrown certain Redoubts and Traverses, they gave back with good order, returning with Victory and Glory; which bravery the Captain General acknowledged to all, and encouraged in the common Souldiery with a Present of fifty Zechins. This success gave the besieged opportunity to finish their Platforms which they had raised on the side of the Ditch adjoining to the Bulwark of S t Andrea, on which they planted two pieces of Cannon which carried fifty pound Bullet a piece; which much disturbed the Enemies Traverses: Howsoever, the Turks with indefatigable pains, and invincible patience battered the little Tower of Priuli, the Curtain, and Revelin of S t Andrea, and employed all their power and attention to fill the Ditch with Faggots, Earth and other Rubbish.
On the 29 th of February, after the Christians had first made a Breach on the Enemies Redoubt, which confronted the Revelin of S t Andrea, and sprang five Mines one after the other, a second Sally was made by a considerable Body of the besieged, consisting of two hundred French [Page 247] and Savoyards, three hundred Italians, two hundred Germans, and a hundred and twenty horsemen, who issued forth with that Gallantry, that driving the Turks under Covert, advanced far within their Works, Another Sally. with which Demonstration of honour the Captain General being satisfied, they made the smoke which was a Signal for their Retreat; so that returning victorious without much loss, that day was remarkable, and numbred amongst the other days which were esteemed successful and fortunate in that Siege.
Howsoever, the Turks with admirable patience and assiduity crept forward by their Traverses, and help of their great shot on the Bastion of S t Andrea, which whilst Augustine Rostayne, Adjutant of Marquess Villa, considered, he was taken off by a Cannon Bullet; and yet the Turks could not advance so fast, but that the Engineer Maupassan gave some retardment to their progress by firing a Mine, which overthrew two of their Redoubts, and afforded them new work to repair them and the adjoining Traverses.
This was the present state of the miserable Candia, when the Duke of Savoy recalled his Subject Marquess Villa from his honourable employment; and a Ship, called Alexander the Great, by appointment of the Marquess Viils returns into Italy. Venetian Senate arrived at Standia to transport him and his Family to Venice; so that on the 11 of April, accompanied to Tramata by all the principal Officers of the Garrison, he embarked in order to his Voyage, whose place was about two Months after supplied by the Marquess S t Andrea Montbrun, a Nobleman of France, with whom the Venetian Ambassadour at Paris, by order of that Republick, had prevailed to take upon him the defence and protection of that deplorable City, reduced now almost to its ultimate Crisis.
I cannot adventure to assign the reasons that might induce the Duke of Savoy to recal the worthy Governour from this glorious action. Some say, that those who were emulous of his glory procured his revocation; Others, that the Marquess himself desired it; and that finding Causes of Marquess Villa's departure. the Forces of the Town to decline, and the Turks to encroach and penetrate daily into the innermost parts of strength, he was desirous, after so long a Siege, to return with untainted glory; or perhaps weary of a Siege so tedious and perilous, he might desire to retire, having performed sufficient already in his own person, and enough to make all Christendom his Debtors and Admirers. So that I cannot but reproach those tongues and pens, which in report and writings attribute the cause of Marquess Villa's retirement to certain just occasions of discontent given him by the Captain General Francesco Morosini, who, envious of his Fame and actions, and unwilling to have a consharer with him in his honours, did usually thwart his Counsels and Proposals; and more particularly contemned a Redoubt which Marquess Villa had built, and of which he had a singular esteem. Yet that Morosini might evidence the unsufficiency thereof, 'tis reported that he wrote a Letter to the Vizier, to assault that Redoubt; for if he did, he promised to afford him opportunity to take it, by withdrawing all Forces from thence; which Letter, it is said, was betrayed to Marquess Villa, and brought to his hands, which he with great prudence and moderation dissembled until the hour of his departure, and then produced it to the astonishment and shame of Morosini. To this particular I give the less belief, because I find it wrote in a Journal of this Siege by a person who was a great Favourer of the French, and [Page 248] willing to share the intire glory to that Nation, and the miscarriages to the Italian. Whatsover might be the motive to Marquess Villa to perswade his return, is uncertain; howsoever, it is reported, that being arrived at Zant in his way to Venice; and there meeting a strong Convoy bound for Candia, with recruits of Men, and plenty of provisions, he conceived new thoughts of the greatness of the Republick; and beholding also with what vigour and vigilance they attended to the conservation of that place, he began to testifie some remorse and dissatisfaction for having abandoned a Charge which rendred his Fame great through the World; and the continuation of which labours being crowned with that success which his courage and conduct merited, might have brought a Blessing to all Christendom, and perpetuated his honour and glory to all posterity. The Marquess being arrived at Venice was received with the usual Ceremonies and Honours from the Publick, and being introduced, after private Audiences, into the Colledge, he spake in this manner.
IF the thanks which I render to your Serenity, and to your Excellencies Marquess Villa's Speech. could equal the greatness of those favours which I have received from you, it would have been but an ordinary glory to you not to have infinitely surpassed the bounds of my acknowledgements, as you have infinitely outdone the utmost of my Deserts; Nor could this August Senate have been exalted to the most elevated point of Soveraign Power, had I been able to render Services worthy of that generosity which composed it. For as the affection of the Creatures towards God, makes excuses for their wants and infirmities; so having a zealous desire to contribute to the glories of this most Serene Republick, not only my endeavours, my labours, and my bloud, but also my life, and my whole being; I beseech you to accept thereof as an attonement for the weakness of my abilities. This, my Lords, is that desire which I have ever demonstrated in all the wearisome performances of my Charge under the generous Conduct of the Captain General of your Armes, whose Valour I have endeavoured to second and imitate. This is that Desire which would have entertained me in the service of this most Serene Republick to the ultimate period of my life, if the Command of my Prince, concurring with the Assent of your Serenity, had not enjoyned my return. I confess, that I should feel in my self an inward Consolation, could I assist at the triumph of Candia, which I hope in a short time to see victorious over all her Enemies; until when, my Lords, the honour which you have been pleased to do me hitherto, cannot but be relished by me as a Comfort of my life. And what greater Glory can I imagine to my self, than to have served a Republick, which may be called the most perfect work of the hand of God, which being founded like the Firmament upon the Waters, communicates happy Tranquillity through all the World? I am able now to boast, That I have seen a City which of it self alone is able to resist the Puissance of all Asia, and that I have proved and tryed the valorous opposition which it made against a formidable Enemy. I can (I say) glory that I have awakened in the hearts of your Souldiery, their ancient Valour, and that I have sprinkled your Lawrels with my own Bloud; and it is but just that I should distil it to the last drop for the service of this most Serene Republick, which after so many Ages resigns it self up a Sacrifice for all Christendom. It is by your Arms (my Lords) and by your immoveable Constancy, that the City of Candia, which in former Days was esteemed the weakest of all the Fortresses of [Page 249] Greece, is become at present the most famous Theatre of War. I dare not only hope, that the conclusion thereof will be happy, so long as your Serenity watchfully attends to the conservation of that place, but that also this August Senate will extend their Conquests into the most remote parts of all the East. This would be, most Serene Prince, and most Excellent Lords, the consummation of all my desires, and also that I might finish my days in the Service of this most Serene Republick, towards which I shall for ever conserve a most passionate zeal and an immortal acknowledgment.
The Senate, that they might testifie the esteem they entertained of the person of Marquess Villa, presented him with a Bason of Gold valued at six thousand Ducats, together with a Patent recounting at large the many famous Exploits which he had performed in their Service, which they expressed with a stile so generous and obliging, as may serve for a Record to transmit the Fame of his Merits to all Posterity.
Marquess Villa being departed from Candia, the Captain-General recalled all his Forces from divers parts of the Archipelago, which he had sent thither with the Souldiers wounded in the last Battle; and being returned, they brought with them great numbers of Pioniers and Workmen to labour in the Fortifications and Mines: at the same time also the Captain-Pasha arrived at Canea, bringing two thousand Janisaries with him.
The Marquess St. Andrea Montbrun, a Gentleman of the French Nation, Marquess St. Andrea visits the Works. was transported to Candia by the General Proveditor Cornaro, where being entred into the Charge and Office of Marquess Villa, wanted nothing of the vigilance and circumspection of his Predecessour. And therefore in the first place having visited all the Forts, Out-works, and Retrenchments of the Town, ordered what was necessary for repair of the breaches, and amended what was deficient in the most distressed Fortifications. And though the Turks fired a Mine the 22 th of August at the point of the Fort St. Andrea, which made a most dangerous breach; yet it was so valiantly defended, and so speedily repaired, that the Enemy gained little or no advantage, and all by the extraordinary diligence of this Marquess St. Andrea, who passed whole months without uncloathing himself; and as his nights were without sleep, so his days consumed without repose, applying himself personally to all places where was most of danger, especially at the Fort of St. Andrea, where he took up his constant Quarters.
The Turks now daily pressing the Town more nearly than before, Skirmishes and Sallies were more frequent and more bloody; so that about this time the Proveditor General Bernardo Nani applying himself with all earnestness in the performance of his Charge, was slain by a Musket-shot in his head; his death was much lamented by all, being a Gentleman who was born (as may be said) in the Fleet, having had his Education there, and passed his youth in Wars and dangers for the safety and honour of his Country. Girolamo Bataglia was elected by the Republick to succeed him in the Office, whose death was also seconded by that of Francesco Bataglia, Brother of the Duke of Candia, being shot in the breast with a Musket-bullet; and though he was sent thither to administer Justice to the People, yet his zeal and courage carrying him to Martial Acts beyond his duty, made a grave for him amongst the other Heroes and Worthies of that place.
[Page 250] The Turks approaching daily nearer with their Works, infested very much the passage of Vessels to the Town, and shot so directly into the Port, that no Ship, Galley, or Bark could remain in any security from their Cannon; to remedy which, a small Redoubt was raised at Tramata, which being well and strongly fortified served for a small Port, under the shelter of which the lesser Vessels found some protection, and was of great relief to the distressed City. About this time the Popes Gallies with those of Malta arrived, commanded by Fra. Vincenzo Rospigliosi, the Popes Nephew, who having not brought a greater number of people than what served to man their Gallies, they were not able to spare many for defence of the Town.
The long continuance of this Siege, and the fame thereof noised through the whole World, moved the heroick and gallant Spirits of our Age, to descend into this Campus Martius, this Field of War, and give proofs of their Prowess and Valour in defence of the Christian Cause; some being moved by a principle of vain-glory, proceeding from the briskness of a youthful and aery Spirit, and others from the sense of Devotion and fervour towards Religion: amongst which none were more forward than some Gentlemen of the French Nation, as namely Monsieur La Fueillade, aliàs Duke of Roanez, with the Count St. Paul, a young Cavalier; to forward which design, taking first the Licence and Benediction of their King, they appointed their Rendezvous at Tolon, Some French Gentlemen, Adventurers for honour, arrive at Candia. where they listed two hundred Gentlemen, Cadets or younger Brothers, who went in quest of Honour, and not of Pay, with four hundred ordinary Souldiers who expected their maintenance from the bounty of their Leaders. The chief of whom was Monsieur La Fueillade, and his Lieutenant the Chevalier De Tresines.
- The first commanded by Count St. Paul.
- The second by the Duke De Carderousse.
- The third by the Count De Villa Maur.
- And the fourth by the Duke De Chateau Tiery.
When these Persons of Honour and Courage arrived at Candia, they found the City hardly beset, and reduced to a strait and difficult condition; for the Turks were advanced so near to the Fort of St. Andrea, that the Souldiers within and without could cross their Muskets, and reach Tabaco one to the other: howsoever this breach was so well repaired with a good Palissado fortified with several Bonnets, and a double Retrenchment on the Bastion it self, and a third Retrenchment of squared stone withal, that the oourage of the Besieged being nothing abated by the many and furious assaults of the Enemy, the Town still remained in a defensible posture, and still capable with good Succours and Supplies to yield matter of imployment for several years to the Ottoman Forces. These worthy Champions, as I said, being arrived, moved with the sense of Religion, and desire of glory to themselves, challenged the priviledge of mounting the Guard of St. Andrea; but that being already prepossessed by the Knights of Malta and other Officers of the place, was refused to them. Howsoever the Captain-General Morosini was pleased to gratifie them with the Guard of a small Chapel over that Bastion on the right hand of the breach, a place of no less danger, and therefore of no less honour than the other; with which the Cavaliers being satisfied, Monsieur St. Paul mounted the Guard one day at six a clock in the morning, [Page 251] and continued there until the same hour of the day following; during which time he lost his Major Dupré and Monsieur De Marenval, the latter of which had his brains knocked out with so violent a blow of a great shot, that some pieces of his skull dangerously wounded the Sieurs De Chamilly and De Lare, who were near to him: and more maliciously did the Turks ply the stations of these new-come Guests than any others, throwing Bomboes, Granadoes, Stink-pots, and other sorts of artificial Fire without cessation into their Quarters, notwithstanding which, this young Prince and Monsieur La Fueillade exposed themselves like common Souldiers, animating their men more with their example than their words.
And now by this time by so many Works and removals of Earth, by so many Traverses and Mines under ground, and throwing up the caverns and bowels of the Earth into the Air, the soil became so brittle, crumbling, and as it were sandy, and like ashes, that it seemed not capable longer of enduring the Pick-ax or the Shovel, and was so porous, that the light of some Mines glimmering into the others Traverses, easily discovered each others Mines, whereby it became equally a trade and custom to steal Powder. Howsoever the Venetians so closely worked The Christians overthrow a battery of the Turks. with those Props and Arts, that they formed a considerable Mine, which on the first, of December they sprang with so much success, that they wholly overthrew a Battery of the Turks directed against St. Andrea, and buried all their Cannon.
But these French Gallants intended not from the first of their design to make this War their Trade, or the Town of Candia their place of habitation, but as Passengers or Pilgrims, whose souls are active, and hate idleness, to give the World some proofs of their Valour, and so away: wherefore La Fueillade their General pressed Morosini to give leave, that he and his Fellow-Souldiers might make a Sally, and enter into the Enemies Trenches, so as to yield a divertisement to those on the Walls; and perform that Action and Enterprise for which they had designed and undertaken this Voyage: of which some of them were so impatient, that they would not expect Orders for their Sally, as the Chevalier De Tresmes, who alone entred into the Enemies Works, and returned with his Sword all bloody; at which La Fueillade his Commander was so incensed, that he reproved him with this short reprehension, I would as gladly see a Butcher as you. Others by this example scarce refrained from the like; amongst which Monsieur De Ville Franche drew a Turk by force from his Trench, and brought him to the foot of the Bastion; but there he was forced to quit his Prize, for being shot in the Leg with a Pistol-bullet, soon after dyed of the wound: By these examples the Commanders seeing it impossible to repress or abate the mettle of these vigorous Spirits, their bridle was taken off, and licence given to make their excursion; so that all things being ordered and contrived for a Sally, before break of day in the morning they silently issued forth, and leaping into A Sally made by the French. the Enemies Quarters, valiantly mingled with them, cutting and hewing down all before them; their Banner was a Crucifix carried in the Front by Father Paul a Capuchin Fryer, who little regarding those who followed him, proceeded with his Ensign as unconcerned, as if he had been in Procession; which so animated the Souldiery, that like men conducted by miracle, they broke through the gross Body of the Enemies Force: and so violent they were in their combate, and so intent to their business, [Page 252] that they neither observed the multitudes of the Enemy which came upon them, nor the signal of their Commander for a Retreat; until at length discovering their danger, they made speed with some disorder to return, having lost an hundred and twenty Gentlemen in this rencounter, whose heads being cut off (as the custom of the Turks is) were pitched upon the Pikes end, and ranked before the door of the Viziors Tent, amongst which the head of the Marquess Doradour did beyond all the others draw the eyes of the Turks, who admired the clearness of his complexion, and fairness of the hair; which being breaded in tresses for the more convenience in fighting, made death it self beautiful, and was at the same time both his Enemies glory and their compassion. The French having thus evaporated their fury with this Phlebotomy, there not remaining above two hundred and thirty after this Sally of all those six hundred brought into Candia, Monsieur La Fueillade with his reliques departed: at which time the whole strength of the Town consisted of about seven thousand stranger Souldiers, four thousand Inhabitants, and two thousand Savoyards, which was too weak a Garrison to resist so potent an Enemy, so formally and strongly incamped, unless supplied with new Recruits. Wherefore the Dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburg. mindful of their Christian Brethren in this distressed Siege, contributed three Regiments towards their relief, consisting in all of The Dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburg sent Forces to relieve Candia. three thousand three hundred men. The first under Count Waldeck, the second under Molleson, and the third under Count Radesfeld. They made their Muster first at Verona, and imbarking at Venice the 28 th of March, on the 12 th of May 1669: they arrived at Candia. These valiant Souldiers desiring to ease the long besieged Companies, demanded the Guards of Sabionera and St. Andrea; which being by this time become hot and dangerous stations, were not disputed with that heat of honour as formerly, but were easily yielded to the fresh and new-come Souldiery. Many now and various were the assaults which the Enemy made upon the Town, hoping to carry it by dint of Sword; but the Christians unweariedly maintained their valour and courage, and particularly the Lunenburghers, whose gallantry deserved its due praise and reward. Their General Count Waldeck whilst he undauntedly incouraged his men, and openly exposed himself on the Works, received a mortal wound, of which soon afterwards he dyed; but before he expired, he assembled together his Fellow-Souldiers, and incouraged them in the Holy cause they were come to maintain, giving them as a Farewel-Sermon, Count Waldeck dyes of his wound. instructions, and perswasive arguments to a godly life, and having confessed his own sins in the presence of them all, he resigned his spirit into the hands of his Creator, leaving not only his own Forces, but the whole Town disconsolate for the loss of so able a Commander.
And now the time of year approaching, wherein the Town expected its ultimate Relief, and the Union of all the Princes of Christendom for raising the Siege, which had continued for the space now of about two years; the valiant Christians full of hopes, daily animated each other, casting their eyes to Sea-ward, promised a reward to the first Descryer of the long desired Fleet. The Turks also being advised of the expected Succours, resolved if possible to perform the business designed before their arrival; and thereupon made one of the greatest assaults that ever was yet given to the Town, in which though the Christians behaved themselves with all valour imaginable, yet the Turks still gained farther [Page 253] footing and advantage. And now it fared with the Town after every storm, as it doth with a physical body after every accession of a Feaver, which though it intermits for some time, yet it leaves the Patient always more weak and debilitated than before. Wherefore the Christians increasing in care and diligence, the Captain-General disarmed several of his Gallies to supply the Town with what Force he could possibly contribute, and the Engineers imployed their brains for destruction of the Enemy, so that they fell again to their Mines, and sprang one which took good effect; soon after they sprang seven others, after which four more near the Revelin of St. Spirito, which blew up many Turks, ruined their Lodgings, and buried one of their Batteries: these also were followed by another Mine of an hundred and sixty Sacks of Powder, which took its way between St. Andrea and the Revelin of St. Spirito with extraordinary A Mine of an hundred and sixty Sacks of Powder fired by the Christians. execution and violence, throwing up that vast quantity of Earth and Timber, that it not only overwhelmed the Enemy in the neighbouring Trenches, but overthrew a Battery of three Pieces of Cannon, which the Turks had raised on the Revelin of St. Andrea: yet all this served to increase the heat and fury of the Enemy rather than abate it; for they imagining this to be the ultimate force and the last blast of the expiring Fortress, plyed their assaults with the more fury and madness, pressing forward the crowds of the Souldiery collected lately in Villages, and the Janisaries newly created taken from the Plough to be matter and fuel for the Christians Powder.
Winter now approaching, and the Vizier resolving to quarter a second year under the Walls of Candia, began to provide against the weather, and resolved to lye still until the Spring should renew the time for action, but never intermitted his imployment of plying constantly his Batteries, and shooting Bomboes into the Town. In the mean time the Besieged being animated by their new additional Forces, whose spirits also were high, and desirous of action; the Commanders thought it not policy to suppress the heat and mettle of their courage at the beginning, but gave way to the Souldiers proposition of a Sally, which was effected in the month of December with no bad success. For the Christians surprising the Turks unawares, little dreaming of any such design, fell in amongst them on the side of Sabionera, where they took The Christians sally on the side of Sabionera. a Battery, dismounted and spiked the Cannon, with the loss of the Duke of Candia, being shot in the breast with a Musket-bullet; of the Turks near three thousand were killed, amongst whom was Benglee the Sampsongibashee or Major General of the Janisaries, and Katirgi-Oglé Pasha of Canea, whom we have already mentioned, and so returned with Triumph into the Town. This Katirgi-Oglé which signifies the Son of a Mulatier, Katirgi-Oglé his original and life. was formerly a common Thief, who robbed on certain Mountains near Antioch in Pisidia, called Ock-shaher, which now have their names from him: and being a couragious man and fortunate, drew a considerable number of Miscreants from all parts to follow him in his Enterprises. His profession was not to rob Caravans or Merchants travelling in their honest imployment; but Knight-Errant-like pretended to revenge the injuries and abuses of his Country by the unjust and corrupt Ministers, whom for robbing and oppressing the people, he esteemed it Justice and Vertue to deprive of their ill gotten Wealth. In which Trade he gained such Richess and Power, that at length he came to Scutari, from whence acquainting the Grand Signior of the abuses [Page 254] of his Officers, and his own course of living was upon promises of duty and submission received into Grace and Favour, and not only obtained pardon, but preferment. For the Grand Signior discovering in him a spirit of much resolution and bravery sent him unto Candia, and conferred on him the Pashaluck of Canea, in which on all occasions he comported himself with much bravery, dying at last before the Walls of Candia.
Various were the Sallies and Conflicts the Christians made upon the Turks towards the end of this Year; one of which, after that foregoing, was made by Marquess Villa, who with a thousand two hundred men fell in upon the Turks Trenches, where he had so good success, that he brought back with him a hundred Turks heads, which he planted on the Walls.
The Turks also as they had made strong Assaults, and gained on the Fort of S t Andrea to the East, so they undauntedly pressed forwards on the Bastion of Sabionera to the West, with a Force of ten thousand men, having the advantage of three Batteries, each consisting of ten pieces of Ordnance. The next Night the Turks gave a general Assault The Turks [...] three Bastions at once. with all their Forces to the Bastions of Panigra, Sabionera, and S t Andrea, and the great Fort S t Demetrius; but the Besieged were armed with all caution and vigilance against surprise, and with that Conduct and Valour, that they gave the Enemy three Gallant Repulses with much slaughter and confusion; but yet this success was diminished by the loss of the Count de Mare, an experienced Venetian Souldier, who, after proofs of an invincible Valour, lost his life in defence of the Christian Cause. But not long after the Marquess Cornaro, and the Baron Spar arriving with a Recruit of three thousand Men, as if they intended to requite the Turks last Assaults, made so resolute and so successful a Sally, that they left above two thousand Infidels dead upon the place, with a considerable number of their Officers.
The State of Affairs in the Turkish Court, and other Parts of the Empire during the War in CANDIA.
BUT whilst we are in relation of the Wars abroad, we must not forget the proceedings of Affairs at home. The Grand Signior now weary of his repose and aboad in his Seraglio at Adrianople, and impatient of the delays in his Affairs at Candia, judged it as well agreeable to the present convenience of his Empire, as to his own humour, to seat himself in some place of nearer distance from Candia, than his present aboad; from whence by his presence and authority, his Army might with better expedition be supplied with all necessaries of War and provision. After various Arguments about the choice of the place, Larissa was fixed upon, a City anciently renowned for Antiquity and Plenty. And that the Court might not abound with unnecessary The Female Court sent to Constantinople. Attendants; the Queen Mother, and Hasaki Sultana, with all the Ladies of their Retinue, were sent to Constantinople, a policy perhaps to amuse [Page 255] the minds of the people, and afford them an occasion of discourse, and hopes that the Grand Signior himself might shortly follow. But before the departure of this Female Court, the disposal of the Grand The Janisaries jealous of the safety of the Sultans Brothers. Signior's Brothers was moved and questioned by the Janisaries, who having long since been jealous and doubtful of their safety, did demand, that the protection and custody of them should be committed to the Queen Mother; who willingly received the Charge, and gave security by Hoget to defend and preserve them from all private Treachery, or publick Attempts with the same tenderness and care as she should her own life, or the life of her Son. In this manner these Princes and Princesses departing, made a solemn and magnificent entrance into Constantinople. The chief of the Cavalcade was Kul-ogli, the Grand Signiors Mosayp, or Favourite, attended with a hundred and fifty Pages in Coats of Male, and Satten Vests; in one Coach was the Valedé Sultana, or the Queen Mother, in the next was the Hasaki Sultana, or the Grand Signior's Queen, in the third were the Brothers, in the fourth was the young Prince, or the Grand Signior's Son, after came the Conehes of more ordinary Ladies attended with about a hundred and fifty black Eunuchs, in Vests of white Satten.
The Grand Signior also preparing for his journey to Larissa, pitched his Tents without the City; from whence one day vjewing round the Camp from a Jardac, or Tent, elevated above the rest, he espied with a Prospective Glass a certain person taking Tabaco in his Tent, whilst a Slave rubbed his Legs: His Attendants not able or willing upon his Demands to inform him who he was, he sent an Officer to make Enquiry, The Gran. Signior displeased with Tabaco. who returned with Answer, that it was Ibrahim, Aga, the Kahya or Steward to the Chimacam, and in effect Chimacam himself, having a great share in the mannagement of Affairs; but the smoke had like to [...] smothered him and all his Fortunes; for this Grand Signior, who is as great an Enemy to it as King James was, or Sultan Morat, would have made him the Sacrifice to that Incense, had not those present interceded for him; who with the Chimacam's own mediation, and the cost of fifty Purses, or five and twenty thousand Dollars, ransomed his Life.
The Sultan being arrived at Larissa, News came of the near approach of the Excellentissimo Alvise de Molino, Ambassadour from the Venetian An Ambassadour sent from Venice. Republick, with propositions of peace. But the Turks before they would admit the Embassy, or the person which brought it, to a nearer approach than a Days Journey from the Court, would be resolved first whether he brought with him the Keys of Candia; To which it was replied by the Interpreter, That he was not able to give them satisfaction in that particular, being but a mean and ordinary servant, to whom the Secrets of State, and resolutions of great men were not committed, his Office being only to render faithfully the words and sence of his Masters, and not to enter into the private thoughts and Cabinet of their Counsels. To which the Chimacam proudly and barbarously made answer, Go tell thy Master, that unless he brings the Keys of Candia, thy head shall pay for it. And that he presume not in person to approach nearer unto this Court. So the Ambassadour remained at a distance for some weeks, and at length was transferred over to the Vizier at Candia; who being more ready to hearken to propositions, in hopes by some overture or other to hook in Candia, gave an easie Audience to the Ambassadour [Page 256] and controverted several Articles and Propositions with all freedom and patience. So that on the Venetians part, the Surrender of Suda was offered, and a Sum of money, in compensation of the War. The Vizier on the other side would be contented with nothing less than the Surrender of Candia; and in lieu thereof to grant a Licence to rebuild Paleo-Castro, an ancient Fortress. But the Fortress it self of Candia being the prize and aim of both, nothing could be concluded without that; so that, the Ambassadour in fine, declared plainly, That the City of Candia was maintained and defended by the Armes of Foreign Princes, without whose consent it could not be resigned; all the rest of the Island should be the reward of their bloud and labour, only Candia was capable of no Conditions, but what were imposed on it by force of Armes.
The Vizier, whose honour could be salved, and the glory of the Ottoman Empire maintained, at no other rate than the subjection of Candia, would hearken to no other terms or proposals; so that the Treaty broke off, and the Ambassadour returned to Canea, there to remain until farther Overtures of an Accommodation should present.
It was now towards the depth of Winter when three men of War and a Fire-Ship, sent by the most Christian King, steered up the Hellespont with words and boastings as full of Wind as their Sails; and being [...] Ships [...] War sail to Constantinople. arrived at Constantinople, vaunting of their Force, as if sufficient to subdue the Turkish Dominions, they uttered certain rumours, that they were come to revenge the late affront offered to their Merchants, to cause that money to be repaid, which in late and frequent Avanias had been extorted from their Nation; and to renew their Capitulations with more advantageous terms. As namely, That their Customs from 5 be reduced to 3 per Cent. as the English, Dutch, and Genoeses pay. That their King be treated by the Sultan with the equal Presents and Gifts, according to the Custom used with the Emperour; and that at all times interchangeably Ambassadours be sent to reside in each others Dominions; with other propositions which seemed as extravagant to the Turks, as they appeared to others vain, and to have no foundation but in the report of the Vulgar.
But that which was reported by the most judicious concerning these Ships was, That his most Christian Majesty being made to understand perfectly the affronts put on his Nation by the Turks; and not fully satisfied (as is supposed) with the respect they had shown to his Ambassador at Constantinople, made it the chief Design of his Ships to withdraw him from thence, supposing it a less diminution to his honour, to have the person of his Agent subjected to affronts, than of his Ambassadour, to which (it was imagined) he might be obnoxious, in consideration of those great supplies, which were in the following year designed for Candia. In what manner soever the Turks deemed of this appearance of Men of War to hector and brave them at their Imperial City, they did yet for the present cunningly dissemble the matter, giving the French fair words, and what plenty of Provisions their occasions did require. In what manner this Affair was transacted, I shall not adventure to relate, nor is it well or certainly known; Yet not long after came Orders for the Ambassadour to repair to the Court at Larissa; and that until the Grand Signior's pleasure was farther known, the Ships of War were to be detained. The Commander in chief, called Monsieur d' Almeras, was not a little [Page 257] trou bled to have his Ships thus embargued, and labouring in his thoughts between the time limited in his Instructions by his Master and the restraint by the Turks, he once bravely resolved to hazard his passage through the Castles; but protracting the execution thereof from day to day, even until the end of April; at length Licence came for their departure, and Orders to repair unto Vola, near Larissa, there to take an Ambassadour, or Agent, or Envoyé from the Sultan to their King. For, it seems, the Vizier had intimated to the Grand Signior, That it was not time to disgust the French King, and to bring him under the notion of a declared and publick Enemy, or at least to irritate him so far as might provoke him to send greater Forces, than perhaps he designed the next year, for Candia: and that he ought to comply with the present conjuncture, and salve that up for a time, which he might afterwards open at his pleasure. This counsel seeming reasonable to the The Gr. Signior sends a Messenger to the French King. Grand Signior, and agreeable to the present necessity, he ordered (as I was credibly informed) a thousand Dollars only to adorn his Ambassadour; so pitifully do the Turks esteem of Christian Princes, and so highly do they value themselves, as if a Message from them would be reverenced in Christendom as a favour, though brought by a Porter or a Slave. But the French Ambassadour considering this allowance too mean a provision for a person qualified to appear before his Master, did (as it is said) out of his own Purse and generous Soul contribute a far greater Sum, with two Vests of Sables towards his better Equipage. In this manner the Sultan dissembling an appearance of good correspondence with his Christian Majesty, dispatched away his Envoyé on the Ships of War, being a Person in quality of a Mutafaraca, one of the same degree with a Chaous, to expostulate with the King concerning several Particulars, and especially his Reasons for sending for his Ambassadour, without sending another according to ancient custom to supply his Office, wondering much at this sudden alteration of friendship, without any cause given on the Ottoman side: and with these smooth and fair words the Turks imagined they might charm the Spirit of the King for a while, and suspend his Succours from Candia, until at last it were beyond his power and wisdom to relieve. In the mean time the Ambassadour from the most Christian King was detained as a Hostage for the other, of whose return we shall speak in its due place.
Towards the end of this year Sir Daniel Harvey Lord Ambassador from [...]. His Majesty of Great Britain arrived at Constantinople, succeeding in the place of the Earl of Winchelsea, who could not obtain Audience with the Sir [...] Ambassadour from his Maiesty. G. Signior until the end of the following year, by reason of the Sultans unsetled abode and far distance; who at length coming to Salonica, summoned the Ambassadour thither, and there conferred on him the usual Ceremonies and Honours due to the Ambassadour at sirst Reception.
Candia was now hardly assailed in four places, viz. on the side of A Relation of the state of Candia toward the end of this year. Betlem, Panigra, St. Andrea, and Sabionera. These places being twice stormed, in which the Turks lost thirty thousand men, so many Mines and Fornelli were fired, that the ground lay open like a vast abyss, with strange heaps of confused and undigested Earth, and hindred the Enemy from approaching to the Wall; but Sabionera and St. Andrea being esteemed the most weak, because they were not sortified by any considerable Out-works, or compassed with any depth of Ditch, were pressed and forced upon by the Turk with more violence than [Page 258] any parts of the City. The Enemy having by their great number of 1669 Pioniers elevated the confused Earth, they formed some Batteries, fortifying them, and sheltering their people with Sacks of Wool, and a Labyrinth (as we may say) of Redoubts, they advanced foot by foot upon the Revelin of St. Andrea, being destitute of all Mines to stop their proceedings; and having at length blown up the Revelin, and with fire and earth having taken the Out-work, they penetrated into the Ditch (which was not deep) with four Traverses, and came now to the very foot of the wall of the Bulwark, fortified with eighteen pieces of Cannon, six of which carrying fifty pound Bullet shot into the Ditch, eight flanked that side which was opposite to Panigra, and four on that part towards the Revelin of St. Spirito, notwithstanding which they stormed the Walls in nine places. And beginning to make a breach by firing certain Mines, which opened a wideness of forty two paces at the point of that Bulwark; and continuing their breaches towards the Sea, breaking in their way the Front of the Fort Priulo, they proceeded almost to the Gate of St. Andrea, and opened forty eight paces more, in all ninety paces. Afterwards they ruined the remainder of the Wall, and that which was called the Scotch Fort to the very Sea; so that the Christians were forced to retire from their Out-works, and contract their Precincts to the Walls of the City.
To add unto the misery of this place, an unfortunate shot from the Turks Camp entred that Magazine which was near St. Peters Church, where the artificial Fires were made; and meeting several shells of Granadoes already charged, with thirty Barrels of Powder; all took fire, and blew into the air, and burned all the houses which were near thereunto. At this unlucky accident the Besieged fearing a general assault, and seeing the Turkish Horse draw into a Body near Sabionera, the whole Garrison ran to the Walls; but no farther Attempt being made, towards evening they blew up a Lodge of the Enemy, with all the people that were therein.
Anno Christi 1669. Hegeira 1080.
TOwards the end of the last Year, and at the beginning of this the Turks began to open their eyes, and find themselves defrauded with the grossest cheat that ever was imposed on a people who had either reason or humanity. For now three or four years had ran on, that the French, Dutch, Italians, and other Nations had introduced into all parts of the Turkish Dominions (unless in those East-ward, as Aleppo, and farther) a sort of small Money called by some Luigini, by others The story of the false Reaux or Temins. Ottavi, and by the Turks Temins, worth about five pence English; which appearing pleasant and bright to the eye, and commodious for change, and common expences, so bewitched the Commonalty, that Pieces of Eight, Zaichins, and other merchantable Money were laid aside, as neither currant or valuable. At first about nine years past they were of good and warrantable Silver, but afterwards with time by little and little grew worse, and of baser alloy: at length the people doting more and more upon them, they came coarser every day than other; and being still currantly passable, every person that was failed, and of bad reputation entred into the Trade, who knowing no bounds of honesty or of gain, composed their Money wholly of Copper or coarser Metals, [Page 259] with a fair gloss and resemblance of Silver, buying therewith the Commodities of the Country; and at length amassed up all the Gold, Silver, and whatsoever came to hand was the price of their false and bastard Coin, with which they filled and abused all Asia: nor was this Money only of one Mint, but of divers Stamps and Mottoes reproachful to the Turks, and it is pity they had not wit enough to understand them, as namely, Voluit hanc Asia mercem De procul pretium ejus, and such like, which were so various, that many who had the curiosity to make a collection of them, found no less than an hundred and twenty several Stamps. The Commonalty still enamoured with the brightness of their colour, and commodiousness of their change, little reflected on the ill consequence to the generality, having seldom more than to supply their daily wants. And the Officers of the Customs finding a benefit extraordinary to themselves upon the vast Sums of Money imported, little cared how it fared with the publick. In the mean time the whole currant of Merchandise in the Levant was dispossessed of its ordinary and true chanel; for vast quantities or a glut of Turkish Goods filled all Christendom, the prices low and cheap, and no profit to any Merchant dealing upon the square, or upon the old and legal way of Traffick. At Ligorne and other parts of Italy complaints were made, That the Silver and Bullion of the Country were melted down to make a composition with baser Metals for Turkie, and exchanged for decaying and perishable Commodities. In short, no man seemed satisfied with the Trade, and yet the World, like their sins, which they disapprove, pursued it with all heat and violence imaginable. This Trade being thus over-laid, and vast heaps of adulterate Money imported daily worse and worse, caused the Jews and other Merchants at first to except against some sorts, and admit of others. This seruple, together with the prohibition of them two years before by the English Factory at Smyrna, obliging themselves unto the Levant Company under a considerable penalty not to receive this money for Cloth or other Commodities of the growth of England, together with the circumspection and contrivance of the English Consul, awakened sirst the blind minds of the Turks, who having long been infatuated with this beloved money, began now to reject and abhor it like the false and farded countenance of a Courtisan: so that from eleven they fell to twelve, and so to thirteen and fourteen to the Lion-Dollars. In which conjuncture a Dutch Convoy arrived at Smyrna, importing vast Sums thereof; which for a Bribe to the Officers of the City, or what the Customer would ask, were permitted Licence to be landed; which overflowing in great abundance, and rather of a worse than better alloy, went declining to eighteen, and so to twenty, at which Rate for a short time they passed currant. And now at this price the Officers did what was possible to keep them up, conceiving it impossible, in a time of so much scarcity of all sorts of other Coins, that the Countries could subsist, or that Trade in buying or selling could proceed, if this money should wholly lose its esteem and value: nor were the people so much the care of the Governours, though for many years they had known no other price or reward of their labours, as were the vast damages of the Sultan, in whose Coffers were considerable Sums, which were never known to have been placed unto the loss of the Exchequer; for it is a Proverb amongst the Turks, That the Grand Signiors Lead cannot sink. But that which raised most of tumult was the rigour of the [Page 260] Tax-gatherers, who refused to take that money from the people for their Duties to the Grand Signior, but demanded of them Lion-Dollars, Sevil and Mexico Pieces of Eight, or the like; which they not being able to find, beat and imprisoned them in all places, where this question came into dispute: the people hereupon, though patient, and accustomed to violence and burden, could not yet support longer an oppression so unreasonable, but that Insurrection was made in all places where this came into dispute: and as injured patience turns to fury, at Prusa and Angora the torrent of the peoplesrage was not appeased without the blood and lives of some of their Officers, alledging with good reason, That their Ministers and Governours having introduced or permitted this money amongst them, and allowed it as currant in that manner, as that they had for some years known no other, nor received other for all the fruits of their labour or possessions, they ought not now to refuse to receive that which they themselves had made passable; which argument and reason was pressed in sundry places with that violence, that the Officers were forced to submit to the necessity of the times, and the fury of the multitude. And now this money had wholly lost its reputation, and began to be refused generally at any rate whatsoever; so that though the Government thought fit to license them at thirty to the Dollar; yet the people prosecuting the abasement of it with a hate and disaffection equal to their former desires, refused generally and absolutely to accept them in payment. Wherefore the Sultan perceiving that the power of his Officers was not sufficient to render this money longer passable at any rate, at length he commanded, that every one should bring in his money of these sorts into the Mint where it should be melted down, and the Silver it produced should be delivered to the Proprietor. At which Summons several Great men voluntarily brought in their money, others had it seized and condemned to the Furnace, amongst which was a French Merchant ingaged to the import of sixty thousand Dollars. As yet the News of this alteration not having reached Christendom, divers Ships arrived at Constantinople with vast Sums of this money, which were all seized and forced to the Mint. In like manner other Ships arrived at Smyrna with the same Commodity, which my self would not suffer to be landed, and some of them having no other foundation of Stock or Freight, returned empty, to the great loss of the Employers. It was strange to see, how on a sudden all Trade ceased, no money being left in the Country, few Bargains were made but by Barters; and though all this ruine might wholly be attributed to the ill Government, yet the people were contented, and sate down with the loss. And thus concluded this extravagant Trade of false Money, being supposed to have wrought more of destruction and loss at the end, than it brought of benefit at the beginning; memorable for nothing more than for expiring so quietly, though it had the chief part of the Turkish Empire to support and defend it.
During these Troubles the Grand Signior passed his time in hunting near Larissa, where he ruined the Country round about, and tired the people with beating and driving the Woods for Game and wild Beasts to divertise him, in which, as formerly, he continued so excessively immoderate, that without consideration of the heats, or colds, or moisture of the season, he compelled the people, but especially the Jews (of which great numbers inhabit that Country) to continual labours in the Woods [Page 261] and Fields; by which many died through the rigid Frosts of the Winter and Calentures of the Summer. But yet notwithstanding these Divertisements, the Grand Signior could not easily cast off the melancholy apprehensions and fears he had for the state of his Affairs, imagining that the long delays and ill success at Candia, and defaults in Government had begotten in his Subjects a hate towards his Person, and a desire of alteration. Wherefore the Spring approaching, he retired into a solitary but pleasant shade amongst the Mountains, where sprang cool and crystalline waters, about sixteen hours Journey from Larissa. In this solitude his melancholy thoughts again disquieted him with a jealousie and suspicion, lest his Brothers now at Constantinople should take their advantage, and one of them be by the Peoples consent and assistance The Grand Signior designs to cut off his Brothers. placed in his Imperial Seat: which imagination made that impression in him, that he immediately dispatched away a trusty and valiant Officer with all secrecy, without making any noise, to bring him their Heads, directing his Commands to his Mother, in whose custody they were; and not doubting of her help and assent, as being most nearly concerned in his interest, expected every hour the return of his Messenger with that grateful Present, which could only cure the torture of his jealousie, and alleviate his cares. But no sooner was this fatal Command arrived the hands of the Queen, but she trembled so much, that she could scarce hold the Paper. At length considering, that (as hath been said before) she had given in caution to the Janisaries for the lives of these Princes, and that to her care they were committed, she immediately disclosed and published the design of the Grand Signior to the Janisar-Aga, craving his help and protection, protesting that she was resolved to maintain the faith she had given to those Princes, whose life she tendered equal with her own. This advice and resolution of the Queen-Mother being brought to the Janisaries, was heartily approved, and protestations given, that they would never abandon her, nor the lives she preserved. The rumour hereof in an instant flew through the streets; but with such variety of reports, that nothing of certainty was known, only in general some great ruine was apprehended to threaten the City; whereupon a strange outcry was made to shut up the shops, and every one to consult the safety of the Publick. But some few hours after, it being more distinctly known, that the Grand Signior had sent for the Heads of his Brothers; the People of Constantinople, whose sole hopes of seeing the Royal City restored to its ancient Honour, was by the conservation of these Princes, were in a greater combustion than before; for every one then betook himself to his Arms: so that in a short time were assembled forty thousand men at Okmedon well appointed, where considing in the strength of a general Cause, in which they were ingaged, they vented many opprobrious speeches against the Government, calling the Chief Ministers Orsysler, which is unfortunate Fellows, a term amongst the Turks, of the greatest ignominy, especially to a Governour, and loudly exclaimed and wished for a reformation. In the mean time the Queen-Mother desired aid from the Janisaries, and Guards about the Apartments of the Princes, lest the Bostangees, who are the Creatures of the Grand Signior, should assault their Quarters. The Consultations also amongst the Janisaries were long and secret, and the Queen-Mother dispatched several Messages to the Grand Signior, advising him to forsake the Mountains, and repair to one of his Imperial Cities, as became the [Page 262] Majesty of so great a Sultan, being the only means to secure to him the establishment of his Crown. And now the Reader will with impatience attend the conclusion and issue of so great rumours and disturbances; but it is now, as it hath been experienced in other Commonwealths, acribus, ut fermè talia, initiis, incurioso sine, matters violent in their original, Tac. Lib. 6. spend themselves at first, and produce nothing remarkable in their end. And so was the effect of these recesses, and mutiny of the people at Constantinople, whose humour of novelty and change venting it self, and in four or five days tired with expectation; at length every one began to return to his dwelling and employment. The face likewise of things at Constantinople seemed quiet and appeased, carrying with it, as it were, a still modesty and shame for the late disorders; and nothing was heard or murmured for the space of twenty or thirty days after, until the Grand Signior trembling with the fears of this confused Rebellion, kept more strict Guards than ordinary within his mountains, and after being better recollected, entered into Consultation, and being advised of the Heads and Leaders of the late Insurrection, proscribed such as were the prime Actors, and having dispatched away two or three Messengers on this Errant, they entered secretly in the Night to their Lodgings, where they quietly, and without noise, took off the heads of four or five of them, and banished as many without the least noise, or notice taken thereof by the Vulgar. And because this disorder happened at Constantinople, for which the chief Commander ought to answer, the Chimacam passed not without a jealousie either of negligence or consent; wherefore the Vizier sent for him and the Janisar-Aga to Candia, as if he had occasion of their service, though not without their own fears and suspicion of others, to answer and make satisfaction for the late mutiny. And thus for a while this Flame is extinguished, and the fire raked up in the Embers. We must expect a while, and observe when and where it will again burst forth.
The Spring now approaching, which supplies new Spirits, and warm and fresh bloud into the Veins of Man, as well as sap in Trees, and life in other Vegetables; let us return again to the Wars, and survey the Camp, and posture of Affairs before the walls in Candia. The Turkish Army, which, like worms benummed with the Cold of Winter, had lain immured between their Banks of Earth, did not ply their Assaults so frequently as they had done in Summer, only for a Winters exercise, battered the inward Works of S t Andrea's Fort, which as we said before, they had hardly beset. And now the time for action being again come about, they renewed The Turks storm again the Fort of St. Andrea. their storm on that side so violently, pressing forward the least esteemed of their Souldiery, that with the help of Spade and Mattock, and blowing up of some Mines, they penetrated forty paces within the Walls of the City. But the Christians having long since foreseen the weakness of that side, made it part of their Winters labours to draw another Wall from the Fort Panigra (whose Revelin or Out-work was before blown up) crossing over almost to the Tramata, which they fortified as well as could be expected, and made constant and bold resistance against the Enemy. Notwithstanding which the Turks pressed so constantly and boldly forward, that though the Christians were strong within, and provided with all sorts of provisions both of war and sustenance, yet nothing supported their Courages and Spirits more than the expectation of promised Succours from France and Italy; it being reported, and [Page 263] generally believed, that they would be so numerous as might be able to give Battel in the Field unto the Turk, and force them out of their Trenches; for by no other means was it possible for this City to be relieved: for it might fare with this place, as it did formerly with Rhodes and Ostend, which, though wanting neither men nor provisions, were yet taken by palms and inches of ground, till not so much was left, as would hold men to defend them. A pregnant example (as S r William Tample well observes) how impossible it is to defend any Town that cannot be relieved by an Army strong enough to raise the Siege. Whilst the Christians were entertained with these hopes, the Turks fortified themselves without as strongly as the besieged had within, heaving like Moles with their numerous Army of Pioniers, whose lives being not valued, they were wholly intent unto Mines, blowing up all before them, in that manner that every day they gained a pace of ground within the City. So that in effect (as will be seen by the Sequel) this most impregnable Fort of the World was forced and taken by the Spade and Shovel, and by a Crew of unarmed Labourers, who understood nothing more than the Plough and Harrow. So that now this Town seemed to be reduced to its utmost Crisis, either of being taken, or for ever freed of this malignant Enemy. And indeed the Turks had so far advanced upon the Bulwark of S t Andrea, that now nothing remained of it, more than ruines, and undigested heaps of Earth and stone, in defence of which the chief Commanders applying themselves in person with all diligence, the Marquess S t Andrea Montbrun was wounded by a stone in the face, the Cavalier de Bret was buried in the ruines to the very Neck, and with difficulty drawn out of the Earth by Assistants about him; two other Cavaliers were wounded with Granadoes, and the Cavalier Feuillere, who carried the Standard of Malta, was shot into the Eye with a Musket. The Proveditor General Corndro serving at the repair of the Breach, was so wounded in the Belly by a Granado, that his Bowels burst, of which he died in three hours; and with a piece of the same Granado the Count Vignole, a French Gentleman of great Valour, was likewise slain: And so hotly the Turks plyed this Breach, that from the 28 th of May to the 2 d of June they sprang five Mines, which brake all the Palisades of the Christians; the which the Turks seconded with that fury and mettle, as if they intended to win the place and make an end of their work, before the arrival of the Forces expected from Christendom. And this Post was now grown so dangerous and weak, that the Captain General, the Marquess of Montbrun, and all the chief Officers took up their Quarters at this place, where his Excellency kept an open Table, and the Marquess took up his Lodgings at Night, that so the other Officers might have no excuse on account of attendances or orders to abandon these Quarters.
The Princes of Christendom all this time forgot not their besieged Succours sem out of Christendom. Brethren in Candia. Popo Clement the IX. pressed the most Christian King to make ready his succours in due time, who had already himself prepared all things, and elected the Duke of Beaufort his General of all the Forces by Sea, whether of French or other Nations. This Duke, like a couragious and brave Prince, thinking it little glory to command at Sea, where the Enemy was of an inferiour and unable Force to encounter him, did therefore desire Licence from his King to make tryal of his Fortune in the Field, where he might evidence his Valour in [Page 264] the face of the Infidels, and signalize his Fame either by Death or Victory. The King, unwilling to hazard so worthy a person of his bloud out of his due Command in the rank of an ordinary Souldier, at first denied his requests; but the Pope interceding for him, whose General he was, with holy Arguments, and devout Contemplations of Martyrdom, and Glory of dying for the Christian Cause, at length obtained a concession from the King, who of himself was flexible to so pious a request, esteeming it unholy to deprive his Kinsman either of the Palm of a Martyr, or the Lawrel of a Conqueror.
The Summer being come, and all things provided, the Duke ascended his Ship at Tolon a City in Provence, the 6 th of June, New-style, The French Fleet loose from Tolon. with about seven thousand Land Souldiers, commanded by the Duke of Navaille, with the Marshals Lebret and Golbert, and several other Worthies and Heroes of undaunted Courage, and arrived before the Town of Candia the 19 th of the same Month, having casually encountred together in the Seas on the 17 th with fourteen Sail of Venetian Ships, laden with Horse and Ammunition to mount the Troops, and relieve the Town; which happy encounter and speedy passage, seemed a happy Omen of the future success. The appearance of this succour seemed to the Besieged as sent from Heaven, and administred unto them new hopes and courage; and the salutes passed between the Town and the Fleet with the usual Ceremonies, and all the imaginable testimonies of joy and triumph.
No sooner were they arrived than the two Generals, with other principal They arrive at Candia. Officers, immediately in their Shallops took the best view and survey they could of the Enemies Camp, and the Condition of the Besieged; in which whilst they entertained themselves, they espied a small Vessel making towards them with S t Mark's Colours, in which was the famous Engineer Signior Castellano, dispatched by the Captain General Morosini with an exact plat of the Town, and disposition of the Turkish Camp, which being particularly viewed and considered, it was evident, That if the Turks should make some very forcible Attempt before the new Forces could be landed (as it was very probable they might) they would put all in hazard of being lost; wherefore the Captain General pressed to have some succours immediately supplied to be assistant in that case of extremity; To which the Duke of Navailles immediately consented, and landed himself that Night in person with sufficient Force to mount the Guard on the Breach of S t Andrea, whose first Retrenchment was continually battered by the Turks; and though there was a second Retrenchment in hand, yet time being required for compleating thereof, that part of the Town would be reduced to its ultimate hazard; for should the Enemy spring a Mine (which they feared was already formed under the present Work) it would lay all open and naked, without other Fortification. The Duke being ashoar, was received by Morosini with all demonstrations of Civility and Respect due to a personage of his Quality and Employment; and with a welcome suitable to the present extremity of his Affairs: all Ceremonies and Complements were soon passed over, the urgency of matters not permitting them time to be long impertinent; so that falling into the Discourse of the common safety, it The French Forces landed. was resolved that the succours should be immediately landed, which was performed with that diligence and expedition, that in two days the whole Army came safe on shore, excepting only some few, cut short by shot from the Enemies Camp.
[Page 265] On the 23 d the Generals and other Officers, held a Council of War, amongst whom was also the Marquess of S t Andrea; and did unanimously conclude, that the Town was no longer tenable, or to be maintained, A Council of War held in Candia. unless by some extraordinary enterprize attempted on the Enemy, and by some furious Sally performed with resolution, and stratagems of War, in order unto which it was resolved, That the 27 th should be the day of sally both with Horse and Foot, and that the Fleet not to lose their part in this action, should play with their great Guns on that side of the Turkish Army which lay incamped on the Quarters of St. Andrea. All The order of the Christian Army to make their Saily. the Forces were landed on the 26 th, and the whole night following was spent in preparations for the next days sally: the Army being drawn up made four Batalions, the first called the Admirals commanded by the Sieurs Martel, Vandre, and Gravier; the second was the Vice-Admirals commanded by the Sieurs de la Mothe and Planta; the third was the Rere-Admirals under Command of Chevalier de Bouillion, Gabaret, and the Chevalier Dailly; the fourth was the Batalion of the Sieur d'Almeras commanded under him by the Sieurs Panetier, de la Rogue, Fontier, Bitault, and the Chevalier de Nemond; and on the left hand of these aforesaid Batalions, the Guards of the Duke of Beaufort were disposed. The Duke of Beaufort unwilling to be a Spectator in this glorious Action, without bearing a part in his own person, after he had given order to the Fleet to accost the shore on the side of St. Andrea, as near as consisted with their security, and from thence with their great Guns to annoy the Enemies Camp as much as was possible, came that night on shore, resolving to fight in the Head of the Forlorn Hope, from which hazardous adventure no intreaties or counsel of his friends could prevail to disswade him.
The Forlorn consisted of 400 men, on the head of which marched fifty men with hand Granadoes, flanked with three Troops of Horse, Commanded by Count Dampiere: the Regiments of Guards, with four Troops of Horse for their Wings, flanked also with three Regiments of Foot, followed the Forlorn. The Reserve consisted of the Regiments of Harcourt, Conti, Lignieres, Rosan, Montpesat, and Vendosme, slanked with four Troops of Horse under Command of the Count Choiseul, which placed themselves on a rising ground, to hinder all Communication between the Vizier, whose Camp was before S t Andrea, and the Janizar Aga, who lay before Sabionera. Between the first and second line, were placed fifty Musketiers of the King, to be assistant on occasion; and the other Troops of Horse were to take the left hand along the Trench leading to the Sabionera: the Regiment of Montpeyroux was to mount the Guard on the Fort of St. Demetrius to secure the Retreat, if occasion should require. In like manner five hundred Pioniers were ordered to level the Trenches of the Enemy on the Quarter of St. Andrea, whilst the Body of the Turks Army was imployed in repulsing the violence of the Sally.
Things being disposed in this manner, and the morn approaching, the Forces marched out by the Gate of St. George with all silence possible, covering their Matches, that the fire might not alarm the Enemy; the Onset was to begin with the dawning of the day, and the Signal was The Christians sally at the Gate St. George. to be given by siring of the chief Mine Royal; which being large, and furnished with a great quantity of Powder, might (as was supposed) make way to the slaughter of the Turks whom the Christians might sind [Page 266] terrified and disordered by such an unexpected accident. This Mine was reserved for the last extremity, but being low was full of water; so that the Powder was stowed on floats and rafts to support it, but yet received so great a damp and moisture, that when they came to spring it, the Powder took not fire, which was the first disappointment of this Enterprise. Though some are of opinion, that the Mine was so vast, and contained such a quantity of Powder, that the Engineers were timorous to spring it, lest it should reverse on the Besieged, as well as take effect on the Enemies Camp. But be it how it will, a quarter of an hour before day the Generals expecting no longer, the Forlorn Hope which lay within half a Musket-shot of the Enemy, assaulted two The Christians fall upon the Turks. Redoubts, took them, and put them all to the Sword: with the like courage the other Regiments entred the Line, and making themselves Masters of the Trenches after much blood and slaughter, and storming a Fort on which was the Battery directed against St. Demetrio, possessed themselves of it, and therewith of a great Magazine of Powder belonging to the Enemy, spiking all the Cannon that were found therein.
The day by this time being clearly broken out, discovered the action; so that the Turks with all expedition put themselves into a Body on the Hill near New Candy, from whence observing and contemning the small number of the Christians, came thundring down in great numbers to regain their Trenches. The Duke of Navailles perceiving his Forlorn hardly beset, came in to their assistance with two Regiments of Foot, and two Troops of Horse, which behaved themselves with that gallantry, as ingaged the Turks again to quit their Trenches. But whilst success seemed thus to smile on the Christians, the Magazine of Powder which was newly won, containing an hundred thirty four Kintals of Powder (by what accident is not known) took fire, and blew up all into the air, by which many were destroyed and wounded, especially of the Batallion of the Guards, with many Officers. This fatal blow quite turned the Scale of Fortune. For the Souldiers hearing the dreadful clap, and feeling as it were the Earth to tremble under them, supposed it to be the eruption of some Mine near them, with which they were so amazed, that they began with confusion to disperse to the right and left, The Christian Army in consusion. and put themselves into shameful flight. In like manner the Forces near the Sea sensible of the blow, began to retreat, and abandon their design, which no perswasions of their Officers, or other incouragement could animate them to prosecute; but that the faintness of a second Attempt (an infirmity recorded of ancient Times to be incident to the nature of the French Nation) prevailed upon their spirits, beyond any possibility of arrest, so that in a disorderly manner they fled into the Body of the first Battalion, where being now united with the Reserve, they for some time sustained the shock of the Enemy; until other Bodies of the Turks from New Candia and St. Andrea over-powered them with greater multitudes, so that then they wholly abandoned the field, and every one as well as he could, sought his Sanctuary and refuge within the Precincts of the Fortifications. Howsoever Choiseul and Lebret, each of which had a Horse killed under him, incouraging their Troops, disputed the case yet longer, and still with other Officers made head upon the Enemy; but at length with the Duke of Navailles, and several other Gentlemen, who made their way through the Enemy with their Swords, they were forced to retreat honourably into the Town. The [Page 267] Duke of Beaufort was said to have laboured much in resisting the shameful flight of his men, and venturing his Person into danger, from whence he resolved never to retreat, was overwhelmed with unequal numbers, and so fell amongst the common heaps: but his body, though much sought after, being not found, it was believed rather, that he perished by that fatal Magazine of Powder, which blowing up, affrighted and disordered the whole Christian Army.
But not only did misfortunes attend the Land-Forces, but the Fleet at Sea shared in the disasters. For some few days after the wind blowing hard from the Sea, caused the Ships to ride at a distance from the shore. The whole Fleet consisted of eighty Ships small and great, fifty Gallies, and six Galleasses, being the whole Force of that Year from France, Italy, and Malta. All which being at Anchor in due order as near the shore as was safe or convenient, made many shot into the Turks Camp, but with little execution: during which Action, the Santa Teresa, a French Ship of seventy Brass Guns blew up, and her whole Company lost, being about three hundred men, of which seven only were saved; the Admiral of France being near to this Ship, received five shot from her which passed through her, and by the Splinters and fall of Timbers; the Vessel called La Reale had six Cavaliers killed, and forty Souldiers Slaves were killed and wounded. After this it was proposed in Council, That another Sally should be made of ten thousand French; to which the Duke De Navaille assented, on condition that they might be preceded in the Van by four thousand Venetians, who were well acquainted and versed in the nature of the place, and knew the several Redoubts, Galleries, and Trenches of the Enemy. But the Captain-General being desirous to reserve his own experienced Souldiers to the ultimate and last occasion of emergence, refused to assent thereunto.
The loss the Turks sustained that day was uncertain, of the French were only an hundred thirty five heads brought in by tale, as I was informed from one who was present when they were counted, amongst which were many principal Officers. For besides the Duke of Beaufort were slain French Officers slain. the Count Rosan, the Chevalier di Villarceaux, the Chevalier de Quelas, the Sieur de Guene-gaud, Marquis de Fabert Major of the Regiment of Lorrain, the Sieurs de Montreüil Captain of the Guards, de Beauvais and Do, Garnier, La Paneterie Touvenin, Lanson, Bellebrune, Hautefage d'Avenne, Maran de S. Jean de Chauveniere, Goindreville Captain of the Regiment of Bretagne, Forcan, du Boulet Captains of the Regiment of Harcourt, Chaselet, Martinval de Bossemoat, de la Haye, de Bourneuf, de Vandre Martel Captain of a Ship, the Chevalier Lodevé, with nine Captains and eight Lieutenants Reformades of the Brigade of Picardy, Navarre, and Normandy. The Sieur Lebret was shot through the Buttocks with a Musket-bullet; besides whom were wounded the Sieurs de Montagne Colonel of a Regiment, de Castelan Major of the Guards, de Cavison, Croiselles, de Montigny, and de Moissac by the Battery which blew up: the Chevalier d'Ailleurs was hurt with an Arrow through the Arm; De la Marliere Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment of Lorrain with five or six Officers of that Body, and Villiers Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment Jonzac were all wounded. The Marquess of Lignieres had his Thigh broken, and a Finger shot off, and his Lieutenant-Colonel had his Arm broken. The Marquess of St. Vallier Colonel with five or six of his Officers, the Chevalier de Novion Colonel with several Officers of the Regiments of Bretagnie, [Page 268] Montpezat, Harcourt, and Conti were all wounded, with four other Captains of Horse, and four Lieutenants; also the Marquess of Uxelles, the Chevalier de la Haugette, the Count de Losse Captain of the Guards to the Duke of Navailles, the Count de Montbrun Commander of the Kings Musquetiers, and the Sieur de Tagni Quarter-master-General were wounded: who being Persons of great Quality as well as Courage that left their Country, and exposed themselves to dangers, with no other motive than their own gallantry or defence of the Christian Cause, ought be numbred amongst the Heroes and Champions of our Age. Of Prisoners there were not above seven or eight taken, amongst which were the Sieur de Bois-Dauphin a Norman, and Son of a Marshal of France, and the Sieur de Chateau Neus, the first for his Youth, Beauty, and Courage greatly esteemed by the Turks, and both entertained by the Vizier with more generosity than usually possesses the Nature of Turks: who after this success, having gathered and thrown the heads of the slain according to their manner into a heap, did one day in merriment pitch them upon the points of their Lances, and ranking them in file and order, with Hats and Feathers on them, beat the French March amongst them with shouts and Vollies of Muskets.
Matters succeeding in this manner unhappily, and the Enemy already almost in the midst of the Town, being come to the last Retrenchment, beyond which could be raised no more inward Fortisications; the Officers as in like cases of misfortune began to throw the blame upon each other, and the contest between the French and Italians grew as hot within the Town, as the War was without; so that the Duke of Navailles appearing discontented, though in reality he might well be discouraged, The French leave the Town. and might be apprehensive with due reason that the Town was in a desperate condition; howsoever he pretended, that the time was almost expired, which the King had prefixed for the continuance of his Forces in Candia, and that therefore he could not think of any other design for them, than that which was in order to their imbarking. The Captain-General being greatly surprised at this resolution, endeavoured to perswade him to the contrary, and being accompanied with the General of Candia and the Proveditor General waited on the Duke at his own Quarters, where he represented to him in the most efficacious terms possible the present dangerous condition to which the City was reduced; until which time, under the Providence of God, they acknowledged the preservation thereof to the magnanimous Arms of their religious King; and therefore in such a conjuncture of misfortunes and extremity they knew not unto whom they might have recourse for assistance, but to the Generosity of his Excellency, and of those Gentlemen, who for no other end but that of Religion and Honour, had undertaken so great a Voyage, and had voluntarily cast themselves into the hourly dangers of this Siege: That the Succour they demanded was really great and most important for defence of the place, in regard that thereon their whole safety depended. Howsoever it might have cost some labour, though not much blood to the French Forces, if they would have worked on a new Retrenchment with the same celerity and deligence, as they formerly used, whereby the Siege might be prolonged until the Winter, or till the Christian Princes might take new measures, and send greater Recruits. Hereunto Navaille gave answer, That the zeal which the King his Master conceived for the conservation [Page 269] of Candia, was evidenced by better effects, than the empty promises without fruit of other Princes; and that accounting the present number of Forces and Gentlemen of considerable Quality which were ingaged in this War, together with the great expence and charge his Majesty had been at in maintenance of a Fleet to transport them, his Majesties affection to the Republick was unquestionable: and that both he and his Officers who had the honour to command those Forces had undertaken a long Voyage, and entred into dangers with constancy and readiness of mind, and had assaulted the Enemy almost before they saw them, and given relief to the Town before they set their foot in it; but if the issue of affairs did not correspond with a success agreeable to their good intentions, and the primary design of this Enterprise, they must have patience, seeing that it cost no other than the slaughter of French-men, and that there had been a large effusion of the Noble and Illustrious as well as of the common blood. It was a species of ingratitude not to remain contented with such forcible arguments of friendship; and it was a breach of modesty to pretend, that because his King had lent them eight thousand men, that therefore they should continue in Candia so long as one remained alive. It was true, that besides the Kings service he was acted by some inward motives of Religion, but that he could not transgress the Commands and Instructions of his Majesty, which injoyned him to imbark his Forces in order to their return about the 20 th of that present month of August. In reply to which, though the CaptainGeneral and the other Venetian Officers, and also Bali Rospigliosi the Admiral of the Popes Gallies urged his stay with all the instances and arguments imaginable, yet nothing could prevail to detain him until the arrival of other Forces, only he was contented to leave six hundred men in the Town during the time that he continued at Standia: so that by this time having imbarked his Forces, and lastly the six hundred men lest on the Works, the Duke took his farewel and departed: so that the Town being as it were deserted and forsaken of its chief hopes, all things were given for desperate, and men began to be weary of their lives, as well as of the War and of their labours; and whereas with the assistance of the French, (as it was said in the Council) the Town might have held out until the next Spring, it was now by this grand revulsion reduced to its last Crisis, and so weakened, as that no possibility of preservation remained but in honourable terms of Surrender. And though the French in their Voyage home about Malta encountred positive Orders to remain on the place, yet judging the Town might already be surrendered, and so the return disgraceful and in vain, proceeded not withstanding in their course for France, for which default and want of constancy the Duke of Navailles being arrived at Tolon, sustained the punishment of his Princes disfavour, and ordered for some time not to approach the Court.
The Turks, by departure of the French, increasing in hopes and courage, made an assault on the Quarters of Sabionera and St. Andrea; and The Turks make an assault. first: attaquing some Souldiers to the number of about thirty, who were placed on the Guard at the Post of St. Pelagia, they cut most of them off, and put the rest to slight; with which the Turks being more animated, advanced to the Palisade of the new Retrenchment; but Vollies of Cannon, and showers of Musket-shot, and stones pouring on them, gave some stop to the sury of their career. Grimaldi observing that the [Page 270] Enemy was at a stand, brought up his Voluntiers and Cavalry which served on Foot, and together with the Forces from Brunswick so plyed the Turks with stones, Granadoes, and shot, that the Fight was confused, bloody, and horrid; howsoever the Enemy so persisted, that the Commanders gave Order, That the gross of the Army should fall on; but the Souldiers were so broken and torn, that they refused to advance, though thrust forward with the point of Sword and Spear. The Captain-General in the mean time taking his course along the Marine, on which part also the Turks were far advanced, caused a Mine to be sprang under the thickest crowd of the Turks: which consisting of an hundred Barrels of Powder, made such a destruction, as abated much of the storm, and induced the Enemy to retire within their Redoubts. The Marquess St. Andrea, in like manner performing the office of a valiant and experienced Souldier, applied himself to all places where danger most required his presence, and recovered certain Breast-works which the Enemy had gained in this Skirmish.
Nor was the storm less furious and bloody on the part of Sabionera, nor was the success and advantage on the Christians side less considerable, in all which the Souldiery deserved great commendations and renown; the two French Regiments of Perasi and Jonsac under the Command of the Sieur Choiseul did wonders; as also those few which remained of the Regiments of Savoy commanded by Signior Arborio: Signior Rados, Nicolo Polani a Noble Venetian, the Proveditor Cornaro, the Colonels Gabriel, Givii, and the Sergeant Major of the Troops of Brunswick, and Sergeant Major Bellegarde, as also the Commander in chief of Malta gave honourable testimonies of their Bravery and Valour. In short the Captain-General praised them all, which was the best reward he could bestow on such generous Souls; and then sent Orders to Standia, That the Forces arrived with the Duke Mirandola should immediately be landed: these Forces, which when they were first imbarked, amounted to the number of a thousand five hundred men, were now by Calentures and other sicknesses caused by the excessive heats of the season reduced to six hundred; and though they were unhealthy and unexperienced Souldiers, yet the extremity of Affairs was such, as called them to immediate service, and to be placed on the Guard of the new Retrenchment.
But all this could give little relief to the perishing condition of this miserable Town; which was not only weakened by departure of the French, but by at least five hundred others, such as Swedes and Germans, and other Nations, who notwithstanding all care and endeavours to the contrary, crowded under the French Banner. Likewise the Batalion of Malta imbarked, which though reduced to a small Body, was yet very considerable for the Quality and Valour of the Cavaliers; which example all the Voluntiers followed, and thereby reduced the Town to a condition beyond all possibility of defence; for that in actual service not above four thousand men remained, and of these at least an hundred a day being killed, the Town must necessarily in a short time become a prey to the Enemy; wherefore the Captain-General A Council held for to consider of the state of Candia. called a Council of the most eminent Officers; and because the matter was of great importance, he judged fit also to have the opinion of the Commanders of the Galleasses, and of the other Captains of the Fleet. At this Council were present
- [Page 271] Francesco Morosini Captain General.
- Giacomo Contarini Duke of Candia.
- Girolamo Battaglia Proveditor General of Armes.
- Daniel Morosini Proveditor of the Kingdom.
- Giacomo Cornaro Proveditor of the Kingdom.
- Alvise Minio Commissary of the Ammunition and Provision.
- Marquis S t Andrea Montbrun General of the Army.
- Marquis of Frontenac Lieutenant General.
- The Baron Frederick de Spaar General of the Tramontani.
- The Cavalier Bartolomeo Varisano Grimaldi Sergeant General.
- Baron Chilmerseck Sergeant General.
- Count Francis Salvatico Governor of the Armes of the City.
- Cavalier Verneda Chief Engineer, and Superintendent of the Artillery.
On the other side sate the Commanders at Sea, which were as followeth.
- Lorenzo Cornaro Proveditor of the Fleet.
- Alvisé Magno Captain in Extraordinary of the Galleasses.
- Iseppo Morosini Captain in Ordinary of the Galleasses.
- Georgio Benzoni Captain of the Gulf.
- Ascanio Giustiniano Governour of the Gulf.
- Angelo Morosini Pay-master.
- Gio. Batt. Calbo Commissary of the Ammunition and Provisions.
- Alexandro Locattelli Cancellier.
All which having taken their places, the Captain General began to declare, That the extremity of the place was so well known and evident to them all, that there was no need for him to inform them of the particulars; only that he had called them together to know their opinions and counsels in what manner the defence of the Town might be best prolonged, and what advice they would give him touching the present premures and emergency of Affairs. He added further, That he had by good experience proved them to be as well judicious and wise in their Counsels, as they were valiant in the Execution; and that now was the time to lay aside all ostentation of speech, and to attend unto that which was solid reason and advice, which he desired every one to deliver freely with a clear and real sense and affection towards the grand Concernment. Then he ordered the Cancellier to read a short preamble of the matter on which they were to deliver their opinions, desiring every one to express his judgment in Writing; But after some few had subscribed their Declaration, so much time was spent therein, that it was conceived more expedite for every person to declare his opinion by word of mouth.
As to the first point all generally concurred, that considering the small number of the Defendants, the Town could not hold out much longer; for that the Enemy on the side of S t Andrea was arrived to the last Retrenchment, which being low, weak, and composed of bad matter, could not long resist their power; that on the side also of Sabionera they were so far advanced by the lower grounds towards the Arsenal, that in a short time they would block up the Port, and cut off all provisions and succours from the Town; and that if the Enemy were resolved to adventure the loss of two or three thousand men by a general storm, there would remain no possibility of withstanding their Force. This being generally assented unto, and concluded on all hands, another [Page 272] Question was propounded; namely, That considering the premises, what was to be done which might render the most effectual service to the Republick; it was well known how important that place was to the Publick, and what vast Treasures of Gold and Silver, and what plentiful Effusions of bloud had been expended and poured forth in defence thereof; and that therefore it ought to be maintained to the utmost and last gasp of strength; but that it ought also to be considered, That the Town being either taken by assault, or the Port blocked up, there would certainly ensue such deplorable Consequences as every person may imagine; and the Republick be damaged by losing all that which is now in a possibility of being saved. It was therefore put to the Vote, beginning on the side of the Inferiours, as the custom is, and so ascending to the chief; and it was resolved that they should capitulate, and enter into a Treaty with the Turks. When it came to Grimaldis turn to speak, he confessed clearly, That the Town could not hold out for many days, and though it was more glorious to the Defenders to dye on the Walls of it, yet it would be of worst service to the Publick; howsoever, he was of opinion, that rather than surrender, it would be better to burn it, or blow it up with Mines; in execution of which, the wounded and unserviceable people should in the first place be shipped away, then taking the opportunity of a dark and quiet Night the Infantry might be all embarked; it was true, as he confessed, that the action was difficult and full of hazard; howsoever, two things moved him to this Counsel; One was, The little assurance he conceived of the faith of the Turks; and the other was, The gloriousness of the action: for as this City had been in an extraordinary manner defended, and of which the World cannot give the like example; so the end thereof would not be less renowned and famous, it not being a greater triumph to drive the Enemy from the Walls, than being vanquisht to leave a bloudy Victory, and instead of a Palace a heap of stones and ashes. Many of the Council, and amongst them Marquess S t Andrea Montbrun was of the same opinion, and the Commissary Minio endeavoured to second it with efficacious Arguments; But in fine, after a long Discourse, they all concluded that the resolution was more generous than practicable; by reason that so many people could not be embarked without knowledg of the Enemy, who was not only quartered near, but within the very Walls of the City.
The Captain General was of a different opinion; for that besides the difficulty of embarking the Souldiery, there were also some other considerations which might disswade this resolution, and render it more prejudicial to the Publick than a Surrender by Composition. After some short debate, all at length concurred in the same sentiment, from which also Grimaldi did not much dissent, confessing that the proposition he had made would prove difficult in the Execution; howsoever, considering the little faith which the Turks observe, he thought it more secure to confide their safety to Fortune and their own Swords, than to the engagements and moderation of a perfidious and enraged Enemy. In short, he submitted wholly to the better judgments of the Council, and more particularly to the Captain General, and the Marquess of S t Andrea, who were best acquainted with what more nearly concerned the service and interest of the Prince.
In fine, the conclusion was, That they should enter into a Treaty [Page 273] with the Vizier, and en leavour to obtain the most advantageous Conditions possible. Howsoever, it was thought sit to advertise sirst this their determination to the Auxiliary Forces at Standia; and to renew the Result of the Council. instances they had formerly made to them for three thousand men, with which, and with two thousand Gally Slaves they would endeavour the making of another Retrenchment, whereby the Town might be conserved for some time longer. Howsoever, in this Interim the Captain General being willing to touch the Viziers pulse, that he might better discover in what manner he stood assected towards a Treaty, dispatched one Colonel Thomas Anand, an Englishman, of courage, and of able Parts, and of intire honesty, together with one Stefano Cordili, an intelligent young man to the Vizier's Camp; and that his design might not be discovered by those of the Town, they were ordered to pass from Standia with a white Flag up the River Giossiro; and that being come to a Treaty, they should only discover the mind and inclinations of the Turks, without making known their intentions, or entering into particulars.
Being come in this manner prepared to the Vizier's Camp, they told the Turks, That they were come to renew the Treaty begun by Signior Molino, which had been broken off by the Arrival of the French and Pope's Forcés; to which a Turk, then come srom the Vizier's Tent, resolutely answered, That they should think of no Articles nor Treaty without a Surrender. To which Anand replyed, That they would do well to acquaint the Vizier so much, for that perhaps he might be of another opinion; and so not urging farther they departed; but returning after Dinner the same Turk came down again, called Achmet Aga, a Confident of the Vizier's, together with Panaiotti the Vizier's Interpreter; and then with more earnestness declaring, That nothing would be heard, unless in the sirst place they were resolved to deliver the Town, and threatned them in case they returned without this Proposition: The Captain General being advised hereof, the next morning Anand and Scordili went again on the same message; and meeting the Turks under Paleocastro, they acquainted them that they had orders to treat about a Surrender; but sirst desired to know what Articles they would give them, and what Town in exchange for this. In this manner a Treaty being begun, it was resolved for better expedition to erect Tents nearer to the Town for the place of Conference, where the Plenipotentiaries on both sides were to meet. Ibrahim Pasha, late Pasha of Aleppo, Achmet Aga, the Kahya-begh of the Janisaries, the Spahyler Agasi, and the Interpreter Panaiotti, were the persons chosen by the Turks: on the part of the Christians, after some Debate, no other persons were chosen besides Anand and Scordili, who meeting the Turks at the time and place appointed, demanded of them some other place in exchange for that of Candia. To which the Turk's with some heat replyed, That it was against their Law to deliver Towns where Moschs were built, into the hands of Christians. To which the others answered, That this could not be their Law, since that in a Treaty some months past begun by the Cavalier Molino, they had offered to deliver up into the hands of the Christians Candia Nuova, Silia, and Girapitra, all places where Mahometan Moschs were erected; and though the Turks might now imagine it easie to win the Town by sorce, they assured them that greater difficulties remained; and that if they remembred what bloud, what labours, and [Page 274] what Treasures their small acquests and advance had cost them, they might thence calculate what Force still remained to conquer, and that the last gasp of this dying Fortress would spend it self with more ruine and destruction than they had felt in all the other approaches and assaults thereunto. In fine, the Turks seeming resolved to be fole Masters of the whole Kingdom of Candia, the Venetians began to condescend to receive some compensation in another manner.
Howsoever, the difficulties were not yet ended but greater appeared, for the Turks demanded satisfaction for the charge of the War; and the Haratch or head-money, which for all those years of the Wars they had not received from the people of the Isles of the Archipelago; they demanded also a Tribute for the Forts and Islands of Cerigo, Tino, and Clissa, and the other Conquests in Dalmatia; all which points caused new Disputes, which were maintained with those heats, and with that obstinacy, as if it had been impossible for both parties ever to meet in a conclusion. Notwithstanding, after long Debates, on the fourth of September they came to agree of giving hostages, and to certain proposals concerning the manner of surrendring the place. The Turks demanded to have the Outworks put into their hands, with one of the Gates of the City, and the Palisade of the new Retrenchment: To which Anand and Scordili answered, That this was not a proposition to be made to the Captain General, for that they were assured, the Garrison would sooner suffer themselves to be cut in pieces, than to commit themselves to the mercy of the Turkish Souldiery; whose faith is recorded in the History of Famagusta, and may serve for a true example and mirroir of their treachery and faithlesness to all Ages. In this manner the Treaty had like to have been Broken off; but at length they concluded, That it was necessary to render an account to the Vizier of the particulars of this Conference, adjourning the Treaty until the next Morning.
Notwithstanding all which, the Turks did not abate in the least point their progress in the War, labouring in their Works, and fighting with more heat than ever. The Venetians on the other side were not less active, firing continually their Cannon and Granadoes, and making some little Sallies, endeavoured as much as they were able to cover the weakness of their Forces. The Turks had raised a new Battery which broke a great part of the Palisade of the new Retrenchment, upon which it was expected that they should make a strong attempt, for whose better entertainment two Mines were prepared to receive them; but they deferring the assault, the Captain General gave orders to fire both the Mines at once, which consisting of a hundred and fifty Barrels of Powder, made the ground to tremble both in the City and in the Camp, overthrowing several works with miserable slaughter of the Enemy.
The Turks observing this resolution in the Defendants, became more tractable, and less severe in their demands; so that Ibrahim Pasha with the rest contented themselves with no other security for performances of Conditions than Hostages; of which three were consigned mutually on both sides. After which, other Articles were, with less difficulty, concluded; so that in the morning of the 6 th of September the Turks demanded that the Christians should give all their Articles in Writing; whereupon the Council ordered Grimaldi to draw them up; which were in substance as followeth.
First, That for obtaining a good and lasting Peace, it is agree'd, The Conditions of Peace. [Page 275] That the City of Candia, with all its Cannon which were planted there before the time of the War, be consigned into the hands of the Vizier.
Secondly, That quiet possession be given to the Republick of Suda, Carabusa, and Spina Longa, with the Territories thereunto belonging, with the Fortress of Clissa in Dalmatia.
Thirdly, That the Venetians may carry away all the Cannon which have been brought into the Town since the beginning of the War.
Fourthly, That for embarking the Souldiery, Pioniers, and Inhabitants of all Qualities and Conditions, with their Arms, Provisions, and Baggage twelve days time shall be granted and assigned.
Fifthly, That what shall remain unshipped at the end of the twelve days aforesaid, the Vizier shall, with his own Boats, assist to the lading thereof.
Sixthly, That during this time of truce, no person whatsoever shall transgress his Limits, or pass the bounds of his Station or Quarters; and that he who doth shall be treated as an Enemy.
Seventhly, That so soon as these Articles shall be subscribed under the white Flag, all Acts of Hostility shall cease both on one side and the other.
Eighthly, That for security of performance of these Articles, three Hostages be mutually given on one side and the other.
Ninthly, That for better assurance, that the Venetians will use all their endeavours to embark their Men and Goods, the Turks may employ two Officers for Eye-witnesses of the same.
Tenthly, That for better effecting hereof, all Ships, Gallies, and other Vessels may freely approach near unto the shore, and enter into the Port both by Day and Night.
Eleventhly, That the Venetian Fleet may remain at Standia, or at any other Island in the Archipelago, until such time as they are dispatched, or that things are duly prepared for their departure.
Twelfthly, That all Commissions given by one side and the other be revoked, and that whosoever shall after the space of forty days commit any Act of Hostility against the tenour of these Articles of Peace, shall be punished with capital punishment.
Thirteenthly, That so soon as an Ambassadour from Venice shall arrive at the Port, all Slaves or Prisoners of War taken under the Venetian Colours shall be sreed and released.
Fourteenthly, That what depredations shall be made at Sea or Land after these Articles are subscribed, and before the publication thereof, shall be faithfully made good and restored.
Fifteenthly, That a general pardon be given to the Subjects of both sides, who have acted contrary to their Faith and Allegiance, during this War.
Sixteenthly, That in Virtue of these Capitulations the former Articles be likewise confirmed which were made in the Year 1571, and that no Tribute or Present be demanded from the Port, unless as hath formerly been paid for such Islands as the Venetians hold in the Archipelago.
Seventeenthly, That of these Articles two Copies be made, one in Turkish with its Translation into Italian, subscribed by the Vizier, and sealed with the Grand Signior's Signet; and the other in Italian underwrote [Page 276] by the Captain-General, and sealed with the Seal of the Republick.
These Articles being signed, the Hostages were given both on one side and the other. Those given by the Venetians were Faustino da Riva Lieutenant-General, Giovanni Battista Calbo Commissary, and Zaccaria Mocenigo who had been Duke of Candia. Those given by the Turks were Belir Assan Pasha, Mahomet Aga of the Janisaries, and Gurgi Bei Testerdar or Treasurer.
During this Siege, of the Venetians side there were killed and wounded thirty thousand nine hundred eighty five, of the Turks one hundred eighteen thousand seven hundred fifty four.
The Batteries which the Turks raised against Sabionera and St. Andrea, consisted of fifty nine Pieces of Cannon, carrying from fifty to an hundred and twenty pound weight of Bullet.
The Storms which the Turks made upon the Town were fifty six.
The Combats under ground forty five.
The Sallies made by the Venetians ninety six.
The Mines and Fornelli sprang by the Venetians eleven hundred seventy three, by the Turks four hundred seventy two.
The Venetians spent Barrels of Powder fifty thousand three hundred and seventeen.
Bomboes of all sorts by the Venetians of fifty to five hundred weight, were forty eight thousand an hundred and nineteen.
Granadoes of Brass and Iron an hundred thousand nine hundred and sixty: Granadoes of Glass eighty four thousand eight hundred seventy four.
Cannon-shot of all sorts two hundred seventy six thousand seven hundred forty three.
Pounds of Lead eighteen millions forty four thousand nine hundred fifty seven. Of Match pounds thirteen millions twelve thousand five hundred.
What quantities the Turks might consume of Ammunition is not certain; only it is observable, That the Brass taken up in the streets which came from the Enemies Bomboes was so much, that whole Ware-houses were filled with the Metal, and so much sold as yielded many thousand of Crowns.
The Articles being subscribed, and Hostages given, the Captain-General attended with all application of mind and industry imaginable to imbark the Men and Ammunition, committing in the mean time the care of the City to Cornaro the Proveditor of the Fleet.
During these days that all things were providing in order to a Surrender, there was great silence in the Turkish Camp, and no disorder in the City; the Souldiers on the Ramparts, and the Turks in their Trenches saluted each other with civility, and entertained communication and discourses together with friendship and freedom of several passages relating to their War, nothing of quarrel, or scuffle, or rude words happening out between them in all the term of the twelve days. The Vizier sent divers times civil Messages and Presents of refreshment to the Captain-General and Marquess St. Andrea, which they returned with equal respect and generosity; and so excessive were the Turks in these offices, that the Venetians began to be jealous, left under this mark and guise of courtesie some fraud or design should be covered according to [Page 277] their own Proverb: Chi ti fa piu carezze che suole; ó ti ha engannato ó enganar ti vuole.
In short, all things were dispatched with that diligence and care, that on the 27 th of September the City was consigned; all the Inhibitants departed thence, not one remaining in the City, except only two Greek Priests, a Woman, and three Jews.
In this manner the whole Isle of Candia, the cause and occasion of all that Blood and Treasure that was spilt, and exhausted in twenty five The War began in April 1645. years Wars, fell at length to the fortune and increase of the Turkish Empire, with its most impregnable Fortress of the World, strengthened with as much Art and Industry, as the humane Wit of this Age was capable to invent, after a strait Siege of two years, three months, and twenty seven days. For the space of twelve days allotted for the Surrender being expired, on the [...] th of September being Friday, the great Candia delivered. Cross erected on the Wall was after midnight taken down, and advice given to the Venetians, so soon as the morning dawned, that the Turks did that day attend the Surrender, which was accordingly performed by the Principal Citizen about nine of the clock of the same morning, who offering the Keys of the City to the Great Vizier in a Bason of Silver on the breach of St. Andrea, was by him presented with a Vest of Sables, and five hundred Zechins in Gold, and to his Servants were given two hundred. To Morosini also a Present was offered worthy his Quality; but he refused it, saying, That he would never give a seeming occasion to the malicious World to slander him with the least appearance of having sold his important Charge. Whilst these things were transacting on the breach, some of the most cowardly and disorderly amongst the Janisaries pressed forward to have entred by force, in violation of the Articles so lately agreed and confirmed; but some of the Garrison not yet imbarked, keeping themselves still on the Guard, repulsed the most forward in the Riot by killing three or four of their Companions: which disturbance and insolence of the Souldiery, when made known to the Vizier, he assembled the disorderly together; and first upbraiding their cowardise, who durst not enter in the time of War, would now counterfeit Valour in the time of Peace, sentenced fifteen of them to be impaled on the breach, which piece of Justice and Gallantry was immediately executed. This rumour being appeased, the Topegibashee and Gebegibashee, or the Generals of the Ordnance and Arms took quiet possession of the Forts and Cannon of the City, and whilst the Turks entred over the breach, the Christian Army withdrew and imbarked themselves as fast as convenience and decency would permit, who after the departure of the French, and of such who accompanied them, were not computed to be above two thousand five hundred men, and those sickly, ill accoutred, and half naked; and thus this City and whole Island became subject and a prey to the Ottoman Arms. Amongst the Officers which took possession of the Town were the Tefterdar and the Aga of the Janisaries. The Tefterdar as he passed over the breach of St. Andrea, and observing how low and weak the Works were on that side, turned to the Aga of the Janisaries, and with some disdain said to him, We have here spent ten days in the Surrender of this Town which we might have taken in two hours.
The Turkish Army taking possession on Friday the [...] th of September, the Vizier made his Entry on Friday the 4 th of October; in which time [Page 278] they had erected a triumphant Bridge over the breach of St. Andrea, on which the Vizier entred into the Town, and passed directly to the Church of St. Francis, which was converted to a Mahometan Mosque, where having said his Namaz or Prayer, he went to the house where the Marquess St. Andrea was lodged, which was prepared for him, with a sumptuous Entertainment of five hundred Dishes at the expence of the Grand Signior.
This City in four parts of five was ruined and demolished in the time of the Siege, all the Bells and Ornaments of the Churches and Houses to the very Locks of the doors were carried away; the Arms remaining were old and rusty, and not above three hundred and fifty Pieces of Cannon left on the Walls, and those for the most part very small: the Inhabitants remaining were only five, as we have said before, unless some few decrepit Jews and Greeks, which might make up the number of about thirty; so that never could be a more sad spectacle of desolation, nor a more clear Mirroir of the miseries of War.
The Great Vizier being possessed of the Town, dispatched away an Express with the good News thereof to the Sultan, who posted as fast as wind and weather would permit. And here the Reader may easily apprehend what joy possessed the minds of the Turks in all places where the rumour slew of this Cities Surrender, which had for so many years baffled and put a stand to the Ottoman Sword. And though the joyful tidings added wings to the Messengers haste, yet the uncertainty of the Grand Signiors abode retarded some days the arrival of the News: which will seem very strange to him that considers, that the motion of so great an Emperour in the Glory of his Fortunes should be less obscure than the light of the Sun, perceptible by all conditions, who inhabit that side of the Globe, where his rays are visible. At length the Messenger found the Sultan within the Woods and Mountains of Negropont where he had The News brought to the Grand Signior at Negropont. passed the heats of the Summer, and some part of his discontent in those solitary retirements: it being now towards the end of September, and the Winter approaching, the Isle was incapable to entertain so great a Court, and to return back seemed as dishonourable as it was dangerous, the Souldiery and People being equally discontented, the one by the ill success and government of Affairs, and the other by oppression of Taxes: but this joyful News cleared all those clouds and ombrages of doubtful and disconsolate thoughts, which the Grand Signior received like a dream, being at first so surprised with such an unexpected happiness, that he could scarce believe it; but at length recollecting his scattered spirits, without delay returned the Messenger again with his Embrahore or Master of his Horse to the Vizier with the Present of a Sable Vest, a Dagger, and a Sword, being the usual signals of the Sultans favour, and with a Letter freighted with Encomiums and Praises of his Valour and Fortune. And whereas the Vizier had perswaded him to return to Constantinople, he answered, That he was resolved to winter at Salonica, where with the Spring he expected his presence, and from thence in company with him, should be ready to chuse any Seat, which in his judgment the Vizier apprehended most conducing to the benefit of the Empire.
The Captain-General Morosini having in the mean time imbarked his Forces, failed to Suda to provide and fortifie that place, Spina Longa and Carabusa, poor Rocks and Appendages to the greater Isle of Candia, [Page 279] with all necessary supplies of Victuals and Ammunition: which only serve for a Prospect into Candia, and to keep alive the Title of the Venetian Republick to that Kingdom. Suda is the most considerable of the three, but yet not strong, the Sea being fordable between that and The Venetians at Suda. Candia, and not of long resistance, whensoever the Turk shall think it worthy his time to subdue. Here Morosini attended the Ratification of the Peace from Venice, and the disbanding of the Turkish Army, in which time four French Ships with Succours of Men and Ammunition arrived at Candia; but coming late were disappointed of their design, and so returned back into their own Country.
The Turks having now finished their work, dispeeded away their Janisaries and Pioniers by all occasions of shipping: those that remained were imployed all the Winter in filling the Trenches without the City, and many Slaves taken out of the Gallies to repair the breach of St. Andrea: in which work, whilst they threw up the disordered rubbish, so poysonous a stench evaporated from the bodies of the slain, which lay buried in those ruines, as begat a Pestilence and other diseases in the City and in the Gallies; but labouring continually on that work, they soon acquitted themselves of the contagion, by help of the Winters cold which then approached.
In this manner expired the Action of this Year fortunate in its success to the Turks; for though they gained but thirty Acres of Land with expence inestimable of Blood and Treasure, yet the Glory and Fame which attended it, being the consummation of twenty five years Wars, and the Theatre where the whole World were Spectators, was of greater value to the Turks than any other consideration, and may with time prove a place of advantage to the farther increase of their Western Empire, unless God Almighty by his Mercy and Providence give a stop to the progress of this Grand Oppressour.
But before this Year ended, behold the misery of Christendom, by reason of discontents and animosities in the Imperial Court, the Count Serini Prince of Croatia, the Marquess Frangipani and Count Nadasri, Serini and the Nobles of Hungary offer themselves to the Turk. joyned with other Nobles of Hungary, sent Messengers to the Great Vizier at Candia, offering themselves Subjects and Tributaries to the Turk, desiring his Protection of their Religion and Liberties, designing to act the part of Bethlem Gabor: of which Conspiracy and Rebellion we shall have occasion to speak more hereafter.
The Great Vizier imployed himself this whole Winter past in repairing the Fortifications of Candia, regulating them in some measure according to the Turkish Model, and in repairing and beautifying the Town, which was done with such admirable expedition, that in a few months most of the houses demolished in the time of the Siege were again erected, and the Churches converted into Moschs and adorned, three of the principal whereof took the Names of the Grand Signior, Great Vizier and Captain Pasha, and were endowed by them with an honourable Revenue, sufficient to maintain them in Reparations, Lamps, and Talismans. But the Turks were not more pious towards their Mosehs than the Christians were careless and cold towards their Churches; for the Venetians inserted not one Article in favour of a Christian Church or a Religious House, which would have been granted as soon as demanded, only a Greek who was Interpreter to the Great Vizier called [...], a Person of Parts and Learning, at the expence of two thousand two [Page 280] hundred Dollars; and an Armenian Merchant called Apro Chelabei at the charge of a thousand four hundred purchased two Churches for their respective Nations.
The Grand Signior in the mean time returned to Salonica to pass the remainder of the Winter, which place being famous for multitude of all sorts of Game, drew his heart, and made him impatient till he arrived those Plains, more desired by him than the Elysian fields; for having The G. Signior returns to Salonica, and hunts. made his Entry into that City, the next day he designed to hunt: but being put in mind that the English Ambassadour Sir Daniel Harvey, who (as we said) arrived at Constantinople the year before, attended his Audience, Sir Daniel Harvey, his Majesties Ambassadour, hath his Audience of the Grand Signior. he was contented to grant it to him the next morning. But yet not to lose his hunting, at midnight he sent Officers to the Ambassadour to prepare for the next days Audience very early; and to gain time, ordered his Horses to be all ready, that so having dispatched that Ceremony, he might immediately mount into the Saddle and pursue his Game. Howsoever he was not in so much haste, but he testified due respect to His Majesty of Great Britain, and the esteem he had of the English Nation, ordering the Capitulations to be renewed; and commanding the Chimacam, that if any one should break or insringe them, that he should cut him off without farther argument. But as to renewing the Capitulations, the Chimacam falling at the Grand Signiors feet, beseeched him, That that particular might be deferred until the arrival of the Great Vizier, whose proper power and act it was to make War and Peace; and therefore for him to intermeddle about Capitulations was to invade the Viziers Authority, which he durst not do without putting his life in danger, or at least rendring his Person obnoxious to his irreconcileable displeasure; with which the Grand Signior being satisfied, ordered that the renewing of the Capitulations should be deferred until the return of the Vizier, and so dismissed the Lord Ambassadour from his Presence; but this work of renewing the Capitulations was reserved for the care and conduct of Sir John Finch, who succeeded in the Embassy after the death of Sir Daniel Harvey.
The Grand Signior arising from his Throne mounted into his Saddle to follow his excessive delight in Hunting, which now he pursued every day without respect of cold or wet, or Horses or Attendants; but like an impetuous Nimrod raged amongst the timorous Hares and flying Harts, over-spreading the Woods with vast numbers of poor Jews and Peasants, which he had commanded sorth to drive for Game, not respecting the extreme rigour and Frosts of Winter, by which many of those poor Wretches, lying abroad in the nights, were benumbed, and dyed. And so far did his humour transport him in this Recreation, that he was discouraged at no inconvenience or labours which attended it; for one day appointing his Hunting at a certain place, which to pass on Horse-back was a great circuit, but a nearer cut over a Gulf or Arm of the Sea, he ordered his Horses round, whilst he in Person attended with the Chimacam and several of his Grandees, passed over to the other side in a Gally. But being impatient of his Sport, and not able to give time to his Horses to make their way, ascended his Gally, commanding them to row away with all speed; and arriving at the other side some hours before his Horses could come, would yet land: and being weary of expectation, resolved to meet them on foot through all the dirt and mire of a low and rich soil: where whilst he travelled heavily, and almost [Page 281] tired, by good fortune they espied a Miller driving his Horse laden with two Sacks of Meal; whom when they had called, and made him to lighten his burden, and take off the Pack-saddle, the Chimacam himself stripped off his own Sables Vest, and covered the Horse with it, on which the Grand Signior mounting in great state, rode like a Prince till he met his own Retinue, which passage served to fill the discourse at night of that days Hunting, and deserves to be chronicled with our English Dialogue between the Miller and the King: howsoever we make use of it here to demonstrate the strange and passionate humour which possessed this Sultan in his Hunting.
Little other recreation did this Grand Signior take, unless it were in the Company of his chief Sultana, called the Hasaki Sultana, by whom The G. Signior delights solely in his Queen. having had a Son, which beginning now to play and speak, reconciled much of his affection to the Female Sex, but yet with that moderation and well regulated love, that he confined himself wholly to this one Woman, having sent for her to be his Companion in all journies and adventures of Errantry, whilst the other Ladies as incumbrances and impediments to the speedy motions of the wandring Court, were dispeeded to Constantinople under the Government of the Queen Mother, as we have before declared; of which priviledge this Sultana beginning to be sensible, endeavoured to encrease and conserve the Affections of her Lord by all the arts and tricks of love imaginable; for she was really, or else feigned to be, so enamoured of him, that she pined and macerated away her self for his absence; and when he was indisposed in his health, or intended a long Journey from her, she would fall into Swoundings, and Paralytical Fits, or something else, which was an undoubted symptom of true affection, such as commonly intervenes amongst us in the chast embraces of single marriage; that the Grand Signior, whose loves to Women were not naturally as vagrant as his delights after the chase of wild Beasts, was so much satisfied in her alone, that he could be no more without her than she without him; so that, like Diana, or some Mountain Nymph, she became a Huntress after her Prince, as he a Ranger after his Game.
Anno Christ 1670. Hegeira 1081.
THE Spring coming forward, the Great Vizier declared, That after S t George's day, which is the 23 d day of April, (called by the Turks Cassim gheun) he resolved to depart from Candia; and therefore ordered, That all Ships, Saiks, Brigantines, and other Vessels, which were found in any Port of the Grand Signior's Dominions, should be sent to Candia, to transport him and the remainder of his Army to Rhodesto in Romelia, from whence he designed his March to meet the Grand Signior at Adrianople. But before his departure he took a view of the Island, taking his progress through the whole circumference of it, and numbring The Vizier takes a survey of the whole Isle of Candia. all the Inhabitants which paid Harach, or Pole-money, found them not to exceed two and twenty thousand persons. For though in the time of Dellee Mehmet Pasha, who was the first that brought the Ottoman Sword into that Country, there were listed fifty five thousand, who paid duties of Harach; yet now the Plague, the Sword, and other miseries of War had reduced them to that small number, of whom ten thousand (as is reported) perished in the Mines, and before the Walls of their own [Page 282] City; and great numbers of Olive-Trees being cut down and burned by 1670 the Souldiery in time of the War, is the reason that that Island yields not half the quantity of Oils as in former times.
The Ambassadour of Venice Signior Alivisé Molino, before mentioned, was now at Candia, designing to accompany the Vizier in his Voyage to the Grand Signior; for adorning which Embassy the Republick had appointed a Ship to carry the Presents and several Persons of Quality for attendance of the Bailo (for so their Ambassadour is called;) and in regard in that passage the ship was to touch at Zant, they laded on her a hundred thousand Zechins for payment of that Souldiery, which with the Captain General were returned from Candia to that place, with Presents for the Grand Signior and his Court; but it pleased God, that this Ship sailing down the Gulf, met with so furious a storm of Wind, that she suffered shipwrack on the Coast of Italy, where not only the ship and goods were lost, but every soul upon that ship perished; amongst which was Lorenzo Molino Son of the Ambassadour, and Ottavio Labia, another noble Venetian.
The Great Vizier entertained himself so long in Candia that the month of May was well entered before he departed thence; and by the way The Vizier departs from Candia, and arrives at Scio. touched at Scio, where he was met by all the Officers and Governours of the adjacent Jurisdictions, who came to make tender of their Presents and Services; but the Vizier in a plausible manner, accepted of their courteous Offers, but returned their Gifts, saying, That he was so sensible of the great oppressions and expences the neighbouring Countries had suffered by reason of the War, that he was resolved to superinduce no new Charge by Victory and Peace.
In like manner from all parts was a confluence of poor oppressed people, who came to petition for justice and relief against the corruption and tyranny of their Governours in the respective Countries. But the Vizier admitted no Audience for Complaints, whether it were to maintain an apprehension of his clemency and gentleness, by acting nothing that was cruel or severe, or to enjoy himself after his cares and turmoils in the War; he almost for fourteen days continuance entertained himself in private by the cool and crystalline Fountains of Scio. Some report, that he gave himself at that time so excessively to Wine, being overjoyed at his success, and conclusion of the War, that he was never capable, during his abode there, of serious thoughts or counsels; so that his Kahya, or Secretary, could never be admitted access, unless he were called, though on the most urgent occasion of business. Others interpreted his retirements to be in order to serious considerations about the mannagement of Affairs at his return; as how to satisfie the expectations of the Grandees, who patiently attended an amendment of abuses in the Government; how he might pacifie the minds of the Souldiery, who were jealous of Conspiracies against the lives of the Royal Brothers, and how to steer in an even course at Court between the security of his Master, and satisfaction of the Vulgar; for all the World lived in hope that alteration of times would amend abuses, and that the last remedy of all was the return of the Viziers Authority. Howsoever, it is certainly reported, That the Vizier was become exceedingly intemperate in wine, and drowned much of his cares in the fumes and vapours of it, supposing The Great Vizier persuaded to drink wine. himself, as Tiberius did in Capreae, exempt from the eyes of the World, whilst he remained in Scio, which the Sea had separated from the greater [Page 283] Continent. And yet the Vizier, is believed, never to have tasted Wine, or known whether it was bitter or sweet, till the pride of his success in Candia transported him to make his joy extravagant, to which the Officers about his Person invited him, as that which cheared the spirits, strengthened the nerves, and induced a strange kind of delight and pleasure in the fancy, beyond any thing of Poppies, or Opiate Compositions, or Biram-Pasha's Pills, or Berse, or a thousand other inventions, sit only to confuse mens reason, and stupifie the brain, and benumb all the senses, in which some, as I have heard, had so practised themselves by degrees, that they could swallow five drams in twenty four hours, though I never knew any, unless one Turk, whom I saw eat above three; but then they could eat nothing else, nor were they sit afterwards to receive or digest any other nourishment, Nature being used to that poyson, rejected all other sounder nutriment. But Wine (they said) cheared the heart in that manner, and comforted the stomach, that the Turks began now generally to drink it; unless he were some Pharisaical Hypocrite of the Ulamah, or some superstitious aged and ignorant Profeslour. So that The Souldiers' and other Turks drink Wine to excess. the vice of drunkenness became more common amongst the Turks than amongst the Germans, or our selves: I am sure more intolerable, and administred to more mischiefs, by how much the Turks being unaccustomed to Wine, knew less how to comport the heats of intemperance.
And here I shall make a little digression from my purpose in hand to acquaint my Reader of the effects which I have observed to be produced in those who accustom themselves to the use of Opium. In all the Country A digression about Opium. Villages amongst the Turks, the more aged sort of men who have most leisure, and least necessity to work, addict themselves to Opium for alleviation (as they say) of their cares, and to forget their sorrow, for pleasure in the taste there can be none, being very bitter to the palate; which being taken in a morning in a small quantity, about the bigness of a Tare, superinduces at first a strange chearfulness about the heart, and thence raises a more pleasing vapour to the head, than any can proceed from the spirits of the best and the highest Wines: but afterwards as it begins to digest, the vapour becomes more gross, and consequently a kind of stupefaction is induced over the brain and nerves, which with drowsiness and sleep passes away like a drunken fit. The Youth amongst them which drink Wine abhor Opium, until growing into years, and to the care of a family (as a sign of which they suffer their beards to increase) they are taught by their Imaum, and more by example of others, that Wine being against their Law, is only dispensable in wild and unbridled Youth, but in those of riper age is a vice to be reproached by all sober and well-governed men. In the place of which they take up the lawful and innocent Pill of Opium, which makes men serious and setled (as they say) because that it operates not like Wine, which makes men mad, and rash, and violent, but disposes them to be Sots, and to sit grave and quiet without doing hurt to any man, which is a qualification accounted very laudable amongst them, and is one of the greatest Vertues which they endeavour to acquire in their Tekeés or Monasteries. This being the reason for which it is taken and allowed, it is grown a common custom almost amongst all the Countrypeople, who in the morning before they go to work take first their Opium, and upon it three or four dishes of Coffee; for it is observable, that none eats Opium but who accompanies it with great quantities of [Page 284] Coffee, which is doubtless a kind of Opiate in it self, and partakes very much of a Narcotick Quality; by this means and constant use some arrive to take strange quantities; the most that ever I knew any man take was three drams in twenty four hours, viz. a dram and an half or thereabouts in the morning, and as much an hour after noon: the which for more exactness I had the curiosity to see weighed. The same person offered for a small reward to take five drams in twenty four hours; but then he said, it required a long time to digest, and did not doubt but to overcome it: but I was too scrupulous to put a man into a sleep, from whence I feared he might never awake. This person was of a thin and livid complexion, his skin shriveled, no more beard than a few hairs, his mouth commonly open, because his chap was fallen; his countenance putting me osten in mind of the Picture I have seen of the Gorgons head; for had it been incompassed with Snakes instead of his Turbant, it might have served for a perfect Original. He had arrived to the years of forty eight, and from the years thirty he had entred into Opium from a great excess of Wine: in which condition he found that his stomach required little other nourishment, being content with a small quantity of bread and water for his other Diet, Opium supplying him with all the other Delicacies he could desire: he was the father notwithstanding of two or three children, which he confessed to have begot in the strength of his Opium, having no desire to accompany with his wife, until he was first invigorated with his usual Dose, being till then like a Trunk or Log, wanting spirits almost to turn his body. For his Opium was that only which could revive all, which about a quarter of an hour after it was taken began to operate, and then we discovered in his eyes, which before were dull and heavy, scarce opening, a certain quickness and sparkling, and then soon after he was sitted for the work of the day, and could labour as others, and take a journey on foot of seven or eight miles to Market, and return home at night: his body was always bound, or his belly constipated with the hardness of his excrement, and yet he was subject to no other sickness, unless his vitiated desire to this Poyson which can nourish no wholesom or healthful body. The Turks, as I have learned, make little other use of Opium than this; yet sometimes they will put it into their Camels ears, and the nostrils of their Horses, when faint and weary, wherewith they revive again, and soon recover their strength and force to travel.
The Vizier having thus passed some days of Entertainment at Scio, entred again his Gally, and passing through the Streights of the Hellespont arrived at Rodesto, where having landed many of his Janisaries and such of the Army as remained with him, after a few days continuance he marched to Adrianople, where he was received by the Grand Signior with all evidences of satisfaction, and entred the City triumphant after the manner of the Turkish Allai.
The Ceremonies and Complements being past, which usually intervene between Great Personages after a long absence, the grand Consultation was, In what manner to prevent the seditious irruptions of the Souldiery, and how to reconcile the Jealousies between the Grand Signior and his Brothers. For the former, two things were concluded necessary. First, to divide the Militia of the Janisaries, which was immediately executed, and eight thousand of them, under pretence of Incursions, were sent through Moldavia to remain on the Frontiers of Poland. [Page 285] Secondly, it being observed, that most of the Souldiery drank Wine, from whence in ancient times arose many Mutinies and Seditions of the Souldiery, dangerous to the Ottoman State, as namely in the time of Mahomet III. when the Janisaries in the heat of drunkenness entred the Seraglio by force, and demanded the Heads of the chief Favourites: And as then it was judged the best Expedient to cool the hot brains of the Janisaries, to proclaim a Prohibition of Wine at Constantinople, and to command upon pain of death, That those who had any Wine in their Houses should bring it forth, and stave it; so now the use of it was universally forbidden in all the parts of the Grand Signiors Dominions, and a Wine forbidden in all parts of the Grand Signiors Dominions. special Command was sent to all places respectively under the penalty of death, and a thousand maledictions, cursing Wine as come from Hell, and as a Liquor produced by the Devil to ensnare mens souls, and inebriate their heads, and confound States. And so generally was this Prohibition enjoyned, that his Majesties Ambassadour at Constantinople with long solicitation and charge obtained licence for his Family, and the Merchants there to make Wine; but for the Merchants at Smyrna there was more difficulty, and this year Wine was not made in their Houses according to custom, and not without scruple permitted to be imported from the Greeks Islands and other parts where the Command extended not its force; for the Prohibition was to all places where were Moschs or Turks Inhabitants, the Villages or Isles where Christians only lived were not included. To this Prohibition were added on every Friday Sermons to the People inveighing against Wine, and cursing the Drinkers of it, in which affair Vanni Efendi the Grand Signiors Preacher was much concerned, from whom the Original of this Counsel was judged to proceed. And now to please the Reader, who perhaps may be curious to know the stile of this Prohibition, I have here inserted the Command verbatint as translated out of the Original, and directed to the Kadi of Smyrna.
TO the most persect of the Judges amongst Musulmin (or Believers) the most worthy amongst those Powers which profess one God, the Mine The Command against Wine. of Vertue and Wisdom, the Exemplar of Justice to all People, the Inheritor of the Sciences of the Prophets and Apostles, the Ornament of his Office and (through the Grace of God assisting) our President in Smyrna, whose Vertues may they ever be augmented. At Receipt of this my Royal Command know, That Wine and Games at Dice, and figured Cards, and of Arrows without feathers, which are Lotteries, are the filthiness of Diabolical work (according to the testimony of the miraculous Revelation) are Fomenters of malice and wickedness, and are the ferment of that Faction and Sedition which corrupt and seduce the Servants of God, which being prohibited by Authority, and yet used, provokes the anger and disdain of Almighty God against us: And whereas by this Mother of all wickedness (that is, Wine) the Musulmin Kingdoms are desiled, there appears an evident alteration of the Musulmin Law and Faith, and an inlet to actions of foul impression. Praised be the high and most great God, that in the days of my years abounding in Felicity, the observation of lawful Precepts hath been confirmed, and unlawful things have been prohibited; and now I know that this is the sum of the most important Affair conducing to my Kingdoms and my own Felicities, and in general the principal and greatest care, and the best and most necessary Canon of my Empire: so that being desirous to satisfie the Creator of the World, my Royal and immutable Will resolves to cleanse and purifie [Page 286] the Musulmin Kingdoms of this prohibited and silthy abomination; wherefore when this Royal Command comes to your hands, wheresoever there are Taverns of Wine, let them be rased and thrown down in all Cities and Towns ennobled with Musulmin Moschs, let the buying and selling thereof be prohibited, with all drinking and use of Wine; and likewise I command, That in Constantinople, Brusa, and Adrianople the Imposition thereupon be wholly taken off. And that in all other Cities and Towns adorned with Musulmin Moschs, there be not a drop of Wine suffered or admitted in; and that Musulmins neither privately nor secretly drink Wine; and whosoever is or shall be Author of this sin, and to alter my Command in this particular, either now or hereafter, may he be punished by the Universal Lord of all the World. Likewise when this my Command of high Reputation appears, which is a Royal Writing, let it be annexed to the Decretal Rolls, and be put in execution according as it is obligatory. And when this Command comes to your hands, you are to have all due care of this injoyned particular, That it operate according to the Tenour of this Royal Injunction, participating of Prosperity and Majestick Power, by virtue of which you are to reprove, reprehend, hinder, and prohibit, according to the Law of God, the drinking of Wine; and that it may be wholly taken away, let the Tax and Revenue which proceeds front thence be taken off, and in all guarded and governed Cities and places of my Kingdoms, let the Taverns be ruined and overthrown. And therefore you are to make known and publish to all Citizens and Inhabitants the force of this my Royal Command, as well in the City of Smyrna, as in other Cities and Towns ennobled with Musulmin Moschs, and you are to ruine the Taverns which are found there. And you are to take away the Houses of Entertainment amongst the Franks which are in Smyrna that sell Wine, nor shall they sell Wine in their own houses, but you shall hinder and prohibit them: and if those Taverns shall be the Possessions of private men, you shall advise the Owners of them; or if they be bequeathed by Testament to the Deputies of the Muteveli, you shall admonish them with carnestness' and threats, That in the place of Taverns they raise other more profitable and lawful Buildings, and that they re-edifie them in a different form from the first. And the Taverns being ruined and demolished according to my Royal Command, and the Butts and other Utensils thereof taken away, you shall make a publick Arz thereos, and send it to my Royal Stirrup; and you being admonished thereof by my Royal Admonition, you are to have a care that neither in the City nor Suburbs thereof, nor in Cities adorned with Royal Moschs any person whatsoever bring in Wine, or one drop thereof, or that the buying or selling thereof be admitted, and that no Musulman drink Wine. For if aster this I come to understand, That any person have brought in Wine, though it be but one drop, I swear by the Holy Souls of my Grandfathers, and great Grandfathers, that those who bring it in, or sell it, or drink it, shall be punished with such tortures, as were never inflicted on any before. In short, this being a business so important as to the Faith, as to my Empire, my strong intention and firm resolution is to cleanse and purifie in the highest degree as well the Frontiers, as the Royal Seats of my Empire from so foul a sink of so much silthiness and dissention; and therefore do injoyn this Royal Writing of high felicity so far, that nothing shall be able to change or alter it, or revoke this Command of Majestick Reputation. And for the future, let him be who he will, that shall offer to oppose, or alter, or change this my Command declared by these Presents, or have intention or design to the contrary, may the curse of God be upon him. In conformity hereunto [Page 287] know you, that are Judges, that this being my Will and Pleasure, and ultimate 1671 Resolution, you are to register this noble Command in the Book of publick Acts and Decrees, that so it may be preserved; and for execution thereof, you are to use all your diligence and power, and therein to take due care; for if after these Admonitions, Confirmations, Menaces, and Rigours, Wine be either bought or sold in the Cities or Suburbs, or other places, as before; or that there remains any Tavern not ruined, or if in any wise a drop of Wine be bought or sold, you shall receive due punishment, and your self suffer the same torments which are threatned against those who are publickly guilty of the transgression of this Law. Therefore know this, and knowing it, give credit to my noble Firme.
Dated in the Month Rabiul Evel, Hegeira 1081. in Adrianople.
And now one would imagine that this Command being a Hattesheriff signed with the Grand Signior's own hand, would have been of durable and perpetual Force and Authority. But experience hath shewed us the contrary, that in one Year after, Licence being first given to Franks, to make Wine in their own houses, and especially to all Christian Ministers; in one year more the indulgence became universal, and Taverns were again admitted, and still continue as common and free as in former times.
Anno Christi 1671. Hegeira 1082.
THE Ship which carried the Presents for the Turks, and designed to transport the Ambassadour, being cast away, new preparations were made, and the Gally Brazzana, commanded by Alexandro Zeno, a noble Venetian, was dispatched with them, being ordered to transport Signior Molino the Ambassadour to the Port, who was received with the usual honours due to his Quality and Character; all which Ceremonies and Offices being past, several matters occurred which were not so The Venetian Ambassador at the Port. well expressed in the Capitulations, but that they needed an explication; and new Orders and Models for redress of Affairs in Dalmatia: For the Morlacchs, who in time of the War had submitted themselves to the obedience of the Venetians, began now to infest the Country, and to enter into those places, which in the first years of the War they had destroyed and abandoned; the Turks on the other side opposed them, and the Country being open, many skirmishes happened, and as many troubles ensued as in the time of the War. For adjusting these differences Mahomet Pasha of Bosna was dispatched into those Countries with Authority and Instructions; where on the other side he was met by Antonio Barbaro, Proveditor General of Dalmatia and Albania, appointed by the Senate to accord and settle the differences of the Confines; and the place designed for meeting of the Commissioners was appointed to be between Climno and Clissa; but such was the fury of the people, and the passion that both parties had to recover their ancient possessions, that the Turks in the Month of November by force of Armes made themselves Masters of Obronzo and Dernis, which were surrendred without much opposition, by reason of the small numbers of the Morlacchs, who neither having Garrison nor Fortifications were easily surprized, under the pretence of peace. But it succeeded otherwise at Scardona, where [Page 288] by the assistance of a Gally and some Brigantines, the Turks, who were the Aggressours, were repulsed; and in like manner at Risano they were beaten off, and put to flight with much confusion and slaughter, with the death also of Usuff Bey, their chief Commander, and Author of all these troubles.
The Relation of these disturbances was carried to the Port by the Bosnacs, who were concerned in these Affairs, with all circumstances of aggravation which might incense the Grand Signior, and move the Vizier to take part in their Quarrel; But he being desirous to maintain that Peace which he himself had concluded, moved the Grand Signior to dispatch a Hasacheé, or one of his Royal Officers, to render him an exact account of the true state of the Affairs of that Country. In which Commissioners appointed for determining the differences of the Confines in Dalmatia. Interim Mahomet Pasha of Bosna, the Commissioner, happening to dye, the Vizier moved, That the Morlacchs should surrender up those places which they had lately possessed, and that new Commissioners should be again sent for adjusting the Limits of the Confines, and the Possessions of the Inhabitants. The Senate of Venice accepting this proposition, gave Orders to their General Barbaro to withdraw the people from the places in dispute, and in the Month of May 1671 made and constituted the Cavalier Nani Procurator of S t Mark, their Plenipotentiary, with full authority to compose all differences touching the Frontiers. On part of the Turksone Mamut, once Pasha of Buda, and late Chimacam of Constantinople, was nominated and impowred with like faculty; he was a person with whom I was well acquainted, and of whom we have had occasion to discourse, when he was Kahya to old Kuperlee. He was a Native of the Country of Bosna, who are reputed for men of much more affable and courteous disposition, and of more pleasing Conversation, than the common temper of the Turks, who are for the most part of haughty, sullen, and saturnine Complexions.
These Commissioners, with Thomas Tarsia Interpreter, met about the end of July, in the plains of Island between Zara and Sebenico under Tents erected for that purpose: At this meeting were present also the Mufti, and Treasurer of Bosna, and all the Kadi's and Military Officers of that Province, which might make a Body of four or five thousand men, ill armed, and badly accoutred: With Nani the Commissioner for Venice, were present, Alberto Magno Captain of Zara, Farsetti Proveditor of Clissa; divers military Officers, such as the Cavalier Varisano, Grimaldi Serjeant General, Count Rados, the Count Scorto, Vimercato, Cesarini, with divers other Colonels, and Persons of Quality, and Nobles of the Province, some of which were Representatives for their principal Cities, such as Zara, Sebenico, Spalato, and Trau. His Excellency the Comissioner Nani had three Troops of Horse, and as many Companies of Foot, for his Guard, and at Possidaria were two Gallies and four Brigantines to attend him: so that his Equipage appeared as well Martial, as agreeable to a place ordained for a Treaty of Peace.
On the 27 th of July the Commissioners had their first Conference in the Pasha's Tent, the Debate continued many hours with much heat; which did not only relate to the late Conquests, but new difficulties arose, in regard that Ferat Aga, appointed Commissioner for the Port, had in the year 1573 assigned Bounds and Limits to the Confines, according to his pleasure and arbitrary will, which not being assented unto by the Venetians, a new regulation was made by the said Ferat, together [Page 289] with Cavalier Soranzo in the year 1576. Time afterwards, and the turbulent spirits of the Inhabitants had altered these Limits, and by reason of the long War the Land-Marks and Bounds of the Confines were removed or wholly destroyed. The original Copies of the Writings of Agreement were rotted, and much defaced, the names of the places and the scituations being wrote in divers Languages, were confused, 'and the reports of the people were so different, proceeding from the diversity of their Interests, that little of judgement could be founded on their relations. At length, as to the Consines of Zara, it was agreed, That they should be regulated according as they were limited by Soranzo and Ferat; for better settlement of which, and to avoid all doubtfulness or mistake, the Commissioners took the pains to travel several days journey in person to erect the bounds and Limits of each people; in which though many contests and differences arose between particular persons, yet at length personal interests were forced to give way to publick determinations.
In like manner the Consines of Sebenico were determined, being bounded by the River Checa, and being arrived at Scardona, the Pasha Mamut desired that he might have the convenience of passing in the Gally, and accordingly he was received aboard, and treated with that generous entertainment which is agreeable to the magnificence of the Republick; and landing at the River of Belulla on the Banks of the Vally Daniel, where the Pasha had placed his Tents, the Turks who with a greedy eye swallowed in their thoughts the possession and enjoyment of all these Plains, would have enlarged their Confines to those marks which Ferat Aga had singly placed according to his own arbitrary pleasure, including The difference about Verpogly. also Verpogly within their Limits. This Verpogly was a small Redoubt on the top of a Hill once belonging to the Venetians, which at the beginning of the War they abandoned, as costing more to maintain and defend, than the value or consideration of it; the Turks afterwards possessed it, when they had a design to besiege Sebenico, but afterwards forsook it, and retired; upon this place Mamut much insisted, producing a Command from the Grand Signior, ordering that it be taken in, fortified, and garrisoned. But Nani with more force of Argument insisted on the contrary, producing ancient Writings, and undeniable Testimonies to prove that this place did really, and of right belong to the Republick; by which though the Pasha was fully convinced in his own mind; yet being over-awed by the insolent importunities of the Inhabitants, he was cautious and fearful of declaring his true sense in the case; but rather endeavoured to overcome the Venetians sometimes with flatteries, and anon with menaces, having to that purpose, besides his own Forces, ordered the Beglerbey of Greece to approach those Confines with an Army of about ten thousand men. But all this did not move the steddy Constancy of the Venetian Commissioner from his reason and right; for maintenance of which he appeared firm and resolute, and being necessitated for convenience of Water to remove his Quarters to the Lake Rebenich, gave some jealousie to the Pasha by this retirement of an intention to break the Peace; howsoever, Nani declared his meaning to the contrary, and that there might be no interruption to their proceedings, proposed that these differences might be remitted to the Supreme Powers; and that in the mean time, until answers came, they might proceed in the adjustment of other parts of the Confines. But the Pasha assented not [Page 290] hereunto, but desired rather the dispute should be referred to the Port, and that in the mean time he himself should retire to Cettina, and the other to Spalato. Scarce were the Messages sent, and the Dispatches made (by Isaac Aga, a Person whom I well knew) before Mamut Pasha, Mamut Pasha dyes. after a short indisposition ended his days: he was a man of about ninety two years of age, at which years I have admired to see him ride abroad, and transact his affairs with great dexterity, with a strong memory, and a sound judgment. And here it is admirable to observe with what constancy and patience the Turkish Officers do usually support their laborious employments; they contemn all difficulties and incommodiousness of living, as if they did not feel them, inuring themselves to colds and heats, to watchings and labours, being abstemious in their diet, and as occasions require, not indulging to sleep: and no question but this aged man travelling in the scalding heat of the Sun, and suffering much for want of plenty, as well as of good water, dried up that little radical moisture which remained, and caused this Autumn-fruit to fall, which perhaps might have continued a short time longer on the tree, had it not been desiccated by drought, and shaken too hard by the motion of travels and labour.
The News of Mamut Pasha's death being arrived at the Port, a Commission was immediately granted to Chusaein Pasha Imbrahor, or Master of the Horse to the Grand Signior, to succeed in his government and business of Treaty concerning the Limits of the Consines; with which Authority and Instructions Chusaein posted away, and being well informed by Isaac Aga of the ill nature and rapacious disposition of those Borderers, arrived with intentions to agree, and with courteous and benign thoughts towards Cavalier Nani, who had gained an esteem and repute amongst the Turks of a generous and noble disposition.
On the [...] th of October the Commissioners met in the Valley of St. Daniel, shewing a courteous and kind aspect each towards other. Wherefore A new [...] of the [...] laying aside all considerations concerning the Limits assigned by Ferat Aga, and the Contests about Verpoglie, the Line drawn from the Mountain Tartarus was agreed, and determined to be the true and undoubted Confines of Schenico. The Valley of St. Daniel, for the pleasure and fruitfulness of it, administred more of difficulty; but at length the Arguments of Nani prevailed, and induced the Pasha to assent to those Bounds, which had been assigned by Soranço in the year 1576. giving, to avoid future mistakes, the true names to those places, which the Turks for their advantage, and to confuse things, had altered and disguised, that they might not be known. Thence proceeding to the Territory of Trau, where was less of difficulty or trouble; for the Wars not having made much alteration in that place, the Lines were evidently described by Soranço, according to whose description the Fields, Plains, Rocks, and Mountains were measured out and allowed.
Lastly, They came near to Spalato, where before the War there was little of any Territory assigned; but now by the Conquest of Clissa there was assigned unto it a spatious and fruitful Country, extending it self to the foot of the Mountains. As to Clissa there was no difference at all: howsoever the Turks would on no means admit, that the Venetians should keep Salona and Vragnizzo, because by that means they would cut off all communication between Clissa and Spalato, and thereby render it a place useless, and of more charge than benefit; and because [Page 291] those two places of Salona and Vragnizza had been the Dowry of a Sultana Wife of Russen Pasha, and by her given to endow a Mosch, which therefore according to their Religion could not be given away, nor alienated. But Nani insisting as vigorously on this, as on other points, shewed himself resolute to maintain this particular, as being that, which if not granted, would certainly in a short time be occasion of those quarrels and dissentions, which must necessarily break forth into an open War: for that there could be no security of Peace to the Inhabitants of Salona, whilst they lived amidst their Enemies, and just on the Skirts of Clissa, Spalato, and Sasso. Chusaein having well comprehended this consideration, and being desirous to dispose matters towards a durable Peace, slighted the opinion and sense of the Borderers, and so concluded all matters, and in presence of Nani subscribed the Agreement on the 24 th of October in open Divan held in the Campagne of Salona; the which was also mutually subscribed, and Copies interchangeably given. And in this manner the difference about the Consines was concluded, and the long War between Venice and the Turks had an end.
Whilst all things were reducing themselves into a posture of Peace, the Timariots disbanded, and the Janisaries retired to their Chambers, in the month of October returned the Turks Envoyé from France, bringing with him an Ambassadour from that King called Monsieur De Nointel, a Person of an excellent temper, grave and serious in his Treaties and comportment; and to give this Embassy the greater reputation, he was attended with three Men of War and a Fire-ship, which sailing along the Hellespont and Propontick without opposition, came to an Anchor near the seven Towers, from whence sending advice of their arrival to the Chimacam demanded to be resaluted by the Seraglio, they promising as they passed to shew the first demonstrations of courtesie; but that being denied, as not usual or customary, the French Ships passed the Seraglio silently without siring a Gun, or any significations on either side, whether of Friendship or Hostility: the Ships came to an Anchor at Fonduclé, where the Ambassadour remained aboard unsaluted and unacknowledged by the publick Ministers of the City; until the Great Vizier, who supposed that a breach with France ought to have better foundation than a meer Punctilio of Honour, seemed more to despise than take notice of the affront. For he who knew so well to dissemble, after he had seen the French Troops ranged both in Hungary and Candia, against the Ottoman Forces, and yet politickly connived thereat, and accepted an excuse, did not esteem it prudence to ground a War for want of the smoke of a few Guns; but on the contrary ordered, That the Ambassadour should be received with the usual Form and Solemnity of Reception. The French having the advantage by this success, the Souldiers and Sea-men belonging to the Ships committed many insolencies in Pera and Galata, which never were revenged or accounted for; and when the Ships departed, above an hundred Slaves escaped from the Gallies and parts of Constantinople, and gained Sanctuary aboard: amongst the rest one Monsieur De Beau-jeu a Knight of Malta, who had for a long time been Prisoner in the seven Towers; but at length knocking off his Irons, and by help of a Cord letting himself down from one of the highest Towers in the night, recovered the Ships, and regained his liberty. Nor yet did this nor other affronts, whereby the French did really brave the Turks, administer sufficient subject of choler to the Vizier; for passing [Page 292] all by, as if nothing had been done, or nothing worthy his notice, frankly gave his Orders to let the Ships pass the Castles, which upon the foregoing causes and pretences had been before detained: adding, That it was natural, as well for men as for birds, to endeavour to procure their liberty, and therefore were not blameable: but that those to whose care they were committed, wanting due circumspection and vigilance in their Office, should pay for the escape of their charge by the price of their own lives or liberties.
The French Ambassadour in the mean time proceeded in his Journey to Adrianople, where the Court resided; and having passed through the several degrees and Punctilio's of Visits and other Ceremonies, at length descending to matters of business, proposed the renovation of the Articles of Peace, with an addition of thirty two Particulars to be altered or adjoyned. The Vizier who all this time kept more in his heart than he evidenced in his countenance, refused to condescend to a concession of the most easie and reasonable of their demands, offering only to renew the Capitulations verbatim according to the Tenour of the ancient Canon, without other alteration than the Name of the present Sultan, and the Date of the Month and Year, and herein he was so constant and fixed, that no arguments or colours of reason could seem to move him in the most minute and less important points of circumstances; and this perhaps lest the World should imagine, that the Turks were affrighted into Terms and better Treatments of Friendship, or that Immunities and Privileges in the Ottoman Court were acquired rather by rude usage adjoyned with menaces and neglects, than by more candid and fawning Addresses.
In this manner the French Affairs rather went back than forwards in the Ottoman Court, and it seemed that the Turks late Embassy into France and of the French to the Port served to augment the differences more than allay them. For the new Ambassadour falling short in his expectation, having obtained nothing of those many Particulars which he demanded, retired male-content from Adrianople to his usual Residence at Constantinople, where he resolved to attend what farther Instructions should be given him from France; and supposing his Master would ill resent his usage so contrary to what was promised in general terms, did suppose, that his next Orders would be of revocation, and that those frequent disgusts and disrespects so often received, and given on one side and the other, would at length burst out into an open defiance. The Turks apprehended so much themselves, and as their afsairs and designs proved afterwards with Poland, they were displeased that they had given the most Christian King so just an occasion of quarrel: for understanding towards the latter end of the Year 1671. that great Preparations for War were making in France both by Sea and Land, they were conscious that their demerits had justly deserved the chastisement of the French Arms, in revenge of the many injuries they had offered that Nation, and therefore paused a while, and observed the motion of these Enemies, before they would engage themselves in a War with Poland. But at length the beginning of the Year 1672. having discovered the designs of France to be only intended against Holland, the Turks reassumed their purposes so long premeditated against Poland, with an arrogance natural to Turks, and with a scorn not only of France, but of all Christendom. For his most Christian Majesty judging perhaps, that [Page 293] the rude treatment of an Infidel Prince so far remote, intrenched not so much on his Honour and Interest, as the quarrel he had with the neighbouring States, seemed to contemn for the present, or rather to defer the revenge of former injuries until a more fit and commodious season; wherefore in the mean time his Ambassadour upon new Instructions from France brought purposely by a Man of War, repaired a second time to Adrianople, where he intimated unto the chief Ministers the great desire his Master had to maintain that League and Friendship, which for above an hundred years had continued inviolate and uninterrupted: and therefore waving all other former Particulars of demand, declared himself satisfied, only to renew the Capitulations, with that single alteration of their Customs from five to three in the hundred, according to that Priviledge which the English and all other Christian Merchants injoyed, whose League and Friendship was subsequent to that of others. The Great Vizier being now freed of that suspicion and fear he apprehended of the French Fleet, and being assured that their Arms were not now probable to disturb him in his designs intended, he seriously smiled in his sleeve at these Addresses, and with a kind of scorning neglect bid the Ambassadour welcome to the Court, saying, That he should have what he desired. Wherefore the Capitulations were transcribed, and the alteration made in the value of their Customs; but the Vizier who meant nothing less than to yield them this Priviledge, deferred the signing thereof from day to day, pacifying the daily importunity of the Ambassadour with dilatory excuses, until at length having protracted the time to the very day that the Grand Signior and he began their March towards Poland, without so much as granting the Ambassadour a personal Audience, did then with soft and gentle words signifie to the Interpreters the grand pressures of his Affairs at present, that would not permit him time to perfect all matters with the Ambassadour, whom they should assure, that at his return with Glory and Victory from the Enterprises in hand, those requests should be granted, and his promises performed; and in the mean time his Nation should remain secure in these Dominions, as in former times, and the League and Friendship continued and maintained. The Ambassadour was strangely surprised at this last Farewel; but being a Gentleman of great Morality and Vertue, knew, no doubt, how to bear such a disappointment with an equality of mind agreeable to the greatness of his Soul; and therefore with a due resentment of the injury received, he returned to Constantinople, whilst the Sultan and his Vizier proceeded in their March towards the Confines of Poland.
But before I enter into a relation of the motives of that War, and the success thereof, which is the subject of the following Year, let us return to the place from whence we have digressed, and observe in this Year of Peace and repose of this Empire, what the Sultan contrived for security of himself by the death of his Brothers.
We acquainted you formerly in what manner the Sultan was disappointed in his designs against his Brothers, by means of his Mother, to whom the Janisaries had committed the care of their safety, which she according to her promise had maintained, and tendered equally with her own. But now the Vizier being returned from the Wars, and the most seditions amongst the Janisaries withdrawn from Constantinople, it was thought sit to make a new attempt on the Princes still residing in [Page 294] the old Seraglio, which was performed with those due preparations and secrecy, that it took effect on Sultan Orchan, the eldest of the two, who in the month of September 1671. dyed by a draught of poyson, which Sultan Orchan put to death by his Brother. was administred to him as a Present from his courteous Brother; some say he was strangled, and that before he submitted his neck to the Bowstring, he killed one of the Executioners with his Hanjarre. This Prince was reported by the people to be a comely Person, of a strong and robustious body, of large and black eyes like Sultan Morat: his death was lamented by all, and presaged as fatal to the Empire, in regard that that very night that he was murthered the Moon suffered a greater Eclipse than it had done for many years before, which happening out in this conjuncture was interpreted as ominous, and served to increase the maledictions and evil speeches, which the Turks in all places cast out upon those who gave this counsel to the Sultan.
About this time the State of Genoua desirous to change their Officers in Turkie, sent a new Resident to Constantinople, and a Consul to Smyrna, A new Resident sent from Genoua. which change was principally obtained at the request of the old Ministers, who weary of an employment so tedious, without a benefit corresponding to their melancholy life, and perceiving their Trade decline before it was arrived to any tolerable state or degree of reputation, by the assistance and mediation of friends sollicited their Letters of Revocation. For the Trade of Genoua being chiefly founded on hopes of those advantages which they expected from a coarse or base alloy of money, did instantly decay so soon as the Turks discovered themselves to be abused by the vast quantities of Temins imported, as we have before related: after which their profit failing, the Consulage consequently decayed, which is the only subsistence and encouragement of such Officers as are necessary to reside for the continuance of that Peace, which but a few years before they unadvisedly made with the Turk. The new Resident had no sooner arrived at Constantinople, and considered the poor and mean estate and ill foundation of their Trade, the growing charge of the Residency, and the great debts thereof that were to devolve upon him from his Predecessour; but he perceived into what a Labyrinth of troubles he had ingulfed himself, instead of being preferred according to his hopes into a place of Honour and happy retirement. In which confusion of thoughts arising one morning before day from his bed, and sitting on his Close-stool (as the servants of the house report) reached at a Towel, which being intangled within the Lock of a Carbine that hanged always charged near his bed, unfortunately drew the Trigger too hard, which with that gave fire, and shot the poor Gentleman into the belly with a brace of Bullets, of which being mortally wounded, after Confession and some Prayers in a few hours he passed to another life: unhappy mischance, if it may be called a chance; for I have understood from a sober person of that Nation, that the anguish of mind which he conceived at the evil condition of his Affairs, wrought in him a deepness of melancholy and despair, under which languishing some days, did at last most miserably lay violent hands upon himself.
And now it is time to recal to mind the Conspiracy of Count Serini, Marquess Frangipani, and Count Nadasti, Persons of Quality and of great The Conspiracy of Serini, Frangipani, and Nadasti. Power in Croatia and Hungary, who (as we said before) had sent their Messengers to the Great Vizier then remaining in the Leagure of Candia, with overtures of submission to the Ottoman Power. It was strange [Page 295] News to the World to hear that the House of Serini should abandon the Christian Party, and those renowned Defenders of their Country should apostatize, though not from Christianity, yet from that Cause and Liberty which their Ancestors and themselves had defended with Blood, Treasure, Valour, and Constancy. But dissentions and animosities sown by Satan, the Enemy of the Christian Church, did strangely corrupt the minds of those famous Persons, and raise in them a Spirit resolved to avenge the neglect and injuries put upon them by the Ministers of the Imperial Court, though at the expence and hazard of their fortunes and lives, and ruine and shipwrack of their Honour and Consciences: For the neglects and affronts undeservedly cast on Nicholas Serini during the late War (as before related) and the contempt and scorn put on the Croatian and Hungarian Nobility, was supposed to have fired the hot and ambitious Spirits of these Persons, who could more easily endure the slavery of the Turkish yoke, than condescend to the Government and prevalency of a contrary Party. Wherefore in prosecution of their design, being resolved to submit to the Turk, they dispatched two Gentlemen to the Ottoman Court, who arrived at Adrianople the 11 th of February 167; demanding the protection of the Sultan, for which they promised a Tribute of thirty Purses, or fifteen thousand Dollars every year for those Lands they held in Croatia. To make Answer hereunto a Divan or Council was called, in which were weighed all the Arguments and Reasons on one side and the other. The Muftee opposed their receiving into protection, as being against the Capitulations and Agreement so lately concluded with the Emperour, wherein the receiving or abetting of Rebels is expresly forbidden, and provided against by one side and the other; but Vanni Esendi the Preacher who used to be always of a different opinion to the Muftee, urged to have them received, because that the advancement of the Mahometan Cause, and enlargement of their Empire was more sacred than the conservation of their League with an Insidel Prince. And that the Ottoman Court was no longer to be termed the Refuge of the World, if it could not yield that protection which oppressed Kingdoms and distressed Princes petitioned to obtain. In this manner the matter being controverted without Agreement, it was in fine resolved to refer the matter to the determination of the Grand Vizier, who was now in a few months expected to return triumphant from Candia. But in that interim Intelligence coming by way of Bosna, that the Emperour had already entred Croatia with thirty thousand men, that he had taken Chiacheturno in Cotoriba, and that Serini and his Associates were already fled, either to Vienna to beg pardon of the Emperour, or Transylvania, or to some other place, that the Marquess of Bada had sortified Sequas and other Castles of Serini with German Garrisons; the Turks esteemed it too late to administer help to this desperate cause, and therefore refused to owne the Patronage of a People, to whom they could neither pretend by Reason, nor defend by Arms. The Vizier also being returned, like the Fox, contemned those Grapes which he could not reach, and with an abhorrency as it were of the Revolt or the Rebellion, as a zealous Hater of all perfidiousness, refused to afford protection to any of the Complices in the late Confederacy, which he politickly designed in reference to the Emperour, whose friendship he would seem to conserve most faithfully, left he should interrupt him in the carrying on of that War, which he then [Page 296] meditated against Poland. But what became afterwards of these Conspirators 1672 is the subject matter of the German History, it is sufficient to acquaint the Reader here that their design being seasonably discovered, they were interrupted by the hand of Justice, and met that Fate which is due to Traitors and Rebels to their Country, having abused the goodness of their Prince, to whom clemency and mercy are connatural. We shall therefore leave these men to render the next account to the Judge of all things, and prosecute our Relation of the Wars of Poland, which now was the next prize held up to the Turkish Militia, and was that adventure which was to consummate the glories of the Great Vizier. Howsoever, this gave beginning to that Rebellion in Hungary, which to this Year 1679 hath been continued, without prospect how far it may proceed, and what may be the issue of such direful Effects.
Anno 1672. Hegeira 1083.
WE have formerly acquainted you how coarsely the Chimacam of Adrianople had in the year 1667 treated the Ambassadour of Poland, who came to complain of the incursions made into their Country by the Tartars; desiring that not only satisfaction might be made for the late spoils, but that that unruly and savage people might be restrained from the like Attempt for the future. But the Vizier being now returned in person it was thought necessary, That to preserve this gross Body of Empire from corruption, it should be exercised with motion, and the vigorous agitations of a new War. To what place they should The Turks deliberate of a War. now convert or employ their Armes, was the important subject of a grand Consultation; they had lately made up a peace with the Venetians, so that on that side it was too early to make an irruption, the parts of Persia were too remote and distant to carry on a War with success and pleasure; the sields of Hungary had been lately traced, and they were satiated with the blood of Austria and Germany; something now of novelty must be proposed, and the forgotten ways of Poland must be again opened, there being something, it seems, of wantonness in prosperous Armes, which delight in variety, and abhor as much to fight often in the same Country, as Travellers do to see the same place twice. The Polanders had unto this day so preserved the Limits of their Country with honour and gallantry, that the Turks could never secure to themselves one palm of Land within their Territories, until the civil and most detestable Discords of that Country laid them open to the fury of their Enemies, who embraced this most grateful opportunity, which facilitated their Design, and made that easie which they had so long desired, and with care studied and contrived. But for the better understanding of these Affairs it is convenient for us to take the Thread of History at some distance off, that so we may with better light comprehend the Causes, Original, and Occasions of this War.
The hatred and jealousies which the Ottoman Port hath always nourished and conserved against the Kingdom and Dominions of Poland, are ancient and inveterate, having their rise from the valiant opposition and successful repulses it always made against the various attempts of the Turks; whereby the Poles were animated to treat always at equals with The Causes of the War with Poland. them, and with terms agreeable to that vain glory and swelling pride, which are natural to their Nation. But that which renewed the memory [Page 297] of past actions, and raised an expectation in the Turks to avenge the injuries by subjugating the Cosacks, was one Bogdan Chimilniczki General of the Cosacks, who growing powerful in that Country, with the strength of a numerous Army, abhorring the Pride of the Polish Nobility, denied obedience to their Kingdom, resolving to make himself the absolute Prince of that Province, from whence various fortunes of War succeeding, he was at length forced to join himself to the Tartars, and crave the protection of the Turkish Armes. In the mean time, Poland, invaded by the Swedes, Moscovites, and Transilvanians, was dismembred of Livonia, and a great part of Lituania and Verania, the first possessed by the Swedes, and the latter by the Czar of Moscovy, and the Rebel Cosacks; which confusions rejoiced the Turks, and gave them the first hopes, not only to free themselves from the frequent Piracies the Cosacks committed on them in the Black Sea, but to impose upon them the Ottoman Yoke; to which end they maintained a secret correspondence with the Generals of that people, promising them the assistance of Men, Money, and Armes, but yet with that caution, that they would not seem unprovoked to quarrel with the Poles, or without just cause to violate the peace of Choccin, to which they pretended a most religious and reverend regard.
Wherefore, that they might not appear causeless Actors against that solemn League, they secretly encouraged those Incursions, which in the Years 1666 and 1667 we have already mentioned to have been made by the Tartars into Poland, as far as the Walls of Leopolis; which action, that the Tartars might not have occasion to abett and maintain, the Poles resolved to send a most splendid Embassy to the Turks, desiring that the Tartar Han might be deposed, for having unjustly violated the sacred peace of Choccin. For that as the Poles were obliged to restrain the Piracies and Depredations of the Cosacks in the Black Sea, so the Turks were become security against the incursions of the Tartars. Scarce had the Ambassadour Radiowski delivered this message, before he unhappily died at Adrianople (as we have before signified;) to whose Complaint and Demand, after many delays, no other answer was given, than that the Poles should sirst break their League which they had contracted with Moscovy for thirteen years, without the consent, and against the pleasure of the Port, and then after that they might expect and promise themselves all due satisfaction.
In this manner Affairs stood when King Casimir, weary of the Factions and Discords of the Nobility, resigned up his Crown to retire unto a private life. And now it being necessary to proceed to a new Election we may consequently expect various Commotions and Disturbances in this State, sufficient to attract the eyes of the Turks, and encourage the Cosacks in their intended Revolt. At length Prince Michael Korebut Wisnowieski being elected King, it seemed agreeable to reason, that all Verania should have returned to obedience of him, to whom the best part of that Country did by right of patrimony, and natural inheritance belong; but the success thereof fell out contrary to all expectation, for Dorosensko, then General, designing to usurp that Government, proposed the project of uniting Verania to the Body of Poland, as a member of the Crown, by which means that Province would not only become free from its Vassalage to the Nobility, but obtain equal suffrages in the Diet, with all the other more free and priviledged Countries; [Page 298] and in this manner he might not only compel Poland to condescend to his designs, but confirm himself in the absolute and supreme Authority of the Cosacks: This proposition therefore seemed so insolent, and savouring of Rebellion to the Polish Court, that a severe and menacing Message was dispatched to Dorosensko, threatning to take from him his Bulaua, or Truncheon of General, if ever he entertained any such imagination so highly derogatory to the Majesty of the Polish State; he therefore thought it his time to cast himself wholly into the protection of the Sultan, and accordingly dispatched Ambassadours to the Port to signifie their submission, begging to be received into the Arms of the Ottoman Power; and as an assurance thereof, that he might receive the (Tough) which is the Ensign of Authority, carried by Pashaws. The Vizier at the first motion hereof, reflecting on the evil consequences, in case the Grand Signior's honour should be foiled in this action, suspended a while a compleat answer thereunto; but at length being instantly sollicited, and perceiving the Disorders and Factions of Poland to encrease, the Cosacks were received for Subjects of the Empire, and obliged to wage War against all Enemies to the Ottoman Power.
Duke Michael being elected King, the first Act he performed was to send an Ambassadour extraordinary to the Grand Signior, with no other Design than to acquaint him of his Election to the Crown, only in case an opportunity presented, then to move for a ratification of the Articles concluded at Choccin. This Ambassadour, called Wisozki, being of a haughty and proud spirit, became the Authour of all the mischief which ensued; for being of a temper which could not equally bear the honour of his important Office, lanched out into matters beyond his Commission, and instead of imparting his Message, would become sole Arbitrator of all the differences between those two powerful Princes; for he being unacquainted with the Power or Affairs of the Turks, supposed nothing in this World comparable to the number, richess, and valour of his own Nation, and therefore gave himself that liberty of arrogant Language, that by way of Command and Menaces he rather seemed to act the part of a Governour or Umpire in the differences of State, than of an Oratour or Suppliant for peace. In his conceit the Turks wanted both courage and power to invade Poland, and therefore supposed he might safely brave them into a ratification of former Articles, especially when he mentioned a hundred thousand Horse, which he undertook before the Vizier to be able on his own account to conduct as far as the Walls of Adrianople. It was a strange humour of Rodomontado that inspired these two last Ambassadours, and if from them we may take a pattern of the disposition of the rest of the Polish Nobility, it will be no wonder to hear and read the Distractions that are amongst them, that they carry themselves with disrespect to their Prince, are emulous and factious amongst themselves, and that their pride and ignorance, which have flattered their humour, and triumphed amidst their Tenants and Vassals, should betray them to all those evils which we may fear may be the consequences thereof.
The Great Vizier, considering the confidence which this person used in his Discourse, imagined that the differences in his Country might be composed, and therefore in compliance with his desire, offered in general terms to confirm the peace made at Choccin, without Addition of any new Article in reference to the Cosacks, being a business of that nature [Page 299] which admitted of no present determination; this, he said, was his ultimate resolution, which if the Ambassadour approved not, he might then advise it home, and expect a farther result of their Counsels. Wisozki being really possessed in his fancy of the Turks weakness, gave way to his passion, and with little judgment replied, That he approved not of the Proposition, nor needed he to transmit any such advice into Poland, he himself being a Plenipotentiary of as full a Power as the King and Council; for being a Nobleman, he was by consequence that necessary Member of the Republick, that nothing could pass without his Suffrage.
The Vizier amazed at this extravagant way of discourse, the which he supported with moderation and contempt, dispatched away a Chiaus into Poland with Letters, desiring that this Ambassadour should be recalled, as being a Person unable to manage matters of the least concernment; and if they supplied his place with another, he should be received with due respect, and a plain way laid open to conclude his Negotiations to the satisfaction of both Parties.
Wisozki abounding in his own sense and humor, represented matters in a far different manner into Poland, alledging, That the Law of Nations was impeached by the violence offered to his Person, being imprisoned, and the usual Tain or Allowance of Ambassadours withheld from him; both which were not absolutely true: for the maintenance he refused as too mean for his Quality and Office; and for his Imprisonment, it was no other than a Confinement to the City of Constantinople, with a prohibition only from passing over unto Pera, where formerly in a house he had taken, he committed a thousand irregularities and disorders, which caused the Vizier to recal him again over to Constantinople, denying him the liberty of passing more to the other side. These were the injuries which he complained of into Poland, still fancying, That if the Nobility were assembled to consider of these matters, the Turk would be so afsrighted at it as to condescend unto any terms he should propound. These reports of Wisozki took that impression with the Court, that esteeming all authentick which he said or wrote, without farther examination issued out Orders for a general Insurrection, and that all people should prepare for the War, rendring the Vizier no other answer, than that when their Ambassadour was set at liberty, and had licence to depart, the like should be permitted unto theirs, and in the mean time the Chiaus was committed to safe custody. The Grand Signior highly angred at this obstinate misunderstanding, immediately ordered that Wisozki should depart, and at the same time commanded his whole Militia to rise and follow him to the War; and so much the rather was he animated by the reports sent him from Dorosenzko, seconded by the Vayvods of Moldavia and Valachia, whose Letters declared the miserable confusions in Poland, divided into divers Factions and Parties, their want of money, and the mutiny of the Souldiery inclined rather to betray than defend Verania. And now a Sword and other Presents usual in these cases, being sent to the Tartar Han, he was ordered to unite with the Cossacks, and to invade Poland, where being encountred near Batowa, by a Body of Horse under the Command of Luzecki Governour of Podolia, the Poles were defeated, and was the first bad Omen of the ill success of this unhappy War.
To second these beginnings, the Grand Signior having raised an Army [Page 300] of an hundred and fifty thousand men, marched towards Poland already sick and languishing with its own intestine distempers, and unable to contend with a Body united within it self, wanting neither internal vigour, nor nourishment to maintain its strength; the first Enterprise was the impregnable Fortress of Caminiecz, which had often in former times baffled the Ottoman Arms; but now being ill provided, destitute of Arms, Ammunition, Provisions, and but weakly manned, and what was worst, despairing of any Relief, after eleven days Siege surrendered it self to the pleasure of the Conquerour. Hence the Turks had an open passage through all Podolia and Volhinia to the very Walls of Leopolis, which they passed over like Travellers rather than Enemies, there not appearing one person in Arms to oppose them, delighting and sporting themselves in these most fruitful and delicious Countries of Europe: thus had private animosities and civil rancour possessed the minds of the Poles one against the other, that they had rather yield themselves to the servitude of an Enemy, than condescend to the humor or counsel of a Citizen. Thus had the Turks passed all this Summer in the Plains and Cities of Poland, where it seemed rather Peace than War, all places submitting without difficulty unto the Grand Signior as to their true and natural Lord and Soveraign, by which means the Inhabitants redeemed their Lives and Estates; for the Sultan willing to demonstrate his clemency, and to spare those who voluntarily yielded, and encourage others to submit to so gentle a yoke, forbad all the common outrages of Souldiers, not permitting Plunder or Booty to be brought into the Camp; nor greater Spoils to be committed, than if his Army had passed through his own Dominions; whether this obliging or winning manner of proceedings overcame the stout hearts of the Polanders more than blows, will be experienced in the sequel of this story; it is certain the Militia returned home poor and weary, and more broken by this years Expedition than by the long and tedious March to Persia, and hazardous Battles during the Siege of Babylon; but the Sultan was desirous to return home, and give this first proof and testimony to the World of his warlike and invincible Spirit, of his clemency and of his success in Arms, that at his first appearing in the Field, all Armies and Fortresses submitted to his Power. The Poles on the other side being of an opinion and temper far different to that of their Ambassadour Wisozki, resolved to purchase the departure of their new Guests on any terms; so that these following Articles were agreed and concluded.
That the King of Poland should quit all Claim to Ukrain, Podolia, and Rusland.
That for Leopolis and the Country thereabouts should be paid a Tribute of seventy thousand Dollars a year; all other Capitulations formerly made were to stand in force and virtue.
These Articles being signed, the Grand Signior committed the Government of Verania and Podolia to Dorosenzko, and the defence of Caminiecz to Chusaein Pasha with a Garrison of twelve thousand Janisaries; so that now being returned home, the Militia was permitted to repair to their several Countries and Dwellings, the following year being dedicated to the repose and ease of the Souldiery.
Towards the end of this Year, when the Ships of Barbary returned home, those of Tripoli conceived a certain discontent against their Pasha named Osman for his covetous behaviour towards his Souldiers; for having [Page 301] that Summer taken very rich Prizes from the Venetians and other Nations, the Souldiers expected at their return home to receive a division of their Spoils according to their just and equal shares. But the Pasha grown old and covetous, getting the whole into his hands, appropriated the greatest part to his own Coffers, distributing to the Souldiers an inconsiderable proportion of what they had gained the year before. Hereupon the chiefest Commanders amongst them becoming greatly enraged began to incense the Souldiery, which for interest or want of Pay, being always ready to mutiny, took fire immediately, and easily were blown into a Rebellion; so that first making Parties, and retiring into secret Junto's and Councils, they resolved to destroy the Pasha, and alter the Government, and thereby make themselves Masters of all the Treasure and Richess which Osman Pasha had in the space of thirty years amassed together. The Pasha having notice of all that passed, and apprehending the Conspiracies of this unbridled People to be dangerous, began to provide for his safety, and getting together so many as he supposed of his Party, and that were, or might be faithful to him, which joyned with his Slaves and Servants, made up a small Garrison, wherewith to defend and preserve himself within his Castle, which being well provided of Ammunition and Victuals, he shut his Gates, denying access or admittance unto all persons upon any pretence and account whatsoever. Hereupon the Mutiny appearing, the Souldiery drew into a Body in the open field, against whom several shot were made from the Castle; so that now the Civil War was begun, and the whole Force of Tripoli raised against the Pasha and his Castle, which being straitly besieged, the Defendants who were for the most part Servants and Slaves, failing in their courage, resolved to make Conditions for themselves to the best advantage; wherefore conspiring against their Master, entred his Chamber and strangled him in the night; and the next morning opening the Castle-gates, received the Enemy within the Walls, making manifest the death of their Master and their own Treachery. Osman Pasha being dead, every one acted for a time what the wildness of an unruly multitude could suggest, till such time as the Heads of the Rebellion could frame themselves into some form of Government, which for the present was resolved to be by a Dei, as most convenient for commanding of the Souldiery, intending for the future to take the Algier Government by a Divan for their Pattern and Model of Rule, under which the people of that place had found and experienced the sweetness of liberty, richess, and success. These matters being agreed upon, some of their Men of War were sent to give advice unto the Grand Signior of the revolutions of their City, supplicating him to pardon the violence used against their Pasha Osman, whose Covetousness and Tyranny forced them for self-preservation to precipitate that Authority, which they knew on their complaints, his Majesty would have granted them; and that he would be pleased to receive them into his protection and favour, as his faithful and humble Subjects and Slaves, and as an evidence thereof would grant them a Pasha confirmed by his Royal Signature. The Sultan, though at first shewed himself much displeased with this manner of proceeding against Osman Pasha; yet seeing that there was no remedy, suffered himself to be mollified by their Presents and submission, granting them a Pasha for their Governour, whose power proved as unsignificant as his doth, who bears that Title at Algier. Matters being thus reduced [Page 302] to some tolerable condition amongst them, they concluded, That 1673 the most beneficial course of life to render them considerable, as well as to amuse and divert the minds of their rude people from innovations against their Governours, was to grant free liberty to whomsoever pleased to arm out Ships of War; which Priviledge Osman Pasha reserved to himself and his Confidents; and finding at present that they were able to set out six Sail from forty to fifty Guns, and four more from twelve to thirty, intending to accomplish in all the full number of fifteen Sail; those who traded in the Levant Seas began to apprehend, that this faithless and heady people would at a time, when they found their advantage and the temptation of a rich Prize, break their Peace with his Majesty our King, the which Osman Pasha had notwithstanding conserved for several years without violation, moved perhaps thereunto out of an apprehension, that in such troubles which a War with England might bring upon them, he might lose or impair his richess, and bring the like confusion on his people, as he had lately heard of in Algier on the like occasion: but how and in what manner these matters succeeded, and how at length this people broke their Peace and Faith, we reserve to be recounted at the end of the Year 1674.
Towards the end' of the month of August it pleased God to take out of this life unto a better Sir Daniel Harvey his Majesties Ambassadour at Constantinople: a man whose person being comely, was extremely grateful to the Turks; and for the experience he had at the Ottoman Court, was equal in the happy management of Affairs to any of his Predecessours.
Anno 1673. Hegeira 1084.
BUT it seems the Turks had made too much haste in their return to digest a Conquest of so large Extent; so that they were scarce well warmed by their Winter-fires, before they were alarmed again with Jealousies of Poland, and the Seditions amongst the Cossacks, whom Dorosenzko wrote he could not keep in subjection, unless he had some Succours sent him from the Port. The rumors likewise that the Muscovite armed, and was resolved to assist the Poles in recovery of their lost Country, increased the apprehensions of the Turks, who too late perceived the errour they had committed in so soon disbanding their Army, which before some were scarce got home, they were forced to recal. But now the year was well begun, and no grand preparations made; so that it was impossible to collect an Army in so short a time considerable enough to be honoured with the Conduct of the Sultan; wherefore it was resolved, that all things this year should be disposed in a readiness against the next. But the Grand Signior had a project of his own to depart speedily with his Court, and to pass the heats of the Summer in the Mountains of Zegna about five or six days Journey on his way towards Poland, which being reported to be a place well planted with Trees, watered with cool and fresh Springs, and abounding with all sorts of Game, made him impatient to take up his Summer-quarters in a Country so agreeable to his humor; and that he might cover the design of pleasure with that of profit and policy, he pretended that the report of his proceeding so far would both hasten the Army, and give a terrour to the Enemy. But the Great Vizier and his Council who weighed all [Page 303] things better, were of another opinion, judging it neither honourable for the Court to be retired into Woods and Mountains, nor the advantage of such a surmise able to countervail the expences and inconveniences of that Journey; and therefore it was concluded to stand unto the first resolution, That the Grand Signior with the main Body of his Army should not move until the following year, but that in this interim all preparations should be made for Provisions and Ammunition, in order unto which three thousand Janisaries were already sent away to Keminiecz under the Command of the Sampsongibashee, and six thousand more under the Zagargibashee were to be landed on that Isthmus, which joyns the Crim Tartar unto the Main, from whence they had a short March to the assistance of Dorosenzko. Chasaein Pasha lately come from Damascus, was nominated for General to be sent into Silistria, and there to command in Chief over the Militia of Dobriza, Bosna, and Runtelia in case of any alteration and disturbance in Poland: this Person was always accounted a stout and valiant Souldier, though seldom fortunate, and was the same that lost the Battel before Lewa in the last German Wars, as we have before intimated: he was about this time grown infirm by a hepatical Dysentery, which reduced him to a weak condition of body, with little hopes of recovery.
In the mean time arrived at Adrianople an Ambassadour from the great Czar of Muscovy, bringing Letters dated in April of the preceding The unseasonable Address of the [...] Ambassadour. year, which was before the time that the Turks had entred Poland, the contents of which were, That the Grand Signior would do well to desist from his design against that Country; for that if he did proceed and invade those Dominions, he should find himself obliged to make War upon him, and with his mighty and puissant Power to drive him back to his own Jurisdiction. This Message appeared very unseasonable, and caused much laughter at first; for that the Turk had since the Date of that Letter invaded Poland, and possessed himself of vast Countries, and yet neither encountred any opposition from the Muscovite, nor so much as heard any rumor of his Motion. Wherefore the Turks with scorn forbad the Ambassadour any farther Addresses, and commanded him to be gone speedily, saying, That his Master had neither courage nor force to maintain his word of War, nor wisdom to manage a Treaty of Peace.
The Reports now from the parts of Poland spake matters to be in a quiet posture, and not likely to concern the Turks much for this year; wherefore the Grand Signior began again to renew his purposes of pastime and pleasure in the Mountains of Zegna; but because no true or perfect account could be given of the delights, refreshments, and situation of that place, the Olack Celebi or chief Postmaster was sent to survey the Country, and to return with a relation of all matters: but in the interim the design was altered; for the Grand Signior having begun a Fabrick in which he had expended about eighty thousand Dollars, at a small Village about nine or ten miles from Adrianople; the place and novelty of the Building so well pleased him, that he sound in himself an inclination to pass the whole Summer there; and becoming likewise enamoured of a young Lady in his Seraglio, notwithstanding his former tenderness to his Queen, and late aversion to all other Women, he judged it was possible to divertise his time well in those parts, and more to his contentment, than in wild woods and uninhabited mountains. Whereupon [Page 304] the intentions of Zegna were laid aside, and nothing thought of but the rest and quietness of the Court for this year.
But because it was reported, That the Czar of Muscovy made great Preparations for War, it was judged necessary to command the Crim Tartar to be watchful of his motion by Land, though the natural slothfulness of that people gave them no apprehension of their Arms for this year: howsoever it being probable, that they might prove more active and forward in the Black Sea, than they were capable to do by Land, by sending forth their small Boats down the Volga to take and pillage the Saiks and Vessels belonging to Constantinople and other parts; the Captain-Pasha was ordered to pass into that Sea with thirty five or forty Sail of Gallies for defence of the Coast, and for fortifying and repairing Asac, and the Fortresses thereabouts: but whilst these Preparations were making for the Euxine or Black Sea, the other Seas were neglected and undefended; for the Alexandrian Fleet consisting in all of eight Sail, were The Alexandrian Fleet taken by the Malteses. encountred not far from Rhodes by some Maltese and Ligornese Corsaires: the Ships of the Turks were most of them very great and potent Ships, one of them was at least fifteen hundred Tuns, and was capable to carry an hundred Guns, the others, of eight hundred or a thousand Tuns, able to have resisted and overcome, had they been well armed, double the force that assaulted them; but being now engaged with an Enemy, though not so strong, yet better experienced in marine Affairs than themselves, they fought with them stoutly the first day; but the next day six Gallies coming to the Christians assistance, (which had been harboured in some Port not far distant, and led thither by the noise of the Cannon, to which also a calm giving the greater advantage) the Turks began to faint in their courage, so that four Gallions and two Saiks yielded to mercy, which was a Prize of so great value, that it was supposed never to have been equalled since the time of Sultan Ibrahim, when the loss of the grand Sultana and other Ships gave the first occasion of War with Venice. This great Ship which was reported by those who saw her to be both longer and broader than the Soveraign, carried only sixty Guns, and was manned accordingly only with about an hundred Seamen, and about two hundred more which were Land-men, wholly unacquainted with the Sea or with Naval Fights: the biggest Ship amongst the rest was belonging to the Queen-Mother, and the others to the Grand Signior, being freighted principally with Sugar, Coffee, Rice, and other Provisions for the proper maintenance of their Courts, which we may suppose will highly inflame these grand Personages with anger and disdain, when they reflect on their own proper losses which touch them so nearly as their peculiar Goods and the Furniture of their Kitchins.
The Turkish Court now angered with this loss, was more moved in the midst of May, when a Messenger from Poland arrived with Letters from the Grand Chancellour, declaring with modest terms, That their Kingdom was unable or unwilling for many respects to pay the promised The Poles refuse to pay their promised Tribute. Tribute; so that if they did not judge sit to wave or lay aside those pretensions, they should be forced to take up Arms in defence of their Honour, Safety, and Priviledge of their Dominions. The Turks surprised with this unexpected Message, too late perceived the errour of the last years proceedings, which were carried on with a clemency and confidence not agreeable to the disposition and humor of such an Enemy, as is [Page 305] unacquainted with servitude, and so far from being able to fupport a Foreign Yoke, that they cannot endure subjection to their own Civil Government, every Nobleman (of which there are many in Poland) being ambitious to be a Prince, judges himself better than his elected King. Hence proceeded all those dissentions which laid them open to the late invasion of their powerful Enemy, the apprehension of whom having obducted for a while those sores of Faction which festered amongst them, and that principle of self-conservation, which by a forcible nature inclined them to Union, at length armed them with a resolution to avenge the Liberties of their Country, and assured them of the Truth of that Saying, That a Kingdom divided against it self cannot stand.
The Turks now wished that they had either made a true use of their Victory, and the opportune Conjuncture of the last years Affairs to have setled and secured their Conquests, or that they had never begun the War; for now finding themselves engaged in it, they were in honour obliged to proceed, and lose the fair opportunity which presented to make their advantage in Hungary; to which place they had been, and were still The Rebels in Hungary renew their Petition to the Turks for assistance. invited by the Rebels of that Country, who to revenge the Cause of Serini, Nadasti, and some other Discontents and Aggrievances of which they complained, and to defend the Protestant Religion; in which by the zeal of some Churchmen, they were disturbed, resolved to abandon their Allegiance to their natural Prince, and rather seek a protection for their Estates, and allowance for their Religion under the Turk, than remain beholding for either to a prevailing party at the Imperial Court. The chief Authours of this Rebellion were Petrozy, Sepesi, Tende, Gabor, Sutrey, and other principal persons amongst the Hungarians, who having on their own strength opposed themselves against the Emperour the last year were defeated in divers engagements, and at length reduced to a very low and miserable condition. Wherefore they renew again their Petitions and Presents to the Sultan, sent by their Agents about the beginning of this Month of April, begging his assistance and protection, representing the easiness of the Conquest, and how large a Gate they were able to open to his Armies, and make a plain way for him into the most fertile and opulent Countries of the World, of which he seemed already half possessed by reason of those Discontents and Factions that were amongst them.
The Turks though well satissied of the reasonableness of the design, yet being engaged in honour against Poland, knew not how to retract, and therefore dispatched away the Messengers for the present with fair hopes and secret promises, well treated in private, though they received rather a Denial than Encouragement in publick. For the expedition against Poland was that which employed solely the wisest heads of the Empire, who as it were in fury issued out immediate Orders, That all those who eat the Grand Signior's Bread, should without farther delay The rage of the Turks against Poland. prepare themselves for the Wars against Poland; and that Provisions and Ammunition should be supplyed in all places according to the usual proportions; The Tugh, or Horse-Tail, (the Signal for departure) was set forth, the Tents ordered to be carried into the Field, and such haste made in all parts, as if the raising of an Army were the business but of one day; resolving immediately to proceed against their Enemies, to whom the Sultan returned a most dreadful and menacing Letter, full of expressions agreeable to the Turkish Style, which threatned Confusion [Page] Sword, Famine, Fire, Destruction, and a thousand other more direful Judgments: but the Collection of this great Army, and the appendages belonging thereunto, were not so suddenly provided as to admit of such a dispatch as the Sultan's fury pretended; wherefore in cooler blood it was concluded, That for this Summer they should not pass much beyond the other side of the Danube, that the Winter Quarters should be designed in Silistria, from whence they might more effectually threaten and affright their Enemies with their near approach.
About this time the French found an opportune season to accommodate all their Affairs with the Port, and to put a period to the several Articles and particulars they had for many years demanded. For now the French King not only appeared very formidable by reason of his success against Holland, but likewise instrumental to promote the designs of the Port, whilst he kept the Brandenburghers employed, and diverted the whole Armies of the Empire; and now also that they might engage him not to contribute assistance to the Poles, they judged it reasonable policy to evidence to that Ambassadour more external demonstrations of kindness, and strain their courtesie beyond the terms which they could cordially, and in reality afford them. Wherefore, at length the Capitulations were renewed, and some Articles and Priviledges superadded, which are these that follow.
First, That all religious Persons and Bishops of the French Church shall remain and continue quiet and unmolested in their respective habitations and dwellings, with liberty to perform all their Ecclesiastical Rites and Ceremonies.
Secondly, That the religious of Jerusalem and of Bethlem shall conserve those religious places which they have anciently possessed, and there may continue to celebrate their Worship of God, and all their Devotions, without any disturbance.
Thirdly, That if these Religious of Jerusalem or Bethlem have any difference or dispute with the Officers thereof, it shall be remitted to the decision of the Port.
Fourthly, All Frenchmen, and all under their Banner, shall safely at all times go to Jerusalem, and return without molestation.
Fifthly, The two Churches in Galata belonging to the Jesuits and Capuchins, and anciently possessed by them, are now again confirmed by these Presents; one of which belonging to the Capuchins having been burnt, free liberty is given for the rebuilding thereof, and to remain as formerly in the hands of the French; and in the Hospital in Galata, if they will read the Gospel after their fashion, none shall give them disturbance or hinder them.
Sixthly, Whereas the French Nation formerly paid 5 per Cent. Custom, now in regard they have been ancient friends to the Port, and that they have renewed their Capitulations, they shall pay no more than 3 per Cent. and accordingly let no more be demanded.
Seventhly, All Portugueses, Sicilians, Catelans, Messineses of Ancona, &c. that have no Ambassadours at the Port, if they come under the French Banner, shall pay no more than 3 per Cent. according as the French pay.
Eightly, In payment of their Customs, they shall pay the Currant Money such as passes in our Treasury, and the Farmers of the Customs shall not refuse the same.
[Page 307] Ninthly, The Mesteria they shall pay according to what the English Merchants pay, and no more.
Tenthly, All the Merchandise they bring, or shall bring, shall be valued according to the present estimation, and no more pretended of them, and if the Customers will notwithstanding raise the esteem of the Goods above the value, then if the Merchant will pay his Custom in specie, it shall not be refused.
Eleventhly, The Custom of Silk being paid — a new Custom ought not to be demanded.
Twelfthly, The Custom being once paid, the Customer shall not refuse to give his Teschare, and the Merchant being willing to transport his Goods to another Scale, another Custom shall not be demanded.
Thirteenthly, The Officers and Customers at Sidon, Birut, Aleppo, or Cairo shall not compel the Merchants to take Goods by Force, not under any pretence whatsoever take one Asper from them, nor demand mony to be lent unto them.
Fourteenthly, The French Vessels may bring Goods from the Indies, by way of the Red Sea, unto the Port Suucis, and having paid their Custom once there, whatsoever Goods they cannot sell in that Country, they may have liberty to transport over land to Alexandria, and there relade them again on their own Vessels without paying another Custom, or receiving molestation from any person. Howsoever, this Capitulation is to be understood with this condition, that this point shall be signified to the chief Officers of Cairo, who having called a Council of the most knowing and experienced persons to consider hereof, and they concluding that this point is in no wife prejudicial to that Countrey, nor to the interest of the Believers, then this Article to be of force, but if they advise the contrary, then this to be of no effect.
Fifteenthly, If the Fryars, or Merchants, or Druggermen will make Wine, and transport it abroad, none shall hinder them.
Sixteenthly, The French Consuls, and all under their Banner, having a difference with any of, or above, four thousand Aspers, it shall be decided at our publick Divan.
Seventeenthly, If any man-slaughter shall happen in the street where French dwell, they shall not be liable to pay the price of the Bloud, unless it be proved before the Justice that a Frenchman was guilty thereof.
Eighteenthly, The Druggermen in service of the French Nation shall enjoy the same priviledges, as before specified.
Nor was the French interest only available at that time to obtain the foregoing Articles, and renew their Capitulations with such Additions; but likewise to procure Licence for the Ambassadour to travel into the The French Ambassadour obtains licence to travel. remotest parts of the Ottoman Dominions; for though it were a thing never practised before, and denied (as is well known) to other Christian Ambassadours; yet it was granted to Monsieur de Nointel with so much freedom, that first in a Brigantine he went to Scio, thence visited the chief Isles of the Archipelago, thence crossed to Rhodes, and so proceeded to Satalia, Cyprus, and Jerusalem: so much confidence had the Turks, contrary to their custom, in this Ambassadour: for as they stile all Representatives from Foreign Princes their pawns or pledges of Peace, so had not the Turks in that conjuncture thought the interest of France [Page 308] worth the obliging, they would never have deviated from their ancient Custom, and given an example for other Ministers to demand a priviledg of the like nature.
But to return again to the designs against Poland, the Sultan about The Turks resolve on a war against Poland. the end of July marched with such Forces as were then in a readiness towards the Confines of the Country; and though he had not with him above fifteen thousand men, yet it was concluded that the Fame and terrour of the Grand Signior's motion would either abate and bring low the spirits of the Poles, and induce them to dispatch an Ambassadour with terms of Peace, or at least this readiness of the Turkish Camp would be an early preparation for the designs of the next year, and put the whole Empire into a timely motion, and that uniting with the Forces of the Frontiers, they might make a Body sufficient to resist any sudden Incursion. This resolution being taken, the Great Vizier led the Van, and encamped on the Banks of the Danube near a place called Isacgee, where he with all diligence built a Bridg of Boats to pass his Forces with the greatest facility to the other side, on which lies the Country of Moldavia. The Sultan about a days journey short of the Vizier, fixed his Court and Camp at a place called Babadog; with intention after some days to cross the River, and proceed as far as Kemenitz, that by the influence of his powerful Presence he might encourage his Army there, and provide all things necessary for security of that Garrison. But in the mean time advices coming that the Polish Army, consisting of about twenty thousand men, was roving about the Confines of Leopolis, under the Command of General Sobieski, and that a reconciliation was passed between the King and him; and that Zircha, Commander of the Cosacks, joined to considerable forces of the Moscovite and Calmuck Tartars, had made incursions into the parts about Osac, caused the Sultan to desist from his designed progress to Kemenitz, and to pass no farther than over the River into Moldavia for hunting or other pastimes. By these matters the Turks being fully convinced, that the Poles resolved not to pay their promised tribute, nor to send an Ambassadour with propositions, which were condescending or supplicating for Peace; the Sultan himself dispatched away an Aga with Letters into Poland full of threats, menaces, and protestations of bringing all that ruine, misery, and destruction on their Country, which always attends the most cruel and bloudy War, if they did not retrieve their errour by a speedy submission and compliance with those Articles which were the last year accorded. And this was the last motion the Turks made towards a Peace, which they were desirous to embrace on any terms honourable, that so they might have opportunity to divert their Arms to the more mild Climates of Hungary, where, besides the entertainment they expected to receive from friends, who invited them, they should not be liable to half those inconveniences of Cold, Frosts, and Famine, as they were probable to meet in the parts of Poland.
But the Poles were so much in earnest, and so little esteemed the menaces of the Sultan, that they anticipated his threats by some acts of hostility, and showed that they so much scorned his anger that they were resolved to be the first Aggressours. For the great Mareschal Sobieski The Poles pass the Niester. with his Lieutenant General Wisnowitzki marched forward, and boldly passed the Niester with fifty thousand select Souldiers. The General of the Turkish Army, Chusaein Pasha, alarmed hereat, immediately [Page 309] issued sorth such Orders for preparing and sitting his Camp as were agreeable to a speedy Battel; and that he might understand the state of his Camp, he called the Prince or Vayvod of Moldavia to examine him concerning the state and condition of his Forces; the answer he gave proving not satisfactory to the expectation of the Turk, who was enraged at the approach of the Enemy, with high and proud words insulted over the Prince, giving him no better terms than Dog and Insidel, and at length struck him over the head with his Pole-Axe; notwithstanding which, and the disgrace he put upon him, imprudently that night committed unto him, and to the Prince of Valachia, the care of the Guards, which consisted of three thousand Men. The Valachians The Prince of Valachia carried by his own Souldiers to the Poles. as near Neighbours and Associates with the others, seemed at first more grievously to resent the affront, than did the Moldavians, and therefore that Night took their Prince by force and carried him to the Polish Army. The Prince, that he might make a Vertue of Necessity, complained of no force or violence offered unto him by his Souldiers, but as if he had voluntarily revolted, showed outwardly a fair and serene countenance towards the Poles, until such time as with forty of his Men, he found an opportunity to escape; but being by next morning at break of day overtaken by five Troops of Polonian Horse, his whole Retinue was slain by them, excepting five of his men, who with himself, saved themselves by the swiftness of their Horses; Howsoever, the Prince received a wound on his left hand with a Sword, with which presenting himself before the Great Vizier, and by that testimony boasting of his Faith and Loyalty to the Ottoman House, was conducted by him to the presence of the Sultan, who, in reward of his fidelity and valour, vested him with a rich Coftan, and restored him again to his Principality with addition of three hundred Aspers a day pay. His Wife and Children which remained as Hostages at Constantinople, being upon the News of the Princes Revolt clapt into the seven Towers, were again released, and conducted to their house with all imaginable honour and magnificence.
But the Moldavian Prince was more in earnest, and heartily disdained the affront offered him by Chusaein Pasha, towards whom, and the other Turks, though he carried a serene and calm countenance, yet he nourished a secret flame and storm within himself; to vent which, and revenge the affront, he maintained a correspondence with Sobieski, giving The Prince of Moldavia revolts. him intelligence of all matters in the Turkish Camp, how he might most easily surprize the Forces of the Pasha of Sivas, and the four Generals of the Spahees of Alchabolick.
The Christians made use of this intelligence accordingly, by making their assault on the enemy on the weakest side, when the Prince having reserved his anger until an opportune Season, turned his face against the Turks, and with a courage agreeable to his spirit and command, he entered the Tabor, or Intrenchment of Chusaein Pasha, and wounded him with his own hand. The heat of the Fight continued fourteen hours, in which none behaved himself more valiantly than did Solyman Pasha the Beglerbeg of Bosna, who though he was as brave, and fought as stoutly as any man could, having six Horses that day killed under him, The Turks overthrow. he was at length forced to fly and abandon the field, following Chusaein Pasha, and the Pasha of Sivas and Ciddi-ogla, who made better use, in saving themselves, of their horses heels, than their own Armes; But in [Page 310] this Flight his Horse pitching his foot into the hole of a wooden Bridg, which he was to pass, was there stopped until he was overtaken by a Souldier with a Hat, who shot him through the Body; so that continuing his flight more faintly than before, he was overtaken by a Polonian Hussar, who with a Lance bore him to the Ground, where he was trod under foot, and cut in pieces by the Enemy: The other three Pashaws were wounded; the Generals of the Green and Yellow Sangiacks of the Spahees were taken Prisoners, and two other principal Commanders of the Spahees were killed. The Zagargeebashee, who commanded eighteen Chambers of Janisaries, was taken prisoner, the Standard of the Janisaries taken, and they wholly cut in pieces and destroyed, consisting of eight thousand five hundred men; all the Troops and Attendants of those Pashaws, with four Sangiacks of Spahees, were slain upon the place, which in all were computed to be about twenty five thousand men. The booty taken was very considerable, for besides the ordinary Baggage they took two thousand purses of money, then newly brought for payment of the Souldiery, and twenty five thousand Waggons of Provisions and Ammunition.
After this success and important Victory the Poles became Masters of the strong Fortress of Chotin, and other smaller Palanchas, on the Banks of the Niester, making their Incursions into Moldavia, as far as Jash, which is the principal City of that Country. And thus far was Kaplan Pasha proceeded with the Recruits of about four thousand men, when the News came of the fatal Rout, and the fame thereof encreasing by the fearful Relations of such as fled from the Battel, alarmed the Turks with such frightful apprehensions, that they retreated back again to the other side of the Danube, and united themselves to the Forces of the Vizier. But Chusaein Pasha, though he saved his life, yet could not Chusaein Pasha imprisoned. conserve the Air of the Sultan's favour; for so soon as he arrived at the Court, he received an ill welcome; for according to the manner of Turks, who punish the ill success of a General equal to Crimes committed, he was immediately put into Chains, deprived of his estate and honours, and sent prisoner with the attendance only of two servants unto the Castles of the Dardanelli, where the disturbance and unquietness of his mind reduced him to an insirmity of Body; so that being sick, and without Friends or Physicians, he sent to Sir John Finch, his Majesties Ambassadour, as he passed up the Hellespont, to afford him the use and assistance of his Physician; but the Ambassadour excused himself, letting him know, that his Retinue being passed before on another Vessel, he was sorry it was not in his power to accommodate him in the manner he desired.
The Winter being now well entered, which is very wet and cold in those Countries, caused the Armies on both sides to draw into their warmer Quarters, there to meditate and contrive their designs for the more active season. During these Affairs the King of Poland died; so that the Election of a new Prince, the manner of reconciling their intestine The King of Poland dies. Differences, and the means to defend their Countries, were Subjects of important Consideration, and matters more than sufficient to employ the wisest heads of that Nation for a longer time than their common Enemy was resolved to afford them. The Turk on the other side though full of revenge and anger for their last mifortune, yet patiently took this loss as the paring only of his Nails, that his Claws might grow [Page 311] the longer, and was so rowsed with this blow, that he summoned all the Nations of his large Empire to come in to his assistance, towards which forty thousand Carts laden with Provisions were appointed to rendezvous on the Banks of the Danube towards the end of the month of March. Yet in the mean time the Turks not having patience to see their perfidious Prince avail himself of his Revolt, and in despight of the Ottoman Power to seat himself in his Principality of Jash, were resolved to drive him thence; and in order thereunto not expecting a milder season, immediately dispeeded some Troops of Tartars, and two thousand Spahees under the Command of a new Prince, to drive him out of the Country. In the mean time the Poles, since their late Victory, kept the Fortress of Kemenitz straitly blocked up on all sides, and thereby reduced them to such a want of food and other provisions, as might probably cause them to surrender before the Summer could open a way to their relief.
But before I conclude this Year, I must not omit to acquaint the Reader, that in the month of September an English Factor at Smyrna descended of good Parents, and educated under a severe and religious Master, one who had a reasonable Estate of his own, and in good business and employment, did notwithstanding in the absence of his Partner, with whom he was joyned in Commission, carry out of the house 215; fine Cloths belonging to several Principals of England, with a considerable Sum of ready Money, Jewels, and things of value: of which having possessed himself, he went before the Kadi, and there in presence of divers Officers of the City turned Turk, hoping by the Priviledge of the Mahometan Law, whereby no Christian testimony can pass against a Turk, to appropriate unto himself that whole Estate, which he had thus treacherously got into his sole custody. And it being impossible for Turks to attest the Marks, Numbers, or know the Estates of Persons being in England, he judged himself out of the reach of any Power or Art to dispossess him of his unjust and wicked acquests. Howsoever the Consul did so closely pursue him both at Smyrna and at the Turkish Court, that in the space of seven months he regained all the Cloth, and the best part of the Money and Jewels out of his hands: and in fine reduced this Renegado to so low a condition, that he humbly supplicated the Consul to contrive a way for his passage into England: at which time His Majesties Frigate the Centurion being then in Port, he was imbarked thereupon, and so returned into his own Country.
The Particulars of all which having been amply related in Writing and Letters to private Friends, I purposely omit the same in this place, that so I might cast a veil over the nakedness and shame of our Nation in that City. Howsoever I judge it requisite to recount this Story in brief and in general heads, That men may know there is a God who rules above, who rejects impious and licentious persons, confounding the designs of those who betraying their Trust, deviate from the common Rules of Morality and Honesty.
Anno 1674. Hegeira 1085.
THis Year began at Smyrna with the happy Arrival of Sir John Finch, sent by His Majesty for Ambassadour to the Grand Signior in the place of Sir Daniel Harvey, who dyed in August 1672. at his [Page 312] Country-house not far from Constantinople. His Excellency entred the 1674 City on the first day of January [...] rejoycing the English Factory with the sight of their new Ambassadour, (that Office having been now void for the space of sixteen months) who was welcome also to people of the Country, judging him fortunate for arriving at the Feast of their great Biram: nor less pleasing was the News thereof to the Court, especially to the late Pasha of Tunis, whose Goods and Monies taken by one Dominico Franceschi, out of an English Ship called the Mediterranean, in her passage from Tunis to Tripoli, this Ambassadour had recovered from Ligorne and Malta; which being an action without example, was greatly admired and applauded by the Turks, and esteemed an evident demonstration of that great Interest and Power which the Glory of our King hath acquired in Foreign parts, and of the singular dexterity of such a Minister. But to proceed to the Wars.
The Polanders being thus prosperous, made use of their success, and the sharp cold of the Winter-season to make their Incursions, and Winter-quarters through all the Principalities of Moldavia; for they being born in cold Countries, and accustomed to the Snows and Frosts, were more patient and enduring of extremity of weather than were the Turks, who were brought forth from more mild and moderate Climates: so that neither could the Poles be driven out from those Countries, nor Keminitz be relieved by them, until such time, that the Sun getting high, and thawing the Snows, and warming the Earth, prepared a season fit for return of the Turks again into those Countries; who marching according to their custom with an Army composed of great multitudes, quickly compelled the Poles to retire. For the Grand Signior and Vizier having both seated their Winter-quarters on the Banks of the Danube, were ready at the sirst opening of the Summer to enter their Arms into the Enemies Countries; and having called the Tartars to their assistance, did according to the usual custom make Incursions for depredation of Slaves, Cattel, and whatsoever else was portable in a running March.
The Chan or King of this People was at that time greatly indisposed in his health, of which he advised the Great Vizier, as if he intended thereby to obtain a release from his personal attendance that year in the War: But the Vizier, who either supposed this excuse to be only a pretence, or that he had a kindness for his Person, immediately dispatched away his own Physician called Signior Massellini, an Italian born, a worthy Learned man, a good Christian, and my intimate Friend: with whom maintaining a constant correspondence by Letters, he wrote me, That from the Grand Signiors Quarters which were at Batadog near the A Journy into Tartary. Banks of the Danube, he arrived after seventeen days Journey in Chrim, where (he said) he was received with singular honour and kindness by the Great Chan, whom he found to be a Prince of admirable prudence, gentleness, and generosity, but greatly afflicted with a Hypochondriacal Melancholy; which being an infirmity of some years standing, was with the more difficulty removed; howsoever he was so far from being uncapable to follow his Army, that he advised him to divert his mind with the thoughts of War: which counsel having taken, after thirty days abode in the Camp, he found himself much more chearful than before, and greatly relieved of that pressure of Melancholy and caliginous Vapours which offended his Brain. ‘We are now (said he) at Ussia [Page 313] at the Mouth of the Boristhenes, which we have passed from the other side unto this, where the River is nine miles broad, from hence we are marching towards Bender upon the Niester to pass into Moldavia, and there to joyn with the Ottoman Army. The Poles have sent to demand Peace, but with condition, that Kemenitz be restored to them; which Proposition was with great disdain rejected, and will never be granted whilst this Emperour reigns. These people greatly desired a Peace with Poland, which the Election of Sobieski for King may probably facilitate; for not only they, but the Turks also dread a March into Poland, and are so inveterately bent to take revenge on the Muscovites and [...], who lately became their Subjects, that they could accept of any reasonable Terms of Accommodation with Poland. I for my part found Tartary a very pleasant Country, plentiful of all Provisions, and the people much more courteous and obliging to Strangers and Christians, than those Turks with whom you and I have conversed.’ Thus far Massellini writes in commendation of the Tartars, and in farther confirmation hereof, I have read in some Books, That as to their Morals, there are very few Nations to be found less vicious, they are extremely severe and faithful, they have no Thieves or false Witnesses amongst them, little Injustice or Violence, and live in union and great tranquillity: the marvellous fidelity of the Captive Tartars in Poland is every day to be observed, who never fail to return at the time appointed, when they are licensed upon their word to go and procure their Liberties by the exchange of Polish Prisoners, which they execute punctually, or return themselves, not failing a minute. And it is observed, That the Polish Gentlemen do rather trust the young Tartars, which are in their Service, with the keys of their Money and Jewels, than any of their Houshold.
The time for Armies to draw out of the Winter-quarters, and take the Field being now come, the Grand Signior and Vizier, with great numbers both of Horse and Foot passed the Danube, and prosecuting their March to the Confines of Poland, they relieved Kemenitz in the first place, the Poles at the News of their approach rasing the Siege. Kemenitz relieved. Thence they proceeded to Chuozim, a strong Fortress on the Niester, taken from them the last year by the Christians, after the defeat given to Chusacin Pasha, as before related, the which was surrendred without much difficulty on Articles, which were ill observed, the whole Garrison being afterwards put to the Sword. Nor had they worse success against the Muscovites, who retreated backward as the Turk advanced, leaving Asac, aster it had been sacked and almost destroyed, to be again rebuilt, which was speedily effected by the assistance of the Captain-Pasha, who was that year with thirty nine Gallies dispeeded into the Black Sea, and with great numbers of Slaves and Souldiers repaired the ruines which the Muscovites had made. In the mean time, whilst the chiefest strength of the marine Force was thus employed, a small Squadron of about ten Gallies were ordered for the Archipelago and the Levant, under the Command of one Mahomet Pasha, a Person that managed sundry great Employments; but his prodigality and profuse way of living was the cause that he could thrive in none, only he thereby gained so much interest and credit with the Grandees and Monied men of the Court, who are the Pages and Eunuchs, as served him to contract a debt of a thousand Dollars without any ability of his own to give them satisfaction: of which these Creditors being assured, made it their Petition [Page 314] to the Grand Signior to grant him the Command of that Squadron of Gallies, which was that year designed for the Archipelago, supposing that he in this Expedition being to pass unto many Islands and Countries, Mahomet Pasha sent with a Fleet of Gallies into the Arches. knew how to make such use of his time, and the advantage of his Employment, as would gain him a sufficient benefit whereby to satisfie and clear all scores and accounts with them. This Office being accordingly conferred, Mahomet Pasha prepared himself to depart, whilst the Creditors remained in full expectation of a profitable Voyage and speedy returns; which to improve to the best advantage, the Pasha first visited the open and undefended Isles, from whence with the greatest severity and rapine imaginable he pillaged and plundered what he was able, making some of them to ransom their whole Country with money. Thence he proceeded to Scala Nova, called by the Turks Koush-adasee, a place on the Coast of Asia, not far from Ephesus, where he demanded of the people (though all Turks) the Sum of five thousand Dollars, which they not finding to pay, were treated with all kind of force and violence, till at length paying down 1500, and engaging to pay the rest in a months time, the Pasha departed, leaving an Aga, a Servant of his, to receive the money at the time agreed. In that interim, the Kadi coming to be changed, and another of more courage and spirit succeeding in his place, believed that the best service at his beginning and entrance into Office which he could perform towards the people, was to relieve them from the oppression of the Pasha, and perswade them positively to refuse the payment; who taking courage from their Chief, drove the Aga out of Town, with a thousand menaces and reproaches. Upon this News Mehmet Pasha returned again full of anger and indignation, but found not that easie reception nor kind entertainment, as before; but on the contrary, the Gates were shut against him, and the people abandoning their Habitations, with common consent resolved to make a Journey to the Grand Signior; and to shew they were in earnest, proceeded so far in their way as to Ephesus, which is about ten miles distant from thence: the prejudice and danger of which complaint Mahomet Pasha greatly fearing, sent Messengers to pacifie them with good words and promises to relinquish his pretensions, in case they would return; but the uproar was so great, that they found as much difficulty to quiet it, as the Town-Cerk in ancient times had to appease the Tumult raised by the Silversmiths about Diana of the Ephesians. Being thus baffled at Koush-adasec, he vented his fury on some poor Islands which he could more easily master, and thence proceeded to Napoli di Romania, where the people being already alarmed with his behaviour, and violence of his actions in other places, and encouraged by the example of Koush-adasec, upon his arrival there, without farther ceremony shut their Gates, and appeared armed against him upon the Walls; at which entertainment and unexpected opposition, the Pasha fearing some evil consequences, set sail from thence, and crossing again the Seas into Asia, made Rhodes his next Port. Thence he passed to Satalia, to Cyprus, and Scanderone, and so again returned for Constantinople, taking Smyrna in his way, committing most extreme rapine and violence on the people, whose complaints having gone before him to the Court, he was immediately cut off at his arrival; but in the first place, his gains and ill gotten goods were seized on to satisfie the Grand Signior, and his Creditors of the Seraglio, who being sent to fish for Wealth, was served like the Cormorants [Page 315] in the Indies, which being made tame, and taught to fish for the benefit of their Masters, have a Ring clapped about their necks to prevent them from swallowing the prey they take.
But to return to the Actions at Land, which were matters of the greatest importance. The Turks had no sooner relieved Kemenitz, recovered Choczim, and caused the Muscovites to retreat, and draw their Forces into their Country; but being Masters of the Field, and having The Turks secure their Conquest. the choice of acting according to their own pleasure, resolved to secure the places they already possessed, esteeming it more wisdom to make sure their late acquisitions, than to add thereunto new conquesls, which they could not maintain. And therefore considering the inconstancy of the Cosacks, who having abandoned their subjection to Poland, had submitted themselves to their yoke; and also how unable Dorosenzko their Governour was either to keep them in obedience, or else to defend them from the Polonian Incursions; they resolved for prevention of these inconveniences, and for a secure remedy against any sinister accidents of this nature, to make seisure of that Party of the Cosacks, who had not submitted to them, and transport them into other parts, which they accordingly put into execution, and sweeping all the Countries as they passed, carried away men, women, and children into Captivity: part of which, such as belonged to the Grand Signior, had some Lands assigned them along the Coast near the Black Sea; the Armenians, who were a Trading people, and lived at Kemenitz, were transported to Philipopoli; of the Jews some were carried to Adrianople, and others to Constantinople; but the younger sort of both Sexes were permitted to the Souldiery to carry them for Slaves to their own homes, and were in great numbers dispersed through all parts of the Empire: a Policy anciently used by Pharaoh to his Egyptian Subjects, who having bought their Lands of them, did afterwards transport them from one end of the Land unto the other, that so he might keep them in the greater servitude and subjection, Gen. 47. 21. And as for the people, he moved them from one end of the borders of Egypt to the other. And in this manner the success concluding the year, without any great Enterprise or Feats of Arms, the Sultan returned to his Court at Adrianople about the end of November, licensing all the Asian Horse and Souldiers of remotest parts to return to their own Countries, with liberty to appropriate the following year to their repose and care for their peculiar concernments.
To these Wars amongst secular Persons and men of Arms were added The difference between the Latines and Greeks at Jerusalem. Differences, and never to be decided Controversies between the Religious of the Roman and Greek Churches at Jerusalem, who contending for the possession of the Holy Sepulchre of the King of Peace, rent that seamless Coat of Christ, and managed their Controversie with more malice and rancour each against other, than Princes do, who invade one the other with Fire and Sword. For the Franks or Western Christians subjected to the Popes Dominion, had possessed for several Ages a right to the Holy Sepulchre, and enjoyed the honour of the custody thereof, notwithstanding the pretences of the Greeks thereunto, who for many years in vain attempted at the Ottoman Court to obtain that Priviledge; for the Franks being ever more powerful by charitable contributions brought from Christendom, besides large Sums of Money from the King of Spain, did always outbid the Market of the Greeks, and [Page 316] consequently made use of stronger arguments, than the adverse Party could produce in defence of their cause. Until such time, that one Panaioti, a Greek born in the Island of Scio, having by his parts and excellent address arrived to the honour of being Interpreter for the Western Tongues to the Great Vizier, at length obtained that favour with his Master, that he seldom refused whatsoever he with reason and modesty requested; and being a great Zelot in his Religion, and esteemed the chief Patron and Support of the Greek Church, he secretly begged in behalf of his Country, the recovery of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem out of the hands of the Franks; which the Vizier would not deny him, both to reward him for some services already performed, and likewise because he knew that a concession of this nature would again raise the spirits and animosities of Christians; the allaying and appeasing of which being an office solely in the power of himself, and the supreme Authority, would certainly prove beneficial to the Ottoman Court. Panaioti having obtained this Command, and considering that the defence thereof would be a trouble to him, for that thereby he should create Enemies which were no less than Kings and Princes to contend with, and perhaps should live to see it reversed, wisely laid it by him, there to remain dormant until the time of his death; which happening the year past, the Command was produced and brought to light, and was before the Easter of this year set on foot at Jerusalem, and by virtue thereof the custody of the Sepulchre sentenced by the Pasha and Kadi of that place to belong unto the Greeks, the which was occasion of so great trouble and confusion, as disturbed the Holy Feast, and polluted the Sacrifices with the blood of one or two persons, who most earnestly contended for the Priviledge of their Nation and Religion. Nor could this difference be decided here, but both sides appealed to the Court above; which being heard and debated in publick Divan, the possession of the Sepulchre was adjudged in favour of the Greeks; the Franks being only to injoy a precarious use thereof, as Pilgrims and Strangers to the Country. Howsoever the Fryers of Jerusalem would not tamely yield up their Right, but again resolved to try their Fortune at the Court, having by means of F. Canisares their Commissario with expence of a great Sum of Money obtained a review of the case, but without success; for all these endeavours and charge proved fruitless, the former sentence being confirmed in favour of the Greeks; and the Franks having no other Expedient, applied themselves to the assistance of the French Ambassadour, to whose protection the Holy places are assigned by Capitulations. But neither the power of the French Ambassadour, nor of any other Christian Representative was available; for the Vizier either mindful of his promise to Panaioti, or being resolute to maintain the Command he had given, would on no terms be perswaded to revoke it; the which intention of the Vizier being made known to the Greeks, their Patriarch earnestly pressed a hearing of the case; but the Fryers not willing to abide the shock, retired to Constantinople, lest the Greeks forcing them to Justice, they should be condemned in Judicio contradictorio, and a Hoget or Sentence passing, they should be condemned in Law as well as by Authority of the Hattelheriff. Which to put in execution, the Patriarch took out a Command whereunto was added, That the Fryers in token of their subjection, should pay a Drachm of Silver a head to the Patriarch, and hold all their places of them. This was the issue of the present controversies, [Page 317] which is certainly determined for the time of this Vizier without 1675 revocation, yet perhaps in the time of another, it may admit of a review for money, especially being received when as yet the new Minister hath not satiated his covetous desires; howsoever, the expence will always be chargeable, and the success uncertain. Thus have I seen and observed in this particular the effect and experience of two things; viz. The covetousness and pride of Fryars, and the conclusion of their Lawsuits before Infidels. The Franks, or the Western Christians, had until this time the custody of the Holy Sepulchre, and the Greeks that of the Chappel of Bethlem, but the use was free to both; but the Franks not being able to enjoy the Sepulchre with contentment, whilst with envious eyes they beheld the Greeks in possession of Bethlem, were always contriving designs by force of money, and power of Christian Ministers to eject them from that Right; until that now in these contentions they have lost both; being neither able to recover the one, nor conserve the other.
Anno Christi 1675. Hegeira 1086.
PRopositions of peace not being so earnestly pressed, nor so advantageously proffered by the Poles, as the pride of the Turks did expect, the War still continued, but not prosecuted either on the one side or on the other with the same violence with which it began. For the Sultan designing this year to circumcise his Son, the young Prince, now about twelve years of Age, and to marry his Daughter of seventeen to his Mosayp, or Favourite, Pasha of Magnasia, commonly called by the Name of Kul-ogli, which signifies the Son of a Slave, he resolved to dedicate this whole Year to quiet repose, mirth, and jollity at home, only two thousand Janisaries were sent to Ibrahim Pasha to recruit the Souldiers on the Frontiers of Poland, and the Tartars were reinforced with some Turkish Troops under Usuff Pasha to assist Dorosensko against the Poles, who were with a considerable Army fallen into Ukrania; And the Captain Pasha, with twenty eight Sail of Gallies, was dispeeded into the Black Sea for carrying of such Provisions and Ammunition for War as was necessary for supply of the Army; Besides which, no preparations of War were designed, these being judged sufficient, though not to conquer, yet at least to repress the Incursions, and amuse or keep the Armes of the Enemy employed.
For at the Ottoman Court the face of all things was become serene and calm, no Seditions of great men, nor discontents of the people, nor The happy state of the Ottoman Court. black and cruel designs of State disturbed or clouded the splendour of the Solemnities, or the brows of the great Statists, but all matters ran in an uninterrupted course of Joy and Festivity. The Sultan, who in his actions shewed himself a most benign Prince, sparing and compassionate of the blood and misery of his Subjects, hath, since his arrival to a mature Age, exercised a wise manner of Government, severe and just, and yet void of the cruelty and tyranny of his Ancestors; under whom the trading Christians enjoyed the priviledge of their Capitulations with more justice, and less frequent Avanias. The Vizier also, and other great Officers, being sensible of the benefit which Trade begat, treated Merchants with more gentleness and respect than in former times, their Ships not being forced on every occasion into the Grand Signior's service [Page 318] but rather perswaded to it by rewards and fair promises, otherwise than in the times of former Viziers; and it is to be wished also that the like might be said under the Government of those which are to succeed; though if we look forward to the years 1678 and 1679 we shall find the Scene of things altered, and not only Merchants, but even Ambassadors, and the Representatives themselves, remain under sad discouragements. Amongst these joys and gentle ways of Government, the manner of this Court was much altered; the Divan had not for two months space been opened for business, to the great prejudice and interruption of Justice; Wine, that great abomination to the Turkish Law, which four years past was by the Imperial Decree forbidden under pain of Death and a thousand Execrations and Curses, was now the common Drink, and divertisement in fashion, used immoderately by all, excepting the Grand Signior, the Mufti, and Reis Effendi; the Vizier himself having been excessively intemperate therein, had extinguished the natural heat of his stomach, which could be warmed by no less heat than what proceeds from Aqua Vitae; by which debauchery and indisposition all businesses were slowly and negligently dispatched, and according to his example the Officers and Ministers acted in their Affairs, which in former times being always dispatched by nine a Clock in the Morning, that became now the time and hour of rising.
The Grand Signior himself, though not taught by his Attendants to drink Wine, lest it should perhaps betray him to some actions dangerous to them, gave himself to Amours; for falling in love with a Polish Woman, lately captivated at Kemenitz, he made her his Second Hasakee or Sultaness; for having had the good fortune to bring him a Son, that honour was the reward of her fruitfulness; and that he might give other testimonies of his favour, he cast his eyes on a poor Chinganee, or Gipsy Boy, who with singing and dancing so pleased him, that he gave him six purses of money, containing three thousand Dollars, with Horses and Servants, and took him into the Seraglio. Amidst these Delights the Grand Signior gave order to the Vizier not to speak to him of three things, Neither of returning to Constantinople, nor against his Favourite, nor against his Hunting; in other matters he might use freedom.
Another alteration of a better nature, with reference to Learning and Knowledge, seems also remarkable in this Court; for the Grand Signior having been some years past presented by the Dutch Resident, with twelves large Volumes of the new Atlas, upon an accidental sight thereof was so pleased, that he commanded it should speedily be translated into Turkish; to which Work Dr Alexandro Mauro Cordato, the Viziers Interpreter, who succeeded in the place of Panaioti deceased, was nominated; but he finding it too unweildy for him, desired the assistance of a French Jesuit, then at Scio, skilful in the Turkish and Arabick Languages, who was immediately sent for, and therein employed; and though it is thought, that this business is above their Element, and that it will soon cool and be neglected, yet it seems to be the first step which the Turks have made unto Learning, and therefore is the more observable.
And now the Festivals beginning on the 16 th of May, we must for The great Festivals in what manner celebrated at the Turkish Court. some days lay aside all business, and observe with what order and form these Solemnities were performed. In the first place, On this day the [Page 319] Grand Signior, with the young Prince his Son, went to their Tents, which were pitched very sumptuously in the Plain near the City, and indeed were truly stately and magnificent; all the great men, as the Vizier, Mufti, and others, having their Pavilions erected; amongst which was raised a very stately Throne, with a Canopy of Cloth of Gold, extended under the shady leaviness of two tall Elms, which, set off with many Lamps, in the Night represented a very pleasant and glorious Scene. On this Seat of State the Sultan placed himself in the morning, being accompanied thither by all the Pashaws then present, and by the Representatives of those who were absent; who according to their Degree, in order kissing his Vest, delivered in a Silk Purse a Note or Schedule of their Presents, which were afterwards put into the Tefterdar's or Lord Treasurers hands to see and compare them with the particulars received; which were so great and considerable, that they far surpassed the Charges and Disbursments of the Solemnity. Opposite to the Tents were several poles fixed, between which at Night were hung Lamps of several shapes, which being varied every Night made a very pleasing and magnificent Object; by light of which in the Evening were exercised several tricks of Activity, as Wrestlings, Dancing, and Singing, and sometimes were acted Turkish Comedies, which consist only of Farces, and some ridiculous Dialogues, and at last the divertisements of the night concluded with Fire-works, which were so many, that (as reported) 240 men were employed for four months time in the making of them, and yet there are better made in Christendome; only one seemed to excel the rest, being a sort of Rocket, which went up very high, without any tail of fire, like the common ones, carrying only a small compacted Globe of red fire like a Star, and making no noise in mounting, but raised to its height breaks. These were the pastimes of the Night; in the day time all the several Arts and Trades, some one day, and some another, passed before the Tents, every one offering their Presents, as they passed, representing by some kind of Pageant and Procession their diversities of Trade: this continuued for fifteen days. On the 25 th of this instant May, was a solemn Cavalcade, in which marched the Janisaries with all their chief Officers, Chiauses, and Mutafaracas, &c. And of the Great Men, the Vizier, Mufti, and Kul-ogli the Favourite, the first on the right hand, and the second in the middle; after them followed the young Prince who was to be circumcised, extraordinary rich in the Furniture of his Horse, and the number and largeness of the Diamonds, which were on his Tulbant and Breast. In this Cavalcade were carried twenty four small Nachils, and two large ones, as high as the Mast of a Ship, which were carried by a hundred Slaves, and set before the Seraglio, which are in form of triumphant Pyramids, adorned with Tinsils in thirteen Divisions, according to this following Form or Description.
[Page 321] On the 27 th, being the day of Mahomet's Birth, the Grand Signior rode publickly to the Mosch of Sultan Selim, having no other attendance than the Retinue of his own Court; his Pages were very rich in Cloth of Gold, each carrying a Feather studded with a rich Jewel on his Head; after the Grand Signior rode the young Prince, who that Night was circumcised. During this Festival, a vast number of people was fed at the charge of the Grand Signior, and about two thousand circumcised, every one of which had a Quilt given him, with a small pay of three Aspers a day for his Life.
This Solemnity for the Circumcision being ended, on the 10 th of June began the Feast for the Marriage. The Kuzlir Aga, who is the black The manner of the Marriage of the Grand Signior's Daughter, Eunuch of the Women, was Brideman or Comparé to the young Princess, and the Tefterdar or Lord Treasurer to Kul-ogli, both which in the name of the Bride and Bridegroom went before the Lord Chief Justice called the Kadelescher, and by him had the Articles of Marriage wrote, and passed into publick Act; which being [...], the Presents were sent, and sirst those from the Bridegroom to the Bride, which were these, a great number of Beasts and Birds ill-favouredly made in Sugar, thirty Mules laden with two Chests of Sweet-meats apiece, and about their necks each carried a Vest of Sattin for the Muletiers, then were carried a great many Pots of Sherbet, then an hundred and twelve men carrying Vests of Silk, Cloth, Velvet, and Cloth of Gold, some had three, some five or six at least wrapt up in Linen; then went five Horses, one with rich Furniture; then followed a noble Vest of Cloth of Gold lined with Sables and nine Buttons and Loops on a side embroidered with large Pearl, on the top of which on the one side was a very large Diamond, and on the other a Saphire, with Shoes, Boots, and Pattents for the Bagno, all covered with Pearl; likewise two Dressing-boxes, with Looking-glasses, and a Cap in form of a Crown, a little Cabinet embroidered all over with Pearl, eight Girdles set with Emeralds, Rubies, and Diamonds, a large Diamond-ring, a pair of Pendants of two great Emeralds, with many other particulars, which in passage were impossible to be remembred.
These Presents being thus performed on the part of the Bridegroom to his Bride, the next Presents concerned the Grand Signior to his Daughter, which were in place of her Dowry according to the custom of the Eastern Countries: wherefore the 19 th of this month the Presents were ushered with a most solemn Cavalcade of all the Grandees of the Court to the House of the Bridegroom, which were two Gardens made of Sugar, sorty little Nachils, eighty six Mules laden with Houshold-stuff, ten men with her Dressings, as Boots, Shoes, &c. embroidered with Pearl as the former; then were carried her Jewels set in Girdles, Bracelets, &c. promiseuously together, not in that rule as those were which were sent her by the Bridegroom. The Houshold-stuff was made up with coverts, yet howsoever some parts were left open on the sides, to shew that the Cushions were embroidered with Pearl, and others were of Velvet embroidered with Gold. At last came twelve Coaches with Slaves and thirty six black Eunuchs. The 23 d the Bride was conducted to her Bridegrooms Palace with a solemn Cavalcade, with two great Nachils of the same form and bigness as those carried at the Cavalcade of the Prince, with two smaller ones of Silver. The Bride was seated in a handsom Coach drawn with six Horses, and covered with Plates of Silver, and the [Page 322] sides adorned with long Streamers of Tinsel: before which went the Kuzlir Aga or chief black Eunuch of the Women: after followed four Coaches with six Horses apiece, and twenty one more with four Horses, each carrying two Eunuchs: then at some distance off came the Hasakee or Queen-Mother to the Bride in a Coach all covered with Plates of Silver, and attended with ten other Coaches more: the night following the Bride was conducted to the Nuptial Chamber in ceremony only, she not being yet ripe for consummation of Marriage: all which Solemnity was attended at the Bridegrooms Court, with the same Sports and Fireworks which were made at the Tents, with an addition of dancing on the Ropes, and sliding down a Rope fastned to the top of the Steeple of the Mosch of Sultan Selim, which had like to have proved fatal to one who came down with a Boy at his back; for when he was about twenty yards from the ground, the Rope broke, but falling on a tree first, and then on a man, he was taken up with little hurt. The most remarkable of all these Shows, was a man that walked up a Rope as high as the second Balcony of the Menareh or Steeple of Sultan Selim, which is as high as commonly our Spire-Steeples are in England: And another hanging on a Rope with his hands, with his body extended, turned himself twelve times round with his hands: at all which Sights the Grand Signior was a constant Spectator. In this manner these Solemnities ended, the Mosayp or Favourite rich in the esteem of his Prince, and in high honour with all, had yet some allay to attemper and moderate his joy; for the Princess not yet fit for consummation, in case she dyed before that time, all her Jewels and Goods must return to the Grand Signior, notwithstanding which he would be obliged to pay her Dowry, which was said to be the Sum of two years Revenue of Grand Cairo; but let it be what it will, he will be insolvent, being, as reported, three hundred Purses already in debt. And now to demonstrate the uncertainty of the Courts of Princes, as well as of all other places and conditions of the World, the Great Tefterdar or Treasurer, who had for the space of thirteen years managed this Office with singular industry and advantage, was now removed from thence, and under a specious shew of preferment, was advanced to the Dignity of Pasha of Grand Cairo: this change was the more wondered at, because he was a Person so acute and so proper for the Office, that no man that held the The Tefterdar put out of his Ossice. place did ever manage it with greater reputation, nor with greater benefit to the Interest of his Prince; for besides his good husbandry in other matters, he was so skilful in knowing the price of Commodities, and so near in making his Bargains, that the Merchant could scarce live by him, which in that consumption of Goods made in the Seraglio, will produce a considerable abatement, when all things are bought at the best hand; considering which, many reasons were alledged, and conjectures made of his removal: some said, That the Grand Signior having a liking to a young Man of his, to prevent his being taken into the Seraglio, the Testerdar gave him a Wife, and thereby greatly displeased the Grand Signior, as if he had purposely contrived it, to defeat his desires: others said, That the Grand Signior would have borrowed money of him to pay the Arrears of the Spahees, which he refused to lend: but others talked, and that with best reason, That Kara Mustapha the old Chimacam, who is always with the Grand Signior, had found an opportunity to represent him amiss, suggesting, that the Tefterdar should say, [Page 323] That want of money in the Treasury was caused by the vast Sums consumed in the fooleries of the late Feasts: and the Vizier, though he entertained no personal animosity against him, yet was willing to sacrifice him to the friendship of Kara Mustapha. And so being dispossessed of his Office, thereunto succeeded the Janifary Esendi or Judge-Advocate of the Janisaries, a great Drinker of Wine, and one not to hold any comparison with the parts and abilities of his Predecessour. Money now wanting greatly in the Treasury, several ways were sought to bring it Ways for ralsing Money. in, and to save expences. The first of which was, that a review be made of all Otoraks, such as Milites emeriti, who are excused from the War, and yet receive their pay; from which number those were excluded who had bought it, or were not come legally by it, which would save the Grand Signior a vast Sum of Money yearly: and to help at this time of need, the late Treasurer must refund and ease himself of money, before he enters on that rich and important Office of Grand Cairo. And Chusaein Aga the chief Customer, who was a man that had inriched himself by many bad ways and arts, was displaced from his Office, and caused to disgorge great Sums of Money to add unto the Supplies of the Treasury. He was a Person of a subtle disposition, raised from the mean degree of a Shoemaker, and being well acquainted both with good and bad ways of gaining money, was a proper Instrument for the Turkish Government, it being his fortune to fish riches rather for others than himself. And now being deprived of his Office and the best part of his Wealth, he resolved, like all other discontented Ministers, to take a Pilgrimage to Mecha, and to that end made a solemn Visit to the Pasha of Cairo, then in his Tents near Scutari, acquainting him of his intentions to wait on him, and perform his Respects in his passage to the Holy Kebleh or Mecha.
The Turks have not of late years been very prodigal of the blood of their Subjects, nor have those Executions been done of late on any Officer, unless his Tyranny and Oppression of the people did justly draw due punishment upon himself. And such was the case of the Kahya or Secretary of the Chimacam or Governour in the Viziers absence of Constantinople, who taking on himself the management of all the Affairs of his Master, acted every thing according to his own pleasure; for finding that whatsoever he did or propounded, was always confirmed and assented unto by his easie Lord, he assumed a boldness to undertake any thing upon the proffers of mony, so the Sum was in any manner agreeable to the greatness of the matter required, or to the danger he incurred; by which means he involved his careless and unwary Master in such intrigues, The Chimacam of [...] his Steward cut off. as could have no excuse besides his own supineness, and the corruptness of his Servant. At this manner of administring Justice, the people being discontented, hastened the removal of the Chimacam: and now another entring on the Office, the Kahya remained exposed to the malice and complaints of all his Enemies, amongst which none was of greater force than an accusation laid against him, for having granted leave to the Armenian Christians at Constantinople for a Sum of Money to erect a Church; for which, though a Command was granted by the Great Vizier, obtained at a good price, to build one there of Timber, but of a low and mean Fabrick; yet the Kahya for a greater Sum of twenty Purses of Money, or ten thousand Dollars, improved this Command, and changed their Materials from Timber to Stone and Mortar: the which [Page 324] Building beginning to rise with some magnificence, offended the neighbouring Turks with so much scandal, that great numbers of them carried the Complaints thereof to the Grand Signior; who calling the Vizier, and examining the Case, the Vizier would owne no other Command, than for repairing of an old Church, but not building one new. Whereupon Sentence of Death being passed on the Kahya, an Officer was sent to execute it. And in his way to Constantinople, at a place called Selebrea, meeting with the Offender, he caused him to return again with him to Constantinople, where having strangled him, his Body was thrown into the Sea.
We have thus far discoursed of the Affairs at home, which consisted for the most part in jollities and divertisements; let us now look on the enterprizes and attempts abroad, and we shall find no great matter of action this year performed against Poland, more than some incursions made into Ukrania by the Turks and Tartars under the Conduct of Ibrahim Pasha, in which we have no Battels, nor great Skirmishes to recount, only a seizure or surprize of those Cosacks, which were not under the jurisdiction of Dorosensko, who like sheep were driven from their pastures, and Men, Women, and Children carried away into Captivity, and transplanted into Countries, where they might better serve the purposes and designs of the Turkish Empire; to which ends also vast numbers of Tartars with their Families, were called to inhabit the circumjacent parts of Kemenitz, for better security of that Conquest, to which the Tartars most willingly concurred, esteeming it a happy Bargain to exchange the Soil of Tartary for the fruitful Plains, and more gentle Air of Poland. And thus we may consider what the intestine Discord of the Poles hath brought upon themselves; that they, who in former days maintained their honour and reputation with the Turks, beyond any of the bordering Nations; not having ever suffered them to continue in their Country, much less to sojourn or possess one palm of Ground therein; can now more easily see them before the Walls of Leopolis or Cracovia, and planted in the very Bowels of their Countrey, rather than a King of their own Countrey set over them not agreeable to their own humour and fancy; or perhaps rather than behold the envied exaltation of some persons to dignity, or some little disorders in their Government; of which the Turk knows well to make use, it being no new Lesson for him, to profit himself of the Discord and Animosities of the Christians.
In like manner the Marine Affairs of the Turks this year afforded little worthy of observation, unless it were, That the Captain Pasha was employed with about thirty Sail of Gallies into the Black Sea, for transporting of Ammunition and Provision to those Forces in Ukrania; but he returned not with an equal number of Gallies, with which he departed, having lost five of them by storm, and then arrived at Constantinople on the 26 th of October, called by the Greeks the Feast of S t Demetrius, and by the Turks Cassim-gheun, a day which is commonly remarkable for Storms at Sea; of which the Turks and Greeks are so apprehensive or superstitious, that on that day or near that time, either before or after, until the storm hath vented its fury, and taken its course, they will not adventure themselves unto the Sea, upon the most pressing occasion, or hopeful inducement whatsoever.
And here I judge it requisite to conclude this Year with two matters [Page 325] very observable relating unto Trade: The first is with reserence unto the Genoueses, who in the Year 1666. first sent their Ambassador Signior Durazzo, with many Presents and great Magnificence to conclude a Peace with the Ottoman Empire, with the sole design and intention of Trade; which having been established on no other foundation at the beginning, The Trade of [...]. than that of their Temins, and the Fabrick of their own Cloth, when the first failed, as it did in two years after, and that their Cloth turned not to account, but was out-sold by the English and Dutch, then their Trade began to decay, or rather never came to perfection, like the fruit of a young tree, which buds fairly, and produces fruit, but hath not strength to digest or bring it to maturity: Even so it was with the Genoucses, who having been at the charge of an Ambassadour Extraordinary, and setled a Resident at Constantinople, and a Consul at Smyrna, and all the other Formalities of Trade, wanted that nourishment thereof from their own soil, which produces the true and natural fruit of Commerce, which is gain and profit; and being out-done by other Nations in shipping, there could little or no benefit be expected from their own Navigation in the Levant. For these reasons, their Trade failing, the Duties of Consulage on Goods appointed to maintain the Officers, and desray the publick Expences, were consequently wanting; so that the Count Fieschi Rosident for that Republick at Constantinople, finding himself in great distresses and necessities, and unable to maintain himself and his Attendants agreeable to his Character and Quality, often advised his Prince and the Senate of the unhappy state of their Affairs, desiring from them either to provide a Supply agreeable to the occasions, or to recal him from that Office, where he could no longer live in that Honour required. This importunity produced the exchange of Officers, and the Mission of Signior Giustiniano to reside at Constantinople, and Signior [...] at Smyrna; the first of which, some few days after his arrival, being unfortunately killed with a Carabine in his Chamber at Consiantinople, as before related, the Office of Resident came to be still continued in the person of Fieschi, who remaining without provisions necessary to maintain his degree, and the annual Presents expected by the Turks, which they esteem as due as their Income, and as part of their Revenues, was forced to take up money on Pawns, and his own credit at the Interest of 20, 25, or 30 per cent. according as his necessities increased; and the apprehensions men conceived of an insufficiency and hazard in their security, was the cause that the debt, which in the beginning was inconsiderable, increasing with Interest upon Interest, came at length to the Sum of sixty or seventy thousand Dollars, which the Republick of Genoua, attributing in a great measure to the ill Conduct of Fieschi, and judging the greatest part of this debt to be feigned, sent another Resident called Signior Spinola to succeed him in his Office, who arriving at Smyrna in the month of May of this present year, on a stout Ship hired of the Venetians, and under the notion of a Man of War accompanied with a Merchant Ship, and a new Consul (the old one dying the year before) setled there such Orders, as were judged necessary for the government of their Affairs. But before these Genoueses arrived, a report had fore-ran them from Ligorne and other parts, that their Ships brought great quantities of false Gold and false Pieces of Eight: the which coming to the cars of the Turks, Commands were provided against their arrival to search their Ships, and try their Monies; to which the Genoueses not condescending [Page 326] Arz or testimony was made thereof by the Kadi unto the Grand Signiors Court. In the interim whilst this Arz went up, and the answer expected, the Genouese Resident designing to proceed forward on his Voyage to Constantinople, demanded the Kadi's Moraselau or Ticket of Licence for the Man of War on which he came, to pass the Castle, (for that Ship had entred within the Port.) The Kadi judging it necessary, that both the Resident and Ship should attend the arrival of the answer from above, refused to grant this Licence; whereupon the Resident all in a rage imbarked himself, and immediately set sail, and having a fair Breez out of the Port, gently slided along by the side of the Castle without any stop or interruption.
This affront being put upon the Kadi, greatly displeased him; so that calling the Lieutenant and Gunner of the Castle into question, and not admitting of their Plea, that the Ship was a Man of War, and the person thereon a Resident, both which were priviledged, and both going up to the Grand Signiors Court, were to answer there for what was laid against them; but this I say, not being admitted for reason, the Kadi committed them both to Prison, from whence with some charge afterwards they released themselves.
The new Resident being arrived at Constantinople, the Creditors of Count Fieschi demanded payment of the debts owing to them, which was given in, to amount to sixty thousand Dollars, and so much was to be paid before Fieschi should be permitted to depart, or at least that part thereof being satisfied in hand, the new Resident Spinola should give security for payment of the remainder: the which he refusing to do, as not owning the accounts which Fieschi had given in, in regard he judged them to be composed of extravagant Interests, and to arise on charges not allowable by that Republick, who after the death of Giustiniano disowned Fieschi for their Minister; hereupon great disturbances and commotions arose amongst the Creditors, some of which being in great Power, as the Janisary-Aga and others, Sequestration was laid on their Man of War; so that she was toaed away to the Arsenal, and there laid up, and attached for payment of the debt: which arising on the account of the Publick, the Goods of the Common-wealth was justly esteemed liable to the Sequestration: during which time the Pestilence, the Epidemical disease of that season at Constantinople, affecting with its contagion the Ships company, about eighteen or twenty of them dyed thereof, and all their affairs reduced to a strange consternation.
In this interim many and various were the disputes and contests between the two Residents; sometimes they proposed to refer their differences to the decision of the English, French, and Venetian Ministers; sometimes again, finding the distance so wide and spatious between them, they resolved to have their matters determined by Turkish Sentence. At length the new Resident perceiving no end of this business, and that the Ship lay ingaged at a great charge, and as it were captivated to the great dishonour of the Republick, came to an agreement to pay thirty three thousand Dollars, one third whereof was to be paid in hand, and the other two thirds by equal portions in the space of one year; the first payment to be made after six months, and the other six months after; to which not only the Resident, but their Merchants also entred personally into obligation. In this manner the Ship being cleared, and taking such lading as offered for Genoua at Constantinople, sailed for [Page 327] Smyrna; where taking another Ship of the same Country into her company, departed with the Dutch Convoy for Christendom. But having remained six months in Port, subjected to much charge and trouble, and not finding a Freight equal to the time and expence, was no great incouragement to the Genoueses to continue this Trade; which by good experience appears in no manner agreeable to their Country, nor yielding success answerable to the long expectation of ten years past.
In this Year it was, that the Grand Signior and Great Vizier at the instigation of Chusaein Aga the chief Customer (whom we have before mentioned) casting their eyes on Smyrna, and finding it a place of great Trade, and a convenient Port, for which in ancient times it was always famous, and for the same cause was frequented by Merchants both from the Eastern and Western parts of the World; so that it was become the only great and considerable Mart or Scale within the Precincts of the Turkish Empire: considering it (I say) in this manner with a benign eye, as bringing great profit and advantage, they began to think it worthy the Ornament of some publick Edifices, founded with that Magnificence as might endure long, and renew the ancient Honour and Reputation of Smyrna: Hereupon they erected in the first place a Besasteen, A Besasteen and new Custom-house, and a Royal Chan built at Smyrna. which is in the nature of our Exchange, where several Shops are made, and variety of Goods sold; and to make the better Front towards the Sea, it was founded therein on vast Stones and Piles, fit to support a weighty Building.
The next Edifice erected was a Custom-house built into the Sea only on Piles of Timber, with a handsom Front towards the Sea; and this the Great Vizier judged to be a work not only necessary, but also agreeable to the Majesty of his Master; for until this time the Customer lived in a hired House, not unlike the others which Merchants inhabit. And now this House being compleated, a Hattesheriff or Royal Decree came down from the Court, commanding that all Ships that came into that Port either to lade or unlade, should lay their sides to that Custom-house Scale, and thereon discharge their Goods, and receive others.
And now whereas the Merchants injoyed at all times in former days the convenience of having their Goods landed on, and laden from their own Keys or Scales, they greatly resented this innovation; and as they unwillingly quit any Privlledge, so they judged this not unworthy to be contended for with singular constancy and resolution: the commodiousness of which was thought so considerable, that it not only caused this place in former days to flourish, and to be distinguished from all the Marts in the World; but also the injoyment thereof invited the Inhabitants from the more elevated parts of Smyrna (where was health and pleasure) to the lower Bogs and Marishes, exchanging health and chearful air for profit and convenience of Commerce. Hereupon applications were made by all the Consuls of the Frank Nations to their Ambassadours and Ministers at the Grand Signiors Court. In the mean time Trade by common agreement was interdicted, at least as to the lading or unlading of Ships, which continued for several days, and touched somewhat grievously the English and Dutch Nations: the first having two Ships, and the latter six Merchant-ships in Port. The English Ambassadour being then personally at Adrianople, was the first who without the assistance of any other Minister, moved in this affair, but found great opposition in it from the Turkish Officers; who with some resentment [Page 328] of the present reluctancy of the Merchants, declared not without passion, 1676 the resolution the Grand Signior had to conform the honour of the Custom-house in some semblance with those of Christian Princes; and therefore did wonder that the Christian Merchants could so easily condescend to the rules of those Custom houses in their own Countries, where they were Natives, and yet could not support the same in these parts where they were Aliens and Strangers. And as a farther evidence of the Turks resolution to maintain this point, it was said by the Vizier's Kahya, that the Grand Signior was resolved to blow up both Port and Town, rather than not be obeyed in his own Dominions; with this Answer, Merchants despairing of the success, began to unlade their ships at the Custom house, or to give an account there of the Goods in their Boats; for the Customer was become sensible, that there was not sufficient Water for ships to ride at the Key of the Custom house, and did also indulge unto the Merchants several other particulars herein, that so the innovation might sit the more lightly on them, which he perceived was so ill resented and taken to heart. And this was the first beginning in the Months of August and September, when this priviledge was taken from the Merchants. And in this Year also the Great Chan next to the Besasteen was in Building, and the first Foundation thereof laid, and the great Aquaduct brought from the Plains of Bogiaw, and little Harchi-bonar.
Anno Christi 1676. Hegeira 1087.
THis Year began with joyful News to the whole Turkish Empire, all places and Cities of less renown rejoycing to hear the intentions of the Sultan to refresh and adorn again his Capital Throne of Constantinople with the Imperial Presence; for that City (which is the most proper Scituation of the World, to be made the head of a great Empire) having now almost for sixteen years wanted the Rays of Majesty, and the Countenance of the Sultan, became almost abandoned and forsaken of its Inhabitants, so that the spacious Seraglios or Palaces of the chief Ministers and Officers of the Empire began to decay and run to ruine, and the Artisans and Shop-keepers to leave their dwellings, and to follow their Trade at Adrianople, or in the Camp. But now the News of the designed The G. Signior returns to Constantinople. return of the Grand Signior to his ancient Seat, filled all places with joy and triumph, especially at Constantinople, which was not more satisfied with the consideration of the benefit and advantage it was likely to receive by the Royal Presence, than that those suspicious and jealousies which formerly possessed the mind of the Sultan with a prejudice against this place, did seem now to vanish, and that he reassumed a confidence of his Royal City equal to that love and esteem which his Ancestors had of it; so that the humour which then possessed Constantinople appeared like that of London at our Kings Restauration, all joy, even to transport, for this unexspected Return; the people in the streets congratulating their mutual happiness, thanked God, that they had lived to see that happy day and blessed hour.
The occasion of this unexspected and sudden resolution caused many roving guesses and opinations of the reasons of it. Some said a Dream which the Grand Signior had, and which gave great disturbance to his thoughts, until he resolved for Constantinople. Others said, the revolt [Page 329] and troubles at Cairo, of which we shall presently have occasion to discourse, and some added certain Commotions at Bagdat, or Babylon; some reported, that Xeriff of Mecha wrote him a Letter, that he could not acknowledge Conjectures concerning the reasons of the Grand Signiors return to Constantinople. him the Head and Protector of the Mussulmin Faith, so long as he had abandoned his Imperial City, and lived in the mountains and unknown places. Others said, that the Janisaries and Militia murmured, and that his Coming to Constantinople was forced and not to be avoided; and that the Sultan being now out of love with Adrianople, had cursed it, and sworn never more to set foot in it, having ordered the Materials sent for the building of the Great Seraglio at Adrianople, to be stopped on the way, and returned back again. At this rate all the World talked and discoursed, joy and hopes made the people fancy every thing according to their wishes. The Grand Signior being approached near to Constantinople, fixed himself in his Camp in the Fields, near a small Seraglio of his own, called Daout Basha, from whence the people for many days expected, that he should, according to the Custom of his Ancestors, make a solemn Entry; instead whereof he made some Sallies with a small Company through the Streets, as it were incognito, taking his pastime on the Water, and on the sides of the Bosphorus in his Gallies and Boats, but most commonly frequented his Palace of Scutari on the Asian side, where with much delight and confidence he lodged and reposed his Court, but made no solemn Entry through the City, nor frequented his great Seraglio; where though he might perhaps dine, and pass certain hours, yet he slept not one Night there; of which the people took especial notice, and thereby received consirmation of the jealousie their Soveraign had of them, to their extraordinary grief and dissatisfaction; however it was some contentment to the people, and renown unto the City to have their Emperour so near, though it was rumoured as if the Court towards the approach of Winter intended again to return unto Adrianople. In the mean time the Grand Signior took his chief delight and divertisement on the Water, passing in his Gallies and Pleasure-Boats up the Bosphorus to the mouth of the Black Sea; and thence returning, much frequented the Gardens, and Houses of Delight upon the Banks of the River; and visiting all places, a Country House called Therapea, belonging to the Dutch Resident, received the honour of his Presence, which he liked so well, that he took it from the Proprietor, and conferred it without any consideration of money on one of his Courtiers, giving out a Proclamation, That no Christian Minister should possess any Seat or Habitation on the side of the Bosphorus. A strange thing, and what is not to be paralleled in any part of the World.
About the beginning of this Year the Captain Pasha died, and Zaid Ahmet Pasha-ogli, then at the Camp, succeeded him; his Father was a famous Man, and in the same Charge, but cut off by old Kuperlee. Soon after Ibrahim Pasha, General of the Army at Kemenitz, likewise died, and his Office was conferred on Ibrahim Pasha, that was Pasha of Candia, of whom we have had often occasion to speak, being a great friend to the English Nation. The Great Vizier also was not far remote from the Consines of Death, being now fallen, by reason of immoderate drinking of Wine, and chiefly of hot Cinamon Waters, into a formed Dropsie and Jaundice.
In the preceding year we touched on the removal of the Tefterdar [Page 330] or Treasurer from his Office to the Government of Grand Cairo, and the reasons for it, which though it might be a preferment (being the richest and most important Charge of the Empire) to which the esteem the Sultan had of his parts and abilities, might probably advance him; yet the imploying of him at a distance so remote, was certainly an effect of some displeasure, whereby he or his Favourites judged him a Person not sit to remain longer near the Royal Presence. Wherefore having commenced his Journey (as before mentioned) he arrived at Grand Cairo, where he had not long continued before he began, according to the natural acuteness of his mind and hugstering manner, to pierce with a narrow inspection into all Affairs of that Government, and particularly into the Revenue and Treasure of the Country, contriving with himself by what means the disorders might be corrected, and the Revenue and Tribute improved; for he had an excellent Genius or Spirit in the matters of Money, nothing in advantage of Interest could ever escape him; so that he began to lay a new foundation in all proceedings; he would not be contented with the old Taxes and Impositions, and where he found Lands improved, or the Customs augmented, he would put in for a share of the Benefits, and would reform every thing wherein he judged his Master to have been abused. But though he was acute and sharp-sighted in such matters as these, yet he wanted experience in the Government of Egypt; for the great Beghs of this Country being alarmed The People in Egypt rebel against their new Pasha. with these innovations, began to stand upon their Guard, and to enter into private Consultations, in what manner to oppose themselves to this new way of Government, which looked like slavery, and designs of bringing them into servitude, and a subjection unknown to them and their Fore-fathers. For indeed the Government of Egypt, if well considered, is rather Aristocratical than Monarchical; for though they acknowledge the Sultan to be their Head, and accept his Pasha for Ruler, and pay a yearly Tribute; yet the Beghs which are great Lords in their respective Countries, carry the sway and Dominion in all other matters, and will endure nothing which savours of oppression or innovation; so that these persons grown jealous by the proceedings of the new Pasha, flew into open Sedition, and immediately to Arms, with force of which they assaulted the Pasha's Palace, took him and threw him into Prison. The News whereof flying with all haste to the Ottoman Court, appeared at the first apprehension or surprise as if all Egypt had revolted, and gave the World occasion to discourse, That the Wars were to be carried Eastward, and that the sudden resolution of removing the Court to Constantinople was in order to a farther March into those parts But frequent Messages with time making the business to be better understood, caused the Grand Signior to dispeed with all haste another Pasha, with Commission to remove the former, and to continue all the ancient Customs and Priviledges from the beginning indulged to the Beghs of Egypt: with which Message and gentle words of grace and favour from the Sultan, all discontents being pacified, the former Pasha was released from his Imprisonment, and suffered to depart, and thence proceeded to the Island of Candia, where he entred on that Pashaluck, succeeding Ibrahim Pasha in Charge, who (as before related) was sent to Kemenitz to be General of the Army, in place of the Pasha lately deceased.
But here I must not forget a story which happened during the time of this Summer, whilst the Grand Signior had his abode and injoyed his [Page 331] Recreations in the circumjacent parts of Constantinople, there was a certain Sultana which had been a cast Wench of Sultan Ibrahim, who after his death, having been married to some Pasha, obtained her release from the old Seraglio, and being also a Widow by the death of this Husband, had liberty to take her habitation on the Banks of the Bosphorus, or where she thought fit. This Lady was called Soltana Sporcha, in Turkish The History of Soltana Sporcha. Mordar: how she came to be so nominated I cannot tell, perhaps some Italian Pages of the Court might in respect to her way of living impose this Name upon her, for she was no other than a Bawd, or something worse, making it her Profession to buy young Girls, and to educate them in singing, dancing, and in all the ways which best accomplish Courtisans. Amongst this Train of Scholars, she had one more brisk and aery than the others which could sing, and dance, and prate incomparably, and was so quick in her Reparties, that she greatly delighted the Pasha's and Lords, whose pleasures she attended, bringing from them considerable Gifts and Presents to the enriching of her self and Mistress; and became so much the talk of the Court, that at length the report of her arrived the ears of the Grand Signior, who being also desirous to injoy some divertisement by the pranks of this witty Girl, sent to the Sultana one of the black Eunuchs for her: which Imperial Command she not daring to disobey, consigned her with great submission into the hands of the Messenger; but with this caution, that she humbly desired the Sultan not to make any attempt on her Chastity, in regard she was both a Virgin and a Free-woman. The Grand Signior having pleased himself with the wantonness of this Wench, began to take a fancy to her, and resolved to take her into the Seraglio; but she shewing a kind of nicety and coiness, the Grand Signior, who perhaps was better accommodated, sent her back again to her Mistress, reslecting (as was supposed) with some disgust on the cautions which accompanied her. It happened not long after, that this Girl exercising her Art in the presence of some great Persons, one Chesmé Aga, a Bosnian by Nation, Captain of the Great Viziers Guard, a stout and valiant man, happening to be a Spectator one night, became unfortunately enamoured of her, and from that time not being able to remove the impression she had made in his heart, resolved, if possible, to make her his Wife, and to that end made his affections known and his intentions of Marriage, both to her and to her Mistress. The Girl was well enough pleased to become the Wife of so honourable a Person; but the Sultana unwilling to lose the profit and benesit she daily brought her in, refused the Match, declaring, That she was a Slave, and not at her own disposal, and therefore in no capacity of bestowing her self any way without her consent. This impediment giving a stop to the Marriage, put the two Lovers on plots and contrivances in what manner to injoy each other, and Love being ingenious, quickly found out a means to bring them together; for the Girl escaping from her Mistress, lodged her self in those Chambers which her Lover had found for her. And being now missed, none but Chesme Aga was charged with her, of whom she complained to the Grand Signior, and cited him before his Master the Great Vizier to answer for her; but he denying to know any thing of her, and no witness appearing against him, all farther proceedings were superseded for the present: But Soltana Sporcha keeping watchful spies upon all the motions of Chesmé Aga, at length found him and his Mistress together, and by the Authority of Officers [Page 332] brought them both before the Vizier: to whom the Sultana sent a rude message, That Chesmé Aga should be punished, and that her Slave should be returned. The Vizier hereof acquainted the Grand Signior, and gave him to understand the message which the Sultana had sent him, desiring to know what punishment he was pleased should be inflicted on them. In which interim Chesmé Aga told the Vizier, That he expected no other than a sentence of death from the Grand Signior, only he desired that his beloved Mistress might be spared, for he was sure he should live in her. It was not long before the fatal Decree came for putting Chesmé Aga to death, and sending the Woman to the Seraglio, which was immediately executed; which act might seem to denote a natural cruelty in the Sultan, being in reality very severe, though the whole course of his Reign hath been more gentle and mild than of any of the Ottoman Emperours; only this fact proceeded rather from disdain than thirst of blood, being angry that this Girl should prefer the Love of one of his Vassals before the Honours of the Seraglio, and that her Mistress the Soltana should charm him with a lye of her being free, when she was no other than a slave, and not long before bought for an inconsiderable price.
Not long after this, and towards the 11 th or 12 th of September, when the Sun was come to the Equinoctial, the Grand Signior prepared to depart. The rumour of which displeasing and making sad the peoples The Grand Signior returns again to Adrianople. hearts, as much as his presence before comforted them, it was given out, That the Grand Signior intended to return with the Spring, and divide the consolation, which his residence produced, between the two Regal Cities, and for an evidence thereof, he ordered a Platform to be laid for erecting a new Seraglio at Scutari, and the Vizier designed another at Bezick-rash, and the Palaces of the Pasha's and great Men were all putting into a way of Reparation, which for some time amused and contented the minds of the Commonalty.
About the beginning of October the Grand Signior set forward towards Adrianople, being accompanied with the Mosayp, which is his Favourite, and Kara Mustapha who was his Chimacam, taking his recreation by the way in Hunting; but the Great Vizier Achmet Pasha continuing still sick of his Dropsie and Jaundice, took his Journey by Water as far as Selebrea for his better ease, and thence proceeding in a Horse-litter to Churlu, which is the half-way to Adrianople, on the 23 d of October expired his last; his Disease, though heightned by Wine and hot Spirits, The Death of the Great Vizier Achmet. yet was in some part hereditary, his Father dying of the Dropsie. His Body was on the 25 th brought back again in a Coach to Constantinople with a small Attendance, and buried in the same Sepulchre with his Father. He His Character. was a Person (for I have seen him often, and knew him well) of a middle stature, of a black beard, and brown complexion, something shortsighted, which caused him to knit his brows and pore very intently when any strange person entred to his presence: he was inclining to be fat, and grew corpulent towards his latter days. If we consider his age when he first took upon him this important Charge, the Enemies his Father had created him, the contentions he had with the Valede Sultana or the Queen-Mother, and the Arts he had used to reconcile the affections of these great Personages, and conserve himself in the unalterable esteem of his Soveraign to the last hour of his death, there is none but must judge him to have deserved the Character of a prudent and politick [Page 333] Person. If we consider how few were put to death, and what inconsiderable Mutinies or Rebellions happened in any part of the Empire during his Government, it will afford us a clear evidence and proof of his gentleness and moderation beyond the example of former times; for certainly he was not a Person who delighted in bloud, and in that respect of an humour far different from the temper of his Father; He was generous, and free from Avarice, a rare Vertue in a Turk! He was educated in the Law, and therefore greatly addicted to all the Formalities of it, and in the Administration of that sort of Justice very punctual and severe; He was very observant of the Capitulations between our King and the Grand Signior, being ready to do Justice upon any corrupt Minister, who pertinaciously violated and transgressed them, of which I could give several instances, but these being improper for this place, are only in general to be mentioned with due gratitude in honour to his Memory. As to his behaviour towards the neighbouring Princes, there may, I believe, be fewer examples of his breach of Faith, than what his Predecessours have given in a shorter time of Rule. In his Wars abroad he was successful, having upon every expedition enlarged the Bounds of the Empire; He overcame Newhawsel or Oywar, and laid thereunto a considerable part of Hungary, which to this day continues subject, and pays contribution to the Turk.
He concluded the War with Venice after twenty seven years continuance, by an intire and total subjection of the Island of Candia, having subdued that impregnable Fortress, which by the rest of the World was esteemed invincible.
He won Kemenitz, the Key of Poland, where the Turks had been frequently baffled, and laid Ukrania to the Empire; reducing the Cosacks, those mortal Enemies, to subjection, and to a desire of taking on them the Ottoman Yoke: and finally, ho imposed a new Tribute on all Poland. After all which Glories he dyed in the 47 th year of his Age, and 15 th year and 8 th day of his Government; a short time, if we consider it, for such great actions; howsoever, if we measure his triumphs, rather than count his years, though he might seem to have lived but little to his Prince and People, yet certainly to himself he could not dye more seasonable, nor in a greater height and eminency of Glory. Vtcunque Principi, & Reipublicae parum, sibi certè satis suae (que) Gloriae vixisse videbitur.
The Great Vizier having in this manner expired his last breath, the Seal was immediately carried by his Brother to the Grand Signior, who upon Receipt thereof, according to common expectation, conferred the same on Kara Mustapha Pasha, who had for so many years formerly exercised the Office of Chimacam, which is as much as Deputy to the Kara Mustapha made Vizier. Great Vizier, of whom in other places we gave a Character of being a wise and experienced Person, of a smooth behaviour, and a great Courtier; agreeable to which temper of mind, so soon as he attained this promotion, he sent an obliging and courteous Message to the Servants of the deceased Vizier, condoling with them the death of their Master, promising to take them and their Concernments into his Care and Protection; according whereunto he advanced Solyman Kahya (who was the late Vizier's Substitute, and for some years had managed all Affairs) to the Office of Embrahore, which is chief Master of the Grand Signiors Horse, and is a place not only of honour, but of great security. [Page] He that was his own Kahya he made a Vizier of the Bench, and Chimacam in the same manner as he was to Achmet Vizier; by which point of policy he seemed to have strengthened himself against all Enemies, for having two Creatures of his own so well disposed; one near the Person of his Prince, who would be able to do him all good Offices; and the other (whensoever the Wars or other occasions should cause him to be absent from the Royal Presence) might supply his place without attempting to supplant him. The Kapisler-Kahyasee, or Master of the Ceremonies to the late Vizier, he made his own Kahya, and all the other Agas which depended on that Court, he received into his own service; so that in effect there seemed, by this great chance of Mortality, to be little other alteration in the Court, than of the single person of the deceased Vizier; of whose Memory, that the Grand Signior might evidence the love and esteem that he retained, he did not intermeddle or appropriate unto himself any part of his Estate, or disanulled his Testament; but resigned all into the hands of his Relations, challenging no share or proportion thereof: And whereas the Vizier left no Children, the Estate fell to his Brother and Sisters, who to evidence their Devotion to Religion, and good will to the Publick, and to please the eyes of the envious World, conferred on Mecha the Rent of the new Custom house, the Besasteen, and new Chan built at Smyrna, and finished in the year 1677.
At this first change there were rumours, that the new Vizier had begun his Government in blood, having cut off several Heads lately in Authority; but all was false, and only grounded on a displeasure which he was known to have conceived against certain persons. Only one act he performed rather of justice than severity, having cut off one of the Pay-masters of the Exchequer for false Money. The occasion was this: Certain Muletiers having received money from the Exchequer in Venetian Zechins, and finding several of them false, returned them again, but could not prevail to have them changed; whereupon having made their Memorial thereof, they carried them to the Vizier, and upon examination, the Pay-master declared, That he received them from the Great Ibrahim Han-ogli, who being for that Cause sent for and accused, was put into a fear, which proved as dangerous to him as a Disease, the apprehensions of Death being worse than the reality; but the Great Tefterdar soon cleared him of this Accusation, having attested, That to his knowledge the money received from him was good, and disposed on other occasions; so that the whole blame lying now on the Pay-master, and upon farther search more of the same stamp being found in his hands, he deservedly suffered the punishment of Death, the which had likewise been inflicted on another Officer of the same rank, but not being found so culpable as the other, he was permitted to redeem his life with forty Purses of Money, or twenty thousand Dollars.
Thus far we have seen the gentle and smooth behaviour of the present Alterations with the new Vizier. Vizier towards the Friends, Relations, and Servants of the deceased, and with what Acts of Justice he began his Government. But, behold, on a sudden the face of the whole Court was changed, every Officer thereof putting on a Countenance of fierceness, pride, and arrogance, beyond the manner and custom lately practised. For the Great Vizier took on himself the State and Grandeur of the Sultan, (the access being as difficult to him as to his Master) his Kahya that of the [Page 335] Vizier, and so every inferiour Officer advanced himself into a fancy of possessing the next and immediate Degree above him. This haughty behaviour had a more particular influence on the Ministers and Representatives of Foreign Princes, whose Interpreters were not admitted, as formerly, to private Audiences or Conferences about their Affairs, but only at the Publick Divan, where their Arzes or Memorials were to be preferred in the same manner as was practised by the Subjects of the Countrey, and those of conquered Nations, who petition for Justice. The which abasement was not only cast on the Interpreters, but on the Persons of the Representatives themselves: an example of which we have in the French Ambassadour; who coming at the time appointed to receive his Audience of the Vizier, was forced to expect a long time before he could have admittance, and then entering into the Chamber of Audience, was rudely crouded, and rushed upon by a Crew of unmannerly Chaouses, who no otherwise regarded the Person of the Ambassador, than if he had been one of the Grooms or Lacquies. Being come to the Seat of Audience, the Ambassadour observed, That the Stool for the Great Vizier was set upon the Soffrá, and that for Him below, or at the foot of it; the which being an unusual and unpractised diminution of the ancient honour given formerly to Ambassadours, he ordered one of his Servants, To set it again on the Soffrá equal with that of the Vizier's; the which being done, was again brought down by one of the Vizier's Pages, and placed as before; whereupon, the Ambassadour seizing the Stool with his own hand, carried it on the Soffrá, and sate upon it; which being reported to the Vizier, then in his retiring Chamber, he sent twice to him to remove, letting him know, That unless the Stool were returned into the Place appointed by him, he would not appear in the Chamber of Audience. Whereunto his Excellency returned this prudent Answer, That the Vizier might dispose of his Chair as he pleased, but not of his Person. In which Interim the Chaous-bashee came in, roaring out, Calder, Calder, which is, Take it away, Take it away, (meaning the Stool) at which noise the Ambassadour arising to see what the matter was, had the Stool taken from under him; whereat being greatly enraged, he threw out of the Room in a high passion, and causing the Presents which he brought to be again returned with him, he mounted his Horse, and departed.
Afterwards it was intimated unto the English Ambassadour, That he might, if he pleased, receive Audience of the Great Vizier; But his Excellency, understanding in what manner the French Ambassadour had been treated, excused his Going, on pretence of an Indisposition of health. Howsoever, the Venetian Bailo, and the Residents of Holland and Genoua were contented to be admitted unto Audience on those terms which the Vizier was pleased to allow. And though during the time that he was Chimacam, and bore other inferiour Offices, and Charges of Trust, his behaviour was gentle, affable, and civil; yet I fear, that now having changed his Office, he will have altered his humour, and that his Greatness will have encreased his Pride, Avarice, and Fierceness: thus, no man knows what another will be, when he shall enter into power.
And as Magistratus indicat Virum, so in the actions of his management the temper and constitution of this great Person will be discovered. And thus having given a short Account and Character of this present Vizier, his future Acts and Monuments must be the Subject of other Pens.
THE TABLE TO THE Reign of Sultan Morat or Amurat IV.
- ABassa Pasha of Erzirum his Rebellion, pag. 2. he advances towards Constantinople, 9. is reconciled to the Grand Signior, 21. and made Pasha of Bosna, 22. made General in the War with Poland, 44. he is strangled by command of the Grand Signior pag. 49
- Algierines infest the Seas casting off their reverence to the Sultan, 16. land at Scanderone and rob the ware-houses, and then set them on fire, 16, 17. infest the Gulf of Venice, 72. are blocked up by the Venetian in Valona ibid.
- Ali Pasha slain in Mesopotamia by the Persian and his Army routed pag. 10
- Sultan Amurat advanced to the Throne at fourteen years of age, 3. described, ibid. his lewd debaucht life, 27, 28. like to have been killed by lightning, 31. which works some reformation in him for the present, ibid. he sends an Ambassadour into Persia, 32. A peace made with the Persians, but quickly broken, 38. several acts of his tyranny, 43. he destroys taverns, ibid. makes war on the Poles, 44. sues to them for peace, 49. more acts of his cruelty, 51. forbids all houses of entertainment, 52. goes in person with his Arniy into Persia, ibid. musters at Erzrum three hundred thousand sighting men, 57. his patience and labours, ibid. causes his two brothers Bajazet and Orchan to be strangled, ibid. he returns from Persia to Constantinople, 58. his aversion to Tabaco, 59. more instances of his cruelty, ibid. & 60. & 69, 70. He resolves again to march in person into Persia, pag. 68. he begins his march in May 1638. 71. the History of his march, 77, 78. the whole Army arrives before Babylon or Bagdat, 79. he takes it, 81. his braving Letter to the King of Persia, 82. he returns to Constantinople, ibid. he dyes of a Feaver contracted by a dsbauch, 89. his Character ibid.
- Asac besieged and taken by the Moscovites and Cosacks pag. 65, 66
- BAbylon or Bagdat taken from the Turks by the Persians in 1626. 10. the Turks laying siege to it to recover it are beaten off, ibid. likewise the second time, 15. a third time, 29. the Grand Signior himself commanding the Army takes it pag. 81
- Balsora taken by the Persian pag. 10
- Bechir Pasha of Babylon joyns with Abassa in his rebellion pag. 4
- Bethlem Gabor, vid. Gabor.
- Biram Pasha made Great Vizier, 63. is slain dt the Siege of Babylon pag. 8
- Buda, the Garrison there mutiny; but upon surrendring four of the Ring-leaders to punishment, and craving pardon, things are quieted and past by pag. 36
- CAffa taken by the Tartars front the Turks, but soon restored 19, 20 Candia its General sights a Turkish Gally belonging to the Archipelago (mistaking it for a Pirate) commanded by Dervis Bei, which had like to have broke the peace, [Page] but the Venetian Ambassadour at the Port makes up the business pag. 17, 18
- Cantemir, a Tartar, makes a new Colony, 64. being driven out of it by the Tartar Han, he is strangled at Constantinople pag. 65
- Marin Capello takes the Algierine Gallies in the Port of Valona pag. 73
- Caramosauls what pag. 41.
- Count Cesi French Ambassadour at the Port pag. 51
- Chusaein the Great Vizier advances Sultan Amurat to the Throne, who soon deposes him from his Office, and afterwards causes him to be strangled, and why pag. 2, 3, 4
- Constantinople, a terrible Fire there in 1634. pag. 47
- Corban what pag. 3
- Cosacks their Boats described, 6. in them entring the Bosphorus they make great spoil on the Turkish Coasts, 7. they insest the Black Sea, 20. again more numerously, 26, 27. their Country described, 66. the ground of the war betwixt them and the Poles ibid. & 67, 68
- Cyrillus the Patriarch strangled at the false and malicious suggestions of the Jesuits against him pag. 71
- DAmascus revolts to the Persian pag. 10
- ELia Pasha rebels in Anatolia, but being first beaten in the field, and then besieged in Magnesia, surrenders himself upon fair promises, but at his arrival at Constantinople is strangled pag. 35, 36
- The Emperour sends an Envoyé to the Port, who disputes with the English Ambassador for precedence pag. 87
- Erzirum siding with the Rebel Abassa is besieged by the Turks who are beaten off, 18. but is surrendred voluntarily upon Abassa's Reconciliation pag. 21
- FAcardin an Arabian Prince his History pag. 39—42
- French Ambassadour imprisoned, 36. his Interpreter impaled, pag. 37. another Interpreter of theirs hanged, 51. their Ambassadour Marcheville forcibly sent away pag. 50
- GAbor Prince of Transylvania makes war on the Emperour, 7. the reasons of it, ibid. & 8. He obtains aid of the Turks, 8. a Truce made, ibid. The Turks not keeping it, are in several places discomfited by the Emperour's Forces, 9. the Truce ended, being aided by Duke John of Weymar and Count Mansfelt, as also by Morteza Pasha of Buda, he sights Wallestein the Emperour's General, and routs his Army, II. whereupon a peace is made betwixt the Emperour and Prince, 12. he dyes, 23. his Character, ibid. & 24. leaving no children his Widow for a while keeps the Government, but is perswaded to resign it to Stephen Gabor, who yet keeps it not, but resigns it to George Ragotski pag. 25
- Germans continue their Truce with the Turks pag. 39
- Jembeg Gheray succeeds Mehmet in the Kingdom of Tartary, 23. dispeeds sorty thousand Horse into Podolia and Russia to ravage the Country, who are intercepted by the Poles and Cosacks in their return and almost all cut off, ibid. he is treacherously slain, 65. Bechir Gheray his brother ordained King in his stead ibid.
- Gregorians, a great slaughter made of them by the Turk pag. 15
- Emir Gumir betrays Revan to the Turks pag. 57
- HAlil Pasha made Great Vizier, 4. made General in the war with Persia, 15. is recalled, ibid. is put out of his Office pag. 19
- JAmbolat Ogli strangled pag. 62
- Janisaries unruly, 1, 4. they are curbed, 22. they again grow more insolent, 33, 34. but are soon tamed by the Sultan's severity pag. 35
- Jews how treated in Turkie pag. 22
- [Page] Illay near Babylon garrisoned by the Turks, pag. 29. retaken by assault by the Persians pag. 30
- LUpulo Prince of Moldavia desires the Sultan to conser the Principality of Valachia on his Son, &c. pag. 84
- MArquess of Marcheville, French Ambassadour at the Port, for his complaints against the Captain-Pasha is forcibly sent away pag. 51
- Matthew Prince of Valachia obtains a Victory over Lupulo Prince of Moldavia pag. 84
- Medina taken by the Persian pag. 10
- Mehmet elected King of the Tartars by the people, overcomes his elder Brother Gherey, whom the Grand Signior would have imposed on them, 5. he defeats him a second time, though assisted by the Grand Signior pag. 19
- Mehmet, Pasha of Cairo, made Great Vizier pag. 34
- The G. Mogul promises to assist the Turk, if he will break with the Persian pag. 38
- Moldavia, troubles there pag. 36
- Morat, vid. Amurat.
- Morteza Pasha of Buda joyns with the Prince of Transylvania against the Emperour, II. he with the Prince make peace with the Emperour pag. 12, 13
- Mosul taken by the Persian pag. 10
- Sultan Mustapha his incapacity for the Government, 1. is deposed, 2, 3. commanded to be slain by Sultan Morat pag. 83
- PErsia, the King enters the Turks Dominions with a powerful Army, 9. his success, 10. sends an Ambassadour to the Port with proposals of peace, but without effect, 15. sends another likewise without effect, 16. the Persians receive a defeat by the Turk, 26. peace made with the Turk, but quickly broke, 38. The King again sends an Ambassadour to the Port with proposals of peace, 63. who not succeeding in his errand, is sorced to accompany the Turkish Army into Persia, pag. 70. After the loss of Babylon they send another Ambassadour to the Port, 83. who obtains a peace pag. 84
- Poles make peace with the Turks, 29, 30. but the Turks soon break it, taking part with the Moscovites, 44. they send an Ambassadour to the Port, 45. give a great deseat to the Moscovites, who profser an advantageous and honourable peace to the Poles, which is accepted, 48. They are sued unto for peace by the Grand Signior, and at last consent, 49. the peace consirmed by the Turk pag. 61
- RAgotski elected Prince of Transylvania, 25. he refuses aid from the Turks, 31. he instates one Matthias in the Principality of Valachia, and ejects one constituted by the Grand Signior, called Stridia Bei or Lord Oysters, 39. Stephen Bethlem that had been his Competitor for the Principality, stirs up the Turk against him, whom he defeats in several battels, 53, 55, 56. whereby he is confirmed in the Principality, and obtains also from the Port a confirmation of the same for his Son ibid.
- Revan betrayed by the Governour Emir Gumir to the Turks, 57. recovered by the Persian pag. 59
- SElictar Aga who, 19. he is made Great Vizier, ibid. gains a Victory over the Persians, 26. besieges Babylon, but is beaten off, 28, 29. he returns to Constantinople, and is deprived of his Office pag. 32
- Serches Pasha, vid. Selictar Aga.
- TArtary, the King thereof treacherously slain pag. 65
- Tauris taken by the Turks from the Persian, 15. utterly destroyed by them pag. 58
- Pirates of Tunis infest the Seas, 16. See Algierines.
- [Page] VAlona, the Venetian Admiral takes fourteen Algierine Gallies in this Port, pag. 73. which boldness the Venetians are glad to make amends for to the Port pag. 86
- Van besieged by the Persian pag. 62
THE TABLE TO THE Reigns of Sultan Ibrahim and Sultan Mabomet.
- ABermont, the Captain of the French Man of War, whereon Monsieur de la Haye arrived at Constantinople, incurs great danger of his life, and wherefore
- Page 193
- Achmet Great Vizier deprived of his Office and strangled
- 33
- Aleppo, the Merchants thereof more subject to troublesom Avania's than others, and an instance given
- 116
- Alexandria, a Plague there, 11. the Alexandrian Fleet encountred by the Venetians, 101. taken by the Malteses in 1673.
- 304
- Algierines make complaints at the Port of the English Fleet commanded by the Earl of Sandwich, but find no encouragement, 87. they make a peace with the English, 113. the Articles signed by the Grand Signior, 129. they are carried by the Author to Algier, with a relation of two pleasant passages in his journey, ibid. 130, 131. they except against an Article of the Peace, and send a Letter to his Majesty, whereupon the War breaks out asresh, 133, 134. the inconstancy of their Government
- 133
- Colonel Anand, an English-man, and one Stefano Cordili made Plenipotentiaries to treat with the Great Vizier about the surrender of Candia
- 273
- Michael Apasi constituted Prince of Transylvania by the Turks, 80. his Letter to the Earl of Winchelsea English Ambassadour at the Port, 98. he is beloved of his people
- 146
- Asac besieged by the Turks in the year 1641. but not taken, 6, 7. again besieged in 1642. and then taken, being abandoned by the Inhabitants, 9. After it had been sacked by the Moscovite in 1674. the Turk rebuilds it
- 313
- Asan Pasha of Aleppo rebels and marches towards Constantinople, 56. he joins battel with the Great Vizier and discomfits him, 57. he is treacherously strangled by Mortaza Pasha
- 58
- Asan Aga the Mosayp or Favourite his story
- 123
- Austria spoiled by the Turks in 1663.
- 141
- BAkockza taken by Count Serini 147 Ballarino, Secretary to Signior Capello the Venetian Bailo, supplies his Office, 50. his sorrowsul Letter to Senator Nicolo Contarini, 102. his Character, 103. he is suspected by the Turks to use Sorcery
- 121
- Balsora, its Pasha rebels in 1667. and is forced to slee into Persia
- 230
- Baltagibashee, what
- 124
- Cardinal Barbarini bestows a pension of eight hundred Crowns a mon h upon Count Serini, 160. he supplies the [...] with [Page] four thousand measures of corn in their Wars in Candia
- pag. 228
- Barcan taken by Count Soisé, and burnt
- 166
- Girolamo Bataglia and Francesco Bataglia Proveditors General both killed at the Siege of Candia
- 249
- Duke de Beaufort the Popes General at Sea desires of the King of France, his natural Prince, leave to try his fortune by Land at the Siege of Candia, 263. he is killed there
- 267
- Beker Pasha of Rhodes strangles the Pasha of Cyprus, 11. made Captain Pasha, 12. put to death by order of the G. Signior
- 15
- Belgrade, here the Great Vizier had his Winter-quarters the sirst year of the Hungarian war in 1663. 145. resides there the second winter, after the peace made
- 176
- Signior Bembo obtains a Victory over the Turks at Sea
- 54
- Sir Tho. Bendish Ambassadour at the Port, his Expedient for obtaining redress of wrongs offered to the Merchants, 18. he opposes the forcing of English Ships into the Turks service against Candia, but without effect.
- 40
- Berclay made Prince of Transylvania, 73. the Transylvanians depose him
- 78
- Berzenche taken by Count Serini
- 147
- A Blazing-star seen in most parts of the known world in 1664. and particularly in Turkie, with their opinion what it portended
- 177
- Dukes of Brunswick and Lunenburg assist Candia with three thousand men
- 252
- CAiro, a Rebellion of the great Beghs there, 153. another
- 330
- Caminiecz taken by the Turks in eleven days, 300. blocked up the Poles, 311. but the Siege raised by the Turks
- 313
- Candia (the Isle) how it became the possession of Venice, 23. what the occasion of the Turks making war against it, 13. the beginning of the war, 20. The Turks Sea and Land-forces at first employed in it, what, 21. what the preparations of tho Venetians, 22. The Turks land in this Isle, pag. 24. what supplies the Venetians had towards this war from Christendom
- 25
- Candia (the City) first besieged in 1647. by the Turks, who were then forced to raise the Siege, 28. besieged a second time in 1650. and again beaten off, 41. [...] a third time, when the Turks losing three thousand men at one assault again drew off, 43. this war carried on fainlly by the Turks for several years, 85. prosecuted asresh in 1666. 221. what aid the Venetians then had from Christian Princes, 227. the Fortisications of the Town described, and what Quarters were possessed by the Besiegers and Besieged, 332. the History of the Siege continued (uninterruptedly) from 232 to 254. and from 262 to 277. its Duke killed, 253. large succours sent thither from France, 263. the Garrison makes a notable sally, but with bad success, 266. French Officers slain in this sally, 267. the French depart, 268. a Council held to consider of the state of the Town, 270. the result of the Council to enter into a Treaty with the Vizier, 273. the conditions of peace, 274. the Town delivered to the Turks, 277. an account of the number of the slain on both sides, the batteries, storms, sallies, &c. 276. what a sad spectacle of desolation at its surrender
- 278
- Canea taken by the Turks, 25. they land here forty thousand fighting men
- 26
- Antonio Capello, Commander of the Venetian Gallies
- 23
- Gio. Capello made Doge General of the Sea, 25. what his Armata
- ibid.
- Signior Capello Bailo at the Port imprisoned, 45. his ill usage casts him into a deep melancholy, 48. his Commission taken from him, 50. he dyes at Constantinople, but his Corps conveyed to Venice
- 104
- Casimir King of Poland resigns his Crown, and how affairs then stood there
- 297
- Chirfaleas, a couragious Captain, 145. is slain near Serinswar
- 158
- Chusaein Pasha, General of the Turks in Candia, 39. is made Great Vizier, but to reside still in Candia, 42. is discharged from the Office of Great Vizier, 47. is [Page] put to death by the Great Vizier Kuperlee
- pag. 58
- Chusaein Pasha of Buda besieges Leventz, 162. is routed by Count Soise
- 164
- Another Chusaein Pasha is made Governor of Caminiecz
- 300
- Clissa taken by Foscolo, the Venetian General, 28. the Turks endeavour to regain it, but are beaten off, 40. it is described
- 196
- Claudiopolis besieged by the Turks, but not taken, 80. yields it self to Apasi Prince of Transylvania
- 148
- Constantinople, a great plague there in 1661. 8. an Insurrection there on the account of the Grand Signior's Brothers
- 261
- Count Coligni Commander of the French Troops in Hungary joyns Montecuculi, 162. his valour at the great battel with the Turks on the Rab, 169. having received honours of the Emperour he returns homewards with his Army
- 175
- Corban, the manner of it among the Turks
- 144
- Andrea Cornaro General and Inquisitor in Candia, 23. is slain in the defence of Retimo
- 25
- Another Andrea Cornaro Captain-General of the Venetians, 223. being made Proveditor General, he is slain at Candia with a Granado
- 263
- Cosacks infest the Black Seas, 40, 41. they infest the Tartars, 122. great numbers of them carried into captivity by the Turks
- 315
- Curdi or Cordiaei their Country described, their Religion and Manners
- 92, 93
- DAlmatia one seat of the War betwixt the Turks and Venetians, 27. after Candia was surrendred, Commissioners are sent hither by the Turk and Venetian for determining the differences of the Consines, 288. all the particulars adjusted, and the war between the Turk and Venetian ended
- 291
- Clipt Dollars called in by the Great Vizier, 115. his Stewards Treasurer put to death for disobeying this command
- ibid.
- Dorosensko General of the Cosacks revolts to the Turks
- pag. 298
- Dunelma or a Festival among the Turks how celebrated
- 144
- The Dutch Resident unjustly sentenced to make satisfaction for Goods belonging to Turks on board a Dutch Vessel surprised by Venetian and Maliese Corsairs
- 127
- EGypt, the Government there at present rather Aristocratical than Monarchical
- 330
- Elmas, a Village in the Upper Hungary, near which the German and Turkish Ambassadours use to be exchanged
- 220
- Embrahore, that Office what
- 333
- English Trade first introduced into Turkie, when, 65. what befel the Nation and Trade in Turkie in the year 1662. 113. the Custom endeavoured to be raised at Aleppo and Scanderone in 1665. by the Customer, 197. the Scale also threatned to be removed from Scanderone to Tripoli in Soria by the Lord Treasurer, but both without effect, 199. An English Factor in Smyrna designing to cheat several Principals in England of 215 fine cloths, and a considerable summ of money turns Turk, but without succeeding in his knavery
- 311
- Francesco Erizzo elected by the Venetians Doge General of the Sea, at the beginning of the War in Candia, 23. but hindred by death from executing that Office
- ibid.
- FEstivals how celebrated among the Turks
- 318
- Sir John Finch English Ambassadour at the Port
- 311
- Count Forgatz overthrows a party of Turks making Incursions into Hungary, 39. being Governour of Newhausel at the Turks invading Hungary in 1663. advising a sally is with his party routed
- 138
- Leonardo Foscolo his success against the Turks in Dalmatia, 27, 28. his success in Bosna, 39. he is sent into Candia with [Page] the title of Generalissimo in the room of Mocenigo
- pag. 43
- Marquess Frangipani, with others offer themselves to the Turk in 1670. 279. they find not the protection desired, but are overtaken by the hand of Justice
- 295, 296
- French Ambassadour at the Port imprisoned contrary to the Law of Nations, 69. that King remits an hundred thousand Crowns to Venice to assist them against the Turks, 227. three French Ships of War arrive in the Hellespont, 256. an Ambassadour from the Grand Signior to the French King, 257. the King sends seven thousand men to the relief of Candia, commanded by the Duke of Navaille, &c. 264. after having sussered great loss there (267) they depart, 268. a French Ambassadour accompanies the Turks late Envoyé to France, in his return to Constantinople with three Men of War, who bear themselves very insolently at their arrival, 291. what success he had in his Embassy, 292. he obtains some new priviledges for his Nation, 306. and licence to travel in the Turks Dominions
- 307
- Count Fuchier General of the Artillery of the Empire killed at the great battel betwixt Montecuculi and the Turks on the Rab
- 168
- La Fueillade with two hundred French Gentlemen, Adventurers for honour, and four hundred common Souldiers arrive at Candia, 250. having had above half of his slain men in a desperate sally, he with the remainder return home
- 252
- GEnoese make peace with the Turk, 182. they settle a Trade in Turkie, 183. they send a new Resident, who through the bad success of affairs falling into a melancholy, kills himself, 294. their Trade turns to very small account
- 325, 326
- Georgia, some troubles there
- 95
- Captain Georgio a famous Pirate taken by the Turks
- 244
- Germans deluded by the Turks pretences of peace, 118. their preparations for war with the Turks in 1663. pag. 135. what confusion then in their counsels, 141. they send Ministers to implore aid of Christian Princes, 151. their Forces in 1664. what, ibid. their great inclination to peace, notwithstanding their good success, whence, 173. a peace concluded between them and the Turks, ibid. they send an Ambassadour to the Grand Signior, 180. what his Presents were, 181. his Embassy ended with mutual contentment, 190. the controversie between him and the Turkish Ambassadour at the place of Exchange
- 220
- Signior Giavarina sent to the Great Vizier at the Siege of Candia to make proposals of peace, 235. he dyes there of the Campdistemper
- 241
- Grillo the Venetian Bailo's Interpreter strangled
- 39
- Proveditor Grimani made Captain-General in the room of Capello, 27. he suffered shipwrack and was drowned at the Island of Psara
- 28
- Fanir Gumir a Persian Traitor strangled
- 7
- HAmmerling slain before Quinque Ecclesiae
- 148
- Count Harberstein slain before Quinque Ecclesiae
- 148
- Chevalier d'Harcourt his gallantry at the Siege of Candia
- 234
- Sir Daniel Harvey, Ambassadour from his Majesty to the Port, 257. has his Audience of the Grand Signior at Salonica, 280. he dyes at Constantinople
- [...]
- Hasaki the Queen-Mother takes on her the protection of her Sons
- 255
- Monsieur la Haye (the father) Ambassadour at the Port imprisoned contrary to the Law of Nations
- 69
- Monsieur la Haye (the son) proposed, by the French King, to the Grand Signior and Great Vizier to be sent Ambassadour to the Port, in a Letter to each of them, and the Vizier's Answer thereto, 107, 108, 109. he arrives as Ambassadour at the Port, but slightly treated at his first arrival, 191, 192. his first Audience, 192. his second Audience
- 194
- [Page] An Horses tail set forth at the Great Vizier's gate is the signal of the Camps motion within a month
- pag. 118.
- Husaein Pasha of Silistria marries the Great Vizier's Sister
- 171
- Hungary, the war begins there betwixt the Emperour and Turk in 1663. 135. the Hungarians unsatisfied with the peace made by the Emperour with the Turk, and why, 174. but through the Emperors arguments brought to acquiesce in it, 175. what gave occasion to the rebellion there, 296. they petition to the Turks for assistance
- 305
- JAnisaries, the formality of making them in these days
- 242
- Janoua in Transylvania taken by the Turks
- 73
- Sultan Ibrahim succeeds his Brother Morat in the Throne, 2. his luxurious and effeminate way of living, 4, 18, 29. complemented by foreign Ministers, 4. seized with an Apoplexy, 6. has a Son born, viz. Sultan Mahomet that now reigns, 8. a second and a third Son, 10. a fourth and a fifth, 13. his lascivious fancy for a big woman, 19. he falls in love with his Brothers widow, but is rejected by her, 30. he falls also in love with the Mufti's daughter, who is taught by her father to reject his love, 31. he takes her by force, but after a few days enjoyment returns her to her father, 32. by the Mufti and his Accomplices he is deposed and afterwards strangled, 34. his description and character
- 35
- Ibrahim Pasha of Cairo imprisoned there by the Beghs, but soon obtains his liberty, 153. is deeply fined by the Grand Signior, ibid. is made Pasha of Darbiquier, ibid. arrives at Candia with eight hundred Spahees
- 245
- Jerusalem, a great controversie betwixt the Religious there of the Latine and Greek Churches about the holy Sepulchre, 315. the possession of it adjudged by the Great Vizier to the Greeks
- 316
- Jews strangely deluded by Sabatai Sevi the pretended Messiah in 1666. 202, 204, 206, 207. they flock from all parts to him, pag. 209. their ridiculous fancies concerning Elias, 211, 212. they receive a new form of Worship from Sabatai Sevi, 209. but are enjoined, upon his turning Turk, to return unto their old method, by the Cochams of Constantinople
- 215
- Ishmael Pasha of Buda, made Chimacam of Constantinople, 118. killed at the great Battel upon the Rab
- 168
- KAnisia besieged by Count Serini, 150, the Siege raised
- 157
- Kara Mustapha made Great Vizier, 333. his kindness to Kuperlee his Predecessour's servants, 334. his pride and insolence to foreign Ministers
- 335
- Katirgi Oglé Pasha of Canea his original and life
- 253
- Kemenius made Prince of Transylvania, 78. he is routed by Ali Pasha and slain
- 80
- Kemenitz,
- see Caminiecz
- Kiosem, the Queen-mother, her artifice to advance her Son Ibrahim to be Emperour, 1. she is imprisoned by him, but by submission soon obtains her liberty, 30. she consents to his being deposed, 33. she with the Great Vizier and twelve Pasha's govern during Sultan Mahomet the 4 th Minority
- 35
- Komorra where situate
- 136
- Kul-Ogli the Grand Signior's Favourite, 167. he marries the Grand Signior's eldest Daughter
- 321
- Kuperlee (the father) Pasha of Damascus made Great Vizier, 51. his disposition, 68. he gets his son joyned with him in the Office, and procures the succession therein for him, 82. his Rules given to the Grand Signior, 83. he dyes
- ibid.
- Kuperlee (the son) succeeds his father in the place of Great Vizier, 83. endeavours to establish himself, 88. his cruelty to the Germans of Newhausel, 138. his artifice to quiet the minds of his shattered Army after their great defeat on the Rab by Montecuculi, 170. he sends for his Mother to Belgrade, who was esteemed a cunning woman, 176. he offers to the son [Page] of the Tartar Chan to depose his father, but the son accepts not the proffer, 178. he returns to Adrianople to the Grand Signior, 180. he arrives with his Army in the Isle of Candia, 227. sits down before the city of Candia, 232. his justice on some disorderly souldiers at the surrender of Candia, 277. he drinks wine excessively, 280. he is brought thereby into a Dropsie whereof he dyes, 332. his character
- ibid.
- LEmnos taken by the Venetians from the Turks, 52. retaken by the Turks 55 Count Leslie German Ambassadour to the Turks,
- see Germans
- Levents, who so called
- 110
- Leventz, or Lewa, a town in Hungary taken by the Turks, 143. retaken by the Germans under the command of Count Soisé, 161. again besieged by the Turks, but not taken
- 162
- Lintz, the Emperour removes from Vienna hither at the beginning of the Hungarian war in 1663.
- 141
- Dukes of Lunenburg and Brunswick assist Candia with three thousand men
- 252
- MAhomet IV. born, 8. succeeds his Father at seven years of age, 34. removes his Court to Adrianople, 82. returns again to Constantinople, 88. his extravagant hunting, ibid. & 194, 280. he concerns himself about affairs of the Government, 90, 91. again removes his Court to Adrianople, with a description of his Cavalcade, 119. his aversion to Constantinople, 155, 177. he has a Son born, 155. he seeks to destroy his Brothers, 177. he passionately loves his Queen, 184, 281. he returns with the Great Vizier to Constantinople, 186. he resides at Larissa during the Siege of Candia, 241, 254. his antipathy to Tabaco, 255. a second attempt to destroy his Brothers, 261. the news of the surrender of Candia brought to him at Negropont, and how he received it, 278. he resides the winter following at Salonica, 280. then returns to Adrianople, where he receives the Great Vizier with great respect at his return from Candia, 284. a third attempt to destroy his Brothers, which takes effect on the elder of the two, 294. he circumcises his eldest Son, and marries his eldest Daughter to Kul-Ogli, 321. his Government commended, 317. he returns to Constantinople, 328. the reasons of it, 329. he goes back to Adrianople
- 332
- Mahomet Pasha made Great Vizier, 33. he with the Mufti and other Accomplices conspire the death of Sultan Ibrahim, ib. he is deposed from his Office, and afterwards murdered
- 40
- Mahomet Pasha of Aleppo marries the G. Signior's Sister
- 171
- Mahomet Pasha of Romelia sent Ambassadour to Vienna, 178. what his Presents to the Emperour were, ibid. his sordid way of living at Vienna, 221. his controversie with the German Ambassadour at the place of Exchange
- 220
- Malta, the gallantry of the Knights of Malta at the Siege of Candia, 235. the Malteses with six Gallies take the Fleet designed for Alexandria, which had on board the Kuzlir Aga, with his slave and her son, and all his treasure
- 14
- Marcello, a General of the Venetians slain in a Sea-fight with a Cannon-bullet, but dyes a Conq erour (in 1656.)
- 52
- Count de Mare killed at Candia
- 254
- Vicenzo della Marra Governour General of the Arms of Candia, killed there
- 28
- Michael Korebut Wisnowieski elected King of Poland, 297. he dyes
- 310
- Mocenigo General of the Venetians gains a great victory at Sea over the Turks in 1651. 44. another in 1655. 49. in another his Ship blown up, and himself slain
- 54
- Prince of Moldavia revolts to the Poles
- 309
- Francesco Molino Proveditor General to the Venetians, 23. made Doge General of the Sea, ib. dismissed from that charge
- 25
- Alvisé de Molino sent Ambassadour to the Port, but is transferred to the Vizier at Candia, 255. after the Siege ended, he passes to the Court at Adrianople
- 287
- [Page] Marquess S. Andrea Montbrun made Governour of Candia, pag. 247. his diligence in his charge
- 249
- Count Montecuculi Governour of Rab made a General at the beginning of the war in Hungary in 1663. 135. puts a thousand men into Newhausel, 139. joins with Count Serini, 158. clears Serinswar of Serini's forces, ibid. repels the Great Vizier at Kemend endeavouring to pass the Rab, 166. gives a second great defeat to the Turks at Chiesfalo on this River, killing seventeen thousand, 168. for which he is highly applauded and made Lieutenant-General of the whole Army, 169. reasons why his services were more acceptable than those of Serini or Soisė
- ibid.
- Moravia spoiled by the Turks in 1663.
- 141
- Morlacks revolt from the Turks to the Venetians
- 29
- Girolamo Morosini Commander of the Venetian Galleasses, 22. braves the Turkish Fleet, 25. killed by a Musket-bullet shot through his head
- 27
- Francesco Morosini made Captain-General for the Venetians, 231. he obtains a victory over the Turks and is Knighted, 243, 244. he refuses a Present from the Vizier at the surrender of Candia, and why
- 277
- Gioseppo Morosini Captain of the Venetian Galleasses
- 237
- Mortaza Pasha treacherously strangles the Pasha of Aleppo, that formidable Rebel, 58. for which piece of service, &c. being made Pasha of Babylon, and removed from thence, he flees to the Curdi, whose Kings Daughter he had married, who deliver him into the Turks hands, and they strike off his head
- 92, 94, 96
- Mustapha Great Vizier strangled by command of the Queen-Mother
- 12
- Mustapha, Captain-Pasha, loses his head
- 4
- Mustapha Pasha of Grand Cairo in Egypt, ibid. made Pasha of Silistria
- 9
- Mustapha Captain-Pasha made Chimacam of Adrianople, 118. his affectation and popularity
- 179
- A Mutafaraca what
- 178
- NAdasti with others offer themselves to the Turk in 1670. pag. 279. they find not the protection desired, but are overtaken by the hand of Justice,
- 295, 296
- Bernardo Nani made Proveditor General, and arrives at Candia with five hundred Foot, 242. he is killed by a Musket-shot in the head
- 249
- Count Nassaw killed in the great Battel betwixt Montecuculi and the Turks on the Rab
- 168
- Nathan, a Jew, an Accomplice with Sabatai Sevi the pretended Messiah, gives out himself to be Elias, 202. his Letters to Sabatai Sevi, and the Jews of Aleppo, 203. he arrives near Smyrna
- 217
- The Duke de Navaille Commander of the Succours from France in Candia in 1669. 264. after having lost many of his men he departs from thence, 268. for which he incurs the disfavour of his Prince at his return home
- 269
- Nehemiah Cohen a Rival of Sabatai Sevi in his Messiahship
- 213
- Newhausel besieged by the Turks in 1663. 140. it bravely defends it self being stormed, ibid. the Turks storm it a second time, and are repulsed, 142. it is yielded upon conditions
- ibid.
- Nitra by the cowardise of the Commander betrayed to the Turks, 144. taken again by the Christians under the command of Count Soisé
- 160
- The Nogay Tartar desires Lands of the Grand Signior, for which they are fallen upon by the Krim Tartar
- 195
- Monsieur de Nointel Ambassadour at the Port from France
- 291
- Novigrade surrendred to the Turks
- 145
- OPium its operation with the Turks, 130. more fully described 283 Oseck and the Bridge adjoining to it of six or seven miles long taken by Serini and burnt, 147. the Bridge is built again in forty days by the Turks
- 157
- PAdavini dyes at Canea pag. 241 Count S. Paul together with la Fueillade, &c. arrive at Candia, 250. their valour
- 251
- Signior Pisani, Proveditor General of the Kingdom, killed by a Granado at Candia
- 239
- Poles fruitlesly complain at the Port of the incursions of the Tartars, 4. kill ten thousand of them returning from spoiling the countries of Moscovia, 12. upon another incursion, wherein the Tartars carried away an hundred thousand captives, they again send an Ambassadour to the Port, who being disgusted with his ill treatment falls into a Feaver and dyes, 229. the Turks deliberate a war against Poland, and the causes of it, 296. the war breaks out in 1672. 299. the distracted condition of the Poles at this time, ibid. they accept very dishonourable and disadvantageous conditions of peace, ibid. refusing to pay their Tribute the war breaks out afresh, 304, 308. they obtain a considerable victory over the Turks
- 309
- Possonium garrisoned
- 143
- Psara, a great part of the Venetian Fleet cast away there
- 28
- QUinque Ecclesiae stormed by Count Serini, who put all the Inhabitants to the sword for their treachery, and burnt the Town
- 148
- RAb (the Fortress) the Turks seek to take it by stratagem in 1642. 9. the description of it
- 139
- Rab (the River) the great defeat of the Turk by Montecuculi here
- 168
- Ragotski, Prince of Transylvania, raises troubles in Hungary, 11. his ambitious spirit, 70. he invades Poland, ibid. is beaten by Zerneski General of the Poles, 71. deposes himself, ibid. reassumes the Principality, 72. beats the Pasha of Buda, ibid. is again deposed, 73. and again assumes the Principality, ibid. joins battel again with the Pasha of Buda, but is beaten and dyes of his wounds, 74. his character
- ibid.
- Ramadam, a Sangiack of Egypt, taken prisoner in a Sea-sight by the Venetians, and most of his Fleet consisting of twenty three Ships taken or stranded
- 231
- Redeius made Prince of Transylvania in the stead of Ragotski, 72. forced by Ragotski to relinquish his Power
- ibid.
- Count Remorantino killed at the first Siege of Candia by the Turks
- 28
- David Retani his diligence and courage in defending Claudiopolis
- 81
- Retimo taken by the Turks
- 25
- Aug. Rostayne Adjutant of Marquess Villa at Candia killed with a Cannon-bullet
- 247
- SAbatai Sevi the pretended Messiah of the Jews in the year 1666. 200. his parentage and education, 201. his Declaration, 205. he arrives at Constantinople, and is cast into a Dungeon, afterwards imprisoned in the Dardanelli, 208. while he remains there he institutes a new method of Worship for the Jews, 209. he is accused to the Chimacam of Adrianople by Nehemiah Cohen, a Rival of Sabatai in the Messiahship, 213. being threatned with death he turns Turk, 214. his death in 1676.
- 219
- Samozadé, the Great Vizier's Secretary, his ruine, 126. his vast Estate
- ibid.
- Schinta assaulted by the Great Vizier, but he is beaten off
- 144
- Sebenico besieged by forty thousand Turks, who were forced to raise the Siege, 28. the City described
- 196
- Seraglio at Constantinople in a great part burnt
- 185
- Count Nicholas Serini Commander of Croatia besieges Canisia, but commanded by the Emperour to raise the Siege, 78. he raises a Fort on the Turks Dominions, and calls it Serinswar, 79. he is made General of an Army in Croatia in 1663. by the Emperour, 135. his just cruelty to some Turkish prisoners, 139. his fortune [Page] and conduct, pag. 142. a not able instance of his valour, 145. his incomparable diligence and success, 147, 148. he escapes a great danger, 149. upon a disgust from Montecuculi he retires from the wars, 158. reflections on his disgrace, 159. the Presents sent him, and Honours done him by Christian Princes, 160. he is slain by a wild Boar, 176. his character
- ibid.
- Count Peter Serini defeats the Turks in the Streights of Morlac
- 149
- Serini Prince of Croatia, Count Nadasti, and others offer themselves to the Turks in 1670. 279. they find not the protection desired, but are overtaken by the hand of Justice
- 295, 296
- Serinswar taken by the Turks and razed
- 159
- Shart, what
- 130
- Shecher Para, a Pander for Sultan Ibrahims lust
- 30
- Sigeth besieged by Count Serini, but not taken
- 148
- Smyrna, a Besasteen or Exchange and a Custom-house built there by the Turks
- 327
- Sobieski great Marshal of Poland obtains a great victory over the Turks in 1673.
- 308
- Solyman Pasha, Kayah-begh of the Janisaries, banished into the Desarts of Arabia
- 84
- Count Soisé's success in the Vpper Hungary against the Turks, 160. he beats a Body of fourteen thousand Turks, ibid. he routs Chusaein Pasha of Buda with twenty five thousand Turks, 164. his Commission taken from him, but afterwards he is made Governour of the strong Fortress of Komorra
- 166
- Soranço, the Venetian Ambassadour at the Port, imprisoned at the beginning of the war in Candia, 22. he is sent home
- 42
- Priest Sorich Captain of the Morlachs, his undaunted spirit, but hard Fate
- 29
- Baron Spaar sent General into Dalmatia, 121. arrives at Candia
- 254
- Spalato in Dalmatia described
- 195, 196
- General Sporch joyns Montecuculi and Scrini near Serinswar
- 158
- Sultana Sporcha her History
- 331
- Count Strozzi by his smooth arguments is received into Possonium with his Regiment, 143. is sent Ambassadour to the French King to implore aid against the Turks, pag. 152. his Speech to the French King, ibid. he is slain by a Musket-bullet near Serinis Fort
- 158
- Sweeds conquer Cracovia, 70. totally routed afterwards by the Poles
- 71
- TArtars their kind of life, 122. joyn with the Turks in their war against Hungary, 123. invade Poland in 1667. and carry away near an hundred thousand captives, 228. their disposition
- 313
- False Temins, the story of them
- 258
- Tenedos taken by the Venetians, 52. quitted again by them
- 54
- Transylvania invaded by the Turks in 1661. 73. again in 1662. 98. a history of its misery, 100. the Turks make frequent incursions into it in 1665. yet the German Ambassadour then at the Port would not interpose in their behalf
- 189
- Tripoli, Peace made by the English with the Tripoleses in 1663. 131. they rebel against their Pasha Osman, besiege him in his Castle, and procure him to be strangled, assuming the form of Government of Algier
- 301
- Tunis, Peace made by the English with Tunis
- 131
- Turks keep no Residents in foreign Courts, the reason thereof and the consequence, 3. esteem ceremony to be submission, 5. the richness of their Tents, 120. the little respect they bear to foreign Ministers, 128. superstitious admirers of old Prophecies, 145. their usual complement to foreign Ambassadours, 183, 191. difficult to bring a Turkish Minister to punishment, 200. they fall to drinking wine excessively, 283. but it is soon forbidden them by the Grand Signior's special command, which is recited
- 285
- THE Prince of Valachia, by the treachery of his servant is forced to flee his country, and to retire into the Emperours [Page] Territories, pag. 172. another Prince of Valachia is carried by his own Souldiers to the Poles in 1673. but makes his escape from them
- 309
- Vanni Effendi, a Shegh, a notable dispute between him and the Mufti
- 154
- Varadin besieged by the Turks, 74. the Inhabitants crave aid of the Emperour, but obtain none, 75. the Fortress described, 76. it is surrendred
- 77
- Monsieur de Ventelay,
- see la Haye.
- Vienna, what provision it made for it self at the beginning of the war with the Turk in 1663. 136, 143. abandoned by the Emperour who removes to Lintz
- 141
- Marquess Villa received into the Service of the Venetians as General of the Foot, and made Governour of Candia, 186, 222. his Speech to the Senate, 187. he surveys the Forts in Dalmatia in his passage to Candia, 195. he lands at Candia, 223. he takes the sield, ibid. but after an assault or two of the Turks retires again into the Town, 223, 224, 225. he is recalled by the Duke of Savoy his natural Prince, but by the intercession of the Pope and State of Venice licence for his continuance is obtained, pag. 231. he is again recalled and departs, 247. his Speech to the Senate at his return
- 248
- WAldeck General of the Lunenburg and Brunswick Forces in Candia slain there
- 252
- Earl of Winchelsea sent Ambassadour to the Port, 67. his Answer to the CaptainPasha proposing to him to hire some English Ships to serve in the Wars against Candia
- 185
- Wisozki Ambassadour from Poland to the Port, his insolent behaviour there
- 298
- YAmboli, a famous Hunting of the Grand Signior there
- 171
- ZEchelhyd revolts from the Emperour to Apafi Prince of Transylvaniae
- 146
A Catalogue of Books Printed for John Starkey Bookseller, at the Miter in Fleetstreet near Temple-Bar.
1. ADiscourse of the Freedom of the will: By Peter Sterry sometime Fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, in solio.
2. The Jesuits Morals, collected by a Doctor of the Colledge of Sorbon in Paris, who hath saithsully extracted them out of the Jesuits own Books, which are printed by the permission and approbation of the Superiors of their Society. Written in French, and exactly translated into English, in folio.
3. A Practical and Polemical Commentary or Exposition upon the third and fourth Chapters of the latter Epistle of St. Paul to Timothy. By Thomas Hall B. D. in folio.
4. Tetrachordon: Expositions upon the four chief, places in Scripture, which treat of Marriage, or nullities in Marriage. Wherein the Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce is confirmed by explanation of Scripture, by testimony of Ancient Fathers, of Civil Laws in the Primitive Church, of samousest Reformed Divines. And lastly, by an intended Act of the Parliament, and Church of England, in the last year of Edward the Sixth. The Author J. Milton, in quarto.
5. The Christians Consolations against the fears of Death; with Prayers and Meditations fit to prepare all manner of persons for it. Written in French by the late famous Mr. Drelincourt, Minister of the Protestant Church at Charenton near Paris; and from the twelsth Edition of it much corrected and enlarged by the Author. Now newly translated into English by Marius a'Assigny, in octavo.
6. The Living Temple, or the Notion improved; that A good man is the Temple of God. By John Howe M. A. sometimes Fellow of Magdalen Colledge, Oxon. in octavo.
7. A Consutation of the Millenarian Opinion, plainly demonstrating that Christ will not reign visibly and personally upon earth with the Saints for a 1000 years, either before the day of Judgment, in the day of Judgment, or after it. By Too. Hall B. D.
8. The Royil Pharmacopacia, Galenical and Chymical, according to the Practice of the most Eminent and Learned Physicians of France, and Published with their several Approbations. By Mosis [...], the Kings Chief Operator in his Royal Garden of Plants, faithfully Englished. Illustrated with several Copper Plates, in solio.
9. Basilica Chymica & Praxis Chymiatrice, or Royal and Practical Chymistry; augmented and enlarged, by John Hartman. To which is added his Treatise of Signatares of internal things, or a true and lively Anatomy of the greater and lesser World. As also the Practice of Chymistry of John Hartman, M. D. Augmented and enlarged by his Son, with considerable Additions; all faithfully Englished, by a lover of Chymistry.
10. The Compleat [...], or a New Treatise of Chymistry, teaching by a short and easy Method all its most necessary Preparations. Written in French by Christopher Glaser, Apothecary in Ordinary to the French King, and the Duke of Orleans. And from the fourth Edition Revised and Augmented by the Author. Now faithfully Englished by a Fellow of the Royal Society. Illustrated with Copper Plates, in octavo.
11. The Art of Chymistry, as it is now practised. Written in French by P. Thybault, Chymist to the French King, and Englished by W. A. Doctor in Physick, and Fellow of the Royal Society, in octavo.
12. Medicina Instaurata, or a brief Account of the true Grounds and Principles of the Art of Physick; with the insufficiency of the vulgar way of preparing Medicines, and the Excellency of such us are made by Chymical Operations. By Edward Bolnest, Med. Lond. in octavo.
13. Aurora Chymica, or a rational way of preparing Animals, Vegetables and Minerals for a Physical Use; by which preparations they are made most efficacious, safe and pleasant Medicines, for the preservation of the life of man. By Edward Bolnest, Med. Reg. Ord. in octavo.
14. The Chirargions Store-bouse, furnished with forty three Tables cut in Brass, in which are all sorts of Instruments both Ancient and Modern; useful to the performance of all Manual Operations; with an exact description of every Instrument, together with one hundred choice Observations of famous Cures performed, with three Indexes; 1. of the Instruments. 2. Of Cures performed. 3. Of things remarkable. Written in Latin by Johannes Scultitus a famous Physician and [...] of Ulme in Sutvia: and faithfully Englished by E. B. Dr. of Physick; in octavo.
15. Medicina Statica: or Rules of Health, in eight Sections of Aphorisms. Originally Written by Sanctorius, Chief Professor of Physick at Padua, in twelves.
16. An Abridgment of divers Cases and Resolutions of the Common Law, Alphabetically digested under several Titles. By Henry Rolls, Serjeant at Law, published by the Lord Chief Baron Hales, and approved by all the Judges, in solio.
17. The Reports of that famous Lawyer Henry Rolls Serjeant at Law, sometime Chief Justice of the Kings Bench, of divers Cases in the Law adjudged in the time of King James; approved by all the Judges, in solio.
18. The Reports of Sir George Crook Knight, in three Volumes, in English: allowed of by all the Judges. The second Edition, carefully corrected by the Original, in solio.
19. Brief Animadversions on, Amendments of, and Additional Explanatory Records to the fourth part of the Institutes of the Laws of England, concerning the Jurisdictions of Courts. By Will. [...], Esq in solio.
20. The History of Gavel-kind, with the Etymology thereof, containing a Vindication of the Laws of England; together with a short History of [...] the Conqueror. By Silas Taylor, in quarto.
21. The Compleat Solicitor, performing his Duty, and teaching his Client to run through, and manage his own business, as well in his Majesties superiour Courts at Westminister, as in the Mayors Court, Court of Hustings, and other Inferiour Courts in the City of London, and elsewhere. The fourth [...], in octavo.
22. Action upon the Case of Slander, or a Methodical Collection of thousands of Cases in the Law, of what words are Actionable, and what not. By William Sheapherd Esq in octavo.
23. An Exact Abridgment in English, of the Cases reported by Sir Francis Moor Knight; with the Resolution of the Points of the Law therein by the Judges. By Will. Hughes, in octavo.
24. The Touchstone of Wills, [...], and Administrations, being a Compendium of Cases and Resolutions touching the same, carefully collected out of the Ecclesiastical, [Page] Civil, and Canon Laws, as also out of the Customs, Common Laws, and Statutes of this Kingdom. By G. Meritan, in twelves.
25. A Guide for Constables, Church wardens, Overseers of the Poor, Surveyors of the High-ways, Treasurers of the County-Stock, Masters of the House of Correction, Bayliffs of Mannours, Toll-takers in Fairs, &c. A Treatise briefly shewing the Extent and Latitude of the several Offices, with the Power of the Officers therein, both by Common Law and Statute, according to the several Additions and Alterations of the Law, till the 22 year of His Majesties Reign. The Fifth Edition Enlarged. Collected by Geo. Meriton Gent. in twelves.
26. The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, presenting an Exact Geography of the Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland and the Isles adjoyning, with the Shires, Hundreds, Citys and the Shire-towns within the Kingdom of England Divided and Described; as also a Prospect of the most famous Parts of the World. By John Speed: with many Additions never before Extant, in solio.
27. The Voyages and Travels of the Duke of [...] Ambassadors into Moscovy, Tartary, and Persia, begun in the year 1633. and finished in 1639. containing a Compleat History of those Countries: whereunto are added, the Travels of Mandelslo, from Persia into the EastIndies, begun in 1638. and finished in 1640. The whole Illustrated with divers accurate Maps and Figures. Written originally by Adam Olearius, Secretary to the Emballie. Englished by J. Davis: The second Edition, in solio.
28. The Works of the famous Nicholas Machiavel Citizen and Secretary of Florence; containing the History of Florence, the Prince, the Original of the Guelf and Ghibilin, the Life of Castruccio Castracani, the Murther of Vitelli, &c. by Duke Valentino, the State of France, the State of Germany, the Discourses on Titas Livius, the Art of War. the Marriage of [...]: All from the true Original newly and faithfully translated into English, in solio.
29. I Ragguagli di Parnasso, or Advertisements from Parnassus, in two Centuries, with the Politick Touchstone. Written Originally in Italian by that famous Roman, Trajano Bocalini. Englished by the Earl of [...], in solio.
30. The History of Barbadoes, St. Christophers, Mevis, St. Vincents, Antego, Martinico, Monserret, and the rest of the Caribby Islands, in all twenty eight: in two Books, containing the Natural and Moral History of those Islands: Illustrated with divers pieces of Sculpture, representing the most considerable Rarities therein described, in solio.
31. The History of the Affairs of Europe in this present Age, but more particularly of the Republick of Venice. Written in Italian by Battisla Nani Cavalier, and Procurator of St. Mark. Englished by Sir Robert Honywood Kt. in selio.
32. The History of the Tarkish Empire from the year 1623. to the year 1677. Containing the Reigns of the three last Emperours, viz. Sultan Moral, or Amurat IV. Sultan Ibrahim, and Sultan Mahomet IV. his Son, the XIII. Emperour now Reigning. By Paul Rycaut Esq late Consul of Smyrna, in folio.
33. The present State of the Ottoman Empire in three Books; containing the Maxims of the Turkish [...], their Religion and Military Discipline: Illustrated with divers Figures. Written by Paul [...] Esq late Secretary to the English Ambassador there, now Consul of Smyrna. The fourth Edition, in [...].
34. The present State of the Greek and Armenian Churches Anno [...] [...]. Written at the Command of His Majesly, by Paul [...] Esq late Consul of Smyrna, and Fellow of the Royal Society, in [...].
35. The Mevoirs of Philip de Comines Lord of Argenton; containing the History of Lewis XI. and [...] VIII. Kings of France; with the most remarkable [...] in their particular Reigns from the year 1464. to 1498. Revised and Corrected from divers Manuscripts, and ancient Impressions, by Denis Godesroy, Counseller and Historiographer to the French King, and from his Edition lately Printed at Paris, newly translated into English, in octavo.
36. A Relation of Three Embassies, from his Majesty Charles the Second, to the Great Duke of Muscovy, the King of Sweden, and the King of Denmark, performed by the Right Honourable the Earl of [...], in the year 1663, and 1664. Written by an Attendant on the Embassies; in [...].
37. Il Nipotismo di Roma, or the History of the Pope's Nephews from the time of Sixtus the Fourth, 1471. to the death of the late Pope Alexander the Seventh, 1677. Written in Italian, and Englished by W. A. Fellow of the Royal Society: The second Edition, in [...].
38. A Relation of the Siege of Candia, from the first Expedition of the French Forces, to its Surrender, the 27 of September 1669. Written in French by a Gentleman who was a Voluntier in that Service, and faithfully Englished, in octavo.
39. The Present State of Egypt, or a new Relation of a late Voyage into that Kingdom, performed in the years 1672, and 1673. By F. [...] R. D. Wherein you have an exact and true account of many rare and wonderful particulars of that Ancient Kingdom. Englished by M. D. B. D. in octavo.
40. The History of the Government of Venice, wherein the Policies, Councils, Magistrates, and Laws of that State are fully related; and the use of the Balloting-Box exactly described. Written in the year 1675. by the Sicur Amelott dela Houscaie, Secretary to the French Ambassador at Venice, in octavo.
41. An Historical and Geographical Description of the great Country and River of the Amazones in America, with an exact Map thereof. Translated out of French, in octavo.
42. The Secret History of the Court of the Emperor [...]. Written by Procopins of [...], faithfully Englished, in octavo.
43. The Novels of the famous Don Francisco de [...] Villegas, Knight of the Order of St. James; whereunto is added, the Marriage of Bilphegor, an Italian Novel: Translated from Machiavel: faithfully Englished, in octavo.
44. The History of the late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul; together with the most considerable passages for five years following, in that Empire, with a new Map of it; to which is added, an account of the extent of [...], the Circulation of the Gold and Silver of the World to discharge it there; as also the [...], Forces, and [...] of the same, and the principal cause of the decay of the States of Asia. By Monsieur F. [...], Physician of the Faculty of [...]. Englished out of French, by H. O. Secretary to the Royal Society, in two Parts, in octavo.
45. The Amours of certain Great Men, and famous Philasophers. Written in French, and Englished by J. D. in octavo.
46. [...], or Seeing and [...] are two things, a pleasant Spanish History; faithfully translated, in [...].
47. The History of France, under the Ministry of Cardinal [...], viz. from the death of King [...] XIII. to the year 1664. wherein all the Affairs of State to that time are exactly related. By Benjamin [...], and faithfully Englished by Christopher Wase, Gem. in octavo.
48. The History of the Twelve [...], Emperours of Rome. Written in Latin by C. [...], [Page] newly translated into English, and illustrated with all the Casars Heads in Copper-plates, in octavo.
49. The Annals of Love, containing select Histories of the Amours of divers Princes Courts, pleasantly related. Ry a person of Honour, in eight Parts, in octavo.
50. A new Voyage into the Northern Countries, being a description of the Manners, Customs, Superstition, Buildings, and Habits of the Norwigians, Laplanders, Kilops, Borandians, Siberians, Samojedts, Zemblans, and Istanders, in twelves.
51. The present State of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, as to the Government, Laws, Forces, Riches, Manners, Customs, Revenue, and Territory of the Dutch. Collected out of divers Authors, by W. A. Fellow of the Royal Society. The second Edition in twelves.
52. The present State of the Princes and Republicks of Italy: The second Edition enlarged, with the manner of Election of Popes, and a Character of Spain. Written Originally in English; by J. Gailhard, Gent. in twelves.
53. The Policy and Government of the Venetians, both in Civil and Military Affairs. Written in French by the Sieur de la Hay; and faithfully Englished, in twelves.
54. The Voyage of Italy, or a compleat Journey through Italy: in two Parts, with the Character of the People, and the Description of the chief Towns, Churches, Palaces, Villas, Gardens, Pictures, Statues, Antiquities; as also of the Interest, Government, Riches, Forces, &c. of all the Princes, with Instructions concerning Travel. By Richard Lassels Gent. who travelled through Italy five times, as Tutor to several of the English Nobility, Opus Posthumum, corrected and set forth by his old Friend and Fellow-Traveller S. W. Never besore extant, in twelves.
55. A Relation of the French King's late Expedition into the Spanish Netherlands, in the years 1667, and 1668. with an Introduction discoursing his Title thereunto, and an account of the Peace between the two Crowns, made May 2. 1667. Englished by G. H. in twelves.
56. The Works of Sir William Davenant Knight, consisting of those which were formerly Printed, and those which he designed for the Press. Now published out of the Author's Original Copies, in folio.
57. Andronicus Commenius, a Tragedy. By John Wilson, in quarto.
58. Heratlius Emperour of the East, a Tragedy. By Lodowic Carlel Esq in quarto.
59. The Shepherds Paradise, a Pastoral. By Walter Montagut Esq in octavo.
60. Aminta, The famous Italian Pastoral. Translated into English, in octavo.
61. Paradise Regain'd, a Poem in sour Books, to which is added Sampson Agonistes. The Author, John Milton, in octavo.
62. A General Collection of Discourses of the Virtuosi of France, upon Questions of all sorts of Philosophy, and other Natural Knowledge, made in the Assembly of the Beaux Esprits at Paris, by the most ingenious Persons of that Nation. Englished by G. Havers, in two Volumes, in solio.
63. A Treatise of the Sibyls, giving an account of the Names and Numbers of them, of their Qualities, the Form and Matter of their Verses, and of their Books. Written in French by David Blondel, Englished by J. Davis, in solio.
64. A Justification of the late War against the United Netherland, in two Parts, illustrated with several Sculptures, by Henry Stubbs, in quarto.
65. Reliquiae Wottonianae, or a Collection of Lives, Letters, Poems, with Characters of sundry personages. and other incomparable pieces of Language and Art, also additional Letters to several persons not besore Printed. By Sir Henry Wotton Knight, the third Edition, with large Additions, in octavo.
66. The Compleat Gentleman: or Directions for the Education of Youth, as to their Breeding at home and Travelling abroad. In two Treatises, by J. Gailhard Gent. who hath been Tutor abroad to several of the Nobility and Gentry, in Octavo.
67. The Temperate Man, or the right Way of Preserving Lise and Health, together with Soundness of the Senses, Judgment, and Memory, unto an extream Old Age. In three Treatises. The first written by the learned [...] Lessius. The second by Lodowick Cornaro, a Noble Gentleman of Venice. The third by a famous Italian: faithfully Englished, in twelves.
68. The Golden Cals, in which is handled the most rare and incomparable wonder of Nature, in transmuting Metals, viz. how the entire substance of Lead was in one moment transmuted into Gold Obrizon, with an exceeding small Particle of the true Philosophers Stone, at the Hague in the year 1666. Written in Latin, by John Frederick Helvetius, Doctor of Medicine at the Hagut; and faithfully Englished, in twelves.
69. Accidence commenc'd Grammar, and supplied with sussicient Rules; or a new and easy method for the learning of the Latin Tongue. The Author John Milton, in twelves.
70. The Rules of Civility, or certain ways of Deportment observed in France amongst all persons of Quality, upon several occasions; saithsully Englished, in Twelves.
71. The Art of Complaisance, or the means to oblige in Conservation, in twelves.
72. A Letter from a Gentleman of the Romish Religion, to his Brother, a person of Quality of the same Religion, perswading him to go to Church, and take those Oaths the Law directs, proving the lawfulness thereof by Arguments not disagreeable to Doctrines of the Roman Church, in quarto.
73. A brief Account of Mr. Valentine Greatrakes, the famous Stroker, and divers of the strange Cures by him lately performed. Written by himself to the Honourable Robert Boyle, in quarto.