THE ROYAL PROPHESIE OF DAVID, Cardinal of France; Touching the Death of Charles the first, by his own Subjects; and the Establishing his Issue by a MONK.

PROPHESIED In the Reign of Philip, then King of FRANCE, and RICHARD the First, King of ENGLAND.

REVIVED And brought to light (by a Learned Vrere, father Ed­ward) out of the French Chronicles; and applied unto these times. The most part of this PROPHESIE being already fulfilled.

LONDON, Printed in the year, 1659.

THE Royal Prophesie OF David, Cardinal of France, touching the Death of Charles the First, by his own Subjects, and the establishing of his Issue in after ages: Prophesied in the Reign of Philip, then King of France, and Richard the first King of England. Revived, and brought to light, by a Learned Vrere Fa­ther Edward, out of the French Chronicles, and ap­plied to these very times.

LILLY, that learned Prognosticator, who is so taken up with Forreign Kings is Sand-blinde, sees far abroad (all lyes) nothing nigh, gathering but guesses, and they from the stars, whilest Endors woman and Shiptons wife, with Car­dinal David, study a higher strain.

The story of Saul and the woman of Endor, and her familiar is sufficiently known, who told Saul no­thing [Page 4] less then what happened. Shiptons wife told Woolsey, he mght see York, but never come to it: true enough both of them.

Far greater is the wisdom, prudence, and know­ledge of Cardinal David, as to satisfie a King so boul­dly of the events that would happen for the tearm of 600 years to come; as in this Prophesie appears the greatest part to be already past, to which these times may thank that learned Vrere father Edward for his publication hereof.

In the dayes of Richard Cuer de Lion, King of En­gland, or Lyons heart, and Philip, then King of France, lived one David, an Exorcist; for in the Romish Religion they have Cardinals, who are the Popes Senators, or Councellors. Now a Cardinal is derived from Cardo, the hinge of a door, because on them (a [...] the door on its hinges) all weighty af­fairs of the Church are turned.

Of these Cardinals are seven orders, to wit, Door­keepers, Readers, Exorcists, Acoliths, or Taper­bearers, Sub-deacons, Deacons, and Priests.

A Cardinal of the third order was this David, whose Office was to call on the name of Jesus, and by that Name to adjure the unclean spirits to depart out of the possessed, on whom h [...] laid his hands; when the Exorcist is ordained, he receiveth the book of adju­rations from the Bishop or Pope, saying; Take and learn these by heart, and receive power to lay thy hands on the possessed, whether he be Baptized, or a Catechu­menus as yet.

King Philip weary of King Richard's company, not [Page 5] able to bear the Honour done to that Mighty Prince; envying his High Fortunes at the Holy Land in Si­cilia, when Tanchred the Usurping King, gave King Richard 6000 Ounces of Gold in Cyprus, and in A­con, formerly called Ptolemais, where Philip King of France redeemed a thousand and five hundred Chri­stians that were then in bondage, and so left King Ri­chard, returned into his own Countrey; and sending for this David, desirous to know the success of King Richard before hand, and what should happen to that linage.

David first, as the story sayes, reads these words; Coeli [...]narrant gloriam Dei fortis, & opus manuum e­jus indicat expansum eorum. Dies ad diem eructat ser­monem & nox ad noctem ostendit scientiam. Post dixit Deus sunto Luminaria in expanso Coeli, ad distinctionem faciendum inter diem & noctem, ut sinit in signa cum tempestatibus, tum diebus & annis, &c. After a pause, sighing, he said; O unfortunate fortunate Prince! Whose cheifest honours abide in his misfortunes, King Richard shall add honour to honour, until he ascend (with a fea­ther from a wing) from the reach of envy; his Issue shall never reign, he himself shall suddenly be a priso­ner, yet not long so remain.

In the fifth Kings Reign after him, shall France in a manner be conquered, but shall not long so abide, it shall return to its pristine condition; yet notwith­standing shall be a scourge to France, and shall not be without a King till he come, whose father treading the Thistle, shall snatch at the Rose, and joyning them together in his own hand, shall deliver them to his se­cond [Page 6] Sons hand, where they shall there wi­ther; so that, that second sons Issue shall lay hold on the Thistle and wholly grasp it, thereby thinking to recover the Rose, but it shall not then be; for his Father, whose name shall begin with an hundred, shall be Con­quered and depapitated by one whose name shall begin with the same letter, and he for a small season shall Tyrannize over them that installed him, by cropping off the Head of Thistle and Rose; Yet immediately after, shall the people earnestly long after the Issue Banished, who shall not be restored to his Fathers Dignity, until a MONK come from the Hybernian Isles in power, and have traversed the hory headed NEPTUNE, Conquering the Eagle, and ruling sole Mo­narch over the Ocean; who shall freely re­signe up his power to the Tyrant of those times, and return to his Northern station, where he shall quietly rest, until the half hundred come, one whose name shall so be­gin, who shall strive to withstand the thou­sand, another sir-name so beginning, but [Page 7] shall not be able; for he whose strength is as a thousand, whose wisdome is far beyond the Serpents, having the whole Thistle shall gather the Rose and Joyn it to the Thistle, and deliver it to the Lions Whelp, after which time shall arise and go round the World a MONK leading a Lyon by the paw, with a Thistle and a Rose, presenting to him, and they shall go and gather up the Lily and joyn it to them and shall so continue for three hun­dred years.

All which spoken and ended, Philip, the French King then went pensive away, at which time David writ these Verses.

In the eight Kings reign Englands race shall cease,
And to the second turn to have a setled peace,
Which in the second, King shall for a while decay,
Yet by a MONK his Issue Banisht shall have sway;
And then the Lilly, Thistle, Rose, in one shall joyn
And subvert all, that shall against them combine,
When 160 Fore fathers shall have left
Their Country, then their Son of it shall be bereft
And put to flight, until a valiant warlike Monk
shall come and help—
—Nobis haec invicta miserunt 160 proavi. Tum &c.

The Prophesie explained.

CHARLES Mighty Monarch did the C begin,
After whose Death, Usurping C. came in;
By Will and force, he some few years bore sway,
Nothing but Blood his fury could allay:
Alas this hundred, and his Crooked Race
Were like Usurpers turn'd out of the place
Of Honour, as they well deserv'd indeed,
And now the L for fifty doth succeed;
Stout Neptune's left, and by the MONK so bold,
Who doth appear this Riddle to unfold.
Right shall have Right; for in a little space
A hundred shall be of the hundreds Race.
The MONK will joyn (as all appearance shows)
The Exil'd Thistle to the Happy Rose,
Who shall in peace these Nations free from fears,
Govern in safety for three hundred years.

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