A LETTER TO Dr. BURNET, From the Right Honourable the Earl of Rochester, As he lay on His DEATH-BED, AT His Honours Lodge IN Woodstock-Park. Printed from the Original, wrote with his own Hand, Iune 25. 1680. at Twelve at Night.
LONDON, Printed for Richard Bentley in Russel-street near Covent-garden. 1680.
A LETTER TO Dr. BURNET, From the Right Honourable the Earl of Rochester.
MY Spirits and Body decay so equally together, that I shall write You a a Letter as weak as I am in Person. I begin to value Churchmen above all Men in the World, and You above all the Churchmen I know in it. If God be yet pleased to spare me longer in this World, I hope in Your Conversation to be exalted to that degree of Piety, that the World may see how much I abhor what I so long lov'd, and how much I glory in Repentance in God's Service. [Page 2] Bestow Your Prayers upon me, That God would spare me (if it be his good will) to shew a true Repentance, and amendment of Life for the time to come; or else, if the Lord pleaseth to put an end to my Worldly Being now, That he would mercifully accept of my Death-bed Repentance, and perform that Promise he hath been pleased to make, That at what time soever a sinner doth repent, he would receive him. Put up these Prayers (most dear Doctor) to Almighty God, for Your most obedient and languishing Servant,