A PANEGYRICK On her most Excellent Majestie, Katharine, Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland: OR Her Highness Cordiall welcome into England.

Her Royal Majesty landed at Portsmouth, on Wednesday night, the 14. this instant May; to the great joy of all those that truly fear God, and honour the KING.


LONDON: Printed by R. Vaughan, in Great St. Martins.

On her most Excellent Majestie, Katharine, Queen of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland: Her Highness Cordiall welcome into England.

VVHen that you saw, Brave Englands Royal Fleece
And many Nobles, of the English greet.
Your Royal Brother, did them Entertain:
And there Brave Company, and Princely Train;
Where nothing was wanting, to shew his love:
And enterchange of action; to approve.
After great Feasting: they must then part thence.
Take there great charge, a Royal Recompence.
Much land, and watery Ocean, was between:
I cannot now relate, what was there seen;
In the great Court, of King of Pertugal;
Grand happiness, I wish unto them all.
When you did leave, your Brothers Royal Court:
Many great Persons, did to you resort.
At last into the Ship, you did enter:
Resolving on a Royal adventure.
I wish't that the Seas, might be calm, and fair:
For to Convay, a Spouse, that is so Ra [...]e;
Endu'd with Eminent quallities of mind:
A Jewel so Rich, so Rare is hard to find.
Aeolus breath'd fair, fil'd sailes to convoy:
The choycest Jewel, of my Soveraigns joy.
Neptune stir not up, Thy Tempestious waves:
Where many are buried, in untimely graves.
May's Forehead now be smooth, no wrinkled brow:
But fair, and calm, great Caesar it allow.
May Fishes skip, and in the Ocean play:
England Rejoyce, at this happy day.
God Bless the place, where you did safely land:
And keep your Highness, by the Almighties hand.
Welcome Rare Princess, into great Brittains land:
To gracious King Charls, that doth it command;
And all our noble Nation beside:
To be a Famous Queen, King Charls his Bride.
Now you are past over, the Surging Seas:
Down you may sit, and take your quiet case.
When you shall come, in my dear Soveraigns sight:
Oh how it will his Highness heart delight.
The Birds will chant, and melodious sing:
To welcome in our Queen, to'r Royal King.
All creatures in their kind, may now rejoyce:
So let all English men, with heart, and voice.
So let Scotland, and Ireland then, now accord:
Truly to love, and honour their dear Lord.
Give him all comfor [...]s, of a Nuptial bed:
And all things may delight's heart, hand, and head;
All thi [...]gs that may please, my Sov'raigns sences:
Friends Fa [...]thful, without fained p [...]tences.
Welcome Rare Princess, to Portsmouth's fair Town,
Or every other place, of like Renown.
To Famous Cities, of this our Nation:
In a Brave Order, and stately Fashion.
Let Bonfires blaze, and Bels out loud Ring [...]
To express love, unto our gracious King.
And to the grand Infanta Princess high:
Of hopeful vertues, and bright Majesty.
Who having now put off that youthful Name:
And ta'ne the name of Queen, of Royal fame.
The Name Infanta, you have laid aside:
Taken the Name of Queen: that will abide.
As much Happiness, as a Heart can Deem:
I do wish, and pray, for G [...]and King Charls's Queen.
As much as Tongue can speak, and heart think on:
I'le wish, and pray, for great King Charls's Son.
Lord fill my Sov [...]raigns heart, with choice delight:
May you be dear, and precious in his sight.
Inflame his heart, with a holy fire:
Grant to his confort Lord, a like desire.
When you come, in brave London, to be seen:
They'l Entertain you, as King Charls's Queen.
The manner how, I cannot now Relate:
Sure it will be according to your State.
When that your Grace, shall Arrive at White-Hall:
You'l find it to Exceed Court Portugal.
Now you are landed free, from mortal harms:
My Gracious King, will cla [...]p [...]ou in his arms.
You have made a fair Rich Happy, Exchange:
Out of one Kingdom, into three to Range.
For you, and Royal issue, to Disport:
In Each, where many Nobles, will Resort.
God grant that we, in Gods due Time may see:
A Hopeful, fruitful, Happy Progeny.
As much as Tongue, Hand, and Pen, can Express:
I wish you both, Eternal happiness.
And when your Earthly Crown's, shall pass away:
Give you a Kingdom, that shall ne're decay.

Accroisticks, On her most Ex­cellent Majesty, Queen Katharine Stuart.

KAtharin pure, chaste: it doth signifie:
A good name doth the owner dignifie.
T reasures immortal, may your soul enjoy:
H appiness, Transcendant, without annoy.
A ll heav'nly Blessings, on your Head drop down:
R iches immortal: after Death a Crown.
I n Jesus Christ, you do put all your Trust:
N ature being spent, ascendup to the just.
S ing praise to God, by his sacred Spirit:
T hat brought you three Kingdoms to inher [...]t.
U p ready be, t'uphold Gods precious word:
A gracious Queen, you'r to our Soveraign Lord.
R asing you up, above your Family;
T o do service for your Grand King on high.
Knowledge, and Rare parts, doth adorn your mind:
A Royal Virgen, Queen, Noble, and kind.
The Angel of the Lord direct your wayes;
H eavenly minded still, your God to praise.
A nd may the holy Spirit comfort give:
R efresh your Soul, and grant it e're to live.
J udicious in your calling, happy be;
N ext to our Soveraign Lord, in Majesty;
E re blessed be; to all Eternity.
S oare up aloft, by Meditation;
T ruth, still maintain, and Reformation.
V are the Object, on whom the Kingdoms fixt:
A joy unto the Nations; Intermixt.
R ejoyce rare Queen, in Christ your Saviour Dear:
T hat will assist you: and our Sov'raign here.
K ings, High, and Mighty: may from you proceed:
A Generation, of a Heav'nly Breed.
T he King of Heav'n your happy womb so Bless:
H eap on you here, all Earthly happiness.
A nd heav'nly joyes, after this fraile life's past:
R obes of Christs Righteousness, to weare at last.
I n life and Death, most happy may you be:
N ot for a moment but Eternity.
S alvation by Christ may you Obtain:
T hat Blessed Guerdon: and Heavenly gain.
V ertue doth make the Mind, most bright to shine:
A dvance the Spirit, to a place Sublime.
R aig [...] royal Queen of England, God you bless:
T he Father, Son, and God of Righteousness
Q ueen of Albions famous, and learned Isle:
U pon us now, the Heavens begin to smile.
E ternal Lord, our King, and Queen so blesse,
E ven with joys of endlesse happinesse.
N ot Earth, but Heaven crown your good successe.
C hrist hath advanc'd you, bove your fathers throne:
A bove all your Ancestors; God alone,
T hat great Jehovah, to him yeild the praise:
H eaven still protect your Grace, all your Dayes.
A nd make you an instruments of his glory
R ecord your [...], in a famous Storys,
I n future Ages may learn'd Authors write,
N ot ordinary, but rare things indite:
A dvance, blest Soul to that Celestial Light

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